diff options
-rw-r--r--files/gentoo-keys/seeds/gentoo-devs.seeds.sigbin639 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--files/gentoo-keys/seeds/gentoo.seeds.sigbin639 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63-recommended.spec.sigbin639 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63.spec.sigbin639 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep63-gpg-conf.skel.sigbin639 -> 0 bytes
28 files changed, 5087 insertions, 6682 deletions
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd299ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+name: CI
+on: [push, pull_request]
+ build:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout code
+ uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - name: Install dependencies
+ run: |
+ sudo apt update
+ sudo apt install libxml2-utils
+ - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
+ with:
+ python-version: '3.x'
+ - name: Install pip dependencies
+ run: pip install lxml
+ - name: Check
+ run: make check
diff --git a/.github/workflows/repositories.yml b/.github/workflows/repositories.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df5d534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/repositories.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+name: repositories
+ pull_request:
+ paths:
+ - 'files/overlays/repositories.xml'
+ validate-content:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout code
+ uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ with:
+ fetch-depth: 0
+ - uses: actions/setup-python@v3
+ with:
+ python-version: '3.x'
+ - name: Install pip dependencies
+ run: pip install lxml
+ - name: Check repositories.xml
+ run: |
+ BASE_REF=$(git merge-base --fork-point origin/${{ github.base_ref }})
+ python bin/ --github <(git show ${BASE_REF}:files/overlays/repositories.xml) files/overlays/repositories.xml
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee2feab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+.PHONY: check
+check: check-overlays check-mirrors
+.PHONY: check-overlays
+ $(MAKE) -C files/overlays check
+.PHONY: check-mirrors
+ $(MAKE) -C files/mirrors check
diff --git a/bin/gpl-3.0.txt b/bin/gpl-3.0.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f288702
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/gpl-3.0.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+ Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
+software and other kinds of works.
+ The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
+to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
+the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
+share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
+software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
+GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
+any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
+want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
+free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
+these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
+certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
+you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
+freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
+or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
+know their rights.
+ Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
+(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
+giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
+ For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
+that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
+authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
+changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
+authors of previous versions.
+ Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
+modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
+can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
+protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
+pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
+use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
+have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
+products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
+stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
+of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
+ Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
+States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
+software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
+avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
+make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
+patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. Definitions.
+ "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
+ "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
+works, such as semiconductor masks.
+ "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
+License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
+"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
+ To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
+in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
+exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
+earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
+ A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
+on the Program.
+ To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
+permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
+infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
+computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
+distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
+public, and in some countries other activities as well.
+ To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
+parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
+a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
+ An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
+to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
+feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
+tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
+extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
+work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
+the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
+menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
+ 1. Source Code.
+ The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
+for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
+form of a work.
+ A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
+standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
+interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
+is widely used among developers working in that language.
+ The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
+than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
+packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
+Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
+Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
+implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
+"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
+(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
+(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
+produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
+ The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
+the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
+work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
+control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
+System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
+programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
+which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
+includes interface definition files associated with source files for
+the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
+linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
+such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
+subprograms and other parts of the work.
+ The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
+can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
+ The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
+same work.
+ 2. Basic Permissions.
+ All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
+copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
+conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
+permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
+covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
+content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
+rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
+ You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
+convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
+in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
+of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
+with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
+the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
+not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
+for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
+and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
+your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
+ Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
+the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
+makes it unnecessary.
+ 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
+ No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
+measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
+11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
+similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
+ When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
+circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
+is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
+the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
+modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
+users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
+technological measures.
+ 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
+ You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
+receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
+keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
+non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
+keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
+recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
+ You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
+and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
+ 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
+ You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
+produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
+terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
+ it, and giving a relevant date.
+ b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
+ released under this License and any conditions added under section
+ 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
+ "keep intact all notices".
+ c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
+ License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
+ License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
+ additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
+ regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
+ permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
+ invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
+ d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
+ Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
+ interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
+ work need not make them do so.
+ A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
+works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
+and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
+in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
+"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
+used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
+beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
+in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
+parts of the aggregate.
+ 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
+ You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
+of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
+machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
+in one of these ways:
+ a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
+ Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
+ customarily used for software interchange.
+ b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
+ (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
+ written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
+ long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
+ model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
+ copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
+ product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
+ medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
+ more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
+ conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
+ Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
+ c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
+ written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
+ alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
+ only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
+ with subsection 6b.
+ d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
+ place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
+ Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
+ further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
+ Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
+ copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
+ may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
+ that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
+ clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
+ Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
+ Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
+ available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
+ e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
+ you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
+ Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
+ charge under subsection 6d.
+ A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
+from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
+included in conveying the object code work.
+ A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
+tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
+or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
+into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
+doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
+product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
+typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
+of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
+actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
+is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
+commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
+the only significant mode of use of the product.
+ "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
+procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
+and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
+a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
+suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
+code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
+modification has been made.
+ If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
+specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
+part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
+User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
+fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
+Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
+by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
+if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
+modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
+been installed in ROM).
+ The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
+requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
+for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
+the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
+network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
+adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
+protocols for communication across the network.
+ Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
+in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
+documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
+source code form), and must require no special password or key for
+unpacking, reading or copying.
+ 7. Additional Terms.
+ "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
+License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
+Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
+be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
+that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
+apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
+under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
+this License without regard to the additional permissions.
+ When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
+remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
+it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
+removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
+additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
+for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
+add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
+that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
+ a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
+ terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
+ b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
+ author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
+ Notices displayed by works containing it; or
+ c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
+ requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
+ reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
+ d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
+ authors of the material; or
+ e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
+ trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
+ f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
+ material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
+ it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
+ any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
+ those licensors and authors.
+ All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
+restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
+received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
+governed by this License along with a term that is a further
+restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
+a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
+License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
+of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
+not survive such relicensing or conveying.
+ If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
+must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
+additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
+where to find the applicable terms.
+ Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
+form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
+the above requirements apply either way.
+ 8. Termination.
+ You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
+provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
+modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
+this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
+paragraph of section 11).
+ However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
+license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
+provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
+finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
+holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
+prior to 60 days after the cessation.
+ Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
+reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
+violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
+received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
+copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
+your receipt of the notice.
+ Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
+licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
+this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
+reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
+material under section 10.
+ 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
+ You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
+run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
+occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
+to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
+nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
+modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
+not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
+covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
+ 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
+ Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
+receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
+propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
+for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
+ An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
+organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
+organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
+work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
+transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
+licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
+give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
+Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
+the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
+ You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
+rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
+not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
+rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
+(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
+any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
+sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
+ 11. Patents.
+ A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
+License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
+work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
+ A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
+owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
+hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
+by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
+but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
+consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
+purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
+patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
+this License.
+ Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
+patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
+make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
+propagate the contents of its contributor version.
+ In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
+agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
+(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
+sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
+party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
+patent against the party.
+ If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
+and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
+to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
+publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
+then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
+available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
+patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
+consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
+license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
+actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
+covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
+in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
+country that you have reason to believe are valid.
+ If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
+arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
+covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
+receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
+or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
+you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
+work and works based on it.
+ A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
+the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
+conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
+specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
+work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
+in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
+to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
+the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
+parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
+patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
+conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
+for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
+contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
+or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
+ Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
+any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
+otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
+ 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
+ If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
+covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
+not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
+to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
+the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
+License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
+ 13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
+ Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
+permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
+under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
+combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
+License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
+but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
+section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
+combination as such.
+ 14. Revised Versions of this License.
+ The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
+the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
+Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
+Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
+option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
+version or of any later version published by the Free Software
+Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
+GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
+by the Free Software Foundation.
+ If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
+versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
+public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
+to choose that version for the Program.
+ Later license versions may give you additional or different
+permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
+author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
+later version.
+ 15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
+ 16. Limitation of Liability.
+ 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
+ If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
+above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
+reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
+an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
+Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
+copy of the Program in return for a fee.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <>.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+ If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
+notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ <program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
+might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
+ You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
+if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
+For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
+ The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
+into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
+may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
+the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
+Public License instead of this License. But first, please read
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2810bc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Arthur Zamarin <>
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import argparse
+import sys
+from http.client import HTTPSConnection
+from typing import Iterable, Tuple
+from urllib.parse import quote_plus
+from lxml import etree
+ok_flag = True
+def output_xml_error(xml: etree._Element, title: str, content: str):
+ start = xml.sourceline
+ if args.github:
+ end = start + len(etree.tostring(xml).strip().split(b'\n')) - 1
+ print(f'::error file={args.current},line={start},endLine={end},title={title}::{content}')
+ else:
+ print(f'\033[91m{args.current}:{start} - {title} - {content}\033[0m')
+ global ok_flag
+ ok_flag = False
+def output_xml_warning(xml: etree._Element, title: str, content: str):
+ start = xml.sourceline
+ if args.github:
+ end = start + len(etree.tostring(xml).strip().split())
+ print(f'::warning file={args.current},line={start},endLine={end},title={title}::{content}')
+ else:
+ print(f'\033[93m{args.current}:{start} - {title} - {content}\033[0m')
+class Overlay:
+ def __init__(self, xml: etree._Element):
+ self.xml = xml
+ if (repo_name := xml.find('./name')) is not None:
+ self.repo_name = repo_name.text
+ else:
+ self.repo_name = ''
+ output_xml_error(xml, 'Missing overlay name', 'Missing tag "name" for the overlay')
+ if (owner_email := xml.find('./owner/email')) is not None:
+ self.owner_email = owner_email.text
+ else:
+ output_xml_error(xml.find('./owner'), 'Missing owner email', 'Missing tag "email" for the overlay\'s owner')
+ def check_details(self, client: HTTPSConnection):
+ if not getattr(self, 'owner_email', None):
+ return
+ try:
+ client.request("GET", f"/rest/user?names={quote_plus(self.owner_email)}")
+ resp = client.getresponse()
+ if resp.status != 200:
+ output_xml_error(self.xml.find('owner/email'), 'Unknown email', f'email address "{self.owner_email}" not found at bugzilla')
+ else:
+ print(f'\033[92m\u2713 repo="{self.repo_name}" <{self.owner_email}>\033[0m')
+ except Exception:
+ output_xml_warning(self.xml.find('owner/email'), 'Failed check against bugzilla',
+ f'Checking for bugzilla email [{self.owner_email}] failed')
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self.repo_name)
+ def __eq__(self, o) -> bool:
+ return isinstance(o, Overlay) and o.repo_name == self.repo_name
+def read_repositories(file: str) -> Iterable[Overlay]:
+ return map(Overlay, etree.parse(file).findall('./repo'))
+def check_maintainers(overlays: Iterable[Overlay]):
+ try:
+ client = HTTPSConnection('')
+ for m in overlays:
+ m.check_details(client)
+ finally:
+ client.close()
+def check_sorted(curr: Tuple[Overlay, ...], adds: Iterable[Overlay]):
+ for addition in adds:
+ index = curr.index(addition)
+ repo_name = addition.repo_name
+ if index > 0 and curr[index - 1].repo_name.lower() >= repo_name.lower():
+ output_xml_error(addition.xml, 'Unsorted overlay list',
+ f"overlay {repo_name!r} in wrong place: {repo_name!r} isn't before {curr[index - 1].repo_name!r}")
+ elif index + 1 < len(curr) and curr[index + 1].repo_name.lower() <= repo_name.lower():
+ output_xml_error(addition.xml, 'Unsorted overlay list',
+ f"overlay {repo_name!r} in wrong place: {repo_name!r} isn't after {curr[index + 1].repo_name!r}")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Check repositories.xml')
+ parser.add_argument('base', help='Original repositories.xml, pass "-" to perform full check')
+ parser.add_argument('current', help='Current repositories.xml')
+ parser.add_argument('--github', help='print errors in GitHub Actions format', action='store_true')
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ current = tuple(read_repositories(args.current))
+ if args.base != '-':
+ base = tuple(read_repositories(args.base))
+ additions = frozenset(current).difference(base)
+ check_maintainers(additions)
+ check_sorted(current, additions)
+ else:
+ check_sorted(current, current)
+ sys.exit(int(not ok_flag))
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..18e512e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+This script is aimed to automate repositories.xml file formatting.
+<repo> nodes are sorted by name field value as a part of the process.
+python version >= 3.5 is required
+Copyright (C) 2018 Eugene Bright <>
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import sys
+import argparse
+from lxml import etree
+import typing
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ "Sort overlay repos list by name")
+ "path",
+ help="path to repositories.xml")
+def find_repositories_node(
+ etree: etree.ElementTree
+ ) -> etree.Element:
+ return repo_etree.xpath("/repositories")[0]
+def find_repo_nodes(
+ repositories_node: etree.Element
+ ) -> typing.List[etree.Element]:
+ """
+ This function is designed to work
+ on <repositories> node, returned
+ by `find_repositories_node()` function.
+ """
+ return repositories_node.xpath("./repo")
+name_xpath = etree.XPath("./name/text()")
+def extract_repo_name(
+ repo_node: etree.Element
+ ) -> str:
+ """
+ Extract repo name from repo node.
+ """
+ return name_xpath(repo_node)[0]
+def sort_repo_nodes(
+ repo_nodes: typing.List[etree.Element]
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Sort nodes list by name case insensitively.
+ It does work in-place on the list provided.
+ Python sorting algorithm is stable,
+ so original order must be preserved
+ if appropriate.
+ """
+ repo_nodes.sort(
+ key=lambda node:
+ extract_repo_name(node)
+ .lower())
+def reinsert_repo_nodes(
+ repositories_node: etree.Element,
+ repo_nodes: typing.List[etree.Element]
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Remove all <repo> node from <repositories>
+ and reinsert them back in the order
+ provided in the list.
+ """
+ for repo_node in repo_nodes:
+ repositories_node.remove(repo_node)
+ for repo_node in repo_nodes:
+ repositories_node.append(repo_node)
+def vim_modelines_fixup(
+ repositories_node: etree.Element
+ ) -> None:
+ """
+ Find, remove and reinsert modeline comment
+ to the end of the file.
+ """
+ vim_comments = []
+ for node in repositories_node:
+ if (
+ isinstance(node, etree._Comment)
+ and node.text.startswith(" vim:")
+ ):
+ vim_comments.append(node)
+ for vim_comment in vim_comments:
+ repositories_node.remove(vim_comment)
+ repositories_node.append(vim_comment)
+def format_xml(
+ repo_etree: etree.Element
+ ) -> str:
+ """
+ Return text pretty-printed representation
+ of chosen XML node.
+ Works best on document root as it preserves <!DOCTYPE>.
+ """
+ return (
+ etree.tostring(
+ repo_etree,
+ xml_declaration=True,
+ encoding="utf-8",
+ pretty_print=2)
+ .decode())
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ repo_file = open(args.path, "rb")
+ repo_etree = etree.parse(
+ repo_file,
+ etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True))
+ repositories_node = find_repositories_node(repo_etree)
+ repo_nodes = find_repo_nodes(repositories_node)
+ sort_repo_nodes(repo_nodes)
+ reinsert_repo_nodes(
+ repositories_node,
+ repo_nodes)
+ vim_modelines_fixup(repositories_node)
+ sys.stdout.write(
+ format_xml(repo_etree))
diff --git a/bin/uidgid2wiki.awk b/bin/uidgid2wiki.awk
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6387e3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/uidgid2wiki.awk
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#!/usr/bin/gawk -f
+# Copyright 2019-2023 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the MIT license
+ print "<!-- DO NOT EDIT, generated automatically by uidgid2wiki.awk -->"
+ print "{|class=\"wikitable sortable\""
+ print "! Name"
+ print "! data-sort-type=\"number\" | UID"
+ print "! data-sort-type=\"number\" | GID"
+ print "! Provider"
+ print "! class=unsortable | Notes"
+function md2wiki(str) {
+ return gensub(/\[([^\]]+)\]\(([^)]+)\)/, "[\\2 \\1]", "g", str)
+/^[^#]/ {
+ print "|-"
+ # name
+ print "| " $1
+ # uid
+ print "| " $2
+ # gid
+ print "| " $3
+ # provider
+ switch ($4) {
+ case "baselayout":
+ print "| style=\"background: #cff;\" | baselayout (linux)"
+ break
+ case "baselayout-fbsd":
+ print "| style=\"background: #ccf;\" | baselayout (fbsd)"
+ break
+ case "acct":
+ printf "%s", "| style=\"background: #9fc;\" |"
+ if ($2 != "-") printf " %s", "[" $1 " u:" $1 "]"
+ if ($3 != "-") printf " %s", "[" $1 " g:" $1 "]"
+ print ""
+ break
+ case "requested":
+ print "| style=\"background: #ffe;\" | requested"
+ break
+ case "reserved":
+ print "| style=\"background: #fcf;\" | reserved"
+ break
+ case "user.eclass":
+ print "| style=\"background: #dca;\" | user.eclass"
+ break
+ case "historical":
+ print "| style=\"background: #fee;\" | historical"
+ break
+ default:
+ print "| " $4
+ }
+ # notes
+ $1=$2=$3=$4=""
+ print gensub(/[ \t]+$/, "", 1, "| " md2wiki(substr($0, 5)))
+END {
+ print "|}"
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b845e7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import argparse
+import os.path
+import requests
+import subprocess
+import sys
+def main(argv):
+ default_api_url = ''
+ default_script_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
+ 'uidgid2wiki.awk')
+ default_title = 'UID_GID_Assignment_Table'
+ argp = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=argv[0])
+ argp.add_argument('--api-url', default=default_api_url,
+ help='URL to MediaWiki API (default: {})'
+ .format(default_api_url))
+ argp.add_argument('-p', '--password', required=True,
+ help='Bot password to log in with')
+ argp.add_argument('--script', default=default_script_path,
+ help='Path to uidgid2wiki script')
+ argp.add_argument('--title', default=default_title,
+ help='Title of page to edit (default: {})'
+ .format(default_title))
+ argp.add_argument('-u', '--username', required=True,
+ help='Username to log in with')
+ argp.add_argument('path', nargs=1, metavar='uid-gid.txt',
+ type=argparse.FileType('r', encoding='utf-8'),
+ help='UID/GID listing to process')
+ args = argp.parse_args(argv[1:])
+ # Get converted contents first.
+ with subprocess.Popen([args.script],
+ stdin=args.path[0],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as s:
+ page_data, _ = s.communicate()
+ assert s.returncode == 0
+ # MediaWiki API is just HORRIBLE! Editing a page requires obtaining
+ # a login token, logging in, obtaining a CSRF (!) token
+ # and apparently preserving cookies as well!
+ with requests.Session() as s:
+ # get login token
+ params = {
+ 'action': 'query',
+ 'meta': 'tokens',
+ 'type': 'login',
+ 'format': 'json',
+ }
+ with s.get(args.api_url, params=params) as r:
+ token = r.json()['query']['tokens']['logintoken']
+ # log in
+ params = {
+ 'action': 'login',
+ 'lgname': args.username,
+ 'lgpassword': args.password,
+ 'lgtoken': token,
+ 'format': 'json',
+ }
+ with, data=params) as r:
+ assert r.json()['login']['result'] == 'Success', r.json()
+ # get CSRF token (wtf?!)
+ params = {
+ 'action': 'query',
+ 'meta': 'tokens',
+ 'format': 'json',
+ }
+ with s.get(args.api_url, params=params) as r:
+ token = r.json()['query']['tokens']['csrftoken']
+ # edit page (finally)
+ params = {
+ 'action': 'edit',
+ 'title': args.title,
+ 'token': token,
+ 'format': 'json',
+ 'text': page_data,
+ 'summary': 'Automatic update from uid-gid.txt',
+ 'bot': True,
+ }
+ with, data=params) as r:
+ assert 'error' not in r.json(), r.json()
+ print(r.json())
+ # logout
+ params = {
+ 'action': 'logout',
+ 'token': token,
+ }
+ with s.get(args.api_url, params=params) as r:
+ pass
+ return 0
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv))
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..dae2517
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+# Copyright 2021 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# Author: Jaco Kroon <>
+# So that you can contact me if you need help with the below insanity.
+# Configuration options:
+# selection_ranges => an array of start-stop values. There is an assumption of
+# incremental ordering, ie, start values should be in incrementing order, and
+# debug => if non-zero outputs some cryptic debug output (will inherit from environment).
+ 499-101
+ 500-749
+ #60001-60999
+debug=${debug:+1} # set non-zero to enable debug output.
+# Basic Design:
+# There is nothing beautiful about this script, it's downright nasty and I
+# (Jaco Kroon <>) will be the first to admit that.
+# For each of the uid and gid ranges, we primarily keep two variables.
+# ranges and reason. reason is simply one of USED or RESERVED. Free ranges
+# are not mapped into these arrays.
+# ranges_ maps a start index onto an end index. So for example, let's say
+# uid range 0..10 is USED (allocated, for whatever purposes):
+# ranges_uid[0]=10
+# reasons_uid[0]=USED
+# The above says that UID 0 to 10 is USED.
+# We start with an initially empty set, and then insert into, either merging or
+# potentially splitting as we go, by way of the consume function, once completed
+# we compact some things and then output.
+# Colours to be used if output is a TTY.
+colour_USED="\e[0;91m" # brightred
+colour_FREE="\e[0;92m" # brightgreen
+colour_RESERVED="\e[0;94m" # brightblue
+colour_RESET="\e[0m" # reset all styles.
+if ! [[ -t 1 ]]; then
+ colour_USED=
+ colour_FREE=
+ colour_RESERVED=
+ colour_RESET=
+# Find input file if not piped in on stdin, or show a warning about it on
+# stderr if we can't find the file.
+if [[ -t 0 ]]; then
+ def_infile="$(dirname "$0")/../files/uid-gid.txt"
+ if ! [[ -r "${def_infile}" ]] || ! exec <"${def_infile}"; then
+ echo "Reading from stdin (which happens to be a tty, you should pipe input file to stdin)" >&2
+ fi
+ # The basic principle here is that we can either add a new range, or split
+ # an existing range. Partial overlaps not dealt with, nor range
+ # extensions. Which would (I believe) negate the need for compact.
+ # TODO: deal with range merging here, eg, if we have 0..10, and adding 11, then
+ # we can simply adjust the range to 0..11, for example.
+ local variant="$1"
+ local ids="$2"
+ local type=$([[ "$3" == reserved ]] && echo RESERVED || echo USED)
+ local range_start="${ids%..*}"
+ local range_end="${ids#*..}"
+ declare -n ranges="ranges_${variant}"
+ declare -n reasons="reason_${variant}"
+ [[ -z "${ids}" ]] && return
+ [[ "${ids}" == - ]] && return
+ for k in "${!ranges[@]}"; do
+ # can the new range be inserted before the next range already in the set?
+ [[ ${k} -gt ${range_end} ]] && break
+ [[ ${ranges[k]} -lt ${range_start} ]] && continue
+ if [[ ${k} -le ${range_start} && ${range_end} -le ${ranges[k]} ]]; then
+ # new range is contained completely inside.
+ [[ ${reasons[k]} == ${type} ]] && return # same type.
+ [[ ${type} == RESERVED ]] && return # USED takes precedence over RESERVED.
+ if [[ ${range_end} -lt ${ranges[k]} ]]; then
+ ranges[range_end+1]=${ranges[k]}
+ reasons[range_end+1]=${reasons[k]}
+ fi
+ [[ ${range_start} -gt ${k} ]] && ranges[k]=$(( range_start - 1 ))
+ break
+ else
+ echo "${range_start}..${range_end} (${type}) overlaps with ${k}..${ranges[k]} (${reasons[k]}"
+ echo "Cannot handle partial overlap."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ done
+ ranges[range_start]="${range_end}"
+ reasons[range_start]="${type}"
+ # This simply coalesces ranges that follow directly on each other. In
+ # other words, if range ends at 10 and the next range starts at 11, just
+ # merge the two by adjusting the end of the first range, and removing the
+ # immediately following.
+ # Param: uid or gid to determine which set we're working with.
+ declare -n ranges="ranges_$1"
+ declare -n reasons="reason_$1"
+ local k e ne
+ for k in "${ranges[@]}"; do
+ [[ -n "${ranges[k]:+set}" ]] || continue
+ e=${ranges[k]}
+ while [[ -n "${ranges[e+1]:+set}" && "${reasons[k]}" == "${reasons[e+1]}" ]]; do
+ ne=${ranges[e+1]}
+ unset "ranges[e+1]"
+ e=${ne}
+ done
+ ranges[k]=${e}
+ done
+ # Outputs the raw list as provided (param: uid or gid)
+ declare -n ranges="ranges_$1"
+ declare -n reasons="reason_$1"
+ local k c=0
+ echo "$1 list:"
+ for k in "${!ranges[@]}"; do
+ echo "$(( c++ )): ${k} => ${ranges[k]} / ${reasons[k]}"
+ done
+# Read the input file which is structured as "username uid gid provider and
+# potentially more stuff" Lines starting with # are comments, thus we can
+# filter those out.
+while read un uid gid provider rest; do
+ [[ "${un}" == \#* ]] && continue
+ consume uid "${uid}" "${provider}"
+ consume gid "${gid}" "${provider}"
+compact uid
+compact gid
+# If we're debugging, just output both lists so we can inspect that everything is correct here.
+if [[ -n "${debug}" ]]; then
+ output uid
+ output gid
+# Get the various range starts.
+# Set max to 2^32-1 if set to -.
+if [[ ${max} == - ]]; then
+ max=$((2 ** 32 - 1))
+ui=0 # index into uids array.
+gi=0 # index into gids array.
+for r in "${selection_ranges[@]}"; do
+ min=${r%-*} # "start" of range about to be output.
+ max=${r#*-} # "end" of range about to be output.
+ selection=min
+ if [[ $max -lt $min ]]; then
+ selection=max
+ t=${max}
+ max=${min}
+ min=${t}
+ fi
+ freeuid=0 # count number of free UIDs
+ freegid=0 # count number of free GIDs
+ freepair=0 # count number of free UID+GID pairs.
+ echo "Range: ${min}..${max} (${selection})"
+ printf "%-*s%10s%10s\n" $(( ${#max} * 2 + 5 )) "#ID" UID GID
+ idbase=${min}
+ while [[ ${idbase} -le ${max} ]]; do
+ # skip over uid and gid ranges that we're no longer interested in (end of range is
+ # lower than start of output range).
+ while [[ ${ui} -lt ${#uids[@]} && ${ranges_uid[uids[ui]]} -lt ${idbase} ]]; do
+ (( ui++ ))
+ done
+ while [[ ${gi} -lt ${#gids[@]} && ${ranges_gid[gids[gi]]} -lt ${idbase} ]]; do
+ (( gi++ ))
+ done
+ # Assume that range we're going to output is the remainder of the legal
+ # space we're interested in, and then adjust downwards as needed. For each
+ # of the UID and GID space, if the start range is beyond the current output
+ # start we're looking at a FREE range, so downward adjust re (range end) to
+ # the next non-FREE range's start - 1, or if we're in the non-FREE range,
+ # adjust downward to that range's end.
+ re=${max}
+ uid_start=-1
+ gid_start=-1
+ if [[ ${ui} -lt ${#uids[@]} ]]; then
+ uid_start=${uids[ui]}
+ if [[ ${uid_start} -gt ${idbase} && ${uid_start} -le ${re} ]]; then
+ re=$(( ${uid_start} - 1 ))
+ fi
+ if [[ ${ranges_uid[uid_start]} -lt ${re} ]]; then
+ re=${ranges_uid[uid_start]}
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [[ ${gi} -lt ${#gids[@]} ]]; then
+ gid_start=${gids[gi]}
+ if [[ ${gid_start} -gt ${idbase} && ${gid_start} -le ${re} ]]; then
+ re=$(( ${gid_start} - 1 ))
+ fi
+ if [[ ${ranges_gid[gid_start]} -lt ${re} ]]; then
+ re=${ranges_gid[gid_start]}
+ fi
+ fi
+ # If we're debugging, just dump various variables above, which allows
+ # validating that the above logic works correctly.
+ [[ -n "${debug}" ]] && echo "ui=${ui} (${uid_start}..${ranges_uid[uid_start]}), gi=${gi} (${gid_start}..${ranges_gid[gid_start]}), idbase=${idbase}, re=${re}"
+ # Determine the state of the UID and GID ranges.
+ if [[ ${ui} -lt ${#uids[@]} && ${uid_start} -le ${idbase} ]]; then
+ uidstate="${reason_uid[uid_start]}"
+ else
+ uidstate=FREE
+ freeuid=$(( freeuid + re - idbase + 1 ))
+ fi
+ if [[ ${gi} -lt ${#gids[@]} && ${gid_start} -le ${idbase} ]]; then
+ gidstate="${reason_gid[gids[gi]]}"
+ else
+ gidstate=FREE
+ freegid=$(( freegid + re - idbase + 1 ))
+ fi
+ # If the ranges are FREE (or at least one of), adjust selection recommendations
+ # accordingly.
+ if [[ "${gidstate}" == FREE ]]; then
+ if [[ "${uidstate}" == FREE ]]; then
+ case "${selection}" in
+ min)
+ [[ -z "${uidgidboth}" ]] && uidgidboth=${idbase}
+ ;;
+ max)
+ [[ -z "${uidgidboth}" || ${uidgidboth} -ge ${min} ]] && uidgidboth=${re}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ freepair=$(( freepair + re - idbase + 1 ))
+ else
+ case "${selection}" in
+ min)
+ [[ -z "${gidonly}" ]] && gidonly=${idbase}
+ ;;
+ max)
+ [[ -z "${gidonly}" || ${gidonly} -ge ${min} ]] && gidonly=${re}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ elif [[ "${uidstate}" == FREE ]]; then
+ case "${selection}" in
+ min)
+ [[ -z "${uidonly}" ]] && uidonly=${idbase}
+ ;;
+ max)
+ [[ -z "${uidonly}" || ${uidonly} -ge ${min} ]] && uidonly=${re}
+ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+ vn="colour_${uidstate}"
+ colour_uid="${!vn}"
+ vn="colour_${gidstate}"
+ colour_gid="${!vn}"
+ printf "%-*s${colour_uid}%10s${colour_gid}%10s${colour_RESET}\n" $(( ${#max} * 2 + 5 )) "${idbase}$([[ ${re} -gt ${idbase} ]] && echo "..${re}")" "${uidstate}" "${gidstate}"
+ idbase=$(( re + 1 ))
+ done
+ echo "Range Free UIDs: ${freeuid}"
+ echo "Range Free GIDs: ${freegid}"
+ echo "Range Free UID+GID pairs: ${freepair}"
+ echo
+ (( free_total_uid += freeuid ))
+ (( free_total_gid += freegid ))
+ (( free_total_pair += freepair ))
+echo "Free UIDs: ${free_total_uid}"
+echo "Free GIDs: ${free_total_gid}"
+echo "Free UID+GID pairs: ${free_total_pair}"
+for out in "Recommended GID only: ${gidonly:-${uidgidboth:-none}}" \
+ "Recommended UID only: ${uidonly:-${uidgidboth:-none}}" \
+ "Recommended UID+GID pair: ${uidgidboth:-none}"; do
+ [[ ${out} == *none ]] && colour=${colour_USED} || colour=${colour_FREE}
+ echo -e "${out%%: *}: ${colour}${out#*: }${colour_RESET}"
diff --git a/files/gentoo-keys/seeds/README b/files/gentoo-keys/seeds/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bf5301..0000000
--- a/files/gentoo-keys/seeds/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-This README is to describle the current form of the seed files
-and the fields data they contain.
-CAUTION: These specs are not to be considered stable and
-are likely to change in the future.
-Python file excerpt of the GKEY named tuple class used to
-represent the data in the seed file.
-# some constants used in gkeyldap/
-# they map the index values of the GKEY input data fields
-NICK = 0
-NAME = 1
-KEYID = 2
-# set some defaults
-KEY_LEN = {
- 'keyid': 8,
- 'longkeyid': 16,
-class GKEY(namedtuple('GKEY', ['nick', 'name', 'keyid', 'longkeyid',
- 'keydir', 'fingerprint'])):
- '''Class to hold the relavent info about a key'''
- field_types = {'nick': str, 'name': str, 'keyid': list,
- 'longkeyid': list, 'keydir': str, 'fingerprint': list}
- field_separator = "|"
- list_separator = ":"
- __slots__ = ()
-Current fileds data in the seed files are:
-['nick', 'name', 'keyid', 'longkeyid', 'keydir', 'fingerprint']
-fields2,3,5 may be lists with a ":" separating list members.
-This is going to change to use a "," as the list separator.
-Also, the keyid and longkeyid fileds are likely to be dropped, as version 3
-gpg key types will not be used/allowed.
-Therefore since the keyid and longkeyid are just substrings of the fingerprint.
-They do not need to be tracked.
diff --git a/files/gentoo-keys/seeds/gentoo-devs.seeds b/files/gentoo-keys/seeds/gentoo-devs.seeds
deleted file mode 100644
index 324b41f..0000000
--- a/files/gentoo-keys/seeds/gentoo-devs.seeds
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3420 +0,0 @@
- "a3li": {
- "fingerprint": [
- "53687A1A7BACAA700721F9AB36BA656112EE3000",
- "F8983D196A520EF17451C53493EA2A85F3C06469"
- ],
- "keydir": "a3li",
- "keys": [
- "53687A1A7BACAA700721F9AB36BA656112EE3000",
- "F8983D196A520EF17451C53493EA2A85F3C06469"
- ],
- "name": "Alex Legler",
- "nick": "a3li",
- "uid": [
- "Alex Legler <>"
- ]
- },
- "aballier": {
- "fingerprint": [
- "A93B16B16998A428D54D96C60E2548BBC607E5AE"
- ],
- "keydir": "aballier",
- "keys": [
- "A93B16B16998A428D54D96C60E2548BBC607E5AE"
- ],
- "name": "Alexis Ballier",
- "nick": "aballier",
- "uid": [
- "Alexis Ballier <>"
- ]
- },
- "ackle": {
- "fingerprint": [
- "E58AAABDDD2D03AF0A7A2F14187772ECE928357A"
- ],
- "keydir": "ackle",
- "keys": [
- "E58AAABDDD2D03AF0A7A2F14187772ECE928357A"
- ],
- "name": "Sean Amoss",
- "nick": "ackle",
- "uid": [
- "Sean Amoss <>"
- ]
- },
- "ago": {
- "fingerprint": [
- "9D326AF1BA78207D3E55DBDBBA7BD3507194459F",
- "1E58AD6230C55E7019118DABE4C382367CD2DC5D"
- ],
- "keydir": "ago",
- "keys": [
- "9D326AF1BA78207D3E55DBDBBA7BD3507194459F",
- "1E58AD6230C55E7019118DABE4C382367CD2DC5D"
- ],
- "name": "Agostino Sarubbo",
- "nick": "ago",
- "uid": [
- "Agostino Sarubbo <>"
- ]
- },
- "aidecoe": {
- "fingerprint": [
- "AC6337A027243EFCCAD40C9AE420A389C19FB5B7"
- ],
- "keydir": "aidecoe",
- "keys": [
- "AC6337A027243EFCCAD40C9AE420A389C19FB5B7"
- ],
- "name": "Amadeusz Piotr \u017bo\u0142nowski",
- "nick": "aidecoe",
- "uid": [
- "Amadeusz Piotr \u017bo\u0142nowski <>"
- ]
- },
- "alexxy": {
- "fingerprint": [
- "2EC99BA7DE04CEB42058EBF2E7FE13EFF82F92E6"
- ],
- "keydir": "alexxy",
- "keys": [
- "2EC99BA7DE04CEB42058EBF2E7FE13EFF82F92E6"
- ],
- "name": "Alexey Shvetsov",
- "nick": "alexxy",
- "uid": [
- "Alexey Shvetsov <>"
- ]
- },
- "alicef": {
- "fingerprint": [
- "2E4E0856461C05851336F4965621A6B28638781A"
- ],
- "keydir": "alicef",
- "keys": [
- "2E4E0856461C05851336F4965621A6B28638781A"
- ],
- "name": "Alice Ferrazzi",
- "nick": "alicef",
- "uid": [
- "Alice Ferrazzi <>"
- ]
- },
- "alonbl": {
- "fingerprint": [
- "8A2FE85CFCA42D74480B4B235D893D18BF20DC51"
- ],
- "keydir": "alonbl",
- "keys": [
- "8A2FE85CFCA42D74480B4B235D893D18BF20DC51"
- ],
- "name": "Alon Bar-Lev",
- "nick": "alonbl",
- "uid": [
- "Alon Bar-Lev <>"
- ]
- },
- "alunduil": {
- "fingerprint": [
- "C83139FA4A306FD8C529FE0FE71B7695E1D6AA7D"
- ],
- "keydir": "alunduil",
- "keys": [
- "C83139FA4A306FD8C529FE0FE71B7695E1D6AA7D"
- ],
- "name": "Alex Brandt",
- "nick": "alunduil",
- "uid": [
- "Alex Brandt <>"
- ]
- },
- "amadio": {
- "fingerprint": [
- "7B413A847FAF4D43AEF57C3D41F3D401762A0D12"
- ],
- "keydir": "amadio",
- "keys": [
- "7B413A847FAF4D43AEF57C3D41F3D401762A0D12"
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- "name": "Guilherme Amadio",
- "nick": "amadio",
- "uid": [
- "Guilherme Amadio <>"
- ]
- },
- "amynka": {
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- "6606755DC669B857855EE4DBA6CC832E4E670EB9"
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- "keydir": "amynka",
- "keys": [
- "6606755DC669B857855EE4DBA6CC832E4E670EB9"
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- "name": "Amy Winston",
- "nick": "amynka",
- "uid": [
- "Amy Winston <>"
- ]
- },
- "anarchy": {
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- "D4AC8D630B16F7C908E9B909A0CCC3BAB4D088B4"
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- "keydir": "anarchy",
- "keys": [
- "D4AC8D630B16F7C908E9B909A0CCC3BAB4D088B4"
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- "name": "Jory Pratt",
- "nick": "anarchy",
- "uid": [
- "Jory Pratt <>"
- ]
- },
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- "F9DAF7C8EC130722B220FC5E996AB56D84F20B43"
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- "keydir": "angelos",
- "keys": [
- "F9DAF7C8EC130722B220FC5E996AB56D84F20B43"
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- "name": "Christoph Mende",
- "nick": "angelos",
- "uid": [
- "Christoph Mende <>"
- ]
- },
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- "7013C4B9199180F3EF4F52EE5319CA56A2C0A9F1"
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- "keydir": "araujo",
- "keys": [
- "7013C4B9199180F3EF4F52EE5319CA56A2C0A9F1"
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- "name": "Luis Francisco Araujo",
- "nick": "araujo",
- "uid": [
- "Luis Francisco Araujo <>"
- ]
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- "3B7A700006367015B3786CC30AF8B3A860381DD4"
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- "keydir": "asturm",
- "keys": [
- "3B7A700006367015B3786CC30AF8B3A860381DD4"
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- "name": "Andreas Sturmlechner",
- "nick": "asturm",
- "uid": [
- "Andreas Sturmlechner <>"
- ]
- },
- "axs": {
- "fingerprint": [
- "A2C4D5C5A3D795BF11CB1838DAE81A237F0008F0"
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- "keydir": "axs",
- "keys": [
- "A2C4D5C5A3D795BF11CB1838DAE81A237F0008F0"
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- "name": "Ian Stakenvicius",
- "nick": "axs",
- "uid": [
- "Ian Stakenvicius <>"
- ]
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- "beandog": {
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- "F07CDA3EE0299F773FE0DCC9C03F921A96F8EB58"
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- "keydir": "beandog",
- "keys": [
- "F07CDA3EE0299F773FE0DCC9C03F921A96F8EB58"
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- "name": "Steve Dibb",
- "nick": "beandog",
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- "Steve Dibb <>"
- ]
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- "6F100BDFB3B6A1EA31E854D146D0A5AD705073B5"
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- "6F100BDFB3B6A1EA31E854D146D0A5AD705073B5"
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- "nick": "bernalex",
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- "Alexander Berntsen <>"
- ]
- },
- "betelgeuse": {
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- "76BCD50B8550FFC48DA9799E7312F3A48182B0B4",
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- "keydir": "betelgeuse",
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- "76BCD50B8550FFC48DA9799E7312F3A48182B0B4",
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- "name": "Petteri R\u00e4ty",
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- "uid": [
- "Petteri R\u00e4ty <>"
- ]
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- "bicatali": {
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- "keydir": "bicatali",
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- "328B38E323C8B2F85F0575BA7009F3DC6752A7F0"
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- "name": "Sebastien Fabbro",
- "nick": "bicatali",
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- "Sebastien Fabbro <>"
- ]
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- "F79C6470EE590B016C7816002DC21BCEC5E80123"
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- "F79C6470EE590B016C7816002DC21BCEC5E80123"
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- "Daniel Pielmeier <>"
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- "184B7CEB69B57FD42BAF9AF9743A52E86BA81050"
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- "184B7CEB69B57FD42BAF9AF9743A52E86BA81050"
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- "nick": "binki",
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- "Nathan Phillip Brink <>"
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- "Andrew Savchenko <>"
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- "D34A474DCDC313A243F0F33B315CEC520A5F7D12"
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- "Nicholas D. Wolfwood <>"
- ]
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- "Vladimir Romanov <>"
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- "Yury German <>"
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- "Anthony G. Basile <>"
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- "Aaron Bauman <>"
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- "Denis Dupeyron <>"
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- "Doug Goldstein <>"
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- "C\u00e9dric Krier <>"
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- "Tony Vroon <>"
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- "James Le Cuirot <>"
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- "John Christian Stoddart <>"
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- "Jimi Huotari <>"
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- "Patrick McLean <>"
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- "Vladimir Smirnov <>"
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- "Stefan Behte <>"
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- "nick": "creffett",
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- "Chris Reffett <>"
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diff --git a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63-recommended.spec b/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63-recommended.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b4fc45..0000000
--- a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63-recommended.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-<GnupgKeyParms format="internal">
- Key-Type: RSA
- Key-Length: 4096
- Expire-Date: 36m
- Key-Usage: ,
- Subkey-Type: RSA
- Subkey-Length: 4096
- Subkey-Usage: sign
- Name-Real: {0}
- Name-Email: {1}
- %ask-passphrase
diff --git a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63-recommended.spec.sig b/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63-recommended.spec.sig
deleted file mode 100644
index 82b8b8f..0000000
--- a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63-recommended.spec.sig
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63.spec b/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63.spec
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c2e554..0000000
--- a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63.spec
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-<GnupgKeyParms format="internal">
- Key-Type: RSA
- Key-Length: 2048
- Expire-Date: 60m
- Key-Usage: ,
- Subkey-Type: RSA
- Subkey-Length: 2048
- Subkey-Usage: sign
- Name-Real: {0}
- Name-Email: {1}
- %ask-passphrase
diff --git a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63.spec.sig b/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63.spec.sig
deleted file mode 100644
index 19e2944..0000000
--- a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep-63.spec.sig
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep63-gpg-conf.skel b/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep63-gpg-conf.skel
deleted file mode 100644
index 73e8708..0000000
--- a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep63-gpg-conf.skel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-# GLEP 63 specifications for OpenPGP key creation
-# Keyserver
-# -- All of the below portion from the OpenPGP best practices, and
-# -- many of them are also in the Debian GPG documentation.
-# when outputting certificates, view user IDs distinctly from keys:
-# Long keyids are more collision-resistant than short keyids (it's trivial to make a key
-# with any desired short keyid)
-# NOTE: this breaks KMail GnuPG support!
-keyid-format 0xlong
-# When multiple digests are supported by all recipients, choose the strongest one:
-personal-digest-preferences SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224
-# Preferences chosen for new keys should prioritize stronger algorithms:
-default-preference-list SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224 AES256 AES192 AES CAST5 BZIP2 ZLIB ZIP Uncompressed
-# If you use a graphical environment (and even if you don't) you should be using an agent:
-# (similar arguments as
-# You should always know at a glance which User IDs gpg thinks are legitimately bound to
-# the keys in your keyring:
-verify-options show-uid-validity
-list-options show-uid-validity
-# Include an unambiguous indicator of which key made a signature:
-# (see
-# (and
-# When making an OpenPGP certification, use a stronger digest than the default SHA1:
-cert-digest-algo SHA256
diff --git a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep63-gpg-conf.skel.sig b/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep63-gpg-conf.skel.sig
deleted file mode 100644
index 493a5d7..0000000
--- a/files/gentoo-keys/specs/glep63-gpg-conf.skel.sig
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/files/mirrors/.gitignore b/files/mirrors/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df8ee85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/mirrors/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/files/mirrors/Makefile b/files/mirrors/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..621742c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/mirrors/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+.%.expected-format.xml: %.xml
+ xmllint --format $^ > $@
+.%.expected-format.xml.ok: SHELL = /bin/bash
+.%.expected-format.xml.ok: .%.expected-format.xml
+ if ! cmp -s $*.xml $^; then
+ diff -u $*.xml $^
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ touch $@
+.PHONY: check
+check: .distfiles.expected-format.xml.ok .rsync.expected-format.xml.ok
+.PHONY: format
+format: SHELL = /bin/bash
+format:.distfiles.expected-format.xml .rsync.expected-format.xml
+ for FILE in distfiles rsync; do
+ if cmp -s "$${FILE}.xml" ".$${FILE}.expected-format.xml"; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ cp ".$${FILE}.expected-format.xml" "$${FILE}.xml"
+ done
diff --git a/files/mirrors/distfiles.xml b/files/mirrors/distfiles.xml
index e510965..64cd3a7 100644
--- a/files/mirrors/distfiles.xml
+++ b/files/mirrors/distfiles.xml
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
@@ -11,185 +12,279 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<name>University of Waterloo</name>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<name>Gossamer Threads</name>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirrorgroup>
- <mirrorgroup region="North America" country="US" countryname="USA">
- <name>OSU Open Source Lab</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>Reenigne</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <name> (Anycast: Los Angeles, New York)</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
- <name>Georgia Tech</name>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name>OVHcloud (Anycast: Beauharnois)</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="North America" country="US" countryname="USA">
- <name>Indiana University</name>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>OSU Open Source Lab (Corvallis; New York; Chicago)</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <name>TDS Internet Services</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>LeaseWeb (Anycast: San Francisco; Dallas; Washington, D.C.; Miami)</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>Utah State University</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>Georgia Tech</name>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>Easynews NNTP Hosting</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>University of Utah (Flux Group)</name>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <name>University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>Massachusetts Institute of Technology</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>Michigan Tech University</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>Rochester Institute of Technology</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>University of Delaware, Delaware Linux Users Group</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>Rackspace Technology</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>Rochester Institute of Technology</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name>Clarkson University</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>University of Northern Iowa</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name>ServaxNet, LLC</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="South America" country="AR" countryname="Argentina">
- <name>Pair Networks</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name></name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<mirrorgroup region="South America" country="BR" countryname="Brazil">
<name>C3SL, Federal University of Paraná</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <mirrorgroup region="South America" country="CL" countryname="Chile">
+ </mirrorgroup>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="AT" countryname="Austria">
- <name>Vienna Univ. of Technology</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>Kumi Systems e.U.</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="BE" countryname="Belgium">
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Belnet</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <!--
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="BG" countryname="Bulgaria">
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Telepoint Ltd</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
- -->
- <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="CZ" countryname="Czech Republic">
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="CH" countryname="Switzerland">
- <name>Masaryk University Brno</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name>Init7</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="CZ" countryname="Czech Republic">
- <name>Advokatni Kancelar Kindl &amp; Partneri</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>Masaryk University Brno</name>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<name>Web4U Mirror</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<name>UPC Česká republika, a.s.</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>IT4Innovations / Technical University of Ostrava</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
- <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="FI" countryname="Finland">
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="DK" countryname="Denmark">
- <name></name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv6="y" ipv4="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv6="y" ipv4="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv6="y" ipv4="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name></name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="FR" countryname="France">
- <name>OVH</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>OVHcloud (Anycast: Gravelines; Roubaix; Strasbourg)</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Ircam</name>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <mirror>
- <name></name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- </mirror>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="DE" countryname="Germany">
- <name></name>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>LeaseWeb (Anycast: Frankfurt)</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<name>Ruhr-Universität Bochum</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<name>Uni Erlangen-Nürnberg</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<name>Dresden University of Technology/AG DSN</name>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<name>University of Applied Sciences, Esslingen</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<name>1&amp;1 Internet SE</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<name>RWTH Aachen University</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung Göttingen</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>TU Ilmenau</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Leibniz Universität Hannover</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Universität Stuttgart</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Freie Universität Berlin - Spline</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Netzwerge GmbH</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>dogado GmbH</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="GR" countryname="Greece">
@@ -199,33 +294,74 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="HU" countryname="Hungary">
+ <!-- <mirror>
+ <name>Free Software Network Hungary</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror> -->
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Quantum Mirror</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>JSS &amp; Hayer</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ </mirrorgroup>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="IE" countryname="Ireland">
<name>HEAnet - Ireland's National Education and Research Network</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv6="y" ipv4="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv6="y" ipv4="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv6="y" ipv4="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv6="y" ipv4="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv6="y" ipv4="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv6="y" ipv4="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="IT" countryname="Italy">
- <name> (Anycast: Milan)</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>GARR</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="LU" countryname="Luxembourg">
+ <mirror>
+ <name>root S.A.</name>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="MD" countryname="Moldova">
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Trabia Network</name>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="NL" countryname="Netherlands">
<name>Universiteit Twente</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>LeaseWeb</name>
+ <name>LeaseWeb (Anycast: Amsterdam)</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <mirror>
+ <name></name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="PL" countryname="Poland">
@@ -234,51 +370,58 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <mirror>
- <name>Rzeszow University of Technology</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- </mirror>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="PT" countryname="Portugal">
<name>RNL - Técnico Lisboa</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<name>University of Coimbra</name>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- </mirrorgroup>
- <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="RO" countryname="Romania">
- <mirror>
- <name> (Anycast: Bucharest)</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- </mirror>
- <name> Gazduire Web</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>PTISP</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="RO" countryname="Romania">
<name>Romanian Organization Network</name>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="RS" countryname="Serbia">
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Serbian Open eXchange</name>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ </mirrorgroup>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="SE" countryname="Sweden">
- <name></name>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>Linköping University - Lysator</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name></name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="SK" countryname="Slovakia">
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
@@ -288,22 +431,16 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="ES" countryname="Spain">
- <name> (Anycast: Madrid)</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- </mirror>
- </mirrorgroup>
- <mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="CH" countryname="Switzerland">
- <mirror>
- <name>SWITCHmirror</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv6="y" ipv4="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv6="y" ipv4="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>Institute of Physics of Cantabria (CSIC-UC)</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="TR" countryname="Turkey">
<name>Turkish Linux Users Group - Linux Kullanicilari Dernegi(LKD)</name>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
@@ -314,88 +451,199 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<mirrorgroup region="Europe" country="UK" countryname="UK">
<name>Bytemark Hosting</name>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name> (Anycast: London)</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>Get Hosted online</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
<name>The UK Mirror Service</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>Qube Managed Services</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>Rackspace Technology</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <mirrorgroup region="Australia" country="AU" countryname="Australia">
+ <mirrorgroup region="Australia and Oceania" country="AU" countryname="Australia">
+ <mirror>
+ <name>AARnet</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
<name>Swinburne University of Technology</name>
<uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Rackspace Technology</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Australia and Oceania" country="NC" countryname="New Caledonia">
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Lagoon</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
<mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="CN" countryname="China">
+ <name>Alibaba Cloud Computing</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
<name>, Inc.</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Tsinghua University</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Zhejiang University</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>University of Science and Technology of China</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>eScience Center, Nanjing University</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Lanzhou University Open Source Society</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
<mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="HK" countryname="Hong Kong">
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Rackspace Technology</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
- <mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="JP" countryname="Japan">
+ <mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="IN" countryname="India">
- <name>Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name>NxtGen</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="JP" countryname="Japan">
<name>Internet Initiative Japan</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>JAIST</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>RIKEN</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Jing Luo</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="KZ" countryname="Kazakhstan">
+ <mirror>
+ <name>PS Internet Company LLC</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="PH" countryname="Philippines">
+ <mirror>
+ <name>RISE</name>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
<mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="KR" countryname="South Korea">
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="BY" countryname="Belarus">
- <name>Daum Communications Corp</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <name></name>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="RU" countryname="Russia">
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
<uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <name></name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name></name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>National Research Nuclear University - MEPhI</name>
+ <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <!--
+ <mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="SG" countryname="Singapore">
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ -->
<mirrorgroup region="Asia" country="TW" countryname="Taiwan">
<name>National Center for High-Performance Computing</name>
@@ -406,15 +654,21 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<mirrorgroup region="Middle East" country="IL" countryname="Israel">
<name>Hamakor FOSS Society</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
- <mirrorgroup region="Middle East" country="KZ" countryname="Kazakhstan">
+ <!--
+ <mirrorgroup region="Africa" country="NA" countryname="Namibia">
+ </mirrorgroup>
+ -->
+ <mirrorgroup region="Africa" country="ZA" countryname="South Africa">
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Dimension Data</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
+ </mirror>
- <name>Neo Lab's</name>
- <uri protocol="http" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="ftp" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n"></uri>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name>Ultimate Linux Solutions</name>
+ <uri protocol="https" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n"></uri>
diff --git a/files/mirrors/rsync.xml b/files/mirrors/rsync.xml
index 9500455..20a4195 100644
--- a/files/mirrors/rsync.xml
+++ b/files/mirrors/rsync.xml
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
@@ -23,6 +24,10 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<name>University of Waterloo -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Reenigne -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
<mirrorgroup region="North America (" country="US" countryname="USA">
@@ -34,48 +39,32 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>Rochester Institute of Technology -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
- <name>University of Northern Iowa -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
<name>Steadfast Networks -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>Indiana University, Unix Systems Support Group -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
<name>TDS Internet Services -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Rackspace Technology -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
<mirrorgroup region="South America (" country="BR" countryname="Brazil">
<name>Any available mirror -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <mirror>
- <name>Laboratory of System Administration -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="AT" countryname="Austria">
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="BG" countryname="Bulgaria">
- <name>Any available mirror -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name>Any available mirror -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <!--<mirror>
- <name>Inode -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>-->
- <name>Lagis -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name>Telepoint Ltd -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="CZ" countryname="Czech Republic">
@@ -87,10 +76,6 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<name>UPC Česká republika, a.s -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <mirror>
- <name>Advokatni Kancelar Kindl &amp; Partneri -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="DE" countryname="Germany">
@@ -99,15 +84,7 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<name>Gentoo e.V. -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
- <name>I-Node -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
- <name> -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<name> -</name>
@@ -131,17 +108,11 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<name>RWTH Aachen University</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- </mirrorgroup>
- <mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="FI" countryname="Finland">
- <mirror>
- <name>Any available mirror -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name> -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name> -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="FR" countryname="France">
@@ -154,22 +125,6 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <!--
- <mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="GR" countryname="Greece">
- <mirror>
- <name>Any available mirror -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- </mirrorgroup>
- -->
- <!--
- <mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="HU" countryname="Hungary">
- <mirror>
- <name>Any available mirror -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- </mirrorgroup>
- -->
<mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="IE" countryname="Ireland">
<name>Any available mirror -</name>
@@ -177,7 +132,7 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<name>HEAnet - Ireland's National Education and Research Network -
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
@@ -201,10 +156,6 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>Rzeszow University of Technology -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
<name>Vectranet -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
@@ -229,6 +180,16 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="SE" countryname="Sweden">
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Any available mirror -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name> -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ </mirrorgroup>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="SK" countryname="Slovakia">
<name>Any available mirror -</name>
@@ -243,29 +204,19 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="UA" countryname="Ukraine">
- <mirror>
- <name>Any available mirror -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
- <name>Telcom ISP -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- </mirrorgroup>
<mirrorgroup region="Europe (" country="UK" countryname="UK">
<name>Any available mirror -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>Qube Managed Services -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
<name>Bytemark Hosting -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Rackspace Technology -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
<mirrorgroup region="Australia (" country="AU" countryname="Australia">
@@ -276,26 +227,35 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<name>Swinburne University of Technology -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Viktor Villafuerte</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Rackspace Technology -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
- <!--
<mirrorgroup region="Asia (" country="CN" countryname="China">
<name>Any available mirror -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Tsinghua University -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Rackspace Technology -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
- -->
<mirrorgroup region="Asia (" country="JP" countryname="Japan">
<name>Any available mirror -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name>Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology -
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
<name> -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
@@ -310,16 +270,6 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <mirrorgroup region="Asia (" country="KZ" countryname="Kazakhstan">
- <mirror>
- <name>Any available mirror -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- <mirror>
- <name>Neo Lab's -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- </mirror>
- </mirrorgroup>
<mirrorgroup region="Asia (" country="RU" countryname="Russia">
<name>Any available mirror -</name>
@@ -340,12 +290,26 @@ vim: ft=xml et ts=2 sts=2 sw=2:
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
- <name> -</name>
- <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <name>NCTU CSCC -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
<name>National Center for High-Performance Computing -</name>
<uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="n" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ <mirrorgroup region="Africa" country="ZA" countryname="South Africa">
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Any available mirror -</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Interexcel World Connection (Pty) Ltd / Ultimate Linux Solutions (Pty) Ltd</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ <mirror>
+ <name>Dimension Data</name>
+ <uri protocol="rsync" ipv4="y" ipv6="y" partial="n">rsync://</uri>
+ </mirror>
+ </mirrorgroup>
diff --git a/files/overlays/.gitignore b/files/overlays/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1281487
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/overlays/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/files/overlays/Makefile b/files/overlays/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6e73eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/overlays/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+.PHONY: check
+check: .repositories-dtd-valid .repositories-xsd-valid .repositories-check-successful .repositories-style-ok
+# Check repositories.xml against the Document Type Definition (DTD).
+.repositories-dtd-valid: repositories.xml repositories.dtd
+ xmllint --noout --dtdvalid repositories.dtd repositories.xml
+ touch $@
+ifeq ($(OFFLINE), true)
+ [ ! -f repositories.dtd ] && exit 1
+ wget --timestamping
+# Check repositories.xml against the XML Schema Definition (XSD)
+.repositories-xsd-valid: repositories.xsd repositories.xml
+ xmllint --noout --schema $^
+ touch $@
+ifeq ($(OFFLINE), true)
+ [ ! -f repositories.xsd ] && exit 1
+ wget --timestamping
+# Run a full check of repositories.xml via
+.repositories-check-successful: repositories.xml
+ ../../bin/ - $^
+ touch $@
+.PHONY: format
+format: .repositories-expected-format.xml
+ cmp -s repositories.xml $^ || cp $^ repositories.xml
+.repositories-expected-format.xml: repositories.xml
+ xmllint --format $^ > $@
+.repositories-style-ok: SHELL = /bin/bash
+.repositories-style-ok: .repositories-expected-format.xml
+ if ! cmp -s repositories.xml $^; then
+ diff -u repositories.xml $^
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ touch $@
diff --git a/files/overlays/repositories.xml b/files/overlays/repositories.xml
index 7f66829..26c9fe3 100644
--- a/files/overlays/repositories.xml
+++ b/files/overlays/repositories.xml
@@ -1,76 +1,63 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE repositories SYSTEM "">
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE repositories SYSTEM "">
<repositories xmlns="" version="1.0">
-When adding repositories, please keep this file ordered by repository name.
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>XXXXXX</name>
- <description lang="en">XXXXXX</description>
- <homepage>XXXXXX</homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email>XXXXXX</email>
+ <!--
+ When adding repositories, please keep this file ordered by repository name.
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- </owner>
- <source type="git">XXXXXX</source>
- <feed>XXXXXXXXX</feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>XXXXX</name>
- <description lang="en">XXXXXX</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email>XXXXX</email>
- <name>XXXXX</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>XXXXX</name>
- <description lang="en">XXXXXX</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email>XXXXX</email>
+ <description lang="en">XXXXXX</description>
+ <homepage>XXXXXX</homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email>XXXXXX</email>
+ <name>XXXXXX</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git">XXXXXX</source>
+ <feed>XXXXXXXXX</feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>XXXX</name>
- <description lang="en">XXXXXX</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email>XXXXX</email>
+ <description lang="en">XXXXXX</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email>XXXXX</email>
+ <name>XXXXX</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- </owner>
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
- <source type="mercurial">ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>0x4d4c</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal overlay with no special focus</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Martin Lambertz</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
+ <description lang="en">XXXXXX</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email>XXXXX</email>
+ <name>XXXXX</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>XXXX</name>
+ <description lang="en">XXXXXX</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email>XXXXX</email>
+ <name>XXXXX</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="mercurial"></source>
+ <source type="mercurial">ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">An experimental portage overlay</description>
@@ -80,24 +67,10 @@ FIN
<name>Aleksei Kaveshnikov</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>abendbrot</name>
- <description lang="en">Desktop oriented overlay for various ebuilds and the occasional gamer</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Stefan Reuter</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Personal overlay with ebuilds that were missing at one point or another</description>
@@ -106,7 +79,6 @@ FIN
<name>Alexander Olofsson</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
@@ -116,7 +88,7 @@ FIN
<description lang="ru">Оверлей для ebuild'ов связанных созданием самодельного умного дома</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov</name>
<source type="git"></source>
@@ -125,6 +97,30 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>adasss</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gentoo overlay for Android Studio experimental packages</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Adam Giergun</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>ag-ops</name>
+ <description lang="en">Useful tools for SysAdmins or DevOps</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>John Johnson</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
<description lang="en">Developer overlay</description>
@@ -148,18 +144,20 @@ FIN
<name>Yi Yang</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>aidecoe</name>
- <description>aidecoe's experimental overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>akater</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal ebuild repository. Emacs, Lisp, minimalism.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Amadeusz Żołnowski</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>akater</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -170,11 +168,21 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>alesharik</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gentoo portage overlay of alesharik</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Aleksei Arsenev</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Alexandre Fournier's personal overlay</description>
@@ -183,77 +191,66 @@ FIN
<name>Alexandre Fournier</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>alexcepoi</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal User Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Alexandru Cepoi</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <description>Some random work in progress stuff from alexxy</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <description lang="en">Developer overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
<name>Alexey Shvetsov</name>
<source type="git"></source>
<source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>alinefr</name>
- <description lang="en">Some overlays that I could not find anywhere else.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>alxu</name>
+ <description lang="en">Alex Xu (Hello71) personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Aline Freitas</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alex Xu (Hello71)</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>aluco</name>
- <description lang="en">From drm-next to phoronix-test-suite ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>amano-kenji</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Anthoine Bourgeois</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>amano.kenji</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>alunduil</name>
- <description lang="en">alunduil's personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>ambasta</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay</description>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Amit Prakash Ambasta</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>amedeos</name>
+ <description lang="en">amedeos's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Alex Brandt</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Amedeo Salvati</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -270,6 +267,18 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>anard</name>
+ <description lang="en">Anard's personnal repository, with some new ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Anard</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">anaximander's user overlay</description>
@@ -284,36 +293,15 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>and3k-sunrise</name>
- <description>and3ks unstable ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Bela Hausmann</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>A few packages that are not hosted elsewhere.</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Anders Larsson</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>andjscott</name>
- <description>Few ebuilds that others may find useful</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -328,19 +316,6 @@ FIN
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>andy</name>
- <description lang="en">Andy's custom stuff and embedded software</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Andy K.</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">anomen's personal Gentoo overlay</description>
@@ -349,11 +324,22 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>antons-matrix-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Packages related to messaging system</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Anton</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Testing ebuilds for out-of-tree applications</description>
@@ -362,54 +348,65 @@ FIN
<name>Mario Kicherer</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>arax-os-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Arax OS overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>ap-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal Gentoo Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Abhinav Praveen</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>argent-main</name>
- <description>Argent Linux</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>apn</name>
+ <description lang="en">APN-Pucky's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Stefan Cristian Brindusa</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alexander Puck Neuwirth</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>arm_support</name>
- <description lang="en">Gentoo ARM project overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
- <name>ARM Project</name>
+ <name>apriluwu</name>
+ <description lang="en">apriluwu's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>April C.</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>ArtSoftware</name>
- <description lang="en">Art-Software overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>ArchFeh</name>
+ <description lang="en">ArchFeh's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>[Electron]</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>ArchFeh</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>argent-main</name>
+ <description>Argent Linux</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Stefan Cristian Brindusa</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -420,7 +417,19 @@ FIN
<name>Daniel Scharrer</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>asahi</name>
+ <description lang="en">Asahi Linux Overlay - support for Apple Silicon Macs</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>James Calligeros</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -437,17 +446,6 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>atom</name>
- <description lang="en">Atom Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Elvis Pranskevichus</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Pro audio overlay. Please file bugs or package suggestions at</description>
@@ -456,85 +454,83 @@ FIN
<name>Audio overlay</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>average</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal playground for some ebuilds not found elsewhere</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Jeffrey Lin</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Awesome ebuilds</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Daniel Morlock</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Daniel Morlock</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>axs</name>
- <description lang="en">Developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Ian Stakenvicius</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>AzP</name>
- <description lang="en">Peter's own software playground</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>barnowl</name>
+ <description lang="en">BarnOwl IM client</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Peter Asplund</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>William Throwe</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>bar</name>
- <description lang="en">Ebuilds that end up in Funtoo ports-2012</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>beatussum-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Beatussum's overlay</description>
+ <description lang="fr">Overlay de Beatussum</description>
+ <longdescription lang="en">
+ My Gentoo overlay aims to provide some packages that are not (yet) in the main Gentoo tree.
+ </longdescription>
+ <longdescription lang="fr">
+ Mon overlay a pour but de fournir certains paquets qui ne sont pas (encore) disponibles dans l'arbre principal.
+ </longdescription>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>tokiclover</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Mattéo Rossillol--Laruelle</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>barnowl</name>
- <description lang="en">BarnOwl IM client</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>bell07</name>
+ <description>Some ebuilds not found in other overlays, including my server and desktop (xfce) profiles</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>William Throwe</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alexander Weber (bell07)</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>barzog-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Oleg Gawriloff's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>benzene-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Universebenzene's personal Gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Oleg Gawriloff</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Universebenzene</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -545,34 +541,9 @@ FIN
<name>Vladimir Varlamov</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>betagarden</name>
- <description lang="en">Joint beta-quality overlay effort to reduce overlay scatter. Any dev is welcome to join.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
- <name>Team Betagarden</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>bezerker</name>
- <description>Bezerker's Packages</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Bezerker</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">BibleTime overlay</description>
@@ -587,19 +558,17 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>bicatali</name>
- <description lang="en">Developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>binaryden</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for Cinnamon and other Gentoo packages</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Sébastien Fabbro</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Thomas Kemmer</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -616,92 +585,26 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>bitcetera</name>
- <description lang="en">Miscellaneous Gentoo ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Sven Schwyn</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>Bitcoin and CPU/GPU mining related ebuilds</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Florian Schmaus</name>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>bleeding-edge</name>
- <description>Gentoo ebuilds for "bleeding edge" versions of packages - newest, untested - running on ~amd64.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>blackburn29</name>
+ <description lang="en">collection of various development ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Jan Psota</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Blake LaFleur</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>blender-gentoo-logo</name>
- <description lang="en">Software needed to render the Blender-based gentoo Logo of 2003</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Sebastian Pipping</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>bliss-overlay</name>
- <description>FearedBliss's Gentoo Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>bloody</name>
- <description lang="en">krita bleeding edge and artists tools/resources</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Pierre Geier</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>blueness</name>
- <description>Developer Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Anthony G. Basile</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -712,11 +615,22 @@ FIN
<name>Bob Wya</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>bombo82</name>
+ <description lang="en">Bombo82's own gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Gianni Bombelli (bombo82)</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>L29Ah personal overlay</description>
@@ -725,9 +639,22 @@ FIN
<name>Sergey Alirzaev</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>bratishkaerik-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay + Zig stuff</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Eric Joldasov</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Brother printer and scanner software</description>
@@ -736,11 +663,29 @@ FIN
<name>Stefan Langenmaier</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>broverlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">
+ Overlay containing ebuilds made by a small Gentoo community, learning how to do them.
+ The focus is to have general-purpose ebuilds, available to everyone.
+ </description>
+ <description lang="pt">
+ Overlay contendo ebuilds feitas por uma pequena comunidade de usuários de Gentoo, aprendendo como faze-los.
+ O foco é ter pacotes de propósito geral, disponível para todos.
+ </description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Redson dos Santos Silva</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">"Bubba" platform support for Excito B2|3</description>
@@ -749,16 +694,18 @@ FIN
<name>Gordon Bos</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Packages related to the bumblebee project</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -770,22 +717,20 @@ FIN
<name>Denis Buzdalov</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>c2p-overlay</name>
- <description>Personal overlay of Karol Grudziński</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>CachyOS-kernels</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay containing ebuilds of CachyOS kernels and some other things</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Karol Grudziński</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Jakub Wroński</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -794,7 +739,19 @@ FIN
<owner type="person">
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git://</source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>calendulish</name>
+ <description lang="en">calendulish Gentoo Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Lara Maia</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -809,88 +766,83 @@ FIN
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>causelay</name>
- <description>Ari Malinen's personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>Case_Of</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Ari Malinen</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Quentin Retornaz</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>centerim</name>
- <description>Latest tarballs from the CenterIM Mob-branch and a live ebuild.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>cdlp</name>
+ <description>Random/Custom ebuilds, no-(dbus,systemd,pam,polkit,elogind ...) stuff</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Boris "transacid" Petersen</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Francesco Palumbo</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>cg</name>
- <description>Computer graphics ebuilds for gentoo</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>ceamac</name>
+ <description lang="en">This is a small Gentoo overlay with ebuilds that I could not find elsewhere or that I had to modify for some reason.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Viorel Munteanu</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>chaos</name>
- <description>Personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>certbot-dns-plugins</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for the DNS plugins of the ACME client certbot</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Jon Feldman</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Osiris Inferi</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>chrisadr</name>
- <description lang="en">ChrisADR's personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>cg</name>
+ <description>Computer graphics ebuilds for gentoo</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Christopher Díaz Riveros</name>
+ <email></email>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>chrytoo</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal overlay for packages that usually aren't in the official repository...</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>chiyuki-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Chiyuki's Personal Gentoo Linux Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Miloš Đ. Omeragić</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Chiyuki Kagura</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>chutzpah</name>
- <description>Random stuff I am working on which isn't ready for the tree for some reason</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>chymeric</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for scientific software and desktop minimalism</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Patrick McLean</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Horea Christian</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -899,18 +851,32 @@ FIN
<owner type="person">
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>concaveoverlay</name>
- <description lang="en">concavegit's overlay.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>cosmicmod-overlay</name>
+ <description>CosmicMod Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Oz</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>cova</name>
+ <description lang="en">Fabio Coatti Personal Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Fabio Coatti</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -918,48 +884,24 @@ FIN
<description lang="ru">Пакеты для встраиваемых систем</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>cynede</name>
- <description lang="en">Gentoo user overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>dargor</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay for packages I care of</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Mikhail Pukhlikov</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Gabriel Linder</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>damex-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">damex's personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Roman Kuzmitsky</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>dannyboy48888</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay of Daniel Witzel</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Daniel Witzel</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -974,66 +916,16 @@ FIN
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>das-labor</name>
- <description lang="en">Gentoo overlay from Hackerspace Bochum</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Philipp Deppenwiese</name>
- </owner>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Kai Michaelis</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>dawan</name>
- <description lang="en">OCaml and proof-search related ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Quentin Heath</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>deadbeef-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">DeaDBeeF player overlay for Gentoo Linux</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Roman Kuzmitsky</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>decent-im</name>
- <description lang="en">XMPP software overlay maintained by</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Andrey Utkin</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>deepin</name>
- <description lang="en">Gentoo Overlay for Deepin Desktop Environment</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>darthgandalf-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Aten Zhang</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alexey Sokolov</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -1044,56 +936,31 @@ FIN
<name>Dan Molik</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>delicious-absurdities</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal overlay with delicious absurdities</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Christian Affolter</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>deter</name>
- <description lang="en">Custom stuff from deterenkelt.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Deter Enkelt</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>devpump-gor</name>
- <description lang="en">DevPump Gentoo Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>dev1990-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay focused on Qt application development and 3d-printing.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Matt Fleming</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Bartlomiej Burdukiewicz</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>didactic-duck</name>
- <description>Some ebuilds that might work</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>didos</name>
+ <description lang="en">DidOS overlay gentoo edition</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Lucian Poston</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Seirra Blake</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -1110,17 +977,16 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>discworld</name>
- <description lang="en">Various VoIP-related ebuils</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>dinolay</name>
+ <description lang="en">TruncatedDinosour's overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>George Diamantopoulos</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Ari Archer</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -1141,9 +1007,9 @@ FIN
<description>Calculate Linux Profiles</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -1154,7 +1020,6 @@ FIN
<name>Dirkjan Ochtman</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
@@ -1168,75 +1033,17 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>dMaggot</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay of David E. Narváez</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>David E. Narváez</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>dmchurch</name>
- <description lang="en">Danielle Church's Portage overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>dm9pZCAq</name>
+ <description lang="en">personal overlay with different packages, mainly with packages with KISS mindset</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Danielle Church</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>dm9pZCAq</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>dmol</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay to store java-related ebuilds, for further reviewing</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Ivan Baidakou</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>docker</name>
- <description>Overlay for docker by dotCloud</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Tianon Gravi</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>dotnet</name>
- <description>Experimental overlay for .NET packages.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Mikhail Pukhlikov</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -1252,56 +1059,6 @@ FIN
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>drdim</name>
- <description lang="en">Gentoo Layman portage repository for Jetbrains Products</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Dmitriy Bogatkin</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>dsr</name>
- <description>Andrew Reyes' personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Andrew Reyes</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>DuPol</name>
- <description lang="en">DuPol's own and modified portage ebuilds.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Dustin Polke</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>dustin</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay of Dustin C. Hatch</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Dustin C. Hatch</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
- <source type="mercurial">ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">My random Gentoo packages</description>
@@ -1313,6 +1070,18 @@ FIN
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>dwosky</name>
+ <description lang="en">Dwosky's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Pedro Arizmendi</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>personal overlay, mostly games related</description>
@@ -1321,21 +1090,20 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>eclipse</name>
- <description lang="en">Community effort at packaging Eclipse Java SDK</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
- <name>Eclipse team</name>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>edgets</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gentoo overlay that brings you the newest versions of modern software.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Ivo Šmerek</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -1348,6 +1116,42 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>einflay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Einstok Fair</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>ejabberd</name>
+ <description>Fresh ejabberd versions and dependencies</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Sergey Ilinykh</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>electron</name>
+ <description lang="en">Electron Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Elvis Pranskevichus</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">The elementary OS experience for Gentoo Linux. </description>
@@ -1356,7 +1160,7 @@ FIN
<name>Pim Vullers</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -1375,6 +1179,18 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
+ <name>EmilienMottet</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gentoo Overlay for Emilien Mottet personal/work needs.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Emilien Mottet</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Enlightenment WM latest stable version and live ebuilds</description>
@@ -1384,34 +1200,32 @@ FIN
<name>Raffaele Spinelli</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>enlightenment-niifaq</name>
- <description lang="en">FAQ RI: E17+ overlay</description>
- <description lang="ru">НИИ ЧаВО: Оверлей с E17+</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>equaeghe</name>
+ <description lang="en">Erik Quaeghebeur's personal Gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Erik Quaeghebeur</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>ennui</name>
- <description>Facilitate running hardened-desktop hybrid system</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>eras-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">random ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Nicholas Fish</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Eray Aslan</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -1422,58 +1236,43 @@ FIN
<name>Steve Gilberd</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>erikmack</name>
- <description lang="en">Erik Mackdanz' overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>escpr2</name>
+ <description lang="en">Epson Inkjet Printer Driver 2 (ESC/P-R) repository</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Erik Mackdanz</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Andreas Thalhammer</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>eroen</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Erik Moen</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Erik Moen</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>eva</name>
- <description lang="en">Developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>eugene-bright</name>
+ <description lang="en">The personal overlay of Eugene Bright</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Gilles Dartiguelongue</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Eugene Bright</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Mostly c/c++ and python libraries</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
<name>David Sveningsson</name>
- <source type="svn">svn://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -1484,19 +1283,69 @@ FIN
<name>Enrico Horn</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>fd-gentoo</name>
+ <description lang="en">fd-gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Federico Justus Denkena</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">FeM Gentoo Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="project">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>FeM e.V. Gentoo Overlay maintainers</name>
+ </owner>
<owner type="person">
<name>Paul Michel</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>feniksa</name>
+ <description lang="en">Graphics, C++ libs and additional software</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Maksym Sditanov</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>ferki</name>
+ <description lang="en">Ebuilds used and/or proxy maintained by FErki</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Ferenc Erki</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>fictitiousexistence</name>
+ <description lang="en">FictitiousExistence ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Dale Showers</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -1515,31 +1364,20 @@ FIN
<name>Mike Lothian</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>fkmclane</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal overlay of fkmclane containing patched ebuilds and new ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Foster McLane</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">An overlay for gentoo for things Flammie's worked on: Apertium, HFST, computational linguistics, spell-checking, obscure languages...</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Flammie Pirinen</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -1551,7 +1389,29 @@ FIN
<name>Wim Muskee</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>flewkey-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal Gentoo overlay for flewkey</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Ryan Fox</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>flexibeast</name>
+ <description lang="en">General-purpose overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alexis</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -1562,28 +1422,26 @@ FIN
<name>Rafael G. Martins</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>floppym's personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
<name>Mike Gilbert</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Ebuilds by Florian Schmaus</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Florian Schmaus</name>
<source type="git"></source>
@@ -1591,33 +1449,38 @@ FIN
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Ant P.'s personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
<name>Anthony Parsons</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>fm</name>
- <description lang="en">Fated Mariner Gentoo Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>fol4</name>
+ <description lang="en">fol4 overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Mads</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>Piotr's fixes and new packages</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Piotr Karbowski</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -1635,6 +1498,18 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>fortunelay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for fortunes</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alessandro Barbieri</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Collection of ebuilds</description>
@@ -1643,70 +1518,32 @@ FIN
<name>Rabbe Fogelholm</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Personal overlay for unofficial ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
<name>José Pekkarinen</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>frabjous</name>
- <description lang="en">The frabjous Gentoo overlay focused on crypto, server-side stuffs and some desktop apps</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Ian Moone</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>freeswitch</name>
- <description lang="en">Freeswitch Gentoo overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">fritteli's Gentoo Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
<name>Manuel Friedli</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>frostyx</name>
- <description lang="en">FrostyX's personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>FrostyX</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="stable" status="official">
@@ -1717,62 +1554,20 @@ FIN
<name>Daniel 'f0o' Preussker</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>furikake</name>
- <description lang="en">Gentoo overlay of Alex Wilson</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Alex Wilson (antoligy)</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>fuverlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Funkill's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Funkill</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>fw-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">fw-overlay experimental overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Ketoth Xupack</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>gamarouns</name>
- <description>Bits and pieces missing in gentoo or layman repos I need</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>amaroun</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>gambas-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Gambas IDE overlay for Gentoo Linux</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>fyn-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">fyn 's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Roman Kuzmitsky</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Yining Feng</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -1781,7 +1576,7 @@ FIN
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov</name>
<source type="git"></source>
@@ -1791,35 +1586,16 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>geki</name>
- <description>The playground of gekis hacking on Gentoo Linux distribution.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>gbrlsnchs</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gabriel Sanches's personal ebuild repository</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Gabriel Sanches</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>genealogy</name>
- <description>Gentoo overlay for Gramps and other packages related to genealogy</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>tecknicaltom</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>genthree</name>
- <description lang="en">Gentoo overlay from the genthree project</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>nyronium</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="core" status="official">
@@ -1835,69 +1611,39 @@ FIN
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>gentoo-clang</name>
- <description lang="en">Gentoo overlay providing patches to build entire system with clang</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>gentoo-bootstrap</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay providing packages to bootstrap OpenJDK and Rust</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Alexander Bilyak</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Andrius Štikonas</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>gentoo-crypto</name>
- <description>Gentoo overlay for cryptocurrencies</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Marius Manea</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>gentoo-gpu</name>
- <description lang="en">Bleeding-edge GPU support for Gentoo - OpenCL, GLVND, Vulkan</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>gentoo-linux-surface-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for running Gentoo Linux on Microsoft Surface devices.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Steven Newbury</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>gentoo-mate</name>
- <description lang="en">Gentoo MATE Desktop Project Repo</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
- <name>MATE Desktop Project</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Ronald Farrer</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>gentoo-playground</name>
- <description lang="en">zeq's Playground for experimental ebuilds and eclasses</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>gentoo-unity7</name>
+ <description lang="en">A Gentoo overlay to build the Unity7 user interface</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Steven Newbury</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>c4pp4</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -1907,31 +1653,85 @@ FIN
<owner type="person">
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>gitlab</name>
- <description lang="en">Unofficial ebuilds for Gitlab</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>gentoobr</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay containing experimental packages developed
+ by the brazilian community, with focus on providing programs useful to
+ portuguese speaking users and introducing new people to contribute.</description>
+ <description lang="pt">Overlay contendo pacotes experimentais desenvolvidos
+ pela comunidade brasileira, com foco em oferecer programas úteis à falantes
+ da língua portuguesa e em introduzir novas pessoas a contribuir.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Daniel Morlock</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Leonardo Henrique Neumann</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>gentoofreak</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay containing newer upstream versions of different packages</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Martin Wohlert</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>glicOne</name>
- <description lang="en">glicOne Overlay with non existing in layman utils</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>gentooplusplus</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay especially for lightweight software</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Vadim Romaniuk</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Eugeniusz Gienek</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>gerislay</name>
+ <description lang="en">A personal overlay with no specific focus (mainly to
+ test ebuilds). Highly experimental. It is meant as a playground for me,
+ but others might be interested.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>gerion</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>gig</name>
+ <description>Gig OS's Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>gitlab</name>
+ <description lang="en">Unofficial ebuilds for Gitlab</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Horst Prote</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -1948,26 +1748,16 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>gnome-next</name>
- <description>experimental newer gnome ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Mikhail Pukhlikov</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>gnuradio</name>
- <description>A repository for GNURadio packages/addons</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>gnu-elpa</name>
+ <description lang="en">Mirror of GNU ELPA emacs package repository</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>houseofsuns</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -1983,40 +1773,28 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>godin</name>
- <description lang="en">Godin's Gentoo Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>goduck777</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay containing some not-so-popular apps</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Evgeny Mandrikov</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Chang Liu</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>go-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Golang related ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>gogooverlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">GoGo's Cool Overlay For Attractive People</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Mauro Toffanin</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>GoGo de Sica</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>goris</name>
- <description lang="en">Goris overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Norayr Mirakyan</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -2033,18 +1811,17 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>grub2-themes</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay dedicated to Grub2 themes (of any distribution)</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>griffon_overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay of GriffOn Yi</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Sebastian Pipping</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>GriffOn Yi</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -2055,10 +1832,21 @@ FIN
<name>Michael Uleysky</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
+ <name>guru</name>
+ <description lang="en">GURU: Ebuild repository entirely maintained by Gentoo users</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="project">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>GURU</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">misc ebuilds that aren't in the main tree</description>
@@ -2070,14 +1858,16 @@ FIN
<source type="git">git://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>hacking-gentoo</name>
- <description lang="en">Ebuilds of Hacking Network Solutions Ltd</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>hamari</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay of hamari</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Max Hacking</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Mario Haustein</name>
- <source type="rsync">rsync://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -2088,8 +1878,20 @@ FIN
<name>Alexander Pilipenko</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>han</name>
+ <description lang="en">Han's personal ebuild repository</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Han Mertens</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -2099,11 +1901,22 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>hep-forge</name>
+ <description lang="en">Inofficial HEPForge ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alexander Puck Neuwirth</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Richard Hering's gentoo overlay</description>
@@ -2112,95 +1925,90 @@ FIN
<name>Richard Hering</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>hexedit-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Ebuilds for infrastructure-related packages and my own projects</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>holgersson-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Nils "holgersson" Freydank's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Timofey Negrebetsky</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Nils Freydank</name>
- <source type="svn"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>hhvm</name>
- <description>hhvm gentoo overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>HomeAssistantRepository</name>
+ <description lang="en">Home Assistant on Gentoo Linux without virtualenv or docker.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Alex Guzman</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Andreas Billmeier</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>hibiscus</name>
- <description lang="en">Hibiscus homebanking overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Fabian Köster</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>holgersson-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Nils "holgersson" Freydank's personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>hossie</name>
+ <description lang="en">gentoo-overlay from hossie</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Nils Freydank</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Daniel Augustin</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>hossie</name>
- <description>gentoo-overlay from hossie</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>hotstoast</name>
+ <description lang="en">Tom Hotston's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Tom Hotston</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>ikelos</name>
- <description>Ikelos's hospice for broken and damaged ebuilds.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>icinga</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gentoo Overlay Repository for Icinga2 related stuff</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Mike Auty</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Anton Fischl</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>imaging</name>
- <description>Gentoo overlay for image processing and visualization</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>inode64-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Server overlay, virtualization, developer tools and misc apps</description>
+ <description lang="es">Overlay de servidores, virtualización, herramientas para desarrolladores y aplicaciones varias</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>F.Javier Félix</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>interactive-fiction</name>
- <description>Packages for players and authors of interactive
- fiction</description>
+ <name>iritmaximus</name>
+ <description lang="en">iritmaximus' overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Aaro Koivukangas</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -2211,44 +2019,20 @@ FIN
<name>David Heidelberger</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>jacendi-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Various ebuilds (mostly idTech-related)</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Vladimir Gavrilov</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>jamesbroadhead</name>
- <description lang="en">James Broadhead's personal overlay and pre-sunrise testing ground</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>jabuxas</name>
+ <description lang="en">jabuxas personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>James Broadhead</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Lucas Barbieri</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>jamestr</name>
- <description lang="en">My random Gentoo packages</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>James Taylor</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -2265,14 +2049,16 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>jboro-overlay</name>
- <description>personal experimental ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>jjakob</name>
+ <description lang="en">Jernej Jakob's unofficial ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>justin borodinsky</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Jernej Jakob</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -2284,142 +2070,54 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>jmbsvicetto</name>
- <description>Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>jmesmon</name>
- <description lang="en">miscellanious fixes, modifications, and newer versions of ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>jl1990</name>
+ <description lang="en">jl1990's Custom Gentoo Overlay.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Cody Schafer</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>jl1990</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Personal overlay with more or less random ebuilds</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>johnmh</name>
- <description>Personal overlay of johnmh</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>John Harris</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>johu</name>
- <description>Johannes Huber developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Johannes Huber</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>joinge</name>
- <description>joinge's user overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Jo Inge Buskenes</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>jokleinn</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal Gentoo overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Johann Weiß</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>jollheef-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Collection of various ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Mikhail Klementyev</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>jorgicio</name>
- <description lang="en">Gentoo repository made by Jorgicio.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Jorge Pizarro Callejas</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>jps-gentoo</name>
- <description lang="en">Random set of ebuilds, focus on Finnish software.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>jmbsvicetto</name>
+ <description>Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto developer overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>juippis</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ <!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>jranvier</name>
- <description lang="en">Experimental cryptoanarchism-related ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>joecool-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">joecool's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Justus Ranvier</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Joe Kappus</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -2430,7 +2128,6 @@ FIN
<name>John R. Graham</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
@@ -2443,7 +2140,6 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
@@ -2456,6 +2152,7 @@ FIN
<name>Daniel M. Weeks</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -2466,6 +2163,31 @@ FIN
<name>Oleg Kravchenko</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>KBrown-pub</name>
+ <description lang="en">KBrown's public overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Sandino Araico Sanchez</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>kcning</name>
+ <description lang="en">kcning's personal gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Kai-Chun Ning</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -2475,51 +2197,15 @@ FIN
<name>KDE Team</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>keepbot-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">keepbot's personal ebuild repository</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Dmitry Ivanov</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>keruspe</name>
- <description lang="en">Keruspe's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Marc-Antoine Perennou</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>k_f</name>
- <description>K_F's personal overlay</description>
- <homepage>;a=summary</homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Kristian Fiskerstrand</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed>;a=atom</feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>Khumba's overlay, mainly Haskell packages</description>
@@ -2532,20 +2218,6 @@ FIN
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>klondike</name>
- <description lang="en">Ebuilds made and modified by klondike, mainly sound and virtualization</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Francisco Blas Izquierdo Riera</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>konsolebox's overlay</description>
@@ -2554,145 +2226,164 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>kork</name>
- <description lang="en">Cool, new, useful, and unmaintained packages</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>kostas-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal ebuild repository</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Henry Gebhardt</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Kostas Ereksonas</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>Krontage</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Kron</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>kripton-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gentoo portage overlay with packages needed or developed by kripton</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Kron</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Jannis Achstetter</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>kryptus</name>
- <description>A pocket repository for few unavailable packages</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>kzd</name>
+ <description lang="en">kzd's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Miloš O. Đurđević</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Kyle Dixon</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>lacimarsik-overlay</name>
- <description>Various patches and improvements on Gentoo Linux ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>lab-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Lab Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Ladislav Marsik</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Stanislav Romanov</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <description lang="en">Additionnal goals; experiments, necromancy, portability, diversity, …</description>
- <description lang="fr">Buts additionnels; Expérimentations, nécromancie, portabilitée, diversitée, …</description>
+ <description lang="en">Personal repository of lanodan, mostly experiments and personal changes</description>
<owner type="person">
<name>Haelwenn (lanodan) Monnier</name>
- <!-- https:// certificate not accepted by ca-certificates
- <source type="git"></source> -->
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>last-hope</name>
- <description>A gentoo portage overlay with a set of too exotic, or unusal ebuilds for the sunrise overlay or the main tree.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>ledgersmb</name>
+ <description lang="en">LedgerSMB and dependencies not yet in Gentoo</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Johann Schmitz</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Chris Travers</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>laurentb</name>
- <description>Various packages</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>leechcraft</name>
+ <description>Overlay with LeechCraft ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Laurent Bachelier</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Georg Rudoy</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>lemon-lime</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal ebuild repository containing ebuilds that I could not find anywhere else.</description>
+ <description lang="es">Repositorio personal con ebuilds que no logre encontrar en ningun otro lugar.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Tomas Fabrizio Orsi</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>leio</name>
- <description>Mart Raudsepp developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>libressl</name>
+ <description lang="en">LibreSSL ebuilds testing repository</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="project">
+ <email></email>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>librewolf</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for LibreWolf</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Mart Raudsepp</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>James McClain</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>levenkov</name>
- <description>levenkov personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>liftm</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal Overlay</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Artem Levenkov</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Julius Michaelis</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>librepilot</name>
- <description lang="en">Librepilot flight control software overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>lilium</name>
+ <description lang="en">owl4ce's personal portage overlay for ebuild repairs or feature-upgrades</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Paul Jewell</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Harry Kurn</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>libressl</name>
- <description lang="en">LibreSSL ebuilds testing repository</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>linux-be</name>
+ <description lang="en">Port of Boot Environments for GNU/Linux</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Witaut Bajaryn</name>
+ </owner>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Aleksander Mistewicz</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -2702,34 +2393,8 @@ FIN
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>linxon</name>
- <description>linxon personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>linxon</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>lisp</name>
- <description>Common Lisp/Scheme development, recruitment and live overlay.
- Support and feedback in `#gentoo-lisp' and via
- `'.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -2742,30 +2407,43 @@ FIN
<source type="git">git://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>lordvan</name>
- <description lang="en">LordVan's Developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>lmkra</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay of lmkra</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Thomas Raschbacher</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Łukasz Krawiec</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>lorelei</name>
- <description lang="en">Pre-release ebuilds for lorelei's projects</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>loatchi</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Loatchi</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Ronan Bignaux</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Francois Turcan</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>loongson</name>
+ <description lang="en">
+ Overlay for Loongson systems.
+ Both MIPS and LoongArch (ARCH=loong) are supported, but recent
+ development is focused on LoongArch bring-up.
+ </description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>WANG Xuerui</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -2776,22 +2454,8 @@ FIN
<name>Shane Peelar</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>lua</name>
- <description lang="en">Lua development overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Rafael G. Martins</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -2800,45 +2464,7 @@ FIN
<owner type="person">
- <source type="svn">svn://</source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>luman</name>
- <description lang="en">ccube's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Lukas Elsner</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>luxifer</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal Overlay, contains stoken ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Dominik Keil</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>lxde-gtk3</name>
- <description lang="en">lxde-gtk3 overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Konstantin</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -2855,18 +2481,6 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>maggu2810-overlay</name>
- <description>maggu2810's Gentoo portage overlay.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Markus Rathgeb</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Updated ebuilds for mate-desktop environment</description>
@@ -2875,20 +2489,18 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>matrix</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay containing clients, servers and services for the Matrix protocol</description>
- <description lang="nl">Overlay met clients, servers en services voor het Matrix protocol</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>mate-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Testbed for new mate-desktop environment ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>PureTryOut</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Ian Jordan</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -2899,129 +2511,138 @@ FIN
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>mgorny</name>
- <description>Michał Górny developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>melpa</name>
+ <description lang="en">Mirror of MELPA emacs package repository</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Michał Górny</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>houseofsuns</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>miramir</name>
- <description lang="en">Miramir repository</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>melpa-stable</name>
+ <description lang="en">Mirror of MELPA Stable emacs package repository</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>houseofsuns</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>mistafunk</name>
- <description lang="en">Packages mostly related to graphics and multimedia</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>menelkir</name>
+ <description lang="en">Various ebuilds from different sources</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Simon Haegler</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Daniel Menelkir</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>mkeyoverlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay of Markus Knetschke</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>metahax</name>
+ <description lang="en">Some ebuilds that didn't seem to exist yet.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Markus Knetschke</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Miles V.</name>
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
- <source type="mercurial">ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>mklich</name>
- <description lang="en">For learning purposes.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>Miezhiko</name>
+ <description>Miezhiko personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Michał Klich</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Miezhiko</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>moaxcp</name>
- <description lang="en">gentoo overlay for packages</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>milos-rs</name>
+ <description>A pocket repository for few unavailable packages</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>John Mercier</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Miloš E. Đurđević</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>moltonel</name>
- <description lang="en">Vincent de Phily's private overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>miramir</name>
+ <description lang="en">Miramir repository</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Vincent de Phily</name>
+ <email></email>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>mooyooma</name>
- <description lang="en">mooyooma's personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>mnt-reform</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay containing ebuilds for the MNT Reform line of open hardware computers</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>mooyooma</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Niklaus 'vimja' Hofer</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>mozilla</name>
- <description>New mozilla development that is not yet in tree</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
+ <repo quality="testing" status="unofficial">
+ <name>moexiami</name>
+ <description lang="en">Contains updated ebuilds (w/ more feature/control)
+ for packages in the Gentoo tree, latest version ebuilds and newpackages
+ not yet in the tree. Targeting high-quality for production use.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Xiami</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>mrueg</name>
- <description lang="en">User overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>moltonel</name>
+ <description lang="en">Vincent de Phily's private overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Vincent de Phily</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>mrtnvgr</name>
+ <description lang="en">mrtnvgr's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Manuel Rüger (mrueg)</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Egor Martynov</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -3069,8 +2690,8 @@ FIN
<name>Bjorn Pagen</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -3092,15 +2713,39 @@ FIN
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">mva's sandbox overlay</description>
- <homepage> </homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>myov</name>
+ <description lang="en">My Overlay - custom Gentoo overlay from XGQT</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Maciej Barć</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>myrvolay</name>
+ <description lang="en">myrvogna's personal Gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Octiabrina Terrien-Puig</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
<description lang="en">Gentoo MySQL overlay</description>
@@ -3116,28 +2761,28 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>nashedelo</name>
- <description lang="en">Experimental ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>natinst</name>
+ <description lang="en">VISA and National Instruments drivers</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Evgeniy Gurevich</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Andrew Ammerlaan</name>
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>nektoo</name>
- <description lang="en">neko259's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>nelson-graca</name>
+ <description lang="en">Nelson Graça personal Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>neko259</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Nelson Graça</name>
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
- <source type="mercurial">ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -3152,30 +2797,15 @@ FIN
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>nextoo</name>
- <description lang="en">Nextoo ("Next Gentoo") overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>nez</name>
+ <description lang="en">nezbednik's overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Aaron Ten Clay</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>nezbednik</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>nginx-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Nginx overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Johan Bergström</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -3192,110 +2822,110 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>nightmare</name>
- <description lang="en">nightmare is a gentoo overlay with some stuff</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>nightfreedom-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Edmund Leong's personal gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>r3lgar</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Edmund Leong Yook Lum</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>nirvana</name>
- <description lang="en">Ebuilds not good enough to make it to Sabayon's for-gentoo.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>nitratesky</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Vladimir Timofeenko</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Danilo Pianini</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Vladimir Timofeenko</name>
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
- <source type="mercurial">ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>nixphoeni</name>
- <description lang="en">Joe Sapp's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>nongnu-elpa</name>
+ <description lang="en">Mirror of NonGNU ELPA emacs package repository</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Joe Sapp</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>houseofsuns</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>np-hardass-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">NP-Hardass's Personal Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>nordvpn</name>
+ <description lang="en">NordVPN client overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>NP-Hardass</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Dawid Chemloul</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>nx</name>
- <description>Overlay for the NX/FreeNX packages for Gentoo.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>nryotaro</name>
+ <description lang="en">nryotaro overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Ryotaro Nakamura</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>oboeverlay</name>
- <description lang="en">ChrisOboe's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>nymphos</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for ebuilds used in NymphOS</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Chris Oboe</name>
+ <email></email>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>observer</name>
- <description>Contains ebuilds I need, but not in Gentoo portage tree yet.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>oddlama</name>
+ <description lang="en">oddlama's gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Chen Meng</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>oddlama</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>octave</name>
- <description lang="en">octave-forge packages</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>odroidc4</name>
+ <description lang="en">Ebuilds for Gentoo on ODROID-C4</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name> Rafael G. Martins</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Sven Schwyn</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>octopus</name>
- <description lang="en">Own and claimed ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>okh</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay with no special focus.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Bfgeshka</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Olexiy Khokhlov</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -3306,60 +2936,92 @@ FIN
<name>Oliver Freyermuth</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>openwrt</name>
- <description>Overlay for network configuration packages found in OpenWRT</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>openclonk</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for the game OpenClonk</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Pavel Šimerda</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Julius Michaelis</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="stable" status="official">
+ <name>opentransactions</name>
+ <description lang="en">Open-Transactions Gentoo Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="project">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Open-Transactions</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>oubliette</name>
+ <description lang="en">personal overlay of forgotten ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>nic</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>overseerr-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">third party overlay to install overseerr</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Chris Pritchard</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>oxen-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay for OXEN projects</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Xutax Kamay</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Unofficial Gentoo overlay for the Pale Moon ( web browser.</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>deu</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>deu</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>palmer</name>
- <description lang="en">User overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>parona-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay for ebuilds I don't see in other overlay or want to modify</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Palmer Dabbelt</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alfred Wingate</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>pchrist</name>
- <description>Panagiotis Christopoulos developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Panagiotis Christopoulos</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -3370,10 +3032,21 @@ FIN
<name>Pavol Dilung</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>peec</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal Gentoo overlay of Petre Rodan</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Petre Rodan</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
<description>The overlay contains new or updated security tools.</description>
@@ -3382,36 +3055,8 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>perl-experimental</name>
- <description>Experimental ebuilds for Perl packages in Gentoo. Comments and
- bugreports are welcome!</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
- <name>Perl Team</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>perl-experimental-snapshots</name>
- <description>Unofficial mirror of overlay "perl-experimental" with metadata cache</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Kent Fredric</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Personal overlay of Jean-Christophe Petkovich</description>
@@ -3421,20 +3066,78 @@ FIN
<name>Jean-Christophe Petkovich</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>pf4public</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>PF4Public</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">User overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
<name>Perfect Gentleman</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>phackerlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for phackers</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alexander B. Ustinov</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>phoenix591</name>
+ <description lang="en">My personal overlay with a few random packages</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Kyle Elbert</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>pholthaus-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">pholthaus' personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Patrick Holthaus</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>php-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Unofficial PHP Overlay for Gentoo Linux</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>php-overlay</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -3445,6 +3148,7 @@ FIN
<name>Anton Sviridenko</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -3469,7 +3173,6 @@ FIN
<name>Pierre-Nicolas Clauss</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
@@ -3482,20 +3185,10 @@ FIN
<name>Sergey Popov</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>pinkpieea</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay with games and other packages</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>soredake</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Pixlra collaborative overlay</description>
@@ -3507,42 +3200,33 @@ FIN
<source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>poly-c</name>
- <description lang="en">Polynomial-C's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Lars Wendler</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="rsync">rsync://</source>
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>portage-backup</name>
- <description lang="en">Backup-related ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>pkalin</name>
+ <description lang="en">My Gentoo overlay, somewhat regularly maintained</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Lenno Nagel</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Kalin KOZHUHAROV</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>posativ</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay of Martin Zimmermann</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>plex-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay of comio containing Plex related ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Martin Zimmermann</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Luigi Mantellini</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -3553,113 +3237,79 @@ FIN
<name>Alex Efros</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>printer-drivers</name>
- <description lang="en">User-submitted ebuilds for printer drivers</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
- <name>Gentoo printing team</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>procyon</name>
- <description>Procyon Overlay</description>
+ <name>ppfeufer-gentoo-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">ppfeufer's personal overlay.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>donat-b</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Peter Pfeufer</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>programmador</name>
- <description lang="en">Programmador overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>proaudio-gentoo</name>
+ <description lang="en">New generation ProAudio overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Alexander Konotop</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Dominique Michel</name>
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
- <source type="mercurial">ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="testing" status="unofficial">
- <name>progress</name>
- <description>Progress Overlay: Python packages (including Pyramid, Zope) and other packages</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="svn"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>prometheanfire</name>
- <description lang="en">Developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Matthew Thode</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <description lang="en">User overlay</description>
+ <description lang="en">Up to date ck-sources</description>
<owner type="person">
<name>Simon Prosser</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>psix-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">zabuldon's personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>pyfa</name>
+ <description lang="en">Newest versions of Pyfa (Python fitting assistant for EVE Online)</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Sergey Isachenko</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Andreas Zuber</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>python</name>
- <description lang="en">Python project repository</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
- <name>Gentoo Python project</name>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>pypi</name>
+ <description lang="en">Mirror of PyPI python package repository</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>houseofsuns</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>pzskc383</name>
- <description lang="en">maniac's personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>pypi-sci</name>
+ <description lang="en">Scientific packages from PyPI by the gentoo-pypi-generator</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Alexander Dyadechko</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Benda Xu</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -3675,10 +3325,34 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>qownnotes-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">QOwnNotes overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Patrizio Bekerle</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>qsx</name>
+ <description lang="en">qsx’ ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Thomas Schneider</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
<description>Official testing overlay for Qt and related packages, provided
- by Gentoo's Qt team. Contains ebuilds for Qt4 and Qt5 prereleases and live ebuilds,
+ by Gentoo's Qt team. Contains ebuilds for Qt5 and Qt6 prereleases and live ebuilds,
plus various (non-KDE) applications and utilities that use Qt.</description>
<owner type="project">
@@ -3693,61 +3367,59 @@ FIN
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <description>Quarks's overlay; needful things around Gentoo Hardened, Security and Penetration Testing</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <description>Quarks's overlay; needful things around Security, Penetration Testing and gaming</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
<name>Stefan Reimer</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>qutebrowser</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay providing qutebrowser ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>qv2ray-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for Qv2ray.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Martin Zimmermann</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>blackteahamburger</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>qwin-overlay</name>
- <description>Gentoo overlay with some patched packages.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>r7l</name>
+ <description lang="en">r7l Gentoo overlay with custom Ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>r7l</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>rafaelmartins</name>
- <description lang="en">Rafael Martins' Gentoo overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>R_Overlay</name>
+ <description>Gentoo overlay of R packages</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Rafael G. Martins</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Benda Xu</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="rsync">rsync://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>rage</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>racket-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Racket packages overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Lucas Ramage</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Maciej Barć</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -3757,19 +3429,19 @@ FIN
<name>Cecil Curry</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>rasdark personal overlay</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Andrey Senik</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Andrey Senik</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -3780,57 +3452,9 @@ FIN
<name>Denis Kaganovich (aka Dzianis Kahanovich)</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>rdnetto-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Reuben D'Netto</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>reagentoo</name>
- <description lang="en">reagentoo's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>rebutia</name>
- <description lang="en">Rebutia overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Pavel Sanda</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>regina-gentoo</name>
- <description lang="en">Regina packages for Gentoo</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>William Pettersson</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
<description lang="en">Rich0's developer overlay</description>
@@ -3839,31 +3463,21 @@ FIN
<name>Richard Freeman</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>rinaldus-overlay</name>
- <description>Rinaldus overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Rinaldus</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>ring-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Ring is free software for universal communication which respects freedoms and privacy of its users.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>rimio</name>
+ <description lang="en">rimio's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Stefan Langenmaier</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Vasile Vilvoiu</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -3872,8 +3486,10 @@ FIN
<owner type="person">
+ <name>Sergey Ilinykh</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -3886,21 +3502,57 @@ FIN
<name>Pavel Kulyov</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
+ <name>riscv</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gentoo RISC-V Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="project">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Gentoo RISC-V Development</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
+ <name>rnp</name>
+ <description lang="en">High performance C++ OpenPGP library, fully compliant to RFC 4880</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Anton Sviridenko</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">personal overlay of robert7k</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>robertgzr</name>
+ <description lang="en">robertgzr's personal overlay.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Robert Günzler</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Unofficial ebuilds for gentoo based distributions.</description>
@@ -3909,63 +3561,29 @@ FIN
<name>Alexandrow Rosen</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>roslin</name>
- <description>This is roslin, my small overlay. Enjoy! (:</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Piotr Szymaniak</name>
- </owner>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Michał Ziąbkowski</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>Ebuilds for the Robot Operating System (ROS).</description>
<owner type="person">
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>R_Overlay</name>
- <description>Gentoo overlay of R packages</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Benda Xu</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="rsync">rsync://</source>
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>rpm</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay for RPM packagers targeting Fedora, EPEL, CentOS and similar distros</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Pavel Šimerda</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>rs-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Gentoo overlay for conveniance</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>roslin</name>
+ <description>This is roslin, my small overlay. Enjoy! (:</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Tristan Mahé</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Michał Ziąbkowski</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -3982,6 +3600,16 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>ruixi-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Ruixi-rebirth's personal Gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Ruixi-rebirth</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">some packages not found in other overlays, for issues create ticket in github</description>
@@ -3990,74 +3618,20 @@ FIN
<name>Aivars Sterns</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>rust</name>
- <description lang="en">rust modules and tools</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Mikhail Pukhlikov</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>rwald</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Randall Wald</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Randall Wald</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>sabayon</name>
- <description>Sabayon ebuilds that could be upstreamed to
- Gentoo (or just being useful for Gentoo users as well):
- hot fixes, ebuild updates, etc.
- For Sabayon-only ebuilds, please use the sabayon-distro overlay.
- Bugs to</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- </owner>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>sabayon-distro</name>
- <description>Sabayon related ebuilds such as artwork, kernel binaries,
- split packages, etc.
- Bugs to</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>ryans</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal ebuild repository.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Ryan Qian</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>sabayon-tools</name>
- <description lang="en">Brenton's Sabayon Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Brenton Horne</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -4067,45 +3641,43 @@ FIN
<name>Francois Bissey</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>salfter</name>
- <description lang="en">Scott Alfter's ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Scott Alfter</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <name>salfter</name>
+ <description lang="en">Scott Alfter's ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Scott Alfter</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>sardemff7</name>
- <description lang="en">Sardem FF7's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>sam_c</name>
+ <description lang="en">sam_c's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Sardem FF7</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Sam James</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>sarnex-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Sarnex's personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>SarahMiaOverlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Everything for Budgie-Desktop and a little bit SarahMia's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Nick Sarnie</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Sarah Mia Leibbrand</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -4121,6 +3693,17 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>schplaf</name>
+ <description lang="en">slash's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>slash</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
<description>The Gentoo Science Overlay is intended as a place to work
@@ -4139,7 +3722,6 @@ FIN
<source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
@@ -4153,35 +3735,11 @@ FIN
<name>Sergey Zhuga</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>seadep</name>
- <description lang="en">just a few ebuilds, I couldn't find elsewhere</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Rasmus Thomsen</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>sebasmagri</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay of Sebastián Ramírez Magrí</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Sebastián Ramírez Magrí</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Experimental ebuilds that are still unmaintained</description>
@@ -4196,28 +3754,49 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>seeds</name>
- <description lang="en">Overlay for Gentoo from vonavi</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>sergiotarxz</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Sergio Iglesias</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>serioussam</name>
+ <description lang="en">Serious Sam Classic v1.10 with mods</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>tx00100xt</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>setkeh</name>
+ <description lang="en">setkeh maintained ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Vladimir Ivanov</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>James (setkeh) Griffis</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed>ttps://</feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>sevcsik</name>
- <description lang="en">Mainly cryptocurrency/blockchain related ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>sevz</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal Custom Gentoo Overlay.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Andras Sevcsik</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Leonardo Hernández Hernández</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -4228,9 +3807,22 @@ FIN
<name>Jonas Jelten</name>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>sgs</name>
+ <description lang="en">Simeon Simeonov's personal Gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Simeon Simeonov</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">packages for mono environment and other</description>
<description lang="ru">пакеты для моно и разное прочее</description>
@@ -4240,51 +3832,10 @@ FIN
<name>Arsen Shnurkov</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>ShyPixie</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Lara Maia</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Lara Maia</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>sihnon</name>
- <description lang="en">optiz0r's sihnon overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>optiz0r</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>silmano</name>
- <description lang="en">Peter's personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Pedro Arizmendi</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Personal Gentoo overlay focused on music production and engineering applications</description>
@@ -4293,7 +3844,6 @@ FIN
<name>Simon van der Veldt</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
@@ -4306,7 +3856,6 @@ FIN
<name>Zoltan Puskas</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
@@ -4319,30 +3868,43 @@ FIN
<name>Patrick Spek</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>slyfox</name>
- <description lang="en">slyfox's ebuild den</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>slonko</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal portage overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Marcin Deranek</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>smaeul</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay, mainly packages patched for musl compatibility</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Sergei Trofimovich</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Samuel Holland</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>soft</name>
- <description>Soft's personal overlay for miscellaneous ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>snapd</name>
+ <description lang="en">ebuilds for canaonicals snapd</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Samuel Laurén</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Jesse Harris</name>
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -4359,27 +3921,39 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>sorinp</name>
- <description lang="en">A collection of ebuilds that are missing or outdated or incomplete on the Gentoo portage official repository..</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>soltys</name>
+ <description lang="en">tools usefull on CTFs and things that aren't in the portage tristelune</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Krzysztof Korościk</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>sorrow</name>
+ <description lang="en">Ebuilds for some wayland-related software and some other stuff</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Sorin Panca</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>sorrow</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>sortsmill</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Barry Schwartz for font projects</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>spark-overlay</name>
+ <description>Java Big Data Infrastructure</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Barry Schwartz</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Yuan Liao</name>
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
- <source type="mercurial">ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -4390,6 +3964,7 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -4400,37 +3975,32 @@ FIN
<name>Sebastian Pipping</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>squeezebox</name>
- <description lang="en">Packages for the Squeezebox network audio player from Logitech</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>spring</name>
+ <description lang="en">Spring RTS Gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Stuart Hickinbottom</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>abma</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>srcshelton</name>
- <description lang="en">Out-of-tree ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>src_prepare-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">src_prepare group's Gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Stuart Shelton</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Maciej Barć</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -4455,22 +4025,9 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
<source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>status-check</name>
- <description lang="en">A simple status check and configuration package built for Gentoo</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Nicholas Wong</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Gentoo overlay for Valve's Steam client and Steam-based games</description>
@@ -4479,24 +4036,9 @@ FIN
<name>Mario Kicherer</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
- <repo quality="testing" status="official">
- <name>steev</name>
- <description>Steev Klimaszewski's Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Stephen Klimaszewski</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Gentoo overlay with ebuilds by Stefan Talpalaru that are not in the tree</description>
@@ -4506,29 +4048,38 @@ FIN
<name>Stefan Talpalaru</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>steveeJ</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Stefan Junker</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>stephdewit</name>
+ <description lang="en">Stéphane de Wit's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Stefan Junker</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Stéphane de Wit</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>stintel</name>
+ <description>stintel's gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Stijn Tintel</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <description>Few things that have either broken elsewhere or fallen unmaintained, such as winexe, a source-based version of logitech media server, a patched version of dansguardian</description>
+ <description>A handful of things that are otherwise unmaintained or not-as-frequently maintained</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Michael Stowe</name>
<source type="git"></source>
@@ -4542,9 +4093,8 @@ FIN
<name>Matěj Laitl</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -4555,27 +4105,50 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>sublime-text</name>
- <description lang="en">Collection of ebuilds to install Sublime Text 2 or Sublime Text 3</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>suckless_wl_zh</name>
+ <description lang="en">contains dwl integrated with Chinese input method. rfm file manager, which works well with dwl and dwm</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Oscar Campos</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>guyuming</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>sunset-repo</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay. Small programs and utils, X11
+ themes, and version bumps of ebuilds from main repo.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>suntar</name>
+ <description lang="en">Suntar's overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Elena Sergeicheva</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Phil's overlay</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Philip Miess</name>
<source type="git"></source>
@@ -4584,6 +4157,18 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>supertux88</name>
+ <description lang="en">SuperTux88's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Benjamin Neff</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
<description>This overlay contains some experimental stuff, but mostly
@@ -4597,53 +4182,26 @@ FIN
<source type="rsync">rsync://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>systemd</name>
- <description lang="en">User collaboration on ebuilds for the systemd init system</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>SwordArMor</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personnal overlay of alarig/SwordArMor</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Henry Gebhardt</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alarig Le Lay</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>systemd-love</name>
- <description lang="en">Put more love between systemd, users and openrc</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>Systole</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for the Systole OS</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Fabio Erculiani</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Rafael Palomar</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>tabinol</name>
- <description lang="en">Tabinol personal overlay with no special focus</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Michel Blanchet</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>TAJJADA</name>
- <description>Ebuilds for random stuff, including own/personal software, by Jasen Borisov.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Jasen Borisov</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -4660,15 +4218,6 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>tante</name>
- <description>Overlay of tante</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Tarantool Gentoo Overlay</description>
@@ -4677,64 +4226,100 @@ FIN
<name>Alexander Turenko</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>tengine-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Tengine overlay for Gentoo Linux</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>tastytea</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay of tastytea</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>tastytea</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>tatsh-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay from Tatsh - emulators/fonts/game/misc</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Andrew Udvare</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>telans</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay from telans - gaming/misc</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Roman Kuzmitsky</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>telans</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
+ <name>tex-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Experimental ebuilds for TeX Live</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="project">
+ <email></email>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>tf201</name>
- <description lang="en">TF201 (Asus Transformer Prime) overlay for Gentoo</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>tezeta</name>
+ <description lang="en">tezeta's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Yan A.</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>tezeta</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>thabairne</name>
- <description lang="en">ntnn's Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>tgbugs-overlay</name>
+ <description>tgbugs portage overlay for custom ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Nelo-Thara Wallus</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Tom Gillespie</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>timboudreau</name>
- <description lang="en">Tim Boudreau's Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>thegreatmcpain</name>
+ <description lang="en">TheGreatMcPain's personal ebuild overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Tim Boudreau</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>James McClain</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>timroes</name>
- <description lang="en">timroes' personal overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>third-party-certbot-plugins</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for unofficial, third party plugins of the ACME client Certbot</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Tim Roes</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Osiris Inferi</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -4744,36 +4329,21 @@ FIN
<name>Tiago Macedo</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>tocaro</name>
- <description lang="en">tocaro personnal o.g.o</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>toniz4-overlay</name>
+ <description>Useful packages for your person use</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Thomas Carrié</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Cássio Ribeiro Alves de Ávila</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>TomWij</name>
- <description lang="en">New, staging and experimental ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Tom Wijsman</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -4798,56 +4368,32 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>tranquility</name>
- <description lang="en">Developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Ole Reifschneider</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>triquetra</name>
- <description lang="en">User overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>David Crandall</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>tristelune</name>
- <description>Cédric's user overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>touchfish-os</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Haonan Chen</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Cédric</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Haonan Chen</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>trollerlay</name>
- <description>Overlay for packages that I use, which doesn't exist in main tree or layman's overlays</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>trolltoo</name>
+ <description lang="en">An ebuild overlay for Gentoo.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Vladimir "fat0troll" Kozlov</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Dallen Wilson</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -4856,31 +4402,48 @@ FIN
<owner type="person">
- <source type="mercurial"></source>
+ <source type="mercurial"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>twister</name>
- <description lang="en">Unoffical gentoo overlay for twister</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>turret-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">turret.'s portage overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Johannes Schwab</name>
+ <email></email>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git">git://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>twitch153</name>
- <description lang="en">Experimental ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>ubuilds</name>
+ <description lang="en">Ebuilds to live long and prosper</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Devan Franchini</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Michael Pirogov</name>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
+ <name>ukui</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gentoo Overlay for UKUI Desktop Environment</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Yachen Wang</name>
+ </owner>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Burgess Chang</name>
+ </owner>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Handsome Feng</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -4896,31 +4459,33 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>ultrabug</name>
- <description lang="en">Developer Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>unc3nsored</name>
+ <description lang="en">Overlay for software I didn't find in the main tree</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Alexys Jacob</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Oskari Pirhonen</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>undesktop</name>
- <description>Overlay containing Undesktop projects</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>underworld</name>
+ <description lang="en">DakEnviy's Gentoo Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Mikhail Golbakh</name>
+ </owner>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Chizuru Tachibana</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Eridan Domoratskiy</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -4930,33 +4495,32 @@ FIN
<name>Rick Harris</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>vaca</name>
- <description>Just another personal Gentoo overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>usenet-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal Overlay for Lidarr, Radarr and Sonarr </description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>hashashin</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Michael Crawford</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>vampire</name>
- <description lang="en">A personal repository. So much bleeding edge, you would bet a vampire was involved.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>vaacus</name>
+ <description lang="en">A personal overlay for the void.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>TheCrueltySage</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Quentin Lombardo</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -4966,6 +4530,7 @@ FIN
<source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -4976,22 +4541,32 @@ FIN
<name>Vasiliy Yeremeyev</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>vespa</name>
+ <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Thiago G. Vespa</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Thiago Galbiatti Vespa</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>vdr-devel</name>
- <description>Overlay for VDR, that contains ebuilds for development version
- of VDR, and specific plugins for that version.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
+ <name>vGist</name>
+ <description>vGist overlay, for personal use.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>havee</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -5002,11 +4577,34 @@ FIN
<name>Adrian "vifino" Pistol</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>violet-funk</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gentoo overlay for FNF-related ebuilds as well as some useful software.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Sebastian France</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>vklimovs</name>
+ <description lang="en">vklimovs' personal portage overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Vjaceslavs Klimovs</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">VMACS Personal Gentoo Overlay</description>
@@ -5020,20 +4618,6 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>vmware</name>
- <description>VMware desktop ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
- <name>Gentoo VMware team</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Personal overlay</description>
@@ -5043,14 +4627,24 @@ FIN
<name>Yuri 'nE0sIghT' Konotopov</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>vowstar</name>
+ <description lang="en">Ebuilds from vowstar's git</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
<description>Voyageur's random ebuilds stuff</description>
- <homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
@@ -5058,11 +4652,21 @@ FIN
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>vulkano-edge</name>
+ <description lang="en">A repository just for Vulkan stuff for Gentoo</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">waebbl's overlay</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Bernd Waibel</name>
<source type="git"></source>
@@ -5070,6 +4674,29 @@ FIN
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>waffle-builds</name>
+ <description lang="en">FlyingWaffle's personal ebuild overlay.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>FlyingWaffle</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>wayland-desktop</name>
+ <description lang="en">gentoo overlay for wayland related ebuilds</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Aisha Tammy</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">wbrana's overlay</description>
@@ -5084,33 +4711,6 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>wdzierzan</name>
- <description lang="en">Stuff I'd rather `emerge' than `stow'</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Wojciech Dzierżanowski</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>webos</name>
- <description>Ported Open WebOS components and libraries</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Maksym Sditanov</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>Weuxels Personal Overlay</description>
@@ -5119,21 +4719,10 @@ FIN
<name>Norman Rieß</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>whiledev</name>
- <description>Collection of ebuilds with experimental features</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Felix Sanz</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Personal overlay of Baptiste Wicht</description>
@@ -5142,42 +4731,30 @@ FIN
<name>Baptiste Wicht</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
- <repo quality="testing" status="official">
- <name>wine</name>
- <description lang="en">All supported Wine ebuilds from the Gentoo Wine Project</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
- <name>Gentoo Wine Project</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>wizard</name>
- <description lang="en">A Gentoo Overlay maintained by m31271n.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>without-systemd</name>
+ <description lang="en">Without Systemd overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>m31271n</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Sandino Araico Sanchez</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>wjn-overlay</name>
- <description>wjn's overlay for Gentoo Linux</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>x0rzavi</name>
+ <description lang="en">x0rzavi's personal overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>wjn</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Avishek Sen</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="official">
@@ -5192,19 +4769,50 @@ FIN
<!-- <feed></feed> -->
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>xarthisius</name>
- <description lang="en">Developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>XaetaCore</name>
+ <description lang="en">Collection of various missing or modified packages</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>XaetaCore</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>xarblu-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Xarblu's personal ebuild overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Jonas Rakebrandt</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>xbt573</name>
+ <description lang="en">xbt573's Personal Gentoo Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alexey Lunev</name>
+ </owner>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
+ </repo>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>xdch47</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gentoo portage overlay of xdch47</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Kacper Kowalik</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Felix Neumärker</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -5215,43 +4823,37 @@ FIN
<source type="git">git://</source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>xfce-dev</name>
- <description>Experimental ebuilds for the Xfce4 Desktop
- Environment</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="project">
- <email></email>
- <name>XFCE team</name>
+ <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
+ <name>xira</name>
+ <description lang="en">An LLVM-centric personal overlay, with clang fixes to existing builds, and newly found software, patched or not.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
+ <owner type="person">
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Kirin "Xira" Etheridge</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>xtreemfs</name>
- <description lang="en">XtreemFS, a cloud filesystem</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>xoreos</name>
+ <description lang="en">Gentoo overlay for the xoreos project, providing a WIP reimplementation of the BioWare Aurora engine and related modding tools.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Patrick Hieber</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Sven "DrMcCoy" Hesse</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <description>This overlay contains some experimental stuff, such as
- turboprint printers driver (bug #61311), intel-536ep driver for lastest 2.6
- kernels (bug #127464), lastest grisbi version (proxy maintainer) before
- it's portage integration and so on.</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <description>Guillaume Castagnino’s personal overlay.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
+ <name>Guillaume Castagnino</name>
<source type="rsync">rsync://</source>
@@ -5261,116 +4863,83 @@ FIN
<description lang="ru">Оверлей с софтом, выпущенным Яндексом</description>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
+ <email></email>
<name>Vadim A. Misbakh-Soloviov</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>yarik-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Some new packages plus uncommitted patches and ebuilds for the main tree</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Yaroslav Gorbunov</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>ycUygB1</name>
- <description lang="en">Gentoo User ycUygB1 overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Harold Anderson</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>yngwin</name>
- <description lang="en">Developer overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>yurij-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Yurij's overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Ben de Groot</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Yurij Mikhalevich</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>yoreek</name>
- <description lang="en">Ebuilds related to nginx webserver modules</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>zeldu</name>
+ <description lang="en">3elDU's overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Yuri U.</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Zakhar Voloschuk</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- <!-- <feed></feed> -->
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>youbroketheinternet</name>
- <description lang="en">This overlay is a collaborative maintained Gentoo developer overlay. Some of us are involved with SecuShare, but we try out all sorts of XKEYSCORE-resistant technology. Some of our unique ebuilds are the full GNUnet suite, and software around the psyced chatserver. Some ebuilds are experimental/testing - refer to the included README for more info and details. If you would like to get involved read</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>zerodaysfordays</name>
+ <description>Jakob L. Kreuze's personal overlay.</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>lynX</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Jakob L. Kreuze</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://cheettyiapsyciew.onion/youbroketheinternet-overlay</source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>yurij-overlay</name>
- <description lang="en">Yurij's overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>zGentoo</name>
+ <description lang="en">ZappeL's Gentoo-Overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Yurij Mikhalevich</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Armas Spann</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
- <name>zoobab</name>
- <description lang="en">Personal overlay of Benjamin Henrion</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <name>zozx-overlay</name>
+ <description lang="en">Raymond Kwok's personal Gentoo overlay</description>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Benjamin Henrion</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Raymond Kwok</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git+ssh://</source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description>Zscheile Overlay</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
+ <homepage></homepage>
<owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Erik Kai Alain Zscheile</name>
+ <email></email>
+ <name>Alain Zscheile</name>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <feed></feed>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <source type="git">git://</source>
+ <source type="git"></source>
+ <feed></feed>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
@@ -5381,29 +4950,15 @@ FIN
<source type="rsync">rsync://</source>
- <repo quality="experimental" status="official">
- <name>zx2c4</name>
- <description lang="en">zx2c4's repository of additional ebuilds</description>
- <homepage></homepage>
- <owner type="person">
- <email></email>
- <name>Jason A. Donenfeld</name>
- </owner>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
- <source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">ssh://</source>
- <feed></feed>
- </repo>
<repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
<description lang="en">Personal overlay</description>
<owner type="person">
- <name>Andrew Nagle</name>
+ <name>Amy Nagle</name>
<source type="git"></source>
- <source type="git">git://</source>
<source type="git"></source>
diff --git a/files/uid-gid.txt b/files/uid-gid.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb306c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/uid-gid.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,655 @@
+# Copyright 2019-2022 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# This file provides a registry of active, requested and historical UID
+# and GID assignments in the Gentoo repository. Each line represents
+# a single record, with the '#!' line providing field headers. Empty
+# lines and comments are ignored. Fields are separated by whitespace,
+# with the last (note) field extending to end of line. Note that
+# additional fields may be added in the future.
+# A single record can represent a user, a group or a combination of both
+# using the same name. Same user/group/UID/GID can be repeated
+# in mutiple records to reflect reality. If you can't express something
+# with a single record, split it.
+# NAME: user/group name
+# UID: UID assigned to the user, or '-' if only group is defined
+# GID: GID assigned to the group, or '-' if only user is defined
+# PROVIDER: keyword identifying provider of user/group, see below
+# NOTES: human-readable notes about the assignment, optional, can use
+# Markdown syntax
+# Valid values for PROVIDER are:
+# - acct: acct-user/${NAME} and/or acct-group/${NAME} packages
+# - baselayout: user/group defined in passwd/group files from baselayout
+# - baselayout-fbsd: same as baselayout but on FreeBSD system
+# - historical: historical UID/GID assignment, no longer used nowadays
+# - requested: assignment requested on the ml, not yet pushed
+# - reserved: special reserved range
+# - user.eclass: user/group created via user.eclass directly in package
+# Use PROVIDERs that apply best at the moment. For example, if user
+# was migrated from user.eclass to acct-user/ with the same UID, just
+# list the latter.
+# Please keep the list sorted by UID, GID, PROVIDER, NAME (in order),
+# and keep columns aligned (tab stops every 8 positions).
+# The wiki page at
+# should be kept in sync with this file. The bin/
+# helper script can be used for this.
+root 0 0 acct
+root 0 0 baselayout
+root 0 - baselayout-fbsd
+toor 0 - baselayout-fbsd
+wheel - 0 baselayout-fbsd
+bin 1 1 baselayout
+daemon 1 1 baselayout-fbsd
+daemon 2 2 baselayout
+operator 2 5 baselayout-fbsd
+adm 3 4 baselayout
+bin 3 7 baselayout-fbsd
+sys - 3 baselayout
+sys - 3 baselayout-fbsd
+lp 4 7 baselayout
+tty 4 4 baselayout-fbsd
+adm - 4 acct
+sync 5 - baselayout
+kmem 5 2 baselayout-fbsd
+tty - 5 acct
+tty - 5 baselayout
+shutdown 6 - baselayout
+mail 6 6 baselayout-fbsd
+disk - 6 acct
+disk - 6 baselayout
+halt 7 - baselayout
+games 7 - baselayout-fbsd
+lp - 7 acct
+news 8 8 baselayout-fbsd
+mail 8 12 acct Removed from baselayout on Linux in [r3093](
+mem - 8 baselayout
+man 9 - baselayout-fbsd
+news 9 13 baselayout
+kmem - 9 acct
+kmem - 9 baselayout
+man - 9 historical Removed from baselayout on BSD in [r2528](, now GID 15
+uucp 10 14 baselayout
+wheel - 10 acct
+wheel - 10 baselayout
+operator 11 - baselayout
+floppy - 11 baselayout
+man 13 15 acct Removed from baselayout in [r2528]( and before in [r1474](
+postmaster 14 - acct Removed from baselayout in [r3093](
+uucp - 14 acct
+cron 16 16 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1476](
+console - 17 baselayout
+audio - 18 acct Duplicated in media-sound/{pulseaudio,timidity}.
+audio - 18 baselayout
+audio - 18 baselayout-fbsd
+cdrom - 19 acct
+cdrom - 19 baselayout
+dialout - 20 acct
+dialout - 20 baselayout Historically removed from baselayout in [r2444](, reintroduced in [18fe9e87](
+ftp 21 21 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1475](
+sshd 22 22 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1476](
+smtpd 25 25 acct
+smmsp 25 - baselayout-fbsd
+smmsp - 25 historical Removed from baselayout on BSD in [r2528](
+at 25 25 historical Removed from baselayout in [r1479](, now UID/GID 246
+tape - 26 acct
+tape - 26 baselayout
+video - 27 acct
+video - 27 baselayout
+render - 28 acct
+www 30 - historical Removed from baselayout in [r176](
+squid 31 31 historical Removed from baselayout in [r1477](, now UID/GID 301
+guest - 31 baselayout-fbsd
+gdm 32 32 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1571](
+xfs 33 33 historical X Font Server, removed from baselayout in [r1572](
+games 35 35 historical Removed from baselayout in [r1478](; group: deprecated by Council decision
+games 36 - historical
+gamestat - 36 acct
+named 40 40 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1369](
+tor 43 43 acct
+mpd 45 - acct
+openctd 46 - acct
+openct - 46 acct
+pcscd 47 47 acct
+docker - 48 acct
+knot 53 53 acct
+tss 59 59 acct
+mysql 60 60 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1335](
+avahi 61 61 acct
+avahi-autoipd 62 62 acct
+authpf - 63 user.eclass
+netdev - 64 acct
+uucp 66 66 baselayout-fbsd
+duende 66 - acct
+dialer - 68 baselayout-fbsd
+network - 69 baselayout-fbsd
+postgres 70 70 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1861](
+dovenull 74 74 acct
+redis 75 75 acct
+dovecot 76 76 acct
+qemu 77 77 acct
+kvm - 78 acct
+libvirt - 79 acct
+cdrw - 80 baselayout
+apache 81 81 acct Removed from baselayout in [r916](
+nginx 82 82 acct
+nut 84 84 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1862](
+cyrus 85 - historical Removed from baselayout in [r1326](, now UID 415
+usb - 85 acct
+usb - 85 baselayout
+nullmail 88 88 acct
+vpopmail 89 89 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1319](
+partimag 91 91 acct
+radius 95 95 acct
+dovecot 97 97 historical Now UID/GID 76
+input - 97 acct
+input - 97 baselayout
+maradns 99 99 acct
+users - 100 acct
+users - 100 baselayout
+messagebus 101 101 acct
+polkitd 102 102 acct
+plex 103 103 acct
+grok_exporter 104 104 acct
+freenet 105 105 acct
+lpadmin - 106 acct
+rabbitmq_exporter 107 107 acct
+snmp_exporter 108 108 acct
+rundeck 109 109 acct
+cockroach 110 110 acct
+rpc 111 111 historical Used by net-nds/portmap, removed in [36e60cce11d7](
+drone 112 112 acct
+unifi 113 113 acct
+ejabberd 114 114 acct
+prosody 115 115 acct
+badvpn 116 116 acct
+mythtv 117 117 acct
+karma 118 118 acct
+trickster 119 119 acct
+fcron 120 120 acct
+rabbitmq 121 121 acct
+murmur 122 122 acct
+ntp 123 123 acct
+fetchmail 124 124 acct
+vacation 125 125 acct
+rt 126 126 acct
+opm 127 127 acct
+foldingathome 128 128 acct
+rbot 129 129 acct
+ros 130 130 acct
+icecast 131 131 acct
+gopherd 132 132 acct
+rtkit 133 133 acct
+lightdm 134 134 acct
+pgagent 135 135 acct
+subsonic 136 136 acct
+beanstalk 137 137 acct
+gauth 138 138 acct
+shellinaboxd 139 139 acct
+resin 140 140 acct
+h2o 141 141 acct
+nm-openconnect 142 142 acct
+nm-openvpn 143 143 acct
+munge 144 144 acct
+icecream 145 145 acct
+dbskkd 146 146 acct
+axtls 147 147 acct
+bitflu 148 148 acct
+monkeyd 149 149 acct
+owfs 150 150 user.eclass Ebuild allows overriding username.
+opendnssec 151 151 acct
+taskd 152 152 acct
+rbldns 153 153 acct
+redsocks 154 154 acct
+thttpd 155 155 acct
+stapusr - 156 acct
+stapsys - 157 acct
+stapdev - 158 acct
+spread 159 159 acct
+gnump3d 160 160 acct
+rplayd 161 161 acct
+ices 162 162 acct
+ipsentinel 163 163 acct
+smokeping 164 164 acct
+sguil 165 165 acct
+scanlogd 166 166 acct
+inspircd 167 167 acct
+netperf 168 168 acct
+transmission 169 169 acct
+arpwatch 170 170 acct
+pulse 171 171 acct
+pulse-access - 172 acct
+sispmctl - 173 acct
+android - 174 acct
+rslsync 175 175 acct
+stg 176 176 acct
+munin 177 177 acct
+munin-async 178 - acct
+vlock - 178 acct
+samplicator 179 179 acct
+bird 180 180 acct
+defang 181 181 acct
+ftpproxy 182 182 acct
+elasticsearch 183 183 acct
+pdnsd 184 184 acct
+ngrep 185 185 acct
+tinyproxy 186 186 acct
+iroffer 187 187 acct
+haproxy 188 188 acct
+postfwd 189 189 acct
+systemd-journal - 190 acct
+systemd-journal-remote 191 191 acct
+systemd-network 192 192 acct
+systemd-resolve 193 193 acct
+systemd-coredump 194 194 acct
+systemd-timesync 195 195 acct
+git 196 196 acct
+cgit 197 197 acct
+systemd-oom 198 198 acct
+ipsec 199 199 acct
+alias 200 - acct Removed from baselayout in [r1397](
+nofiles - 200 acct Removed from baselayout in [r2445](
+qmaild 201 - acct Removed from baselayout in [r1397](
+qmail - 201 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1397](
+qmaill 202 - acct Removed from baselayout in [r1397](
+seat - 202 acct Used by sys-auth/seatd
+qmailp 203 - acct Removed from baselayout in [r1397](
+roccat - 203 acct
+qmailq 204 - acct Removed from baselayout in [r1397](
+haclient - 204 acct
+qmailr 205 - acct Removed from baselayout in [r1397](
+xwax - 205 acct
+qmails 206 - acct Removed from baselayout in [r1397](
+realtime - 206 acct
+postfix 207 207 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1863](
+postdrop - 208 acct Removed from baselayout in [r1863](
+smmsp 209 209 acct Removed from baselayout: user in [r2446](, group in [r2445](
+aerospike-amc 210 210 acct
+zookeeper 211 211 acct
+cmd5checkpw 212 212 acct
+cancd 213 213 acct
+sockd 214 214 acct
+radvd 215 215 acct
+aspnet 216 216 acct
+hsqldb 217 217 acct
+energi3 218 218 acct Used by net-p2p/energi3
+sddm 219 219 acct
+uptimed 220 220 acct
+gkrellmd 221 221 acct
+msmtpd 222 222 acct
+nsd 223 223 acct
+zeppelin 224 224 acct Used by www-apps/zeppelin-bin
+dnscache 225 - acct
+dnslog 226 - acct
+tinydns 227 - acct
+gpio - 225 acct
+i2c - 226 acct
+spi - 227 acct
+fritzbox_smarthome_exporter 228 228 acct
+vnstat 229 229 acct
+carbon 230 230 acct
+icingadirector 231 - acct
+#mogile 460 231 acct See below
+fvwm-crystal - 232 acct
+postgres_exporter 233 233 acct
+memcached_exporter 234 234 acct
+turnserver 235 235 acct
+tox 236 236 acct
+rspamd 237 237 acct
+github-exporter 238 238 acct
+scponly 239 239 acct
+distcc 240 240 acct
+icingaweb2 - 241 acct
+asterisk 242 242 acct
+fingerprint - 243 acct
+opendmarc 244 244 acct
+locate - 245 acct
+slocate - 245 historical Removed from baselayout in [r1328](
+at 246 246 acct
+svxlink 247 247 acct
+fdm 248 248 acct
+logsurfer 249 249 acct
+portage 250 250 acct
+portage 250 250 baselayout
+portage 250 250 baselayout-fbsd
+wwwoffle 251 251 acct
+smtpq 252 252 acct
+zetcd 253 253 acct
+havp 254 254 acct
+cntlm 255 255 acct
+litecoin 256 256 acct
+sstpc 257 257 acct
+rwhoisd 258 258 acct
+psybnc 259 259 acct
+minbif 260 260 acct
+ez-ipupd 261 261 acct
+dnrd 262 262 acct
+polw 263 263 acct
+artifactory 264 264 acct
+tomcat 265 265 acct
+groonga 266 266 acct
+ceph 267 267 acct
+cvmfs 268 268 acct
+kibana 269 269 acct
+logstash 270 270 acct
+spire 271 271 acct
+plugdev - 272 acct
+bacula 273 273 acct
+dnsmasq_exporter 274 274 acct
+dnsmasq 275 275 acct
+bind_exporter 276 276 acct
+mongodb_exporter 277 277 acct
+consul_exporter 278 278 acct
+unbound-telemetry 279 279 acct
+notary 280 280 acct
+gnupg-pkcs11-scd-proxy 281 281 acct
+backuppc 282 282 acct
+tenshi 283 283 acct
+logcheck 284 284 acct
+pvpgn 285 285 acct
+sauerbraten 286 286 acct
+gopher 287 287 acct
+pushgateway 288 288 acct
+uwsgi_exporter 289 289 acct
+netdata 290 290 acct
+x2gouser 291 291 acct
+x2goprint 292 292 acct
+blackbox_exporter 293 293 acct
+alertmanager 294 294 acct
+registry 295 295 acct Used by app-emulation/docker-registry
+ntopng 296 296 acct
+http 297 297 acct Used by www-servers/caddy
+redis_exporter 298 298 acct
+gpsd 299 - acct
+ssmtp - 299 acct
+dhcp 300 300 acct
+squid 301 301 acct
+lighttpd 302 302 acct
+dhcpcd 303 303 acct
+hacluster 304 - acct
+vboxusers - 304 acct
+vboxguest 305 305 acct
+timidity 306 - acct
+vboxsf - 306 acct
+clair 307 307 acct
+mysqld_exporter 308 308 acct
+minio 309 309 acct
+croc 310 310 acct
+ulogd 311 311 acct
+coredns 312 312 acct
+flatpak 313 313 acct
+serf 314 314 acct
+lldpd 315 315 acct
+exabgp 316 316 acct
+sagan 317 317 acct
+fp-multiuser 318 318 acct
+apt-cacher-ng 319 319 acct
+fax 320 320 acct
+openntpd 321 321 acct
+sobby 322 322 acct
+vault_exporter 323 323 acct
+oragono 324 324 acct
+err 325 325 acct
+trojan 326 326 acct
+radicale 327 327 acct
+snort 328 328 acct
+zabbix 329 329 acct
+ossec 330 330 acct
+ossecm 331 - acct
+pkcs11 - 331 acct
+ossecr 332 - acct
+scanner - 332 acct
+amavis 333 333 acct
+opendkim 334 334 acct
+epmd 335 335 acct
+sqlgrey 336 336 acct
+spamd 337 337 acct
+automatic 338 338 acct
+minidlna 339 339 acct
+sanlock 340 340 acct
+stunnel 341 341 acct
+influxdb 342 342 acct
+kapacitor 343 343 acct
+chronograf 344 344 acct
+docker_auth 345 345 acct
+dirsrv 346 346 acct
+tpm 347 347 acct
+unifi-video 348 348 acct
+ushare 349 349 acct
+colord 350 350 acct
+geoclue 351 351 acct
+boinc 352 352 acct
+dnscrypt-proxy 353 353 acct
+nginx-vts-exporter 354 354 acct
+openvpn_exporter 355 355 acct
+postfix_exporter 356 356 acct
+nslcd 357 357 acct
+lxc 358 358 acct
+smsd 359 - acct
+sms - 359 acct
+postgrey 360 360 acct
+dehydrated 361 361 acct
+amanda 362 362 acct
+sigh 363 363 acct
+gatling 364 364 acct
+dbmail 365 365 acct
+sniproxy 366 366 acct
+ziproxy 367 367 acct
+octoprint 368 368 historical
+ultimaker 369 369 acct
+sks 370 370 acct
+frr 371 371 acct
+upmpdcli 372 372 acct
+snapclient 373 - acct
+gnupg-pkcs11 - 373 acct
+snapserver 374 374 acct
+popa3d 375 375 acct Used by net-mail/popa3d
+mgraph 376 376 acct Used by net-mail/mailgraph
+pcap 377 377 acct Used by net-analyzer/tcpdump and net-analyzer/wireshark
+p2p 378 378 acct Used by net-im/mldonkey
+jabber 379 379 acct Used by net-im/jabber-base
+darkstat 380 - acct
+bumblebee - 380 acct
+dictd 381 381 acct
+sancp 382 382 acct
+argus 383 383 acct
+flows 384 384 acct
+fnordlog 385 - acct
+gamemode - 385 acct
+ttrssd 386 386 acct
+sobexsrv 387 387 acct
+kismet 388 388 acct
+grafana 389 389 acct
+monkeysphere 390 390 acct
+unbound 391 391 acct
+privoxy 392 392 acct
+buildbot 393 393 acct Used by dev-util/buildbot, dev-util/buildbot-worker
+openvpn 394 394 acct
+motion 395 395 acct
+greetd 396 396 acct
+sabnzbd 397 397 acct
+nzbget 398 398 acct
+svn 399 - acct Used by dev-vcs/subversion[-apache2]
+svnusers - 399 acct Used by dev-vcs/subversion[-apache2]
+slurm 400 400 acct
+monitorix 401 401 acct
+fnord 402 - acct
+lxd - 402 acct
+bareos 403 403 acct
+miniflux 404 - acct Used by www-apps/miniflux
+simplevirt - 404 acct
+guest 405 - historical Removed from baselayout in [r889](
+sgx - 405 acct
+sendpage 406 - acct
+utmp - 406 acct
+utmp - 406 baselayout
+bitlbee 407 407 acct
+consul-template 408 408 acct
+saned 409 - acct
+gpib - 409 acct Used by sci-libs/linux-gpib
+vault 410 410 acct
+consul 411 411 acct
+atheme-services 412 412 acct
+ngircd 413 413 acct
+dnsdist 414 414 acct
+cyrus 415 - acct
+scsi - 415 acct
+gluster 416 416 acct
+anope 417 417 acct
+usbmux 418 - acct
+epam - 418 acct Used by dev-erlang/epam
+wesnoth 419 419 acct
+davfs2 420 420 acct Used by net-fs/davfs2
+znc 421 421 acct
+abrt 422 422 acct
+pdns 423 423 acct Used by net-dns/pdns
+quagga 424 424 acct
+kafka 425 425 acct
+etcd 426 426 acct
+cadvisor 427 427 acct
+telegraf 428 428 acct
+gerbera 429 429 acct
+prometheus 430 430 acct
+netbox 431 431 acct
+kube-apiserver 432 432 acct
+kube-controller-manager 433 433 acct
+kube-scheduler 434 434 acct
+clamav 435 435 acct
+nagios 436 436 acct
+automx2 437 437 acct
+milter-regex 438 438 acct
+ldap 439 439 acct
+collectd 440 440 acct
+memcached 441 441 acct
+cinder 442 442 acct
+glance 443 443 acct
+heat 444 444 acct
+keystone 445 445 acct
+neutron 446 446 acct
+nova 447 447 acct
+placement 448 448 acct
+swift 449 449 acct
+firebird 450 450 acct
+redmine 451 451 acct
+vdr 452 452 acct
+vdradmin 453 453 acct Used by www-misc/vdradmin-am
+deluge 454 454 acct
+puppet 455 455 acct
+puppetdb 456 456 acct
+icinga 457 457 acct
+nvpd 458 - acct
+icingacmd - 458 acct
+node_exporter 459 459 acct
+mogile 460 231 acct
+crontab - 460 acct
+sndiod 461 - acct
+ubridge - 461 acct
+tvheadend 462 - acct
+xpra - 462 acct Used by x11-wm/xpra
+pgbouncer 463 - acct
+supervisor - 463 acct
+airdcppd 464 464 acct
+ippl 465 - acct Used by net-analyzer/ippl
+tsm - 465 acct Used by app-backup/tsm
+rstudio-server 466 466 acct Used by sci-mathematics/rstudio
+geneweb 467 467 acct
+amule 468 468 acct
+xrootd 469 469 acct
+i2pd 470 470 acct
+i2p 471 471 acct
+quassel 472 472 acct
+jenkins 473 473 acct
+varnish 474 474 acct
+sogo 475 475 acct
+stubby 476 476 acct Used by net-dns/getdns
+suricata 477 477 acct
+graylog 478 478 acct
+openrct2 479 479 acct
+minetest 480 480 acct
+mongodb 481 481 acct
+mosquitto 482 482 acct
+bitcoin 483 483 acct
+ipfs 484 484 acct
+bedrock 485 485 acct
+spectrum 486 486 acct
+ddclient 487 487 acct
+teamspeak 488 488 acct
+steamcmd 489 489 acct
+minecraft 490 490 acct
+fhem 491 491 acct
+oprofile 492 492 acct
+oidentd 493 493 acct
+unrealircd 494 494 acct
+gvm 495 495 acct
+strelaysrv 496 496 acct
+stdiscosrv 497 497 acct
+burp 498 498 acct
+syncthing 499 499 acct
+slurm 500 500 historical Now UID/GID 400
+elasticsearch_exporter 501 501 acct
+burrow_exporter 502 502 acct
+reg 503 503 acct
+fluentd 504 504 acct
+systemd-hostname - 505 acct
+brltty 506 506 acct
+brlapi - 507 acct
+biboumi 508 508 acct Used by net-im/biboumi
+pipewire 509 509 acct
+gitlab-runner 510 510 acct
+rrdcached 511 511 acct
+libreoffice 512 512 acct
+openttd 513 513 acct
+headscale 514 514 acct Used by net-vpn/headscale daemon user
+sonarr 515 515 acct
+radarr 516 516 acct
+prowlarr 517 517 acct
+jellyfin 518 518 acct
+synapse 519 519 acct Used by net-im/synapse Matrix server
+_cron-failure 520 520 acct Used by sys-process/systemd-cron
+readarr 521 521 acct
+gns3 522 522 acct
+goaccess 523 523 acct
+owntracks 524 524 acct Used by sci-geosciences/owntracks-recorder
+knot-resolver 525 525 acct Used by net-dns/knot-resolver
+soju - 526 acct
+nginx-unit 527 527 acct
+yubihsm-connector 528 528 acct Used by app-crypt/yubihsm-connector
+inadyn 529 529 acct Used by net-dns/inadyn
+lidarr 530 530 acct
+jackett 531 531 acct
+incus - 532 acct Used by app-containers/incus
+incus-admin - 533 acct Used by app-containers/incus
+qbittorrent 534 534 acct Used by net-p2p/qbittorrent
+sandmann 535 535 acct Used by sys-power/sandmann-bin
+atuin 536 536 acct Used by app-shells/atuin
+openhab 537 537 acct Used by app-misc/openhab-bin
+redict 538 538 acct Used by dev-db/redict
+microsoft-identity-broker 539 539 acct Used by sys-auth/microsoft-identity-broker
+- 750..999 750..999 reserved Dynamic allocation by user.eclass. Do not use!
+- 1000..60000 1000..60000 reserved `UID_MIN`..`UID_MAX` / `GID_MIN`..`GID_MAX` in login.defs
+ventrilo 3784 3784 historical Used by media-sound/ventrilo-server-bin, removed in [15c6a556cef2](
+- 60001..65533 60001..65532 reserved
+- 61184..65519 61184..65519 reserved Used by systemd DynamicUser feature
+nogroup - 65533 baselayout
+nogroup - 65533 baselayout-fbsd
+nobody 65534 65534 acct
+nobody 65534 65534 baselayout
+nobody 65534 65534 baselayout-fbsd
+- 65535 65535 reserved -1 on systems with 16 bit uid_t
+- 524288..1878982656 524288..1878982656 reserved Used by systemd for containers
+# Local Variables:
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