diff options
authorMarkus Ullmann <>2006-07-06 22:14:07 +0000
committerMarkus Ullmann <>2006-07-06 22:14:07 +0000
commitd0616a735da4b0c0037242cbbd3ef761eab56e26 (patch)
tree8746787aa8de9a0881b4b83b0fa0f728abd21608 /scripts
parentsys-apps/zidrav4unix: Respect correct CXX. Changed the way of respecting CXXF... (diff)
scripts/SunriseCIA: Importing our used bot
svn path=/sunrise/; revision=502
Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
2 files changed, 269 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/SunriseCIA/ b/scripts/SunriseCIA/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..453e7e245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/SunriseCIA/
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+import xml.sax
+from xml.sax import saxutils
+from xml.sax import make_parser
+# import time
+# from pprint import pprint
+class CommitParserHandler(saxutils.DefaultHandler):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.inRevision = 0
+ self.inAuthor = 0
+ self.inLog = 0
+ self.inFile = 0
+ self.filelist = []
+ = ""
+ self.revision = ""
+ self.logmessage = ""
+ def startElement(self, name, attrs):
+ if name == "revision":
+ self.buffer = ""
+ self.inRevision = 1
+ if name == "author":
+ self.buffer = ""
+ self.inAuthor = 1
+ if name == "log":
+ self.buffer = ""
+ self.inLog = 1
+ if name == "file":
+ self.buffer = ""
+ self.inFile = 1
+ def characters(self, data):
+ if self.inRevision == 1 or self.inAuthor == 1 or self.inLog == 1 or self.inFile == 1:
+ self.buffer += data
+ def endElement(self, name):
+ if name == "revision":
+ self.inRevision = 0
+ self.revision = self.buffer
+ if name == "author":
+ self.inAuthor = 0
+ = self.buffer
+ if name == "log":
+ self.inLog = 0
+ self.logmessage = self.buffer
+ if name == "file":
+ self.inFile = 0
+ self.filelist.append(self.buffer)
+class CommitParser:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.filename = ""
+ = ""
+ self.revision = ""
+ self.pathline = ""
+ self.logmessage = ""
+ self.filecount = 0
+ self.dircount = 0
+ self.filelist = []
+ self.path = ""
+ def parse(self):
+ parser = make_parser( )
+ handler = CommitParserHandler( )
+ parser.setContentHandler(handler)
+ parser.parse(self.filename)
+ # Let's find out what dirs were touched
+ filelist = handler.filelist
+ finished = 0
+ path = ""
+ multidir = 0
+ while finished == 0:
+ ok = 1
+ i = 0
+ subdirlinecount = 0
+ subdirslashpos = 0
+ maxi = len(filelist)
+ if (i+1) == maxi:
+ ok = 0
+ while i < maxi and ok == 1:
+ search = filelist[i].find("/")
+ if search == -1:
+ #okay, we have a fil in the "top" dir let's stop it
+ ok = 0
+ break
+ if search > -1:
+ # we have a subdir in here, so count ;)
+ subdirlinecount += 1
+ i += 1
+ if ok == 1 and multidir == 0:
+ if subdirlinecount == maxi:
+ #okay all dirs still have a slash
+ # everything in the same dir?
+ subdirlinecount = 0
+ lastdir = ""
+ # count dirs
+ filelist.sort()
+ for dir in filelist:
+ if dir.find("/") > -1:
+ if dir[:dir.find("/")+1] != lastdir:
+ subdirlinecount += 1
+ lastdir = dir[:dir.find("/")+1]
+ if subdirlinecount == 1:
+ # okay, all lines have the same slashpos.
+ # strip everything up to it
+ i = 0
+ path += filelist[0][:search+1]
+ while i < maxi:
+ filelist[i] = filelist[i][search+1:]
+ i += 1
+ filelist.sort()
+ for line in filelist:
+ if line == "":
+ filelist.remove("")
+ else:
+ #no we seem to have the topdir now..
+ dircount = subdirlinecount
+ multidir = 1
+ else:
+ finished=1
+ filecount = 0
+ dircount = 0
+ lastdir = ""
+ # count dirs
+ filelist.sort()
+ for dir in filelist:
+ if dir.find("/") > -1:
+ if dir[:dir.find("/")+1] != lastdir:
+ dircount += 1
+ lastdir = dir[:dir.find("/")+1]
+ filecount = maxi
+ =
+ self.revision = handler.revision
+ self.logmessage = handler.logmessage
+ self.dircount = dircount
+ self.filecount = filecount
+ self.filelist = filelist
+ self.path = path
+ def generate_pathline(self):
+ self.pathline = ""
+ if self.filecount == 1 and self.dircount == 0:
+ self.pathline = self.path + filelist[0]
+ if (self.filecount > 1 or self.filecount < 4) and self.dircount == 0:
+ self.pathline = self.path + " ("
+ for file in self.filelist:
+ self.pathline += file + " "
+ self.pathline = self.pathline[:-1] + ")"
+ if self.filecount >= 1 and self.dircount >= 1 and self.filecount+self.dircount < 4:
+ self.pathline = self.path + " ("
+ for file in self.filelist:
+ self.pathline += file + " "
+ self.pathline = self.pathline[:-1] + ")"
+ if self.filecount >= 1 and self.dircount >= 1 and self.filecount+self.dircount >= 4:
+ self.pathline = self.path + " ("
+ if self.filecount == 1:
+ self.pathline += "1 file"
+ if self.filecount > 1:
+ self.pathline += "%i files" % self.filecount
+ if self.dircount == 1:
+ self.pathline += " in 2 dirs"
+ if self.dircount > 1:
+ self.pathline += " in %i dirs" % (self.dircount)
+ self.pathline += ")"
+ def doit(self):
+ self.parse()
+ self.generate_pathline()
diff --git a/scripts/SunriseCIA/ b/scripts/SunriseCIA/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5a990f3e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/SunriseCIA/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+import socket
+import string
+import random
+from os import system
+import os
+import time
+import sys
+import SunriseCIA
+from SunriseCIA import CommitParser
+# Configuration
+# irc serverdetails
+# Our Nick and stuff
+REALNAME="Sunrise Commit Announcer"
+# what channels should the bot sit in
+# dir to check for commit-announce files
+# don't connect to irc, announce on stdout
+# delete file after announce
+ # #
+ # #
+readbuffer=" "
+if offline == 0:
+ def msg(to,msg):
+ s.send("PRIVMSG %s :%s\r\n" % (to, msg))
+ def cmd(cmd,arg):
+ s.send("%s %s\r\n" % (cmd,arg))
+ s=socket.socket( )
+ s.connect((HOST, PORT))
+ cmd("NICK",NICK)
+ s.send("USER %s %s bla :%s\r\n" % (IDENT,HOST,REALNAME))
+ for chan in CHANNELS:
+ cmd("JOIN",chan)
+ def msg(to,msg):
+ print "MSG: %s :%s" % (to.strip(), msg.strip())
+ def cmd(cmd,arg):
+ print "CMD: %s %s" % (cmd.strip(),arg.strip())
+while 1:
+ if offline == 0:
+ s.setblocking(0)
+ try:
+ readbuffer=readbuffer+s.recv(1024)
+ temp=string.split(readbuffer, "\n")
+ readbuffer=temp.pop( )
+ for line in temp:
+ line=string.rstrip(line)
+ line=string.split(line)
+ if(line[0]=="PING"):
+ s.send("PONG %s\r\n" % line[1])
+ except:
+ pass
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(DIRCHECK):
+ for name in files:
+ # Call the parser!!!
+ parser = SunriseCIA.CommitParser( )
+ parser.filename = os.path.join(root,name)
+ parser.doit()
+ firstline = "3%s * 10r%s %s" % (,parser.revision,parser.pathline)
+ if offline == 0:
+ print "%s * r%s %s" % (,parser.revision,parser.pathline)
+ parser.logmessage = parser.logmessage[parser.logmessage.find(":")+1:].lstrip()
+ for chan in CHANNELS:
+ msg(chan,firstline)
+ msg(chan,parser.logmessage.strip())
+ msg(chan,"< %s >" % ("" + parser.revision))
+ if delete != 0:
+ os.remove(os.path.join(root,name))
+ inhalt=""
+ time.sleep(5)