diff options
authorMeik Sievertsen <acydburn@phpbb.com>2007-01-21 18:33:45 +0000
committerMeik Sievertsen <acydburn@phpbb.com>2007-01-21 18:33:45 +0000
commit576bb754e9f5b074c7c7c9bdc2debea4b5f65e1a (patch)
tree044f9e15ce160c7b3ad7a3c6db4533de93367287 /phpBB/language/en/help_bbcode.php
parent#7254 (diff)
fixing some bugs, most being submitted grammatical/spelling errors.
git-svn-id: file:///svn/phpbb/trunk@6915 89ea8834-ac86-4346-8a33-228a782c2dd0
Diffstat (limited to 'phpBB/language/en/help_bbcode.php')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/phpBB/language/en/help_bbcode.php b/phpBB/language/en/help_bbcode.php
index 938a767374..082b28ae1e 100644
--- a/phpBB/language/en/help_bbcode.php
+++ b/phpBB/language/en/help_bbcode.php
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ $help = array(
0 => 'Creating an Un-ordered list',
- 1 => 'BBCode supports two types of lists, unordered and ordered. They are essentially the same as their HTML equivalents. An unordered list ouputs each item in your list sequentially one after the other indenting each with a bullet character. To create an unordered list you use <strong>[list][/list]</strong> and define each item within the list using <strong>[*]</strong>. For example to list your favorite colours you could use:<br /><br /><strong>[list]</strong><br /><strong>[*]</strong>Red<br /><strong>[*]</strong>Blue<br /><strong>[*]</strong>Yellow<br /><strong>[/list]</strong><br /><br />This would generate the following list:<ul><li>Red</li><li>Blue</li><li>Yellow</li></ul>'
+ 1 => 'BBCode supports two types of lists, unordered and ordered. They are essentially the same as their HTML equivalents. An unordered list ouputs each item in your list sequentially one after the other indenting each with a bullet character. To create an unordered list you use <strong>[list][/list]</strong> and define each item within the list using <strong>[*]</strong>. For example to list your favourite colours you could use:<br /><br /><strong>[list]</strong><br /><strong>[*]</strong>Red<br /><strong>[*]</strong>Blue<br /><strong>[*]</strong>Yellow<br /><strong>[/list]</strong><br /><br />This would generate the following list:<ul><li>Red</li><li>Blue</li><li>Yellow</li></ul>'
0 => 'Creating an Ordered list',
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ $help = array(
0 => 'Linking to another site',
- 1 => 'phpBB BBCode supports a number of ways of creating URIs, Uniform Resource Indicators better known as URLs.<ul><li>The first of these uses the <strong>[url=][/url]</strong> tag, whatever you type after the = sign will cause the contents of that tag to act as a URL. For example to link to phpBB.com you could use:<br /><br /><strong>[url=http://www.phpbb.com/]</strong>Visit phpBB!<strong>[/url]</strong><br /><br />This would generate the following link, <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/" target="_blank">Visit phpBB!</a> You will notice the link opens in a new window so the user can continue browsing the forums if they wish.</li><li>If you want the URL itself displayed as the link you can do this by simply using:<br /><br /><strong>[url]</strong>http://www.phpbb.com/<strong>[/url]</strong><br /><br />This would generate the following link, <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/" target="_blank">http://www.phpbb.com/</a></li><li>Additionally phpBB features something called <i>Magic Links</i>, this will turn any syntatically correct URL into a link without you needing to specify any tags or even the leading http://. For example typing www.phpbb.com into your message will automatically lead to <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/" target="_blank">www.phpbb.com</a> being output when you view the message.</li><li>The same thing applies equally to email addresses, you can either specify an address explicitly for example:<br /><br /><strong>[email]</strong>no.one@domain.adr<strong>[/email]</strong><br /><br />which will output <a href="mailto:no.one@domain.adr">no.one@domain.adr</a> or you can just type no.one@domain.adr into your message and it will be automatically converted when you view.</li></ul>As with all the BBCode tags you can wrap URLs around any of the other tags such as <strong>[img][/img]</strong> (see next entry), <strong>[b][/b]</strong>, etc. As with the formatting tags it is up to you to ensure the correct open and close order is following, for example:<br /><br /><strong>[url=http://www.google.com/][img]</strong>http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/images/logo.gif<strong>[/url][/img]</strong><br /><br />is <u>not</u> correct which may lead to your post being deleted so take care.'
+ 1 => 'phpBB BBCode supports a number of ways of creating URIs, Uniform Resource Indicators better known as URLs.<ul><li>The first of these uses the <strong>[url=][/url]</strong> tag, whatever you type after the = sign will cause the contents of that tag to act as a URL. For example to link to phpBB.com you could use:<br /><br /><strong>[url=http://www.phpbb.com/]</strong>Visit phpBB!<strong>[/url]</strong><br /><br />This would generate the following link, <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/" target="_blank">Visit phpBB!</a> You will notice the link opens in a new window so the user can continue browsing the forums if they wish.</li><li>If you want the URL itself displayed as the link you can do this by simply using:<br /><br /><strong>[url]</strong>http://www.phpbb.com/<strong>[/url]</strong><br /><br />This would generate the following link, <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/" target="_blank">http://www.phpbb.com/</a></li><li>Additionally phpBB features something called <i>Magic Links</i>, this will turn any syntactically correct URL into a link without you needing to specify any tags or even the leading http://. For example typing www.phpbb.com into your message will automatically lead to <a href="http://www.phpbb.com/" target="_blank">www.phpbb.com</a> being output when you view the message.</li><li>The same thing applies equally to email addresses, you can either specify an address explicitly for example:<br /><br /><strong>[email]</strong>no.one@domain.adr<strong>[/email]</strong><br /><br />which will output <a href="mailto:no.one@domain.adr">no.one@domain.adr</a> or you can just type no.one@domain.adr into your message and it will be automatically converted when you view.</li></ul>As with all the BBCode tags you can wrap URLs around any of the other tags such as <strong>[img][/img]</strong> (see next entry), <strong>[b][/b]</strong>, etc. As with the formatting tags it is up to you to ensure the correct open and close order is following, for example:<br /><br /><strong>[url=http://www.google.com/][img]</strong>http://www.google.com/intl/en_ALL/images/logo.gif<strong>[/url][/img]</strong><br /><br />is <u>not</u> correct which may lead to your post being deleted so take care.'
0 => '--',
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ $help = array(
0 => 'Adding attachments into a post',
- 1 => 'Attachments can now be placed in any part of a post by using the new <strong>[attachment=][/attachment]</strong> BBCode, if the attachments functionality has been enabled by a board administrator &amp; if you are given the appropiate permissions to create attachments. Within the posting screen is a drop-down box for placing attachments inline.'
+ 1 => 'Attachments can now be placed in any part of a post by using the new <strong>[attachment=][/attachment]</strong> BBCode, if the attachments functionality has been enabled by a board administrator &amp; if you are given the appropriate permissions to create attachments. Within the posting screen is a drop-down box for placing attachments inline.'
0 => '--',