diff options
authorRyan Phillips <rphillips@gentoo.org>2005-06-07 16:33:57 +0000
committerRyan Phillips <rphillips@gentoo.org>2005-06-07 16:33:57 +0000
commitccb285aa4d0f9b71e2e9111709ae16744835bff2 (patch)
initial import
svn path=/trunk/; revision=1
34 files changed, 2523 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f88c7e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# Makefile for gentoo-syntax
+distapp = gentoo-syntax
+distver := $(shell date --iso | sed -e 's~-~~g')
+distpkg := $(distapp)-$(distver)
+PREFIX = ${HOME}/.vim/
+files_vars = \
+ files_doc \
+ files_ftdetect \
+ files_ftplugin \
+ files_indent \
+ files_plugin \
+ files_syntax
+files_doc = \
+ doc/gentoo-syntax.txt
+files_ftdetect = \
+ ftdetect/gentoo.vim \
+ ftplugin/ebuild.vim \
+ ftdetect/eclectic.vim
+files_ftplugin = \
+ ftplugin/gentoo-changelog.vim \
+ ftplugin/gentoo-metadata.vim \
+ ftplugin/eclectic.vim
+files_indent = \
+ indent/ebuild.vim \
+ indent/gentoo-metadata.vim \
+ indent/eclectic.vim
+files_plugin = \
+ plugin/bugsummary.vim \
+ plugin/gentoo-common.vim \
+ plugin/newebuild.vim \
+ plugin/newmetadata.vim \
+ plugin/newinitd.vim \
+ plugin/neweclectic.vim
+files_syntax = \
+ syntax/ebuild.vim \
+ syntax/gentoo-changelog.vim \
+ syntax/gentoo-common.vim \
+ syntax/gentoo-conf-d.vim \
+ syntax/gentoo-env-d.vim \
+ syntax/gentoo-init-d.vim \
+ syntax/gentoo-make-conf.vim \
+ syntax/gentoo-metadata.vim \
+ syntax/gentoo-mirrors.vim \
+ syntax/gentoo-package-keywords.vim \
+ syntax/gentoo-package-mask.vim \
+ syntax/gentoo-package-use.vim \
+ syntax/gentoo-use-desc.vim \
+ syntax/glep.vim \
+ syntax/guidexml.vim \
+ syntax/eclectic.vim
+files = $(foreach f, $(files_vars), $($(f)) )
+scripts: ${files}
+install: install-dirs install-files
+install-dirs: $(foreach a, $(sort $(dir $(files))), \
+ install-dir-$(a))
+install-files: $(foreach a, $(sort $(files)), \
+ install-file-$(subst /,_,$(a) ))
+ mkdir -p "$(PREFIX)/$*"
+install-file-%: $(subst _,/,$*)
+ cp "$(subst _,/,$*)" "$(PREFIX)/$(subst _,/,$*)"
+uninstall : uninstall-files
+uninstall-files: $(foreach a, $(sort $(files)), \
+ uninstall-file-$(subst /,_,$(a) ))
+uninstall-file-%: $(subst _,/,$*)
+ [ ! -f "$(PREFIX)/$(subst _,/,$*)" ] || rm "$(PREFIX)/$(subst _,/,$*)"
+ mkdir "$(distpkg)"
+ $(MAKE) PREFIX="$(distpkg)" install
+ cp README "$(distpkg)/"
+ tar jcf "$(distpkg).tar.bz2" "$(distpkg)"
+ rm -fr "$(distpkg)/"
+dist-sign: dist
+ gpg --armour --detach-sign "$(distpkg).tar.bz2"
+ mv "$(distpkg).tar.bz2.asc" "$(distpkg).tar.bz2.signature"
+dist-upload: dist dist-sign
+ echo -ne "user anonymous gentoo-syntax\ncd incoming\nput $(distpkg).tar.bz2\nput $(distpkg).tar.bz2.signature\nbye" | \
+ ftp -n ftp.berlios.de
+ find . -name '*~' | xargs rm || true
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e227e45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+* Gentoo users: `emerge app-vim/gentoo-syntax`
+* Everyone else: `make PREFIX=~/.vim/ install`
+Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh, Aaron Walker, Tom Martin. You may
+redistribute this package under the same terms as Vim itself.
+* Ciaran McCreesh `<ciaranm at gentoo dot org>`_
+* Aaron Walker `<ka0ttic at gentoo dot org>`_
+* Tom Martin `<slarti at gentoo dot org>`_
+* `<http://bugs.gentoo.org/>`_
+.. vim: set ft=glep tw=80 et :
diff --git a/doc/gentoo-syntax.txt b/doc/gentoo-syntax.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb9c8b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/gentoo-syntax.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,565 @@
+*gentoo-syntax.txt* Gentoo Syntax Plugin
+Authors: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm at gentoo dot org>
+ Aaron Walker <ka0ttic at gentoo dot org>
+ Tom Martin <slarti at gentoo dot org>
+1. Contents *gentoo-syntax*
+ 1. Contents |gentoo-syntax|
+ 2. Plugin Information |gentoo-syntax-overview|
+ Detection Specifics |gentoo-syntax-detection|
+ Highlighting Specifics |gentoo-syntax-highlighting|
+ Common Syntax Rules |gentoo-common-syntax|
+ Ebuild and Eclass Files |gentoo-ebuild-syntax|
+ GLEP Files |gentoo-glep-syntax|
+ ChangeLogs |gentoo-changelog-syntax|
+ conf.d Files |gentoo-conf.d-syntax|
+ cron.d Files |gentoo-cron.d-syntax|
+ env.d Files |gentoo-env.d-syntax|
+ GuideXML Syntax |gentoo-guidexml-syntax|
+ init.d Files |gentoo-init.d-syntax|
+ make.conf Files |gentoo-make-conf-syntax|
+ metadata.xml Files |gentoo-metadata-syntax|
+ package.(un)mask |gentoo-package-mask-syntax|
+ package.keywords |gentoo-package-keywords-syntax|
+ package.use |gentoo-package-use-syntax|
+ thirdpartymirrors |gentoo-mirrors-syntax|
+ use.desc, use.local.desc |gentoo-use-desc-syntax|
+ Settings Specifics |gentoo-syntax-settings|
+ Indent Specifics |gentoo-indent-settings|
+ Bug Summary |:BugSummary|
+ New conf.d Files |new-conf.d|
+ New Ebuilds |new-ebuilds|
+ New init.d Files |new-init.d|
+ New Metadata |new-metadata|
+ 3. ChangeLog |gentoo-syntax-changelog|
+2. Plugin Information *gentoo-syntax-overview*
+ The gentoo-syntax package provides a collection of syntax, ftdetect,
+ ftplugin and indent files to help Gentoo developers and users work
+ with ebuilds, eclasses, GLEPs, Gentoo style ChangeLogs, init.d /
+ conf.d / env.d / cron.d entries, /etc/portage/ files and so on.
+ Detection Specifics *gentoo-syntax-detection*
+ Ebuilds are detected by an 'ebuild' extension. Eclasses are detected
+ by an 'eclass' extension. Both ebuild and eclass files are assigned
+ the 'ebuild' filetype.
+ GLEP files are detected by a 'txt' extension, followed by a check that
+ the first line of the file starts with "GLEP: ". They are assigned the
+ 'glep' filetype.
+ Gentoo ChangeLogs are detected by the 'ChangeLog' filename and a
+ copyright header on the second line.
+ init.d scripts are detected by being in /etc/init.d/ . They are also
+ detected if they are under a files/ directory and include a
+ '#!/sbin/runscript' header.
+ conf.d, env.d and cron.d files are detected by being in the relevant
+ subdirectory in /etc.
+ package.mask, package.unmask, package.keywords, package.use and
+ thirdpartymirrors files are detected by filename.
+ make.conf files are detected by filename (make.globals is also
+ recognised).
+ metadata.xml files are detected by filename.
+ use.desc files are detected by filename (use.local.desc is also
+ recognised).
+ Highlighting Specifics *gentoo-syntax-highlighting*
+ Syntax highlighting is provided for ebuild/eclass, GLEP files,
+ Gentoo ChangeLogs and init.d / conf.d / env.d / cron.d scripts.
+ *gentoo-common-syntax*
+ Many of the syntax files are based upon gentoo-common.vim, which
+ provides basic syntax highlighting for header blocks and bug numbers.
+ *gentoo-ebuild-syntax*
+ The ebuild/eclass syntax file builds upon the vim-provided |sh.vim|
+ and adds in highlighting for:
+ * ebuild.sh / portage keywords
+ * functions from commonly used eclasses (eutils, flag-o-matic,
+ gcc, libtool, fixheadtails, webapp, webapp-apache, versionator,
+ cvs, fdo-mime, multilib, 64-bit, cron, games, toolchain-funcs,
+ subversion, alternatives, rpm, python, check-kernel,
+ perl-module, distutils)
+ * common mistakes (assigning to read-only variables, misspellings,
+ leading non-tab spaces, default WORKDIR assignment)
+ *g:ebuild_error_on_trailing_whitespace*
+ Error highlighting for trailing whitespace is available but disabled
+ by default. To turn it on, add:
+ let g:ebuild_error_on_trailing_whitespace=1
+ to your |vimrc| file.
+ *gentoo-glep-syntax*
+ Syntax highlighting for GLEP files is based upon the vim-provided rst
+ syntax file. Additional highlighting is available for the headers at
+ the top of the file and for heading sections.
+ *gentoo-changelog-syntax*
+ Syntax highlighting for Gentoo ChangeLogs is implemented from scratch
+ (some rules come from |gentoo-common-syntax|).
+ *gentoo-conf.d-syntax*
+ Syntax highlighting for conf.d files is based upon the vim-provided
+ |sh.vim|, with additional support for certain Gentooisms (some rules
+ come from |gentoo-common-syntax|).
+ *gentoo-cron.d-syntax*
+ Syntax highlighting for cron.d entries uses the vim-provided
+ crontab.vim file.
+ *gentoo-env.d-syntax*
+ Syntax highlighting for env.d files is based upon the vim-provided
+ |sh.vim|, with additional support for certain Gentooisms (some rules
+ come from |gentoo-common-syntax|).
+ *gentoo-guidexml-syntax*
+ Syntax highlighting for guidexml files is based upon the vim-provided
+ |xml.vim|.
+ *gentoo-init.d-syntax*
+ Syntax highlighting for init.d files is based upon the vim-provided
+ |sh.vim|, with additional support for certain Gentooisms (some rules
+ come from |gentoo-common-syntax|).
+ *gentoo-make-conf-syntax*
+ Syntax highlighting for make.conf files is implemented from scratch
+ (some rules come from |gentoo-common-syntax|).
+ *gentoo-metadata-syntax*
+ Syntax highlighting for metadata.xml files is based upon the
+ vim-provided |xml.vim|, with additional highlighting for recognised
+ elements.
+ *gentoo-package-mask-syntax*
+ Syntax highlighting for package.mask and package.unmask files is
+ implemented from scratch (some rules come from
+ |gentoo-common-syntax|).
+ *gentoo-package-keywords-syntax*
+ Syntax highlighting for package.keywords files is implemented from
+ scratch (some rules come from |gentoo-common-syntax|).
+ *gentoo-package-use-syntax*
+ Syntax highlighting for package.use files is implemented from scratch
+ (some rules come from |gentoo-common-syntax|).
+ *gentoo-mirrors-syntax*
+ Syntax highlighting for thirdpartymirrors files is implemented from
+ scratch (some rules come from |gentoo-common-syntax|).
+ *gentoo-use-desc-syntax*
+ Syntax highlighting for use.desc and use.local.desc is implemented
+ from scratch (some rules come from |gentoo-common-syntax|).
+ Settings Specifics *gentoo-syntax-settings*
+ For ebuilds and eclasses, tabs (|'shiftwidth'| and |'tabstop'|) are
+ set to four spaces, tab to space conversion (|'expandtab'|) is disabled
+ and the text width (|'textwidth'|) is set to 80 columns. To allow
+ proper syntax highlighting for commands like 'strip-flags', the hyphen
+ character is added as a valid keyword character (|'iskeyword'|).
+ For ebuilds, eclasses and ChangeLogs, UTF-8 is used for fileencoding
+ as per GLEP 31.
+ Indent Specifics *gentoo-indent-settings*
+ Indent settings for ebuilds and eclasses are the same as for regular
+ bash files.
+ Bug Summary *:BugSummary*
+ To see a summary of a Gentoo bug, execute :BugSummary 12345.
+ *:BugDetails*
+ The :BugDetails 12345 command is similar to :BugSummary, but will also
+ display a menu allowing the user to open the bug in a browser or
+ insert the bug details / number into the active document. In normal
+ mode, a map <Leader>bug (see |<Leader>|) is provided to call this
+ command on the bug number under the cursor.
+ *g:bugsummary_browser*
+ Before using the "browser" BugSummary option, you must let the plugin
+ know what browser you want to use. For example: >
+ let g:bugsummary_browser="firefox '%s'"
+ The %s sequence is replaced by the URL to load.
+ New conf.d Files *new-conf.d* *:NewConfd*
+ New conf.d files will automatically have a skeleton content created
+ for them.
+ The ':NewConfd' command can be used to manually create contents for a
+ new conf.d file.
+ Note: conf.d files may not be detected automatically. The |:NewConfd|
+ command will still work in these situations.
+ New Ebuilds *new-ebuilds* *:NewEbuild*
+ New ebuilds will automatically have content placed into them based
+ upon context (for example, the package category). Similarly, new
+ eclasses are created from a template. If the environment variable
+ 'ECHANGELOG_USER' is set, it will be used for the author's name.
+ Otherwise, the 'USER' environment variable will be used.
+ The ':NewEbuild' command can be used to manually create contents for a
+ new ebuild or eclass file.
+ New init.d Files *new-init.d* *:NewInitd*
+ New init.d files will automatically have a skeleton content created
+ for them.
+ The ':NewInitd' command can be used to manually create contents for a
+ new init.d file.
+ Note: init.d files may not be detected automatically. The |:NewInitd|
+ command will still work in these situations.
+ New Metadata *new-metadata* *:NewMetadata*
+ New metadata.xml files will automatically have content placed into
+ them based upon context (for example, the package category). If the
+ environment variable 'ECHANGELOG_USER' is set, it will be used for the
+ author's name and email address.
+ The ':NewMetadata' command can be used to manually create contents for
+ a new metadata file.
+ Note: metadata.xml files may not be detected automatically. The
+ |:NewMetadata| command will still work in these situations.
+3. ChangeLog *gentoo-syntax-changelog*
+ 20050515 beu
+ * Testing, testing .. Fix a 'few' typo's in syntax/eclectic.vim.
+ 20050515 ciaranm (Release)
+ * Better indenting for eclectic modules.
+ 20050514 beu
+ * Add dev-perl specific inherit of perl-module.
+ 20050514 ciaranm
+ * Highlighting in make.conf for ccache and distcc variables.
+ Gentoo bug 92238 <http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=92238>
+ 20050511 beu
+ * Add minimal support for eclectic-module filetype and syntax
+ highlighting.
+ * Add goodness to create boiler-plate eclectic modules on a new
+ buffer ('*.eclectic').
+ * add in support for SVN_DATE
+ 20050510 ciaranm
+ * ${PN}-${PV} in ebuilds is an error, should be ${P} (requested by
+ seemant).
+ * Better heading highlighting for GLEPs.
+ * Much smarter cat/pkg detection.
+ 20050415 beu
+ * Add support for apache-module and depend.apache eclass functions.
+ * Add a default setup for apache-module ebuilds (ebuilds in
+ www-apache/mod_name).
+ 20050326 ciaranm
+ * Add PORTAGE_TMPFS to make.conf highlighting.
+ 20050325 ciaranm
+ * Add ALSA_CARDS to make.conf highlighting.
+ 20050325 ciaranm (Release)
+ * Make this lot work properly with vim 6.3 again. Oops.
+ 20050323 ciaranm
+ * Better category / package distinction in new metadata creation
+ plugin.
+ 20050318 ciaranm (Release)
+ * USERLAND in make.conf is an error. Recognise EXTRA_ECONF.
+ 20050317 ciaranm
+ * catmetadata support
+ * Add in sanity checking. Check version and &compatible. Thanks to
+ Rob Henderson in Gentoo bug #85425
+ <http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=85425>.
+ 20050316 ka0ttic
+ * Updated cron eclass functions.
+ * Added support for distutils and perl-module eclasses.
+ 20050305 ciaranm
+ * x86-64, x86_64 in CFLAGS are errors.
+ * -mvis in CFLAGS is an error.
+ * on amd64, -Os -fPIC -fpic -DPIC in CFLAGS are errors.
+ 20050303 ciaranm
+ * dev.g.o in SRC_URI is wrong.
+ 20050226 ciaranm
+ * Make USE flags with _ in the name work properly.
+ 20050221 ka0ttic
+ * Removed useless newconfd plugin.
+ * Fixed missing endif in ftdetect/gentoo.vim that caused some XML
+ ftdetect funkyness.
+ 20050216 ka0ttic
+ * Updated cron and eutils eclass functions.
+ 20050211 ciaranm (Release)
+ 20050210 ciaranm
+ * Move arch guessing code into gentoo-common.vim. Cache the
+ results, since portageq is very slow. Changed the logic so that
+ it should (probably) generate the correct values on non-Linux
+ systems.
+ * Fix detection of thirdpartymirrors file
+ 20050207 ciaranm
+ * Added ASFLAGS and ARCH to the make.conf error list.
+ 20050202 ka0ttic
+ * Added missing runscript shebang to init.d plugin.
+ 20050201 ka0ttic
+ * Updated bash-completion eclass functions.
+ 20050130 ciaranm (Release)
+ * Rewrite Makefile.
+ * Update docs.
+ * Improved init.d syntax highlighting.
+ * Add in EXPORT_FUNCTIONS eclass highlighting.
+ 20050128 ciaranm
+ * Restructure plugins. Add in a gentoo-common.vim to reduce
+ code duplication, and switch to using put ='' to insert text.
+ * Updated years.
+ 20050128 ka0ttic
+ * Updated webapp eclass functions.
+ * Added init.d/conf.d creation plugin.
+ 20050125 ciaranm
+ * Update versionator eclass functions.
+ * Update eutils eclass functions.
+ * Update flag-o-matic eclass functions.
+ 20050125 ka0ttic
+ * Added subversion eclass support.
+ * Added alternatives eclass support.
+ * Added rpm eclass support.
+ * Added python eclass support.
+ * Added check-kernel eclass support.
+ 20050123 ciaranm
+ highlighting.
+ 20050122 ka0ttic
+ * Added toolchain-funcs eclass support.
+ * Added games eclass support.
+ * Added cron eclass support.
+ 20050122 tmartin
+ * Added 64-bit eclass support.
+ * Added multilib eclass support.
+ 20050122 ciaranm
+ * Added fdo-mime eclass support.
+ 20050105 ciaranm
+ * Add sandbox functions (addwrite etc) to the highlight list.
+ 20041227 ciaranm (Release)
+ * Make the arch detecting code work again with the new
+ make.defaults setup.
+ 20041220 ciaranm
+ * An empty value for SLOT is an error in ebuilds. A * inside
+ KEYWORDS is an error unless it is a -*.
+ * -Wno* in CFLAGS is evil.
+ * Initial attempt at folding for GLEPs.
+ 20041218 ciaranm
+ * Added games-* ebuild creation rules (requested by Michael
+ Sterrett, dev-python (Bryan Oestergaard), dev-java (Thomas
+ Matthijs).
+ * Added 'set paste' whilst creating content, thanks to Thomas
+ Matthijs for the bug report.
+ * Make metadata syntax matching use the contained option, so that
+ recognised words are only highlighted in the correct places.
+ * Added guidexml syntax, thanks to Sven Vermeulen and Xavier Neys
+ for information.
+ 20041216 ciaranm
+ * Improved glep syntax handling
+ 20041205 ciaranm
+ * metadata.xml support: recognise metadata.xml, set filetype
+ settings, fancy syntax highlighting based upon xml.vim, auto
+ create metadata.xml content for new files based upon context.
+ 20041202 ciaranm (Release)
+ * Make newebuild also support eclass creation.
+ 20041130 ciaranm
+ * Fix menu handler. Thanks to Georgi Georgiev in Gentoo bug 72888
+ <http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72888>.
+ 20041127 ciaranm
+ * Add in newebuild plugin which intelligently creates template
+ content for new ebuilds based upon context.
+ 20041127 ciaranm (Release)
+ * BugSummary now provides :BugSummary and :BugDetails, with the
+ <Leader>bug nmap mapped to :BugDetails.
+ * Override sh.vim's handling of function names to include extra
+ characters. Thanks to Thomas Kirchner in Gentoo bug 72469
+ <http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72469>.
+ 20041125 ciaranm
+ * BugSummary plugin: massively faster parsing, recognise double
+ quotes in bug text properly, display a menu thing allowing the
+ user to open the bug in a browser / insert bug details, coloured
+ display.
+ * Use g: variables for settings
+ 20041124 ciaranm
+ * Add in bash-completion, vim-plugin, vim-doc eclasses.
+ * Use "hi def link" rather than "hi link".
+ 20041123 ciaranm
+ * Recognise /etc/portage/mirrors as a mirrors file. Thanks to
+ Georgi Georgiev in Gentoo bug 72228
+ <http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72228>.
+ * Syntax highlighting for use.desc, use.local.desc
+ * Handle fancy characters in BugSummary better
+ 20041122 ciaranm
+ * Add in -s and -DNDEBUG to the bad CFLAGS list at solar's
+ request.
+ * :BugSummary, not :ShowBugSummary. Thanks to TGL in Gentoo bug
+ 72001 <http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72001>.
+ * LDFLAGS in make.conf is an error at vapier's request.
+ 20041121 ciaranm (Release)
+ * Handle * ~* in package.keywords
+ * make.conf highlighting
+ * Highlight stupid cat usage in ebuilds
+ * Added bugsummary plugin -- either :BugSummary 12345 or move over
+ a bug number and hit <Leader>bug in normal mode. Currently the
+ code is rather messy and tied to Gentoo bugzilla.
+ 20041114 ciaranm
+ * Make ChangeLog highlighting less picky about entries where the
+ developer hasn't quite got their ECHANGELOG_USER right (for
+ example, if they just have an email address without the angle
+ brackets). Thanks to Thomas Matthijs in Gentoo bug 71164
+ <http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=71164>.
+ * Make ChangeLog highlighting recognise dates which don't have a
+ leading zero.
+ * Ebuilds shouldn't be touching EXTRA_ECONF, make this show up as
+ an error.
+ 20041113 ciaranm (Release)
+ * As per GLEP 31, fileencoding should be utf-8 for ebuilds and
+ ChangeLogs.
+ * Highlight as errors functions declared as "foo () {" (extra
+ space, should be "foo() {". Similarly, "foo(){" needs a space
+ before the curly bracket, "foo() {". Requested by Michael
+ Sterrett.
+ * Added in some new keywords. Thanks to Tom Martin in Gentoo bug
+ 71065 <http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=71065>.
+ * Added in quiet and verbose variants for 'has' and 'use'.
+ 20041107 ciaranm
+ * Highlight TODO and FIXME items in GLEPs.
+ 20041016 ciaranm
+ * config is now called pkg_config. Thanks to Tom Martin in Gentoo
+ bug 67807 <http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=67807>.
+ 20041009 ciaranm (Release)
+ * Highlight src_unpack and similar recognised function names
+ differently in ebuilds. Requested by Thomas Matthijs.
+ 20041004 ciaranm
+ * Better 'bug 1234' highlighting
+ 20040919 ciaranm
+ * Error on non GLEP 23 compliant LICENSEs
+ * cvs.eclass support
+ 20040911 ciaranm (Release)
+ * Added versionator.eclass
+ 20040908 ciaranm
+ * Inherit from sh.vim in ftplugin/ebuild.vim
+ 20040906 ciaranm (Release)
+ * Update for recent eutils additions
+ * Indenting for ebuilds / eclasses
+ * Updated error highlighting
+ 20040902 ciaranm
+ * init.d, env.d, cron.d, conf.d highlighting.
+ * package.mask, package.unmask, package.keywords, package.use,
+ thirdpartymirrors highlighting.
+ 20040901 ciaranm (Release)
+ * ChangeLog support.
+ * Use rst for GLEPs.
+ * Added webapp.eclass, webapp-apache.eclass and fixheadtails.eclass
+ syntax.
+ 20040826 ciaranm
+ * HOMEPAGE containing $ expressions is an error.
+ 20040826 ciaranm (Release)
+ * Massive rework. Far better file layouts, keyword support,
+ filetype settings. Added a help doc.
+ * Highlighting for errors in ebuilds.
+ * Added gcc and libtool eclass support.
+ 20040820 ciaranm
+ * First usable release
diff --git a/ftdetect/eclectic.vim b/ftdetect/eclectic.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d62796b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ftdetect/eclectic.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+" Vim filetype detection file
+" Language: Eclectic Things
+" Author: Elfyn McBratney <beu@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005 Elfyn McBratney
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" This sets up syntax highlighting for Eclectic modules.
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+" eclectic modules
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.eclectic
+ \ set filetype=eclectic
+" vim: sw=4 ts=4 et fdm=marker
diff --git a/ftdetect/gentoo.vim b/ftdetect/gentoo.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58b1a8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ftdetect/gentoo.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+" Vim filetype detection file
+" Language: Gentoo Things
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" This sets up syntax highlighting for Gentoo ebuilds, eclasses, GLEPs and
+" Gentoo style ChangeLogs.
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+" ebuilds, eclasses
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.e{build,class}
+ \ set filetype=ebuild
+" GLEPs
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.txt
+ \ if (getline(1) =~? "^GLEP: ") |
+ \ set filetype=glep |
+ \ endif
+" ChangeLogs
+au BufNewFile,BufRead ChangeLog
+ \ if (getline(2) =~? "^# Copyright \\d\\+-\\d\\+ Gentoo Foundation") |
+ \ set filetype=gentoo-changelog |
+ \ endif
+" /etc/init.d/ scripts
+au BufNewFile,BufRead /etc/init.d/*
+ \ set filetype=gentoo-init-d |
+au BufNewFile,BufRead /*/files/*
+ \ if (getline(1) ==? "#!/sbin/runscript") |
+ \ set filetype=gentoo-init-d |
+ \ endif
+" /etc/conf.d/ scripts
+au BufNewFile,BufRead /etc/conf.d/*
+ \ set filetype=gentoo-conf-d
+" /etc/env.d/ scripts
+au BufNewFile,BufRead /etc/env.d/*
+ \ set filetype=gentoo-env-d
+" /etc/cron.d/ scripts
+au BufNewFile,BufRead /etc/cron.d/*
+ \ set filetype=crontab
+" package.mask, package.unmask
+au BufNewFile,BufRead package.{mask,unmask}
+ \ set filetype=gentoo-package-mask
+" package.keywords
+au BufNewFile,BufRead package.keywords
+ \ set filetype=gentoo-package-keywords
+" package.use
+au BufNewFile,BufRead package.use
+ \ set filetype=gentoo-package-use
+" thirdpartymirrors
+au BufNewFile,BufRead {*/thirdpartymirrors,*/portage/mirrors}
+ \ set filetype=gentoo-mirrors
+" make.conf
+au BufNewFile,BufRead make.{conf,globals}
+ \ set filetype=gentoo-make-conf
+" use.desc
+au BufNewFile,BufRead use.{local.,}desc
+ \ set filetype=gentoo-use-desc
+" metadata.xml
+au BufNewFile,BufRead metadata.xml
+ \ set filetype=gentoo-metadata
+" guidexml
+au BufNewFile,BufRead *.xml
+ \ if getline(1) =~ "<!DOCTYPE guide " ||
+ \ getline(2) =~ "<!DOCTYPE guide " ||
+ \ getline(3) =~ "<!DOCTYPE guide " ||
+ \ getline(4) =~ "<!DOCTYPE guide " ||
+ \ getline(5) =~ "<!DOCTYPE guide " ||
+ \ getline(6) =~ "<!DOCTYPE guide " ||
+ \ getline(7) =~ "<!DOCTYPE guide " ||
+ \ getline(8) =~ "<!DOCTYPE guide " ||
+ \ getline(9) =~ "<!DOCTYPE guide " |
+ \ set filetype=guidexml |
+ \ endif
diff --git a/ftplugin/ebuild.vim b/ftplugin/ebuild.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..020dc83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ftplugin/ebuild.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+" Vim filetype plugin file
+" Language: Gentoo Ebuilds / Eclasses
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" This sets up filetype specific options for Gentoo ebuilds and eclasses. Most
+" of these settings are mandated by policy.xml. Some settings are inherited
+" from vim's sh.vim. UTF-8 is selected as per GLEP 31.
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+runtime! ftplugin/sh.vim
+" Include - in keyword characters (for strip-flags etc)
+exec "setlocal iskeyword=" . &iskeyword . ",45"
+" Required whitespace settings
+setlocal tabstop=4
+setlocal shiftwidth=4
+setlocal noexpandtab
+setlocal textwidth=80
+" GLEP 31 settings
+setlocal fileencoding=utf-8
diff --git a/ftplugin/eclectic.vim b/ftplugin/eclectic.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4193e5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ftplugin/eclectic.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+" Vim filetype plugin file
+" Language: Eclectic Module (bash)
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" This sets up filetype specific options for ectic modules. These settings
+" were pwned from ebuild.vim, but they wfm ..
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+runtime! ftplugin/sh.vim
+" Will-do-for-now whitespace settings
+setlocal tabstop=4
+setlocal shiftwidth=4
+setlocal noexpandtab
+setlocal textwidth=80
+" GLEP 31 settings (??)
+setlocal fileencoding=utf-8
+" vim: sw=4 ts=4 et fdm=marker
diff --git a/ftplugin/gentoo-changelog.vim b/ftplugin/gentoo-changelog.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10f5009
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ftplugin/gentoo-changelog.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+" Vim filetype plugin file
+" Language: Gentoo ChangeLogs
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" Sets up settings for Gentoo ChangeLogs as per GLEP 31.
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+" GLEP 31 settings
+setlocal fileencoding=utf-8
diff --git a/ftplugin/gentoo-metadata.vim b/ftplugin/gentoo-metadata.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a23e4c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ftplugin/gentoo-metadata.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+" Vim filetype plugin file
+" Language: Gentoo metadata.xml
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" This sets up filetype specific options for Gentoo metadata.xml files.
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+runtime! ftplugin/xml.vim
+" Required whitespace settings
+setlocal tabstop=4
+setlocal shiftwidth=4
+setlocal noexpandtab
+setlocal textwidth=80
+" GLEP 31 settings
+setlocal fileencoding=utf-8
diff --git a/indent/ebuild.vim b/indent/ebuild.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0630068
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indent/ebuild.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Gentoo Ebuilds/Eclasses
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" Syntax highlighting for ebuilds and eclasses. Inherits from sh.vim and adds
+" in Gentoo-specific highlights for certain keywords and functions. Requires
+" vim 6.3 or later.
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
+if exists("b:did_indent")
+ finish
+runtime! indent/sh.vim
+let b:did_indent = 1
+" vim: set sts=2 sw=2:
diff --git a/indent/eclectic.vim b/indent/eclectic.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3816581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indent/eclectic.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Eclectic Modules
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" Syntax highlighting for Eclectic modules. Inherits from sh.vim and adds
+" in Eclectic-specific highlights for certain keywords and functions. Requires
+" vim 6.3 or later.
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
+if exists("b:did_indent")
+ finish
+runtime! indent/sh.vim
+let b:did_indent = 1
+" vim: sw=4 ts=4 et fdm=marker
diff --git a/indent/gentoo-metadata.vim b/indent/gentoo-metadata.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8776b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/indent/gentoo-metadata.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Gentoo metadata.xml
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" Syntax highlighting for metadata.xml
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
+if exists("b:did_indent")
+ finish
+runtime! indent/xml.vim
+let b:did_indent = 1
+" vim: set sts=2 sw=2:
diff --git a/plugin/bugsummary.vim b/plugin/bugsummary.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c12788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin/bugsummary.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+" Vim plugin
+" Purpose: Display summary information about a bugzilla bug
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" The following commands are provided:
+" :BugSummary 12345
+" :BugDetails 12345
+" In addition, a normal mode map of <Leader>bug (<Leader> defaults to
+" backslash, see :help <Leader>) which calls :BugDetails on the bug under the
+" cursor.
+" Configuration options:
+" :let g:bugsummary_browser="firefox '%s'"
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+fun! <SID>strip(s)
+ return substitute(a:s, "\\n", "", "g")
+fun! <SID>tidy(s)
+ let l:s = a:s
+ let l:s = substitute(l:s, "&lt;", "<", "g")
+ let l:s = substitute(l:s, "&gt;", ">", "g")
+ let l:s = substitute(l:s, "&apos;", "\'", "g")
+ let l:s = substitute(l:s, "&quot;", "\"", "g")
+ let l:s = substitute(l:s, "&amp;", "\\&", "g")
+ return l:s
+fun! <SID>extract(a, b)
+ return <SID>tidy(matchstr(a:a, '\(<' . a:b . '>\)\@<=[^<]*\(</' . a:b . '>\)\@='))
+fun! <SID>echomenu(s)
+ let l:s = a:s . "|"
+ let l:p = stridx(a:s, "|")
+ echo " "
+ echo "menu: "
+ while -1 != l:p
+ echohl Special
+ echon "[" . strpart(l:s, 0, 1) . "]"
+ echohl Keyword
+ echon strpart(l:s, 1, l:p - 1)
+ echon " "
+ let l:s = strpart(l:s, l:p + 1)
+ let l:p = stridx(l:s, "|")
+ endwhile
+ echohl
+fun! <SID>GetBugSummary(id, detailed)
+ try
+ let l:c="wget -O - -o /dev/null 'http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=" . a:id . "\&ctype=xml'"
+ let l:r = system(l:c)
+ let l:x_bug_id = <SID>extract(l:r, 'bug_id')
+ let l:x_bug_desc = <SID>extract(l:r, 'short_desc')
+ let l:x_bug_from = <SID>extract(l:r, 'reporter')
+ let l:x_bug_to = <SID>extract(l:r, 'assigned_to')
+ let l:x_bug_stat = <SID>extract(l:r, 'bug_status')
+ let l:x_bug_res = <SID>extract(l:r, 'resolution')
+ if -1 == match(l:x_bug_desc, '\S')
+ throw "Couldn't get summary for bug " . l:x_bug_id
+ else
+ echohl Keyword
+ echo "Bug #" . <SID>strip(l:x_bug_id)
+ echohl
+ echon ': ' . <SID>strip(l:x_bug_stat) . " " . <SID>strip(l:x_bug_res)
+ echo " " . <SID>strip(l:x_bug_desc)
+ echo " "
+ echohl Preproc
+ echon <SID>strip(l:x_bug_from)
+ echohl
+ echon " -> "
+ echohl Preproc
+ echon <SID>strip(l:x_bug_to)
+ echohl
+ if a:detailed
+ call <SID>echomenu("return|browser|insert")
+ let l:which=input("> ")
+ if l:which == "b"
+ if ! exists("g:bugsummary_browser")
+ throw "You should set g:bugsummary_browser first (:help g:bugsummary_browser)"
+ else
+ let l:cmd=substitute(g:bugsummary_browser, "%s",
+ \ 'http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=' . a:id, "g")
+ call system(l:cmd)
+ if v:shell_error != 0
+ throw "Couldn't run " . l:cmd
+ endif
+ endif
+ elseif l:which == "i"
+ call <SID>echomenu("number|link|details")
+ let l:which = input("> ")
+ if l:which == "l"
+ exec "normal i<http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=" . l:x_bug_id . ">"
+ elseif l:which == "d"
+ exec "normal oBug #" . l:x_bug_id . ": " . l:x_bug_stat . " " . l:x_bug_res
+ exec "normal o" . l:x_bug_desc
+ exec "normal o" . l:x_bug_from . " -> " . l:x_bug_to
+ exec "normal o"
+ else
+ exec "normal iBug #" . l:x_bug_id
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ catch
+ echo " "
+ echohl Error
+ echo v:exception
+ echohl
+ call input("--- Hit Return ---")
+ endtry
+fun! <SID>FindGetBugSummary(str, col)
+ try
+ let l:col = a:col - 2
+ while l:col > 0 && (-1 != match(strpart(a:str, l:col, 1), '\d'))
+ let l:col = l:col - 1
+ endwhile
+ let l:str = strpart(a:str, l:col)
+ let l:i = match(l:str, '\d')
+ if l:i == -1
+ throw "Couldn't find a bug number"
+ else
+ let l:str = strpart(l:str, l:i)
+ let l:i = match(l:str, '\D\|$')
+ let l:str = strpart(l:str, 0, l:i)
+ if match(l:str, '\d') != -1
+ call <SID>GetBugSummary(l:str, 1)
+ else
+ throw "Couldn't find a bug number"
+ endif
+ endif
+ catch
+ echohl Error
+ echo v:exception
+ echohl
+ call input("--- Hit Return ---")
+ endtry
+command! -nargs=1 BugSummary :call <SID>GetBugSummary(<args>, 0)
+command! -nargs=1 BugDetails :call <SID>GetBugSummary(<args>, 1)
+nmap <Leader>bug :call <SID>FindGetBugSummary(getline("."), col("."))<CR>
+" vim: set et : "
diff --git a/plugin/gentoo-common.vim b/plugin/gentoo-common.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6fa083c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin/gentoo-common.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+" Vim plugin
+" Purpose: Common functionality for gentoo-syntax plugins
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+fun! GentooGetUser()
+ let l:result = expand("\$ECHANGELOG_USER")
+ if l:result ==# "\$ECHANGELOG_USER"
+ let l:result = expand("\$USER")
+ endif
+ if l:result ==# "\$USER"
+ let l:result = ""
+ endif
+ return l:result
+fun! GentooHeader()
+ let l:year = strftime("%Y")
+ 0 put ='# Copyright 1999-' . l:year . ' Gentoo Foundation'
+ put ='# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2'
+ put ='# $Header: $'
+ $
+fun! GentooGetArch()
+ if exists("g:gentooarch") && g:gentooarch != ""
+ return g:gentooarch
+ else
+ let l:a = system("portageq envvar ACCEPT_KEYWORDS 2>/dev/null")
+ let l:a = substitute(l:a, "[\\n~]", " ", "g")
+ let l:a = substitute(l:a, "^\\s\\+", "", "")
+ let l:a = substitute(l:a, "\\s.*", "", "")
+ if l:a == ""
+ let l:a = "x86"
+ endif
+ let g:gentooarch = l:a
+ return g:gentooarch
+ endif
+" vim: set et foldmethod=marker : "
diff --git a/plugin/newebuild.vim b/plugin/newebuild.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..686a113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin/newebuild.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+" Vim plugin
+" Purpose: Intelligently create content for new ebuild files
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+runtime! plugin/gentoo-common.vim
+fun! <SID>MakeNewEbuild()
+ let l:pastebackup = &paste
+ set nopaste
+ " {{{ variables
+ let l:arch = GentooGetArch()
+ let l:filename = expand("%:p")
+ let l:category = substitute(l:filename,
+ \ "^.*/\\([^/]\\+\\)/[^/]\\+/[^/]\\+\\.ebuild", "\\1", "g")
+ " }}}
+ call GentooHeader()
+ if expand("%:e") =~# "eclass\$"
+ " {{{ eclass special setup
+ let l:eclass=substitute(expand("%:t"), "\\.eclass\$", "", "")
+ put ='#'
+ put ='# Original Author: ' . GentooGetUser()
+ put ='# Purpose: '
+ put ='#'
+ put =''
+ put ='ECLASS=\"' . l:eclass . '\"'
+ put =''
+ " }}}
+ " {{{ go to the first thing to edit
+ 0
+ /^# Purpose:/
+ normal $
+ nohls
+ " }}}
+ else
+ if l:category ==# "app-vim"
+ " {{{ app-vim special setup
+ put ='inherit vim-plugin'
+ put =''
+ put ='DESCRIPTION=\"vim plugin: \"'
+ put ='HOMEPAGE=\"http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=\"'
+ put ='LICENSE=\"\"'
+ put ='KEYWORDS=\"~' . l:arch . '\"'
+ put ='IUSE=\"\"'
+ put =''
+ put ='VIM_PLUGIN_HELPURI=\"\"'
+ put =''
+ " }}}
+ elseif l:category ==# "www-apache" && expand("%:t") =~# "^mod_"
+ " {{{ www-apache default setup (for module pkgs)
+ put ='inherit apache-module'
+ put =''
+ put ='DESCRIPTION=\"\"'
+ put ='HOMEPAGE=\"\"'
+ put ='LICENSE=\"\"'
+ put =''
+ put ='KEYWORDS=\"~' . l:arch . '\"'
+ put ='IUSE=\"\"'
+ put ='SLOT=\"0\"'
+ put =''
+ put ='# See apache-module.eclass for more information.'
+ put ='APACHE2_MOD_CONF=\"XX_${PN}\"'
+ put ='APACHE2_MOD_DEFINE=\"\"'
+ put =''
+ put ='need_apache2'
+ " }}}
+ else
+ " {{{ standard default setup
+ " {{{ extra inherits for some categories
+ if l:category =~# "^games-"
+ put ='inherit games'
+ put =''
+ elseif l:category ==# "dev-python"
+ put ='inherit distutils'
+ put =''
+ elseif l:category ==# "dev-java"
+ put ='inherit java-pkg'
+ put =''
+ elseif l:category ==# "dev-perl"
+ put ='inherit perl-module'
+ put =''
+ endif
+ " }}}
+ put ='DESCRIPTION=\"\"'
+ put ='HOMEPAGE=\"\"'
+ put ='SRC_URI=\"\"'
+ put =''
+ put ='LICENSE=\"\"'
+ put ='SLOT=\"0\"'
+ put ='KEYWORDS=\"~' . l:arch . '\"'
+ put ='IUSE=\"\"'
+ put =''
+ " {{{ extra deps for some categories
+ if l:category ==# "dev-java"
+ put ='DEPEND=\"virtual/jdk\"'
+ put ='RDEPEND=\"virtual/jre\"'
+ put =''
+ else
+ put ='DEPEND=\"\"'
+ put ='RDEPEND=\"\"'
+ put =''
+ endif
+ " }}}
+ " }}}
+ endif
+ " {{{ go to the first thing to edit
+ 0
+ exec "normal 2f\""
+ nohls
+ " }}}
+ endif
+ if pastebackup == 0
+ set nopaste
+ endif
+com! -nargs=0 NewEbuild call <SID>MakeNewEbuild()
+augroup NewEbuild
+ au!
+ autocmd BufNewFile *.e{build,class}
+ \ call <SID>MakeNewEbuild()
+augroup END
+" vim: set et foldmethod=marker : "
diff --git a/plugin/neweclectic.vim b/plugin/neweclectic.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..baacb40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin/neweclectic.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+" Vim plugin
+" Purpose: Intelligently create content for new ebuild files
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>,
+" Elfyn McBratney <beu@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Copyright (c) 2005 Elfyn McBratney
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+" nicked from gentoo-common.vim
+fun! EclecticModuleHeader()
+ let l:year = strftime("%Y")
+ 0 put ='# Copyright 1999-' . l:year . ' Gentoo Foundation'
+ put ='# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2'
+ put ='# $Header: $'
+ $
+fun! <SID>MakeNewEclecticModule()
+ let l:pastebackup = &paste
+ set nopaste
+ call EclecticModuleHeader()
+ " {{{ boiler-plate eclectic module
+ put ='DESCRIPTION=\"\"'
+ put ='MAINTAINER=\"you@gentoo.org\"'
+ put =''
+ call setline(line("."), 'SVN_DATE=' . "'" . '$Date: $' . "'")
+ put ='VERSION=$(svn_date_to_version \"${SVN_DATE}\" )'
+ put =''
+ put ='### foo action'
+ put =''
+ put ='## {{{ foo stuff'
+ put ='describe_foo() {'
+ put =' echo \"Perform a foobration\"'
+ put ='}'
+ put =''
+ put ='do_foo() {'
+ put =' :'
+ put ='}'
+ put ='## }}}'
+ put =''
+ put ='# vim: ts=4 sw=4 noet fdm=marker'
+ " }}}
+ norm gg=G
+ " {{{ go to the first thing to edit
+ 0
+ exec "normal 2f\""
+ nohls
+ " }}}
+ if pastebackup == 0
+ set nopaste
+ endif
+com! -nargs=0 MakeNewEclecticModule call <SID>MakeNewEclecticModule()
+augroup MakeNewEclecticModule
+ au!
+ autocmd BufNewFile *.eclectic
+ \ call <SID>MakeNewEclecticModule()
+augroup end
+" vim: sw=4 ts=4 et fdm=marker
diff --git a/plugin/newinitd.vim b/plugin/newinitd.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..045cc94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin/newinitd.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+" Vim plugin
+" Purpose: create content for new init.d scripts
+" Author: Aaron Walker <ka0ttic@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005 Aaron Walker
+" License: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+runtime! plugin/gentoo-common.vim
+fun! <SID>MakeNewInitd()
+ " {{{ default functions
+ put ='depend() {'
+ put =''
+ put ='}'
+ put =''
+ put ='start() {'
+ put =''
+ put ='}'
+ put =''
+ put ='stop() {'
+ put =''
+ put ='}'
+ put =''
+ put ='restart() {'
+ put =''
+ put ='}'
+ " }}}
+ call GentooHeader()
+ 0 put ='#!/sbin/runscript'
+com! -nargs=0 NewInitd call <SID>MakeNewInitd() | set filetype=gentoo-init-d
+augroup NewInitd
+ au!
+ autocmd BufNewFile {/*/files/*.{rc*,init*},/etc/init.d/*}
+ \ call <SID>MakeNewInitd() | set filetype=gentoo-init-d
+augroup END
+" vim: set et foldmethod=marker : "
diff --git a/plugin/newmetadata.vim b/plugin/newmetadata.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41aa59a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin/newmetadata.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+" Vim plugin
+" Purpose: Intelligently create content for metadata.xml
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+runtime! plugin/gentoo-common.vim
+fun! <SID>MakeNewMetadata()
+ let l:pastebackup = &paste
+ set nopaste
+ " {{{ variables
+ let l:filename = expand("%:p")
+ let l:dir = expand("%:p:h")
+ if glob(l:dir . '/*/*.ebuild') =~ '\S'
+ let l:category = substitute(l:filename, '^.*/\([a-z][a-z0-9]\+-[a-z]\+\)/metadata.xml$',
+ \ '\1', '')
+ let l:iscatmetadata = 1
+ else
+ let l:category = substitute(l:filename,
+ \ "^.*/\\([^/]\\+\\)/[^/]\\+/metadata\\.xml", "\\1", "g")
+ let l:iscatmetadata = 0
+ let l:user = GentooGetUser()
+ let l:email = matchstr(l:user, "\\(<\\)\\@<=[^>]\\+\\(>\\)\\@=")
+ let l:name = matchstr(l:user, "^[^<]\\+\\( <\\)\\@=")
+ endif
+ " }}}
+ " {{{ catmetadata
+ if l:iscatmetadata
+ " {{{ content
+ 0 put ='<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>'
+ put ='<!DOCTYPE catmetadata SYSTEM \"http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd\">'
+ put ='<catmetadata>'
+ put ='<longdescription lang=\"en\">'
+ put ='</longdescription>'
+ put ='</catmetadata>'
+ exec "normal gg=G"
+ " }}}
+ " }}}
+ else
+ " {{{ pkgmetadata
+ " {{{ herd
+ let l:herd = ""
+ if l:category ==# "app-vim"
+ let l:herd = "vim"
+ elseif l:category ==# "dev-perl"
+ let l:herd = "perl"
+ elseif l:category ==# "dev-ruby"
+ let l:herd = "ruby"
+ elseif l:category ==# "dev-tex"
+ let l:herd = "text-markup"
+ elseif l:category ==# "dev-java"
+ let l:herd = "java"
+ endif
+ " }}}
+ " {{{ content
+ 0 put ='<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>'
+ put ='<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM \"http://www.gentoo.org/dtd/metadata.dtd\">'
+ put ='<pkgmetadata>'
+ put ='<herd>' . l:herd . '</herd>'
+ if l:email != "" || l:name != ""
+ put ='<maintainer>'
+ if l:email != ""
+ put ='<email>' . l:email . '</email>'
+ endif
+ if l:name != ""
+ put ='<name>' . l:name . '</name>'
+ endif
+ endif
+ put ='</maintainer>'
+ put ='<longdescription lang=\"en\">'
+ put ='</longdescription>'
+ put ='</pkgmetadata>'
+ exec "normal gg=G"
+ " }}}
+ endif
+ " }}}
+ if pastebackup == 0
+ set nopaste
+ endif
+com! -nargs=0 NewMetadata call <SID>MakeNewMetadata()
+augroup NewMetadata
+ au!
+ autocmd BufNewFile metadata.xml
+ \ call <SID>MakeNewMetadata()
+augroup END
+" vim: set et foldmethod=marker : "
diff --git a/syntax/ebuild.vim b/syntax/ebuild.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1d5a14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/ebuild.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Gentoo Ebuilds/Eclasses
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" Syntax highlighting for ebuilds and eclasses. Inherits from sh.vim and adds
+" in Gentoo-specific highlights for certain keywords and functions. Requires
+" vim 6.3 or later.
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+let is_bash=1
+runtime! syntax/sh.vim
+unlet b:current_syntax
+runtime syntax/gentoo-common.vim
+" function names can contain more characters than sh.vim allows. Override
+" this. See Gentoo bug 72469.
+syn match bkshFunction "^\s*\<\h[0-9a-zA-Z_\-\.]*\>\s*()" skipwhite skipnl contains=bkshFunctionParen
+" Default keywords
+syn keyword EbuildCoreKeyword use has_version best_version use_with use_enable check_KV
+syn keyword EbuildCoreKeyword keepdir econf die einstall einfo ewarn eerror diropts
+syn keyword EbuildCoreKeyword dobin docinto dodoc doexe dohard dohtml doinfo doins
+syn keyword EbuildCoreKeyword dolib dolib.a dolib.so doman dosbin dosym emake exeinto
+syn keyword EbuildCoreKeyword exeopts fowners fperms insinto insopts into libopts newbin
+syn keyword EbuildCoreKeyword newexe newins newman newsbin prepall prepalldocs prepallinfo
+syn keyword EbuildCoreKeyword prepallman prepallstrip has unpack dopython dosed into
+syn keyword EbuildCoreKeyword doinitd doconfd doenvd dojar domo dodir ebegin eend
+syn keyword EbuildCoreKeyword newconfd newdoc newenvd newinitd newlib.a newlib.so
+syn keyword EbuildCoreKeyword hasq hasv useq usev
+" Sandbox
+syn keyword EbuildCoreKeyword addread addwrite adddeny addpredict
+" Recognised functions
+syn keyword EbuildFunctions pkg_nofetch pkg_setup src_unpack src_compile src_test src_install
+syn keyword EbuildFunctions pkg_preinst pkg_postinst pkg_prerm pkg_postrm pkg_config
+" Inherit
+syn keyword EbuildInherit inherit
+" eutils
+syn keyword EbuildEutilsKeyword gen_usr_ldscript draw_line epatch have_NPTL get_number_of_jobs egetent
+syn keyword EbuildEutilsKeyword emktemp enewuser enewgroup edos2unix make_desktop_entry unpack_pdv
+syn keyword EbuildEutilsKeyword unpack_makeself check_license cdrom_get_cds cdrom_load_next
+syn keyword EbuildEutilsKeyword cdrom_locate_file_on_cd strip-linguas epause ebeep built_with_use
+syn keyword EbuildEutilsKeyword make_session_desktop domenu doicon find_unpackable_file unpack_pdv
+syn keyword EbuildEutilsKeyword set_arch_to_kernel set_arch_to_portage preserve_old_lib
+syn keyword EbuildEutilsKeyword preserve_old_lib_notify built_with_use epunt_cxx dopamd newpamd
+" flag-o-matic
+syn keyword EbuildFlagoKeyword setup-allowed-flags filter-flags filter-lfs-flags append-lfs-flags
+syn keyword EbuildFlagoKeyword append-flags replace-flags replace-cpu-flags is-flag filter-mfpmath
+syn keyword EbuildFlagoKeyword strip-flags test_flag test_version_info strip-unsupported-flags get-flag
+syn keyword EbuildFlagoKeyword has_hardened has_pic has_pie has_ssp has_m64 has_m32 replace-sparc64-flags
+syn keyword EbuildFlagoKeyword append-ldflags filter-ldflags etexec-flags fstack-flags gcc2-flags
+" gcc
+syn keyword EbuildGCCKeyword gcc-getCC gcc-getCXX gcc-fullversion gcc-version gcc-major-version
+syn keyword EbuildGCCKeyword gcc-minor-version gcc-micro-version gcc-libpath gcc-libstdcxx-version
+syn keyword EbuildGCCKeyword gcc-libstdcxx-major-version gcc2-flags
+" libtool
+syn keyword EbuildLibtoolKeyword elibtoolize
+" fixheadtails
+syn keyword EbuildFixHeadTailsKeyword ht_fix_file ht_fix_all
+" fdo-mime
+syn keyword EbuildFdoMimeKeyword fdo-mime_desktop_database_update fdo-mime_mime_database_update
+" webapp
+syn keyword EbuildWebappKeyword webapp_configfile webapp_hook_script webapp_postinst_txt
+syn keyword EbuildWebappKeyword webapp_runbycgibin webapp_serverowned webapp_server_configfile
+syn keyword EbuildWebappKeyword webapp_sqlscript webapp_src_install webapp_pkg_setup
+syn keyword EbuildWebappKeyword webapp_getinstalltype webapp_src_preinst webapp_pkg_postinst
+syn keyword EbuildWebappKeyword webapp_pkg_prerm
+" versionator
+syn keyword EbuildVersionatorKeyword get_all_version_components version_is_at_least
+syn keyword EbuildVersionatorKeyword get_version_components get_major_version
+syn keyword EbuildVersionatorKeyword get_version_component_range get_after_major_version
+syn keyword EbuildVersionatorKeyword replace_version_separator replace_all_version_separators
+syn keyword EbuildVersionatorKeyword delete_version_separator delete_all_version_separators
+" cvs
+syn keyword EbuildCVSKeyword cvs_src_unpack
+" bash-completion
+syn keyword EbuildBashCompKeyword dobashcompletion bash-completion_pkg_postinst
+" vim-plugin
+syn keyword EbuildVimPluginKeyword vim-plugin_src_install vim-plugin_pkg_postinst vim-plugin_pkg_postrm
+syn keyword EbuildVimPluginKeyword update_vim_afterscripts display_vim_plugin_help
+" vim-doc
+syn keyword EbuildVimDocKeyword update_vim_helptags
+" multilib
+syn keyword EbuildMultilibKeyword get_libdir get_multilibdir get_libdir_override get_all_libdirs
+syn keyword EbuildMultilibKeyword get_abi_var get_abi_CFLAGS get_abi_CDEFINE get_abi_LIBDIR get_abi_order
+syn keyword EbuildMultilibKeyword is_final_abi number_abis
+syn keyword EbuildMultilibKeyword prep_ml_includes create_ml_includes
+" 64-bit
+syn keyword Ebuild64bitKeyword 64-bit
+" toolchain-funcs
+syn keyword EbuildToolFuncsKeyword tc-getPROG tc-getAR tc-getAS tc-getCC tc-getCXX tc-getLD tc-getNM
+syn keyword EbuildToolFuncsKeyword tc-getRANLIB tc-getF77 tc-getGCJ tc-getBUILD_CC tc-export
+syn keyword EbuildToolFuncsKeyword tc-is-cross-compiler tc-ninja_magic_to_arch tc-arch-kernel tc-arch
+syn keyword EbuildToolFuncsKeyword tc-endian gcc-fullversion gcc-version gcc-major-version
+syn keyword EbuildToolFuncsKeyword gcc-minor-version gcc-micro-version
+" cron
+syn keyword EbuildCronKeyword docrondir docron docrontab cron_pkg_postinst
+" games
+syn keyword EbuildGamesKeyword egamesconf egamesinstall gameswrapper dogamesbin dogamessbin dogameslib
+syn keyword EbuildGamesKeyword dogameslib.a dogameslib.so newgamesbin newgamessbin gamesowner gamesperms
+syn keyword EbuildGamesKeyword prepgamesdirs gamesenv games_pkg_setup games_src_compile games_pkg_postinst
+syn keyword EbuildGamesKeyword games_ut_unpack games_umod_unpack games_make_wrapper
+" subversion
+syn keyword EbuildSVNKeyword subversion_svn_fetch subversion_bootstrap subversion_src_unpack
+" alternatives
+syn keyword EbuildAltKeyword alternatives_auto_makesym alternatives_makesym alternatives_pkg_postinst
+syn keyword EbuildAltKeyword alternatives_pkg_postrm
+" rpm
+syn keyword EbuildRPMKeyword rpm_unpack rpm_src_unpack
+" python
+syn keyword EbuildPythonKeyword python_version python_tkinter_exists python_mod_exists python_mod_compile
+syn keyword EbuildPythonKeyword python_mod_optimize python_mod_cleanup python_makesym python_disable_pyc
+syn keyword EbuildPythonKeyword python_enable_pyc
+" check-kernel
+syn keyword EbuildCheckKernelKeyword check_version_h get_KV_info is_2_4_kernel is_2_5_kernel is_2_6_kernel
+syn keyword EbuildCheckKernelKeyword kernel_supports_modules
+" perl-module
+syn keyword EbuildPerlModuleKeyword perl-module_src_prep perl-module_src_compile perl-module_src_test
+syn keyword EbuildPerlModuleKeyword perl-module_src_install perl-module_pkg_setup perl-module_pkg_preinst
+syn keyword EbuildPerlModuleKeyword perl-module_pkg_postinst perl-module_pkg_prerm perl-module_pkg_postrm
+syn keyword EbuildPerlModuleKeyword perlinfo fixlocalpod updatepod
+" distutils
+syn keyword EbuildDistutilsKeyword distutils_src_compile distutils_src_install distutils_pkg_postrm
+syn keyword EbuildDistutilsKeyword distutils_pkg_postinst distutils_python_version disutils_python_tkinter
+" depend.apache
+syn keyword EbuildDependApacheKeyword need_apache need_apache1 need_apache2
+" apache-module
+syn keyword EbuildApacheModuleKeyword apache-module_pkg_setup apache-module_src_compile
+syn keyword EbuildApacheModuleKeyword apache-module_src_install apache-module_pkg_postinst
+syn match EbuildExportFunctions /EXPORT_FUNCTIONS/ skipwhite nextgroup=EbuildExportFunctionsFunc,EbuildExportFunctionsFuncE
+syn match EbuildExportFunctionsFunc contained /\S\+\(\s\|$\)\@=/ skipwhite nextgroup=EbuildExportFunctionsFunc,EbuildExportFunctionsFuncE
+syn match EbuildExportFunctionsFuncE contained /\S\+\(\s\|$\)\@=\(pkg_nofetch\|pkg_setup\|src_unpack\|src_compile\|src_test\|src_install\|pkg_preinst\|pkg_postinst\|pkg_prerm\|pkg_postrm\|pkg_config\)\@<!/ skipwhite nextgroup=EbuildExportFunctionsFunc,EbuildExportFunctionsFuncE
+" mistakes: misspelling
+syn keyword EbuildError LICENCE
+" non-GLEP 23
+syn match EbuildError /LICENSE="[^|]*|[^|].*"/
+" read only
+syn match EbuildError /^\(P\|PN\|PV\|PR\|PVR\|PF\|A\)=/
+" default values
+syn match EbuildError ~^S="\?\${\?WORKDIR}\?/\${\?P}\?"\?\s*$~
+" not allowed
+syn match EbuildError /SLOT\s*=\s*\(""\|''\|$\)/
+" not allowed
+syn match EbuildError /KEYWORDS\s*=\s*.*[^-]\*.*/
+" evil syntax, ask Mr_Bones_
+syn match EbuildError /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]\+ ()/
+syn match EbuildError /^[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]\+(){/
+" bad space
+syn region EbuildError start=/^ / end=/$/
+" should be epause
+syn keyword EbuildError esleep
+" should be ${P}
+syn match EbuildErrorC /\${PN}-\${PV}/
+" trailing space
+if exists("g:ebuild_error_on_trailing_whitespace")
+ syn match EbuildError /^.*\s\+$/
+" these can be contained within strings etc...
+" not to be used in an ebuild
+syn match EbuildErrorC /\$\?{\?EXTRA_ECONF}\?/
+" stupid cat usage
+syn match EbuildErrorC /\(z\)\@<!cat \S\+\s\+|\s*\(sed\|[aef]\?grep\|sort\|cut\|head\|tail\|patch\)/
+" Special homepage handling
+syn match EbuildHomePageError /^HOMEPAGE=.*\(\${[^}]*}\?\|\([^\\]\)\@<=\$[^{]\w*\).*$/
+" no dev.g.o in SRC_URI
+syn match EbuildErrorC /http:..dev.gentoo.org[^ "]*\(SRC_URI.*\)\@<=/
+" clusters
+syn cluster EbuildThings contains=EbuildCoreKeyword,EbuildFunctions,EbuildInherit,EbuildEutilsKeyword
+syn cluster EbuildThings add=EbuildLibtoolKeyword,EbuildFixHeadTailsKeyword,EbuildWebappKeyword
+syn cluster EbuildThings add=EbuildFlagoKeyword,EbuildError,EbuildGCCKeyword,EbuildVersionatorKeyword
+syn cluster EbuildThings add=EbuildLibtoolKeyword,EbuildHomePageError,EbuildErrorC,EbuildCVSKeyword
+syn cluster EbuildThings add=EbuildBashCompKeyword,EbuildVimPluginKeyword,EbuildVimDocKeyword
+syn cluster EbuildThings add=EbuildFdoMimeKeyword,EbuildMultilibKeyword,Ebuild64bitKeyword
+syn cluster EbuildThings add=EbuildCronKeyword,EbuildGamesKeyword,EbuildToolFuncsKeyword
+syn cluster EbuildThings add=EbuildSVNKeyword,EbuildAltKeyword,EbuildRPMKeyword,EbuildPythonKeyword
+syn cluster EbuildThings add=EbuildCheckKernelKeyword,EbuildPerlModuleKeyword,EbuildDistutilsKeyword
+syn cluster EbuildThings add=EbuildDependApacheKeyword,EbuildApacheModuleKeyword
+syn cluster shCommandSubList add=@EbuildThings
+syn cluster shCommentGroup add=GentooBug
+syn cluster shDblQuoteList add=EbuildErrorC
+hi def link EbuildCoreKeyword Keyword
+hi def link EbuildFunctions Special
+hi def link EbuildInherit Include
+hi def link EbuildEutilsKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildFlagoKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildGCCKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildLibtoolKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildFixHeadTailsKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildFdoMimeKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildWebappKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildVersionatorKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildCVSKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildBashCompKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildVimPluginKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildVimDocKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildMultilibKeyword Identifier
+hi def link Ebuild64bitKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildCronKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildGamesKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildToolFuncsKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildSVNKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildAltKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildRPMKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildPythonKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildCheckKernelKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildPerlModuleKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildDistutilsKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildDependApacheKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildApacheModuleKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EbuildHomePageError Error
+hi def link EbuildError Error
+hi def link EbuildErrorC Error
+hi def link EbuildExportFunctions Constant
+hi def link EbuildExportFunctionsFunc Identifier
+hi def link EbuildExportFunctionsFuncE Error
+let b:current_syntax = "ebuild"
diff --git a/syntax/eclectic.vim b/syntax/eclectic.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ef0e37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/eclectic.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Gentoo Ebuilds/Eclasses
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>,
+" Elfyn McBratney <beu@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh,
+" Copyright (c) 2005 Elfyn McBratney
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" Syntax highlighting for ebuilds and eclasses. Inherits from sh.vim and adds
+" in Gentoo-specific highlights for certain keywords and functions. Requires
+" vim 6.3 or later.
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+let is_bash=1
+runtime! syntax/sh.vim
+unlet b:current_syntax
+"runtime syntax/gentoo-common.vim
+" function names can contain more characters than sh.vim allows. Override
+" this. See Gentoo bug 72469.
+syn match bkshFunction "^\s*\<\h[0-9a-zA-Z_\-\.]*\>\s*()" skipwhite skipnl contains=bkshFunctionParen
+" Core keywords
+syn keyword EclecticCoreKeyword die is_function has
+" Config keywords
+syn keyword EclecticConfigKeyword store_config load_config add_config
+" (String/misc) manipulation keywords
+syn keyword EclecticManipKeyword svn_date_to_version
+" Multilib keywords
+syn keyword EclecticMultilibKeyword list_libdirs
+" Output keywords
+syn keyword EclecticOutputKeywords write_error_msg write_list_start
+syn keyword EclecticOutputKeywords write_kv_list_entry write_numbered_list_entry
+syn keyword EclecticOutputKeywords write_numbered_list highlight
+syn keyword EclecticOutputKeywords highlight_warning space
+" Test keywords
+syn keyword EclecticTestKeywords is_number
+" clusters
+syn cluster EclecticThings contains=EclecticCoreKeyword,EclecticConfigKeyword
+syn cluster EclecticThings add=EclecticManipKeyword,EclecticMultilibKeyword,
+syn cluster EclecticThings add=EclecticOutputKeywords,EclecticTestKeywords
+syn cluster shCommandSubList add=@EclecticThings
+hi def link EclecticCoreKeyword Keyword
+hi def link EclecticConfigKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EclecticManipKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EclecticMultilibKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EclecticOutputKeyword Identifier
+hi def link EclecticTestKeyword Identifier
+let b:current_syntax = "eclectic"
+" vim: sw=4 ts=4 et fdm=marker
diff --git a/syntax/gentoo-changelog.vim b/syntax/gentoo-changelog.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7f0f3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/gentoo-changelog.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Gentoo ChangeLogs
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" Syntax highlighting for Gentoo ChangeLogs. Needs vim 6.3 or later.
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+runtime syntax/gentoo-common.vim
+" Releases
+syn region GentooChangeLogRelease start=/^\*/ end=/$/ contains=GentooChangeLogReleaseDate
+syn match GentooChangeLogReleaseDate contained /(\d\d\s\w\+\s\d\{4\})/
+" Entries
+syn region GentooChangeLogEntry start=/^\s\+/ end=/\n\n/
+ \ contains=GentooChangeLogEntryDate,GentooBug
+syn region GentooChangeLogEntryDate contained start=/\d\?\d\s\w\+\s\d\{4\}/ end=/;/
+ \ nextgroup=GentooChangeLogEntryAuthor,GentooChangeLogEntryEmail skipwhite skipnl
+syn region GentooChangeLogEntryAuthor contained start=/\S/ end=/\( <\)\@=/
+ \ nextgroup=GentooChangeLogEntryEmail skipwhite skipnl
+syn match GentooChangeLogEntryEmail contained /<\?[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_]\+@[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\_]\+>\?/
+ \ nextgroup=GentooChangeLogFiles skipwhite skipnl
+syn region GentooChangeLogFiles contained start=/\(\S\)\@=/ end=/:/
+ \ contains=GentooChangeLogAddFile,GentooChangeLogDelFile,GentooChangeLogModFile
+" Add / delete / changed files
+syn region GentooChangeLogAddFile contained start=/+/ end=/\([,:]\)\@=/
+syn region GentooChangeLogDelFile contained start=/-/ end=/\([,:]\)\@=/
+syn region GentooChangeLogModFile contained start=/[a-zA-Z0-9]/ end=/\([,:]\)\@=/
+" Colours
+hi def link GentooChangeLogEntryDate Number
+hi def link GentooChangeLogEntryAuthor String
+hi def link GentooChangeLogEntryEmail Special
+hi def link GentooChangeLogModFile Identifier
+hi def link GentooChangeLogAddFile DiffAdd
+hi def link GentooChangeLogDelFile DiffDelete
+hi def link GentooChangeLogRelease Title
+hi def link GentooChangeLogReleaseDate Number
+let b:current_syntax = "gentoo-changelog"
diff --git a/syntax/gentoo-common.vim b/syntax/gentoo-common.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7822984
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/gentoo-common.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Gentoo Common Rules
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+syn region GentooHeaderBlock start=/\%^\(#\)\@=/ end=/^$/ contains=GentooHeader
+syn region GentooHeader contained start=/^#/ end=/$/ contains=GentooHeaderCVSVar
+syn region GentooHeaderCVSVar contained start=/\$\S\+:/ end=/\$/
+syn match GentooBug contained /\(\([gG]entoo \|[dD]ebian \|[sS]ource[Ff]orge \)\?[Bb]ug \(#\s*\)\?\|#\)\d\{1,\}/
+hi def link GentooHeader Comment
+hi def link GentooHeaderCVSVar PreProc
+hi def link GentooBug Underlined
diff --git a/syntax/gentoo-conf-d.vim b/syntax/gentoo-conf-d.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e00701f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/gentoo-conf-d.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Gentoo /etc/conf.d/ files
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" Syntax highlighting for Gentoo /etc/conf.d/ files. Inherits from sh.vim
+" and adds in Gentoo-specific highlights for certain keywords and functions.
+" Requires vim 6.3 or later.
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+let is_bash=1
+runtime! syntax/sh.vim
+unlet b:current_syntax
+runtime syntax/gentoo-common.vim
+syn cluster shCommentGroup add=GentooBug
+let b:current_syntax = "gentoo-conf-d"
diff --git a/syntax/gentoo-env-d.vim b/syntax/gentoo-env-d.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbe5753
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/gentoo-env-d.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Gentoo /etc/env.d/ files
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" Syntax highlighting for Gentoo /etc/env.d/ files. Inherits from sh.vim
+" and adds in Gentoo-specific highlights for certain keywords and functions.
+" Requires vim 6.3 or later.
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+let is_bash=1
+runtime! syntax/sh.vim
+unlet b:current_syntax
+runtime syntax/gentoo-common.vim
+syn cluster shCommentGroup add=GentooBug
+let b:current_syntax = "gentoo-env-d"
diff --git a/syntax/gentoo-init-d.vim b/syntax/gentoo-init-d.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf4443e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/gentoo-init-d.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Gentoo /etc/init.d/ scripts
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" Syntax highlighting for Gentoo /etc/init.d/ scripts. Inherits from sh.vim
+" and adds in Gentoo-specific highlights for certain keywords and functions.
+" Requires vim 6.3 or later.
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+let is_bash=1
+runtime! syntax/sh.vim
+unlet b:current_syntax
+runtime syntax/gentoo-common.vim
+syn cluster shCommentGroup add=GentooBug
+syn keyword GentooInitDKeyword need use provide before after ebegin eend einfo
+syn keyword GentooInitDKeyword ewarn eerror
+syn keyword GentooInitDFunc start stop reload restart usage zap depend
+syn cluster shCommandSubList add=GentooInitDKeyword
+hi def link GentooInitDKeyword Keyword
+hi def link GentooInitDFunc Special
+let b:current_syntax = "gentoo-init-d"
diff --git a/syntax/gentoo-make-conf.vim b/syntax/gentoo-make-conf.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b185a7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/gentoo-make-conf.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Gentoo make.conf Files
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" Syntax highlighting for Gentoo make.conf files. Needs vim 6.3 or later.
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+runtime syntax/gentoo-common.vim
+syn cluster GentooMakeConfEC add=GentooMakeConfEUse,GentooMakeConfEAK,GentooMakeConfECFLAGS,GentooMakeConfEMAKEOPTS,GentooMakeConfECHOST,GentooMakeConfEFEATURES,GentooMakeConfEMISC,GentooMakeConfEMISCK,GentooMakeConfEMISCKE,GentooMakeConfEMISCN
+syn region GentooMakeConfE start=/^/ end=/$/ contains=@GentooMakeConfEC,GentooMakeConfComment
+" MISC {{{
+syn match GentooMakeConfEMISC /[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]\+\([^a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]\)\@=/ contained nextgroup=GentooMakeConfEMISCE skipwhite
+syn match GentooMakeConfEMISCE /=/ contained nextgroup=GentooMakeConfEMISCV,GentooMakeConfEMISCVNoQ skipwhite
+syn region GentooMakeConfEMISCV contained start=/"/ end=/"/ contains=GentooMakeConfEMISCIX
+syn region GentooMakeConfEMISCVNoQ contained start=/[^ "]/ end=/\s\|$/ contains=GentooMakeConfEMISCIX
+syn match GentooMakeConfEMISCIX /\\.\|\$\({[^}]\+}\|[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]\+\)/ contained
+" naughty
+syn match GentooMakeConfEMISCN /LDFLAGS\|ASFLAGS\|ARCH\|USERLAND/ contained nextgroup=GentooMakeConfEMISCE skipwhite
+" known but not handled specially
+" common eclass stuff
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEMISC Keyword
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEMISCK Identifier
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEMISCN Error
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEMISCKE Special
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEMISCV String
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEMISCVNoQ Constant
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEMISCIB Error
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEMISCIX Preproc
+" }}}
+" USE {{{
+syn keyword GentooMakeConfEUse USE contained nextgroup=GentooMakeConfEUseE skipwhite
+syn match GentooMakeConfEUseE /=/ contained nextgroup=GentooMakeConfEUseV skipwhite
+syn cluster GentooMakeConfEUseIC add=GentooMakeConfEUseID,GentooMakeConfEUseIE,GentooMakeConfEUseIG,GentooMakeConfEUseIB,GentooMakeConfEUseIX
+syn region GentooMakeConfEUseV contained start=/"/ end=/"/ contains=@GentooMakeConfEUseIC
+syn match GentooMakeConfEUseIE /[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]\+/ contained
+syn match GentooMakeConfEUseID /-[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]\+/ contained
+syn match GentooMakeConfEUseIG /-\?@[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]\+\|-\*/ contained
+syn match GentooMakeConfEUseIB /+@\?[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]\+/ contained
+syn match GentooMakeConfEUseIX /\\.\|\$\({[^}]\+}\|[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]\+\)/ contained
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEUse Identifier
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEUseV String
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEUseID Keyword
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEUseIE Special
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEUseIG Preproc
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEUseIB Error
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEUseIX Preproc
+" }}}
+syn match GentooMakeConfEAK /ACCEPT_KEYWORDS/ contained nextgroup=GentooMakeConfEAKE skipwhite
+syn match GentooMakeConfEAKE /=/ contained nextgroup=GentooMakeConfEAKV skipwhite
+syn cluster GentooMakeConfEAKIC add=GentooMakeConfEAKIS,GentooMakeConfEAKIU,GentooMakeConfEAKIB,GentooMakeConfEAKIX
+syn region GentooMakeConfEAKV contained start=/"/ end=/"/ contains=@GentooMakeConfEAKIC
+" do not change keyword order!
+syn match GentooMakeConfEAKIS /alpha\|amd64\|arm\|hppa\|ia64\|m68k\|mips\|ppc-macos\|ppc64\|ppc\|s390\|sh\|sparc\|x86-obsd\|x86-fbsd\|x86/ contained
+syn match GentooMakeConfEAKIU /\~\(alpha\|amd64\|arm\|hppa\|ia64\|m68k\|mips\|ppc-macos\|ppc64\|ppc\|s390\|sh\|sparc\|x86-obsd\|x86-fbsd\|x86\)/ contained
+syn match GentooMakeConfEAKIB /-[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]\+/ contained
+syn match GentooMakeConfEAKIX /\\.\|\$\({[^}]\+}\|[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]\+\)/ contained
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEAK Identifier
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEAKV String
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEAKIS Keyword
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEAKIU Special
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEAKIB Error
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEAKIX Preproc
+" }}}
+" C*FLAGS {{{
+syn match GentooMakeConfECFLAGS /C\(XX\)\?FLAGS/ contained nextgroup=GentooMakeConfECFLAGSE skipwhite
+syn match GentooMakeConfECFLAGSE /=/ contained nextgroup=GentooMakeConfECFLAGSV,GentooMakeConfECFLAGSVNoQ skipwhite
+syn cluster GentooMakeConfECFLAGSIC add=GentooMakeConfECFLAGSIB1,GentooMakeConfECFLAGSIB2,GentooMakeConfECFLAGSIB3,GentooMakeConfECFLAGSIX
+syn region GentooMakeConfECFLAGSV contained start=/"/ end=/"/ contains=@GentooMakeConfECFLAGSIC
+syn match GentooMakeConfECFLAGSIB1 /-ffast-math\|-freduce-all-givs\|-mfpmath=sse,387\|-DNDEBUG\|-s\([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]\)\@!\|-Wno\S\+\|x86.\?64\|-mvis/ contained
+syn match GentooMakeConfECFLAGSIB2 /-[0o][123s]/ contained
+syn match GentooMakeConfECFLAGSIB3 /\%(-Os\|-fPIC\|-fpic\|-DPIC\)\%(\(=\%(k8\|opteron\|athlon64\|athlon-fx\).*\)\@<=\|\(.*=\%(k8\|opteron\|athlon64\|athlon-fx\)\)\@=\)/
+syn match GentooMakeConfECFLAGSIX /\\.\|\$\({[^}]\+}\|[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]\+\)/ contained
+syn region GentooMakeConfECFLAGSVNoQ contained start=/[^ "]/ end=/\s\|$/ contains=GentooMakeConfECFLAGSIX
+hi def link GentooMakeConfECFLAGS Identifier
+hi def link GentooMakeConfECFLAGSV String
+hi def link GentooMakeConfECFLAGSVNoQ Constant
+hi def link GentooMakeConfECFLAGSIB1 Error
+hi def link GentooMakeConfECFLAGSIB2 Error
+hi def link GentooMakeConfECFLAGSIB3 Error
+hi def link GentooMakeConfECFLAGSIX Preproc
+" }}}
+syn match GentooMakeConfEMAKEOPTS /MAKEOPTS/ contained nextgroup=GentooMakeConfEMAKEOPTSE skipwhite
+syn match GentooMakeConfEMAKEOPTSE /=/ contained nextgroup=GentooMakeConfEMAKEOPTSV skipwhite
+syn cluster GentooMakeConfEMAKEOPTSIC add=GentooMakeConfEMAKEOPTSIB
+syn region GentooMakeConfEMAKEOPTSV contained start=/"/ end=/"/ contains=@GentooMakeConfEMAKEOPTSIC
+syn match GentooMakeConfEMAKEOPTSIB /-j \+[0-9]\+/ contained
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEMAKEOPTS Identifier
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEMAKEOPTSV String
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEMAKEOPTSIB Error
+" }}}
+" CHOST {{{
+syn match GentooMakeConfECHOST /CHOST/ contained nextgroup=GentooMakeConfECHOSTE skipwhite
+syn match GentooMakeConfECHOSTE /=/ contained nextgroup=GentooMakeConfECHOSTV,GentooMakeConfECHOSTVNoQ skipwhite
+syn cluster GentooMakeConfECHOSTIC add=GentooMakeConfECHOSTIB
+syn region GentooMakeConfECHOSTV contained start=/"/ end=/"/ contains=@GentooMakeConfECHOSTIC
+syn match GentooMakeConfECHOSTIB /sparc\(-unknown-linux-gnu\)\@![^ ]\+/ contained
+syn region GentooMakeConfECHOSTVNoQ contained start=/[^ "]/ end=/\s\|$/ contains=GentooMakeConfECFLAGSIX
+hi def link GentooMakeConfECHOST Identifier
+hi def link GentooMakeConfECHOSTV String
+hi def link GentooMakeConfECHOSTVNoQ String
+hi def link GentooMakeConfECHOSTIB Error
+" }}}
+syn keyword GentooMakeConfEFEATURES FEATURES contained nextgroup=GentooMakeConfEFEATURESE skipwhite
+syn match GentooMakeConfEFEATURESE /=/ contained nextgroup=GentooMakeConfEFEATURESV skipwhite
+syn cluster GentooMakeConfEFEATURESIC add=GentooMakeConfEFEATURESID,GentooMakeConfEFEATURESIE,GentooMakeConfEFEATURESIB,GentooMakeConfEFEATURESIX
+syn region GentooMakeConfEFEATURESV contained start=/"/ end=/"/ contains=@GentooMakeConfEFEATURESIC
+syn match GentooMakeConfEFEATURESIE /[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]\+/ contained
+syn match GentooMakeConfEFEATURESID /-[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]\+/ contained
+syn match GentooMakeConfEFEATURESIB /+[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]\+/ contained
+syn match GentooMakeConfEFEATURESIX /\\.\|\$\({[^}]\+}\|[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]\+\)/ contained
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEFEATURES Identifier
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEFEATURESV String
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEFEATURESID Keyword
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEFEATURESIE Special
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEFEATURESIG Preproc
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEFEATURESIB Error
+hi def link GentooMakeConfEFEATURESIX Preproc
+" }}}
+syn region GentooMakeConfComment start=/#/ end=/$/ contains=GentooBug
+hi def link GentooMakeConfComment Comment
+let b:current_syntax = "gentoo-make-conf"
+" vim: set foldmethod=marker : "
diff --git a/syntax/gentoo-metadata.vim b/syntax/gentoo-metadata.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b7e4c30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/gentoo-metadata.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Gentoo metadata.xml
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" Syntax highlighting for metadata.xml. Inherits from xml.vim.
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+runtime! syntax/xml.vim
+unlet b:current_syntax
+syn cluster xmlTagHook add=metadataElement
+syn match metadataElement contained 'packages'
+syn match metadataElement contained 'catmetadata'
+syn match metadataElement contained 'pkgmetadata'
+syn match metadataElement contained 'herd'
+syn match metadataElement contained 'maintainer'
+syn match metadataElement contained 'email'
+syn match metadataElement contained 'name'
+syn match metadataElement contained 'description'
+syn match metadataElement contained 'longdescription'
+hi def link metadataElement Keyword
+let b:current_syntax = "gentoo-metadata"
diff --git a/syntax/gentoo-mirrors.vim b/syntax/gentoo-mirrors.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdbc03f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/gentoo-mirrors.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Gentoo thirdpartymirrors files
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" Syntax highlighting for Gentoo thirdpartymirrors files. Requires vim 6.3 or
+" later.
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+runtime syntax/gentoo-common.vim
+syn region GentooMirrorsComment start=/#/ end=/$/
+ \ contains=GentooMirrorsEmail,GentooMirrorsDate,GentooBug
+syn match GentooMirrorsEmail contained /<[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]\+@[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]\+>/
+syn match GentooMirrorsDate contained /(\(\d\d\?\s\w\+\|\w\+\s\d\d\?\)\s\d\{4\})/
+syn match GentooMirrorsAtom /^[^# \t]\+/
+ \ nextgroup=GentooMirrorsUrl skipwhite
+syn region GentooMirrorsUrl contained start=/\(http\|ftp\):\/\// end=/\(\s\)\@=\|$/
+ \ nextgroup=GentooMirrorsUrl skipwhite
+hi def link GentooMirrorsComment Comment
+hi def link GentooMirrorsEmail Special
+hi def link GentooMirrorsDate Number
+hi def link GentooMirrorsAtom Identifier
+hi def link GentooMirrorsUrl String
+let b:current_syntax = "gentoo-mirrors"
diff --git a/syntax/gentoo-package-keywords.vim b/syntax/gentoo-package-keywords.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29d480e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/gentoo-package-keywords.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Gentoo package.keywords files
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" Syntax highlighting for Gentoo package.keywords files. Requires vim 6.3 or
+" later.
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+runtime syntax/gentoo-common.vim
+syn region GentooPackageKeywordsComment start=/#/ end=/$/
+ \ contains=GentooPackageKeywordsEmail,GentooPackageKeywordsDate,GentooBug
+syn match GentooPackageKeywordsEmail contained /<[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]\+@[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]\+>/
+syn match GentooPackageKeywordsDate contained /(\(\d\d\?\s\w\+\|\w\+\s\d\d\?\)\s\d\{4\})/
+syn match GentooPackageKeywordsAtom /^[^ \t\n#]\+-\S\+\/\S\+/
+ \ nextgroup=GentooPackageKeywordsKeyword skipwhite
+syn match GentooPackageKeywordsKeyword contained /-\?[-~]\?\([a-z0-9\-]\+\|\*\)/
+ \ nextgroup=GentooPackageKeywordsKeyword skipwhite
+hi def link GentooPackageKeywordsComment Comment
+hi def link GentooPackageKeywordsEmail Special
+hi def link GentooPackageKeywordsDate Number
+hi def link GentooPackageKeywordsAtom Identifier
+hi def link GentooPackageKeywordsKeyword Keyword
+let b:current_syntax = "gentoo-package-keywords"
diff --git a/syntax/gentoo-package-mask.vim b/syntax/gentoo-package-mask.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7216ec9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/gentoo-package-mask.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Gentoo package.mask and package.unmask files
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" Syntax highlighting for Gentoo package.mask and package.unmask files.
+" Requires vim 6.3 or later.
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+runtime syntax/gentoo-common.vim
+" Header
+syn region GentooPackageMaskComment start=/#/ end=/$/
+ \ contains=GentooPackageMaskEmail,GentooPackageMaskDate,GentooBug
+syn match GentooPackageMaskEmail contained /<[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]\+@[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]\+>/
+syn match GentooPackageMaskDate contained /(\(\d\d\?\s\w\+\|\w\+\s\d\d\?\)\s\d\{4\})/
+syn match GentooPackageMaskAtom /^[^ \t\n#]\+-\S\+\/\S\+/
+hi def link GentooPackageMaskComment Comment
+hi def link GentooPackageMaskEmail Special
+hi def link GentooPackageMaskDate Number
+hi def link GentooPackageMaskAtom Identifier
+let b:current_syntax = "gentoo-package-mask"
diff --git a/syntax/gentoo-package-use.vim b/syntax/gentoo-package-use.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82e19ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/gentoo-package-use.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Gentoo package.use files
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" Syntax highlighting for Gentoo package.use files. Requires vim 6.3 or
+" later.
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+runtime syntax/gentoo-common.vim
+syn region GentooPackageUseComment start=/#/ end=/$/
+ \ contains=GentooPackageUseEmail,GentooPackageUseDate,GentooBug
+syn match GentooPackageUseEmail contained /<[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]\+@[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_\.]\+>/
+syn match GentooPackageUseDate contained /(\(\d\d\?\s\w\+\|\w\+\s\d\d\?\)\s\d\{4\})/
+syn match GentooPackageUseAtom /^[^ \t\n#]\+-\S\+\/\S\+/
+ \ nextgroup=GentooPackageUseUse,GentooPackageUseUnuse skipwhite
+syn match GentooPackageUseUse contained /[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-_]*/
+ \ nextgroup=GentooPackageUseUse,GentooPackageUseUnuse skipwhite
+syn match GentooPackageUseUnuse contained /-[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-_]*/
+ \ nextgroup=GentooPackageUseUse,GentooPackageUseUnuse skipwhite
+hi def link GentooPackageUseComment Comment
+hi def link GentooPackageUseEmail Special
+hi def link GentooPackageUseDate Number
+hi def link GentooPackageUseAtom Identifier
+hi def link GentooPackageUseUse Special
+hi def link GentooPackageUseUnuse Keyword
+let b:current_syntax = "gentoo-package-use"
diff --git a/syntax/gentoo-use-desc.vim b/syntax/gentoo-use-desc.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7257b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/gentoo-use-desc.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Gentoo use.desc, use.local.desc files
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" Syntax highlighting for Gentoo package.keywords files. Requires vim 6.3 or
+" later.
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+runtime syntax/gentoo-common.vim
+syn region GentooUseDescComment start=/#/ end=/$/
+ \ contains=GentooBug
+syn match GentooUseDescPackage /^\(#\)\@!\([a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]\+\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]\+\)\?/ nextgroup=GentooUseDescColon,GentooUseDescFlag skipwhite
+syn match GentooUseDescColon /:/ contained nextgroup=GentooUseDescFlag
+syn match GentooUseDescFlag contained /[a-zA-Z0-9\-\_]\+/ nextgroup=GentooUseDescDash skipwhite
+syn match GentooUseDescDash /-\s*/ contained nextgroup=GentooUseDescDesc skipwhite
+syn region GentooUseDescDesc start=// end=/$/ contained skipwhite
+hi def link GentooUseDescComment Comment
+hi def link GentooUseDescPackage Keyword
+hi def link GentooUseDescFlag Identifier
+hi def link GentooUseDescDesc String
+let b:current_syntax = "gentoo-package-keywords"
diff --git a/syntax/glep.vim b/syntax/glep.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..021e02c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/glep.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Gentoo GLEPs
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" Syntax highlighting for Gentoo GLEPs. Needs vim 6.3 or later. Inherits from
+" rst.vim and provides a few extras.
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+runtime! syntax/rst.vim
+unlet b:current_syntax
+" Headings in GLEPs (rst doesn't highlight these)
+syn match glepHeading1 /^\(\(-\{2,\}\|=\{2,\}\|'\{2,\}\)\n\)\S.\+\n\(-\{2,\}\|=\{2,\}\|'\{2,\}\)$/
+syn match glepHeading2 /^\S.\+\n=\{2,\}$/
+syn match glepHeading3 /^\S.\+\n-\{2,\}$/
+syn match glepHeading4 /^\S.\+\n'\{2,\}$/
+syn match glepHeading5 /^\S.\+\n\^\{2,\}$/
+" Folding
+syn region glepFoldH2 start=/^\S.\+\n=\{2,\}$/ end=/\(\n\n\S.\+\n=\{2,\}\)\@=/ transparent fold
+syn region glepFoldH3 start=/^\S.\+\n-\{2,\}$/ end=/\(\n\n\S.\+\n[-=]\{2,\}\)\@=/ transparent fold
+syn region glepFoldH4 start=/^\S.\+\n'\{2,\}$/ end=/\(\n\n\S.\+\n[-=']\{2,\}\)\@=/ transparent fold
+" Headers at the top of a GLEP
+syn region glepHeaders start=/\%^\(.*:\)\@=/ end=/^$/ contains=glepHeaderKey
+syn region glepHeaderKey contained start=/^[A-Za-z0-9]/ end=/:/ nextgroup=glepHeaderValue skipwhite
+syn region glepHeaderValue contained start=/\S/ end=/$/ contains=glepHeaderEmail,glepHeaderCVSVar
+syn match glepHeaderEmail contained /<[-a-zA-Z0-9\_\.]\+@[-a-zA-Z0-9\_\.]\+>/
+syn region glepHeaderCVSVar contained start=/\$\S\+:/ end=/\$/
+syn keyword glepTODO TODO FIXME
+syn match rstInline /|\S\+|/
+hi! link rstInline PreProc
+hi! link rstInternalTarget PreProc
+hi link glepHeading1 Title
+hi link glepHeading2 Constant
+hi link glepHeading3 Keyword
+hi link glepHeading4 Preproc
+hi link glepHeading5 Special
+hi link glepHeaders Define
+hi link glepHeaderKey Keyword
+hi link glepHeaderValue String
+hi link glepHeaderEmail Special
+hi link glepHeaderCVSVar PreProc
+hi link glepTODO Todo
+let b:current_syntax = "glep"
diff --git a/syntax/guidexml.vim b/syntax/guidexml.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe2642a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/syntax/guidexml.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+" Vim syntax file
+" Language: Gentoo guidexml
+" Author: Ciaran McCreesh <ciaranm@gentoo.org>
+" Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Ciaran McCreesh
+" Licence: You may redistribute this under the same terms as Vim itself
+" Syntax highlighting for guidexml.xml. Inherits from xml.vim.
+if &compatible || v:version < 603
+ finish
+if exists("b:current_syntax")
+ finish
+runtime! syntax/xml.vim
+unlet b:current_syntax
+syn cluster xmlTagHook add=guidexmlElement
+syn keyword guidexmlElement contained mainpage guide news title subtitle
+syn keyword guidexmlElement contained poster author abstract summary license
+syn keyword guidexmlElement contained glsaindex glsa-latest version date
+syn keyword guidexmlElement contained chapter section body figure fig img
+syn keyword guidexmlElement contained br note impo warn pre p table tcolumn
+syn keyword guidexmlElement contained tr th ti ul ol li b brite box c codenote
+syn keyword guidexmlElement contained e i path mail uri
+syn cluster xmlAttribHook add=guidexmlAttr
+syn match guidexmlAttr contained /about\|articles\|author\|caption\|category\|changelog/
+syn match guidexmlAttr contained /contract\|docs\|gentoo\|graphics\|id\|irc\|lang\|link/
+syn match guidexmlAttr contained /linkto\|lists\|news\|newsletter\|packages\|performace/
+syn match guidexmlAttr contained /projects\|short\|shots\|sponsors\|src\|support\|title/
+syn match guidexmlAttr contained /type\|where\|width/
+hi def link guidexmlElement Keyword
+hi def link guidexmlAttr Keyword
+let b:current_syntax = "guidexml"