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1 files changed, 44 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/metadata/perl/distmap/README b/metadata/perl/distmap/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7345db85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/metadata/perl/distmap/README
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+.. vim: textwidth=79 ts=4 et sw=4 syntax=rst
+These files represent the association between gentoo packages and upstream CPAN
+Distribution names.
+The general format is JSON, and the data it represents is like this::
+ {
+ 'overlay-name': {
+ 'cpan-name' : 'gentoo-package-name'
+ ....
+ }
+ }
+The `overlay-name` is taken from `$ROOT/profiles/repo_name`,
+and for each package ( `gentoo-package-name` ), an identifier relating to an
+upsteam CPAN distribution is determined ( `cpan-name` ) from reading
+`metadata.xml` and extracting `/pkgmeta/upstream/remote-id[type=cpan]` from it.
+This is of course not guaranteed to be reliable to produce all the cpan-names
+for all packages we have, but thats an acceptable caveat.
+Format wise, its permissible to have multiple `overlay-name`'s in the same
+file, representing multiple graphs for multiple repositories.
+Do note however, that the intended usage of these files in the `distmap`
+directory is to aggregate their values into a singular `Hash` prior to usage,
+so if 2 files emit the same `overlay-name`, one will likely take precidence (
+or possibly produce an error, the code doesn't exist yet.
+:Date: 2012-03-06
+:Authors: - `Kent Fredric`_
+.. _Kent Fredric: