diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'trunk/src/useflag/useflag')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 610 deletions
diff --git a/trunk/src/useflag/useflag b/trunk/src/useflag/useflag
deleted file mode 100644
index fd4cc08..0000000
--- a/trunk/src/useflag/useflag
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,610 +0,0 @@
-# useflag v0.3.1
-# Script to help users manage USE flags in Gentoo Linux
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, v2 or later
-# Author: Michael Thompson <psionix@grandecom.net>, (c) 2002
-run_name=`basename $0`
-# Home directory was chosen as the use of /tmp allows for symlink attacks
-# Get flag description
-# parm1 = Use flag to get description of
-do_get_desc() {
- local parm1=$1
- # Strip the comments and find the flag.
- local out_get_desc=`grep -v "#" ${use_desc} | grep -w -e "${parm1} -"`
- if [ "${out_get_desc}" = "" ]; then
- local lcl_avail=`grep -v "#" ${use_desc} | cut -d ' ' -f1 | \
- grep -w -e "${parm1}"`
- if [ "${lcl_avail}" != "" ]; then
- echo "${parm1} - No description available."
- else
- echo "!!! ${parm1} does not exist."
- fi
- else
- echo "${out_get_desc}"
- fi
-# Get the contents of the USE variable
-# parm1 controls whether or not to include the '-' with each flag
-do_get_make() {
- local parm1=$1
- # Get the USE flags from make.conf
- # using `source` now instead of brain-damaged grepping
- source ${make_conf}
- local get_make_out=${USE}
- # If called with "nodashes", then strip the leading dashes
- if [ "${parm1}" = "nodashes" ]; then
- for tr_sucks in ${get_make_out}; do
- if [ "${tr_sucks:0:1}" = "-" ]; then
- local tr_out="${tr_out} ${tr_sucks:1}"
- else
- local tr_out="${tr_out} ${tr_sucks}"
- fi
- done
- get_make_out="${tr_out}"
- fi
- echo "${get_make_out}"
-# Yes, it's pointless. But it could be used more than once in the future
-# so it's a function.
-# Gets the master list of available USE flags from use.desc
-do_get_avail() {
- grep -v "#" ${use_desc} | cut -d " " -f1 | tr '\n' ' '
-# Get deprecated flags.
-# parm1 = flag to check for deprecation
-# parm2 = list of available flags
-do_get_depr() {
- local parm1=$1
- local parm2=${@:2}
- # This next var can't be local
- get_depr_tmp=`echo "${parm2}" | tr ' ' '\n' | grep -x -e "${parm1}"`
- local ret_code=$?
- if [ "${ret_code}" != "0" ]; then
- echo "${parm1}" | tr '\n' ' '
- fi
-# Removes a USE flag from make.conf
-# parm1 = flag to remove
-# use_rm_out = list of available flags
-do_use_rm() {
- local parm1=$1
- local use_rm_out=${@:2}
- # Strip matching USE flags. Yes, this is ugly, I know.
- use_rm_out=`echo "${use_rm_out}" | tr ' ' '\n' | \
- grep -x -v -e "${parm1}" | tr '\n' ' '`
- # Also strip the inverse. Even uglier...
- if [ "${parm1:0:1}" = "-" ]; then
- use_rm_out=`echo "${use_rm_out}" | tr ' ' '\n' | \
- grep -x -v -e "${parm1:1}" | tr '\n' ' '`
- else
- use_rm_out=`echo "${use_rm_out}" | tr ' ' '\n' | \
- grep -x -v -e "-${parm1}" | tr '\n' ' '`
- fi
- echo "${use_rm_out}"
-# Adds a USE flag to make.conf
-# parm1 = flag to add
-# use_add_out = list of available flags
-do_use_add() {
- local parm1=$1
- local use_add_out=${@:2}
- # First strip existing flags (matching or inverse), then add.
- # This is not the best way to do this. Better would be to replace a
- # flag if it already exists. That turned out to be a real PITA.
- # Maybe in a later version...
- use_add_out=`do_use_rm ${parm1} ${use_add_out}`
- use_add_out="${use_add_out} ${parm1}"
- echo "${use_add_out}"
-# Adds a flag to the locked flag cache
-# Pass list of flags to lock as parameter.
-do_lock_flags() {
- local flag_list=$@
- # Merge the new list of flags flags that are already locked.
- if [ -r ${lock_cache} ]; then
- local lock_old=`cat ${lock_cache}`
- fi
- flag_list="${lock_old} ${flag_list}"
- # Remove duplicates.
- echo "${flag_list}" | tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq | tr '\n' ' '
-# Writes the list of locked flags to the cache file
-# Pass list of flags to write as parameter.
-do_write_lock() {
- local write_flags=$@
- if [ -r ${make_conf} ]; then
- local make_prune=`do_get_make nodashes`
- else
- do_report_err ${make_conf} read
- fi
- # Be sure and remove any locked flags that no longer exist in USE.
- for prune in ${write_flags}; do
- local prune_test=`do_get_depr ${prune} ${make_prune}`
- if [ "$prune_test" = "" ]; then
- local new_cache="${prune} ${new_cache}"
- fi
- done
- if [ -w ${use_cache_parent} ]; then
- mkdir -p ${use_cache_dir}
- chmod 700 ${use_cache_dir}
- echo "${new_cache}" > ${lock_cache}
- chmod 600 ${lock_cache}
- else
- do_report_err ${lock_cache} write
- fi
-# Writes new USE variable to make.conf
-# Pass new list of USE flags as parameter.
-do_write_make() {
- local use_write="USE=\"$@\""
- local old_use="USE=\"`do_get_make dashes`\""
- if [ -w ${make_conf} ] && [ -w ${make_conf_dir} ]; then
- local use_write="USE=\"$@\""
- local old_use=`grep "USE=\"" ${make_conf} | grep -v "#"`
- local start_line=`grep -n "USE=\"" ${make_conf} | \
- grep -v "#" | cut -d ":" -f1`
- if [ "${old_use:0-1}" != "\\" ]; then
- sed -e "s/${old_use}/${use_write}/" ${make_conf} > \
- ${make_temp}
- else
- sed -e "s/${old_use}\\/${use_write}/" ${make_conf} > \
- ${make_temp}
- fi
- let start_line="${start_line} + 1"
- if [ "${old_use:0-1}" != "\"" ]; then
- del_line=`head -n ${start_line} ${make_temp} | \
- tail -n 1`
- until [ "${del_line:0-1}" != "\\" ]; do
- let del_length="${#del_line} - 1"
- del_line="${del_line:0:${del_length}}"
- grep -v -w "${del_line}" ${make_temp} > \
- ${make_temp}.2
- mv ${make_temp}.2 ${make_temp}
- del_line=`head -n ${start_line} \
- ${make_temp} | tail -n 1`
- done
- let del_length="${#del_line} - 1"
- del_line="${del_line:0:${del_length}}"
- grep -v -x "${del_line}\"" ${make_temp} > \
- ${make_temp}.2
- mv ${make_temp}.2 ${make_temp}
- fi
- mv ${make_temp} ${make_conf}
- else
- do_report_err ${make_conf} write
- fi
-# Reports a read/write error and exits
-# parm1 = File to report on
-# parm2 = read, write, etc
-do_report_err() {
- local parm1=$1
- local parm2=$2
- if [ "${parm2}" = "read" ]; then
- echo "!!! Could not read ${parm1}"
- echo -n "!!! Verify that file exists and that you have "
- echo "appropriate permissions."
- elif [ "${parm2}" = "write" ]; then
- echo "!!! Could not write ${parm1}"
- echo "!!! Got root?"
- elif [ "${parm2}" = "nolock" ]; then
- echo "!!! Could not read ${parm1}"
- echo -n "!!! You have no locked flags or you have "
- echo "insufficient permissions."
- fi
- exit 1
-# The main section of the script
-# desc:
-# This is the feature for getting USE descriptions.
-if [ "$1" = "desc" ] || [ "$1" = "-i" ]; then
- if [ -r ${use_desc} ]; then
- for flag in ${@:2}; do
- do_get_desc ${flag}
- done
- else
- do_report_err ${use_desc} read
- fi
-# show:
-# This is the feature for showing the contents of the USE variable.
-elif [ "$1" = "show" ] || [ "$1" = "-s" ]; then
- if [ -r ${make_conf} ]; then
- do_get_make dashes
- else
- do_report_err ${make_conf} read
- fi
-# del:
-# This is the feature for removing a USE flag.
-elif [ "$1" = "del" ] || [ "$1" = "-d" ]; then
- if [ -r ${make_conf} ]; then
- make_use=`do_get_make dashes`
- else
- do_report_err ${make_conf} read
- fi
- for flag in ${@:2}; do
- # Strip leading dashes.
- if [ "${flag:0:1}" = "-" ]; then
- flag="${flag:1}"
- fi
- del_test1=`do_get_depr ${flag} ${make_use}`
- del_test2=`do_get_depr -${flag} ${make_use}`
- if [ "${del_test1}" = "" ] || [ "${del_test2}" = "" ]; then
- changes="1"
- make_use=`do_use_rm ${flag} ${make_use}`
- else
- echo "!!! ${flag} is not in your USE variable."
- fi
- done
- if [ "${changes}" != "0" ]; then
- do_write_make ${make_use}
- # Prune deleted USE flags from lock cache
- lock_flags=`do_lock_flags $2`
- do_write_lock ${lock_flags}
- fi
-# add:
-# This is the feature for explicitly enabling or disabling a USE flag.
-elif [ "$1" = "add" ] || [ "$1" = "-a" ]; then
- if [ -r ${make_conf} ]; then
- make_use=`do_get_make dashes`
- else
- do_report_err ${make_conf} read
- fi
- for flag in ${@:2}; do
- changes="1"
- make_use=`do_use_add ${flag} ${make_use}`
- done
- if [ "${changes}" != "0" ]; then
- do_write_make ${make_use}
- fi
-# lock:
-# This is the feature to lock a deprecated USE flag to prevent removal
-elif [ "$1" = "lock" ] || [ "$1" = "-l" ]; then
- if [ -r ${make_conf} ]; then
- make_use=`do_get_make nodashes`
- else
- do_report_err ${make_conf} read
- fi
- for flag in ${@:2}; do
- # Strip leading dashes.
- if [ "${flag:0:1}" = "-" ]; then
- flag="${flag:1}"
- fi
- lock_test=`do_get_depr ${flag} ${make_use}`
- if [ "${lock_test}" = "" ]; then
- lock_flags="${lock_flags} ${flag}"
- else
- echo "!!! ${flag} is not in your USE variable."
- fi
- done
- lock_out=`do_lock_flags ${lock_flags}`
- do_write_lock ${lock_out}
-# unlock:
-# This is the feature to unlock a deprecated USE flag to allow removal
-elif [ "$1" = "unlock" ] || [ "$1" = "-k" ]; then
- if [ -r ${lock_cache} ]; then
- lock_out=`cat ${lock_cache}`
- else
- do_report_err nolock
- fi
- for flag in ${@:2}; do
- # Strip leading dashes.
- if [ "${flag:0:1}" = "-" ]; then
- flag="${flag:1}"
- fi
- lock_flag_check=`do_get_depr ${flag} ${lock_out}`
- if [ "${lock_flag_check}" = "" ]; then
- lock_out=`do_use_rm ${flag} ${lock_out}`
- else
- echo "!!! ${flag} is not a locked flag."
- fi
- done
- do_write_lock ${lock_out}
-# showlock:
-# This feature prints a list of USE flags that have been locked
-elif [ "$1" = "showlock" ] || [ "$1" = "-w" ]; then
- if [ -r ${lock_cache} ]; then
- cat ${lock_cache}
- else
- do_report_err nolock
- fi
-# update:
-# This is the feature to update your USE by removing deprecated flags and
-# handling new flags.
-elif [ "$1" = "update" ] || [ "$1" = "-u" ]; then
- if [ -r ${make_conf} ]; then
- # Get our USE but strip leading dashes
- make_use=`do_get_make nodashes`
- else
- do_report_err ${make_conf} read
- fi
- # Get available USE flags from use.desc
- if [ -r ${use_desc} ]; then
- use_avail=`do_get_avail`
- else
- do_report_err ${use_desc} read
- fi
- # First we check for deprecated flags.
- echo "Your USE variable currently looks like this:"
- echo
- echo `do_get_make dashes`
- echo
- # Print the list of locked flags if any exist.
- if [ -r ${lock_cache} ]; then
- lock_test=`cat ${lock_cache} | tr -d ' '`
- if [ "${lock_test}" != "" ]; then
- echo "The following flags are locked:"
- cat ${lock_cache}
- echo
- fi
- fi
- echo
- echo "*** Checking for deprecated USE flags ..."
- echo
- for check_flag in ${make_use}; do
- depr_ret=`do_get_depr ${check_flag} ${use_avail}`
- flag_depr="${flag_depr}${depr_ret}"
- done
- # Filter out locked flags
- if [ -r ${lock_cache} ] && [ "${lock_test}" != "" ]; then
- lock_list=`cat ${lock_cache}`
- for check_locks in ${flag_depr}; do
- lock_ret=`do_get_depr ${check_locks} ${lock_list}`
- lock_out="${lock_out}${lock_ret}"
- done
- flag_depr="${lock_out}"
- fi
- make_use=`do_get_make dashes`
- if [ "${flag_depr}" = "" ]; then
- echo "!!! No deprecated flags were found."
- else
- echo "The following USE flags appear to be deprecated:"
- echo "${flag_depr}"
- echo
- echo "How would you like to handle them?"
- echo "1) Handle them individually"
- echo "2) Remove all deprecated flags"
- echo "3) Don't remove any deprecated flags"
- echo "4) Lock all deprecated flags"
- echo
- echo -n "Type (1, 2, 3, or 4): "
- while [ "${luser_input}" = "" ]; do
- read luser_input
- case ${luser_input} in
- "2")
- changes="1"
- for flag in ${flag_depr}; do
- make_use=`do_use_rm \
- ${flag} ${make_use}`
- done
- echo
- echo -n "*** All deprecated flags were "
- echo "removed."
- ;;
- "3")
- echo
- echo "*** No flags were removed."
- ;;
- "1")
- for flag in ${flag_depr}; do
- echo -n "${flag} appears to be "
- echo -n "deprecated. Remove it? "
- echo -n "[Y]es/[N]o/[L]ock : "
- luser_yn=""
- while [ "${luser_yn}" = "" ]; do
- read luser_yn
- case ${luser_yn} in
- "y" | "Y")
- changes="1"
- make_use=`do_use_rm \
- ${flag} \
- ${make_use}`
- ;;
- "n" | "N")
- ;;
- "l" | "L")
- wlk="${flag} ${wlk}"
- ;;
- *)
- luser_yn=""
- ;;
- esac
- done
- done
- echo
- echo -n "*** All deprecated flags "
- echo "processed."
- ;;
- "4")
- wlk="${flag_depr}"
- echo
- echo "*** All deprecated flags were locked."
- ;;
- *)
- luser_input=""
- ;;
- esac
- done
- fi
- if [ "${wlk}" != "" ]; then
- do_write_lock ${wlk}
- fi
- # Now we check for new flags.
- echo
- echo
- echo "*** Checking for new USE flags ..."
- echo
- # Load up our cached USE flags for comparison with use.desc
- # Create the cache if it does not exist
- if [ -w ${use_cache} ]; then
- use_old=`cat ${use_cache}`
- echo "${use_avail}" > ${use_cache}
- chmod 600 ${use_cache}
- elif [ -w ${use_cache_parent} ]; then
- mkdir -p ${use_cache_dir}
- chmod 700 ${use_cache_dir}
- echo "${use_avail}" > ${use_cache}
- chmod 600 ${use_cache}
- use_old=""
- else
- do_report_err ${use_cache} write
- fi
- # Grab the contents of the USE variable.
- make_cand=`do_get_make nodashes`
- # Build a list of flags that do not exist in the USE variable.
- for flag in ${use_avail}; do
- new_cand="${new_cand}`do_get_depr ${flag} ${make_cand}`"
- done
- # Filter that list through the cached master list of flags.
- for flag in ${new_cand}; do
- new_flags="${new_flags}`do_get_depr ${flag} ${use_old}`"
- done
- if [ "${new_flags}" = "" ]; then
- echo "!!! No new USE flags are available."
- else
- echo "The following new USE flags are available:"
- echo "${new_flags}"
- echo
- echo "How would you like to handle them?"
- echo "1) Handle them individually"
- echo "2) Use Portage defaults (do not add to USE)"
- echo "3) Explicitly enable all new flags"
- echo "4) Explicitly disable all new flags"
- echo
- echo -n "Type (1, 2, 3, or 4): "
- luser_input=""
- while [ "${luser_input}" = "" ]; do
- read luser_input
- case ${luser_input} in
- "1")
- for h_flag in ${new_flags}; do
- do_get_desc ${h_flag}
- echo -n "How would you like to handle "
- echo -n "${h_flag}? [e]nable, "
- echo -n "[d]isable, [u]se default : "
- luser_handle=""
- while [ "${luser_handle}" = "" ]; do
- read luser_handle
- case ${luser_handle} in
- "e" | "E")
- changes="1"
- make_use=`do_use_add \
- ${h_flag} \
- ${make_use}`
- echo
- ;;
- "d" | "D")
- changes="1"
- make_use=`do_use_add \
- "-${h_flag}" \
- ${make_use}`
- echo
- ;;
- "u" | "U")
- echo
- ;;
- *)
- luser_handle=""
- ;;
- esac
- done
- done
- echo -n "*** All new flags have been "
- echo "processed."
- ;;
- "2")
- echo
- echo -n "*** No new flags were added to "
- echo "your USE."
- ;;
- "3")
- changes="1"
- for h_flag in ${new_flags}; do
- make_use=`do_use_add ${h_flag} \
- ${make_use}`
- done
- echo
- echo -n "*** All new flags were enabled in "
- echo "your USE."
- ;;
- "4")
- changes="1"
- for h_flag in ${new_flags}; do
- make_use=`do_use_add \
- "-${h_flag}" ${make_use}`
- done
- echo
- echo -n "*** All new flags were disabled in "
- echo "your USE."
- ;;
- *)
- luser_input=""
- ;;
- esac
- done
- fi
- # Write the changes if necessary.
- if [ "${changes}" != "0" ]; then
- do_write_make ${make_use}
- # Prune any locked flags that do not exist in the USE variable
- lock_prot=`do_lock_flags fakeflag`
- do_write_lock ${lock_prot}
- fi
- echo
- echo
- echo "*** Script finished ..."
-# Display USAGE statement for unhandled parameters
- echo "Usage:"
- echo " ${run_name} action [flag] [...]"
- echo
- echo "Actions:"
- echo "-s, show Displays the contents of the USE variable."
- echo "-i, desc Displays a description of one or more USE flags."
- echo -n "-a, add Adds the specified flag(s) to the USE "
- echo "variable."
- echo -n "-d, del Deletes the specified flag(s) from "
- echo "the USE variable."
- echo "-l, lock Locks the specified flag(s) to prevent deprecation."
- echo -n "-k, unlock Unlocks the specified flags to allow "
- echo "deprecation."
- echo "-w, showlock Displays a list of locked flags."
- echo -n "-u, update Interactively updates the USE variable to "
- echo "reflect changes"
- echo " to use.desc."
- echo
- exit 1
-exit 0