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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/portage/mail.py')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/portage/mail.py b/lib/portage/mail.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..11923eea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/portage/mail.py
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+# Copyright 1998-2014 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# Since python ebuilds remove the 'email' module when USE=build
+# is enabled, use a local import so that
+# portage.proxy.lazyimport._preload_portage_submodules()
+# can load this module even though the 'email' module is missing.
+# The elog mail modules won't work, but at least an ImportError
+# won't cause portage to crash during stage builds. Since the
+# 'smtlib' module imports the 'email' module, that's imported
+# locally as well.
+import socket
+import sys
+from portage import os
+from portage import _encodings
+from portage import _unicode_decode, _unicode_encode
+from portage.localization import _
+import portage
+if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000:
+ # pylint: disable=W0622
+ basestring = str
+ def _force_ascii_if_necessary(s):
+ # Force ascii encoding in order to avoid UnicodeEncodeError
+ # from smtplib.sendmail with python3 (bug #291331).
+ s = _unicode_encode(s,
+ encoding='ascii', errors='backslashreplace')
+ s = _unicode_decode(s,
+ encoding='ascii', errors='replace')
+ return s
+ def _force_ascii_if_necessary(s):
+ return s
+def TextMessage(_text):
+ from email.mime.text import MIMEText
+ mimetext = MIMEText(_text)
+ mimetext.set_charset("UTF-8")
+ return mimetext
+def create_message(sender, recipient, subject, body, attachments=None):
+ from email.header import Header
+ from email.mime.base import MIMEBase as BaseMessage
+ from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart as MultipartMessage
+ from email.utils import formatdate
+ if sys.hexversion < 0x3000000:
+ sender = _unicode_encode(sender,
+ encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='strict')
+ recipient = _unicode_encode(recipient,
+ encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='strict')
+ subject = _unicode_encode(subject,
+ encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='backslashreplace')
+ body = _unicode_encode(body,
+ encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='backslashreplace')
+ if attachments == None:
+ mymessage = TextMessage(body)
+ else:
+ mymessage = MultipartMessage()
+ mymessage.attach(TextMessage(body))
+ for x in attachments:
+ if isinstance(x, BaseMessage):
+ mymessage.attach(x)
+ elif isinstance(x, basestring):
+ if sys.hexversion < 0x3000000:
+ x = _unicode_encode(x,
+ encoding=_encodings['content'],
+ errors='backslashreplace')
+ mymessage.attach(TextMessage(x))
+ else:
+ raise portage.exception.PortageException(_("Can't handle type of attachment: %s") % type(x))
+ mymessage.set_unixfrom(sender)
+ mymessage["To"] = recipient
+ mymessage["From"] = sender
+ # Use Header as a workaround so that long subject lines are wrapped
+ # correctly by <=python-2.6 (gentoo bug #263370, python issue #1974).
+ # Also, need to force ascii for python3, in order to avoid
+ # UnicodeEncodeError with non-ascii characters:
+ # File "/usr/lib/python3.1/email/header.py", line 189, in __init__
+ # self.append(s, charset, errors)
+ # File "/usr/lib/python3.1/email/header.py", line 262, in append
+ # input_bytes = s.encode(input_charset, errors)
+ #UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode characters in position 0-9: ordinal not in range(128)
+ mymessage["Subject"] = Header(_force_ascii_if_necessary(subject))
+ mymessage["Date"] = formatdate(localtime=True)
+ return mymessage
+def send_mail(mysettings, message):
+ import smtplib
+ mymailhost = "localhost"
+ mymailport = 25
+ mymailuser = ""
+ mymailpasswd = ""
+ myrecipient = "root@localhost"
+ # Syntax for PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI (if defined):
+ # address [[user:passwd@]mailserver[:port]]
+ # where address: recipient address
+ # user: username for smtp auth (defaults to none)
+ # passwd: password for smtp auth (defaults to none)
+ # mailserver: smtp server that should be used to deliver the mail (defaults to localhost)
+ # alternatively this can also be the absolute path to a sendmail binary if you don't want to use smtp
+ # port: port to use on the given smtp server (defaults to 25, values > 100000 indicate that starttls should be used on (port-100000))
+ if " " in mysettings.get("PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI", ""):
+ myrecipient, mymailuri = mysettings["PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI"].split()
+ if "@" in mymailuri:
+ myauthdata, myconndata = mymailuri.rsplit("@", 1)
+ try:
+ mymailuser, mymailpasswd = myauthdata.split(":")
+ except ValueError:
+ print(_("!!! invalid SMTP AUTH configuration, trying unauthenticated ..."))
+ else:
+ myconndata = mymailuri
+ if ":" in myconndata:
+ mymailhost, mymailport = myconndata.split(":")
+ else:
+ mymailhost = myconndata
+ else:
+ myrecipient = mysettings.get("PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI", "")
+ myfrom = message.get("From")
+ if sys.hexversion < 0x3000000:
+ myrecipient = _unicode_encode(myrecipient,
+ encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='strict')
+ mymailhost = _unicode_encode(mymailhost,
+ encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='strict')
+ mymailport = _unicode_encode(mymailport,
+ encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='strict')
+ myfrom = _unicode_encode(myfrom,
+ encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='strict')
+ mymailuser = _unicode_encode(mymailuser,
+ encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='strict')
+ mymailpasswd = _unicode_encode(mymailpasswd,
+ encoding=_encodings['content'], errors='strict')
+ # user wants to use a sendmail binary instead of smtp
+ if mymailhost[0] == os.sep and os.path.exists(mymailhost):
+ fd = os.popen(mymailhost+" -f "+myfrom+" "+myrecipient, "w")
+ fd.write(_force_ascii_if_necessary(message.as_string()))
+ if fd.close() != None:
+ sys.stderr.write(_("!!! %s returned with a non-zero exit code. This generally indicates an error.\n") % mymailhost)
+ else:
+ try:
+ if int(mymailport) > 100000:
+ myconn = smtplib.SMTP(mymailhost, int(mymailport) - 100000)
+ myconn.ehlo()
+ if not myconn.has_extn("STARTTLS"):
+ raise portage.exception.PortageException(_("!!! TLS support requested for logmail but not supported by server"))
+ myconn.starttls()
+ myconn.ehlo()
+ else:
+ myconn = smtplib.SMTP(mymailhost, mymailport)
+ if mymailuser != "" and mymailpasswd != "":
+ myconn.login(mymailuser, mymailpasswd)
+ message_str = _force_ascii_if_necessary(message.as_string())
+ myconn.sendmail(myfrom, myrecipient, message_str)
+ myconn.quit()
+ except smtplib.SMTPException as e:
+ raise portage.exception.PortageException(_("!!! An error occurred while trying to send logmail:\n")+str(e))
+ except socket.error as e:
+ raise portage.exception.PortageException(_("!!! A network error occurred while trying to send logmail:\n%s\nSure you configured PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI correctly?") % str(e))
+ return