Roll Call: =========== Betelgeuse: here Cardoe: absent dberkholz: here dertobi123: here dev-zero: here leio: here lu_zero: here tanderson(secretary): here Topics: =========== Technical Issues: - Portage changing behaviour without EAPI bumps: David Leverton(dleverton) requested that the council mandate that portage is not allowed to change behaviour that is specified in PMS, as has occurred a few times in the past. Conclusion: The council decided that if PMS-conflicting changes occur in package managers then the council can mandate that versions that conflict will be masked. The council may take into account extenuating circumstances. - EAPI 3: EAPI 3's features have been finalized and its final approval is pending portage support for the most important features. Some less critical features may be removed if they cannot be accomplished in a reasonable timeframe and are holding up the introduction of the critical features. This summary of features lists only those features discussed on the April 23 meeting of the Gentoo Council. - New utility functions: 'Doexample'/'Doinclude' Some council members believed that adding these utility functions would complicate things for new ebuild authors while not providing any especially needed features. Conclusion: Voted to not be included in EAPI 3. - Ban || ( use? ( ... ) ... ) Mart Raudsepp(leio) argued that banning such constructs is strictly a QA issue and shouldn't be covered by PMS, while others argued that there are no valid use cases for the construct and that you need appropriate rules to parse RDEPEND/DEPEND. Conclusion: It was decided that a repoman warning would be most appropriate for this case and that the topic of banning it in an EAPI can be revisited for EAPI 4. - Ban 'dohard' Currently dohard cannot be guaranteed to work across filesystems and few packages use it. Conclusion: Voted to be banned in EAPI 3. - New econf options, '--disable-dependency-tracking'/'--enable-fast-install' The addition of '--enable-fast-install' was opposed because it is already a libtool default and as such is useless. No arguments were made against '--disable-dependency-tracking'. Conclusion: '--disable-dependency-tracking' was voted in, while '--enable-fast-install' was voted out. - Add --if-compressed option to unpack(). Conclusion: Voted to be not included in EAPI 3. - Slot Operator Dependencies(:= and :*) Conclusion: Voted to be included in EAPI 3. Mart Raudsepp has remaining queries about the final syntax.