diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/src/epkgmove/epkgmove')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 895 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/src/epkgmove/epkgmove b/trunk/src/epkgmove/epkgmove
deleted file mode 100644
index 42b6e7d..0000000
--- a/trunk/src/epkgmove/epkgmove
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,895 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/python -O
-# Copyright 2004 Ian Leitch
-# Copyright 1999-2004 Gentoo Foundation
-# $Header$
-# Author:
-# Ian Leitch <port001@gentoo.org>
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import signal
-import commands
-from time import sleep
-from random import randint
-from optparse import OptionParser
-import portage
- from portage.output import *
-except ImportError:
- from output import *
-__author__ = "Ian Leitch"
-__email__ = "port001@gentoo.org"
-__productname__ = "epkgmove"
-__version__ = "1.3.1 - \"Moving Fusion + Bandages + Plasters\""
-__description__ = "A tool for moving and renaming packages in CVS"
-def print_usage():
- print
- print "%s %s [ %s ] [ %s ] [ %s ]" % (white("Usage:"), turquoise(__productname__), green("option"), green("origin"), green("destination"))
- print " '%s' and '%s' are expected as a full package name, e.g. net-im/gaim" % (green("origin"), green("destination"))
- print " See %s --help for a list of options" % __productname__
- print
-def check_cwd(portdir):
- if os.getcwd() != portdir:
- print
- print "%s Not in PORTDIR!" % yellow(" *")
- print "%s Setting to: %s" % (yellow(" *"), os.getcwd())
- os.environ["PORTDIR"]=os.getcwd()
- return os.getcwd()
- return portdir
-def check_args(args, portdir, options, cvscmd):
- booboo = False
- re_expr = "^[\da-zA-Z-]{,}/[\d\w0-9-]{,}$"
- o_re_expr = re.compile(re_expr)
- if len(args) == 0:
- print "\n%s ERROR: errr, didn't you forget something" % red("!!!"),
- count = range(3)
- for second in count:
- sys.stdout.write(".")
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sleep(1)
- sys.stdout.write("?")
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sleep(1)
- print "\n\n%s %s hits you with a clue stick %s" % (green(" *"), __productname__, green("*"))
- sleep(1)
- print_usage()
- sys.exit(1)
- if options.remove:
- if len(args) > 1:
- error("Please remove packages one at a time")
- sys.exit(1)
- elif not o_re_expr.match(args[0].rstrip("/")):
- error("Expected full package name as argument")
- sys.exit(1)
- elif not os.path.exists(os.path.join(portdir, args[0].rstrip("/"))):
- error("No such package '%s'" % args[0].rstrip("/"))
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- if not options.cvs_up:
- update_categories(portdir, args, cvscmd["update"])
- return (args[0].rstrip("/"), None)
- if len(args) == 2:
- if not o_re_expr.match(args[0].rstrip("/")):
- error("Expected full package name as origin argument")
- booboo = True
- elif not o_re_expr.match(args[1].rstrip("/")):
- error("Expected full package name as destination argument")
- booboo = True
- if booboo == True:
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- error("Expected two arguments as input.")
- print_usage()
- sys.exit(1)
- if not options.cvs_up:
- update_categories(portdir, args, cvscmd["update"])
- if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(portdir, args[0].rstrip("/"))):
- error("No such package '%s'" % args[0].rstrip("/"))
- booboo = True
- elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(portdir, args[1].rstrip("/"))):
- error("Package '%s' already exists" % args[1].rstrip("/"))
- booboo = True
- if booboo == True:
- sys.exit(1)
- return (args[0].rstrip("/"), args[1].rstrip("/"))
-def check_repos(portdir):
- files = os.listdir(portdir)
- for file in files:
- if not os.path.isdir(file):
- files.remove(file)
- if "CVS" not in files:
- error("Current directory doesn't look like a CVS repository")
- sys.exit(1)
-def check_commit_queue():
- empty = True
- print
- print "%s Checking commit queue for outstanding changes..." % green(" *")
- print "%s Note: This may take a VERY long time" % yellow(" *")
- print
- output = commands.getoutput("cvs diff")
- for line in output.split("\n"):
- if not line.startswith("?"):
- empty = False
- break
- if empty == False:
- error("Commit queue not empty! Please commit all outstanding changes before using %s." % __productname__)
- sys.exit(1)
-def update_categories(portdir, catpkgs, cvsupcmd):
- my_catpkgs = []
- print
- print "%s Updating categories: " % green(" *")
- if len(catpkgs) >= 2:
- if catpkgs[0].split("/", 1)[0] == catpkgs[1].split("/", 1)[0]:
- my_catpkgs.append(catpkgs[0])
- else:
- my_catpkgs.append(catpkgs[0])
- my_catpkgs.append(catpkgs[1])
- else:
- my_catpkgs.append(catpkgs[0])
- for catpkg in my_catpkgs:
- (category, package) = catpkg.split("/", 1)
- if os.path.exists(os.path.join(portdir, category)):
- os.chdir(os.path.join(portdir, category))
- print " %s %s" % (green("*"), category)
- do_cmd(cvsupcmd)
- else:
- print " %s %s" % (red("!"), category)
- os.chdir(portdir)
-def error(msg):
- sys.stderr.write("\n%s ERROR: %s\n" % (red("!!!"), msg))
-def signal_handler(signal_number=None, stack_frame=None):
- error("Caught SIGINT; exiting...")
- sys.exit(1)
- os.kill(0, signal.SIGKILL)
-def do_cmd(cmd):
- (status, output) = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
- if status != 0:
- error("Command '%s' failed with exit status %d." % (cmd, status))
- for line in output.split("\n"):
- if line != "":
- print " %s %s" % (red("!"), line)
- sys.exit(1)
-class CVSAbstraction:
- def __init__(self, portdir, oldcatpkg, newcatpkg, cvscmd, options):
- self._portdir = portdir
- self._cvscmd = cvscmd
- self._options = options
- self._ignore = ("CVS")
- self._old_category = ""
- self._old_package = ""
- self._new_category = ""
- self._new_package = ""
- self._old_catpkg = oldcatpkg
- self._new_catpkg = newcatpkg
- self._action = ""
- self._distinguish_action(oldcatpkg, newcatpkg)
- def _distinguish_action(self, oldcatpkg, newcatpkg):
- (self._old_category, self._old_package) = oldcatpkg.split("/")
- if newcatpkg:
- (self._new_category, self._new_package) = newcatpkg.split("/")
- if self._old_category != self._new_category and self._new_category:
- if self._old_package != self._new_package and self._new_package:
- self._action = "MOVE & RENAME"
- else:
- self._action = "MOVE"
- elif self._old_package != self._new_package and self._new_package:
- self._action = "RENAME"
- elif not self._new_package:
- self._action = "REMOVE"
- else:
- error("Unable to distingush required action.")
- sys.exit(1)
- def __backup(self):
- print "%s Backing up %s..." % (green(" *"), turquoise(self._old_catpkg))
- if not os.path.exists("/tmp/%s" % __productname__):
- os.mkdir("/tmp/%s" % __productname__)
- if os.path.exists("/tmp/%s/%s" % (__productname__, self._old_package)):
- do_cmd("rm -rf /tmp/%s/%s" % (__productname__, self._old_package))
- do_cmd("cp -R %s /tmp/%s/%s" % (os.path.join(self._portdir, self._old_catpkg), __productname__, self._old_package))
- def perform_action(self):
- count_down = 5
- print
- if self._action == "REMOVE":
- print "%s Performing a '%s' of %s..." % (green(" *"), green(self._action), turquoise(self._old_catpkg))
- else:
- print "%s Performing a '%s' of %s to %s..." % (green(" *"), green(self._action), turquoise(self._old_catpkg), yellow(self._new_catpkg))
- if not self._options.countdown:
- print "%s Performing in: " % green(" *"),
- count = range(count_down)
- count.reverse()
- for second in count:
- sys.stdout.write("%s " % red(str(second + 1)))
- sys.stdout.flush()
- sleep(1)
- print
- if not self._action == "REMOVE":
- self.__backup()
- if self._action == "MOVE & RENAME":
- self._perform_move_rename()
- elif self._action == "MOVE":
- self._perform_move()
- elif self._action == "RENAME":
- self._perform_rename()
- elif self._action == "REMOVE":
- self._perform_remove()
- def _perform_remove(self):
- deps = self.__get_reverse_deps()
- if deps:
- print "%s The following ebuild(s) depend on this package:" % red(" *")
- for dep in deps:
- print "%s %s" % (red(" !"), dep)
- if self._options.force:
- print "%s Are you sure you wish to force removal of this package?" % yellow(" *"),
- try:
- choice = raw_input("(Yes/No): ")
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- error("Interrupted by user.")
- sys.exit(1)
- if choice.strip().lower() != "yes":
- error("Bailing on forced removal.")
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- error("Refusing to remove from CVS, package has dependents.")
- sys.exit(1)
- self.__remove_old_package()
- def _perform_move(self):
- self.__add_new_package()
- self.__regen_manifest()
- self.__update_dependents(self.__get_reverse_deps())
- self.__remove_old_package()
- def _perform_move_rename(self):
- self._perform_rename()
- def _perform_rename(self):
- self.__rename_files()
- self.__add_new_package()
- self.__regen_digests()
- self.__update_dependents(self.__get_reverse_deps())
- self.__remove_old_package()
- def __rename_files(self):
- def rename_files(arg, dir, files):
- if os.path.basename(dir) not in self._ignore:
- if os.path.basename(dir) != self._old_package:
- for file in files:
- new_file = ""
- if file.find(self._old_package) >= 0:
- new_file = file.replace(self._old_package, self._new_package)
- do_cmd("mv %s %s" % (os.path.join(dir, file), os.path.join(dir, new_file)))
- if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dir, new_file)) and not file.startswith("digest-"):
- self.__rename_file_contents(os.path.join(dir, new_file))
- else:
- for file in files:
- if file.endswith(".ebuild"):
- new_file = file.replace(self._old_package, self._new_package)
- do_cmd("mv %s %s" % (os.path.join(dir, file), os.path.join(dir, new_file)))
- self.__rename_file_contents(os.path.join(dir, new_file))
- elif file.endswith(".xml"):
- self.__rename_file_contents(os.path.join(dir, file))
- print "%s Renaming files..." % green(" *")
- os.path.walk("/tmp/%s/%s" % (__productname__, self._old_package), rename_files , None)
- do_cmd("mv /tmp/%s/%s /tmp/%s/%s" % (__productname__, self._old_package, __productname__, self._new_package))
- def __regen_manifest(self, path=None, dep=False):
- if dep:
- print "%s Regenerating Manifest..." % green(" *")
- else:
- print "%s Regenerating Manifest..." % green(" *")
- if path:
- os.chdir(path)
- else:
- os.chdir(os.path.join(self._portdir, self._new_catpkg))
- for ebuild in os.listdir("."):
- if ebuild.endswith(".ebuild"):
- do_cmd("/usr/lib/portage/bin/ebuild %s manifest" % ebuild)
- break
- self.__gpg_sign(dep)
- def __regen_digests(self):
- print "%s Regenerating digests:" % green(" *")
- os.chdir(os.path.join(self._portdir, self._new_catpkg))
- for digest in os.listdir("files/"):
- if digest.startswith("digest-"):
- os.unlink("files/%s" % digest)
- for ebuild in os.listdir("."):
- if ebuild.endswith(".ebuild"):
- print " >>> %s" % ebuild
- do_cmd("/usr/lib/portage/bin/ebuild %s digest" % ebuild)
- self.__gpg_sign()
- def __gpg_sign(self, dep=False):
- gpg_cmd = ""
- os.chdir(os.path.join(self._portdir, self._new_catpkg))
- if "sign" in portage.features:
- if dep:
- print "%s GPG Signing Manifest..." % green(" *")
- else:
- print "%s GPG Signing Manifest..." % green(" *")
- gpg_cmd = "gpg --quiet --sign --clearsign --yes --default-key %s" % portage.settings["PORTAGE_GPG_KEY"]
- if portage.settings.has_key("PORTAGE_GPG_DIR"):
- gpg_cmd = "%s --homedir %s" % (gpg_cmd, portage.settings["PORTAGE_GPG_DIR"])
- do_cmd("%s Manifest" % gpg_cmd)
- do_cmd("mv Manifest.asc Manifest")
- do_cmd("%s 'Manifest recommit'" % self._cvscmd["commit"])
- def __rename_file_contents(self, file):
- def choice_loop(line, match_count, choice_list, type="name", replace=""):
- new_line = line
- accepted = False
- skipp = False
- while(not accepted):
- print " ",
- if len(choice_list) > 0:
- for choice in choice_list:
- print "%s: Replace with '%s'," % (white(choice), green(choice_list[choice])),
- if match_count == 0:
- print "%s: Pass, %s: Skip this file, %s: Custom" % (white(str(len(choice_list)+1)), white(str(len(choice_list)+2)), white(str(len(choice_list)+3))),
- else:
- print "%s: Pass, %s: Custom" % (white(str(len(choice_list)+1)), white(str(len(choice_list)+2))),
- try:
- input = raw_input("%s " % white(":"))
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print
- error("Interrupted by user.")
- sys.exit(1)
- if choice_list.has_key(input):
- if type == "name":
- new_line = new_line.replace(self._old_package, choice_list[input])
- accepted = True
- elif type == "P":
- new_line = new_line.replace("${P}", choice_list[input])
- accepted = True
- elif type == "PN":
- new_line = new_line.replace("${PN}", choice_list[input])
- accepted = True
- elif type == "PV":
- new_line = new_line.replace("${PV}", choice_list[input])
- accepted = True
- elif type == "PVR":
- new_line = new_line.replace("${PVR}", choice_list[input])
- accepted = True
- elif type == "PR":
- new_line = new_line.replace("${PR}", choice_list[input])
- accepted = True
- elif type == "PF":
- new_line = new_line.replace("${PF}", choice_list[input])
- accepted = True
- elif input == str(len(choice_list)+1):
- accepted = True
- elif input == str(len(choice_list)+2) and match_count == 0:
- accepted = True
- skipp = True
- elif input == str(len(choice_list)+3) and match_count == 0 or input == str(len(choice_list)+2) and match_count != 0:
- input_accepted = False
- while(not input_accepted):
- try:
- custom_input = raw_input(" %s Replacement string: " % green("*"))
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print
- error("Interrupted by user.")
- sys.exit(1)
- while(1):
- print " %s Replace '%s' with '%s'? (Y/N)" % (yellow("*"), white(replace), white(custom_input)),
- try:
- yes_no = raw_input(": ")
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print
- error("Interrupted by user.")
- sys.exit(1)
- if yes_no.lower() == "y":
- input_accepted = True
- break
- elif yes_no.lower() == "n":
- break
- new_line = new_line.replace(replace, custom_input)
- accepted = True
- else:
- accepted = False
- if skipp:
- break
- return (new_line, skipp)
- found = False
- contents = []
- new_contents = []
- match_count = 0
- skipp = False
- try:
- readfd = open(file, "r")
- contents = readfd.readlines()
- readfd.close()
- except IOError, e:
- error(e)
- sys.exit(1)
- for line in contents:
- if line.find(self._old_package) >= 0:
- found = True
- break
- if found == True:
- print "%s Editing %s:" % (green(" *"), white(file.split("/tmp/%s/%s/" % (__productname__, self._old_package))[1]))
- try:
- writefd = open(file, "w")
- except IOError, e:
- error(e)
- sys.exit(1)
- for line in contents:
- tmp_line = line
- if not line.startswith("# $Header:"):
- if line.find(self._old_package) >= 0:
- print "%s %s" % (green(" !"), line.strip().replace(self._old_package, yellow(self._old_package)))
- (tmp_line, skipp) = choice_loop(tmp_line, match_count, {"1": self._new_package,
- "2": "${PN}"}, type="name", replace=self._old_package)
- match_count += 1
- if skipp:
- break
- if line.find("${P}") >= 0:
- print "%s %s" % (green(" !"), line.strip().replace("${P}", yellow("${P}")))
- (pkg, version, revising) = portage.pkgsplit(os.path.split(file)[1][:-7])
- (tmp_line, skipp) = choice_loop(tmp_line, match_count, {"1": "%s-%s" % (pkg, version),
- "2": "%s-%s" % (self._old_package, version)}, type="P", replace="${P}")
- match_count += 1
- if skipp:
- break
- if line.find("${PN}") >= 0:
- print "%s %s" % (green(" !"), line.strip().replace("${PN}", yellow("${PN}")))
- (tmp_line, skipp) = choice_loop(tmp_line, match_count, {"1": self._new_package,
- "2": self._old_package}, type="PN", replace="${PN}")
- match_count += 1
- if skipp:
- break
- if line.find("${PV}") >= 0:
- print "%s %s" % (green(" !"), line.strip().replace("${PV}", yellow("${PV}")))
- (pkg, version, revision) = portage.pkgsplit(os.path.split(file)[1][:-7])
- (tmp_line, skipp) = choice_loop(tmp_line, match_count, {"1": version}, type="PV", replace="${PV}")
- match_count += 1
- if skipp:
- break
- if line.find("${PVR}") >= 0:
- print "%s %s" % (green(" !"), line.strip().replace("${PVR}", yellow("${PVR}")))
- (pkg, version, revision) = portage.pkgsplit(os.path.split(file)[1][:-7])
- (tmp_line, skipp) = choice_loop(tmp_line, match_count, {"1": "%s-%s" % (version, revision)}, type="PVR", replace="${PVR}")
- match_count += 1
- if skipp:
- break
- if line.find("${PR}") >= 0:
- print "%s %s" % (green(" !"), line.strip().replace("${PR}", yellow("${PR}")))
- (pkg, version, revision) = portage.pkgsplit(os.path.split(file)[1][:-7])
- (tmp_line, skipp) = choice_loop(tmp_line, match_count, {"1": revision}, type="PR", replace="${PR}")
- match_count += 1
- if skipp:
- break
- if line.find("${PF}") >= 0:
- print "%s %s" % (green(" !"), line.strip().replace("${PF}", yellow("${PF}")))
- (pkg, version, revision) = portage.pkgsplit(os.path.split(file)[1][:-7])
- (tmp_line, skipp) = choice_loop(tmp_line, match_count, {"1": "%s-%s-%s" % (pkg, version, revision),
- "2": "%s-%s-%s" % (self._old_package, version, revision)}, type="PF", replace="${PF}")
- match_count += 1
- if skipp:
- break
- if line.find("${P/") >= 0:
- start = line.find("${P/")
- i = 0
- hi_str = ""
- while(line[start + (i - 1)] != "}"):
- hi_str += line[start + i]
- i += 1
- print "%s %s" % (green(" !"), line.strip().replace(hi_str, red(hi_str)))
- (tmp_line, skipp) = choice_loop(tmp_line, match_count, {}, type=None, replace=hi_str)
- match_count += 1
- if skipp:
- break
- if line.find("${PN/") >= 0:
- start = line.find("${PN/")
- i = 0
- hi_str = ""
- while(line[start + (i - 1)] != "}"):
- hi_str += line[start + i]
- i += 1
- print "%s %s" % (green(" !"), line.strip().replace(hi_str, red(hi_str)))
- (tmp_line, skipp) = choice_loop(tmp_line, match_count, {}, type=None, replace=hi_str)
- match_count += 1
- if skipp:
- break
- if line.find("${PV/") >= 0:
- start = line.find("${PV/")
- i = 0
- hi_str = ""
- while(line[start + (i - 1)] != "}"):
- hi_str += line[start + i]
- i += 1
- print "%s %s" % (green(" !"), line.strip().replace(hi_str, red(hi_str)))
- (tmp_line, skipp) = choice_loop(tmp_line, match_count, {}, type=None, replace=hi_str)
- match_count += 1
- if skipp:
- break
- if line.find("${PVR/") >= 0:
- start = line.find("${PVR/")
- i = 0
- hi_str = ""
- while(line[start + (i - 1)] != "}"):
- hi_str += line[start + i]
- i += 1
- print "%s %s" % (green(" !"), line.strip().replace(hi_str, red(hi_str)))
- (tmp_line, skipp) = choice_loop(tmp_line, match_count, {}, type=None, replace=hi_str)
- match_count += 1
- if skipp:
- break
- if line.find("${PR/") >= 0:
- start = line.find("${PR/")
- i = 0
- hi_str = ""
- while(line[start + (i - 1)] != "}"):
- hi_str += line[start + i]
- i += 1
- print "%s %s" % (green(" !"), line.strip().replace(hi_str, red(hi_str)))
- (tmp_line, skipp) = choice_loop(tmp_line, match_count, {}, type=None, replace=hi_str)
- match_count += 1
- if skipp:
- break
- if line.find("${PF/") >= 0:
- start = line.find("${PF/")
- i = 0
- hi_str = ""
- while(line[start + (i - 1)] != "}"):
- hi_str += line[start + i]
- i += 1
- print "%s %s" % (green(" !"), line.strip().replace(hi_str, red(hi_str)))
- (tmp_line, skipp) = choice_loop(tmp_line, match_count, {}, type=None, replace=hi_str)
- match_count += 1
- if skipp:
- break
- new_contents.append(tmp_line)
- if not skipp:
- for line in new_contents:
- writefd.write(line)
- else:
- for line in contents:
- writefd.write(line)
- writefd.close()
- def __update_dependents(self, dep_list):
- if len(dep_list) <= 0:
- return
- print "%s Updating dependents:" % green(" *")
- os.chdir(self._portdir)
- for dep in dep_list:
- print " >>> %s" % dep
- new_contents = []
- (category, pkg) = dep.split("/")
- pkg_split = portage.pkgsplit(pkg)
- os.chdir(self._portdir)
- do_cmd("%s %s" % (self._cvscmd["update"], os.path.join(category, pkg_split[0])))
- try:
- readfd = open(os.path.join(self._portdir, category, pkg_split[0], "%s.ebuild" % pkg), "r")
- contents = readfd.readlines()
- readfd.close()
- except IOError, e:
- error(e)
- sys.exit(1)
- for line in contents:
- if self._old_catpkg in line:
- new_contents.append(line.replace(self._old_catpkg, self._new_catpkg))
- else:
- new_contents.append(line)
- try:
- writefd = open(os.path.join(self._portdir, category, pkg_split[0], "%s.ebuild" % pkg), "w")
- writefd.write("".join(new_contents))
- writefd.close()
- except IOError, e:
- error(e)
- sys.exit(1)
- os.chdir(os.path.join(self._portdir, category, pkg_split[0]))
- do_cmd("echangelog 'Dependency update: %s -> %s.'" % (self._old_catpkg, self._new_catpkg))
- do_cmd("%s 'Dependency update: %s -> %s.'" % (self._cvscmd["commit"], self._old_catpkg, self._new_catpkg))
- self.__regen_manifest(path=os.path.join(self._portdir, category, pkg_split[0]), dep=True)
- def __get_reverse_deps(self):
- dep_list = []
- conf_portdir = "/usr/portage"
- def scan_for_dep(arg, dir, files):
- (null, category) = os.path.split(dir)
- for file in files:
- if self._old_catpkg not in os.path.join(category, file):
- if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dir, file)):
- try:
- fd = open(os.path.join(dir, file), "r")
- contents = fd.readlines()
- fd.close()
- except IOError, e:
- error(e)
- sys.exit(1)
- if self._old_catpkg in contents[0] or self._old_catpkg in contents[1] or self._old_catpkg in contents[12]:
- dep_list.append(os.path.join(category, file))
- print "%s Resolving reverse dependencies..." % green(" *")
- try:
- fd = open("/etc/make.conf", "r")
- contents = fd.readlines()
- fd.close()
- except IOError, e:
- error(e)
- sys.exit(1)
- for line in contents:
- if line.startswith("PORTDIR="):
- (null, conf_portdir) = line.strip("\"\n").split("=")
- break
- os.path.walk(os.path.join(conf_portdir, "metadata/cache"), scan_for_dep, None)
- return dep_list
- def __remove_old_package(self):
- def remove_files(arg, dir, files):
- if os.path.basename(dir) not in self._ignore:
- for file in files:
- if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dir, file)):
- print " <<< %s" % (os.path.join(dir.strip("./"), file))
- os.unlink(os.path.join(dir, file))
- do_cmd("%s %s" % (self._cvscmd["remove"], os.path.join(dir, file)))
- print "%s Removing %s from CVS:" % (green(" *"), turquoise(self._old_catpkg))
- os.chdir(os.path.join(self._portdir, self._old_catpkg))
- os.path.walk('.', remove_files , None)
- os.chdir("..")
- print "%s Commiting changes..." % green(" *")
- if self._options.remove:
- explanation = ""
- while(1):
- print "%s Please provide an explanation for this removal:" % yellow(" *"),
- try:
- explanation = raw_input("")
- explanation = explanation.replace("'", "\\'").replace('"', '\\"')
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print
- error("Interrupted by user.")
- sys.exit(1)
- if explanation != "":
- break
- do_cmd("""%s "Removed from %s: %s" """ % (self._cvscmd["commit"], self._old_category, explanation))
- else:
- do_cmd("%s 'Moved to %s.'" % (self._cvscmd["commit"], self._new_catpkg))
- do_cmd("rm -rf %s" % os.path.join(self._portdir, self._old_catpkg))
- print "%s Checking for remnant files..." % (green(" *"))
- do_cmd(self._cvscmd["update"])
- if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self._portdir, self._old_catpkg)):
- if not self._action == "REMOVE":
- print "%s %s successfully removed from CVS." % (green(" *"), turquoise(self._old_catpkg))
- else:
- error("Remnants of %s still remain in CVS." % (turquoise(self._old_catpkg)))
- def __add_new_package(self):
- def add_files(arg, dir, files):
- (null, null, null, dirs) = dir.split("/", 3)
- if os.path.basename(dir) not in self._ignore:
- os.chdir(os.path.join(self._portdir, self._new_category))
- if os.path.basename(dir) != self._new_package:
- print " >>> %s/" % dirs
- os.mkdir(dirs)
- do_cmd("%s %s" % (self._cvscmd["add"], dirs))
- for file in files:
- if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dir, file)):
- print " >>> %s" % os.path.join(dirs, file)
- do_cmd("cp %s %s" % (os.path.join(dir, file), dirs))
- do_cmd("%s %s" % (self._cvscmd["add"], os.path.join(dirs, file)))
- print "%s Adding %s to CVS:" % (green(" *"), turquoise(self._new_catpkg))
- os.chdir(os.path.join(self._portdir, self._new_category))
- print " >>> %s/" % self._new_package
- os.mkdir(self._new_package)
- do_cmd("%s %s" % (self._cvscmd["add"], self._new_package))
- os.chdir(self._new_package)
- os.path.walk("/tmp/%s/%s" % (__productname__, self._new_package), add_files , None)
- os.chdir(os.path.join(self._portdir, self._new_catpkg))
- print "%s Adding ChangeLog entry..." % green(" *")
- do_cmd("echangelog 'Moved from %s to %s.'" % (self._old_catpkg, self._new_catpkg))
- print "%s Commiting changes..." % green(" *")
- do_cmd("%s 'Moved from %s to %s.'" % (self._cvscmd["commit"], self._old_catpkg, self._new_catpkg))
- print "%s %s successfully added to CVS." % (green(" *"), turquoise(self._new_catpkg))
- def log_move(self):
- if not self._action == "REMOVE":
- update_files = []
- update_regex = "^[\d]Q-[\d]{4}$"
- p_file_regex = re.compile(update_regex)
- print "%s Logging move:" % (green(" *"))
- os.chdir(os.path.join(self._portdir, "profiles/updates"))
- do_cmd(self._cvscmd["update"])
- for file in os.listdir("."):
- o_file_regex = p_file_regex.match(file)
- if file not in self._ignore and o_file_regex:
- (q, y) = file.split("-")
- update_files.append("%s-%s" % (y, q))
- update_files.sort()
- (y, q) = update_files[-1].split("-")
- upfile = "%s-%s" % (q, y)
- print " >>> %s" % upfile
- try:
- fd = open(upfile, "a")
- fd.write("move %s %s\n" % (self._old_catpkg, self._new_catpkg))
- fd.close()
- except IOError, e:
- error(e)
- sys.exit(1)
- do_cmd("%s 'Moved %s to %s'" % (self._cvscmd["commit"], self._old_catpkg, self._new_catpkg))
- os.chdir(self._portdir)
- def clean_up(self):
- if not self._action == "REMOVE":
- print "%s Removing back-up..." % (green(" *"))
- do_cmd("rm -rf /tmp/%s/%s" % (__productname__, self._old_package))
- if len(os.listdir("/tmp/%s" % __productname__)) == 0:
- do_cmd("rmdir /tmp/%s" % __productname__)
- os.chdir(self._portdir)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
- cvscmd = {"remove": "cvs -Qf rm",
- "commit": "cvs -Qf commit -m",
- "update": "cvs -Qf up -dPC",
- "add": "cvs -Qf add"}
- parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [ option ] [ origin ] [ destination ]", version="%s-%s" % (__productname__, __version__))
- parser.add_option("--usage", action="store_true", dest="usage", default=False, help="Pint usage information")
- parser.add_option("-q", "--queue-check", action="store_true", dest="commit_queue", default=False, help="Check the cvs tree for files awaiting commit")
- parser.add_option("-u", "--no-cvs-up", action="store_true", dest="cvs_up", default=False, help="Skip running cvs up in the origin and destination categories")
- parser.add_option("-c", "--no-countdown", action="store_true", dest="countdown", default=False, help="Skip countdown before performing")
- parser.add_option("-R", "--remove", action="store_true", dest="remove", default=False, help="Remove package")
- parser.add_option("-F", "--force", action="store_true", dest="force", default=False, help="Force removal of package, ignoring any reverse deps")
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if options.usage:
- print_usage()
- sys.exit(0)
- if randint(1, 100) == 50:
- print "%s I put on my robe and wizard hat..." % green(" *")
- portdir = check_cwd(portage.settings["PORTDIR"].rstrip("/"))
- check_repos(portdir)
- (oldcatpkg, newcatpkg) = check_args(args, portdir, options, cvscmd)
- if options.commit_queue:
- check_commit_queue()
- ThisPackage = CVSAbstraction(portdir, oldcatpkg, newcatpkg, cvscmd, options)
- ThisPackage.perform_action()
- ThisPackage.log_move()
- ThisPackage.clean_up()
- if options.remove:
- print "%s %s successfully removed from CVS." % (green(" *"), turquoise(oldcatpkg))
- else:
- print "%s %s successfully moved to %s." % (green(" *"), turquoise(oldcatpkg), yellow(newcatpkg))