diff options
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 1146 deletions
diff --git a/profiles/categories b/profiles/categories
index cdf2484..524485f 100644
--- a/profiles/categories
+++ b/profiles/categories
@@ -24,5 +24,4 @@ sys-cluster
diff --git a/www-client/torbrowser/ChangeLog b/www-client/torbrowser/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index ded4c17..0000000
--- a/www-client/torbrowser/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
-# ChangeLog for www-client/torbrowser
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
-# $Header: $
-*torbrowser-31.6.0_p450 (02 May 2015)
- 02 May 2015; Poncho <> +files/4.5-Change_the_default_Firefox_p
- rofile_directory_to_be_TBB-relative.patch, +files/99torbrowser.example,
- +torbrowser-31.6.0_p450.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: Tor Browser 4.5 is released
-*torbrowser-31.6.0_p408 (02 May 2015)
- 02 May 2015; Poncho <> +torbrowser-31.6.0_p408.ebuild,
- -torbrowser-31.6.0-r1.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: use patch release for torbrowser version
- 23 Apr 2015; Poncho <> torbrowser-31.6.0-r1.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: fix desktop file
-*torbrowser-31.6.0-r1 (10 Apr 2015)
- 10 Apr 2015; Poncho <> +torbrowser-31.6.0-r1.ebuild,
- -torbrowser-31.6.0.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: Tor Browser 4.0.8 is released
- 02 Apr 2015; Poncho <> torbrowser-31.6.0.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: add to SRC_URI fix
-*torbrowser-31.6.0 (01 Apr 2015)
- 01 Apr 2015; Poncho <> +torbrowser-31.6.0.ebuild,
- -torbrowser-31.5.3.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: Tor Browser 4.0.6 is released
-*torbrowser-31.5.3 (24 Mar 2015)
- 24 Mar 2015; Poncho <> +torbrowser-31.5.3.ebuild,
- -torbrowser-31.5.0.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: Tor Browser 4.0.5 is released
-*torbrowser-31.5.0 (27 Feb 2015)
- 27 Feb 2015; Andrew Savchenko <> -torbrowser-31.4.0.ebuild,
- +torbrowser-31.5.0.ebuild:
- Version bump: Tor Browser 4.0.4 is released
-*torbrowser-31.4.0 (14 Jan 2015)
- 14 Jan 2015; Poncho <> +torbrowser-31.4.0.ebuild,
- -torbrowser-31.3.0.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: Tor Browser 4.0.3 is released
-*torbrowser-31.3.0 (04 Dec 2014)
- 04 Dec 2014; Poncho <> +torbrowser-31.3.0.ebuild,
- -torbrowser-31.2.0.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: Tor Browser 4.0.2 is released see
- 04 Dec 2014; Poncho <>
- -files/tor-browser.git-6662aae388094c7cca535e34f24ef01af7d51481.patch,
- -torbrowser-24.8.1.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: remove old version
- 01 Nov 2014; Poncho <> torbrowser-31.2.0.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: switch to using new tor project dist url
-*torbrowser-31.2.0 (18 Oct 2014)
- 18 Oct 2014; Poncho <> +files/README.tor-launcher,
- +files/tor-browser.git-bccc144c21f6069a294038a6559ba46ceb8da2a2.patch,
- +torbrowser-31.2.0.ebuild, metadata.xml:
- www-client/torbrowser: Tor Browser 4.0 is released
-*torbrowser-24.8.1 (26 Sep 2014)
- 26 Sep 2014; Poncho <> +torbrowser-24.8.1.ebuild,
- -torbrowser-24.8.0.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: version bump see
- browser-366-released
-*torbrowser-24.8.0 (04 Sep 2014)
- 04 Sep 2014; Poncho <> +torbrowser-24.8.0.ebuild,
- -torbrowser-24.7.0-r1.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: version bump
-*torbrowser-24.7.0-r1 (13 Aug 2014)
- 13 Aug 2014; Poncho <> +torbrowser-24.7.0-r1.ebuild,
- -torbrowser-24.7.0.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: 3.6.4 is released
- 27 Jul 2014; Poncho <> torbrowser-24.7.0.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: update comments and links
-*torbrowser-24.7.0 (27 Jul 2014)
- 27 Jul 2014; Poncho <> +torbrowser-24.7.0.ebuild,
- -torbrowser-24.6.0.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: 3.6.3 is released fix
- /torbrowser-overlay/pull/8 by hasufell
- 12 Jul 2014; Poncho <> torbrowser-24.6.0.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: don't compress the tor-launcher extension
-*torbrowser-24.6.0 (12 Jun 2014)
- 12 Jun 2014; Poncho <> +torbrowser-24.6.0.ebuild,
- -torbrowser-24.5.0-r1.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: version bump
-*torbrowser-24.5.0-r1 (10 May 2014)
- 10 May 2014; Poncho <> +torbrowser-24.5.0-r1.ebuild,
- -torbrowser-24.5.0.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: version bump
-*torbrowser-24.5.0 (30 Apr 2014)
- 30 Apr 2014; Poncho <> +torbrowser-24.5.0.ebuild,
- -torbrowser-24.4.0-r1.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: version bump see
- browser-36-released
- 09 Apr 2014; Poncho <> -torbrowser-24.3.0-r1.ebuild,
- -torbrowser-24.3.0-r2.ebuild, -torbrowser-24.4.0.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: remove old, sources are no longer available at
-*torbrowser-24.4.0-r1 (09 Apr 2014)
- 09 Apr 2014; Poncho <> +torbrowser-24.4.0-r1.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: bump for 3.5.4 release see
- 30 Mar 2014; Julian Ospald <> torbrowser-24.3.0-r1.ebuild,
- torbrowser-24.3.0-r2.ebuild, torbrowser-24.4.0.ebuild:
- fix Tor spelling
- 22 Mar 2014; Poncho <> torbrowser-24.4.0.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: sync with firefox
- 22 Mar 2014; Poncho <> torbrowser-24.3.0-r2.ebuild,
- torbrowser-24.4.0.ebuild:
- www-client/torbrowser: add comments
-*torbrowser-24.4.0 (20 Mar 2014)
- 20 Mar 2014; Julian Ospald <> +torbrowser-24.4.0.ebuild:
- version bump
-*torbrowser-24.3.0-r2 (16 Feb 2014)
- 16 Feb 2014; Julian Ospald <>
- +torbrowser-24.3.0-r2.ebuild,
- +files/torbrowser-24.3.0-allow-lightspark.patch:
- fix license, add lightspark support, bump gentoo patchset
-*torbrowser-10.0.11 (08 Dez 2012)
- 11 Dez 2012; Poncho <> torbrowser-10.0.11.ebuild:
- use stable firefox, move to torbrowser-overlay
- 28 Aug 2012; Julian Ospald <> metadata.xml:
- add mozilla herd
- 14 Jul 2012; Julian Ospald <> torbrowser-13.0-r1.ebuild:
- rename icon to avoid possible issues with mirrors
-*torbrowser-13.0-r1 (14 Jul 2012)
- 14 Jul 2012; Julian Ospald <> -torbrowser-13.0.ebuild,
- +torbrowser-13.0-r1.ebuild:
- split profile stuff into www-misc/torbrowser-profile
-*torbrowser-13.0 (30 Jun 2012)
- 30 Jun 2012; Julian Ospald <>
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0007-Disable-SSL-Session-ID-tracking.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0008-Provide-an-observer-event-to-close-persistent-
- connec.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0009-Limit-device-and-system-specific-CSS-Media-Que
- ries.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0010-Rebrand-Firefox-to-TorBrowser.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0011-Make-Download-manager-memory-only.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0012-Add-DDG-and-StartPage-to-Omnibox.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0013-Make-nsICacheService.EvictEntries-synchronous.
- patch, +files/torbrowser-patches/0014-Prevent-WebSocket-DNS-leak.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0015-Make-Tor-Browser-exit-when-not-launched-from-V
- idalia.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0016-Limit-the-number-of-fonts-per-document.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0018-Adapt-Steven-Michaud-s-Mac-crashfix-patch.patc
- h,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0020-Fix-internal-compile-error-for-sub-ancient-GCC
- s.patch,
- -files/torbrowser-patches/0007-Make-Tor-Browser-exit-when-not-launched-from-V
- idalia.patch,
- -files/torbrowser-patches/0008-Disable-SSL-Session-ID-tracking.patch,
- -files/torbrowser-patches/0009-Provide-an-observer-event-to-close-persistent-
- connec.patch,
- -files/torbrowser-patches/0010-Provide-client-values-only-to-CSS-Media-Querie
- s.patch,
- -files/torbrowser-patches/0011-Limit-the-number-of-fonts-per-document.patch,
- -files/torbrowser-patches/0012-Rebrand-Firefox-to-TorBrowser.patch,
- -files/torbrowser-patches/0013-Make-Download-manager-memory-only.patch,
- -files/torbrowser-patches/0014-Add-DDG-and-StartPage-to-Omnibox.patch,
- -files/torbrowser-patches/0015-Make-nsICacheService.EvictEntries-synchronous.
- patch, -files/torbrowser-patches/0016-Prevent-WebSocket-DNS-leak.patch,
- -files/torbrowser-patches/0018-Add-HTTP-auth-headers-before-the-modify-reques
- t-obse.patch,
- files/torbrowser-patches/0001-Block-Components.interfaces-lookupMethod-from-c
- onten.patch,
- files/torbrowser-patches/0002-Make-Permissions-Manager-memory-only.patch,
- -torbrowser-10.0.5.ebuild,
- files/torbrowser-patches/0003-Make-Intermediate-Cert-Store-memory-only.patch,
- files/torbrowser-patches/0004-Add-a-string-based-cacheKey.patch,
- files/torbrowser-patches/0005-Block-all-plugins-except-flash.patch,
- files/torbrowser-patches/0006-Make-content-pref-service-memory-only-clearable
- .patch,
- files/torbrowser-patches/0017-Randomize-HTTP-request-order-and-pipeline-depth
- .patch, +torbrowser-13.0.ebuild,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0019-Fix-Firefox-13-build-process.patch:
- version bump, also fixes bug #423343
-*torbrowser-10.0.5 (06 Jun 2012)
- 06 Jun 2012; Julian Ospald <>
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0001-Block-Components.interfaces-lookupMethod-from-
- conten.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0002-Make-Permissions-Manager-memory-only.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0003-Make-Intermediate-Cert-Store-memory-only.patch
- , +files/torbrowser-patches/0004-Add-a-string-based-cacheKey.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0005-Block-all-plugins-except-flash.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0006-Make-content-pref-service-memory-only-clearabl
- e.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0007-Make-Tor-Browser-exit-when-not-launched-from-V
- idalia.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0008-Disable-SSL-Session-ID-tracking.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0009-Provide-an-observer-event-to-close-persistent-
- connec.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0010-Provide-client-values-only-to-CSS-Media-Querie
- s.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0011-Limit-the-number-of-fonts-per-document.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0012-Rebrand-Firefox-to-TorBrowser.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0013-Make-Download-manager-memory-only.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0014-Add-DDG-and-StartPage-to-Omnibox.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0015-Make-nsICacheService.EvictEntries-synchronous.
- patch, +files/torbrowser-patches/0016-Prevent-WebSocket-DNS-leak.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0017-Randomize-HTTP-request-order-and-pipeline-dept
- h.patch,
- +files/torbrowser-patches/0018-Add-HTTP-auth-headers-before-the-modify-reques
- t-obse.patch,
- -files/12.0/0001-Block-Components.interfaces-lookupMethod-from-conten.patch,
- -files/12.0/0002-Make-Permissions-Manager-memory-only.patch,
- -files/12.0/0003-Make-Intermediate-Cert-Store-memory-only.patch,
- -files/12.0/0004-Add-a-string-based-cacheKey.patch,
- -files/12.0/0005-Block-all-plugins-except-flash.patch,
- -files/12.0/0006-Make-content-pref-service-memory-only-clearable.patch,
- -files/12.0/0008-Disable-SSL-Session-ID-tracking.patch,
- -files/12.0/0009-Provide-an-observer-event-to-close-persistent-connec.patch,
- -files/12.0/0010-Provide-client-values-only-to-CSS-Media-Queries.patch,
- -files/12.0/0011-Limit-the-number-of-fonts-per-document.patch,
- -files/12.0/0012-Randomize-HTTP-request-order-and-pipeline-depth.patch,
- -files/12.0/0013-Rebrand-Firefox-to-TorBrowser.patch,
- -files/12.0/0014-Make-Download-manager-memory-only.patch,
- -files/12.0/0015-Add-DDG-and-StartPage-to-Omnibox.patch,
- -files/12.0/0016-Adapt-Steven-Michaud-s-Mac-crashfix-patch-for-FF12.patch,
- -files/12.0/0017-Make-nsICacheService.EvictEntries-synchronous.patch,
- -files/12.0/0018-Prevent-WebSocket-DNS-leak.patch, +torbrowser-10.0.5.ebuild,
- -torbrowser-12.0-r2.ebuild:
- version bump/dump... tor upstream switched to ESR
- 01 Jun 2012; Julian Ospald <> torbrowser-12.0-r2.ebuild:
- bump profile-folder version
-*torbrowser-12.0-r2 (01 Jun 2012)
- 01 Jun 2012; Julian Ospald <> -torbrowser-12.0.ebuild,
- +torbrowser-12.0-r2.ebuild:
- sync with firefox ebuild
-*torbrowser-12.0 (12 May 2012)
- 12 May 2012; Julian Ospald <>
- +files/12.0/0001-Block-Components.interfaces-lookupMethod-from-conten.patch,
- +files/12.0/0002-Make-Permissions-Manager-memory-only.patch,
- +files/12.0/0003-Make-Intermediate-Cert-Store-memory-only.patch,
- +files/12.0/0004-Add-a-string-based-cacheKey.patch,
- +files/12.0/0005-Block-all-plugins-except-flash.patch,
- +files/12.0/0006-Make-content-pref-service-memory-only-clearable.patch,
- +files/12.0/0008-Disable-SSL-Session-ID-tracking.patch,
- +files/12.0/0009-Provide-an-observer-event-to-close-persistent-connec.patch,
- +files/12.0/0010-Provide-client-values-only-to-CSS-Media-Queries.patch,
- +files/12.0/0011-Limit-the-number-of-fonts-per-document.patch,
- +files/12.0/0012-Randomize-HTTP-request-order-and-pipeline-depth.patch,
- +files/12.0/0013-Rebrand-Firefox-to-TorBrowser.patch,
- +files/12.0/0014-Make-Download-manager-memory-only.patch,
- +files/12.0/0015-Add-DDG-and-StartPage-to-Omnibox.patch,
- +files/12.0/0016-Adapt-Steven-Michaud-s-Mac-crashfix-patch-for-FF12.patch,
- +files/12.0/0017-Make-nsICacheService.EvictEntries-synchronous.patch,
- +torbrowser-12.0.ebuild, +files/12.0/0018-Prevent-WebSocket-DNS-leak.patch,
- +metadata.xml:
- initial import with help from Poncho wrt #406361
diff --git a/www-client/torbrowser/Manifest b/www-client/torbrowser/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 919be7d..0000000
--- a/www-client/torbrowser/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-AUX 4.5-Change_the_default_Firefox_profile_directory_to_be_TBB-relative.patch 15598 SHA256 5bba1cd609cb30bb8c3ce8bbbd71f6004d5686b2a045684457a9277979069aac SHA512 9fd4b2eae85290709a0645c6e24bc087a0192d95ddf3b6628a7e7de838fbac499608d029592f031c36097c4efbbe36100da69e68adef542b933d1e25db79c8be WHIRLPOOL f76db122ffc851fa292da8c7d587a94214dfffdbf622376f4b01cb5e8ebb517a980635818581c5fb9c2d82f35d441ef882fa4435f70cc91351055e637ee53bf1
-AUX 99torbrowser.example 678 SHA256 18eb64b4c6a748c243b2366b047ef7f8cb917552db4ef27d5cf7fa5c9fcf19df SHA512 d3f5d0c329c3031e524806708729deb7575f3e5900d441a6708853a3d68d09b8b56ed512d7a19feb27e6e398e1b19637cfcd80d419be90951a3a26871a3f75ca WHIRLPOOL c8470e2a8cd577731a44f644c4f7e02e6b3c883bd53acc628ebdb723c5a31eb1a1989e03bde340318c85790d47cf579c656409a6d1e96aa5288647d0cf0ac360
-AUX README.tor-launcher 1594 SHA256 f344dd89d39a7330eb8303f80e89d9a015b3b70e4bc52649e0c8c1cde52a5ec6 SHA512 9faeba83e0910438e9267a203c50d60f69860ab8765b3a6b1f38c153e3578645daf196133923597d2d8b00228b884250b0fb0cc5020978b22386510c6e6559b1 WHIRLPOOL c7d0e9fa5b390d308524f5ac41249acbe6c612ac01ec960e1152c14dd1de1d520c1b52948315995df82a0a524dbcf4371b0466841acd6471c52a5baa8d9aac4b
-AUX torbrowser-24.3.0-allow-lightspark.patch 615 SHA256 904a090199d82d3fea3f96c2e077a08ea7e28ef46a4f4d1e7e6da936b08bafd1 SHA512 35772c3c716fe5004d3306591b9ab1612a78644cb272de473fbf0da91a19075e6a166bb97a8365065828de829dc3b68618a31820f3b0eb7399e2bfe008f797d8 WHIRLPOOL 75ed0e691d9bfb877a368b0946f3cf8007e3201456a47e6d2ddd9b3d295cf782347a8cac45f63242d1bf6cea3a1acdead3b9494d26f52387253fe490be6a598d
-DIST firefox-31.0-patches-0.2.tar.xz 4636 SHA256 fdcd4e68093fb905af06cd89aad7042f8a4e695dea9c184351945fcb5872a062 SHA512 2fee84ac6027a1e1317470112df54fef411596a522bca756f82c525b13ba952015e71f2aa05a807fec04c3bd092e8cbebd0c2349e0dc4950b329a88811b00151 WHIRLPOOL 59dc5f3457dc2a0c0c83a0128063da00d127cee13487b112064368de7d98438b7ffeb1dfe362080eca6a82af4834f3e27c6bd887e51b5d59c728ae124b26114d
-DIST tor-browser-31.6.0esr-4.5-1-build3.tar.gz 170222459 SHA256 dac94ea866c8af39f0278b923006fe17506d9eae71728f7422814a84006b49ff SHA512 5f2820f06de385ca39bc5d2662a640ef04263ba09c3c4f0729cde88f25178f3b4d5ad9ce0de221449add99ece9cbb1b4ecbf4ac71cb485c69cd9ffa3fcc66b11 WHIRLPOOL 23fbfe4beb206e60098854e3863299c3e114d007ff2e3913ca1b86dd057f46e2d7b1eec2e5da0408b971a0225a4dd464f0cef7411b1dd5a289e75e42392624f9
-DIST tor-browser-linux32-4.5_en-US.tar.xz 44475296 SHA256 895c30e8ebb95c68923bd6dd7850e03ca68834d4dd6a7aad0670a53fd4843b53 SHA512 d7afc47b1290000b7c01c98f5737c08f35d058eb051f5ba496cee3992412b46d71d89bb5c9c9ff57276a3cf45d602c9ef145a82704bbb6b7b2129520e6c91935 WHIRLPOOL 83180206ffda277b5741bb6391b3238bc055d2ee1a7e887b932966af0211915a64d6fe47d417ab7647d000e7c7eea085cb638c7dd30972d31bb43720c0d88871
-DIST tor-browser-linux64-4.5_en-US.tar.xz 43731288 SHA256 af72880f5bb03870f2f4463b5f45d723bdc4aa3c4d1288efbf07c675bf744c97 SHA512 ef3a3515f9c6d65a1bcc48b89a847aa15b146e18a1da4b7801e7e8dd2864e4695a3b456882fbb8cbc26b4d25a20f1cf9708b45ec17029b1ba194c2f263f676e1 WHIRLPOOL 66a1305274e4f92ad866f10efe404c0c5e6b5baaa1d2963ed4e09c4da2f883c8c36a09da952878e6b2d521cd36bdec57f781ccdf5ce70ed906d131745e8ca303
-EBUILD torbrowser-31.6.0_p450.ebuild 10260 SHA256 36fa7fdf24aa054564c151aed1b868d47b1ac5182487730d32052a10deb720f4 SHA512 11d8cdb2d2b92ac843f5337c3ece94005d228848546b5dcc67580f0c44f1b0106c5bf7dd046fbb9bc0644e4a6f4ea1e62c9779e036ce1037d99ce8d808530300 WHIRLPOOL b618f957852de547da9d28341d211557556b2c0c2df655b60be9b662dfa1232a18ea3958fd7d9dc200c97a1927f68161f4447b4cb4ac9a65293b6bfa808ba4fc
-MISC ChangeLog 13393 SHA256 b7717c180af947137da7f6773ca572a3ea5f9399456a7a30cf1fe9de5e55ad0d SHA512 d49ecbf89007f3f2fbf3a68b2a9fd8023b3dc7088b91081f38f35d36539e35600ba6ecdb7d8a788a89e3210038d4edc428bebea2ce19b6a416040115dfac2ec3 WHIRLPOOL bea4c6c41a7e36f90a7653f9853be6b797dea5a026147d38c3be83e5afa3aae5efa80c5274e23036589e24d1cc744bfb8fd2cebffed1ed1c7c17fa9bfd9ddf82
-MISC metadata.xml 889 SHA256 f1d80c79dbd97040f9839b0dddcda0cb292cefe0c80294f6fc36706cc2904795 SHA512 285c5690a2779d778669a645b93c76227a84a7f7df1dc7044b0e642de4ade79da6fef0b067adbd9c8be959e13dd0fcc5412293d39129ee94be97bc826c9b1dab WHIRLPOOL 29a7a249f4a22c67b842c01accbf12263657e9ac798dda37246eb8f07e58cda6159c281502f53b2e14f7c6124a0257927af158164a3a4d1cc768484a67888d47
diff --git a/www-client/torbrowser/files/4.5-Change_the_default_Firefox_profile_directory_to_be_TBB-relative.patch b/www-client/torbrowser/files/4.5-Change_the_default_Firefox_profile_directory_to_be_TBB-relative.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6732652..0000000
--- a/www-client/torbrowser/files/4.5-Change_the_default_Firefox_profile_directory_to_be_TBB-relative.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,424 +0,0 @@
-From 0084df27957d0788bdccaeec0830647a61a3e877 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Kathy Brade <>
-Date: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 15:20:06 -0400
-Subject: Bug #9173: Change the default Firefox profile directory to be
- TBB-relative.
-This should eliminate our need to rely on a wrapper script that sets $HOME and
-launches Firefox with -profile.
-diff --git a/toolkit/xre/nsXREDirProvider.cpp b/toolkit/xre/nsXREDirProvider.cpp
-index 88a4348..4835541 100644
---- a/toolkit/xre/nsXREDirProvider.cpp
-+++ b/toolkit/xre/nsXREDirProvider.cpp
-@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
- #include "nsArrayEnumerator.h"
- #include "nsEnumeratorUtils.h"
- #include "nsReadableUtils.h"
-+#include "nsXPCOMPrivate.h" // for XPCOM_FILE_PATH_SEPARATOR
- #include "mozilla/Services.h"
- #include "mozilla/Omnijar.h"
- #include "mozilla/Preferences.h"
-@@ -188,9 +189,6 @@ nsXREDirProvider::GetUserProfilesRootDir(nsIFile** aResult,
- aProfileName, aAppName, aVendorName);
- if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
--#if !defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_MACOSX)
-- rv = file->AppendNative(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Profiles"));
- // We must create the profile directory here if it does not exist.
- nsresult tmp = EnsureDirectoryExists(file);
- if (NS_FAILED(tmp)) {
-@@ -213,9 +211,6 @@ nsXREDirProvider::GetUserProfilesLocalDir(nsIFile** aResult,
- aProfileName, aAppName, aVendorName);
- if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
--#if !defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_MACOSX)
-- rv = file->AppendNative(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Profiles"));
- // We must create the profile directory here if it does not exist.
- nsresult tmp = EnsureDirectoryExists(file);
- if (NS_FAILED(tmp)) {
-@@ -1143,82 +1138,45 @@ nsresult
- nsXREDirProvider::GetUserDataDirectoryHome(nsIFile** aFile, bool aLocal)
- {
- // Copied from nsAppFileLocationProvider (more or less)
-- nsresult rv;
- nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> localDir;
--#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
-- FSRef fsRef;
-- OSType folderType;
-- if (aLocal) {
-- folderType = kCachedDataFolderType;
-- } else {
-- folderType = kDomainLibraryFolderType;
-- folderType = kApplicationSupportFolderType;
-- }
-- OSErr err = ::FSFindFolder(kUserDomain, folderType, kCreateFolder, &fsRef);
-- rv = NS_NewNativeLocalFile(EmptyCString(), true, getter_AddRefs(localDir));
-+ nsresult rv = GetAppDir()->Clone(getter_AddRefs(localDir));
-- nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFileMac> dirFileMac = do_QueryInterface(localDir);
-+ int levelsToRemove = 1; // In FF21+, appDir points to browser subdirectory.
-+#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
-+ levelsToRemove += 2;
-+ while (localDir && (levelsToRemove > 0)) {
-+ // When crawling up the hierarchy, components named "." do not count.
-+ nsAutoCString removedName;
-+ rv = localDir->GetNativeLeafName(removedName);
-+ bool didRemove = !removedName.Equals(".");
-- rv = dirFileMac->InitWithFSRef(&fsRef);
-+ // Remove a directory component.
-+ nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> parentDir;
-+ rv = localDir->GetParent(getter_AddRefs(parentDir));
-+ localDir = parentDir;
-- localDir = do_QueryInterface(dirFileMac, &rv);
--#elif defined(XP_WIN)
-- nsString path;
-- if (aLocal) {
-- rv = GetShellFolderPath(CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA, path);
-- if (NS_FAILED(rv))
-- rv = GetRegWindowsAppDataFolder(aLocal, path);
-+ if (didRemove)
-+ --levelsToRemove;
- }
-- if (!aLocal || NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-- rv = GetShellFolderPath(CSIDL_APPDATA, path);
-- if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
-- if (!aLocal)
-- rv = GetRegWindowsAppDataFolder(aLocal, path);
-- }
-- }
-- rv = NS_NewLocalFile(path, true, getter_AddRefs(localDir));
--#elif defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GONK)
-- rv = NS_NewNativeLocalFile(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("/data/b2g"), true,
-- getter_AddRefs(localDir));
--#elif defined(XP_UNIX)
-- const char* homeDir = getenv("HOME");
-- if (!homeDir || !*homeDir)
-+ if (!localDir)
--#ifdef ANDROID /* We want (ProfD == ProfLD) on Android. */
-- aLocal = false;
-+ rv = localDir->AppendRelativeNativePath(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("TorBrowser"
- if (aLocal) {
-- // If $XDG_CACHE_HOME is defined use it, otherwise use $HOME/.cache.
-- const char* cacheHome = getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME");
-- if (cacheHome && *cacheHome) {
-- rv = NS_NewNativeLocalFile(nsDependentCString(cacheHome), true,
-- getter_AddRefs(localDir));
-- } else {
-- rv = NS_NewNativeLocalFile(nsDependentCString(homeDir), true,
-- getter_AddRefs(localDir));
-- if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
-- rv = localDir->AppendNative(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(".cache"));
-- }
-- } else {
-- rv = NS_NewNativeLocalFile(nsDependentCString(homeDir), true,
-- getter_AddRefs(localDir));
-+ rv = localDir->AppendNative(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Caches"));
- }
--#error "Don't know how to get product dir on your platform"
- NS_IF_ADDREF(*aFile = localDir);
- return rv;
-@@ -1431,48 +1389,25 @@ nsXREDirProvider::AppendProfilePath(nsIFile* aFile,
- }
- nsAutoCString profile;
-- nsAutoCString appName;
-- nsAutoCString vendor;
- if (aProfileName && !aProfileName->IsEmpty()) {
- profile = *aProfileName;
-- } else if (aAppName) {
-- appName = *aAppName;
-- if (aVendorName) {
-- vendor = *aVendorName;
-- }
- } else if (gAppData->profile) {
- profile = gAppData->profile;
-- } else {
-- appName = gAppData->name;
-- vendor = gAppData->vendor;
- }
-- nsresult rv;
-+ nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
- #if defined (XP_MACOSX)
- if (!profile.IsEmpty()) {
- rv = AppendProfileString(aFile, profile.get());
- }
-- else {
-- // Note that MacOS ignores the vendor when creating the profile hierarchy -
-- // all application preferences directories live alongside one another in
-- // ~/Library/Application Support/
-- rv = aFile->AppendNative(appName);
-- }
- #elif defined(XP_WIN)
- if (!profile.IsEmpty()) {
- rv = AppendProfileString(aFile, profile.get());
- }
-- else {
-- if (!vendor.IsEmpty()) {
-- rv = aFile->AppendNative(vendor);
-- }
-- rv = aFile->AppendNative(appName);
-- }
- #elif defined(ANDROID)
- // The directory used for storing profiles
-@@ -1484,12 +1419,6 @@ nsXREDirProvider::AppendProfilePath(nsIFile* aFile,
- rv = aFile->AppendNative(nsDependentCString("mozilla"));
- #elif defined(XP_UNIX)
-- nsAutoCString folder;
-- // Make it hidden (by starting with "."), except when local (the
-- // profile is already under ~/.cache or XDG_CACHE_HOME).
-- if (!aLocal)
-- folder.Assign('.');
- if (!profile.IsEmpty()) {
- // Skip any leading path characters
- const char* profileStart = profile.get();
-@@ -1498,31 +1427,17 @@ nsXREDirProvider::AppendProfilePath(nsIFile* aFile,
- // On the off chance that someone wanted their folder to be hidden don't
- // let it become ".."
-- if (*profileStart == '.' && !aLocal)
-+ if (*profileStart == '.')
- profileStart++;
-+ // Make it hidden (by starting with ".").
-+ nsAutoCString folder(".");
- folder.Append(profileStart);
- ToLowerCase(folder);
- rv = AppendProfileString(aFile, folder.BeginReading());
- }
-- else {
-- if (!vendor.IsEmpty()) {
-- folder.Append(vendor);
-- ToLowerCase(folder);
-- rv = aFile->AppendNative(folder);
-- folder.Truncate();
-- }
-- folder.Append(appName);
-- ToLowerCase(folder);
-- rv = aFile->AppendNative(folder);
-- }
- #else
- #error "Don't know how to get profile path on your platform"
-diff --git a/toolkit/xre/nsXREDirProvider.h b/toolkit/xre/nsXREDirProvider.h
-index 4a9f9a0..054075c 100644
---- a/toolkit/xre/nsXREDirProvider.h
-+++ b/toolkit/xre/nsXREDirProvider.h
-@@ -56,16 +56,16 @@ public:
- nsresult GetProfileDefaultsDir(nsIFile* *aResult);
-- static nsresult GetUserAppDataDirectory(nsIFile* *aFile) {
-+ nsresult GetUserAppDataDirectory(nsIFile* *aFile) {
- return GetUserDataDirectory(aFile, false, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
- }
-- static nsresult GetUserLocalDataDirectory(nsIFile* *aFile) {
-+ nsresult GetUserLocalDataDirectory(nsIFile* *aFile) {
- return GetUserDataDirectory(aFile, true, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
- }
- // By default GetUserDataDirectory gets profile path from gAppData,
- // but that can be overridden by using aProfileName/aAppName/aVendorName.
-- static nsresult GetUserDataDirectory(nsIFile** aFile, bool aLocal,
-+ nsresult GetUserDataDirectory(nsIFile** aFile, bool aLocal,
- const nsACString* aProfileName,
- const nsACString* aAppName,
- const nsACString* aVendorName);
-@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ public:
- protected:
- nsresult GetFilesInternal(const char* aProperty, nsISimpleEnumerator** aResult);
-- static nsresult GetUserDataDirectoryHome(nsIFile* *aFile, bool aLocal);
-- static nsresult GetSysUserExtensionsDirectory(nsIFile* *aFile);
-+ nsresult GetUserDataDirectoryHome(nsIFile* *aFile, bool aLocal);
-+ nsresult GetSysUserExtensionsDirectory(nsIFile* *aFile);
- #if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(XP_MACOSX)
- static nsresult GetSystemExtensionsDirectory(nsIFile** aFile);
- #endif
-diff --git a/xpcom/io/ b/xpcom/io/
-index cc467f9..609068b 100644
---- a/xpcom/io/
-+++ b/xpcom/io/
-@@ -126,4 +126,8 @@ FINAL_LIBRARY = 'xpcom_core'
- if CONFIG['OS_ARCH'] == 'Linux' and 'lib64' in CONFIG['libdir']:
-+ '../build'
-diff --git a/xpcom/io/nsAppFileLocationProvider.cpp b/xpcom/io/nsAppFileLocationProvider.cpp
-index 1a38589..83f9836 100644
---- a/xpcom/io/nsAppFileLocationProvider.cpp
-+++ b/xpcom/io/nsAppFileLocationProvider.cpp
-@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
- #include "nsISimpleEnumerator.h"
- #include "prenv.h"
- #include "nsCRT.h"
-+#include "nsXPCOMPrivate.h" // for XPCOM_FILE_PATH_SEPARATOR
- #if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_COCOA)
- #include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
-@@ -284,9 +285,8 @@ NS_METHOD nsAppFileLocationProvider::CloneMozBinDirectory(nsIFile **aLocalFile)
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // GetProductDirectory - Gets the directory which contains the application data folder
- //
--// UNIX : ~/.mozilla/
--// WIN : <Application Data folder on user's machine>\Mozilla
--// Mac : :Documents:Mozilla:
-+// UNIX and WIN : <App Folder>/TorBrowser/Data/Browser
-+// Mac : <App Folder>/../../TorBrowser/Data/Browser
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- NS_METHOD nsAppFileLocationProvider::GetProductDirectory(nsIFile **aLocalFile, bool aLocal)
- {
-@@ -297,32 +297,43 @@ NS_METHOD nsAppFileLocationProvider::GetProductDirectory(nsIFile **aLocalFile, b
- bool exists;
- nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> localDir;
--#if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_COCOA)
-- FSRef fsRef;
-- OSType folderType = aLocal ? (OSType) kCachedDataFolderType : (OSType) kDomainLibraryFolderType;
-- OSErr err = ::FSFindFolder(kUserDomain, folderType, kCreateFolder, &fsRef);
-- if (err) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-- NS_NewLocalFile(EmptyString(), true, getter_AddRefs(localDir));
-- if (!localDir) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
-- nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFileMac> localDirMac(do_QueryInterface(localDir));
-- rv = localDirMac->InitWithFSRef(&fsRef);
-- if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
--#elif defined(XP_WIN)
-- nsCOMPtr<nsIProperties> directoryService =
-- if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
-- const char* prop = aLocal ? NS_WIN_LOCAL_APPDATA_DIR : NS_WIN_APPDATA_DIR;
-- rv = directoryService->Get(prop, NS_GET_IID(nsIFile), getter_AddRefs(localDir));
-- if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
--#elif defined(XP_UNIX)
-- rv = NS_NewNativeLocalFile(nsDependentCString(PR_GetEnv("HOME")), true, getter_AddRefs(localDir));
-- if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
--#error dont_know_how_to_get_product_dir_on_your_platform
-+ rv = CloneMozBinDirectory(getter_AddRefs(localDir));
-+ int levelsToRemove = 1; // In FF21+, bin dir points to browser subdirectory.
-+#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
-+ levelsToRemove += 2;
- #endif
-+ while (localDir && (levelsToRemove > 0)) {
-+ // When crawling up the hierarchy, components named "." do not count.
-+ nsAutoCString removedName;
-+ rv = localDir->GetNativeLeafName(removedName);
-+ bool didRemove = !removedName.Equals(".");
-+ // Remove a directory component.
-+ nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> parentDir;
-+ rv = localDir->GetParent(getter_AddRefs(parentDir));
-+ localDir = parentDir;
-+ if (didRemove)
-+ --levelsToRemove;
-+ }
-+ if (!localDir)
-+ rv = localDir->AppendRelativeNativePath(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("TorBrowser"
-+ if (aLocal) {
-+ rv = localDir->AppendNative(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Caches"));
-+ }
-- rv = localDir->AppendRelativeNativePath(DEFAULT_PRODUCT_DIR);
-- if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
- rv = localDir->Exists(&exists);
- if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !exists)
-@@ -339,10 +350,6 @@ NS_METHOD nsAppFileLocationProvider::GetProductDirectory(nsIFile **aLocalFile, b
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // GetDefaultUserProfileRoot - Gets the directory which contains each user profile dir
--// UNIX : ~/.mozilla/
--// WIN : <Application Data folder on user's machine>\Mozilla\Profiles
--// Mac : :Documents:Mozilla:Profiles:
- //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- NS_METHOD nsAppFileLocationProvider::GetDefaultUserProfileRoot(nsIFile **aLocalFile, bool aLocal)
- {
-@@ -355,18 +362,6 @@ NS_METHOD nsAppFileLocationProvider::GetDefaultUserProfileRoot(nsIFile **aLocalF
- rv = GetProductDirectory(getter_AddRefs(localDir), aLocal);
- if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
--#if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_COCOA) || defined(XP_WIN)
-- // These 3 platforms share this part of the path - do them as one
-- rv = localDir->AppendRelativeNativePath(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Profiles"));
-- if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
-- bool exists;
-- rv = localDir->Exists(&exists);
-- if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !exists)
-- rv = localDir->Create(nsIFile::DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0775);
-- if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
- *aLocalFile = localDir;
- NS_ADDREF(*aLocalFile);
-cgit v0.10.2
diff --git a/www-client/torbrowser/files/99torbrowser.example b/www-client/torbrowser/files/99torbrowser.example
deleted file mode 100644
index 2031d05..0000000
--- a/www-client/torbrowser/files/99torbrowser.example
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/env.d/99torbrowser
-# The Tor ControlPort password should be given inside double quotes, inside
-# single quotes, i.e. if the ControlPort password is “secret” (without
-# curly quotes) then we must set the environment variable *exactly* like
-# this:
-# TOR_CONTROL_PASSWD='"secret"'
-# Yes, the variable MUST be double-quoted, then single-quoted, exactly as
-# shown. This is used by TorButtom to authenticate to Tor's ControlPort, and
-# is necessary for using TBB with a with a system-installed Tor.
diff --git a/www-client/torbrowser/files/README.tor-launcher b/www-client/torbrowser/files/README.tor-launcher
deleted file mode 100644
index 5edc01e..0000000
--- a/www-client/torbrowser/files/README.tor-launcher
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-Using a system-installed Tor process with Tor Browser:
-The Tor ControlPort password should be given inside double quotes, inside
-single quotes, i.e. if the ControlPort password is “secret” (without
-curly quotes) then we must set the environment variable *exactly* like
-Yes, the variable MUST be double-quoted, then single-quoted, exactly as
-shown. This is used by TorButtom to authenticate to Tor's ControlPort, and
-is necessary for using TBB with a with a system-installed Tor.
-Additionally, if using a system-installed Tor, the following about:config
-options should be set (values in <> mean they are the value taken from your
-extensions.torbutton.banned_ports [...],<SocksPort>,<ControlPort>
-extensions.torbutton.block_disk false
-extensions.torbutton.custom.socks_port <SocksPort>
-extensions.torbutton.inserted_button true
-extensions.torbutton.launch_warning false
-extensions.torbutton.loglevel 2
-extensions.torbutton.logmethod 0
-extensions.torbutton.settings_method custom
-extensions.torbutton.socks_port <SocksPort>
-extensions.torbutton.use_privoxy false
-extensions.torlauncher.control_port <ControlPort>
-extensions.torlauncher.loglevel 2
-extensions.torlauncher.logmethod 0
-extensions.torlauncher.prompt_at_startup false
-extensions.torlauncher.start_tor false
-where the '[...]' in the banned_ports option means "leave anything that was
-already in the preference alone, just append the things specified after it".
diff --git a/www-client/torbrowser/files/torbrowser-24.3.0-allow-lightspark.patch b/www-client/torbrowser/files/torbrowser-24.3.0-allow-lightspark.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 7228f16..0000000
--- a/www-client/torbrowser/files/torbrowser-24.3.0-allow-lightspark.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-From: Julian Ospald <>
-Date: Sun Feb 16 17:11:39 UTC 2014
-Subject: allow lightspark
---- tor-browser/dom/plugins/base/nsPluginHost.cpp
-+++ tor-browser/dom/plugins/base/nsPluginHost.cpp
-@@ -1821,6 +1821,7 @@
- //,, Flash Player-10.4-10.5.plugin,
- // NPSWF32.dll, NPSWF64.dll
- if (strstr(leafStr, "libgnashplugin") == leafStr ||
-+ strstr(leafStr, "liblightsparkplugin") == leafStr ||
- strstr(leafStr, "libflashplayer") == leafStr ||
- strstr(leafStr, "Flash Player") == leafStr ||
- strstr(leafStr, "NPSWF") == leafStr) {
diff --git a/www-client/torbrowser/metadata.xml b/www-client/torbrowser/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index dcb9d0b..0000000
--- a/www-client/torbrowser/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <email></email>
- <name>Poncho</name>
- <flag name="custom-optimization">Fine-tune custom compiler
- optimizations, setting this is not recommended.</flag>
- <flag name="system-cairo">Use the system-wide <pkg>x11-libs/cairo</pkg>
- instead of bundled.</flag>
- <flag name="system-icu">Use the system-wide <pkg>dev-libs/icu</pkg>
- instead of bundled.</flag>
- <flag name="system-jpeg">Use the system-wide <pkg>media-libs/libjpeg-turbo</pkg>
- instead of bundled.</flag>
- <flag name="system-libvpx">Use the system-wide <pkg>media-libs/libvpx</pkg>
- instead of bundled.</flag>
- <flag name="system-sqlite">Use the system-wide <pkg>dev-db/sqlite</pkg>
- installation with secure-delete enabled</flag>
diff --git a/www-client/torbrowser/torbrowser-31.6.0_p450.ebuild b/www-client/torbrowser/torbrowser-31.6.0_p450.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index c9b8384..0000000
--- a/www-client/torbrowser/torbrowser-31.6.0_p450.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2015 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-if [[ ${MOZ_ESR} == 1 ]]; then
- # ESR releases have slightly version numbers
- MOZ_PV="${PV/_p*}esr"
-# see
-# Patch version
-inherit check-reqs flag-o-matic toolchain-funcs eutils gnome2-utils mozconfig-v5.31 multilib pax-utils autotools
-DESCRIPTION="The Tor Browser"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-# BSD license applies to torproject-related code like the patches
-# icons are under CCPL-Attribution-3.0
-IUSE="hardened test"
-SRC_URI="${GIT_TAG}.tar.gz -> ${GIT_TAG}.tar.gz
- x86? (
- ${BASE_SRC_URI}/tor-browser-linux32-${TOR_PV}_en-US.tar.xz
- ${ARCHIVE_SRC_URI}/tor-browser-linux32-${TOR_PV}_en-US.tar.xz
- )
- amd64? (
- ${BASE_SRC_URI}/tor-browser-linux64-${TOR_PV}_en-US.tar.xz
- ${ARCHIVE_SRC_URI}/tor-browser-linux64-${TOR_PV}_en-US.tar.xz
- )"
- >=dev-libs/nspr-4.10.6"
- amd64? ( ${ASM_DEPEND}
- virtual/opengl )
- x86? ( ${ASM_DEPEND}
- virtual/opengl )"
-# See mozcoreconf-2.eclass
-mozversion_is_new_enough() {
- if [[ $(get_version_component_range 1) -ge 17 ]] ; then
- return 0
- fi
- return 1
-pkg_setup() {
- moz_pkgsetup
- # These should *always* be cleaned up anyway
-pkg_pretend() {
- # Ensure we have enough disk space to compile
- if use debug || use test ; then
- else
- fi
- check-reqs_pkg_setup
- if use jit && [[ -n ${PROFILE_IS_HARDENED} ]]; then
- ewarn "You are emerging this package on a hardened profile with USE=jit enabled."
- ewarn "This is horribly insecure as it disables all PAGEEXEC restrictions."
- ewarn "Please ensure you know what you are doing. If you don't, please consider"
- ewarn "emerging the package with USE=-jit"
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- # Apply gentoo firefox patches
- EPATCH_SUFFIX="patch" \
- EPATCH_FORCE="yes" \
- epatch "${WORKDIR}/firefox"
- # Revert "Change the default Firefox profile directory to be TBB-relative"
- epatch -R "${FILESDIR}/4.5-Change_the_default_Firefox_profile_directory_to_be_TBB-relative.patch"
- # FIXME:
- # Except lightspark-plugin from blocklist
- epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-24.3.0-allow-lightspark.patch
- # Allow user to apply any additional patches without modifing ebuild
- epatch_user
- # Enable gnomebreakpad
- if use debug ; then
- "${S}"/build/unix/ || die "sed failed!"
- fi
- # Ensure that our plugins dir is enabled as default
- sed -i -e "s:/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins:/usr/lib/nsbrowser/plugins:" \
- "${S}"/xpcom/io/nsAppFileLocationProvider.cpp || die "sed failed to replace plugin path for 32bit!"
- sed -i -e "s:/usr/lib64/mozilla/plugins:/usr/lib64/nsbrowser/plugins:" \
- "${S}"/xpcom/io/nsAppFileLocationProvider.cpp || die "sed failed to replace plugin path for 64bit!"
- # Fix sandbox violations during make clean, bug 372817
- sed -e "s:\(/no-such-file\):${T}\1:g" \
- -i "${S}"/config/ \
- -i "${S}"/nsprpub/configure{.in,} \
- || die
- # Don't exit with error when some libs are missing which we have in
- # system.
- sed '/^MOZ_PKG_FATAL_WARNINGS/s@= 1@= 0@' \
- -i "${S}"/browser/installer/ || die
- # Don't error out when there's no files to be removed:
- sed 's@\(xargs rm\)$@\1 -f@' \
- -i "${S}"/toolkit/mozapps/installer/ || die
- eautoreconf
- # Must run autoconf in js/src
- cd "${S}"/js/src || die
- eautoconf
-src_configure() {
- MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME="${EPREFIX}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/${MY_PN}
- MEXTENSIONS="default"
- ####################################
- #
- # mozconfig, CFLAGS and CXXFLAGS setup
- #
- ####################################
- mozconfig_init
- mozconfig_config
- # Add full relro support for hardened
- use hardened && append-ldflags "-Wl,-z,relro,-z,now"
- mozconfig_annotate '' --enable-extensions="${MEXTENSIONS}"
- mozconfig_annotate '' --disable-mailnews
- # Other ff-specific settings
- mozconfig_annotate '' --with-default-mozilla-five-home=${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}
- # Rename the install directory and the executable
- mozconfig_annotate 'torbrowser' --libdir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}
- mozconfig_annotate 'torbrowser' --with-app-name=torbrowser
- mozconfig_annotate 'torbrowser' --with-app-basename=torbrowser
- # see
- mozconfig_annotate 'torbrowser' --disable-tor-browser-update
- mozconfig_annotate 'torbrowser' --with-tor-browser-version=${TOR_PV}
- # Finalize and report settings
- mozconfig_final
- if [[ $(gcc-major-version) -lt 4 ]]; then
- append-cxxflags -fno-stack-protector
- elif [[ $(gcc-major-version) -gt 4 || $(gcc-minor-version) -gt 3 ]]; then
- if use amd64 || use x86; then
- append-flags -mno-avx
- fi
- fi
-src_compile() {
- CC="$(tc-getCC)" CXX="$(tc-getCXX)" LD="$(tc-getLD)" \
- emake -f
-src_install() {
- MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME="${EPREFIX}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/${PN}/${MY_PN}
- DICTPATH="\"${EPREFIX}/usr/share/myspell\""
- # MOZ_BUILD_ROOT, and hence OBJ_DIR change depending on arch, compiler etc.
- local obj_dir="$(echo */config.log)"
- obj_dir="${obj_dir%/*}"
- cd "${S}/${obj_dir}" || die
- # Pax mark xpcshell for hardened support, only used for startupcache creation.
- pax-mark m "${S}/${obj_dir}"/dist/bin/xpcshell
- # Add an emty default prefs for mozconfig-3.eclass
- touch "${S}/${obj_dir}/dist/bin/browser/defaults/preferences/all-gentoo.js" \
- || die
- # Set default path to search for dictionaries.
- echo "pref(\"spellchecker.dictionary_path\", ${DICTPATH});" \
- >> "${S}/${obj_dir}/dist/bin/browser/defaults/preferences/all-gentoo.js" \
- || die
- # see:
- echo "pref(\"general.useragent.locale\", \"en-US\");" \
- >> "${S}/${obj_dir}/dist/bin/browser/defaults/preferences/000-tor-browser.js" \
- || die
- emake DESTDIR="${D}" install
- # Install icons and .desktop for menu entry
- local size sizes icon_path
- sizes="16 24 32 48 256"
- icon_path="${S}/browser/branding/official"
- for size in ${sizes}; do
- newicon -s ${size} "${icon_path}/default${size}.png" ${PN}.png
- done
- # The 128x128 icon has a different name
- newicon -s 128 "${icon_path}/mozicon128.png" ${PN}.png
- make_desktop_entry ${PN} "Tor Browser" ${PN} "Network;WebBrowser" "StartupWMClass=Torbrowser"
- # Add StartupNotify=true bug 237317
- if use startup-notification ; then
- echo "StartupNotify=true" \
- >> "${ED}/usr/share/applications/${PN}-${PN}.desktop" \
- || die
- fi
- # Required in order to use plugins and even run torbrowser on hardened.
- pax-mark m "${ED}"${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/plugin-container
- # Required in order for jit to work on hardened, as of torbroser-31
- use jit && pax-mark pm "${ED}"${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/{torbrowser,torbrowser-bin}
- # We dont want development files
- rm -r "${ED}"/usr/include "${ED}${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}"/{idl,include,lib,sdk} \
- || die "Failed to remove sdk and headers"
- # revdep-rebuild entry
- insinto /etc/revdep-rebuild
- doins "${T}"/10${PN} || die
- # Profile without the tor-launcher extension
- # see:
- local profile_dir="${WORKDIR}/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/TorBrowser/Data/Browser/profile.default"
- docompress -x "${EROOT}/usr/share/doc/${PF}/"
- dodoc "${profile_dir}/extensions/"
- rm "${profile_dir}/extensions/" || die "Failed to remove torlauncher extension"
- insinto ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}/browser/defaults/profile
- doins -r "${profile_dir}"/{extensions,preferences,bookmarks.html}
- # see:
- dodoc "${FILESDIR}/README.tor-launcher"
- dodoc "${WORKDIR}/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/TorBrowser/Docs/ChangeLog.txt"
- # see:
- dodoc "${FILESDIR}/99torbrowser.example"
-pkg_preinst() {
- gnome2_icon_savelist
-pkg_postinst() {
- echo
- ewarn "This patched firefox build is _NOT_ recommended by Tor upstream but uses"
- ewarn "the exact same sources. Use this only if you know what you are doing!"
- elog ""
- elog "Torbrowser uses port 9150 to connect to Tor. You can change the port"
- elog "in the connection settings to match your setup."
- elog ""
- elog "To get the advanced functionality of Torbutton (network information,"
- elog "new identity), Torbrowser needs to access a control port."
- elog "See 99torbrowser.example in /usr/share/doc/${PF} and check \"man tor\""
- elog "for further information."
- echo
- if [[ "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" ]] && [[ "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" < "31.6.0_p450" ]]; then
- ewarn ""
- ewarn "Since this is a major upgrade, you need to start with a fresh profile."
- ewarn "Either move or remove your profile in \"~/.mozilla/torbrowser/\""
- ewarn "and let Torbrowser generate a new one."
- echo
- fi
- gnome2_icon_cache_update
-pkg_postrm() {
- gnome2_icon_cache_update