diff options
authorChristian Faulhammer <>2009-04-12 19:31:34 +0200
committerCiaran McCreesh <>2009-04-23 23:56:40 +0100
commit149bd8434af4a34af963b4bf381dc151b2edfd69 (patch)
tree0a168bd55e1d2c4137bf1edd67d9e1de701beaab /pms.tex
parentSet text size manually to generate larger right margin (diff)
Factor out pms.cls for better readability of source
Use small capitals for references and margin labels. Go back to report class (we want one-sided layout).
Diffstat (limited to 'pms.tex')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 131 deletions
diff --git a/pms.tex b/pms.tex
index daa19c0..8426706 100644
--- a/pms.tex
+++ b/pms.tex
@@ -1,134 +1,4 @@
-% Definition of fonts, choose T1 encoding for fonts
-% algorithmic and algorithm to be loaded last to avoid failures
- booktabs,
- color,
- enumitem,
- float,
- fullpage,
- graphicx,
- hyperref,
- ifthen,
- longtable,
- paralist,
- parskip,
- verbatim,
- algorithm,
- algorithmic,
- lscape,
- marginnote
- \usepackage{mathptmx,
- courier
- }
- \usepackage[scaled=.90]{helvet}
- \setboolean{TEX4HT-HACKS}{false}
- \setboolean{TEX4HT-HACKS}{true}
-\newcommand{\note}[1]{\paragraph{Note:} #1}
-\newcommand{\featureref}[1]{\e{#1} on page~\pageref{feat:#1}}
-\definecolor{deepblue}{rgb}{0.0, 0.2, 0.7}
-\definecolor{deeppurple}{rgb}{0.7, 0.0, 0.8}
-%%% Enable the below option if you'd like to see both sides of KDEBUILD conditionals shown in
-%%% different colours. Disable it to either fully enable or fully disable KDEBUILD.
-%%% Not compatible with HTML output.
-%%% Enable the below if you'd like to see KDEBUILD things.
- \newcommand{\IFKDEBUILDELSE}[2]{{\def\mycolour{\color{deepblue}}\mycolour #1}{\def\mycolour{\color{deeppurple}}\mycolour #2}}
- \newcommand{\IFANYKDEBUILDELSE}[2]{#1}
- \newcommand{\IFKDEBUILDCOLOUR}[1]{{\def\mycolour{\color{deepblue}}\mycolour #1}}
- \ifthenelse{\boolean{ENABLE-KDEBUILD}}
- {
- \newcommand{\IFKDEBUILDELSE}[2]{#1}
- \newcommand{\IFANYKDEBUILDELSE}[2]{#1}
- \newcommand{\IFKDEBUILDCOLOUR}[1]{#1}
- }{
- \newcommand{\IFKDEBUILDELSE}[2]{#2}
- \newcommand{\IFANYKDEBUILDELSE}[2]{#2}
- \newcommand{\IFKDEBUILDCOLOUR}[1]{#1}
- }
- \begin{table}
- \ifx\mycolour\undefined\else\mycolour\fi
- \centering
- \caption{#1}
- }{
- \end{table}
- urlcolor=black,
- colorlinks=true,
- citecolor=black,
- linkcolor=black,
- pdftitle={Package Manager Specification},
- pdfauthor={Stephen P. Bennett, Ciaran McCreesh},
- pdfcreator={pdfLaTeX and hyperref},
- pdfsubject={Defining a feature set for package managers in the
- Gentoo world},
- pdflang={en},
- pdfkeywords={Gentoo, package manager, specification},
- pdfproducer={pdfLaTeX and hyperref},
-\title{Package Manager Specification}
-\author{Stephen P. Bennett\\\url{}
-\and Ciaran McCreesh\\\url{}}
-% Make the build succeed even when no Git repository is available
- \date{Generated on: \today}
- \date{\printdate{\VCDateISO}}
-\markboth{\scshape Package Manager Specification}{\scshape Package
- Manager Specification}
-% This is some kind of hack. We set the proportions of the text area
-% and then move it 20mm to the left to increase the right (outer)
-% margin.