diff options
authorChris Gianelloni <>2005-11-18 12:53:13 +0000
committerChris Gianelloni <>2005-11-18 12:53:13 +0000
commit28c4795887d5109a77435293757ad3cc4d039d4e (patch)
parentNew repository initialized by cvs2svn. (diff)
This is the first version of this data. The pcitable and MonitorsDB files came from while blacklist and check-cards come from Red Hat's hwdata package. The Cards file was created by me from the entries in the pcitable.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh:// 84bf7363-891f-0410-9a98-864156d94163
8 files changed, 12460 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d60c31a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+ parties under the terms of this License.
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.
diff --git a/Cards b/Cards
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..192952e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Cards
@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
+# Cards database taken from putput of:
+# grep "Card:" pcitable | cut -f 3 | sort | uniq
+NAME 3Dlabs Permedia2 (generic)
+DRIVER glint
+NAME 3Dlabs Permedia4 (generic)
+DRIVER glint
+NAME AGX (generic)
+SEE ATI Mach64
+NAME ATI Mach64 3D Rage IIC
+SEE ATI Mach64
+NAME ATI Mach64 Utah
+SEE ATI Mach64
+NAME ATI Mach64 VT (264VT)
+SEE ATI Mach64
+NAME ATI Mach64
+NAME ATI Radeon (fbdev)
+DRIVER fbdev
+NAME ATI Radeon (fglrx)
+DRIVER radeon
+NAME ATI Radeon
+DRIVER radeon
+NAME ATI Rage 128 Mobility
+NAME ATI Rage 128 TVout
+NAME ATI Rage 128
+NAME ATI Rage Mobility
+SEE ATI Mach64
+NAME Alliance ProMotion 6422
+NAME Ark Logic ARK1000PV (generic)
+NAME Ark Logic ARK2000MT (generic)
+NAME Avance Logic 2301
+NAME Avance Logic 2302
+NAME Chips & Technologies CT64300
+DRIVER chips
+LINE # Option "noaccel"
+LINE # Option "no_bitblt"
+LINE # Option "xaa_no_color_exp"
+LINE # Option "xaa_benchmark"
+LINE # Option "hw_cursor"
+LINE # Option "nolinear"
+LINE # MemBase 0x03b00000
+LINE # Option "hw_clocks"
+LINE # Textclockfreq 25.175
+NAME Chips & Technologies CT65545
+DRIVER chips
+LINE # Device section for C&T cards.
+LINE # Option "suspend_hack"
+LINE # Option "STN"
+LINE # Option "no_stretch"
+LINE # Option "no_center"
+LINE # Option "use_modeline"
+LINE # Option "fix_panel_size"
+LINE # Option "noaccel"
+LINE # Option "no_bitblt"
+LINE # Option "xaa_no_color_exp"
+LINE # Option "xaa_benchmark"
+LINE # Option "hw_cursor"
+LINE # Option "mmio"
+LINE # Option "use_18bit_bus"
+LINE # Option "nolinear"
+LINE # MemBase 0x03b00000
+LINE # videoram 512
+NAME Chips & Technologies CT65548
+SEE Chips & Technologies CT65545
+NAME Chips & Technologies CT65550
+DRIVER chips
+LINE # Device section for C&T cards.
+LINE # Option "suspend_hack"
+LINE # Option "STN"
+LINE # Option "no_stretch"
+LINE # Option "no_center"
+LINE # Option "use_modeline"
+LINE # Option "fix_panel_size"
+LINE # Option "noaccel"
+LINE # Option "no_bitblt"
+LINE # Option "xaa_no_color_exp"
+LINE # Option "xaa_benchmark"
+LINE # Option "hw_cursor"
+LINE # Option "sync_on_green"
+LINE # Option "fast_dram"
+LINE # Option "use_vclk1"
+LINE # Textclockfreq 25.175
+LINE # Option "nolinear"
+LINE # MemBase 0x03b00000
+LINE # videoram 512
+NAME Chips & Technologies CT65554
+SEE Chips & Technologies CT65550
+NAME Chips & Technologies CT65555
+SEE Chips & Technologies CT65550
+NAME Chips & Technologies CT68554
+SEE Chips & Technologies CT65550
+NAME Chips & Technologies CT69000
+SEE Chips & Technologies CT65550
+NAME Chips & Technologies CT69030
+SEE Chips & Technologies CT65550
+NAME Cirrus Logic GD543x
+DRIVER cirrus
+LINE # Device section for Cirrus Logic GD5430/34-based cards.
+LINE #MemBase 0x00e00000 # ISA card that maps to 14Mb
+LINE #MemBase 0x04000000 # VLB card that maps to 64Mb
+LINE #MemBase 0x80000000 # VLB card that maps to 2048Mb
+LINE #MemBase 0x02000000 # VLB card that maps to 32Mb
+LINE #Option "linear"
+NAME Cirrus Logic GD544x
+DRIVER cirrus
+NAME Cirrus Logic GD5462
+DRIVER cirrus
+LINE #Option "fifo_conservative"
+NAME Cirrus Logic GD5464
+DRIVER cirrus
+LINE #Option "fifo_conservative"
+NAME Cirrus Logic GD5465
+DRIVER cirrus
+LINE #Option "fifo_conservative"
+NAME Cirrus Logic GD5480
+DRIVER cirrus
+NAME Cirrus Logic GD754x (laptop)
+NAME Diamond Edge 3D
+NAME Diamond SpeedStar 64
+SEE Cirrus Logic GD543x
+NAME Diamond SpeedStar Pro SE (CL-GD5430/5434)
+SEE Cirrus Logic GD543x
+NAME Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM SE
+SEE S3 Trio32 (generic)
+NAME Diamond Viper 330
+NAME Diamond Viper 550
+NAME Diamond Viper PCI 2Mb
+LINE #Clocks must match the mode clocks (XFree86 3.1 P9000 server)
+LINE #Versions later than 3.1 do not require a clocks line
+LINE Videoram 2048 # Required
+LINE #Membase 0x80000000 # Use scanpci to get the correct Membase
+NAME Digital 8-plane TGA (Generic)
+NAME ET4000 W32i, W32p (generic)
+DRIVER tseng
+LINE #Option "linear" # for linear mode at 8bpp
+LINE #Option "noaccel" # when problems with accelerator
+LINE #Option "power_saver" # enable VESA DPMS
+LINE #Option "fast_dram"
+LINE #Option "pci_retry" # faster, but problematic for ISA DMA
+LINE #Option "hibit_high" # see README.tseng -- most cards need this
+LINE #Option "hibit_low" # see README.tseng -- mostly for older ET4000 cards
+LINE #MemBase 0x3C00000 # when automatic MemBase detection doesn't work
+LINE # -- see README.tseng for more (important) information on MemBase
+NAME ET6000 (generic)
+DRIVER tseng
+LINE #videoram 2304 # 2.25 MB, when memory probe is incorrect
+LINE #Option "linear" # for linear mode at 8bpp
+LINE #Option "noaccel" # when problems with accelerator
+LINE #Option "power_saver" # enable VESA DPMS
+LINE #Option "pci_retry" # faster, but problematic for ISA DMA
+LINE #Option "hw_cursor" # Use hardware cursor (see docs for limitations)LINE #Option "xaa_no_color_exp" # When text (or bitmap) is not rendered correctly
+NAME Elsa GLoria Synergy
+DRIVER glint
+LINE #Option "no_accel"
+LINE Option "SWcursor"
+NAME Elsa GLoria-L
+DRIVER glint
+NAME Elsa GLoria-S
+DRIVER glint
+LINE #Option "no_accel"
+LINE #VideoRam 8192
+LINE Option "SWcursor"
+NAME FrameBuffer (generic)
+DRIVER fbdev
+NAME IMS TwinTurbo (generic)
+DRIVER imstt
+NAME Intel 740 (generic)
+DRIVER i740
+LINE #Option "no_accel"
+LINE #Option "sw_cursor"
+LINE #Option "hw_cursor"
+LINE #Option "sgram"
+LINE #Option "sdram"
+NAME Intel 810
+DRIVER i810
+LINE Option "XaaNoPixmapCache"
+NAME Intel 815
+DRIVER i810
+LINE Option "XaaNoPixmapCache"
+NAME Intel 830
+DRIVER i810
+NAME Intel 845
+DRIVER i810
+NAME Intel 85x
+DRIVER i810
+NAME Intel 865
+DRIVER i810
+NAME Intel 915
+DRIVER i810
+NAME Intel 945
+DRIVER i810
+DRIVER fbdev
+NAME Matrox Millennium G200
+NAME Matrox Millennium G200 DualHead
+NAME Matrox Millennium G200 QuadHead
+NAME Matrox Millennium G400
+NAME Matrox Millennium G400 DualHead
+NAME Matrox Millennium G450
+NAME Matrox Millennium G450 DualHead
+NAME Matrox Millennium G550 DualHead
+NAME Matrox Millennium II
+NAME Matrox Millennium
+NAME Matrox Mystique
+SEE Matrox Millennium G200
+NAME Matrox Productiva G100
+DRIVER cyrix
+NAME NVIDIA GeForce 256 (generic)
+NAME NVIDIA GeForce 6800 (generic)
+NAME NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)
+NAME NVIDIA GeForce2 DDR (generic)
+NAME NVIDIA GeForce2 Integrated (generic)
+NAME NVIDIA GeForce3 (generic)
+NAME NVIDIA GeForce3 (xbox)
+DRIVER nvxbox
+LINE Option "UseFBDev" "1"
+LINE Option "HWCursor" "0"
+NAME NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)
+NAME NeoMagic 128XD
+SEE NeoMagic MagicGraph (laptop/notebook)
+LINE Option "XaaNoScanlineImageWriteRect"
+LINE Option "XaaNoScanlineCPUToScreenColorExpandFill"
+NAME NeoMagic MagicGraph (laptop/notebook)
+DRIVER neomagic
+LINE Option "overrideValidateMode"
+LINE # Chipset "NM2160"
+LINE # IOBase 0xfea00000
+LINE # MemBase 0xfd000000
+LINE # VideoRam 2048
+LINE # DacSpeed 90
+LINE # Option "linear"
+LINE # Option "nolinear"
+LINE # Option "sw_cursor"
+LINE # Option "hw_cursor"
+LINE # Option "no_accel"
+LINE # Option "intern_disp"
+LINE # Option "extern_disp"
+LINE # Option "mmio"
+LINE # Option "no_mmio"
+LINE # Option "lcd_center"
+LINE # Option "no_stretch"
+NAME NeoMagic MagicMedia (laptop/notebook)
+DRIVER neomagic
+NAME NeoMagic MagicMedia 256XL+
+SEE NeoMagic MagicMedia (laptop/notebook)
+LINE Option "sw_cursor"
+NAME Number Nine Imagine I-128 (2-8MB)
+DRIVER i128
+NAME Number Nine Imagine I-128 Series 2 (2-4MB)
+DRIVER i128
+NAME Number Nine Imagine-128-T2R
+DRIVER i128
+NAME Paradise Accelerator Value
+LINE Option "noaccel" # ISA cards seem to have Color Expansion support broken
+LINE #Option "enable_bitblt" # This should work on ISA, but lets not make it default just in case.
+NAME Rendition Verite 1000
+DRIVER rendition
+LINE # Option "sw_cursor"
+NAME Rendition Verite 2x00
+DRIVER rendition
+LINE # Option "sw_cursor"
+NAME S3 864 (generic)
+NAME S3 868 (generic)
+NAME S3 86C368 (Trio3D/2X)
+DRIVER s3virge
+LINE Option "sw_cursor"
+NAME S3 86C928 (generic)
+SEE S3 928 (generic)
+NAME S3 928 (generic)
+NAME S3 964 (generic)
+NAME S3 968 (generic)
+NAME S3 Aurora64V+ (generic)
+LINE # Option "lcd_center"
+LINE # Set_LCDClk <pixel_clock_for_LCD>
+NAME S3 Savage (generic)
+DRIVER savage
+LINE #Option "xaa_benchmark"
+NAME S3 Savage (generic, sw_cursor)
+SEE S3 Savage (generic)
+LINE Option "sw_cursor"
+LINE Option "ForceInit"
+NAME S3 Savage2000 (generic)
+DRIVER savage
+NAME S3 Savage3D
+SEE S3 Savage (generic)
+NAME S3 Savage4
+LINE # Option "no_accel" # You may enable this if there are timeouts when starting X
+SEE S3 Savage (generic)
+NAME S3 Trio32 (generic)
+NAME S3 Trio3D
+DRIVER s3virge
+LINE Option "sw_cursor"
+NAME S3 Trio64 (generic)
+NAME S3 Trio64V+ (generic)
+NAME S3 Trio64V2 (generic)
+NAME S3 UniChrome
+NAME S3 ViRGE (generic)
+DRIVER s3virge
+LINE #Option "xaa_benchmark"
+LINE #Option "fifo_moderate"
+LINE #Option "pci_burst_on"
+LINE #Option "pci_retry"
+NAME S3 ViRGE/GX2 (generic)
+SEE S3 ViRGE (generic)
+NAME S3 ViRGE/MX (generic)
+DRIVER s3virge
+LINE #Option "lcd_center"
+LINE #Set_LCDClk <pixel_clock_for_LCD>
+LINE #Option "xaa_benchmark"
+LINE #Option "fifo_moderate"
+LINE #Option "pci_burst_on"
+LINE #Option "pci_retry"
+NAME S3 ViRGE/MX+ (generic)
+SEE S3 ViRGE/MX (generic)
+NAME S3 Vision964 (generic)
+NAME STB Horizon
+SEE Cirrus Logic GD542x
+NAME STB Systems Velocity 3D
+SEE S3 ViRGE (generic)
+NAME SiS 300
+NAME SiS 530
+NAME SiS 540
+NAME SiS 5597
+LINE # Option "no_accel" # Use this if acceleration is causing problems
+LINE # Option "fifo_moderate"
+LINE # Option "fifo_conserv"
+LINE # Option "fifo_aggresive"
+LINE # Option "fast_vram"
+LINE # Option "pci_burst_on"
+LINE # Option "xaa_benchmark" # DON'T use with "ext_eng_queue" !!!
+LINE # Option "ext_eng_queue" # Turbo-queue. This can cause drawing
+LINE # errors, but gives some accel
+NAME SiS 5598
+LINE # Option "no_accel" # Use this if acceleration is causing problems
+LINE # Option "fifo_moderate"
+LINE # Option "fifo_conserv"
+LINE # Option "fifo_aggresive"
+LINE # Option "fast_vram"
+LINE # Option "pci_burst_on"
+LINE # Option "xaa_benchmark" # DON'T use with "ext_eng_queue" !!!
+LINE # Option "ext_eng_queue" # Turbo-queue. This can cause drawing
+LINE # errors, but gives some accel
+NAME SiS 630
+NAME SiS 6326
+LINE Option "sw_cursor"
+LINE # Option "no_accel" # Use this if acceleration is causing problems
+LINE # Option "fifo_moderate"
+LINE # Option "fifo_conserv"
+LINE # Option "fifo_aggresive"
+LINE # Option "fast_vram"
+LINE # Option "pci_burst_on"
+LINE # Option "xaa_benchmark" # DON'T use with "ext_eng_queue" !!!
+LINE # Option "ext_eng_queue" # Turbo-queue. This can cause drawing
+LINE # errors, but gives some accel
+NAME SiS 650
+NAME SiS Real256E
+NAME SiS SG86C205
+LINE # Option "no_accel" # Use this if acceleration is causing problems
+LINE # Option "fifo_moderate"
+LINE # Option "fifo_conserv"
+LINE # Option "fifo_aggresive"
+NAME SiS SG86C215
+LINE # This is a cheap version of 86c205. I am not sure if acceleration works
+LINE # Option "no_accel" # Use this if acceleration is causing problems
+LINE # Option "no_BitBlt" # Use this if acceleration is causing problems
+LINE # Option "fifo_moderate"
+LINE # Option "fifo_conserv"
+LINE # Option "fifo_aggresive"
+NAME SiS SG86C225
+LINE # Option "no_accel" # Use this if acceleration is causing problems
+LINE # Option "fifo_moderate"
+LINE # Option "fifo_conserv"
+LINE # Option "fifo_aggresive"
+NAME Silicon Motion Lynx (generic)
+DRIVER siliconmotion
+NAME Silicon Motion LynxEM (generic)
+DRIVER siliconmotion
+NAME Trident (generic)
+DRIVER trident
+NAME Trident 3DImage975 (generic)
+DRIVER trident
+NAME Trident 3DImage985 (generic)
+DRIVER trident
+NAME Trident 8900/9000 (generic)
+DRIVER trident
+NAME Trident Blade3D (generic)
+DRIVER trident
+NAME Trident Cyber 9320 (generic)
+DRIVER trident
+NAME Trident Cyber 9382 (generic)
+DRIVER trident
+NAME Trident Cyber 9385 (generic)
+DRIVER trident
+NAME Trident Cyber 9388 (generic)
+DRIVER trident
+NAME Trident Cyber 9397 (generic)
+DRIVER trident
+NAME Trident Cyber 9397 DVD (generic)
+DRIVER trident
+NAME Trident Cyber 9520 (generic)
+DRIVER trident
+NAME Trident Cyber 9525 (generic)
+DRIVER trident
+LINE # Option "accel" # Use this if acceleration works on your laptop
+NAME Trident CyberBlade (generic)
+DRIVER trident
+NAME Trident TGUI9420DGi (generic)
+DRIVER trident
+NAME Trident TGUI9430DGi (generic)
+DRIVER trident
+NAME Trident TGUI9440 (generic)
+DRIVER trident
+NAME Trident TGUI9660 (generic)
+DRIVER trident
+NAME Trident TGUI9680 (generic)
+DRIVER trident
+NAME Trident TGUI9682 (generic)
+DRIVER trident
+NAME Trident TGUI9685 (generic)
+DRIVER trident
+NAME VESA driver (generic)
+DRIVER vesa
+NAME VMware virtual video card
+DRIVER vmware
+NAME Voodoo Banshee (generic)
+DRIVER tdfx
+NAME Voodoo Graphics
+DRIVER voodoo
+NAME Voodoo II
+DRIVER voodoo
+NAME Voodoo3 (generic)
+DRIVER tdfx
+NAME Voodoo5 (generic)
+DRIVER tdfx
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d152af8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# ChangeLog for igentoo/src/hwdata
+# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
+# $Header: /var/cvsroot/gentoo/src/hwdata/ChangeLog,v 1.1 2005/11/18 12:53:13 wolf31o2 Exp $
+ 18 Nov 2005; Chris Gianelloni <> +COPYING, +Cards,
+ +LICENSE, +MonitorsDB, +blacklist, +check-cards, +pcitable:
+ This is the first version of this data. The pcitable and MonitorsDB files
+ came from
+ while blacklist and check-cards come from Red Hat's hwdata package. The
+ Cards file was created by me from the entries in the pcitable.
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f7af4a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+This data is licenced under 2 different licenses
+1) GNU General Public License
+2) XFree86 license
+This data can be used freely under either license.
diff --git a/MonitorsDB b/MonitorsDB
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5c32b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MonitorsDB
@@ -0,0 +1,4235 @@
+# Monitor information for use by Xconfigurator
+# Supplies similar information to the data in the /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/Cards
+# file about video cards.
+# Each line has format:
+# <Manufacturer>; <Monitor name>; <EISA ID (if any)>; <horiz sync in \
+# Khz>; <verc sync in Hz>; DPMS support
+# Horiz and vert sync can be a range; like 35.2-55.75; or 31.5,35.5
+# BUT remember to use ';' to separate fields
+# $Id: MonitorsDB,v 1.1 2005/11/18 12:53:13 wolf31o2 Exp $
+Aamazing; Aamazing CM-8426; cm-8426; 31.0-60.0; 40.0-80.0; 1
+Aamazing; Aamazing MS-8431; ms-8431; 15.0-36.0; 50.0-70.0; 1
+Acer; Acer 11D; API440B; 31.0-35.5; 50.0-90.0
+Acer; Acer 1455; API5514; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0
+Acer; Acer 1555; API5515; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0
+Acer; Acer 15P; acer_15p; 15.0-70.0; 45.0-90.0; 1
+Acer; Acer 1768i; api424c; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+Acer; Acer 211c; API9708; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0
+Acer; Acer 33; acer_33; 31.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Acer; Acer 33D; API4421; 31.0-35.5; 50.0-100.0
+Acer; Acer 33DL; API4C21; 31.0-35.5; 50.0-100.0
+Acer; Acer 34e-2; API9709; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 34e; API4522; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 34T; API5422; 31.0-48.0; 50.0-100.0
+Acer; Acer 34TL; API4C22; 31.0-48.0; 50.0-100.0
+Acer; Acer 35; acer_35; 30.0-55.0; 45.0-90.0; 1
+Acer; Acer 35c; API9703; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 35c; API970A; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 54e; API4536; 31.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 54es; API9715; 31.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 55; API0037; 30.0-56.9; 50.0-80.0
+Acer; Acer 55c; API9704; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 55e; API9701; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 55L; API4C37; 30.0-56.9; 50.0-80.0
+Acer; Acer 56c; API9705; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 56e-2; API9710; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 56e; API4538; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 56i-2; API9712; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 56i; API4938; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 56is-2; API4138; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 56is; API0138; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 56j; API9713; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 56L; API4C38; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 57c; API971B; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0
+Acer; Acer 57e; API9809; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 57i; API971B; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 7015; acer_7015; 15.0-36.0; 45.0-90.0; 1
+Acer; Acer 7133s; api5321; 31.0-40.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Acer; Acer 7134e; api4522; 31.0-60.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Acer; Acer 7134s; api5322; 31.0-60.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Acer; Acer 7154e; api4536; 31.0-60.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Acer; Acer 7154s; api5336; 31.0-60.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Acer; Acer 7156e; api4538; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Acer; Acer 7156i; api4938; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Acer; Acer 7156s; api5338; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Acer; Acer 7176ie; api454c; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Acer; Acer 7176is; api534c; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Acer; Acer 7178ie; api454e; 31.0-90.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Acer; Acer 76c; API9706; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0
+Acer; Acer 76e; API9702; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 76i; API494C; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 76ie; API424C; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 76j; API9711; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 76N; API4E4C; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 76sl; API9717; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 77c; API9720; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0
+Acer; Acer 77c; API980A; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0
+Acer; Acer 77e; API971C; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0
+Acer; Acer 77e; API9808; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0
+Acer; Acer 78c; API9719; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0
+Acer; Acer 78c; API9805; 31.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0
+Acer; Acer 78i; API494E; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Acer 78ie; API424E; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0
+Acer; Acer 78ie; API454E; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0
+Acer; Acer 79g; API9716; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0
+Acer; Acer 79g; API971E; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0
+Acer; Acer 98e; API9806; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0
+Acer; Acer 98i; API4962; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0
+Acer; Acer 99c; API9718; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0
+Acer; Acer 99g; API9804; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0
+Acer; Acer 99sl; API9721; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0
+Acer; Acer AL1921; ACRad25; 30-83; 55-75; 1280x1024
+Acer; Acer F31; api1035; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Acer; Acer F31e; api7601; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Acer; Acer FP350; API7614; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0
+Acer; Acer FP450; API761C; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0
+Acer; Acer F50p; api7604; 48.4; 60; 1
+Acer; Acer F51; api7602; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Acer; Acer FP500; API7606; 48.4; 60
+Acer; Acer FP501; API7616; 49; 61
+Acer; Acer FP502; API760D; 48.4; 60
+Acer; Acer FP503; API7617; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0
+Acer; Acer FP51e; API760A; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0
+Acer; Acer FP550; API7612; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0
+Acer; Acer FP551; API7607; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-85.0
+Acer; Acer FP553; API761F; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0
+Acer; Acer FP555; API7609; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0
+Acer; Acer FP556; API7613; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0
+Acer; Acer FP558; API7615; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0
+Acer; Acer FP559; API761b; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0
+Acer; Acer FP560; API7608; 48.4; 60
+Acer; Acer FP561; API760B; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0
+Acer; Acer FP563; API761E; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0
+Acer; Acer FP581; API7621; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0
+Acer; Acer FP730; API761A; 31.5-81.0; 56.0-75.0
+Acer; Acer FP750; API7619; 31.5-81.0; 56.0-75.0
+Acer; Acer FP751; API7618; 31.5-81.0; 56.0-75.0
+Acer; Acer FP850; API7605; 31.5-80.0; 56.0-75.0
+Acer; Acer FP851; API760C; 31.5-80.0; 56.0-75.0
+Acer; Acer FP855; API7611; 31.5-80.0; 56.0-75.0
+Acer; Acer G571; API0004; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0
+Acer; Acer G772; API9902; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0
+Acer; Acer G991; API9903; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0
+Acer; Acer LM551; API760E; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-85.0
+Acer; Acer LM552; API760F; 48.4; 60
+Acer; Acer LM554; API7610; 48.4; 60
+Acer; Acer P211; API0003; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0
+Acer; Acer V551; API0002; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0
+Acer; Acer V771; API0001; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0
+Acer; Acer V772; API0102; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0
+Acer; Acer V991; API0105; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0
+Acer; Aspire 33s; API5321; 31.0-35.5; 50.0-100.0
+Acer; Aspire 34Ts; API5322; 31.0-48.0; 50.0-100.0
+Acer; Aspire 54s; API5336; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Aspire 55s; API9802; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0
+Acer; Aspire 56s; API5338; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Aspire 76is; API414C; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Aspire 76is; API534C; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Aspire 77is; API9707; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0
+Acer; Aspire 77s; API9803; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0
+Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CA-1454; ACI0608; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CA-1570; ACI0622; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CH-1999; ACI1999; 30.0-99.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CK-1566; ACI061E; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CK-4148; ACI1034; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-85.0; 1
+Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CK-4158; ACI103E; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CL-1566; ACI061E; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CL-1570; ACI1570; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CL-1766; ACI06E6; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CL-1770; ACI1770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CL-1792; ACI1792; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CL-1999; ACI1999; 30.0-99.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CX-1566; ACI061E; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Action Systems, Inc.; Action Monitor CX-4158; ACI103E; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Action Systems, Inc.; AXION LCD Monitor LA-1560U; ACI1560; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-75.0; 1
+Actix; Actix Systems CX1557; cx1557; 30.0-57.0; 40.0-100.0; 1
+Adara; Adara AML-1402; aml-1402; 15.0-36.0; 45.0-90.0; 1
+Adara; Adara AML-2001; aml-2001; 30.0-36.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ADIV30; adi3230; 30.0-48.5; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI DMC-2304; adidmc; 30.6-36.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+ADI; ADI Duo; adi1430; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI Duo; adi1452; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI Duo; adi1453; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI Duo; adi1454; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI Duo; adi1455; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 17; adi1130; 30.0-87.5; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 17; adi1131; 30.0-87.5; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 17; adi1140; 30.0-87.5; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 17; adi1150; 30.0-87.5; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 17X; adi0e30; 24.6-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 17X; adi0e31; 24.6-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 17X; adi0e32; 24.6-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 17X; adi0e40; 24.6-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 17X+; adi0f30; 24.6-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 17X+; adi0f40; 24.6-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 2E; sm5514b; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 3E; sm5514a; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 3E+; sm-5514e; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 3V; adi0610; 24.6-48.9; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 3V; adi0620; 24.6-48.9; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 3V; adi0630; 24.6-48.9; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 3V; adi0638; 24.6-48.9; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 3V; adi0640; 24.6-48.9; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4A; sm-5515; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4G; adi4g; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4GP; adi4gp; 30-64; 50-100; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1630; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1632; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1633; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1634; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1635; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1640; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1642; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1643; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1644; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1645; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1650; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1653; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1654; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1655; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1f30; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1f40; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi1f50; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi2130; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi2140; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi2150; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi2530; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi2540; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4P/4P+; adi2550; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi0730; 30-64; 50-100; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi0739; 30-64; 50-100; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi073c; 30-64; 50-100; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi073e; 30-64; 50-100; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi073f; 30-64; 50-100; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi0740; 30-64; 50-100; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi0750; 30-64; 50-100; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi0755; 30-64; 50-100; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi0940; 30-64; 50-100; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 4V; adi4v; 30-64; 50-95; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5AP; adi5ap; 30-64; 50-100; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5EP; adi5ep; 30-64; 50-100; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1550; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1552; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1553; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1554; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1555; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1556; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1572; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1c50; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5G; adi1c52; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5L; adi3e50; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5L; adi3f50; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1730; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1733; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1734; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1735; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1740; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1743; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1750; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1751; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1753; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1754; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1755; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi1772; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2230; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2240; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2250; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2430; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2440; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2443; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2444; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2445; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2450; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2480; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2481; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2630; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2640; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5P/5P+; adi2650; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5T; adi3650; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5T; adi3750; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V; adi0b30; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V; adi0b32; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V; adi0b35; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V; adi0b40; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V; adi0b50; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V+; adi0c30; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V+; adi0c32; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V+; adi0c40; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V+; adi0c50; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V+; adi0c51; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 5V+; adi0d40; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1250; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1252; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1253; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1254; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1255; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1256; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1257; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1270; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 6G; adi1272; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 6L; adi4050; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 6P; adi2050; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 6P; adi20b0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 6P; adi20b1; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 6P; adi20b2; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 6P; adi20b3; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 6P; adi20b4; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan 6P; adi20b5; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan G55; adi3630; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan G56; adi3730; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan G60; adi3930; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan G66; adi3e50; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan G70; adi3830; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan M700; ADI8830; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan P40; adi2c30; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan P50; adi3330; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI MicroScan P55; adi3430; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista 14; adi1350; 30.6-48.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1830; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1832; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1833; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1834; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1835; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1836; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1840; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E30; adi1843; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E33; adi2d30; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E35; adi2330; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E35; adi2332; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E35; adi2340; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E35; adi2342; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E35; adi2350; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1930; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1932; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1933; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1934; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1935; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1936; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1937; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1938; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1940; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1942; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1943; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1944; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1950; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E40; adi1952; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E44; adi2e30; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E55; adi4430; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ADI; ADI ProVista E66; adi3e30; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron CS19; AMPCS19; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0
+Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron AV8S; AMPAV8S; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-110.0
+Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron ES15; AMPD556; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0
+Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron AV5S; AMPAV5S; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0
+Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron ES14; AMPD356; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0
+Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron AV6S; AMPAV6S; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-110.0
+Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron CS17; AMPCS17; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0
+Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron GS17e; AMPA770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0
+Amptron International,Inc.; Amptron GS17; AMPA785; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-130.0
+AOC; AOC CM-324; cm-324; 15.0-37.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+AOC; AOC CM-325; cm-325; 31.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+AOC; AOC CM-326; cm-326; 15.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+AOC; AOC Monochrome MM-415; mm-415; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 21Hlr; aoce2182; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 4V,4VA,4Vlr & 4VlrA, 4Vn, 4VnA; aocd350; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 4Vlr & 4VlrA & 4V & 4VA; aocd356; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 5Elr & 5ElrA & 5E & 5EA; aocd556; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 5Glr & 5GlrA & 5Glr+ & 5GlrA+; aoc569e; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 5Glr; aoce570; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 5Llr & 5LlrA; aocc564; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 5Nlr; aoca566; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 5Nlr; aoca569; 30.0-69.0;50.0-120; 1
+AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 5Vlr & 5VlrA; aocd566; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 7Clr; aocf764; 30.0-64.0; 47.0-100.0; 1
+AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 7Dlr & 7DlrA; aoce750; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 7Glr & 7GlrA; aoca785; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 7Nlr; aoca782; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 7Vlr & 7VlrA & 7Vlr+ & 7VlrA+; aoca770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+AOC; AOC SPECTRUM 9Glr; aoce995; 30.0-95.0; 47.0-150.0; 1
+Apollo; Apollo 1280x1024-68Hz; 0; 73.702; 68.24
+Apollo; Apollo 1280x1024-70Hz; 0; 75.118; 70.07
+Apple; Apple 23 Cinema HD; APP9218; 30.0-90.0; 50.0-70.0; 1
+Apple; Apple eMac; APP079d; 71-73; 70-140
+Apple; Apple HiRes Display 1152x864; 0; 30.0-100.0; 50.0-160.0
+Apple; Apple HiRes Display 1280x1024; 0; 30.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0
+Apple; Apple iMac CRT; APP059d; 60.015; 75-117
+Apple; Apple iMac LCD 15; APP229c; 28.0-49.0; 60
+Apple; Apple iMac LCD 17; APP279c; 28.0-49.0; 60
+Apple; Apple iMac (Rev A or B) 15; APP019d; 59-63; 50-150
+Apple; Apple iBook 800x600; 0; 28-50; 43.0-75.0
+Apple; Apple iBook2 12 (1024x768); APP129c; 30-70; 43.0-72.0
+Apple; Apple iBook2 15 (1024x768); APP1a9c; 30-70; 43.0-72.0
+Apple; Apple iMac/PowerBook 1024x768; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0
+Apple; Apple LoRes Display 640x480; 0; 28.0-33.0; 43.0-72.0
+Apple; Apple PowerBook G4 12 (2003); APP2a9c; 30-70; 60
+Apple; Apple PowerBook G4 12 (2003); APP2b9c; 30-70; 60
+Apple; Apple PowerBook G3 (pre-1999); 0; 119; 196
+Apple; Apple PowerBook G3 Series (1999-2000); 0; 31.5-57.0; 60
+Apple; Apple Titanium PowerBook G4 (2001); APP1d9c; 30.0-100.0; 50-60
+Apple; Apple Titanium PowerBook G4 (2002); APP209c; 30.0-100.0; 50-60
+Apple; Apple Aluminum PowerBook G4; APP359c; 30.0-100.0; 50-60
+Apple; Apple Studio Display 15 LCD; APP1592; 28.0-49.0; 60
+Apple; Apple Studio Display 15 LCD (pre-2001); APPf401; 48-60; 60-75
+Apple; Apple Studio Display 17 LCD; APP1792; 30-130; 48.0-160.0
+Apple; Apple Studio Display 20 LCD; APP1992; 30-130; 60
+Apple; Apple Cinema Display 20 LCD; APP1d92; 30-75; 60
+Apple; Apple Cinema Display 22 LCD; APP1692; 30-130; 60
+Apple; Apple Cinema Display 23 LCD; APP1892; 30-130; 60
+Apple; Apple AudioVision 14; 0; 35.0; 66.7
+Apple; Apple Basic Color Monitor; 0; 31.5; 60.0
+Apple; Apple Color Plus 14; 0; 35.0 ; 67.0
+Apple; Apple ColorSync 17; 0; 30-82; 40-120
+Apple; Apple ColorSync 20; 0; 30-94; 48-120
+Apple; Apple Macintosh 16 Color Display; 0; 50.0; 75.0
+Apple; Apple Macintosh 21 Color Display; 0; 68.7; 75.0
+Apple; Apple Multiple Scan 14; 0; 31.5-48.1; 60-72
+Apple; Apple Multiple Scan 15; 0; 30-61 ; 60-75
+Apple; Apple Multiple Scan 15AV; 0; 30-56.5; 56-75
+Apple; Apple Multiple Scan 17; 0; 60-75; 31.4-60.2
+Apple; Apple Multiple Scan 1705; 0; 30-65; 50-120
+Apple; Apple Multiple Scan 20; 0; 60-75; 31.4-80
+Apple; Apple Multiple Scan 720; 0; 30-69; 48-160
+Apple; Apple Performa Display; 0; 35.0 ; 66.7
+Apple; Apple Studio Display 17 CRT; 0; 30-85; 48-160
+Apple; Apple Studio Display 21 CRT; 0; 31-107; 48-120
+Apple; Apple Vision 1710; 0; 30-80; 40-120
+Apple; Apple Vision 1710AV; 0; 30-82; 50-120
+Apple; Apple Vision 750AV; 0; 30-82; 40-120
+Apple; Apple Vision 850 AV; 0; 30-94; 48-120
+Apple; Apple TiPowerBook 1152x768; 0; 30.0-100.0; 50.0-160.0
+Apple; Apple TiPowerBook 1280x854; 0; 30.0-100.0; 50.0-160.0
+AST; AST Sabre; ast8009; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+AST; AST Vision 20H; ast8008; 29.0-82.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+AST; AST Vision 4I; ast8002; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+AST; AST Vision 4L; ast8004; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+AST; AST Vision 4N; ast8003; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+AST; AST Vision 4V; ast8001; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1
+AST; AST Vision 5L; ast8005; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+AST; AST Vision 5V; ast800a; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+AST; AST Vision 7H; ast8007; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+AST; AST Vision 7L; ast8006; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+AT&T; AT&T 14 in. Color Economy; 0; 31.5; 50-90
+AT&T; AT&T 14 in. Color Economy; 0; 35.0; 50-90
+AT&T; AT&T 14 in. Color Value; 0; 31.5; 50-90
+AT&T; AT&T 14 in. Color Value; 0; 38.0; 50-90
+AT&T; AT&T 14 in. Color Value; 0; 48.0; 50-90
+AT&T; AT&T 14 in. Mono; 0; 31; 55-75
+AT&T; AT&T 15 in. Color; 0; 30-64; 50-90
+AT&T; AT&T 17 in. Color Professional; 0; 30-82; 50-160
+AT&T; AT&T 17 in. Color Value; 0; 30-64; 50-90
+AT&T; AT&T CRT-365; 0; 30.0-75.0; 60.0-70.0
+AT&T; AT&T CRT-395; 0; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-90.0
+Belinea; Belinea 101410; 0; 24-61.0; 50.0-77.0
+Belinea; Belinea 101510; 0; 24-61.0; 50.0-77.0
+Belinea; Belinea 101520; 0; 48.0-48.0; 60.0-60.0
+Belinea; Belinea 101525; MAX05f5; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Belinea; Belinea 101530; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-85.0
+Belinea; Belinea 101536; MAX0600; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Belinea; Belinea 101550; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-85.0
+Belinea; Belinea 101715 6b3; MAX06b3; 30.0-67.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Belinea; Belinea 101715; MAX06b5; 31-83; 56-75;
+Belinea; Belinea 101740; MAX06CC; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-75.0; 1
+Belinea; Belinea 101750; MAX06ac; 30-84; 56-75; 1280x1024
+Belinea; Belinea 101810; 0; 31.0-80.0; 60.0-85.0
+Belinea; Belinea 102005; MAX07d3; 30-83; 50-85; 1600x1200
+Belinea; Belinea 102010; 0; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 102020; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 102030; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 103010; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0
+Belinea; Belinea 103015; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 103020; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 103030; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0
+Belinea; Belinea 103040; 0; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0
+Belinea; Belinea 103050; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0
+Belinea; Belinea 103052; max06b9; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Belinea; Belinea 103060; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0
+Belinea; Belinea 103070; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0
+Belinea; Belinea 104010; 0; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 104040; 0; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0
+Belinea; Belinea 104050; 0; 31.5-50.0; 50.0-100.0
+Belinea; Belinea 104060; 0; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0
+Belinea; Belinea 104065; max4065; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Belinea; Belinea 104070; 0; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105030; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105035; 0; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105045; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105046; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105050; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105060; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105065; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105066; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105070; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105075; 0; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105076; 0; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105080; 0; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105090; 0; 30.0-64.0; 55.0-90.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105095 (high); 0; 30.0-64.0; 55.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105095; max3539; 30.0-64.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Belinea; Belinea 105520; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105540; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105550; 0; 24.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105560; 0; 24.0-68.0; 50.0-100.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105570; 0; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105575; max7555; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Belinea; Belinea 105576; 0; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105586; 0; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105590; 0; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105595; 0; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 105596; 0; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 106020; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0
+Belinea; Belinea 106030; 0; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0
+Belinea; Belinea 106040; 0; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-90.0
+Belinea; Belinea 106050; 0; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 106060; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0
+Belinea; Belinea 106070; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0
+Belinea; Belinea 106090; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0
+Belinea; Belinea 107010; 0; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0
+Belinea; Belinea 107015; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-180.0
+Belinea; Belinea 107020; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 107025; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-180.0
+Belinea; Belinea 107030; 0; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0
+Belinea; Belinea 107035; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0
+Belinea; Belinea 107040; 0; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 107050; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0
+Belinea; Belinea 107060; 0; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0
+Belinea; Belinea 107065; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0
+Belinea; Belinea 108010; 0; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0
+Belinea; Belinea 108015; 0; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0
+Belinea; Belinea 108020; 0; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0
+Belinea; Belinea 108050; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0
+Belinea; Belinea 108060; 0; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0
+Belinea; Belinea 108090; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0
+Belinea; Belinea 108095; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0
+BenQ; BenQ FP231W (Analog); BNQ7669; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP231W (Digital); BNQ766A; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP531; BNQ765E; 31-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP547; BNQ7652; 31-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP556ms; BNQ765D; 31.5-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP556s; BNQ765C; 31.5-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP557s; BNQ7650; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP567s ver.2; BNQ7664; 31.5-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP567s; BNQ7651; 31.5-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP581s; BNQ7643; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP591; BNQ7641; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP71E; BNQ7683; 31-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP731; BNQ7659; 31.5-83.0; 60.0-76.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP747; BNQ765A; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP752-T; BNQ7635; 31.5-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP756ms; BNQ7661; 31.5-83.0; 60.0-76.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP757 ver.2; BNQ7660; 31.5-83.0; 60.0-76.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP767; BNQ7638; 31.5-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP781s (Analog); BNQ7652; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP781s (Digital); BNQ7653; 31.0-73.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP783; BNQ7668; 31-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP785; BNQ7678; 31-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP791; BNQ7640; 31.5-83.0; 60.0-76.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP882 (Analog); BNQ7633; 31.5-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP882 (Digital); BNQ763D; 31.5-71.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP937s; BNQ7685; 31-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP991; BNQ7646; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ FP992; BNQ7276; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ P992; BNQ0106; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ T720; BNQ7659; 31.5-83.0; 60.0-76.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ T903; BNQ7680; 31-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+BenQ; BenQ T904; BNQ7681; 31-83; 56-76;
+Bridge; Bridge BM17C; brg00ab; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Brother; Brother BM85L; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Bus Computer Systems; Bus Computer Systems Bus_VGA; bus_vga; 31.5-38.0; 50.0-70.0; 1
+Carroll Touch; Carroll Touch CT1381A; ct1381a; 15.7-38.0; 45.0-90.0; 1
+CMC; CMC 17 AD; CMO7801; 30-82; 50-75; 1280x1024
+Colorgraphic; Colorgraphic EG2040; eg2040; 20.0-40.0; 40.0-100.0; 1
+Compal; Compal BJ350; CPL9565; 31.5-61.0; 50-90
+Compal; Compal BP350; CPL9566; 24-60; 56-75
+Compal; Compal CM350; CPL1509; 24-61.0; 56-75
+Compal; Compal CM870; CPL1702; 24-80.0; 56-75
+Compal; Compal FC340; CPL24EB; 31.5-61.0; 50-90
+Compal; Compal FC350; CPL254F; 31.5-61.0; 50-90
+Compal; Compal FD350; CPL2551; 31.5-61.0; 50-90
+Compal; Compal FT340; CPL24EC; 31.5-61.0; 50-90
+Compal; Compal G450; CPL0975; 30-50; 50-100
+Compal; Compal G554; CPL09D9; 30-54; 50-120
+Compal; Compal G566; CPL09DA; 30-66; 50-120
+Compal; Compal G567; CPL09DB; 30-66; 50-120
+Compal; Compal G569; CPL09DD; 30-70; 50-120
+Compal; Compal GC220; CPL2419; 31.5-38.5; 55-85
+Compal; Compal GT220; CPL241A; 31.5-38.5; 55-85
+Compal; Compal H113; CPL1130; 30-115; 50-160
+Compal; Compal H450; CPL096B; 30-50; 50-100
+Compal; Compal H554; CPL09CF; 30-54; 50-120
+Compal; Compal H566; CPL09D0; 30-66; 50-120
+Compal; Compal H567; CPL09D1; 30-66; 50-120
+Compal; Compal H569; CPL09D3; 30-70; 50-120
+Compal; Compal H763; CPL0A9B; 30-70; 50-120
+Compal; Compal H767; CPL0A99; 30-66; 50-110
+Compal; Compal H787; CPL0A9C; 30-87; 50-120
+Compal; Compal K450; CPL097F; 30-50; 50-100
+Compal; Compal K567; CPL09E5; 30-66; 50-120
+Compal; Compal LC220; CPL240F; 31.5-38.5; 55-85
+Compal; Compal LT220; CPL2410; 31.5-38.5; 55-85
+Compal; Compal M454; CPL4541; 30-54; 50-120
+Compal; Compal M500; CPL5001; 30-54; 50-120
+Compal; Compal M554; CPL5541; 30-54; 50-120
+Compal; Compal M557; CPL5571; 30-70; 50-120
+Compal; Compal M570; CPL5701; 30-70; 50-120
+Compal; Compal M571; CPL5711; 30-70; 50-120
+Compal; Compal M573; CPL5731; 30-70; 50-120
+Compal; Compal M576; CPL5761; 30-70; 50-120
+Compal; Compal M577; CPL5771; 30-70; 50-120
+Compal; Compal M770; CPL7701; 30-70; 50-120
+Compal; Compal M773; CPL7731; 30-70; 50-120
+Compal; Compal M787; CPL7871; 30-87; 50-120
+Compal; Compal M980; CPL9801; 30-87; 50-120
+Compal; Compal M990; CPL9901; 30-95; 50-160
+Compal; Compal M993; CPL9931; 30-95; 50-160
+Compal; Compal M999; CPL9991; 30-95; 50-120
+Compal; Compal P454; CPL4542; 30-54; 50-120
+Compal; Compal P554; CPL5542; 30-54; 50-120
+Compal; Compal P570; CPL5702; 30-70; 50-120
+Compal; Compal P571; CPL5712; 30-70; 50-120
+Compal; Compal P576; CPL5762; 30-70; 50-120
+Compal; Compal P577; CPL5772; 30-70; 50-120
+Compal; Compal P770; CPL7702; 30-70; 50-120
+Compal; Compal P773; CPL7732; 30-70; 50-120
+Compal; Compal P787; CPL7872; 30-87; 50-120
+Compal; Compal P980; CPL9802; 30-87; 50-120
+Compal; Compal P990; CPL9902; 30-95; 50-160
+Compal; Compal P993; CPL9932; 30-95; 50-160
+Compal; Compal S450; CPL0989; 30-50; 50-100
+Compal; Compal S554; CPL09ED; 30-54; 50-120
+Compal; Compal S566; CPL09EE; 30-66; 50-120
+Compal; Compal S567; CPL09EF; 30-66; 50-120
+Compal; Compal S569; CPL09F1; 30-70; 50-120
+Compal; Compal S763; CPL0AB9; 30-70; 50-120
+Compal; Compal S767; CPL0AB7; 30-66; 50-110
+Compal; Compal S787; CPL0AB5; 30-87; 50-120
+Compal; Compal V799; CPL7993; 30-70; 50-120
+Compal; Compal V999; CPL9993; 30-95; 50-120
+Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0011; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0012; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0013; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0014; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0015; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0016; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0100; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0146; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 1024; cpq0147; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d46; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d47; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d48; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d49; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d4a; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d4b; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d4c; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 140; cpq0d4d; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f46; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f47; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f48; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f49; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f4a; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f4b; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f4c; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 150; cpq0f4d; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0022; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0023; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0024; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0025; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0026; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0027; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0028; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0346; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0347; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0348; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq0349; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq034a; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 151FS; cpq034b; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq002d; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq002e; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq002f; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0030; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0031; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0032; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0033; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0546; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0547; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0548; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 171FS; cpq0549; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq 172; cpq_172; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Advanced Graphics; ags; 54.0; 50.0-75.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Internal VGA Panel; ivga; 31.5; 50.0-70.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq MV920; CPQ3027; 30-96; 50-160; 1600x1200
+Compaq; Compaq P110 Color Monitor; cpq1321; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq P1210 Color Monitor; cpq1386; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq P1610 Color Monitor; cpq1327; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq P50 Color Monitor; cpq1323; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-125.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq P70 Color Monitor; cpq1320; 30.0-92.0; 48.0-150.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq P710; CPQ1384; 30-96; 50-140; 1600x1200
+Compaq; Compaq P75 Color Monitor; cpq1330; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq P900 Color Monitor; cpq1353; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq P910 Color Monitor; cpq1385; 30.0-108.0; 50.0-140.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0017; 31-62; 48-90; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0018; 31-62; 48-90; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0019; 31-62; 48-90; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq001a; 31-62; 48-90; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0020; 31-62; 48-90; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0021; 31-62; 48-90; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0746; 31-62; 48-90; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0747; 31-62; 48-90; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0846; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0847; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0848; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq0849; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq084a; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq084b; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq084c; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 140; cpq084d; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0029; 31-62; 48-90; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq002a; 31-62; 48-90; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq002b; 31-62; 48-90; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq002c; 31-62; 48-90; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0946; 31-62; 48-90; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0947; 31-62; 48-90; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0948; 31-62; 48-90; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0949; 31-62; 48-90; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a46; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a47; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a48; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a49; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a4a; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a4b; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a4c; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario 150; cpq0a4d; 31-49; 48-80; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario Integrated Monitor; pres; 35.2-38.0; 56.0-60.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario MV400 Color Monitor; cpq3014; 31-50; 50-90; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario MV500 Color Monitor; cpq3012; 31-54; 50-90; 1
+Compaq; Compaq Presario MV700 Color Monitor; cpq3013; 30-70; 50-100; 1
+Compaq; Compaq QVision 150; cpq_qv150; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq QVision 170; cpq_qv170; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq QVision 172; cpq0040; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq QVision 172; cpq0041; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq QVision 172; cpq0042; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq QVision 200; cpq0043; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq QVision 200; cpq0044; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq QVision 200; cpq0045; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq QVision 210; cpq0046; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq QVision 210; cpq0047; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq QVision 210; cpq0048; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq QVision 210; cpq0049; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq S500 Color Monitor; cpq1356; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq S510 Color Monitor; cqp1371; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq S700 Color Monitor; cpq1349; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq S710 Color Monitor; cpq1362; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq S900 Color Monitor; cpq1350; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq S910 Color Monitor; cpq1361; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq SVGA; svga; 35.2-38.0; 56.0-60.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq TFT450 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1333; 31.5-60.0; 56.3-85.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq TFT5000 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1341; 32.0-60.0; 57.0-85.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq TFT5005 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1383; 24.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq TFT500 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1324; 32.0-60.0; 57.0-85.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq TFT5010 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1370; 31.5-60.0; 58.0-78.75; 1
+Compaq; Compaq TFT8000 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1329; 31.0-80.0; 58.0-85.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq TFT8020 Flat Panel Monitor; cpq1345; 31.5-80.0; 58.0-85.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq V1000 Color Monitor; cpq1347; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq V1100 Color Monitor; cpq1336; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq V40 Color Monitor; cpq1334; 31.0-48.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq V45 Color Monitor; cpq1338; 31-48; 50-100; 1
+Compaq; Compaq V50 Color Monitor; cpq1322; 30.0-60.0; 50-125.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq V55 Color Monitor; cpq1331; 30.0-60.0; 47.5-125.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq V700 Color Monitor; cpq1340; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq V70 Color Monitor; cpq170a; 30.0-69.0; 50-125.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq V710 Color Monitor; cpq1382; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq V75 Color Monitor; cpq1332; 31.5-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq V900 Color Monitor; cpq1325; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0; 1
+Compaq; Compaq VGA; cvga; 31.5; 50.0-70.0; 1
+Compaq;Compaq 1520 Flat Panel Monitor;cpq1456;30.0-60.0;56.0-76.0;1
+Compaq;Compaq 7500 Color Monitor;cpq1445;30.0-70.0;50.0-140.0;1
+Compaq;Compaq FP17 Flat Panel Monito;cpq145e;30.0-81.0;56.0-76.0;1
+Compaq;Compaq P720 Color Monitor;cpq1419;31.0-96.0;55.0-160.0;1
+Compaq;Compaq TFT5030 Flat Panel Monitor;cpq1391;31.47-60.0;58.0-75.0;1
+Compaq;Compaq 1720 Flat Panel Monitor;cpq144f;30.0-81.0;56.0-76.0;1
+Compaq;Compaq 7550 Color Monitor;cpq1446;30.0-86.0;50.0-140.0;1
+Compaq;Compaq FP5315 Flat Panel Monitor;cpq1459;30.0-61.0;56.0-76.0;1
+Compaq;Compaq P920 Color Monitor;cpq1420;30.0-110.0;50.0-160.0;1
+Compaq;Compaq TFT8030 Flat Panel Monitor;cpq1395;32.0-91.0;58.0-85.0;1
+Compaq;Compaq 5500 Color Monitor;cpq1444;30.0-54.0;50.0-120.0;1
+Compaq;Compaq FP15 Flat Panel Monitor;cpq145c;30.0-61.0;56.0-76.0;1
+Compaq;Compaq FP7317 Flat Panel Monitor;cpq145b;30.0-81.0;56.0-76.0;1
+Compaq;Compaq P1220 Color Monitor;cpq1421;30.0-130.0;50.0-160.0;1
+Compdyne; Compudyne KD-1500N; 0; 30.00-66; 50-90
+Compeq USA/Focus; Compeq CT-1458; ct-1458; 15.0-48.0; 47.0-100.0; 1
+Compeq USA/Focus; Compeq CT-1958; ct-1958; 15.0-51.0; 47.0-100.0; 1
+Conrac; Conrac 7126; 7126; 15.0-32.0; 48.0-75.0; 1
+Conrac; Conrac 7211; 7211; 15.0-37.0; 47.0-80.0; 1
+Conrac; Conrac 7214; 7214; 15.0-37.5; 48.0-90.0; 1
+Conrac; Conrac 7241; 7241; 15.0-37.0; 47.0-80.0; 1
+Conrac; Conrac 7250; 7250; 15.5-37.0; 47.0-80.0; 1
+Conrac; Conrac 7351; 7351; 62.5-67.5; 47.0-63.0; 1
+Conrac; Conrac 7550; 7550; 46.0-80.0; 47.0-80.0; 1
+Conrac; Conrac 9250; 9250; 15.0-37.5; 48.0-90.0; 1
+Cordata; Cordata CMC-141M; cmc-141m; 15.5-39.0; 50.0-70.0; 1
+Cordata; Cordata CMC-1500BF; cmc-1500bf; 15.5-39.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Cordata; Cordata CMC-1500M; cmc-1500m; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Cordata; Cordata CMC-1500TF; cmc-1500tf; 35.0-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Cordata; Cordata CMC-1700M; cmc-1700m; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Cordata; Cordata CMC-2100H; cmc-2100h; 60.0-65.0; 50.0-85.0; 1
+Cordata; Cordata CMC-2100M; cmc-2100m; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Cornerstone; Cornerstone c1001; crn000e; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Cornerstone; Cornerstone c700; crn000a; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Cornerstone; Cornerstone c900; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0
+Cornerstone; Cornerstone Color 20/70; 0; 60.0-87.0; 60.0-120.0
+Cornerstone; Cornerstone Color 20/77; 0; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0
+Cornerstone; Cornerstone Color 21/75; 0; 30.0-94.0; 50.0-150.0
+Cornerstone; Cornerstone Color 40/95; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0
+Cornerstone; Cornerstone Color 45/101sf; 0; 31.0-100.7; 50.0-160.0
+Cornerstone; Cornerstone Color 50/101sf, 21/81; 0; 31.0-100.7; 50.0-160.0
+Cornerstone; Cornerstone Color 50/115sf; crn0007; 31-115; 50-160; 1
+Cornerstone; Cornerstone p1400; crn000d; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Cornerstone; Cornerstone p1401; crn0016; 31.0-110.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Cornerstone; Cornerstone p1500; crn000f; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Cornerstone; Cornerstone p1600; crn0010; 31.0-117.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Cornerstone; Cornerstone p1700; crn0012; 31.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Cornerstone; Cornerstone v300; crn0013; 31.0-93.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTL; CTL 910TF; dwe90a5; 30.0-95.0; 50-160; 1
+CTX; CTX 1451; ctx1451; 30.0-50.0; 45.0-90.0; 1
+CTX; CTX 1451ES; ctx-1451es; 30-50; 50-90; 1
+CTX; CTX 1451GM; ctx-1451gm; 30-50; 50-90; 1
+CTX; CTX 1462GM; ctx-1462; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+CTX; CTX 1551; ctx1551; 30.0-50.0; 45.0-90.0; 1
+CTX; CTX 1561; ctx1561; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+CTX; CTX 1562; ctx1562; 30.0-62.0; 45.0-90.0; 1
+CTX; CTX 1562ES; ctx-1562es; 30-62; 50-90; 1
+CTX; CTX 1562GM; ctx-1562gm; 30-62; 50-90; 1
+CTX; CTX 1565; ctx1565; 30.0-65.0; 45.0-90.0; 1
+CTX; CTX 1565; ctx5650; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+CTX; CTX 1565GM; ctx-1565gm; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+CTX; CTX 1569; ctx0150; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+CTX; CTX 15-Group 65KHz/100Hz Monitor; ctx3500; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+CTX; CTX 1765; ctx1765; 30.0-65.0; 45.0-110.0; 1
+CTX; CTX 1765GM; ctx-1765gm; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+CTX; CTX 1769UA; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0
+CTX; CTX 1785; ctx1785; 30.0-85.0; 45.0-110.0; 1
+CTX; CTX 1785GM; ctx-1785gm; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+CTX; CTX 1792UA; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0
+CTX; CTX 1792UD; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0
+CTX; CTX 19D-Group 107KHz/160Hz Monitor; ctx5100; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX 2085; ctx2085; 30.0-85.0; 45.0-110.0; 1
+CTX; CTX 2185; ctx2185; 30.0-85.0; 45.0-110.0; 1
+CTX; CTX 5090; ctx5090; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX 960D Class Monitor; ctx5102; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX 960T Class Monitor; ctx5092; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX CPS-1460; cps-1460; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+CTX; CTX CPS-1560; cps-1560; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+CTX; CTX CPS-1561; cps-1561; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+CTX; CTX CPS-1750; cps-1750; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+CTX; CTX CPS-1760; cps-1760; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+CTX; CTX CPS-2160; cps-2160; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+CTX; CTX CPS-2180; cps-2180; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+CTX; CTX CVP-5439; cvp-5439; 30.0-35.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+CTX; CTX CVP-5468; cvp-5468; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+CTX; CTX CVP-5468NI; cvp-5468ni; 44.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+CTX; CTX CVP-5468NL; cvp-5468nl; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+CTX; CTX CVS-3436; cvp-3436; 15.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+CTX; CTX CVS-3450; cvp-3450; 20.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+CTX; CTX EX1200 series; ctx3800; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX EX1200 series; ctx3810; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX EX1300; ctx3900; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX EX1300; ctx3902; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX EX1300 series; ctx3911; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX EX700; ctx3670; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+CTX; CTX EX800; ctx3720; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+CTX; CTX EX900; ctx3750; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+CTX; CTX EX960 series; ctx3780; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX EX960 series; ctx3781; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX MS600; ctx3600; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+CTX; CTX Multiscan 3436; multiscan-3436; 15.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR1200 series; ctx3830; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR1200 series; ctx3831; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR1250 series; ctx3835; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR1250 series; ctx3836; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR1300 series; ctx3904; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR1300 series; ctx3905; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR1350 series; ctx3907; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR1350 series; ctx3908; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR1400F; ctx3920; 30.0-125.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR1400 series; ctx3915; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR1400 series; ctx3916; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR1450 series; ctx3918; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR1450 series; ctx3919; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR500 series; ctx3524; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR500 series; ctx3525; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR500 series; ctx5694; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR700 series; ctx5010; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR700 series; ctx7691; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR705F series; ctx5310; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR710, PR711 series; ctx5050; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR710, PR711 series; ctx5053; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR710, PR711 series; ctx7920; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR710 series; ctx5020; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR710 series; ctx5021; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR711F series; ctx5320; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR715 series; ctx5030; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR715 series; ctx5031; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR715 series; ctx5060; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR715 series; ctx5063; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR715 series; ctx5066; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR950 series; ctx5070; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR950 series; ctx5072; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR955 series; ctx5080; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR955 series; ctx5082; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX PR960F series; ctx5420; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX TopView 150-A; ctxa002; 30.0-60.0; 60.0-75.0; 1
+CTX; CTX TopView 150; ctxa001; 30.0-65.0; 60.0-120.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL400, PL4; ctx3400; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL400, PL4; ctx3410; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL400, PL4; ctx4516; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL410; ctx3450; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL410; ctx3451; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL410; ctx3455; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL410; ctx3456; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series; ctx0150; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series; ctx3520; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series; ctx3521; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series; ctx3550; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series; ctx3560; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series; ctx3571; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series; ctx3572; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series; ctx3575; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series; ctx3576; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series; ctx5002; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series; ctx5690; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series; ctx5695; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series; ctx5696; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series; ctx5698; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL500 series, MS500 series; ctx5699; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL510 series, PL5 series; ctx3580; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL510 series, PL5 series; ctx3590; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL510 series, PL5 series; ctx5655; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL700; ctx3615; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL700; ctx3621; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL700 series, MS700 series, PL7 series; ctx3620; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL700 series, MS700 series, PL7 series; ctx3650; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL700 series, MS700 series, PL7 series; ctx3651; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL700 series, MS700 series, PL7 series; ctx3655; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL700 series, MS700 series, PL7 series; ctx3656; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL700 series, MS700 series, PL7 series; ctx7694; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL700 series, MS700 series, PL7 series; ctx7695; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL705; ctx3675; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL710 series; ctx3680; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL710 series; ctx3683; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL710 series; ctx3685; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL710 series; ctx7854; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL710 series; ctx7855; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL710 series; ctx7927; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL710 series, EX710 series; ctx3660; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL710 series, EX710 series; ctx3661; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL950 series, EX950 series, PL9 series; ctx3700; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+CTX; CTX VL950 series, EX950 series, PL9 series; ctx3710; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Cybervision; Cybervision C112; CYB3131; 30-95; 50-150; 1
+Cybervision; Cybervision C40; CYB5031; 30-50; 50-90; 1
+Cybervision; Cybervision C50-2; CYB5434; 30-54; 50-100; 1
+Cybervision; Cybervision C50; CYB5331; 30-50; 50-90; 1
+Cybervision; Cybervision C52-2; CYB5334; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+Cybervision; Cybervision C52; CYB5332; 30-70; 50-90; 1
+Cybervision; Cybervision C70-2; CYB5635; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+Cybervision; Cybervision C70; CYB5631; 30-70; 50-90; 1
+Cybervision; Cybervision C72-2; CYB5637; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+Cybervision; Cybervision C72; CYB5632; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+Cybervision; Cybervision C92; CYB5931; 30-85; 50-150; 1
+Cybervision; Cybervision CP21; CYB5032; 30-50; 50-75; 1
+Cybervision; Cybervision CP45; CYB5333; 30-62; 50-75; 1
+Daewoo; Daewin LCD17/HGM; hglec20; 31.5-80.0; 58.0-75.0; 1
+Daewoo; Daewoo 1509B; dwe5093; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Daewoo; Daewoo 1705B; dwe7053; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Daewoo; Daewoo 431X; dwe4312; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Daewoo; Daewoo 511B; dwe5113; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Daewoo; Daewoo 512B; dwe5123; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Daewoo; Daewoo 518B; dwe5183; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Daewoo; Daewoo 518X; dwe5182; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Daewoo; Daewoo 519B; dwe5193; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Daewoo; Daewoo 707B; dwe7073; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Daewoo; Daewoo 710B; dwe7103; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Daewoo; Daewoo 710C; dwe7104; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Daewoo; Daewoo 901D; dwe9015; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Daewoo; Daewoo CMC-1423B1; dwe1423; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Daewoo; Daewoo CMC-1427X1; dwe1427; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-75.0; 1
+Daewoo; Daewoo CMC-1502B1; dwe1502; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Daewoo; Daewoo CMC-1505X; dwe1505; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Daewoo; Daewoo CMC-1507X1; dwe1507; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-75.0; 1
+Daewoo; Daewoo CMC-1703B; dwe1703; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Daewoo; Daewoo CMC-1704C; dwe7044; 24.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Darius; Darius TSM-1431; tsm-1431; 15.5-39.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Daytek; Daewoo DT-1414AV; dwe4142; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-90.0; 0
+Daytek; Daewoo DT-1414BA; dwe4143; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-90.0; 0
+Daytek; Daewoo DT-1418S; dwe418b; 30.0-35.5; 50.0-70.0; 0
+Daytek; Daewoo DT-1420AV; dwe4202; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-90.0; 0
+Daytek; Daewoo DT-1420BA; dwe4203; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-90.0; 0
+Daytek; Daewoo DT-1501BA1/MPR; dwe501a; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Daytek; Daewoo DT-1501BA/MPR; dwe5013; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-90.0; 0
+Daytek; Daewoo DT-1503B/MPR; dwe503a; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Daytek; Daewoo DT-1701M2/MPR; dwe701b; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Daytek; Daewoo DT-1704C/MPR; dwe7044; 24.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Daytek; Daewoo DT-2000M/MPR; dwe0000; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Daytek; Daewoo DT-2102M/MPR; dwe102a; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-90.0; 0
+Daytek; Daytek DT-1531D; oec020f; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Daytek; Daytek DT-1536D; oec0504; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Daytek; Daytek DT-1569D; oec020f; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Daytek; Daytek DT-1728D; oec0707; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Daytek; Daytek DT-1731D; oec0211; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Daytek; Daytek DT-1770; oec0706; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Daytek; Daytek DT-1995D; oec19db; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-155.0; 1
+Daytek; Daytek TM-1554D; oec0504; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Daytek; Daytek TM-1569D; oec020f; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Daytek; Daytek TM-1769D; oec0211; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Daytek; Daytek TM-1770D; oec0707; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Daytek; Vista v19; STC032b; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0
+Dell; Dell 1024i; 0; 35.5; 87.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1024i-P/1024i-Color; 0; 35.5; 87.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1024x768 Laptop Display Panel; 0; 31.5-48.5; 59.0-75.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1280x800 Laptop Display Panel (16/10); 0; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-185.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1280x1024 Laptop Display Panel; 0; 31.5-90.0; 59.0-75.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1400FP; del8162; 31.0-60.0; 55.0-86.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1400x1050 Laptop Display Panel; 0; 31.5-90.0; 59.0-75.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1401FP; delc0ec; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1500FP; del715d; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1501FP (Analog); del73a4; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1501FP (Digital); del7140; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1503FP (Analog); del3004; 30.0-60.0; 60.0-75.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1503FP (Digital); del3003; 30.0-60.0; 60.0-75.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1504FP (Digital); DEL300D; 30.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1504FP (Analog); DEL300C; 30.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1505FP (Analog); DEL4006; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1505FP (Digital); DEL4007; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1569; del1569; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1569; del6915; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1600x1200 Laptop Display Panel; 0; 31.5-90.0; 59.0-85.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1680x1050 Laptop Display Panel (16/10); 0; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-185.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1700FP; del3092; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1701FP (Analog); del3002; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1701FP (Digital); del3001; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1702FP (Analog); DEL3007; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1702FP (Digital); DEL3006; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1703FP (Analog); DEL3010; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1703FP (Digital); DEL3011; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1704FPV (Analog); DEL3015; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1704FPV (Digital); DEL3016; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1704FPT (Digital); DEL4005; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1704FPT (Analog); DEL4004; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1726T-HS/D1025HT; del5319; 31.0-85.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1800FP (Analog); DELE000; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1800FP (Digital); DELE001; 30.0-70.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1801FP (Analog); DELE004; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1801FP (Digital); DELE005; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1900FP (Analog); DEL300B; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1900FP (Digital); DEL3009; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1901FP (Analog); DEL4000; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1901FP (Digital); DEL4001; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1905FP (Analog); DEL400C; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1905FP (Digital); DEL400D; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 1920x1200 Laptop Display Panel (16/10); 0; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-185.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 2000FP (Analog); DELA002; 31.5-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 2000FP (Digital); DELA003; 31.5-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 2001FP (Analog); DELa007; 31-80; 56-76; 1600x1200
+Dell; Dell 2001FP (Digital); DELA008; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 2005FPW (Analog); DELE008; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 2005FPW (Digital); DELE009; 30.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 800M; del5697; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Dell; Dell 828FI; del3319; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell D1025HE; del6124; 31.5-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Dell; Dell D1025HTX; del5062; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell D1025TM; del5155; 31.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell D1028L; del730b; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell D1226H; del7077; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell D1428L; del3276; 31.0-48.0; 43.0-75.0; 1
+Dell; Dell D1626HT; DEL515b; 30-107; 50-160;
+Dell; Dell D2026T; del5314; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Dell; Dell D2128-TCO; del602f; 31.0-102.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Dell; Dell D825HR; del62ff; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell D825HT; del5033; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell D825TM; del512c; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell D828L; del32fe; 31.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell E151FP; DELA004; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Dell; Dell E151FPb; DELA005; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell E151FPp; DEL7006; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell E152FP; DELA009; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell E153FP; DELA00C; 30.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell E171FP; DEL300F; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell E171FPb; DELA006; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0
+Dell; Dell E172FP; DELA00A; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell E173FP; DELA00B; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell E193FP; DEL700E; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Dell; Dell E550; dela2f1; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell E550mm; dela355; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell E551a; dela000; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell E551c; deld000; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell E770p; del7340; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell E770s; del300a; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell E771a; delA001; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell E771mm; DEL7003; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell E771p; del7002; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell E772c; DELD002; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell E772p; DEL7005; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell E773c; DELD005; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell E773s; DEL3012; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell E773p; DEL700B; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Eizo 9080i; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Dell; Dell ES-17; del635e; 31.0-85.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Dell; Dell GPD-16C; 0; 20.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Dell; Dell GPD-19C; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Hewitt; 0; 30.0-48.1; 50.0-72.0; 1
+Dell; Dell M1110; del93d5; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell M570; del30cc; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell M770; del71a5; 30.0-69.0; 48.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell M780; del3142; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell M781p; del73bd; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell M781s; del32b0; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell M782; DEL3008; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell M782p; DEL7004; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell M783p; DEL700D; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell M783s; DEL3013; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell M791; del7001; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell M990; del708a; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell M991; DEL7001; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell M992; DEL300E; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell M993c; DELD006; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell M993s; DEL3014; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell P1110; DEL50ab; 30-121; 48-160; 1280x1024
+Dell; Dell P1130; del5000; 30.0-130.0; 48.0-170.0; 1
+Dell; Dell P1690; del5348; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell P780; del510f; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell P790; DEL62f5; 30-92; 50-150; 1024x768
+Dell; Dell P791; del3000; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell P792; DEL5001; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-170.0; 1
+Dell; Dell P793; DEL3005; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell P990; del50dd; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell P991; del5178; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell P992; DEL5002; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-170.0; 1
+Dell; Dell P1230; DEL700C; 30.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Super VGA; 0; 30.0-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Super VGA Colour; 0; 29.0-38.0; 47.0-100.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Super VGA DL 1428 I/L; 0; 35.5; 87.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Super VGA Jostens; 0; 30.0-48.1; 50.0-72.0; 1
+Dell; Dell UGA DL 1460 NI; 0; 30.0-58.2; 50.0-72.2; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14C; 0; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14C-E; 0; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14C-EN; 0; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14ES; 0; 31.5-62.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14LR; 0; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14XE; del139a; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14XE; del139b; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14XE; del139c; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 14XE; del139d; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 15ES/15ES-P; 0; 31.5-62.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 15FS/15FS-E; 0; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 15FS-N/15FS-EN; 0; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 15LR; 0; 31.5-57.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 15TE; 0; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 17ES; 0; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 17FS-ELR; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 17FS-EN; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 17FS-LR; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 17FS-N; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 21FS; 0; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 21TE; del2214; 30.0-93.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 21TE; del2215; 30.0-93.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 21TE; del2216; 30.0-93.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan 21TE; del2217; 30.0-93.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan V17X; del2210; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan V17X; del2211; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan V17X; del2212; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Ultrascan V17X; del2213; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Dell; Dell V15X; del4273; 57.0-64.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Dell; Dell V17X; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Dell; Dell VC15 Colour; 0; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Dell; Dell VGA 800; 0; 29.0-38.0; 50.0-87.0; 1
+Dell; Dell VGA Color/Color Plus; 0; 31.5; 60.0; 1
+Dell; Dell VGA Monochrome; 0; 31.5; 60.0; 1
+Dell; Dell Vi14X; 0; 35.5; 87.0; 1
+Dell; Dell VS14/15; 0; 30.0-58.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Dell; Dell VS17; 0; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Dell; Dell VS17X; del3024; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell VS17X; del3025; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell VS17X; del3026; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell VS17X; del3027; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell W1700LCDTV (Analog); DEL7007; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Dell; Dell W1700LCDTV (Digital); DEL7008; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Dell; Dell W2300LCDTV (Analog); DEL7009; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Dell; Dell W2300LCDTV (Digital); DEL700A; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Dell; Dell W2600LCDTV (Analog); DEL4002; 31.0-64.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Dell; Dell W2600LCDTV (Digital); DEL4003; 31.0-64.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Dell; Dell W3000 (Analog); DELE006; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-120.0; 1
+Dell; Dell W3000 (Digital); DELE007; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-120.0; 1
+Delta; Delta DA-1565; dpc1565; 30-65; 50-100; 1
+Delta; Delta DA-570; dpc0570; 30-70; 50-100; 1
+Delta; Delta DA-995; dpc0995; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Delta; Delta DB-1765; dpc1765; 30-65; 50-100; 1
+Delta; Delta DB-770; dpc0770; 30-70; 50-100; 1
+Delta; Delta DC-770; dpc1770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Delta; Delta DE-570; dpc4570; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 14 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-PF); fr-pcxbv-pf; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 14 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-SA); fr-pcxbv-sa; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 14 in. Color (FR-PCXCV-GE); fr-pcxcv-ge; 31.0-32.0; 59.0-61.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 14 in. Color (FR-PCXCV-RA); fr-pcxcv-ra; 31.0-32.0; 59.0-61.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 14 in. Color Monitor (FR-PCXCV-C*); dec770c; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 14 in. Monochrome (FR-PC7XV-KA); fr-pc7xv-ka; 31.2-31.7; 57.0-73.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-PC); fr-pcxbv-pc; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-RA); fr-pcxbv-ra; 30.0-48.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-RD); fr-pcxbv-rd; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-RL); fr-pcxbv-rl; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-SC); fr-pcxbv-sc; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color (FR-PCXCV-AC); fr-pcxcv-ac; 31.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color Monitor (FR-PCXBV-E*); decba08; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 15 in. Color Monitor (FR-PCXCV-D*); dec970c; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 17 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-EC); fr-pcxav-ec; 29.0-82.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 17 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-YZ); dec073a; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-150.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 17 in. Color (FR-PCXBV-KA); fr-pcxbv-ka; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 17 in. Color Monitor (FR-PCXBV-F*); decda08; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 17 in. Color (SN-VRTX7-WA); dece162; 31.5-82; 50-90; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 19 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-CY); dec0479; 30.0-95.0; 48.0-160.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 19 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-CZ); dec047a; 30.0-95.0; 48.0-160.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 19 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-TZ); dec9a06; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 21 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-HA); fr-pcxav-ha; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 21 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-WZ); dec06fa; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 21 in. Color (SN-VRCX1-WA); dec62e1; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital 24 in. Color (FR-PCXAV-AZ); dec043a; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital FR-PCXAV-VY; dec06d9; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital FR-PCXAV-WY; dec06f9; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital FR-PCXAV-YY; dec0739; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-150.0; 1
+Digital Equipment Corp.; Digital FR-PCXBV-JZ; dec5a09; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+Eizo Nanao; Eizo Nanao L557; ENC1689; 31-64; 59-61; 1280x1024
+Eizo; Eizo 9060S; eiz0302; 15.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo 9065S; eiz0303; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo 9070S; eiz0306; 20.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo 9080i; eiz0307; 30.0-64.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo 9400i; eiz0308; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo 9500; eiz0309; 30.0-78.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo F35; eiz1000; 27.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo F55; eiz1008; 27.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo F55S; eiz1015; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo F56; eiz1004; 27.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo F57; eiz1020; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo F67; eiz1013; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo F77; eiz1006; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo F77S; eiz1018; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo F78; eiz1007; 31.5-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan 6500; eiz0300; 56.0-80.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan 6600; eiz0206; 56.0-110.0; 70.0-90.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan E151L; nan1212; 24.0-61.0; 50.0-85.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan E54F; nan1220; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan E76F; nan1218; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F340iW; eiz030a; 27.0-61.5; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F351; eiz0200; 24.5-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F550iW; eiz038c; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F552; eiz030c; 24.5-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F553; eiz0201; 24.5-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F560iW; eiz030d; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F563; eiz0202; 24.5-86.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F57; eiz1020; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F750i; eiz030e; 30.0-80.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F760iW; eiz030f; 30.0-78.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F764; eiz0203; 30.0-90.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F77S; eiz1018; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F780iW; eiz0310; 45.0-100.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F784; eiz0204; 31.5-102.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan F931; enc1630 ; 30.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L23; eiz1009; 24.0-50.0; 50.0-60.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L23; eiz1409; 24.0-50.0; 50.0-60.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L34; eiz1012; 24.0-61.0; 50.0-85.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L34; eiz1412; 24.0-61.0; 50.0-85.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L360; eiz1021; 27.0-61.0; 55.0-75.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L360; eiz1421; 27.0-61.0; 55.0-75.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L66; eiz1019; 27.0-80.0; 50.0-75.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan L66; eiz1419; 27.0-80.0; 50.0-75.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan T560i; eiz0311; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan T562; eiz0313; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan T563; eiz0305; 24.5-86.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan T660i; eiz0312; 30.0-78.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FlexScan T662; eiz0314; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FX-B5; eiz1400; 27.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FX-C5; eiz1408; 27.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FX-C5S; eiz1415; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FX-C6; eiz1404; 27.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FX-C7; eiz1420; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FX-D7; eiz1413; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FX-E7; eiz1406; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo FX-E8; eiz1407; 31.5-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo NANAO FlexScan FX-C7; eiz1420; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo Nanao FlexScan FX-E7S; eiz1418; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo T57; eiz1005; 27.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo T57S; eiz1001; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo T67; eiz1002; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo T67S; eiz1003; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo T68; eiz1014; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo T77; eiz1011; 27.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo T960; eiz1022; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo T960; eiz1422; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo TX-C7; eiz1405; 27.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo TX-C7S; eiz1401; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo TX-D7; eiz1414; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo; Eizo TX-D7S; eiz1403; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo Nanao; Eizo F520; enc1602; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo Nanao; Eizo F730; enc1604; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo Nanao; Eizo F930; enc1612; 30.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo Nanao; Eizo F980; enc1603; 30.0-137.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo Nanao; Eizo L351; enc1616; 30.0-50.0; 59.0-61.0; 1
+Eizo Nanao; Eizo L371D; enc1617; 27.0-65.0; 59.0-61.0; 1
+Eizo Nanao; Eizo L371; enc1618; 27.0-61.0; 50.0-75.0; 1
+Eizo Nanao; Eizo L771; enc1622; 27.0-81.0; 50.0-75.0; 1
+Eizo Nanao; Eizo T550; enc1600; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo Nanao; Eizo T561; enc1615; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo Nanao; Eizo T760; enc1605; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo Nanao; Eizo T761; enc1613; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo Nanao; Eizo T961; enc1610; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Eizo Nanao; Eizo T962; enc1614; 30.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 1401; ecs0001; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 1501; ecs0002; 24.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 1502; ecs0003; 24.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 1503; ecs0004; 24.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 1700; ecs0005; 24.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 1701; ecs0006; 24.0-82.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 1702; ecs0007; 24.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 2101; ecs0008; 24.0-90.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Elitegroup Computer Systems; ECS VERTOS 2102; ecs0009; 24.0-90.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Elsa AG; Elsa Ecomo Office; els4160; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Elsa AG; Elsa GDM-17E40; 135; 29-82; 50-150
+EMC; EMC 787n Flat Panel; EMC0313; 30-80; 50-160; 1
+EMC; EMC SA-560; 0; 30-64; 50-100; 1
+Epson; Epson CG1428I; epson2; 35.5; 56.0-87.0; 1
+Epson; Epson CG1428N; epson3; 48.0; 56.0-87.0; 1
+Epson; Epson CG1439I; epson1; 35.5; 56.0-87.0; 1
+Epson; Epson CG1528N; epson4; 30-65; 50-120.0; 1
+Epson; Epson CG1728N; epson5; 30-65; 50-120.0; 1
+ESCOM; ESCOM Mono-LCD screen; 28; 30-36; 43-72
+Everex Systems, Inc.; Everex Eversync_SVGA; eversync_svga; 15.5-35.0; 50.0-70.0; 1
+Falco Data Products, Inc.; Falco Data Products, Inc. FMS; fms; 15.0-38.0; 47.0-90.0; 1
+Fora, Inc.; Fora, Inc. MON-7C5; mon-7c5; 15.0-36.0; 45.0-90.0; 1
+Forefront Technology Corp.; Forefront Technology MTS-9608S; mts-9608s; 15.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Fujikama O.A. Distribution; Fujikama PVGA-1024A; pvga-1024a; 31.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu 151E; FUS0170; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu 1554G+; fpa0612; 30-54; 50-120; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu 1568G1; fpa2d30; 30-69; 50-120; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu 1769G; fpa2df9; 30-69; 50-120; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu e155; fuj3118; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu e175; icl2500; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu e176; icl2a00; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu e213; icl2700; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 140v; icl-ep140v; 37.9; 58.0-75.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 141p; icl0d00; 47.0-49.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 141v; icl0b00; 37.9; 58.0-75.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 142v; icl1400; 37.9; 58.0-75.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 151p AutoBrite; icl0800; 30.0-64.0; 48.0-100.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 151p; icl0700; 30.0-64.0; 48.0-100.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 151v; icl0a00; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 152v; icl0f00; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 171p; icl0200; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 171v; icl0400; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro 211v; icl0100; 24.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro e153; icl1600; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro e154; icl2200; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro e173; icl1d00; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro e174; icl2300; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro x152; icl1c00; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro x153; icl2100; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro x173a; icl1a00; 31.0-85.0; 48.0-100.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro x173; icl1900; 31.0-85.0; 48.0-100.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu ErgoPro x174; icl2400; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVC-DP832; fmvcdp832; 35.5-48.0; 60.0-87.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP845; fuj5501; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP846A; fuj5701; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP846; fuj5601; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP847; fuj3110; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP84X1; fujb801; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP84X2; fuj7110; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP84X3(G); fuj7210; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP84X4G; fuj7310; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP84X5G/848; fuj7410; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP84Y4; fujb601; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP84Y5; fujb701; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP9710; fuj2110; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP9712; fuj2510; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP976; fuj4401; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP977; fuj4601; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP978; fuj4701; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP979; fuj2210; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97X1; fuja801; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97X2; fuja901; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97X3; fujaa01; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97X4; fuj6110; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP97X5(G)/FMVDP97X6; fuj6210; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP97X5(G)/X6/9711; fuj6210; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP97X7(G)/X8; fuj6310; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMVDP97X9(G)/9713; fuj6410; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97Y3; fuja401; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97Y4; fuja501; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97Y5; fuja601; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP97Y6; fuja701; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP981; fuj1110; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP982; fuj1210; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP98X1; fuj5110; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP994; fuj9301; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP995; fuj9401; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP996; fuj0110; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DP997; fuj0210; 30.0-121.0; 48.0-160.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DPA972; fuj4801; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FMV-DPA973; fuj2310; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu FP-2500; fuj2112; 24.0-85.0; 50.0-86.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1400SS; fuj8501; 31.5-57.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1410SS; fuj8601; 31.5-57.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1410TS; fuj8801; 31.5-56.5; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1420T; fuj4111; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-14TX1; fuj9111; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-14TX2; fuj9211; 30.0-48.4; 56.3-75.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1500T; fuj8701; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1510T; fuj3111; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1520A; fuj3311; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1520T; fuj3211; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1530A; fuj3511; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1530B; fuj3611; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1530S; fuj3411; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1530SW; fuj3711; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-15DX1G; fuj8411; 48.4; 60.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-15DX2G; fuj8811; 48.4; 60.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-15DX3G; fuj8711; 48.4; 60.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-15TX1(G); fuj8111; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-15TX2; fuj8311; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-15TX3G; fuj8211; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-15TX4G; fuj8611; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-1800TS; fuj1111; 31.5-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu VL-2100T; fuj8401; 31.5-80.0; 59.9-75.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu x150f; fuj0119; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu x154; icl2900; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu x176; fuj2118; 30.0-100.0; 50.0-200.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu x177a; fuj2318; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu x177; fuj2218; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Fujitsu; Fujitsu x191; icl2800; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Funai Electric Company of Taiwan; Funai 17GD; fcm3313; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Futura; Futura K7034LD 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Futura; Futura K9034LD 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Gateway; Gateway 14SVGA; 14svga; 31.5-35.5; 50-90; 1
+Gateway; Gateway AN1_15; gwy07d0; 30-60; 50-100; 1
+Gateway; Gateway CM751; gwy0013; 31-95; 50-160; 1
+Gateway; Gateway CM803; gwy138b; 31.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 1024; cs1024; 31.5-35.5; 50-90; 1
+Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 1024NI2G; cs1024ni2g; 31.5-48; 50-90; 1
+Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 1024NI; cs1024ni; 30-50; 50-90; 1
+Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 1572DG; 1572dg; 30-62; 50-120; 1
+Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 1572DGM; cs1572dgm; 30-62; 50-100; 1
+Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 1572FS; 1572fs; 30-62; 50-120; 1
+Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 17762LEG; cs17762leg; 30-64; 50-100; 1
+Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 500-069; gwy138a; 31-69; 50-110; 1
+Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 500; gwy0f04; 30-64; 50-100; 1
+Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 700-069; gwy1b5a; 31-69; 50-110; 1
+Gateway; Gateway CrystalScan 700-069; gwy1b5b; 31-69; 50-110; 1
+Gateway; Gateway DL27-1; gwy0a8d; 31.0-38.0; 50-75; 1
+Gateway; Gateway DL31-1; gwy0089; 31.0-38.0; 50-75; 1
+Gateway; Gateway DL31-1; gwy0c1e; 31.0-38.0; 50-75; 1
+Gateway; Gateway DL36-1; gwy0e11; 31.0-38.0; 50-75; 1
+Gateway; Gateway EV500; gwy138a; 31-69; 50-110; 1
+Gateway; Gateway EV500; gwy138b; 31-69; 50-110; 1
+Gateway; Gateway EV500; gwy138c; 31-69; 50-110; 1
+Gateway; Gateway EV500; gwy5005; 31-69; 50-110; 1
+Gateway; Gateway EV575; gwy15c7; 31.0-60.0; 50.0-110.0+; 1
+Gateway; Gateway EV700; gwy1b5a; 31-69; 50-110; 1
+Gateway; Gateway EV700; gwy1b5b; 31-69; 50-110; 1
+Gateway; Gateway EV700; gwy1b5c; 31-69; 50-110; 1
+Gateway; Gateway EV700; gwy1b5d; 31-69; 50-110; 1
+Gateway; Gateway EV700; gwy1b5e; 31-69; 50-110; 1
+Gateway; Gateway EV700; gwy1b5f; 31-69; 50-110; 1
+Gateway; Gateway EV700; GWY1B62; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0
+Gateway; Gateway EV700; gwy7658; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Gateway; Gateway EV700-H; gwy7659; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Gateway; Gateway EV900; gwy8883; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Gateway; Gateway EVF720; gwy031b; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Gateway; Gateway FPD1500; gwy05dc; 30-61; 56-75; 1
+Gateway; Gateway FPD1800; gwy0708; 63.9; 60.0; 1
+Gateway; Gateway PFL2-15A; gwy060e; 48.0; 60; 1
+Gateway; Gateway Vivitron 15; vivitron15; 31-64; 50-120; 1
+Gateway; Gateway Vivitron 17; vivitron17; 31.5-64; 50-120; 1
+Gateway; Gateway Vivitron 20; vivitron20; 29-82; 50-150; 1
+Gateway; Gateway VX1100; gwy0454; 31.0-108.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Gateway; Gateway VX1110; gwy045b; 31.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Gateway; Gateway VX1120; gwy0460; 30-121; 50-160; 1
+Gateway; Gateway VX700A; gwy044e; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Gateway; Gateway VX700; gwy044d; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Gateway; Gateway VX700; mel1673; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Gateway; Gateway VX720; gwy02d0; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Gateway; Gateway VX900; gwy0013; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Gateway; Gateway VX900; gwy9095; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Gateway; Gateway VX900T; gwy00c0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-120.0; 1
+Gateway; Gateway VX920; gwy0398; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-140.0; 1
+Generic; 1024x768 @ 60 Hz; 0; 31.5-48.5; 50-70
+Generic; 1024x768 @ 70 Hz; 0; 31.5-57.0; 50-70
+Generic; 1280x1024 @ 60 Hz; 0; 31.5-64.3; 50-70
+Generic; 1280x1024 @ 74 Hz; 0; 31.5-79.0; 50-90
+Generic; 1280x1024 @ 76 Hz; 0; 31.5-82; 50-90
+Generic; 1400x1050; 0; 31.5-82; 50-90
+Generic; 1600x1200 @ 70 Hz; 0; 31.5-88.0; 50-90
+Generic; 1600x1200 @ 76 Hz; 0; 31.5-94.0; 50-90
+Generic; 640x480 @ 60 Hz; 0; 31.5; 50-61
+Generic; 800x600 @ 56 Hz; 0; 31.5-35.1; 50-61
+Generic; 800x600 @ 60 Hz; 0; 31.5-37.9; 50-70
+Generic; Flat Panel 1024x768; 0; 31.5-55; 40-70
+Generic; Flat Panel 1280x768; 0; 31.5-90; 60
+Generic; Flat Panel 1280x800; 0; 31.5-90; 60
+Generic; Flat Panel 1280x1024; 0; 31.5-67; 50-75
+Generic; Flat Panel 1440x900; 0; 31.5 - 100.0; 59.0 - 75.0
+Generic; Flat Panel 1400x1050; 0; 31.5-90; 59-75
+Generic; Flat Panel 1680x1050; 0; 31.5-90; 60
+Generic; Flat Panel 1600x1200; 0; 31.5-90; 60
+Generic; Flat Panel 1920x1200; 0; 31.5-90; 60
+Generic; Flat Panel 640x480; 0; 31.5; 40-70
+Generic; Flat Panel 800x600; 0; 31.5-37.9; 40-70
+Geritec; Geritec PR568; BMM0238; 31-60; 60-75
+Golden Dragon; Golden Dragon TY-1411; ty-1411; 15.5-37.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Golden Dragon; Golden Dragon TY-2015; ty-2015; 30.0-65.0; 49.0-88.0; 1
+Goldstar; Goldstar LG StudioWorks20i; 0; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0
+Goldstar; Goldstar LG StudioWorks56i; 0; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-110.0
+Goldstar; Goldstar LG StudioWorks56m; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0
+Goldstar; Goldstar LG StudioWorks74m; 0; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0
+Goldstar; Goldstar LG StudioWorks76i; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0
+Goldstar; Goldstar LG StudioWorks76m; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0
+Goldstar; Goldstar LG StudioWorks77i; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Goldstar; Goldstar LG StudioWorks78i; 0; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0
+Goldstar; Goldstar LG StudioWorks78T; 0; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0
+GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1423; 1423; 31.5; 70; 1
+GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1423 Plus VGA; 1423+vga; 31.5; 70; 1
+GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1453 Plus; 1453_plus; 35.5; 87; 1
+GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1460 Plus VGA; 1460+vga; 48.0; 70; 1
+GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1470_Plus; 1470_plus; 30.0-50.0; 45.0-90.0; 1
+GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1490; 1490; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1510; 1510; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-105.0; 1
+GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1620; 1620; 30.0-50.0; 45.0-90.0; 1
+GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1710; 1710; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-105.0; 1
+GoldStar Technology, Inc.; GoldStar 1725; 1725; 30-65; 50-120; 1
+Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan14px; hsl0579; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan15ax; hsl05dd; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan17ax; hsl06a6; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan17px; hsla605; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan400A; hsl057a; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan400P; hsl0579; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan500A; hsl05dd; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan500P; hsl05de; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan700A; hsl06a6; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan700P; hsl06a5; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan710P; hsl06ab; 30-95; 47-160; 1
+Hansol Electronics; Hansol Electronics Mazellan900P; hsl076d; 30.0-96.0; 47.0-150.0; 1
+HCI; HCI Maxiscan; maxiscan; 15.0-35.0; 50.0-70.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP 1024 LCD Flat Panel 14-inch Display; 0; 32-61; 50-90
+Hewlett-Packard; HP 1024 LE Flat Panel 14-inch Display; 0; 32-54; 50-105
+Hewlett-Packard; HP 2025 (P4831) 20.2-inch LCD Monitor; hwp144a; 30-94; 56-85; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP A1295A 24-inch Display; 0; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP A4033A 21-inch Display; 0; 30-80; 50-120; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP A4331A 20-inch Display; 0; 30-82; 48-150; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP A4576A (P1100) 21-inch Display; 0; 30-107; 50-160; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP A7217A Wide-Aspect; 0; 30-121; 48-160; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D1187A 20-inch Display; hp_d1187a; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D1188A 20-inch Display; hp_d1188a; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D1192A VGA Monochrome 14-inch Display; hp_d1192a; 31.5; 70; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D1192B VGA Monochrome 14-inch Display; hp_d1192b; 31.5; 70; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D1193A Ultra VGA 17-inch; hp_d1193a; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D1194A SVGA 14-inch Display; hp_d1194a; 37.9; 72; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D1195A Ergo-SVGA 14-inch Display; hp_d1195a; 48.1; 72; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D1196A Ergo Ultra VGA 15-inch Display; hp_d1196a; 56.4; 72; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D1197A Color VGA 14-inch Display; hp_d1197a; 31.5; 70; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D1198A SVGA 14-inch Display; hp_d1198a; 37.9; 70; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D1199A Ultra VGA 1600 21-inch Display; hp_d1199a; 30-82; 50-152; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D1815A 1024 Low Emissions 14-inch Display; hwp0aff; 31-48.4; 50-100; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2800 Ultra VGA 1600 21-inch Display; hwp0af0; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2801 Monochrome VGA 14-inch Display; hwp0af1; 31.5; 60; 0
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2802 Entry-Level SVGA 14-inch Display; hwp0af2; 35.5; 43.5; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2803 Super VGA 1024i 14-inch Display; hwp0af3; 35.5; 43.5; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2804 Super VGA 1024i 14-inch Display; hwp0af4; 35.5; 43.5; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2805 Ergo 1024 14-inch Display; hwp0af5; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2806 Ergo Ultra VGA 15-inch Display; hwp0af6; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2807 Ultra VGA 1280 17-inch Display; hwp0af7; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2808 1024 Low Emissions 15-inch Display; hwp0af8; 30.0-48.5; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2809 1024 Low Emissions MM 15-inch Display; hwp0af9; 30.0-48.5; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2810 1024 14-inch Display; hwp0afa; 48.4; 60; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2811 1024 Low Emissions 14-inch Display; hwp0afb; 48.4; 60; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2813 1024 14-inch Display; hwp0afd; 30.9-49.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2814 Super VGA Low Emissions 14-inch Display; hwp0afe; 35.5; 43.5; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2815 1024 Low Emissions 14-inch Display; hwp0aff; 30.9-49.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2817 Ultra VGA 1280 17-inch Display; hwp0b01; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2818 Ultra VGA 1280 17-inch Display; hwp0b02; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2819 Ultra VGA 1280 Extra Low Emissions 17-inch Display; hwp0b03; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2821 1024 Low Emissions 14-inch Display; hwp0b05; 31.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2825 Ultra VGA 1024 15-inch Display; hwp0b09; 31.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2826 HP 50 15-inch Display; hwp0b0a; 31.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2827 HP 51 15-inch Display; hwp0b0b; 31.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2828 HP 52 15-inch Monitor; hwp0b0c; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2830 Ergo 1024 15-inch Display; hwp0b0e; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2831 Ergo 1024 Extra Low Emissions 15-inch Display; hwp0b0f; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2832 HP 500 15-inch Monitor; hwp0b10; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2835 Ultra VGA 1280 17-inch Display; hwp0b13; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2836 Ultra VGA 1280 Extra Low Emissions 17-inch Display; hwp0b14; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2837 HP 70 17-inch Display; hwp0b15; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2838 M700 17-inch Display; hwp0b16; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2839 HP 70 17-inch Monitor; hwp0b17; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2840 Ergo 1280 17-inch Display; hwp0b18; 31.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2842 HP 90 19-inch Display; hwp0b1a; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2843 M900 19-inch Monitor; hwp0b1b; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2845 Ergo 1600 21-inch Display; hwp0b1d; 31.5-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2846 P1100 21-inch Monitor; hwp0b1e; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D2847 P1110 21-inch Monitor; hwp0b1f; 29.0-121.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D3857A Multi Media 15-inch Display; hwp0f11; 31.0-48.4; 40.0-60.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D3858A Multi Media 14-inch Display; hwp0f12; 31.469-50.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D3859A Multi Media 17-inch Display; hwp0f13; 30.0-68.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D3861A Multi Scan 14-inch Display; hwp0f15; 31.469-50.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D3899A Multi Media 14-inch Display; hwp0f3b; 31.469-50.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D5060 1024 14-inch Liquid Crystal Display; hwp13c4; 31.5-61.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D5061 L1500 15-inch LCD Monitor; hwp13c5; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D5062 L1510 15-inch LCD Monitor; 0; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D5063A L1520 15-inch LCD Monitor; 0; 30.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D5064A L1720 17-inch LCD Monitor; 0; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D5065 L1800 18.1-inch LCD Monitor; hwp13c9; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D5069J L1810 18.1-inch LCD Monitor; hwp13cd; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion F50S Monitor; hwp12d7; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp0102; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp0486; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp04ea; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp054e; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp086e; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp08d2; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp0936; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D5258A Pavilion M50 Monitor; hwp148a; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D5259A Pavilion M70 Monitor; hwp0487; 31.468-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D5259A Pavilion M70 Monitor; hwp04eb; 31.468-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D5259A Pavilion M70 Monitor; hwp054f; 31.468-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D5259A Pavilion M70 Monitor; hwp148b; 31.468-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D5269A Pavilion M40 Monitor; hwp0491; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D5269A Pavilion M40 Monitor; hwp04f5; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D5269A Pavilion M40 Monitor; hwp0559; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D6433A Pavilion M90 Monitor; hwp1921; 31.468-98.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D6433A Pavilion M90 Monitor; hwp1922; 31.468-98.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D6433A Pavilion M90 Monitor; hwp1923; 31.468-98.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D7739A Pavilion S50 Monitor; hwp1e3b; 31.468-54.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D7740A Pavilion S70 Monitor; hwp1e3c; 31.468-71.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D8891 HP 40 14-inch Monitor; hwp22bb; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D8894 HP 55 15-inch Monitor; hwp22be; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D8895 HP 55 15-inch Monitor; hwp22bf; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D8896 HP 55 15-inch Monitor; hwp22c0; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D8897 HP 55 15-inch Monitor; hwp22c1; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D8898 HP 55 TCO95 15-inch Monitor; hwp22c2; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D8900 HP 75 17-inch Monitor; hwp22c4; 31.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D8901A HP 71 17-inch Monitor; hwp22c5; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D8902A HP 71 17-inch Monitor; hwp22c6; 31.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D8903A HP 71 17-inch Monitor; hwp22c7; 31.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D8904A HP 72 17-inch Monitor; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D8906A HP P700 17-inch Monitor; hwp22ca; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D8910A HP P910 19-inch Monitor; hwp22ce; 29.0-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D8911A HP 91 19-inch Monitor; hwp22cf; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D8912A HP P920 19-inch Monitor; hwp22d0; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP D8915A HP P1120 21-inch Monitor; hwp22d3; 30.0-121.0; 48.0-160.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP L2035 Flat Panel Monitor; HWP2612; 30.0-94.0; 48.0-85.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP L2035 Flat Panel Monitor; HWP2613; 30.0-94.0; 48.0-85.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP L2335 Flat Panel Monitor; HWP2614; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-85.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP L2335 Flat Panel Monitor; HWP2615; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-85.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP M500 15-inch Display; 0; 30-70; 50-120
+Hewlett-Packard; HP M700 17-inch Display; 0; 30-86; 50-160
+Hewlett-Packard; HP M720 17-inch Display; 0; 30-85; 50-150
+Hewlett-Packard; HP M900 19-inch Display; 0; 31-95; 50-150
+Hewlett-Packard; HP M910 19-inch Display; 0; 29-107; 50-150
+Hewlett-Packard; HP M920 19-inch Display; 0; 29-107; 50-150
+Hewlett-Packard; HP P1230 Color Monitor; HWP2617; 30.0-140.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP P4819 HP P1130 21-inch Monitor; hwp12d3; 30.0-130.0; 48.0-170.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP P4829 L1820 18.1-inch LCD Monitor; hwp12dd; 31-80; 56-75; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP P4829J L1820 18.1-inch LCD Monitor; 0; 25-82; 54-88; 1
+Hewlett-Packard; HP Pavilion M45/S40 Monitor; hwp14b2; 31.468-50.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Hewlett-Packard;HP F1503 Flat Panel Monitor;hwp2590;30.0-63.0;56.0-76.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard;HP 2025 Flat Panel Monitor;hwp144a;30.0-94.0;56.0-85.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard;HP 2025 Flat Panel Monitor;hwp144b;30.0-92.0;56.0-85.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard;HP 7550 Color Monitor;hwp2604;30.0-86.0;50.0-140.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard;HP F1723 Flat Panel Monitor;hwp2609;30.0-81.0;56.0-76.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard;HP L1730 Flat Panel Monitor;hwp260e;30.0-83.0;56.0-76.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard;HP MX703 Color Monitor;hwp2585;30.0-70.0;50.0-150.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard;HP VF17 Flat Panel Monitor;hwp260a;30.0-81.0;56.0-76.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard;HP F1703 Flat Panel Monitor;hwp2594;30.0-83.0;56.0-76.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard;HP 5500 Color Monitor;hwp2602;30.0-54.0;50.0-120.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard;HP 9500 Color Monitor;hwp2605;30.0-96.0;50.0-160.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard;HP L1530 Flat Panel Monitor;hwp260c;30.0-63.0;56.0-76.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard;HP L1925 Flat Panel Monitor;hwp259a;30.0-82.0;56.0-76.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard;HP L1925 Flat Panel Monitor;hwp259b;30.0-82.0;56.0-76.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard;HP P930 Color Monitor;hwp03a2;30.0-110.0;50.0-160.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard;HP L1502 Flat Panel Monitor;hwp2600;30.0-61.0;56.0-76.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard;HP 1825 Flat Panel Monitor;hwp0721;30.0-82.0;56.0-76.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard;HP 7500 Color Monitor;hwp2603;30.0-70.0;50.0-140.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard;HP F1523 Flat Panel Monitor;hwp2607;30.0-61.0;56.0-76.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard;HP L1702 Flat Panel Monitor;hwp2601;30.0-81.0;56.0-76.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard;HP M703 Color Monitor;hwp2584;30.0-70.0;50.0-140.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard;HP VF15 Flat Panel Monitor;hwp2608;30.0-61.0;56.0-76.0;1
+Hewlett-Packard;HP P1130 Color Monitor;hwp12d3;30.0-130.0;48.0-170.0;1
+Highscreen; Highscreen LE 1024; 45; 31.4-31.6,35.1-35.2,35.5-35.6; 50-87
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi 20-AP; 20-ap; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-80.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi 20-APF; 20-apf; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-80.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi 20-AS; 20-as; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-80.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi 21-AP; 21-ap; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-80.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi Accuvue GX17L; hit1717; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi Accuvue GX20H; hit4830; 28.0-90.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi Accuvue GX20; hit4810; 28.0-90.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi Accuvue GX21; hit4811; 28.0-90.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi Accuvue UX4721; hit4711; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi Accuvue UX4921; hit4911; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi Accuvue UX6821; hit6811; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM-1711M; htcab6f; 24.8-82.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM1798M; cm1798m; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM-2110M; htcabcc; 31.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM-2111M; htcabc7; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM-2112M; htcabc2; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM2198M; cm2198m; 30.0-94.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM2199M; cm2199m; 31.5-107.0; 50.0-150; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM500E; htcafce; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM500; htcafc8; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM515; HTCB3C5; 30-70; 50-160
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM615; HTCB3B3; 30-70; 50-160
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM600; htcafd2; 30.0-64.0; 47.0-104.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM611; htcafd7; 31.0-92.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM620; htcafdd; 31.0-69.0; 47.0-130.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM621F; HTC9C40; 30-70; 50-160
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM625; HTC7961; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM630; htcafe2; 31.0-86.0; 47.0-130.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM640ET/CM640U; htcaffa; 31.0-69.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM640; htcaffa; 31.0-69.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM641; htcafec; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM643; htcb001; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM650; htcb004; 31.0-69.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM651; htcb005; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM701; htcabf4; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM715; HTCB3BA; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM721F; HTCB3C4; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM751; htcac13; 31.0-94.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM752; htcac15; 31.0-101.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM753; htcac22; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM761; htcac76; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM766; htcb00f; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM768; htcb011; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM769; htcb02f; 31.0-115.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM771; htcac82; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM772; HTCB3C0; 31.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM776; HTCB03B; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM800; htcabe3; 31.0-89.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM801; htcabe2; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM802; htcabe0; 31.0-100.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM803; htcabea; 31.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM811; htcac46; 31.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM811PLUS; HTCAC4E; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM812; htcac47; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM813; htcac48; 31.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM814; htcac49; 31.0-125.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM815; HTCAC54; 31.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM821F; HTCB404; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM823F; HTCB3F7; 31.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM827; HTCB3FC; 31.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CM828; HTCB3FD; 31.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML153X; HTC1799; 24-60; 56-75
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML154X; HTC179C; 24-60; 56-75
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML155X Analog; HTC179E; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML155X Digital; HTC1F41; 31.0-49.0; 59.0-75.0
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML170SX; HTCDAE0; 24-80; 56-85
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML174SX; HTC178C; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML175SX; HTC1795; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML181SX; HTC1786; 24-80; 56-85
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML190SX; HTC177D; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML200UX Analog; HTC7C17; 31.0-75.0; 56.0-75.0
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi CML200UX Digital; HTC431F; 31.0-75.0; 59.0-75.0
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM1764; hit1727; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM1782; hit1827; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM4020; hit4020; 60.0-85.0; 60.0-120.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM4021; hit4021; 60.0-85.0; 60.0-120.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM4721; hit2147; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM4820; hit4820; 28.0-90.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM4821; hit4821; 28.0-90.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM4921; hit2149; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM-5219; hm-5219; 88.0-90.0; 88.0-89.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM6421; hit6421; 100.0-102.0; 72.0-77.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi HM6821; hit6821; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi TX36D79VC1CAB; HTC17AC; 50-65; 40-52
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi V700; HTCB3CD; 30-70; 50-160
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi V810; HTCB446; 30-96; 50-160
+Hitachi, Ltd.; Hitachi V900; HTCB3CE; 30-95; 50-160
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 14; hn/l-4838x; 31.0-38.0; 56.0-87.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 14 Plus; hn/l-4848; 31.0-48.4; 56.0-87.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 14 Pro; hn/l-4860; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Deluxscan 14S; hei12f0; 30-48; 50-120; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Deluxscan 15B; hei16d8; 30-48; 50-120; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Deluxscan 15G; hei16e8; 30-64; 50-90; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 15G+; hei16ee; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 15; hl-5848; 31.0-48.4; 56.0-87.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 15 Pro; hei5864; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Deluxscan 17B; hei1eb8; 30-64; 50-100; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 17B+; hei1ebe; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 17; heib81e; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan 17MB/17MS; 0; 30-50; 50-130
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Deluxscan 17 Pro; hei1e02; 30-82; 45-100; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Deluxscan 21; hei0b42; 30-82; 45-100; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan B790+; hei0790; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan HLM-1510A; hei151a; 30.0-70.0; 43.0-85.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan P910+; hei0910; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan V560; hei1560; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan V570; hei1570; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai DeluxScan V770; hei1770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HCM-40X; hcm-40x; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HCM-421E; 0; 30-36; 43-72; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HCM-42X; hcm-42x; 35.5; 87.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HCM-43X; hcm-43x; 48.3; 60.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HCM-44X; hcm-44x; 56.4; 70.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-2882; hei0b42; 30-82; 45-100; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-2885B; hei288b; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-4838E; hei12e6; 30-38; 50-90; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-4848F; hei12f0; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-4848; hei4848; 30-50; 50-90; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-4850B; hei12f2; 30-50; 50-130; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-4854B; hei12f6; 30-50; 50-130; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-4860E; hei12fc; 30-60; 50-120; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5848F; hei16d8; 30-48; 50-120; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5848; hei5848; 30-48; 50-90; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5854B; hei585b; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5854C; hei585c; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5860; hl-5860; 30.0-60.0; 56.0-90.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5864E; hei5864; 30-65; 50-120; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5864F; hei16e8; 30-65; 50-120; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5870A; hei16ee; 30-70; 50-150; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5870B; hei58b0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5870BM; hei58b1; 30-70; 50-150; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-5870C; hei587c; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7682A; hei1e02; 30-82; 45-100; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7682; hl-7682; 31.0-82.0; 56.0-100.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7682P; hl-7682p; 31.0-82.0; 56.0-100.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7770A; hei777a; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7770RD; hei777d; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7864F; hei7864; 30-65; 50-120; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7864; hei1eb8; 30-65; 50-100; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7870A; hei1ebe; 30-70; 50-150; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7870AM; hei78a0; 30-70; 50-150; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7870B; hei787b; 30-70; 50-150; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7870S; hei78b0; 30-70; 50-150; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HL-7948M; hei1f0c; 30-48; 50-120; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HMM-413; hmm-413; 31.5; 56.0-70.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HN-4938; hn-4938; 31.0-38.0; 56.0-87.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HN-7448M; hei1d18; 30-48; 50-120; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HN/L-4850; hn/l-4850; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HT-2896B; hei289b; 30-96; 50-150; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai HT-7695B; hei769b; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai ImageFlat F790D; heif790; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai ImageFlat F910; heif910; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Hyundai Electronics Industries Co., Ltd.; Hyundai Image Quest Q17; IQT217a; 31-80; 56-75; 1
+IBM; IBM 2112; ibm2112; 31.0-38.0; 50.0-80.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 2113; ibm2113; 31.0-38.0; 50.0-80.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 2114; ibm2114; 31.0-62.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 2115; ibm2115; 31.0-62.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 2116 MM55 Multimedia; ibm0844; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 2117; ibm2117; 31.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 2122; ibm2221; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 2122-xxL; ibm7234; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 2124; ibm2421; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 2124-xxL; ibm7254; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 2126; ibm2621; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 2127; ibm2721; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 2128 MM75 Multimedia; ibm0850; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 2131; ibm3121; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 2132; ibm3221; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 2215; ibm2215; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 2235 C50; ibm08bb; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 2236; ibm2236; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 2237 C71; ibm08bd; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 2238; ibm2238; 31.0-38.0; 50.0-80.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 2248; ibm2248; 31.0-48.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 2264; ibm2264; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6307; ibm6307; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6312; ibm6312; 31.0-50.0; 47.0-100.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6314; ibm6314; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6315; ibm6315; 31.0-48.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6317; ibm6317; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6319; ibm6319; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6321; ibm6321; 31.5-38.0; 56.0-72.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6322; ibm6322; 31.0-48.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6324; ibm6324; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6325; ibm6325; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6327; ibm6327; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6331; ibm6331; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6332; ibm6332; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6332 E74; IBM18BC; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6517; ibm6517; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6518; ibm6518; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6540 G42; ibm198c; 30.0-50.0; 55.0-100.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6541 G51; ibm198d; 30.0-54.0; 55.0-100.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6546 G52; ibm1992; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6547 G72; ibm1993; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6549 G94; ibm1995; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6556 P72; ibm199c; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6557 P92; ibm199d; 30.0-94.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6558 P202; ibm199e; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6627; ibm6627; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6634; ibm6634; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6636; ibm6636; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6637; ibm6637; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6639; ibm6639; 30.0-94.0; 48.0-170.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6651; ibm6651; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-170.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6652; ibm6652; 30.0-130.0; 48.0-170.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6656; ibm6656; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6657; ibm6657; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6658; ibm6658; 31.0-81.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6659; ibm6659; 31.0-120.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6737; ibm6737; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6739; ibm6739; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6734; ibm6734; 30.0-81.0; 55.0-75.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6736a; ibm6736a; 31.0-94.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 6736d; ibm6736a; 31.0-75.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 7095; ibm1bb7; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 7097; ibm1bb9; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 8504; ibm8504; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 8511; ibm8511; 31.5; 50.0-70.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 8512; ibm8512; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 8513; ibm8513; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 8514; ibm8514; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 8515; ibm8515; 35.5; 60.0-87.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 8517; ibm8517; 35.5; 60.0-87.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 8518; ibm8518; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 9494; ibm9494; 30.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 9504; ibm9504; 101.66; 77.1; 1
+IBM; IBM 9512; ibm9512; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 9513 T55A TFT Monitor; ibm2529; 30.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 9514-B TFT Panel; ibm252a; 48.0-65.0; 60.0-75.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 9515; ibm9515; 61.1; 50.0-90.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 9517; ibm9517; 59; 50.0-90.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 9518; ibm9518; 39.4; 50.0-90.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 9521; ibm9521; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 9524; ibm9524; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 9525-0X1; ibm2535; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 9525; ibm9525; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+IBM; IBM 9527; ibm9527; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+IBM; IBM Aptiva 9900; ibm26ac; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM Aptiva 9901; ibm27ad; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM C220p; IBM1A4F; 30.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0
+IBM; IBM G200; ibm1991; 31.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM G41; ibm198e; 31.0-58.5; 50.0-95.0; 1
+IBM; IBM G50; ibm198f; 31.0-58.5; 50.0-95.0; 1
+IBM; IBM G70; ibm1990; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-105.0; 1
+IBM; IBM MM55; ibm0844; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM MM75; ibm0850; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM P200; ibm199b; 29.0-90.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM P201; ibmp201; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+IBM; IBM P50; ibm1999; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM P70; ibm199a; 29.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+IBM; IBM T85A; ibm252f; 30.0-82.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+ICL; ICL 14C; icl14c; 34.2-36.2; 50.0-90.0; 1
+ICL; ICL 14M; icl14m; 31.5; 70; 1
+ICL; ICL 14V; icl14v; 37.9; 58.0-75.0; 1
+ICL; ICL 15V; icl15v; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ICL; ICL 17V; icl17v; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ICL; ICL ErgoPro 140v; icl-ep140v; 37.9; 58.0-75.0; 1
+ICL; ICL ErgoPro 141p; icl0d00; 47.0-49.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+ICL; ICL ErgoPro 141v; icl0b00; 37.9; 58.0-75.0; 1
+ICL; ICL ErgoPro 142v; icl1400; 37.9; 58.0-75.0; 1
+ICL; ICL ErgoPRO 14C; icl-ep14c; 47.0-49.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+ICL; ICL ErgoPro 151p AutoBrite; icl0800; 30.0-64.0; 48.0-100.0; 1
+ICL; ICL ErgoPro 151p; icl0700; 30.0-64.0; 48.0-100.0; 1
+ICL; ICL ErgoPro 151v; icl0a00; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ICL; ICL ErgoPro 152v; icl0f00; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ICL; ICL ErgoPRO 15C; icl-ep15c; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ICL; ICL ErgoPro 171p; icl0200; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+ICL; ICL ErgoPro 171v; icl0400; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+ICL; ICL ErgoPRO 17C; icl-ep17c; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+ICL; ICL ErgoPro 211v; icl0100; 24.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+ICL; ICL ErgoPRO VE15C; icl-epve15c; 30.0-62.0; 48.0-100.0; 1
+ICL; ICL ErgoPRO VE15M; icl-epve15m; 44.5; 68.0-89.0; 1
+ICL; ICL SE14M; icl-se14m; 31.5; 70; 1
+ICL; ICL VE15C; icl-ve15c; 30.0-62.0; 48.0-100.0; 1
+ICL; ICL VE17C; icl-ve17c; 30.0-64.0; 48.0-100.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama A101GT, VisionMasterPro 501; ivm2118; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama A102GT, VisionMasterPro 502; ivm2128; 27.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama A201HT, VisionMaster Pro 510; ivm2140; 30.0-130.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama LS902U; IVM1938; 30-96; 50-160;
+Iiyama; Iiyama MA201D, VisionMaster Pro 511; ivm2150; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama A701GT, VisionMasterPro 400; ivm1711; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama A702HT, VisionMaster Pro 410; ivm1740; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama A705MT, VisionMaster Pro 411 /i70A; ivm174a; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama A901HT, VisionMaster Pro 450; ivm1901; 27.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama A902MT, VisionMaster Pro 451; ivm1918; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama AS4314UT 17inches; ivm4648; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama AS4612UT 18inches; ivm4698; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama DR-3114; dr-3114; 38.0; 43.0-70.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama HM204DT, VisionMaster Pro 514; IVM216a; 30.0-142.0; 50.0-200.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama HM704UTC, Diamondtron; ivm175c; 30.0-96.0; 50-160; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MA201D, VisionMaster Pro 511; ivm2150; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MA901U, VisionMaster Pro 452; ivm1928; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5014A; mf-5014a; 15.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5015A; mf-5015a; 15.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5017; mf-5017; 15.0-40.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5021; mf-5021; 15.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5115; mf-5115; 21.8-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5117; mf-5117; 20.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5121A; mf-5121a; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5214A; mf-5214a; 30.0-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5215A; mf-5215a; 30.0-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5217; mf-5217; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5221; mf-5221; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5315; mf-5315; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5317; mf-5317; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5321; mf-5321; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5421; mf-5421; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF-5621; mf-5621; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF-8115, VisionMaster 15; mf-8115; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF-8217; mf-8217; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF-8221E/T, VisionMaster; ivm2100; 24-94; 50-160; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF-8515G, VisionMaster; ivm1501; 27-69; 50-160; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF-8617ES, VisionMaster; ivm1701; 27-86; 50-160; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF-8617E/T, VisionMaster; ivm1700; 27-86; 50-160; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF-8721E, VisionMaster; ivm2101; 27.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MF901U, VisionMaster 452; ivm1920; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MR-5314; mf-5314; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MT-9017E/T, VisionMasterPro; ivm1730; 27-92; 50-160; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MT-9021E/T, VisionMasterPro; ivm2130; 24-94; 50-160; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama MT-9221, VisionMasterPro; ivm2102; 27.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama S101GT, VisionMaster 501; ivm2110; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama S102GT, VisionMaster 502; ivm2120; 27.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama S103MT, VisionMaster 503; ivm2138; 27.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama S104MT, VisionMaster 504; ivm2148; 27.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama S500M1; ivm0815; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama S700JT1; ivm17a8; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama S701GT, VisionMaster 400; ivm1702; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama S702GT, VisionMaster 400; ivm1703; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama S703HT, VisionMaster 403; ivm1742; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama S704HT, VisionMaster 404; ivm1744; 27.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama S705MT, VisionMaster 405; ivm1748; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama S901GT, VisionMaster 450; ivm1900; 27.0-102.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama S902JT, VisionMaster Pro 451; ivm1910; 27.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama HM903DT, VisionMaster Pro 454; ivm1942; 30-132; 45-200; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama TSA3931HT, Prolite39; ivm3900; 24.8-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama TSA4632HT, Prolite46; ivm4600; 24.8-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama TSA4633JT, Prolite46b; ivm4610; 24.8-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama TSA4634JT; ivm4618; 24.8-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3601GT; ivm3601; 31.5-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3602GT, Prolite36; ivm3602; 24.8-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3611/3621HT, Prolite36; ivm3604; 24.8-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3612JT, Prolite36c; ivm3606; 24.8-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3811/3821HT, Prolite38; ivm3801; 24.8-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3812JT/3822JT, Prolite38e/38f; ivm3810; 24.8-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3813/3823MT; ivm3820; 24.8-61.0; 55.0-76.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3832HT, Prolite38c; ivm3808; 24.8-68.7; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama TXA3833JT, Prolite38g; ivm3818; 24.8-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama Vision Master MF-8221; mf-8221; 24.8-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama Vision Master MF-8317; mf-8317; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama Vision Master MF-8421; mf-8421; 24.8-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama Vision Master MF-8617E; ivm1700; 23.6-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama Vision Master MF-8617; mf-8617; 23.6-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama Vision Master MF-8621; mf-8621; 24.8-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Iiyama; Iiyama Vision Master Pro 21 MT-9121; mf-9121; 25.0-90.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Ikegami; Ikegami C/CDE-165VB; cde-165vb; 48.0-64.0; 50.0-70.0; 1
+Ikegami; Ikegami C/DM-2010A; dm-2010a; 48.0-64.0; 50.0-70.0; 1
+Ikegami; Ikegami C/DM-2060; dm-2060; 48.0-64.0; 50.0-70.0; 1
+Ikegami; Ikegami CN-20; cn-20; 45.0-68.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Ikegami; Ikegami CT-20; ct-20; 48.0-64.0; 50.0-70.0; 1
+ImageQuest Co., Ltd.; ImageQuest Q910; IQT2910; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Image Systems Corp.; Image Systems C21LMAX; cs1lmax; 48.0-96.0; 60.0-80.0; 1
+Image Systems Corp.; Image Systems M24LMAX; m24lmax; 48.0-96.0; 60.0-80.0; 1
+Impression; Impression 3 3428G; dcm-1488e; 35.5; 87.0; 1
+Impression; Impression 3A; jd144c; 35.5; 87.0; 1
+Impression; Impression 3 Plus 14; ma-1450; 35.5; 87.0; 1
+Impression; Impression 3 Plus 3428NG; dcm-1458e; 35.5; 87.0; 1
+Impression; Impression 4VX; jd144k; 48.0; 60.0; 1
+Impression; Impression 50 Plus; dwe8251; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Impression; Impression 5 5528NG; dcm-1588e; 63.8; 60.0; 1
+Impression; Impression 5 Plus; dpc6515; 64.0; 60.0; 1
+Impression; Impression 5V J51A; jen9d00; 30-70; 60.0; 1
+Impression; Impression 5VM; dwe8351; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Impression; Impression 5VX JD155L; jen5510; 30-55; 85.0; 1
+Impression; Impression 5VXL DE570BA; dpc7045; 30-70; 60.0; 1
+Impression; Impression 5VXM; dwe8f51; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Impression; Impression 7 Plus DB770; da-1765; 64.0; 60.0; 1
+Impression; Impression 7 Plus DC-770 BA; dpc7017; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+Impression; Impression 7SP; imp4191; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Impression; Impression 7VX; imp0295; 30.0-96.0; 65.0; 1
+Impression; Impression 9VX; dpc9509; 30-96; 60.0-85.0; 1
+Impression; Impression Vienna 15; dpc6515; 64.0; 60.0; 1
+Impression; Impression Vienna Pro 75; amt3844; 30.0-96.0; 65.0; 1
+Impression; Impression Vienna Pro 75; at1782d; 82.0; 65.0; 1
+Impression; Impression ViennaPro75; imp9802; 30.0-96.0; 65.0; 1
+Intra Electronics USA, Inc.; Intra Electronics USA CM-1403; cm-1403; 15.0-38.0; 40.0-100.0; 1
+Iocomm International Technology Corp.; Iocomm CM-7126; cm-7126; 30.0-75.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+JVC Information Products Co.; JVC GD-H4220US; h422ous; 15.0-37.0; 45.0-87.0; 1
+KFC Computek Components Corp.; KFC Computek CA-17; ca-17; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+KFC Computek Components Corp.; KFC Computek CH-14; ch-14; 15.0-36.0; 50.0-86.0; 1
+KFC Computek Components Corp.; KFC Computek CM-14; cm-14; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+KFC; KFC CA1511VX/CA1515VX; sml1511; 30-60; 50-100; 1
+KFC; KFC CA15/1505/1506/1507/1515DX; sml1506; 30-60; 50-100; 1
+KFC; KFC CA1516CX/CA1716CX; kfcec05; 30-65; 50-75; 1
+KFC; KFC CA1702/03/05/06 M2; sml1706; 30-80; 50-100; 1
+KFC; KFC CA1712/13/17/18; sml1718; 30-64; 50-100; 1
+KFC; KFC CA2011M2; sml2011; 30-80; 50-120; 1
+KFC; KFC CA2111M2; sml2111; 30-80; 50-120; 1
+KFC; KFC CA6013DX/CA9013DX; sml6013; 30-38; 50-75; 1
+KFC; KFC CA6719/29SL/CA6919/29SL; sml6719; 30-95; 50-150; 1
+KFC; KFC CA8111SL; sml8111; 30-107; 50-160; 1
+KFC; KFC CA8719SL; sml8719; 30-95; 50-150; 1
+KFC; KFC CA8729SL; sml8729; 30-95; 50-160; 1
+KFC; KFC CA8911SL; sml8911; 30-107; 50-160; 1
+KFC; KFC CA8919SL; sml8919; 30-95; 50-160; 1
+KFC; KFC CA8929SL; sml8929; 30-95; 50-160; 1
+KFC; KFC CA/CB1414VX; sml1414; 30-48; 50-70; 1
+KFC; KFC CA/CB6415DX/6515DX; sml6415; 30-54; 50-100; 1
+KFC; KFC CA/CB6425DX/6525DX; sml6425; 30-54; 50-100; 1
+KFC; KFC CA/CB6736DL/SL(NF); sml501a; 30-65; 50-100; 1
+KFC; KFC CA/CB6738SL; sml6738; 30-85; 50-100; 1
+KFC; KFC CA/CB6748SL; sml6748; 30-86; 50-150; 1
+KFC; KFC L133/L133E; smll133; 30-61; 55-75; 1
+KFC; KFC L150/L150E; smll150; 30-61; 55-75; 1
+KFC; KFC MA0933; sml0933; 30-31.5; 50-70; 0
+KFC; KFC MM/CA6546SX/(NF)/(MN); sml6546; 30-70; 50-100; 1
+KFC; KFC MM/CA/CB6536DL/SL(NF); sml8819; 30-65; 50-100; 1
+KFC; KFC MM/CA/CB6746SL; sml6746; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+KLH Computers; KLH Computers MN275; mn275; 34.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Komodo; Komodo P571; 0; 30-70; 50-120
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Avitron AV-5T; kds1540; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Avitron AV-7T; kds1740; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-195; kds1980; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-19; kds07d0; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-19; kdsd007; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-19SN; kds1981; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-21; kds0834; 30.0-117.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-21; kds3408; 30.0-117.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-4D; kds05af; 28.0-55.0; 40.0-120.0; 1
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-4D; kdsaf05; 28.0-55.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-4(KD-1452); kds05ac; 28.0-50.0; 40.0-120.0; 1
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-4; kdsab05; 48.3; 60.0; 1
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-55; kds05f5; 28.0-55.0; 40.0-120.0; 1
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-55; kdsf505; 28.0-55.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-5; kdse605; 28.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-5/VS-51/VSx-5; kds05e6; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-7; kdsc206; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-7/VSx-7; kds06c2; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-9; kds06d6; 31.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-9; kdsd606; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VSx-5; kdsfa05; 28.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-190is; STC0812; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-190i; STC0812; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-190p; STC0812; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-190/VS-195e/VS-195i; STC0812; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-195xp; STC0812; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-450; STC01FF; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-55i/VS-55p; STC01FF; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-120.0
+Korea Data Systems; KDS Visual Sensations VS-70/VS-77/VS-7b/VS-7p; STC02CE; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-160.0
+Korea Data Systems; KDS XFlat XF-70/XF-7b/XF-7e/XF-71/XF-7p; STC0777; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-160.0
+Korea Data Systems; KDS XFlat XF-9b/XF-9c/XF-9e/XF-9p; PTS03E5; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0
+Leading Technology, Inc.; Leading Technology 1730S; 1730s; 21.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1455; 1455; 37.9; 72.8; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1455D; 1455d; 37.9; 72.8; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1455DL; 1455dl; 37.9; 72.8; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1460DL; 1460dl; 37.9; 72.8; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1461D; 1461d; 37.9; 72.8; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1462DM; 1462dm; 37.9; 72.8; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1465DL; 1465dl; 48.4; 60.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1465DLS; 1465dls; 48.4; 60.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1466; 1466; 48.4; 60.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1466DM; 1466dm; 48.4; 60.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1466LR; 1466lr; 48.4; 60.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1466LRS; 1466lrs; 48.4; 60.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1467; 1467; 48.4; 60.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1468; 1468; 48.4; 60.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1485; 1485; 48.4; 60.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1505; 1505; 37.5; 75.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1505S; gsm3aa0; 48.4; 60.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1515; 1515; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1520; 1520; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1520DM; 1520dm; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1527; 1527; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1527; gsm3a9a; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1725; 1725; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1725DM; 1725dm; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1725s; gsm42cf; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1727; 1727; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 1730DM; 1730dm; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 2010; 2010; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 575MS; GSM3b06; 31-69; 56-85; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG 786LS; GSM4353; 31-83; 55-75; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG Electronics Inc. N 2200P; GSM55f3; 30-124; 50-160; 1600x1200
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG Flatron 775 FT; GSM42d1; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG Flatron 795FT; gsm42c6; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG Flatron 915FT; gsm4a4d; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-200.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG Flatron 995FT Plus; gsm4a5d; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG Flatron L1715S; 30 - 83;56 - 75;1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 20i; gsm4e21; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG Studioworks28i; sw28i; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 44i; gsm36b9; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 44m; gsm36b4; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 45i; gsm36bb; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 54m; gsm3aa9; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 550m; CXO0f0f; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 55i; gsm3abd; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 56i; gsm3aa8; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 56m; gsm3aa2; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 56T; gsm3aaf; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 5D; gsm3ab6; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 74i; gsm4278; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 74m; gsm4277; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks74m; sw74m; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 76i; gsm426e; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 76m; gsm4273; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 76T; gsm4284; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 78D; gsm427f; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 78DT; gsm4280; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 78i; gsm426c; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 78m; gsm4274; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks78T; gsm426b; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 78T; gsm426d; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 7D; gsm427e; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 7DT; gsm4281; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+LG Electronics Inc.; LG StudioWorks 995E; gsm4a4c; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Link Computer, Inc.; Link Computer CE-8; ce-8; 15.5-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Link Computer, Inc.; Link Computer CM-3; cm-3; 15.5-36.0; 50.0-70.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On 1570; ltn1570; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On 1770NSL; ltn1770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On A1454NEL; ltna443; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On A1454NE; ltna442; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On A1554NEL; LTNa543; 30-54; 50-100;
+Lite-On; Lite-On A1554NE; ltna542; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On A1570NSL; ltna595; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On A1570NST(92); ltna596; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On A1570NST(95); ltna597; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On A1770NSL; ltna795; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On A1770NST(92); ltna796; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On A1770NST(95); ltna797; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On A1770NST(99); ltna798; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On A1996NST(95); ltna967; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On B1770NSL; ltnb795; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On B1770NST(92); ltnb796; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On B1770NST(95); ltnb797; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On B1770NST(99); ltnb798; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On B1985NSL; ltnb955; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On B1996NSL; ltnb965; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On B1996NST(95); ltnb967; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On B1996NST(99); ltnb968; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On B1997NST(99); ltn1901; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On BL150ATA; ltn0204; 24.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On BL150AT; ltn0205; 24.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1412; ltn1412; 30.0-38.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1413; ltn1413; 30.0-38.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1414; ltn1414; 30.0-38.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1435; ltn1435; 30.0-38.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1438; ltn1438; 30.0-38.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1448; ltn1448; 30.0-48.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1450; ltn1450; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1550MCLR; ltn1550; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1554; ltn1554; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1555NEL; ltn1555; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1565MCLR; ltn1565; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1566; ltn1566; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1754; ltn1754; 30.0-56.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1766; ltn1766; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1785NSL; ltn1785; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On CM-1995NST; ltn1995; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On CM-2090M; cm-2090m; 30.0-75.0; 40.0-120.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On DC150ATA; ltn0208; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On DC150AT; ltn020c; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On DP150AT; ltn020b; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On DR150ATA; ltn0209; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On H15ANC; ltn021c; 31.5-60.1; 56.3-75.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On L140PTA; ltn0201; 45.0-54.0; 57.0-65.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On L150ATA; ltn0202; 24.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On L150PTA; ltn0203; 48.0-61.0; 56.0-61.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On P150AT; ltn0207; 24.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+Lite-On; Lite-On S1770NSL; ltn1704; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-15FA2; LOG1040; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-15FA3; LOG1053; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-15FA; LOG1026; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-15FS; LOG4536; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-15TH; LOG1029; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-17DV; LOG1024; 30.0-69.0; 55.0-125.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-17FA; LOG1027; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-17FS2; LOG1052; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-17FS; LOG1039; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-17TH; LOG1046; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-17TS; LOG1054; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-17TSU; LOG1048; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-17TX; LOG1031; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-19FS; LOG1050; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-19TS; LOG1062; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-21DX; LOG1025; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-132.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-T041A; LOG1061; 24.8-37.5; 55.0-76.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-T133A; LOG1035; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-75.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-T134AS; LOG1058; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-T141AS; LOG1049; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-85.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-T142AS; LOG1055; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-T151A; LOG1036; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-87.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-T151AS; LOG1047; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-T152A; LOG1045; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-T153A; LOG1056; 31.0-61.0; 56.0-76.0
+Logitec; Logitec LCM-T181A; LOG1057; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0
+MacroView; MacroView mp712; OEM7692; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0
+Magnavox; Magnavox MB4010(14inch/CM1300); 0; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0
+Magnavox; Magnavox MB5314(15inch/CM1200); 0; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-110.0
+Magnavox; Magnavox MB7000(17inch/CM6800); 0; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-130.0
+Magnavox; Magnavox MV5011(15inch/CM1300); 0; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 410V2; mag4561; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 510V2; mag5662; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 570FD; mag9510; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 570V; mag9501; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 710V2; mag7663; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 720V2; mag7764; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 770T; mag9704; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 770V; mag9701; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 786FD; mag9705; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 796FD; mag9706; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 800V; mag9807; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 810FD; mag9809; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG 986PF; mag03da; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG Computronic Colorview/15; colorview15; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG Computronic PMV-14AC/plus; pmv-14ac; 15.0-36.0; 45.0-90.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG Computronic PMV-1531; pmv-1531; 15.0-38.0; 45.0-90.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG D410; mag4577; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ530AV; mag5767; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ530; mag5775; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ700; mag7746; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ702E; mag7747; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ702; mag7748; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ707AV; mag7769; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ707; mag7752; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ717; mag7854; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ800; mag6589; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ810; mag8991; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ920; mag9156; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DJ925T; mag9157; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX1495; mag11a6; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX1595; mag15f4; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX-1595; mag5620; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX15F; magdx15; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX15T; mag5624; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX1795; mag7626; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX17F; magdx17; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX17T; mag00e3; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX500AV; mag5541; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX500T; mag5781; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG dx700e; mag7745; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX700T; mag7740; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX715T; mag7842; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG DX725T; mag7990; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG dx800; mag6589; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG InnoVision DX15F; dx15f; 30-64; 50-90; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG InnoVision DX17F; dx17f; 30-64; 50-90; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG InnoVision DX21F; dx21f; 30-68; 50-120; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG InnoVision LX1450; lx1450; 30-50; 50-100; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG InnoVision MX15F; mx15f; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG InnoVision MX17F/S; mx17fs; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG InnoVision MX21NT; mx21nt; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG LT530C; mag5020; 45.0-58.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG LT541C; mag5021; 31.5-68.7; 50.0-85.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG LT541F; magc541; 31.0-69.0; 50.0-85.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG LT561D; magd561; 31.0-69.0; 50.0-85.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG LT561E; mage561; 31.0-69.0; 50.0-85.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG LX1450LG; mag1450; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG LX1564LG; mag1564; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MX14S; magm14s; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MX15F; magmx15; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MX17FG; mag17fg; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MX17F; magmx17; 30.0-68.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MX17FP; 0; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MX21F; magmx21; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MXE15F; mmxe15f; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG MXP17F; mmxp17f; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG PMV14SV; pmv14sv; 30.0-36.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ500; mag5801; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ500T; mag5779; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ530; mag5776; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ700; mag7771; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ700T; mag7780; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ707; mag7772; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ717; mag7874; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG xj770; mag9702; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ796; mag9703; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ810; mag8997; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+MAG Technology Co., Ltd.; MAG XJ910; mag9158; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+MED; MED 2914; MED2914; 30-98; 50-120
+MegaImage; MegaImage 17; 106; 30-64; 50-100
+Megavision; MV173 LCD; ate8506; 31.0-80.0; 58.0-75.0;
+Microtec; Microtec MD15-9; PBR023c; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 1020/LP; 1020lp; 15.0-36.5; 45.0-100.0; 1
+Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 1020/SP; 1020sp; 15.0-36.5; 45.0-100.0; 1
+Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 2012/LP; 2012lp; 15.0-40.0; 45.0-100.0; 1
+Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 2014/LP; 2014lp; 15.0-40.0; 45.0-100.0; 1
+Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 2014/SVGA; 2014svga; 30.0-40.0; 45.0-90.0; 1
+Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 2019/SP; 2019sp; 15.0-38.0; 45.0-100.0; 1
+Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 4015/FST; 4015fst; 30.0-50.0; 45.0-100.0; 1
+Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 604/FST; 604fst; 15.0-36.5; 45.0-100.0; 1
+Microvitec, Inc.; Microvitec 704/FST; 704fst; 15.0-36.5; 45.0-100.0; 1
+Miro Computer Products AG; Miro miroD1568; mir6815; 31.5-68.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Miro Computer Products AG; Miro miroD1769; mir6917; 31.5-69.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Miro Computer Products AG; Miro PROOFSCREEN miroC1768; mir6817; 29.0-68.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Miro Computer Products AG; Miro PROOFSCREEN miroC1782; mir8217; 29.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Miro Computer Products AG; Miro PROOFSCREEN miroC2085 E; mir8520; 29.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Miro Computer Products AG; Miro PROOFSCREEN miroC21107; mir0721; 31.5-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Miro Computer Products AG; Miro PROOFSCREEN miroC2185; mir8521; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Miro Computer Products AG; Miro PROOFSCREEN miroC2193; mir9321; 30.0-93.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+MiTAC; MiTAC 1450FD; mtc0003; 31.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+MiTAC; MiTAC 1450FV; mtc0001; 31.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+MiTAC; MiTAC 1564FD/1564FS; mtc0002; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Mitsuba Corp.; Mitsuba Corp. 710MH; 710mh; 15.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi E55LCD; MEL464E; 31.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi E85LCD; MEL4344; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-85.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint NXM56LCD; MEL4651; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint NXM76LCD (Analog); MEL464F; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint NXM76LCD (Digital); MEL4650; 31.0-70.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint M55LCD; MEL4647; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint NX85 LCD (Analog); MEL4638; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint NX85 LCD (Digital); MEL4639; 31.0-67.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint NX86LCD (Analog); MEL4659; 31.0-84.0; 55.0-85.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint NX86LCD (Digital); MEL4658; 31.0-84.0; 55.0-85.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi DiamondPoint V50LCD; MEL466C; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 100 (TFW1105); mel40e1; 30.0-108.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 120u (TFA1105); mel42f0; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 200 (NSH1117); mel43f0; 30.0-108.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 230SB; mel4631; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 70 (TF-7700P); mel4190; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 71 (TFV6708); mel4240; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 72 (TFV8705); mel4160; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 73 (N9705); mel4460; 31.0-69.0; 59.0-86.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 74SB; MEL4623; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 91 (NFL9905); mel43a0; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-140.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 93SB; MEL4625; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 100 (TFW1105); MEL40E1; 30.0-108.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 120u (TFA1105); MEL42F0; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 200 (NSH1117); MEL43F0; 30.0-108.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Plus 230SB; MEL4631; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 1000 (TFX1105); mel4100; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 1010 (TUX1107); mel4101; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 14 (FW6405); mel6405; 30.0-58; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 14 Plus (SD45xx); mel4500; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 0
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 15FS (SD56xx); mel5600; 31.5-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 17 (TFS6705); mel6705; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 17TX (TFG8705); mel4040; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2020u (NUB1107); mel4310; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2040u (NSB1107); mel4311; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2045u (NSH1157); MEL43F3; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2060u (NSZ1207); MEL4511; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 2070SB; MEL4632; 30.0-140.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 20 (HL7955); mel7955; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-130.0; 0
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 20X (FR8905); mel2040; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 21FS (FFL7165); mel7165b; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-130.0; 0
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 21T (THZ8155); mel8155; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 21TX (THN9105); mel0040; 30.0-93.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 26H (HJ6505); mel6505; 45.0-70.0; 50.0-80.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 26M (HC3505); mel3505; 15.7-38.0; 45.0-90.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 29 (XC2930); mel2930; 15.0-82.0; 40.0-120.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 37 (XC3725); mel3725; 24.0-64.0; 40.0-120.0; 0
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 67TXV (TFV6705); mel4064; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 700 (TFK9705); mel4110; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 710 (NFF8705); mel4360; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 710s (NFN8705); MEL4380; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 720 (NFN9705); mel4381; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 740SB; MEL4521; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 750SB; MEL4624; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 87TXM (TFM8705); mel40c0; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 900u (NFJ9905); mel42c0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 920 (NUR1905); MEL4440; 30.0-108.0; 50.0-140.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 930SB; MEL463D; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 91TXM (TFW9105); mel40e0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro SVGA (SD43xx); mel4300; 30.0-38.5; 50.0-70.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Pro VGA (SD41xx); mel4100; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 15FS (SD55xx); mel5500; 31.5-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 15HX (SD57xx); mel8040; 31.5-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 15VX (SD58xx); mel408f; 30-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 17FS (FFY7705); mel7705; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 17HX (FFF8705); mel6140; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 20H (FR8905); mel2040; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 20 (HL6945/55); mel6955; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-130.0; 0
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 20M (HC3925); mel3925; 15.7-38.0; 45.0-90.0; 0
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 21 (FFL7165); mel7165; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-130.0; 0
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 33 (XC3315); mel3315; 15.0-38.0; 40.0-120.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 37 (XC3715); mel3715; 15.0-36.5; 40.0-120.0; 0
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 50 (SD5904); mel41f0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 70 (SD7704); mel4210; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Diamond Scan 90e (FFT9905); mel4220; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 151A (LXA572WB); MEL41D4; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 40 (LXA420W); mel41c0; 31.5-60.2; 56.3-85.1; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 50 (LXA520W); mel41d0; 31.5-60.2; 56.3-85.1; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 51 (LXA530W); MEL41D1; 31.0-63.0; 30.0-85.1; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 52 (LXA550W/WB); MEL41D2; 31.5-60.5; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 52 (LXA565W); MEL41D3; 31.5-60.5; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 580 (LXA580W); MEL41D6; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 80 (LSA810W); MEL4340; 31.0-83.0; 30.0-85.1; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 80 (LSA820W/WB); MEL4341; 31.0-81.5; 30.0-85.1; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LCD 80 (LSA831W); MEL4343; 24.0-80.0; 30.0-85.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi LVP-X300 Projector (LVP-X300); mel3001; 15.0-91.0; 50.0-85.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MegaView 29 (AM2752); mel2752; 15.0-39.0; 45.0-100.0; 0
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MegaView 33 (XC3315); mel3315; 15.0-38.0; 40.0-120.0; 0
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MegaView 37 Plus (XC3717); mel3717; 15.0-61.0; 40.0-120.0; 0
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MegaView 37 (XC3716); mel3716; 15.0-39.5; 40.0-120.0; 0
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MegaView Pro 29 (XC2930); mel2930; 15.0-82.0; 40.0-120.0; 0
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MegaView Pro 37 (XC3730); mel3730; 15.0-85.0; 40.0-120.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MegaView Pro 42 (AM4201); mel4201; 20.0-64.0; 45.0-120.0; 0
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi MERLIN; tat3044; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi PC Division V70 (XJ63754); tat3054; 30-70; 50-100; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Precise Point 5800; melpp_5800; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Precise Point 8705; melpp_8705; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi Precise Point 8905; melpp_8905; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD15M; mel409f; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD17F; mel6040; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD17GR; mel4065; 30.0-69.0; 55.0-125.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD17GZ; mel4150; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD21GH; mel4141; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD21GIII; mel4140; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD21GII; mel40f0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RD21GX; mel40f1; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-132.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RDF173H; MEL4627; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RDF193H; MEL4628; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RDS173X; MEL4626; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi RDT151; mel41b0; 24.8-60.2; 56.3-85.1; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi SpectraView 1000; mel4120; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi SpectraView 700; mel4130; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-152.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi TFT Monitor RDT150S; mel41b3; 24.8-63.0; 30.0-85.1; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi TFT Monitor RDT180S; mel42d0; 24.8-83.0; 30.0-85.1; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi The Big Easy 1281 (VS1281); mel1281; 15.0-103.0; 40.0-150.0; 0
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi The Big Easy G1A (LVPG1A); mellvpg1a; 25.0-37.86; 56.0-72.0; 1
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi VS1280 Projector; mel1280; 15.0-100.0; 40.0-150.0; 0
+Mitsubishi; Mitsubishi XJ59992; tatbbcf; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Modgraph; Modgraph. MG-3200; mg-3200; 15.0-35.0; 47.0-80.0; 1
+Monitronix; Monitronix MX-200MC; mx-200mc; 15.0-75.0; 40.0-120.0; 1
+Monitronix; Monitronix MX-210EZ; mx-210ez; 30.0-75.0; 40.0-120.0; 1
+Monitronix; Monitronix MX-240EZ; mx-240ez; 30.0-75.0; 40.0-120.0; 1
+Monitronix; Monitronix MX240; mx240; 30.0-90.0; 20.0-120.0; 1
+Morse; Morse Monitor; morsemon; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao 9060S; nan0502; 15.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao 9060S; nan0902; 15.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao 9065S; nan0503; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao 9070U; nan0506; 20.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao 9070U; nan0906; 20.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao 9080i; nan0507; 30.0-64.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao 9080i; nan0907; 30.0-64.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao 9400i; nan0508; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao 9500; nan0509; 30.0-78.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao Eizo E35F; nan1200; 24.5-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao Eizo E51F; nan1208; 24.5-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao Eizo E51FS; nan1215; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao Eizo E53F; nan1204; 24.5-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao Eizo E54F; nan1220; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao Eizo E55D; nan1205; 24.5-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao Eizo E57T; nan1201; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao Eizo E57Ts; nan1210; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao Eizo E65T; nan1203; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao Eizo E66T; nan1202; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao Eizo E67F; nan1213; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao Eizo E67T; nan1214; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao Eizo E75F; nan1206; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao Eizo E76D; nan1211; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao Eizo E76F; nan1218; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao Eizo E78F; nan1207; 31.5-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao Eizo T960; nan1222; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 33F; nan0800; 24.5-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 52F; nan0882; 24.5-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 53T; nan0993; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 54T; nan0805; 24.5-86.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 55F; nan098c; 24.5-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 56T; nan0913; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 6500; nan0900; 56.0-80.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 6600; nan0406; 56.0-110.0; 70.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 68T; nan0914; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 76F; nan098f; 30.0-78.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 77F; nan090f; 24.5-90.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan 88F; nan0802; 31.5-102.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan E151L; nan1209; 24.0-61.0; 50.0-85.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F340iW; nan050a; 27.0-61.5; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F347II; nan098a; 24.5-61.5; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F347; nan090a; 24.5-61.5; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F550i; nan050b; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F550i; nan090b; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F550iW; nan050c; 30.0-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F557; nan090c; 24.5-65.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F560iW; nan050d; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F750i; nan050e; 30.0-80.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F760iW; nan050f; 30.0-78.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F780iJ; nan0910; 45.0-100.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan F780iW; nan0510; 45.0-100.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan L360; nan1221; 27.0-61.0; 55.0-75.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan L66; nan1219; 27.0-80.0; 50.0-75.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan T560iJ; nan0911; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan T560i; nan0511; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan T567; nan0991; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan T660iJ; nan0912; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao FlexScan T660i; nan0512; 30.0-78.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao USA F2-15; nan0400; 24.5-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao USA F2-17EX; nan0402; 24.5-86.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao USA F2-17; nan0401; 24.5-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao USA F2-21; nan0403; 24.5-90.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao USA FlexScan 6300; nan0580; 56.0-80.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao USA FlexScan T2-17; nan0513; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao USA FlexScan T2-17TS; nan0405; 24.5-86.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao USA FlexScan T2-20; nan0000; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao USA FlexScan T2-20; nan0514; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+Nanao; Nanao USA FX2-21; nan0404; 31.5-102.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC 15TFT CP Monitor; necea8e; 48; 60; 1
+NEC; NEC AccuSync 120; nec5dd5; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-200.0; 1
+NEC; NEC AccuSync 50; nec5dc3; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC AccuSync 70; nec5dc4; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC AccuSync 75F; nec5dcf; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC AccuSync 90; nec5dc5; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC AccuSync 95F; nec5dd0; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC AccuSync 125F; NEC61D4; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC AccuSync 500; NEC61DF; 30.0-71.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC AccuSync 700; NEC61E0; 30.0-71.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC AccuSync 700M; NEC61E1; 30.0-71.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC AccuSync 750F; NEC61E2; 30.0-71.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC AccuSync 900; NEC61E3; 30.0-98.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC AccuSync LCD5V; NEC6615; 30.0-63.0; 55.0-76.0; 1
+NEC; NEC AccuSync LCD7V; NEC6617; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-76.0; 1
+NEC; NEC AccuSync LCD9V; NEC6619; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC AccuSync LCD200VX; NEC665C; 31.0-95.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC C510; necea6b; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC C550; necea65; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+NEC; NEC C700; necea67; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+NEC; NEC C710; necea6c; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC C900; necea69; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+NEC; NEC C900; necea8d; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+NEC; NEC CS500 Multimedia Monitor; nec3e53; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC CS500; nec3e53; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+NEC; NEC DH28W2; nec0afa; 30.0-38.0; 60.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC DH32W2; nec0c8a; 30.0-38.0; 60.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC DV15A1; nec006e; 30.0-63.0; 60.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC DV15A2; nec019a; 30.0-71.0; 59.0-86.0; 1
+NEC; NEC DV15D1; nec00aa; 30.0-63.0; 60.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC DV17A1; nec0078; 30.0-67.0; 60.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC DV17B1; nec0082; 30.0-67.0; 60.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC DV17B2; nec01ae; 30.0-71.0; 59.0-86.0; 1
+NEC; NEC DV17C1; nec008c; 30.0-67.0; 60.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC DV17C2; nec0096; 30.0-83.0; 60.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC DV17C3; nec01a4; 30.0-71.0; 59.0-86.0; 1
+NEC; NEC F14T1; nec00a0; 24.0-63.0; 60.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC F14T2H; nec00dc; 31.0-61.0; 59.0-76.0; 1
+NEC; NEC F14T2L; nec00e6; 31.0-61.0; 59.0-76.0; 1
+NEC; NEC F14T2; nec00b4; 30.0-63.0; 60.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC F15T1; nec00d2; 31.0-61.0; 59.0-76.0; 1
+NEC; NEC LCD1280; 0; 29.5-33.5; 60.0-62.0; 1
+NEC; NEC LCD200; nec2fb2; 24.0-62.0; 53.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC LCD300; 0; 30.8-38.0; 55.0-72.8; 1
+NEC; NEC LCD300; nec-lcd300; 30.8-38.0; 55.0-72.8; 1
+NEC; NEC LCD51V; NEC661B; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC LCD51VM; NEC661A; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC LCD52V; NEC6656; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC LCD52VM; NEC6657; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC LCD71V; NEC661D; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC LCD71VM; NEC661C; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC LCD72V; NEC6658; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC LCD72VM; NEC6659; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC LCD92V; NEC6966; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 125; nec61b2; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-200.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 2A; nec-2a; 31.5-35.0; 50.0-70.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 2V; nec-2v; 30-57; 50-100; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 3D; nec-3d; 15.5-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 3Ds; nec-3ds; 15.5-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 3FGe; nec-3fge; 47.5-49.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 3FGx; nec-3fgx; 47.8-49.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 3V; nec-3v; 31.0-50.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 4D; nec-4d; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 4Ds; nec-4ds; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 4FGe; nec-4fge; 27.0-62.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 4FG; nec-4fg; 27.0-57.0; 55.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 50; nec1d4d; 31.0-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 5D; nec-5d; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 5FGe; nec-5fge; 31.0-62.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 5FG; nec-5fg; 27.0-79.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 5FGp; nec-5fgp; 27.0-79.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 6FG; nec-6fg; 27.0-79.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 6FGp; nec-6fgp; 27.0-79.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 70; nec1e15; 31.0-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 75F; nec5dd1; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 75; nec5dc9; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 90; nec4bf0; 31.0-92.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 95F; nec5dd2; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync 95; nec5dca; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync A500; nec3d90; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync A500+; nec3dc2; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync A700; nec43d0; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync A700; nec43d0; 31.0-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync A700+; nec43ee; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync A900; nec4be6; 31.0-92.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync C400; nec3a66; 30.0-64.0; 47.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync C500; nec3e4e; 30.0-64.0; 47.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync E1100; nec53c0; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync E1100+; nec53de; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync E500; nec3d86; 31.0-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync E700; nec4434; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync E750; nec443e; 31.0-92.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync E900; nec4bd2; 31.0-92.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync E900+; nec4bdc; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync E950; nec4bfa; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync FE1250; nec61ab; 31.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync FE1250+; NEC61B6; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync FE700; nec4272; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync FE700+; NEC61BA; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync FE750; nec61ad; 31.0-92.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync FE750+; NEC61B3; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync FE770; NEC61D5; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync FE771SB; NEC61D6; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync FE791SB; NEC61D7; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync FE950; nec61ae; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync FE950+; NEC61B4; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync FE990; NEC61DC; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync FE991SB; NEC61D8; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync FE2111SB; NEC61DA; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync FP912SB; nec61dd; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync FP950; nec4c04; 31.0-110.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync FP1350; nec578a; 31.0-115.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync FP1370; nec61a8; 31.0-130.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync HR17; 0; 31.0-96.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync HR19; 0; 31.0-110.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1500M; nec3b88; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-77.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1501; NEC65FB; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1510; nec3b6a; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-86.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1510+; nec3d5f; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1510V; nec3b74; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-86.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1510V+; nec3d73; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1511M; NEC6607; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1512; NEC660D; 30.0-63.0; 55.0-76.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1515; NEC6616; 30.0-63.0; 55.0-76.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1525M; nec3bb0; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1525S; nec3bce; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1525V; nec3ba6; 24.0-49.0; 55.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1525X; nec6591; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1530V; nec65a8; 31.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1550M; NEC65C7; 31.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1550V; NEC65C6; 31.0-60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1550X; NEC65C8; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1560V; NEC65F0; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1560M; NEC65F2; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1560NX; NEC65FA; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1560VM; NEC65F1; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1560V+; NEC660F; 31.0-63.0; 55.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1565; NEC6620; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1570NX; NEC667E; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD15T; nec6590; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1700M; NEC65A9; 31.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1700M+; NEC65B5; 31.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1700V; NEC65D2; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1700NX (Analog); NEC65E0; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1700NX (Digital); NEC65DF; 31.0-68.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1701; NEC65EF; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1711M; NEC6606; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1712; NEC660E; 30.0-83.0; 55.0-76.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1715; NEC6618; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1720M; NEC----; 31.0-82.0; 50.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1760NX (Analog); NEC65ED; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1760NX (Digital); NEC6604; 31.0-69.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1760V; NEC65EE; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1760VM (Analog); NEC65EA; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1760VM (Digital); NEC6603; 31.0-70.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1765; NEC6621; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1800; nec65a1; 24.0-80.0; 55.0-86.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1810; nec4786; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1810X; nec6594; 31.0-82.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1830; NEC65B1; 24.0-82.0; 55.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1850DX; NEC65B3; 31.0-82.0; 50.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1850X; NEC65C0; 31.0-82.0; 50.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1850E; NEC65D1; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1850E; NEC65D1; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1855NX (Analog); NEC65F7; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1855NX (Digital); NEC65F8; 31.0-68.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1860NX (Analog); NEC65E8; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1860NX (Digital); NEC65E9; 31.0-80.0; 55.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1880SX; NEC65D4; 31.0-82.0; 50.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1912; NEC6614; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1915X (Analog); NEC663A; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1915X (Digital); NEC663B; 31.0-83.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1920NX; NEC65DE; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1960NXi (Analog); NEC6632; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1960NXi (Digital); NEC6633; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1960NX (Analog); NEC661E; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1960NX (Digital); NEC661F; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1970GX; NEC6685; 31.0-84.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1980SXi (Analog); NEC6649; 31.0-84.0; 48.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1980SXi (Digital); NEC664A; 31.0-84.0; 48.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1980SX (Analog); NEC660C; 31.0-84.0; 50.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1980SX (Digital); NEC660B; 31.0-84.0; 50.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1980SX TCO-03 (Analog); NEC6627; 31.0-84.0; 50.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD1980SX TCO-03 (Digital); NEC6626; 31.0-84.0; 50.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2000; nec4f56; 24.0-81.0; 55.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2010; nec4f60; 24.0-81.0; 55.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2010X; nec65a2; 31.0-80.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2060NX; NEC6637; 31.0-95.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2070NX; NEC667B; 31.0-95.0; 56.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2080UX; NEC6605; 30.0-98.0; 48.0-87.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2110; nec6597; 24.0-82.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2180UX; NEC662C; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-87.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2335WXM (Analog); NEC667F; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD2335WXM (Digital); NEC6680; 31.0-63.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD3000 (Analog); NEC65E6; 30.0-75.0; 58.0-62.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD3000 (Digital); NEC65E7; 30.0-48.0; 58.0-62.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD4000 (Analog); NEC6609; 30.0-75.0; 58.0-62.0
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD4000 (Digital); NEC6608; 30.0-48.0; 58.0-62.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD400; nec3782; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-86.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LCD400V; nec378c; 24.0-60.0; 55.0-86.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync LT80; nec0320; 15.0-60.0; 50.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync M500; nec3d68; 30.0-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync M700; nec43c6; 31.0-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync MT1000; nec2710; 15.0-80.0; 50.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync MT810; nec1fa4; 15.0-60.0; 50.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync P1150; nec53ca; 31.0-94.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync P1250+; nec53e8; 31.0-110.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync P750; nec4420; 31.0-94.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync V500; nec3d7c; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-100.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync V520; nec251d; 31.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync XE15; nec3c00; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync XE15; nec3c1e; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync XE17; nec43a8; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync XE17; nec43b2; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync XE21; nec533e; 31.0-69.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync XP15; nec3c0a; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync XP17; nec4416; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync XP21; nec53b6; 31.0-89.0; 55.0-160.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync XV14; nec37fa; 30.0-57.0; 55.0-100.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync XV14; nec37fb; 30.0-57.0; 55.0-100.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync XV15; nec3c14; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-100.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync XV15+; nec3d5e; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-100.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync XV17+ (-2); nec43bd; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-100.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync XV17+ (-2); nec442a; 31.0-82.0; 55.0-100.0; 1
+NEC; NEC MultiSync XV17 / XV17+; nec43bc; 31.0-65.0; 55.0-100.0; 1
+NEC; NEC PK-DH172; nec00c8; 30.0-63.0; 60.0-85.0; 1
+NEC; NEC Ready Monitor; nec-ready; 31.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+NEC; NEC VistaScan 7000; necea8b; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM1483M; cm1483m; 30.0-40.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM1584MU; cm1584mu; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM1785MU; cm1785mu; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM2085M; cm2085m; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM2085MU; cm2085mu; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM2086A; cm2086a; 46.0-64.0; 55.0-65.0; 1
+Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM2087MU; cm2087mu; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM2186AF; cm2186af; 60.0-65.0; 60.0-70.0; 1
+Nissei Sangyo; Nissei Sangyo CM2187MU; cm2187mu; 30.0-78.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 300Xa; nok1300; 48.3-60.3; 60.0-75.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 400Xa; nok1400; 48.3-60.3; 60.0-75.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 417TV; nok00b4; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 445G; nok00c7; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-115.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 445M; nok00cd; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 0
+Nokia; Nokia 445PRO; nok01ce; 29.0-125.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 445R; nok00d2; 30.0-102.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 445Xavc; nok01c0; 30.0-102.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 445Xav; nok00c1; 30.0-102.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 445Xi; nok00c9; 30.0-102.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 445XiPlus; nok00ca; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 445X; nok00d8; 30.0-102.0; 50.0-120.0; 0
+Nokia; Nokia 445Xpro125; nok01d2; 30.0-125.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 445Xpro; nok01d0; 30.0-121.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 445ZA; nok01da; 30.0-110.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 446PRO; nok0146; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 446Xpro; nok0150; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 446XS; nok0153; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 446Xt; nok0143; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 446ZA; nok0145; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447B; nok00a2; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-124.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447DTC; nok00b9; 31.0-92.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447E; nok00a5; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447i; nok01aa; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447KA; nok00ab; 30.0-91.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447KC; nok00a3; 30.0-91.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447K; nok00bc; 30.0-91.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447L; nok00ac; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447M; nok00ad; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447PRO; nok01bd; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447S; nok00a6; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447V; nok00b6; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447W; nok00b7; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447Xa; nok00a1; 30.0-91.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447Xavc; nok01a0; 30.0-91.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447Xav; nok00bb; 30.0-91.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447Xi; nok00a9; 30.0-91.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447XiPlus; nok00aa; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447X; nok00b8; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447Xpro; nok01b0; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447XS; nok01b3; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447Za; nok00ba; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447ZA; nok01ba; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447ZAPlus; nok01bb; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447Zi; nok01a9; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 447ZiPlus; nok01bc; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 449E; nok0085; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 449M; nok008d; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 449Xa; nok0081; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 449XaPlus; nok0082; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 449Xi; nok0089; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 449XiPlus; nok008a; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 449X; nok0098; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 449ZA; nok009a; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 44BS; nok0093; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 500Xa; nok1500; 31.4-60.0; 56.2-75.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 800PRO; nok1802; 30.0-82.0; 55.0-86.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 800PRO; nok1803; 31.0-65.0; 58.0-62.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 800XA/820L; nok1801; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Nokia; Nokia 800Xi; nok1800; 24.0-80.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 25-314 P-Y; dsm25-314p-y; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1
+Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 26-314 LE; dsm26-314le; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1
+Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 27-039; dsm27-039; 35.5; 87.0; 1
+Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 27-117; dsm27-117; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 27-120; dsm27-120; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 27-140 LE; dsm27-140le; 30.0-35.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 27-141 PS; dsm27-141ps; 35.5; 87.0; 1
+Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 27-514 MS; dsm27-514ms; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 27-615; dsm27-615; 30.0-62.0; 48.0-100.0; 1
+Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-039 PS; dsm28-039ps; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-142 PS; dsm28-142ps; 30.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-143 PS-2; dsm28-143ps-2; 30.0-48.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-143 PS; dsm28-143ps; 30.0-48.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-144 MS; dsm28-144ms; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-95.0; 1
+Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-171 HR; dsm28-171hr; 31.0-82.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-172 EY; dsm28-172ey; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 28-201 HR; dsm28-201hr; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 40-151; dsm40-151; 30.0-64.0; 48.0-100.0; 1
+Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 50-148; dsm50-148; 30.0-48.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 50-172; dsm50-172; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Olivetti; Olivetti DSM 50-201; dsm50-201; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest 1000; optiquest_1000; 30.0-48.0; 47.0-90.0; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest 1000S-2; oqi3234; 31.5-48.4; 50-100; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest 1562A-2; oqi3232; 31.5-62; 50-90; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest 1769DC; oqi3233; 30-69; 50-120; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest 1769DC; oqi4637; 30-69; 50-120; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest 1769DC; vsc4637; 30-69; 50-120; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest 3000; optiquest_3000; 30.0-55.0; 45.0-90.0; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest 4000; optiquest_4000; 30.0-76.0; 40.0-120.0; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest L700-2; oqia20f; 31-62; 50-75; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest L700; oqi455a; 31-61; 56-75; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest L900; oqi3757; 30-80; 50-75; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest Q100; oqi4a31; 30-86; 50-120; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest Q115; oqi4d35; 30-95; 50-180; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest Q41-2; oqiofoh; 30-48; 50-90; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest Q41; oqi4136; 30-48; 50-90; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest Q51-2; oqi4442; 30-54; 50-100; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest Q51-3; oqi4443; 30-56; 50-120; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest Q51-4; oqi4643; 30-56; 50-120; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest Q51; oqi4435; 30-54; 50-100; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest Q53; oqi4433; 30-70; 50-100; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest Q55-2; oqi4543; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest Q55; oqi4444; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest Q71-2; oqi4738; 30-71; 50-120; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest Q71-3; oqi465a; 30-71; 50-120; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest Q71-4; oqi5a55; 30-71; 50-120; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest Q71-5; oqi5141; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest Q71; oqi4735; 30-71; 50-120; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest Q73; oqi4559; 30-71; 50-160; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest Q75F; oqi4159; 30-95; 50-160; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest Q75; oqi5241; 30-86; 50-160; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest Q91; oqi4a38; 30-85; 50-160; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest Q95-2; oqi4c39; 30-86; 50-160; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest Q95; oqi4a39; 30-86; 50-160; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest V115; oqi4d31; 30-95; 50-160; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest V115T; oqi4d32; 30-96; 50-150; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest V55; oqi4436; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest V641; oqi4132; 31.5-48.4; 50-90; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest V655-2; oqi4432; 30-65; 50-100; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest V655-3; oqi4434; 30-70; 50-100; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest V655; oqi3332; 30-66; 50-100; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest V73; oqi5634; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest V75; oqi4739; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest V773-2; oqi4736; 30-70; 50-180; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest V773; oqi4733; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest V775-2; oqi4732; 30-85; 50-120; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest V775; oqi3333; 30-82; 50-130; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest V95-2; oqi4a36; 30-95; 50-160; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest V95; oqi4a32; 30-95; 50-150; 1
+Optiquest; Optiquest VA656; oqi3138; 30-69; 50-120; 1
+Orchestra; Trumpet-14; 0; 31.5-48.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1010; pb1010; 30.0-40.0; 50.0-62.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1015; pb1015; 30.0-40.0; 50.0-73.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1020; pb1020; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1020; pbn4100; 30.0-50.0; 30.0-92.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1024; pb1024; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1024S; pbn4234; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1408SLE; pb1408sle; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1412SME; pb1412sme; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-62.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1428ME; pb1428me; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-80.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1511SL; pb1511sl; 30-62; 50-120; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1512SL; pb1512sl; 30-62; 50-120; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1512SME; pb1512sme; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-80.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell 1712SL; pb1712sl; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-80.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell 2020; pb2020; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell 2024; pb2024; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell 2025; pb2025; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell 3010; pb3010; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell 3010; pbe7123; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell 3020; pb3020; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell 3025; pb3025; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell Monitor; pbgeneric; 30.0-40.0; 50.0-62.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PB8510SV; pb8510sv; 30.0-37.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PB8528SVG; pb8528svg; 31.5-38.0; 55.0-87.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2024S; pbe5234; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2024S; pbn5222; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2024S; pbn5234; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2025E; pbn5100; 30.0-54.0; 30.0-102.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2025; pbe2352; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-80.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2025; pbn5102; 30.0-65.0; 30.0-122.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2160; pbn5002; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 2160; pbn5109; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 3025; pbe2372; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-80.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 3025; pbn7100; 30.0-65.0; 30.0-122.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 3030; pbe1c9d; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 3030; pbn2372; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 3070; pbn7108; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 4480; pbn4101; 30.0-50.0; 30.0-92.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 4480; pbn4480; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-75.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 4480; pbn4483; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-75.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 4480; pbn4484; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-75.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480E; pbn5101; 30.0-54.0; 30.0-102.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480; pbn5103; 30.0-70.0; 30.0-122.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480; pbn5480; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480; pbn5481; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480; pbn5482; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480; pbn5483; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480; pbn5484; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5480; pbn5486; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 5680; pbn5684; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 7480; pbn1d39; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 7480; pbn7101; 30.0-70.0; 30.0-122.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 7480; pbn7481; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 7480; pbn7483; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell PnP 7680; pbn7683; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Packard Bell; Packard Bell Pnp LCD15; pbn5105; 60.0; 75.0; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic 264a; MEI264a; 30-61; 50-120;
+Panasonic; Panasonic C1491; mp2; 30-49; 50-90; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic C-1591E; 7e_f; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic C-1591EA; 7e_e; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic C1791E; hv3_a; 30-64; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic C1791Ei; mei0c03; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic C1792P; mei0c12; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic C2192P; mei1603; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic E15; mei2618; 30-61; 50-90; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic E21; mei1638; 30-89; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic E50; mei2637; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic E70i; MEI2c03; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic LC40; mei1e02; 24.0-61.0; 50.0-77.0; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic LC50S (TX-D5L31F); mei1e07; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-77.0; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic P15; mei2617; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic P17; mei0c3d; 30-86; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic P21; mei1636; 30-115; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic P50; mei2632; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic P70; mei0c81; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic PAMAMEDIA-15; mei2609; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic PANAMEDIA-17; mei0c22; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic PF17; mei100b; 30-86; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic PF70; mei1007; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic PL70i(TX-D7S55); mei0c9b; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic PM15; mei2621; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic PM17; mei0c52; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic S110; mei1649; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic S15; mei2622; 30.0-67.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic S17; mei0c3b; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic S21; mei1630; 30-95; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic SL70i(TX-D7S36); mei0c96; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic SL90 (TX-D9S54); mei120d; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-1713MA series; hv1; 30-64; 50-90; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1562F-E; mei260e; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1562F-G; mei260b; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1562F-SW; mei260d; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1562F-U; mei260c; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1562NMF; mei260a; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1563PE1; mei2619; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1563PE2; mei261c; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1563PG2; mei261f; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1563PU1; mei261a; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1563PU2; mei261b; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1731 series; hv2; 30-82; 50-120; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1732 series; hv3; 30-64; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733-E; mei0c0a; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733F-E; mei0c27; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733F-G; mei0c24; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733F-J; mei0c48; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733F-K; mei0c2a; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733F-SW; mei0c26; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733F-U; mei0c25; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733-G; mei0c07; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733-J; hv5; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733-K; mei0c0d; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733-SW; mei0c09; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1733-U; mei0c08; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734-E; mei0c33; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734F-E; mei0c58; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734F-G; mei0c57; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734F-J; mei0c63; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734F-K; mei0c5b; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734F-SW; mei0c59; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734F-U; mei0c5a; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734-G; mei0c32; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734-J; mei0c3c; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734-SW; mei0c34; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1734-U; mei0c35; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1751 series; hv4; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1752-E; mei0c17; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1752-G; mei0c14; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1752-SW; mei0c16; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1752-U; mei0c15; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1753-E; mei0c38; 30-86; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1753-G; mei0c37; 30-86; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1753-SW; mei0c39; 30-86; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D1753-U; mei0c3a; 30-86; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2051-G; mei1205; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2051-K; mei120b; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2051-SW; mei1207; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2051-U; mei1206; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2131P series; gv2p; 30-82; 50-150; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2131 series; gv2; 30-82; 50-150; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2151-EA; mei1608; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2151-GA; mei1605; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2151-J; mei1612; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2151-KA; mei160b; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2151 series; hv4s; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2151-SWA; mei1607; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2151-UA; mei1606; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2162-E; mei162c; 30-95; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2162-G; mei162b; 30-95; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2162-J; mei162f; 30-95; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2162-K; mei1631; 30-95; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2162-SW; mei162d; 30-95; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2162-U; mei162e; 30-95; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2171-E; mei1633; 30-115; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2171-G; mei1632; 30-115; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2171-J; mei163e; 30-115; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2171-SW; mei1634; 30-115; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D2171-U; mei1635; 30-115; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D4L31-J; mei1e01; 30-61; 50-77; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D7P53-E; mei1008; 30-86; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D7P53-G; mei1007; 30-86; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D7P53-J; mei1006; 30-86; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D7P53-K; mei100c; 30-86; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D7P53-SW; mei1009; 30-86; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-D7P53-U; mei100a; 30-86; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1562CJ1; 7e_d; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1562PE1; 7e_b; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1562PE2; mei2604; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1562PG1; 7e_a; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1562PG2; mei2603; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1562PT2; mei2602; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1562PU1; 7e_c; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1563F-E; mei2623; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1563F-G; mei2620; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1563F-SW; mei2625; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1563F-U; mei2624; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1563PT1; mei261e; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1565PE1; mei2628; 30-67; 50-120; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1565PG1; mei2627; 30-67; 50-120; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1565PU1; mei2629; 30-67; 50-120; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1567PE1; mei261d; 30-61; 50-90; 1
+Panasonic; Panasonic TX-T1567PT1; mei2626; 30-61; 50-90; 1
+Peacock; Peacock P1796 C2; actb013; 30-97; 50-150; 1
+PC Brand; PC Brand Super_VGA; super_vga; 28.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Philips; Magnavox MB7000(17inch/CM6800); phla17b; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Philips; Philips 150S; PHL0805; 30-61; 56-75; 1024x768
+Philips; Philips 104B(14inch/CM1300); phl104b; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+Philips; Philips 104B(14inch/CM2300); phlb14b; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Philips; Philips 105B(15inch/CM1200); phla15b; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+Philips; Philips 105S(15inch/CM1300); phl105c; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+Philips; Philips 105S(15inch/CM2300); phlb15c; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Philips; Philips 107B(17inch/CM6800); phl6800; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Philips; Philips 107B20(17inch/CM2317); phle003; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Philips; Philips 107E; PHL0004; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+Philips; Philips 107P(17inch); phle002; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Philips; Philips 107S(17inch/CM1300); phla17c; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Philips; Philips 107S(17inch/CM6800); phl107c; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Philips; Philips 109S; phl4109; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Philips; Philips 109B40; PHLE00E; 30.0-97.0; 50.0-160.0
+Philips; Philips 14C(14inch/7CM5209); 0; 31.5,35.2,35.5; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Philips; Philips 14C(14inch/7CM5279); 0; 31.5,35.2,35.5; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Philips; Philips 17ACM38; phl3800; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+Philips; Philips 17BCM28; phl2800; 30-66; 50-130; 1
+Philips; Philips 17TCM26; phl2600; 30-66; 50-100; 1
+Philips; Philips 180B2; PHL0810; 30-82; 56-76; 1280x1024
+Philips; Philips 200T(20inch/CM0700); phl200d; 30.0-90.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Philips; Philips 201B(21inch/CM0770); phl201b; 30.0-94.0; 48.0-160.0; 1
+Philips; Philips 20CM64; 20cm64; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Philips; Philips 29PX8031 Monitor/TV; phl5f1f; 31.5-35.2; 50.0-56.0; 1
+Philips; Philips 6CM321; 6cm321; 35.2; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Philips; Philips 7BM749; 7bm749; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1
+Philips; Philips 7CM321; 7cm321; 35.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Philips; Philips 7CM329; 7cm329; 35.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Philips; Philips 9CM062; 9cm062; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1
+Philips; Philips 9CM082; 9cm082; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1
+Philips; Philips Brilliance 105(15inch/CM2200); phl105a; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Philips; Philips Brilliance 107(17inch/CM8800); phl0107; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Philips; Philips Brilliance 107(PRODUCT ID 17A58...); phl1107; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Philips; Philips Brilliance 109(PRODUCT ID 19A58...); phl1109; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Philips; Philips Brilliance 201(21inch/CM1700); phl201a; 31.5-107.0; 50.0-170.0; 1
+Philips; Philips Brilliance 201CS; phl0201; 30.0-107.0; 50-170; 1
+Philips; Philips Brilliance AX4500(14.5 LCD MONITOR); phl4500; 30.0-60.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Philips; Philips CM0200 (14B); phl2000; 31-48; 50-100; 1
+Philips; Philips CM0200 (15C); phl0200; 31-48; 50-100; 1
+Philips; Philips CM0500 (20C); phl0500; 31-64; 50-120; 1
+Philips; Philips CM0700 (20T); phl0700; 30-90; 50-160; 1
+Philips; Philips CM0700 (21B); phl700b; 30-94; 50-160; 1
+Philips; Philips CM0800 (14A); phl8000; 30-58; 50-100; 1
+Philips; Philips CM0800 (15B); phl0800; 30-58; 50-100; 1
+Philips; Philips CM1200 (15A); phl1200; 31-66; 50-110; 1
+Philips; Philips CM1800 (15A); phl1800; 31-66; 50-110; 1
+Philips; Philips CM5600 (20B); phl5600; 31-82; 50-120; 1
+Philips; Philips CM9039; cm9039; 31.5; 60.0-70.0; 1
+Philips; Philips CM9079; cm9079; 35.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Philips; Philips CM9085; cm9085; 31.5; 70; 1
+Philips; Philips CM9089; cm9089; 35.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Philips; Philips CM9214; cm9214; 30.0-58.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Philips; Philips CM9217; cm9217; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Philips; Philips Magnavox 109S; phl3109; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Philips; Philips Magnavox MB7000(17inch/CM6800); phla17b; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Philips; Philips PD5029S Monitor/TV; phla513; 31.5-35.2; 50.0-56.0; 1
+PLB; PLB 1410 Model; plb1410; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+PLB; PLB 1510 Model; plb1510; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+PLB; PLB 1710; plb1710; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+PLB; PLB 1910; plb1910; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Premier; Premier PM14V-S-1; pm14v-s-1; 34.5-38.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton 14ni; ultra14ni; 31.5-48.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton 14; ultra14; 35.5-37.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton 15; ultra15; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton 17; ultra17; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton AF3.0HD; pgs00f7; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton AGF900; pgs016f; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton AGX700; pgs00cc; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-140.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton AGX740; pgs0169; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-180.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton AGX750; pgs00cb; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton AGX900; pgs00cd; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton APP520; pgs010d; 60.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton APP550; pgs015f; 58.1; 55.0-85.1; 1
+Princeton; Princeton APP560; pgs00f5; 60.0; 56.0-76.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton APP800; pgs0131; 80.0; 60.0-75.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Arcadia AR2.7AV; pgs0085; 31.5-38.0; 30.0-90.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Arcadia AR2.7; pgs006f; 31.5-38.0; 30.0-90.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Arcadia AR3.1AV; pgs0086; 31.5-38.0; 30.0-90.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Arcadia AR3.1; pgs0070; 31.5-38.0; 30.0-90.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Arcadia AR3.6; pgs00d1; 31.5-38.0; 30.0-90.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton C2001; pgs008b; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton DPP500; pgs00ca; 48.4; 60.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton DPP500; pgs3011; 48.4; 60.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton DPP550; pgs00e1; 56.5; 70.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton DPP550; pgs3012; 56.5; 70.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton DPP560; mtc1503; 48.4; 60.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton DPP560; pgs00e3; 48.4; 60.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton DPP560; pgs3013; 48.4; 60.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton DPP800; pgs00eb; 45.1; 42.7; 1
+Princeton; Princeton DPP810; pgs0165; 45.1; 42.7; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO14; pgs003a; 48.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO15; pgs003b; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO17; kds06c2; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO17; pgs003d; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO2000; pgs00f6; 30.0-115.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO2010; pgs00ce; 30.0-117.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO400; pgs009d; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO400; pgs009d; 30.0-54.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO40; pgs004e; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO40; pgs004e; 48.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO500; pgs008e; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO500; pgs00d6; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-140.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO505; pgs00be; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO50; pgs004f; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO700; pgs00b6; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO700; pgs00d5; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO700; pgs00e6; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO705; pgs00bf; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO705; pgs00dd; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO70; pgs0050; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO70; pgs00d4; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO710; pgs008f; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO710; pgs00e7; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO720; pgs00b7; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO72; pgs0052; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO74/74T; pgs0055; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO750; pgs00c2; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO75; pgs003c; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO76/76T; pgs0056; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO900; pgs0087; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO900; pgs0171; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO90; pgs0092; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO930; pgs00e2; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton EO935S; pgs0172; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton LD150; pgs00de; 68.7; 55.0-85.1; 1
+Princeton; Princeton LD50A; pgs00ae; 60.0; 55.0-75.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton MAX-15; 0; 15.0-36.0; 45.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton MultiView_II; multiview_ii; 15.0-70.0; 45.0-90.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton MultiView; multiview; 15.0-60.0; 45.0-90.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 100; pgs00d3; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra-1200; max-15; 15.0-38.0; 45.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra-1400; ultra-1400; 15.0-38.0; 45.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra-1600; ultra-1600; 15.0-38.0; 45.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 17+; pgs003e; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra-2000; ultra-2000; 45.0-68.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 20; pgs003f; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 40; pgs0051; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 40; pgs0051; 48.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 41; pgs0090; 48.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 42; pgs011a; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 50e; pgs011b; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 50; pgs004d; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 50; pgs004d; 48.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 51; pgs009b; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 52/52B; pgs00d0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 70F; ___7627; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 70F; pgs0049; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 71; pgs0079; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 71; pgs7900; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 72e; pgs015d; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 72; pgs008d; 30.0-69.0; 55.0-90.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 74; pgs00f2; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 75/75B; pgs00dc; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 75e; pgs016a; 30.0-72.0; 47.0-160.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 77e; pgs016b; 30.0-96.0; 47.0-160.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 77; pgs00fc; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 80; pgs0091; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 90/90B; pgs00d2; 30.0-94.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 90e; pgs0130; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 92; pgs016c; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 95e; pgs016d; 30.0-96.0; 47.0-150.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 95; pgs00db; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton Ultra 95; pgs00fa; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Princeton; Princeton VL173 Flat Panel; pgs4902; 31-75; 56-75; 1
+Princeton; Princeton VL1916 19inch LCD Display; 0; 24-83; 55-76; 1
+Princeton; W74; pgs00e5; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Princeton; W74; pgs00fb; 30.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+Proview; Proview 570; pts023a; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Proview; Proview 770; pts0302; 30.0-76.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Proview; Proview 786N; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Proview; Proview 860; pts035c; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Proview; Proview 996N; pts025c; 30.0-98.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+QDS; QDS 0014; QDS0014; 48-50; 57-62; 1280x800
+Proview; Proview CY965; PTS03c5; 30-80; 60-75; 1280x1024
+Quantex; Quantex TE1564M - Super View 1280; 75; 30-64; 50-100
+Qume; Qume QM835; qm835; 30.0-36.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Radius; Radius PrecisionColor Display/19; pcd19; 30.0-67.0; 72; 1
+Radius; Radius PrecisionColor Display/20; pcd20; 30.0-71.0; 75; 1
+Radius; Radius PrecisionColor Pivot; pcp; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+RasterOps; RasterOps 20/20; r2020; 31-69; 60-76; 1
+RasterOps; RasterOps ClearVueColor 17; cv17; 30-82; 50-90; 1
+RasterOps; RasterOps ClearVueColor 20T; cv20t; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+RasterOps; RasterOps ClearVueColor 21; cv21; 30-82; 50-90; 1
+REDMS Group; REDMS SRC-1401; src-1401; 28.0-40.0; 47.0-90.0; 1
+REDMS Group; REDMS SRC-1402; src-1402; 28.0-50.0; 47.0-90.0; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RE-1420; re-1420; 28.0-40.0; 60; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RE1438; rel1438; 30-38; 0-100; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RE1450; rel1450; 30-50; 50-100; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RE-1520; re-1520; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-80.0; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RE-1528; re-1528; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RE412; rel0412; 30-57; 50-150; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RE432; rel0432; 30-65; 50-100; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RE438; rel0438; 30-38; 0-100; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RE450; rel0450; 30-50; 50-100; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RE451; rel0451; 30-54; 50-100; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RE518; rel0518; 30-69; 50-150; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RE535; rel0535; 30-65; 50-100; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RE550; rel0550; 30-50; 50-100; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RE551; rel0551; 30-54; 50-150; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RE572; rel0572; 30-72; 50-150; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RE760; rel0760; 30-65; 50-100; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RE767; rel0767; 30-69; 50-150; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RE768; rel0768; 30-86; 50-150; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RE772; rel0772; 30-72; 50-150; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RE786; rel0786; 30-86; 50-150; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RE795; rel0795; 30-96; 50-150; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RE9516S; rel9516; 30-35; 0-100; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RE995; rel0995; 30-95; 50-150; 1
+Relisys; Relisys RM-1541; rm-1541; 48.0-65.0; 40.0-80.0; 1
+Royal Information Company; Royal Information Company TRL/RIC DH-1570M/DH-1570; trl0410; 29.0-70.0; 47.0-120.0; 1
+Royal Information Company; Royal Information Company TRL/RIC DH-1764M/DH-1764; trl0510; 29.0-70.0; 47.0-120.0; 1
+Royal Information Company; Royal Information Company TRL/RIC DH-1764UM/DH-1764U; trl0610; 29.0-85.0; 47.0-120.0; 1
+Royal Information Company; Royal Information Company TRL/RIC DL-1564M/DL-1564; trl0110; 29.0-64.0; 47.0-120.0; 1
+Royal Information Company; Royal Information Company TRL/RIC DL-1564; trl061c; 29.0-64.0; 47.0-100.0; 1
+Royal Information Company; Royal Information Company TRL/RIC DL-1750MU; trl0310; 29.0-70.0; 47.0-120.0; 1
+Royal Information Company; Royal Information Company TRL/RIC RH-1450; trl0010; 29.0-50.0; 47.0-90.0; 1
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 15/15g/15gx; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 15mx; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 17; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 1788 17gx; 0; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 1789 17gx; 0; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 17e; 0; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-90.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 17g; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 17mx; 0; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 410; 0; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-90.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 411; 0; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 500; 0; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-90.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 511; 0; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 520; 0; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 520A; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 711; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 720; 0; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 730; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 731; 0; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 750; 0; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-200.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 760; 0; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 761; 0; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-200.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 830; 0; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 850; 0; 30.0-92.0; 50.0-200.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 950; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-200.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan 960; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-200.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan GL; 0; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan GLX; 0; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan Plus/GS; 0; 30.0-62.0; 50.0-90.0
+Sampo; Sampo AlphaScan SV; 0; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-90.0
+Samsung; Samsung 15GLsi; sam1530; 24.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Samsung; Samsung 17GLi; sam4d73; 24.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Samsung; Samsung 17GLsi; sam4d74; 24.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Samsung; Samsung 5b (CKB52*); sam2c56; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung 5e (CKA52*); sam2c36; 30-55; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung 7e (CKB72*); sam2c58; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung CSA-7571; csa-7571; 20.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Samsung; Samsung CT-4581; ct-4581; 15.0-38.0; 47.0-73.0; 1
+Samsung; Samsung MF-4771; mf-4771; 15.0-38.0; 48.0-72.0; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 40Bn; sam202e; 30-55; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 40B; sam2034; 30-55; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 45B(n); sam1034; 30-55; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 4Bi; sam2c33; 30-55; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 50B; sam2056; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 50(M)E; sam2036; 30-61; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 55B (Plus); sam1056; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 55(M)E (Plus); sam1036; 30-61; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 55v; sam12b7; 30-55; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 56E/57E/56V; STN0002; 30-55; 50-120
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 5Bi; sam2c55; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 5Ei; sam2c35; 30-55; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 5(M)B (CGB5617*); sam1c54; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 5(M)E (CGK5517*); sam1d74; 30-54; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 60(M)B; sam2042; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 70(M)E; sam2058; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 75G; sam105b; 30-85; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 75(M)B; sam105a; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 75(M)E (Plus); sam1058; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 75P Plus; sam40d8; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 75P; sam4ee7; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 7Ei; sam2c57; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 90SL; sam4dba; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 95in(T); sam25de; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 95P Plus; sam40db; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 95P; sam4f28; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 9B; sam4f23; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 9 In; sam25da; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung Samtron 9P; sam4f27; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster; SAM0080; 30-81; 56-85; 1280x1024
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 1000b (CGX1607*); sam1f14; 30-107; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 1000p; sam1f13; 30-107; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 1000s (CGP1607*); sam0cf1; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 14GL; samsungsm14gl; 30-62; 50-100; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 1100DF/2100DF/CD210C; SAM006D; 30-121; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 14GL; sam14gl; 30-62; 50-100; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 15GLe; sam4d50; 30-50; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 15GLe; sam6d20; 30-50; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 15GLi; sam4d51; 30-65; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 15GL; samsungsm15gl; 30-62; 50-100; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 15GL; sam15gl; 30-62; 50-100; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 15Me; sam5450; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 15M; sam4d52; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 150N/152N/153N; SAM00A4; 30-61; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 151MP/155MP/RB1500MP; SAM0004; 31-70; 50-85; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 152MP/156MP/CX510MP/CX500MB; SAM00A8; 30-71; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 153T; SAM00CD; 30-61; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 153V/153S/153B; SAM00A2; 30-61; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 17GLi; sam4d70; 30-65; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 17GL; samsungsm17gl; 30-65; 50-100; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 17GL; sam17gl; 30-65; 50-100; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 17GLsi; sam4d71; 30-85; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 171v; samsungsm171v; 30-81; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 17GLs; sam17gls; 30-82; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 17GLs; samsungsm17gls; 30-82; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 171MP/175MP/RB1700MP; SAM000A; 31-80; 50-85; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 171S/175S/170S/CX175S-AZ/LX175S; SAM001B; 30-81; 56-85; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 171N/175N/171Np/171Nm/CX174N/CX171N/MX174N; SAM006B; 30-81; 56-76; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 172MP/176MP/CX710MP/CX700MB; SAM00A7; 30-81; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 172X/177X/CX710X (Analog); SAM00C8; 30-81; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 172X/177X/CX710X (Digital); SAM00E5; 30-81; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 172T/176T/CX176T/CX171T (Analog); SAM006E; 30-81; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 172T/176T/CX176T/CX171T (Digital); SAM006F; 30-81; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 173P/CX710P (Digital); SAM00E2; 30-81; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 173P/CX710P (Analog); SAM00D3; 30-81; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 173T/177T/CX700T/CX710T; SAM00BA; 30-81; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 173V/172V/173S/173B/174V/175V; SAM00A3; 30-81; 56-76; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 177MP/710MP/CX711MP/CX710MP; SAM00D2; 30-81; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 181T; sam0020; 30-81; 56-85; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 190N(M)/192N(M)/193N(M); SAM00A6; 30-81; 56-85; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 191+; sam00bb; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 191T; sam0014; 30-81; 56-85; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 191TFT; sam0014; 30.0-81.0; 56.0-85.0 ; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 191Tplus/193T/197T/CX900T; SAM00BB; 30-81; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 192T/196T/CX910T(M); SAM00B6; 30-81; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 192MPplus/930MP (Analog); SAM015B; 30-81; 56-85; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 192MPplus/930MP (Digital); SAM015C; 30-81; 56-85; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 193P/CX910P (Analog); SAM00EC; 30-81; 56-75
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 193P/CX910P (Digital); SAM00ED; 30-81; 56-75
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 198T/910T/CX901T (Analog); SAM010E; 30-81; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 198T/910T/CX901T (Digital); SAM010F; 30-81; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 20GLsi; sam4690; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 20gls; samsungsm20gls; 30-82; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 20gls; sam20gls; 30-82; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 21GLs; sam4610; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 210T/LXA210T (Analog); SAM4251; 30-93; 50-85; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 210T/LXA210T (Digital); SAM4252; 30-81; 50-85; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 211MP/215MP/CX211MP; SAMOO56; 30-85; 55-85; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 213T/CX210T; SAMOO91; 30-81; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 240T (Analog); SAM4254; 30-93; 50-85; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 240T (Digital); SAM4255; 30-81; 50-85; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 241MP/245MP; SAMOO4B; 30-85; 50-85; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 243T/CX240T (Analog); SAM00D9; 30-80; 55-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 243T/CX240T (Digital); SAM00F7; 30-80; 55-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 320TFT (LXB310*); sam6053; 30-61; 50-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 330/331TFT (LXB350*); sam6054; 30-61; 50-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 3Ne; sam0000; 31.5-48.0; 43.5-75.0; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 3NE; samsungsm3ne; 48.4; 60.0; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 3; samsungsm3; 35.5; 43.5; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 3NE; sam3ne; 48.4; 60.0; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 3; sam3; 35.5; 43.5; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 400b (CKA4217*); sam2c34; 30-55; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 410b(CHA4217*); sam2033; 30-55; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 450(N)b; sam1033; 30-55; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 470S TFT; sam49d4; 30-61; 50-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 4NE; samsungsm4ne; 30-50; 50-100; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 4NE; sam4ne; 30-50; 50-100; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 4S; sam0100; 31.5-48.4; 43.5-75.0; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 500b Plus (CKF5607*); sam0d66; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 500b; sam1c53; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 500(M)p (CGC5607*); sam1c73; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 500(M)s (CGK5507*); sam1d73; 30-54; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 500(M)s Plus (CKE5507*); sam0d65; 30-60; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 510b(CHB5707*); sam2055; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 510(M)s (CHA5807*); sam2035; 30-61; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 510N/512N/CX511N/CX501N; SAM011D; 30-61; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 515V; SAM0172; 30-61; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 520TFT (LXB530*); sam6055; 30-61; 50-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 530/531TFT (LXB550*); sam6056; 30-61; 50-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 550b; sam1055; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 550(M)s; sam1035; 30-61; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 550v; sam12b6; 30-55; 50-120; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 570B TFT/580B TFT; sam49d5; 30-61; 50-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 610(M)b(CHB6107*); sam2041; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 6Ne; sam4d72; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700b Plus; sam2cf8; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700IFT (CSH780B*); sam4ee9; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700(M)b (CGM7607*); sam1db3; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700(M)s (CGE7507*); sam1cb3; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700(M)s Plus (CKG7507*); sam0d67; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700NF; sam38d7; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700p Plus (CSH7839*); sam4ee6; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700TFT; sam6057; 61.5-81.0; 59.0-76.0; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 700DF; SAM00B3; 30-71; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 701 IFT; sam4eeb; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 710(M)b (CHB7709*); sam2059; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 710(M)s (CHB7707*); sam2057; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 710N/177N/CX711N/CX701N; SAM011E; 30-81; 56-85; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 710Tplus/711T/712T (Digital); SAM0166; 30-81; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 710Tplus/711T/712T (Analog); SAM0165; 30-81; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 711N/712N; SAM0124; 30-81; 56-85; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 712V/713V/710S/715V; SAM0125; 30-81; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 750(M)b; sam1059; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 750(M)s(T); sam1057; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 750s(T); SAM12B6; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 753DF(X)/703DF(X)/783DF(X)/CD173A(T); SAM0022; 30-71; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 763MB/713MB/CD173D(P); SAM0045; 30-71; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 765MB/715MB/CD175D(P); SAM0048; 30-85; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 790DF; SAM0126; 30-71; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 793S/793V/CM173G; SAM0117; 30-71; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 793DF/793MB; SAM0107; 30-71; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 800TFT; sam6058; 61.5-81.0; 59.0-76.0; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 900IFT; sam4f29; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 900 In; sam25d9; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 900NF; sam38d9; 30-110; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 900p (CSH9839*); sam4f26; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 900SL (CSM92*); sam4db9; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 905DF(X)/955DF(X)/CD195A; SAM002D; 30-85; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 910N/912N; SAM011F; 30-81; 56-85; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 910MP; SAM0187; 30-81; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 917MB/950MB/957MB/CD197D(P); SAM0070; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 920T/CX911T (Digital); SAM014B; 30-81; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 920T/CX911T (Analog); SAM014A; 30-81; 56-75; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 950in(T); sam25dc; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 955df; sam413b; 30-85; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 957p; sam002c; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 997DF/927DF/997MB/927MB/927DFI/927MBI; SAM0109; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+Samsung; Samsung SyncMaster 1200NF/2200NF/CPN22NF; SAM38D2; 30-121; 50-185; 1
+Samtron; Samtron 428PT/PTL; sdi1428; 31.5-48.0; 43.5-75.0; 1
+Samtron; Samtron SC-208DXL+; sdi4690; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Samtron; Samtron SC-528MDL; sdi5451; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Samtron; Samtron SC-528MXLJ; sdi1530; 24.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Samtron; Samtron SC-528TXL; sdi1528; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Samtron; Samtron SC-528UXL; sdi1529; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Samtron; Samtron SC-726GXL; sdi4d71; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Samtron; Samtron SC-728FXLJ; sdi4d73; 24.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Samtron; Samtron SC-728FXL; sdi4d70; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Seiko; Seiko CM-1440; cm-1440; 31.0-40.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Seiko; Seiko CM-1450; cm-1450; 31.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Seiko; Seiko CM-2050; cm-2050; 31.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+SGI; SGI 17-inch 340C; 0; 30-95; 48-180
+SGI; SGI 17-inch GDM-17E11; 0; 30.0-85.0;48.0-150.0
+SGI; SGI 17-inch GDM-17E21; 0; 30.0-85.0;48.0-160.0
+SGI; SGI 17-inch GDM-2011P; 0; 30.0-92.0;48.0-160.0
+SGI; SGI 17-inch M-7S54SG; 0; 30.0-95.0; 48.0-180.0
+SGI; SGI 19-inch CMNB024B; 0; 30-100; 48-200
+SGI; SGI 20-inch GDM-20E21; 0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0
+SGI; SGI 20-inch GDM-4011P; 0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0
+SGI; SGI 21-inch 420C; 0; 30-107; 48-160
+SGI; SGI 21-inch GDM-5011P; 0; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0
+SGI; SGI 21-inch GDM5011P; 0; 30-107; 48-160
+SGI; SGI 21-inch GDM-5021PT; 0; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0
+SGI; SGI 21-inch GDM-5411; 0; 30-121; 48-160
+SGI; SGI 24-inch GDM-90W11; 0; 30.0-96.0;48.0-160.0
+SGI; SGI GDM-90W11; 0; 30.0-96.0;48.0-160.0
+SGI; SGI 1600SW FlatPanel; SGX0640; 72.0; 60.0
+Shamrock; Shamrock C407L; 0; 31.5-55.0; 50-70
+Siemens Nixdorf; Siemens Nixdorf MCM1402; siemens1; 30-64; 50-100; 1
+Siemens Nixdorf; Siemens Nixdorf MCM1503; siemens2; 30-64; 50-100; 1
+Siemens Nixdorf; Siemens Nixdorf MCM1702; siemens3; 30-82; 50-150; 1
+Siemens Nixdorf; Siemens Nixdorf MCM2102; siemens4; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+Sliding Unika; Sliding S 2201 LCD 16/9 22inch; 0; 31-80; 50-75; 1
+Smile; Smile 85Khz Monitor; sml6738; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Smile; Smile CA6425DL/CB6425DL; sml6425; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Smile; Smile CA6525DL/CB6525DL; sml6525; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Smile; Smile CA6546SL/CB6546SL; sml6546; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Smile; Smile CA6719SL/CB6719SL; sml6719; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Smile; Smile CA6746SL/CB6746SL; sml6746; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Smile; Smile CA6748SL/CB6748SL; sml6748; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Smile; Smile CA6919SL/CB6919SL; sml6919; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-100ES; sny0450; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-100GS; sny0550; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-100SF; sny0150; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-100SX; sny8050; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-100VS; sny0050; 31.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-101VS iGPE; sny0a50; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-110GS/110EST/T9; sny0c50; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-120AS; sny0850; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-120VS; sny0650; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-1302; cpd-1302; 15.5-34.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-1304; cpd-1304; 28.0-50.0; 50.0-87.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-1304S; cpd-1304s; 28.0-57.0; 55.0-110.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-1430; cpd-1430; 28.0-58.0; 55.0-110.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-15ES2; sny0b50; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-15ES; sny0750; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-15SF2; sny0000; 31.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-15SF9; sny0350; 24.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-15SX1; sny0000; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-1604S; cpd-1604s; 28-57; 50-87; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-1730; cpd-1730; 28.0-58.0; 55.0-115.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-17C1; sny0b70; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-17ES2; sny0f70; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-17GS; sny0a70; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-17MS; sny0970; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-17SF2; sny0000; 31.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-17SF8R; sny0070; 24.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-17SF8; sny0000; 24.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-17SF9; sny0470; 24.0-80.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-2003GT; sny017b; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-200ES; sny0770; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-200GS; sny0a70; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-200SF; sny0270; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-200SFT; sny0370; 30.0-80.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-200SX; sny0570; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-201VS iGPE; sny0e70; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-20SF2; sny0000; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-20SF2T5; sny00a0; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-150.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-20SF2T; sny0000; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-20SF3; sny01a0; 30.0-86.0; 48.0-150.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-210GS/210EST/T9; sny1070; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-210SFB; sny0870; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-220AS; sny0d70; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-220GS/17GS2; sny0071; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-220VS; sny0670; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-300SFT5; sny04a0; 30.0-86.0; 48.0-150.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-300SFT; sny03a0; 30.0-86.0; 48.0-150.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-420GS/GST/19GS2; sny0091; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-520GS/520GST/21GS2; sny02b0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-A100/HMD-A100; sny0e50; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-A200/HMD-A200; sny1370; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-E100/E100E; sny0d50; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-E200/E200E; sny1470; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-E400/E400E; sny0390; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-E500/E500E; sny04b0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-G200; sny1270; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-G400; sny0290; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-G410R; sny0191; 30.0-110.0; 40.0-170.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-G420; SNY0490; 30-110; 48-170;
+Sony; Sony CPD-G500; sny03b0; 30.0-121.0; 48.0-160.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-H200; sny1170; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-L100; sny0140; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-65.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-L133; sny0030; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-65.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-L141; sny0040; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-65.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-L150; sny0950; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-65.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-L181/181A; sny0080; 30.0-92.0; 48.0-65.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-L200/M151; sny0f50; 30.0-61.0; 50.0-65.0; 1
+Sony; Sony CPD-V200; sny1570; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony GDM-1310; cpd-1310; 15.7-36.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Sony; Sony GDM-17SE1; gdm-17se1; 31.5-82.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Sony; Sony GDM-17SE2T; sny0170; 30.0-85.0; 48.0-150.0; 1
+Sony; Sony GDM-1936; cpd-1936; 30.0-71.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony GDM-200PS; sny0c70; 30.0-92.0; 48.0-160.0; 1
+Sony; Sony GDM-2038; cpd-2038; 28.0-85.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Sony; Sony GDM-20SE2T5; sny05a0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0; 1
+Sony; Sony GDM-20SE3T; sny06a0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0; 1
+Sony; Sony GDM-20SHT(NEW); sny08a0; 30.0-107.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Sony; Sony GDM-20SHT; sny0000; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony GDM-400PS/400PST/19PS; SNY0090; 30-95; 48-160;
+Sony; Sony GDM-500PS/T/T9/21PS; sny00b0; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0; 1
+Sony; Sony GDM-F400/F400T9; sny0190; 30.0-107.0; 48.0-160.0; 1
+Sony; Sony GDM-F500/F500T9; sny01b0; 30.0-121.0; 48.0-160.0; 1
+Sony; Sony GDM-C520; SNY01B1; 30.0-130.0; 48.0-170.0; 1
+Sony; Sony GDM-W900; sny00e0; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Sony; Sony GVM-2020; cpd-2020; 15.7-36.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Sony; Sony HMD-A240; SNY0871; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony HMD-A440; SNY0E90; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-170.0; 1
+Sony; Sony HMD-V200; SNY1570; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony HMD-H200; SNY1170; 30.0-70.0; 48.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony KL-W7000; sny01f2; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-85.0; 1
+Sony; Sony MFM-HT75W (Analog); SNY1200; 28.0-64.0; 57.0-75.0; 1
+Sony; Sony MFM-HT75W (Digital); SNY1400; 28.0-64.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+Sony; Sony MFM-HT95 (Analog); SNY1300; 28.0-81.0; 57.0-75.0; 1
+Sony; Sony MFM-HT95 (Digital); SNY1500; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+Sony; Sony Multiscan 15sf; ms-15sf; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony Multiscan 17sf; ms-17sf; 31.0-64.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Sony; Sony Multiscan 20se; ms-20se; 31.5-85; 50-150; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-HS53; SNY2250; 28.0-49.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-HS73; SNY2270; 28.0-65.0; 48.0-65.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-HX73 (Analog); SNY2870; 28.0-81.0; 57.0-75.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-HX73 (Digital); SNY2970; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-HS73P; SNY2B70; 28.0-80.0; 48.0-75.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-HS74P (Analog); SNY3070; 28.0-81.0; 48.0-75.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-HS74P (Digital); SNY3170; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-HS75; SNY2400; 28.0-81.0; 48.0-75.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-HS75P (Analog); SNY2200; 28.0-81.0; 48.0-75.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-HS75P (Digital); SNY2300; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-HS93; SNY1190; 28.0-65.0; 48.0-65.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-HX93 (Analog); SNY1490; 28.0-81.0; 57.0-75.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-HX93 (Digital); SNY1590; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-HS94P (Analog); SNY1B90; 28.0-81.0; 48.0-75.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-HS94P (Digital); SNY1C90; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-M51; SNY1650; 28.0-61.0; 48.0-65.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-M51D (Analog); SNY1850; 28.0-61.0; 48.0-65.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-M51D (Digital); SNY1950; 28.0-61.0; 59.0-61.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-M61 (Analog); SNY0060; 28.0-80.0; 48.0-75.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-M61 (Digital); SNY0160; 28.0-65.0; 59.0-61.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-M81 (Analog); SNY0380; 28.0-80.0; 48.0-75.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-M81 (Digital); SNY0480; 28.0-65.0; 59.0-61.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-N50PS; SNY1150; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-65.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-N50TV; SNY1550; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-65.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-N50; SNY1050; 30.0-60.0; 50.0-65.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-N80 (Analog); SNY0180; 28.0-107.0; 48.0-65.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-N80 (Digital); SNY0280; 28.0-92.0; 48.0-65.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-P82 (Analog); SNY0880; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-P82 (Digital); SNY0980; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-P232W (Analog); SNY00D0; 30.0-95.0; 55.0-65.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-P232W (Digital); SNY01D0; 30.0-92.0; 55.0-65.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-P234 (Analog); SNY03D0; 28.0-92.0; 57.0-85.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-P234 (Digital); SNY02D0; 28.0-75.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-S51; SNY1E50; 28.0-61.0; 48.0-65.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-S53; SNY2450; 28.0-62.0; 57.0-75.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-S71; SNY1F70; 28.0-65.0; 48.0-65.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-S73; SNY2770; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-75.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-S74 (Analog); SNY2C70; 28.0-81.0; 48.0-75.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-S74 (Digital); SNY2D70; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-S81; SNY0580; 28.0-65.0; 48.0-65.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-S91; SNY1090; 28.0-65.0; 55.0-65.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-S93; SNY1390; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-75.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-S94 (Analog); SNY1790; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-75.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-S94 (Digital); SNY1890; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-S204 (Analog); SNY0EA0; 28.0-92.0; 57.0-85.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-S204 (Digital); SNY0FA0; 28.0-75.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-V72W; SNY0B71; 28.0-70.0; 59.0-61.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-X52 (Analog); SNY1F50; 28.0-49.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-X52 (Digital); SNY2050; 28.0-49.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-X53 (Analog); SNY2350; 28.0-52.0; 57.0-75.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-X53 (Digital); SNY2550; 28.0-52.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-X72 (Analog); SNY1D70; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-X72 (Digital); SNY1E70; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-X73 (Analog); SNY2670; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-75.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-X73 (Digital); SNY2A70; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-X82 (Analog); SNY0680; 28.0-63.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-X82 (Digital); SNY0780; 28.0-63.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-X93 (Analog); SNY1290; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-75.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-X93 (Digital); SNY1690; 28.0-65.0; 57.0-63.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-X202 (Analog); SNY09A0; 30.0-92.0; 55.0-65.0; 1
+Sony; Sony SDM-X202 (Digital); SNY0AA0; 30.0-92.0; 55.0-65.0; 1
+Sony; Sony VMU-1000; sny07a0; 30.0-86.0; 48.0-150.0; 1
+Sunshine; Sunshine DM-8 CM-1433H; 0; 31.5-35.1; 55.0-66.0
+Sun; Sun 16-inch 574; sun0574; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Sun; Sun 17-inch 447Z; 100; 31.0-72.0; 50.0-120.0
+Sun; Sun 17-inch CHB7727L (Samsung); 0; 30.0-72.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Sun; Sun 18-inch Flat Panel Display; sun0004; 64.0-81.0; 60.0-76.0; 1
+Sun; Sun 21-inch N3; 0; 30.0-96.0; 48.0-160.0
+Sun; Sun 24-inch; 0; 30.0-96.0; 50.0-160.0
+Sylvania; Sylvania F74; syl00f4; 30.0-70.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+Talon; Talon Tuff/CRT; tuffcrt; 15.0-35.0; 47.0-73.0; 1
+Tandberg; Tandberg ErgoScan 21c; 0; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0
+Targa; TARGA TM 1710 D; 0; 30-65; 50-90
+Targa; Targa TM-3887, 15 Inch Monitor; tm-3887; 30-70; 50-130; 1
+Targa; Targa TM-4287, 17 Inch Monitor; tm-4287; 30-70; 50-130; 1
+Targa; Targa TM-xxxx, 19 Inch Monitor; tm-xxxx; 30-70; 50-130; 1
+Tatung; Intelliscan TM442x series; tat2f44; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Tatung; Intelliscan TM452x series; tat2f45; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Tatung; Intelliscan TM651x series; tat1f65; 31.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Tatung; Intelliscan TM671x series; tat1f67; 31.0-65.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung C4A; c4a; 31.5-48.4; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung C4D; c4d; 31.5-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung C4E; c4e; 31.5-54.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung C5D; c5d; 31.5-56.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung C5D; tat3044; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung C5E; c5e; 31.5-56.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung C5V; c5v; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung C7G; c7g; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung C7BZR; tat3742; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-1492V; cm-1492v; 31.5; 50.0-70.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-1495G; cm-1495g; 15.0-37.0; 40.0-120.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-1498M; cm-1498m; 35.5-37.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-1498R; cm-1498r; 35.5-37.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-1498T; cm-1498t; 35.5-37.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-1498X/T; cm-1498x/t; 31.5-35.6; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-14MP; cm-14mp; 31-50; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-14SBM/E with Power Saving; cm-14sbm/e-lp; 31.5-35.6; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-14SBM/S/E; cm-14sbm/s/e; 31.5-35.6; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-14SHS/E/R; cm-14shs/e/r; 31.5-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-14UAE with Power Saving; cm-14uae-lp; 31.5-48.4; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-14UAS/E; cm-14uas/e; 31.5-48.4; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-14UHE/R; cm-14uhe/r; 31-50; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-14UH; tat4855; 31.5-48.4; 56.0-87.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-15MCS; cm-15mcs; 29-65; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-15MOS/E/R; cm-15mos/e/r; 29.0-65; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-15MP; cm-15mp; 31-50; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-15UH; cm-15uh; 31-50; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-15VBE/R; cm-15vbe/r; 31.5-56.5; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-15VCR; cm-15vcr; 29-65; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-15VDE; cm-15vde; 31.5-56.5; 56.0-75.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-1700; cm-1700; 31.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-17MBD/R; cm-17mbd/r; 29-65; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-17MCR; cm-17mcr; 29-65; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-17MC; tat434d; 31.5-65.0; 56.0-87.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-17MKR; cm-17mkr; 28-82; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-17MLP; cm-17mlp; 29-65; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-17MOR; cm-17mor; 29-65; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-17MVR; cm-17mvr; 28-82; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-2000; cm-2000; 21.0-65.0; 43.0-100.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-20MBD/R; cm-20mbd/r; 29-65; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-20MKR; cm-20mkr; 28-82; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung CM-20MVR; cm-20mvr; 28-82; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung MM-1295; mm-1295; 15.0-35.0; 50.0-70.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung MM-14SAE; mm-14sae; 31.5-35.6; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung MM-14SCE; mm-14sce; 31.5-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Tatung; Tatung VM-14AF; vm-14af; 31.5-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Taxan; Ergovision 430LR; taxe430; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+Taxan; Ergovision 550TCO95/TCO95-S; taxe550; 30.0-69.0; 55.0-110.0; 1
+Taxan; Ergovision 730TCO95/TCO95-S; taxe730; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Taxan; Ergovision 740TCO95/TCO95-S; taxe740; 30.0-85.0; 55.0-120.0; 1
+Taxan; Ergovision 750TCO95; taxe750; 30.0-86.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Taxan; Ergovision 760TCO95/TCO95-S; taxe760; 30.0-70.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Taxan; Ergovision 975TCO95; taxe975; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-150.0; 1
+Taxan; Taxan MV_770+; mv_770+; 15.0-37.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Taxan; Taxan MV_795; mv_795; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Taxan; Taxan MV_875; mv_875; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Taxan; Taxan UV_1000; uv_1000; 60.0-72.0; 50.0-80.0; 1
+Taxan; Taxan UV_1095; uv_1095; 28.0-80.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Taxan; Taxan UV_1150; uv_1150; 60.0-78.0; 50.0-80.0; 1
+TECO; TECO TE1438; tei1438; 30-38; 0-100; 0
+TECO; TECO TE1491; te1491; 38.0-80.0; 45.0-100.0; 1
+TECO; TECO TE1591; te1591; 30.0-50.0; 45.0-100.0; 1
+TECO; TECO TE1791; te1791; 30.0-50.0; 45.0-100.0; 1
+TECO; TECO TE2191; te2191; 60.0-66.0; 45.0-100.0; 1
+TECO; TECO TE412; tei0412; 30-57; 50-150; 1
+TECO; TECO TE432; tei0432; 30-65; 50-100; 1
+TECO; TECO TE438; tei0438; 30-38; 0-100; 1
+TECO; TECO TE450; tei0450; 30-50; 50-100; 1
+TECO; TECO TE518; tei0518; 30-69; 50-150; 1
+TECO; TECO TE535; tei0535; 30-65; 50-100; 1
+TECO; TECO TE550; tei0550; 30-50; 50-100; 1
+TECO; TECO TE551; tei0551; 30-54; 50-150; 1
+TECO; TECO TE572; tei0572; 30-72; 50-150; 1
+TECO; TECO TE760; tei0760; 30-65; 50-100; 1
+TECO; TECO TE767; tei0767; 30-69; 50-150; 1
+TECO; TECO TE768; tei0768; 30-86; 50-150; 1
+TECO; TECO TE772; tei0772; 30-72; 50-150; 1
+TECO; TECO TE786; tei0786; 30-86; 50-150; 1
+TECO; TECO TE795; tei0795; 30-96; 50-150; 1
+TECO; TECO TE9516S; tei9516; 30-35; 50-100; 0
+TECO; TECO TE995; tei0995; 30-95; 50-150; 1
+Toshiba; Toshiba DP566M, Equium 15-inch Monitor; tsb5002; 30.0-66.0; 50.0-100.0; 1
+Toshiba; Toshiba DP782M, Equium 17-inch Monitor; tsb5003; 30.0-82.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Toshiba; Toshiba DR569M (PV2001U); tsb5004; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+Toshiba; Toshiba DR769MF (PV2002U); tsb5005; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-110.0; 1
+Toshiba; Toshiba P17CM00; p17cm00; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Toshiba; Toshiba P17CM01; p17cm01; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Toshiba; Toshiba P17CS01; p17cs01; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Toshiba; Toshiba P17CU01; p17cu01; 30.0-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Toshiba; Toshiba P21CM00; p21cm00; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Toshiba; Toshiba P21CR01; p21cr01; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+Toshiba; Toshiba TOS5082; tos5082; 31.5-48.5; 50.0-70.0; 1
+TPG; TPG 554e; TPG1554; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+TTX; TTX 3435AG; ttx3435ag; 15.5-35.5; 50.0-70.0; 1
+TTX; TTX 3436AG; ttx3436ag; 15.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+TTX; TTX 3450AG; ttx3450ag; 20.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+TVM; TVM AS4Dp/LR4Dp Model; tvm0487; 30.0-55.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+TVM; TVM AS5S Model; tvm0588; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+TVM; TVM MG-11; mg-11; 15.0-38.0; 47.0-75.0; 1
+TVM; TVM SuperSync 3+; ss_3+; 15.0-38.0; 47.0-90.0; 1
+TVM; TVM SuperSync 4A; ss_4a; 31.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+TVM; TVM SuperSync 5A; ss_5a; 31.0-48.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+TVM; TVM SuperSync 6A; ss_6a; 31.0-65.0; 40.0-100.0; 1
+TVM; TVM SuperSync 7A; ss_7a; 31.0-65.0; 40.0-100.0; 1
+TVM; TVM TCO5S Model; tvm0589; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+TVM; TVM TCO6S Model; tvm0688; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+TW Casper; TW Casper TM-5156H; tm-5156h; 15.5-50.0; 60.0-70.0; 1
+TW Casper; TW Casper TM-5414; tm-5414; 15.5-35.0; 50.0-70.0; 1
+Unisys; Unisys EVG1000-E2; unm1002; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-65.0; 1
+Unisys; Unisys EVG-142-COL; unm2014; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Unisys; Unisys EVG-152-COL; unm2015; 30.0-48.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Unisys; Unisys EVG-153-COL; unm3015; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Unisys; Unisys EVG-174-COL; unm4017; 30.0-85.0; 50.0-120.0; 1
+Unisys; Unisys EVG2000-E; unm2001; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Unisys; Unisys EVG2000-P; unm2002; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-75.0; 1
+Unisys; Unisys EVG2100-E; unm2101; 30.0-54.0; 50.0-130.0; 1
+Unisys; Unisys EVG2100-P; unm2102; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-75.0; 1
+Unisys; Unisys EVG-215-COL; unm5021; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Unisys; Unisys EVG3000-E; unm3001; 30.0-69.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Unisys; Unisys EVG3000-P; unm3002; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Unisys; Unisys EVG-300-COL; evg300; 30-62.0; 50-100; 1
+Unisys; Unisys EVG3100-E; unm3101; 30.0-65.0; 50.0-75.0; 1
+Unisys; Unisys EVG3100-P; unm3102; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Unisys; Unisys EVG4000-P; unm4002; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Unisys; Unisys EVG-400-COL; evg400; 30-62.0; 50-100; 1
+Unisys; Unisys EVG5000-P; unm5002; 30.0-95.0; 50.0-160.0; 1
+Unisys; Unisys EVG-500-COL; evg500; 30-82; 50-120; 1
+Unisys; Unisys SVG-100-COL; svg100; 31-38.0; 60-87; 1
+Unisys; Unisys SVG-200-COL; svg200; 31-38.0; 60-87; 1
+Unisys; Unisys SVG-201-COL; svg201; 31-38.0; 60-87; 1
+Unisys; Unisys SVG-250-COL; svg250; 31-38.0; 60-87; 1
+Unisys; Unisys VGA-200-MON; vga200; 31-32; 60-70; 1
+Unisys; Unisys VGA-250-MON; vga250; 31-32; 60-70; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 14ES; vsc3141; 31-51.0; 50-100; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15ES-2; vsc3844; 31-62; 50-100; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15E; vs_15e; 30-62; 50-90; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15EX; vs_15ex; 30-62; 50-100; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15G-2; vsc3744; 30-66; 50-100; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15GA-2; vsc3245; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15GA; vsc3644; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15GS-2; vsc4439; 30-69; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15GS-3; vsc3145; 30-69; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15GS; vsc2601; 30-69; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15G; vs_15g; 30-64; 50-90; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 15; vs_15; 30-64; 50-90; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17EA; vsc384a; 30-69; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17E; vs_17e; 30-64; 50-90; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17GA-2; vsc444a; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17GA; vsc0c1f; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17GS-2; vsc394a; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17GS; vsc0c00; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17G; vs_17g; 30-64; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17PS-2; vsc434a; 30-86; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17PS; vsc0c0f; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 17; vs_17; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 20; vs_20; 30-82; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 21PS; vsc1600; 30-82; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 21; vs_21; 30-82; 50-152; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 4E; vs_4e; 35.5; 50.0-90.0; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 4; vs_4; 20.0-38.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 5E; vs_5e; 31.0-60.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 5; vs_5; 31.0-55.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 5+; vs_5+; 31.0-57.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 6E; vs_6e; 31.5-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 6; vs_6; 30.0-50.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 7; vs_7; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic 8; vs_8; 30.0-64.0; 50.0-90.0; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic A50; vsc5a45; 30-56; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic A70; vsc5a43; 30-70; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic A70f+; VSC9E0B; 30-70; 60-150
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic A70f-2; VSC8E06; 30-70; 50-160
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic A72f-2; VSC8F06; 30-70; 50-160
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic A75f; vsc5841; 30-70; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic A75s-2; vsc8913; 30-70; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic A75s; vsc5a42; 30-70; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic A90; vsc504e; 30-86; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic A90f+; VSC200D; 30-86; 50-150
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic A95f; vsc594d; 30-97; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic AL750; vsc5947; 30-60; 50-75; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic AL950; vsc3858; 30-80; 50-75; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E220-2; VSCBD0C; 30-97; 50-180
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E220; VSC6505; 30-97; 50-160
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E40-2; vsc4741; 30-54; 50-100; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E40-3; vsc4943; 30-48; 50-90; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E40-4; vsc0900; 30-48; 50-90; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E40-5; vsc4a42; 30-48; 50-90; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E40; vsc4441; 30-54; 55-100; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E41; vsc3741; 30-54; 50-100; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E50; vsc4545; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E50-4; VSC8B06; 30-56; 50-120
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E51; vsc3445; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E55-3; VSC5E13; 30-70; 50-160
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E641-2; vsc3641; 30-54; 50-100; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E641-3; vsc4541; 30-54; 50-100; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E641; vsc3441; 30-54; 50-100; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E651-2; vsc4d45; 30-50; 50-100; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E651-3; vsc5745; 30-56; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E651; vsc4645; 30-54; 50-100; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E653-2; vsc5645; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E653-3; vsc0e00; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E653-4; vsc1300; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E653; vsc5249; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E655-2; vsc3745; 30-70; 50-100; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E655-3; vsc4945; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E655-4; vsc5845; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E655; vsc3345; 30-65; 50-100; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70-2; vsc5346; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70-3; vsc4b41; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70-4; vsc5041; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70-7; VSC5007; 30-70; 50-120
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70-8; VSCE905; 30-70; 50-160
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70-10; VSCF711; 30-72; 50-180
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70; vsc5244; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70f+-2; VSCD313; 30-70; 50-150
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70f+; VSC2B0B; 30-70; 60-150
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70f-2; VSC4E07; 30-70; 50-150
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70f-3; VSC3908; 30-70; 50-120
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70f-5/E70fb-5; VSC2011; 30-72; 50-160
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E70fb-2; VSC4F07; 30-70; 50-150
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E71; vsc4e4a; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E75f; VSCD305; 30-86; 50-150
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E771-2; vsc4844; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E771-4; vsc5941; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E771; vsc564a; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E773; vsc5044; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E790-3; vsce005; 30-95; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E790B-4; vsce405; 30-95; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E790B; vsc514d; 30-95; 50-200; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E790; vsc4d4d; 30-95; 50-200; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E810; vsc5251; 30-95; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E90; vsc564e; 30-87; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E90-4; VSCA418; 30-86; 50-180
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E90f+-3; VSC9517; 30-86; 50-180
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E90f+; VSC890E; 30-86; 50-180
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E90fb; VSCA306; 30-86; 50-150
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E90fmb; VSC2408; 30-86; 50-150
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic E92f+; VSC9417; 30-97; 50-180
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic EA771B; vsc4244; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic EA771; vsc4d4a; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G220f; VSCE709; 30-110; 50-180
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G220fb; VSCE809; 30-110; 50-180
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G653-2; vsc4745; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G653; vsc3645; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G655-3; vsc0400; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G655; vsc5045; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G70f-2; VSCEA18; 30-70; 50-160
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G70f; VSC8D06; 30-70; 50-160
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G70fm; VSCD405; 30-70; 50-160
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G70fmb; VSCC306; 30-70; 50-160
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G71f+-2; VSC9312; 30-72; 50-160
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G71f+; VSCAC09; 30-70; 50-180
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G75f-2; VSCF505; 30-86; 50-180
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G75f-3; VSC2E0C; 30-86; 50-180
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G771; vsc4c4a; 30-70; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G773-2; vsc4a44; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G773-3; vsc5341; 30-70; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G773; vsc524a; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G790-2; vsc484d; 30-95; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G790; vsc384d; 30-95; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G800; vsc374d; 30-86; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G810-2; vsc4951; 30-92; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G810-4; vsc5151; 30-97; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G810-6; VSCC308; 30-97; 50-180
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G810; vsc3751; 30-89; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G90f+; VSC3513; 30-110; 50-160
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G90f-2; VSC8A06; 30-97; 50-180
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic G90fb-2; VSC4907; 30-97; 50-180
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic GA655; vsc4145; 30-70; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic GA771; vsc514a; 30-70; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic GF775; vsc5744; 30-86; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic GS771; vsc594a; 30-70; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic GS773-2; vsc0202; 30-70; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic GS773; vsc4c44; 30-70; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic GS790; vsc4f4d; 30-97; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic GT770; vsc424a; 30-65; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic GT775-3; vsc5944; 30-87; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic GT775; vsc4b4a; 30-86; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic GT800; vsc354d; 30-85; 50-150; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic M50; vsc5445; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic M70B; vsc4948; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic M70; vsc5444; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic MB110; vsc4a51; 30-95; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic MB50; vsc4845; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic MB70; vsc4644; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic MB90; vsc444d; 30-95; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic N1700w; VSC5C0B; 24-82; 60-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic N3000w; VSC5A16; 30-83; 59-75; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest 1000S; oqi3234; 48.4; 0-60; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest 1562A-2; oqi3232; 31.5-62; 50-90; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest 1769DC; oqi4637; 30-69; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest Q100; oqi4a31; 30-86; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest Q41; oqi4136; 30-48; 50-90; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest Q51; oqi4435; 30-54; 50-100; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest Q53; oqi4433; 30-70; 50-100; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest Q71-2; oqi4738; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest Q71-6; oqie702; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest Q71; oqi4735; 30-70; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V115T; oqi4d32; 30-96; 50-150; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V55; oqi4436; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V641; oqi4132; 48.36; 60; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V655-2; oqi4432; 30-65; 50-100; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V655-3; oqi4434; 30-70; 50-100; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V655; oqi3332; 30-66; 50-100; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V73; oqi5634; 30-70; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V75; oqi4739; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V773-2; oqi4736; 30-70; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V773; oqi4733; 30-69; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V775-2; oqi4732; 30-85; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V775; oqi3333; 30-82; 50-130; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest V95; oqi4a32; 30-95; 50-150; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic OptiQuest VA656; oqi3138; 30-63; 50-100; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P220f-3; VSC7F12; 30-110; 50-160
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P220fb-2; VSC430C; 30-110; 50-180
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P225f-4; VSCBB0C; 30-127; 50-180
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P225f-5; VSC8012; 30-127; 50-160
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P225fb-4; VSCBC0C; 30-127; 50-180
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P655; vsc4245; 30-70; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P70f; VSC5107; 30-97; 50-120
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P75f+; VSC2C09; 30-97; 50-160
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P775; vsc504a; 30-95; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P795; vsc424d; 30-107; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P810-3; vsc4851; 30-95; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P810-4; vsc5551; 30-110; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P810-A; vsc3553; 30-95; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P810-ER; vsc5235; 30-95; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P810-E; vsc3552; 30-95; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P810-MR; vsc5135; 30-95; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P810; vsc3551; 30-95; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P815-4; vsc4f51; 30-117; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P815; vsc3651; 30-115; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P817-E; vsc4c52; 30-137; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P817; vsc4c51; 30-137; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P90f; VSC5207; 30-110; 50-180
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P95f+-2; VSC1114; 30-110; 50-160
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic P95f+; VSC2B09; 30-110; 50-160
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF775; vsc5a44; 30-96; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF77a; vscf801; 30-97; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF77d; vscf901; 30-92; 50-85; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF790; vsc554d; 30-97; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF795; vsc4c4d; 30-110; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF815; vsc5751; 30-117; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF817; vsc5951; 30-127; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF97a; vsce505; 30-97; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PF97d; vsce605; 30-92; 50-85; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ1000; vsc3454; 31-64; 50-85; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ1060; vsc4c56; 25-80; 56-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ1200; vsc4654; 24-80; 50-85; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ800; vsc3254; 15.75-69; 50-75; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ820; vsc3854; 30-69; 50-85; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ850; vsc4454; 31-90; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ860-2; vsc4c54; 25-80; 56-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJ860; vsc4754; 30-60; 56-85; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJL1005; vsc4456; 15-72; 43-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJL1035-2; vsc4a56; 25-80; 56-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJL1035; vsc4555; 25-80; 56-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJL802; vsc3554; 31-61; 50-85; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PJL855; vsc4a54; 25-60; 56-85; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PS775-2; vsc4d44; 30-95; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PS775; vsc4444; 30-97; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PS790; vsc434d; 30-95; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PS795; vsc474e; 30-110; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT770; vsc364a; 30-82; 50-130; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT771; vsc5a4a; 30-92; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT775-6; vsc4b44; 30-96; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT775; vsc474a; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT795; vsc454d; 30-110; 50-180; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT810-2; vsc3451; 30-95; 50-130; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT810-2; vsc3451; 30-96; 50-120; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT810-3; vsc3851; 30-96; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT810; vsc3351; 30-86; 50-130; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic PT813; vsc4151; 30-107; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic vcdts21367-1; oqi4d31; 30-95; 50-160; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA500; VSCF605; 30-60; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA520-2; VSC6A01; 30-62; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA520-3; VSCF70C; 30-62; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA520; VSCBA07; 30-62; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA550; VSCFA02; 30-62; 50-60
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA700; VSCF705; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA720-2; VSC700B; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA720; VSC6C09; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VA800; VSCDE00; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE150m; VSCC203; 30-60; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE150mb; VSCED05; 30-60; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE150B; vsc8115; 30-60; 50-75; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE150; vsc5547; 30-60; 50-75; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE151; vsc5345; 31-61; 56-75; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE155; VSCB807; 30-60; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE155b; VSC260A; 30-62; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE170; VSCA601; 30-80; 50-80
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE170b; VSCA701; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE170m; VSCE705; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE170mb; VSCE805; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE175-2; VSCC314; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE175; VSEE08 ; 30-80; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE175b-2; VSCC414; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE175b; VSCE10A; 30-80; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE500-2; VSCBC17; 30-62; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE500; VSC4108; 30-62; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE510+; VSC6500; 30-62; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE700; VSC4308; 24-82; 56-85
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VE800; VSC3A08; 30-80; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG150; vsc5147; 30-62; 50-60; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG150m-2; VSC4811; 30-62; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG150m; VSCFC09; 30-62; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG150mb; VSCFD09; 30-62; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG151; vsc5a47; 24.8-61; 56-75; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG151b; VSCDA06; 30-62; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG171; 9E06 ; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG171b; VSCD906; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG175; vscdd00; 30-82; 50-75; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG180-2; vsc464e; 30-80; 56-85; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG180-3; vsc7517; 30-82; 50-75; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG180; vsc464d; 30-80; 60-85; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG181; VSC7517; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG181b; VSCD806; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG191; VSC2007; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG191b; VSC2107; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG500-2; VSCF118; 30-62; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG500; VSC3D08; 30-62; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG500b; VSCB40A; 30-62; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG700; VSC3E08; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG700b-2; VSCB50B; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG700b; VSC9D0E; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG710b; VSCA318; 30-82; 50-85
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG710s; VSCA218; 30-82; 50-85
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG750; VSC3F08; 24-82; 56-85
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG800-2; VSCF311; 30-83; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG800; VSC6F08; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG800b-2; VSCF411; 30-83; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG800b; VSC230E; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG810b; VSCC018; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG810s; VSCBF18; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG900b; VSC240E; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG910b; VSCDB18; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VG910s; VSCDA18; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP140-2; vsc4841; 30-60; 50-75; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP140-3; vsc7d15; 30-62; 50-75; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP140; vsc3541; 30-61; 50-77; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP150; vsc3845; 30-61; 50-77; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP151; vsc5945; 30-94; 50-85; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP171b; VSC0C11; 30-82; 50-85
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP171s; VSCB716; 30-82; 50-85
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP181; vsc574d; 30-95; 50-75; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP181b-2; VSC6711; 30-92; 50-85
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP181s; VSCB816; 30-92; 50-85
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP190; vsc474d; 30-82; 50-77; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP191b; VSC0E11; 30-82; 50-85
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP191s; VSCB916; 30-82; 50-85
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP201b; VSC6911; 30-95; 50-85
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP201m; VSC5404; 30-82; 50-85
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP201mb; VSCEB04; 30-82; 50-85
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP201s; VSC0C18; 30-95; 50-85
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP211b; VSC6A11; 30-95; 50-85
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VP230mb; VSC7203; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VPA138; vsc4141; 30-62; 50-75; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VPA145; vsc3941; 30-62; 50-75; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VPA150; vsc4345; 30-62; 50-75; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VPD150; vsc4b47; 48; 60; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VPD180; vsc4b49; 64; 60; 1
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VT550; VSCB711; 30-62; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX2000; VSC4208; 30-82; 50-85
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX500+; VSCF008; 30-62; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX500-2; VSCCB0F; 30-80; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX700-2; VSCEF08; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX700-3; VSC8F11; 30-83; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX700; VSC6206; 24-82; 56-85
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX800-2; VSC8209; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX800-3; VSCF511; 30-83; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX800; VSC0B07; 24-82; 56-85
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX900-2; VSC9011; 30-83; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic VX900; VSC0B08; 30-82; 50-75
+ViewSonic; ViewSonic airpanel V150; VSCF50B; 30-62; 50-75
+Vobis; Vobis Highscreen MS 1795P; VOB0c7c; 30-82; 47-120
+WYSE; WYSE WY-670; wy-670; 34.0-38.0; 55.0-87.0; 1
+WYSE; WYSE WY-890N; wy-890n; 38.5-51.0; 58.0-77.0; 1
+Yakumo Electronics; Yakumo OF1564 DO; yak6146; 30-64; 50-100; 1
+Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1411; 0; 35.587; 86.96; 1
+Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1426; 0; 35.587; 86.96; 1
+Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1440; 0; 30.0-62; 48-100; 1
+Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1450; 0; 30.0-60; 48-90; 1
+Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1520; 0; 30.0-64; 50-100; 1
+Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1522; 0; 30.0-64; 50-120; 1
+Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1540; 0; 30.0-62; 48-100; 1
+Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1550; 0; 31.0-65.0; 55-100; 1
+Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1740; 0; 31.0-82; 50-100; 1
+Zenith; Zenith ZCM-1750; 0; 30.0-85; 50-100; 1
diff --git a/blacklist b/blacklist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b3661b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/blacklist
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+# Listing a module here prevents the hotplug scripts from loading it.
+# Usually that'd be so that some other driver will bind it instead,
+# no matter which driver happens to get probed first. Sometimes user
+# mode tools can also control driver binding.
+# Syntax: driver name alone (without any spaces) on a line. Other
+# lines are ignored.
+# watchdog drivers
+# framebuffer drivers
diff --git a/check-cards b/check-cards
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0004907
--- /dev/null
+++ b/check-cards
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+awk -F \" '/"Card:/ { print $2 }' pcitable | sed "s|Card:||g" | sort -u | \
+ while read card ; do
+ export err=
+ if ! grep -q "^NAME $card" Cards ; then
+ echo "Error: Card $card not found in CardsDB"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ done
diff --git a/pcitable b/pcitable
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c17f352
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pcitable
@@ -0,0 +1,7139 @@
+0x0000 0x0000 "snd-cs46xx" "Card without SSID set"
+0x0001 0x1002 "bttv" "ATI Technologies Inc.|TV Wonder"
+0x0001 0x1461 "bttv" "AVerMedia|TVPhone98"
+0x0001 0x8139 0x10ec 0x8139 "8139too" "|Realtek 8139"
+0x0002 0x1461 "bttv" "Avermedia|TVCapture 98"
+0x0003 0x1002 "bttv" "ATI Technologies Inc.|TV Wonder/VE"
+0x0003 0x1461 "bttv" "AVerMedia|TVPhone98"
+0x0004 0x1461 "bttv" "AVerMedia|TVPhone98"
+0x0012 0x11bd "bttv" "Pinnacle|PCTV"
+0x001c 0x11bd "bttv" "Pinnacle|PCTV Sat"
+0x003d 0x00d1 "unknown" "Real 3D|i740 (PCI)"
+0x0070 0x4000 "unknown" "Hauppauge computer works Inc.|WinTV PVR-350"
+0x0070 0x4001 "unknown" "Hauppauge computer works Inc.|WinTV PVR-250 (v1)"
+0x0070 0x4009 "unknown" "Hauppauge computer works Inc.|WinTV PVR-250"
+0x0070 0x4801 "unknown" "Hauppauge computer works Inc.|WinTV PVR-250 MCE"
+0x0079 0x0e11 "bttv" "Canopus|WinDVR PCI"
+0x0095 0x0680 "unknown" "Silicon Image, Inc. (Wrong ID)|Ultra ATA/133 IDE RAID CONTROLLER CARD"
+0x0101 0x14c7 "bttv" "Modular Technology MM205 PCTV"
+0x0101 0x15cb "bttv" "AG GMV1"
+0x018a 0x0106 "8139too" "LevelOne|FPC-0106TX misprogrammed [RTL81xx]"
+0x021b 0x8139 "8139too" "Compaq Computer Corp.|HNE-300 (RealTek RTL8139c) [iPaq Networking]"
+0x0291 0x8212 "dmfe" "Davicom Semiconductor Inc.|DM9102A(DM9102AE, SM9102AF) Ethernet 100/10 MBit(Rev 40)"
+0x02ac 0x1012 "8139too" "SpeedStream|1012 PCMCIA 10/100 Ethernet Card [RTL81xx]"
+0x0311 0x6000 "bttv" "Sensoray 311"
+0x0357 0x000a "8139cp" "TTTech AG|TTP-Monitoring Card V2.0"
+0x0432 0x0001 "pluto2" "SCM Microsystems Inc.|Pluto2 DVB-T Receiver for PCMCIA [EasyWatch MobilSet]"
+0x045e 0x006e "unknown" "Microsoft|MN-510 802.11b wireless USB paddle"
+0x045e 0x00c2 "unknown" "Microsoft|MN-710 wireless USB paddle"
+0x05e3 0x0701 "unknown" "CyberDoor|CBD516"
+0x0675 0x1700 "ISDN:hisax,type=36" "Dynalink|IS64PH ISDN Adapter"
+0x0675 0x1702 "ISDN:hisax,type=36" "Dynalink|IS64PH ISDN Adapter"
+0x0675 0x1703 "unknown" "Dynalink|ISDN Adapter (PCI Bus, DV, W)"
+0x0675 0x1704 "unknown" "Dynalink|ISDN Adapter (PCI Bus, D, C)"
+0x067b 0x3507 "unknown" "Prolific Technology Inc.|PL-3507 Hi-Speed USB & IEEE 1394 Combo to IDE Bridge Controller"
+0x0700 0x0100 "unknown" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|LavaPort PCI"
+0x0700 0x0200 "unknown" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|LavaPort PCI"
+0x0815 0x0002 "unknown" "LinTech GmbH|ELKA SO-PCI"
+0x0871 0xffa1 "ISDN:hisax,type=35" "German telekom|A1T"
+0x0871 0xffa2 "ISDN:hisax,type=35" "German telekom|T-Concept"
+0x0914 0x0201 "unknown" "Shanghai Dare Technologies Ltd.|83820 32bit pci mac"
+0x0914 0x0202 "unknown" "Shanghai Dare Technologies Ltd.|83821 64bit pci gnic"
+0x09c1 0x0704 "unknown" "Arris|CM 200E Cable Modem"
+0x0b49 0x064f "unknown" "ASCII Corp.|Trance Vibrator"
+0x0e11 0x0000 "unknown" "Compaq|CISS SMART2 Array Controller"
+0x0e11 0x0001 "pci_eisa" "Compaq|PCI to EISA Bridge"
+0x0e11 0x0002 "unknown" "Compaq|PCI to ISA Bridge"
+0x0e11 0x000f "unknown" "Compaq|CPQB1A9 StorageWorks Library Adapter (HVD)"
+0x0e11 0x0046 "cciss" "Compaq|Smart Array 64xx"
+0x0e11 0x0049 "unknown" "Compaq|NC7132 Gigabit Upgrade Module"
+0x0e11 0x004a "unknown" "Compaq|NC6136 Gigabit Server Adapter"
+0x0e11 0x005a "unknown" "Compaq Computer Corp.|Remote Insight II board - Lights-Out"
+0x0e11 0x007c "unknown" "Compaq|NC7770 1000BaseTX"
+0x0e11 0x007d "unknown" "Compaq|NC6770 1000BaseTX"
+0x0e11 0x0085 "unknown" "Compaq|NC7780 1000BaseTX"
+0x0e11 0x00b1 "unknown" "Compaq Computer Corp.|Remote Insight II board - PCI device"
+0x0e11 0x00bb "unknown" "Compaq|NC7760"
+0x0e11 0x00c0 "unknown" "Compaq|Adaptec AIC-7899G 64Bit,66MHz,Dual Channel WideUltra3 SCSI"
+0x0e11 0x00ca "unknown" "Compaq|NC7771"
+0x0e11 0x00cb "unknown" "Compaq|NC7781"
+0x0e11 0x00cf "unknown" "Compaq|NC7772"
+0x0e11 0x00d0 "unknown" "Compaq|NC7782"
+0x0e11 0x00d1 "unknown" "Compaq|NC7783"
+0x0e11 0x00e3 "unknown" "Compaq|NC7761"
+0x0e11 0x0508 "tmspci" "Compaq|Netelligent 4/16 Token Ring"
+0x0e11 0x1000 "unknown" "Compaq|Triflex/Pentium Bridge, Model 1000"
+0x0e11 0x2000 "unknown" "Compaq|Triflex/Pentium Bridge, Model 2000"
+0x0e11 0x3032 "unknown" "Compaq|QVision 1280/p"
+0x0e11 0x3033 "Card:VESA driver (generic)" "Compaq|QVision 1280/p"
+0x0e11 0x3034 "unknown" "Compaq|QVision 1280/p"
+0x0e11 0x4000 "unknown" "Compaq|4000 [Triflex]"
+0x0e11 0x4030 "cpqarray" "Compaq|SMART-2/P"
+0x0e11 0x4031 "cpqarray" "Compaq|SMART-2SL"
+0x0e11 0x4032 "cpqarray" "Compaq|Smart Array 3200"
+0x0e11 0x4033 "cpqarray" "Compaq|Smart Array 3100ES"
+0x0e11 0x4034 "cpqarray" "Compaq|Smart Array 221"
+0x0e11 0x4040 "cpqarray" "Compaq|Integrated Array"
+0x0e11 0x4048 "cpqarray" "Compaq|Compaq Raid LC2"
+0x0e11 0x4050 "cpqarray" "Compaq|Smart Array 4200"
+0x0e11 0x4051 "cpqarray" "Compaq|Smart Array 4250ES"
+0x0e11 0x4058 "cpqarray" "Compaq|Smart Array 431"
+0x0e11 0x4070 "cciss" "Compaq|Smart Array 5300"
+0x0e11 0x4080 "cciss" "Compaq|Smart Array 5i"
+0x0e11 0x4082 "cciss" "Compaq|Smart Array 532"
+0x0e11 0x4083 "cciss" "Compaq|Smart Array 5312"
+0x0e11 0x4091 "cciss" "Compaq|Smart Array 6i"
+0x0e11 0x409a "cciss" "Compaq|Smart Array 641"
+0x0e11 0x409b "cciss" "Compaq|Smart Array 642"
+0x0e11 0x409c "cciss" "Compaq|Smart Array 6400"
+0x0e11 0x409d "cciss" "Compaq|Smart Array 6400 EM"
+0x0e11 0x6010 "unknown" "Compaq|HotPlug PCI Bridge 6010"
+0x0e11 0x7020 "usb-ohci" "Compaq|USB Controller"
+0x0e11 0xa0ec "unknown" "Compaq|Fibre Channel Host Controller /P"
+0x0e11 0xa0f0 "unknown" "Compaq|Advanced System Management Controller"
+0x0e11 0xa0f3 "unknown" "Compaq|Triflex PCI to ISA Bridge"
+0x0e11 0xa0f7 "unknown" "Compaq|Cirrus Logic VGA Video Controller"
+0x0e11 0xa0f8 "usb-ohci" "Compaq|USB Open Host Controller"
+0x0e11 0xa0fc "cpqfc" "Compaq|Fibre Channel Host Controller"
+0x0e11 0xae10 "cpqarray" "Compaq|Smart-2/P RAID Controller"
+0x0e11 0xae29 "unknown" "Compaq|MIS-L"
+0x0e11 0xae2a "unknown" "Compaq|MPC"
+0x0e11 0xae2b "unknown" "Compaq|MIS-E"
+0x0e11 0xae31 "unknown" "Compaq|System Management Controller"
+0x0e11 0xae32 "tlan" "Compaq|Netelligent 10/100"
+0x0e11 0xae33 "triflex" "Compaq|Triflex Dual EIDE Controller"
+0x0e11 0xae34 "tlan" "Compaq|Netelligent 10"
+0x0e11 0xae35 "tlan" "Compaq|Integrated NetFlex-3/P"
+0x0e11 0xae40 "tlan" "Compaq|Netelligent 10/100 Dual"
+0x0e11 0xae43 "tlan" "Compaq|ProLiant Integrated Netelligent 10/100"
+0x0e11 0xae69 "unknown" "Compaq|CETUS-L"
+0x0e11 0xae6c "tlan" "Compaq|Northstar"
+0x0e11 0xae6d "unknown" "Compaq|NorthStar Bridge"
+0x0e11 0xb011 "tlan" "Compaq|Integrated Netelligent 10/100"
+0x0e11 0xb012 "tlan" "Compaq|Netelligent 10 T/2"
+0x0e11 0xb01e "unknown" "Compaq|NC3120 Fast Ethernet NIC"
+0x0e11 0xb01f "unknown" "Compaq|NC3122 Fast Ethernet NIC"
+0x0e11 0xb02f "unknown" "Compaq|NC1120 Ethernet NIC"
+0x0e11 0xb030 "tlan" "Compaq|Netelligent WS 5100"
+0x0e11 0xb04a "unknown" "Compaq|10/100TX WOL UTP Controller"
+0x0e11 0xb060 "cciss" "Compaq|Smart Array 5300 Controller"
+0x0e11 0xb0c6 "unknown" "Compaq|10/100TX Embedded WOL UTP Controller"
+0x0e11 0xb0c7 "unknown" "Compaq|NC3160 Fast Ethernet NIC"
+0x0e11 0xb0d7 "unknown" "Compaq|NC3121 (Rev A & B)"
+0x0e11 0xb0dd "unknown" "Compaq|NC3131 Fast Ethernet NIC"
+0x0e11 0xb0de "unknown" "Compaq|NC3132 Fast Ethernet Module"
+0x0e11 0xb0df "unknown" "Compaq|NC6132 Gigabit Module"
+0x0e11 0xb0e0 "unknown" "Compaq|NC6133 Gigabit Module"
+0x0e11 0xb0e1 "unknown" "Compaq|NC3133 Fast Ethernet Module"
+0x0e11 0xb123 "unknown" "Compaq|NC6134 Gigabit NIC"
+0x0e11 0xb134 "unknown" "Compaq|NC3163 Fast Ethernet NIC"
+0x0e11 0xb13c "unknown" "Compaq|NC3162 Fast Ethernet NIC"
+0x0e11 0xb144 "unknown" "Compaq|NC3123 Fast Ethernet NIC"
+0x0e11 0xb163 "unknown" "Compaq|NC3134 Fast Ethernet NIC"
+0x0e11 0xb164 "unknown" "Compaq|NC3135 Fast Ethernet Upgrade Module"
+0x0e11 0xb178 "cciss" "CISSB|Smart Array 5i/532 cards"
+0x0e11 0xb196 "unknown" "Compaq Computer Corp.|Conexant SoftK56 Modem"
+0x0e11 0xb1a4 "unknown" "Compaq|NC7131 Gigabit Server Adapter"
+0x0e11 0xb200 "unknown" "Compaq Computer Corp.|Memory Hot-Plug Controller"
+0x0e11 0xb203 "unknown" "Compaq Computer Corp.|iLo Integrated Lights Out Processor"
+0x0e11 0xb204 "unknown" "Compaq Computer Corp.|iLo Integrated Lights Out Processor"
+0x0e11 0xf130 "tlan" "Compaq|NetFlex-3/P ThunderLAN 1.0"
+0x0e11 0xf150 "tlan" "Compaq|NetFlex-3/P ThunderLAN 2.3"
+0x0e11 0xf700 "lpfc" "Compaq|LP7000 Compaq/Emulex Fibre Channel HBA"
+0x0e11 0xf800 "lpfc" "Compaq|LP8000 Compaq/Emulex Fibre Channel HBA"
+0x1000 0x0001 "sym53c8xx" "Symbios|53c810"
+0x1000 0x0002 "sym53c8xx" "Symbios|53c820"
+0x1000 0x0003 "sym53c8xx" "Symbios|53c825"
+0x1000 0x0004 "sym53c8xx" "Symbios|53c815"
+0x1000 0x0005 "sym53c8xx" "Symbios|53c810AP"
+0x1000 0x0006 "sym53c8xx" "Symbios|53c860"
+0x1000 0x000a "sym53c8xx" "Symbios|53c1510"
+0x1000 0x000b "sym53c8xx" "Symbios|53c896"
+0x1000 0x000c "sym53c8xx" "Symbios|53c895"
+0x1000 0x000d "sym53c8xx" "Symbios|53c885"
+0x1000 0x000f "sym53c8xx" "Symbios|53c875"
+0x1000 0x0010 0x0e11 0x4040 "cpqarray" "Symbios|53c1510 Array Mode [Compaq Integrated Smart Array]"
+0x1000 0x0010 0x0e11 0x4048 "cpqarray" "Symbios|53c1510 Array Mode [Compaq Integrated Smart Array]"
+0x1000 0x0010 0x1000 0x1000 "sym53c8xx" "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic|53C1510 PCI to Dual Channel Wide Ultra2 SCSI Controller (Intelligent mode)"
+0x1000 0x0010 "sym53c8xx" "Symbios|53c895"
+0x1000 0x0012 "sym53c8xx" "Symbios|53c895a"
+0x1000 0x0013 "sym53c8xx" "Symbios|53c875a"
+0x1000 0x0020 "sym53c8xx" "Symbios|53c1010-33 Ultra3 SCSI Adapter"
+0x1000 0x0021 "sym53c8xx" "Symbios|53c1010-66 Ultra3 SCSI Adapter"
+0x1000 0x0030 "mptscsih" "Symbios|53c1030"
+0x1000 0x0031 "unknown" "LSI Logic|53C1030ZC PCI-X SCSI Controller"
+0x1000 0x0032 "mptscsih" "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic|53c1035 PCI-X Fusion-MPT Dual Ultra320 SCSI"
+0x1000 0x0033 "megaraid" "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic|1030ZC_53c1035 PCI-X Fusion-MPT Dual Ultra320 SCSI"
+0x1000 0x0035 "unknown" "LSI Logic|53C1035 PCI-X SCSI Controller"
+0x1000 0x0040 0x1000 0x0033 "megaraid_mbox" "LSI Logic|MegaRAID SCSI 320-2XR"
+0x1000 0x0040 0x1000 0x0066 "megaraid_mbox" "LSI Logic|MegaRAID SCSI 320-2XRWS"
+0x1000 0x0040 "mptscsih" "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic|53c1035 PCI-X Fusion-MPT Dual Ultra320 SCSI"
+0x1000 0x0041 "unknown" "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic|53C1035ZC PCI-X Fusion-MPT Dual Ultra320 SCSI"
+0x1000 0x0050 "mptsas" "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic|SAS1064 PCI-X Fusion-MPT SAS"
+0x1000 0x0054 "mptsas" "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic|SAS1068 PCI-X Fusion-MPT SAS"
+0x1000 0x0056 "mptsas" "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic|SAS1064E PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS"
+0x1000 0x0058 "mptsas" "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic|SAS1068E PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS"
+0x1000 0x005a "mptsas" "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic|SAS1066E PCI-Express Fusion-MPT SAS"
+0x1000 0x005c "unknown" "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic|SAS1064A PCI-X Fusion-MPT SAS"
+0x1000 0x005e "mptsas" "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic|SAS1066 PCI-X Fusion-MPT SAS"
+0x1000 0x0060 "unknown" "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic|SAS1078 PCI-X Fusion-MPT SAS"
+0x1000 0x0066 "megaraid" "Symbios Logic Inc. / NCR|MegaRAID SCSI 320-2XRWS"
+0x1000 0x008f "sym53c8xx" "Symbios|53c875J"
+0x1000 0x0407 "megaraid_mbox" "LSI Logic|PowerEdge RAID Controller 4/QC"
+0x1000 0x0408 "megaraid_mbox" "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic|MegaRAID"
+0x1000 0x0409 "megaraid_mbox" "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic|MegaRAID"
+0x1000 0x0411 "megaraid_sas" "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic|MegaRAID"
+0x1000 0x0518 "megaraid" "Symbios Logic Inc. / NCR|MegaRAID SCSI 320-2"
+0x1000 0x0520 "megaraid" "Symbios Logic Inc. / NCR|MegaRAID"
+0x1000 0x0523 "megaraid" "Symbios Logic Inc. / NCR|MegaRAID SATA 150-6"
+0x1000 0x0530 "megaraid" "Symbios Logic Inc. / NCR|MegaRAID SCSI 320-0X"
+0x1000 0x0531 "megaraid" "Symbios Logic Inc. / NCR|MegaRAID SCSI 320-4X"
+0x1000 0x0532 "megaraid" "Symbios Logic Inc. / NCR|MegaRAID SCSI 320-2X"
+0x1000 0x0621 "mptfc" "Symbios|FC909"
+0x1000 0x0622 "mptfc" "Symbios|FC929"
+0x1000 0x0623 "mptscsih" "Symbios|FC929 LAN"
+0x1000 0x0624 "mptfc" "Symbios|FC919"
+0x1000 0x0625 "mptscsih" "Symbios|FC919 LAN"
+0x1000 0x0626 "mptfc" "Symbios|FC929X"
+0x1000 0x0627 "mptscsih" "Symbios|FC929X_LAN"
+0x1000 0x0628 "mptfc" "Symbios|FC919X"
+0x1000 0x0629 "mptscsih" "Symbios|FC919X_LAN"
+0x1000 0x0630 "mptscsih" "LSI Logic|LSIFC920 Fibre Channel I/O Processor"
+0x1000 0x0640 "mptfc" "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic|FC949X Fibre Channel Adapter"
+0x1000 0x0642 "mptfc" "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic|FC939X Fibre Channel Adapter"
+0x1000 0x0646 "unknown" "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic|FC949ES Fibre Channel Adapter"
+0x1000 0x0701 "yellowfin" "Symbios|83C885 gigabit ethernet"
+0x1000 0x0702 "yellowfin" "Symbios|Yellowfin G-NIC gigabit ethernet"
+0x1000 0x0804 "unknown" "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic|SA2010"
+0x1000 0x0805 "unknown" "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic|SA2010ZC"
+0x1000 0x0806 "unknown" "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic|SA2020"
+0x1000 0x0807 "unknown" "LSI Logic / Symbios Logic|SA2020ZC"
+0x1000 0x0901 "unknown" "Symbios|61C102"
+0x1000 0x0e11 "cpqarray" "Symbios Logic Inc. / NCR|Integrated Array Controller"
+0x1000 0x1000 "megaraid" "Symbios|63C815"
+0x1000 0x1001 "unknown" "LSI Logic|53C895 Symbios Ultra2 SCSI controller"
+0x1000 0x1028 "megaraid" "Symbios Logic Inc. / NCR|PowerEdge Expandable RAID Controller 4/DC"
+0x1000 0x1960 "megaraid_mbox" "LSI Logic|PowerEdge RAID Controller 3/QC"
+0x1000 0x4040 "cpqarray" "Symbios Logic Inc. / NCR|Integrated Array Controller"
+0x1000 0x4048 "cpqarray" "Symbios Logic Inc. / NCR|Integrated Array Controller"
+0x1000 0x4523 "megaraid" "Symbios Logic Inc. / NCR|MegaRAID SATA 150-4"
+0x1000 0x8086 "megaraid" "Symbios Logic Inc. / NCR|Intel(R) RAID SCSI Controller SRCU42X"
+0x1000 0xa520 "megaraid" "Symbios Logic Inc. / NCR|MegaRAID SCSI 320-0"
+0x1001 0x0010 "unknown" "Initio|PCI 1616 Measurement card with 32 digital I/O lines"
+0x1001 0x0011 "unknown" "Initio|OPTO-PCI Opto-Isolated digital I/O board"
+0x1001 0x0012 "unknown" "Initio|PCI-AD/DA Analogue I/O board"
+0x1001 0x0013 "unknown" "Initio|PCI-OPTO-RELAIS Digital I/O board with relay outputs"
+0x1001 0x0014 "unknown" "Initio|PCI-Counter/Timer Counter Timer board"
+0x1001 0x0015 "unknown" "Initio|PCI-DAC416 Analogue output board"
+0x1001 0x0016 "unknown" "Initio|PCI-MFB Analogue I/O board"
+0x1001 0x0017 "unknown" "Initio|PROTO-3 PCI Prototyping board"
+0x1001 0x0020 "unknown" "Kolter Electronic - Germany|ispLSI1032E Universal digital I/O PCI-Interface"
+0x1001 0x9100 "initio" "Initio|INI-9100/9100W SCSI Host"
+0x1002 0x000b "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 7000"
+0x1002 0x0084 "Card:ATI Mach64" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Mach64"
+0x1002 0x0088 "Card:ATI Mach64" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Mach64 (SuSE Econ)"
+0x1002 0x010a "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|FireGL 8800 64Mb"
+0x1002 0x013a "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 7000/Radeon VE"
+0x1002 0x0152 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|FireGL 8800 128Mb"
+0x1002 0x0162 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|FireGL 8700 32Mb"
+0x1002 0x0172 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|FireGL 8700 64Mb"
+0x1002 0x1002 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|FireGL 8800 64Mb"
+0x1002 0x3150 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|M24 1P [Radeon Mobility X600]"
+0x1002 0x3154 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|M24 1T [FireGL M24 GL]"
+0x1002 0x3e50 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon X600 Pro (PCI-Express)"
+0x1002 0x3e54 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon X600 Pro GL (PCI-Express)"
+0x1002 0x3e70 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|X600 Radeon X600 Pro (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x3e74 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|X600 Radeon X600 Pro GL (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x4136 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon IGP320 (A3) 4136"
+0x1002 0x4137 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon IGP330/340/350 (A4) 4137"
+0x1002 0x4141 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Mach32 [68800-3 AA]"
+0x1002 0x4144 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9500 AD (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4145 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9500 AE (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4146 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9600TX AF (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4147 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|FireGL Z1 AG (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4148 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9800SE AH (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4149 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9800 AI (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x414a "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9800 AJ (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x414b "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|FireGL X2 AK (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4150 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9600 AP (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4151 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9600SE AQ (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4152 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9600XT AR (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4153 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9600 AS (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4154 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|FireGL T2 AT (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4155 "Card:ATI Radeon (fbdev)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RV350 AU [Fire GL T2]"
+0x1002 0x4156 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|FireGL RV360 AV (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4157 "Card:ATI Radeon (fbdev)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RV350 AW [Fire GL T2]"
+0x1002 0x4158 "Card:ATI Mach64" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Mach32"
+0x1002 0x4164 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R300 Radeon 9700/9500 Series - Secondary"
+0x1002 0x4165 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R300 AE [Radeon 9700 Pro] (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x4166 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R300 AF [Radeon 9700 Pro] (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x4167 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Fire GL Z1 4P SECONDARY Video"
+0x1002 0x4168 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon R350 [Radeon 9800] (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x4170 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RV350 AP [Radeon 9600] (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x4171 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RV350 AQ [Radeon 9600] (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x4172 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RV350 AR [Radeon 9600] (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x4173 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RV350 ?? [Radeon 9550] (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x4237 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 7000 IGP (A4+) 4237"
+0x1002 0x4242 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 8500 AIW BB (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4243 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 8500 AIW BC (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4336 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon IGP320M (U1) 4336"
+0x1002 0x4337 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon IGP330M/340M/350M (U2) 4337"
+0x1002 0x4341 "snd-atiixp" "ATI Technologies Inc.|IXP150/200 AC'97 Audio Controller"
+0x1002 0x4342 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|IXP150/200 HUB Bridge"
+0x1002 0x4345 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|EHCI USB Controller"
+0x1002 0x4347 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|OHCI USB Controller #1"
+0x1002 0x4348 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|OHCI USB Controller #2"
+0x1002 0x4349 "atiixp" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Dual Channel Bus Master PCI IDE Controller"
+0x1002 0x434c "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|IXP150/200 LPC Controller"
+0x1002 0x434d "snd-atiixp-modem" "ATI Technologies Inc.|IXP AC'97 Modem"
+0x1002 0x4353 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|SMBus"
+0x1002 0x4354 "Card:ATI Mach64" "ATI Technologies Inc.|215CT [Mach64 CT]"
+0x1002 0x4358 "Card:ATI Mach64" "ATI Technologies Inc.|210888CX [Mach64 CX]"
+0x1002 0x4361 "snd-atiixp" "ATI Technologies Inc.|IXP300 AC'97 Audio Controller"
+0x1002 0x4363 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|SMBus"
+0x1002 0x4369 "atiixp" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Dual Channel Bus Master PCI IDE Controller"
+0x1002 0x436e "sata_sil" "ATI Technologies Inc.|436E Serial ATA Controller"
+0x1002 0x4370 "snd-atiixp" "ATI Technologies Inc.|IXP400 AC'97 Audio Controller"
+0x1002 0x4371 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|IXP SB400 PCI-PCI Bridge"
+0x1002 0x4372 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|SMBus"
+0x1002 0x4373 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|IXP SB400 USB2 Host Controller"
+0x1002 0x4374 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|IXP SB400 USB Host Controller"
+0x1002 0x4375 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|IXP SB400 USB Host Controller"
+0x1002 0x4376 "atiixp" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller ATI"
+0x1002 0x4377 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|IXP SB400 PCI-ISA Bridge"
+0x1002 0x4378 "snd-atiixp-modem" "ATI Technologies Inc.|IXP AC'97 Modem"
+0x1002 0x4379 "sata_sil" "ATI Technologies Inc.|4379 Serial ATA Controller"
+0x1002 0x437a "sata_sil" "ATI Technologies Inc.|437A Serial ATA Controller"
+0x1002 0x437b "snd-hda-intel" "ATI Technologies Inc.|SB450 Azalia HD audio"
+0x1002 0x4437 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon Mobility 7000 IGP 4437"
+0x1002 0x4554 "Card:ATI Mach64" "ATI Technologies Inc.|210888ET [Mach64 ET]"
+0x1002 0x4654 "Card:ATI Mach64" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Mach64 VT"
+0x1002 0x4742 "Card:ATI Mach64 Utah" "ATI Technologies Inc.|3D Rage Pro AGP 1X/2X"
+0x1002 0x4744 "Card:ATI Mach64 Utah" "ATI Technologies Inc.|3D Rage Pro AGP 1X"
+0x1002 0x4747 "Card:ATI Mach64 Utah" "ATI Technologies Inc.|3D Rage Pro"
+0x1002 0x4749 "Card:ATI Mach64 Utah" "ATI Technologies Inc.|3D Rage Pro"
+0x1002 0x474c "Card:ATI Mach64 Utah" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage XC"
+0x1002 0x474d "Card:ATI Mach64 Utah" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage XL AGP 2X"
+0x1002 0x474e "Card:ATI Mach64 Utah" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage XC AGP"
+0x1002 0x474f "Card:ATI Mach64 Utah" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage XL"
+0x1002 0x4750 "Card:ATI Mach64 Utah" "ATI Technologies Inc.|3D Rage Pro 215GP"
+0x1002 0x4751 "Card:ATI Mach64 Utah" "ATI Technologies Inc.|3D Rage Pro 215GQ"
+0x1002 0x4752 "Card:ATI Rage XL" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage XL"
+0x1002 0x4753 "Card:ATI Mach64 Utah" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage XC"
+0x1002 0x4754 "Card:ATI Mach64 3D RAGE II" "ATI Technologies Inc.|3D Rage I/II 215GT [Mach64 GT]"
+0x1002 0x4755 "Card:ATI Mach64 3D RAGE II" "ATI Technologies Inc.|3D Rage II+ 215GTB [Mach64 GTB]"
+0x1002 0x4756 "Card:ATI Mach64 3D RAGE II" "ATI Technologies Inc.|3D Rage IIC 215IIC [Mach64 GT IIC]"
+0x1002 0x4757 "Card:ATI Mach64 3D Rage IIC" "ATI Technologies Inc.|3D Rage IIC AGP"
+0x1002 0x4758 "Card:ATI Mach64" "ATI Technologies Inc.|210888GX [Mach64 GX]"
+0x1002 0x4759 "Card:ATI Mach64 3D Rage IIC" "ATI Technologies Inc.|3D Rage IIC"
+0x1002 0x475a "Card:ATI Mach64 3D Rage IIC" "ATI Technologies Inc.|3D Rage IIC AGP"
+0x1002 0x4844 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage HDTV [HD]"
+0x1002 0x4964 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon RV250 Id [Radeon 9000]"
+0x1002 0x4965 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon RV250 Ie [Radeon 9000]"
+0x1002 0x4966 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9000/PRO If (AGP/PCI)"
+0x1002 0x4967 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9000 Ig (AGP/PCI)"
+0x1002 0x496c "Card:ATI Radeon (fbdev)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon ????"
+0x1002 0x496d "Card:ATI Radeon (fbdev)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon ????"
+0x1002 0x496e "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon R250 [Radeon 9000] (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x496f "Card:ATI Radeon (fbdev)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon R250 [Radeon 9000] (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x4a48 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon X800 (R420)"
+0x1002 0x4a49 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon X800 Pro"
+0x1002 0x4a4a "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon X800 (R420)"
+0x1002 0x4a4b "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon X800 (R420)"
+0x1002 0x4a4c "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon X800 (R420)"
+0x1002 0x4a4d "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon X800 (R420)"
+0x1002 0x4a4e "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon X800 (R420)"
+0x1002 0x4a50 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R420 JP [Radeon X800XT]"
+0x1002 0x4a68 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon X800 (R420) (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x4a69 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon X800 (R420) (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x4a6a "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon X800 (R420) (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x4a6b "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon X800 (R420) (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x4a6c "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon X800 (R420) (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x4a6d "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon X800 (R420) (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x4a6e "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon X800 (R420) (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x4a70 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R420 [X800XT-PE] (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x4b49 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R480 [Radeon X850XT]"
+0x1002 0x4b4c "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R481 [Radeon X850XT-PE]"
+0x1002 0x4b69 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R480 [Radeon X850XT secondary]"
+0x1002 0x4b6c "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R481 [Radeon X850XT-PE] Secondary"
+0x1002 0x4c42 "Card:ATI Mach64 Utah" "ATI Technologies Inc.|3D Rage LT Pro AGP-133"
+0x1002 0x4c44 "Card:ATI Mach64 Utah" "ATI Technologies Inc.|3D Rage LT Pro AGP-66"
+0x1002 0x4c45 "Card:ATI Rage 128 Mobility" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage Mobility M3 AGP"
+0x1002 0x4c46 "Card:ATI Rage 128 Mobility" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage Mobility M3 AGP 2x"
+0x1002 0x4c47 "Card:ATI Mach64 Utah" "ATI Technologies Inc.|3D Rage LT-G 215LG"
+0x1002 0x4c49 "Card:ATI Mach64 Utah" "ATI Technologies Inc.|3D Rage LT Pro"
+0x1002 0x4c4b "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Mobility 3 [LK]"
+0x1002 0x4c4c "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Mobility 3 [LL]"
+0x1002 0x4c4d "Card:ATI Rage Mobility" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage Mobility P/M AGP 2x"
+0x1002 0x4c4e "Card:ATI Rage Mobility" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage Mobility L AGP 2x"
+0x1002 0x4c50 "Card:ATI Mach64 Utah" "ATI Technologies Inc.|3D Rage LT Pro"
+0x1002 0x4c51 "Card:ATI Mach64 Utah" "ATI Technologies Inc.|3D Rage LT Pro"
+0x1002 0x4c52 "Card:ATI Rage Mobility" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage Mobility P/M"
+0x1002 0x4c53 "Card:ATI Rage Mobility" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage Mobility L"
+0x1002 0x4c54 "Card:ATI Mach64 Utah" "ATI Technologies Inc.|264LT [Mach64 LT]"
+0x1002 0x4c57 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon Mobility M7 LW (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4c58 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Mobility FireGL 7800 M7 LX (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4c59 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon Mobility M6 LY (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4c5a "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon Mobility M6 LZ (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4c64 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|FireGL Mobility 9000 (M9) Ld (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4c65 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon RV250 Le [Radeon Mobility 9000]"
+0x1002 0x4c66 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon Mobility 9000 (M9) Lf (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4c67 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon Mobility 9000 (M9) Lg (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4c6c "Card:ATI Radeon (fbdev)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|"
+0x1002 0x4c6d "Card:ATI Radeon (fbdev)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|"
+0x1002 0x4c6e "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon R250 Ln [Radeon Mobility 9000 M9] [Secondary]"
+0x1002 0x4c6f "Card:ATI Radeon (fbdev)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|"
+0x1002 0x4d45 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon LE"
+0x1002 0x4d46 "Card:ATI Rage 128 Mobility" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage Mobility M4 AGP"
+0x1002 0x4d4c "Card:ATI Rage 128 Mobility" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage Mobility M4 AGP"
+0x1002 0x4e44 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9700 Pro ND (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4e45 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9700/9500Pro NE (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4e46 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9700 NF (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4e47 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|FireGL X1 NG (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4e48 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9800PRO NH (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4e49 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9800 NI (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4e4a "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9800XT NJ (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4e4b "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|FireGL X2 NK (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4e50 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon Mobility 9600 (M10) NP (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4e51 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon Mobility 9600 (M10) NQ (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4e52 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon Mobility 9600 (M11) NR (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4e53 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon Mobility 9600 (M10) NS (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4e54 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|FireGL Mobility T2 (M10) NT (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4e56 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|FireGL Mobility T2 (M11) NV (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x4e64 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R300 Radeon 9700 (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x4e65 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R300 Radeon 9700/9500 Series (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x4e66 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon R300 [Radeon 9700] (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x4e67 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Fire GL X1/Z1 SECONDARY Video"
+0x1002 0x4e68 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon R300 [Radeon 9800] (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x4e69 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon R350 [Radeon 9800] (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x4e6a "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R360 Radeon 9800 XT - Secondary"
+0x1002 0x4e71 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|M10 NQ [Radeon Mobility 9600] (secondary)"
+0x1002 0x5041 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro"
+0x1002 0x5042 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x"
+0x1002 0x5043 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x"
+0x1002 0x5044 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro"
+0x1002 0x5045 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x"
+0x1002 0x5046 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x"
+0x1002 0x5047 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro"
+0x1002 0x5048 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x"
+0x1002 0x5049 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x"
+0x1002 0x504a "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro"
+0x1002 0x504b "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x"
+0x1002 0x504c "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x"
+0x1002 0x504d "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro"
+0x1002 0x504e "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x"
+0x1002 0x504f "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x"
+0x1002 0x5050 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro"
+0x1002 0x5051 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x"
+0x1002 0x5052 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x"
+0x1002 0x5053 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro"
+0x1002 0x5054 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x"
+0x1002 0x5055 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x"
+0x1002 0x5056 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro"
+0x1002 0x5057 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro AGP 2x"
+0x1002 0x5058 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro AGP 4x"
+0x1002 0x5144 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon QD (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x5145 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon QE (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x5146 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon QF (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x5147 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon QG (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x5148 0x1002 0x010a "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|FireGL 8800 64Mb"
+0x1002 0x5148 0x1002 0x0152 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|FireGL 8800 128Mb"
+0x1002 0x5148 0x1002 0x0162 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|FireGL 8700 32Mb"
+0x1002 0x5148 0x1002 0x0172 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|FireGL 8700 64Mb"
+0x1002 0x5148 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|FireGL 8700/8800 QH (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x5149 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon R200 QI"
+0x1002 0x514a "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon R200 QJ"
+0x1002 0x514b "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon R200 QK"
+0x1002 0x514c "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 8500 QL (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x514d "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9100 QM (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x514e "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 8500 QN R200"
+0x1002 0x514f "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 8500 QO R200"
+0x1002 0x5154 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R200 QT [Radeon 8500]"
+0x1002 0x5155 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R200 QU [Radeon 9100]"
+0x1002 0x5157 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 7500 QW (AGP/PCI)"
+0x1002 0x5158 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 7500 QX (AGP/PCI)"
+0x1002 0x5159 0x1002 0x000a "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 7000/Radeon VE"
+0x1002 0x5159 0x1002 0x000b "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 7000"
+0x1002 0x5159 0x1002 0x0038 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 7000/Radeon VE"
+0x1002 0x5159 0x1002 0x003a "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 7000/Radeon VE"
+0x1002 0x5159 0x1002 0x00ba "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 7000/Radeon VE"
+0x1002 0x5159 0x1002 0x013a "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 7000/Radeon VE"
+0x1002 0x5159 0x1028 0x019a "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|PowerEdge SC1425"
+0x1002 0x5159 0x1458 0x4002 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RV100 QY [RADEON 7000 PRO MAYA AV Series]"
+0x1002 0x5159 0x148c 0x2003 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RV100 QY [Radeon 7000 Multi-Display Edition]"
+0x1002 0x5159 0x148c 0x2023 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RV100 QY [Radeon 7000 Evil Master Multi-Display]"
+0x1002 0x5159 0x174b 0x7112 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RV100 QY [Sapphire Radeon VE 7000]"
+0x1002 0x5159 0x174b 0x7c28 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Sapphire Radeon VE 7000 DDR"
+0x1002 0x5159 0x1787 0x0202 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RV100 QY [Excalibur Radeon 7000]"
+0x1002 0x5159 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon VE/7000 QY (AGP/PCI)"
+0x1002 0x515a "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon VE/7000 QZ (AGP/PCI)"
+0x1002 0x515e "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|ES1000 RN50"
+0x1002 0x5168 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon R200 Qh"
+0x1002 0x5169 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon R200 Qi"
+0x1002 0x516a "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon R200 Qj"
+0x1002 0x516b "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon R200 Qk"
+0x1002 0x516c "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 8500 Ql"
+0x1002 0x516d "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R200 Redeon 9100 Series - Secondary"
+0x1002 0x5245 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 GL"
+0x1002 0x5246 "Card:ATI Rage 128 TVout" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 GL AGP 1x/2x"
+0x1002 0x5247 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 RG"
+0x1002 0x524b "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 VR"
+0x1002 0x524c "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 VR AGP 1x/2x"
+0x1002 0x5345 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 4x"
+0x1002 0x5346 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 4x AGP 2x"
+0x1002 0x5347 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 4x AGP 4x"
+0x1002 0x5348 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 4x"
+0x1002 0x534b "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 4x"
+0x1002 0x534c "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 4x AGP 2x"
+0x1002 0x534d "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 4x AGP 4x"
+0x1002 0x534e "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 4x"
+0x1002 0x5354 "Card:ATI Mach64" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Mach64 ST"
+0x1002 0x5446 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Ultra TF"
+0x1002 0x544c "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Ultra TL"
+0x1002 0x5452 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Ultra TR"
+0x1002 0x5453 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro Ultra TS"
+0x1002 0x5454 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro Ultra TT"
+0x1002 0x5455 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Rage 128 Pro Ultra TU"
+0x1002 0x5460 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|M22 [Radeon Mobility M300]"
+0x1002 0x5464 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|M22 [FireGL GL]"
+0x1002 0x5548 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R423 UH [Radeon X800 (PCIE)]"
+0x1002 0x5549 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R423 UI [Radeon X800PRO (PCIE)]"
+0x1002 0x554a "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R423 UJ [Radeon X800LE (PCIE)]"
+0x1002 0x554b "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R423 UK [Radeon X800SE (PCIE)]"
+0x1002 0x554d "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R430 [Radeon X800 XL] (PCIe)"
+0x1002 0x5551 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R423 UQ [FireGL V7200 (PCIE)]"
+0x1002 0x5552 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R423 UR [FireGL V5100 (PCIE)]"
+0x1002 0x5554 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R423 UT [FireGL V7100 (PCIE)]"
+0x1002 0x556b "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon R423 UK (PCIE) [X800 SE] (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x556d "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R430 [Radeon X800 XL] (PCIe) Secondary"
+0x1002 0x5653 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon Mobility X700 (PCIE)"
+0x1002 0x5654 "Card:ATI Mach64 VT (264VT)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|264VT [Mach64 VT]"
+0x1002 0x5655 "Card:ATI Mach64 VT (264VT)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|264VT3 [Mach64 VT3]"
+0x1002 0x5656 "Card:ATI Mach64 VT (264VT)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|264VT4 [Mach64 VT4]"
+0x1002 0x5772 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R480 [Radeon X850XT (PCIE)]"
+0x1002 0x5830 "ati-agp" "ATI Technologies Inc.|CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1002 0x5831 "ati-agp" "ATI Technologies Inc.|CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1002 0x5832 "ati-agp" "ATI Technologies Inc.|CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1002 0x5833 "ati-agp" "ATI Technologies Inc.|CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1002 0x5834 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9100 IGP (A5) 5834"
+0x1002 0x5835 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon Mobility 9100 IGP (U3) 5835"
+0x1002 0x5836 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon RS300 IGP"
+0x1002 0x5837 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon RS300 IGP"
+0x1002 0x5838 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9100 IGP AGP Bridge"
+0x1002 0x5858 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Mach32 [68800-6 XX]"
+0x1002 0x5940 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RV280 Radeon 9200 Pro - Secondary"
+0x1002 0x5941 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RV280 Radeon 9200 - Secondary"
+0x1002 0x5944 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RV280 Radeon 9200 SE (PCI)"
+0x1002 0x5950 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RS480 Host Bridge"
+0x1002 0x5951 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon Xpress 200 (RS480/RS482/RX480/RX482) Chipset - Host bridge"
+0x1002 0x5954 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon XPRESS 200 (RS480 5954)"
+0x1002 0x5955 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon XPRESS 200M (RS480 5955)"
+0x1002 0x5960 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9200PRO 5960 (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x5961 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9200 5961 (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x5962 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9200 5962 (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x5963 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon RV280 9200"
+0x1002 0x5964 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9200SE 5964 (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x5968 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon RV280 9200"
+0x1002 0x5969 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon ES1000 RN50 (PCI)"
+0x1002 0x596a "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon RV280 9200"
+0x1002 0x596b "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon RV280 9200"
+0x1002 0x5a34 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RS480 PCI-X Root Port"
+0x1002 0x5b60 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon RV370"
+0x1002 0x5b62 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RV370 Radeon X600 (PCI-E)"
+0x1002 0x5b64 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RV370 GL Radeon"
+0x1002 0x5b65 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RV370 FireGL D1100 (PCI-E)"
+0x1002 0x5b70 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon RV370"
+0x1002 0x5b72 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon X600(RV380)"
+0x1002 0x5b74 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon RV370 GL (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x5c61 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon Mobility 9200 (M9+) 5C61 (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x5c62 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon RV280"
+0x1002 0x5c63 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon Mobility 9200 (M9+) 5C63 (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x5c64 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon RV280"
+0x1002 0x5d44 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RV280 Radeon 9200 SE Series - Secondary"
+0x1002 0x5d4a "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Mobility Radeon X800"
+0x1002 0x5d4d "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R480 Radeon X850XT Platinum"
+0x1002 0x5d52 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R480 Radeon X850XT (PCI-E) (Primary)"
+0x1002 0x5d57 "Card:ATI Radeon" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R423 Radeon X800XT (PCI-E)"
+0x1002 0x5d6d "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R480 Radeon X850XT Platinum (PCI-E) (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x5d72 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R480 Radeon X850XT (PCI-E)"
+0x1002 0x5d77 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|R423 Radeon X800XT (PCI-E) (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x5e4b "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RV410 Radeon X700 Pro (PCI-E)"
+0x1002 0x5e4d "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RV410 Radeon X700 (PCI-E)"
+0x1002 0x5e6b "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RV410 Radeon X700 Pro (PCI-E) (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x5e6d "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RV410 Radeon X700 (PCI-E) (Secondary)"
+0x1002 0x700f "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|U1/A3 AGP Bridge [IGP 320M]"
+0x1002 0x7010 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|PCI Bridge [IGP 340M]"
+0x1002 0x7800 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.| "
+0x1002 0x7833 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9100 IGP Host Bridge"
+0x1002 0x7834 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9000 XT IGP (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x7835 "Card:ATI Radeon (fglrx)" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon Mobility 9200 IGP (RS350M) (AGP)"
+0x1002 0x7838 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|Radeon 9100 IGP PCI/AGP Bridge"
+0x1002 0x7c37 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RV350 AQ Radeon 9600 SE"
+0x1002 0xcab0 "ati-agp" "ATI Technologies Inc.|CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1002 0xcab1 "unknown" "ATI Technologies Inc.|A3/U1 Slot1 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1002 0xcab2 "ati-agp" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RS200/RS200M AGP Bridge [IGP 340M]"
+0x1002 0xcab3 "ati-agp" "ATI Technologies Inc.|RS250/RS250M AGP Bridge"
+0x1002 0xcbb2 "ati-agp" "ATI Technologies Inc.|CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1003 0x0201 "unknown" "ULSI Systems|US201"
+0x1004 0x0005 "unknown" "VLSI|82C592-FC1"
+0x1004 0x0006 "unknown" "VLSI|82C593-FC1"
+0x1004 0x0007 "unknown" "VLSI|82C594-AFC2"
+0x1004 0x0008 "unknown" "VLSI|82C596/7 [Wildcat]"
+0x1004 0x0009 "unknown" "VLSI|82C597-AFC2"
+0x1004 0x000c "unknown" "VLSI|82C541 [Lynx]"
+0x1004 0x000d "unknown" "VLSI|82C543 [Lynx]"
+0x1004 0x0100 "unknown" "VLSI Technology|CPU to PCI Bridge for notebook"
+0x1004 0x0101 "unknown" "VLSI|82C532"
+0x1004 0x0102 "unknown" "VLSI|82C534"
+0x1004 0x0103 "unknown" "VLSI|82C538"
+0x1004 0x0104 "unknown" "VLSI|82C535"
+0x1004 0x0105 "vlsi_ir" "VLSI|82C147"
+0x1004 0x0200 "unknown" "VLSI|82C975"
+0x1004 0x0280 "unknown" "VLSI|82C925"
+0x1004 0x0304 "unknown" "VLSI|QSound ThunderBird PCI Audio"
+0x1004 0x0305 "unknown" "VLSI|QSound ThunderBird PCI Audio Gameport"
+0x1004 0x0306 "unknown" "VLSI|QSound ThunderBird PCI Audio Support Registers"
+0x1004 0x0307 "unknown" "VLSI Technology Inc.|Thunderbird"
+0x1004 0x0308 "unknown" "VLSI Technology Inc.|Thunderbird"
+0x1004 0x0702 "unknown" "VLSI|VAS96011 [Golden Gate II]"
+0x1004 0x0703 "unknown" "VLSI Technology Inc.|Tollgate"
+0x1005 0x2064 "unknown" "Avance Logic Inc. [ALI]|ALG2032/2064"
+0x1005 0x2128 "unknown" "Avance Logic Inc. [ALI]|ALG2364A"
+0x1005 0x2301 "Card:Avance Logic 2301" "Avance Logic Inc. [ALI]|ALG2301"
+0x1005 0x2302 "Card:Avance Logic 2302" "Avance Logic Inc. [ALI]|ALG2302"
+0x1005 0x2364 "unknown" "Avance Logic Inc. [ALI]|ALG2364"
+0x1005 0x2464 "unknown" "Avance Logic Inc. [ALI]|ALG2364A"
+0x1005 0x2501 "unknown" "Avance Logic Inc. [ALI]|ALG2564A/25128A"
+0x100b 0x0001 "unknown" "National Semiconductor|DP83810"
+0x100b 0x0002 "ns87415" "National Semiconductor|87415"
+0x100b 0x000e "unknown" "National Semiconductor|87560 Legacy I/O"
+0x100b 0x000f "unknown" "National Semiconductor|OHCI Compliant FireWire Controller"
+0x100b 0x0011 "unknown" "National Semiconductor|National PCI System I/O"
+0x100b 0x0012 "unknown" "National Semiconductor|USB Controller"
+0x100b 0x001b "unknown" "National Semiconductor|LM4560 Advanced PCI Audio Accelerator"
+0x100b 0x0020 "natsemi" "National Semiconductor|DP83810 10/100 Ethernet"
+0x100b 0x0021 "unknown" "National Semiconductor|PC87200 PCI to ISA Bridge"
+0x100b 0x0022 "ns83820" "National Semiconductor|DP83820 10/100/1000 Ethernet"
+0x100b 0x0023 "unknown" "National Semiconductor| "
+0x100b 0x0028 "unknown" "National Semiconductor|CS5535 Host bridge"
+0x100b 0x002a "unknown" "National Semiconductor|CS5535 South Bridge"
+0x100b 0x002b "unknown" "National Semiconductor|CS5535 ISA bridge"
+0x100b 0x002d "cs5535" "National Semiconductor|CS5535 IDE"
+0x100b 0x002e "snd-cs5535audio" "National Semiconductor|CS5535 Audio"
+0x100b 0x002f "unknown" "National Semiconductor|CS5535 USB"
+0x100b 0x0030 "unknown" "National Semiconductor|CS5535 Video"
+0x100b 0x0035 "cassini" "National Semiconductor|DP83065 [Saturn] 10/100/1000 Ethernet Controller"
+0x100b 0x0500 "Card:ATI Mach64" "National Semiconductor|SCx200 Bridge"
+0x100b 0x0501 "Card:ATI Mach64" "National Semiconductor|SCx200 SMI"
+0x100b 0x0502 "Card:ATI Mach64" "National Semiconductor|SCx200 IDE"
+0x100b 0x0503 "Card:ATI Mach64" "National Semiconductor|SCx200 Audio"
+0x100b 0x0504 "Card:ATI Mach64" "National Semiconductor|SCx200 Video"
+0x100b 0x0505 "Card:ATI Mach64" "National Semiconductor|SCx200 Bridge"
+0x100b 0x0510 "scx200" "National Semiconductor|SC1100 Bridge"
+0x100b 0x0511 "unknown" "National Semiconductor|SC1100 SMI"
+0x100b 0x0515 "scx200" "National Semiconductor|Wireless miniPCI Card (108Mbit)"
+0x100b 0xd001 "Card:ATI Mach64" "National Semiconductor|87410"
+0x100c 0x3202 "Card:ET4000 W32i, W32p (generic)" "Tseng Labs Inc.|ET4000/W32p rev A"
+0x100c 0x3205 "Card:ET4000 W32i, W32p (generic)" "Tseng Labs Inc.|ET4000/W32p rev B"
+0x100c 0x3206 "Card:ET4000 W32i, W32p (generic)" "Tseng Labs Inc.|ET4000/W32p rev C"
+0x100c 0x3207 "Card:ET4000 W32i, W32p (generic)" "Tseng Labs Inc.|ET4000/W32p rev D"
+0x100c 0x3208 "Card:ET6000 (generic)" "Tseng Labs Inc.|ET6000"
+0x100c 0x4702 "Card:ET6000 (generic)" "Tseng Labs Inc.|ET6300"
+0x100e 0x0564 "unknown" "Weitek|STPC Client Host Bridge"
+0x100e 0x55cc "unknown" "Weitek|STPC Client South Bridge"
+0x100e 0x9000 "Card:Diamond Viper PCI 2Mb" "Weitek|P9000 Viper"
+0x100e 0x9001 "Card:Diamond Viper PCI 2Mb" "Weitek|P9000 Viper"
+0x100e 0x9002 "Card:Diamond Viper PCI 2Mb" "Weitek|P9000 Viper"
+0x100e 0x9100 "Card:Diamond Viper PCI 2Mb" "Weitek|P9100 Viper Pro/SE"
+0x1011 0x0001 "tulip" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DECchip 21050"
+0x1011 0x0002 "de2104x" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DECchip 21040 [Tulip]"
+0x1011 0x0004 "unknown" "Digital Equipment Corp.|21030/TGA"
+0x1011 0x0007 "unknown" "Digital Equipment Corp.|NVRAM [Zephyr NVRAM]"
+0x1011 0x0008 "unknown" "Digital Equipment Corp.|KZPSA [KZPSA]"
+0x1011 0x0009 0x1025 0x0310 "tulip" "Digital Equipment Corp.|21140 Fast Ethernet"
+0x1011 0x0009 0x10b8 0x2001 "tulip" "Digital Equipment Corp.|SMC9332BDT EtherPower 10/100"
+0x1011 0x0009 0x10b8 0x2002 "tulip" "Digital Equipment Corp.|SMC9332BVT EtherPower T4 10/100"
+0x1011 0x0009 0x10b8 0x2003 "tulip" "Digital Equipment Corp.|SMC9334BDT EtherPower 10/100 (1-port)"
+0x1011 0x0009 0x1109 0x2400 "tulip" "Digital Equipment Corp.|ANA-6944A/TX Fast Ethernet"
+0x1011 0x0009 0x1112 0x2300 "tulip" "Digital Equipment Corp.|RNS2300 Fast Ethernet"
+0x1011 0x0009 0x1112 0x2320 "tulip" "Digital Equipment Corp.|RNS2320 Fast Ethernet"
+0x1011 0x0009 0x1112 0x2340 "tulip" "Digital Equipment Corp.|RNS2340 Fast Ethernet"
+0x1011 0x0009 0x1113 0x1207 "tulip" "Digital Equipment Corp.|EN-1207-TX Fast Ethernet"
+0x1011 0x0009 0x1186 0x1100 "tulip" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DFE-500TX Fast Ethernet"
+0x1011 0x0009 0x1186 0x1112 "tulip" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DFE-570TX Fast Ethernet"
+0x1011 0x0009 0x1186 0x1140 "tulip" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DFE-660 Cardbus Ethernet 10/100"
+0x1011 0x0009 0x1186 0x1142 "tulip" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DFE-660 Cardbus Ethernet 10/100"
+0x1011 0x0009 0x11f6 0x0503 "tulip" "Digital Equipment Corp.|Freedomline Fast Ethernet"
+0x1011 0x0009 0x1282 0x9100 "tulip" "Digital Equipment Corp.|AEF-380TXD Fast Ethernet"
+0x1011 0x0009 0x1376 0xffff "lmc" "Digital Equipment Corp.|"
+0x1011 0x0009 0x1385 0x1100 "tulip" "Digital Equipment Corp.|FA310TX Fast Ethernet"
+0x1011 0x0009 0x2646 0x0001 "tulip" "Digital Equipment Corp.|KNE100TX Fast Ethernet"
+0x1011 0x0009 0xffff 0x1376 "lmc" "Digital Equipment Corp.|"
+0x1011 0x0009 "tulip" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DECchip 21140 [FasterNet]"
+0x1011 0x000a "unknown" "Digital Equipment Corp.|21230 Video Codec"
+0x1011 0x000c "unknown" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DC21130 PCI Integrated Graphics & Video Accel"
+0x1011 0x000d "Card:Digital 8-plane TGA (Generic)" "Digital Equipment Corp.|PBXGB [TGA2]"
+0x1011 0x000f "defxx" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DEFPA"
+0x1011 0x0014 "de2104x" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DECchip 21041 [Tulip Pass 3]"
+0x1011 0x0016 "unknown" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DGLPB [OPPO]"
+0x1011 0x0017 "unknown" "Digital Equipment Corp.|PV-PCI Graphics Controller (ZLXp-L)"
+0x1011 0x0019 "tulip" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DECchip 21142/43"
+0x1011 0x001a "acenic" "Farallon|PN9000SX"
+0x1011 0x0021 "tulip" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DECchip 21052"
+0x1011 0x0022 "tulip" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DECchip 21150"
+0x1011 0x0023 "unknown" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DECchip 21150"
+0x1011 0x0024 "unknown" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DECchip 21152"
+0x1011 0x0025 "unknown" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DECchip 21153"
+0x1011 0x0026 "unknown" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DECchip 21154"
+0x1011 0x0034 "unknown" "Digital Equipment Corp.|Modem56 CardBus"
+0x1011 0x0045 "unknown" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DECchip 21553"
+0x1011 0x0046 0x0e11 0x4050 "cpqarray" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DECchip 21554 [Compaq Smart Array Controller]"
+0x1011 0x0046 0x0e11 0x4051 "cpqarray" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DECchip 21554 [Compaq Smart Array Controller]"
+0x1011 0x0046 0x0e11 0x4058 "cpqarray" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DECchip 21554 [Compaq Smart Array Controller]"
+0x1011 0x0046 0x103c 0x10c2 "aacraid" "HP|NetRAID-4M"
+0x1011 0x0046 0x12d9 0x000a "cpqarray" "Digital Equipment Corp.|VoIP PCI Gateway"
+0x1011 0x0046 0x4c53 0x1050 "cpqarray" "Digital Equipment Corp.|CT7 mainboard"
+0x1011 0x0046 0x4c53 0x1051 "cpqarray" "Digital Equipment Corp.|CE7 mainboard"
+0x1011 0x0046 0x9005 0x0364 "aacraid" "Adaptec|5400S"
+0x1011 0x0046 0x9005 0x0365 "aacraid" "Adaptec|5400S"
+0x1011 0x0046 0x9005 0x1364 "aacraid" "Digital Equipment Corp.|Dell PowerEdge RAID Controller 2"
+0x1011 0x0046 0x9005 0x1365 "aacraid" "Digital Equipment Corp.|Dell PowerEdge RAID Controller 2"
+0x1011 0x0046 0xe4bf 0x1000 "unknown" "Digital Equipment Corp.|CC8-1-BLUES"
+0x1011 0x0046 "cpqarray" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DECchip 21554 [Compaq Smart Array Controller]"
+0x1011 0x0365 "aacraid" "Digital Equipment Corp.|5400S"
+0x1011 0x0e11 "cpqarray" "Digital Equipment Corp.|Integrated Smart Array"
+0x1011 0x103c "aacraid" "Digital Equipment Corp.|NetRAID-4M"
+0x1011 0x1065 0x1069 0x0020 "DAC960" "Digital Equipment Corp.|DAC960P / DAC1164P"
+0x1011 0x1065 0x1244 0x0800 "ISDN:c4" "Digital Equipment Corp.|21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Microprocessor"
+0x1011 0x1065 0x1244 0x1100 "ISDN:c4" "Digital Equipment Corp.|21285 Core Logic for SA-110 Microprocessor"
+0x1011 0x1065 "DAC960" "Digital Equipment Corp.|RAID Controller"
+0x1011 0x10c2 "aacraid" "Digital Equipment Corp.|NetRAID-4M"
+0x1011 0x1364 "aacraid" "Digital Equipment Corp.|PowerEdge RAID Controller 2"
+0x1011 0x1365 "aacraid" "Digital Equipment Corp.|PowerEdge RAID Controller 2"
+0x1011 0x4050 "cpqarray" "Digital Equipment Corp.|Integrated Smart Array"
+0x1011 0x4051 "cpqarray" "Digital Equipment Corp.|Integrated Smart Array"
+0x1011 0x4058 "cpqarray" "Digital Equipment Corp.|Integrated Smart Array"
+0x1011 0x9005 "aacraid" "Digital Equipment Corp.|5400S"
+0x1013 0x0038 "Card:Cirrus Logic GD754x (laptop)" "Cirrus Logic|GD 7548"
+0x1013 0x0040 "Card:Cirrus Logic GD754x (laptop)" "Cirrus Logic|GD7555 Flat Panel GUI Accelerator"
+0x1013 0x0045 "unknown" "Cirrus Logic|A CL-MD5620DT-QC-B WINCOM V9.0 56K"
+0x1013 0x004c "Card:Cirrus Logic GD754x (laptop)" "Cirrus Logic|GD7556 Video/Graphics LCD/CRT Ctrlr"
+0x1013 0x00a0 "Card:Cirrus Logic GD543x" "Cirrus Logic|GD 5430/40 [Alpine]"
+0x1013 0x00a2 "Card:Cirrus Logic GD543x" "Cirrus Logic|GD 5432 [Alpine]"
+0x1013 0x00a4 "Card:Cirrus Logic GD543x" "Cirrus Logic|GD 5434-4 [Alpine]"
+0x1013 0x00a8 "Card:Cirrus Logic GD543x" "Cirrus Logic|GD 5434-8 [Alpine]"
+0x1013 0x00ac "Card:Cirrus Logic GD543x" "Cirrus Logic|GD 5436 [Alpine]"
+0x1013 0x00b0 "Card:Cirrus Logic GD544x" "Cirrus Logic|GD 5440"
+0x1013 0x00b8 "Card:Cirrus Logic GD544x" "Cirrus Logic|GD 5446"
+0x1013 0x00bc "Card:Cirrus Logic GD5480" "Cirrus Logic|GD 5480"
+0x1013 0x00d0 "Card:Cirrus Logic GD5462" "Cirrus Logic|GD 5462"
+0x1013 0x00d2 "Card:Cirrus Logic GD5462" "Cirrus Logic|GD 5462 [Laguna I]"
+0x1013 0x00d4 "Card:Cirrus Logic GD5464" "Cirrus Logic|GD 5464 [Laguna]"
+0x1013 0x00d5 "Card:Cirrus Logic GD5464" "Cirrus Logic|GD5464BD"
+0x1013 0x00d6 "Card:Cirrus Logic GD5465" "Cirrus Logic|GD 5465 [Laguna]"
+0x1013 0x00e8 "Card:Cirrus Logic GD543x" "Cirrus Logic|GD 5436U"
+0x1013 0x1010 "cs46xx" "Cirrus Logic|CS 4614/22/24 [CrystalClear SoundFusion Audio Accelerator]"
+0x1013 0x1014 "cs46xx" "Cirrus Logic|CS 4614/22/24 [CrystalClear SoundFusion Audio Accelerator]"
+0x1013 0x1100 "pd6729" "Cirrus Logic|CL 6729"
+0x1013 0x1110 "yenta_socket" "Cirrus Logic|PD 6832"
+0x1013 0x1112 "yenta_socket" "Cirrus Logic|PD 6834 PCMCIA/CardBus Ctrlr"
+0x1013 0x1113 "yenta_socket" "Cirrus Logic|PD 6833 PCMCIA/CardBus Ctrlr"
+0x1013 0x1200 "Card:Cirrus Logic GD754x (laptop)" "Cirrus Logic|GD 7542 [Nordic]"
+0x1013 0x1202 "Card:Cirrus Logic GD754x (laptop)" "Cirrus Logic|GD 7543 [Viking]"
+0x1013 0x1204 "Card:Cirrus Logic GD754x (laptop)" "Cirrus Logic|GD 7541 [Nordic Light]"
+0x1013 0x4000 "unknown" "Cirrus Logic|MD 5620 [CLM Data Fax Voice]"
+0x1013 0x4400 "unknown" "Cirrus Logic|CD 4400"
+0x1013 0x6001 "cs46xx" "Cirrus Logic|Cirrus CS4610/1 CrystalClear SoundFusion Audio"
+0x1013 0x6003 "snd-cs46xx" "Cirrus Logic|CS 4614/22/24 [CrystalClear SoundFusion Audio Accelerator]"
+0x1013 0x6004 "cs46xx" "Cirrus Logic|unknown (? CrystalClear SoundFusion Audio Accelerator?)"
+0x1013 0x6005 "cs4281" "Cirrus Logic|Crystal CS4281 PCI Audio"
+0x1014 0x0002 "unknown" "IBM|PCI to MCA Bridge"
+0x1014 0x0005 "unknown" "IBM|Alta Lite"
+0x1014 0x0007 "unknown" "IBM|Alta MP"
+0x1014 0x000a "unknown" "IBM|Fire Coral"
+0x1014 0x0017 "unknown" "IBM|CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1014 0x0018 "lanstreamer" "IBM|TR Auto LANstreamer"
+0x1014 0x001b "unknown" "IBM|GXT-150P"
+0x1014 0x001c "unknown" "IBM|Carrera"
+0x1014 0x001d "unknown" "IBM|82G2675"
+0x1014 0x0020 "unknown" "IBM|MCA"
+0x1014 0x0022 "unknown" "IBM|IBM27-82351"
+0x1014 0x002d "unknown" "IBM|Python"
+0x1014 0x002e "ips" "IBM|ServeRAID controller"
+0x1014 0x0031 "unknown" "IBM|2 Port Serial Adapter"
+0x1014 0x0036 "unknown" "IBM|Miami"
+0x1014 0x0037 "unknown" "International Business Machines Corp.|IBM27-82660 PowerPC to PCI Bridge and Memory Ctrlr"
+0x1014 0x003a "unknown" "IBM|CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1014 0x003c "unknown" "IBM|GXT250P/GXT255P Graphics Adapter"
+0x1014 0x003e "olympic" "IBM|16/4 Token ring UTP/STP controller"
+0x1014 0x0045 "unknown" "IBM|SSA Adapter"
+0x1014 0x0046 "unknown" "IBM|MPIC interrupt controller"
+0x1014 0x0047 "unknown" "IBM|PCI to PCI Bridge"
+0x1014 0x0048 "unknown" "IBM|PCI to PCI Bridge"
+0x1014 0x0049 "unknown" "IBM|Warhead SCSI Controller"
+0x1014 0x004e "unknown" "IBM|ATM Controller (14104e00)"
+0x1014 0x004f "unknown" "IBM|ATM Controller (14104f00)"
+0x1014 0x0050 "unknown" "IBM|ATM Controller (14105000)"
+0x1014 0x0053 "unknown" "IBM|25 MBit ATM Controller"
+0x1014 0x0054 "unknown" "IBM|GXT500P/GXT550P Graphics Adapter"
+0x1014 0x0057 "unknown" "IBM|MPEG PCI Bridge"
+0x1014 0x005c "eepro100" "IBM|i82557B 10/100 PCI Ethernet Adapter"
+0x1014 0x005d "unknown" "International Business Machines Corp.|05J3506 TCP/IP networking device"
+0x1014 0x005e "unknown" "IBM|GXT800P Graphics Adapter"
+0x1014 0x007c "unknown" "IBM|ATM Controller (14107c00)"
+0x1014 0x007d "unknown" "IBM|3780IDSP [MWave]"
+0x1014 0x008b "unknown" "IBM|EADS PCI to PCI Bridge"
+0x1014 0x008e "unknown" "IBM|GXT3000P Graphics Adapter"
+0x1014 0x0090 "unknown" "IBM|GXT 3000P"
+0x1014 0x0091 "unknown" "IBM|SSA Adapter"
+0x1014 0x0095 "unknown" "IBM|20H2999 PCI Docking Bridge"
+0x1014 0x0096 "unknown" "IBM|Chukar chipset SCSI controller"
+0x1014 0x009f "unknown" "IBM|PCI 4758 Cryptographic Accelerator"
+0x1014 0x00a1 "unknown" "International Business Machines Corp.|PowerNP NPr2.7 ATM support device"
+0x1014 0x00a5 "unknown" "IBM|ATM Controller (1410a500)"
+0x1014 0x00a6 "unknown" "IBM|ATM 155MBPS MM Controller (1410a600)"
+0x1014 0x00b7 "unknown" "IBM|256-bit Graphics Rasterizer [Fire GL1]"
+0x1014 0x00b8 "unknown" "IBM|GXT2000P Graphics Adapter"
+0x1014 0x00be "unknown" "IBM|ATM 622MBPS Controller (1410be00)"
+0x1014 0x00ce "unknown" "International Business Machines Corp.|02li537 Adapter 2 Token Ring Card"
+0x1014 0x00dc "unknown" "IBM|Advanced Systems Management Adapter (ASMA)"
+0x1014 0x00f9 "unknown" "International Business Machines Corp.|CPC700 Memory Controller and PCI Bridge"
+0x1014 0x00fc "unknown" "International Business Machines Corp.|CPC710 PCI-64 Bridge"
+0x1014 0x0104 "unknown" "IBM|Gigabit Ethernet-SX Adapter"
+0x1014 0x0105 "unknown" "International Business Machines Corp.|CPC710 PCI-32 Bridge"
+0x1014 0x010f "ibmasm" "IBM|Remote Supervisor Adapter (RSA)"
+0x1014 0x011b "unknown" "International Business Machines Corp.|Raid controller"
+0x1014 0x0132 "snd-cs46xx" "Thinkpad 570"
+0x1014 0x0142 "unknown" "IBM|Yotta Video Compositor Input"
+0x1014 0x0144 "unknown" "IBM|Yotta Video Compositor Output"
+0x1014 0x0153 "snd-cs46xx" "Thinkpad 600X/A20/T20"
+0x1014 0x0156 "unknown" "IBM|405GP PLB to PCI Bridge"
+0x1014 0x015e "unknown" "IBM|622Mbps ATM PCI Adapter"
+0x1014 0x0160 "unknown" "IBM|64bit/66MHz PCI ATM 155 MMF"
+0x1014 0x016e "unknown" "IBM|GXT4000P Graphics Adapter"
+0x1014 0x0170 "unknown" "IBM|RC1000 / GT 1000"
+0x1014 0x017d "unknown" "IBM|GXT300P Graphics Adapter"
+0x1014 0x0180 "ipr" "IBM|Snipe chipset SCSI controller"
+0x1014 0x0188 "unknown" "IBM|EADS-X PCI-X to PCI-X Bridge"
+0x1014 0x01a7 "unknown" "International Business Machines Corp.|IBM 133 PCI-X Bridge R1.1"
+0x1014 0x01bd "ips" "IBM|ServeRAID controller"
+0x1014 0x01be "ips" "IBM|ServeRAID-4M"
+0x1014 0x01bf "ips" "IBM|ServeRAID-4L"
+0x1014 0x01c1 "unknown" "IBM|64bit/66MHz PCI ATM 155 UTP"
+0x1014 0x01e6 "leedslite" "IBM|Cryptographic Accelerator"
+0x1014 0x01ef "unknown" "International Business Machines Corp.|440GP PLB to PCI-X Bridge"
+0x1014 0x01ff "unknown" "IBM|10/100 Mbps Ethernet"
+0x1014 0x0208 "ips" "IBM|ServeRAID-4Mx"
+0x1014 0x020e "ips" "IBM|ServeRAID-4Lx"
+0x1014 0x0219 "unknown" "IBM|Multiport Serial Adapter"
+0x1014 0x021b "unknown" "IBM|GXT6500P Graphics Adapter"
+0x1014 0x021c "unknown" "IBM|GXT4500P Graphics Adapter"
+0x1014 0x022e "ips" "IBM|ServeRAID-4H"
+0x1014 0x0233 "unknown" "IBM|GXT135P Graphics Adapter"
+0x1014 0x0246 "ibmphp" "IBM|"
+0x1014 0x0266 "unknown" "IBM|PCI-X Dual Channel SCSI"
+0x1014 0x0268 "unknown" "IBM|Gigabit Ethernet-SX Adapter (PCI-X)"
+0x1014 0x0269 "unknown" "IBM|10/100/1000 Base-TX Ethernet Adapter (PCI-X)"
+0x1014 0x028c 0x1014 0x028d "ipr" "IBM|Dual Channel PCI-X DDR SAS RAID Adapter (572E)"
+0x1014 0x028c 0x1014 0x02be "ipr" "IBM|Dual Channel PCI-X DDR U320 SCSI RAID Adapter (571B)"
+0x1014 0x028c 0x1014 0x02c0 "ipr" "IBM|Dual Channel PCI-X DDR U320 SCSI Adapter (571A)"
+0x1014 0x028c 0x1014 0x030d "ipr" "IBM|Dual Channel PCI-X DDR U320 SCSI Adapter (575B)"
+0x1014 0x028c "unknown" "IBM|Citrine chipset SCSI controller"
+0x1014 0x0295 "unknown" "International Business Machines Corp.|NECSCE 11508082 IBM SurePOS Riser Card Function 0"
+0x1014 0x0297 "unknown" "International Business Machines Corp.|NECSCE 11508082 IBM SurePOS Riser Card Function 1 (UARTs)"
+0x1014 0x02a1 "unknown" "IBM|Calgary PCI-X Host Bridge"
+0x1014 0x02bd "ipr" ""
+0x1014 0x0302 "unknown" "IBM|XA-32 chipset [Summit]"
+0x1014 0x0314 "unknown" "IBM|ZISC 036 Neural accelerator card"
+0x1014 0x1010 "snd-cs46xx" "Thinkpad 600E (unsupported)"
+0x1014 0x3022 "unknown" "IBM|QLA3022 Network Adapter"
+0x1014 0x4022 "unknown" "IBM|QLA3022 Network Adapter"
+0x1014 0xffff "unknown" "IBM|MPIC-2 interrupt controller"
+0x1017 0x5343 "unknown" "SPEA Software AG|SPEA 3D Accelerator"
+0x101a 0x0005 "hp100" "AT&T GIS (NCR)|100VG ethernet"
+0x101a 0x0009 "unknown" "NCR/AT&T GIS|Altera FLEX ??? Raid Controller ???"
+0x101c 0x0193 "unknown" "Western Digital|33C193A"
+0x101c 0x0196 "unknown" "Western Digital|33C196A"
+0x101c 0x0197 "unknown" "Western Digital|33C197A"
+0x101c 0x0296 "unknown" "Western Digital|33C296A"
+0x101c 0x3193 "unknown" "Western Digital|7193"
+0x101c 0x3197 "unknown" "Western Digital|7197"
+0x101c 0x3296 "unknown" "Western Digital|33C296A"
+0x101c 0x4296 "unknown" "Western Digital|34C296"
+0x101c 0x9710 "unknown" "Western Digital|Pipeline 9710"
+0x101c 0x9712 "unknown" "Western Digital|Pipeline 9712"
+0x101c 0xc24a "unknown" "Western Digital|90C"
+0x101e 0x0009 "unknown" "American Megatrends Inc.|MegaRAID 428 Ultra RAID Controller (rev 03)"
+0x101e 0x0471 "megaraid" "American Megatrends Inc.|PowerEdge RAID Controller 3/QC"
+0x101e 0x0475 "megaraid" "American Megatrends Inc.|PowerEdge RAID Controller 3/SC"
+0x101e 0x0493 "megaraid" "American Megatrends Inc.|PowerEdge RAID Controller 3/DC"
+0x101e 0x0511 "megaraid" "American Megatrends Inc.|PowerEdge Cost Effective RAID Controller ATA100/4Ch"
+0x101e 0x0767 "megarac" "American Megatrends Inc.|Dell Remote Assistant Card 2"
+0x101e 0x101e "megarac" "American Megatrends Inc.|Dell Remote Assistant Card 2"
+0x101e 0x1028 "megaraid" "American Megatrends Inc.|PowerEdge RAID Controller 3/QC"
+0x101e 0x1960 0x101e 0x0471 "megaraid" "American Megatrends Inc.|MegaRAID 471 Enterprise 1600 RAID Controller"
+0x101e 0x1960 0x101e 0x0475 "megaraid_mbox" "American Megatrends Inc.|MegaRAID 475 Express 500/500LC RAID Controller"
+0x101e 0x1960 0x101e 0x0477 "megaraid" "American Megatrends Inc.|MegaRAID 477 Elite 3100 RAID Controller"
+0x101e 0x1960 0x101e 0x0493 "megaraid_mbox" "American Megatrends Inc.|MegaRAID 493 Elite 1600 RAID Controller"
+0x101e 0x1960 0x101e 0x0494 "megaraid" "American Megatrends Inc.|MegaRAID 494 Elite 1650 RAID Controller"
+0x101e 0x1960 0x101e 0x0503 "megaraid" "American Megatrends Inc.|MegaRAID 503 Enterprise 1650 RAID Controller"
+0x101e 0x1960 0x101e 0x0511 "megaraid" "American Megatrends Inc.|MegaRAID 511 i4 IDE RAID Controller"
+0x101e 0x1960 0x101e 0x0522 "megaraid" "American Megatrends Inc.|MegaRAID 522 i4133 RAID Controller"
+0x101e 0x1960 0x1028 0x0471 "megaraid_mbox" "American Megatrends Inc.|PowerEdge RAID Controller 3/QC"
+0x101e 0x1960 0x1028 0x0475 "megaraid_mbox" "American Megatrends Inc.|PowerEdge RAID Controller 3/SC"
+0x101e 0x1960 0x1028 0x0493 "megaraid_mbox" "American Megatrends Inc.|PowerEdge RAID Controller 3/DC"
+0x101e 0x1960 0x1028 0x0511 "megaraid" "American Megatrends Inc.|PowerEdge Cost Effective RAID Controller ATA100/4Ch"
+0x101e 0x1960 0x103c 0x60e7 "megaraid" "American Megatrends Inc.|NetRAID-1M"
+0x101e 0x1960 "megaraid" "American Megatrends Inc.|PowerEdge RAID Controller 3/QC"
+0x101e 0x9010 "megaraid" "American Megatrends Inc.|MegaRAID"
+0x101e 0x9030 "unknown" "American Megatrends Inc.|EIDE Controller"
+0x101e 0x9031 "unknown" "American Megatrends Inc.|EIDE Controller"
+0x101e 0x9032 "unknown" "American Megatrends Inc.|EIDE & SCSI Controller"
+0x101e 0x9033 "unknown" "American Megatrends Inc.|SCSI Controller"
+0x101e 0x9040 "unknown" "American Megatrends Inc.|Multimedia card"
+0x101e 0x9060 "megaraid" "American Megatrends Inc.|MegaRAID 434 Ultra GT RAID Controller"
+0x101e 0x9063 "megaraid" "American Megatrends Inc.|MegaRAC"
+0x1022 0x1100 "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] HyperTransport Technology Configuration"
+0x1022 0x1101 "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] Address Map"
+0x1022 0x1102 "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] DRAM Controller"
+0x1022 0x1103 "amd64-agp" "Advanced Micro Devices|K8 [Athlon64/Opteron] Miscellaneous Control"
+0x1022 0x2000 "pcnet32" "Advanced Micro Devices|79c970 [PCnet LANCE]"
+0x1022 0x2001 "pcnet32" "Advanced Micro Devices|79c978 [HomePNA]"
+0x1022 0x2003 "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|Am 1771 MBW [Alchemy]"
+0x1022 0x2020 "tmscsim" "Advanced Micro Devices|53c974 [PCscsi]"
+0x1022 0x2040 "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|79c974"
+0x1022 0x208f "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|CS5536 GeodeLink PCI South Bridge"
+0x1022 0x209a "pata_amd" ""
+0x1022 0x3000 "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|ELanSC520 Microcontroller"
+0x1022 0x7004 "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-751 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1022 0x7006 "amd-k7-agp" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-751 [Irongate] System Controller"
+0x1022 0x7007 "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-751 PCI to PCI bridge"
+0x1022 0x700a "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-IGR4 AGP Host to PCI Bridge"
+0x1022 0x700b "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-IGR4 PCI to PCI Bridge"
+0x1022 0x700c "amd-k7-agp" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-762 CPU to PCI Bridge (SMP chipset)"
+0x1022 0x700d "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-762 CPU to PCI Bridge (AGP 4x)"
+0x1022 0x700e "amd-k7-agp" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-761 North Bridge"
+0x1022 0x700f "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-761 CPU to AGP Bridge (AGP 4x)"
+0x1022 0x7400 "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-755 PCI to ISA bridge"
+0x1022 0x7401 "amd74xx" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-755 (Cobra) Bus Master IDE controller"
+0x1022 0x7403 "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-755 Power Management Controller"
+0x1022 0x7404 "usb-ohci" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-755 PCI to USB Open Host Controller"
+0x1022 0x7408 "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-756 PCI to ISA bridge"
+0x1022 0x7409 "amd74xx" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-756 (Viper) Bus Master IDE controller"
+0x1022 0x740b "i2c-amd756" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-756 Power Management Controller"
+0x1022 0x740c "usb-ohci" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-756 PCI to USB Open Host Controller"
+0x1022 0x7410 "amd76xrom" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-765 [Viper] ISA"
+0x1022 0x7411 "amd74xx" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-765 [Viper] IDE"
+0x1022 0x7412 "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-766 USB Controller"
+0x1022 0x7413 "i2c-amd756" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-765 [Viper] ACPI"
+0x1022 0x7414 "usb-ohci" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-765 [Viper] USB"
+0x1022 0x7440 "amd76xrom" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-768 PCI to ISA Bridge"
+0x1022 0x7441 "amd74xx" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-768 EIDE Controller"
+0x1022 0x7443 "hw_random" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-768 ACPI Controller"
+0x1022 0x7445 "i810_audio" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-768 Audio"
+0x1022 0x7446 "slamr" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-768 [Opus] MC97 Modem (Smart Link HAMR5600 compatible)"
+0x1022 0x7448 "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-768 PCI to PCI Bridge?"
+0x1022 0x7449 "usb-ohci" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-768 USB Controller"
+0x1022 0x7450 "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-8131 PCI-X Bridge"
+0x1022 0x7451 "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-8131 PCI-X APIC"
+0x1022 0x7454 "amd64-agp" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-8151 System Controller"
+0x1022 0x7455 "hw_random" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-8151 AGP Bridge"
+0x1022 0x7458 "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-8132 PCI-X Bridge"
+0x1022 0x7459 "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-8132 PCI-X IOAPIC"
+0x1022 0x7460 "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-8111 PCI"
+0x1022 0x7461 "usb-ohci" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-8111 USB"
+0x1022 0x7462 "amd8111e" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-8111 Ethernet"
+0x1022 0x7463 "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|Enhanced USB Controller"
+0x1022 0x7464 "usb-ohci" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-8111 USB"
+0x1022 0x7468 "amd76xrom" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-8111 LPC"
+0x1022 0x7469 "amd74xx" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-8111 IDE"
+0x1022 0x746a "i2c-amd8111" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-8111 SMBus 2.0"
+0x1022 0x746b "hw_random" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-8111 ACPI"
+0x1022 0x746d "snd-intel8x0" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-8111 AC97 Audio"
+0x1022 0x746e "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-8111 MC97 Modem"
+0x1022 0x756b "unknown" "Advanced Micro Devices|AMD-8111 ACPI"
+0x1023 0x0194 "unknown" "Trident Microsystems|82C194"
+0x1023 0x2000 "snd-trident" "Trident Microsystems|4DWave DX"
+0x1023 0x2001 "snd-trident" "Trident Microsystems|4DWave NX"
+0x1023 0x2100 "Card:Trident CyberBlade (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|Cyber-XP4 Video Accelerator"
+0x1023 0x2200 "unknown" "Trident Microsystems|XGI Volari XP5"
+0x1023 0x7018 "snd-trident" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SI7018 PCI Audio"
+0x1023 0x8200 "Card:VESA driver (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|TVGA 8200LX"
+0x1023 0x8400 "Card:Trident CyberBlade (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|CyberBlade/i7"
+0x1023 0x8420 "Card:Trident CyberBlade (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|CyberBlade/i7d"
+0x1023 0x8500 "Card:Trident CyberBlade (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|CyberBlade/i1"
+0x1023 0x8520 "Card:Trident CyberBlade (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|CyberBlade i1"
+0x1023 0x8600 "Card:Trident CyberBlade (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|CyberBlade/Ai1"
+0x1023 0x8620 "Card:Trident CyberBlade (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|CyberBlade/DSTN/Ai1"
+0x1023 0x8800 "Card:Trident CyberBlade (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|CyberBlade/XP/Ai1"
+0x1023 0x8820 "Card:Trident CyberBlade (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|CyberBlade/XP/DSTN/Ai1"
+0x1023 0x8900 "Card:Trident 8900/9000 (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|TVGA 8900B/8900C/8900CL"
+0x1023 0x9000 "Card:VESA driver (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|TVGA 9000/9000i"
+0x1023 0x9100 "Card:VESA driver (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|TVGA 9100B"
+0x1023 0x9200 "Card:VESA driver (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|TVGA 9400CXi/r"
+0x1023 0x9320 "Card:Trident Cyber 9320 (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9320"
+0x1023 0x9350 "Card:Trident (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|GUI Accelerator"
+0x1023 0x9360 "Card:Trident (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|Flat panel GUI Accelerator"
+0x1023 0x9382 "Card:Trident Cyber 9382 (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|Cyber 9382 [Reference design]"
+0x1023 0x9383 "Card:Trident (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|Cyber 9383 [Reference design]"
+0x1023 0x9385 "Card:Trident Cyber 9385 (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|Cyber 9385 [Reference design]"
+0x1023 0x9386 "Card:Trident (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|Cyber 9386"
+0x1023 0x9388 "Card:Trident Cyber 9388 (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|Cyber 9388"
+0x1023 0x9397 "Card:Trident Cyber 9397 (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|Cyber 9397"
+0x1023 0x939a "Card:Trident Cyber 9397 DVD (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|Cyber 9397DVD"
+0x1023 0x9420 "Card:Trident TGUI9420DGi (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9420"
+0x1023 0x9430 "Card:Trident TGUI9430DGi (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9430"
+0x1023 0x9440 "Card:Trident TGUI9440 (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9440"
+0x1023 0x9460 "Card:Trident (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9460"
+0x1023 0x9470 "Card:Trident (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9470"
+0x1023 0x9520 "Card:Trident Cyber 9520 (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|Cyber 9520"
+0x1023 0x9525 "Card:Trident Cyber 9525 (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|Cyber 9525"
+0x1023 0x9540 "tridentfb" "Trident Microsystems|Cyber 9540"
+0x1023 0x9660 "Card:Trident TGUI9660 (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9660/968x/968x"
+0x1023 0x9680 "Card:Trident TGUI9680 (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9680"
+0x1023 0x9682 "Card:Trident TGUI9682 (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9682"
+0x1023 0x9683 "Card:Trident (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9683"
+0x1023 0x9685 "Card:Trident TGUI9685 (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|ProVIDIA 9685"
+0x1023 0x9750 "Card:Trident 3DImage975 (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|3DImage 975"
+0x1023 0x9753 "Card:Trident (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9753"
+0x1023 0x9754 "Card:Trident (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9754"
+0x1023 0x9759 "Card:Trident 3DImage975 (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 975"
+0x1023 0x9783 "Card:Trident (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9783"
+0x1023 0x9785 "Card:Trident (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|TGUI 9785"
+0x1023 0x9850 "Card:Trident 3DImage985 (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|3DImage 9850"
+0x1023 0x9880 "Card:Trident Blade3D (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|Blade 3D PCI/AGP"
+0x1023 0x9910 "Card:Trident CyberBlade (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|Cyber/BladeXP"
+0x1023 0x9930 "Card:Trident CyberBlade (generic)" "Trident Microsystems|CyberBlade/XPm"
+0x1024 0x1024 "" "Zenith Data Systems|R6785-61 HCF 56k PCI Modem"
+0x1025 0x0028 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated|AC97 ID:SIL REV:0x27, 06 Agere Systems soft modem chip"
+0x1025 0x1435 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1435"
+0x1025 0x1445 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1445"
+0x1025 0x1449 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1449"
+0x1025 0x1451 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1451"
+0x1025 0x1461 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1461"
+0x1025 0x1489 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1489"
+0x1025 0x1511 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1511"
+0x1025 0x1512 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|ALI M1512 Aladdin"
+0x1025 0x1513 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1513"
+0x1025 0x1521 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|ALI M1521 Aladdin III CPU Bridge"
+0x1025 0x1523 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|ALI M1523 ISA Bridge"
+0x1025 0x1531 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1531"
+0x1025 0x1533 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1533"
+0x1025 0x1535 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1535 PCI Bridge + Super I/O + FIR"
+0x1025 0x1541 "ali-agp" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1541 Northbridge [Aladdin V]"
+0x1025 0x1542 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1542 Northbridge [Aladdin V]"
+0x1025 0x1543 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1543 PCI-to-ISA Bridge + Super I/O + FIR"
+0x1025 0x1561 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1561 Northbridge [Aladdin 7]"
+0x1025 0x1621 "ali-agp" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1621 Northbridge [Aladdin-Pro II]"
+0x1025 0x1631 "ali-agp" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1631 Northbridge+3D Graphics [Aladdin TNT2]"
+0x1025 0x1632 "ali-agp" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1632 Northbridge+3D Graphics"
+0x1025 0x1641 "ali-agp" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1641 Northbridge [Aladdin-Pro IV]"
+0x1025 0x1644 "ali-agp" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1644 Northbridge"
+0x1025 0x1647 "ali-agp" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1647 [MaGiK1] PCI North Bridge"
+0x1025 0x1651 "ali-agp" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1651 PCI North Bridge"
+0x1025 0x1671 "ali-agp" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M1671 PCI North Bridge"
+0x1025 0x1672 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|Northbridge [CyberALADDiN-P4]"
+0x1025 0x1681 "ali-agp" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|"
+0x1025 0x1683 "ali-agp" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|"
+0x1025 0x1689 "amd64-agp" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|"
+0x1025 0x3141 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M3141"
+0x1025 0x3143 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M3143"
+0x1025 0x3145 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M3145"
+0x1025 0x3147 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M3147"
+0x1025 0x3149 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M3149"
+0x1025 0x3151 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M3151"
+0x1025 0x3307 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M3307 MPEG-I Video Controller"
+0x1025 0x3309 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M3309 MPEG-II Video w/ Software Audio Decoder"
+0x1025 0x3321 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M3321 MPEG-II Audio/Video Decoder"
+0x1025 0x5212 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|ALI M4803"
+0x1025 0x5215 "unknown" "Acer Labs Incorporated (ALI)|ALI PCI EIDE Controller"
+0x1025 0x5217 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M5217H"
+0x1025 0x5219 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M5219"
+0x1025 0x5225 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M5225"
+0x1025 0x5228 "alim15x3" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M5228"
+0x1025 0x5229 "alim15x3" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M5229"
+0x1025 0x5235 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M5235"
+0x1025 0x5237 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|ALI M5237 PCI USB Host Controller"
+0x1025 0x5239 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated| "
+0x1025 0x5240 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|EIDE Controller"
+0x1025 0x5241 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|PCMCIA Bridge"
+0x1025 0x5242 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|General Purpose Controller"
+0x1025 0x5243 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|PCI to PCI Bridge Controller"
+0x1025 0x5244 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|Floppy Disk Controller"
+0x1025 0x5247 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|ALI M1541 PCI to PCI Bridge"
+0x1025 0x5251 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|M5251 P1394 OHCI Controller"
+0x1025 0x5427 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|ALI PCI to AGP Bridge"
+0x1025 0x5451 "trident" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|ALI M5451 PCI AC-Link Controller Audio Device"
+0x1025 0x5453 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|ALI M5453 PCI AC-Link Controller Modem Device"
+0x1025 0x7101 "unknown" "Acer Incorporated [ALI]|ALI M7101 PCI PMU Power Management Controller"
+0x1028 0x0001 "aacraid" "Dell|PowerEdge Expandable RAID Controller 2/Si"
+0x1028 0x0002 "aacraid" "Dell|PowerEdge Expandable RAID Controller 3/Di"
+0x1028 0x0003 "aacraid" "Dell|PowerEdge Expandable RAID Controller 3/Si"
+0x1028 0x0004 "aacraid" "Dell|PowerEdge Expandable RAID Controller 3/Si"
+0x1028 0x0005 "aacraid" "Dell|PowerEdge Expandable RAID Controller 3/Di"
+0x1028 0x0006 "aacraid" "Dell|PowerEdge Expandable RAID Controller 3/Di"
+0x1028 0x0007 "drsc" "Dell|Remote Assitant Card 3"
+0x1028 0x0008 "8250_pci" "Dell|Remote Access Card III"
+0x1028 0x0009 "unknown" "Dell|Remote Access Card III: BMC/SMIC device not present"
+0x1028 0x000a "aacraid" "Dell|PowerEdge Expandable RAID Controller 3/Di"
+0x1028 0x000c "racser" "Dell|Embedded Systems Management Device 4"
+0x1028 0x000d "racser" "Dell|BMC/SMIC device"
+0x1028 0x000e 0x1028 0x0123 "megaraid_mbox" "Dell|"
+0x1028 0x000e "megaraid" "Dell|PowerEdge RAID Controller"
+0x1028 0x000f 0x1028 0x014a "megaraid_mbox" "Dell|"
+0x1028 0x000f "megaraid" "Dell|PowerEdge RAID Controller 4/DI"
+0x1028 0x0010 "unknown" "Dell|Remote Access Card 4"
+0x1028 0x0011 "unknown" "Dell|Remote Access Card 4 Daughter Card"
+0x1028 0x0012 "8250_pci" "Dell|Remote Access Card 4 Daughter Card Virtual UART"
+0x1028 0x0013 "megaraid_mbox" "Dell|PowerEdge Expandable RAID controller 4"
+0x1028 0x0014 "unknown" "Dell|Remote Access Card 4 Daughter Card SMIC interface"
+0x1028 0x0015 "megaraid_sas" "Dell|PowerEdge Expandable RAID controller 5"
+0x102a 0x0000 "unknown" "LSI Logic|HYDRA"
+0x102a 0x0010 "unknown" "LSI Logic|ASPEN"
+0x102a 0x001f "unknown" "LSI Logic|AHA-2940U2/U2W /7890/7891 SCSI Controllers"
+0x102a 0x00c5 "unknown" "LSI Logic|AIC-7899 U160/m SCSI Controller"
+0x102a 0x00cf "unknown" "LSI Logic|AIC-7899P U160/m"
+0x102b 0x0001 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 32S"
+0x102b 0x0010 "Card:Matrox Millennium" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA-I [Impression]"
+0x102b 0x0100 "Card:Matrox Millennium II" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium II"
+0x102b 0x0518 "Card:Matrox Millennium II" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA-II [Athena]"
+0x102b 0x0519 "Card:Matrox Millennium" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA 2064W [Millennium]"
+0x102b 0x051a "Card:Matrox Mystique" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA 1064SG [Mystique]"
+0x102b 0x051b "Card:Matrox Millennium II" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA 2164W [Millennium II]"
+0x102b 0x051e "Card:Matrox Mystique" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA 1064SG [Mystique] AGP"
+0x102b 0x051f "Card:Matrox Millennium II" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA 2164W [Millennium II] AGP"
+0x102b 0x0520 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G200"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x1014 0xff03 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G200 AGP"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0x48e9 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Mystique G200 AGP"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0x48f8 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G200 SD AGP"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0x4a60 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G200 LE AGP"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0x4a64 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G200 AGP"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xc93c "Card:Matrox Millennium G200" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G200 AGP"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xc9b0 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G200 AGP"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xc9bc "Card:Matrox Millennium G200" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G200 AGP"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xca60 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G250 LE AGP"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xca6c "Card:Matrox Millennium G200" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G250 AGP"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xdbbc "Card:Matrox Millennium G200" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G200 AGP"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xdbc2 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200 DualHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G200 MMS (Dual G200)"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xdbc3 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200 DualHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|G200 Multi-Monitor"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xdbc8 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200 DualHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G200 MMS (Dual G200)"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xdbd2 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200 QuadHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|G200 Multi-Monitor"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xdbd3 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200 QuadHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|G200 Multi-Monitor"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xdbd4 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200 QuadHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|G200 Multi-Monitor"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xdbd5 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200 QuadHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|G200 Multi-Monitor"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xdbd8 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200 QuadHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|G200 Multi-Monitor"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xdbd9 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200 QuadHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|G200 Multi-Monitor"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xdbe2 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200 QuadHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G200 MMS (Quad G200)"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xdbe3 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200 QuadHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|G200 Multi-Monitor"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xdbe8 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200 QuadHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G200 MMS (Quad G200)"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xdbf2 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200 QuadHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|G200 Multi-Monitor"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xdbf3 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200 QuadHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|G200 Multi-Monitor"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xdbf4 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200 QuadHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|G200 Multi-Monitor"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xdbf5 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200 QuadHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|G200 Multi-Monitor"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xdbf8 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200 QuadHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|G200 Multi-Monitor"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xdbf9 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200 QuadHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|G200 Multi-Monitor"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xf806 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Mystique G200 Video AGP"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xff00 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA-G200 AGP"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xff02 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Mystique G200 AGP"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xff03 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G200 AGP"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x102b 0xff04 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Marvel G200 AGP"
+0x102b 0x0521 0x110a 0x0032 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA-G200 AGP"
+0x102b 0x0521 "Card:Matrox Millennium G200" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G200 AGP [Millennium] AGP"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x0e11 0xb16f "Card:Matrox Millennium G400" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA-G400 AGP"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x0328 "Card:Matrox Millennium G400" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G400 16Mb SDRAM"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x0338 "Card:Matrox Millennium G400" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G400 16Mb SDRAM"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x0378 "Card:Matrox Millennium G400" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G400 32Mb SDRAM"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x0541 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450 DualHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 DualHead"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x0542 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450 DualHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 DualHead LX"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x0543 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G450 Single Head LX"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x0641 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450 DualHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 DualHead AGP"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x0642 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450 DualHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 DualHead LX"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x0643 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G450 32Mb SDRAM Single Head LX"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x07c0 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450 DualHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 DualHead LE"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x07c1 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450 DualHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 SDR DualHead"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x0d41 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450 DualHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 DualHead PCI"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x0d42 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450 DualHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 DualHead LX PCI"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x0d43 "Card:Matrox Millennium G400" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G450 32Mb Dual Head PCI"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x0e00 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Marvel G450 eTV"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x0e01 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Marvel G450 eTV"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x0e02 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Marvel G450 eTV"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x0e03 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Marvel G450 eTV"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x0f80 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 Low Profile"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x0f81 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 Low Profile"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x0f82 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 Low Profile DVI"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x0f83 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 Low Profile DVI"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x19d8 "Card:Matrox Millennium G400" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G400 16Mb SGRAM"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x19f8 "Card:Matrox Millennium G400" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G400 32Mb SGRAM"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x2159 "Card:Matrox Millennium G400 DualHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G400 Dual Head"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x2179 "Card:Matrox Millennium G400 DualHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G400 Dual Head"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x217d "Card:Matrox Millennium G400 DualHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G400 Dual Head Max"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x23c0 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G450"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x23c1 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G450"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x23c2 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G450 DVI"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x23c3 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G450 DVI"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x2f58 "Card:Matrox Millennium G400" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G400"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x2f78 "Card:Matrox Millennium G400" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G400"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x3693 "Card:Matrox Millennium G400" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Marvel G400 AGP"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x5dd0 "Card:Matrox Millennium G400" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|4Sight II"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x5f50 "Card:Matrox Millennium G400" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|4Sight II"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x5f51 "Card:Matrox Millennium G400" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|4Sight II"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x5f52 "Card:Matrox Millennium G400" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|4Sight II"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x102b 0x9010 "Card:Matrox Millennium G400 DualHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G400 Dual Head"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x1458 0x0400 "Card:Matrox Millennium G400" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|GA-G400"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x1705 0x0001 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 32S"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x1705 0x0002 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G450 16MB SGRAM"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x1705 0x0003 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G450 32MB"
+0x102b 0x0525 0x1705 0x0004 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G450 16MB"
+0x102b 0x0525 "Card:Matrox Millennium G400" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G400 AGP"
+0x102b 0x0527 "unknown" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA Parhelia AGP"
+0x102b 0x0528 "unknown" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Parhelia 8X"
+0x102b 0x0541 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 DualHead"
+0x102b 0x0542 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 DualHead LX"
+0x102b 0x0641 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 DualHead"
+0x102b 0x0642 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 DualHead LX"
+0x102b 0x07c0 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 DualHead LE"
+0x102b 0x07c1 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 SDR DualHead"
+0x102b 0x0d10 "Card:Matrox Mystique" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA Ultima/Impression"
+0x102b 0x0d41 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 DualHead PCI"
+0x102b 0x0d42 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 DualHead LX PCI"
+0x102b 0x0e00 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Marvel G450 eTV"
+0x102b 0x0e01 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Marvel G450 eTV"
+0x102b 0x0e02 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Marvel G450 eTV"
+0x102b 0x0e03 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Marvel G450 eTV"
+0x102b 0x0f80 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 Low Profile"
+0x102b 0x0f81 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 Low Profile"
+0x102b 0x0f82 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 Low Profile DVI"
+0x102b 0x0f83 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 Low Profile DVI"
+0x102b 0x1000 "Card:Matrox Productiva G100" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G100 [Productiva]"
+0x102b 0x1001 "Card:Matrox Productiva G100" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G100 [Productiva] AGP"
+0x102b 0x102b "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 DualHead"
+0x102b 0x1100 "Card:Matrox Mystique" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Mystique"
+0x102b 0x1525 "unknown" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Fusion G450 AGP"
+0x102b 0x1527 "unknown" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Fusion Plus G800 AGP"
+0x102b 0x1705 "Card:Matrox Millennium G450" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G450 32S"
+0x102b 0x2007 "Card:Matrox Mystique" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA Mistral"
+0x102b 0x2527 "Card:Matrox Millennium G550 DualHead" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA G550 AGP"
+0x102b 0x2537 "unknown" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|MGA P750 AGP"
+0x102b 0x2538 "unknown" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millenium P650 PCIe"
+0x102b 0x4536 "unknown" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|VIA Framegrabber"
+0x102b 0x6573 "unknown" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Shark 10/100 Multiport SwitchNIC"
+0x102b 0x80a0 "unknown" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|RT.x10 Multimedia Device"
+0x102b 0xff02 "Card:Matrox Mystique" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Mystique G200 SG"
+0x102b 0xff03 "Card:Matrox Mystique" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Millennium G200 SG"
+0x102b 0xff04 "Card:Matrox Mystique" "Matrox Electronic Systems Ltd.|Marvel G200 SD"
+0x102c 0x00b8 "Card:Chips & Technologies CT64300" "C&T|64310"
+0x102c 0x00c0 "Card:Chips & Technologies CT69000" "C&T|F69000 HiQVideo"
+0x102c 0x00d0 "Card:Chips & Technologies CT65545" "C&T|F65545"
+0x102c 0x00d8 "Card:Chips & Technologies CT65545" "C&T|F65545"
+0x102c 0x00dc "Card:Chips & Technologies CT65548" "C&T|F65548"
+0x102c 0x00e0 "Card:Chips & Technologies CT65550" "C&T|F65550"
+0x102c 0x00e4 "Card:Chips & Technologies CT65554" "C&T|F65554"
+0x102c 0x00e5 "Card:Chips & Technologies CT65555" "C&T|F65555 HiQVPro"
+0x102c 0x00f0 "Card:Chips & Technologies CT68554" "C&T|F68554"
+0x102c 0x00f4 "Card:Chips & Technologies CT68554" "C&T|F68554 HiQVision"
+0x102c 0x00f5 "unknown" "C&T|F68555"
+0x102c 0x01e0 "unknown" "Chips And Technologies|65560 PCI Flat Panel/CRT VGA Accelerator"
+0x102c 0x0c30 "Card:Chips & Technologies CT69030" "C&T|69030"
+0x102d 0x50dc "unknown" "Wyse Technology Inc.|3328 Audio"
+0x102f 0x0009 "unknown" "Toshiba America|r4x00"
+0x102f 0x000a "unknown" "Toshiba America|TX3927 MIPS RISC PCI Controller"
+0x102f 0x0020 "unknown" "Toshiba America|ATM Meteor 155"
+0x102f 0x0030 "tc35815" "Toshiba America|NIC TC35815CF"
+0x102f 0x0031 "unknown" "Toshiba America|TC35815CF PCI 10/100 Mbit Ethernet Controller with WOL"
+0x102f 0x0105 "unknown" "Toshiba America|TC86C001 [goku-s] IDE"
+0x102f 0x0106 "unknown" "Toshiba America|TC86C001 [goku-s] USB 1.1 Host"
+0x102f 0x0107 "unknown" "Toshiba America|TC86C001 [goku-s] USB Device Controller"
+0x102f 0x0108 "serial_txx9" "Toshiba America|TC86C001 [goku-s] I2C/SIO/GPIO Controller"
+0x102f 0x0180 "unknown" "Toshiba America|TX4927"
+0x102f 0x0181 "unknown" "Toshiba America|TX4925 TX4925 Integrated MIPS Processor"
+0x102f 0x0182 "unknown" "Toshiba America|TX4937 MIPS RISC PCI Controller"
+0x1031 0x5601 "Card:VESA driver (generic)" "Miro|DC20 ASIC (ZR36050)"
+0x1031 0x5607 "unknown" "Miro|Video I/O & motion JPEG compressor"
+0x1031 0x5631 "unknown" "Miro|Media 3D"
+0x1031 0x6057 "unknown" "Miro|MiroVideo DC10/DC30+"
+0x1033 0x0000 "unknown" "NEC Corp.|Vr4181A USB Host or Function Control Unit"
+0x1033 0x0001 "unknown" "NEC|PCI to 486-like bus Bridge"
+0x1033 0x0002 "unknown" "NEC|PCI to VL98 Bridge"
+0x1033 0x0003 "unknown" "NEC|ATM Controller"
+0x1033 0x0004 "unknown" "NEC|R4000 PCI Bridge"
+0x1033 0x0005 "unknown" "NEC|PCI to 486-like bus Bridge"
+0x1033 0x0006 "unknown" "NEC Electronics Hong Kong|GUI Accelerator"
+0x1033 0x0007 "unknown" "NEC|PCI to UX-Bus Bridge"
+0x1033 0x0008 "unknown" "NEC Electronics Hong Kong|GUI Accelerator"
+0x1033 0x0009 "unknown" "NEC Electronics Hong Kong|GUI Accelerator for 98"
+0x1033 0x0016 "unknown" "NEC Corp.|PCI to VL Bridge"
+0x1033 0x001a "unknown" "NEC|[Nile II]"
+0x1033 0x001d "unknown" "NEC Corp.|uPD98405 NEASCOT-S20 ATM Integrated SAR Ctrlr"
+0x1033 0x0021 "unknown" "NEC|Vrc4373 [Nile I]"
+0x1033 0x0029 "unknown" "NEC|PowerVR PCX1"
+0x1033 0x002a "unknown" "NEC|PowerVR 3D"
+0x1033 0x002c "unknown" "NEC Corp.|Star Alpha 2"
+0x1033 0x002d "unknown" "NEC Corp.|PCI to C-bus Bridge"
+0x1033 0x0035 "usb-ohci" "NEC|USB"
+0x1033 0x0036 "unknown" "NEC Corp.|uPD98409 NEASCOT-S40C ATM Light SAR Controller"
+0x1033 0x003b "unknown" "NEC Corp.|PCI to C-bus Bridge"
+0x1033 0x003e "vrc4173_cardu" "NEC|NAPCCARD Cardbus Controller [VRC4173 CARDU]"
+0x1033 0x0046 "unknown" "NEC|PowerVR PCX2 [midas]"
+0x1033 0x005a "8250_pci" "NEC|Vrc5074 [Nile 4]"
+0x1033 0x0063 "unknown" "NEC|Firewarden"
+0x1033 0x0067 "unknown" "NEC|PowerVR Neon 250 Chipset"
+0x1033 0x0072 "unknown" "NEC Corp.|uPD72874 IEEE1394 OHCI 1.1 3-port PHY-Link Ctrlr"
+0x1033 0x0074 "unknown" "NEC|56k Voice Modem"
+0x1033 0x009b "unknown" "NEC|Vrc5476"
+0x1033 0x00a5 "unknown" "NEC|VRC4173"
+0x1033 0x00a6 "unknown" "NEC|VRC5477 AC97"
+0x1033 0x00be "unknown" "NEC Corp.|VR4122 64-bit CPU with Northbridge"
+0x1033 0x00cd "unknown" "NEC Corp.|uPD72870 IEEE1394 1-Chip OHCI Host Controller"
+0x1033 0x00ce "unknown" "NEC Corp.|uPD72871/2 IEEE1394 1-Chip OHCI Host Controller"
+0x1033 0x00df "unknown" "NEC Corp.|Vr4131"
+0x1033 0x00e0 "ehci-hcd" "NEC Corp.|PCI to USB Enhanced Host Controller"
+0x1033 0x00e7 "unknown" "NEC Corp.|uPD72873 IEEE1394 OHCI 1.1 2-port PHY-Link Ctrlr"
+0x1033 0x00f2 "unknown" "NEC Corp.|uPD72874 IEEE1394 OHCI 1.1 3-port PHY-Link Ctrlr"
+0x1033 0x00f3 "unknown" "NEC Corp.|uPD6113x Multimedia Decoder/Processor [EMMA2]"
+0x1033 0x010c "unknown" "NEC|VR7701"
+0x1036 0x0000 "fdomain" "Future Domain|TMC-18C30 [36C70]"
+0x1039 0x0000 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]| "
+0x1039 0x0001 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5591/5592 AGP"
+0x1039 0x0002 "sis-agp" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SG86C202"
+0x1039 0x0003 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS648FX Virtual PCI to PCI Bridge (AGP)"
+0x1039 0x0004 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|PCI-to-PCI bridge"
+0x1039 0x0005 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|Pentium Chipset"
+0x1039 0x0006 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|85C501/2/3"
+0x1039 0x0008 "i2c-sis5595" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|85C503/5513"
+0x1039 0x0009 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|ACPI"
+0x1039 0x000a "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|PCI-to-PCI bridge"
+0x1039 0x0016 "i2c-sis96x" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS961/962 SMBus Controller"
+0x1039 0x0018 "i2c-sis630" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS85C503/5513 (LPC Bridge)"
+0x1039 0x0180 "sata_sis" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|RAID bus controller 180 SATA/PATA [SiS]"
+0x1039 0x0181 "sata_sis" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS SATA"
+0x1039 0x0182 "sata_sis" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS SATA"
+0x1039 0x0190 "sis190" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|"
+0x1039 0x0191 "sis190" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|191 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter"
+0x1039 0x0200 "Card:SiS 5598" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5597/5598/6326 VGA"
+0x1039 0x0204 "Card:VESA driver (generic)" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|82C204"
+0x1039 0x0205 "Card:SiS SG86C205" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SG86C205"
+0x1039 0x0215 "Card:SiS SG86C215" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SG86C215"
+0x1039 0x0225 "Card:SiS SG86C225" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SG86C225"
+0x1039 0x0300 "Card:SiS 300" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|300"
+0x1039 0x0305 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS305 2D/3D/Video/DVD Accelerator"
+0x1039 0x0310 "Card:SiS" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS315H PCI/AGP VGA Display Adapter"
+0x1039 0x0315 "Card:SiS" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS 315"
+0x1039 0x0325 "sisfb" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS325 2D/3D Accelerator"
+0x1039 0x0330 "sisfb" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS330 Xabre 2D/3D Accelerator"
+0x1039 0x0340 "Card:SiS" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|"
+0x1039 0x0406 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|85C501/2"
+0x1039 0x0496 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|85C496"
+0x1039 0x0530 "sis-agp" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|530 Host"
+0x1039 0x0540 "sis-agp" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|540 Host"
+0x1039 0x0550 "sis-agp" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS550/1/2 North Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0596 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|Pentium PCI Chipset with IDE"
+0x1039 0x0597 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5513C"
+0x1039 0x0601 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|85C601"
+0x1039 0x0620 "sis-agp" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|620 Host"
+0x1039 0x0630 "sis-agp" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|630 Host"
+0x1039 0x0633 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|633 Host"
+0x1039 0x0635 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS 635 Host-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0640 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS 640 Host-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0645 "sis-agp" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS 645 Host-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0646 "sis-agp" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|645DX Host"
+0x1039 0x0648 "sis-agp" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS648 Host-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0649 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|Host-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0650 "sis-agp" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS 650 Host-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0651 "sis-agp" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS651 Host"
+0x1039 0x0655 "sis-agp" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|Host-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0656 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|??? CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0658 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS R658 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0659 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS R659 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0660 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|Host-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0661 "sis-agp" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|Host-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0662 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|??? CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0663 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|??? CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0730 "sis-agp" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|730 Host"
+0x1039 0x0733 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|733 Host"
+0x1039 0x0735 "sis-agp" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|735 Host"
+0x1039 0x0740 "sis-agp" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS 740 Host-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0741 "sis-agp" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|Host"
+0x1039 0x0745 "sis-agp" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|745 Host"
+0x1039 0x0746 "sis-agp" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS746 Host-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0748 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS748 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0755 "amd64-agp" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|Host-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0756 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS755FX CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0760 "sis-agp" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|Host-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0761 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|??? Athlon 64 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0762 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|??? Athlon 64 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0900 "sis900" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS900 10/100 Ethernet"
+0x1039 0x0961 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS961 [MuTIOL Media IO]"
+0x1039 0x0962 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS962 [MuTIOL Media IO]"
+0x1039 0x0963 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS963 PCI to ISA Bridge"
+0x1039 0x0964 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS964 [MuTIOL Media IO]"
+0x1039 0x0965 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS965 [MuTIOL Media IO]"
+0x1039 0x1039 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]| "
+0x1039 0x1040 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]| "
+0x1039 0x10ec "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]| "
+0x1039 0x3602 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|83C602"
+0x1039 0x5107 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5107"
+0x1039 0x5300 "Card:SiS 540" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS540 PCI Display Adapter"
+0x1039 0x5315 "sisfb" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS550/1/2 GUI Accelerator"
+0x1039 0x5401 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|486 PCI Chipset"
+0x1039 0x5511 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5511/5512"
+0x1039 0x5513 "sis5513" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5513 [IDE]"
+0x1039 0x5517 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5517"
+0x1039 0x5518 "sis5513" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS5518 UDMA IDE Controller"
+0x1039 0x5571 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5571"
+0x1039 0x5581 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|Pentium Chipset"
+0x1039 0x5582 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|PCI to ISA Bridge"
+0x1039 0x5591 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5591/5592 Host"
+0x1039 0x5596 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS5596 Pentium Chipset"
+0x1039 0x5597 "Card:SiS 5597" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5597 [SiS5582]"
+0x1039 0x5600 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|5600 Host"
+0x1039 0x5630 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS630 Host-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1039 0x5811 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]| "
+0x1039 0x6204 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|Video decoder & MPEG interface"
+0x1039 0x6205 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|VGA Controller"
+0x1039 0x6225 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS 6225 PCI Graphics & Video Accelerator"
+0x1039 0x6226 "Card:SiS 6326" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|6326 3D-AGP"
+0x1039 0x6236 "Card:SiS 6326" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|6236 3D-AGP"
+0x1039 0x6300 "Card:SiS 630" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS630 GUI Accelerator+3D"
+0x1039 0x6306 "Card:SiS 530" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS530 3D PCI/AGP"
+0x1039 0x6325 "Card:SiS 650" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS650/651/740 GUI 2D/3D Accelerator"
+0x1039 0x6326 "Card:SiS 6326" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|86C326"
+0x1039 0x6330 "Card:SiS Real256E" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS Real256E"
+0x1039 0x6972 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]| "
+0x1039 0x7001 "usb-ohci" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|7001 USB"
+0x1039 0x7002 "ehci-hcd" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|7002 USB 2.0 Controller"
+0x1039 0x7005 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS551/2 Memory Stick Controller"
+0x1039 0x7007 "ohci1394" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|OHCI Compliant FireWire Controller"
+0x1039 0x7012 "snd-intel8x0" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS7012 PCI Audio Accelerator"
+0x1039 0x7013 "slamr" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS7013 56k Modem"
+0x1039 0x7015 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS550/1/2 Software Audio"
+0x1039 0x7016 "sis900" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS900 10/100 Ethernet"
+0x1039 0x7018 "snd-trident" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|7018 PCI Audio"
+0x1039 0x7019 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS550/1/2 Hardware Audio"
+0x1039 0x7300 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS730 GUI Accelerator+3D"
+0x1039 0x7502 "snd-hda-intel" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]|SiS966"
+0x1039 0x8139 "unknown" "Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS]| "
+0x103c 0x1005 "unknown" "HP|A4977A Visualize EG"
+0x103c 0x1006 "unknown" "HP|Visualize FX6"
+0x103c 0x1008 "unknown" "HP|Donner GFX"
+0x103c 0x100a "unknown" "HP|Visualize FX2"
+0x103c 0x1028 "unknown" "HP|Tachyon TL Fibre Channel Adapter"
+0x103c 0x1029 "unknown" "HP|HPFC-5200B Tachyon XL2 Fibre Channel Adapter"
+0x103c 0x102a "unknown" "HP|Tach TS Fibre Channel Host Adapter"
+0x103c 0x1030 "hp100" "HP|J2585A"
+0x103c 0x1031 "hp100" "HP|J2585B"
+0x103c 0x1040 "hp100" "HP|J2973A DeskDirect 10BaseT NIC"
+0x103c 0x1041 "unknown" "HP|J2585B DeskDirect 10/100 NIC"
+0x103c 0x1042 "hp100" "HP|J2970A DeskDirect 10BaseT/2 NIC"
+0x103c 0x1048 "8250_pci" "HP|SAS"
+0x103c 0x1049 "unknown" "HP|DIVA1"
+0x103c 0x104a "unknown" "HP|DIVA2"
+0x103c 0x104b "unknown" "HP|SP2"
+0x103c 0x104d "unknown" "HP|J3242A EL-10 Ethernet Adapter"
+0x103c 0x1054 "unknown" "HP|PCI Local Bus Adapter"
+0x103c 0x1064 "unknown" "HP|79C970 PCnet Ethernet Controller"
+0x103c 0x108b "unknown" "HP|Visualize FXe"
+0x103c 0x10c1 "unknown" "HP|NetServer Smart IRQ Router"
+0x103c 0x10c2 "aacraid" "HP|NetRAID-4M"
+0x103c 0x10ed "unknown" "HP|TopTools Remote Control"
+0x103c 0x10f0 "unknown" "HP|rio System Bus Adapter"
+0x103c 0x10f1 "unknown" "HP|rio I/O Controller"
+0x103c 0x1200 "unknown" "HP|82557B 10/100 NIC"
+0x103c 0x1219 "unknown" "HP|NetServer PCI Hot-Plug Controller"
+0x103c 0x121a "unknown" "HP|NetServer SMIC Controller"
+0x103c 0x121b "unknown" "HP|NetServer Legacy COM Port Decoder"
+0x103c 0x121c "unknown" "HP|NetServer PCI COM Port Decoder"
+0x103c 0x1229 "unknown" "HP|zx1 System Bus Adapter"
+0x103c 0x122a "unknown" "HP|zx1 I/O Controller"
+0x103c 0x122b "unknown" "HP|zx1 Local Bus Adapter"
+0x103c 0x122e "unknown" "HP|zx1 Local Bus Adapter"
+0x103c 0x1279 "Card:ATI Rage 128" "HP|Rage128 Ultra TR"
+0x103c 0x127c "unknown" "HP|sx1000 I/O Controller"
+0x103c 0x1290 "8250_pci" "HP|Auxiliary Diva Serial Port"
+0x103c 0x1291 "unknown" "HP|Auxiliary Diva Serial Port"
+0x103c 0x12b4 "unknown" "HP|zx1 QuickSilver AGP8x Local Bus Adapter"
+0x103c 0x12fa "unknown" "HP|BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller"
+0x103c 0x2910 "unknown" "HP|E2910A"
+0x103c 0x2920 "unknown" "HP|Fast Host Interface"
+0x103c 0x2924 "unknown" "HP|E2924A PCI Host Interface Adapter"
+0x103c 0x2925 "unknown" "HP|E2925A"
+0x103c 0x2926 "unknown" "HP|E2926A 64 bit PCI Bus Exerciser and Analyzer"
+0x103c 0x2927 "unknown" "HP|E2927A 64 Bit, 66/50MHz PCI Analyzer & Exerciser"
+0x103c 0x2940 "unknown" "HP|E2940A 64 bit, 66/50MHz CompactPCI Analyzer&Exerciser"
+0x103c 0x3080 "unknown" "HP|Pavilion ze2028ea"
+0x103c 0x3210 "cciss" "HP|Hewlett-Packard Smart Array"
+0x103c 0x3220 "cciss" "HP|Hewlett-Packard Smart Array P600"
+0x103c 0x3222 "cciss" "HP|Hewlett-Packard Smart Array"
+0x103c 0x3230 "cciss" "HP|Smart Array"
+0x103c 0x3238 "cciss" "HP|Smart Array P400/E200"
+0x1042 0x1000 "rz1000" "Micron|FDC 37C665"
+0x1042 0x1001 "rz1000" "Micron|37C922"
+0x1042 0x3000 "unknown" "Micron|Samurai_0"
+0x1042 0x3010 "unknown" "Micron|Samurai_1"
+0x1042 0x3020 "generic" "Micron|Samurai_IDE"
+0x1042 0x3030 "unknown" "PC Technology|MT82P664 Samurai 64M2"
+0x1042 0x3120 "unknown" "PC Technology|Samurai-DDR CPU to PCI bridge"
+0x1042 0x3130 "unknown" "PC Technology|Samurai-DDR AGP controller"
+0x1043 0x0200 "unknown" "Asustek Computer Inc.|AGP-V3400 Asus RivaTNT Video Board"
+0x1043 0x0675 "ISDN:hisax,type=35" "Asustek Computer Inc.|Asuscom/Askey"
+0x1043 0x4015 "unknown" "Asustek Computer Inc.|v7100 SDRAM [GeForce2 MX]"
+0x1043 0x401d "Card:NVIDIA GeForce2 DDR (generic)" "Asustek Computer Inc.|GeForce2 MX"
+0x1043 0x4021 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce2 DDR (generic)" "Asustek Computer Inc.|v7100 Combo Deluxe [GeForce2 MX + TV tuner]"
+0x1043 0x4057 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce3 (generic)" "Asustek Computer Inc.|V8200 GeForce 3"
+0x1043 0x8043 "unknown" "Asustek Computer Inc.|v8240 PAL 128M [P4T] Motherboard"
+0x1043 0x807b "unknown" "Asustek Computer Inc.|v9280/TD [Geforce4 TI4200 8X With TV-Out and DVI]"
+0x1043 0x80bb "unknown" "Asustek Computer Inc.|v9180 Magic/T [GeForce4 MX440 AGP 8x 64MB TV-out]"
+0x1043 0x80c5 "unknown" "Asustek Computer Inc.|nForce3 chipset motherboard [SK8N]"
+0x1043 0x80df "unknown" "Asustek Computer Inc.|v9520 Magic/T"
+0x1043 0x80f3 "snd-intel8x0" "Asustek Computer Inc.|ASUS ICH5/AD1985"
+0x1044 0x1012 "unknown" "Distributed Processing Tech|Domino RAID Engine"
+0x1044 0xa400 "eata" "Distributed Processing Tech|SmartCache/Raid I-IV Controller"
+0x1044 0xa500 "unknown" "Distributed Processing Tech|PCI Bridge"
+0x1044 0xa501 "dpt_i2o" "Distributed Processing Tech|SmartRAID V Controller"
+0x1044 0xa511 "dpt_i2o" "Distributed Processing Tech|Raptor SmartRAID Controller"
+0x1045 0x0005 "unknown" "OPTi Inc.| "
+0x1045 0xa0f8 "usb-ohci" "OPTi Inc.|82C750 [Vendetta] USB Controller"
+0x1045 0xc101 "unknown" "OPTi Inc.|92C264"
+0x1045 0xc178 "unknown" "OPTi Inc.|92C178"
+0x1045 0xc556 "unknown" "OPTi Inc.|82X556 [Viper]"
+0x1045 0xc557 "unknown" "OPTi Inc.|82C557 [Viper-M]"
+0x1045 0xc558 "generic" "OPTi Inc.|82C558 [Viper-M ISA+IDE]"
+0x1045 0xc567 "unknown" "OPTi Inc.|82C750 [Vendetta], device 0"
+0x1045 0xc568 "unknown" "OPTi Inc.|82C750 [Vendetta], device 1"
+0x1045 0xc569 "unknown" "OPTi Inc.|82C579 [Viper XPress+ Chipset]"
+0x1045 0xc621 "opti621" "OPTi Inc.|82C621"
+0x1045 0xc700 "unknown" "OPTi Inc.|82C700"
+0x1045 0xc701 "unknown" "OPTi Inc.|82C701 [FireStar Plus]"
+0x1045 0xc814 "unknown" "OPTi Inc.|82C814 [Firebridge 1]"
+0x1045 0xc822 "unknown" "OPTi Inc.|82C822"
+0x1045 0xc824 "unknown" "OPTi Inc.|82C824"
+0x1045 0xc825 "unknown" "OPTi Inc.|82C825 [Firebridge 2]"
+0x1045 0xc832 "unknown" "OPTi Inc.|82C832"
+0x1045 0xc861 "usb-ohci" "OPTi Inc.|82C861"
+0x1045 0xc881 "unknown" "OPTi Inc.|82C881 FireLink 1394 OHCI Link Controller"
+0x1045 0xc895 "unknown" "OPTi Inc.|82C895"
+0x1045 0xc935 "unknown" "OPTi Inc.|EV1935 ECTIVA MachOne PCI Audio"
+0x1045 0xd568 "opti621" "OPTi Inc.|82C825 [Firebridge 2]"
+0x1045 0xd721 "unknown" "OPTi Inc.|IDE [FireStar]"
+0x1045 0xd768 "unknown" "OPTi Inc.|82C750 Ultra DMA IDE controller"
+0x1048 0x0a32 "Card:Elsa GLoria Synergy" "Elsa|Gloria Synergy"
+0x1048 0x0c60 "unknown" "Elsa|Gladiac MX"
+0x1048 0x0d22 "unknown" "Elsa|Quadro4 900XGL [ELSA GLoria4 900XGL]"
+0x1048 0x1000 "ISDN:hisax,type=18" "Elsa|QuickStep 1000 ISDN Adapter"
+0x1048 0x3000 "ISDN:hisax,type=18" "Elsa|QuickStep 3000 ISDN Adapter"
+0x1048 0x8901 "unknown" "ELSA|GLoria XL"
+0x104a 0x0008 "unknown" "SGS Thomson|STG 2000X"
+0x104a 0x0009 "unknown" "SGS Thomson|STG 1764X"
+0x104a 0x0010 "Card:KYRO Series" "ST Microelectronics|Kyro series"
+0x104a 0x0209 "unknown" "ST Microelectronics|STPC Consmr/Indstrl North/South Bridges"
+0x104a 0x020a "unknown" "ST Microelectronics|STPC Atlas/Elite North Bridge"
+0x104a 0x0210 "unknown" "ST Microelectronics|STPC Atlas ISA Bridge"
+0x104a 0x021a "unknown" "ST Microelectronics|STPC Consmr-S/Elite ISA Bridge"
+0x104a 0x021b "unknown" "ST Microelectronics|STPC Consumer-II ISA Bridge"
+0x104a 0x0228 "unknown" "ST Microelectronics|STPC Atlas IDE Controller"
+0x104a 0x0230 "unknown" "ST Microelectronics|STPC Atlas USB Controller"
+0x104a 0x0500 "ADSL:unicorn" "Bewan Systems|ST70137 [Unicorn] ADSL DMT Transceiver"
+0x104a 0x0564 "unknown" "STMicroelectronics|STPC Client Northbridge"
+0x104a 0x0981 "tulip" "ST Microelectronics| Ethernet Controller"
+0x104a 0x1746 "unknown" "SGS Thomson|STG 1764X"
+0x104a 0x2774 "tulip" "ST Microelectronics|STE10/100A PCI 10/100 Ethernet Controller"
+0x104a 0x3520 "unknown" "SGS Thomson|MPEG-II decoder card"
+0x104a 0x55cc "unknown" "STMicroelectronics|STPC Client Southbridge"
+0x104b 0x0140 "BusLogic" "BusLogic|BT-946C (old) [multimaster 01]"
+0x104b 0x1040 "BusLogic" "BusLogic|BT-946C (BA80C30) [MultiMaster 10]"
+0x104b 0x8130 "BusLogic" "BusLogic|Flashpoint LT"
+0x104c 0x0000 "unknown" "Texas Instruments| "
+0x104c 0x014e "unknown" "Texas Instruments|4610,4515,4610fm divice"
+0x104c 0x0500 "unknown" "Texas Instruments|100 MBit LAN Controller"
+0x104c 0x0508 "unknown" "Texas Instruments|TMS380C2X Compressor Interface"
+0x104c 0x1000 "unknown" "Texas Instruments|Eagle i/f AS"
+0x104c 0x104c "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1510 PC card Cardbus Controller"
+0x104c 0x3d04 "Card:3Dlabs Permedia2 (generic)" "Texas Instruments|TVP4010 [Permedia]"
+0x104c 0x3d07 "Card:Elsa GLoria Synergy" "Texas Instruments|ELSA GLoria Synergy [Permedia 2]"
+0x104c 0x8000 "pcilynx" "Texas Instruments|PCILynx/PCILynx2 IEEE 1394 Link Layer Controller"
+0x104c 0x8009 "ohci1394" "Texas Instruments|OHCI Compliant FireWire Controller"
+0x104c 0x8011 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI4450 OHCI-Lynx IEEE 1394 Controller"
+0x104c 0x8017 "ohci1394" "Texas Instruments|PCI4410 OHCI-Lynx IEEE 1394 Controller"
+0x104c 0x8019 "ohci1394" "Texas Instruments|TSB12LV23 OHCI Compliant IEEE-1394 Controller"
+0x104c 0x8020 "ohci1394" "Texas Instruments|TSB12LV26 OHCI-Lynx PCI IEEE 1394 Host Controller"
+0x104c 0x8021 "ohci1394" "Texas Instruments|TSB43AA22 Firewire (IEEE1394) Cntrlr (w/ PHY/Link)"
+0x104c 0x8022 "ohci1394" "Texas Instruments|TSB43AB22 IEEE-1394 Controller (PHY/Link) 1394a-2000"
+0x104c 0x8023 "ohci1394" "Texas Instruments|TSB43AB22 IEEE1394a-2000 OHCI PHY/Link-Layer Ctrlr"
+0x104c 0x8024 "ohci1394" "Texas Instruments|TSB43AB23 IEEE-1394 Controller (PHY/Link) 1394a-2000"
+0x104c 0x8025 "unknown" "Texas Instruments|TSB82AA2 IEEE-1394b Link Layer Controller"
+0x104c 0x8026 "ohci1394" "Texas Instruments|TSB43AB21 IEEE-1394 Controller (PHY/Link) 1394a-2000"
+0x104c 0x8027 "ohci1394" "Texas Instruments|PCI4451 OHCI-Lynx IEEE 1394 Controller"
+0x104c 0x8029 "unknown" "Texas Instruments|PCI4510 IEEE-1394 Controller"
+0x104c 0x802b "unknown" "Texas Instruments|PCI7410,7510,7610 OHCI-Lynx Controller"
+0x104c 0x802e "unknown" "Texas Instruments|PCI7x20 1394a-2000 OHCI Two-Port PHY/Link-Layer Controller"
+0x104c 0x8031 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|Texas Instruments PCIxx21/x515 Cardbus Controller"
+0x104c 0x8032 "unknown" "Texas Instruments|Texas Instruments OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller"
+0x104c 0x8033 "unknown" "Texas Instruments|Texas Instruments PCIxx21 Integrated FlashMedia Controller"
+0x104c 0x8034 "unknown" "Texas Instruments|Texas Instruments PCI6411, PCI6421, PCI6611, PCI6621, PCI7411, PCI7421, PCI7611, PCI7621 Secure Digital (SD) Controller"
+0x104c 0x8035 "unknown" "Texas Instruments|Texas Instruments PCI6411, PCI6421, PCI6611, PCI6621, PCI7411, PCI7421, PCI7611, PCI7621 Smart Card Controller (SMC)"
+0x104c 0x8036 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI6515 Cardbus Controller"
+0x104c 0x8038 "unknown" "Texas Instruments|PCI6515 SmartCard Controller"
+0x104c 0x8201 "unknown" "Texas Instruments|PCI1620 Firmware Loading Function"
+0x104c 0x8204 "unknown" "Texas Instruments|4610, 4515, 4610FM TI UltraMedia Firmware Loader Device"
+0x104c 0x8400 "acx100_pci" "Texas Instruments|USR2210 22Mbps Wireless PC Card"
+0x104c 0x8401 "acx100_pci" "Texas Instruments|ACX 100 22Mbps Wireless Interface"
+0x104c 0x9000 "unknown" "Texas Instruments|Wireless Interface (of unknown type)"
+0x104c 0x9066 "acx100_pci" "Texas Instruments|WLAN Device TNETW1130(ACX111)"
+0x104c 0xa001 "unknown" "Texas Instruments|TDC1570 64-bit PCI ATM sar"
+0x104c 0xa100 "unknown" "Texas Instruments|TDC1561 32-bit PCI ATM sar"
+0x104c 0xa102 "unknown" "Texas Instruments|TNETA1575 HyperSAR Plus w/PCI host & UTOPIA i/f"
+0x104c 0xa106 "snd-asihpi" "Texas Instruments|TMS320C6205"
+0x104c 0xac10 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1050 PC Card Controller"
+0x104c 0xac11 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1053 PC Card Controller"
+0x104c 0xac12 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1130 PC card CardBus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac13 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1031 PCI-TO-PC CARD16 CONTROLLER UNIT"
+0x104c 0xac15 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1131 Dual Socket PCI CardBus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac16 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1250 PC card CardBus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac17 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1220 CardBus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac18 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1260 PC card CardBus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac19 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1221 PC Card Controller"
+0x104c 0xac1a "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1210 PC card CardBus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac1b "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1221 PC card CardBus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac1c "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1225 PC Card Controller"
+0x104c 0xac1d "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1251 PC Card Controller"
+0x104c 0xac1e "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1251 High Performance PC Card Controller"
+0x104c 0xac1f "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1251B PC card CardBus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac20 "unknown" "Texas Instruments|TI 2030 PCI to PCI Bridge"
+0x104c 0xac21 "unknown" "Texas Instruments|PCI2031 PCI to PCI Bridge"
+0x104c 0xac22 "unknown" "Texas Instruments|PCI2032 PCI Docking Bridge"
+0x104c 0xac23 "unknown" "Texas Instruments|PCI2250 PCI-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x104c 0xac28 "unknown" "Texas Instruments|PCI2050/2050I PCI-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x104c 0xac30 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1260 PC card CardBus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac40 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI4450 PC card Cardbus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac41 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI4410 PC card Cardbus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac42 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI4451 PC card Cardbus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac43 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI4550 PC card CardBus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac44 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI4510 PC Card Controller"
+0x104c 0xac46 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI4520 PC Card CardBus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac47 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI7510 PC card Cardbus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac48 "yenta_socket" ""
+0x104c 0xac49 "yenta_socket" ""
+0x104c 0xac4a "unknown" "Texas Instruments|PCI7510,7610 PC card Cardbus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac50 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1410 PC card Cardbus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac51 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1420 PC Card Controller"
+0x104c 0xac52 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1451 PC card Cardbus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac53 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1421 PC card Cardbus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac54 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1620 PC Card CardBus Controller w/UltraMedia"
+0x104c 0xac55 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1250 PC card Cardbus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac56 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1510 PC Card CardBus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac57 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1530 PC Card CardBus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac58 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1515 PC Card CardBus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac59 "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1621 PC Card CardBus Controller w/UltraMedia"
+0x104c 0xac5a "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI1610 PC Card CardBus Controller w/UltraMedia"
+0x104c 0xac60 "snd-asihpi" "Texas Instruments|PCI2040 PCI to DSP Bridge Controller"
+0x104c 0xac8d "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI 7620"
+0x104c 0xac8e "yenta_socket" "Texas Instruments|PCI7420 CardBus Controller"
+0x104c 0xac8f "unknown" "Texas Instruments|PCI7420 Flash Media Controller"
+0x104c 0xfe00 "unknown" "Texas Instruments|FireWire Host Controller"
+0x104c 0xfe03 "unknown" "Texas Instruments|12C01A FireWire Host Controller"
+0x104d 0x8004 "unknown" "Sony Corp.|DTL-H2500 [Playstation development board]"
+0x104d 0x8009 "unknown" "Sony Corp.|CXD1947Q i.LINK Controller"
+0x104d 0x8039 "ohci1394" "Sony Corp.|CXD3222 iLINK Controller"
+0x104d 0x8056 "" "Sony Corp.|Rockwell HCF 56K modem"
+0x104d 0x808a "unknown" "Sony Corp.|Memory Stick Controller"
+0x104e 0x0017 "unknown" "Oak Technology Inc.|OTI-64017"
+0x104e 0x0107 "Card:Paradise Accelerator Value" "Oak Technology Inc.|OTI-107 [Spitfire]"
+0x104e 0x0109 "unknown" "Oak Technology Inc.|Video Adapter"
+0x104e 0x0111 "unknown" "Oak Technology Inc.|OTI-64111 [Spitfire]"
+0x104e 0x0217 "unknown" "Oak Technology Inc.|OTI-64217"
+0x104e 0x0317 "unknown" "Oak Technology Inc.|OTI-64317"
+0x104e 0x0611 "unknown" "Oak Technology Inc.|OTI-610"
+0x104e 0x4d33 "unknown" "Oak Technology Inc.|IDE UltraDMA/33"
+0x104e 0x5300 "unknown" "Oak Technology Inc.|DC5030"
+0x104f 0x104f "unknown" "Co-Time Computer Ltd.|iatca8392 Multi I/O"
+0x1050 0x0000 "ne2k-pci" "Winbond Electronics Corp.|NE2000"
+0x1050 0x0001 "unknown" "Winbond Electronics Corp.|W83769F"
+0x1050 0x0105 "unknown" "Winbond Electronics Corp.|W82C105"
+0x1050 0x0628 "unknown" "Winbond Electronics Corp.|W83628F/629D PCI to ISA Bridge Set"
+0x1050 0x0840 "winbond-840" "Winbond Electronics Corp.|W89C840"
+0x1050 0x0940 "ne2k-pci" "Winbond Electronics Corp.|W89C940"
+0x1050 0x5a5a "ne2k-pci" "Winbond Electronics Corp.|W89C940F"
+0x1050 0x6692 "ISDN:hisax,type=36" "Winbond Electronics Corp.|W6692 ISDN Adapter"
+0x1050 0x9921 "unknown" "Winbond Electronics Corp.|W99200F MPEG-1 Video Encoder"
+0x1050 0x9922 "unknown" "Winbond Electronics Corp.|W9922PF ISDN Controller"
+0x1050 0x9960 "unknown" "Winbond Electronics Corp.|W9960CF Video Codec"
+0x1050 0x9961 "unknown" "Winbond Electronics Corp.|W9961CF H.263/H.261 Video Codec"
+0x1050 0x9970 "unknown" "Winbond Electronics Corp.|W9970CF"
+0x1050 0x9971 "unknown" "Winbond Electronics Corp.|W9971CF Video Graphics Controller With TV Encode"
+0x1051 0x0100 "ISDN:hisax,type=35" "Motorola MC145575|MC145575 ISDN Adapter"
+0x1054 0x0001 "unknown" "Hitachi Ltd.|PCI Bridge"
+0x1054 0x0002 "unknown" "Hitachi Ltd.|PCI Bus Controller"
+0x1054 0x0003 "unknown" "Hitachi Ltd.| "
+0x1054 0x3505 "unknown" "Hitachi Ltd.|SH7751 SuperH (SH) 32-Bit RISC MCU/MPU Series"
+0x1055 0x0810 "unknown" "EFAR Microsystems|486 Host Bridge"
+0x1055 0x0922 "unknown" "EFAR Microsystems|Pentium Host Bridge"
+0x1055 0x0926 "unknown" "EFAR Microsystems|PCI to ISA Bridge"
+0x1055 0x9130 "slc90e66" "EFAR Microsystems|EIDE Controller"
+0x1055 0x9178 "slamr" "EFAR Microsystems|Modem (SmartLink)"
+0x1055 0x9460 "unknown" "EFAR Microsystems|PCI to ISA Bridge"
+0x1055 0x9461 "unknown" "Standard Microsystems Corp.|SLC90E66 Victory66 UDMA EIDE Controller"
+0x1055 0x9462 "usb-ohci" "EFAR Microsystems|USB Universal Host Controller [OHCI]"
+0x1055 0x9463 "i2c-piix4" "EFAR Microsystems|Power Management Controller [Bridge]"
+0x1057 0x0000 "unknown" "Motorola| "
+0x1057 0x0001 "unknown" "Motorola|MPC105 [Eagle]"
+0x1057 0x0002 "unknown" "Motorola|MPC106 [Grackle]"
+0x1057 0x0003 "snd-mixart" "Motorola|MPC107 PCI Bridge/Memory Controller for PowerPC"
+0x1057 0x0004 "unknown" "Motorola|MPC107 PCI Bridge/Memory Controller for PPC"
+0x1057 0x0006 "unknown" "Motorola|MPC8245 [Unity]"
+0x1057 0x0008 "unknown" "Motorola|MPC8540"
+0x1057 0x0009 "unknown" "Motorola|MPC8560"
+0x1057 0x0100 "unknown" "Motorola|MC145575 [HFC-PCI]"
+0x1057 0x0431 "unknown" "Motorola|KTI829c 100VG"
+0x1057 0x1801 0x14fb 0x0101 "unknown" "Motorola|Transas Radar Imitator Board [RIM]"
+0x1057 0x1801 0x14fb 0x0102 "unknown" "Motorola|Transas Radar Imitator Board [RIM-2]"
+0x1057 0x1801 0x14fb 0x0202 "unknown" "Motorola|Transas Radar Integrator Board [RIB-2]"
+0x1057 0x1801 0x14fb 0x0611 "unknown" "Motorola|1 channel CAN bus Controller [CanPci-1]"
+0x1057 0x1801 0x14fb 0x0612 "unknown" "Motorola|2 channels CAN bus Controller [CanPci-2]"
+0x1057 0x1801 0x14fb 0x0613 "unknown" "Motorola|3 channels CAN bus Controller [CanPci-3]"
+0x1057 0x1801 0x14fb 0x0614 "unknown" "Motorola|4 channels CAN bus Controller [CanPci-4]"
+0x1057 0x1801 0x14fb 0x0621 "unknown" "Motorola|1 channel CAN bus Controller [CanPci2-1]"
+0x1057 0x1801 0x14fb 0x0622 "unknown" "Motorola|2 channels CAN bus Controller [CanPci2-2]"
+0x1057 0x1801 0x14fb 0x0810 "unknown" "Motorola|Transas VTS Radar Integrator Board [RIB-4]"
+0x1057 0x1801 0x175c 0x4200 "snd-asihpi" "Motorola|ASI4215 Audio Adapter"
+0x1057 0x1801 0x175c 0x4300 "snd-asihpi" "Motorola|ASI43xx Audio Adapter"
+0x1057 0x1801 0x175c 0x4400 "snd-asihpi" "Motorola|ASI4401 Audio Adapter"
+0x1057 0x1801 0xecc0 0x0010 "snd-darla20" "Motorola|Darla"
+0x1057 0x1801 0xecc0 0x0020 "snd-gina20" "Motorola|Gina"
+0x1057 0x1801 0xecc0 0x0030 "snd-layla20" "Motorola|Layla"
+0x1057 0x1801 0xecc0 0x0031 "snd-layla20" "Motorola|Layla rev.1"
+0x1057 0x1801 0xecc0 0x0040 "snd-darla24" "Motorola|Darla24 rev.0"
+0x1057 0x1801 0xecc0 0x0041 "snd-darla24" "Motorola|Darla24 rev.1"
+0x1057 0x1801 0xecc0 0x0050 "snd-gina24" "Motorola|Gina24 rev.0"
+0x1057 0x1801 0xecc0 0x0051 "snd-gina24" "Motorola|Gina24 rev.1"
+0x1057 0x1801 0xecc0 0x0070 "snd-mona" "Motorola|Mona rev.0"
+0x1057 0x1801 0xecc0 0x0071 "snd-mona" "Motorola|Mona rev.1"
+0x1057 0x1801 0xecc0 0x0072 "snd-mona" "Motorola|Mona rev.2"
+0x1057 0x1801 "snd-gina20" "Motorola|Audio I/O Controller (MIDI)"
+0x1057 0x1802 "unknown" "Motorola|DSP56305 24-Bit Digital Signal Processor"
+0x1057 0x18c0 "unknown" "Motorola|MPC8265A/MPC8266"
+0x1057 0x18c1 "unknown" "Motorola|MPC8271/MPC8272"
+0x1057 0x3052 "sm56" "Motorola|SM56 PCI Modem"
+0x1057 0x3410 0xecc0 0x0050 "snd-gina24" "Motorola|Gina24 rev.0"
+0x1057 0x3410 0xecc0 0x0051 "snd-gina24" "Motorola|Gina24 rev.1"
+0x1057 0x3410 0xecc0 0x0060 "snd-layla24" "Motorola|Layla24"
+0x1057 0x3410 0xecc0 0x0070 "snd-mona" "Motorola|Mona rev.0"
+0x1057 0x3410 0xecc0 0x0071 "snd-mona" "Motorola|Mona rev.1"
+0x1057 0x3410 0xecc0 0x0072 "snd-mona" "Motorola|Mona rev.2"
+0x1057 0x3410 0xecc0 0x0080 "snd-mia" "Motorola|Mia rev.0"
+0x1057 0x3410 0xecc0 0x0081 "snd-mia" "Motorola|Mia rev.1"
+0x1057 0x3410 0xecc0 0x0090 "snd-indigo" "Motorola|Indigo"
+0x1057 0x3410 0xecc0 0x00a0 "snd-indigoio" "Motorola|Indigo IO"
+0x1057 0x3410 0xecc0 0x00b0 "snd-indigodj" "Motorola|Indigo DJ"
+0x1057 0x3410 0xecc0 0x0100 "snd-gina3g" "Motorola|3G"
+0x1057 0x3410 "snd-gina20" "Motorola|DSP56361 Digital Signal Processor"
+0x1057 0x3421 "unknown" "Motorola|56IVMR/Phoenix 56ISM Modem"
+0x1057 0x4801 "unknown" "Motorola|Raven"
+0x1057 0x4802 "unknown" "Motorola|Falcon"
+0x1057 0x4803 "unknown" "Motorola|Hawk"
+0x1057 0x4806 "unknown" "Motorola|CPX8216"
+0x1057 0x4809 "unknown" "Motorola|CPX8216T HotSwap Controller"
+0x1057 0x4d68 "unknown" "Motorola|20268"
+0x1057 0x4d69 "unknown" "Motorola|20269"
+0x1057 0x5275 "unknown" "Motorola|20276"
+0x1057 0x5600 "unknown" "Motorola|SM56 PCI Modem"
+0x1057 0x5602 "unknown" "Motorola|SM56 PCI Modem"
+0x1057 0x5608 "wcfxo" "Motorola|56k dps PCI Modem"
+0x1057 0x5803 "unknown" "Motorola|MPC5200 32-Bit Embedded PowerPC Processor"
+0x1057 0x5806 "unknown" "Motorola|MCF54 Coldfire"
+0x1057 0x5808 "unknown" "Motorola|MPC8220"
+0x1057 0x6400 "unknown" "Motorola|MPC190 Security Processor (S1 family, encryption)"
+0x1057 0x6405 "unknown" "Motorola|MPC184 Security Processor (S1 family)"
+0x105a 0x0d30 "pdc202xx_old" "Promise Technology Inc.|20265"
+0x105a 0x0d38 "pdc202xx_old" "Promise Technology Inc.|PDC20263 FastTrak66 EIDE Controller"
+0x105a 0x1275 "pdc202xx_new" "Promise Technology Inc.|PDC20275 EIDE Controller"
+0x105a 0x3318 "sata_promise" "Promise Technology Inc.|PDC20318 FastTrak SATA150 TX4 Controller"
+0x105a 0x3319 "sata_promise" "Promise Technology Inc.|PDC20319 FastTrak SATA150 TX4 Controller"
+0x105a 0x3371 "sata_promise" "Promise Technology Inc.|PDC20371 FastTrak SATA150 TX2plus Controller"
+0x105a 0x3373 "sata_promise" "Promise Technology Inc.|PDC20376 FastTrak 378 Controller"
+0x105a 0x3375 "sata_promise" "Promise Technology Inc.|PDC20375 FastTrak SATA150 TX2plus Controller"
+0x105a 0x3376 "sata_promise" "Promise Technology Inc.|PDC20376 FastTrak 376 Controller"
+0x105a 0x3515 "unknown" "Promise Technology Inc.|PDC40719"
+0x105a 0x3519 "sata_promise" "Promise Technology Inc.|PDC40519 (FastTrak TX4200)"
+0x105a 0x3570 "sata_promise" ""
+0x105a 0x3571 "sata_promise" "Promise Technology Inc.|PDC20571 (FastTrak TX2200)"
+0x105a 0x3574 "sata_promise" "Promise Technology Inc.|PDC20579 SATAII 150 IDE Controller"
+0x105a 0x3577 "unknown" "Promise Technology Inc.|PDC40779 (SATA 300 779)"
+0x105a 0x3d17 "sata_promise" "Promise Technology Inc.|SATA300 TX4 Controller"
+0x105a 0x3d18 "sata_promise" "Promise Technology Inc.|PDC20518 SATAII 150 IDE Controller"
+0x105a 0x3d73 "sata_promise" "Promise Technology Inc.|PDC40775 (SATA 300 TX2plus)"
+0x105a 0x3d75 "sata_promise" "Promise Technology Inc.|PDC20575 (SATAII150 TX2plus)"
+0x105a 0x4d30 "pdc202xx_old" "Promise Technology Inc.|20267"
+0x105a 0x4d33 "pdc202xx_old" "Promise Technology Inc.|20246"
+0x105a 0x4d38 "pdc202xx_old" "Promise Technology Inc.|20262 (Ultra66)"
+0x105a 0x4d68 "pdc202xx_new" "Promise Technology Inc.|20268"
+0x105a 0x4d69 "pdc202xx_new" "Promise Technology Inc.|20269"
+0x105a 0x5275 "pdc202xx_new" "Promise Technology Inc.|20276"
+0x105a 0x5300 "unknown" "Promise Technology Inc.|DC5300"
+0x105a 0x6268 "pdc202xx_new" "Promise Technology Inc.|PDC20268R FastTrak100 TX2/TX4 EIDE controller"
+0x105a 0x6269 "pdc202xx_new" "Promise Technology Inc.|PDC20271"
+0x105a 0x6621 "unknown" "Promise Technology Inc.|PDC20621 [SX4000] 4 Channel IDE RAID Controller"
+0x105a 0x6622 "sata_sx4" "Promise Technology Inc.|PDC2037X FastTrak Controller"
+0x105a 0x6624 "unknown" "Promise Technology Inc.|PDC20621 [FastTrak SX4100]"
+0x105a 0x6626 "unknown" "Promise Technology Inc.|PDC20618 Ultra 618"
+0x105a 0x6629 "sata_promise" "Promise Technology Inc.|FastTrak TX4000 Controller"
+0x105a 0x7275 "pdc202xx_new" "Promise Technology Inc.|PDC20277"
+0x105a 0x8000 "sx8" "Promise Technology Inc.|"
+0x105a 0x8002 "sx8" "Promise Technology Inc.|SATAII150 SX8"
+0x105d 0x2309 "Card:Number Nine Imagine I-128 (2-8MB)" "Number 9|Imagine 128"
+0x105d 0x2339 "Card:Number Nine Imagine I-128 Series 2 (2-4MB)" "Number 9|Imagine 128-II"
+0x105d 0x493d "Card:Number Nine Imagine-128-T2R" "Number 9|Imagine 128 T2R [Ticket to Ride]"
+0x105d 0x5348 "Card:Number Nine Imagine-128-T2R" "Number 9|Revolution 4 (Imagine 128)"
+0x1060 0x0001 "unknown" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM82C881"
+0x1060 0x0002 "unknown" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM82C886"
+0x1060 0x0101 "generic" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8673F"
+0x1060 0x0881 "unknown" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8881"
+0x1060 0x0886 "unknown" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8886F"
+0x1060 0x0891 "unknown" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8891A"
+0x1060 0x1001 "unknown" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM886A"
+0x1060 0x673a "generic" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8886BF"
+0x1060 0x673b "unknown" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|EIDE Master/DMA"
+0x1060 0x8710 "unknown" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8710"
+0x1060 0x8821 "unknown" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|CPU/PCI Bridge"
+0x1060 0x8822 "unknown" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|PCI/ISA Bridge"
+0x1060 0x8851 "unknown" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|Pentium CPU/PCIBridge"
+0x1060 0x8852 "unknown" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|Pentium CPU/ISA Bridge"
+0x1060 0x886a "generic" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8886A"
+0x1060 0x8881 "unknown" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8881F"
+0x1060 0x8886 "unknown" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8886F"
+0x1060 0x888a "unknown" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8886A"
+0x1060 0x8891 "unknown" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8891A"
+0x1060 0x9017 "unknown" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM9017F"
+0x1060 0x9018 "unknown" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM9018"
+0x1060 0x9026 "unknown" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM9026"
+0x1060 0xe881 "unknown" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8881N"
+0x1060 0xe886 "unknown" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8886N"
+0x1060 0xe88a "unknown" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8886N"
+0x1060 0xe891 "unknown" "United Microelectronics [UMC]|UM8891N"
+0x1061 0x0001 "Card:AGX (generic)" "I.I.T.|AGX016"
+0x1061 0x0002 "unknown" "I.I.T.|IIT3204/3501"
+0x1065 0x8139 "unknown" "Texas Microsystems|Realtek 8139C Network Card"
+0x1066 0x0000 "unknown" "PicoPower Technology|PT80C826"
+0x1066 0x0001 "unknown" "PicoPower Technology|PT86C52x [Vesuvius]"
+0x1066 0x0002 "unknown" "PicoPower Technology|PT80C524 [Nile]"
+0x1066 0x0003 "unknown" "PicoPower Technology|PT86C524 [Nile] PCI-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1066 0x0004 "unknown" "Picopower Technology (National)|ISA Bridge"
+0x1066 0x0005 "unknown" "PicoPower Technology|National PC87550 System Controller"
+0x1066 0x8002 "unknown" "PicoPower Technology|PT80C524 [Nile]"
+0x1067 0x0301 "unknown" "Mitsubishi Electric|AccelGraphics AccelECLIPSE"
+0x1067 0x0304 "unknown" "Mitsubishi Electric|AccelGALAXY A2100 [OEM Evans & Sutherland]"
+0x1067 0x0308 "unknown" "Mitsubishi Electric|Tornado 3000 [OEM Evans & Sutherland]"
+0x1067 0x1002 "unknown" "Mitsubishi Electric|VG500 [VolumePro Volume Rendering Accelerator]"
+0x1069 0x0001 "DAC960" "Mylex Corp.|DAC960P"
+0x1069 0x0002 "DAC960" "Mylex Corp.|DAC960PD"
+0x1069 0x0010 "DAC960" "Mylex Corp.|DAC960PX"
+0x1069 0x0020 "DAC960" "Mylex Corp.|DAC960 V5"
+0x1069 0x0050 "DAC960" "Mylex Corp.|Raid Adapter (DAC960)"
+0x1069 0xb166 0x1014 0x0242 "DAC960" "Mylex Corporationration|iSeries 2872 DASD IOA"
+0x1069 0xb166 0x1014 0x0266 "ipr" "Mylex Corp.|Gemstone Dual Channel PCI-X U320 SCSI Adapter"
+0x1069 0xb166 0x1014 0x0278 "ipr" "Mylex Corp.|Gemstone Dual Channel PCI-X U320 SCSI RAID Adapter"
+0x1069 0xb166 0x1014 0x02d3 "ipr" "Mylex Corp.|Gemstone Dual Channel PCI-X U320 SCSI Adapter"
+0x1069 0xb166 0x1014 0x02d4 "ipr" "Mylex Corp.|Gemstone Dual Channel PCI-X U320 SCSI RAID Adapter"
+0x1069 0xb166 0x1069 0x0200 "DAC960" "Mylex Corporationration|AcceleRAID 400, Single Channel, PCI-X, U320, SCSI RAID"
+0x1069 0xb166 0x1069 0x0202 "DAC960" "Mylex Corporationration|AcceleRAID Sapphire, Dual Channel, PCI-X, U320, SCSI RAID"
+0x1069 0xb166 0x1069 0x0204 "DAC960" "Mylex Corporationration|AcceleRAID 500, Dual Channel, Low-Profile, PCI-X, U320, SCSI RAID"
+0x1069 0xb166 0x1069 0x0206 "DAC960" "Mylex Corporationration|AcceleRAID 600, Dual Channel, PCI-X, U320, SCSI RAID"
+0x1069 0xb166 "DAC960" "Mylex Corp.|Gemstone chipset SCSI controller"
+0x1069 0xba55 "DAC960" "Mylex Corp.|eXtremeRAID support Device"
+0x1069 0xba56 "DAC960" "Mylex Corp.|eXtremeRAID 2000/3000 support Device"
+0x1069 0xba57 "unknown" "Mylex Corporationration|eXtremeRAID 4000/5000 support Device"
+0x106b 0x0001 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|Bandit PowerPC Host-PCI Bridge"
+0x106b 0x0002 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|Grand Central I/O Controller"
+0x106b 0x0003 "Card:FrameBuffer (generic)" "Apple Computer Inc.|Control Video"
+0x106b 0x0004 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|PlanB Video-In"
+0x106b 0x0007 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|O'Hare I/O Controller"
+0x106b 0x0008 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|Bandit Host-PCI Bridge"
+0x106b 0x000c "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|DOS on Mac"
+0x106b 0x000e "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|Hydra Mac I/O Controller"
+0x106b 0x0010 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|Heathrow Mac I/O Controller"
+0x106b 0x0017 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|Paddington Mac I/O Controller"
+0x106b 0x0018 "ohci1394" "Apple Computer Inc.|UniNorth FireWire Controller"
+0x106b 0x0019 "usb-ohci" "Apple Computer Inc.|Keylargo USB Controller"
+0x106b 0x001e "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|UniNorth Host-PCI Bridge"
+0x106b 0x001f "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|UniNorth Host-PCI Bridge"
+0x106b 0x0020 "uninorth-agp" "Apple Computer Inc.|Uni-North AGP Interface"
+0x106b 0x0021 "sungem" "Apple Computer Inc.|UniNorth GMAC Ethernet controller"
+0x106b 0x0022 "dmasound_pmac" "Apple Computer Inc.|Keylargo Mac I/O Controller"
+0x106b 0x0024 "sungem" "Apple Computer Inc.|GMAC Ethernet controller"
+0x106b 0x0025 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|Pangea Mac I/O Controller"
+0x106b 0x0026 "usb-ohci" "Apple Computer Inc.|KeyLargo/Pangea USB"
+0x106b 0x0027 "uninorth-agp" "Apple Computer Inc.|Pangea AGP Interface"
+0x106b 0x0028 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|Pangea Host-PCI bridge"
+0x106b 0x0029 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|Pangea Host-PCI bridge"
+0x106b 0x002d "uninorth-agp" "Apple Computer Inc.|UniNorth 1.5 AGP"
+0x106b 0x002e "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|UniNorth 1.5 PCI"
+0x106b 0x002f "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|UniNorth 1.5 Internal PCI"
+0x106b 0x0030 "ohci1394" "Apple Computer Inc.|UniNorth/Pangea FireWire"
+0x106b 0x0031 "ohci1394" "Apple Computer Inc.|UniNorth 2 FireWire"
+0x106b 0x0032 "sungem" "Apple Computer Inc.|UniNorth 2 GMAC (Sun GEM)"
+0x106b 0x0033 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|UniNorth 2 ATA/100"
+0x106b 0x0034 "uninorth-agp" "Apple Computer Inc.|UniNorth 2 AGP"
+0x106b 0x0035 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|UniNorth 2 PCI"
+0x106b 0x0036 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|UniNorth 2 Internal PCI"
+0x106b 0x003b "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|UniNorth/Intrepid ATA/100"
+0x106b 0x003e "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|KeyLargo/Intrepid Mac I/O"
+0x106b 0x003f "usb-ohci" "Apple Computer Inc.|KeyLargo/Intrepid USB"
+0x106b 0x0040 "usb-ohci" "Apple Computer Inc.|K2 KeyLargo USB"
+0x106b 0x0041 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|K2 KeyLargo Mac/IO"
+0x106b 0x0042 "ohci1394" "Apple Computer Inc.|K2 FireWire"
+0x106b 0x0043 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|K2 ATA/100"
+0x106b 0x0045 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|K2 HT-PCI Bridge"
+0x106b 0x0046 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|K2 HT-PCI Bridge"
+0x106b 0x0047 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|K2 HT-PCI Bridge"
+0x106b 0x0048 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|K2 HT-PCI Bridge"
+0x106b 0x0049 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|K2 HT-PCI Bridge"
+0x106b 0x004b "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|U3 AGP"
+0x106b 0x004c "sungem" "Apple Computer Inc.|K2 GMAC (Sun GEM)"
+0x106b 0x004f "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|Shasta Mac I/O"
+0x106b 0x0050 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|Shasta IDE"
+0x106b 0x0051 "sungem" "Apple Computer Inc.|Shasta (Sun GEM)"
+0x106b 0x0052 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|Shasta Firewire"
+0x106b 0x0053 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|Shasta PCI Bridge"
+0x106b 0x0054 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|Shasta PCI Bridge"
+0x106b 0x0055 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|Shasta PCI Bridge"
+0x106b 0x0058 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|U3L AGP Bridge"
+0x106b 0x0059 "unknown" "Apple Computer Inc.|U3H AGP Bridge"
+0x106b 0x006b "sungem" ""
+0x106b 0x1645 "tg3" "Apple Computer Inc.|Tigon3 Gigabit Ethernet NIC (BCM5701)"
+0x106c 0x8801 "unknown" "Hyundai Electronics America|Dual Pentium ISA/PCI Motherboard"
+0x106c 0x8802 "unknown" "Hyundai Electronics America|PowerPC ISA/PCI Motherboard"
+0x106c 0x8803 "unknown" "Hyundai Electronics America|Dual Window Graphics Accelerator"
+0x106c 0x8804 "unknown" "Hyundai Electronics America|PCI LAN Controller"
+0x106c 0x8805 "unknown" "Hyundai Electronics America|100-BaseT LAN"
+0x1071 0x8160 "unknown" "Mitac|Mitac 8060B Mobile Platform"
+0x1073 0x0001 "unknown" "Yamaha Corp.|3D GUI Accelerator"
+0x1073 0x0002 "unknown" "Yamaha Corp.|YGV615 [RPA3 3D-Graphics Controller]"
+0x1073 0x0003 "snd-ymfpci" "Yamaha Corp.|YMF-740"
+0x1073 0x0004 "snd-ymfpci" "Yamaha Corp.|YMF-724"
+0x1073 0x0005 "ymfpci" "Yamaha Corp.|DS1 Audio"
+0x1073 0x0006 "ymfpci" "Yamaha Corp.|DS1 Audio"
+0x1073 0x0008 "ymfpci" "Yamaha Corp.|DS1 Audio"
+0x1073 0x000a "snd-ymfpci" "Yamaha Corp.|DS1L Audio"
+0x1073 0x000c "snd-ymfpci" "Yamaha Corp.|YMF-740C [DS-1L Audio Controller]"
+0x1073 0x000d "snd-ymfpci" "Yamaha Corp.|YMF-724F [DS-1 Audio Controller]"
+0x1073 0x0010 "ymfpci" "Yamaha Corp.|YMF-744B [DS-1S Audio Controller]"
+0x1073 0x0012 "snd-ymfpci" "Yamaha Corp.|YMF-754 [DS-1E Audio Controller]"
+0x1073 0x0020 "ymfpci" "Yamaha Corp.|DS-1 Audio"
+0x1073 0x1000 "unknown" "Yamaha Corp.|SW1000XG Sound system"
+0x1073 0x2000 "unknown" "Yamaha Corp.|DS2416 Digital Mixing Card"
+0x1074 0x4e78 "unknown" "NexGen Microsystems|82c500/1"
+0x1077 0x1016 "qla1280" "QLogic Corp.|QLA10160"
+0x1077 0x101e "unknown" "QLogic Corp.|QLA12160 on AMI MegaRAID"
+0x1077 0x1020 "qla1280" "QLogic Corp.|ISP1020"
+0x1077 0x1022 "qlogicisp" "QLogic Corp.|ISP1022"
+0x1077 0x1080 "qla1280" "QLogic Corp.|QLA1080"
+0x1077 0x1216 "qla1280" "QLogic Corp.|QLA12160 on AMI MegaRAID"
+0x1077 0x1240 "qla1280" "QLogic Corp.|QLA1240"
+0x1077 0x1280 "qla1280" "QLogic Corp.|QLA1280"
+0x1077 0x2020 "qlogicisp" "QLogic Corp.|ISP2020A"
+0x1077 0x2100 "qla2100" "QLogic Corp.|QLA2100"
+0x1077 0x2200 "qla2200" "QLogic Corp.|QLA2200"
+0x1077 0x2300 "qla2300" "QLogic Corp.|QLA2300"
+0x1077 0x2312 "qla2300" "QLogic Corp.|QLA2312"
+0x1077 0x2322 "qla2322" "QLogic Corp.|QLA2322"
+0x1077 0x2422 "qla2xxx" "QLogic Corp.|QLA2XXX"
+0x1077 0x2432 "qla2xxx" "QLogic Corp.|QLA2XXX"
+0x1077 0x3022 "unknown" "QLogic Corp.|QLA3022 Network Adapter"
+0x1077 0x4000 "unknown" "QLogic Corp.| "
+0x1077 0x4010 "qla4xxx" "QLogic Corp.| "
+0x1077 0x4022 "unknown" "QLogic Corp.|QLA4022 iSCSI TOE Adapter"
+0x1077 0x6312 "qla6312" "QLogic Corp.|QLA6312"
+0x1077 0x6322 "qla6312" "QLogic Corp.|QLA6312"
+0x1077 0x8471 "unknown" "QLogic Corp.|QLA12160 on AMI MegaRAID"
+0x1077 0x8493 "unknown" "QLogic Corp.|QLA12160 on AMI MegaRAID"
+0x1078 0x0000 "Card:MediaGX" "Cyrix Corp.|5510 [Grappa]"
+0x1078 0x0001 "Card:MediaGX" "Cyrix Corp.|PCI Master [MEDIAGX]"
+0x1078 0x0002 "Card:MediaGX" "Cyrix Corp.|5520 [Cognac]"
+0x1078 0x0100 "unknown" "Cyrix Corp.|5530 Legacy [Kahlua]"
+0x1078 0x0101 "unknown" "Cyrix Corp.|5530 SMI [Kahlua]"
+0x1078 0x0102 "cs5530" "Cyrix Corp.|5530 IDE [Kahlua]"
+0x1078 0x0103 "kahlua" "Cyrix Corp.|5530 Audio [Kahlua]"
+0x1078 0x0104 "Card:MediaGX" "Cyrix Corp.|5530 Video [Kahlua]"
+0x1078 0x0400 "unknown" "Cyrix Corp.|ZFMicro CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1078 0x0401 "unknown" "Cyrix Corp.|ZFMicro Power Management Controller"
+0x1078 0x0402 "unknown" "Cyrix Corp.|ZFMicro IDE Controller"
+0x1078 0x0403 "unknown" "Cyrix Corp.|ZFMicro Expansion Bus"
+0x1079 0x0d01 "unknown" "I-Bus| "
+0x107d 0x0000 "unknown" "LeadTek Research Inc.|P86C850"
+0x107d 0x2134 "unknown" "LeadTek Research Inc.|WinFast 3D S320 II"
+0x107d 0x2971 "unknown" "LeadTek Research Inc.|[GeForce FX 5900] WinFast A350 TDH MyViVo"
+0x107e 0x0001 "unknown" "Interphase Corp.|ATM Interface Card"
+0x107e 0x0002 "unknown" "Interphase Corp.|100 VG AnyLan Controller"
+0x107e 0x0004 "iph5526" "Interphase Corp.|5526"
+0x107e 0x0005 "iph5526" "Interphase Corp.|55x6"
+0x107e 0x0008 "iphase" "Interphase Corp.|155 Mbit ATM Controller"
+0x107e 0x0009 "iphase" "Interphase Corp.|5525/5575 ATM Adapter (155 Mbit) [Atlantic]"
+0x107e 0x9003 "unknown" "Interphase Corp.|5535-4P-BRI-ST"
+0x107e 0x9007 "unknown" "Interphase Corp.|5535-4P-BRI-U"
+0x107e 0x9008 "unknown" "Interphase Corp.|5535-1P-SR"
+0x107e 0x900c "unknown" "Interphase Corp.|5535-1P-SR-ST"
+0x107e 0x900e "unknown" "Interphase Corp.|5535-1P-SR-U"
+0x107e 0x9011 "unknown" "Interphase Corp.|5535-1P-PRI"
+0x107e 0x9013 "unknown" "Interphase Corp.|5535-2P-PRI"
+0x107e 0x9023 "unknown" "Interphase Corp.|5535-4P-BRI-ST"
+0x107e 0x9027 "unknown" "Interphase Corp.|5536-4P-BRI-U"
+0x107e 0x9031 "unknown" "Interphase Corp.|5535-1P-PRI"
+0x107e 0x9033 "unknown" "Interphase Corp.|5536-2P-PRI"
+0x107e 0x9060 "unknown" "Interphase Corp.|6535 CompactPCI T1/E1/J1Communications Ctrlr"
+0x107e 0x9070 "unknown" "Interphase Corp.|4538 PMC T1/E1/J1 Communications Controller"
+0x107e 0x9080 "unknown" "Interphase Corp.|4532-002/005 PMC ATM Over OC-3/STM-1 Comm Controller"
+0x107e 0x9081 "unknown" "Interphase Corp.|4532-001/004 PMC ATM Over OC-3/STM-1 Comm Controller"
+0x107e 0x9082 "unknown" "Interphase Corp.|4532-000/003 PMC ATM Over OC-3/STM-1 Comm Controller"
+0x107e 0x9090 "unknown" "Interphase Corp.|4531S-000/001 PMC ATM Over T3/E3 Communications Ctrlr"
+0x107e 0x90a0 "unknown" "Interphase Corp.|4539 PMC Quad T1/E1/J1 Communications Ctrlr"
+0x107f 0x0802 "unknown" "Data Technology Corp.|SL82C105"
+0x107f 0x0803 "unknown" "Data Technology Corp.|EIDE Bus Master Controller"
+0x107f 0x0806 "unknown" "Data Technology Corp.|EIDE Controller"
+0x107f 0x1138 "unknown" "Data Technology Corp.|High Speed Parallel Port"
+0x107f 0x2015 "unknown" "Data Technology Corp.|EIDE Controller"
+0x1080 0x0600 "unknown" "Contaq Microsystems|82C599"
+0x1080 0xc691 "unknown" "Contaq Microsystems|Cypress CY82C691"
+0x1080 0xc693 "cy82c693" "Contaq Microsystems|82c693"
+0x1081 0x0d47 "unknown" "Supermac Technology|Radius PCI to NuBUS Bridge"
+0x1083 0x0001 "unknown" "Forex Computer Corp.|FR710"
+0x1083 0x0613 "unknown" "Forex Computer Corp.|Host Bridge ??"
+0x1085 0x0001 "unknown" "Tulip Computers Int'l BV|UsbDgn Datalaster Interface for OBD automotive"
+0x1087 0x9200 "unknown" "Cache Computer| "
+0x108a 0x0001 "unknown" "Bit3 Computer Corp.|VME Bridge Model 617"
+0x108a 0x0010 "unknown" "Bit3 Computer Corp.|VME Bridge Model 618"
+0x108a 0x0040 "unknown" "SBS Technologies|dataBLIZZARD"
+0x108a 0x3000 "unknown" "Bit3 Computer Corp.|VME Bridge Model 2706"
+0x108d 0x0001 "unknown" "Olicom|Token-Ring 16/4 PCI Adapter (3136/3137)"
+0x108d 0x0002 "ibmtr" "Olicom|16/4 Token Ring"
+0x108d 0x0004 "ibmtr" "Olicom|RapidFire 3139 Token-Ring 16/4 PCI Adapter"
+0x108d 0x0005 "ibmtr" "Olicom|GoCard 3250 Token-Ring 16/4 CardBus PC Card"
+0x108d 0x0006 "unknown" "Olicom|OC-3530 RapidFire Token-Ring 100"
+0x108d 0x0007 "ibmtr" "Olicom|RapidFire 3141 Token-Ring 16/4 PCI Fiber Adapter"
+0x108d 0x0008 "unknown" "Olicom|RapidFire 3540 HSTR 100/16/4 PCI Adapter"
+0x108d 0x000a "unknown" "Olicom|OC-3150 RapidFire Token-Ring 16/4 PCI Adapter"
+0x108d 0x0011 "unknown" "Olicom|OC-2315"
+0x108d 0x0012 "tlan" "Olicom|OC-2325"
+0x108d 0x0013 "tlan" "Olicom|OC-2183/2185"
+0x108d 0x0014 "tlan" "Olicom|OC-2326"
+0x108d 0x0019 "tlan" "Olicom|OC-2327/2250 10/100 Ethernet Adapter"
+0x108d 0x0021 "unknown" "Olicom|OC-6151/6152 [RapidFire ATM PCI 155]"
+0x108d 0x0022 "unknown" "Olicom|ATM Adapter"
+0x108e 0x0001 "unknown" "Sun Microsystems Computer Corp.|EBUS"
+0x108e 0x1000 "unknown" "Sun Microsystems Computer Corp.|EBUS"
+0x108e 0x1001 "sunhme" "Sun Microsystems Computer Corp.|Happy Meal"
+0x108e 0x1100 "unknown" "Sun Microsystems Computer Corp.|RIO EBUS"
+0x108e 0x1101 "sungem" "Sun Microsystems Computer Corp.|PCIO Happy Meal Ethernet"
+0x108e 0x1102 "ohci1394" "Sun Microsystems Computer Corp.|RIO 1394"
+0x108e 0x1103 "usb-ohci" "Sun Microsystems Computer Corp.|RIO USB"
+0x108e 0x1648 "unknown" "Sun Microsystems Computer Corp.|[bge] Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x108e 0x2bad "sungem" "Sun Microsystems Computer Corp.|GEM"
+0x108e 0x5000 "unknown" "Sun Microsystems Computer Corp.|Simba Advanced PCI Bridge"
+0x108e 0x5043 "unknown" "Sun Microsystems Computer Corp.|SunPCI Co-processor"
+0x108e 0x8000 "unknown" "Sun Microsystems Computer Corp.|PCI Bus Module"
+0x108e 0x8001 "unknown" "Sun Microsystems Computer Corp.|Schizo PCI Bus Module"
+0x108e 0x8002 "unknown" "Sun Microsystems Computer Corp.|Schizo+ PCI Bus Module"
+0x108e 0xa000 "unknown" "Sun Microsystems Computer Corp.|Ultra IIi PCI"
+0x108e 0xa001 "unknown" "Sun Microsystems Computer Corp.|Ultra IIe"
+0x108e 0xa801 "unknown" "Sun Microsystems Computer Corp.|Tomatillo PCI Bus Module"
+0x108e 0xabba "cassini" "Sun Microsystems Computer Corp.|Cassini 10/100/1000"
+0x1091 0x0020 "unknown" "Intergraph Corp.|3D graphics processor"
+0x1091 0x0021 "unknown" "Intergraph Corp.|3D graphics processor w/Texturing"
+0x1091 0x0040 "unknown" "Intergraph Corp.|3D graphics frame buffer"
+0x1091 0x0041 "unknown" "Intergraph Corp.|3D graphics frame buffer"
+0x1091 0x0060 "unknown" "Intergraph Corp.|Proprietary bus bridge"
+0x1091 0x00e4 "unknown" "Intergraph Corp.|Powerstorm 4D50T"
+0x1091 0x0720 "unknown" "Intergraph Corp.|Motion JPEG codec"
+0x1091 0x07a0 "unknown" "Intergraph Corp.|Sun Expert3D-Lite Graphics Accelerator"
+0x1091 0x1091 "unknown" "Intergraph Corp.|Sun Expert3D Graphics Accelerator"
+0x1092 0x00a0 "Card:Diamond SpeedStar Pro SE (CL-GD5430/5434)" "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Speedstar Pro SE"
+0x1092 0x00a8 "Card:Diamond SpeedStar 64" "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Speedstar 64"
+0x1092 0x0550 "Card:Diamond Viper 550" "Diamond Multimedia Systems||Viper 550"
+0x1092 0x08d4 "unknown" "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Supra 2260 Modem"
+0x1092 0x094c "unknown" "Diamond Multimedia Systems|SupraExpress 56i Pro"
+0x1092 0x09c8 "unknown" "Diamond Computer Systems|SUP2760 SupraExpress 56i Pro VCC"
+0x1092 0x1092 "Card:Diamond Viper 330" "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Viper V330"
+0x1092 0x6120 "unknown" "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Maximum DVD"
+0x1092 0x8810 "Card:Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM SE" "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth SE"
+0x1092 0x8811 "Card:Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM SE" "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth 64/SE"
+0x1092 0x8880 "Card:Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM SE" "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth"
+0x1092 0x8881 "Card:Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM SE" "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth"
+0x1092 0x88b0 "Card:Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM SE" "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth 64"
+0x1092 0x88b1 "Card:Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM SE" "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth 64"
+0x1092 0x88c0 "Card:Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM SE" "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth 64"
+0x1092 0x88c1 "Card:Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM SE" "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth 64"
+0x1092 0x88d0 "Card:Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM SE" "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth 64"
+0x1092 0x88d1 "Card:Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM SE" "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth 64"
+0x1092 0x88f0 "Card:Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM SE" "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth 64"
+0x1092 0x88f1 "Card:Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM SE" "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Stealth 64"
+0x1092 0x9876 "unknown" "Diamond Multimedia Systems|Supra Express 56i Pro CW #2"
+0x1092 0x9999 "unknown" "Diamond Multimedia Systems|DMD-I0928-1 Monster sound sound chip"
+0x1093 0x0160 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-DIO-96"
+0x1093 0x0161 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-1200 multifunction data acquisition board"
+0x1093 0x0162 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-MIO-16XE-50"
+0x1093 0x1150 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-DIO-32HS High Speed Digital I/O Board"
+0x1093 0x1170 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-MIO-16XE-10"
+0x1093 0x1180 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-MIO-16E-1"
+0x1093 0x1190 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-MIO-16E-4"
+0x1093 0x11b0 "unknown" "National Instruments| "
+0x1093 0x11c0 "unknown" "National Instruments| "
+0x1093 0x11d0 "unknown" "National Instruments| "
+0x1093 0x11e0 "unknown" "National Instruments| "
+0x1093 0x1270 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-6032E Multifunction Data Acquisition Card"
+0x1093 0x12b0 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-6534 High Speed DIO"
+0x1093 0x1310 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-6602 Data Acquisition Device"
+0x1093 0x1320 "unknown" "National Instruments| "
+0x1093 0x1330 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-6031E"
+0x1093 0x1340 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-6033E Multifunction Data Acquisition Card"
+0x1093 0x1350 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-6071E"
+0x1093 0x1360 "unknown" "National Instruments| "
+0x1093 0x14e0 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-6110"
+0x1093 0x14f0 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-6111"
+0x1093 0x17d0 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-6503"
+0x1093 0x1870 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-6713"
+0x1093 0x1880 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-6711"
+0x1093 0x18b0 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-6052E"
+0x1093 0x2410 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-6733"
+0x1093 0x2890 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-6036E"
+0x1093 0x2a60 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-6023E"
+0x1093 0x2a70 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-6024E Multifunction Data Acquisition Card"
+0x1093 0x2a80 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-6025E Multifunction Data Acquisition Card"
+0x1093 0x2b20 "unknown" "National Instruments| "
+0x1093 0x2c80 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-6035E"
+0x1093 0x2ca0 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-6034E"
+0x1093 0x70b8 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-6251 [M Series - High Speed Multifunction DAQ]"
+0x1093 0xb001 "unknown" "National Instruments|IMAQ-PCI-1408"
+0x1093 0xb011 "unknown" "National Instruments|IMAQ-PXI-1408"
+0x1093 0xb021 "unknown" "National Instruments|IMAQ-PCI-1424"
+0x1093 0xb031 "unknown" "National Instruments|IMAQ-PCI-1413"
+0x1093 0xb041 "unknown" "National Instruments|IMAQ-PCI-1407"
+0x1093 0xb051 "unknown" "National Instruments|IMAQ-PXI-1407"
+0x1093 0xb061 "unknown" "National Instruments|IMAQ-PCI-1411"
+0x1093 0xb071 "unknown" "National Instruments|IMAQ-PCI-1422"
+0x1093 0xb081 "unknown" "National Instruments|IMAQ-PXI-1422"
+0x1093 0xb091 "unknown" "National Instruments|IMAQ-PXI-1411"
+0x1093 0xc801 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-GPIB"
+0x1093 0xc811 "unknown" "National Instruments| "
+0x1093 0xc821 "unknown" "National Instruments| "
+0x1093 0xc831 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-GPIB bridge"
+0x1093 0xc840 "unknown" "National Instruments| "
+0x1093 0xd130 "unknown" "National Instruments|PCI-232/2 2-port RS-232 Serial Interface Board"
+0x1095 0x0240 "sata_sil" "CMD Technology Inc.|Adaptec AAR-1210SA SATA HostRAID Controller"
+0x1095 0x0640 "unknown" "CMD Technology Inc.|PCI0640"
+0x1095 0x0641 "unknown" "CMD Technology Inc.|PCI-0640 EIDE Adapter with RAID 1"
+0x1095 0x0642 "unknown" "CMD Technology Inc.|EIDE Adapter with RAID 1"
+0x1095 0x0643 "cmd64x" "CMD Technology Inc.|PCI0643 (PCI EIDE controller)"
+0x1095 0x0646 "cmd64x" "CMD Technology Inc.|PCI0646 (bus master IDE)"
+0x1095 0x0647 "unknown" "CMD Technology Inc.|PCI0647"
+0x1095 0x0648 "cmd64x" "CMD Technology Inc.|PCI0648 (Ultra DMA PCI-IDE/ATA Chip)"
+0x1095 0x0649 "cmd64x" "CMD Technology Inc.|PCI0649 (Ultra ATA/100 Jost Ctrlr)"
+0x1095 0x0650 "unknown" "CMD Technology Inc.|PBC0650A (Fast SCSI-II Ctrlr)"
+0x1095 0x0670 "usb-ohci" "CMD Technology Inc.|USB0670 (PCI-USB ASIC)"
+0x1095 0x0673 "usb-ohci" "CMD Technology Inc.|USB0673 PCI-USB ASIC"
+0x1095 0x0680 "siimage" "CMD Technology Inc.|PCI-680 UltraATA/133 EIDE Controller"
+0x1095 0x3112 "sata_sil" "Silicon Image Inc.|Sil3112A Serial ATA"
+0x1095 0x3114 "sata_sil" "Silicon Image inc.|Sil3114A Serial ATA"
+0x1095 0x3124 "sata_sil24" "Silicon Image Inc.|SiI 3124 PCI-X Serial ATA Controller"
+0x1095 0x3131 "sata_sil24" "Silicon Image Inc.|Serial ATA Controller"
+0x1095 0x3132 "sata_sil24" "Silicon Image Inc.|SiI 3132 PCI-X Serial ATA Controller"
+0x1095 0x3512 "sata_sil" "Silicon Image Inc.|Sil3512A Serial ATA"
+0x1095 0x3531 "sata_sil24" "Silicon Image Inc.|Serial ATA Controller"
+0x1097 0x0038 "unknown" "Appian Graphics|EIDE Controller"
+0x1097 0x3d32 "unknown" "Appian Graphics|Jeronimo 2000 AGP"
+0x1098 0x0001 "Card:VESA driver (generic)" "Quantum Designs|QD-8500"
+0x1098 0x0002 "Card:VESA driver (generic)" "Quantum Designs|QD-8580"
+0x109e 0x032e "unknown" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt878 Video Capture"
+0x109e 0x0350 "bttv" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt848 TV with DMA push"
+0x109e 0x0351 "bttv" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt849A Video capture"
+0x109e 0x0369 "bttv" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt878 Video Capture"
+0x109e 0x036c "bttv" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt879(??) Video Capture"
+0x109e 0x036e "bttv" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt878"
+0x109e 0x036f "bttv" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt879"
+0x109e 0x0370 "bttv" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt880 Video Capture"
+0x109e 0x0878 0x0070 0x13eb "bt878" "Brooktree Corp.|WinTV Series"
+0x109e 0x0878 0x0070 0xff01 "snd_bt87x" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt878 Audio Capture"
+0x109e 0x0878 0x0071 0x0101 "bt878" "Brooktree Corp.|DigiTV PCI"
+0x109e 0x0878 0x1002 0x0001 "bt878" "Brooktree Corp.|TV-Wonder"
+0x109e 0x0878 0x1002 0x0003 "bt878" "Brooktree Corp.|TV-Wonder/VE"
+0x109e 0x0878 0x11bd 0x0012 "bt878" "Brooktree Corp.|PCTV pro (TV + FM stereo receiver, audio section)"
+0x109e 0x0878 0x11bd 0x001c "bt878" "Brooktree Corp.|PCTV Sat (DBC receiver)"
+0x109e 0x0878 0x127a 0x0001 "bt878" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt878 Video Capture (Audio Section)"
+0x109e 0x0878 0x127a 0x0002 "bt878" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt878 Video Capture (Audio Section)"
+0x109e 0x0878 0x127a 0x0003 "bt878" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt878 Video Capture (Audio Section)"
+0x109e 0x0878 0x127a 0x0048 "bt878" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt878 Video Capture (Audio Section)"
+0x109e 0x0878 0x13e9 0x0070 "bt878" "Brooktree Corp.|Win/TV (Audio Section)"
+0x109e 0x0878 0x144f 0x3000 "bt878" "Brooktree Corp.|MagicTView CPH060 - Audio"
+0x109e 0x0878 0x1461 0x0002 "bt878" "Brooktree Corp.|Avermedia PCTV98 Audio Capture"
+0x109e 0x0878 0x1461 0x0004 "bt878" "Brooktree Corp.|AVerTV WDM Audio Capture"
+0x109e 0x0878 0x1461 0x0761 "bt878" "Brooktree Corp.|AVerTV DVB-T"
+0x109e 0x0878 0x14f1 0x0001 "bt878" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt878 Video Capture (Audio Section)"
+0x109e 0x0878 0x14f1 0x0002 "bt878" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt878 Video Capture (Audio Section)"
+0x109e 0x0878 0x14f1 0x0003 "bt878" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt878 Video Capture (Audio Section)"
+0x109e 0x0878 0x14f1 0x0048 "bt878" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt878 Video Capture (Audio Section)"
+0x109e 0x0878 0x1822 0x0001 "bt878" "Brooktree Corp.|VisionPlus DVB Card"
+0x109e 0x0878 0x18ac 0xd500 "bt878" "Brooktree Corp.|DViCO FusionHDTV5 Lite"
+0x109e 0x0878 0x270f 0xfc00 "bt878" "Brooktree Corp.|Digitop DTT-1000"
+0x109e 0x0878 0xbd11 0x1200 "snd_bt87x" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt878 Audio Capture"
+0x109e 0x0878 "bt878" "Brooktree Corp.|Pinnacle PCTV Sat DVB PCI (based on the Bt878 PCI bridge)"
+0x109e 0x0879 0x0070 0x13eb "snd-bt87x" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt879 Video Capture (Audio Section)"
+0x109e 0x0879 "btaudio" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt879 Video Capture (Audio Section)"
+0x109e 0x0880 "btaudio" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt880 Video Capture (Audio Section)"
+0x109e 0x2115 "unknown" "Brooktree Corp.|BtV 2115 Mediastream controller"
+0x109e 0x2125 "unknown" "Brooktree Corp.|BtV 2125 Mediastream controller"
+0x109e 0x2164 "unknown" "Brooktree Corp.|BtV 2164"
+0x109e 0x2165 "unknown" "Brooktree Corp.|BtV 2165"
+0x109e 0x8230 "unknown" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt8230 ATM Segment/Reassembly Ctrlr (SRC)"
+0x109e 0x8472 "unknown" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt8472"
+0x109e 0x8474 "unknown" "Brooktree Corp.|Bt8474"
+0x10a4 0x0000 "unknown" "Globe Manufacturing Sales| "
+0x10a5 0x3052 "slamr" "Smart Link Ltd.|SmartPCI562 56K Modem"
+0x10a5 0x5449 "unknown" "Smart Link Ltd.|SmartPCI561 modem"
+0x10a5 0x5459 "slamr" "Smart Link Ltd.|modem"
+0x10a8 0x0000 "Card:STB Horizon" "Sierra Semiconductor|STB Horizon 64"
+0x10a9 0x0001 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|Crosstalk to PCI Bridge"
+0x10a9 0x0002 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|Linc I/O controller"
+0x10a9 0x0003 "8250_pci" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|IOC3"
+0x10a9 0x0004 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|O2 MACE"
+0x10a9 0x0005 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|RAD Audio"
+0x10a9 0x0006 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|HPCEX"
+0x10a9 0x0007 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|RPCEX"
+0x10a9 0x0008 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|DiVO VIP"
+0x10a9 0x0009 "acenic" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|Alteon Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x10a9 0x0010 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|AMP Video I/O"
+0x10a9 0x0011 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|GRIP"
+0x10a9 0x0012 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|SGH PSHAC GSN"
+0x10a9 0x1001 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|Magic Carpet"
+0x10a9 0x1002 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|Lithium"
+0x10a9 0x1003 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|Dual JPEG 1"
+0x10a9 0x1004 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|Dual JPEG 2"
+0x10a9 0x1005 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|Dual JPEG 3"
+0x10a9 0x1006 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|Dual JPEG 4"
+0x10a9 0x1007 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|Dual JPEG 5"
+0x10a9 0x1008 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|Cesium"
+0x10a9 0x100a "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|IOC4 I/O controller"
+0x10a9 0x2001 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|Fibre Channel"
+0x10a9 0x2002 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|ASDE"
+0x10a9 0x4001 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|TIO-CE PCI Express Bridge"
+0x10a9 0x4002 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|TIO-CE PCI Express Port"
+0x10a9 0x8001 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|O2 1394"
+0x10a9 0x8002 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|G-net NT"
+0x10a9 0x8010 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|Broadcom e-net [SGI IO9/IO10 BaseIO]"
+0x10a9 0x8018 "unknown" "Silicon Graphics Inc.|Broadcom e-net [SGI A330 Server BaseIO]"
+0x10aa 0x0000 "unknown" "ACC Microelectronics|ACCM 2188"
+0x10aa 0x2051 "unknown" "ACC Microelectronics|Laptop Chipset CPU Bridge"
+0x10aa 0x5842 "unknown" "ACC Microelectronics|Laptop Chipset ISA Bridge"
+0x10ab 0x0001 "unknown" "Winbond Electronics Corp.|W83769F"
+0x10ab 0x0105 "unknown" "Winbond Electronics Corp.|SL82C105"
+0x10ab 0x0565 "unknown" "Winbond Electronics Corp.|W83C553"
+0x10ad 0x0001 "unknown" "Symphony Labs|W83769F"
+0x10ad 0x0003 "unknown" "Symphony Labs|SL82C103"
+0x10ad 0x0005 "unknown" "Symphony Labs|SL82C105"
+0x10ad 0x0103 "unknown" "Symphony Labs|SL82c103"
+0x10ad 0x0105 "unknown" "Symphony Labs|SL82c105"
+0x10ad 0x0150 "unknown" "Symphony Labs|EIDE Controller"
+0x10ad 0x0565 "unknown" "Symphony Labs|W83C553"
+0x10ae 0x0002 "unknown" "Cornerstone Technology|Graphics Controller"
+0x10af 0x0001 "unknown" "Microcomputer Systems|IDE"
+0x10b3 0x3106 "unknown" "Databook Inc.|DB87144"
+0x10b3 0xb106 "yenta_socket" "Databook Inc.|DB87144"
+0x10b4 0x1b1d "Card:STB Systems Velocity 3D" "STB Systems Inc.|Velocity 128 3D"
+0x10b4 0x2636 "bttv" "STB|???"
+0x10b5 0x0001 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|i960 PCI bus interface"
+0x10b5 0x0324 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.| "
+0x10b5 0x0480 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|IOP 480 Integrated PowerPC I/O Processor"
+0x10b5 0x0960 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|PCI 9080RDK-960 PCI Reference Design Kit for PCI 9080"
+0x10b5 0x1030 "ISDN:hisax,type=34" "PLX Technology Inc.|Gazel ISDN Adapter"
+0x10b5 0x1054 "ISDN:hisax,type=34" "PLX Technology Inc.|Gazel ISDN Adapter"
+0x10b5 0x106a 0x10b5 0x106a "8250_pci" ""
+0x10b5 0x1076 "8250_pci" "PLX Technology Inc.|VScom 800 8 port serial adaptor"
+0x10b5 0x1077 "8250_pci" "PLX Technology Inc.|VScom 400 4 port serial adaptor"
+0x10b5 0x1078 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|PCI 9050 Vision Systems VScom PCI-210"
+0x10b5 0x1103 "8250_pci" "PLX Technology Inc.|SPcom 200"
+0x10b5 0x1146 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|PCI 9050 Vision Systems VScom PCI-010S"
+0x10b5 0x1147 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|PCI 9050 Vision Systems VScom PCI-020S"
+0x10b5 0x1151 "ISDN:hisax,type=34" "PLX Technology Inc.|Gazel ISDN Adapter"
+0x10b5 0x1152 "ISDN:hisax,type=34" "PLX Technology Inc.|Gazel ISDN Adapter"
+0x10b5 0x1187 "ISDN:hisax,type=34" "PLX Technology Inc.|Olitec ISDN Adapter"
+0x10b5 0x2021 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|PCI9080 used in Daktronics VMax Quad Tansmitter Card"
+0x10b5 0x2028 "isicom" "PLX Technology Inc.|Multiport Serial Card"
+0x10b5 0x2051 "isicom" "PLX Technology Inc.|Multiport Serial Card"
+0x10b5 0x2052 "isicom" "PLX Technology Inc.|Multiport Serial Card"
+0x10b5 0x2053 "isicom" "PLX Technology Inc.|Multiport Serial Card"
+0x10b5 0x2054 "isicom" "PLX Technology Inc.|Multiport Serial Card"
+0x10b5 0x2055 "isicom" "PLX Technology Inc.|Multiport Serial Card"
+0x10b5 0x2056 "isicom" "PLX Technology Inc.|Multiport Serial Card"
+0x10b5 0x2057 "isicom" "PLX Technology Inc.|Multiport Serial Card"
+0x10b5 0x2058 "isicom" "PLX Technology Inc.|Multiport Serial Card"
+0x10b5 0x2288 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|Chrislin Industries Memory"
+0x10b5 0x2724 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|Thales PCSM Security Card"
+0x10b5 0x2bd0 "ISDN:hisax,type=34" "PLX Technology Inc.|Gazel ISDN Adapter"
+0x10b5 0x3001 "tor2" "PLX Technology Inc.|"
+0x10b5 0x6540 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|PCI6540/6466 PCI-PCI bridge (transparent mode)"
+0x10b5 0x6541 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|PCI6540/6466 PCI-PCI bridge (non-transparent mode, primary side)"
+0x10b5 0x6542 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|PCI6540/6466 PCI-PCI bridge (non-transparent mode, secondary side)"
+0x10b5 0x8516 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|PEX 8516 Versatile PCI Express Switch"
+0x10b5 0x8532 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|PEX 8532 Versatile PCI Express Switch"
+0x10b5 0x9030 "snd-vx222" "PLX Technology Inc.|VX222"
+0x10b5 0x9036 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|9036"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x10b5 0x1067 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|IXXAT CAN i165"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x10b5 0x1172 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|IK220 (Heidenhain)"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x10b5 0x2036 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|SatPak GPS"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x10b5 0x2221 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|Alpermann+Velte PCL PCI LV: Timecode Reader Board"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x10b5 0x2273 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|SH-ARC SoHard ARCnet card"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x10b5 0x2431 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|Alpermann+Velte PCL PCI D: Timecode Reader Board"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x10b5 0x2905 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|Alpermann+Velte PCI TS: Time Synchronisation Board"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x10b5 0x9050 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|MP9050"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x11a9 0x5334 "8250_pci" "PLX Technology Inc.|PCI Serial ports"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x124d 0xf001 "8250_pci" "PLX Technology Inc.|PCI Serial ports"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x124d 0xf010 "8250_pci" "PLX Technology Inc.|PCI Serial ports"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x12e0 0x0011 "8250_pci" "PLX Technology Inc.|PCI Serial ports"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x12e0 0x0021 "8250_pci" "PLX Technology Inc.|PCI Serial ports"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x12e0 0x0031 "8250_pci" "PLX Technology Inc.|PCI Serial ports"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x12e0 0x0041 "8250_pci" "PLX Technology Inc.|PCI Serial ports"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x1498 0x0362 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|TPMC866 8 Channel Serial Card"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x1522 0x0001 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|RockForce 4 Port V.90 Data/Fax/Voice Modem"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x1522 0x0002 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|RockForce 2 Port V.90 Data/Fax/Voice Modem"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x1522 0x0003 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|RockForce 6 Port V.90 Data/Fax/Voice Modem"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x1522 0x0004 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|RockForce 8 Port V.90 Data/Fax/Voice Modem"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x1522 0x0010 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|RockForce2000 4 Port V.90 Data/Fax/Voice Modem"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x1522 0x0020 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|RockForce2000 2 Port V.90 Data/Fax/Voice Modem"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x15ed 0x1000 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|Macrolink MCCS 8-port Serial"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x15ed 0x1001 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|Macrolink MCCS 16-port Serial"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x15ed 0x1002 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|Macrolink MCCS 8-port Serial Hot Swap"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x15ed 0x1003 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|Macrolink MCCS 16-port Serial Hot Swap"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x5654 0x2036 "vpbhp" "VoiceTronix Pty|OpenSwitch 6 Telephony card"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x5654 0x3132 "vpbhp" "VoiceTronix Pty|OpenSwitch 12 Telephony card"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x5654 0x5634 "vpbhp" "VoiceTronix Pty|OpenLine4 Telephony card"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0x8246 0xffff "tahoe9xx" ""
+0x10b5 0x9050 0xd531 0xc002 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|PCIntelliCAN 2xSJA1000 CAN bus"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0xd84d 0x4006 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|EX-4006 1P"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0xd84d 0x4008 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|EX-4008 1P EPP/ECP"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0xd84d 0x4014 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|EX-4014 2P"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0xd84d 0x4018 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|EX-4018 3P EPP/ECP"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0xd84d 0x4025 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|EX-4025 1S(16C550) RS-232"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0xd84d 0x4027 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|EX-4027 1S(16C650) RS-232"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0xd84d 0x4028 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|EX-4028 1S(16C850) RS-232"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0xd84d 0x4036 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|EX-4036 2S(16C650) RS-232"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0xd84d 0x4037 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|EX-4037 2S(16C650) RS-232"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0xd84d 0x4038 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|EX-4038 2S(16C850) RS-232"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0xd84d 0x4052 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|EX-4052 1S(16C550) RS-422/485"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0xd84d 0x4053 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|EX-4053 2S(16C550) RS-422/485"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0xd84d 0x4055 "8250_pci" "PLX Technology Inc.|EX-4055 4S(16C550) RS-232"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0xd84d 0x4058 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|EX-4055 4S(16C650) RS-232"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0xd84d 0x4065 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|EX-4065 8S(16C550) RS-232"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0xd84d 0x4068 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|EX-4068 8S(16C650) RS-232"
+0x10b5 0x9050 0xd84d 0x4078 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|EX-4078 2S(16C552) RS-232+1P"
+0x10b5 0x9050 "snd-vx222" "PLX Technology Inc.|VX222"
+0x10b5 0x9051 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|PCI9051 Target PCI interface Chip"
+0x10b5 0x9052 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|PCI 9052 PCI 9052 Target PCI Interface Chip"
+0x10b5 0x9054 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|PCI 9054 PCI I/O Accelerator"
+0x10b5 0x9056 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|Francois"
+0x10b5 0x9060 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|9060"
+0x10b5 0x906d "snd-korg1212" "PLX Technology Inc.|Korg 1212 IO"
+0x10b5 0x906e "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|9060ES"
+0x10b5 0x9080 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|9080"
+0x10b5 0x9656 0x1369 0xb001 "snd-pcxhr" "Digigram|VX882HR"
+0x10b5 0x9656 0x1369 0xb101 "snd-pcxhr" "Digigram|PCX882HR"
+0x10b5 0x9656 0x1369 0xb201 "snd-pcxhr" "Digigram|VX881HR"
+0x10b5 0x9656 0x1369 0xb301 "snd-pcxhr" "Digigram|PCX881HR"
+0x10b5 0x9656 0x1369 0xb401 "snd-pcxhr" "Digigram|VX1222HR"
+0x10b5 0x9656 0x1369 0xb501 "snd-pcxhr" "Digigram|PCX1222HR"
+0x10b5 0x9656 0x1369 0xb601 "snd-pcxhr" "Digigram|VX1221HR"
+0x10b5 0x9656 0x1369 0xb701 "snd-pcxhr" "Digigram|PCX1221HR"
+0x10b5 0x9656 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|"
+0x10b5 0xa001 "8250_pci" "PLX Technology Inc.|Gtek Serial"
+0x10b5 0xbb04 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|B&B 3PCIOSD1A Isolated PCI Serial"
+0x10b5 0xc001 "unknown" "PLX Technology Inc.|GTEK Cyclone 16/32 port serial adaptor"
+0x10b5 0xd00d "tor2" "PLX Technology Inc.|"
+0x10b6 0x0001 "unknown" "Madge Networks|Smart 16/4 PCI Ringnode"
+0x10b6 0x0002 "abyss" "Madge Networks|Smart 16/4 PCI Ringnode Mk2"
+0x10b6 0x0003 "unknown" "Madge Networks|Smart 16/4 PCI Ringnode Mk3"
+0x10b6 0x0004 "unknown" "Madge Networks|Smart 16/4 PCI Ringnode Mk1"
+0x10b6 0x0006 "yenta_socket" "Madge Networks|16/4 Cardbus Adapter"
+0x10b6 0x0007 "unknown" "Madge Networks|Presto PCI Adapter"
+0x10b6 0x0009 "unknown" "Madge Networks|Smart 100/16/4 PCI-HS Ringnode"
+0x10b6 0x000a "unknown" "Madge Networks|Smart 100/16/4 PCI Ringnode"
+0x10b6 0x000b "yenta_socket" "Madge Networks|16/4 CardBus Adapter Mk2"
+0x10b6 0x000c "unknown" "Madge Networks|RapidFire 3140V2 16/4 TR Adapter"
+0x10b6 0x0020 "unknown" "Madge Networks|Unknown?"
+0x10b6 0x0022 "unknown" "Madge Networks|Unknown?"
+0x10b6 0x1000 "horizon" "Madge Networks|Collage 25 ATM Adapter"
+0x10b6 0x1001 "ambassador" "Madge Networks|Collage 155 ATM Server Adapter"
+0x10b6 0x1002 "ambassador" "Madge Networks|Ambassador ATM Adapter"
+0x10b7 0x0001 "acenic" "3Com Corp.|3c985 1000BaseSX"
+0x10b7 0x0013 "ath_pci" "3Com Corp.|AR5212 802.11abg NIC (3CRDAG675)"
+0x10b7 0x0910 "unknown" "3Com Corp.|3C910-A01"
+0x10b7 0x1000 "unknown" "3Com Corp.|3C905CX-TXNM 3COM 3C905CX-TXNM with 40-0664-003 ASIC"
+0x10b7 0x1006 "unknown" "3Com Corp.|MINI PCI type 3B Data Fax Modem"
+0x10b7 0x1007 "unknown" "3Com Corp.|3C556 V.90 Mini-PCI Modem"
+0x10b7 0x1201 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c982-TXM 10/100baseTX Dual Port A [Hydra]"
+0x10b7 0x1202 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c982-TXM 10/100baseTX Dual Port B [Hydra]"
+0x10b7 0x1700 "sk98lin" "3Com Corp.|3C940 10/100/1000 LAN"
+0x10b7 0x1f1f "unknown" "3Com Corp.|3CRWE777A AirConnect Wireless LAN PCI Card"
+0x10b7 0x3390 "tmspci" "3Com Corp.|Token Link Velocity"
+0x10b7 0x3590 "3c359" "3Com Corp.|3c359 TokenLink Velocity XL"
+0x10b7 0x4500 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c450 Cyclone/unknown"
+0x10b7 0x5055 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c555 [Megahertz] 10/100 LAN CardBus"
+0x10b7 0x5057 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c575 [Megahertz] 10/100 LAN CardBus"
+0x10b7 0x5157 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c575 [Megahertz] 10/100 LAN CardBus"
+0x10b7 0x5257 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c575 Fast EtherLink XL"
+0x10b7 0x5900 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c590 10BaseT [Vortex]"
+0x10b7 0x5920 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c592 EISA 10mbps Demon/Vortex"
+0x10b7 0x5950 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c595 100BaseTX [Vortex]"
+0x10b7 0x5951 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c595 100BaseT4 [Vortex]"
+0x10b7 0x5952 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c595 100Base-MII [Vortex]"
+0x10b7 0x5970 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c597 EISA Fast Demon/Vortex"
+0x10b7 0x5b57 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3C595 Megahertz 10/100 LAN CardBus"
+0x10b7 0x6000 "adm8211" "3Com Corp.|3CRSHPW796 [OfficeConnect Wireless CardBus]"
+0x10b7 0x6001 "prism54" "3Com Corp.|3cRWE154G72 Wireless LAN adapter"
+0x10b7 0x6055 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c556 10/100 Mini-PCI Adapter [Cyclone]"
+0x10b7 0x6056 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3C556 10/100 Mini PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter"
+0x10b7 0x6550 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c575 [Megahertz] 10/100 LAN CardBus"
+0x10b7 0x6560 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c575 [Megahertz] 10/100 LAN CardBus"
+0x10b7 0x6561 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|FEM656 10/100 LAN+56K Modem CardBus PC Card"
+0x10b7 0x6562 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3CCFEM656 Cyclone CardBus"
+0x10b7 0x6563 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|FEM656B 10/100 LAN+56K Modem CardBus PC Card"
+0x10b7 0x6564 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3CCFEM656 Cyclone CardBus"
+0x10b7 0x6565 "unknown" "3Com Corp.|3CCFEM656C Global 10/100 Fast Ethernet+56K Modem"
+0x10b7 0x7646 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3cSOHO100-TX [Hurricane]"
+0x10b7 0x7770 "orinoco_plx" "3Com Corp.|802.11b Wireless Ethernet Adapter"
+0x10b7 0x7940 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c803 FDDILink DAS Controller"
+0x10b7 0x7980 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c803 FDDILink UTP Controller"
+0x10b7 0x7990 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c804 FDDILink SAS Controller"
+0x10b7 0x80eb "sk98lin" "3Com Corp.|3c940B 10/100/1000Base-T"
+0x10b7 0x8811 "unknown" "3Com Corp.|Token ring"
+0x10b7 0x9000 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c900 10BaseT [Boomerang]"
+0x10b7 0x9001 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c900 Combo [Boomerang]"
+0x10b7 0x9004 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c900B-TPO [Etherlink XL TPO]"
+0x10b7 0x9005 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c900B-Combo [Etherlink XL Combo]"
+0x10b7 0x9006 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c900B-TPC [Etherlink XL TPC]"
+0x10b7 0x900a "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c900B-FL [Etherlink XL FL]"
+0x10b7 0x9050 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c905 100BaseTX [Boomerang]"
+0x10b7 0x9051 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c905 100BaseT4 [Boomerang]"
+0x10b7 0x9055 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c905B 100BaseTX [Cyclone]"
+0x10b7 0x9056 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c905B-T4 [Fast EtherLink XL 10/100]"
+0x10b7 0x9058 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c905B-Combo [Deluxe Etherlink XL 10/100]"
+0x10b7 0x905a "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c905B-FX [Fast Etherlink XL FX 10/100]"
+0x10b7 0x9200 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c905C-TX [Fast Etherlink]"
+0x10b7 0x9201 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c920 Tornado"
+0x10b7 0x9202 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3Com 3C920B-EMB-WNM Integrated Fast Ethernet Controller"
+0x10b7 0x9210 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3C920B-EMB-WNM Integrated Fast Ethernet Controller"
+0x10b7 0x9300 "tulip" "3Com Corp.|3CSOHO100B-TX [910-A01]"
+0x10b7 0x9800 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c980-TX [Fast Etherlink XL Server Adapter]"
+0x10b7 0x9805 "3c59x" "3Com Corp.|3c980-TX [Fast Etherlink XL Server Adapter]"
+0x10b7 0x9900 "typhoon" "3Com Corp.|3C990-TX Typhoon"
+0x10b7 0x9902 "typhoon" "3Com Corp.|3CR990-TX-95 EtherLink 10/100 PCI with 3XP Processor"
+0x10b7 0x9903 "typhoon" "3Com Corp.|3CR990-TX-97 EtherLink 10/100 PCI with 3XP Processor"
+0x10b7 0x9904 "typhoon" "3Com Corp.|3CR990-TX-M EtherLink 10/100 PCI with 3XP Processor"
+0x10b7 0x9905 "typhoon" "3Com Corp.|3CR990-FX-95/97/95 [Typhon Fiber]"
+0x10b7 0x9908 "typhoon" "3Com Corp.|3CR990SVR95 EtherLink 10/100 Server PCI with 3XP"
+0x10b7 0x9909 "typhoon" "3Com Corp.|3CR990SVR97 EtherLink 10/100 Server PCI with 3XP"
+0x10b7 0x990a "typhoon" "3Com Corp.|3C990BSVR EtherLink 10/100 Server PCI with 3XP"
+0x10b7 0x990b "typhoon" "3Com Corp.|3C990SVR [Typhoon Server]"
+0x10b8 0x0005 "epic100" "Standard Microsystems Corp [SMC]|83C170QF"
+0x10b8 0x0006 "epic100" "Standard Microsystems Corp [SMC]|LANEPIC"
+0x10b8 0x1000 "unknown" "Standard Microsystems Corp [SMC]|FDC 37c665"
+0x10b8 0x1001 "unknown" "Standard Microsystems Corp [SMC]|FDC 37C922"
+0x10b8 0x2802 "unknown" "Standard Microsystems Corp [SMC]|SMC2802W [EZ Connect g]"
+0x10b8 0xa011 "unknown" "Standard Microsystems Corp [SMC]|83C170QF"
+0x10b8 0xb106 "unknown" "Standard Microsystems Corp [SMC]|SMC34C90"
+0x10b9 0x0000 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|MDV92XP NetoDragon PCI Soft Modem V92 NetoDragon"
+0x10b9 0x0101 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|CMI8338/C3DX PCI Audio Device"
+0x10b9 0x0111 "snd-cmipci" "Acer Labs Inc.|C-Media CMI8738/C3DX Audio Device (OEM)"
+0x10b9 0x05ff "alim1535d_wdt" "Acer Labs Inc.|"
+0x10b9 0x0780 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|Multi-IO Card"
+0x10b9 0x0782 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|Multi-IO Card"
+0x10b9 0x1435 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1435"
+0x10b9 0x1445 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1445"
+0x10b9 0x1449 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1449"
+0x10b9 0x1451 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1451"
+0x10b9 0x1461 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1461"
+0x10b9 0x1489 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1489"
+0x10b9 0x1511 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1511 [Aladdin]"
+0x10b9 0x1512 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1512 [Aladdin]"
+0x10b9 0x1513 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1513 [Aladdin]"
+0x10b9 0x1521 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1521 [Aladdin III]"
+0x10b9 0x1523 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1523"
+0x10b9 0x1531 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1531 [Aladdin IV]"
+0x10b9 0x1533 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1533 PCI to ISA Bridge [Aladdin IV]"
+0x10b9 0x1535 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1535x ISA Bridge"
+0x10b9 0x1541 "ali-agp" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1541"
+0x10b9 0x1543 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1543"
+0x10b9 0x1561 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1561 North Bridge"
+0x10b9 0x1563 "i2c-ali1563" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1563 HyperTransport South Bridge"
+0x10b9 0x1573 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|PCI to LPC Controller"
+0x10b9 0x1621 "ali-agp" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1621"
+0x10b9 0x1631 "ali-agp" "Acer Labs Inc.|ALI M1631 PCI North Bridge Aladdin Pro III"
+0x10b9 0x1632 "ali-agp" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1632 North Bridge"
+0x10b9 0x1641 "ali-agp" "Acer Labs Inc.|ALI M1641 PCI North Bridge Aladdin Pro IV"
+0x10b9 0x1644 "ali-agp" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1644 AGP System Controller"
+0x10b9 0x1646 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1646 AGP System Controller"
+0x10b9 0x1647 "ali-agp" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1647 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x10b9 0x1651 "ali-agp" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1651 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x10b9 0x1661 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1661 AGP System Controller"
+0x10b9 0x1667 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1667 AGP System Controller"
+0x10b9 0x1671 "ali-agp" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1671 Northbridge [Aladdin-P4]"
+0x10b9 0x1672 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1672 Northbridge [CyberALADDiN-P4]"
+0x10b9 0x1681 "ali-agp" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1681 P4 Northbridge [AGP8X,HyperTransport and SDR/DDR]"
+0x10b9 0x1687 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1687 K8 Northbridge [AGP8X and HyperTransport]"
+0x10b9 0x1689 "amd64-agp" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1689 K8 Northbridge [Super K8 Single Chip]"
+0x10b9 0x1695 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M1695 K8 Northbridge [PCI Express and HyperTransport]"
+0x10b9 0x3141 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M3141"
+0x10b9 0x3143 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M3143"
+0x10b9 0x3145 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M3145"
+0x10b9 0x3147 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M3147"
+0x10b9 0x3149 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M3149"
+0x10b9 0x3151 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M3151"
+0x10b9 0x3307 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M3307"
+0x10b9 0x3309 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M3309"
+0x10b9 0x3323 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M3325 Video/Audio Decoder"
+0x10b9 0x5212 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M4803"
+0x10b9 0x5215 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|MS4803"
+0x10b9 0x5217 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M5217H"
+0x10b9 0x5219 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M5219"
+0x10b9 0x5225 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M5225"
+0x10b9 0x5228 "alim15x3" "Acer Labs Inc.|M5228 ALi ATA/RAID Controller"
+0x10b9 0x5229 "alim15x3" "Acer Labs Inc.|M5229 IDE"
+0x10b9 0x5235 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M5225"
+0x10b9 0x5237 "usb-ohci" "Acer Labs Inc.|M5237 (USB)"
+0x10b9 0x5239 "ehci-hcd" "Acer Labs Inc.|USB 2.0 Controller"
+0x10b9 0x5240 "unknown" "Acer Labs Incorporated (ALI)|EIDE Controller"
+0x10b9 0x5241 "unknown" "Acer Labs Incorporated (ALI)|PCMCIA Bridge"
+0x10b9 0x5242 "unknown" "Acer Labs Incorporated (ALI)|General Purpose Controller"
+0x10b9 0x5243 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M5243"
+0x10b9 0x5244 "unknown" "Acer Labs Incorporated (ALI)|Floppy Disk Controller"
+0x10b9 0x5246 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|AGP8X Controller"
+0x10b9 0x5247 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M5247"
+0x10b9 0x5249 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M5249 HTT to PCI Bridge"
+0x10b9 0x5251 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M5251 P1394 OHCI 1.0 Controller"
+0x10b9 0x5253 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M5253 P1394 OHCI 1.1 Controller"
+0x10b9 0x5255 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M5455 PCI AC-Link Controller Audio Device"
+0x10b9 0x5261 "tulip" "Acer Labs Inc.|M5261 Ethernet Controller"
+0x10b9 0x5263 "tulip" "Acer Labs Inc.|M5263 Ethernet Controller"
+0x10b9 0x5271 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M5471 Memory Stick Controller"
+0x10b9 0x5273 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M5473 SD-MMC Controller"
+0x10b9 0x5281 "sata_uli" "Acer Labs Inc.|ALi M5281 Serial ATA / RAID Host Controller"
+0x10b9 0x5287 "sata_uli" "Acer Labs Inc.|ALi M5287 Serial ATA / RAID Host Controller"
+0x10b9 0x5288 "ahci" "Acer Labs Inc.|ALi M5288 Serial ATA / RAID Host Controller"
+0x10b9 0x5289 "sata_uli" "Acer Labs Inc.|ALi M5289 Serial ATA / RAID Host Controller"
+0x10b9 0x5427 "unknown" "Acer Labs (see also vendor 1025h)|ALI PCI to AGP Bridge"
+0x10b9 0x5450 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|Agere Systems AC97 Modem"
+0x10b9 0x5451 "snd-ali5451" "Acer Labs Inc.|M5451 PCI South Bridge Audio"
+0x10b9 0x5453 "trident" "Acer Labs Inc.|M5453 PCI AC-Link Controller Modem Device"
+0x10b9 0x5455 "snd-intel8x0" "Acer Labs Inc.|M5455 PCI AC-Link Controller Audio Device"
+0x10b9 0x5457 "slamr" "Acer Labs Inc.|M5457 AC-Link Modem Interface Controller"
+0x10b9 0x5459 "slamr" "Acer Labs Inc.|SmartPCI561 56K Modem"
+0x10b9 0x545a "slamr" "Acer Labs Inc.|SmartLink SmartPCI563 56K Modem"
+0x10b9 0x5461 "snd-hda-intel" "Acer Labs Inc.|High Definition Audio/AC'97 Host Controller"
+0x10b9 0x5471 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M5471 Memory Stick Controller"
+0x10b9 0x5473 "unknown" "Acer Labs Inc.|M5473 SD-MMC Controller"
+0x10b9 0x7101 "i2c-ali1535" "Acer Labs Inc.|M7101 PMU"
+0x10ba 0x0301 "unknown" "Mitsubishi Electric Corp.|AccelGraphics AccelECLIPSE"
+0x10ba 0x0304 "unknown" "Mitsubishi Electric Corp.|GUI Accelerator"
+0x10ba 0x0308 "unknown" "Mitsubishi Electric Corp.|Tornado 3000 [OEM Evans & Sutherland]"
+0x10ba 0x1002 "unknown" "Mitsubishi Electric Corp.|VG500 [VolumePro Volume Rendering Accelerator]"
+0x10bd 0x0e34 "ne2k-pci" "Surecom Technology|NE-34PCI LAN"
+0x10bd 0x5240 "unknown" "Surecom Technology|EIDE Controller"
+0x10bd 0x5241 "unknown" "Surecom Technology|PCMCIA Bridge"
+0x10bd 0x5242 "unknown" "Surecom Technology|General Purpose Controller"
+0x10bd 0x5243 "unknown" "Surecom Technology|Bus Controller"
+0x10bd 0x5244 "unknown" "Surecom Technology|Floppy Disk Controller"
+0x10c3 0x1100 "eepro100" "Samsung Semiconductors Inc.|Smartether100 SC1100 LAN Adapter (i82557B)"
+0x10c3 0x8920 "unknown" "Samsung Semiconductors Inc.| "
+0x10c3 0x8925 "unknown" "Samsung Semiconductors Inc.| "
+0x10c4 0x8363 "unknown" "Award Software Int'l Inc.| "
+0x10c8 0x0000 "unknown" "Neomagic Corp.|Graphics Controller"
+0x10c8 0x0001 "Card:NeoMagic MagicGraph (laptop/notebook)" "Neomagic Corp.|NM2070 [MagicGraph NM2070]"
+0x10c8 0x0002 "Card:NeoMagic MagicGraph (laptop/notebook)" "Neomagic Corp.|NM2090 [MagicGraph 128V]"
+0x10c8 0x0003 "Card:NeoMagic MagicGraph (laptop/notebook)" "Neomagic Corp.|NM2093 [MagicGraph 128ZV]"
+0x10c8 0x0004 "Card:NeoMagic 128XD" "Neomagic Corp.|NM2160 [MagicGraph 128XD]"
+0x10c8 0x0005 "Card:NeoMagic MagicGraph (laptop/notebook)" "Neomagic Corp.|[MagicGraph 256AV]"
+0x10c8 0x0006 "Card:NeoMagic MagicMedia (laptop/notebook)" "Neomagic Corp.|NM2360 [MagicMedia 256ZX]"
+0x10c8 0x0016 "Card:NeoMagic MagicMedia 256XL+" "Neomagic Corp.|[MagicMedia 256XL+]"
+0x10c8 0x0025 "Card:NeoMagic MagicMedia (laptop/notebook)" "Neomagic Corp.|[MagicMedia 256AV+]"
+0x10c8 0x0083 "Card:NeoMagic MagicGraph (laptop/notebook)" "Neomagic Corp.|[MagicGraph 128ZV Plus]"
+0x10c8 0x008f "ad1848" "NeoMagic Corp.|MagicMedia 256AV Audio Device on Colorado Inspiron"
+0x10c8 0x1028 "ad1848" "NeoMagic Corp.|MagicMedia 256AV Audio Device on Colorado Inspiron"
+0x10c8 0x8005 0x0e11 0xb0d1 "nm256_audio" "Neomagic Corp.|MagicMedia 256AV Audio Device on Discovery"
+0x10c8 0x8005 0x0e11 0xb126 "nm256_audio" "Neomagic Corp.|MagicMedia 256AV Audio Device on Durango"
+0x10c8 0x8005 0x1014 0x00dd "nm256_audio" "Neomagic Corp.|MagicMedia 256AV Audio Device on BlackTip Thinkpad"
+0x10c8 0x8005 0x1025 0x1003 "nm256_audio" "Neomagic Corp.|MagicMedia 256AV Audio Device on TravelMate 720"
+0x10c8 0x8005 0x1028 0x0088 "nm256_audio" "Neomagic Corp.|Latitude CPi A"
+0x10c8 0x8005 0x1028 0x008f "ad1848" "Dell|MagicMedia 256AV Audio Device on Colorado Inspiron"
+0x10c8 0x8005 0x103c 0x0007 "nm256_audio" "Neomagic Corp.|MagicMedia 256AV Audio Device on Voyager II"
+0x10c8 0x8005 0x103c 0x0008 "nm256_audio" "Neomagic Corp.|MagicMedia 256AV Audio Device on Voyager III"
+0x10c8 0x8005 0x103c 0x000d "nm256_audio" "Neomagic Corp.|MagicMedia 256AV Audio Device on Omnibook 900"
+0x10c8 0x8005 0x10c8 0x8005 "nm256_audio" "Neomagic Corp.|MagicMedia 256AV Audio Device on FireAnt"
+0x10c8 0x8005 0x110a 0x8005 "nm256_audio" "Neomagic Corp.|MagicMedia 256AV Audio Device"
+0x10c8 0x8005 0x14c0 0x0004 "nm256_audio" "Neomagic Corp.|MagicMedia 256AV Audio Device"
+0x10c8 0x8005 "nm256_audio" "Neomagic Corp.|[MagicMedia 256AV]"
+0x10c8 0x8006 "nm256_audio" "Neomagic Corp.|[MagicMedia 256AV]"
+0x10c8 0x8016 "nm256_audio" "Neomagic Corp.|NM2380 MagicMedia 256XL+ Audio Device"
+0x10cc 0x0226 "unknown" "Mentor Arc Inc.|PCI/ISA Bridge"
+0x10cc 0x0257 "unknown" "Mentor Arc Inc.|Host/PCI Bridge"
+0x10cc 0x0660 "unknown" "Mai Logic Incorporated|Articia S Host Bridge"
+0x10cc 0x0661 "unknown" "Mai Logic Incorporated|Articia S PCI Bridge"
+0x10cd 0x1100 "unknown" "Advanced System Products|ASC1100"
+0x10cd 0x1200 "advansys" "Advanced System Products|ASC1200 [(abp940) Fast SCSI-II]"
+0x10cd 0x1300 "advansys" "Advanced System Products|ABP940-U / ABP960-U"
+0x10cd 0x2300 "advansys" "Advanced System Products|ABP940-UW"
+0x10cd 0x2500 "advansys" "Advanced System Products|ABP940-U2W"
+0x10cd 0x4000 "unknown" "Advanced System Products|ASC30C0400 IEEE-1394 OHCI PCI Controller"
+0x10cf 0x10c5 "unknown" "Fujitsu Ltd.|FMV-103 Serial Parallel Card"
+0x10cf 0x2001 "unknown" "Citicorp TTI|mb86605"
+0x10cf 0x2002 "unknown" "Fujitsu Ltd.|MB86606 Fast Wide SCSI Controller"
+0x10cf 0x2005 "unknown" "Fujitsu Ltd.|MB86974 10/100 Fast Ethernet Adapter"
+0x10cf 0x200c "unknown" "Fujitsu Ltd.|MB86974 IEEE1394 OpenHCI Controller"
+0x10cf 0x2010 "unknown" "Fujitsu Ltd.|OHCI FireWire Controller"
+0x10cf 0x2011 "unknown" "Fujitsu Ltd.|MPEG2 R-Engine (MPEG2 Hardware Encoder)"
+0x10cf 0x2019 "unknown" "Fujitsu Ltd.| "
+0x10d9 0x0066 "unknown" "Macronix Inc.|MX86101P"
+0x10d9 0x0431 "unknown" "Macronix Inc.||MX98715"
+0x10d9 0x0512 "tulip" "Macronix Inc.||MX98713"
+0x10d9 0x0531 "tulip" "Macronix Inc.||MX987x5"
+0x10d9 0x0532 "unknown" "Macronix Inc.|MX98723/727 PCI/CardBus Fast Ethernet Controller"
+0x10d9 0x0553 "unknown" "Macronix Inc.|MX987x5 Ethernet Adapter"
+0x10d9 0x8625 "tulip" "Macronix Inc.||MX86250"
+0x10d9 0x8626 "unknown" "Macronix Inc.|MX86251"
+0x10d9 0x8627 "unknown" "Macronix Inc.|MX86251"
+0x10d9 0x8888 "Card:VESA driver (generic)" "Macronix Inc.||MX86200"
+0x10d9 0xc115 "unknown" "Macronix Inc.|lc82c115"
+0x10da 0x0508 "tmspci" "Compaq IPG-Austin|TC4048 Token Ring 4/16"
+0x10da 0x3390 "unknown" "Compaq IPG-Austin|Tl3c3x9"
+0x10dc 0x0001 "unknown" "CERN-European Lab.|STAR/RD24 SCI-PCI (PMC)"
+0x10dc 0x0002 "unknown" "CERN-European Lab.|TAR/RD24 SCI-PCI (PMC) [ATT 2C15-3 (FPGA) SCI bridge on PCI 5 Volt card]"
+0x10dc 0x0004 "unknown" "CERN-European Lab.|EP20S780 ALTERA STRATIX"
+0x10dc 0x0010 "unknown" "CERN-European Lab.|680-1110-150/400 Simple PMC/PCI to S-LINK interface"
+0x10dc 0x0011 "unknown" "CERN-European Lab.|680-1110-200/450 Simple S-LINK to PMC/PCI interface"
+0x10dc 0x0012 "unknown" "CERN-European Lab.|S32PCI64 32-bit S-LINK to 64-bit PCI interface"
+0x10dc 0x0021 "unknown" "CERN-European Lab.|HIPPI destination"
+0x10dc 0x0022 "unknown" "CERN-European Lab.|HIPPI source"
+0x10dc 0x0033 "unknown" "CERN-European Lab.|EP20KE (APEX-FPGA) ALICE DDL to PCI interface (RORC)"
+0x10dc 0x0101 "unknown" "CERN-European Lab.|SL651 7057 C200 Acquisition card for the SPS Orbit System (MACI)"
+0x10dc 0x10dc "unknown" "CERN-European Lab.|ATT2C15-3 FPGA"
+0x10dd 0x0001 "unknown" "Evans & Sutherland|3D Graphics Processor (?? Freedom GBbus??)"
+0x10de 0x0008 "Card:Diamond Edge 3D" "nVidia Corp.|NV1 EDGE 3D"
+0x10de 0x0009 "Card:Diamond Edge 3D" "nVidia Corp.|NV1 EDGE 3D"
+0x10de 0x0010 "Card:VESA driver (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|Mutara V08 [NV2]"
+0x10de 0x0018 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|Riva 128 Riva 128 accelerator"
+0x10de 0x0019 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|Riva 128 ZX"
+0x10de 0x0020 "Card:RIVA TNT" "nVidia Corp.|Riva TNT 128"
+0x10de 0x0028 "Card:RIVA TNT2" "nVidia Corp.|Riva TNT2"
+0x10de 0x0029 "Card:RIVA TNT2" "nVidia Corp.|Riva TNT2 Ultra"
+0x10de 0x002a "Card:RIVA TNT2" "nVidia Corp.|Riva TnT2 [NV5]"
+0x10de 0x002b "Card:RIVA TNT2" "nVidia Corp.|Riva TnT2 [NV5]"
+0x10de 0x002c "Card:RIVA TNT2" "nVidia Corp.|Vanta"
+0x10de 0x002d "Card:RIVA TNT2" "nVidia Corp.|Riva TNT2 Model 64"
+0x10de 0x002e "Card:RIVA TNT2" "nVidia Corp.|Vanta [NV6]"
+0x10de 0x002f "Card:RIVA TNT2" "nVidia Corp.|Vanta [NV6]"
+0x10de 0x0034 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP04 SMBus"
+0x10de 0x0035 "amd74xx" "nVidia Corp.|MCP04 IDE"
+0x10de 0x0036 "sata_nv" "nVidia Corp.|MCP04 Serial ATA Controller"
+0x10de 0x0037 "forcedeth" "nVidia Corp.|Ethernet controller"
+0x10de 0x0038 "forcedeth" "nVidia Corp.|Ethernet controller"
+0x10de 0x003a "snd-intel8x0" "nVidia Corp.|MCP04 AC'97 Audio Controller"
+0x10de 0x003b "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP04 USB Controller"
+0x10de 0x003c "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP04 USB Controller"
+0x10de 0x003d "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP04 PCI Bridge"
+0x10de 0x003e "sata_nv" "nVidia Corp.|MCP04 Serial ATA Controller"
+0x10de 0x0040 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce 6800 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|nv40 [GeForce 6800 Ultra]"
+0x10de 0x0041 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce 6800 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV40 OS1RT00B30"
+0x10de 0x0042 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce 6800 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV40.2"
+0x10de 0x0043 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce" "nVidia Corp.|NV40.3"
+0x10de 0x0045 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce 6800 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV40 [GeForce 6800GT]"
+0x10de 0x0049 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce" "nVidia Corp.|NV40GL"
+0x10de 0x004d "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV40GL [Quadro FX 4400]"
+0x10de 0x004e "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV40GL [Quadro FX 4000]"
+0x10de 0x0050 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|CK804 ISA Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0051 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|CK804 ISA Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0052 "i2c-nforce2" "nVidia Corp.|CK804 SMBus"
+0x10de 0x0053 "amd74xx" "nVidia Corp.|CK804 IDE"
+0x10de 0x0054 "sata_nv" "nVidia Corp.|CK804 Serial ATA Controller"
+0x10de 0x0055 "sata_nv" "nVidia Corp.|CK804 Serial ATA Controller"
+0x10de 0x0056 "forcedeth" "nVidia Corp.|Ethernet controller"
+0x10de 0x0057 "forcedeth" "nVidia Corp.|Ethernet controller"
+0x10de 0x0058 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|CK804 AC'97 Modem"
+0x10de 0x0059 "snd-intel8x0" "nVidia Corp.|CK804 AC'97 Audio Controller"
+0x10de 0x005a "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|CK804 USB Controller"
+0x10de 0x005b "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|CK804 USB Controller"
+0x10de 0x005c "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|CK804 PCI Bridge"
+0x10de 0x005d "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|CK804 PCIE Bridge"
+0x10de 0x005e "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|CK804 Memory Controller"
+0x10de 0x005f "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|CK804 Memory Controller"
+0x10de 0x0060 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce2 LPC / Legacy / System Management"
+0x10de 0x0064 "i2c-nforce2" "nVidia Corp.|nForce2 SMBus 2.0 Controller"
+0x10de 0x0065 "amd74xx" "nVidia Corp.|nForce2 UDMA 100/133 IDE Controller"
+0x10de 0x0066 "forcedeth" "nVidia Corp.|nForce2 MCP Networking Adapter"
+0x10de 0x0067 "usb-ohci" "nVidia Corp.|nForce2 USB 1.0 OHCI Controller"
+0x10de 0x0068 "ehci-hcd" "nVidia Corp.|nForce2 USB 2.0 Enhanced Controller"
+0x10de 0x0069 "snd-intel8x0m" ""
+0x10de 0x006a "snd-intel8x0" "nVidia Corp.|nForce2 Audio Codec Interface"
+0x10de 0x006b "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce2 APU"
+0x10de 0x006c "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce2 External PCI Bridge"
+0x10de 0x006d "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce2 PCI Bridge"
+0x10de 0x006e "ohci1394" "nVidia Corp.|nForce2 Firewire Controller"
+0x10de 0x0080 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP2A ISA bridge"
+0x10de 0x0084 "i2c-nforce2" "nVidia Corp.|MCP2A SMBus"
+0x10de 0x0085 "amd74xx" "nVidia Corp.|MCP2A IDE"
+0x10de 0x0086 "forcedeth" "nVidia Corp.|Ethernet controller"
+0x10de 0x0087 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP2A USB Controller"
+0x10de 0x0088 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP2A USB Controller"
+0x10de 0x0089 "snd-intel8x0m" ""
+0x10de 0x008a "snd-intel8x0" "nVidia Corp.|MCP2S AC'97 Audio Controller"
+0x10de 0x008b "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP2A PCI Bridge"
+0x10de 0x008c "forcedeth" "nVidia Corp.|Ethernet controller"
+0x10de 0x008e "sata_nv" "nVidia Corp.|nForce2 Serial ATA Controller"
+0x10de 0x0091 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce 7800 GTX"
+0x10de 0x00a0 "Card:RIVA TNT2" "nVidia Corp.|Riva TNT2"
+0x10de 0x00c0 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV41.0"
+0x10de 0x00c1 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV41.1"
+0x10de 0x00c2 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV41.2"
+0x10de 0x00c8 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce Go 6800"
+0x10de 0x00c9 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce Go 6800 Ultra"
+0x10de 0x00cc "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|Quadro FX Go1400"
+0x10de 0x00cd "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV41 [Quadro FX 3450/4000 SDI]"
+0x10de 0x00ce "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|Quadro FX 1400"
+0x10de 0x00d0 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce3 LPC Bridge"
+0x10de 0x00d1 "amd64-agp" "nVidia Corp.|nForce 3 Host Bridge"
+0x10de 0x00d2 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce3 AGP Bridge"
+0x10de 0x00d3 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|CK804 Memory Controller"
+0x10de 0x00d4 "i2c-nforce2" "nVidia Corp.|nForce MCP3? SMBus Controller"
+0x10de 0x00d5 "amd74xx" "nVidia Corp.|nForce3 IDE"
+0x10de 0x00d6 "forcedeth" "nVidia Corp.|nForce3 MCP Networking Adapter"
+0x10de 0x00d7 "usb-ohci" "nVidia Corp.|nForce3 USB 1.1"
+0x10de 0x00d8 "ehci-hcd" "nVidia Corp.|nForce3 USB 2.0"
+0x10de 0x00d9 "snd-intel8x0m" ""
+0x10de 0x00da "snd-intel8x0" "nVidia Corp.|nForce2 Audio Codec Interface"
+0x10de 0x00dd "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce3 PCI Bridge"
+0x10de 0x00df "forcedeth" "nVidia Corp.|Ethernet adapter"
+0x10de 0x00e0 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce3 250Gb LPC Bridge"
+0x10de 0x00e1 "amd64-agp" "nVidia Corp.|nForce3 250Gb Host Bridge"
+0x10de 0x00e2 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce3 250Gb AGP Host to PCI Bridge"
+0x10de 0x00e3 "sata_nv" "nVidia Corp.|CK8S Serial ATA Controller (v2.5)"
+0x10de 0x00e4 "i2c-nforce2" "nVidia Corp.|nForce 250Gb PCI System Management"
+0x10de 0x00e5 "amd74xx" "nVidia Corp.|CK8S Parallel ATA Controller (v2.5)"
+0x10de 0x00e6 "forcedeth" "nVidia Corp.|Ethernet adapter"
+0x10de 0x00e7 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|CK8S USB Controller"
+0x10de 0x00e8 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|CK8S USB Controller"
+0x10de 0x00ea "snd-intel8x0" "nVidia Corp.|nForce3 250Gb AC'97 Audio Controller"
+0x10de 0x00ed "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce3 250Gb PCI-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x10de 0x00ee "sata_nv" "nVidia Corp.|CK8S Serial ATA Controller (v2.5)"
+0x10de 0x00f0 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV40 [GeForce 6800/GeForce 6800 Ultra]"
+0x10de 0x00f1 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV43 [GeForce 6600/GeForce 6600 GT]"
+0x10de 0x00f2 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV43 [GeForce 6600 GT]"
+0x10de 0x00f3 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|NV43 [GeForce 6200]"
+0x10de 0x00f8 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV45GL [Quadro FX 3400 PCI-Express]"
+0x10de 0x00f9 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV40 [GeForce 6800 Ultra]"
+0x10de 0x00fa "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV36 [GeForce FX 5750 PCI-Express]"
+0x10de 0x00fb "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|NV35 [GeForce PCX 5900]"
+0x10de 0x00fc "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|NV37GL [Quadro FX 330/GeForce PCX 5300]"
+0x10de 0x00fd "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|NV37GL [Quadro FX 330]"
+0x10de 0x00fe "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV38GL [Quadro FX 1300 PCI-Express]"
+0x10de 0x00ff "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|NV18 [GeForce PCX 4300]"
+0x10de 0x0100 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce 256 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce 256"
+0x10de 0x0101 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce 256 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce DDR"
+0x10de 0x0102 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce 256 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV10 GeForce 256 Ultra"
+0x10de 0x0103 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce 256 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|Quadro"
+0x10de 0x0110 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce2 DDR (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV11 Geforce2 MX/MX 400"
+0x10de 0x0111 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce2 DDR (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV11 geForce2 100/200"
+0x10de 0x0112 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce2 DDR (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV11 Geforce2 Go"
+0x10de 0x0113 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce2 DDR (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV11 Quadro2 MXR/EX/Go"
+0x10de 0x0140 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV43 [MSI NX6600GT-TD128E]"
+0x10de 0x0141 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|Geforce NX 6600"
+0x10de 0x0142 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce" "nVidia Corp.|Unknown (generic)"
+0x10de 0x0143 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce" "nVidia Corp.|Unknown (generic)"
+0x10de 0x0144 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce Go 6600"
+0x10de 0x0145 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce 6610 XL"
+0x10de 0x0146 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce Go 6600 TE/6200 TE"
+0x10de 0x0147 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce" "nVidia Corp.|Unknown (generic)"
+0x10de 0x0148 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce Go 6600"
+0x10de 0x0149 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce" "nVidia Corp.|Unknown (generic)"
+0x10de 0x014b "Card:NVIDIA GeForce" "nVidia Corp.|Unknown (generic)"
+0x10de 0x014c "Card:NVIDIA GeForce" "nVidia Corp.|Unknown (generic)"
+0x10de 0x014d "Card:NVIDIA GeForce" "nVidia Corp.|Unknown (generic)"
+0x10de 0x014e "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|Quadro FX 540"
+0x10de 0x014f "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|Geforce NX 6200"
+0x10de 0x0150 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce2 DDR (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV15 Geforce2 GTS"
+0x10de 0x0151 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce2 DDR (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV15 Geforce2 Ti"
+0x10de 0x0152 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce2 DDR (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV15 Bladerunner (GeForce2 Ultra)"
+0x10de 0x0153 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce2 DDR (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV15 Quadro2 Pro"
+0x10de 0x0160 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce" "nVidia Corp.|Unknown (generic)"
+0x10de 0x0161 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce 6200 TurboCache(TM)"
+0x10de 0x0162 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|"
+0x10de 0x0163 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|"
+0x10de 0x0164 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce Go 6200"
+0x10de 0x0165 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV44 [Quadro NVS 285]"
+0x10de 0x0166 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce Go 6250"
+0x10de 0x0167 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce Go 6200"
+0x10de 0x0168 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce Go 6250"
+0x10de 0x0169 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|"
+0x10de 0x016b "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|"
+0x10de 0x016c "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|"
+0x10de 0x016d "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|"
+0x10de 0x016e "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|"
+0x10de 0x0170 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV17 GeForce4 MX 460"
+0x10de 0x0171 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV17 GeForce4 MX 440"
+0x10de 0x0172 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV17 GeForce4 MX 420"
+0x10de 0x0173 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV17 GeForce4 MMX 440-SE"
+0x10de 0x0174 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV17M GeForce4 440 Go"
+0x10de 0x0175 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV17M GeForce4 420 Go"
+0x10de 0x0176 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV17M GeForce4 420 Go 32M"
+0x10de 0x0177 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "NVIDIA Corp.|NV17M GeForce4 460 Go"
+0x10de 0x0178 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV17GL Quadro4 500XGL"
+0x10de 0x0179 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV17M GeForce4 440 Go 64M"
+0x10de 0x017a "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV17GL Quadro4 200/400NVS"
+0x10de 0x017b "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV17GL Quadro4 550XGL"
+0x10de 0x017c "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV17M-GL Quadro4 500 GoGL"
+0x10de 0x017d "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV17M GeForce4 410 Go 16M"
+0x10de 0x0181 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV18 GeForce4 MX440 AGP 8x"
+0x10de 0x0182 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV18 GeForce4 MX440SE AGP 8x"
+0x10de 0x0183 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV18 GeForce4 MX420 AGP 8x"
+0x10de 0x0185 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "NVIDIA Corp.|NV18.6? GeForce4 MX 4000"
+0x10de 0x0186 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV18 GeForce4 448 Go"
+0x10de 0x0187 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV18 GeForce4 488 Go"
+0x10de 0x0188 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV18 Quadro4 580 XGL"
+0x10de 0x0189 "nvidiafb" ""
+0x10de 0x018a "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV18 Quadro4 280 NVS"
+0x10de 0x018b "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV18 Quadro4 380 XGL"
+0x10de 0x018c "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|Quadro NVS 50 PCI"
+0x10de 0x018d "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV18M [GeForce4 448 Go]"
+0x10de 0x01a0 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce2 Integrated (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce2 Integrated GPU"
+0x10de 0x01a4 "nvidia-agp" "nVidia Corp.|nForce AGP Controller"
+0x10de 0x01a5 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce AGP Controller"
+0x10de 0x01a6 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce AGP Controller"
+0x10de 0x01a8 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce 220 Memory Controller (SDR)"
+0x10de 0x01a9 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce 420 Memory Controller (SDR)"
+0x10de 0x01aa "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce 220 Memory Controller (DDR)"
+0x10de 0x01ab "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce 420 Memory Controller (DDR)"
+0x10de 0x01ac "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce 220/420 Memory Controller"
+0x10de 0x01ad "forcedeth" "nVidia Corp.|nForce Ethernet Controller"
+0x10de 0x01b0 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce MCP Audio Processing Unit (Dolby Digital)"
+0x10de 0x01b1 "snd-intel8x0" "nVidia Corp.|nForce Audio Codec Interface"
+0x10de 0x01b2 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce Joystick"
+0x10de 0x01b4 "i2c-amd756" "nVidia Corp.|nForce SMBus Controller"
+0x10de 0x01b7 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce AGP Host to PCI Bridge"
+0x10de 0x01b8 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce PCI Bridge"
+0x10de 0x01bc "amd74xx" "nVidia Corp.|nForce ATA Controller"
+0x10de 0x01c1 "slamr" "nVidia Corp.|Intel 537 [nForce MC97 Modem]"
+0x10de 0x01c2 "usb-ohci" "nVidia Corp.|nForce USB Controller"
+0x10de 0x01c3 "forcedeth" "nVidia Corp.|nForce MCP Networking Adapter"
+0x10de 0x01da "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV36 [Quadro FX 1100]"
+0x10de 0x01e0 "nvidia-agp" "nVidia Corp.|nForce2 AGP Controller"
+0x10de 0x01e1 "unknown" "NVIDIA Corp.|nForce2 AGP Controller"
+0x10de 0x01e8 "agpgart" "nVidia Corp.|nForce2 AGP Host to PCI Bridge"
+0x10de 0x01ea "unknown" "NVIDIA Corp.|nForce2 Memory Controller 0"
+0x10de 0x01eb "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce2 Memory Controller"
+0x10de 0x01ec "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce2 Memory Controller"
+0x10de 0x01ed "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce2 Memory Controller"
+0x10de 0x01ee "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce2 Memory Controller"
+0x10de 0x01ef "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|nForce2 Memory Controller"
+0x10de 0x01f0 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|nForce2 Geforce 4 Integrated"
+0x10de 0x0200 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce3 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce3"
+0x10de 0x0201 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce3 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce3 Ti 200"
+0x10de 0x0202 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce3 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce3 Ti 500"
+0x10de 0x0203 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce3 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|Quadro DDC"
+0x10de 0x0210 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce" "nVidia Corp.|Unknown (generic)"
+0x10de 0x0211 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce 6800 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce 6800"
+0x10de 0x0212 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce 6800 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce 6800 LE"
+0x10de 0x0215 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce 6800 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce 6800 GT"
+0x10de 0x021d "Card:NVIDIA GeForce" "nVidia Corp.|Unknown (generic)"
+0x10de 0x021e "Card:NVIDIA GeForce" "nVidia Corp.|Unknown (generic)"
+0x10de 0x0220 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce 6800 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|"
+0x10de 0x0221 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce 6800 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce 6200"
+0x10de 0x0222 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce 6800 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|"
+0x10de 0x0228 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce 6800 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|"
+0x10de 0x0240 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 PCI Express Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0241 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 PCI Express Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0242 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 PCI Express Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0243 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 PCI Express Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0244 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 PCI Express Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0245 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 PCI Express Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0246 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 PCI Express Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0247 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 PCI Express Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0248 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 PCI Express Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0249 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 PCI Express Bridge"
+0x10de 0x024a "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 PCI Express Bridge"
+0x10de 0x024b "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 PCI Express Bridge"
+0x10de 0x024c "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 PCI Express Bridge"
+0x10de 0x024d "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 PCI Express Bridge"
+0x10de 0x024e "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 PCI Express Bridge"
+0x10de 0x024f "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 PCI Express Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0250 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV25 GeForce4 Ti4600"
+0x10de 0x0251 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV25 GeForce4 Ti4400"
+0x10de 0x0252 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|0x252"
+0x10de 0x0253 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV25 GeForce4 Ti4200"
+0x10de 0x0258 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|Quadro4 900 XGL"
+0x10de 0x0259 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|Quadro4 750 XGL"
+0x10de 0x025b "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|Quadro4 750 XGL"
+0x10de 0x0260 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP51 LPC Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0261 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP51 LPC Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0262 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP51 LPC Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0263 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP51 LPC Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0264 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP51 SMBus"
+0x10de 0x0265 "amd74xx" "nVidia Corp.|MCP51 IDE"
+0x10de 0x0266 "sata_nv" "nVidia Corp.|MCP51 Serial ATA Controller"
+0x10de 0x0267 "sata_nv" "nVidia Corp.|MCP51 Serial ATA Controller"
+0x10de 0x0268 "forcedeth" "nVidia Corp.|MCP51 Ethernet Controller"
+0x10de 0x0269 "forcedeth" "nVidia Corp.|MCP51 Ethernet Controller"
+0x10de 0x026a "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP51 MCI"
+0x10de 0x026b "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP51 AC97 Audio Controller"
+0x10de 0x026c "snd-hda-intel" "nVidia Corp.|MCP51 High Definition Audio"
+0x10de 0x026d "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP51 USB Controller"
+0x10de 0x026e "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP51 USB Controller"
+0x10de 0x026f "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP51 PCI Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0270 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP51 Host Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0271 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP51 PMU"
+0x10de 0x0272 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP51 Memory Controller 0"
+0x10de 0x027e "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 Memory Controller 2"
+0x10de 0x027f "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 Memory Controller 3"
+0x10de 0x0280 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce4 Ti 4800"
+0x10de 0x0281 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce4 Ti 4200 with AGP8X"
+0x10de 0x0282 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce4 Ti 4800 SE"
+0x10de 0x0286 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce4 Ti 4200 Go"
+0x10de 0x0288 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|Quadro4 980 XGL"
+0x10de 0x0289 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|Quadro4 780 XGL"
+0x10de 0x028c "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|Quadro4 700 GoGL"
+0x10de 0x02a0 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce3 (xbox)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce3 Integrated (Xbox)"
+0x10de 0x02f0 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 Host Bridge"
+0x10de 0x02f1 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 Host Bridge"
+0x10de 0x02f2 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 Host Bridge"
+0x10de 0x02f3 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 Host Bridge"
+0x10de 0x02f4 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 Host Bridge"
+0x10de 0x02f5 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 Host Bridge"
+0x10de 0x02f6 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 Host Bridge"
+0x10de 0x02f7 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 Host Bridge"
+0x10de 0x02f8 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 Memory Controller 5"
+0x10de 0x02f9 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 Memory Controller 4"
+0x10de 0x02fa "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 Memory Controller 0"
+0x10de 0x02fb "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 PCI Express Bridge"
+0x10de 0x02fc "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 PCI Express Bridge"
+0x10de 0x02fd "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 PCI Express Bridge"
+0x10de 0x02fe "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 Memory Controller 1"
+0x10de 0x02ff "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|C51 Host Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0300 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV30 GeForce FX"
+0x10de 0x0301 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce FX 5800 Ultra"
+0x10de 0x0302 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce FX 5800"
+0x10de 0x0308 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|Quadro FX 2000"
+0x10de 0x0309 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|Quadro FX 1000"
+0x10de 0x0311 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce FX 5600"
+0x10de 0x0312 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce FX 5600"
+0x10de 0x0313 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce" "nVidia Corp.|NV31"
+0x10de 0x0314 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "NVIDIA Corp.|NV31 GeForce FX 5600XT"
+0x10de 0x0316 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|0x316"
+0x10de 0x0317 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|0x317"
+0x10de 0x0318 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|0x318"
+0x10de 0x0319 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|0x319"
+0x10de 0x031a "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "NVIDIA Corp.|NV31 GeForce Go 5600"
+0x10de 0x031b "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|0x31B"
+0x10de 0x031c "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|0x31C"
+0x10de 0x031d "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|0x31D"
+0x10de 0x031e "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|0x31E"
+0x10de 0x031f "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|0x31F"
+0x10de 0x0320 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV34 [GeForce FX 5200]"
+0x10de 0x0321 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce FX 5200 Ultra"
+0x10de 0x0322 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce FX 5200"
+0x10de 0x0323 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|0x323"
+0x10de 0x0324 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV30GL [GeForce FX 5200 Go]"
+0x10de 0x0325 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "NVIDIA Corp.|??? GeForce FX Go 5250"
+0x10de 0x0326 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|0x326"
+0x10de 0x0327 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV34 [GeForce FX 5100]"
+0x10de 0x0328 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|GeForce FX Go 5200"
+0x10de 0x0329 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV34M [GeForce FX Go5200]"
+0x10de 0x032a "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|0x32A"
+0x10de 0x032b "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|0x32B"
+0x10de 0x032c "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "NVIDIA Corp.|??? NVIDIA GeForce FX Go 5300"
+0x10de 0x032d "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV34 [GeForce FX Go5100]"
+0x10de 0x032e "Card:NVIDIA GeForce4 (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|0x32E"
+0x10de 0x032f "Card:NVIDIA GeForce" "NVIDIA Corp.|NV34GL ???"
+0x10de 0x0330 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV35 [GeForce FX 5900 Ultra]"
+0x10de 0x0331 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV35 [GeForce FX 5900]"
+0x10de 0x0332 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "NVIDIA Corp.|??? GeForce FX 5900XT"
+0x10de 0x0333 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV38 [GeForce FX 5950]"
+0x10de 0x0334 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce" "nVidia Corp.|NV35 [GeForce FX 5900ZT]"
+0x10de 0x0338 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV35GL [Quadro FX 3000]"
+0x10de 0x033f "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV35GL [Quadro FX 700]"
+0x10de 0x0341 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV36 [GeForce FX 5700 Ultra]"
+0x10de 0x0342 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV36 [GeForce FX 5700]"
+0x10de 0x0343 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV36 [GeForce FX 5700LE]"
+0x10de 0x0344 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV36.4 [GeForce FX 5700VE]"
+0x10de 0x0345 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce" "nVidia Corp.|NV36.5"
+0x10de 0x0347 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV36 [GeForce FX Go5700]"
+0x10de 0x0348 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV36 [GeForce FX Go5700]"
+0x10de 0x0349 "Card:NVIDIA GeForce" "nVidia Corp.|NV36"
+0x10de 0x034b "Card:NVIDIA GeForce" "nVidia Corp.|NV36"
+0x10de 0x034c "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV36 [Quadro FX Go1000]"
+0x10de 0x034e "Card:NVIDIA GeForce FX (generic)" "nVidia Corp.|NV36 [Quadro FX 1100]"
+0x10de 0x034f "Card:NVIDIA GeForce" "nVidia Corp.|NV36GL"
+0x10de 0x0360 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP55 LPC Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0361 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP55 LPC Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0362 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP55 LPC Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0363 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP55 LPC Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0364 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP55 LPC Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0365 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP55 LPC Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0366 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP55 LPC Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0367 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP55 LPC Bridge"
+0x10de 0x0368 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP55 SMBus"
+0x10de 0x0369 "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP55 Memory Controller"
+0x10de 0x036a "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP55 Memory Controller"
+0x10de 0x036c "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP55 USB Controller"
+0x10de 0x036d "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP55 USB Controller"
+0x10de 0x036e "amd74xx" "nVidia Corp.|MCP55 Serial ATA Controller"
+0x10de 0x036f "sata_nv" "nVidia Corp.|MCP55 Serial ATA Controller"
+0x10de 0x0371 "snd-hda-intel" "nVidia Corp.|MCP55 High Definition Audio"
+0x10de 0x0372 "forcedeth" "nVidia Corp.|MCP55 Ethernet"
+0x10de 0x0373 "forcedeth" "nVidia Corp.|MCP55 Ethernet"
+0x10de 0x037a "unknown" "nVidia Corp.|MCP55 Memory Controller"
+0x10de 0x037e "sata_nv" "nVidia Corp.|MCP55 SATA Controller"
+0x10de 0x037f "sata_nv" "nVidia Corp.|MCP55 SATA Controller"
+0x10df 0x10df "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|Light Pulse Fibre Channel Adapter"
+0x10df 0x1ae5 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LP6000 Fibre Channel Host Adapter"
+0x10df 0x1ae6 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LP 8000 Fibre Channel Host Adapter Alternate ID (JX1:2-3, JX2:1-2)"
+0x10df 0x1ae7 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LP 8000 Fibre Channel Host Adapter Alternate ID (JX1:2-3, JX2:2-3)"
+0x10df 0xf005 "unknown" "Emulex Corp.|LP1150e Fibre Channel Host Adapter"
+0x10df 0xf015 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LP1150e"
+0x10df 0xf085 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LP850 Fibre Channel Adapter"
+0x10df 0xf095 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LP952 Fibre Channel Adapter"
+0x10df 0xf098 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LP982 Fibre Channel Adapter"
+0x10df 0xf0a1 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LightPulse Fibre Channel Adapter"
+0x10df 0xf0a5 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LP1050 Fibre Channel Host Adapter"
+0x10df 0xf0d1 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|Fibre Channel Host Adapter"
+0x10df 0xf0d5 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LP1150"
+0x10df 0xf0e1 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|Fibre Channel Host Adapter"
+0x10df 0xf0e5 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|Fibre Channel Host Adapter"
+0x10df 0xf100 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LP11000e"
+0x10df 0xf700 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LP7000 Fibre Channel Host Adapter"
+0x10df 0xf701 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LP 7000EFibre Channel Host Adapter Alternate ID (JX1:2-3, JX2:1-2)"
+0x10df 0xf800 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LP8000 Fibre Channel Host Adapter"
+0x10df 0xf801 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LP 8000 Fibre Channel Host Adapter Alternate ID (JX1:2-3, JX2:1-2)"
+0x10df 0xf900 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LP9000 Fibre Channel Host Adapter"
+0x10df 0xf901 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LP 9000 Fibre Channel Host Adapter Alternate ID (JX1:2-3, JX2:1-2)"
+0x10df 0xf980 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LP9802 Fibre Channel Host Adapter"
+0x10df 0xf981 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LP 9802 Fibre Channel Host Adapter Alternate ID"
+0x10df 0xf982 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LP 9802 Fibre Channel Host Adapter Alternate ID"
+0x10df 0xfa00 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LP10000 Fibre Channel Adapter"
+0x10df 0xfa01 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LP101"
+0x10df 0xfb00 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LightPulse Fibre Channel Adapter"
+0x10df 0xfc00 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LP10000-S 2"
+0x10df 0xfd00 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|LP11000"
+0x10df 0xfe00 "lpfc" "Emulex Corp.|Fibre Channel Host Adapter"
+0x10e0 0x5026 "unknown" "Integrated Micro|IMS5026/27/28"
+0x10e0 0x5027 "unknown" "Integrated Micro|IMS5027"
+0x10e0 0x5028 "unknown" "Integrated Micro|IMS5028"
+0x10e0 0x8849 "unknown" "Integrated Micro|IMS8849"
+0x10e0 0x8853 "unknown" "Integrated Micro|IMS8853"
+0x10e0 0x9128 "Card:IMS TwinTurbo (generic)" "Integrated Micro|IMS9129 [Twin turbo 128]"
+0x10e0 0x9135 "Card:IMS TwinTurbo (generic)" "IMS|TwinTurbo 3D"
+0x10e1 0x0391 "unknown" "Tekram|TRM-S1040"
+0x10e1 0x690c "unknown" "Tekram|DC-690c"
+0x10e1 0xdc20 "unknown" "Tekram Technology Corp. Ltd.|DC-290 EIDE Controller"
+0x10e1 0xdc29 "unknown" "Tekram|DC-290"
+0x10e3 0x0000 "Card:VESA driver (generic)" "Tundra Semiconductor Corp.|CA91C042 [Universe]"
+0x10e3 0x0513 "unknown" "Tundra Semiconductor Corp.|Tsi320 Dual-Mode PCI-to-PCI Bus Bridge"
+0x10e3 0x0850 "unknown" "Tundra Semiconductor Corp.|Tsi850 Power PC Dual PCI Host Bridge"
+0x10e3 0x0854 "unknown" "Tundra Semiconductor Corp.|Tsi850 Power PC Single PCI Host Bridge"
+0x10e3 0x0860 "unknown" "Tundra Semiconductor Corp.|CA91C860 [QSpan]"
+0x10e3 0x0862 "unknown" "Tundra Semiconductor Corp.|CA91L862A QSpan II PCI-to-Motorola CPU Bridge"
+0x10e3 0x8260 "unknown" "Tundra Semiconductor Corp.|CA91L8200/8260 PowerSpan II PowerPC-to-PCI Bus Switch"
+0x10e3 0x8261 "unknown" "Tundra Semiconductor Corp.|CA91L8200/8260 PowerSpan II PowerPC-to-PCI Bus Switch"
+0x10e8 0x1072 "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|INES GPIB-PCI (AMCC5920 based)"
+0x10e8 0x2011 "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|Q-Motion Video Capture/Edit board"
+0x10e8 0x4750 "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|S5930 [Matchmaker]"
+0x10e8 0x5920 "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|S5920"
+0x10e8 0x8001 "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|S5933 Daktronics VMax transmitter card"
+0x10e8 0x8033 "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|BBK-PCI light Transputer Link Interface"
+0x10e8 0x8043 "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|LANai4.x [Myrinet LANai interface chip]"
+0x10e8 0x8062 "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|S5933_PARASTATION"
+0x10e8 0x807d "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|S5933 [Matchmaker]"
+0x10e8 0x8088 "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|Kingsberg Spacetec Format Synchronizer"
+0x10e8 0x8089 "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|Kingsberg Spacetec Serial Output Board"
+0x10e8 0x809c "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|S5933_HEPC3"
+0x10e8 0x80d7 "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|PCI-9112"
+0x10e8 0x80d8 "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|PCI-7200"
+0x10e8 0x80d9 "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|PCI-9118"
+0x10e8 0x80da "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|PCI-9812"
+0x10e8 0x811a "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|PCI-IEEE1355-DS-DE Interface"
+0x10e8 0x814c "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|Fastcom ESCC-PCI (Commtech, Inc.)"
+0x10e8 0x8170 "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|S5933 Matchmaker PCI Chipset Development Tool"
+0x10e8 0x81b7 "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|S5933 AJAVideo NTV ITU-R.601 video stillstore"
+0x10e8 0x81db "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|AJA HDNTV HD SDI Framestore"
+0x10e8 0x81e6 "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|Multimedia video controller"
+0x10e8 0x8291 "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|Fastcom 232/8-PCI (Commtech, Inc.)"
+0x10e8 0x82c4 "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|Fastcom 422/4-PCI (Commtech, Inc.)"
+0x10e8 0x82c5 "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|Fastcom 422/2-PCI (Commtech, Inc.)"
+0x10e8 0x82c6 "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|Fastcom IG422/1-PCI (Commtech, Inc.)"
+0x10e8 0x82c7 "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|Fastcom IG232/2-PCI (Commtech, Inc.)"
+0x10e8 0x82ca "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|Fastcom 232/4-PCI (Commtech, Inc.)"
+0x10e8 0x82db "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|AJA HDNTV HD SDI Framestore"
+0x10e8 0x82e2 "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|Fastcom DIO24H-PCI (Commtech, Inc.)"
+0x10e8 0x8851 "unknown" "Applied Micro Circuits Corp.|S5933 on Innes Corp FM Radio Capture card"
+0x10ea 0x1680 "Card:VESA driver (generic)" "Intergraphics Systems|IGA-1680"
+0x10ea 0x1682 "Card:VESA driver (generic)" "Intergraphics Systems|IGA-1682"
+0x10ea 0x1683 "unknown" "Intergraphics Systems|IGA-1683"
+0x10ea 0x2000 "cyber2000fb" "Intergraphics Systems|CyberPro 2000"
+0x10ea 0x2010 "cyber2000fb" "Intergraphics Systems|CyberPro 2000A"
+0x10ea 0x5000 "cyber2000fb" "Intergraphics Systems|CyberPro 5000"
+0x10ea 0x5050 "trident" "Intergraphics Systems|CyberPro 5050"
+0x10ea 0x5202 "unknown" "Intergraphics Systems|CyberPro 5202"
+0x10ea 0x5252 "unknown" "Intergraphics Systems|CyberPro5252"
+0x10eb 0x0101 "unknown" "Artists Graphics|3GA"
+0x10eb 0x8111 "unknown" "Artists Graphics|Twist3 Frame Grabber"
+0x10ec 0x0139 "unknown" "Realtek Semiconductor| "
+0x10ec 0x8029 "ne2k-pci" "Realtek Semiconductor|RTL-8029(AS)"
+0x10ec 0x8129 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|RTL-8129"
+0x10ec 0x8131 "unknown" "Realtek Semiconductor| "
+0x10ec 0x8138 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|RT8139 (B/C) Cardbus Fast Ethernet Adapter"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x0357 0x000a "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|TTP-Monitoring Card V2.0"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x0e11 0x0056 "8139cp" "Realtek Semiconductor|RTL-8139"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x1025 0x005a "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|TravelMate 290"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x1025 0x8920 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|ALN-325"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x1025 0x8921 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|ALN-325"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x1071 0x8160 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|MIM2000"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x10bd 0x0320 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|EP-320X-R"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x10ec 0x8139 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|RT8139"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x1113 0xec01 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|FNC-0107TX"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x1186 0x1300 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|DFE-538TX"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x1186 0x1320 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|SN5200"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x1186 0x8139 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|DRN-32TX"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x11f6 0x8139 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|FN22-3(A) LinxPRO Ethernet Adapter"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x1259 0x2500 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|AT-2500TX"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x1259 0x2503 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|AT-2500TX/ACPI"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x1429 0xd010 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|ND010"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x1432 0x9130 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|EN-9130TX"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x1436 0x8139 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|RT8139"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x1458 0xe000 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|GA-7VM400M/7VT600 Motherboard"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x146c 0x1439 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|FE-1439TX"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x1489 0x6001 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|GF100TXRII"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x1489 0x6002 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|GF100TXRA"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x149c 0x139a "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|LFE-8139ATX"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x149c 0x8139 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|LFE-8139TX"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x14cb 0x0200 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|LNR-100 Family 10/100 Base-TX Ethernet"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x1799 0x5000 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|F5D5000 PCI Card/Desktop Network PCI Card"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x2646 0x0001 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|EtheRx"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x8e2e 0x7000 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|KF-230TX"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x8e2e 0x7100 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|KF-230TX/2"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0x9001 0x1695 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|Onboard RTL8101L 10/100 MBit"
+0x10ec 0x8139 0xa0a0 0x0007 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|ALN-325C"
+0x10ec 0x8139 "8139too" "Realtek Semiconductor|RTL-8139"
+0x10ec 0x8169 "r8169" "Realtek Semiconductor|RTL-8169"
+0x10ec 0x8180 "r8180" "Realtek Semiconductor|RTL8180 Realtek RTL8180 Wireless LAN (Mini-)PCI NIC"
+0x10ec 0x8185 "r8180" "Realtek Semiconductor|RTL8185 Realtek RTL8185 Wireless LAN (Mini-)PCI NIC"
+0x10ec 0x8197 "slamr" "Realtek Semiconductor|SmartLAN56 56K Modem"
+0x10ed 0x7310 "unknown" "Ascii Corp.|V7310"
+0x10ee 0x0000 "unknown" "Xilinx Corp.|8343176 PCI to H.100 audio interface"
+0x10ee 0x0314 "wct4xxp" "Xilinx Corp.|Wildcard TE405P/TE410P (1st Gen)"
+0x10ee 0x1001 "unknown" "Xilinx Corp.|8343176 PCI to H.100 audio interface"
+0x10ee 0x3fc0 "snd-rme96" "Xilinx Corp.|RME Digi96"
+0x10ee 0x3fc1 "snd-rme96" "Xilinx Corp.|RME Digi96/8"
+0x10ee 0x3fc2 "snd-rme96" "Xilinx Corp.|RME Digi96/8 Pro"
+0x10ee 0x3fc3 "snd-rme96" "Xilinx Corp.|RME Digi96/8 Pad"
+0x10ee 0x3fc4 "rme96xx" "Xilinx Corp.|Digi9652 Hammerfall"
+0x10ee 0x3fc5 "snd-hdsp" "Xilinx Corp.|RME Hammerfall DSP"
+0x10ee 0x3fc6 "snd-hdspm" "Xilinx Corp.|RME Hammerfall DSP MADI"
+0x10ee 0x4020 "ISDN:tpam" "Xilinx Corp.| ISDN Adapter"
+0x10ee 0x5343 "unknown" "Xilinx Corp.|Seamont SC100 Security Adapter"
+0x10ee 0x8130 "unknown" "Xilinx Corp.|Durango PMC Virtex-II Bridge, XC2V1000-4FG456C"
+0x10ee 0x8381 "unknown" "Xilinx Corp.|Ellips Santos Frame Grabber"
+0x10ef 0x8154 "unknown" "Racore Computer Products Inc.|M815x Token Ring Adapter"
+0x10f0 0xa800 "unknown" "Peritek Corp.|VCL-P Graphics board"
+0x10f0 0xb300 "unknown" "Peritek Corp.|VCL-M graphics board"
+0x10f1 0x1566 "unknown" "Tyan Computer|IDE/SCSI"
+0x10f1 0x1677 "unknown" "Tyan Computer|Multimedia"
+0x10f4 0x1300 "unknown" "S-Mos Systems|rev1.1 PCI to S5U13x06B0B Bridge Adapter"
+0x10f5 0xa001 "unknown" "NKK Corp.|NDR4000 [NR4600 Bridge]"
+0x10fa 0x0000 "unknown" "TrueVision|GUI Accelerator"
+0x10fa 0x0001 "unknown" "TrueVision|GUI Accelerator"
+0x10fa 0x0002 "unknown" "TrueVision|GUI Accelerator"
+0x10fa 0x0003 "unknown" "TrueVision|GUI Accelerator"
+0x10fa 0x0004 "unknown" "TrueVision|GUI Accelerator"
+0x10fa 0x0005 "unknown" "TrueVision|GUI Accelerator"
+0x10fa 0x0006 "unknown" "TrueVision|GUI Accelerator"
+0x10fa 0x0007 "unknown" "TrueVision|GUI Accelerator"
+0x10fa 0x0008 "unknown" "TrueVision|GUI Accelerator"
+0x10fa 0x0009 "unknown" "TrueVision|GUI Accelerator"
+0x10fa 0x000a "unknown" "TrueVision|GUI Accelerator"
+0x10fa 0x000b "unknown" "TrueVision|GUI Accelerator"
+0x10fa 0x000c "unknown" "TrueVision|TARGA 1000"
+0x10fa 0x000d "unknown" "TrueVision|GUI Accelerator"
+0x10fa 0x000e "unknown" "TrueVision|GUI Accelerator"
+0x10fa 0x000f "unknown" "TrueVision|GUI Accelerator"
+0x10fa 0x0010 "unknown" "TrueVision|GUI Accelerator"
+0x10fa 0x0011 "unknown" "TrueVision|GUI Accelerator"
+0x10fa 0x0012 "unknown" "TrueVision|GUI Accelerator"
+0x10fa 0x0013 "unknown" "TrueVision|GUI Accelerator"
+0x10fa 0x0014 "unknown" "TrueVision|GUI Accelerator"
+0x10fa 0x0015 "unknown" "TrueVision|GUI Accelerator"
+0x10fb 0x186f "unknown" "Thesys Gesellschaft für Mikroelektronik mbH|TH 6255"
+0x10fc 0x0003 "unknown" "I-O Data Device Inc.|Cardbus IDE Controller"
+0x10fc 0x0005 "nsp32" "I-O Data Device Inc.|Cardbus SCSI CBSC II"
+0x1101 0x0002 "initio" "Initio Corp.|Ultra SCSI Adapter"
+0x1101 0x1060 "a100u2w" "Initio Corp.|INI-A100U2W"
+0x1101 0x134a "initio" "Initio Corp.|Ultra SCSI Adapter"
+0x1101 0x9100 "initio" "Initio Corp.|INI-9100/9100W"
+0x1101 0x9400 "initio" "Initio Corp.|INI-940"
+0x1101 0x9401 "initio" "Initio Corp.|INI-950"
+0x1101 0x9500 "initio" "Initio Corp.|360P"
+0x1101 0x9502 "unknown" "Initio Corp.|Initio INI-9100UW Ultra Wide SCSI Controller INIC-950P chip"
+0x1101 0x9700 "initio" "Initio Corp.|Fast Wide SCSI Controller"
+0x1102 0x0002 "snd-emu10k1" "Creative Labs|SB Live! (audio)"
+0x1102 0x0003 "unknown" "Creative Labs|EMU8008 AWE64D OEM (CT4600)"
+0x1102 0x0004 "snd-emu10k1" "Creative Labs|EMU10K2 Audigy Audio Processor"
+0x1102 0x0006 "snd-emu10k1x" "Creative Labs|SB Live! Value (EMU10k1X"
+0x1102 0x0007 "snd-ca0106" "Creative Labs|SB Audigy LS"
+0x1102 0x0008 "snd-emu10k1" "Creative Labs|SB0400 Audigy2 Value"
+0x1102 0x0101 "unknown" "Creative Labs|GeForce 256 DDR Nvida Corp. Video"
+0x1102 0x1017 "unknown" "Creative Labs|Banshee 3D Blaster Banshee PCI CT6760"
+0x1102 0x1047 "unknown" "Creative Labs|3D Blaster Annihilator 2"
+0x1102 0x1371 "unknown" "Creative Labs| "
+0x1102 0x2898 "unknown" "Creative Labs| "
+0x1102 0x4001 "ohci1394" "Creative Labs|EMU10K2 Audigy IEEE1394 Firewire Controller"
+0x1102 0x7002 "emu10k1-gp" "Creative Labs|SB Live! (joystick)"
+0x1102 0x7003 "emu10k1-gp" "Creative Labs|EMU10K2 Audigy Gameport"
+0x1102 0x7004 "emu10k1-gp" "Creative Labs|[SB Live! Value] Input device controller"
+0x1102 0x7005 "emu10k1-gp" "Creative Labs|SB Audigy LS MIDI/Game port"
+0x1102 0x8064 "unknown" "Creative Labs|SB0100 [SBLive! 5.1 OEM]"
+0x1102 0x8938 "es1371" "Creative Labs|AudioPCI ES1371+"
+0x1103 0x0003 "hpt34x" "Triones|HPT343"
+0x1103 0x0004 "hptraid" "Triones|HPT366"
+0x1103 0x0005 "hpt366" "HighPoint Technologies Inc.|HPT370 UDMA66/100 EIDE Controller"
+0x1103 0x0006 "hpt366" "Triones|HPT302"
+0x1103 0x0007 "hpt366" "Triones|HPT371"
+0x1103 0x0008 "hpt366" "HighPoint Technologies Inc.|HPT374 UDMA/ATA133 RAID Controller"
+0x1103 0x0009 "hpt366" "Triones|HPT372N"
+0x1105 0x1105 "unknown" "Sigma Designs Inc.|REALmagic Xcard MPEG 1/2/3/4 DVD Decoder"
+0x1105 0x5000 "unknown" "Sigma Designs Inc.|Multimedia"
+0x1105 0x8300 "em8300" "Sigma Designs Inc.|REALmagic Hollywood Plus DVD Decoder"
+0x1105 0x8400 "unknown" "Sigma Designs Inc.|EM8400 MPEG-2 Decoder"
+0x1105 0x8401 "unknown" "Sigma Designs Inc.|EM8401 REALmagic DVD/MPEG-2 A/V Decoder"
+0x1105 0x8470 "unknown" "Sigma Designs Inc.|EM8470 REALmagic DVD/MPEG-4 A/V Decoder"
+0x1105 0x8471 "unknown" "Sigma Designs Inc.|EM8471 REALmagic DVD/MPEG-4 A/V Decoder"
+0x1105 0x8475 "unknown" "Sigma Designs Inc.|EM8475 MPEG-4 Decoder"
+0x1105 0x8476 "unknown" "Sigma Designs Inc.|EM8476 REALmagic DVD/MPEG-4 A/V Decoder"
+0x1105 0x8485 "unknown" "Sigma Designs Inc.|EM8485 REALmagic DVD/MPEG-4 A/V Decoder"
+0x1105 0x8486 "unknown" "Sigma Designs Inc.|EM8486 REALmagic DVD/MPEG-4 A/V Decoder"
+0x1106 0x0102 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|Embedded VIA Ethernet Controller"
+0x1106 0x0130 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT6305 1394.A OHCI Link Layer Controller"
+0x1106 0x0198 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x0204 "amd64-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x0238 "amd64-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8T890 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x0258 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PCI to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x0259 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x0269 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|KT880 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x0282 "amd64-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8T880Pro CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x0290 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8M890 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x0296 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|P4M800 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x0305 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8363/8365 [KT133/KM133]"
+0x1106 0x0308 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PT894 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x0314 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|P4M800CE Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x0391 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8371 [KX133]"
+0x1106 0x0501 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8501"
+0x1106 0x0505 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C505"
+0x1106 0x0561 "generic" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C561"
+0x1106 0x0571 "via82cxxx" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C586 IDE [Apollo]"
+0x1106 0x0576 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C576 3V [Apollo Master]"
+0x1106 0x0585 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C585VP [Apollo VP1/VPX]"
+0x1106 0x0586 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C586/A/B PCI-to-ISA [Apollo VP]"
+0x1106 0x0591 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8237A SATA 2-Port Controller"
+0x1106 0x0595 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C595 [Apollo VP2]"
+0x1106 0x0596 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C596 ISA [Apollo PRO]"
+0x1106 0x0597 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C597 [Apollo VP3]"
+0x1106 0x0598 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C598 [Apollo MVP3]"
+0x1106 0x0601 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8601"
+0x1106 0x0605 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8605 [ProSavage PM133]"
+0x1106 0x0680 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C680 [Apollo P6]"
+0x1106 0x0686 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C686 [Apollo Super]"
+0x1106 0x0691 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C691 [Apollo PRO]"
+0x1106 0x0692 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|North Bridge"
+0x1106 0x0693 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C693 [Apollo Pro Plus]"
+0x1106 0x0698 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C693A [Apollo Pro133 AGP]"
+0x1106 0x0926 "ne2k-pci" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C926 [Amazon]"
+0x1106 0x1000 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C570MV"
+0x1106 0x1106 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C570MV"
+0x1106 0x1204 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8M800 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x1208 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PT890 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x1238 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8T890 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x1258 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PT880 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x1259 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|CN400/PM880 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x1269 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|KT880 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x1282 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8T880Pro CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x1290 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8M890 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x1296 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|P4M800 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x1308 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PT894 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x1314 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|P4M800CE Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x1571 "via82cxxx" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C416MV"
+0x1106 0x1595 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C595/97 [Apollo VP2/97]"
+0x1106 0x2204 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8M800 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x2208 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PT890 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x2238 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8T890 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x2258 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PT880 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x2259 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|CN400/PM880 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x2269 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|KT880 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x2282 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8T880Pro CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x2290 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8M890 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x2296 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|P4M800 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x2308 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PT894 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x2314 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|P4M800CE Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x287a "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8251 PCI to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x287b "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8251 PCI to PCIE Bridge"
+0x1106 0x287c "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8251 PCIE Root Port"
+0x1106 0x287d "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8251 PCIE Root Port"
+0x1106 0x287e "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8251 Ultra VLINK Controller"
+0x1106 0x3022 "Card:S3 UniChrome" "VIA Technologies Inc.|CLE266"
+0x1106 0x3038 "usb-uhci" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C586B USB"
+0x1106 0x3040 "i2c-via" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C586B ACPI"
+0x1106 0x3043 "via-rhine" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT86C100A [Rhine 10/100]"
+0x1106 0x3044 "ohci1394" "VIA Technologies Inc.|OHCI Compliant IEEE 1394 Host Controller"
+0x1106 0x3050 "i2c-viapro" "VIA Technologies Inc.|Power Management Controller"
+0x1106 0x3051 "i2c-viapro" "VIA Technologies Inc.|Power Management Controller"
+0x1106 0x3053 "via-rhine" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT6105M [Rhine III 10/100]"
+0x1106 0x3057 "i2c-viapro" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C686 [Apollo Super ACPI]"
+0x1106 0x3058 "snd-via82xx" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C686 [Apollo Super AC97/Audio]"
+0x1106 0x3059 0x1019 0x0a81 "snd-via82xx" "VIA Technologies Inc.|L7VTA v1.0 Motherboard (KT400-8235)"
+0x1106 0x3059 0x1043 0x8095 "snd-via82xx" "VIA Technologies Inc.|A7V8X Motherboard (Realtek ALC650 codec)"
+0x1106 0x3059 0x1043 0x80a1 "snd-via82xx" "VIA Technologies Inc.|A7V8X-X Motherboard"
+0x1106 0x3059 0x1043 0x80b0 "snd-via82xx" "VIA Technologies Inc.|A7V600 motherboard (ADI AD1980 codec [SoundMAX])"
+0x1106 0x3059 0x1106 0x3059 "snd-via82xx" "VIA Technologies Inc.|L7VMM2 Motherboard"
+0x1106 0x3059 0x1106 0x4161 "snd-via82xx" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K7VT2 motherboard"
+0x1106 0x3059 0x1297 0xc160 "snd-via82xx" "VIA Technologies Inc.|FX41 motherboard (Realtek ALC650 codec)"
+0x1106 0x3059 0x1458 0xa002 "snd-via82xx" "VIA Technologies Inc.|GA-7VAX Onboard Audio (Realtek ALC650)"
+0x1106 0x3059 0x1462 0x0080 "snd-via82xx" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8T NEO 2 motherboard"
+0x1106 0x3059 0x1462 0x3800 "snd-via82xx" "VIA Technologies Inc.|KT266 onboard audio"
+0x1106 0x3059 0x1462 0x5901 "via82cxxx_audio" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8233 [AC97 Audio Controller]"
+0x1106 0x3059 0x147b 0x1407 "snd-via82xx" "VIA Technologies Inc.|KV8-MAX3 motherboard"
+0x1106 0x3059 0x1849 0x9761 "snd-via82xx" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K7VT4 motherboard"
+0x1106 0x3059 0x4005 0x4710 "snd-via82xx" "VIA Technologies Inc.|MSI K7T266 Pro2-RU (MSI-6380 v2) onboard audio (Realtek/ALC 200/200P)"
+0x1106 0x3059 0xa0a0 0x01b6 "snd-via82xx" "VIA Technologies Inc.|AK77-8XN onboard audio"
+0x1106 0x3059 "snd-via82xx" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8233 [AC97 Audio Controller]"
+0x1106 0x3065 "via-rhine" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT6102 [Rhine II 10/100]"
+0x1106 0x3068 "slamr" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C686 [Apollo Super AC97/Modem]"
+0x1106 0x3074 "via-ircc" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8233 PCI to ISA Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3086 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C686 Power management"
+0x1106 0x3091 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8633 [Apollo Pro266]"
+0x1106 0x3099 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8367 [KT266]"
+0x1106 0x3101 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8653 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3102 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8662 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3103 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8615 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3104 "ehci-hcd" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8235 USB Enhanced Controller"
+0x1106 0x3106 "via-rhine" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT6105 [Rhine III 10/100]"
+0x1106 0x3108 "Card:S3 UniChrome" "VIA Technologies Inc.|S3 Unichrome Pro VGA Adapter"
+0x1106 0x3109 "via-ircc" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8233C PCI to ISA Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3112 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8361 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3113 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PCI to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3116 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|CPU-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3118 "Card:S3 UniChrome" "VIA Technologies Inc.|S3 Unichrome Pro VGA Adapter"
+0x1106 0x3119 "via-velocity" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT3119 Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x1106 0x3122 "Card:S3 UniChrome" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8623 [Apollo CLE266] integrated CastleRock graphics"
+0x1106 0x3123 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8623 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3128 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|P4X266A CPU-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3133 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT3133 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3147 "via-ircc" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8233 PCI to ISA Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3148 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|CPU-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3149 "sata_via" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT6420 SATA RAID Controller"
+0x1106 0x3156 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|P/KN266 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3158 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|CPU-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3164 "via82cxxx" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT6410 ATA133 RAID Controller"
+0x1106 0x3168 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8374 P4X400 Host Controller/AGP Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3177 "via-ircc" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8233A PCI to ISA Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3178 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3188 "amd64-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3189 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8377 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3198 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|CPU-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3202 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3204 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8M800 Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3205 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|KM400 Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3208 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3209 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3213 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PCI to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3218 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8T800M Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3227 "i2c-viapro" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8237 PCI-to-ISA Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3238 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8T890 CPU-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3249 "sata_via" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT6421 SATA Controller"
+0x1106 0x3258 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PCI to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3259 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|??? CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3269 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|KT880 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3282 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8T880Pro CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3288 "snd-hda-intel" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VIA High Definition Audio Controller"
+0x1106 0x3290 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8M890 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3296 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|P4M800 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3337 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8237A PCI to ISA Bridge"
+0x1106 0x3349 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8251 AHCI/SATA 4-Port Controller"
+0x1106 0x337a "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8237A PCI to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x337b "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8237A PCI to PCIE Bridge"
+0x1106 0x4149 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VIA VT6420 (ATA133) Controller"
+0x1106 0x4204 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|??? CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x4208 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PT890 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x4238 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|??? CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x4258 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|??? CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x4259 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|??? CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x4269 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|KT880 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x4282 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8T880Pro CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x4290 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8M890 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x4296 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|P4M800 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x4308 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PT894 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x4314 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|P4M800CE Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x4511 "via82cxxx_audio" "VIA Technologies Inc.|AC97 Audio"
+0x1106 0x5030 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C596 ACPI [Apollo PRO]"
+0x1106 0x5208 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PT890 I/O APIC Interrupt Controller"
+0x1106 0x5238 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8T890 I/O APIC Interrupt Controller"
+0x1106 0x5290 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8M890 I/O APIC Interrupt Controller"
+0x1106 0x5308 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PT894 I/O APIC Interrupt Controller"
+0x1106 0x6100 "via-rhine" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT85C100A [Rhine II]"
+0x1106 0x7204 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8M800 Bridge"
+0x1106 0x7205 "Card:S3 UniChrome" "VIA Technologies Inc.|KM400 Graphics Adapter"
+0x1106 0x7208 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PT890 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x7238 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8T890 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x7258 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PT880 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x7259 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PM880 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x7269 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|KT880 CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x7282 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8T880Pro CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x7290 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8M890 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x7296 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|P4M800 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x7308 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PT894 Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x7314 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|P4M800CE Host Bridge"
+0x1106 0x8208 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8T890 PCI to AGP Bridge"
+0x1106 0x8231 "via-ircc" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8231 [PCI-to-ISA Bridge]"
+0x1106 0x8235 "i2c-viapro" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8235 Power Management"
+0x1106 0x8305 "agpgart" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8363/8365 [KT133/KM133 AGP]"
+0x1106 0x8391 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8371 [PCI-PCI Bridge]"
+0x1106 0x8501 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8501"
+0x1106 0x8596 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C596 [Apollo PRO AGP]"
+0x1106 0x8597 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C597 [Apollo VP3 AGP]"
+0x1106 0x8598 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C598 [Apollo MVP3 AGP]"
+0x1106 0x8601 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8601"
+0x1106 0x8602 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|CPU to AGP Bridge"
+0x1106 0x8605 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8605 [PM133 AGP]"
+0x1106 0x8691 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C691 [Apollo Pro]"
+0x1106 0x8693 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT82C693 Apollo Pro+ PCI-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0x9238 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8T890 I/O APIC"
+0x1106 0x9398 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8601 2D/3D Graphics Accelerator"
+0x1106 0xa208 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PT890 PCI-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0xa238 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8T890 PCI-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0xb091 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8633 [Apollo Pro266 AGP]"
+0x1106 0xb099 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8367 [KT266 AGP]"
+0x1106 0xb101 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8653 CPU to AGP Controller"
+0x1106 0xb102 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8362 CPU to AGP Controller"
+0x1106 0xb103 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8615 CPU to AGP Controller"
+0x1106 0xb112 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8361 CPU to AGP Controller"
+0x1106 0xb113 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|I/O APIC"
+0x1106 0xb115 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|CPU to AGP Controller"
+0x1106 0xb116 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PCI-to-PCI Bridge (AGP)"
+0x1106 0xb133 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|CPU to AGP Controller"
+0x1106 0xb148 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PCI-to-PCI Bridge (AGP)"
+0x1106 0xb156 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PCI-to-PCI Bridge (AGP)"
+0x1106 0xb158 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PCI-to-PCI Bridge (AGP)"
+0x1106 0xb168 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PCI-to-PCI Bridge (AGP)"
+0x1106 0xb188 "amd64-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PCI-to-PCI Bridge (AGP 2.0/3.0)"
+0x1106 0xb198 "via-agp" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PCI-to-PCI Bridge (AGP 2.0/3.0)"
+0x1106 0xb213 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|I/O APIC"
+0x1106 0xc208 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PT890 PCI-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0xc238 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8T890 PCI-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0xd104 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|VT8237 Integrated Fast Ethernet Controller"
+0x1106 0xd208 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PT890 PCI-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0xd213 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PCI to PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0xd238 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8T890 PCI-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0xe208 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PT890 PCI-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0xe238 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8T890 PCI-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0xf208 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|PT890 PCI-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1106 0xf238 "unknown" "VIA Technologies Inc.|K8T890 PCI-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x1107 0x0576 "unknown" "Stratus Computers|VIA VT82C570MV [Apollo] (Wrong vendor ID!)"
+0x1107 0x8576 "unknown" "Stratus Computer|PCI Host Bridge"
+0x1108 0x0100 "unknown" "Proteon Inc.|p1690plus_AA"
+0x1108 0x0101 "unknown" "Proteon Inc.|p1690plus_AB"
+0x1108 0x0105 "unknown" "Proteon Inc.|P1690Plus"
+0x1108 0x0108 "unknown" "Proteon Inc.|P1690Plus"
+0x1108 0x0138 "unknown" "Proteon Inc.|P1690Plus"
+0x1108 0x0139 "unknown" "Proteon Inc.|P1690Plus"
+0x1108 0x013c "unknown" "Proteon Inc.|P1690Plus"
+0x1108 0x013d "unknown" "Proteon Inc.|P1690Plus"
+0x1109 0x1400 "unknown" "Cogent Data|EM110TX [EX110TX]"
+0x110a 0x0002 "unknown" "Siemens Nixdorf AG|Pirahna 2-port"
+0x110a 0x0005 "unknown" "Siemens Nixdorf AG|Tulip controller, power management, switch extender"
+0x110a 0x0006 "unknown" "Infineon Technologies|PINC"
+0x110a 0x0015 "unknown" "Infineon Technologies|Multiprocessor Interrupt Ctrlr (MINT)"
+0x110a 0x0017 "unknown" "Infineon Technologies|PCI-WAN Adapter (SiemensCard PWAN)"
+0x110a 0x001d "unknown" "Infineon Technologies|Copernicus Management Controller"
+0x110a 0x007b "unknown" "Siemens Nixdorf AG|FSC Remote Service Controller, mailbox device"
+0x110a 0x007c "unknown" "Siemens Nixdorf AG|FSC Remote Service Controller, shared memory device"
+0x110a 0x007d "unknown" "Siemens Nixdorf AG|FSC Remote Service Controller, SMIC device"
+0x110a 0x113c "unknown" "Infineon Technologies|FPGA-CPTR Hardware Tracer for CP113C / CP113D"
+0x110a 0x113e "unknown" "Infineon Technologies|FPGA-CPTRE Hardware Tracer for CP113E"
+0x110a 0x2101 "unknown" "Infineon Technologies|PEB 20321 MUNICH32X Multichannel NIC for HDLC"
+0x110a 0x2102 "dscc4" "Siemens Nixdorf AG|DSCC4 WAN adapter"
+0x110a 0x2103 "unknown" "Infineon Technologies|PEB 20324 MUNICH128X NIC for HDLC + extensions"
+0x110a 0x2104 "unknown" "Infineon Technologies|PSB 4600/4610 PCI I/F for Telephony/Data Apps (PITA)"
+0x110a 0x2106 "unknown" "Infineon Technologies|PEB 20256 E MUNICH256 (NIC HDLC/PPP w/256 channels)"
+0x110a 0x2108 "unknown" "Infineon Technologies|PEB 20256M E MUNICH256FM Multichnl NIC for HDLC/PPP"
+0x110a 0x3142 "unknown" "Siemens Nixdorf AG|SIMATIC NET CP 5613A1 (Profibus Adapter)"
+0x110a 0x3160 "unknown" "Infineon Technologies|MCCA Pentium-PCI Host Bridge Core ASIC"
+0x110a 0x4021 "unknown" "Siemens Nixdorf AG|SIMATIC NET CP 5512 (Profibus and MPI Cardbus Adapter)"
+0x110a 0x4029 "unknown" "Siemens Nixdorf AG|SIMATIC NET CP 5613A2 (Profibus Adapter)"
+0x110a 0x4942 "unknown" "Siemens Nixdorf AG|FPGA I-Bus Tracer for MBD"
+0x110a 0x6120 "unknown" "Siemens Nixdorf AG|SZB6120"
+0x110b 0x0001 "unknown" "Chromatic Research Inc.|Mpact Media Processor"
+0x110b 0x0002 "unknown" "Chromatic Research Inc.|GM90C7110VX MPACT DVD decoder."
+0x110b 0x0004 "unknown" "Chromatic Research Inc.|Mpact 2"
+0x1110 0x6037 "unknown" "Powerhouse Systems|Firepower Powerized SMP I/O ASIC"
+0x1110 0x6073 "unknown" "Powerhouse Systems|Firepower Powerized SMP I/O ASIC"
+0x1112 0x0000 "unknown" "Osicom Technologies Inc.|2340 4 Port 10/100 UTP Fast Ethernet Adapter"
+0x1112 0x2200 "unknown" "RNS - Div. of Meret Communications Inc.|FDDI Adapter"
+0x1112 0x2300 "unknown" "Rockwell International|Fast Ethernet Adapter"
+0x1112 0x2340 "unknown" "RNS - Div. of Meret Communications Inc.|4 Port Fast Ethernet Adapter"
+0x1112 0x2400 "unknown" "RNS - Div. of Meret Communications Inc.|ATM Adapter"
+0x1113 0x1211 "8139too" "Accton Technology Corp.|SMC2-1211TX"
+0x1113 0x1216 "tulip" "Accton Technology Corp.|Ethernet Adapter"
+0x1113 0x1217 "tulip" "Accton Technology Corp.|EN-1217 Ethernet Adapter"
+0x1113 0x5105 "unknown" "Accton Technology Corp.|10Mbps Network card"
+0x1113 0x9211 "unknown" "Accton Technology Corp.|EN-1207D Fast Ethernet Adapter"
+0x1113 0x9511 "tulip" "Accton Technology Corp.| Ethernet Adapter"
+0x1113 0xd301 "unknown" "Accton Technology Corp.|CPWNA100 (Philips wireless PCMCIA)"
+0x1113 0xec02 "unknown" "Accton Technology Corp.|SMC 1244TX v3"
+0x1114 0x0506 "atmel_pci" "Atmel Corp.|802.11b Wireless Network Adaptor (at76c506)"
+0x1116 0x0022 "unknown" "Data Translation|DT3001"
+0x1116 0x0023 "unknown" "Data Translation|DT3002"
+0x1116 0x0024 "unknown" "Data Translation|DT3003"
+0x1116 0x0025 "unknown" "Data Translation|DT3004"
+0x1116 0x0026 "unknown" "Data Translation|DT3005"
+0x1116 0x0027 "unknown" "Data Translation|DT3001-PGL"
+0x1116 0x0028 "unknown" "Data Translation|DT3003-PGL"
+0x1117 0x153b "bttv" "Terratec|TValue"
+0x1117 0x9500 "unknown" "Datacube Inc.|Max-1C SVGA card"
+0x1117 0x9501 "unknown" "Datacube Inc.|Max-1C image processing"
+0x1118 0x153b "bttv" "Terratec|TValue"
+0x1119 0x0000 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6000/6020/6050"
+0x1119 0x0001 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6000b/6010"
+0x1119 0x0002 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6110/6510"
+0x1119 0x0003 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6120/6520"
+0x1119 0x0004 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6530"
+0x1119 0x0005 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6550"
+0x1119 0x0006 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6x17"
+0x1119 0x0007 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6x27"
+0x1119 0x0008 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6537"
+0x1119 0x0009 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 5557"
+0x1119 0x000a "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6x15"
+0x1119 0x000b "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6x25"
+0x1119 0x000c "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6535"
+0x1119 0x000d "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6555"
+0x1119 0x0010 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6115/6515"
+0x1119 0x0011 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6125/6525"
+0x1119 0x0012 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6535"
+0x1119 0x0013 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6555/6555-ECC"
+0x1119 0x0100 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6117RP/6517RP"
+0x1119 0x0101 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6127RP/6527RP"
+0x1119 0x0102 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6537RP"
+0x1119 0x0103 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6557RP"
+0x1119 0x0104 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6111RP/6511RP"
+0x1119 0x0105 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6121RP/6521RP"
+0x1119 0x0110 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6117RP1/6517RP1"
+0x1119 0x0111 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6127RP1/6527RP1"
+0x1119 0x0112 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6537RP1"
+0x1119 0x0113 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6557RP1"
+0x1119 0x0114 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6111RP1/6511RP1"
+0x1119 0x0115 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6121RP1/6521RP1"
+0x1119 0x0118 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6x18RD"
+0x1119 0x0119 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6x28RD"
+0x1119 0x011a "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6x38RD"
+0x1119 0x011b "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6x58RD"
+0x1119 0x0120 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6117RP2/6517RP2"
+0x1119 0x0121 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6127RP2/6527RP2"
+0x1119 0x0122 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6537RP2"
+0x1119 0x0123 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6557RP2"
+0x1119 0x0124 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6111RP2/6511RP2"
+0x1119 0x0125 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6121RP2/6521RP2"
+0x1119 0x0136 "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 6x13RS"
+0x1119 0x0137 "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 6x23RS"
+0x1119 0x0138 "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 6118RS/6518RS/6618RS"
+0x1119 0x0139 "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 6128RS/6528RS/6628RS"
+0x1119 0x013a "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 6538RS/6638RS"
+0x1119 0x013b "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 6558RS/6658RS"
+0x1119 0x013c "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 6x33RS"
+0x1119 0x013d "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 6x43RS"
+0x1119 0x013e "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 6x53RS"
+0x1119 0x013f "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 6x63RS"
+0x1119 0x0166 "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 7113RN/7513RN/7613RN"
+0x1119 0x0167 "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 7123RN/7523RN/7623RN"
+0x1119 0x0168 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 7x18RN"
+0x1119 0x0169 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 7x28RN"
+0x1119 0x016a "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 7x38RN"
+0x1119 0x016b "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 7x58RN"
+0x1119 0x016c "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 7533RN/7633RN"
+0x1119 0x016d "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 7543RN/7643RN"
+0x1119 0x016e "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 7553RN/7653RN"
+0x1119 0x016f "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 7563RN/7663RN"
+0x1119 0x01d6 "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 4x13RZ"
+0x1119 0x01d7 "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 4x23RZ"
+0x1119 0x01f6 "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 8x13RZ"
+0x1119 0x01f7 "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 8x23RZ"
+0x1119 0x01fc "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 8x33RZ"
+0x1119 0x01fd "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 8x43RZ"
+0x1119 0x01fe "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 8x53RZ"
+0x1119 0x01ff "gdth" "ICP Raid Controller|GDT 8x63RZ"
+0x1119 0x0210 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6x19RD"
+0x1119 0x0211 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 6x29RD"
+0x1119 0x0260 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 7x19RN"
+0x1119 0x0261 "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT 7x29RN"
+0x1119 0x02ff "gdth" "ICP Vortex|GDT MAXRP"
+0x1119 0x0300 "gdth" "ICP Vortex GDT Raid Controller"
+0x1119 0x153b "bttv" "ICP Vortex|TValue"
+0x1119 0xffff "gdth" "ICP Vortex|"
+0x111a 0x0000 "eni" "Efficient Networks Inc.|155P-MF1 (FPGA)"
+0x111a 0x0002 "eni" "Efficient Networks Inc.|155P-MF1 (ASIC)"
+0x111a 0x0003 "lanai" "Efficient Networks Inc.|ENI-25P ATM Adapter"
+0x111a 0x0005 "lanai" "Efficient Networks Inc.|ENI-25P ATM Adapter"
+0x111a 0x0007 "unknown" "Efficient Networks Inc.|SpeedStream ADSL"
+0x111a 0x1023 "orinoco_plx" "Efficient Networks Inc.|SpeedStream S1023"
+0x111a 0x1203 "unknown" "Efficient Networks Inc.|SpeedStream 1023 Wireless PCI Adapter"
+0x111a 0x153b "bttv" "Terratec|TValue"
+0x111c 0x0001 "unknown" "Tricord Systems Inc.|Powerbis Bridge"
+0x111d 0x0001 "nicstar" "Integrated Device Technology Inc.|IDT77211 ATM Adapter"
+0x111d 0x0003 "idt77252" "Integrated Device Technology Inc.|IDT77252 ATM Adapter"
+0x111d 0x0004 "unknown" "Integrated Device Technology Inc.|IDT77V252 MICRO ABR SAR PCI ATM Controller"
+0x111d 0x0005 "unknown" "Integrated Device Technology Inc.|IDT77V222 155Mbps ATM MICRO ABR SAR Controller"
+0x111f 0x4a47 "unknown" "Precision Digital Images|Precision MX Video engine interface"
+0x111f 0x5243 "unknown" "Precision Digital Images|Frame capture bus interface"
+0x1123 0x153b "bttv" "Terratec|TV/Radio+"
+0x1127 0x0200 "unknown" "FORE Systems Inc.|ForeRunner PCA-200 ATM"
+0x1127 0x0210 "unknown" "FORE Systems Inc.|PCA-200PC"
+0x1127 0x0250 "unknown" "FORE Systems Inc.|ATM"
+0x1127 0x0300 "fore_200e" "FORE Systems Inc.|PCA-200E"
+0x1127 0x0310 "unknown" "FORE Systems Inc.|ATM"
+0x1127 0x0400 "he" "FORE Systems Inc.|ForeRunnerHE ATM Adapter"
+0x1127 0x153b "bttv" "Terratec|TV+"
+0x112e 0x0000 "unknown" "Infomedia Microelectronics|Enhanced IDE Controller"
+0x112e 0x000b "unknown" "Infomedia Microelectronics|Enhanced IDE Controller"
+0x112f 0x0000 "unknown" "Imaging Technology Inc.|MVC IC-PCI"
+0x112f 0x0001 "unknown" "Imaging Technology Inc.|MVC IM-PCI Video frame grabber/processor"
+0x112f 0x0007 "unknown" "Imaging Technology|? PCVisionPlus Image Capture Device"
+0x1131 0x1201 "unknown" "Philips Semiconductors|PTD3000 VPN IPSEC coprocessor"
+0x1131 0x1234 "unknown" "Philips Semiconductors|EHCI USB 2.0 Controller"
+0x1131 0x1301 "unknown" "Philips Semiconductors|PTD3210 SSL Accelerator"
+0x1131 0x1561 "unknown" "Philips Semiconductors|USB 1.1 Host Controller"
+0x1131 0x1562 "unknown" "Philips Semiconductors|ISP1561 EHCI USB 2.0 Controller"
+0x1131 0x2780 "unknown" "Philips Semiconductors|TDA2780AQ TV deflection controller"
+0x1131 0x3400 "slamr" "Philips Semiconductors|UCB1500 Modem"
+0x1131 0x3401 "unknown" "Philips Semiconductors|UCB1500 Multimedia Audio Device"
+0x1131 0x5400 "unknown" "Philips Semiconductors|TriMedia TM1000/1100 Multimedia processor"
+0x1131 0x5402 "ISDN:capidrv" "Philips Semiconductors|Fritz DSL ISDN/DSL Adapter"
+0x1131 0x7130 "saa7134" "Philips Semiconductors|SAA7130 Video Broadcast Decoder"
+0x1131 0x7133 "saa7134" "Philips Semiconductors|SAA7135HL Multi Media Capture Device"
+0x1131 0x7134 "saa7134" "Philips Semiconductors|SAA7134"
+0x1131 0x7135 "saa7134" "Philips Semiconductors|SAA7135 Audio+video broadcast decoder"
+0x1131 0x7145 "avmaster" "Philips Semiconductors|SAA7145"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x110a 0x0000 "dvb-ttpci" "Philips Semiconductors|Fujitsu/Siemens DVB-C card rev1.5"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x110a 0xffff "dpc7146" "Philips Semiconductors|Fujitsu/Siemens DVB-C card rev1.5"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x1131 0x0010 "budget-av" "Philips Semiconductors|KNC1 DVB-S Plus Budget"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x1131 0x0011 "budget-av" "Philips Semiconductors|KNC1 DVB-S budget"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x1131 0x4f56 "budget-av" "Philips Semiconductors|KNC1 DVB-S Budget"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x1131 0x4f60 "budget" "Philips Semiconductors|Fujitsu Siemens Activy Budget-S PCI rev AL"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x1131 0x4f61 "budget" "Philips Semiconductors|Fujitsu-Siemens Activy DVB-S Budget"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x1131 0x5f61 "dpc7146" "Philips Semiconductors|Activy DVB-T Budget"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x114b 0x2003 "dpc7146" "Philips Semiconductors|DVRaptor Video Edit/Capture Card"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x11bd 0x0006 "dpc7146" "Philips Semiconductors|DV500 Overlay"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x11bd 0x000a "dpc7146" "Philips Semiconductors|DV500 Overlay"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x11bd 0x000f "dpc7146" "Philips Semiconductors|DV500 Overlay"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x13c2 0x0000 "dvb-ttpci" "Philips Semiconductors|Siemens/Technotrend/Hauppauge DVB card rev1.3 or rev1.5"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x13c2 0x0001 "dvb-ttpci" "Philips Semiconductors|Technotrend/Hauppauge DVB card rev1.3 or rev1.6"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x13c2 0x0002 "dvb-ttpci" "Philips Semiconductors|Technotrend/Hauppauge DVB card rev2.1"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x13c2 0x0003 "dvb-ttpci" "Philips Semiconductors|Technotrend/Hauppauge DVB card rev2.1"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x13c2 0x0004 "dvb-ttpci" "Philips Semiconductors|Technotrend/Hauppauge DVB card rev2.1"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x13c2 0x0006 "dvb-ttpci" "Philips Semiconductors|Technotrend/Hauppauge DVB card rev1.3 or rev1.6"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x13c2 0x0008 "dvb-ttpci" "Philips Semiconductors|Technotrend/Hauppauge DVB-T"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x13c2 0x000a "dvb-ttpci" "Philips Semiconductors|Octal/Technotrend DVB-C for iTV"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x13c2 0x000e "dvb-ttpci" "Technotrend/Hauppauge|WinTV Nexus-S Rev 2.3"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x13c2 0x1002 "dvb-ttpci" "Philips Semiconductors|SAA7146"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x13c2 0x1003 "budget" "Philips Semiconductors|Technotrend-Budget / Hauppauge WinTV-NOVA-S DVB card"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x13c2 0x1004 "budget" "Philips Semiconductors|Technotrend-Budget / Hauppauge WinTV-NOVA-C DVB card"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x13c2 0x1005 "budget" "Philips Semiconductors|Technotrend-Budget / Hauppauge WinTV-NOVA-T DVB card"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x13c2 0x100c "budget-ci" "Philips Semiconductors|Technotrend-Budget / Hauppauge WinTV-NOVA-CI DVB card"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x13c2 0x100f "budget-ci" "Philips Semiconductors|Technotrend-Budget / Hauppauge WinTV-NOVA-CI DVB card"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x13c2 0x1010 "budget-ci" ""
+0x1131 0x7146 0x13c2 0x1011 "budget-ci" "Philips Semiconductors|Technotrend-Budget / Hauppauge WinTV-NOVA-T DVB card"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x13c2 0x1012 "budget-ci" ""
+0x1131 0x7146 0x13c2 0x1013 "budget" "Philips Semiconductors|SATELCO Multimedia DVB"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x13c2 0x1016 "budget" ""
+0x1131 0x7146 0x13c2 0x1017 "budget" ""
+0x1131 0x7146 0x13c2 0x1102 "dvb-ttpci" "Philips Semiconductors|Technotrend/Hauppauge DVB card rev2.1"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x153b 0x1154 "budget-av" "Philips Semiconductors|SAA7146"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x153b 0x1156 "budget-av" "Philips Semiconductors|SAA7146"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x153b 0x1157 "budget-av" "Philips Semiconductors|SAA7146"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x17c8 0x0101 "hexium_orion" "Philips Semiconductors|SAA7146"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x17c8 0x2101 "hexium_orion" "Philips Semiconductors|SAA7146"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x17c8 0x2401 "hexium_gemini" "Philips Semiconductors|SAA7146"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x17c8 0x2402 "hexium_gemini" "Philips Semiconductors|SAA7146"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x1894 0x0020 "budget-av" "Philips Semiconductors|KNC1 DVB-C budget"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x1894 0x0021 "budget-av" "Philips Semiconductors|KNC1 DVB-C Plus budget"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x1894 0x0030 "budget-av" "Philips Semiconductors|KNC1 DVB-T budget"
+0x1131 0x7146 0x1894 0x0031 "budget-av" "Philips Semiconductors|KNC1 DVB-T Plus budget"
+0x1131 0x7146 "dpc7146" "Philips Semiconductors|SAA7146"
+0x1131 0x9730 "unknown" "Philips Semiconductors|SAA9730 Ethernet controller"
+0x1133 0x7711 "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|EiconCard C91"
+0x1133 0x7901 "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|EiconCard S90"
+0x1133 0x7902 "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|EiconCard S90"
+0x1133 0x7911 "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|EiconCard S91"
+0x1133 0x7912 "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|EiconCard S91"
+0x1133 0x7941 "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|EiconCard S94"
+0x1133 0x7942 "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|EiconCard S94"
+0x1133 0x7943 "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|EiconCard S94"
+0x1133 0x7944 "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|EiconCard S94"
+0x1133 0xb921 "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|EiconCard P92"
+0x1133 0xb922 "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|EiconCard P92"
+0x1133 0xb923 "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|EiconCard P92"
+0x1133 0xe001 "ISDN:hisax" "Eicon Technology Corp.|DIVA 20PRO ISDN Adapter"
+0x1133 0xe002 "ISDN:hisax,type=11" "Eicon Technology Corp.|DIVA 20 ISDN Adapter"
+0x1133 0xe003 "ISDN:hisax" "Eicon Technology Corp.|DIVA 20PRO_U ISDN Adapter"
+0x1133 0xe004 "ISDN:hisax,type=11" "Eicon Technology Corp.|DIVA 20_U ISDN Adapter"
+0x1133 0xe005 "ISDN:hisax,type=11" "Eicon Technology Corp.|ISDN Controller"
+0x1133 0xe006 "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|Diva CT S/T PCI"
+0x1133 0xe007 "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|Diva CT U PCI"
+0x1133 0xe008 "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|Diva CT Lite S/T PCI"
+0x1133 0xe009 "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|Diva CT Lite U PCI"
+0x1133 0xe00a "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|Diva ISDN+V.90 PCI"
+0x1133 0xe00b "ISDN:hisax" "Eicon Technology Corp.|DIVA 2.02"
+0x1133 0xe00c "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|Diva 2.02 PCI U"
+0x1133 0xe00d "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|Diva ISDN Pro 3.0 PCI"
+0x1133 0xe00e "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|Diva ISDN+CT S/T PCI Rev 2"
+0x1133 0xe010 "ISDN:divas" "Eicon Technology Corp.|DIVA Server BRI-2M"
+0x1133 0xe011 "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|Diva Server BRI S/T Rev 2"
+0x1133 0xe012 "ISDN:divas" "Eicon Technology Corp.|MaestraQ DIVA Server BRI-8M"
+0x1133 0xe013 "ISDN:divas" "Eicon Technology Corp.|MaestraQ-U DIVA Server 4BRI/PCI"
+0x1133 0xe014 "ISDN:divas" "Eicon Technology Corp.|DIVA Server PRO-30M"
+0x1133 0xe015 "ISDN:divas" "Eicon Technology Corp.|Diva Server PRI-30M PCI v.2"
+0x1133 0xe016 "ISDN:divas" "Eicon Technology Corp.|Diva Server Voice 4BRI PCI"
+0x1133 0xe017 "ISDN:divas" "Eicon Technology Corp.|Diva Server Voice 4BRI PCI Rev 2"
+0x1133 0xe018 "ISDN:divas" "Eicon Technology Corp.|DIVA Server BRI-2M/-2F"
+0x1133 0xe019 "ISDN:divas" "Eicon Technology Corp.|Diva Server Voice PRI PCI Rev 2"
+0x1133 0xe01a "ISDN:divas" "Eicon Technology Corp.|Diva Server 2FX"
+0x1133 0xe01b "ISDN:divas" "Eicon Technology Corp.|Diva Server BRI-2M Voice Revision 2"
+0x1133 0xe01c "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|Diva Server PRI Rev 3.0"
+0x1133 0xe01e "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|Diva Server 2PRI"
+0x1133 0xe020 "unknown" "Eicon Technology Corp.|Diva Server 4PRI"
+0x1133 0xe024 "unknown" "Eicon Networks Corp.|Diva Server Analog-4P"
+0x1133 0xe028 "unknown" "Eicon Networks Corp.|Diva Server Analog-8P"
+0x1133 0xe02a "unknown" "Eicon Networks Corp.|Diva Server IPM-300"
+0x1133 0xe02c "unknown" "Eicon Networks Corp.|Diva Server IPM-600"
+0x1134 0x0001 "unknown" "Mercury Computer Systems|Raceway Bridge"
+0x1134 0x0002 "unknown" "Mercury Computer Systems|Dual PCI to RapidIO Bridge"
+0x1134 0x153b "bttv" "Terratec|TValue"
+0x1135 0x0001 "unknown" "Fuji Xerox Co Ltd.|Printer controller"
+0x1135 0x153b "bttv" "Terratec|TValue Radio"
+0x1138 0x5550 "cpcihp_zt5550" "Ziatech Corp.|"
+0x1138 0x8905 "unknown" "Ziatech Corp.|8905 [STD 32 Bridge]"
+0x1139 0x0001 "unknown" "Dynamic Pictures Inc.|VGA Compatable 3D Graphics"
+0x113c 0x0000 "unknown" "Cyclone Microsystems Inc.|PCI-9060 i960 Bridge"
+0x113c 0x0001 "unknown" "Cyclone Microsystems Inc.|PCI-SDK [PCI i960 Evaluation Platform]"
+0x113c 0x0911 "unknown" "Cyclone Microsystems Inc.|PCI-911 [PCI-based i960Jx Intelligent I/O Controller]"
+0x113c 0x0912 "unknown" "Cyclone Microsystems Inc.|PCI-912 [i960CF-based Intelligent I/O Controller]"
+0x113c 0x0913 "unknown" "Cyclone Microsystems Inc.|PCI-913"
+0x113c 0x0914 "unknown" "Cyclone Microsystems Inc.|PCI-914 [I/O Controller w/ secondary PCI bus]"
+0x113f 0x0808 "unknown" "Equinox Systems Inc.|SST-64P Adapter"
+0x113f 0x1010 "unknown" "Equinox Systems Inc.|SST-128P Adapter"
+0x113f 0x80c0 "unknown" "Equinox Systems Inc.|SST-16P Adapter"
+0x113f 0x80c4 "unknown" "Equinox Systems Inc.|SST-16P Adapter"
+0x113f 0x80c8 "unknown" "Equinox Systems Inc.|SST-16P Adapter"
+0x113f 0x8888 "unknown" "Equinox Systems Inc.|SST-4P Adapter"
+0x113f 0x9090 "unknown" "Equinox Systems Inc.|SST-8P Adapter"
+0x1141 0x0001 "unknown" "Crest Microsystem Inc.|EIDE"
+0x1142 0x3210 "unknown" "Alliance Semiconductor|AP6410"
+0x1142 0x6410 "unknown" "Alliance Semiconductor|GUI Accelerator"
+0x1142 0x6412 "unknown" "Alliance Semiconductor|GUI Accelerator"
+0x1142 0x6420 "unknown" "Alliance Semiconductor|GUI Accelerator"
+0x1142 0x6422 "Card:Alliance ProMotion 6422" "Alliance Semiconductor|ProVideo 6422"
+0x1142 0x6424 "unknown" "Alliance Semiconductor|ProVideo 6424"
+0x1142 0x6425 "Card:AT25" "Alliance Semiconductor|ProMotion AT25"
+0x1142 0x6426 "unknown" "Alliance Semiconductor|GUI Accelerator"
+0x1142 0x643d "Card:AT3D" "Alliance Semiconductor|ProMotion AT3D"
+0x1144 0x0001 "unknown" "Cincinnati Milacron|Noservo controller"
+0x1145 0x8007 "nsp32" "Workbit Corp.|NinjaSCSI-32 Workbit"
+0x1145 0x8009 "nsp32" "Workbit Corp.|"
+0x1145 0xf007 "nsp32" "Workbit Corp.|NinjaSCSI-32 KME"
+0x1145 0xf010 "nsp32" "Workbit Corp.|NinjaSCSI-32 Workbit"
+0x1145 0xf012 "nsp32" "Workbit Corp.|NinjaSCSI-32 Logitec"
+0x1145 0xf013 "nsp32" "Workbit Corp.|NinjaSCSI-32 Logitec"
+0x1145 0xf015 "nsp32" "Workbit Corp.|NinjaSCSI-32 Melco"
+0x1145 0xf020 "unknown" "Workbit Corp.|CardBus ATAPI Host Adapter"
+0x1145 0xf021 "delkin_cb" "Workbit Corp.|"
+0x1148 0x4000 "skfp" "Syskonnect (Schneider & Koch)|FDDI Adapter"
+0x1148 0x4200 "tmspci" "Syskonnect (Schneider & Koch)|Token ring adaptor"
+0x1148 0x4300 "sk98lin" "Syskonnect (Schneider & Koch)|Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x1148 0x4320 "sk98lin" "Syskonnect (Schneider & Koch)|SK-98xx Gigabit Ethernet Server Adapter"
+0x1148 0x4400 "tg3" "Syskonnect (Schneider & Koch)|Tigon3 Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x1148 0x4500 "tg3" "Syskonnect (Schneider & Koch)|Tigon3 Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x1148 0x5579 "unknown" "VMIC|VMIPCI-5579 (Reflective Memory Card)"
+0x1148 0x9000 "sk98lin" "SysKonnect|SK-9Sxx Gigabit Ethernet Server Adapter PCI-X"
+0x1148 0x9843 "unknown" "SysKonnect|[Fujitsu] Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x1148 0x9e00 "sk98lin" "SysKonnect|SK-9Exx 10/100/1000Base-T Adapter"
+0x114a 0x5579 "unknown" "VMIC|VMIPCI-5579 (Reflective Memory Card)"
+0x114a 0x5587 "unknown" "VMIC|VMIPCI-5587 (Reflective Memory Card)"
+0x114a 0x5588 "unknown" "VMIC|VMICPCI5588 VMICPCI5588 Reflective Memory Card"
+0x114a 0x6504 "unknown" "VMIC|VMIC PCI 7755 FPGA"
+0x114a 0x7587 "unknown" "VMIC|VMIVME-7587"
+0x114f 0x0002 "unknown" "Digi International|AccelePort EPC"
+0x114f 0x0003 "dgrs" "Digi International|RightSwitch SE-6"
+0x114f 0x0004 "epca" "Digi International|AccelePort Xem"
+0x114f 0x0005 "epca" "Digi International|AccelePort Xr"
+0x114f 0x0006 "epca" "Digi International|AccelePort Xr,C/X"
+0x114f 0x0007 "unknown" "Digi International|DataFire PCI 1 S/T"
+0x114f 0x0009 "epca" "Digi International|AccelePort Xr/J"
+0x114f 0x000a "unknown" "Digi International|AccelePort EPC/J"
+0x114f 0x000c "unknown" "Digi International|DataFirePRIme T1 (1-port)"
+0x114f 0x000d "unknown" "Digi International|SyncPort 2-Port (x.25/FR)"
+0x114f 0x0011 "unknown" "Digi International|AccelePort 8r EIA-232 (IBM)"
+0x114f 0x0012 "unknown" "Digi International|AccelePort 8r EIA-422"
+0x114f 0x0013 "unknown" "Digi International|AccelePort Xr"
+0x114f 0x0014 "unknown" "Digi International|AccelePort 8r EIA-422"
+0x114f 0x0015 "unknown" "Digi International|AccelePort Xem"
+0x114f 0x0016 "unknown" "Digi International|AccelePort EPC/X"
+0x114f 0x0017 "unknown" "Digi International|AccelePort C/X"
+0x114f 0x0019 "unknown" "Digi International|DataFire PCI 1 U"
+0x114f 0x001a "unknown" "Digi International|DataFirePRIme E1 (1-port)"
+0x114f 0x001b "unknown" "Digi International|AccelePort C/X (IBM)"
+0x114f 0x001d "unknown" "Digi International|DataFire RAS T1/E1/PRI"
+0x114f 0x001f "unknown" "Digi International|ClydeNonCsu6034"
+0x114f 0x0020 "unknown" "Digi International|ClydeNonCsu6032"
+0x114f 0x0021 "unknown" "Digi International|ClydeNonCsu4"
+0x114f 0x0022 "unknown" "Digi International|ClydeNonCsu2"
+0x114f 0x0023 "unknown" "Digi International|AccelePort RAS"
+0x114f 0x0024 "unknown" "Digi International|DataFire RAS B4 ST/U"
+0x114f 0x0026 "unknown" "Digi International|AccelePort 4r 920"
+0x114f 0x0027 "unknown" "Digi International|AccelePort Xr 920"
+0x114f 0x0028 "unknown" "Digi International|ClassicBoard 4"
+0x114f 0x0029 "unknown" "Digi International|DigiClassic PCI"
+0x114f 0x0034 "unknown" "Digi International|AccelePort 2r 920"
+0x114f 0x0035 "unknown" "Digi International|DataFire DSP T1/E1/PRI cPCI"
+0x114f 0x0040 "unknown" "Digi International|AccelePort Xp"
+0x114f 0x0042 "unknown" "Digi International|AccelePort 2p PCI"
+0x114f 0x0043 "unknown" "Digi International|AccelePort 4p"
+0x114f 0x0044 "unknown" "Digi International|AccelePort 8p"
+0x114f 0x0045 "unknown" "Digi International|AccelePort 16p"
+0x114f 0x004e "unknown" "Digi International|AccelePort 32p"
+0x114f 0x0070 "ISDN:hisax,type=35" "Digi International|Unknown ISDN Adapter"
+0x114f 0x0071 "ISDN:hisax,type=35" "Digi International|ISDN Adapter"
+0x114f 0x0072 "ISDN:hisax,type=35" "Digi International|Unknown ISDN Adapter"
+0x114f 0x0073 "ISDN:hisax,type=35" "Digi International|Unknown ISDN Adapter"
+0x114f 0x00b0 "unknown" "Digi International|Digi Neo 4"
+0x114f 0x00b1 "unknown" "Digi International|Digi Neo 8"
+0x114f 0x00c8 "jsm" "Digi International|Digi Neo 2 DB9"
+0x114f 0x00c9 "jsm" "Digi International|Digi Neo 2 DB9 PRI"
+0x114f 0x00ca "jsm" "Digi International|Digi Neo 2 RJ45"
+0x114f 0x00cb "jsm" "Digi International|Digi Neo 2 RJ45 PRI"
+0x114f 0x00d0 "unknown" "Digi International|ClassicBoard 4 422"
+0x114f 0x00d1 "unknown" "Digi International|ClassicBoard 8 422"
+0x114f 0x6001 "unknown" "Digi International|Avanstar"
+0x1155 0x0810 "unknown" "Pine Technology Ltd.|486 CPU/PCI Bridge"
+0x1155 0x0922 "unknown" "Pine Technology Ltd.|Pentium CPU/PCI Bridge"
+0x1155 0x0926 "unknown" "Pine Technology Ltd.|PCI/ISA Bridge"
+0x1158 0x3011 "unknown" "Voarx R & D Inc.|Tokenet/vg 1001/10m anylan"
+0x1158 0x9050 "unknown" "Voarx R & D Inc.|Lanfleet/Truevalue"
+0x1158 0x9051 "unknown" "Voarx R & D Inc.|Lanfleet/Truevalue"
+0x1159 0x0001 "unknown" "Mutech Corp.|MV-1000"
+0x1159 0x0002 "unknown" "Mutech Corp.|MV-1500 Frame Grabber"
+0x115d 0x0003 "xircom_cb" "Xircom|Cardbus Ethernet 10/100"
+0x115d 0x0005 "xircom_cb" "Xircom|Cardbus Ethernet 10/100"
+0x115d 0x0007 "xircom_cb" "Xircom|Cardbus Ethernet 10/100"
+0x115d 0x000b "xircom_cb" "Xircom|Cardbus Ethernet 10/100"
+0x115d 0x000c "" "Xircom|Mini-PCI V.90 56k Modem"
+0x115d 0x000f "xircom_cb" "Xircom|Cardbus Ethernet 10/100"
+0x115d 0x002b "" "Xircom|Winmodem built into NEC Versa VXi"
+0x115d 0x0076 "" "Xircom|Xircom MPCI3B-56G (Lucent SCORPIO) Soft"
+0x115d 0x00d3 "" "Xircom|Xircom MPCI Modem 56"
+0x115d 0x00d4 "" "Xircom|MPCI Modem 56k"
+0x115d 0x0101 "8250_pci" "Xircom|Cardbus 56k modem"
+0x115d 0x0103 "8250_pci" "Xircom|Cardbus Ethernet + 56k Modem"
+0x1161 0x0001 "unknown" "PFU Ltd.|Host Bridge"
+0x1163 0x0001 "Card:Rendition Verite 1000" "Rendition|Verite 1000"
+0x1163 0x2000 "Card:Rendition Verite 2x00" "Rendition|Verite V2000/V2100/V2200"
+0x1165 0x0001 "unknown" "Imagraph Corp.|Motion TPEG Recorder/Player with audio"
+0x1166 0x0000 "unknown" "ServerWorks|CMIC-LE"
+0x1166 0x0005 "unknown" "Reliance Computer|NB6536 (CNB20HE) PCI to PCI Bridge"
+0x1166 0x0006 "unknown" "Reliance Computer|NB6536 (CNB20HE) Host Bridge"
+0x1166 0x0007 "sworks-agp" "Reliance Computer|CNB20-LE CPU to PCI Bridge"
+0x1166 0x0008 "sworks-agp" "Reliance Computer|CNB20HE"
+0x1166 0x0009 "sworks-agp" "Reliance Computer|CNB20HE"
+0x1166 0x0010 "unknown" "ServerWorks|CIOB30"
+0x1166 0x0011 "unknown" "ServerWorks|CMIC-HE"
+0x1166 0x0012 "unknown" "ServerWorks|CMIC-LE"
+0x1166 0x0013 "unknown" "Reliance Computer Corp./ServerWorks|Hostbridge and MCH"
+0x1166 0x0014 "unknown" "ServerWorks|CNB20-HE Host Bridge"
+0x1166 0x0015 "unknown" "Reliance Computer Corp./ServerWorks|Hostbridge and MCH"
+0x1166 0x0016 "unknown" "ServerWorks|CMIC-GC Host Bridge"
+0x1166 0x0017 "unknown" "ServerWorks|GCNB-LE Host Bridge"
+0x1166 0x0036 "unknown" "Broadcom|HT1000 PCI/PCI-X bridge"
+0x1166 0x0101 "unknown" "Reliance Computer Corp./ServerWorks|CIOB-X2"
+0x1166 0x0104 "unknown" "Broadcom|HT1000 PCI/PCI-X bridge"
+0x1166 0x0110 "unknown" "ServerWorks|CIOB-E I/O Bridge with Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x1166 0x0130 "unknown" "Broadcom|HT1000 PCI-X bridge"
+0x1166 0x0132 "unknown" "Broadcom|HT1000 PCI-Express bridge"
+0x1166 0x0200 "i2c-piix4" "ServerWorks|OSB4"
+0x1166 0x0201 "i2c-piix4" "ServerWorks|CSB5"
+0x1166 0x0203 "i2c-piix4" "ServerWorks|CSB6 South Bridge"
+0x1166 0x0205 "unknown" "Broadcom|HT1000 Legacy South Bridge"
+0x1166 0x0211 "serverworks" "ServerWorks|OSB4 IDE Controller"
+0x1166 0x0212 "serverworks" "Reliance Computer|CSB5 IDE interface"
+0x1166 0x0213 "serverworks" "ServerWorks|CSB6 RAID/IDE Controller"
+0x1166 0x0214 "serverworks" "Broadcom|HT1000 Legacy IDE controller"
+0x1166 0x0217 "serverworks" "Reliance Computer Corp./ServerWorks|OSB6 PCI EIDE Controller (Tertiary)"
+0x1166 0x0220 "usb-ohci" "Reliance Computer|OSB4 OpenHCI Compliant USB Controller"
+0x1166 0x0221 "usb-ohci" "ServerWorks|CSB6 OHCI USB Controller"
+0x1166 0x0223 "unknown" "Broadcom|HT1000 USB Controller"
+0x1166 0x0225 "unknown" "ServerWorks|GCLE Host Bridge"
+0x1166 0x0227 "tpm_atmel" "ServerWorks|GCLE-2 Host Bridge"
+0x1166 0x0230 "unknown" "Reliance Computer|OSB4 ISA bridge"
+0x1166 0x0234 "unknown" "Broadcom|HT1000 LPC Bridge"
+0x1166 0x0240 "sata_svw" "Reliance Computer|K2 SATA controller"
+0x1166 0x0241 "sata_svw" "ServerWorks|K2 SATA"
+0x1166 0x0242 "sata_svw" "ServerWorks|K2 SATA"
+0x1166 0x024a "sata_svw" "Broadcom|BCM5785 (HT1000) SATA Native SATA Mode"
+0x1169 0x2001 "unknown" "Centre f/Dev. of Adv. Computing|Ql5032-33APQ208C PCI to C-DAC RTU bus interface FPGA"
+0x116a 0x6100 "unknown" "Polaris Communications|Bus/Tag Channel"
+0x116a 0x6800 "unknown" "Polaris Communications|Escon Channel"
+0x116a 0x7100 "unknown" "Polaris Communications|Bus/Tag Channel"
+0x116a 0x7800 "unknown" "Polaris Communications|Escon Channel"
+0x1172 0x0001 "unknown" "Altera Corp.| "
+0x1176 0x0104 "wanxl" "SBE Inc.|WanXL100 Adapter"
+0x1176 0x0301 "wanxl" "SBE Inc.|WanXL200 Adapter"
+0x1176 0x0302 "wanxl" "SBE Inc.|WanXL400 Adapter"
+0x1178 0xafa1 "unknown" "Alfa Inc.|Fast Ethernet Adapter"
+0x1179 0x0001 "unknown" "Toshiba|Toshiba-4010CDT"
+0x1179 0x0102 "generic" "Toshiba|Extended PCI IDE Controller"
+0x1179 0x0103 "generic" "Toshiba|Extended PCI IDE Controller Type-B"
+0x1179 0x0105 "generic" "Toshiba|"
+0x1179 0x0404 "unknown" "Toshiba|DVD Decoder card"
+0x1179 0x0406 "unknown" "Toshiba|Tecra Video Capture device"
+0x1179 0x0407 "unknown" "Toshiba|DVD Decoder card (Version 2)"
+0x1179 0x0601 "unknown" "Toshiba|601 [Laptop]"
+0x1179 0x0602 "unknown" "Toshiba|PCI to ISA Bridge for Notebooks"
+0x1179 0x0603 "yenta_socket" "Toshiba|ToPIC95 PCI to CardBus Bridge for Notebooks"
+0x1179 0x0604 "unknown" "Toshiba|PCI to PCI Bridge for Notebooks"
+0x1179 0x0605 "unknown" "Toshiba|PCI to ISA Bridge for Notebooks"
+0x1179 0x0606 "unknown" "Toshiba|PCI to ISA Bridge for Notebooks"
+0x1179 0x0609 "unknown" "Toshiba|PCI to PCI Bridge for Notebooks"
+0x1179 0x060a "yenta_socket" "Toshiba|ToPIC95"
+0x1179 0x060f "yenta_socket" "Toshiba|ToPIC97"
+0x1179 0x0611 "unknown" "Toshiba|PCI to ISA Bridge"
+0x1179 0x0617 "yenta_socket" "Toshiba|ToPIC95 PCI to Cardbus Bridge with ZV Support"
+0x1179 0x0618 "unknown" "Toshiba|CPU to PCI and PCI to ISA bridge"
+0x1179 0x0701 "donauboe" "Toshiba|FIR Port"
+0x1179 0x0804 "unknown" "Toshiba|TC6371AF SmartMedia Controller"
+0x1179 0x0805 "unknown" "Toshiba|SD TypA Controller"
+0x1179 0x0d01 "donauboe" "Toshiba|FIR Port Type-DO"
+0x1179 0x13a8 "unknown" "Toshiba|XR17C158/154/152 Multi-channel PCI UART"
+0x117c 0x0030 "unknown" "Atto Technology|Ultra320 SCSI Host Adapter"
+0x117e 0x0001 "unknown" "T/R Systems|Printer Host"
+0x1180 0x0465 "yenta_socket" "Ricoh Co Ltd.|RL5c465"
+0x1180 0x0466 "yenta_socket" "Ricoh Co Ltd.|RL5c466"
+0x1180 0x0475 "yenta_socket" "Ricoh Co Ltd.|RL5c475"
+0x1180 0x0476 "yenta_socket" "Ricoh Co Ltd.|RL5c476 II"
+0x1180 0x0477 "yenta_socket" "Ricoh Co Ltd.|RL5c477"
+0x1180 0x0478 "yenta_socket" "Ricoh Co Ltd.|RL5c478"
+0x1180 0x0521 "unknown" "Communication Automation Corp.|R5C521 1394 Host Controller"
+0x1180 0x0522 "unknown" "Ricoh Co Ltd.|R5C522 IEEE 1394 Controller"
+0x1180 0x0551 "ohci1394" "Ricoh Co Ltd.|R5C551 IEEE 1394 Controller"
+0x1180 0x0552 "ohci1394" "Ricoh Co Ltd.|R5C552 IEEE 1394 Controller"
+0x1180 0x0575 "unknown" "Ricoh Co Ltd.|R5C575 SD Bus Host Adapter"
+0x1180 0x0576 "unknown" "Communication Automation Corp.|SD-Card Interface"
+0x1180 0x0592 "unknown" "Ricoh Co Ltd.|R5C592 Memory Stick Bus Host Adapter"
+0x1180 0x0822 "unknown" "Ricoh Co Ltd.|SD Card reader"
+0x1180 0x0852 "unknown" "Ricoh Co Ltd.|xD-Picture Card Controller"
+0x1185 0x8929 "unknown" "Dataworld|EIDE"
+0x1186 0x0100 "tulip" "D-Link System Inc.|DC21041"
+0x1186 0x1002 "sundance" "D-Link System Inc.|DFE 550 TX"
+0x1186 0x1025 "unknown" "D-Link System Inc.|AirPlus Xtreme G DWL-G650 Adapter"
+0x1186 0x1026 "unknown" "D-Link System Inc.|AirXpert DWL-AG650 Wireless Cardbus Adapter"
+0x1186 0x1043 "unknown" "D-Link System Inc.|AirXpert DWL-AG650 Wireless Cardbus Adapter"
+0x1186 0x1100 "tulip" "D-Link System Inc.|Fast Ethernet Adapter"
+0x1186 0x1300 "8139too" "D-Link System Inc.|DFE 530 TX+ Fast Ethernet Adapter"
+0x1186 0x1340 "8139too" "D-Link System Inc.|DFE-690TXD (CardBus PC Card)"
+0x1186 0x1541 "tulip" "D-Link System Inc.|DFE-680TXD CardBus PC Card"
+0x1186 0x1561 "tulip" "D-Link System Inc.|DRP-32TXD Cardbus PC Card"
+0x1186 0x1591 "tulip" ""
+0x1186 0x2027 "unknown" "D-Link System Inc.|AirPlus Xtreme G DWL-G520 Adapter"
+0x1186 0x3065 "unknown" "D-Link System Inc.| "
+0x1186 0x3106 "unknown" "D-Link System Inc.| "
+0x1186 0x3203 "unknown" "D-Link System Inc.|AirPlus Xtreme G DWL-G520 Adapter"
+0x1186 0x3300 "r8180" "D-Link System Inc.|D-Link Air Wireless Network (DWL-510) IEEE 802.11b PCI card"
+0x1186 0x3a03 "unknown" "D-Link System Inc.|AirPro DWL-A650 Wireless Cardbus Adapter(rev.B)"
+0x1186 0x3a04 "unknown" "D-Link System Inc.|AirPro DWL-AB650 Multimode Wireless Cardbus Adapter"
+0x1186 0x3a05 "unknown" "D-Link System Inc.|AirPro DWL-AB520 Multimode Wireless PCI Adapter"
+0x1186 0x3a07 "unknown" "D-Link System Inc.|AirXpert DWL-AG650 Wireless Cardbus Adapter"
+0x1186 0x3a08 "unknown" "D-Link System Inc.|AirXpert DWL-AG520 Wireless PCI Adapter"
+0x1186 0x3a10 "unknown" "D-Link System Inc.|AirXpert DWL-AG650 Wireless Cardbus Adapter(rev.B)"
+0x1186 0x3a11 "unknown" "D-Link System Inc.|AirXpert DWL-AG520 Wireless PCI Adapter(rev.B)"
+0x1186 0x3a12 "unknown" "D-Link System Inc.|AirPlus DWL-G650 Wireless Cardbus Adapter(rev.C)"
+0x1186 0x3a13 "unknown" "D-Link System Inc.|AirPlus DWL-G520 Wireless PCI Adapter(rev.B)"
+0x1186 0x3a14 "unknown" "D-Link System Inc.|AirPremier DWL-AG530 Wireless PCI Adapter"
+0x1186 0x3a63 "unknown" "D-Link System Inc.|AirXpert DWL-AG660 Wireless Cardbus Adapter"
+0x1186 0x3b05 "unknown" "D-Link System Inc.|DWL-G650+ CardBus PC Card"
+0x1186 0x4000 "dl2k" "D-Link System Inc.| Ethernet Adapter"
+0x1186 0x4001 "unknown" "D-Link System Inc.|DFE-650TX D Link Fast Ethernet PCMCIA Card"
+0x1186 0x4300 "r8169" "D-Link System Inc.|DGE-528T Gigabit Ethernet Adapter"
+0x1186 0x4b00 "sk98lin" "D-Link System Inc.|Gigabit Ethernet Adapter"
+0x1186 0x4b01 "sk98lin" "D-Link System Inc.|Gigabit Ethernet Adapter"
+0x1186 0x4c00 "sk98lin" "D-Link System Inc.|Gigabit Ethernet Adapter"
+0x1186 0x8400 "unknown" "D-Link System Inc.|D-Link DWL-650+ CardBus PC Card"
+0x1189 0x1592 "unknown" "Matsushita Electronics Co|VL/PCI Bridge"
+0x118c 0x0014 "unknown" "Corollary Inc.|PCIB [C-bus II to PCI bus host bridge chip]"
+0x118c 0x1117 "unknown" "Corollary Inc.|Intel 8-way XEON Profusion Chipset [Cache Coherency Filter]"
+0x118d 0x0001 "unknown" "BitFlow Inc.|Raptor-PCI framegrabber"
+0x118d 0x0012 "unknown" "BitFlow Inc.|Model 12 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
+0x118d 0x0014 "unknown" "BitFlow Inc.|Model 14 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
+0x118d 0x0024 "unknown" "BitFlow Inc.|Model 24 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
+0x118d 0x0044 "unknown" "BitFlow Inc.|Model 44 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
+0x118d 0x0112 "unknown" "BitFlow Inc.|Model 12 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
+0x118d 0x0114 "unknown" "BitFlow Inc.|Model 14 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
+0x118d 0x0124 "unknown" "BitFlow Inc.|Model 24 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
+0x118d 0x0144 "unknown" "BitFlow Inc.|Model 44 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
+0x118d 0x0212 "unknown" "BitFlow Inc.|Model 12 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
+0x118d 0x0214 "unknown" "BitFlow Inc.|Model 14 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
+0x118d 0x0224 "unknown" "BitFlow Inc.|Model 24 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
+0x118d 0x0244 "unknown" "BitFlow Inc.|Model 44 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
+0x118d 0x0312 "unknown" "BitFlow Inc.|Model 12 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
+0x118d 0x0314 "unknown" "BitFlow Inc.|Model 14 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
+0x118d 0x0324 "unknown" "BitFlow Inc.|Model 24 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
+0x118d 0x0344 "unknown" "BitFlow Inc.|Model 44 Road Runner Frame Grabber"
+0x118e 0x0042 "unknown" "Hermstedt AG| "
+0x118e 0x0142 "unknown" "Hermstedt AG| "
+0x118e 0x0242 "unknown" "Hermstedt AG| "
+0x118e 0x0342 "unknown" "Hermstedt AG| "
+0x118e 0x0440 "unknown" "Hermstedt AG| "
+0x118e 0x0442 "unknown" "Hermstedt AG| "
+0x118e 0x0842 "unknown" "Hermstedt AG| "
+0x1190 0x2550 "unknown" "Tripace|PCI Ultra(Wide) SCSI Processor"
+0x1190 0xc721 "unknown" "Tripace|EIDE"
+0x1190 0xc731 "unknown" "Tripace|PCI Ultra(Wide) SCSI Processor"
+0x1191 0x0001 "unknown" "Acard Technology Corp.|EIDE Adapter"
+0x1191 0x0002 "unknown" "Acard Technology Corp.|EIDE Adapter"
+0x1191 0x0003 "unknown" "Acard Technology Corp.|SCSI Cache Host Adapter"
+0x1191 0x0004 "unknown" "Artop Electronic Corp.|ATP8400"
+0x1191 0x0005 "aec62xx" "Artop Electronic Corp.|ATP850UF"
+0x1191 0x0006 "aec62xx" "Artop Electronic Corp.|ATP860 NO-BIOS"
+0x1191 0x0007 "aec62xx" "Artop Electronic Corp.|ATP860"
+0x1191 0x0008 "aec62xx" "Artop Electronic Corp.|ATP865 NO-ROM"
+0x1191 0x0009 "aec62xx" "Artop Electronic Corp.|ATP865"
+0x1191 0x8001 "unknown" "Acard Technology Corp.|SCSI-2 Cache Host Adapter"
+0x1191 0x8002 "atp870u" "Artop Electronic Corp.|AEC6710 SCSI-2 Host Adapter"
+0x1191 0x8010 "atp870u" "Artop Electronic Corp.|AEC6712UW SCSI"
+0x1191 0x8020 "atp870u" "Artop Electronic Corp.|AEC6712U SCSI"
+0x1191 0x8030 "atp870u" "Artop Electronic Corp.|AEC6712S SCSI"
+0x1191 0x8040 "atp870u" "Artop Electronic Corp.|AEC6712D SCSI"
+0x1191 0x8050 "atp870u" "Artop Electronic Corp.|AEC6712SUW SCSI"
+0x1191 0x8060 "atp870u" "ACARD Technology|AEC671x SCSI Host Adapter"
+0x1191 0x8080 "atp870u" "ACARD Technology|AEC-67160 PCI Ultra160 LVD/SE SCSI Adapter"
+0x1191 0x8081 "atp870u" "ACARD Technology|AEC-67160-2 PCI Ultra160 LVD/SE SCSI Adapter"
+0x1191 0x808a "atp870u" "ACARD Technology|AEC-67162 PCI Ultra160 LVD/SE SCSI Adapter"
+0x1193 0x0001 "zatm" "Zeitnet Inc.|1221"
+0x1193 0x0002 "zatm" "Zeitnet Inc.|1225"
+0x1197 0x010c "unknown" "Gage Applied Sciences Inc.|CompuScope 82G 8bit 2GS/s Analog Input Card"
+0x1199 0x0001 "unknown" "Attachmate Corp.|IRMA 3270 PCI Adapter"
+0x1199 0x0002 "unknown" "Attachmate Corp.|Advanced ISCA PCI Adapter"
+0x1199 0x0201 "unknown" "Attachmate Corp.|SDLC PCI Adapter"
+0x119b 0x1221 "yenta_socket" "Omega Micro Inc.|82C092G"
+0x119e 0x0001 "firestream" "Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GMBH|FireStream 155"
+0x119e 0x0003 "firestream" "Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GMBH|FireStream 50"
+0x11a8 0x7302 "unknown" "Systech Corp.|NTX-8023-PCI 2MB Long Card"
+0x11a8 0x7308 "unknown" "Systech Corp.|NTX-8023-PCI 8MB Long Card"
+0x11a8 0x7402 "unknown" "Systech Corp.|NTX-8023-PCI 2MB Short Card"
+0x11a8 0x7408 "unknown" "Systech Corp.|NTX-8023-PCI 8MB Short Card"
+0x11a9 0x4240 "unknown" "InnoSys Inc.|AMCC S933Q Intelligent Serial Card"
+0x11ab 0x0146 "unknown" "Galileo Technology Ltd.|GT-64010"
+0x11ab 0x138f "unknown" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|W8300 802.11 Adapter (rev 07)"
+0x11ab 0x1fa6 "unknown" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|Marvell W8300 802.11 Adapter"
+0x11ab 0x1fa7 "unknown" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|88W8310 and 88W8000G [Libertas] 802.11g client chipset"
+0x11ab 0x1faa "unknown" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|88w8335 [Libertas] 802.11b/g Wireless"
+0x11ab 0x4320 "sk98lin" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|88E8001 Gigabit Lan PCI Controller"
+0x11ab 0x4340 "sk98lin" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|Gigabit Lan PCI Controller"
+0x11ab 0x4341 "sk98lin" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|Gigabit Lan PCI Controller"
+0x11ab 0x4342 "sk98lin" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|Gigabit Lan PCI Controller"
+0x11ab 0x4343 "sk98lin" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|Gigabit Lan PCI Controller"
+0x11ab 0x4344 "sk98lin" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|Gigabit Lan PCI Controller"
+0x11ab 0x4345 "sk98lin" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|Gigabit Lan PCI Controller"
+0x11ab 0x4346 "sk98lin" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|Gigabit Lan PCI Controller"
+0x11ab 0x4347 "sk98lin" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|Gigabit Lan PCI Controller"
+0x11ab 0x4350 "sk98lin" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|Fast Ethernet Controller"
+0x11ab 0x4351 "sk98lin" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|Fast Ethernet Controller"
+0x11ab 0x4360 "sk98lin" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x11ab 0x4361 "sk98lin" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x11ab 0x4362 "sk98lin" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|Marvell Yukon 88E8053 Gigabit Ethernet 10/100/1000Base-T Adapter"
+0x11ab 0x4611 "unknown" "Galileo Technology Ltd.|GT-64115 System Controller"
+0x11ab 0x4620 "unknown" "Galileo Technology Ltd.|GT-64120 System Controller for R5K &amp; R7K w/64bit PCI"
+0x11ab 0x4801 "unknown" "Galileo Technology Ltd.|GT-48001"
+0x11ab 0x4809 "unknown" "Galileo Technology Ltd.|EV-48300 Evaluation board for the GT-48300"
+0x11ab 0x5005 "sk98lin" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|Belkin F5D5005 Gigabit Desktop Network PCI Card"
+0x11ab 0x5040 "sata_mv" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|MV88SX5040 4-port SATA I PCI-X Controller"
+0x11ab 0x5041 "sata_mv" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|MV88SX5041 4-port SATA I PCI-X Controller"
+0x11ab 0x5080 "sata_mv" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|RocketRAID 182x SATA Controller"
+0x11ab 0x5081 "sata_mv" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|RocketRAID 182x SATA Controller"
+0x11ab 0x6040 "sata_mv" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|SATA Controller"
+0x11ab 0x6041 "sata_mv" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|MV88SX6041 4-port SATA II PCI-X Controller"
+0x11ab 0x6080 "sata_mv" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|RocketRAID 182x SATA Controller"
+0x11ab 0x6081 "sata_mv" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|MV88SX6081 8-port SATA II PCI-X Controller"
+0x11ab 0x6320 "unknown" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|GT-64130/131 System Controller for PowerPC Processors"
+0x11ab 0x6460 "mv64340_eth" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|MV64360/64361/64362 System Controller"
+0x11ab 0x6480 "unknown" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|MV64460/64461/64462 System Controller"
+0x11ab 0x9653 "unknown" "Marvell Semiconductor Inc.|GT-96100A Advanced Communication Controller"
+0x11ab 0xf003 "unknown" "Galileo Technology Ltd.|GT-64010 Primary Image Piranha Image Generator"
+0x11ab 0xf004 "unknown" "Galileo Technology Ltd.|GT64120 Primary Image Barracuda Image Generator"
+0x11ab 0xf006 "unknown" "Galileo Technology Ltd.|GT-64120A Primary Image Cruncher Geometry Accelerator"
+0x11ad 0x0001 "unknown" "Lite-On Communications Inc.| "
+0x11ad 0x0002 "tulip" "Lite-On Communications Inc.|LNE100TX"
+0x11ad 0xc115 "tulip" "Lite-On Communications Inc.|LC82C115 PNIC-II"
+0x11ae 0x4153 "unknown" "Scitex Corp. Ltd.|Bridge Controller"
+0x11ae 0x5842 "unknown" "Scitex Corp. Ltd.|Bridge Controller"
+0x11af 0x0001 "unknown" "Avid Technology Inc.|[Cinema]"
+0x11af 0xee40 "unknown" "Avid Technology Inc.|Digidesign Audiomedia III"
+0x11b0 0x0001 "8250_pci" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|V960PBC i960 Local Bus PCI Bridge"
+0x11b0 0x0002 0x12c4 0x0001 "8250_pci" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|PCI Serial Port"
+0x11b0 0x0002 0x12c4 0x0002 "8250_pci" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|PCI Serial Port"
+0x11b0 0x0002 0x12c4 0x0003 "8250_pci" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|PCI Serial Port"
+0x11b0 0x0002 0x12c4 0x0004 "8250_pci" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|PCI Serial Port"
+0x11b0 0x0002 0x12c4 0x0005 "8250_pci" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|PCI Serial Port"
+0x11b0 0x0002 0x12c4 0x0006 "8250_pci" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|PCI Serial Port"
+0x11b0 0x0002 0x12c4 0x0007 "8250_pci" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|PCI Serial Port"
+0x11b0 0x0002 0x12c4 0x0008 "8250_pci" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|PCI Serial Port"
+0x11b0 0x0002 0x12c4 0x0009 "8250_pci" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|PCI Serial Port"
+0x11b0 0x0002 0x12c4 0x000a "8250_pci" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|PCI Serial Port"
+0x11b0 0x0002 0x12c4 0x000b "8250_pci" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|PCI Serial Port"
+0x11b0 0x0002 "sdladrv" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|V300PSC"
+0x11b0 0x0004 "unknown" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|V962PBC i960 Local Bus PCI Bridge"
+0x11b0 0x0010 "unknown" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|V292PBC Am29K Local Bus PCI Bridge"
+0x11b0 0x0021 "unknown" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|V363EPC i960Sx Local Bus to PCI Bridge"
+0x11b0 0x0022 "unknown" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|V363EPC i960Jx Local Bus to PCI Bridge"
+0x11b0 0x0024 "unknown" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|V363EPC i960Cx/Hx Local Bus to PCI Bridge"
+0x11b0 0x0030 "unknown" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|V363EPC Am29K Local Bus to PCI Bridge"
+0x11b0 0x0100 "unknown" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|V320USC PCI System Ctrlr for 32-bit MIPS CPU"
+0x11b0 0x0101 "unknown" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|V320USC PCI System Ctrlr for 32-bit MIPS CPU"
+0x11b0 0x0102 "unknown" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|V320USC PCI System Ctrlr for Super-H SH3 CPU"
+0x11b0 0x0103 "unknown" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|V320USC PCI System Ctrlr for Super-H SH4 CPU"
+0x11b0 0x0200 "unknown" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|V370PDC High Performance PCI SDRAM Controller"
+0x11b0 0x0292 "unknown" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|V292PBC [Am29030/40 Bridge]"
+0x11b0 0x0500 "unknown" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|V340HPC PCI System Ctrlr for 64-bit MIPS CPU"
+0x11b0 0x0960 "unknown" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|V96xPBC"
+0x11b0 0xc960 "unknown" "V3 Semiconductor Inc.|V96DPC"
+0x11b8 0x0001 "unknown" "XPoint Technologies Inc.|Quad PeerMaster"
+0x11b9 0xc0ed "unknown" "Pathlight Technology Inc.|SSA Controller"
+0x11bc 0x0001 "unknown" "Network Peripherals Inc.|NP-PCI"
+0x11bd 0x0015 "unknown" "Pinnacle Systems Inc.|??? FireWire IEEE1394"
+0x11bd 0xbebe "unknown" "Pinnacle Systems Inc.|??? Multimedia device"
+0x11c1 0x000f "unknown" "Agere Systems|00 "
+0x11c1 0x0440 "" "Lucent Microelectronics|56k WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x0441 "" "Lucent Microelectronics|56k WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x0442 "" "Lucent Microelectronics|56k WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x0443 "" "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x0444 "" "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x0445 "" "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x0446 "" "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x0447 "" "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x0448 "" "Lucent Microelectronics|WinModem 56k"
+0x11c1 0x0449 "" "Lucent Microelectronics|WinModem 56k"
+0x11c1 0x044a "" "Lucent Microelectronics|F-1156IV WinModem (V90, 56KFlex)"
+0x11c1 0x044b "" "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x044c "" "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x044d "" "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x044e "" "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x044f "" "Agere Systems|LT V.90+DSL WildFire Modem"
+0x11c1 0x0450 "" "Agere Systems|LT WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x0451 "" "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x0452 "" "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x0453 "" "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x0454 "" "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x0455 "" "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x0456 "" "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x0457 "" "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x0458 "" "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x0459 "" "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x045a "" "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x045c "" "Lucent Microelectronics|LT WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x045d "" "Agere Systems|LT WinModem"
+0x11c1 0x0461 "" "Agere Systems|V90 Wildfire Modem"
+0x11c1 0x0462 "" "Agere Systems|56K.V90/ADSL Wildfire Modem"
+0x11c1 0x0464 "unknown" "Agere Systems|Riptide Audio PCI Legacy Resources"
+0x11c1 0x0480 "8250_pci" "Lucent Microelectronics|Venus WinModem (V90, 56KFlex)"
+0x11c1 0x048c "unknown" "Agere Systems|SV92P SV92P PCI Soft Modem Chip Set"
+0x11c1 0x048f "unknown" "Agere Systems|SV92P-T00"
+0x11c1 0x0540 "unknown" "Agere Systems| "
+0x11c1 0x5801 "usb-ohci" "AT&T Microelectronics (Lucent)|USB Open Host Controller"
+0x11c1 0x5802 "unknown" "Agere Systems|USS-312 2-port PCI-to-USB OpenHCI Host Ctrlr"
+0x11c1 0x5803 "unknown" "Agere Systems|USS-344 QuadraBus 4-port USB OpenHCI Host Ctrlr"
+0x11c1 0x5805 "unknown" "Agere Systems|USB Advanced Host Controller"
+0x11c1 0x5811 "ohci1394" "Lucent Microelectronics|FW323 FireWire (IEEE 1394)"
+0x11c1 0x7121 "unknown" "Agere Systems| "
+0x11c1 0x8110 "unknown" "Agere Systems|T8110 H.100/H.110 TDM switch"
+0x11c1 0xab10 "unknown" "Agere Systems|WL60010 Wireless LAN MAC"
+0x11c1 0xab11 "unknown" "Agere Systems|WL60040 Multimode Wireles LAN MAC"
+0x11c1 0xab20 "unknown" "Agere Systems|WaveLAN PCI Wireless LAN Adapter"
+0x11c1 0xab21 "unknown" "Agere Systems|Agere Wireless PCI Adapter"
+0x11c1 0xab30 "unknown" "Agere Systems|Agere Mini-PCI 802.11 Adapter"
+0x11c6 0x3001 "unknown" "Dainippon Screen Mfg. Co|1 VM-1200 Opto Unit Controller"
+0x11c8 0x0658 "unknown" "Dolphin|PSB32 SCI-Adapter D31x"
+0x11c8 0xd665 "unknown" "Dolphin|PSB64 SCI-Adapter D32x"
+0x11c8 0xd667 "unknown" "Dolphin|PSB66 SCI-Adapter D33x"
+0x11c9 0x0010 "unknown" "Magma|16-line serial port w/- DMA"
+0x11c9 0x0011 "unknown" "Magma|4-line serial port w/- DMA"
+0x11cb 0x2000 "sx" "Specialix Research Ltd.|PCI_9050"
+0x11cb 0x4000 "unknown" "Specialix Research Ltd.|SUPI_1"
+0x11cb 0x8000 "unknown" "Specialix Research Ltd.|T225"
+0x11cb 0x9501 "8250_pci" "Specialix Research Ltd.|PCI Serial Port"
+0x11d1 0x0000 "unknown" "AuraVision Corp.| "
+0x11d1 0x01f7 "unknown" "Auravision Corp.|VxP524"
+0x11d4 0x1535 "unknown" "Analog Devices Inc.|ADSP-21535 Blackfin DSP PCI Bus Interface"
+0x11d4 0x1805 "unknown" "Analog Devices Inc.|<DELETE> erl3227a-0.8"
+0x11d4 0x1889 "ad1889" "Analog Devices Inc.|AD1889 sound chip"
+0x11d4 0x2192 "unknown" "Analog Devices Inc.|ADSP-2192 DSP Microcomputer (function #0)"
+0x11d4 0x219a "unknown" "Analog Devices Inc.|ADSP-2192 DSP Microcomputer (function #1)"
+0x11d4 0x219e "unknown" "Analog Devices Inc.|ADSP-2192 DSP Microcomputer (function #2)"
+0x11d4 0x2f44 "unknown" "Analog Devices Inc.|ADSP-2141 SafeNet Crypto Accelerator chip"
+0x11d4 0x5340 "unknown" "Analog Devices Inc.|AD1881 sound chip"
+0x11d5 0x0115 "unknown" "Ikon Corp.|10115"
+0x11d5 0x0116 "unknown" "Tahoma Technology|10116 DR11-W emulator"
+0x11d5 0x0117 "unknown" "Ikon Corp.|10117"
+0x11d5 0x0118 "unknown" "Tahoma Technology|10118 DR11-W emulator"
+0x11db 0x1234 "8139too" "Sega Enterprises Ltd.|Dreamcast Broadband Adapter"
+0x11de 0x6057 "zr36067" "Zoran Corp.|ZR36057PQC Video cutting chipset"
+0x11de 0x6120 "ISDN:hisax" "Zoran Corp.|ZR36120 ISDN Adapter"
+0x11de 0x9876 "unknown" "Zoran Corp.| "
+0x11e3 0x5030 "pcwd_pci" "Quicklogic Corp.|PC Watchdog"
+0x11ec 0x2064 "unknown" "Coreco Inc.| "
+0x11f0 0x4231 "unknown" "Compu-Shack|FDDI"
+0x11f0 0x4232 "unknown" "Compu-Shack|FASTline UTP Quattro"
+0x11f0 0x4233 "unknown" "Compu-Shack|FASTline FO"
+0x11f0 0x4234 "unknown" "Compu-Shack|FASTline UTP"
+0x11f0 0x4235 "unknown" "Compu-Shack|FASTline-II UTP"
+0x11f0 0x4236 "unknown" "Compu-Shack|FASTline-II FO"
+0x11f0 0x4731 "unknown" "Compu-Shack|GIGAline"
+0x11f4 0x2915 "unknown" "Kinetic|CAMAC controller"
+0x11f6 0x0112 "hp100" "Compex|ENet100VG4"
+0x11f6 0x0113 "unknown" "Compex|FreedomLine 100"
+0x11f6 0x1401 "ne2k-pci" "Compex|ReadyLink 2000"
+0x11f6 0x2011 "winbond-840" "Compex|RL100-ATX 10/100"
+0x11f6 0x2201 "ne2k-pci" "Compex|ReadyLink 100TX (Winbond W89C840)"
+0x11f6 0x9881 "tulip" "Compex|RL100TX"
+0x11f8 0x7364 "unknown" "PMC-Sierra Inc.|PM7364 FREEDM-32 Frame Engine & Datalink Mgr"
+0x11f8 0x7366 "unknown" "PMC-Sierra Inc.|PM7366 FREEDM-8 Frame Engine & Datalink Manager"
+0x11f8 0x7367 "unknown" "PMC-Sierra Inc.|PM7367 FREEDM-32P32 Frame Engine & Datalink Mgr"
+0x11f8 0x7375 "unknown" "PMC-Sierra Inc.|PM7375 [LASAR-155 ATM SAR]"
+0x11f8 0x7380 "unknown" "PMC-Sierra Inc.|PM7380 FREEDM-32P672 Frm Engine & Datalink Mgr"
+0x11f8 0x7382 "unknown" "PMC-Sierra Inc.|PM7382 FREEDM-32P256 Frm Engine & Datalink Mgr"
+0x11f8 0x7384 "unknown" "PMC-Sierra Inc.|PM7384 FREEDM-84P672 Frm Engine & Datalink Mgr"
+0x11fe 0x0001 "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketPort 8 Oct"
+0x11fe 0x0002 "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketPort 8 Intf"
+0x11fe 0x0003 "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketPort 16 Intf"
+0x11fe 0x0004 "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketPort 32 Intf"
+0x11fe 0x0005 "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketPort Octacable"
+0x11fe 0x0006 "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketPort 8J"
+0x11fe 0x0007 "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketPort 4-port"
+0x11fe 0x0008 "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketPort 8-port"
+0x11fe 0x0009 "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketPort 16-port"
+0x11fe 0x000a "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketPort Plus Quadcable"
+0x11fe 0x000b "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketPort Plus Octacable"
+0x11fe 0x000c "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketPort 8-port Modem"
+0x11fe 0x000d "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketPort"
+0x11fe 0x000e "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketPort Plus 2 port RS232"
+0x11fe 0x000f "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketPort Plus 2 port RS422"
+0x11fe 0x0801 "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketPort UPCI 32 port w/external I/F"
+0x11fe 0x0802 "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketPort UPCI 8 port w/external I/F"
+0x11fe 0x0803 "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketPort UPCI 16 port w/external I/F"
+0x11fe 0x0805 "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketPort UPCI 8 port w/octa cable"
+0x11fe 0x080c "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketModem III 8 port"
+0x11fe 0x080d "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketModem III 4 port"
+0x11fe 0x0812 "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketPort UPCI Plus 8 port RS422"
+0x11fe 0x0903 "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketPort Compact PCI 16 port w/external I/F"
+0x11fe 0x8015 "unknown" "Comtrol Corp.|RocketPort 4-port UART 16954"
+0x11ff 0x0003 "unknown" "Scion Corp.|AG-5"
+0x1200 0x8201 "adm8211" "Pinnacle|"
+0x1200 0xbd11 "bttv" "Pinnacle|PCTV Rave"
+0x1202 0x0001 "unknown" "Network General Corp.|NAIATMPCI PCI ATM Adapter"
+0x1202 0x4300 "unknown" "Network General Corp.|Gigabit Ethernet Adapter"
+0x1208 0x4853 "unknown" "Parsytec GmbH|HS-Link Device"
+0x120e 0x0100 "unknown" "Cyclades Corp.|Cyclom_Y below first megabyte"
+0x120e 0x0101 "unknown" "Cyclades Corp.|Cyclom_Y above first megabyte"
+0x120e 0x0102 "unknown" "Cyclades Corp.|Cyclom_4Y below first megabyte"
+0x120e 0x0103 "unknown" "Cyclades Corp.|Cyclom_4Y above first megabyte"
+0x120e 0x0104 "unknown" "Cyclades Corp.|Cyclom_8Y below first megabyte"
+0x120e 0x0105 "unknown" "Cyclades Corp.|Cyclom_8Y above first megabyte"
+0x120e 0x0200 "unknown" "Cyclades Corp.|Cyclom_Z below first megabyte"
+0x120e 0x0201 "unknown" "Cyclades Corp.|Cyclom_Z above first megabyte"
+0x120e 0x0300 "pc300" "Cyclades Corp.|PC300 RX 2"
+0x120e 0x0301 "pc300" "Cyclades Corp.|PC300 RX 1"
+0x120e 0x0302 "unknown" "Cyclades Corp.|PC300 TE 2"
+0x120e 0x0303 "unknown" "Cyclades Corp.|PC300 TE 1"
+0x120e 0x0310 "pc300" "Cyclades Corp.|PC300 TE 2"
+0x120e 0x0311 "pc300" "Cyclades Corp.|PC300 TE 1"
+0x120e 0x0320 "pc300" "Cyclades Corp.|PC300/TE-M (2 ports)"
+0x120e 0x0321 "pc300" "Cyclades Corp.|PC300/TE-M (1 port)"
+0x120e 0x0400 "unknown" "Cyclades Corp.|PC400"
+0x120f 0x0001 "rrunner" "Essential Communications|Roadrunner serial HIPPI"
+0x1217 0x6729 "yenta_socket" "O2Micro Inc.|6729"
+0x1217 0x673a "yenta_socket" "O2Micro Inc.|6730"
+0x1217 0x6832 "yenta_socket" "O2Micro Inc.|6832"
+0x1217 0x6836 "yenta_socket" "O2Micro Inc.|6836"
+0x1217 0x6872 "yenta_socket" "O2Micro Inc.|6872"
+0x1217 0x6925 "yenta_socket" "O2Micro Inc.|OZ6922 CardBus Controller"
+0x1217 0x6933 "yenta_socket" "O2Micro Inc.|OZ6933 Cardbus Controller"
+0x1217 0x6972 "yenta_socket" "O2Micro Inc.|OZ6912 CardBus Controller"
+0x1217 0x7110 "yenta_socket" "O2Micro Inc.|OZ711Mx MultiMediaBay Accelerator"
+0x1217 0x7112 "yenta_socket" "O2Micro Inc.|OZ711EC1/M1 SmartCardBus MultiMediaBay Controller"
+0x1217 0x7113 "yenta_socket" "O2Micro Inc.|OZ711EC1 SmartCardBus Controller"
+0x1217 0x7114 "yenta_socket" "O2Micro Inc.|OZ711M1 SmartCardBus MultiMediaBay Controller"
+0x1217 0x7134 "yenta_socket" "O2Micro Inc.|OZ711MP1/MS1 MemoryCardBus Controller"
+0x1217 0x71e2 "yenta_socket" "O2Micro Inc.|OZ711E2 SmartCardBus Controller"
+0x1217 0x7212 "yenta_socket" "O2Micro Inc.|OZ711M2 SmartCardBus MultiMediaBay Controller"
+0x1217 0x7213 "yenta_socket" "O2Micro Inc.|OZ6933E CardBus Controller"
+0x1217 0x7223 "yenta_socket" "O2Micro Inc.|OZ711M3 SmartCardBus MultiMediaBay Controller"
+0x1217 0x7233 "yenta_socket" "O2Micro Inc.|OZ711MP3/MS3 4-in-1 MemoryCardBus Controller"
+0x121a 0x0001 "Card:Voodoo Graphics" "3Dfx Interactive Inc.|Voodoo"
+0x121a 0x0002 "Card:Voodoo II" "3Dfx Interactive Inc.|Voodoo 2"
+0x121a 0x0003 "Card:Voodoo Banshee (generic)" "3Dfx Interactive Inc.|Voodoo Banshee"
+0x121a 0x0004 "Card:Voodoo Banshee (generic)" "3Dfx Interactive Inc.|Voodoo Banshee [Velocity 100]"
+0x121a 0x0005 "Card:Voodoo3 (generic)" "3Dfx Interactive Inc.|Voodoo 3"
+0x121a 0x0007 "unknown" "3dfx Interactive Inc.|Voodoo4"
+0x121a 0x0009 "Card:Voodoo5 (generic)" "3Dfx Interactive Inc.|Voodoo 4 / Voodoo 5"
+0x121a 0x0010 "unknown" "3dfx Interactive Inc.|Rampage Rev.A AGPx4, 0.25µm, 200/2x200 core/RAM"
+0x121a 0x0057 "unknown" "3Dfx Interactive Inc.|Voodoo 3/3000 [Avenger]"
+0x1220 0x1220 "unknown" "Ariel Corp.|AMCC 5933 TMS320C80 DSP/Imaging board"
+0x1223 0x0003 "unknown" "Artesyn Communication Products|PM/Link"
+0x1223 0x0004 "unknown" "Artesyn Communication Products|PM/T1"
+0x1223 0x0005 "unknown" "Artesyn Communication Products|PM/E1"
+0x1223 0x0008 "unknown" "Artesyn Communication Products|PM/SLS"
+0x1223 0x0009 "unknown" "Artesyn Communication Products|BajaSpan Resource Target"
+0x1223 0x000a "unknown" "Artesyn Communication Products|BajaSpan Section 0"
+0x1223 0x000b "unknown" "Artesyn Communication Products|BajaSpan Section 1"
+0x1223 0x000c "unknown" "Artesyn Communication Products|BajaSpan Section 2"
+0x1223 0x000d "unknown" "Artesyn Communication Products|BajaSpan Section 3"
+0x1223 0x000e "unknown" "Artesyn Communication Products|PM/PPC"
+0x1227 0x0006 "unknown" "Tech-Source|Raptor GFX 8P"
+0x122d 0x1206 "unknown " "Aztech System Ltd.|368DSP"
+0x122d 0x1400 "unknown" "Aztech System Ltd.|Trident PCI288-Q3DII (NX)"
+0x122d 0x4201 "unknown" "Aztech System Ltd.|MR2800W AMR 56K modem"
+0x122d 0x50dc "snd-azt3328" "Aztech System Ltd.|3328 Audio"
+0x122d 0x80da "snd-azt3328" "Aztech System Ltd.|3328 Audio (AZF3328, PCI168)"
+0x1236 0x0000 "unknown" "Sigma Designs Corp.|RealMagic64/GX"
+0x1236 0x6401 "unknown" "Sigma Designs Corp.|REALmagic 64/GX (SD 6425)"
+0x123d 0x0000 "unknown" "Engineering Design Team Inc.|EasyConnect 8/32"
+0x123d 0x0002 "unknown" "Engineering Design Team Inc.|EasyConnect 8/64"
+0x123d 0x0003 "unknown" "Engineering Design Team Inc.|EasyIO"
+0x123d 0x0010 "unknown" "Engineering Design Team Inc.|PCI-DV PCI-DV Digital Video Interface"
+0x123f 0x00e4 "unknown" "C-Cube Microsystems|MPEG"
+0x123f 0x6120 "unknown" "C-Cube Microsystems|DVD device"
+0x123f 0x8120 "unknown" "C-Cube Microsystems|E4?"
+0x123f 0x8888 "unknown" "C-Cube Microsystems|Cinemaster C 3.0 DVD Decoder"
+0x1242 0x1460 "unknown" "JNI Corp.|JNIC-1460 2-Gb/s Fibre Channel-PCI 64-bit 66 MHz"
+0x1242 0x1560 "unknown" "JNI Corp.|JNIC-1560 Dual Channel 2 Gb/s Fibre Channel-PCI-X"
+0x1242 0x4643 "unknown" "Jaycor Networks Inc.|FCI-1063 Fibre Channel Adapter"
+0x1242 0x6562 "unknown" "JNI Corp.|FCX2-6562 Dual Channel PCI-X Fibre Channel Adapter"
+0x1242 0x656a "unknown" "JNI Corp.|FCX-6562 PCI-X Fibre Channel Adapter"
+0x1244 0x0700 "ISDN:b1pci,type=27" "AVM Audiovisuelles|B1 ISDN Adapter"
+0x1244 0x0800 "ISDN:c4" "AVM AUDIOVISUELLES MKTG & Computer GmbH|C4 ISDN Controller"
+0x1244 0x0a00 "ISDN:hisax,type=27" "AVM Audiovisuelles|A1 ISDN Adapter [Fritz]"
+0x1244 0x0e00 "ISDN:hisax_fcpcipnp" "AVM Audiovisuelles|A1 ISDN Adapter [Fritz]"
+0x1244 0x0f00 "ISDN:capidrv" "AVM Audiovisuelles|Fritz DSL ISDN/DSL Adapter"
+0x1244 0x1100 "ISDN:c4" "AVM Audiovisuelles|C2 ISDN Controller"
+0x1244 0x1200 "ISDN:t1pci" "AVM Audiovisuelles|T1 pci adapter"
+0x1244 0x2700 "ISDN:fcdslsl,type=,firmware:fdssbase.bin" "AVM Audiovisuelles|Fritz!Card DSL SL"
+0x1244 0x2900 "ISDN:fcdsl2,type=,firmware:fds2base.bin" "AVM Audiovisuelles|Fritz!Card DSL SL Ver. 2.0"
+0x124b 0x0001 "8250_pci" "Stallion Technologies Inc.|PCI Serial Port"
+0x124b 0x0040 "unknown" "Stallion Technologies Inc.|cPCI-200 Four Slot IndustryPack carrier"
+0x124d 0x0000 "unknown" "Stallion Technologies Inc.|EasyConnection 8/32"
+0x124d 0x0002 "unknown" "Stallion Technologies Inc.|EasyConnection 8/64"
+0x124d 0x0003 "unknown" "Stallion Technologies Inc.|EasyIO"
+0x124d 0x0004 "istallion" "Stallion Technologies Inc.|EasyConnection/RA"
+0x124f 0x0041 "unknown" "Infotrend Technology Inc.|IFT-2000 Series RAID Controller"
+0x1250 0x1978 "unknown" "Hitachi Microcomputer System Ltd.| "
+0x1250 0x2898 "unknown" "Hitachi Microcomputer System Ltd.| "
+0x1255 0x1110 "unknown" "Optibase Ltd.|MPEG Forge"
+0x1255 0x1210 "unknown" "Optibase Ltd.|MPEG Fusion"
+0x1255 0x2110 "unknown" "Optibase Ltd.|VideoPlex"
+0x1255 0x2120 "unknown" "Optibase Ltd.|VideoPlex CC"
+0x1255 0x2130 "unknown" "Optibase Ltd.|VideoQuest"
+0x1256 0x4201 "pci2220i" "Perceptive Solutions Inc.|PCI-2220I"
+0x1256 0x4401 "pci2220i" "Perceptive Solutions Inc.|PCI-2240I"
+0x1256 0x5201 "pci2000" "Perceptive Solutions Inc.|PCI-2000"
+0x1258 0x1988 "unknown" "Gilbarco Inc.| "
+0x1259 0x2503 "unknown" "Allied Telesyn International|Realtek 8139b"
+0x1259 0x2560 "eepro100" "Allied Telesyn International|AT-2560 Fast Ethernet Adapter (i82557B)"
+0x1259 0xa117 "8139too" "Allied Telesyn International|RTL8139 CardBus"
+0x1259 0xa11e "8139too" "Allied Telesyn International|"
+0x1259 0xa120 "tulip" "Allied Telesyn International|21x4x DEC-Tulip compatible 10/100 Ethernet"
+0x125b 0x1400 "tulip" "ASIX|AX88140"
+0x125c 0x0101 "unknown" "Aurora Technologies Inc.|Saturn 4520P"
+0x125c 0x0640 "unknown" "Aurora Technologies Inc.|Aries 16000P"
+0x125d 0x0000 "unknown" "ESS Technology|ES336H Fax Modem (Early Model)"
+0x125d 0x1948 "maestro" "ESS Technology|ES1948 Maestro 1"
+0x125d 0x1968 "maestro" "ESS Technology|ES1968 Maestro 2"
+0x125d 0x1969 "snd-es1938" "ESS Technology|ES1969 Solo-1 Audiodrive"
+0x125d 0x1978 "maestro" "ESS Technology|ES1978 Maestro 2E"
+0x125d 0x1988 "maestro3" "ESS Technology|ES1988 Allegro-1"
+0x125d 0x1989 "snd-maestro3" "ESS Technology|ESS Modem"
+0x125d 0x1990 "snd-maestro3" "ESS Technology|Canyon3D-2"
+0x125d 0x1992 "snd-maestro3" "ESS Technology|Canyon3D-2"
+0x125d 0x1998 "snd-maestro3" "ESS Technology|ES1983S Maestro-3i PCI Audio Accelerator"
+0x125d 0x1999 "snd-maestro3" "ESS Technology|ES1983S Maestro-3i PCI Modem Accelerator"
+0x125d 0x199a "maestro3" "ESS Technology|Maestro-3"
+0x125d 0x199b "snd-maestro3" "ESS Technology|ES1983S Maestro-3i PCI Modem Accelerator"
+0x125d 0x2808 "unknown" "ESS Technology|ES336H Fax Modem (Later Model)"
+0x125d 0x2838 "" "ESS Technology|ES2838/2839 SuperLink Modem"
+0x125d 0x2898 "unknown" "ESS Technology|ES2898 Modem"
+0x1260 0x3872 "orinoco_pci" "Intersil Corp.|Prism 2.5 Wavelan chipset"
+0x1260 0x3873 0x1186 0x3501 "orinoco_pci" "Intersil Corp.|DWL-520 Wireless PCI Adapter"
+0x1260 0x3873 0x1186 0x3700 "hostap_pci" "Intersil Corp.|ISL3874A PRISMII.5 IEE802.11B Wireless LAN"
+0x1260 0x3873 0x1385 0x4105 "orinoco_pci" "Intersil Corp.|MA311 802.11b wireless adapter"
+0x1260 0x3873 0x1668 0x0414 "orinoco_pci" "Intersil Corp.|HWP01170-01 802.11b PCI Wireless Adapter"
+0x1260 0x3873 0x16a5 0x1601 "orinoco_pci" "Intersil Corp.|AIR.mate PC-400 PCI Wireless LAN Adapter"
+0x1260 0x3873 0x1737 0x3874 "orinoco_pci" "Intersil Corp.|WMP11 Wireless 802.11b PCI Adapter"
+0x1260 0x3873 0x8086 0x2513 "orinoco_pci" "Intersil Corp.|Wireless 802.11b MiniPCI Adapter"
+0x1260 0x3873 "orinoco_pci" "Intersil Corp.|ISL3874A PRISMII.5 IEE802.11B Wireless LAN"
+0x1260 0x3877 "prism54" "Intersil Corp.|Prism Indigo Wavelan chipset"
+0x1260 0x3886 "prism54" "Intersil Corp.|ISL3886 [Prism Javelin/Prism Xbow]"
+0x1260 0x3890 "prism54" "Intersil Corp.|PRISM GT 802.11g 54Mbps Wireless Controller"
+0x1260 0x8130 "unknown" "Intersil Corp.|HMP8130 NTSC/PAL Video Decoder"
+0x1260 0x8131 "unknown" "Intersil Corp.|HMP8131 NTSC/PAL Video Decoder"
+0x1260 0xffff "unknown" "Intersil Corp.|ISL3886IK"
+0x1266 0x0001 "eepro100" "Microdyne Corp.|NE10/100 Adapter (i82557B)"
+0x1266 0x1910 "unknown" "Microdyne Corp.|NE2000Plus (RT8029) Ethernet Adapter"
+0x1267 0x1016 "ISDN:hisax,type=24" "S. A. Telecommunications|Dr. Neuhaus Niccy PCI ISDN Adapter"
+0x1267 0x4243 "unknown" "S.A. Telecommunications|Satellite receiver board / MPEG2 decoder"
+0x1267 0x5352 "unknown" "S. A. Telecommunications|PCR2101"
+0x1267 0x5a4b "unknown" "S. A. Telecommunications|Telsat Turbo"
+0x126c 0x1211 "8139too" "Northern Telecom|10/100BaseTX [RTL81xx]"
+0x126c 0x126c "unknown" "Northern Telecom|802.11b Wireless Ethernet Adapter"
+0x126c 0x1f1f "unknown" "Nortel Networks Corp.|e-mobility 802.11b Wireless LAN PCI Card"
+0x126c 0x8030 "hostap_plx" "Mitani Corp.|emobility"
+0x126f 0x0501 "unknown" "Silicon Motion Inc.|SM501 VoyagerGX"
+0x126f 0x0710 "Card:Silicon Motion LynxEM (generic)" "Silicon Motion Inc.|Lynx EM MS710"
+0x126f 0x0712 "Card:Silicon Motion Lynx (generic)" "Silicon Motion Inc.|SM712 LynxEM+"
+0x126f 0x0720 "Card:Silicon Motion Lynx (generic)" "Silicon Motion Inc.|SM720 Lynx3DM"
+0x126f 0x0730 "Card:Silicon Motion Lynx (generic)" "Silicon Motion Inc.|SM731 Cougar3DR"
+0x126f 0x0810 "Card:Silicon Motion Lynx (generic)" "Silicon Motion Inc.|SM810"
+0x126f 0x0811 "Card:Silicon Motion Lynx (generic)" "Silicon Motion Inc.|SM811 LynxE"
+0x126f 0x0820 "Card:Silicon Motion Lynx (generic)" "Silicon Motion Inc.|SM820 Lynx3D"
+0x126f 0x0910 "Card:Silicon Motion Lynx (generic)" "Silicon Motion Inc.|SM910"
+0x1273 0x0002 "unknown" "Hughes Network Systems|DirecPC"
+0x1274 0x0000 "unknown" "Ensoniq|es1370 audio pci"
+0x1274 0x1171 "unknown" "Ensoniq|ES1373 [AudioPCI] (also Creative Labs CT5803)"
+0x1274 0x1274 "unknown" "Ensoniq|5880 multimedia audio device"
+0x1274 0x1371 "snd-ens1371" "Creative Labs|Sound Blaster AudioPCI64V/AudioPCI128"
+0x1274 0x1373 "unknown" "Ensoniq|ES1373 Sound Blaster Audio(PCI)"
+0x1274 0x5000 "snd-ens1370" "Ensoniq|ES1370 [AudioPCI]"
+0x1274 0x5580 "snd-ens1371" "Ensoniq|ES1371 [AudioPCI]"
+0x1274 0x5880 "es1371" "Ensoniq|CT5880"
+0x1274 0x9876 "unknown" "Ensoniq| "
+0x1278 0x0701 "unknown" "Transtech Parallel Systems|TPE3/TM3 PowerPC Node"
+0x1278 0x0710 "unknown" "Transtech Parallel Systems Ltd.|TPE5 PowerPC PCI board"
+0x1279 0x0060 "unknown" "Transmeta Corp.|TM8000 Northbridge"
+0x1279 0x0061 "unknown" "Transmeta Corp.|TM8000 AGP bridge"
+0x1279 0x0295 "unknown" "Transmeta Corp.|Virtual Northbridge"
+0x1279 0x0395 "unknown" "Transmeta Corp.|LongRun Northbridge"
+0x1279 0x0396 "unknown" "Transmeta Corp.|SDRAM controller"
+0x1279 0x0397 "unknown" "Transmeta Corp.|BIOS scratchpad"
+0x127a 0x1002 "" "Rockwell International|HCF 56k V90 FaxModem"
+0x127a 0x1003 "" "Rockwell International|HCF 56k V90 FaxModem"
+0x127a 0x1004 0x1048 0x1500 "8250_pci" "Rockwell International|MicroLink 56k Modem"
+0x127a 0x1004 0x10cf 0x1059 "" "Rockwell International|Fujitsu 229-DFRT"
+0x127a 0x1004 "" "Rockwell International|HCF 56k V90 FaxModem"
+0x127a 0x1005 "" "Rockwell International|HCF 56k V90 FaxModem"
+0x127a 0x1022 "" "Conexant Systems|HCF V.90 Modem"
+0x127a 0x1023 "" "Rockwell International|HCF 56k Data/Fax Modem"
+0x127a 0x1024 "" "Rockwell International|HCF 56k Data/Fax/Voice Modem"
+0x127a 0x1025 "" "Rockwell International|HCF 56k PCI Modem"
+0x127a 0x1026 "" "Rockwell International|HCF 56k PCI Speakerphone Modem"
+0x127a 0x1032 "" "Conexant Systems|HCF 56k PCI Modem"
+0x127a 0x1033 "" "Conexant Systems|HCF P85 DATA/FAX PCI Modem"
+0x127a 0x1034 "" "Conexant Systems|HCF 56k PCI Modem"
+0x127a 0x1035 "" "Rockwell International|HCF 56k PCI Speakerphone Modem"
+0x127a 0x1036 "" "Conexant Systems|HCF 56k PCI Modem"
+0x127a 0x1085 "" "Rockwell International|Volcano HCF 56k PCI Modem"
+0x127a 0x2004 "unknown" "Conexant Systems|SoftK56VB2.1V2.08.02 K56 modem"
+0x127a 0x2005 "" "Rockwell International|HCF 56k V90 FaxModem"
+0x127a 0x2013 "" "Rockwell International|HSF 56k Data/Fax Modem"
+0x127a 0x2014 "" "Rockwell International|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice Modem"
+0x127a 0x2015 "unknown" "Rockwell International|Conexant SoftK56 Speakerphone Modem"
+0x127a 0x2016 "" "Rockwell International|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp Modem"
+0x127a 0x2114 "unknown" "Conexant Systems|R6793-11 Soft 56K Data, Fax, PCI modem"
+0x127a 0x2f00 "unknown" "Conexant Systems|cx11252-11 HSF 56k HSFi"
+0x127a 0x4310 "snd-riptide" "Conexant Systems|123456 Master Riptide PCI Audio Device"
+0x127a 0x4311 "" "Rockwell International|Riptide HSF 56k PCI Modem"
+0x127a 0x4312 "unknown" "Conexant Systems|Riptide PCI Game Controller"
+0x127a 0x4320 "snd-riptide" "Rockwell Semiconductor Systems|Master Riptide PCI Audio Controller"
+0x127a 0x4321 "" "Rockwell Semiconductor Systems|HCF 56k Data Fax PCI Modem"
+0x127a 0x4322 "unknown" "Rockwell Semiconductor Systems|Riptide PCI Game Controller"
+0x127a 0x4330 "snd-riptide" "Rockwell Semiconductor Systems|Master Riptide PCI Audio Controller"
+0x127a 0x4340 "snd-riptide" "Rockwell Semiconductor Systems|Master Riptide PCI Audio Controller"
+0x127a 0x5278 "unknown" "Conexant Systems|Harmonic DVB Network Adapter"
+0x127a 0x8234 "unknown" "Rockwell International|RapidFire 616X ATM155 Adapter"
+0x1282 0x9009 "dmfe" "Davicom|Ethernet Adpater"
+0x1282 0x9100 "tulip" "Davicom|DM9100"
+0x1282 0x9102 0x3030 0x5032 "dmfe" "Davicom|Ethernet 100/10 MBit"
+0x1282 0x9102 0x4554 0x434e "dmfe" "Davicom|Ethernet 100/10 MBit"
+0x1282 0x9102 "tulip" "Davicom|Ethernet 100/10 MBit DM9102"
+0x1282 0x9132 "dmfe" "Davicom|Ethernet Adapter"
+0x1283 0x0801 "unknown" "Integrated Technology Express Inc.|IT8152F/G Audio Digital Controller"
+0x1283 0x673a "unknown" "Integrated Technology Express Inc.|IT8330G"
+0x1283 0x8152 "unknown" "Integrated Technology Express Inc.|IT8152F/G Advanced RISC-to-PCI Companion Chip"
+0x1283 0x8172 "unknown" "Integrated Technology Express Inc.|IT8172G Ultra RISC (MIPS, SH4) Companion Chip"
+0x1283 0x8211 "it821x" "Integrated Technology Express Inc.|IT8211 RAID Controller"
+0x1283 0x8212 "it821x" "Integrated Technology Express Inc.|IT8212 RAID Controller"
+0x1283 0x8330 "unknown" "Integrated Technology Express Inc.|IT8330G"
+0x1283 0x8872 "unknown" "Integrated Technology Express Inc.|IT8871/72 PCI to ISA I/O chip"
+0x1283 0x8875 "unknown" "Integrated Technology Express Inc.|IT8875F PCI Parallel Port"
+0x1283 0x8888 "unknown" "Integrated Technology Express Inc.|IT8888F PCI to ISA Bridge with SMB"
+0x1283 0x8889 "unknown" "Integrated Technology Express Inc.|IT8889F PCI to ISA Bridge"
+0x1283 0x9876 "unknown" "Integrated Technology Express Inc.|IT8875F PCI I/O CARD"
+0x1283 0xe886 "unknown" "Integrated Technology Express Inc.|IT8330G"
+0x1285 0x0100 "maestro" "Platform Technologies Inc.|AGOGO sound chip (aka ESS Maestro 1)"
+0x1287 0x001e "unknown" "M-Pact Inc.|LS220D DVD Decoder"
+0x1287 0x001f "unknown" "M-Pact Inc.|LS220C DVD Decoder"
+0x1287 0x0020 "unknown" "LuxSonor Inc.|LS242 MPEG/DVD video decoder"
+0x1289 0x1006 "unknown" "AVC Technology Inc.| "
+0x128a 0xf001 "unknown" "Asante Technologies Inc.|Ethernet 10/100 AsanteFAST 10/100 PCI Ethernet Adapter"
+0x128d 0x0021 "unknown" "G2 Networks Inc.|ATM155 Adapter"
+0x128e 0x0008 "sam9407" "Hoontech Corp./Samho Multi Tech Ltd.|ST128 WSS/SB"
+0x128e 0x0009 "unknown" "Hoontech Corp./Samho Multi Tech Ltd.|ST128 SAM9407"
+0x128e 0x000a "unknown" "Hoontech Corp./Samho Multi Tech Ltd.|ST128 Game Port"
+0x128e 0x000b "unknown" "Hoontech Corp./Samho Multi Tech Ltd.|ST128 MPU Port"
+0x128e 0x000c "unknown" "Hoontech Corp./Samho Multi Tech Ltd.|ST128 Ctrl Port"
+0x1292 0xfc02 "unknown" "Tritech Microelectronics|Pyramid3D TR25202"
+0x129a 0x0415 "unknown" "VMETRO Inc.|PBT-415 PCI 66MHz Analyzer and 33MHz Exerciser"
+0x129a 0x0515 "unknown" "VMETRO Inc.|PBT-515 PCI 66MHz Analyzer and Exerciser"
+0x129a 0x0615 "unknown" "VMETRO Inc.|0001 PCI Exerciser Chip"
+0x129a 0x0715 "unknown" "VMETRO Inc.|Vanguard PCI/PMC/cPCI PCI 66MHz and PCI-X 133MHz Bus Analyzer and Exerciser"
+0x129a 0xdd10 "unknown" "VMETRO Inc.|DPIO Digital Parallel Input Output Device 32bit, 33MHz PCI bus"
+0x129a 0xdd11 "unknown" "VMETRO Inc.|DPIO2 Digital Parallel Input Output Device 64bit, 33MHz PCI bus"
+0x129a 0xdd12 "unknown" "VMETRO Inc.|DPIO2-66 Digital Parallel Input Output Device 64bit, 66MHz PCI bus"
+0x12a3 0x8105 "unknown" "Lucent Technologies|T8105 H100 Digital Switch"
+0x12a3 0xecb8 "unknown" "Lucent Technologies|1646T00"
+0x12aa 0x556c "unknown" "SDL Communications Inc.|NAI HSSI Sniffer PCI Adapter"
+0x12ab 0x0002 "unknown" "Yuan Yuan Enterprise Co. Ltd.|AU8830 [Vortex2] Based Sound Card With A3D Support"
+0x12ab 0x3000 "unknown" "Yuan Yuan Enterprise Co Ltd.|MPG-200C PCI DVD Decoder Card"
+0x12ae 0x0001 "acenic" "Alteon Networks Inc.|AceNIC Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x12ae 0x0002 "acenic" "Alteon Networks Inc.|AceNIC Gigabit Ethernet (Copper)"
+0x12ae 0x00fa "acenic" "Alteon Networks Inc.|AceNIC PN9100T Fast Ethernet (Copper)"
+0x12b2 0x0209 "unknown" "General Signal Networks|SNA Link/9000 PCI to ESCON Controller"
+0x12b9 0x0062 "unknown" "US Robotics|erk41926a-0.6 usr 56k internal modem"
+0x12b9 0x1006 "" "US Robotics|WinModem"
+0x12b9 0x1007 "" "US Robotics|USR 56k Internal WinModem"
+0x12b9 0x1008 "unknown" "US Robotics|56K FaxModem Model 5610"
+0x12ba 0x0032 "unknown" "Bittware Inc.|Hammerhead-Lite-PCI DSP Prototyping & Development Card"
+0x12be 0x3041 "unknown" "Anchor Chips Inc.|AN3041Q CO-MEM"
+0x12be 0x3042 "unknown" "Anchor Chips Inc.|AN3042Q CO-MEM Lite"
+0x12c1 0x9080 "unknown" "GMM Research Corp.|Sync4hs/CCP/PCI/MP Communications Processor"
+0x12c3 0x0058 "ne2k-pci" "Holtek Microelectronics Inc.|Ethernet Adapter"
+0x12c3 0x5598 "ne2k-pci" "Holtek Microelectronics Inc.|Ethernet Adapter"
+0x12c4 0x0001 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|Blue Heat PCI/8 RS-232"
+0x12c4 0x0002 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|Blue Heat PCI/4 RS-232"
+0x12c4 0x0003 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|Blue Heat PCI/2 RS-232"
+0x12c4 0x0004 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|Blue Heat PCI/8 RS-485"
+0x12c4 0x0005 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|Blue Heat PCI/4+4 RS-232/485"
+0x12c4 0x0006 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|Blue Heat PCI/4 RS-485"
+0x12c4 0x0007 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|Blue Heat PCI/2+2 RS-232/485"
+0x12c4 0x0008 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|Blue Heat PCI/2 RS-485"
+0x12c4 0x0009 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|Blue Heat PCI/2+6 RS-232/485"
+0x12c4 0x000a "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|Blue Heat PCI/8 RS-485 (BH081101V1)"
+0x12c4 0x000b "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|Blue Heat PCI/4 RS-485 (BH041101V1)"
+0x12c4 0x000c "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|Blue HEAT/PCI 2 (20 MHz, RS485)"
+0x12c4 0x000d "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|Blue HEAT/PCI 2 PTM"
+0x12c4 0x000e "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.| "
+0x12c4 0x000f "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.| "
+0x12c4 0x0100 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|NT960/PCI"
+0x12c4 0x0201 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|cPCI Titan - 2 Port"
+0x12c4 0x0202 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|cPCI Titan - 4 Port"
+0x12c4 0x0300 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|CTI PCI UART 2 (RS232)"
+0x12c4 0x0301 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|CTI PCI UART 4 (RS232)"
+0x12c4 0x0302 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|CTI PCI UART 8 (RS232)"
+0x12c4 0x0303 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.| "
+0x12c4 0x0304 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.| "
+0x12c4 0x0305 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.| "
+0x12c4 0x0306 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.| "
+0x12c4 0x0307 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.| "
+0x12c4 0x0308 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.| "
+0x12c4 0x0309 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.| "
+0x12c4 0x030a "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.| "
+0x12c4 0x030b "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.| "
+0x12c4 0x0310 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|CTI PCI UART 1+1 (RS232/485)"
+0x12c4 0x0311 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|CTI PCI UART 2+2 (RS232/485)"
+0x12c4 0x0312 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|CTI PCI UART 4+4 (RS232/485)"
+0x12c4 0x0320 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|CTI PCI UART 2"
+0x12c4 0x0321 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|CTI PCI UART 4"
+0x12c4 0x0322 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|CTI PCI UART 8"
+0x12c4 0x0330 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|CTI PCI UART 2 (RS485)"
+0x12c4 0x0331 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|CTI PCI UART 4 (RS485)"
+0x12c4 0x0332 "unknown" "Connect Tech Inc.|CTI PCI UART 8 (RS485)"
+0x12c5 0x007e "unknown" "Picture Elements Incorporated|Imaging/Scanning Subsystem Engine"
+0x12c5 0x007f "unknown" "Picture Elements Inc.|ISE PEI Imaging Subsystem Engine"
+0x12c5 0x0081 "unknown" "Picture Elements Incorporated|PCIVST [Grayscale Thresholding Engine]"
+0x12c5 0x0085 "unknown" "Picture Elements Incorporated|Video Simulator/Sender"
+0x12c5 0x0086 "unknown" "Picture Elements Incorporated|THR2 Multi-scale Thresholder"
+0x12c7 0x0546 "unknown" "Dialogic Corp.|D120JCT-LS Card"
+0x12c7 0x0561 "unknown" "Dialogic Corp.|BRI/2 Type Card (Voice Driver)"
+0x12c7 0x0647 "unknown" "Dialogic Corp.|D/240JCT-T1 Card"
+0x12c7 0x0648 "unknown" "Dialogic Corp.|D/300JCT-E1 Card"
+0x12c7 0x0649 "unknown" "Dialogic Corp.|D/300JCT-E1 Card"
+0x12c7 0x0651 "unknown" "Dialogic Corp.|MSI PCI Card"
+0x12c7 0x0673 "unknown" "Dialogic Corp.|BRI/160-PCI Card"
+0x12c7 0x0674 "unknown" "Dialogic Corp.|BRI/120-PCI Card"
+0x12c7 0x0675 "unknown" "Dialogic Corp.|BRI/80-PCI Card"
+0x12c7 0x0676 "unknown" "Dialogic Corp.|D/41JCT Card"
+0x12c7 0x0685 "unknown" "Dialogic Corp.|D/480JCT-2T1 Card"
+0x12c7 0x0687 "unknown" "Dialogic Corp.|D/600JCT-2E1 (75 Ohm) Card"
+0x12c7 0x0689 "unknown" "Dialogic Corp.|D/600JCT-2E1 Dialogic 2E1 - JCT series"
+0x12c7 0x0707 "unknown" "Dialogic Corp.|D/320JCT (Resource Only) Card"
+0x12c7 0x0708 "unknown" "Dialogic Corp.|D/160JCT (Resource Only) Card"
+0x12cb 0x0027 "unknown" "Antex Electronics Corp.|StudioCard"
+0x12cb 0x002d "unknown" "Antex Electronics Corp.|BX-12"
+0x12cb 0x002e "unknown" "Antex Electronics Corp.|SC-2000"
+0x12cb 0x002f "unknown" "Antex Electronics Corp.|LX-44"
+0x12cb 0x0030 "unknown" "Antex Electronics Corp.|SC-22"
+0x12cb 0x0031 "unknown" "Antex Electronics Corp.|BX-44"
+0x12cb 0x0032 "unknown" "Antex Electronics Corp.|LX-24M 20-bit 2-in, 4-out audio card w/MPEG-2"
+0x12cb 0x0033 "unknown" "Antex Electronics Corp.|LX-22M"
+0x12cb 0x0034 "unknown" "Antex Electronics Corp.|BX-8"
+0x12cb 0x0035 "unknown" "Antex Electronics Corp.|BX-12e"
+0x12d2 0x0008 "Card:RIVA128" "nVidia / SGS Thomson|NV1"
+0x12d2 0x0009 "Card:RIVA128" "nVidia / SGS Thomson|DAC64"
+0x12d2 0x0018 "Card:RIVA128" "nVidia / SGS Thomson|Riva128"
+0x12d2 0x0019 "Card:RIVA128" "nVidia / SGS Thomson|Riva128ZX"
+0x12d2 0x0020 "Card:RIVA TNT" "nVidia / SGS Thomson|TNT"
+0x12d2 0x0028 "Card:RIVA TNT2" "nVidia / SGS Thomson|TNT2"
+0x12d2 0x0029 "Card:RIVA TNT2" "nVidia / SGS Thomson|UTNT2"
+0x12d2 0x002a "unknown" "nVidia / SGS Thomson|NV5 Riva TNT2"
+0x12d2 0x002b "unknown" "nVidia / SGS Thomson|NV5 Riva TNT2"
+0x12d2 0x002c "Card:RIVA TNT2" "nVidia / SGS Thomson|VTNT2"
+0x12d2 0x002d "Card:RIVA TNT2" "nVidia / SGS Thomson|NVM64 Riva TNT2 Model 64"
+0x12d2 0x002e "unknown" "nVidia / SGS Thomson|NV6 Vanta"
+0x12d2 0x002f "unknown" "nVidia / SGS Thomson|NV6 Vanta"
+0x12d2 0x00a0 "Card:RIVA TNT2" "nVidia / SGS Thomson|ITNT2"
+0x12d4 0x0200 "unknown" "Ulticom (Formerly DGM&S)|T1 Card"
+0x12d5 0x0003 "unknown" "Equator Technologies Inc.|BSP16"
+0x12d5 0x1000 "unknown" "Equator Technologies|MAP-CA Broadband Signal Processor"
+0x12d5 0x1002 "unknown" "Equator Technologies|MAP-1000 Digital Signal Processor"
+0x12d8 0x71e2 "unknown" "Pericom Semiconductor|PI7C7300 3 Port PCI to PCI bridge"
+0x12d8 0x8150 "unknown" "Pericom Semiconductor|PI7C8150 2-Port PCI to PCI Bridge"
+0x12d9 0x0002 "unknown" "Aculab PLC|PCI Prosody"
+0x12d9 0x0004 "unknown" "Aculab PLC|cPCI Prosody"
+0x12d9 0x0005 "unknown" "Aculab PLC|Aculab E1/T1 PCI card"
+0x12db 0x0003 "unknown" "Annapolis Micro Systems Inc.|FoxFire II"
+0x12de 0x0200 "unknown" "Rainbow Technologies|Cryptoswift 200"
+0x12e0 0x0010 "unknown" "Chase Research|ST16C654 Quad UART"
+0x12e0 0x0020 "unknown" "Chase Research|ST16C654 Quad UART"
+0x12e0 0x0021 "unknown" "Chase Research|8x UART"
+0x12e0 0x0030 "unknown" "Chase Research|ST16C654 Quad UART"
+0x12e4 0x1140 "unknown" "Brooktrout Technology Inc.|ISDN Controller"
+0x12eb 0x0001 "snd-au8820" "Aureal Semiconductor|Vortex 1"
+0x12eb 0x0002 "snd-au8830" "Aureal Semiconductor|Vortex 2"
+0x12eb 0x0003 "snd-au8810" "Aureal Semiconductor|AU8810 Vortex Digital Audio Processor"
+0x12eb 0x8803 "unknown" "Aureal Semiconductor|Vortex 56k Software Modem"
+0x12f8 0x0002 "unknown" "Electronic Design GmbH|VideoMaker"
+0x12fb 0x0001 "unknown" "Spectrum Signal Processing|PMC-MAI"
+0x12fb 0x00f5 "unknown" "Spectrum Signal Processing|F5 Dakar"
+0x12fb 0x02ad "unknown" "Spectrum Signal Processing|PMC-2MAI"
+0x12fb 0x2adc "unknown" "Spectrum Signal Processing|ePMC-2ADC"
+0x12fb 0x3100 "unknown" "Spectrum Signal Processing|PRO-3100"
+0x12fb 0x3500 "unknown" "Spectrum Signal Processing|PRO-3500"
+0x12fb 0x4d4f "unknown" "Spectrum Signal Processing|Modena"
+0x12fb 0x8120 "unknown" "Spectrum Signal Processing|ePMC-8120"
+0x12fb 0xda62 "unknown" "Spectrum Signal Processing|Daytona C6201 PCI (Hurricane)"
+0x12fb 0xdb62 "unknown" "Spectrum Signal Processing|Ingliston XBIF"
+0x12fb 0xdc62 "unknown" "Spectrum Signal Processing|Ingliston PLX9054"
+0x12fb 0xdd62 "unknown" "Spectrum Signal Processing|Ingliston JTAG/ISP"
+0x12fb 0xeddc "unknown" "Spectrum Signal Processing|ePMC-MSDDC"
+0x12fb 0xfa01 "unknown" "Spectrum Signal Processing|ePMC-FPGA"
+0x1303 0x0001 "unknown" "Innovative Integration|cM67 CompactPCI DSP Card"
+0x1307 0x0001 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DAS1602/16"
+0x1307 0x0006 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-GPIB"
+0x1307 0x000b "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DIO48H"
+0x1307 0x000c "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-PDISO8"
+0x1307 0x000d "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-PDISO16"
+0x1307 0x000f "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DAS1200"
+0x1307 0x0010 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DAS1602/12"
+0x1307 0x0014 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DIO24H"
+0x1307 0x0015 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DIO24H/CTR3"
+0x1307 0x0016 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DIO48H/CTR15"
+0x1307 0x0017 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DIO96H"
+0x1307 0x0018 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-CTR05"
+0x1307 0x0019 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DAS1200/JR"
+0x1307 0x001a "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DAS1001"
+0x1307 0x001b "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DAS1002"
+0x1307 0x001c "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DAS1602JR/16"
+0x1307 0x001d "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DAS6402/16"
+0x1307 0x001e "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DAS6402/12"
+0x1307 0x001f "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DAS16/M1"
+0x1307 0x0020 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DDA02/12"
+0x1307 0x0021 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DDA04/12"
+0x1307 0x0022 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DDA08/12"
+0x1307 0x0023 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DDA02/16"
+0x1307 0x0024 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DDA04/16"
+0x1307 0x0025 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DDA08/16"
+0x1307 0x0026 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DAC04/12-HS"
+0x1307 0x0027 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DAC04/16-HS"
+0x1307 0x0028 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DIO24"
+0x1307 0x0029 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DAS08"
+0x1307 0x002c "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-INT32"
+0x1307 0x0033 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DUAL-AC5"
+0x1307 0x0034 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DAS-TC"
+0x1307 0x0035 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DAS64/M1/16"
+0x1307 0x0036 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DAS64/M2/16"
+0x1307 0x0037 "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DAS64/M3/16"
+0x1307 0x004c "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-DAS1000"
+0x1307 0x004d "unknown" "Computer Boards|PCI-QUAD04"
+0x1307 0x0052 "unknown" "Measurement Computing|PCI-DAS4020/12"
+0x1307 0x0054 "unknown" "Measurement Computing|PCI-DIO96"
+0x1307 0x005e "unknown" "Measurement Computing|PCI-DAS6025"
+0x1308 0x0001 "unknown" "Jato Technologies Inc.|NetCelerator Adapter"
+0x1310 0x0003 "unknown" "Gespac|9060 CompactPCI Interface"
+0x1310 0x000d "unknown" "Gespac|FPGA PCI Bridge"
+0x1317 0x0531 "unknown" "ADMtek Inc.| "
+0x1317 0x0981 "tulip" "ADMtek Inc.|AN981 Comet"
+0x1317 0x0985 "tulip" "ADMtek Inc.|ADM983 Linksys EtherFast 10/100"
+0x1317 0x1985 "tulip" "ADMtek Inc.|ADM985 10/100 cardbus ethernet controller"
+0x1317 0x2850 "unknown" "ADMtek Inc.|??? HSP56 MicroModem"
+0x1317 0x8201 "adm8211" "Admtek Inc.|ADM8201 Wireless Adapter"
+0x1317 0x8211 "adm8211" "Admtek Inc.|ADM8211 Wireless Adapter"
+0x1317 0x9511 "tulip" "Admtek Inc.|ADM9511 cardbus ethernet-modem controller"
+0x1317 0x9513 "unknown" "Admtek Inc.|ADM9513 cardbus ethernet-modem controller"
+0x1318 0x0911 "hamachi" "Packet Engines Inc.|PCI Ethernet Adapter"
+0x1319 0x0801 "snd-fm801" "Fortemedia Inc.|Xwave QS3000A [FM801]"
+0x1319 0x0802 "fm801-gp" "Fortemedia Inc.|Xwave QS3000A [FM801 game port]"
+0x1319 0x1000 "snd-fm801" "Fortemedia Inc.|FM801 PCI Audio"
+0x1319 0x1001 "unknown" "Fortemedia Inc.|FM801 PCI Joystick"
+0x131f 0x1000 "8250_pci" "Siig Inc.|CyberSerial (1-port) 16550"
+0x131f 0x1001 "8250_pci" "Siig Inc.|CyberSerial (1-port) 16650"
+0x131f 0x1002 "8250_pci" "Siig Inc.|CyberSerial (1-port) 16850"
+0x131f 0x1010 "parport_serial" "Siig Inc.|Duet 1S(16550)+1P"
+0x131f 0x1011 "parport_serial" "Siig Inc.|Duet 1S(16650)+1P"
+0x131f 0x1012 "parport_serial" "Siig Inc.|Duet 1S(16850)+1P"
+0x131f 0x1020 "unknown" "Siig Inc.|CyberParallel (1-port)"
+0x131f 0x1021 "unknown" "Siig Inc.|CyberParallel (2-port)"
+0x131f 0x1030 "8250_pci" "Siig Inc.|CyberSerial (2-port) 16550"
+0x131f 0x1031 "8250_pci" "Siig Inc.|CyberSerial (2-port) 16650"
+0x131f 0x1032 "8250_pci" "Siig Inc.|CyberSerial (2-port) 16850"
+0x131f 0x1034 "parport_serial" "Siig Inc.|Trio 2S(16550)+1P"
+0x131f 0x1035 "parport_serial" "Siig Inc.|Trio 2S(16650)+1P"
+0x131f 0x1036 "parport_serial" "Siig Inc.|Trio 2S(16850)+1P"
+0x131f 0x1050 "8250_pci" "Siig Inc.|CyberSerial (4-port) 16550"
+0x131f 0x1051 "8250_pci" "Siig Inc.|CyberSerial (4-port) 16650"
+0x131f 0x1052 "8250_pci" "Siig Inc.|CyberSerial (4-port) 16850"
+0x131f 0x2000 "8250_pci" "Siig Inc.|CyberSerial (1-port) 16550"
+0x131f 0x2001 "8250_pci" "Siig Inc.|CyberSerial (1-port) 16650"
+0x131f 0x2002 "8250_pci" "Siig Inc.|CyberSerial (1-port) 16850"
+0x131f 0x2010 "parport_serial" "Siig Inc.|Duet 1S(16550)+1P"
+0x131f 0x2011 "parport_serial" "Siig Inc.|Duet 1S(16650)+1P"
+0x131f 0x2012 "parport_serial" "Siig Inc.|Duet 1S(16850)+1P"
+0x131f 0x2020 "unknown" "Siig Inc.|CyberParallel (1-port)"
+0x131f 0x2021 "unknown" "Siig Inc.|CyberParallel (2-port)"
+0x131f 0x2030 "8250_pci" "Siig Inc.|CyberSerial (2-port) 16550"
+0x131f 0x2031 "8250_pci" "Siig Inc.|CyberSerial (2-port) 16650"
+0x131f 0x2032 "8250_pci" "Siig Inc.|CyberSerial (2-port) 16850"
+0x131f 0x2040 "parport_serial" "Siig Inc.|Trio 1S(16550)+2P"
+0x131f 0x2041 "parport_serial" "Siig Inc.|Trio 1S(16650)+2P"
+0x131f 0x2042 "parport_serial" "Siig Inc.|Trio 1S(16850)+2P"
+0x131f 0x2050 "8250_pci" "Siig Inc.|CyberSerial (4-port) 16550"
+0x131f 0x2051 "8250_pci" "Siig Inc.|CyberSerial (4-port) 16650"
+0x131f 0x2052 "8250_pci" "Siig Inc.|CyberSerial (4-port) 16850"
+0x131f 0x2060 "parport_serial" "Siig Inc.|Trio 2S(16550)+1P"
+0x131f 0x2061 "parport_serial" "Siig Inc.|Trio 2S(16650)+1P"
+0x131f 0x2062 "parport_serial" "Siig Inc.|Trio 2S(16850)+1P"
+0x131f 0x2081 "unknown" "Siig Inc.|CyberSerial (8-port) ST16654"
+0x1328 0x2048 "unknown" "Quadrant International| "
+0x1331 0x0030 "unknown" "Radisys Corp.|ENP-2611"
+0x1331 0x8200 "unknown" "Radisys Corp.|82600 Host Bridge"
+0x1331 0x8201 "unknown" "Radisys Corp.|82600 IDE"
+0x1331 0x8202 "unknown" "Radisys Corp.|82600 USB"
+0x1331 0x8210 "unknown" "Radisys Corp.|82600 PCI Bridge"
+0x1332 0x5415 "umem" "Micro Memory|MM-5415CN PCI Memory Module with Battery Backup"
+0x1332 0x5425 "umem" "Micro Memory|MM-5425CN PCI 64/66 Memory Module with Battery Backup"
+0x1332 0x6140 "unknown" "Micro Memory|MM-6140D"
+0x1332 0x6155 "umem" "Micro Memory|"
+0x133d 0x1000 "unknown" "Prisa Networks|SST-5136-PFB-PCI Industrial I/O Card"
+0x1344 0x3240 "unknown" "Micron Technology Inc.|CopperHead CopperTail SC1 AMC AC97"
+0x1344 0x3320 "unknown" "Micron Technology Inc.|MT8LLN21PADF North Bridge"
+0x1344 0x3470 "unknown" "Micron Technology Inc.|MT7LLN22NCNE South Bridge"
+0x1344 0x4020 "unknown" "Micron Technology Inc.|CopperHead CopperTail SC1 IDE Controller"
+0x1344 0x4030 "unknown" "Micron Technology Inc.|CopperHead CopperTail SC1 USB Controller"
+0x134a 0x0001 "dmx3191d" "DTC Technology Corp.|Domex 536"
+0x134a 0x0002 "dtc" "DTC Technology Corp.|Domex DMX3194UP SCSI Adapter"
+0x134a 0x3510 0xafff 0xffff "unknown" "DTC Technology Corp.|DTC50C18 scsi"
+0x134d 0x2189 "unknown" "PCTel Inc.|HSP56 MicroModem"
+0x134d 0x2486 "unknown" "PCTEL Inc.|2304WT V.92 MDC Modem"
+0x134d 0x7890 "unknown" "Pctel Inc.|HSP MicroModem 56"
+0x134d 0x7891 "unknown" "Pctel Inc.|HSP MicroModem 56"
+0x134d 0x7892 "unknown" "Pctel Inc.|HSP MicroModem 56"
+0x134d 0x7893 "unknown" "Pctel Inc.|HSP MicroModem 56"
+0x134d 0x7894 "unknown" "Pctel Inc.|HSP MicroModem 56"
+0x134d 0x7895 "unknown" "Pctel Inc.|HSP MicroModem 56"
+0x134d 0x7896 "unknown" "Pctel Inc.|HSP MicroModem 56"
+0x134d 0x7897 "unknown" "Pctel Inc.|HSP MicroModem 56"
+0x134d 0x8086 "unknown" "PCTEL Inc.| "
+0x134d 0x9714 "unknown" "PCTEL Inc.|PCT 288-1A PCTEL"
+0x134d 0xd800 "unknown" "PCTEL Inc.|pct388p-a pctel 56k modem"
+0x1353 0x0002 "unknown" "Thales Idatys|Proserver"
+0x1353 0x0003 "unknown" "Thales Idatys|PCI-FUT"
+0x1353 0x0004 "unknown" "Thales Idatys|PCI-S0"
+0x1353 0x0005 "unknown" "Thales Idatys|PCI-FUT-S0"
+0x135a 0x0224 "unknown" "Brain Boxes Limited|PLX9050 PLX PCI Bus Logic"
+0x135c 0x0010 "8250_pci" "Quatech Inc.|QSC 100"
+0x135c 0x0020 "8250_pci" "Quatech Inc.|DSC 100"
+0x135c 0x0030 "unknown" "Quatech Inc.|DSC 200"
+0x135c 0x0040 "unknown" "Quatech Inc.|QSC 200"
+0x135c 0x0050 "8250_pci" "Quatech Inc.|ESC 100D"
+0x135c 0x0060 "8250_pci" "Quatech Inc.|ESC 100M"
+0x135c 0x00f0 "unknown" "Quatech Inc.|MPAC-100 Syncronous Serial Card (Zilog 85230)"
+0x135c 0x0170 "unknown" "Quatech Inc.|QSCLP-100"
+0x135c 0x0180 "unknown" "Quatech Inc.|DSCLP-100"
+0x135c 0x0190 "unknown" "Quatech Inc.|SSCLP-100"
+0x135c 0x01a0 "unknown" "Quatech Inc.|QSCLP-200/300"
+0x135c 0x01b0 "unknown" "Quatech Inc.|DSCLP-200/300"
+0x135c 0x01c0 "unknown" "Quatech Inc.|SSCLP-200/300"
+0x135e 0x5101 "unknown" "Sealevel Systems Inc.|5101 Route 56"
+0x135e 0x7101 "8250_pci" "Sealevel Systems Inc.|Single Port RS-232/422/485/530"
+0x135e 0x7201 "8250_pci" "Sealevel Systems Inc.|Dual Port RS-232/422/485 Interface"
+0x135e 0x7202 "8250_pci" "Sealevel Systems Inc.|Dual Port RS-232 Interface"
+0x135e 0x7401 "8250_pci" "Sealevel Systems Inc.|Four Port RS-232 Interface"
+0x135e 0x7402 "8250_pci" "Sealevel Systems Inc.|Four Port RS-422/485 Interface"
+0x135e 0x7801 "8250_pci" "Sealevel Systems Inc.|Eight Port RS-232 Interface"
+0x135e 0x7804 "8250_pci" "Sealevel Systems Inc.|PCI Serial Port"
+0x135e 0x8001 "unknown" "Sealevel Systems Inc.|8001 Digital I/O Adapter"
+0x1360 0x0101 "unknown" "Meinberg Funkuhren|PCI32 DCF77 Radio Clock"
+0x1360 0x0102 "unknown" "Meinberg Funkuhren|PCI509 DCF77 Radio Clock"
+0x1360 0x0103 "unknown" "Meinberg Funkuhren|PCI510 DCF77 Radio Clock"
+0x1360 0x0201 "unknown" "Meinberg Funkuhren|GPS167PCI GPS Receiver"
+0x1360 0x0202 "unknown" "Meinberg Funkuhren|GPS168PCI GPS Receiver"
+0x1360 0x0203 "unknown" "Meinberg Funkuhren|GPS169PCI GPS Receiver"
+0x1360 0x0301 "unknown" "Meinberg Funkuhren|TCR510PCI IRIG Receiver"
+0x1360 0x0302 "unknown" "Meinberg Funkuhren|TCR167PCI IRIG Timecode Reader"
+0x1365 0x9050 "ISDN:hysdn" "Hypercope Corp.|HYSDN"
+0x136b 0xff01 "meye" "Kawasaki Steel Corp.|MEYE Video Adapter"
+0x1371 0x434e "sk98lin" "CNet Technology Inc.|GigaCard Network Adapter"
+0x137a 0x0001 "unknown" "Mark of the Unicorn Inc.|PCI-324 Audiowire Interface"
+0x1382 0x0001 "unknown" "Marian - Electronic & Software|ARC88 audio recording card"
+0x1382 0x2008 "unknown" "Marian - Electronic & Software|Prodif 96 Pro sound system"
+0x1382 0x2048 "unknown" "Marian - Electronic & Software|Prodif Plus sound card"
+0x1382 0x2088 "unknown" "Marian - Electronic & Software|Marc-8 MIDI 8 channel audio card"
+0x1382 0x20c8 "unknown" "Marian - Electronic & Software|Marc A sound system"
+0x1382 0x4008 "unknown" "Marian - Electronic & Software|Marc 2 sound system"
+0x1382 0x4010 "unknown" "Marian - Electronic & Software|Marc 2 Pro sound system"
+0x1382 0x4048 "unknown" "Marian - Electronic & Software|Marc 4 MIDI sound system"
+0x1382 0x4088 "unknown" "Marian - Electronic & Software|Marc 4 Digi sound system"
+0x1382 0x4248 "unknown" "Marian - Electronic & Software|Marc X sound system"
+0x1385 0x0013 "unknown" "Netgear|WG311T"
+0x1385 0x311a "unknown" "Netgear|GA511 Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x1385 0x3872 "prism2_pci" "Netgear|"
+0x1385 0x4100 "orinoco_plx" "Netgear|802.11b Wireless Adapter (MA301)"
+0x1385 0x4105 "unknown" "Netgear|MA311 802.11b wireless adapter"
+0x1385 0x4400 "unknown" "Netgear|WAG511 802.11a/b/g Dual Band Wireless PC Card"
+0x1385 0x4600 "unknown" "Netgear|WAG511 802.11a/b/g Dual Band Wireless PC Card"
+0x1385 0x4601 "unknown" "Netgear|WAG511 802.11a/b/g Dual Band Wireless PC Card"
+0x1385 0x4610 "unknown" "Netgear|WAG511 802.11a/b/g Dual Band Wireless PC Card"
+0x1385 0x4a00 "unknown" "Netgear|WAG311 802.11abg Wireless Adapter"
+0x1385 0x4c00 "unknown" "Netgear|WG311v2 54 Mbps Wireless PCI Adapter"
+0x1385 0x620a "acenic" "Netgear|GA620"
+0x1385 0x622a "unknown" "Netgear|GA622"
+0x1385 0x630a "acenic" "Netgear|GA630"
+0x1385 0xf004 "unknown" "Netgear|FA310TX"
+0x1385 0xf311 "unknown" "Netgear|FA311"
+0x1385 0xf312 "unknown" "Netgear| "
+0x1389 0x0001 "applicom" "Applicom International|PCI1500PFB [Intelligent fieldbus adaptor]"
+0x1389 0x0002 "applicom" "Applicom International|"
+0x1389 0x0003 "applicom" "Applicom International|"
+0x1393 0x0001 "mxser" "Moxa Technologies Co Ltd.|"
+0x1393 0x1001 "mxser" "Moxa Technologies Co Ltd.|"
+0x1393 0x1010 "unknown" "Moxa Technologies Co Ltd.| "
+0x1393 0x1020 "mxser" "Moxa Technologies Co Ltd.| "
+0x1393 0x1021 "mxser" "Moxa Technologies Co Ltd.|"
+0x1393 0x1022 "mxser" "Moxa Technologies Co Ltd.|"
+0x1393 0x1040 "mxser" "Moxa Technologies Co Ltd.|Smartio C104H/PCI"
+0x1393 0x1041 "mxser" "Moxa Technologies Co Ltd.| "
+0x1393 0x1042 "mxser" "Moxa Technologies Co Ltd.| "
+0x1393 0x1080 "mxser" "Moxa Technologies Co Ltd.|"
+0x1393 0x1140 "mxser" "Moxa Technologies Co Ltd.|"
+0x1393 0x1141 "mxser" "Moxa Technologies Co Ltd.|Industrio CP-114"
+0x1393 0x1180 "mxser" "Moxa Technologies Co Ltd.|"
+0x1393 0x1320 "mxser" "Moxa Technologies Co Ltd.|CP-132 Industio"
+0x1393 0x1321 "mxser" "Moxa Technologies Co Ltd.| "
+0x1393 0x1340 "mxser" "Moxa Technologies Co Ltd.| "
+0x1393 0x1401 "unknown" "Moxa Technologies Co Ltd.| "
+0x1393 0x1680 "mxser" "Moxa Technologies Co Ltd.|Smartio C168H/PCI"
+0x1393 0x1681 "mxser" "Moxa Technologies Co Ltd.| "
+0x1393 0x2040 "moxa" "Moxa Technologies Co Ltd.|Intellio CP-204J"
+0x1393 0x2180 "moxa" "Moxa Technologies Co Ltd.|Intellio C218 Turbo PCI"
+0x1393 0x3200 "moxa" "Moxa Technologies Co Ltd.|Intellio C320 Turbo PCI"
+0x1393 0x5020 "unknown" "Moxa Technologies Co Ltd.| "
+0x1394 0x0001 "unknown" "Level One Communications|LXT1001 Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x1397 0x08b4 "ISDN:hfc4s8s_l1" "Cologne Chip Designs GmbH|"
+0x1397 0x0b4d "unknown" "Cologne Chip Designs GmbH|HFC-8S 16B8D8S0 ISDN HDLC FIFO Controller"
+0x1397 0x16b8 "ISDN:hfc4s8s_l1" "Cologne Chip Designs GmbH|ISDN network Controller [HFC-8S]"
+0x1397 0x2bd0 "ISDN:hisax,type=35" "Cologne Chip Designs|ISDN network controller [HFC-PCI]"
+0x1397 0x8b4d "unknown" "Cologne Chip Designs GmbH|HFC-4S ISDN 8B4D4S0 ISDN HDLC FIFO Controller"
+0x1397 0xb000 "ISDN:hisax,type=35" "Cologne Chip Designs|ISDN network controller [HFC-PCI]"
+0x1397 0xb006 "ISDN:hisax,type=35" "Cologne Chip Designs|ISDN network controller [HFC-PCI]"
+0x1397 0xb007 "ISDN:hisax,type=35" "Cologne Chip Designs|ISDN network controller [HFC-PCI]"
+0x1397 0xb008 "ISDN:hisax,type=35" "Cologne Chip Designs|ISDN network controller [HFC-PCI]"
+0x1397 0xb009 "ISDN:hisax,type=35" "Cologne Chip Designs|ISDN network controller [HFC-PCI]"
+0x1397 0xb00a "ISDN:hisax,type=35" "Cologne Chip Designs|ISDN network controller [HFC-PCI]"
+0x1397 0xb00b "ISDN:hisax,type=35" "Cologne Chip Designs|ISDN network controller [HFC-PCI]"
+0x1397 0xb00c "ISDN:hisax,type=35" "Cologne Chip Designs|ISDN network controller [HFC-PCI]"
+0x1397 0xb100 "ISDN:hisax,type=35" "Cologne Chip Designs|ISDN network controller [HFC-PCI]"
+0x139a 0x0001 "unknown" "Alacritech Inc.|Quad Port 10/100 Server Accelerator"
+0x139a 0x0003 "unknown" "Alacritech Inc.|Single Port 10/100 Server Accelerator"
+0x139a 0x0005 "unknown" "Alacritech Inc.|Single Port Gigabit Server Accelerator"
+0x13a3 0x0005 "unknown" "HI-FN Inc.|7751 Security Processor"
+0x13a3 0x0006 "unknown" "HI-FN Inc.|6500 Public Key Processor"
+0x13a3 0x0007 "unknown" "HI-FN Inc.|7811 Security Processor"
+0x13a3 0x0012 "unknown" "HI-FN Inc.|7951 Security Processor"
+0x13a3 0x0014 "unknown" "HI-FN Inc.|78XX Security Processor"
+0x13a3 0x0016 "unknown" "HI-FN Inc.|8065 Security Processor"
+0x13a3 0x0017 "unknown" "HI-FN Inc.|8165 Security Processor"
+0x13a3 0x0018 "unknown" "HI-FN Inc.|8154 Security Processor"
+0x13a3 0x001d "unknown" "HI-FN Inc.|7956 Security Processor"
+0x13a3 0x0020 "unknown" "HI-FN Inc.|7955 Security Processor"
+0x13a3 0x0026 "unknown" "HI-FN Inc.|8155 Security Processor"
+0x13a8 0x0152 "8250_pci" "Exar Corp.|XR17C152 PCI Bus Quad UART"
+0x13a8 0x0154 "8250_pci" "Exar Corp.|XR17C154 PCI Bus Quad UART"
+0x13a8 0x0158 "8250_pci" "Exar Corp.|XR17C158 PCI Bus Octal UART"
+0x13c0 0x0010 "synclink" "Microgate Corp.|SyncLink WAN Adapter"
+0x13c0 0x0020 "unknown" "Microgate Corp.|SyncLink SCC Adapter"
+0x13c0 0x0030 "synclinkmp" "Microgate Corp.|SyncLink Multiport Adapter"
+0x13c0 0x0210 "synclink" "Microgate Corp.|SyncLink Adapter v2"
+0x13c1 0x1000 "3w-xxxx" "3ware Inc.|3ware ATA-RAID"
+0x13c1 0x1001 "3w-xxxx" "3ware Inc.|3ware 7000-series ATA-RAID"
+0x13c1 0x1002 "3w-9xxx" "3ware Inc.|3ware 9XXX-series ATA-RAID"
+0x13c1 0x1003 "3w-9xxx" "3ware Inc.|3ware 9XXX-series ATA-RAID"
+0x13c6 0x0520 "unknown" "Condor Engineering Inc.|CEI-520 A429 Card"
+0x13c6 0x0620 "unknown" "Condor Engineering Inc.|CEI-620 A429 Card"
+0x13c6 0x0820 "unknown" "Condor Engineering Inc.|CEI-820 A429 Card"
+0x13c7 0x0adc "unknown" "Blue Chip Technology Ltd.|Multi-Function Analogue/Digital IO card"
+0x13d0 0x2103 "skystar2" "B2C2 Inc.|T228502 B2C2 Sky2PC Core Chip"
+0x13d0 0x2200 "skystar2" "Techsan Electronics Co Ltd.|B2C2 FlexCopIII DVB chip / Technisat SkyStar2 DVB card"
+0x13d1 0x2bd1 "ISDN:hisax" "Abocom Systems Inc.|ISDN Adapter"
+0x13d1 0xab02 "tulip" "Abocom Systems Inc.|Ethernet Adapter"
+0x13d1 0xab03 "tulip" "Abocom Systems Inc.|Ethernet Adapter"
+0x13d1 0xab06 "8139too" "Abocom Systems Inc.|FE2000VX CardBus /Atelco Fibreline Ethernet Adptr"
+0x13d1 0xab08 "tulip" "Abocom Systems Inc.|Ethernet Adapter"
+0x13d7 0x8086 "unknown" "Toshiba Engineering Corp.|ac97 note"
+0x13df 0x0001 "unknown" "E-Tech Inc.|PCI56RVP Modem"
+0x13ea 0x3131 "unknown" "Dallas Semiconductor|DS3131 BoSS Bit Synchronous HDLC Controller"
+0x13ea 0x3134 "unknown" "Dallas Semiconductor|DS3134 Chateau Channelized T1/E1/HDLC Controller"
+0x13eb 0x0070 "bttv" "Hauppauge|WinTV"
+0x13f0 0x0201 "sundance" "Sundance Technology Inc.|ST201 Fast Ehternet Adapter"
+0x13f0 0x1023 "unknown" "Sundance Technology Inc.|IC Plus IP1000 Family Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x13f4 0x1401 "unknown" "Troika Networks Inc.|Zentai Fibre Channel Adapter"
+0x13f6 0x0011 "unknown" "C-Media Electronics Inc.|CMI8738"
+0x13f6 0x0100 "snd-cmipci" "C-Media Electronics Inc.|CM8338A"
+0x13f6 0x0101 "snd-cmipci" "C-Media Electronics Inc.|CM8338B"
+0x13f6 0x0111 "snd-cmipci" "C-Media Electronics Inc.|CM8738"
+0x13f6 0x0112 "snd-cmipci" "C-Media Electronics Inc.||MI-8378B/PCI-6CH PCI Audio Chip"
+0x13f6 0x0211 "snd-cmipci" "C-Media Electronics Inc.|CM8738"
+0x13fe 0x1240 "unknown" "Advantech Co. Ltd.|PCI-1240-A 4-Axis Stepping/Servo Motor Card"
+0x13fe 0x1600 "unknown" "Advantech Co. Ltd.|PCI-1612 4-port RS-232/422/485 PCI Communication Card"
+0x13fe 0x1733 "unknown" "Advantech Co. Ltd.|PCI-1733 32-channel isolated digital input card"
+0x13fe 0x1752 "unknown" "Advantech Co. Ltd.|PCI-1752"
+0x13fe 0x1754 "unknown" "Advantech Co. Ltd.|PCI-1754"
+0x13fe 0x1756 "unknown" "Advantech Co. Ltd.|PCI-1756"
+0x13fe 0x1760 "unknown" "Advantech Co. Ltd.| "
+0x1400 0x0001 "unknown" "ArtX Inc.| "
+0x1400 0x0003 "unknown" "ArtX Inc.| "
+0x1400 0x0004 "unknown" "ArtX Inc.| "
+0x1400 0x1401 "epic100" "Standard Microsystems Corp [SMC]|9432 TX"
+0x1407 0x0100 "8250_pci" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|Lava Dual Serial"
+0x1407 0x0101 "8250_pci" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|Lava Quatro A"
+0x1407 0x0102 "8250_pci" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|Lava Quatro B"
+0x1407 0x0110 "unknown" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|Lava DSerial PCI Port A"
+0x1407 0x0111 "unknown" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|Lava DSerial PCI Port B"
+0x1407 0x0120 "unknown" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|Quattro-PCI A"
+0x1407 0x0121 "unknown" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|Quattro-PCI B"
+0x1407 0x0180 "8250_pci" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|Lava Octopus PCI Ports 1-4"
+0x1407 0x0181 "8250_pci" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|Lava Octopus PCI Ports 5-8"
+0x1407 0x0200 "8250_pci" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|Lava Port Plus"
+0x1407 0x0201 "8250_pci" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|Lava Quad A"
+0x1407 0x0202 "8250_pci" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|Lava Quad B"
+0x1407 0x0220 "unknown" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|Lava Quattro PCI Ports A/B"
+0x1407 0x0221 "unknown" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|Lava Quattro PCI Ports C/D"
+0x1407 0x0400 "unknown" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|Lava 8255 PIO PCI"
+0x1407 0x0500 "8250_pci" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|Lava Single Serial"
+0x1407 0x0510 "unknown" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|Lava SP Serial 550 PCI"
+0x1407 0x0511 "unknown" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|Lava SP BIDIR Parallel PCI"
+0x1407 0x0600 "8250_pci" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|Lava Port 650"
+0x1407 0x0a00 "unknown" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|LavaPort PCI COM Port Accelerator"
+0x1407 0x8000 "unknown" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|Lava Parallel"
+0x1407 0x8001 "unknown" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|Lava Dual Parallel port A"
+0x1407 0x8002 "unknown" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|Lava Dual Parallel port A"
+0x1407 0x8003 "unknown" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|Lava Dual Parallel port B"
+0x1407 0x8800 "unknown" "Lava Computer mfg Inc.|BOCA Research IOPPAR"
+0x1409 0x7168 "8250_pci" "Timedia Technology Co Ltd.|Multi I/O card"
+0x1409 0x7268 "unknown" "Timedia Technology Co Ltd.|SUN1888 Simple Comm. Controller"
+0x140b 0x0610 "unknown" "Ramix Inc.| "
+0x1412 0x1712 "snd-ice1712" "IC Ensemble Inc.|ICE1712 [Envy24]"
+0x1412 0x1724 "snd-ice1724" "IC Ensemble Inc.|ICE1724 [Envy24HT]"
+0x1414 0x0002 "tulip" "unknown|please report his card"
+0x1415 0x8401 "unknown" "Oxford Semiconductor, Ltd.|OX9162 PCI Bridge"
+0x1415 0x8403 "unknown" "Oxford Semiconductor, Ltd.|OX12PCI840 PCI Parallel Port"
+0x1415 0x9500 "unknown" "Oxford Semiconductor, Ltd.|PCI Function"
+0x1415 0x9501 "8250_pci" "Oxford Semiconductor, Ltd.|OX16PCI954 PCI UARTs"
+0x1415 0x950a "8250_pci" "Oxford Semiconductor, Ltd.|OX16PCI954 Dual PCI UART"
+0x1415 0x950b "unknown" "Oxford Semiconductor Ltd.|OXCB950 Cardbus 16950 UART"
+0x1415 0x9510 "unknown" "Oxford Semiconductor, Ltd.|PCI Function"
+0x1415 0x9511 "8250_pci" "Oxford Semiconductor, Ltd.|OX16PCI954 PCI Bridge"
+0x1415 0x9512 "unknown" "Oxford Semiconductor, Ltd.|OX16PCI954 32-bit PCI Bridge"
+0x1415 0x9513 "unknown" "Oxford Semiconductor, Ltd.|OX16PCI954 PCI Parallel Port"
+0x1415 0x9521 "8250_pci" "Oxford Semiconductor Ltd.|OX16PCI952 (Dual 16950 UART)"
+0x1415 0x9523 "unknown" "Oxford Semiconductor Ltd.|OX12PCI952 Integrated Parallel Port"
+0x141f 0x6181 "unknown" "Visiontech Ltd.|KFIR MPEG decoder"
+0x1420 0x8002 "unknown" "Psion Dacom plc|Gold Card NetGlobal 56k+10/100Mb CardBus (Ethernet part)"
+0x1420 0x8003 "unknown" "Psion Dacom plc|Gold Card NetGlobal 56k+10/100Mb CardBus (Modem part)"
+0x1425 0x0007 "cxgb" "Chelsio|10Gb Ethernet N110"
+0x1425 0x000a "cxgb" "Chelsio|10Gb Ethernet N210"
+0x142e 0x4020 "unknown" "Vitec Multimedia|VM2-2 [Video Maker 2] MPEG1/2 Encoder"
+0x1432 0x9130 "8139too" "Edimax Computer Co.|RTL81xx Fast Ethernet"
+0x1448 0x0001 "unknown" "Alesis Studio|ADAT/EDIT Audio Editing"
+0x144a 0x7230 "unknown" "ADLINK Technology Inc.| "
+0x144a 0x7248 "unknown" "ADLINK Technology Inc.|PCI-7248"
+0x144a 0x7250 "unknown" "ADLINK Technology Inc.|PCI-7250"
+0x144a 0x7296 "unknown" "ADLINK Technology Inc.|PCI-7296"
+0x144a 0x7432 "unknown" "ADLINK Technology Inc.|PCI-7432"
+0x144a 0x7433 "unknown" "ADLINK Technology Inc.|PCI-7433"
+0x144a 0x7434 "unknown" "ADLINK Technology Inc.|PCI-7434"
+0x144a 0x7841 "unknown" "ADLINK Technology Inc.|PCI-7841"
+0x144a 0x8133 "unknown" "ADLINK Technology Inc.|PCI-8133"
+0x144a 0x8164 "unknown" "ADLINK Technology Inc.|PCI-8164"
+0x144a 0x8554 "unknown" "ADLINK Technology Inc.|PCI-8554"
+0x144a 0x9111 "unknown" "ADLINK Technology Inc.|PCI-9111"
+0x144a 0x9113 "unknown" "ADLINK Technology Inc.|PCI-9113"
+0x144a 0x9114 "unknown" "ADLINK Technology Inc.|PCI-9114"
+0x144b 0x0601 "unknown" "Loronix Information Systems Inc.| "
+0x1458 0x0c11 "unknown" "Giga-byte Technology|K8NS Pro Mainboard"
+0x145c 0x0000 "unknown" "Cryptek|crypto pci 56kb crypto 56kb internal"
+0x145f 0x0001 "unknown" "Baldor Electric Company|NextMove PCI"
+0x1461 0x0002 "bttv" "Avermedia|TVCapture 98"
+0x1462 0x5071 "unknown" "Micro-Star International Co. Ltd.|Audio controller"
+0x1462 0x6819 "unknown" "Micro-Star International Co. Ltd.|Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller [MSI CB54G]"
+0x1462 0x6825 "unknown" "Micro-Star International Co. Ltd.|PCI Card wireless 11g [PC54G]"
+0x1462 0x7120 "unknown" "Micro-Star International Co. Ltd.| "
+0x1462 0x8725 "unknown" "Micro-Star International Co. Ltd.|NVIDIA NV25 [GeForce4 Ti 4600] VGA Adapter"
+0x1462 0x9000 "unknown" "Micro-Star International Co. Ltd.|NVIDIA NV28 [GeForce4 Ti 4800] VGA Adapter"
+0x1462 0x9110 "unknown" "Micro-Star International Co. Ltd.|GeFORCE FX5200"
+0x1462 0x9119 "unknown" "Micro-Star International Co. Ltd.|NVIDIA NV31 [GeForce FX 5600XT] VGA Adapter"
+0x1462 0x9591 "unknown" "Micro-Star International Co. Ltd.|nVidia Corporation NV36 [GeForce FX 5700LE]"
+0x146c 0x1430 "unknown" "Ruby Tech Corp.|FE-1430TX Fast Ethernet PCI Adapter"
+0x1471 0x0188 "unknown" "Integrated Telecom Express Inc.|RoadRunner 10 ADSL PCI"
+0x1489 0x7001 "snd-cs46xx" "Genius|Soundmaker 128 value"
+0x148d 0x1003 "" "DIGICOM Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Data/Fax Modem"
+0x1497 0x1497 "unknown" "SMA Regelsysteme GmBH|SMA Technologie AG"
+0x1498 0x30c8 "unknown" "TEWS Datentechnik GmBH|TPCI200"
+0x149d 0x0001 "unknown" "NEWTEK Inc.|Video Toaster for PC"
+0x14af 0x0050 "snd-cs46xx" "Hercules|Game Theatre XP"
+0x14af 0x7102 "unknown" "Guillemot Corp.|3D Prophet II MX"
+0x14b3 0x0000 "unknown" "XPEED Inc.|DSL NIC"
+0x14b5 0x0200 "unknown" "Creamware GmBH|Scope"
+0x14b5 0x0300 "unknown" "Creamware GmBH|Pulsar"
+0x14b5 0x0400 "unknown" "Creamware GmBH|Pulsar2"
+0x14b5 0x0600 "unknown" "Creamware GmBH|Pulsar2"
+0x14b5 0x0800 "unknown" "Creamware GmBH|DSP-Board"
+0x14b5 0x0900 "unknown" "Creamware GmBH|DSP-Board"
+0x14b5 0x0a00 "unknown" "Creamware GmBH|DSP-Board"
+0x14b5 0x0b00 "unknown" "Creamware GmBH|DSP-Board"
+0x14b7 0x0001 "unknown" "PROXIM Inc.|Symphony 4110"
+0x14b9 0x0001 "aironet4500_card" "Aironet Wireless Communication|PC4800"
+0x14b9 0x0340 "airo" "Aironet Wireless Communication"
+0x14b9 0x0350 "airo" "Aironet Wireless Communication"
+0x14b9 0x2500 "unknown" "Aironet Wireless Communication|PC2500 DS Wireless PCI LAN Adapter"
+0x14b9 0x3100 "unknown" "Aironet Wireless Communication|PC3100 FH Wireless PCI LAN Adapter"
+0x14b9 0x3101 "unknown" "Aironet Wireless Communication|PC3100 FH Wireless PCI LAN Adapter"
+0x14b9 0x3500 "unknown" "Aironet Wireless Communication|PC3500 FH Wireless PCI LAN Adapter"
+0x14b9 0x4500 "aironet4500_card" "Aironet Wireless Communication|PC4500"
+0x14b9 0x4800 "aironet4500_card" "Aironet Wireless Communication|Cisco Aironet 340 802.11b Wireless LAN Adapter/Aironet PC4800"
+0x14b9 0x5000 "airo" "Aironet Wireless Communication|"
+0x14b9 0xa504 "airo" "Aironet Wireless Communication|Cisco Aironet Wireless 802.11b"
+0x14b9 0xa505 "unknown" "Aironet Wireless Communication|Cisco Aironet CB20a 802.11a Wireless LAN Adapter"
+0x14b9 0xa506 "unknown" "Aironet Wireless Communication|Cisco Aironet Mini PCI b/g"
+0x14c1 0x8043 "unknown" "Myricom Inc.|LANai 9.2 0129 MyriNet"
+0x14d2 0x8001 "unknown" "Oxford Semiconductor|Visial Systems VScom PCI-010L Contoller"
+0x14d2 0x8002 "unknown" "Oxford Semiconductor|Visual Systems PCI-020L Controller"
+0x14d2 0x8010 "8250_pci" "Oxford Semiconductor|Visual Systems VScom PCI-100L Controller"
+0x14d2 0x8011 "parport_serial" "Oxford Semiconductor|VScom Controller"
+0x14d2 0x8020 "8250_pci" "Oxford Semiconductor|Visual Systems VScom PCI-200L Controller"
+0x14d2 0x8021 "parport_serial" "Oxford Semiconductor|VScom PCI-210L Controller"
+0x14d2 0x8040 "8250_pci" "Oxford Semiconductor|Visual Systems VScom PCI-400L Controller"
+0x14d2 0x8041 "unknown" "Oxford Semiconductor|Visual Systems VScom PCI-410L Controller"
+0x14d2 0x8042 "unknown" "Oxford Semiconductor|Visual Systems VScom PCI-420L Controller"
+0x14d2 0x8080 "8250_pci" "Oxford Semiconductor|Visual Systems VScom PCI-800L Controller"
+0x14d2 0xa000 "unknown" "Oxford Semiconductor|Visual Systems VScom PCI-010H Controller"
+0x14d2 0xa001 "8250_pci" "Titan|Titan 100"
+0x14d2 0xa003 "8250_pci" "Titan|Titan 400"
+0x14d2 0xa004 "8250_pci" "Titan|Titan 800B"
+0x14d2 0xa005 "8250_pci" "Titan|Titan 200"
+0x14d2 0xe001 "unknown" "Oxford Semiconductor|Visial Systems VScom PCI-010HV2"
+0x14d2 0xe010 "unknown" "Oxford Semiconductor|Visual Systems VScom PCI-100HV2"
+0x14d2 0xe020 "unknown" "Oxford Semiconductor|Visual Systems VScom PCI-200HV2"
+0x14d2 0xffff "unknown" "Oxford Semiconductor|Dummy Controller"
+0x14d4 0x0400 "8250_pci" "Panacom|Quadmodem"
+0x14d4 0x0402 "8250_pci" "Panacom|Dualmodem"
+0x14d9 0x0010 "unknown" "Alpha Processor Inc.|AP1011 HyperTransport-PCI Bridge [Sturgeon]"
+0x14d9 0x9000 "unknown" "Alliance Semiconductor Corp.|AS90L10204/10208 HyperTransport to PCI-X Bridge"
+0x14db 0x2100 "unknown" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 1S"
+0x14db 0x2101 "unknown" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 1S-650"
+0x14db 0x2102 "unknown" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 1S-850"
+0x14db 0x2110 "parport_serial" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 1S1P"
+0x14db 0x2111 "parport_serial" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 1S1P-650"
+0x14db 0x2112 "parport_serial" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 1S1P-850"
+0x14db 0x2120 "unknown" "Avlab Technology Inc.|TK9902"
+0x14db 0x2121 "unknown" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 2P"
+0x14db 0x2130 "unknown" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 2S"
+0x14db 0x2131 "unknown" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 2S-650"
+0x14db 0x2132 "unknown" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 2S-850"
+0x14db 0x2140 "parport_serial" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 2P1S"
+0x14db 0x2141 "parport_serial" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 2P1S-650"
+0x14db 0x2142 "parport_serial" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 2P1S-850"
+0x14db 0x2144 "unknown" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 2P2S"
+0x14db 0x2145 "unknown" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 2P2S-650"
+0x14db 0x2146 "unknown" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 2P2S-850"
+0x14db 0x2150 "unknown" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 4S"
+0x14db 0x2151 "unknown" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 4S-654"
+0x14db 0x2152 "unknown" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 4S-850"
+0x14db 0x2160 "parport_serial" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 2S1P"
+0x14db 0x2161 "parport_serial" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 2S1P-650"
+0x14db 0x2162 "parport_serial" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 2S1P-850"
+0x14db 0x2180 "8250_pci" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 8S"
+0x14db 0x2181 "unknown" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 8S-654"
+0x14db 0x2182 "8250_pci" "Avlab Technology Inc.|PCI IO 8S-850"
+0x14dc 0x0000 "unknown" "Amplicon Liveline Ltd.|PCI230"
+0x14dc 0x0001 "unknown" "Amplicon Liveline Ltd.|PCI242"
+0x14dc 0x0002 "unknown" "Amplicon Liveline Ltd.|PCI244"
+0x14dc 0x0003 "unknown" "Amplicon Liveline Ltd.|PCI247"
+0x14dc 0x0004 "unknown" "Amplicon Liveline Ltd.|PCI248"
+0x14dc 0x0005 "unknown" "Amplicon Liveline Ltd.|PCI249"
+0x14dc 0x0006 "unknown" "Amplicon Liveline Ltd.|PCI260"
+0x14dc 0x0007 "unknown" "Amplicon Liveline Ltd.|PCI224"
+0x14dc 0x0008 "unknown" "Amplicon Liveline Ltd.|PCI234"
+0x14dc 0x0009 "unknown" "Amplicon Liveline Ltd.|PCI236"
+0x14dc 0x000a "unknown" "Amplicon Liveline Ltd.|PCI272 72-channel digital I/O"
+0x14dc 0x000b "unknown" "Amplicon Liveline Ltd.|PCI215 48-channel digital I/O (w/ 6 timers)"
+0x14dc 0x000c "unknown" "Amplicon Liveline Ltd.|PCI263 16-channel reed relay output"
+0x14e4 0x0800 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|Sentry5 Chipcommon I/O Controller"
+0x14e4 0x0804 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|Sentry5 PCI Bridge"
+0x14e4 0x0805 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|Sentry5 MIPS32 CPU"
+0x14e4 0x0806 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|Sentry5 Ethernet Controller"
+0x14e4 0x080b "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|Sentry5 Crypto Accelerator"
+0x14e4 0x080f "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|Sentry5 DDR/SDR RAM Controller"
+0x14e4 0x0811 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|Sentry5 External Interface Core"
+0x14e4 0x0816 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM3302 Sentry5 MIPS32 CPU"
+0x14e4 0x1600 "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5752 Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express"
+0x14e4 0x1601 "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5752M Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express"
+0x14e4 0x1644 "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5700 1000BaseTX"
+0x14e4 0x1645 "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5701 1000BaseTX"
+0x14e4 0x1646 "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5702 Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x14e4 0x1647 "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5701 1000BaseTX"
+0x14e4 0x1648 "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5704 CIOB-E 1000BaseTX"
+0x14e4 0x1649 "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5704S 1000BaseTX"
+0x14e4 0x164a "bnx2" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme II BCM5706 Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x14e4 0x164c "bnx2" ""
+0x14e4 0x164d "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5702FE Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x14e4 0x1653 "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5705 Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x14e4 0x1654 "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5705-2 Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x14e4 0x1658 "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|"
+0x14e4 0x1659 "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5721 Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express"
+0x14e4 0x165d "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5705M 1000BaseTX"
+0x14e4 0x165e "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5705M-2 1000BaseTX"
+0x14e4 0x1668 "tg3" ""
+0x14e4 0x166a "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5780 Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x14e4 0x166b "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5780S Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x14e4 0x166d "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|"
+0x14e4 0x166e "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5705F 1000BaseTX"
+0x14e4 0x1676 "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|"
+0x14e4 0x1677 "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5751 Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express"
+0x14e4 0x1678 "tg3" ""
+0x14e4 0x167c "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|"
+0x14e4 0x167d "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5751M Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express"
+0x14e4 0x167e "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5751F Fast Ethernet PCI Express"
+0x14e4 0x1696 "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5782 Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x14e4 0x169c "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5788 Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x14e4 0x169d "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetLink BCM5789 Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express"
+0x14e4 0x16a6 "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5702X Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x14e4 0x16a7 "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5703X Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x14e4 0x16a8 "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5704X Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x14e4 0x16aa "bnx2" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme II BCM5706S Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x14e4 0x16ac "bnx2" ""
+0x14e4 0x16c6 "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5702 Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x14e4 0x16c7 "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5703 Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x14e4 0x16dd "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetLink BCM5781 Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express"
+0x14e4 0x16f7 "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5753 Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express"
+0x14e4 0x16fd "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5753M Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express"
+0x14e4 0x16fe "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5753F Fast Ethernet PCI Express"
+0x14e4 0x170c "b44" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4401-B0 100Base-TX"
+0x14e4 0x170d "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5700 Ethernet"
+0x14e4 0x170e "tg3" "Broadcom Corp.|NetXtreme BCM5700 Ethernet"
+0x14e4 0x3352 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM3352"
+0x14e4 0x3360 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM3360"
+0x14e4 0x4210 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4210 iLine10 HomePNA 2.0"
+0x14e4 0x4211 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM HPNA 10Mb/s NIC"
+0x14e4 0x4212 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM V.90 56k Modem"
+0x14e4 0x4301 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4301 802.11b"
+0x14e4 0x4305 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4307 V.90 56k Modem"
+0x14e4 0x4306 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4307 Ethernet Controller"
+0x14e4 0x4307 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4307 802.11b Wireless LAN Controller"
+0x14e4 0x4310 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4310 Chipcommon I/OController"
+0x14e4 0x4312 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4310 UART"
+0x14e4 0x4313 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4310 Ethernet Controller"
+0x14e4 0x4315 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4310 USB Controller"
+0x14e4 0x4318 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller"
+0x14e4 0x4320 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM94306 802.11g NIC"
+0x14e4 0x4321 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4306 802.11a Wireless LAN Controller"
+0x14e4 0x4322 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4306 UART"
+0x14e4 0x4324 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4309 802.11a/b/g"
+0x14e4 0x4325 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM43xG 802.11b/g"
+0x14e4 0x4326 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4307 Chipcommon I/O Controller?"
+0x14e4 0x4401 "b44" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4401 100Base-T"
+0x14e4 0x4402 "b44" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4402 Integrated 10/100BaseT"
+0x14e4 0x4403 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4402 V.90 56k Modem"
+0x14e4 0x4410 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4413 iLine32 HomePNA 2.0"
+0x14e4 0x4411 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4413 V.90 56k modem"
+0x14e4 0x4412 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4413 10/100BaseT"
+0x14e4 0x4430 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM44xx CardBus iLine32 HomePNA 2.0"
+0x14e4 0x4432 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM44xx CardBus 10/100BaseT"
+0x14e4 0x4610 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4610 Sentry5 PCI to SB Bridge"
+0x14e4 0x4611 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4610 Sentry5 iLine32 HomePNA 1.0"
+0x14e4 0x4612 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4610 Sentry5 V.90 56k Modem"
+0x14e4 0x4613 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4610 Sentry5 Ethernet Controller"
+0x14e4 0x4614 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4610 Sentry5 External Interface"
+0x14e4 0x4615 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4610 Sentry5 USB Controller"
+0x14e4 0x4704 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4704 PCI to SB Bridge"
+0x14e4 0x4705 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4704 Sentry5 802.11b Wireless LAN Controller"
+0x14e4 0x4706 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4704 Sentry5 Ethernet Controller"
+0x14e4 0x4707 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4704 Sentry5 USB Controller"
+0x14e4 0x4708 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4708 Sentry5 PCI to SB Bridge"
+0x14e4 0x4710 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4710 Sentry5 PCI to SB Bridge"
+0x14e4 0x4711 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM47xx Sentry5 iLine32 HomePNA 2.0"
+0x14e4 0x4712 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|Sentry5 UART"
+0x14e4 0x4713 "b44" "Broadcom Corp.|Sentry5 Ethernet Controller"
+0x14e4 0x4714 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM47xx Sentry5 External Interface"
+0x14e4 0x4715 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|Sentry5 USB Controller"
+0x14e4 0x4716 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM47xx Sentry5 USB Host Controller"
+0x14e4 0x4717 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM47xx Sentry5 USB Device Controller"
+0x14e4 0x4718 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|Sentry5 Crypto Accelerator"
+0x14e4 0x4720 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM4712 MIPS CPU"
+0x14e4 0x5365 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5365P Sentry5 Host Bridge"
+0x14e4 0x5600 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5600 StrataSwitch 24+2 Ethernet Switch Controller"
+0x14e4 0x5605 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5605 StrataSwitch 24+2 Ethernet Switch Controller"
+0x14e4 0x5615 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5615 StrataSwitch 24+2 Ethernet Switch Controller"
+0x14e4 0x5625 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5625 StrataSwitch 24+2 Ethernet Switch Controller"
+0x14e4 0x5645 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5645 StrataSwitch 24+2 Ethernet Switch Controller"
+0x14e4 0x5670 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5670 8-Port 10GE Ethernet Switch Fabric"
+0x14e4 0x5680 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5680 G-Switch 8 Port Gigabit Ethernet Switch Controller"
+0x14e4 0x5690 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5690 12-port Multi-Layer Gigabit Ethernet Switch"
+0x14e4 0x5691 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5691 GE/10GE 8+2 Gigabit Ethernet Switch Controller"
+0x14e4 0x5692 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5692 12-port Multi-Layer Gigabit Ethernet Switch"
+0x14e4 0x5802 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5802 The BCM5802 Security Processor integrates Broadcom’s IPSec engine (DES, 3DES, HMAC-SHA-1, HMAC-MD5),"
+0x14e4 0x5805 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5805 The BCM5805 Security Processor integrates a high-performance IPSec engine (DES, 3DES, HMAC-SHA-1, HM"
+0x14e4 0x5820 "bcm5820" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5820 Crypto Accelerator"
+0x14e4 0x5821 "bcm5820" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5821 Crypto Accelerator"
+0x14e4 0x5822 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5822 Crypto Accelerator"
+0x14e4 0x5823 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5823 Crypto Accelerator"
+0x14e4 0x5824 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5824 Crypto Accelerator"
+0x14e4 0x5840 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5840 Crypto Accelerator"
+0x14e4 0x5841 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5841 Crypto Accelerator"
+0x14e4 0x5850 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|BCM5850 Crypto Accelerator"
+0x14ea 0xab06 "8139too" "Planex Communications Inc.|FNW-3603-TX CardBus Fast Ethernet"
+0x14ea 0xab07 "8139too" "Planex Communications Inc.|RTL81xx RealTek Ethernet"
+0x14ea 0xab08 "tulip" "Planex Communications Inc.|FNW-3602-TX CardBus Fast Ethernet"
+0x14eb 0x0020 "unknown" "Epson Corp.|BEMx.x PCI to S5U13xxxB00B Bridge Adapter"
+0x14eb 0x0c01 "unknown" "Seiko Epson Corp.|S1D13808 Embedded Memory Display Controller"
+0x14f1 0x0854 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|RLVDL56DPF K56 FLEX, V.90, HCF controller"
+0x14f1 0x1002 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|3251 HCF 56k Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1003 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1004 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|11242-11 HCF 56k Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1005 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1006 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1015 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.| "
+0x14f1 0x1022 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1023 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1024 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1025 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1026 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1032 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1033 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Data/Fax Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1034 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Data/Fax/Voice Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1035 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|PCI Modem Enumerator"
+0x14f1 0x1036 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1052 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Data/Fax Modem (Worldwide)"
+0x14f1 0x1053 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Data/Fax Modem (Worldwide)"
+0x14f1 0x1054 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Data/Fax/Voice Modem (Worldwide)"
+0x14f1 0x1055 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp (w/Handset) Modem (Worldwide)"
+0x14f1 0x1056 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp Modem (Worldwide)"
+0x14f1 0x1057 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp Modem (Worldwide)"
+0x14f1 0x1058 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF P96 Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1059 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Data/Fax/Voice Modem (Worldwide)"
+0x14f1 0x1063 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Data/Fax Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1064 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Data/Fax/Voice Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1065 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp (w/Handset) Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1066 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1085 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|CX11250 SmartHSF Mobile Modem"
+0x14f1 0x10b3 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF Data/Fax"
+0x14f1 0x10b4 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF Data/Fax/Remote TAM"
+0x14f1 0x10b5 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF Data/Fax/Voice/Speakerphone"
+0x14f1 0x10b6 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF Data/Fax/Remote TAM/Speakerphone"
+0x14f1 0x1433 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Data/Fax Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1434 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Data/Fax/Voice Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1435 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp (w/Handset) Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1436 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Data/Fax Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1453 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Data/Fax Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1454 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Data/Fax/Voice Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1455 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp (w/Handset) Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1456 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp Modem"
+0x14f1 0x1610 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|ADSL AccessRunner PCI Arbitration Device"
+0x14f1 0x1611 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|AccessRunner PCI ADSL Interface Device"
+0x14f1 0x1620 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|P5100-xx ARM controller"
+0x14f1 0x1621 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|20463-xx HSF modem"
+0x14f1 0x1622 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|11627-xx ADSL modem"
+0x14f1 0x1623 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HPNA 1"
+0x14f1 0x1624 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|Ethernet 10/100"
+0x14f1 0x1625 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HomePNA2"
+0x14f1 0x1803 "tulip" "Conexant Systems Inc.|LANfinity"
+0x14f1 0x1811 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|Conextant MiniPCI Network Adapter"
+0x14f1 0x1815 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|SoftK56 Winmodem"
+0x14f1 0x1f10 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF Data/Fax (USA)"
+0x14f1 0x1f11 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF Data/Fax (Worldwide)"
+0x14f1 0x1f14 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF Data/Fax/Voice (USA)"
+0x14f1 0x1f15 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HCF Data/Fax/Voice (Worldwide)"
+0x14f1 0x2003 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|SoftK56 Winmodem"
+0x14f1 0x2004 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|SoftK56 RemoteTAM Winmodem"
+0x14f1 0x2005 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|SoftK56 Speakerphone Winmodem"
+0x14f1 0x2006 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|SoftK56 Speakerphone Winmodem"
+0x14f1 0x2013 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSP MicroModem 56K"
+0x14f1 0x2014 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|SoftK56 RemoteTAM Winmodem"
+0x14f1 0x2015 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|SoftK56 Speakerphone Winmodem"
+0x14f1 0x2016 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|SoftK56 Speakerphone Winmodem"
+0x14f1 0x2043 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax Modem (Worldwide SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2044 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice Modem (Worldwide SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2045 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp (w/Handset) Modem (Worldwide SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2046 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp Modem (Worldwide SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2053 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF Data/Fax"
+0x14f1 0x2054 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF Data/Fax/TAM"
+0x14f1 0x2055 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF Data/Fax/Voice/Speakerphone"
+0x14f1 0x2056 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF Data/Fax/TAM/Speakerphone"
+0x14f1 0x2063 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax Modem (SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2064 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice Modem (SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2065 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp (w/Handset) Modem (SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2066 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp Modem (SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2093 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Modem"
+0x14f1 0x2143 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Cell Modem (Mobile Worldwide SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2144 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Cell Modem (Mobile Worldwide SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2145 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp (w/Handset)/Cell Modem (Mobile Worldwide SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2146 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp/Cell Modem (Mobile Worldwide SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2163 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Cell Modem (Mobile SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2164 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Cell Modem (Mobile SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2165 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp (w/Handset)/Cell Modem (Mobile SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2166 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp/Cell Modem (Mobile SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2343 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax CardBus Modem (Mobile Worldwide SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2344 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice CardBus Modem (Mobile Worldwide SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2345 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp (w/Handset) CardBus Modem (Mobile Worldwide SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2346 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp CardBus Modem (Mobile Worldwide SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2363 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax CardBus Modem (Mobile SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2364 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice CardBus Modem (Mobile SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2365 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp (w/Handset) CardBus Modem (Mobile SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2366 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp CardBus Modem (Mobile SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2443 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|SoftK56 Speakerphone Winmodem"
+0x14f1 0x2444 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice Modem (Mobile Worldwide SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2445 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp (w/Handset) Modem (Mobile Worldwide SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2446 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp Modem (Mobile Worldwide SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2463 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax Modem (Mobile SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2464 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice Modem (Mobile SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2465 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp (w/Handset) Modem (Mobile SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2466 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax/Voice/Spkp Modem (Mobile SmartDAA)"
+0x14f1 0x2702 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.| "
+0x14f1 0x2f00 "" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k HSFi Modem"
+0x14f1 0x2f02 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k HSFi Data/Fax"
+0x14f1 0x2f11 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k HSFi Modem"
+0x14f1 0x2f20 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|HSF 56k Data/Fax Modem"
+0x14f1 0x8234 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|RS8234 ATM SAR Controller [ServiceSAR Plus]"
+0x14f1 0x8237 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|CN8237 ATM OC2 ServiceSAR+ controller"
+0x14f1 0x8471 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|CN8471A 32-channel HDLC Controller"
+0x14f1 0x8472 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|CN8472A 64-channel HDLC Controller"
+0x14f1 0x8474 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|CN8474A 128-channel HDLC Controller"
+0x14f1 0x8478 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|CN8478 256-channel HDLC Controller"
+0x14f1 0x8502 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|CX28500 676-channel HDLC Controller"
+0x14f1 0x8503 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|CX28500 1024-channel HDLC Controller"
+0x14f1 0x8563 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|CX28560 2047-channel HDLC Controller"
+0x14f1 0x8800 "cx8800" "Hauppauge|WinTV PCI card (88x chip based)"
+0x14f1 0x8801 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder [Audio Port]"
+0x14f1 0x8802 "cx88-blackbird" "Conexant Systems Inc.|CX23883 Broadcast Decoder"
+0x14f1 0x8803 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.| "
+0x14f1 0x8804 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.| "
+0x14f1 0x8811 "unknown" "Hauppauge|WinTV PCI card (88x chip based) [Audio function]"
+0x14f1 0x9876 "unknown" "Conexant Systems Inc.|123456 Connexant"
+0x14f2 0x0001 "unknown" "Mobility Electronics Inc.|Moselle Split Bridge"
+0x14f2 0x0002 "unknown" "Mobility Electronics Inc.|Capilano Split Bridge"
+0x14f2 0x0120 "unknown" "Mobility Electronics Inc.|Mobility Split Bridge"
+0x14f2 0x0121 "unknown" "Mobility Electronics Inc.|PCI Parallel Port"
+0x14f2 0x0122 "unknown" "Mobility Electronics Inc.|PCI Serial Port"
+0x14f2 0x0123 "pcips2" "Mobility Electronics Inc.|PCI PS/2 Keyboard Port"
+0x14f2 0x0124 "pcips2" "Mobility Electronics Inc.|PCI PS/2 Mouse Port"
+0x14f3 0x2030 "unknown" "BroadLogic|2030 Satellite Reciever"
+0x14f3 0x2050 "unknown" "BroadLogic|2050 DVB-T Terrestrial (Cable) Reciever"
+0x14f3 0x2060 "unknown" "BroadLogic|2060 ATSC Terrestrial (Cable) Reciever"
+0x14f8 0x2077 "unknown" "AUDIOCODES Inc.|TP-240 dual span E1 VoIP PCI card"
+0x14fc 0x0000 "unknown" "Quadrics Ltd.|QsNet Elan3 Network Adapter"
+0x14fc 0x0001 "unknown" "Quadrics Ltd.|QsNetII Elan4 Network Adapter"
+0x1500 0x1300 "unknown" "DELTA Electronics Inc.|SIS900 10/100M PCI Fast Ethernet Controller"
+0x1500 0x1320 "unknown" "DELTA Electronics Inc.|VT86C100A 10/100M PCI Fast Ethernet Controler"
+0x1500 0x1360 "8139too" "DELTA Electronics Inc.|8139 10/100BaseTX"
+0x1500 0x1380 "unknown" "DELTA Electronics Inc.|DEC21143PD 10/100M PCI Fast Ethernet Controller"
+0x1507 0x0001 "unknown" "Motorola|MPC105 [Eagle]"
+0x1507 0x0002 "unknown" "Motorola|MPC106 [Grackle]"
+0x1507 0x0003 "unknown" "Motorola|MPC8240 [Kahlua]"
+0x1507 0x0100 "unknown" "Motorola|MC145575 [HFC-PCI]"
+0x1507 0x0431 "unknown" "Motorola|KTI829c 100VG"
+0x1507 0x4801 "unknown" "Motorola|Raven"
+0x1507 0x4802 "unknown" "Motorola|Falcon"
+0x1507 0x4803 "unknown" "Motorola|Hawk"
+0x1507 0x4806 "unknown" "Motorola|CPX8216"
+0x1516 0x0800 "fealnx" "Myson Technology Inc.|800 network controller"
+0x1516 0x0803 "fealnx" "Myson Technology Inc.|803 network controller"
+0x1516 0x0891 "fealnx" "Myson Technology Inc.|891 network controller"
+0x151a 0x1002 "unknown" "Globetek|PCI-1002"
+0x151a 0x1004 "unknown" "Globetek|PCI-1004"
+0x151a 0x1008 "unknown" "Globetek|PCI-1008"
+0x151c 0x0003 "unknown" "DIGITAL AUDIO LABS Inc.|Prodif T 2496"
+0x151c 0x4000 "unknown" "DIGITAL AUDIO LABS Inc.|Prodif 88"
+0x151f 0x0000 "8250_pci" "TOPIC SEMICONDUCTOR Corp.|TP560 Data/Fax/Voice 56k modem"
+0x1522 0x0100 "unknown" "Mainpine Limited|PBridge+ PCI Interface Chip"
+0x1524 0x0510 "yenta_socket" "ENE Technology Inc.|CB710 Cardbus Controller (4 in 1 reader)"
+0x1524 0x0530 "unknown" "ENE Technology Inc.|ENE PCI Memory Stick Card Reader Controller"
+0x1524 0x0550 "unknown" "ENE Technology Inc.|ENE PCI Secure Digital Card Reader Controller"
+0x1524 0x0610 "unknown" "ENE Technology Inc.|PCI Smart Card Reader Controller"
+0x1524 0x1211 "yenta_socket" "ENE Technology Inc.|CB1211 Cardbus Controller"
+0x1524 0x1225 "yenta_socket" "ENE Technology Inc.|CB1225 Cardbus Controller"
+0x1524 0x1410 "yenta_socket" "ENE Technology Inc.|CB1410 CardBus Controller"
+0x1524 0x1411 "yenta_socket" "ENE Technology Inc.|CB1411 CardBus Controller"
+0x1524 0x1412 "yenta_socket" "ENE Technology Inc.|CB-712/4 Cardbus Controller"
+0x1524 0x1420 "yenta_socket" "ENE Technology Inc.|CB1420 Cardbus Controller"
+0x1524 0x1421 "yenta_socket" "ENE Technology Inc.|CB720 Cardbus Controller"
+0x1524 0x1422 "yenta_socket" "ENE Technology Inc.|CB-722/4 Cardbus Controller"
+0x1538 0x0303 "unknown" "ARALION Inc.|ARS106S Ultra ATA 133/100/66 Host Controller"
+0x153b 0x1144 "unknown" "TERRATEC Electronic GmbH|Aureon 5.1"
+0x153b 0x1147 "unknown" "TERRATEC Electronic GmbH|Aureon 5.1 Sky"
+0x153b 0x1158 "unknown" "TERRATEC Electronic GmbH|Philips Semiconductors SAA7134 (rev 01) [Terratec Cinergy 600 TV]"
+0x153b 0x6003 "unknown" "Terratec Electronic GMBH|CS4614/22/24 CrystalClear SoundFusion PCI Audio Accel"
+0x153f 0x0001 "unknown" "MIPS Technologies Inc.|SOC-it"
+0x1543 0x3052 "unknown" "SILICON Laboratories|Intel 537 [Winmodem]"
+0x1543 0x4c22 "unknown" "SILICON Laboratories|Si3036 MC'97 DAA"
+0x1549 0x80ff "unknown" "Interconnect Systems Solutions|PCI-ISA-001 PCI/ISA Bus Bridge"
+0x1555 0x0002 "unknown" "Gesytec GmbH|PLX PCI 9050 Easylon PCI Bus Interface"
+0x1558 0x1558 "unknown" "Clevo/Kapok Computer| "
+0x1562 0x0001 "unknown" "Symbol Technologies|LA-41x3 Spectrum24 Wireless LAN PCI Card"
+0x1571 0xa001 "com20020-pci" "Contemporary Controls|CCSI PCI20-485 ARCnet"
+0x1571 0xa002 "com20020-pci" "Contemporary Controls|CCSI PCI20-485D ARCnet"
+0x1571 0xa003 "com20020-pci" "Contemporary Controls|CCSI PCI20-485X ARCnet"
+0x1571 0xa004 "com20020-pci" "Contemporary Controls|CCSI PCI20-CXB ARCnet"
+0x1571 0xa005 "com20020-pci" "Contemporary Controls|CCSI PCI20-CXS ARCnet"
+0x1571 0xa006 "com20020-pci" "Contemporary Controls|CCSI PCI20-FOG-SMA ARCnet"
+0x1571 0xa007 "com20020-pci" "Contemporary Controls|CCSI PCI20-FOG-ST ARCnet"
+0x1571 0xa008 "com20020-pci" "Contemporary Controls|CCSI PCI20-TB5 ARCnet"
+0x1571 0xa009 "com20020-pci" "Contemporary Controls|CCSI PCI20-5-485 5Mbit ARCnet"
+0x1571 0xa00a "com20020-pci" "Contemporary Controls|CCSI PCI20-5-485D 5Mbit ARCnet"
+0x1571 0xa00b "com20020-pci" "Contemporary Controls|CCSI PCI20-5-485X 5Mbit ARCnet"
+0x1571 0xa00c "com20020-pci" "Contemporary Controls|CCSI PCI20-5-FOG-ST 5Mbit ARCnet"
+0x1571 0xa00d "com20020-pci" "Contemporary Controls|CCSI PCI20-5-FOG-SMA 5Mbit ARCnet"
+0x1571 0xa201 "com20020-pci" "Contemporary Controls|CCSI PCI22-485 10Mbit ARCnet"
+0x1571 0xa202 "com20020-pci" "Contemporary Controls|CCSI PCI22-485D 10Mbit ARCnet"
+0x1571 0xa203 "com20020-pci" "Contemporary Controls|CCSI PCI22-485X 10Mbit ARCnet"
+0x1571 0xa204 "com20020-pci" "Contemporary Controls|CCSI PCI22-CHB 10Mbit ARCnet"
+0x1571 0xa205 "com20020-pci" "Contemporary Controls|CCSI PCI22-FOG_ST 10Mbit ARCnet"
+0x1571 0xa206 "com20020-pci" "Contemporary Controls|CCSI PCI22-THB 10Mbit ARCnet"
+0x1578 0x5615 "unknown" "HITT|VPMK3 [Video Processor Mk III]"
+0x157c 0x8001 "unknown" "Eurosoft (UK)|Fix2000 PCI Y2K Compliance Card"
+0x1584 0x4003 "unknown" "Uniwill Computer Corp.| "
+0x1586 0x0803 "unknown" "Lancast Inc.| "
+0x1592 0x0781 "unknown" "Syba Tech Ltd.|Multi-IO Card"
+0x1592 0x0782 "unknown" "Syba Tech Ltd.|Parallel Port Card 2xEPP"
+0x1592 0x0783 "unknown" "Syba Tech Ltd.|Multi-IO Card"
+0x1592 0x0785 "unknown" "Syba Tech Ltd.|Multi-IO Card"
+0x1592 0x0786 "unknown" "Syba Tech Ltd.|Multi-IO Card"
+0x1592 0x0787 "unknown" "Syba Tech Ltd.|Multi-IO Card"
+0x1592 0x0788 "unknown" "Syba Tech Ltd.|Multi-IO Card"
+0x1592 0x078a "unknown" "Syba Tech Ltd.|Multi-IO Card"
+0x15a2 0x0001 "unknown" "Catalyst Enterprises Inc.|TA700 PCI Bus Analyzer/Exerciser"
+0x15aa 0x2000 "8250_pci" "Moreton Bay|PCI Serial Port"
+0x15ad 0x0405 "Card:VMware virtual video card" "VMWare|PCI SVGA (FIFO)"
+0x15ad 0x0710 "Card:VMware virtual video card" "VMWare|Virtual SVGA"
+0x15ad 0x0720 "unknown" "VMware Inc.|VMware High-Speed Virtual NIC [vmxnet]"
+0x15b0 0x0001 "unknown" "Zoltrix|FM-1789 Pctel"
+0x15b0 0x2bd0 "ISDN:hisax,type=35" "Zoltrix|2BD0 ISDN Adapter"
+0x15b3 0x15b3 "unknown" "Mellanox Technology|Mellanox Technologies"
+0x15b3 0x5274 "unknown" "Mellanox Technology|MT21108 InfiniBridge"
+0x15b3 0x5a44 "ib_mthca" "Mellanox Technology|MT23108 InfiniHost"
+0x15b3 0x5a45 "unknown" "Mellanox Technology|MT23108 InfiniHost (Tavor)"
+0x15b3 0x5a46 "unknown" "Mellanox Technology|MT23108 PCI Bridge"
+0x15b3 0x5e8c "ib_mthca" "Mellanox Technology|MT24204 [InfiniHost III Lx HCA]"
+0x15b3 0x5e8d "unknown" "Mellanox Technology|MT24204 [InfiniHost III Lx HCA Flash Recovery]"
+0x15b3 0x6274 "ib_mthca" "Mellanox Technologies|MT25204 [InfiniHost III Lx HCA]"
+0x15b3 0x6278 "ib_mthca" "Mellanox Technology|MT25208 InfiniHost III Ex (Tavor compatibility mode)"
+0x15b3 0x6279 "unknown" "Mellanox Technology|MT25208 [InfiniHost III Ex HCA Flash Recovery]"
+0x15b3 0x6282 "ib_mthca" "Mellanox Technology|MT25208 InfiniHost III Ex"
+0x15bc 0x0101 "unknown" "Agilent Technologies|n2530a DX2+ FC-AL Adapter"
+0x15bc 0x1100 "unknown" "Agilent Technologies|E8001-66442 PCI Express CIC"
+0x15bc 0x2530 "unknown" "Agilent Technologies|??? HP Communications Port"
+0x15bc 0x2531 "unknown" "Agilent Technologies|??? HP Toptools Remote Control Adapter"
+0x15bc 0x2532 "unknown" "Agilent Technologies|??? HP Toptools Remote Control Adapter"
+0x15bc 0x2922 "unknown" "Agilent Technologies|64 Bit, 133MHz PCI-X Exerciser & Protocol Checker"
+0x15bc 0x2928 "unknown" "Agilent Technologies|64 Bit, 66MHz PCI Exerciser & Analyzer"
+0x15bc 0x2929 "unknown" "Agilent Technologies|E2929A PCI/PCI-X Bus Analyzer"
+0x15c5 0x8010 "unknown" "Procomp Informatics Ltd.|1394b - 1394 Firewire 3-Port Host Adapter Card"
+0x15c7 0x0349 "unknown" "Tateyama System Laboratory Co Ltd.|Tateyama C-PCI PLC/NC card Rev.01A"
+0x15d1 0x0001 "unknown" "Infineon Technologies AG|TC11IB TriCore 32-bit Single-chip Microctrlr"
+0x15d1 0x0003 "unknown" "Infineon Technologies AG|PEB 20544 E v1.1 6 Port Optimized Comm Ctrlr (SPOCC)"
+0x15d1 0x0004 "unknown" "Infineon Technologies AG|PEB 3454 E v1.1 TE3-SPICCE 6 Port Integrated Comm Ctrlr"
+0x15d7 0x0000 "unknown" "Rockwell-Collins Inc.| "
+0x15d8 0x9001 "unknown" "Cybernetics Technology Co Ltd.| "
+0x15dc 0x0001 "unknown" "Litronic Inc.|Argus 300 PCI Cryptography Module"
+0x15e2 0x0500 "unknown" "Quicknet Technologies Inc.|Internet PhoneJack PCI Card"
+0x15e8 0x0130 "orinoco_plx" "Correga|Wireless PCI Card"
+0x15e8 0x0131 "prism2_plx" "National Datacomm Corp.|Prism II InstantWave HR PCI card"
+0x15e9 0x1841 "pdc_adma" "Pacific Digital Corp.|NetStaQ ADMA-100 ATA controller"
+0x15e9 0x2068 "sata_qstor" "Pacific Digital Corp.|SATA QStor"
+0x15ec 0x3101 "unknown" "Beckhoff GmbH|FC3101 Profibus DP 1 Channel PCI"
+0x15ec 0x5102 "unknown" "Beckhoff GmbH|FC5102"
+0x15f2 0x0001 "unknown" "Diagnostic Instruments Inc.|Spot RT Spot RT Interface Board"
+0x15f2 0x0002 "unknown" "Diagnostic Instruments Inc.|Spot RT #2 Spot RT Interface Board"
+0x15f2 0x0003 "unknown" "Diagnostic Instruments Inc.|Spot Insight Spot Insight Interface Board"
+0x1619 0x0400 "farsync" "FarSite Communications Limited|FarSync T2P two Port Intelligent Sync Comms Card"
+0x1619 0x0440 "farsync" "FarSite Communications Limited|FarSync T4P Four Port Intelligent Sync Comms Card"
+0x1619 0x0610 "farsync" "FarSite Communications Limited|FarSync T1U One Port Intelligent Sync Comms Card"
+0x1619 0x0620 "farsync" "FarSite Communications Limited|FarSync T2U Two Port Intelligent Sync Comms Card"
+0x1619 0x0640 "farsync" "FarSite Communications Limited|FarSync T4U Four Port Intelligent Sync Comms Card"
+0x1619 0x1610 "farsync" "FarSite Communications Limited|FarSync TE1 One Port Intelligent Sync Comms Card"
+0x1619 0x1612 "farsync" "FarSite Communications Limited|FarSync TE1C Channelized Intelligent Sync Comms Card"
+0x1619 0x2610 "unknown" "FarSite Communications Ltd.|FarSync DSL-S1 (SHDSL)"
+0x1626 0x8410 "tulip" "TDK Semiconductor Corp.|RTL81xx Fast Ethernet"
+0x1629 0x1003 "unknown" "Kongsberg Spacetec AS|Format synchronizer v3.0"
+0x1629 0x2002 "unknown" "Kongsberg Spacetec AS|Fast Universal Data Output"
+0x162d 0x0100 "unknown" "Reprosoft Co Ltd.|Repeographics controller"
+0x162d 0x0101 "unknown" "Reprosoft Co Ltd.|Reprographics Controller"
+0x162d 0x0102 "unknown" "Reprosoft Co Ltd.|Reprographics Controller"
+0x162d 0x0103 "unknown" "Reprosoft Co Ltd.|Reprographics Controller"
+0x162f 0x1111 "unknown" "Rohde & Schwarz GMBH & Co KG|TS-PRL1 General Purpose Relay Card"
+0x162f 0x1112 "unknown" "Rohde & Schwarz GMBH & Co KG|TS-PMA Matrix Card"
+0x1637 0x3874 "unknown" "Linksys|Linksys 802.11b WMP11 PCI Wireless card"
+0x1638 0x1100 "orinoco_plx" "Standard Microsystems Corp [SMC]|SMC2602W EZConnect / Addtron AWA-100 / Eumitcom PCI WL11000"
+0x163c 0x3052 "slamr" "Smart Link Ltd.|SmartLink SmartPCI562 56K Modem"
+0x163c 0x5449 "unknown" "Smart Link Ltd.|SmartPCI561 Modem"
+0x163c 0x5459 "slamr" "Smart Link Ltd.|Modem"
+0x163c 0xff02 "unknown" "Smart Link|Aztech CNR V.92 Modem"
+0x165a 0xc100 "unknown" "Epix Inc.|PIXCI(R) CL1 Camera Link Video Capture Board [custom QL5232]"
+0x165a 0xd200 "unknown" "Epix Inc.|PIXCI(R) D2X Digital Video Capture Board [custom QL5232]"
+0x165a 0xd300 "unknown" "Epix Inc.|PIXCI(R) D3X Digital Video Capture Board [custom QL5232]"
+0x165f 0x1020 "unknown" "Linux Media Labs, LLC|LMLM4 MPEG-4 encoder"
+0x1668 0x0100 "unknown" "Actiontec Electronics Inc.|PCI to PCI Bridge"
+0x166d 0x0001 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|SiByte BCM1125/1125H/1250 System-on-a-Chip PCI"
+0x166d 0x0002 "unknown" "Broadcom Corp.|SiByte BCM1125H/1250 System-on-a-Chip HyperTransport"
+0x1677 0x104e "unknown" "Bernecker + Rainer|5LS172.6 B&R Dual CAN Interface Card"
+0x1677 0x12d7 "unknown" "Bernecker + Rainer|5LS172.61 B&R Dual CAN Interface Card"
+0x167b 0x2102 "unknown" "ZyDAS Technology Corp.|ZyDAS ZD1202"
+0x167d 0xa000 "hostap_pci" ""
+0x167f 0x4634 "unknown" "Ingenieurbuero Anhaus GmbH|FOB-IO Card"
+0x167f 0x4c32 "unknown" "Ingenieurbuero Anhaus GmbH|L2B PCI Board"
+0x167f 0x5344 "unknown" "Ingenieurbuero Anhaus GmbH|FOB-SD Card"
+0x167f 0x5443 "unknown" "Ingenieurbuero Anhaus GmbH|FOB-TDC Card"
+0x1681 0x0010 "unknown" "Hercules|Hercules 3d Prophet II Ultra 64MB [ 350 MHz NV15BR core, 128-bit DDR @ 460 MHz, 1.5v AGP4x ]"
+0x1681 0x0050 "snd-cs46xx" "Hercules|Game Theatre XP"
+0x1681 0x0051 "snd-cs46xx" "Hercules|Game Theatre XP"
+0x1681 0x0052 "snd-cs46xx" "Hercules|Game Theatre XP"
+0x1681 0x0053 "snd-cs46xx" "Hercules|Game Theatre XP"
+0x1681 0x0054 "snd-cs46xx" "Hercules|Game Theatre XP"
+0x1682 0x9875 "unknown" "PINE Technology, Ltd.| "
+0x1688 0x1170 "unknown" "CastleNet Technology Inc.|WLAN 802.11b card"
+0x168c 0x0007 "vt_ar5k" "Atheros Communications Inc.|802.11a Wireless Adapter"
+0x168c 0x0011 "dyc_ar5k" "Atheros Communications Inc.|AR5210 802.11a Wireless Adapter"
+0x168c 0x0012 "ath_pci" "Atheros Communications Inc.|AR5211 802.11a/b/g Mini-PCI Wireless Adapter"
+0x168c 0x0013 "ath_pci" "Atheros Communications Inc.|AR5213 802.11a/b/g Wireless Adapter"
+0x168c 0x001a "ath_pci" "Atheros Communications Inc.|802.11b/g Wireless PCI Adapter"
+0x168c 0x0107 "vt_ar5k" "Atheros Communications Inc.|"
+0x168c 0x0111 "dyc_ar5k" "Atheros Communications Inc.|"
+0x168c 0x0112 "dyc_ar5k" "Atheros Communications Inc.|"
+0x168c 0x0113 "dyc_ar5k" "Atheros Communications Inc.|"
+0x168c 0x1014 "ath_pci" "Atheros Communications Inc.|AR5212 802.11abg NIC"
+0x1693 0x0212 "unknown" "FERMA|PLX PCI9054 EPONINE ESR-PCI Board"
+0x1693 0x0213 "unknown" "FERMA|Motorola MPC8245 EPONINE MTM120 PCI Board"
+0x169c 0x0044 "generic" "Netcell Corp.|SyncRAID SR3000/5000 Series SATA RAID Controllers"
+0x16ab 0x1100 "orinoco_plx" "Global Sun Tech|GL24110P"
+0x16ab 0x1101 "orinoco_plx" "Unknown|Prism2"
+0x16ab 0x1102 "orinoco_plx" "Linksys|WDT11"
+0x16ab 0x1103 "hostap_plx" "Linksys|"
+0x16ab 0x8501 "unknown" "Global Sun Technology Inc.|WL-8305 Wireless LAN PCI Adapter"
+0x16ae 0x1141 "unknown" "SafeNet Inc.|SafeXcel-1141 ???"
+0x16ca 0x0001 "unknown" "Cenatek Inc.|Rocket Drive Solid State Disk"
+0x16e3 0x1e0f "unknown" "European Space Agency|LEON2FT Processor"
+0x16ec 0x00ff "unknown" "U.S. Robotics|USR997900 10/100 Mbps PCI Network Card"
+0x16ec 0x0116 "r8169" "U.S. Robotics|Gibabit Network Card"
+0x16ec 0x3685 "orinoco_plx" "U.S. Robotics|Wireless Access PCI Adapter Model 022415"
+0x16ed 0x1001 "unknown" "Sycron N. V.|UMIO communication card"
+0x16f4 0x8000 "unknown" "Vweb Corp.|VW2010"
+0x170b 0x0100 "unknown" "NetOctave Inc.|NSP2000-SSL Crypto Aceletator"
+0x1725 0x7174 "sata_vsc" "Vitesse Semiconductor|VSC7174 PCI/PCI-X Serial ATA Host Bus Controller"
+0x172a 0x13c8 "unknown" "Accelerated Encryption|AEP SureWare Runner 1000V3"
+0x1734 0x007a "unknown" "Fujitsu-Siemens Computers GmbH|Rage XL ATI Rage XL (rev 27)"
+0x1734 0x1011 "unknown" "Fujitsu-Siemens Computers GmbH|AIC-7902W Adaptec AIC-7902 Dual Channel U320 SCSI"
+0x1734 0x1012 "unknown" "Fujitsu-Siemens Computers GmbH|CSB6 Serverworks Southbridge with RAID/IDE (rev a0), OHCI USB (rev 05), GCLE-2 Host Bridge"
+0x1734 0x1013 "unknown" "Fujitsu-Siemens Computers GmbH|BCM5703 Broadcom Corp. NetXtreme Gigabyte Ethernet"
+0x1737 0x0013 "unknown" "Linksys|WMP54G Wireless Pci Card"
+0x1737 0x0015 "unknown" "Linksys|WMP54GS Wireless Pci Card"
+0x1737 0x1032 "sk98lin" "Linksys|EG1032 Gigabit Network Adapter"
+0x1737 0x1064 "sk98lin" "Linksys|Gigabit Network Adapter"
+0x1737 0xab08 "tulip" "Linksys|21x4x DEC-Tulip compatible 10/100 Ethernet"
+0x1737 0xab09 "tulip" "Linksys|21x4x DEC-Tulip compatible 10/100 Ethernet"
+0x173b 0x03e8 "tg3" "Altima|AC1000 Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x173b 0x03e9 "tg3" "Altima|AC1000 Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x173b 0x03ea "tg3" "Altima|AC1000 Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x173b 0x03eb "tg3" "Altima|AC1000 Gigabit Ethernet"
+0x1743 0x8139 "8139too" "Peppercon AG|ROL/F-100 Fast Ethernet Adapter with ROL"
+0x1755 0x0000 "unknown" "Alchemy Semiconductor Inc.| "
+0x1796 0x0001 "unknown" "Research Centre Juelich|SIS1100 [Gigabit link]"
+0x1796 0x0002 "unknown" "Research Centre Juelich|HOTlink"
+0x1796 0x0003 "unknown" "Research Centre Juelich|Counter Timer"
+0x1796 0x0004 "unknown" "Research Centre Juelich|CAMAC Controller"
+0x1796 0x0005 "unknown" "Research Centre Juelich|PROFIBUS"
+0x1796 0x0006 "unknown" "Research Centre Juelich|AMCC HOTlink"
+0x1799 0x6001 "r8180" "Belkin|Wireless PCI Card - F5D6001"
+0x1799 0x6020 "r8180" "Belkin|Wireless PCMCIA Card - F5D6020"
+0x1799 0x6060 "unknown" "Belkin|Wireless PDA Card - F5D6060"
+0x1799 0x7000 "unknown" "Belkin|Wireless PCI Card - F5D7000"
+0x1799 0x7010 "unknown" "Belkin|BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless Lan Controller F5D7010"
+0x17a0 0x8033 "unknown" "Genesys Logic Inc.|GL880S USB 1.1 controller"
+0x17a0 0x8034 "unknown" "Genesys Logic Inc.|GL880S USB 2.0 controller"
+0x17b3 0xab08 "tulip" "Hawking Technologies|PN672TX 10/100 Ethernet"
+0x17b4 0x0011 "unknown" "Indra Networks Inc.|WebEnhance 100 GZIP Compression Card"
+0x17c0 0x12ab "unknown" "Wistron Corp.| "
+0x17cc 0x2280 "net2280" "NetChip Technology Inc.|USB 2.0"
+0x17d3 0x1110 "arcmsr" "RECA|ARC1110 SATA RAID HOST Controller"
+0x17d3 0x1120 "arcmsr" "RECA|ARC1120 SATA RAID HOST Controller"
+0x17d3 0x1130 "arcmsr" "RECA|ARC1130 SATA RAID HOST Controller"
+0x17d3 0x1160 "arcmsr" "RECA|ARC1160 SATA RAID HOST Controller"
+0x17d3 0x1170 "arcmsr" "RECA|ARC1160 SATA RAID HOST Controller"
+0x17d3 0x1210 "arcmsr" "RECA|ARC1210 SATA RAID HOST Controller"
+0x17d3 0x1220 "arcmsr" "RECA|ARC1220 SATA RAID HOST Controller"
+0x17d3 0x1230 "arcmsr" "RECA|ARC1230 SATA RAID HOST Controller"
+0x17d3 0x1260 "arcmsr" "RECA|ARC1260 SATA RAID HOST Controller"
+0x17d3 0x1270 "arcmsr" "RECA|ARC1160 SATA RAID HOST Controller"
+0x17d5 0x5731 "s2io" "S2IO Inc.|Xframe 10 Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X"
+0x17d5 0x5732 "s2io" "S2IO Inc.|Xframe 10 Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X"
+0x17d5 0x5831 "s2io" "S2IO Inc.|Xframe 10 Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X"
+0x17d5 0x5832 "s2io" "Neterion Inc.|Xframe II 10 Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X"
+0x17fe 0x2120 "unknown" "Linksys|WMP11v4 802.11b PCI card"
+0x17fe 0x2220 "unknown" "Linksys|[AirConn] INPROCOMM IPN 2220 Wireless LAN Adapter (rev 01)"
+0x1813 0x4000 "" "Modem Silicon Operation|MD563X Host Accelerated Modem"
+0x1813 0x4100 "unknown" "Ambient Technologies Inc.|HaM plus Data Fax Modem"
+0x1814 0x0101 "rt2400" "RaLink|Wireless PCI Adpator RT2400 / RT2460"
+0x1814 0x0201 "rt2500" "RaLink|Ralink RT2500 802.11 Cardbus Reference Card"
+0x1822 0x4e35 "unknown" "Twinhan Technology Co. Ltd.|Mantis DTV PCI Bridge Controller [Ver 1.0]"
+0x182d 0x3069 "unknown" "SiteCom Europe BV|ISDN PCI DC-105V2"
+0x182d 0x9790 "unknown" "SiteCom Europe BV|WL-121 Wireless Network Adapter 100g+ [Ver.3]"
+0x183b 0x08a7 "unknown" "MikroM GmbH|MVC100 DVI"
+0x183b 0x08a8 "unknown" "MikroM GmbH|MVC101 SDI"
+0x183b 0x08a9 "unknown" "MikroM GmbH|MVC102 DVI+Audio"
+0x1850 0x1851 "bttv" "Flyvideo 98 (LR50) / Chronos Video Shuttle II"
+0x1851 0x1851 "bttv" "Flyvideo 98EZ (LR51) / CyberMail AV"
+0x1852 0x1852 "bttv" "Flyvideo 98FM (LR50) / Typhoon TView TV/FM Tuner"
+0x1864 0x2110 "unknown" "SilverBack|ISNAP 2110"
+0x1867 0x5a44 "ib_mthca" "Topspin Communications|MT23108 PCI-X HCA"
+0x1867 0x5a45 "unknown" "Topspin Communications|MT23108 PCI-X HCA flash recovery"
+0x1867 0x5a46 "unknown" "Topspin Communications|MT23108 PCI-X HCA bridge"
+0x1867 0x5e8c "ib_mthca" "Topspin Communications|MT25208 InfiniHost III Ex"
+0x1867 0x6274 "ib_mthca" "Topspin Communications|MT25208 InfiniHost III Ex"
+0x1867 0x6278 "ib_mthca" "Topspin Communications|MT25208 InfiniHost III Ex (Tavor compatibility mode)"
+0x1867 0x6282 "ib_mthca" "Topspin Communications|MT25208 InfiniHost III Ex"
+0x1888 0x0301 "unknown" "Varisys Ltd.|VMFX1 FPGA PMC module"
+0x1888 0x0601 "unknown" "Varisys Ltd.|VSM2 dual PMC carrier"
+0x1888 0x0710 "unknown" "Varisys Ltd.|VS14x series PowerPC PCI board"
+0x1888 0x0720 "unknown" "Varisys Ltd.|VS24x series PowerPC PCI board"
+0x1888 0x2503 "unknown" "1 Prolink Computer Inc.|Bt881 Video Capture (10 bit High qualtiy cap)"
+0x1888 0x2504 "unknown" "1 Prolink Computer Inc.|Bt878 Video Capture"
+0x1888 0x3503 "unknown" "1 Prolink Computer Inc.|nVidia NV28 VGA Geforce4 MX440"
+0x1888 0x3505 "unknown" "1 Prolink Computer Inc.|nVidia NV28 VGA Geforce4 Ti4200"
+0x1898 0x2001 "unknown" "DIC INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Ltd.|DVB Receiver Card"
+0x18ac 0xd500 "unknown" "DViCO Corp.|FusionHDTV 5"
+0x18ac 0xd810 "unknown" "DViCO Corp.|FusionHDTV 3 Gold"
+0x18ac 0xd820 "unknown" "DViCO Corp.|FusionHDTV 3 Gold-T"
+0x18b8 0xb001 "unknown" "Ammasso|AMSO 1100 iWARP/RDMA Gigabit Ethernet Coprocessor"
+0x18ca 0x0020 "unknown" "XGI - Xabre Graphics Inc.|Volari Z7"
+0x18ca 0x0040 "unknown" "XGI - Xabre Graphics Inc.|Volari V8"
+0x18d2 0x3069 "unknown" "Sitecom|DC-105v2 ISDN controller"
+0x18dd 0x4c6f "unknown" "Artimi Inc.|Artimi RTMI-100 UWB adapter"
+0x18e6 0x0001 "unknown" "MPL AG|OSCI [Octal Serial Communication Interface]"
+0x18f7 0x0001 "unknown" "Commtech Inc.|Fastcom ESCC-PCI-335"
+0x18f7 0x0002 "unknown" "Commtech Inc.|Fastcom 422/4-PCI-335"
+0x18f7 0x0004 "unknown" "Commtech Inc.|Fastcom 422/2-PCI-335"
+0x18f7 0x0005 "unknown" "Commtech Inc.|Fastcom IGESCC-PCI-ISO/1"
+0x18f7 0x000a "unknown" "Commtech Inc.|Fastcom 232/4-PCI-335"
+0x1966 0x1975 "unknown" "Orad Hi-Tec Systems|DVG64 family"
+0x196a 0x0101 "unknown" "Sensory Networks Inc.|NodalCore C-1000 Content Classification Accelerator"
+0x196a 0x0102 "unknown" "Sensory Networks Inc.|NodalCore C-2000 Content Classification Accelerator"
+0x1989 0x0001 "unknown" "Montilio Inc.|RapidFile Bridge"
+0x1989 0x8001 "unknown" "Montilio Inc.|RapidFile"
+0x19ae 0x0520 "unknown" "Progeny Systems Corp.|4135 HFT Interface Controller"
+0x1a08 0x0000 "unknown" "Sierra semiconductor|SC15064"
+0x1c1c 0x0001 "unknown" "Symphony|82C101"
+0x1d44 0xa400 "eata" "DPT|PM2x24/PM3224"
+0x1de1 0x0391 "dc395x_trm" "Tekram|TRM-S1040"
+0x1de1 0x2020 "tmscsim" "Tekram|DC-390"
+0x1de1 0x690c "unknown" "Tekram|690c"
+0x1de1 0xdc29 "trm290" "Tekram|DC290"
+0x1de2 0x1190 "unknown" "A/DHOC Systèmes|001 Slave PCI protyting board"
+0x1dea 0x0001 "unknown" "Lasentec|701-1350 Lasentec FBRM Counter"
+0x1dea 0x0002 "unknown" "Lasentec|701-1429 Lasentec PVM Controller"
+0x1fc0 0x0300 "unknown" "Tumsan Oy|E2200 Dual E1/Rawpipe Card"
+0x1fc1 0x000d "unknown" "PathScale Inc.|InfiniPath HT-400"
+0x1fce 0x0001 "unknown" "Cognio Inc.|Spectrum Analyzer PC Card (SAgE)"
+0x2000 0x2800 "slamr" "Smart Link Ltd.|Modem"
+0x2002 0x2003 "unknown" "Automation Technology GmbH|0x2003 PCI Frame Grabber"
+0x2003 0x8800 "slamr" "Smart Link Ltd.|Modem"
+0x2014 0x0004 "unknown" "NONTECH Nonnenmacher GmbH|aa551234 PCI Master Target"
+0x2014 0x0040 "unknown" "NONTECH Nonnenmacher GmbH|0xff8000 PCI to Private Bus Bridge for Primary Ra"
+0x217d 0x6606 "bttv" "Leadtek|WinFast TV 2000"
+0x2348 0x2010 "unknown" "Racore|8142 100VG/AnyLAN"
+0x2636 0x10b4 "bttv" "STB|TV PCI FM, P/N 6000704"
+0x2e00 0x6164 0x732e 0x2e31 "pata_pdc2027x" "unknown|please report that card"
+0x2e6c 0x6174 0x6572 0x6e67 "pata_pdc2027x" "unknown|please report that card"
+0x3000 0x121a "bttv" "3Dfx Interactive Inc.|VoodooTV FM/ VoodooTV 200"
+0x3000 0x144f "bttv" "Askey Magic/others|TView99 CPH06x"
+0x3000 0x14ff "bttv" "Askey Magic/others|!TView 99 (CPH061)"
+0x3002 0x144f "bttv" "Askey Magic/others|TView99 CPH05x"
+0x3002 0x14ff "bttv" "Phoebe|TV Master (CPH060)"
+0x3005 0x144f "bttv" "Askey Magic/others|TView99 CPH061/06L (T1/LC)"
+0x3388 0x0013 "unknown" "Hint Corp.|HiNT HC4 PCI to ISDN bridge, Multimedia audio controller"
+0x3388 0x0014 "unknown" "Hint Corp.|HiNT HC4 PCI to ISDN bridge, Network controller"
+0x3388 0x0020 "unknown" "Hint Corp.|HB6 UNIVERSAL PCI-PCI BRIDGE"
+0x3388 0x0021 "unknown" "Hint Corp.|HB1-SE33 PCI-PCI Bridge"
+0x3388 0x0022 "unknown" "Hint Corp.|HiNT HB4 PCI-PCI Bridge (PCI6150)"
+0x3388 0x0026 "unknown" "Hint Corp.|HB2 PCI-PCI Bridge"
+0x3388 0x101a "unknown" "Hint Corp.|E.Band [AudioTrak Inca88]"
+0x3388 0x101b "unknown" "Hint Corp.|E.Band [AudioTrak Inca88]"
+0x3388 0x8011 "unknown" "Hint Corp.|VXPro II Chipset"
+0x3388 0x8012 "unknown" "Hint Corp.|VXPro II Chipset"
+0x3388 0x8013 "generic" "Hint Corp.|VXPro II Chipset"
+0x3842 0xc370 "unknown" " Corp.|e-GeFORCE 6600 256 DDR PCI-e"
+0x38d0 0x62d6 "unknown" "MFP GmbH|fieldbus-master PCI Measurement bus controller for EPSI"
+0x3990 0x0007 "bttv" "Hauppauge|WinTV-D"
+0x3d3d 0x0001 "Card:Elsa GLoria-S" "3DLabs|GLINT 300SX"
+0x3d3d 0x0002 "Card:Elsa GLoria-L" "3DLabs|GLINT 500TX"
+0x3d3d 0x0003 "Card:Elsa GLoria-S" "3DLabs|GLINT Delta"
+0x3d3d 0x0004 "Card:Elsa GLoria-S" "3DLabs|GLINT Permedia"
+0x3d3d 0x0005 "Card:Elsa GLoria-S" "3DLabs|Permedia"
+0x3d3d 0x0006 "Card:Elsa GLoria-S" "3DLabs|GLINT MX"
+0x3d3d 0x0007 "Card:Elsa GLoria-S" "3DLabs|4D Extreme [GLINT Permedia 2]"
+0x3d3d 0x0008 "Card:Elsa GLoria-S" "3DLabs|GLINT Gamma"
+0x3d3d 0x0009 "Card:3Dlabs Permedia2 (generic)" "3DLabs|Permedia II 2D+3D"
+0x3d3d 0x000a "Card:Elsa GLoria-S" "3DLabs|GLINT R3"
+0x3d3d 0x000c "Card:3Dlabs Permedia4 (generic)" "3DLabs|GLINT Permedia 4"
+0x3d3d 0x000d "Card:3Dlabs Permedia4 (generic)" "3DLabs|GLINT R4"
+0x3d3d 0x000e "Card:3Dlabs Permedia4 (generic)" "3DLabs|GLINT Gamma 2"
+0x3d3d 0x0011 "Card:3Dlabs Permedia4 (generic)" "3DLabs|GLINT R4 (Alt)"
+0x3d3d 0x0012 "unknown" "3DLabs|GLint R5 rev A"
+0x3d3d 0x0013 "unknown" "3DLabs|GLint R5 rev B"
+0x3d3d 0x0020 "unknown" "3DLabs|VP10 visual processor"
+0x3d3d 0x0022 "unknown" "3DLabs|VP10 visual processor"
+0x3d3d 0x0024 "unknown" "3DLabs|VP9 visual processor"
+0x3d3d 0x0100 "Card:3Dlabs Permedia2 (generic)" "3DLabs|Permedia II 2D+3D"
+0x3d3d 0x07a1 "unknown" "3DLabs|Wildcat III 6210"
+0x3d3d 0x07a2 "unknown" "3DLabs|Sun XVR-500 Graphics Accelerator"
+0x3d3d 0x07a3 "unknown" "3DLabs|Wildcat IV 7210"
+0x3d3d 0x1004 "Card:Elsa GLoria-S" "3DLabs|Permedia"
+0x3d3d 0x3d04 "Card:Elsa GLoria-S" "3DLabs|Permedia"
+0x3d3d 0xffff "Card:Elsa GLoria-S" "3DLabs|Glint VGA"
+0x4005 0x0300 "unknown" "Avance Logic Inc.|ALS300 PCI Audio Device"
+0x4005 0x0308 "unknown" "Avance Logic Inc.|ALS300+ PCI Audio Device"
+0x4005 0x0309 "unknown" "Avance Logic Inc.|PCI Input Controller"
+0x4005 0x1064 "unknown" "Avance Logic Inc.|ALG-2064"
+0x4005 0x2064 "unknown" "Avance Logic Inc.|ALG-2064i"
+0x4005 0x2128 "unknown" "Avance Logic Inc.|ALG-2364A GUI Accelerator"
+0x4005 0x2301 "Card:Avance Logic 2301" "Avance Logic Inc.|ALG-2301"
+0x4005 0x2302 "Card:Avance Logic 2302" "Avance Logic Inc.|ALG-2302"
+0x4005 0x2303 "Card:Avance Logic 2302" "Avance Logic Inc.|AVG-2302 GUI Accelerator"
+0x4005 0x2364 "unknown" "Avance Logic Inc.|ALG-2364A"
+0x4005 0x2464 "unknown" "Avance Logic Inc.|ALG-2464"
+0x4005 0x2501 "unknown" "Avance Logic Inc.|ALG-2564A/25128A"
+0x4005 0x4000 "snd-als4000" "Avance Logic Inc.|ALS4000 Audio Chipset"
+0x4005 0x4710 "unknown" "Avance Logic Inc.|ALC200/200P"
+0x400a 0x15b0 "bttv" "Zoltrix|Genie TV"
+0x400d 0x15b0 "bttv" "Zoltrix|Genie TV / Radio"
+0x4010 0x15b0 "bttv" "Zoltrix|Genie TV / Radio"
+0x4016 0x15b0 "bttv" "Zoltrix|Genie TV / Radio"
+0x4020 0x10fc "bttv" "I-O Data Co.|GV-BCV3/PCI"
+0x4033 0x1300 "unknown" "Addtron Technology Co. Inc.|SIS900 10/100Mbps Fast Ethernet Controller"
+0x4033 0x1320 "unknown" "Addtron Technology Co. Inc.|VT86C100A 10/100M PCI Fast Ethernet Controller"
+0x4033 0x1360 "8139too" "Addtron Technology Co. Inc.|8139 10/100BaseTX"
+0x4033 0x1380 "unknown" "Addtron Technology Co. Inc.|DEC 21143PD 10/100M PCI Fast Ethernet Controller"
+0x4050 0x10fc "bttv" "I-O Data Co. GV-BCV4/PCI"
+0x4144 0x0043 "unknown" "Alpha Data|ADM-XPL Virtex-II Pro Bridge"
+0x4144 0x0044 "unknown" "Alpha Data|ADM-XRCIIPro"
+0x416c 0x0100 "unknown" "Aladdin Knowledge Systems|AlladinCARD"
+0x416c 0x0200 "unknown" "Aladdin Knowledge Systems|CPC"
+0x4444 0x0002 "unknown" "ICompression Inc.|iTVC12 MPEG Encoder Card"
+0x4444 0x0016 "ivtv" "Internext Compression Inc.|iTVC16 (CX23416) MPEG-2 Encoder"
+0x4444 0x0803 "ivtv" "Conexant Inc.|iTVC15 MPEG Coder"
+0x4500 0x0070 "bttv" "Hauppauge|WinTV/PVR"
+0x4550 0x9054 "unknown" "Tucker-Davis Technologies|PLX9054"
+0x472e 0x732d 0x6b63 0x0000 "pata_pdc2027x" "unknown|please report that card"
+0x4916 0x1960 "rcpci" "RedCreek Communications Inc.|RedCreek PCI adapter"
+0x494f 0x10e8 "unknown" "ACCES I/O Products Inc.|LPCI-COM-8SM"
+0x494f 0x22c0 "wdt_pci" "ICS Advent|"
+0x494f 0xaca8 "unknown" "ICS Advent|PCI-AI/1216 ADC Card"
+0x494f 0xaca9 "unknown" "ICS Advent|PCI-AI/1216(M) ADC Card"
+0x4a14 0x5000 "ne2k-pci" "NetVin|NV5000SC"
+0x4b10 0x2010 "unknown" "BusLogic Inc.|Daytona Audio Adapter"
+0x4b10 0x3080 "unknown" "Buslogic Inc.|SCSI Host Adapter"
+0x4b10 0x4010 "unknown" "Buslogic Inc.|Wide SCSI Host Adapter"
+0x4c53 0x0000 "unknown" "SBS-OR Industrial Computers|PLUSTEST Diagnostics Device"
+0x4c53 0x0001 "unknown" "SBS Technologies|PLUSTEST-MM device"
+0x4c53 0x5000 "unknown" "SBS-OR Industrial Computers|NV5000 Ethernet Adapter"
+0x4d51 0x0200 "unknown" "MediaQ Inc.|MQ-200"
+0x4ddc 0x0100 "unknown" "ILC Data Device Corp.|DD-42924I5-300 (ARINC 429 Data Bus)"
+0x4ddc 0x0801 "unknown" "ILC Data Device Corp.|BU-65570I1 MIL-STD-1553 Test and Simulation"
+0x4ddc 0x0802 "unknown" "ILC Data Device Corp.|BU-65570I2 MIL-STD-1553 Test and Simulation"
+0x4ddc 0x0811 "unknown" "ILC Data Device Corp.|BU-65572I1 MIL-STD-1553 Test and Simulation"
+0x4ddc 0x0812 "unknown" "ILC Data Device Corp.|BU-65572I2 MIL-STD-1553 Test and Simulation"
+0x4ddc 0x0881 "unknown" "ILC Data Device Corp.|BU-65570T1 MIL-STD-1553 Test and Simulation"
+0x4ddc 0x0882 "unknown" "ILC Data Device Corp.|BU-65570T2 MIL-STD-1553 Test and Simulation"
+0x4ddc 0x0891 "unknown" "ILC Data Device Corp.|BU-65572T1 MIL-STD-1553 Test and Simulation"
+0x4ddc 0x0892 "unknown" "ILC Data Device Corp.|BU-65572T2 MIL-STD-1553 Test and Simulation"
+0x4ddc 0x0901 "unknown" "ILC Data Device Corp.|BU-65565C1 MIL-STD-1553 Data Bus"
+0x4ddc 0x0902 "unknown" "ILC Data Device Corp.|BU-65565C2 MIL-STD-1553 Data Bus"
+0x4ddc 0x0903 "unknown" "ILC Data Device Corp.|BU-65565C3 MIL-STD-1553 Data Bus"
+0x4ddc 0x0904 "unknown" "ILC Data Device Corp.|BU-65565C4 MIL-STD-1553 Data Bus"
+0x4ddc 0x0b01 "unknown" "ILC Data Device Corp.|BU-65569I1 MIL-STD-1553 Data Bus"
+0x4ddc 0x0b02 "unknown" "ILC Data Device Corp.|BU-65569I2 MIL-STD-1553 Data Bus"
+0x4ddc 0x0b03 "unknown" "ILC Data Device Corp.|BU-65569I3 MIL-STD-1553 Data Bus"
+0x4ddc 0x0b04 "unknown" "ILC Data Device Corp.|BU-65569I4 MIL-STD-1553 Data Bus"
+0x5018 0x153b "bttv" "Terratec|TValue"
+0x5046 0x1001 "radio-maxiradio" "GemTek Technology Corp.|PCI Radio"
+0x5053 0x2010 "unknown" "Voyetra Technologies|Daytona Audio Adapter"
+0x5112 0x0001 "unknown" "Sigmatek GmbH & CoKG|DCP401 Intelligent Dias Master"
+0x5145 0x3031 "unknown" "Ensoniq (Old)|Concert AudioPCI"
+0x5213 0x0510 "snd-fm801" "Gallant|Odyssey Sound 4"
+0x5301 0x0001 "Card:AT3D" "Alliance Semiconductor|ProMotion aT3D"
+0x5333 0x0551 "Card:S3 Trio3D" "S3 Inc.|Plato/PX (system)"
+0x5333 0x0e11 "Card:VESA driver (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c775/86c785 [Trio 64V2/DX or /GX]"
+0x5333 0x5631 "Card:S3 ViRGE (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c325 [ViRGE]"
+0x5333 0x8800 "unknown" "S3 Inc.|86c866 [Vision 866]"
+0x5333 0x8801 "Card:S3 Vision964 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c964 [Vision 964]"
+0x5333 0x8810 "Card:S3 Trio32 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c764_0 [Trio 32 vers 0]"
+0x5333 0x8811 "Card:S3 Trio64 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c764/765 [Trio32/64/64V+]"
+0x5333 0x8812 "Card:S3 Aurora64V+ (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86cM65 [Aurora64V+]"
+0x5333 0x8813 "Card:S3 Trio64 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c764_3 [Trio 32/64 vers 3]"
+0x5333 0x8814 "Card:S3 Trio64V+ (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c767 [Trio 64UV+]"
+0x5333 0x8815 "Card:S3 Aurora64V+ (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86cM65 [Aurora 128]"
+0x5333 0x883d "Card:S3 ViRGE (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c988 [ViRGE/VX]"
+0x5333 0x8870 "unknown" "S3 Inc.|FireGL"
+0x5333 0x8880 "Card:S3 868 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c868 [Vision 868 VRAM] vers 0"
+0x5333 0x8881 "Card:S3 868 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c868 [Vision 868 VRAM] vers 1"
+0x5333 0x8882 "Card:S3 868 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c868 [Vision 868 VRAM] vers 2"
+0x5333 0x8883 "Card:S3 868 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c868 [Vision 868 VRAM] vers 3"
+0x5333 0x88b0 "Card:S3 928 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c928 [Vision 928 VRAM] vers 0"
+0x5333 0x88b1 "Card:S3 86C928 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c928 [Vision 928 VRAM] vers 1"
+0x5333 0x88b2 "Card:S3 86C928 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c928 [Vision 928 VRAM] vers 2"
+0x5333 0x88b3 "Card:S3 86C928 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c928 [Vision 928 VRAM] vers 3"
+0x5333 0x88c0 "Card:S3 864 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c864 [Vision 864 DRAM] vers 0"
+0x5333 0x88c1 "Card:S3 864 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c864 [Vision 864 DRAM] vers 1"
+0x5333 0x88c2 "Card:S3 864 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c864 [Vision 864-P DRAM] vers 2"
+0x5333 0x88c3 "Card:S3 864 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c864 [Vision 864-P DRAM] vers 3"
+0x5333 0x88d0 "Card:S3 964 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c964 [Vision 964 VRAM] vers 0"
+0x5333 0x88d1 "Card:S3 964 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c964 [Vision 964 VRAM] vers 1"
+0x5333 0x88d2 "Card:S3 964 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c964 [Vision 964-P VRAM] vers 2"
+0x5333 0x88d3 "Card:S3 964 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c964 [Vision 964-P VRAM] vers 3"
+0x5333 0x88f0 "Card:S3 968 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c968 [Vision 968 VRAM] rev 0"
+0x5333 0x88f1 "Card:S3 968 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c968 [Vision 968 VRAM] rev 1"
+0x5333 0x88f2 "Card:S3 968 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c968 [Vision 968 VRAM] rev 2"
+0x5333 0x88f3 "Card:S3 968 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c968 [Vision 968 VRAM] rev 3"
+0x5333 0x8900 "Card:S3 Trio64V2 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c755 [Trio 64V2/DX]"
+0x5333 0x8901 "Card:S3 Trio64V2 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V2/DX or /GX"
+0x5333 0x8902 "Card:S3 Trio3D" "S3 Inc.|Plato/PX (graphics)"
+0x5333 0x8903 "Card:S3 Trio3D" "S3 Inc.|Trio 3D business multimedia"
+0x5333 0x8904 "Card:S3 Trio3D" "S3 Inc.|Trio 64 3D"
+0x5333 0x8905 "Card:S3 Trio64V+ (generic)" "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V+ family"
+0x5333 0x8906 "Card:S3 Trio64V+ (generic)" "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V+ family"
+0x5333 0x8907 "Card:S3 Trio64V+ (generic)" "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V+ family"
+0x5333 0x8908 "Card:S3 Trio64V+ (generic)" "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V+ family"
+0x5333 0x8909 "Card:S3 Trio64V+ (generic)" "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V+ family"
+0x5333 0x890a "Card:S3 Trio64V+ (generic)" "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V+ family"
+0x5333 0x890b "Card:S3 Trio64V+ (generic)" "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V+ family"
+0x5333 0x890c "Card:S3 Trio64V+ (generic)" "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V+ family"
+0x5333 0x890d "Card:S3 Trio64V+ (generic)" "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V+ family"
+0x5333 0x890e "Card:S3 Trio64V+ (generic)" "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V+ family"
+0x5333 0x890f "Card:S3 Trio64V+ (generic)" "S3 Inc.|Trio 64V+ family"
+0x5333 0x8a01 "Card:S3 ViRGE (generic)" "S3 Inc.|ViRGE/DX or /GX"
+0x5333 0x8a10 "Card:S3 ViRGE/GX2 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|ViRGE/GX2"
+0x5333 0x8a11 "unknown" "S3 Incorporated|86C359 ViRGE /GX2+ Macrovision"
+0x5333 0x8a12 "unknown" "S3 Incorporated|86C359 ViRGE /GX2+"
+0x5333 0x8a13 "Card:S3 86C368 (Trio3D/2X)" "S3 Inc.|86c368 [Trio 3D/2X]"
+0x5333 0x8a20 "Card:S3 Savage3D" "S3 Inc.|86c794 [Savage 3D]"
+0x5333 0x8a21 "Card:S3 Savage3D" "S3 Inc.|86c795 [Savage 3D/MV]"
+0x5333 0x8a22 "Card:S3 Savage4" "S3 Inc.|Savage 4"
+0x5333 0x8a23 "Card:S3 Savage4" "S3 Inc.|Savage 4"
+0x5333 0x8a25 "Card:S3 Savage4" "S3 Inc.|ProSavage PM133"
+0x5333 0x8a26 "Card:S3 Savage4" "S3 Inc.|ProSavage KM133"
+0x5333 0x8c00 "Card:S3 ViRGE/MX (generic)" "S3 Inc.|ViRGE/M3"
+0x5333 0x8c01 "Card:S3 ViRGE/MX (generic)" "S3 Inc.|ViRGE/MX"
+0x5333 0x8c02 "Card:S3 ViRGE/MX+ (generic)" "S3 Inc.|ViRGE/MX+"
+0x5333 0x8c03 "Card:S3 ViRGE/MX (generic)" "S3 Inc.|ViRGE/MX+MV"
+0x5333 0x8c10 "Card:S3 Savage (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86C270-294 Savage/MX-MV"
+0x5333 0x8c11 "Card:S3 Savage (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86C270-294 Savage/MX"
+0x5333 0x8c12 "Card:S3 Savage (generic, sw_cursor)" "S3 Inc.|86C270-294 Savage/IX-MV"
+0x5333 0x8c13 "Card:S3 Savage (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86C270-294 Savage/IX"
+0x5333 0x8c22 "Card:S3 Savage4" "S3 Incorporated|86C508 SuperSavage 128/MX"
+0x5333 0x8c24 "Card:S3 Savage4" "S3 Incorporated|SuperSavage/MX-/IX"
+0x5333 0x8c26 "Card:S3 Savage4" "S3 Incorporated|SuperSavage/MX-/IX"
+0x5333 0x8c2a "Card:S3 Savage4" "S3 Incorporated|86C544 SuperSavage 128/IX"
+0x5333 0x8c2b "Card:S3 Savage4" "S3 Incorporated|86C553 SuperSavage 128/IX DDR"
+0x5333 0x8c2c "Card:S3 Savage4" "S3 Incorporated|86C564 SuperSavage/IX"
+0x5333 0x8c2d "Card:S3 Savage4" "S3 Incorporated|86C573 SuperSavage/IX DDR"
+0x5333 0x8c2e "Card:S3 Savage4" "S3 Incorporated|86C583 SuperSavage/IXC SDR"
+0x5333 0x8c2f "Card:S3 Savage4" "S3 Incorporated|86C594 SuperSavage/IXC DDR"
+0x5333 0x8d01 "Card:S3 Savage4" "S3 Incorporated|Twister"
+0x5333 0x8d02 "Card:S3 Savage4" "S3 Incorporated|Twister-K"
+0x5333 0x8d03 "Card:S3 Savage4" "S3 Inc.|VT8751 [ProSavageDDR P4M266]"
+0x5333 0x8d04 "Card:S3 Savage4" "S3 Inc.|VT8751 [ProSavageDDR P4M266] VGA Controller"
+0x5333 0x9102 "Card:S3 Savage2000 (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86C410 Savage 2000"
+0x5333 0xb031 "Card:VESA driver (generic)" "S3 Inc.|86c775/86c785 [Trio 64V2/DX or /GX]"
+0x5333 0xca00 "sonicvibes" "S3 Inc.|SonicVibes"
+0x5401 0x0101 "unknown" "Ericsson|DSSS Wireless LAN PCI Card"
+0x5430 0x0100 "unknown" "Evergreen Technologies Inc.|AcceleraPCI Upgrade Card Adapter"
+0x544c 0x0350 "unknown" "Teralogic Inc.|TL880-based HDTV/ATSC tuner"
+0x5455 0x4458 "unknown" "Technische University Berlin|S5933"
+0x5544 0x0001 "unknown" "Dunord Technologies|I-30xx Scanner Interface"
+0x5555 0x0003 "unknown" "Genroco Inc.|TURBOstor HFP-832 [HiPPI NIC]"
+0x55cf 0x2111 "unknown" "Unisys Corp.|UNISYS CP150P"
+0x5654 0x3132 "unknown" "VoiceTronix Pty Ltd.|OpenSwitch12"
+0x5f73 0x7564 0x2e00 0x0073 "pata_pdc2027x" "unknown|please report that card"
+0x6356 0x4002 "unknown" "UltraStor|ULTRA24 SCSI Host"
+0x6356 0x4102 "unknown" "UltraStor|ULTRA24 SCSI Host"
+0x6356 0x4202 "unknown" "UltraStor|ULTRA24 SCSI Host"
+0x6356 0x4302 "unknown" "UltraStor|ULTRA24 SCSI Host"
+0x6356 0x4402 "unknown" "UltraStor|ULTRA24 SCSI Host"
+0x6356 0x4502 "unknown" "UltraStor|ULTRA24 SCSI Host"
+0x6356 0x4602 "unknown" "UltraStor|ULTRA24 SCSI Host"
+0x6356 0x4702 "unknown" "UltraStor|ULTRA24 SCSI Host"
+0x6356 0x4802 "unknown" "UltraStor|ULTRA24 SCSI Host"
+0x6356 0x4902 "unknown" "UltraStor|ULTRA24 SCSI Host"
+0x6356 0x4a02 "unknown" "UltraStor|ULTRA24 SCSI Host"
+0x6356 0x4b02 "unknown" "UltraStor|ULTRA24 SCSI Host"
+0x6356 0x4c02 "unknown" "UltraStor|ULTRA24 SCSI Host"
+0x6356 0x4d02 "unknown" "UltraStor|ULTRA24 SCSI Host"
+0x6356 0x4e02 "unknown" "UltraStor|ULTRA24 SCSI Host"
+0x6356 0x4f02 "unknown" "UltraStor|ULTRA24 SCSI Host"
+0x6374 0x6773 "unknown" "c't Magazin|GPPCI"
+0x6606 0x107d "bttv" "Leadtek WinFast TV 2000"
+0x6606 0x217d "bttv" "Leadtek|WinFast TV 2000"
+0x6666 0x0001 "8250_pci" "Decision Computer|PCCOM4"
+0x6666 0x0002 "8250_pci" "Decision Computer|PCCOM8"
+0x6666 0x0004 "unknown" "Decision Computer International Co.|PCCOM2"
+0x7063 0x2000 "unknown" "pcHDTV|HD-2000"
+0x7063 0x3000 "unknown" "pcHDTV|HD-3000"
+0x764d 0x1022 "snd-intel8x0" "Intel Corp.|AMD-8111 810 Chipset AC'97 Audio Controller"
+0x8001 0x0010 "unknown" "Beyertone AG - Germany|ispLSI1032E PCI-decoder"
+0x8008 0x0010 "unknown" "Quancom Electronic GmbH|WDOG1 [PCI-Watchdog 1]"
+0x8008 0x0011 "unknown" "Quancom Electronic GmbH|PWDOG2 [PCI-Watchdog 2]"
+0x8008 0x0016 "unknown" "QUANCOM Informationssysteme GmbH|PROTO2"
+0x8008 0x0100 "unknown" "QUANCOM Informationssysteme GmbH|PREL8"
+0x8008 0x0102 "unknown" "QUANCOM Informationssysteme GmbH|PREL16"
+0x8008 0x0103 "unknown" "QUANCOM Informationssysteme GmbH|POPTOREL16"
+0x8008 0x0105 "unknown" "QUANCOM Informationssysteme GmbH|POPTO16IN"
+0x8008 0x0106 "unknown" "QUANCOM Informationssysteme GmbH|PTTL24IO"
+0x8008 0x0107 "unknown" "QUANCOM Informationssysteme GmbH|PUNIREL"
+0x8008 0x1000 "unknown" "QUANCOM Informationssysteme GmbH|PDAC4"
+0x8008 0x1001 "unknown" "QUANCOM Informationssysteme GmbH|PAD12DAC4"
+0x8008 0x1002 "unknown" "QUANCOM Informationssysteme GmbH|PAD16DAC4"
+0x8008 0x1005 "unknown" "QUANCOM Informationssysteme GmbH|PAD12"
+0x8008 0x1006 "unknown" "QUANCOM Informationssysteme GmbH|PAD16"
+0x8008 0x3000 "unknown" "QUANCOM Informationssysteme GmbH|POPTOLCA"
+0x8086 0x0000 "paep" "Intel Corp.|AEP SSL Accelerator"
+0x8086 0x0007 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82379AB"
+0x8086 0x0008 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Extended Express System Support Controller"
+0x8086 0x0039 "tulip" "Intel Corp.|21145"
+0x8086 0x0122 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82437FX"
+0x8086 0x0309 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|80303 I/O Processor PCI-to-PCI Bridge Unit"
+0x8086 0x030d "unknown" "Intel Corp.|80312 I/O Companion Unit PCI-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x8086 0x0318 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Address Translation Unit"
+0x8086 0x0319 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|80219 General Purpose PCI Processor Address Translation Unit"
+0x8086 0x0326 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|PCI Bridge Hub I/OxAPIC Interrupt Controller A"
+0x8086 0x0327 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|PCI Bridge Hub I/OxAPIC Interrupt Controller B"
+0x8086 0x0329 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|PCI Bridge Hub A"
+0x8086 0x032a "unknown" "Intel Corp.|PCI Bridge Hub B"
+0x8086 0x032c "unknown" "Intel Corp.|PCI Bridge Hub"
+0x8086 0x0330 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|80332 [Dobson] I/O processor"
+0x8086 0x0331 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|80332 [Dobson] I/O processor"
+0x8086 0x0332 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|80332 [Dobson] I/O processor"
+0x8086 0x0333 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|80332 [Dobson] I/O processor"
+0x8086 0x0334 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|80332 [Dobson] I/O processor"
+0x8086 0x0335 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|80331 [Lindsay] I/O processor"
+0x8086 0x0336 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|80331 [Lindsay] I/O processor"
+0x8086 0x0340 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|41210 [Lanai] Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge"
+0x8086 0x0341 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|41210 [Lanai] Serial to Parallel PCI Bridge"
+0x8086 0x0370 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|80333 Segment-A PCI Express-to-PCI Express Bridge"
+0x8086 0x0371 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|80333 A-Bus IOAPIC"
+0x8086 0x0372 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|80333 Segment-B PCI Express-to-PCI Express Bridge"
+0x8086 0x0373 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|80333 B-Bus IOAPIC"
+0x8086 0x0374 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|80333 Address Translation Unit"
+0x8086 0x03a2 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|MegaRAID"
+0x8086 0x0438 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|MegaRAID 438"
+0x8086 0x0466 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|MegaRAID 466"
+0x8086 0x0467 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|MegaRAID 467"
+0x8086 0x0482 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82375EB"
+0x8086 0x0483 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82424ZX [Saturn]"
+0x8086 0x0484 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82378IB [SIO ISA Bridge]"
+0x8086 0x0486 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82430ZX [Aries]"
+0x8086 0x04a3 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82434LX [Mercury/Neptune]"
+0x8086 0x04d0 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82437FX [Triton FX]"
+0x8086 0x0500 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E8870 Processor Bus Controller"
+0x8086 0x0501 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E8870 Memory Controller"
+0x8086 0x0502 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E8870 Scalability Port 0"
+0x8086 0x0503 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E8870 Scalability Port 1 / Glob. Perf. Monitor"
+0x8086 0x0510 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E8870IO Hub Interface Port 0 (8-bit compatible)"
+0x8086 0x0511 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E8870IO Hub Interface Port 1"
+0x8086 0x0512 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E8870IO Hub Interface Port 2"
+0x8086 0x0513 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E8870IO Hub Interface Port 3"
+0x8086 0x0514 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E8870IO Hub Interface Port 4"
+0x8086 0x0515 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E8870IO Server I/O Hub (SIOH)"
+0x8086 0x0516 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E8870IO Reliabilty, Availability, Serviceability"
+0x8086 0x0530 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E8870SP Scalability Port"
+0x8086 0x0531 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E8870SP Scalability Port"
+0x8086 0x0532 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E8870SP Scalability Port"
+0x8086 0x0533 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E8870SP Scalability Port"
+0x8086 0x0534 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E8870SP Scalability Port"
+0x8086 0x0535 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E8870SP Scalability Port"
+0x8086 0x0536 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E8870SP Scalability Port Switch Global Registers"
+0x8086 0x0537 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E8870SP Interleave Configuration Registers"
+0x8086 0x0600 "gdth" "Intel Corp.|RAID Controller"
+0x8086 0x0601 "gdth" "Intel Corp.|RAID Controller"
+0x8086 0x061f "unknown" "Intel Corp.|80303 I/O Processor"
+0x8086 0x0960 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|80960RP [i960 RP Microprocessor/Bridge]"
+0x8086 0x0962 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|80960RM [i960RM Bridge]"
+0x8086 0x0964 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|80960RP [i960 RP Microprocessor/Bridge]"
+0x8086 0x09a0 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|PowerEdge RAID Controller 2/SC"
+0x8086 0x1000 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82542 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1001 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82543 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1002 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|Pro 100 LAN+Modem 56 CardBus II"
+0x8086 0x1004 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|Gigabit Ethernet Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1008 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82544EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1009 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82544EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x100a "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x100c "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82544GC Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x100d "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82544GC Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x100e "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x100f "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82545EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1010 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82546EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1011 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82545EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1012 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82546EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1013 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82541EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1014 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82541ER Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1015 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (LOM)"
+0x8086 0x1016 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82540EP Gigabit Ethernet Controller (LOM)"
+0x8086 0x1017 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82540EP Gigabit Ethernet Controller (LOM)"
+0x8086 0x1018 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82541EI PRO/1000 MT Mobile connection"
+0x8086 0x1019 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82547EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x101a "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82547EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Mobile)"
+0x8086 0x101d "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82540EM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (LOM)"
+0x8086 0x101e "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82540EP Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Mobile)"
+0x8086 0x1026 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82545GM Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1027 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82545GM Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Fiber)"
+0x8086 0x1028 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82545GM Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1029 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|Express Pro 100"
+0x8086 0x1030 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82559 InBusiness 10/100"
+0x8086 0x1031 "e100" "Intel Corp.|Express Pro 100"
+0x8086 0x1032 "e100" "Intel Corp.|Express Pro 100"
+0x8086 0x1033 "e100" "Intel Corp.|Express Pro 100"
+0x8086 0x1034 "e100" "Intel Corp.|Express Pro 100"
+0x8086 0x1035 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82801CAM (ICH3) Chipset Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1036 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82801CAM (ICH3) Chipset Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1037 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82801CAM (ICH3) Chipset Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1038 "e100" "Intel Corp.|Express Pro 100"
+0x8086 0x1039 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100"
+0x8086 0x103a "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100"
+0x8086 0x103b "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100"
+0x8086 0x103c "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100"
+0x8086 0x103d "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82801BD PRO/100 VE (MOB) Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x103e "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82801BD PRO/100 VM (MOB) Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1040 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|536EP v.92 modem (MD5628D-L-C ?)"
+0x8086 0x1042 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|PRO/Wireless 2011 LAN PCI Card"
+0x8086 0x1043 0x103c 0x2741 "ipw2200" "Intel Corp.|PRO/Wireless LAN 2200"
+0x8086 0x1043 0x8086 0x2527 "ipw2100" "Intel Corp.|MIM2000/Centrino"
+0x8086 0x1043 0x8086 0x2701 "ipw2200" "Intel Corp.|PRO/Wireless LAN 2200"
+0x8086 0x1043 0x8086 0x2702 "ipw2200" "Intel Corp.|PRO/Wireless LAN 2200"
+0x8086 0x1043 0x8086 0x2711 "ipw2200" "Intel Corp.|PRO/Wireless LAN 2200"
+0x8086 0x1043 0x8086 0x2712 "ipw2200" "Intel Corp.|PRO/Wireless LAN 2200"
+0x8086 0x1043 0x8086 0x2721 "ipw2200" "Intel Corp.|PRO/Wireless LAN 2200"
+0x8086 0x1043 0x8086 0x2722 "ipw2200" "Intel Corp.|PRO/Wireless LAN 2200"
+0x8086 0x1043 0x8086 0x2731 "ipw2200" "Intel Corp.|PRO/Wireless LAN 2200"
+0x8086 0x1043 0x8086 0x2732 "ipw2200" "Intel Corp.|PRO/Wireless LAN 2200"
+0x8086 0x1043 0x8086 0x2741 "ipw2200" "Intel Corp.|PRO/Wireless LAN 2200"
+0x8086 0x1043 0x8086 0x2742 "ipw2200" "Intel Corp.|PRO/Wireless LAN 2200"
+0x8086 0x1043 0x8086 0x2751 "ipw2200" "Intel Corp.|PRO/Wireless LAN 2200"
+0x8086 0x1043 0x8086 0x2752 "ipw2200" "Intel Corp.|PRO/Wireless LAN 2200"
+0x8086 0x1043 0x8086 0x2753 "ipw2200" "Intel Corp.|PRO/Wireless LAN 2200"
+0x8086 0x1043 0x8086 0x2754 "ipw2200" "Intel Corp.|PRO/Wireless LAN 2200"
+0x8086 0x1043 0x8086 0x2761 "ipw2200" "Intel Corp.|PRO/Wireless LAN 2200"
+0x8086 0x1043 0x8086 0x2762 "ipw2200" "Intel Corp.|PRO/Wireless LAN 2200"
+0x8086 0x1043 "ipw2100" "Intel Corp.|PRO/Wireless LAN 2100 3B Mini PCI Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1048 "ixgb" "Intel Corp.|82597EX 10 Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x104f "ipw2200" "Intel Corp.|Wireless adapter"
+0x8086 0x1050 "e100" "Intel Corp.|82801EB (ICH5) PRO/100 VE Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1051 "e100" "Intel Corp.|82801EB (ICH5) PRO/100 VE Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1052 "e100" "Intel Corp.|82801EB (ICH5) PRO/100 VM Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1053 "e100" "Intel Corp.|82801EB (ICH5) PRO/100 VM Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1054 "e100" "Intel Corp.|82801EB (ICH5) PRO/100 VE Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1055 "e100" "Intel Corp.|82801EB (ICH5) PRO/100 VM Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1056 "e100" "Intel Corp.|PRO/100 VM Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1057 "e100" "Intel Corp.|PRO/100 VM Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1059 "e100" "Intel Corp.|82551QM Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x105e "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82571EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x105f "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82571EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1060 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82571EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1064 "e100" "Intel Corp.|Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1065 "e100" "Intel Corp.|82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) LAN Controller"
+0x8086 0x1066 "e100" "Intel Corp.|Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1067 "e100" "Intel Corp.|Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1068 "e100" "Intel Corp.|Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1069 "e100" "Intel Corp.|Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x106a "e100" "Intel Corp.|Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x106b "e100" "Intel Corp.|Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1075 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82547EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1076 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82547EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1077 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82547EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller(Mobile)"
+0x8086 0x1078 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82547EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1079 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82546EB Dual Port Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x107a "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82546EB Dual Port Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Fiber)"
+0x8086 0x107b "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82546EB Dual Port Gigabit Ethernet Controller (Copper)"
+0x8086 0x107c "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82541PI Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x107d "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82572EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x107e "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82572EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x107f "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82572EI Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1080 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|FA82537EP 56K V.92 Data/Fax Modem PCI"
+0x8086 0x1081 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge LAN Copper"
+0x8086 0x1082 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge LAN fiber"
+0x8086 0x1083 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge LAN SERDES"
+0x8086 0x1084 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge IDE Redirection"
+0x8086 0x1085 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge Serial Port Redirection"
+0x8086 0x1086 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge IPMI/KCS0"
+0x8086 0x1087 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge UHCI Redirection"
+0x8086 0x1089 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge BT"
+0x8086 0x108a "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82546EB Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x108b "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82573V Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x108c "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82573E Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1091 "e100" "Intel Corp.|Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1092 "e100" "Intel Corp.|Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1093 "e100" "Intel Corp.|Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1094 "e100" "Intel Corp.|Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1095 "e100" "Intel Corp.|Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x1096 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge DPT LAN Copper"
+0x8086 0x1097 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge DPT LAN fiber"
+0x8086 0x1098 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge DPT LAN SERDES"
+0x8086 0x1099 "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82546GB Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x109a "e1000" "Intel Corp.|82573L Gigabit Ethernet Controller"
+0x8086 0x10c6 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|MegaRAID 438"
+0x8086 0x10c7 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|MegaRAID T5"
+0x8086 0x10cc "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|MegaRAID"
+0x8086 0x10cd "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|HP NetRAID-1Si"
+0x8086 0x1100 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82815 Host-Hub Interface Bridge / DRAM Ctrlr"
+0x8086 0x1101 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82815 AGP Bridge"
+0x8086 0x1102 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82815 Internal Graphics Device"
+0x8086 0x1107 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|PRO/1000 MF Server Adapter (LX)"
+0x8086 0x1110 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|8x815 Host-Hub Interface Bridge / DRAM Ctrlr"
+0x8086 0x1111 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|PowerEdge RAID Controller 2/SC"
+0x8086 0x1112 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82815 Internal Graphics Device"
+0x8086 0x1120 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82815 Host-Hub Interface Bridge / DRAM Ctrlr"
+0x8086 0x1121 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82815 AGP Bridge"
+0x8086 0x1130 "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|82815 815 Chipset Host Bridge and Memory Controller Hub"
+0x8086 0x1131 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82815/82815EM/EP AGP Bridge"
+0x8086 0x1132 "Card:Intel 815" "Intel Corp.|82815 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller]"
+0x8086 0x113c "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|MegaRAID"
+0x8086 0x1161 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82806AA PCI64 Hub Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller"
+0x8086 0x1162 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Xscale 80200 Big Endian Companion Chip"
+0x8086 0x1200 "paep" "Intel Corp.|Unknown device"
+0x8086 0x1209 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82559ER"
+0x8086 0x1221 "i82092" "Intel Corp.|82092AA_0"
+0x8086 0x1222 "yenta_socket" "Intel Corp.|82092AA_1"
+0x8086 0x1223 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|SAA7116"
+0x8086 0x1225 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82452KX/GX [Orion]"
+0x8086 0x1226 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82596"
+0x8086 0x1227 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82865 [Ether Express Pro 100]"
+0x8086 0x1228 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82556 [Ether Express Pro 100 Smart]"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x0e11 0x3001 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x0e11 0x3002 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x0e11 0x3003 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x0e11 0x3004 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x0e11 0x3005 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x0e11 0x3006 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x0e11 0x3007 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN*"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x0e11 0xb01e "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|NC3120 Fast Ethernet NIC"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x0e11 0xb01f "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|NC3122 Fast Ethernet NIC (dual port)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x0e11 0xb02f "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|NC1120 Ethernet NIC"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x0e11 0xb04a "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|Netelligent 10/100TX NIC with Wake on LAN"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x0e11 0xb0c6 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|NC3161 Fast Ethernet NIC (embedded, WOL)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x0e11 0xb0c7 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|NC3160 Fast Ethernet NIC (embedded)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x0e11 0xb0d7 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|NC3121 Fast Ethernet NIC (WOL)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x0e11 0xb0dd "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|NC3131 Fast Ethernet NIC (dual port)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x0e11 0xb0de "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|NC3132 Fast Ethernet Module (dual port)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x0e11 0xb0e1 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|NC3133 Fast Ethernet Module (100-FX)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x0e11 0xb134 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|NC3163 Fast Ethernet NIC (embedded, WOL)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x0e11 0xb13c "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|NC3162 Fast Ethernet NIC (embedded)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x0e11 0xb144 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|NC3123 Fast Ethernet NIC (WOL)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x0e11 0xb163 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|NC3134 Fast Ethernet NIC (dual port)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x0e11 0xb164 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|NC3135 Fast Ethernet Upgrade Module (dual port)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x0e11 0xb1a4 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|NC7131 Gigabit Server Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1014 0x005c "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82558B Ethernet Pro 10/100"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1014 0x01bc "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82559 Fast Ethernet LAN On Motherboard"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1014 0x01f1 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|10/100 Ethernet Server Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1014 0x01f2 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|10/100 Ethernet Server Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1014 0x0207 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|Ethernet Pro/100 S"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1014 0x0232 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|10/100 Dual Port Server Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1014 0x023a "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|ThinkPad R30"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1014 0x105c "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|Netfinity 10/100"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1014 0x2205 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|ThinkPad A22p"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1014 0x305c "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|10/100 EtherJet Management Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1014 0x405c "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|10/100 EtherJet Adapter with Alert on LAN"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1014 0x505c "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|10/100 EtherJet Secure Management Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1014 0x605c "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|10/100 EtherJet Secure Management Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1014 0x705c "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|10/100 Netfinity 10/100 Ethernet Security Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1014 0x805c "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|10/100 Netfinity 10/100 Ethernet Security Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1028 0x009b "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|PowerEdge 2550"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1028 0x00ce "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|PowerEdge 1400"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1033 0x8000 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|PC-9821X-B06"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1033 0x8016 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|PK-UG-X006"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1033 0x801f "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|PK-UG-X006"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1033 0x8026 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|PK-UG-X006"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1033 0x8063 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82559-based Fast Ethernet Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1033 0x8064 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82559-based Fast Ethernet Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x103c 0x10c0 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|NetServer 10/100TX"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x103c 0x10c3 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|NetServer 10/100TX"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x103c 0x10ca "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|NetServer 10/100TX"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x103c 0x10cb "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|NetServer 10/100TX"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x103c 0x10e3 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|NetServer 10/100TX"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x103c 0x10e4 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|NetServer 10/100TX"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x103c 0x1200 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|NetServer 10/100TX"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x108e 0x10cf "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100(B)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x10c3 0x1100 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|SmartEther100 SC1100"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x10cf 0x1115 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|8255x-based Ethernet Adapter (10/100)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x10cf 0x1143 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|8255x-based Ethernet Adapter (10/100)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x110a 0x008b "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82551QM Fast Ethernet Multifuction PCI/CardBus Controller"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1179 0x0001 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|8255x-based Ethernet Adapter (10/100)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1179 0x0002 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|PCI FastEther LAN on Docker"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1179 0x0003 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|8255x-based Fast Ethernet"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1259 0x2560 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|AT-2560 100"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1259 0x2561 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|AT-2560 100 FX Ethernet Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1266 0x0001 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|NE10/100 Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x13e9 0x1000 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|6221L-4U"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x144d 0x2501 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|SEM-2000 MiniPCI LAN Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x144d 0x2502 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|SEM-2100IL MiniPCI LAN Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x1668 0x1100 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100B (TX) (MiniPCI Ethernet+Modem)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x4c53 0x1080 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|CT8 mainboard"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x4c53 0x10e0 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|PSL09 PrPMC"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x0001 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100B (TX)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x0002 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100B (T4)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x0003 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/10+"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x0004 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 WfM"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x0005 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82557 10/100"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x0006 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82557 10/100 with Wake on LAN"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x0007 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82558 10/100 Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x0008 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82558 10/100 with Wake on LAN"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x0009 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100+"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x000a "e100" "Intel Corp.|82559 [Ethernet Pro 100]"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x000b "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100+"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x000c "e100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100+ Management Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x000d "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100+ Alert On LAN II* Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x000e "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN*"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x000f "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 Desktop Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x0010 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 S Management Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x0011 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 S Management Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x0012 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 S Advanced Management Adapter (D)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x0013 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 S Advanced Management Adapter (E)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x0030 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* GC"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x0031 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 Desktop Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x0040 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 S Desktop Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x0041 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 S Desktop Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x0042 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 Desktop Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x0050 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 S Desktop Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x1009 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100+ Server Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x100c "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100+ Server Adapter (PILA8470B)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x1012 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 S Server Adapter (D)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x1013 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 S Server Adapter (E)"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x1015 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 S Dual Port Server Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x1017 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100+ Dual Port Server Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x1030 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100+ Management Adapter with Alert On LAN* G Server"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x1040 "e100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 S Server Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x1041 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 S Server Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x1042 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 Server Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x1050 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 S Server Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x1051 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 Server Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x1052 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 Server Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x10f0 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100+ Dual Port Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2009 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 S Mobile Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x200d "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 Cardbus"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x200e "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 LAN+V90 Cardbus Modem"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x200f "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 SR Mobile Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2010 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 S Mobile Combo Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2013 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 SR Mobile Combo Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2016 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 S Mobile Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2017 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 S Combo Mobile Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2018 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 SR Mobile Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2019 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 SR Combo Mobile Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2101 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 P Mobile Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2102 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 SP Mobile Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2103 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 SP Mobile Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2104 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 SP Mobile Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2105 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 SP Mobile Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2106 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 P Mobile Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2107 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 Network Connection"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2108 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 Network Connection"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2200 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 P Mobile Combo Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2201 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 P Mobile Combo Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2202 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 SP Mobile Combo Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2203 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100+ MiniPCI"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2204 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100+ MiniPCI"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2205 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 SP Mobile Combo Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2206 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 SP Mobile Combo Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2207 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 SP Mobile Combo Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2208 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 P Mobile Combo Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2402 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100+ MiniPCI"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2407 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100+ MiniPCI"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2408 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100+ MiniPCI"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2409 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100+ MiniPCI"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x240f "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100+ MiniPCI"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2410 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100+ MiniPCI"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2411 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100+ MiniPCI"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2412 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100+ MiniPCI"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x2413 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100+ MiniPCI"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x3000 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82559 Fast Ethernet LAN on Motherboard"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x3001 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Basic Alert on LAN*"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x3002 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82559 Fast Ethernet LOM with Alert on LAN II*"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x3006 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 S Network Connection"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x3007 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 S Network Connection"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x3008 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 Network Connection"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x3010 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 S Network Connection"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x3011 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 S Network Connection"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x3012 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100 Network Connection"
+0x8086 0x1229 0x8086 0x3411 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|SDS2 Mainboard"
+0x8086 0x1229 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82559 [Ethernet Pro 100]"
+0x8086 0x122d "unknown" "Intel Corp.|430FX - 82437FX TSC [Triton I]"
+0x8086 0x122e "piix" "Intel Corp.|82371FB PIIX ISA [Triton I]"
+0x8086 0x1230 "piix" "Intel Corp.|82371FB PIIX IDE [Triton I]"
+0x8086 0x1231 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|DSVD Modem"
+0x8086 0x1234 "piix" "Intel Corp.|430MX - 82371MX MPIIX [430MX PCIset - 82371MX Mobile PCI I/O IDE Xcelerator (MPIIX)]"
+0x8086 0x1235 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|430MX - 82437MX MTSC [430MX PCIset - 82437MX Mobile System Controller (MTSC) and 82438MX Mobile Data Path (MTDP)]"
+0x8086 0x1237 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|440FX - 82441FX PMC [Natoma]"
+0x8086 0x1239 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82371FB"
+0x8086 0x123b "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82380PB"
+0x8086 0x123c "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82380AB"
+0x8086 0x123d "unknown" "Intel Corp.|683053 Programmable Interrupt Device"
+0x8086 0x123e "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82466GX Integrated Hot-Plug Controller (IHPC)"
+0x8086 0x123f "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82466GX Integrated Hot-Plug Controller (IHPC)"
+0x8086 0x1240 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|752 AGP"
+0x8086 0x124b "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82380FB"
+0x8086 0x1250 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|430HX - 82439HX TXC [Triton II]"
+0x8086 0x1360 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82806AA PCI64 Hub PCI Bridge"
+0x8086 0x1361 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82806AA PCI64 Hub Controller (HRes)"
+0x8086 0x1460 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|P64H2 PCI Bridge"
+0x8086 0x1461 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82870P2 P64H2 I/OxAPIC"
+0x8086 0x1462 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|P64H2 PCI HotPlug Controller"
+0x8086 0x172a "paep" "Intel Corp.|AEP SSL Accelerator"
+0x8086 0x1960 0x0e11 0xc000 "unknown" "Compaq Computer Corp.|Remote Insight Controller"
+0x8086 0x1960 0x101e 0x0431 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|MegaRAID 431 RAID Controller"
+0x8086 0x1960 0x101e 0x0438 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|MegaRAID 438 Ultra2 LVD RAID Controller"
+0x8086 0x1960 0x101e 0x0466 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|MegaRAID 466 Express Plus RAID Controller"
+0x8086 0x1960 0x101e 0x0467 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|MegaRAID 467 Enterprise 1500 RAID Controller"
+0x8086 0x1960 0x101e 0x0490 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|MegaRAID 490 Express 300 RAID Controller"
+0x8086 0x1960 0x101e 0x0762 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|MegaRAID 762 Express RAID Controller"
+0x8086 0x1960 0x101e 0x09a0 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|PowerEdge Expandable RAID Controller 2/SC"
+0x8086 0x1960 0x1028 0x0467 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|PowerEdge Expandable RAID Controller 2/DC"
+0x8086 0x1960 0x1028 0x1111 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|PowerEdge Expandable RAID Controller 2/SC"
+0x8086 0x1960 0x103c 0x03a2 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|MegaRAID"
+0x8086 0x1960 0x103c 0x10c6 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|MegaRAID 438, HP NetRAID-3Si"
+0x8086 0x1960 0x103c 0x10c7 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|MegaRAID T5, Integrated HP NetRAID"
+0x8086 0x1960 0x103c 0x10cc "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|MegaRAID, Integrated HP NetRAID"
+0x8086 0x1960 0x103c 0x10cd "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|MegaRAID, Integrated HP NetRAID"
+0x8086 0x1960 0x105a 0x0000 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|SuperTrak"
+0x8086 0x1960 0x105a 0x2168 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|SuperTrak Pro"
+0x8086 0x1960 0x105a 0x5168 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|SuperTrak66/100"
+0x8086 0x1960 0x1111 0x1111 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|MegaRAID 466, PowerEdge Expandable RAID Controller 2/SC"
+0x8086 0x1960 0x1111 0x1112 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|PowerEdge Expandable RAID Controller 2/SC"
+0x8086 0x1960 0x113c 0x03a2 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|MegaRAID"
+0x8086 0x1960 0xe4bf 0x1010 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|CG1-RADIO"
+0x8086 0x1960 0xe4bf 0x1020 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|CU2-QUARTET"
+0x8086 0x1960 0xe4bf 0x1040 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|CU1-CHORUS"
+0x8086 0x1960 0xe4bf 0x3100 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|CX1-BAND"
+0x8086 0x1960 0xe4bf 0xffff "8250_pci" "Intel Corp.|PCI Serial Port"
+0x8086 0x1960 "megaraid" "Intel Corp.|80960RP [i960RP Microprocessor]"
+0x8086 0x1962 0x105a 0xffff "i2o_core" "Intel Corp.|"
+0x8086 0x1962 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|80960RM [i960RM Microprocessor]"
+0x8086 0x1a10 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Celeron(tm) Processor to I/O Controller"
+0x8086 0x1a11 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Celeron(tm) Processor to I/O Controller"
+0x8086 0x1a12 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|??? Eicon DIVA Server Voice PRI 2.0 (PCI)"
+0x8086 0x1a13 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|??? Eicon DIVA Server Voice PRI 2.0 (PCI)"
+0x8086 0x1a20 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82840"
+0x8086 0x1a21 "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|82840 840 (Carmel) Chipset Host Bridge (Hub A)"
+0x8086 0x1a22 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82840 Host to I/O Hub Bridge (Quad PCI)"
+0x8086 0x1a23 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82840 840 (Carmel) Chipset AGP Bridge"
+0x8086 0x1a24 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82840 840 (Carmel) Chipset PCI Bridge (Hub B)"
+0x8086 0x1a30 "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|82845 845 (Brookdale) Chipset Host Bridge"
+0x8086 0x1a31 "agpgart" "Intel Corp.|82845 845 (Brookdale) Chipset AGP Bridge"
+0x8086 0x1a38 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server DMA Controller"
+0x8086 0x1a48 "ixgb" "Intel Corp.|PRO/10GbE LR Server Adapter"
+0x8086 0x1b48 "ixgb" "Intel Corp.|PRO/10GbE SR Server Adapter"
+0x8086 0x2125 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82801AB AC97 Audio Controller"
+0x8086 0x2240 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82815 815 Chipset ISA Bridge"
+0x8086 0x224e "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82815 815 Chipset PCI Bridge"
+0x8086 0x2410 "i810-tco" "Intel Corp.|82801AA 810 Chipset LPC Interface Bridge"
+0x8086 0x2411 "piix" "Intel Corp.|82801AA 810 Chipset IDE Controller"
+0x8086 0x2412 "usb-uhci" "Intel Corp.|82801AA 810 Chipset USB Controller"
+0x8086 0x2413 "i2c-i801" "Intel Corp.|82801AA 810 Chipset SMBus Controller"
+0x8086 0x2415 "snd-intel8x0" "Intel Corp.|82801AA 810 Chipset AC'97 Audio Controller"
+0x8086 0x2416 "slamr" "Intel Corp.|82801AA 810 Chipset AC'97 PCI Modem"
+0x8086 0x2418 "hw_random" "Intel Corp.|82801AA 810 Chipset Hub to PCI Bridge"
+0x8086 0x2420 "i810-tco" "Intel Corp.|82801AB 810 Chipset LPC Interface Bridge"
+0x8086 0x2421 "piix" "Intel Corp.|82801AB 810 Chipset IDE Controller"
+0x8086 0x2422 "usb-uhci" "Intel Corp.|82801AB 810 Chipset USB Controller"
+0x8086 0x2423 "i2c-i801" "Intel Corp.|82801AB 810 Chipset SMBus Controller"
+0x8086 0x2425 "i810_audio" "Intel Corp.|82901 810 Chipset AC'97 Audio Controller"
+0x8086 0x2426 "slamr" "Intel Corp.|82801AB 810 Chipset AC'97 PCI Modem"
+0x8086 0x2428 "hw_random" "Intel Corp.|82801AB 810 Chipset Hub to PCI Bridge"
+0x8086 0x2430 "i810_rng" "Intel Corp.|82801AB PCI Bridge"
+0x8086 0x2431 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82810 pci bus"
+0x8086 0x2440 "i810-tco" "Intel Corp.|82820 815e (Camino 2) Chipset ISA Bridge (ICH2)"
+0x8086 0x2441 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82801BA IDE Controller (UltraATA/66)"
+0x8086 0x2442 "usb-uhci" "Intel Corp.|82820 815e (Camino 2) Chipset USB (Hub A)"
+0x8086 0x2443 "i2c-i801" "Intel Corp.|82820 815e (Camino 2) Chipset SMBus"
+0x8086 0x2444 "usb-uhci" "Intel Corp.|82820 815e (Camino 2) Chipset USB (Hub B)"
+0x8086 0x2445 "i810_audio" "Intel Corp.|ICH2 810 Chipset AC'97 Audio Controller"
+0x8086 0x2446 "snd-intel8x0m" "Intel Corp.|82820 820 (Camino 2) Chipset AC'97 Modem Controller"
+0x8086 0x2448 "hw_random" "Intel Corp.|82801 Hub Interface to PCI Bridge"
+0x8086 0x2449 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100"
+0x8086 0x244a "piix" "Intel Corp.|82820 820 (Camino 2) Chipset IDE U100 (-M)"
+0x8086 0x244b "piix" "Intel Corp.|82820 815e (Camino 2) Chipset IDE U100"
+0x8086 0x244c "i810-tco" "Intel Corp.|82801BAM LPC Interface Bridge"
+0x8086 0x244e "hw_random" "Intel Corp.|82820 815e (Camino 2) Chipset PCI"
+0x8086 0x2450 "i810-tco" "Intel Corp.|82801E ISA Bridge (LPC)"
+0x8086 0x2452 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82801E USB"
+0x8086 0x2453 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82801E SMBus"
+0x8086 0x2459 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82801E Ethernet Controller 0"
+0x8086 0x245b "piix" "Intel Corp.|82801E IDE U100"
+0x8086 0x245d "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|82801E Ethernet Controller 1"
+0x8086 0x245e "hw_random" "Intel Corp.|82801E PCI Bridge"
+0x8086 0x2480 "i810-tco" "Intel Corp.|82801CA LPC Interface"
+0x8086 0x2481 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82801CA IDE Controller (UltraATA/66)"
+0x8086 0x2482 "usb-uhci" "Intel Corp.|82801 USB Controller"
+0x8086 0x2483 "i2c-i801" "Intel Corp.|82801 SMBus Controller"
+0x8086 0x2484 "usb-uhci" "Intel Corp.|82801 USB Controller"
+0x8086 0x2485 "i810_audio" "Intel Corp.|82801 AC97 Audio Controller"
+0x8086 0x2486 "slamr" "Intel Corp.|PCTEL 2304 WT V.92 MDC Modem"
+0x8086 0x2487 "usb-uhci" "Intel Corp.|82801 USB Controller"
+0x8086 0x248a "piix" "Intel Corp.|82801 UltraATA IDE Controller"
+0x8086 0x248b "piix" "Intel Corp.|82801CA/CAM UltraATA IDE Controller"
+0x8086 0x248c "i810-tco" "Intel Corp.|82801 LPC Interface"
+0x8086 0x248d "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82801?? USB 2.0 EHCI Contoroller"
+0x8086 0x24c0 "i810-tco" "Intel Corp.|82801DB 845G/GL Chipset ISA Bridge (ICH4)"
+0x8086 0x24c1 "piix" "Intel Corp.|82801DBL (ICH4-L) IDE Controller"
+0x8086 0x24c2 "usb-uhci" "Intel Corp.|82801DB USB Controller"
+0x8086 0x24c3 "i2c-i801" "Intel Corp.|82801DB SMBus Controller"
+0x8086 0x24c4 "usb-uhci" "Intel Corp.|82801DB USB Controller"
+0x8086 0x24c5 "snd-intel8x0" "Intel Corp.|ICH4 845G/GL Chipset AC'97 Audio Controller"
+0x8086 0x24c6 0x1025 0x005a "" "Intel Corp.|TravelMate 290"
+0x8086 0x24c6 0x1028 0x0196 "snd-intel8x0m" "Intel Corp.|Inspiron 5160"
+0x8086 0x24c6 0x103c 0x088c "" "Intel Corp.|nc8000 laptop"
+0x8086 0x24c6 0x103c 0x0890 "" "Intel Corp.|NC6000 laptop"
+0x8086 0x24c6 0x1071 0x8160 "" "Intel Corp.|MIM2000"
+0x8086 0x24c6 0x1179 0x0001 "slamr" "Intel Corp.|82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Modem Controller"
+0x8086 0x24c6 0x144d 0x2115 "slamr" "Intel Corp.|82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Modem Controller"
+0x8086 0x24c6 0x14c0 0x0012 "slamr" "Intel Corp.|82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Modem Controller"
+0x8086 0x24c6 0x17c0 0x1069 "slamr" "Intel Corp.|82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Modem Controller"
+0x8086 0x24c6 "snd-intel8x0m" "Intel Corp.|82801DB/DBL/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) AC'97 Modem Controller"
+0x8086 0x24c7 "usb-uhci" "Intel Corp.|82801DB USB Controller"
+0x8086 0x24ca "piix" "Intel Corp.|82801DBM IDE Controller (UltraATA/100)"
+0x8086 0x24cb "piix" "Intel Corp.|82801DB 845G/GL Chipset IDE Controller"
+0x8086 0x24cc "i810-tco" "Intel Corp.|82801DBM LPC Interface Bridge"
+0x8086 0x24cd "ehci-hcd" "Intel Corp.|82801DB USB Enhanced Controller"
+0x8086 0x24d0 "i810-tco" "Intel Corp.|82801EB ISA Bridge (LPC)"
+0x8086 0x24d1 "ata_piix" "Intel Corp.|82801EB ICH5 IDE (SATA)"
+0x8086 0x24d2 "usb-uhci" "Intel Corp.|USB Controller"
+0x8086 0x24d3 "i2c-i801" "Intel Corp.|82801EB SMBus"
+0x8086 0x24d4 "usb-uhci" "Intel Corp.|USB Controller"
+0x8086 0x24d5 "snd-intel8x0" "Intel Corp.|82801EB AC'97 Audio"
+0x8086 0x24d6 "slamr" "Intel Corp.|82801EB AC'97 Modem Controller"
+0x8086 0x24d7 "usb-uhci" "Intel Corp.|USB Controller"
+0x8086 0x24db "ata_piix" "Intel Corp.|82801EB ICH5 IDE"
+0x8086 0x24dc "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82801EB LPC Interface Controller"
+0x8086 0x24dd "ehci-hcd" "Intel Corp.|USB Enhanced Controller"
+0x8086 0x24de "usb-uhci" "Intel Corp.|82801EB USB EHCI Controller #2"
+0x8086 0x24df "ata_piix" "Intel Corp.|82801ER ICH5 IDE (SATA Raid)"
+0x8086 0x2500 "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|82820 820 (Camino) Chipset Host Bridge (MCH)"
+0x8086 0x2501 "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|82820 820 (Camino) Chipset Host Bridge (MCH)"
+0x8086 0x2502 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82820"
+0x8086 0x2503 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82820"
+0x8086 0x2504 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82820"
+0x8086 0x250b "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82820 820 (Camino) Chipset Host Bridge"
+0x8086 0x250f "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82820 820 (Camino) Chipset PCI to AGP Bridge"
+0x8086 0x2520 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82805AA MTH Memory Translator Hub"
+0x8086 0x2521 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82804AA MRH-S Memory Repeater Hub for SDRAM"
+0x8086 0x2530 "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|82850 850 (Tehama) Chipset Host Bridge (MCH)"
+0x8086 0x2531 "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|82860 860 (Wombat) Chipset Host Bridge (MCH)"
+0x8086 0x2532 "agpgart" "Intel Corp.|82850 850 (Tehama) Chipset AGP Bridge"
+0x8086 0x2533 "agpgart" "Intel Corp.|82860 860 (Wombat) Chipset AGP Bridge"
+0x8086 0x2534 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82860 Hub Interface_C Bridge"
+0x8086 0x2535 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82860 PCI Bridge"
+0x8086 0x2536 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82860 PCI Bridge"
+0x8086 0x2537 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82850/82860 (i850/i860) Controller"
+0x8086 0x2539 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82860 (Quad Processor mode)"
+0x8086 0x2540 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E7500 DRAM Controller"
+0x8086 0x2541 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E7500 DRAM Controller Error Reporting"
+0x8086 0x2543 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E7500 HI_B Virtual PCI-to-PCI Bridge (F0)"
+0x8086 0x2544 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E7500 HI_B Virtual PCI-to-PCI Bridge (F1)"
+0x8086 0x2545 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E7500 HI_C Virtual PCI-to-PCI Bridge (F0)"
+0x8086 0x2546 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E7500 HI_C Virtual PCI-to-PCI Bridge (F1)"
+0x8086 0x2547 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E7500 HI_D Virtual PCI-to-PCI Bridge (F0)"
+0x8086 0x2548 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E7500 HI_D Virtual PCI-to-PCI Bridge (F1)"
+0x8086 0x254c "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E7501 Host Controller"
+0x8086 0x2550 "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|E7505 Host Controller"
+0x8086 0x2551 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E7205/E7505 Host RAS Controller"
+0x8086 0x2552 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E7205/E7505 PCI-to-AGP Bridge"
+0x8086 0x2553 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E7505 Hub Interface_B PCI-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x8086 0x2554 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|E7505 Hub I/F_B PCI-to-PCI Bridge Error Report"
+0x8086 0x255d "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|E7205 Host Controller"
+0x8086 0x2560 "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|82845 845 Chipset Host Bridge (MCH)"
+0x8086 0x2561 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82845G/GL [Brookdale-G] Chipset AGP Bridge"
+0x8086 0x2562 "Card:Intel 845" "Intel Corp.|82845 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller]"
+0x8086 0x2570 "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|82865G [Springdale-G] Chipset Host Bridge"
+0x8086 0x2571 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82865G/PE/P Processor to AGP Controller"
+0x8086 0x2572 "Card:Intel 865" "Intel Corp.|865 Chipset Graphics Controller"
+0x8086 0x2573 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82865G/PE/P Processor to PCI to CSA Bridge"
+0x8086 0x2576 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82864G/PE/P Processor to I/O Memory Interface"
+0x8086 0x2578 "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|875 DRAM Controller / Host-Hub Interface"
+0x8086 0x2579 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|875 Host-AGP Bridge"
+0x8086 0x257a "unknown" "Intel Corp.| "
+0x8086 0x257b "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82875P Processor to PCI to CSA Bridge"
+0x8086 0x257e "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82875P Processor to I/O Memory Interface"
+0x8086 0x2580 "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|Memory Controller Hub"
+0x8086 0x2581 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Memory Controller Hub PCI Express Port"
+0x8086 0x2582 "Card:Intel 915" "Intel Corp.|82915G Express Chipset Family Graphics Controller"
+0x8086 0x2584 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Workstation Memory Controller Hub"
+0x8086 0x2585 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Workstation Memory Controller Hub PCI Express Port"
+0x8086 0x2588 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Memory Controller Hub"
+0x8086 0x2589 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Memory Controller Hub PCI Express Port"
+0x8086 0x258a "Card:Intel 915" "Intel Corp.|E7221 (i915) Graphics Controller"
+0x8086 0x2590 "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|Mobile Memory Controller Hub"
+0x8086 0x2591 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Mobile Memory Controller Hub PCI Express Port"
+0x8086 0x2592 "Card:Intel 915" "Intel Corp.|Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller"
+0x8086 0x25a1 "ichxrom" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge ISA Bridge"
+0x8086 0x25a2 "ata_piix" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge PATA"
+0x8086 0x25a3 "ata_piix" "Intel Corp.|IDE (SATA)"
+0x8086 0x25a4 "i2c-i801" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge SMBUS"
+0x8086 0x25a6 "i810_audio" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge AC'97 Audio"
+0x8086 0x25a7 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge AC'97 Modem"
+0x8086 0x25a9 "usb-uhci" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge USB 1.1 UHCI"
+0x8086 0x25aa "usb-uhci" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge USB 1.1 UHCI"
+0x8086 0x25ab "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge Watchdog Timer"
+0x8086 0x25ac "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge IOxAPIC"
+0x8086 0x25ad "ehci-hcd" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge USB 2.0 EHCI"
+0x8086 0x25ae "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge Hublink PCI-X Bridge"
+0x8086 0x25b0 "ata_piix" "Intel Corp.|IDE (SATA)"
+0x8086 0x25c0 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Workstation Memory Controller Hub"
+0x8086 0x25d0 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Memory Controller Hub"
+0x8086 0x25d4 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Memory Contoller Hub"
+0x8086 0x25d8 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Memory Controller Hub"
+0x8086 0x25e2 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server PCI Express x4 Port 2"
+0x8086 0x25e3 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server PCI Express x4 Port 3"
+0x8086 0x25e4 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server PCI Express x4 Port 4"
+0x8086 0x25e5 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server PCI Express x4 Port 5"
+0x8086 0x25e6 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server PCI Express x4 Port 6"
+0x8086 0x25e7 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server PCI Express x4 Port 7"
+0x8086 0x25e8 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server AMB Memory Mapped Registers"
+0x8086 0x25f0 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Error Reporting Registers"
+0x8086 0x25f1 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Reserved Registers"
+0x8086 0x25f3 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Reserved Registers"
+0x8086 0x25f5 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server FBD Registers"
+0x8086 0x25f6 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server FBD Registers"
+0x8086 0x25f7 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server PCI Express x8 Port 2-3"
+0x8086 0x25f8 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server PCI Express x8 Port 4-5"
+0x8086 0x25f9 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server PCI Express x8 Port 6-7"
+0x8086 0x25fa "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server PCI Express x16 Port 4-7"
+0x8086 0x2600 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub Interface"
+0x8086 0x2601 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub PCI Express x4 Port D"
+0x8086 0x2602 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub PCI Express x4 Port C0"
+0x8086 0x2603 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub PCI Express x4 Port C1"
+0x8086 0x2604 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub PCI Express x4 Port B0"
+0x8086 0x2605 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub PCI Express x4 Port B1"
+0x8086 0x2606 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub PCI Express x4 Port A0"
+0x8086 0x2607 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub PCI Express x4 Port A1"
+0x8086 0x2608 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub PCI Express x8 Port C"
+0x8086 0x2609 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub PCI Express x8 Port B"
+0x8086 0x260a "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub PCI Express x8 Port A"
+0x8086 0x260c "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub IMI Registers"
+0x8086 0x2610 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub System Bus, Boot, and Interrupt Registers"
+0x8086 0x2611 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub Address Mapping Registers"
+0x8086 0x2612 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub RAS Registers"
+0x8086 0x2613 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub Performance Monitoring Registers"
+0x8086 0x2614 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub Performance Monitoring Registers"
+0x8086 0x2615 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub Performance Monitoring Registers"
+0x8086 0x2617 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub Debug Registers"
+0x8086 0x2618 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub Debug Registers"
+0x8086 0x2619 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub Debug Registers"
+0x8086 0x261a "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub Debug Registers"
+0x8086 0x261b "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub Debug Registers"
+0x8086 0x261c "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub Debug Registers"
+0x8086 0x261d "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub Debug Registers"
+0x8086 0x261e "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Hub Debug Registers"
+0x8086 0x2620 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|External Memory Bridge"
+0x8086 0x2621 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|External Memory Bridge Control Registers"
+0x8086 0x2622 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|External Memory Bridge Memory Interleaving Registers"
+0x8086 0x2623 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|External Memory Bridge DDR Initialization and Calibration"
+0x8086 0x2624 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|External Memory Bridge Reserved Registers"
+0x8086 0x2625 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|External Memory Bridge Reserved Registers"
+0x8086 0x2626 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|External Memory Bridge Reserved Registers"
+0x8086 0x2627 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|External Memory Bridge Reserved Registers"
+0x8086 0x2640 "i810-tco" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub LPC"
+0x8086 0x2641 "i810-tco" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub LPC"
+0x8086 0x2642 "i810-tco" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub LPC"
+0x8086 0x2651 "ata_piix" "Intel Corp.|82801FB/FW (ICH6/ICH6W) SATA Controller"
+0x8086 0x2652 "ahci" "Intel Corp.|82801FR/FRW (ICH6R/ICH6RW) SATA Controller"
+0x8086 0x2653 0x1028 0x0186 "ata_piix" "Intel Corp.|82801FR/FRW (ICH6R/ICH6RW) SATA Controller"
+0x8086 0x2653 "ahci" "Intel Corp.|82801FBM (ICH6M) SATA Controller"
+0x8086 0x2658 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub USB"
+0x8086 0x2659 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub USB"
+0x8086 0x265a "unknown" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub USB"
+0x8086 0x265b "unknown" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub USB"
+0x8086 0x265c "unknown" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub USB2"
+0x8086 0x2660 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub PCI Express Port 0"
+0x8086 0x2662 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub PCI Express Port 1"
+0x8086 0x2664 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub PCI Express Port 2"
+0x8086 0x2666 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub PCI Express Port 3"
+0x8086 0x2668 "snd-hda-intel" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub Audio"
+0x8086 0x266a "i2c-i801" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub SMBus"
+0x8086 0x266c "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) LAN Controller"
+0x8086 0x266d 0x1014 0x0574 "" "Intel Corp.|I/OController Hub Modem"
+0x8086 0x266d 0x103c 0x0934 "slamr" "Intel Corp.|I/OController Hub Modem"
+0x8086 0x266d 0x103c 0x0944 "slamr" "Intel Corp.|I/OController Hub Modem"
+0x8086 0x266d 0x103c 0x099c "slamr" "Intel Corp.|I/OController Hub Modem"
+0x8086 0x266d 0x14c0 0x0012 "slamr" "Intel Corp.|I/OController Hub Modem"
+0x8086 0x266d 0x14f1 0x5423 "" "Intel Corp.|I/OController Hub Modem"
+0x8086 0x266d 0x17c0 0x10ab "slamr" "Intel Corp.|I/OController Hub Modem"
+0x8086 0x266d "snd-intel8x0m" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub Modem"
+0x8086 0x266e "snd-intel8x0" "Intel Corp.|82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) AC'97 Audio Controller"
+0x8086 0x266f "piix" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub PATA"
+0x8086 0x2670 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge LPC"
+0x8086 0x2680 "ata_piix" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge SATA cc=IDE"
+0x8086 0x2681 "ahci" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge SATA cc=AHCI"
+0x8086 0x2682 "ahci" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge SATA cc=RAID"
+0x8086 0x2683 "ahci" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge SATA cc=RAID"
+0x8086 0x2688 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge UHCI USB #1"
+0x8086 0x2689 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge UHCI USB #2"
+0x8086 0x268a "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge UHCI USB #3"
+0x8086 0x268b "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge UHCI USB #4"
+0x8086 0x268c "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge EHCI USB"
+0x8086 0x2690 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge PCI Express Root Port 1"
+0x8086 0x2692 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge PCI Express Root Port 2"
+0x8086 0x2694 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge PCI Express Root Port 3"
+0x8086 0x2696 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge PCI Express Root Port 4"
+0x8086 0x2698 "snd-intel8x0" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge AC '97 Audio"
+0x8086 0x2699 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge AC '97 Modem"
+0x8086 0x269a "snd-hda-intel" "Intel Corp.|ESB2 Southbridge HDA DID"
+0x8086 0x269b "i2c-i801" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge SMBus"
+0x8086 0x269e "piix" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge PATA"
+0x8086 0x2770 "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|Memory Controller Hub"
+0x8086 0x2771 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|PCI Express Graphics Port"
+0x8086 0x2772 "Card:Intel 945" "Intel Corp.|945G Integrated Graphics Controller"
+0x8086 0x2774 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Workstation Memory Controller Hub"
+0x8086 0x2775 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|PCI Express Graphics Port"
+0x8086 0x2776 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Integrated Graphics Controller"
+0x8086 0x2778 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Memory Controller Hub"
+0x8086 0x2779 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|PCI Express Root Port"
+0x8086 0x277a "unknown" "Intel Corp.|PCI Express Graphics Port"
+0x8086 0x277c "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Memory Controller Hub"
+0x8086 0x277d "unknown" "Intel Corp.|PCI Express Graphics Port"
+0x8086 0x2782 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Graphics Controller"
+0x8086 0x2792 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Mobile Graphics Controller"
+0x8086 0x27a0 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Mobile Memory Controller Hub"
+0x8086 0x27a1 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Mobile PCI Express Graphics Port"
+0x8086 0x27a2 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Mobile Integrated Graphics Controller"
+0x8086 0x27a6 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Mobile Integrated Graphics Controller"
+0x8086 0x27b0 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub LPC"
+0x8086 0x27b1 "i810-tco" "Intel Corp.|Mobile I/O Controller Hub LPC"
+0x8086 0x27b8 "i810-tco" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub LPC"
+0x8086 0x27b9 "i8xx_tco" "Intel Corp.|Mobile I/O Controller Hub LPC"
+0x8086 0x27bd "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Mobile I/O Controller Hub LPC"
+0x8086 0x27c0 "ata_piix" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub SATA cc=IDE"
+0x8086 0x27c1 "ahci" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub SATA cc=AHCI"
+0x8086 0x27c2 "ahci" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub SATA cc=RAID"
+0x8086 0x27c3 "ahci" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub SATA cc=RAID"
+0x8086 0x27c4 "ata_piix" "Intel Corp.|Mobile I/O Controller Hub SATA cc=IDE"
+0x8086 0x27c5 "ahci" "Intel Corp.|Mobile I/O Controller Hub SATA cc=AHCI"
+0x8086 0x27c6 "ahci" "Intel Corp.|82801GHM (ICH7-M DH) Serial ATA Storage Controllers cc=RAID"
+0x8086 0x27c8 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub UHCI USB #1"
+0x8086 0x27c9 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub UHCI USB #2"
+0x8086 0x27ca "unknown" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub UHCI USB #3"
+0x8086 0x27cb "unknown" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub UHCI USB #4"
+0x8086 0x27cc "unknown" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub EHCI USB"
+0x8086 0x27d0 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub PCI Express Port 1"
+0x8086 0x27d2 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub PCI Express Port 2"
+0x8086 0x27d4 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub PCI Express Port 3"
+0x8086 0x27d6 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub PCI Express Port 4"
+0x8086 0x27d8 "snd-hda-intel" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub High Definition Audio"
+0x8086 0x27da "i2c-i801" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub SMBus"
+0x8086 0x27dc "e100" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub LAN"
+0x8086 0x27dd "snd-intel8x0m" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub AC'97 Modem"
+0x8086 0x27de "snd-intel8x0" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub AC'97 Audio"
+0x8086 0x27df "piix" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub PATA"
+0x8086 0x27e0 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub PCI Express Port 5"
+0x8086 0x27e2 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|I/O Controller Hub PCI Express Port 6"
+0x8086 0x2982 "Card:Intel 915" "Intel Corp.|Intel Corp.|i915 Graphics Controller"
+0x8086 0x3092 "i2o_block" "Intel Corp.|Integrated RAID"
+0x8086 0x3200 "sata_vsc" "Intel Corp.|31244 PCI-X to Serial ATA Controller"
+0x8086 0x3340 "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|82855PM Processor to I/O Controller"
+0x8086 0x3341 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82855PM Processor to AGP Controller"
+0x8086 0x3342 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82855PM Power Management"
+0x8086 0x3500 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge PCI Express Upstream Port"
+0x8086 0x3501 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge PCI Express Upstream Port"
+0x8086 0x3504 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge IOxAPIC"
+0x8086 0x3505 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge IOxAPIC"
+0x8086 0x350c "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge PCI Express to PCI-X Bridge"
+0x8086 0x350d "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge PCI Express to PCI-X Bridge"
+0x8086 0x3510 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge PCI Express Downstream Port E1"
+0x8086 0x3511 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge PCI Express Downstream Port E1"
+0x8086 0x3514 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge PCI Express Downstream Port E2"
+0x8086 0x3515 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge PCI Express Downstream Port E2"
+0x8086 0x3518 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge PCI Express Downstream Port E3"
+0x8086 0x3519 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Enterprise Southbridge PCI Express Downstream Port E3"
+0x8086 0x3575 "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|82830 Host-Hub I/F Bridge SDRAM Controller"
+0x8086 0x3576 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82830 Host-AGP Bridge"
+0x8086 0x3577 "Card:Intel 830" "Intel Corp.|82830 CGC Integrated Graphics Device"
+0x8086 0x3578 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82830 CPU to I/O Bridge"
+0x8086 0x3579 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82835 SDRAM Controller / Host-hub Interface"
+0x8086 0x357b "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82835 Integrated Graphics Device"
+0x8086 0x3580 "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|852GM Host-Hub Interface Bridge"
+0x8086 0x3581 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82852GME/PM Virtual PCI to AGP Bridge"
+0x8086 0x3582 "Card:Intel 85x" "Intel Corp.|852GM/852GME/855GM/855GME Chipset Graphics Controller"
+0x8086 0x3584 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|852GM System Memory Controller"
+0x8086 0x3585 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|852GM Configuration Process"
+0x8086 0x3590 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Memory Controller Hub"
+0x8086 0x3591 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Memory Controller Hub Error Reporting Register"
+0x8086 0x3592 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Server Memory Controller Hub"
+0x8086 0x3593 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Memory Controller Hub Error Reporting Register"
+0x8086 0x3594 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Memory Controller Hub DMA Controller"
+0x8086 0x3595 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Memory Controller Hub PCI Express Port A0"
+0x8086 0x3596 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Memory Controller Hub PCI Express Port A1"
+0x8086 0x3597 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Memory Controller Hub PCI Express Port B0"
+0x8086 0x3598 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Memory Controller Hub PCI Express Port B1"
+0x8086 0x3599 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Memory Controller Hub PCI Express Port C0"
+0x8086 0x359a "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Memory Controller Hub PCI Express Port C1"
+0x8086 0x359b "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Memory Controller Hub Extended Configuration Registers"
+0x8086 0x359e "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Workstation Memory Controller Hub"
+0x8086 0x4000 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Creatix V.90 HaM Modem"
+0x8086 0x4220 "ipw2200" "Intel Corp.|Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2200BG"
+0x8086 0x4221 "ipw2200" "Intel Corp.|Intel(R) PRO/Wireless 2225BG"
+0x8086 0x4223 "ipw2200" "Intel Corp.|PRO/Wireless 2915ABG MiniPCI Adapter"
+0x8086 0x4224 "ipw2200" "Intel Corp.|PRO/Wireless 2915ABG MiniPCI Adapter"
+0x8086 0x5001 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|PRO/DSL 2100 Modem - PPP"
+0x8086 0x5005 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|PRO/DSL 2200 Modem - PPPoA"
+0x8086 0x5200 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100"
+0x8086 0x5201 "eepro100" "Intel Corp.|EtherExpress PRO/100"
+0x8086 0x5309 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|80303 I/O Processor Address Translation Unit"
+0x8086 0x530d "pci" "Intel Corp.|80310 IOP [IO Processor]"
+0x8086 0x6960 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|EHCI 960 emulator"
+0x8086 0x7000 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82371SB PIIX3 ISA [Natoma/Triton II]"
+0x8086 0x7010 "piix" "Intel Corp.|82371SB PIIX3 IDE [Natoma/Triton II]"
+0x8086 0x7020 "usb-uhci" "Intel Corp.|82371SB PIIX3 USB [Natoma/Triton II]"
+0x8086 0x7030 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|430VX - 82437VX TVX [Triton VX]"
+0x8086 0x7050 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Intel Intercast Video Capture Card"
+0x8086 0x7051 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|PB 642365-003 Intel Business Video Conferencing Card"
+0x8086 0x7100 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|430TX - 82439TX MTXC"
+0x8086 0x7110 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82371AB PIIX4 ISA"
+0x8086 0x7111 "ata_piix" "Intel Corp.|82371AB PIIX4 IDE"
+0x8086 0x7112 "usb-uhci" "Intel Corp.|82371AB PIIX4 USB"
+0x8086 0x7113 "sonypi" "Intel Corp.|82371AB PIIX4 ACPI - Bus Master IDE Controller"
+0x8086 0x7120 "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|82810 GMCH [Graphics Memory Controller Hub]"
+0x8086 0x7121 "Card:Intel 810" "Intel Corp.|82810 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller]"
+0x8086 0x7122 "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|82810-DC100 GMCH [Graphics Memory Controller Hub]"
+0x8086 0x7123 "Card:Intel 810" "Intel Corp.|82810-DC100 CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller]"
+0x8086 0x7124 "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|82810E GMCH [Graphics Memory Controller Hub]"
+0x8086 0x7125 "Card:Intel 810" "Intel Corp.|82810E CGC [Chipset Graphics Controller]"
+0x8086 0x7126 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82810 810 Chipset Host Bridge and Memory Controller Hub"
+0x8086 0x7127 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82810-DC133 Graphics Device (FSB 133 MHz)"
+0x8086 0x7128 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82810-M DC-100 Host Bridge and Memory Controller Hub"
+0x8086 0x712a "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82810-M DC-133 Host Bridge and Memory Controller Hub"
+0x8086 0x7180 "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|440LX/EX - 82443LX/EX Host bridge"
+0x8086 0x7181 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|440LX/EX - 82443LX/EX AGP bridge"
+0x8086 0x7182 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|440LX/EX"
+0x8086 0x7190 "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX Host bridge"
+0x8086 0x7191 "agpgart" "Intel Corp.|440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX AGP bridge"
+0x8086 0x7192 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|440BX/ZX - 82443BX/ZX Host bridge (AGP disabled)"
+0x8086 0x7194 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82440MX CPU to I/O Controller"
+0x8086 0x7195 "i810_audio" "Intel Corp.|440MX 810 Chipset AC'97 Audio Controller"
+0x8086 0x7196 "slamr" "Intel Corp.|82440 - 443MX AC97 Modem Controller (Winmodem)"
+0x8086 0x7198 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82440MX PCI to ISA Bridge"
+0x8086 0x7199 "piix" "Intel Corp.|82440MX EIDE Controller"
+0x8086 0x719a "usb-uhci" "Intel Corp.|82440MX USB Universal Host Controller"
+0x8086 0x719b "i2c-piix4" "Intel Corp.|82440MX Power Management Controller"
+0x8086 0x71a0 "intel-agp" "Intel Corp.|440GX - 82443GX Host bridge"
+0x8086 0x71a1 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|440GX - 82443GX AGP bridge"
+0x8086 0x71a2 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|440GX - 82443GX Host bridge (AGP disabled)"
+0x8086 0x7600 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82372FB PCI to ISA Bridge"
+0x8086 0x7601 "piix" "Intel Corp.|82372FB PIIX4 IDE"
+0x8086 0x7602 "usb-uhci" "Intel Corp.|82372FB [PCI-to-USB UHCI]"
+0x8086 0x7603 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82372FB System Management Bus Controller"
+0x8086 0x7605 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82372FB IEEE1394 OpenHCI Host Controller"
+0x8086 0x7800 "Card:Intel 740 (generic)" "Intel Corp.|i740"
+0x8086 0x844e "unknown" "Intel Corp.|82820 820 (Camino 2) Chipset PCI"
+0x8086 0x8485 "i810_audio" "Intel Corp.|AC'97 Audio"
+0x8086 0x84c4 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|450KX/GX [Orion] - 82454KX/GX PCI bridge"
+0x8086 0x84c5 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|450KX/GX [Orion] - 82453KX/GX Memory controller"
+0x8086 0x84ca "piix" "Intel Corp.|450NX - 82451NX Memory & I/O Controller"
+0x8086 0x84cb "unknown" "Intel Corp.|450NX - 82454NX PCI Expander Bridge"
+0x8086 0x84e0 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|460GX - 84460GX System Address Controller (SAC)"
+0x8086 0x84e1 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|460GX - 84460GX System Data Controller (SDC)"
+0x8086 0x84e2 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|460GX - 84460GX AGP Bridge (GXB)"
+0x8086 0x84e3 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|460GX - 84460GX Memory Address Controller (MAC)"
+0x8086 0x84e4 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|460GX - 84460GX Memory Data Controller (MDC)"
+0x8086 0x84e6 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|460GX - 82466GX Wide and fast PCI eXpander Bridge (WXB)"
+0x8086 0x84ea "i460-agp" "Intel Corp.|460GX - 84460GX AGP Bridge (GXB function 1)"
+0x8086 0x8500 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|IXP4XX - Intel Network Processor family. IXP420, IXP421, IXP422, IXP425 and IXC1100"
+0x8086 0x8671 "unknown" "Intel Corp.| "
+0x8086 0x9000 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|Intel IXP2000 Familly Network Processor"
+0x8086 0x9001 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|IXP2400 Network Processor"
+0x8086 0x9004 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|IXP2800 Network Processor"
+0x8086 0x9620 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|I2O RAID PCI to PCI Bridge"
+0x8086 0x9621 "i2o_block" "Intel Corp.|Integrated RAID"
+0x8086 0x9622 "i2o_block" "Intel Corp.|Integrated RAID"
+0x8086 0x9641 "i2o_block" "Intel Corp.|Integrated RAID"
+0x8086 0x96a1 "i2o_block" "Intel Corp.|Integrated RAID"
+0x8086 0xa01f "unknown" "Intel Corp.|PRO/10GbE LR Server Adapter"
+0x8086 0xa11f "unknown" "Intel Corp.|PRO/10GbE LR Server Adapter"
+0x8086 0xb152 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|S21152BB PCI to PCI Bridge"
+0x8086 0xb154 "unknown" "Intel Corp.|S21154AE/BE PCI to PCI Bridge"
+0x8086 0xb555 "umem" "Intel Corp.|21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x8086 0xffff "unknown" "Intel Corp.|450NX/GX [Orion] - 82453KX/GX Memory controller [BUG]"
+0x80ff 0x1230 "unknown" "Intel - Buggy BIOS!!!|82338/82371FB Triton PIIX PCI EIDE"
+0x8800 0x2008 "unknown" "Trigem Computer Inc.|Video assistent component"
+0x8c4a 0x1980 "ne2k-pci" "Winbond|W89C940 misprogrammed [ne2k]"
+0x8e0e 0x0302 "8250_pci" "Computone Corporation| PCI Serial Port"
+0x8e2e 0x3000 "ne2k-pci" "KTI|ET32P2"
+0x9004 0x0010 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|2940U2"
+0x9004 0x0078 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|aic-7880p AHA-2940UW/CN"
+0x9004 0x1078 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7810"
+0x9004 0x1160 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-1160 [Family Fiber Channel Adapter]"
+0x9004 0x2178 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7821"
+0x9004 0x3860 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-2930CU"
+0x9004 0x3b60 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-2930CU PCI SCSI Controller"
+0x9004 0x3b78 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-4844W/4844UW"
+0x9004 0x5075 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-755x"
+0x9004 0x5078 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-7850"
+0x9004 0x5175 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-755x"
+0x9004 0x5178 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7851"
+0x9004 0x5275 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-755x"
+0x9004 0x5278 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7852"
+0x9004 0x5375 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-755x"
+0x9004 0x5378 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7850"
+0x9004 0x5475 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-2930"
+0x9004 0x5478 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7850"
+0x9004 0x5575 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AVA-2930"
+0x9004 0x5578 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7855"
+0x9004 0x5647 "unknown" "Adaptec|ANA-7711 TCP Offload Engine"
+0x9004 0x5675 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-755x"
+0x9004 0x5678 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7850"
+0x9004 0x5775 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-755x"
+0x9004 0x5778 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7850"
+0x9004 0x5800 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-5800"
+0x9004 0x5900 "unknown" "Adaptec|ANA-5910/5930/5940 ATM155 & 25 LAN Adapter"
+0x9004 0x5905 "unknown" "Adaptec|ANA-5910A/5930A/5940A ATM Adapter"
+0x9004 0x6038 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-3860"
+0x9004 0x6075 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-1480 / APA-1480"
+0x9004 0x6078 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7860"
+0x9004 0x6178 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7861"
+0x9004 0x6278 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7860"
+0x9004 0x6378 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7860"
+0x9004 0x6478 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-786"
+0x9004 0x6578 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-786x"
+0x9004 0x6678 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-786"
+0x9004 0x6778 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-786x"
+0x9004 0x6915 "starfire" "Adaptec|ANA620xx/ANA69011A Fast Ethernet"
+0x9004 0x7078 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-294x / AIC-7870"
+0x9004 0x7178 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-294x / AIC-7871"
+0x9004 0x7278 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-3940 / AIC-7872"
+0x9004 0x7378 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-3985 / AIC-7873"
+0x9004 0x7478 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-2944 / AIC-7874"
+0x9004 0x7578 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-3944 / AHA-3944W / 7875"
+0x9004 0x7678 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-4944W/UW / 7876"
+0x9004 0x7710 "unknown" "Adaptec|ANA-7711F Network Accelerator Card (NAC) - Optical"
+0x9004 0x7711 "unknown" "Adaptec|ANA-7711C Network Accelerator Card (NAC) - Copper"
+0x9004 0x7778 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-787x"
+0x9004 0x7810 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7810"
+0x9004 0x7815 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7815 RAID+Memory Controller IC"
+0x9004 0x7850 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7850"
+0x9004 0x7855 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-2930"
+0x9004 0x7860 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7860"
+0x9004 0x7870 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7870"
+0x9004 0x7871 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-2940"
+0x9004 0x7872 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-3940"
+0x9004 0x7873 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-3980"
+0x9004 0x7874 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-2944"
+0x9004 0x7880 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7880P"
+0x9004 0x7890 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7890"
+0x9004 0x7891 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-789x"
+0x9004 0x7892 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-789x"
+0x9004 0x7893 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-789x"
+0x9004 0x7894 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-789x"
+0x9004 0x7895 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-2940U/UW / AHA-39xx / AIC-7895"
+0x9004 0x7896 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-789x"
+0x9004 0x7897 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-789x"
+0x9004 0x8078 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7880U"
+0x9004 0x8178 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7881U"
+0x9004 0x8278 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-3940U/UW / AIC-7882U"
+0x9004 0x8378 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-3940U/UW / AIC-7883U"
+0x9004 0x8478 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-294x / AIC-7884U"
+0x9004 0x8578 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-3944U / AHA-3944UWD / 7885"
+0x9004 0x8678 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-4944UW / 7886"
+0x9004 0x8778 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-788x"
+0x9004 0x8878 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|7888"
+0x9004 0x8b78 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|ABA-1030"
+0x9004 0xec78 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-4944W/UW"
+0x9004 0xffff "aic7xxx" "Unknown Vendor|AIC7xxx compatible SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x0010 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-2940U2/W"
+0x9005 0x0011 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|2930U2"
+0x9005 0x0012 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x0013 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|78902"
+0x9005 0x0014 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x0015 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x0016 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x0017 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x0018 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x0019 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x001a "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x001b "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x001c "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x001d "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x001e "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x001f "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AHA-2940U2/W / 7890"
+0x9005 0x0020 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7890"
+0x9005 0x002f "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7890"
+0x9005 0x0030 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7890"
+0x9005 0x003f "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7890"
+0x9005 0x0050 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|3940U2"
+0x9005 0x0051 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|3950U2D"
+0x9005 0x0052 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x0053 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC-7896 SCSI Controller"
+0x9005 0x0054 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x0055 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x0056 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x0057 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x0058 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x0059 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x005a "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x005b "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x005c "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x005d "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x005e "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x005f "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|7896"
+0x9005 0x0080 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|7892A"
+0x9005 0x0081 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|7892B"
+0x9005 0x0082 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x0083 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|7892D"
+0x9005 0x0084 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x0085 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x0086 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x0087 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x0088 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x0089 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x008a "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x008b "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x008c "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x008d "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x008e "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x008f "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|7892P"
+0x9005 0x00c0 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|7899A"
+0x9005 0x00c1 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|7899B"
+0x9005 0x00c2 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x00c3 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|7899D"
+0x9005 0x00c4 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x00c5 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|RAID subsystem HBA"
+0x9005 0x00c6 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x00c7 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x00c8 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x00c9 "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x00ca "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x00cb "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x00cc "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x00cd "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x00ce "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x00cf "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|7899P"
+0x9005 0x0200 0x9005 0x0200 "aacraid" "Adaptec|AAC RAID"
+0x9005 0x0241 "sata_mv" "Adaptec|AAR-1420SA"
+0x9005 0x0250 "ips" "Adaptec|ServeRAID Controller"
+0x9005 0x0258 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AAC-RAID RAID Controller"
+0x9005 0x0279 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|ServeRAID 6M"
+0x9005 0x0283 "aacraid" "Adaptec|AAC RAID"
+0x9005 0x0284 "aacraid" "Adaptec|AAC RAID"
+0x9005 0x0285 "aacraid" "Adaptec|AAC RAID"
+0x9005 0x0286 "aacraid" "Adaptec|AAC-RAID (Rocket)"
+0x9005 0x0287 "aacraid" "Adaptec|PowerEdge Expandable RAID Controller 320/DC"
+0x9005 0x0410 "aic94xx" "Adaptec|AIC94xx SAS/SATA controller"
+0x9005 0x0412 "aic94xx" "Adaptec|AIC94xx SAS/SATA controller"
+0x9005 0x041e "aic94xx" "Adaptec|AIC94xx SAS/SATA controller"
+0x9005 0x041f "aic94xx" ""
+0x9005 0x0430 "aic94xx" "Adaptec|AIC94xx SAS/SATA controller"
+0x9005 0x0432 "aic94xx" "Adaptec|AIC94xx SAS/SATA controller"
+0x9005 0x043e "aic94xx" "Adaptec|AIC94xx SAS/SATA controller"
+0x9005 0x043f "aic94xx" "Adaptec|AIC94xx SAS/SATA controller"
+0x9005 0x0500 "ipr" "Adaptec|Dual Channel PCI-X U320 SCSI Adapter"
+0x9005 0x0503 0x1014 0x02bf "ipr" "Adaptec|Scamp chipset SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x0503 0x1014 0x02d5 "ipr" "Adaptec|Scamp chipset SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x0503 "unknown" "Adaptec|Scamp chipset SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x0910 "unknown" "Adaptec|AUA-3100B"
+0x9005 0x091e "unknown" "Adaptec|AUA-3100B"
+0x9005 0x1028 "aacraid" "Adaptec|PowerEdge Expandable RAID Controller 320/DC"
+0x9005 0x1364 "aacraid" "Adaptec|Dell PowerEdge RAID Controller 2"
+0x9005 0x1365 "aacraid" "Adaptec|Dell PowerEdge RAID Controller 2"
+0x9005 0x8000 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|29320A"
+0x9005 0x8001 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x8002 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x8003 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x8004 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x8005 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x8006 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x8007 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x8008 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x8009 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x800a "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x800b "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x800c "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x800d "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x800e "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x800f "aic79xx" "Adaptec|7901"
+0x9005 0x8010 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|39320"
+0x9005 0x8011 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|39320D"
+0x9005 0x8012 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|29320"
+0x9005 0x8013 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|29320B"
+0x9005 0x8014 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|29320LP"
+0x9005 0x8015 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|ASC-39320B U320"
+0x9005 0x8016 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|ASC-39320A U320"
+0x9005 0x8017 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|ASC-29320ALP U320"
+0x9005 0x8018 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x8019 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x801a "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x801b "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x801c "aic79xx" "Adaptec Inc.|AIC-????? Ultra320 SCSI Controller"
+0x9005 0x801d "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC-7901A U320"
+0x9005 0x801e "aic79xx" "Adaptec|7901A"
+0x9005 0x801f "aic79xx" "Adaptec|7902"
+0x9005 0x8080 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|ASC-29320A U320 w/HostRAID"
+0x9005 0x8081 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x8082 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x8083 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x8084 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x8085 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x8086 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x8087 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x8088 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x8089 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x808a "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x808b "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x808c "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x808d "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x808e "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x808f "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC-7901 U320 w/HostRAID"
+0x9005 0x8090 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|39320-HostRAID"
+0x9005 0x8091 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|29320-HostRAID"
+0x9005 0x8092 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|29320-HostRAID"
+0x9005 0x8093 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|29320B-HostRAID"
+0x9005 0x8094 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|29320LP-HostRAID"
+0x9005 0x8095 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|ASC-39320(B) U320 w/HostRAID"
+0x9005 0x8096 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|ASC-39320A U320 w/HostRAID"
+0x9005 0x8097 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|ASC-29320ALP U320 w/HostRAID"
+0x9005 0x8098 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x8099 "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x809a "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x809b "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC79xx SCSI controller"
+0x9005 0x809c "aic79xx" "Adaptec|ASC-39320D(B) U320 w/HostRAID"
+0x9005 0x809d "aic79xx" "Adaptec|AIC-7902(B) U320 w/HostRAID"
+0x9005 0x809e "aic79xx" "Adaptec|7901A-HostRAID"
+0x9005 0x809f "aic79xx" "Adaptec|7902-HostRAID"
+0x9005 0xffff "aic7xxx" "Adaptec|AIC7xxx compatible SCSI controller"
+0x907f 0x2015 "unknown" "Atronics|IDE-2015PL"
+0x9412 0x6565 "generic" "Holtek|6565"
+0x9699 0x6565 "unknown" "Omni Media Technology Inc.|6565"
+0x9710 0x7780 "unknown" "NetMos Technology|USB IRDA-port"
+0x9710 0x9705 "unknown" "Netmos|Nm9705 Parallel Port Adapter"
+0x9710 0x9715 "unknown" "Netmos|Nm9715 PCI Dual 1284 Printer Ports"
+0x9710 0x9735 "parport_serial" "Netmos|Nm9735 2S 1P"
+0x9710 0x9745 "parport_serial" "Netmos|Nm9745 Dual UART and PCI-ISA Bridge"
+0x9710 0x9755 "unknown" "Netmos|Nm9755 PCI Bridge with 1284 Parallel Port"
+0x9710 0x9805 "unknown" "Netmos|Nm9805 PCI + 1284 Printer Port"
+0x9710 0x9815 "unknown" "Netmos|Nm9815 Parallel Port Adapter"
+0x9710 0x9820 "unknown" "NetMos Techology|Nm9820 Single PCI UART"
+0x9710 0x9825 "unknown" "NetMos Techology|Nm9825 Single PCI UART"
+0x9710 0x9835 "parport_serial" "Netmos|Nm9835 PCI + Dual UART and 1284 Printer Port"
+0x9710 0x9845 "parport_serial" "Netmos|Nm9845 PCI Bridge with Dual UART"
+0x9710 0x9855 "unknown" "Netmos|Nm9855 1P 2S"
+0x9902 0x0001 "unknown" "StarGen Inc.|SG2010 PCI-to-PCI Bridge"
+0x9902 0x0002 "unknown" "StarGen Inc.|SG2010 PCI to high speed serial bridge"
+0x9902 0x0003 "unknown" "StarGen Inc.|SG1010 6 port serial switch /PCI-to-PCI bridge"
+0xa0a0 0x3058 "unknown" "AOPEN Inc.|VT82C686 AC97 Audio Controller?"
+0xa727 0x0013 "ath_pci" "3Com Corp.|3CRPAG175 Wireless PC Card"
+0xaa42 0x03a3 "unknown" "Scitex Digital Video|9400-0931 CharKey"
+0xaecb 0x6250 "unknown" "Adrienne Electronics Corp.|VITC/LTC Timecode Reader card [PCI-VLTC/RDR]"
+0xb00c 0x001c "unknown" "IC Book Labs|IC80+PCI POST Diagnostics Card"
+0xb00c 0x061c "unknown" "IC Book Labs|IC 138 PCI"
+0xb00c 0x081c "unknown" "IC Book Labs|Dreadnought x16 Pro"
+0xb00c 0x091c "unknown" "IC Book Labs|Dreadnought x16 Lite"
+0xc0de 0x5600 "unknown" "Motorola|62802"
+0xc0de 0xc0de "unknown" "Motorola|62802-5 QZ0022"
+0xcddd 0x0101 "unknown" "Tyzx Inc.|DeepSea 1 Board"
+0xcddd 0x0200 "unknown" "Tyzx Inc.|DeepSea 2 High Speed Stereo Vision Frame Grabber"
+0xd161 0x0205 "unknown" "Digium Inc.|Wildcard TE205P"
+0xd161 0x0210 "unknown" "Digium Inc.|Wildcard TE210P"
+0xd161 0x0405 "unknown" "Digium Inc.|Wildcard TE405P (2nd Gen)"
+0xd161 0x0410 "unknown" "Digium Inc.|Wildcard TE410P (2nd Gen)"
+0xd4d4 0x0601 "unknown" "Dy4 Systems Inc.|PCI Mezzanine Card"
+0xdeaf 0x9050 "unknown" "Middle Digital Inc.|PC Weasel PCI VGA Device"
+0xdeaf 0x9051 "unknown" "Middle Digital Inc.|PC Weasel PCI Serial Comm. Device"
+0xdeaf 0x9052 "unknown" "Middle Digital Inc.|PC Weasel PCI"
+0xe000 0x0001 "unknown" "Winbond Electronics Corp.|Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface"
+0xe000 0x0002 "unknown" "Winbond Electronics Corp.|Tiger100APC ISDN chipset"
+0xe000 0xe000 "unknown" "Winbond Electronics Corp.|W89C940"
+0xe159 0x0001 0x0059 0x0001 "ISDN:hisax,type=20" "Tiger Jet Network Inc.|Tiger3XX Modem/ISDN interface"
+0xe159 0x0001 0x0059 0x0003 "wcte11xp" "Tiger Jet Network Inc.|128k ISDN-U Adapter"
+0xe159 0x0001 0x8085 0x0003 "wcfxo" "Tiger Jet Network Inc.|NETjet PCI"
+0xe159 0x0001 0xa801 0x0001 "wcfxs" "Tiger Jet Network Inc.|NETjet PCI"
+0xe159 0x0001 0xa8fd 0x0001 "wcfxo" "Tiger Jet Network Inc.|NETjet PCI"
+0xe159 0x0001 "wcte11xp" "Tiger Jet Network Inc.|NETjet PCI"
+0xe159 0x0002 0x0051 0x0001 "ISDN:sedlfax" "Tiger Jet Network Inc.|"
+0xe159 0x0002 0x0054 0x0001 "ISDN:sedlfax" "Tiger Jet Network Inc.|"
+0xe159 0x0002 "ISDN:hisax,type=28,firmware=/usr/lib/isdn/ISAR.BIN" "Sedlbauer|Speed fax+ PCI"
+0xe159 0x0600 "unknown" "Tiger Jet Network Inc.|Tiger 600 PCI-to-PCI Bridge"
+0xea60 0x9896 "snd-rme32" "Xilinx|Digi32"
+0xea60 0x9897 "snd-rme32" "Xilinx|Digi32 PRO"
+0xea60 0x9898 "snd-rme32" "Xilinx|Digi32 8"
+0xeace 0x3100 "unknown" "Endace Measurement Systems, Ltd.|DAG 3.10 OC-3/OC-12"
+0xeace 0x3200 "unknown" "Endace Measurement Systems, Ltd.|DAG 3.2x OC-3/OC-12"
+0xeace 0x320e "unknown" "Endace Measurement Systems, Ltd.|DAG 3.2E Fast Ethernet"
+0xeace 0x340e "unknown" "Endace Measurement Systems, Ltd.|DAG 3.4E Fast Ethernet"
+0xeace 0x341e "unknown" "Endace Measurement Systems, Ltd.|DAG 3.41E Fast Ethernet"
+0xeace 0x3500 "unknown" "Endace Measurement Systems, Ltd.|DAG 3.5 OC-3/OC-12"
+0xeace 0x351c "unknown" "Endace Measurement Systems, Ltd.|DAG 3.5ECM Fast Ethernet"
+0xeace 0x4100 "unknown" "Endace Measurement Systems, Ltd.|DAG 4.10 OC-48"
+0xeace 0x4110 "unknown" "Endace Measurement Systems, Ltd.|DAG 4.11 OC-48"
+0xeace 0x4200 "unknown" "Endace Measurement Systems, Ltd.|DAG 4.2 OC-48"
+0xeace 0x420e "unknown" "Endace Measurement Systems, Ltd.|DAG 4.2E Dual Gigabit Ethernet"
+0xeace 0x4220 "unknown" "Endace Measurement Systems, Ltd.|DAG 4.2 OC-48"
+0xeace 0x422e "unknown" "Endace Measurement Systems, Ltd.|DAG 4.2E Dual Gigabit Ethernet"
+0xec80 0xec00 "orinoco_plx" "Belkin|Belkin F5D6000"
+0xecc0 0x0050 "unknown" "Echo Digital Audio Corp.|Gina24_301"
+0xecc0 0x0051 "unknown" "Echo Digital Audio Corp.|Gina24_361"
+0xecc0 0x0060 "unknown" "Echo Digital Audio Corp.|Layla24"
+0xecc0 0x0070 "unknown" "Echo Digital Audio Corp.|Mona_301_80"
+0xecc0 0x0071 "unknown" "Echo Digital Audio Corp.|Mona_301_66"
+0xecc0 0x0072 "unknown" "Echo Digital Audio Corp.|Mona_361"
+0xecc0 0x0080 "unknown" "Echo Digital Audio Corp.|Mia"
+0xedd8 0xa091 "Card:Ark Logic ARK1000PV (generic)" "ARK Logic Inc.|1000PV [Stingray]"
+0xedd8 0xa099 "Card:Ark Logic ARK2000MT (generic)" "ARK Logic Inc.|2000PV [Stingray]"
+0xedd8 0xa0a1 "Card:Ark Logic ARK2000MT (generic)" "ARK Logic Inc.|2000MT"
+0xedd8 0xa0a9 "Card:Ark Logic ARK2000MT (generic)" "ARK Logic Inc.|2000MI"
+0xedd8 0xa0b1 "unknown" "ARK Logic Inc.|ARK2000MI+ GUI Accelerator"
+0xf1d0 0xc0fe "unknown" "AJA Video|Xena HS/HD-R"
+0xf1d0 0xc0ff "unknown" "AJA Video|Kona/Xena 2"
+0xf1d0 0xcafe "unknown" "AJA Video|KONA SD SMPTE 259M I/O"
+0xf1d0 0xcfee "unknown" "AJA Video|Xena LS/SD-22-DA/SD-DA"
+0xf1d0 0xdcaf "unknown" "AJA Video|Kona HD"
+0xf1d0 0xdfee "unknown" "AJA Video|Xena HD-DA"
+0xf1d0 0xefac "unknown" "AJA Video|KONA SD SMPTE 259M I/O"
+0xf1d0 0xfacd "unknown" "AJA Video|KONA HD SMPTE 292M I/O"
+0xfa57 0x0001 "unknown" "Interagon AS|PMC Pattern Matching Chip"
+0xfeda 0xa0fa "unknown" "Epigram Inc.|BCM4210 OEM Chip for 10meg/s over phone line"
+0xfeda 0xa10e "unknown" "Broadcom Inc.|BCM4230 iLine10 HomePNA 2.0"
+0xfede 0x0003 "unknown" "Fedetec Inc.|TABIC PCI v3"
+0xff00 0x0070 "bttv" "Osprey|Osprey-100"
+0xff01 0x0070 "bttv" "Osprey|Osprey-200"
+0xfffe 0x0405 "unknown" "VMWare Inc.|Virtual SVGA 4.0"
+0xfffe 0x0710 "Card:VMware virtual video card" "VMWare|Virtual SVGA"
+0xffff 0x8139 "8139too" "RealTek|RTL-8139 Fast Ethernet"