blob: 88d029b73a294d3847b0399ed2de552f143a9379 (plain)
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Upgrade today.":[null,"Los Backups offsite en tiempo real con restauraciones automáticas te traerán tranquilidad, así te podrás enfocar en escribir buen contenido e incrementar el tráfico mientras nosotros protegemos cada uno de los aspectos de tu inversión. 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Collect responses via your website, e-mail or on your iPad or iPhone.":[null,""],"Surveys & Polls":[null,"Cuestionarios y encuestas"],"Configure VaultPress":[null,"Configura VaultPress"],"View your security dashboard":[null,""],"Realtime backup with unlimited space, one-click restores, bulletproof spam monitoring, malware defense, and brute-force login protection - all in one place.":[null,""],"Security Scanning & Backups":[null,""],"Configure Akismet":[null,"Configurar Akismet"],"View your spam stats":[null,"Ver tus estadísticas de spam"],"State-of-the-art spam defense powered by Akismet.":[null,""],"Once you connect, you can upgrade to Premium or Pro in order to unlock worldclass security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on Development Mode":[null,"Tu sitio web está en modo de desarrollo"],"Unlock the full potential of your site with the features included in your plan.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Jetpack Professional plan":[null,"Tus sitio está en el plan profesional de Jetpack"],"Your site is on the Jetpack Premium plan":[null,""],"Upgrade to Premium or Pro in order to unlock world class security, spam protection tools, and priority support.":[null,""],"Your site is on the Free Jetpack Plan":[null,""],"Bulletproof spam filtering protects your brand, your readers, and improves SEO. 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They're located around the globe and ready to help you.":[null,""],"Jetpack blocks malicious log in attempts, lets you know if your site goes down, and can automatically update your plugins, so you don’t have to worry.":[null,""],"Block site attacks.":[null,""],"Gain peace of mind with Protect, the tool that has blocked billions of login attacks across millions of sites.":[null,""],"Live site monitoring.":[null,""],"Automatic site updates.":[null,""],"Never fall behind on a security release or waste time updating multiple sites.":[null,""],"Lightning fast, optimized images":[null,""],"Jetpack harnesses the power of to show you detailed insights about your visitors, what they’re reading, and where they’re coming from.":[null,""],"Site security and peace of mind":[null,""],"Need Help?":[null,""],"Send us Feedback":[null,""],"Jetpack has many traffic and engagement tools to help you get more viewers to your site and keep them there.":[null,""],"Automated social marketing.":[null,""],"Sharing & Like Buttons":[null,"Botones de compartir y me gusta"],"Build a community.":[null,""],"Give visitors the tools to share and subscribe to your content.":[null,""],"Increase page views.":[null,""],"Keep visitors engaged by giving them more to share and read with Related Posts.":[null,""],"Manage Plugins":[null,"Gestionar plugins"],"Drive more traffic to your site":[null,"Dirige más tráfico a tu sitio"],"Use Publicize to automatically share your posts with friends, followers, and the world.":[null,"Utiliza Publicize para compartir automáticamente tus entradas con amigos, seguidores, y con el mundo."],"Track your growth":[null,"Monitoriza tu crecimiento"],"Stress less. 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The Jetpack team is here for you.":[null,""],"Leave a Jetpack review":[null,"Deja una reseña de Jetpack"],"Disconnecting Jetpack":[null,"Desconectando Jetpack"],"Smiley":[null,"Cara sonriente"],"Email Address":[null,"Dirección de email"],"Whitelist Management":[null,"Gestión de la lista blanca"],"Make sure to add your most frequently used IP addresses as they can change between your home, office or other locations. Removing an IP address from the list below will remove it from your whitelist.":[null,"Asegúrate de añadir las direcciones IP que utilices con más frecuencia, ya que pueden variar entre tu casa, tu oficina y otras ubicaciones. 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