diff options
authorWolfgang E. Sanyer <WolfgangESanyer@gmail.com>2021-09-20 09:49:54 -0400
committerMatt Turner <mattst88@gentoo.org>2021-09-20 15:53:38 -0700
commit12722468eeb85e63bef3e0230ed9ffe9e85ede28 (patch)
parentChange README to markdown and move authors to AUTHORS (diff)
Rename README.dev to CONTRIBUTING.md. Also, add information...
...regarding how to use black for formatting code, and how to ignore formatting-only commits in git. Signed-off-by: Wolfgang E. Sanyer <WolfgangESanyer@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Matt Turner <mattst88@gentoo.org>
3 files changed, 82 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignorerevs b/.gitignorerevs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86287dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignorerevs
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Run entire repository through black. Also, change tabs to spaces
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e91dac8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+Gentoo Developers have full priviledges to the gentoolkit repository and
+any Gentoo developer can do work on the gentoolkit source. We only ask that you
+keep the following in mind:
+- If you want to do a major change (i.e rewrite/refactor something), please talk
+ to us before pushing any commits. If you break something, please fix it.
+- All members of the Portage or Portage Tools projects are authorized to create
+ a new release of gentoolkit or gentoolkit-dev.
+- All other Gentoo Developers are authorized to create a new release if it is
+ coordinated with fuzzyray and/or dolsen.
+- If you create a release and it breaks, please fix it.
+Any non Gentoo developers who wish to contribute, the best way to get
+started is by cloning a copy of the repository and submitting patches to
+bugzilla. Additionally, we can be found in the #gentoo-portage IRC
+We use [black](https://pypi.org/project/black/) to format the code
+base. Please make sure you run it against any PRs prior to submitting
+(otherwise we'll probably reject it).
+There are [ways to integrate](https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/integrations/editors.html)
+black into your text editor and/or IDE.
+You can also set up a git hook to check your commits, in case you don't want
+editor integration. Something like this:
+# .git/hooks/pre-commit (don't forget to chmod +x)
+black --check --diff .
+To ignore reformatting commits (which are listed in `.gitignorerevs`) you can do
+the following:
+git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .gitignorerevs
+Adding or modifying code
+- If you add new code, best practice is to write a test for it.
+- If you're modifying code that doesn't have a test and you can write a test
+ for it, please do.
+- Before committing your changes, run "tox" to ensure that you didn't break
+ tests or introduced a flake8 error.
+- If flake8 raises a warning or error that you don't agree with, it's probably
+ better to just change your code. If you're sure you have a good reason for
+ doing what you're doing, you can add "# noqa" at the end of the line to
+ silence it.
+Creating a release
+Note: We are using VERSION="0.3.0" simply as an example.
+# Run Gentoolkit's test suite, make sure it passes:
+# Note: requires dev-python/snakeoil
+./setup.py test
+# Create a source distribution (you need to add VERSION here):
+VERSION="0.3.0" ./setup.py sdist
+# Transfer dist/gentoolkit-0.3.0.tar.gz to dev.gentoo.org:/space/distfiles-local
+# scp dist/gentoolkit-0.3.0.tar.gz username@dev.gentoo.org:/space/distfiles-local
+# Clean up temporary files:
+./setup.py clean -a
+git status
+# rm or mv any untracked files/directories
+# Create a tag for the release
+git tag gentoolkit-0.3.0
+git push origin gentoolkit-0.3.0
diff --git a/README.dev b/README.dev
deleted file mode 100644
index e2df152..0000000
--- a/README.dev
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-Gentoo Developers have full priviledges to the gentoolkit repository and
-any Gentoo developer can do work on the gentoolkit source.
-We only have several requirements. If you want to do a major change (i.e
-rewrite/refactor something), please talk to us before pushing any
-commits. If you break something, please fix it.
-All members of the Portage or Portage Tools projects are authorized to
-create a new release of gentoolkit or gentoolkit-dev.
-All other Gentoo Developers are authorized to create a new release if it is
-coordinated with fuzzyray and/or dolsen.
-If you create a release and it breaks, please fix it.
-Any non Gentoo developers who wish to contribute, the best way to get
-started is by cloning a copy of the repository and submitting patches to
-bugzilla. Additionally, we can be found in the #gentoo-portage IRC
-Adding or modifying code:
-- If you add new code, best practice is to write a test for it.
-- If you're modifying code that doesn't have a test and you can write a test
- for it, please do.
-- Before committing your changes, run "tox" to ensure that you didn't break
- tests or introduced a flake8 error.
-- If flake8 raises a warning or error that you don't agree with, it's probably
- better to just change your code. If you're sure you have a good reason for
- doing what you're doing, you can add "# noqa" at the end of the line to
- silence it.
-Creating a release:
-Note: We are using VERSION="0.3.0" simply as an example.
-- Run Gentoolkit's test suite, make sure it passes:
-Note: requires dev-python/snakeoil
-./setup.py test
-- Create a source distribution (you need to add VERSION here):
-VERSION="0.3.0" ./setup.py sdist
-Transfer dist/gentoolkit-0.3.0.tar.gz to dev.gentoo.org:/space/distfiles-local
-- Clean up temporary files:
-./setup.py clean -a
-git status
-rm or mv any untracked files/directories
-- Create a tag for the release
-git tag gentoolkit-0.3.0
-git push origin gentoolkit-0.3.0