diff options
authorAlexander Bersenev <bay@hackerdom.ru>2011-08-21 17:35:50 +0000
committerAlexander Bersenev <bay@hackerdom.ru>2011-08-21 17:35:50 +0000
commit91ffc6c50001d41fe1d16981baa32fb557463375 (patch)
tree393551fe844a9c7ee030ad71efe03a92b76ac569 /portage_with_autodep/bin/ebuild
parentportage integration patch is added (diff)
add a patched version of portage
Diffstat (limited to 'portage_with_autodep/bin/ebuild')
1 files changed, 346 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/portage_with_autodep/bin/ebuild b/portage_with_autodep/bin/ebuild
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f8b6d79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/portage_with_autodep/bin/ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+#!/usr/bin/python -O
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+from __future__ import print_function
+import signal
+import sys
+# This block ensures that ^C interrupts are handled quietly.
+ def exithandler(signum,frame):
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIG_IGN)
+ sys.exit(128 + signum)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, exithandler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, exithandler)
+ # Prevent "[Errno 32] Broken pipe" exceptions when
+ # writing to a pipe.
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
+except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ sys.exit(128 + signal.SIGINT)
+def debug_signal(signum, frame):
+ import pdb
+ pdb.set_trace()
+signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, debug_signal)
+import imp
+import optparse
+import os
+description = "See the ebuild(1) man page for more info"
+usage = "Usage: ebuild <ebuild file> <command> [command] ..."
+parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description, usage=usage)
+force_help = "When used together with the digest or manifest " + \
+ "command, this option forces regeneration of digests for all " + \
+ "distfiles associated with the current ebuild. Any distfiles " + \
+ "that do not already exist in ${DISTDIR} will be automatically fetched."
+parser.add_option("--force", help=force_help, action="store_true", dest="force")
+parser.add_option("--color", help="enable or disable color output",
+ type="choice", choices=("y", "n"))
+parser.add_option("--debug", help="show debug output",
+ action="store_true", dest="debug")
+ action="store_true",
+ help="do not use the EBUILD_DEFAULT_OPTS environment variable")
+parser.add_option("--skip-manifest", help="skip all manifest checks",
+ action="store_true", dest="skip_manifest")
+opts, pargs = parser.parse_args(args=sys.argv[1:])
+if len(pargs) < 2:
+ parser.error("missing required args")
+if "merge" in pargs:
+ print("Disabling noauto in features... merge disables it. (qmerge doesn't)")
+ os.environ["FEATURES"] = os.environ.get("FEATURES", "") + " -noauto"
+ import portage
+except ImportError:
+ from os import path as osp
+ sys.path.insert(0, osp.join(osp.dirname(osp.dirname(osp.realpath(__file__))), "pym"))
+ import portage
+portage.dep._internal_warnings = True
+from portage import os
+from portage import _encodings
+from portage import _shell_quote
+from portage import _unicode_decode
+from portage import _unicode_encode
+from portage.const import VDB_PATH
+from _emerge.Package import Package
+from _emerge.RootConfig import RootConfig
+if not opts.ignore_default_opts:
+ default_opts = portage.settings.get("EBUILD_DEFAULT_OPTS", "").split()
+ opts, pargs = parser.parse_args(default_opts + sys.argv[1:])
+debug = opts.debug
+force = opts.force
+import portage.util, portage.const
+# do this _after_ 'import portage' to prevent unnecessary tracing
+if debug and "python-trace" in portage.features:
+ import portage.debug
+ portage.debug.set_trace(True)
+if not opts.color == 'y' and \
+ (opts.color == 'n' or \
+ portage.settings.get('NOCOLOR') in ('yes', 'true') or \
+ portage.settings.get('TERM') == 'dumb' or \
+ not sys.stdout.isatty()):
+ portage.output.nocolor()
+ portage.settings.unlock()
+ portage.settings['NOCOLOR'] = 'true'
+ portage.settings.lock()
+ebuild = pargs.pop(0)
+pf = None
+if ebuild.endswith(".ebuild"):
+ pf = os.path.basename(ebuild)[:-7]
+if pf is None:
+ portage.writemsg("'%s' does not end with '.ebuild'.\n" % \
+ (ebuild,), noiselevel=-1)
+ sys.exit(1)
+if not os.path.isabs(ebuild):
+ mycwd = os.getcwd()
+ # Try to get the non-canonical path from the PWD evironment variable, since
+ # the canonical path returned from os.getcwd() may may be unusable in
+ # cases where the directory stucture is built from symlinks.
+ pwd = os.environ.get('PWD', '')
+ if sys.hexversion < 0x3000000:
+ pwd = _unicode_decode(pwd, encoding=_encodings['content'],
+ errors='strict')
+ if pwd and pwd != mycwd and \
+ os.path.realpath(pwd) == mycwd:
+ mycwd = portage.normalize_path(pwd)
+ ebuild = os.path.join(mycwd, ebuild)
+ebuild = portage.normalize_path(ebuild)
+# portdbapi uses the canonical path for the base of the portage tree, but
+# subdirectories of the base can be built from symlinks (like crossdev does).
+ebuild_portdir = os.path.realpath(
+ os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(ebuild))))
+ebuild = os.path.join(ebuild_portdir, *ebuild.split(os.path.sep)[-3:])
+vdb_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(portage.settings['EROOT'], VDB_PATH))
+# Make sure that portdb.findname() returns the correct ebuild.
+if ebuild_portdir != vdb_path and \
+ ebuild_portdir not in portage.portdb.porttrees:
+ if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000:
+ os.environ["PORTDIR_OVERLAY"] = \
+ os.environ.get("PORTDIR_OVERLAY","") + \
+ " " + _shell_quote(ebuild_portdir)
+ else:
+ os.environ["PORTDIR_OVERLAY"] = \
+ os.environ.get("PORTDIR_OVERLAY","") + \
+ " " + _unicode_encode(_shell_quote(ebuild_portdir),
+ encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='strict')
+ print("Appending %s to PORTDIR_OVERLAY..." % ebuild_portdir)
+ imp.reload(portage)
+# Constrain eclass resolution to the master(s)
+# that are specified in layout.conf (using an
+# approach similar to repoman's).
+myrepo = None
+if ebuild_portdir != vdb_path:
+ myrepo = portage.portdb.getRepositoryName(ebuild_portdir)
+ repo_info = portage.portdb._repo_info[ebuild_portdir]
+ portage.portdb.porttrees = list(repo_info.eclass_db.porttrees)
+if not os.path.exists(ebuild):
+ print("'%s' does not exist." % ebuild)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ebuild_split = ebuild.split("/")
+cpv = "%s/%s" % (ebuild_split[-3], pf)
+if not portage.catpkgsplit(cpv):
+ print("!!! %s does not follow correct package syntax." % (cpv))
+ sys.exit(1)
+if ebuild.startswith(vdb_path):
+ mytree = "vartree"
+ pkg_type = "installed"
+ portage_ebuild = portage.db[portage.root][mytree].dbapi.findname(cpv, myrepo=myrepo)
+ if os.path.realpath(portage_ebuild) != ebuild:
+ print("!!! Portage seems to think that %s is at %s" % (cpv, portage_ebuild))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ mytree = "porttree"
+ pkg_type = "ebuild"
+ portage_ebuild = portage.portdb.findname(cpv, myrepo=myrepo)
+ if not portage_ebuild or portage_ebuild != ebuild:
+ print("!!! %s does not seem to have a valid PORTDIR structure." % ebuild)
+ sys.exit(1)
+if len(pargs) > 1 and "config" in pargs:
+ print("config must be called on it's own, not combined with any other phase")
+ sys.exit(1)
+def discard_digests(myebuild, mysettings, mydbapi):
+ """Discard all distfiles digests for the given ebuild. This is useful when
+ upstream has changed the identity of the distfiles and the user would
+ otherwise have to manually remove the Manifest and files/digest-* files in
+ order to ensure correct results."""
+ try:
+ portage._doebuild_manifest_exempt_depend += 1
+ pkgdir = os.path.dirname(myebuild)
+ fetchlist_dict = portage.FetchlistDict(pkgdir, mysettings, mydbapi)
+ from portage.manifest import Manifest
+ mf = Manifest(pkgdir, mysettings["DISTDIR"],
+ fetchlist_dict=fetchlist_dict, manifest1_compat=False)
+ mf.create(requiredDistfiles=None,
+ assumeDistHashesSometimes=True, assumeDistHashesAlways=True)
+ distfiles = fetchlist_dict[cpv]
+ for myfile in distfiles:
+ try:
+ del mf.fhashdict["DIST"][myfile]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ mf.write()
+ finally:
+ portage._doebuild_manifest_exempt_depend -= 1
+portage.settings.validate() # generate warning messages if necessary
+build_dir_phases = set(["setup", "unpack", "prepare", "configure", "compile",
+ "test", "install", "package", "rpm", "merge", "qmerge"])
+# If the current metadata is invalid then force the ebuild to be
+# sourced again even if $T/environment already exists.
+ebuild_changed = False
+if mytree == "porttree" and build_dir_phases.intersection(pargs):
+ metadata, st, emtime = \
+ portage.portdb._pull_valid_cache(cpv, ebuild, ebuild_portdir)
+ if metadata is None:
+ ebuild_changed = True
+tmpsettings = portage.config(clone=portage.settings)
+tmpsettings["PORTAGE_VERBOSE"] = "1"
+if opts.skip_manifest:
+ tmpsettings["EBUILD_SKIP_MANIFEST"] = "1"
+ tmpsettings.backup_changes("EBUILD_SKIP_MANIFEST")
+if opts.skip_manifest or \
+ "digest" in tmpsettings.features or \
+ "digest" in pargs or \
+ "manifest" in pargs:
+ portage._doebuild_manifest_exempt_depend += 1
+if "test" in pargs:
+ # This variable is a signal to config.regenerate() to
+ # indicate that the test phase should be enabled regardless
+ # of problems such as masked "test" USE flag.
+ tmpsettings["EBUILD_FORCE_TEST"] = "1"
+ tmpsettings.backup_changes("EBUILD_FORCE_TEST")
+ tmpsettings.features.add("test")
+ metadata = dict(zip(Package.metadata_keys,
+ portage.db[portage.settings["ROOT"]][mytree].dbapi.aux_get(
+ cpv, Package.metadata_keys, myrepo=myrepo)))
+except KeyError:
+ # aux_get failure, message should have been shown on stderr.
+ sys.exit(1)
+root_config = RootConfig(portage.settings,
+ portage.db[portage.settings["ROOT"]], None)
+pkg = Package(built=(pkg_type != "ebuild"), cpv=cpv,
+ installed=(pkg_type=="installed"),
+ metadata=metadata, root_config=root_config,
+ type_name=pkg_type)
+# Apply package.env and repo-level settings. This allows per-package
+# FEATURES and other variables (possibly PORTAGE_TMPDIR) to be
+# available as soon as possible.
+def stale_env_warning():
+ if "clean" not in pargs and \
+ "noauto" not in tmpsettings.features and \
+ build_dir_phases.intersection(pargs):
+ portage.doebuild_environment(ebuild, "setup", portage.root,
+ tmpsettings, debug, 1, portage.portdb)
+ env_filename = os.path.join(tmpsettings["T"], "environment")
+ if os.path.exists(env_filename):
+ msg = ("Existing ${T}/environment for '%s' will be sourced. " + \
+ "Run 'clean' to start with a fresh environment.") % \
+ (tmpsettings["PF"], )
+ from textwrap import wrap
+ msg = wrap(msg, 70)
+ for x in msg:
+ portage.writemsg(">>> %s\n" % x)
+ if ebuild_changed:
+ open(os.path.join(tmpsettings['PORTAGE_BUILDDIR'],
+ '.ebuild_changed'), 'w')
+from portage.exception import PermissionDenied, \
+ PortagePackageException, UnsupportedAPIException
+if 'digest' in tmpsettings.features and \
+ not set(["digest", "manifest"]).intersection(pargs):
+ pargs = ['digest'] + pargs
+checked_for_stale_env = False
+for arg in pargs:
+ try:
+ if not checked_for_stale_env and arg not in ("digest","manifest"):
+ # This has to go after manifest generation since otherwise
+ # aux_get() might fail due to invalid ebuild digests.
+ stale_env_warning()
+ checked_for_stale_env = True
+ if arg in ("digest", "manifest") and force:
+ discard_digests(ebuild, tmpsettings, portage.portdb)
+ a = portage.doebuild(ebuild, arg, portage.root, tmpsettings,
+ debug=debug, tree=mytree,
+ vartree=portage.db[portage.root]['vartree'])
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print("Interrupted.")
+ a = 1
+ except KeyError:
+ # aux_get error
+ a = 1
+ except UnsupportedAPIException as e:
+ from textwrap import wrap
+ msg = wrap(str(e), 70)
+ del e
+ for x in msg:
+ portage.writemsg("!!! %s\n" % x, noiselevel=-1)
+ a = 1
+ except PortagePackageException as e:
+ portage.writemsg("!!! %s\n" % (e,), noiselevel=-1)
+ a = 1
+ except PermissionDenied as e:
+ portage.writemsg("!!! Permission Denied: %s\n" % (e,), noiselevel=-1)
+ a = 1
+ if a == None:
+ print("Could not run the required binary?")
+ a = 127
+ if a:
+ sys.exit(a)