# Copyright 1999-2012 Gentoo Foundation # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 # $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/www-apps/redmine/redmine-1.4.1.ebuild,v 1.1 2012/04/25 15:02:00 matsuu Exp $ EAPI="5" USE_RUBY="ruby18 ree18 jruby ruby19" inherit eutils depend.apache ruby-ng DESCRIPTION="Redmine is a flexible project management web application written using Ruby on Rails framework" HOMEPAGE="http://www.redmine.org/" SRC_URI="mirror://rubyforge/${PN}/${P}.tar.gz" KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86" LICENSE="GPL-2" SLOT="0" IUSE="bazaar cvs darcs fastcgi git imagemagick mercurial mysql openid passenger postgres sqlite3 subversion ldap" RDEPEND="|| ( $(ruby_implementation_depend ruby18 '>=' -1.8.6)[ssl] $(ruby_implementation_depend ruby19)[ssl] )" ruby_add_rdepend " dev-ruby/bundler virtual/rubygems passenger? ( || ( www-apache/passenger www-servers/nginx[nginx_modules_http_passenger] ) ) fastcgi? ( dev-ruby/fcgi ruby_targets_ruby19? ( >=dev-ruby/fcgi-0.9.1 ) ) " #ruby_add_bdepend ">=dev-ruby/rdoc-2.4.2 # test? ( # >=dev-ruby/shoulda-2.10.3 # >=dev-ruby/edavis10-object_daddy # >=dev-ruby/mocha # )" RDEPEND="${RDEPEND} postgres? ( dev-db/postgresql-base ) sqlite3? ( dev-db/sqlite:3 ) mysql? ( virtual/mysql ) bazaar? ( dev-vcs/bzr ) cvs? ( >=dev-vcs/cvs-1.12 ) darcs? ( dev-vcs/darcs ) git? ( dev-vcs/git ) mercurial? ( dev-vcs/mercurial ) subversion? ( >=dev-vcs/subversion-1.3 )" REDMINE_DIR="${REDMINE_DIR:-/var/lib/${PN}}" pkg_setup() { enewgroup "${HTTPD_GROUP:-redmine}" # home directory is required for SCM. enewuser "${HTTPD_USER-redmine}" -1 -1 "${REDMINE_DIR}" "${HTTPD_USER:-redmine}" } all_ruby_prepare() { rm -r log files/delete.me || die echo "CONFIG_PROTECT=\"${EPREFIX}${REDMINE_DIR}/config\"" > "${T}/50${PN}" echo "CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK=\"${EPREFIX}${REDMINE_DIR}/config/locales ${EPREFIX}${REDMINE_DIR}/config/settings.yml\"" >> "${T}/50${PN}" echo "RAILS_ENV=${RAILS_ENV:-production}" >> "${T}/50${PN}" } all_ruby_install() { local REDMINE_USER REDMINE_GROUP REDMINE_USER="${HTTPD_USER:-redmine}" REDMINE_GROUP="${HTTPD_GROUP:-redmine}" use ldap || ( rm app/models/auth_source_ldap.rb epatch "${FILESDIR}/no_ldap-${PV}.patch" ) use openid || rm -rf lib/plugins/open_id_authentication dodoc doc/{CHANGELOG,INSTALL,README_FOR_APP,RUNNING_TESTS,UPGRADING} || die rm -fr doc || die dodoc README.rdoc || die rm README.rdoc || die keepdir /var/log/${PN} || die dosym /var/log/${PN}/ "${REDMINE_DIR}/log" || die insinto "${REDMINE_DIR}" doins -r . || die keepdir "${REDMINE_DIR}/files" || die keepdir "${REDMINE_DIR}/public/plugin_assets" || die fowners -R "${REDMINE_USER}:${REDMINE_GROUP}" \ "${REDMINE_DIR}/config" \ "${REDMINE_DIR}/files" \ "${REDMINE_DIR}/public/plugin_assets" \ "${REDMINE_DIR}/tmp" \ /var/log/${PN} || die # for SCM fowners "${REDMINE_USER}:${REDMINE_GROUP}" "${REDMINE_DIR}" || die # bug #406605 fperms -R go-rwx \ "${REDMINE_DIR}/config" \ "${REDMINE_DIR}/files" \ "${REDMINE_DIR}/tmp" \ /var/log/${PN} || die if use passenger ; then has_apache if [[ $APACHE_VERSION -gt 0 ]]; then insinto "${APACHE_VHOSTS_CONFDIR}" doins "${FILESDIR}/10_redmine_vhost.conf" || die fi else newconfd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.confd" ${PN} || die newinitd "${FILESDIR}/${PN}.initd" ${PN} || die keepdir /var/run/${PN} || die fowners -R "${REDMINE_USER}:${REDMINE_GROUP}" /var/run/${PN} || die dosym /var/run/${PN}/ "${REDMINE_DIR}/tmp/pids" || die fi doenvd "${T}/50${PN}" || die } pkg_postinst() { einfo if [ -e "${EPREFIX}${REDMINE_DIR}/config/initializers/session_store.rb" ] ; then elog "Execute the following command to upgrade environment:" elog elog "# emerge --config \"=${CATEGORY}/${PF}\"" elog elog "For upgrade instructions take a look at:" elog "http://www.redmine.org/wiki/redmine/RedmineUpgrade" else elog "Execute the following commands to initlize environment:" elog elog "# cd ${EPREFIX}${REDMINE_DIR}" elog "# cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml" elog "# \${EDITOR} config/database.yml # (configure your database connection)" elog "# chown "${REDMINE_USER}:${REDMINE_GROUP}" config/database.yml" elog "# emerge --config \"=${CATEGORY}/${PF}\"" elog elog "Installation notes are at official site" elog "http://www.redmine.org/wiki/redmine/RedmineInstall" fi einfo } pkg_config() { if [ ! -e "${EPREFIX}${REDMINE_DIR}/config/database.yml" ] ; then eerror "Copy ${EPREFIX}${REDMINE_DIR}/config/database.yml.example to ${EPREFIX}${REDMINE_DIR}/config/database.yml and edit this file in order to configure your database settings for \"production\" environment." die fi local RAILS_ENV=${RAILS_ENV:-production} local RUBY=${RUBY:-ruby} local without without="--without" use ldap || without="${without} ldap" use mysql || without="${without} mysql" use openid || without="${without} openid" use postgres || without="${without} postgresql" use imagemagick || without="${without} rmagick" use sqlite3 || without="${without} sqlite" without="${without} development test" cd "${EPREFIX}${REDMINE_DIR}" einfo "Installing and updating bundled gems, since it is ONLY way, supported by upstream and many plugins" RAILS_ENV="${RAILS_ENV}" bundle install --path ./vendor/bundle ${without} RAILS_ENV="${RAILS_ENV}" bundle update chown "${REDMINE_USER}":"${REDMINE_GROUP}" -R ./vendor/bundle if [ -e "${EPREFIX}${REDMINE_DIR}/config/initializers/session_store.rb" ] ; then einfo einfo "Upgrade database." einfo einfo "Migrate database." RAILS_ENV="${RAILS_ENV}" ${RUBY} -S bundle exec rake db:migrate || die einfo "Upgrade the plugin migrations." RAILS_ENV="${RAILS_ENV}" ${RUBY} -S bundle exec rake redmine:plugins || die einfo "Clear the cache and the existing sessions." ${RUBY} -S bundle exec rake tmp:cache:clear || die ${RUBY} -S bundle exec rake tmp:sessions:clear || die else einfo einfo "Initialize database." einfo einfo "Generate a session store secret." ${RUBY} -S bundle exec rake generate_secret_token || die einfo "Create the database structure." RAILS_ENV="${RAILS_ENV}" ${RUBY} -S bundle exec rake db:migrate || die einfo "Insert default configuration data in database." RAILS_ENV="${RAILS_ENV}" ${RUBY} -S bundle exec rake redmine:load_default_data || die if use sqlite3; then einfo einfo "Please do not forget to change the ownership of the sqlite files." einfo einfo "# cd \"${EPREFIX}${REDMINE_DIR}\"" einfo "# chown "${REDMINE_USER}:${REDMINE_GROUP}" db/ db/*.sqlite3" einfo fi fi }