diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/portage/tests/emerge')
10 files changed, 1991 insertions, 733 deletions
diff --git a/lib/portage/tests/emerge/conftest.py b/lib/portage/tests/emerge/conftest.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce86dc4fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/portage/tests/emerge/conftest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,859 @@
+# Copyright 2023 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+import argparse
+import shlex
+from typing import Optional, Callable # , Self
+from portage.const import (
+from portage.tests.resolver.ResolverPlayground import ResolverPlayground
+from portage.cache.mappings import Mapping
+from portage.tests.util.test_socks5 import AsyncHTTPServer
+from portage import os
+from portage import shutil
+from portage.util.futures import asyncio
+from portage.tests import cnf_bindir, cnf_sbindir
+from portage.process import find_binary
+from portage.util import find_updated_config_files
+import portage
+import pytest
+pkg_pretend() {
+ einfo "called pkg_pretend for $CATEGORY/$PF"
+src_install() {
+ einfo "installing something..."
+ insinto /usr/lib/${P}
+ echo "blah blah blah" > "${T}"/regular-file
+ doins "${T}"/regular-file
+ dosym regular-file /usr/lib/${P}/symlink || die
+ insinto /etc
+ newins "${T}"/regular-file ${PN}-${SLOT%/*}
+ # Test code for bug #381629, using a copyright symbol encoded with latin-1.
+ # We use $(printf "\\xa9") rather than $'\\xa9', since printf apparently
+ # works in any case, while $'\\xa9' transforms to \\xef\\xbf\\xbd under
+ # some conditions. TODO: Find out why it transforms to \\xef\\xbf\\xbd when
+ # running tests for Python 3.2 (even though it's bash that is ultimately
+ # responsible for performing the transformation).
+ local latin_1_dir=/usr/lib/${P}/latin-1-$(printf "\\xa9")-directory
+ insinto "${latin_1_dir}"
+ echo "blah blah blah" > "${T}"/latin-1-$(printf "\\xa9")-regular-file || die
+ doins "${T}"/latin-1-$(printf "\\xa9")-regular-file
+ dosym latin-1-$(printf "\\xa9")-regular-file ${latin_1_dir}/latin-1-$(printf "\\xa9")-symlink || die
+ call_has_and_best_version
+pkg_config() {
+ einfo "called pkg_config for $CATEGORY/$PF"
+pkg_info() {
+ einfo "called pkg_info for $CATEGORY/$PF"
+pkg_preinst() {
+ if ! ___eapi_best_version_and_has_version_support_-b_-d_-r; then
+ # The BROOT variable is unset during pkg_* phases for EAPI 7,
+ # therefore best/has_version -b is expected to fail if we attempt
+ # to call it for EAPI 7 here.
+ call_has_and_best_version
+ fi
+call_has_and_best_version() {
+ local root_arg
+ if ___eapi_best_version_and_has_version_support_-b_-d_-r; then
+ root_arg="-b"
+ else
+ root_arg="--host-root"
+ fi
+ einfo "called ${EBUILD_PHASE_FUNC} for $CATEGORY/$PF"
+ einfo "EPREFIX=${EPREFIX}"
+ einfo "ROOT=${ROOT}"
+ einfo "EROOT=${EROOT}"
+ einfo "SYSROOT=${SYSROOT}"
+ einfo "BROOT=${BROOT}"
+ # Test that has_version and best_version work correctly with
+ # prefix (involves internal ROOT -> EROOT calculation in order
+ # to support ROOT override via the environment with EAPIs 3
+ # and later which support prefix).
+ if has_version $CATEGORY/$PN:$SLOT ; then
+ einfo "has_version detects an installed instance of $CATEGORY/$PN:$SLOT"
+ einfo "best_version reports that the installed instance is $(best_version $CATEGORY/$PN:$SLOT)"
+ else
+ einfo "has_version does not detect an installed instance of $CATEGORY/$PN:$SLOT"
+ fi
+ if [[ ${EPREFIX} != ${PORTAGE_OVERRIDE_EPREFIX} ]] ; then
+ if has_version ${root_arg} $CATEGORY/$PN:$SLOT ; then
+ einfo "has_version ${root_arg} detects an installed instance of $CATEGORY/$PN:$SLOT"
+ einfo "best_version ${root_arg} reports that the installed instance is $(best_version ${root_arg} $CATEGORY/$PN:$SLOT)"
+ else
+ einfo "has_version ${root_arg} does not detect an installed instance of $CATEGORY/$PN:$SLOT"
+ fi
+ fi
+ "dev-libs/A-1": {
+ "EAPI": "5",
+ "IUSE": "+flag",
+ "KEYWORDS": "x86",
+ "LICENSE": "GPL-2",
+ "RDEPEND": "flag? ( dev-libs/B[flag] )",
+ },
+ "dev-libs/B-1": {
+ "EAPI": "5",
+ "IUSE": "+flag",
+ "KEYWORDS": "x86",
+ "LICENSE": "GPL-2",
+ },
+ "dev-libs/C-1": {
+ "EAPI": "7",
+ "KEYWORDS": "~x86",
+ "RDEPEND": "dev-libs/D[flag]",
+ },
+ "dev-libs/D-1": {
+ "EAPI": "7",
+ "KEYWORDS": "~x86",
+ "IUSE": "flag",
+ },
+ "virtual/foo-0": {
+ "EAPI": "5",
+ "KEYWORDS": "x86",
+ "LICENSE": "GPL-2",
+ },
+ "dev-libs/A-1": {
+ "EAPI": "5",
+ "IUSE": "+flag",
+ "KEYWORDS": "x86",
+ "LICENSE": "GPL-2",
+ "RDEPEND": "flag? ( dev-libs/B[flag] )",
+ "USE": "flag",
+ },
+ "dev-libs/B-1": {
+ "EAPI": "5",
+ "IUSE": "+flag",
+ "KEYWORDS": "x86",
+ "LICENSE": "GPL-2",
+ "USE": "flag",
+ },
+ "dev-libs/depclean-me-1": {
+ "EAPI": "5",
+ "IUSE": "",
+ "KEYWORDS": "x86",
+ "LICENSE": "GPL-2",
+ "USE": "",
+ },
+ "app-misc/depclean-me-1": {
+ "EAPI": "5",
+ "IUSE": "",
+ "KEYWORDS": "x86",
+ "LICENSE": "GPL-2",
+ "RDEPEND": "dev-libs/depclean-me",
+ "USE": "",
+ },
+ "emerge -1 dev-libs/A -v dev-libs/B",
+ "emerge with quickpkg direct",
+ "env-update",
+ "portageq envvar",
+ "etc-update",
+ "dispatch-conf",
+ "emerge --version",
+ "emerge --info",
+ "emerge --info --verbose",
+ "emerge --list-sets",
+ "emerge --check-news",
+ "emerge --regen/--metadata",
+ "misc package operations",
+ "binhost emerge",
+PORTAGE_PYTHON = portage._python_interpreter
+NOOP = lambda: ...
+class PortageCommand:
+ """A class that represents a baseline test case command,
+ including handling of environment and one-use arguments.
+ """
+ command = None
+ name = None
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *args: tuple[str],
+ env_mod: Optional[dict[str, str]] = None,
+ preparation: Optional[Callable[[], None]] = None,
+ post_command: Optional[Callable[[], None]] = None,
+ ) -> None:
+ self.args = args
+ self.env_mod = env_mod
+ self.preparation = preparation
+ self.post_command = post_command
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """To be able to call a function with ``*command`` as argument."""
+ yield self
+ @property
+ def env(self) -> dict[str, str]:
+ """This property returns the environment intended to be used
+ with the current test command, including possible modifications.
+ """
+ try:
+ base_environment = self.base_environment
+ except AttributeError:
+ base_environment = {}
+ else:
+ base_environment = base_environment.copy()
+ if self.env_mod:
+ base_environment.update(self.env_mod)
+ return base_environment
+ def __call__(self): # -> Self:
+ if self.preparation:
+ self.preparation()
+ try:
+ tuple_command = self.command + self.args
+ except TypeError:
+ # In case self.command is a string:
+ tuple_command = (self.command,) + self.args
+ return tuple_command
+ def __bool__(self) -> bool:
+ return bool(self.command)
+ def check_command_result(self) -> None:
+ if self.post_command:
+ self.post_command()
+class PortageCommandSequence:
+ def __init__(self, *commands):
+ self.commands = commands
+ def __iter__(self):
+ yield from self.commands
+class Emerge(PortageCommand):
+ name = "emerge"
+ command = (PORTAGE_PYTHON, "-b", "-Wd", os.path.join(str(cnf_bindir), name))
+class Noop(PortageCommand):
+ name = "No-op"
+class EnvUpdate(PortageCommand):
+ name = "env-update"
+ command = (PORTAGE_PYTHON, "-b", "-Wd", os.path.join(str(cnf_sbindir), name))
+class DispatchConf(PortageCommand):
+ name = "dispatch-conf"
+ command = (
+ "-b",
+ "-Wd",
+ os.path.join(str(cnf_sbindir), name),
+ )
+class Ebuild(PortageCommand):
+ name = "ebuild"
+ command = (PORTAGE_PYTHON, "-b", "-Wd", os.path.join(str(cnf_bindir), name))
+class Egencache(PortageCommand):
+ name = "egencache"
+ command = (
+ "-b",
+ "-Wd",
+ os.path.join(str(cnf_bindir), name),
+ )
+class Emaint(PortageCommand):
+ name = "emaint"
+ command = (PORTAGE_PYTHON, "-b", "-Wd", os.path.join(str(cnf_sbindir), name))
+class EtcUpdate(PortageCommand):
+ name = "etc-update"
+ command = (BASH_BINARY, os.path.join(str(cnf_sbindir), name))
+class Fixpackages(PortageCommand):
+ name = "fixpackages"
+ command = (
+ "-b",
+ "-Wd",
+ os.path.join(str(cnf_sbindir), name),
+ )
+class Portageq(PortageCommand):
+ name = "portageq"
+ command = (
+ "-b",
+ "-Wd",
+ os.path.join(str(cnf_bindir), name),
+ )
+class Quickpkg(PortageCommand):
+ name = "quickpkg"
+ command = (
+ "-b",
+ "-Wd",
+ os.path.join(str(cnf_bindir), name),
+ )
+class Regenworld(PortageCommand):
+ name = "regenworld"
+ command = (
+ "-b",
+ "-Wd",
+ os.path.join(str(cnf_sbindir), name),
+ )
+def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
+ if "baseline_command" in metafunc.fixturenames:
+ metafunc.parametrize(
+ "baseline_command", _BASELINE_COMMAND_SEQUENCE, indirect=True
+ )
+def _have_python_xml():
+ try:
+ __import__("xml.etree.ElementTree")
+ __import__("xml.parsers.expat").parsers.expat.ExpatError
+ except (AttributeError, ImportError):
+ return False
+ return True
+def _check_foo_file(pkgdir, filename, must_exist) -> None:
+ assert (
+ os.path.exists(os.path.join(pkgdir, "virtual", "foo", filename)) == must_exist
+ )
+def _check_number_of_protected_files(must_have, eroot, config_protect) -> None:
+ assert must_have == len(
+ list(find_updated_config_files(eroot, shlex.split(config_protect)))
+ )
+class BinhostContentMap(Mapping):
+ def __init__(self, remote_path, local_path):
+ self._remote_path = remote_path
+ self._local_path = local_path
+ def __getitem__(self, request_path):
+ safe_path = os.path.normpath(request_path)
+ if not safe_path.startswith(self._remote_path + "/"):
+ raise KeyError(request_path)
+ local_path = os.path.join(
+ self._local_path, safe_path[len(self._remote_path) + 1 :]
+ )
+ try:
+ with open(local_path, "rb") as f:
+ return f.read()
+ except OSError:
+ raise KeyError(request_path)
+def async_loop():
+ yield asyncio._wrap_loop()
+@pytest.fixture(params=SUPPORTED_GENTOO_BINPKG_FORMATS, scope="function")
+def playground(request, tmp_path_factory):
+ """Fixture that provides instances of ``ResolverPlayground``
+ each one with one supported value for ``BINPKG_FORMAT``."""
+ binpkg_format = request.param
+ playground = ResolverPlayground(
+ debug=False,
+ user_config={
+ "make.conf": (f'BINPKG_FORMAT="{binpkg_format}"',),
+ },
+ eprefix=str(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("eprefix", numbered=True)),
+ )
+ yield playground
+ playground.cleanup()
+def binhost(playground, async_loop):
+ settings = playground.settings
+ eprefix = settings["EPREFIX"]
+ binhost_dir = os.path.join(eprefix, "binhost")
+ binhost_address = ""
+ binhost_remote_path = "/binhost"
+ binhost_server = AsyncHTTPServer(
+ binhost_address, BinhostContentMap(binhost_remote_path, binhost_dir), async_loop
+ ).__enter__()
+ binhost_uri = "http://{address}:{port}{path}".format(
+ address=binhost_address,
+ port=binhost_server.server_port,
+ path=binhost_remote_path,
+ )
+ yield {"server": binhost_server, "uri": binhost_uri, "dir": binhost_dir}
+ binhost_server.__exit__(None, None, None)
+def _generate_all_baseline_commands(playground, binhost):
+ """This fixture generates all the commands that
+ ``test_portage_baseline`` will use.
+ But, don't use this fixture directly, instead, use the
+ ``baseline_command`` fixture. That improves performance a bit due to
+ pytest caching (?).
+ .. note::
+ To add a new command, define it in the local ``test_commands``
+ dict, if not yet defined, and add its key at the correct position
+ """
+ settings = playground.settings
+ eprefix = settings["EPREFIX"]
+ eroot = settings["EROOT"]
+ trees = playground.trees
+ pkgdir = playground.pkgdir
+ portdb = trees[eroot]["porttree"].dbapi
+ test_repo_location = settings.repositories["test_repo"].location
+ var_cache_edb = os.path.join(eprefix, "var", "cache", "edb")
+ cachedir = os.path.join(var_cache_edb, "dep")
+ cachedir_pregen = os.path.join(test_repo_location, "metadata", "md5-cache")
+ rm_binary = find_binary("rm")
+ assert rm_binary is not None, "rm command not found"
+ rm_cmd = (rm_binary,)
+ egencache_extra_args = []
+ if _have_python_xml():
+ egencache_extra_args.append("--update-use-local-desc")
+ test_ebuild = portdb.findname("dev-libs/A-1")
+ assert test_ebuild is not None
+ cross_prefix = os.path.join(eprefix, "cross_prefix")
+ cross_root = os.path.join(eprefix, "cross_root")
+ cross_eroot = os.path.join(cross_root, eprefix.lstrip(os.sep))
+ binpkg_format = settings.get("BINPKG_FORMAT", SUPPORTED_GENTOO_BINPKG_FORMATS[0])
+ assert binpkg_format in ("xpak", "gpkg")
+ if binpkg_format == "xpak":
+ foo_filename = "foo-0-1.xpak"
+ elif binpkg_format == "gpkg":
+ foo_filename = "foo-0-1.gpkg.tar"
+ test_commands = {}
+ if hasattr(argparse.ArgumentParser, "parse_intermixed_args"):
+ parse_intermixed_command = Emerge(
+ "--oneshot",
+ "dev-libs/A",
+ "-v",
+ "dev-libs/A",
+ )
+ else:
+ parse_intermixed_command = Noop()
+ test_commands["emerge -1 dev-libs/A -v dev-libs/B"] = parse_intermixed_command
+ quickpkg_direct_seq = [
+ Emerge(
+ "--usepkgonly",
+ "--root",
+ cross_root,
+ "--quickpkg-direct=y",
+ "--quickpkg-direct-root",
+ "/",
+ "dev-libs/A",
+ ),
+ # v needs ^
+ Emerge(
+ "--usepkgonly",
+ "--quickpkg-direct=y",
+ "--quickpkg-direct-root",
+ cross_root,
+ "dev-libs/A",
+ ),
+ ]
+ test_commands["emerge with quickpkg direct"] = PortageCommandSequence(
+ *quickpkg_direct_seq
+ )
+ test_commands["env-update"] = EnvUpdate()
+ test_commands["portageq envvar"] = Portageq(
+ "envvar",
+ "-v",
+ "EROOT",
+ )
+ test_commands["etc-update"] = EtcUpdate()
+ test_commands["dispatch-conf"] = DispatchConf()
+ test_commands["emerge --version"] = Emerge("--version")
+ test_commands["emerge --info"] = Emerge("--info")
+ test_commands["emerge --info --verbose"] = Emerge("--info", "--verbose")
+ test_commands["emerge --list-sets"] = Emerge("--list-sets")
+ test_commands["emerge --check-news"] = Emerge("--check-news")
+ def _rm_cachedir():
+ shutil.rmtree(cachedir)
+ def _rm_cachedir_and_pregen():
+ _rm_cachedir()
+ shutil.rmtree(cachedir_pregen)
+ regen_seq = [
+ Emerge("--regen", preparation=_rm_cachedir_and_pregen),
+ Emerge(
+ "--regen",
+ env_mod={"FEATURES": "metadata-transfer"},
+ preparation=_rm_cachedir,
+ ),
+ Egencache(
+ "--repo",
+ "test_repo",
+ "--repositories-configuration",
+ playground.settings.repositories.config_string(),
+ "--update",
+ *egencache_extra_args,
+ preparation=_rm_cachedir,
+ ),
+ Emerge("--metadata", env_mod={"FEATURES": "metadata-transfer"}),
+ Emerge(
+ "--metadata",
+ env_mod={"FEATURES": "metadata-transfer"},
+ preparation=_rm_cachedir,
+ ),
+ Emerge("--metadata"),
+ Emerge("--oneshot", "virtual/foo", preparation=_rm_cachedir),
+ Emerge(
+ "--unmerge",
+ "virtual/foo",
+ env_mod={"FEATURES": "unmerge-backup"},
+ preparation=lambda: _check_foo_file(pkgdir, foo_filename, must_exist=False),
+ ),
+ Emerge(
+ "--pretend",
+ "dev-libs/A",
+ preparation=lambda: _check_foo_file(pkgdir, foo_filename, must_exist=True),
+ ),
+ ]
+ test_commands["emerge --regen/--metadata"] = PortageCommandSequence(*regen_seq)
+ abcd_seq = [
+ Ebuild(
+ test_ebuild,
+ "manifest",
+ "clean",
+ "package",
+ "merge",
+ ),
+ Emerge(
+ "--pretend",
+ "--tree",
+ "--complete-graph",
+ "dev-libs/A",
+ ),
+ Emerge("-p", "dev-libs/B"),
+ Emerge(
+ "-p",
+ "--newrepo",
+ "dev-libs/B",
+ ),
+ Emerge("-B", "dev-libs/B"),
+ Emerge(
+ "--oneshot",
+ "--usepkg",
+ "dev-libs/B",
+ ),
+ # trigger clean prior to pkg_pretend as in bug #390711
+ Ebuild(test_ebuild, "unpack"),
+ Emerge("--oneshot", "dev-libs/A"),
+ Emerge("--noreplace", "dev-libs/A"),
+ Emerge(
+ "--config",
+ "dev-libs/A",
+ ),
+ Emerge(
+ "--info",
+ "dev-libs/A",
+ "dev-libs/B",
+ ),
+ Emerge(
+ "--pretend",
+ "--depclean",
+ "--verbose",
+ "dev-libs/B",
+ ),
+ Emerge("--pretend", "--depclean"),
+ Emerge(
+ "--depclean",
+ ),
+ # Test bug #523684, where a file renamed or removed by the
+ # admin forces replacement files to be merged with config
+ # protection.
+ Quickpkg(
+ "--include-config",
+ "y",
+ "dev-libs/A",
+ post_command=lambda: _check_number_of_protected_files(
+ 0, eroot, settings["CONFIG_PROTECT"]
+ ),
+ ),
+ Emerge("--noreplace", "dev-libs/A"),
+ Emerge(
+ "--usepkgonly",
+ "dev-libs/A",
+ preparation=lambda: os.unlink(os.path.join(eprefix, "etc", "A-0")),
+ post_command=lambda: _check_number_of_protected_files(
+ 1, eroot, settings["CONFIG_PROTECT"]
+ ),
+ ),
+ Emaint("--check", "all"),
+ Emaint("--fix", "all"),
+ Fixpackages(),
+ Regenworld(),
+ Portageq(
+ "match",
+ eroot,
+ "dev-libs/A",
+ ),
+ Portageq(
+ "best_visible",
+ eroot,
+ "dev-libs/A",
+ ),
+ Portageq(
+ "best_visible",
+ eroot,
+ "binary",
+ "dev-libs/A",
+ ),
+ Portageq(
+ "contents",
+ eroot,
+ "dev-libs/A-1",
+ ),
+ Portageq(
+ "metadata",
+ eroot,
+ "ebuild",
+ "dev-libs/A-1",
+ "EAPI",
+ "IUSE",
+ ),
+ Portageq(
+ "metadata",
+ eroot,
+ "binary",
+ "dev-libs/A-1",
+ "EAPI",
+ "USE",
+ ),
+ Portageq(
+ "metadata",
+ eroot,
+ "installed",
+ "dev-libs/A-1",
+ "EAPI",
+ "USE",
+ ),
+ Portageq(
+ "owners",
+ eroot,
+ eroot + "usr",
+ ),
+ Emerge("-p", eroot + "usr"),
+ Emerge(
+ "-p",
+ "--unmerge",
+ "-q",
+ eroot + "usr",
+ ),
+ Emerge(
+ "--unmerge",
+ "--quiet",
+ "dev-libs/A",
+ ),
+ Emerge(
+ "-C",
+ "--quiet",
+ "dev-libs/B",
+ ),
+ # autounmask:
+ # If EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS contains --autounmask=n, then --autounmask
+ # must be specified with --autounmask-continue.
+ Emerge(
+ "--autounmask",
+ "--autounmask-continue",
+ "dev-libs/C",
+ env_mod={"EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS": "--autounmask=n"},
+ ),
+ # Verify that the above --autounmask-continue command caused
+ # USE=flag to be applied correctly to dev-libs/D.
+ Portageq(
+ "match",
+ eroot,
+ "dev-libs/D[flag]",
+ ),
+ ]
+ test_commands["misc package operations"] = PortageCommandSequence(*abcd_seq)
+ cross_prefix_seq = [
+ # Test cross-prefix usage, including chpathtool for binpkgs.
+ # EAPI 7
+ Emerge("dev-libs/C", env_mod={"EPREFIX": cross_prefix}),
+ Portageq(
+ "has_version", cross_prefix, "dev-libs/C", env_mod={"EPREFIX": cross_prefix}
+ ),
+ Portageq(
+ "has_version", cross_prefix, "dev-libs/D", env_mod={"EPREFIX": cross_prefix}
+ ),
+ Emerge("dev-libs/D", env_mod={"ROOT": cross_root}),
+ Portageq(
+ "has_version",
+ cross_eroot,
+ "dev-libs/D",
+ ),
+ # EAPI 5
+ Emerge("--usepkgonly", "dev-libs/A", env_mod={"EPREFIX": cross_prefix}),
+ Portageq(
+ "has_version", cross_prefix, "dev-libs/A", env_mod={"EPREFIX": cross_prefix}
+ ),
+ Portageq(
+ "has_version", cross_prefix, "dev-libs/B", env_mod={"EPREFIX": cross_prefix}
+ ),
+ Emerge("-C", "--quiet", "dev-libs/B", env_mod={"EPREFIX": cross_prefix}),
+ Emerge("-C", "--quiet", "dev-libs/A", env_mod={"EPREFIX": cross_prefix}),
+ Emerge("dev-libs/A", env_mod={"EPREFIX": cross_prefix}),
+ # Test ROOT support
+ Emerge("dev-libs/B", env_mod={"ROOT": cross_root}),
+ Portageq(
+ "has_version",
+ cross_eroot,
+ "dev-libs/B",
+ ),
+ ]
+ test_commands["misc operations with eprefix"] = PortageCommandSequence(
+ *cross_prefix_seq
+ )
+ # Test binhost support if FETCHCOMMAND is available.
+ binrepos_conf_file = os.path.join(os.sep, eprefix, BINREPOS_CONF_FILE)
+ binhost_uri = binhost["uri"]
+ binhost_dir = binhost["dir"]
+ with open(binrepos_conf_file, "w") as f:
+ f.write("[test-binhost]\n")
+ f.write(f"sync-uri = {binhost_uri}\n")
+ fetchcommand = shlex.split(settings["FETCHCOMMAND"])
+ fetch_bin = portage.process.find_binary(fetchcommand[0])
+ if fetch_bin is None:
+ test_commands["binhost emerge"] = Noop()
+ else:
+ # The next emerge has been added to split this test from the rest:
+ make_package = Emerge("-e", "--buildpkg", "dev-libs/A")
+ getbinpkgonly = Emerge(
+ "-e",
+ "--getbinpkgonly",
+ "dev-libs/A",
+ preparation=lambda: os.rename(pkgdir, binhost_dir),
+ )
+ # Remove binrepos.conf and test PORTAGE_BINHOST.
+ def _rm_pkgdir_and_rm_binrepos_conf_file():
+ shutil.rmtree(pkgdir)
+ os.unlink(binrepos_conf_file)
+ getbinpkgonly_fetchonly = Emerge(
+ "-fe",
+ "--getbinpkgonly",
+ "dev-libs/A",
+ env_mod={"PORTAGE_BINHOST": binhost_uri},
+ preparation=_rm_pkgdir_and_rm_binrepos_conf_file,
+ )
+ # Test bug 920537 binrepos.conf with local file src-uri.
+ def _rm_pkgdir_and_create_binrepos_conf_with_file_uri():
+ shutil.rmtree(pkgdir)
+ with open(binrepos_conf_file, "w") as f:
+ f.write("[test-binhost]\n")
+ f.write(f"sync-uri = file://{binhost_dir}\n")
+ getbinpkgonly_file_uri = Emerge(
+ "-fe",
+ "--getbinpkgonly",
+ "dev-libs/A",
+ preparation=_rm_pkgdir_and_create_binrepos_conf_with_file_uri,
+ )
+ fetch_sequence = PortageCommandSequence(
+ make_package, getbinpkgonly, getbinpkgonly_fetchonly, getbinpkgonly_file_uri
+ )
+ test_commands["binhost emerge"] = fetch_sequence
+ yield test_commands
+def baseline_command(request, _generate_all_baseline_commands):
+ """A fixture that provides the commands to perform a baseline
+ functional test of portage. It uses another fixture, namely
+ ``_generate_all_baseline_commands``.
+ Pytest caches the fixtures and there is a little performance
+ improvement if the commands are generated only once..
+ """
+ return _generate_all_baseline_commands[request.param]
diff --git a/lib/portage/tests/emerge/meson.build b/lib/portage/tests/emerge/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e0a41974
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/portage/tests/emerge/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+ [
+ 'test_actions.py',
+ 'test_binpkg_fetch.py',
+ 'test_config_protect.py',
+ 'test_emerge_blocker_file_collision.py',
+ 'test_emerge_slot_abi.py',
+ 'test_global_updates.py',
+ 'test_baseline.py',
+ 'test_libc_dep_inject.py',
+ '__init__.py',
+ '__test__.py',
+ ],
+ subdir : 'portage/tests/emerge',
+ pure : not native_extensions
diff --git a/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_actions.py b/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_actions.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cdc087a8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_actions.py
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+from unittest.mock import MagicMock, patch
+from _emerge.actions import get_libc_version, run_action
+from portage.const import LIBC_PACKAGE_ATOM
+from portage.dbapi.virtual import fakedbapi
+from portage.dep import Atom
+from portage.tests import TestCase
+class RunActionTestCase(TestCase):
+ """This class' purpose is to encompass UTs for ``actions.run_action``.
+ Since that function is extremely long (at least on Sep. 2022;
+ hopefully the situation gets better with the time), the tests in this
+ ``TestCase`` contain plenty of mocks/patches.
+ Hopefully, with time and effort, the ``run_action`` function (and others
+ in the module) are refactored to make testing easier and more robust.
+ A side effect of the mocking approach is a strong dependency on the
+ details of the implementation. That can be improved if functions
+ are smaller and do a well defined small set of tasks. Another call to
+ refactoring...
+ If the implementation changes, the mocks can be adjusted to play its
+ role.
+ """
+ @patch("_emerge.actions.profile_check")
+ @patch("_emerge.actions.adjust_configs")
+ @patch("_emerge.actions.apply_priorities")
+ def test_binary_trees_populate_called(self, papply, padjust, profile_ckeck):
+ """Ensure that ``binarytree.populate`` API is correctly used.
+ The point of this test is to ensure that the ``populate`` method
+ is called as expected: since it is the first time that ``populate``
+ is called, it must use ``getbinpkg_refresh=True``.
+ """
+ config = MagicMock()
+ config.action = None
+ config.opts = {"--quiet": True, "--usepkg": True, "--package-moves": "n"}
+ bt = MagicMock()
+ tree = {"bintree": bt}
+ trees = {"first": tree}
+ config.trees = trees
+ run_action(config)
+ bt.populate.assert_called_once_with(
+ getbinpkgs=False, getbinpkg_refresh=True, pretend=False
+ )
+ def testGetSystemLibc(self):
+ """
+ Check that get_libc_version extracts the right version string
+ from the provider LIBC_PACKAGE_ATOM for emerge --info and friends.
+ """
+ settings = MagicMock()
+ settings.getvirtuals.return_value = {
+ LIBC_PACKAGE_ATOM: [Atom("=sys-libs/musl-1.2.3")]
+ }
+ settings.__getitem__.return_value = {}
+ vardb = fakedbapi(settings)
+ vardb.cpv_inject("sys-libs/musl-1.2.3", {"SLOT": "0"})
+ self.assertEqual(get_libc_version(vardb), ["musl-1.2.3"])
diff --git a/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_baseline.py b/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_baseline.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb4a3372d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_baseline.py
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+# Copyright 2011-2021, 2023 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+"""This module defines a baseline for portage's functionality.
+Multiple portage commands are executed in a sequence in a playground
+(see the ``baseline_command`` fixture in ``conftest.py``).
+All the commands are triggered from the ``test_portage_baseline`` test.
+That test is marked with::
+ @pytest.mark.ft
+so that it can selected with that marker, i.e.::
+ pytest -m ft
+``ft`` stands for *functional test*, since that's what it is, a
+functional or end-to-end test, ensuring some functionality of portage.
+The test also works with pytest-xdist, e.g.::
+ pytest -m ft -n 8
+import subprocess
+import pytest
+import portage
+from portage import os
+from portage.const import (
+from portage.process import find_binary
+from portage.tests import cnf_etc_path
+from portage.util import ensure_dirs
+from portage.util.futures import asyncio
+ (
+ "dev-libs/A",
+ {
+ "flags": "<flag name='flag'>Description of how USE='flag' affects this package</flag>",
+ },
+ ),
+ (
+ "dev-libs/B",
+ {
+ "flags": "<flag name='flag'>Description of how USE='flag' affects this package</flag>",
+ },
+ ),
+_1Q_2010_UPDATE = """
+slotmove =app-doc/pms-3 2 3
+move dev-util/git dev-vcs/git
+def test_portage_baseline(async_loop, playground, binhost, baseline_command):
+ async_loop.run_until_complete(
+ asyncio.ensure_future(
+ _async_test_baseline(
+ playground,
+ binhost,
+ baseline_command,
+ ),
+ loop=async_loop,
+ )
+ )
+async def _async_test_baseline(playground, binhost, commands):
+ debug = playground.debug
+ settings = playground.settings
+ trees = playground.trees
+ eprefix = settings["EPREFIX"]
+ test_repo_location = settings.repositories["test_repo"].location
+ var_cache_edb = os.path.join(eprefix, "var", "cache", "edb")
+ cachedir = os.path.join(var_cache_edb, "dep")
+ cachedir_pregen = os.path.join(test_repo_location, "metadata", "md5-cache")
+ cross_prefix = os.path.join(eprefix, "cross_prefix")
+ cross_root = os.path.join(eprefix, "cross_root")
+ cross_eroot = os.path.join(cross_root, eprefix.lstrip(os.sep))
+ distdir = playground.distdir
+ pkgdir = playground.pkgdir
+ fake_bin = os.path.join(eprefix, "bin")
+ portage_tmpdir = os.path.join(eprefix, "var", "tmp", "portage")
+ profile_path = settings.profile_path
+ user_config_dir = os.path.join(os.sep, eprefix, USER_CONFIG_PATH)
+ path = settings.get("PATH")
+ if path is not None and not path.strip():
+ path = None
+ if path is None:
+ path = ""
+ else:
+ path = ":" + path
+ path = fake_bin + path
+ pythonpath = os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH")
+ if pythonpath is not None and not pythonpath.strip():
+ pythonpath = None
+ if pythonpath is not None and pythonpath.split(":")[0] == PORTAGE_PYM_PATH:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if pythonpath is None:
+ pythonpath = ""
+ else:
+ pythonpath = ":" + pythonpath
+ pythonpath = PORTAGE_PYM_PATH + pythonpath
+ env = {
+ "CLEAN_DELAY": "0",
+ "DISTDIR": distdir,
+ "INFODIR": "",
+ "INFOPATH": "",
+ "PATH": path,
+ "PKGDIR": pkgdir,
+ "PORTAGE_INST_GID": str(os.getgid()), # str(portage.data.portage_gid),
+ "PORTAGE_INST_UID": str(os.getuid()), # str(portage.data.portage_uid),
+ "PORTAGE_PYTHON": portage._python_interpreter,
+ "PORTAGE_REPOSITORIES": settings.repositories.config_string(),
+ "PORTAGE_TMPDIR": portage_tmpdir,
+ "PORTAGE_LOGDIR": portage_tmpdir,
+ "PYTHONPATH": pythonpath,
+ }
+ if "__PORTAGE_TEST_HARDLINK_LOCKS" in os.environ:
+ env["__PORTAGE_TEST_HARDLINK_LOCKS"] = os.environ[
+ ]
+ updates_dir = os.path.join(test_repo_location, "profiles", "updates")
+ dirs = [
+ cachedir,
+ cachedir_pregen,
+ cross_eroot,
+ cross_prefix,
+ distdir,
+ fake_bin,
+ portage_tmpdir,
+ updates_dir,
+ user_config_dir,
+ var_cache_edb,
+ ]
+ etc_symlinks = ("dispatch-conf.conf", "etc-update.conf")
+ # Override things that may be unavailable, or may have portability
+ # issues when running tests in exotic environments.
+ # prepstrip - bug #447810 (bash read builtin EINTR problem)
+ true_symlinks = ["find", "prepstrip", "sed", "scanelf"]
+ true_binary = find_binary("true")
+ assert true_binary is not None, "true command not found"
+ for d in dirs:
+ ensure_dirs(d)
+ for x in true_symlinks:
+ try:
+ os.symlink(true_binary, os.path.join(fake_bin, x))
+ except FileExistsError:
+ pass
+ for x in etc_symlinks:
+ try:
+ os.symlink(
+ os.path.join(str(cnf_etc_path), x), os.path.join(eprefix, "etc", x)
+ )
+ except FileExistsError:
+ pass
+ with open(os.path.join(var_cache_edb, "counter"), "wb") as f:
+ f.write(b"100")
+ # non-empty system set keeps --depclean quiet
+ with open(os.path.join(profile_path, "packages"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("*dev-libs/token-system-pkg")
+ for cp, xml_data in _METADATA_XML_FILES:
+ with open(os.path.join(test_repo_location, cp, "metadata.xml"), "w") as f:
+ f.write(playground.metadata_xml_template % xml_data)
+ with open(os.path.join(updates_dir, "1Q-2010"), "w") as f:
+ f.write(_1Q_2010_UPDATE)
+ if debug:
+ # The subprocess inherits both stdout and stderr, for
+ # debugging purposes.
+ stdout = None
+ else:
+ # The subprocess inherits stderr so that any warnings
+ # triggered by python -Wd will be visible.
+ stdout = subprocess.PIPE
+ for command in commands:
+ if command:
+ command.base_environment = env
+ proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(
+ *command(), env=command.env, stderr=None, stdout=stdout
+ )
+ if debug:
+ await proc.wait()
+ else:
+ output, _err = await proc.communicate()
+ await proc.wait()
+ if proc.returncode != os.EX_OK:
+ portage.writemsg(output)
+ real_command = command.name
+ args = command.args
+ assert (
+ os.EX_OK == proc.returncode
+ ), f"'{real_command}' failed with args '{args}'"
+ command.check_command_result()
diff --git a/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_binpkg_fetch.py b/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_binpkg_fetch.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..731711bad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_binpkg_fetch.py
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+# Copyright 2024 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import portage
+from portage import _unicode_decode, os
+from portage.const import (
+from portage.process import find_binary
+from portage.tests import TestCase
+from portage.tests.resolver.ResolverPlayground import ResolverPlayground
+from portage.util import ensure_dirs
+class BinpkgFetchtestCase(TestCase):
+ def testLocalFilePkgSyncUpdate(self):
+ """
+ Check handling of local file:// sync-uri and unnecessary BUILD_ID
+ increments (bug #921208).
+ """
+ debug = False
+ ebuilds = {
+ "dev-libs/A-1::local": {
+ "EAPI": "7",
+ "SLOT": "0",
+ },
+ }
+ playground = ResolverPlayground(ebuilds=ebuilds, debug=debug)
+ settings = playground.settings
+ eprefix = settings["EPREFIX"]
+ eroot = settings["EROOT"]
+ trees = playground.trees
+ bindb = trees[eroot]["bintree"].dbapi
+ var_cache_edb = os.path.join(eprefix, "var", "cache", "edb")
+ user_config_dir = os.path.join(eprefix, USER_CONFIG_PATH)
+ portage_python = portage._python_interpreter
+ emerge_cmd = (
+ portage_python,
+ "-b",
+ "-Wd",
+ os.path.join(str(self.bindir), "emerge"),
+ )
+ tmppkgdir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
+ tmppkgdir_suffix = os.path.join(tmppkgdir.name, "binpkg")
+ test_commands = (
+ # Create a trivial binpkg first.
+ emerge_cmd
+ + (
+ "--oneshot",
+ "--verbose",
+ "--buildpkg",
+ "dev-libs/A",
+ ),
+ # Copy to a new PKGDIR which we'll use as PORTAGE_BINHOST then delete the old PKGDIR.
+ (
+ (
+ lambda: shutil.copytree(bindb.bintree.pkgdir, tmppkgdir_suffix)
+ or True,
+ )
+ ),
+ (
+ (
+ lambda: os.unlink(
+ os.path.join(
+ bindb.bintree.pkgdir, "dev-libs", "A", "A-1-1.gpkg.tar"
+ )
+ )
+ or True,
+ )
+ ),
+ )
+ test_commands_nonfatal = (
+ # This should succeed if we've correctly saved it as A-1-1.gpkg.tar, not
+ # A-1-2.gpkg.tar, and then also try to unpack the right filename, but
+ # we defer checking the exit code to get a better error if the binpkg
+ # was downloaded with the wrong filename.
+ emerge_cmd
+ + (
+ "--oneshot",
+ "--verbose",
+ "--getbinpkgonly",
+ "dev-libs/A",
+ ),
+ )
+ test_commands_final = (
+ # Check whether the downloaded binpkg in PKGDIR has the correct
+ # filename (-1) or an unnecessarily-incremented one (-2).
+ (
+ lambda: os.path.exists(
+ os.path.join(
+ bindb.bintree.pkgdir, "dev-libs", "A", "A-1-1.gpkg.tar"
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ fake_bin = os.path.join(eprefix, "bin")
+ portage_tmpdir = os.path.join(eprefix, "var", "tmp", "portage")
+ path = settings.get("PATH")
+ if path is not None and not path.strip():
+ path = None
+ if path is None:
+ path = ""
+ else:
+ path = ":" + path
+ path = fake_bin + path
+ pythonpath = os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH")
+ if pythonpath is not None and not pythonpath.strip():
+ pythonpath = None
+ if pythonpath is not None and pythonpath.split(":")[0] == PORTAGE_PYM_PATH:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if pythonpath is None:
+ pythonpath = ""
+ else:
+ pythonpath = ":" + pythonpath
+ pythonpath = PORTAGE_PYM_PATH + pythonpath
+ env = {
+ "PATH": path,
+ "PORTAGE_PYTHON": portage_python,
+ "PORTAGE_REPOSITORIES": settings.repositories.config_string(),
+ "PYTHONPATH": pythonpath,
+ "PORTAGE_INST_GID": str(os.getgid()),
+ "PORTAGE_INST_UID": str(os.getuid()),
+ "FEATURES": "-pkgdir-index-trusted",
+ }
+ dirs = [
+ playground.distdir,
+ fake_bin,
+ portage_tmpdir,
+ user_config_dir,
+ var_cache_edb,
+ ]
+ true_symlinks = ["chown", "chgrp"]
+ needed_binaries = {
+ "true": (find_binary("true"), True),
+ }
+ def run_commands(test_commands, require_success=True):
+ all_successful = True
+ for i, args in enumerate(test_commands):
+ if hasattr(args[0], "__call__"):
+ if require_success:
+ self.assertTrue(args[0](), f"callable at index {i} failed")
+ continue
+ if isinstance(args[0], dict):
+ local_env = env.copy()
+ local_env.update(args[0])
+ args = args[1:]
+ else:
+ local_env = env
+ local_env["PORTAGE_BINHOST"] = f"file:///{tmppkgdir_suffix}"
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(args, env=local_env, stdout=stdout)
+ if debug:
+ proc.wait()
+ else:
+ output = proc.stdout.readlines()
+ proc.wait()
+ proc.stdout.close()
+ if proc.returncode != os.EX_OK:
+ for line in output:
+ sys.stderr.write(_unicode_decode(line))
+ if all_successful and proc.returncode != os.EX_OK:
+ all_successful = False
+ if require_success:
+ self.assertEqual(
+ os.EX_OK, proc.returncode, f"emerge failed with args {args}"
+ )
+ return all_successful
+ try:
+ for d in dirs:
+ ensure_dirs(d)
+ for x in true_symlinks:
+ os.symlink(needed_binaries["true"][0], os.path.join(fake_bin, x))
+ with open(os.path.join(var_cache_edb, "counter"), "wb") as f:
+ f.write(b"100")
+ if debug:
+ # The subprocess inherits both stdout and stderr, for
+ # debugging purposes.
+ stdout = None
+ else:
+ # The subprocess inherits stderr so that any warnings
+ # triggered by python -Wd will be visible.
+ stdout = subprocess.PIPE
+ run_commands(test_commands)
+ deferred_success = run_commands(test_commands_nonfatal, False)
+ run_commands(test_commands_final)
+ # Check the return value of test_commands_nonfatal later on so
+ # we can get a better error message from test_commands_final
+ # if possible.
+ self.assertTrue(deferred_success, f"{test_commands_nonfatal} failed")
+ finally:
+ playground.debug = False
+ playground.cleanup()
+ tmppkgdir.cleanup()
diff --git a/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_config_protect.py b/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_config_protect.py
index b60d0c495..59a2c23b9 100644
--- a/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_config_protect.py
+++ b/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_config_protect.py
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-# Copyright 2014-2015 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 2014-2015, 2023 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-import io
from functools import partial
+import shlex
import shutil
import stat
import subprocess
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ from portage.const import BASH_BINARY, PORTAGE_PYM_PATH
from portage.process import find_binary
from portage.tests import TestCase
from portage.tests.resolver.ResolverPlayground import ResolverPlayground
-from portage.util import ensure_dirs, find_updated_config_files, shlex_split
+from portage.util import ensure_dirs, find_updated_config_files
class ConfigProtectTestCase(TestCase):
@@ -113,10 +113,15 @@ src_install() {
- os.path.join(self.sbindir, "dispatch-conf"),
+ os.path.join(str(self.sbindir), "dispatch-conf"),
- emerge_cmd = (portage_python, "-b", "-Wd", os.path.join(self.bindir, "emerge"))
- etc_update_cmd = (BASH_BINARY, os.path.join(self.sbindir, "etc-update"))
+ emerge_cmd = (
+ portage_python,
+ "-b",
+ "-Wd",
+ os.path.join(str(self.bindir), "emerge"),
+ )
+ etc_update_cmd = (BASH_BINARY, os.path.join(str(self.sbindir), "etc-update"))
etc_update_auto = etc_update_cmd + (
@@ -129,7 +134,7 @@ src_install() {
path = os.path.join(dir_path, name)
st = os.lstat(path)
if stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode):
- with io.open(path, mode="a", encoding=_encodings["stdio"]) as f:
+ with open(path, mode="a", encoding=_encodings["stdio"]) as f:
f.write("modified at %d\n" % time.time())
elif stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode):
old_dest = os.readlink(path)
@@ -142,7 +147,7 @@ src_install() {
for x in find_updated_config_files(
- eroot, shlex_split(config_protect)
+ eroot, shlex.split(config_protect)
@@ -187,7 +192,7 @@ src_install() {
fake_bin = os.path.join(eprefix, "bin")
portage_tmpdir = os.path.join(eprefix, "var", "tmp", "portage")
- path = os.environ.get("PATH")
+ path = settings.get("PATH")
if path is not None and not path.strip():
path = None
if path is None:
@@ -218,8 +223,8 @@ src_install() {
"INFODIR": "",
"PATH": path,
- "PORTAGE_INST_GID": str(portage.data.portage_gid),
- "PORTAGE_INST_UID": str(portage.data.portage_uid),
+ "PORTAGE_INST_GID": str(os.getgid()), # str(portage.data.portage_gid),
+ "PORTAGE_INST_UID": str(os.getuid()), # str(portage.data.portage_uid),
"PORTAGE_PYTHON": portage_python,
"PORTAGE_REPOSITORIES": settings.repositories.config_string(),
"PORTAGE_TMPDIR": portage_tmpdir,
@@ -248,7 +253,8 @@ src_install() {
os.symlink(true_binary, os.path.join(fake_bin, x))
for x in etc_symlinks:
- os.path.join(self.cnf_etc_path, x), os.path.join(eprefix, "etc", x)
+ os.path.join(str(self.cnf_etc_path), x),
+ os.path.join(eprefix, "etc", x),
with open(os.path.join(var_cache_edb, "counter"), "wb") as f:
@@ -263,7 +269,6 @@ src_install() {
stdout = subprocess.PIPE
for args in test_commands:
if hasattr(args, "__call__"):
@@ -288,7 +293,7 @@ src_install() {
- os.EX_OK, proc.returncode, "emerge failed with args %s" % (args,)
+ os.EX_OK, proc.returncode, f"emerge failed with args {args}"
diff --git a/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_emerge_blocker_file_collision.py b/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_emerge_blocker_file_collision.py
index 785bf50cb..1eb7da79f 100644
--- a/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_emerge_blocker_file_collision.py
+++ b/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_emerge_blocker_file_collision.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2016 Gentoo Foundation
+# Copyright 2016, 2023 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
import subprocess
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ from portage.util import ensure_dirs
class BlockerFileCollisionEmergeTestCase(TestCase):
def testBlockerFileCollision(self):
debug = False
install_something = """
@@ -51,7 +50,12 @@ src_install() {
user_config_dir = os.path.join(eprefix, USER_CONFIG_PATH)
portage_python = portage._python_interpreter
- emerge_cmd = (portage_python, "-b", "-Wd", os.path.join(self.bindir, "emerge"))
+ emerge_cmd = (
+ portage_python,
+ "-b",
+ "-Wd",
+ os.path.join(str(self.bindir), "emerge"),
+ )
file_collision = os.path.join(eroot, "usr/lib/file-collision")
@@ -94,7 +98,7 @@ src_install() {
portage_tmpdir = os.path.join(eprefix, "var", "tmp", "portage")
profile_path = settings.profile_path
- path = os.environ.get("PATH")
+ path = settings.get("PATH")
if path is not None and not path.strip():
path = None
if path is None:
@@ -122,6 +126,8 @@ src_install() {
"PORTAGE_REPOSITORIES": settings.repositories.config_string(),
"PYTHONPATH": pythonpath,
+ "PORTAGE_INST_GID": str(os.getgid()),
+ "PORTAGE_INST_UID": str(os.getuid()),
if "__PORTAGE_TEST_HARDLINK_LOCKS" in os.environ:
@@ -160,9 +166,8 @@ src_install() {
stdout = subprocess.PIPE
for i, args in enumerate(test_commands):
if hasattr(args[0], "__call__"):
- self.assertTrue(args[0](), "callable at index %s failed" % (i,))
+ self.assertTrue(args[0](), f"callable at index {i} failed")
if isinstance(args[0], dict):
@@ -185,7 +190,7 @@ src_install() {
- os.EX_OK, proc.returncode, "emerge failed with args %s" % (args,)
+ os.EX_OK, proc.returncode, f"emerge failed with args {args}"
playground.debug = False
diff --git a/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_emerge_slot_abi.py b/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_emerge_slot_abi.py
index 3c3a8b582..c1a8fe894 100644
--- a/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_emerge_slot_abi.py
+++ b/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_emerge_slot_abi.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2012-2019 Gentoo Authors
+# Copyright 2012-2019, 2023 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
import subprocess
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ from portage.util import ensure_dirs
class SlotAbiEmergeTestCase(TestCase):
def testSlotAbiEmerge(self):
debug = False
ebuilds = {
@@ -55,8 +54,18 @@ class SlotAbiEmergeTestCase(TestCase):
package_mask_path = os.path.join(user_config_dir, "package.mask")
portage_python = portage._python_interpreter
- ebuild_cmd = (portage_python, "-b", "-Wd", os.path.join(self.bindir, "ebuild"))
- emerge_cmd = (portage_python, "-b", "-Wd", os.path.join(self.bindir, "emerge"))
+ ebuild_cmd = (
+ portage_python,
+ "-b",
+ "-Wd",
+ os.path.join(str(self.bindir), "ebuild"),
+ )
+ emerge_cmd = (
+ portage_python,
+ "-b",
+ "-Wd",
+ os.path.join(str(self.bindir), "emerge"),
+ )
test_ebuild = portdb.findname("dev-libs/dbus-glib-0.98")
self.assertFalse(test_ebuild is None)
@@ -102,7 +111,7 @@ class SlotAbiEmergeTestCase(TestCase):
portage_tmpdir = os.path.join(eprefix, "var", "tmp", "portage")
profile_path = settings.profile_path
- path = os.environ.get("PATH")
+ path = settings.get("PATH")
if path is not None and not path.strip():
path = None
if path is None:
@@ -130,6 +139,8 @@ class SlotAbiEmergeTestCase(TestCase):
"PORTAGE_REPOSITORIES": settings.repositories.config_string(),
"PYTHONPATH": pythonpath,
+ "PORTAGE_INST_GID": str(os.getgid()),
+ "PORTAGE_INST_UID": str(os.getuid()),
if "__PORTAGE_TEST_HARDLINK_LOCKS" in os.environ:
@@ -162,9 +173,8 @@ class SlotAbiEmergeTestCase(TestCase):
stdout = subprocess.PIPE
for i, args in enumerate(test_commands):
if hasattr(args[0], "__call__"):
- self.assertTrue(args[0](), "callable at index %s failed" % (i,))
+ self.assertTrue(args[0](), f"callable at index {i} failed")
proc = subprocess.Popen(args, env=env, stdout=stdout)
@@ -180,7 +190,7 @@ class SlotAbiEmergeTestCase(TestCase):
- os.EX_OK, proc.returncode, "emerge failed with args %s" % (args,)
+ os.EX_OK, proc.returncode, f"emerge failed with args {args}"
diff --git a/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_libc_dep_inject.py b/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_libc_dep_inject.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..933affcd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_libc_dep_inject.py
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+# Copyright 2016-2023 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import textwrap
+import portage
+from portage import os
+from portage import _unicode_decode
+from portage.const import PORTAGE_PYM_PATH, USER_CONFIG_PATH
+from portage.process import find_binary
+from portage.tests import TestCase
+from portage.util import ensure_dirs
+from portage.tests.resolver.ResolverPlayground import (
+ ResolverPlayground,
+ ResolverPlaygroundTestCase,
+class LibcDepInjectEmergeTestCase(TestCase):
+ def testLibcDepInjection(self):
+ """
+ Test whether the implicit libc dependency injection (bug #913628)
+ is correctly added for only ebuilds installing an ELF binary.
+ Based on BlockerFileCollisionEmergeTestCase.
+ """
+ debug = False
+ install_elf = textwrap.dedent(
+ """
+ S="${WORKDIR}"
+ src_install() {
+ insinto /usr/bin
+ # We need an ELF binary for the injection to trigger, so
+ # use ${BASH} given we know it must be around for running ebuilds.
+ cp "${BASH}" "${ED}"/usr/bin/${PN} || die
+ }
+ """
+ )
+ ebuilds = {
+ "sys-libs/glibc-2.38": {
+ "EAPI": "8",
+ "MISC_CONTENT": install_elf,
+ },
+ "virtual/libc-1": {
+ "EAPI": "8",
+ "RDEPEND": "sys-libs/glibc",
+ },
+ "dev-libs/A-1": {
+ "EAPI": "8",
+ "MISC_CONTENT": install_elf,
+ },
+ "dev-libs/B-1": {
+ "EAPI": "8",
+ },
+ "dev-libs/C-1": {
+ "EAPI": "8",
+ "MISC_CONTENT": install_elf,
+ },
+ "dev-libs/D-1": {
+ "EAPI": "8",
+ },
+ "dev-libs/E-1": {
+ "EAPI": "8",
+ "RDEPEND": ">=dev-libs/D-1",
+ "MISC_CONTENT": install_elf,
+ },
+ }
+ world = ("dev-libs/A",)
+ playground = ResolverPlayground(ebuilds=ebuilds, world=world, debug=debug)
+ settings = playground.settings
+ eprefix = settings["EPREFIX"]
+ eroot = settings["EROOT"]
+ var_cache_edb = os.path.join(eprefix, "var", "cache", "edb")
+ user_config_dir = os.path.join(eprefix, USER_CONFIG_PATH)
+ portage_python = portage._python_interpreter
+ emerge_cmd = (
+ portage_python,
+ "-b",
+ "-Wd",
+ os.path.join(str(self.bindir), "emerge"),
+ )
+ test_commands = (
+ # If we install a package with an ELF but no libc provider is installed,
+ # make sure we don't inject anything (we don't want to have some bare RDEPEND with
+ # literally "[]").
+ emerge_cmd
+ + (
+ "--oneshot",
+ "dev-libs/C",
+ ),
+ (
+ lambda: not portage.util.grablines(
+ os.path.join(
+ eprefix, "var", "db", "pkg", "dev-libs", "C-1", "RDEPEND"
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ # (We need sys-libs/glibc pulled in and virtual/libc installed)
+ emerge_cmd
+ + (
+ "--oneshot",
+ "virtual/libc",
+ ),
+ # A package NOT installing an ELF binary shouldn't have an injected libc dep
+ # Let's check the virtual/libc one as we already have to merge it to pull in
+ # sys-libs/glibc, but we'll do a better check after too.
+ (
+ lambda: ">=sys-libs/glibc-2.38\n"
+ not in portage.util.grablines(
+ os.path.join(
+ eprefix, "var", "db", "pkg", "virtual", "libc-1", "RDEPEND"
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ # A package NOT installing an ELF binary shouldn't have an injected libc dep
+ emerge_cmd
+ + (
+ "--oneshot",
+ "dev-libs/B",
+ ),
+ (
+ lambda: not portage.util.grablines(
+ os.path.join(
+ eprefix, "var", "db", "pkg", "dev-libs", "B-1", "RDEPEND"
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ # A package installing an ELF binary should have an injected libc dep
+ emerge_cmd
+ + (
+ "--oneshot",
+ "dev-libs/A",
+ ),
+ (lambda: os.path.exists(os.path.join(eroot, "usr/bin/A")),),
+ (
+ lambda: ">=sys-libs/glibc-2.38\n"
+ in portage.util.grablines(
+ os.path.join(
+ eprefix, "var", "db", "pkg", "dev-libs", "A-1", "RDEPEND"
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ # Install glibc again because earlier, no libc was installed, so the injection
+ # wouldn't have fired even if the "are we libc?" check was broken.
+ emerge_cmd
+ + (
+ "--oneshot",
+ "sys-libs/glibc",
+ ),
+ # We don't want the libc (sys-libs/glibc is the provider here) to have an injected dep on itself
+ (
+ lambda: ">=sys-libs/glibc-2.38\n"
+ not in portage.util.grablines(
+ os.path.join(
+ eprefix, "var", "db", "pkg", "sys-libs", "glibc-2.38", "RDEPEND"
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ # Make sure we append to, not clobber, RDEPEND
+ emerge_cmd
+ + (
+ "--oneshot",
+ "dev-libs/E",
+ ),
+ (
+ lambda: [">=dev-libs/D-1 >=sys-libs/glibc-2.38\n"]
+ == portage.util.grablines(
+ os.path.join(
+ eprefix, "var", "db", "pkg", "dev-libs", "E-1", "RDEPEND"
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ )
+ fake_bin = os.path.join(eprefix, "bin")
+ portage_tmpdir = os.path.join(eprefix, "var", "tmp", "portage")
+ profile_path = settings.profile_path
+ path = settings.get("PATH")
+ if path is not None and not path.strip():
+ path = None
+ if path is None:
+ path = ""
+ else:
+ path = ":" + path
+ path = fake_bin + path
+ pythonpath = os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH")
+ if pythonpath is not None and not pythonpath.strip():
+ pythonpath = None
+ if pythonpath is not None and pythonpath.split(":")[0] == PORTAGE_PYM_PATH:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if pythonpath is None:
+ pythonpath = ""
+ else:
+ pythonpath = ":" + pythonpath
+ pythonpath = PORTAGE_PYM_PATH + pythonpath
+ env = {
+ "PATH": path,
+ "PORTAGE_PYTHON": portage_python,
+ "PORTAGE_REPOSITORIES": settings.repositories.config_string(),
+ "PYTHONPATH": pythonpath,
+ "PORTAGE_INST_GID": str(os.getgid()),
+ "PORTAGE_INST_UID": str(os.getuid()),
+ "FEATURES": "-qa-unresolved-soname-deps -preserve-libs -merge-sync",
+ }
+ dirs = [
+ playground.distdir,
+ fake_bin,
+ portage_tmpdir,
+ user_config_dir,
+ var_cache_edb,
+ ]
+ true_symlinks = ["chown", "chgrp"]
+ # We don't want to make pax-utils a hard-requirement for tests,
+ # so if it's not found, skip the test rather than FAIL it.
+ needed_binaries = {
+ "true": (find_binary("true"), True),
+ "scanelf": (find_binary("scanelf"), False),
+ "find": (find_binary("find"), True),
+ }
+ for name, (path, mandatory) in needed_binaries.items():
+ found = path is not None
+ if not found:
+ if mandatory:
+ self.assertIsNotNone(path, f"command {name} not found")
+ else:
+ self.skipTest(f"{name} not found")
+ try:
+ for d in dirs:
+ ensure_dirs(d)
+ for x in true_symlinks:
+ os.symlink(needed_binaries["true"][0], os.path.join(fake_bin, x))
+ # We need scanelf, find for the ELF parts (creating NEEDED)
+ os.symlink(needed_binaries["scanelf"][0], os.path.join(fake_bin, "scanelf"))
+ os.symlink(needed_binaries["find"][0], os.path.join(fake_bin, "find"))
+ with open(os.path.join(var_cache_edb, "counter"), "wb") as f:
+ f.write(b"100")
+ with open(os.path.join(profile_path, "packages"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("*virtual/libc")
+ if debug:
+ # The subprocess inherits both stdout and stderr, for
+ # debugging purposes.
+ stdout = None
+ else:
+ # The subprocess inherits stderr so that any warnings
+ # triggered by python -Wd will be visible.
+ stdout = subprocess.PIPE
+ for i, args in enumerate(test_commands):
+ if hasattr(args[0], "__call__"):
+ self.assertTrue(args[0](), f"callable at index {i} failed")
+ continue
+ if isinstance(args[0], dict):
+ local_env = env.copy()
+ local_env.update(args[0])
+ args = args[1:]
+ else:
+ local_env = env
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(args, env=local_env, stdout=stdout)
+ if debug:
+ proc.wait()
+ else:
+ output = proc.stdout.readlines()
+ proc.wait()
+ proc.stdout.close()
+ if proc.returncode != os.EX_OK:
+ for line in output:
+ sys.stderr.write(_unicode_decode(line))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ os.EX_OK, proc.returncode, f"emerge failed with args {args}"
+ )
+ # Check that dev-libs/A doesn't get re-emerged via --changed-deps
+ # after injecting the libc dep. We want to suppress the injected
+ # dep in the changed-deps comparisons.
+ k = ResolverPlaygroundTestCase(
+ ["@world"],
+ options={
+ "--changed-deps": True,
+ "--deep": True,
+ "--update": True,
+ "--verbose": True,
+ },
+ success=True,
+ mergelist=[],
+ )
+ playground.run_TestCase(k)
+ self.assertEqual(k.test_success, True, k.fail_msg)
+ finally:
+ playground.debug = False
+ playground.cleanup()
+ def testBinpkgLibcDepInjection(self):
+ """
+ Test whether the implicit libc dependency injection (bug #913628)
+ correctly forces an upgrade to a newer glibc before merging a binpkg
+ built against it.
+ Based on BlockerFileCollisionEmergeTestCase.
+ """
+ debug = False
+ install_elf = textwrap.dedent(
+ """
+ S="${WORKDIR}"
+ src_install() {
+ insinto /usr/bin
+ # We need an ELF binary for the injection to trigger, so
+ # use ${BASH} given we know it must be around for running ebuilds.
+ cp "${BASH}" "${ED}"/usr/bin/${PN} || die
+ }
+ """
+ )
+ ebuilds = {
+ "sys-libs/glibc-2.37": {
+ "EAPI": "8",
+ "MISC_CONTENT": install_elf,
+ },
+ "sys-libs/glibc-2.38": {
+ "EAPI": "8",
+ "MISC_CONTENT": install_elf,
+ },
+ "virtual/libc-1": {
+ "EAPI": "8",
+ "RDEPEND": "sys-libs/glibc",
+ },
+ "dev-libs/A-1": {
+ "EAPI": "8",
+ "MISC_CONTENT": install_elf,
+ },
+ "dev-libs/B-1": {
+ "EAPI": "8",
+ },
+ "dev-libs/C-1": {
+ "EAPI": "8",
+ "MISC_CONTENT": install_elf,
+ },
+ }
+ playground = ResolverPlayground(ebuilds=ebuilds, debug=debug)
+ settings = playground.settings
+ eprefix = settings["EPREFIX"]
+ eroot = settings["EROOT"]
+ var_cache_edb = os.path.join(eprefix, "var", "cache", "edb")
+ user_config_dir = os.path.join(eprefix, USER_CONFIG_PATH)
+ portage_python = portage._python_interpreter
+ emerge_cmd = (
+ portage_python,
+ "-b",
+ "-Wd",
+ os.path.join(str(self.bindir), "emerge"),
+ )
+ test_commands = (
+ # (We need sys-libs/glibc pulled in and virtual/libc installed)
+ emerge_cmd
+ + (
+ "--oneshot",
+ "virtual/libc",
+ ),
+ # A package installing an ELF binary should have an injected libc dep
+ emerge_cmd
+ + (
+ "--oneshot",
+ "dev-libs/A",
+ ),
+ (lambda: os.path.exists(os.path.join(eroot, "usr/bin/A")),),
+ (
+ lambda: ">=sys-libs/glibc-2.38\n"
+ in portage.util.grablines(
+ os.path.join(
+ eprefix, "var", "db", "pkg", "dev-libs", "A-1", "RDEPEND"
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ # Downgrade glibc to a version (2.37) older than the version
+ # that dev-libs/A's binpkg was built against (2.38). Below,
+ # we check that it pulls in a newer glibc via a ResolverPlayground
+ # testcase.
+ emerge_cmd
+ + (
+ "--oneshot",
+ "--nodeps",
+ "<sys-libs/glibc-2.38",
+ ),
+ )
+ fake_bin = os.path.join(eprefix, "bin")
+ portage_tmpdir = os.path.join(eprefix, "var", "tmp", "portage")
+ profile_path = settings.profile_path
+ path = settings.get("PATH")
+ if path is not None and not path.strip():
+ path = None
+ if path is None:
+ path = ""
+ else:
+ path = ":" + path
+ path = fake_bin + path
+ pythonpath = os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH")
+ if pythonpath is not None and not pythonpath.strip():
+ pythonpath = None
+ if pythonpath is not None and pythonpath.split(":")[0] == PORTAGE_PYM_PATH:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if pythonpath is None:
+ pythonpath = ""
+ else:
+ pythonpath = ":" + pythonpath
+ pythonpath = PORTAGE_PYM_PATH + pythonpath
+ env = {
+ "PATH": path,
+ "PORTAGE_PYTHON": portage_python,
+ "PORTAGE_REPOSITORIES": settings.repositories.config_string(),
+ "PYTHONPATH": pythonpath,
+ "PORTAGE_INST_GID": str(os.getgid()),
+ "PORTAGE_INST_UID": str(os.getuid()),
+ "FEATURES": "buildpkg",
+ }
+ dirs = [
+ playground.distdir,
+ fake_bin,
+ portage_tmpdir,
+ user_config_dir,
+ var_cache_edb,
+ ]
+ true_symlinks = ["chown", "chgrp"]
+ # We don't want to make pax-utils a hard-requirement for tests,
+ # so if it's not found, skip the test rather than FAIL it.
+ needed_binaries = {
+ "true": (find_binary("true"), True),
+ "scanelf": (find_binary("scanelf"), False),
+ "find": (find_binary("find"), True),
+ }
+ for name, (path, mandatory) in needed_binaries.items():
+ found = path is not None
+ if not found:
+ if mandatory:
+ self.assertIsNotNone(path, f"command {name} not found")
+ else:
+ self.skipTest(f"{name} not found")
+ try:
+ for d in dirs:
+ ensure_dirs(d)
+ for x in true_symlinks:
+ os.symlink(needed_binaries["true"][0], os.path.join(fake_bin, x))
+ # We need scanelf, find for the ELF parts (creating NEEDED)
+ os.symlink(needed_binaries["scanelf"][0], os.path.join(fake_bin, "scanelf"))
+ os.symlink(needed_binaries["find"][0], os.path.join(fake_bin, "find"))
+ with open(os.path.join(var_cache_edb, "counter"), "wb") as f:
+ f.write(b"100")
+ with open(os.path.join(profile_path, "packages"), "w") as f:
+ f.write("*virtual/libc")
+ if debug:
+ # The subprocess inherits both stdout and stderr, for
+ # debugging purposes.
+ stdout = None
+ else:
+ # The subprocess inherits stderr so that any warnings
+ # triggered by python -Wd will be visible.
+ stdout = subprocess.PIPE
+ for i, args in enumerate(test_commands):
+ if hasattr(args[0], "__call__"):
+ self.assertTrue(args[0](), f"callable at index {i} failed")
+ continue
+ if isinstance(args[0], dict):
+ local_env = env.copy()
+ local_env.update(args[0])
+ args = args[1:]
+ else:
+ local_env = env
+ proc = subprocess.Popen(args, env=local_env, stdout=stdout)
+ if debug:
+ proc.wait()
+ else:
+ output = proc.stdout.readlines()
+ proc.wait()
+ proc.stdout.close()
+ if proc.returncode != os.EX_OK:
+ for line in output:
+ sys.stderr.write(_unicode_decode(line))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ os.EX_OK, proc.returncode, f"emerge failed with args {args}"
+ )
+ # Now check that glibc gets upgraded to the right version
+ # for the binpkg first after we downgraded it earlier, before
+ # merging the dev-libs/A binpkg which needs 2.38.
+ k = ResolverPlaygroundTestCase(
+ ["dev-libs/A"],
+ options={
+ "--usepkgonly": True,
+ "--verbose": True,
+ },
+ success=True,
+ mergelist=["[binary]sys-libs/glibc-2.38-1", "[binary]dev-libs/A-1-1"],
+ )
+ playground.run_TestCase(k)
+ self.assertEqual(k.test_success, True, k.fail_msg)
+ finally:
+ playground.debug = False
+ playground.cleanup()
diff --git a/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_simple.py b/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_simple.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a8bf3764..000000000
--- a/lib/portage/tests/emerge/test_simple.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,704 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2011-2021 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-import argparse
-import subprocess
-import portage
-from portage import shutil, os
-from portage.const import (
-from portage.cache.mappings import Mapping
-from portage.process import find_binary
-from portage.tests import TestCase
-from portage.tests.resolver.ResolverPlayground import ResolverPlayground
-from portage.tests.util.test_socks5 import AsyncHTTPServer
-from portage.util import ensure_dirs, find_updated_config_files, shlex_split
-from portage.util.futures import asyncio
-class BinhostContentMap(Mapping):
- def __init__(self, remote_path, local_path):
- self._remote_path = remote_path
- self._local_path = local_path
- def __getitem__(self, request_path):
- safe_path = os.path.normpath(request_path)
- if not safe_path.startswith(self._remote_path + "/"):
- raise KeyError(request_path)
- local_path = os.path.join(
- self._local_path, safe_path[len(self._remote_path) + 1 :]
- )
- try:
- with open(local_path, "rb") as f:
- return f.read()
- except EnvironmentError:
- raise KeyError(request_path)
-class SimpleEmergeTestCase(TestCase):
- def _have_python_xml(self):
- try:
- __import__("xml.etree.ElementTree")
- __import__("xml.parsers.expat").parsers.expat.ExpatError
- except (AttributeError, ImportError):
- return False
- return True
- def testSimple(self):
- debug = False
- install_something = """
-pkg_pretend() {
- einfo "called pkg_pretend for $CATEGORY/$PF"
-src_install() {
- einfo "installing something..."
- insinto /usr/lib/${P}
- echo "blah blah blah" > "${T}"/regular-file
- doins "${T}"/regular-file
- dosym regular-file /usr/lib/${P}/symlink || die
- insinto /etc
- newins "${T}"/regular-file ${PN}-${SLOT%/*}
- # Test code for bug #381629, using a copyright symbol encoded with latin-1.
- # We use $(printf "\\xa9") rather than $'\\xa9', since printf apparently
- # works in any case, while $'\\xa9' transforms to \\xef\\xbf\\xbd under
- # some conditions. TODO: Find out why it transforms to \\xef\\xbf\\xbd when
- # running tests for Python 3.2 (even though it's bash that is ultimately
- # responsible for performing the transformation).
- local latin_1_dir=/usr/lib/${P}/latin-1-$(printf "\\xa9")-directory
- insinto "${latin_1_dir}"
- echo "blah blah blah" > "${T}"/latin-1-$(printf "\\xa9")-regular-file || die
- doins "${T}"/latin-1-$(printf "\\xa9")-regular-file
- dosym latin-1-$(printf "\\xa9")-regular-file ${latin_1_dir}/latin-1-$(printf "\\xa9")-symlink || die
- call_has_and_best_version
-pkg_config() {
- einfo "called pkg_config for $CATEGORY/$PF"
-pkg_info() {
- einfo "called pkg_info for $CATEGORY/$PF"
-pkg_preinst() {
- if ! ___eapi_best_version_and_has_version_support_-b_-d_-r; then
- # The BROOT variable is unset during pkg_* phases for EAPI 7,
- # therefore best/has_version -b is expected to fail if we attempt
- # to call it for EAPI 7 here.
- call_has_and_best_version
- fi
-call_has_and_best_version() {
- local root_arg
- if ___eapi_best_version_and_has_version_support_-b_-d_-r; then
- root_arg="-b"
- else
- root_arg="--host-root"
- fi
- einfo "called ${EBUILD_PHASE_FUNC} for $CATEGORY/$PF"
- einfo "EPREFIX=${EPREFIX}"
- einfo "ROOT=${ROOT}"
- einfo "EROOT=${EROOT}"
- einfo "SYSROOT=${SYSROOT}"
- einfo "BROOT=${BROOT}"
- # Test that has_version and best_version work correctly with
- # prefix (involves internal ROOT -> EROOT calculation in order
- # to support ROOT override via the environment with EAPIs 3
- # and later which support prefix).
- if has_version $CATEGORY/$PN:$SLOT ; then
- einfo "has_version detects an installed instance of $CATEGORY/$PN:$SLOT"
- einfo "best_version reports that the installed instance is $(best_version $CATEGORY/$PN:$SLOT)"
- else
- einfo "has_version does not detect an installed instance of $CATEGORY/$PN:$SLOT"
- fi
- if [[ ${EPREFIX} != ${PORTAGE_OVERRIDE_EPREFIX} ]] ; then
- if has_version ${root_arg} $CATEGORY/$PN:$SLOT ; then
- einfo "has_version ${root_arg} detects an installed instance of $CATEGORY/$PN:$SLOT"
- einfo "best_version ${root_arg} reports that the installed instance is $(best_version ${root_arg} $CATEGORY/$PN:$SLOT)"
- else
- einfo "has_version ${root_arg} does not detect an installed instance of $CATEGORY/$PN:$SLOT"
- fi
- fi
- ebuilds = {
- "dev-libs/A-1": {
- "EAPI": "5",
- "IUSE": "+flag",
- "KEYWORDS": "x86",
- "LICENSE": "GPL-2",
- "MISC_CONTENT": install_something,
- "RDEPEND": "flag? ( dev-libs/B[flag] )",
- },
- "dev-libs/B-1": {
- "EAPI": "5",
- "IUSE": "+flag",
- "KEYWORDS": "x86",
- "LICENSE": "GPL-2",
- "MISC_CONTENT": install_something,
- },
- "dev-libs/C-1": {
- "EAPI": "7",
- "KEYWORDS": "~x86",
- "RDEPEND": "dev-libs/D[flag]",
- "MISC_CONTENT": install_something,
- },
- "dev-libs/D-1": {
- "EAPI": "7",
- "KEYWORDS": "~x86",
- "IUSE": "flag",
- "MISC_CONTENT": install_something,
- },
- "virtual/foo-0": {
- "EAPI": "5",
- "KEYWORDS": "x86",
- "LICENSE": "GPL-2",
- },
- }
- installed = {
- "dev-libs/A-1": {
- "EAPI": "5",
- "IUSE": "+flag",
- "KEYWORDS": "x86",
- "LICENSE": "GPL-2",
- "RDEPEND": "flag? ( dev-libs/B[flag] )",
- "USE": "flag",
- },
- "dev-libs/B-1": {
- "EAPI": "5",
- "IUSE": "+flag",
- "KEYWORDS": "x86",
- "LICENSE": "GPL-2",
- "USE": "flag",
- },
- "dev-libs/depclean-me-1": {
- "EAPI": "5",
- "IUSE": "",
- "KEYWORDS": "x86",
- "LICENSE": "GPL-2",
- "USE": "",
- },
- "app-misc/depclean-me-1": {
- "EAPI": "5",
- "IUSE": "",
- "KEYWORDS": "x86",
- "LICENSE": "GPL-2",
- "RDEPEND": "dev-libs/depclean-me",
- "USE": "",
- },
- }
- metadata_xml_files = (
- (
- "dev-libs/A",
- {
- "flags": "<flag name='flag'>Description of how USE='flag' affects this package</flag>",
- },
- ),
- (
- "dev-libs/B",
- {
- "flags": "<flag name='flag'>Description of how USE='flag' affects this package</flag>",
- },
- ),
- )
- playground = ResolverPlayground(
- ebuilds=ebuilds, installed=installed, debug=debug
- )
- loop = asyncio._wrap_loop()
- loop.run_until_complete(
- asyncio.ensure_future(
- self._async_test_simple(playground, metadata_xml_files, loop=loop),
- loop=loop,
- )
- )
- async def _async_test_simple(self, playground, metadata_xml_files, loop):
- debug = playground.debug
- settings = playground.settings
- eprefix = settings["EPREFIX"]
- eroot = settings["EROOT"]
- trees = playground.trees
- portdb = trees[eroot]["porttree"].dbapi
- test_repo_location = settings.repositories["test_repo"].location
- var_cache_edb = os.path.join(eprefix, "var", "cache", "edb")
- cachedir = os.path.join(var_cache_edb, "dep")
- cachedir_pregen = os.path.join(test_repo_location, "metadata", "md5-cache")
- portage_python = portage._python_interpreter
- dispatch_conf_cmd = (
- portage_python,
- "-b",
- "-Wd",
- os.path.join(self.sbindir, "dispatch-conf"),
- )
- ebuild_cmd = (portage_python, "-b", "-Wd", os.path.join(self.bindir, "ebuild"))
- egencache_cmd = (
- portage_python,
- "-b",
- "-Wd",
- os.path.join(self.bindir, "egencache"),
- "--repo",
- "test_repo",
- "--repositories-configuration",
- settings.repositories.config_string(),
- )
- emerge_cmd = (portage_python, "-b", "-Wd", os.path.join(self.bindir, "emerge"))
- emaint_cmd = (portage_python, "-b", "-Wd", os.path.join(self.sbindir, "emaint"))
- env_update_cmd = (
- portage_python,
- "-b",
- "-Wd",
- os.path.join(self.sbindir, "env-update"),
- )
- etc_update_cmd = (BASH_BINARY, os.path.join(self.sbindir, "etc-update"))
- fixpackages_cmd = (
- portage_python,
- "-b",
- "-Wd",
- os.path.join(self.sbindir, "fixpackages"),
- )
- portageq_cmd = (
- portage_python,
- "-b",
- "-Wd",
- os.path.join(self.bindir, "portageq"),
- )
- quickpkg_cmd = (
- portage_python,
- "-b",
- "-Wd",
- os.path.join(self.bindir, "quickpkg"),
- )
- regenworld_cmd = (
- portage_python,
- "-b",
- "-Wd",
- os.path.join(self.sbindir, "regenworld"),
- )
- rm_binary = find_binary("rm")
- self.assertEqual(rm_binary is None, False, "rm command not found")
- rm_cmd = (rm_binary,)
- egencache_extra_args = []
- if self._have_python_xml():
- egencache_extra_args.append("--update-use-local-desc")
- test_ebuild = portdb.findname("dev-libs/A-1")
- self.assertFalse(test_ebuild is None)
- cross_prefix = os.path.join(eprefix, "cross_prefix")
- cross_root = os.path.join(eprefix, "cross_root")
- cross_eroot = os.path.join(cross_root, eprefix.lstrip(os.sep))
- binhost_dir = os.path.join(eprefix, "binhost")
- binhost_address = ""
- binhost_remote_path = "/binhost"
- binhost_server = AsyncHTTPServer(
- binhost_address, BinhostContentMap(binhost_remote_path, binhost_dir), loop
- ).__enter__()
- binhost_uri = "http://{address}:{port}{path}".format(
- address=binhost_address,
- port=binhost_server.server_port,
- path=binhost_remote_path,
- )
- test_commands = ()
- if hasattr(argparse.ArgumentParser, "parse_intermixed_args"):
- test_commands += (
- emerge_cmd + ("--oneshot", "dev-libs/A", "-v", "dev-libs/A"),
- )
- test_commands += (
- emerge_cmd
- + (
- "--usepkgonly",
- "--root",
- cross_root,
- "--quickpkg-direct=y",
- "--quickpkg-direct-root",
- "/",
- "dev-libs/A",
- ),
- emerge_cmd
- + (
- "--usepkgonly",
- "--quickpkg-direct=y",
- "--quickpkg-direct-root",
- cross_root,
- "dev-libs/A",
- ),
- env_update_cmd,
- portageq_cmd
- + (
- "envvar",
- "-v",
- "EROOT",
- ),
- etc_update_cmd,
- dispatch_conf_cmd,
- emerge_cmd + ("--version",),
- emerge_cmd + ("--info",),
- emerge_cmd + ("--info", "--verbose"),
- emerge_cmd + ("--list-sets",),
- emerge_cmd + ("--check-news",),
- rm_cmd + ("-rf", cachedir),
- rm_cmd + ("-rf", cachedir_pregen),
- emerge_cmd + ("--regen",),
- rm_cmd + ("-rf", cachedir),
- ({"FEATURES": "metadata-transfer"},) + emerge_cmd + ("--regen",),
- rm_cmd + ("-rf", cachedir),
- ({"FEATURES": "metadata-transfer"},) + emerge_cmd + ("--regen",),
- rm_cmd + ("-rf", cachedir),
- egencache_cmd + ("--update",) + tuple(egencache_extra_args),
- ({"FEATURES": "metadata-transfer"},) + emerge_cmd + ("--metadata",),
- rm_cmd + ("-rf", cachedir),
- ({"FEATURES": "metadata-transfer"},) + emerge_cmd + ("--metadata",),
- emerge_cmd + ("--metadata",),
- rm_cmd + ("-rf", cachedir),
- emerge_cmd + ("--oneshot", "virtual/foo"),
- lambda: self.assertFalse(
- os.path.exists(os.path.join(pkgdir, "virtual", "foo", "foo-0-1.xpak"))
- ),
- ({"FEATURES": "unmerge-backup"},)
- + emerge_cmd
- + ("--unmerge", "virtual/foo"),
- lambda: self.assertTrue(
- os.path.exists(os.path.join(pkgdir, "virtual", "foo", "foo-0-1.xpak"))
- ),
- emerge_cmd + ("--pretend", "dev-libs/A"),
- ebuild_cmd + (test_ebuild, "manifest", "clean", "package", "merge"),
- emerge_cmd + ("--pretend", "--tree", "--complete-graph", "dev-libs/A"),
- emerge_cmd + ("-p", "dev-libs/B"),
- emerge_cmd + ("-p", "--newrepo", "dev-libs/B"),
- emerge_cmd
- + (
- "-B",
- "dev-libs/B",
- ),
- emerge_cmd
- + (
- "--oneshot",
- "--usepkg",
- "dev-libs/B",
- ),
- # trigger clean prior to pkg_pretend as in bug #390711
- ebuild_cmd + (test_ebuild, "unpack"),
- emerge_cmd
- + (
- "--oneshot",
- "dev-libs/A",
- ),
- emerge_cmd
- + (
- "--noreplace",
- "dev-libs/A",
- ),
- emerge_cmd
- + (
- "--config",
- "dev-libs/A",
- ),
- emerge_cmd + ("--info", "dev-libs/A", "dev-libs/B"),
- emerge_cmd + ("--pretend", "--depclean", "--verbose", "dev-libs/B"),
- emerge_cmd
- + (
- "--pretend",
- "--depclean",
- ),
- emerge_cmd + ("--depclean",),
- quickpkg_cmd
- + (
- "--include-config",
- "y",
- "dev-libs/A",
- ),
- # Test bug #523684, where a file renamed or removed by the
- # admin forces replacement files to be merged with config
- # protection.
- lambda: self.assertEqual(
- 0,
- len(
- list(
- find_updated_config_files(
- eroot, shlex_split(settings["CONFIG_PROTECT"])
- )
- )
- ),
- ),
- lambda: os.unlink(os.path.join(eprefix, "etc", "A-0")),
- emerge_cmd + ("--usepkgonly", "dev-libs/A"),
- lambda: self.assertEqual(
- 1,
- len(
- list(
- find_updated_config_files(
- eroot, shlex_split(settings["CONFIG_PROTECT"])
- )
- )
- ),
- ),
- emaint_cmd + ("--check", "all"),
- emaint_cmd + ("--fix", "all"),
- fixpackages_cmd,
- regenworld_cmd,
- portageq_cmd + ("match", eroot, "dev-libs/A"),
- portageq_cmd + ("best_visible", eroot, "dev-libs/A"),
- portageq_cmd + ("best_visible", eroot, "binary", "dev-libs/A"),
- portageq_cmd + ("contents", eroot, "dev-libs/A-1"),
- portageq_cmd
- + ("metadata", eroot, "ebuild", "dev-libs/A-1", "EAPI", "IUSE", "RDEPEND"),
- portageq_cmd
- + ("metadata", eroot, "binary", "dev-libs/A-1", "EAPI", "USE", "RDEPEND"),
- portageq_cmd
- + (
- "metadata",
- eroot,
- "installed",
- "dev-libs/A-1",
- "EAPI",
- "USE",
- ),
- portageq_cmd + ("owners", eroot, eroot + "usr"),
- emerge_cmd + ("-p", eroot + "usr"),
- emerge_cmd + ("-p", "--unmerge", "-q", eroot + "usr"),
- emerge_cmd + ("--unmerge", "--quiet", "dev-libs/A"),
- emerge_cmd + ("-C", "--quiet", "dev-libs/B"),
- # If EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS contains --autounmask=n, then --autounmask
- # must be specified with --autounmask-continue.
- ({"EMERGE_DEFAULT_OPTS": "--autounmask=n"},)
- + emerge_cmd
- + (
- "--autounmask",
- "--autounmask-continue",
- "dev-libs/C",
- ),
- # Verify that the above --autounmask-continue command caused
- # USE=flag to be applied correctly to dev-libs/D.
- portageq_cmd + ("match", eroot, "dev-libs/D[flag]"),
- # Test cross-prefix usage, including chpathtool for binpkgs.
- # EAPI 7
- ({"EPREFIX": cross_prefix},) + emerge_cmd + ("dev-libs/C",),
- ({"EPREFIX": cross_prefix},)
- + portageq_cmd
- + ("has_version", cross_prefix, "dev-libs/C"),
- ({"EPREFIX": cross_prefix},)
- + portageq_cmd
- + ("has_version", cross_prefix, "dev-libs/D"),
- ({"ROOT": cross_root},) + emerge_cmd + ("dev-libs/D",),
- portageq_cmd + ("has_version", cross_eroot, "dev-libs/D"),
- # EAPI 5
- ({"EPREFIX": cross_prefix},) + emerge_cmd + ("--usepkgonly", "dev-libs/A"),
- ({"EPREFIX": cross_prefix},)
- + portageq_cmd
- + ("has_version", cross_prefix, "dev-libs/A"),
- ({"EPREFIX": cross_prefix},)
- + portageq_cmd
- + ("has_version", cross_prefix, "dev-libs/B"),
- ({"EPREFIX": cross_prefix},) + emerge_cmd + ("-C", "--quiet", "dev-libs/B"),
- ({"EPREFIX": cross_prefix},) + emerge_cmd + ("-C", "--quiet", "dev-libs/A"),
- ({"EPREFIX": cross_prefix},) + emerge_cmd + ("dev-libs/A",),
- ({"EPREFIX": cross_prefix},)
- + portageq_cmd
- + ("has_version", cross_prefix, "dev-libs/A"),
- ({"EPREFIX": cross_prefix},)
- + portageq_cmd
- + ("has_version", cross_prefix, "dev-libs/B"),
- # Test ROOT support
- ({"ROOT": cross_root},) + emerge_cmd + ("dev-libs/B",),
- portageq_cmd + ("has_version", cross_eroot, "dev-libs/B"),
- )
- # Test binhost support if FETCHCOMMAND is available.
- binrepos_conf_file = os.path.join(os.sep, eprefix, BINREPOS_CONF_FILE)
- with open(binrepos_conf_file, "wt") as f:
- f.write("[test-binhost]\n")
- f.write("sync-uri = {}\n".format(binhost_uri))
- fetchcommand = portage.util.shlex_split(playground.settings["FETCHCOMMAND"])
- fetch_bin = portage.process.find_binary(fetchcommand[0])
- if fetch_bin is not None:
- test_commands = test_commands + (
- lambda: os.rename(pkgdir, binhost_dir),
- emerge_cmd + ("-e", "--getbinpkgonly", "dev-libs/A"),
- lambda: shutil.rmtree(pkgdir),
- lambda: os.rename(binhost_dir, pkgdir),
- # Remove binrepos.conf and test PORTAGE_BINHOST.
- lambda: os.unlink(binrepos_conf_file),
- lambda: os.rename(pkgdir, binhost_dir),
- ({"PORTAGE_BINHOST": binhost_uri},)
- + emerge_cmd
- + ("-fe", "--getbinpkgonly", "dev-libs/A"),
- lambda: shutil.rmtree(pkgdir),
- lambda: os.rename(binhost_dir, pkgdir),
- )
- distdir = playground.distdir
- pkgdir = playground.pkgdir
- fake_bin = os.path.join(eprefix, "bin")
- portage_tmpdir = os.path.join(eprefix, "var", "tmp", "portage")
- profile_path = settings.profile_path
- user_config_dir = os.path.join(os.sep, eprefix, USER_CONFIG_PATH)
- path = os.environ.get("PATH")
- if path is not None and not path.strip():
- path = None
- if path is None:
- path = ""
- else:
- path = ":" + path
- path = fake_bin + path
- pythonpath = os.environ.get("PYTHONPATH")
- if pythonpath is not None and not pythonpath.strip():
- pythonpath = None
- if pythonpath is not None and pythonpath.split(":")[0] == PORTAGE_PYM_PATH:
- pass
- else:
- if pythonpath is None:
- pythonpath = ""
- else:
- pythonpath = ":" + pythonpath
- pythonpath = PORTAGE_PYM_PATH + pythonpath
- env = {
- "CLEAN_DELAY": "0",
- "DISTDIR": distdir,
- "INFODIR": "",
- "INFOPATH": "",
- "PATH": path,
- "PKGDIR": pkgdir,
- "PORTAGE_INST_GID": str(portage.data.portage_gid),
- "PORTAGE_INST_UID": str(portage.data.portage_uid),
- "PORTAGE_PYTHON": portage_python,
- "PORTAGE_REPOSITORIES": settings.repositories.config_string(),
- "PORTAGE_TMPDIR": portage_tmpdir,
- "PORTAGE_LOGDIR": portage_tmpdir,
- "PYTHONPATH": pythonpath,
- }
- if "__PORTAGE_TEST_HARDLINK_LOCKS" in os.environ:
- env["__PORTAGE_TEST_HARDLINK_LOCKS"] = os.environ[
- ]
- updates_dir = os.path.join(test_repo_location, "profiles", "updates")
- dirs = [
- cachedir,
- cachedir_pregen,
- cross_eroot,
- cross_prefix,
- distdir,
- fake_bin,
- portage_tmpdir,
- updates_dir,
- user_config_dir,
- var_cache_edb,
- ]
- etc_symlinks = ("dispatch-conf.conf", "etc-update.conf")
- # Override things that may be unavailable, or may have portability
- # issues when running tests in exotic environments.
- # prepstrip - bug #447810 (bash read builtin EINTR problem)
- true_symlinks = ["find", "prepstrip", "sed", "scanelf"]
- true_binary = find_binary("true")
- self.assertEqual(true_binary is None, False, "true command not found")
- try:
- for d in dirs:
- ensure_dirs(d)
- for x in true_symlinks:
- os.symlink(true_binary, os.path.join(fake_bin, x))
- for x in etc_symlinks:
- os.symlink(
- os.path.join(self.cnf_etc_path, x), os.path.join(eprefix, "etc", x)
- )
- with open(os.path.join(var_cache_edb, "counter"), "wb") as f:
- f.write(b"100")
- # non-empty system set keeps --depclean quiet
- with open(os.path.join(profile_path, "packages"), "w") as f:
- f.write("*dev-libs/token-system-pkg")
- for cp, xml_data in metadata_xml_files:
- with open(
- os.path.join(test_repo_location, cp, "metadata.xml"), "w"
- ) as f:
- f.write(playground.metadata_xml_template % xml_data)
- with open(os.path.join(updates_dir, "1Q-2010"), "w") as f:
- f.write(
- """
-slotmove =app-doc/pms-3 2 3
-move dev-util/git dev-vcs/git
- )
- if debug:
- # The subprocess inherits both stdout and stderr, for
- # debugging purposes.
- stdout = None
- else:
- # The subprocess inherits stderr so that any warnings
- # triggered by python -Wd will be visible.
- stdout = subprocess.PIPE
- for args in test_commands:
- if hasattr(args, "__call__"):
- args()
- continue
- if isinstance(args[0], dict):
- local_env = env.copy()
- local_env.update(args[0])
- args = args[1:]
- else:
- local_env = env
- proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(
- *args, env=local_env, stderr=None, stdout=stdout
- )
- if debug:
- await proc.wait()
- else:
- output, _err = await proc.communicate()
- await proc.wait()
- if proc.returncode != os.EX_OK:
- portage.writemsg(output)
- self.assertEqual(
- os.EX_OK, proc.returncode, "emerge failed with args %s" % (args,)
- )
- finally:
- binhost_server.__exit__(None, None, None)
- playground.cleanup()