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Diffstat (limited to 'postgres-multi.eclass')
1 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/postgres-multi.eclass b/postgres-multi.eclass
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d40a0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/postgres-multi.eclass
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2017 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+inherit multibuild postgres
+EXPORT_FUNCTIONS pkg_setup src_prepare src_compile src_install src_test
+# @ECLASS: postgres-multi.eclass
+# PostgreSQL <pgsql-bugs@gentoo.org>
+# @AUTHOR: Aaron W. Swenson <titanofold@gentoo.org>
+# @BLURB: An eclass to build PostgreSQL-related packages against multiple slots
+# postgres-multi enables ebuilds, particularly PostgreSQL extensions, to
+# build and install for one or more PostgreSQL slots as specified by
+# POSTGRES_TARGETS use flags.
+case ${EAPI:-0} in
+ 5|6) ;;
+ *) die "Unsupported EAPI=${EAPI} (unknown) for ${ECLASS}" ;;
+# A Bash array containing a list of compatible PostgreSQL slots as
+# defined by the developer. Must be declared before inheriting this
+# eclass. Example: POSTGRES_COMPAT=( 9.4 9.{5,6} )
+if ! declare -p POSTGRES_COMPAT &>/dev/null; then
+ die 'Required variable POSTGRES_COMPAT not declared.'
+# A Bash array containing the intersect of POSTGRES_TARGETS and
+# @FUNCTION: _postgres-multi_multibuild_wrapper
+# @USAGE: _postgres-multi_multibuild_wrapper <command> [<arg> ...]
+# For the given variant, set the values of the PG_SLOT, PG_CONFIG, and
+# PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variables accordingly and replace any
+# appearance of @PG_SLOT@ in the command and arguments with value of
+# ${PG_SLOT}.
+_postgres-multi_multibuild_wrapper() {
+ debug-print-function ${FUNCNAME} "${@}"
+ export PG_CONFIG=$(which pg_config${MULTIBUILD_VARIANT//./})
+ if [[ -n ${PKG_CONFIG_PATH} ]] ; then
+ PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$(${PG_CONFIG} --libdir)/pkgconfig:${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}"
+ else
+ PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$(${PG_CONFIG} --libdir)/pkgconfig"
+ fi
+ $(echo "${@}" | sed "s/@PG_SLOT@/${PG_SLOT}/g")
+# @FUNCTION: postgres-multi_foreach
+# @USAGE: postgres-multi_foreach <command> <arg> [<arg> ...]
+# Run the given command in the package's build directory for each
+# PostgreSQL slot in the intersect of POSTGRES_TARGETS and
+# POSTGRES_COMPAT and user-enabled slots. The PG_CONFIG and
+# PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variables are updated on each iteration to
+# point to the matching pg_config command and pkg-config metadata files,
+# respectively, for the current slot. Any appearance of @PG_SLOT@ in the
+# command or arguments will be substituted with the slot (e.g., 9.5) of
+# the current iteration.
+postgres-multi_foreach() {
+ multibuild_foreach_variant \
+ _postgres-multi_multibuild_wrapper run_in_build_dir ${@}
+# @FUNCTION: postgres-multi_forbest
+# @USAGE: postgres-multi_forbest <command> <arg> [<arg> ...]
+# Run the given command in the package's build directory for the highest
+# slot in the intersect of POSTGRES_COMPAT and POSTGRES_TARGETS. The
+# PG_CONFIG and PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variables are set to the
+# matching pg_config command and pkg-config metadata files,
+# respectively. Any appearance of @PG_SLOT@ in the command or arguments
+# will be substituted with the matching slot (e.g., 9.5).
+postgres-multi_forbest() {
+ # POSTGRES_COMPAT is reverse sorted once in postgres.eclass so
+ # element 0 has the highest slot version.
+ multibuild_foreach_variant \
+ _postgres-multi_multibuild_wrapper run_in_build_dir ${@}
+# @FUNCTION: postgres-multi_pkg_setup
+# @USAGE: postgres-multi_pkg_setup
+# Initialize internal environment variable(s). This is required if
+# pkg_setup() is declared in the ebuild.
+postgres-multi_pkg_setup() {
+ local user_slot
+ for user_slot in "${POSTGRES_COMPAT[@]}"; do
+ use "postgres_targets_postgres${user_slot/\./_}" && \
+ _POSTGRES_INTERSECT_SLOTS+=( "${user_slot}" )
+ done
+ if [[ "${#_POSTGRES_INTERSECT_SLOTS[@]}" -eq "0" ]]; then
+ die "One of the postgres_targets_postgresSL_OT use flags must be enabled"
+ fi
+ einfo "Multibuild variants: ${_POSTGRES_INTERSECT_SLOTS[@]}"
+# @FUNCTION: postgres-multi_src_prepare
+# @USAGE: postgres-multi_src_prepare
+# Calls eapply_user then copies ${S} into a build directory for each
+postgres-multi_src_prepare() {
+ if [[ "${#_POSTGRES_INTERSECT_SLOTS[@]}" -eq "0" ]]; then
+ eerror "Internal array _POSTGRES_INTERSECT_SLOTS is empty."
+ die "Did you forget to call postgres-multi_pkg_setup?"
+ fi
+ # Check that the slot has been emerged (Should be prevented by
+ # Portage, but won't be caught by /usr/bin/ebuild)
+ local slot
+ for slot in ${_POSTGRES_INTERSECT_SLOTS[@]} ; do
+ if [[ -z $(which pg_config${slot/.} 2> /dev/null) ]] ; then
+ eerror
+ eerror "postgres_targets_postgres${slot/.} use flag is enabled, but hasn't been emerged."
+ eerror
+ die "a postgres_targets use flag is enabled, but not emerged"
+ fi
+ done
+ case ${EAPI:-0} in
+ 0|1|2|3|4|5) epatch_user ;;
+ 6) eapply_user ;;
+ esac
+ multibuild_copy_sources
+# @FUNCTION: postgres-multi_src_compile
+# @USAGE: postgres-multi_src_compile
+# Runs `emake' in each build directory
+postgres-multi_src_compile() {
+ postgres-multi_foreach emake
+# @FUNCTION: postgres-multi_src_install
+# @USAGE: postgres-multi_src_install
+# Runs `emake install DESTDIR="${D}"' in each build directory.
+postgres-multi_src_install() {
+ postgres-multi_foreach emake install DESTDIR="${D}"
+# @FUNCTION: postgres-multi_src_test
+# @USAGE: postgres-multi_src_test
+# Runs `emake installcheck' in each build directory.
+postgres-multi_src_test() {
+ postgres-multi_foreach emake installcheck