diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'openvz-sources/022.078-r3/0100_patch-022stab078-core.patch')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 85981 deletions
diff --git a/openvz-sources/022.078-r3/0100_patch-022stab078-core.patch b/openvz-sources/022.078-r3/0100_patch-022stab078-core.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a179de7..0000000
--- a/openvz-sources/022.078-r3/0100_patch-022stab078-core.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85981 +0,0 @@
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:37.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
-+Nothing in this license should be construed as a grant by SWsoft of any rights
-+beyond the rights specified in the GNU General Public License, and nothing in
-+this license should be construed as a waiver by SWsoft of its patent, copyright
-+and/or trademark rights, beyond the waiver required by the GNU General Public
-+License. This license is expressly inapplicable to any product that is not
-+within the scope of the GNU General Public License
-+ Version 2, June 1991
-+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-+ 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
-+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
-+ Preamble
-+ The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
-+freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
-+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
-+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
-+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
-+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
-+using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
-+the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
-+your programs, too.
-+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
-+price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
-+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
-+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
-+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
-+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
-+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
-+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
-+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
-+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
-+ For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
-+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
-+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
-+source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
-+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
-+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
-+distribute and/or modify the software.
-+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
-+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
-+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
-+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
-+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
-+authors' reputations.
-+ Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
-+patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
-+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
-+program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
-+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
-+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
-+modification follow.
-+ 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
-+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
-+under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
-+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
-+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
-+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
-+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
-+language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
-+the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
-+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
-+covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
-+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
-+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
-+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
-+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
-+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
-+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
-+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
-+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
-+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
-+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
-+along with the Program.
-+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
-+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
-+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
-+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
-+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
-+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
-+ a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
-+ stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
-+ b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
-+ whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
-+ part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
-+ parties under the terms of this License.
-+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
-+ when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
-+ interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
-+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
-+ notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
-+ a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
-+ these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
-+ License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
-+ does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
-+ the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
-+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
-+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
-+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
-+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
-+sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
-+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
-+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
-+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
-+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
-+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
-+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
-+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
-+collective works based on the Program.
-+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
-+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
-+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
-+the scope of this License.
-+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
-+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
-+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
-+ a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
-+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
-+ 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
-+ b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
-+ years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
-+ cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
-+ machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
-+ distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
-+ customarily used for software interchange; or,
-+ c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
-+ to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
-+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
-+ received the program in object code or executable form with such
-+ an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
-+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
-+making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
-+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
-+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
-+control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
-+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
-+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
-+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
-+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
-+itself accompanies the executable.
-+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
-+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
-+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
-+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
-+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
-+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
-+except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
-+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
-+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
-+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
-+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
-+parties remain in full compliance.
-+ 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
-+signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
-+distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
-+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
-+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
-+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
-+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
-+the Program or works based on it.
-+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
-+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
-+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
-+these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
-+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
-+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
-+this License.
-+ 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
-+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
-+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
-+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
-+excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
-+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
-+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
-+may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
-+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
-+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
-+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
-+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
-+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
-+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
-+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
-+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
-+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
-+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
-+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
-+implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
-+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
-+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
-+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
-+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
-+impose that choice.
-+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
-+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
-+ 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
-+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
-+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
-+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
-+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
-+countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
-+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
-+ 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
-+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
-+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
-+address new problems or concerns.
-+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
-+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
-+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
-+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
-+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
-+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
-+ 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
-+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
-+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
-+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
-+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
-+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
-+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
-+ How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
-+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
-+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
-+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
-+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
-+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
-+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
-+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
-+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
-+ Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
-+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-+ (at your option) any later version.
-+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-+ GNU General Public License for more details.
-+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
-+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
-+when it starts in an interactive mode:
-+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
-+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
-+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
-+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
-+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
-+parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
-+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
-+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
-+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
-+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
-+necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
-+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
-+ `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
-+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
-+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
-+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
-+proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
-+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
-+library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
-+Public License instead of this License.
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:30.000000000 +0400
-@@ -142,6 +142,11 @@ changes occur:
- The ia64 sn2 platform is one example of a platform
- that uses this interface.
-+8) void lazy_mmu_prot_update(pte_t pte)
-+ This interface is called whenever the protection on
-+ any user PTEs change. This interface provides a notification
-+ to architecture specific code to take appropiate action.
- Next, we have the cache flushing interfaces. In general, when Linux
- is changing an existing virtual-->physical mapping to a new value,
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ prototypes:
- void (*destroy_inode)(struct inode *);
- void (*read_inode) (struct inode *);
- void (*dirty_inode) (struct inode *);
-- void (*write_inode) (struct inode *, int);
-+ int (*write_inode) (struct inode *, int);
- void (*put_inode) (struct inode *);
- void (*drop_inode) (struct inode *);
- void (*delete_inode) (struct inode *);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ filesystem. As of kernel 2.1.99, the fol
- struct super_operations {
- void (*read_inode) (struct inode *);
-- void (*write_inode) (struct inode *, int);
-+ int (*write_inode) (struct inode *, int);
- void (*put_inode) (struct inode *);
- void (*drop_inode) (struct inode *);
- void (*delete_inode) (struct inode *);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:29.000000000 +0400
-@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@ Offset Type Description
- 0xa0 16 bytes System description table truncated to 16 bytes.
- ( struct sys_desc_table_struct )
-- 0xb0 - 0x1c3 Free. Add more parameters here if you really need them.
-+ 0xb0 - 0x13f Free. Add more parameters here if you really need them.
-+ 0x140- 0x1be EDID_INFO Video mode setup
- 0x1c4 unsigned long EFI system table pointer
- 0x1c8 unsigned long EFI memory descriptor size
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ A: All such kernel threads need to be fi
- where it is safe to be frozen (no kernel semaphores should be held at
- that point and it must be safe to sleep there), and add:
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
-- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
-+ refrigerator();
- Q: What is the difference between between "platform", "shutdown" and
- "firmware" in /sys/power/disk?
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
-+ OpenVZ Overview
-+ ---------------
-+ (C) SWsoft, 2005,, All rights reserved.
-+ Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+OpenVZ is a virtualization technology which allows to run multiple
-+isolated VPSs (Virtual Private Server) on a single operating system.
-+It uses a single instance of Linux kernel in memory which efficiently
-+manages resources between VPSs.
-+Virtual environment (VE) notion which is used in kernel is the original
-+name of more modern notion of Virtual Private Server (VPS).
-+From user point of view, every VPS is an isolated operating system with
-+private file system, private set of users, private root superuser,
-+private set of processes and so on. Every application which do not
-+require direct hardware access can't feel the difference between VPS
-+and real standalone server.
-+From kernel point of view, VPS is an isolated set of processes spawned
-+from their private 'init' process. Kernel controls which resources are
-+accessible inside VPS and which amount of these resources can be
-+consumed/used by VPS processes. Also kernel provides isolation between
-+VPSs thus ensuring that one VPS can't use private resources of another
-+VPS, make DoS/hack/crash attack on it's neighbour and so on.
-+main Open Virtuozzo config options:
-+Official product pages:
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
-+Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft. All rights reserved.
-+Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+Hierarchical CPU schedulers
-+Hierarchical CPU scheduler is a stack of CPU schedulers which allows
-+to organize different policies of scheduling in the system and/or between
-+groups of processes.
-+Virtuozzo uses a hierarchical Fair CPU scheduler organized as a 2-stage
-+CPU scheduler, where the scheduling decisions are made in 2 steps:
-+1. On the first step Fair CPU scheduler selects a group of processes
-+ which should get some CPU time.
-+2. Then standard Linux scheduler chooses a process inside the group.
-+Such scheduler efficiently allows to isolate one group of processes
-+from another and still allows a group to use more than 1 CPU on SMP systems.
-+This document describes a new middle layer of Virtuozzo hierarchical CPU
-+scheduler which makes decisions after Fair scheduler, but before Linux
-+scheduler and which is called VCPU scheduler.
-+Where VCPU scheduler comes from?
-+Existing hierarchical CPU scheduler uses isolated algorithms on each stage
-+of decision making, i.e. every scheduler makes its decisions without
-+taking into account the details of other schedulers. This can lead to a number
-+of problems described below.
-+On SMP systems there are possible situations when the first CPU scheduler
-+in the hierarchy (e.g. Fair scheduler) wants to schedule some group of
-+processes on the physical CPU, but the underlying process scheduler
-+(e.g. Linux O(1) CPU scheduler) is unable to schedule any processes
-+on this physical CPU. Usually this happens due to the fact that Linux
-+kernel scheduler uses per-physical CPU runqueues.
-+Another problem is that Linux scheduler also knows nothing about
-+Fair scheduler and can't balance efficiently without taking into account
-+statistics about process groups from Fair scheduler. Without such
-+statistics Linux scheduler can concentrate all processes on one physical
-+CPU, thus making CPU consuming highly inefficient.
-+VCPU scheduler solves these problems by adding a new layer between
-+Fair schedule and Linux scheduler.
-+VCPU scheduler
-+VCPU scheduler is a CPU scheduler which splits notion of
-+physical and virtual CPUs (VCPU and PCPU). This means that tasks are
-+running on virtual CPU runqueues, while VCPUs are running on PCPUs.
-+The Virtuozzo hierarchical fair scheduler becomes 3 stage CPU scheduler:
-+1. First, Fair CPU scheduler select a group of processes.
-+2. Then VCPU scheduler select a virtual CPU to run (this is actually
-+ a runqueue).
-+3. Standard Linux scheduler chooses a process from the runqueue.
-+For example on the picture below PCPU0 executes tasks from
-+VCPU1 runqueue and PCPU1 is idle:
-+ virtual | physical | virtual
-+ idle CPUs | CPUs | CPUS
-+ | | -----------------
-+ | | | virtual sched X |
-+ | | | ----------- |
-+ | | | | VCPU0 | |
-+ | | | ----------- |
-+ ------------ | ----------- | ----------- |
-+| idle VCPU0 | | | PCPU0 | <---> | | VCPU1 | |
-+ ------------ | ----------- | ----------- |
-+ | | -----------------
-+ | |
-+ | | -----------------
-+ | | | virtual sched Y |
-+ ------------ ----------- | | ----------- |
-+| idle VCPU1 | <---> | PCPU1 | | | | VCPU0 | |
-+ ------------ ----------- | | ----------- |
-+ | | -----------------
-+ | |
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
- NAME=Zonked Quokka
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:14.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:26.000000000 +0400
-@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ do_sys_ptrace(long request, long pid, lo
- */
- ret = 0;
-- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE)
-+ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE)
- break;
- child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
- /* make sure single-step breakpoint is gone. */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:26.000000000 +0400
-@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ static int do_ptrace(int request, struct
- /* make sure single-step breakpoint is gone. */
- child->ptrace &= ~PT_SINGLESTEP;
- ptrace_cancel_bpt(child);
-- if (child->state != TASK_ZOMBIE) {
-+ if (child->exit_state != EXIT_ZOMBIE) {
- child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
- wake_up_process(child);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -548,9 +548,10 @@ static int do_signal(sigset_t *oldset, s
- if (!user_mode(regs))
- return 0;
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
-- refrigerator(0);
-- goto no_signal;
-+ if (unlikely(test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))) {
-+ refrigerator();
-+ if (!signal_pending(current))
-+ goto no_signal;
- }
- if (current->ptrace & PT_SINGLESTEP)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:26.000000000 +0400
-@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ static int do_ptrace(int request, struct
- /* make sure single-step breakpoint is gone. */
- child->ptrace &= ~PT_SINGLESTEP;
- ptrace_cancel_bpt(child);
-- if (child->state != TASK_ZOMBIE) {
-+ if (child->exit_state != EXIT_ZOMBIE) {
- child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
- wake_up_process(child);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:26.000000000 +0400
-@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ sys_ptrace(long request, long pid, long
- ret = 0;
-- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE)
-+ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE)
- break;
- child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:26.000000000 +0400
-@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ asmlinkage int sys_ptrace(long request,
- case PTRACE_KILL: {
- ret = 0;
-- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
-+ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
- break;
- child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
- h8300_disable_trace(child);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ cmd_line_ptr: .long 0 # (Header versio
- # can be located anywhere in
- # low memory 0x10000 or higher.
--ramdisk_max: .long (MAXMEM-1) & 0x7fffffff
-+ramdisk_max: .long (__MAXMEM-1) & 0x7fffffff
- # (Header version 0x0203 or later)
- # The highest safe address for
- # the contents of an initrd
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:25.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:37.000000000 +0400
-@@ -123,6 +123,9 @@ video: pushw %ds # We use different seg
- cmpw $ASK_VGA, %ax # Bring up the menu
- jz vid2
-+#ifndef CONFIG_FB
-+ mov $VIDEO_80x25, %ax # hack to force 80x25 mode
- call mode_set # Set the mode
- jc vid1
-@@ -1901,7 +1904,7 @@ store_edid:
- movl $0x13131313, %eax # memset block with 0x13
- movw $32, %cx
-- movw $0x440, %di
-+ movw $0x140, %di
- cld
- rep
- stosl
-@@ -1910,7 +1913,7 @@ store_edid:
- movw $0x01, %bx
- movw $0x00, %cx
- movw $0x01, %dx
-- movw $0x440, %di
-+ movw $0x140, %di
- int $0x10
- popw %di # restore all registers
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ extra-y := head.o init_task.o vmlinux.ld
- obj-y := process.o semaphore.o signal.o entry.o traps.o irq.o vm86.o \
- ptrace.o i8259.o ioport.o ldt.o setup.o time.o sys_i386.o \
- pci-dma.o i386_ksyms.o i387.o dmi_scan.o bootflag.o \
-- doublefault.o
-+ doublefault.o entry_trampoline.o
- obj-y += cpu/
- obj-y += timers/
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ acpi_scan_rsdp (
- * RSDP signature.
- */
- for (offset = 0; offset < length; offset += 16) {
-- if (strncmp((char *) (start + offset), "RSD PTR ", sig_len))
-+ if (strncmp((char *) __va(start + offset), "RSD PTR ", sig_len))
- continue;
- return (start + offset);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -19,13 +19,29 @@ extern void zap_low_mappings(void);
- extern unsigned long FASTCALL(acpi_copy_wakeup_routine(unsigned long));
--static void init_low_mapping(pgd_t *pgd, int pgd_limit)
-+static void map_low(pgd_t *pgd_base, unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
- {
-- int pgd_ofs = 0;
-- while ((pgd_ofs < pgd_limit) && (pgd_ofs + USER_PTRS_PER_PGD < PTRS_PER_PGD)) {
-- set_pgd(pgd, *(pgd+USER_PTRS_PER_PGD));
-- pgd_ofs++, pgd++;
-+ unsigned long vaddr;
-+ pmd_t *pmd;
-+ pgd_t *pgd;
-+ int i, j;
-+ pgd = pgd_base;
-+ for (i = 0; i < PTRS_PER_PGD; pgd++, i++) {
-+ vaddr = i*PGDIR_SIZE;
-+ if (end && (vaddr >= end))
-+ break;
-+ pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, 0);
-+ for (j = 0; j < PTRS_PER_PMD; pmd++, j++) {
-+ vaddr = i*PGDIR_SIZE + j*PMD_SIZE;
-+ if (end && (vaddr >= end))
-+ break;
-+ if (vaddr < start)
-+ continue;
-+ set_pmd(pmd, __pmd(_KERNPG_TABLE + _PAGE_PSE +
-+ vaddr - start));
-+ }
- }
- }
-@@ -39,7 +55,9 @@ int acpi_save_state_mem (void)
- {
- if (!acpi_wakeup_address)
- return 1;
-- init_low_mapping(swapper_pg_dir, USER_PTRS_PER_PGD);
-+ if (!cpu_has_pse)
-+ return 1;
-+ map_low(swapper_pg_dir, 0, LOW_MAPPINGS_SIZE);
- memcpy((void *) acpi_wakeup_address, &wakeup_start, &wakeup_end - &wakeup_start);
- acpi_copy_wakeup_routine(acpi_wakeup_address);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -67,6 +67,13 @@ wakeup_code:
- movw $0x0e00 + 'i', %fs:(0x12)
- # need a gdt
-+ #use the gdt copied in this low mem
-+ lea temp_gdt_table - wakeup_code, %eax
-+ xor %ebx, %ebx
-+ movw %ds, %bx
-+ shll $4, %ebx
-+ addl %ebx, %eax
-+ movl %eax, real_save_gdt + 2 - wakeup_code
- lgdt real_save_gdt - wakeup_code
- movl real_save_cr0 - wakeup_code, %eax
-@@ -89,6 +96,7 @@ real_save_cr4: .long 0
- real_magic: .long 0
- video_mode: .long 0
- video_flags: .long 0
-+temp_gdt_table: .fill GDT_ENTRIES, 8, 0
- bogus_real_magic:
- movw $0x0e00 + 'B', %fs:(0x12)
-@@ -231,6 +239,13 @@ ENTRY(acpi_copy_wakeup_routine)
- movl %edx, real_save_cr0 - wakeup_start (%eax)
- sgdt real_save_gdt - wakeup_start (%eax)
-+ # gdt wont be addressable from real mode in 4g4g split
-+ # copying it to the lower mem
-+ xor %ecx, %ecx
-+ movw saved_gdt, %cx
-+ movl saved_gdt + 2, %esi
-+ lea temp_gdt_table - wakeup_start (%eax), %edi
-+ rep movsb
- movl saved_videomode, %edx
- movl %edx, video_mode - wakeup_start (%eax)
- movl acpi_video_flags, %edx
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -970,9 +970,7 @@ void __init setup_boot_APIC_clock(void)
- void __init setup_secondary_APIC_clock(void)
- {
-- local_irq_disable(); /* FIXME: Do we need this? --RR */
- setup_APIC_timer(calibration_result);
-- local_irq_enable();
- }
- void __init disable_APIC_timer(void)
-@@ -1035,7 +1033,7 @@ int setup_profiling_timer(unsigned int m
- * value into /proc/profile.
- */
--inline void smp_local_timer_interrupt(struct pt_regs * regs)
-+asmlinkage void smp_local_timer_interrupt(struct pt_regs * regs)
- {
- int cpu = smp_processor_id();
-@@ -1088,11 +1086,18 @@ inline void smp_local_timer_interrupt(st
- void smp_apic_timer_interrupt(struct pt_regs regs)
- {
-- int cpu = smp_processor_id();
-+ union irq_ctx *curctx;
-+ union irq_ctx *irqctx;
-+ u32 *isp;
-+ int cpu;
-+ struct ve_struct *envid;
- /*
- * the NMI deadlock-detector uses this.
- */
-+ cpu = smp_processor_id();
- irq_stat[cpu].apic_timer_irqs++;
- /*
-@@ -1105,9 +1110,35 @@ void smp_apic_timer_interrupt(struct pt_
- * Besides, if we don't timer interrupts ignore the global
- * interrupt lock, which is the WrongThing (tm) to do.
- */
-+ envid = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
- irq_enter();
-+ curctx = (union irq_ctx *) current_thread_info();
-+ irqctx = hardirq_ctx[cpu];
-+ if (curctx == irqctx) {
-+ smp_local_timer_interrupt(&regs);
-+ } else {
-+ /* build the stack frame on the IRQ stack */
-+ isp = (u32*) ((char*)irqctx + sizeof(*irqctx));
-+ irqctx->tinfo.task = curctx->tinfo.task;
-+ irqctx->tinfo.real_stack = curctx->tinfo.real_stack;
-+ irqctx->tinfo.virtual_stack = curctx->tinfo.virtual_stack;
-+ irqctx->tinfo.previous_esp = current_stack_pointer();
-+ *--isp = (u32) &regs;
-+ asm volatile(
-+ " xchgl %%ebx,%%esp \n"
-+ " call smp_local_timer_interrupt \n"
-+ " xchgl %%ebx,%%esp \n"
-+ : : "b"(isp)
-+ : "memory", "cc", "edx", "ecx"
-+ );
-+ }
- smp_local_timer_interrupt(&regs);
- irq_exit();
-+ (void)set_exec_env(envid);
- }
- /*
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -61,5 +61,19 @@ void foo(void)
- DEFINE(TSS_sysenter_esp0, offsetof(struct tss_struct, esp0) -
- sizeof(struct tss_struct));
-+ DEFINE(TI_task, offsetof (struct thread_info, task));
-+ DEFINE(TI_exec_domain, offsetof (struct thread_info, exec_domain));
-+ DEFINE(TI_flags, offsetof (struct thread_info, flags));
-+ DEFINE(TI_preempt_count, offsetof (struct thread_info, preempt_count));
-+ DEFINE(TI_addr_limit, offsetof (struct thread_info, addr_limit));
-+ DEFINE(TI_real_stack, offsetof (struct thread_info, real_stack));
-+ DEFINE(TI_virtual_stack, offsetof (struct thread_info, virtual_stack));
-+ DEFINE(TI_user_pgd, offsetof (struct thread_info, user_pgd));
-+ __fix_to_virt(FIX_ENTRY_TRAMPOLINE_0));
-+ DEFINE(FIX_VSYSCALL_addr, __fix_to_virt(FIX_VSYSCALL));
-+ DEFINE(task_thread_db7,
-+ offsetof (struct task_struct, thread.debugreg[7]));
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:28.000000000 +0400
-@@ -28,6 +28,22 @@ static void __init init_amd(struct cpuin
- int mbytes = num_physpages >> (20-PAGE_SHIFT);
- int r;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-+ unsigned long long value;
-+ /* Disable TLB flush filter by setting HWCR.FFDIS on K8
-+ * bit 6 of msr C001_0015
-+ *
-+ * Errata 63 for SH-B3 steppings
-+ * Errata 122 for all steppings (F+ have it disabled by default)
-+ */
-+ if (c->x86 == 15) {
-+ rdmsrl(MSR_K7_HWCR, value);
-+ value |= 1 << 6;
-+ wrmsrl(MSR_K7_HWCR, value);
-+ }
- /*
- * FIXME: We should handle the K5 here. Set up the write
- * range and also turn on MSR 83 bits 4 and 31 (write alloc,
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -196,7 +196,10 @@ int __init have_cpuid_p(void)
- /* Do minimum CPU detection early.
- Fields really needed: vendor, cpuid_level, family, model, mask, cache alignment.
-- The others are not touched to avoid unwanted side effects. */
-+ The others are not touched to avoid unwanted side effects.
-+ WARNING: this function is only called on the BP. Don't add code here
-+ that is supposed to run on all CPUs. */
- void __init early_cpu_detect(void)
- {
- struct cpuinfo_x86 *c = &boot_cpu_data;
-@@ -228,8 +231,6 @@ void __init early_cpu_detect(void)
- if (cap0 & (1<<19))
- c->x86_cache_alignment = ((misc >> 8) & 0xff) * 8;
- }
-- early_intel_workaround(c);
- }
- void __init generic_identify(struct cpuinfo_x86 * c)
-@@ -275,6 +276,8 @@ void __init generic_identify(struct cpui
- get_model_name(c); /* Default name */
- }
- }
-+ early_intel_workaround(c);
- }
- static void __init squash_the_stupid_serial_number(struct cpuinfo_x86 *c)
-@@ -554,12 +557,16 @@ void __init cpu_init (void)
- set_tss_desc(cpu,t);
- cpu_gdt_table[cpu][GDT_ENTRY_TSS].b &= 0xfffffdff;
- load_TR_desc();
-- load_LDT(&init_mm.context);
-+ if (cpu)
-+ load_LDT(&init_mm.context);
- /* Set up doublefault TSS pointer in the GDT */
- __set_tss_desc(cpu, GDT_ENTRY_DOUBLEFAULT_TSS, &doublefault_tss);
- cpu_gdt_table[cpu][GDT_ENTRY_DOUBLEFAULT_TSS].b &= 0xfffffdff;
-+ if (cpu)
-+ trap_init_virtual_GDT();
- /* Clear %fs and %gs. */
- asm volatile ("xorl %eax, %eax; movl %eax, %fs; movl %eax, %gs");
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
- #include <asm/processor.h>
- #include <asm/msr.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <asm/desc.h>
- #include "cpu.h"
-@@ -19,8 +20,6 @@
- #include <mach_apic.h>
- #endif
--extern int trap_init_f00f_bug(void);
- /*
- * Alignment at which movsl is preferred for bulk memory copies.
-@@ -97,10 +96,13 @@ static struct _cache_table cache_table[]
- { 0x70, LVL_TRACE, 12 },
- { 0x71, LVL_TRACE, 16 },
- { 0x72, LVL_TRACE, 32 },
-+ { 0x78, LVL_2, 1024 },
- { 0x79, LVL_2, 128 },
- { 0x7a, LVL_2, 256 },
- { 0x7b, LVL_2, 512 },
- { 0x7c, LVL_2, 1024 },
-+ { 0x7d, LVL_2, 2048 },
-+ { 0x7f, LVL_2, 512 },
- { 0x82, LVL_2, 256 },
- { 0x83, LVL_2, 512 },
- { 0x84, LVL_2, 1024 },
-@@ -147,7 +149,7 @@ static void __init init_intel(struct cpu
- c->f00f_bug = 1;
- if ( !f00f_workaround_enabled ) {
-- trap_init_f00f_bug();
-+ trap_init_virtual_IDT();
- printk(KERN_NOTICE "Intel Pentium with F0 0F bug - workaround enabled.\n");
- f00f_workaround_enabled = 1;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ static int __init mtrr_if_init(void)
- return -ENODEV;
- proc_root_mtrr =
-- create_proc_entry("mtrr", S_IWUSR | S_IRUGO, &proc_root);
-+ create_proc_entry("mtrr", S_IWUSR | S_IRUGO, NULL);
- if (proc_root_mtrr) {
- proc_root_mtrr->owner = THIS_MODULE;
- proc_root_mtrr->proc_fops = &mtrr_fops;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
- #include <linux/string.h>
- #include <asm/semaphore.h>
- #include <linux/seq_file.h>
-+#include <linux/vsched.h>
-+#include <linux/fairsched.h>
- /*
- * Get CPU information for use by the procfs.
-@@ -58,11 +60,17 @@ static int show_cpuinfo(struct seq_file
- struct cpuinfo_x86 *c = v;
- int i, n = c - cpu_data;
- int fpu_exception;
-+ unsigned long vcpu_khz;
- #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-- if (!cpu_online(n))
-+ if (!vcpu_online(n))
- return 0;
- #endif
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ vcpu_khz = ve_scale_khz(cpu_khz);
-+ vcpu_khz = cpu_khz;
- seq_printf(m, "processor\t: %d\n"
- "vendor_id\t: %s\n"
- "cpu family\t: %d\n"
-@@ -81,14 +89,14 @@ static int show_cpuinfo(struct seq_file
- if ( cpu_has(c, X86_FEATURE_TSC) ) {
- seq_printf(m, "cpu MHz\t\t: %lu.%03lu\n",
-- cpu_khz / 1000, (cpu_khz % 1000));
-+ vcpu_khz / 1000, (vcpu_khz % 1000));
- }
- /* Cache size */
- if (c->x86_cache_size >= 0)
- seq_printf(m, "cache size\t: %d KB\n", c->x86_cache_size);
- #ifdef CONFIG_X86_HT
-- if (cpu_has_ht) {
-+ if (smp_num_siblings > 1) {
- extern int phys_proc_id[NR_CPUS];
- seq_printf(m, "physical id\t: %d\n", phys_proc_id[n]);
- seq_printf(m, "siblings\t: %d\n", smp_num_siblings);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -8,12 +8,13 @@
- #include <asm/pgtable.h>
- #include <asm/processor.h>
- #include <asm/desc.h>
-+#include <asm/fixmap.h>
- static unsigned long doublefault_stack[DOUBLEFAULT_STACKSIZE];
- #define STACK_START (unsigned long)(doublefault_stack+DOUBLEFAULT_STACKSIZE)
--#define ptr_ok(x) ((x) > 0xc0000000 && (x) < 0xc1000000)
-+#define ptr_ok(x) (((x) > __PAGE_OFFSET && (x) < (__PAGE_OFFSET + 0x01000000)) || ((x) >= FIXADDR_START))
- static void doublefault_fn(void)
- {
-@@ -39,8 +40,8 @@ static void doublefault_fn(void)
- printk("eax = %08lx, ebx = %08lx, ecx = %08lx, edx = %08lx\n",
- t->eax, t->ebx, t->ecx, t->edx);
-- printk("esi = %08lx, edi = %08lx\n",
-- t->esi, t->edi);
-+ printk("esi = %08lx, edi = %08lx, ebp = %08lx\n",
-+ t->esi, t->edi, t->ebp);
- }
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -43,8 +43,10 @@
- #include <linux/config.h>
- #include <linux/linkage.h>
- #include <asm/thread_info.h>
-+#include <asm/asm_offsets.h>
- #include <asm/errno.h>
- #include <asm/segment.h>
-+#include <asm/page.h>
- #include <asm/smp.h>
- #include <asm/page.h>
- #include "irq_vectors.h"
-@@ -81,7 +83,102 @@ VM_MASK = 0x00020000
- #define resume_kernel restore_all
- #endif
--#define SAVE_ALL \
-+#if defined(CONFIG_PREEMPT) && defined(CONFIG_SMP)
-+ * If task is preempted in __SWITCH_KERNELSPACE, and moved to another cpu,
-+ * __switch_to repoints %esp to the appropriate virtual stack; but %ebp is
-+ * left stale, so we must check whether to repeat the real stack calculation.
-+ */
-+#define repeat_if_esp_changed \
-+ xorl %esp, %ebp; \
-+ testl $-THREAD_SIZE, %ebp; \
-+ jnz 0b
-+#define repeat_if_esp_changed
-+/* clobbers ebx, edx and ebp */
-+ cmpl $0xff000000, %esp; \
-+ jb 1f; \
-+ \
-+ /* \
-+ * switch pagetables and load the real stack, \
-+ * keep the stack offset: \
-+ */ \
-+ \
-+ movl $swapper_pg_dir-__PAGE_OFFSET, %edx; \
-+ \
-+ /* GET_THREAD_INFO(%ebp) intermixed */ \
-+0: \
-+ movl %esp, %ebp; \
-+ movl %esp, %ebx; \
-+ andl $(-THREAD_SIZE), %ebp; \
-+ andl $(THREAD_SIZE-1), %ebx; \
-+ orl TI_real_stack(%ebp), %ebx; \
-+ repeat_if_esp_changed; \
-+ \
-+ movl %edx, %cr3; \
-+ movl %ebx, %esp; \
-+#define __SWITCH_USERSPACE \
-+ /* interrupted any of the user return paths? */ \
-+ \
-+ movl EIP(%esp), %eax; \
-+ \
-+ cmpl $int80_ret_start_marker, %eax; \
-+ jb 33f; /* nope - continue with sysexit check */\
-+ cmpl $int80_ret_end_marker, %eax; \
-+ jb 22f; /* yes - switch to virtual stack */ \
-+33: \
-+ cmpl $sysexit_ret_start_marker, %eax; \
-+ jb 44f; /* nope - continue with user check */ \
-+ cmpl $sysexit_ret_end_marker, %eax; \
-+ jb 22f; /* yes - switch to virtual stack */ \
-+ /* return to userspace? */ \
-+44: \
-+ movl EFLAGS(%esp),%ecx; \
-+ movb CS(%esp),%cl; \
-+ testl $(VM_MASK | 3),%ecx; \
-+ jz 2f; \
-+22: \
-+ /* \
-+ * switch to the virtual stack, then switch to \
-+ * the userspace pagetables. \
-+ */ \
-+ \
-+ GET_THREAD_INFO(%ebp); \
-+ movl TI_virtual_stack(%ebp), %edx; \
-+ movl TI_user_pgd(%ebp), %ecx; \
-+ \
-+ movl %esp, %ebx; \
-+ andl $(THREAD_SIZE-1), %ebx; \
-+ orl %ebx, %edx; \
-+int80_ret_start_marker: \
-+ movl %edx, %esp; \
-+ movl %ecx, %cr3; \
-+ \
-+int80_ret_end_marker: \
-+#else /* !CONFIG_X86_HIGH_ENTRY */
-+#define __SAVE_ALL \
- cld; \
- pushl %es; \
- pushl %ds; \
-@@ -96,7 +193,7 @@ VM_MASK = 0x00020000
- movl %edx, %ds; \
- movl %edx, %es;
--#define RESTORE_INT_REGS \
-+#define __RESTORE_INT_REGS \
- popl %ebx; \
- popl %ecx; \
- popl %edx; \
-@@ -105,29 +202,44 @@ VM_MASK = 0x00020000
- popl %ebp; \
- popl %eax
--#define RESTORE_REGS \
--1: popl %ds; \
--2: popl %es; \
--.section .fixup,"ax"; \
--3: movl $0,(%esp); \
-- jmp 1b; \
--4: movl $0,(%esp); \
-- jmp 2b; \
--.previous; \
-+#define __RESTORE_REGS \
-+ popl %ds; \
-+ popl %es;
-+#define __RESTORE_REGS_USER \
-+111: popl %ds; \
-+222: popl %es; \
-+ jmp 666f; \
-+444: movl $0,(%esp); \
-+ jmp 111b; \
-+555: movl $0,(%esp); \
-+ jmp 222b; \
-+666: \
- .section __ex_table,"a";\
- .align 4; \
-- .long 1b,3b; \
-- .long 2b,4b; \
-+ .long 111b,444b;\
-+ .long 222b,555b;\
- .previous
-+#define __RESTORE_ALL_USER \
-+#define __RESTORE_ALL \
-+#else /* !CONFIG_X86_HIGH_ENTRY */
--#define RESTORE_ALL \
-+#define __RESTORE_IRET \
- addl $4, %esp; \
--1: iret; \
-+333: iret; \
- .section .fixup,"ax"; \
--2: sti; \
-+666: sti; \
- movl $(__USER_DS), %edx; \
- movl %edx, %ds; \
- movl %edx, %es; \
-@@ -136,10 +248,18 @@ VM_MASK = 0x00020000
- .previous; \
- .section __ex_table,"a";\
- .align 4; \
-- .long 1b,2b; \
-+ .long 333b,666b;\
- .previous
-+#define SAVE_ALL \
-+ __SAVE_ALL; \
-+#define RESTORE_ALL \
-+.section .entry.text,"ax"
- ENTRY(lcall7)
- pushfl # We get a different stack layout with call
-@@ -240,17 +360,9 @@ sysenter_past_esp:
- pushl $(__USER_CS)
-- * Load the potential sixth argument from user stack.
-- * Careful about security.
-- */
-- cmpl $__PAGE_OFFSET-3,%ebp
-- jae syscall_fault
--1: movl (%ebp),%ebp
--.section __ex_table,"a"
-- .align 4
-- .long 1b,syscall_fault
-+ /*
-+ * No six-argument syscall is ever used with sysenter.
-+ */
- pushl %eax
-@@ -266,12 +378,35 @@ sysenter_past_esp:
- movl TI_flags(%ebp), %ecx
- testw $_TIF_ALLWORK_MASK, %cx
- jne syscall_exit_work
-+ movl TI_virtual_stack(%ebp), %edx
-+ movl TI_user_pgd(%ebp), %ecx
-+ movl %esp, %ebx
-+ andl $(THREAD_SIZE-1), %ebx
-+ orl %ebx, %edx
-+ movl %edx, %esp
-+ movl %ecx, %cr3
-+ /*
-+ * only ebx is not restored by the userspace sysenter vsyscall
-+ * code, it assumes it to be callee-saved.
-+ */
-+ movl EBX(%esp), %ebx
- /* if something modifies registers it must also disable sysexit */
- movl EIP(%esp), %edx
- movl OLDESP(%esp), %ecx
-+ xorl %ebp,%ebp
- sti
- sysexit
-+ nop
- # system call handler stub
- ENTRY(system_call)
-@@ -321,6 +456,22 @@ work_notifysig: # deal with pending s
- # vm86-space
- xorl %edx, %edx
- call do_notify_resume
-+ /*
-+ * Reload db7 if necessary:
-+ */
-+ movl TI_flags(%ebp), %ecx
-+ testb $_TIF_DB7, %cl
-+ jnz work_db7
-+ jmp restore_all
-+ movl TI_task(%ebp), %edx;
-+ movl task_thread_db7(%edx), %edx;
-+ movl %edx, %db7;
- jmp restore_all
-@@ -358,14 +509,6 @@ syscall_exit_work:
- jmp resume_userspace
-- pushl %eax # save orig_eax
-- movl $-EFAULT,EAX(%esp)
-- jmp resume_userspace
- syscall_badsys:
- movl $-ENOSYS,EAX(%esp)
- jmp resume_userspace
-@@ -376,7 +519,7 @@ syscall_badsys:
- */
- .data
- ENTRY(interrupt)
- vector=0
- ENTRY(irq_entries_start)
-@@ -386,7 +529,7 @@ ENTRY(irq_entries_start)
- jmp common_interrupt
- .data
- .long 1b
- vector=vector+1
- .endr
-@@ -427,12 +570,17 @@ error_code:
- movl ES(%esp), %edi # get the function address
- movl %eax, ORIG_EAX(%esp)
- movl %ecx, ES(%esp)
-- movl %esp, %edx
- pushl %esi # push the error code
-- pushl %edx # push the pt_regs pointer
- movl $(__USER_DS), %edx
- movl %edx, %ds
- movl %edx, %es
-+/* clobbers edx, ebx and ebp */
-+ leal 4(%esp), %edx # prepare pt_regs
-+ pushl %edx # push pt_regs
- call *%edi
- addl $8, %esp
- jmp ret_from_exception
-@@ -523,7 +671,7 @@ nmi_stack_correct:
- pushl %edx
- call do_nmi
- addl $8, %esp
-+ jmp restore_all
- nmi_stack_fixup:
- FIX_STACK(12,nmi_stack_correct, 1)
-@@ -600,6 +748,8 @@ ENTRY(spurious_interrupt_bug)
- pushl $do_spurious_interrupt_bug
- jmp error_code
- .data
- ENTRY(sys_call_table)
- .long sys_restart_syscall /* 0 - old "setup()" system call, used for restarting */
-@@ -887,4 +1037,26 @@ ENTRY(sys_call_table)
- .long sys_mq_getsetattr
- .long sys_ni_syscall /* reserved for kexec */
-+ .rept 500-(.-sys_call_table)/4
-+ .long sys_ni_syscall
-+ .endr
-+ .long sys_fairsched_mknod /* 500 */
-+ .long sys_fairsched_rmnod
-+ .long sys_fairsched_chwt
-+ .long sys_fairsched_mvpr
-+ .long sys_fairsched_rate
-+ .rept 510-(.-sys_call_table)/4
-+ .long sys_ni_syscall
-+ .endr
-+ .long sys_getluid /* 510 */
-+ .long sys_setluid
-+ .long sys_setublimit
-+ .long sys_ubstat
-+ .long sys_ni_syscall
-+ .long sys_ni_syscall
-+ .long sys_lchmod /* 516 */
-+ .long sys_lutime
- syscall_table_size=(.-sys_call_table)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
-+ * linux/arch/i386/kernel/entry_trampoline.c
-+ *
-+ * (C) Copyright 2003 Ingo Molnar
-+ *
-+ * This file contains the needed support code for 4GB userspace
-+ */
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/smp.h>
-+#include <linux/mm.h>
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/kernel.h>
-+#include <linux/string.h>
-+#include <linux/highmem.h>
-+#include <asm/desc.h>
-+#include <asm/atomic_kmap.h>
-+extern char __entry_tramp_start, __entry_tramp_end, __start___entry_text;
-+void __init init_entry_mappings(void)
-+ void *tramp;
-+ int p;
-+ /*
-+ * We need a high IDT and GDT for the 4G/4G split:
-+ */
-+ trap_init_virtual_IDT();
-+ __set_fixmap(FIX_ENTRY_TRAMPOLINE_0, __pa((unsigned long)&__entry_tramp_start), PAGE_KERNEL_EXEC);
-+ __set_fixmap(FIX_ENTRY_TRAMPOLINE_1, __pa((unsigned long)&__entry_tramp_start) + PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_KERNEL_EXEC);
-+ tramp = (void *)fix_to_virt(FIX_ENTRY_TRAMPOLINE_0);
-+ printk("mapped 4G/4G trampoline to %p.\n", tramp);
-+ BUG_ON((void *)&__start___entry_text != tramp);
-+ /*
-+ * Virtual kernel stack:
-+ */
-+ BUG_ON(__kmap_atomic_vaddr(KM_VSTACK_TOP) & (THREAD_SIZE-1));
-+ BUG_ON(sizeof(struct desc_struct)*NR_CPUS*GDT_ENTRIES > 2*PAGE_SIZE);
-+ BUG_ON((unsigned int)&__entry_tramp_end - (unsigned int)&__entry_tramp_start > 2*PAGE_SIZE);
-+ /*
-+ * set up the initial thread's virtual stack related
-+ * fields:
-+ */
-+ for (p = 0; p < ARRAY_SIZE(current->thread_info->stack_page); p++)
-+ current->thread_info->stack_page[p] = virt_to_page((char *)current->thread_info + (p*PAGE_SIZE));
-+ current->thread_info->virtual_stack = (void *)__kmap_atomic_vaddr(KM_VSTACK_TOP);
-+ for (p = 0; p < ARRAY_SIZE(current->thread_info->stack_page); p++) {
-+ __kunmap_atomic_type(KM_VSTACK_TOP-p);
-+ __kmap_atomic(current->thread_info->stack_page[p], KM_VSTACK_TOP-p);
-+ }
-+ current->thread_info->real_stack = (void *)current->thread_info;
-+ current->thread_info->user_pgd = NULL;
-+ current->thread.esp0 = (unsigned long)current->thread_info->real_stack + THREAD_SIZE;
-+void __init entry_trampoline_setup(void)
-+ /*
-+ * old IRQ entries set up by the boot code will still hang
-+ * around - they are a sign of hw trouble anyway, now they'll
-+ * produce a double fault message.
-+ */
-+ trap_init_virtual_GDT();
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -92,7 +92,6 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS(__down_failed_inter
- EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS(__down_failed_trylock);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS(__up_wakeup);
- /* Networking helper routines. */
- /* Delay loops */
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(__ndelay);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(__udelay);
-@@ -106,13 +105,17 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_NOVERS(__get_user_4);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(strpbrk);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(strstr);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(strncpy_from_user);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(clear_user);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(__clear_user);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(__copy_from_user_ll);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(__copy_to_user_ll);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(strnlen_user);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(dma_alloc_coherent);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(dma_free_coherent);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -227,6 +227,7 @@ void set_fpu_twd( struct task_struct *ts
- static int convert_fxsr_to_user( struct _fpstate __user *buf,
- struct i387_fxsave_struct *fxsave )
- {
-+ struct _fpreg tmp[8]; /* 80 bytes scratch area */
- unsigned long env[7];
- struct _fpreg __user *to;
- struct _fpxreg *from;
-@@ -243,23 +244,25 @@ static int convert_fxsr_to_user( struct
- if ( __copy_to_user( buf, env, 7 * sizeof(unsigned long) ) )
- return 1;
-- to = &buf->_st[0];
-+ to = tmp;
- from = (struct _fpxreg *) &fxsave->st_space[0];
- for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++, to++, from++ ) {
- unsigned long __user *t = (unsigned long __user *)to;
- unsigned long *f = (unsigned long *)from;
-- if (__put_user(*f, t) ||
-- __put_user(*(f + 1), t + 1) ||
-- __put_user(from->exponent, &to->exponent))
-- return 1;
-+ *t = *f;
-+ *(t + 1) = *(f+1);
-+ to->exponent = from->exponent;
- }
-+ if (copy_to_user(buf->_st, tmp, sizeof(struct _fpreg [8])))
-+ return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- static int convert_fxsr_from_user( struct i387_fxsave_struct *fxsave,
- struct _fpstate __user *buf )
- {
-+ struct _fpreg tmp[8]; /* 80 bytes scratch area */
- unsigned long env[7];
- struct _fpxreg *to;
- struct _fpreg __user *from;
-@@ -267,6 +270,8 @@ static int convert_fxsr_from_user( struc
- if ( __copy_from_user( env, buf, 7 * sizeof(long) ) )
- return 1;
-+ if (copy_from_user(tmp, buf->_st, sizeof(struct _fpreg [8])))
-+ return 1;
- fxsave->cwd = (unsigned short)(env[0] & 0xffff);
- fxsave->swd = (unsigned short)(env[1] & 0xffff);
-@@ -278,15 +283,14 @@ static int convert_fxsr_from_user( struc
- fxsave->fos = env[6];
- to = (struct _fpxreg *) &fxsave->st_space[0];
-- from = &buf->_st[0];
-+ from = tmp;
- for ( i = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++, to++, from++ ) {
- unsigned long *t = (unsigned long *)to;
- unsigned long __user *f = (unsigned long __user *)from;
-- if (__get_user(*t, f) ||
-- __get_user(*(t + 1), f + 1) ||
-- __get_user(to->exponent, &from->exponent))
-- return 1;
-+ *t = *f;
-+ *(t + 1) = *(f + 1);
-+ to->exponent = from->exponent;
- }
- return 0;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(init_mm);
- */
- union thread_union init_thread_union
- __attribute__((__section__(".data.init_task"))) =
-- { INIT_THREAD_INFO(init_task) };
-+ { INIT_THREAD_INFO(init_task, init_thread_union) };
- /*
- * Initial task structure.
-@@ -45,5 +45,5 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(init_task);
- * section. Since TSS's are completely CPU-local, we want them
- * on exact cacheline boundaries, to eliminate cacheline ping-pong.
- */
--struct tss_struct init_tss[NR_CPUS] __cacheline_aligned = { [0 ... NR_CPUS-1] = INIT_TSS };
-+struct tss_struct init_tss[NR_CPUS] __attribute__((__section__(".data.tss"))) = { [0 ... NR_CPUS-1] = INIT_TSS };
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:28.000000000 +0400
-@@ -635,7 +635,7 @@ failed:
- return 0;
- }
--static int __init irqbalance_disable(char *str)
-+int __init irqbalance_disable(char *str)
- {
- irqbalance_disabled = 1;
- return 0;
-@@ -652,7 +652,7 @@ static inline void move_irq(int irq)
- }
- }
- #else /* !CONFIG_IRQBALANCE */
- static inline void move_irq(int irq) { }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@
- #include <asm/desc.h>
- #include <asm/irq.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_task.h>
- /*
- * Linux has a controller-independent x86 interrupt architecture.
- * every controller has a 'controller-template', that is used
-@@ -79,6 +82,68 @@ static void register_irq_proc (unsigned
- union irq_ctx *hardirq_ctx[NR_CPUS];
- union irq_ctx *softirq_ctx[NR_CPUS];
-+union irq_ctx *overflow_ctx[NR_CPUS];
-+static void report_stack_overflow(unsigned long delta)
-+ printk("Stack overflow %lu task=%s (%p)",
-+ delta, current->comm, current);
-+ dump_stack();
-+void check_stack_overflow(void)
-+ /* Debugging check for stack overflow: is there less than 512KB free? */
-+ long esp;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ u32 *isp;
-+ union irq_ctx * curctx;
-+ union irq_ctx * irqctx;
-+ __asm__ __volatile__("andl %%esp,%0" :
-+ "=r" (esp) : "0" (THREAD_SIZE - 1));
-+ if (likely(esp > (sizeof(struct thread_info) + STACK_WARN)))
-+ return;
-+ local_irq_save(flags);
-+ curctx = (union irq_ctx *) current_thread_info();
-+ irqctx = overflow_ctx[smp_processor_id()];
-+ if (curctx == irqctx)
-+ report_stack_overflow(esp);
-+ else {
-+ /* build the stack frame on the IRQ stack */
-+ isp = (u32*) ((char*)irqctx + sizeof(*irqctx));
-+ irqctx->tinfo.task = curctx->tinfo.task;
-+ irqctx->tinfo.real_stack = curctx->tinfo.real_stack;
-+ irqctx->tinfo.virtual_stack = curctx->tinfo.virtual_stack;
-+ irqctx->tinfo.previous_esp = current_stack_pointer();
-+ *--isp = (u32) esp;
-+ asm volatile(
-+ " xchgl %%ebx,%%esp \n"
-+ " call report_stack_overflow \n"
-+ " xchgl %%ebx,%%esp \n"
-+ :
-+ : "b"(isp)
-+ : "memory", "cc", "eax", "edx", "ecx"
-+ );
-+ }
-+ report_stack_overflow(esp);
-+ local_irq_restore(flags);
-+void check_stack_overflow(void)
- #endif
- /*
-@@ -221,15 +286,19 @@ asmlinkage int handle_IRQ_event(unsigned
- {
- int status = 1; /* Force the "do bottom halves" bit */
- int retval = 0;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
- if (!(action->flags & SA_INTERRUPT))
- local_irq_enable();
-+ ub = set_exec_ub(get_ub0());
- do {
- status |= action->flags;
- retval |= action->handler(irq, action->dev_id, regs);
- action = action->next;
- } while (action);
-+ (void)set_exec_ub(ub);
- if (status & SA_SAMPLE_RANDOM)
- add_interrupt_randomness(irq);
- local_irq_disable();
-@@ -270,7 +339,7 @@ static void report_bad_irq(int irq, irq_
- static int noirqdebug;
--static int __init noirqdebug_setup(char *str)
-+int __init noirqdebug_setup(char *str)
- {
- noirqdebug = 1;
- printk("IRQ lockup detection disabled\n");
-@@ -429,23 +498,13 @@ asmlinkage unsigned int do_IRQ(struct pt
- irq_desc_t *desc = irq_desc + irq;
- struct irqaction * action;
- unsigned int status;
-+ struct ve_struct *envid;
-+ envid = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
- irq_enter();
-- /* Debugging check for stack overflow: is there less than 1KB free? */
-- {
-- long esp;
-+ check_stack_overflow();
-- __asm__ __volatile__("andl %%esp,%0" :
-- "=r" (esp) : "0" (THREAD_SIZE - 1));
-- if (unlikely(esp < (sizeof(struct thread_info) + STACK_WARN))) {
-- printk("do_IRQ: stack overflow: %ld\n",
-- esp - sizeof(struct thread_info));
-- dump_stack();
-- }
-- }
- kstat_this_cpu.irqs[irq]++;
- spin_lock(&desc->lock);
- desc->handler->ack(irq);
-@@ -513,6 +572,8 @@ asmlinkage unsigned int do_IRQ(struct pt
- /* build the stack frame on the IRQ stack */
- isp = (u32*) ((char*)irqctx + sizeof(*irqctx));
- irqctx->tinfo.task = curctx->tinfo.task;
-+ irqctx->tinfo.real_stack = curctx->tinfo.real_stack;
-+ irqctx->tinfo.virtual_stack = curctx->tinfo.virtual_stack;
- irqctx->tinfo.previous_esp = current_stack_pointer();
- *--isp = (u32) action;
-@@ -541,7 +602,6 @@ asmlinkage unsigned int do_IRQ(struct pt
- }
- #else
- for (;;) {
- irqreturn_t action_ret;
-@@ -568,6 +628,7 @@ out:
- spin_unlock(&desc->lock);
- irq_exit();
-+ (void)set_exec_env(envid);
- return 1;
- }
-@@ -995,13 +1056,15 @@ static int irq_affinity_read_proc(char *
- return len;
- }
-+int no_irq_affinity;
- static int irq_affinity_write_proc(struct file *file, const char __user *buffer,
- unsigned long count, void *data)
- {
- int irq = (long)data, full_count = count, err;
- cpumask_t new_value, tmp;
-- if (!irq_desc[irq].handler->set_affinity)
-+ if (!irq_desc[irq].handler->set_affinity || no_irq_affinity)
- return -EIO;
- err = cpumask_parse(buffer, count, new_value);
-@@ -1122,6 +1185,9 @@ void init_irq_proc (void)
- */
- static char softirq_stack[NR_CPUS * THREAD_SIZE] __attribute__((__aligned__(THREAD_SIZE)));
- static char hardirq_stack[NR_CPUS * THREAD_SIZE] __attribute__((__aligned__(THREAD_SIZE)));
-+static char overflow_stack[NR_CPUS * THREAD_SIZE] __attribute__((__aligned__(THREAD_SIZE)));
- /*
- * allocate per-cpu stacks for hardirq and for softirq processing
-@@ -1151,8 +1217,19 @@ void irq_ctx_init(int cpu)
- softirq_ctx[cpu] = irqctx;
-- printk("CPU %u irqstacks, hard=%p soft=%p\n",
-- cpu,hardirq_ctx[cpu],softirq_ctx[cpu]);
-+ irqctx = (union irq_ctx*) &overflow_stack[cpu*THREAD_SIZE];
-+ irqctx->tinfo.task = NULL;
-+ irqctx->tinfo.exec_domain = NULL;
-+ irqctx->tinfo.cpu = cpu;
-+ irqctx->tinfo.preempt_count = HARDIRQ_OFFSET;
-+ irqctx->tinfo.addr_limit = MAKE_MM_SEG(0);
-+ overflow_ctx[cpu] = irqctx;
-+ printk("CPU %u irqstacks, hard=%p soft=%p overflow=%p\n",
-+ cpu,hardirq_ctx[cpu],softirq_ctx[cpu],overflow_ctx[cpu]);
- }
- extern asmlinkage void __do_softirq(void);
-@@ -1173,6 +1250,8 @@ asmlinkage void do_softirq(void)
- curctx = current_thread_info();
- irqctx = softirq_ctx[smp_processor_id()];
- irqctx->tinfo.task = curctx->task;
-+ irqctx->tinfo.real_stack = curctx->real_stack;
-+ irqctx->tinfo.virtual_stack = curctx->virtual_stack;
- irqctx->tinfo.previous_esp = current_stack_pointer();
- /* build the stack frame on the softirq stack */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- * linux/kernel/ldt.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1992 Krishna Balasubramanian and Linus Torvalds
-- * Copyright (C) 1999 Ingo Molnar <>
-+ * Copyright (C) 1999, 2003 Ingo Molnar <>
- */
- #include <linux/errno.h>
-@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
- #include <asm/system.h>
- #include <asm/ldt.h>
- #include <asm/desc.h>
-+#include <linux/highmem.h>
-+#include <asm/atomic_kmap.h>
- #ifdef CONFIG_SMP /* avoids "defined but not used" warnig */
- static void flush_ldt(void *null)
-@@ -29,34 +31,31 @@ static void flush_ldt(void *null)
- static int alloc_ldt(mm_context_t *pc, int mincount, int reload)
- {
-- void *oldldt;
-- void *newldt;
-- int oldsize;
-+ int oldsize, newsize, i;
- if (mincount <= pc->size)
- return 0;
-+ /*
-+ * LDT got larger - reallocate if necessary.
-+ */
- oldsize = pc->size;
- mincount = (mincount+511)&(~511);
-- if (mincount*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE > PAGE_SIZE)
-- newldt = vmalloc(mincount*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE);
-- else
-- newldt = kmalloc(mincount*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
-- if (!newldt)
-- return -ENOMEM;
-- if (oldsize)
-- memcpy(newldt, pc->ldt, oldsize*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE);
-- oldldt = pc->ldt;
-- memset(newldt+oldsize*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE, 0, (mincount-oldsize)*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE);
-- pc->ldt = newldt;
-- wmb();
-+ newsize = mincount*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE;
-+ for (i = 0; i < newsize; i += PAGE_SIZE) {
-+ int nr = i/PAGE_SIZE;
-+ BUG_ON(i >= 64*1024);
-+ if (!pc->ldt_pages[nr]) {
-+ pc->ldt_pages[nr] = alloc_page(GFP_HIGHUSER|__GFP_UBC);
-+ if (!pc->ldt_pages[nr])
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ clear_highpage(pc->ldt_pages[nr]);
-+ }
-+ }
- pc->size = mincount;
-- wmb();
- if (reload) {
- #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
- cpumask_t mask;
- preempt_disable();
- load_LDT(pc);
- mask = cpumask_of_cpu(smp_processor_id());
-@@ -67,24 +66,32 @@ static int alloc_ldt(mm_context_t *pc, i
- load_LDT(pc);
- #endif
- }
-- if (oldsize) {
-- if (oldsize*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE > PAGE_SIZE)
-- vfree(oldldt);
-- else
-- kfree(oldldt);
-- }
- return 0;
- }
- static inline int copy_ldt(mm_context_t *new, mm_context_t *old)
- {
-- int err = alloc_ldt(new, old->size, 0);
-- if (err < 0)
-+ int i, err, size = old->size, nr_pages = (size*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE + PAGE_SIZE-1)/PAGE_SIZE;
-+ err = alloc_ldt(new, size, 0);
-+ if (err < 0) {
-+ new->size = 0;
- return err;
-- memcpy(new->ldt, old->ldt, old->size*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE);
-+ }
-+ for (i = 0; i < nr_pages; i++)
-+ copy_user_highpage(new->ldt_pages[i], old->ldt_pages[i], 0);
- return 0;
- }
-+static void free_ldt(mm_context_t *mc)
-+ int i;
-+ for (i = 0; i < MAX_LDT_PAGES; i++)
-+ if (mc->ldt_pages[i])
-+ __free_page(mc->ldt_pages[i]);
- /*
- * we do not have to muck with descriptors here, that is
- * done in switch_mm() as needed.
-@@ -96,10 +103,13 @@ int init_new_context(struct task_struct
- init_MUTEX(&mm->context.sem);
- mm->context.size = 0;
-+ memset(mm->context.ldt_pages, 0, sizeof(struct page *) * MAX_LDT_PAGES);
- old_mm = current->mm;
- if (old_mm && old_mm->context.size > 0) {
- down(&old_mm->context.sem);
- retval = copy_ldt(&mm->context, &old_mm->context);
-+ if (retval < 0)
-+ free_ldt(&mm->context);
- up(&old_mm->context.sem);
- }
- return retval;
-@@ -107,23 +117,21 @@ int init_new_context(struct task_struct
- /*
- * No need to lock the MM as we are the last user
-+ * Do not touch the ldt register, we are already
-+ * in the next thread.
- */
- void destroy_context(struct mm_struct *mm)
- {
-- if (mm->context.size) {
-- if (mm == current->active_mm)
-- clear_LDT();
-- if (mm->context.size*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE > PAGE_SIZE)
-- vfree(mm->context.ldt);
-- else
-- kfree(mm->context.ldt);
-- mm->context.size = 0;
-- }
-+ int i, nr_pages = (mm->context.size*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE + PAGE_SIZE-1) / PAGE_SIZE;
-+ for (i = 0; i < nr_pages; i++)
-+ __free_page(mm->context.ldt_pages[i]);
-+ mm->context.size = 0;
- }
- static int read_ldt(void __user * ptr, unsigned long bytecount)
- {
-- int err;
-+ int err, i;
- unsigned long size;
- struct mm_struct * mm = current->mm;
-@@ -138,8 +146,25 @@ static int read_ldt(void __user * ptr, u
- size = bytecount;
- err = 0;
-- if (copy_to_user(ptr, mm->context.ldt, size))
-- err = -EFAULT;
-+ /*
-+ * This is necessary just in case we got here straight from a
-+ * context-switch where the ptes were set but no tlb flush
-+ * was done yet. We rather avoid doing a TLB flush in the
-+ * context-switch path and do it here instead.
-+ */
-+ __flush_tlb_global();
-+ for (i = 0; i < size; i += PAGE_SIZE) {
-+ int nr = i / PAGE_SIZE, bytes;
-+ char *kaddr = kmap(mm->context.ldt_pages[nr]);
-+ bytes = size - i;
-+ if (bytes > PAGE_SIZE)
-+ bytes = PAGE_SIZE;
-+ if (copy_to_user(ptr + i, kaddr, bytes))
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ kunmap(mm->context.ldt_pages[nr]);
-+ }
- up(&mm->context.sem);
- if (err < 0)
- return err;
-@@ -158,7 +183,7 @@ static int read_default_ldt(void __user
- err = 0;
- address = &default_ldt[0];
-- size = 5*sizeof(struct desc_struct);
-+ size = 5*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE;
- if (size > bytecount)
- size = bytecount;
-@@ -200,7 +225,15 @@ static int write_ldt(void __user * ptr,
- goto out_unlock;
- }
-- lp = (__u32 *) ((ldt_info.entry_number << 3) + (char *) mm->context.ldt);
-+ /*
-+ * No rescheduling allowed from this point to the install.
-+ *
-+ * We do a TLB flush for the same reason as in the read_ldt() path.
-+ */
-+ preempt_disable();
-+ __flush_tlb_global();
-+ lp = (__u32 *) ((ldt_info.entry_number << 3) +
-+ (char *) __kmap_atomic_vaddr(KM_LDT_PAGE0));
- /* Allow LDTs to be cleared by the user. */
- if (ldt_info.base_addr == 0 && ldt_info.limit == 0) {
-@@ -221,6 +254,7 @@ install:
- *lp = entry_1;
- *(lp+1) = entry_2;
- error = 0;
-+ preempt_enable();
- out_unlock:
- up(&mm->context.sem);
-@@ -248,3 +282,26 @@ asmlinkage int sys_modify_ldt(int func,
- }
- return ret;
- }
-+ * load one particular LDT into the current CPU
-+ */
-+void load_LDT_nolock(mm_context_t *pc, int cpu)
-+ struct page **pages = pc->ldt_pages;
-+ int count = pc->size;
-+ int nr_pages, i;
-+ if (likely(!count)) {
-+ pages = &default_ldt_page;
-+ count = 5;
-+ }
-+ nr_pages = (count*LDT_ENTRY_SIZE + PAGE_SIZE-1) / PAGE_SIZE;
-+ for (i = 0; i < nr_pages; i++) {
-+ __kunmap_atomic_type(KM_LDT_PAGE0 - i);
-+ __kmap_atomic(pages[i], KM_LDT_PAGE0 - i);
-+ }
-+ set_ldt_desc(cpu, (void *)__kmap_atomic_vaddr(KM_LDT_PAGE0), count);
-+ load_LDT_desc();
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ void __init get_smp_config (void)
- * Read the physical hardware table. Anything here will
- * override the defaults.
- */
-- if (!smp_read_mpc((void *)mpf->mpf_physptr)) {
-+ if (!smp_read_mpc((void *)phys_to_virt(mpf->mpf_physptr))) {
- smp_found_config = 0;
- printk(KERN_ERR "BIOS bug, MP table errors detected!...\n");
- printk(KERN_ERR "... disabling SMP support. (tell your hw vendor)\n");
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -31,7 +31,12 @@
- #include <asm/mpspec.h>
- #include <asm/nmi.h>
--unsigned int nmi_watchdog = NMI_NONE;
-+unsigned int nmi_watchdog = NMI_DEFAULT;
- static unsigned int nmi_hz = HZ;
- static unsigned int nmi_perfctr_msr; /* the MSR to reset in NMI handler */
- static unsigned int nmi_p4_cccr_val;
-@@ -459,6 +464,21 @@ void touch_nmi_watchdog (void)
- alert_counter[i] = 0;
- }
-+static spinlock_t show_regs_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+void smp_show_regs(struct pt_regs *regs, void *info)
-+ if (regs == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ bust_spinlocks(1);
-+ spin_lock(&show_regs_lock);
-+ printk("----------- IPI show regs -----------");
-+ show_regs(regs);
-+ spin_unlock(&show_regs_lock);
-+ bust_spinlocks(0);
- void nmi_watchdog_tick (struct pt_regs * regs)
- {
-@@ -486,7 +506,11 @@ void nmi_watchdog_tick (struct pt_regs *
- bust_spinlocks(1);
- printk("NMI Watchdog detected LOCKUP on CPU%d, eip %08lx, registers:\n", cpu, regs->eip);
- show_registers(regs);
-- printk("console shuts up ...\n");
-+ smp_nmi_call_function(smp_show_regs, NULL, 1);
-+ bust_spinlocks(1);
-+ /* current CPU messages should go bottom */
-+ if (!decode_call_traces)
-+ smp_show_regs(regs, NULL);
- console_silent();
- spin_unlock(&nmi_print_lock);
- bust_spinlocks(0);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
- #include <asm/i387.h>
- #include <asm/irq.h>
- #include <asm/desc.h>
-+#include <asm/atomic_kmap.h>
- #include <asm/math_emu.h>
- #endif
-@@ -219,11 +220,14 @@ __setup("idle=", idle_setup);
- void show_regs(struct pt_regs * regs)
- {
- unsigned long cr0 = 0L, cr2 = 0L, cr3 = 0L, cr4 = 0L;
-+ extern int die_counter;
- printk("\n");
-- printk("Pid: %d, comm: %20s\n", current->pid, current->comm);
-- printk("EIP: %04x:[<%08lx>] CPU: %d\n",0xffff & regs->xcs,regs->eip, smp_processor_id());
-- print_symbol("EIP is at %s\n", regs->eip);
-+ printk("Pid: %d, comm: %20s, oopses: %d\n", current->pid, current->comm, die_counter);
-+ printk("EIP: %04x:[<%08lx>] CPU: %d, VCPU: %d:%d\n",0xffff & regs->xcs,regs->eip, smp_processor_id(),
-+ task_vsched_id(current), task_cpu(current));
-+ if (decode_call_traces)
-+ print_symbol("EIP is at %s\n", regs->eip);
- if (regs->xcs & 3)
- printk(" ESP: %04x:%08lx",0xffff & regs->xss,regs->esp);
-@@ -247,6 +251,8 @@ void show_regs(struct pt_regs * regs)
- : "=r" (cr4): "0" (0));
- printk("CR0: %08lx CR2: %08lx CR3: %08lx CR4: %08lx\n", cr0, cr2, cr3, cr4);
- show_trace(NULL, &regs->esp);
-+ if (!decode_call_traces)
-+ printk(" EIP: [<%08lx>]\n",regs->eip);
- }
- /*
-@@ -272,6 +278,13 @@ int kernel_thread(int (*fn)(void *), voi
- {
- struct pt_regs regs;
-+ /* Don't allow kernel_thread() inside VE */
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ printk("kernel_thread call inside VE\n");
-+ dump_stack();
-+ return -EPERM;
-+ }
- memset(&regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
- regs.ebx = (unsigned long) fn;
-@@ -311,6 +324,9 @@ void flush_thread(void)
- struct task_struct *tsk = current;
- memset(tsk->thread.debugreg, 0, sizeof(unsigned long)*8);
-+ clear_thread_flag(TIF_DB7);
- memset(tsk->thread.tls_array, 0, sizeof(tsk->thread.tls_array));
- /*
- * Forget coprocessor state..
-@@ -324,9 +340,8 @@ void release_thread(struct task_struct *
- if (dead_task->mm) {
- // temporary debugging check
- if (dead_task->mm->context.size) {
-- printk("WARNING: dead process %8s still has LDT? <%p/%d>\n",
-+ printk("WARNING: dead process %8s still has LDT? <%d>\n",
- dead_task->comm,
-- dead_task->mm->context.ldt,
- dead_task->mm->context.size);
- BUG();
- }
-@@ -350,7 +365,7 @@ int copy_thread(int nr, unsigned long cl
- {
- struct pt_regs * childregs;
- struct task_struct *tsk;
-- int err;
-+ int err, i;
- childregs = ((struct pt_regs *) (THREAD_SIZE + (unsigned long) p->thread_info)) - 1;
- *childregs = *regs;
-@@ -361,7 +376,18 @@ int copy_thread(int nr, unsigned long cl
- p->thread.esp = (unsigned long) childregs;
- p->thread.esp0 = (unsigned long) (childregs+1);
-+ /*
-+ * get the two stack pages, for the virtual stack.
-+ *
-+ * IMPORTANT: this code relies on the fact that the task
-+ * structure is an THREAD_SIZE aligned piece of physical memory.
-+ */
-+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(p->thread_info->stack_page); i++)
-+ p->thread_info->stack_page[i] =
-+ virt_to_page((unsigned long)p->thread_info + (i*PAGE_SIZE));
- p->thread.eip = (unsigned long) ret_from_fork;
-+ p->thread_info->real_stack = p->thread_info;
- savesegment(fs,p->thread.fs);
- savesegment(gs,p->;
-@@ -513,10 +539,42 @@ struct task_struct fastcall * __switch_t
- __unlazy_fpu(prev_p);
-+ int i;
-+ /*
-+ * Set the ptes of the virtual stack. (NOTE: a one-page TLB flush is
-+ * needed because otherwise NMIs could interrupt the
-+ * user-return code with a virtual stack and stale TLBs.)
-+ */
-+ for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(next_p->thread_info->stack_page); i++) {
-+ __kunmap_atomic_type(KM_VSTACK_TOP-i);
-+ __kmap_atomic(next_p->thread_info->stack_page[i], KM_VSTACK_TOP-i);
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ * NOTE: here we rely on the task being the stack as well
-+ */
-+ next_p->thread_info->virtual_stack =
-+ (void *)__kmap_atomic_vaddr(KM_VSTACK_TOP);
-+#if defined(CONFIG_PREEMPT) && defined(CONFIG_SMP)
-+ /*
-+ * If next was preempted on entry from userspace to kernel,
-+ * and now it's on a different cpu, we need to adjust %esp.
-+ * This assumes that entry.S does not copy %esp while on the
-+ * virtual stack (with interrupts enabled): which is so,
-+ * except within __SWITCH_KERNELSPACE itself.
-+ */
-+ if (unlikely(next->esp >= TASK_SIZE)) {
-+ next->esp &= THREAD_SIZE - 1;
-+ next->esp |= (unsigned long) next_p->thread_info->virtual_stack;
-+ }
- /*
- * Reload esp0, LDT and the page table pointer:
- */
-- load_esp0(tss, next);
-+ load_virtual_esp0(tss, next_p);
- /*
- * Load the per-thread Thread-Local Storage descriptor.
-@@ -759,6 +817,8 @@ asmlinkage int sys_get_thread_area(struc
- if (idx < GDT_ENTRY_TLS_MIN || idx > GDT_ENTRY_TLS_MAX)
- return -EINVAL;
-+ memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
- desc = current->thread.tls_array + idx - GDT_ENTRY_TLS_MIN;
- info.entry_number = idx;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ asmlinkage int sys_ptrace(long request,
- }
- ret = -ESRCH;
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- child = find_task_by_pid(pid);
-+ child = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
- if (child)
- get_task_struct(child);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ asmlinkage int sys_ptrace(long request,
- long tmp;
- ret = 0;
-- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
-+ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
- break;
- child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
- /* make sure the single step bit is not set. */
-@@ -541,8 +541,10 @@ void do_syscall_trace(struct pt_regs *re
- return;
- /* the 0x80 provides a way for the tracing parent to distinguish
- between a syscall stop and SIGTRAP delivery */
-+ set_pn_state(current, entryexit ? PN_STOP_LEAVE : PN_STOP_ENTRY);
- ptrace_notify(SIGTRAP | ((current->ptrace & PT_TRACESYSGOOD)
- ? 0x80 : 0));
-+ clear_pn_state(current);
- /*
- * this isn't the same as continuing with a signal, but it will do
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -233,12 +233,11 @@ void machine_real_restart(unsigned char
- CMOS_WRITE(0x00, 0x8f);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rtc_lock, flags);
-- /* Remap the kernel at virtual address zero, as well as offset zero
-- from the kernel segment. This assumes the kernel segment starts at
-- virtual address PAGE_OFFSET. */
-- memcpy (swapper_pg_dir, swapper_pg_dir + USER_PGD_PTRS,
-- sizeof (swapper_pg_dir [0]) * KERNEL_PGD_PTRS);
-+ /*
-+ * Remap the first 16 MB of RAM (which includes the kernel image)
-+ * at virtual address zero:
-+ */
-+ setup_identity_mappings(swapper_pg_dir, 0, LOW_MAPPINGS_SIZE);
- /*
- * Use `swapper_pg_dir' as our page directory.
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
- #include <linux/efi.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <linux/edd.h>
-+#include <linux/mmzone.h>
- #include <video/edid.h>
- #include <asm/e820.h>
- #include <asm/mpspec.h>
-@@ -1073,7 +1074,19 @@ static unsigned long __init setup_memory
- initrd_end = initrd_start+INITRD_SIZE;
- }
-- else {
-+ else if ((max_low_pfn << PAGE_SHIFT) <
-+ /* GRUB places initrd as high as possible, so when
-+ VMALLOC_AREA is bigger than std Linux has, such
-+ initrd is inaccessiable in normal zone (highmem) */
-+ /* initrd should be totally in highmem, sorry */
-+ BUG_ON(INITRD_START < (max_low_pfn << PAGE_SHIFT));
-+ initrd_copy = INITRD_SIZE;
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "initrd: GRUB workaround enabled\n");
-+ /* initrd is copied from highmem in initrd_move() */
-+ } else {
- printk(KERN_ERR "initrd extends beyond end of memory "
- "(0x%08lx > 0x%08lx)\ndisabling initrd\n",
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ sys_sigsuspend(int history0, int history
- mask &= _BLOCKABLE;
- spin_lock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
- saveset = current->blocked;
-+ set_sigsuspend_state(current, saveset);
- siginitset(&current->blocked, mask);
- recalc_sigpending();
- spin_unlock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
-@@ -50,8 +51,10 @@ sys_sigsuspend(int history0, int history
- while (1) {
- current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
- schedule();
-- if (do_signal(regs, &saveset))
-+ if (do_signal(regs, &saveset)) {
-+ clear_sigsuspend_state(current);
- return -EINTR;
-+ }
- }
- }
-@@ -70,6 +73,7 @@ sys_rt_sigsuspend(struct pt_regs regs)
- spin_lock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
- saveset = current->blocked;
-+ set_sigsuspend_state(current, saveset);
- current->blocked = newset;
- recalc_sigpending();
- spin_unlock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
-@@ -78,8 +82,10 @@ sys_rt_sigsuspend(struct pt_regs regs)
- while (1) {
- current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
- schedule();
-- if (do_signal(&regs, &saveset))
-+ if (do_signal(&regs, &saveset)) {
-+ clear_sigsuspend_state(current);
- return -EINTR;
-+ }
- }
- }
-@@ -132,28 +138,29 @@ sys_sigaltstack(unsigned long ebx)
- */
- static int
--restore_sigcontext(struct pt_regs *regs, struct sigcontext __user *sc, int *peax)
-+restore_sigcontext(struct pt_regs *regs,
-+ struct sigcontext __user *__sc, int *peax)
- {
-- unsigned int err = 0;
-+ struct sigcontext scratch; /* 88 bytes of scratch area */
- /* Always make any pending restarted system calls return -EINTR */
- current_thread_info()->restart_block.fn = do_no_restart_syscall;
--#define COPY(x) err |= __get_user(regs->x, &sc->x)
-+ if (copy_from_user(&scratch, __sc, sizeof(scratch)))
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+#define COPY(x) regs->x = scratch.x
- #define COPY_SEG(seg) \
-- { unsigned short tmp; \
-- err |= __get_user(tmp, &sc->seg); \
-+ { unsigned short tmp = scratch.seg; \
- regs->x##seg = tmp; }
- #define COPY_SEG_STRICT(seg) \
-- { unsigned short tmp; \
-- err |= __get_user(tmp, &sc->seg); \
-+ { unsigned short tmp = scratch.seg; \
- regs->x##seg = tmp|3; }
- #define GET_SEG(seg) \
-- { unsigned short tmp; \
-- err |= __get_user(tmp, &sc->seg); \
-+ { unsigned short tmp = scratch.seg; \
- loadsegment(seg,tmp); }
-@@ -176,27 +183,29 @@ restore_sigcontext(struct pt_regs *regs,
- {
-- unsigned int tmpflags;
-- err |= __get_user(tmpflags, &sc->eflags);
-+ unsigned int tmpflags = scratch.eflags;
- regs->eflags = (regs->eflags & ~FIX_EFLAGS) | (tmpflags & FIX_EFLAGS);
- regs->orig_eax = -1; /* disable syscall checks */
- }
- {
-- struct _fpstate __user * buf;
-- err |= __get_user(buf, &sc->fpstate);
-+ struct _fpstate * buf = scratch.fpstate;
- if (buf) {
- if (verify_area(VERIFY_READ, buf, sizeof(*buf)))
-- goto badframe;
-- err |= restore_i387(buf);
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ if (restore_i387(buf))
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ } else {
-+ struct task_struct *me = current;
-+ if (me->used_math) {
-+ clear_fpu(me);
-+ me->used_math = 0;
-+ }
- }
- }
-- err |= __get_user(*peax, &sc->eax);
-- return err;
-- return 1;
-+ *peax = scratch.eax;
-+ return 0;
- }
- asmlinkage int sys_sigreturn(unsigned long __unused)
-@@ -265,46 +274,47 @@ badframe:
- */
- static int
--setup_sigcontext(struct sigcontext __user *sc, struct _fpstate __user *fpstate,
-+setup_sigcontext(struct sigcontext __user *__sc, struct _fpstate __user *fpstate,
- struct pt_regs *regs, unsigned long mask)
- {
-- int tmp, err = 0;
-+ struct sigcontext sc; /* 88 bytes of scratch area */
-+ int tmp;
- tmp = 0;
- __asm__("movl %%gs,%0" : "=r"(tmp): "0"(tmp));
-- err |= __put_user(tmp, (unsigned int __user *)&sc->gs);
-+ *(unsigned int *)& = tmp;
- __asm__("movl %%fs,%0" : "=r"(tmp): "0"(tmp));
-- err |= __put_user(tmp, (unsigned int __user *)&sc->fs);
-- err |= __put_user(regs->xes, (unsigned int __user *)&sc->es);
-- err |= __put_user(regs->xds, (unsigned int __user *)&sc->ds);
-- err |= __put_user(regs->edi, &sc->edi);
-- err |= __put_user(regs->esi, &sc->esi);
-- err |= __put_user(regs->ebp, &sc->ebp);
-- err |= __put_user(regs->esp, &sc->esp);
-- err |= __put_user(regs->ebx, &sc->ebx);
-- err |= __put_user(regs->edx, &sc->edx);
-- err |= __put_user(regs->ecx, &sc->ecx);
-- err |= __put_user(regs->eax, &sc->eax);
-- err |= __put_user(current->thread.trap_no, &sc->trapno);
-- err |= __put_user(current->thread.error_code, &sc->err);
-- err |= __put_user(regs->eip, &sc->eip);
-- err |= __put_user(regs->xcs, (unsigned int __user *)&sc->cs);
-- err |= __put_user(regs->eflags, &sc->eflags);
-- err |= __put_user(regs->esp, &sc->esp_at_signal);
-- err |= __put_user(regs->xss, (unsigned int __user *)&sc->ss);
-+ *(unsigned int *)&sc.fs = tmp;
-+ *(unsigned int *)& = regs->xes;
-+ *(unsigned int *)&sc.ds = regs->xds;
-+ sc.edi = regs->edi;
-+ sc.esi = regs->esi;
-+ sc.ebp = regs->ebp;
-+ sc.esp = regs->esp;
-+ sc.ebx = regs->ebx;
-+ sc.edx = regs->edx;
-+ sc.ecx = regs->ecx;
-+ sc.eax = regs->eax;
-+ sc.trapno = current->thread.trap_no;
-+ sc.err = current->thread.error_code;
-+ sc.eip = regs->eip;
-+ *(unsigned int *)&sc.cs = regs->xcs;
-+ sc.eflags = regs->eflags;
-+ sc.esp_at_signal = regs->esp;
-+ *(unsigned int *)& = regs->xss;
- tmp = save_i387(fpstate);
- if (tmp < 0)
-- err = 1;
-- else
-- err |= __put_user(tmp ? fpstate : NULL, &sc->fpstate);
-+ return 1;
-+ sc.fpstate = tmp ? fpstate : NULL;
- /* non-iBCS2 extensions.. */
-- err |= __put_user(mask, &sc->oldmask);
-- err |= __put_user(current->thread.cr2, &sc->cr2);
-+ sc.oldmask = mask;
-+ sc.cr2 = current->thread.cr2;
-- return err;
-+ if (copy_to_user(__sc, &sc, sizeof(sc)))
-+ return 1;
-+ return 0;
- }
- /*
-@@ -443,7 +453,7 @@ static void setup_rt_frame(int sig, stru
- /* Create the ucontext. */
- err |= __put_user(0, &frame->uc.uc_flags);
- err |= __put_user(0, &frame->uc.uc_link);
-- err |= __put_user(current->sas_ss_sp, &frame->uc.uc_stack.ss_sp);
-+ err |= __put_user(current->sas_ss_sp, (unsigned long *)&frame->uc.uc_stack.ss_sp);
- err |= __put_user(sas_ss_flags(regs->esp),
- &frame->uc.uc_stack.ss_flags);
- err |= __put_user(current->sas_ss_size, &frame->uc.uc_stack.ss_size);
-@@ -565,9 +575,10 @@ int fastcall do_signal(struct pt_regs *r
- if ((regs->xcs & 3) != 3)
- return 1;
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
-- refrigerator(0);
-- goto no_signal;
-+ if (unlikely(test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))) {
-+ refrigerator();
-+ if (!signal_pending(current))
-+ goto no_signal;
- }
- if (!oldset)
-@@ -580,7 +591,9 @@ int fastcall do_signal(struct pt_regs *r
- * have been cleared if the watchpoint triggered
- * inside the kernel.
- */
-- __asm__("movl %0,%%db7" : : "r" (current->thread.debugreg[7]));
-+ if (unlikely(current->thread.debugreg[7])) {
-+ __asm__("movl %0,%%db7" : : "r" (current->thread.debugreg[7]));
-+ }
- /* Whee! Actually deliver the signal. */
- handle_signal(signr, &info, oldset, regs);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
- #include <asm/mtrr.h>
- #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
-+#include <asm/nmi.h>
- #include <mach_ipi.h>
- #include <mach_apic.h>
-@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ static inline int __prepare_ICR2 (unsign
- return SET_APIC_DEST_FIELD(mask);
- }
--inline void __send_IPI_shortcut(unsigned int shortcut, int vector)
-+void __send_IPI_shortcut(unsigned int shortcut, int vector)
- {
- /*
- * Subtle. In the case of the 'never do double writes' workaround
-@@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ void fastcall send_IPI_self(int vector)
- /*
- * This is only used on smaller machines.
- */
--inline void send_IPI_mask_bitmask(cpumask_t cpumask, int vector)
-+void send_IPI_mask_bitmask(cpumask_t cpumask, int vector)
- {
- unsigned long mask = cpus_addr(cpumask)[0];
- unsigned long cfg;
-@@ -326,10 +327,12 @@ asmlinkage void smp_invalidate_interrupt
- if (flush_mm == cpu_tlbstate[cpu].active_mm) {
- if (cpu_tlbstate[cpu].state == TLBSTATE_OK) {
- if (flush_va == FLUSH_ALL)
- local_flush_tlb();
- else
- __flush_tlb_one(flush_va);
- } else
- leave_mm(cpu);
- }
-@@ -395,21 +398,6 @@ static void flush_tlb_others(cpumask_t c
- spin_unlock(&tlbstate_lock);
- }
--void flush_tlb_current_task(void)
-- struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm;
-- cpumask_t cpu_mask;
-- preempt_disable();
-- cpu_mask = mm->cpu_vm_mask;
-- cpu_clear(smp_processor_id(), cpu_mask);
-- local_flush_tlb();
-- if (!cpus_empty(cpu_mask))
-- flush_tlb_others(cpu_mask, mm, FLUSH_ALL);
-- preempt_enable();
- void flush_tlb_mm (struct mm_struct * mm)
- {
- cpumask_t cpu_mask;
-@@ -441,7 +429,10 @@ void flush_tlb_page(struct vm_area_struc
- if (current->active_mm == mm) {
- if(current->mm)
-- __flush_tlb_one(va);
-+ __flush_tlb_one(va)
-+ ;
- else
- leave_mm(smp_processor_id());
- }
-@@ -547,6 +538,89 @@ int smp_call_function (void (*func) (voi
- return 0;
- }
-+static spinlock_t nmi_call_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+static struct nmi_call_data_struct {
-+ smp_nmi_function func;
-+ void *info;
-+ atomic_t started;
-+ atomic_t finished;
-+ cpumask_t cpus_called;
-+ int wait;
-+} *nmi_call_data;
-+static int smp_nmi_callback(struct pt_regs * regs, int cpu)
-+ smp_nmi_function func;
-+ void *info;
-+ int wait;
-+ func = nmi_call_data->func;
-+ info = nmi_call_data->info;
-+ wait = nmi_call_data->wait;
-+ ack_APIC_irq();
-+ /* prevent from calling func() multiple times */
-+ if (cpu_test_and_set(cpu, nmi_call_data->cpus_called))
-+ return 0;
-+ /*
-+ * notify initiating CPU that I've grabbed the data and am
-+ * about to execute the function
-+ */
-+ mb();
-+ atomic_inc(&nmi_call_data->started);
-+ /* at this point the nmi_call_data structure is out of scope */
-+ irq_enter();
-+ func(regs, info);
-+ irq_exit();
-+ if (wait)
-+ atomic_inc(&nmi_call_data->finished);
-+ return 0;
-+ * This function tries to call func(regs, info) on each cpu.
-+ * Func must be fast and non-blocking.
-+ * May be called with disabled interrupts and from any context.
-+ */
-+int smp_nmi_call_function(smp_nmi_function func, void *info, int wait)
-+ struct nmi_call_data_struct data;
-+ int cpus;
-+ cpus = num_online_cpus() - 1;
-+ if (!cpus)
-+ return 0;
-+ data.func = func;
-+ = info;
-+ data.wait = wait;
-+ atomic_set(&data.started, 0);
-+ atomic_set(&data.finished, 0);
-+ cpus_clear(data.cpus_called);
-+ /* prevent this cpu from calling func if NMI happens */
-+ cpu_set(smp_processor_id(), data.cpus_called);
-+ if (!spin_trylock(&nmi_call_lock))
-+ return -1;
-+ nmi_call_data = &data;
-+ set_nmi_ipi_callback(smp_nmi_callback);
-+ mb();
-+ /* Send a message to all other CPUs and wait for them to respond */
-+ send_IPI_allbutself(APIC_DM_NMI);
-+ while (atomic_read(&data.started) != cpus)
-+ barrier();
-+ unset_nmi_ipi_callback();
-+ if (wait)
-+ while (atomic_read(&data.finished) != cpus)
-+ barrier();
-+ spin_unlock(&nmi_call_lock);
-+ return 0;
- static void stop_this_cpu (void * dummy)
- {
- /*
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -309,6 +309,8 @@ static void __init synchronize_tsc_bp (v
- if (!buggy)
- printk("passed.\n");
- ;
-+ /* TSC reset. kill whatever might rely on old values */
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(current)->wakeup_stamp = 0;
- }
- static void __init synchronize_tsc_ap (void)
-@@ -334,6 +336,8 @@ static void __init synchronize_tsc_ap (v
- atomic_inc(&tsc_count_stop);
- while (atomic_read(&tsc_count_stop) != num_booting_cpus()) mb();
- }
-+ /* TSC reset. kill whatever might rely on old values */
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(current)->wakeup_stamp = 0;
- }
- #undef NR_LOOPS
-@@ -405,8 +409,6 @@ void __init smp_callin(void)
- setup_local_APIC();
- map_cpu_to_logical_apicid();
-- local_irq_enable();
- /*
- * Get our bogomips.
- */
-@@ -419,7 +421,7 @@ void __init smp_callin(void)
- smp_store_cpu_info(cpuid);
- disable_APIC_timer();
-- local_irq_disable();
- /*
- * Allow the master to continue.
- */
-@@ -463,6 +465,10 @@ int __init start_secondary(void *unused)
- */
- local_flush_tlb();
- cpu_set(smp_processor_id(), cpu_online_map);
-+ /* We can take interrupts now: we're officially "up". */
-+ local_irq_enable();
- wmb();
- return cpu_idle();
- }
-@@ -499,7 +505,7 @@ static struct task_struct * __init fork_
- * don't care about the eip and regs settings since
- * we'll never reschedule the forked task.
- */
-- return copy_process(CLONE_VM|CLONE_IDLETASK, 0, &regs, 0, NULL, NULL);
-+ return copy_process(CLONE_VM|CLONE_IDLETASK, 0, &regs, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
- }
- #ifdef CONFIG_NUMA
-@@ -810,6 +816,9 @@ static int __init do_boot_cpu(int apicid
- idle->thread.eip = (unsigned long) start_secondary;
-+ /* Cosmetic: sleep_time won't be changed afterwards for the idle
-+ * thread; keep it 0 rather than -cycles. */
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(idle)->sleep_time = 0;
- unhash_process(idle);
- /* start_eip had better be page-aligned! */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ asmlinkage int sys_uname(struct old_utsn
- if (!name)
- return -EFAULT;
- down_read(&uts_sem);
-- err=copy_to_user(name, &system_utsname, sizeof (*name));
-+ err=copy_to_user(name, &ve_utsname, sizeof (*name));
- up_read(&uts_sem);
- return err?-EFAULT:0;
- }
-@@ -233,15 +233,15 @@ asmlinkage int sys_olduname(struct oldol
- down_read(&uts_sem);
-- error = __copy_to_user(&name->sysname,&system_utsname.sysname,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
-+ error = __copy_to_user(name->sysname,ve_utsname.sysname,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
- error |= __put_user(0,name->sysname+__OLD_UTS_LEN);
-- error |= __copy_to_user(&name->nodename,&system_utsname.nodename,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
-+ error |= __copy_to_user(name->nodename,ve_utsname.nodename,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
- error |= __put_user(0,name->nodename+__OLD_UTS_LEN);
-- error |= __copy_to_user(&name->release,&system_utsname.release,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
-+ error |= __copy_to_user(name->release,ve_utsname.release,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
- error |= __put_user(0,name->release+__OLD_UTS_LEN);
-- error |= __copy_to_user(&name->version,&system_utsname.version,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
-+ error |= __copy_to_user(name->version,ve_utsname.version,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
- error |= __put_user(0,name->version+__OLD_UTS_LEN);
-- error |= __copy_to_user(&name->machine,&system_utsname.machine,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
-+ error |= __copy_to_user(name->machine,ve_utsname.machine,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
- error |= __put_user(0,name->machine+__OLD_UTS_LEN);
- up_read(&uts_sem);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -18,13 +18,18 @@
- #include <asm/msr.h>
- #include <asm/pgtable.h>
- #include <asm/unistd.h>
-+#include <linux/highmem.h>
- extern asmlinkage void sysenter_entry(void);
- void enable_sep_cpu(void *info)
- {
- int cpu = get_cpu();
-+ struct tss_struct *tss = (struct tss_struct *) __fix_to_virt(FIX_TSS_0) + cpu;
- struct tss_struct *tss = init_tss + cpu;
- tss->ss1 = __KERNEL_CS;
- tss->esp1 = sizeof(struct tss_struct) + (unsigned long) tss;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:29.000000000 +0400
-@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ void __init hpet_time_init(void)
- xtime.tv_nsec = (INITIAL_JIFFIES % HZ) * (NSEC_PER_SEC / HZ);
- wall_to_monotonic.tv_nsec = -xtime.tv_nsec;
-- if (hpet_enable() >= 0) {
-+ if ((hpet_enable() >= 0) && hpet_use_timer) {
- printk("Using HPET for base-timer\n");
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:29.000000000 +0400
-@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
- unsigned long hpet_period; /* fsecs / HPET clock */
- unsigned long hpet_tick; /* hpet clks count per tick */
- unsigned long hpet_address; /* hpet memory map physical address */
-+int hpet_use_timer;
- static int use_hpet; /* can be used for runtime check of hpet */
- static int boot_hpet_disable; /* boottime override for HPET timer */
-@@ -88,8 +89,7 @@ int __init hpet_enable(void)
- * So, we are OK with HPET_EMULATE_RTC part too, where we need
- * to have atleast 2 timers.
- */
-- if (!(id & HPET_ID_NUMBER) ||
-- !(id & HPET_ID_LEGSUP))
-+ if (!(id & HPET_ID_NUMBER))
- return -1;
- hpet_period = hpet_readl(HPET_PERIOD);
-@@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ int __init hpet_enable(void)
- if (hpet_tick_rem > (hpet_period >> 1))
- hpet_tick++; /* rounding the result */
-+ hpet_use_timer = id & HPET_ID_LEGSUP;
- /*
- * Stop the timers and reset the main counter.
- */
-@@ -118,21 +120,30 @@ int __init hpet_enable(void)
- hpet_writel(0, HPET_COUNTER);
- hpet_writel(0, HPET_COUNTER + 4);
-- /*
-- * Set up timer 0, as periodic with first interrupt to happen at
-- * hpet_tick, and period also hpet_tick.
-- */
-- cfg = hpet_readl(HPET_T0_CFG);
-- hpet_writel(cfg, HPET_T0_CFG);
-- hpet_writel(hpet_tick, HPET_T0_CMP);
-+ if (hpet_use_timer) {
-+ /*
-+ * Set up timer 0, as periodic with first interrupt to happen at
-+ * hpet_tick, and period also hpet_tick.
-+ */
-+ cfg = hpet_readl(HPET_T0_CFG);
-+ hpet_writel(cfg, HPET_T0_CFG);
-+ /*
-+ * Some systems seems to need two writes to HPET_T0_CMP,
-+ * to get interrupts working
-+ */
-+ hpet_writel(hpet_tick, HPET_T0_CMP);
-+ hpet_writel(hpet_tick, HPET_T0_CMP);
-+ }
- /*
- * Go!
- */
- cfg = hpet_readl(HPET_CFG);
-+ if (hpet_use_timer)
-+ cfg |= HPET_CFG_LEGACY;
-+ cfg |= HPET_CFG_ENABLE;
- hpet_writel(cfg, HPET_CFG);
- use_hpet = 1;
-@@ -181,7 +192,8 @@ int __init hpet_enable(void)
- #endif
-- wait_timer_tick = wait_hpet_tick;
-+ if (hpet_use_timer)
-+ wait_timer_tick = wait_hpet_tick;
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:29.000000000 +0400
-@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ static unsigned long get_offset_hpet(voi
- eax = hpet_readl(HPET_COUNTER);
- eax -= hpet_last; /* hpet delta */
-+ eax = min(hpet_tick, eax);
- /*
- * Time offset = (hpet delta) * ( usecs per HPET clock )
- * = (hpet delta) * ( usecs per tick / HPET clocks per tick)
-@@ -105,9 +105,12 @@ static void mark_offset_hpet(void)
- last_offset = ((unsigned long long)last_tsc_high<<32)|last_tsc_low;
- rdtsc(last_tsc_low, last_tsc_high);
-- offset = hpet_readl(HPET_T0_CMP) - hpet_tick;
-- if (unlikely(((offset - hpet_last) > hpet_tick) && (hpet_last != 0))) {
-- int lost_ticks = (offset - hpet_last) / hpet_tick;
-+ if (hpet_use_timer)
-+ offset = hpet_readl(HPET_T0_CMP) - hpet_tick;
-+ else
-+ offset = hpet_readl(HPET_COUNTER);
-+ if (unlikely(((offset - hpet_last) >= (2*hpet_tick)) && (hpet_last != 0))) {
-+ int lost_ticks = ((offset - hpet_last) / hpet_tick) - 1;
- jiffies_64 += lost_ticks;
- }
- hpet_last = offset;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ static int count2; /* counter for mark_o
- * Equal to 2^32 * (1 / (clocks per usec) ).
- * Initialized in time_init.
- */
--static unsigned long fast_gettimeoffset_quotient;
-+unsigned long fast_gettimeoffset_quotient;
- static unsigned long get_offset_tsc(void)
- {
-@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ static int __init init_tsc(char* overrid
- if (cpu_has_tsc) {
- unsigned long tsc_quotient;
-- if (is_hpet_enabled()){
-+ if (is_hpet_enabled() && hpet_use_timer) {
- unsigned long result, remain;
- printk("Using TSC for gettimeofday\n");
- tsc_quotient = calibrate_tsc_hpet(NULL);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -54,12 +54,8 @@
- #include "mach_traps.h"
--asmlinkage int system_call(void);
--asmlinkage void lcall7(void);
--asmlinkage void lcall27(void);
--struct desc_struct default_ldt[] = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 },
-- { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } };
-+struct desc_struct default_ldt[] __attribute__((__section__(".data.default_ldt"))) = { { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 }, { 0, 0 } };
-+struct page *default_ldt_page;
- /* Do we ignore FPU interrupts ? */
- char ignore_fpu_irq = 0;
-@@ -93,45 +89,41 @@ asmlinkage void machine_check(void);
- static int kstack_depth_to_print = 24;
--static int valid_stack_ptr(struct task_struct *task, void *p)
-+static inline int valid_stack_ptr(struct thread_info *tinfo, void *p)
- {
-- if (p <= (void *)task->thread_info)
-- return 0;
-- if (kstack_end(p))
-- return 0;
-- return 1;
-+ return p > (void *)tinfo &&
-+ p < (void *)tinfo + THREAD_SIZE - 3;
- }
--static void print_context_stack(struct task_struct *task, unsigned long *stack,
-- unsigned long ebp)
-+static inline unsigned long print_context_stack(struct thread_info *tinfo,
-+ unsigned long *stack, unsigned long ebp)
- {
- unsigned long addr;
-- while (valid_stack_ptr(task, (void *)ebp)) {
-+ while (valid_stack_ptr(tinfo, (void *)ebp)) {
- addr = *(unsigned long *)(ebp + 4);
-- printk(" [<%08lx>] ", addr);
-- print_symbol("%s", addr);
-- printk("\n");
-+ printk(" [<%08lx>]", addr);
-+ if (decode_call_traces) {
-+ print_symbol(" %s", addr);
-+ printk("\n");
-+ }
- ebp = *(unsigned long *)ebp;
- }
- #else
--static void print_context_stack(struct task_struct *task, unsigned long *stack,
-- unsigned long ebp)
-- unsigned long addr;
-- while (!kstack_end(stack)) {
-+ while (valid_stack_ptr(tinfo, stack)) {
- addr = *stack++;
- if (__kernel_text_address(addr)) {
- printk(" [<%08lx>]", addr);
-- print_symbol(" %s", addr);
-- printk("\n");
-+ if (decode_call_traces) {
-+ print_symbol(" %s", addr);
-+ printk("\n");
-+ }
- }
- }
- #endif
-+ return ebp;
- void show_trace(struct task_struct *task, unsigned long * stack)
- {
-@@ -140,11 +132,6 @@ void show_trace(struct task_struct *task
- if (!task)
- task = current;
-- if (!valid_stack_ptr(task, stack)) {
-- printk("Stack pointer is garbage, not printing trace\n");
-- return;
-- }
- if (task == current) {
- /* Grab ebp right from our regs */
- asm ("movl %%ebp, %0" : "=r" (ebp) : );
-@@ -157,11 +144,14 @@ void show_trace(struct task_struct *task
- struct thread_info *context;
- context = (struct thread_info *)
- ((unsigned long)stack & (~(THREAD_SIZE - 1)));
-- print_context_stack(task, stack, ebp);
-+ ebp = print_context_stack(context, stack, ebp);
- stack = (unsigned long*)context->previous_esp;
- if (!stack)
- break;
-- printk(" =======================\n");
-+ if (decode_call_traces)
-+ printk(" =======================\n");
-+ else
-+ printk(" =<ctx>= ");
- }
- }
-@@ -185,8 +175,12 @@ void show_stack(struct task_struct *task
- printk("\n ");
- printk("%08lx ", *stack++);
- }
-- printk("\nCall Trace:\n");
-+ printk("\nCall Trace:");
-+ if (decode_call_traces)
-+ printk("\n");
- show_trace(task, esp);
-+ if (!decode_call_traces)
-+ printk("\n");
- }
- /*
-@@ -197,6 +191,8 @@ void dump_stack(void)
- unsigned long stack;
- show_trace(current, &stack);
-+ if (!decode_call_traces)
-+ printk("\n");
- }
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(dump_stack);
-@@ -216,9 +212,10 @@ void show_registers(struct pt_regs *regs
- ss = regs->xss & 0xffff;
- }
- print_modules();
-- printk("CPU: %d\nEIP: %04x:[<%08lx>] %s\nEFLAGS: %08lx"
-+ printk("CPU: %d, VCPU: %d:%d\nEIP: %04x:[<%08lx>] %s\nEFLAGS: %08lx"
- " (%s) \n",
-- smp_processor_id(), 0xffff & regs->xcs, regs->eip,
-+ smp_processor_id(), task_vsched_id(current), task_cpu(current),
-+ 0xffff & regs->xcs, regs->eip,
- print_tainted(), regs->eflags, UTS_RELEASE);
- print_symbol("EIP is at %s\n", regs->eip);
- printk("eax: %08lx ebx: %08lx ecx: %08lx edx: %08lx\n",
-@@ -227,8 +224,10 @@ void show_registers(struct pt_regs *regs
- regs->esi, regs->edi, regs->ebp, esp);
- printk("ds: %04x es: %04x ss: %04x\n",
- regs->xds & 0xffff, regs->xes & 0xffff, ss);
-- printk("Process %s (pid: %d, threadinfo=%p task=%p)",
-- current->comm, current->pid, current_thread_info(), current);
-+ printk("Process %s (pid: %d, veid=%d, threadinfo=%p task=%p)",
-+ current->comm, current->pid,
-+ VEID(VE_TASK_INFO(current)->owner_env),
-+ current_thread_info(), current);
- /*
- * When in-kernel, we also print out the stack and code at the
- * time of the fault..
-@@ -244,8 +243,10 @@ void show_registers(struct pt_regs *regs
- for(i=0;i<20;i++)
- {
-- unsigned char c;
-- if(__get_user(c, &((unsigned char*)regs->eip)[i])) {
-+ unsigned char c = 0;
-+ if ((user_mode(regs) && get_user(c, &((unsigned char*)regs->eip)[i])) ||
-+ (!user_mode(regs) && __direct_get_user(c, &((unsigned char*)regs->eip)[i]))) {
- bad:
- printk(" Bad EIP value.");
- break;
-@@ -269,16 +270,14 @@ static void handle_BUG(struct pt_regs *r
- eip = regs->eip;
-- if (eip < PAGE_OFFSET)
-- goto no_bug;
-- if (__get_user(ud2, (unsigned short *)eip))
-+ if (__direct_get_user(ud2, (unsigned short *)eip))
- goto no_bug;
- if (ud2 != 0x0b0f)
- goto no_bug;
-- if (__get_user(line, (unsigned short *)(eip + 2)))
-+ if (__direct_get_user(line, (unsigned short *)(eip + 4)))
- goto bug;
-- if (__get_user(file, (char **)(eip + 4)) ||
-- (unsigned long)file < PAGE_OFFSET || __get_user(c, file))
-+ if (__direct_get_user(file, (char **)(eip + 7)) ||
-+ __direct_get_user(c, file))
- file = "<bad filename>";
- printk("------------[ cut here ]------------\n");
-@@ -292,11 +291,18 @@ bug:
- printk("Kernel BUG\n");
- }
-+static void inline check_kernel_csum_bug(void)
-+ if (kernel_text_csum_broken)
-+ printk("Kernel code checksum mismatch detected %d times\n",
-+ kernel_text_csum_broken);
- spinlock_t die_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+int die_counter;
- void die(const char * str, struct pt_regs * regs, long err)
- {
-- static int die_counter;
- int nl = 0;
- console_verbose();
-@@ -319,6 +325,7 @@ void die(const char * str, struct pt_reg
- if (nl)
- printk("\n");
- show_registers(regs);
-+ check_kernel_csum_bug();
- bust_spinlocks(0);
- spin_unlock_irq(&die_lock);
- if (in_interrupt())
-@@ -531,6 +538,7 @@ static int dummy_nmi_callback(struct pt_
- }
- static nmi_callback_t nmi_callback = dummy_nmi_callback;
-+static nmi_callback_t nmi_ipi_callback = dummy_nmi_callback;
- asmlinkage void do_nmi(struct pt_regs * regs, long error_code)
- {
-@@ -544,9 +552,20 @@ asmlinkage void do_nmi(struct pt_regs *
- if (!nmi_callback(regs, cpu))
- default_do_nmi(regs);
-+ nmi_ipi_callback(regs, cpu);
- nmi_exit();
- }
-+void set_nmi_ipi_callback(nmi_callback_t callback)
-+ nmi_ipi_callback = callback;
-+void unset_nmi_ipi_callback(void)
-+ nmi_ipi_callback = dummy_nmi_callback;
- void set_nmi_callback(nmi_callback_t callback)
- {
- nmi_callback = callback;
-@@ -591,10 +610,18 @@ asmlinkage void do_debug(struct pt_regs
- if (regs->eflags & X86_EFLAGS_IF)
- local_irq_enable();
-- /* Mask out spurious debug traps due to lazy DR7 setting */
-+ /*
-+ * Mask out spurious debug traps due to lazy DR7 setting or
-+ * due to 4G/4G kernel mode:
-+ */
- if (condition & (DR_TRAP0|DR_TRAP1|DR_TRAP2|DR_TRAP3)) {
- if (!tsk->thread.debugreg[7])
- goto clear_dr7;
-+ if (!user_mode(regs)) {
-+ // restore upon return-to-userspace:
-+ set_thread_flag(TIF_DB7);
-+ goto clear_dr7;
-+ }
- }
- if (regs->eflags & VM_MASK)
-@@ -836,19 +863,52 @@ asmlinkage void math_emulate(long arg)
--#ifdef CONFIG_X86_F00F_BUG
--void __init trap_init_f00f_bug(void)
-+void __init trap_init_virtual_IDT(void)
- {
-- __set_fixmap(FIX_F00F_IDT, __pa(&idt_table), PAGE_KERNEL_RO);
- /*
-- * Update the IDT descriptor and reload the IDT so that
-- * it uses the read-only mapped virtual address.
-+ * "idt" is magic - it overlaps the idt_descr
-+ * variable so that updating idt will automatically
-+ * update the idt descriptor..
- */
-- idt_descr.address = fix_to_virt(FIX_F00F_IDT);
-+ __set_fixmap(FIX_IDT, __pa(&idt_table), PAGE_KERNEL_RO);
-+ idt_descr.address = __fix_to_virt(FIX_IDT);
- __asm__ __volatile__("lidt %0" : : "m" (idt_descr));
- }
-+void __init trap_init_virtual_GDT(void)
-+ int cpu = smp_processor_id();
-+ struct Xgt_desc_struct *gdt_desc = cpu_gdt_descr + cpu;
-+ struct Xgt_desc_struct tmp_desc = {0, 0};
-+ struct tss_struct * t;
-+ __asm__ __volatile__("sgdt %0": "=m" (tmp_desc): :"memory");
-+ if (!cpu) {
-+ int i;
-+ __set_fixmap(FIX_GDT_0, __pa(cpu_gdt_table), PAGE_KERNEL);
-+ __set_fixmap(FIX_GDT_1, __pa(cpu_gdt_table) + PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_KERNEL);
-+ for(i = 0; i < FIX_TSS_COUNT; i++)
-+ __set_fixmap(FIX_TSS_0 - i, __pa(init_tss) + i * PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_KERNEL);
-+ }
-+ gdt_desc->address = __fix_to_virt(FIX_GDT_0) + sizeof(cpu_gdt_table[0]) * cpu;
-+ gdt_desc->address = (unsigned long)cpu_gdt_table[cpu];
- #endif
-+ __asm__ __volatile__("lgdt %0": "=m" (*gdt_desc));
-+ t = (struct tss_struct *) __fix_to_virt(FIX_TSS_0) + cpu;
-+ t = init_tss + cpu;
-+ set_tss_desc(cpu, t);
-+ cpu_gdt_table[cpu][GDT_ENTRY_TSS].b &= 0xfffffdff;
-+ load_TR_desc();
- #define _set_gate(gate_addr,type,dpl,addr,seg) \
- do { \
-@@ -875,17 +935,17 @@ void set_intr_gate(unsigned int n, void
- _set_gate(idt_table+n,14,0,addr,__KERNEL_CS);
- }
--static void __init set_trap_gate(unsigned int n, void *addr)
-+void __init set_trap_gate(unsigned int n, void *addr)
- {
- _set_gate(idt_table+n,15,0,addr,__KERNEL_CS);
- }
--static void __init set_system_gate(unsigned int n, void *addr)
-+void __init set_system_gate(unsigned int n, void *addr)
- {
- _set_gate(idt_table+n,15,3,addr,__KERNEL_CS);
- }
--static void __init set_call_gate(void *a, void *addr)
-+void __init set_call_gate(void *a, void *addr)
- {
- _set_gate(a,12,3,addr,__KERNEL_CS);
- }
-@@ -907,6 +967,7 @@ void __init trap_init(void)
- init_apic_mappings();
- #endif
-+ init_entry_mappings();
- set_trap_gate(0,&divide_error);
- set_intr_gate(1,&debug);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ struct pt_regs * fastcall save_v86_state
- tss = init_tss + get_cpu();
- current->thread.esp0 = current->thread.saved_esp0;
- current->thread.sysenter_cs = __KERNEL_CS;
-- load_esp0(tss, &current->thread);
-+ load_virtual_esp0(tss, current);
- current->thread.saved_esp0 = 0;
- put_cpu();
-@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ static void do_sys_vm86(struct kernel_vm
- tsk->thread.esp0 = (unsigned long) &info->VM86_TSS_ESP0;
- if (cpu_has_sep)
- tsk->thread.sysenter_cs = 0;
-- load_esp0(tss, &tsk->thread);
-+ load_virtual_esp0(tss, tsk);
- put_cpu();
- tsk->thread.screen_bitmap = info->screen_bitmap;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -5,13 +5,17 @@
- #include <asm-generic/>
- #include <asm/thread_info.h>
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <asm/page.h>
-+#include <asm/asm_offsets.h>
- OUTPUT_FORMAT("elf32-i386", "elf32-i386", "elf32-i386")
- ENTRY(startup_32)
- jiffies = jiffies_64;
- {
-- . = 0xC0000000 + 0x100000;
-+ . = __PAGE_OFFSET + 0x100000;
- /* read-only */
- _text = .; /* Text and read-only data */
- .text : {
-@@ -21,6 +25,19 @@ SECTIONS
- *(.gnu.warning)
- } = 0x9090
-+#ifdef CONFIG_X86_4G
-+ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE_asm);
-+ __entry_tramp_start = .;
-+ __start___entry_text = .;
-+ .entry.text : AT (__entry_tramp_start) { *(.entry.text) }
-+ __entry_tramp_end = __entry_tramp_start + SIZEOF(.entry.text);
-+ . = __entry_tramp_end;
-+ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE_asm);
-+ .entry.text : { *(.entry.text) }
- _etext = .; /* End of text section */
- . = ALIGN(16); /* Exception table */
-@@ -36,15 +53,12 @@ SECTIONS
- }
-- . = ALIGN(4096);
-+ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE_asm);
- __nosave_begin = .;
- .data_nosave : { *(.data.nosave) }
-- . = ALIGN(4096);
-+ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE_asm);
- __nosave_end = .;
-- . = ALIGN(4096);
-- .data.page_aligned : { *(.data.idt) }
- . = ALIGN(32);
- .data.cacheline_aligned : { *(.data.cacheline_aligned) }
-@@ -54,7 +68,7 @@ SECTIONS
- .data.init_task : { *(.data.init_task) }
- /* will be freed after init */
-- . = ALIGN(4096); /* Init code and data */
-+ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE_asm); /* Init code and data */
- __init_begin = .;
- .init.text : {
- _sinittext = .;
-@@ -93,7 +107,7 @@ SECTIONS
- from .altinstructions and .eh_frame */
- .exit.text : { *(.exit.text) }
- : { *( }
-- . = ALIGN(4096);
-+ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE_asm);
- __initramfs_start = .;
- .init.ramfs : { *(.init.ramfs) }
- __initramfs_end = .;
-@@ -101,10 +115,22 @@ SECTIONS
- __per_cpu_start = .;
- .data.percpu : { *(.data.percpu) }
- __per_cpu_end = .;
-- . = ALIGN(4096);
-+ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE_asm);
- __init_end = .;
- /* freed after init ends here */
-+ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE_asm);
-+ .data.page_aligned_tss : { *(.data.tss) }
-+ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE_asm);
-+ .data.page_aligned_default_ldt : { *(.data.default_ldt) }
-+ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE_asm);
-+ .data.page_aligned_idt : { *(.data.idt) }
-+ . = ALIGN(PAGE_SIZE_asm);
-+ .data.page_aligned_gdt : { *(.data.gdt) }
- __bss_start = .; /* BSS */
- .bss : {
- *(.bss.page_aligned)
-@@ -132,4 +158,6 @@ SECTIONS
- .stab.index 0 : { *(.stab.index) }
- .stab.indexstr 0 : { *(.stab.indexstr) }
- .comment 0 : { *(.comment) }
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -12,6 +12,11 @@
- .type __kernel_vsyscall,@function
- __kernel_vsyscall:
- .LSTART_vsyscall:
-+ cmpl $192, %eax
-+ jne 1f
-+ int $0x80
-+ ret
- push %ecx
- .Lpush_ecx:
- push %edx
-@@ -84,7 +89,7 @@ SYSENTER_RETURN:
- .byte 0x04 /* DW_CFA_advance_loc4 */
- .long .Lpop_ebp-.Lenter_kernel
- .byte 0x0e /* DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset */
-- .byte 0x12 /* RA at offset 12 now */
-+ .byte 0x0c /* RA at offset 12 now */
- .byte 0xc5 /* DW_CFA_restore %ebp */
- .byte 0x04 /* DW_CFA_advance_loc4 */
- .long .Lpop_edx-.Lpop_ebp
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -280,14 +280,14 @@ unsigned int csum_partial_copy_generic (
- .previous
- .align 4
--.globl csum_partial_copy_generic
-+.globl direct_csum_partial_copy_generic
- #define ARGBASE 16
- #define FP 12
- subl $4,%esp
- pushl %edi
- pushl %esi
-@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ DST( movb %cl, (%edi) )
- #define ARGBASE 12
- pushl %ebx
- pushl %edi
- pushl %esi
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
- * return value.
- */
- #include <asm/thread_info.h>
-+#include <asm/asm_offsets.h>
- /*
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
- #include <linux/mm.h>
- #include <linux/highmem.h>
- #include <linux/blkdev.h>
--#include <linux/module.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <asm/mmx.h>
-@@ -77,7 +76,7 @@ do { \
- * and returns @count.
- */
- long
--__strncpy_from_user(char *dst, const char __user *src, long count)
-+__direct_strncpy_from_user(char *dst, const char __user *src, long count)
- {
- long res;
- __do_strncpy_from_user(dst, src, count, res);
-@@ -103,7 +102,7 @@ __strncpy_from_user(char *dst, const cha
- * and returns @count.
- */
- long
--strncpy_from_user(char *dst, const char __user *src, long count)
-+direct_strncpy_from_user(char *dst, const char __user *src, long count)
- {
- long res = -EFAULT;
- if (access_ok(VERIFY_READ, src, 1))
-@@ -148,7 +147,7 @@ do { \
- * On success, this will be zero.
- */
- unsigned long
--clear_user(void __user *to, unsigned long n)
-+direct_clear_user(void __user *to, unsigned long n)
- {
- might_sleep();
- if (access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, to, n))
-@@ -168,7 +167,7 @@ clear_user(void __user *to, unsigned lon
- * On success, this will be zero.
- */
- unsigned long
--__clear_user(void __user *to, unsigned long n)
-+__direct_clear_user(void __user *to, unsigned long n)
- {
- __do_clear_user(to, n);
- return n;
-@@ -185,7 +184,7 @@ __clear_user(void __user *to, unsigned l
- * On exception, returns 0.
- * If the string is too long, returns a value greater than @n.
- */
--long strnlen_user(const char __user *s, long n)
-+long direct_strnlen_user(const char __user *s, long n)
- {
- unsigned long mask = -__addr_ok(s);
- unsigned long res, tmp;
-@@ -568,8 +567,7 @@ survive:
- return n;
- }
--unsigned long
--__copy_from_user_ll(void *to, const void __user *from, unsigned long n)
-+unsigned long __copy_from_user_ll(void *to, const void __user *from, unsigned long n)
- {
- if (movsl_is_ok(to, from, n))
- __copy_user_zeroing(to, from, n);
-@@ -578,53 +576,3 @@ __copy_from_user_ll(void *to, const void
- return n;
- }
-- * copy_to_user: - Copy a block of data into user space.
-- * @to: Destination address, in user space.
-- * @from: Source address, in kernel space.
-- * @n: Number of bytes to copy.
-- *
-- * Context: User context only. This function may sleep.
-- *
-- * Copy data from kernel space to user space.
-- *
-- * Returns number of bytes that could not be copied.
-- * On success, this will be zero.
-- */
--unsigned long
--copy_to_user(void __user *to, const void *from, unsigned long n)
-- might_sleep();
-- if (access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, to, n))
-- n = __copy_to_user(to, from, n);
-- return n;
-- * copy_from_user: - Copy a block of data from user space.
-- * @to: Destination address, in kernel space.
-- * @from: Source address, in user space.
-- * @n: Number of bytes to copy.
-- *
-- * Context: User context only. This function may sleep.
-- *
-- * Copy data from user space to kernel space.
-- *
-- * Returns number of bytes that could not be copied.
-- * On success, this will be zero.
-- *
-- * If some data could not be copied, this function will pad the copied
-- * data to the requested size using zero bytes.
-- */
--unsigned long
--copy_from_user(void *to, const void __user *from, unsigned long n)
-- might_sleep();
-- if (access_ok(VERIFY_READ, from, n))
-- n = __copy_from_user(to, from, n);
-- else
-- memset(to, 0, n);
-- return n;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
- #include <linux/sched.h>
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
- #include <linux/mm.h>
-+#include <asm/atomic_kmap.h>
- /* This sets the pointer FPU_info to point to the argument part
- of the stack frame of math_emulate() */
-@@ -22,7 +23,7 @@
- /* s is always from a cpu register, and the cpu does bounds checking
- * during register load --> no further bounds checks needed */
--#define LDT_DESCRIPTOR(s) (((struct desc_struct *)current->mm->context.ldt)[(s) >> 3])
-+#define LDT_DESCRIPTOR(s) (((struct desc_struct *)__kmap_atomic_vaddr(KM_LDT_PAGE0))[(s) >> 3])
- #define SEG_D_SIZE(x) ((x).b & (3 << 21))
- #define SEG_G_BIT(x) ((x).b & (1 << 23))
- #define SEG_GRANULARITY(x) (((x).b & (1 << 23)) ? 4096 : 1)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -26,36 +26,11 @@
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <asm/hardirq.h>
- #include <asm/desc.h>
-+#include <asm/tlbflush.h>
- extern void die(const char *,struct pt_regs *,long);
- /*
-- * Unlock any spinlocks which will prevent us from getting the
-- * message out
-- */
--void bust_spinlocks(int yes)
-- int loglevel_save = console_loglevel;
-- if (yes) {
-- oops_in_progress = 1;
-- return;
-- }
--#ifdef CONFIG_VT
-- unblank_screen();
-- oops_in_progress = 0;
-- /*
-- * OK, the message is on the console. Now we call printk()
-- * without oops_in_progress set so that printk will give klogd
-- * a poke. Hold onto your hats...
-- */
-- console_loglevel = 15; /* NMI oopser may have shut the console up */
-- printk(" ");
-- console_loglevel = loglevel_save;
- * Return EIP plus the CS segment base. The segment limit is also
- * adjusted, clamped to the kernel/user address space (whichever is
- * appropriate), and returned in *eip_limit.
-@@ -103,8 +78,17 @@ static inline unsigned long get_segment_
- if (seg & (1<<2)) {
- /* Must lock the LDT while reading it. */
- down(&current->mm->context.sem);
-+#if 1
-+ /* horrible hack for 4/4 disabled kernels.
-+ I'm not quite sure what the TLB flush is good for,
-+ it's mindlessly copied from the read_ldt code */
-+ __flush_tlb_global();
-+ desc = kmap(current->mm->context.ldt_pages[(seg&~7)/PAGE_SIZE]);
-+ desc = (void *)desc + ((seg & ~7) % PAGE_SIZE);
- desc = current->mm->context.ldt;
- desc = (void *)desc + (seg & ~7);
- } else {
- /* Must disable preemption while reading the GDT. */
- desc = (u32 *)&cpu_gdt_table[get_cpu()];
-@@ -117,6 +101,9 @@ static inline unsigned long get_segment_
- (desc[1] & 0xff000000);
- if (seg & (1<<2)) {
-+#if 1
-+ kunmap((void *)((unsigned long)desc & PAGE_MASK));
- up(&current->mm->context.sem);
- } else
- put_cpu();
-@@ -232,6 +219,8 @@ asmlinkage void do_page_fault(struct pt_
- tsk = current;
-+ check_stack_overflow();
- info.si_code = SEGV_MAPERR;
- /*
-@@ -247,6 +236,17 @@ asmlinkage void do_page_fault(struct pt_
- * (error_code & 4) == 0, and that the fault was not a
- * protection error (error_code & 1) == 0.
- */
-+#ifdef CONFIG_X86_4G
-+ /*
-+ * On 4/4 all kernels faults are either bugs, vmalloc or prefetch
-+ */
-+ /* If it's vm86 fall through */
-+ if (unlikely(!(regs->eflags & VM_MASK) && ((regs->xcs & 3) == 0))) {
-+ if (error_code & 3)
-+ goto bad_area_nosemaphore;
-+ goto vmalloc_fault;
-+ }
- if (unlikely(address >= TASK_SIZE)) {
- if (!(error_code & 5))
- goto vmalloc_fault;
-@@ -256,6 +256,7 @@ asmlinkage void do_page_fault(struct pt_
- */
- goto bad_area_nosemaphore;
- }
- mm = tsk->mm;
-@@ -333,7 +334,6 @@ good_area:
- goto bad_area;
- }
-- survive:
- /*
- * If for any reason at all we couldn't handle the fault,
- * make sure we exit gracefully rather than endlessly redo
-@@ -472,14 +472,14 @@ no_context:
- */
- out_of_memory:
- up_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
-- if (tsk->pid == 1) {
-- yield();
-- down_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
-- goto survive;
-+ if (error_code & 4) {
-+ /*
-+ * 0-order allocation always success if something really
-+ * fatal not happen: beancounter overdraft or OOM. Den
-+ */
-+ force_sig(SIGKILL, tsk);
-+ return;
- }
-- printk("VM: killing process %s\n", tsk->comm);
-- if (error_code & 4)
-- do_exit(SIGKILL);
- goto no_context;
- do_sigbus:
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -41,12 +41,45 @@ void *kmap_atomic(struct page *page, enu
- if (!pte_none(*(kmap_pte-idx)))
- BUG();
- #endif
-- set_pte(kmap_pte-idx, mk_pte(page, kmap_prot));
-+ /*
-+ * If the page is not a normal RAM page, then map it
-+ * uncached to be on the safe side - it could be device
-+ * memory that must not be prefetched:
-+ */
-+ if (PageReserved(page))
-+ set_pte(kmap_pte-idx, mk_pte(page, kmap_prot_nocache));
-+ else
-+ set_pte(kmap_pte-idx, mk_pte(page, kmap_prot));
- __flush_tlb_one(vaddr);
- return (void*) vaddr;
- }
-+ * page frame number based kmaps - useful for PCI mappings.
-+ * NOTE: we map the page with the same mapping as what user is using.
-+ */
-+void *kmap_atomic_pte(pte_t *pte, enum km_type type)
-+ enum fixed_addresses idx;
-+ unsigned long vaddr;
-+ /* even !CONFIG_PREEMPT needs this, for in_atomic in do_page_fault */
-+ inc_preempt_count();
-+ idx = type + KM_TYPE_NR*smp_processor_id();
-+ vaddr = __fix_to_virt(FIX_KMAP_BEGIN + idx);
-+ if (!pte_none(*(kmap_pte-idx)))
-+ BUG();
-+ set_pte(kmap_pte-idx, *pte);
-+ __flush_tlb_one(vaddr);
-+ return (void*) vaddr;
- void kunmap_atomic(void *kvaddr, enum km_type type)
- {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
- #include <asm/tlb.h>
- #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
- static pte_t *huge_pte_alloc(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long addr)
- {
- pgd_t *pgd;
-@@ -43,6 +45,7 @@ static void set_huge_pte(struct mm_struc
- pte_t entry;
- mm->rss += (HPAGE_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE);
-+ ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(mm), HPAGE_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE, vma);
- if (write_access) {
- entry =
- pte_mkwrite(pte_mkdirty(mk_pte(page, vma->vm_page_prot)));
-@@ -83,6 +86,7 @@ int copy_hugetlb_page_range(struct mm_st
- get_page(ptepage);
- set_pte(dst_pte, entry);
- dst->rss += (HPAGE_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE);
-+ ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(dst), HPAGE_SIZE / PAGE_SIZE, vma);
- addr += HPAGE_SIZE;
- }
- return 0;
-@@ -219,6 +223,7 @@ void unmap_hugepage_range(struct vm_area
- put_page(page);
- }
- mm->rss -= (end - start) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
-+ ub_unused_privvm_inc(mm_ub(mm), (end - start) >> PAGE_SHIFT, vma);
- flush_tlb_range(vma, start, end);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
- #include <linux/slab.h>
- #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
- #include <linux/efi.h>
-+#include <linux/initrd.h>
- #include <asm/processor.h>
- #include <asm/system.h>
-@@ -39,143 +40,14 @@
- #include <asm/tlb.h>
- #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
- #include <asm/sections.h>
-+#include <asm/setup.h>
-+#include <asm/desc.h>
- DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct mmu_gather, mmu_gathers);
- unsigned long highstart_pfn, highend_pfn;
- static int do_test_wp_bit(void);
-- * Creates a middle page table and puts a pointer to it in the
-- * given global directory entry. This only returns the gd entry
-- * in non-PAE compilation mode, since the middle layer is folded.
-- */
--static pmd_t * __init one_md_table_init(pgd_t *pgd)
-- pmd_t *pmd_table;
--#ifdef CONFIG_X86_PAE
-- pmd_table = (pmd_t *) alloc_bootmem_low_pages(PAGE_SIZE);
-- set_pgd(pgd, __pgd(__pa(pmd_table) | _PAGE_PRESENT));
-- if (pmd_table != pmd_offset(pgd, 0))
-- BUG();
-- pmd_table = pmd_offset(pgd, 0);
-- return pmd_table;
-- * Create a page table and place a pointer to it in a middle page
-- * directory entry.
-- */
--static pte_t * __init one_page_table_init(pmd_t *pmd)
-- if (pmd_none(*pmd)) {
-- pte_t *page_table = (pte_t *) alloc_bootmem_low_pages(PAGE_SIZE);
-- set_pmd(pmd, __pmd(__pa(page_table) | _PAGE_TABLE));
-- if (page_table != pte_offset_kernel(pmd, 0))
-- BUG();
-- return page_table;
-- }
-- return pte_offset_kernel(pmd, 0);
-- * This function initializes a certain range of kernel virtual memory
-- * with new bootmem page tables, everywhere page tables are missing in
-- * the given range.
-- */
-- * NOTE: The pagetables are allocated contiguous on the physical space
-- * so we can cache the place of the first one and move around without
-- * checking the pgd every time.
-- */
--static void __init page_table_range_init (unsigned long start, unsigned long end, pgd_t *pgd_base)
-- pgd_t *pgd;
-- pmd_t *pmd;
-- int pgd_idx, pmd_idx;
-- unsigned long vaddr;
-- vaddr = start;
-- pgd_idx = pgd_index(vaddr);
-- pmd_idx = pmd_index(vaddr);
-- pgd = pgd_base + pgd_idx;
-- for ( ; (pgd_idx < PTRS_PER_PGD) && (vaddr != end); pgd++, pgd_idx++) {
-- if (pgd_none(*pgd))
-- one_md_table_init(pgd);
-- pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, vaddr);
-- for (; (pmd_idx < PTRS_PER_PMD) && (vaddr != end); pmd++, pmd_idx++) {
-- if (pmd_none(*pmd))
-- one_page_table_init(pmd);
-- vaddr += PMD_SIZE;
-- }
-- pmd_idx = 0;
-- }
--static inline int is_kernel_text(unsigned long addr)
-- if (addr >= (unsigned long)_stext && addr <= (unsigned long)__init_end)
-- return 1;
-- return 0;
-- * This maps the physical memory to kernel virtual address space, a total
-- * of max_low_pfn pages, by creating page tables starting from address
-- */
--static void __init kernel_physical_mapping_init(pgd_t *pgd_base)
-- unsigned long pfn;
-- pgd_t *pgd;
-- pmd_t *pmd;
-- pte_t *pte;
-- int pgd_idx, pmd_idx, pte_ofs;
-- pgd_idx = pgd_index(PAGE_OFFSET);
-- pgd = pgd_base + pgd_idx;
-- pfn = 0;
-- for (; pgd_idx < PTRS_PER_PGD; pgd++, pgd_idx++) {
-- pmd = one_md_table_init(pgd);
-- if (pfn >= max_low_pfn)
-- continue;
-- for (pmd_idx = 0; pmd_idx < PTRS_PER_PMD && pfn < max_low_pfn; pmd++, pmd_idx++) {
-- unsigned int address = pfn * PAGE_SIZE + PAGE_OFFSET;
-- /* Map with big pages if possible, otherwise create normal page tables. */
-- if (cpu_has_pse) {
-- unsigned int address2 = (pfn + PTRS_PER_PTE - 1) * PAGE_SIZE + PAGE_OFFSET + PAGE_SIZE-1;
-- if (is_kernel_text(address) || is_kernel_text(address2))
-- set_pmd(pmd, pfn_pmd(pfn, PAGE_KERNEL_LARGE_EXEC));
-- else
-- set_pmd(pmd, pfn_pmd(pfn, PAGE_KERNEL_LARGE));
-- pfn += PTRS_PER_PTE;
-- } else {
-- pte = one_page_table_init(pmd);
-- for (pte_ofs = 0; pte_ofs < PTRS_PER_PTE && pfn < max_low_pfn; pte++, pfn++, pte_ofs++) {
-- if (is_kernel_text(address))
-- set_pte(pte, pfn_pte(pfn, PAGE_KERNEL_EXEC));
-- else
-- set_pte(pte, pfn_pte(pfn, PAGE_KERNEL));
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- }
- static inline int page_kills_ppro(unsigned long pagenr)
- {
- if (pagenr >= 0x70000 && pagenr <= 0x7003F)
-@@ -223,11 +95,8 @@ static inline int page_is_ram(unsigned l
- return 0;
- }
- pte_t *kmap_pte;
--pgprot_t kmap_prot;
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(kmap_pte);
- #define kmap_get_fixmap_pte(vaddr) \
-@@ -235,29 +104,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(kmap_pte);
- void __init kmap_init(void)
- {
-- unsigned long kmap_vstart;
-- /* cache the first kmap pte */
-- kmap_vstart = __fix_to_virt(FIX_KMAP_BEGIN);
-- kmap_pte = kmap_get_fixmap_pte(kmap_vstart);
-- kmap_prot = PAGE_KERNEL;
--void __init permanent_kmaps_init(pgd_t *pgd_base)
-- pgd_t *pgd;
-- pmd_t *pmd;
-- pte_t *pte;
-- unsigned long vaddr;
-- vaddr = PKMAP_BASE;
-- page_table_range_init(vaddr, vaddr + PAGE_SIZE*LAST_PKMAP, pgd_base);
-- pgd = swapper_pg_dir + pgd_index(vaddr);
-- pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, vaddr);
-- pte = pte_offset_kernel(pmd, vaddr);
-- pkmap_page_table = pte;
-+ kmap_pte = kmap_get_fixmap_pte(__fix_to_virt(FIX_KMAP_BEGIN));
- }
- void __init one_highpage_init(struct page *page, int pfn, int bad_ppro)
-@@ -272,6 +119,8 @@ void __init one_highpage_init(struct pag
- SetPageReserved(page);
- }
- void __init set_highmem_pages_init(int bad_ppro)
- {
-@@ -283,12 +132,9 @@ void __init set_highmem_pages_init(int b
- #else
- extern void set_highmem_pages_init(int);
- #else
--#define kmap_init() do { } while (0)
--#define permanent_kmaps_init(pgd_base) do { } while (0)
--#define set_highmem_pages_init(bad_ppro) do { } while (0)
--#endif /* CONFIG_HIGHMEM */
-+# define set_highmem_pages_init(bad_ppro) do { } while (0)
- unsigned long long __PAGE_KERNEL = _PAGE_KERNEL;
- unsigned long long __PAGE_KERNEL_EXEC = _PAGE_KERNEL_EXEC;
-@@ -299,31 +145,125 @@ unsigned long long __PAGE_KERNEL_EXEC =
- extern void __init remap_numa_kva(void);
- #endif
--static void __init pagetable_init (void)
-+static __init void prepare_pagetables(pgd_t *pgd_base, unsigned long address)
-+ pgd_t *pgd;
-+ pmd_t *pmd;
-+ pte_t *pte;
-+ pgd = pgd_base + pgd_index(address);
-+ pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, address);
-+ if (!pmd_present(*pmd)) {
-+ pte = (pte_t *) alloc_bootmem_low_pages(PAGE_SIZE);
-+ set_pmd(pmd, __pmd(_PAGE_TABLE + __pa(pte)));
-+ }
-+static void __init fixrange_init (unsigned long start, unsigned long end, pgd_t *pgd_base)
-+ unsigned long vaddr;
-+ for (vaddr = start; vaddr != end; vaddr += PAGE_SIZE)
-+ prepare_pagetables(pgd_base, vaddr);
-+void setup_identity_mappings(pgd_t *pgd_base, unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
- {
- unsigned long vaddr;
-- pgd_t *pgd_base = swapper_pg_dir;
-+ pgd_t *pgd;
-+ int i, j, k;
-+ pmd_t *pmd;
-+ pte_t *pte, *pte_base;
-+ pgd = pgd_base;
-+ for (i = 0; i < PTRS_PER_PGD; pgd++, i++) {
-+ vaddr = i*PGDIR_SIZE;
-+ if (end && (vaddr >= end))
-+ break;
-+ pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, 0);
-+ for (j = 0; j < PTRS_PER_PMD; pmd++, j++) {
-+ vaddr = i*PGDIR_SIZE + j*PMD_SIZE;
-+ if (end && (vaddr >= end))
-+ break;
-+ if (vaddr < start)
-+ continue;
-+ if (cpu_has_pse) {
-+ unsigned long __pe;
-+ set_in_cr4(X86_CR4_PSE);
-+ boot_cpu_data.wp_works_ok = 1;
-+ __pe = _KERNPG_TABLE + _PAGE_PSE + vaddr - start;
-+ /* Make it "global" too if supported */
-+ if (cpu_has_pge) {
-+ set_in_cr4(X86_CR4_PGE);
-+ __pe += _PAGE_GLOBAL;
-+ }
-+ set_pmd(pmd, __pmd(__pe));
-+ continue;
-+ }
-+ if (!pmd_present(*pmd))
-+ pte_base = (pte_t *) alloc_bootmem_low_pages(PAGE_SIZE);
-+ else
-+ pte_base = pte_offset_kernel(pmd, 0);
-+ pte = pte_base;
-+ for (k = 0; k < PTRS_PER_PTE; pte++, k++) {
-+ vaddr = i*PGDIR_SIZE + j*PMD_SIZE + k*PAGE_SIZE;
-+ if (end && (vaddr >= end))
-+ break;
-+ if (vaddr < start)
-+ continue;
-+ *pte = mk_pte_phys(vaddr-start, PAGE_KERNEL);
-+ }
-+ set_pmd(pmd, __pmd(_KERNPG_TABLE + __pa(pte_base)));
-+ }
-+ }
-+static void __init pagetable_init (void)
-+ unsigned long vaddr, end;
-+ pgd_t *pgd_base;
- #ifdef CONFIG_X86_PAE
- int i;
-- /* Init entries of the first-level page table to the zero page */
-- for (i = 0; i < PTRS_PER_PGD; i++)
-- set_pgd(pgd_base + i, __pgd(__pa(empty_zero_page) | _PAGE_PRESENT));
- #endif
-- /* Enable PSE if available */
-- if (cpu_has_pse) {
-- set_in_cr4(X86_CR4_PSE);
-- }
-+ /*
-+ * This can be zero as well - no problem, in that case we exit
-+ * the loops anyway due to the PTRS_PER_* conditions.
-+ */
-+ end = (unsigned long)__va(max_low_pfn*PAGE_SIZE);
-- /* Enable PGE if available */
-- if (cpu_has_pge) {
-- set_in_cr4(X86_CR4_PGE);
-+ pgd_base = swapper_pg_dir;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_X86_PAE
-+ /*
-+ * It causes too many problems if there's no proper pmd set up
-+ * for all 4 entries of the PGD - so we allocate all of them.
-+ * PAE systems will not miss this extra 4-8K anyway ...
-+ */
-+ for (i = 0; i < PTRS_PER_PGD; i++) {
-+ pmd_t *pmd = (pmd_t *) alloc_bootmem_low_pages(PAGE_SIZE);
-+ set_pgd(pgd_base + i, __pgd(__pa(pmd) + 0x1));
- }
-+ /*
-+ * Set up lowmem-sized identity mappings at PAGE_OFFSET:
-+ */
-+ setup_identity_mappings(pgd_base, PAGE_OFFSET, end);
-- kernel_physical_mapping_init(pgd_base);
-+ /*
-+ * Add flat-mode identity-mappings - SMP needs it when
-+ * starting up on an AP from real-mode. (In the non-PAE
-+ * case we already have these mappings through head.S.)
-+ * All user-space mappings are explicitly cleared after
-+ * SMP startup.
-+ */
-+#if defined(CONFIG_SMP) && defined(CONFIG_X86_PAE)
-+ setup_identity_mappings(pgd_base, 0, 16*1024*1024);
- remap_numa_kva();
- /*
-@@ -331,22 +271,57 @@ static void __init pagetable_init (void)
- * created - mappings will be set by set_fixmap():
- */
- vaddr = __fix_to_virt(__end_of_fixed_addresses - 1) & PMD_MASK;
-- page_table_range_init(vaddr, 0, pgd_base);
-+ fixrange_init(vaddr, 0, pgd_base);
-- permanent_kmaps_init(pgd_base);
-+ {
-+ pgd_t *pgd;
-+ pmd_t *pmd;
-+ pte_t *pte;
--#ifdef CONFIG_X86_PAE
-- /*
-- * Add low memory identity-mappings - SMP needs it when
-- * starting up on an AP from real-mode. In the non-PAE
-- * case we already have these mappings through head.S.
-- * All user-space mappings are explicitly cleared after
-- * SMP startup.
-- */
-- pgd_base[0] = pgd_base[USER_PTRS_PER_PGD];
-+ /*
-+ * Permanent kmaps:
-+ */
-+ vaddr = PKMAP_BASE;
-+ fixrange_init(vaddr, vaddr + PAGE_SIZE*LAST_PKMAP, pgd_base);
-+ pgd = swapper_pg_dir + pgd_index(vaddr);
-+ pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, vaddr);
-+ pte = pte_offset_kernel(pmd, vaddr);
-+ pkmap_page_table = pte;
-+ }
- #endif
- }
-+ * Clear kernel pagetables in a PMD_SIZE-aligned range.
-+ */
-+static void clear_mappings(pgd_t *pgd_base, unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
-+ unsigned long vaddr;
-+ pgd_t *pgd;
-+ pmd_t *pmd;
-+ int i, j;
-+ pgd = pgd_base;
-+ for (i = 0; i < PTRS_PER_PGD; pgd++, i++) {
-+ vaddr = i*PGDIR_SIZE;
-+ if (end && (vaddr >= end))
-+ break;
-+ pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, 0);
-+ for (j = 0; j < PTRS_PER_PMD; pmd++, j++) {
-+ vaddr = i*PGDIR_SIZE + j*PMD_SIZE;
-+ if (end && (vaddr >= end))
-+ break;
-+ if (vaddr < start)
-+ continue;
-+ pmd_clear(pmd);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ flush_tlb_all();
- /*
- * Swap suspend & friends need this for resume because things like the intel-agp
-@@ -365,25 +340,16 @@ static inline void save_pg_dir(void)
- }
- #endif
--void zap_low_mappings (void)
-- int i;
-+void zap_low_mappings(void)
- save_pg_dir();
-+ printk("zapping low mappings.\n");
- /*
- * Zap initial low-memory mappings.
-- *
-- * Note that "pgd_clear()" doesn't do it for
-- * us, because pgd_clear() is a no-op on i386.
- */
-- for (i = 0; i < USER_PTRS_PER_PGD; i++)
--#ifdef CONFIG_X86_PAE
-- set_pgd(swapper_pg_dir+i, __pgd(1 + __pa(empty_zero_page)));
-- set_pgd(swapper_pg_dir+i, __pgd(0));
-- flush_tlb_all();
-+ clear_mappings(swapper_pg_dir, 0, 16*1024*1024);
- }
-@@ -454,7 +420,6 @@ static void __init set_nx(void)
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Enables/disables executability of a given kernel page and
- * returns the previous setting.
-@@ -512,7 +477,15 @@ void __init paging_init(void)
- set_in_cr4(X86_CR4_PAE);
- #endif
- __flush_tlb_all();
-+ /*
-+ * Subtle. SMP is doing it's boot stuff late (because it has to
-+ * fork idle threads) - but it also needs low mappings for the
-+ * protected-mode entry to work. We zap these entries only after
-+ * the WP-bit has been tested.
-+ */
-+#ifndef CONFIG_SMP
-+ zap_low_mappings();
- kmap_init();
- zone_sizes_init();
- }
-@@ -561,6 +534,37 @@ extern void set_max_mapnr_init(void);
- static struct kcore_list kcore_mem, kcore_vmalloc;
-+ * This function move initrd from highmem to normal zone, if needed.
-+ * Note, we have to do it before highmem pages are given to buddy allocator.
-+ */
-+static void initrd_move(void)
-+ unsigned long i, start, off;
-+ struct page *page;
-+ void *addr;
-+ if (initrd_copy <= 0)
-+ return;
-+ initrd_start = (unsigned long)
-+ alloc_bootmem_low_pages(PAGE_ALIGN(INITRD_SIZE));
-+ initrd_end = INITRD_START + initrd_copy;
-+ start = (initrd_end - initrd_copy) & PAGE_MASK;
-+ off = (initrd_end - initrd_copy) & ~PAGE_MASK;
-+ for (i = 0; i < initrd_copy; i += PAGE_SIZE) {
-+ page = pfn_to_page((start + i) >> PAGE_SHIFT);
-+ addr = kmap_atomic(page, KM_USER0);
-+ memcpy((void *)initrd_start + i,
-+ addr, PAGE_SIZE);
-+ kunmap_atomic(addr, KM_USER0);
-+ }
-+ initrd_start += off;
-+ initrd_end = initrd_start + initrd_copy;
- void __init mem_init(void)
- {
- extern int ppro_with_ram_bug(void);
-@@ -593,6 +597,9 @@ void __init mem_init(void)
- high_memory = (void *) __va(max_low_pfn * PAGE_SIZE);
- #endif
-+ initrd_move();
- /* this will put all low memory onto the freelists */
- totalram_pages += __free_all_bootmem();
-@@ -631,38 +638,57 @@ void __init mem_init(void)
- if (boot_cpu_data.wp_works_ok < 0)
- test_wp_bit();
-- /*
-- * Subtle. SMP is doing it's boot stuff late (because it has to
-- * fork idle threads) - but it also needs low mappings for the
-- * protected-mode entry to work. We zap these entries only after
-- * the WP-bit has been tested.
-- */
--#ifndef CONFIG_SMP
-- zap_low_mappings();
-+ entry_trampoline_setup();
-+ default_ldt_page = virt_to_page(default_ldt);
-+ load_LDT(&init_mm.context);
- }
--kmem_cache_t *pgd_cache;
--kmem_cache_t *pmd_cache;
-+kmem_cache_t *pgd_cache, *pmd_cache, *kpmd_cache;
- void __init pgtable_cache_init(void)
- {
-+ void (*ctor)(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long);
-+ void (*dtor)(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long);
- if (PTRS_PER_PMD > 1) {
- pmd_cache = kmem_cache_create("pmd",
- PTRS_PER_PMD*sizeof(pmd_t),
- PTRS_PER_PMD*sizeof(pmd_t),
-- 0,
- pmd_ctor,
- NULL);
- if (!pmd_cache)
- panic("pgtable_cache_init(): cannot create pmd cache");
-+ kpmd_cache = kmem_cache_create("kpmd",
-+ PTRS_PER_PMD*sizeof(pmd_t),
-+ PTRS_PER_PMD*sizeof(pmd_t),
-+ kpmd_ctor,
-+ NULL);
-+ if (!kpmd_cache)
-+ panic("pgtable_cache_init(): "
-+ "cannot create kpmd cache");
-+ }
- }
-+ ctor = pgd_ctor;
-+ else
-+ ctor = NULL;
-+ dtor = pgd_dtor;
-+ else
-+ dtor = NULL;
- pgd_cache = kmem_cache_create("pgd",
- PTRS_PER_PGD*sizeof(pgd_t),
- PTRS_PER_PGD*sizeof(pgd_t),
-- 0,
-- pgd_ctor,
-- PTRS_PER_PMD == 1 ? pgd_dtor : NULL);
-+ ctor,
-+ dtor);
- if (!pgd_cache)
- panic("pgtable_cache_init(): Cannot create pgd cache");
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:20.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -67,22 +67,21 @@ static void flush_kernel_map(void *dummy
- static void set_pmd_pte(pte_t *kpte, unsigned long address, pte_t pte)
- {
-- struct page *page;
-- unsigned long flags;
- set_pte_atomic(kpte, pte); /* change init_mm */
-- if (PTRS_PER_PMD > 1)
-- return;
-- spin_lock_irqsave(&pgd_lock, flags);
-- for (page = pgd_list; page; page = (struct page *)page->index) {
-- pgd_t *pgd;
-- pmd_t *pmd;
-- pgd = (pgd_t *)page_address(page) + pgd_index(address);
-- pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, address);
-- set_pte_atomic((pte_t *)pmd, pte);
-+#ifndef CONFIG_X86_PAE
-+ {
-+ struct list_head *l;
-+ return;
-+ spin_lock(&mmlist_lock);
-+ list_for_each(l, &init_mm.mmlist) {
-+ struct mm_struct *mm = list_entry(l, struct mm_struct, mmlist);
-+ pmd_t *pmd = pmd_offset(pgd_offset(mm, address), address);
-+ set_pte_atomic((pte_t *)pmd, pte);
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&mmlist_lock);
- }
-- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pgd_lock, flags);
- }
- /*
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -5,8 +5,10 @@
- #include <linux/config.h>
- #include <linux/sched.h>
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/errno.h>
- #include <linux/mm.h>
-+#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
- #include <linux/swap.h>
- #include <linux/smp.h>
- #include <linux/highmem.h>
-@@ -21,6 +23,7 @@
- #include <asm/e820.h>
- #include <asm/tlb.h>
- #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
-+#include <asm/atomic_kmap.h>
- void show_mem(void)
- {
-@@ -53,6 +56,7 @@ void show_mem(void)
- printk("%d reserved pages\n",reserved);
- printk("%d pages shared\n",shared);
- printk("%d pages swap cached\n",cached);
-+ vprintstat();
- }
- /*
-@@ -143,9 +147,10 @@ struct page *pte_alloc_one(struct mm_str
- struct page *pte;
-- pte = alloc_pages(GFP_KERNEL|__GFP_HIGHMEM|__GFP_REPEAT, 0);
-+ pte = alloc_pages(GFP_KERNEL_UBC|__GFP_SOFT_UBC|
- #else
-- pte = alloc_pages(GFP_KERNEL|__GFP_REPEAT, 0);
-+ pte = alloc_pages(GFP_KERNEL_UBC|__GFP_SOFT_UBC|__GFP_REPEAT, 0);
- #endif
- if (pte)
- clear_highpage(pte);
-@@ -157,11 +162,20 @@ void pmd_ctor(void *pmd, kmem_cache_t *c
- memset(pmd, 0, PTRS_PER_PMD*sizeof(pmd_t));
- }
-+void kpmd_ctor(void *__pmd, kmem_cache_t *cache, unsigned long flags)
-+ pmd_t *kpmd, *pmd;
-+ kpmd = pmd_offset(&swapper_pg_dir[PTRS_PER_PGD-1],
-+ pmd = (pmd_t *)__pmd + (PTRS_PER_PMD - NR_SHARED_PMDS);
-+ memset(__pmd, 0, (PTRS_PER_PMD - NR_SHARED_PMDS)*sizeof(pmd_t));
-+ memcpy(pmd, kpmd, NR_SHARED_PMDS*sizeof(pmd_t));
- /*
-- * List of all pgd's needed for non-PAE so it can invalidate entries
-- * in both cached and uncached pgd's; not needed for PAE since the
-- * kernel pmd is shared. If PAE were not to share the pmd a similar
-- * tactic would be needed. This is essentially codepath-based locking
-+ * List of all pgd's needed so it can invalidate entries in both cached
-+ * and uncached pgd's. This is essentially codepath-based locking
- * against pageattr.c; it is the unique case in which a valid change
- * of kernel pagetables can't be lazily synchronized by vmalloc faults.
- * vmalloc faults work because attached pagetables are never freed.
-@@ -169,6 +183,12 @@ void pmd_ctor(void *pmd, kmem_cache_t *c
- * checks at dup_mmap(), exec(), and other mmlist addition points
- * could be used. The locking scheme was chosen on the basis of
- * manfred's recommendations and having no core impact whatsoever.
-+ *
-+ * Lexicon for #ifdefless conditions to config options:
-+ * (a) PTRS_PER_PMD == 1 means non-PAE.
-+ * (b) PTRS_PER_PMD > 1 means PAE.
-+ * (c) TASK_SIZE > PAGE_OFFSET means 4:4.
-+ * (d) TASK_SIZE <= PAGE_OFFSET means non-4:4.
- * -- wli
- */
- spinlock_t pgd_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-@@ -194,26 +214,38 @@ static inline void pgd_list_del(pgd_t *p
- next->private = (unsigned long)pprev;
- }
--void pgd_ctor(void *pgd, kmem_cache_t *cache, unsigned long unused)
-+void pgd_ctor(void *__pgd, kmem_cache_t *cache, unsigned long unused)
- {
-+ pgd_t *pgd = __pgd;
- unsigned long flags;
-- if (PTRS_PER_PMD == 1)
-- spin_lock_irqsave(&pgd_lock, flags);
-+ if (PTRS_PER_PMD == 1) {
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&pgd_lock, flags);
-+ else
-+ memcpy(&pgd[PTRS_PER_PGD - NR_SHARED_PMDS],
-+ &swapper_pg_dir[PTRS_PER_PGD - NR_SHARED_PMDS],
-+ NR_SHARED_PMDS*sizeof(pgd_t));
-+ }
-- memcpy((pgd_t *)pgd + USER_PTRS_PER_PGD,
-- swapper_pg_dir + USER_PTRS_PER_PGD,
-- (PTRS_PER_PGD - USER_PTRS_PER_PGD) * sizeof(pgd_t));
-+ memcpy(&pgd[USER_PTRS_PER_PGD],
-+ &swapper_pg_dir[USER_PTRS_PER_PGD],
-+ (PTRS_PER_PGD - USER_PTRS_PER_PGD)*sizeof(pgd_t));
- if (PTRS_PER_PMD > 1)
- return;
-- pgd_list_add(pgd);
-- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pgd_lock, flags);
-- memset(pgd, 0, USER_PTRS_PER_PGD*sizeof(pgd_t));
-+ memset(pgd, 0, (PTRS_PER_PGD - NR_SHARED_PMDS)*sizeof(pgd_t));
-+ else {
-+ pgd_list_add(pgd);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&pgd_lock, flags);
-+ memset(pgd, 0, USER_PTRS_PER_PGD*sizeof(pgd_t));
-+ }
- }
--/* never called when PTRS_PER_PMD > 1 */
-+/* Never called when PTRS_PER_PMD > 1 || TASK_SIZE > PAGE_OFFSET */
- void pgd_dtor(void *pgd, kmem_cache_t *cache, unsigned long unused)
- {
- unsigned long flags; /* can be called from interrupt context */
-@@ -231,15 +263,31 @@ pgd_t *pgd_alloc(struct mm_struct *mm)
- if (PTRS_PER_PMD == 1 || !pgd)
- return pgd;
-+ /*
-+ * In the 4G userspace case alias the top 16 MB virtual
-+ * memory range into the user mappings as well (these
-+ * include the trampoline and CPU data structures).
-+ */
- for (i = 0; i < USER_PTRS_PER_PGD; ++i) {
-- pmd_t *pmd = kmem_cache_alloc(pmd_cache, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ pmd_t *pmd;
-+ pmd = kmem_cache_alloc(kpmd_cache, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ else
-+ pmd = kmem_cache_alloc(pmd_cache, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!pmd)
- goto out_oom;
- set_pgd(&pgd[i], __pgd(1 + __pa((u64)((u32)pmd))));
- }
-- return pgd;
-+ return pgd;
- out_oom:
-+ /*
-+ * we don't have to handle the kpmd_cache here, since it's the
-+ * last allocation, and has either nothing to free or when it
-+ * succeeds the whole operation succeeds.
-+ */
- for (i--; i >= 0; i--)
- kmem_cache_free(pmd_cache, (void *)__va(pgd_val(pgd[i])-1));
- kmem_cache_free(pgd_cache, pgd);
-@@ -250,10 +298,27 @@ void pgd_free(pgd_t *pgd)
- {
- int i;
-- /* in the PAE case user pgd entries are overwritten before usage */
-- if (PTRS_PER_PMD > 1)
-- for (i = 0; i < USER_PTRS_PER_PGD; ++i)
-- kmem_cache_free(pmd_cache, (void *)__va(pgd_val(pgd[i])-1));
- /* in the non-PAE case, clear_page_tables() clears user pgd entries */
-+ if (PTRS_PER_PMD == 1)
-+ goto out_free;
-+ /* in the PAE case user pgd entries are overwritten before usage */
-+ for (i = 0; i < USER_PTRS_PER_PGD; ++i) {
-+ pmd_t *pmd = __va(pgd_val(pgd[i]) - 1);
-+ /*
-+ * only userspace pmd's are cleared for us
-+ * by mm/memory.c; it's a slab cache invariant
-+ * that we must separate the kernel pmd slab
-+ * all times, else we'll have bad pmd's.
-+ */
-+ kmem_cache_free(kpmd_cache, pmd);
-+ else
-+ kmem_cache_free(pmd_cache, pmd);
-+ }
- kmem_cache_free(pgd_cache, pgd);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:29.000000000 +0400
-@@ -210,10 +210,7 @@ static void __devinit pci_fixup_transpar
- */
- static void __init pci_fixup_nforce2(struct pci_dev *dev)
- {
-- u32 val, fixed_val;
-- u8 rev;
-- pci_read_config_byte(dev, PCI_REVISION_ID, &rev);
-+ u32 val;
- /*
- * Chip Old value New value
-@@ -223,17 +220,14 @@ static void __init pci_fixup_nforce2(str
- * Northbridge chip version may be determined by
- * reading the PCI revision ID (0xC1 or greater is C18D).
- */
-- fixed_val = rev < 0xC1 ? 0x1F01FF01 : 0x9F01FF01;
- pci_read_config_dword(dev, 0x6c, &val);
- /*
-- * Apply fixup only if C1 Halt Disconnect is enabled
-- * (bit28) because it is not supported on some boards.
-+ * Apply fixup if needed, but don't touch disconnect state
- */
-- if ((val & (1 << 28)) && val != fixed_val) {
-+ if ((val & 0x00FF0000) != 0x00010000) {
- printk(KERN_WARNING "PCI: nForce2 C1 Halt Disconnect fixup\n");
-- pci_write_config_dword(dev, 0x6c, fixed_val);
-+ pci_write_config_dword(dev, 0x6c, (val & 0xFF00FFFF) | 0x00010000);
- }
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -83,9 +83,7 @@ do_fpu_end(void)
- static void fix_processor_context(void)
- {
- int cpu = smp_processor_id();
-- struct tss_struct * t = init_tss + cpu;
-- set_tss_desc(cpu,t); /* This just modifies memory; should not be necessary. But... This is necessary, because 386 hardware has concept of busy TSS or some similar stupidity. */
- cpu_gdt_table[cpu][GDT_ENTRY_TSS].b &= 0xfffffdff;
- load_TR_desc(); /* This does ltr */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:30.000000000 +0400
-@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ sba_search_bitmap(struct ioc *ioc, unsig
- * purges IOTLB entries in power-of-two sizes, so we also
- * allocate IOVA space in power-of-two sizes.
- */
-- bits_wanted = 1UL << get_iovp_order(bits_wanted << PAGE_SHIFT);
-+ bits_wanted = 1UL << get_iovp_order(bits_wanted << iovp_shift);
- if (likely(bits_wanted == 1)) {
- unsigned int bitshiftcnt;
-@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@ sba_free_range(struct ioc *ioc, dma_addr
- unsigned long m;
- /* Round up to power-of-two size: see AR2305 note above */
-- bits_not_wanted = 1UL << get_iovp_order(bits_not_wanted << PAGE_SHIFT);
-+ bits_not_wanted = 1UL << get_iovp_order(bits_not_wanted << iovp_shift);
- for (; bits_not_wanted > 0 ; res_ptr++) {
- if (unlikely(bits_not_wanted > BITS_PER_LONG)) {
-@@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ sba_io_pdir_entry(u64 *pdir_ptr, unsigne
- /**
- * Since DMA is i-cache coherent, any (complete) pages that were written via
-- * DMA can be marked as "clean" so that update_mmu_cache() doesn't have to
-+ * DMA can be marked as "clean" so that lazy_mmu_prot_update() doesn't have to
- * flush them when they get mapped into an executable vm-area.
- */
- static void
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
- #include <asm/param.h>
- #include <asm/signal.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
- #include "ia32priv.h"
- #include "elfcore32.h"
-@@ -84,7 +86,11 @@ ia64_elf32_init (struct pt_regs *regs)
- vma->vm_ops = &ia32_shared_page_vm_ops;
- down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- {
-- insert_vm_struct(current->mm, vma);
-+ if (insert_vm_struct(current->mm, vma)) {
-+ kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, vma);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
-+ return;
-+ }
- }
- up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- }
-@@ -93,6 +99,11 @@ ia64_elf32_init (struct pt_regs *regs)
- * Install LDT as anonymous memory. This gives us all-zero segment descriptors
- * until a task modifies them via modify_ldt().
- */
-+ if (ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(current->mm),
-+ return;
- vma = kmem_cache_alloc(vm_area_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL);
- if (vma) {
- memset(vma, 0, sizeof(*vma));
-@@ -103,10 +114,21 @@ ia64_elf32_init (struct pt_regs *regs)
- down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- {
-- insert_vm_struct(current->mm, vma);
-+ if (insert_vm_struct(current->mm, vma)) {
-+ kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, vma);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
-+ ub_memory_uncharge(mm_ub(current->mm),
-+ return;
-+ }
- }
- up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
-- }
-+ } else
-+ ub_memory_uncharge(mm_ub(current->mm),
- ia64_psr(regs)->ac = 0; /* turn off alignment checking */
- regs->loadrs = 0;
-@@ -148,10 +170,10 @@ ia64_elf32_init (struct pt_regs *regs)
- int
- ia32_setup_arg_pages (struct linux_binprm *bprm, int executable_stack)
- {
-- unsigned long stack_base;
-+ unsigned long stack_base, vm_end, vm_start;
- struct vm_area_struct *mpnt;
- struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm;
-- int i;
-+ int i, ret;
- mm->arg_start = bprm->p + stack_base;
-@@ -161,23 +183,29 @@ ia32_setup_arg_pages (struct linux_binpr
- bprm->loader += stack_base;
- bprm->exec += stack_base;
-+ vm_end = IA32_STACK_TOP;
-+ vm_start = PAGE_MASK & (unsigned long)bprm->p;
-+ ret = ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(mm), vm_end - vm_start, VM_STACK_FLAGS,
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto out;
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
- mpnt = kmem_cache_alloc(vm_area_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL);
- if (!mpnt)
-- return -ENOMEM;
-+ goto out_uncharge;
-- if (security_vm_enough_memory((IA32_STACK_TOP - (PAGE_MASK & (unsigned long) bprm->p))
-- >> PAGE_SHIFT)) {
-- kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, mpnt);
-- return -ENOMEM;
-- }
-+ if (security_vm_enough_memory((vm_end - vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT))
-+ goto out_free;
- memset(mpnt, 0, sizeof(*mpnt));
- down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- {
- mpnt->vm_mm = current->mm;
-- mpnt->vm_start = PAGE_MASK & (unsigned long) bprm->p;
-- mpnt->vm_end = IA32_STACK_TOP;
-+ mpnt->vm_start = vm_start;
-+ mpnt->vm_end = vm_end;
- if (executable_stack == EXSTACK_ENABLE_X)
- mpnt->vm_flags = VM_STACK_FLAGS | VM_EXEC;
- else if (executable_stack == EXSTACK_DISABLE_X)
-@@ -186,7 +214,8 @@ ia32_setup_arg_pages (struct linux_binpr
- mpnt->vm_flags = VM_STACK_FLAGS;
- mpnt->vm_page_prot = (mpnt->vm_flags & VM_EXEC)?
-- insert_vm_struct(current->mm, mpnt);
-+ if ((ret = insert_vm_struct(current->mm, mpnt)))
-+ goto out_up;
- current->mm->total_vm = (mpnt->vm_end - mpnt->vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- }
-@@ -205,6 +234,16 @@ ia32_setup_arg_pages (struct linux_binpr
- current->thread.ppl = ia32_init_pp_list();
- return 0;
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
-+ vm_unacct_memory((vm_end - vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT);
-+ kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, mpnt);
-+ ub_memory_uncharge(mm_ub(mm), vm_end - vm_start, VM_STACK_FLAGS, NULL);
-+ return ret;
- }
- static void
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:27.000000000 +0400
-@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ ia32_syscall_table:
- data8 sys32_rt_sigaction
- data8 sys32_rt_sigprocmask /* 175 */
- data8 sys_rt_sigpending
-- data8 sys32_rt_sigtimedwait
-+ data8 compat_rt_sigtimedwait
- data8 sys32_rt_sigqueueinfo
- data8 sys32_rt_sigsuspend
- data8 sys32_pread /* 180 */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:34.000000000 +0400
-@@ -59,19 +59,19 @@ struct rt_sigframe_ia32
- int sig;
- int pinfo;
- int puc;
-- siginfo_t32 info;
-+ compat_siginfo_t info;
- struct ucontext_ia32 uc;
- struct _fpstate_ia32 fpstate;
- char retcode[8];
- };
- int
--copy_siginfo_from_user32 (siginfo_t *to, siginfo_t32 *from)
-+copy_siginfo_from_user32 (siginfo_t *to, compat_siginfo_t *from)
- {
- unsigned long tmp;
- int err;
-- if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, from, sizeof(siginfo_t32)))
-+ if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, from, sizeof(compat_siginfo_t)))
- return -EFAULT;
- err = __get_user(to->si_signo, &from->si_signo);
-@@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ copy_siginfo_from_user32 (siginfo_t *to,
- }
- int
--copy_siginfo_to_user32 (siginfo_t32 *to, siginfo_t *from)
-+copy_siginfo_to_user32 (compat_siginfo_t *to, siginfo_t *from)
- {
- unsigned int addr;
- int err;
-- if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, to, sizeof(siginfo_t32)))
-+ if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, to, sizeof(compat_siginfo_t)))
- return -EFAULT;
- /* If you change siginfo_t structure, please be sure
-@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ ia32_rt_sigsuspend (compat_sigset_t *use
- sigset_t oldset, set;
- scr->scratch_unat = 0; /* avoid leaking kernel bits to user level */
-- memset(&set, 0, sizeof(&set));
-+ memset(&set, 0, sizeof(set));
- if (sigsetsize > sizeof(sigset_t))
- return -EINVAL;
-@@ -505,6 +505,7 @@ sys32_signal (int sig, unsigned int hand
- sigact_set_handler(&new_sa, handler, 0);
-+ sigemptyset(&;
- ret = do_sigaction(sig, &new_sa, &old_sa);
-@@ -574,33 +575,7 @@ sys32_rt_sigprocmask (int how, compat_si
- }
- asmlinkage long
--sys32_rt_sigtimedwait (compat_sigset_t *uthese, siginfo_t32 *uinfo,
-- struct compat_timespec *uts, unsigned int sigsetsize)
-- extern int copy_siginfo_to_user32 (siginfo_t32 *, siginfo_t *);
-- mm_segment_t old_fs = get_fs();
-- struct timespec t;
-- siginfo_t info;
-- sigset_t s;
-- int ret;
-- if (copy_from_user(&s.sig, uthese, sizeof(compat_sigset_t)))
-- return -EFAULT;
-- if (uts && get_compat_timespec(&t, uts))
-- return -EFAULT;
-- set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
-- ret = sys_rt_sigtimedwait(&s, uinfo ? &info : NULL, uts ? &t : NULL,
-- sigsetsize);
-- set_fs(old_fs);
-- if (ret >= 0 && uinfo) {
-- if (copy_siginfo_to_user32(uinfo, &info))
-- return -EFAULT;
-- }
-- return ret;
--asmlinkage long
--sys32_rt_sigqueueinfo (int pid, int sig, siginfo_t32 *uinfo)
-+sys32_rt_sigqueueinfo (int pid, int sig, compat_siginfo_t *uinfo)
- {
- mm_segment_t old_fs = get_fs();
- siginfo_t info;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:27.000000000 +0400
-@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ typedef union sigval32 {
- #define SIGEV_PAD_SIZE32 ((SIGEV_MAX_SIZE/sizeof(int)) - 3)
--typedef struct siginfo32 {
-+typedef struct compat_siginfo {
- int si_signo;
- int si_errno;
- int si_code;
-@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ typedef struct siginfo32 {
- int _fd;
- } _sigpoll;
- } _sifields;
--} siginfo_t32;
-+} compat_siginfo_t;
- typedef struct sigevent32 {
- sigval_t32 sigev_value;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ emulate_mmap (struct file *file, unsigne
- ia32_set_pp((unsigned int)start, (unsigned int)end, flags);
- if (start > pstart) {
- if (flags & MAP_SHARED)
-- printk(KERN_INFO
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_INFO
- "%s(%d): emulate_mmap() can't share head (addr=0x%lx)\n",
- current->comm, current->pid, start);
- ret = mmap_subpage(file, start, min(PAGE_ALIGN(start), end), prot, flags,
-@@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ emulate_mmap (struct file *file, unsigne
- }
- if (end < pend) {
- if (flags & MAP_SHARED)
-- printk(KERN_INFO
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_INFO
- "%s(%d): emulate_mmap() can't share tail (end=0x%lx)\n",
- current->comm, current->pid, end);
- ret = mmap_subpage(file, max(start, PAGE_START(end)), end, prot, flags,
-@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@ emulate_mmap (struct file *file, unsigne
- is_congruent = (flags & MAP_ANONYMOUS) || (offset_in_page(poff) == 0);
- if ((flags & MAP_SHARED) && !is_congruent)
-- printk(KERN_INFO "%s(%d): emulate_mmap() can't share contents of incongruent mmap "
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_INFO "%s(%d): emulate_mmap() can't share contents of incongruent mmap "
- "(addr=0x%lx,off=0x%llx)\n", current->comm, current->pid, start, off);
- DBG("mmap_body: mapping [0x%lx-0x%lx) %s with poff 0x%llx\n", pstart, pend,
-@@ -1521,7 +1521,7 @@ getreg (struct task_struct *child, int r
- return __USER_DS;
- case PT_CS: return __USER_CS;
- default:
-- printk(KERN_ERR "ia32.getreg(): unknown register %d\n", regno);
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_ERR "ia32.getreg(): unknown register %d\n", regno);
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-@@ -1547,18 +1547,18 @@ putreg (struct task_struct *child, int r
- case PT_EFL: child->thread.eflag = value; break;
- case PT_DS: case PT_ES: case PT_FS: case PT_GS: case PT_SS:
- if (value != __USER_DS)
-- printk(KERN_ERR
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_ERR
- "ia32.putreg: attempt to set invalid segment register %d = %x\n",
- regno, value);
- break;
- case PT_CS:
- if (value != __USER_CS)
-- printk(KERN_ERR
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_ERR
- "ia32.putreg: attempt to to set invalid segment register %d = %x\n",
- regno, value);
- break;
- default:
-- printk(KERN_ERR "ia32.putreg: unknown register %d\n", regno);
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_ERR "ia32.putreg: unknown register %d\n", regno);
- break;
- }
- }
-@@ -1799,7 +1799,7 @@ sys32_ptrace (int request, pid_t pid, un
- ret = -ESRCH;
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- child = find_task_by_pid(pid);
-+ child = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
- if (child)
- get_task_struct(child);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-@@ -2419,7 +2419,7 @@ sys32_sendfile (int out_fd, int in_fd, i
- ret = sys_sendfile(out_fd, in_fd, offset ? &of : NULL, count);
- set_fs(old_fs);
-- if (!ret && offset && put_user(of, offset))
-+ if (offset && put_user(of, offset))
- return -EFAULT;
- return ret;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:30.000000000 +0400
-@@ -430,8 +430,9 @@ acpi_numa_arch_fixup (void)
- {
- int i, j, node_from, node_to;
-- /* If there's no SRAT, fix the phys_id */
-+ /* If there's no SRAT, fix the phys_id and mark node 0 online */
- if (srat_num_cpus == 0) {
-+ node_set_online(0);
- node_cpuid[0].phys_id = hard_smp_processor_id();
- return;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -38,11 +38,21 @@ void foo(void)
- DEFINE(IA64_TASK_CLEAR_CHILD_TID_OFFSET,offsetof (struct task_struct, clear_child_tid));
- DEFINE(IA64_TASK_GROUP_LEADER_OFFSET, offsetof (struct task_struct, group_leader));
- DEFINE(IA64_TASK_PENDING_OFFSET,offsetof (struct task_struct, pending));
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ (struct task_struct, pids[PIDTYPE_PID].vnr));
- DEFINE(IA64_TASK_PID_OFFSET, offsetof (struct task_struct, pid));
- DEFINE(IA64_TASK_REAL_PARENT_OFFSET, offsetof (struct task_struct, real_parent));
- DEFINE(IA64_TASK_SIGHAND_OFFSET,offsetof (struct task_struct, sighand));
- DEFINE(IA64_TASK_SIGNAL_OFFSET,offsetof (struct task_struct, signal));
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ (struct task_struct, pids[PIDTYPE_TGID].vnr));
- DEFINE(IA64_TASK_TGID_OFFSET, offsetof (struct task_struct, tgid));
- DEFINE(IA64_TASK_THREAD_KSP_OFFSET, offsetof (struct task_struct, thread.ksp));
- DEFINE(IA64_TASK_THREAD_ON_USTACK_OFFSET, offsetof (struct task_struct, thread.on_ustack));
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -51,8 +51,11 @@
- * setup a null register window frame.
- */
- ENTRY(ia64_execve)
-- alloc loc1=ar.pfs,3,2,4,0
-+ /*
-+ * Allocate 8 input registers since ptrace() may clobber them
-+ */
-+ alloc loc1=ar.pfs,8,2,4,0
- mov loc0=rp
- .body
- mov out0=in0 // filename
-@@ -113,8 +116,11 @@ END(ia64_execve)
- * u64 tls)
- */
- GLOBAL_ENTRY(sys_clone2)
-- alloc r16=ar.pfs,6,2,6,0
-+ /*
-+ * Allocate 8 input registers since ptrace() may clobber them
-+ */
-+ alloc r16=ar.pfs,8,2,6,0
- adds r2=PT(R16)+IA64_SWITCH_STACK_SIZE+16,sp
- mov loc0=rp
-@@ -142,8 +148,11 @@ END(sys_clone2)
- * Deprecated. Use sys_clone2() instead.
- */
- GLOBAL_ENTRY(sys_clone)
-- alloc r16=ar.pfs,5,2,6,0
-+ /*
-+ * Allocate 8 input registers since ptrace() may clobber them
-+ */
-+ alloc r16=ar.pfs,8,2,6,0
- adds r2=PT(R16)+IA64_SWITCH_STACK_SIZE+16,sp
- mov loc0=rp
-@@ -1139,7 +1148,7 @@ ENTRY(notify_resume_user)
- ;;
- (pNonSys) mov out2=0 // out2==0 => not a syscall
- .fframe 16
-- .spillpsp ar.unat, 16 // (note that offset is relative to psp+0x10!)
-+ .spillsp ar.unat, 16
- st8 [sp]=r9,-16 // allocate space for ar.unat and save it
- st8 [out1]=loc1,-8 // save ar.pfs, out1=&sigscratch
- .body
-@@ -1165,7 +1174,7 @@ GLOBAL_ENTRY(sys_rt_sigsuspend)
- adds out2=8,sp // out2=&sigscratch->ar_pfs
- ;;
- .fframe 16
-- .spillpsp ar.unat, 16 // (note that offset is relative to psp+0x10!)
-+ .spillsp ar.unat, 16
- st8 [sp]=r9,-16 // allocate space for ar.unat and save it
- st8 [out2]=loc1,-8 // save ar.pfs, out2=&sigscratch
- .body
-@@ -1183,7 +1192,10 @@ END(sys_rt_sigsuspend)
- ENTRY(sys_rt_sigreturn)
-- alloc r2=ar.pfs,0,0,1,0
-+ /*
-+ * Allocate 8 input registers since ptrace() may clobber them
-+ */
-+ alloc r2=ar.pfs,8,0,1,0
- .prologue
- adds sp=-16,sp
-@@ -1537,5 +1549,19 @@ sys_call_table:
- data8 sys_ni_syscall
- data8 sys_ni_syscall
- data8 sys_ni_syscall
-+.rept 1500-1280
-+ data8 sys_ni_syscall // 1280 - 1499
-+ data8 sys_fairsched_mknod // 1500
-+ data8 sys_fairsched_rmnod
-+ data8 sys_fairsched_chwt
-+ data8 sys_fairsched_mvpr
-+ data8 sys_fairsched_rate
-+ data8 sys_getluid // 1505
-+ data8 sys_setluid
-+ data8 sys_setublimit
-+ data8 sys_ubstat
-+ data8 sys_lchmod
-+ data8 sys_lutime // 1510
- .org sys_call_table + 8*NR_syscalls // guard against failures to increase NR_syscalls
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:30.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1,14 +1,25 @@
- #include <linux/config.h>
- /*
-- * Preserved registers that are shared between code in ivt.S and entry.S. Be
-- * careful not to step on these!
-+ * Preserved registers that are shared between code in ivt.S and
-+ * entry.S. Be careful not to step on these!
- */
--#define pLvSys p1 /* set 1 if leave from syscall; otherwise, set 0 */
--#define pKStk p2 /* will leave_{kernel,syscall} return to kernel-stacks? */
--#define pUStk p3 /* will leave_{kernel,syscall} return to user-stacks? */
--#define pSys p4 /* are we processing a (synchronous) system call? */
--#define pNonSys p5 /* complement of pSys */
-+#define PRED_LEAVE_SYSCALL 1 /* TRUE iff leave from syscall */
-+#define PRED_KERNEL_STACK 2 /* returning to kernel-stacks? */
-+#define PRED_USER_STACK 3 /* returning to user-stacks? */
-+#define PRED_SYSCALL 4 /* inside a system call? */
-+#define PRED_NON_SYSCALL 5 /* complement of PRED_SYSCALL */
-+#ifdef __ASSEMBLY__
-+# define PASTE2(x,y) x##y
-+# define PASTE(x,y) PASTE2(x,y)
-+# define pUStk PASTE(p,PRED_USER_STACK)
-+# define pSys PASTE(p,PRED_SYSCALL)
-+# define pNonSys PASTE(p,PRED_NON_SYSCALL)
- #define PT(f) (IA64_PT_REGS_##f##_OFFSET)
- #define SW(f) (IA64_SWITCH_STACK_##f##_OFFSET)
-@@ -49,7 +60,7 @@
- .spillsp @priunat,SW(AR_UNAT)+16+(off); \
- .spillsp ar.rnat,SW(AR_RNAT)+16+(off); \
- .spillsp ar.bspstore,SW(AR_BSPSTORE)+16+(off); \
-- .spillsp pr,SW(PR)+16+(off))
-+ .spillsp pr,SW(PR)+16+(off)
- movl r28=1f; \
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:25.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ ENTRY(fsys_getpid)
- END(fsys_getpid)
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
- ENTRY(fsys_getppid)
- .prologue
- .altrp b6
-@@ -116,6 +117,7 @@ ENTRY(fsys_getppid)
- #endif
- END(fsys_getppid)
- ENTRY(fsys_set_tid_address)
- .prologue
-@@ -445,9 +447,9 @@ EX(.fail_efault, ld8 r14=[r33]) // r14
- ;;
- st8 [r2]=r14 // update current->blocked with new mask
-- cmpxchg4.acq r14=[r9],r18,ar.ccv // current->thread_info->flags <- r18
-+ cmpxchg4.acq r8=[r9],r18,ar.ccv // current->thread_info->flags <- r18
- ;;
-- p6,p0=r17,r14 // update failed?
-+ p6,p0=r17,r8 // update failed?
- (p6) br.cond.spnt.few 1b // yes -> retry
- #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-@@ -597,8 +599,9 @@ GLOBAL_ENTRY(fsys_bubble_down)
- ;;
- mov rp=r2 // set the real return addr
- tbit.z p8,p0=r3,TIF_SYSCALL_TRACE
--(p8) b6=b6 // ignore this return addr
-+ ;;
-+(p10) br.cond.spnt.many ia64_ret_from_syscall // p10==true means out registers are more than 8
-+(p8) b6=b6 // ignore this return addr
- br.cond.sptk ia64_trace_syscall
- END(fsys_bubble_down)
-@@ -626,7 +629,11 @@ fsyscall_table:
- data8 0 // chown
- data8 0 // lseek // 1040
- data8 fsys_getpid // getpid
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ data8 0 // getppid
- data8 fsys_getppid // getppid
- data8 0 // mount
- data8 0 // umount
- data8 0 // setuid // 1045
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ GLOBAL_ENTRY(__kernel_syscall_via_epc)
- mov r16=IA64_KR(CURRENT) // 12 cycle read latency
-+ p10,p9=r15
- mov r19=NR_syscalls-1
- ;;
- shladd r18=r17,3,r14
-@@ -119,7 +120,8 @@ GLOBAL_ENTRY(__kernel_syscall_via_epc)
- #endif
- mov r10=-1
-- mov r8=ENOSYS
-+(p10) mov r8=EINVAL
-+(p9) mov r8=ENOSYS
- END(__kernel_syscall_via_epc)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@
- #include <asm/delay.h>
- #include <asm/irq.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_task.h>
- /*
- * Linux has a controller-independent x86 interrupt architecture.
-@@ -256,15 +258,18 @@ int handle_IRQ_event(unsigned int irq,
- {
- int status = 1; /* Force the "do bottom halves" bit */
- int retval = 0;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
- if (!(action->flags & SA_INTERRUPT))
- local_irq_enable();
-+ ub = set_exec_ub(get_ub0());
- do {
- status |= action->flags;
- retval |= action->handler(irq, action->dev_id, regs);
- action = action->next;
- } while (action);
-+ (void)set_exec_ub(ub);
- if (status & SA_SAMPLE_RANDOM)
- add_interrupt_randomness(irq);
- local_irq_disable();
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ void
- ia64_handle_irq (ia64_vector vector, struct pt_regs *regs)
- {
- unsigned long saved_tpr;
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
- {
-@@ -137,6 +138,12 @@ ia64_handle_irq (ia64_vector vector, str
- * 16 (without this, it would be ~240, which could easily lead
- * to kernel stack overflows).
- */
-+#warning "Fix fixup_irqs & ia64_process_pending_intr to set correct env and ub!"
-+ ve = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
- irq_enter();
- saved_tpr = ia64_getreg(_IA64_REG_CR_TPR);
- ia64_srlz_d();
-@@ -162,6 +169,7 @@ ia64_handle_irq (ia64_vector vector, str
- * come through until ia64_eoi() has been done.
- */
- irq_exit();
-+ (void)set_exec_env(ve);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
- #include <asm/system.h>
- #include <asm/thread_info.h>
- #include <asm/unistd.h>
-+#include <asm/errno.h>
- #if 1
-@@ -732,10 +733,12 @@ ENTRY(break_fault)
- ssm psr.ic | PSR_DEFAULT_BITS
- ;;
- srlz.i // guarantee that interruption collection is on
-+ mov r3=NR_syscalls - 1
- ;;
- (p15) ssm psr.i // restore psr.i
-+ // p10==true means out registers are more than 8 or r15's Nat is true
-+(p10) br.cond.spnt.many ia64_ret_from_syscall
- ;;
-- mov r3=NR_syscalls - 1
- movl r16=sys_call_table
- adds r15=-1024,r15 // r15 contains the syscall number---subtract 1024
-@@ -836,8 +839,11 @@ END(interrupt)
- * On exit:
- * - executing on bank 1 registers
- * - psr.ic enabled, interrupts restored
-+ * - p10: TRUE if syscall is invoked with more than 8 out
-+ * registers or r15's Nat is true
- * - r1: kernel's gp
- * - r3: preserved (same as on entry)
-+ * - r8: -EINVAL if p10 is true
- * - r12: points to kernel stack
- * - r13: points to current task
- * - p15: TRUE if interrupts need to be re-enabled
-@@ -852,7 +858,7 @@ GLOBAL_ENTRY(ia64_syscall_setup)
- add r17=PT(R11),r1 // initialize second base pointer
- ;;
- alloc r19=ar.pfs,8,0,0,0 // ensure in0-in7 are writable
-- st8 [r16]=r29,PT(CR_IFS)-PT(CR_IPSR) // save cr.ipsr
-+ st8 [r16]=r29,PT(AR_PFS)-PT(CR_IPSR) // save cr.ipsr
- p8,p0=in0
- st8.spill [r17]=r11,PT(CR_IIP)-PT(R11) // save r11
-@@ -860,31 +866,36 @@ GLOBAL_ENTRY(ia64_syscall_setup)
- (pKStk) mov r18=r0 // make sure r18 isn't NaT
- ;;
-+ st8 [r16]=r26,PT(CR_IFS)-PT(AR_PFS) // save ar.pfs
- st8 [r17]=r28,PT(AR_UNAT)-PT(CR_IIP) // save cr.iip
- mov r28=b0 // save b0 (2 cyc)
--(p8) mov in0=-1
- ;;
-- st8 [r16]=r0,PT(AR_PFS)-PT(CR_IFS) // clear cr.ifs
- st8 [r17]=r25,PT(AR_RSC)-PT(AR_UNAT) // save ar.unat
--(p9) mov in1=-1
-+ dep r19=0,r19,38,26 // clear all bits but 0..37 [I0]
-+(p8) mov in0=-1
- ;;
-- st8 [r16]=r26,PT(AR_RNAT)-PT(AR_PFS) // save ar.pfs
-+ st8 [r16]=r19,PT(AR_RNAT)-PT(CR_IFS) // store ar.pfs.pfm in cr.ifs
-+ extr.u r11=r19,7,7 // I0 // get sol of ar.pfs
-+ and r8=0x7f,r19 // A // get sof of ar.pfs
- st8 [r17]=r27,PT(AR_BSPSTORE)-PT(AR_RSC)// save ar.rsc
-- p10,p0=in2
-+ p15,p0=r29,IA64_PSR_I_BIT // I0
-+(p9) mov in1=-1
-+ ;;
- (pUStk) sub r18=r18,r22 // r18=RSE.ndirty*8
-- p15,p0=r29,IA64_PSR_I_BIT
-- p11,p0=in3
-+ p10,p0=in2
-+ add r11=8,r11
- ;;
- (pKStk) adds r16=PT(PR)-PT(AR_RNAT),r16 // skip over ar_rnat field
- (pKStk) adds r17=PT(B0)-PT(AR_BSPSTORE),r17 // skip over ar_bspstore field
-+ p11,p0=in3
-+ ;;
- (p10) mov in2=-1
-+ p12,p0=in4 // [I0]
- (p11) mov in3=-1
-- p12,p0=in4
-- p13,p0=in5
- ;;
- (pUStk) st8 [r16]=r24,PT(PR)-PT(AR_RNAT) // save ar.rnat
- (pUStk) st8 [r17]=r23,PT(B0)-PT(AR_BSPSTORE) // save ar.bspstore
-@@ -892,36 +903,41 @@ GLOBAL_ENTRY(ia64_syscall_setup)
- ;;
- st8 [r16]=r31,PT(LOADRS)-PT(PR) // save predicates
- st8 [r17]=r28,PT(R1)-PT(B0) // save b0
--(p12) mov in4=-1
-+ p13,p0=in5 // [I0]
- ;;
- st8 [r16]=r18,PT(R12)-PT(LOADRS) // save ar.rsc value for "loadrs"
- st8.spill [r17]=r20,PT(R13)-PT(R1) // save original r1
--(p13) mov in5=-1
-+(p12) mov in4=-1
- ;;
- .mem.offset 0,0; st8.spill [r16]=r12,PT(AR_FPSR)-PT(R12) // save r12
- .mem.offset 8,0; st8.spill [r17]=r13,PT(R15)-PT(R13) // save r13
-- p14,p0=in6
-+(p13) mov in5=-1
- ;;
- st8 [r16]=r21,PT(R8)-PT(AR_FPSR) // save ar.fpsr
-- st8.spill [r17]=r15 // save r15
-- p8,p0=in7
-+ p14,p0=in6
-+ p10,p9=r11,r8 // frame size can't be more than local+8
- ;;
- stf8 [r16]=f1 // ensure pt_regs.r8 != 0 (see handle_syscall_error)
-+(p9) p10,p0=r15
- adds r12=-16,r1 // switch to kernel memory stack (with 16 bytes of scratch)
--(p14) mov in6=-1
-+ st8.spill [r17]=r15 // save r15
-+ p8,p0=in7
-+ nop.i 0
- mov r13=r2 // establish `current'
- movl r1=__gp // establish kernel global pointer
- ;;
-+(p14) mov in6=-1
- (p8) mov in7=-1
-- p9,p0=r15
-+ nop.i 0
- cmp.eq pSys,pNonSys=r0,r0 // set pSys=1, pNonSys=0
- movl r17=FPSR_DEFAULT
- ;;
- mov.m ar.fpsr=r17 // set ar.fpsr to kernel default value
--(p9) mov r15=-1
-+(p10) mov r8=-EINVAL
- br.ret.sptk.many b7
- END(ia64_syscall_setup)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -501,13 +501,13 @@ init_handler_platform (pal_min_state_are
- #endif
- {
- struct task_struct *g, *t;
-- do_each_thread (g, t) {
-+ do_each_thread_all(g, t) {
- if (t == current)
- continue;
- printk("\nBacktrace of pid %d (%s)\n", t->pid, t->comm);
- show_stack(t, NULL);
-- } while_each_thread (g, t);
-+ } while_each_thread_all(g, t);
- }
- #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
- if (!tasklist_lock.write_lock)
-@@ -691,6 +691,7 @@ ia64_mca_wakeup_ipi_wait(void)
- irr = ia64_getreg(_IA64_REG_CR_IRR3);
- break;
- }
-+ cpu_relax();
- } while (!(irr & (1UL << irr_bit))) ;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -2582,7 +2582,7 @@ pfm_task_incompatible(pfm_context_t *ctx
- return -EINVAL;
- }
-- if (task->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) {
-+ if (task->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) {
- DPRINT(("cannot attach to zombie task [%d]\n", task->pid));
- return -EBUSY;
- }
-@@ -2619,7 +2619,7 @@ pfm_get_task(pfm_context_t *ctx, pid_t p
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- p = find_task_by_pid(pid);
-+ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
- /* make sure task cannot go away while we operate on it */
- if (p) get_task_struct(p);
-@@ -4177,12 +4177,12 @@ pfm_check_task_exist(pfm_context_t *ctx)
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- do_each_thread (g, t) {
-+ do_each_thread_ve(g, t) {
- if (t->thread.pfm_context == ctx) {
- ret = 0;
- break;
- }
-- } while_each_thread (g, t);
-+ } while_each_thread_ve(g, t);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -185,6 +185,8 @@ default_idle (void)
- while (!need_resched())
- if (pal_halt && !pmu_active)
- safe_halt();
-+ else
-+ cpu_relax();
- }
-@@ -601,7 +603,7 @@ dump_fpu (struct pt_regs *pt, elf_fpregs
- return 1; /* f0-f31 are always valid so we always return 1 */
- }
--asmlinkage long
- sys_execve (char *filename, char **argv, char **envp, struct pt_regs *regs)
- {
- int error;
-@@ -626,6 +628,13 @@ kernel_thread (int (*fn)(void *), void *
- struct pt_regs pt;
- } regs;
-+ /* Don't allow kernel_thread() inside VE */
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ printk("kernel_thread call inside VE\n");
-+ dump_stack();
-+ return -EPERM;
-+ }
- memset(&regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
- = helper_fptr[0]; /* set entry point (IP) */
- = helper_fptr[1]; /* set GP */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- /*
- * Kernel support for the ptrace() and syscall tracing interfaces.
- *
-- * Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Hewlett-Packard Co
-+ * Copyright (C) 1999-2004 Hewlett-Packard Co
- * David Mosberger-Tang <>
- *
- * Derived from the x86 and Alpha versions. Most of the code in here
-@@ -31,9 +31,6 @@
- #include "entry.h"
--#define p4 (1UL << 4) /* for pSys (see entry.h) */
--#define p5 (1UL << 5) /* for pNonSys (see entry.h) */
- /*
- * Bits in the PSR that we allow ptrace() to change:
- * be, up, ac, mfl, mfh (the user mask; five bits total)
-@@ -304,7 +301,6 @@ put_rnat (struct task_struct *task, stru
- long num_regs, nbits;
- struct pt_regs *pt;
- unsigned long cfm, *urbs_kargs;
-- struct unw_frame_info info;
- pt = ia64_task_regs(task);
- kbsp = (unsigned long *) sw->ar_bspstore;
-@@ -316,11 +312,8 @@ put_rnat (struct task_struct *task, stru
- * If entered via syscall, don't allow user to set rnat bits
- * for syscall args.
- */
-- unw_init_from_blocked_task(&info,task);
-- if (unw_unwind_to_user(&info) == 0) {
-- unw_get_cfm(&info,&cfm);
-- urbs_kargs = ia64_rse_skip_regs(urbs_end,-(cfm & 0x7f));
-- }
-+ cfm = pt->cr_ifs;
-+ urbs_kargs = ia64_rse_skip_regs(urbs_end, -(cfm & 0x7f));
- }
- if (urbs_kargs >= urnat_addr)
-@@ -480,27 +473,18 @@ ia64_poke (struct task_struct *child, st
- unsigned long
- ia64_get_user_rbs_end (struct task_struct *child, struct pt_regs *pt, unsigned long *cfmp)
- {
-- unsigned long *krbs, *bspstore, cfm;
-- struct unw_frame_info info;
-+ unsigned long *krbs, *bspstore, cfm = pt->cr_ifs;
- long ndirty;
- krbs = (unsigned long *) child + IA64_RBS_OFFSET/8;
- bspstore = (unsigned long *) pt->ar_bspstore;
- ndirty = ia64_rse_num_regs(krbs, krbs + (pt->loadrs >> 19));
-- cfm = pt->cr_ifs & ~(1UL << 63);
-- if (in_syscall(pt)) {
-- /*
-- * If bit 63 of cr.ifs is cleared, the kernel was entered via a system
-- * call and we need to recover the CFM that existed on entry to the
-- * kernel by unwinding the kernel stack.
-- */
-- unw_init_from_blocked_task(&info, child);
-- if (unw_unwind_to_user(&info) == 0) {
-- unw_get_cfm(&info, &cfm);
-- ndirty += (cfm & 0x7f);
-- }
-- }
-+ if (in_syscall(pt))
-+ ndirty += (cfm & 0x7f);
-+ else
-+ cfm &= ~(1UL << 63); /* clear valid bit */
- if (cfmp)
- *cfmp = cfm;
- return (unsigned long) ia64_rse_skip_regs(bspstore, ndirty);
-@@ -591,7 +575,7 @@ find_thread_for_addr (struct task_struct
- goto out;
- } while ((p = next_thread(p)) != child);
-- do_each_thread(g, p) {
-+ do_each_thread_ve(g, p) {
- if (child->mm != mm)
- continue;
-@@ -599,7 +583,7 @@ find_thread_for_addr (struct task_struct
- child = p;
- goto out;
- }
-- } while_each_thread(g, p);
-+ } while_each_thread_ve(g, p);
- out:
- mmput(mm);
- return child;
-@@ -682,8 +666,8 @@ convert_to_non_syscall (struct task_stru
- }
- unw_get_pr(&prev_info, &pr);
-- pr &= ~pSys;
-- pr |= pNonSys;
-+ pr &= ~(1UL << PRED_SYSCALL);
-+ pr |= (1UL << PRED_NON_SYSCALL);
- unw_set_pr(&prev_info, pr);
- pt->cr_ifs = (1UL << 63) | cfm;
-@@ -854,6 +838,13 @@ access_uarea (struct task_struct *child,
- *data = (pt->cr_ipsr & IPSR_READ_MASK);
- return 0;
-+ case PT_AR_RSC:
-+ if (write_access)
-+ pt->ar_rsc = *data | (3 << 2); /* force PL3 */
-+ else
-+ *data = pt->ar_rsc;
-+ return 0;
- case PT_AR_RNAT:
- urbs_end = ia64_get_user_rbs_end(child, pt, NULL);
- rnat_addr = (long) ia64_rse_rnat_addr((long *) urbs_end);
-@@ -909,9 +900,6 @@ access_uarea (struct task_struct *child,
- ptr = (unsigned long *)
- ((long) pt + offsetof(struct pt_regs, ar_bspstore));
- break;
-- case PT_AR_RSC:
-- ptr = (unsigned long *) ((long) pt + offsetof(struct pt_regs, ar_rsc));
-- break;
- case PT_AR_UNAT:
- ptr = (unsigned long *) ((long) pt + offsetof(struct pt_regs, ar_unat));
- break;
-@@ -997,12 +985,14 @@ access_uarea (struct task_struct *child,
- }
- static long
--ptrace_getregs (struct task_struct *child, struct pt_all_user_regs *ppr)
-+ptrace_getregs (struct task_struct *child, struct pt_all_user_regs __user *ppr)
- {
-+ unsigned long psr, ec, lc, rnat, bsp, cfm, nat_bits, val;
-+ struct unw_frame_info info;
-+ struct ia64_fpreg fpval;
- struct switch_stack *sw;
- struct pt_regs *pt;
- long ret, retval;
-- struct unw_frame_info info;
- char nat = 0;
- int i;
-@@ -1023,12 +1013,21 @@ ptrace_getregs (struct task_struct *chil
- return -EIO;
- }
-+ if (access_uarea(child, PT_CR_IPSR, &psr, 0) < 0
-+ || access_uarea(child, PT_AR_EC, &ec, 0) < 0
-+ || access_uarea(child, PT_AR_LC, &lc, 0) < 0
-+ || access_uarea(child, PT_AR_RNAT, &rnat, 0) < 0
-+ || access_uarea(child, PT_AR_BSP, &bsp, 0) < 0
-+ || access_uarea(child, PT_CFM, &cfm, 0)
-+ || access_uarea(child, PT_NAT_BITS, &nat_bits, 0))
-+ return -EIO;
- retval = 0;
- /* control regs */
- retval |= __put_user(pt->cr_iip, &ppr->cr_iip);
-- retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_CR_IPSR, &ppr->cr_ipsr, 0);
-+ retval |= __put_user(psr, &ppr->cr_ipsr);
- /* app regs */
-@@ -1039,11 +1038,11 @@ ptrace_getregs (struct task_struct *chil
- retval |= __put_user(pt->ar_ccv, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_CCV]);
- retval |= __put_user(pt->ar_fpsr, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_FPSR]);
-- retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_AR_EC, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_EC], 0);
-- retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_AR_LC, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_LC], 0);
-- retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_AR_RNAT, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_RNAT], 0);
-- retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_AR_BSP, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_BSP], 0);
-- retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_CFM, &ppr->cfm, 0);
-+ retval |= __put_user(ec, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_EC]);
-+ retval |= __put_user(lc, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_LC]);
-+ retval |= __put_user(rnat, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_RNAT]);
-+ retval |= __put_user(bsp, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_BSP]);
-+ retval |= __put_user(cfm, &ppr->cfm);
- /* gr1-gr3 */
-@@ -1053,7 +1052,9 @@ ptrace_getregs (struct task_struct *chil
- /* gr4-gr7 */
- for (i = 4; i < 8; i++) {
-- retval |= unw_access_gr(&info, i, &ppr->gr[i], &nat, 0);
-+ if (unw_access_gr(&info, i, &val, &nat, 0) < 0)
-+ return -EIO;
-+ retval |= __put_user(val, &ppr->gr[i]);
- }
- /* gr8-gr11 */
-@@ -1077,7 +1078,9 @@ ptrace_getregs (struct task_struct *chil
- /* b1-b5 */
- for (i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
-- retval |= unw_access_br(&info, i, &ppr->br[i], 0);
-+ if (unw_access_br(&info, i, &val, 0) < 0)
-+ return -EIO;
-+ __put_user(val, &ppr->br[i]);
- }
- /* b6-b7 */
-@@ -1088,8 +1091,9 @@ ptrace_getregs (struct task_struct *chil
- /* fr2-fr5 */
- for (i = 2; i < 6; i++) {
-- retval |= access_fr(&info, i, 0, (unsigned long *) &ppr->fr[i], 0);
-- retval |= access_fr(&info, i, 1, (unsigned long *) &ppr->fr[i] + 1, 0);
-+ if (unw_get_fr(&info, i, &fpval) < 0)
-+ return -EIO;
-+ retval |= __copy_to_user(&ppr->fr[i], &fpval, sizeof (fpval));
- }
- /* fr6-fr11 */
-@@ -1103,8 +1107,9 @@ ptrace_getregs (struct task_struct *chil
- /* fr16-fr31 */
- for (i = 16; i < 32; i++) {
-- retval |= access_fr(&info, i, 0, (unsigned long *) &ppr->fr[i], 0);
-- retval |= access_fr(&info, i, 1, (unsigned long *) &ppr->fr[i] + 1, 0);
-+ if (unw_get_fr(&info, i, &fpval) < 0)
-+ return -EIO;
-+ retval |= __copy_to_user(&ppr->fr[i], &fpval, sizeof (fpval));
- }
- /* fph */
-@@ -1118,22 +1123,25 @@ ptrace_getregs (struct task_struct *chil
- /* nat bits */
-- retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_NAT_BITS, &ppr->nat, 0);
-+ retval |= __put_user(nat_bits, &ppr->nat);
- ret = retval ? -EIO : 0;
- return ret;
- }
- static long
--ptrace_setregs (struct task_struct *child, struct pt_all_user_regs *ppr)
-+ptrace_setregs (struct task_struct *child, struct pt_all_user_regs __user *ppr)
- {
-+ unsigned long psr, rsc, ec, lc, rnat, bsp, cfm, nat_bits, val = 0;
-+ struct unw_frame_info info;
- struct switch_stack *sw;
-+ struct ia64_fpreg fpval;
- struct pt_regs *pt;
- long ret, retval;
-- struct unw_frame_info info;
-- char nat = 0;
- int i;
-+ memset(&fpval, 0, sizeof(fpval));
- retval = verify_area(VERIFY_READ, ppr, sizeof(struct pt_all_user_regs));
- if (retval != 0) {
- return -EIO;
-@@ -1156,22 +1164,22 @@ ptrace_setregs (struct task_struct *chil
- /* control regs */
- retval |= __get_user(pt->cr_iip, &ppr->cr_iip);
-- retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_CR_IPSR, &ppr->cr_ipsr, 1);
-+ retval |= __get_user(psr, &ppr->cr_ipsr);
- /* app regs */
- retval |= __get_user(pt->ar_pfs, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_PFS]);
-- retval |= __get_user(pt->ar_rsc, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_RSC]);
-+ retval |= __get_user(rsc, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_RSC]);
- retval |= __get_user(pt->ar_bspstore, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_BSPSTORE]);
- retval |= __get_user(pt->ar_unat, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_UNAT]);
- retval |= __get_user(pt->ar_ccv, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_CCV]);
- retval |= __get_user(pt->ar_fpsr, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_FPSR]);
-- retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_AR_EC, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_EC], 1);
-- retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_AR_LC, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_LC], 1);
-- retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_AR_RNAT, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_RNAT], 1);
-- retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_AR_BSP, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_BSP], 1);
-- retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_CFM, &ppr->cfm, 1);
-+ retval |= __get_user(ec, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_EC]);
-+ retval |= __get_user(lc, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_LC]);
-+ retval |= __get_user(rnat, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_RNAT]);
-+ retval |= __get_user(bsp, &ppr->ar[PT_AUR_BSP]);
-+ retval |= __get_user(cfm, &ppr->cfm);
- /* gr1-gr3 */
-@@ -1181,11 +1189,9 @@ ptrace_setregs (struct task_struct *chil
- /* gr4-gr7 */
- for (i = 4; i < 8; i++) {
-- long ret = unw_get_gr(&info, i, &ppr->gr[i], &nat);
-- if (ret < 0) {
-- return ret;
-- }
-- retval |= unw_access_gr(&info, i, &ppr->gr[i], &nat, 1);
-+ retval |= __get_user(val, &ppr->gr[i]);
-+ if (unw_set_gr(&info, i, val, 0) < 0) /* NaT bit will be set via PT_NAT_BITS */
-+ return -EIO;
- }
- /* gr8-gr11 */
-@@ -1209,7 +1215,8 @@ ptrace_setregs (struct task_struct *chil
- /* b1-b5 */
- for (i = 1; i < 6; i++) {
-- retval |= unw_access_br(&info, i, &ppr->br[i], 1);
-+ retval |= __get_user(val, &ppr->br[i]);
-+ unw_set_br(&info, i, val);
- }
- /* b6-b7 */
-@@ -1220,8 +1227,9 @@ ptrace_setregs (struct task_struct *chil
- /* fr2-fr5 */
- for (i = 2; i < 6; i++) {
-- retval |= access_fr(&info, i, 0, (unsigned long *) &ppr->fr[i], 1);
-- retval |= access_fr(&info, i, 1, (unsigned long *) &ppr->fr[i] + 1, 1);
-+ retval |= __copy_from_user(&fpval, &ppr->fr[i], sizeof(fpval));
-+ if (unw_set_fr(&info, i, fpval) < 0)
-+ return -EIO;
- }
- /* fr6-fr11 */
-@@ -1235,8 +1243,9 @@ ptrace_setregs (struct task_struct *chil
- /* fr16-fr31 */
- for (i = 16; i < 32; i++) {
-- retval |= access_fr(&info, i, 0, (unsigned long *) &ppr->fr[i], 1);
-- retval |= access_fr(&info, i, 1, (unsigned long *) &ppr->fr[i] + 1, 1);
-+ retval |= __copy_from_user(&fpval, &ppr->fr[i], sizeof(fpval));
-+ if (unw_set_fr(&info, i, fpval) < 0)
-+ return -EIO;
- }
- /* fph */
-@@ -1250,7 +1259,16 @@ ptrace_setregs (struct task_struct *chil
- /* nat bits */
-- retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_NAT_BITS, &ppr->nat, 1);
-+ retval |= __get_user(nat_bits, &ppr->nat);
-+ retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_CR_IPSR, &psr, 1);
-+ retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_AR_RSC, &rsc, 1);
-+ retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_AR_EC, &ec, 1);
-+ retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_AR_LC, &lc, 1);
-+ retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_AR_RNAT, &rnat, 1);
-+ retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_AR_BSP, &bsp, 1);
-+ retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_CFM, &cfm, 1);
-+ retval |= access_uarea(child, PT_NAT_BITS, &nat_bits, 1);
- ret = retval ? -EIO : 0;
- return ret;
-@@ -1300,7 +1318,7 @@ sys_ptrace (long request, pid_t pid, uns
- ret = -ESRCH;
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
- {
-- child = find_task_by_pid(pid);
-+ child = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
- if (child) {
- if (peek_or_poke)
- child = find_thread_for_addr(child, addr);
-@@ -1393,7 +1411,7 @@ sys_ptrace (long request, pid_t pid, uns
- * sigkill. Perhaps it should be put in the status
- * that it wants to exit.
- */
-- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
-+ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
- goto out_tsk;
- child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:30.000000000 +0400
-@@ -417,7 +417,12 @@ retry:
- if (!data->saved_num)
- call_on_cpu(cpu, salinfo_log_read_cpu, data);
-- data->state = data->log_size ? STATE_LOG_RECORD : STATE_NO_DATA;
-+ if (!data->log_size) {
-+ data->state = STATE_NO_DATA;
-+ clear_bit(cpu, &data->cpu_event);
-+ } else {
-+ data->state = STATE_LOG_RECORD;
-+ }
- }
- static ssize_t
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ sys_sigaltstack (const stack_t *uss, sta
- static long
- restore_sigcontext (struct sigcontext *sc, struct sigscratch *scr)
- {
-- unsigned long ip, flags, nat, um, cfm;
-+ unsigned long ip, flags, nat, um, cfm, rsc;
- long err;
- /* Always make any pending restarted system calls return -EINTR */
-@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ restore_sigcontext (struct sigcontext *s
- err |= __get_user(ip, &sc->sc_ip); /* instruction pointer */
- err |= __get_user(cfm, &sc->sc_cfm);
- err |= __get_user(um, &sc->sc_um); /* user mask */
-- err |= __get_user(scr->pt.ar_rsc, &sc->sc_ar_rsc);
-+ err |= __get_user(rsc, &sc->sc_ar_rsc);
- err |= __get_user(scr->pt.ar_unat, &sc->sc_ar_unat);
- err |= __get_user(scr->pt.ar_fpsr, &sc->sc_ar_fpsr);
- err |= __get_user(scr->pt.ar_pfs, &sc->sc_ar_pfs);
-@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ restore_sigcontext (struct sigcontext *s
- err |= __copy_from_user(&scr->pt.r15, &sc->sc_gr[15], 8); /* r15 */
- scr->pt.cr_ifs = cfm | (1UL << 63);
-+ scr->pt.ar_rsc = rsc | (3 << 2); /* force PL3 */
- /* establish new instruction pointer: */
- scr->pt.cr_iip = ip & ~0x3UL;
-@@ -267,7 +268,7 @@ ia64_rt_sigreturn (struct sigscratch *sc
- si.si_signo = SIGSEGV;
- si.si_errno = 0;
- si.si_code = SI_KERNEL;
-- si.si_pid = current->pid;
-+ si.si_pid = virt_pid(current);
- si.si_uid = current->uid;
- si.si_addr = sc;
- force_sig_info(SIGSEGV, &si, current);
-@@ -290,12 +291,10 @@ setup_sigcontext (struct sigcontext *sc,
- if (on_sig_stack((unsigned long) sc))
- flags |= IA64_SC_FLAG_ONSTACK;
-- if ((ifs & (1UL << 63)) == 0) {
-- /* if cr_ifs isn't valid, we got here through a syscall */
-+ if ((ifs & (1UL << 63)) == 0)
-+ /* if cr_ifs doesn't have the valid bit set, we got here through a syscall */
- flags |= IA64_SC_FLAG_IN_SYSCALL;
-- cfm = scr->ar_pfs & ((1UL << 38) - 1);
-- } else
-- cfm = ifs & ((1UL << 38) - 1);
-+ cfm = ifs & ((1UL << 38) - 1);
- ia64_flush_fph(current);
- if ((current->thread.flags & IA64_THREAD_FPH_VALID)) {
- flags |= IA64_SC_FLAG_FPH_VALID;
-@@ -429,7 +428,7 @@ setup_frame (int sig, struct k_sigaction
- si.si_signo = SIGSEGV;
- si.si_errno = 0;
- si.si_code = SI_KERNEL;
-- si.si_pid = current->pid;
-+ si.si_pid = virt_pid(current);
- si.si_uid = current->uid;
- si.si_addr = frame;
- force_sig_info(SIGSEGV, &si, current);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:30.000000000 +0400
-@@ -290,11 +290,11 @@ smp_call_function_single (int cpuid, voi
- /* Wait for response */
- while (atomic_read(&data.started) != cpus)
-- barrier();
-+ cpu_relax();
- if (wait)
- while (atomic_read(&data.finished) != cpus)
-- barrier();
-+ cpu_relax();
- call_data = NULL;
- spin_unlock_bh(&call_lock);
-@@ -349,11 +349,11 @@ smp_call_function (void (*func) (void *i
- /* Wait for response */
- while (atomic_read(&data.started) != cpus)
-- barrier();
-+ cpu_relax();
- if (wait)
- while (atomic_read(&data.finished) != cpus)
-- barrier();
-+ cpu_relax();
- call_data = NULL;
- spin_unlock(&call_lock);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:52.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ fork_by_hand (void)
- * Don't care about the IP and regs settings since we'll never reschedule the
- * forked task.
- */
-- return copy_process(CLONE_VM|CLONE_IDLETASK, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
-+ return copy_process(CLONE_VM|CLONE_IDLETASK, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
- }
- struct create_idle {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@ u64 jiffies_64 = INITIAL_JIFFIES;
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(jiffies_64);
-+unsigned int cpu_khz; /* TSC clocks / usec, not used here */
- #define TIME_KEEPER_ID 0 /* smp_processor_id() of time-keeper */
-@@ -389,6 +392,8 @@ ia64_init_itm (void)
- register_time_interpolator(&itc_interpolator);
- }
-+ cpu_khz = local_cpu_data->proc_freq / 1000;
- /* Setup the CPU local timer tick */
- ia64_cpu_local_tick();
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:24.000000000 +0400
-@@ -35,34 +35,6 @@ trap_init (void)
- fpswa_interface = __va(ia64_boot_param->fpswa);
- }
-- * Unlock any spinlocks which will prevent us from getting the message out (timerlist_lock
-- * is acquired through the console unblank code)
-- */
--bust_spinlocks (int yes)
-- int loglevel_save = console_loglevel;
-- if (yes) {
-- oops_in_progress = 1;
-- return;
-- }
--#ifdef CONFIG_VT
-- unblank_screen();
-- oops_in_progress = 0;
-- /*
-- * OK, the message is on the console. Now we call printk() without
-- * oops_in_progress set so that printk will give klogd a poke. Hold onto
-- * your hats...
-- */
-- console_loglevel = 15; /* NMI oopser may have shut the console up */
-- printk(" ");
-- console_loglevel = loglevel_save;
- void
- die (const char *str, struct pt_regs *regs, long err)
- {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:14.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <asm/unaligned.h>
--extern void die_if_kernel(char *str, struct pt_regs *regs, long err) __attribute__ ((noreturn));
-+extern void die_if_kernel(char *str, struct pt_regs *regs, long err);
-@@ -1281,7 +1281,7 @@ within_logging_rate_limit (void)
- {
- static unsigned long count, last_time;
-- if (jiffies - last_time > 5*HZ)
-+ if (jiffies - last_time > 60*HZ)
- count = 0;
- if (++count < 5) {
- last_time = jiffies;
-@@ -1339,7 +1339,7 @@ ia64_handle_unaligned (unsigned long ifa
- if (user_mode(regs))
- tty_write_message(current->signal->tty, buf);
- buf[len-1] = '\0'; /* drop '\r' */
-- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s", buf); /* watch for command names containing %s */
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_WARNING "%s", buf); /* watch for command names containing %s */
- }
- } else {
- if (within_logging_rate_limit())
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:30.000000000 +0400
-@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@
- #include "unwind_i.h"
- #define MIN(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
--#define p5 5
- #define UNW_LOG_CACHE_SIZE 7 /* each unw_script is ~256 bytes in size */
-@@ -365,7 +364,7 @@ unw_access_gr (struct unw_frame_info *in
- if (info->pri_unat_loc)
- nat_addr = info->pri_unat_loc;
- else
-- nat_addr = &info->sw->ar_unat;
-+ nat_addr = &info->sw->caller_unat;
- nat_mask = (1UL << ((long) addr & 0x1f8)/8);
- }
- } else {
-@@ -527,7 +526,7 @@ unw_access_ar (struct unw_frame_info *in
- case UNW_AR_UNAT:
- addr = info->unat_loc;
- if (!addr)
-- addr = &info->sw->ar_unat;
-+ addr = &info->sw->caller_unat;
- break;
- case UNW_AR_LC:
-@@ -1787,7 +1786,7 @@ run_script (struct unw_script *script, s
- if (!state->pri_unat_loc)
-- state->pri_unat_loc = &state->sw->ar_unat;
-+ state->pri_unat_loc = &state->sw->caller_unat;
- /* register off. is a multiple of 8, so the least 3 bits (type) are 0 */
- s[dst+1] = ((unsigned long) state->pri_unat_loc - s[dst]) | UNW_NAT_MEMSTK;
- break;
-@@ -1905,7 +1904,7 @@ unw_unwind (struct unw_frame_info *info)
- num_regs = 0;
- if ((info->flags & UNW_FLAG_INTERRUPT_FRAME)) {
- info->pt = info->sp + 16;
-- if ((pr & (1UL << pNonSys)) != 0)
-+ if ((pr & (1UL << PRED_NON_SYSCALL)) != 0)
- num_regs = *info->cfm_loc & 0x7f; /* size of frame */
- info->pfs_loc =
- (unsigned long *) (info->pt + offsetof(struct pt_regs, ar_pfs));
-@@ -1951,20 +1950,30 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(unw_unwind);
- int
- unw_unwind_to_user (struct unw_frame_info *info)
- {
-- unsigned long ip;
-+ unsigned long ip, sp, pr = 0;
- while (unw_unwind(info) >= 0) {
-- if (unw_get_rp(info, &ip) < 0) {
-- unw_get_ip(info, &ip);
-- UNW_DPRINT(0, "unwind.%s: failed to read return pointer (ip=0x%lx)\n",
-- __FUNCTION__, ip);
-- return -1;
-+ unw_get_sp(info, &sp);
-+ if ((long)((unsigned long)info->task + IA64_STK_OFFSET - sp)
-+ < IA64_PT_REGS_SIZE) {
-+ UNW_DPRINT(0, "unwind.%s: ran off the top of the kernel stack\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__);
-+ break;
- }
-- if (ip < FIXADDR_USER_END)
-+ if (unw_is_intr_frame(info) &&
-+ (pr & (1UL << PRED_USER_STACK)))
- return 0;
-+ if (unw_get_pr (info, &pr) < 0) {
-+ unw_get_rp(info, &ip);
-+ UNW_DPRINT(0, "unwind.%s: failed to read "
-+ "predicate register (ip=0x%lx)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__, ip);
-+ return -1;
-+ }
- }
- unw_get_ip(info, &ip);
-- UNW_DPRINT(0, "unwind.%s: failed to unwind to user-level (ip=0x%lx)\n", __FUNCTION__, ip);
-+ UNW_DPRINT(0, "unwind.%s: failed to unwind to user-level (ip=0x%lx)\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__, ip);
- return -1;
- }
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(unw_unwind_to_user);
-@@ -2239,11 +2248,11 @@ unw_init (void)
- if (8*sizeof(unw_hash_index_t) < UNW_LOG_HASH_SIZE)
- unw_hash_index_t_is_too_narrow();
-- unw.sw_off[unw.preg_index[UNW_REG_PRI_UNAT_GR]] = SW(AR_UNAT);
-+ unw.sw_off[unw.preg_index[UNW_REG_PRI_UNAT_GR]] = SW(CALLER_UNAT);
- unw.sw_off[unw.preg_index[UNW_REG_BSPSTORE]] = SW(AR_BSPSTORE);
-- unw.sw_off[unw.preg_index[UNW_REG_PFS]] = SW(AR_UNAT);
-+ unw.sw_off[unw.preg_index[UNW_REG_PFS]] = SW(AR_PFS);
- unw.sw_off[unw.preg_index[UNW_REG_RP]] = SW(B0);
-- unw.sw_off[unw.preg_index[UNW_REG_UNAT]] = SW(AR_UNAT);
-+ unw.sw_off[unw.preg_index[UNW_REG_UNAT]] = SW(CALLER_UNAT);
- unw.sw_off[unw.preg_index[UNW_REG_PR]] = SW(PR);
- unw.sw_off[unw.preg_index[UNW_REG_LC]] = SW(AR_LC);
- unw.sw_off[unw.preg_index[UNW_REG_FPSR]] = SW(AR_FPSR);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:30.000000000 +0400
-@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ EK(.ex_handler, (p[D]) st8 [dst1] = t15,
- add src_pre_mem=0,src0 // prefetch src pointer
- add dst_pre_mem=0,dst0 // prefetch dest pointer
- and src0=-8,src0 // 1st src pointer
--(p7) mov = r21
-+(p7) mov = cnt
- (p8) mov = r0
- ;;
-@@ -634,8 +634,11 @@ END(memcpy)
- clrrrb
- ;;
- alloc saved_pfs_stack=ar.pfs,3,3,3,0
-+ p8,p0=A,r0
- sub B = dst0, saved_in0 // how many byte copied so far
- ;;
-+(p8) mov A = 0; // A shouldn't be negative, cap it
-+ ;;
- sub C = A, B
- sub D = saved_in2, A
- ;;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:30.000000000 +0400
-@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ swiotlb_map_single (struct device *hwdev
- /*
- * Since DMA is i-cache coherent, any (complete) pages that were written via
-- * DMA can be marked as "clean" so that update_mmu_cache() doesn't have to
-+ * DMA can be marked as "clean" so that lazy_mmu_prot_update() doesn't have to
- * flush them when they get mapped into an executable vm-area.
- */
- static void
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
- #include <linux/efi.h>
- #include <linux/mm.h>
- #include <linux/swap.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
- #include <asm/meminit.h>
- #include <asm/pgalloc.h>
-@@ -297,3 +298,5 @@ paging_init (void)
- #endif /* !CONFIG_VIRTUAL_MEM_MAP */
- zero_page_memmap_ptr = virt_to_page(ia64_imva(empty_zero_page));
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
- #include <asm/meminit.h>
- #include <asm/numa.h>
- #include <asm/sections.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
- /*
- * Track per-node information needed to setup the boot memory allocator, the
-@@ -671,3 +672,5 @@ void paging_init(void)
- zero_page_memmap_ptr = virt_to_page(ia64_imva(empty_zero_page));
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <asm/hardirq.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
- extern void die (char *, struct pt_regs *, long);
- /*
-@@ -36,6 +38,11 @@ expand_backing_store (struct vm_area_str
- if (address - vma->vm_start > current->rlim[RLIMIT_STACK].rlim_cur
- || (((vma->vm_mm->total_vm + grow) << PAGE_SHIFT) > current->rlim[RLIMIT_AS].rlim_cur))
- return -ENOMEM;
-+ if (ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(vma->vm_mm), PAGE_SIZE,
-+ vma->vm_flags, vma->vm_file, UB_HARD))
-+ return -ENOMEM;
- vma->vm_end += PAGE_SIZE;
- vma->vm_mm->total_vm += grow;
- if (vma->vm_flags & VM_LOCKED)
-@@ -213,9 +220,6 @@ ia64_do_page_fault (unsigned long addres
- return;
- }
-- if (ia64_done_with_exception(regs))
-- return;
- /*
- * Since we have no vma's for region 5, we might get here even if the address is
- * valid, due to the VHPT walker inserting a non present translation that becomes
-@@ -226,6 +230,9 @@ ia64_do_page_fault (unsigned long addres
- if (REGION_NUMBER(address) == 5 && mapped_kernel_page_is_present(address))
- return;
-+ if (ia64_done_with_exception(regs))
-+ return;
- /*
- * Oops. The kernel tried to access some bad page. We'll have to terminate things
- * with extreme prejudice.
-@@ -244,13 +251,13 @@ ia64_do_page_fault (unsigned long addres
- out_of_memory:
- up_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
-- if (current->pid == 1) {
-- yield();
-- down_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
-- goto survive;
-- }
-- printk(KERN_CRIT "VM: killing process %s\n", current->comm);
-- if (user_mode(regs))
-- do_exit(SIGKILL);
-+ if (user_mode(regs)) {
-+ /*
-+ * 0-order allocation always success if something really
-+ * fatal not happen: beancounter overdraft or OOM. Den
-+ */
-+ force_sig(SIGKILL, current);
-+ return;
-+ }
- goto no_context;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
- #include <asm/unistd.h>
- #include <asm/mca.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
- DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct mmu_gather, mmu_gathers);
- extern void ia64_tlb_init (void);
-@@ -76,7 +78,7 @@ check_pgt_cache (void)
- }
- void
--update_mmu_cache (struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long vaddr, pte_t pte)
-+lazy_mmu_prot_update (pte_t pte)
- {
- unsigned long addr;
- struct page *page;
-@@ -85,7 +87,6 @@ update_mmu_cache (struct vm_area_struct
- return; /* not an executable page... */
- page = pte_page(pte);
-- /* don't use VADDR: it may not be mapped on this CPU (or may have just been flushed): */
- addr = (unsigned long) page_address(page);
- if (test_bit(PG_arch_1, &page->flags))
-@@ -118,6 +119,10 @@ ia64_init_addr_space (void)
- ia64_set_rbs_bot();
-+ if (ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(current->mm), PAGE_SIZE,
-+ return;
- /*
- * If we're out of memory and kmem_cache_alloc() returns NULL, we simply ignore
- * the problem. When the process attempts to write to the register backing store
-@@ -131,8 +136,18 @@ ia64_init_addr_space (void)
- vma->vm_end = vma->vm_start + PAGE_SIZE;
- vma->vm_page_prot = protection_map[VM_DATA_DEFAULT_FLAGS & 0x7];
-- insert_vm_struct(current->mm, vma);
-- }
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
-+ if (insert_vm_struct(current->mm, vma)) {
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
-+ kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, vma);
-+ ub_memory_uncharge(mm_ub(current->mm), PAGE_SIZE,
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
-+ } else
-+ ub_memory_uncharge(mm_ub(current->mm), PAGE_SIZE,
- /* map NaT-page at address zero to speed up speculative dereferencing of NULL: */
- if (!(current->personality & MMAP_PAGE_ZERO)) {
-@@ -143,7 +158,13 @@ ia64_init_addr_space (void)
- vma->vm_end = PAGE_SIZE;
- vma->vm_page_prot = __pgprot(pgprot_val(PAGE_READONLY) | _PAGE_MA_NAT);
- vma->vm_flags = VM_READ | VM_MAYREAD | VM_IO | VM_RESERVED;
-- insert_vm_struct(current->mm, vma);
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
-+ if (insert_vm_struct(current->mm, vma)) {
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
-+ kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, vma);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- }
- }
- }
-@@ -260,8 +281,9 @@ setup_gate (void)
- struct page *page;
- /*
-- * Map the gate page twice: once read-only to export the ELF headers etc. and once
-- * execute-only page to enable privilege-promotion via "epc":
-+ * Map the gate page twice: once read-only to export the ELF
-+ * headers etc. and once execute-only page to enable
-+ * privilege-promotion via "epc":
- */
- page = virt_to_page(ia64_imva(__start_gate_section));
- put_kernel_page(page, GATE_ADDR, PAGE_READONLY);
-@@ -270,6 +292,20 @@ setup_gate (void)
- put_kernel_page(page, GATE_ADDR + PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_GATE);
- #else
- put_kernel_page(page, GATE_ADDR + PERCPU_PAGE_SIZE, PAGE_GATE);
-+ /* Fill in the holes (if any) with read-only zero pages: */
-+ {
-+ unsigned long addr;
-+ for (addr = GATE_ADDR + PAGE_SIZE;
-+ addr += PAGE_SIZE)
-+ {
-+ put_kernel_page(ZERO_PAGE(0), addr,
-+ put_kernel_page(ZERO_PAGE(0), addr + PERCPU_PAGE_SIZE,
-+ }
-+ }
- #endif
- ia64_patch_gate();
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ wrap_mmu_context (struct mm_struct *mm)
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
- repeat:
-- for_each_process(tsk) {
-+ for_each_process_all(tsk) {
- if (!tsk->mm)
- continue;
- tsk_context = tsk->mm->context;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:31.000000000 +0400
-@@ -55,13 +55,13 @@ struct pci_fixup pcibios_fixups[1];
- */
- #define PCI_SAL_ADDRESS(seg, bus, devfn, reg) \
-- ((u64)(seg << 24) | (u64)(bus << 16) | \
-+ ((u64)((u64) seg << 24) | (u64)(bus << 16) | \
- (u64)(devfn << 8) | (u64)(reg))
- /* SAL 3.2 adds support for extended config space. */
- #define PCI_SAL_EXT_ADDRESS(seg, bus, devfn, reg) \
-- ((u64)(seg << 28) | (u64)(bus << 20) | \
-+ ((u64)((u64) seg << 28) | (u64)(bus << 20) | \
- (u64)(devfn << 12) | (u64)(reg))
- static int
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ static int hwgfs_symlink(struct inode *
- inode = hwgfs_get_inode(dir->i_sb, S_IFLNK|S_IRWXUGO, 0);
- if (inode) {
- int l = strlen(symname)+1;
-- error = page_symlink(inode, symname, l);
-+ error = page_symlink(inode, symname, l, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!error) {
- d_instantiate(dentry, inode);
- dget(dentry);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:26.000000000 +0400
-@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ asmlinkage int sys_ptrace(long request,
- long tmp;
- ret = 0;
-- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
-+ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
- break;
- child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
- /* make sure the single step bit is not set. */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:26.000000000 +0400
-@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ asmlinkage int sys_ptrace(long request,
- long tmp;
- ret = 0;
-- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
-+ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
- break;
- child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
- /* make sure the single step bit is not set. */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:25.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -127,7 +127,9 @@ static void set_brk(unsigned long start,
- end = PAGE_ALIGN(end);
- if (end <= start)
- return;
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- do_brk(start, end - start);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- }
-@@ -376,7 +378,9 @@ static unsigned int load_irix_interp(str
- /* Map the last of the bss segment */
- if (last_bss > len) {
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- do_brk(len, (last_bss - len));
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- }
- kfree(elf_phdata);
-@@ -448,7 +452,12 @@ static inline int look_for_irix_interpre
- if (retval < 0)
- goto out;
-- file = open_exec(*name);
-+ /*
-+ * I don't understand this loop.
-+ * Are we suppose to break the loop after successful open and
-+ * read, or close the file, or store it somewhere? --SAW
-+ */
-+ file = open_exec(*name, bprm);
- if (IS_ERR(file)) {
- retval = PTR_ERR(file);
- goto out;
-@@ -564,7 +573,9 @@ void irix_map_prda_page (void)
- unsigned long v;
- struct prda *pp;
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- v = do_brk (PRDA_ADDRESS, PAGE_SIZE);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- if (v < 0)
- return;
-@@ -855,8 +866,11 @@ static int load_irix_library(struct file
- len = (elf_phdata->p_filesz + elf_phdata->p_vaddr+ 0xfff) & 0xfffff000;
- bss = elf_phdata->p_memsz + elf_phdata->p_vaddr;
-- if (bss > len)
-+ if (bss > len) {
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- do_brk(len, bss-len);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
-+ }
- kfree(elf_phdata);
- return 0;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -184,9 +184,10 @@ asmlinkage int do_irix_signal(sigset_t *
- if (!user_mode(regs))
- return 1;
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
-- refrigerator(0);
-- goto no_signal;
-+ if (unlikely(test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))) {
-+ refrigerator();
-+ if (!signal_pending(current))
-+ goto no_signal;
- }
- if (!oldset)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:26.000000000 +0400
-@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ asmlinkage int sys_ptrace(long request,
- */
- ret = 0;
-- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
-+ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
- break;
- child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
- wake_up_process(child);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:20.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:26.000000000 +0400
-@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ asmlinkage int sys32_ptrace(int request,
- */
- ret = 0;
-- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
-+ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
- break;
- child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
- wake_up_process(child);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -556,9 +556,10 @@ asmlinkage int do_signal(sigset_t *oldse
- if (!user_mode(regs))
- return 1;
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
-- refrigerator(0);
-- goto no_signal;
-+ if (unlikely(test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))) {
-+ refrigerator();
-+ if (!signal_pending(current))
-+ goto no_signal;
- }
- if (!oldset)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -704,9 +704,10 @@ asmlinkage int do_signal32(sigset_t *old
- if (!user_mode(regs))
- return 1;
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
-- refrigerator(0);
-- goto no_signal;
-+ if (unlikely(test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))) {
-+ refrigerator();
-+ if (!signal_pending(current))
-+ goto no_signal;
- }
- if (!oldset)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:26.000000000 +0400
-@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ long sys_ptrace(long request, pid_t pid,
- * that it wants to exit.
- */
- DBG(("sys_ptrace(KILL)\n"));
-- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
-+ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
- goto out_tsk;
- child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
- goto out_wake_notrap;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:26.000000000 +0400
-@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ int sys_ptrace(long request, long pid, l
- */
- case PTRACE_KILL: {
- ret = 0;
-- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
-+ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
- break;
- child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
- /* make sure the single step bit is not set. */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:34.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1307,7 +1307,7 @@ local int huft_build(
- {
- *t = (inflate_huft *)Z_NULL;
- *m = 0;
-- return Z_OK;
-+ return Z_DATA_ERROR;
- }
-@@ -1351,6 +1351,7 @@ local int huft_build(
- if ((j = *p++) != 0)
- v[x[j]++] = i;
- } while (++i < n);
-+ n = x[g]; /* set n to length of v */
- /* Generate the Huffman codes and for each, make the table entries */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:29.000000000 +0400
-@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ IOCTL_TABLE_START
- #include <linux/compat_ioctl.h>
- #define DECLARES
- #include "compat_ioctl.c"
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:26.000000000 +0400
-@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ int sys_ptrace(long request, long pid, l
- */
- case PTRACE_KILL: {
- ret = 0;
-- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
-+ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
- break;
- child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
- /* make sure the single step bit is not set. */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:26.000000000 +0400
-@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ int sys32_ptrace(long request, long pid,
- */
- case PTRACE_KILL: {
- ret = 0;
-- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
-+ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
- break;
- child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
- /* make sure the single step bit is not set. */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:33.000000000 +0400
-@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ int setup_arg_pages32(struct linux_binpr
- unsigned long stack_base;
- struct vm_area_struct *mpnt;
- struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm;
-- int i;
-+ int i, ret;
- mm->arg_start = bprm->p + stack_base;
-@@ -68,7 +68,11 @@ int setup_arg_pages32(struct linux_binpr
- /* executable stack setting would be applied here */
- mpnt->vm_page_prot = PAGE_COPY;
- mpnt->vm_flags = VM_STACK_FLAGS;
-- insert_vm_struct(mm, mpnt);
-+ if ((ret = insert_vm_struct(mm, mpnt))) {
-+ up_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
-+ kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, mpnt);
-+ return ret;
-+ }
- mm->total_vm = (mpnt->vm_end - mpnt->vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:29.000000000 +0400
- #endif
--/* This one should be architecture independent */
- /* s390 doesn't need handlers here */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:34.000000000 +0400
-@@ -245,9 +245,6 @@ sys32_sigaction(int sig, const struct ol
- return ret;
- }
--do_sigaction(int sig, const struct k_sigaction *act, struct k_sigaction *oact);
- asmlinkage long
- sys32_rt_sigaction(int sig, const struct sigaction32 __user *act,
- struct sigaction32 __user *oact, size_t sigsetsize)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:14.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -626,7 +626,7 @@ do_ptrace(struct task_struct *child, lon
- * perhaps it should be put in the status that it wants to
- * exit.
- */
-- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
-+ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
- return 0;
- child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
- /* make sure the single step bit is not set. */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:26.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:24.000000000 +0400
-@@ -61,17 +61,9 @@ void bust_spinlocks(int yes)
- if (yes) {
- oops_in_progress = 1;
- } else {
-- int loglevel_save = console_loglevel;
- oops_in_progress = 0;
- console_unblank();
-- /*
-- * OK, the message is on the console. Now we call printk()
-- * without oops_in_progress set so that printk will give klogd
-- * a poke. Hold onto your hats...
-- */
-- console_loglevel = 15;
-- printk(" ");
-- console_loglevel = loglevel_save;
-+ wake_up_klogd();
- }
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:26.000000000 +0400
-@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ asmlinkage int sys_ptrace(long request,
- */
- case PTRACE_KILL: {
- ret = 0;
-- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
-+ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
- break;
- child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
- wake_up_process(child);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:25.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -584,9 +584,10 @@ int do_signal(struct pt_regs *regs, sigs
- if (!user_mode(regs))
- return 1;
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
-- refrigerator(0);
-- goto no_signal;
-+ if (unlikely(test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))) {
-+ refrigerator();
-+ if (!signal_pending(current))
-+ goto no_signal;
- }
- if (!oldset)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:26.000000000 +0400
-@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ asmlinkage int sys_ptrace(long request,
- */
- case PTRACE_KILL: {
- ret = 0;
-- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
-+ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
- break;
- child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
- wake_up_process(child);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -705,10 +705,11 @@ int do_signal(struct pt_regs *regs, sigs
- if (!user_mode(regs))
- return 1;
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
-- refrigerator(0);
-- goto no_signal;
-- }
-+ if (unlikely(test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))) {
-+ refrigerator();
-+ if (!signal_pending(current))
-+ goto no_signal;
-+ }
- if (!oldset)
- oldset = &current->blocked;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:26.000000000 +0400
-@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ asmlinkage void do_ptrace(struct pt_regs
- * exit.
- */
- case PTRACE_KILL: {
-- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) { /* already dead */
-+ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) { /* already dead */
- pt_succ_return(regs, 0);
- goto out_tsk;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:33.000000000 +0400
-@@ -49,7 +49,9 @@ static void set_brk(unsigned long start,
- end = PAGE_ALIGN(end);
- if (end <= start)
- return;
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- do_brk(start, end - start);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- }
- /*
-@@ -246,10 +248,14 @@ static int load_aout32_binary(struct lin
- if (N_MAGIC(ex) == NMAGIC) {
- loff_t pos = fd_offset;
- /* Fuck me plenty... */
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- error = do_brk(N_TXTADDR(ex), ex.a_text);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- bprm->file->f_op->read(bprm->file, (char __user *)N_TXTADDR(ex),
- ex.a_text, &pos);
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- error = do_brk(N_DATADDR(ex), ex.a_data);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- bprm->file->f_op->read(bprm->file, (char __user *)N_DATADDR(ex),
- ex.a_data, &pos);
- goto beyond_if;
-@@ -257,8 +263,10 @@ static int load_aout32_binary(struct lin
- if (N_MAGIC(ex) == OMAGIC) {
- loff_t pos = fd_offset;
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- do_brk(N_TXTADDR(ex) & PAGE_MASK,
- ex.a_text+ex.a_data + PAGE_SIZE - 1);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- bprm->file->f_op->read(bprm->file, (char __user *)N_TXTADDR(ex),
- ex.a_text+ex.a_data, &pos);
- } else {
-@@ -272,7 +280,9 @@ static int load_aout32_binary(struct lin
- if (!bprm->file->f_op->mmap) {
- loff_t pos = fd_offset;
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- do_brk(0, ex.a_text+ex.a_data);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- bprm->file->f_op->read(bprm->file,
- (char __user *)N_TXTADDR(ex),
- ex.a_text+ex.a_data, &pos);
-@@ -389,7 +399,9 @@ static int load_aout32_library(struct fi
- len = PAGE_ALIGN(ex.a_text + ex.a_data);
- bss = ex.a_text + ex.a_data + ex.a_bss;
- if (bss > len) {
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- error = do_brk(start_addr + len, bss - len);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- retval = error;
- if (error != start_addr + len)
- goto out;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:14.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:29.000000000 +0400
-@@ -475,7 +475,6 @@ IOCTL_TABLE_START
- #include <linux/compat_ioctl.h>
- #define DECLARES
- #include "compat_ioctl.c"
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:26.000000000 +0400
-@@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ asmlinkage void do_ptrace(struct pt_regs
- * exit.
- */
- case PTRACE_KILL: {
-- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) { /* already dead */
-+ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) { /* already dead */
- pt_succ_return(regs, 0);
- goto out_tsk;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:25.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:26.000000000 +0400
-@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ int sys_ptrace(long request, long pid, l
- */
- case PTRACE_KILL: {
- ret = 0;
-- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
-+ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
- break;
- child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
- wake_up_process(child);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:26.000000000 +0400
-@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ void *switch_to_tt(void *prev, void *nex
- panic("write of switch_pipe failed, errno = %d", -err);
- reading = 1;
-- if((from->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) || (from->state == TASK_DEAD))
-+ if((from->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) || (from->exit_state == EXIT_DEAD))
- os_kill_process(os_getpid(), 0);
- err = os_read_file(from->[0], &c, sizeof(c));
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:26.000000000 +0400
-@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ int sys_ptrace(long request, long pid, l
- */
- rval = 0;
-- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
-+ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
- break;
- child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
- wake_up_process(child);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
- startup_32:
- cld
- cli
-- movl $(__KERNEL_DS),%eax
-+ movl $(__BOOT_DS),%eax
- movl %eax,%ds
- movl %eax,%es
- movl %eax,%fs
-@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ startup_32:
- jnz 3f
- addl $8,%esp
- xorl %ebx,%ebx
-- ljmp $(__KERNEL_CS), $0x100000
-+ ljmp $(__BOOT_CS), $0x100000
- /*
- * We come here, if we were loaded high.
-@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ startup_32:
- popl %eax # hcount
- movl $0x100000,%edi
- cli # make sure we don't get interrupted
-- ljmp $(__KERNEL_CS), $0x1000 # and jump to the move routine
-+ ljmp $(__BOOT_CS), $0x1000 # and jump to the move routine
- /*
- * Routine (template) for moving the decompressed kernel in place,
-@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ move_routine_start:
- movsl
- movl %ebx,%esi # Restore setup pointer
- xorl %ebx,%ebx
-- ljmp $(__KERNEL_CS), $0x100000
-+ ljmp $(__BOOT_CS), $0x100000
- move_routine_end:
-@@ -138,5 +138,5 @@ user_stack:
- .fill 4096,4,0
- stack_start:
- .long user_stack+4096
-- .word __KERNEL_DS
-+ .word __BOOT_DS
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ flush_instr:
- subw $DELTA_INITSEG, %si
- shll $4, %esi # Convert to 32-bit pointer
- # NOTE: For high loaded big kernels we need a
--# jmpi 0x100000,__KERNEL_CS
-+# jmpi 0x100000,__BOOT_CS
- #
- # but we yet haven't reloaded the CS register, so the default size
- # of the target offset still is 16 bit.
-@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ flush_instr:
- .byte 0x66, 0xea # prefix + jmpi-opcode
- code32: .long 0x1000 # will be set to 0x100000
- # for big kernels
-- .word __KERNEL_CS
-+ .word __BOOT_CS
- # Here's a bunch of information about your current kernel..
- kernel_version: .ascii UTS_RELEASE
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -113,7 +113,9 @@ static void set_brk(unsigned long start,
- end = PAGE_ALIGN(end);
- if (end <= start)
- return;
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- do_brk(start, end - start);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- }
-@@ -323,7 +325,10 @@ static int load_aout_binary(struct linux
- pos = 32;
- map_size = ex.a_text+ex.a_data;
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- error = do_brk(text_addr & PAGE_MASK, map_size);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- if (error != (text_addr & PAGE_MASK)) {
- send_sig(SIGKILL, current, 0);
- return error;
-@@ -343,14 +348,14 @@ static int load_aout_binary(struct linux
- if ((ex.a_text & 0xfff || ex.a_data & 0xfff) &&
- (N_MAGIC(ex) != NMAGIC) && (jiffies-error_time2) > 5*HZ)
- {
-- printk(KERN_NOTICE "executable not page aligned\n");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_NOTICE "executable not page aligned\n");
- error_time2 = jiffies;
- }
- if ((fd_offset & ~PAGE_MASK) != 0 &&
- (jiffies-error_time) > 5*HZ)
- {
-- printk(KERN_WARNING
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_WARNING
- "fd_offset is not page aligned. Please convert program: %s\n",
- bprm->file->f_dentry->;
- error_time = jiffies;
-@@ -359,7 +364,9 @@ static int load_aout_binary(struct linux
- if (!bprm->file->f_op->mmap||((fd_offset & ~PAGE_MASK) != 0)) {
- loff_t pos = fd_offset;
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- do_brk(N_TXTADDR(ex), ex.a_text+ex.a_data);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- bprm->file->f_op->read(bprm->file,(char *)N_TXTADDR(ex),
- ex.a_text+ex.a_data, &pos);
- flush_icache_range((unsigned long) N_TXTADDR(ex),
-@@ -461,14 +468,15 @@ static int load_aout_library(struct file
- static unsigned long error_time;
- if ((jiffies-error_time) > 5*HZ)
- {
-- printk(KERN_WARNING
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_WARNING
- "N_TXTOFF is not page aligned. Please convert library: %s\n",
- file->f_dentry->;
- error_time = jiffies;
- }
- #endif
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- do_brk(start_addr, ex.a_text + ex.a_data + ex.a_bss);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- file->f_op->read(file, (char *)start_addr,
- ex.a_text + ex.a_data, &pos);
-@@ -492,7 +500,9 @@ static int load_aout_library(struct file
- len = PAGE_ALIGN(ex.a_text + ex.a_data);
- bss = ex.a_text + ex.a_data + ex.a_bss;
- if (bss > len) {
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- error = do_brk(start_addr + len, bss - len);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- retval = error;
- if (error != start_addr + len)
- goto out;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -27,12 +27,14 @@
- #include <asm/ia32.h>
- #include <asm/vsyscall32.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
- #define ELF_NAME "elf/i386"
- #define AT_SYSINFO 32
- #define AT_SYSINFO_EHDR 33
--int sysctl_vsyscall32 = 1;
-+int sysctl_vsyscall32 = 0;
- #define ARCH_DLINFO do { \
- if (sysctl_vsyscall32) { \
-@@ -46,7 +48,7 @@ struct elf_phdr;
- #define IA32_EMULATOR 1
--#define ELF_ET_DYN_BASE (TASK_UNMAPPED_32 + 0x1000000)
-+#define ELF_ET_DYN_BASE (TASK_UNMAPPED_BASE + 0x1000000)
- #undef ELF_ARCH
- #define ELF_ARCH EM_386
-@@ -73,8 +75,8 @@ typedef elf_greg_t elf_gregset_t[ELF_NGR
- * Dumping its extra ELF program headers includes all the other information
- * a debugger needs to easily find how the vsyscall DSO was being used.
- */
- do { \
- const struct elf32_phdr *const vsyscall_phdrs = \
- (const struct elf32_phdr *) (VSYSCALL32_BASE \
-@@ -96,7 +98,7 @@ do { \
- DUMP_WRITE(&phdr, sizeof(phdr)); \
- } \
- } while (0)
- do { \
- const struct elf32_phdr *const vsyscall_phdrs = \
- (const struct elf32_phdr *) (VSYSCALL32_BASE \
-@@ -109,6 +111,21 @@ do { \
- } \
- } while (0)
-+extern int sysctl_at_vsyscall;
-+#define ELF_CORE_EXTRA_PHDRS ({ (sysctl_at_vsyscall != 0 ? \
-+ if (sysctl_at_vsyscall != 0) \
-+ } while (0)
-+#define ELF_CORE_WRITE_EXTRA_DATA do { \
-+ if (sysctl_at_vsyscall != 0) \
-+ } while (0)
- struct elf_siginfo
- {
- int si_signo; /* signal number */
-@@ -303,6 +320,10 @@ MODULE_AUTHOR("Eric Youngdale, Andi Klee
- static void elf32_init(struct pt_regs *);
-+#define arch_setup_additional_pages syscall32_setup_pages
-+extern int syscall32_setup_pages(struct linux_binprm *, int exstack);
- #include "../../../fs/binfmt_elf.c"
- static void elf32_init(struct pt_regs *regs)
-@@ -327,10 +348,10 @@ static void elf32_init(struct pt_regs *r
- int setup_arg_pages(struct linux_binprm *bprm, int executable_stack)
- {
-- unsigned long stack_base;
-+ unsigned long stack_base, vm_end, vm_start;
- struct vm_area_struct *mpnt;
- struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm;
-- int i;
-+ int i, ret;
- stack_base = IA32_STACK_TOP - MAX_ARG_PAGES * PAGE_SIZE;
- mm->arg_start = bprm->p + stack_base;
-@@ -340,22 +361,28 @@ int setup_arg_pages(struct linux_binprm
- bprm->loader += stack_base;
- bprm->exec += stack_base;
-+ vm_end = IA32_STACK_TOP;
-+ vm_start = PAGE_MASK & (unsigned long)bprm->p;
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ if (ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(mm), vm_end - vm_start,
-+ vm_stack_flags32, NULL, UB_HARD))
-+ goto out;
- mpnt = kmem_cache_alloc(vm_area_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL);
-- if (!mpnt)
-- return -ENOMEM;
-- if (security_vm_enough_memory((IA32_STACK_TOP - (PAGE_MASK & (unsigned long) bprm->p))>>PAGE_SHIFT)) {
-- kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, mpnt);
-- return -ENOMEM;
-- }
-+ if (!mpnt)
-+ goto out_uncharge;
-+ if (security_vm_enough_memory((vm_end - vm_start)>>PAGE_SHIFT))
-+ goto out_uncharge_free;
- memset(mpnt, 0, sizeof(*mpnt));
- down_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
- {
- mpnt->vm_mm = mm;
-- mpnt->vm_start = PAGE_MASK & (unsigned long) bprm->p;
-- mpnt->vm_end = IA32_STACK_TOP;
-+ mpnt->vm_start = vm_start;
-+ mpnt->vm_end = vm_end;
- if (executable_stack == EXSTACK_ENABLE_X)
- mpnt->vm_flags = vm_stack_flags32 | VM_EXEC;
- else if (executable_stack == EXSTACK_DISABLE_X)
-@@ -364,7 +391,8 @@ int setup_arg_pages(struct linux_binprm
- mpnt->vm_flags = vm_stack_flags32;
- mpnt->vm_page_prot = (mpnt->vm_flags & VM_EXEC) ?
-- insert_vm_struct(mm, mpnt);
-+ if ((ret = insert_vm_struct(mm, mpnt)))
-+ goto out_up;
- mm->total_vm = (mpnt->vm_end - mpnt->vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- }
-@@ -379,6 +407,17 @@ int setup_arg_pages(struct linux_binprm
- up_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
- return 0;
-+ up_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
-+ vm_unacct_memory((vm_end - vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT);
-+ kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, mpnt);
-+ ub_memory_uncharge(mm_ub(mm), vm_end - vm_start,
-+ vm_stack_flags32, NULL);
-+ return ret;
- }
- static unsigned long
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -24,17 +24,27 @@
- static int tiocgdev(unsigned fd, unsigned cmd, unsigned int __user *ptr)
- {
-- struct file *file = fget(fd);
-+ struct file *file;
- struct tty_struct *real_tty;
-+ int ret;
-+ file = fget(fd);
- if (!file)
- return -EBADF;
-+ ret = -EINVAL;
- if (file->f_op->ioctl != tty_ioctl)
-- return -EINVAL;
-+ goto out;
- real_tty = (struct tty_struct *)file->private_data;
- if (!real_tty)
-- return -EINVAL;
-- return put_user(new_encode_dev(tty_devnum(real_tty)), ptr);
-+ goto out;
-+ ret = put_user(new_encode_dev(tty_devnum(real_tty)), ptr);
-+ fput(file);
-+ return ret;
- }
- #define RTC_IRQP_READ32 _IOR('p', 0x0b, unsigned int) /* Read IRQ rate */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@
- asmlinkage int do_signal(struct pt_regs *regs, sigset_t *oldset);
- void signal_fault(struct pt_regs *regs, void __user *frame, char *where);
--int ia32_copy_siginfo_to_user(siginfo_t32 __user *to, siginfo_t *from)
-+int copy_siginfo_to_user32(compat_siginfo_t __user *to, siginfo_t *from)
- {
- int err;
-- if (!access_ok (VERIFY_WRITE, to, sizeof(siginfo_t32)))
-+ if (!access_ok (VERIFY_WRITE, to, sizeof(compat_siginfo_t)))
- return -EFAULT;
- /* If you change siginfo_t structure, please make sure that
-@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@ int ia32_copy_siginfo_to_user(siginfo_t3
- return err;
- }
--int ia32_copy_siginfo_from_user(siginfo_t *to, siginfo_t32 __user *from)
-+int copy_siginfo_from_user32(siginfo_t *to, compat_siginfo_t __user *from)
- {
- int err;
- u32 ptr32;
-- if (!access_ok (VERIFY_READ, from, sizeof(siginfo_t32)))
-+ if (!access_ok (VERIFY_READ, from, sizeof(compat_siginfo_t)))
- return -EFAULT;
- err = __get_user(to->si_signo, &from->si_signo);
-@@ -122,6 +122,7 @@ sys32_sigsuspend(int history0, int histo
- mask &= _BLOCKABLE;
- spin_lock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
- saveset = current->blocked;
-+ set_sigsuspend_state(current, saveset);
- siginitset(&current->blocked, mask);
- recalc_sigpending();
- spin_unlock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
-@@ -130,8 +131,10 @@ sys32_sigsuspend(int history0, int histo
- while (1) {
- current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
- schedule();
-- if (do_signal(&regs, &saveset))
-+ if (do_signal(&regs, &saveset)) {
-+ clear_sigsuspend_state(current);
- return -EINTR;
-+ }
- }
- }
-@@ -187,7 +190,7 @@ struct rt_sigframe
- int sig;
- u32 pinfo;
- u32 puc;
-- struct siginfo32 info;
-+ struct compat_siginfo info;
- struct ucontext_ia32 uc;
- struct _fpstate_ia32 fpstate;
- char retcode[8];
-@@ -260,6 +263,12 @@ ia32_restore_sigcontext(struct pt_regs *
- if (verify_area(VERIFY_READ, buf, sizeof(*buf)))
- goto badframe;
- err |= restore_i387_ia32(current, buf, 0);
-+ } else {
-+ struct task_struct *me = current;
-+ if (me->used_math) {
-+ clear_fpu(me);
-+ me->used_math = 0;
-+ }
- }
- }
-@@ -522,7 +531,7 @@ void ia32_setup_rt_frame(int sig, struct
- }
- err |= __put_user((u32)(u64)&frame->info, &frame->pinfo);
- err |= __put_user((u32)(u64)&frame->uc, &frame->puc);
-- err |= ia32_copy_siginfo_to_user(&frame->info, info);
-+ err |= copy_siginfo_to_user32(&frame->info, info);
- if (err)
- goto give_sigsegv;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:29.000000000 +0400
-@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ ia32_sys_call_table:
- .quad sys_init_module
- .quad sys_delete_module
- .quad quiet_ni_syscall /* 130 get_kernel_syms */
-- .quad sys32_quotactl /* quotactl */
-+ .quad sys_quotactl /* quotactl */
- .quad sys_getpgid
- .quad sys_fchdir
- .quad quiet_ni_syscall /* bdflush */
-@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ ia32_sys_call_table:
- .quad sys32_rt_sigaction
- .quad sys32_rt_sigprocmask /* 175 */
- .quad sys32_rt_sigpending
-- .quad sys32_rt_sigtimedwait
-+ .quad compat_rt_sigtimedwait
- .quad sys32_rt_sigqueueinfo
- .quad stub32_rt_sigsuspend
- .quad sys32_pread /* 180 */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ static struct task_struct *find_target(i
- *err = -ESRCH;
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- child = find_task_by_pid(pid);
-+ child = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
- if (child)
- get_task_struct(child);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:20.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -658,11 +658,12 @@ sys32_waitpid(compat_pid_t pid, unsigned
- int sys32_ni_syscall(int call)
- {
- struct task_struct *me = current;
-- static char lastcomm[8];
-- if (strcmp(lastcomm, me->comm)) {
-- printk(KERN_INFO "IA32 syscall %d from %s not implemented\n", call,
-- current->comm);
-- strcpy(lastcomm, me->comm);
-+ static char lastcomm[sizeof(me->comm)];
-+ if (strncmp(lastcomm, me->comm, sizeof(lastcomm))) {
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_INFO "IA32 syscall %d from %s not implemented\n",
-+ call, me->comm);
-+ strncpy(lastcomm, me->comm, sizeof(lastcomm));
- }
- return -ENOSYS;
- }
-@@ -782,51 +783,13 @@ sys32_rt_sigpending(compat_sigset_t __us
- asmlinkage long
--sys32_rt_sigtimedwait(compat_sigset_t __user *uthese, siginfo_t32 __user *uinfo,
-- struct compat_timespec __user *uts, compat_size_t sigsetsize)
-- sigset_t s;
-- compat_sigset_t s32;
-- struct timespec t;
-- int ret;
-- mm_segment_t old_fs = get_fs();
-- siginfo_t info;
-- if (copy_from_user (&s32, uthese, sizeof(compat_sigset_t)))
-- return -EFAULT;
-- switch (_NSIG_WORDS) {
-- case 4: s.sig[3] = s32.sig[6] | (((long)s32.sig[7]) << 32);
-- case 3: s.sig[2] = s32.sig[4] | (((long)s32.sig[5]) << 32);
-- case 2: s.sig[1] = s32.sig[2] | (((long)s32.sig[3]) << 32);
-- case 1: s.sig[0] = s32.sig[0] | (((long)s32.sig[1]) << 32);
-- }
-- if (uts && get_compat_timespec(&t, uts))
-- return -EFAULT;
-- if (uinfo) {
-- /* stop data leak to user space in case of structure fill mismatch
-- * between sys_rt_sigtimedwait & ia32_copy_siginfo_to_user.
-- */
-- memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
-- }
-- set_fs (KERNEL_DS);
-- ret = sys_rt_sigtimedwait(&s, uinfo ? &info : NULL, uts ? &t : NULL,
-- sigsetsize);
-- set_fs (old_fs);
-- if (ret >= 0 && uinfo) {
-- if (ia32_copy_siginfo_to_user(uinfo, &info))
-- return -EFAULT;
-- }
-- return ret;
--asmlinkage long
--sys32_rt_sigqueueinfo(int pid, int sig, siginfo_t32 __user *uinfo)
-+sys32_rt_sigqueueinfo(int pid, int sig, compat_siginfo_t __user *uinfo)
- {
- siginfo_t info;
- int ret;
- mm_segment_t old_fs = get_fs();
-- if (ia32_copy_siginfo_from_user(&info, uinfo))
-+ if (copy_siginfo_from_user32(&info, uinfo))
- return -EFAULT;
- set_fs (KERNEL_DS);
- ret = sys_rt_sigqueueinfo(pid, sig, &info);
-@@ -947,7 +910,7 @@ sys32_sendfile(int out_fd, int in_fd, co
- ret = sys_sendfile(out_fd, in_fd, offset ? &of : NULL, count);
- set_fs(old_fs);
-- if (!ret && offset && put_user(of, offset))
-+ if (offset && put_user(of, offset))
- return -EFAULT;
- return ret;
-@@ -1067,13 +1030,13 @@ asmlinkage long sys32_olduname(struct ol
- down_read(&uts_sem);
-- error = __copy_to_user(&name->sysname,&system_utsname.sysname,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
-+ error = __copy_to_user(&name->sysname,&ve_utsname.sysname,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
- __put_user(0,name->sysname+__OLD_UTS_LEN);
-- __copy_to_user(&name->nodename,&system_utsname.nodename,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
-+ __copy_to_user(&name->nodename,&ve_utsname.nodename,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
- __put_user(0,name->nodename+__OLD_UTS_LEN);
-- __copy_to_user(&name->release,&system_utsname.release,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
-+ __copy_to_user(&name->release,&ve_utsname.release,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
- __put_user(0,name->release+__OLD_UTS_LEN);
-- __copy_to_user(&name->version,&system_utsname.version,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
-+ __copy_to_user(&name->version,&ve_utsname.version,__OLD_UTS_LEN);
- __put_user(0,name->version+__OLD_UTS_LEN);
- {
- char *arch = "x86_64";
-@@ -1096,7 +1059,7 @@ long sys32_uname(struct old_utsname __us
- if (!name)
- return -EFAULT;
- down_read(&uts_sem);
-- err=copy_to_user(name, &system_utsname, sizeof (*name));
-+ err=copy_to_user(name, &ve_utsname, sizeof (*name));
- up_read(&uts_sem);
- if (personality(current->personality) == PER_LINUX32)
- err |= copy_to_user(&name->machine, "i686", 5);
-@@ -1316,23 +1279,11 @@ long sys32_fadvise64_64(int fd, __u32 of
- long sys32_vm86_warning(void)
- {
- struct task_struct *me = current;
-- static char lastcomm[8];
-- if (strcmp(lastcomm, me->comm)) {
-- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: vm86 mode not supported on 64 bit kernel\n",
-- me->comm);
-- strcpy(lastcomm, me->comm);
-- }
-- return -ENOSYS;
--long sys32_quotactl(void)
-- struct task_struct *me = current;
-- static char lastcomm[8];
-- if (strcmp(lastcomm, me->comm)) {
-- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: 32bit quotactl not supported on 64 bit kernel\n",
-+ static char lastcomm[sizeof(me->comm)];
-+ if (strncmp(lastcomm, me->comm, sizeof(lastcomm))) {
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_INFO "%s: vm87 mode not supported on 64 bit kernel\n",
- me->comm);
-- strcpy(lastcomm, me->comm);
-+ strncpy(lastcomm, me->comm, sizeof(lastcomm));
- }
- return -ENOSYS;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:48.000000000 +0400
-@@ -4,11 +4,13 @@
- on demand because 32bit cannot reach the kernel's fixmaps */
- #include <linux/mm.h>
-+#include <linux/mman.h>
- #include <linux/string.h>
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
- #include <linux/gfp.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <linux/stringify.h>
-+#include <linux/security.h>
- #include <asm/proto.h>
- #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
- #include <asm/ia32_unistd.h>
-@@ -30,32 +32,64 @@ extern int sysctl_vsyscall32;
- char *syscall32_page;
- static int use_sysenter __initdata = -1;
--/* RED-PEN: This knows too much about high level VM */
--/* Alternative would be to generate a vma with appropriate backing options
-- and let it be handled by generic VM */
--int map_syscall32(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long address)
-- pte_t *pte;
-- pmd_t *pmd;
-- int err = 0;
-- down_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
-- spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-- pmd = pmd_alloc(mm, pgd_offset(mm, address), address);
-- if (pmd && (pte = pte_alloc_map(mm, pmd, address)) != NULL) {
-- if (pte_none(*pte)) {
-- set_pte(pte,
-- mk_pte(virt_to_page(syscall32_page),
-- }
-- /* Flush only the local CPU. Other CPUs taking a fault
-- will just end up here again */
-- __flush_tlb_one(address);
-- } else
-- err = -ENOMEM;
-- spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-- up_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
-- return err;
-+static struct page *
-+syscall32_nopage(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long adr, int *type)
-+ struct page *p = virt_to_page(adr - vma->vm_start + syscall32_page);
-+ get_page(p);
-+ return p;
-+/* Prevent VMA merging */
-+static void syscall32_vma_close(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
-+static struct vm_operations_struct syscall32_vm_ops = {
-+ .close = syscall32_vma_close,
-+ .nopage = syscall32_nopage,
-+struct linux_binprm;
-+/* Setup a VMA at program startup for the vsyscall page */
-+int syscall32_setup_pages(struct linux_binprm *bprm, int exstack)
-+ int npages = (VSYSCALL32_END - VSYSCALL32_BASE) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
-+ struct vm_area_struct *vma;
-+ struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm;
-+ int ret;
-+ vma = kmem_cache_alloc(vm_area_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL);
-+ if (!vma)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ if (security_vm_enough_memory(npages)) {
-+ kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, vma);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ }
-+ memset(vma, 0, sizeof(struct vm_area_struct));
-+ /* Could randomize here */
-+ vma->vm_start = VSYSCALL32_BASE;
-+ vma->vm_end = VSYSCALL32_END;
-+ /* MAYWRITE to allow gdb to COW and set breakpoints */
-+ vma->vm_flags |= mm->def_flags;
-+ vma->vm_page_prot = protection_map[vma->vm_flags & 7];
-+ vma->vm_ops = &syscall32_vm_ops;
-+ vma->vm_mm = mm;
-+ down_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
-+ ret = insert_vm_struct(mm, vma);
-+ if (ret) {
-+ up_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
-+ kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, vma);
-+ vm_unacct_memory(npages);
-+ return ret;
-+ }
-+ mm->total_vm += npages;
-+ up_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
-+ return 0;
- }
- static int __init init_syscall32(void)
-@@ -63,7 +97,6 @@ static int __init init_syscall32(void)
- syscall32_page = (void *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!syscall32_page)
- panic("Cannot allocate syscall32 page");
-- SetPageReserved(virt_to_page(syscall32_page));
- if (use_sysenter > 0) {
- memcpy(syscall32_page, syscall32_sysenter,
- syscall32_sysenter_end - syscall32_sysenter);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ wakeup_code:
- .byte 0x66, 0xea # prefix + jmpi-opcode
- .long wakeup_32 - __START_KERNEL_map
-- .word __KERNEL_CS
-+ .word __BOOT_CS
- .code32
- wakeup_32:
-@@ -96,13 +96,13 @@ wakeup_32:
- jnc bogus_cpu
- movl %edx,%edi
-- movw $__KERNEL_DS, %ax
-+ movw $__BOOT_DS, %ax
- movw %ax, %ds
- movw %ax, %es
- movw %ax, %fs
- movw %ax, %gs
-- movw $__KERNEL_DS, %ax
-+ movw $__BOOT_DS, %ax
- movw %ax, %ss
- mov $(wakeup_stack - __START_KERNEL_map), %esp
-@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ reach_compatibility_mode:
- wakeup_jumpvector:
- .long wakeup_long64 - __START_KERNEL_map
-- .word __KERNEL_CS
-+ .word __BOOT_CS
- .code64
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -883,6 +883,7 @@ void smp_local_timer_interrupt(struct pt
- */
- void smp_apic_timer_interrupt(struct pt_regs *regs)
- {
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
- /*
- * the NMI deadlock-detector uses this.
- */
-@@ -898,9 +899,11 @@ void smp_apic_timer_interrupt(struct pt_
- * Besides, if we don't timer interrupts ignore the global
- * interrupt lock, which is the WrongThing (tm) to do.
- */
-+ ve = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
- irq_enter();
- smp_local_timer_interrupt(regs);
- irq_exit();
-+ (void)set_exec_env(ve);
- }
- /*
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -173,6 +173,10 @@ rff_trace:
- *
- * XXX if we had a free scratch register we could save the RSP into the stack frame
- * and report it properly in ps. Unfortunately we haven't.
-+ *
-+ * When user can change the frames always force IRET. That is because
-+ * it deals with uncanonical addresses better. SYSRET has trouble
-+ * with them due to bugs in both AMD and Intel CPUs.
- */
- ENTRY(system_call)
-@@ -236,7 +240,10 @@ sysret_signal:
- xorl %esi,%esi # oldset -> arg2
- call ptregscall_common
- 1: movl $_TIF_NEED_RESCHED,%edi
-- jmp sysret_check
-+ /* Use IRET because user could have changed frame. This
-+ works because ptregscall_common has called FIXUP_TOP_OF_STACK. */
-+ cli
-+ jmp int_with_check
- /* Do syscall tracing */
- tracesys:
-@@ -257,7 +264,8 @@ tracesys:
- call syscall_trace_leave
-- jmp ret_from_sys_call
-+ /* Use IRET because user could have changed frame */
-+ jmp int_ret_from_sys_call
- badsys:
-@@ -358,20 +366,9 @@ ENTRY(stub_execve)
- popq %r11
-- movq %r11, %r15
- call sys_execve
-- bt $TIF_IA32,threadinfo_flags(%rcx)
-- jc exec_32bit
-- movq %r15, %r11
-- push %r11
-- ret
- movq %rax,RAX(%rsp)
- jmp int_ret_from_sys_call
-@@ -728,7 +725,7 @@ ENTRY(kernel_thread)
- xorl %r9d,%r9d
- # clone now
-- call do_fork
-+ call do_fork_kthread
- movq %rax,RAX(%rsp)
- xorl %edi,%edi
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ startup_32:
- movl %ebx,%ebp /* Save trampoline flag */
-- movl $__KERNEL_DS,%eax
-+ movl $__BOOT_DS,%eax
- movl %eax,%ds
- /* If the CPU doesn't support CPUID this will double fault.
-@@ -159,7 +159,14 @@ reach_long64:
- /* esi is pointer to real mode structure with interesting info.
- pass it to C */
- movl %esi, %edi
-+ /* Switch to __KERNEL_CS. The segment is the same, but selector
-+ * is different. */
-+ pushq $__KERNEL_CS
-+ pushq $switch_cs
-+ lretq
- /* Finally jump to run C code and to be on real kernel address
- * Since we are running on identity-mapped space we have to jump
- * to the full 64bit address , this is only possible as indirect
-@@ -192,7 +199,7 @@ pGDT32:
- .org 0xf10
- ljumpvector:
- .long reach_long64-__START_KERNEL_map
-- .word __KERNEL_CS
-+ .word __BOOT_CS
- ENTRY(stext)
- ENTRY(_stext)
-@@ -326,7 +333,7 @@ gdt:
- ENTRY(gdt_table32)
- .quad 0x0000000000000000 /* This one is magic */
- .quad 0x0000000000000000 /* unused */
-- .quad 0x00af9a000000ffff /* __KERNEL_CS */
-+ .quad 0x00af9a000000ffff /* __BOOT_CS */
- gdt32_end:
- /* We need valid kernel segments for data and code in long mode too
-@@ -337,23 +344,30 @@ gdt32_end:
- .align L1_CACHE_BYTES
- /* The TLS descriptors are currently at a different place compared to i386.
-- Hopefully nobody expects them at a fixed place (Wine?) */
-+ Hopefully nobody expects them at a fixed place (Wine?)
-+ Descriptors rearranged to plase 32bit and TLS selectors in the same
-+ places, because it is really necessary. sysret/exit mandates order
-+ of kernel/user cs/ds, so we have to extend gdt.
- ENTRY(cpu_gdt_table)
-- .quad 0x0000000000000000 /* NULL descriptor */
-- .quad 0x008f9a000000ffff /* __KERNEL_COMPAT32_CS */
-- .quad 0x00af9a000000ffff /* __KERNEL_CS */
-- .quad 0x00cf92000000ffff /* __KERNEL_DS */
-- .quad 0x00cffe000000ffff /* __USER32_CS */
-- .quad 0x00cff2000000ffff /* __USER_DS, __USER32_DS */
-- .quad 0x00affa000000ffff /* __USER_CS */
-- .quad 0x00cf9a000000ffff /* __KERNEL32_CS */
-- .quad 0,0 /* TSS */
-- .quad 0 /* LDT */
-- .quad 0,0,0 /* three TLS descriptors */
-- .quad 0 /* unused now */
-- .quad 0x00009a000000ffff /* __KERNEL16_CS - 16bit PM for S3 wakeup. */
-+ .quad 0x0000000000000000 /* 0 NULL descriptor */
-+ .quad 0x008f9a000000ffff /* 1 __KERNEL_COMPAT32_CS */
-+ .quad 0x00af9a000000ffff /* 2 __BOOT_CS */
-+ .quad 0x00cf92000000ffff /* 3 __BOOT_DS */
-+ .quad 0,0 /* 4,5 TSS */
-+ .quad 0,0,0 /* 6-8 three TLS descriptors */
-+ .quad 0x00009a000000ffff /* 9 __KERNEL16_CS - 16bit PM for S3 wakeup. */
- /* base must be patched for real base address. */
-+ .quad 0 /* 10 LDT */
-+ .quad 0x00cf9a000000ffff /* 11 __KERNEL32_CS */
-+ .quad 0x00af9a000000ffff /* 12 __KERNEL_CS */
-+ .quad 0x00cf92000000ffff /* 13 __KERNEL_DS */
-+ .quad 0x00cffe000000ffff /* 14 __USER32_CS */
-+ .quad 0x00cff2000000ffff /* 15 __USER_DS, __USER32_DS */
-+ .quad 0x00affa000000ffff /* 16 __USER_CS */
-+ .quad 0,0,0,0,0,0,0
-+ .quad 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- gdt_end:
- /* asm/segment.h:GDT_ENTRIES must match this */
- /* This should be a multiple of the cache line size */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:20.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -45,7 +45,8 @@
- #include <asm/desc.h>
- #include <asm/irq.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_task.h>
- /*
- * Linux has a controller-independent x86 interrupt architecture.
-@@ -213,15 +214,18 @@ inline void synchronize_irq(unsigned int
- int handle_IRQ_event(unsigned int irq, struct pt_regs * regs, struct irqaction * action)
- {
- int status = 1; /* Force the "do bottom halves" bit */
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
- if (!(action->flags & SA_INTERRUPT))
- local_irq_enable();
-+ ub = set_exec_ub(get_ub0());
- do {
- status |= action->flags;
- action->handler(irq, action->dev_id, regs);
- action = action->next;
- } while (action);
-+ (void)set_exec_ub(ub);
- if (status & SA_SAMPLE_RANDOM)
- add_interrupt_randomness(irq);
- local_irq_disable();
-@@ -340,9 +344,11 @@ asmlinkage unsigned int do_IRQ(struct pt
- irq_desc_t *desc = irq_desc + irq;
- struct irqaction * action;
- unsigned int status;
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
- if (irq > 256) BUG();
-+ ve = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
- irq_enter();
- kstat_cpu(cpu).irqs[irq]++;
- spin_lock(&desc->lock);
-@@ -405,6 +411,7 @@ out:
- spin_unlock(&desc->lock);
- irq_exit();
-+ (void)set_exec_env(ve);
- return 1;
- }
-@@ -833,6 +840,8 @@ static int irq_affinity_read_proc (char
- return len;
- }
-+int no_irq_affinity;
- static int irq_affinity_write_proc (struct file *file,
- const char __user *buffer,
- unsigned long count, void *data)
-@@ -840,7 +849,7 @@ static int irq_affinity_write_proc (stru
- int irq = (long) data, full_count = count, err;
- cpumask_t tmp, new_value;
-- if (!irq_desc[irq].handler->set_affinity)
-+ if (!irq_desc[irq].handler->set_affinity || no_irq_affinity)
- return -EIO;
- err = cpumask_parse(buffer, count, new_value);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:31.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:29.000000000 +0400
-@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ static int panic_on_timeout;
- unsigned int nmi_watchdog = NMI_DEFAULT;
- static unsigned int nmi_hz = HZ;
- unsigned int nmi_perfctr_msr; /* the MSR to reset in NMI handler */
-+static unsigned int nmi_p4_cccr_val;
- /* Note that these events don't tick when the CPU idles. This means
- the frequency varies with CPU load. */
-@@ -70,12 +71,41 @@ unsigned int nmi_perfctr_msr; /* the MSR
--#define P6_EVNTSEL0_ENABLE (1 << 22)
--#define P6_EVNTSEL_INT (1 << 20)
--#define P6_EVNTSEL_OS (1 << 17)
--#define P6_EVNTSEL_USR (1 << 16)
-+#define MSR_P4_MISC_ENABLE 0x1A0
-+#define MSR_P4_MISC_ENABLE_PERF_AVAIL (1<<7)
-+#define MSR_P4_PERFCTR0 0x300
-+#define MSR_P4_CCCR0 0x360
-+#define P4_ESCR_EVENT_SELECT(N) ((N)<<25)
-+#define P4_ESCR_OS (1<<3)
-+#define P4_ESCR_USR (1<<2)
-+#define P4_CCCR_OVF_PMI0 (1<<26)
-+#define P4_CCCR_OVF_PMI1 (1<<27)
-+#define P4_CCCR_THRESHOLD(N) ((N)<<20)
-+#define P4_CCCR_COMPLEMENT (1<<19)
-+#define P4_CCCR_COMPARE (1<<18)
-+#define P4_CCCR_REQUIRED (3<<16)
-+#define P4_CCCR_ESCR_SELECT(N) ((N)<<13)
-+#define P4_CCCR_ENABLE (1<<12)
-+/* Set up IQ_COUNTER0 to behave like a clock, by having IQ_CCCR0 filter
-+ CRU_ESCR0 (with any non-null event selector) through a complemented
-+ max threshold. [IA32-Vol3, Section 14.9.9] */
-+#define MSR_P4_IQ_COUNTER0 0x30C
-+#define P4_NMI_IQ_CCCR0 \
-+static __init inline int nmi_known_cpu(void)
-+ switch (boot_cpu_data.x86_vendor) {
-+ case X86_VENDOR_AMD:
-+ return boot_cpu_data.x86 == 15;
-+ case X86_VENDOR_INTEL:
-+ return boot_cpu_data.x86 == 15;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
- /* Run after command line and cpu_init init, but before all other checks */
- void __init nmi_watchdog_default(void)
-@@ -83,19 +113,10 @@ void __init nmi_watchdog_default(void)
- if (nmi_watchdog != NMI_DEFAULT)
- return;
-- /* For some reason the IO APIC watchdog doesn't work on the AMD
-- 8111 chipset. For now switch to local APIC mode using
-- perfctr0 there. On Intel CPUs we don't have code to handle
-- the perfctr and the IO-APIC seems to work, so use that. */
-- if (boot_cpu_data.x86_vendor == X86_VENDOR_AMD) {
-- nmi_watchdog = NMI_LOCAL_APIC;
-- printk(KERN_INFO
-- "Using local APIC NMI watchdog using perfctr0\n");
-- } else {
-- printk(KERN_INFO "Using IO APIC NMI watchdog\n");
-+ if (nmi_known_cpu())
-+ nmi_watchdog = NMI_LOCAL_APIC;
-+ else
- nmi_watchdog = NMI_IO_APIC;
-- }
- }
- /* Why is there no CPUID flag for this? */
-@@ -181,7 +202,10 @@ static void disable_lapic_nmi_watchdog(v
- wrmsr(MSR_K7_EVNTSEL0, 0, 0);
- break;
- case X86_VENDOR_INTEL:
-- wrmsr(MSR_IA32_EVNTSEL0, 0, 0);
-+ if (boot_cpu_data.x86 == 15) {
-+ wrmsr(MSR_P4_IQ_CCCR0, 0, 0);
-+ wrmsr(MSR_P4_CRU_ESCR0, 0, 0);
-+ }
- break;
- }
- nmi_active = -1;
-@@ -296,6 +320,14 @@ late_initcall(init_lapic_nmi_sysfs);
- * Original code written by Keith Owens.
- */
-+static void clear_msr_range(unsigned int base, unsigned int n)
-+ unsigned int i;
-+ for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
-+ wrmsr(base+i, 0, 0);
- static void setup_k7_watchdog(void)
- {
- int i;
-@@ -327,6 +359,47 @@ static void setup_k7_watchdog(void)
- wrmsr(MSR_K7_EVNTSEL0, evntsel, 0);
- }
-+static int setup_p4_watchdog(void)
-+ unsigned int misc_enable, dummy;
-+ rdmsr(MSR_P4_MISC_ENABLE, misc_enable, dummy);
-+ if (!(misc_enable & MSR_P4_MISC_ENABLE_PERF_AVAIL))
-+ return 0;
-+ nmi_perfctr_msr = MSR_P4_IQ_COUNTER0;
-+ nmi_p4_cccr_val = P4_NMI_IQ_CCCR0;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-+ if (smp_num_siblings == 2)
-+ nmi_p4_cccr_val |= P4_CCCR_OVF_PMI1;
-+ if (!(misc_enable & MSR_P4_MISC_ENABLE_PEBS_UNAVAIL))
-+ clear_msr_range(0x3F1, 2);
-+ /* MSR 0x3F0 seems to have a default value of 0xFC00, but current
-+ docs doesn't fully define it, so leave it alone for now. */
-+ if (boot_cpu_data.x86_model >= 0x3) {
-+ /* MSR_P4_IQ_ESCR0/1 (0x3ba/0x3bb) removed */
-+ clear_msr_range(0x3A0, 26);
-+ clear_msr_range(0x3BC, 3);
-+ } else {
-+ clear_msr_range(0x3A0, 31);
-+ }
-+ clear_msr_range(0x3C0, 6);
-+ clear_msr_range(0x3C8, 6);
-+ clear_msr_range(0x3E0, 2);
-+ clear_msr_range(MSR_P4_CCCR0, 18);
-+ clear_msr_range(MSR_P4_PERFCTR0, 18);
-+ wrmsr(MSR_P4_CRU_ESCR0, P4_NMI_CRU_ESCR0, 0);
-+ wrmsr(MSR_P4_IQ_CCCR0, P4_NMI_IQ_CCCR0 & ~P4_CCCR_ENABLE, 0);
-+ Dprintk("setting P4_IQ_COUNTER0 to 0x%08lx\n", -(cpu_khz/nmi_hz*1000));
-+ wrmsr(MSR_P4_IQ_COUNTER0, -(cpu_khz/nmi_hz*1000), -1);
-+ apic_write(APIC_LVTPC, APIC_DM_NMI);
-+ wrmsr(MSR_P4_IQ_CCCR0, nmi_p4_cccr_val, 0);
-+ return 1;
- void setup_apic_nmi_watchdog(void)
- {
- switch (boot_cpu_data.x86_vendor) {
-@@ -337,6 +410,13 @@ void setup_apic_nmi_watchdog(void)
- return;
- setup_k7_watchdog();
- break;
-+ case X86_VENDOR_INTEL:
-+ if (boot_cpu_data.x86 != 15)
-+ return;
-+ if (!setup_p4_watchdog())
-+ return;
-+ break;
- default:
- return;
- }
-@@ -414,8 +494,20 @@ void nmi_watchdog_tick (struct pt_regs *
- last_irq_sums[cpu] = sum;
- alert_counter[cpu] = 0;
- }
-- if (nmi_perfctr_msr)
-+ if (nmi_perfctr_msr) {
-+ if (nmi_perfctr_msr == MSR_P4_IQ_COUNTER0) {
-+ /*
-+ * P4 quirks:
-+ * - An overflown perfctr will assert its interrupt
-+ * until the OVF flag in its CCCR is cleared.
-+ * - LVTPC is masked on interrupt and must be
-+ * unmasked by the LVTPC handler.
-+ */
-+ wrmsr(MSR_P4_IQ_CCCR0, nmi_p4_cccr_val, 0);
-+ apic_write(APIC_LVTPC, APIC_DM_NMI);
-+ }
- wrmsr(nmi_perfctr_msr, -(cpu_khz/nmi_hz*1000), -1);
-+ }
- }
- static int dummy_nmi_callback(struct pt_regs * regs, int cpu)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -209,7 +209,8 @@ void __show_regs(struct pt_regs * regs)
- printk("Pid: %d, comm: %.20s %s %s\n",
- current->pid, current->comm, print_tainted(), UTS_RELEASE);
- printk("RIP: %04lx:[<%016lx>] ", regs->cs & 0xffff, regs->rip);
-- printk_address(regs->rip);
-+ if (decode_call_traces)
-+ printk_address(regs->rip);
- printk("\nRSP: %04lx:%016lx EFLAGS: %08lx\n", regs->ss, regs->rsp, regs->eflags);
- printk("RAX: %016lx RBX: %016lx RCX: %016lx\n",
- regs->rax, regs->rbx, regs->rcx);
-@@ -606,7 +607,7 @@ long do_arch_prctl(struct task_struct *t
- switch (code) {
- case ARCH_SET_GS:
-- if (addr >= TASK_SIZE)
-+ if (addr >= TASK_SIZE_OF(task))
- return -EPERM;
- cpu = get_cpu();
- /* handle small bases via the GDT because that's faster to
-@@ -632,7 +633,7 @@ long do_arch_prctl(struct task_struct *t
- case ARCH_SET_FS:
- /* Not strictly needed for fs, but do it for symmetry
- with gs */
-- if (addr >= TASK_SIZE)
-+ if (addr >= TASK_SIZE_OF(task))
- return -EPERM;
- cpu = get_cpu();
- /* handle small bases via the GDT because that's faster to
-@@ -711,3 +712,20 @@ int dump_task_regs(struct task_struct *t
- return 1;
- }
-+long do_fork_kthread(unsigned long clone_flags,
-+ unsigned long stack_start,
-+ struct pt_regs *regs,
-+ unsigned long stack_size,
-+ int __user *parent_tidptr,
-+ int __user *child_tidptr)
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ return do_fork(clone_flags, stack_start, regs, stack_size,
-+ parent_tidptr, child_tidptr);
-+ /* Don't allow kernel_thread() inside VE */
-+ printk("kernel_thread call inside VE\n");
-+ dump_stack();
-+ return -EPERM;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -128,12 +128,12 @@ static int putreg(struct task_struct *ch
- value &= 0xffff;
- return 0;
- case offsetof(struct user_regs_struct,fs_base):
-- if (!((value >> 48) == 0 || (value >> 48) == 0xffff))
-+ if (value >= TASK_SIZE_OF(child))
- return -EIO;
- child->thread.fs = value;
- return 0;
- case offsetof(struct user_regs_struct,gs_base):
-- if (!((value >> 48) == 0 || (value >> 48) == 0xffff))
-+ if (value >= TASK_SIZE_OF(child))
- return -EIO;
- child-> = value;
- return 0;
-@@ -148,6 +148,11 @@ static int putreg(struct task_struct *ch
- return -EIO;
- value &= 0xffff;
- break;
-+ case offsetof(struct user_regs_struct, rip):
-+ /* Check if the new RIP address is canonical */
-+ if (value >= TASK_SIZE_OF(child))
-+ return -EIO;
-+ break;
- }
- put_stack_long(child, regno - sizeof(struct pt_regs), value);
- return 0;
-@@ -169,6 +174,15 @@ static unsigned long getreg(struct task_
- return child->thread.fs;
- case offsetof(struct user_regs_struct, gs_base):
- return child->;
-+ case offsetof(struct user_regs_struct, cs):
-+ if (test_tsk_thread_flag(child, TIF_SYSCALL_TRACE)) {
-+ val = get_stack_long(child, regno - sizeof(struct pt_regs));
-+ if (val == __USER_CS)
-+ return 0x33;
-+ if (val == __USER32_CS)
-+ return 0x23;
-+ }
-+ /* fall through */
- default:
- regno = regno - sizeof(struct pt_regs);
- val = get_stack_long(child, regno);
-@@ -202,7 +216,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_ptrace(long request,
- }
- ret = -ESRCH;
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- child = find_task_by_pid(pid);
-+ child = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
- if (child)
- get_task_struct(child);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-@@ -246,7 +260,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_ptrace(long request,
- break;
- switch (addr) {
-- case 0 ... sizeof(struct user_regs_struct):
-+ case 0 ... sizeof(struct user_regs_struct) - sizeof(long):
- tmp = getreg(child, addr);
- break;
- case offsetof(struct user, u_debugreg[0]):
-@@ -285,33 +299,37 @@ asmlinkage long sys_ptrace(long request,
- break;
- case PTRACE_POKEUSR: /* write the word at location addr in the USER area */
-+ {
-+ int dsize;
-+ dsize = test_tsk_thread_flag(child, TIF_IA32) ? 3 : 7;
- ret = -EIO;
- if ((addr & 7) ||
- addr > sizeof(struct user) - 7)
- break;
- switch (addr) {
-- case 0 ... sizeof(struct user_regs_struct):
-+ case 0 ... sizeof(struct user_regs_struct) - sizeof(long):
- ret = putreg(child, addr, data);
- break;
- /* Disallows to set a breakpoint into the vsyscall */
- case offsetof(struct user, u_debugreg[0]):
-- if (data >= TASK_SIZE-7) break;
-+ if (data >= TASK_SIZE_OF(child) - dsize) break;
- child->thread.debugreg0 = data;
- ret = 0;
- break;
- case offsetof(struct user, u_debugreg[1]):
-- if (data >= TASK_SIZE-7) break;
-+ if (data >= TASK_SIZE_OF(child) - dsize) break;
- child->thread.debugreg1 = data;
- ret = 0;
- break;
- case offsetof(struct user, u_debugreg[2]):
-- if (data >= TASK_SIZE-7) break;
-+ if (data >= TASK_SIZE_OF(child) - dsize) break;
- child->thread.debugreg2 = data;
- ret = 0;
- break;
- case offsetof(struct user, u_debugreg[3]):
-- if (data >= TASK_SIZE-7) break;
-+ if (data >= TASK_SIZE_OF(child) - dsize) break;
- child->thread.debugreg3 = data;
- ret = 0;
- break;
-@@ -333,6 +351,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_ptrace(long request,
- break;
- }
- break;
-+ }
- case PTRACE_SYSCALL: /* continue and stop at next (return from) syscall */
- case PTRACE_CONT: { /* restart after signal. */
- long tmp;
-@@ -393,7 +412,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_ptrace(long request,
- long tmp;
- ret = 0;
-- if (child->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
-+ if (child->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) /* already dead */
- break;
- child->exit_code = SIGKILL;
- /* make sure the single step bit is not set. */
-@@ -498,8 +517,10 @@ static void syscall_trace(struct pt_regs
- current_thread_info()->flags, current->ptrace);
- #endif
-+ set_pn_state(current, (regs->rax != -ENOSYS) ? PN_STOP_LEAVE : PN_STOP_ENTRY);
- ptrace_notify(SIGTRAP | ((current->ptrace & PT_TRACESYSGOOD)
- ? 0x80 : 0));
-+ clear_pn_state(current);
- /*
- * this isn't the same as continuing with a signal, but it will do
- * for normal use. strace only continues with a signal if the
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:28.000000000 +0400
-@@ -642,6 +642,23 @@ static int __init init_amd(struct cpuinf
- int r;
- int level;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-+ unsigned long value;
-+ /*
-+ * Disable TLB flush filter by setting HWCR.FFDIS on K8
-+ * bit 6 of msr C001_0015
-+ *
-+ * Errata 63 for SH-B3 steppings
-+ * Errata 122 for all steppings (F+ have it disabled by default)
-+ */
-+ if (c->x86 == 15) {
-+ rdmsrl(MSR_K8_HWCR, value);
-+ value |= 1 << 6;
-+ wrmsrl(MSR_K8_HWCR, value);
-+ }
- /* Bit 31 in normal CPUID used for nonstandard 3DNow ID;
- 3DNow is IDd by bit 31 in extended CPUID (1*32+31) anyway */
- clear_bit(0*32+31, &c->x86_capability);
-@@ -1086,7 +1103,7 @@ static int show_cpuinfo(struct seq_file
- seq_printf(m, "cache size\t: %d KB\n", c->x86_cache_size);
- #ifdef CONFIG_X86_HT
-- if (cpu_has_ht) {
-+ if (smp_num_siblings > 1) {
- seq_printf(m, "physical id\t: %d\n", phys_proc_id[c - cpu_data]);
- seq_printf(m, "siblings\t: %d\n", smp_num_siblings);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <asm/i387.h>
- #include <asm/proto.h>
-+#include <asm/ia32_unistd.h>
- /* #define DEBUG_SIG 1 */
-@@ -54,6 +55,7 @@ sys_rt_sigsuspend(sigset_t __user *unews
- spin_lock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
- saveset = current->blocked;
-+ set_sigsuspend_state(current, saveset);
- current->blocked = newset;
- recalc_sigpending();
- spin_unlock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
-@@ -65,8 +67,10 @@ sys_rt_sigsuspend(sigset_t __user *unews
- while (1) {
- current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
- schedule();
-- if (do_signal(&regs, &saveset))
-+ if (do_signal(&regs, &saveset)) {
-+ clear_sigsuspend_state(current);
- return -EINTR;
-+ }
- }
- }
-@@ -124,6 +128,12 @@ restore_sigcontext(struct pt_regs *regs,
- if (verify_area(VERIFY_READ, buf, sizeof(*buf)))
- goto badframe;
- err |= restore_i387(buf);
-+ } else {
-+ struct task_struct *me = current;
-+ if (me->used_math) {
-+ clear_fpu(me);
-+ me->used_math = 0;
-+ }
- }
- }
-@@ -287,7 +297,7 @@ static void setup_rt_frame(int sig, stru
- if (ka->sa.sa_flags & SA_RESTORER) {
- err |= __put_user(ka->sa.sa_restorer, &frame->pretcode);
- } else {
-- printk("%s forgot to set SA_RESTORER for signal %d.\n", me->comm, sig);
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "%s forgot to set SA_RESTORER for signal %d.\n", me->comm, sig);
- goto give_sigsegv;
- }
-@@ -349,7 +359,7 @@ handle_signal(unsigned long sig, siginfo
- #endif
- /* Are we from a system call? */
-- if (regs->orig_rax >= 0) {
-+ if ((long)regs->orig_rax >= 0) {
- /* If so, check system call restarting.. */
- switch (regs->rax) {
-@@ -411,9 +421,10 @@ int do_signal(struct pt_regs *regs, sigs
- return 1;
- }
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
-- refrigerator(0);
-- goto no_signal;
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
-+ refrigerator();
-+ if (!signal_pending(current))
-+ goto no_signal;
- }
- if (!oldset)
-@@ -436,7 +447,7 @@ int do_signal(struct pt_regs *regs, sigs
- no_signal:
- /* Did we come from a system call? */
-- if (regs->orig_rax >= 0) {
-+ if ((long)regs->orig_rax >= 0) {
- /* Restart the system call - no handlers present */
- long res = regs->rax;
- if (res == -ERESTARTNOHAND ||
-@@ -446,7 +457,9 @@ int do_signal(struct pt_regs *regs, sigs
- regs->rip -= 2;
- }
- if (regs->rax == (unsigned long)-ERESTART_RESTARTBLOCK) {
-- regs->rax = __NR_restart_syscall;
-+ regs->rax = test_thread_flag(TIF_IA32) ?
-+ __NR_ia32_restart_syscall :
-+ __NR_restart_syscall;
- regs->rip -= 2;
- }
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -309,8 +309,6 @@ void __init smp_callin(void)
- Dprintk("CALLIN, before setup_local_APIC().\n");
- setup_local_APIC();
-- local_irq_enable();
- /*
- * Get our bogomips.
- */
-@@ -324,8 +322,6 @@ void __init smp_callin(void)
- */
- smp_store_cpu_info(cpuid);
-- local_irq_disable();
- /*
- * Allow the master to continue.
- */
-@@ -397,7 +393,8 @@ static struct task_struct * __init fork_
- * don't care about the eip and regs settings since
- * we'll never reschedule the forked task.
- */
-- return copy_process(CLONE_VM|CLONE_IDLETASK, 0, &regs, 0, NULL, NULL);
-+ return copy_process(CLONE_VM|CLONE_IDLETASK, 0,
-+ &regs, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -69,13 +69,7 @@ out:
- static void find_start_end(unsigned long flags, unsigned long *begin,
- unsigned long *end)
- {
-- if (test_thread_flag(TIF_IA32)) {
-- *begin = TASK_UNMAPPED_32;
-- *end = IA32_PAGE_OFFSET;
-- } else
-- if (flags & MAP_32BIT) {
-+ if (!test_thread_flag(TIF_IA32) && (flags & MAP_32BIT)) {
- /* This is usually used needed to map code in small
- model, so it needs to be in the first 31bit. Limit
- it to that. This means we need to move the
-@@ -83,12 +77,12 @@ static void find_start_end(unsigned long
- conflicts with the heap, but we assume that glibc
- malloc knows how to fall back to mmap. Give it 1GB
- of playground for now. -AK */
-- *begin = 0x40000000;
-- *end = 0x80000000;
-- } else {
-- *begin = TASK_UNMAPPED_64;
-- *end = TASK_SIZE;
-- }
-+ *begin = 0x40000000;
-+ *end = 0x80000000;
-+ } else {
-+ *end = TASK_SIZE;
-+ }
- }
- unsigned long
-@@ -146,7 +140,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_uname(struct new_uts
- {
- int err;
- down_read(&uts_sem);
-- err = copy_to_user(name, &system_utsname, sizeof (*name));
-+ err = copy_to_user(name, &ve_utsname, sizeof (*name));
- up_read(&uts_sem);
- if (personality(current->personality) == PER_LINUX32)
- err |= copy_to_user(&name->machine, "i686", 5);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -55,10 +55,13 @@ static int nohpet __initdata = 0;
- unsigned int cpu_khz; /* TSC clocks / usec, not used here */
- unsigned long hpet_period; /* fsecs / HPET clock */
- unsigned long hpet_tick; /* HPET clocks / interrupt */
-+static int hpet_use_timer;
- unsigned long vxtime_hz = PIT_TICK_RATE;
- int report_lost_ticks; /* command line option */
- unsigned long long monotonic_base;
- struct vxtime_data __vxtime __section_vxtime; /* for vsyscalls */
- volatile unsigned long __jiffies __section_jiffies = INITIAL_JIFFIES;
-@@ -96,7 +99,9 @@ static inline unsigned int do_gettimeoff
- static inline unsigned int do_gettimeoffset_hpet(void)
- {
-- return ((hpet_readl(HPET_COUNTER) - vxtime.last) * vxtime.quot) >> 32;
-+ /* cap counter read to one tick to avoid inconsistencies */
-+ unsigned long counter = hpet_readl(HPET_COUNTER) - vxtime.last;
-+ return (min(counter,hpet_tick) * vxtime.quot) >> 32;
- }
- unsigned int (*do_gettimeoffset)(void) = do_gettimeoffset_tsc;
-@@ -270,7 +275,7 @@ unsigned long long monotonic_clock(void)
- last_offset = vxtime.last;
- base = monotonic_base;
-- this_offset = hpet_readl(HPET_T0_CMP) - hpet_tick;
-+ this_offset = hpet_readl(HPET_COUNTER);
- } while (read_seqretry(&xtime_lock, seq));
- offset = (this_offset - last_offset);
-@@ -309,7 +314,14 @@ static irqreturn_t timer_interrupt(int i
- write_seqlock(&xtime_lock);
-- if (vxtime.hpet_address) {
-+ if (vxtime.hpet_address)
-+ offset = hpet_readl(HPET_COUNTER);
-+ if (hpet_use_timer) {
-+ /* if we're using the hpet timer functionality,
-+ * we can more accurately know the counter value
-+ * when the timer interrupt occured.
-+ */
- offset = hpet_readl(HPET_T0_CMP) - hpet_tick;
- delay = hpet_readl(HPET_COUNTER) - offset;
- } else {
-@@ -630,8 +642,7 @@ static int hpet_init(void)
- id = hpet_readl(HPET_ID);
-- if (!(id & HPET_ID_VENDOR) || !(id & HPET_ID_NUMBER) ||
-- !(id & HPET_ID_LEGSUP))
-+ if (!(id & HPET_ID_VENDOR) || !(id & HPET_ID_NUMBER))
- return -1;
- hpet_period = hpet_readl(HPET_PERIOD);
-@@ -641,6 +652,8 @@ static int hpet_init(void)
- hpet_tick = (1000000000L * (USEC_PER_SEC / HZ) + hpet_period / 2) /
- hpet_period;
-+ hpet_use_timer = (id & HPET_ID_LEGSUP);
- /*
- * Stop the timers and reset the main counter.
- */
-@@ -656,17 +669,20 @@ static int hpet_init(void)
- * and period also hpet_tick.
- */
-- hpet_writel(hpet_tick, HPET_T0_CMP);
-- hpet_writel(hpet_tick, HPET_T0_CMP); /* AK: why twice? */
-+ if (hpet_use_timer) {
-+ hpet_writel(hpet_tick, HPET_T0_CMP);
-+ hpet_writel(hpet_tick, HPET_T0_CMP); /* AK: why twice? */
-+ cfg |= HPET_CFG_LEGACY;
-+ }
- /*
- * Go!
- */
-- hpet_writel(cfg, HPET_CFG);
-+ cfg |= HPET_CFG_ENABLE;
-+ hpet_writel(cfg, HPET_CFG);
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -719,9 +735,11 @@ void __init time_init(void)
- set_normalized_timespec(&wall_to_monotonic,
- -xtime.tv_sec, -xtime.tv_nsec);
-- if (!hpet_init()) {
-+ if (!hpet_init())
- vxtime_hz = (1000000000000000L + hpet_period / 2) /
- hpet_period;
-+ if (hpet_use_timer) {
- cpu_khz = hpet_calibrate_tsc();
- timename = "HPET";
- } else {
-@@ -754,12 +772,12 @@ void __init time_init_smp(void)
- char *timetype;
- if (vxtime.hpet_address) {
-- timetype = "HPET";
-+ timetype = hpet_use_timer ? "HPET" : "PIT/HPET";
- vxtime.last = hpet_readl(HPET_T0_CMP) - hpet_tick;
- vxtime.mode = VXTIME_HPET;
- do_gettimeoffset = do_gettimeoffset_hpet;
- } else {
-- timetype = "PIT/TSC";
-+ timetype = hpet_use_timer ? "HPET/TSC" : "PIT/TSC";
- vxtime.mode = VXTIME_TSC;
- }
- printk(KERN_INFO "time.c: Using %s based timekeeping.\n", timetype);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ r_base = .
- lidt idt_48 - r_base # load idt with 0, 0
- lgdt gdt_48 - r_base # load gdt with whatever is appropriate
-- movw $__KERNEL_DS,%ax
-+ movw $__BOOT_DS,%ax
- movw %ax,%ds
- movw %ax,%es
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -91,6 +91,9 @@ int printk_address(unsigned long address
- char *delim = ":";
- char namebuf[128];
-+ if (!decode_call_traces)
-+ return printk("[<%016lx>]", address);
- symname = kallsyms_lookup(address, &symsize, &offset, &modname, namebuf);
- if (!symname)
- return printk("[<%016lx>]", address);
-@@ -143,7 +146,7 @@ void show_trace(unsigned long *stack)
- if (__kernel_text_address(addr)) {
- i += printk_address(addr);
- i += printk(" ");
-- if (i > 50) {
-+ if (i > 50 && decode_call_traces) {
- printk("\n");
- i = 0;
- }
-@@ -172,7 +175,7 @@ void show_trace(unsigned long *stack)
- if (__kernel_text_address(addr)) {
- i += printk_address(addr);
- i += printk(" ");
-- if (i > 50) {
-+ if (i > 50 && decode_call_traces) {
- printk("\n ");
- i = 0;
- }
-@@ -188,7 +191,7 @@ void show_trace(unsigned long *stack)
- if (__kernel_text_address(addr)) {
- i += printk_address(addr);
- i += printk(" ");
-- if (i > 50) {
-+ if (i > 50 && decode_call_traces) {
- printk("\n ");
- i = 0;
- }
-@@ -254,10 +257,13 @@ void show_registers(struct pt_regs *regs
- rsp = regs->rsp;
-- printk("CPU %d ", cpu);
-+ printk("CPU: %d, VCPU: %d:%d ", cpu, task_vsched_id(current),
-+ task_cpu(current));
- __show_regs(regs);
-- printk("Process %s (pid: %d, threadinfo %p, task %p)\n",
-- cur->comm, cur->pid, cur->thread_info, cur);
-+ printk("Process %s (pid: %d, veid=%d, threadinfo %p, task %p)\n",
-+ cur->comm, cur->pid,
-+ VEID(VE_TASK_INFO(current)->owner_env),
-+ cur->thread_info, cur);
- /*
- * When in-kernel, we also print out the stack and code at the
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:29.000000000 +0400
-@@ -44,32 +44,31 @@ SECTIONS
- }
- __bss_end = .;
-- . = ALIGN(64);
- .data.cacheline_aligned : { *(.data.cacheline_aligned) }
-+#define AFTER(x) BINALIGN(LOADADDR(x) + SIZEOF(x), 16)
-+#define BINALIGN(x,y) (((x) + (y) - 1) & ~((y) - 1))
- .vsyscall_0 -10*1024*1024: AT ((LOADADDR(.data.cacheline_aligned) + SIZEOF(.data.cacheline_aligned) + 4095) & ~(4095)) { *(.vsyscall_0) }
- __vsyscall_0 = LOADADDR(.vsyscall_0);
-- . = ALIGN(64);
-- .xtime_lock : AT ((LOADADDR(.vsyscall_0) + SIZEOF(.vsyscall_0) + 63) & ~(63)) { *(.xtime_lock) }
-+ .xtime_lock : AT CACHE_ALIGN(AFTER(.vsyscall_0)) { *(.xtime_lock) }
- xtime_lock = LOADADDR(.xtime_lock);
-- . = ALIGN(16);
-- .vxtime : AT ((LOADADDR(.xtime_lock) + SIZEOF(.xtime_lock) + 15) & ~(15)) { *(.vxtime) }
-+ .vxtime : AT AFTER(.xtime_lock) { *(.vxtime) }
- vxtime = LOADADDR(.vxtime);
-- . = ALIGN(16);
-- .wall_jiffies : AT ((LOADADDR(.vxtime) + SIZEOF(.vxtime) + 15) & ~(15)) { *(.wall_jiffies) }
-+ .wall_jiffies : AT AFTER(.vxtime) { *(.wall_jiffies) }
- wall_jiffies = LOADADDR(.wall_jiffies);
-- . = ALIGN(16);
-- .sys_tz : AT ((LOADADDR(.wall_jiffies) + SIZEOF(.wall_jiffies) + 15) & ~(15)) { *(.sys_tz) }
-+ .sys_tz : AT AFTER(.wall_jiffies) { *(.sys_tz) }
- sys_tz = LOADADDR(.sys_tz);
-- . = ALIGN(16);
-- .sysctl_vsyscall : AT ((LOADADDR(.sys_tz) + SIZEOF(.sys_tz) + 15) & ~(15)) { *(.sysctl_vsyscall) }
-- sysctl_vsyscall = LOADADDR(.sysctl_vsyscall);
-- . = ALIGN(16);
-- .jiffies : AT ((LOADADDR(.sysctl_vsyscall) + SIZEOF(.sysctl_vsyscall) + 15) & ~(15)) { *(.jiffies) }
-- jiffies = LOADADDR(.jiffies);
-- . = ALIGN(16);
-- .xtime : AT ((LOADADDR(.jiffies) + SIZEOF(.jiffies) + 15) & ~(15)) { *(.xtime) }
-+ .sysctl_vsyscall : AT AFTER(.sys_tz) { *(.sysctl_vsyscall) }
-+ sysctl_vsyscall = LOADADDR(.sysctl_vsyscall);
-+ .xtime : AT AFTER(.sysctl_vsyscall) { *(.xtime) }
- xtime = LOADADDR(.xtime);
-+ .jiffies : AT CACHE_ALIGN(AFTER(.xtime)) { *(.jiffies) }
-+ jiffies = LOADADDR(.jiffies);
- .vsyscall_1 ADDR(.vsyscall_0) + 1024: AT (LOADADDR(.vsyscall_0) + 1024) { *(.vsyscall_1) }
- . = LOADADDR(.vsyscall_0) + 4096;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:29.000000000 +0400
-@@ -165,14 +165,12 @@ static void __init map_vsyscall(void)
- static int __init vsyscall_init(void)
- {
-- if ((unsigned long) &vgettimeofday != VSYSCALL_ADDR(__NR_vgettimeofday))
-- panic("vgettimeofday link addr broken");
-- if ((unsigned long) &vtime != VSYSCALL_ADDR(__NR_vtime))
-- panic("vtime link addr broken");
-- if (VSYSCALL_ADDR(0) != __fix_to_virt(VSYSCALL_FIRST_PAGE))
-- panic("fixmap first vsyscall %lx should be %lx", __fix_to_virt(VSYSCALL_FIRST_PAGE),
-+ BUG_ON(((unsigned long) &vgettimeofday !=
-+ VSYSCALL_ADDR(__NR_vgettimeofday)));
-+ BUG_ON((unsigned long) &vtime != VSYSCALL_ADDR(__NR_vtime));
-+ BUG_ON((VSYSCALL_ADDR(0) != __fix_to_virt(VSYSCALL_FIRST_PAGE)));
- map_vsyscall();
-+ sysctl_vsyscall = 1;
- return 0;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:30.000000000 +0400
-@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ bad_to_user:
- * rdx count
- *
- * Output:
-- * eax uncopied bytes or 0 if successfull.
-+ * eax uncopied bytes or 0 if successful.
- */
- .globl copy_user_generic
- .p2align 4
-@@ -179,9 +179,9 @@ copy_user_generic:
- movl $8,%r9d
- subl %ecx,%r9d
- movl %r9d,%ecx
-- subq %r9,%rdx
-- jz .Lsmall_align
-- js .Lsmall_align
-+ cmpq %r9,%rdx
-+ jz .Lhandle_7
-+ js .Lhandle_7
- .Lalign_1:
- .Ls11: movb (%rsi),%bl
- .Ld11: movb %bl,(%rdi)
-@@ -189,10 +189,8 @@ copy_user_generic:
- incq %rdi
- decl %ecx
- jnz .Lalign_1
-+ subq %r9,%rdx
- jmp .Lafter_bad_alignment
-- addq %r9,%rdx
-- jmp .Lhandle_7
- #endif
- /* table sorted by exception address */
-@@ -219,8 +217,8 @@ copy_user_generic:
- .quad .Ls10,.Le_byte
- .quad .Ld10,.Le_byte
-- .quad .Ls11,.Le_byte
-- .quad .Ld11,.Le_byte
-+ .quad .Ls11,.Lzero_rest
-+ .quad .Ld11,.Lzero_rest
- #endif
- .quad .Le5,.Le_zero
- .previous
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:30.000000000 +0400
-@@ -188,8 +188,8 @@ csum_partial_copy_generic:
- source
- movw (%rdi),%bx
- adcl %ebx,%eax
-- dest
- decl %ecx
-+ dest
- movw %bx,(%rsi)
- leaq 2(%rdi),%rdi
- leaq 2(%rsi),%rsi
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -34,27 +34,6 @@
- #include <asm/kdebug.h>
- #include <asm-generic/sections.h>
--void bust_spinlocks(int yes)
-- int loglevel_save = console_loglevel;
-- if (yes) {
-- oops_in_progress = 1;
-- } else {
--#ifdef CONFIG_VT
-- unblank_screen();
-- oops_in_progress = 0;
-- /*
-- * OK, the message is on the console. Now we call printk()
-- * without oops_in_progress set so that printk will give klogd
-- * a poke. Hold onto your hats...
-- */
-- console_loglevel = 15; /* NMI oopser may have shut the console up */
-- printk(" ");
-- console_loglevel = loglevel_save;
-- }
- /* Sometimes the CPU reports invalid exceptions on prefetch.
- Check that here and ignore.
- Opcode checker based on code by Richard Brunner */
-@@ -219,7 +198,7 @@ int unhandled_signal(struct task_struct
- }
- int page_fault_trace;
--int exception_trace = 1;
-+int exception_trace = 0;
- /*
- * This routine handles page faults. It determines the address,
-@@ -261,7 +240,7 @@ asmlinkage void do_page_fault(struct pt_
- local_irq_enable();
- if (unlikely(page_fault_trace))
-- printk("pagefault rip:%lx rsp:%lx cs:%lu ss:%lu address %lx error %lx\n",
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "pagefault rip:%lx rsp:%lx cs:%lu ss:%lu address %lx error %lx\n",
- regs->rip,regs->rsp,regs->cs,regs->ss,address,error_code);
- tsk = current;
-@@ -281,8 +260,27 @@ asmlinkage void do_page_fault(struct pt_
- if (unlikely(in_atomic() || !mm))
- goto bad_area_nosemaphore;
-- again:
-- down_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
-+ /* When running in the kernel we expect faults to occur only to
-+ * addresses in user space. All other faults represent errors in the
-+ * kernel and should generate an OOPS. Unfortunatly, in the case of an
-+ * erroneous fault occuring in a code path which already holds mmap_sem
-+ * we will deadlock attempting to validate the fault against the
-+ * address space. Luckily the kernel only validly references user
-+ * space from well defined areas of code, which are listed in the
-+ * exceptions table.
-+ *
-+ * As the vast majority of faults will be valid we will only perform
-+ * the source reference check when there is a possibilty of a deadlock.
-+ * Attempt to lock the address space, if we cannot we then validate the
-+ * source. If this is invalid we can skip the address space check,
-+ * thus avoiding the deadlock.
-+ */
-+ if (!down_read_trylock(&mm->mmap_sem)) {
-+ if ((error_code & 4) == 0 &&
-+ !search_exception_tables(regs->rip))
-+ goto bad_area_nosemaphore;
-+ down_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
-+ }
- vma = find_vma(mm, address);
- if (!vma)
-@@ -349,17 +347,6 @@ bad_area:
- up_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
- bad_area_nosemaphore:
-- /* 32bit vsyscall. map on demand. */
-- if (test_thread_flag(TIF_IA32) &&
-- address >= 0xffffe000 && address < 0xffffe000 + PAGE_SIZE) {
-- if (map_syscall32(mm, address) < 0)
-- goto out_of_memory2;
-- return;
-- }
- /* User mode accesses just cause a SIGSEGV */
- if (error_code & 4) {
- if (is_prefetch(regs, address))
-@@ -376,7 +363,7 @@ bad_area_nosemaphore:
- return;
- if (exception_trace && unhandled_signal(tsk, SIGSEGV)) {
-- printk(KERN_INFO
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_INFO
- "%s[%d]: segfault at %016lx rip %016lx rsp %016lx error %lx\n",
- tsk->comm, tsk->pid, address, regs->rip,
- regs->rsp, error_code);
-@@ -440,14 +427,14 @@ no_context:
- */
- out_of_memory:
- up_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
-- if (current->pid == 1) {
-- yield();
-- goto again;
-- }
-- printk("VM: killing process %s\n", tsk->comm);
-- if (error_code & 4)
-- do_exit(SIGKILL);
-+ if (error_code & 4) {
-+ /*
-+ * 0-order allocation always success if something really
-+ * fatal not happen: beancounter overdraft or OOM. Den
-+ */
-+ force_sig(SIGKILL, tsk);
-+ return;
-+ }
- goto no_context;
- do_sigbus:
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
- #include <linux/pagemap.h>
- #include <linux/bootmem.h>
- #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
- #include <asm/processor.h>
- #include <asm/system.h>
-@@ -80,6 +81,8 @@ void show_mem(void)
- printk("%d pages swap cached\n",cached);
- }
- /* References to section boundaries */
- extern char _text, _etext, _edata, __bss_start, _end[];
-@@ -578,9 +581,9 @@ static __init int x8664_sysctl_init(void
- __initcall(x8664_sysctl_init);
- #endif
--/* Pseudo VMAs to allow ptrace access for the vsyscall pages. x86-64 has two
-- different ones: one for 32bit and one for 64bit. Use the appropiate
-- for the target task. */
-+/* A pseudo VMAs to allow ptrace access for the vsyscall page. This only
-+ covers the 64bit vsyscall page now. 32bit has a real VMA now and does
-+ not need special handling anymore. */
- static struct vm_area_struct gate_vma = {
- .vm_start = VSYSCALL_START,
-@@ -588,19 +591,15 @@ static struct vm_area_struct gate_vma =
- .vm_page_prot = PAGE_READONLY
- };
--static struct vm_area_struct gate32_vma = {
-- .vm_start = VSYSCALL32_BASE,
-- .vm_end = VSYSCALL32_END,
-- .vm_page_prot = PAGE_READONLY
- struct vm_area_struct *get_gate_vma(struct task_struct *tsk)
- {
-- return test_tsk_thread_flag(tsk, TIF_IA32) ? &gate32_vma : &gate_vma;
-+ return test_tsk_thread_flag(tsk, TIF_IA32) ? NULL : &gate_vma;
- }
- int in_gate_area(struct task_struct *task, unsigned long addr)
- {
- struct vm_area_struct *vma = get_gate_vma(task);
-+ if (!vma)
-+ return 0;
- return (addr >= vma->vm_start) && (addr < vma->vm_end);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:30.000000000 +0400
-@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
- #include <asm/fixmap.h>
- #include <asm/cacheflush.h>
- #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
-+#include <asm/proto.h>
- static inline void remap_area_pte(pte_t * pte, unsigned long address, unsigned long size,
- unsigned long phys_addr, unsigned long flags)
-@@ -99,7 +99,31 @@ static int remap_area_pages(unsigned lon
- }
- /*
-- * Generic mapping function (not visible outside):
-+ * Fix up the linear direct mapping of the kernel to avoid cache attribute
-+ * conflicts.
-+ */
-+static int
-+ioremap_change_attr(unsigned long phys_addr, unsigned long size,
-+ unsigned long flags)
-+ int err = 0;
-+ if (flags && phys_addr + size - 1 < (end_pfn_map << PAGE_SHIFT)) {
-+ unsigned long npages = (size + PAGE_SIZE - 1) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
-+ unsigned long vaddr = (unsigned long) __va(phys_addr);
-+ /*
-+ * Must use a address here and not struct page because the phys addr
-+ * can be a in hole between nodes and not have an memmap entry.
-+ */
-+ err = change_page_attr_addr(vaddr,npages,__pgprot(__PAGE_KERNEL|flags));
-+ if (!err)
-+ global_flush_tlb();
-+ }
-+ return err;
-+ * Generic mapping function
- */
- /*
-@@ -155,12 +179,17 @@ void * __ioremap(unsigned long phys_addr
- /*
- * Ok, go for it..
- */
-- area = get_vm_area(size, VM_IOREMAP);
-+ area = get_vm_area(size, VM_IOREMAP | (flags << 24));
- if (!area)
- return NULL;
- area->phys_addr = phys_addr;
- addr = area->addr;
- if (remap_area_pages((unsigned long) addr, phys_addr, size, flags)) {
-+ remove_vm_area((void *)(PAGE_MASK & (unsigned long) addr));
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ if (ioremap_change_attr(phys_addr, size, flags) < 0) {
-+ area->flags &= 0xffffff;
- vunmap(addr);
- return NULL;
- }
-@@ -191,43 +220,34 @@ void * __ioremap(unsigned long phys_addr
- void *ioremap_nocache (unsigned long phys_addr, unsigned long size)
- {
-- void *p = __ioremap(phys_addr, size, _PAGE_PCD);
-- if (!p)
-- return p;
-- if (phys_addr + size < virt_to_phys(high_memory)) {
-- struct page *ppage = virt_to_page(__va(phys_addr));
-- unsigned long npages = (size + PAGE_SIZE - 1) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
-- BUG_ON(phys_addr+size > (unsigned long)high_memory);
-- BUG_ON(phys_addr + size < phys_addr);
-- if (change_page_attr(ppage, npages, PAGE_KERNEL_NOCACHE) < 0) {
-- iounmap(p);
-- p = NULL;
-- }
-- global_flush_tlb();
-- }
-- return p;
-+ return __ioremap(phys_addr, size, _PAGE_PCD);
- }
- void iounmap(void *addr)
- {
-- struct vm_struct *p;
-+ struct vm_struct *p, **pprev;
- if (addr <= high_memory)
- return;
-- p = remove_vm_area((void *)(PAGE_MASK & (unsigned long) addr));
-+ write_lock(&vmlist_lock);
-+ for (p = vmlist, pprev = &vmlist; p != NULL; pprev = &p->next, p = *pprev)
-+ if (p->addr == (void *)(PAGE_MASK & (unsigned long)addr))
-+ break;
- if (!p) {
- printk("__iounmap: bad address %p\n", addr);
-- return;
-- }
-- if (p->flags && p->phys_addr < virt_to_phys(high_memory)) {
-- change_page_attr(virt_to_page(__va(p->phys_addr)),
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ }
-+ *pprev = p->next;
-+ unmap_vm_area(p);
-+ if ((p->flags >> 24) &&
-+ p->phys_addr + p->size - 1 < virt_to_phys(high_memory)) {
-+ change_page_attr_addr((unsigned long)__va(p->phys_addr),
- p->size >> PAGE_SHIFT,
- global_flush_tlb();
- }
-+ write_unlock(&vmlist_lock);
- kfree(p);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:30.000000000 +0400
-@@ -61,7 +61,10 @@ static void flush_kernel_map(void *addre
- asm volatile("clflush (%0)" :: "r" (address + i));
- } else
- asm volatile("wbinvd":::"memory");
-- __flush_tlb_one(address);
-+ if (address)
-+ __flush_tlb_one(address);
-+ else
-+ __flush_tlb_all();
- }
-@@ -111,13 +114,12 @@ static void revert_page(unsigned long ad
- }
- static int
--__change_page_attr(unsigned long address, struct page *page, pgprot_t prot,
-- pgprot_t ref_prot)
-+__change_page_attr(unsigned long address, unsigned long pfn, pgprot_t prot,
-+ pgprot_t ref_prot)
- {
- pte_t *kpte;
- struct page *kpte_page;
- unsigned kpte_flags;
- kpte = lookup_address(address);
- if (!kpte) return 0;
- kpte_page = virt_to_page(((unsigned long)kpte) & PAGE_MASK);
-@@ -125,20 +127,20 @@ __change_page_attr(unsigned long address
- if (pgprot_val(prot) != pgprot_val(ref_prot)) {
- if ((kpte_flags & _PAGE_PSE) == 0) {
- pte_t old = *kpte;
-- pte_t standard = mk_pte(page, ref_prot);
-+ pte_t standard = pfn_pte(pfn, ref_prot);
-- set_pte(kpte, mk_pte(page, prot));
-+ set_pte(kpte, pfn_pte(pfn, prot));
- if (pte_same(old,standard))
- get_page(kpte_page);
- } else {
- struct page *split = split_large_page(address, prot, ref_prot);
- if (!split)
- return -ENOMEM;
-- get_page(kpte_page);
-+ get_page(split);
- set_pte(kpte,mk_pte(split, ref_prot));
- }
- } else if ((kpte_flags & _PAGE_PSE) == 0) {
-- set_pte(kpte, mk_pte(page, ref_prot));
-+ set_pte(kpte, pfn_pte(pfn, ref_prot));
- __put_page(kpte_page);
- }
-@@ -162,31 +164,38 @@ __change_page_attr(unsigned long address
- *
- * Caller must call global_flush_tlb() after this.
- */
--int change_page_attr(struct page *page, int numpages, pgprot_t prot)
-+int change_page_attr_addr(unsigned long address, int numpages, pgprot_t prot)
- {
- int err = 0;
- int i;
- down_write(&init_mm.mmap_sem);
-- for (i = 0; i < numpages; !err && i++, page++) {
-- unsigned long address = (unsigned long)page_address(page);
-- err = __change_page_attr(address, page, prot, PAGE_KERNEL);
-+ for (i = 0; i < numpages; i++, address += PAGE_SIZE) {
-+ unsigned long pfn = __pa(address) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
-+ err = __change_page_attr(address, pfn, prot, PAGE_KERNEL);
- if (err)
- break;
- /* Handle kernel mapping too which aliases part of the
- * lowmem */
- /* Disabled right now. Fixme */
-- if (0 && page_to_phys(page) < KERNEL_TEXT_SIZE) {
-+ if (0 && __pa(address) < KERNEL_TEXT_SIZE) {
- unsigned long addr2;
-- addr2 = __START_KERNEL_map + page_to_phys(page);
-- err = __change_page_attr(addr2, page, prot,
-+ addr2 = __START_KERNEL_map + __pa(address);
-+ err = __change_page_attr(addr2, pfn, prot, PAGE_KERNEL_EXEC);
- }
- }
- up_write(&init_mm.mmap_sem);
- return err;
- }
-+/* Don't call this for MMIO areas that may not have a mem_map entry */
-+int change_page_attr(struct page *page, int numpages, pgprot_t prot)
-+ unsigned long addr = (unsigned long)page_address(page);
-+ return change_page_attr_addr(addr, numpages, prot);
- void global_flush_tlb(void)
- {
- struct deferred_page *df, *next_df;
-@@ -194,6 +203,8 @@ void global_flush_tlb(void)
- down_read(&init_mm.mmap_sem);
- df = xchg(&df_list, NULL);
- up_read(&init_mm.mmap_sem);
-+ if (!df)
-+ return;
- flush_map((df && !df->next) ? df->address : 0);
- for (; df; df = next_df) {
- next_df = df->next;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -69,8 +69,13 @@ static struct kobj_type ktype_class = {
- };
- /* Hotplug events for classes go to the class_obj subsys */
--static decl_subsys(class, &ktype_class, NULL);
-+decl_subsys(class, &ktype_class, NULL);
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
-+#define visible_class_subsys class_subsys
-+#define visible_class_subsys (*get_exec_env()->class_subsys)
- int class_create_file(struct class * cls, const struct class_attribute * attr)
- {
-@@ -143,7 +148,7 @@ int class_register(struct class * cls)
- if (error)
- return error;
-- subsys_set_kset(cls, class_subsys);
-+ subsys_set_kset(cls, visible_class_subsys);
- error = subsystem_register(&cls->subsys);
- if (!error) {
-@@ -304,8 +309,13 @@ static struct kset_hotplug_ops class_hot
- .hotplug = class_hotplug,
- };
--static decl_subsys(class_obj, &ktype_class_device, &class_hotplug_ops);
-+decl_subsys(class_obj, &ktype_class_device, &class_hotplug_ops);
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
-+#define visible_class_obj_subsys class_obj_subsys
-+#define visible_class_obj_subsys (*get_exec_env()->class_obj_subsys)
- static int class_device_add_attrs(struct class_device * cd)
- {
-@@ -342,7 +352,7 @@ static void class_device_remove_attrs(st
- void class_device_initialize(struct class_device *class_dev)
- {
-- kobj_set_kset_s(class_dev, class_obj_subsys);
-+ kobj_set_kset_s(class_dev, visible_class_obj_subsys);
- kobject_init(&class_dev->kobj);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&class_dev->node);
- }
-@@ -505,12 +515,19 @@ void class_interface_unregister(struct c
- class_put(parent);
- }
-+void prepare_sysfs_classes(void)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ get_ve0()->class_subsys = &class_subsys;
-+ get_ve0()->class_obj_subsys = &class_obj_subsys;
- int __init classes_init(void)
- {
- int retval;
-+ prepare_sysfs_classes();
- retval = subsystem_register(&class_subsys);
- if (retval)
- return retval;
-@@ -542,3 +559,6 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(class_device_remove_file);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(class_interface_register);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(class_interface_unregister);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -3774,7 +3774,7 @@ static int floppy_open(struct inode *ino
- * Needed so that programs such as fdrawcmd still can work on write
- * protected disks */
- if (filp->f_mode & 2
-- || permission(filp->f_dentry->d_inode, 2, NULL) == 0)
-+ || permission(filp->f_dentry->d_inode, 2, NULL, NULL) == 0)
- filp->private_data = (void *)8;
- if (UFDCS->rawcmd == 1)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
- #define MAX_PROBE_HASH 255 /* random */
- static struct subsystem block_subsys;
-+struct subsystem *get_block_subsys(void) {return &block_subsys;}
- /*
- * Can be deleted altogether. Later.
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:34.000000000 +0400
-@@ -219,3 +219,5 @@ int blkdev_ioctl(struct inode *inode, st
- }
- return -ENOTTY;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:31.000000000 +0400
-@@ -263,6 +263,45 @@ void blk_queue_make_request(request_queu
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(blk_queue_make_request);
- /**
-+ * blk_queue_ordered - does this queue support ordered writes
-+ * @q: the request queue
-+ * @flag: see below
-+ *
-+ * Description:
-+ * For journalled file systems, doing ordered writes on a commit
-+ * block instead of explicitly doing wait_on_buffer (which is bad
-+ * for performance) can be a big win. Block drivers supporting this
-+ * feature should call this function and indicate so.
-+ *
-+ **/
-+void blk_queue_ordered(request_queue_t *q, int flag)
-+ if (flag)
-+ set_bit(QUEUE_FLAG_ORDERED, &q->queue_flags);
-+ else
-+ clear_bit(QUEUE_FLAG_ORDERED, &q->queue_flags);
-+ * blk_queue_issue_flush_fn - set function for issuing a flush
-+ * @q: the request queue
-+ * @iff: the function to be called issuing the flush
-+ *
-+ * Description:
-+ * If a driver supports issuing a flush command, the support is notified
-+ * to the block layer by defining it through this call.
-+ *
-+ **/
-+void blk_queue_issue_flush_fn(request_queue_t *q, issue_flush_fn *iff)
-+ q->issue_flush_fn = iff;
- * blk_queue_bounce_limit - set bounce buffer limit for queue
- * @q: the request queue for the device
- * @dma_addr: bus address limit
-@@ -1925,10 +1964,11 @@ int blk_execute_rq(request_queue_t *q, s
- }
- rq->flags |= REQ_NOMERGE;
-- rq->waiting = &wait;
-+ if (!rq->waiting)
-+ rq->waiting = &wait;
- elv_add_request(q, rq, ELEVATOR_INSERT_BACK, 1);
- generic_unplug_device(q);
-- wait_for_completion(&wait);
-+ wait_for_completion(rq->waiting);
- rq->waiting = NULL;
- if (rq->errors)
-@@ -1939,6 +1979,72 @@ int blk_execute_rq(request_queue_t *q, s
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(blk_execute_rq);
-+ * blkdev_issue_flush - queue a flush
-+ * @bdev: blockdev to issue flush for
-+ * @error_sector: error sector
-+ *
-+ * Description:
-+ * Issue a flush for the block device in question. Caller can supply
-+ * room for storing the error offset in case of a flush error, if they
-+ * wish to. Caller must run wait_for_completion() on its own.
-+ */
-+int blkdev_issue_flush(struct block_device *bdev, sector_t *error_sector)
-+ request_queue_t *q;
-+ if (bdev->bd_disk == NULL)
-+ return -ENXIO;
-+ q = bdev_get_queue(bdev);
-+ if (!q)
-+ return -ENXIO;
-+ if (!q->issue_flush_fn)
-+ return -EOPNOTSUPP;
-+ return q->issue_flush_fn(q, bdev->bd_disk, error_sector);
-+ * blkdev_scsi_issue_flush_fn - issue flush for SCSI devices
-+ * @q: device queue
-+ * @disk: gendisk
-+ * @error_sector: error offset
-+ *
-+ * Description:
-+ * Devices understanding the SCSI command set, can use this function as
-+ * a helper for issuing a cache flush. Note: driver is required to store
-+ * the error offset (in case of error flushing) in ->sector of struct
-+ * request.
-+ */
-+int blkdev_scsi_issue_flush_fn(request_queue_t *q, struct gendisk *disk,
-+ sector_t *error_sector)
-+ struct request *rq = blk_get_request(q, WRITE, __GFP_WAIT);
-+ int ret;
-+ rq->sector = 0;
-+ memset(rq->cmd, 0, sizeof(rq->cmd));
-+ rq->cmd[0] = 0x35;
-+ rq->cmd_len = 12;
-+ rq->data = NULL;
-+ rq->data_len = 0;
-+ rq->timeout = 60 * HZ;
-+ ret = blk_execute_rq(q, disk, rq);
-+ if (ret && error_sector)
-+ *error_sector = rq->sector;
-+ blk_put_request(rq);
-+ return ret;
- void drive_stat_acct(struct request *rq, int nr_sectors, int new_io)
- {
- int rw = rq_data_dir(rq);
-@@ -2192,7 +2298,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(__blk_attempt_remerge);
- static int __make_request(request_queue_t *q, struct bio *bio)
- {
- struct request *req, *freereq = NULL;
-- int el_ret, rw, nr_sectors, cur_nr_sectors, barrier, ra;
-+ int el_ret, rw, nr_sectors, cur_nr_sectors, barrier, err, sync;
- sector_t sector;
- sector = bio->bi_sector;
-@@ -2210,9 +2316,11 @@ static int __make_request(request_queue_
- spin_lock_prefetch(q->queue_lock);
-- barrier = test_bit(BIO_RW_BARRIER, &bio->bi_rw);
-- ra = bio->bi_rw & (1 << BIO_RW_AHEAD);
-+ barrier = bio_barrier(bio);
-+ if (barrier && !(q->queue_flags & (1 << QUEUE_FLAG_ORDERED))) {
-+ err = -EOPNOTSUPP;
-+ goto end_io;
-+ }
- again:
- spin_lock_irq(q->queue_lock);
-@@ -2238,6 +2346,7 @@ again:
- drive_stat_acct(req, nr_sectors, 0);
- if (!attempt_back_merge(q, req))
- elv_merged_request(q, req);
-+ sync = bio_sync(bio);
- goto out;
-@@ -2264,6 +2373,7 @@ again:
- drive_stat_acct(req, nr_sectors, 0);
- if (!attempt_front_merge(q, req))
- elv_merged_request(q, req);
-+ sync = bio_sync(bio);
- goto out;
- /*
-@@ -2292,7 +2402,8 @@ get_rq:
- /*
- * READA bit set
- */
-- if (ra)
-+ err = -EWOULDBLOCK;
-+ if (bio_rw_ahead(bio))
- goto end_io;
- freereq = get_request_wait(q, rw);
-@@ -2303,10 +2414,9 @@ get_rq:
- req->flags |= REQ_CMD;
- /*
-- * inherit FAILFAST from bio and don't stack up
-- * retries for read ahead
-+ * inherit FAILFAST from bio (for read-ahead, and explicit FAILFAST)
- */
-- if (ra || test_bit(BIO_RW_FAILFAST, &bio->bi_rw))
-+ if (bio_rw_ahead(bio) || bio_failfast(bio))
- req->flags |= REQ_FAILFAST;
- /*
-@@ -2329,18 +2439,19 @@ get_rq:
- req->rq_disk = bio->bi_bdev->bd_disk;
- req->start_time = jiffies;
-+ sync = bio_sync(bio);
- add_request(q, req);
- out:
- if (freereq)
- __blk_put_request(q, freereq);
-- if (bio_sync(bio))
-+ if (sync)
- __generic_unplug_device(q);
- spin_unlock_irq(q->queue_lock);
- return 0;
- end_io:
-- bio_endio(bio, nr_sectors << 9, -EWOULDBLOCK);
-+ bio_endio(bio, nr_sectors << 9, err);
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -2647,10 +2758,17 @@ void blk_recalc_rq_sectors(struct reques
- static int __end_that_request_first(struct request *req, int uptodate,
- int nr_bytes)
- {
-- int total_bytes, bio_nbytes, error = 0, next_idx = 0;
-+ int total_bytes, bio_nbytes, error, next_idx = 0;
- struct bio *bio;
- /*
-+ * extend uptodate bool to allow < 0 value to be direct io error
-+ */
-+ error = 0;
-+ if (end_io_error(uptodate))
-+ error = !uptodate ? -EIO : uptodate;
-+ /*
- * for a REQ_BLOCK_PC request, we want to carry any eventual
- * sense key with us all the way through
- */
-@@ -2658,7 +2776,6 @@ static int __end_that_request_first(stru
- req->errors = 0;
- if (!uptodate) {
-- error = -EIO;
- if (blk_fs_request(req) && !(req->flags & REQ_QUIET))
- printk("end_request: I/O error, dev %s, sector %llu\n",
- req->rq_disk ? req->rq_disk->disk_name : "?",
-@@ -2741,7 +2858,7 @@ static int __end_that_request_first(stru
- /**
- * end_that_request_first - end I/O on a request
- * @req: the request being processed
-- * @uptodate: 0 for I/O error
-+ * @uptodate: 1 for success, 0 for I/O error, < 0 for specific error
- * @nr_sectors: number of sectors to end I/O on
- *
- * Description:
-@@ -2762,7 +2879,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(end_that_request_first);
- /**
- * end_that_request_chunk - end I/O on a request
- * @req: the request being processed
-- * @uptodate: 0 for I/O error
-+ * @uptodate: 1 for success, 0 for I/O error, < 0 for specific error
- * @nr_bytes: number of bytes to complete
- *
- * Description:
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -304,7 +304,8 @@ static int sg_scsi_ioctl(struct file *fi
- struct gendisk *bd_disk, Scsi_Ioctl_Command __user *sic)
- {
- struct request *rq;
-- int err, in_len, out_len, bytes, opcode, cmdlen;
-+ int err;
-+ unsigned int in_len, out_len, bytes, opcode, cmdlen;
- char *buffer = NULL, sense[SCSI_SENSE_BUFFERSIZE];
- /*
-@@ -316,7 +317,7 @@ static int sg_scsi_ioctl(struct file *fi
- return -EFAULT;
- if (in_len > PAGE_SIZE || out_len > PAGE_SIZE)
- return -EINVAL;
-- if (get_user(opcode, sic->data))
-+ if (get_user(opcode, (int *)sic->data))
- return -EFAULT;
- bytes = max(in_len, out_len);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:26.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:24.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1063,7 +1063,7 @@ void kbd_keycode(unsigned int keycode, i
- sysrq_down = down;
- return;
- }
-- if (sysrq_down && down && !rep) {
-+ if ((sysrq_down || sysrq_eat_all()) && down && !rep) {
- handle_sysrq(kbd_sysrq_xlate[keycode], regs, tty);
- return;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:33.000000000 +0400
-@@ -946,13 +946,13 @@ static inline int copy_from_read_buf(str
- {
- int retval;
-- ssize_t n;
-+ size_t n;
- unsigned long flags;
- retval = 0;
- spin_lock_irqsave(&tty->read_lock, flags);
- n = min(tty->read_cnt, N_TTY_BUF_SIZE - tty->read_tail);
-- n = min((ssize_t)*nr, n);
-+ n = min(*nr, n);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&tty->read_lock, flags);
- if (n) {
- mb();
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -32,22 +32,48 @@
- #include <asm/bitops.h>
- #include <linux/devpts_fs.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_misc.h>
- #if defined(CONFIG_LEGACY_PTYS) || defined(CONFIG_UNIX98_PTYS)
- static struct tty_driver *pty_driver, *pty_slave_driver;
-+struct tty_driver *get_pty_driver(void) {return pty_driver;}
-+struct tty_driver *get_pty_slave_driver(void) {return pty_slave_driver;}
- #endif
- /* These are global because they are accessed in tty_io.c */
- struct tty_driver *ptm_driver;
- struct tty_driver *pts_driver;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+#define ve_ptm_driver (get_exec_env()->ptm_driver)
-+#define ve_ptm_driver ptm_driver
-+void prepare_pty(void)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ get_ve0()->ptm_driver = ptm_driver;
-+ /* don't clean ptm_driver and co. here, they are used in vecalls.c */
- #endif
- static void pty_close(struct tty_struct * tty, struct file * filp)
- {
- if (!tty)
- return;
-+ ub_pty_uncharge(tty);
- if (tty->driver->subtype == PTY_TYPE_MASTER) {
- if (tty->count > 1)
- printk("master pty_close: count = %d!!\n", tty->count);
-@@ -61,14 +87,18 @@ static void pty_close(struct tty_struct
- if (!tty->link)
- return;
- tty->link->packet = 0;
-+ set_bit(TTY_OTHER_CLOSED, &tty->link->flags);
- wake_up_interruptible(&tty->link->read_wait);
- wake_up_interruptible(&tty->link->write_wait);
-- set_bit(TTY_OTHER_CLOSED, &tty->link->flags);
- if (tty->driver->subtype == PTY_TYPE_MASTER) {
- set_bit(TTY_OTHER_CLOSED, &tty->flags);
-- if (tty->driver == ptm_driver)
-+ if (tty->driver->flags & TTY_DRIVER_DEVPTS_MEM) {
-+ struct ve_struct *old_env;
-+ old_env = set_exec_env(VE_OWNER_TTY(tty));
- devpts_pty_kill(tty->index);
-+ set_exec_env(old_env);
-+ }
- #endif
- tty_vhangup(tty->link);
- }
-@@ -288,6 +318,8 @@ static int pty_open(struct tty_struct *t
- if (!tty || !tty->link)
- goto out;
-+ if (ub_pty_charge(tty))
-+ goto out;
- retval = -EIO;
- if (test_bit(TTY_OTHER_CLOSED, &tty->flags))
-@@ -455,6 +487,7 @@ static int __init pty_init(void)
- panic("Couldn't register Unix98 pts driver");
- pty_table[1].data = &ptm_driver->refcount;
-+ prepare_pty();
- #endif /* CONFIG_UNIX98_PTYS */
- return 0;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ repeat:
- i--;
- }
- if (count-i) {
-- file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_atime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_atime = current_fs_time(inode->i_sb);
- return count-i;
- }
- if (signal_pending(current))
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:33.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1720,8 +1720,9 @@ random_write(struct file * file, const c
- if (p == buffer) {
- return (ssize_t)ret;
- } else {
-- file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mtime = CURRENT_TIME;
-- mark_inode_dirty(file->f_dentry->d_inode);
-+ struct inode *inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
-+ inode->i_mtime = current_fs_time(inode->i_sb);
-+ mark_inode_dirty(inode);
- return (ssize_t)(p - buffer);
- }
- }
-@@ -1917,7 +1918,7 @@ static int poolsize_strategy(ctl_table *
- void __user *oldval, size_t __user *oldlenp,
- void __user *newval, size_t newlen, void **context)
- {
-- int len;
-+ unsigned int len;
- sysctl_poolsize = random_state->poolinfo.POOLBYTES;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:34.000000000 +0400
-@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ raw_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct fi
- {
- struct block_device *bdev = filp->private_data;
-- return ioctl_by_bdev(bdev, command, arg);
-+ return blkdev_ioctl(bdev->bd_inode, filp, command, arg);
- }
- static void bind_device(struct raw_config_request *rq)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -489,7 +489,8 @@ repeat:
- i--;
- }
- if (count - i) {
-- file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_atime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ struct inode *inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
-+ inode->i_atime = current_fs_time(inode->i_sb);
- return count-i;
- }
- if (signal_pending(current))
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -31,10 +31,12 @@
- #include <linux/suspend.h>
- #include <linux/writeback.h>
- #include <linux/buffer_head.h> /* for fsync_bdev() */
-+#include <linux/kallsyms.h>
- #include <linux/spinlock.h>
- #include <asm/ptrace.h>
-+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
- extern void reset_vc(unsigned int);
-@@ -131,6 +133,296 @@ static struct sysrq_key_op sysrq_mountro
- .action_msg = "Emergency Remount R/O",
- };
-+ * Alt-SysRq debugger
-+ * Implemented functions:
-+ * dumping memory
-+ * resolvind symbols
-+ * writing memory
-+ * quitting :)
-+ */
-+/* Memory accessing routines */
-+#define DUMP_LINES 22
-+unsigned long *dumpmem_addr;
-+static void dump_mem(void)
-+ unsigned long value[4];
-+ mm_segment_t old_fs;
-+ int line, err;
-+ old_fs = get_fs();
-+ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
-+ err = 0;
-+ for (line = 0; line < DUMP_LINES; line++) {
-+ err |= __get_user(value[0], dumpmem_addr++);
-+ err |= __get_user(value[1], dumpmem_addr++);
-+ err |= __get_user(value[2], dumpmem_addr++);
-+ err |= __get_user(value[3], dumpmem_addr++);
-+ if (err) {
-+ printk("Invalid address 0x%p\n", dumpmem_addr - 4);
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ printk("0x%p: %08lx %08lx %08lx %08lx\n", dumpmem_addr - 4,
-+ value[0], value[1], value[2], value[3]);
-+ }
-+ set_fs(old_fs);
-+static unsigned long *writemem_addr;
-+static void write_mem(unsigned long val)
-+ mm_segment_t old_fs;
-+ unsigned long old_val;
-+ old_fs = get_fs();
-+ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
-+ if (__get_user(old_val, writemem_addr))
-+ goto err;
-+ printk("Changing [0x%p] %08lX to %08lX\n", writemem_addr, old_val, val);
-+ __put_user(val, writemem_addr);
-+ set_fs(old_fs);
-+/* reading user input */
-+#define NAME_LEN (64)
-+static struct {
-+ unsigned long hex;
-+ char name[NAME_LEN + 1];
-+ void (*entered)(void);
-+} debug_input;
-+static void debug_read_hex(int key)
-+ static int entered = 0;
-+ int val;
-+ if (key >= '0' && key <= '9')
-+ val = key - '0';
-+ else if (key >= 'a' && key <= 'f')
-+ val = key - 'a' + 0xa;
-+ else
-+ return;
-+ entered++;
-+ debug_input.hex = (debug_input.hex << 4) + val;
-+ printk("%c", key);
-+ if (entered != sizeof(unsigned long) * 2)
-+ return;
-+ printk("\n");
-+ entered = 0;
-+ debug_input.entered();
-+static void debug_read_string(int key)
-+ static int pos;
-+ static int shift;
-+ if (key == 0) {
-+ /* actually key == 0 not only for shift */
-+ shift = 1;
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ if (key == 0x0d) /* enter */
-+ goto finish;
-+ if (key >= 'a' && key <= 'z') {
-+ if (shift)
-+ key = key - 'a' + 'A';
-+ goto correct;
-+ }
-+ if (key == '-') {
-+ if (shift)
-+ key = '_';
-+ goto correct;
-+ }
-+ if (key >= '0' && key <= '9')
-+ goto correct;
-+ return;
-+[pos] = key;
-+ pos++;
-+ shift = 0;
-+ printk("%c", key);
-+ if (pos != NAME_LEN)
-+ return;
-+ printk("\n");
-+ pos = 0;
-+ shift = 0;
-+ debug_input.entered();
-+ memset(, 0, NAME_LEN);
-+static int sysrq_debug_mode;
-+#define DEBUG_READ_INPUT 2
-+static struct sysrq_key_op *debug_sysrq_key_table[];
-+static void (*handle_debug_input)(int key);
-+static void swap_opts(struct sysrq_key_op **);
-+#define PROMPT "> "
-+int sysrq_eat_all(void)
-+ return sysrq_debug_mode;
-+static inline void debug_switch_read_input(void (*fn_read)(int),
-+ void (*fn_fini)(void))
-+ WARN_ON(fn_read == NULL || fn_fini == NULL);
-+ debug_input.entered = fn_fini;
-+ handle_debug_input = fn_read;
-+ sysrq_debug_mode = DEBUG_READ_INPUT;
-+static inline void debug_switch_select_action(void)
-+ sysrq_debug_mode = DEBUG_SELECT_ACTION;
-+ handle_debug_input = NULL;
-+ printk(PROMPT);
-+/* handle key press in debug mode */
-+static void __handle_debug(int key, struct pt_regs *pt_regs,
-+ struct tty_struct *tty)
-+ if (sysrq_debug_mode == DEBUG_SELECT_ACTION) {
-+ __handle_sysrq(key, pt_regs, tty);
-+ if (sysrq_debug_mode)
-+ printk(PROMPT);
-+ } else {
-+ __sysrq_lock_table();
-+ handle_debug_input(key);
-+ __sysrq_unlock_table();
-+ }
-+/* dump memory */
-+static void debug_dumpmem_addr_entered(void)
-+ dumpmem_addr = (unsigned long *)debug_input.hex;
-+ dump_mem();
-+ debug_switch_select_action();
-+static void sysrq_handle_dumpmem(int key, struct pt_regs *pt_regs,
-+ struct tty_struct *tty)
-+ debug_switch_read_input(debug_read_hex, debug_dumpmem_addr_entered);
-+static struct sysrq_key_op sysrq_debug_dumpmem = {
-+ .handler = sysrq_handle_dumpmem,
-+ .help_msg = "Dump memory\n",
-+ .action_msg = "Enter address",
-+static void sysrq_handle_dumpnext(int key, struct pt_regs *pt_regs,
-+ struct tty_struct *tty)
-+ dump_mem();
-+static struct sysrq_key_op sysrq_debug_dumpnext = {
-+ .handler = sysrq_handle_dumpnext,
-+ .help_msg = "dump neXt\n",
-+ .action_msg = "",
-+/* resolve symbol */
-+static void debug_resolve_name_entered(void)
-+ unsigned long sym_addr;
-+ sym_addr = kallsyms_lookup_name(;
-+ printk("%s: %08lX\n",, sym_addr);
-+ if (sym_addr) {
-+ printk("Now you can dump it via X\n");
-+ dumpmem_addr = (unsigned long *)sym_addr;
-+ }
-+ debug_switch_select_action();
-+static void sysrq_handle_resolve(int key, struct pt_regs *pt_regs,
-+ struct tty_struct *tty)
-+ debug_switch_read_input(debug_read_string, debug_resolve_name_entered);
-+static struct sysrq_key_op sysrq_debug_resove = {
-+ .handler = sysrq_handle_resolve,
-+ .help_msg = "Resolve symbol\n",
-+ .action_msg = "Enter symbol name",
-+/* write memory */
-+static void debug_writemem_val_entered(void)
-+ write_mem(debug_input.hex);
-+ debug_switch_select_action();
-+static void debug_writemem_addr_entered(void)
-+ mm_segment_t old_fs;
-+ unsigned long val;
-+ writemem_addr = (unsigned long *)debug_input.hex;
-+ old_fs = get_fs();
-+ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
-+ if (!__get_user(val, writemem_addr))
-+ printk(" [0x%p] = %08lX\n", writemem_addr, val);
-+ set_fs(old_fs);
-+ debug_switch_read_input(debug_read_hex, debug_writemem_val_entered);
-+static void sysrq_handle_writemem(int key, struct pt_regs *pt_regs,
-+ struct tty_struct *tty)
-+ debug_switch_read_input(debug_read_hex, debug_writemem_addr_entered);
-+static struct sysrq_key_op sysrq_debug_writemem = {
-+ .handler = sysrq_handle_writemem,
-+ .help_msg = "Write memory\n",
-+ .action_msg = "Enter address and then value",
-+/* switch to debug mode */
-+static void sysrq_handle_debug(int key, struct pt_regs *pt_regs,
-+ struct tty_struct *tty)
-+ swap_opts(debug_sysrq_key_table);
-+ printk("Welcome sysrq debugging mode\n"
-+ "Press H for help\n");
-+ debug_switch_select_action();
-+static struct sysrq_key_op sysrq_debug_enter = {
-+ .handler = sysrq_handle_debug,
-+ .help_msg = "start Degugging",
-+ .action_msg = "Select desired action",
-+/* quit debug mode */
-+static void sysrq_handle_quit(int key, struct pt_regs *pt_regs,
-+ struct tty_struct *tty)
-+ swap_opts(NULL);
-+ sysrq_debug_mode = 0;
-+static struct sysrq_key_op sysrq_debug_quit = {
-+ .handler = sysrq_handle_quit,
-+ .help_msg = "Quit debug mode\n",
-+ .action_msg = "Thank you for using debugger",
-@@ -139,8 +431,13 @@ static struct sysrq_key_op sysrq_mountro
- static void sysrq_handle_showregs(int key, struct pt_regs *pt_regs,
- struct tty_struct *tty)
- {
-+ bust_spinlocks(1);
- if (pt_regs)
- show_regs(pt_regs);
-+ bust_spinlocks(0);
-+#ifdef __i386__
-+ smp_nmi_call_function(smp_show_regs, NULL, 0);
- }
- static struct sysrq_key_op sysrq_showregs_op = {
- .handler = sysrq_handle_showregs,
-@@ -183,7 +480,7 @@ static void send_sig_all(int sig)
- {
- struct task_struct *p;
-- for_each_process(p) {
-+ for_each_process_all(p) {
- if (p->mm && p->pid != 1)
- /* Not swapper, init nor kernel thread */
- force_sig(sig, p);
-@@ -214,13 +511,26 @@ static struct sysrq_key_op sysrq_kill_op
- .action_msg = "Kill All Tasks",
- };
-+static void sysrq_handle_vschedstate(int key, struct pt_regs *pt_regs,
-+ struct tty_struct *tty)
-+ show_vsched();
-+static struct sysrq_key_op sysrq_vschedstate_op = {
-+ .handler = sysrq_handle_vschedstate,
-+ .help_msg = "showvsChed",
-+ .action_msg = "Show Vsched",
- /* Key Operations table and lock */
- static spinlock_t sysrq_key_table_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
--static struct sysrq_key_op *sysrq_key_table[SYSRQ_KEY_TABLE_LENGTH] = {
-+static struct sysrq_key_op *def_sysrq_key_table[SYSRQ_KEY_TABLE_LENGTH] = {
- /* 0 */ &sysrq_loglevel_op,
- /* 1 */ &sysrq_loglevel_op,
- /* 2 */ &sysrq_loglevel_op,
-@@ -235,8 +545,16 @@ static struct sysrq_key_op *sysrq_key_ta
- it is handled specially on the sparc
- and will never arrive */
- /* b */ &sysrq_reboot_op,
-+/* c */ &sysrq_vschedstate_op,
- /* c */ NULL,
-+/* d */ &sysrq_debug_enter,
- /* d */ NULL,
- /* e */ &sysrq_term_op,
- /* f */ NULL,
- /* g */ NULL,
-@@ -270,6 +588,29 @@ static struct sysrq_key_op *sysrq_key_ta
- /* z */ NULL
- };
-+static struct sysrq_key_op *debug_sysrq_key_table[SYSRQ_KEY_TABLE_LENGTH] = {
-+ [13] = &sysrq_debug_dumpmem, /* d */
-+ [26] = &sysrq_debug_quit, /* q */
-+ [27] = &sysrq_debug_resove, /* r */
-+ [32] = &sysrq_debug_writemem, /* w */
-+ [33] = &sysrq_debug_dumpnext, /* x */
-+static struct sysrq_key_op **sysrq_key_table = def_sysrq_key_table;
-+/* call swap_opts(NULL) to restore opts to defaults */
-+static void swap_opts(struct sysrq_key_op **swap_to)
-+ if (swap_to)
-+ sysrq_key_table = swap_to;
-+ else
-+ sysrq_key_table = def_sysrq_key_table;
-+#define sysrq_key_table def_sysrq_key_table
- /* key2index calculation, -1 on invalid index */
- static int sysrq_key_table_key2index(int key) {
- int retval;
-@@ -358,6 +699,12 @@ void handle_sysrq(int key, struct pt_reg
- {
- if (!sysrq_enabled)
- return;
-+ if (sysrq_debug_mode) {
-+ __handle_debug(key, pt_regs, tty);
-+ return;
-+ }
- __handle_sysrq(key, pt_regs, tty);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
- #include <linux/string.h>
- #include <linux/slab.h>
- #include <linux/poll.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
- #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <linux/module.h>
-@@ -103,6 +104,7 @@
- #include <linux/devfs_fs_kernel.h>
- #include <linux/kmod.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
-@@ -120,7 +122,12 @@ struct termios tty_std_termios = { /* fo
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(tty_std_termios);
-+/* this lock protects tty_drivers list, this pretty guys do no locking */
-+rwlock_t tty_driver_guard = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
- LIST_HEAD(tty_drivers); /* linked list of tty drivers */
- struct tty_ldisc ldiscs[NR_LDISCS]; /* line disc dispatch table */
- /* Semaphore to protect creating and releasing a tty */
-@@ -130,6 +137,13 @@ DECLARE_MUTEX(tty_sem);
- extern struct tty_driver *ptm_driver; /* Unix98 pty masters; for /dev/ptmx */
- extern int pty_limit; /* Config limit on Unix98 ptys */
- static DEFINE_IDR(allocated_ptys);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+#define ve_allocated_ptys (*(get_exec_env()->allocated_ptys))
-+#define ve_ptm_driver (get_exec_env()->ptm_driver)
-+#define ve_allocated_ptys allocated_ptys
-+#define ve_ptm_driver ptm_driver
- static DECLARE_MUTEX(allocated_ptys_lock);
- #endif
-@@ -150,11 +164,25 @@ extern void rs_360_init(void);
- static void release_mem(struct tty_struct *tty, int idx);
-+DCL_VE_OWNER(TTYDRV, TAIL_SOFT, struct tty_driver, owner_env, , ())
-+DCL_VE_OWNER(TTY, TAIL_SOFT, struct tty_struct, owner_env, , ())
-+void prepare_tty(void)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ get_ve0()->allocated_ptys = &allocated_ptys;
-+ /*
-+ * in this case, tty_register_driver() setups
-+ * owner_env correctly right from the bootup
-+ */
- static struct tty_struct *alloc_tty_struct(void)
- {
- struct tty_struct *tty;
-- tty = kmalloc(sizeof(struct tty_struct), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ tty = ub_kmalloc(sizeof(struct tty_struct), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (tty)
- memset(tty, 0, sizeof(struct tty_struct));
- return tty;
-@@ -307,14 +335,37 @@ struct tty_driver *get_tty_driver(dev_t
- {
- struct tty_driver *p;
-+ read_lock(&tty_driver_guard);
- list_for_each_entry(p, &tty_drivers, tty_drivers) {
- dev_t base = MKDEV(p->major, p->minor_start);
- if (device < base || device >= base + p->num)
- continue;
- *index = device - base;
-- return p;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (in_interrupt())
-+ goto found;
-+ if (p->major!=PTY_MASTER_MAJOR && p->major!=PTY_SLAVE_MAJOR
-+ && (p->major<UNIX98_PTY_MASTER_MAJOR ||
-+ (p->major<UNIX98_PTY_SLAVE_MAJOR ||
-+ ) goto found;
-+ if (ve_is_super(VE_OWNER_TTYDRV(p)) &&
-+ ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ goto found;
-+ if (!ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_TTYDRV(p), get_exec_env()))
-+ continue;
-+ goto found;
- }
-+ read_unlock(&tty_driver_guard);
- return NULL;
-+ read_unlock(&tty_driver_guard);
-+ return p;
- }
- /*
-@@ -410,7 +461,6 @@ void do_tty_hangup(void *data)
- struct file * cons_filp = NULL;
- struct file *filp, *f = NULL;
- struct task_struct *p;
-- struct pid *pid;
- int closecount = 0, n;
- if (!tty)
-@@ -481,8 +531,7 @@ void do_tty_hangup(void *data)
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
- if (tty->session > 0) {
-- struct list_head *l;
-- for_each_task_pid(tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p, l, pid) {
-+ do_each_task_pid_all(tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p) {
- if (p->signal->tty == tty)
- p->signal->tty = NULL;
- if (!p->signal->leader)
-@@ -491,7 +540,7 @@ void do_tty_hangup(void *data)
- send_group_sig_info(SIGCONT, SEND_SIG_PRIV, p);
- if (tty->pgrp > 0)
- p->signal->tty_old_pgrp = tty->pgrp;
-- }
-+ } while_each_task_pid_all(tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p);
- }
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-@@ -563,15 +612,15 @@ void disassociate_ctty(int on_exit)
- {
- struct tty_struct *tty;
- struct task_struct *p;
-- struct list_head *l;
-- struct pid *pid;
- int tty_pgrp = -1;
- lock_kernel();
-+ down(&tty_sem);
- tty = current->signal->tty;
- if (tty) {
- tty_pgrp = tty->pgrp;
-+ up(&tty_sem);
- if (on_exit && tty->driver->type != TTY_DRIVER_TYPE_PTY)
- tty_vhangup(tty);
- } else {
-@@ -579,6 +628,7 @@ void disassociate_ctty(int on_exit)
- kill_pg(current->signal->tty_old_pgrp, SIGHUP, on_exit);
- kill_pg(current->signal->tty_old_pgrp, SIGCONT, on_exit);
- }
-+ up(&tty_sem);
- unlock_kernel();
- return;
- }
-@@ -588,14 +638,19 @@ void disassociate_ctty(int on_exit)
- kill_pg(tty_pgrp, SIGCONT, on_exit);
- }
-+ /* Must lock changes to tty_old_pgrp */
-+ down(&tty_sem);
- current->signal->tty_old_pgrp = 0;
- tty->session = 0;
- tty->pgrp = -1;
-+ /* Now clear signal->tty under the lock */
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- for_each_task_pid(current->signal->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p, l, pid)
-+ do_each_task_pid_all(current->signal->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p) {
- p->signal->tty = NULL;
-+ } while_each_task_pid_all(current->signal->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ up(&tty_sem);
- unlock_kernel();
- }
-@@ -656,7 +711,7 @@ static ssize_t tty_read(struct file * fi
- i = -EIO;
- unlock_kernel();
- if (i > 0)
-- inode->i_atime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ inode->i_atime = current_fs_time(inode->i_sb);
- return i;
- }
-@@ -702,7 +757,8 @@ static inline ssize_t do_tty_write(
- }
- }
- if (written) {
-- file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_mtime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ struct inode *inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
-+ inode->i_mtime = current_fs_time(inode->i_sb);
- ret = written;
- }
- up(&tty->atomic_write);
-@@ -760,27 +816,28 @@ static inline void tty_line_name(struct
- * really quite straightforward. The semaphore locking can probably be
- * relaxed for the (most common) case of reopening a tty.
- */
--static int init_dev(struct tty_driver *driver, int idx,
-- struct tty_struct **ret_tty)
-+static int init_dev(struct tty_driver *driver, int idx,
-+ struct tty_struct *i_tty, struct tty_struct **ret_tty)
- {
- struct tty_struct *tty, *o_tty;
- struct termios *tp, **tp_loc, *o_tp, **o_tp_loc;
- struct termios *ltp, **ltp_loc, *o_ltp, **o_ltp_loc;
-+ struct ve_struct * owner;
- int retval=0;
-- /*
-- * Check whether we need to acquire the tty semaphore to avoid
-- * race conditions. For now, play it safe.
-- */
-- down(&tty_sem);
-+ owner = VE_OWNER_TTYDRV(driver);
-- /* check whether we're reopening an existing tty */
-- if (driver->flags & TTY_DRIVER_DEVPTS_MEM) {
-- tty = devpts_get_tty(idx);
-- if (tty && driver->subtype == PTY_TYPE_MASTER)
-- tty = tty->link;
-- } else {
-- tty = driver->ttys[idx];
-+ if (i_tty)
-+ tty = i_tty;
-+ else {
-+ /* check whether we're reopening an existing tty */
-+ if (driver->flags & TTY_DRIVER_DEVPTS_MEM) {
-+ tty = devpts_get_tty(idx);
-+ if (tty && driver->subtype == PTY_TYPE_MASTER)
-+ tty = tty->link;
-+ } else {
-+ tty = driver->ttys[idx];
-+ }
- }
- if (tty) goto fast_track;
-@@ -808,6 +865,7 @@ static int init_dev(struct tty_driver *d
- tty->driver = driver;
- tty->index = idx;
- tty_line_name(driver, idx, tty->name);
-+ SET_VE_OWNER_TTY(tty, owner);
- if (driver->flags & TTY_DRIVER_DEVPTS_MEM) {
- tp_loc = &tty->termios;
-@@ -818,7 +876,7 @@ static int init_dev(struct tty_driver *d
- }
- if (!*tp_loc) {
-- tp = (struct termios *) kmalloc(sizeof(struct termios),
-+ tp = (struct termios *) ub_kmalloc(sizeof(struct termios),
- if (!tp)
- goto free_mem_out;
-@@ -826,7 +884,7 @@ static int init_dev(struct tty_driver *d
- }
- if (!*ltp_loc) {
-- ltp = (struct termios *) kmalloc(sizeof(struct termios),
-+ ltp = (struct termios *) ub_kmalloc(sizeof(struct termios),
- if (!ltp)
- goto free_mem_out;
-@@ -841,6 +899,7 @@ static int init_dev(struct tty_driver *d
- o_tty->driver = driver->other;
- o_tty->index = idx;
- tty_line_name(driver->other, idx, o_tty->name);
-+ SET_VE_OWNER_TTY(o_tty, owner);
- if (driver->flags & TTY_DRIVER_DEVPTS_MEM) {
- o_tp_loc = &o_tty->termios;
-@@ -852,7 +911,7 @@ static int init_dev(struct tty_driver *d
- if (!*o_tp_loc) {
- o_tp = (struct termios *)
-- kmalloc(sizeof(struct termios), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ ub_kmalloc(sizeof(struct termios), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!o_tp)
- goto free_mem_out;
- *o_tp = driver->other->init_termios;
-@@ -860,7 +919,7 @@ static int init_dev(struct tty_driver *d
- if (!*o_ltp_loc) {
- o_ltp = (struct termios *)
-- kmalloc(sizeof(struct termios), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ ub_kmalloc(sizeof(struct termios), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!o_ltp)
- goto free_mem_out;
- memset(o_ltp, 0, sizeof(struct termios));
-@@ -878,6 +937,10 @@ static int init_dev(struct tty_driver *d
- *o_ltp_loc = o_ltp;
- o_tty->termios = *o_tp_loc;
- o_tty->termios_locked = *o_ltp_loc;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (driver->other->refcount == 0)
-+ (void)get_ve(owner);
- driver->other->refcount++;
- if (driver->subtype == PTY_TYPE_MASTER)
- o_tty->count++;
-@@ -902,6 +965,10 @@ static int init_dev(struct tty_driver *d
- *ltp_loc = ltp;
- tty->termios = *tp_loc;
- tty->termios_locked = *ltp_loc;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (driver->refcount == 0)
-+ (void)get_ve(owner);
- driver->refcount++;
- tty->count++;
-@@ -956,7 +1023,6 @@ success:
- /* All paths come through here to release the semaphore */
- end_init:
-- up(&tty_sem);
- return retval;
- /* Release locally allocated memory ... nothing placed in slots */
-@@ -1010,6 +1076,10 @@ static void release_mem(struct tty_struc
- }
- o_tty->magic = 0;
- o_tty->driver->refcount--;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (o_tty->driver->refcount == 0)
-+ put_ve(VE_OWNER_TTY(o_tty));
- file_list_lock();
- list_del_init(&o_tty->tty_files);
- file_list_unlock();
-@@ -1032,6 +1102,10 @@ static void release_mem(struct tty_struc
- tty->magic = 0;
- tty->driver->refcount--;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (tty->driver->refcount == 0)
-+ put_ve(VE_OWNER_TTY(tty));
- file_list_lock();
- list_del_init(&tty->tty_files);
- file_list_unlock();
-@@ -1054,6 +1128,9 @@ static void release_dev(struct file * fi
- int devpts_master, devpts;
- int idx;
- char buf[64];
-+ struct idr *idr_alloced;
- tty = (struct tty_struct *)filp->private_data;
- if (tty_paranoia_check(tty, filp->f_dentry->d_inode, "release_dev"))
-@@ -1069,6 +1146,9 @@ static void release_dev(struct file * fi
- devpts = (tty->driver->flags & TTY_DRIVER_DEVPTS_MEM) != 0;
- devpts_master = pty_master && devpts;
- o_tty = tty->link;
-+ idr_alloced = tty->owner_env->allocated_ptys;
- if (idx < 0 || idx >= tty->driver->num) {
-@@ -1152,9 +1232,14 @@ static void release_dev(struct file * fi
- * each iteration we avoid any problems.
- */
- while (1) {
-+ /* Guard against races with tty->count changes elsewhere and
-+ opens on /dev/tty */
-+ down(&tty_sem);
- tty_closing = tty->count <= 1;
- o_tty_closing = o_tty &&
- (o_tty->count <= (pty_master ? 1 : 0));
-+ up(&tty_sem);
- do_sleep = 0;
- if (tty_closing) {
-@@ -1190,6 +1275,8 @@ static void release_dev(struct file * fi
- * both sides, and we've completed the last operation that could
- * block, so it's safe to proceed with closing.
- */
-+ down(&tty_sem);
- if (pty_master) {
- if (--o_tty->count < 0) {
- printk(KERN_WARNING "release_dev: bad pty slave count "
-@@ -1203,7 +1290,8 @@ static void release_dev(struct file * fi
- tty->count, tty_name(tty, buf));
- tty->count = 0;
- }
-+ up(&tty_sem);
- /*
- * We've decremented tty->count, so we need to remove this file
- * descriptor off the tty->tty_files list; this serves two
-@@ -1235,15 +1323,15 @@ static void release_dev(struct file * fi
- */
- if (tty_closing || o_tty_closing) {
- struct task_struct *p;
-- struct list_head *l;
-- struct pid *pid;
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- for_each_task_pid(tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p, l, pid)
-+ do_each_task_pid_all(tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p) {
- p->signal->tty = NULL;
-+ } while_each_task_pid_all(tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p);
- if (o_tty)
-- for_each_task_pid(o_tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p,l, pid)
-+ do_each_task_pid_all(o_tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p) {
- p->signal->tty = NULL;
-+ } while_each_task_pid_all(o_tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
- }
-@@ -1294,7 +1382,7 @@ static void release_dev(struct file * fi
- /* Make this pty number available for reallocation */
- if (devpts) {
- down(&allocated_ptys_lock);
-- idr_remove(&allocated_ptys, idx);
-+ idr_remove(idr_alloced, idx);
- up(&allocated_ptys_lock);
- }
- #endif
-@@ -1315,7 +1403,7 @@ static void release_dev(struct file * fi
- */
- static int tty_open(struct inode * inode, struct file * filp)
- {
-- struct tty_struct *tty;
-+ struct tty_struct *tty, *c_tty;
- int noctty, retval;
- struct tty_driver *driver;
- int index;
-@@ -1327,12 +1415,18 @@ retry_open:
- noctty = filp->f_flags & O_NOCTTY;
- index = -1;
- retval = 0;
-+ c_tty = NULL;
-+ down(&tty_sem);
- if (device == MKDEV(TTYAUX_MAJOR,0)) {
-- if (!current->signal->tty)
-+ if (!current->signal->tty) {
-+ up(&tty_sem);
- return -ENXIO;
-+ }
- driver = current->signal->tty->driver;
- index = current->signal->tty->index;
-+ c_tty = current->signal->tty;
- filp->f_flags |= O_NONBLOCK; /* Don't let /dev/tty block */
- /* noctty = 1; */
- goto got_driver;
-@@ -1341,6 +1435,12 @@ retry_open:
- if (device == MKDEV(TTY_MAJOR,0)) {
- extern int fg_console;
- extern struct tty_driver *console_driver;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ up(&tty_sem);
-+ return -ENODEV;
-+ }
- driver = console_driver;
- index = fg_console;
- noctty = 1;
-@@ -1348,6 +1448,12 @@ retry_open:
- }
- #endif
- if (device == MKDEV(TTYAUX_MAJOR,1)) {
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ up(&tty_sem);
-+ return -ENODEV;
-+ }
- driver = console_device(&index);
- if (driver) {
- /* Don't let /dev/console block */
-@@ -1355,6 +1461,7 @@ retry_open:
- noctty = 1;
- goto got_driver;
- }
-+ up(&tty_sem);
- return -ENODEV;
- }
-@@ -1364,29 +1471,33 @@ retry_open:
- /* find a device that is not in use. */
- down(&allocated_ptys_lock);
-- if (!idr_pre_get(&allocated_ptys, GFP_KERNEL)) {
-+ if (!idr_pre_get(&ve_allocated_ptys, GFP_KERNEL)) {
- up(&allocated_ptys_lock);
-+ up(&tty_sem);
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
-- idr_ret = idr_get_new(&allocated_ptys, NULL, &index);
-+ idr_ret = idr_get_new(&ve_allocated_ptys, NULL, &index);
- if (idr_ret < 0) {
- up(&allocated_ptys_lock);
-+ up(&tty_sem);
- if (idr_ret == -EAGAIN)
- return -ENOMEM;
- return -EIO;
- }
- if (index >= pty_limit) {
-- idr_remove(&allocated_ptys, index);
-+ idr_remove(&ve_allocated_ptys, index);
- up(&allocated_ptys_lock);
-+ up(&tty_sem);
- return -EIO;
- }
- up(&allocated_ptys_lock);
-- driver = ptm_driver;
-- retval = init_dev(driver, index, &tty);
-+ driver = ve_ptm_driver;
-+ retval = init_dev(driver, index, NULL, &tty);
-+ up(&tty_sem);
- if (retval) {
- down(&allocated_ptys_lock);
-- idr_remove(&allocated_ptys, index);
-+ idr_remove(&ve_allocated_ptys, index);
- up(&allocated_ptys_lock);
- return retval;
- }
-@@ -1398,10 +1509,13 @@ retry_open:
- #endif
- {
- driver = get_tty_driver(device, &index);
-- if (!driver)
-+ if (!driver) {
-+ up(&tty_sem);
- return -ENODEV;
-+ }
- got_driver:
-- retval = init_dev(driver, index, &tty);
-+ retval = init_dev(driver, index, c_tty, &tty);
-+ up(&tty_sem);
- if (retval)
- return retval;
- }
-@@ -1435,7 +1549,7 @@ got_driver:
- if (index != -1) {
- down(&allocated_ptys_lock);
-- idr_remove(&allocated_ptys, index);
-+ idr_remove(&ve_allocated_ptys, index);
- up(&allocated_ptys_lock);
- }
- #endif
-@@ -1566,10 +1680,12 @@ static int tiocswinsz(struct tty_struct
- static int tioccons(struct file *file)
- {
-+ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
-+ return -EPERM;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ return -EACCES;
- if (file->f_op->write == redirected_tty_write) {
- struct file *f;
-- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
-- return -EPERM;
- spin_lock(&redirect_lock);
- f = redirect;
- redirect = NULL;
-@@ -1606,8 +1722,6 @@ static int fionbio(struct file *file, in
- static int tiocsctty(struct tty_struct *tty, int arg)
- {
-- struct list_head *l;
-- struct pid *pid;
- task_t *p;
- if (current->signal->leader &&
-@@ -1630,8 +1744,9 @@ static int tiocsctty(struct tty_struct *
- */
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- for_each_task_pid(tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p, l, pid)
-+ do_each_task_pid_all(tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p) {
- p->signal->tty = NULL;
-+ } while_each_task_pid_all(tty->session, PIDTYPE_SID, p);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
- } else
- return -EPERM;
-@@ -1653,7 +1768,7 @@ static int tiocgpgrp(struct tty_struct *
- */
- if (tty == real_tty && current->signal->tty != real_tty)
- return -ENOTTY;
-- return put_user(real_tty->pgrp, p);
-+ return put_user(pid_type_to_vpid(PIDTYPE_PGID, real_tty->pgrp), p);
- }
- static int tiocspgrp(struct tty_struct *tty, struct tty_struct *real_tty, pid_t __user *p)
-@@ -1673,6 +1788,9 @@ static int tiocspgrp(struct tty_struct *
- return -EFAULT;
- if (pgrp < 0)
- return -EINVAL;
-+ pgrp = vpid_to_pid(pgrp);
-+ if (pgrp < 0)
-+ return -EPERM;
- if (session_of_pgrp(pgrp) != current->signal->session)
- return -EPERM;
- real_tty->pgrp = pgrp;
-@@ -1689,7 +1807,7 @@ static int tiocgsid(struct tty_struct *t
- return -ENOTTY;
- if (real_tty->session <= 0)
- return -ENOTTY;
-- return put_user(real_tty->session, p);
-+ return put_user(pid_type_to_vpid(PIDTYPE_SID, real_tty->session), p);
- }
- static int tiocsetd(struct tty_struct *tty, int __user *p)
-@@ -1938,8 +2056,6 @@ static void __do_SAK(void *arg)
- #else
- struct tty_struct *tty = arg;
- struct task_struct *p;
-- struct list_head *l;
-- struct pid *pid;
- int session;
- int i;
- struct file *filp;
-@@ -1952,7 +2068,7 @@ static void __do_SAK(void *arg)
- if (tty->driver->flush_buffer)
- tty->driver->flush_buffer(tty);
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- for_each_task_pid(session, PIDTYPE_SID, p, l, pid) {
-+ do_each_task_pid_all(session, PIDTYPE_SID, p) {
- if (p->signal->tty == tty || session > 0) {
- printk(KERN_NOTICE "SAK: killed process %d"
- " (%s): p->signal->session==tty->session\n",
-@@ -1979,7 +2095,7 @@ static void __do_SAK(void *arg)
- spin_unlock(&p->files->file_lock);
- }
- task_unlock(p);
-- }
-+ } while_each_task_pid_all(session, PIDTYPE_SID, p);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
- #endif
- }
-@@ -2303,8 +2419,11 @@ int tty_register_driver(struct tty_drive
- if (!driver->put_char)
- driver->put_char = tty_default_put_char;
-+ SET_VE_OWNER_TTYDRV(driver, get_exec_env());
-+ write_lock_irq(&tty_driver_guard);
- list_add(&driver->tty_drivers, &tty_drivers);
-+ write_unlock_irq(&tty_driver_guard);
- if ( !(driver->flags & TTY_DRIVER_NO_DEVFS) ) {
- for(i = 0; i < driver->num; i++)
-@@ -2331,7 +2450,9 @@ int tty_unregister_driver(struct tty_dri
- unregister_chrdev_region(MKDEV(driver->major, driver->minor_start),
- driver->num);
-+ write_lock_irq(&tty_driver_guard);
- list_del(&driver->tty_drivers);
-+ write_unlock_irq(&tty_driver_guard);
- /*
- * Free the termios and termios_locked structures because
-@@ -2459,6 +2580,7 @@ static int __init tty_init(void)
- vty_init();
- #endif
-+ prepare_tty();
- return 0;
- }
- module_init(tty_init);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:33.000000000 +0400
-@@ -748,6 +748,8 @@ inline int resize_screen(int currcons, i
- * [this is to be used together with some user program
- * like resize that changes the hardware videomode]
- */
-+#define VC_RESIZE_MAXCOL (32767)
-+#define VC_RESIZE_MAXROW (32767)
- int vc_resize(int currcons, unsigned int cols, unsigned int lines)
- {
- unsigned long old_origin, new_origin, new_scr_end, rlth, rrem, err = 0;
-@@ -760,6 +762,9 @@ int vc_resize(int currcons, unsigned int
- if (!vc_cons_allocated(currcons))
- return -ENXIO;
-+ if (cols > VC_RESIZE_MAXCOL || lines > VC_RESIZE_MAXROW)
-+ return -EINVAL;
- new_cols = (cols ? cols : video_num_columns);
- new_rows = (lines ? lines : video_num_lines);
- new_row_size = new_cols << 1;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:27.000000000 +0400
-@@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ static unsigned int __devinit init_chips
- #ifdef __i386__
- if (dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].start) {
-- pci_write_config_byte(dev, PCI_ROM_ADDRESS, dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].start | PCI_ROM_ADDRESS_ENABLE);
-+ pci_write_config_dword(dev, PCI_ROM_ADDRESS, dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].start | PCI_ROM_ADDRESS_ENABLE);
- printk(KERN_INFO "%s: ROM enabled at 0x%08lx\n", name, dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].start);
- }
- #endif
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:27.000000000 +0400
-@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ static unsigned int __devinit init_chips
- if (cmd & PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY) {
- if (pci_resource_start(dev, PCI_ROM_RESOURCE)) {
-- pci_write_config_byte(dev, PCI_ROM_ADDRESS,
-+ pci_write_config_dword(dev, PCI_ROM_ADDRESS,
- dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].start | PCI_ROM_ADDRESS_ENABLE);
- printk(KERN_INFO "HPT345: ROM enabled at 0x%08lx\n",
- dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].start);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:27.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1089,7 +1089,7 @@ static unsigned int __devinit init_chips
- u8 test = 0;
- if (dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].start)
-- pci_write_config_byte(dev, PCI_ROM_ADDRESS,
-+ pci_write_config_dword(dev, PCI_ROM_ADDRESS,
- dev->resource[PCI_ROM_RESOURCE].start | PCI_ROM_ADDRESS_ENABLE);
- pci_read_config_byte(dev, PCI_CACHE_LINE_SIZE, &test);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1034,8 +1034,8 @@ static int hpsbpkt_thread(void *__hi)
- if (khpsbpkt_kill)
- break;
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
-- refrigerator(0);
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
-+ refrigerator();
- continue;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1481,8 +1481,8 @@ static int nodemgr_host_thread(void *__h
- if (down_interruptible(&hi->reset_sem) ||
- down_interruptible(&nodemgr_serialize)) {
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
-- refrigerator(0);
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
-+ refrigerator();
- continue;
- }
- printk("NodeMgr: received unexpected signal?!\n" );
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@ static int serio_thread(void *nothing)
- do {
- serio_handle_events();
- wait_event_interruptible(serio_wait, !list_empty(&serio_event_list));
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
-- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
-+ refrigerator();
- } while (!signal_pending(current));
- printk(KERN_DEBUG "serio: kseriod exiting\n");
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:14.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:33.000000000 +0400
-@@ -66,6 +66,9 @@ static int serport_ldisc_open(struct tty
- struct serport *serport;
- char name[64];
-+ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
-+ return -EPERM;
- serport = kmalloc(sizeof(struct serport), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (unlikely(!serport))
- return -ENOMEM;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -2822,8 +2822,8 @@ int md_thread(void * arg)
- wait_event_interruptible(thread->wqueue,
- test_bit(THREAD_WAKEUP, &thread->flags));
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
-- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
-+ refrigerator();
- clear_bit(THREAD_WAKEUP, &thread->flags);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1624,8 +1624,8 @@ static int rtl8139_thread (void *data)
- do {
- timeout = interruptible_sleep_on_timeout (&tp->thr_wait, timeout);
- /* make swsusp happy with our thread */
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
-- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
-+ refrigerator();
- } while (!signal_pending (current) && (timeout > 0));
- if (signal_pending (current)) {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:27.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1618,6 +1618,9 @@ static int nv_open(struct net_device *de
- writel(NVREG_MIISTAT_MASK, base + NvRegMIIStatus);
- dprintk(KERN_INFO "startup: got 0x%08x.\n", miistat);
- }
-+ /* set linkspeed to invalid value, thus force nv_update_linkspeed
-+ * to init hw */
-+ np->linkspeed = 0;
- ret = nv_update_linkspeed(dev);
- nv_start_rx(dev);
- nv_start_tx(dev);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ static int irda_thread(void *startup)
- remove_wait_queue(&irda_rq_queue.kick, &wait);
- /* make swsusp happy with our thread */
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
-- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
-+ refrigerator();
- run_irda_queue();
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:52.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -767,7 +767,7 @@ static int stir_transmit_thread(void *ar
- && !signal_pending(current))
- {
- /* if suspending, then power off and wait */
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
- if (stir->receiving)
- receive_stop(stir);
- else
-@@ -775,7 +775,7 @@ static int stir_transmit_thread(void *ar
- write_reg(stir, REG_CTRL1, CTRL1_TXPWD|CTRL1_RXPWD);
-- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
-+ refrigerator();
- if (change_speed(stir, stir->speed))
- break;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ typedef void irqreturn_t;
- /* PDE() introduced in 2.5.4 */
--#define PDE(inode) ((inode)->u.generic_ip)
-+#define LPDE(inode) ((inode)->u.generic_ip)
- #endif
- /* irda crc16 calculation exported in 2.5.42 */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -127,6 +127,11 @@ static int loopback_xmit(struct sk_buff
- {
- struct net_device_stats *lb_stats;
-+ if (unlikely(get_exec_env()->disable_net)) {
-+ kfree_skb(skb);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
- skb_orphan(skb);
- skb->protocol=eth_type_trans(skb,dev);
-@@ -183,6 +188,30 @@ static struct net_device_stats *get_stat
- return stats;
- }
-+static void loopback_destructor(struct net_device *dev)
-+ kfree(dev->priv);
-+ dev->priv = NULL;
-+struct net_device templ_loopback_dev = {
-+ .name = "lo",
-+ .mtu = (16 * 1024) + 20 + 20 + 12,
-+ .hard_start_xmit = loopback_xmit,
-+ .hard_header = eth_header,
-+ .hard_header_cache = eth_header_cache,
-+ .header_cache_update = eth_header_cache_update,
-+ .hard_header_len = ETH_HLEN, /* 14 */
-+ .addr_len = ETH_ALEN, /* 6 */
-+ .tx_queue_len = 0,
-+ .type = ARPHRD_LOOPBACK, /* 0x0001*/
-+ .rebuild_header = eth_rebuild_header,
-+ .flags = IFF_LOOPBACK,
- struct net_device loopback_dev = {
- .name = "lo",
- .mtu = (16 * 1024) + 20 + 20 + 12,
-@@ -212,9 +241,11 @@ int __init loopback_init(void)
- memset(stats, 0, sizeof(struct net_device_stats));
- loopback_dev.priv = stats;
- loopback_dev.get_stats = &get_stats;
-+ loopback_dev.destructor = &loopback_destructor;
- }
- return register_netdev(&loopback_dev);
- };
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(loopback_dev);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
- #include <linux/if_ltalk.h>
- #include <linux/rtnetlink.h>
- #include <net/neighbour.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
- /* The network devices currently exist only in the socket namespace, so these
- entries are unused. The only ones that make sense are
-@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ struct net_device *alloc_netdev(int size
- alloc_size += sizeof_priv + NETDEV_ALIGN_CONST;
-- p = kmalloc (alloc_size, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ p = ub_kmalloc(alloc_size, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!p) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "alloc_dev: Unable to allocate device.\n");
- return NULL;
-@@ -392,6 +393,10 @@ int register_netdev(struct net_device *d
- out:
- rtnl_unlock();
-+ if (err == 0 && dev->reg_state != NETREG_REGISTERED) {
-+ unregister_netdev(dev);
-+ err = -ENOMEM;
-+ }
- return err;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
-+ * open_vznet.c
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+ * Virtual Networking device used to change VE ownership on packets
-+ */
-+#include <linux/kernel.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <linux/seq_file.h>
-+#include <linux/inet.h>
-+#include <net/ip.h>
-+#include <linux/skbuff.h>
-+#include <linux/venet.h>
-+void veip_stop(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ struct list_head *p, *tmp;
-+ write_lock_irq(&veip_hash_lock);
-+ if (ve->veip == NULL)
-+ goto unlock;
-+ list_for_each_safe(p, tmp, &ve->veip->ip_lh) {
-+ struct ip_entry_struct *ptr;
-+ ptr = list_entry(p, struct ip_entry_struct, ve_list);
-+ ptr->active_env = NULL;
-+ list_del(&ptr->ve_list);
-+ list_del(&ptr->ip_hash);
-+ kfree(ptr);
-+ }
-+ veip_put(ve->veip);
-+ ve->veip = NULL;
-+ write_unlock_irq(&veip_hash_lock);
-+int veip_start(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ int err;
-+ err = 0;
-+ write_lock_irq(&veip_hash_lock);
-+ ve->veip = veip_findcreate(ve->veid);
-+ if (ve->veip == NULL)
-+ err = -ENOMEM;
-+ write_unlock_irq(&veip_hash_lock);
-+ return err;
-+int veip_entry_add(struct ve_struct *ve, struct sockaddr_in *addr)
-+ struct ip_entry_struct *entry, *found;
-+ int err;
-+ entry = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ip_entry_struct), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (entry == NULL)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ memset(entry, 0, sizeof(struct ip_entry_struct));
-+ entry->ip = addr->sin_addr.s_addr;
-+ write_lock_irq(&veip_hash_lock);
-+ err = -EADDRINUSE;
-+ found = ip_entry_lookup(entry->ip);
-+ if (found != NULL)
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ else {
-+ ip_entry_hash(entry, ve->veip);
-+ found = entry;
-+ entry = NULL;
-+ }
-+ err = 0;
-+ found->active_env = ve;
-+ write_unlock_irq(&veip_hash_lock);
-+ if (entry != NULL)
-+ kfree(entry);
-+ return err;
-+int veip_entry_del(envid_t veid, struct sockaddr_in *addr)
-+ struct ip_entry_struct *found;
-+ int err;
-+ write_lock_irq(&veip_hash_lock);
-+ found = ip_entry_lookup(addr->sin_addr.s_addr);
-+ if (found == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ if (found->active_env->veid != veid)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = 0;
-+ found->active_env = NULL;
-+ list_del(&found->ip_hash);
-+ list_del(&found->ve_list);
-+ kfree(found);
-+ write_unlock_irq(&veip_hash_lock);
-+ return err;
-+static struct ve_struct *venet_find_ve(__u32 ip)
-+ struct ip_entry_struct *entry;
-+ entry = ip_entry_lookup(ip);
-+ if (entry == NULL)
-+ return NULL;
-+ return entry->active_env;
-+int venet_change_skb_owner(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ struct ve_struct *ve, *ve_old;
-+ struct iphdr *iph;
-+ ve_old = skb->owner_env;
-+ iph = skb->nh.iph;
-+ read_lock(&veip_hash_lock);
-+ if (!ve_is_super(ve_old)) {
-+ /* from VE to host */
-+ ve = venet_find_ve(iph->saddr);
-+ if (ve == NULL)
-+ goto out_drop;
-+ if (!ve_accessible_strict(ve, ve_old))
-+ goto out_source;
-+ skb->owner_env = get_ve0();
-+ } else {
-+ /* from host to VE */
-+ ve = venet_find_ve(iph->daddr);
-+ if (ve == NULL)
-+ goto out_drop;
-+ skb->owner_env = ve;
-+ }
-+ read_unlock(&veip_hash_lock);
-+ return 0;
-+ read_unlock(&veip_hash_lock);
-+ return -ESRCH;
-+ read_unlock(&veip_hash_lock);
-+ if (net_ratelimit()) {
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING "Dropped packet, source wrong "
-+ "veid=%u src-IP=%u.%u.%u.%u "
-+ "dst-IP=%u.%u.%u.%u\n",
-+ skb->owner_env->veid,
-+ NIPQUAD(skb->nh.iph->saddr),
-+ NIPQUAD(skb->nh.iph->daddr));
-+ }
-+ return -EACCES;
-+int veip_seq_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
-+ struct list_head *p;
-+ struct ip_entry_struct *entry;
-+ char s[16];
-+ p = (struct list_head *)v;
-+ if (p == ip_entry_hash_table) {
-+ seq_puts(m, "Version: 2.5\n");
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ entry = list_entry(p, struct ip_entry_struct, ip_hash);
-+ sprintf(s, "%u.%u.%u.%u", NIPQUAD(entry->ip));
-+ seq_printf(m, "%15s %10u\n", s, 0);
-+ return 0;
-+MODULE_AUTHOR("SWsoft <>");
-+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Virtuozzo Virtual Network Device");
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:33.000000000 +0400
-@@ -973,7 +973,7 @@ static void async_lcp_peek(struct asyncp
- data += 4;
- dlen -= 4;
- /* data[0] is code, data[1] is length */
-- while (dlen >= 2 && dlen >= data[1]) {
-+ while (dlen >= 2 && dlen >= data[1] && data[1] >= 2) {
- switch (data[0]) {
- case LCP_MRU:
- val = (data[2] << 8) + data[3];
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@
- #include <asm/system.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
- #ifdef TUN_DEBUG
- static int debug;
-@@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ static int tun_net_close(struct net_devi
- static int tun_net_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev)
- {
- struct tun_struct *tun = netdev_priv(dev);
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
- DBG(KERN_INFO "%s: tun_net_xmit %d\n", tun->dev->name, skb->len);
-@@ -90,6 +92,19 @@ static int tun_net_xmit(struct sk_buff *
- if (skb_queue_len(&tun->readq) >= dev->tx_queue_len)
- goto drop;
- }
-+ ub = netdev_bc(dev)->exec_ub;
-+ if (ub && (skb_bc(skb)->charged == 0)) {
-+ unsigned long charge;
-+ charge = skb_charge_fullsize(skb);
-+ if (charge_beancounter(ub, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF, charge, 1))
-+ goto drop;
-+ get_beancounter(ub);
-+ skb_bc(skb)->ub = ub;
-+ skb_bc(skb)->charged = charge;
-+ skb_bc(skb)->resource = UB_OTHERSOCKBUF;
-+ }
- skb_queue_tail(&tun->readq, skb);
- /* Notify and wake up reader process */
-@@ -174,22 +189,26 @@ static __inline__ ssize_t tun_get_user(s
- {
- struct tun_pi pi = { 0, __constant_htons(ETH_P_IP) };
- struct sk_buff *skb;
-- size_t len = count;
-+ size_t len = count, align = 0;
- if (!(tun->flags & TUN_NO_PI)) {
-- if ((len -= sizeof(pi)) > len)
-+ if ((len -= sizeof(pi)) > count)
- return -EINVAL;
- if(memcpy_fromiovec((void *)&pi, iv, sizeof(pi)))
- return -EFAULT;
- }
-+ if ((tun->flags & TUN_TYPE_MASK) == TUN_TAP_DEV)
-+ align = NET_IP_ALIGN;
-- if (!(skb = alloc_skb(len + 2, GFP_KERNEL))) {
-+ if (!(skb = alloc_skb(len + align, GFP_KERNEL))) {
- tun->stats.rx_dropped++;
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
-- skb_reserve(skb, 2);
-+ if (align)
-+ skb_reserve(skb, align);
- if (memcpy_fromiovec(skb_put(skb, len), iv, len))
- return -EFAULT;
-@@ -322,6 +341,7 @@ static ssize_t tun_chr_readv(struct file
- ret = tun_put_user(tun, skb, (struct iovec *) iv, len);
-+ /* skb will be uncharged in kfree_skb() */
- kfree_skb(skb);
- break;
- }
-@@ -355,6 +375,7 @@ static void tun_setup(struct net_device
- dev->stop = tun_net_close;
- dev->get_stats = tun_net_stats;
- dev->destructor = free_netdev;
-+ dev->features |= NETIF_F_VIRTUAL;
- }
- static struct tun_struct *tun_get_by_name(const char *name)
-@@ -363,8 +384,9 @@ static struct tun_struct *tun_get_by_nam
- list_for_each_entry(tun, &tun_dev_list, list) {
-- if (!strncmp(tun->dev->name, name, IFNAMSIZ))
-- return tun;
-+ if (ve_accessible_strict(tun->dev->owner_env, get_exec_env()) &&
-+ !strncmp(tun->dev->name, name, IFNAMSIZ))
-+ return tun;
- }
- return NULL;
-@@ -383,7 +405,8 @@ static int tun_set_iff(struct file *file
- /* Check permissions */
- if (tun->owner != -1 &&
-- current->euid != tun->owner && !capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
-+ current->euid != tun->owner &&
-+ !capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN) && !capable(CAP_VE_NET_ADMIN))
- return -EPERM;
- }
- else if (__dev_get_by_name(ifr->ifr_name))
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
-+ * venet_core.c
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+ * Common part for Virtuozzo virtual network devices
-+ */
-+#include <linux/kernel.h>
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-+#include <linux/fs.h>
-+#include <linux/types.h>
-+#include <linux/string.h>
-+#include <linux/socket.h>
-+#include <linux/errno.h>
-+#include <linux/fcntl.h>
-+#include <linux/in.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <linux/tcp.h>
-+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
-+#include <linux/seq_file.h>
-+#include <asm/system.h>
-+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <asm/io.h>
-+#include <asm/unistd.h>
-+#include <linux/inet.h>
-+#include <linux/netdevice.h>
-+#include <linux/etherdevice.h>
-+#include <net/ip.h>
-+#include <linux/skbuff.h>
-+#include <net/sock.h>
-+#include <linux/if_ether.h> /* For the statistics structure. */
-+#include <linux/if_arp.h> /* For ARPHRD_ETHER */
-+#include <linux/venet.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_proto.h>
-+#include <linux/vzctl.h>
-+#include <linux/vzctl_venet.h>
-+struct list_head ip_entry_hash_table[VEIP_HASH_SZ];
-+rwlock_t veip_hash_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+#define ip_entry_hash_function(ip) (ntohl(ip) & (VEIP_HASH_SZ - 1))
-+void ip_entry_hash(struct ip_entry_struct *entry, struct veip_struct *veip)
-+ list_add(&entry->ip_hash,
-+ ip_entry_hash_table + ip_entry_hash_function(entry->ip));
-+ list_add(&entry->ve_list, &veip->ip_lh);
-+void veip_put(struct veip_struct *veip)
-+ if (!list_empty(&veip->ip_lh))
-+ return;
-+ if (!list_empty(&veip->src_lh))
-+ return;
-+ if (!list_empty(&veip->dst_lh))
-+ return;
-+ list_del(&veip->list);
-+ kfree(veip);
-+struct ip_entry_struct *ip_entry_lookup(u32 addr)
-+ struct ip_entry_struct *entry;
-+ struct list_head *tmp;
-+ list_for_each(tmp, ip_entry_hash_table + ip_entry_hash_function(addr)) {
-+ entry = list_entry(tmp, struct ip_entry_struct, ip_hash);
-+ if (entry->ip != addr)
-+ continue;
-+ return entry;
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+struct veip_struct *veip_find(envid_t veid)
-+ struct veip_struct *ptr;
-+ list_for_each_entry(ptr, &veip_lh, list) {
-+ if (ptr->veid != veid)
-+ continue;
-+ return ptr;
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+struct veip_struct *veip_findcreate(envid_t veid)
-+ struct veip_struct *ptr;
-+ ptr = veip_find(veid);
-+ if (ptr != NULL)
-+ return ptr;
-+ ptr = kmalloc(sizeof(struct veip_struct), GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ if (ptr == NULL)
-+ return NULL;
-+ memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(struct veip_struct));
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ptr->ip_lh);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ptr->src_lh);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ptr->dst_lh);
-+ list_add(&ptr->list, &veip_lh);
-+ ptr->veid = veid;
-+ return ptr;
-+ * Device functions
-+ */
-+static int venet_open(struct net_device *dev)
-+ if (!try_module_get(THIS_MODULE))
-+ return -EBUSY;
-+ return 0;
-+static int venet_close(struct net_device *master)
-+ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
-+ return 0;
-+static void venet_destructor(struct net_device *dev)
-+ kfree(dev->priv);
-+ dev->priv = NULL;
-+ * The higher levels take care of making this non-reentrant (it's
-+ * called with bh's disabled).
-+ */
-+static int venet_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb, struct net_device *dev)
-+ struct net_device_stats *stats = (struct net_device_stats *)dev->priv;
-+ struct net_device *rcv = NULL;
-+ struct iphdr *iph;
-+ int length;
-+ if (unlikely(get_exec_env()->disable_net))
-+ goto outf;
-+ /*
-+ * Optimise so buffers with skb->free=1 are not copied but
-+ * instead are lobbed from tx queue to rx queue
-+ */
-+ if (atomic_read(&skb->users) != 1) {
-+ struct sk_buff *skb2 = skb;
-+ skb = skb_clone(skb, GFP_ATOMIC); /* Clone the buffer */
-+ if (skb == NULL) {
-+ kfree_skb(skb2);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ kfree_skb(skb2);
-+ } else
-+ skb_orphan(skb);
-+ if (skb->protocol != __constant_htons(ETH_P_IP))
-+ goto outf;
-+ iph = skb->nh.iph;
-+ if (MULTICAST(iph->daddr))
-+ goto outf;
-+ if (venet_change_skb_owner(skb) < 0)
-+ goto outf;
-+ if (unlikely(VE_OWNER_SKB(skb)->disable_net))
-+ goto outf;
-+ rcv = VE_OWNER_SKB(skb)->_venet_dev;
-+ if (!rcv)
-+ /* VE going down */
-+ goto outf;
-+ dev_hold(rcv);
-+ if (!(rcv->flags & IFF_UP)) {
-+ /* Target VE does not want to receive packets */
-+ dev_put(rcv);
-+ goto outf;
-+ }
-+ skb->pkt_type = PACKET_HOST;
-+ skb->dev = rcv;
-+ skb->mac.raw = skb->data;
-+ memset(skb->data - dev->hard_header_len, 0, dev->hard_header_len);
-+ dst_release(skb->dst);
-+ skb->dst = NULL;
-+ nf_conntrack_put(skb->nfct);
-+ skb->nfct = NULL;
-+ skb->nf_debug = 0;
-+ length = skb->len;
-+ netif_rx(skb);
-+ stats->tx_bytes += length;
-+ stats->tx_packets++;
-+ if (rcv) {
-+ struct net_device_stats *rcv_stats =
-+ (struct net_device_stats *)rcv->priv;
-+ rcv_stats->rx_bytes += length;
-+ rcv_stats->rx_packets++;
-+ dev_put(rcv);
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+ kfree_skb(skb);
-+ ++stats->tx_dropped;
-+ return 0;
-+static struct net_device_stats *get_stats(struct net_device *dev)
-+ return (struct net_device_stats *)dev->priv;
-+/* Initialize the rest of the LOOPBACK device. */
-+int venet_init_dev(struct net_device *dev)
-+ dev->hard_start_xmit = venet_xmit;
-+ dev->priv = kmalloc(sizeof(struct net_device_stats), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (dev->priv == NULL)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ memset(dev->priv, 0, sizeof(struct net_device_stats));
-+ dev->get_stats = get_stats;
-+ dev->open = venet_open;
-+ dev->stop = venet_close;
-+ dev->destructor = venet_destructor;
-+ /*
-+ * Fill in the generic fields of the device structure.
-+ */
-+ dev->type = ARPHRD_VOID;
-+ dev->hard_header_len = ETH_HLEN;
-+ dev->mtu = 1500; /* eth_mtu */
-+ dev->tx_queue_len = 0;
-+ memset(dev->broadcast, 0xFF, ETH_ALEN);
-+ /* New-style flags. */
-+ return 0;
-+static void venet_setup(struct net_device *dev)
-+ dev->init = venet_init_dev;
-+ /*
-+ * No other features, as they are:
-+ * - checksumming is required, and nobody else will done our job
-+ */
-+ dev->features |= NETIF_F_VENET | NETIF_F_VIRTUAL;
-+static int veinfo_seq_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
-+ struct ve_struct *ve = (struct ve_struct *)v;
-+ struct list_head *tmp;
-+ seq_printf(m, "%10u %5u %5u", ve->veid,
-+ ve->class_id, atomic_read(&ve->pcounter));
-+ read_lock(&veip_hash_lock);
-+ if (ve->veip == NULL)
-+ goto unlock;
-+ list_for_each(tmp, &ve->veip->ip_lh) {
-+ char ip[16];
-+ struct ip_entry_struct *entry;
-+ entry = list_entry(tmp, struct ip_entry_struct, ve_list);
-+ if (entry->active_env == NULL)
-+ continue;
-+ sprintf(ip, "%u.%u.%u.%u", NIPQUAD(entry->ip));
-+ seq_printf(m, " %15s", ip);
-+ }
-+ read_unlock(&veip_hash_lock);
-+ seq_putc(m, '\n');
-+ return 0;
-+static void *ve_seq_start(struct seq_file *m, loff_t *pos)
-+ struct ve_struct *ve, *curve;
-+ loff_t l;
-+ curve = get_exec_env();
-+ read_lock(&ve_list_guard);
-+ if (!ve_is_super(curve)) {
-+ if (*pos != 0)
-+ return NULL;
-+ return curve;
-+ }
-+ for (ve = ve_list_head, l = *pos;
-+ ve != NULL && l > 0;
-+ ve = ve->next, l--);
-+ return ve;
-+static void *ve_seq_next(struct seq_file *m, void *v, loff_t *pos)
-+ struct ve_struct *ve = (struct ve_struct *)v;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ return NULL;
-+ (*pos)++;
-+ return ve->next;
-+static void ve_seq_stop(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
-+ read_unlock(&ve_list_guard);
-+static struct seq_operations veinfo_seq_op = {
-+ start: ve_seq_start,
-+ next: ve_seq_next,
-+ stop: ve_seq_stop,
-+ show: veinfo_seq_show
-+static int veinfo_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-+ return seq_open(file, &veinfo_seq_op);
-+static struct file_operations proc_veinfo_operations = {
-+ open: veinfo_open,
-+ read: seq_read,
-+ llseek: seq_lseek,
-+ release: seq_release
-+static void *veip_seq_start(struct seq_file *m, loff_t *pos)
-+ loff_t l;
-+ struct list_head *p;
-+ int i;
-+ l = *pos;
-+ write_lock_irq(&veip_hash_lock);
-+ if (l == 0)
-+ return ip_entry_hash_table;
-+ for (i = 0; i < VEIP_HASH_SZ; i++) {
-+ list_for_each(p, ip_entry_hash_table + i) {
-+ if (--l == 0)
-+ return p;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+static void *veip_seq_next(struct seq_file *m, void *v, loff_t *pos)
-+ struct list_head *p;
-+ p = (struct list_head *)v;
-+ while (1) {
-+ p = p->next;
-+ if (p < ip_entry_hash_table ||
-+ p >= ip_entry_hash_table + VEIP_HASH_SZ) {
-+ (*pos)++;
-+ return p;
-+ }
-+ if (++p >= ip_entry_hash_table + VEIP_HASH_SZ)
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+static void veip_seq_stop(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
-+ write_unlock_irq(&veip_hash_lock);
-+static struct seq_operations veip_seq_op = {
-+ start: veip_seq_start,
-+ next: veip_seq_next,
-+ stop: veip_seq_stop,
-+ show: veip_seq_show
-+static int veip_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-+ return seq_open(file, &veip_seq_op);
-+static struct file_operations proc_veip_operations = {
-+ open: veip_open,
-+ read: seq_read,
-+ llseek: seq_lseek,
-+ release: seq_release
-+int real_ve_ip_map(envid_t veid, int op, struct sockaddr *uservaddr, int addrlen)
-+ int err;
-+ struct sockaddr_in addr;
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ err = -EPERM;
-+ if (!capable(CAP_SETVEID))
-+ goto out;
-+ err = -EINVAL;
-+ if (addrlen != sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))
-+ goto out;
-+ err = move_addr_to_kernel(uservaddr, addrlen, &addr);
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto out;
-+ switch (op)
-+ {
-+ case VE_IP_ADD:
-+ ve = get_ve_by_id(veid);
-+ err = -ESRCH;
-+ if (!ve)
-+ goto out;
-+ down_read(&ve->op_sem);
-+ if (ve->is_running)
-+ err = veip_entry_add(ve, &addr);
-+ up_read(&ve->op_sem);
-+ put_ve(ve);
-+ break;
-+ case VE_IP_DEL:
-+ err = veip_entry_del(veid, &addr);
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ err = -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ return err;
-+int venet_ioctl(struct inode *ino, struct file *file, unsigned int cmd,
-+ unsigned long arg)
-+ int err;
-+ err = -ENOTTY;
-+ switch(cmd) {
-+ struct vzctl_ve_ip_map s;
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ if (copy_from_user(&s, (void *)arg, sizeof(s)))
-+ break;
-+ err = real_ve_ip_map(s.veid, s.op, s.addr, s.addrlen);
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ return err;
-+static struct vzioctlinfo venetcalls = {
-+ func: venet_ioctl,
-+ owner: THIS_MODULE,
-+int venet_dev_start(struct ve_struct *env)
-+ struct net_device *dev_venet;
-+ int err;
-+ dev_venet = alloc_netdev(0, "venet%d", venet_setup);
-+ if (!dev_venet)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ err = dev_alloc_name(dev_venet, dev_venet->name);
-+ if (err<0)
-+ goto err;
-+ if ((err = register_netdev(dev_venet)) != 0)
-+ goto err;
-+ env->_venet_dev = dev_venet;
-+ return 0;
-+ free_netdev(dev_venet);
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "VENET initialization error err=%d\n", err);
-+ return err;
-+static int venet_start(unsigned int hooknum, void *data)
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
-+ int err;
-+ env = (struct ve_struct *)data;
-+ if (env->veip)
-+ return -EEXIST;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(env) && !try_module_get(THIS_MODULE))
-+ return 0;
-+ err = veip_start(env);
-+ if (err)
-+ goto err;
-+ err = venet_dev_start(env);
-+ if (err)
-+ goto err_free;
-+ return 0;
-+ veip_stop(env);
-+ if (!ve_is_super(env))
-+ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
-+ return err;
-+static int venet_stop(unsigned int hooknum, void *data)
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
-+ env = (struct ve_struct *)data;
-+ veip_stop(env);
-+ if (!ve_is_super(env))
-+ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
-+ return 0;
-+#define VE_HOOK_PRI_NET 0
-+static struct ve_hook venet_ve_hook_init = {
-+ hook: venet_start,
-+ undo: venet_stop,
-+ hooknum: VE_HOOK_INIT,
-+ priority: VE_HOOK_PRI_NET
-+static struct ve_hook venet_ve_hook_fini = {
-+ hook: venet_stop,
-+ hooknum: VE_HOOK_FINI,
-+ priority: VE_HOOK_PRI_NET
-+__init int venet_init(void)
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *de;
-+ int i, err;
-+ if (get_ve0()->_venet_dev != NULL)
-+ return -EEXIST;
-+ for (i = 0; i < VEIP_HASH_SZ; i++)
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(ip_entry_hash_table + i);
-+ err = venet_start(VE_HOOK_INIT, (void *)get_ve0());
-+ if (err)
-+ return err;
-+ de = create_proc_glob_entry("vz/veinfo",
-+ if (de)
-+ de->proc_fops = &proc_veinfo_operations;
-+ else
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING "venet: can't make veinfo proc entry\n");
-+ de = create_proc_entry("vz/veip", S_IFREG|S_IRUSR, NULL);
-+ if (de)
-+ de->proc_fops = &proc_veip_operations;
-+ else
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING "venet: can't make veip proc entry\n");
-+ ve_hook_register(&venet_ve_hook_init);
-+ ve_hook_register(&venet_ve_hook_fini);
-+ vzioctl_register(&venetcalls);
-+ return 0;
-+__exit void venet_exit(void)
-+ struct net_device *dev_venet;
-+ vzioctl_unregister(&venetcalls);
-+ ve_hook_unregister(&venet_ve_hook_fini);
-+ ve_hook_unregister(&venet_ve_hook_init);
-+ remove_proc_entry("vz/veip", NULL);
-+ remove_proc_entry("vz/veinfo", NULL);
-+ dev_venet = get_ve0()->_venet_dev;
-+ if (dev_venet != NULL) {
-+ get_ve0()->_venet_dev = NULL;
-+ unregister_netdev(dev_venet);
-+ free_netdev(dev_venet);
-+ }
-+ veip_stop(get_ve0());
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -2901,8 +2901,8 @@ static int airo_thread(void *data) {
- flush_signals(current);
- /* make swsusp happy with our thread */
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
-- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
-+ refrigerator();
- if (test_bit(JOB_DIE, &ai->flags))
- break;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ LIST_HEAD(pci_root_buses);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(pci_root_buses);
- LIST_HEAD(pci_devices);
- /*
- * PCI Bus Class
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:28.000000000 +0400
-@@ -292,6 +292,46 @@ static void __devinit quirk_ich4_lpc_acp
- quirk_io_region(dev, region, 64, PCI_BRIDGE_RESOURCES+1);
- }
-+#if defined(CONFIG_X86_IO_APIC) && defined(CONFIG_SMP)
-+#include <asm/irq.h>
-+static void __devinit quirk_intel_irqbalance(struct pci_dev *dev)
-+ u8 config, rev;
-+ u32 word;
-+ extern struct pci_raw_ops *raw_pci_ops;
-+ pci_read_config_byte(dev, PCI_CLASS_REVISION, &rev);
-+ if (rev > 0x9)
-+ return;
-+ printk(KERN_INFO "Intel E7520/7320/7525 detected.");
-+ /* enable access to config space*/
-+ pci_read_config_byte(dev, 0xf4, &config);
-+ config |= 0x2;
-+ pci_write_config_byte(dev, 0xf4, config);
-+ /* read xTPR register */
-+ raw_pci_ops->read(0, 0, 0x40, 0x4c, 2, &word);
-+ if (!(word & (1 << 13))) {
-+ printk(KERN_INFO "Disabling irq balancing and affinity\n");
-+#ifdef __i386__
-+ irqbalance_disable("");
-+ noirqdebug_setup("");
-+ no_irq_affinity = 1;
-+ }
-+ config &= ~0x2;
-+ /* disable access to config space*/
-+ pci_write_config_byte(dev, 0xf4, config);
- /*
- * VIA ACPI: One IO region pointed to by longword at
- * 0x48 or 0x20 (256 bytes of ACPI registers)
-@@ -1039,6 +1079,10 @@ static struct pci_fixup pci_fixups[] __d
- #endif /* CONFIG_SCSI_SATA */
-+#if defined(CONFIG_X86_IO_APIC) && defined(CONFIG_SMP)
-+ { PCI_FIXUP_FINAL, PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_E7320_MCH, quirk_intel_irqbalance },
-+ { PCI_FIXUP_FINAL, PCI_VENDOR_ID_INTEL, PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_E7525_MCH, quirk_intel_irqbalance },
- { 0 }
- };
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -724,8 +724,8 @@ static int pccardd(void *__skt)
- }
- schedule();
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
-- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
-+ refrigerator();
- if (!skt->thread)
- break;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:26.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ void bbc_envctrl_cleanup(void)
- int found = 0;
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- for_each_process(p) {
-+ for_each_process_all(p) {
- if (p == kenvctrld_task) {
- found = 1;
- break;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1170,7 +1170,7 @@ static void __exit envctrl_cleanup(void)
- int found = 0;
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- for_each_process(p) {
-+ for_each_process_all(p) {
- if (p == kenvctrld_task) {
- found = 1;
- break;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -2591,7 +2591,6 @@ ahd_linux_dv_thread(void *data)
- sprintf(current->comm, "ahd_dv_%d", ahd->unit);
- #else
- daemonize("ahd_dv_%d", ahd->unit);
-- current->flags |= PF_FREEZE;
- #endif
- unlock_kernel();
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -2295,7 +2295,6 @@ ahc_linux_dv_thread(void *data)
- sprintf(current->comm, "ahc_dv_%d", ahc->unit);
- #else
- daemonize("ahc_dv_%d", ahc->unit);
-- current->flags |= PF_FREEZE;
- #endif
- unlock_kernel();
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -558,7 +558,7 @@ static int scsi_request_sense(struct scs
- memcpy(scmd->cmnd, generic_sense, sizeof(generic_sense));
-- scsi_result = kmalloc(252, GFP_ATOMIC | (scmd->device->host->hostt->unchecked_isa_dma) ? __GFP_DMA : 0);
-+ scsi_result = kmalloc(252, GFP_ATOMIC | ((scmd->device->host->hostt->unchecked_isa_dma) ? __GFP_DMA : 0));
- if (unlikely(!scsi_result)) {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ static int scsi_probe_and_add_lun(struct
- if (!sreq)
- goto out_free_sdev;
- result = kmalloc(256, GFP_ATOMIC |
-- (host->unchecked_isa_dma) ? __GFP_DMA : 0);
-+ ((host->unchecked_isa_dma) ? __GFP_DMA : 0));
- if (!result)
- goto out_free_sreq;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:31.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:34.000000000 +0400
-@@ -2877,23 +2877,22 @@ static void * dev_seq_start(struct seq_f
- {
- struct sg_proc_deviter * it = kmalloc(sizeof(*it), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ s->private = it;
- if (! it)
- return NULL;
- if (NULL == sg_dev_arr)
-- goto err1;
-+ return NULL;
- it->index = *pos;
- it->max = sg_last_dev();
- if (it->index >= it->max)
-- goto err1;
-+ return NULL;
- return it;
-- kfree(it);
-- return NULL;
- }
- static void * dev_seq_next(struct seq_file *s, void *v, loff_t *pos)
- {
-- struct sg_proc_deviter * it = (struct sg_proc_deviter *) v;
-+ struct sg_proc_deviter * it = s->private;
- *pos = ++it->index;
- return (it->index < it->max) ? it : NULL;
-@@ -2901,7 +2900,7 @@ static void * dev_seq_next(struct seq_fi
- static void dev_seq_stop(struct seq_file *s, void *v)
- {
-- kfree (v);
-+ kfree(s->private);
- }
- static int sg_proc_open_dev(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:28.000000000 +0400
-@@ -20,27 +20,28 @@
- * membase is an 'ioremapped' cookie.
- */
- #include <linux/config.h>
-+#if defined(CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_CONSOLE) && defined(CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ)
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/moduleparam.h>
--#include <linux/tty.h>
- #include <linux/ioport.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <linux/console.h>
- #include <linux/sysrq.h>
-+#include <linux/delay.h>
-+#include <linux/device.h>
-+#include <linux/tty.h>
-+#include <linux/tty_flip.h>
- #include <linux/serial_reg.h>
-+#include <linux/serial_core.h>
- #include <linux/serial.h>
- #include <linux/serialP.h>
--#include <linux/delay.h>
--#include <linux/device.h>
- #include <asm/io.h>
- #include <asm/irq.h>
--#if defined(CONFIG_SERIAL_8250_CONSOLE) && defined(CONFIG_MAGIC_SYSRQ)
--#include <linux/serial_core.h>
- #include "8250.h"
- /*
-@@ -827,16 +828,22 @@ receive_chars(struct uart_8250_port *up,
- struct tty_struct *tty = up->>tty;
- unsigned char ch;
- int max_count = 256;
-+ char flag;
- do {
-+ /* The following is not allowed by the tty layer and
-+ unsafe. It should be fixed ASAP */
- if (unlikely(tty->flip.count >= TTY_FLIPBUF_SIZE)) {
-- tty-> *)tty);
-- if (tty->flip.count >= TTY_FLIPBUF_SIZE)
-- return; // if TTY_DONT_FLIP is set
-+ if(tty->low_latency) {
-+ spin_unlock(&up->port.lock);
-+ tty_flip_buffer_push(tty);
-+ spin_lock(&up->port.lock);
-+ }
-+ /* If this failed then we will throw away the
-+ bytes but must do so to clear interrupts */
- }
- ch = serial_inp(up, UART_RX);
-- *tty->flip.char_buf_ptr = ch;
-- *tty->flip.flag_buf_ptr = TTY_NORMAL;
-+ flag = TTY_NORMAL;
- up->port.icount.rx++;
- if (unlikely(*status & (UART_LSR_BI | UART_LSR_PE |
-@@ -876,35 +883,30 @@ receive_chars(struct uart_8250_port *up,
- #endif
- if (*status & UART_LSR_BI) {
- DEBUG_INTR("handling break....");
-- *tty->flip.flag_buf_ptr = TTY_BREAK;
-+ flag = TTY_BREAK;
- } else if (*status & UART_LSR_PE)
-- *tty->flip.flag_buf_ptr = TTY_PARITY;
-+ flag = TTY_PARITY;
- else if (*status & UART_LSR_FE)
-- *tty->flip.flag_buf_ptr = TTY_FRAME;
-+ flag = TTY_FRAME;
- }
- if (uart_handle_sysrq_char(&up->port, ch, regs))
- goto ignore_char;
-- if ((*status & up->port.ignore_status_mask) == 0) {
-- tty->flip.flag_buf_ptr++;
-- tty->flip.char_buf_ptr++;
-- tty->flip.count++;
-- }
-+ if ((*status & up->port.ignore_status_mask) == 0)
-+ tty_insert_flip_char(tty, ch, flag);
- if ((*status & UART_LSR_OE) &&
-- tty->flip.count < TTY_FLIPBUF_SIZE) {
-+ tty->flip.count < TTY_FLIPBUF_SIZE)
- /*
- * Overrun is special, since it's reported
- * immediately, and doesn't affect the current
- * character.
- */
-- *tty->flip.flag_buf_ptr = TTY_OVERRUN;
-- tty->flip.flag_buf_ptr++;
-- tty->flip.char_buf_ptr++;
-- tty->flip.count++;
-- }
-+ tty_insert_flip_char(tty, 0, TTY_OVERRUN);
- ignore_char:
- *status = serial_inp(up, UART_LSR);
- } while ((*status & UART_LSR_DR) && (max_count-- > 0));
-+ spin_unlock(&up->port.lock);
- tty_flip_buffer_push(tty);
-+ spin_lock(&up->port.lock);
- }
- static _INLINE_ void transmit_chars(struct uart_8250_port *up)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1922,8 +1922,8 @@ static int hub_thread(void *__unused)
- do {
- hub_events();
- wait_event_interruptible(khubd_wait, !list_empty(&hub_event_list));
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
-- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
-+ refrigerator();
- } while (!signal_pending(current));
- pr_debug ("%s: khubd exiting\n", usbcore_name);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -465,8 +465,8 @@ int w1_control(void *data)
- timeout = w1_timeout;
- do {
- timeout = interruptible_sleep_on_timeout(&w1_control_wait, timeout);
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
-- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
-+ refrigerator();
- } while (!signal_pending(current) && (timeout > 0));
- if (signal_pending(current))
-@@ -536,8 +536,8 @@ int w1_process(void *data)
- timeout = w1_timeout;
- do {
- timeout = interruptible_sleep_on_timeout(&dev->kwait, timeout);
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
-- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
-+ refrigerator();
- } while (!signal_pending(current) && (timeout > 0));
- if (signal_pending(current))
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ int adfs_get_block(struct inode *inode,
- struct buffer_head *bh, int create);
- struct inode *adfs_iget(struct super_block *sb, struct object_info *obj);
- void adfs_read_inode(struct inode *inode);
--void adfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode,int unused);
-+int adfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode,int unused);
- int adfs_notify_change(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *attr);
- /* map.c */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -372,10 +372,11 @@ out:
- * The adfs-specific inode data has already been updated by
- * adfs_notify_change()
- */
--void adfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int unused)
-+int adfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int unused)
- {
- struct super_block *sb = inode->i_sb;
- struct object_info obj;
-+ int ret;
- lock_kernel();
- obj.file_id = inode->i_ino;
-@@ -386,7 +387,8 @@ void adfs_write_inode(struct inode *inod
- obj.attr = ADFS_I(inode)->attr;
- obj.size = inode->i_size;
-- adfs_dir_update(sb, &obj);
-+ ret = adfs_dir_update(sb, &obj);
- unlock_kernel();
-+ return ret;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ bad_inode:
- return;
- }
- affs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int unused)
- {
- struct super_block *sb = inode->i_sb;
-@@ -194,11 +194,11 @@ affs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, in
- if (!inode->i_nlink)
- // possibly free block
-- return;
-+ return 0;
- bh = affs_bread(sb, inode->i_ino);
- if (!bh) {
- affs_error(sb,"write_inode","Cannot read block %lu",inode->i_ino);
-- return;
-+ return -EIO;
- }
- tail = AFFS_TAIL(sb, bh);
- if (tail->stype == be32_to_cpu(ST_ROOT)) {
-@@ -226,6 +226,7 @@ affs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, in
- mark_buffer_dirty_inode(bh, inode);
- affs_brelse(bh);
- affs_free_prealloc(inode);
-+ return 0;
- }
- int
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ static struct vfsmount *afs_mntpt_do_aut
- char *buf, *devname = NULL, *options = NULL;
- filler_t *filler;
- int ret;
-+ struct file_system_type *fstype;
- kenter("{%s}", mntpt->;
-@@ -210,7 +211,12 @@ static struct vfsmount *afs_mntpt_do_aut
- /* try and do the mount */
- kdebug("--- attempting mount %s -o %s ---", devname, options);
-- mnt = do_kern_mount("afs", 0, devname, options);
-+ fstype = get_fs_type("afs");
-+ ret = -ENODEV;
-+ if (!fstype)
-+ goto error;
-+ mnt = do_kern_mount(fstype, 0, devname, options);
-+ put_filesystem(fstype);
- kdebug("--- mount result %p ---", mnt);
- free_page((unsigned long) devname);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
- #include <linux/fcntl.h>
- #include <linux/quotaops.h>
- #include <linux/security.h>
-+#include <linux/time.h>
- /* Taken over from the old code... */
-@@ -87,11 +88,14 @@ int inode_setattr(struct inode * inode,
- if (ia_valid & ATTR_GID)
- inode->i_gid = attr->ia_gid;
- if (ia_valid & ATTR_ATIME)
-- inode->i_atime = attr->ia_atime;
-+ inode->i_atime = timespec_trunc(attr->ia_atime,
-+ get_sb_time_gran(inode->i_sb));
- if (ia_valid & ATTR_MTIME)
-- inode->i_mtime = attr->ia_mtime;
-+ inode->i_mtime = timespec_trunc(attr->ia_mtime,
-+ get_sb_time_gran(inode->i_sb));
- if (ia_valid & ATTR_CTIME)
-- inode->i_ctime = attr->ia_ctime;
-+ inode->i_ctime = timespec_trunc(attr->ia_ctime,
-+ get_sb_time_gran(inode->i_sb));
- if (ia_valid & ATTR_MODE) {
- umode_t mode = attr->ia_mode;
-@@ -131,14 +135,17 @@ int setattr_mask(unsigned int ia_valid)
- int notify_change(struct dentry * dentry, struct iattr * attr)
- {
- struct inode *inode = dentry->d_inode;
-- mode_t mode = inode->i_mode;
-+ mode_t mode;
- int error;
-- struct timespec now = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ struct timespec now;
- unsigned int ia_valid = attr->ia_valid;
- if (!inode)
- BUG();
-+ mode = inode->i_mode;
-+ now = current_fs_time(inode->i_sb);
- attr->ia_ctime = now;
- if (!(ia_valid & ATTR_ATIME_SET))
- attr->ia_atime = now;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ static inline struct autofs_sb_info *aut
- filesystem without "magic".) */
- static inline int autofs_oz_mode(struct autofs_sb_info *sbi) {
-- return sbi->catatonic || process_group(current) == sbi->oz_pgrp;
-+ return sbi->catatonic || virt_pgid(current) == sbi->oz_pgrp;
- }
- /* Hash operations */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ static struct file_system_type autofs_fs
- .name = "autofs",
- .get_sb = autofs_get_sb,
- .kill_sb = kill_anon_super,
-+ .fs_flags = FS_VIRTUALIZED,
- };
- static int __init init_autofs_fs(void)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ static int parse_options(char *options,
- *uid = current->uid;
- *gid = current->gid;
-- *pgrp = process_group(current);
-+ *pgrp = virt_pgid(current);
- *minproto = *maxproto = AUTOFS_PROTO_VERSION;
-@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ int autofs_fill_super(struct super_block
- sbi->magic = AUTOFS_SBI_MAGIC;
- sbi->catatonic = 0;
- sbi->exp_timeout = 0;
-- sbi->oz_pgrp = process_group(current);
-+ sbi->oz_pgrp = virt_pgid(current);
- autofs_initialize_hash(&sbi->dirhash);
- sbi->queues = NULL;
- memset(sbi->symlink_bitmap, 0, sizeof(long)*AUTOFS_SYMLINK_BITMAP_LEN);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ static int autofs_root_unlink(struct ino
- /* This allows root to remove symlinks */
- lock_kernel();
-- if ( !autofs_oz_mode(sbi) && !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN) ) {
-+ if ( !autofs_oz_mode(sbi) && !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN) && !capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN) ) {
- unlock_kernel();
- return -EACCES;
- }
-@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ static int autofs_root_ioctl(struct inod
- return -ENOTTY;
-- if ( !autofs_oz_mode(sbi) && !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN) )
-+ if ( !autofs_oz_mode(sbi) && !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN) && !capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN) )
- return -EPERM;
- switch(cmd) {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ struct autofs_wait_queue {
- struct autofs_sb_info {
- u32 magic;
-+ struct dentry *root;
- struct file *pipe;
- pid_t oz_pgrp;
- int catatonic;
-@@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ static inline struct autofs_info *autofs
- filesystem without "magic".) */
- static inline int autofs4_oz_mode(struct autofs_sb_info *sbi) {
-- return sbi->catatonic || process_group(current) == sbi->oz_pgrp;
-+ return sbi->catatonic || virt_pgid(current) == sbi->oz_pgrp;
- }
- /* Does a dentry have some pending activity? */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ static struct file_system_type autofs_fs
- .name = "autofs",
- .get_sb = autofs_get_sb,
- .kill_sb = kill_anon_super,
-+ .fs_flags = FS_VIRTUALIZED,
- };
- static int __init init_autofs4_fs(void)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
- #include <linux/pagemap.h>
- #include <linux/parser.h>
- #include <asm/bitops.h>
-+#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
- #include "autofs_i.h"
- #include <linux/module.h>
-@@ -76,6 +77,66 @@ void autofs4_free_ino(struct autofs_info
- kfree(ino);
- }
-+ * Deal with the infamous "Busy inodes after umount ..." message.
-+ *
-+ * Clean up the dentry tree. This happens with autofs if the user
-+ * space program goes away due to a SIGKILL, SIGSEGV etc.
-+ */
-+static void autofs4_force_release(struct autofs_sb_info *sbi)
-+ struct dentry *this_parent = sbi->root;
-+ struct list_head *next;
-+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-+ next = this_parent->;
-+ while (next != &this_parent->d_subdirs) {
-+ struct dentry *dentry = list_entry(next, struct dentry, d_child);
-+ /* Negative dentry - don`t care */
-+ if (!simple_positive(dentry)) {
-+ next = next->next;
-+ continue;
-+ }
-+ if (!list_empty(&dentry->d_subdirs)) {
-+ this_parent = dentry;
-+ goto repeat;
-+ }
-+ next = next->next;
-+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
-+ DPRINTK("dentry %p %.*s",
-+ dentry, (int)dentry->d_name.len, dentry->;
-+ dput(dentry);
-+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-+ }
-+ if (this_parent != sbi->root) {
-+ struct dentry *dentry = this_parent;
-+ next = this_parent->;
-+ this_parent = this_parent->d_parent;
-+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
-+ DPRINTK("parent dentry %p %.*s",
-+ dentry, (int)dentry->d_name.len, dentry->;
-+ dput(dentry);
-+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-+ goto resume;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
-+ dput(sbi->root);
-+ sbi->root = NULL;
-+ shrink_dcache_sb(sbi->sb);
-+ return;
- static void autofs4_put_super(struct super_block *sb)
- {
- struct autofs_sb_info *sbi = autofs4_sbi(sb);
-@@ -85,6 +146,10 @@ static void autofs4_put_super(struct sup
- if ( !sbi->catatonic )
- autofs4_catatonic_mode(sbi); /* Free wait queues, close pipe */
-+ /* Clean up and release dangling references */
-+ if (sbi)
-+ autofs4_force_release(sbi);
- kfree(sbi);
- DPRINTK("shutting down");
-@@ -116,7 +181,7 @@ static int parse_options(char *options,
- *uid = current->uid;
- *gid = current->gid;
-- *pgrp = process_group(current);
-+ *pgrp = virt_pgid(current);
-@@ -199,9 +264,10 @@ int autofs4_fill_super(struct super_bloc
- s->s_fs_info = sbi;
- sbi->magic = AUTOFS_SBI_MAGIC;
-+ sbi->root = NULL;
- sbi->catatonic = 0;
- sbi->exp_timeout = 0;
-- sbi->oz_pgrp = process_group(current);
-+ sbi->oz_pgrp = virt_pgid(current);
- sbi->sb = s;
- sbi->version = 0;
- sbi->sub_version = 0;
-@@ -265,6 +331,13 @@ int autofs4_fill_super(struct super_bloc
- sbi->pipe = pipe;
- /*
-+ * Take a reference to the root dentry so we get a chance to
-+ * clean up the dentry tree on umount.
-+ * See autofs4_force_release.
-+ */
-+ sbi->root = dget(root);
-+ /*
- * Success! Install the root dentry now to indicate completion.
- */
- s->s_root = root;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ static int autofs4_dir_unlink(struct ino
- struct autofs_info *ino = autofs4_dentry_ino(dentry);
- /* This allows root to remove symlinks */
-- if ( !autofs4_oz_mode(sbi) && !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN) )
-+ if ( !autofs4_oz_mode(sbi) && !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN) && !capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN) )
- return -EACCES;
- dput(ino->dentry);
-@@ -621,7 +621,9 @@ static int autofs4_dir_rmdir(struct inod
- spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
- return -ENOTEMPTY;
- }
-+ spin_lock(&dentry->d_lock);
- __d_drop(dentry);
-+ spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
- spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
- dput(ino->dentry);
-@@ -783,7 +785,7 @@ static int autofs4_root_ioctl(struct ino
- return -ENOTTY;
-- if ( !autofs4_oz_mode(sbi) && !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN) )
-+ if ( !autofs4_oz_mode(sbi) && !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN) && !capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN) )
- return -EPERM;
- switch(cmd) {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -105,7 +105,8 @@ void make_bad_inode(struct inode * inode
- remove_inode_hash(inode);
- inode->i_mode = S_IFREG;
-- inode->i_atime = inode->i_mtime = inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ inode->i_atime = inode->i_mtime = inode->i_ctime =
-+ current_fs_time(inode->i_sb);
- inode->i_op = &bad_inode_ops;
- inode->i_fop = &bad_file_ops;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ static void bfs_read_inode(struct inode
- brelse(bh);
- }
--static void bfs_write_inode(struct inode * inode, int unused)
-+static int bfs_write_inode(struct inode * inode, int unused)
- {
- unsigned long ino = inode->i_ino;
- struct bfs_inode * di;
-@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ static void bfs_write_inode(struct inode
- if (ino < BFS_ROOT_INO || ino > BFS_SB(inode->i_sb)->si_lasti) {
- printf("Bad inode number %s:%08lx\n", inode->i_sb->s_id, ino);
-- return;
-+ return -EIO;
- }
- lock_kernel();
-@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ static void bfs_write_inode(struct inode
- if (!bh) {
- printf("Unable to read inode %s:%08lx\n", inode->i_sb->s_id, ino);
- unlock_kernel();
-- return;
-+ return -EIO;
- }
-@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ static void bfs_write_inode(struct inode
- mark_buffer_dirty(bh);
- brelse(bh);
- unlock_kernel();
-+ return 0;
- }
- static void bfs_delete_inode(struct inode * inode)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -43,13 +43,21 @@ static struct linux_binfmt aout_format =
- .min_coredump = PAGE_SIZE
- };
--static void set_brk(unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
-+#define BAD_ADDR(x) ((unsigned long)(x) >= TASK_SIZE)
-+static int set_brk(unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
- {
- start = PAGE_ALIGN(start);
- end = PAGE_ALIGN(end);
-- if (end <= start)
-- return;
-- do_brk(start, end - start);
-+ if (end > start) {
-+ unsigned long addr;
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
-+ addr = do_brk(start, end - start);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
-+ if (BAD_ADDR(addr))
-+ return addr;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
- }
- /*
-@@ -318,10 +326,14 @@ static int load_aout_binary(struct linux
- loff_t pos = fd_offset;
- /* Fuck me plenty... */
- /* <AOL></AOL> */
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- error = do_brk(N_TXTADDR(ex), ex.a_text);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- bprm->file->f_op->read(bprm->file, (char *) N_TXTADDR(ex),
- ex.a_text, &pos);
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- error = do_brk(N_DATADDR(ex), ex.a_data);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- bprm->file->f_op->read(bprm->file, (char *) N_DATADDR(ex),
- ex.a_data, &pos);
- goto beyond_if;
-@@ -341,8 +353,9 @@ static int load_aout_binary(struct linux
- pos = 32;
- map_size = ex.a_text+ex.a_data;
- #endif
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- error = do_brk(text_addr & PAGE_MASK, map_size);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- if (error != (text_addr & PAGE_MASK)) {
- send_sig(SIGKILL, current, 0);
- return error;
-@@ -377,7 +390,9 @@ static int load_aout_binary(struct linux
- if (!bprm->file->f_op->mmap||((fd_offset & ~PAGE_MASK) != 0)) {
- loff_t pos = fd_offset;
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- do_brk(N_TXTADDR(ex), ex.a_text+ex.a_data);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- bprm->file->f_op->read(bprm->file,
- (char __user *)N_TXTADDR(ex),
- ex.a_text+ex.a_data, &pos);
-@@ -413,7 +428,11 @@ static int load_aout_binary(struct linux
- beyond_if:
- set_binfmt(&aout_format);
-- set_brk(current->mm->start_brk, current->mm->brk);
-+ retval = set_brk(current->mm->start_brk, current->mm->brk);
-+ if (retval < 0) {
-+ send_sig(SIGKILL, current, 0);
-+ return retval;
-+ }
- retval = setup_arg_pages(bprm, EXSTACK_DEFAULT);
- if (retval < 0) {
-@@ -429,9 +448,11 @@ beyond_if:
- #endif
- start_thread(regs, ex.a_entry, current->mm->start_stack);
- if (unlikely(current->ptrace & PT_PTRACED)) {
-- if (current->ptrace & PT_TRACE_EXEC)
-+ if (current->ptrace & PT_TRACE_EXEC) {
-+ set_pn_state(current, PN_STOP_EXEC);
- ptrace_notify ((PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC << 8) | SIGTRAP);
-- else
-+ clear_pn_state(current);
-+ } else
- send_sig(SIGTRAP, current, 0);
- }
- return 0;
-@@ -478,8 +499,9 @@ static int load_aout_library(struct file
- file->f_dentry->;
- error_time = jiffies;
- }
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- do_brk(start_addr, ex.a_text + ex.a_data + ex.a_bss);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- file->f_op->read(file, (char __user *)start_addr,
- ex.a_text + ex.a_data, &pos);
-@@ -503,7 +525,9 @@ static int load_aout_library(struct file
- len = PAGE_ALIGN(ex.a_text + ex.a_data);
- bss = ex.a_text + ex.a_data + ex.a_bss;
- if (bss > len) {
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- error = do_brk(start_addr + len, bss - len);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- retval = error;
- if (error != start_addr + len)
- goto out;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -87,7 +87,10 @@ static int set_brk(unsigned long start,
- start = ELF_PAGEALIGN(start);
- end = ELF_PAGEALIGN(end);
- if (end > start) {
-- unsigned long addr = do_brk(start, end - start);
-+ unsigned long addr;
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
-+ addr = do_brk(start, end - start);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- if (BAD_ADDR(addr))
- return addr;
- }
-@@ -102,15 +105,17 @@ static int set_brk(unsigned long start,
- be in memory */
--static void padzero(unsigned long elf_bss)
-+static int padzero(unsigned long elf_bss)
- {
- unsigned long nbyte;
- nbyte = ELF_PAGEOFFSET(elf_bss);
- if (nbyte) {
- nbyte = ELF_MIN_ALIGN - nbyte;
-- clear_user((void __user *) elf_bss, nbyte);
-+ if (clear_user((void __user *) elf_bss, nbyte))
-+ return -EFAULT;
- }
-+ return 0;
- }
- /* Let's use some macros to make this stack manipulation a litle clearer */
-@@ -126,7 +131,7 @@ static void padzero(unsigned long elf_bs
- #define STACK_ALLOC(sp, len) ({ sp -= len ; sp; })
- #endif
--static void
-+static int
- create_elf_tables(struct linux_binprm *bprm, struct elfhdr * exec,
- int interp_aout, unsigned long load_addr,
- unsigned long interp_load_addr)
-@@ -171,7 +176,8 @@ create_elf_tables(struct linux_binprm *b
- STACK_ALLOC(p, ((current->pid % 64) << 7));
- #endif
- u_platform = (elf_addr_t __user *)STACK_ALLOC(p, len);
-- __copy_to_user(u_platform, k_platform, len);
-+ if (__copy_to_user(u_platform, k_platform, len))
-+ return -EFAULT;
- }
- /* Create the ELF interpreter info */
-@@ -233,7 +239,8 @@ create_elf_tables(struct linux_binprm *b
- #endif
- /* Now, let's put argc (and argv, envp if appropriate) on the stack */
-- __put_user(argc, sp++);
-+ if (__put_user(argc, sp++))
-+ return -EFAULT;
- if (interp_aout) {
- argv = sp + 2;
- envp = argv + argc + 1;
-@@ -245,31 +252,35 @@ create_elf_tables(struct linux_binprm *b
- }
- /* Populate argv and envp */
-- p = current->mm->arg_start;
-+ p = current->mm->arg_end = current->mm->arg_start;
- while (argc-- > 0) {
- size_t len;
- __put_user((elf_addr_t)p, argv++);
- len = strnlen_user((void __user *)p, PAGE_SIZE*MAX_ARG_PAGES);
- if (!len || len > PAGE_SIZE*MAX_ARG_PAGES)
-- return;
-+ return 0;
- p += len;
- }
-- __put_user(0, argv);
-+ if (__put_user(0, argv))
-+ return -EFAULT;
- current->mm->arg_end = current->mm->env_start = p;
- while (envc-- > 0) {
- size_t len;
- __put_user((elf_addr_t)p, envp++);
- len = strnlen_user((void __user *)p, PAGE_SIZE*MAX_ARG_PAGES);
- if (!len || len > PAGE_SIZE*MAX_ARG_PAGES)
-- return;
-+ return 0;
- p += len;
- }
-- __put_user(0, envp);
-+ if (__put_user(0, envp))
-+ return -EFAULT;
- current->mm->env_end = p;
- /* Put the elf_info on the stack in the right place. */
- sp = (elf_addr_t __user *)envp + 1;
-- copy_to_user(sp, elf_info, ei_index * sizeof(elf_addr_t));
-+ if (copy_to_user(sp, elf_info, ei_index * sizeof(elf_addr_t)))
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ return 0;
- }
- #ifndef elf_map
-@@ -334,14 +345,17 @@ static unsigned long load_elf_interp(str
- goto out;
- retval = kernel_read(interpreter,interp_elf_ex->e_phoff,(char *)elf_phdata,size);
-- error = retval;
-- if (retval < 0)
-+ error = -EIO;
-+ if (retval != size) {
-+ if (retval < 0)
-+ error = retval;
- goto out_close;
-+ }
- eppnt = elf_phdata;
- for (i=0; i<interp_elf_ex->e_phnum; i++, eppnt++) {
- if (eppnt->p_type == PT_LOAD) {
-- int elf_type = MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_DENYWRITE;
- int elf_prot = 0;
- unsigned long vaddr = 0;
- unsigned long k, map_addr;
-@@ -399,12 +413,18 @@ static unsigned long load_elf_interp(str
- * that there are zero-mapped pages up to and including the
- * last bss page.
- */
-- padzero(elf_bss);
-+ if (padzero(elf_bss)) {
-+ error = -EFAULT;
-+ goto out_close;
-+ }
- elf_bss = ELF_PAGESTART(elf_bss + ELF_MIN_ALIGN - 1); /* What we have mapped so far */
- /* Map the last of the bss segment */
- if (last_bss > elf_bss) {
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- error = do_brk(elf_bss, last_bss - elf_bss);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- if (BAD_ADDR(error))
- goto out_close;
- }
-@@ -444,7 +464,9 @@ static unsigned long load_aout_interp(st
- goto out;
- }
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- do_brk(0, text_data);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- if (!interpreter->f_op || !interpreter->f_op->read)
- goto out;
- if (interpreter->f_op->read(interpreter, addr, text_data, &offset) < 0)
-@@ -452,8 +474,11 @@ static unsigned long load_aout_interp(st
- flush_icache_range((unsigned long)addr,
- (unsigned long)addr + text_data);
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- do_brk(ELF_PAGESTART(text_data + ELF_MIN_ALIGN - 1),
- interp_ex->a_bss);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- elf_entry = interp_ex->a_entry;
- out:
-@@ -487,25 +512,33 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
- unsigned long elf_entry, interp_load_addr = 0;
- unsigned long start_code, end_code, start_data, end_data;
- unsigned long reloc_func_desc = 0;
-- struct elfhdr elf_ex;
-- struct elfhdr interp_elf_ex;
-- struct exec interp_ex;
- char passed_fileno[6];
- struct files_struct *files;
- int have_pt_gnu_stack, executable_stack = EXSTACK_DEFAULT;
- unsigned long def_flags = 0;
-+ struct {
-+ struct elfhdr elf_ex;
-+ struct elfhdr interp_elf_ex;
-+ struct exec interp_ex;
-+ } *loc;
-+ loc = kmalloc(sizeof(*loc), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!loc) {
-+ retval = -ENOMEM;
-+ goto out_ret;
-+ }
- /* Get the exec-header */
-- elf_ex = *((struct elfhdr *) bprm->buf);
-+ loc->elf_ex = *((struct elfhdr *) bprm->buf);
- retval = -ENOEXEC;
- /* First of all, some simple consistency checks */
-- if (memcmp(elf_ex.e_ident, ELFMAG, SELFMAG) != 0)
-+ if (memcmp(loc->elf_ex.e_ident, ELFMAG, SELFMAG) != 0)
- goto out;
-- if (elf_ex.e_type != ET_EXEC && elf_ex.e_type != ET_DYN)
-+ if (loc->elf_ex.e_type != ET_EXEC && loc->elf_ex.e_type != ET_DYN)
- goto out;
-- if (!elf_check_arch(&elf_ex))
-+ if (!elf_check_arch(&loc->elf_ex))
- goto out;
- if (!bprm->file->f_op||!bprm->file->f_op->mmap)
- goto out;
-@@ -513,18 +546,21 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
- /* Now read in all of the header information */
- retval = -ENOMEM;
-- if (elf_ex.e_phentsize != sizeof(struct elf_phdr))
-+ if (loc->elf_ex.e_phentsize != sizeof(struct elf_phdr))
- goto out;
-- if (elf_ex.e_phnum > 65536U / sizeof(struct elf_phdr))
-+ if (loc->elf_ex.e_phnum > 65536U / sizeof(struct elf_phdr))
- goto out;
-- size = elf_ex.e_phnum * sizeof(struct elf_phdr);
-+ size = loc->elf_ex.e_phnum * sizeof(struct elf_phdr);
- elf_phdata = (struct elf_phdr *) kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!elf_phdata)
- goto out;
-- retval = kernel_read(bprm->file, elf_ex.e_phoff, (char *) elf_phdata, size);
-- if (retval < 0)
-+ retval = kernel_read(bprm->file, loc->elf_ex.e_phoff, (char *) elf_phdata, size);
-+ if (retval != size) {
-+ if (retval >= 0)
-+ retval = -EIO;
- goto out_free_ph;
-+ }
- files = current->files; /* Refcounted so ok */
- retval = unshare_files();
-@@ -553,7 +589,7 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
- start_data = 0;
- end_data = 0;
-- for (i = 0; i < elf_ex.e_phnum; i++) {
-+ for (i = 0; i < loc->elf_ex.e_phnum; i++) {
- if (elf_ppnt->p_type == PT_INTERP) {
- /* This is the program interpreter used for
- * shared libraries - for now assume that this
-@@ -561,7 +597,8 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
- */
- retval = -ENOMEM;
-- if (elf_ppnt->p_filesz > PATH_MAX)
-+ if (elf_ppnt->p_filesz > PATH_MAX ||
-+ elf_ppnt->p_filesz == 0)
- goto out_free_file;
- elf_interpreter = (char *) kmalloc(elf_ppnt->p_filesz,
-@@ -571,8 +608,16 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
- retval = kernel_read(bprm->file, elf_ppnt->p_offset,
- elf_interpreter,
- elf_ppnt->p_filesz);
-- if (retval < 0)
-+ if (retval != elf_ppnt->p_filesz) {
-+ if (retval >= 0)
-+ retval = -EIO;
-+ goto out_free_interp;
-+ }
-+ /* make sure path is NULL terminated */
-+ retval = -EINVAL;
-+ if (elf_interpreter[elf_ppnt->p_filesz - 1] != '\0')
- goto out_free_interp;
- /* If the program interpreter is one of these two,
- * then assume an iBCS2 image. Otherwise assume
- * a native linux image.
-@@ -600,26 +645,29 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
- * switch really is going to happen - do this in
- * flush_thread(). - akpm
- */
-- SET_PERSONALITY(elf_ex, ibcs2_interpreter);
-+ SET_PERSONALITY(loc->elf_ex, ibcs2_interpreter);
-- interpreter = open_exec(elf_interpreter);
-+ interpreter = open_exec(elf_interpreter, NULL);
- retval = PTR_ERR(interpreter);
- if (IS_ERR(interpreter))
- goto out_free_interp;
- retval = kernel_read(interpreter, 0, bprm->buf, BINPRM_BUF_SIZE);
-- if (retval < 0)
-+ if (retval != BINPRM_BUF_SIZE) {
-+ if (retval >= 0)
-+ retval = -EIO;
- goto out_free_dentry;
-+ }
- /* Get the exec headers */
-- interp_ex = *((struct exec *) bprm->buf);
-- interp_elf_ex = *((struct elfhdr *) bprm->buf);
-+ loc->interp_ex = *((struct exec *) bprm->buf);
-+ loc->interp_elf_ex = *((struct elfhdr *) bprm->buf);
- break;
- }
- elf_ppnt++;
- }
- elf_ppnt = elf_phdata;
-- for (i = 0; i < elf_ex.e_phnum; i++, elf_ppnt++)
-+ for (i = 0; i < loc->elf_ex.e_phnum; i++, elf_ppnt++)
- if (elf_ppnt->p_type == PT_GNU_STACK) {
- if (elf_ppnt->p_flags & PF_X)
- executable_stack = EXSTACK_ENABLE_X;
-@@ -627,19 +675,19 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
- executable_stack = EXSTACK_DISABLE_X;
- break;
- }
-- have_pt_gnu_stack = (i < elf_ex.e_phnum);
-+ have_pt_gnu_stack = (i < loc->elf_ex.e_phnum);
- /* Some simple consistency checks for the interpreter */
- if (elf_interpreter) {
- /* Now figure out which format our binary is */
-- if ((N_MAGIC(interp_ex) != OMAGIC) &&
-- (N_MAGIC(interp_ex) != ZMAGIC) &&
-- (N_MAGIC(interp_ex) != QMAGIC))
-+ if ((N_MAGIC(loc->interp_ex) != OMAGIC) &&
-+ (N_MAGIC(loc->interp_ex) != ZMAGIC) &&
-+ (N_MAGIC(loc->interp_ex) != QMAGIC))
- interpreter_type = INTERPRETER_ELF;
-- if (memcmp(interp_elf_ex.e_ident, ELFMAG, SELFMAG) != 0)
-+ if (memcmp(loc->interp_elf_ex.e_ident, ELFMAG, SELFMAG) != 0)
- interpreter_type &= ~INTERPRETER_ELF;
- retval = -ELIBBAD;
-@@ -655,11 +703,11 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
- }
- /* Verify the interpreter has a valid arch */
- if ((interpreter_type == INTERPRETER_ELF) &&
-- !elf_check_arch(&interp_elf_ex))
-+ !elf_check_arch(&loc->interp_elf_ex))
- goto out_free_dentry;
- } else {
- /* Executables without an interpreter also need a personality */
-- SET_PERSONALITY(elf_ex, ibcs2_interpreter);
-+ SET_PERSONALITY(loc->elf_ex, ibcs2_interpreter);
- }
- /* OK, we are done with that, now set up the arg stuff,
-@@ -699,8 +747,8 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
- /* Do this immediately, since STACK_TOP as used in setup_arg_pages
- may depend on the personality. */
-- SET_PERSONALITY(elf_ex, ibcs2_interpreter);
-- if (elf_read_implies_exec(elf_ex, have_pt_gnu_stack))
-+ SET_PERSONALITY(loc->elf_ex, ibcs2_interpreter);
-+ if (elf_read_implies_exec(loc->elf_ex, have_pt_gnu_stack))
- current->personality |= READ_IMPLIES_EXEC;
- /* Do this so that we can load the interpreter, if need be. We will
-@@ -720,7 +768,7 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
- the image should be loaded at fixed address, not at a variable
- address. */
-- for(i = 0, elf_ppnt = elf_phdata; i < elf_ex.e_phnum; i++, elf_ppnt++) {
-+ for(i = 0, elf_ppnt = elf_phdata; i < loc->elf_ex.e_phnum; i++, elf_ppnt++) {
- int elf_prot = 0, elf_flags;
- unsigned long k, vaddr;
-@@ -744,7 +792,13 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
- nbyte = ELF_MIN_ALIGN - nbyte;
- if (nbyte > elf_brk - elf_bss)
- nbyte = elf_brk - elf_bss;
-- clear_user((void __user *) elf_bss + load_bias, nbyte);
-+ /*
-+ * This bss-zeroing can fail if the ELF file
-+ * specifies odd protections. So we don't check
-+ * the return value
-+ */
-+ (void)clear_user((void __user *)elf_bss +
-+ load_bias, nbyte);
- }
- }
-@@ -752,12 +806,13 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
- if (elf_ppnt->p_flags & PF_W) elf_prot |= PROT_WRITE;
- if (elf_ppnt->p_flags & PF_X) elf_prot |= PROT_EXEC;
- vaddr = elf_ppnt->p_vaddr;
-- if (elf_ex.e_type == ET_EXEC || load_addr_set) {
-+ if (loc->elf_ex.e_type == ET_EXEC || load_addr_set) {
- elf_flags |= MAP_FIXED;
-- } else if (elf_ex.e_type == ET_DYN) {
-+ } else if (loc->elf_ex.e_type == ET_DYN) {
- /* Try and get dynamic programs out of the way of the default mmap
- base, as well as whatever program they might try to exec. This
- is because the brk will follow the loader, and is not movable. */
-@@ -765,13 +820,15 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
- }
- error = elf_map(bprm->file, load_bias + vaddr, elf_ppnt, elf_prot, elf_flags);
-- if (BAD_ADDR(error))
-- continue;
-+ if (BAD_ADDR(error)) {
-+ send_sig(SIGKILL, current, 0);
-+ goto out_free_dentry;
-+ }
- if (!load_addr_set) {
- load_addr_set = 1;
- load_addr = (elf_ppnt->p_vaddr - elf_ppnt->p_offset);
-- if (elf_ex.e_type == ET_DYN) {
-+ if (loc->elf_ex.e_type == ET_DYN) {
- load_bias += error -
- ELF_PAGESTART(load_bias + vaddr);
- load_addr += load_bias;
-@@ -808,7 +865,7 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
- elf_brk = k;
- }
-- elf_ex.e_entry += load_bias;
-+ loc->elf_ex.e_entry += load_bias;
- elf_bss += load_bias;
- elf_brk += load_bias;
- start_code += load_bias;
-@@ -826,14 +883,18 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
- send_sig(SIGKILL, current, 0);
- goto out_free_dentry;
- }
-- padzero(elf_bss);
-+ if (padzero(elf_bss)) {
-+ send_sig(SIGSEGV, current, 0);
-+ retval = -EFAULT; /* Nobody gets to see this, but.. */
-+ goto out_free_dentry;
-+ }
- if (elf_interpreter) {
- if (interpreter_type == INTERPRETER_AOUT)
-- elf_entry = load_aout_interp(&interp_ex,
-+ elf_entry = load_aout_interp(&loc->interp_ex,
- interpreter);
- else
-- elf_entry = load_elf_interp(&interp_elf_ex,
-+ elf_entry = load_elf_interp(&loc->interp_elf_ex,
- interpreter,
- &interp_load_addr);
- if (BAD_ADDR(elf_entry)) {
-@@ -848,7 +909,12 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
- fput(interpreter);
- kfree(elf_interpreter);
- } else {
-- elf_entry = elf_ex.e_entry;
-+ elf_entry = loc->elf_ex.e_entry;
-+ if (BAD_ADDR(elf_entry)) {
-+ send_sig(SIGSEGV, current, 0);
-+ retval = -ENOEXEC; /* Nobody gets to see this, but.. */
-+ goto out_free_dentry;
-+ }
- }
- kfree(elf_phdata);
-@@ -858,9 +924,17 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
- set_binfmt(&elf_format);
-+ retval = arch_setup_additional_pages(bprm, executable_stack);
-+ if (retval < 0) {
-+ send_sig(SIGKILL, current, 0);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
- compute_creds(bprm);
- current->flags &= ~PF_FORKNOEXEC;
-- create_elf_tables(bprm, &elf_ex, (interpreter_type == INTERPRETER_AOUT),
-+ create_elf_tables(bprm, &loc->elf_ex, (interpreter_type == INTERPRETER_AOUT),
- load_addr, interp_load_addr);
- /* N.B. passed_fileno might not be initialized? */
- if (interpreter_type == INTERPRETER_AOUT)
-@@ -898,13 +972,17 @@ static int load_elf_binary(struct linux_
- start_thread(regs, elf_entry, bprm->p);
- if (unlikely(current->ptrace & PT_PTRACED)) {
-- if (current->ptrace & PT_TRACE_EXEC)
-+ if (current->ptrace & PT_TRACE_EXEC) {
-+ set_pn_state(current, PN_STOP_EXEC);
- ptrace_notify ((PTRACE_EVENT_EXEC << 8) | SIGTRAP);
-- else
-+ clear_pn_state(current);
-+ } else
- send_sig(SIGTRAP, current, 0);
- }
- retval = 0;
- out:
-+ kfree(loc);
- return retval;
- /* error cleanup */
-@@ -933,6 +1011,7 @@ out_free_ph:
- static int load_elf_library(struct file *file)
- {
- struct elf_phdr *elf_phdata;
-+ struct elf_phdr *eppnt;
- unsigned long elf_bss, bss, len;
- int retval, error, i, j;
- struct elfhdr elf_ex;
-@@ -956,43 +1035,52 @@ static int load_elf_library(struct file
- /* j < ELF_MIN_ALIGN because elf_ex.e_phnum <= 2 */
- error = -ENOMEM;
-- elf_phdata = (struct elf_phdr *) kmalloc(j, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ elf_phdata = kmalloc(j, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!elf_phdata)
- goto out;
-+ eppnt = elf_phdata;
- error = -ENOEXEC;
-- retval = kernel_read(file, elf_ex.e_phoff, (char *) elf_phdata, j);
-+ retval = kernel_read(file, elf_ex.e_phoff, (char *)eppnt, j);
- if (retval != j)
- goto out_free_ph;
- for (j = 0, i = 0; i<elf_ex.e_phnum; i++)
-- if ((elf_phdata + i)->p_type == PT_LOAD) j++;
-+ if ((eppnt + i)->p_type == PT_LOAD)
-+ j++;
- if (j != 1)
- goto out_free_ph;
-- while (elf_phdata->p_type != PT_LOAD) elf_phdata++;
-+ while (eppnt->p_type != PT_LOAD)
-+ eppnt++;
- /* Now use mmap to map the library into memory. */
- down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- error = do_mmap(file,
-- ELF_PAGESTART(elf_phdata->p_vaddr),
-- (elf_phdata->p_filesz +
-- ELF_PAGEOFFSET(elf_phdata->p_vaddr)),
-+ ELF_PAGESTART(eppnt->p_vaddr),
-+ (eppnt->p_filesz +
-+ ELF_PAGEOFFSET(eppnt->p_vaddr)),
-- (elf_phdata->p_offset -
-- ELF_PAGEOFFSET(elf_phdata->p_vaddr)));
-+ (eppnt->p_offset -
-+ ELF_PAGEOFFSET(eppnt->p_vaddr)));
- up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
-- if (error != ELF_PAGESTART(elf_phdata->p_vaddr))
-+ if (error != ELF_PAGESTART(eppnt->p_vaddr))
- goto out_free_ph;
-- elf_bss = elf_phdata->p_vaddr + elf_phdata->p_filesz;
-- padzero(elf_bss);
-+ elf_bss = eppnt->p_vaddr + eppnt->p_filesz;
-+ if (padzero(elf_bss)) {
-+ error = -EFAULT;
-+ goto out_free_ph;
-+ }
-- len = ELF_PAGESTART(elf_phdata->p_filesz + elf_phdata->p_vaddr + ELF_MIN_ALIGN - 1);
-- bss = elf_phdata->p_memsz + elf_phdata->p_vaddr;
-- if (bss > len)
-+ len = ELF_PAGESTART(eppnt->p_filesz + eppnt->p_vaddr + ELF_MIN_ALIGN - 1);
-+ bss = eppnt->p_memsz + eppnt->p_vaddr;
-+ if (bss > len) {
-+ down_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- do_brk(len, bss - len);
-+ up_write(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
-+ }
- error = 0;
- out_free_ph:
-@@ -1172,20 +1260,20 @@ static void fill_prstatus(struct elf_prs
- prstatus->pr_info.si_signo = prstatus->pr_cursig = signr;
- prstatus->pr_sigpend = p->pending.signal.sig[0];
- prstatus->pr_sighold = p->blocked.sig[0];
-- prstatus->pr_pid = p->pid;
-- prstatus->pr_ppid = p->parent->pid;
-- prstatus->pr_pgrp = process_group(p);
-- prstatus->pr_sid = p->signal->session;
-+ prstatus->pr_pid = virt_pid(p);
-+ prstatus->pr_ppid = virt_pid(p->parent);
-+ prstatus->pr_pgrp = virt_pgid(p);
-+ prstatus->pr_sid = virt_sid(p);
- jiffies_to_timeval(p->utime, &prstatus->pr_utime);
- jiffies_to_timeval(p->stime, &prstatus->pr_stime);
- jiffies_to_timeval(p->cutime, &prstatus->pr_cutime);
- jiffies_to_timeval(p->cstime, &prstatus->pr_cstime);
- }
--static void fill_psinfo(struct elf_prpsinfo *psinfo, struct task_struct *p,
-- struct mm_struct *mm)
-+static int fill_psinfo(struct elf_prpsinfo *psinfo, struct task_struct *p,
-+ struct mm_struct *mm)
- {
-- int i, len;
-+ unsigned int i, len;
- /* first copy the parameters from user space */
- memset(psinfo, 0, sizeof(struct elf_prpsinfo));
-@@ -1193,17 +1281,18 @@ static void fill_psinfo(struct elf_prpsi
- len = mm->arg_end - mm->arg_start;
- if (len >= ELF_PRARGSZ)
- len = ELF_PRARGSZ-1;
-- copy_from_user(&psinfo->pr_psargs,
-- (const char __user *)mm->arg_start, len);
-+ if (copy_from_user(&psinfo->pr_psargs,
-+ (const char __user *)mm->arg_start, len))
-+ return -EFAULT;
- for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
- if (psinfo->pr_psargs[i] == 0)
- psinfo->pr_psargs[i] = ' ';
- psinfo->pr_psargs[len] = 0;
-- psinfo->pr_pid = p->pid;
-- psinfo->pr_ppid = p->parent->pid;
-- psinfo->pr_pgrp = process_group(p);
-- psinfo->pr_sid = p->signal->session;
-+ psinfo->pr_pid = virt_pid(p);
-+ psinfo->pr_ppid = virt_pid(p->parent);
-+ psinfo->pr_pgrp = virt_pgid(p);
-+ psinfo->pr_sid = virt_sid(p);
- i = p->state ? ffz(~p->state) + 1 : 0;
- psinfo->pr_state = i;
-@@ -1215,7 +1304,7 @@ static void fill_psinfo(struct elf_prpsi
- SET_GID(psinfo->pr_gid, p->gid);
- strncpy(psinfo->pr_fname, p->comm, sizeof(psinfo->pr_fname));
-- return;
-+ return 0;
- }
- /* Here is the structure in which status of each thread is captured. */
-@@ -1344,7 +1433,7 @@ static int elf_core_dump(long signr, str
- /* capture the status of all other threads */
- if (signr) {
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- do_each_thread(g,p)
-+ do_each_thread_ve(g,p)
- if (current->mm == p->mm && current != p) {
- int sz = elf_dump_thread_status(signr, p, &thread_list);
- if (!sz) {
-@@ -1353,7 +1442,7 @@ static int elf_core_dump(long signr, str
- } else
- thread_status_size += sz;
- }
-- while_each_thread(g,p);
-+ while_each_thread_ve(g,p);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ static int load_em86(struct linux_binprm
- * Note that we use open_exec() as the name is now in kernel
- * space, and we don't need to copy it.
- */
-- file = open_exec(interp);
-+ file = open_exec(interp, bprm);
- if (IS_ERR(file))
- return PTR_ERR(file);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -774,7 +774,7 @@ static int load_flat_shared_library(int
- /* Open the file up */
- bprm.filename = buf;
-- bprm.file = open_exec(bprm.filename);
-+ bprm.file = open_exec(bprm.filename, &bprm);
- res = PTR_ERR(bprm.file);
- if (IS_ERR(bprm.file))
- return res;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -150,7 +150,8 @@ static int load_misc_binary(struct linux
- /* if the binary is not readable than enforce mm->dumpable=0
- regardless of the interpreter's permissions */
-- if (permission(bprm->file->f_dentry->d_inode, MAY_READ, NULL))
-+ if (permission(bprm->file->f_dentry->d_inode, MAY_READ,
- bprm->interp_flags |= BINPRM_FLAGS_ENFORCE_NONDUMP;
- allow_write_access(bprm->file);
-@@ -179,7 +180,7 @@ static int load_misc_binary(struct linux
- bprm->interp = iname; /* for binfmt_script */
-- interp_file = open_exec (iname);
-+ interp_file = open_exec (iname, bprm);
- retval = PTR_ERR (interp_file);
- if (IS_ERR (interp_file))
- goto _error;
-@@ -509,7 +510,8 @@ static struct inode *bm_get_inode(struct
- inode->i_gid = 0;
- inode->i_blksize = PAGE_CACHE_SIZE;
- inode->i_blocks = 0;
-- inode->i_atime = inode->i_mtime = inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ inode->i_atime = inode->i_mtime = inode->i_ctime =
-+ current_fs_time(inode->i_sb);
- }
- return inode;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ static int load_script(struct linux_binp
- /*
- * OK, now restart the process with the interpreter's dentry.
- */
-- file = open_exec(interp);
-+ file = open_exec(interp, bprm);
- if (IS_ERR(file))
- return PTR_ERR(file);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:28.000000000 +0400
-@@ -388,20 +388,17 @@ int bio_uncopy_user(struct bio *bio)
- struct bio_vec *bvec;
- int i, ret = 0;
-- if (bio_data_dir(bio) == READ) {
-- char *uaddr = bio->bi_private;
-+ char *uaddr = bio->bi_private;
-- __bio_for_each_segment(bvec, bio, i, 0) {
-- char *addr = page_address(bvec->bv_page);
-- if (!ret && copy_to_user(uaddr, addr, bvec->bv_len))
-- ret = -EFAULT;
-+ __bio_for_each_segment(bvec, bio, i, 0) {
-+ char *addr = page_address(bvec->bv_page);
-+ if (bio_data_dir(bio) == READ && !ret &&
-+ copy_to_user(uaddr, addr, bvec->bv_len))
-+ ret = -EFAULT;
-- __free_page(bvec->bv_page);
-- uaddr += bvec->bv_len;
-- }
-+ __free_page(bvec->bv_page);
-+ uaddr += bvec->bv_len;
- }
- bio_put(bio);
- return ret;
- }
-@@ -457,6 +454,7 @@ struct bio *bio_copy_user(request_queue_
- */
- if (!ret) {
- if (!write_to_vm) {
-+ unsigned long p = uaddr;
- bio->bi_rw |= (1 << BIO_RW);
- /*
- * for a write, copy in data to kernel pages
-@@ -465,8 +463,9 @@ struct bio *bio_copy_user(request_queue_
- bio_for_each_segment(bvec, bio, i) {
- char *addr = page_address(bvec->bv_page);
-- if (copy_from_user(addr, (char *) uaddr, bvec->bv_len))
-+ if (copy_from_user(addr, (char *) p, bvec->bv_len))
- goto cleanup;
-+ p += bvec->bv_len;
- }
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -548,9 +548,16 @@ static int do_open(struct block_device *
- {
- struct module *owner = NULL;
- struct gendisk *disk;
-- int ret = -ENXIO;
-+ int ret;
- int part;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ ret = get_device_perms_ve(S_IFBLK, bdev->bd_dev,
-+ file->f_mode&(FMODE_READ|FMODE_WRITE));
-+ if (ret)
-+ return ret;
-+ ret = -ENXIO;
- file->f_mapping = bdev->bd_inode->i_mapping;
- lock_kernel();
- disk = get_gendisk(bdev->bd_dev, &part);
-@@ -821,7 +828,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ioctl_by_bdev);
- * namespace if possible and return it. Return ERR_PTR(error)
- * otherwise.
- */
--struct block_device *lookup_bdev(const char *path)
-+struct block_device *lookup_bdev(const char *path, int mode)
- {
- struct block_device *bdev;
- struct inode *inode;
-@@ -839,6 +846,11 @@ struct block_device *lookup_bdev(const c
- error = -ENOTBLK;
- if (!S_ISBLK(inode->i_mode))
- goto fail;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ error = get_device_perms_ve(S_IFBLK, inode->i_rdev, mode);
-+ if (error)
-+ goto fail;
- error = -EACCES;
- if (nd.mnt->mnt_flags & MNT_NODEV)
- goto fail;
-@@ -870,12 +882,13 @@ struct block_device *open_bdev_excl(cons
- mode_t mode = FMODE_READ;
- int error = 0;
-- bdev = lookup_bdev(path);
-+ if (!(flags & MS_RDONLY))
-+ mode |= FMODE_WRITE;
-+ bdev = lookup_bdev(path, mode);
- if (IS_ERR(bdev))
- return bdev;
-- if (!(flags & MS_RDONLY))
-- mode |= FMODE_WRITE;
- error = blkdev_get(bdev, mode, 0);
- if (error)
- return ERR_PTR(error);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -505,6 +505,7 @@ __find_get_block_slow(struct block_devic
- struct buffer_head *bh;
- struct buffer_head *head;
- struct page *page;
-+ int all_mapped = 1;
- index = block >> (PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT - bd_inode->i_blkbits);
- page = find_get_page(bd_mapping, index);
-@@ -522,14 +523,23 @@ __find_get_block_slow(struct block_devic
- get_bh(bh);
- goto out_unlock;
- }
-+ if (!buffer_mapped(bh))
-+ all_mapped = 0;
- bh = bh->b_this_page;
- } while (bh != head);
-- printk("__find_get_block_slow() failed. "
-- "block=%llu, b_blocknr=%llu\n",
-- (unsigned long long)block, (unsigned long long)bh->b_blocknr);
-- printk("b_state=0x%08lx, b_size=%u\n", bh->b_state, bh->b_size);
-- printk("device blocksize: %d\n", 1 << bd_inode->i_blkbits);
-+ /* we might be here because some of the buffers on this page are
-+ * not mapped. This is due to various races between
-+ * file io on the block device and getblk. It gets dealt with
-+ * elsewhere, don't buffer_error if we had some unmapped buffers
-+ */
-+ if (all_mapped) {
-+ printk("__find_get_block_slow() failed. "
-+ "block=%llu, b_blocknr=%llu\n",
-+ (unsigned long long)block, (unsigned long long)bh->b_blocknr);
-+ printk("b_state=0x%08lx, b_size=%u\n", bh->b_state, bh->b_size);
-+ printk("device blocksize: %d\n", 1 << bd_inode->i_blkbits);
-+ }
- out_unlock:
- spin_unlock(&bd_mapping->private_lock);
- page_cache_release(page);
-@@ -1177,18 +1187,16 @@ init_page_buffers(struct page *page, str
- {
- struct buffer_head *head = page_buffers(page);
- struct buffer_head *bh = head;
-- unsigned int b_state;
-- b_state = 1 << BH_Mapped;
-- if (PageUptodate(page))
-- b_state |= 1 << BH_Uptodate;
-+ int uptodate = PageUptodate(page);
- do {
-- if (!(bh->b_state & (1 << BH_Mapped))) {
-+ if (!buffer_mapped(bh)) {
- init_buffer(bh, NULL, NULL);
- bh->b_bdev = bdev;
- bh->b_blocknr = block;
-- bh->b_state = b_state;
-+ if (uptodate)
-+ set_buffer_uptodate(bh);
-+ set_buffer_mapped(bh);
- }
- block++;
- bh = bh->b_this_page;
-@@ -1217,8 +1225,10 @@ grow_dev_page(struct block_device *bdev,
- if (page_has_buffers(page)) {
- bh = page_buffers(page);
-- if (bh->b_size == size)
-+ if (bh->b_size == size) {
-+ init_page_buffers(page, bdev, block, size);
- return page;
-+ }
- if (!try_to_free_buffers(page))
- goto failed;
- }
-@@ -2022,8 +2032,9 @@ static int __block_prepare_write(struct
- goto out;
- if (buffer_new(bh)) {
- clear_buffer_new(bh);
-- unmap_underlying_metadata(bh->b_bdev,
-- bh->b_blocknr);
-+ if (buffer_mapped(bh))
-+ unmap_underlying_metadata(bh->b_bdev,
-+ bh->b_blocknr);
- if (PageUptodate(page)) {
- set_buffer_uptodate(bh);
- continue;
-@@ -2756,21 +2767,31 @@ static int end_bio_bh_io_sync(struct bio
- if (bio->bi_size)
- return 1;
-+ if (err == -EOPNOTSUPP)
-+ set_bit(BIO_EOPNOTSUPP, &bio->bi_flags);
- bh->b_end_io(bh, test_bit(BIO_UPTODATE, &bio->bi_flags));
- bio_put(bio);
- return 0;
- }
--void submit_bh(int rw, struct buffer_head * bh)
-+int submit_bh(int rw, struct buffer_head * bh)
- {
- struct bio *bio;
-+ int ret = 0;
- BUG_ON(!buffer_locked(bh));
- BUG_ON(!buffer_mapped(bh));
- BUG_ON(!bh->b_end_io);
-- /* Only clear out a write error when rewriting */
-- if (test_set_buffer_req(bh) && rw == WRITE)
-+ if (buffer_ordered(bh) && (rw == WRITE))
-+ /*
-+ * Only clear out a write error when rewriting, should this
-+ * include WRITE_SYNC as well?
-+ */
-+ if (test_set_buffer_req(bh) && (rw == WRITE || rw == WRITE_BARRIER))
- clear_buffer_write_io_error(bh);
- /*
-@@ -2792,7 +2813,14 @@ void submit_bh(int rw, struct buffer_hea
- bio->bi_end_io = end_bio_bh_io_sync;
- bio->bi_private = bh;
-+ bio_get(bio);
- submit_bio(rw, bio);
-+ if (bio_flagged(bio, BIO_EOPNOTSUPP))
-+ ret = -EOPNOTSUPP;
-+ bio_put(bio);
-+ return ret;
- }
- /**
-@@ -2901,7 +2929,7 @@ drop_buffers(struct page *page, struct b
- bh = head;
- do {
-- if (buffer_write_io_error(bh))
-+ if (buffer_write_io_error(bh) && page->mapping)
- set_bit(AS_EIO, &page->mapping->flags);
- if (buffer_busy(bh))
- goto failed;
-@@ -3100,7 +3128,7 @@ void __init buffer_init(void)
- bh_cachep = kmem_cache_create("buffer_head",
- sizeof(struct buffer_head), 0,
-- SLAB_PANIC, init_buffer_head, NULL);
- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(bh_wait_queue_heads); i++)
- init_waitqueue_head(&bh_wait_queue_heads[i].wqh);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -257,6 +257,13 @@ int chrdev_open(struct inode * inode, st
- struct cdev *new = NULL;
- int ret = 0;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ ret = get_device_perms_ve(S_IFCHR, inode->i_rdev,
-+ filp->f_mode&(FMODE_READ|FMODE_WRITE));
-+ if (ret)
-+ return ret;
- spin_lock(&cdev_lock);
- p = inode->i_cdev;
- if (!p) {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -188,7 +188,8 @@ cifs_statfs(struct super_block *sb, stru
- return 0; /* always return success? what if volume is no longer available? */
- }
--static int cifs_permission(struct inode * inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd)
-+static int cifs_permission(struct inode * inode, int mask,
-+ struct nameidata *nd, struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
- {
- struct cifs_sb_info *cifs_sb;
-@@ -200,7 +201,7 @@ static int cifs_permission(struct inode
- on the client (above and beyond ACL on servers) for
- servers which do not support setting and viewing mode bits,
- so allowing client to check permissions is useful */
-- return vfs_permission(inode, mask);
-+ return vfs_permission(inode, mask, exec_perm);
- }
- static kmem_cache_t *cifs_inode_cachep;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -147,7 +147,8 @@ exit:
- }
--int coda_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd)
-+int coda_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd,
-+ struct exec_perm *perm)
- {
- int error = 0;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
- /* pioctl ops */
- static int coda_ioctl_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask,
-- struct nameidata *nd);
-+ struct nameidata *nd, struct exec_perm *);
- static int coda_pioctl(struct inode * inode, struct file * filp,
- unsigned int cmd, unsigned long user_data);
-@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ struct file_operations coda_ioctl_operat
- /* the coda pioctl inode ops */
- static int coda_ioctl_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask,
-- struct nameidata *nd)
-+ struct nameidata *nd,
-+ struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
- {
- return 0;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:31.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
- #include <linux/file.h>
- #include <linux/vfs.h>
- #include <linux/ioctl32.h>
-+#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <linux/sockios.h> /* for SIOCDEVPRIVATE */
- #include <linux/smb.h>
-@@ -155,6 +156,8 @@ asmlinkage long compat_sys_statfs(const
- if (!error) {
- struct kstatfs tmp;
- error = vfs_statfs(nd.dentry->d_inode->i_sb, &tmp);
-+ if (!error)
-+ error = faudit_statfs(nd.mnt->mnt_sb, &tmp);
- if (!error && put_compat_statfs(buf, &tmp))
- error = -EFAULT;
- path_release(&nd);
-@@ -173,6 +176,8 @@ asmlinkage long compat_sys_fstatfs(unsig
- if (!file)
- goto out;
- error = vfs_statfs(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_sb, &tmp);
-+ if (!error)
-+ error = faudit_statfs(file->f_vfsmnt->mnt_sb, &tmp);
- if (!error && put_compat_statfs(buf, &tmp))
- error = -EFAULT;
- fput(file);
-@@ -216,6 +221,8 @@ asmlinkage long compat_statfs64(const ch
- if (!error) {
- struct kstatfs tmp;
- error = vfs_statfs(nd.dentry->d_inode->i_sb, &tmp);
-+ if (!error)
-+ error = faudit_statfs(nd.mnt->mnt_sb, &tmp);
- if (!error && put_compat_statfs64(buf, &tmp))
- error = -EFAULT;
- path_release(&nd);
-@@ -237,6 +244,8 @@ asmlinkage long compat_fstatfs64(unsigne
- if (!file)
- goto out;
- error = vfs_statfs(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_sb, &tmp);
-+ if (!error)
-+ error = faudit_statfs(file->f_vfsmnt->mnt_sb, &tmp);
- if (!error && put_compat_statfs64(buf, &tmp))
- error = -EFAULT;
- fput(file);
-@@ -429,6 +438,8 @@ asmlinkage long compat_sys_ioctl(unsigne
- fn = d_path(filp->f_dentry,
- filp->f_vfsmnt, path,
-+ if (IS_ERR(fn))
-+ fn = "(err)";
- }
- sprintf(buf,"'%c'", (cmd>>24) & 0x3f);
-@@ -1375,7 +1386,11 @@ int compat_do_execve(char * filename,
- sched_balance_exec();
-- file = open_exec(filename);
-+ retval = virtinfo_gencall(VIRTINFO_DOEXECVE, NULL);
-+ if (retval)
-+ return retval;
-+ file = open_exec(filename, &bprm);
- retval = PTR_ERR(file);
- if (IS_ERR(file))
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -640,8 +640,11 @@ int siocdevprivate_ioctl(unsigned int fd
- /* Don't check these user accesses, just let that get trapped
- * in the ioctl handler instead.
- */
-- copy_to_user(&u_ifreq64->ifr_ifrn.ifrn_name[0], &tmp_buf[0], IFNAMSIZ);
-- __put_user(data64, &u_ifreq64->ifr_ifru.ifru_data);
-+ if (copy_to_user(&u_ifreq64->ifr_ifrn.ifrn_name[0], &tmp_buf[0],
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ if (__put_user(data64, &u_ifreq64->ifr_ifru.ifru_data))
-+ return -EFAULT;
- return sys_ioctl(fd, cmd, (unsigned long) u_ifreq64);
- }
-@@ -679,6 +682,11 @@ static int dev_ifsioc(unsigned int fd, u
- set_fs (old_fs);
- if (!err) {
- switch (cmd) {
-+ /* TUNSETIFF is defined as _IOW, it should be _IORW
-+ * as the data is copied back to user space, but that
-+ * cannot be fixed without breaking all existing apps.
-+ */
-+ case TUNSETIFF:
-@@ -785,13 +793,16 @@ static int routing_ioctl(unsigned int fd
- r = (void *) &r4;
- }
-- if (ret)
-- return -EFAULT;
-+ if (ret) {
-+ ret = -EFAULT;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
- set_fs (KERNEL_DS);
- ret = sys_ioctl (fd, cmd, (unsigned long) r);
- set_fs (old_fs);
- if (mysock)
- sockfd_put(mysock);
-@@ -2336,7 +2347,9 @@ put_dirent32 (struct dirent *d, struct c
- __put_user(d->d_ino, &d32->d_ino);
- __put_user(d->d_off, &d32->d_off);
- __put_user(d->d_reclen, &d32->d_reclen);
-- __copy_to_user(d32->d_name, d->d_name, d->d_reclen);
-+ if (__copy_to_user(d32->d_name, d->d_name, d->d_reclen))
-+ return -EFAULT;
- return ret;
- }
-@@ -2479,7 +2492,8 @@ static int serial_struct_ioctl(unsigned
- if (cmd == TIOCSSERIAL) {
- if (verify_area(VERIFY_READ, ss32, sizeof(SS32)))
- return -EFAULT;
-- __copy_from_user(&ss, ss32, offsetof(SS32, iomem_base));
-+ if (__copy_from_user(&ss, ss32, offsetof(SS32, iomem_base)))
-+ return -EFAULT;
- __get_user(udata, &ss32->iomem_base);
- ss.iomem_base = compat_ptr(udata);
- __get_user(ss.iomem_reg_shift, &ss32->iomem_reg_shift);
-@@ -2492,7 +2506,8 @@ static int serial_struct_ioctl(unsigned
- if (cmd == TIOCGSERIAL && err >= 0) {
- if (verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE, ss32, sizeof(SS32)))
- return -EFAULT;
-- __copy_to_user(ss32,&ss,offsetof(SS32,iomem_base));
-+ if (__copy_to_user(ss32,&ss,offsetof(SS32,iomem_base)))
-+ return -EFAULT;
- __put_user((unsigned long)ss.iomem_base >> 32 ?
- 0xffffffff : (unsigned)(unsigned long)ss.iomem_base,
- &ss32->iomem_base);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
- #include <linux/mm.h>
- #include <linux/fs.h>
- #include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <linux/smp_lock.h>
- #include <linux/hash.h>
-@@ -26,11 +27,15 @@
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/mount.h>
- #include <linux/file.h>
-+#include <linux/namei.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <linux/security.h>
- #include <linux/seqlock.h>
- #include <linux/swap.h>
- #include <linux/bootmem.h>
-+#include <linux/kernel_stat.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_dcache.h>
- /* #define DCACHE_DEBUG 1 */
-@@ -43,7 +48,10 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(dcache_lock);
- static kmem_cache_t *dentry_cache;
--#define DNAME_INLINE_LEN (sizeof(struct dentry)-offsetof(struct dentry,d_iname))
-+unsigned int dentry_memusage(void)
-+ return kmem_cache_memusage(dentry_cache);
- /*
- * This is the single most critical data structure when it comes
-@@ -70,6 +78,7 @@ static void d_callback(struct rcu_head *
- {
- struct dentry * dentry = container_of(head, struct dentry, d_rcu);
-+ ub_dentry_free(dentry);
- if (dname_external(dentry))
- kfree(dentry->;
- kmem_cache_free(dentry_cache, dentry);
-@@ -109,6 +118,75 @@ static inline void dentry_iput(struct de
- }
- }
-+struct dcache_shrinker {
-+ struct list_head list;
-+ struct dentry *dentry;
-+/* called under dcache_lock */
-+static void dcache_shrinker_add(struct dcache_shrinker *ds,
-+ struct dentry *parent, struct dentry *dentry)
-+ struct super_block *sb;
-+ sb = parent->d_sb;
-+ ds->dentry = parent;
-+ list_add(&ds->list, &sb->s_dshrinkers);
-+/* called under dcache_lock */
-+static void dcache_shrinker_del(struct dcache_shrinker *ds)
-+ if (ds == NULL || list_empty(&ds->list))
-+ return;
-+ list_del_init(&ds->list);
-+ wake_up_all(&dcache_shrinker_wq);
-+/* called under dcache_lock, drops inside */
-+static void dcache_shrinker_wait(struct super_block *sb)
-+ DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wq, current);
-+ __set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
-+ add_wait_queue(&dcache_shrinker_wq, &wq);
-+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
-+ schedule();
-+ remove_wait_queue(&dcache_shrinker_wq, &wq);
-+ __set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
-+void dcache_shrinker_wait_sb(struct super_block *sb)
-+ /* the root dentry can be held in dput_recursive */
-+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-+ while (!list_empty(&sb->s_dshrinkers)) {
-+ dcache_shrinker_wait(sb);
-+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
-+/* dcache_lock protects shrinker's list */
-+static void shrink_dcache_racecheck(struct dentry *parent, int *racecheck)
-+ struct super_block *sb;
-+ struct dcache_shrinker *ds;
-+ sb = parent->d_sb;
-+ list_for_each_entry(ds, &sb->s_dshrinkers, list) {
-+ /* is one of dcache shrinkers working on the dentry? */
-+ if (ds->dentry == parent) {
-+ *racecheck = 1;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
- /*
- * This is dput
- *
-@@ -127,26 +205,26 @@ static inline void dentry_iput(struct de
- */
- /*
-- * dput - release a dentry
-- * @dentry: dentry to release
-+ * dput_recursive - go upward through the dentry tree and release dentries
-+ * @dentry: starting dentry
-+ * @ds: shrinker to be added to active list (see shrink_dcache_parent)
- *
- * Release a dentry. This will drop the usage count and if appropriate
- * call the dentry unlink method as well as removing it from the queues and
- * releasing its resources. If the parent dentries were scheduled for release
- * they too may now get deleted.
- *
-+ * This traverse upward doesn't change d_inuse of any dentry
-+ *
- * no dcache lock, please.
- */
--void dput(struct dentry *dentry)
-+static void dput_recursive(struct dentry *dentry, struct dcache_shrinker *ds)
- {
-- if (!dentry)
-- return;
- if (!atomic_dec_and_lock(&dentry->d_count, &dcache_lock))
- return;
-+ dcache_shrinker_del(ds);
- spin_lock(&dentry->d_lock);
- if (atomic_read(&dentry->d_count)) {
- spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
-@@ -178,6 +256,7 @@ unhash_it:
- kill_it: {
- struct dentry *parent;
-+ struct dcache_shrinker lds;
- /* If dentry was on d_lru list
- * delete it from there
-@@ -187,18 +266,50 @@ kill_it: {
- dentry_stat.nr_unused--;
- }
- list_del(&dentry->d_child);
-+ parent = dentry->d_parent;
-+ dcache_shrinker_add(&lds, parent, dentry);
- dentry_stat.nr_dentry--; /* For d_free, below */
- /*drops the locks, at that point nobody can reach this dentry */
- dentry_iput(dentry);
-- parent = dentry->d_parent;
- d_free(dentry);
-- if (dentry == parent)
-+ if (unlikely(dentry == parent)) {
-+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-+ dcache_shrinker_del(&lds);
-+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
- return;
-+ }
- dentry = parent;
-- goto repeat;
-+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-+ dcache_shrinker_del(&lds);
-+ if (atomic_dec_and_test(&dentry->d_count))
-+ goto repeat;
-+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
- }
- }
-+ * dput - release a dentry
-+ * @dentry: dentry to release
-+ *
-+ * Release a dentry. This will drop the usage count and if appropriate
-+ * call the dentry unlink method as well as removing it from the queues and
-+ * releasing its resources. If the parent dentries were scheduled for release
-+ * they too may now get deleted.
-+ *
-+ * no dcache lock, please.
-+ */
-+void dput(struct dentry *dentry)
-+ if (!dentry)
-+ return;
-+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-+ ub_dentry_uncharge(dentry);
-+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
-+ dput_recursive(dentry, NULL);
- /**
- * d_invalidate - invalidate a dentry
- * @dentry: dentry to invalidate
-@@ -265,6 +376,8 @@ static inline struct dentry * __dget_loc
- dentry_stat.nr_unused--;
- list_del_init(&dentry->d_lru);
- }
-+ ub_dentry_charge_nofail(dentry);
- return dentry;
- }
-@@ -327,13 +440,16 @@ restart:
- tmp = head;
- while ((tmp = tmp->next) != head) {
- struct dentry *dentry = list_entry(tmp, struct dentry, d_alias);
-+ spin_lock(&dentry->d_lock);
- if (!atomic_read(&dentry->d_count)) {
- __dget_locked(dentry);
- __d_drop(dentry);
-+ spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
- spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
- dput(dentry);
- goto restart;
- }
-+ spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
- }
- spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
- }
-@@ -344,19 +460,27 @@ restart:
- * removed.
- * Called with dcache_lock, drops it and then regains.
- */
--static inline void prune_one_dentry(struct dentry * dentry)
-+static void prune_one_dentry(struct dentry * dentry)
- {
- struct dentry * parent;
-+ struct dcache_shrinker ds;
- __d_drop(dentry);
- list_del(&dentry->d_child);
-+ parent = dentry->d_parent;
-+ dcache_shrinker_add(&ds, parent, dentry);
- dentry_stat.nr_dentry--; /* For d_free, below */
- dentry_iput(dentry);
- parent = dentry->d_parent;
- d_free(dentry);
- if (parent != dentry)
-- dput(parent);
-+ /*
-+ * dentry is not in use, only child (not outside)
-+ * references change, so parent->d_inuse does not change
-+ */
-+ dput_recursive(parent, &ds);
- spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-+ dcache_shrinker_del(&ds);
- }
- /**
-@@ -379,6 +503,8 @@ static void prune_dcache(int count)
- struct dentry *dentry;
- struct list_head *tmp;
-+ cond_resched_lock(&dcache_lock);
- tmp = dentry_unused.prev;
- if (tmp == &dentry_unused)
- break;
-@@ -472,6 +598,7 @@ repeat:
- continue;
- }
- prune_one_dentry(dentry);
-+ cond_resched_lock(&dcache_lock);
- goto repeat;
- }
- spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
-@@ -536,13 +663,12 @@ positive:
- * whenever the d_subdirs list is non-empty and continue
- * searching.
- */
--static int select_parent(struct dentry * parent)
-+static int select_parent(struct dentry * parent, int * racecheck)
- {
- struct dentry *this_parent = parent;
- struct list_head *next;
- int found = 0;
-- spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
- repeat:
- next = this_parent->;
- resume:
-@@ -564,6 +690,15 @@ resume:
- dentry_stat.nr_unused++;
- found++;
- }
-+ /*
-+ * We can return to the caller if we have found some (this
-+ * ensures forward progress). We'll be coming back to find
-+ * the rest.
-+ */
-+ if (found && need_resched())
-+ goto out;
- /*
- * Descend a level if the d_subdirs list is non-empty.
- */
-@@ -575,6 +710,9 @@ dentry->d_parent->, dentry->d
- #endif
- goto repeat;
- }
-+ if (!found && racecheck != NULL)
-+ shrink_dcache_racecheck(dentry, racecheck);
- }
- /*
- * All done at this level ... ascend and resume the search.
-@@ -588,7 +726,7 @@ this_parent->d_parent->, this
- #endif
- goto resume;
- }
-- spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
- return found;
- }
-@@ -601,10 +739,66 @@ this_parent->d_parent->, this
- void shrink_dcache_parent(struct dentry * parent)
- {
-- int found;
-+ int found, r;
-+ while (1) {
-+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-+ found = select_parent(parent, NULL);
-+ if (found)
-+ goto found;
-- while ((found = select_parent(parent)) != 0)
-+ /*
-+ * try again with a dput_recursive() race check.
-+ * it returns quickly if everything was really shrinked
-+ */
-+ r = 0;
-+ found = select_parent(parent, &r);
-+ if (found)
-+ goto found;
-+ if (!r)
-+ break;
-+ /* drops the lock inside */
-+ dcache_shrinker_wait(parent->d_sb);
-+ continue;
-+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
- prune_dcache(found);
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
-+ * Move any unused anon dentries to the end of the unused list.
-+ * called under dcache_lock
-+ */
-+static int select_anon(struct hlist_head *head, int *racecheck)
-+ struct hlist_node *lp;
-+ int found = 0;
-+ hlist_for_each(lp, head) {
-+ struct dentry *this = hlist_entry(lp, struct dentry, d_hash);
-+ if (!list_empty(&this->d_lru)) {
-+ dentry_stat.nr_unused--;
-+ list_del_init(&this->d_lru);
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ * move only zero ref count dentries to the end
-+ * of the unused list for prune_dcache
-+ */
-+ if (!atomic_read(&this->d_count)) {
-+ list_add_tail(&this->d_lru, &dentry_unused);
-+ dentry_stat.nr_unused++;
-+ found++;
-+ }
-+ if (!found && racecheck != NULL)
-+ shrink_dcache_racecheck(this, racecheck);
-+ }
-+ return found;
- }
- /**
-@@ -617,33 +811,36 @@ void shrink_dcache_parent(struct dentry
- * done under dcache_lock.
- *
- */
--void shrink_dcache_anon(struct hlist_head *head)
-+void shrink_dcache_anon(struct super_block *sb)
- {
-- struct hlist_node *lp;
-- int found;
-- do {
-- found = 0;
-+ int found, r;
-+ while (1) {
- spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-- hlist_for_each(lp, head) {
-- struct dentry *this = hlist_entry(lp, struct dentry, d_hash);
-- if (!list_empty(&this->d_lru)) {
-- dentry_stat.nr_unused--;
-- list_del_init(&this->d_lru);
-- }
-+ found = select_anon(&sb->s_anon, NULL);
-+ if (found)
-+ goto found;
-- /*
-- * move only zero ref count dentries to the end
-- * of the unused list for prune_dcache
-- */
-- if (!atomic_read(&this->d_count)) {
-- list_add_tail(&this->d_lru, &dentry_unused);
-- dentry_stat.nr_unused++;
-- found++;
-- }
-- }
-+ /*
-+ * try again with a dput_recursive() race check.
-+ * it returns quickly if everything was really shrinked
-+ */
-+ r = 0;
-+ found = select_anon(&sb->s_anon, &r);
-+ if (found)
-+ goto found;
-+ if (!r)
-+ break;
-+ /* drops the lock inside */
-+ dcache_shrinker_wait(sb);
-+ continue;
- spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
- prune_dcache(found);
-- } while(found);
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
- }
- /*
-@@ -660,12 +857,18 @@ void shrink_dcache_anon(struct hlist_hea
- */
- static int shrink_dcache_memory(int nr, unsigned int gfp_mask)
- {
-+ int res = -1;
-+ KSTAT_PERF_ENTER(shrink_dcache)
- if (nr) {
- if (!(gfp_mask & __GFP_FS))
-- return -1;
-+ goto out;
- prune_dcache(nr);
- }
-- return (dentry_stat.nr_unused / 100) * sysctl_vfs_cache_pressure;
-+ res = (dentry_stat.nr_unused / 100) * sysctl_vfs_cache_pressure;
-+ KSTAT_PERF_LEAVE(shrink_dcache)
-+ return res;
- }
- /**
-@@ -685,19 +888,20 @@ struct dentry *d_alloc(struct dentry * p
- dentry = kmem_cache_alloc(dentry_cache, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!dentry)
-- return NULL;
-+ goto err_dentry;
- if (name->len > DNAME_INLINE_LEN-1) {
- dname = kmalloc(name->len + 1, GFP_KERNEL);
-- if (!dname) {
-- kmem_cache_free(dentry_cache, dentry);
-- return NULL;
-- }
-+ if (!dname)
-+ goto err_name;
- } else {
- dname = dentry->d_iname;
- }
- dentry-> = dname;
-+ if (ub_dentry_alloc(dentry))
-+ goto err_charge;
- dentry->d_name.len = name->len;
- dentry->d_name.hash = name->hash;
- memcpy(dname, name->name, name->len);
-@@ -727,12 +931,23 @@ struct dentry *d_alloc(struct dentry * p
- }
- spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-- if (parent)
-+ if (parent) {
- list_add(&dentry->d_child, &parent->d_subdirs);
-+ if (parent->d_flags & DCACHE_VIRTUAL)
-+ dentry->d_flags |= DCACHE_VIRTUAL;
-+ }
- dentry_stat.nr_dentry++;
- spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
- return dentry;
-+ if (name->len > DNAME_INLINE_LEN - 1)
-+ kfree(dname);
-+ kmem_cache_free(dentry_cache, dentry);
-+ return NULL;
- }
- /**
-@@ -1016,6 +1231,7 @@ struct dentry * __d_lookup(struct dentry
- if (!d_unhashed(dentry)) {
- atomic_inc(&dentry->d_count);
- found = dentry;
-+ goto found;
- }
- terminate:
- spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
-@@ -1026,6 +1242,17 @@ next:
- rcu_read_unlock();
- return found;
-+ /*
-+ * d_lock and rcu_read_lock
-+ * are dropped in ub_dentry_charge()
-+ */
-+ if (!ub_dentry_charge(found))
-+ return found;
-+ dput(found);
-+ return NULL;
- }
- /**
-@@ -1262,6 +1489,32 @@ already_unhashed:
- }
- /**
-+ * __d_path_add_deleted - prepend "(deleted) " text
-+ * @end: a pointer to the character after free space at the beginning of the
-+ * buffer
-+ * @buflen: remaining free space
-+ */
-+static inline char * __d_path_add_deleted(char * end, int buflen)
-+ buflen -= 10;
-+ if (buflen < 0)
-+ end -= 10;
-+ memcpy(end, "(deleted) ", 10);
-+ return end;
-+ * d_root_check - checks if dentry is accessible from current's fs root
-+ * @dentry: dentry to be verified
-+ * @vfsmnt: vfsmnt to which the dentry belongs
-+ */
-+int d_root_check(struct dentry *dentry, struct vfsmount *vfsmnt)
-+ return PTR_ERR(d_path(dentry, vfsmnt, NULL, 0));
- * d_path - return the path of a dentry
- * @dentry: dentry to report
- * @vfsmnt: vfsmnt to which the dentry belongs
-@@ -1282,36 +1535,35 @@ static char * __d_path( struct dentry *d
- char *buffer, int buflen)
- {
- char * end = buffer+buflen;
-- char * retval;
-+ char * retval = NULL;
- int namelen;
-+ int deleted;
-+ struct vfsmount *oldvfsmnt;
-- *--end = '\0';
-- buflen--;
-- if (!IS_ROOT(dentry) && d_unhashed(dentry)) {
-- buflen -= 10;
-- end -= 10;
-- if (buflen < 0)
-+ oldvfsmnt = vfsmnt;
-+ deleted = (!IS_ROOT(dentry) && d_unhashed(dentry));
-+ if (buffer != NULL) {
-+ *--end = '\0';
-+ buflen--;
-+ if (buflen < 1)
- goto Elong;
-- memcpy(end, " (deleted)", 10);
-+ /* Get '/' right */
-+ retval = end-1;
-+ *retval = '/';
- }
-- if (buflen < 1)
-- goto Elong;
-- /* Get '/' right */
-- retval = end-1;
-- *retval = '/';
- for (;;) {
- struct dentry * parent;
- if (dentry == root && vfsmnt == rootmnt)
- break;
- if (dentry == vfsmnt->mnt_root || IS_ROOT(dentry)) {
-- /* Global root? */
-+ /* root of a tree? */
- spin_lock(&vfsmount_lock);
- if (vfsmnt->mnt_parent == vfsmnt) {
- spin_unlock(&vfsmount_lock);
-- goto global_root;
-+ goto other_root;
- }
- dentry = vfsmnt->mnt_mountpoint;
- vfsmnt = vfsmnt->mnt_parent;
-@@ -1320,27 +1572,51 @@ static char * __d_path( struct dentry *d
- }
- parent = dentry->d_parent;
- prefetch(parent);
-+ if (buffer != NULL) {
-+ namelen = dentry->d_name.len;
-+ buflen -= namelen + 1;
-+ if (buflen < 0)
-+ goto Elong;
-+ end -= namelen;
-+ memcpy(end, dentry->, namelen);
-+ *--end = '/';
-+ retval = end;
-+ }
-+ dentry = parent;
-+ }
-+ /* the given root point is reached */
-+ if (buffer != NULL && deleted)
-+ retval = __d_path_add_deleted(end, buflen);
-+ return retval;
-+ /*
-+ * We traversed the tree upward and reached a root, but the given
-+ * lookup terminal point wasn't encountered. It means either that the
-+ * dentry is out of our scope or belongs to an abstract space like
-+ * sock_mnt or pipe_mnt. Check for it.
-+ *
-+ * There are different options to check it.
-+ * We may assume that any dentry tree is unreachable unless it's
-+ * connected to `root' (defined as fs root of init aka child reaper)
-+ * and expose all paths that are not connected to it.
-+ * The other option is to allow exposing of known abstract spaces
-+ * explicitly and hide the path information for other cases.
-+ * This approach is more safe, let's take it. 2001/04/22 SAW
-+ */
-+ if (!(oldvfsmnt->mnt_sb->s_flags & MS_NOUSER))
-+ return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
-+ if (buffer != NULL) {
- namelen = dentry->d_name.len;
-- buflen -= namelen + 1;
-+ buflen -= namelen;
- if (buflen < 0)
- goto Elong;
-- end -= namelen;
-- memcpy(end, dentry->, namelen);
-- *--end = '/';
-- retval = end;
-- dentry = parent;
-+ retval -= namelen-1; /* hit the slash */
-+ memcpy(retval, dentry->, namelen);
- }
-+ goto finish;
-- return retval;
-- namelen = dentry->d_name.len;
-- buflen -= namelen;
-- if (buflen < 0)
-- goto Elong;
-- retval -= namelen-1; /* hit the slash */
-- memcpy(retval, dentry->, namelen);
-- return retval;
- Elong:
- }
-@@ -1365,6 +1641,226 @@ char * d_path(struct dentry *dentry, str
- return res;
- }
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+#include <net/sock.h>
-+#include <linux/ip.h>
-+#include <linux/file.h>
-+#include <linux/namespace.h>
-+#include <linux/vzratelimit.h>
-+static void mark_sub_tree_virtual(struct dentry *d)
-+ struct dentry *orig_root;
-+ orig_root = d;
-+ while (1) {
-+ spin_lock(&d->d_lock);
-+ d->d_flags |= DCACHE_VIRTUAL;
-+ spin_unlock(&d->d_lock);
-+ if (!list_empty(&d->d_subdirs)) {
-+ d = list_entry(d->,
-+ struct dentry, d_child);
-+ continue;
-+ }
-+ if (d == orig_root)
-+ break;
-+ while (d == list_entry(d->d_parent->d_subdirs.prev,
-+ struct dentry, d_child)) {
-+ d = d->d_parent;
-+ if (d == orig_root)
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ d = list_entry(d->,
-+ struct dentry, d_child);
-+ }
-+ return;
-+void mark_tree_virtual(struct vfsmount *m, struct dentry *d)
-+ struct vfsmount *orig_rootmnt;
-+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-+ spin_lock(&vfsmount_lock);
-+ orig_rootmnt = m;
-+ while (1) {
-+ mark_sub_tree_virtual(d);
-+ if (!list_empty(&m->mnt_mounts)) {
-+ m = list_entry(m->,
-+ struct vfsmount, mnt_child);
-+ d = m->mnt_root;
-+ continue;
-+ }
-+ if (m == orig_rootmnt)
-+ break;
-+ while (m == list_entry(m->mnt_parent->mnt_mounts.prev,
-+ struct vfsmount, mnt_child)) {
-+ m = m->mnt_parent;
-+ if (m == orig_rootmnt)
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ m = list_entry(m->,
-+ struct vfsmount, mnt_child);
-+ d = m->mnt_root;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&vfsmount_lock);
-+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
-+static struct vz_rate_info area_ri = { 20, 10*HZ };
-+#define VE_AREA_ACC_CHECK 0x0001
-+#define VE_AREA_ACC_DENY 0x0002
-+#define VE_AREA_EXEC_CHECK 0x0010
-+#define VE_AREA_EXEC_DENY 0x0020
-+#define VE0_AREA_ACC_CHECK 0x0100
-+#define VE0_AREA_ACC_DENY 0x0200
-+#define VE0_AREA_EXEC_CHECK 0x1000
-+#define VE0_AREA_EXEC_DENY 0x2000
-+int ve_area_access_check = 0;
-+static void print_connection_info(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ struct files_struct *files;
-+ int fd;
-+ files = get_files_struct(tsk);
-+ if (!files)
-+ return;
-+ spin_lock(&files->file_lock);
-+ for (fd = 0; fd < files->max_fds; fd++) {
-+ struct file *file;
-+ struct inode *inode;
-+ struct socket *socket;
-+ struct sock *sk;
-+ struct inet_opt *inet;
-+ file = files->fd[fd];
-+ if (file == NULL)
-+ continue;
-+ inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
-+ if (!inode->i_sock)
-+ continue;
-+ socket = SOCKET_I(inode);
-+ if (socket == NULL)
-+ continue;
-+ sk = socket->sk;
-+ if (sk->sk_family != PF_INET || sk->sk_type != SOCK_STREAM)
-+ continue;
-+ inet = inet_sk(sk);
-+ printk(KERN_ALERT "connection from %u.%u.%u.%u:%u to port %u\n",
-+ NIPQUAD(inet->daddr), ntohs(inet->dport),
-+ inet->num);
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&files->file_lock);
-+ put_files_struct(files);
-+static void check_alert(struct vfsmount *vfsmnt, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ char *str)
-+ struct task_struct *tsk;
-+ unsigned long page;
-+ struct super_block *sb;
-+ char *p;
-+ if (!vz_ratelimit(&area_ri))
-+ return;
-+ tsk = current;
-+ p = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-+ page = __get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (page) {
-+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-+ p = __d_path(dentry, vfsmnt, tsk->fs->root, tsk->fs->rootmnt,
-+ (char *)page, PAGE_SIZE);
-+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
-+ }
-+ if (IS_ERR(p))
-+ p = "(undefined)";
-+ sb = dentry->d_sb;
-+ printk(KERN_ALERT "%s check alert! file:[%s] from %d/%s, dev%x\n"
-+ "Task %d/%d[%s] from VE%d, execenv %d\n",
-+ str, p, VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(sb->s_type)->veid,
-+ sb->s_type->name, sb->s_dev,
-+ tsk->pid, virt_pid(tsk), tsk->comm,
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env->veid,
-+ get_exec_env()->veid);
-+ free_page(page);
-+ print_connection_info(tsk);
-+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ tsk = tsk->real_parent;
-+ get_task_struct(tsk);
-+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ printk(KERN_ALERT "Parent %d/%d[%s] from VE%d\n",
-+ tsk->pid, virt_pid(tsk), tsk->comm,
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env->veid);
-+ print_connection_info(tsk);
-+ put_task_struct(tsk);
-+ dump_stack();
-+int check_area_access_ve(struct dentry *dentry, struct vfsmount *mnt)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ int check, alert, deny;
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ check = ve_area_access_check & VE0_AREA_ACC_CHECK;
-+ alert = dentry->d_flags & DCACHE_VIRTUAL;
-+ deny = ve_area_access_check & VE0_AREA_ACC_DENY;
-+ } else {
-+ check = ve_area_access_check & VE_AREA_ACC_CHECK;
-+ alert = !(dentry->d_flags & DCACHE_VIRTUAL);
-+ deny = ve_area_access_check & VE_AREA_ACC_DENY;
-+ }
-+ if (check && alert)
-+ check_alert(mnt, dentry, "Access");
-+ if (deny && alert)
-+ return -EACCES;
-+ return 0;
-+int check_area_execute_ve(struct dentry *dentry, struct vfsmount *mnt)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ int check, alert, deny;
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ check = ve_area_access_check & VE0_AREA_EXEC_CHECK;
-+ alert = dentry->d_flags & DCACHE_VIRTUAL;
-+ deny = ve_area_access_check & VE0_AREA_EXEC_DENY;
-+ } else {
-+ check = ve_area_access_check & VE_AREA_EXEC_CHECK;
-+ alert = !(dentry->d_flags & DCACHE_VIRTUAL);
-+ deny = ve_area_access_check & VE_AREA_EXEC_DENY;
-+ }
-+ if (check && alert)
-+ check_alert(mnt, dentry, "Exec");
-+ if (deny && alert)
-+ return -EACCES;
-+ return 0;
- /*
- * NOTE! The user-level library version returns a
- * character pointer. The kernel system call just
-@@ -1501,10 +1997,12 @@ resume:
- goto repeat;
- }
- atomic_dec(&dentry->d_count);
-+ ub_dentry_uncharge(dentry);
- }
- if (this_parent != root) {
- next = this_parent->;
- atomic_dec(&this_parent->d_count);
-+ ub_dentry_uncharge(this_parent);
- this_parent = this_parent->d_parent;
- goto resume;
- }
-@@ -1627,7 +2125,7 @@ void __init vfs_caches_init(unsigned lon
- filp_cachep = kmem_cache_create("filp", sizeof(struct file), 0,
-- SLAB_HWCACHE_ALIGN|SLAB_PANIC, filp_ctor, filp_dtor);
-+ SLAB_HWCACHE_ALIGN|SLAB_PANIC|SLAB_UBC, filp_ctor, filp_dtor);
- dcache_init(mempages);
- inode_init(mempages);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:37.000000000 +0400
-@@ -93,12 +93,10 @@ static struct dcookie_struct * alloc_dco
- if (!dcs)
- return NULL;
-- atomic_inc(&dentry->d_count);
-- atomic_inc(&vfsmnt->mnt_count);
- dentry->d_cookie = dcs;
-- dcs->dentry = dentry;
-- dcs->vfsmnt = vfsmnt;
-+ dcs->dentry = dget(dentry);
-+ dcs->vfsmnt = mntget(vfsmnt);
- hash_dcookie(dcs);
- return dcs;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/ve.h>
- #include <linux/fs.h>
- #include <linux/sched.h>
- #include <linux/namei.h>
-@@ -25,13 +26,29 @@
- static struct vfsmount *devpts_mnt;
- static struct dentry *devpts_root;
--static struct {
-- int setuid;
-- int setgid;
-- uid_t uid;
-- gid_t gid;
-- umode_t mode;
--} config = {.mode = 0600};
-+void prepare_devpts(void)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ get_ve0()->devpts_mnt = devpts_mnt;
-+ devpts_mnt = (struct vfsmount *)0x11121314;
-+ /* ve0.devpts_root should be filled inside fill_super() */
-+ BUG_ON(devpts_root != NULL);
-+ devpts_root = (struct dentry *)0x12131415;
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
-+#define visible_devpts_mnt devpts_mnt
-+#define visible_devpts_root devpts_root
-+#define visible_devpts_config config
-+#define visible_devpts_mnt (get_exec_env()->devpts_mnt)
-+#define visible_devpts_root (get_exec_env()->devpts_root)
-+#define visible_devpts_config (*(get_exec_env()->devpts_config))
-+static struct devpts_config config = {.mode = 0600};
- static int devpts_remount(struct super_block *sb, int *flags, char *data)
- {
-@@ -57,15 +74,16 @@ static int devpts_remount(struct super_b
- } else if (sscanf(this_char, "mode=%o%c", &n, &dummy) == 1)
- mode = n & ~S_IFMT;
- else {
-- printk("devpts: called with bogus options\n");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG,
-+ "devpts: called with bogus options\n");
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- }
-- config.setuid = setuid;
-- config.setgid = setgid;
-- config.uid = uid;
-- config.gid = gid;
-- config.mode = mode;
-+ visible_devpts_config.setuid = setuid;
-+ visible_devpts_config.setgid = setgid;
-+ visible_devpts_config.uid = uid;
-+ visible_devpts_config.gid = gid;
-+ visible_devpts_config.mode = mode;
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -98,10 +116,10 @@ devpts_fill_super(struct super_block *s,
- inode->i_fop = &simple_dir_operations;
- inode->i_nlink = 2;
-- devpts_root = s->s_root = d_alloc_root(inode);
-+ visible_devpts_root = s->s_root = d_alloc_root(inode);
- if (s->s_root)
- return 0;
- printk("devpts: get root dentry failed\n");
- iput(inode);
- fail:
-@@ -114,13 +132,15 @@ static struct super_block *devpts_get_sb
- return get_sb_single(fs_type, flags, data, devpts_fill_super);
- }
--static struct file_system_type devpts_fs_type = {
-+struct file_system_type devpts_fs_type = {
- .owner = THIS_MODULE,
- .name = "devpts",
- .get_sb = devpts_get_sb,
- .kill_sb = kill_anon_super,
- };
- /*
- * The normal naming convention is simply /dev/pts/<number>; this conforms
- * to the System V naming convention
-@@ -129,7 +149,7 @@ static struct file_system_type devpts_fs
- static struct dentry *get_node(int num)
- {
- char s[12];
-- struct dentry *root = devpts_root;
-+ struct dentry *root = visible_devpts_root;
- down(&root->d_inode->i_sem);
- return lookup_one_len(s, root, sprintf(s, "%d", num));
- }
-@@ -147,7 +167,7 @@ int devpts_pty_new(struct tty_struct *tt
- struct tty_driver *driver = tty->driver;
- dev_t device = MKDEV(driver->major, driver->minor_start+number);
- struct dentry *dentry;
-- struct inode *inode = new_inode(devpts_mnt->mnt_sb);
-+ struct inode *inode = new_inode(visible_devpts_mnt->mnt_sb);
- /* We're supposed to be given the slave end of a pty */
- BUG_ON(driver->type != TTY_DRIVER_TYPE_PTY);
-@@ -158,10 +178,12 @@ int devpts_pty_new(struct tty_struct *tt
- inode->i_ino = number+2;
- inode->i_blksize = 1024;
-- inode->i_uid = config.setuid ? config.uid : current->fsuid;
-- inode->i_gid = config.setgid ? config.gid : current->fsgid;
-+ inode->i_uid = visible_devpts_config.setuid ?
-+ visible_devpts_config.uid : current->fsuid;
-+ inode->i_gid = visible_devpts_config.setgid ?
-+ visible_devpts_config.gid : current->fsgid;
- inode->i_mtime = inode->i_atime = inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-- init_special_inode(inode, S_IFCHR|config.mode, device);
-+ init_special_inode(inode, S_IFCHR|visible_devpts_config.mode, device);
- inode->i_op = &devpts_file_inode_operations;
- inode->u.generic_ip = tty;
-@@ -169,7 +191,7 @@ int devpts_pty_new(struct tty_struct *tt
- if (!IS_ERR(dentry) && !dentry->d_inode)
- d_instantiate(dentry, inode);
-- up(&devpts_root->d_inode->i_sem);
-+ up(&visible_devpts_root->d_inode->i_sem);
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -179,10 +201,14 @@ struct tty_struct *devpts_get_tty(int nu
- struct dentry *dentry = get_node(number);
- struct tty_struct *tty;
-- tty = (IS_ERR(dentry) || !dentry->d_inode) ? NULL :
-- dentry->d_inode->u.generic_ip;
-+ tty = NULL;
-+ if (!IS_ERR(dentry)) {
-+ if (dentry->d_inode)
-+ tty = dentry->d_inode->u.generic_ip;
-+ dput(dentry);
-+ }
-- up(&devpts_root->d_inode->i_sem);
-+ up(&visible_devpts_root->d_inode->i_sem);
- return tty;
- }
-@@ -200,7 +226,7 @@ void devpts_pty_kill(int number)
- }
- dput(dentry);
- }
-- up(&devpts_root->d_inode->i_sem);
-+ up(&visible_devpts_root->d_inode->i_sem);
- }
- static int __init init_devpts_fs(void)
-@@ -208,17 +234,22 @@ static int __init init_devpts_fs(void)
- int err = init_devpts_xattr();
- if (err)
- return err;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ get_ve0()->devpts_config = &config;
- err = register_filesystem(&devpts_fs_type);
- if (!err) {
- devpts_mnt = kern_mount(&devpts_fs_type);
- if (IS_ERR(devpts_mnt))
- err = PTR_ERR(devpts_mnt);
- }
-+ prepare_devpts();
- return err;
- }
- static void __exit exit_devpts_fs(void)
- {
-+ /* the code is never called, the argument is irrelevant */
- unregister_filesystem(&devpts_fs_type);
- mntput(devpts_mnt);
- exit_devpts_xattr();
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -833,8 +833,10 @@ do_holes:
- char *kaddr;
- /* AKPM: eargh, -ENOTBLK is a hack */
-- if (dio->rw == WRITE)
-+ if (dio->rw == WRITE) {
-+ page_cache_release(page);
- return -ENOTBLK;
-+ }
- if (dio->block_in_file >=
- i_size_read(dio->inode)>>blkbits) {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:48.000000000 +0400
-@@ -149,10 +149,9 @@
- #define EP_ITEM_FROM_EPQUEUE(p) (container_of(p, struct ep_pqueue, pt)->epi)
--struct epoll_filefd {
-- struct file *file;
-- int fd;
-+/* Maximum msec timeout value storeable in a long int */
- /*
- * Node that is linked into the "wake_task_list" member of the "struct poll_safewake".
-@@ -176,36 +175,6 @@ struct poll_safewake {
- spinlock_t lock;
- };
-- * This structure is stored inside the "private_data" member of the file
-- * structure and rapresent the main data sructure for the eventpoll
-- * interface.
-- */
--struct eventpoll {
-- /* Protect the this structure access */
-- rwlock_t lock;
-- /*
-- * This semaphore is used to ensure that files are not removed
-- * while epoll is using them. This is read-held during the event
-- * collection loop and it is write-held during the file cleanup
-- * path, the epoll file exit code and the ctl operations.
-- */
-- struct rw_semaphore sem;
-- /* Wait queue used by sys_epoll_wait() */
-- wait_queue_head_t wq;
-- /* Wait queue used by file->poll() */
-- wait_queue_head_t poll_wait;
-- /* List of ready file descriptors */
-- struct list_head rdllist;
-- /* RB-Tree root used to store monitored fd structs */
-- struct rb_root rbr;
- /* Wait structure used by the poll hooks */
- struct eppoll_entry {
- /* List header used to link this structure to the "struct epitem" */
-@@ -224,50 +193,6 @@ struct eppoll_entry {
- wait_queue_head_t *whead;
- };
-- * Each file descriptor added to the eventpoll interface will
-- * have an entry of this type linked to the hash.
-- */
--struct epitem {
-- /* RB-Tree node used to link this structure to the eventpoll rb-tree */
-- struct rb_node rbn;
-- /* List header used to link this structure to the eventpoll ready list */
-- struct list_head rdllink;
-- /* The file descriptor information this item refers to */
-- struct epoll_filefd ffd;
-- /* Number of active wait queue attached to poll operations */
-- int nwait;
-- /* List containing poll wait queues */
-- struct list_head pwqlist;
-- /* The "container" of this item */
-- struct eventpoll *ep;
-- /* The structure that describe the interested events and the source fd */
-- struct epoll_event event;
-- /*
-- * Used to keep track of the usage count of the structure. This avoids
-- * that the structure will desappear from underneath our processing.
-- */
-- atomic_t usecnt;
-- /* List header used to link this item to the "struct file" items list */
-- struct list_head fllink;
-- /* List header used to link the item to the transfer list */
-- struct list_head txlink;
-- /*
-- * This is used during the collection/transfer of events to userspace
-- * to pin items empty events set.
-- */
-- unsigned int revents;
- /* Wrapper struct used by poll queueing */
- struct ep_pqueue {
-@@ -282,13 +207,13 @@ static void ep_poll_safewake(struct poll
- static int ep_getfd(int *efd, struct inode **einode, struct file **efile);
- static int ep_file_init(struct file *file);
- static void ep_free(struct eventpoll *ep);
--static struct epitem *ep_find(struct eventpoll *ep, struct file *file, int fd);
-+struct epitem *ep_find(struct eventpoll *ep, struct file *file, int fd);
- static void ep_use_epitem(struct epitem *epi);
- static void ep_release_epitem(struct epitem *epi);
- static void ep_ptable_queue_proc(struct file *file, wait_queue_head_t *whead,
- poll_table *pt);
- static void ep_rbtree_insert(struct eventpoll *ep, struct epitem *epi);
--static int ep_insert(struct eventpoll *ep, struct epoll_event *event,
-+int ep_insert(struct eventpoll *ep, struct epoll_event *event,
- struct file *tfile, int fd);
- static int ep_modify(struct eventpoll *ep, struct epitem *epi,
- struct epoll_event *event);
-@@ -615,6 +540,7 @@ eexit_1:
- return error;
- }
-+#define MAX_EVENTS (INT_MAX / sizeof(struct epoll_event))
- /*
- * Implement the event wait interface for the eventpoll file. It is the kernel
-@@ -631,7 +557,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_epoll_wait(int epfd,
- current, epfd, events, maxevents, timeout));
- /* The maximum number of event must be greater than zero */
-- if (maxevents <= 0)
-+ if (maxevents <= 0 || maxevents > MAX_EVENTS)
- return -EINVAL;
- /* Verify that the area passed by the user is writeable */
-@@ -816,7 +742,7 @@ static void ep_free(struct eventpoll *ep
- * the returned item, so the caller must call ep_release_epitem()
- * after finished using the "struct epitem".
- */
--static struct epitem *ep_find(struct eventpoll *ep, struct file *file, int fd)
-+struct epitem *ep_find(struct eventpoll *ep, struct file *file, int fd)
- {
- int kcmp;
- unsigned long flags;
-@@ -916,7 +842,7 @@ static void ep_rbtree_insert(struct even
- }
--static int ep_insert(struct eventpoll *ep, struct epoll_event *event,
-+int ep_insert(struct eventpoll *ep, struct epoll_event *event,
- struct file *tfile, int fd)
- {
- int error, revents, pwake = 0;
-@@ -1474,8 +1400,8 @@ static int ep_poll(struct eventpoll *ep,
- * and the overflow condition. The passed timeout is in milliseconds,
- * that why (t * HZ) / 1000.
- */
-- jtimeout = timeout == -1 || timeout > (MAX_SCHEDULE_TIMEOUT - 1000) / HZ ?
-- MAX_SCHEDULE_TIMEOUT: (timeout * HZ + 999) / 1000;
-+ jtimeout = (timeout < 0 || timeout >= EP_MAX_MSTIMEO) ?
-+ MAX_SCHEDULE_TIMEOUT : (timeout * HZ + 999) / 1000;
- retry:
- write_lock_irqsave(&ep->lock, flags);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
- #include <linux/slab.h>
- #include <linux/file.h>
- #include <linux/mman.h>
-+#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
- #include <linux/a.out.h>
- #include <linux/stat.h>
- #include <linux/fcntl.h>
-@@ -50,6 +51,8 @@
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <asm/mmu_context.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
- #ifdef CONFIG_KMOD
- #include <linux/kmod.h>
- #endif
-@@ -58,6 +61,8 @@ int core_uses_pid;
- char core_pattern[65] = "core";
- /* The maximal length of core_pattern is also specified in sysctl.c */
-+int sysctl_at_vsyscall;
- static struct linux_binfmt *formats;
- static rwlock_t binfmt_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-@@ -130,7 +135,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_uselib(const char __
- if (!S_ISREG(nd.dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
- goto exit;
-- error = permission(nd.dentry->d_inode, MAY_READ | MAY_EXEC, &nd);
-+ error = permission(nd.dentry->d_inode, MAY_READ | MAY_EXEC, &nd, NULL);
- if (error)
- goto exit;
-@@ -298,10 +303,14 @@ void install_arg_page(struct vm_area_str
- struct page *page, unsigned long address)
- {
- struct mm_struct *mm = vma->vm_mm;
-+ struct page_beancounter *pbc;
- pgd_t * pgd;
- pmd_t * pmd;
- pte_t * pte;
-+ if (pb_alloc(&pbc))
-+ return;
- if (unlikely(anon_vma_prepare(vma)))
- goto out_sig;
-@@ -320,9 +329,14 @@ void install_arg_page(struct vm_area_str
- goto out;
- }
- mm->rss++;
-+ vma->vm_rss++;
- lru_cache_add_active(page);
- set_pte(pte, pte_mkdirty(pte_mkwrite(mk_pte(
- page, vma->vm_page_prot))));
-+ ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(mm), 1, vma);
-+ pb_add_ref(page, mm_ub(mm), &pbc);
- page_add_anon_rmap(page, vma, address);
- pte_unmap(pte);
- spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-@@ -334,6 +348,31 @@ out:
- out_sig:
- __free_page(page);
- force_sig(SIGKILL, current);
-+ pb_free(&pbc);
-+static inline void get_stack_vma_params(struct mm_struct *mm, int exec_stack,
-+ unsigned long stack_base, struct linux_binprm *bprm,
-+ unsigned long *start, unsigned long *end, unsigned long *flags)
-+ *start = stack_base;
-+ *end = PAGE_MASK &
-+ (PAGE_SIZE - 1 + (unsigned long) bprm->p);
-+ *start = PAGE_MASK & (unsigned long) bprm->p;
-+ *end = STACK_TOP;
-+ /* Adjust stack execute permissions; explicitly enable
-+ * and leave alone (arch default) otherwise. */
-+ if (unlikely(exec_stack == EXSTACK_ENABLE_X))
-+ *flags = VM_STACK_FLAGS | VM_EXEC;
-+ else if (exec_stack == EXSTACK_DISABLE_X)
-+ *flags = VM_STACK_FLAGS & ~VM_EXEC;
-+ else
-+ *flags = VM_STACK_FLAGS;
-+ *flags |= mm->def_flags;
- }
- int setup_arg_pages(struct linux_binprm *bprm, int executable_stack)
-@@ -341,9 +380,13 @@ int setup_arg_pages(struct linux_binprm
- unsigned long stack_base;
- struct vm_area_struct *mpnt;
- struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm;
-- int i;
-+ int i, ret;
- long arg_size;
-+ unsigned long vm_start;
-+ unsigned long vm_end;
-+ unsigned long vm_flags;
- /* Move the argument and environment strings to the bottom of the
- * stack space.
-@@ -399,40 +442,32 @@ int setup_arg_pages(struct linux_binprm
- bprm->loader += stack_base;
- bprm->exec += stack_base;
-- mpnt = kmem_cache_alloc(vm_area_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL);
-+ get_stack_vma_params(mm, executable_stack, stack_base, bprm,
-+ &vm_start, &vm_end, &vm_flags);
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ if (ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(mm), vm_end - vm_start, vm_flags,
-+ goto out;
-+ mpnt = kmem_cache_alloc(vm_area_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL | __GFP_SOFT_UBC);
- if (!mpnt)
-- return -ENOMEM;
-+ goto out_uncharge;
-- if (security_vm_enough_memory(arg_size >> PAGE_SHIFT)) {
-- kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, mpnt);
-- return -ENOMEM;
-- }
-+ if (security_vm_enough_memory(arg_size >> PAGE_SHIFT))
-+ goto out_free;
- memset(mpnt, 0, sizeof(*mpnt));
- down_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
- {
- mpnt->vm_mm = mm;
-- mpnt->vm_start = stack_base;
-- mpnt->vm_end = PAGE_MASK &
-- (PAGE_SIZE - 1 + (unsigned long) bprm->p);
-- mpnt->vm_start = PAGE_MASK & (unsigned long) bprm->p;
-- mpnt->vm_end = STACK_TOP;
-- /* Adjust stack execute permissions; explicitly enable
-- * and leave alone (arch default) otherwise. */
-- if (unlikely(executable_stack == EXSTACK_ENABLE_X))
-- mpnt->vm_flags = VM_STACK_FLAGS | VM_EXEC;
-- else if (executable_stack == EXSTACK_DISABLE_X)
-- mpnt->vm_flags = VM_STACK_FLAGS & ~VM_EXEC;
-- else
-- mpnt->vm_flags = VM_STACK_FLAGS;
-- mpnt->vm_flags |= mm->def_flags;
-+ mpnt->vm_start = vm_start;
-+ mpnt->vm_end = vm_end;
-+ mpnt->vm_flags = vm_flags;
-+ mpnt->vm_rss = 0;
- mpnt->vm_page_prot = protection_map[mpnt->vm_flags & 0x7];
-- insert_vm_struct(mm, mpnt);
-+ if ((ret = insert_vm_struct(mm, mpnt)))
-+ goto out_up;
- mm->total_vm = (mpnt->vm_end - mpnt->vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- }
-@@ -447,6 +482,16 @@ int setup_arg_pages(struct linux_binprm
- up_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
- return 0;
-+ up_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
-+ vm_unacct_memory(arg_size >> PAGE_SHIFT);
-+ kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, mpnt);
-+ ub_memory_uncharge(mm_ub(mm), vm_end - vm_start, vm_flags, NULL);
-+ return ret;
- }
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(setup_arg_pages);
-@@ -468,7 +513,7 @@ static inline void free_arg_pages(struct
- #endif /* CONFIG_MMU */
--struct file *open_exec(const char *name)
-+struct file *open_exec(const char *name, struct linux_binprm *bprm)
- {
- struct nameidata nd;
- int err;
-@@ -483,9 +528,13 @@ struct file *open_exec(const char *name)
- file = ERR_PTR(-EACCES);
- if (!(nd.mnt->mnt_flags & MNT_NOEXEC) &&
- S_ISREG(inode->i_mode)) {
-- int err = permission(inode, MAY_EXEC, &nd);
-- if (!err && !(inode->i_mode & 0111))
-- err = -EACCES;
-+ int err;
-+ if (bprm != NULL) {
-+ bprm->perm.set = 0;
-+ err = permission(inode, MAY_EXEC, &nd,
-+ &bprm->perm);
-+ } else
-+ err = permission(inode, MAY_EXEC, &nd, NULL);
- file = ERR_PTR(err);
- if (!err) {
- file = dentry_open(nd.dentry, nd.mnt, O_RDONLY);
-@@ -524,35 +573,65 @@ int kernel_read(struct file *file, unsig
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(kernel_read);
--static int exec_mmap(struct mm_struct *mm)
-+static int exec_mmap(struct linux_binprm *bprm)
- {
- struct task_struct *tsk;
-- struct mm_struct * old_mm, *active_mm;
-- /* Add it to the list of mm's */
-- spin_lock(&mmlist_lock);
-- list_add(&mm->mmlist, &init_mm.mmlist);
-- mmlist_nr++;
-- spin_unlock(&mmlist_lock);
-+ struct mm_struct *mm, *old_mm, *active_mm;
-+ int ret;
- /* Notify parent that we're no longer interested in the old VM */
- tsk = current;
- old_mm = current->mm;
- mm_release(tsk, old_mm);
-+ if (old_mm) {
-+ /*
-+ * Make sure that if there is a core dump in progress
-+ * for the old mm, we get out and die instead of going
-+ * through with the exec. We must hold mmap_sem around
-+ * checking core_waiters and changing tsk->mm. The
-+ * core-inducing thread will increment core_waiters for
-+ * each thread whose ->mm == old_mm.
-+ */
-+ down_read(&old_mm->mmap_sem);
-+ if (unlikely(old_mm->core_waiters)) {
-+ up_read(&old_mm->mmap_sem);
-+ return -EINTR;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ ret = 0;
- task_lock(tsk);
-+ mm = bprm->mm;
- active_mm = tsk->active_mm;
- tsk->mm = mm;
- tsk->active_mm = mm;
- activate_mm(active_mm, mm);
- task_unlock(tsk);
-+ /* Add it to the list of mm's */
-+ spin_lock(&mmlist_lock);
-+ list_add(&mm->mmlist, &init_mm.mmlist);
-+ mmlist_nr++;
-+ spin_unlock(&mmlist_lock);
-+ bprm->mm = NULL; /* We're using it now */
-+ if (virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_GENERAL, VIRTINFO_EXECMMAP,
-+ bprm) & NOTIFY_FAIL) {
-+ /* similar to binfmt_elf */
-+ send_sig(SIGKILL, current, 0);
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ }
- if (old_mm) {
-+ up_read(&old_mm->mmap_sem);
- if (active_mm != old_mm) BUG();
- mmput(old_mm);
-- return 0;
-+ return ret;
- }
- mmdrop(active_mm);
-- return 0;
-+ return ret;
- }
- /*
-@@ -563,52 +642,26 @@ static int exec_mmap(struct mm_struct *m
- */
- static inline int de_thread(struct task_struct *tsk)
- {
-- struct signal_struct *newsig, *oldsig = tsk->signal;
-+ struct signal_struct *sig = tsk->signal;
- struct sighand_struct *newsighand, *oldsighand = tsk->sighand;
- spinlock_t *lock = &oldsighand->siglock;
-+ struct task_struct *leader = NULL;
- int count;
- /*
- * If we don't share sighandlers, then we aren't sharing anything
- * and we can just re-use it all.
- */
-- if (atomic_read(&oldsighand->count) <= 1)
-+ if (atomic_read(&oldsighand->count) <= 1) {
-+ BUG_ON(atomic_read(&sig->count) != 1);
-+ exit_itimers(sig);
- return 0;
-+ }
- newsighand = kmem_cache_alloc(sighand_cachep, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!newsighand)
- return -ENOMEM;
-- spin_lock_init(&newsighand->siglock);
-- atomic_set(&newsighand->count, 1);
-- memcpy(newsighand->action, oldsighand->action, sizeof(newsighand->action));
-- /*
-- * See if we need to allocate a new signal structure
-- */
-- newsig = NULL;
-- if (atomic_read(&oldsig->count) > 1) {
-- newsig = kmem_cache_alloc(signal_cachep, GFP_KERNEL);
-- if (!newsig) {
-- kmem_cache_free(sighand_cachep, newsighand);
-- return -ENOMEM;
-- }
-- atomic_set(&newsig->count, 1);
-- newsig->group_exit = 0;
-- newsig->group_exit_code = 0;
-- newsig->group_exit_task = NULL;
-- newsig->group_stop_count = 0;
-- newsig->curr_target = NULL;
-- init_sigpending(&newsig->shared_pending);
-- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&newsig->posix_timers);
-- newsig->tty = oldsig->tty;
-- newsig->pgrp = oldsig->pgrp;
-- newsig->session = oldsig->session;
-- newsig->leader = oldsig->leader;
-- newsig->tty_old_pgrp = oldsig->tty_old_pgrp;
-- }
- if (thread_group_empty(current))
- goto no_thread_group;
-@@ -618,7 +671,7 @@ static inline int de_thread(struct task_
- */
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
- spin_lock_irq(lock);
-- if (oldsig->group_exit) {
-+ if (sig->group_exit) {
- /*
- * Another group action in progress, just
- * return so that the signal is processed.
-@@ -626,11 +679,9 @@ static inline int de_thread(struct task_
- spin_unlock_irq(lock);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
- kmem_cache_free(sighand_cachep, newsighand);
-- if (newsig)
-- kmem_cache_free(signal_cachep, newsig);
- return -EAGAIN;
- }
-- oldsig->group_exit = 1;
-+ sig->group_exit = 1;
- zap_other_threads(current);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-@@ -640,14 +691,16 @@ static inline int de_thread(struct task_
- count = 2;
- if (current->pid == current->tgid)
- count = 1;
-- while (atomic_read(&oldsig->count) > count) {
-- oldsig->group_exit_task = current;
-- oldsig->notify_count = count;
-+ while (atomic_read(&sig->count) > count) {
-+ sig->group_exit_task = current;
-+ sig->notify_count = count;
- __set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
- spin_unlock_irq(lock);
- schedule();
- spin_lock_irq(lock);
- }
-+ sig->group_exit_task = NULL;
-+ sig->notify_count = 0;
- spin_unlock_irq(lock);
- /*
-@@ -656,22 +709,23 @@ static inline int de_thread(struct task_
- * and to assume its PID:
- */
- if (current->pid != current->tgid) {
-- struct task_struct *leader = current->group_leader, *parent;
-- struct dentry *proc_dentry1, *proc_dentry2;
-- unsigned long state, ptrace;
-+ struct task_struct *parent;
-+ struct dentry *proc_dentry1[2], *proc_dentry2[2];
-+ unsigned long exit_state, ptrace;
- /*
- * Wait for the thread group leader to be a zombie.
- * It should already be zombie at this point, most
- * of the time.
- */
-- while (leader->state != TASK_ZOMBIE)
-+ leader = current->group_leader;
-+ while (leader->exit_state != EXIT_ZOMBIE)
- yield();
- spin_lock(&leader->proc_lock);
- spin_lock(&current->proc_lock);
-- proc_dentry1 = proc_pid_unhash(current);
-- proc_dentry2 = proc_pid_unhash(leader);
-+ proc_pid_unhash(current, proc_dentry1);
-+ proc_pid_unhash(leader, proc_dentry2);
- write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
- if (leader->tgid != current->tgid)
-@@ -709,7 +763,7 @@ static inline int de_thread(struct task_
- list_del(&current->tasks);
- list_add_tail(&current->tasks, &init_task.tasks);
- current->exit_signal = SIGCHLD;
-- state = leader->state;
-+ exit_state = leader->exit_state;
- write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
- spin_unlock(&leader->proc_lock);
-@@ -717,37 +771,53 @@ static inline int de_thread(struct task_
- proc_pid_flush(proc_dentry1);
- proc_pid_flush(proc_dentry2);
-- if (state != TASK_ZOMBIE)
-+ if (exit_state != EXIT_ZOMBIE)
- BUG();
-- release_task(leader);
- }
-+ /*
-+ * Now there are really no other threads at all,
-+ * so it's safe to stop telling them to kill themselves.
-+ */
-+ sig->group_exit = 0;
- no_thread_group:
-+ exit_itimers(sig);
-+ if (leader)
-+ release_task(leader);
-+ BUG_ON(atomic_read(&sig->count) != 1);
-- write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
-- spin_lock(&oldsighand->siglock);
-- spin_lock(&newsighand->siglock);
-- if (current == oldsig->curr_target)
-- oldsig->curr_target = next_thread(current);
-- if (newsig)
-- current->signal = newsig;
-- current->sighand = newsighand;
-- init_sigpending(&current->pending);
-- recalc_sigpending();
-- spin_unlock(&newsighand->siglock);
-- spin_unlock(&oldsighand->siglock);
-- write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
-+ if (atomic_read(&oldsighand->count) == 1) {
-+ /*
-+ * Now that we nuked the rest of the thread group,
-+ * it turns out we are not sharing sighand any more either.
-+ * So we can just keep it.
-+ */
-+ kmem_cache_free(sighand_cachep, newsighand);
-+ } else {
-+ /*
-+ * Move our state over to newsighand and switch it in.
-+ */
-+ spin_lock_init(&newsighand->siglock);
-+ atomic_set(&newsighand->count, 1);
-+ memcpy(newsighand->action, oldsighand->action,
-+ sizeof(newsighand->action));
-- if (newsig && atomic_dec_and_test(&oldsig->count))
-- kmem_cache_free(signal_cachep, oldsig);
-+ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
-+ spin_lock(&oldsighand->siglock);
-+ spin_lock(&newsighand->siglock);
-- if (atomic_dec_and_test(&oldsighand->count))
-- kmem_cache_free(sighand_cachep, oldsighand);
-+ current->sighand = newsighand;
-+ recalc_sigpending();
-+ spin_unlock(&newsighand->siglock);
-+ spin_unlock(&oldsighand->siglock);
-+ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
-+ if (atomic_dec_and_test(&oldsighand->count))
-+ kmem_cache_free(sighand_cachep, oldsighand);
-+ }
-- if (!thread_group_empty(current))
-- BUG();
- if (current->tgid != current->pid)
- BUG();
- return 0;
-@@ -786,11 +856,27 @@ static inline void flush_old_files(struc
- spin_unlock(&files->file_lock);
- }
-+void get_task_comm(char *buf, struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ /* buf must be at least sizeof(tsk->comm) in size */
-+ task_lock(tsk);
-+ strncpy(buf, tsk->comm, sizeof(tsk->comm));
-+ task_unlock(tsk);
-+void set_task_comm(struct task_struct *tsk, char *buf)
-+ task_lock(tsk);
-+ strlcpy(tsk->comm, buf, sizeof(tsk->comm));
-+ task_unlock(tsk);
- int flush_old_exec(struct linux_binprm * bprm)
- {
- char * name;
- int i, ch, retval;
- struct files_struct *files;
-+ char tcomm[sizeof(current->comm)];
- /*
- * Make sure we have a private signal table and that
-@@ -812,12 +898,10 @@ int flush_old_exec(struct linux_binprm *
- /*
- * Release all of the old mmap stuff
- */
-- retval = exec_mmap(bprm->mm);
-+ retval = exec_mmap(bprm);
- if (retval)
- goto mmap_failed;
-- bprm->mm = NULL; /* We're using it now */
- /* This is the point of no return */
- steal_locks(files);
- put_files_struct(files);
-@@ -831,17 +915,19 @@ int flush_old_exec(struct linux_binprm *
- if (ch == '/')
- i = 0;
- else
-- if (i < 15)
-- current->comm[i++] = ch;
-+ if (i < (sizeof(tcomm) - 1))
-+ tcomm[i++] = ch;
- }
-- current->comm[i] = '\0';
-+ tcomm[i] = '\0';
-+ set_task_comm(current, tcomm);
- flush_thread();
- if (bprm->e_uid != current->euid || bprm->e_gid != current->egid ||
-- permission(bprm->file->f_dentry->d_inode,MAY_READ, NULL) ||
-+ permission(bprm->file->f_dentry->d_inode, MAY_READ, NULL, NULL) ||
- (bprm->interp_flags & BINPRM_FLAGS_ENFORCE_NONDUMP))
- current->mm->dumpable = 0;
-+ current->mm->vps_dumpable = 1;
- /* An exec changes our domain. We are no longer part of the thread
- group */
-@@ -872,13 +958,6 @@ int prepare_binprm(struct linux_binprm *
- struct inode * inode = bprm->file->f_dentry->d_inode;
- int retval;
-- mode = inode->i_mode;
-- /*
-- * Check execute perms again - if the caller has CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE,
-- * vfs_permission lets a non-executable through
-- */
-- if (!(mode & 0111)) /* with at least _one_ execute bit set */
-- return -EACCES;
- if (bprm->file->f_op == NULL)
- return -EACCES;
-@@ -886,10 +965,24 @@ int prepare_binprm(struct linux_binprm *
- bprm->e_gid = current->egid;
- if(!(bprm->file->f_vfsmnt->mnt_flags & MNT_NOSUID)) {
-+ if (!bprm->perm.set) {
-+ /*
-+ * This piece of code creates a time window between
-+ * MAY_EXEC permission check and setuid/setgid
-+ * operations and may be considered as a security hole.
-+ * This code is here for compatibility reasons,
-+ * if the filesystem is unable to return info now.
-+ */
-+ bprm->perm.mode = inode->i_mode;
-+ bprm->perm.uid = inode->i_uid;
-+ bprm->perm.gid = inode->i_gid;
-+ }
-+ mode = bprm->perm.mode;
- /* Set-uid? */
- if (mode & S_ISUID) {
- current->personality &= ~PER_CLEAR_ON_SETID;
-- bprm->e_uid = inode->i_uid;
-+ bprm->e_uid = bprm->perm.uid;
- }
- /* Set-gid? */
-@@ -900,7 +993,7 @@ int prepare_binprm(struct linux_binprm *
- */
- if ((mode & (S_ISGID | S_IXGRP)) == (S_ISGID | S_IXGRP)) {
- current->personality &= ~PER_CLEAR_ON_SETID;
-- bprm->e_gid = inode->i_gid;
-+ bprm->e_gid = bprm->perm.gid;
- }
- }
-@@ -993,7 +1086,7 @@ int search_binary_handler(struct linux_b
- loader = PAGE_SIZE*MAX_ARG_PAGES-sizeof(void *);
-- file = open_exec("/sbin/loader");
-+ file = open_exec("/sbin/loader", bprm);
- retval = PTR_ERR(file);
- if (IS_ERR(file))
- return retval;
-@@ -1079,7 +1172,11 @@ int do_execve(char * filename,
- int retval;
- int i;
-- file = open_exec(filename);
-+ retval = virtinfo_gencall(VIRTINFO_DOEXECVE, NULL);
-+ if (retval)
-+ return retval;
-+ file = open_exec(filename, &bprm);
- retval = PTR_ERR(file);
- if (IS_ERR(file))
-@@ -1222,7 +1319,7 @@ void format_corename(char *corename, con
- case 'p':
- pid_in_pattern = 1;
- rc = snprintf(out_ptr, out_end - out_ptr,
-- "%d", current->tgid);
-+ "%d", virt_tgid(current));
- if (rc > out_end - out_ptr)
- goto out;
- out_ptr += rc;
-@@ -1266,7 +1363,7 @@ void format_corename(char *corename, con
- case 'h':
- down_read(&uts_sem);
- rc = snprintf(out_ptr, out_end - out_ptr,
-- "%s", system_utsname.nodename);
-+ "%s", ve_utsname.nodename);
- up_read(&uts_sem);
- if (rc > out_end - out_ptr)
- goto out;
-@@ -1294,7 +1391,7 @@ void format_corename(char *corename, con
- if (!pid_in_pattern
- && (core_uses_pid || atomic_read(&current->mm->mm_users) != 1)) {
- rc = snprintf(out_ptr, out_end - out_ptr,
-- ".%d", current->tgid);
-+ ".%d", virt_tgid(current));
- if (rc > out_end - out_ptr)
- goto out;
- out_ptr += rc;
-@@ -1308,6 +1405,7 @@ static void zap_threads (struct mm_struc
- struct task_struct *g, *p;
- struct task_struct *tsk = current;
- struct completion *vfork_done = tsk->vfork_done;
-+ int traced = 0;
- /*
- * Make sure nobody is waiting for us to release the VM,
-@@ -1319,14 +1417,34 @@ static void zap_threads (struct mm_struc
- }
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- do_each_thread(g,p)
-+ do_each_thread_ve(g,p)
- if (mm == p->mm && p != tsk) {
- force_sig_specific(SIGKILL, p);
- mm->core_waiters++;
-+ if (unlikely(p->ptrace) &&
-+ unlikely(p->parent->mm == mm))
-+ traced = 1;
- }
-- while_each_thread(g,p);
-+ while_each_thread_ve(g,p);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ if (unlikely(traced)) {
-+ /*
-+ * We are zapping a thread and the thread it ptraces.
-+ * If the tracee went into a ptrace stop for exit tracing,
-+ * we could deadlock since the tracer is waiting for this
-+ * coredump to finish. Detach them so they can both die.
-+ */
-+ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
-+ do_each_thread_ve(g,p) {
-+ if (mm == p->mm && p != tsk &&
-+ p->ptrace && p->parent->mm == mm) {
-+ __ptrace_detach(p, 0);
-+ }
-+ } while_each_thread_ve(g,p);
-+ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
-+ }
- }
- static void coredump_wait(struct mm_struct *mm)
-@@ -1362,7 +1480,8 @@ int do_coredump(long signr, int exit_cod
- if (!binfmt || !binfmt->core_dump)
- goto fail;
- down_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
-- if (!mm->dumpable) {
-+ if (!mm->dumpable ||
-+ (!mm->vps_dumpable && !ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))) {
- up_write(&mm->mmap_sem);
- goto fail;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ ext2_set_acl(struct inode *inode, int ty
- * inode->i_sem: don't care
- */
- int
--ext2_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd)
-+__ext2_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask)
- {
- int mode = inode->i_mode;
-@@ -336,6 +336,29 @@ check_capabilities:
- return -EACCES;
- }
-+ext2_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd,
-+ struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
-+ int ret;
-+ if (exec_perm != NULL)
-+ down(&inode->i_sem);
-+ ret = __ext2_permission(inode, mask);
-+ if (exec_perm != NULL) {
-+ if (!ret) {
-+ exec_perm->set = 1;
-+ exec_perm->mode = inode->i_mode;
-+ exec_perm->uid = inode->i_uid;
-+ exec_perm->gid = inode->i_gid;
-+ }
-+ up(&inode->i_sem);
-+ }
-+ return ret;
- /*
- * Initialize the ACLs of a new inode. Called from ext2_new_inode.
- *
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -10,18 +10,18 @@
- #define EXT2_ACL_MAX_ENTRIES 32
- typedef struct {
-- __u16 e_tag;
-- __u16 e_perm;
-- __u32 e_id;
-+ __le16 e_tag;
-+ __le16 e_perm;
-+ __le32 e_id;
- } ext2_acl_entry;
- typedef struct {
-- __u16 e_tag;
-- __u16 e_perm;
-+ __le16 e_tag;
-+ __le16 e_perm;
- } ext2_acl_entry_short;
- typedef struct {
-- __u32 a_version;
-+ __le32 a_version;
- } ext2_acl_header;
- static inline size_t ext2_acl_size(int count)
-@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ static inline int ext2_acl_count(size_t
- #define EXT2_ACL_NOT_CACHED ((void *)-1)
- /* acl.c */
--extern int ext2_permission (struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *);
-+extern int ext2_permission (struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *,
-+ struct exec_perm *);
- extern int ext2_acl_chmod (struct inode *);
- extern int ext2_init_acl (struct inode *, struct inode *);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:31.000000000 +0400
-@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ read_block_bitmap(struct super_block *sb
- if (!bh)
- ext2_error (sb, "read_block_bitmap",
- "Cannot read block bitmap - "
-- "block_group = %d, block_bitmap = %lu",
-- block_group, (unsigned long) desc->bg_block_bitmap);
-+ "block_group = %d, block_bitmap = %u",
-+ block_group, le32_to_cpu(desc->bg_block_bitmap));
- error_out:
- return bh;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:33.000000000 +0400
-@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ ext2_readdir (struct file * filp, void *
- loff_t pos = filp->f_pos;
- struct inode *inode = filp->f_dentry->d_inode;
- struct super_block *sb = inode->i_sb;
-- unsigned offset = pos & ~PAGE_CACHE_MASK;
-+ unsigned int offset = pos & ~PAGE_CACHE_MASK;
- unsigned long n = pos >> PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT;
- unsigned long npages = dir_pages(inode);
- unsigned chunk_mask = ~(ext2_chunk_size(inode)-1);
-@@ -270,8 +270,13 @@ ext2_readdir (struct file * filp, void *
- ext2_dirent *de;
- struct page *page = ext2_get_page(inode, n);
-- if (IS_ERR(page))
-+ if (IS_ERR(page)) {
-+ ext2_error(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "bad page in #%lu",
-+ inode->i_ino);
-+ filp->f_pos += PAGE_CACHE_SIZE - offset;
- continue;
-+ }
- kaddr = page_address(page);
- if (need_revalidate) {
- offset = ext2_validate_entry(kaddr, offset, chunk_mask);
-@@ -303,6 +308,7 @@ ext2_readdir (struct file * filp, void *
- goto success;
- }
- }
-+ filp->f_pos += le16_to_cpu(de->rec_len);
- }
- ext2_put_page(page);
- }
-@@ -310,7 +316,6 @@ ext2_readdir (struct file * filp, void *
- success:
- ret = 0;
- done:
-- filp->f_pos = (n << PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT) | offset;
- filp->f_version = inode->i_version;
- return ret;
- }
-@@ -420,7 +425,7 @@ void ext2_set_link(struct inode *dir, st
- ext2_set_de_type (de, inode);
- err = ext2_commit_chunk(page, from, to);
- ext2_put_page(page);
-- dir->i_mtime = dir->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ dir->i_mtime = dir->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- EXT2_I(dir)->i_flags &= ~EXT2_BTREE_FL;
- mark_inode_dirty(dir);
- }
-@@ -510,7 +515,7 @@ got_it:
- de->inode = cpu_to_le32(inode->i_ino);
- ext2_set_de_type (de, inode);
- err = ext2_commit_chunk(page, from, to);
-- dir->i_mtime = dir->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ dir->i_mtime = dir->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- EXT2_I(dir)->i_flags &= ~EXT2_BTREE_FL;
- mark_inode_dirty(dir);
-@@ -558,7 +563,7 @@ int ext2_delete_entry (struct ext2_dir_e
- pde->rec_len = cpu_to_le16(to-from);
- dir->inode = 0;
- err = ext2_commit_chunk(page, from, to);
-- inode->i_ctime = inode->i_mtime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ inode->i_ctime = inode->i_mtime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- EXT2_I(inode)->i_flags &= ~EXT2_BTREE_FL;
- mark_inode_dirty(inode);
- out:
-@@ -586,6 +591,7 @@ int ext2_make_empty(struct inode *inode,
- goto fail;
- }
- kaddr = kmap_atomic(page, KM_USER0);
-+ memset(kaddr, 0, chunk_size);
- de = (struct ext2_dir_entry_2 *)kaddr;
- de->name_len = 1;
- de->rec_len = cpu_to_le16(EXT2_DIR_REC_LEN(1));
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- * second extended file system inode data in memory
- */
- struct ext2_inode_info {
-- __u32 i_data[15];
-+ __le32 i_data[15];
- __u32 i_flags;
- __u32 i_faddr;
- __u8 i_frag_no;
-@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ extern unsigned long ext2_count_free (st
- /* inode.c */
- extern void ext2_read_inode (struct inode *);
--extern void ext2_write_inode (struct inode *, int);
-+extern int ext2_write_inode (struct inode *, int);
- extern void ext2_put_inode (struct inode *);
- extern void ext2_delete_inode (struct inode *);
- extern int ext2_sync_inode (struct inode *);
-@@ -131,9 +131,6 @@ extern int ext2_ioctl (struct inode *, s
- /* super.c */
- extern void ext2_error (struct super_block *, const char *, const char *, ...)
- __attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4)));
--extern NORET_TYPE void ext2_panic (struct super_block *, const char *,
-- const char *, ...)
-- __attribute__ ((NORET_AND format (printf, 3, 4)));
- extern void ext2_warning (struct super_block *, const char *, const char *, ...)
- __attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4)));
- extern void ext2_update_dynamic_rev (struct super_block *sb);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@ read_inode_bitmap(struct super_block * s
- if (!bh)
- ext2_error(sb, "read_inode_bitmap",
- "Cannot read inode bitmap - "
-- "block_group = %lu, inode_bitmap = %lu",
-- block_group, (unsigned long) desc->bg_inode_bitmap);
-+ "block_group = %lu, inode_bitmap = %u",
-+ block_group, le32_to_cpu(desc->bg_inode_bitmap));
- error_out:
- return bh;
- }
-@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ got:
- inode->i_ino = ino;
- inode->i_blksize = PAGE_SIZE; /* This is the optimal IO size (for stat), not the fs block size */
- inode->i_blocks = 0;
-- inode->i_mtime = inode->i_atime = inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ inode->i_mtime = inode->i_atime = inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- memset(ei->i_data, 0, sizeof(ei->i_data));
- ei->i_flags = EXT2_I(dir)->i_flags & ~EXT2_BTREE_FL;
- if (S_ISLNK(mode))
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -142,12 +142,12 @@ static int ext2_alloc_block (struct inod
- }
- typedef struct {
-- u32 *p;
-- u32 key;
-+ __le32 *p;
-+ __le32 key;
- struct buffer_head *bh;
- } Indirect;
--static inline void add_chain(Indirect *p, struct buffer_head *bh, u32 *v)
-+static inline void add_chain(Indirect *p, struct buffer_head *bh, __le32 *v)
- {
- p->key = *(p->p = v);
- p->bh = bh;
-@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ static Indirect *ext2_get_branch(struct
- read_lock(&EXT2_I(inode)->i_meta_lock);
- if (!verify_chain(chain, p))
- goto changed;
-- add_chain(++p, bh, (u32*)bh->b_data + *++offsets);
-+ add_chain(++p, bh, (__le32*)bh->b_data + *++offsets);
- read_unlock(&EXT2_I(inode)->i_meta_lock);
- if (!p->key)
- goto no_block;
-@@ -321,8 +321,8 @@ no_block:
- static unsigned long ext2_find_near(struct inode *inode, Indirect *ind)
- {
- struct ext2_inode_info *ei = EXT2_I(inode);
-- u32 *start = ind->bh ? (u32*) ind->bh->b_data : ei->i_data;
-- u32 *p;
-+ __le32 *start = ind->bh ? (__le32 *) ind->bh->b_data : ei->i_data;
-+ __le32 *p;
- unsigned long bg_start;
- unsigned long colour;
-@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@ static int ext2_alloc_branch(struct inod
- lock_buffer(bh);
- memset(bh->b_data, 0, blocksize);
- branch[n].bh = bh;
-- branch[n].p = (u32*) bh->b_data + offsets[n];
-+ branch[n].p = (__le32 *) bh->b_data + offsets[n];
- *branch[n].p = branch[n].key;
- set_buffer_uptodate(bh);
- unlock_buffer(bh);
-@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ static inline int ext2_splice_branch(str
- /* We are done with atomic stuff, now do the rest of housekeeping */
-- inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- /* had we spliced it onto indirect block? */
- if (where->bh)
-@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ struct address_space_operations ext2_nob
- * or memcmp with zero_page, whatever is better for particular architecture.
- * Linus?
- */
--static inline int all_zeroes(u32 *p, u32 *q)
-+static inline int all_zeroes(__le32 *p, __le32 *q)
- {
- while (p < q)
- if (*p++)
-@@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ static Indirect *ext2_find_shared(struct
- int depth,
- int offsets[4],
- Indirect chain[4],
-- u32 *top)
-+ __le32 *top)
- {
- Indirect *partial, *p;
- int k, err;
-@@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ static Indirect *ext2_find_shared(struct
- write_unlock(&EXT2_I(inode)->i_meta_lock);
- goto no_top;
- }
-- for (p=partial; p>chain && all_zeroes((u32*)p->bh->b_data,p->p); p--)
-+ for (p=partial; p>chain && all_zeroes((__le32*)p->bh->b_data,p->p); p--)
- ;
- /*
- * OK, we've found the last block that must survive. The rest of our
-@@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ no_top:
- * stored as little-endian 32-bit) and updating @inode->i_blocks
- * appropriately.
- */
--static inline void ext2_free_data(struct inode *inode, u32 *p, u32 *q)
-+static inline void ext2_free_data(struct inode *inode, __le32 *p, __le32 *q)
- {
- unsigned long block_to_free = 0, count = 0;
- unsigned long nr;
-@@ -843,7 +843,7 @@ static inline void ext2_free_data(struct
- * stored as little-endian 32-bit) and updating @inode->i_blocks
- * appropriately.
- */
--static void ext2_free_branches(struct inode *inode, u32 *p, u32 *q, int depth)
-+static void ext2_free_branches(struct inode *inode, __le32 *p, __le32 *q, int depth)
- {
- struct buffer_head * bh;
- unsigned long nr;
-@@ -867,8 +867,8 @@ static void ext2_free_branches(struct in
- continue;
- }
- ext2_free_branches(inode,
-- (u32*)bh->b_data,
-- (u32*)bh->b_data + addr_per_block,
-+ (__le32*)bh->b_data,
-+ (__le32*)bh->b_data + addr_per_block,
- depth);
- bforget(bh);
- ext2_free_blocks(inode, nr, 1);
-@@ -880,12 +880,12 @@ static void ext2_free_branches(struct in
- void ext2_truncate (struct inode * inode)
- {
-- u32 *i_data = EXT2_I(inode)->i_data;
-+ __le32 *i_data = EXT2_I(inode)->i_data;
- int addr_per_block = EXT2_ADDR_PER_BLOCK(inode->i_sb);
- int offsets[4];
- Indirect chain[4];
- Indirect *partial;
-- int nr = 0;
-+ __le32 nr = 0;
- int n;
- long iblock;
- unsigned blocksize;
-@@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ void ext2_truncate (struct inode * inode
- while (partial > chain) {
- ext2_free_branches(inode,
- partial->p + 1,
-- (u32*)partial->bh->b_data + addr_per_block,
-+ (__le32*)partial->bh->b_data+addr_per_block,
- (chain+n-1) - partial);
- mark_buffer_dirty_inode(partial->bh, inode);
- brelse (partial->bh);
-@@ -966,7 +966,7 @@ do_indirects:
- ;
- }
-- inode->i_mtime = inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ inode->i_mtime = inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- if (inode_needs_sync(inode)) {
- sync_mapping_buffers(inode->i_mapping);
- ext2_sync_inode (inode);
-@@ -1248,9 +1248,9 @@ static int ext2_update_inode(struct inod
- return err;
- }
--void ext2_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait)
-+int ext2_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait)
- {
-- ext2_update_inode(inode, wait);
-+ return ext2_update_inode(inode, wait);
- }
- int ext2_sync_inode(struct inode *inode)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ int ext2_ioctl (struct inode * inode, st
- ei->i_flags = flags;
- ext2_set_inode_flags(inode);
-- inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- mark_inode_dirty(inode);
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ int ext2_ioctl (struct inode * inode, st
- return -EROFS;
- if (get_user(inode->i_generation, (int __user *) arg))
- return -EFAULT;
-- inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- mark_inode_dirty(inode);
- return 0;
- default:
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
- */
- #include <linux/pagemap.h>
-+#include <linux/quotaops.h>
- #include "ext2.h"
- #include "xattr.h"
- #include "acl.h"
-@@ -181,7 +182,7 @@ static int ext2_symlink (struct inode *
- inode->i_mapping->a_ops = &ext2_nobh_aops;
- else
- inode->i_mapping->a_ops = &ext2_aops;
-- err = page_symlink(inode, symname, l);
-+ err = page_symlink(inode, symname, l, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (err)
- goto out_fail;
- } else {
-@@ -210,7 +211,7 @@ static int ext2_link (struct dentry * ol
- if (inode->i_nlink >= EXT2_LINK_MAX)
- return -EMLINK;
-- inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- ext2_inc_count(inode);
- atomic_inc(&inode->i_count);
-@@ -269,6 +270,8 @@ static int ext2_unlink(struct inode * di
- struct page * page;
- int err = -ENOENT;
-+ DQUOT_INIT(inode);
- de = ext2_find_entry (dir, dentry, &page);
- if (!de)
- goto out;
-@@ -311,6 +314,9 @@ static int ext2_rename (struct inode * o
- struct ext2_dir_entry_2 * old_de;
- int err = -ENOENT;
-+ if (new_inode)
-+ DQUOT_INIT(new_inode);
- old_de = ext2_find_entry (old_dir, old_dentry, &old_page);
- if (!old_de)
- goto out;
-@@ -336,7 +342,7 @@ static int ext2_rename (struct inode * o
- goto out_dir;
- ext2_inc_count(old_inode);
- ext2_set_link(new_dir, new_de, new_page, old_inode);
-- new_inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ new_inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- if (dir_de)
- new_inode->i_nlink--;
- ext2_dec_count(new_inode);
-@@ -361,7 +367,7 @@ static int ext2_rename (struct inode * o
- * rename.
- * ext2_dec_count() will mark the inode dirty.
- */
-- old_inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ old_inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- ext2_delete_entry (old_de, old_page);
- ext2_dec_count(old_inode);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ static void ext2_sync_super(struct super
- static int ext2_remount (struct super_block * sb, int * flags, char * data);
- static int ext2_statfs (struct super_block * sb, struct kstatfs * buf);
--static char error_buf[1024];
- void ext2_error (struct super_block * sb, const char * function,
- const char * fmt, ...)
- {
-@@ -52,51 +50,32 @@ void ext2_error (struct super_block * sb
- cpu_to_le16(le16_to_cpu(es->s_state) | EXT2_ERROR_FS);
- ext2_sync_super(sb, es);
- }
-- va_start (args, fmt);
-- vsprintf (error_buf, fmt, args);
-- va_end (args);
-- if (test_opt (sb, ERRORS_PANIC))
-- panic ("EXT2-fs panic (device %s): %s: %s\n",
-- sb->s_id, function, error_buf);
-- printk (KERN_CRIT "EXT2-fs error (device %s): %s: %s\n",
-- sb->s_id, function, error_buf);
-- if (test_opt (sb, ERRORS_RO)) {
-- printk ("Remounting filesystem read-only\n");
-+ va_start(args, fmt);
-+ printk(KERN_CRIT "EXT2-fs error (device %s): %s: ",sb->s_id, function);
-+ vprintk(fmt, args);
-+ printk("\n");
-+ va_end(args);
-+ if (test_opt(sb, ERRORS_PANIC))
-+ panic("EXT2-fs panic from previous error\n");
-+ if (test_opt(sb, ERRORS_RO)) {
-+ printk("Remounting filesystem read-only\n");
- sb->s_flags |= MS_RDONLY;
- }
- }
--NORET_TYPE void ext2_panic (struct super_block * sb, const char * function,
-- const char * fmt, ...)
-- va_list args;
-- struct ext2_sb_info *sbi = EXT2_SB(sb);
-- if (!(sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY)) {
-- sbi->s_mount_state |= EXT2_ERROR_FS;
-- sbi->s_es->s_state =
-- cpu_to_le16(le16_to_cpu(sbi->s_es->s_state) | EXT2_ERROR_FS);
-- mark_buffer_dirty(sbi->s_sbh);
-- sb->s_dirt = 1;
-- }
-- va_start (args, fmt);
-- vsprintf (error_buf, fmt, args);
-- va_end (args);
-- sb->s_flags |= MS_RDONLY;
-- panic ("EXT2-fs panic (device %s): %s: %s\n",
-- sb->s_id, function, error_buf);
- void ext2_warning (struct super_block * sb, const char * function,
- const char * fmt, ...)
- {
- va_list args;
-- va_start (args, fmt);
-- vsprintf (error_buf, fmt, args);
-- va_end (args);
-- printk (KERN_WARNING "EXT2-fs warning (device %s): %s: %s\n",
-- sb->s_id, function, error_buf);
-+ va_start(args, fmt);
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING "EXT2-fs warning (device %s): %s: ",
-+ sb->s_id, function);
-+ vprintk(fmt, args);
-+ printk("\n");
-+ va_end(args);
- }
- void ext2_update_dynamic_rev(struct super_block *sb)
-@@ -134,7 +113,7 @@ static void ext2_put_super (struct super
- if (!(sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY)) {
- struct ext2_super_block *es = sbi->s_es;
-- es->s_state = le16_to_cpu(sbi->s_mount_state);
-+ es->s_state = cpu_to_le16(sbi->s_mount_state);
- ext2_sync_super(sb, es);
- }
- db_count = sbi->s_gdb_count;
-@@ -143,6 +122,9 @@ static void ext2_put_super (struct super
- brelse (sbi->s_group_desc[i]);
- kfree(sbi->s_group_desc);
- kfree(sbi->s_debts);
-+ percpu_counter_destroy(&sbi->s_freeblocks_counter);
-+ percpu_counter_destroy(&sbi->s_freeinodes_counter);
-+ percpu_counter_destroy(&sbi->s_dirs_counter);
- brelse (sbi->s_sbh);
- sb->s_fs_info = NULL;
- kfree(sbi);
-@@ -189,7 +171,7 @@ static int init_inodecache(void)
- {
- ext2_inode_cachep = kmem_cache_create("ext2_inode_cache",
- sizeof(struct ext2_inode_info),
- init_once, NULL);
- if (ext2_inode_cachep == NULL)
- return -ENOMEM;
-@@ -449,8 +431,8 @@ static int ext2_setup_super (struct supe
- (le32_to_cpu(es->s_lastcheck) + le32_to_cpu(es->s_checkinterval) <= get_seconds()))
- printk ("EXT2-fs warning: checktime reached, "
- "running e2fsck is recommended\n");
-- if (!(__s16) le16_to_cpu(es->s_max_mnt_count))
-- es->s_max_mnt_count = (__s16) cpu_to_le16(EXT2_DFL_MAX_MNT_COUNT);
-+ if (!le16_to_cpu(es->s_max_mnt_count))
-+ es->s_max_mnt_count = cpu_to_le16(EXT2_DFL_MAX_MNT_COUNT);
- es->s_mnt_count=cpu_to_le16(le16_to_cpu(es->s_mnt_count) + 1);
- ext2_write_super(sb);
- if (test_opt (sb, DEBUG))
-@@ -529,12 +511,18 @@ static int ext2_check_descriptors (struc
- static loff_t ext2_max_size(int bits)
- {
- loff_t res = EXT2_NDIR_BLOCKS;
-+ /* This constant is calculated to be the largest file size for a
-+ * dense, 4k-blocksize file such that the total number of
-+ * sectors in the file, including data and all indirect blocks,
-+ * does not exceed 2^32. */
-+ const loff_t upper_limit = 0x1ff7fffd000LL;
- res += 1LL << (bits-2);
- res += 1LL << (2*(bits-2));
- res += 1LL << (3*(bits-2));
- res <<= bits;
-- if (res > (512LL << 32) - (1 << bits))
-- res = (512LL << 32) - (1 << bits);
-+ if (res > upper_limit)
-+ res = upper_limit;
- return res;
- }
-@@ -572,6 +560,7 @@ static int ext2_fill_super(struct super_
- int blocksize = BLOCK_SIZE;
- int db_count;
- int i, j;
-+ __le32 features;
- sbi = kmalloc(sizeof(*sbi), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!sbi)
-@@ -614,7 +603,7 @@ static int ext2_fill_super(struct super_
- es = (struct ext2_super_block *) (((char *)bh->b_data) + offset);
- sbi->s_es = es;
- sb->s_magic = le16_to_cpu(es->s_magic);
-- sb->s_flags |= MS_ONE_SECOND;
-+ set_sb_time_gran(sb, 1000000000U);
- if (sb->s_magic != EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC) {
- if (!silent)
- printk ("VFS: Can't find ext2 filesystem on dev %s.\n",
-@@ -661,17 +650,18 @@ static int ext2_fill_super(struct super_
- * previously didn't change the revision level when setting the flags,
- * so there is a chance incompat flags are set on a rev 0 filesystem.
- */
-+ if (features) {
- printk("EXT2-fs: %s: couldn't mount because of "
- "unsupported optional features (%x).\n",
-- sb->s_id, i);
-+ sb->s_id, le32_to_cpu(features));
- goto failed_mount;
- }
- if (!(sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY) &&
- printk("EXT2-fs: %s: couldn't mount RDWR because of "
- "unsupported optional features (%x).\n",
-- sb->s_id, i);
-+ sb->s_id, le32_to_cpu(features));
- goto failed_mount;
- }
- blocksize = BLOCK_SIZE << le32_to_cpu(sbi->s_es->s_log_block_size);
-@@ -694,7 +684,7 @@ static int ext2_fill_super(struct super_
- }
- es = (struct ext2_super_block *) (((char *)bh->b_data) + offset);
- sbi->s_es = es;
-- if (es->s_magic != le16_to_cpu(EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC)) {
-+ if (es->s_magic != cpu_to_le16(EXT2_SUPER_MAGIC)) {
- printk ("EXT2-fs: Magic mismatch, very weird !\n");
- goto failed_mount;
- }
-@@ -937,12 +927,12 @@ static int ext2_remount (struct super_bl
- es->s_state = cpu_to_le16(sbi->s_mount_state);
- es->s_mtime = cpu_to_le32(get_seconds());
- } else {
-- int ret;
-- if ((ret = EXT2_HAS_RO_COMPAT_FEATURE(sb,
-+ __le32 ret = EXT2_HAS_RO_COMPAT_FEATURE(sb,
-+ if (ret) {
- printk("EXT2-fs: %s: couldn't remount RDWR because of "
- "unsupported optional features (%x).\n",
-- sb->s_id, ret);
-+ sb->s_id, le32_to_cpu(ret));
- return -EROFS;
- }
- /*
-@@ -1018,7 +1008,7 @@ static struct file_system_type ext2_fs_t
- .name = "ext2",
- .get_sb = ext2_get_sb,
- .kill_sb = kill_block_super,
-- .fs_flags = FS_REQUIRES_DEV,
- };
- static int __init init_ext2_fs(void)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -803,7 +803,7 @@ ext2_xattr_set2(struct inode *inode, str
- /* Update the inode. */
- EXT2_I(inode)->i_file_acl = new_bh ? new_bh->b_blocknr : 0;
-- inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- if (IS_SYNC(inode)) {
- error = ext2_sync_inode (inode);
- if (error)
-@@ -1071,7 +1071,7 @@ static inline void ext2_xattr_hash_entry
- }
- if (entry->e_value_block == 0 && entry->e_value_size != 0) {
-- __u32 *value = (__u32 *)((char *)header +
-+ __le32 *value = (__le32 *)((char *)header +
- le16_to_cpu(entry->e_value_offs));
- for (n = (le32_to_cpu(entry->e_value_size) +
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:31.000000000 +0400
-@@ -26,20 +26,20 @@
- struct ext2_xattr_header {
-- __u32 h_magic; /* magic number for identification */
-- __u32 h_refcount; /* reference count */
-- __u32 h_blocks; /* number of disk blocks used */
-- __u32 h_hash; /* hash value of all attributes */
-+ __le32 h_magic; /* magic number for identification */
-+ __le32 h_refcount; /* reference count */
-+ __le32 h_blocks; /* number of disk blocks used */
-+ __le32 h_hash; /* hash value of all attributes */
- __u32 h_reserved[4]; /* zero right now */
- };
- struct ext2_xattr_entry {
- __u8 e_name_len; /* length of name */
- __u8 e_name_index; /* attribute name index */
-- __u16 e_value_offs; /* offset in disk block of value */
-- __u32 e_value_block; /* disk block attribute is stored on (n/i) */
-- __u32 e_value_size; /* size of attribute value */
-- __u32 e_hash; /* hash value of name and value */
-+ __le16 e_value_offs; /* offset in disk block of value */
-+ __le32 e_value_block; /* disk block attribute is stored on (n/i) */
-+ __le32 e_value_size; /* size of attribute value */
-+ __le32 e_hash; /* hash value of name and value */
- char e_name[0]; /* attribute name */
- };
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ ext2_xattr_user_get(struct inode *inode,
- return -EINVAL;
- if (!test_opt(inode->i_sb, XATTR_USER))
- return -EOPNOTSUPP;
-- error = permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL);
-+ error = permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL, NULL);
- if (error)
- return error;
-@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ ext2_xattr_user_set(struct inode *inode,
- if ( !S_ISREG(inode->i_mode) &&
- (!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) || inode->i_mode & S_ISVTX))
- return -EPERM;
-- error = permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL);
-+ error = permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL);
- if (error)
- return error;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:31.000000000 +0400
-@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
- obj-$(CONFIG_EXT3_FS) += ext3.o
- ext3-y := balloc.o bitmap.o dir.o file.o fsync.o ialloc.o inode.o \
-- ioctl.o namei.o super.o symlink.o hash.o
-+ ioctl.o namei.o super.o symlink.o hash.o resize.o
- ext3-$(CONFIG_EXT3_FS_XATTR) += xattr.o xattr_user.o xattr_trusted.o
- ext3-$(CONFIG_EXT3_FS_POSIX_ACL) += acl.o
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ ext3_set_acl(handle_t *handle, struct in
- * inode->i_sem: don't care
- */
- int
--ext3_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd)
-+__ext3_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask)
- {
- int mode = inode->i_mode;
-@@ -341,6 +341,29 @@ check_capabilities:
- return -EACCES;
- }
-+ext3_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd,
-+ struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
-+ int ret;
-+ if (exec_perm != NULL)
-+ down(&inode->i_sem);
-+ ret = __ext3_permission(inode, mask);
-+ if (exec_perm != NULL) {
-+ if (!ret) {
-+ exec_perm->set = 1;
-+ exec_perm->mode = inode->i_mode;
-+ exec_perm->uid = inode->i_uid;
-+ exec_perm->gid = inode->i_gid;
-+ }
-+ up(&inode->i_sem);
-+ }
-+ return ret;
- /*
- * Initialize the ACLs of a new inode. Called from ext3_new_inode.
- *
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -10,18 +10,18 @@
- #define EXT3_ACL_MAX_ENTRIES 32
- typedef struct {
-- __u16 e_tag;
-- __u16 e_perm;
-- __u32 e_id;
-+ __le16 e_tag;
-+ __le16 e_perm;
-+ __le32 e_id;
- } ext3_acl_entry;
- typedef struct {
-- __u16 e_tag;
-- __u16 e_perm;
-+ __le16 e_tag;
-+ __le16 e_perm;
- } ext3_acl_entry_short;
- typedef struct {
-- __u32 a_version;
-+ __le32 a_version;
- } ext3_acl_header;
- static inline size_t ext3_acl_size(int count)
-@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ static inline int ext3_acl_count(size_t
- #define EXT3_ACL_NOT_CACHED ((void *)-1)
- /* acl.c */
--extern int ext3_permission (struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *);
-+extern int ext3_permission (struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *,
-+ struct exec_perm *);
- extern int ext3_acl_chmod (struct inode *);
- extern int ext3_init_acl (handle_t *, struct inode *, struct inode *);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:31.000000000 +0400
-@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ struct ext3_group_desc * ext3_get_group_
- return NULL;
- }
-+ smp_rmb();
- group_desc = block_group / EXT3_DESC_PER_BLOCK(sb);
- desc = block_group % EXT3_DESC_PER_BLOCK(sb);
-@@ -91,15 +92,16 @@ read_block_bitmap(struct super_block *sb
- if (!bh)
- ext3_error (sb, "read_block_bitmap",
- "Cannot read block bitmap - "
-- "block_group = %d, block_bitmap = %lu",
-- block_group, (unsigned long) desc->bg_block_bitmap);
-+ "block_group = %d, block_bitmap = %u",
-+ block_group, le32_to_cpu(desc->bg_block_bitmap));
- error_out:
- return bh;
- }
- /* Free given blocks, update quota and i_blocks field */
--void ext3_free_blocks (handle_t *handle, struct inode * inode,
-- unsigned long block, unsigned long count)
-+void ext3_free_blocks_sb(handle_t *handle, struct super_block *sb,
-+ unsigned long block, unsigned long count,
-+ int *pdquot_freed_blocks)
- {
- struct buffer_head *bitmap_bh = NULL;
- struct buffer_head *gd_bh;
-@@ -107,18 +109,12 @@ void ext3_free_blocks (handle_t *handle,
- unsigned long bit;
- unsigned long i;
- unsigned long overflow;
-- struct super_block * sb;
- struct ext3_group_desc * gdp;
- struct ext3_super_block * es;
- struct ext3_sb_info *sbi;
- int err = 0, ret;
-- int dquot_freed_blocks = 0;
-- sb = inode->i_sb;
-- if (!sb) {
-- printk ("ext3_free_blocks: nonexistent device");
-- return;
-- }
-+ *pdquot_freed_blocks = 0;
- sbi = EXT3_SB(sb);
- es = EXT3_SB(sb)->s_es;
- if (block < le32_to_cpu(es->s_first_data_block) ||
-@@ -245,7 +241,7 @@ do_more:
- jbd_lock_bh_state(bitmap_bh);
- BUFFER_TRACE(bitmap_bh, "bit already cleared");
- } else {
-- dquot_freed_blocks++;
-+ (*pdquot_freed_blocks)++;
- }
- }
- jbd_unlock_bh_state(bitmap_bh);
-@@ -253,7 +249,7 @@ do_more:
- spin_lock(sb_bgl_lock(sbi, block_group));
- gdp->bg_free_blocks_count =
- cpu_to_le16(le16_to_cpu(gdp->bg_free_blocks_count) +
-- dquot_freed_blocks);
-+ *pdquot_freed_blocks);
- spin_unlock(sb_bgl_lock(sbi, block_group));
- percpu_counter_mod(&sbi->s_freeblocks_counter, count);
-@@ -275,6 +271,22 @@ do_more:
- error_return:
- brelse(bitmap_bh);
- ext3_std_error(sb, err);
-+ return;
-+/* Free given blocks, update quota and i_blocks field */
-+void ext3_free_blocks(handle_t *handle, struct inode *inode,
-+ unsigned long block, unsigned long count)
-+ struct super_block * sb;
-+ int dquot_freed_blocks;
-+ sb = inode->i_sb;
-+ if (!sb) {
-+ printk ("ext3_free_blocks: nonexistent device");
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ ext3_free_blocks_sb(handle, sb, block, count, &dquot_freed_blocks);
- if (dquot_freed_blocks)
- DQUOT_FREE_BLOCK(inode, dquot_freed_blocks);
- return;
-@@ -523,6 +535,8 @@ ext3_new_block(handle_t *handle, struct
- #ifdef EXT3FS_DEBUG
- static int goal_hits, goal_attempts;
- #endif
-+ unsigned long ngroups;
- *errp = -ENOSPC;
- sb = inode->i_sb;
- if (!sb) {
-@@ -574,13 +588,16 @@ ext3_new_block(handle_t *handle, struct
- goto allocated;
- }
-+ ngroups = EXT3_SB(sb)->s_groups_count;
-+ smp_rmb();
- /*
- * Now search the rest of the groups. We assume that
- * i and gdp correctly point to the last group visited.
- */
-- for (bgi = 0; bgi < EXT3_SB(sb)->s_groups_count; bgi++) {
-+ for (bgi = 0; bgi < ngroups; bgi++) {
- group_no++;
-- if (group_no >= EXT3_SB(sb)->s_groups_count)
-+ if (group_no >= ngroups)
- group_no = 0;
- gdp = ext3_get_group_desc(sb, group_no, &gdp_bh);
- if (!gdp) {
-@@ -715,6 +732,7 @@ unsigned long ext3_count_free_blocks(str
- unsigned long desc_count;
- struct ext3_group_desc *gdp;
- int i;
-+ unsigned long ngroups;
- #ifdef EXT3FS_DEBUG
- struct ext3_super_block *es;
- unsigned long bitmap_count, x;
-@@ -747,7 +765,9 @@ unsigned long ext3_count_free_blocks(str
- return bitmap_count;
- #else
- desc_count = 0;
-- for (i = 0; i < EXT3_SB(sb)->s_groups_count; i++) {
-+ ngroups = EXT3_SB(sb)->s_groups_count;
-+ smp_rmb();
-+ for (i = 0; i < ngroups; i++) {
- gdp = ext3_get_group_desc(sb, i, NULL);
- if (!gdp)
- continue;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:31.000000000 +0400
-@@ -49,10 +49,6 @@ int ext3_sync_file(struct file * file, s
- J_ASSERT(ext3_journal_current_handle() == 0);
-- smp_mb(); /* prepare for lockless i_state read */
-- if (!(inode->i_state & I_DIRTY))
-- goto out;
- /*
- * data=writeback:
- * The caller's filemap_fdatawrite()/wait will sync the data.
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ read_inode_bitmap(struct super_block * s
- if (!bh)
- ext3_error(sb, "read_inode_bitmap",
- "Cannot read inode bitmap - "
-- "block_group = %lu, inode_bitmap = %lu",
-- block_group, (unsigned long) desc->bg_inode_bitmap);
-+ "block_group = %lu, inode_bitmap = %u",
-+ block_group, le32_to_cpu(desc->bg_inode_bitmap));
- error_out:
- return bh;
- }
-@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ void ext3_free_inode (handle_t *handle,
- unsigned long bit;
- struct ext3_group_desc * gdp;
- struct ext3_super_block * es;
-- struct ext3_sb_info *sbi = EXT3_SB(sb);
-+ struct ext3_sb_info *sbi;
- int fatal = 0, err;
- if (atomic_read(&inode->i_count) > 1) {
-@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ void ext3_free_inode (handle_t *handle,
- printk("ext3_free_inode: inode on nonexistent device\n");
- return;
- }
-+ sbi = EXT3_SB(sb);
- ino = inode->i_ino;
- ext3_debug ("freeing inode %lu\n", ino);
-@@ -319,8 +320,6 @@ static int find_group_orlov(struct super
- desc = ext3_get_group_desc (sb, group, &bh);
- if (!desc || !desc->bg_free_inodes_count)
- continue;
-- if (sbi->s_debts[group] >= max_debt)
-- continue;
- if (le16_to_cpu(desc->bg_used_dirs_count) >= max_dirs)
- continue;
- if (le16_to_cpu(desc->bg_free_inodes_count) < min_inodes)
-@@ -559,7 +558,7 @@ got:
- /* This is the optimal IO size (for stat), not the fs block size */
- inode->i_blksize = PAGE_SIZE;
- inode->i_blocks = 0;
-- inode->i_mtime = inode->i_atime = inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ inode->i_mtime = inode->i_atime = inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- memset(ei->i_data, 0, sizeof(ei->i_data));
- ei->i_next_alloc_block = 0;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ int ext3_forget(handle_t *handle, int is
- {
- int err;
-+ might_sleep();
- BUFFER_TRACE(bh, "enter");
- jbd_debug(4, "forgetting bh %p: is_metadata = %d, mode %o, "
-@@ -82,7 +84,7 @@ int ext3_forget(handle_t *handle, int is
- (!is_metadata && !ext3_should_journal_data(inode))) {
- if (bh) {
- BUFFER_TRACE(bh, "call journal_forget");
-- ext3_journal_forget(handle, bh);
-+ return ext3_journal_forget(handle, bh);
- }
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -303,12 +305,12 @@ static int ext3_alloc_block (handle_t *h
- typedef struct {
-- u32 *p;
-- u32 key;
-+ __le32 *p;
-+ __le32 key;
- struct buffer_head *bh;
- } Indirect;
--static inline void add_chain(Indirect *p, struct buffer_head *bh, u32 *v)
-+static inline void add_chain(Indirect *p, struct buffer_head *bh, __le32 *v)
- {
- p->key = *(p->p = v);
- p->bh = bh;
-@@ -439,7 +441,7 @@ static Indirect *ext3_get_branch(struct
- /* Reader: pointers */
- if (!verify_chain(chain, p))
- goto changed;
-- add_chain(++p, bh, (u32*)bh->b_data + *++offsets);
-+ add_chain(++p, bh, (__le32*)bh->b_data + *++offsets);
- /* Reader: end */
- if (!p->key)
- goto no_block;
-@@ -480,8 +482,8 @@ no_block:
- static unsigned long ext3_find_near(struct inode *inode, Indirect *ind)
- {
- struct ext3_inode_info *ei = EXT3_I(inode);
-- u32 *start = ind->bh ? (u32*) ind->bh->b_data : ei->i_data;
-- u32 *p;
-+ __le32 *start = ind->bh ? (__le32*) ind->bh->b_data : ei->i_data;
-+ __le32 *p;
- unsigned long bg_start;
- unsigned long colour;
-@@ -609,7 +611,7 @@ static int ext3_alloc_branch(handle_t *h
- }
- memset(bh->b_data, 0, blocksize);
-- branch[n].p = (u32*) bh->b_data + offsets[n];
-+ branch[n].p = (__le32*) bh->b_data + offsets[n];
- *branch[n].p = branch[n].key;
- BUFFER_TRACE(bh, "marking uptodate");
- set_buffer_uptodate(bh);
-@@ -687,7 +689,7 @@ static int ext3_splice_branch(handle_t *
- /* We are done with atomic stuff, now do the rest of housekeeping */
-- inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- ext3_mark_inode_dirty(handle, inode);
- /* had we spliced it onto indirect block? */
-@@ -780,6 +782,7 @@ reread:
- if (!partial) {
- clear_buffer_new(bh_result);
- got_it:
-+ clear_buffer_delay(bh_result);
- map_bh(bh_result, inode->i_sb, le32_to_cpu(chain[depth-1].key));
- if (boundary)
- set_buffer_boundary(bh_result);
-@@ -1063,11 +1066,13 @@ static int walk_page_buffers( handle_t *
- * and the commit_write(). So doing the journal_start at the start of
- * prepare_write() is the right place.
- *
-- * Also, this function can nest inside ext3_writepage() ->
-- * block_write_full_page(). In that case, we *know* that ext3_writepage()
-- * has generated enough buffer credits to do the whole page. So we won't
-- * block on the journal in that case, which is good, because the caller may
-- * be PF_MEMALLOC.
-+ * [2004/09/04 SAW] journal_start() in prepare_write() causes different ranking
-+ * violations if copy_from_user() triggers a page fault (mmap_sem, may be page
-+ * lock, plus __GFP_FS allocations).
-+ * Now we read in not up-to-date buffers in prepare_write(), and do the rest
-+ * including hole instantiation and inode extension in commit_write().
-+ *
-+ * Other notes.
- *
- * By accident, ext3 can be reentered when a transaction is open via
- * quota file writes. If we were to commit the transaction while thus
-@@ -1082,6 +1087,27 @@ static int walk_page_buffers( handle_t *
- * write.
- */
-+static int ext3_get_block_delay(struct inode *inode, sector_t iblock,
-+ struct buffer_head *bh, int create)
-+ int ret;
-+ ret = ext3_get_block_handle(NULL, inode, iblock, bh, 0, 0);
-+ if (ret)
-+ return ret;
-+ if (!buffer_mapped(bh)) {
-+ set_buffer_delay(bh);
-+ set_buffer_new(bh);
-+ }
-+ return ret;
-+static int ext3_prepare_write(struct file *file, struct page *page,
-+ unsigned from, unsigned to)
-+ return block_prepare_write(page, from, to, ext3_get_block_delay);
- static int do_journal_get_write_access(handle_t *handle,
- struct buffer_head *bh)
- {
-@@ -1090,8 +1116,52 @@ static int do_journal_get_write_access(h
- return ext3_journal_get_write_access(handle, bh);
- }
--static int ext3_prepare_write(struct file *file, struct page *page,
-- unsigned from, unsigned to)
-+ * This function zeroes buffers not mapped to disk.
-+ * We do it similarly to the error path in __block_prepare_write() to avoid
-+ * keeping garbage in the page cache.
-+ * Here we check BH_delay state. We know that if the buffer appears
-+ * !buffer_mapped then
-+ * - it was !buffer_mapped at the moment of ext3_prepare_write, and
-+ * - ext3_get_block failed to map this buffer (e.g., ENOSPC).
-+ * If this !mapped buffer is not up to date (it can be up to date if
-+ * PageUptodate), then we zero its content.
-+ */
-+static void ext3_clear_delayed_buffers(struct page *page,
-+ unsigned from, unsigned to)
-+ struct buffer_head *bh, *head, *next;
-+ unsigned block_start, block_end;
-+ unsigned blocksize;
-+ void *kaddr;
-+ head = page_buffers(page);
-+ blocksize = head->b_size;
-+ for ( bh = head, block_start = 0;
-+ bh != head || !block_start;
-+ block_start = block_end, bh = next)
-+ {
-+ next = bh->b_this_page;
-+ block_end = block_start + blocksize;
-+ if (block_end <= from || block_start >= to)
-+ continue;
-+ if (!buffer_delay(bh))
-+ continue;
-+ J_ASSERT_BH(bh, !buffer_mapped(bh));
-+ clear_buffer_new(bh);
-+ clear_buffer_delay(bh);
-+ if (!buffer_uptodate(bh)) {
-+ kaddr = kmap_atomic(page, KM_USER0);
-+ memset(kaddr + block_start, 0, bh->b_size);
-+ kunmap_atomic(kaddr, KM_USER0);
-+ set_buffer_uptodate(bh);
-+ mark_buffer_dirty(bh);
-+ }
-+ }
-+static int ext3_map_write(struct file *file, struct page *page,
-+ unsigned from, unsigned to)
- {
- struct inode *inode = page->mapping->host;
- int ret, needed_blocks = ext3_writepage_trans_blocks(inode);
-@@ -1104,19 +1174,19 @@ retry:
- ret = PTR_ERR(handle);
- goto out;
- }
-- ret = block_prepare_write(page, from, to, ext3_get_block);
-- if (ret)
-- goto prepare_write_failed;
-- if (ext3_should_journal_data(inode)) {
-+ ret = block_prepare_write(page, from, to, ext3_get_block);
-+ if (!ret && ext3_should_journal_data(inode)) {
- ret = walk_page_buffers(handle, page_buffers(page),
- from, to, NULL, do_journal_get_write_access);
- }
-- if (ret)
-- ext3_journal_stop(handle);
-+ if (!ret)
-+ goto out;
-+ ext3_journal_stop(handle);
- if (ret == -ENOSPC && ext3_should_retry_alloc(inode->i_sb, &retries))
- goto retry;
-+ ext3_clear_delayed_buffers(page, from, to);
- out:
- return ret;
- }
-@@ -1151,10 +1221,15 @@ static int commit_write_fn(handle_t *han
- static int ext3_ordered_commit_write(struct file *file, struct page *page,
- unsigned from, unsigned to)
- {
-- handle_t *handle = ext3_journal_current_handle();
-+ handle_t *handle;
- struct inode *inode = page->mapping->host;
- int ret = 0, ret2;
-+ ret = ext3_map_write(file, page, from, to);
-+ if (ret)
-+ return ret;
-+ handle = ext3_journal_current_handle();
- ret = walk_page_buffers(handle, page_buffers(page),
- from, to, NULL, ext3_journal_dirty_data);
-@@ -1180,11 +1255,15 @@ static int ext3_ordered_commit_write(str
- static int ext3_writeback_commit_write(struct file *file, struct page *page,
- unsigned from, unsigned to)
- {
-- handle_t *handle = ext3_journal_current_handle();
-+ handle_t *handle;
- struct inode *inode = page->mapping->host;
- int ret = 0, ret2;
- loff_t new_i_size;
-+ ret = ext3_map_write(file, page, from, to);
-+ if (ret)
-+ return ret;
-+ handle = ext3_journal_current_handle();
- new_i_size = ((loff_t)page->index << PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT) + to;
- if (new_i_size > EXT3_I(inode)->i_disksize)
- EXT3_I(inode)->i_disksize = new_i_size;
-@@ -1198,12 +1277,17 @@ static int ext3_writeback_commit_write(s
- static int ext3_journalled_commit_write(struct file *file,
- struct page *page, unsigned from, unsigned to)
- {
-- handle_t *handle = ext3_journal_current_handle();
-+ handle_t *handle;
- struct inode *inode = page->mapping->host;
- int ret = 0, ret2;
- int partial = 0;
- loff_t pos;
-+ ret = ext3_map_write(file, page, from, to);
-+ if (ret)
-+ return ret;
-+ handle = ext3_journal_current_handle();
- /*
- * Here we duplicate the generic_commit_write() functionality
- */
-@@ -1471,8 +1555,11 @@ static int ext3_journalled_writepage(str
- ClearPageChecked(page);
- ret = block_prepare_write(page, 0, PAGE_CACHE_SIZE,
- ext3_get_block);
-- if (ret != 0)
-- goto out_unlock;
-+ if (ret != 0) {
-+ ext3_journal_stop(handle);
-+ unlock_page(page);
-+ return ret;
-+ }
- ret = walk_page_buffers(handle, page_buffers(page), 0,
- PAGE_CACHE_SIZE, NULL, do_journal_get_write_access);
-@@ -1498,7 +1585,6 @@ out:
- no_write:
- redirty_page_for_writepage(wbc, page);
- unlock_page(page);
- goto out;
- }
-@@ -1577,6 +1663,12 @@ static ssize_t ext3_direct_IO(int rw, st
- offset, nr_segs,
- ext3_direct_io_get_blocks, NULL);
-+ /*
-+ * Reacquire the handle: ext3_direct_io_get_block() can restart the
-+ * transaction
-+ */
-+ handle = journal_current_handle();
- out_stop:
- if (handle) {
- int err;
-@@ -1765,7 +1857,7 @@ unlock:
- * or memcmp with zero_page, whatever is better for particular architecture.
- * Linus?
- */
--static inline int all_zeroes(u32 *p, u32 *q)
-+static inline int all_zeroes(__le32 *p, __le32 *q)
- {
- while (p < q)
- if (*p++)
-@@ -1812,7 +1904,7 @@ static Indirect *ext3_find_shared(struct
- int depth,
- int offsets[4],
- Indirect chain[4],
-- u32 *top)
-+ __le32 *top)
- {
- Indirect *partial, *p;
- int k, err;
-@@ -1832,7 +1924,7 @@ static Indirect *ext3_find_shared(struct
- if (!partial->key && *partial->p)
- /* Writer: end */
- goto no_top;
-- for (p=partial; p>chain && all_zeroes((u32*)p->bh->b_data,p->p); p--)
-+ for (p=partial; p>chain && all_zeroes((__le32*)p->bh->b_data,p->p); p--)
- ;
- /*
- * OK, we've found the last block that must survive. The rest of our
-@@ -1871,9 +1963,9 @@ no_top:
- static void
- ext3_clear_blocks(handle_t *handle, struct inode *inode, struct buffer_head *bh,
- unsigned long block_to_free, unsigned long count,
-- u32 *first, u32 *last)
-+ __le32 *first, __le32 *last)
- {
-- u32 *p;
-+ __le32 *p;
- if (try_to_extend_transaction(handle, inode)) {
- if (bh) {
- BUFFER_TRACE(bh, "call ext3_journal_dirty_metadata");
-@@ -1929,15 +2021,16 @@ ext3_clear_blocks(handle_t *handle, stru
- * block pointers.
- */
- static void ext3_free_data(handle_t *handle, struct inode *inode,
-- struct buffer_head *this_bh, u32 *first, u32 *last)
-+ struct buffer_head *this_bh,
-+ __le32 *first, __le32 *last)
- {
- unsigned long block_to_free = 0; /* Starting block # of a run */
- unsigned long count = 0; /* Number of blocks in the run */
-- u32 *block_to_free_p = NULL; /* Pointer into inode/ind
-+ __le32 *block_to_free_p = NULL; /* Pointer into inode/ind
- corresponding to
- block_to_free */
- unsigned long nr; /* Current block # */
-- u32 *p; /* Pointer into inode/ind
-+ __le32 *p; /* Pointer into inode/ind
- for current block */
- int err;
-@@ -1996,10 +2089,10 @@ static void ext3_free_data(handle_t *han
- */
- static void ext3_free_branches(handle_t *handle, struct inode *inode,
- struct buffer_head *parent_bh,
-- u32 *first, u32 *last, int depth)
-+ __le32 *first, __le32 *last, int depth)
- {
- unsigned long nr;
-- u32 *p;
-+ __le32 *p;
- if (is_handle_aborted(handle))
- return;
-@@ -2029,8 +2122,9 @@ static void ext3_free_branches(handle_t
- /* This zaps the entire block. Bottom up. */
- BUFFER_TRACE(bh, "free child branches");
-- ext3_free_branches(handle, inode, bh, (u32*)bh->b_data,
-- (u32*)bh->b_data + addr_per_block,
-+ ext3_free_branches(handle, inode, bh,
-+ (__le32*)bh->b_data,
-+ (__le32*)bh->b_data + addr_per_block,
- depth);
- /*
-@@ -2135,13 +2229,13 @@ void ext3_truncate(struct inode * inode)
- {
- handle_t *handle;
- struct ext3_inode_info *ei = EXT3_I(inode);
-- u32 *i_data = ei->i_data;
-+ __le32 *i_data = ei->i_data;
- int addr_per_block = EXT3_ADDR_PER_BLOCK(inode->i_sb);
- struct address_space *mapping = inode->i_mapping;
- int offsets[4];
- Indirect chain[4];
- Indirect *partial;
-- int nr = 0;
-+ __le32 nr = 0;
- int n;
- long last_block;
- unsigned blocksize = inode->i_sb->s_blocksize;
-@@ -2248,7 +2342,7 @@ void ext3_truncate(struct inode * inode)
- /* Clear the ends of indirect blocks on the shared branch */
- while (partial > chain) {
- ext3_free_branches(handle, inode, partial->bh, partial->p + 1,
-- (u32*)partial->bh->b_data + addr_per_block,
-+ (__le32*)partial->bh->b_data+addr_per_block,
- (chain+n-1) - partial);
- BUFFER_TRACE(partial->bh, "call brelse");
- brelse (partial->bh);
-@@ -2282,7 +2376,7 @@ do_indirects:
- ;
- }
- up(&ei->truncate_sem);
-- inode->i_mtime = inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ inode->i_mtime = inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- ext3_mark_inode_dirty(handle, inode);
- /* In a multi-transaction truncate, we only make the final
-@@ -2311,8 +2405,10 @@ static unsigned long ext3_get_inode_bloc
- struct buffer_head *bh;
- struct ext3_group_desc * gdp;
- if ((ino != EXT3_ROOT_INO &&
- ino != EXT3_JOURNAL_INO &&
-+ ino != EXT3_RESIZE_INO &&
- ino < EXT3_FIRST_INO(sb)) ||
- ino > le32_to_cpu(
- EXT3_SB(sb)->s_es->s_inodes_count)) {
-@@ -2326,6 +2422,7 @@ static unsigned long ext3_get_inode_bloc
- "group >= groups count");
- return 0;
- }
-+ smp_rmb();
- group_desc = block_group >> EXT3_DESC_PER_BLOCK_BITS(sb);
- desc = block_group & (EXT3_DESC_PER_BLOCK(sb) - 1);
- bh = EXT3_SB(sb)->s_group_desc[group_desc];
-@@ -2743,21 +2840,21 @@ out_brelse:
- * `stuff()' is running, and the new i_size will be lost. Plus the inode
- * will no longer be on the superblock's dirty inode list.
- */
--void ext3_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait)
-+int ext3_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait)
- {
-- if (current->flags & PF_MEMALLOC)
-- return;
-+ if (current->flags & (PF_MEMALLOC | PF_MEMDIE))
-+ return 0;
- if (ext3_journal_current_handle()) {
- jbd_debug(0, "called recursively, non-PF_MEMALLOC!\n");
- dump_stack();
-- return;
-+ return -EIO;
- }
- if (!wait)
-- return;
-+ return 0;
-- ext3_force_commit(inode->i_sb);
-+ return ext3_force_commit(inode->i_sb);
- }
- /*
-@@ -2966,6 +3063,7 @@ int ext3_mark_inode_dirty(handle_t *hand
- struct ext3_iloc iloc;
- int err;
-+ might_sleep();
- err = ext3_reserve_inode_write(handle, inode, &iloc);
- if (!err)
- err = ext3_mark_iloc_dirty(handle, inode, &iloc);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:37.000000000 +0400
-@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ int ext3_ioctl (struct inode * inode, st
- * the relevant capability.
- */
- if ((jflag ^ oldflags) & (EXT3_JOURNAL_DATA_FL)) {
-- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_RESOURCE))
-+ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
- return -EPERM;
- }
-@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ int ext3_ioctl (struct inode * inode, st
- ei->i_flags = flags;
- ext3_set_inode_flags(inode);
-- inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- err = ext3_mark_iloc_dirty(handle, inode, &iloc);
- flags_err:
-@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ flags_err:
- return PTR_ERR(handle);
- err = ext3_reserve_inode_write(handle, inode, &iloc);
- if (err == 0) {
-- inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- inode->i_generation = generation;
- err = ext3_mark_iloc_dirty(handle, inode, &iloc);
- }
-@@ -151,6 +151,51 @@ flags_err:
- return ret;
- }
- #endif
-+ unsigned long n_blocks_count;
-+ struct super_block *sb = inode->i_sb;
-+ int err;
-+ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_RESOURCE))
-+ return -EPERM;
-+ if (IS_RDONLY(inode))
-+ return -EROFS;
-+ if (get_user(n_blocks_count, (__u32 *)arg))
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ err = ext3_group_extend(sb, EXT3_SB(sb)->s_es, n_blocks_count);
-+ journal_lock_updates(EXT3_SB(sb)->s_journal);
-+ journal_flush(EXT3_SB(sb)->s_journal);
-+ journal_unlock_updates(EXT3_SB(sb)->s_journal);
-+ return err;
-+ }
-+ case EXT3_IOC_GROUP_ADD: {
-+ struct ext3_new_group_data input;
-+ struct super_block *sb = inode->i_sb;
-+ int err;
-+ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_RESOURCE))
-+ return -EPERM;
-+ if (IS_RDONLY(inode))
-+ return -EROFS;
-+ if (copy_from_user(&input, (struct ext3_new_group_input *)arg,
-+ sizeof(input)))
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ err = ext3_group_add(sb, &input);
-+ journal_lock_updates(EXT3_SB(sb)->s_journal);
-+ journal_flush(EXT3_SB(sb)->s_journal);
-+ journal_unlock_updates(EXT3_SB(sb)->s_journal);
-+ return err;
-+ }
- default:
- return -ENOTTY;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -71,9 +71,6 @@ static struct buffer_head *ext3_append(h
- #define swap(x, y) do { typeof(x) z = x; x = y; y = z; } while (0)
- #endif
--typedef struct { u32 v; } le_u32;
--typedef struct { u16 v; } le_u16;
- #ifdef DX_DEBUG
- #define dxtrace(command) command
- #else
-@@ -82,22 +79,22 @@ typedef struct { u16 v; } le_u16;
- struct fake_dirent
- {
-- /*le*/u32 inode;
-- /*le*/u16 rec_len;
-+ __le32 inode;
-+ __le16 rec_len;
- u8 name_len;
- u8 file_type;
- };
- struct dx_countlimit
- {
-- le_u16 limit;
-- le_u16 count;
-+ __le16 limit;
-+ __le16 count;
- };
- struct dx_entry
- {
-- le_u32 hash;
-- le_u32 block;
-+ __le32 hash;
-+ __le32 block;
- };
- /*
-@@ -114,7 +111,7 @@ struct dx_root
- char dotdot_name[4];
- struct dx_root_info
- {
-- le_u32 reserved_zero;
-+ __le32 reserved_zero;
- u8 hash_version;
- u8 info_length; /* 8 */
- u8 indirect_levels;
-@@ -184,42 +181,42 @@ static int ext3_dx_add_entry(handle_t *h
- static inline unsigned dx_get_block (struct dx_entry *entry)
- {
-- return le32_to_cpu(entry->block.v) & 0x00ffffff;
-+ return le32_to_cpu(entry->block) & 0x00ffffff;
- }
- static inline void dx_set_block (struct dx_entry *entry, unsigned value)
- {
-- entry->block.v = cpu_to_le32(value);
-+ entry->block = cpu_to_le32(value);
- }
- static inline unsigned dx_get_hash (struct dx_entry *entry)
- {
-- return le32_to_cpu(entry->hash.v);
-+ return le32_to_cpu(entry->hash);
- }
- static inline void dx_set_hash (struct dx_entry *entry, unsigned value)
- {
-- entry->hash.v = cpu_to_le32(value);
-+ entry->hash = cpu_to_le32(value);
- }
- static inline unsigned dx_get_count (struct dx_entry *entries)
- {
-- return le16_to_cpu(((struct dx_countlimit *) entries)->count.v);
-+ return le16_to_cpu(((struct dx_countlimit *) entries)->count);
- }
- static inline unsigned dx_get_limit (struct dx_entry *entries)
- {
-- return le16_to_cpu(((struct dx_countlimit *) entries)->limit.v);
-+ return le16_to_cpu(((struct dx_countlimit *) entries)->limit);
- }
- static inline void dx_set_count (struct dx_entry *entries, unsigned value)
- {
-- ((struct dx_countlimit *) entries)->count.v = cpu_to_le16(value);
-+ ((struct dx_countlimit *) entries)->count = cpu_to_le16(value);
- }
- static inline void dx_set_limit (struct dx_entry *entries, unsigned value)
- {
-- ((struct dx_countlimit *) entries)->limit.v = cpu_to_le16(value);
-+ ((struct dx_countlimit *) entries)->limit = cpu_to_le16(value);
- }
- static inline unsigned dx_root_limit (struct inode *dir, unsigned infosize)
-@@ -1254,7 +1251,7 @@ static int add_dirent_to_buf(handle_t *h
- * happen is that the times are slightly out of date
- * and/or different from the directory change time.
- */
-- dir->i_mtime = dir->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ dir->i_mtime = dir->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- ext3_update_dx_flag(dir);
- dir->i_version++;
- ext3_mark_inode_dirty(handle, dir);
-@@ -2032,7 +2029,7 @@ static int ext3_rmdir (struct inode * di
- * recovery. */
- inode->i_size = 0;
- ext3_orphan_add(handle, inode);
-- inode->i_ctime = dir->i_ctime = dir->i_mtime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ inode->i_ctime = dir->i_ctime = dir->i_mtime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- ext3_mark_inode_dirty(handle, inode);
- dir->i_nlink--;
- ext3_update_dx_flag(dir);
-@@ -2082,7 +2079,7 @@ static int ext3_unlink(struct inode * di
- retval = ext3_delete_entry(handle, dir, de, bh);
- if (retval)
- goto end_unlink;
-- dir->i_ctime = dir->i_mtime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ dir->i_ctime = dir->i_mtime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- ext3_update_dx_flag(dir);
- ext3_mark_inode_dirty(handle, dir);
- inode->i_nlink--;
-@@ -2132,7 +2129,7 @@ retry:
- * We have a transaction open. All is sweetness. It also sets
- * i_size in generic_commit_write().
- */
-- err = page_symlink(inode, symname, l);
-+ err = page_symlink(inode, symname, l, GFP_NOFS);
- if (err) {
- ext3_dec_count(handle, inode);
- ext3_mark_inode_dirty(handle, inode);
-@@ -2172,7 +2169,7 @@ retry:
- if (IS_DIRSYNC(dir))
- handle->h_sync = 1;
-- inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- ext3_inc_count(handle, inode);
- atomic_inc(&inode->i_count);
-@@ -2258,7 +2255,7 @@ static int ext3_rename (struct inode * o
- } else {
- BUFFER_TRACE(new_bh, "get write access");
- ext3_journal_get_write_access(handle, new_bh);
-- new_de->inode = le32_to_cpu(old_inode->i_ino);
-+ new_de->inode = cpu_to_le32(old_inode->i_ino);
- if (EXT3_HAS_INCOMPAT_FEATURE(new_dir->i_sb,
- new_de->file_type = old_de->file_type;
-@@ -2273,7 +2270,7 @@ static int ext3_rename (struct inode * o
- * Like most other Unix systems, set the ctime for inodes on a
- * rename.
- */
-- old_inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ old_inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- ext3_mark_inode_dirty(handle, old_inode);
- /*
-@@ -2306,14 +2303,14 @@ static int ext3_rename (struct inode * o
- if (new_inode) {
- new_inode->i_nlink--;
-- new_inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ new_inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- }
-- old_dir->i_ctime = old_dir->i_mtime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ old_dir->i_ctime = old_dir->i_mtime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- ext3_update_dx_flag(old_dir);
- if (dir_bh) {
- BUFFER_TRACE(dir_bh, "get_write_access");
- ext3_journal_get_write_access(handle, dir_bh);
-- PARENT_INO(dir_bh->b_data) = le32_to_cpu(new_dir->i_ino);
-+ PARENT_INO(dir_bh->b_data) = cpu_to_le32(new_dir->i_ino);
- BUFFER_TRACE(dir_bh, "call ext3_journal_dirty_metadata");
- ext3_journal_dirty_metadata(handle, dir_bh);
- old_dir->i_nlink--;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:31.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,996 @@
-+ * linux/fs/ext3/resize.c
-+ *
-+ * Support for resizing an ext3 filesystem while it is mounted.
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Andreas Dilger <>
-+ *
-+ * This could probably be made into a module, because it is not often in use.
-+ */
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#define EXT3FS_DEBUG
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
-+#include <linux/ext3_jbd.h>
-+#include <linux/errno.h>
-+#include <linux/slab.h>
-+#define outside(b, first, last) ((b) < (first) || (b) >= (last))
-+#define inside(b, first, last) ((b) >= (first) && (b) < (last))
-+static int verify_group_input(struct super_block *sb,
-+ struct ext3_new_group_data *input)
-+ struct ext3_sb_info *sbi = EXT3_SB(sb);
-+ struct ext3_super_block *es = sbi->s_es;
-+ unsigned start = le32_to_cpu(es->s_blocks_count);
-+ unsigned end = start + input->blocks_count;
-+ unsigned group = input->group;
-+ unsigned itend = input->inode_table + EXT3_SB(sb)->s_itb_per_group;
-+ unsigned overhead = ext3_bg_has_super(sb, group) ?
-+ (1 + ext3_bg_num_gdb(sb, group) +
-+ le16_to_cpu(es->s_reserved_gdt_blocks)) : 0;
-+ unsigned metaend = start + overhead;
-+ struct buffer_head *bh = NULL;
-+ int free_blocks_count;
-+ int err = -EINVAL;
-+ input->free_blocks_count = free_blocks_count =
-+ input->blocks_count - 2 - overhead - sbi->s_itb_per_group;
-+ if (test_opt(sb, DEBUG))
-+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "EXT3-fs: adding %s group %u: %u blocks "
-+ "(%d free, %u reserved)\n",
-+ ext3_bg_has_super(sb, input->group) ? "normal" :
-+ "no-super", input->group, input->blocks_count,
-+ free_blocks_count, input->reserved_blocks);
-+ if (group != sbi->s_groups_count)
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "Cannot add at group %u (only %lu groups)",
-+ input->group, sbi->s_groups_count);
-+ else if ((start - le32_to_cpu(es->s_first_data_block)) %
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__, "Last group not full");
-+ else if (input->reserved_blocks > input->blocks_count / 5)
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__, "Reserved blocks too high (%u)",
-+ input->reserved_blocks);
-+ else if (free_blocks_count < 0)
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__, "Bad blocks count %u",
-+ input->blocks_count);
-+ else if (!(bh = sb_bread(sb, end - 1)))
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__, "Cannot read last block (%u)",
-+ end - 1);
-+ else if (outside(input->block_bitmap, start, end))
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "Block bitmap not in group (block %u)",
-+ input->block_bitmap);
-+ else if (outside(input->inode_bitmap, start, end))
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "Inode bitmap not in group (block %u)",
-+ input->inode_bitmap);
-+ else if (outside(input->inode_table, start, end) ||
-+ outside(itend - 1, start, end))
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "Inode table not in group (blocks %u-%u)",
-+ input->inode_table, itend - 1);
-+ else if (input->inode_bitmap == input->block_bitmap)
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "Block bitmap same as inode bitmap (%u)",
-+ input->block_bitmap);
-+ else if (inside(input->block_bitmap, input->inode_table, itend))
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "Block bitmap (%u) in inode table (%u-%u)",
-+ input->block_bitmap, input->inode_table, itend-1);
-+ else if (inside(input->inode_bitmap, input->inode_table, itend))
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "Inode bitmap (%u) in inode table (%u-%u)",
-+ input->inode_bitmap, input->inode_table, itend-1);
-+ else if (inside(input->block_bitmap, start, metaend))
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "Block bitmap (%u) in GDT table (%u-%u)",
-+ input->block_bitmap, start, metaend - 1);
-+ else if (inside(input->inode_bitmap, start, metaend))
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "Inode bitmap (%u) in GDT table (%u-%u)",
-+ input->inode_bitmap, start, metaend - 1);
-+ else if (inside(input->inode_table, start, metaend) ||
-+ inside(itend - 1, start, metaend))
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "Inode table (%u-%u) overlaps GDT table (%u-%u)",
-+ input->inode_table, itend - 1, start, metaend - 1);
-+ else
-+ err = 0;
-+ brelse(bh);
-+ return err;
-+static struct buffer_head *bclean(handle_t *handle, struct super_block *sb,
-+ unsigned long blk)
-+ struct buffer_head *bh;
-+ int err;
-+ bh = sb_getblk(sb, blk);
-+ if ((err = ext3_journal_get_write_access(handle, bh))) {
-+ brelse(bh);
-+ bh = ERR_PTR(err);
-+ } else {
-+ lock_buffer(bh);
-+ memset(bh->b_data, 0, sb->s_blocksize);
-+ set_buffer_uptodate(bh);
-+ unlock_buffer(bh);
-+ }
-+ return bh;
-+ * To avoid calling the atomic setbit hundreds or thousands of times, we only
-+ * need to use it within a single byte (to ensure we get endianness right).
-+ * We can use memset for the rest of the bitmap as there are no other users.
-+ */
-+static void mark_bitmap_end(int start_bit, int end_bit, char *bitmap)
-+ int i;
-+ if (start_bit >= end_bit)
-+ return;
-+ ext3_debug("mark end bits +%d through +%d used\n", start_bit, end_bit);
-+ for (i = start_bit; i < ((start_bit + 7) & ~7UL); i++)
-+ ext3_set_bit(i, bitmap);
-+ if (i < end_bit)
-+ memset(bitmap + (i >> 3), 0xff, (end_bit - i) >> 3);
-+ * Set up the block and inode bitmaps, and the inode table for the new group.
-+ * This doesn't need to be part of the main transaction, since we are only
-+ * changing blocks outside the actual filesystem. We still do journaling to
-+ * ensure the recovery is correct in case of a failure just after resize.
-+ * If any part of this fails, we simply abort the resize.
-+ */
-+static int setup_new_group_blocks(struct super_block *sb,
-+ struct ext3_new_group_data *input)
-+ struct ext3_sb_info *sbi = EXT3_SB(sb);
-+ unsigned long start = input->group * sbi->s_blocks_per_group +
-+ le32_to_cpu(sbi->s_es->s_first_data_block);
-+ int reserved_gdb = ext3_bg_has_super(sb, input->group) ?
-+ le16_to_cpu(sbi->s_es->s_reserved_gdt_blocks) : 0;
-+ unsigned long gdblocks = ext3_bg_num_gdb(sb, input->group);
-+ struct buffer_head *bh;
-+ handle_t *handle;
-+ unsigned long block;
-+ int bit;
-+ int i;
-+ int err = 0, err2;
-+ handle = ext3_journal_start_sb(sb, reserved_gdb + gdblocks +
-+ 2 + sbi->s_itb_per_group);
-+ if (IS_ERR(handle))
-+ return PTR_ERR(handle);
-+ lock_super(sb);
-+ if (input->group != sbi->s_groups_count) {
-+ err = -EBUSY;
-+ goto exit_journal;
-+ }
-+ if (IS_ERR(bh = bclean(handle, sb, input->block_bitmap))) {
-+ err = PTR_ERR(bh);
-+ goto exit_journal;
-+ }
-+ if (ext3_bg_has_super(sb, input->group)) {
-+ ext3_debug("mark backup superblock %#04lx (+0)\n", start);
-+ ext3_set_bit(0, bh->b_data);
-+ }
-+ /* Copy all of the GDT blocks into the backup in this group */
-+ for (i = 0, bit = 1, block = start + 1;
-+ i < gdblocks; i++, block++, bit++) {
-+ struct buffer_head *gdb;
-+ ext3_debug("update backup group %#04lx (+%d)\n", block, bit);
-+ gdb = sb_getblk(sb, block);
-+ if ((err = ext3_journal_get_write_access(handle, gdb))) {
-+ brelse(gdb);
-+ goto exit_bh;
-+ }
-+ lock_buffer(bh);
-+ memcpy(gdb->b_data, sbi->s_group_desc[i], bh->b_size);
-+ set_buffer_uptodate(gdb);
-+ unlock_buffer(bh);
-+ ext3_journal_dirty_metadata(handle, gdb);
-+ ext3_set_bit(bit, bh->b_data);
-+ brelse(gdb);
-+ }
-+ /* Zero out all of the reserved backup group descriptor table blocks */
-+ for (i = 0, bit = gdblocks + 1, block = start + bit;
-+ i < reserved_gdb; i++, block++, bit++) {
-+ struct buffer_head *gdb;
-+ ext3_debug("clear reserved block %#04lx (+%d)\n", block, bit);
-+ if (IS_ERR(gdb = bclean(handle, sb, block))) {
-+ err = PTR_ERR(bh);
-+ goto exit_bh;
-+ }
-+ ext3_journal_dirty_metadata(handle, gdb);
-+ ext3_set_bit(bit, bh->b_data);
-+ brelse(gdb);
-+ }
-+ ext3_debug("mark block bitmap %#04x (+%ld)\n", input->block_bitmap,
-+ input->block_bitmap - start);
-+ ext3_set_bit(input->block_bitmap - start, bh->b_data);
-+ ext3_debug("mark inode bitmap %#04x (+%ld)\n", input->inode_bitmap,
-+ input->inode_bitmap - start);
-+ ext3_set_bit(input->inode_bitmap - start, bh->b_data);
-+ /* Zero out all of the inode table blocks */
-+ for (i = 0, block = input->inode_table, bit = block - start;
-+ i < sbi->s_itb_per_group; i++, bit++, block++) {
-+ struct buffer_head *it;
-+ ext3_debug("clear inode block %#04x (+%ld)\n", block, bit);
-+ if (IS_ERR(it = bclean(handle, sb, block))) {
-+ err = PTR_ERR(it);
-+ goto exit_bh;
-+ }
-+ ext3_journal_dirty_metadata(handle, it);
-+ brelse(it);
-+ ext3_set_bit(bit, bh->b_data);
-+ }
-+ mark_bitmap_end(input->blocks_count, EXT3_BLOCKS_PER_GROUP(sb),
-+ bh->b_data);
-+ ext3_journal_dirty_metadata(handle, bh);
-+ brelse(bh);
-+ /* Mark unused entries in inode bitmap used */
-+ ext3_debug("clear inode bitmap %#04x (+%ld)\n",
-+ input->inode_bitmap, input->inode_bitmap - start);
-+ if (IS_ERR(bh = bclean(handle, sb, input->inode_bitmap))) {
-+ err = PTR_ERR(bh);
-+ goto exit_journal;
-+ }
-+ mark_bitmap_end(EXT3_INODES_PER_GROUP(sb), EXT3_BLOCKS_PER_GROUP(sb),
-+ bh->b_data);
-+ ext3_journal_dirty_metadata(handle, bh);
-+ brelse(bh);
-+ unlock_super(sb);
-+ if ((err2 = ext3_journal_stop(handle)) && !err)
-+ err = err2;
-+ return err;
-+ * Iterate through the groups which hold BACKUP superblock/GDT copies in an
-+ * ext3 filesystem. The counters should be initialized to 1, 5, and 7 before
-+ * calling this for the first time. In a sparse filesystem it will be the
-+ * sequence of powers of 3, 5, and 7: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 25, 27, 49, 81, ...
-+ * For a non-sparse filesystem it will be every group: 1, 2, 3, 4, ...
-+ */
-+unsigned ext3_list_backups(struct super_block *sb, unsigned *three,
-+ unsigned *five, unsigned *seven)
-+ unsigned *min = three;
-+ int mult = 3;
-+ unsigned ret;
-+ ret = *min;
-+ *min += 1;
-+ return ret;
-+ }
-+ if (*five < *min) {
-+ min = five;
-+ mult = 5;
-+ }
-+ if (*seven < *min) {
-+ min = seven;
-+ mult = 7;
-+ }
-+ ret = *min;
-+ *min *= mult;
-+ return ret;
-+ * Check that all of the backup GDT blocks are held in the primary GDT block.
-+ * It is assumed that they are stored in group order. Returns the number of
-+ * groups in current filesystem that have BACKUPS, or -ve error code.
-+ */
-+static int verify_reserved_gdb(struct super_block *sb,
-+ struct buffer_head *primary)
-+ const unsigned long blk = primary->b_blocknr;
-+ const unsigned long end = EXT3_SB(sb)->s_groups_count;
-+ unsigned three = 1;
-+ unsigned five = 5;
-+ unsigned seven = 7;
-+ unsigned grp;
-+ __u32 *p = (__u32 *)primary->b_data;
-+ int gdbackups = 0;
-+ while ((grp = ext3_list_backups(sb, &three, &five, &seven)) < end) {
-+ if (le32_to_cpu(*p++) != grp * EXT3_BLOCKS_PER_GROUP(sb) + blk){
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "reserved GDT %ld missing grp %d (%ld)\n",
-+ blk, grp,
-+ grp * EXT3_BLOCKS_PER_GROUP(sb) + blk);
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ if (++gdbackups > EXT3_ADDR_PER_BLOCK(sb))
-+ return -EFBIG;
-+ }
-+ return gdbackups;
-+ * Called when we need to bring a reserved group descriptor table block into
-+ * use from the resize inode. The primary copy of the new GDT block currently
-+ * is an indirect block (under the double indirect block in the resize inode).
-+ * The new backup GDT blocks will be stored as leaf blocks in this indirect
-+ * block, in group order. Even though we know all the block numbers we need,
-+ * we check to ensure that the resize inode has actually reserved these blocks.
-+ *
-+ * Don't need to update the block bitmaps because the blocks are still in use.
-+ *
-+ * We get all of the error cases out of the way, so that we are sure to not
-+ * fail once we start modifying the data on disk, because JBD has no rollback.
-+ */
-+static int add_new_gdb(handle_t *handle, struct inode *inode,
-+ struct ext3_new_group_data *input,
-+ struct buffer_head **primary)
-+ struct super_block *sb = inode->i_sb;
-+ struct ext3_super_block *es = EXT3_SB(sb)->s_es;
-+ unsigned long gdb_num = input->group / EXT3_DESC_PER_BLOCK(sb);
-+ unsigned long gdblock = EXT3_SB(sb)->s_sbh->b_blocknr + 1 + gdb_num;
-+ struct buffer_head **o_group_desc, **n_group_desc;
-+ struct buffer_head *dind;
-+ int gdbackups;
-+ struct ext3_iloc iloc;
-+ __u32 *data;
-+ int err;
-+ if (test_opt(sb, DEBUG))
-+ printk(KERN_DEBUG
-+ "EXT3-fs: ext3_add_new_gdb: adding group block %lu\n",
-+ gdb_num);
-+ /*
-+ * If we are not using the primary superblock/GDT copy don't resize,
-+ * because the user tools have no way of handling this. Probably a
-+ * bad time to do it anyways.
-+ */
-+ if (EXT3_SB(sb)->s_sbh->b_blocknr !=
-+ le32_to_cpu(EXT3_SB(sb)->s_es->s_first_data_block)) {
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "won't resize using backup superblock at %llu\n",
-+ (unsigned long long)EXT3_SB(sb)->s_sbh->b_blocknr);
-+ return -EPERM;
-+ }
-+ *primary = sb_bread(sb, gdblock);
-+ if (!*primary)
-+ return -EIO;
-+ if ((gdbackups = verify_reserved_gdb(sb, *primary)) < 0) {
-+ err = gdbackups;
-+ goto exit_bh;
-+ }
-+ data = EXT3_I(inode)->i_data + EXT3_DIND_BLOCK;
-+ dind = sb_bread(sb, le32_to_cpu(*data));
-+ if (!dind) {
-+ err = -EIO;
-+ goto exit_bh;
-+ }
-+ data = (__u32 *)dind->b_data;
-+ if (le32_to_cpu(data[gdb_num % EXT3_ADDR_PER_BLOCK(sb)]) != gdblock) {
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "new group %u GDT block %lu not reserved\n",
-+ input->group, gdblock);
-+ err = -EINVAL;
-+ goto exit_dind;
-+ }
-+ if ((err = ext3_journal_get_write_access(handle, EXT3_SB(sb)->s_sbh)))
-+ goto exit_dind;
-+ if ((err = ext3_journal_get_write_access(handle, *primary)))
-+ goto exit_sbh;
-+ if ((err = ext3_journal_get_write_access(handle, dind)))
-+ goto exit_primary;
-+ /* ext3_reserve_inode_write() gets a reference on the iloc */
-+ if ((err = ext3_reserve_inode_write(handle, inode, &iloc)))
-+ goto exit_dindj;
-+ n_group_desc = (struct buffer_head **)kmalloc((gdb_num + 1) *
-+ sizeof(struct buffer_head *), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!n_group_desc) {
-+ err = -ENOMEM;
-+ ext3_warning (sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "not enough memory for %lu groups", gdb_num + 1);
-+ goto exit_inode;
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ * Finally, we have all of the possible failures behind us...
-+ *
-+ * Remove new GDT block from inode double-indirect block and clear out
-+ * the new GDT block for use (which also "frees" the backup GDT blocks
-+ * from the reserved inode). We don't need to change the bitmaps for
-+ * these blocks, because they are marked as in-use from being in the
-+ * reserved inode, and will become GDT blocks (primary and backup).
-+ */
-+ data[gdb_num % EXT3_ADDR_PER_BLOCK(sb)] = 0;
-+ ext3_journal_dirty_metadata(handle, dind);
-+ brelse(dind);
-+ inode->i_blocks -= (gdbackups + 1) * sb->s_blocksize >> 9;
-+ ext3_mark_iloc_dirty(handle, inode, &iloc);
-+ memset((*primary)->b_data, 0, sb->s_blocksize);
-+ ext3_journal_dirty_metadata(handle, *primary);
-+ o_group_desc = EXT3_SB(sb)->s_group_desc;
-+ memcpy(n_group_desc, o_group_desc,
-+ EXT3_SB(sb)->s_gdb_count * sizeof(struct buffer_head *));
-+ n_group_desc[gdb_num] = *primary;
-+ EXT3_SB(sb)->s_group_desc = n_group_desc;
-+ EXT3_SB(sb)->s_gdb_count++;
-+ kfree(o_group_desc);
-+ es->s_reserved_gdt_blocks =
-+ cpu_to_le16(le16_to_cpu(es->s_reserved_gdt_blocks) - 1);
-+ ext3_journal_dirty_metadata(handle, EXT3_SB(sb)->s_sbh);
-+ return 0;
-+ //ext3_journal_release_buffer(handle,;
-+ brelse(;
-+ //ext3_journal_release_buffer(handle, dind);
-+ //ext3_journal_release_buffer(handle, *primary);
-+ //ext3_journal_release_buffer(handle, *primary);
-+ brelse(dind);
-+ brelse(*primary);
-+ ext3_debug("leaving with error %d\n", err);
-+ return err;
-+ * Called when we are adding a new group which has a backup copy of each of
-+ * the GDT blocks (i.e. sparse group) and there are reserved GDT blocks.
-+ * We need to add these reserved backup GDT blocks to the resize inode, so
-+ * that they are kept for future resizing and not allocated to files.
-+ *
-+ * Each reserved backup GDT block will go into a different indirect block.
-+ * The indirect blocks are actually the primary reserved GDT blocks,
-+ * so we know in advance what their block numbers are. We only get the
-+ * double-indirect block to verify it is pointing to the primary reserved
-+ * GDT blocks so we don't overwrite a data block by accident. The reserved
-+ * backup GDT blocks are stored in their reserved primary GDT block.
-+ */
-+static int reserve_backup_gdb(handle_t *handle, struct inode *inode,
-+ struct ext3_new_group_data *input)
-+ struct super_block *sb = inode->i_sb;
-+ int reserved_gdb =le16_to_cpu(EXT3_SB(sb)->s_es->s_reserved_gdt_blocks);
-+ struct buffer_head **primary;
-+ struct buffer_head *dind;
-+ struct ext3_iloc iloc;
-+ unsigned long blk;
-+ __u32 *data, *end;
-+ int gdbackups = 0;
-+ int res, i;
-+ int err;
-+ primary = kmalloc(reserved_gdb * sizeof(*primary), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!primary)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ data = EXT3_I(inode)->i_data + EXT3_DIND_BLOCK;
-+ dind = sb_bread(sb, le32_to_cpu(*data));
-+ if (!dind) {
-+ err = -EIO;
-+ goto exit_free;
-+ }
-+ blk = EXT3_SB(sb)->s_sbh->b_blocknr + 1 + EXT3_SB(sb)->s_gdb_count;
-+ data = (__u32 *)dind->b_data + EXT3_SB(sb)->s_gdb_count;
-+ end = (__u32 *)dind->b_data + EXT3_ADDR_PER_BLOCK(sb);
-+ /* Get each reserved primary GDT block and verify it holds backups */
-+ for (res = 0; res < reserved_gdb; res++, blk++) {
-+ if (le32_to_cpu(*data) != blk) {
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "reserved block %lu not at offset %ld\n",
-+ blk, (long)(data - (__u32 *)dind->b_data));
-+ err = -EINVAL;
-+ goto exit_bh;
-+ }
-+ primary[res] = sb_bread(sb, blk);
-+ if (!primary[res]) {
-+ err = -EIO;
-+ goto exit_bh;
-+ }
-+ if ((gdbackups = verify_reserved_gdb(sb, primary[res])) < 0) {
-+ brelse(primary[res]);
-+ err = gdbackups;
-+ goto exit_bh;
-+ }
-+ if (++data >= end)
-+ data = (__u32 *)dind->b_data;
-+ }
-+ for (i = 0; i < reserved_gdb; i++) {
-+ if ((err = ext3_journal_get_write_access(handle, primary[i]))) {
-+ /*
-+ int j;
-+ for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
-+ ext3_journal_release_buffer(handle, primary[j]);
-+ */
-+ goto exit_bh;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if ((err = ext3_reserve_inode_write(handle, inode, &iloc)))
-+ goto exit_bh;
-+ /*
-+ * Finally we can add each of the reserved backup GDT blocks from
-+ * the new group to its reserved primary GDT block.
-+ */
-+ blk = input->group * EXT3_BLOCKS_PER_GROUP(sb);
-+ for (i = 0; i < reserved_gdb; i++) {
-+ int err2;
-+ data = (__u32 *)primary[i]->b_data;
-+ /* printk("reserving backup %lu[%u] = %lu\n",
-+ primary[i]->b_blocknr, gdbackups,
-+ blk + primary[i]->b_blocknr); */
-+ data[gdbackups] = cpu_to_le32(blk + primary[i]->b_blocknr);
-+ err2 = ext3_journal_dirty_metadata(handle, primary[i]);
-+ if (!err)
-+ err = err2;
-+ }
-+ inode->i_blocks += reserved_gdb * sb->s_blocksize >> 9;
-+ ext3_mark_iloc_dirty(handle, inode, &iloc);
-+ while (--res >= 0)
-+ brelse(primary[res]);
-+ brelse(dind);
-+ kfree(primary);
-+ return err;
-+ * Update the backup copies of the ext3 metadata. These don't need to be part
-+ * of the main resize transaction, because e2fsck will re-write them if there
-+ * is a problem (basically only OOM will cause a problem). However, we
-+ * _should_ update the backups if possible, in case the primary gets trashed
-+ * for some reason and we need to run e2fsck from a backup superblock. The
-+ * important part is that the new block and inode counts are in the backup
-+ * superblocks, and the location of the new group metadata in the GDT backups.
-+ *
-+ * We do not need lock_super() for this, because these blocks are not
-+ * otherwise touched by the filesystem code when it is mounted. We don't
-+ * need to worry about last changing from sbi->s_groups_count, because the
-+ * worst that can happen is that we do not copy the full number of backups
-+ * at this time. The resize which changed s_groups_count will backup again.
-+ */
-+static void update_backups(struct super_block *sb,
-+ int blk_off, char *data, int size)
-+ struct ext3_sb_info *sbi = EXT3_SB(sb);
-+ const unsigned long last = sbi->s_groups_count;
-+ const int bpg = EXT3_BLOCKS_PER_GROUP(sb);
-+ unsigned three = 1;
-+ unsigned five = 5;
-+ unsigned seven = 7;
-+ unsigned group;
-+ int rest = sb->s_blocksize - size;
-+ handle_t *handle;
-+ int err = 0, err2;
-+ handle = ext3_journal_start_sb(sb, EXT3_MAX_TRANS_DATA);
-+ if (IS_ERR(handle)) {
-+ group = 1;
-+ err = PTR_ERR(handle);
-+ goto exit_err;
-+ }
-+ while ((group = ext3_list_backups(sb, &three, &five, &seven)) < last) {
-+ struct buffer_head *bh;
-+ /* Out of journal space, and can't get more - abort - so sad */
-+ if (handle->h_buffer_credits == 0 &&
-+ ext3_journal_extend(handle, EXT3_MAX_TRANS_DATA) &&
-+ (err = ext3_journal_restart(handle, EXT3_MAX_TRANS_DATA)))
-+ break;
-+ bh = sb_getblk(sb, group * bpg + blk_off);
-+ ext3_debug(sb, __FUNCTION__, "update metadata backup %#04lx\n",
-+ bh->b_blocknr);
-+ if ((err = ext3_journal_get_write_access(handle, bh)))
-+ break;
-+ lock_buffer(bh);
-+ memcpy(bh->b_data, data, size);
-+ if (rest)
-+ memset(bh->b_data + size, 0, rest);
-+ set_buffer_uptodate(bh);
-+ unlock_buffer(bh);
-+ ext3_journal_dirty_metadata(handle, bh);
-+ brelse(bh);
-+ }
-+ if ((err2 = ext3_journal_stop(handle)) && !err)
-+ err = err2;
-+ /*
-+ * Ugh! Need to have e2fsck write the backup copies. It is too
-+ * late to revert the resize, we shouldn't fail just because of
-+ * the backup copies (they are only needed in case of corruption).
-+ *
-+ * However, if we got here we have a journal problem too, so we
-+ * can't really start a transaction to mark the superblock.
-+ * Chicken out and just set the flag on the hope it will be written
-+ * to disk, and if not - we will simply wait until next fsck.
-+ */
-+ if (err) {
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "can't update backup for group %d (err %d), "
-+ "forcing fsck on next reboot\n", group, err);
-+ sbi->s_mount_state &= ~EXT3_VALID_FS;
-+ sbi->s_es->s_state &= ~cpu_to_le16(EXT3_VALID_FS);
-+ mark_buffer_dirty(sbi->s_sbh);
-+ }
-+/* Add group descriptor data to an existing or new group descriptor block.
-+ * Ensure we handle all possible error conditions _before_ we start modifying
-+ * the filesystem, because we cannot abort the transaction and not have it
-+ * write the data to disk.
-+ *
-+ * If we are on a GDT block boundary, we need to get the reserved GDT block.
-+ * Otherwise, we may need to add backup GDT blocks for a sparse group.
-+ *
-+ * We only need to hold the superblock lock while we are actually adding
-+ * in the new group's counts to the superblock. Prior to that we have
-+ * not really "added" the group at all. We re-check that we are still
-+ * adding in the last group in case things have changed since verifying.
-+ */
-+int ext3_group_add(struct super_block *sb, struct ext3_new_group_data *input)
-+ struct ext3_sb_info *sbi = EXT3_SB(sb);
-+ struct ext3_super_block *es = sbi->s_es;
-+ int reserved_gdb = ext3_bg_has_super(sb, input->group) ?
-+ le16_to_cpu(es->s_reserved_gdt_blocks) : 0;
-+ struct buffer_head *primary = NULL;
-+ struct ext3_group_desc *gdp;
-+ struct inode *inode = NULL;
-+ handle_t *handle;
-+ int gdb_off, gdb_num;
-+ int err, err2;
-+ gdb_num = input->group / EXT3_DESC_PER_BLOCK(sb);
-+ gdb_off = input->group % EXT3_DESC_PER_BLOCK(sb);
-+ if (gdb_off == 0 && !EXT3_HAS_RO_COMPAT_FEATURE(sb,
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "Can't resize non-sparse filesystem further\n");
-+ return -EPERM;
-+ }
-+ if (reserved_gdb || gdb_off == 0) {
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "No reserved GDT blocks, can't resize\n");
-+ return -EPERM;
-+ }
-+ inode = iget(sb, EXT3_RESIZE_INO);
-+ if (!inode || is_bad_inode(inode)) {
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "Error opening resize inode\n");
-+ iput(inode);
-+ return -ENOENT;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if ((err = verify_group_input(sb, input)))
-+ goto exit_put;
-+ if ((err = setup_new_group_blocks(sb, input)))
-+ goto exit_put;
-+ /*
-+ * We will always be modifying at least the superblock and a GDT
-+ * block. If we are adding a group past the last current GDT block,
-+ * we will also modify the inode and the dindirect block. If we
-+ * are adding a group with superblock/GDT backups we will also
-+ * modify each of the reserved GDT dindirect blocks.
-+ */
-+ handle = ext3_journal_start_sb(sb,
-+ ext3_bg_has_super(sb, input->group) ?
-+ 3 + reserved_gdb : 4);
-+ if (IS_ERR(handle)) {
-+ err = PTR_ERR(handle);
-+ goto exit_put;
-+ }
-+ lock_super(sb);
-+ if (input->group != EXT3_SB(sb)->s_groups_count) {
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "multiple resizers run on filesystem!\n");
-+ goto exit_journal;
-+ }
-+ if ((err = ext3_journal_get_write_access(handle, sbi->s_sbh)))
-+ goto exit_journal;
-+ /*
-+ * We will only either add reserved group blocks to a backup group
-+ * or remove reserved blocks for the first group in a new group block.
-+ * Doing both would be mean more complex code, and sane people don't
-+ * use non-sparse filesystems anymore. This is already checked above.
-+ */
-+ if (gdb_off) {
-+ primary = sbi->s_group_desc[gdb_num];
-+ if ((err = ext3_journal_get_write_access(handle, primary)))
-+ goto exit_journal;
-+ if (reserved_gdb && ext3_bg_num_gdb(sb, input->group) &&
-+ (err = reserve_backup_gdb(handle, inode, input)))
-+ goto exit_journal;
-+ } else if ((err = add_new_gdb(handle, inode, input, &primary)))
-+ goto exit_journal;
-+ /*
-+ * OK, now we've set up the new group. Time to make it active.
-+ *
-+ * Current kernels don't lock all allocations via lock_super(),
-+ * so we have to be safe wrt. concurrent accesses the group
-+ * data. So we need to be careful to set all of the relevant
-+ * group descriptor data etc. *before* we enable the group.
-+ *
-+ * The key field here is EXT3_SB(sb)->s_groups_count: as long as
-+ * that retains its old value, nobody is going to access the new
-+ * group.
-+ *
-+ * So first we update all the descriptor metadata for the new
-+ * group; then we update the total disk blocks count; then we
-+ * update the groups count to enable the group; then finally we
-+ * update the free space counts so that the system can start
-+ * using the new disk blocks.
-+ */
-+ /* Update group descriptor block for new group */
-+ gdp = (struct ext3_group_desc *)primary->b_data + gdb_off;
-+ gdp->bg_block_bitmap = cpu_to_le32(input->block_bitmap);
-+ gdp->bg_inode_bitmap = cpu_to_le32(input->inode_bitmap);
-+ gdp->bg_inode_table = cpu_to_le32(input->inode_table);
-+ gdp->bg_free_blocks_count = cpu_to_le16(input->free_blocks_count);
-+ gdp->bg_free_inodes_count = cpu_to_le16(EXT3_INODES_PER_GROUP(sb));
-+ /*
-+ * Make the new blocks and inodes valid next. We do this before
-+ * increasing the group count so that once the group is enabled,
-+ * all of its blocks and inodes are already valid.
-+ *
-+ * We always allocate group-by-group, then block-by-block or
-+ * inode-by-inode within a group, so enabling these
-+ * blocks/inodes before the group is live won't actually let us
-+ * allocate the new space yet.
-+ */
-+ es->s_blocks_count = cpu_to_le32(le32_to_cpu(es->s_blocks_count) +
-+ input->blocks_count);
-+ es->s_inodes_count = cpu_to_le32(le32_to_cpu(es->s_inodes_count) +
-+ /*
-+ * We need to protect s_groups_count against other CPUs seeing
-+ * inconsistent state in the superblock.
-+ *
-+ * The precise rules we use are:
-+ *
-+ * * Writers of s_groups_count *must* hold lock_super
-+ * AND
-+ * * Writers must perform a smp_wmb() after updating all dependent
-+ * data and before modifying the groups count
-+ *
-+ * * Readers must hold lock_super() over the access
-+ * OR
-+ * * Readers must perform an smp_rmb() after reading the groups count
-+ * and before reading any dependent data.
-+ *
-+ * NB. These rules can be relaxed when checking the group count
-+ * while freeing data, as we can only allocate from a block
-+ * group after serialising against the group count, and we can
-+ * only then free after serialising in turn against that
-+ * allocation.
-+ */
-+ smp_wmb();
-+ /* Update the global fs size fields */
-+ EXT3_SB(sb)->s_groups_count++;
-+ ext3_journal_dirty_metadata(handle, primary);
-+ /* Update the reserved block counts only once the new group is
-+ * active. */
-+ es->s_r_blocks_count = cpu_to_le32(le32_to_cpu(es->s_r_blocks_count) +
-+ input->reserved_blocks);
-+ /* Update the free space counts */
-+ percpu_counter_mod(&sbi->s_freeblocks_counter,
-+ input->free_blocks_count);
-+ percpu_counter_mod(&sbi->s_freeinodes_counter,
-+ ext3_journal_dirty_metadata(handle, EXT3_SB(sb)->s_sbh);
-+ sb->s_dirt = 1;
-+ unlock_super(sb);
-+ if ((err2 = ext3_journal_stop(handle)) && !err)
-+ err = err2;
-+ if (!err) {
-+ update_backups(sb, sbi->s_sbh->b_blocknr, (char *)es,
-+ sizeof(struct ext3_super_block));
-+ update_backups(sb, primary->b_blocknr, primary->b_data,
-+ primary->b_size);
-+ }
-+ iput(inode);
-+ return err;
-+} /* ext3_group_add */
-+/* Extend the filesystem to the new number of blocks specified. This entry
-+ * point is only used to extend the current filesystem to the end of the last
-+ * existing group. It can be accessed via ioctl, or by "remount,resize=<size>"
-+ * for emergencies (because it has no dependencies on reserved blocks).
-+ *
-+ * If we _really_ wanted, we could use default values to call ext3_group_add()
-+ * allow the "remount" trick to work for arbitrary resizing, assuming enough
-+ * GDT blocks are reserved to grow to the desired size.
-+ */
-+int ext3_group_extend(struct super_block *sb, struct ext3_super_block *es,
-+ unsigned long n_blocks_count)
-+ unsigned long o_blocks_count;
-+ unsigned long o_groups_count;
-+ unsigned long last;
-+ int add;
-+ struct buffer_head * bh;
-+ handle_t *handle;
-+ int err, freed_blocks;
-+ /* We don't need to worry about locking wrt other resizers just
-+ * yet: we're going to revalidate es->s_blocks_count after
-+ * taking lock_super() below. */
-+ o_blocks_count = le32_to_cpu(es->s_blocks_count);
-+ o_groups_count = EXT3_SB(sb)->s_groups_count;
-+ if (test_opt(sb, DEBUG))
-+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "EXT3-fs: extending last group from %lu to %lu blocks\n",
-+ o_blocks_count, n_blocks_count);
-+ if (n_blocks_count == 0 || n_blocks_count == o_blocks_count)
-+ return 0;
-+ if (n_blocks_count < o_blocks_count) {
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "can't shrink FS - resize aborted");
-+ return -EBUSY;
-+ }
-+ /* Handle the remaining blocks in the last group only. */
-+ last = (o_blocks_count - le32_to_cpu(es->s_first_data_block)) %
-+ if (last == 0) {
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "need to use ext2online to resize further\n");
-+ return -EPERM;
-+ }
-+ add = EXT3_BLOCKS_PER_GROUP(sb) - last;
-+ if (o_blocks_count + add > n_blocks_count)
-+ add = n_blocks_count - o_blocks_count;
-+ if (o_blocks_count + add < n_blocks_count)
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "will only finish group (%lu blocks, %u new)",
-+ o_blocks_count + add, add);
-+ /* See if the device is actually as big as what was requested */
-+ bh = sb_bread(sb, o_blocks_count + add -1);
-+ if (!bh) {
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "can't read last block, resize aborted");
-+ return -ENOSPC;
-+ }
-+ brelse(bh);
-+ /* We will update the superblock, one block bitmap, and
-+ * one group descriptor via ext3_free_blocks().
-+ */
-+ handle = ext3_journal_start_sb(sb, 3);
-+ if (IS_ERR(handle)) {
-+ err = PTR_ERR(handle);
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__, "error %d on journal start",err);
-+ goto exit_put;
-+ }
-+ lock_super(sb);
-+ if (o_blocks_count != le32_to_cpu(es->s_blocks_count)) {
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "multiple resizers run on filesystem!\n");
-+ err = -EBUSY;
-+ goto exit_put;
-+ }
-+ if ((err = ext3_journal_get_write_access(handle,
-+ EXT3_SB(sb)->s_sbh))) {
-+ ext3_warning(sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ "error %d on journal write access", err);
-+ unlock_super(sb);
-+ ext3_journal_stop(handle);
-+ goto exit_put;
-+ }
-+ es->s_blocks_count = cpu_to_le32(o_blocks_count + add);
-+ ext3_journal_dirty_metadata(handle, EXT3_SB(sb)->s_sbh);
-+ sb->s_dirt = 1;
-+ unlock_super(sb);
-+ ext3_debug("freeing blocks %ld through %ld\n", o_blocks_count,
-+ o_blocks_count + add);
-+ ext3_free_blocks_sb(handle, sb, o_blocks_count, add, &freed_blocks);
-+ ext3_debug("freed blocks %ld through %ld\n", o_blocks_count,
-+ o_blocks_count + add);
-+ if ((err = ext3_journal_stop(handle)))
-+ goto exit_put;
-+ if (test_opt(sb, DEBUG))
-+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "EXT3-fs: extended group to %u blocks\n",
-+ le32_to_cpu(es->s_blocks_count));
-+ update_backups(sb, EXT3_SB(sb)->s_sbh->b_blocknr, (char *)es,
-+ sizeof(struct ext3_super_block));
-+ return err;
-+} /* ext3_group_extend */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:14.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -59,19 +59,19 @@ static int ext3_sync_fs(struct super_blo
- * that sync() will call the filesystem's write_super callback if
- * appropriate.
- */
--handle_t *ext3_journal_start(struct inode *inode, int nblocks)
-+handle_t *ext3_journal_start_sb(struct super_block *sb, int nblocks)
- {
- journal_t *journal;
-- if (inode->i_sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY)
-+ if (sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY)
- return ERR_PTR(-EROFS);
- /* Special case here: if the journal has aborted behind our
- * backs (eg. EIO in the commit thread), then we still need to
- * take the FS itself readonly cleanly. */
-- journal = EXT3_JOURNAL(inode);
-+ journal = EXT3_SB(sb)->s_journal;
- if (is_journal_aborted(journal)) {
-- ext3_abort(inode->i_sb, __FUNCTION__,
-+ ext3_abort(sb, __FUNCTION__,
- "Detected aborted journal");
- return ERR_PTR(-EROFS);
- }
-@@ -108,17 +108,20 @@ void ext3_journal_abort_handle(const cha
- char nbuf[16];
- const char *errstr = ext3_decode_error(NULL, err, nbuf);
-- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: aborting transaction: %s in %s",
-- caller, errstr, err_fn);
- if (bh)
- BUFFER_TRACE(bh, "abort");
-- journal_abort_handle(handle);
- if (!handle->h_err)
- handle->h_err = err;
--static char error_buf[1024];
-+ if (is_handle_aborted(handle))
-+ return;
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "%s: aborting transaction: %s in %s\n",
-+ caller, errstr, err_fn);
-+ journal_abort_handle(handle);
- /* Deal with the reporting of failure conditions on a filesystem such as
- * inconsistencies detected or read IO failures.
-@@ -140,7 +143,7 @@ static void ext3_handle_error(struct sup
- struct ext3_super_block *es = EXT3_SB(sb)->s_es;
- EXT3_SB(sb)->s_mount_state |= EXT3_ERROR_FS;
-- es->s_state |= cpu_to_le32(EXT3_ERROR_FS);
-+ es->s_state |= cpu_to_le16(EXT3_ERROR_FS);
- if (sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY)
- return;
-@@ -166,12 +169,11 @@ void ext3_error (struct super_block * sb
- {
- va_list args;
-- va_start (args, fmt);
-- vsprintf (error_buf, fmt, args);
-- va_end (args);
-- printk (KERN_CRIT "EXT3-fs error (device %s): %s: %s\n",
-- sb->s_id, function, error_buf);
-+ va_start(args, fmt);
-+ printk(KERN_CRIT "EXT3-fs error (device %s): %s: ",sb->s_id, function);
-+ vprintk(fmt, args);
-+ printk("\n");
-+ va_end(args);
- ext3_handle_error(sb);
- }
-@@ -240,21 +242,19 @@ void ext3_abort (struct super_block * sb
- printk (KERN_CRIT "ext3_abort called.\n");
-- va_start (args, fmt);
-- vsprintf (error_buf, fmt, args);
-- va_end (args);
-- if (test_opt (sb, ERRORS_PANIC))
-- panic ("EXT3-fs panic (device %s): %s: %s\n",
-- sb->s_id, function, error_buf);
-+ va_start(args, fmt);
-+ printk(KERN_CRIT "EXT3-fs error (device %s): %s: ",sb->s_id, function);
-+ vprintk(fmt, args);
-+ printk("\n");
-+ va_end(args);
-- printk (KERN_CRIT "EXT3-fs abort (device %s): %s: %s\n",
-- sb->s_id, function, error_buf);
-+ if (test_opt(sb, ERRORS_PANIC))
-+ panic("EXT3-fs panic from previous error\n");
- if (sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY)
- return;
-- printk (KERN_CRIT "Remounting filesystem read-only\n");
-+ printk(KERN_CRIT "Remounting filesystem read-only\n");
- EXT3_SB(sb)->s_mount_state |= EXT3_ERROR_FS;
- sb->s_flags |= MS_RDONLY;
- EXT3_SB(sb)->s_mount_opt |= EXT3_MOUNT_ABORT;
-@@ -272,15 +272,16 @@ NORET_TYPE void ext3_panic (struct super
- {
- va_list args;
-- va_start (args, fmt);
-- vsprintf (error_buf, fmt, args);
-- va_end (args);
-+ va_start(args, fmt);
-+ printk(KERN_CRIT "EXT3-fs error (device %s): %s: ",sb->s_id, function);
-+ vprintk(fmt, args);
-+ printk("\n");
-+ va_end(args);
- /* this is to prevent panic from syncing this filesystem */
- /* AKPM: is this sufficient? */
- sb->s_flags |= MS_RDONLY;
-- panic ("EXT3-fs panic (device %s): %s: %s\n",
-- sb->s_id, function, error_buf);
-+ panic ("EXT3-fs panic forced\n");
- }
- void ext3_warning (struct super_block * sb, const char * function,
-@@ -288,11 +289,12 @@ void ext3_warning (struct super_block *
- {
- va_list args;
-- va_start (args, fmt);
-- vsprintf (error_buf, fmt, args);
-- va_end (args);
-- printk (KERN_WARNING "EXT3-fs warning (device %s): %s: %s\n",
-- sb->s_id, function, error_buf);
-+ va_start(args, fmt);
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING "EXT3-fs warning (device %s): %s: ",
-+ sb->s_id, function);
-+ vprintk(fmt, args);
-+ printk("\n");
-+ va_end(args);
- }
- void ext3_update_dynamic_rev(struct super_block *sb)
-@@ -380,7 +382,7 @@ static void dump_orphan_list(struct supe
- "inode %s:%ld at %p: mode %o, nlink %d, next %d\n",
- inode->i_sb->s_id, inode->i_ino, inode,
- inode->i_mode, inode->i_nlink,
-- le32_to_cpu(NEXT_ORPHAN(inode)));
-+ NEXT_ORPHAN(inode));
- }
- }
-@@ -394,7 +396,7 @@ void ext3_put_super (struct super_block
- journal_destroy(sbi->s_journal);
- if (!(sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY)) {
-- es->s_state = le16_to_cpu(sbi->s_mount_state);
-+ es->s_state = cpu_to_le16(sbi->s_mount_state);
- BUFFER_TRACE(sbi->s_sbh, "marking dirty");
- mark_buffer_dirty(sbi->s_sbh);
- ext3_commit_super(sb, es, 1);
-@@ -403,7 +405,9 @@ void ext3_put_super (struct super_block
- for (i = 0; i < sbi->s_gdb_count; i++)
- brelse(sbi->s_group_desc[i]);
- kfree(sbi->s_group_desc);
-- kfree(sbi->s_debts);
-+ percpu_counter_destroy(&sbi->s_freeblocks_counter);
-+ percpu_counter_destroy(&sbi->s_freeinodes_counter);
-+ percpu_counter_destroy(&sbi->s_dirs_counter);
- brelse(sbi->s_sbh);
- for (i = 0; i < MAXQUOTAS; i++) {
-@@ -480,7 +484,7 @@ static int init_inodecache(void)
- {
- ext3_inode_cachep = kmem_cache_create("ext3_inode_cache",
- sizeof(struct ext3_inode_info),
- init_once, NULL);
- if (ext3_inode_cachep == NULL)
- return -ENOMEM;
-@@ -587,7 +591,7 @@ enum {
- Opt_abort, Opt_data_journal, Opt_data_ordered, Opt_data_writeback,
- Opt_usrjquota, Opt_grpjquota, Opt_offusrjquota, Opt_offgrpjquota,
- Opt_jqfmt_vfsold, Opt_jqfmt_vfsv0,
-- Opt_ignore, Opt_err,
-+ Opt_ignore, Opt_err, Opt_resize,
- };
- static match_table_t tokens = {
-@@ -632,7 +636,8 @@ static match_table_t tokens = {
- {Opt_ignore, "noquota"},
- {Opt_ignore, "quota"},
- {Opt_ignore, "usrquota"},
-- {Opt_err, NULL}
-+ {Opt_err, NULL},
-+ {Opt_resize, "resize"},
- };
- static unsigned long get_sb_block(void **data)
-@@ -656,7 +661,7 @@ static unsigned long get_sb_block(void *
- }
- static int parse_options (char * options, struct super_block *sb,
-- unsigned long * inum, int is_remount)
-+ unsigned long * inum, unsigned long *n_blocks_count, int is_remount)
- {
- struct ext3_sb_info *sbi = EXT3_SB(sb);
- char * p;
-@@ -899,6 +904,15 @@ clear_qf_name:
- break;
- case Opt_ignore:
- break;
-+ case Opt_resize:
-+ if (!n_blocks_count) {
-+ printk("EXT3-fs: resize option only available "
-+ "for remount\n");
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ match_int(&args[0], &option);
-+ *n_blocks_count = option;
-+ break;
- default:
- printk (KERN_ERR
- "EXT3-fs: Unrecognized mount option \"%s\" "
-@@ -958,8 +972,7 @@ static int ext3_setup_super(struct super
- es->s_state = cpu_to_le16(le16_to_cpu(es->s_state) & ~EXT3_VALID_FS);
- #endif
- if (!(__s16) le16_to_cpu(es->s_max_mnt_count))
-- es->s_max_mnt_count =
-- (__s16) cpu_to_le16(EXT3_DFL_MAX_MNT_COUNT);
-+ es->s_max_mnt_count = cpu_to_le16(EXT3_DFL_MAX_MNT_COUNT);
- es->s_mnt_count=cpu_to_le16(le16_to_cpu(es->s_mnt_count) + 1);
- es->s_mtime = cpu_to_le32(get_seconds());
- ext3_update_dynamic_rev(sb);
-@@ -993,6 +1006,7 @@ static int ext3_setup_super(struct super
- return res;
- }
-+/* Called at mount-time, super-block is locked */
- static int ext3_check_descriptors (struct super_block * sb)
- {
- struct ext3_sb_info *sbi = EXT3_SB(sb);
-@@ -1168,12 +1182,18 @@ static void ext3_orphan_cleanup (struct
- static loff_t ext3_max_size(int bits)
- {
- loff_t res = EXT3_NDIR_BLOCKS;
-+ /* This constant is calculated to be the largest file size for a
-+ * dense, 4k-blocksize file such that the total number of
-+ * sectors in the file, including data and all indirect blocks,
-+ * does not exceed 2^32. */
-+ const loff_t upper_limit = 0x1ff7fffd000LL;
- res += 1LL << (bits-2);
- res += 1LL << (2*(bits-2));
- res += 1LL << (3*(bits-2));
- res <<= bits;
-- if (res > (512LL << 32) - (1 << bits))
-- res = (512LL << 32) - (1 << bits);
-+ if (res > upper_limit)
-+ res = upper_limit;
- return res;
- }
-@@ -1215,6 +1235,7 @@ static int ext3_fill_super (struct super
- int db_count;
- int i;
- int needs_recovery;
-+ __le32 features;
- sbi = kmalloc(sizeof(*sbi), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!sbi)
-@@ -1288,10 +1309,10 @@ static int ext3_fill_super (struct super
- sbi->s_resuid = le16_to_cpu(es->s_def_resuid);
- sbi->s_resgid = le16_to_cpu(es->s_def_resgid);
-- if (!parse_options ((char *) data, sb, &journal_inum, 0))
-+ if (!parse_options ((char *) data, sb, &journal_inum, NULL, 0))
- goto failed_mount;
-- sb->s_flags |= MS_ONE_SECOND;
-+ set_sb_time_gran(sb, 1000000000U);
- sb->s_flags = (sb->s_flags & ~MS_POSIXACL) |
- ((sbi->s_mount_opt & EXT3_MOUNT_POSIX_ACL) ? MS_POSIXACL : 0);
-@@ -1307,17 +1328,18 @@ static int ext3_fill_super (struct super
- * previously didn't change the revision level when setting the flags,
- * so there is a chance incompat flags are set on a rev 0 filesystem.
- */
-+ if (features) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "EXT3-fs: %s: couldn't mount because of "
- "unsupported optional features (%x).\n",
-- sb->s_id, i);
-+ sb->s_id, le32_to_cpu(features));
- goto failed_mount;
- }
-- if (!(sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY) &&
-+ if (!(sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY) && features) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "EXT3-fs: %s: couldn't mount RDWR because of "
- "unsupported optional features (%x).\n",
-- sb->s_id, i);
-+ sb->s_id, le32_to_cpu(features));
- goto failed_mount;
- }
- blocksize = BLOCK_SIZE << le32_to_cpu(es->s_log_block_size);
-@@ -1354,7 +1376,7 @@ static int ext3_fill_super (struct super
- }
- es = (struct ext3_super_block *)(((char *)bh->b_data) + offset);
- sbi->s_es = es;
-- if (es->s_magic != le16_to_cpu(EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC)) {
-+ if (es->s_magic != cpu_to_le16(EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC)) {
- printk (KERN_ERR
- "EXT3-fs: Magic mismatch, very weird !\n");
- goto failed_mount;
-@@ -1432,13 +1454,6 @@ static int ext3_fill_super (struct super
- printk (KERN_ERR "EXT3-fs: not enough memory\n");
- goto failed_mount;
- }
-- sbi->s_debts = kmalloc(sbi->s_groups_count * sizeof(u8),
-- if (!sbi->s_debts) {
-- printk("EXT3-fs: not enough memory to allocate s_bgi\n");
-- goto failed_mount2;
-- }
-- memset(sbi->s_debts, 0, sbi->s_groups_count * sizeof(u8));
- percpu_counter_init(&sbi->s_freeblocks_counter);
- percpu_counter_init(&sbi->s_freeinodes_counter);
-@@ -1575,7 +1590,6 @@ static int ext3_fill_super (struct super
- failed_mount3:
- journal_destroy(sbi->s_journal);
- failed_mount2:
-- kfree(sbi->s_debts);
- for (i = 0; i < db_count; i++)
- brelse(sbi->s_group_desc[i]);
- kfree(sbi->s_group_desc);
-@@ -1724,10 +1738,10 @@ static journal_t *ext3_get_dev_journal(s
- printk(KERN_ERR "EXT3-fs: I/O error on journal device\n");
- goto out_journal;
- }
-- if (ntohl(journal->j_superblock->s_nr_users) != 1) {
-+ if (be32_to_cpu(journal->j_superblock->s_nr_users) != 1) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "EXT3-fs: External journal has more than one "
- "user (unsupported) - %d\n",
-- ntohl(journal->j_superblock->s_nr_users));
-+ be32_to_cpu(journal->j_superblock->s_nr_users));
- goto out_journal;
- }
- EXT3_SB(sb)->journal_bdev = bdev;
-@@ -2013,11 +2027,12 @@ int ext3_remount (struct super_block * s
- struct ext3_super_block * es;
- struct ext3_sb_info *sbi = EXT3_SB(sb);
- unsigned long tmp;
-+ unsigned long n_blocks_count = 0;
- /*
- * Allow the "check" option to be passed as a remount option.
- */
-- if (!parse_options(data, sb, &tmp, 1))
-+ if (!parse_options(data, sb, &tmp, &n_blocks_count, 1))
- return -EINVAL;
- if (sbi->s_mount_opt & EXT3_MOUNT_ABORT)
-@@ -2030,7 +2045,8 @@ int ext3_remount (struct super_block * s
- ext3_init_journal_params(sbi, sbi->s_journal);
-- if ((*flags & MS_RDONLY) != (sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY)) {
-+ if ((*flags & MS_RDONLY) != (sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY) ||
-+ n_blocks_count > le32_to_cpu(es->s_blocks_count)) {
- if (sbi->s_mount_opt & EXT3_MOUNT_ABORT)
- return -EROFS;
-@@ -2052,13 +2068,13 @@ int ext3_remount (struct super_block * s
- ext3_mark_recovery_complete(sb, es);
- } else {
-- int ret;
-+ __le32 ret;
- if ((ret = EXT3_HAS_RO_COMPAT_FEATURE(sb,
- printk(KERN_WARNING "EXT3-fs: %s: couldn't "
- "remount RDWR because of unsupported "
- "optional features (%x).\n",
-- sb->s_id, ret);
-+ sb->s_id, le32_to_cpu(ret));
- return -EROFS;
- }
- /*
-@@ -2069,6 +2085,8 @@ int ext3_remount (struct super_block * s
- */
- ext3_clear_journal_err(sb, es);
- sbi->s_mount_state = le16_to_cpu(es->s_state);
-+ if ((ret = ext3_group_extend(sb, es, n_blocks_count)))
-+ return ret;
- if (!ext3_setup_super (sb, es, 0))
- sb->s_flags &= ~MS_RDONLY;
- }
-@@ -2085,6 +2103,10 @@ int ext3_statfs (struct super_block * sb
- if (test_opt (sb, MINIX_DF))
- overhead = 0;
- else {
-+ unsigned long ngroups;
-+ ngroups = EXT3_SB(sb)->s_groups_count;
-+ smp_rmb();
- /*
- * Compute the overhead (FS structures)
- */
-@@ -2100,7 +2122,7 @@ int ext3_statfs (struct super_block * sb
- * block group descriptors. If the sparse superblocks
- * feature is turned on, then not all groups have this.
- */
-- for (i = 0; i < EXT3_SB(sb)->s_groups_count; i++)
-+ for (i = 0; i < ngroups; i++)
- overhead += ext3_bg_has_super(sb, i) +
- ext3_bg_num_gdb(sb, i);
-@@ -2108,8 +2130,7 @@ int ext3_statfs (struct super_block * sb
- * Every block group has an inode bitmap, a block
- * bitmap, and an inode table.
- */
-- overhead += (EXT3_SB(sb)->s_groups_count *
-- (2 + EXT3_SB(sb)->s_itb_per_group));
-+ overhead += (ngroups * (2 + EXT3_SB(sb)->s_itb_per_group));
- }
- buf->f_type = EXT3_SUPER_MAGIC;
-@@ -2331,7 +2352,7 @@ static struct file_system_type ext3_fs_t
- .name = "ext3",
- .get_sb = ext3_get_sb,
- .kill_sb = kill_block_super,
-- .fs_flags = FS_REQUIRES_DEV,
- };
- static int __init init_ext3_fs(void)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ getblk_failed:
- /* Update the inode. */
- EXT3_I(inode)->i_file_acl = new_bh ? new_bh->b_blocknr : 0;
-- inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME_SEC;
- ext3_mark_inode_dirty(handle, inode);
- if (IS_SYNC(inode))
- handle->h_sync = 1;
-@@ -1130,7 +1130,7 @@ static inline void ext3_xattr_hash_entry
- }
- if (entry->e_value_block == 0 && entry->e_value_size != 0) {
-- __u32 *value = (__u32 *)((char *)header +
-+ __le32 *value = (__le32 *)((char *)header +
- le16_to_cpu(entry->e_value_offs));
- for (n = (le32_to_cpu(entry->e_value_size) +
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:31.000000000 +0400
-@@ -25,20 +25,20 @@
- struct ext3_xattr_header {
-- __u32 h_magic; /* magic number for identification */
-- __u32 h_refcount; /* reference count */
-- __u32 h_blocks; /* number of disk blocks used */
-- __u32 h_hash; /* hash value of all attributes */
-+ __le32 h_magic; /* magic number for identification */
-+ __le32 h_refcount; /* reference count */
-+ __le32 h_blocks; /* number of disk blocks used */
-+ __le32 h_hash; /* hash value of all attributes */
- __u32 h_reserved[4]; /* zero right now */
- };
- struct ext3_xattr_entry {
- __u8 e_name_len; /* length of name */
- __u8 e_name_index; /* attribute name index */
-- __u16 e_value_offs; /* offset in disk block of value */
-- __u32 e_value_block; /* disk block attribute is stored on (n/i) */
-- __u32 e_value_size; /* size of attribute value */
-- __u32 e_hash; /* hash value of name and value */
-+ __le16 e_value_offs; /* offset in disk block of value */
-+ __le32 e_value_block; /* disk block attribute is stored on (n/i) */
-+ __le32 e_value_size; /* size of attribute value */
-+ __le32 e_hash; /* hash value of name and value */
- char e_name[0]; /* attribute name */
- };
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ ext3_xattr_user_get(struct inode *inode,
- return -EINVAL;
- if (!test_opt(inode->i_sb, XATTR_USER))
- return -EOPNOTSUPP;
-- error = permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL);
-+ error = permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL, NULL);
- if (error)
- return error;
-@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ ext3_xattr_user_set(struct inode *inode,
- if ( !S_ISREG(inode->i_mode) &&
- (!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) || inode->i_mode & S_ISVTX))
- return -EPERM;
-- error = permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL);
-+ error = permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL);
- if (error)
- return error;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1227,7 +1227,7 @@ static int fat_fill_inode(struct inode *
- return 0;
- }
--void fat_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait)
-+int fat_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait)
- {
- struct super_block *sb = inode->i_sb;
- struct buffer_head *bh;
-@@ -1237,14 +1237,14 @@ void fat_write_inode(struct inode *inode
- retry:
- i_pos = MSDOS_I(inode)->i_pos;
- if (inode->i_ino == MSDOS_ROOT_INO || !i_pos) {
-- return;
-+ return 0;
- }
- lock_kernel();
- if (!(bh = sb_bread(sb, i_pos >> MSDOS_SB(sb)->dir_per_block_bits))) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "FAT: unable to read inode block "
- "for updating (i_pos %lld)\n", i_pos);
- unlock_kernel();
-- return /* -EIO */;
-+ return -EIO;
- }
- spin_lock(&fat_inode_lock);
- if (i_pos != MSDOS_I(inode)->i_pos) {
-@@ -1281,6 +1281,7 @@ retry:
- mark_buffer_dirty(bh);
- brelse(bh);
- unlock_kernel();
-+ return 0;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/security.h>
- #include <linux/ptrace.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
- #include <asm/poll.h>
- #include <asm/siginfo.h>
-@@ -219,6 +220,9 @@ static int setfl(int fd, struct file * f
- struct inode * inode = filp->f_dentry->d_inode;
- int error = 0;
-+ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_RAWIO))
-+ arg &= ~O_DIRECT;
- /* O_APPEND cannot be cleared if the file is marked as append-only */
- if (!(arg & O_APPEND) && IS_APPEND(inode))
- return -EPERM;
-@@ -262,6 +266,7 @@ static int setfl(int fd, struct file * f
- static void f_modown(struct file *filp, unsigned long pid,
- uid_t uid, uid_t euid, int force)
- {
-+ pid = comb_vpid_to_pid(pid);
- write_lock_irq(&filp->f_owner.lock);
- if (force || !filp-> {
- filp-> = pid;
-@@ -330,7 +335,7 @@ static long do_fcntl(int fd, unsigned in
- * current syscall conventions, the only way
- * to fix this will be in libc.
- */
-- err = filp->;
-+ err = comb_pid_to_vpid(filp->;
- force_successful_syscall_return();
- break;
- case F_SETOWN:
-@@ -482,6 +487,8 @@ static void send_sigio_to_task(struct ta
- void send_sigio(struct fown_struct *fown, int fd, int band)
- {
-+ struct file *f;
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
- struct task_struct *p;
- int pid;
-@@ -489,19 +496,21 @@ void send_sigio(struct fown_struct *fown
- pid = fown->pid;
- if (!pid)
- goto out_unlock_fown;
-+ /* hack: fown's are always embedded in struct file */
-+ f = container_of(fown, struct file, f_owner);
-+ env = VE_OWNER_FILP(f);
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
- if (pid > 0) {
-- p = find_task_by_pid(pid);
-- if (p) {
-+ p = find_task_by_pid_all(pid);
-+ if (p && ve_accessible(VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env, env)) {
- send_sigio_to_task(p, fown, fd, band);
- }
- } else {
-- struct list_head *l;
-- struct pid *pidptr;
-- for_each_task_pid(-pid, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, l, pidptr) {
-+ __do_each_task_pid_ve(-pid, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, env) {
- send_sigio_to_task(p, fown, fd, band);
-- }
-+ } __while_each_task_pid_ve(-pid, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, env);
- }
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
- out_unlock_fown:
-@@ -517,6 +526,8 @@ static void send_sigurg_to_task(struct t
- int send_sigurg(struct fown_struct *fown)
- {
-+ struct file *f;
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
- struct task_struct *p;
- int pid, ret = 0;
-@@ -527,18 +538,20 @@ int send_sigurg(struct fown_struct *fown
- ret = 1;
-+ /* hack: fown's are always embedded in struct file */
-+ f = container_of(fown, struct file, f_owner);
-+ env = VE_OWNER_FILP(f);
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
- if (pid > 0) {
-- p = find_task_by_pid(pid);
-- if (p) {
-+ p = find_task_by_pid_all(pid);
-+ if (p && ve_accessible(VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env, env)) {
- send_sigurg_to_task(p, fown);
- }
- } else {
-- struct list_head *l;
-- struct pid *pidptr;
-- for_each_task_pid(-pid, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, l, pidptr) {
-+ __do_each_task_pid_ve(-pid, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, env) {
- send_sigurg_to_task(p, fown);
-- }
-+ } __while_each_task_pid_ve(-pid, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, env);
- }
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
- out_unlock_fown:
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
- #include <asm/bitops.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
- /*
- * Allocate an fd array, using kmalloc or vmalloc.
-@@ -26,9 +27,9 @@ struct file ** alloc_fd_array(int num)
- int size = num * sizeof(struct file *);
- if (size <= PAGE_SIZE)
-- new_fds = (struct file **) kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ new_fds = (struct file **) ub_kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
- else
-- new_fds = (struct file **) vmalloc(size);
-+ new_fds = (struct file **) ub_vmalloc(size);
- return new_fds;
- }
-@@ -135,9 +136,9 @@ fd_set * alloc_fdset(int num)
- int size = num / 8;
- if (size <= PAGE_SIZE)
-- new_fdset = (fd_set *) kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ new_fdset = (fd_set *) ub_kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
- else
-- new_fdset = (fd_set *) vmalloc(size);
-+ new_fdset = (fd_set *) ub_vmalloc(size);
- return new_fdset;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
- #include <linux/string.h>
- #include <linux/slab.h>
- #include <linux/file.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/smp_lock.h>
-@@ -17,6 +18,8 @@
- #include <linux/mount.h>
- #include <linux/cdev.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_misc.h>
- /* sysctl tunables... */
- struct files_stat_struct files_stat = {
- .max_files = NR_FILE
-@@ -56,6 +59,8 @@ void filp_dtor(void * objp, struct kmem_
- static inline void file_free(struct file *f)
- {
-+ ub_file_uncharge(f);
-+ put_ve(VE_OWNER_FILP(f));
- kmem_cache_free(filp_cachep, f);
- }
-@@ -65,40 +70,46 @@ static inline void file_free(struct file
- */
- struct file *get_empty_filp(void)
- {
--static int old_max;
-+ static int old_max;
- struct file * f;
- /*
- * Privileged users can go above max_files
- */
-- if (files_stat.nr_files < files_stat.max_files ||
-- capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) {
-- f = kmem_cache_alloc(filp_cachep, GFP_KERNEL);
-- if (f) {
-- memset(f, 0, sizeof(*f));
-- if (security_file_alloc(f)) {
-- file_free(f);
-- goto fail;
-- }
-- eventpoll_init_file(f);
-- atomic_set(&f->f_count, 1);
-- f->f_uid = current->fsuid;
-- f->f_gid = current->fsgid;
-- f->f_owner.lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-- /* f->f_version: 0 */
-- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&f->f_list);
-- return f;
-- }
-+ if (files_stat.nr_files >= files_stat.max_files &&
-+ !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
-+ goto over;
-+ f = kmem_cache_alloc(filp_cachep, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (f == NULL)
-+ goto fail;
-+ memset(f, 0, sizeof(*f));
-+ if (ub_file_charge(f)) {
-+ kmem_cache_free(filp_cachep, f);
-+ goto fail;
- }
-+ SET_VE_OWNER_FILP(f, get_ve(get_exec_env()));
-+ if (security_file_alloc(f)) {
-+ file_free(f);
-+ goto fail;
-+ }
-+ eventpoll_init_file(f);
-+ atomic_set(&f->f_count, 1);
-+ f->f_uid = current->fsuid;
-+ f->f_gid = current->fsgid;
-+ f->f_owner.lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+ /* f->f_version: 0 */
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&f->f_list);
-+ return f;
- /* Ran out of filps - report that */
-- if (files_stat.max_files >= old_max) {
-+ if (files_stat.nr_files > old_max) {
- printk(KERN_INFO "VFS: file-max limit %d reached\n",
-- files_stat.max_files);
-- old_max = files_stat.max_files;
-- } else {
-- /* Big problems... */
-- printk(KERN_WARNING "VFS: filp allocation failed\n");
-+ files_stat.max_files);
-+ old_max = files_stat.nr_files;
- }
- fail:
- return NULL;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
- #include <linux/kmod.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- /*
-@@ -20,8 +21,8 @@
- * During the unload module must call unregister_filesystem().
- * We can access the fields of list element if:
- * 1) spinlock is held or
-- * 2) we hold the reference to the module.
-- * The latter can be guaranteed by call of try_module_get(); if it
-+ * 2) we hold the reference to the element.
-+ * The latter can be guaranteed by call of try_filesystem(); if it
- * returned 0 we must skip the element, otherwise we got the reference.
- * Once the reference is obtained we can drop the spinlock.
- */
-@@ -29,23 +30,51 @@
- static struct file_system_type *file_systems;
- static rwlock_t file_systems_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+int try_get_filesystem(struct file_system_type *fs)
-+ if (try_module_get(fs->owner)) {
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ get_ve(VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(fs));
-+ return 1;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
- /* WARNING: This can be used only if we _already_ own a reference */
- void get_filesystem(struct file_system_type *fs)
- {
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ get_ve(VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(fs));
- __module_get(fs->owner);
- }
- void put_filesystem(struct file_system_type *fs)
- {
- module_put(fs->owner);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ put_ve(VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(fs));
-+static inline int check_ve_fstype(struct file_system_type *p,
-+ struct ve_struct *env)
-+ return ((p->fs_flags & FS_VIRTUALIZED) ||
-+ ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(p), env));
- }
--static struct file_system_type **find_filesystem(const char *name)
-+static struct file_system_type **find_filesystem(const char *name,
-+ struct ve_struct *env)
- {
- struct file_system_type **p;
-- for (p=&file_systems; *p; p=&(*p)->next)
-+ for (p=&file_systems; *p; p=&(*p)->next) {
-+ if (!check_ve_fstype(*p, env))
-+ continue;
- if (strcmp((*p)->name,name) == 0)
- break;
-+ }
- return p;
- }
-@@ -72,8 +101,10 @@ int register_filesystem(struct file_syst
- if (fs->next)
- return -EBUSY;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&fs->fs_supers);
-+ if (VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(fs) == NULL)
-+ SET_VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(fs, get_ve0());
- write_lock(&file_systems_lock);
-- p = find_filesystem(fs->name);
-+ p = find_filesystem(fs->name, VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(fs));
- if (*p)
- res = -EBUSY;
- else
-@@ -130,11 +161,14 @@ static int fs_index(const char __user *
- err = -EINVAL;
- read_lock(&file_systems_lock);
-- for (tmp=file_systems, index=0 ; tmp ; tmp=tmp->next, index++) {
-+ for (tmp=file_systems, index=0 ; tmp ; tmp=tmp->next) {
-+ if (!check_ve_fstype(tmp, get_exec_env()))
-+ continue;
- if (strcmp(tmp->name,name) == 0) {
- err = index;
- break;
- }
-+ index++;
- }
- read_unlock(&file_systems_lock);
- putname(name);
-@@ -147,9 +181,15 @@ static int fs_name(unsigned int index, c
- int len, res;
- read_lock(&file_systems_lock);
-- for (tmp = file_systems; tmp; tmp = tmp->next, index--)
-- if (index <= 0 && try_module_get(tmp->owner))
-- break;
-+ for (tmp = file_systems; tmp; tmp = tmp->next) {
-+ if (!check_ve_fstype(tmp, get_exec_env()))
-+ continue;
-+ if (!index) {
-+ if (try_get_filesystem(tmp))
-+ break;
-+ } else
-+ index--;
-+ }
- read_unlock(&file_systems_lock);
- if (!tmp)
- return -EINVAL;
-@@ -167,8 +207,9 @@ static int fs_maxindex(void)
- int index;
- read_lock(&file_systems_lock);
-- for (tmp = file_systems, index = 0 ; tmp ; tmp = tmp->next, index++)
-- ;
-+ for (tmp = file_systems, index = 0 ; tmp ; tmp = tmp->next)
-+ if (check_ve_fstype(tmp, get_exec_env()))
-+ index++;
- read_unlock(&file_systems_lock);
- return index;
- }
-@@ -204,9 +245,10 @@ int get_filesystem_list(char * buf)
- read_lock(&file_systems_lock);
- tmp = file_systems;
- while (tmp && len < PAGE_SIZE - 80) {
-- len += sprintf(buf+len, "%s\t%s\n",
-- (tmp->fs_flags & FS_REQUIRES_DEV) ? "" : "nodev",
-- tmp->name);
-+ if (check_ve_fstype(tmp, get_exec_env()))
-+ len += sprintf(buf+len, "%s\t%s\n",
-+ (tmp->fs_flags & FS_REQUIRES_DEV) ? "" : "nodev",
-+ tmp->name);
- tmp = tmp->next;
- }
- read_unlock(&file_systems_lock);
-@@ -218,14 +260,14 @@ struct file_system_type *get_fs_type(con
- struct file_system_type *fs;
- read_lock(&file_systems_lock);
-- fs = *(find_filesystem(name));
-- if (fs && !try_module_get(fs->owner))
-+ fs = *(find_filesystem(name, get_exec_env()));
-+ if (fs && !try_get_filesystem(fs))
- fs = NULL;
- read_unlock(&file_systems_lock);
- if (!fs && (request_module("%s", name) == 0)) {
- read_lock(&file_systems_lock);
-- fs = *(find_filesystem(name));
-- if (fs && !try_module_get(fs->owner))
-+ fs = *(find_filesystem(name, get_exec_env()));
-+ if (fs && !try_get_filesystem(fs))
- fs = NULL;
- read_unlock(&file_systems_lock);
- }
-@@ -233,3 +275,5 @@ struct file_system_type *get_fs_type(con
- }
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(get_fs_type);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -133,10 +133,11 @@ out:
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(__mark_inode_dirty);
--static void write_inode(struct inode *inode, int sync)
-+static int write_inode(struct inode *inode, int sync)
- {
- if (inode->i_sb->s_op->write_inode && !is_bad_inode(inode))
-- inode->i_sb->s_op->write_inode(inode, sync);
-+ return inode->i_sb->s_op->write_inode(inode, sync);
-+ return 0;
- }
- /*
-@@ -170,8 +171,11 @@ __sync_single_inode(struct inode *inode,
- ret = do_writepages(mapping, wbc);
- /* Don't write the inode if only I_DIRTY_PAGES was set */
-- if (dirty & (I_DIRTY_SYNC | I_DIRTY_DATASYNC))
-- write_inode(inode, wait);
-+ if (dirty & (I_DIRTY_SYNC | I_DIRTY_DATASYNC)) {
-+ int err = write_inode(inode, wait);
-+ if (ret == 0)
-+ ret = err;
-+ }
- if (wait) {
- int err = filemap_fdatawait(mapping);
-@@ -392,7 +396,6 @@ writeback_inodes(struct writeback_contro
- {
- struct super_block *sb;
-- spin_lock(&inode_lock);
- spin_lock(&sb_lock);
- restart:
- sb = sb_entry(super_blocks.prev);
-@@ -407,19 +410,21 @@ restart:
- * be unmounted by the time it is released.
- */
- if (down_read_trylock(&sb->s_umount)) {
-- if (sb->s_root)
-+ if (sb->s_root) {
-+ spin_lock(&inode_lock);
- sync_sb_inodes(sb, wbc);
-+ spin_unlock(&inode_lock);
-+ }
- up_read(&sb->s_umount);
- }
- spin_lock(&sb_lock);
-- if (__put_super(sb))
-+ if (__put_super_and_need_restart(sb))
- goto restart;
- }
- if (wbc->nr_to_write <= 0)
- break;
- }
- spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
-- spin_unlock(&inode_lock);
- }
- /*
-@@ -464,32 +469,6 @@ static void set_sb_syncing(int val)
- spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
- }
-- * Find a superblock with inodes that need to be synced
-- */
--static struct super_block *get_super_to_sync(void)
-- struct super_block *sb;
-- spin_lock(&sb_lock);
-- sb = sb_entry(super_blocks.prev);
-- for (; sb != sb_entry(&super_blocks); sb = sb_entry(sb->s_list.prev)) {
-- if (sb->s_syncing)
-- continue;
-- sb->s_syncing = 1;
-- sb->s_count++;
-- spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
-- down_read(&sb->s_umount);
-- if (!sb->s_root) {
-- drop_super(sb);
-- goto restart;
-- }
-- return sb;
-- }
-- spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
-- return NULL;
- /**
- * sync_inodes
- *
-@@ -508,23 +487,39 @@ restart:
- * outstanding dirty inodes, the writeback goes block-at-a-time within the
- * filesystem's write_inode(). This is extremely slow.
- */
--void sync_inodes(int wait)
-+static void __sync_inodes(int wait)
- {
- struct super_block *sb;
-- set_sb_syncing(0);
-- while ((sb = get_super_to_sync()) != NULL) {
-- sync_inodes_sb(sb, 0);
-- sync_blockdev(sb->s_bdev);
-- drop_super(sb);
-+ spin_lock(&sb_lock);
-+ list_for_each_entry(sb, &super_blocks, s_list) {
-+ if (sb->s_syncing)
-+ continue;
-+ sb->s_syncing = 1;
-+ sb->s_count++;
-+ spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
-+ down_read(&sb->s_umount);
-+ if (sb->s_root) {
-+ sync_inodes_sb(sb, wait);
-+ sync_blockdev(sb->s_bdev);
-+ }
-+ up_read(&sb->s_umount);
-+ spin_lock(&sb_lock);
-+ if (__put_super_and_need_restart(sb))
-+ goto restart;
- }
-+ spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
-+void sync_inodes(int wait)
-+ set_sb_syncing(0);
-+ __sync_inodes(0);
- if (wait) {
- set_sb_syncing(0);
-- while ((sb = get_super_to_sync()) != NULL) {
-- sync_inodes_sb(sb, 1);
-- sync_blockdev(sb->s_bdev);
-- drop_super(sb);
-- }
-+ __sync_inodes(1);
- }
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ extern struct address_space_operations h
- extern struct inode *hfs_new_inode(struct inode *, struct qstr *, int);
- extern void hfs_inode_write_fork(struct inode *, struct hfs_extent *, u32 *, u32 *);
--extern void hfs_write_inode(struct inode *, int);
-+extern int hfs_write_inode(struct inode *, int);
- extern int hfs_inode_setattr(struct dentry *, struct iattr *);
- extern void hfs_inode_read_fork(struct inode *inode, struct hfs_extent *ext,
- u32 log_size, u32 phys_size, u32 clump_size);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ void hfs_inode_write_fork(struct inode *
- HFS_SB(inode->i_sb)->alloc_blksz);
- }
--void hfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int unused)
-+int hfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int unused)
- {
- struct hfs_find_data fd;
- hfs_cat_rec rec;
-@@ -395,27 +395,27 @@ void hfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode
- break;
- case HFS_EXT_CNID:
- hfs_btree_write(HFS_SB(inode->i_sb)->ext_tree);
-- return;
-+ return 0;
- case HFS_CAT_CNID:
- hfs_btree_write(HFS_SB(inode->i_sb)->cat_tree);
-- return;
-+ return 0;
- default:
- BUG();
-- return;
-+ return -EIO;
- }
- }
- if (HFS_IS_RSRC(inode)) {
- mark_inode_dirty(HFS_I(inode)->rsrc_inode);
-- return;
-+ return 0;
- }
- if (!inode->i_nlink)
-- return;
-+ return 0;
- if (hfs_find_init(HFS_SB(inode->i_sb)->cat_tree, &fd))
- /* panic? */
-- return;
-+ return -EIO;
- fd.search_key->cat = HFS_I(inode)->cat_key;
- if (hfs_brec_find(&fd))
-@@ -460,6 +460,7 @@ void hfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode
- }
- out:
- hfs_find_exit(&fd);
-+ return 0;
- }
- static struct dentry *hfs_file_lookup(struct inode *dir, struct dentry *dentry,
-@@ -512,11 +513,11 @@ void hfs_clear_inode(struct inode *inode
- }
- static int hfs_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask,
-- struct nameidata *nd)
-+ struct nameidata *nd, struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
- {
- if (S_ISREG(inode->i_mode) && mask & MAY_EXEC)
- return 0;
-- return vfs_permission(inode, mask);
-+ return vfs_permission(inode, mask, NULL);
- }
- static int hfs_file_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ int hfsplus_symlink(struct inode *dir, s
- if (!inode)
- return -ENOSPC;
-- res = page_symlink(inode, symname, strlen(symname) + 1);
-+ res = page_symlink(inode, symname, strlen(symname) + 1, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (res) {
- inode->i_nlink = 0;
- hfsplus_delete_inode(inode);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ extern struct address_space_operations h
- void hfsplus_inode_read_fork(struct inode *, struct hfsplus_fork_raw *);
- void hfsplus_inode_write_fork(struct inode *, struct hfsplus_fork_raw *);
- int hfsplus_cat_read_inode(struct inode *, struct hfs_find_data *);
--void hfsplus_cat_write_inode(struct inode *);
-+int hfsplus_cat_write_inode(struct inode *);
- struct inode *hfsplus_new_inode(struct super_block *, int);
- void hfsplus_delete_inode(struct inode *);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:52.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -252,15 +252,19 @@ static void hfsplus_set_perms(struct ino
- perms->dev = cpu_to_be32(HFSPLUS_I(inode).dev);
- }
--static int hfsplus_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd)
-+static int hfsplus_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask,
-+ struct nameidata *nd, struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
- {
- /* MAY_EXEC is also used for lookup, if no x bit is set allow lookup,
- * open_exec has the same test, so it's still not executable, if a x bit
- * is set fall back to standard permission check.
-+ *
-+ * The comment above and the check below don't make much sense
-+ * with S_ISREG condition... --SAW
- */
- if (S_ISREG(inode->i_mode) && mask & MAY_EXEC && !(inode->i_mode & 0111))
- return 0;
-- return vfs_permission(inode, mask);
-+ return vfs_permission(inode, mask, exec_perm);
- }
-@@ -483,22 +487,22 @@ int hfsplus_cat_read_inode(struct inode
- return res;
- }
--void hfsplus_cat_write_inode(struct inode *inode)
-+int hfsplus_cat_write_inode(struct inode *inode)
- {
- struct hfs_find_data fd;
- hfsplus_cat_entry entry;
- if (HFSPLUS_IS_RSRC(inode)) {
- mark_inode_dirty(HFSPLUS_I(inode).rsrc_inode);
-- return;
-+ return 0;
- }
- if (!inode->i_nlink)
-- return;
-+ return 0;
- if (hfs_find_init(HFSPLUS_SB(inode->i_sb).cat_tree, &fd))
- /* panic? */
-- return;
-+ return -EIO;
- if (hfsplus_find_cat(inode->i_sb, inode->i_ino, &fd))
- /* panic? */
-@@ -546,4 +550,5 @@ void hfsplus_cat_write_inode(struct inod
- }
- out:
- hfs_find_exit(&fd);
-+ return 0;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -94,20 +94,20 @@ static void hfsplus_read_inode(struct in
- make_bad_inode(inode);
- }
--void hfsplus_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int unused)
-+int hfsplus_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int unused)
- {
- struct hfsplus_vh *vhdr;
-+ int ret = 0;
- dprint(DBG_INODE, "hfsplus_write_inode: %lu\n", inode->i_ino);
- hfsplus_ext_write_extent(inode);
- if (inode->i_ino >= HFSPLUS_FIRSTUSER_CNID) {
-- hfsplus_cat_write_inode(inode);
-- return;
-+ return hfsplus_cat_write_inode(inode);
- }
- vhdr = HFSPLUS_SB(inode->i_sb).s_vhdr;
- switch (inode->i_ino) {
-- hfsplus_cat_write_inode(inode);
-+ ret = hfsplus_cat_write_inode(inode);
- break;
- if (vhdr->ext_file.total_size != cpu_to_be64(inode->i_size)) {
-@@ -148,6 +148,7 @@ void hfsplus_write_inode(struct inode *i
- hfs_btree_write(HFSPLUS_SB(inode->i_sb).attr_tree);
- break;
- }
-+ return ret;
- }
- static void hfsplus_clear_inode(struct inode *inode)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ again:
- d_drop(dentry);
- spin_lock(&dentry->d_lock);
- if (atomic_read(&dentry->d_count) > 1 ||
-- permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL) ||
-+ permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL) ||
- !S_ISREG(inode->i_mode) ||
- get_write_access(inode)) {
- spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:14.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -198,6 +198,7 @@ static void hugetlbfs_delete_inode(struc
- struct hugetlbfs_sb_info *sbinfo = HUGETLBFS_SB(inode->i_sb);
- hlist_del_init(&inode->i_hash);
-+ list_del(&inode->i_sb_list);
- list_del_init(&inode->i_list);
- inode->i_state |= I_FREEING;
- inodes_stat.nr_inodes--;
-@@ -240,6 +241,7 @@ static void hugetlbfs_forget_inode(struc
- inodes_stat.nr_unused--;
- hlist_del_init(&inode->i_hash);
- out_truncate:
-+ list_del(&inode->i_sb_list);
- list_del_init(&inode->i_list);
- inode->i_state |= I_FREEING;
- inodes_stat.nr_inodes--;
-@@ -453,7 +455,7 @@ static int hugetlbfs_symlink(struct inod
- gid, S_IFLNK|S_IRWXUGO, 0);
- if (inode) {
- int l = strlen(symname)+1;
-- error = page_symlink(inode, symname, l);
-+ error = page_symlink(inode, symname, l, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!error) {
- d_instantiate(dentry, inode);
- dget(dentry);
-@@ -731,7 +733,7 @@ struct file *hugetlb_zero_setup(size_t s
- struct inode *inode;
- struct dentry *dentry, *root;
- struct qstr quick_string;
-- char buf[16];
-+ char buf[64];
- if (!can_do_hugetlb_shm())
- return ERR_PTR(-EPERM);
-@@ -740,7 +742,8 @@ struct file *hugetlb_zero_setup(size_t s
- return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
- root = hugetlbfs_vfsmount->mnt_root;
-- snprintf(buf, 16, "%lu", hugetlbfs_counter());
-+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "VE%d-%d",
-+ get_exec_env()->veid, hugetlbfs_counter());
- = buf;
- quick_string.len = strlen(;
- quick_string.hash = 0;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -9,8 +9,10 @@
- #include <linux/mm.h>
- #include <linux/dcache.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/kernel_stat.h>
- #include <linux/quotaops.h>
- #include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
- #include <linux/writeback.h>
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/backing-dev.h>
-@@ -99,11 +101,18 @@ struct inodes_stat_t inodes_stat;
- static kmem_cache_t * inode_cachep;
-+unsigned int inode_memusage(void)
-+ return kmem_cache_memusage(inode_cachep);
-+static struct address_space_operations vfs_empty_aops;
-+struct inode_operations vfs_empty_iops;
-+static struct file_operations vfs_empty_fops;
- static struct inode *alloc_inode(struct super_block *sb)
- {
-- static struct address_space_operations empty_aops;
-- static struct inode_operations empty_iops;
-- static struct file_operations empty_fops;
- struct inode *inode;
- if (sb->s_op->alloc_inode)
-@@ -119,8 +128,8 @@ static struct inode *alloc_inode(struct
- inode->i_flags = 0;
- atomic_set(&inode->i_count, 1);
- inode->i_sock = 0;
-- inode->i_op = &empty_iops;
-- inode->i_fop = &empty_fops;
-+ inode->i_op = &vfs_empty_iops;
-+ inode->i_fop = &vfs_empty_fops;
- inode->i_nlink = 1;
- atomic_set(&inode->i_writecount, 0);
- inode->i_size = 0;
-@@ -144,7 +153,7 @@ static struct inode *alloc_inode(struct
- return NULL;
- }
-- mapping->a_ops = &empty_aops;
-+ mapping->a_ops = &vfs_empty_aops;
- mapping->host = inode;
- mapping->flags = 0;
- mapping_set_gfp_mask(mapping, GFP_HIGHUSER);
-@@ -295,10 +304,11 @@ static void dispose_list(struct list_hea
- /*
- * Invalidate all inodes for a device.
- */
--static int invalidate_list(struct list_head *head, struct super_block * sb, struct list_head * dispose)
-+static int invalidate_list(struct list_head *head, struct list_head * dispose,
-+ int verify)
- {
- struct list_head *next;
-- int busy = 0, count = 0;
-+ int busy = 0, count = 0, print_once = 1;
- next = head->next;
- for (;;) {
-@@ -308,18 +318,63 @@ static int invalidate_list(struct list_h
- next = next->next;
- if (tmp == head)
- break;
-- inode = list_entry(tmp, struct inode, i_list);
-- if (inode->i_sb != sb)
-- continue;
-+ inode = list_entry(tmp, struct inode, i_sb_list);
- invalidate_inode_buffers(inode);
- if (!atomic_read(&inode->i_count)) {
- hlist_del_init(&inode->i_hash);
-+ list_del(&inode->i_sb_list);
- list_move(&inode->i_list, dispose);
- inode->i_state |= I_FREEING;
- count++;
- continue;
- }
- busy = 1;
-+ if (!verify)
-+ continue;
-+ if (print_once) {
-+ struct super_block *sb = inode->i_sb;
-+ printk("VFS: Busy inodes after unmount. "
-+ "sb = %p, fs type = %s, sb count = %d, "
-+ "sb->s_root = %s\n", sb,
-+ (sb->s_type != NULL) ? sb->s_type->name : "",
-+ sb->s_count,
-+ (sb->s_root != NULL) ?
-+ (char *)sb->s_root-> : "");
-+ print_once = 0;
-+ }
-+ {
-+ struct dentry *d;
-+ int i;
-+ printk("inode = %p, inode->i_count = %d, "
-+ "inode->i_nlink = %d, "
-+ "inode->i_mode = %d, "
-+ "inode->i_state = %ld, "
-+ "inode->i_flags = %d, "
-+ "inode-> = %p, "
-+ "inode->i_devices.prev = %p, "
-+ "inode->i_ino = %ld\n",
-+ tmp,
-+ atomic_read(&inode->i_count),
-+ inode->i_nlink,
-+ inode->i_mode,
-+ inode->i_state,
-+ inode->i_flags,
-+ inode->,
-+ inode->i_devices.prev,
-+ inode->i_ino);
-+ printk("inode dump: ");
-+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(*tmp); i++)
-+ printk("%2.2x ", *((u_char *)tmp + i));
-+ printk("\n");
-+ list_for_each_entry(d, &inode->i_dentry, d_alias)
-+ printk(" d_alias %s\n",
-+ d->;
-+ }
- }
- /* only unused inodes may be cached with i_count zero */
- inodes_stat.nr_unused -= count;
-@@ -342,17 +397,14 @@ static int invalidate_list(struct list_h
- * fails because there are busy inodes then a non zero value is returned.
- * If the discard is successful all the inodes have been discarded.
- */
--int invalidate_inodes(struct super_block * sb)
-+int invalidate_inodes(struct super_block * sb, int verify)
- {
- int busy;
- LIST_HEAD(throw_away);
- down(&iprune_sem);
- spin_lock(&inode_lock);
-- busy = invalidate_list(&inode_in_use, sb, &throw_away);
-- busy |= invalidate_list(&inode_unused, sb, &throw_away);
-- busy |= invalidate_list(&sb->s_dirty, sb, &throw_away);
-- busy |= invalidate_list(&sb->s_io, sb, &throw_away);
-+ busy = invalidate_list(&sb->s_inodes, &throw_away, verify);
- spin_unlock(&inode_lock);
- dispose_list(&throw_away);
-@@ -381,7 +433,7 @@ int __invalidate_device(struct block_dev
- * hold).
- */
- shrink_dcache_sb(sb);
-- res = invalidate_inodes(sb);
-+ res = invalidate_inodes(sb, 0);
- drop_super(sb);
- }
- invalidate_bdev(bdev, 0);
-@@ -452,6 +504,7 @@ static void prune_icache(int nr_to_scan)
- continue;
- }
- hlist_del_init(&inode->i_hash);
-+ list_del(&inode->i_sb_list);
- list_move(&inode->i_list, &freeable);
- inode->i_state |= I_FREEING;
- nr_pruned++;
-@@ -479,6 +532,7 @@ static void prune_icache(int nr_to_scan)
- */
- static int shrink_icache_memory(int nr, unsigned int gfp_mask)
- {
-+ KSTAT_PERF_ENTER(shrink_icache)
- if (nr) {
- /*
- * Nasty deadlock avoidance. We may hold various FS locks,
-@@ -488,6 +542,7 @@ static int shrink_icache_memory(int nr,
- if (gfp_mask & __GFP_FS)
- prune_icache(nr);
- }
-+ KSTAT_PERF_LEAVE(shrink_icache)
- return (inodes_stat.nr_unused / 100) * sysctl_vfs_cache_pressure;
- }
-@@ -510,7 +565,7 @@ repeat:
- continue;
- if (!test(inode, data))
- continue;
-- if (inode->i_state & (I_FREEING|I_CLEAR)) {
-+ if (inode->i_state & (I_FREEING|I_CLEAR|I_WILL_FREE)) {
- __wait_on_freeing_inode(inode);
- goto repeat;
- }
-@@ -535,7 +590,7 @@ repeat:
- continue;
- if (inode->i_sb != sb)
- continue;
-- if (inode->i_state & (I_FREEING|I_CLEAR)) {
-+ if (inode->i_state & (I_FREEING|I_CLEAR|I_WILL_FREE)) {
- __wait_on_freeing_inode(inode);
- goto repeat;
- }
-@@ -561,6 +616,7 @@ struct inode *new_inode(struct super_blo
- if (inode) {
- spin_lock(&inode_lock);
- inodes_stat.nr_inodes++;
-+ list_add(&inode->i_sb_list, &sb->s_inodes);
- list_add(&inode->i_list, &inode_in_use);
- inode->i_ino = ++last_ino;
- inode->i_state = 0;
-@@ -609,6 +665,7 @@ static struct inode * get_new_inode(stru
- goto set_failed;
- inodes_stat.nr_inodes++;
-+ list_add(&inode->i_sb_list, &sb->s_inodes);
- list_add(&inode->i_list, &inode_in_use);
- hlist_add_head(&inode->i_hash, head);
- inode->i_state = I_LOCK|I_NEW;
-@@ -657,6 +714,7 @@ static struct inode * get_new_inode_fast
- if (!old) {
- inode->i_ino = ino;
- inodes_stat.nr_inodes++;
-+ list_add(&inode->i_sb_list, &sb->s_inodes);
- list_add(&inode->i_list, &inode_in_use);
- hlist_add_head(&inode->i_hash, head);
- inode->i_state = I_LOCK|I_NEW;
-@@ -734,7 +792,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(iunique);
- struct inode *igrab(struct inode *inode)
- {
- spin_lock(&inode_lock);
-- if (!(inode->i_state & I_FREEING))
-+ if (!(inode->i_state & (I_FREEING|I_WILL_FREE)))
- __iget(inode);
- else
- /*
-@@ -993,6 +1051,7 @@ void generic_delete_inode(struct inode *
- {
- struct super_operations *op = inode->i_sb->s_op;
-+ list_del(&inode->i_sb_list);
- list_del_init(&inode->i_list);
- inode->i_state|=I_FREEING;
- inodes_stat.nr_inodes--;
-@@ -1030,14 +1089,20 @@ static void generic_forget_inode(struct
- if (!(inode->i_state & (I_DIRTY|I_LOCK)))
- list_move(&inode->i_list, &inode_unused);
- inodes_stat.nr_unused++;
-- spin_unlock(&inode_lock);
-- if (!sb || (sb->s_flags & MS_ACTIVE))
-+ if (!sb || (sb->s_flags & MS_ACTIVE)) {
-+ spin_unlock(&inode_lock);
- return;
-+ }
-+ inode->i_state |= I_WILL_FREE;
-+ BUG_ON(inode->i_state & I_LOCK);
-+ spin_unlock(&inode_lock);
- write_inode_now(inode, 1);
- spin_lock(&inode_lock);
-+ inode->i_state &= ~I_WILL_FREE;
- inodes_stat.nr_unused--;
- hlist_del_init(&inode->i_hash);
- }
-+ list_del(&inode->i_sb_list);
- list_del_init(&inode->i_list);
- inode->i_state|=I_FREEING;
- inodes_stat.nr_inodes--;
-@@ -1128,19 +1193,6 @@ sector_t bmap(struct inode * inode, sect
-- * Return true if the filesystem which backs this inode considers the two
-- * passed timespecs to be sufficiently different to warrant flushing the
-- * altered time out to disk.
-- */
--static int inode_times_differ(struct inode *inode,
-- struct timespec *old, struct timespec *new)
-- if (IS_ONE_SECOND(inode))
-- return old->tv_sec != new->tv_sec;
-- return !timespec_equal(old, new);
- /**
- * update_atime - update the access time
- * @inode: inode accessed
-@@ -1160,8 +1212,8 @@ void update_atime(struct inode *inode)
- if (IS_RDONLY(inode))
- return;
-- now = current_kernel_time();
-- if (inode_times_differ(inode, &inode->i_atime, &now)) {
-+ now = current_fs_time(inode->i_sb);
-+ if (!timespec_equal(&inode->i_atime, &now)) {
- inode->i_atime = now;
- mark_inode_dirty_sync(inode);
- } else {
-@@ -1191,14 +1243,13 @@ void inode_update_time(struct inode *ino
- if (IS_RDONLY(inode))
- return;
-- now = current_kernel_time();
-- if (inode_times_differ(inode, &inode->i_mtime, &now))
-+ now = current_fs_time(inode->i_sb);
-+ if (!timespec_equal(&inode->i_mtime, &now))
- sync_it = 1;
- inode->i_mtime = now;
- if (ctime_too) {
-- if (inode_times_differ(inode, &inode->i_ctime, &now))
-+ if (!timespec_equal(&inode->i_ctime, &now))
- sync_it = 1;
- inode->i_ctime = now;
- }
-@@ -1230,33 +1281,15 @@ int remove_inode_dquot_ref(struct inode
- void remove_dquot_ref(struct super_block *sb, int type, struct list_head *tofree_head)
- {
- struct inode *inode;
-- struct list_head *act_head;
- if (!sb->dq_op)
- return; /* nothing to do */
-- spin_lock(&inode_lock); /* This lock is for inodes code */
-+ spin_lock(&inode_lock); /* This lock is for inodes code */
- /* We hold dqptr_sem so we are safe against the quota code */
-- list_for_each(act_head, &inode_in_use) {
-- inode = list_entry(act_head, struct inode, i_list);
-- if (inode->i_sb == sb && !IS_NOQUOTA(inode))
-- remove_inode_dquot_ref(inode, type, tofree_head);
-- }
-- list_for_each(act_head, &inode_unused) {
-- inode = list_entry(act_head, struct inode, i_list);
-- if (inode->i_sb == sb && !IS_NOQUOTA(inode))
-- remove_inode_dquot_ref(inode, type, tofree_head);
-- }
-- list_for_each(act_head, &sb->s_dirty) {
-- inode = list_entry(act_head, struct inode, i_list);
-+ list_for_each_entry(inode, &sb->s_inodes, i_sb_list)
- if (!IS_NOQUOTA(inode))
- remove_inode_dquot_ref(inode, type, tofree_head);
-- }
-- list_for_each(act_head, &sb->s_io) {
-- inode = list_entry(act_head, struct inode, i_list);
-- if (!IS_NOQUOTA(inode))
-- remove_inode_dquot_ref(inode, type, tofree_head);
-- }
- spin_unlock(&inode_lock);
- }
-@@ -1372,7 +1405,7 @@ void __init inode_init(unsigned long mem
- /* inode slab cache */
- inode_cachep = kmem_cache_create("inode_cache", sizeof(struct inode),
- NULL);
- set_shrinker(DEFAULT_SEEKS, shrink_icache_memory);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:34.000000000 +0400
-@@ -147,8 +147,14 @@ static int zisofs_readpage(struct file *
- cend = le32_to_cpu(*(u32 *)(bh->b_data + (blockendptr & bufmask)));
- brelse(bh);
-+ if (cstart > cend)
-+ goto eio;
- csize = cend-cstart;
-+ if (csize > deflateBound(1UL << zisofs_block_shift))
-+ goto eio;
- /* Now page[] contains an array of pages, any of which can be NULL,
- and the locks on which we hold. We should now read the data and
- release the pages. If the pages are NULL the decompressed data
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:34.000000000 +0400
-@@ -685,6 +685,8 @@ root_found:
- sbi->s_log_zone_size = isonum_723 (h_pri->logical_block_size);
- sbi->s_max_size = isonum_733(h_pri->volume_space_size);
- } else {
-+ if (!pri)
-+ goto out_freebh;
- rootp = (struct iso_directory_record *) pri->root_directory_record;
- sbi->s_nzones = isonum_733 (pri->volume_space_size);
- sbi->s_log_zone_size = isonum_723 (pri->logical_block_size);
-@@ -1394,6 +1396,9 @@ struct inode *isofs_iget(struct super_bl
- struct inode *inode;
- struct isofs_iget5_callback_data data;
-+ if (offset >= 1ul << sb->s_blocksize_bits)
-+ return NULL;
- data.block = block;
- data.offset = offset;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:34.000000000 +0400
-@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
- if(LEN & 1) LEN++; \
- CHR = ((unsigned char *) DE) + LEN; \
- LEN = *((unsigned char *) DE) - LEN; \
-+ if (LEN<0) LEN=0; \
- if (ISOFS_SB(inode->i_sb)->s_rock_offset!=-1) \
- { \
- LEN-=ISOFS_SB(inode->i_sb)->s_rock_offset; \
-@@ -73,6 +74,10 @@
- offset1 = 0; \
- pbh = sb_bread(DEV->i_sb, block); \
- if(pbh){ \
-+ if (offset > pbh->b_size || offset + cont_size > pbh->b_size){ \
-+ brelse(pbh); \
-+ goto out; \
-+ } \
- memcpy(buffer + offset1, pbh->b_data + offset, cont_size - offset1); \
- brelse(pbh); \
- chr = (unsigned char *) buffer; \
-@@ -103,12 +108,13 @@ int get_rock_ridge_filename(struct iso_d
- struct rock_ridge * rr;
- int sig;
-- while (len > 1){ /* There may be one byte for padding somewhere */
-+ while (len > 2){ /* There may be one byte for padding somewhere */
- rr = (struct rock_ridge *) chr;
-- if (rr->len == 0) goto out; /* Something got screwed up here */
-+ if (rr->len < 3) goto out; /* Something got screwed up here */
- sig = isonum_721(chr);
- chr += rr->len;
- len -= rr->len;
-+ if (len < 0) goto out; /* corrupted isofs */
- switch(sig){
- case SIG('R','R'):
-@@ -122,6 +128,7 @@ int get_rock_ridge_filename(struct iso_d
- break;
- case SIG('N','M'):
- if (truncate) break;
-+ if (rr->len < 5) break;
- /*
- * If the flags are 2 or 4, this indicates '.' or '..'.
- * We don't want to do anything with this, because it
-@@ -183,12 +190,13 @@ int parse_rock_ridge_inode_internal(stru
- struct rock_ridge * rr;
- int rootflag;
-- while (len > 1){ /* There may be one byte for padding somewhere */
-+ while (len > 2){ /* There may be one byte for padding somewhere */
- rr = (struct rock_ridge *) chr;
-- if (rr->len == 0) goto out; /* Something got screwed up here */
-+ if (rr->len < 3) goto out; /* Something got screwed up here */
- sig = isonum_721(chr);
- chr += rr->len;
- len -= rr->len;
-+ if (len < 0) goto out; /* corrupted isofs */
- switch(sig){
- #ifndef CONFIG_ZISOFS /* No flag for SF or ZF */
-@@ -460,7 +468,7 @@ static int rock_ridge_symlink_readpage(s
- struct rock_ridge *rr;
- if (!ISOFS_SB(inode->i_sb)->s_rock)
-- panic ("Cannot have symlink with high sierra variant of iso filesystem\n");
-+ goto error;
- block = ei->i_iget5_block;
- lock_kernel();
-@@ -485,13 +493,15 @@ static int rock_ridge_symlink_readpage(s
- SETUP_ROCK_RIDGE(raw_inode, chr, len);
- repeat:
-- while (len > 1) { /* There may be one byte for padding somewhere */
-+ while (len > 2) { /* There may be one byte for padding somewhere */
- rr = (struct rock_ridge *) chr;
-- if (rr->len == 0)
-+ if (rr->len < 3)
- goto out; /* Something got screwed up here */
- sig = isonum_721(chr);
- chr += rr->len;
- len -= rr->len;
-+ if (len < 0)
-+ goto out; /* corrupted isofs */
- switch (sig) {
- case SIG('R', 'R'):
-@@ -539,6 +549,7 @@ static int rock_ridge_symlink_readpage(s
- fail:
- brelse(bh);
- unlock_kernel();
-+ error:
- SetPageError(page);
- kunmap(page);
- unlock_page(page);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -335,8 +335,10 @@ int log_do_checkpoint(journal_t *journal
- retry = __flush_buffer(journal, jh, bhs, &batch_count, &drop_count);
- } while (jh != last_jh && !retry);
-- if (batch_count)
-+ if (batch_count) {
- __flush_batch(journal, bhs, &batch_count);
-+ retry = 1;
-+ }
- /*
- * If someone cleaned up this transaction while we slept, we're
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -103,10 +103,10 @@ void journal_commit_transaction(journal_
- {
- transaction_t *commit_transaction;
- struct journal_head *jh, *new_jh, *descriptor;
-- struct buffer_head *wbuf[64];
-+ struct buffer_head **wbuf = journal->j_wbuf;
- int bufs;
- int flags;
-- int err;
-+ int err, data_err;
- unsigned long blocknr;
- char *tagp = NULL;
- journal_header_t *header;
-@@ -234,6 +234,7 @@ void journal_commit_transaction(journal_
- */
- err = 0;
-+ data_err = 0;
- /*
- * Whenever we unlock the journal and sleep, things can get added
- * onto ->t_sync_datalist, so we have to keep looping back to
-@@ -258,7 +259,7 @@ write_out_data:
- BUFFER_TRACE(bh, "locked");
- if (!inverted_lock(journal, bh))
- goto write_out_data;
-- __journal_unfile_buffer(jh);
-+ __journal_temp_unlink_buffer(jh);
- __journal_file_buffer(jh, commit_transaction,
- BJ_Locked);
- jbd_unlock_bh_state(bh);
-@@ -271,7 +272,7 @@ write_out_data:
- BUFFER_TRACE(bh, "start journal writeout");
- get_bh(bh);
- wbuf[bufs++] = bh;
-- if (bufs == ARRAY_SIZE(wbuf)) {
-+ if (bufs == journal->j_wbufsize) {
- jbd_debug(2, "submit %d writes\n",
- bufs);
- spin_unlock(&journal->j_list_lock);
-@@ -284,6 +285,8 @@ write_out_data:
- BUFFER_TRACE(bh, "writeout complete: unfile");
- if (!inverted_lock(journal, bh))
- goto write_out_data;
-+ if (unlikely(!buffer_uptodate(bh)))
-+ data_err = -EIO;
- __journal_unfile_buffer(jh);
- jbd_unlock_bh_state(bh);
- journal_remove_journal_head(bh);
-@@ -315,8 +318,6 @@ write_out_data:
- if (buffer_locked(bh)) {
- spin_unlock(&journal->j_list_lock);
- wait_on_buffer(bh);
-- if (unlikely(!buffer_uptodate(bh)))
-- err = -EIO;
- spin_lock(&journal->j_list_lock);
- }
- if (!inverted_lock(journal, bh)) {
-@@ -324,6 +325,8 @@ write_out_data:
- spin_lock(&journal->j_list_lock);
- continue;
- }
-+ if (unlikely(!buffer_uptodate(bh)))
-+ data_err = -EIO;
- if (buffer_jbd(bh) && jh->b_jlist == BJ_Locked) {
- __journal_unfile_buffer(jh);
- jbd_unlock_bh_state(bh);
-@@ -341,6 +344,12 @@ write_out_data:
- }
- spin_unlock(&journal->j_list_lock);
-+ /*
-+ * XXX: what to do if (data_err)?
-+ * Print message?
-+ * Abort journal?
-+ */
- journal_write_revoke_records(journal, commit_transaction);
- jbd_debug(3, "JBD: commit phase 2\n");
-@@ -365,6 +374,7 @@ write_out_data:
- descriptor = NULL;
- bufs = 0;
- while (commit_transaction->t_buffers) {
-+ int error;
- /* Find the next buffer to be journaled... */
-@@ -405,9 +415,9 @@ write_out_data:
- jbd_debug(4, "JBD: got buffer %llu (%p)\n",
- (unsigned long long)bh->b_blocknr, bh->b_data);
- header = (journal_header_t *)&bh->b_data[0];
-- header->h_magic = htonl(JFS_MAGIC_NUMBER);
-- header->h_blocktype = htonl(JFS_DESCRIPTOR_BLOCK);
-- header->h_sequence = htonl(commit_transaction->t_tid);
-+ header->h_magic = cpu_to_be32(JFS_MAGIC_NUMBER);
-+ header->h_blocktype = cpu_to_be32(JFS_DESCRIPTOR_BLOCK);
-+ header->h_sequence = cpu_to_be32(commit_transaction->t_tid);
- tagp = &bh->b_data[sizeof(journal_header_t)];
- space_left = bh->b_size - sizeof(journal_header_t);
-@@ -425,11 +435,12 @@ write_out_data:
- /* Where is the buffer to be written? */
-- err = journal_next_log_block(journal, &blocknr);
-+ error = journal_next_log_block(journal, &blocknr);
- /* If the block mapping failed, just abandon the buffer
- and repeat this loop: we'll fall into the
- refile-on-abort condition above. */
-- if (err) {
-+ if (error) {
-+ err = error;
- __journal_abort_hard(journal);
- continue;
- }
-@@ -473,8 +484,8 @@ write_out_data:
- tag_flag |= JFS_FLAG_SAME_UUID;
- tag = (journal_block_tag_t *) tagp;
-- tag->t_blocknr = htonl(jh2bh(jh)->b_blocknr);
-- tag->t_flags = htonl(tag_flag);
-+ tag->t_blocknr = cpu_to_be32(jh2bh(jh)->b_blocknr);
-+ tag->t_flags = cpu_to_be32(tag_flag);
- tagp += sizeof(journal_block_tag_t);
- space_left -= sizeof(journal_block_tag_t);
-@@ -488,7 +499,7 @@ write_out_data:
- /* If there's no more to do, or if the descriptor is full,
- let the IO rip! */
-- if (bufs == ARRAY_SIZE(wbuf) ||
-+ if (bufs == journal->j_wbufsize ||
- commit_transaction->t_buffers == NULL ||
- space_left < sizeof(journal_block_tag_t) + 16) {
-@@ -498,7 +509,7 @@ write_out_data:
- submitting the IOs. "tag" still points to
- the last tag we set up. */
-- tag->t_flags |= htonl(JFS_FLAG_LAST_TAG);
-+ tag->t_flags |= cpu_to_be32(JFS_FLAG_LAST_TAG);
- start_journal_io:
- for (i = 0; i < bufs; i++) {
-@@ -613,6 +624,8 @@ wait_for_iobuf:
- jbd_debug(3, "JBD: commit phase 6\n");
-+ if (err)
-+ goto skip_commit;
- if (is_journal_aborted(journal))
- goto skip_commit;
-@@ -631,9 +644,9 @@ wait_for_iobuf:
- for (i = 0; i < jh2bh(descriptor)->b_size; i += 512) {
- journal_header_t *tmp =
- (journal_header_t*)jh2bh(descriptor)->b_data;
-- tmp->h_magic = htonl(JFS_MAGIC_NUMBER);
-- tmp->h_blocktype = htonl(JFS_COMMIT_BLOCK);
-- tmp->h_sequence = htonl(commit_transaction->t_tid);
-+ tmp->h_magic = cpu_to_be32(JFS_MAGIC_NUMBER);
-+ tmp->h_blocktype = cpu_to_be32(JFS_COMMIT_BLOCK);
-+ tmp->h_sequence = cpu_to_be32(commit_transaction->t_tid);
- }
- JBUFFER_TRACE(descriptor, "write commit block");
-@@ -655,8 +668,13 @@ wait_for_iobuf:
- skip_commit: /* The journal should be unlocked by now. */
-- if (err)
-+ if (err) {
-+ char b[BDEVNAME_SIZE];
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "Error %d writing journal on %s\n",
-+ err, bdevname(journal->j_dev, b));
- __journal_abort_hard(journal);
-+ }
- /*
- * Call any callbacks that had been registered for handles in this
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:37.000000000 +0400
-@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
- #include <linux/suspend.h>
- #include <linux/pagemap.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <asm/page.h>
- #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(journal_start);
-@@ -152,6 +153,9 @@ int kjournald(void *arg)
- spin_lock(&journal->j_state_lock);
- loop:
-+ if (journal->j_flags & JFS_UNMOUNT)
-+ goto end_loop;
- jbd_debug(1, "commit_sequence=%d, commit_request=%d\n",
- journal->j_commit_sequence, journal->j_commit_request);
-@@ -161,11 +165,11 @@ loop:
- del_timer_sync(journal->j_commit_timer);
- journal_commit_transaction(journal);
- spin_lock(&journal->j_state_lock);
-- goto end_loop;
-+ goto loop;
- }
- wake_up(&journal->j_wait_done_commit);
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
- /*
- * The simpler the better. Flushing journal isn't a
- * good idea, because that depends on threads that may
-@@ -173,7 +177,7 @@ loop:
- */
- jbd_debug(1, "Now suspending kjournald\n");
- spin_unlock(&journal->j_state_lock);
-- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
-+ refrigerator();
- spin_lock(&journal->j_state_lock);
- } else {
- /*
-@@ -191,6 +195,8 @@ loop:
- if (transaction && time_after_eq(jiffies,
- transaction->t_expires))
- should_sleep = 0;
-+ if (journal->j_flags & JFS_UNMOUNT)
-+ should_sleep = 0;
- if (should_sleep) {
- spin_unlock(&journal->j_state_lock);
- schedule();
-@@ -209,10 +215,9 @@ loop:
- journal->j_commit_request = transaction->t_tid;
- jbd_debug(1, "woke because of timeout\n");
- }
-- if (!(journal->j_flags & JFS_UNMOUNT))
-- goto loop;
-+ goto loop;
- spin_unlock(&journal->j_state_lock);
- del_timer_sync(journal->j_commit_timer);
- journal->j_task = NULL;
-@@ -221,10 +226,16 @@ end_loop:
- return 0;
- }
--static void journal_start_thread(journal_t *journal)
-+static int journal_start_thread(journal_t *journal)
- {
-- kernel_thread(kjournald, journal, CLONE_VM|CLONE_FS|CLONE_FILES);
-+ int err;
-+ err = kernel_thread(kjournald, journal, CLONE_VM|CLONE_FS|CLONE_FILES);
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ return err;
- wait_event(journal->j_wait_done_commit, journal->j_task != 0);
-+ return 0;
- }
- static void journal_kill_thread(journal_t *journal)
-@@ -325,8 +336,8 @@ repeat:
- /*
- * Check for escaping
- */
-- if (*((unsigned int *)(mapped_data + new_offset)) ==
-- htonl(JFS_MAGIC_NUMBER)) {
-+ if (*((__be32 *)(mapped_data + new_offset)) ==
-+ cpu_to_be32(JFS_MAGIC_NUMBER)) {
- need_copy_out = 1;
- do_escape = 1;
- }
-@@ -720,6 +731,7 @@ journal_t * journal_init_dev(struct bloc
- {
- journal_t *journal = journal_init_common();
- struct buffer_head *bh;
-+ int n;
- if (!journal)
- return NULL;
-@@ -735,6 +747,17 @@ journal_t * journal_init_dev(struct bloc
- journal->j_sb_buffer = bh;
- journal->j_superblock = (journal_superblock_t *)bh->b_data;
-+ /* journal descriptor can store up to n blocks -bzzz */
-+ n = journal->j_blocksize / sizeof(journal_block_tag_t);
-+ journal->j_wbufsize = n;
-+ journal->j_wbuf = kmalloc(n * sizeof(struct buffer_head*), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!journal->j_wbuf) {
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Cant allocate bhs for commit thread\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__);
-+ kfree(journal);
-+ journal = NULL;
-+ }
- return journal;
- }
-@@ -751,6 +774,7 @@ journal_t * journal_init_inode (struct i
- struct buffer_head *bh;
- journal_t *journal = journal_init_common();
- int err;
-+ int n;
- unsigned long blocknr;
- if (!journal)
-@@ -767,6 +791,17 @@ journal_t * journal_init_inode (struct i
- journal->j_maxlen = inode->i_size >> inode->i_sb->s_blocksize_bits;
- journal->j_blocksize = inode->i_sb->s_blocksize;
-+ /* journal descriptor can store up to n blocks -bzzz */
-+ n = journal->j_blocksize / sizeof(journal_block_tag_t);
-+ journal->j_wbufsize = n;
-+ journal->j_wbuf = kmalloc(n * sizeof(struct buffer_head*), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!journal->j_wbuf) {
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "%s: Cant allocate bhs for commit thread\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__);
-+ kfree(journal);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
- err = journal_bmap(journal, 0, &blocknr);
- /* If that failed, give up */
- if (err) {
-@@ -808,8 +843,8 @@ static int journal_reset(journal_t *jour
- journal_superblock_t *sb = journal->j_superblock;
- unsigned int first, last;
-- first = ntohl(sb->s_first);
-- last = ntohl(sb->s_maxlen);
-+ first = be32_to_cpu(sb->s_first);
-+ last = be32_to_cpu(sb->s_maxlen);
- journal->j_first = first;
- journal->j_last = last;
-@@ -826,8 +861,7 @@ static int journal_reset(journal_t *jour
- /* Add the dynamic fields and write it to disk. */
- journal_update_superblock(journal, 1);
-- journal_start_thread(journal);
-- return 0;
-+ return journal_start_thread(journal);
- }
- /**
-@@ -886,12 +920,12 @@ int journal_create(journal_t *journal)
- /* OK, fill in the initial static fields in the new superblock */
- sb = journal->j_superblock;
-- sb->s_header.h_magic = htonl(JFS_MAGIC_NUMBER);
-- sb->s_header.h_blocktype = htonl(JFS_SUPERBLOCK_V2);
-+ sb->s_header.h_magic = cpu_to_be32(JFS_MAGIC_NUMBER);
-+ sb->s_header.h_blocktype = cpu_to_be32(JFS_SUPERBLOCK_V2);
-- sb->s_blocksize = htonl(journal->j_blocksize);
-- sb->s_maxlen = htonl(journal->j_maxlen);
-- sb->s_first = htonl(1);
-+ sb->s_blocksize = cpu_to_be32(journal->j_blocksize);
-+ sb->s_maxlen = cpu_to_be32(journal->j_maxlen);
-+ sb->s_first = cpu_to_be32(1);
- journal->j_transaction_sequence = 1;
-@@ -934,9 +968,9 @@ void journal_update_superblock(journal_t
- jbd_debug(1,"JBD: updating superblock (start %ld, seq %d, errno %d)\n",
- journal->j_tail, journal->j_tail_sequence, journal->j_errno);
-- sb->s_sequence = htonl(journal->j_tail_sequence);
-- sb->s_start = htonl(journal->j_tail);
-- sb->s_errno = htonl(journal->j_errno);
-+ sb->s_sequence = cpu_to_be32(journal->j_tail_sequence);
-+ sb->s_start = cpu_to_be32(journal->j_tail);
-+ sb->s_errno = cpu_to_be32(journal->j_errno);
- spin_unlock(&journal->j_state_lock);
- BUFFER_TRACE(bh, "marking dirty");
-@@ -987,13 +1021,13 @@ static int journal_get_superblock(journa
- err = -EINVAL;
-- if (sb->s_header.h_magic != htonl(JFS_MAGIC_NUMBER) ||
-- sb->s_blocksize != htonl(journal->j_blocksize)) {
-+ if (sb->s_header.h_magic != cpu_to_be32(JFS_MAGIC_NUMBER) ||
-+ sb->s_blocksize != cpu_to_be32(journal->j_blocksize)) {
- printk(KERN_WARNING "JBD: no valid journal superblock found\n");
- goto out;
- }
-- switch(ntohl(sb->s_header.h_blocktype)) {
-+ switch(be32_to_cpu(sb->s_header.h_blocktype)) {
- journal->j_format_version = 1;
- break;
-@@ -1005,9 +1039,9 @@ static int journal_get_superblock(journa
- goto out;
- }
-- if (ntohl(sb->s_maxlen) < journal->j_maxlen)
-- journal->j_maxlen = ntohl(sb->s_maxlen);
-- else if (ntohl(sb->s_maxlen) > journal->j_maxlen) {
-+ if (be32_to_cpu(sb->s_maxlen) < journal->j_maxlen)
-+ journal->j_maxlen = be32_to_cpu(sb->s_maxlen);
-+ else if (be32_to_cpu(sb->s_maxlen) > journal->j_maxlen) {
- printk (KERN_WARNING "JBD: journal file too short\n");
- goto out;
- }
-@@ -1035,11 +1069,11 @@ static int load_superblock(journal_t *jo
- sb = journal->j_superblock;
-- journal->j_tail_sequence = ntohl(sb->s_sequence);
-- journal->j_tail = ntohl(sb->s_start);
-- journal->j_first = ntohl(sb->s_first);
-- journal->j_last = ntohl(sb->s_maxlen);
-- journal->j_errno = ntohl(sb->s_errno);
-+ journal->j_tail_sequence = be32_to_cpu(sb->s_sequence);
-+ journal->j_tail = be32_to_cpu(sb->s_start);
-+ journal->j_first = be32_to_cpu(sb->s_first);
-+ journal->j_last = be32_to_cpu(sb->s_maxlen);
-+ journal->j_errno = be32_to_cpu(sb->s_errno);
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -1140,6 +1174,7 @@ void journal_destroy(journal_t *journal)
- iput(journal->j_inode);
- if (journal->j_revoke)
- journal_destroy_revoke(journal);
-+ kfree(journal->j_wbuf);
- kfree(journal);
- }
-@@ -1252,7 +1287,7 @@ int journal_update_format (journal_t *jo
- sb = journal->j_superblock;
-- switch (ntohl(sb->s_header.h_blocktype)) {
-+ switch (be32_to_cpu(sb->s_header.h_blocktype)) {
- return 0;
-@@ -1274,7 +1309,7 @@ static int journal_convert_superblock_v1
- /* Pre-initialise new fields to zero */
- offset = ((char *) &(sb->s_feature_compat)) - ((char *) sb);
-- blocksize = ntohl(sb->s_blocksize);
-+ blocksize = be32_to_cpu(sb->s_blocksize);
- memset(&sb->s_feature_compat, 0, blocksize-offset);
- sb->s_nr_users = cpu_to_be32(1);
-@@ -1490,7 +1525,7 @@ void __journal_abort_soft (journal_t *jo
- * entered abort state during the update.
- *
- * Recursive transactions are not disturbed by journal abort until the
-- * final journal_stop, which will receive the -EIO error.
-+ * final journal_stop.
- *
- * Finally, the journal_abort call allows the caller to supply an errno
- * which will be recorded (if possible) in the journal superblock. This
-@@ -1766,6 +1801,7 @@ static void __journal_remove_journal_hea
- if (jh->b_transaction == NULL &&
- jh->b_next_transaction == NULL &&
- jh->b_cp_transaction == NULL) {
-+ J_ASSERT_JH(jh, jh->b_jlist == BJ_None);
- J_ASSERT_BH(bh, buffer_jbd(bh));
- J_ASSERT_BH(bh, jh2bh(jh) == bh);
- BUFFER_TRACE(bh, "remove journal_head");
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:31.000000000 +0400
-@@ -191,10 +191,10 @@ static int count_tags(struct buffer_head
- nr++;
- tagp += sizeof(journal_block_tag_t);
-- if (!(tag->t_flags & htonl(JFS_FLAG_SAME_UUID)))
-+ if (!(tag->t_flags & cpu_to_be32(JFS_FLAG_SAME_UUID)))
- tagp += 16;
-- if (tag->t_flags & htonl(JFS_FLAG_LAST_TAG))
-+ if (tag->t_flags & cpu_to_be32(JFS_FLAG_LAST_TAG))
- break;
- }
-@@ -239,8 +239,8 @@ int journal_recover(journal_t *journal)
- if (!sb->s_start) {
- jbd_debug(1, "No recovery required, last transaction %d\n",
-- ntohl(sb->s_sequence));
-- journal->j_transaction_sequence = ntohl(sb->s_sequence) + 1;
-+ be32_to_cpu(sb->s_sequence));
-+ journal->j_transaction_sequence = be32_to_cpu(sb->s_sequence) + 1;
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ int journal_skip_recovery(journal_t *jou
- ++journal->j_transaction_sequence;
- } else {
-- int dropped = info.end_transaction - ntohl(sb->s_sequence);
-+ int dropped = info.end_transaction - be32_to_cpu(sb->s_sequence);
- #endif
- jbd_debug(0,
- "JBD: ignoring %d transaction%s from the journal.\n",
-@@ -331,8 +331,8 @@ static int do_one_pass(journal_t *journa
- */
- sb = journal->j_superblock;
-- next_commit_ID = ntohl(sb->s_sequence);
-- next_log_block = ntohl(sb->s_start);
-+ next_commit_ID = be32_to_cpu(sb->s_sequence);
-+ next_log_block = be32_to_cpu(sb->s_start);
- first_commit_ID = next_commit_ID;
- if (pass == PASS_SCAN)
-@@ -385,13 +385,13 @@ static int do_one_pass(journal_t *journa
- tmp = (journal_header_t *)bh->b_data;
-- if (tmp->h_magic != htonl(JFS_MAGIC_NUMBER)) {
-+ if (tmp->h_magic != cpu_to_be32(JFS_MAGIC_NUMBER)) {
- brelse(bh);
- break;
- }
-- blocktype = ntohl(tmp->h_blocktype);
-- sequence = ntohl(tmp->h_sequence);
-+ blocktype = be32_to_cpu(tmp->h_blocktype);
-+ sequence = be32_to_cpu(tmp->h_sequence);
- jbd_debug(3, "Found magic %d, sequence %d\n",
- blocktype, sequence);
-@@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ static int do_one_pass(journal_t *journa
- unsigned long io_block;
- tag = (journal_block_tag_t *) tagp;
-- flags = ntohl(tag->t_flags);
-+ flags = be32_to_cpu(tag->t_flags);
- io_block = next_log_block++;
- wrap(journal, next_log_block);
-@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ static int do_one_pass(journal_t *journa
- unsigned long blocknr;
- J_ASSERT(obh != NULL);
-- blocknr = ntohl(tag->t_blocknr);
-+ blocknr = be32_to_cpu(tag->t_blocknr);
- /* If the block has been
- * revoked, then we're all done
-@@ -476,8 +476,8 @@ static int do_one_pass(journal_t *journa
- memcpy(nbh->b_data, obh->b_data,
- journal->j_blocksize);
- if (flags & JFS_FLAG_ESCAPE) {
-- *((unsigned int *)bh->b_data) =
-+ *((__be32 *)bh->b_data) =
-+ cpu_to_be32(JFS_MAGIC_NUMBER);
- }
- BUFFER_TRACE(nbh, "marking dirty");
-@@ -572,13 +572,13 @@ static int scan_revoke_records(journal_t
- header = (journal_revoke_header_t *) bh->b_data;
- offset = sizeof(journal_revoke_header_t);
-- max = ntohl(header->r_count);
-+ max = be32_to_cpu(header->r_count);
- while (offset < max) {
- unsigned long blocknr;
- int err;
-- blocknr = ntohl(* ((unsigned int *) (bh->b_data+offset)));
-+ blocknr = be32_to_cpu(* ((__be32 *) (bh->b_data+offset)));
- offset += 4;
- err = journal_set_revoke(journal, blocknr, sequence);
- if (err)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:31.000000000 +0400
-@@ -332,6 +332,7 @@ int journal_revoke(handle_t *handle, uns
- struct block_device *bdev;
- int err;
-+ might_sleep();
- if (bh_in)
- BUFFER_TRACE(bh_in, "enter");
-@@ -375,7 +376,12 @@ int journal_revoke(handle_t *handle, uns
- first having the revoke cancelled: it's illegal to free a
- block twice without allocating it in between! */
- if (bh) {
-- J_ASSERT_BH(bh, !buffer_revoked(bh));
-+ if (!J_EXPECT_BH(bh, !buffer_revoked(bh),
-+ "inconsistent data on disk")) {
-+ if (!bh_in)
-+ brelse(bh);
-+ return -EIO;
-+ }
- set_buffer_revoked(bh);
- set_buffer_revokevalid(bh);
- if (bh_in) {
-@@ -565,9 +571,9 @@ static void write_one_revoke_record(jour
- if (!descriptor)
- return;
- header = (journal_header_t *) &jh2bh(descriptor)->b_data[0];
-- header->h_magic = htonl(JFS_MAGIC_NUMBER);
-- header->h_blocktype = htonl(JFS_REVOKE_BLOCK);
-- header->h_sequence = htonl(transaction->t_tid);
-+ header->h_magic = cpu_to_be32(JFS_MAGIC_NUMBER);
-+ header->h_blocktype = cpu_to_be32(JFS_REVOKE_BLOCK);
-+ header->h_sequence = cpu_to_be32(transaction->t_tid);
- /* Record it so that we can wait for IO completion later */
- JBUFFER_TRACE(descriptor, "file as BJ_LogCtl");
-@@ -577,8 +583,8 @@ static void write_one_revoke_record(jour
- *descriptorp = descriptor;
- }
-- * ((unsigned int *)(&jh2bh(descriptor)->b_data[offset])) =
-- htonl(record->blocknr);
-+ * ((__be32 *)(&jh2bh(descriptor)->b_data[offset])) =
-+ cpu_to_be32(record->blocknr);
- offset += 4;
- *offsetp = offset;
- }
-@@ -603,7 +609,7 @@ static void flush_descriptor(journal_t *
- }
- header = (journal_revoke_header_t *) jh2bh(descriptor)->b_data;
-- header->r_count = htonl(offset);
-+ header->r_count = cpu_to_be32(offset);
- set_buffer_jwrite(bh);
- BUFFER_TRACE(bh, "write");
- set_buffer_dirty(bh);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1046,7 +1046,12 @@ int journal_dirty_data(handle_t *handle,
- /* journal_clean_data_list() may have got there first */
- if (jh->b_transaction != NULL) {
- JBUFFER_TRACE(jh, "unfile from commit");
-- __journal_unfile_buffer(jh);
-+ __journal_temp_unlink_buffer(jh);
-+ /* It still points to the committing
-+ * transaction; move it to this one so
-+ * that the refile assert checks are
-+ * happy. */
-+ jh->b_transaction = handle->h_transaction;
- }
- /* The buffer will be refiled below */
-@@ -1060,7 +1065,8 @@ int journal_dirty_data(handle_t *handle,
- if (jh->b_jlist != BJ_SyncData && jh->b_jlist != BJ_Locked) {
- JBUFFER_TRACE(jh, "not on correct data list: unfile");
- J_ASSERT_JH(jh, jh->b_jlist != BJ_Shadow);
-- __journal_unfile_buffer(jh);
-+ __journal_temp_unlink_buffer(jh);
-+ jh->b_transaction = handle->h_transaction;
- JBUFFER_TRACE(jh, "file as data");
- __journal_file_buffer(jh, handle->h_transaction,
- BJ_SyncData);
-@@ -1200,11 +1206,12 @@ journal_release_buffer(handle_t *handle,
- * Allow this call even if the handle has aborted --- it may be part of
- * the caller's cleanup after an abort.
- */
--void journal_forget(handle_t *handle, struct buffer_head *bh)
-+int journal_forget (handle_t *handle, struct buffer_head *bh)
- {
- transaction_t *transaction = handle->h_transaction;
- journal_t *journal = transaction->t_journal;
- struct journal_head *jh;
-+ int err = 0;
- BUFFER_TRACE(bh, "entry");
-@@ -1215,6 +1222,14 @@ void journal_forget(handle_t *handle, st
- goto not_jbd;
- jh = bh2jh(bh);
-+ /* Critical error: attempting to delete a bitmap buffer, maybe?
-+ * Don't do any jbd operations, and return an error. */
-+ if (!J_EXPECT_JH(jh, !jh->b_committed_data,
-+ "inconsistent data on disk")) {
-+ err = -EIO;
-+ goto not_jbd;
-+ }
- if (jh->b_transaction == handle->h_transaction) {
- J_ASSERT_JH(jh, !jh->b_frozen_data);
-@@ -1225,9 +1240,6 @@ void journal_forget(handle_t *handle, st
- clear_buffer_jbddirty(bh);
- JBUFFER_TRACE(jh, "belongs to current transaction: unfile");
-- J_ASSERT_JH(jh, !jh->b_committed_data);
-- __journal_unfile_buffer(jh);
- /*
- * We are no longer going to journal this buffer.
-@@ -1242,15 +1254,17 @@ void journal_forget(handle_t *handle, st
- */
- if (jh->b_cp_transaction) {
-+ __journal_temp_unlink_buffer(jh);
- __journal_file_buffer(jh, transaction, BJ_Forget);
- } else {
-+ __journal_unfile_buffer(jh);
- journal_remove_journal_head(bh);
- __brelse(bh);
- if (!buffer_jbd(bh)) {
- spin_unlock(&journal->j_list_lock);
- jbd_unlock_bh_state(bh);
- __bforget(bh);
-- return;
-+ return 0;
- }
- }
- } else if (jh->b_transaction) {
-@@ -1272,7 +1286,7 @@ not_jbd:
- spin_unlock(&journal->j_list_lock);
- jbd_unlock_bh_state(bh);
- __brelse(bh);
-- return;
-+ return err;
- }
- /**
-@@ -1402,7 +1416,8 @@ int journal_stop(handle_t *handle)
- * Special case: JFS_SYNC synchronous updates require us
- * to wait for the commit to complete.
- */
-- if (handle->h_sync && !(current->flags & PF_MEMALLOC))
-+ if (handle->h_sync && !(current->flags &
- err = log_wait_commit(journal, tid);
- } else {
- spin_unlock(&transaction->t_handle_lock);
-@@ -1498,7 +1513,7 @@ __blist_del_buffer(struct journal_head *
- *
- * Called under j_list_lock. The journal may not be locked.
- */
--void __journal_unfile_buffer(struct journal_head *jh)
-+void __journal_temp_unlink_buffer(struct journal_head *jh)
- {
- struct journal_head **list = NULL;
- transaction_t *transaction;
-@@ -1515,7 +1530,7 @@ void __journal_unfile_buffer(struct jour
- switch (jh->b_jlist) {
- case BJ_None:
-- goto out;
-+ return;
- case BJ_SyncData:
- list = &transaction->t_sync_datalist;
- break;
-@@ -1548,7 +1563,11 @@ void __journal_unfile_buffer(struct jour
- jh->b_jlist = BJ_None;
- if (test_clear_buffer_jbddirty(bh))
- mark_buffer_dirty(bh); /* Expose it to the VM */
-+void __journal_unfile_buffer(struct journal_head *jh)
-+ __journal_temp_unlink_buffer(jh);
- jh->b_transaction = NULL;
- }
-@@ -1804,10 +1823,10 @@ static int journal_unmap_buffer(journal_
- JBUFFER_TRACE(jh, "checkpointed: add to BJ_Forget");
- ret = __dispose_buffer(jh,
- journal->j_running_transaction);
-+ journal_put_journal_head(jh);
- spin_unlock(&journal->j_list_lock);
- jbd_unlock_bh_state(bh);
- spin_unlock(&journal->j_state_lock);
-- journal_put_journal_head(jh);
- return ret;
- } else {
- /* There is no currently-running transaction. So the
-@@ -1818,10 +1837,10 @@ static int journal_unmap_buffer(journal_
- JBUFFER_TRACE(jh, "give to committing trans");
- ret = __dispose_buffer(jh,
- journal->j_committing_transaction);
-+ journal_put_journal_head(jh);
- spin_unlock(&journal->j_list_lock);
- jbd_unlock_bh_state(bh);
- spin_unlock(&journal->j_state_lock);
-- journal_put_journal_head(jh);
- return ret;
- } else {
- /* The orphan record's transaction has
-@@ -1831,7 +1850,17 @@ static int journal_unmap_buffer(journal_
- }
- }
- } else if (transaction == journal->j_committing_transaction) {
-- /* If it is committing, we simply cannot touch it. We
-+ if (jh->b_jlist == BJ_Locked) {
-+ /*
-+ * The buffer is on the committing transaction's locked
-+ * list. We have the buffer locked, so I/O has
-+ * completed. So we can nail the buffer now.
-+ */
-+ may_free = __dispose_buffer(jh, transaction);
-+ goto zap_buffer;
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ * If it is committing, we simply cannot touch it. We
- * can remove it's next_transaction pointer from the
- * running transaction if that is set, but nothing
- * else. */
-@@ -1842,10 +1871,10 @@ static int journal_unmap_buffer(journal_
- journal->j_running_transaction);
- jh->b_next_transaction = NULL;
- }
-+ journal_put_journal_head(jh);
- spin_unlock(&journal->j_list_lock);
- jbd_unlock_bh_state(bh);
- spin_unlock(&journal->j_state_lock);
-- journal_put_journal_head(jh);
- return 0;
- } else {
- /* Good, the buffer belongs to the running transaction.
-@@ -1870,6 +1899,7 @@ zap_buffer_unlocked:
- clear_buffer_mapped(bh);
- clear_buffer_req(bh);
- clear_buffer_new(bh);
-+ clear_buffer_delay(bh);
- bh->b_bdev = NULL;
- return may_free;
- }
-@@ -1906,7 +1936,6 @@ int journal_invalidatepage(journal_t *jo
- unsigned int next_off = curr_off + bh->b_size;
- next = bh->b_this_page;
-- /* AKPM: doing lock_buffer here may be overly paranoid */
- if (offset <= curr_off) {
- /* This block is wholly outside the truncation point */
- lock_buffer(bh);
-@@ -1958,7 +1987,7 @@ void __journal_file_buffer(struct journa
- }
- if (jh->b_transaction)
-- __journal_unfile_buffer(jh);
-+ __journal_temp_unlink_buffer(jh);
- jh->b_transaction = transaction;
- switch (jlist) {
-@@ -2041,7 +2070,7 @@ void __journal_refile_buffer(struct jour
- */
- was_dirty = test_clear_buffer_jbddirty(bh);
-- __journal_unfile_buffer(jh);
-+ __journal_temp_unlink_buffer(jh);
- jh->b_transaction = jh->b_next_transaction;
- jh->b_next_transaction = NULL;
- __journal_file_buffer(jh, jh->b_transaction, BJ_Metadata);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ static int jffs2_garbage_collect_thread(
- schedule();
- }
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
-- refrigerator(0);
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
-+ refrigerator();
- /* refrigerator() should recalc sigpending for us
- but doesn't. No matter - allow_signal() will. */
- continue;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ out:
- *
- * modified vfs_permission to check posix acl
- */
--int jfs_permission(struct inode * inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd)
-+int __jfs_permission(struct inode * inode, int mask)
- {
- umode_t mode = inode->i_mode;
- struct jfs_inode_info *ji = JFS_IP(inode);
-@@ -206,6 +206,28 @@ check_capabilities:
- return -EACCES;
- }
-+int jfs_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd,
-+ struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
-+ int ret;
-+ if (exec_perm != NULL)
-+ down(&inode->i_sem);
-+ ret = __jfs_permission(inode, mask);
-+ if (exec_perm != NULL) {
-+ if (!ret) {
-+ exec_perm->set = 1;
-+ exec_perm->mode = inode->i_mode;
-+ exec_perm->uid = inode->i_uid;
-+ exec_perm->gid = inode->i_gid;
-+ }
-+ up(&inode->i_sem);
-+ }
-+ return ret;
- int jfs_init_acl(struct inode *inode, struct inode *dir)
- {
- struct posix_acl *acl = NULL;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -105,10 +105,10 @@ int jfs_commit_inode(struct inode *inode
- return rc;
- }
--void jfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait)
-+int jfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait)
- {
- if (test_cflag(COMMIT_Nolink, inode))
-- return;
-+ return 0;
- /*
- * If COMMIT_DIRTY is not set, the inode isn't really dirty.
- * It has been committed since the last change, but was still
-@@ -117,12 +117,14 @@ void jfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode
- if (!test_cflag(COMMIT_Dirty, inode)) {
- /* Make sure committed changes hit the disk */
- jfs_flush_journal(JFS_SBI(inode->i_sb)->log, wait);
-- return;
-+ return 0;
- }
- if (jfs_commit_inode(inode, wait)) {
- jfs_err("jfs_write_inode: jfs_commit_inode failed!");
-- }
-+ return -EIO;
-+ } else
-+ return 0;
- }
- void jfs_delete_inode(struct inode *inode)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
- #include <linux/xattr_acl.h>
--int jfs_permission(struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *);
-+int jfs_permission(struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *, struct exec_perm *);
- int jfs_init_acl(struct inode *, struct inode *);
- int jfs_setattr(struct dentry *, struct iattr *);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -2328,9 +2328,9 @@ int jfsIOWait(void *arg)
- lbmStartIO(bp);
- spin_lock_irq(&log_redrive_lock);
- }
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
- spin_unlock_irq(&log_redrive_lock);
-- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
-+ refrigerator();
- } else {
- add_wait_queue(&jfs_IO_thread_wait, &wq);
- set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -2776,9 +2776,9 @@ int jfs_lazycommit(void *arg)
- break;
- }
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
- LAZY_UNLOCK(flags);
-- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
-+ refrigerator();
- } else {
- DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wq, current);
-@@ -2987,9 +2987,9 @@ int jfs_sync(void *arg)
- /* Add anon_list2 back to anon_list */
- list_splice_init(&TxAnchor.anon_list2, &TxAnchor.anon_list);
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
-- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
-+ refrigerator();
- } else {
- DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wq, current);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:31.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ extern int jfs_sync(void *);
- extern void jfs_read_inode(struct inode *inode);
- extern void jfs_dirty_inode(struct inode *inode);
- extern void jfs_delete_inode(struct inode *inode);
--extern void jfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait);
-+extern int jfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait);
- extern struct dentry *jfs_get_parent(struct dentry *dentry);
- extern int jfs_extendfs(struct super_block *, s64, int);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -745,7 +745,7 @@ static int can_set_xattr(struct inode *i
- (!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) || inode->i_mode &S_ISVTX))
- return -EPERM;
-- return permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL);
-+ return permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL);
- }
- int __jfs_setxattr(struct inode *inode, const char *name, const void *value,
-@@ -906,7 +906,7 @@ static int can_get_xattr(struct inode *i
- {
- return 0;
-- return permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL);
-+ return permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL, NULL);
- }
- ssize_t __jfs_getxattr(struct inode *inode, const char *name, void *data,
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -412,10 +412,13 @@ static spinlock_t pin_fs_lock = SPIN_LOC
- int simple_pin_fs(char *name, struct vfsmount **mount, int *count)
- {
- struct vfsmount *mnt = NULL;
-+ struct file_system_type *fstype;
- spin_lock(&pin_fs_lock);
- if (unlikely(!*mount)) {
- spin_unlock(&pin_fs_lock);
-- mnt = do_kern_mount(name, 0, name, NULL);
-+ fstype = get_fs_type(name);
-+ mnt = do_kern_mount(fstype, 0, name, NULL);
-+ put_filesystem(fstype);
- if (IS_ERR(mnt))
- return PTR_ERR(mnt);
- spin_lock(&pin_fs_lock);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -53,10 +53,10 @@ nlmclnt_setlockargs(struct nlm_rqst *req
- nlmclnt_next_cookie(&argp->cookie);
- argp->state = nsm_local_state;
- memcpy(&lock->fh, NFS_FH(fl->fl_file->f_dentry->d_inode), sizeof(struct nfs_fh));
-- lock->caller = system_utsname.nodename;
-+ lock->caller = ve_utsname.nodename;
- lock-> = req->a_owner;
- lock->oh.len = sprintf(req->a_owner, "%d@%s",
-- current->pid, system_utsname.nodename);
-+ current->pid, ve_utsname.nodename);
- locks_copy_lock(&lock->fl, fl);
- }
-@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ nlmclnt_setgrantargs(struct nlm_rqst *ca
- {
- locks_copy_lock(&call->a_args.lock.fl, &lock->fl);
- memcpy(&call->a_args.lock.fh, &lock->fh, sizeof(call->a_args.lock.fh));
-- call->a_args.lock.caller = system_utsname.nodename;
-+ call->a_args.lock.caller = ve_utsname.nodename;
- call->a_args.lock.oh.len = lock->oh.len;
- /* set default data area */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ xdr_encode_common(struct rpc_rqst *rqstp
- sprintf(buffer, "%d.%d.%d.%d", (addr>>24) & 0xff, (addr>>16) & 0xff,
- (addr>>8) & 0xff, (addr) & 0xff);
- if (!(p = xdr_encode_string(p, buffer))
-- || !(p = xdr_encode_string(p, system_utsname.nodename)))
-+ || !(p = xdr_encode_string(p, ve_utsname.nodename)))
- return ERR_PTR(-EIO);
- *p++ = htonl(argp->prog);
- *p++ = htonl(argp->vers);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -127,6 +127,8 @@
- #include <asm/semaphore.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_misc.h>
- #define IS_POSIX(fl) (fl->fl_flags & FL_POSIX)
- #define IS_FLOCK(fl) (fl->fl_flags & FL_FLOCK)
- #define IS_LEASE(fl) (fl->fl_flags & FL_LEASE)
-@@ -146,9 +148,23 @@ static LIST_HEAD(blocked_list);
- static kmem_cache_t *filelock_cache;
- /* Allocate an empty lock structure. */
--static struct file_lock *locks_alloc_lock(void)
-+static struct file_lock *locks_alloc_lock(int charge)
- {
-- return kmem_cache_alloc(filelock_cache, SLAB_KERNEL);
-+ struct file_lock *flock;
-+ flock = kmem_cache_alloc(filelock_cache, SLAB_KERNEL);
-+ if (flock == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ flock->fl_charged = 0;
-+ if (!charge)
-+ goto out;
-+ if (!ub_flock_charge(flock, 1))
-+ goto out;
-+ kmem_cache_free(filelock_cache, flock);
-+ flock = NULL;
-+ return flock;
- }
- /* Free a lock which is not in use. */
-@@ -167,6 +183,7 @@ static inline void locks_free_lock(struc
- if (!list_empty(&fl->fl_link))
- panic("Attempting to free lock on active lock list");
-+ ub_flock_uncharge(fl);
- kmem_cache_free(filelock_cache, fl);
- }
-@@ -247,8 +264,8 @@ static int flock_make_lock(struct file *
- int type = flock_translate_cmd(cmd);
- if (type < 0)
- return type;
-- fl = locks_alloc_lock();
-+ fl = locks_alloc_lock(type != F_UNLCK);
- if (fl == NULL)
- return -ENOMEM;
-@@ -382,7 +399,7 @@ static int flock64_to_posix_lock(struct
- /* Allocate a file_lock initialised to this type of lease */
- static int lease_alloc(struct file *filp, int type, struct file_lock **flp)
- {
-- struct file_lock *fl = locks_alloc_lock();
-+ struct file_lock *fl = locks_alloc_lock(1);
- if (fl == NULL)
- return -ENOMEM;
-@@ -733,8 +750,11 @@ static int __posix_lock_file(struct inod
- * We may need two file_lock structures for this operation,
- * so we get them in advance to avoid races.
- */
-- new_fl = locks_alloc_lock();
-- new_fl2 = locks_alloc_lock();
-+ if (request->fl_type != F_UNLCK)
-+ new_fl = locks_alloc_lock(1);
-+ else
-+ new_fl = NULL;
-+ new_fl2 = locks_alloc_lock(0);
- lock_kernel();
- if (request->fl_type != F_UNLCK) {
-@@ -762,7 +782,7 @@ static int __posix_lock_file(struct inod
- goto out;
- error = -ENOLCK; /* "no luck" */
-- if (!(new_fl && new_fl2))
-+ if (!((request->fl_type == F_UNLCK || new_fl) && new_fl2))
- goto out;
- /*
-@@ -864,19 +884,29 @@ static int __posix_lock_file(struct inod
- if (!added) {
- if (request->fl_type == F_UNLCK)
- goto out;
-+ error = -ENOLCK;
-+ if (right && (left == right) && ub_flock_charge(new_fl, 1))
-+ goto out;
- locks_copy_lock(new_fl, request);
- locks_insert_lock(before, new_fl);
- new_fl = NULL;
-+ error = 0;
- }
- if (right) {
- if (left == right) {
- /* The new lock breaks the old one in two pieces,
- * so we have to use the second new lock.
- */
-+ error = -ENOLCK;
-+ if (added && ub_flock_charge(new_fl2,
-+ request->fl_type != F_UNLCK))
-+ goto out;
-+ new_fl2->fl_charged = 1;
- left = new_fl2;
- new_fl2 = NULL;
- locks_copy_lock(left, right);
- locks_insert_lock(before, left);
-+ error = 0;
- }
- right->fl_start = request->fl_end + 1;
- locks_wake_up_blocks(right);
-@@ -1024,7 +1054,6 @@ static void time_out_leases(struct inode
- before = &fl->fl_next;
- continue;
- }
-- printk(KERN_INFO "lease broken - owner pid = %d\n", fl->fl_pid);
- lease_modify(before, fl->fl_type & ~F_INPROGRESS);
- if (fl == *before) /* lease_modify may have freed fl */
- before = &fl->fl_next;
-@@ -1146,7 +1175,7 @@ void lease_get_mtime(struct inode *inode
- {
- struct file_lock *flock = inode->i_flock;
- if (flock && IS_LEASE(flock) && (flock->fl_type & F_WRLCK))
-- *time = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ *time = current_fs_time(inode->i_sb);
- else
- *time = inode->i_mtime;
- }
-@@ -1400,7 +1429,7 @@ int fcntl_getlk(struct file *filp, struc
- flock.l_type = F_UNLCK;
- if (fl != NULL) {
-- flock.l_pid = fl->fl_pid;
-+ flock.l_pid = pid_type_to_vpid(PIDTYPE_TGID, fl->fl_pid);
- #if BITS_PER_LONG == 32
- /*
- * Make sure we can represent the posix lock via
-@@ -1432,7 +1461,7 @@ out:
- */
- int fcntl_setlk(struct file *filp, unsigned int cmd, struct flock __user *l)
- {
-- struct file_lock *file_lock = locks_alloc_lock();
-+ struct file_lock *file_lock = locks_alloc_lock(0);
- struct flock flock;
- struct inode *inode;
- int error;
-@@ -1547,7 +1576,7 @@ int fcntl_getlk64(struct file *filp, str
- flock.l_type = F_UNLCK;
- if (fl != NULL) {
-- flock.l_pid = fl->fl_pid;
-+ flock.l_pid = pid_type_to_vpid(PIDTYPE_TGID, fl->fl_pid);
- flock.l_start = fl->fl_start;
- flock.l_len = fl->fl_end == OFFSET_MAX ? 0 :
- fl->fl_end - fl->fl_start + 1;
-@@ -1567,7 +1596,7 @@ out:
- */
- int fcntl_setlk64(struct file *filp, unsigned int cmd, struct flock64 __user *l)
- {
-- struct file_lock *file_lock = locks_alloc_lock();
-+ struct file_lock *file_lock = locks_alloc_lock(1);
- struct flock64 flock;
- struct inode *inode;
- int error;
-@@ -1712,7 +1741,12 @@ void locks_remove_flock(struct file *fil
- while ((fl = *before) != NULL) {
- if (fl->fl_file == filp) {
-- if (IS_FLOCK(fl)) {
-+ /*
-+ * We might have a POSIX lock that was created at the same time
-+ * the filp was closed for the last time. Just remove that too,
-+ * regardless of ownership, since nobody can own it.
-+ */
-+ if (IS_FLOCK(fl) || IS_POSIX(fl)) {
- locks_delete_lock(before);
- continue;
- }
-@@ -1720,9 +1754,7 @@ void locks_remove_flock(struct file *fil
- lease_modify(before, F_UNLCK);
- continue;
- }
-- /* FL_POSIX locks of this process have already been
-- * removed in filp_close->locks_remove_posix.
-- */
-+ /* What? */
- BUG();
- }
- before = &fl->fl_next;
-@@ -1775,7 +1807,9 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(posix_unblock_lock);
- static void lock_get_status(char* out, struct file_lock *fl, int id, char *pfx)
- {
- struct inode *inode = NULL;
-+ unsigned int fl_pid;
-+ fl_pid = pid_type_to_vpid(PIDTYPE_TGID, fl->fl_pid);
- if (fl->fl_file != NULL)
- inode = fl->fl_file->f_dentry->d_inode;
-@@ -1817,16 +1851,16 @@ static void lock_get_status(char* out, s
- }
- if (inode) {
-- out += sprintf(out, "%d %s:%ld ", fl->fl_pid,
-+ out += sprintf(out, "%d %s:%ld ", fl_pid,
- inode->i_sb->s_id, inode->i_ino);
- #else
- /* userspace relies on this representation of dev_t ;-( */
-- out += sprintf(out, "%d %02x:%02x:%ld ", fl->fl_pid,
-+ out += sprintf(out, "%d %02x:%02x:%ld ", fl_pid,
- MAJOR(inode->i_sb->s_dev),
- MINOR(inode->i_sb->s_dev), inode->i_ino);
- #endif
- } else {
-- out += sprintf(out, "%d <none>:0 ", fl->fl_pid);
-+ out += sprintf(out, "%d <none>:0 ", fl_pid);
- }
- if (IS_POSIX(fl)) {
- if (fl->fl_end == OFFSET_MAX)
-@@ -1875,11 +1909,17 @@ int get_locks_status(char *buffer, char
- char *q = buffer;
- off_t pos = 0;
- int i = 0;
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
- lock_kernel();
-+ env = get_exec_env();
- list_for_each(tmp, &file_lock_list) {
- struct list_head *btmp;
- struct file_lock *fl = list_entry(tmp, struct file_lock, fl_link);
-+ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_FILP(fl->fl_file), env))
-+ continue;
- lock_get_status(q, fl, ++i, "");
- move_lock_status(&q, &pos, offset);
-@@ -2033,9 +2073,9 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(steal_locks);
- static int __init filelock_init(void)
- {
- filelock_cache = kmem_cache_create("file_lock_cache",
-- sizeof(struct file_lock), 0, SLAB_PANIC,
-+ sizeof(struct file_lock), 0, SLAB_PANIC | SLAB_UBC,
- init_once, NULL);
- return 0;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
- #include <linux/vfs.h>
- static void minix_read_inode(struct inode * inode);
--static void minix_write_inode(struct inode * inode, int wait);
-+static int minix_write_inode(struct inode * inode, int wait);
- static int minix_statfs(struct super_block *sb, struct kstatfs *buf);
- static int minix_remount (struct super_block * sb, int * flags, char * data);
-@@ -505,9 +505,10 @@ static struct buffer_head *minix_update_
- return V2_minix_update_inode(inode);
- }
--static void minix_write_inode(struct inode * inode, int wait)
-+static int minix_write_inode(struct inode * inode, int wait)
- {
- brelse(minix_update_inode(inode));
-+ return 0;
- }
- int minix_sync_inode(struct inode * inode)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ static int minix_symlink(struct inode *
- inode->i_mode = S_IFLNK | 0777;
- minix_set_inode(inode, 0);
-- err = page_symlink(inode, symname, i);
-+ err = page_symlink(inode, symname, i, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (err)
- goto out_fail;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -687,6 +687,8 @@ retry:
- bio = mpage_writepage(bio, page, get_block,
- &last_block_in_bio, &ret, wbc);
- }
-+ if (unlikely(ret == WRITEPAGE_ACTIVATE))
-+ unlock_page(page);
- if (ret || (--(wbc->nr_to_write) <= 0))
- done = 1;
- if (wbc->nonblocking && bdi_write_congested(bdi)) {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -115,11 +115,12 @@ static inline int do_getname(const char
- int retval;
- unsigned long len = PATH_MAX;
-- if ((unsigned long) filename >= TASK_SIZE) {
-- if (!segment_eq(get_fs(), KERNEL_DS))
-+ if (!segment_eq(get_fs(), KERNEL_DS)) {
-+ if ((unsigned long) filename >= TASK_SIZE)
- return -EFAULT;
-- } else if (TASK_SIZE - (unsigned long) filename < PATH_MAX)
-- len = TASK_SIZE - (unsigned long) filename;
-+ if (TASK_SIZE - (unsigned long) filename < PATH_MAX)
-+ len = TASK_SIZE - (unsigned long) filename;
-+ }
- retval = strncpy_from_user((char *)page, filename, len);
- if (retval > 0) {
-@@ -159,7 +160,7 @@ char * getname(const char __user * filen
- * for filesystem access without changing the "normal" uids which
- * are used for other things..
- */
--int vfs_permission(struct inode * inode, int mask)
-+int __vfs_permission(struct inode * inode, int mask)
- {
- umode_t mode = inode->i_mode;
-@@ -208,7 +209,29 @@ int vfs_permission(struct inode * inode,
- return -EACCES;
- }
--int permission(struct inode * inode,int mask, struct nameidata *nd)
-+int vfs_permission(struct inode * inode, int mask, struct exec_perm * exec_perm)
-+ int ret;
-+ if (exec_perm != NULL)
-+ down(&inode->i_sem);
-+ ret = __vfs_permission(inode, mask);
-+ if (exec_perm != NULL) {
-+ if (!ret) {
-+ exec_perm->set = 1;
-+ exec_perm->mode = inode->i_mode;
-+ exec_perm->uid = inode->i_uid;
-+ exec_perm->gid = inode->i_gid;
-+ }
-+ up(&inode->i_sem);
-+ }
-+ return ret;
-+int permission(struct inode * inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd,
-+ struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
- {
- int retval;
- int submask;
-@@ -217,9 +240,9 @@ int permission(struct inode * inode,int
- submask = mask & ~MAY_APPEND;
- if (inode->i_op && inode->i_op->permission)
-- retval = inode->i_op->permission(inode, submask, nd);
-+ retval = inode->i_op->permission(inode, submask, nd, exec_perm);
- else
-- retval = vfs_permission(inode, submask);
-+ retval = vfs_permission(inode, submask, exec_perm);
- if (retval)
- return retval;
-@@ -302,6 +325,21 @@ static struct dentry * cached_lookup(str
- if (!dentry)
- dentry = d_lookup(parent, name);
-+ /*
-+ * The revalidation rules are simple:
-+ * d_revalidate operation is called when we're about to use a cached
-+ * dentry rather than call d_lookup.
-+ * d_revalidate method may unhash the dentry itself or return FALSE, in
-+ * which case if the dentry can be released d_lookup will be called.
-+ *
-+ * Additionally, by request of NFS people
-+ * (|src/|src/fs|related/fs/namei.c)
-+ * d_revalidate is called when `/', `.' or `..' are looked up.
-+ * Since re-lookup is impossible on them, we introduce a hack and
-+ * return an error in this case.
-+ *
-+ * 2003/02/19 SAW
-+ */
- if (dentry && dentry->d_op && dentry->d_op->d_revalidate) {
- if (!dentry->d_op->d_revalidate(dentry, nd) && !d_invalidate(dentry)) {
- dput(dentry);
-@@ -364,6 +402,7 @@ static struct dentry * real_lookup(struc
- struct dentry * result;
- struct inode *dir = parent->d_inode;
- down(&dir->i_sem);
- /*
- * First re-do the cached lookup just in case it was created
-@@ -402,7 +441,7 @@ static struct dentry * real_lookup(struc
- if (result->d_op && result->d_op->d_revalidate) {
- if (!result->d_op->d_revalidate(result, nd) && !d_invalidate(result)) {
- dput(result);
-- result = ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
-+ goto repeat;
- }
- }
- return result;
-@@ -578,7 +617,14 @@ static inline void follow_dotdot(struct
- read_unlock(&current->fs->lock);
- break;
- }
-- read_unlock(&current->fs->lock);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (*dentry == get_exec_env()->fs_root &&
-+ *mnt == get_exec_env()->fs_rootmnt) {
-+ read_unlock(&current->fs->lock);
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ read_unlock(&current->fs->lock);
- spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
- if (*dentry != (*mnt)->mnt_root) {
- *dentry = dget((*dentry)->d_parent);
-@@ -658,6 +704,7 @@ int fastcall link_path_walk(const char *
- {
- struct path next;
- struct inode *inode;
-+ int real_components = 0;
- int err;
- unsigned int lookup_flags = nd->flags;
-@@ -678,7 +725,7 @@ int fastcall link_path_walk(const char *
- err = exec_permission_lite(inode, nd);
- if (err == -EAGAIN) {
-- err = permission(inode, MAY_EXEC, nd);
-+ err = permission(inode, MAY_EXEC, nd, NULL);
- }
- if (err)
- break;
-@@ -730,10 +777,14 @@ int fastcall link_path_walk(const char *
- }
- nd->flags |= LOOKUP_CONTINUE;
- /* This does the actual lookups.. */
-+ real_components++;
- err = do_lookup(nd, &this, &next);
- if (err)
- break;
- /* Check mountpoints.. */
-+ err = -ENOENT;
-+ if ((lookup_flags & LOOKUP_STRICT) && d_mountpoint(nd->dentry))
-+ goto out_dput;
- follow_mount(&next.mnt, &next.dentry);
- err = -ENOENT;
-@@ -745,6 +796,10 @@ int fastcall link_path_walk(const char *
- goto out_dput;
- if (inode->i_op->follow_link) {
-+ err = -ENOENT;
-+ if (lookup_flags & LOOKUP_STRICT)
-+ goto out_dput;
- mntget(next.mnt);
- err = do_follow_link(next.dentry, nd);
- dput(next.dentry);
-@@ -795,9 +850,13 @@ last_component:
- err = do_lookup(nd, &this, &next);
- if (err)
- break;
-+ err = -ENOENT;
-+ if ((lookup_flags & LOOKUP_STRICT) && d_mountpoint(nd->dentry))
-+ goto out_dput;
- follow_mount(&next.mnt, &next.dentry);
- inode = next.dentry->d_inode;
- if ((lookup_flags & LOOKUP_FOLLOW)
-+ && !(lookup_flags & LOOKUP_STRICT)
- && inode && inode->i_op && inode->i_op->follow_link) {
- mntget(next.mnt);
- err = do_follow_link(next.dentry, nd);
-@@ -825,26 +884,40 @@ lookup_parent:
- nd->last_type = LAST_NORM;
- if ([0] != '.')
- goto return_base;
-- if (this.len == 1)
-+ if (this.len == 1) {
- nd->last_type = LAST_DOT;
-- else if (this.len == 2 &&[1] == '.')
-+ goto return_reval;
-+ } else if (this.len == 2 &&[1] == '.') {
- nd->last_type = LAST_DOTDOT;
-- else
-- goto return_base;
-+ goto return_reval;
-+ }
-+ if (!(nd->flags & LOOKUP_NOAREACHECK)) {
-+ err = check_area_access_ve(nd->dentry, nd->mnt);
-+ if (err)
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
- return_reval:
- /*
- * We bypassed the ordinary revalidation routines.
- * We may need to check the cached dentry for staleness.
- */
-- if (nd->dentry && nd->dentry->d_sb &&
-+ if (!real_components && nd->dentry && nd->dentry->d_sb &&
- (nd->dentry->d_sb->s_type->fs_flags & FS_REVAL_DOT)) {
- err = -ESTALE;
- /* Note: we do not d_invalidate() */
- if (!nd->dentry->d_op->d_revalidate(nd->dentry, nd))
-+ /*
-+ * This lookup is for `/' or `.' or `..'.
-+ * The filesystem unhashed the dentry itself
-+ * inside d_revalidate (otherwise, d_invalidate
-+ * wouldn't succeed). As a special courtesy to
-+ * NFS we return an error. 2003/02/19 SAW
-+ */
- break;
- }
-- return 0;
-+ goto return_base;
- out_dput:
- dput(next.dentry);
- break;
-@@ -971,7 +1044,7 @@ static struct dentry * __lookup_hash(str
- int err;
- inode = base->d_inode;
-- err = permission(inode, MAY_EXEC, nd);
-+ err = permission(inode, MAY_EXEC, nd, NULL);
- dentry = ERR_PTR(err);
- if (err)
- goto out;
-@@ -1096,7 +1169,7 @@ static inline int may_delete(struct inod
- int error;
- if (!victim->d_inode || victim->d_parent->d_inode != dir)
- return -ENOENT;
-- error = permission(dir,MAY_WRITE | MAY_EXEC, NULL);
-+ error = permission(dir,MAY_WRITE | MAY_EXEC, NULL, NULL);
- if (error)
- return error;
- if (IS_APPEND(dir))
-@@ -1133,7 +1206,7 @@ static inline int may_create(struct inod
- return -EEXIST;
- if (IS_DEADDIR(dir))
- return -ENOENT;
-- return permission(dir,MAY_WRITE | MAY_EXEC, nd);
-+ return permission(dir, MAY_WRITE | MAY_EXEC, nd, NULL);
- }
- /*
-@@ -1241,7 +1314,7 @@ int may_open(struct nameidata *nd, int a
- if (S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode) && (flag & FMODE_WRITE))
- return -EISDIR;
-- error = permission(inode, acc_mode, nd);
-+ error = permission(inode, acc_mode, nd, NULL);
- if (error)
- return error;
-@@ -1662,17 +1735,13 @@ out:
- static void d_unhash(struct dentry *dentry)
- {
- dget(dentry);
-- spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-- switch (atomic_read(&dentry->d_count)) {
-- default:
-- spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
-+ if (atomic_read(&dentry->d_count))
- shrink_dcache_parent(dentry);
-- spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-- if (atomic_read(&dentry->d_count) != 2)
-- break;
-- case 2:
-+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-+ spin_lock(&dentry->d_lock);
-+ if (atomic_read(&dentry->d_count) == 2)
- __d_drop(dentry);
-- }
-+ spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
- spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
- }
-@@ -2020,7 +2089,7 @@ int vfs_rename_dir(struct inode *old_dir
- * we'll need to flip '..'.
- */
- if (new_dir != old_dir) {
-- error = permission(old_dentry->d_inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL);
-+ error = permission(old_dentry->d_inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL);
- if (error)
- return error;
- }
-@@ -2090,6 +2159,9 @@ int vfs_rename(struct inode *old_dir, st
- int error;
- int is_dir = S_ISDIR(old_dentry->d_inode->i_mode);
-+ if (DQUOT_RENAME(old_dentry->d_inode, old_dir, new_dir))
-+ return -EXDEV;
- if (old_dentry->d_inode == new_dentry->d_inode)
- return 0;
-@@ -2332,13 +2404,16 @@ int page_follow_link(struct dentry *dent
- return res;
- }
--int page_symlink(struct inode *inode, const char *symname, int len)
-+int page_symlink(struct inode *inode, const char *symname, int len,
-+ int gfp_mask)
- {
- struct address_space *mapping = inode->i_mapping;
-- struct page *page = grab_cache_page(mapping, 0);
-+ struct page *page;
- int err = -ENOMEM;
- char *kaddr;
-+ page = find_or_create_page(mapping, 0,
-+ mapping_gfp_mask(mapping) | gfp_mask);
- if (!page)
- goto fail;
- err = mapping->a_ops->prepare_write(NULL, page, 0, len-1);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ static inline int sysfs_init(void)
- /* spinlock for vfsmount related operations, inplace of dcache_lock */
- spinlock_t vfsmount_lock __cacheline_aligned_in_smp = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
- static struct list_head *mount_hashtable;
- static int hash_mask, hash_bits;
-@@ -238,10 +239,32 @@ static int show_vfsmnt(struct seq_file *
- { 0, NULL }
- };
- struct proc_fs_info *fs_infop;
-+ char *path_buf, *path;
-- mangle(m, mnt->mnt_devname ? mnt->mnt_devname : "none");
-+ /* skip FS_NOMOUNT mounts (rootfs) */
-+ if (mnt->mnt_sb->s_flags & MS_NOUSER)
-+ return 0;
-+ path_buf = (char *) __get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!path_buf)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ path = d_path(mnt->mnt_root, mnt, path_buf, PAGE_SIZE);
-+ if (IS_ERR(path)) {
-+ free_page((unsigned long) path_buf);
-+ /*
-+ * This means that the file position will be incremented, i.e.
-+ * the total number of "invisible" vfsmnt will leak.
-+ */
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ mangle(m, mnt->mnt_devname ? mnt->mnt_devname : "none");
-+ else
-+ mangle(m, mnt->mnt_sb->s_type->name);
- seq_putc(m, ' ');
-- seq_path(m, mnt, mnt->mnt_root, " \t\n\\");
-+ mangle(m, path);
-+ free_page((unsigned long) path_buf);
- seq_putc(m, ' ');
- mangle(m, mnt->mnt_sb->s_type->name);
- seq_puts(m, mnt->mnt_sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY ? " ro" : " rw");
-@@ -364,6 +387,7 @@ void umount_tree(struct vfsmount *mnt)
- spin_lock(&vfsmount_lock);
- }
- }
- static int do_umount(struct vfsmount *mnt, int flags)
- {
-@@ -480,7 +504,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_umount(char __user *
- goto dput_and_out;
- retval = -EPERM;
-- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
-+ if (!capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN))
- goto dput_and_out;
- retval = do_umount(nd.mnt, flags);
-@@ -505,7 +529,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_oldumount(char __use
- static int mount_is_safe(struct nameidata *nd)
- {
-- if (capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
-+ if (capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN))
- return 0;
- return -EPERM;
- #ifdef notyet
-@@ -515,7 +539,7 @@ static int mount_is_safe(struct nameidat
- if (current->uid != nd->dentry->d_inode->i_uid)
- return -EPERM;
- }
-- if (permission(nd->dentry->d_inode, MAY_WRITE, nd))
-+ if (permission(nd->dentry->d_inode, MAY_WRITE, nd, NULL))
- return -EPERM;
- return 0;
- #endif
-@@ -673,7 +697,7 @@ static int do_remount(struct nameidata *
- int err;
- struct super_block * sb = nd->mnt->mnt_sb;
-- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
-+ if (!capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN))
- return -EPERM;
- if (!check_mnt(nd->mnt))
-@@ -682,6 +706,10 @@ static int do_remount(struct nameidata *
- if (nd->dentry != nd->mnt->mnt_root)
- return -EINVAL;
-+ /* do not allow to remount bind-mounts */
-+ if (nd->dentry != sb->s_root)
-+ return -EINVAL;
- down_write(&sb->s_umount);
- err = do_remount_sb(sb, flags, data, 0);
- if (!err)
-@@ -697,7 +725,7 @@ static int do_move_mount(struct nameidat
- struct nameidata old_nd, parent_nd;
- struct vfsmount *p;
- int err = 0;
-- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
-+ if (!capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN))
- return -EPERM;
- if (!old_name || !*old_name)
- return -EINVAL;
-@@ -764,15 +792,20 @@ static int do_new_mount(struct nameidata
- int mnt_flags, char *name, void *data)
- {
- struct vfsmount *mnt;
-+ struct file_system_type *fstype;
- if (!type || !memchr(type, 0, PAGE_SIZE))
- return -EINVAL;
- /* we need capabilities... */
-- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
-+ if (!capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN))
- return -EPERM;
-- mnt = do_kern_mount(type, flags, name, data);
-+ fstype = get_fs_type(type);
-+ if (fstype == NULL)
-+ return -ENODEV;
-+ mnt = do_kern_mount(fstype, flags, name, data);
-+ put_filesystem(fstype);
- if (IS_ERR(mnt))
- return PTR_ERR(mnt);
-@@ -809,6 +842,10 @@ int do_add_mount(struct vfsmount *newmnt
- newmnt->mnt_flags = mnt_flags;
- err = graft_tree(newmnt, nd);
-+ if (newmnt->mnt_mountpoint->d_flags & DCACHE_VIRTUAL)
-+ /* unaccessible yet - no lock */
-+ newmnt->mnt_root->d_flags |= DCACHE_VIRTUAL;
- if (err == 0 && fslist) {
- /* add to the specified expiration list */
- spin_lock(&vfsmount_lock);
-@@ -1213,7 +1250,7 @@ static void chroot_fs_refs(struct nameid
- struct fs_struct *fs;
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- do_each_thread(g, p) {
-+ do_each_thread_ve(g, p) {
- task_lock(p);
- fs = p->fs;
- if (fs) {
-@@ -1226,7 +1263,7 @@ static void chroot_fs_refs(struct nameid
- put_fs_struct(fs);
- } else
- task_unlock(p);
-- } while_each_thread(g, p);
-+ } while_each_thread_ve(g, p);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
- }
-@@ -1339,8 +1376,13 @@ static void __init init_mount_tree(void)
- struct vfsmount *mnt;
- struct namespace *namespace;
- struct task_struct *g, *p;
-+ struct file_system_type *fstype;
-- mnt = do_kern_mount("rootfs", 0, "rootfs", NULL);
-+ fstype = get_fs_type("rootfs");
-+ if (fstype == NULL)
-+ panic("Can't create rootfs");
-+ mnt = do_kern_mount(fstype, 0, "rootfs", NULL);
-+ put_filesystem(fstype);
- if (IS_ERR(mnt))
- panic("Can't create rootfs");
- namespace = kmalloc(sizeof(*namespace), GFP_KERNEL);
-@@ -1355,10 +1397,10 @@ static void __init init_mount_tree(void)
- init_task.namespace = namespace;
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- do_each_thread(g, p) {
-+ do_each_thread_all(g, p) {
- get_namespace(namespace);
- p->namespace = namespace;
-- } while_each_thread(g, p);
-+ } while_each_thread_all(g, p);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
- set_fs_pwd(current->fs, namespace->root, namespace->root->mnt_root);
-@@ -1373,7 +1415,7 @@ void __init mnt_init(unsigned long mempa
- int i;
- mnt_cache = kmem_cache_create("mnt_cache", sizeof(struct vfsmount),
- order = 0;
- mount_hashtable = (struct list_head *)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ ncp_get_fs_info(struct ncp_server* serve
- {
- struct ncp_fs_info info;
-- if ((permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL) != 0)
-+ if ((permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL) != 0)
- && (current->uid != server->m.mounted_uid)) {
- return -EACCES;
- }
-@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ ncp_get_fs_info_v2(struct ncp_server* se
- {
- struct ncp_fs_info_v2 info2;
-- if ((permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL) != 0)
-+ if ((permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL) != 0)
- && (current->uid != server->m.mounted_uid)) {
- return -EACCES;
- }
-@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ int ncp_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struc
- switch (cmd) {
-- if ((permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL) != 0)
-+ if ((permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL) != 0)
- && (current->uid != server->m.mounted_uid)) {
- return -EACCES;
- }
-@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ int ncp_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struc
- {
- unsigned long tmp = server->m.mounted_uid;
-- if ( (permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL) != 0)
-+ if ( (permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL, NULL) != 0)
- && (current->uid != server->m.mounted_uid))
- {
- return -EACCES;
-@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ int ncp_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struc
- {
- struct ncp_setroot_ioctl sr;
-- if ( (permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL) != 0)
-+ if ( (permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL, NULL) != 0)
- && (current->uid != server->m.mounted_uid))
- {
- return -EACCES;
-@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ int ncp_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struc
-- if ((permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL) != 0)
-+ if ((permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL) != 0)
- && (current->uid != server->m.mounted_uid))
- {
- return -EACCES;
-@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ int ncp_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struc
- return 0;
-- if ( (permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL) != 0)
-+ if ( (permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL, NULL) != 0)
- && (current->uid != server->m.mounted_uid))
- {
- return -EACCES;
-@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ int ncp_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struc
- {
- int newstate;
-- if ( (permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL) != 0)
-+ if ( (permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL) != 0)
- && (current->uid != server->m.mounted_uid))
- {
- return -EACCES;
-@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ int ncp_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struc
-- if ( (permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL) != 0)
-+ if ( (permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL) != 0)
- && (current->uid != server->m.mounted_uid))
- {
- return -EACCES;
-@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ outrel:
- #endif /* CONFIG_NCPFS_NLS */
-- if ((permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL) != 0) &&
-+ if ((permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL) != 0) &&
- (current->uid != server->m.mounted_uid))
- return -EACCES;
- {
-@@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ outrel:
- so we have this out of switch */
- if (cmd == NCP_IOC_GETMOUNTUID) {
- __kernel_uid_t uid = 0;
-- if ((permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL) != 0)
-+ if ((permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL, NULL) != 0)
- && (current->uid != server->m.mounted_uid)) {
- return -EACCES;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1499,7 +1499,8 @@ out:
- }
- int
--nfs_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd)
-+nfs_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd,
-+ struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
- {
- struct nfs_access_cache *cache = &NFS_I(inode)->cache_access;
- struct rpc_cred *cred;
-@@ -1541,6 +1542,7 @@ nfs_permission(struct inode *inode, int
- if (!NFS_PROTO(inode)->access)
- goto out_notsup;
-+ /* Can NFS fill exec_perm atomically? Don't know... --SAW */
- cred = rpcauth_lookupcred(NFS_CLIENT(inode)->cl_auth, 0);
- if (cache->cred == cred
- && time_before(jiffies, cache->jiffies + NFS_ATTRTIMEO(inode))
-@@ -1565,7 +1567,7 @@ out:
- return res;
- out_notsup:
- nfs_revalidate_inode(NFS_SERVER(inode), inode);
-- res = vfs_permission(inode, mask);
-+ res = vfs_permission(inode, mask, exec_perm);
- unlock_kernel();
- return res;
- add_cache:
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:34.000000000 +0400
-@@ -72,8 +72,10 @@ nfs_get_user_pages(int rw, unsigned long
- size_t array_size;
- /* set an arbitrary limit to prevent arithmetic overflow */
-- if (size > MAX_DIRECTIO_SIZE)
-+ if (size > MAX_DIRECTIO_SIZE) {
-+ *pages = NULL;
- return -EFBIG;
-+ }
- page_count = (user_addr + size + PAGE_SIZE - 1) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- page_count -= user_addr >> PAGE_SHIFT;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:28.000000000 +0400
-@@ -103,6 +103,9 @@ nfs_file_open(struct inode *inode, struc
- static int
- nfs_file_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
- {
-+ /* Ensure that dirty pages are flushed out with the right creds */
-+ if (filp->f_mode & FMODE_WRITE)
-+ filemap_fdatawrite(filp->f_mapping);
- return NFS_PROTO(inode)->file_release(inode, filp);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ static int nfs_update_inode(struct inode
- static struct inode *nfs_alloc_inode(struct super_block *sb);
- static void nfs_destroy_inode(struct inode *);
--static void nfs_write_inode(struct inode *,int);
-+static int nfs_write_inode(struct inode *,int);
- static void nfs_delete_inode(struct inode *);
- static void nfs_put_super(struct super_block *);
- static void nfs_clear_inode(struct inode *);
-@@ -110,12 +110,16 @@ nfs_fattr_to_ino_t(struct nfs_fattr *fat
- return nfs_fileid_to_ino_t(fattr->fileid);
- }
--static void
-+static int
- nfs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int sync)
- {
- int flags = sync ? FLUSH_WAIT : 0;
-+ int ret;
-- nfs_commit_inode(inode, 0, 0, flags);
-+ ret = nfs_commit_inode(inode, 0, 0, flags);
-+ if (ret < 0)
-+ return ret;
-+ return 0;
- }
- static void
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ static int __init root_nfs_name(char *na
- /* Override them by options set on kernel command-line */
- root_nfs_parse(name, buf);
-- cp = system_utsname.nodename;
-+ cp = ve_utsname.nodename;
- if (strlen(buf) + strlen(cp) > NFS_MAXPATHLEN) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "Root-NFS: Pathname for remote directory too long.\n");
- return -1;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -23,8 +23,14 @@ static struct file *do_open(char *name,
- {
- struct nameidata nd;
- int error;
-+ struct file_system_type *fstype;
-- nd.mnt = do_kern_mount("nfsd", 0, "nfsd", NULL);
-+ fstype = get_fs_type("nfsd");
-+ if (fstype == NULL)
-+ return ERR_PTR(-ENODEV);
-+ nd.mnt = do_kern_mount(fstype, 0, "nfsd", NULL);
-+ put_filesystem(fstype);
- if (IS_ERR(nd.mnt))
- return (struct file *)nd.mnt;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ int nfsd_acceptable(void *expv, struct d
- /* make sure parents give x permission to user */
- int err;
- parent = dget_parent(tdentry);
-- err = permission(parent->d_inode, MAY_EXEC, NULL);
-+ err = permission(parent->d_inode, MAY_EXEC, NULL, NULL);
- if (err < 0) {
- dput(parent);
- break;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1592,12 +1592,13 @@ nfsd_permission(struct svc_export *exp,
- inode->i_uid == current->fsuid)
- return 0;
-- err = permission(inode, acc & (MAY_READ|MAY_WRITE|MAY_EXEC), NULL);
-+ err = permission(inode, acc & (MAY_READ|MAY_WRITE|MAY_EXEC),
- /* Allow read access to binaries even when mode 111 */
- if (err == -EACCES && S_ISREG(inode->i_mode) &&
-- err = permission(inode, MAY_EXEC, NULL);
-+ err = permission(inode, MAY_EXEC, NULL, NULL);
- return err? nfserrno(err) : 0;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:34.000000000 +0400
-@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
- #include <linux/nls.h>
- #include <linux/errno.h>
--static wchar_t charset2uni[128] = {
-+static wchar_t charset2uni[256] = {
- /* 0x00*/
- 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0002, 0x0003,
- 0x0004, 0x0005, 0x0006, 0x0007,
-@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ static wchar_t charset2uni[128] = {
- 0x007c, 0x007d, 0x007e, 0x007f,
- };
--static unsigned char page00[128] = {
-+static unsigned char page00[256] = {
- 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, /* 0x00-0x07 */
- 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, /* 0x08-0x0f */
- 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, /* 0x10-0x17 */
-@@ -75,11 +75,11 @@ static unsigned char page00[128] = {
- 0x78, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x7d, 0x7e, 0x7f, /* 0x78-0x7f */
- };
--static unsigned char *page_uni2charset[128] = {
-+static unsigned char *page_uni2charset[256] = {
-+ page00,
- };
--static unsigned char charset2lower[128] = {
-+static unsigned char charset2lower[256] = {
- 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, /* 0x00-0x07 */
- 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, /* 0x08-0x0f */
- 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, /* 0x10-0x17 */
-@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ static unsigned char charset2lower[128]
- 0x78, 0x79, 0x7a, 0x7b, 0x7c, 0x7d, 0x7e, 0x7f, /* 0x78-0x7f */
- };
--static unsigned char charset2upper[128] = {
-+static unsigned char charset2upper[256] = {
- 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, /* 0x00-0x07 */
- 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, /* 0x08-0x0f */
- 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, /* 0x10-0x17 */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ extern void ntfs_truncate(struct inode *
- extern int ntfs_setattr(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *attr);
--extern void ntfs_write_inode(struct inode *vi, int sync);
-+extern int ntfs_write_inode(struct inode *vi, int sync);
- static inline void ntfs_commit_inode(struct inode *vi)
- {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -2404,7 +2404,7 @@ iput_tmp_ino_err_out_now:
- * method again... FIXME: Do we need to do this twice now because of
- * attribute inodes? I think not, so leave as is for now... (AIA)
- */
-- if (invalidate_inodes(sb)) {
-+ if (invalidate_inodes(sb, 0)) {
- ntfs_error(sb, "Busy inodes left. This is most likely a NTFS "
- "driver bug.");
- /* Copied from fs/super.c. I just love this message. (-; */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <linux/fs.h>
- #include <linux/pagemap.h>
-+#include <linux/faudit.h>
- #include <asm/unistd.h>
-@@ -46,7 +47,21 @@ int vfs_statfs(struct super_block *sb, s
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(vfs_statfs);
--static int vfs_statfs_native(struct super_block *sb, struct statfs *buf)
-+int faudit_statfs(struct super_block *sb, struct kstatfs *buf)
-+ struct faudit_statfs_arg arg;
-+ = sb;
-+ arg.stat = buf;
-+ if (virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_FAUDIT, VIRTINFO_FAUDIT_STATFS, &arg)
-+ return arg.err;
-+ return 0;
-+static int vfs_statfs_native(struct super_block *sb, struct vfsmount *mnt,
-+ struct statfs *buf)
- {
- struct kstatfs st;
- int retval;
-@@ -55,6 +70,10 @@ static int vfs_statfs_native(struct supe
- if (retval)
- return retval;
-+ retval = faudit_statfs(mnt->mnt_sb, &st);
-+ if (retval)
-+ return retval;
- if (sizeof(*buf) == sizeof(st))
- memcpy(buf, &st, sizeof(st));
- else {
-@@ -89,7 +108,8 @@ static int vfs_statfs_native(struct supe
- return 0;
- }
--static int vfs_statfs64(struct super_block *sb, struct statfs64 *buf)
-+static int vfs_statfs64(struct super_block *sb, struct vfsmount *mnt,
-+ struct statfs64 *buf)
- {
- struct kstatfs st;
- int retval;
-@@ -98,6 +118,10 @@ static int vfs_statfs64(struct super_blo
- if (retval)
- return retval;
-+ retval = faudit_statfs(mnt->mnt_sb, &st);
-+ if (retval)
-+ return retval;
- if (sizeof(*buf) == sizeof(st))
- memcpy(buf, &st, sizeof(st));
- else {
-@@ -124,7 +148,8 @@ asmlinkage long sys_statfs(const char __
- error = user_path_walk(path, &nd);
- if (!error) {
- struct statfs tmp;
-- error = vfs_statfs_native(nd.dentry->d_inode->i_sb, &tmp);
-+ error = vfs_statfs_native(nd.dentry->d_inode->i_sb,
-+ nd.mnt, &tmp);
- if (!error && copy_to_user(buf, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)))
- error = -EFAULT;
- path_release(&nd);
-@@ -143,7 +168,8 @@ asmlinkage long sys_statfs64(const char
- error = user_path_walk(path, &nd);
- if (!error) {
- struct statfs64 tmp;
-- error = vfs_statfs64(nd.dentry->d_inode->i_sb, &tmp);
-+ error = vfs_statfs64(nd.dentry->d_inode->i_sb,
-+ nd.mnt, &tmp);
- if (!error && copy_to_user(buf, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)))
- error = -EFAULT;
- path_release(&nd);
-@@ -162,7 +188,8 @@ asmlinkage long sys_fstatfs(unsigned int
- file = fget(fd);
- if (!file)
- goto out;
-- error = vfs_statfs_native(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_sb, &tmp);
-+ error = vfs_statfs_native(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_sb,
-+ file->f_vfsmnt, &tmp);
- if (!error && copy_to_user(buf, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)))
- error = -EFAULT;
- fput(file);
-@@ -183,7 +210,8 @@ asmlinkage long sys_fstatfs64(unsigned i
- file = fget(fd);
- if (!file)
- goto out;
-- error = vfs_statfs64(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_sb, &tmp);
-+ error = vfs_statfs64(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_sb,
-+ file->f_vfsmnt, &tmp);
- if (!error && copy_to_user(buf, &tmp, sizeof(tmp)))
- error = -EFAULT;
- fput(file);
-@@ -234,7 +262,7 @@ static inline long do_sys_truncate(const
- if (!S_ISREG(inode->i_mode))
- goto dput_and_out;
-- error = permission(inode,MAY_WRITE,&nd);
-+ error = permission(inode,MAY_WRITE,&nd,NULL);
- if (error)
- goto dput_and_out;
-@@ -388,7 +416,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_utime(char __user *
- goto dput_and_out;
- if (current->fsuid != inode->i_uid &&
-- (error = permission(inode,MAY_WRITE,&nd)) != 0)
-+ (error = permission(inode,MAY_WRITE,&nd,NULL)) != 0)
- goto dput_and_out;
- }
- down(&inode->i_sem);
-@@ -441,7 +469,7 @@ long do_utimes(char __user * filename, s
- goto dput_and_out;
- if (current->fsuid != inode->i_uid &&
-- (error = permission(inode,MAY_WRITE,&nd)) != 0)
-+ (error = permission(inode,MAY_WRITE,&nd,NULL)) != 0)
- goto dput_and_out;
- }
- down(&inode->i_sem);
-@@ -500,7 +528,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_access(const char __
- res = __user_walk(filename, LOOKUP_FOLLOW|LOOKUP_ACCESS, &nd);
- if (!res) {
-- res = permission(nd.dentry->d_inode, mode, &nd);
-+ res = permission(nd.dentry->d_inode, mode, &nd, NULL);
- /* SuS v2 requires we report a read only fs too */
- if(!res && (mode & S_IWOTH) && IS_RDONLY(nd.dentry->d_inode)
- && !special_file(nd.dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
-@@ -524,7 +552,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_chdir(const char __u
- if (error)
- goto out;
-- error = permission(nd.dentry->d_inode,MAY_EXEC,&nd);
-+ error = permission(nd.dentry->d_inode,MAY_EXEC,&nd,NULL);
- if (error)
- goto dput_and_out;
-@@ -557,7 +585,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_fchdir(unsigned int
- if (!S_ISDIR(inode->i_mode))
- goto out_putf;
-- error = permission(inode, MAY_EXEC, NULL);
-+ error = permission(inode, MAY_EXEC, NULL, NULL);
- if (!error)
- set_fs_pwd(current->fs, mnt, dentry);
- out_putf:
-@@ -575,7 +603,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_chroot(const char __
- if (error)
- goto out;
-- error = permission(nd.dentry->d_inode,MAY_EXEC,&nd);
-+ error = permission(nd.dentry->d_inode,MAY_EXEC,&nd,NULL);
- if (error)
- goto dput_and_out;
-@@ -776,6 +804,9 @@ struct file *dentry_open(struct dentry *
- struct inode *inode;
- int error;
-+ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_RAWIO))
-+ flags &= ~O_DIRECT;
- error = -ENFILE;
- f = get_empty_filp();
- if (!f)
-@@ -1082,3 +1113,81 @@ int nonseekable_open(struct inode *inode
- }
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(nonseekable_open);
-+long sys_lchmod(char __user * filename, mode_t mode)
-+ struct nameidata nd;
-+ struct inode * inode;
-+ int error;
-+ struct iattr newattrs;
-+ error = user_path_walk_link(filename, &nd);
-+ if (error)
-+ goto out;
-+ inode = nd.dentry->d_inode;
-+ error = -EROFS;
-+ if (IS_RDONLY(inode))
-+ goto dput_and_out;
-+ error = -EPERM;
-+ if (IS_IMMUTABLE(inode) || IS_APPEND(inode))
-+ goto dput_and_out;
-+ down(&inode->i_sem);
-+ if (mode == (mode_t) -1)
-+ mode = inode->i_mode;
-+ newattrs.ia_mode = (mode & S_IALLUGO) | (inode->i_mode & ~S_IALLUGO);
-+ newattrs.ia_valid = ATTR_MODE | ATTR_CTIME;
-+ error = notify_change(nd.dentry, &newattrs);
-+ up(&inode->i_sem);
-+ path_release(&nd);
-+ return error;
-+long sys_lutime(char __user * filename,
-+ struct utimbuf __user * times)
-+ int error;
-+ struct nameidata nd;
-+ struct inode * inode;
-+ struct iattr newattrs;
-+ error = user_path_walk_link(filename, &nd);
-+ if (error)
-+ goto out;
-+ inode = nd.dentry->d_inode;
-+ error = -EROFS;
-+ if (IS_RDONLY(inode))
-+ goto dput_and_out;
-+ /* Don't worry, the checks are done in inode_change_ok() */
-+ newattrs.ia_valid = ATTR_CTIME | ATTR_MTIME | ATTR_ATIME;
-+ if (times) {
-+ error = get_user(newattrs.ia_atime.tv_sec, &times->actime);
-+ newattrs.ia_atime.tv_nsec = 0;
-+ if (!error)
-+ error = get_user(newattrs.ia_mtime.tv_sec,
-+ &times->modtime);
-+ newattrs.ia_mtime.tv_nsec = 0;
-+ if (error)
-+ goto dput_and_out;
-+ newattrs.ia_valid |= ATTR_ATIME_SET | ATTR_MTIME_SET;
-+ } else {
-+ if (current->fsuid != inode->i_uid &&
-+ (error = permission(inode, MAY_WRITE, NULL, NULL)) != 0)
-+ goto dput_and_out;
-+ }
-+ down(&inode->i_sem);
-+ error = notify_change(nd.dentry, &newattrs);
-+ up(&inode->i_sem);
-+ path_release(&nd);
-+ return error;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:20.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ char *disk_name(struct gendisk *hd, int
- return buf;
- }
- const char *bdevname(struct block_device *bdev, char *buf)
- {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ struct inode* pipe_new(struct inode* ino
- {
- unsigned long page;
-- page = __get_free_page(GFP_USER);
-+ page = __get_free_page(GFP_USER_UBC);
- if (!page)
- return NULL;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -73,6 +73,8 @@
- #include <linux/highmem.h>
- #include <linux/file.h>
- #include <linux/times.h>
-+#include <linux/fairsched.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <asm/pgtable.h>
-@@ -88,10 +90,13 @@ static inline char * task_name(struct ta
- {
- int i;
- char * name;
-+ char tcomm[sizeof(p->comm)];
-+ get_task_comm(tcomm, p);
- ADDBUF(buf, "Name:\t");
-- name = p->comm;
-- i = sizeof(p->comm);
-+ name = tcomm;
-+ i = sizeof(tcomm);
- do {
- unsigned char c = *name;
- name++;
-@@ -127,18 +132,19 @@ static const char *task_state_array[] =
- "S (sleeping)", /* 1 */
- "D (disk sleep)", /* 2 */
- "T (stopped)", /* 4 */
-- "Z (zombie)", /* 8 */
-- "X (dead)" /* 16 */
-+ "T (tracing stop)", /* 8 */
-+ "Z (zombie)", /* 16 */
-+ "X (dead)" /* 32 */
- };
- static inline const char * get_task_state(struct task_struct *tsk)
- {
-- unsigned int state = tsk->state & (TASK_RUNNING |
-+ unsigned int state = (tsk->state & (TASK_RUNNING |
-+ (tsk->exit_state & (EXIT_ZOMBIE |
- const char **p = &task_state_array[0];
- while (state) {
-@@ -152,8 +158,13 @@ static inline char * task_state(struct t
- {
- struct group_info *group_info;
- int g;
-+ pid_t pid, ppid, tgid;
-+ pid = get_task_pid(p);
-+ tgid = get_task_tgid(p);
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ ppid = get_task_ppid(p);
- buffer += sprintf(buffer,
- "State:\t%s\n"
- "SleepAVG:\t%lu%%\n"
-@@ -161,13 +172,19 @@ static inline char * task_state(struct t
- "Pid:\t%d\n"
- "PPid:\t%d\n"
- "TracerPid:\t%d\n"
-+ "FNid:\t%d\n"
- "Uid:\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n"
- "Gid:\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n",
- get_task_state(p),
- (p->sleep_avg/1024)*100/(1020000000/1024),
-- p->tgid,
-- p->pid, p->pid ? p->real_parent->pid : 0,
-- p->pid && p->ptrace ? p->parent->pid : 0,
-+ tgid,
-+ pid, ppid,
-+ p->pid && p->ptrace ? get_task_pid(p->parent) : 0,
-+ task_fairsched_node_id(p),
- p->uid, p->euid, p->suid, p->fsuid,
- p->gid, p->egid, p->sgid, p->fsgid);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-@@ -186,6 +203,20 @@ static inline char * task_state(struct t
- put_group_info(group_info);
- buffer += sprintf(buffer, "\n");
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ buffer += sprintf(buffer,
-+ "envID:\t%d\n"
-+ "VPid:\t%d\n"
-+ "PNState:\t%u\n"
-+ "StopState:\t%u\n"
-+ "SigSuspState:\t%u\n",
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env->veid,
-+ virt_pid(p),
-+ p->pn_state,
-+ p->stopped_state,
-+ p->sigsuspend_state);
- return buffer;
- }
-@@ -231,7 +262,7 @@ static void collect_sigign_sigcatch(stru
- static inline char * task_sig(struct task_struct *p, char *buffer)
- {
-- sigset_t pending, shpending, blocked, ignored, caught;
-+ sigset_t pending, shpending, blocked, ignored, caught, saved;
- int num_threads = 0;
- sigemptyset(&pending);
-@@ -239,6 +270,7 @@ static inline char * task_sig(struct tas
- sigemptyset(&blocked);
- sigemptyset(&ignored);
- sigemptyset(&caught);
-+ sigemptyset(&saved);
- /* Gather all the data with the appropriate locks held */
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-@@ -247,6 +279,7 @@ static inline char * task_sig(struct tas
- pending = p->pending.signal;
- shpending = p->signal->shared_pending.signal;
- blocked = p->blocked;
-+ saved = p->saved_sigset;
- collect_sigign_sigcatch(p, &ignored, &caught);
- num_threads = atomic_read(&p->signal->count);
- spin_unlock_irq(&p->sighand->siglock);
-@@ -261,6 +294,7 @@ static inline char * task_sig(struct tas
- buffer = render_sigset_t("SigBlk:\t", &blocked, buffer);
- buffer = render_sigset_t("SigIgn:\t", &ignored, buffer);
- buffer = render_sigset_t("SigCgt:\t", &caught, buffer);
-+ buffer = render_sigset_t("SigSvd:\t", &saved, buffer);
- return buffer;
- }
-@@ -275,6 +309,24 @@ static inline char *task_cap(struct task
- cap_t(p->cap_effective));
- }
-+static inline char *task_show_ub(struct task_struct *p, char *buffer)
-+ char ub_info[64];
-+ print_ub_uid(get_task_ub(p), ub_info, sizeof(ub_info));
-+ buffer += sprintf(buffer, "TaskUB:\t%s\n", ub_info);
-+ task_lock(p);
-+ if (p->mm != NULL)
-+ print_ub_uid(mm_ub(p->mm), ub_info, sizeof(ub_info));
-+ else
-+ strcpy(ub_info, "N/A");
-+ task_unlock(p);
-+ buffer += sprintf(buffer, "MMUB:\t%s\n", ub_info);
-+ return buffer;
- extern char *task_mem(struct mm_struct *, char *);
- int proc_pid_status(struct task_struct *task, char * buffer)
- {
-@@ -293,6 +345,9 @@ int proc_pid_status(struct task_struct *
- #if defined(CONFIG_ARCH_S390)
- buffer = task_show_regs(task, buffer);
- #endif
-+ buffer = task_show_ub(task, buffer);
- return buffer - orig;
- }
-@@ -309,6 +364,9 @@ int proc_pid_stat(struct task_struct *ta
- int num_threads = 0;
- struct mm_struct *mm;
- unsigned long long start_time;
-+ char tcomm[sizeof(task->comm)];
-+ char mm_ub_info[64];
-+ char task_ub_info[64];
- state = *get_task_state(task);
- vsize = eip = esp = 0;
-@@ -325,6 +383,7 @@ int proc_pid_stat(struct task_struct *ta
- up_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
- }
-+ get_task_comm(tcomm, task);
- wchan = get_wchan(task);
- sigemptyset(&sigign);
-@@ -338,12 +397,13 @@ int proc_pid_stat(struct task_struct *ta
- }
- if (task->signal) {
- if (task->signal->tty) {
-- tty_pgrp = task->signal->tty->pgrp;
-+ tty_pgrp = pid_type_to_vpid(PIDTYPE_PGID, task->signal->tty->pgrp);
- tty_nr = new_encode_dev(tty_devnum(task->signal->tty));
- }
-- pgid = process_group(task);
-- sid = task->signal->session;
-+ pgid = get_task_pgid(task);
-+ sid = get_task_sid(task);
- }
-+ ppid = get_task_ppid(task);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
- /* scale priority and nice values from timeslices to -20..20 */
-@@ -351,18 +411,27 @@ int proc_pid_stat(struct task_struct *ta
- priority = task_prio(task);
- nice = task_nice(task);
-- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- ppid = task->pid ? task->real_parent->pid : 0;
-- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
- /* Temporary variable needed for gcc-2.96 */
- start_time = jiffies_64_to_clock_t(task->start_time - INITIAL_JIFFIES);
-+ print_ub_uid(get_task_ub(task), task_ub_info, sizeof(task_ub_info));
-+ if (mm != NULL)
-+ print_ub_uid(mm_ub(mm), mm_ub_info, sizeof(mm_ub_info));
-+ else
-+ strcpy(mm_ub_info, "N/A");
-+ strcpy(task_ub_info, "0");
-+ strcpy(mm_ub_info, "0");
- res = sprintf(buffer,"%d (%s) %c %d %d %d %d %d %lu %lu \
- %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %ld %ld %ld %ld %d %ld %llu %lu %ld %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu \
--%lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %d %d %lu %lu\n",
-- task->pid,
-- task->comm,
-+%lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %d %d %lu %lu \
-+0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 %d %u \
-+%s %s\n",
-+ get_task_pid(task),
-+ tcomm,
- state,
- ppid,
- pgid,
-@@ -382,7 +451,12 @@ int proc_pid_stat(struct task_struct *ta
- nice,
- num_threads,
- jiffies_to_clock_t(task->it_real_value),
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
- start_time,
-+ jiffies_64_to_clock_t(task->start_time -
-+ get_exec_env()->init_entry->start_time),
- vsize,
- mm ? mm->rss : 0, /* you might want to shift this left 3 */
- task->rlim[RLIMIT_RSS].rlim_cur,
-@@ -405,7 +479,11 @@ int proc_pid_stat(struct task_struct *ta
- task->exit_signal,
- task_cpu(task),
- task->rt_priority,
-- task->policy);
-+ task->policy,
-+ virt_pid(task),
-+ VEID(VE_TASK_INFO(task)->owner_env),
-+ task_ub_info,
-+ mm_ub_info);
- if(mm)
- mmput(mm);
- return res;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -188,22 +188,25 @@ static int proc_fd_link(struct inode *in
- struct files_struct *files;
- struct file *file;
- int fd = proc_type(inode) - PROC_TID_FD_DIR;
-+ int err = -ENOENT;
- files = get_files_struct(task);
- if (files) {
- spin_lock(&files->file_lock);
- file = fcheck_files(files, fd);
- if (file) {
-- *mnt = mntget(file->f_vfsmnt);
-- *dentry = dget(file->f_dentry);
-- spin_unlock(&files->file_lock);
-- put_files_struct(files);
-- return 0;
-+ if (d_root_check(file->f_dentry, file->f_vfsmnt)) {
-+ err = -EACCES;
-+ } else {
-+ *mnt = mntget(file->f_vfsmnt);
-+ *dentry = dget(file->f_dentry);
-+ err = 0;
-+ }
- }
- spin_unlock(&files->file_lock);
- put_files_struct(files);
- }
-- return -ENOENT;
-+ return err;
- }
- static int proc_exe_link(struct inode *inode, struct dentry **dentry, struct vfsmount **mnt)
-@@ -220,13 +223,16 @@ static int proc_exe_link(struct inode *i
- while (vma) {
- if ((vma->vm_flags & VM_EXECUTABLE) &&
- vma->vm_file) {
-- *mnt = mntget(vma->vm_file->f_vfsmnt);
-- *dentry = dget(vma->vm_file->f_dentry);
-- result = 0;
-+ result = d_root_check(vma->vm_file->f_dentry,
-+ vma->vm_file->f_vfsmnt);
-+ if (!result) {
-+ *mnt = mntget(vma->vm_file->f_vfsmnt);
-+ *dentry = dget(vma->vm_file->f_dentry);
-+ }
- break;
- }
- vma = vma->vm_next;
-- }
-+ }
- up_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
- mmput(mm);
- out:
-@@ -244,10 +250,12 @@ static int proc_cwd_link(struct inode *i
- task_unlock(proc_task(inode));
- if (fs) {
- read_lock(&fs->lock);
-- *mnt = mntget(fs->pwdmnt);
-- *dentry = dget(fs->pwd);
-+ result = d_root_check(fs->pwd, fs->pwdmnt);
-+ if (!result) {
-+ *mnt = mntget(fs->pwdmnt);
-+ *dentry = dget(fs->pwd);
-+ }
- read_unlock(&fs->lock);
-- result = 0;
- put_fs_struct(fs);
- }
- return result;
-@@ -297,6 +305,11 @@ static int may_ptrace_attach(struct task
- rmb();
- if (!task->mm->dumpable && !capable(CAP_SYS_PTRACE))
- goto out;
-+ if (!task->mm->vps_dumpable && !ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ goto out;
-+ /* optional: defensive measure */
-+ if (!ve_accessible(VE_TASK_INFO(task)->owner_env, get_exec_env()))
-+ goto out;
- if (security_ptrace(current, task))
- goto out;
-@@ -329,6 +342,8 @@ static int proc_pid_cmdline(struct task_
- struct mm_struct *mm = get_task_mm(task);
- if (!mm)
- goto out;
-+ if (!mm->arg_end)
-+ goto out_mm; /* Shh! No looking before we're done */
- len = mm->arg_end - mm->arg_start;
-@@ -351,8 +366,8 @@ static int proc_pid_cmdline(struct task_
- res = strnlen(buffer, res);
- }
- }
- mmput(mm);
- out:
- return res;
- }
-@@ -443,9 +458,10 @@ out:
- goto exit;
- }
--static int proc_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd)
-+static int proc_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd,
-+ struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
- {
-- if (vfs_permission(inode, mask) != 0)
-+ if (vfs_permission(inode, mask, exec_perm) != 0)
- return -EACCES;
- return proc_check_root(inode);
- }
-@@ -767,12 +783,6 @@ static struct inode_operations proc_pid_
- .follow_link = proc_pid_follow_link
- };
--static int pid_alive(struct task_struct *p)
-- BUG_ON(p->pids[PIDTYPE_PID].pidptr != &p->pids[PIDTYPE_PID].pid);
-- return atomic_read(&p->pids[PIDTYPE_PID].pid.count);
- #define NUMBUF 10
- static int proc_readfd(struct file * filp, void * dirent, filldir_t filldir)
-@@ -927,6 +937,10 @@ static struct inode *proc_pid_make_inode
- struct inode * inode;
- struct proc_inode *ei;
-+ if (!ve_accessible(VE_TASK_INFO(task)->owner_env,
-+ VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(sb->s_type)))
-+ return NULL;
- /* We need a new inode */
- inode = new_inode(sb);
-@@ -1030,6 +1044,10 @@ static void pid_base_iput(struct dentry
- spin_lock(&task->proc_lock);
- if (task->proc_dentry == dentry)
- task->proc_dentry = NULL;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (VE_TASK_INFO(task)->glob_proc_dentry == dentry)
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(task)->glob_proc_dentry = NULL;
- spin_unlock(&task->proc_lock);
- iput(inode);
- }
-@@ -1467,14 +1485,14 @@ static int proc_self_readlink(struct den
- int buflen)
- {
- char tmp[30];
-- sprintf(tmp, "%d", current->tgid);
-+ sprintf(tmp, "%d", get_task_tgid(current));
- return vfs_readlink(dentry,buffer,buflen,tmp);
- }
- static int proc_self_follow_link(struct dentry *dentry, struct nameidata *nd)
- {
- char tmp[30];
-- sprintf(tmp, "%d", current->tgid);
-+ sprintf(tmp, "%d", get_task_tgid(current));
- return vfs_follow_link(nd,tmp);
- }
-@@ -1499,24 +1517,33 @@ static struct inode_operations proc_self
- */
--struct dentry *proc_pid_unhash(struct task_struct *p)
-+struct dentry *__proc_pid_unhash(struct task_struct *p, struct dentry *proc_dentry)
- {
-- struct dentry *proc_dentry;
-- proc_dentry = p->proc_dentry;
- if (proc_dentry != NULL) {
- spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-+ spin_lock(&proc_dentry->d_lock);
- if (!d_unhashed(proc_dentry)) {
- dget_locked(proc_dentry);
- __d_drop(proc_dentry);
-- } else
-+ spin_unlock(&proc_dentry->d_lock);
-+ } else {
-+ spin_unlock(&proc_dentry->d_lock);
- proc_dentry = NULL;
-+ }
- spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
- }
- return proc_dentry;
- }
-+void proc_pid_unhash(struct task_struct *p, struct dentry *pd[2])
-+ pd[0] = __proc_pid_unhash(p, p->proc_dentry);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ pd[1] = __proc_pid_unhash(p, VE_TASK_INFO(p)->glob_proc_dentry);
- /**
- * proc_pid_flush - recover memory used by stale /proc/<pid>/x entries
- * @proc_entry: directoy to prune.
-@@ -1524,7 +1551,7 @@ struct dentry *proc_pid_unhash(struct ta
- * Shrink the /proc directory that was used by the just killed thread.
- */
--void proc_pid_flush(struct dentry *proc_dentry)
-+void __proc_pid_flush(struct dentry *proc_dentry)
- {
- if(proc_dentry != NULL) {
- shrink_dcache_parent(proc_dentry);
-@@ -1532,12 +1559,21 @@ void proc_pid_flush(struct dentry *proc_
- }
- }
-+void proc_pid_flush(struct dentry *proc_dentry[2])
-+ __proc_pid_flush(proc_dentry[0]);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ __proc_pid_flush(proc_dentry[1]);
- /* SMP-safe */
- struct dentry *proc_pid_lookup(struct inode *dir, struct dentry * dentry, struct nameidata *nd)
- {
- struct task_struct *task;
- struct inode *inode;
- struct proc_inode *ei;
-+ struct dentry *pd[2];
- unsigned tgid;
- int died;
-@@ -1561,7 +1597,19 @@ struct dentry *proc_pid_lookup(struct in
- goto out;
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- task = find_task_by_pid(tgid);
-+ task = find_task_by_pid_ve(tgid);
-+ /* In theory we are allowed to lookup both /proc/VIRT_PID and
-+ * /proc/GLOBAL_PID inside VE. However, current /proc implementation
-+ * cannot maintain two references to one task, so that we have
-+ * to prohibit /proc/GLOBAL_PID.
-+ */
-+ if (task && !ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && !is_virtual_pid(tgid)) {
-+ /* However, VE_ENTERed tasks are exception, they use global
-+ * pids.
-+ */
-+ if (virt_pid(task) != tgid)
-+ task = NULL;
-+ }
- if (task)
- get_task_struct(task);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-@@ -1586,16 +1634,23 @@ struct dentry *proc_pid_lookup(struct in
- died = 0;
- d_add(dentry, inode);
- spin_lock(&task->proc_lock);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (ve_is_super(VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(inode->i_sb->s_type)))
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(task)->glob_proc_dentry = dentry;
-+ else
-+ task->proc_dentry = dentry;
- task->proc_dentry = dentry;
- if (!pid_alive(task)) {
-- dentry = proc_pid_unhash(task);
-+ proc_pid_unhash(task, pd);
- died = 1;
- }
- spin_unlock(&task->proc_lock);
- put_task_struct(task);
- if (died) {
-- proc_pid_flush(dentry);
-+ proc_pid_flush(pd);
- goto out;
- }
- return NULL;
-@@ -1616,7 +1671,12 @@ static struct dentry *proc_task_lookup(s
- goto out;
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- task = find_task_by_pid(tid);
-+ task = find_task_by_pid_ve(tid);
-+ /* See comment above in similar place. */
-+ if (task && !ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && !is_virtual_pid(tid)) {
-+ if (virt_pid(task) != tid)
-+ task = NULL;
-+ }
- if (task)
- get_task_struct(task);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-@@ -1656,7 +1716,8 @@ out:
- * tasklist lock while doing this, and we must release it before
- * we actually do the filldir itself, so we use a temp buffer..
- */
--static int get_tgid_list(int index, unsigned long version, unsigned int *tgids)
-+static int get_tgid_list(int index, unsigned long version, unsigned int *tgids,
-+ struct ve_struct *owner)
- {
- struct task_struct *p;
- int nr_tgids = 0;
-@@ -1665,18 +1726,23 @@ static int get_tgid_list(int index, unsi
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
- p = NULL;
- if (version) {
-- p = find_task_by_pid(version);
-- if (!thread_group_leader(p))
-+ struct ve_struct *oldve;
-+ oldve = set_exec_env(owner);
-+ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(version);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(oldve);
-+ if (p != NULL && !thread_group_leader(p))
- p = NULL;
- }
- if (p)
- index = 0;
- else
-- p = next_task(&init_task);
-+ p = __first_task_ve(owner);
-- for ( ; p != &init_task; p = next_task(p)) {
-- int tgid = p->pid;
-+ for ( ; p != NULL; p = __next_task_ve(owner, p)) {
-+ int tgid = get_task_pid_ve(p, owner);
- if (!pid_alive(p))
- continue;
- if (--index >= 0)
-@@ -1709,7 +1775,7 @@ static int get_tid_list(int index, unsig
- * via next_thread().
- */
- if (pid_alive(task)) do {
-- int tid = task->pid;
-+ int tid = get_task_pid(task);
- if (--index >= 0)
- continue;
-@@ -1741,7 +1807,8 @@ int proc_pid_readdir(struct file * filp,
- /*
- * f_version caches the last tgid which was returned from readdir
- */
-- nr_tgids = get_tgid_list(nr, filp->f_version, tgid_array);
-+ nr_tgids = get_tgid_list(nr, filp->f_version, tgid_array,
-+ VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(filp->f_dentry->d_sb->s_type));
- for (i = 0; i < nr_tgids; i++) {
- int tgid = tgid_array[i];
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@
- #include <linux/errno.h>
- #include <linux/time.h>
-+#include <linux/fs.h>
- #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
- #include <linux/stat.h>
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/mount.h>
-@@ -27,6 +29,8 @@ static ssize_t proc_file_write(struct fi
- size_t count, loff_t *ppos);
- static loff_t proc_file_lseek(struct file *, loff_t, int);
-+static DECLARE_RWSEM(proc_tree_sem);
- int proc_match(int len, const char *name, struct proc_dir_entry *de)
- {
- if (de->namelen != len)
-@@ -54,13 +58,25 @@ proc_file_read(struct file *file, char _
- ssize_t n, count;
- char *start;
- struct proc_dir_entry * dp;
-+ unsigned long long pos;
-+ /*
-+ * Gaah, please just use "seq_file" instead. The legacy /proc
-+ * interfaces cut loff_t down to off_t for reads, and ignore
-+ * the offset entirely for writes..
-+ */
-+ pos = *ppos;
-+ if (pos > MAX_NON_LFS)
-+ return 0;
-+ if (nbytes > MAX_NON_LFS - pos)
-+ nbytes = MAX_NON_LFS - pos;
- dp = PDE(inode);
- if (!(page = (char*) __get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL)))
- return -ENOMEM;
- while ((nbytes > 0) && !eof) {
-- count = min_t(ssize_t, PROC_BLOCK_SIZE, nbytes);
-+ count = min_t(size_t, PROC_BLOCK_SIZE, nbytes);
- start = NULL;
- if (dp->get_info) {
-@@ -202,32 +218,20 @@ proc_file_write(struct file *file, const
- static loff_t
- proc_file_lseek(struct file *file, loff_t offset, int orig)
- {
-- lock_kernel();
-- switch (orig) {
-- case 0:
-- if (offset < 0)
-- goto out;
-- file->f_pos = offset;
-- unlock_kernel();
-- return(file->f_pos);
-- case 1:
-- if (offset + file->f_pos < 0)
-- goto out;
-- file->f_pos += offset;
-- unlock_kernel();
-- return(file->f_pos);
-- case 2:
-- goto out;
-- default:
-- goto out;
-- }
-- unlock_kernel();
-- return -EINVAL;
-+ loff_t retval = -EINVAL;
-+ switch (orig) {
-+ case 1:
-+ offset += file->f_pos;
-+ /* fallthrough */
-+ case 0:
-+ if (offset < 0 || offset > MAX_NON_LFS)
-+ break;
-+ file->f_pos = retval = offset;
-+ }
-+ return retval;
- }
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
- static int proc_notify_change(struct dentry *dentry, struct iattr *iattr)
- {
- struct inode *inode = dentry->d_inode;
-@@ -248,9 +252,12 @@ static int proc_notify_change(struct den
- out:
- return error;
- }
- static struct inode_operations proc_file_inode_operations = {
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
- .setattr = proc_notify_change,
- };
- /*
-@@ -258,14 +265,14 @@ static struct inode_operations proc_file
- * returns the struct proc_dir_entry for "/proc/tty/driver", and
- * returns "serial" in residual.
- */
--static int xlate_proc_name(const char *name,
-- struct proc_dir_entry **ret, const char **residual)
-+static int __xlate_proc_name(struct proc_dir_entry *root, const char *name,
-+ struct proc_dir_entry **ret, const char **residual)
- {
- const char *cp = name, *next;
- struct proc_dir_entry *de;
- int len;
-- de = &proc_root;
-+ de = root;
- while (1) {
- next = strchr(cp, '/');
- if (!next)
-@@ -285,6 +292,23 @@ static int xlate_proc_name(const char *n
- return 0;
- }
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
-+#define xlate_proc_loc_name xlate_proc_name
-+static int xlate_proc_loc_name(const char *name,
-+ struct proc_dir_entry **ret, const char **residual)
-+ return __xlate_proc_name(get_exec_env()->proc_root,
-+ name, ret, residual);
-+static int xlate_proc_name(const char *name,
-+ struct proc_dir_entry **ret, const char **residual)
-+ return __xlate_proc_name(&proc_root, name, ret, residual);
- static DEFINE_IDR(proc_inum_idr);
- static spinlock_t proc_inum_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED; /* protects the above */
-@@ -363,31 +387,102 @@ static struct dentry_operations proc_den
- struct dentry *proc_lookup(struct inode * dir, struct dentry *dentry, struct nameidata *nd)
- {
- struct inode *inode = NULL;
-- struct proc_dir_entry * de;
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *lde, *gde;
- int error = -ENOENT;
- lock_kernel();
-- de = PDE(dir);
-- if (de) {
-- for (de = de->subdir; de ; de = de->next) {
-- if (de->namelen != dentry->d_name.len)
-- continue;
-- if (!memcmp(dentry->, de->name, de->namelen)) {
-- unsigned int ino = de->low_ino;
-+ lde = LPDE(dir);
-+ if (!lde)
-+ goto out;
-- error = -EINVAL;
-- inode = proc_get_inode(dir->i_sb, ino, de);
-+ down_read(&proc_tree_sem);
-+ for (lde = lde->subdir; lde ; lde = lde->next) {
-+ if (lde->namelen != dentry->d_name.len)
-+ continue;
-+ if (!memcmp(dentry->, lde->name, lde->namelen))
-+ break;
-+ }
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ gde = GPDE(dir);
-+ if (gde != NULL) {
-+ for (gde = gde->subdir; gde ; gde = gde->next) {
-+ if (gde->namelen != dentry->d_name.len)
-+ continue;
-+ if (!memcmp(dentry->, gde->name, gde->namelen))
- break;
-- }
- }
- }
-- unlock_kernel();
-+ gde = NULL;
-+ /*
-+ * There are following possible cases after lookup:
-+ *
-+ * lde gde
-+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-+ * loc NULL found in local tree
-+ * loc glob found in both trees
-+ * NULL glob found in global tree
-+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-+ *
-+ * We initialized inode as follows after lookup:
-+ *
-+ * inode->lde inode->gde
-+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-+ * loc NULL in local tree
-+ * loc glob both trees
-+ * glob glob global tree
-+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-+ * i.e. inode->lde is always initialized
-+ */
-+ if (lde == NULL && gde == NULL)
-+ goto out_up;
-+ if (lde != NULL) {
-+ inode = proc_get_inode(dir->i_sb, lde->low_ino, lde);
-+ } else {
-+ inode = proc_get_inode(dir->i_sb, gde->low_ino, gde);
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ * We can sleep in proc_get_inode(), but since we have i_sem
-+ * being taken, no one can setup GPDE/LPDE on this inode.
-+ */
- if (inode) {
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ GPDE(inode) = gde;
-+ if (gde) {
-+ atomic_inc(&gde->count); /* de_get() */
-+ /* we have taken a ref in proc_get_inode() already */
-+ __module_get(gde->owner);
-+ }
-+ /* if dentry is found in both trees and it is a directory
-+ * then inode's nlink count must be altered, because local
-+ * and global subtrees may differ.
-+ * on the other hand, they may intersect, so actual nlink
-+ * value is difficult to calculate - upper estimate is used
-+ * instead of it.
-+ * dentry found in global tree only must not be writable
-+ * in non-super ve.
-+ */
-+ if (lde && gde && lde != gde && gde->nlink > 1)
-+ inode->i_nlink += gde->nlink - 2;
-+ if (lde == NULL && !ve_is_super(
-+ VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(dir->i_sb->s_type)))
-+ inode->i_mode &= ~S_IWUGO;
-+ up_read(&proc_tree_sem);
-+ unlock_kernel();
- dentry->d_op = &proc_dentry_operations;
- d_add(dentry, inode);
- return NULL;
- }
-+ up_read(&proc_tree_sem);
-+ unlock_kernel();
- return ERR_PTR(error);
- }
-@@ -434,29 +529,58 @@ int proc_readdir(struct file * filp,
- filp->f_pos++;
- /* fall through */
- default:
-- de = de->subdir;
- i -= 2;
-- for (;;) {
-- if (!de) {
-- ret = 1;
-- goto out;
-- }
-- if (!i)
-- break;
-- de = de->next;
-- i--;
-- }
-+ }
-- do {
-- if (filldir(dirent, de->name, de->namelen, filp->f_pos,
-- de->low_ino, de->mode >> 12) < 0)
-- goto out;
-- filp->f_pos++;
-- de = de->next;
-- } while (de);
-+ down_read(&proc_tree_sem);
-+ de = de->subdir;
-+ for (; de != NULL; de = de->next) {
-+ if (!i)
-+ break;
-+ i--;
- }
-+ for (; de != NULL; de = de->next) {
-+ if (filldir(dirent, de->name, de->namelen, filp->f_pos,
-+ de->low_ino, de->mode >> 12) < 0)
-+ goto out_up;
-+ filp->f_pos++;
-+ }
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ de = GPDE(inode);
-+ if (de == NULL) {
-+ ret = 1;
-+ goto out_up;
-+ }
-+ de = de->subdir;
-+ for (; de != NULL; de = de->next) {
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *p;
-+ /* check that we haven't filled this dir already */
-+ for (p = LPDE(inode)->subdir; p; p = p->next) {
-+ if (de->namelen != p->namelen)
-+ continue;
-+ if (!memcmp(de->name, p->name, p->namelen))
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if (p)
-+ continue;
-+ /* skip first i entries */
-+ if (i > 0) {
-+ i--;
-+ continue;
-+ }
-+ if (filldir(dirent, de->name, de->namelen, filp->f_pos,
-+ de->low_ino, de->mode >> 12) < 0)
-+ goto out_up;
-+ filp->f_pos++;
-+ }
- ret = 1;
--out: unlock_kernel();
-+ up_read(&proc_tree_sem);
-+ unlock_kernel();
- return ret;
- }
-@@ -475,7 +599,9 @@ static struct file_operations proc_dir_o
- */
- static struct inode_operations proc_dir_inode_operations = {
- .lookup = proc_lookup,
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
- .setattr = proc_notify_change,
- };
- static int proc_register(struct proc_dir_entry * dir, struct proc_dir_entry * dp)
-@@ -504,6 +630,7 @@ static int proc_register(struct proc_dir
- if (dp->proc_iops == NULL)
- dp->proc_iops = &proc_file_inode_operations;
- }
-+ de_get(dir);
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -549,7 +676,7 @@ static struct proc_dir_entry *proc_creat
- /* make sure name is valid */
- if (!name || !strlen(name)) goto out;
-- if (!(*parent) && xlate_proc_name(name, parent, &fn) != 0)
-+ if (!(*parent) && xlate_proc_loc_name(name, parent, &fn) != 0)
- goto out;
- len = strlen(fn);
-@@ -558,6 +685,7 @@ static struct proc_dir_entry *proc_creat
- memset(ent, 0, sizeof(struct proc_dir_entry));
- memcpy(((char *) ent) + sizeof(struct proc_dir_entry), fn, len + 1);
-+ atomic_set(&ent->count, 1);
- ent->name = ((char *) ent) + sizeof(*ent);
- ent->namelen = len;
- ent->mode = mode;
-@@ -571,6 +699,7 @@ struct proc_dir_entry *proc_symlink(cons
- {
- struct proc_dir_entry *ent;
-+ down_write(&proc_tree_sem);
- ent = proc_create(&parent,name,
-@@ -588,6 +717,7 @@ struct proc_dir_entry *proc_symlink(cons
- ent = NULL;
- }
- }
-+ up_write(&proc_tree_sem);
- return ent;
- }
-@@ -596,6 +726,7 @@ struct proc_dir_entry *proc_mkdir_mode(c
- {
- struct proc_dir_entry *ent;
-+ down_write(&proc_tree_sem);
- ent = proc_create(&parent, name, S_IFDIR | mode, 2);
- if (ent) {
- ent->proc_fops = &proc_dir_operations;
-@@ -606,6 +737,7 @@ struct proc_dir_entry *proc_mkdir_mode(c
- ent = NULL;
- }
- }
-+ up_write(&proc_tree_sem);
- return ent;
- }
-@@ -615,7 +747,7 @@ struct proc_dir_entry *proc_mkdir(const
- return proc_mkdir_mode(name, S_IRUGO | S_IXUGO, parent);
- }
--struct proc_dir_entry *create_proc_entry(const char *name, mode_t mode,
-+static struct proc_dir_entry *__create_proc_entry(const char *name, mode_t mode,
- struct proc_dir_entry *parent)
- {
- struct proc_dir_entry *ent;
-@@ -647,6 +779,35 @@ struct proc_dir_entry *create_proc_entry
- return ent;
- }
-+struct proc_dir_entry *create_proc_entry(const char *name, mode_t mode,
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *parent)
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *ent;
-+ const char *path = name;
-+ ent = NULL;
-+ down_write(&proc_tree_sem);
-+ if (parent || xlate_proc_loc_name(path, &parent, &name) == 0)
-+ ent = __create_proc_entry(name, mode, parent);
-+ up_write(&proc_tree_sem);
-+ return ent;
-+struct proc_dir_entry *create_proc_glob_entry(const char *name, mode_t mode,
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *parent)
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *ent;
-+ const char *path = name;
-+ ent = NULL;
-+ down_write(&proc_tree_sem);
-+ if (parent || xlate_proc_name(path, &parent, &name) == 0)
-+ ent = __create_proc_entry(name, mode, parent);
-+ up_write(&proc_tree_sem);
-+ return ent;
- void free_proc_entry(struct proc_dir_entry *de)
- {
- unsigned int ino = de->low_ino;
-@@ -665,15 +826,13 @@ void free_proc_entry(struct proc_dir_ent
- * Remove a /proc entry and free it if it's not currently in use.
- * If it is in use, we set the 'deleted' flag.
- */
--void remove_proc_entry(const char *name, struct proc_dir_entry *parent)
-+static void __remove_proc_entry(const char *name, struct proc_dir_entry *parent)
- {
- struct proc_dir_entry **p;
- struct proc_dir_entry *de;
- const char *fn = name;
- int len;
-- if (!parent && xlate_proc_name(name, &parent, &fn) != 0)
-- goto out;
- len = strlen(fn);
- for (p = &parent->subdir; *p; p=&(*p)->next ) {
- if (!proc_match(len, fn, *p))
-@@ -681,20 +840,58 @@ void remove_proc_entry(const char *name,
- de = *p;
- *p = de->next;
- de->next = NULL;
-+ de_put(parent);
- if (S_ISDIR(de->mode))
- parent->nlink--;
- proc_kill_inodes(de);
- de->nlink = 0;
- WARN_ON(de->subdir);
-- if (!atomic_read(&de->count))
-- free_proc_entry(de);
-- else {
-- de->deleted = 1;
-- printk("remove_proc_entry: %s/%s busy, count=%d\n",
-- parent->name, de->name, atomic_read(&de->count));
-- }
-+ de->deleted = 1;
-+ de_put(de);
- break;
- }
-- return;
-+static void __remove_proc_glob_entry(const char *name, struct proc_dir_entry *p)
-+ const char *fn = name;
-+ if (!p && xlate_proc_name(name, &p, &fn) != 0)
-+ return;
-+ __remove_proc_entry(fn, p);
-+void remove_proc_glob_entry(const char *name, struct proc_dir_entry *parent)
-+ down_write(&proc_tree_sem);
-+ __remove_proc_glob_entry(name, parent);
-+ up_write(&proc_tree_sem);
-+static void __remove_proc_loc_entry(const char *name, struct proc_dir_entry *p)
-+ const char *fn = name;
-+ if (!p && xlate_proc_loc_name(name, &p, &fn) != 0)
-+ return;
-+ __remove_proc_entry(fn, p);
-+void remove_proc_loc_entry(const char *name, struct proc_dir_entry *parent)
-+ down_write(&proc_tree_sem);
-+ __remove_proc_entry(name, parent);
-+ up_write(&proc_tree_sem);
-+/* used in cases when we don't know whether it is global or local proc tree */
-+void remove_proc_entry(const char *name, struct proc_dir_entry *parent)
-+ down_write(&proc_tree_sem);
-+ __remove_proc_loc_entry(name, parent);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ __remove_proc_glob_entry(name, parent);
-+ up_write(&proc_tree_sem);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:14.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
- #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
- #include <linux/mm.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
- #include <linux/string.h>
- #include <linux/stat.h>
- #include <linux/file.h>
-@@ -22,34 +23,25 @@
- extern void free_proc_entry(struct proc_dir_entry *);
--static inline struct proc_dir_entry * de_get(struct proc_dir_entry *de)
-- if (de)
-- atomic_inc(&de->count);
-- return de;
- /*
- * Decrements the use count and checks for deferred deletion.
- */
--static void de_put(struct proc_dir_entry *de)
-+void de_put(struct proc_dir_entry *de)
- {
- if (de) {
-- lock_kernel();
- if (!atomic_read(&de->count)) {
- printk("de_put: entry %s already free!\n", de->name);
-- unlock_kernel();
- return;
- }
- if (atomic_dec_and_test(&de->count)) {
-- if (de->deleted) {
-- printk("de_put: deferred delete of %s\n",
-- de->name);
-- free_proc_entry(de);
-+ if (!de->deleted) {
-+ printk("de_put: entry %s is not removed yet\n",
-+ de->name);
-+ return;
- }
-- }
-- unlock_kernel();
-+ free_proc_entry(de);
-+ }
- }
- }
-@@ -67,12 +59,19 @@ static void proc_delete_inode(struct ino
- put_task_struct(tsk);
- /* Let go of any associated proc directory entry */
-- de = PROC_I(inode)->pde;
-+ de = LPDE(inode);
- if (de) {
- if (de->owner)
- module_put(de->owner);
- de_put(de);
- }
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ de = GPDE(inode);
-+ if (de) {
-+ module_put(de->owner);
-+ de_put(de);
-+ }
- clear_inode(inode);
- }
-@@ -99,6 +98,9 @@ static struct inode *proc_alloc_inode(st
- ei->pde = NULL;
- inode = &ei->vfs_inode;
- inode->i_mtime = inode->i_atime = inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ GPDE(inode) = NULL;
- return inode;
- }
-@@ -200,10 +202,13 @@ struct inode *proc_get_inode(struct supe
- WARN_ON(de && de->deleted);
-+ if (de != NULL && !try_module_get(de->owner))
-+ goto out_mod;
- inode = iget(sb, ino);
- if (!inode)
-- goto out_fail;
-+ goto out_ino;
- PROC_I(inode)->pde = de;
- if (de) {
- if (de->mode) {
-@@ -215,20 +220,20 @@ struct inode *proc_get_inode(struct supe
- inode->i_size = de->size;
- if (de->nlink)
- inode->i_nlink = de->nlink;
-- if (!try_module_get(de->owner))
-- goto out_fail;
- if (de->proc_iops)
- inode->i_op = de->proc_iops;
- if (de->proc_fops)
- inode->i_fop = de->proc_fops;
- }
- return inode;
-+ if (de != NULL)
-+ module_put(de->owner);
- de_put(de);
-- goto out;
-+ return NULL;
- }
- int proc_fill_super(struct super_block *s, void *data, int silent)
-@@ -251,6 +256,14 @@ int proc_fill_super(struct super_block *
- s->s_root = d_alloc_root(root_inode);
- if (!s->s_root)
- goto out_no_root;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ LPDE(root_inode) = de_get(get_exec_env()->proc_root);
-+ GPDE(root_inode) = &proc_root;
-+ LPDE(root_inode) = &proc_root;
- parse_options(data, &root_inode->i_uid, &root_inode->i_gid);
- return 0;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
- #include <linux/kernel.h>
- #include <linux/poll.h>
- #include <linux/fs.h>
-+#include <linux/veprintk.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <asm/io.h>
-@@ -40,7 +41,7 @@ static ssize_t kmsg_read(struct file *fi
- static unsigned int kmsg_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait)
- {
-- poll_wait(file, &log_wait, wait);
-+ poll_wait(file, &ve_log_wait, wait);
- if (do_syslog(9, NULL, 0))
- return 0;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
- #include <linux/pagemap.h>
- #include <linux/swap.h>
- #include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
- #include <linux/smp.h>
- #include <linux/signal.h>
- #include <linux/module.h>
-@@ -44,14 +45,15 @@
- #include <linux/jiffies.h>
- #include <linux/sysrq.h>
- #include <linux/vmalloc.h>
-+#include <linux/version.h>
-+#include <linux/compile.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <asm/pgtable.h>
- #include <asm/io.h>
- #include <asm/tlb.h>
- #include <asm/div64.h>
-+#include <linux/fairsched.h>
--#define LOAD_INT(x) ((x) >> FSHIFT)
--#define LOAD_FRAC(x) LOAD_INT(((x) & (FIXED_1-1)) * 100)
- /*
- * Warning: stuff below (imported functions) assumes that its output will fit
- * into one page. For some of those functions it may be wrong. Moreover, we
-@@ -83,15 +85,33 @@ static int loadavg_read_proc(char *page,
- {
- int a, b, c;
- int len;
-- a = avenrun[0] + (FIXED_1/200);
-- b = avenrun[1] + (FIXED_1/200);
-- c = avenrun[2] + (FIXED_1/200);
-+ unsigned long __nr_running;
-+ int __nr_threads;
-+ unsigned long *__avenrun;
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ ve = get_exec_env();
-+ if (ve_is_super(ve)) {
-+ __avenrun = &avenrun[0];
-+ __nr_running = nr_running();
-+ __nr_threads = nr_threads;
-+ }
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ else {
-+ __avenrun = &ve->avenrun[0];
-+ __nr_running = nr_running_ve(ve);
-+ __nr_threads = atomic_read(&ve->pcounter);
-+ }
-+ a = __avenrun[0] + (FIXED_1/200);
-+ b = __avenrun[1] + (FIXED_1/200);
-+ c = __avenrun[2] + (FIXED_1/200);
- len = sprintf(page,"%d.%02d %d.%02d %d.%02d %ld/%d %d\n",
-- nr_running(), nr_threads, last_pid);
-+ __nr_running, __nr_threads, last_pid);
- return proc_calc_metrics(page, start, off, count, eof, len);
- }
-@@ -139,6 +159,13 @@ static int uptime_read_proc(char *page,
- u64 idle_jiffies = init_task.utime + init_task.stime;
- do_posix_clock_monotonic_gettime(&uptime);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ set_normalized_timespec(&uptime,
-+ uptime.tv_sec - get_exec_env()->start_timespec.tv_sec,
-+ uptime.tv_nsec - get_exec_env()->start_timespec.tv_nsec);
-+ }
- jiffies_to_timespec(idle_jiffies, &idle);
- len = sprintf(page,"%lu.%02lu %lu.%02lu\n",
- (unsigned long) uptime.tv_sec,
-@@ -152,30 +179,34 @@ static int uptime_read_proc(char *page,
- static int meminfo_read_proc(char *page, char **start, off_t off,
- int count, int *eof, void *data)
- {
-- struct sysinfo i;
-- int len, committed;
-- struct page_state ps;
-- unsigned long inactive;
-- unsigned long active;
-- unsigned long free;
-- unsigned long vmtot;
-+ struct meminfo mi;
-+ int len;
-+ unsigned long dummy;
- struct vmalloc_info vmi;
-- get_page_state(&ps);
-- get_zone_counts(&active, &inactive, &free);
-+ get_page_state(&;
-+ get_zone_counts(&, &mi.inactive, &dummy);
- /*
- * display in kilobytes.
- */
- #define K(x) ((x) << (PAGE_SHIFT - 10))
-- si_meminfo(&i);
-- si_swapinfo(&i);
-- committed = atomic_read(&vm_committed_space);
-+ si_meminfo(&;
-+ si_swapinfo(&;
-+ mi.committed_space = atomic_read(&vm_committed_space);
-+ mi.swapcache = total_swapcache_pages;
-+ mi.cache = get_page_cache_size() - mi.swapcache -;
-+ mi.vmalloc_total = (VMALLOC_END - VMALLOC_START) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- vmi = get_vmalloc_info();
-- vmi.used >>= 10;
-- vmi.largest_chunk >>= 10;
-+ mi.vmalloc_used = vmi.used >> PAGE_SHIFT;
-+ mi.vmalloc_largest = vmi.largest_chunk >> PAGE_SHIFT;
-+ if (virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_GENERAL, VIRTINFO_MEMINFO, &mi)
-+ return -ENOMSG;
- /*
- * Tagged format, for easy grepping and expansion.
-@@ -198,36 +229,40 @@ static int meminfo_read_proc(char *page,
- "Writeback: %8lu kB\n"
- "Mapped: %8lu kB\n"
- "Slab: %8lu kB\n"
-- "Committed_AS: %8u kB\n"
-+ "Committed_AS: %8lu kB\n"
- "PageTables: %8lu kB\n"
- "VmallocTotal: %8lu kB\n"
- "VmallocUsed: %8lu kB\n"
- "VmallocChunk: %8lu kB\n",
-- K(i.totalram),
-- K(i.freeram),
-- K(i.bufferram),
-- K(get_page_cache_size()-total_swapcache_pages-i.bufferram),
-- K(total_swapcache_pages),
-- K(active),
-- K(inactive),
-- K(i.totalhigh),
-- K(i.freehigh),
-- K(i.totalram-i.totalhigh),
-- K(i.freeram-i.freehigh),
-- K(i.totalswap),
-- K(i.freeswap),
-- K(ps.nr_dirty),
-- K(ps.nr_writeback),
-- K(ps.nr_mapped),
-- K(ps.nr_slab),
-- K(committed),
-- K(ps.nr_page_table_pages),
-- vmtot,
-- vmi.used,
-- vmi.largest_chunk
-+ K(,
-+ K(,
-+ K(,
-+ K(mi.cache),
-+ K(mi.swapcache),
-+ K(,
-+ K(mi.inactive),
-+ K(,
-+ K(,
-+ K(,
-+ K(,
-+ K(,
-+ K(,
-+ K(,
-+ K(,
-+ K(,
-+ K(,
-+ K(mi.committed_space),
-+ K(,
-+ K(mi.vmalloc_total),
-+ K(mi.vmalloc_used),
-+ K(mi.vmalloc_largest)
- );
-+#warning Virtualize hugetlb_report_meminfo
- len += hugetlb_report_meminfo(page + len);
- return proc_calc_metrics(page, start, off, count, eof, len);
- #undef K
-@@ -252,8 +287,15 @@ static int version_read_proc(char *page,
- {
- extern char *linux_banner;
- int len;
-+ struct new_utsname *utsname = &ve_utsname;
-- strcpy(page, linux_banner);
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ strcpy(page, linux_banner);
-+ else
-+ sprintf(page, "Linux version %s ("
-+ LINUX_COMPILER ") %s\n",
-+ utsname->release, utsname->version);
- len = strlen(page);
- return proc_calc_metrics(page, start, off, count, eof, len);
- }
-@@ -352,21 +394,14 @@ static struct file_operations proc_slabi
- .release = seq_release,
- };
--int show_stat(struct seq_file *p, void *v)
-+static void show_stat_ve0(struct seq_file *p)
- {
-- int i;
-- extern unsigned long total_forks;
-- unsigned long jif;
-- u64 sum = 0, user = 0, nice = 0, system = 0,
-- idle = 0, iowait = 0, irq = 0, softirq = 0;
-- jif = - wall_to_monotonic.tv_sec;
-- if (wall_to_monotonic.tv_nsec)
-- --jif;
-+ int i, j;
-+ struct page_state page_state;
-+ u64 sum, user, nice, system, idle, iowait, irq, softirq;
-+ sum = user = nice = system = idle = iowait = irq = softirq = 0;
- for_each_cpu(i) {
-- int j;
- user += kstat_cpu(i).cpustat.user;
- nice += kstat_cpu(i).cpustat.nice;
- system += kstat_cpu(i).cpustat.system;
-@@ -386,8 +421,8 @@ int show_stat(struct seq_file *p, void *
- (unsigned long long)jiffies_64_to_clock_t(iowait),
- (unsigned long long)jiffies_64_to_clock_t(irq),
- (unsigned long long)jiffies_64_to_clock_t(softirq));
-- for_each_online_cpu(i) {
-+ for_each_online_cpu(i) {
- /* Copy values here to work around gcc-2.95.3, gcc-2.96 */
- user = kstat_cpu(i).cpustat.user;
- nice = kstat_cpu(i).cpustat.nice;
-@@ -396,6 +431,7 @@ int show_stat(struct seq_file *p, void *
- iowait = kstat_cpu(i).cpustat.iowait;
- irq = kstat_cpu(i).cpustat.irq;
- softirq = kstat_cpu(i).cpustat.softirq;
- seq_printf(p, "cpu%d %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu\n",
- i,
- (unsigned long long)jiffies_64_to_clock_t(user),
-@@ -412,6 +448,84 @@ int show_stat(struct seq_file *p, void *
- for (i = 0; i < NR_IRQS; i++)
- seq_printf(p, " %u", kstat_irqs(i));
- #endif
-+ get_full_page_state(&page_state);
-+ seq_printf(p, "\nswap %lu %lu",
-+ page_state.pswpin, page_state.pswpout);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+static void show_stat_ve(struct seq_file *p, struct ve_struct *env)
-+ int i;
-+ u64 user, nice, system;
-+ cycles_t idle, iowait;
-+ cpumask_t ve_cpus;
-+ ve_cpu_online_map(env, &ve_cpus);
-+ user = nice = system = idle = iowait = 0;
-+ for_each_cpu_mask(i, ve_cpus) {
-+ user += VE_CPU_STATS(env, i)->user;
-+ nice += VE_CPU_STATS(env, i)->nice;
-+ system += VE_CPU_STATS(env, i)->system;
-+ idle += ve_sched_get_idle_time(env, i);
-+ iowait += ve_sched_get_iowait_time(env, i);
-+ }
-+ seq_printf(p, "cpu %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu 0 0\n",
-+ (unsigned long long)jiffies_64_to_clock_t(user),
-+ (unsigned long long)jiffies_64_to_clock_t(nice),
-+ (unsigned long long)jiffies_64_to_clock_t(system),
-+ (unsigned long long)cycles_to_clocks(idle),
-+ (unsigned long long)cycles_to_clocks(iowait));
-+ for_each_cpu_mask(i, ve_cpus) {
-+ user = VE_CPU_STATS(env, i)->user;
-+ nice = VE_CPU_STATS(env, i)->nice;
-+ system = VE_CPU_STATS(env, i)->system;
-+ idle = ve_sched_get_idle_time(env, i);
-+ iowait = ve_sched_get_iowait_time(env, i);
-+ seq_printf(p, "cpu%d %llu %llu %llu %llu %llu 0 0\n",
-+ i,
-+ (unsigned long long)jiffies_64_to_clock_t(user),
-+ (unsigned long long)jiffies_64_to_clock_t(nice),
-+ (unsigned long long)jiffies_64_to_clock_t(system),
-+ (unsigned long long)cycles_to_clocks(idle),
-+ (unsigned long long)cycles_to_clocks(iowait));
-+ }
-+ seq_printf(p, "intr 0");
-+ seq_printf(p, "\nswap %d %d", 0, 0);
-+int show_stat(struct seq_file *p, void *v)
-+ extern unsigned long total_forks;
-+ unsigned long seq, jif;
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
-+ unsigned long __nr_running, __nr_iowait;
-+ do {
-+ seq = read_seqbegin(&xtime_lock);
-+ jif = - wall_to_monotonic.tv_sec;
-+ if (wall_to_monotonic.tv_nsec)
-+ --jif;
-+ } while (read_seqretry(&xtime_lock, seq));
-+ env = get_exec_env();
-+ if (ve_is_super(env)) {
-+ show_stat_ve0(p);
-+ __nr_running = nr_running();
-+ __nr_iowait = nr_iowait();
-+ }
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ else {
-+ show_stat_ve(p, env);
-+ __nr_running = nr_running_ve(env);
-+ __nr_iowait = nr_iowait_ve(env);
-+ }
- seq_printf(p,
- "\nctxt %llu\n"
-@@ -422,8 +536,8 @@ int show_stat(struct seq_file *p, void *
- nr_context_switches(),
- (unsigned long)jif,
- total_forks,
-- nr_running(),
-- nr_iowait());
-+ __nr_running,
-+ __nr_iowait);
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -520,7 +634,8 @@ static int cmdline_read_proc(char *page,
- {
- int len;
-- len = sprintf(page, "%s\n", saved_command_line);
-+ len = sprintf(page, "%s\n",
-+ ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) ? saved_command_line : "");
- return proc_calc_metrics(page, start, off, count, eof, len);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <linux/errno.h>
- #include <linux/time.h>
-@@ -111,24 +112,35 @@ static int show_tty_driver(struct seq_fi
- /* iterator */
- static void *t_start(struct seq_file *m, loff_t *pos)
- {
-- struct list_head *p;
-+ struct tty_driver *drv;
- loff_t l = *pos;
-- list_for_each(p, &tty_drivers)
-+ read_lock(&tty_driver_guard);
-+ list_for_each_entry(drv, &tty_drivers, tty_drivers) {
-+ if (!ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_TTYDRV(drv), get_exec_env()))
-+ continue;
- if (!l--)
-- return list_entry(p, struct tty_driver, tty_drivers);
-+ return drv;
-+ }
- return NULL;
- }
- static void *t_next(struct seq_file *m, void *v, loff_t *pos)
- {
-- struct list_head *p = ((struct tty_driver *)v)->;
-+ struct tty_driver *drv;
- (*pos)++;
-- return p==&tty_drivers ? NULL :
-- list_entry(p, struct tty_driver, tty_drivers);
-+ drv = (struct tty_driver *)v;
-+ list_for_each_entry_continue(drv, &tty_drivers, tty_drivers) {
-+ if (ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_TTYDRV(drv), get_exec_env()))
-+ return drv;
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
- }
- static void t_stop(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
- {
-+ read_unlock(&tty_driver_guard);
- }
- static struct seq_operations tty_drivers_op = {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -30,12 +30,14 @@ static struct super_block *proc_get_sb(s
- return get_sb_single(fs_type, flags, data, proc_fill_super);
- }
--static struct file_system_type proc_fs_type = {
-+struct file_system_type proc_fs_type = {
- .name = "proc",
- .get_sb = proc_get_sb,
- .kill_sb = kill_anon_super,
- };
- extern int __init proc_init_inodecache(void);
- void __init proc_root_init(void)
- {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ static void qnx4_write_super(struct supe
- unlock_kernel();
- }
--static void qnx4_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int unused)
-+static int qnx4_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int unused)
- {
- struct qnx4_inode_entry *raw_inode;
- int block, ino;
-@@ -87,12 +87,12 @@ static void qnx4_write_inode(struct inod
- QNX4DEBUG(("qnx4: write inode 1.\n"));
- if (inode->i_nlink == 0) {
-- return;
-+ return 0;
- }
- if (!ino) {
- printk("qnx4: bad inode number on dev %s: %d is out of range\n",
- inode->i_sb->s_id, ino);
-- return;
-+ return -EIO;
- }
- QNX4DEBUG(("qnx4: write inode 2.\n"));
- block = ino / QNX4_INODES_PER_BLOCK;
-@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ static void qnx4_write_inode(struct inod
- printk("qnx4: major problem: unable to read inode from dev "
- "%s\n", inode->i_sb->s_id);
- unlock_kernel();
-- return;
-+ return -EIO;
- }
- raw_inode = ((struct qnx4_inode_entry *) bh->b_data) +
-@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ static void qnx4_write_inode(struct inod
- mark_buffer_dirty(bh);
- brelse(bh);
- unlock_kernel();
-+ return 0;
- }
- #endif
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -94,26 +94,29 @@ static int check_quotactl_valid(struct s
- if (cmd == Q_GETQUOTA || cmd == Q_XGETQUOTA) {
- if (((type == USRQUOTA && current->euid != id) ||
- (type == GRPQUOTA && !in_egroup_p(id))) &&
-- !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
-+ !capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN))
- return -EPERM;
- }
- else if (cmd != Q_GETFMT && cmd != Q_SYNC && cmd != Q_GETINFO && cmd != Q_XGETQSTAT)
-- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
-+ if (!capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN))
- return -EPERM;
- return security_quotactl (cmd, type, id, sb);
- }
--static struct super_block *get_super_to_sync(int type)
-+void sync_dquots(struct super_block *sb, int type)
- {
-- struct list_head *head;
- int cnt, dirty;
-+ if (sb) {
-+ if (sb->s_qcop && sb->s_qcop->quota_sync)
-+ sb->s_qcop->quota_sync(sb, type);
-+ return;
-+ }
- spin_lock(&sb_lock);
-- list_for_each(head, &super_blocks) {
-- struct super_block *sb = list_entry(head, struct super_block, s_list);
-+ list_for_each_entry(sb, &super_blocks, s_list) {
- /* This test just improves performance so it needn't be reliable... */
- for (cnt = 0, dirty = 0; cnt < MAXQUOTAS; cnt++)
- if ((type == cnt || type == -1) && sb_has_quota_enabled(sb, cnt)
-@@ -124,29 +127,14 @@ restart:
- sb->s_count++;
- spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
- down_read(&sb->s_umount);
-- if (!sb->s_root) {
-- drop_super(sb);
-+ if (sb->s_root && sb->s_qcop->quota_sync)
-+ sb->s_qcop->quota_sync(sb, type);
-+ up_read(&sb->s_umount);
-+ spin_lock(&sb_lock);
-+ if (__put_super_and_need_restart(sb))
- goto restart;
-- }
-- return sb;
- }
- spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
-- return NULL;
--void sync_dquots(struct super_block *sb, int type)
-- if (sb) {
-- if (sb->s_qcop->quota_sync)
-- sb->s_qcop->quota_sync(sb, type);
-- }
-- else {
-- while ((sb = get_super_to_sync(type)) != 0) {
-- if (sb->s_qcop->quota_sync)
-- sb->s_qcop->quota_sync(sb, type);
-- drop_super(sb);
-- }
-- }
- }
- /* Copy parameters and call proper function */
-@@ -258,6 +246,250 @@ static int do_quotactl(struct super_bloc
- return 0;
- }
-+static struct super_block *quota_get_sb(const char __user *special)
-+ struct super_block *sb;
-+ struct block_device *bdev;
-+ char *tmp;
-+ tmp = getname(special);
-+ if (IS_ERR(tmp))
-+ return (struct super_block *)tmp;
-+ bdev = lookup_bdev(tmp, FMODE_QUOTACTL);
-+ putname(tmp);
-+ if (IS_ERR(bdev))
-+ return (struct super_block *)bdev;
-+ sb = get_super(bdev);
-+ bdput(bdev);
-+ if (!sb)
-+ return ERR_PTR(-ENODEV);
-+ return sb;
-+#define QC_QUOTAON 0x0100 /* enable quotas */
-+#define QC_QUOTAOFF 0x0200 /* disable quotas */
-+/* GETQUOTA, SETQUOTA and SETUSE which were at 0x0300-0x0500 has now other parameteres */
-+#define QC_SYNC 0x0600 /* sync disk copy of a filesystems quotas */
-+#define QC_SETQLIM 0x0700 /* set limits */
-+/* GETSTATS at 0x0800 is now longer... */
-+#define QC_GETINFO 0x0900 /* get info about quotas - graces, flags... */
-+#define QC_SETINFO 0x0A00 /* set info about quotas */
-+#define QC_SETGRACE 0x0B00 /* set inode and block grace */
-+#define QC_SETFLAGS 0x0C00 /* set flags for quota */
-+#define QC_GETQUOTA 0x0D00 /* get limits and usage */
-+#define QC_SETQUOTA 0x0E00 /* set limits and usage */
-+#define QC_SETUSE 0x0F00 /* set usage */
-+/* 0x1000 used by old RSQUASH */
-+#define QC_GETSTATS 0x1100 /* get collected stats */
-+#define QC_GETQUOTI 0x2B00 /* get limits and usage by index */
-+struct compat_dqblk {
-+ unsigned int dqb_ihardlimit;
-+ unsigned int dqb_isoftlimit;
-+ unsigned int dqb_curinodes;
-+ unsigned int dqb_bhardlimit;
-+ unsigned int dqb_bsoftlimit;
-+ qsize_t dqb_curspace;
-+ __kernel_time_t dqb_btime;
-+ __kernel_time_t dqb_itime;
-+struct compat_dqinfo {
-+ unsigned int dqi_bgrace;
-+ unsigned int dqi_igrace;
-+ unsigned int dqi_flags;
-+ unsigned int dqi_blocks;
-+ unsigned int dqi_free_blk;
-+ unsigned int dqi_free_entry;
-+struct compat_dqstats {
-+ __u32 lookups;
-+ __u32 drops;
-+ __u32 reads;
-+ __u32 writes;
-+ __u32 cache_hits;
-+ __u32 allocated_dquots;
-+ __u32 free_dquots;
-+ __u32 syncs;
-+ __u32 version;
-+asmlinkage long sys_quotactl(unsigned int cmd, const char __user *special, qid_t id, void __user *addr);
-+static long compat_quotactl(unsigned int cmds, unsigned int type,
-+ const char __user *special, qid_t id,
-+ void __user *addr)
-+ struct super_block *sb;
-+ long ret;
-+ sb = NULL;
-+ switch (cmds) {
-+ case QC_QUOTAON:
-+ return sys_quotactl(QCMD(Q_QUOTAON, type),
-+ special, id, addr);
-+ case QC_QUOTAOFF:
-+ return sys_quotactl(QCMD(Q_QUOTAOFF, type),
-+ special, id, addr);
-+ case QC_SYNC:
-+ return sys_quotactl(QCMD(Q_SYNC, type),
-+ special, id, addr);
-+ case QC_GETQUOTA: {
-+ struct if_dqblk idq;
-+ struct compat_dqblk cdq;
-+ sb = quota_get_sb(special);
-+ ret = PTR_ERR(sb);
-+ if (IS_ERR(sb))
-+ break;
-+ ret = check_quotactl_valid(sb, type, Q_GETQUOTA, id);
-+ if (ret)
-+ break;
-+ ret = sb->s_qcop->get_dqblk(sb, type, id, &idq);
-+ if (ret)
-+ break;
-+ cdq.dqb_ihardlimit = idq.dqb_ihardlimit;
-+ cdq.dqb_isoftlimit = idq.dqb_isoftlimit;
-+ cdq.dqb_curinodes = idq.dqb_curinodes;
-+ cdq.dqb_bhardlimit = idq.dqb_bhardlimit;
-+ cdq.dqb_bsoftlimit = idq.dqb_bsoftlimit;
-+ cdq.dqb_curspace = idq.dqb_curspace;
-+ cdq.dqb_btime = idq.dqb_btime;
-+ cdq.dqb_itime = idq.dqb_itime;
-+ ret = 0;
-+ if (copy_to_user(addr, &cdq, sizeof(cdq)))
-+ ret = -EFAULT;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ case QC_SETQUOTA:
-+ case QC_SETUSE:
-+ case QC_SETQLIM: {
-+ struct if_dqblk idq;
-+ struct compat_dqblk cdq;
-+ sb = quota_get_sb(special);
-+ ret = PTR_ERR(sb);
-+ if (IS_ERR(sb))
-+ break;
-+ ret = check_quotactl_valid(sb, type, Q_SETQUOTA, id);
-+ if (ret)
-+ break;
-+ ret = -EFAULT;
-+ if (copy_from_user(&cdq, addr, sizeof(cdq)))
-+ break;
-+ idq.dqb_ihardlimit = cdq.dqb_ihardlimit;
-+ idq.dqb_isoftlimit = cdq.dqb_isoftlimit;
-+ idq.dqb_curinodes = cdq.dqb_curinodes;
-+ idq.dqb_bhardlimit = cdq.dqb_bhardlimit;
-+ idq.dqb_bsoftlimit = cdq.dqb_bsoftlimit;
-+ idq.dqb_curspace = cdq.dqb_curspace;
-+ idq.dqb_valid = 0;
-+ if (cmds == QC_SETQUOTA || cmds == QC_SETQLIM)
-+ idq.dqb_valid |= QIF_LIMITS;
-+ if (cmds == QC_SETQUOTA || cmds == QC_SETUSE)
-+ idq.dqb_valid |= QIF_USAGE;
-+ ret = sb->s_qcop->set_dqblk(sb, type, id, &idq);
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ case QC_GETINFO: {
-+ struct if_dqinfo iinf;
-+ struct compat_dqinfo cinf;
-+ sb = quota_get_sb(special);
-+ ret = PTR_ERR(sb);
-+ if (IS_ERR(sb))
-+ break;
-+ ret = check_quotactl_valid(sb, type, Q_GETQUOTA, id);
-+ if (ret)
-+ break;
-+ ret = sb->s_qcop->get_info(sb, type, &iinf);
-+ if (ret)
-+ break;
-+ cinf.dqi_bgrace = iinf.dqi_bgrace;
-+ cinf.dqi_igrace = iinf.dqi_igrace;
-+ cinf.dqi_flags = 0;
-+ if (iinf.dqi_flags & DQF_INFO_DIRTY)
-+ cinf.dqi_flags |= 0x0010;
-+ cinf.dqi_blocks = 0;
-+ cinf.dqi_free_blk = 0;
-+ cinf.dqi_free_entry = 0;
-+ ret = 0;
-+ if (copy_to_user(addr, &cinf, sizeof(cinf)))
-+ ret = -EFAULT;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ case QC_SETINFO:
-+ case QC_SETGRACE:
-+ case QC_SETFLAGS: {
-+ struct if_dqinfo iinf;
-+ struct compat_dqinfo cinf;
-+ sb = quota_get_sb(special);
-+ ret = PTR_ERR(sb);
-+ if (IS_ERR(sb))
-+ break;
-+ ret = check_quotactl_valid(sb, type, Q_SETINFO, id);
-+ if (ret)
-+ break;
-+ ret = -EFAULT;
-+ if (copy_from_user(&cinf, addr, sizeof(cinf)))
-+ break;
-+ iinf.dqi_bgrace = cinf.dqi_bgrace;
-+ iinf.dqi_igrace = cinf.dqi_igrace;
-+ iinf.dqi_flags = cinf.dqi_flags;
-+ iinf.dqi_valid = 0;
-+ if (cmds == QC_SETINFO || cmds == QC_SETGRACE)
-+ iinf.dqi_valid |= IIF_BGRACE | IIF_IGRACE;
-+ if (cmds == QC_SETINFO || cmds == QC_SETFLAGS)
-+ iinf.dqi_valid |= IIF_FLAGS;
-+ ret = sb->s_qcop->set_info(sb, type, &iinf);
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ case QC_GETSTATS: {
-+ struct compat_dqstats stat;
-+ memset(&stat, 0, sizeof(stat));
-+ stat.version = 6*10000+5*100+0;
-+ ret = 0;
-+ if (copy_to_user(addr, &stat, sizeof(stat)))
-+ ret = -EFAULT;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ case QC_GETQUOTI:
-+ sb = quota_get_sb(special);
-+ ret = PTR_ERR(sb);
-+ if (IS_ERR(sb))
-+ break;
-+ ret = check_quotactl_valid(sb, type, Q_GETINFO, id);
-+ if (ret)
-+ break;
-+ ret = -ENOSYS;
-+ if (!sb->s_qcop->get_quoti)
-+ break;
-+ ret = sb->s_qcop->get_quoti(sb, type, id, addr);
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ ret = -ENOSYS;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if (sb && !IS_ERR(sb))
-+ drop_super(sb);
-+ return ret;
- /*
- * This is the system call interface. This communicates with
- * the user-level programs. Currently this only supports diskquota
-@@ -268,25 +500,20 @@ asmlinkage long sys_quotactl(unsigned in
- {
- uint cmds, type;
- struct super_block *sb = NULL;
-- struct block_device *bdev;
-- char *tmp;
- int ret;
- cmds = cmd >> SUBCMDSHIFT;
- type = cmd & SUBCMDMASK;
-+ if (cmds >= 0x0100 && cmds < 0x3000)
-+ return compat_quotactl(cmds, type, special, id, addr);
- if (cmds != Q_SYNC || special) {
-- tmp = getname(special);
-- if (IS_ERR(tmp))
-- return PTR_ERR(tmp);
-- bdev = lookup_bdev(tmp);
-- putname(tmp);
-- if (IS_ERR(bdev))
-- return PTR_ERR(bdev);
-- sb = get_super(bdev);
-- bdput(bdev);
-- if (!sb)
-- return -ENODEV;
-+ sb = quota_get_sb(special);
-+ if (IS_ERR(sb))
-+ return PTR_ERR(sb);
- }
- ret = check_quotactl_valid(sb, type, cmds, id);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ static int ramfs_symlink(struct inode *
- inode = ramfs_get_inode(dir->i_sb, S_IFLNK|S_IRWXUGO, 0);
- if (inode) {
- int l = strlen(symname)+1;
-- error = page_symlink(inode, symname, l);
-+ error = page_symlink(inode, symname, l, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!error) {
- if (dir->i_mode & S_ISGID)
- inode->i_gid = dir->i_gid;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:33.000000000 +0400
-@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ error_exit:
- /* Unlock pages prepared by reiserfs_prepare_file_region_for_write */
- void reiserfs_unprepare_pages(struct page **prepared_pages, /* list of locked pages */
-- int num_pages /* amount of pages */) {
-+ size_t num_pages /* amount of pages */) {
- int i; // loop counter
- for (i=0; i < num_pages ; i++) {
-@@ -566,7 +566,7 @@ int reiserfs_copy_from_user_to_file_regi
- int offset; // offset in page
- for ( i = 0, offset = (pos & (PAGE_CACHE_SIZE-1)); i < num_pages ; i++,offset=0) {
-- int count = min_t(int,PAGE_CACHE_SIZE-offset,write_bytes); // How much of bytes to write to this page
-+ size_t count = min_t(size_t,PAGE_CACHE_SIZE-offset,write_bytes); // How much of bytes to write to this page
- struct page *page=prepared_pages[i]; // Current page we process.
- fault_in_pages_readable( buf, count);
-@@ -661,8 +661,8 @@ int reiserfs_submit_file_region_for_writ
- struct reiserfs_transaction_handle *th,
- struct inode *inode,
- loff_t pos, /* Writing position offset */
-- int num_pages, /* Number of pages to write */
-- int write_bytes, /* number of bytes to write */
-+ size_t num_pages, /* Number of pages to write */
-+ size_t write_bytes, /* number of bytes to write */
- struct page **prepared_pages /* list of pages */
- )
- {
-@@ -795,9 +795,9 @@ int reiserfs_check_for_tail_and_convert(
- int reiserfs_prepare_file_region_for_write(
- struct inode *inode /* Inode of the file */,
- loff_t pos, /* position in the file */
-- int num_pages, /* number of pages to
-+ size_t num_pages, /* number of pages to
- prepare */
-- int write_bytes, /* Amount of bytes to be
-+ size_t write_bytes, /* Amount of bytes to be
- overwritten from
- @pos */
- struct page **prepared_pages /* pointer to array
-@@ -1176,10 +1176,9 @@ ssize_t reiserfs_file_write( struct file
- while ( count > 0) {
- /* This is the main loop in which we running until some error occures
- or until we write all of the data. */
-- int num_pages;/* amount of pages we are going to write this iteration */
-- int write_bytes; /* amount of bytes to write during this iteration */
-- int blocks_to_allocate; /* how much blocks we need to allocate for
-- this iteration */
-+ size_t num_pages;/* amount of pages we are going to write this iteration */
-+ size_t write_bytes; /* amount of bytes to write during this iteration */
-+ size_t blocks_to_allocate; /* how much blocks we need to allocate for this iteration */
- /* (pos & (PAGE_CACHE_SIZE-1)) is an idiom for offset into a page of pos*/
- num_pages = !!((pos+count) & (PAGE_CACHE_SIZE - 1)) + /* round up partial
-@@ -1193,7 +1192,7 @@ ssize_t reiserfs_file_write( struct file
- /* If we were asked to write more data than we want to or if there
- is not that much space, then we shorten amount of data to write
- for this iteration. */
-- num_pages = min_t(int, REISERFS_WRITE_PAGES_AT_A_TIME, reiserfs_can_fit_pages(inode->i_sb));
-+ num_pages = min_t(size_t, REISERFS_WRITE_PAGES_AT_A_TIME, reiserfs_can_fit_pages(inode->i_sb));
- /* Also we should not forget to set size in bytes accordingly */
- write_bytes = (num_pages << PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT) -
- (pos & (PAGE_CACHE_SIZE-1));
-@@ -1219,7 +1218,7 @@ ssize_t reiserfs_file_write( struct file
- // But overwriting files on absolutelly full volumes would not
- // be very efficient. Well, people are not supposed to fill
- // 100% of disk space anyway.
-- write_bytes = min_t(int, count, inode->i_sb->s_blocksize - (pos & (inode->i_sb->s_blocksize - 1)));
-+ write_bytes = min_t(size_t, count, inode->i_sb->s_blocksize - (pos & (inode->i_sb->s_blocksize - 1)));
- num_pages = 1;
- // No blocks were claimed before, so do it now.
- reiserfs_claim_blocks_to_be_allocated(inode->i_sb, 1 << (PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT - inode->i_blkbits));
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1504,7 +1504,7 @@ int reiserfs_encode_fh(struct dentry *de
- ** to properly mark inodes for datasync and such, but only actually
- ** does something when called for a synchronous update.
- */
--void reiserfs_write_inode (struct inode * inode, int do_sync) {
-+int reiserfs_write_inode (struct inode * inode, int do_sync) {
- struct reiserfs_transaction_handle th ;
- int jbegin_count = 1 ;
-@@ -1512,7 +1512,7 @@ void reiserfs_write_inode (struct inode
- reiserfs_warning (inode->i_sb,
- "clm-6005: writing inode %lu on readonly FS",
- inode->i_ino) ;
-- return ;
-+ return -EROFS;
- }
- /* memory pressure can sometimes initiate write_inode calls with sync == 1,
- ** these cases are just when the system needs ram, not when the
-@@ -1526,6 +1526,7 @@ void reiserfs_write_inode (struct inode
- journal_end_sync(&th, inode->i_sb, jbegin_count) ;
- reiserfs_write_unlock(inode->i_sb);
- }
-+ return 0;
- }
- /* FIXME: no need any more. right? */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -799,6 +799,9 @@ static int reiserfs_rmdir (struct inode
- struct reiserfs_dir_entry de;
-+ inode = dentry->d_inode;
-+ DQUOT_INIT(inode);
- /* we will be doing 2 balancings and update 2 stat data */
- jbegin_count = JOURNAL_PER_BALANCE_CNT * 2 + 2;
-@@ -814,8 +817,6 @@ static int reiserfs_rmdir (struct inode
- goto end_rmdir;
- }
-- inode = dentry->d_inode;
- reiserfs_update_inode_transaction(inode) ;
- reiserfs_update_inode_transaction(dir) ;
-@@ -878,6 +879,7 @@ static int reiserfs_unlink (struct inode
- unsigned long savelink;
- inode = dentry->d_inode;
-+ DQUOT_INIT(inode);
- /* in this transaction we can be doing at max two balancings and update
- two stat datas */
-@@ -1146,6 +1148,8 @@ static int reiserfs_rename (struct inode
- old_inode = old_dentry->d_inode;
- new_dentry_inode = new_dentry->d_inode;
-+ if (new_dentry_inode)
-+ DQUOT_INIT(new_dentry_inode);
- // make sure, that oldname still exists and points to an object we
- // are going to rename
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1429,9 +1429,26 @@ check_capabilities:
- }
- int
--reiserfs_permission (struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd)
-+reiserfs_permission (struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd,
-+ struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
- {
-- return __reiserfs_permission (inode, mask, nd, 1);
-+ int ret;
-+ if (exec_perm != NULL)
-+ down(&inode->i_sem);
-+ ret = __reiserfs_permission (inode, mask, nd, 1);
-+ if (exec_perm != NULL) {
-+ if (!ret) {
-+ exec_perm->set = 1;
-+ exec_perm->mode = inode->i_mode;
-+ exec_perm->uid = inode->i_uid;
-+ exec_perm->gid = inode->i_gid;
-+ }
-+ up(&inode->i_sem);
-+ }
-+ return ret;
- }
- int
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
- #define ROUND_UP(x,y) (((x)+(y)-1)/(y))
-@@ -94,7 +96,8 @@ void __pollwait(struct file *filp, wait_
- if (!table || POLL_TABLE_FULL(table)) {
- struct poll_table_page *new_table;
-- new_table = (struct poll_table_page *) __get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
-+ new_table = (struct poll_table_page *) __get_free_page(
- if (!new_table) {
- p->error = -ENOMEM;
- __set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
-@@ -275,7 +278,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(do_select);
- static void *select_bits_alloc(int size)
- {
-- return kmalloc(6 * size, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ return ub_kmalloc(6 * size, GFP_KERNEL);
- }
- static void select_bits_free(void *bits, int size)
-@@ -484,7 +487,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_poll(struct pollfd _
- err = -ENOMEM;
- while(i!=0) {
- struct poll_list *pp;
-- pp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct poll_list)+
-+ pp = ub_kmalloc(sizeof(struct poll_list)+
- sizeof(struct pollfd)*
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -311,6 +311,8 @@ int seq_path(struct seq_file *m,
- if (m->count < m->size) {
- char *s = m->buf + m->count;
- char *p = d_path(dentry, mnt, s, m->size - m->count);
-+ if (IS_ERR(p) && PTR_ERR(p) != -ENAMETOOLONG)
-+ return 0;
- if (!IS_ERR(p)) {
- while (s <= p) {
- char c = *p++;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
-+ * fs/simfs.c
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/fs.h>
-+#include <linux/file.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/namei.h>
-+#include <linux/err.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <linux/mount.h>
-+#include <linux/vzquota.h>
-+#include <linux/statfs.h>
-+#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
-+#include <linux/faudit.h>
-+#include <linux/genhd.h>
-+#include <asm/unistd.h>
-+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#define SIMFS_GET_LOWER_FS_SB(sb) sb->s_root->d_sb
-+static struct super_operations sim_super_ops;
-+static int sim_getattr(struct vfsmount *mnt, struct dentry *dentry,
-+ struct kstat *stat)
-+ struct super_block *sb;
-+ struct inode *inode;
-+ inode = dentry->d_inode;
-+ if (!inode->i_op->getattr) {
-+ generic_fillattr(inode, stat);
-+ if (!stat->blksize) {
-+ unsigned blocks;
-+ sb = inode->i_sb;
-+ blocks = (stat->size + sb->s_blocksize-1) >>
-+ sb->s_blocksize_bits;
-+ stat->blocks = (sb->s_blocksize / 512) * blocks;
-+ stat->blksize = sb->s_blocksize;
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ int err;
-+ err = inode->i_op->getattr(mnt, dentry, stat);
-+ if (err)
-+ return err;
-+ }
-+ sb = mnt->mnt_sb;
-+ if (sb->s_op == &sim_super_ops)
-+ stat->dev = sb->s_dev;
-+ return 0;
-+static void quota_get_stat(struct super_block *sb, struct kstatfs *buf)
-+ int err;
-+ struct dq_stat qstat;
-+ struct virt_info_quota q;
-+ long free_file, adj_file;
-+ s64 blk, free_blk, adj_blk;
-+ int bsize_bits;
-+ q.super = sb;
-+ q.qstat = &qstat;
-+ err = virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_QUOTA, VIRTINFO_QUOTA_GETSTAT, &q);
-+ if (err != NOTIFY_OK)
-+ return;
-+ bsize_bits = ffs(buf->f_bsize) - 1;
-+ free_blk = (s64)(qstat.bsoftlimit - qstat.bcurrent) >> bsize_bits;
-+ if (free_blk < 0)
-+ free_blk = 0;
-+ /*
-+ * In the regular case, we always set buf->f_bfree and buf->f_blocks to
-+ * the values reported by quota. In case of real disk space shortage,
-+ * we adjust the values. We want this adjustment to look as if the
-+ * total disk space were reduced, not as if the usage were increased.
-+ * -- SAW
-+ */
-+ adj_blk = 0;
-+ if (buf->f_bfree < free_blk)
-+ adj_blk = free_blk - buf->f_bfree;
-+ buf->f_bfree = (long)(free_blk - adj_blk);
-+ if (free_blk < buf->f_bavail)
-+ buf->f_bavail = (long)free_blk; /* min(f_bavail, free_blk) */
-+ blk = (qstat.bsoftlimit >> bsize_bits) - adj_blk;
-+ buf->f_blocks = blk > LONG_MAX ? LONG_MAX : blk;
-+ free_file = qstat.isoftlimit - qstat.icurrent;
-+ if (free_file < 0)
-+ free_file = 0;
-+ if (buf->f_ffree == -1)
-+ /*
-+ * One filesystem uses -1 to represent the fact that it doesn't
-+ * have a detached limit for inode number.
-+ * May be, because -1 is a good pretendent for the maximum value
-+ * of signed long type, may be, because it's just nice to have
-+ * an exceptional case... Guess what that filesystem is :-)
-+ * -- SAW
-+ */
-+ buf->f_ffree = free_file;
-+ adj_file = 0;
-+ if (buf->f_ffree < free_file)
-+ adj_file = free_file - buf->f_ffree;
-+ buf->f_ffree = free_file - adj_file;
-+ buf->f_files = qstat.isoftlimit - adj_file;
-+static int sim_statfs(struct super_block *sb, struct kstatfs *buf)
-+ int err;
-+ struct super_block *lsb;
-+ struct kstatfs statbuf;
-+ err = 0;
-+ if (sb->s_op != &sim_super_ops)
-+ return 0;
-+ lsb = SIMFS_GET_LOWER_FS_SB(sb);
-+ err = -ENOSYS;
-+ if (lsb && lsb->s_op && lsb->s_op->statfs)
-+ err = lsb->s_op->statfs(lsb, &statbuf);
-+ if (err)
-+ return err;
-+ quota_get_stat(sb, &statbuf);
-+ buf->f_files = statbuf.f_files;
-+ buf->f_ffree = statbuf.f_ffree;
-+ buf->f_blocks = statbuf.f_blocks;
-+ buf->f_bfree = statbuf.f_bfree;
-+ buf->f_bavail = statbuf.f_bavail;
-+ return 0;
-+static int sim_systemcall(struct vnotifier_block *me, unsigned long n,
-+ void *d, int old_ret)
-+ int err;
-+ switch (n) {
-+ struct faudit_stat_arg *arg;
-+ arg = (struct faudit_stat_arg *)d;
-+ err = sim_getattr(arg->mnt, arg->dentry, arg->stat);
-+ arg->err = err;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ struct faudit_statfs_arg *arg;
-+ arg = (struct faudit_statfs_arg *)d;
-+ err = sim_statfs(arg->sb, arg->stat);
-+ arg->err = err;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ return old_ret;
-+ }
-+ return (err ? NOTIFY_BAD : NOTIFY_OK);
-+static struct inode *sim_quota_root(struct super_block *sb)
-+ return sb->s_root->d_inode;
-+void sim_put_super(struct super_block *sb)
-+ struct virt_info_quota viq;
-+ viq.super = sb;
-+ virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_QUOTA, VIRTINFO_QUOTA_OFF, &viq);
-+ bdput(sb->s_bdev);
-+static struct super_operations sim_super_ops = {
-+ .get_quota_root = sim_quota_root,
-+ .put_super = sim_put_super,
-+static int sim_fill_super(struct super_block *s, void *data)
-+ int err;
-+ struct nameidata *nd;
-+ err = set_anon_super(s, NULL);
-+ if (err)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = 0;
-+ nd = (struct nameidata *)data;
-+ s->s_root = dget(nd->dentry);
-+ s->s_op = &sim_super_ops;
-+ return err;
-+struct super_block *sim_get_sb(struct file_system_type *type,
-+ int flags, const char *dev_name, void *opt)
-+ int err;
-+ struct nameidata nd;
-+ struct super_block *sb;
-+ struct block_device *bd;
-+ struct virt_info_quota viq;
-+ static struct hd_struct fake_hds;
-+ sb = ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
-+ if (opt == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = path_lookup(opt, LOOKUP_FOLLOW|LOOKUP_DIRECTORY, &nd);
-+ sb = ERR_PTR(err);
-+ if (err)
-+ goto out;
-+ sb = sget(type, NULL, sim_fill_super, &nd);
-+ if (IS_ERR(sb))
-+ goto out_path;
-+ bd = bdget(sb->s_dev);
-+ if (!bd)
-+ goto out_killsb;
-+ sb->s_bdev = bd;
-+ bd->bd_part = &fake_hds;
-+ viq.super = sb;
-+ virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_QUOTA, VIRTINFO_QUOTA_ON, &viq);
-+ path_release(&nd);
-+ return sb;
-+ up_write(&sb->s_umount);
-+ deactivate_super(sb);
-+ sb = ERR_PTR(-ENODEV);
-+ goto out_path;
-+static struct file_system_type sim_fs_type = {
-+ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
-+ .name = "simfs",
-+ .get_sb = sim_get_sb,
-+ .kill_sb = kill_anon_super,
-+static struct vnotifier_block sim_syscalls = {
-+ .notifier_call = sim_systemcall,
-+static int __init init_simfs(void)
-+ int err;
-+ err = register_filesystem(&sim_fs_type);
-+ if (err)
-+ return err;
-+ virtinfo_notifier_register(VITYPE_FAUDIT, &sim_syscalls);
-+ return 0;
-+static void __exit exit_simfs(void)
-+ virtinfo_notifier_unregister(VITYPE_FAUDIT, &sim_syscalls);
-+ unregister_filesystem(&sim_fs_type);
-+MODULE_AUTHOR("SWsoft <>");
-+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Open Virtuozzo Simulation of File System");
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:34.000000000 +0400
-@@ -431,6 +431,11 @@ smb_lookup(struct inode *dir, struct den
- if (dentry->d_name.len > SMB_MAXNAMELEN)
- goto out;
-+ /* Do not allow lookup of names with backslashes in */
-+ error = -EINVAL;
-+ if (memchr(dentry->, '\\', dentry->d_name.len))
-+ goto out;
- lock_kernel();
- error = smb_proc_getattr(dentry, &finfo);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:13.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -387,7 +387,8 @@ smb_file_release(struct inode *inode, st
- * privileges, so we need our own check for this.
- */
- static int
--smb_file_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd)
-+smb_file_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd,
-+ struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
- {
- int mode = inode->i_mode;
- int error = 0;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ smb_invalidate_inodes(struct smb_sb_info
- {
- VERBOSE("\n");
- shrink_dcache_sb(SB_of(server));
-- invalidate_inodes(SB_of(server));
-+ invalidate_inodes(SB_of(server), 0);
- }
- /*
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:44.000000000 +0400
-@@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ smb_close_socket(struct smb_sb_info *ser
- VERBOSE("closing socket %p\n", sock);
- sock->sk->sk_data_ready = server->data_ready;
-+ sock->sk->sk_user_data = NULL;
- server->sock_file = NULL;
- fput(file);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
- #include <linux/fs.h>
- #include <linux/namei.h>
- #include <linux/security.h>
-+#include <linux/faudit.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <asm/unistd.h>
-@@ -41,11 +42,19 @@ int vfs_getattr(struct vfsmount *mnt, st
- {
- struct inode *inode = dentry->d_inode;
- int retval;
-+ struct faudit_stat_arg arg;
- retval = security_inode_getattr(mnt, dentry);
- if (retval)
- return retval;
-+ arg.mnt = mnt;
-+ arg.dentry = dentry;
-+ arg.stat = stat;
-+ if (virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_FAUDIT, VIRTINFO_FAUDIT_STAT, &arg)
-+ return arg.err;
- if (inode->i_op->getattr)
- return inode->i_op->getattr(mnt, dentry, stat);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
- #include <linux/config.h>
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <linux/smp_lock.h>
- #include <linux/acct.h>
-@@ -65,8 +66,10 @@ static struct super_block *alloc_super(v
- }
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&s->s_dirty);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&s->s_io);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&s->s_inodes);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&s->s_files);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&s->s_instances);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&s->s_dshrinkers);
- INIT_HLIST_HEAD(&s->s_anon);
- init_rwsem(&s->s_umount);
- sema_init(&s->s_lock, 1);
-@@ -116,6 +119,27 @@ int __put_super(struct super_block *sb)
- return ret;
- }
-+ * Drop a superblock's refcount.
-+ * Returns non-zero if the superblock is about to be destroyed and
-+ * at least is already removed from super_blocks list, so if we are
-+ * making a loop through super blocks then we need to restart.
-+ * The caller must hold sb_lock.
-+ */
-+int __put_super_and_need_restart(struct super_block *sb)
-+ /* check for race with generic_shutdown_super() */
-+ if (list_empty(&sb->s_list)) {
-+ /* super block is removed, need to restart... */
-+ __put_super(sb);
-+ return 1;
-+ }
-+ /* can't be the last, since s_list is still in use */
-+ sb->s_count--;
-+ BUG_ON(sb->s_count == 0);
-+ return 0;
- /**
- * put_super - drop a temporary reference to superblock
- * @s: superblock in question
-@@ -205,14 +229,15 @@ void generic_shutdown_super(struct super
- if (root) {
- sb->s_root = NULL;
- shrink_dcache_parent(root);
-- shrink_dcache_anon(&sb->s_anon);
-+ shrink_dcache_anon(sb);
- dput(root);
-+ dcache_shrinker_wait_sb(sb);
- fsync_super(sb);
- lock_super(sb);
- lock_kernel();
- sb->s_flags &= ~MS_ACTIVE;
- /* bad name - it should be evict_inodes() */
-- invalidate_inodes(sb);
-+ invalidate_inodes(sb, 0);
- if (sop->write_super && sb->s_dirt)
- sop->write_super(sb);
-@@ -220,16 +245,16 @@ void generic_shutdown_super(struct super
- sop->put_super(sb);
- /* Forget any remaining inodes */
-- if (invalidate_inodes(sb)) {
-- printk("VFS: Busy inodes after unmount. "
-- "Self-destruct in 5 seconds. Have a nice day...\n");
-- }
-+ if (invalidate_inodes(sb, 1))
-+ printk("Self-destruct in 5 seconds. "
-+ "Have a nice day...\n");
- unlock_kernel();
- unlock_super(sb);
- }
- spin_lock(&sb_lock);
-- list_del(&sb->s_list);
-+ /* should be initialized for __put_super_and_need_restart() */
-+ list_del_init(&sb->s_list);
- list_del(&sb->s_instances);
- spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
- up_write(&sb->s_umount);
-@@ -282,7 +307,7 @@ retry:
- }
- s->s_type = type;
- strlcpy(s->s_id, type->name, sizeof(s->s_id));
-- list_add(&s->s_list, super_blocks.prev);
-+ list_add_tail(&s->s_list, &super_blocks);
- list_add(&s->s_instances, &type->fs_supers);
- spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
- get_filesystem(type);
-@@ -315,20 +340,22 @@ static inline void write_super(struct su
- */
- void sync_supers(void)
- {
-- struct super_block * sb;
-+ struct super_block *sb;
- spin_lock(&sb_lock);
-- sb = sb_entry(;
-- while (sb != sb_entry(&super_blocks))
-+ list_for_each_entry(sb, &super_blocks, s_list) {
- if (sb->s_dirt) {
- sb->s_count++;
- spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
- down_read(&sb->s_umount);
- write_super(sb);
-- drop_super(sb);
-- goto restart;
-- } else
-- sb = sb_entry(sb->;
-+ up_read(&sb->s_umount);
-+ spin_lock(&sb_lock);
-+ if (__put_super_and_need_restart(sb))
-+ goto restart;
-+ }
-+ }
- spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
- }
-@@ -355,20 +382,16 @@ void sync_filesystems(int wait)
- down(&mutex); /* Could be down_interruptible */
- spin_lock(&sb_lock);
-- for (sb = sb_entry(; sb != sb_entry(&super_blocks);
-- sb = sb_entry(sb-> {
-+ list_for_each_entry(sb, &super_blocks, s_list) {
- if (!sb->s_op->sync_fs)
- continue;
- if (sb->s_flags & MS_RDONLY)
- continue;
- sb->s_need_sync_fs = 1;
- }
-- spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
- restart:
-- spin_lock(&sb_lock);
-- for (sb = sb_entry(; sb != sb_entry(&super_blocks);
-- sb = sb_entry(sb-> {
-+ list_for_each_entry(sb, &super_blocks, s_list) {
- if (!sb->s_need_sync_fs)
- continue;
- sb->s_need_sync_fs = 0;
-@@ -379,8 +402,11 @@ restart:
- down_read(&sb->s_umount);
- if (sb->s_root && (wait || sb->s_dirt))
- sb->s_op->sync_fs(sb, wait);
-- drop_super(sb);
-- goto restart;
-+ up_read(&sb->s_umount);
-+ /* restart only when sb is no longer on the list */
-+ spin_lock(&sb_lock);
-+ if (__put_super_and_need_restart(sb))
-+ goto restart;
- }
- spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
- up(&mutex);
-@@ -396,20 +422,20 @@ restart:
- struct super_block * get_super(struct block_device *bdev)
- {
-- struct list_head *p;
-+ struct super_block *sb;
- if (!bdev)
- return NULL;
- rescan:
- spin_lock(&sb_lock);
-- list_for_each(p, &super_blocks) {
-- struct super_block *s = sb_entry(p);
-- if (s->s_bdev == bdev) {
-- s->s_count++;
-+ list_for_each_entry(sb, &super_blocks, s_list) {
-+ if (sb->s_bdev == bdev) {
-+ sb->s_count++;
- spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
-- down_read(&s->s_umount);
-- if (s->s_root)
-- return s;
-- drop_super(s);
-+ down_read(&sb->s_umount);
-+ if (sb->s_root)
-+ return sb;
-+ drop_super(sb);
- goto rescan;
- }
- }
-@@ -421,19 +447,18 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(get_super);
- struct super_block * user_get_super(dev_t dev)
- {
-- struct list_head *p;
-+ struct super_block *sb;
- rescan:
- spin_lock(&sb_lock);
-- list_for_each(p, &super_blocks) {
-- struct super_block *s = sb_entry(p);
-- if (s->s_dev == dev) {
-- s->s_count++;
-+ list_for_each_entry(sb, &super_blocks, s_list) {
-+ if (sb->s_dev == dev) {
-+ sb->s_count++;
- spin_unlock(&sb_lock);
-- down_read(&s->s_umount);
-- if (s->s_root)
-- return s;
-- drop_super(s);
-+ down_read(&sb->s_umount);
-+ if (sb->s_root)
-+ return sb;
-+ drop_super(sb);
- goto rescan;
- }
- }
-@@ -448,11 +473,20 @@ asmlinkage long sys_ustat(unsigned dev,
- struct super_block *s;
- struct ustat tmp;
- struct kstatfs sbuf;
-- int err = -EINVAL;
-+ dev_t kdev;
-+ int err;
-+ kdev = new_decode_dev(dev);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ err = get_device_perms_ve(S_IFBLK, kdev, FMODE_READ);
-+ if (err)
-+ goto out;
-- s = user_get_super(new_decode_dev(dev));
-- if (s == NULL)
-- goto out;
-+ err = -EINVAL;
-+ s = user_get_super(kdev);
-+ if (s == NULL)
-+ goto out;
- err = vfs_statfs(s, &sbuf);
- drop_super(s);
- if (err)
-@@ -566,6 +600,13 @@ void emergency_remount(void)
- static struct idr unnamed_dev_idr;
- static spinlock_t unnamed_dev_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;/* protects the above */
-+/* for compatibility with coreutils still unaware of new minor sizes */
-+int unnamed_dev_majors[] = {
-+ 0, 144, 145, 146, 242, 243, 244, 245,
-+ 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253
- int set_anon_super(struct super_block *s, void *data)
- {
- int dev;
-@@ -583,13 +624,13 @@ int set_anon_super(struct super_block *s
- else if (error)
- return -EAGAIN;
-- if ((dev & MAX_ID_MASK) == (1 << MINORBITS)) {
-+ if ((dev & MAX_ID_MASK) >= (1 << MINORBITS)) {
- spin_lock(&unnamed_dev_lock);
- idr_remove(&unnamed_dev_idr, dev);
- spin_unlock(&unnamed_dev_lock);
- return -EMFILE;
- }
-- s->s_dev = MKDEV(0, dev & MINORMASK);
-+ s->s_dev = make_unnamed_dev(dev);
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -597,8 +638,9 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(set_anon_super);
- void kill_anon_super(struct super_block *sb)
- {
-- int slot = MINOR(sb->s_dev);
-+ int slot;
-+ slot = unnamed_dev_idx(sb->s_dev);
- generic_shutdown_super(sb);
- spin_lock(&unnamed_dev_lock);
- idr_remove(&unnamed_dev_idr, slot);
-@@ -754,17 +796,14 @@ struct super_block *get_sb_single(struct
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(get_sb_single);
- struct vfsmount *
--do_kern_mount(const char *fstype, int flags, const char *name, void *data)
-+do_kern_mount(struct file_system_type *type, int flags,
-+ const char *name, void *data)
- {
-- struct file_system_type *type = get_fs_type(fstype);
- struct super_block *sb = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
- struct vfsmount *mnt;
- int error;
- char *secdata = NULL;
-- if (!type)
-- return ERR_PTR(-ENODEV);
- mnt = alloc_vfsmnt(name);
- if (!mnt)
- goto out;
-@@ -795,7 +834,6 @@ do_kern_mount(const char *fstype, int fl
- mnt->mnt_parent = mnt;
- mnt->mnt_namespace = current->namespace;
- up_write(&sb->s_umount);
-- put_filesystem(type);
- return mnt;
- out_sb:
- up_write(&sb->s_umount);
-@@ -806,7 +844,6 @@ out_free_secdata:
- out_mnt:
- free_vfsmnt(mnt);
- out:
-- put_filesystem(type);
- return (struct vfsmount *)sb;
- }
-@@ -814,7 +851,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(do_kern_mount);
- struct vfsmount *kern_mount(struct file_system_type *type)
- {
-- return do_kern_mount(type->name, 0, type->name, NULL);
-+ return do_kern_mount(type, 0, type->name, NULL);
- }
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(kern_mount);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -162,6 +162,11 @@ int sysfs_create_bin_file(struct kobject
- struct dentry * parent;
- int error = 0;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (!get_exec_env()->sysfs_sb)
-+ return 0;
- if (!kobj || !attr)
- return -EINVAL;
-@@ -195,6 +200,10 @@ int sysfs_create_bin_file(struct kobject
- int sysfs_remove_bin_file(struct kobject * kobj, struct bin_attribute * attr)
- {
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (!get_exec_env()->sysfs_sb)
-+ return 0;
- sysfs_hash_and_remove(kobj->dentry,attr->;
- return 0;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -63,13 +63,17 @@ int sysfs_create_dir(struct kobject * ko
- struct dentry * parent;
- int error = 0;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (!get_exec_env()->sysfs_sb)
-+ return 0;
- if (!kobj)
- return -EINVAL;
- if (kobj->parent)
- parent = kobj->parent->dentry;
-- else if (sysfs_mount && sysfs_mount->mnt_sb)
-- parent = sysfs_mount->mnt_sb->s_root;
-+ else if (visible_sysfs_mount && visible_sysfs_mount->mnt_sb)
-+ parent = visible_sysfs_mount->mnt_sb->s_root;
- else
- return -EFAULT;
-@@ -113,9 +117,14 @@ void sysfs_remove_subdir(struct dentry *
- void sysfs_remove_dir(struct kobject * kobj)
- {
- struct list_head * node;
-- struct dentry * dentry = dget(kobj->dentry);
-+ struct dentry * dentry;
-- if (!dentry)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (!get_exec_env()->sysfs_sb)
-+ return;
-+ dentry = dget(kobj->dentry);
-+ if (!dentry)
- return;
- pr_debug("sysfs %s: removing dir\n",dentry->;
-@@ -129,6 +138,7 @@ restart:
- node = node->next;
- pr_debug(" o %s (%d): ",d->,atomic_read(&d->d_count));
-+ spin_lock(&d->d_lock);
- if (!d_unhashed(d) && (d->d_inode)) {
- d = dget_locked(d);
- pr_debug("removing");
-@@ -137,6 +147,7 @@ restart:
- * Unlink and unhash.
- */
- __d_drop(d);
-+ spin_unlock(&d->d_lock);
- spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
- /* release the target kobject in case of
- * a symlink
-@@ -151,6 +162,7 @@ restart:
- /* re-acquired dcache_lock, need to restart */
- goto restart;
- }
-+ spin_unlock(&d->d_lock);
- }
- spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
- up(&dentry->d_inode->i_sem);
-@@ -167,6 +179,10 @@ int sysfs_rename_dir(struct kobject * ko
- int error = 0;
- struct dentry * new_dentry, * parent;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (!get_exec_env()->sysfs_sb)
-+ return 0;
- if (!strcmp(kobject_name(kobj), new_name))
- return -EINVAL;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -228,13 +228,14 @@ static ssize_t
- sysfs_write_file(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
- {
- struct sysfs_buffer * buffer = file->private_data;
-+ ssize_t len;
-- count = fill_write_buffer(buffer,buf,count);
-- if (count > 0)
-- count = flush_write_buffer(file,buffer,count);
-- if (count > 0)
-- *ppos += count;
-- return count;
-+ len = fill_write_buffer(buffer, buf, count);
-+ if (len > 0)
-+ len = flush_write_buffer(file, buffer, len);
-+ if (len > 0)
-+ *ppos += len;
-+ return len;
- }
- static int check_perm(struct inode * inode, struct file * file)
-@@ -375,6 +376,10 @@ int sysfs_add_file(struct dentry * dir,
- int sysfs_create_file(struct kobject * kobj, const struct attribute * attr)
- {
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (!get_exec_env()->sysfs_sb)
-+ return 0;
- if (kobj && attr)
- return sysfs_add_file(kobj->dentry,attr);
- return -EINVAL;
-@@ -395,6 +400,10 @@ int sysfs_update_file(struct kobject * k
- struct dentry * victim;
- int res = -ENOENT;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (!get_exec_env()->sysfs_sb)
-+ return 0;
- down(&dir->d_inode->i_sem);
- victim = sysfs_get_dentry(dir, attr->name);
- if (!IS_ERR(victim)) {
-@@ -432,6 +441,10 @@ int sysfs_update_file(struct kobject * k
- void sysfs_remove_file(struct kobject * kobj, const struct attribute * attr)
- {
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (!get_exec_env()->sysfs_sb)
-+ return;
- sysfs_hash_and_remove(kobj->dentry,attr->name);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@ int sysfs_create_group(struct kobject *
- struct dentry * dir;
- int error;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (!get_exec_env()->sysfs_sb)
-+ return 0;
- if (grp->name) {
- error = sysfs_create_subdir(kobj,grp->name,&dir);
- if (error)
-@@ -65,6 +69,10 @@ void sysfs_remove_group(struct kobject *
- {
- struct dentry * dir;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (!get_exec_env()->sysfs_sb)
-+ return;
- if (grp->name)
- dir = sysfs_get_dentry(kobj->dentry,grp->name);
- else
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -8,10 +8,17 @@
- #undef DEBUG
-+#include <linux/config.h>
- #include <linux/pagemap.h>
- #include <linux/namei.h>
- #include <linux/backing-dev.h>
--extern struct super_block * sysfs_sb;
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
-+extern struct super_block *sysfs_sb;
-+#define visible_sysfs_sb sysfs_sb
-+#define visible_sysfs_sb (get_exec_env()->sysfs_sb)
- static struct address_space_operations sysfs_aops = {
- .readpage = simple_readpage,
-@@ -26,7 +33,7 @@ static struct backing_dev_info sysfs_bac
- struct inode * sysfs_new_inode(mode_t mode)
- {
-- struct inode * inode = new_inode(sysfs_sb);
-+ struct inode * inode = new_inode(visible_sysfs_sb);
- if (inode) {
- inode->i_mode = mode;
- inode->i_uid = current->fsuid;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
- #include <linux/fs.h>
- #include <linux/mount.h>
- #include <linux/pagemap.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include "sysfs.h"
-@@ -17,6 +18,15 @@
- struct vfsmount *sysfs_mount;
- struct super_block * sysfs_sb = NULL;
-+void prepare_sysfs(void)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ get_ve0()->sysfs_mnt = sysfs_mount;
-+ sysfs_mount = (struct vfsmount *)SYSFS_MAGIC;
-+ /* ve0.sysfs_sb is setup by sysfs_fill_super() */
- static struct super_operations sysfs_ops = {
- .statfs = simple_statfs,
- .drop_inode = generic_delete_inode,
-@@ -31,7 +41,7 @@ static int sysfs_fill_super(struct super
- sb->s_blocksize_bits = PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT;
- sb->s_magic = SYSFS_MAGIC;
- sb->s_op = &sysfs_ops;
-- sysfs_sb = sb;
-+ visible_sysfs_sb = sb;
- inode = sysfs_new_inode(S_IFDIR | S_IRWXU | S_IRUGO | S_IXUGO);
- if (inode) {
-@@ -60,12 +70,14 @@ static struct super_block *sysfs_get_sb(
- return get_sb_single(fs_type, flags, data, sysfs_fill_super);
- }
--static struct file_system_type sysfs_fs_type = {
-+struct file_system_type sysfs_fs_type = {
- .name = "sysfs",
- .get_sb = sysfs_get_sb,
- .kill_sb = kill_litter_super,
- };
- int __init sysfs_init(void)
- {
- int err;
-@@ -79,5 +91,6 @@ int __init sysfs_init(void)
- sysfs_mount = NULL;
- }
- }
-+ prepare_sysfs();
- return err;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:31.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -65,6 +65,10 @@ int sysfs_create_link(struct kobject * k
- struct dentry * d;
- int error = 0;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (!get_exec_env()->sysfs_sb)
-+ return 0;
- down(&dentry->d_inode->i_sem);
- d = sysfs_get_dentry(dentry,name);
- if (!IS_ERR(d)) {
-@@ -90,6 +94,10 @@ int sysfs_create_link(struct kobject * k
- void sysfs_remove_link(struct kobject * kobj, char * name)
- {
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if(!get_exec_env()->sysfs_sb)
-+ return;
- sysfs_hash_and_remove(kobj->dentry,name);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1,5 +1,13 @@
--extern struct vfsmount * sysfs_mount;
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
-+extern struct vfsmount *sysfs_mount;
-+extern struct super_block *sysfs_sb;
-+#define visible_sysfs_mount sysfs_mount
-+#define visible_sysfs_sb sysfs_sb
-+#define visible_sysfs_mount (get_exec_env()->sysfs_mnt)
-+#define visible_sysfs_sb (get_exec_env()->sysfs_sb)
- extern struct inode * sysfs_new_inode(mode_t mode);
- extern int sysfs_create(struct dentry *, int mode, int (*init)(struct inode *));
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -260,13 +260,14 @@ static struct buffer_head * sysv_update_
- return bh;
- }
--void sysv_write_inode(struct inode * inode, int wait)
-+int sysv_write_inode(struct inode * inode, int wait)
- {
- struct buffer_head *bh;
- lock_kernel();
- bh = sysv_update_inode(inode);
- brelse(bh);
- unlock_kernel();
-+ return 0;
- }
- int sysv_sync_inode(struct inode * inode)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ static int sysv_symlink(struct inode * d
- goto out;
- sysv_set_inode(inode, 0);
-- err = page_symlink(inode, symname, l);
-+ err = page_symlink(inode, symname, l, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (err)
- goto out_fail;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ extern unsigned long sysv_count_free_blo
- extern void sysv_truncate(struct inode *);
- /* inode.c */
--extern void sysv_write_inode(struct inode *, int);
-+extern int sysv_write_inode(struct inode *, int);
- extern int sysv_sync_inode(struct inode *);
- extern int sysv_sync_file(struct file *, struct dentry *, int);
- extern void sysv_set_inode(struct inode *, dev_t);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ int udf_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struc
- {
- int result = -EINVAL;
-- if ( permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL) != 0 )
-+ if ( permission(inode, MAY_READ, NULL, NULL) != 0 )
- {
- udf_debug("no permission to access inode %lu\n",
- inode->i_ino);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1313,11 +1313,13 @@ udf_convert_permissions(struct fileEntry
- * Written, tested, and released.
- */
--void udf_write_inode(struct inode * inode, int sync)
-+int udf_write_inode(struct inode * inode, int sync)
- {
-+ int ret;
- lock_kernel();
-- udf_update_inode(inode, sync);
-+ ret = udf_update_inode(inode, sync);
- unlock_kernel();
-+ return ret;
- }
- int udf_sync_inode(struct inode * inode)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:20.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ extern void udf_read_inode(struct inode
- extern void udf_put_inode(struct inode *);
- extern void udf_delete_inode(struct inode *);
- extern void udf_clear_inode(struct inode *);
--extern void udf_write_inode(struct inode *, int);
-+extern int udf_write_inode(struct inode *, int);
- extern long udf_block_map(struct inode *, long);
- extern int8_t inode_bmap(struct inode *, int, lb_addr *, uint32_t *, lb_addr *, uint32_t *, uint32_t *, struct buffer_head **);
- extern int8_t udf_add_aext(struct inode *, lb_addr *, int *, lb_addr, uint32_t, struct buffer_head **, int);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -788,11 +788,13 @@ static int ufs_update_inode(struct inode
- return 0;
- }
--void ufs_write_inode (struct inode * inode, int wait)
-+int ufs_write_inode (struct inode * inode, int wait)
- {
-+ int ret;
- lock_kernel();
-- ufs_update_inode (inode, wait);
-+ ret = ufs_update_inode (inode, wait);
- unlock_kernel();
-+ return ret;
- }
- int ufs_sync_inode (struct inode *inode)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ static int ufs_symlink (struct inode * d
- /* slow symlink */
- inode->i_op = &page_symlink_inode_operations;
- inode->i_mapping->a_ops = &ufs_aops;
-- err = page_symlink(inode, symname, l);
-+ err = page_symlink(inode, symname, l, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (err)
- goto out_fail;
- } else {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -312,11 +312,12 @@ out:
- /*
- * Update the disk with the inode content
- */
--void UMSDOS_write_inode (struct inode *inode, int wait)
-+int UMSDOS_write_inode (struct inode *inode, int wait)
- {
- struct iattr newattrs;
-+ int ret;
-- fat_write_inode (inode, wait);
-+ ret = fat_write_inode (inode, wait);
- newattrs.ia_mtime = inode->i_mtime;
- newattrs.ia_atime = inode->i_atime;
- newattrs.ia_ctime = inode->i_ctime;
-@@ -330,6 +331,7 @@ void UMSDOS_write_inode (struct inode *i
- * UMSDOS_notify_change (inode, &newattrs);
- * inode->i_state &= ~I_DIRTY; / * FIXME: this doesn't work. We need to remove ourselves from list on dirty inodes. /mn/ */
-+ return ret;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ static int umsdos_symlink_x (struct inod
- }
- len = strlen (symname) + 1;
-- ret = page_symlink(dentry->d_inode, symname, len);
-+ ret = page_symlink(dentry->d_inode, symname, len, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (ret < 0)
- goto out_unlink;
- out:
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:44.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,851 @@
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ * This file contains Virtuozzo quota files as proc entry implementation.
-+ * It is required for std quota tools to work correctly as they are expecting
-+ * aquota.user and files.
-+ */
-+#include <linux/ctype.h>
-+#include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <linux/list.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
-+#include <linux/sysctl.h>
-+#include <linux/mount.h>
-+#include <linux/namespace.h>
-+#include <linux/quotaio_v2.h>
-+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <linux/ve.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_proto.h>
-+#include <linux/vzdq_tree.h>
-+#include <linux/vzquota.h>
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ *
-+ * File read operation
-+ *
-+ * FIXME: functions in this section (as well as many functions in vzdq_ugid.c,
-+ * perhaps) abuse vz_quota_sem.
-+ * Taking a global semaphore for lengthy and user-controlled operations inside
-+ * VPSs is not a good idea in general.
-+ * In this case, the reasons for taking this semaphore are completely unclear,
-+ * especially taking into account that the only function that has comments
-+ * about the necessity to be called under this semaphore
-+ * (create_proc_quotafile) is actually called OUTSIDE it.
-+ *
-+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+#define DQBLOCK_SIZE 1024
-+#define DQUOTBLKNUM 21U
-+#define DQTREE_DEPTH 4
-+#define TREENUM_2_BLKNUM(num) (((num) + 1) << 1)
-+#define ISINDBLOCK(num) ((num)%2 != 0)
-+#define FIRST_DATABLK 2 /* first even number */
-+#define CONVERT_LEVEL(level) ((level) * (QUOTAID_EBITS/QUOTAID_BBITS))
-+#define GETLEVINDX(ind, lev) (((ind) >> QUOTAID_BBITS*(lev)) \
-+#error xBITS and DQTREE_DEPTH does not correspond
-+#define BLOCK_NOT_FOUND 1
-+/* data for quota file -- one per proc entry */
-+struct quotatree_data {
-+ struct list_head list;
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ int type; /* type of the tree */
-+/* serialized by vz_quota_sem */
-+static LIST_HEAD(qf_data_head);
-+static const u_int32_t vzquota_magics[] = V2_INITQMAGICS;
-+static const u_int32_t vzquota_versions[] = V2_INITQVERSIONS;
-+static inline loff_t get_depoff(int depth)
-+ loff_t res = 1;
-+ while (depth) {
-+ res += (1 << ((depth - 1)*QUOTAID_EBITS + 1));
-+ depth--;
-+ }
-+ return res;
-+static inline loff_t get_blknum(loff_t num, int depth)
-+ loff_t res;
-+ res = (num << 1) + get_depoff(depth);
-+ return res;
-+static int get_depth(loff_t num)
-+ int i;
-+ for (i = 0; i < DQTREE_DEPTH; i++) {
-+ if (num >= get_depoff(i) && (i == DQTREE_DEPTH - 1
-+ || num < get_depoff(i + 1)))
-+ return i;
-+ }
-+ return -1;
-+static inline loff_t get_offset(loff_t num)
-+ loff_t res, tmp;
-+ tmp = get_depth(num);
-+ if (tmp < 0)
-+ return -1;
-+ num -= get_depoff(tmp);
-+ BUG_ON(num < 0);
-+ res = num >> 1;
-+ return res;
-+static inline loff_t get_quot_blk_num(struct quotatree_tree *tree, int level)
-+ /* return maximum available block num */
-+ return tree->levels[level].freenum;
-+static inline loff_t get_block_num(struct quotatree_tree *tree)
-+ loff_t ind_blk_num, quot_blk_num, max_ind, max_quot;
-+ quot_blk_num = get_quot_blk_num(tree, CONVERT_LEVEL(DQTREE_DEPTH) - 1);
-+ max_quot = TREENUM_2_BLKNUM(quot_blk_num);
-+ ind_blk_num = get_quot_blk_num(tree, CONVERT_LEVEL(DQTREE_DEPTH - 1));
-+ max_ind = (quot_blk_num) ? get_blknum(ind_blk_num, LAST_IND_LEVEL)
-+ : get_blknum(ind_blk_num, 0);
-+ return (max_ind > max_quot) ? max_ind + 1 : max_quot + 1;
-+/* Write quota file header */
-+static int read_header(void *buf, struct quotatree_tree *tree,
-+ struct dq_info *dq_ugid_info, int type)
-+ struct v2_disk_dqheader *dqh;
-+ struct v2_disk_dqinfo *dq_disk_info;
-+ dqh = buf;
-+ dq_disk_info = buf + sizeof(struct v2_disk_dqheader);
-+ dqh->dqh_magic = vzquota_magics[type];
-+ dqh->dqh_version = vzquota_versions[type];
-+ dq_disk_info->dqi_bgrace = dq_ugid_info[type].bexpire;
-+ dq_disk_info->dqi_igrace = dq_ugid_info[type].iexpire;
-+ dq_disk_info->dqi_flags = 0; /* no flags */
-+ dq_disk_info->dqi_blocks = get_block_num(tree);
-+ dq_disk_info->dqi_free_blk = 0; /* first block in the file */
-+ dq_disk_info->dqi_free_entry = FIRST_DATABLK;
-+ return 0;
-+static int get_block_child(int depth, struct quotatree_node *p, u_int32_t *buf)
-+ int i, j, lev_num;
-+ for (i = 0; i < BLOCK_SIZE/sizeof(u_int32_t); i++) {
-+ struct quotatree_node *next, *parent;
-+ parent = p;
-+ next = p;
-+ for (j = lev_num; j >= 0; j--) {
-+ if (!next->blocks[GETLEVINDX(i,j)]) {
-+ buf[i] = 0;
-+ goto bad_branch;
-+ }
-+ parent = next;
-+ next = next->blocks[GETLEVINDX(i,j)];
-+ }
-+ buf[i] = (depth == DQTREE_DEPTH - 1) ?
-+ TREENUM_2_BLKNUM(parent->num)
-+ : get_blknum(next->num, depth + 1);
-+ bad_branch:
-+ ;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+ * Write index block to disk (or buffer)
-+ * @buf has length 256*sizeof(u_int32_t) bytes
-+ */
-+static int read_index_block(int num, u_int32_t *buf,
-+ struct quotatree_tree *tree)
-+ struct quotatree_node *p;
-+ u_int32_t index;
-+ loff_t off;
-+ int depth, res;
-+ index = 0;
-+ depth = get_depth(num);
-+ off = get_offset(num);
-+ if (depth < 0 || off < 0)
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ list_for_each_entry(p, &tree->levels[CONVERT_LEVEL(depth)].usedlh,
-+ list) {
-+ if (p->num >= off)
-+ res = 0;
-+ if (p->num != off)
-+ continue;
-+ get_block_child(depth, p, buf);
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ return res;
-+static inline void convert_quot_format(struct v2_disk_dqblk *dq,
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid *vzq)
-+ dq->dqb_id = vzq->qugid_id;
-+ dq->dqb_ihardlimit = vzq->qugid_stat.ihardlimit;
-+ dq->dqb_isoftlimit = vzq->qugid_stat.isoftlimit;
-+ dq->dqb_curinodes = vzq->qugid_stat.icurrent;
-+ dq->dqb_bhardlimit = vzq->qugid_stat.bhardlimit / QUOTABLOCK_SIZE;
-+ dq->dqb_bsoftlimit = vzq->qugid_stat.bsoftlimit / QUOTABLOCK_SIZE;
-+ dq->dqb_curspace = vzq->qugid_stat.bcurrent;
-+ dq->dqb_btime = vzq->qugid_stat.btime;
-+ dq->dqb_itime = vzq->qugid_stat.itime;
-+static int read_dquot(loff_t num, void *buf, struct quotatree_tree *tree)
-+ int res, i, entries = 0;
-+ struct v2_disk_dqdbheader *dq_header;
-+ struct quotatree_node *p;
-+ struct v2_disk_dqblk *blk = buf + sizeof(struct v2_disk_dqdbheader);
-+ dq_header = buf;
-+ memset(dq_header, 0, sizeof(*dq_header));
-+ list_for_each_entry(p, &(tree->levels[QUOTATREE_DEPTH - 1].usedlh),
-+ list) {
-+ if (TREENUM_2_BLKNUM(p->num) >= num)
-+ res = 0;
-+ if (TREENUM_2_BLKNUM(p->num) != num)
-+ continue;
-+ for (i = 0; i < QUOTATREE_BSIZE; i++) {
-+ if (!p->blocks[i])
-+ continue;
-+ convert_quot_format(blk + entries,
-+ (struct vz_quota_ugid *)p->blocks[i]);
-+ entries++;
-+ res = 0;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ dq_header->dqdh_entries = entries;
-+ return res;
-+static int read_block(int num, void *buf, struct quotatree_tree *tree,
-+ struct dq_info *dq_ugid_info, int magic)
-+ int res;
-+ memset(buf, 0, DQBLOCK_SIZE);
-+ if (!num)
-+ res = read_header(buf, tree, dq_ugid_info, magic);
-+ else if (ISINDBLOCK(num))
-+ res = read_index_block(num, (u_int32_t*)buf, tree);
-+ else
-+ res = read_dquot(num, buf, tree);
-+ return res;
-+ * FIXME: this function can handle quota files up to 2GB only.
-+ */
-+static int read_proc_quotafile(char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count,
-+ int *eof, void *data)
-+ off_t blk_num, blk_off, buf_off;
-+ char *tmp;
-+ size_t buf_size;
-+ struct quotatree_data *qtd;
-+ struct quotatree_tree *tree;
-+ struct dq_info *dqi;
-+ int res;
-+ tmp = kmalloc(DQBLOCK_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!tmp)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ qtd = data;
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ down(&qtd->qmblk->dq_sem);
-+ res = 0;
-+ tree = QUGID_TREE(qtd->qmblk, qtd->type);
-+ if (!tree) {
-+ *eof = 1;
-+ goto out_dq;
-+ }
-+ dqi = &qtd->qmblk->dq_ugid_info[qtd->type];
-+ buf_off = 0;
-+ buf_size = count;
-+ blk_num = off / DQBLOCK_SIZE;
-+ blk_off = off % DQBLOCK_SIZE;
-+ while (buf_size > 0) {
-+ off_t len;
-+ len = min((size_t)(DQBLOCK_SIZE-blk_off), buf_size);
-+ res = read_block(blk_num, tmp, tree, dqi, qtd->type);
-+ if (res < 0)
-+ goto out_err;
-+ if (res == BLOCK_NOT_FOUND) {
-+ *eof = 1;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ memcpy(page + buf_off, tmp + blk_off, len);
-+ blk_num++;
-+ buf_size -= len;
-+ blk_off = 0;
-+ buf_off += len;
-+ }
-+ res = buf_off;
-+ *start = NULL + count;
-+ up(&qtd->qmblk->dq_sem);
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ kfree(tmp);
-+ return res;
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ *
-+ * /proc/vz/vzaquota/QID/aquota.* files
-+ *
-+ * FIXME: this code lacks serialization of read/readdir/lseek.
-+ * However, this problem should be fixed after the mainstream issue of what
-+ * appears to be non-atomic read and update of file position in sys_read.
-+ *
-+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+static inline unsigned long vzdq_aquot_getino(dev_t dev)
-+ return 0xec000000UL + dev;
-+static inline dev_t vzdq_aquot_getidev(struct inode *inode)
-+ return (dev_t)(unsigned long)PROC_I(inode)->op.proc_get_link;
-+static inline void vzdq_aquot_setidev(struct inode *inode, dev_t dev)
-+ PROC_I(inode)->op.proc_get_link = (void *)(unsigned long)dev;
-+static ssize_t vzdq_aquotf_read(struct file *file,
-+ char __user *buf, size_t size, loff_t *ppos)
-+ char *page;
-+ size_t bufsize;
-+ ssize_t l, l2, copied;
-+ char *start;
-+ struct inode *inode;
-+ struct block_device *bdev;
-+ struct super_block *sb;
-+ struct quotatree_data data;
-+ int eof, err;
-+ err = -ENOMEM;
-+ page = (char *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (page == NULL)
-+ goto out_err;
-+ err = -ENODEV;
-+ inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
-+ bdev = bdget(vzdq_aquot_getidev(inode));
-+ if (bdev == NULL)
-+ goto out_err;
-+ sb = get_super(bdev);
-+ bdput(bdev);
-+ if (sb == NULL)
-+ goto out_err;
-+ data.qmblk = vzquota_find_qmblk(sb);
-+ data.type = PROC_I(inode)->type - 1;
-+ drop_super(sb);
-+ if (data.qmblk == NULL || data.qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ goto out_err;
-+ copied = 0;
-+ l = l2 = 0;
-+ while (1) {
-+ bufsize = min(size, (size_t)PAGE_SIZE);
-+ if (bufsize <= 0)
-+ break;
-+ l = read_proc_quotafile(page, &start, *ppos, bufsize,
-+ &eof, &data);
-+ if (l <= 0)
-+ break;
-+ l2 = copy_to_user(buf, page, l);
-+ copied += l - l2;
-+ if (l2)
-+ break;
-+ buf += l;
-+ size -= l;
-+ *ppos += (unsigned long)start;
-+ l = l2 = 0;
-+ }
-+ qmblk_put(data.qmblk);
-+ free_page((unsigned long)page);
-+ if (copied)
-+ return copied;
-+ else if (l2) /* last copy_to_user failed */
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ else /* read error or EOF */
-+ return l;
-+ if (page != NULL)
-+ free_page((unsigned long)page);
-+ return err;
-+static struct file_operations vzdq_aquotf_file_operations = {
-+ .read = &vzdq_aquotf_read,
-+static struct inode_operations vzdq_aquotf_inode_operations = {
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ *
-+ * /proc/vz/vzaquota/QID directory
-+ *
-+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+static int vzdq_aquotq_readdir(struct file *file, void *data, filldir_t filler)
-+ loff_t n;
-+ int err;
-+ n = file->f_pos;
-+ for (err = 0; !err; n++) {
-+ switch (n) {
-+ case 0:
-+ err = (*filler)(data, ".", 1, n,
-+ file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_ino,
-+ DT_DIR);
-+ break;
-+ case 1:
-+ err = (*filler)(data, "..", 2, n,
-+ parent_ino(file->f_dentry), DT_DIR);
-+ break;
-+ case 2:
-+ err = (*filler)(data, "aquota.user", 11, n,
-+ file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_ino
-+ + USRQUOTA + 1,
-+ DT_REG);
-+ break;
-+ case 3:
-+ err = (*filler)(data, "", 12, n,
-+ file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_ino
-+ + GRPQUOTA + 1,
-+ DT_REG);
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ file->f_pos = n;
-+ return err;
-+struct vzdq_aquotq_lookdata {
-+ dev_t dev;
-+ int type;
-+static int vzdq_aquotq_looktest(struct inode *inode, void *data)
-+ struct vzdq_aquotq_lookdata *d;
-+ d = data;
-+ return inode->i_op == &vzdq_aquotf_inode_operations &&
-+ vzdq_aquot_getidev(inode) == d->dev &&
-+ PROC_I(inode)->type == d->type + 1;
-+static int vzdq_aquotq_lookset(struct inode *inode, void *data)
-+ struct vzdq_aquotq_lookdata *d;
-+ d = data;
-+ inode->i_mtime = inode->i_atime = inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ inode->i_ino = vzdq_aquot_getino(d->dev) + d->type + 1;
-+ inode->i_mode = S_IFREG | S_IRUSR;
-+ inode->i_uid = 0;
-+ inode->i_gid = 0;
-+ inode->i_nlink = 1;
-+ inode->i_op = &vzdq_aquotf_inode_operations;
-+ inode->i_fop = &vzdq_aquotf_file_operations;
-+ PROC_I(inode)->type = d->type + 1;
-+ vzdq_aquot_setidev(inode, d->dev);
-+ return 0;
-+static struct dentry *vzdq_aquotq_lookup(struct inode *dir,
-+ struct dentry *dentry,
-+ struct nameidata *nd)
-+ struct inode *inode;
-+ struct vzdq_aquotq_lookdata d;
-+ int k;
-+ if (dentry->d_name.len == 11) {
-+ if (memcmp(dentry->, "aquota.user", 11))
-+ goto out;
-+ k = USRQUOTA;
-+ } else if (dentry->d_name.len == 12) {
-+ if (memcmp(dentry->, "", 11))
-+ goto out;
-+ k = GRPQUOTA;
-+ } else
-+ goto out;
-+ = vzdq_aquot_getidev(dir);
-+ d.type = k;
-+ inode = iget5_locked(dir->i_sb, dir->i_ino + k + 1,
-+ vzdq_aquotq_looktest, vzdq_aquotq_lookset, &d);
-+ if (inode == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ unlock_new_inode(inode);
-+ d_add(dentry, inode);
-+ return NULL;
-+ return ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
-+static struct file_operations vzdq_aquotq_file_operations = {
-+ .read = &generic_read_dir,
-+ .readdir = &vzdq_aquotq_readdir,
-+static struct inode_operations vzdq_aquotq_inode_operations = {
-+ .lookup = &vzdq_aquotq_lookup,
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ *
-+ * /proc/vz/vzaquota directory
-+ *
-+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+struct vzdq_aquot_de {
-+ struct list_head list;
-+ struct vfsmount *mnt;
-+static int vzdq_aquot_buildmntlist(struct ve_struct *ve,
-+ struct list_head *head)
-+ struct vfsmount *rmnt, *mnt;
-+ struct vzdq_aquot_de *p;
-+ int err;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ rmnt = mntget(ve->fs_rootmnt);
-+ read_lock(&current->fs->lock);
-+ rmnt = mntget(current->fs->rootmnt);
-+ read_unlock(&current->fs->lock);
-+ mnt = rmnt;
-+ down_read(&rmnt->mnt_namespace->sem);
-+ while (1) {
-+ list_for_each_entry(p, head, list) {
-+ if (p->mnt->mnt_sb == mnt->mnt_sb)
-+ goto skip;
-+ }
-+ err = -ENOMEM;
-+ p = kmalloc(sizeof(*p), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (p == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ p->mnt = mntget(mnt);
-+ list_add_tail(&p->list, head);
-+ err = 0;
-+ if (list_empty(&mnt->mnt_mounts)) {
-+ while (1) {
-+ if (mnt == rmnt)
-+ goto out;
-+ if (mnt-> !=
-+ &mnt->mnt_parent->mnt_mounts)
-+ break;
-+ mnt = mnt->mnt_parent;
-+ }
-+ mnt = list_entry(mnt->,
-+ struct vfsmount, mnt_child);
-+ } else
-+ mnt = list_first_entry(&mnt->mnt_mounts,
-+ struct vfsmount, mnt_child);
-+ }
-+ up_read(&rmnt->mnt_namespace->sem);
-+ mntput(rmnt);
-+ return err;
-+static void vzdq_aquot_releasemntlist(struct ve_struct *ve,
-+ struct list_head *head)
-+ struct vzdq_aquot_de *p;
-+ while (!list_empty(head)) {
-+ p = list_first_entry(head, typeof(*p), list);
-+ mntput(p->mnt);
-+ list_del(&p->list);
-+ kfree(p);
-+ }
-+static int vzdq_aquotd_readdir(struct file *file, void *data, filldir_t filler)
-+ struct ve_struct *ve, *old_ve;
-+ struct list_head mntlist;
-+ struct vzdq_aquot_de *de;
-+ struct super_block *sb;
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ loff_t i, n;
-+ char buf[24];
-+ int l, err;
-+ i = 0;
-+ n = file->f_pos;
-+ ve = VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(file->f_dentry->d_sb->s_type);
-+ old_ve = set_exec_env(ve);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&mntlist);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ /*
-+ * The only reason of disabling readdir for the host system is that
-+ * this readdir can be slow and CPU consuming with large number of VPSs
-+ * (or just mount points).
-+ */
-+ err = ve_is_super(ve);
-+ err = 0;
-+ if (!err) {
-+ err = vzdq_aquot_buildmntlist(ve, &mntlist);
-+ if (err)
-+ goto out_err;
-+ }
-+ if (i >= n) {
-+ if ((*filler)(data, ".", 1, i,
-+ file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_ino, DT_DIR))
-+ goto out_fill;
-+ }
-+ i++;
-+ if (i >= n) {
-+ if ((*filler)(data, "..", 2, i,
-+ parent_ino(file->f_dentry), DT_DIR))
-+ goto out_fill;
-+ }
-+ i++;
-+ list_for_each_entry (de, &mntlist, list) {
-+ sb = de->mnt->mnt_sb;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (get_device_perms_ve(S_IFBLK, sb->s_dev, FMODE_QUOTACTL))
-+ continue;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_find_qmblk(sb);
-+ if (qmblk == NULL || qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ continue;
-+ qmblk_put(qmblk);
-+ i++;
-+ if (i <= n)
-+ continue;
-+ l = sprintf(buf, "%08x", new_encode_dev(sb->s_dev));
-+ if ((*filler)(data, buf, l, i - 1,
-+ vzdq_aquot_getino(sb->s_dev), DT_DIR))
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ err = 0;
-+ file->f_pos = i;
-+ vzdq_aquot_releasemntlist(ve, &mntlist);
-+ set_exec_env(old_ve);
-+ return err;
-+static int vzdq_aquotd_looktest(struct inode *inode, void *data)
-+ return inode->i_op == &vzdq_aquotq_inode_operations &&
-+ vzdq_aquot_getidev(inode) == (dev_t)(unsigned long)data;
-+static int vzdq_aquotd_lookset(struct inode *inode, void *data)
-+ dev_t dev;
-+ dev = (dev_t)(unsigned long)data;
-+ inode->i_mtime = inode->i_atime = inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
-+ inode->i_ino = vzdq_aquot_getino(dev);
-+ inode->i_mode = S_IFDIR | S_IRUSR | S_IXUSR;
-+ inode->i_uid = 0;
-+ inode->i_gid = 0;
-+ inode->i_nlink = 2;
-+ inode->i_op = &vzdq_aquotq_inode_operations;
-+ inode->i_fop = &vzdq_aquotq_file_operations;
-+ vzdq_aquot_setidev(inode, dev);
-+ return 0;
-+static struct dentry *vzdq_aquotd_lookup(struct inode *dir,
-+ struct dentry *dentry,
-+ struct nameidata *nd)
-+ struct ve_struct *ve, *old_ve;
-+ const unsigned char *s;
-+ int l;
-+ dev_t dev;
-+ struct inode *inode;
-+ ve = VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(dir->i_sb->s_type);
-+ old_ve = set_exec_env(ve);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ /*
-+ * Lookup is much lighter than readdir, so it can be allowed for the
-+ * host system. But it would be strange to be able to do lookup only
-+ * without readdir...
-+ */
-+ if (ve_is_super(ve))
-+ goto out;
-+ dev = 0;
-+ l = dentry->d_name.len;
-+ if (l <= 0)
-+ goto out;
-+ for (s = dentry->; l > 0; s++, l--) {
-+ if (!isxdigit(*s))
-+ goto out;
-+ if (dev & ~(~0UL >> 4))
-+ goto out;
-+ dev <<= 4;
-+ if (isdigit(*s))
-+ dev += *s - '0';
-+ else if (islower(*s))
-+ dev += *s - 'a' + 10;
-+ else
-+ dev += *s - 'A' + 10;
-+ }
-+ dev = new_decode_dev(dev);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (get_device_perms_ve(S_IFBLK, dev, FMODE_QUOTACTL))
-+ goto out;
-+ inode = iget5_locked(dir->i_sb, vzdq_aquot_getino(dev),
-+ vzdq_aquotd_looktest, vzdq_aquotd_lookset,
-+ (void *)(unsigned long)dev);
-+ if (inode == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ unlock_new_inode(inode);
-+ d_add(dentry, inode);
-+ set_exec_env(old_ve);
-+ return NULL;
-+ set_exec_env(old_ve);
-+ return ERR_PTR(-ENOENT);
-+static struct file_operations vzdq_aquotd_file_operations = {
-+ .read = &generic_read_dir,
-+ .readdir = &vzdq_aquotd_readdir,
-+static struct inode_operations vzdq_aquotd_inode_operations = {
-+ .lookup = &vzdq_aquotd_lookup,
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ *
-+ * Initialization and deinitialization
-+ *
-+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+ * FIXME: creation of proc entries here is unsafe with respect to module
-+ * unloading.
-+ */
-+void vzaquota_init(void)
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *de;
-+ de = create_proc_glob_entry("vz/vzaquota",
-+ if (de != NULL) {
-+ de->proc_iops = &vzdq_aquotd_inode_operations;
-+ de->proc_fops = &vzdq_aquotd_file_operations;
-+ } else
-+ printk("VZDQ: vz/vzaquota creation failed\n");
-+#if defined(CONFIG_SYSCTL)
-+ de = create_proc_glob_entry("sys/fs/quota",
-+ if (de == NULL)
-+ printk("VZDQ: sys/fs/quota creation failed\n");
-+void vzaquota_fini(void)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,735 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ */
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/kernel.h>
-+#include <linux/string.h>
-+#include <linux/list.h>
-+#include <asm/semaphore.h>
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/fs.h>
-+#include <linux/dcache.h>
-+#include <linux/mount.h>
-+#include <linux/namei.h>
-+#include <linux/writeback.h>
-+#include <linux/gfp.h>
-+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
-+#include <linux/quota.h>
-+#include <linux/vzctl_quota.h>
-+#include <linux/vzquota.h>
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ * Switching quota on.
-+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+ * check limits copied from user
-+ */
-+int vzquota_check_sane_limits(struct dq_stat *qstat)
-+ int err;
-+ err = -EINVAL;
-+ /* softlimit must be less then hardlimit */
-+ if (qstat->bsoftlimit > qstat->bhardlimit)
-+ goto out;
-+ if (qstat->isoftlimit > qstat->ihardlimit)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = 0;
-+ return err;
-+ * check usage values copied from user
-+ */
-+int vzquota_check_sane_values(struct dq_stat *qstat)
-+ int err;
-+ err = -EINVAL;
-+ /* expiration time must not be set if softlimit was not exceeded */
-+ if (qstat->bcurrent < qstat->bsoftlimit && qstat->btime != (time_t)0)
-+ goto out;
-+ if (qstat->icurrent < qstat->isoftlimit && qstat->itime != (time_t)0)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = vzquota_check_sane_limits(qstat);
-+ return err;
-+ * create new quota master block
-+ * this function should:
-+ * - copy limits and usage parameters from user buffer;
-+ * - allock, initialize quota block and insert it to hash;
-+ */
-+static int vzquota_create(unsigned int quota_id, struct vz_quota_stat *u_qstat)
-+ int err;
-+ struct vz_quota_stat qstat;
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ if (copy_from_user(&qstat, u_qstat, sizeof(qstat)))
-+ goto out;
-+ err = -EINVAL;
-+ if (quota_id == 0)
-+ goto out;
-+ if (vzquota_check_sane_values(&qstat.dq_stat))
-+ goto out;
-+ err = 0;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_alloc_master(quota_id, &qstat);
-+ if (IS_ERR(qmblk)) /* ENOMEM or EEXIST */
-+ err = PTR_ERR(qmblk);
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ return err;
-+ * vzquota_on - turn quota on
-+ *
-+ * This function should:
-+ * - find and get refcnt of directory entry for quota root and corresponding
-+ * mountpoint;
-+ * - find corresponding quota block and mark it with given path;
-+ * - check quota tree;
-+ * - initialize quota for the tree root.
-+ */
-+static int vzquota_on(unsigned int quota_id, const char *quota_root)
-+ int err;
-+ struct nameidata nd;
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ struct super_block *dqsb;
-+ dqsb = NULL;
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ err = -ENOENT;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = -EBUSY;
-+ if (qmblk->dq_state != VZDQ_STARTING)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = user_path_walk(quota_root, &nd);
-+ if (err)
-+ goto out;
-+ /* init path must be a directory */
-+ err = -ENOTDIR;
-+ if (!S_ISDIR(nd.dentry->d_inode->i_mode))
-+ goto out_path;
-+ qmblk->dq_root_dentry = nd.dentry;
-+ qmblk->dq_root_mnt = nd.mnt;
-+ qmblk->dq_sb = nd.dentry->d_inode->i_sb;
-+ err = vzquota_get_super(qmblk->dq_sb);
-+ if (err)
-+ goto out_super;
-+ /*
-+ * Serialization with quota initialization and operations is performed
-+ * through generation check: generation is memorized before qmblk is
-+ * found and compared under inode_qmblk_lock with assignment.
-+ *
-+ * Note that the dentry tree is shrunk only for high-level logical
-+ * serialization, purely as a courtesy to the user: to have consistent
-+ * quota statistics, files should be closed etc. on quota on.
-+ */
-+ err = vzquota_on_qmblk(qmblk->dq_sb, qmblk->dq_root_dentry->d_inode,
-+ qmblk);
-+ if (err)
-+ goto out_init;
-+ qmblk->dq_state = VZDQ_WORKING;
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ return 0;
-+ dqsb = qmblk->dq_sb;
-+ /* clear for qmblk_put/quota_free_master */
-+ qmblk->dq_sb = NULL;
-+ qmblk->dq_root_dentry = NULL;
-+ qmblk->dq_root_mnt = NULL;
-+ path_release(&nd);
-+ if (dqsb)
-+ vzquota_put_super(dqsb);
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ return err;
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ * Switching quota off.
-+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+ * destroy quota block by ID
-+ */
-+static int vzquota_destroy(unsigned int quota_id)
-+ int err;
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ struct dentry *dentry;
-+ struct vfsmount *mnt;
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ err = -ENOENT;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = -EBUSY;
-+ if (qmblk->dq_state == VZDQ_WORKING)
-+ goto out; /* quota_off first */
-+ list_del_init(&qmblk->dq_hash);
-+ dentry = qmblk->dq_root_dentry;
-+ qmblk->dq_root_dentry = NULL;
-+ mnt = qmblk->dq_root_mnt;
-+ qmblk->dq_root_mnt = NULL;
-+ if (qmblk->dq_sb)
-+ vzquota_put_super(qmblk->dq_sb);
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ qmblk_put(qmblk);
-+ dput(dentry);
-+ mntput(mnt);
-+ return 0;
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ return err;
-+ * vzquota_off - turn quota off
-+ */
-+static int __vzquota_sync_list(struct list_head *lh,
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
-+ enum writeback_sync_modes sync_mode)
-+ struct writeback_control wbc;
-+ LIST_HEAD(list);
-+ struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk;
-+ struct inode *inode;
-+ int err;
-+ memset(&wbc, 0, sizeof(wbc));
-+ wbc.sync_mode = sync_mode;
-+ err = 0;
-+ while (!list_empty(lh) && !err) {
-+ if (need_resched()) {
-+ inode_qmblk_unlock(qmblk->dq_sb);
-+ schedule();
-+ inode_qmblk_lock(qmblk->dq_sb);
-+ }
-+ qlnk = list_first_entry(lh, struct vz_quota_ilink, list);
-+ list_move(&qlnk->list, &list);
-+ inode = igrab(QLNK_INODE(qlnk));
-+ if (!inode)
-+ continue;
-+ inode_qmblk_unlock(qmblk->dq_sb);
-+ wbc.nr_to_write = LONG_MAX;
-+ err = sync_inode(inode, &wbc);
-+ iput(inode);
-+ inode_qmblk_lock(qmblk->dq_sb);
-+ }
-+ list_splice(&list, lh);
-+ return err;
-+static int vzquota_sync_list(struct list_head *lh,
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
-+ int err;
-+ err = __vzquota_sync_list(lh, qmblk, WB_SYNC_NONE);
-+ if (err)
-+ return err;
-+ err = __vzquota_sync_list(lh, qmblk, WB_SYNC_ALL);
-+ if (err)
-+ return err;
-+ return 0;
-+static int vzquota_sync_inodes(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
-+ int err;
-+ LIST_HEAD(qlnk_list);
-+ list_splice_init(&qmblk->dq_ilink_list, &qlnk_list);
-+ err = vzquota_sync_list(&qlnk_list, qmblk);
-+ if (!err && !list_empty(&qmblk->dq_ilink_list))
-+ err = -EBUSY;
-+ list_splice(&qlnk_list, &qmblk->dq_ilink_list);
-+ return err;
-+static int vzquota_off(unsigned int quota_id)
-+ int err;
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ err = -ENOENT;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = -EALREADY;
-+ if (qmblk->dq_state != VZDQ_WORKING)
-+ goto out;
-+ inode_qmblk_lock(qmblk->dq_sb); /* protects dq_ilink_list also */
-+ err = vzquota_sync_inodes(qmblk);
-+ if (err)
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ inode_qmblk_unlock(qmblk->dq_sb);
-+ err = vzquota_off_qmblk(qmblk->dq_sb, qmblk);
-+ if (err)
-+ goto out;
-+ /* vzquota_destroy will free resources */
-+ qmblk->dq_state = VZDQ_STOPING;
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ return err;
-+ inode_qmblk_unlock(qmblk->dq_sb);
-+ goto out;
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ * Other VZQUOTA ioctl's.
-+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+ * this function should:
-+ * - set new limits/buffer under quota master block lock
-+ * - if new softlimit less then usage, then set expiration time
-+ * - no need to alloc ugid hash table - we'll do that on demand
-+ */
-+int vzquota_update_limit(struct dq_stat *_qstat,
-+ struct dq_stat *qstat)
-+ int err;
-+ err = -EINVAL;
-+ if (vzquota_check_sane_limits(qstat))
-+ goto out;
-+ err = 0;
-+ /* limits */
-+ _qstat->bsoftlimit = qstat->bsoftlimit;
-+ _qstat->bhardlimit = qstat->bhardlimit;
-+ /*
-+ * If the soft limit is exceeded, administrator can override the moment
-+ * when the grace period for limit exceeding ends.
-+ * Specifying the moment may be useful if the soft limit is set to be
-+ * lower than the current usage. In the latter case, if the grace
-+ * period end isn't specified, the grace period will start from the
-+ * moment of the first write operation.
-+ * There is a race with the user level. Soft limit may be already
-+ * exceeded before the limit change, and grace period end calculated by
-+ * the kernel will be overriden. User level may check if the limit is
-+ * already exceeded, but check and set calls are not atomic.
-+ * This race isn't dangerous. Under normal cicrumstances, the
-+ * difference between the grace period end calculated by the kernel and
-+ * the user level should be not greater than as the difference between
-+ * the moments of check and set calls, i.e. not bigger than the quota
-+ * timer resolution - 1 sec.
-+ */
-+ if (qstat->btime != (time_t)0 &&
-+ _qstat->bcurrent >= _qstat->bsoftlimit)
-+ _qstat->btime = qstat->btime;
-+ _qstat->isoftlimit = qstat->isoftlimit;
-+ _qstat->ihardlimit = qstat->ihardlimit;
-+ if (qstat->itime != (time_t)0 &&
-+ _qstat->icurrent >= _qstat->isoftlimit)
-+ _qstat->itime = qstat->itime;
-+ return err;
-+ * set new quota limits.
-+ * this function should:
-+ * copy new limits from user level
-+ * - find quota block
-+ * - set new limits and flags.
-+ */
-+static int vzquota_setlimit(unsigned int quota_id,
-+ struct vz_quota_stat *u_qstat)
-+ int err;
-+ struct vz_quota_stat qstat;
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem); /* for hash list protection */
-+ err = -ENOENT;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ if (copy_from_user(&qstat, u_qstat, sizeof(qstat)))
-+ goto out;
-+ qmblk_data_write_lock(qmblk);
-+ err = vzquota_update_limit(&qmblk->dq_stat, &qstat.dq_stat);
-+ if (err == 0)
-+ qmblk->dq_info = qstat.dq_info;
-+ qmblk_data_write_unlock(qmblk);
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ return err;
-+ * get quota limits.
-+ * very simple - just return stat buffer to user
-+ */
-+static int vzquota_getstat(unsigned int quota_id,
-+ struct vz_quota_stat *u_qstat)
-+ int err;
-+ struct vz_quota_stat qstat;
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ err = -ENOENT;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ qmblk_data_read_lock(qmblk);
-+ /* copy whole buffer under lock */
-+ memcpy(&qstat.dq_stat, &qmblk->dq_stat, sizeof(qstat.dq_stat));
-+ memcpy(&qstat.dq_info, &qmblk->dq_info, sizeof(qstat.dq_info));
-+ qmblk_data_read_unlock(qmblk);
-+ err = copy_to_user(u_qstat, &qstat, sizeof(qstat));
-+ if (err)
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ return err;
-+ * This is a system call to turn per-VE disk quota on.
-+ * Note this call is allowed to run ONLY from VE0
-+ */
-+long do_vzquotactl(int cmd, unsigned int quota_id,
-+ struct vz_quota_stat *qstat, const char *ve_root)
-+ int ret;
-+ ret = -EPERM;
-+ /* access allowed only from root of VE0 */
-+ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_RESOURCE) ||
-+ !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
-+ goto out;
-+ switch (cmd) {
-+ case VZ_DQ_CREATE:
-+ ret = vzquota_create(quota_id, qstat);
-+ break;
-+ case VZ_DQ_DESTROY:
-+ ret = vzquota_destroy(quota_id);
-+ break;
-+ case VZ_DQ_ON:
-+ ret = vzquota_on(quota_id, ve_root);
-+ break;
-+ case VZ_DQ_OFF:
-+ ret = vzquota_off(quota_id);
-+ break;
-+ ret = vzquota_setlimit(quota_id, qstat);
-+ break;
-+ case VZ_DQ_GETSTAT:
-+ ret = vzquota_getstat(quota_id, qstat);
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ ret = -EINVAL;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ return ret;
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ * Proc filesystem routines
-+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-+#if defined(CONFIG_PROC_FS)
-+#define QUOTA_UINT_LEN 15
-+#define QUOTA_TIME_LEN_FMT_UINT "%11u"
-+#define QUOTA_NUM_LEN_FMT_UINT "%15u"
-+#define QUOTA_NUM_LEN_FMT_ULL "%15Lu"
-+#define QUOTA_TIME_LEN_FMT_STR "%11s"
-+#define QUOTA_NUM_LEN_FMT_STR "%15s"
-+#define QUOTA_PROC_MAX_LINE_LEN 2048
-+ * prints /proc/ve_dq header line
-+ */
-+static int print_proc_header(char * buffer)
-+ return sprintf(buffer,
-+ "%-11s"
-+ "\n",
-+ "qid: path",
-+ "usage", "softlimit", "hardlimit", "time", "expire");
-+ * prints proc master record id, dentry path
-+ */
-+static int print_proc_master_id(char * buffer, char * path_buf,
-+ struct vz_quota_master * qp)
-+ char *path;
-+ int over;
-+ path = NULL;
-+ switch (qp->dq_state) {
-+ if (!path_buf) {
-+ path = "";
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ path = d_path(qp->dq_root_dentry,
-+ qp->dq_root_mnt, path_buf, PAGE_SIZE);
-+ if (IS_ERR(path)) {
-+ path = "";
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ /* do not print large path, truncate it */
-+ over = strlen(path) -
-+ if (over > 0) {
-+ path += over - 3;
-+ path[0] = path[1] = path[3] = '.';
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ path = "-- started --";
-+ break;
-+ path = "-- stopped --";
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ return sprintf(buffer, "%u: %s\n", qp->dq_id, path);
-+ * prints struct vz_quota_stat data
-+ */
-+static int print_proc_stat(char * buffer, struct dq_stat *qs,
-+ struct dq_info *qi)
-+ return sprintf(buffer,
-+ "%11s"
-+ "\n"
-+ "%11s"
-+ "\n",
-+ "1k-blocks",
-+ qs->bcurrent >> 10,
-+ qs->bsoftlimit >> 10,
-+ qs->bhardlimit >> 10,
-+ (unsigned int)qs->btime,
-+ (unsigned int)qi->bexpire,
-+ "inodes",
-+ qs->icurrent,
-+ qs->isoftlimit,
-+ qs->ihardlimit,
-+ (unsigned int)qs->itime,
-+ (unsigned int)qi->iexpire);
-+ * for /proc filesystem output
-+ */
-+static int vzquota_read_proc(char *page, char **start, off_t off, int count,
-+ int *eof, void *data)
-+ int len, i;
-+ off_t printed = 0;
-+ char *p = page;
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qp;
-+ struct vz_quota_ilink *ql2;
-+ struct list_head *listp;
-+ char *path_buf;
-+ path_buf = (char*)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (path_buf == NULL)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ len = print_proc_header(p);
-+ printed += len;
-+ if (off < printed) /* keep header in output */ {
-+ *start = p + off;
-+ p += len;
-+ }
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ /* traverse master hash table for all records */
-+ for (i = 0; i < vzquota_hash_size; i++) {
-+ list_for_each(listp, &vzquota_hash_table[i]) {
-+ qp = list_entry(listp,
-+ struct vz_quota_master, dq_hash);
-+ /* Skip other VE's information if not root of VE0 */
-+ if ((!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN) ||
-+ !capable(CAP_SYS_RESOURCE))) {
-+ ql2 = INODE_QLNK(current->fs->root->d_inode);
-+ if (ql2 == NULL || qp != ql2->qmblk)
-+ continue;
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ * Now print the next record
-+ */
-+ len = 0;
-+ /* we print quotaid and path only in VE0 */
-+ if (capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
-+ len += print_proc_master_id(p+len,path_buf, qp);
-+ len += print_proc_stat(p+len, &qp->dq_stat,
-+ &qp->dq_info);
-+ printed += len;
-+ /* skip unnecessary lines */
-+ if (printed <= off)
-+ continue;
-+ p += len;
-+ /* provide start offset */
-+ if (*start == NULL)
-+ *start = p + (off - printed);
-+ /* have we printed all requested size? */
-+ if (PAGE_SIZE - (p - page) < QUOTA_PROC_MAX_LINE_LEN ||
-+ (p - *start) >= count)
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ *eof = 1; /* checked all hash */
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ len = 0;
-+ if (*start != NULL) {
-+ len = (p - *start);
-+ if (len > count)
-+ len = count;
-+ }
-+ if (path_buf)
-+ free_page((unsigned long) path_buf);
-+ return len;
-+ * Register procfs read callback
-+ */
-+int vzquota_proc_init(void)
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *de;
-+ de = create_proc_entry("vz/vzquota", S_IFREG|S_IRUSR, NULL);
-+ if (de == NULL) {
-+ /* create "vz" subdirectory, if not exist */
-+ de = create_proc_entry("vz", S_IFDIR|S_IRUGO|S_IXUGO, NULL);
-+ if (de == NULL)
-+ goto out_err;
-+ de = create_proc_entry("vzquota", S_IFREG|S_IRUSR, de);
-+ if (de == NULL)
-+ goto out_err;
-+ }
-+ de->read_proc = vzquota_read_proc;
-+ de->data = NULL;
-+ return 0;
-+ return -EBUSY;
-+void vzquota_proc_release(void)
-+ /* Unregister procfs read callback */
-+ remove_proc_entry("vz/vzquota", NULL);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,563 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ */
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/kernel.h>
-+#include <linux/types.h>
-+#include <asm/semaphore.h>
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/fs.h>
-+#include <linux/quota.h>
-+#include <linux/vzquota.h>
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ * Quota superblock operations - helper functions.
-+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+static inline void vzquota_incr_inodes(struct dq_stat *dqstat,
-+ unsigned long number)
-+ dqstat->icurrent += number;
-+static inline void vzquota_incr_space(struct dq_stat *dqstat,
-+ __u64 number)
-+ dqstat->bcurrent += number;
-+static inline void vzquota_decr_inodes(struct dq_stat *dqstat,
-+ unsigned long number)
-+ if (dqstat->icurrent > number)
-+ dqstat->icurrent -= number;
-+ else
-+ dqstat->icurrent = 0;
-+ if (dqstat->icurrent < dqstat->isoftlimit)
-+ dqstat->itime = (time_t) 0;
-+static inline void vzquota_decr_space(struct dq_stat *dqstat,
-+ __u64 number)
-+ if (dqstat->bcurrent > number)
-+ dqstat->bcurrent -= number;
-+ else
-+ dqstat->bcurrent = 0;
-+ if (dqstat->bcurrent < dqstat->bsoftlimit)
-+ dqstat->btime = (time_t) 0;
-+ * better printk() message or use /proc/vzquotamsg interface
-+ * similar to /proc/kmsg
-+ */
-+static inline void vzquota_warn(struct dq_info *dq_info, int dq_id, int flag,
-+ const char *fmt)
-+ if (dq_info->flags & flag) /* warning already printed for this
-+ masterblock */
-+ return;
-+ printk(fmt, dq_id);
-+ dq_info->flags |= flag;
-+ * ignore_hardlimit -
-+ *
-+ * Intended to allow superuser of VE0 to overwrite hardlimits.
-+ *
-+ * ignore_hardlimit() has a very bad feature:
-+ *
-+ * writepage() operation for writable mapping of a file with holes
-+ * may trigger get_block() with wrong current and as a consequence,
-+ * opens a possibility to overcommit hardlimits
-+ */
-+/* for the reason above, it is disabled now */
-+static inline int ignore_hardlimit(struct dq_info *dqstat)
-+#if 0
-+ return ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) &&
-+ capable(CAP_SYS_RESOURCE) &&
-+ (dqstat->options & VZ_QUOTA_OPT_RSQUASH);
-+ return 0;
-+static int vzquota_check_inodes(struct dq_info *dq_info,
-+ struct dq_stat *dqstat,
-+ unsigned long number, int dq_id)
-+ if (number == 0)
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+ if (dqstat->icurrent + number > dqstat->ihardlimit &&
-+ !ignore_hardlimit(dq_info)) {
-+ vzquota_warn(dq_info, dq_id, VZ_QUOTA_INODES,
-+ "VZ QUOTA: file hardlimit reached for id=%d\n");
-+ return NO_QUOTA;
-+ }
-+ if (dqstat->icurrent + number > dqstat->isoftlimit) {
-+ if (dqstat->itime == (time_t)0) {
-+ vzquota_warn(dq_info, dq_id, 0,
-+ "VZ QUOTA: file softlimit exceeded "
-+ "for id=%d\n");
-+ dqstat->itime = CURRENT_TIME_SECONDS + dq_info->iexpire;
-+ } else if (CURRENT_TIME_SECONDS >= dqstat->itime &&
-+ !ignore_hardlimit(dq_info)) {
-+ vzquota_warn(dq_info, dq_id, VZ_QUOTA_INODES,
-+ "VZ QUOTA: file softlimit expired "
-+ "for id=%d\n");
-+ return NO_QUOTA;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+static int vzquota_check_space(struct dq_info *dq_info,
-+ struct dq_stat *dqstat,
-+ __u64 number, int dq_id, char prealloc)
-+ if (number == 0)
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+ if (dqstat->bcurrent + number > dqstat->bhardlimit &&
-+ !ignore_hardlimit(dq_info)) {
-+ if (!prealloc)
-+ vzquota_warn(dq_info, dq_id, VZ_QUOTA_SPACE,
-+ "VZ QUOTA: disk hardlimit reached "
-+ "for id=%d\n");
-+ return NO_QUOTA;
-+ }
-+ if (dqstat->bcurrent + number > dqstat->bsoftlimit) {
-+ if (dqstat->btime == (time_t)0) {
-+ if (!prealloc) {
-+ vzquota_warn(dq_info, dq_id, 0,
-+ "VZ QUOTA: disk softlimit exceeded "
-+ "for id=%d\n");
-+ dqstat->btime = CURRENT_TIME_SECONDS
-+ + dq_info->bexpire;
-+ } else {
-+ /*
-+ * Original Linux quota doesn't allow
-+ * preallocation to exceed softlimit so
-+ * exceeding will be always printed
-+ */
-+ return NO_QUOTA;
-+ }
-+ } else if (CURRENT_TIME_SECONDS >= dqstat->btime &&
-+ !ignore_hardlimit(dq_info)) {
-+ if (!prealloc)
-+ vzquota_warn(dq_info, dq_id, VZ_QUOTA_SPACE,
-+ "VZ QUOTA: disk quota "
-+ "softlimit expired "
-+ "for id=%d\n");
-+ return NO_QUOTA;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+static int vzquota_check_ugid_inodes(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid[],
-+ int type, unsigned long number)
-+ struct dq_info *dqinfo;
-+ struct dq_stat *dqstat;
-+ if (qugid[type] == NULL)
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+ if (qugid[type] == VZ_QUOTA_UGBAD)
-+ return NO_QUOTA;
-+ if (type == USRQUOTA && !(qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQ_USRQUOTA))
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+ if (type == GRPQUOTA && !(qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQ_GRPQUOTA))
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+ if (number == 0)
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+ dqinfo = &qmblk->dq_ugid_info[type];
-+ dqstat = &qugid[type]->qugid_stat;
-+ if (dqstat->ihardlimit != 0 &&
-+ dqstat->icurrent + number > dqstat->ihardlimit)
-+ return NO_QUOTA;
-+ if (dqstat->isoftlimit != 0 &&
-+ dqstat->icurrent + number > dqstat->isoftlimit) {
-+ if (dqstat->itime == (time_t)0)
-+ dqstat->itime = CURRENT_TIME_SECONDS + dqinfo->iexpire;
-+ else if (CURRENT_TIME_SECONDS >= dqstat->itime)
-+ return NO_QUOTA;
-+ }
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+static int vzquota_check_ugid_space(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid[],
-+ int type, __u64 number, char prealloc)
-+ struct dq_info *dqinfo;
-+ struct dq_stat *dqstat;
-+ if (qugid[type] == NULL)
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+ if (qugid[type] == VZ_QUOTA_UGBAD)
-+ return NO_QUOTA;
-+ if (type == USRQUOTA && !(qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQ_USRQUOTA))
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+ if (type == GRPQUOTA && !(qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQ_GRPQUOTA))
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+ if (number == 0)
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+ dqinfo = &qmblk->dq_ugid_info[type];
-+ dqstat = &qugid[type]->qugid_stat;
-+ if (dqstat->bhardlimit != 0 &&
-+ dqstat->bcurrent + number > dqstat->bhardlimit)
-+ return NO_QUOTA;
-+ if (dqstat->bsoftlimit != 0 &&
-+ dqstat->bcurrent + number > dqstat->bsoftlimit) {
-+ if (dqstat->btime == (time_t)0) {
-+ if (!prealloc)
-+ dqstat->btime = CURRENT_TIME_SECONDS
-+ + dqinfo->bexpire;
-+ else
-+ /*
-+ * Original Linux quota doesn't allow
-+ * preallocation to exceed softlimit so
-+ * exceeding will be always printed
-+ */
-+ return NO_QUOTA;
-+ } else if (CURRENT_TIME_SECONDS >= dqstat->btime)
-+ return NO_QUOTA;
-+ }
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ * Quota superblock operations
-+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+ * S_NOQUOTA note.
-+ * In the current kernel (, S_NOQUOTA flag is set only for
-+ * - quota file (absent in our case)
-+ * - after explicit DQUOT_DROP (earlier than clear_inode) in functions like
-+ * filesystem-specific new_inode, before the inode gets outside links.
-+ * For the latter case, the only quota operation where care about S_NOQUOTA
-+ * might be required is vzquota_drop, but there S_NOQUOTA has already been
-+ * checked in DQUOT_DROP().
-+ * So, S_NOQUOTA may be ignored for now in the VZDQ code.
-+ *
-+ * The above note is not entirely correct.
-+ * Both for ext2 and ext3 filesystems, DQUOT_FREE_INODE is called from
-+ * delete_inode if new_inode fails (for example, because of inode quota
-+ * limits), so S_NOQUOTA check is needed in free_inode.
-+ * This seems to be the dark corner of the current quota API.
-+ */
-+ * Initialize quota operations for the specified inode.
-+ */
-+static int vzquota_initialize(struct inode *inode, int type)
-+ vzquota_inode_init_call(inode);
-+ return 0; /* ignored by caller */
-+ * Release quota for the specified inode.
-+ */
-+static int vzquota_drop(struct inode *inode)
-+ vzquota_inode_drop_call(inode);
-+ return 0; /* ignored by caller */
-+ * Allocate block callback.
-+ *
-+ * If (prealloc) disk quota exceeding warning is not printed.
-+ * See Linux quota to know why.
-+ *
-+ * Return:
-+ * QUOTA_OK == 0 on SUCCESS
-+ * NO_QUOTA == 1 if allocation should fail
-+ */
-+static int vzquota_alloc_space(struct inode *inode,
-+ qsize_t number, int prealloc)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ struct vz_quota_datast data;
-+ int ret = QUOTA_OK;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_inode_data(inode, &data);
-+ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ return NO_QUOTA;
-+ if (qmblk != NULL) {
-+ int cnt;
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid * qugid[MAXQUOTAS];
-+ /* checking first */
-+ ret = vzquota_check_space(&qmblk->dq_info, &qmblk->dq_stat,
-+ number, qmblk->dq_id, prealloc);
-+ if (ret == NO_QUOTA)
-+ goto no_quota;
-+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < MAXQUOTAS; cnt++) {
-+ qugid[cnt] = INODE_QLNK(inode)->qugid[cnt];
-+ ret = vzquota_check_ugid_space(qmblk, qugid,
-+ cnt, number, prealloc);
-+ if (ret == NO_QUOTA)
-+ goto no_quota;
-+ }
-+ /* check ok, may increment */
-+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < MAXQUOTAS; cnt++) {
-+ if (qugid[cnt] == NULL)
-+ continue;
-+ vzquota_incr_space(&qugid[cnt]->qugid_stat, number);
-+ }
-+ vzquota_incr_space(&qmblk->dq_stat, number);
-+ vzquota_data_unlock(inode, &data);
-+ }
-+ inode_add_bytes(inode, number);
-+ might_sleep();
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+ vzquota_data_unlock(inode, &data);
-+ return NO_QUOTA;
-+ * Allocate inodes callback.
-+ *
-+ * Return:
-+ * QUOTA_OK == 0 on SUCCESS
-+ * NO_QUOTA == 1 if allocation should fail
-+ */
-+static int vzquota_alloc_inode(const struct inode *inode, unsigned long number)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ struct vz_quota_datast data;
-+ int ret = QUOTA_OK;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_inode_data((struct inode *)inode, &data);
-+ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ return NO_QUOTA;
-+ if (qmblk != NULL) {
-+ int cnt;
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid[MAXQUOTAS];
-+ /* checking first */
-+ ret = vzquota_check_inodes(&qmblk->dq_info, &qmblk->dq_stat,
-+ number, qmblk->dq_id);
-+ if (ret == NO_QUOTA)
-+ goto no_quota;
-+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < MAXQUOTAS; cnt++) {
-+ qugid[cnt] = INODE_QLNK(inode)->qugid[cnt];
-+ ret = vzquota_check_ugid_inodes(qmblk, qugid,
-+ cnt, number);
-+ if (ret == NO_QUOTA)
-+ goto no_quota;
-+ }
-+ /* check ok, may increment */
-+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < MAXQUOTAS; cnt++) {
-+ if (qugid[cnt] == NULL)
-+ continue;
-+ vzquota_incr_inodes(&qugid[cnt]->qugid_stat, number);
-+ }
-+ vzquota_incr_inodes(&qmblk->dq_stat, number);
-+ vzquota_data_unlock((struct inode *)inode, &data);
-+ }
-+ might_sleep();
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+ vzquota_data_unlock((struct inode *)inode, &data);
-+ return NO_QUOTA;
-+ * Free space callback.
-+ */
-+static int vzquota_free_space(struct inode *inode, qsize_t number)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ struct vz_quota_datast data;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_inode_data(inode, &data);
-+ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ return NO_QUOTA; /* isn't checked by the caller */
-+ if (qmblk != NULL) {
-+ int cnt;
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid * qugid;
-+ vzquota_decr_space(&qmblk->dq_stat, number);
-+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < MAXQUOTAS; cnt++) {
-+ qugid = INODE_QLNK(inode)->qugid[cnt];
-+ if (qugid == NULL || qugid == VZ_QUOTA_UGBAD)
-+ continue;
-+ vzquota_decr_space(&qugid->qugid_stat, number);
-+ }
-+ vzquota_data_unlock(inode, &data);
-+ }
-+ inode_sub_bytes(inode, number);
-+ might_sleep();
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+ * Free inodes callback.
-+ */
-+static int vzquota_free_inode(const struct inode *inode, unsigned long number)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ struct vz_quota_datast data;
-+ if (IS_NOQUOTA(inode))
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_inode_data((struct inode *)inode, &data);
-+ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ return NO_QUOTA;
-+ if (qmblk != NULL) {
-+ int cnt;
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid * qugid;
-+ vzquota_decr_inodes(&qmblk->dq_stat, number);
-+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < MAXQUOTAS; cnt++) {
-+ qugid = INODE_QLNK(inode)->qugid[cnt];
-+ if (qugid == NULL || qugid == VZ_QUOTA_UGBAD)
-+ continue;
-+ vzquota_decr_inodes(&qugid->qugid_stat, number);
-+ }
-+ vzquota_data_unlock((struct inode *)inode, &data);
-+ }
-+ might_sleep();
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_UGID)
-+ * helper function for quota_transfer
-+ * check that we can add inode to this quota_id
-+ */
-+static int vzquota_transfer_check(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid[],
-+ unsigned int type, __u64 size)
-+ if (vzquota_check_ugid_space(qmblk, qugid, type, size, 0) != QUOTA_OK ||
-+ vzquota_check_ugid_inodes(qmblk, qugid, type, 1) != QUOTA_OK)
-+ return -1;
-+ return 0;
-+int vzquota_transfer_usage(struct inode *inode,
-+ int mask,
-+ struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk)
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid_old;
-+ __u64 space;
-+ int i;
-+ space = inode_get_bytes(inode);
-+ for (i = 0; i < MAXQUOTAS; i++) {
-+ if (!(mask & (1 << i)))
-+ continue;
-+ if (vzquota_transfer_check(qlnk->qmblk, qlnk->qugid, i, space))
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ for (i = 0; i < MAXQUOTAS; i++) {
-+ if (!(mask & (1 << i)))
-+ continue;
-+ qugid_old = INODE_QLNK(inode)->qugid[i];
-+ vzquota_decr_space(&qugid_old->qugid_stat, space);
-+ vzquota_decr_inodes(&qugid_old->qugid_stat, 1);
-+ vzquota_incr_space(&qlnk->qugid[i]->qugid_stat, space);
-+ vzquota_incr_inodes(&qlnk->qugid[i]->qugid_stat, 1);
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+ * Transfer the inode between diffent user/group quotas.
-+ */
-+static int vzquota_transfer(struct inode *inode, struct iattr *iattr)
-+ return vzquota_inode_transfer_call(inode, iattr) ?
-+#else /* CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_UGID */
-+static int vzquota_transfer(struct inode *inode, struct iattr *iattr)
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+ * Called under following semaphores:
-+ * old_d->d_inode->i_sb->s_vfs_rename_sem
-+ * old_d->d_inode->i_sem
-+ * new_d->d_inode->i_sem
-+ * [not verified --SAW]
-+ */
-+static int vzquota_rename(struct inode *inode,
-+ struct inode *old_dir, struct inode *new_dir)
-+ return vzquota_rename_check(inode, old_dir, new_dir) ?
-+ * Structure of superblock diskquota operations.
-+ */
-+struct dquot_operations vz_quota_operations = {
-+ initialize: vzquota_initialize,
-+ drop: vzquota_drop,
-+ alloc_space: vzquota_alloc_space,
-+ alloc_inode: vzquota_alloc_inode,
-+ free_space: vzquota_free_space,
-+ free_inode: vzquota_free_inode,
-+ transfer: vzquota_transfer,
-+ rename: vzquota_rename
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:44.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ * This file contains Virtuozzo quota tree implementation
-+ */
-+#include <linux/errno.h>
-+#include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <linux/vzdq_tree.h>
-+struct quotatree_tree *quotatree_alloc(void)
-+ int l;
-+ struct quotatree_tree *tree;
-+ tree = kmalloc(sizeof(struct quotatree_tree), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (tree == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ for (l = 0; l < QUOTATREE_DEPTH; l++) {
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&tree->levels[l].usedlh);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&tree->levels[l].freelh);
-+ tree->levels[l].freenum = 0;
-+ }
-+ tree->root = NULL;
-+ tree->leaf_num = 0;
-+ return tree;
-+static struct quotatree_node *
-+quotatree_follow(struct quotatree_tree *tree, quotaid_t id, int level,
-+ struct quotatree_find_state *st)
-+ void **block;
-+ struct quotatree_node *parent;
-+ int l, index;
-+ parent = NULL;
-+ block = (void **)&tree->root;
-+ l = 0;
-+ while (l < level && *block != NULL) {
-+ parent = *block;
-+ block = parent->blocks + index;
-+ l++;
-+ }
-+ if (st != NULL) {
-+ st->block = block;
-+ st->level = l;
-+ }
-+ return parent;
-+void *quotatree_find(struct quotatree_tree *tree, quotaid_t id,
-+ struct quotatree_find_state *st)
-+ quotatree_follow(tree, id, QUOTATREE_DEPTH, st);
-+ if (st->level == QUOTATREE_DEPTH)
-+ return *st->block;
-+ else
-+ return NULL;
-+void *quotatree_leaf_byindex(struct quotatree_tree *tree, unsigned int index)
-+ int i, count;
-+ struct quotatree_node *p;
-+ void *leaf;
-+ if (QTREE_LEAFNUM(tree) <= index)
-+ return NULL;
-+ count = 0;
-+ list_for_each_entry(p, &QTREE_LEAFLVL(tree)->usedlh, list) {
-+ for (i = 0; i < QUOTATREE_BSIZE; i++) {
-+ leaf = p->blocks[i];
-+ if (leaf == NULL)
-+ continue;
-+ if (count == index)
-+ return leaf;
-+ count++;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+/* returns data leaf (vz_quota_ugid) after _existent_ ugid (@id)
-+ * in the tree... */
-+void *quotatree_get_next(struct quotatree_tree *tree, quotaid_t id)
-+ int off;
-+ struct quotatree_node *parent, *p;
-+ struct list_head *lh;
-+ /* get parent refering correct quota tree node of the last level */
-+ parent = quotatree_follow(tree, id, QUOTATREE_DEPTH, NULL);
-+ if (!parent)
-+ return NULL;
-+ off = (id & QUOTATREE_BMASK) + 1; /* next ugid */
-+ lh = &parent->list;
-+ do {
-+ p = list_entry(lh, struct quotatree_node, list);
-+ for ( ; off < QUOTATREE_BSIZE; off++)
-+ if (p->blocks[off])
-+ return p->blocks[off];
-+ off = 0;
-+ lh = lh->next;
-+ } while (lh != &QTREE_LEAFLVL(tree)->usedlh);
-+ return NULL;
-+int quotatree_insert(struct quotatree_tree *tree, quotaid_t id,
-+ struct quotatree_find_state *st, void *data)
-+ struct quotatree_node *p;
-+ int l, index;
-+ while (st->level < QUOTATREE_DEPTH) {
-+ l = st->level;
-+ if (!list_empty(&tree->levels[l].freelh)) {
-+ p = list_entry(tree->levels[l],
-+ struct quotatree_node, list);
-+ list_del(&p->list);
-+ } else {
-+ p = kmalloc(sizeof(struct quotatree_node), GFP_NOFS | __GFP_NOFAIL);
-+ if (p == NULL)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ /* save block number in the l-level
-+ * it uses for quota file generation */
-+ p->num = tree->levels[l].freenum++;
-+ }
-+ list_add(&p->list, &tree->levels[l].usedlh);
-+ memset(p->blocks, 0, sizeof(p->blocks));
-+ *st->block = p;
-+ st->block = p->blocks + index;
-+ st->level++;
-+ }
-+ tree->leaf_num++;
-+ *st->block = data;
-+ return 0;
-+static struct quotatree_node *
-+quotatree_remove_ptr(struct quotatree_tree *tree, quotaid_t id,
-+ int level)
-+ struct quotatree_node *parent;
-+ struct quotatree_find_state st;
-+ parent = quotatree_follow(tree, id, level, &st);
-+ if (st.level == QUOTATREE_DEPTH)
-+ tree->leaf_num--;
-+ *st.block = NULL;
-+ return parent;
-+void quotatree_remove(struct quotatree_tree *tree, quotaid_t id)
-+ struct quotatree_node *p;
-+ int level, i;
-+ p = quotatree_remove_ptr(tree, id, QUOTATREE_DEPTH);
-+ for (level = QUOTATREE_DEPTH - 1; level >= QUOTATREE_CDEPTH; level--) {
-+ for (i = 0; i < QUOTATREE_BSIZE; i++)
-+ if (p->blocks[i] != NULL)
-+ return;
-+ list_move(&p->list, &tree->levels[level].freelh);
-+ p = quotatree_remove_ptr(tree, id, level);
-+ }
-+#if 0
-+static void quotatree_walk(struct quotatree_tree *tree,
-+ struct quotatree_node *node_start,
-+ quotaid_t id_start,
-+ int level_start, int level_end,
-+ int (*callback)(struct quotatree_tree *,
-+ quotaid_t id,
-+ int level,
-+ void *ptr,
-+ void *data),
-+ void *data)
-+ struct quotatree_node *p;
-+ int l, shift, index;
-+ quotaid_t id;
-+ struct quotatree_find_state st;
-+ p = node_start;
-+ l = level_start;
-+ id = id_start;
-+ index = 0;
-+ /*
-+ * Invariants:
-+ * shift == (QUOTATREE_DEPTH - l) * QUOTAID_BBITS;
-+ * id & ((1 << shift) - 1) == 0
-+ * p is l-level node corresponding to id
-+ */
-+ do {
-+ if (!p)
-+ break;
-+ if (l < level_end) {
-+ for (; index < QUOTATREE_BSIZE; index++)
-+ if (p->blocks[index] != NULL)
-+ break;
-+ if (index < QUOTATREE_BSIZE) {
-+ /* descend */
-+ p = p->blocks[index];
-+ l++;
-+ shift -= QUOTAID_BBITS;
-+ id += (quotaid_t)index << shift;
-+ index = 0;
-+ continue;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if ((*callback)(tree, id, l, p, data))
-+ break;
-+ /* ascend and to the next node */
-+ p = quotatree_follow(tree, id, l, &st);
-+ index = ((id >> shift) & QUOTATREE_BMASK) + 1;
-+ l--;
-+ shift += QUOTAID_BBITS;
-+ id &= ~(((quotaid_t)1 << shift) - 1);
-+ } while (l >= level_start);
-+static void free_list(struct list_head *node_list)
-+ struct quotatree_node *p, *tmp;
-+ list_for_each_entry_safe(p, tmp, node_list, list) {
-+ list_del(&p->list);
-+ kfree(p);
-+ }
-+static inline void quotatree_free_nodes(struct quotatree_tree *tree)
-+ int i;
-+ for (i = 0; i < QUOTATREE_DEPTH; i++) {
-+ free_list(&tree->levels[i].usedlh);
-+ free_list(&tree->levels[i].freelh);
-+ }
-+static void quotatree_free_leafs(struct quotatree_tree *tree,
-+ void (*dtor)(void *))
-+ int i;
-+ struct quotatree_node *p;
-+ list_for_each_entry(p, &QTREE_LEAFLVL(tree)->usedlh, list) {
-+ for (i = 0; i < QUOTATREE_BSIZE; i++) {
-+ if (p->blocks[i] == NULL)
-+ continue;
-+ dtor(p->blocks[i]);
-+ }
-+ }
-+void quotatree_free(struct quotatree_tree *tree, void (*dtor)(void *))
-+ quotatree_free_leafs(tree, dtor);
-+ quotatree_free_nodes(tree);
-+ kfree(tree);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:44.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,1130 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2002 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ * This file contains Virtuozzo UID/GID disk quota implementation
-+ */
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/string.h>
-+#include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <linux/list.h>
-+#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
-+#include <linux/rcupdate.h>
-+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <linux/quota.h>
-+#include <linux/quotaio_v2.h>
-+#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
-+#include <linux/vzctl.h>
-+#include <linux/vzctl_quota.h>
-+#include <linux/vzquota.h>
-+ * XXX
-+ * may be something is needed for sb->s_dquot->info[]?
-+ */
-+#define QTYPE2MASK(type) (1 << (type))
-+static kmem_cache_t *vz_quota_ugid_cachep;
-+/* guard to protect vz_quota_master from destroy in quota_on/off. Also protects
-+ * list on the hash table */
-+extern struct semaphore vz_quota_sem;
-+inline struct vz_quota_ugid *vzquota_get_ugid(struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid)
-+ if (qugid != VZ_QUOTA_UGBAD)
-+ atomic_inc(&qugid->qugid_count);
-+ return qugid;
-+/* we don't limit users with zero limits */
-+static inline int vzquota_fake_stat(struct dq_stat *stat)
-+ return stat->bhardlimit == 0 && stat->bsoftlimit == 0 &&
-+ stat->ihardlimit == 0 && stat->isoftlimit == 0;
-+/* callback function for quotatree_free() */
-+static inline void vzquota_free_qugid(void *ptr)
-+ kmem_cache_free(vz_quota_ugid_cachep, ptr);
-+ * destroy ugid, if it have zero refcount, limits and usage
-+ * must be called under qmblk->dq_sem
-+ */
-+void vzquota_put_ugid(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid)
-+ if (qugid == VZ_QUOTA_UGBAD)
-+ return;
-+ qmblk_data_read_lock(qmblk);
-+ if (atomic_dec_and_test(&qugid->qugid_count) &&
-+ (qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQUG_FIXED_SET) == 0 &&
-+ vzquota_fake_stat(&qugid->qugid_stat) &&
-+ qugid->qugid_stat.bcurrent == 0 &&
-+ qugid->qugid_stat.icurrent == 0) {
-+ quotatree_remove(QUGID_TREE(qmblk, qugid->qugid_type),
-+ qugid->qugid_id);
-+ qmblk->dq_ugid_count--;
-+ vzquota_free_qugid(qugid);
-+ }
-+ qmblk_data_read_unlock(qmblk);
-+ * Get ugid block by its index, like it would present in array.
-+ * In reality, this is not array - this is leafs chain of the tree.
-+ * NULL if index is out of range.
-+ * qmblk semaphore is required to protect the tree.
-+ */
-+static inline struct vz_quota_ugid *
-+vzquota_get_byindex(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk, unsigned int index, int type)
-+ return quotatree_leaf_byindex(QUGID_TREE(qmblk, type), index);
-+ * get next element from ugid "virtual array"
-+ * ugid must be in current array and this array may not be changed between
-+ * two accesses (quaranteed by "stopped" quota state and quota semaphore)
-+ * qmblk semaphore is required to protect the tree
-+ */
-+static inline struct vz_quota_ugid *
-+vzquota_get_next(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk, struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid)
-+ return quotatree_get_next(QUGID_TREE(qmblk, qugid->qugid_type),
-+ qugid->qugid_id);
-+ * requires dq_sem
-+ */
-+struct vz_quota_ugid *__vzquota_find_ugid(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
-+ unsigned int quota_id, int type, int flags)
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid;
-+ struct quotatree_tree *tree;
-+ struct quotatree_find_state st;
-+ tree = QUGID_TREE(qmblk, type);
-+ qugid = quotatree_find(tree, quota_id, &st);
-+ if (qugid)
-+ goto success;
-+ /* caller does not want alloc */
-+ if (flags & VZDQUG_FIND_DONT_ALLOC)
-+ goto fail;
-+ if (flags & VZDQUG_FIND_FAKE)
-+ goto doit;
-+ /* check limit */
-+ if (qmblk->dq_ugid_count >= qmblk->dq_ugid_max)
-+ goto fail;
-+ /* see comment at VZDQUG_FIXED_SET define */
-+ if (qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQUG_FIXED_SET)
-+ goto fail;
-+ /* alloc new structure */
-+ qugid = kmem_cache_alloc(vz_quota_ugid_cachep,
-+ if (qugid == NULL)
-+ goto fail;
-+ /* initialize new structure */
-+ qugid->qugid_id = quota_id;
-+ memset(&qugid->qugid_stat, 0, sizeof(qugid->qugid_stat));
-+ qugid->qugid_type = type;
-+ atomic_set(&qugid->qugid_count, 0);
-+ /* insert in tree */
-+ if (quotatree_insert(tree, quota_id, &st, qugid) < 0)
-+ goto fail_insert;
-+ qmblk->dq_ugid_count++;
-+ vzquota_get_ugid(qugid);
-+ return qugid;
-+ vzquota_free_qugid(qugid);
-+ return VZ_QUOTA_UGBAD;
-+ * takes dq_sem, may schedule
-+ */
-+struct vz_quota_ugid *vzquota_find_ugid(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
-+ unsigned int quota_id, int type, int flags)
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid;
-+ down(&qmblk->dq_sem);
-+ qugid = __vzquota_find_ugid(qmblk, quota_id, type, flags);
-+ up(&qmblk->dq_sem);
-+ return qugid;
-+ * destroy all ugid records on given quota master
-+ */
-+void vzquota_kill_ugid(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
-+ BUG_ON((qmblk->dq_gid_tree == NULL && qmblk->dq_uid_tree != NULL) ||
-+ (qmblk->dq_uid_tree == NULL && qmblk->dq_gid_tree != NULL));
-+ if (qmblk->dq_uid_tree != NULL) {
-+ quotatree_free(qmblk->dq_uid_tree, vzquota_free_qugid);
-+ quotatree_free(qmblk->dq_gid_tree, vzquota_free_qugid);
-+ }
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ * Management interface to ugid quota for (super)users.
-+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+ * vzquota_find_qmblk - helper to emulate quota on virtual filesystems
-+ *
-+ * This function finds a quota master block corresponding to the root of
-+ * a virtual filesystem.
-+ * Returns a quota master block with reference taken, or %NULL if not under
-+ * quota, or %VZ_QUOTA_BAD if quota inconsistency is found (and all allocation
-+ * operations will fail).
-+ *
-+ * Note: this function uses vzquota_inode_qmblk().
-+ * The latter is a rather confusing function: it returns qmblk that used to be
-+ * on the inode some time ago (without guarantee that it still has any
-+ * relations to the inode). So, vzquota_find_qmblk() leaves it up to the
-+ * caller to think whether the inode could have changed its qmblk and what to
-+ * do in that case.
-+ * Currently, the callers appear to not care :(
-+ */
-+struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_find_qmblk(struct super_block *sb)
-+ struct inode *qrinode;
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ qmblk = NULL;
-+ qrinode = NULL;
-+ if (sb->s_op->get_quota_root != NULL)
-+ qrinode = sb->s_op->get_quota_root(sb);
-+ if (qrinode != NULL)
-+ qmblk = vzquota_inode_qmblk(qrinode);
-+ return qmblk;
-+static int vzquota_initialize2(struct inode *inode, int type)
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+static int vzquota_drop2(struct inode *inode)
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+static int vzquota_alloc_space2(struct inode *inode,
-+ qsize_t number, int prealloc)
-+ inode_add_bytes(inode, number);
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+static int vzquota_alloc_inode2(const struct inode *inode, unsigned long number)
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+static int vzquota_free_space2(struct inode *inode, qsize_t number)
-+ inode_sub_bytes(inode, number);
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+static int vzquota_free_inode2(const struct inode *inode, unsigned long number)
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+static int vzquota_transfer2(struct inode *inode, struct iattr *iattr)
-+ return QUOTA_OK;
-+struct dquot_operations vz_quota_operations2 = {
-+ initialize: vzquota_initialize2,
-+ drop: vzquota_drop2,
-+ alloc_space: vzquota_alloc_space2,
-+ alloc_inode: vzquota_alloc_inode2,
-+ free_space: vzquota_free_space2,
-+ free_inode: vzquota_free_inode2,
-+ transfer: vzquota_transfer2
-+static int vz_quota_on(struct super_block *sb, int type,
-+ int format_id, char *path)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ int mask, mask2;
-+ int err;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_find_qmblk(sb);
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ err = -ESRCH;
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = -EIO;
-+ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ goto out;
-+ mask = 0;
-+ mask2 = 0;
-+ sb->dq_op = &vz_quota_operations2;
-+ sb->s_qcop = &vz_quotactl_operations;
-+ if (type == USRQUOTA) {
-+ mask2 = VZDQ_USRQUOTA;
-+ }
-+ if (type == GRPQUOTA) {
-+ mask2 = VZDQ_GRPQUOTA;
-+ }
-+ err = -EBUSY;
-+ if (qmblk->dq_flags & mask2)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = 0;
-+ qmblk->dq_flags |= mask2;
-+ sb->s_dquot.flags |= mask;
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ if (qmblk != NULL && qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ qmblk_put(qmblk);
-+ return err;
-+static int vz_quota_off(struct super_block *sb, int type)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ int mask2;
-+ int err;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_find_qmblk(sb);
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ err = -ESRCH;
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = -EIO;
-+ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ goto out;
-+ mask2 = 0;
-+ if (type == USRQUOTA)
-+ mask2 = VZDQ_USRQUOTA;
-+ if (type == GRPQUOTA)
-+ mask2 = VZDQ_GRPQUOTA;
-+ err = -EINVAL;
-+ if (!(qmblk->dq_flags & mask2))
-+ goto out;
-+ qmblk->dq_flags &= ~mask2;
-+ err = 0;
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ if (qmblk != NULL && qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ qmblk_put(qmblk);
-+ return err;
-+static int vz_quota_sync(struct super_block *sb, int type)
-+ return 0; /* vz quota is always uptodate */
-+static int vz_get_dqblk(struct super_block *sb, int type,
-+ qid_t id, struct if_dqblk *di)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid *ugid;
-+ int err;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_find_qmblk(sb);
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ err = -ESRCH;
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = -EIO;
-+ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = 0;
-+ ugid = vzquota_find_ugid(qmblk, id, type, VZDQUG_FIND_DONT_ALLOC);
-+ if (ugid != VZ_QUOTA_UGBAD) {
-+ qmblk_data_read_lock(qmblk);
-+ di->dqb_bhardlimit = ugid->qugid_stat.bhardlimit >> 10;
-+ di->dqb_bsoftlimit = ugid->qugid_stat.bsoftlimit >> 10;
-+ di->dqb_curspace = ugid->qugid_stat.bcurrent;
-+ di->dqb_ihardlimit = ugid->qugid_stat.ihardlimit;
-+ di->dqb_isoftlimit = ugid->qugid_stat.isoftlimit;
-+ di->dqb_curinodes = ugid->qugid_stat.icurrent;
-+ di->dqb_btime = ugid->qugid_stat.btime;
-+ di->dqb_itime = ugid->qugid_stat.itime;
-+ qmblk_data_read_unlock(qmblk);
-+ di->dqb_valid = QIF_ALL;
-+ vzquota_put_ugid(qmblk, ugid);
-+ } else {
-+ memset(di, 0, sizeof(*di));
-+ di->dqb_valid = QIF_ALL;
-+ }
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ if (qmblk != NULL && qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ qmblk_put(qmblk);
-+ return err;
-+/* must be called under vz_quota_sem */
-+static int __vz_set_dqblk(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
-+ int type, qid_t id, struct if_dqblk *di)
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid *ugid;
-+ ugid = vzquota_find_ugid(qmblk, id, type, 0);
-+ if (ugid == VZ_QUOTA_UGBAD)
-+ return -ESRCH;
-+ qmblk_data_write_lock(qmblk);
-+ /*
-+ * Subtle compatibility breakage.
-+ *
-+ * Some old non-vz kernel quota didn't start grace period
-+ * if the new soft limit happens to be below the usage.
-+ * Non-vz kernel quota in 2.4.20 starts the grace period
-+ * (if it hasn't been started).
-+ * Current non-vz kernel performs even more complicated
-+ * manipulations...
-+ *
-+ * Also, current non-vz kernels have inconsistency related to
-+ * the grace time start. In regular operations the grace period
-+ * is started if the usage is greater than the soft limit (and,
-+ * strangely, is cancelled if the usage is less).
-+ * However, set_dqblk starts the grace period if the usage is greater
-+ * or equal to the soft limit.
-+ *
-+ * Here we try to mimic the behavior of the current non-vz kernel.
-+ */
-+ if (di->dqb_valid & QIF_BLIMITS) {
-+ ugid->qugid_stat.bhardlimit =
-+ (__u64)di->dqb_bhardlimit << 10;
-+ ugid->qugid_stat.bsoftlimit =
-+ (__u64)di->dqb_bsoftlimit << 10;
-+ if (di->dqb_bsoftlimit == 0 ||
-+ ugid->qugid_stat.bcurrent < ugid->qugid_stat.bsoftlimit)
-+ ugid->qugid_stat.btime = 0;
-+ else if (!(di->dqb_valid & QIF_BTIME))
-+ ugid->qugid_stat.btime = CURRENT_TIME_SECONDS
-+ + qmblk->dq_ugid_info[type].bexpire;
-+ else
-+ ugid->qugid_stat.btime = di->dqb_btime;
-+ }
-+ if (di->dqb_valid & QIF_ILIMITS) {
-+ ugid->qugid_stat.ihardlimit = di->dqb_ihardlimit;
-+ ugid->qugid_stat.isoftlimit = di->dqb_isoftlimit;
-+ if (di->dqb_isoftlimit == 0 ||
-+ ugid->qugid_stat.icurrent < ugid->qugid_stat.isoftlimit)
-+ ugid->qugid_stat.itime = 0;
-+ else if (!(di->dqb_valid & QIF_ITIME))
-+ ugid->qugid_stat.itime = CURRENT_TIME_SECONDS
-+ + qmblk->dq_ugid_info[type].iexpire;
-+ else
-+ ugid->qugid_stat.itime = di->dqb_itime;
-+ }
-+ qmblk_data_write_unlock(qmblk);
-+ vzquota_put_ugid(qmblk, ugid);
-+ return 0;
-+static int vz_set_dqblk(struct super_block *sb, int type,
-+ qid_t id, struct if_dqblk *di)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ int err;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_find_qmblk(sb);
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ err = -ESRCH;
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = -EIO;
-+ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = __vz_set_dqblk(qmblk, type, id, di);
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ if (qmblk != NULL && qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ qmblk_put(qmblk);
-+ return err;
-+static int vz_get_dqinfo(struct super_block *sb, int type,
-+ struct if_dqinfo *ii)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ int err;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_find_qmblk(sb);
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ err = -ESRCH;
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = -EIO;
-+ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = 0;
-+ ii->dqi_bgrace = qmblk->dq_ugid_info[type].bexpire;
-+ ii->dqi_igrace = qmblk->dq_ugid_info[type].iexpire;
-+ ii->dqi_flags = 0;
-+ ii->dqi_valid = IIF_ALL;
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ if (qmblk != NULL && qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ qmblk_put(qmblk);
-+ return err;
-+/* must be called under vz_quota_sem */
-+static int __vz_set_dqinfo(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
-+ int type, struct if_dqinfo *ii)
-+ if (ii->dqi_valid & IIF_FLAGS)
-+ if (ii->dqi_flags & DQF_MASK)
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ if (ii->dqi_valid & IIF_BGRACE)
-+ qmblk->dq_ugid_info[type].bexpire = ii->dqi_bgrace;
-+ if (ii->dqi_valid & IIF_IGRACE)
-+ qmblk->dq_ugid_info[type].iexpire = ii->dqi_igrace;
-+ return 0;
-+static int vz_set_dqinfo(struct super_block *sb, int type,
-+ struct if_dqinfo *ii)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ int err;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_find_qmblk(sb);
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ err = -ESRCH;
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = -EIO;
-+ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = __vz_set_dqinfo(qmblk, type, ii);
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ if (qmblk != NULL && qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ qmblk_put(qmblk);
-+ return err;
-+#define Q_GETQUOTI_SIZE 1024
-+#define UGID2DQBLK(dst, src) \
-+ do { \
-+ (dst)->dqb_ihardlimit = (src)->qugid_stat.ihardlimit; \
-+ (dst)->dqb_isoftlimit = (src)->qugid_stat.isoftlimit; \
-+ (dst)->dqb_curinodes = (src)->qugid_stat.icurrent; \
-+ /* in 1K blocks */ \
-+ (dst)->dqb_bhardlimit = (src)->qugid_stat.bhardlimit >> 10; \
-+ /* in 1K blocks */ \
-+ (dst)->dqb_bsoftlimit = (src)->qugid_stat.bsoftlimit >> 10; \
-+ /* in bytes, 64 bit */ \
-+ (dst)->dqb_curspace = (src)->qugid_stat.bcurrent; \
-+ (dst)->dqb_btime = (src)->qugid_stat.btime; \
-+ (dst)->dqb_itime = (src)->qugid_stat.itime; \
-+ } while (0)
-+static int vz_get_quoti(struct super_block *sb, int type, qid_t idx,
-+ struct v2_disk_dqblk *dqblk)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ struct v2_disk_dqblk *data, *kbuf;
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid *ugid;
-+ int count;
-+ int err;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_find_qmblk(sb);
-+ err = -ESRCH;
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = -EIO;
-+ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = -ENOMEM;
-+ kbuf = vmalloc(Q_GETQUOTI_SIZE * sizeof(*kbuf));
-+ if (!kbuf)
-+ goto out;
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ down(&qmblk->dq_sem);
-+ for (ugid = vzquota_get_byindex(qmblk, idx, type), count = 0;
-+ ugid != NULL && count < Q_GETQUOTI_SIZE;
-+ count++)
-+ {
-+ data = kbuf + count;
-+ qmblk_data_read_lock(qmblk);
-+ UGID2DQBLK(data, ugid);
-+ qmblk_data_read_unlock(qmblk);
-+ data->dqb_id = ugid->qugid_id;
-+ /* Find next entry */
-+ ugid = vzquota_get_next(qmblk, ugid);
-+ BUG_ON(ugid != NULL && ugid->qugid_type != type);
-+ }
-+ up(&qmblk->dq_sem);
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ err = count;
-+ if (copy_to_user(dqblk, kbuf, count * sizeof(*kbuf)))
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ vfree(kbuf);
-+ if (qmblk != NULL && qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ qmblk_put(qmblk);
-+ return err;
-+struct quotactl_ops vz_quotactl_operations = {
-+ quota_on: vz_quota_on,
-+ quota_off: vz_quota_off,
-+ quota_sync: vz_quota_sync,
-+ get_info: vz_get_dqinfo,
-+ set_info: vz_set_dqinfo,
-+ get_dqblk: vz_get_dqblk,
-+ set_dqblk: vz_set_dqblk,
-+ get_quoti: vz_get_quoti
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ * Management interface for host system admins.
-+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+static int quota_ugid_addstat(unsigned int quota_id, unsigned int ugid_size,
-+ struct vz_quota_iface *u_ugid_buf)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ int ret;
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ ret = -ENOENT;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ ret = -EBUSY;
-+ if (qmblk->dq_state != VZDQ_STARTING)
-+ goto out; /* working quota doesn't accept new ugids */
-+ ret = 0;
-+ /* start to add ugids */
-+ for (ret = 0; ret < ugid_size; ret++) {
-+ struct vz_quota_iface ugid_buf;
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid *ugid;
-+ if (copy_from_user(&ugid_buf, u_ugid_buf, sizeof(ugid_buf)))
-+ break;
-+ if (ugid_buf.qi_type >= MAXQUOTAS)
-+ break; /* bad quota type - this is the only check */
-+ ugid = vzquota_find_ugid(qmblk,
-+ ugid_buf.qi_id, ugid_buf.qi_type, 0);
-+ if (ugid == VZ_QUOTA_UGBAD) {
-+ qmblk->dq_flags |= VZDQUG_FIXED_SET;
-+ break; /* limit reached */
-+ }
-+ /* update usage/limits
-+ * we can copy the data without the lock, because the data
-+ * cannot be modified in VZDQ_STARTING state */
-+ ugid->qugid_stat = ugid_buf.qi_stat;
-+ vzquota_put_ugid(qmblk, ugid);
-+ u_ugid_buf++; /* next user buffer */
-+ }
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ return ret;
-+static int quota_ugid_setgrace(unsigned int quota_id,
-+ struct dq_info u_dq_info[])
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ struct dq_info dq_info[MAXQUOTAS];
-+ struct dq_info *target;
-+ int err, type;
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ err = -ENOENT;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = -EBUSY;
-+ if (qmblk->dq_state != VZDQ_STARTING)
-+ goto out; /* working quota doesn't accept changing options */
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ if (copy_from_user(dq_info, u_dq_info, sizeof(dq_info)))
-+ goto out;
-+ err = 0;
-+ /* update in qmblk */
-+ for (type = 0; type < MAXQUOTAS; type ++) {
-+ target = &qmblk->dq_ugid_info[type];
-+ target->bexpire = dq_info[type].bexpire;
-+ target->iexpire = dq_info[type].iexpire;
-+ }
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ return err;
-+static int do_quota_ugid_getstat(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk, int index, int size,
-+ struct vz_quota_iface *u_ugid_buf)
-+ int type, count;
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid *ugid;
-+ if (QTREE_LEAFNUM(qmblk->dq_uid_tree) +
-+ QTREE_LEAFNUM(qmblk->dq_gid_tree)
-+ <= index)
-+ return 0;
-+ count = 0;
-+ type = index < QTREE_LEAFNUM(qmblk->dq_uid_tree) ? USRQUOTA : GRPQUOTA;
-+ if (type == GRPQUOTA)
-+ index -= QTREE_LEAFNUM(qmblk->dq_uid_tree);
-+ /* loop through ugid and then qgid quota */
-+ for (ugid = vzquota_get_byindex(qmblk, index, type);
-+ ugid != NULL && count < size;
-+ ugid = vzquota_get_next(qmblk, ugid), count++)
-+ {
-+ struct vz_quota_iface ugid_buf;
-+ /* form interface buffer and send in to user-level */
-+ qmblk_data_read_lock(qmblk);
-+ memcpy(&ugid_buf.qi_stat, &ugid->qugid_stat,
-+ sizeof(ugid_buf.qi_stat));
-+ qmblk_data_read_unlock(qmblk);
-+ ugid_buf.qi_id = ugid->qugid_id;
-+ ugid_buf.qi_type = ugid->qugid_type;
-+ memcpy(u_ugid_buf, &ugid_buf, sizeof(ugid_buf));
-+ u_ugid_buf++; /* next portion of user buffer */
-+ }
-+ if (type == USRQUOTA && count < size) {
-+ type = GRPQUOTA;
-+ index = 0;
-+ goto repeat;
-+ }
-+ return count;
-+static int quota_ugid_getstat(unsigned int quota_id,
-+ int index, int size, struct vz_quota_iface *u_ugid_buf)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ struct vz_quota_iface *k_ugid_buf;
-+ int err;
-+ if (index < 0 || size < 0)
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ if (size > INT_MAX / sizeof(struct vz_quota_iface))
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ k_ugid_buf = vmalloc(size * sizeof(struct vz_quota_iface));
-+ if (k_ugid_buf == NULL)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ err = -ENOENT;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ down(&qmblk->dq_sem);
-+ err = do_quota_ugid_getstat(qmblk, index, size, k_ugid_buf);
-+ up(&qmblk->dq_sem);
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto out;
-+ if (copy_to_user(u_ugid_buf, k_ugid_buf,
-+ size * sizeof(struct vz_quota_iface)))
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ vfree(k_ugid_buf);
-+ return err;
-+static int quota_ugid_getgrace(unsigned int quota_id,
-+ struct dq_info u_dq_info[])
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ struct dq_info dq_info[MAXQUOTAS];
-+ struct dq_info *target;
-+ int err, type;
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ err = -ENOENT;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = 0;
-+ /* update from qmblk */
-+ for (type = 0; type < MAXQUOTAS; type ++) {
-+ target = &qmblk->dq_ugid_info[type];
-+ dq_info[type].bexpire = target->bexpire;
-+ dq_info[type].iexpire = target->iexpire;
-+ dq_info[type].flags = target->flags;
-+ }
-+ if (copy_to_user(u_dq_info, dq_info, sizeof(dq_info)))
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ return err;
-+static int quota_ugid_getconfig(unsigned int quota_id,
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid_stat *info)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid_stat kinfo;
-+ int err;
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ err = -ENOENT;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = 0;
-+ kinfo.limit = qmblk->dq_ugid_max;
-+ kinfo.count = qmblk->dq_ugid_count;
-+ kinfo.flags = qmblk->dq_flags;
-+ if (copy_to_user(info, &kinfo, sizeof(kinfo)))
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ return err;
-+static int quota_ugid_setconfig(unsigned int quota_id,
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid_stat *info)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid_stat kinfo;
-+ int err;
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ err = -ENOENT;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ if (copy_from_user(&kinfo, info, sizeof(kinfo)))
-+ goto out;
-+ err = 0;
-+ qmblk->dq_ugid_max = kinfo.limit;
-+ if (qmblk->dq_state == VZDQ_STARTING) {
-+ qmblk->dq_flags = kinfo.flags;
-+ if (qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQUG_ON)
-+ qmblk->dq_flags |= VZDQ_USRQUOTA | VZDQ_GRPQUOTA;
-+ }
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ return err;
-+static int quota_ugid_setlimit(unsigned int quota_id,
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid_setlimit *u_lim)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid_setlimit lim;
-+ int err;
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ err = -ESRCH;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ if (copy_from_user(&lim, u_lim, sizeof(lim)))
-+ goto out;
-+ err = __vz_set_dqblk(qmblk, lim.type,, &lim.dqb);
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ return err;
-+static int quota_ugid_setinfo(unsigned int quota_id,
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid_setinfo *u_info)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid_setinfo info;
-+ int err;
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ err = -ESRCH;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_find_master(quota_id);
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ if (copy_from_user(&info, u_info, sizeof(info)))
-+ goto out;
-+ err = __vz_set_dqinfo(qmblk, info.type, &info.dqi);
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ return err;
-+ * This is a system call to maintain UGID quotas
-+ * Note this call is allowed to run ONLY from VE0
-+ */
-+long do_vzquotaugidctl(struct vzctl_quotaugidctl *qub)
-+ int ret;
-+ ret = -EPERM;
-+ /* access allowed only from root of VE0 */
-+ if (!capable(CAP_SYS_RESOURCE) ||
-+ !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
-+ goto out;
-+ switch (qub->cmd) {
-+ ret = quota_ugid_getstat(qub->quota_id,
-+ qub->ugid_index, qub->ugid_size,
-+ (struct vz_quota_iface *)qub->addr);
-+ break;
-+ ret = quota_ugid_addstat(qub->quota_id, qub->ugid_size,
-+ (struct vz_quota_iface *)qub->addr);
-+ break;
-+ ret = quota_ugid_getgrace(qub->quota_id,
-+ (struct dq_info *)qub->addr);
-+ break;
-+ ret = quota_ugid_setgrace(qub->quota_id,
-+ (struct dq_info *)qub->addr);
-+ break;
-+ ret = quota_ugid_getconfig(qub->quota_id,
-+ (struct vz_quota_ugid_stat *)qub->addr);
-+ break;
-+ ret = quota_ugid_setconfig(qub->quota_id,
-+ (struct vz_quota_ugid_stat *)qub->addr);
-+ break;
-+ ret = quota_ugid_setlimit(qub->quota_id,
-+ (struct vz_quota_ugid_setlimit *)
-+ qub->addr);
-+ break;
-+ ret = quota_ugid_setinfo(qub->quota_id,
-+ (struct vz_quota_ugid_setinfo *)
-+ qub->addr);
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ ret = -EINVAL;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ return ret;
-+static void ugid_quota_on_sb(struct super_block *sb)
-+ struct super_block *real_sb;
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ if (!sb->s_op->get_quota_root)
-+ return;
-+ real_sb = sb->s_op->get_quota_root(sb)->i_sb;
-+ if (real_sb->dq_op != &vz_quota_operations)
-+ return;
-+ sb->dq_op = &vz_quota_operations2;
-+ sb->s_qcop = &vz_quotactl_operations;
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sb->[USRQUOTA].dqi_dirty_list);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sb->[GRPQUOTA].dqi_dirty_list);
-+ sb->[USRQUOTA].dqi_format = &vz_quota_empty_v2_format;
-+ sb->[GRPQUOTA].dqi_format = &vz_quota_empty_v2_format;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_find_qmblk(sb);
-+ if ((qmblk == NULL) || (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD))
-+ return;
-+ down(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ if (qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQ_USRQUOTA)
-+ sb->s_dquot.flags |= DQUOT_USR_ENABLED;
-+ if (qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQ_GRPQUOTA)
-+ sb->s_dquot.flags |= DQUOT_GRP_ENABLED;
-+ up(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ qmblk_put(qmblk);
-+static void ugid_quota_off_sb(struct super_block *sb)
-+ /* can't make quota off on mounted super block */
-+ BUG_ON(sb->s_root != NULL);
-+static int ugid_notifier_call(struct vnotifier_block *self,
-+ unsigned long n, void *data, int old_ret)
-+ struct virt_info_quota *viq;
-+ viq = (struct virt_info_quota *)data;
-+ switch (n) {
-+ ugid_quota_on_sb(viq->super);
-+ break;
-+ ugid_quota_off_sb(viq->super);
-+ break;
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ return old_ret;
-+ }
-+ return NOTIFY_OK;
-+static struct vnotifier_block ugid_notifier_block = {
-+ .notifier_call = ugid_notifier_call,
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ * Init/exit.
-+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+struct quota_format_type vz_quota_empty_v2_format = {
-+ qf_fmt_id: QFMT_VFS_V0,
-+ qf_ops: NULL,
-+ qf_owner: THIS_MODULE
-+int vzquota_ugid_init()
-+ int err;
-+ vz_quota_ugid_cachep = kmem_cache_create("vz_quota_ugid",
-+ sizeof(struct vz_quota_ugid),
-+ if (vz_quota_ugid_cachep == NULL)
-+ goto err_slab;
-+ err = register_quota_format(&vz_quota_empty_v2_format);
-+ if (err)
-+ goto err_reg;
-+ virtinfo_notifier_register(VITYPE_QUOTA, &ugid_notifier_block);
-+ return 0;
-+ kmem_cache_destroy(vz_quota_ugid_cachep);
-+ return err;
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "Cannot create VZ_QUOTA SLAB cache\n");
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+void vzquota_ugid_release()
-+ virtinfo_notifier_unregister(VITYPE_QUOTA, &ugid_notifier_block);
-+ unregister_quota_format(&vz_quota_empty_v2_format);
-+ if (kmem_cache_destroy(vz_quota_ugid_cachep))
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "VZQUOTA: kmem_cache_destroy failed\n");
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,1706 @@
-+ * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2004, 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ * This file contains the core of Virtuozzo disk quota implementation:
-+ * maintenance of VZDQ information in inodes,
-+ * external interfaces,
-+ * module entry.
-+ */
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/kernel.h>
-+#include <linux/string.h>
-+#include <linux/list.h>
-+#include <asm/atomic.h>
-+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
-+#include <asm/semaphore.h>
-+#include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <linux/fs.h>
-+#include <linux/dcache.h>
-+#include <linux/quota.h>
-+#include <linux/rcupdate.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <linux/vzctl.h>
-+#include <linux/vzctl_quota.h>
-+#include <linux/vzquota.h>
-+#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
-+#include <linux/vzdq_tree.h>
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ *
-+ * Locking
-+ *
-+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+ * Serializes on/off and all other do_vzquotactl operations.
-+ * Protects qmblk hash.
-+ */
-+struct semaphore vz_quota_sem;
-+ * Data access locks
-+ * inode_qmblk
-+ * protects qmblk pointers in all inodes and qlnk content in general
-+ * (but not qmblk content);
-+ * also protects related qmblk invalidation procedures;
-+ * can't be per-inode because of vzquota_dtree_qmblk complications
-+ * and problems with serialization with quota_on,
-+ * but can be per-superblock;
-+ * qmblk_data
-+ * protects qmblk fields (such as current usage)
-+ * quota_data
-+ * protects charge/uncharge operations, thus, implies
-+ * qmblk_data lock and, if CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_UGID, inode_qmblk lock
-+ * (to protect ugid pointers).
-+ *
-+ * Lock order:
-+ * inode_qmblk_lock -> dcache_lock
-+ * inode_qmblk_lock -> qmblk_data
-+ */
-+static spinlock_t vzdq_qmblk_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+inline void inode_qmblk_lock(struct super_block *sb)
-+ spin_lock(&vzdq_qmblk_lock);
-+inline void inode_qmblk_unlock(struct super_block *sb)
-+ spin_unlock(&vzdq_qmblk_lock);
-+inline void qmblk_data_read_lock(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
-+ spin_lock(&qmblk->dq_data_lock);
-+inline void qmblk_data_read_unlock(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
-+ spin_unlock(&qmblk->dq_data_lock);
-+inline void qmblk_data_write_lock(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
-+ spin_lock(&qmblk->dq_data_lock);
-+inline void qmblk_data_write_unlock(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
-+ spin_unlock(&qmblk->dq_data_lock);
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ *
-+ * Master hash table handling.
-+ *
-+ * SMP not safe, serialied by vz_quota_sem within quota syscalls
-+ *
-+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+static kmem_cache_t *vzquota_cachep;
-+ * Hash function.
-+ */
-+#define QHASH_BITS 6
-+struct list_head vzquota_hash_table[VZ_QUOTA_HASH_SIZE];
-+int vzquota_hash_size = VZ_QUOTA_HASH_SIZE;
-+static inline int vzquota_hash_func(unsigned int qid)
-+ return (((qid >> QHASH_BITS) ^ qid) & QHASH_MASK);
-+ * vzquota_alloc_master - alloc and instantiate master quota record
-+ *
-+ * Returns:
-+ * pointer to newly created record if SUCCESS
-+ * -ENOMEM if out of memory
-+ * -EEXIST if record with given quota_id already exist
-+ */
-+struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_alloc_master(unsigned int quota_id,
-+ struct vz_quota_stat *qstat)
-+ int err;
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ err = -EEXIST;
-+ if (vzquota_find_master(quota_id) != NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ err = -ENOMEM;
-+ qmblk = kmem_cache_alloc(vzquota_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL);
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ qmblk->dq_uid_tree = quotatree_alloc();
-+ if (!qmblk->dq_uid_tree)
-+ goto out_free;
-+ qmblk->dq_gid_tree = quotatree_alloc();
-+ if (!qmblk->dq_gid_tree)
-+ goto out_free_tree;
-+ qmblk->dq_state = VZDQ_STARTING;
-+ init_MUTEX(&qmblk->dq_sem);
-+ spin_lock_init(&qmblk->dq_data_lock);
-+ qmblk->dq_id = quota_id;
-+ qmblk->dq_stat = qstat->dq_stat;
-+ qmblk->dq_info = qstat->dq_info;
-+ qmblk->dq_root_dentry = NULL;
-+ qmblk->dq_root_mnt = NULL;
-+ qmblk->dq_sb = NULL;
-+ qmblk->dq_ugid_count = 0;
-+ qmblk->dq_ugid_max = 0;
-+ qmblk->dq_flags = 0;
-+ memset(qmblk->dq_ugid_info, 0, sizeof(qmblk->dq_ugid_info));
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&qmblk->dq_ilink_list);
-+ atomic_set(&qmblk->dq_count, 1);
-+ /* insert in hash chain */
-+ list_add(&qmblk->dq_hash,
-+ &vzquota_hash_table[vzquota_hash_func(quota_id)]);
-+ /* success */
-+ return qmblk;
-+ quotatree_free(qmblk->dq_uid_tree, NULL);
-+ kmem_cache_free(vzquota_cachep, qmblk);
-+ return ERR_PTR(err);
-+static struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_alloc_fake(void)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ qmblk = kmem_cache_alloc(vzquota_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL);
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ return NULL;
-+ memset(qmblk, 0, sizeof(*qmblk));
-+ qmblk->dq_state = VZDQ_STOPING;
-+ qmblk->dq_flags = VZDQ_NOQUOT;
-+ spin_lock_init(&qmblk->dq_data_lock);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&qmblk->dq_ilink_list);
-+ atomic_set(&qmblk->dq_count, 1);
-+ return qmblk;
-+ * vzquota_find_master - find master record with given id
-+ *
-+ * Returns qmblk without touching its refcounter.
-+ * Called under vz_quota_sem.
-+ */
-+struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_find_master(unsigned int quota_id)
-+ int i;
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qp;
-+ i = vzquota_hash_func(quota_id);
-+ list_for_each_entry(qp, &vzquota_hash_table[i], dq_hash) {
-+ if (qp->dq_id == quota_id)
-+ return qp;
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+ * vzquota_free_master - release resources taken by qmblk, freeing memory
-+ *
-+ * qmblk is assumed to be already taken out from the hash.
-+ * Should be called outside vz_quota_sem.
-+ */
-+void vzquota_free_master(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
-+ vzquota_kill_ugid(qmblk);
-+ BUG_ON(!list_empty(&qmblk->dq_ilink_list));
-+ kmem_cache_free(vzquota_cachep, qmblk);
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ *
-+ * Passing quota information through current
-+ *
-+ * Used in inode -> qmblk lookup at inode creation stage (since at that
-+ * time there are no links between the inode being created and its parent
-+ * directory).
-+ *
-+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+#define VZDQ_CUR_MAGIC 0x57d0fee2
-+static inline int vzquota_cur_qmblk_check(void)
-+ return current->magic == VZDQ_CUR_MAGIC;
-+static inline struct inode *vzquota_cur_qmblk_fetch(void)
-+ return current->ino;
-+static inline void vzquota_cur_qmblk_set(struct inode *data)
-+ struct task_struct *tsk;
-+ tsk = current;
-+ tsk->magic = VZDQ_CUR_MAGIC;
-+ tsk->ino = data;
-+#if 0
-+static inline void vzquota_cur_qmblk_reset(void)
-+ current->magic = 0;
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ *
-+ * Superblock quota operations
-+ *
-+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+ * Kernel structure abuse.
-+ * We use files[0] pointer as an int variable:
-+ * reference counter of how many quota blocks uses this superblock.
-+ * files[1] is used for generations structure which helps us to track
-+ * when traversing of dentries is really required.
-+ */
-+#define __VZ_QUOTA_NOQUOTA(sb) (*(struct vz_quota_master **)\
-+ &sb->s_dquot.files[1])
-+#define __VZ_QUOTA_TSTAMP(sb) ((struct timeval *)\
-+ &sb->s_dquot.dqio_sem)
-+#if defined(VZ_QUOTA_UNLOAD)
-+#define __VZ_QUOTA_SBREF(sb) (*(int *)&sb->s_dquot.files[0])
-+struct dquot_operations *orig_dq_op;
-+struct quotactl_ops *orig_dq_cop;
-+ * quota_get_super - account for new a quoted tree under the superblock
-+ *
-+ * One superblock can have multiple directory subtrees with different VZ
-+ * quotas. We keep a counter of such subtrees and set VZ quota operations or
-+ * reset the default ones.
-+ *
-+ * Called under vz_quota_sem (from quota_on).
-+ */
-+int vzquota_get_super(struct super_block *sb)
-+ if (sb->dq_op != &vz_quota_operations) {
-+ down(&sb->s_dquot.dqonoff_sem);
-+ if (sb->s_dquot.flags & (DQUOT_USR_ENABLED|DQUOT_GRP_ENABLED)) {
-+ up(&sb->s_dquot.dqonoff_sem);
-+ return -EEXIST;
-+ }
-+ if (orig_dq_op == NULL && sb->dq_op != NULL)
-+ orig_dq_op = sb->dq_op;
-+ sb->dq_op = &vz_quota_operations;
-+ if (orig_dq_cop == NULL && sb->s_qcop != NULL)
-+ orig_dq_cop = sb->s_qcop;
-+ /* XXX this may race with sys_quotactl */
-+ sb->s_qcop = &vz_quotactl_operations;
-+ sb->s_qcop = NULL;
-+ do_gettimeofday(__VZ_QUOTA_TSTAMP(sb));
-+ memset(&sb->, 0, sizeof(sb->;
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sb->[USRQUOTA].dqi_dirty_list);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sb->[GRPQUOTA].dqi_dirty_list);
-+ sb->[USRQUOTA].dqi_format = &vz_quota_empty_v2_format;
-+ sb->[GRPQUOTA].dqi_format = &vz_quota_empty_v2_format;
-+ /*
-+ * To get quotaops.h call us we need to mark superblock
-+ * as having quota. These flags mark the moment when
-+ * our dq_op start to be called.
-+ *
-+ * The ordering of dq_op and s_dquot.flags assignment
-+ * needs to be enforced, but other CPUs do not do rmb()
-+ * between s_dquot.flags and dq_op accesses.
-+ */
-+ wmb(); synchronize_kernel();
-+ __module_get(THIS_MODULE);
-+ up(&sb->s_dquot.dqonoff_sem);
-+ }
-+ /* protected by vz_quota_sem */
-+ __VZ_QUOTA_SBREF(sb)++;
-+ return 0;
-+ * quota_put_super - release superblock when one quota tree goes away
-+ *
-+ * Called under vz_quota_sem.
-+ */
-+void vzquota_put_super(struct super_block *sb)
-+ int count;
-+ count = --__VZ_QUOTA_SBREF(sb);
-+ if (count == 0) {
-+ down(&sb->s_dquot.dqonoff_sem);
-+ sb->s_dquot.flags = 0;
-+ wmb(); synchronize_kernel();
-+ sema_init(&sb->s_dquot.dqio_sem, 1);
-+ sb->s_qcop = orig_dq_cop;
-+ sb->dq_op = orig_dq_op;
-+ inode_qmblk_lock(sb);
-+ quota_gen_put(SB_QGEN(sb));
-+ SB_QGEN(sb) = NULL;
-+ /* release qlnk's without qmblk */
-+ remove_inode_quota_links_list(&non_vzquota_inodes_lh,
-+ sb, NULL);
-+ /*
-+ * Races with quota initialization:
-+ * after this inode_qmblk_unlock all inode's generations are
-+ * invalidated, quota_inode_qmblk checks superblock operations.
-+ */
-+ inode_qmblk_unlock(sb);
-+ /*
-+ * Module refcounting: in theory, this is the best place
-+ * to call module_put(THIS_MODULE).
-+ * In reality, it can't be done because we can't be sure that
-+ * other CPUs do not enter our code segment through dq_op
-+ * cached long time ago. Quotaops interface isn't supposed to
-+ * go into modules currently (that is, into unloadable
-+ * modules). By omitting module_put, our module isn't
-+ * unloadable.
-+ */
-+ up(&sb->s_dquot.dqonoff_sem);
-+ }
-+struct vzquota_new_sop {
-+ struct super_operations new_op;
-+ struct super_operations *old_op;
-+ * vzquota_shutdown_super - callback on umount
-+ */
-+void vzquota_shutdown_super(struct super_block *sb)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ struct vzquota_new_sop *sop;
-+ qmblk = __VZ_QUOTA_NOQUOTA(sb);
-+ if (qmblk != NULL)
-+ qmblk_put(qmblk);
-+ sop = container_of(sb->s_op, struct vzquota_new_sop, new_op);
-+ sb->s_op = sop->old_op;
-+ kfree(sop);
-+ (*sb->s_op->put_super)(sb);
-+ * vzquota_get_super - account for new a quoted tree under the superblock
-+ *
-+ * One superblock can have multiple directory subtrees with different VZ
-+ * quotas.
-+ *
-+ * Called under vz_quota_sem (from vzquota_on).
-+ */
-+int vzquota_get_super(struct super_block *sb)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qnew;
-+ struct vzquota_new_sop *sop;
-+ int err;
-+ down(&sb->s_dquot.dqonoff_sem);
-+ err = -EEXIST;
-+ if ((sb->s_dquot.flags & (DQUOT_USR_ENABLED|DQUOT_GRP_ENABLED)) &&
-+ sb->dq_op != &vz_quota_operations)
-+ goto out_up;
-+ /*
-+ * This allocation code should be under sb->dq_op check below, but
-+ * it doesn't really matter...
-+ */
-+ if (__VZ_QUOTA_NOQUOTA(sb) == NULL) {
-+ qnew = vzquota_alloc_fake();
-+ if (qnew == NULL)
-+ goto out_up;
-+ __VZ_QUOTA_NOQUOTA(sb) = qnew;
-+ }
-+ if (sb->dq_op != &vz_quota_operations) {
-+ sop = kmalloc(sizeof(*sop), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (sop == NULL) {
-+ vzquota_free_master(__VZ_QUOTA_NOQUOTA(sb));
-+ goto out_up;
-+ }
-+ memcpy(&sop->new_op, sb->s_op, sizeof(sop->new_op));
-+ sop->new_op.put_super = &vzquota_shutdown_super;
-+ sop->old_op = sb->s_op;
-+ sb->s_op = &sop->new_op;
-+ sb->dq_op = &vz_quota_operations;
-+ sb->s_qcop = &vz_quotactl_operations;
-+ sb->s_qcop = NULL;
-+ do_gettimeofday(__VZ_QUOTA_TSTAMP(sb));
-+ memset(&sb->, 0, sizeof(sb->;
-+ /* these 2 list heads are checked in sync_dquots() */
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sb->[USRQUOTA].dqi_dirty_list);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sb->[GRPQUOTA].dqi_dirty_list);
-+ sb->[USRQUOTA].dqi_format =
-+ &vz_quota_empty_v2_format;
-+ sb->[GRPQUOTA].dqi_format =
-+ &vz_quota_empty_v2_format;
-+ /*
-+ * To get quotaops.h to call us we need to mark superblock
-+ * as having quota. These flags mark the moment when
-+ * our dq_op start to be called.
-+ *
-+ * The ordering of dq_op and s_dquot.flags assignment
-+ * needs to be enforced, but other CPUs do not do rmb()
-+ * between s_dquot.flags and dq_op accesses.
-+ */
-+ wmb(); synchronize_kernel();
-+ }
-+ err = 0;
-+ up(&sb->s_dquot.dqonoff_sem);
-+ return err;
-+ * vzquota_put_super - one quota tree less on this superblock
-+ *
-+ * Called under vz_quota_sem.
-+ */
-+void vzquota_put_super(struct super_block *sb)
-+ /*
-+ * Even if this put is the last one,
-+ * sb->s_dquot.flags can't be cleared, because otherwise vzquota_drop
-+ * won't be called and the remaining qmblk references won't be put.
-+ */
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ *
-+ * Helpers for inode -> qmblk link maintenance
-+ *
-+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+#define __VZ_QUOTA_EMPTY ((void *)0xbdbdbdbd)
-+#define VZ_QUOTA_IS_NOQUOTA(qm, sb) ((qm)->dq_flags & VZDQ_NOQUOT)
-+#define VZ_QUOTA_EMPTY_IOPS (&vfs_empty_iops)
-+extern struct inode_operations vfs_empty_iops;
-+static int VZ_QUOTA_IS_ACTUAL(struct inode *inode)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ qmblk = INODE_QLNK(inode)->qmblk;
-+ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ return 1;
-+ if (qmblk == __VZ_QUOTA_EMPTY)
-+ return 0;
-+ if (qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQ_NOACT)
-+ /* not actual (invalidated) qmblk */
-+ return 0;
-+ return 1;
-+static inline int vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk)
-+ return qlnk->qmblk == __VZ_QUOTA_EMPTY;
-+static inline void vzquota_qlnk_set_empty(struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk)
-+ qlnk->qmblk = __VZ_QUOTA_EMPTY;
-+ qlnk->origin = VZ_QUOTAO_SETE;
-+void vzquota_qlnk_init(struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk)
-+ memset(qlnk, 0, sizeof(*qlnk));
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&qlnk->list);
-+ vzquota_qlnk_set_empty(qlnk);
-+ qlnk->origin = VZ_QUOTAO_INIT;
-+void vzquota_qlnk_destroy(struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk)
-+ might_sleep();
-+ if (vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(qlnk))
-+ return;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_UGID)
-+ if (qlnk->qmblk != NULL && qlnk->qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD) {
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid *quid, *qgid;
-+ qmblk = qlnk->qmblk;
-+ quid = qlnk->qugid[USRQUOTA];
-+ qgid = qlnk->qugid[GRPQUOTA];
-+ if (quid != NULL || qgid != NULL) {
-+ down(&qmblk->dq_sem);
-+ if (qgid != NULL)
-+ vzquota_put_ugid(qmblk, qgid);
-+ if (quid != NULL)
-+ vzquota_put_ugid(qmblk, quid);
-+ up(&qmblk->dq_sem);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (qlnk->qmblk != NULL && qlnk->qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ qmblk_put(qlnk->qmblk);
-+ qlnk->origin = VZ_QUOTAO_DESTR;
-+ * vzquota_qlnk_swap - swap inode's and temporary vz_quota_ilink contents
-+ * @qlt: temporary
-+ * @qli: inode's
-+ *
-+ * Locking is provided by the caller (depending on the context).
-+ * After swap, @qli is inserted into the corresponding dq_ilink_list,
-+ * @qlt list is reinitialized.
-+ */
-+static void vzquota_qlnk_swap(struct vz_quota_ilink *qlt,
-+ struct vz_quota_ilink *qli)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qb;
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid *qu;
-+ int i;
-+ qb = qlt->qmblk;
-+ qlt->qmblk = qli->qmblk;
-+ qli->qmblk = qb;
-+ list_del_init(&qli->list);
-+ if (qb != __VZ_QUOTA_EMPTY && qb != VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ list_add(&qli->list, &qb->dq_ilink_list);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&qlt->list);
-+ qli->origin = VZ_QUOTAO_SWAP;
-+ for (i = 0; i < MAXQUOTAS; i++) {
-+ qu = qlt->qugid[i];
-+ qlt->qugid[i] = qli->qugid[i];
-+ qli->qugid[i] = qu;
-+ }
-+ * vzquota_qlnk_reinit_locked - destroy qlnk content, called under locks
-+ *
-+ * Called under dcache_lock and inode_qmblk locks.
-+ * Returns 1 if locks were dropped inside, 0 if atomic.
-+ */
-+static int vzquota_qlnk_reinit_locked(struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk,
-+ struct inode *inode)
-+ if (vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(qlnk))
-+ return 0;
-+ if (qlnk->qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD) {
-+ vzquota_qlnk_set_empty(qlnk);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
-+ inode_qmblk_unlock(inode->i_sb);
-+ vzquota_qlnk_destroy(qlnk);
-+ vzquota_qlnk_init(qlnk);
-+ inode_qmblk_lock(inode->i_sb);
-+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-+ return 1;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_UGID)
-+ * vzquota_qlnk_reinit_attr - destroy and reinit qlnk content
-+ *
-+ * Similar to vzquota_qlnk_reinit_locked, called under different locks.
-+ */
-+static int vzquota_qlnk_reinit_attr(struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk,
-+ struct inode *inode,
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
-+ if (vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(qlnk))
-+ return 0;
-+ /* may be optimized if qlnk->qugid all NULLs */
-+ qmblk_data_write_unlock(qmblk);
-+ inode_qmblk_unlock(inode->i_sb);
-+ vzquota_qlnk_destroy(qlnk);
-+ vzquota_qlnk_init(qlnk);
-+ inode_qmblk_lock(inode->i_sb);
-+ qmblk_data_write_lock(qmblk);
-+ return 1;
-+ * vzquota_qlnk_fill - fill vz_quota_ilink content
-+ * @qlnk: vz_quota_ilink to fill
-+ * @inode: inode for which @qlnk is filled (i_sb, i_uid, i_gid)
-+ * @qmblk: qmblk to which this @qlnk will belong
-+ *
-+ * Called under dcache_lock and inode_qmblk locks.
-+ * Returns 1 if locks were dropped inside, 0 if atomic.
-+ * @qlnk is expected to be empty.
-+ */
-+static int vzquota_qlnk_fill(struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk,
-+ struct inode *inode,
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
-+ if (qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ qmblk_get(qmblk);
-+ qlnk->qmblk = qmblk;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_UGID)
-+ if (qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD &&
-+ !VZ_QUOTA_IS_NOQUOTA(qmblk, inode->i_sb) &&
-+ (qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQUG_ON)) {
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid *quid, *qgid;
-+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
-+ inode_qmblk_unlock(inode->i_sb);
-+ down(&qmblk->dq_sem);
-+ quid = __vzquota_find_ugid(qmblk, inode->i_uid, USRQUOTA, 0);
-+ qgid = __vzquota_find_ugid(qmblk, inode->i_gid, GRPQUOTA, 0);
-+ up(&qmblk->dq_sem);
-+ inode_qmblk_lock(inode->i_sb);
-+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-+ qlnk->qugid[USRQUOTA] = quid;
-+ qlnk->qugid[GRPQUOTA] = qgid;
-+ return 1;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_UGID)
-+ * vzquota_qlnk_fill_attr - fill vz_quota_ilink content for uid, gid
-+ *
-+ * This function is a helper for vzquota_transfer, and differs from
-+ * vzquota_qlnk_fill only by locking.
-+ */
-+static int vzquota_qlnk_fill_attr(struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk,
-+ struct inode *inode,
-+ struct iattr *iattr,
-+ int mask,
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
-+ qmblk_get(qmblk);
-+ qlnk->qmblk = qmblk;
-+ if (mask) {
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid *quid, *qgid;
-+ quid = qgid = NULL; /* to make gcc happy */
-+ if (!(mask & (1 << USRQUOTA)))
-+ quid = vzquota_get_ugid(INODE_QLNK(inode)->
-+ qugid[USRQUOTA]);
-+ if (!(mask & (1 << GRPQUOTA)))
-+ qgid = vzquota_get_ugid(INODE_QLNK(inode)->
-+ qugid[GRPQUOTA]);
-+ qmblk_data_write_unlock(qmblk);
-+ inode_qmblk_unlock(inode->i_sb);
-+ down(&qmblk->dq_sem);
-+ if (mask & (1 << USRQUOTA))
-+ quid = __vzquota_find_ugid(qmblk, iattr->ia_uid,
-+ USRQUOTA, 0);
-+ if (mask & (1 << GRPQUOTA))
-+ qgid = __vzquota_find_ugid(qmblk, iattr->ia_gid,
-+ GRPQUOTA, 0);
-+ up(&qmblk->dq_sem);
-+ inode_qmblk_lock(inode->i_sb);
-+ qmblk_data_write_lock(qmblk);
-+ qlnk->qugid[USRQUOTA] = quid;
-+ qlnk->qugid[GRPQUOTA] = qgid;
-+ return 1;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+ * __vzquota_inode_init - make sure inode's qlnk is initialized
-+ *
-+ * May be called if qlnk is already initialized, detects this situation itself.
-+ * Called under inode_qmblk_lock.
-+ */
-+static void __vzquota_inode_init(struct inode *inode, unsigned char origin)
-+ if (inode->i_dquot[USRQUOTA] == NODQUOT) {
-+ vzquota_qlnk_init(INODE_QLNK(inode));
-+ inode->i_dquot[USRQUOTA] = (void *)~(unsigned long)NODQUOT;
-+ }
-+ INODE_QLNK(inode)->origin = origin;
-+ * vzquota_inode_drop - destroy VZ quota information in the inode
-+ *
-+ * Inode must not be externally accessible or dirty.
-+ */
-+static void vzquota_inode_drop(struct inode *inode)
-+ struct vz_quota_ilink qlnk;
-+ vzquota_qlnk_init(&qlnk);
-+ inode_qmblk_lock(inode->i_sb);
-+ vzquota_qlnk_swap(&qlnk, INODE_QLNK(inode));
-+ INODE_QLNK(inode)->origin = VZ_QUOTAO_DRCAL;
-+ inode->i_dquot[USRQUOTA] = NODQUOT;
-+ inode_qmblk_unlock(inode->i_sb);
-+ vzquota_qlnk_destroy(&qlnk);
-+ * vzquota_inode_qmblk_set - initialize inode's qlnk
-+ * @inode: inode to be initialized
-+ * @qmblk: quota master block to which this inode should belong (may be BAD)
-+ * @qlnk: placeholder to store data to resolve locking issues
-+ *
-+ * Returns 1 if locks were dropped and rechecks possibly needed, 0 otherwise.
-+ * Called under dcache_lock and inode_qmblk locks.
-+ * @qlnk will be destroyed in the caller chain.
-+ *
-+ * It is not mandatory to restart parent checks since quota on/off currently
-+ * shrinks dentry tree and checks that there are not outside references.
-+ * But if at some time that shink is removed, restarts will be required.
-+ * Additionally, the restarts prevent inconsistencies if the dentry tree
-+ * changes (inode is moved). This is not a big deal, but anyway...
-+ */
-+static int vzquota_inode_qmblk_set(struct inode *inode,
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
-+ struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk)
-+ if (qmblk == NULL) {
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "VZDQ: NULL in set, "
-+ "orig %u, dev %s, inode %lu, fs %s\n",
-+ INODE_QLNK(inode)->origin,
-+ inode->i_sb->s_id, inode->i_ino,
-+ inode->i_sb->s_type->name);
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "current %d (%s), VE %d\n",
-+ current->pid, current->comm,
-+ VEID(get_exec_env()));
-+ dump_stack();
-+ qmblk = VZ_QUOTA_BAD;
-+ }
-+ while (1) {
-+ if (vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(qlnk) &&
-+ vzquota_qlnk_fill(qlnk, inode, qmblk))
-+ return 1;
-+ if (qlnk->qmblk == qmblk)
-+ break;
-+ if (vzquota_qlnk_reinit_locked(qlnk, inode))
-+ return 1;
-+ }
-+ vzquota_qlnk_swap(qlnk, INODE_QLNK(inode));
-+ INODE_QLNK(inode)->origin = VZ_QUOTAO_QSET;
-+ return 0;
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ *
-+ * vzquota_inode_qmblk (inode -> qmblk lookup) parts
-+ *
-+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+static int vzquota_dparents_check_attach(struct inode *inode)
-+ if (!list_empty(&inode->i_dentry))
-+ return 0;
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "VZDQ: no parent for "
-+ "dev %s, inode %lu, fs %s\n",
-+ inode->i_sb->s_id,
-+ inode->i_ino,
-+ inode->i_sb->s_type->name);
-+ return -1;
-+static struct inode *vzquota_dparents_check_actual(struct inode *inode)
-+ struct dentry *de;
-+ list_for_each_entry(de, &inode->i_dentry, d_alias) {
-+ if (de->d_parent == de) /* detached dentry, perhaps */
-+ continue;
-+ /* first access to parent, make sure its qlnk initialized */
-+ __vzquota_inode_init(de->d_parent->d_inode, VZ_QUOTAO_ACT);
-+ if (!VZ_QUOTA_IS_ACTUAL(de->d_parent->d_inode))
-+ return de->d_parent->d_inode;
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+static struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_dparents_check_same(struct inode *inode)
-+ struct dentry *de;
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ qmblk = NULL;
-+ list_for_each_entry(de, &inode->i_dentry, d_alias) {
-+ if (de->d_parent == de) /* detached dentry, perhaps */
-+ continue;
-+ if (qmblk == NULL) {
-+ qmblk = INODE_QLNK(de->d_parent->d_inode)->qmblk;
-+ continue;
-+ }
-+ if (INODE_QLNK(de->d_parent->d_inode)->qmblk != qmblk) {
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING "VZDQ: multiple quotas for "
-+ "dev %s, inode %lu, fs %s\n",
-+ inode->i_sb->s_id,
-+ inode->i_ino,
-+ inode->i_sb->s_type->name);
-+ qmblk = VZ_QUOTA_BAD;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (qmblk == NULL) {
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING "VZDQ: not attached to tree, "
-+ "dev %s, inode %lu, fs %s\n",
-+ inode->i_sb->s_id,
-+ inode->i_ino,
-+ inode->i_sb->s_type->name);
-+ qmblk = VZ_QUOTA_BAD;
-+ }
-+ return qmblk;
-+static void vzquota_dbranch_actualize(struct inode *inode,
-+ struct inode *refinode)
-+ struct inode *pinode;
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ struct vz_quota_ilink qlnk;
-+ vzquota_qlnk_init(&qlnk);
-+ if (inode == inode->i_sb->s_root->d_inode) {
-+ /* filesystem root */
-+ atomic_inc(&inode->i_count);
-+ do {
-+ qmblk = __VZ_QUOTA_NOQUOTA(inode->i_sb);
-+ } while (vzquota_inode_qmblk_set(inode, qmblk, &qlnk));
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ if (!vzquota_dparents_check_attach(inode)) {
-+ pinode = vzquota_dparents_check_actual(inode);
-+ if (pinode != NULL) {
-+ inode = pinode;
-+ goto start;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ atomic_inc(&inode->i_count);
-+ while (1) {
-+ if (VZ_QUOTA_IS_ACTUAL(inode)) /* actualized without us */
-+ break;
-+ /*
-+ * Need to check parents again if we have slept inside
-+ * vzquota_inode_qmblk_set() in the loop.
-+ * If the state of parents is different, just return and repeat
-+ * the actualizing process again from the inode passed to
-+ * vzquota_inode_qmblk_recalc().
-+ */
-+ if (!vzquota_dparents_check_attach(inode)) {
-+ if (vzquota_dparents_check_actual(inode) != NULL)
-+ break;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_dparents_check_same(inode);
-+ } else
-+ qmblk = VZ_QUOTA_BAD;
-+ if (!vzquota_inode_qmblk_set(inode, qmblk, &qlnk)){/* success */
-+ INODE_QLNK(inode)->origin = VZ_QUOTAO_ACT;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
-+ inode_qmblk_unlock(refinode->i_sb);
-+ vzquota_qlnk_destroy(&qlnk);
-+ iput(inode);
-+ inode_qmblk_lock(refinode->i_sb);
-+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-+static void vzquota_dtree_qmblk_recalc(struct inode *inode,
-+ struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk)
-+ struct inode *pinode;
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ if (inode == inode->i_sb->s_root->d_inode) {
-+ /* filesystem root */
-+ do {
-+ qmblk = __VZ_QUOTA_NOQUOTA(inode->i_sb);
-+ } while (vzquota_inode_qmblk_set(inode, qmblk, qlnk));
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ if (VZ_QUOTA_IS_ACTUAL(inode))
-+ return;
-+ /*
-+ * Here qmblk is (re-)initialized for all ancestors.
-+ * This is not a very efficient procedure, but it guarantees that
-+ * the quota tree is consistent (that is, the inode doesn't have two
-+ * ancestors with different qmblk).
-+ */
-+ if (!vzquota_dparents_check_attach(inode)) {
-+ pinode = vzquota_dparents_check_actual(inode);
-+ if (pinode != NULL) {
-+ vzquota_dbranch_actualize(pinode, inode);
-+ goto start;
-+ }
-+ qmblk = vzquota_dparents_check_same(inode);
-+ } else
-+ qmblk = VZ_QUOTA_BAD;
-+ if (vzquota_inode_qmblk_set(inode, qmblk, qlnk))
-+ goto start;
-+ INODE_QLNK(inode)->origin = VZ_QUOTAO_DTREE;
-+static void vzquota_det_qmblk_recalc(struct inode *inode,
-+ struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk)
-+ struct inode *parent;
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ char *msg;
-+ int cnt;
-+ time_t timeout;
-+ cnt = 0;
-+ parent = NULL;
-+ /*
-+ * qmblk of detached inodes shouldn't be considered as not actual.
-+ * They are not in any dentry tree, so quota on/off shouldn't affect
-+ * them.
-+ */
-+ if (!vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(INODE_QLNK(inode)))
-+ return;
-+ timeout = 3;
-+ qmblk = __VZ_QUOTA_NOQUOTA(inode->i_sb);
-+ msg = "detached inode not in creation";
-+ if (inode->i_op != VZ_QUOTA_EMPTY_IOPS)
-+ goto fail;
-+ qmblk = VZ_QUOTA_BAD;
-+ msg = "unexpected creation context";
-+ if (!vzquota_cur_qmblk_check())
-+ goto fail;
-+ timeout = 0;
-+ parent = vzquota_cur_qmblk_fetch();
-+ msg = "uninitialized parent";
-+ if (vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(INODE_QLNK(parent)))
-+ goto fail;
-+ msg = "parent not in tree";
-+ if (list_empty(&parent->i_dentry))
-+ goto fail;
-+ msg = "parent has 0 refcount";
-+ if (!atomic_read(&parent->i_count))
-+ goto fail;
-+ msg = "parent has different sb";
-+ if (parent->i_sb != inode->i_sb)
-+ goto fail;
-+ if (!VZ_QUOTA_IS_ACTUAL(parent)) {
-+ vzquota_dbranch_actualize(parent, inode);
-+ goto start;
-+ }
-+ qmblk = INODE_QLNK(parent)->qmblk;
-+ if (vzquota_inode_qmblk_set(inode, qmblk, qlnk))
-+ goto start;
-+ INODE_QLNK(inode)->origin = VZ_QUOTAO_DET;
-+ return;
-+ {
-+ struct timeval tv, tvo;
-+ do_gettimeofday(&tv);
-+ memcpy(&tvo, __VZ_QUOTA_TSTAMP(inode->i_sb), sizeof(tvo));
-+ tv.tv_sec -= tvo.tv_sec;
-+ if (tv.tv_usec < tvo.tv_usec) {
-+ tv.tv_sec--;
-+ tv.tv_usec += USEC_PER_SEC - tvo.tv_usec;
-+ } else
-+ tv.tv_usec -= tvo.tv_usec;
-+ if (tv.tv_sec < timeout)
-+ goto set;
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "VZDQ: %s, orig %u,"
-+ " dev %s, inode %lu, fs %s\n",
-+ msg, INODE_QLNK(inode)->origin,
-+ inode->i_sb->s_id, inode->i_ino,
-+ inode->i_sb->s_type->name);
-+ if (!cnt++) {
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "current %d (%s), VE %d,"
-+ " time %ld.%06ld\n",
-+ current->pid, current->comm,
-+ VEID(get_exec_env()),
-+ tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec);
-+ dump_stack();
-+ }
-+ if (parent != NULL)
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "VZDQ: parent of %lu is %lu\n",
-+ inode->i_ino, parent->i_ino);
-+ }
-+ goto set;
-+static void vzquota_inode_qmblk_recalc(struct inode *inode,
-+ struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk)
-+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-+ if (!list_empty(&inode->i_dentry))
-+ vzquota_dtree_qmblk_recalc(inode, qlnk);
-+ else
-+ vzquota_det_qmblk_recalc(inode, qlnk);
-+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
-+ * vzquota_inode_qmblk - obtain inode's qmblk
-+ *
-+ * Returns qmblk with refcounter taken, %NULL if not under
-+ * VZ quota or %VZ_QUOTA_BAD.
-+ *
-+ * FIXME: This function should be removed when vzquota_find_qmblk /
-+ * get_quota_root / vzquota_dstat code is cleaned up.
-+ */
-+struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_inode_qmblk(struct inode *inode)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ struct vz_quota_ilink qlnk;
-+ might_sleep();
-+ if (inode->i_sb->dq_op != &vz_quota_operations)
-+ return NULL;
-+#if defined(VZ_QUOTA_UNLOAD)
-+#error Make sure qmblk does not disappear
-+ vzquota_qlnk_init(&qlnk);
-+ inode_qmblk_lock(inode->i_sb);
-+ __vzquota_inode_init(inode, VZ_QUOTAO_INICAL);
-+ if (vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(INODE_QLNK(inode)) ||
-+ !VZ_QUOTA_IS_ACTUAL(inode))
-+ vzquota_inode_qmblk_recalc(inode, &qlnk);
-+ qmblk = INODE_QLNK(inode)->qmblk;
-+ if (qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD) {
-+ if (!VZ_QUOTA_IS_NOQUOTA(qmblk, inode->i_sb))
-+ qmblk_get(qmblk);
-+ else
-+ qmblk = NULL;
-+ }
-+ inode_qmblk_unlock(inode->i_sb);
-+ vzquota_qlnk_destroy(&qlnk);
-+ return qmblk;
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ *
-+ * Calls from quota operations
-+ *
-+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+ * vzquota_inode_init_call - call from DQUOT_INIT
-+ */
-+void vzquota_inode_init_call(struct inode *inode)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ struct vz_quota_datast data;
-+ /* initializes inode's quota inside */
-+ qmblk = vzquota_inode_data(inode, &data);
-+ if (qmblk != NULL && qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ vzquota_data_unlock(inode, &data);
-+ /*
-+ * The check is needed for repeated new_inode() calls from a single
-+ * ext3 call like create or mkdir in case of -ENOSPC.
-+ */
-+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-+ if (!list_empty(&inode->i_dentry))
-+ vzquota_cur_qmblk_set(inode);
-+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
-+ * vzquota_inode_drop_call - call from DQUOT_DROP
-+ */
-+void vzquota_inode_drop_call(struct inode *inode)
-+ vzquota_inode_drop(inode);
-+ * vzquota_inode_data - initialize (if nec.) and lock inode quota ptrs
-+ * @inode: the inode
-+ * @data: storage space
-+ *
-+ * Returns: qmblk is NULL or VZ_QUOTA_BAD or actualized qmblk.
-+ * On return if qmblk is neither NULL nor VZ_QUOTA_BAD:
-+ * qmblk in inode's qlnk is the same as returned,
-+ * ugid pointers inside inode's qlnk are valid,
-+ * some locks are taken (and should be released by vzquota_data_unlock).
-+ * If qmblk is NULL or VZ_QUOTA_BAD, locks are NOT taken.
-+ */
-+struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_inode_data(struct inode *inode,
-+ struct vz_quota_datast *data)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ might_sleep();
-+ vzquota_qlnk_init(&data->qlnk);
-+ inode_qmblk_lock(inode->i_sb);
-+ __vzquota_inode_init(inode, VZ_QUOTAO_INICAL);
-+ if (vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(INODE_QLNK(inode)) ||
-+ !VZ_QUOTA_IS_ACTUAL(inode))
-+ vzquota_inode_qmblk_recalc(inode, &data->qlnk);
-+ qmblk = INODE_QLNK(inode)->qmblk;
-+ if (qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD) {
-+ if (!VZ_QUOTA_IS_NOQUOTA(qmblk, inode->i_sb)) {
-+ /*
-+ * Note that in the current implementation,
-+ * inode_qmblk_lock can theoretically be dropped here.
-+ * This place is serialized with quota_off because
-+ * quota_off fails when there are extra dentry
-+ * references and syncs inodes before removing quota
-+ * information from them.
-+ * However, quota usage information should stop being
-+ * updated immediately after vzquota_off.
-+ */
-+ qmblk_data_write_lock(qmblk);
-+ } else {
-+ inode_qmblk_unlock(inode->i_sb);
-+ qmblk = NULL;
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ inode_qmblk_unlock(inode->i_sb);
-+ }
-+ return qmblk;
-+void vzquota_data_unlock(struct inode *inode,
-+ struct vz_quota_datast *data)
-+ qmblk_data_write_unlock(INODE_QLNK(inode)->qmblk);
-+ inode_qmblk_unlock(inode->i_sb);
-+ vzquota_qlnk_destroy(&data->qlnk);
-+#if defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_UGID)
-+ * vzquota_inode_transfer_call - call from vzquota_transfer
-+ */
-+int vzquota_inode_transfer_call(struct inode *inode, struct iattr *iattr)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ struct vz_quota_datast data;
-+ struct vz_quota_ilink qlnew;
-+ int mask;
-+ int ret;
-+ might_sleep();
-+ vzquota_qlnk_init(&qlnew);
-+ qmblk = vzquota_inode_data(inode, &data);
-+ ret = NO_QUOTA;
-+ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD)
-+ goto out_destr;
-+ ret = QUOTA_OK;
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ goto out_destr;
-+ qmblk_get(qmblk);
-+ ret = QUOTA_OK;
-+ if (!(qmblk->dq_flags & VZDQUG_ON))
-+ /* no ugid quotas */
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ mask = 0;
-+ if ((iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_UID) && iattr->ia_uid != inode->i_uid)
-+ mask |= 1 << USRQUOTA;
-+ if ((iattr->ia_valid & ATTR_GID) && iattr->ia_gid != inode->i_gid)
-+ mask |= 1 << GRPQUOTA;
-+ while (1) {
-+ if (vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(&qlnew) &&
-+ vzquota_qlnk_fill_attr(&qlnew, inode, iattr, mask, qmblk))
-+ break;
-+ if (qlnew.qmblk == INODE_QLNK(inode)->qmblk &&
-+ qlnew.qmblk == qmblk)
-+ goto finish;
-+ if (vzquota_qlnk_reinit_attr(&qlnew, inode, qmblk))
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ /* prepare for restart */
-+ vzquota_data_unlock(inode, &data);
-+ qmblk_put(qmblk);
-+ goto start;
-+ /* all references obtained successfully */
-+ ret = vzquota_transfer_usage(inode, mask, &qlnew);
-+ if (!ret) {
-+ vzquota_qlnk_swap(&qlnew, INODE_QLNK(inode));
-+ INODE_QLNK(inode)->origin = VZ_QUOTAO_TRANS;
-+ }
-+ vzquota_data_unlock(inode, &data);
-+ qmblk_put(qmblk);
-+ vzquota_qlnk_destroy(&qlnew);
-+ return ret;
-+int vzquota_rename_check(struct inode *inode,
-+ struct inode *old_dir, struct inode *new_dir)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ struct vz_quota_ilink qlnk1, qlnk2;
-+ int c, ret;
-+ if (inode->i_sb != old_dir->i_sb || inode->i_sb != new_dir->i_sb)
-+ return -1;
-+ might_sleep();
-+ vzquota_qlnk_init(&qlnk1);
-+ vzquota_qlnk_init(&qlnk2);
-+ inode_qmblk_lock(inode->i_sb);
-+ __vzquota_inode_init(inode, VZ_QUOTAO_INICAL);
-+ __vzquota_inode_init(old_dir, VZ_QUOTAO_INICAL);
-+ __vzquota_inode_init(new_dir, VZ_QUOTAO_INICAL);
-+ do {
-+ c = 0;
-+ if (vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(INODE_QLNK(inode)) ||
-+ !VZ_QUOTA_IS_ACTUAL(inode)) {
-+ vzquota_inode_qmblk_recalc(inode, &qlnk1);
-+ c++;
-+ }
-+ if (vzquota_qlnk_is_empty(INODE_QLNK(new_dir)) ||
-+ !VZ_QUOTA_IS_ACTUAL(new_dir)) {
-+ vzquota_inode_qmblk_recalc(new_dir, &qlnk2);
-+ c++;
-+ }
-+ } while (c);
-+ ret = 0;
-+ qmblk = INODE_QLNK(inode)->qmblk;
-+ if (qmblk != INODE_QLNK(new_dir)->qmblk) {
-+ ret = -1;
-+ if (qmblk != VZ_QUOTA_BAD &&
-+ !VZ_QUOTA_IS_NOQUOTA(qmblk, inode->i_sb) &&
-+ qmblk->dq_root_dentry->d_inode == inode &&
-+ VZ_QUOTA_IS_NOQUOTA(INODE_QLNK(new_dir)->qmblk,
-+ inode->i_sb) &&
-+ VZ_QUOTA_IS_NOQUOTA(INODE_QLNK(old_dir)->qmblk,
-+ inode->i_sb))
-+ /* quota root rename is allowed */
-+ ret = 0;
-+ }
-+ inode_qmblk_unlock(inode->i_sb);
-+ vzquota_qlnk_destroy(&qlnk2);
-+ vzquota_qlnk_destroy(&qlnk1);
-+ return ret;
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ *
-+ * qmblk-related parts of on/off operations
-+ *
-+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+ * vzquota_check_dtree - check dentry tree if quota on/off is allowed
-+ *
-+ * This function doesn't allow quota to be turned on/off if some dentries in
-+ * the tree have external references.
-+ * In addition to technical reasons, it enforces user-space correctness:
-+ * current usage (taken from or reported to the user space) can be meaningful
-+ * and accurate only if the tree is not being modified.
-+ * Side effect: additional vfsmount structures referencing the tree (bind
-+ * mounts of tree nodes to some other places) are not allowed at on/off time.
-+ */
-+int vzquota_check_dtree(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk, int off)
-+ struct dentry *dentry;
-+ int err, count;
-+ err = -EBUSY;
-+ dentry = qmblk->dq_root_dentry;
-+ if (d_unhashed(dentry) && dentry != dentry->d_sb->s_root)
-+ goto unhashed;
-+ /* attempt to shrink */
-+ if (!list_empty(&dentry->d_subdirs)) {
-+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
-+ inode_qmblk_unlock(dentry->d_sb);
-+ shrink_dcache_parent(dentry);
-+ inode_qmblk_lock(dentry->d_sb);
-+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-+ if (!list_empty(&dentry->d_subdirs))
-+ goto out;
-+ count = 1;
-+ if (dentry == dentry->d_sb->s_root)
-+ count += 2; /* sb and mnt refs */
-+ if (atomic_read(&dentry->d_count) < count) {
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "%s: too small count %d vs %d.\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__,
-+ atomic_read(&dentry->d_count), count);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ if (atomic_read(&dentry->d_count) > count)
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ err = 0;
-+ return err;
-+ /*
-+ * Quota root is removed.
-+ * Allow to turn quota off, but not on.
-+ */
-+ if (off)
-+ err = 0;
-+ goto out;
-+int vzquota_on_qmblk(struct super_block *sb, struct inode *inode,
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
-+ struct vz_quota_ilink qlnk;
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qold, *qnew;
-+ int err;
-+ might_sleep();
-+ qold = NULL;
-+ qnew = vzquota_alloc_fake();
-+ if (qnew == NULL)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ vzquota_qlnk_init(&qlnk);
-+ inode_qmblk_lock(sb);
-+ __vzquota_inode_init(inode, VZ_QUOTAO_INICAL);
-+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-+ while (1) {
-+ err = vzquota_check_dtree(qmblk, 0);
-+ if (err)
-+ break;
-+ if (!vzquota_inode_qmblk_set(inode, qmblk, &qlnk))
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ INODE_QLNK(inode)->origin = VZ_QUOTAO_ON;
-+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
-+ if (!err) {
-+ qold = __VZ_QUOTA_NOQUOTA(sb);
-+ qold->dq_flags |= VZDQ_NOACT;
-+ __VZ_QUOTA_NOQUOTA(sb) = qnew;
-+ }
-+ inode_qmblk_unlock(sb);
-+ vzquota_qlnk_destroy(&qlnk);
-+ if (qold != NULL)
-+ qmblk_put(qold);
-+ return err;
-+int vzquota_off_qmblk(struct super_block *sb, struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
-+ int ret;
-+ ret = 0;
-+ inode_qmblk_lock(sb);
-+ spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-+ if (vzquota_check_dtree(qmblk, 1))
-+ ret = -EBUSY;
-+ spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
-+ if (!ret)
-+ qmblk->dq_flags |= VZDQ_NOACT | VZDQ_NOQUOT;
-+ inode_qmblk_unlock(sb);
-+ return ret;
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ *
-+ * External interfaces
-+ *
-+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-+static int vzquota_ioctl(struct inode *ino, struct file *file,
-+ unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
-+ int err;
-+ struct vzctl_quotactl qb;
-+ struct vzctl_quotaugidctl qub;
-+ switch (cmd) {
-+ err = -ENOTTY;
-+ break;
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ if (copy_from_user(&qb, (void *)arg, sizeof(qb)))
-+ break;
-+ err = do_vzquotactl(qb.cmd, qb.quota_id,
-+ qb.qstat, qb.ve_root);
-+ break;
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ if (copy_from_user(&qub, (void *)arg, sizeof(qub)))
-+ break;
-+ err = do_vzquotaugidctl(&qub);
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ err = -ENOTTY;
-+ }
-+ might_sleep(); /* debug */
-+ return err;
-+static struct vzioctlinfo vzdqcalls = {
-+ .type = VZDQCTLTYPE,
-+ .func = vzquota_ioctl,
-+ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
-+ * vzquota_dstat - get quota usage info for virtual superblock
-+ */
-+static int vzquota_dstat(struct super_block *super, struct dq_stat *qstat)
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ qmblk = vzquota_find_qmblk(super);
-+ if (qmblk == NULL)
-+ return -ENOENT;
-+ if (qmblk == VZ_QUOTA_BAD) {
-+ memset(qstat, 0, sizeof(*qstat));
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ qmblk_data_read_lock(qmblk);
-+ memcpy(qstat, &qmblk->dq_stat, sizeof(*qstat));
-+ qmblk_data_read_unlock(qmblk);
-+ qmblk_put(qmblk);
-+ return 0;
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ *
-+ * Init/exit helpers
-+ *
-+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-+static int vzquota_cache_init(void)
-+ int i;
-+ vzquota_cachep = kmem_cache_create("vz_quota_master",
-+ sizeof(struct vz_quota_master),
-+ if (vzquota_cachep == NULL) {
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "Cannot create VZ_QUOTA SLAB cache\n");
-+ goto nomem2;
-+ }
-+ for (i = 0; i < VZ_QUOTA_HASH_SIZE; i++)
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&vzquota_hash_table[i]);
-+ return 0;
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+static void vzquota_cache_release(void)
-+ int i;
-+ /* sanity check */
-+ for (i = 0; i < VZ_QUOTA_HASH_SIZE; i++)
-+ if (!list_empty(&vzquota_hash_table[i]))
-+ BUG();
-+ /* release caches */
-+ if (kmem_cache_destroy(vzquota_cachep))
-+ printk(KERN_ERR
-+ "VZQUOTA: vz_quota_master kmem_cache_destroy failed\n");
-+ vzquota_cachep = NULL;
-+static int quota_notifier_call(struct vnotifier_block *self,
-+ unsigned long n, void *data, int err)
-+ struct virt_info_quota *viq;
-+ struct super_block *sb;
-+ viq = (struct virt_info_quota *)data;
-+ switch (n) {
-+ err = NOTIFY_BAD;
-+ if (!try_module_get(THIS_MODULE))
-+ break;
-+ sb = viq->super;
-+ memset(&sb->, 0, sizeof(sb->;
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sb->[USRQUOTA].dqi_dirty_list);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sb->[GRPQUOTA].dqi_dirty_list);
-+ err = NOTIFY_OK;
-+ break;
-+ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
-+ err = NOTIFY_OK;
-+ break;
-+ err = NOTIFY_BAD;
-+ if (vzquota_dstat(viq->super, viq->qstat))
-+ break;
-+ err = NOTIFY_OK;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ return err;
-+struct vnotifier_block quota_notifier_block = {
-+ .notifier_call = quota_notifier_call,
-+ .priority = INT_MAX,
-+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ *
-+ * Init/exit procedures
-+ *
-+ * ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-+static int __init vzquota_init(void)
-+ int err;
-+ if ((err = vzquota_cache_init()) != 0)
-+ goto out_cache;
-+ if ((err = vzquota_proc_init()) != 0)
-+ goto out_proc;
-+ if ((err = vzquota_ugid_init()) != 0)
-+ goto out_ugid;
-+ init_MUTEX(&vz_quota_sem);
-+ vzioctl_register(&vzdqcalls);
-+ virtinfo_notifier_register(VITYPE_QUOTA, &quota_notifier_block);
-+#if defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_UGID) && defined(CONFIG_PROC_FS)
-+ vzaquota_init();
-+ return 0;
-+ vzquota_proc_release();
-+ vzquota_cache_release();
-+ return err;
-+#if defined(VZ_QUOTA_UNLOAD)
-+static void __exit vzquota_release(void)
-+ virtinfo_notifier_unregister(VITYPE_QUOTA, &quota_notifier_block);
-+ vzioctl_unregister(&vzdqcalls);
-+ vzaquota_fini();
-+ vzquota_ugid_release();
-+ vzquota_proc_release();
-+ vzquota_cache_release();
-+MODULE_AUTHOR("SWsoft <>");
-+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Virtuozzo Disk Quota");
-+#if defined(VZ_QUOTA_UNLOAD)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1628,8 +1628,8 @@ pagebuf_daemon(
- do {
- /* swsusp */
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
-- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
-+ refrigerator();
- set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
- schedule_timeout((xfs_buf_timer_centisecs * HZ) / 100);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -468,7 +468,8 @@ STATIC int
- linvfs_permission(
- struct inode *inode,
- int mode,
-- struct nameidata *nd)
-+ struct nameidata *nd,
-+ struct exec_perm *exec_perm)
- {
- vnode_t *vp = LINVFS_GET_VP(inode);
- int error;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ destroy_inodecache( void )
- * at the point when it is unpinned after a log write,
- * since this is when the inode itself becomes flushable.
- */
--STATIC void
-+STATIC int
- linvfs_write_inode(
- struct inode *inode,
- int sync)
-@@ -364,12 +364,14 @@ linvfs_write_inode(
- vnode_t *vp = LINVFS_GET_VP(inode);
- int error, flags = FLUSH_INODE;
-+ error = 0;
- if (vp) {
- vn_trace_entry(vp, __FUNCTION__, (inst_t *)__return_address);
- if (sync)
- flags |= FLUSH_SYNC;
- VOP_IFLUSH(vp, flags, error);
- }
-+ return error;
- }
- STATIC void
-@@ -408,8 +410,8 @@ xfssyncd(
- set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
- schedule_timeout((xfs_syncd_centisecs * HZ) / 100);
- /* swsusp */
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
-- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
-+ refrigerator();
- if (vfsp->vfs_flag & VFS_UMOUNT)
- break;
- if (vfsp->vfs_flag & VFS_RDONLY)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:30.000000000 +0400
-@@ -126,4 +126,8 @@ static inline void ptep_mkdirty(pte_t *p
- #define pgd_offset_gate(mm, addr) pgd_offset(mm, addr)
- #endif
-+#define lazy_mmu_prot_update(pte) do { } while (0)
- #endif /* _ASM_GENERIC_PGTABLE_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -110,6 +110,9 @@ tlb_is_full_mm(struct mmu_gather *tlb)
- * handling the additional races in SMP caused by other CPUs caching valid
- * mappings in their TLBs.
- */
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
- static inline void tlb_remove_page(struct mmu_gather *tlb, struct page *page)
- {
- tlb->need_flush = 1;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ extern void sync_Arb_IDs (void);
- extern void init_bsp_APIC (void);
- extern void setup_local_APIC (void);
- extern void init_apic_mappings (void);
--extern void smp_local_timer_interrupt (struct pt_regs * regs);
-+extern asmlinkage void smp_local_timer_interrupt (struct pt_regs * regs);
- extern void setup_boot_APIC_clock (void);
- extern void setup_secondary_APIC_clock (void);
- extern void setup_apic_nmi_watchdog (void);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
-+ * atomic_kmap.h: temporary virtual kernel memory mappings
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2003 Ingo Molnar <>
-+ */
-+#ifndef _ASM_ATOMIC_KMAP_H
-+#define _ASM_ATOMIC_KMAP_H
-+#ifdef __KERNEL__
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <asm/tlbflush.h>
-+#define HIGHMEM_DEBUG 1
-+#define HIGHMEM_DEBUG 0
-+extern pte_t *kmap_pte;
-+#define kmap_prot PAGE_KERNEL
-+#define kmap_prot_nocache PAGE_KERNEL_NOCACHE
-+#define PKMAP_BASE (0xff000000UL)
-+#define NR_SHARED_PMDS ((0xffffffff-PKMAP_BASE+1)/PMD_SIZE)
-+static inline unsigned long __kmap_atomic_vaddr(enum km_type type)
-+ enum fixed_addresses idx;
-+ idx = type + KM_TYPE_NR*smp_processor_id();
-+ return __fix_to_virt(FIX_KMAP_BEGIN + idx);
-+static inline void *__kmap_atomic_noflush(struct page *page, enum km_type type)
-+ enum fixed_addresses idx;
-+ unsigned long vaddr;
-+ idx = type + KM_TYPE_NR*smp_processor_id();
-+ vaddr = __fix_to_virt(FIX_KMAP_BEGIN + idx);
-+ /*
-+ * NOTE: entries that rely on some secondary TLB-flush
-+ * effect must not be global:
-+ */
-+ set_pte(kmap_pte-idx, mk_pte(page, PAGE_KERNEL));
-+ return (void*) vaddr;
-+static inline void *__kmap_atomic(struct page *page, enum km_type type)
-+ enum fixed_addresses idx;
-+ unsigned long vaddr;
-+ idx = type + KM_TYPE_NR*smp_processor_id();
-+ vaddr = __fix_to_virt(FIX_KMAP_BEGIN + idx);
-+ BUG_ON(!pte_none(*(kmap_pte-idx)));
-+ /*
-+ * Performance optimization - do not flush if the new
-+ * pte is the same as the old one:
-+ */
-+ if (pte_val(*(kmap_pte-idx)) == pte_val(mk_pte(page, kmap_prot)))
-+ return (void *) vaddr;
-+ set_pte(kmap_pte-idx, mk_pte(page, kmap_prot));
-+ __flush_tlb_one(vaddr);
-+ return (void*) vaddr;
-+static inline void __kunmap_atomic(void *kvaddr, enum km_type type)
-+ unsigned long vaddr = (unsigned long) kvaddr & PAGE_MASK;
-+ enum fixed_addresses idx = type + KM_TYPE_NR*smp_processor_id();
-+ BUG_ON(vaddr != __fix_to_virt(FIX_KMAP_BEGIN+idx));
-+ /*
-+ * force other mappings to Oops if they'll try to access
-+ * this pte without first remap it
-+ */
-+ pte_clear(kmap_pte-idx);
-+ __flush_tlb_one(vaddr);
-+#define __kunmap_atomic_type(type) \
-+ __kunmap_atomic((void *)__kmap_atomic_vaddr(type), (type))
-+#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-+#endif /* _ASM_ATOMIC_KMAP_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:24.000000000 +0400
-@@ -12,7 +12,10 @@
- #if 1 /* Set to zero for a slightly smaller kernel */
- #define BUG() \
- __asm__ __volatile__( "ud2\n" \
-+ "\t.byte 0x66\n"\
-+ "\t.byte 0xb8\n" /* mov $xxx, %ax */\
- "\t.word %c0\n" \
-+ "\t.byte 0xb8\n" /* mov $xxx, %eax */\
- "\t.long %c1\n" \
- : : "i" (__LINE__), "i" (__FILE__))
- #else
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ asmlinkage unsigned int csum_partial(con
- * better 64-bit) boundary
- */
--asmlinkage unsigned int csum_partial_copy_generic( const char *src, char *dst, int len, int sum,
-+asmlinkage unsigned int direct_csum_partial_copy_generic( const char *src, char *dst, int len, int sum,
- int *src_err_ptr, int *dst_err_ptr);
- /*
-@@ -39,14 +39,19 @@ static __inline__
- unsigned int csum_partial_copy_nocheck ( const char *src, char *dst,
- int len, int sum)
- {
-- return csum_partial_copy_generic ( src, dst, len, sum, NULL, NULL);
-+ /*
-+ * The direct function is OK for kernel-space => kernel-space copies:
-+ */
-+ return direct_csum_partial_copy_generic ( src, dst, len, sum, NULL, NULL);
- }
- static __inline__
- unsigned int csum_partial_copy_from_user ( const char __user *src, char *dst,
- int len, int sum, int *err_ptr)
- {
-- return csum_partial_copy_generic ( (__force char *)src, dst, len, sum, err_ptr, NULL);
-+ if (copy_from_user(dst, src, len))
-+ *err_ptr = -EFAULT;
-+ return csum_partial(dst, len, sum);
- }
- /*
-@@ -172,13 +177,28 @@ static __inline__ unsigned short int csu
- * Copy and checksum to user
- */
--static __inline__ unsigned int csum_and_copy_to_user(const char *src,
-+static __inline__ unsigned int direct_csum_and_copy_to_user(const char *src,
- char __user *dst,
- int len, int sum,
- int *err_ptr)
- {
- if (access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, dst, len))
-- return csum_partial_copy_generic(src, (__force char *)dst, len, sum, NULL, err_ptr);
-+ return direct_csum_partial_copy_generic(src, dst, len, sum, NULL, err_ptr);
-+ if (len)
-+ *err_ptr = -EFAULT;
-+ return -1; /* invalid checksum */
-+static __inline__ unsigned int csum_and_copy_to_user(const char *src, char __user *dst,
-+ int len, int sum, int *err_ptr)
-+ if (access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, dst, len)) {
-+ if (copy_to_user(dst, src, len))
-+ *err_ptr = -EFAULT;
-+ return csum_partial(src, len, sum);
-+ }
- if (len)
- *err_ptr = -EFAULT;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -21,6 +21,13 @@ struct Xgt_desc_struct {
- extern struct Xgt_desc_struct idt_descr, cpu_gdt_descr[NR_CPUS];
-+extern void trap_init_virtual_IDT(void);
-+extern void trap_init_virtual_GDT(void);
-+asmlinkage int system_call(void);
-+asmlinkage void lcall7(void);
-+asmlinkage void lcall27(void);
- #define load_TR_desc() __asm__ __volatile__("ltr %%ax"::"a" (GDT_ENTRY_TSS*8))
- #define load_LDT_desc() __asm__ __volatile__("lldt %%ax"::"a" (GDT_ENTRY_LDT*8))
-@@ -30,6 +37,7 @@ extern struct Xgt_desc_struct idt_descr,
- */
- extern struct desc_struct default_ldt[];
- extern void set_intr_gate(unsigned int irq, void * addr);
-+extern void set_trap_gate(unsigned int n, void *addr);
- #define _set_tssldt_desc(n,addr,limit,type) \
- __asm__ __volatile__ ("movw %w3,0(%2)\n\t" \
-@@ -91,31 +99,8 @@ static inline void load_TLS(struct threa
- #undef C
- }
--static inline void clear_LDT(void)
-- int cpu = get_cpu();
-- set_ldt_desc(cpu, &default_ldt[0], 5);
-- load_LDT_desc();
-- put_cpu();
-- * load one particular LDT into the current CPU
-- */
--static inline void load_LDT_nolock(mm_context_t *pc, int cpu)
-- void *segments = pc->ldt;
-- int count = pc->size;
-- if (likely(!count)) {
-- segments = &default_ldt[0];
-- count = 5;
-- }
-- set_ldt_desc(cpu, segments, count);
-- load_LDT_desc();
-+extern struct page *default_ldt_page;
-+extern void load_LDT_nolock(mm_context_t *pc, int cpu);
- static inline void load_LDT(mm_context_t *pc)
- {
-@@ -124,6 +109,6 @@ static inline void load_LDT(mm_context_t
- put_cpu();
- }
--#endif /* !__ASSEMBLY__ */
-+#endif /* !__ASSEMBLY__ */
- #endif
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ typedef struct user_fxsr_struct elf_fpxr
- For the moment, we have only optimizations for the Intel generations,
- but that could change... */
--#define ELF_PLATFORM (system_utsname.machine)
-+#define ELF_PLATFORM (ve_utsname.machine)
- /*
- * Architecture-neutral AT_ values in 0-17, leave some room
-@@ -140,8 +140,10 @@ extern void __kernel_vsyscall;
- #define ARCH_DLINFO \
- do { \
-+ if (sysctl_at_vsyscall) { \
-+ } \
- } while (0)
- /*
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -18,17 +18,17 @@
- #include <asm/acpi.h>
- #include <asm/apicdef.h>
- #include <asm/page.h>
- #include <linux/threads.h>
- #include <asm/kmap_types.h>
-+#define __FIXADDR_TOP (0xfffff000UL)
- /*
- * Here we define all the compile-time 'special' virtual
- * addresses. The point is to have a constant address at
- * compile time, but to set the physical address only
-- * in the boot process. We allocate these special addresses
-- * from the end of virtual memory (0xfffff000) backwards.
-+ * in the boot process. We allocate these special addresses
-+ * from the end of virtual memory (0xffffe000) backwards.
- * Also this lets us do fail-safe vmalloc(), we
- * can guarantee that these special addresses and
- * vmalloc()-ed addresses never overlap.
-@@ -41,11 +41,24 @@
- * TLB entries of such buffers will not be flushed across
- * task switches.
- */
-+ * on UP currently we will have no trace of the fixmap mechanizm,
-+ * no page table allocations, etc. This might change in the
-+ * future, say framebuffers for the console driver(s) could be
-+ * fix-mapped?
-+ */
-+#define TSS_SIZE sizeof(struct tss_struct)
- enum fixed_addresses {
- FIX_APIC_BASE, /* local (CPU) APIC) -- required for SMP or not */
- #endif
- #ifdef CONFIG_X86_IO_APIC
-@@ -57,16 +70,22 @@ enum fixed_addresses {
- FIX_LI_PCIA, /* Lithium PCI Bridge A */
- FIX_LI_PCIB, /* Lithium PCI Bridge B */
- #endif
--#ifdef CONFIG_X86_F00F_BUG
-- FIX_F00F_IDT, /* Virtual mapping for IDT */
-+ FIX_GDT_1,
-+ FIX_GDT_0,
- FIX_CYCLONE_TIMER, /*cyclone timer register*/
- #endif
-- FIX_KMAP_BEGIN, /* reserved pte's for temporary kernel mappings */
-+ /* reserved pte's for temporary kernel mappings */
-+ ((__FIXADDR_TOP >> PAGE_SHIFT) & 1),
-@@ -98,12 +117,15 @@ extern void __set_fixmap (enum fixed_add
- __set_fixmap(idx, 0, __pgprot(0))
- /*
-- * used by vmalloc.c.
-+ * used by vmalloc.c and various other places.
- *
- * Leave one empty page between vmalloc'ed areas and
- * the start of the fixmap.
-+ *
-+ * IMPORTANT: we have to align FIXADDR_TOP so that the virtual stack
-+ * is THREAD_SIZE aligned.
- */
--#define FIXADDR_TOP (0xfffff000UL)
- #define __FIXADDR_SIZE (__end_of_permanent_fixed_addresses << PAGE_SHIFT)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -25,26 +25,19 @@
- #include <linux/threads.h>
- #include <asm/kmap_types.h>
- #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
-+#include <asm/atomic_kmap.h>
- /* declarations for highmem.c */
- extern unsigned long highstart_pfn, highend_pfn;
--extern pte_t *kmap_pte;
--extern pgprot_t kmap_prot;
- extern pte_t *pkmap_page_table;
--extern void kmap_init(void);
-+extern void kmap_init(void) __init;
- /*
- * Right now we initialize only a single pte table. It can be extended
- * easily, subsequent pte tables have to be allocated in one physical
- * chunk of RAM.
- */
--#if NR_CPUS <= 32
--#define PKMAP_BASE (0xff800000UL)
--#define PKMAP_BASE (0xff600000UL)
- #ifdef CONFIG_X86_PAE
- #define LAST_PKMAP 512
- #else
-@@ -60,6 +53,7 @@ extern void FASTCALL(kunmap_high(struct
- void *kmap(struct page *page);
- void kunmap(struct page *page);
- void *kmap_atomic(struct page *page, enum km_type type);
-+void *kmap_atomic_pte(pte_t *pte, enum km_type type);
- void kunmap_atomic(void *kvaddr, enum km_type type);
- struct page *kmap_atomic_to_page(void *ptr);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:29.000000000 +0400
-@@ -93,6 +93,7 @@
- extern unsigned long hpet_period; /* fsecs / HPET clock */
- extern unsigned long hpet_tick; /* hpet clks count per tick */
- extern unsigned long hpet_address; /* hpet memory map physical address */
-+extern int hpet_use_timer;
- extern int hpet_rtc_timer_init(void);
- extern int hpet_enable(void);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:28.000000000 +0400
-@@ -55,4 +55,10 @@ struct pt_regs;
- asmlinkage int handle_IRQ_event(unsigned int, struct pt_regs *,
- struct irqaction *);
-+extern int irqbalance_disable(char *str);
-+extern int no_irq_affinity;
-+extern int noirqdebug_setup(char *str);
- #endif /* _ASM_IRQ_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -2,30 +2,36 @@
- #define _ASM_KMAP_TYPES_H
- #include <linux/config.h>
--# define D(n) __KM_FENCE_##n ,
--# define D(n)
-+#include <linux/thread_info.h>
- enum km_type {
--D(3) KM_USER0,
--D(4) KM_USER1,
--D(7) KM_PTE0,
--D(8) KM_PTE1,
--D(9) KM_IRQ0,
--D(10) KM_IRQ1,
--D(11) KM_SOFTIRQ0,
--D(12) KM_SOFTIRQ1,
--D(13) KM_TYPE_NR
-+ /*
-+ * IMPORTANT: don't move these 3 entries, be wary when adding entries,
-+ * the 4G/4G virtual stack must be THREAD_SIZE aligned on each cpu.
-+ */
--#undef D
-+ KM_LDT_PAGE0 = KM_LDT_PAGE15 + 16-1,
-+ KM_USER0,
-+ KM_USER1,
-+ KM_PTE0,
-+ KM_PTE1,
-+ KM_IRQ0,
-+ KM_IRQ1,
-+ __KM_TYPE_NR,
- #endif
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:14.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- #ifndef __ASM_MACH_IPI_H
- #define __ASM_MACH_IPI_H
--inline void send_IPI_mask_bitmask(cpumask_t mask, int vector);
--inline void __send_IPI_shortcut(unsigned int shortcut, int vector);
-+void send_IPI_mask_bitmask(cpumask_t mask, int vector);
-+void __send_IPI_shortcut(unsigned int shortcut, int vector);
- static inline void send_IPI_mask(cpumask_t mask, int vector)
- {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
- #define MAP_NORESERVE 0x4000 /* don't check for reservations */
- #define MAP_POPULATE 0x8000 /* populate (prefault) pagetables */
- #define MAP_NONBLOCK 0x10000 /* do not block on IO */
-+#define MAP_EXECPRIO 0x80000 /* map from exec - try not to fail */
- #define MS_ASYNC 1 /* sync memory asynchronously */
- #define MS_INVALIDATE 2 /* invalidate the caches */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -8,10 +8,13 @@
- *
- * cpu_vm_mask is used to optimize ldt flushing.
- */
-+#define MAX_LDT_PAGES 16
- typedef struct {
- int size;
- struct semaphore sem;
-- void *ldt;
-+ struct page *ldt_pages[MAX_LDT_PAGES];
- } mm_context_t;
- #endif
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ static inline void switch_mm(struct mm_s
- {
- int cpu = smp_processor_id();
-+ if (tsk->mm)
-+ tsk->thread_info->user_pgd = (void *)__pa(tsk->mm->pgd);
- if (likely(prev != next)) {
- /* stop flush ipis for the previous mm */
- cpu_clear(cpu, prev->cpu_vm_mask);
-@@ -39,12 +43,14 @@ static inline void switch_mm(struct mm_s
- cpu_set(cpu, next->cpu_vm_mask);
- /* Re-load page tables */
- load_cr3(next->pgd);
- /*
- * load the LDT, if the LDT is different:
- */
-- if (unlikely(prev->context.ldt != next->context.ldt))
-+ if (unlikely(prev->context.size + next->context.size))
- load_LDT_nolock(&next->context, cpu);
- }
- #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-@@ -56,7 +62,9 @@ static inline void switch_mm(struct mm_s
- /* We were in lazy tlb mode and leave_mm disabled
- * tlb flush IPI delivery. We must reload %cr3.
- */
- load_cr3(next->pgd);
- load_LDT_nolock(&next->context, cpu);
- }
- }
-@@ -67,6 +75,6 @@ static inline void switch_mm(struct mm_s
- asm("movl %0,%%fs ; movl %0,%%gs": :"r" (0))
- #define activate_mm(prev, next) \
-- switch_mm((prev),(next),NULL)
-+ switch_mm((prev),(next),current)
- #endif
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -67,8 +67,6 @@ struct mtrr_gentry
- #ifdef __KERNEL__
--extern char *mtrr_strings[];
- /* The following functions are for use by other drivers */
- # ifdef CONFIG_MTRR
- extern int mtrr_add (unsigned long base, unsigned long size,
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:24.000000000 +0400
-@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ typedef int (*nmi_callback_t)(struct pt_
- * set. Return 1 if the NMI was handled.
- */
- void set_nmi_callback(nmi_callback_t callback);
-+void set_nmi_ipi_callback(nmi_callback_t callback);
- /**
- * unset_nmi_callback
-@@ -24,5 +25,6 @@ void set_nmi_callback(nmi_callback_t cal
- * Remove the handler previously set.
- */
- void unset_nmi_callback(void);
-+void unset_nmi_ipi_callback(void);
- #endif /* ASM_NMI_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
- #ifndef _I386_PAGE_H
- #define _I386_PAGE_H
-+#include <linux/config.h>
- /* PAGE_SHIFT determines the page size */
- #define PAGE_SHIFT 12
- #define PAGE_SIZE (1UL << PAGE_SHIFT)
-@@ -9,11 +11,10 @@
--#ifdef __KERNEL__
--#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
- #include <linux/config.h>
-+#ifdef __KERNEL__
-+#ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
- #ifdef CONFIG_X86_USE_3DNOW
- #include <asm/mmx.h>
-@@ -92,13 +93,28 @@ typedef struct { unsigned long pgprot; }
- *
- * If you want more physical memory than this then see the CONFIG_HIGHMEM4G
- * and CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G options in the kernel configuration.
-+ *
-+ * Note: on PAE the kernel must never go below 32 MB, we use the
-+ * first 8 entries of the 2-level boot pgd for PAE magic.
- */
-+#ifdef CONFIG_X86_4G_VM_LAYOUT
-+#define __PAGE_OFFSET (0x02000000)
-+#define TASK_SIZE (0xc0000000)
-+#define __PAGE_OFFSET (0xc0000000)
-+#define TASK_SIZE (0xc0000000)
- /*
- * This much address space is reserved for vmalloc() and iomap()
- * as well as fixmap mappings.
- */
--#define __VMALLOC_RESERVE (128 << 20)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_X86_4G
-+#define __VMALLOC_RESERVE (320 << 20)
-+#define __VMALLOC_RESERVE (192 << 20)
- #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
-@@ -118,16 +134,10 @@ static __inline__ int get_order(unsigned
- #endif /* __ASSEMBLY__ */
--#ifdef __ASSEMBLY__
--#define __PAGE_OFFSET (0xC0000000)
--#define __PAGE_OFFSET (0xC0000000UL)
- #define PAGE_OFFSET ((unsigned long)__PAGE_OFFSET)
- #define VMALLOC_RESERVE ((unsigned long)__VMALLOC_RESERVE)
-+#define MAXMEM ((unsigned long)(-PAGE_OFFSET-VMALLOC_RESERVE))
- #define __pa(x) ((unsigned long)(x)-PAGE_OFFSET)
- #define __va(x) ((void *)((unsigned long)(x)+PAGE_OFFSET))
- #define pfn_to_kaddr(pfn) __va((pfn) << PAGE_SHIFT)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -16,38 +16,41 @@
- #include <asm/processor.h>
- #include <asm/fixmap.h>
- #include <linux/threads.h>
-+#include <linux/slab.h>
- #ifndef _I386_BITOPS_H
- #include <asm/bitops.h>
- #endif
--#include <linux/slab.h>
--#include <linux/list.h>
--#include <linux/spinlock.h>
-- * ZERO_PAGE is a global shared page that is always zero: used
-- * for zero-mapped memory areas etc..
-- */
--#define ZERO_PAGE(vaddr) (virt_to_page(empty_zero_page))
--extern unsigned long empty_zero_page[1024];
- extern pgd_t swapper_pg_dir[1024];
--extern kmem_cache_t *pgd_cache;
--extern kmem_cache_t *pmd_cache;
-+extern kmem_cache_t *pgd_cache, *pmd_cache, *kpmd_cache;
- extern spinlock_t pgd_lock;
- extern struct page *pgd_list;
- void pmd_ctor(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long);
-+void kpmd_ctor(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long);
- void pgd_ctor(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long);
- void pgd_dtor(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long);
- void pgtable_cache_init(void);
--void paging_init(void);
-+extern void paging_init(void);
-+void setup_identity_mappings(pgd_t *pgd_base, unsigned long start, unsigned long end);
-+ * ZERO_PAGE is a global shared page that is always zero: used
-+ * for zero-mapped memory areas etc..
-+ */
-+extern unsigned long empty_zero_page[1024];
-+#define ZERO_PAGE(vaddr) (virt_to_page(empty_zero_page))
- /*
- * The Linux x86 paging architecture is 'compile-time dual-mode', it
- * implements both the traditional 2-level x86 page tables and the
- * newer 3-level PAE-mode page tables.
- */
-+extern void set_system_gate(unsigned int n, void *addr);
-+extern void init_entry_mappings(void);
-+extern void entry_trampoline_setup(void);
- #ifdef CONFIG_X86_PAE
- # include <asm/pgtable-3level-defs.h>
- #else
-@@ -59,7 +62,12 @@ void paging_init(void);
- #define PGDIR_MASK (~(PGDIR_SIZE-1))
-+#if defined(CONFIG_X86_PAE) && defined(CONFIG_X86_4G_VM_LAYOUT)
-+# define USER_PTRS_PER_PGD 4
- #define FIRST_USER_PGD_NR 0
-@@ -274,6 +282,7 @@ static inline void ptep_mkdirty(pte_t *p
- #define mk_pte(page, pgprot) pfn_pte(page_to_pfn(page), (pgprot))
- #define mk_pte_huge(entry) ((entry).pte_low |= _PAGE_PRESENT | _PAGE_PSE)
-+#define mk_pte_phys(physpage, pgprot) pfn_pte((physpage) >> PAGE_SHIFT, pgprot)
- static inline pte_t pte_modify(pte_t pte, pgprot_t newprot)
- {
-@@ -421,4 +430,11 @@ extern pte_t *lookup_address(unsigned lo
- #define __HAVE_ARCH_PTE_SAME
- #include <asm-generic/pgtable.h>
-+ * The size of the low 1:1 mappings we use during bootup,
-+ * SMP-boot and ACPI-sleep:
-+ */
-+#define LOW_MAPPINGS_SIZE (16*1024*1024)
- #endif /* _I386_PGTABLE_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -84,8 +84,6 @@ struct cpuinfo_x86 {
- extern struct cpuinfo_x86 boot_cpu_data;
- extern struct cpuinfo_x86 new_cpu_data;
--extern struct tss_struct init_tss[NR_CPUS];
--extern struct tss_struct doublefault_tss;
- #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
- extern struct cpuinfo_x86 cpu_data[];
-@@ -286,11 +284,6 @@ extern unsigned int machine_submodel_id;
- extern unsigned int BIOS_revision;
- extern unsigned int mca_pentium_flag;
-- * User space process size: 3GB (default).
-- */
- /* This decides where the kernel will search for a free chunk of vm
- * space during mmap's.
- */
-@@ -302,7 +295,6 @@ extern unsigned int mca_pentium_flag;
- #define IO_BITMAP_BITS 65536
- #define IO_BITMAP_LONGS (IO_BITMAP_BYTES/sizeof(long))
--#define IO_BITMAP_OFFSET offsetof(struct tss_struct,io_bitmap)
- struct i387_fsave_struct {
-@@ -400,6 +392,11 @@ struct tss_struct {
-+#define IO_BITMAP_OFFSET offsetof(struct tss_struct,io_bitmap)
-+extern struct tss_struct init_tss[NR_CPUS];
-+extern struct tss_struct doublefault_tss;
- struct thread_struct {
- /* cached TLS descriptors. */
- struct desc_struct tls_array[GDT_ENTRY_TLS_ENTRIES];
-@@ -446,7 +443,8 @@ struct thread_struct {
- .io_bitmap = { [ 0 ... IO_BITMAP_LONGS] = ~0 }, \
- }
--static inline void load_esp0(struct tss_struct *tss, struct thread_struct *thread)
-+static inline void
-+load_esp0(struct tss_struct *tss, struct thread_struct *thread)
- {
- tss->esp0 = thread->esp0;
- /* This can only happen when SEP is enabled, no need to test "SEP"arately */
-@@ -482,6 +480,23 @@ extern void prepare_to_copy(struct task_
- */
- extern int kernel_thread(int (*fn)(void *), void * arg, unsigned long flags);
-+#define virtual_esp0(tsk) \
-+ ((unsigned long)(tsk)->thread_info->virtual_stack + ((tsk)->thread.esp0 - (unsigned long)(tsk)->thread_info->real_stack))
-+# define virtual_esp0(tsk) ((tsk)->thread.esp0)
-+#define load_virtual_esp0(tss, task) \
-+ do { \
-+ tss->esp0 = virtual_esp0(task); \
-+ if (likely(cpu_has_sep) && unlikely(tss->ss1 != task->thread.sysenter_cs)) { \
-+ tss->ss1 = task->thread.sysenter_cs; \
-+ wrmsr(MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_CS, \
-+ task->thread.sysenter_cs, 0); \
-+ } \
-+ } while (0)
- extern unsigned long thread_saved_pc(struct task_struct *tsk);
- void show_trace(struct task_struct *task, unsigned long *stack);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:29.000000000 +0400
-@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ extern unsigned char boot_params[PARAM_S
- #define KERNEL_START (*(unsigned long *) (PARAM+0x214))
- #define INITRD_START (*(unsigned long *) (PARAM+0x218))
- #define INITRD_SIZE (*(unsigned long *) (PARAM+0x21c))
--#define EDID_INFO (*(struct edid_info *) (PARAM+0x440))
-+#define EDID_INFO (*(struct edid_info *) (PARAM+0x140))
- #define EDD_NR (*(unsigned char *) (PARAM+EDDNR))
- #define EDD_MBR_SIG_NR (*(unsigned char *) (PARAM+EDD_MBR_SIG_NR_BUF))
- #define EDD_MBR_SIGNATURE ((unsigned int *) (PARAM+EDD_MBR_SIG_BUF))
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -60,6 +60,29 @@ __asm__ __volatile__(
- return dest;
- }
-+ * This is a more generic variant of strncpy_count() suitable for
-+ * implementing string-access routines with all sorts of return
-+ * code semantics. It's used by mm/usercopy.c.
-+ */
-+static inline size_t strncpy_count(char * dest,const char *src,size_t count)
-+ __asm__ __volatile__(
-+ "1:\tdecl %0\n\t"
-+ "js 2f\n\t"
-+ "lodsb\n\t"
-+ "stosb\n\t"
-+ "testb %%al,%%al\n\t"
-+ "jne 1b\n\t"
-+ "2:"
-+ "incl %0"
-+ : "=c" (count)
-+ :"S" (src),"D" (dest),"0" (count) : "memory");
-+ return count;
- #define __HAVE_ARCH_STRCAT
- static inline char * strcat(char * dest,const char * src)
- {
-@@ -117,7 +140,8 @@ __asm__ __volatile__(
- "orb $1,%%al\n"
- "3:"
- :"=a" (__res), "=&S" (d0), "=&D" (d1)
-- :"1" (cs),"2" (ct));
-+ :"1" (cs),"2" (ct)
-+ :"memory");
- return __res;
- }
-@@ -139,8 +163,9 @@ __asm__ __volatile__(
- "3:\tsbbl %%eax,%%eax\n\t"
- "orb $1,%%al\n"
- "4:"
-- :"=a" (__res), "=&S" (d0), "=&D" (d1), "=&c" (d2)
-- :"1" (cs),"2" (ct),"3" (count));
-+ :"=a" (__res), "=&S" (d0), "=&D" (d1), "=&c" (d2)
-+ :"1" (cs),"2" (ct),"3" (count)
-+ :"memory");
- return __res;
- }
-@@ -159,7 +184,9 @@ __asm__ __volatile__(
- "movl $1,%1\n"
- "2:\tmovl %1,%0\n\t"
- "decl %0"
-- :"=a" (__res), "=&S" (d0) : "1" (s),"0" (c));
-+ :"=a" (__res), "=&S" (d0)
-+ :"1" (s),"0" (c)
-+ :"memory");
- return __res;
- }
-@@ -176,7 +203,9 @@ __asm__ __volatile__(
- "leal -1(%%esi),%0\n"
- "2:\ttestb %%al,%%al\n\t"
- "jne 1b"
-- :"=g" (__res), "=&S" (d0), "=&a" (d1) :"0" (0),"1" (s),"2" (c));
-+ :"=g" (__res), "=&S" (d0), "=&a" (d1)
-+ :"0" (0),"1" (s),"2" (c)
-+ :"memory");
- return __res;
- }
-@@ -192,7 +221,9 @@ __asm__ __volatile__(
- "scasb\n\t"
- "notl %0\n\t"
- "decl %0"
-- :"=c" (__res), "=&D" (d0) :"1" (s),"a" (0), "0" (0xffffffffu));
-+ :"=c" (__res), "=&D" (d0)
-+ :"1" (s),"a" (0), "0" (0xffffffffu)
-+ :"memory");
- return __res;
- }
-@@ -303,7 +334,9 @@ __asm__ __volatile__(
- "je 1f\n\t"
- "movl $1,%0\n"
- "1:\tdecl %0"
-- :"=D" (__res), "=&c" (d0) : "a" (c),"0" (cs),"1" (count));
-+ :"=D" (__res), "=&c" (d0)
-+ :"a" (c),"0" (cs),"1" (count)
-+ :"memory");
- return __res;
- }
-@@ -339,7 +372,7 @@ __asm__ __volatile__(
- "je 2f\n\t"
- "stosb\n"
- "2:"
-- : "=&c" (d0), "=&D" (d1)
-+ :"=&c" (d0), "=&D" (d1)
- :"a" (c), "q" (count), "0" (count/4), "1" ((long) s)
- :"memory");
- return (s);
-@@ -362,7 +395,8 @@ __asm__ __volatile__(
- "jne 1b\n"
- "3:\tsubl %2,%0"
- :"=a" (__res), "=&d" (d0)
-- :"c" (s),"1" (count));
-+ :"c" (s),"1" (count)
-+ :"memory");
- return __res;
- }
- /* end of additional stuff */
-@@ -443,7 +477,8 @@ static inline void * memscan(void * addr
- "dec %%edi\n"
- "1:"
- : "=D" (addr), "=c" (size)
-- : "0" (addr), "1" (size), "a" (c));
-+ : "0" (addr), "1" (size), "a" (c)
-+ : "memory");
- return addr;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -16,6 +16,15 @@
- #include <asm/processor.h>
- #endif
-+#define PREEMPT_ACTIVE 0x4000000
-+#define THREAD_SIZE (4096)
-+#define THREAD_SIZE (8192)
- /*
- * low level task data that entry.S needs immediate access to
- * - this struct should fit entirely inside of one cache line
-@@ -37,6 +46,8 @@ struct thread_info {
- 0-0xBFFFFFFF for user-thead
- 0-0xFFFFFFFF for kernel-thread
- */
-+ void *real_stack, *virtual_stack, *user_pgd;
-+ void *stack_page[STACK_PAGE_COUNT];
- struct restart_block restart_block;
- unsigned long previous_esp; /* ESP of the previous stack in case
-@@ -51,14 +62,6 @@ struct thread_info {
- #endif
--#define PREEMPT_ACTIVE 0x4000000
--#define THREAD_SIZE (4096)
--#define THREAD_SIZE (8192)
- /*
- * macros/functions for gaining access to the thread information structure
- *
-@@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ struct thread_info {
- */
- #ifndef __ASSEMBLY__
--#define INIT_THREAD_INFO(tsk) \
-+#define INIT_THREAD_INFO(tsk, thread_info) \
- { \
- .task = &tsk, \
- .exec_domain = &default_exec_domain, \
-@@ -77,6 +80,7 @@ struct thread_info {
- .restart_block = { \
- .fn = do_no_restart_syscall, \
- }, \
-+ .real_stack = &thread_info, \
- }
- #define init_thread_info (init_thread_union.thread_info)
-@@ -105,13 +109,13 @@ static inline unsigned long current_stac
- ({ \
- struct thread_info *ret; \
- \
-- ret = kmalloc(THREAD_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL); \
-+ ret = kmalloc(THREAD_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL_UBC); \
- if (ret) \
- memset(ret, 0, THREAD_SIZE); \
- ret; \
- })
- #else
--#define alloc_thread_info(tsk) kmalloc(THREAD_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL)
-+#define alloc_thread_info(tsk) kmalloc(THREAD_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL_UBC)
- #endif
- #define free_thread_info(info) kfree(info)
-@@ -143,8 +147,10 @@ static inline unsigned long current_stac
- #define TIF_NEED_RESCHED 3 /* rescheduling necessary */
- #define TIF_SINGLESTEP 4 /* restore singlestep on return to user mode */
- #define TIF_IRET 5 /* return with iret */
-+#define TIF_DB7 6 /* has debug registers */
- #define TIF_SYSCALL_AUDIT 7 /* syscall auditing active */
- #define TIF_POLLING_NRFLAG 16 /* true if poll_idle() is polling TIF_NEED_RESCHED */
-+#define TIF_FREEZE 17 /* Freeze request, atomic version of PF_FREEZE */
-@@ -153,6 +159,7 @@ static inline unsigned long current_stac
- #define _TIF_IRET (1<<TIF_IRET)
-+#define _TIF_DB7 (1<<TIF_DB7)
- /* work to do on interrupt/exception return */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ extern cycles_t cacheflush_time;
- static inline cycles_t get_cycles (void)
- {
- #ifndef CONFIG_X86_TSC
-- return 0;
-+#error "CONFIG_X86_TCS is not set!"
- #else
- unsigned long long ret;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -85,22 +85,28 @@ extern unsigned long pgkern_mask;
- static inline void flush_tlb_mm(struct mm_struct *mm)
- {
- if (mm == current->active_mm)
- __flush_tlb();
- }
- static inline void flush_tlb_page(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
- unsigned long addr)
- {
- if (vma->vm_mm == current->active_mm)
- __flush_tlb_one(addr);
- }
- static inline void flush_tlb_range(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
- unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
- {
- if (vma->vm_mm == current->active_mm)
- __flush_tlb();
- }
- #else
-@@ -111,11 +117,10 @@ static inline void flush_tlb_range(struc
- __flush_tlb()
- extern void flush_tlb_all(void);
--extern void flush_tlb_current_task(void);
- extern void flush_tlb_mm(struct mm_struct *);
- extern void flush_tlb_page(struct vm_area_struct *, unsigned long);
--#define flush_tlb() flush_tlb_current_task()
-+#define flush_tlb() flush_tlb_all()
- static inline void flush_tlb_range(struct vm_area_struct * vma, unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
- {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
- #define get_ds() (KERNEL_DS)
- #define get_fs() (current_thread_info()->addr_limit)
-@@ -150,6 +150,55 @@ extern void __get_user_4(void);
- :"=a" (ret),"=d" (x) \
- :"0" (ptr))
-+extern int get_user_size(unsigned int size, void *val, const void *ptr);
-+extern int put_user_size(unsigned int size, const void *val, void *ptr);
-+extern int zero_user_size(unsigned int size, void *ptr);
-+extern int copy_str_fromuser_size(unsigned int size, void *val, const void *ptr);
-+extern int strlen_fromuser_size(unsigned int size, const void *ptr);
-+ * GCC 2.96 has stupid bug which forces us to use volatile or barrier below.
-+ * without volatile or barrier compiler generates ABSOLUTELY wrong code which
-+ * igonores XXX_size function return code, but generates EFAULT :)))
-+ * the bug was found in sys_utime()
-+ */
-+# define indirect_get_user(x,ptr) \
-+({ int __ret_gu,__val_gu; \
-+ __typeof__(ptr) __ptr_gu = (ptr); \
-+ __ret_gu = get_user_size(sizeof(*__ptr_gu), &__val_gu,__ptr_gu) ? -EFAULT : 0;\
-+ barrier(); \
-+ (x) = (__typeof__(*__ptr_gu))__val_gu; \
-+ __ret_gu; \
-+#define indirect_put_user(x,ptr) \
-+({ \
-+ int __ret_pu; \
-+ __typeof__(*(ptr)) *__ptr_pu = (ptr), __x_pu = (x); \
-+ __ret_pu = put_user_size(sizeof(*__ptr_pu), \
-+ &__x_pu, __ptr_pu) ? -EFAULT : 0; \
-+ barrier(); \
-+ __ret_pu; \
-+#define __indirect_put_user indirect_put_user
-+#define __indirect_get_user indirect_get_user
-+#define indirect_copy_from_user(to,from,n) get_user_size(n,to,from)
-+#define indirect_copy_to_user(to,from,n) put_user_size(n,from,to)
-+#define __indirect_copy_from_user indirect_copy_from_user
-+#define __indirect_copy_to_user indirect_copy_to_user
-+#define indirect_strncpy_from_user(dst, src, count) \
-+ copy_str_fromuser_size(count, dst, src)
-+extern int strlen_fromuser_size(unsigned int size, const void *ptr);
-+#define indirect_strnlen_user(str, n) strlen_fromuser_size(n, str)
-+#define indirect_strlen_user(str) indirect_strnlen_user(str, ~0UL >> 1)
-+extern int zero_user_size(unsigned int size, void *ptr);
-+#define indirect_clear_user(mem, len) zero_user_size(len, mem)
-+#define __indirect_clear_user clear_user
- /* Careful: we have to cast the result to the type of the pointer for sign reasons */
- /**
-@@ -169,7 +218,7 @@ extern void __get_user_4(void);
- * Returns zero on success, or -EFAULT on error.
- * On error, the variable @x is set to zero.
- */
--#define get_user(x,ptr) \
-+#define direct_get_user(x,ptr) \
- ({ int __ret_gu,__val_gu; \
- __chk_user_ptr(ptr); \
- switch(sizeof (*(ptr))) { \
-@@ -200,7 +249,7 @@ extern void __put_user_bad(void);
- *
- * Returns zero on success, or -EFAULT on error.
- */
--#define put_user(x,ptr) \
-+#define direct_put_user(x,ptr) \
- __put_user_check((__typeof__(*(ptr)))(x),(ptr),sizeof(*(ptr)))
-@@ -224,7 +273,7 @@ extern void __put_user_bad(void);
- * Returns zero on success, or -EFAULT on error.
- * On error, the variable @x is set to zero.
- */
--#define __get_user(x,ptr) \
-+#define __direct_get_user(x,ptr) \
- __get_user_nocheck((x),(ptr),sizeof(*(ptr)))
-@@ -247,7 +296,7 @@ extern void __put_user_bad(void);
- *
- * Returns zero on success, or -EFAULT on error.
- */
--#define __put_user(x,ptr) \
-+#define __direct_put_user(x,ptr) \
- __put_user_nocheck((__typeof__(*(ptr)))(x),(ptr),sizeof(*(ptr)))
- #define __put_user_nocheck(x,ptr,size) \
-@@ -400,7 +449,7 @@ unsigned long __copy_from_user_ll(void *
- * On success, this will be zero.
- */
- static inline unsigned long
--__copy_to_user(void __user *to, const void *from, unsigned long n)
-+__direct_copy_to_user(void __user *to, const void *from, unsigned long n)
- {
- if (__builtin_constant_p(n)) {
- unsigned long ret;
-@@ -438,7 +487,7 @@ __copy_to_user(void __user *to, const vo
- * data to the requested size using zero bytes.
- */
- static inline unsigned long
--__copy_from_user(void *to, const void __user *from, unsigned long n)
-+__direct_copy_from_user(void *to, const void __user *from, unsigned long n)
- {
- if (__builtin_constant_p(n)) {
- unsigned long ret;
-@@ -458,9 +507,55 @@ __copy_from_user(void *to, const void __
- return __copy_from_user_ll(to, from, n);
- }
--unsigned long copy_to_user(void __user *to, const void *from, unsigned long n);
--unsigned long copy_from_user(void *to,
-- const void __user *from, unsigned long n);
-+ * copy_to_user: - Copy a block of data into user space.
-+ * @to: Destination address, in user space.
-+ * @from: Source address, in kernel space.
-+ * @n: Number of bytes to copy.
-+ *
-+ * Context: User context only. This function may sleep.
-+ *
-+ * Copy data from kernel space to user space.
-+ *
-+ * Returns number of bytes that could not be copied.
-+ * On success, this will be zero.
-+ */
-+static inline unsigned long
-+direct_copy_to_user(void __user *to, const void *from, unsigned long n)
-+ might_sleep();
-+ if (access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, to, n))
-+ n = __direct_copy_to_user(to, from, n);
-+ return n;
-+ * copy_from_user: - Copy a block of data from user space.
-+ * @to: Destination address, in kernel space.
-+ * @from: Source address, in user space.
-+ * @n: Number of bytes to copy.
-+ *
-+ * Context: User context only. This function may sleep.
-+ *
-+ * Copy data from user space to kernel space.
-+ *
-+ * Returns number of bytes that could not be copied.
-+ * On success, this will be zero.
-+ *
-+ * If some data could not be copied, this function will pad the copied
-+ * data to the requested size using zero bytes.
-+ */
-+static inline unsigned long
-+direct_copy_from_user(void *to, const void __user *from, unsigned long n)
-+ might_sleep();
-+ if (access_ok(VERIFY_READ, from, n))
-+ n = __direct_copy_from_user(to, from, n);
-+ else
-+ memset(to, 0, n);
-+ return n;
- long strncpy_from_user(char *dst, const char __user *src, long count);
- long __strncpy_from_user(char *dst, const char __user *src, long count);
-@@ -478,10 +573,68 @@ long __strncpy_from_user(char *dst, cons
- * If there is a limit on the length of a valid string, you may wish to
- * consider using strnlen_user() instead.
- */
--#define strlen_user(str) strnlen_user(str, ~0UL >> 1)
--long strnlen_user(const char __user *str, long n);
--unsigned long clear_user(void __user *mem, unsigned long len);
--unsigned long __clear_user(void __user *mem, unsigned long len);
-+long direct_strncpy_from_user(char *dst, const char *src, long count);
-+long __direct_strncpy_from_user(char *dst, const char *src, long count);
-+#define direct_strlen_user(str) direct_strnlen_user(str, ~0UL >> 1)
-+long direct_strnlen_user(const char *str, long n);
-+unsigned long direct_clear_user(void *mem, unsigned long len);
-+unsigned long __direct_clear_user(void *mem, unsigned long len);
-+extern int indirect_uaccess;
-+ * Return code and zeroing semantics:
-+ __clear_user 0 <-> bytes not done
-+ clear_user 0 <-> bytes not done
-+ __copy_to_user 0 <-> bytes not done
-+ copy_to_user 0 <-> bytes not done
-+ __copy_from_user 0 <-> bytes not done, zero rest
-+ copy_from_user 0 <-> bytes not done, zero rest
-+ __get_user 0 <-> -EFAULT
-+ get_user 0 <-> -EFAULT
-+ __put_user 0 <-> -EFAULT
-+ put_user 0 <-> -EFAULT
-+ strlen_user strlen + 1 <-> 0
-+ strnlen_user strlen + 1 (or n+1) <-> 0
-+ strncpy_from_user strlen (or n) <-> -EFAULT
-+ */
-+#define __clear_user(mem,len) __indirect_clear_user(mem,len)
-+#define clear_user(mem,len) indirect_clear_user(mem,len)
-+#define __copy_to_user(to,from,n) __indirect_copy_to_user(to,from,n)
-+#define copy_to_user(to,from,n) indirect_copy_to_user(to,from,n)
-+#define __copy_from_user(to,from,n) __indirect_copy_from_user(to,from,n)
-+#define copy_from_user(to,from,n) indirect_copy_from_user(to,from,n)
-+#define __get_user(val,ptr) __indirect_get_user(val,ptr)
-+#define get_user(val,ptr) indirect_get_user(val,ptr)
-+#define __put_user(val,ptr) __indirect_put_user(val,ptr)
-+#define put_user(val,ptr) indirect_put_user(val,ptr)
-+#define strlen_user(str) indirect_strlen_user(str)
-+#define strnlen_user(src,count) indirect_strnlen_user(src,count)
-+#define strncpy_from_user(dst,src,count) \
-+ indirect_strncpy_from_user(dst,src,count)
-+#define __clear_user __direct_clear_user
-+#define clear_user direct_clear_user
-+#define __copy_to_user __direct_copy_to_user
-+#define copy_to_user direct_copy_to_user
-+#define __copy_from_user __direct_copy_from_user
-+#define copy_from_user direct_copy_from_user
-+#define __get_user __direct_get_user
-+#define get_user direct_get_user
-+#define __put_user __direct_put_user
-+#define put_user direct_put_user
-+#define strlen_user direct_strlen_user
-+#define strnlen_user direct_strnlen_user
-+#define strncpy_from_user direct_strncpy_from_user
- #endif /* __i386_UACCESS_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -289,8 +289,18 @@
- #define __NR_mq_notify (__NR_mq_open+4)
- #define __NR_mq_getsetattr (__NR_mq_open+5)
- #define __NR_sys_kexec_load 283
--#define NR_syscalls 284
-+#define __NR_fairsched_mknod 500 /* FairScheduler syscalls */
-+#define __NR_fairsched_rmnod 501
-+#define __NR_fairsched_chwt 502
-+#define __NR_fairsched_mvpr 503
-+#define __NR_fairsched_rate 504
-+#define __NR_getluid 510
-+#define __NR_setluid 511
-+#define __NR_setublimit 512
-+#define __NR_ubstat 513
-+#define __NR_lchmod 516
-+#define __NR_lutime 517
-+#define NR_syscalls 517
- /* user-visible error numbers are in the range -1 - -124: see <asm-i386/errno.h> */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:37.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
- #include <asm/machvec.h>
-+#include <asm/io.h>
- extern ia64_mv_send_ipi_t ia64_send_ipi;
- extern ia64_mv_global_tlb_purge_t ia64_global_tlb_purge;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
- #define MAP_NORESERVE 0x04000 /* don't check for reservations */
- #define MAP_POPULATE 0x08000 /* populate (prefault) pagetables */
- #define MAP_NONBLOCK 0x10000 /* do not block on IO */
-+#define MAP_EXECPRIO 0x80000 /* map from exec - try not to fail */
- #define MS_ASYNC 1 /* sync memory asynchronously */
- #define MS_INVALIDATE 2 /* invalidate the caches */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:30.000000000 +0400
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- * This hopefully works with any (fixed) IA-64 page-size, as defined
- * in <asm/page.h> (currently 8192).
- *
-- * Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Hewlett-Packard Co
-+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Hewlett-Packard Co
- * David Mosberger-Tang <>
- */
-@@ -420,6 +420,8 @@ pte_same (pte_t a, pte_t b)
- return pte_val(a) == pte_val(b);
- }
-+#define update_mmu_cache(vma, address, pte) do { } while (0)
- extern pgd_t swapper_pg_dir[PTRS_PER_PGD];
- extern void paging_init (void);
-@@ -479,7 +481,7 @@ extern void hugetlb_free_pgtables(struct
- * information. However, we use this routine to take care of any (delayed) i-cache
- * flushing that may be necessary.
- */
--extern void update_mmu_cache (struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long vaddr, pte_t pte);
-+extern void lazy_mmu_prot_update (pte_t pte);
- /*
-@@ -549,7 +551,11 @@ do { \
- /* These tell get_user_pages() that the first gate page is accessible from user-level. */
-@@ -558,6 +564,7 @@ do { \
- #define __HAVE_ARCH_PTE_SAME
- #include <asm-generic/pgtable.h>
- #endif /* _ASM_IA64_PGTABLE_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ struct thread_struct {
- regs->loadrs = 0; \
- regs->r8 = current->mm->dumpable; /* set "don't zap registers" flag */ \
- regs->r12 = new_sp - 16; /* allocate 16 byte scratch area */ \
-- if (unlikely(!current->mm->dumpable)) { \
-+ if (unlikely(!current->mm->dumpable || !current->mm->vps_dumpable)) { \
- /* \
- * Zap scratch regs to avoid leaking bits between processes with different \
- * uid/privileges. \
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:30.000000000 +0400
-@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- #define _ASM_IA64_PTRACE_H
- /*
-- * Copyright (C) 1998-2003 Hewlett-Packard Co
-+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Hewlett-Packard Co
- * David Mosberger-Tang <>
- * Stephane Eranian <>
- * Copyright (C) 2003 Intel Co
-@@ -110,7 +110,11 @@ struct pt_regs {
- unsigned long cr_ipsr; /* interrupted task's psr */
- unsigned long cr_iip; /* interrupted task's instruction pointer */
-- unsigned long cr_ifs; /* interrupted task's function state */
-+ /*
-+ * interrupted task's function state; if bit 63 is cleared, it
-+ * contains syscall's ar.pfs.pfm:
-+ */
-+ unsigned long cr_ifs;
- unsigned long ar_unat; /* interrupted task's NaT register (preserved) */
- unsigned long ar_pfs; /* prev function state */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ do { \
- spin_lock(&(next)->switch_lock); \
- spin_unlock(&(rq)->lock); \
- } while (0)
--#define finish_arch_switch(rq, prev) spin_unlock_irq(&(prev)->switch_lock)
-+#define finish_arch_switch(rq, prev) spin_unlock(&(prev)->switch_lock)
- #define task_running(rq, p) ((rq)->curr == (p) || spin_is_locked(&(p)->switch_lock))
- #define ia64_platform_is(x) (strcmp(x, platform_name) == 0)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ struct thread_info {
- #define TIF_SYSCALL_TRACE 3 /* syscall trace active */
- #define TIF_SYSCALL_AUDIT 4 /* syscall auditing active */
- #define TIF_POLLING_NRFLAG 16 /* true if poll_idle() is polling TIF_NEED_RESCHED */
-+#define TIF_FREEZE 17 /* Freeze request, atomic version of PF_FREEZE */
- #define TIF_WORK_MASK 0x7 /* like TIF_ALLWORK_BITS but sans TIF_SYSCALL_TRACE */
- #define TIF_ALLWORK_MASK 0x1f /* bits 0..4 are "work to do on user-return" bits */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -10,11 +10,14 @@
- * Also removed cacheflush_time as it's entirely unused.
- */
--#include <asm/intrinsics.h>
--#include <asm/processor.h>
-+extern unsigned int cpu_khz;
- typedef unsigned long cycles_t;
-+#ifdef __KERNEL__
-+#include <asm/intrinsics.h>
-+#include <asm/processor.h>
- /*
- * For performance reasons, we don't want to define CLOCK_TICK_TRATE as
- * local_cpu_data->itc_rate. Fortunately, we don't have to, either: according to George
-@@ -37,4 +40,5 @@ get_cycles (void)
- return ret;
- }
-+#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
- #endif /* _ASM_IA64_TIMEX_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -259,12 +259,23 @@
- #define __NR_mq_getsetattr 1267
- #define __NR_kexec_load 1268
- #define __NR_vserver 1269
-+#define __NR_fairsched_mknod 1500
-+#define __NR_fairsched_rmnod 1501
-+#define __NR_fairsched_chwt 1502
-+#define __NR_fairsched_mvpr 1503
-+#define __NR_fairsched_rate 1504
-+#define __NR_getluid 1505
-+#define __NR_setluid 1506
-+#define __NR_setublimit 1507
-+#define __NR_ubstat 1508
-+#define __NR_lchmod 1509
-+#define __NR_lutime 1510
- #ifdef __KERNEL__
- #include <linux/config.h>
--#define NR_syscalls 256 /* length of syscall table */
-+#define NR_syscalls (__NR_lutime - __NR_ni_syscall + 1) /* length of syscall table */
-@@ -369,7 +380,7 @@ asmlinkage unsigned long sys_mmap2(
- int fd, long pgoff);
- struct pt_regs;
- struct sigaction;
--asmlinkage long sys_execve(char *filename, char **argv, char **envp,
-+long sys_execve(char *filename, char **argv, char **envp,
- struct pt_regs *regs);
- asmlinkage long sys_pipe(long arg0, long arg1, long arg2, long arg3,
- long arg4, long arg5, long arg6, long arg7, long stack);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:20.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ do { \
- spin_lock(&(next)->switch_lock); \
- spin_unlock(&(rq)->lock); \
- } while (0)
--#define finish_arch_switch(rq, prev) spin_unlock_irq(&(prev)->switch_lock)
-+#define finish_arch_switch(rq, prev) spin_unlock(&(prev)->switch_lock)
- #define task_running(rq, p) ((rq)->curr == (p) || spin_is_locked(&(p)->switch_lock))
- #endif /* _ASM_SYSTEM_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ static inline void restore_access_regs(u
- #define task_running(rq, p) ((rq)->curr == (p))
- #define finish_arch_switch(rq, prev) do { \
- set_fs(current->thread.mm_segment); \
-- spin_unlock_irq(&(rq)->lock); \
-+ spin_unlock(&(rq)->lock); \
- } while (0)
- #define nop() __asm__ __volatile__ ("nop")
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ extern void fpsave(unsigned long *fpregs
- "save %sp, -0x40, %sp\n\t" \
- "restore; restore; restore; restore; restore; restore; restore"); \
- } while(0)
--#define finish_arch_switch(rq, next) spin_unlock_irq(&(rq)->lock)
-+#define finish_arch_switch(rq, next) spin_unlock(&(rq)->lock)
- #define task_running(rq, p) ((rq)->curr == (p))
- /* Much care has gone into this code, do not touch it.
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ do { spin_lock(&(next)->switch_lock); \
- } while (0)
- #define finish_arch_switch(rq, prev) \
--do { spin_unlock_irq(&(prev)->switch_lock); \
-+do { spin_unlock(&(prev)->switch_lock); \
- } while (0)
- #define task_running(rq, p) \
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:20.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:29.000000000 +0400
-@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ struct exec
- #ifdef __KERNEL__
- #include <linux/thread_info.h>
--#define STACK_TOP (test_thread_flag(TIF_IA32) ? IA32_PAGE_OFFSET : TASK_SIZE)
- #endif
- #endif /* __A_OUT_GNU_H__ */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:30.000000000 +0400
-@@ -25,5 +25,6 @@
- void global_flush_tlb(void);
- int change_page_attr(struct page *page, int numpages, pgprot_t prot);
-+int change_page_attr_addr(unsigned long addr, int numpages, pgprot_t prot);
- #endif /* _X8664_CACHEFLUSH_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:33.000000000 +0400
-@@ -143,22 +143,6 @@
- RESTORE_ARGS 0,\addskip
- .endm
-- /* push in order ss, rsp, eflags, cs, rip */
-- .macro FAKE_STACK_FRAME child_rip
-- xorl %eax,%eax
-- subq $6*8,%rsp
-- movq %rax,5*8(%rsp) /* ss */
-- movq %rax,4*8(%rsp) /* rsp */
-- movq $(1<<9),3*8(%rsp) /* eflags */
-- movq $__KERNEL_CS,2*8(%rsp) /* cs */
-- movq \child_rip,1*8(%rsp) /* rip */
-- movq %rax,(%rsp) /* orig_rax */
-- .endm
-- addq $8*6, %rsp
-- .endm
- .macro icebp
- .byte 0xf1
- .endm
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:29.000000000 +0400
-@@ -128,13 +128,13 @@ static inline void set_tss_desc(unsigned
- {
- set_tssldt_descriptor(&cpu_gdt_table[cpu][GDT_ENTRY_TSS], (unsigned long)addr,
-- sizeof(struct tss_struct));
-+ sizeof(struct tss_struct) - 1);
- }
- static inline void set_ldt_desc(unsigned cpu, void *addr, int size)
- {
- set_tssldt_descriptor(&cpu_gdt_table[cpu][GDT_ENTRY_LDT], (unsigned long)addr,
-- DESC_LDT, size * 8);
-+ DESC_LDT, size * 8 - 1);
- }
- static inline void set_seg_base(unsigned cpu, int entry, void *base)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:29.000000000 +0400
-@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ static inline void x86_do_profile (struc
- atomic_inc((atomic_t *)&prof_buffer[rip]);
- }
--#if defined(CONFIG_X86_IO_APIC) && defined(CONFIG_SMP)
-+#if defined(CONFIG_X86_IO_APIC)
- static inline void hw_resend_irq(struct hw_interrupt_type *h, unsigned int i) {
- if (IO_APIC_IRQ(i))
- send_IPI_self(IO_APIC_VECTOR(i));
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:13.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:27.000000000 +0400
-@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ typedef union sigval32 {
- unsigned int sival_ptr;
- } sigval_t32;
--typedef struct siginfo32 {
-+typedef struct compat_siginfo {
- int si_signo;
- int si_errno;
- int si_code;
-@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ typedef struct siginfo32 {
- int _fd;
- } _sigpoll;
- } _sifields;
--} siginfo_t32;
-+} compat_siginfo_t;
- struct sigframe32
- {
-@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ struct rt_sigframe32
- int sig;
- u32 pinfo;
- u32 puc;
-- struct siginfo32 info;
-+ struct compat_siginfo info;
- struct ucontext_ia32 uc;
- struct _fpstate_ia32 fpstate;
- };
-@@ -171,8 +171,6 @@ struct siginfo_t;
- int do_get_thread_area(struct thread_struct *t, struct user_desc __user *info);
- int do_set_thread_area(struct thread_struct *t, struct user_desc __user *info);
- int ia32_child_tls(struct task_struct *p, struct pt_regs *childregs);
--int ia32_copy_siginfo_from_user(siginfo_t *to, siginfo_t32 __user *from);
--int ia32_copy_siginfo_to_user(siginfo_t32 __user *to, siginfo_t *from);
- #endif
- #endif /* !CONFIG_IA32_SUPPORT */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:28.000000000 +0400
-@@ -57,4 +57,6 @@ struct irqaction;
- struct pt_regs;
- int handle_IRQ_event(unsigned int, struct pt_regs *, struct irqaction *);
-+extern int no_irq_affinity;
- #endif /* _ASM_IRQ_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
- #define MAP_NORESERVE 0x4000 /* don't check for reservations */
- #define MAP_POPULATE 0x8000 /* populate (prefault) pagetables */
- #define MAP_NONBLOCK 0x10000 /* do not block on IO */
-+#define MAP_EXECPRIO 0x80000 /* map from exec - try not to fail */
- #define MS_ASYNC 1 /* sync memory asynchronously */
- #define MS_INVALIDATE 2 /* invalidate the caches */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:28.000000000 +0400
-@@ -208,6 +208,7 @@ extern inline unsigned int cpuid_edx(uns
- #define MSR_K8_TOP_MEM1 0xC001001A
- #define MSR_K8_TOP_MEM2 0xC001001D
- #define MSR_K8_SYSCFG 0xC0000010
-+#define MSR_K8_HWCR 0xC0010015
- /* K6 MSRs */
- #define MSR_K6_EFER 0xC0000080
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -71,8 +71,6 @@ struct mtrr_gentry
- #ifdef __KERNEL__
--extern char *mtrr_strings[MTRR_NUM_TYPES];
- /* The following functions are for use by other drivers */
- # ifdef CONFIG_MTRR
- extern int mtrr_add (unsigned long base, unsigned long size,
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ extern __inline__ void pmd_free(pmd_t *p
- static inline pmd_t *pmd_alloc_one (struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long addr)
- {
-- return (pmd_t *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_KERNEL|__GFP_REPEAT);
-+ return (pmd_t *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_KERNEL_UBC|__GFP_REPEAT);
- }
- static inline pgd_t *pgd_alloc (struct mm_struct *mm)
- {
-- return (pgd_t *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_KERNEL|__GFP_REPEAT);
-+ return (pgd_t *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_KERNEL_UBC|__GFP_REPEAT);
- }
- static inline void pgd_free (pgd_t *pgd)
-@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ static inline pte_t *pte_alloc_one_kerne
- static inline struct page *pte_alloc_one(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long address)
- {
-- void *p = (void *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_KERNEL|__GFP_REPEAT);
-+ void *p = (void *)get_zeroed_page(GFP_KERNEL_UBC|__GFP_REPEAT);
- if (!p)
- return NULL;
- return virt_to_page(p);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:29.000000000 +0400
-@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ extern inline pte_t pte_modify(pte_t pte
- }
- #define pte_index(address) \
-- ((address >> PAGE_SHIFT) & (PTRS_PER_PTE - 1))
-+ (((address) >> PAGE_SHIFT) & (PTRS_PER_PTE - 1))
- #define pte_offset_kernel(dir, address) ((pte_t *) pmd_page_kernel(*(dir)) + \
- pte_index(address))
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ struct cpuinfo_x86 {
- #define X86_VENDOR_UNKNOWN 0xff
- extern struct cpuinfo_x86 boot_cpu_data;
--extern struct tss_struct init_tss[NR_CPUS];
- #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
- extern struct cpuinfo_x86 cpu_data[];
-@@ -166,16 +165,16 @@ static inline void clear_in_cr4 (unsigne
- /*
- * User space process size: 512GB - 1GB (default).
- */
--#define TASK_SIZE (0x0000007fc0000000UL)
-+#define TASK_SIZE64 (0x0000007fc0000000UL)
- /* This decides where the kernel will search for a free chunk of vm
- * space during mmap's.
- */
--#define IA32_PAGE_OFFSET ((current->personality & ADDR_LIMIT_3GB) ? 0xc0000000 : 0xFFFFe000)
-- (test_thread_flag(TIF_IA32) ? TASK_UNMAPPED_32 : TASK_UNMAPPED_64)
-+#define IA32_PAGE_OFFSET 0xc0000000
-+#define TASK_SIZE (test_thread_flag(TIF_IA32) ? IA32_PAGE_OFFSET : TASK_SIZE64)
-+#define TASK_SIZE_OF(child) ((test_tsk_thread_flag(child, TIF_IA32) ? IA32_PAGE_OFFSET : TASK_SIZE64))
- /*
- * Size of io_bitmap.
-@@ -183,7 +182,6 @@ static inline void clear_in_cr4 (unsigne
- #define IO_BITMAP_BITS 65536
- #define IO_BITMAP_LONGS (IO_BITMAP_BYTES/sizeof(long))
--#define IO_BITMAP_OFFSET offsetof(struct tss_struct,io_bitmap)
- struct i387_fxsave_struct {
-@@ -229,6 +227,10 @@ struct tss_struct {
-+#define IO_BITMAP_OFFSET offsetof(struct tss_struct,io_bitmap)
-+extern struct tss_struct init_tss[NR_CPUS];
- struct thread_struct {
- unsigned long rsp0;
- unsigned long rsp;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -3,32 +3,31 @@
- #include <asm/cache.h>
--#define __KERNEL_CS 0x10
--#define __KERNEL_DS 0x18
--#define __KERNEL32_CS 0x38
-+#define __KERNEL_COMPAT32_CS 0x8
-+#define GDT_ENTRY_BOOT_CS 2
-+#define __BOOT_CS (GDT_ENTRY_BOOT_CS * 8)
-+#define GDT_ENTRY_BOOT_DS 3
-+#define __BOOT_DS (GDT_ENTRY_BOOT_DS * 8)
-+#define GDT_ENTRY_TSS 4 /* needs two entries */
- /*
- * we cannot use the same code segment descriptor for user and kernel
- * -- not even in the long flat mode, because of different DPL /kkeil
- * The segment offset needs to contain a RPL. Grr. -AK
- * GDT layout to get 64bit syscall right (sysret hardcodes gdt offsets)
- */
--#define __USER32_CS 0x23 /* 4*8+3 */
--#define __USER_DS 0x2b /* 5*8+3 */
--#define __USER_CS 0x33 /* 6*8+3 */
--#define __USER32_DS __USER_DS
-+#define GDT_ENTRY_TLS_MIN 6
-+#define GDT_ENTRY_TLS_MAX 8
-+#define GDT_ENTRY_KERNELCS16 9
- #define __KERNEL16_CS (GDT_ENTRY_KERNELCS16 * 8)
--#define __KERNEL_COMPAT32_CS 0x8
--#define GDT_ENTRY_TLS 1
--#define GDT_ENTRY_TSS 8 /* needs two entries */
- #define GDT_ENTRY_LDT 10
--#define GDT_ENTRY_TLS_MIN 11
--#define GDT_ENTRY_TLS_MAX 13
--/* 14 free */
--#define GDT_ENTRY_KERNELCS16 15
-+#define __KERNEL32_CS 0x58 /* 11*8 */
-+#define __KERNEL_CS 0x60 /* 12*8 */
-+#define __KERNEL_DS 0x68 /* 13*8 */
-+#define __USER32_CS 0x73 /* 14*8+3 */
-+#define __USER_DS 0x7b /* 15*8+3 */
-+#define __USER32_DS __USER_DS
-+#define __USER_CS 0x83 /* 16*8+3 */
-@@ -40,7 +39,7 @@
- #define FS_TLS_SEL ((GDT_ENTRY_TLS_MIN+FS_TLS)*8 + 3)
- #define IDT_ENTRIES 256
--#define GDT_ENTRIES 16
-+#define GDT_ENTRIES 32
- #define GDT_SIZE (GDT_ENTRIES * 8)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:30.000000000 +0400
-@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
- "thread_return:\n\t" \
- "movq %%gs:%P[pda_pcurrent],%%rsi\n\t" \
- "movq %P[thread_info](%%rsi),%%r8\n\t" \
-- "btr %[tif_fork],%P[ti_flags](%%r8)\n\t" \
-+ LOCK "btr %[tif_fork],%P[ti_flags](%%r8)\n\t" \
- "movq %%rax,%%rdi\n\t" \
- "jc ret_from_fork\n\t" \
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ static inline struct thread_info *stack_
- #define TIF_IA32 17 /* 32bit process */
- #define TIF_FORK 18 /* ret_from_fork */
- #define TIF_ABI_PENDING 19
-+#define TIF_FREEZE 20 /* Freeze request, atomic version of PF_FREEZE */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -554,8 +554,30 @@ __SYSCALL(__NR_mq_notify, sys_mq_notify)
- __SYSCALL(__NR_mq_getsetattr, sys_mq_getsetattr)
- #define __NR_kexec_load 246
- __SYSCALL(__NR_kexec_load, sys_ni_syscall)
-+#define __NR_getluid 500
-+__SYSCALL(__NR_getluid, sys_getluid)
-+#define __NR_setluid 501
-+__SYSCALL(__NR_setluid, sys_setluid)
-+#define __NR_setublimit 502
-+__SYSCALL(__NR_setublimit, sys_setublimit)
-+#define __NR_ubstat 503
-+__SYSCALL(__NR_ubstat, sys_ubstat)
-+#define __NR_fairsched_mknod 504 /* FairScheduler syscalls */
-+__SYSCALL(__NR_fairsched_mknod, sys_fairsched_mknod)
-+#define __NR_fairsched_rmnod 505
-+__SYSCALL(__NR_fairsched_rmnod, sys_fairsched_rmnod)
-+#define __NR_fairsched_chwt 506
-+__SYSCALL(__NR_fairsched_chwt, sys_fairsched_chwt)
-+#define __NR_fairsched_mvpr 507
-+__SYSCALL(__NR_fairsched_mvpr, sys_fairsched_mvpr)
-+#define __NR_fairsched_rate 508
-+__SYSCALL(__NR_fairsched_rate, sys_fairsched_rate)
-+#define __NR_lchmod 509
-+__SYSCALL(__NR_lchmod, sys_lchmod)
-+#define __NR_lutime 510
-+__SYSCALL(__NR_lutime, sys_lutime)
--#define __NR_syscall_max __NR_kexec_load
-+#define __NR_syscall_max __NR_lutime
- #ifndef __NO_STUBS
- /* user-visible error numbers are in the range -1 - -4095 */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:37.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
- #ifndef _ASM_X86_64_VSYSCALL_H_
- #define _ASM_X86_64_VSYSCALL_H_
--#include <linux/seqlock.h>
- enum vsyscall_num {
- __NR_vgettimeofday,
- __NR_vtime,
-@@ -15,13 +13,15 @@ enum vsyscall_num {
- #ifdef __KERNEL__
-+#include <linux/seqlock.h>
- #define __section_vxtime __attribute__ ((unused, __section__ (".vxtime"), aligned(16)))
- #define __section_wall_jiffies __attribute__ ((unused, __section__ (".wall_jiffies"), aligned(16)))
- #define __section_jiffies __attribute__ ((unused, __section__ (".jiffies"), aligned(16)))
- #define __section_sys_tz __attribute__ ((unused, __section__ (".sys_tz"), aligned(16)))
- #define __section_sysctl_vsyscall __attribute__ ((unused, __section__ (".sysctl_vsyscall"), aligned(16)))
- #define __section_xtime __attribute__ ((unused, __section__ (".xtime"), aligned(16)))
--#define __section_xtime_lock __attribute__ ((unused, __section__ (".xtime_lock"), aligned(L1_CACHE_BYTES)))
-+#define __section_xtime_lock __attribute__ ((unused, __section__ (".xtime_lock"), aligned(16)))
- #define VXTIME_TSC 1
- #define VXTIME_HPET 2
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ extern void affs_put_inode(struct ino
- extern void affs_delete_inode(struct inode *inode);
- extern void affs_clear_inode(struct inode *inode);
- extern void affs_read_inode(struct inode *inode);
--extern void affs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int);
-+extern int affs_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int);
- extern int affs_add_entry(struct inode *dir, struct inode *inode, struct dentry *dentry, s32 type);
- /* super.c */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
- #define _LINUX_BINFMTS_H
- #include <linux/capability.h>
-+#include <linux/fs.h>
- struct pt_regs;
-@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ struct linux_binprm{
- int sh_bang;
- struct file * file;
- int e_uid, e_gid;
-+ struct exec_perm perm;
- kernel_cap_t cap_inheritable, cap_permitted, cap_effective;
- void *security;
- int argc, envc;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:31.000000000 +0400
-@@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ struct bio {
- #define BIO_CLONED 4 /* doesn't own data */
- #define BIO_BOUNCED 5 /* bio is a bounce bio */
- #define BIO_USER_MAPPED 6 /* contains user pages */
-+#define BIO_EOPNOTSUPP 7 /* not supported */
- #define bio_flagged(bio, flag) ((bio)->bi_flags & (1 << (flag)))
- /*
-@@ -160,6 +161,8 @@ struct bio {
- #define bio_data(bio) (page_address(bio_page((bio))) + bio_offset((bio)))
- #define bio_barrier(bio) ((bio)->bi_rw & (1 << BIO_RW_BARRIER))
- #define bio_sync(bio) ((bio)->bi_rw & (1 << BIO_RW_SYNC))
-+#define bio_failfast(bio) ((bio)->bi_rw & (1 << BIO_RW_FAILFAST))
-+#define bio_rw_ahead(bio) ((bio)->bi_rw & (1 << BIO_RW_AHEAD))
- /*
- * will die
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:31.000000000 +0400
-@@ -195,6 +195,8 @@ enum rq_flag_bits {
- __REQ_PM_SUSPEND, /* suspend request */
- __REQ_PM_RESUME, /* resume request */
- __REQ_PM_SHUTDOWN, /* shutdown request */
-+ __REQ_BAR_PREFLUSH, /* barrier pre-flush done */
-+ __REQ_BAR_POSTFLUSH, /* barrier post-flush */
- __REQ_NR_BITS, /* stops here */
- };
-@@ -220,6 +222,8 @@ enum rq_flag_bits {
- #define REQ_PM_SUSPEND (1 << __REQ_PM_SUSPEND)
- #define REQ_PM_RESUME (1 << __REQ_PM_RESUME)
- /*
- * State information carried for REQ_PM_SUSPEND and REQ_PM_RESUME
-@@ -248,6 +252,7 @@ typedef void (unplug_fn) (request_queue_
- struct bio_vec;
- typedef int (merge_bvec_fn) (request_queue_t *, struct bio *, struct bio_vec *);
- typedef void (activity_fn) (void *data, int rw);
-+typedef int (issue_flush_fn) (request_queue_t *, struct gendisk *, sector_t *);
- enum blk_queue_state {
- Queue_down,
-@@ -290,6 +295,7 @@ struct request_queue
- unplug_fn *unplug_fn;
- merge_bvec_fn *merge_bvec_fn;
- activity_fn *activity_fn;
-+ issue_flush_fn *issue_flush_fn;
- /*
- * Auto-unplugging state
-@@ -373,6 +379,7 @@ struct request_queue
- #define QUEUE_FLAG_DEAD 5 /* queue being torn down */
- #define QUEUE_FLAG_REENTER 6 /* Re-entrancy avoidance */
- #define QUEUE_FLAG_PLUGGED 7 /* queue is plugged */
-+#define QUEUE_FLAG_ORDERED 8 /* supports ordered writes */
- #define blk_queue_plugged(q) test_bit(QUEUE_FLAG_PLUGGED, &(q)->queue_flags)
- #define blk_queue_tagged(q) test_bit(QUEUE_FLAG_QUEUED, &(q)->queue_flags)
-@@ -390,6 +397,10 @@ struct request_queue
- #define blk_pm_request(rq) \
- ((rq)->flags & (REQ_PM_SUSPEND | REQ_PM_RESUME))
-+#define blk_barrier_rq(rq) ((rq)->flags & REQ_HARDBARRIER)
-+#define blk_barrier_preflush(rq) ((rq)->flags & REQ_BAR_PREFLUSH)
-+#define blk_barrier_postflush(rq) ((rq)->flags & REQ_BAR_POSTFLUSH)
- #define list_entry_rq(ptr) list_entry((ptr), struct request, queuelist)
- #define rq_data_dir(rq) ((rq)->flags & 1)
-@@ -560,6 +571,14 @@ extern void end_that_request_last(struct
- extern int process_that_request_first(struct request *, unsigned int);
- extern void end_request(struct request *req, int uptodate);
-+ * end_that_request_first/chunk() takes an uptodate argument. we account
-+ * any value <= as an io error. 0 means -EIO for compatability reasons,
-+ * any other < 0 value is the direct error type. An uptodate value of
-+ * 1 indicates successful io completion
-+ */
-+#define end_io_error(uptodate) (unlikely((uptodate) <= 0))
- static inline void blkdev_dequeue_request(struct request *req)
- {
- BUG_ON(list_empty(&req->queuelist));
-@@ -588,6 +607,9 @@ extern void blk_queue_prep_rq(request_qu
- extern void blk_queue_merge_bvec(request_queue_t *, merge_bvec_fn *);
- extern void blk_queue_dma_alignment(request_queue_t *, int);
- extern struct backing_dev_info *blk_get_backing_dev_info(struct block_device *bdev);
-+extern void blk_queue_ordered(request_queue_t *, int);
-+extern void blk_queue_issue_flush_fn(request_queue_t *, issue_flush_fn *);
-+extern int blkdev_scsi_issue_flush_fn(request_queue_t *, struct gendisk *, sector_t *);
- extern int blk_rq_map_sg(request_queue_t *, struct request *, struct scatterlist *);
- extern void blk_dump_rq_flags(struct request *, char *);
-@@ -616,6 +638,7 @@ extern long blk_congestion_wait(int rw,
- extern void blk_rq_bio_prep(request_queue_t *, struct request *, struct bio *);
- extern void blk_rq_prep_restart(struct request *);
-+extern int blkdev_issue_flush(struct block_device *, sector_t *);
- #define MAX_PHYS_SEGMENTS 128
- #define MAX_HW_SEGMENTS 128
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:31.000000000 +0400
-@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ enum bh_state_bits {
- BH_Delay, /* Buffer is not yet allocated on disk */
- BH_Boundary, /* Block is followed by a discontiguity */
- BH_Write_EIO, /* I/O error on write */
-+ BH_Ordered, /* ordered write */
- BH_PrivateStart,/* not a state bit, but the first bit available
- * for private allocation by other entities
-@@ -110,7 +111,8 @@ BUFFER_FNS(Async_Read, async_read)
- BUFFER_FNS(Async_Write, async_write)
- BUFFER_FNS(Delay, delay)
- BUFFER_FNS(Boundary, boundary)
-+BUFFER_FNS(Write_EIO, write_io_error)
-+BUFFER_FNS(Ordered, ordered)
- #define bh_offset(bh) ((unsigned long)(bh)->b_data & ~PAGE_MASK)
- #define touch_buffer(bh) mark_page_accessed(bh->b_page)
-@@ -173,7 +175,7 @@ void FASTCALL(unlock_buffer(struct buffe
- void FASTCALL(__lock_buffer(struct buffer_head *bh));
- void ll_rw_block(int, int, struct buffer_head * bh[]);
- void sync_dirty_buffer(struct buffer_head *bh);
--void submit_bh(int, struct buffer_head *);
-+int submit_bh(int, struct buffer_head *);
- void write_boundary_block(struct block_device *bdev,
- sector_t bblock, unsigned blocksize);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:31.000000000 +0400
-@@ -8,48 +8,86 @@
- #endif
-+#include <linux/types.h>
- #include <linux/byteorder/swab.h>
- #define __constant_htonl(x) ((__u32)(x))
- #define __constant_ntohl(x) ((__u32)(x))
- #define __constant_htons(x) ((__u16)(x))
- #define __constant_ntohs(x) ((__u16)(x))
--#define __constant_cpu_to_le64(x) ___constant_swab64((x))
--#define __constant_le64_to_cpu(x) ___constant_swab64((x))
--#define __constant_cpu_to_le32(x) ___constant_swab32((x))
--#define __constant_le32_to_cpu(x) ___constant_swab32((x))
--#define __constant_cpu_to_le16(x) ___constant_swab16((x))
--#define __constant_le16_to_cpu(x) ___constant_swab16((x))
--#define __constant_cpu_to_be64(x) ((__u64)(x))
--#define __constant_be64_to_cpu(x) ((__u64)(x))
--#define __constant_cpu_to_be32(x) ((__u32)(x))
--#define __constant_be32_to_cpu(x) ((__u32)(x))
--#define __constant_cpu_to_be16(x) ((__u16)(x))
--#define __constant_be16_to_cpu(x) ((__u16)(x))
--#define __cpu_to_le64(x) __swab64((x))
--#define __le64_to_cpu(x) __swab64((x))
--#define __cpu_to_le32(x) __swab32((x))
--#define __le32_to_cpu(x) __swab32((x))
--#define __cpu_to_le16(x) __swab16((x))
--#define __le16_to_cpu(x) __swab16((x))
--#define __cpu_to_be64(x) ((__u64)(x))
--#define __be64_to_cpu(x) ((__u64)(x))
--#define __cpu_to_be32(x) ((__u32)(x))
--#define __be32_to_cpu(x) ((__u32)(x))
--#define __cpu_to_be16(x) ((__u16)(x))
--#define __be16_to_cpu(x) ((__u16)(x))
--#define __cpu_to_le64p(x) __swab64p((x))
--#define __le64_to_cpup(x) __swab64p((x))
--#define __cpu_to_le32p(x) __swab32p((x))
--#define __le32_to_cpup(x) __swab32p((x))
--#define __cpu_to_le16p(x) __swab16p((x))
--#define __le16_to_cpup(x) __swab16p((x))
--#define __cpu_to_be64p(x) (*(__u64*)(x))
--#define __be64_to_cpup(x) (*(__u64*)(x))
--#define __cpu_to_be32p(x) (*(__u32*)(x))
--#define __be32_to_cpup(x) (*(__u32*)(x))
--#define __cpu_to_be16p(x) (*(__u16*)(x))
--#define __be16_to_cpup(x) (*(__u16*)(x))
-+#define __constant_cpu_to_le64(x) ((__force __le64)___constant_swab64((x)))
-+#define __constant_le64_to_cpu(x) ___constant_swab64((__force __u64)(__le64)(x))
-+#define __constant_cpu_to_le32(x) ((__force __le32)___constant_swab32((x)))
-+#define __constant_le32_to_cpu(x) ___constant_swab32((__force __u32)(__le32)(x))
-+#define __constant_cpu_to_le16(x) ((__force __le16)___constant_swab16((x)))
-+#define __constant_le16_to_cpu(x) ___constant_swab16((__force __u16)(__le16)(x))
-+#define __constant_cpu_to_be64(x) ((__force __be64)(__u64)(x))
-+#define __constant_be64_to_cpu(x) ((__force __u64)(__be64)(x))
-+#define __constant_cpu_to_be32(x) ((__force __be32)(__u32)(x))
-+#define __constant_be32_to_cpu(x) ((__force __u32)(__be32)(x))
-+#define __constant_cpu_to_be16(x) ((__force __be16)(__u16)(x))
-+#define __constant_be16_to_cpu(x) ((__force __u16)(__be16)(x))
-+#define __cpu_to_le64(x) ((__force __le64)___swab64((x)))
-+#define __le64_to_cpu(x) ___swab64((__force __u64)(__le64)(x))
-+#define __cpu_to_le32(x) ((__force __le32)___swab32((x)))
-+#define __le32_to_cpu(x) ___swab32((__force __u32)(__le32)(x))
-+#define __cpu_to_le16(x) ((__force __le16)___swab16((x)))
-+#define __le16_to_cpu(x) ___swab16((__force __u16)(__le16)(x))
-+#define __cpu_to_be64(x) ((__force __be64)(__u64)(x))
-+#define __be64_to_cpu(x) ((__force __u64)(__be64)(x))
-+#define __cpu_to_be32(x) ((__force __be32)(__u32)(x))
-+#define __be32_to_cpu(x) ((__force __u32)(__be32)(x))
-+#define __cpu_to_be16(x) ((__force __be16)(__u16)(x))
-+#define __be16_to_cpu(x) ((__force __u16)(__be16)(x))
-+static inline __le64 __cpu_to_le64p(const __u64 *p)
-+ return (__force __le64)__swab64p(p);
-+static inline __u64 __le64_to_cpup(const __le64 *p)
-+ return __swab64p((__u64 *)p);
-+static inline __le32 __cpu_to_le32p(const __u32 *p)
-+ return (__force __le32)__swab32p(p);
-+static inline __u32 __le32_to_cpup(const __le32 *p)
-+ return __swab32p((__u32 *)p);
-+static inline __le16 __cpu_to_le16p(const __u16 *p)
-+ return (__force __le16)__swab16p(p);
-+static inline __u16 __le16_to_cpup(const __le16 *p)
-+ return __swab16p((__u16 *)p);
-+static inline __be64 __cpu_to_be64p(const __u64 *p)
-+ return (__force __be64)*p;
-+static inline __u64 __be64_to_cpup(const __be64 *p)
-+ return (__force __u64)*p;
-+static inline __be32 __cpu_to_be32p(const __u32 *p)
-+ return (__force __be32)*p;
-+static inline __u32 __be32_to_cpup(const __be32 *p)
-+ return (__force __u32)*p;
-+static inline __be16 __cpu_to_be16p(const __u16 *p)
-+ return (__force __be16)*p;
-+static inline __u16 __be16_to_cpup(const __be16 *p)
-+ return (__force __u16)*p;
- #define __cpu_to_le64s(x) __swab64s((x))
- #define __le64_to_cpus(x) __swab64s((x))
- #define __cpu_to_le32s(x) __swab32s((x))
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:31.000000000 +0400
-@@ -8,48 +8,86 @@
- #endif
-+#include <linux/types.h>
- #include <linux/byteorder/swab.h>
- #define __constant_htonl(x) ___constant_swab32((x))
- #define __constant_ntohl(x) ___constant_swab32((x))
- #define __constant_htons(x) ___constant_swab16((x))
- #define __constant_ntohs(x) ___constant_swab16((x))
--#define __constant_cpu_to_le64(x) ((__u64)(x))
--#define __constant_le64_to_cpu(x) ((__u64)(x))
--#define __constant_cpu_to_le32(x) ((__u32)(x))
--#define __constant_le32_to_cpu(x) ((__u32)(x))
--#define __constant_cpu_to_le16(x) ((__u16)(x))
--#define __constant_le16_to_cpu(x) ((__u16)(x))
--#define __constant_cpu_to_be64(x) ___constant_swab64((x))
--#define __constant_be64_to_cpu(x) ___constant_swab64((x))
--#define __constant_cpu_to_be32(x) ___constant_swab32((x))
--#define __constant_be32_to_cpu(x) ___constant_swab32((x))
--#define __constant_cpu_to_be16(x) ___constant_swab16((x))
--#define __constant_be16_to_cpu(x) ___constant_swab16((x))
--#define __cpu_to_le64(x) ((__u64)(x))
--#define __le64_to_cpu(x) ((__u64)(x))
--#define __cpu_to_le32(x) ((__u32)(x))
--#define __le32_to_cpu(x) ((__u32)(x))
--#define __cpu_to_le16(x) ((__u16)(x))
--#define __le16_to_cpu(x) ((__u16)(x))
--#define __cpu_to_be64(x) __swab64((x))
--#define __be64_to_cpu(x) __swab64((x))
--#define __cpu_to_be32(x) __swab32((x))
--#define __be32_to_cpu(x) __swab32((x))
--#define __cpu_to_be16(x) __swab16((x))
--#define __be16_to_cpu(x) __swab16((x))
--#define __cpu_to_le64p(x) (*(__u64*)(x))
--#define __le64_to_cpup(x) (*(__u64*)(x))
--#define __cpu_to_le32p(x) (*(__u32*)(x))
--#define __le32_to_cpup(x) (*(__u32*)(x))
--#define __cpu_to_le16p(x) (*(__u16*)(x))
--#define __le16_to_cpup(x) (*(__u16*)(x))
--#define __cpu_to_be64p(x) __swab64p((x))
--#define __be64_to_cpup(x) __swab64p((x))
--#define __cpu_to_be32p(x) __swab32p((x))
--#define __be32_to_cpup(x) __swab32p((x))
--#define __cpu_to_be16p(x) __swab16p((x))
--#define __be16_to_cpup(x) __swab16p((x))
-+#define __constant_cpu_to_le64(x) ((__force __le64)(__u64)(x))
-+#define __constant_le64_to_cpu(x) ((__force __u64)(__le64)(x))
-+#define __constant_cpu_to_le32(x) ((__force __le32)(__u32)(x))
-+#define __constant_le32_to_cpu(x) ((__force __u32)(__le32)(x))
-+#define __constant_cpu_to_le16(x) ((__force __le16)(__u16)(x))
-+#define __constant_le16_to_cpu(x) ((__force __u16)(__le16)(x))
-+#define __constant_cpu_to_be64(x) ((__force __be64)___constant_swab64((x)))
-+#define __constant_be64_to_cpu(x) ___constant_swab64((__force __u64)(__be64)(x))
-+#define __constant_cpu_to_be32(x) ((__force __be32)___constant_swab32((x)))
-+#define __constant_be32_to_cpu(x) ___constant_swab32((__force __u32)(__be32)(x))
-+#define __constant_cpu_to_be16(x) ((__force __be16)___constant_swab16((x)))
-+#define __constant_be16_to_cpu(x) ___constant_swab16((__force __u16)(__be16)(x))
-+#define __cpu_to_le64(x) ((__force __le64)(__u64)(x))
-+#define __le64_to_cpu(x) ((__force __u64)(__le64)(x))
-+#define __cpu_to_le32(x) ((__force __le32)(__u32)(x))
-+#define __le32_to_cpu(x) ((__force __u32)(__le32)(x))
-+#define __cpu_to_le16(x) ((__force __le16)(__u16)(x))
-+#define __le16_to_cpu(x) ((__force __u16)(__le16)(x))
-+#define __cpu_to_be64(x) ((__force __be64)___swab64((x)))
-+#define __be64_to_cpu(x) ___swab64((__force __u64)(__be64)(x))
-+#define __cpu_to_be32(x) ((__force __be32)___swab32((x)))
-+#define __be32_to_cpu(x) ___swab32((__force __u32)(__be32)(x))
-+#define __cpu_to_be16(x) ((__force __be16)___swab16((x)))
-+#define __be16_to_cpu(x) ___swab16((__force __u16)(__be16)(x))
-+static inline __le64 __cpu_to_le64p(const __u64 *p)
-+ return (__force __le64)*p;
-+static inline __u64 __le64_to_cpup(const __le64 *p)
-+ return (__force __u64)*p;
-+static inline __le32 __cpu_to_le32p(const __u32 *p)
-+ return (__force __le32)*p;
-+static inline __u32 __le32_to_cpup(const __le32 *p)
-+ return (__force __u32)*p;
-+static inline __le16 __cpu_to_le16p(const __u16 *p)
-+ return (__force __le16)*p;
-+static inline __u16 __le16_to_cpup(const __le16 *p)
-+ return (__force __u16)*p;
-+static inline __be64 __cpu_to_be64p(const __u64 *p)
-+ return (__force __be64)__swab64p(p);
-+static inline __u64 __be64_to_cpup(const __be64 *p)
-+ return __swab64p((__u64 *)p);
-+static inline __be32 __cpu_to_be32p(const __u32 *p)
-+ return (__force __be32)__swab32p(p);
-+static inline __u32 __be32_to_cpup(const __be32 *p)
-+ return __swab32p((__u32 *)p);
-+static inline __be16 __cpu_to_be16p(const __u16 *p)
-+ return (__force __be16)__swab16p(p);
-+static inline __u16 __be16_to_cpup(const __be16 *p)
-+ return __swab16p((__u16 *)p);
- #define __cpu_to_le64s(x) do {} while (0)
- #define __le64_to_cpus(x) do {} while (0)
- #define __cpu_to_le32s(x) do {} while (0)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -147,12 +147,9 @@ typedef __u32 kernel_cap_t;
- #define CAP_NET_BROADCAST 11
--/* Allow interface configuration */
- /* Allow administration of IP firewall, masquerading and accounting */
- /* Allow setting debug option on sockets */
- /* Allow modification of routing tables */
--/* Allow setting arbitrary process / process group ownership on
-- sockets */
- /* Allow binding to any address for transparent proxying */
- /* Allow setting TOS (type of service) */
- /* Allow setting promiscuous mode */
-@@ -183,6 +180,7 @@ typedef __u32 kernel_cap_t;
- #define CAP_SYS_MODULE 16
- /* Allow ioperm/iopl access */
-+/* Allow O_DIRECT access */
- /* Allow sending USB messages to any device via /proc/bus/usb */
- #define CAP_SYS_RAWIO 17
-@@ -201,24 +199,19 @@ typedef __u32 kernel_cap_t;
- /* Allow configuration of the secure attention key */
- /* Allow administration of the random device */
--/* Allow examination and configuration of disk quotas */
- /* Allow configuring the kernel's syslog (printk behaviour) */
- /* Allow setting the domainname */
- /* Allow setting the hostname */
- /* Allow calling bdflush() */
--/* Allow mount() and umount(), setting up new smb connection */
-+/* Allow setting up new smb connection */
- /* Allow some autofs root ioctls */
- /* Allow nfsservctl */
- /* Allow VM86_REQUEST_IRQ */
- /* Allow to read/write pci config on alpha */
- /* Allow irix_prctl on mips (setstacksize) */
- /* Allow flushing all cache on m68k (sys_cacheflush) */
--/* Allow removing semaphores */
--/* Used instead of CAP_CHOWN to "chown" IPC message queues, semaphores
-- and shared memory */
- /* Allow locking/unlocking of shared memory segment */
- /* Allow turning swap on/off */
--/* Allow forged pids on socket credentials passing */
- /* Allow setting readahead and flushing buffers on block devices */
- /* Allow setting geometry in floppy driver */
- /* Allow turning DMA on/off in xd driver */
-@@ -235,6 +228,8 @@ typedef __u32 kernel_cap_t;
- /* Allow enabling/disabling tagged queuing on SCSI controllers and sending
- arbitrary SCSI commands */
- /* Allow setting encryption key on loopback filesystem */
-+/* Modify data journaling mode on ext3 filesystem (uses journaling
-+ resources) */
- #define CAP_SYS_ADMIN 21
-@@ -254,8 +249,6 @@ typedef __u32 kernel_cap_t;
- /* Override resource limits. Set resource limits. */
- /* Override quota limits. */
- /* Override reserved space on ext2 filesystem */
--/* Modify data journaling mode on ext3 filesystem (uses journaling
-- resources) */
- /* NOTE: ext2 honors fsuid when checking for resource overrides, so
- you can override using fsuid too */
- /* Override size restrictions on IPC message queues */
-@@ -284,6 +277,36 @@ typedef __u32 kernel_cap_t;
- #define CAP_LEASE 28
-+/* Allow access to all information. In the other case some structures will be
-+ hiding to ensure different Virtual Environment non-interaction on the same
-+ node */
-+#define CAP_SETVEID 29
-+#define CAP_VE_ADMIN 30
-+/* Replacement for CAP_NET_ADMIN:
-+ delegated rights to the Virtual environment of its network administration.
-+ For now the following rights have been delegated:
-+ Allow setting arbitrary process / process group ownership on sockets
-+ Allow interface configuration
-+/* Replacement for CAP_SYS_ADMIN:
-+ delegated rights to the Virtual environment of its administration.
-+ For now the following rights have been delegated:
-+/* Allow mount/umount/remount */
-+/* Allow examination and configuration of disk quotas */
-+/* Allow removing semaphores */
-+/* Used instead of CAP_CHOWN to "chown" IPC message queues, semaphores
-+ and shared memory */
-+/* Allow locking/unlocking of shared memory segment */
-+/* Allow forged pids on socket credentials passing */
- #ifdef __KERNEL__
- /*
- * Bounding set
-@@ -348,9 +371,16 @@ static inline kernel_cap_t cap_invert(ke
- #define cap_issubset(a,set) (!(cap_t(a) & ~cap_t(set)))
- #define cap_clear(c) do { cap_t(c) = 0; } while(0)
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
- #define cap_set_full(c) do { cap_t(c) = ~0; } while(0)
--#define cap_mask(c,mask) do { cap_t(c) &= cap_t(mask); } while(0)
-+#define cap_set_full(c) \
-+ do {cap_t(c) = ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) ? ~0 : \
-+ get_exec_env()->cap_default; } while(0)
-+#define cap_mask(c,mask) do { cap_t(c) &= cap_t(mask); } while(0)
- #define cap_is_fs_cap(c) (CAP_TO_MASK(c) & CAP_FS_MASK)
- #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -38,7 +38,8 @@ extern struct file_operations coda_ioctl
- int coda_open(struct inode *i, struct file *f);
- int coda_flush(struct file *f);
- int coda_release(struct inode *i, struct file *f);
--int coda_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd);
-+int coda_permission(struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd,
-+ struct exec_perm *exec_perm);
- int coda_revalidate_inode(struct dentry *);
- int coda_getattr(struct vfsmount *, struct dentry *, struct kstat *);
- int coda_setattr(struct dentry *, struct iattr *);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:27.000000000 +0400
-@@ -130,5 +130,8 @@ asmlinkage long compat_sys_select(int n,
- compat_ulong_t __user *outp, compat_ulong_t __user *exp,
- struct compat_timeval __user *tvp);
-+struct compat_siginfo;
-+int copy_siginfo_from_user32(siginfo_t *to, struct compat_siginfo __user *from);
-+int copy_siginfo_to_user32(struct compat_siginfo __user *to, siginfo_t *from);
- #endif /* CONFIG_COMPAT */
- #endif /* _LINUX_COMPAT_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:29.000000000 +0400
-@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ COMPATIBLE_IOCTL(TCSETA)
-@@ -23,6 +24,8 @@ COMPATIBLE_IOCTL(TCSETS)
- /* Little t */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -80,6 +80,8 @@ struct dcookie_struct;
-+#include <ub/ub_dcache.h>
- struct dentry {
- atomic_t d_count;
- unsigned int d_flags; /* protected by d_lock */
-@@ -106,9 +108,15 @@ struct dentry {
- struct rcu_head d_rcu;
- struct dcookie_struct *d_cookie; /* cookie, if any */
- struct hlist_node d_hash; /* lookup hash list */
-+ /* It can't be at the end because of DNAME_INLINE_LEN */
-+ struct dentry_beancounter dentry_bc;
- unsigned char d_iname[DNAME_INLINE_LEN_MIN]; /* small names */
- };
-+#define DNAME_INLINE_LEN (sizeof(struct dentry)-offsetof(struct dentry,d_iname))
-+#define dentry_bc(__d) (&(__d)->dentry_bc)
- struct dentry_operations {
- int (*d_revalidate)(struct dentry *, struct nameidata *);
- int (*d_hash) (struct dentry *, struct qstr *);
-@@ -156,6 +164,9 @@ d_iput: no no no yes
- #define DCACHE_REFERENCED 0x0008 /* Recently used, don't discard. */
- #define DCACHE_UNHASHED 0x0010
-+#define DCACHE_VIRTUAL 0x0100 /* ve accessible */
-+extern void mark_tree_virtual(struct vfsmount *m, struct dentry *d);
- extern spinlock_t dcache_lock;
-@@ -163,17 +174,16 @@ extern spinlock_t dcache_lock;
- * d_drop - drop a dentry
- * @dentry: dentry to drop
- *
-- * d_drop() unhashes the entry from the parent
-- * dentry hashes, so that it won't be found through
-- * a VFS lookup any more. Note that this is different
-- * from deleting the dentry - d_delete will try to
-- * mark the dentry negative if possible, giving a
-- * successful _negative_ lookup, while d_drop will
-+ * d_drop() unhashes the entry from the parent dentry hashes, so that it won't
-+ * be found through a VFS lookup any more. Note that this is different from
-+ * deleting the dentry - d_delete will try to mark the dentry negative if
-+ * possible, giving a successful _negative_ lookup, while d_drop will
- * just make the cache lookup fail.
- *
-- * d_drop() is used mainly for stuff that wants
-- * to invalidate a dentry for some reason (NFS
-- * timeouts or autofs deletes).
-+ * d_drop() is used mainly for stuff that wants to invalidate a dentry for some
-+ * reason (NFS timeouts or autofs deletes).
-+ *
-+ * __d_drop requires dentry->d_lock.
- */
- static inline void __d_drop(struct dentry *dentry)
-@@ -187,7 +197,9 @@ static inline void __d_drop(struct dentr
- static inline void d_drop(struct dentry *dentry)
- {
- spin_lock(&dcache_lock);
-+ spin_lock(&dentry->d_lock);
- __d_drop(dentry);
-+ spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
- spin_unlock(&dcache_lock);
- }
-@@ -208,7 +220,8 @@ extern struct dentry * d_alloc_anon(stru
- extern struct dentry * d_splice_alias(struct inode *, struct dentry *);
- extern void shrink_dcache_sb(struct super_block *);
- extern void shrink_dcache_parent(struct dentry *);
--extern void shrink_dcache_anon(struct hlist_head *);
-+extern void shrink_dcache_anon(struct super_block *);
-+extern void dcache_shrinker_wait_sb(struct super_block *sb);
- extern int d_invalidate(struct dentry *);
- /* only used at mount-time */
-@@ -253,6 +266,7 @@ extern struct dentry * __d_lookup(struct
- /* validate "insecure" dentry pointer */
- extern int d_validate(struct dentry *, struct dentry *);
-+extern int d_root_check(struct dentry *, struct vfsmount *);
- extern char * d_path(struct dentry *, struct vfsmount *, char *, int);
- /* Allocation counts.. */
-@@ -273,6 +287,10 @@ extern char * d_path(struct dentry *, st
- static inline struct dentry *dget(struct dentry *dentry)
- {
- if (dentry) {
-+ if (atomic_inc_and_test(&dentry_bc(dentry)->d_inuse))
-+ BUG();
- BUG_ON(!atomic_read(&dentry->d_count));
- atomic_inc(&dentry->d_count);
- }
-@@ -315,6 +333,8 @@ extern struct dentry *lookup_create(stru
- extern int sysctl_vfs_cache_pressure;
-+extern int check_area_access_ve(struct dentry *, struct vfsmount *);
-+extern int check_area_execute_ve(struct dentry *, struct vfsmount *);
- #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
- #endif /* __LINUX_DCACHE_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -21,6 +21,13 @@ int devpts_pty_new(struct tty_struct *tt
- struct tty_struct *devpts_get_tty(int number); /* get tty structure */
- void devpts_pty_kill(int number); /* unlink */
-+struct devpts_config {
-+ int setuid;
-+ int setgid;
-+ uid_t uid;
-+ gid_t gid;
-+ umode_t mode;
- #else
- /* Dummy stubs in the no-pty case */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
- #include <linux/time.h>
- #include <linux/user.h>
-+extern int sysctl_at_vsyscall;
- struct elf_siginfo
- {
- int si_signo; /* signal number */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:20.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:48.000000000 +0400
-@@ -85,6 +85,87 @@ static inline void eventpoll_release(str
- eventpoll_release_file(file);
- }
-+struct epoll_filefd {
-+ struct file *file;
-+ int fd;
-+ * This structure is stored inside the "private_data" member of the file
-+ * structure and rapresent the main data sructure for the eventpoll
-+ * interface.
-+ */
-+struct eventpoll {
-+ /* Protect the this structure access */
-+ rwlock_t lock;
-+ /*
-+ * This semaphore is used to ensure that files are not removed
-+ * while epoll is using them. This is read-held during the event
-+ * collection loop and it is write-held during the file cleanup
-+ * path, the epoll file exit code and the ctl operations.
-+ */
-+ struct rw_semaphore sem;
-+ /* Wait queue used by sys_epoll_wait() */
-+ wait_queue_head_t wq;
-+ /* Wait queue used by file->poll() */
-+ wait_queue_head_t poll_wait;
-+ /* List of ready file descriptors */
-+ struct list_head rdllist;
-+ /* RB-Tree root used to store monitored fd structs */
-+ struct rb_root rbr;
-+ * Each file descriptor added to the eventpoll interface will
-+ * have an entry of this type linked to the hash.
-+ */
-+struct epitem {
-+ /* RB-Tree node used to link this structure to the eventpoll rb-tree */
-+ struct rb_node rbn;
-+ /* List header used to link this structure to the eventpoll ready list */
-+ struct list_head rdllink;
-+ /* The file descriptor information this item refers to */
-+ struct epoll_filefd ffd;
-+ /* Number of active wait queue attached to poll operations */
-+ int nwait;
-+ /* List containing poll wait queues */
-+ struct list_head pwqlist;
-+ /* The "container" of this item */
-+ struct eventpoll *ep;
-+ /* The structure that describe the interested events and the source fd */
-+ struct epoll_event event;
-+ /*
-+ * Used to keep track of the usage count of the structure. This avoids
-+ * that the structure will desappear from underneath our processing.
-+ */
-+ atomic_t usecnt;
-+ /* List header used to link this item to the "struct file" items list */
-+ struct list_head fllink;
-+ /* List header used to link the item to the transfer list */
-+ struct list_head txlink;
-+ /*
-+ * This is used during the collection/transfer of events to userspace
-+ * to pin items empty events set.
-+ */
-+ unsigned int revents;
-+extern struct semaphore epsem;
- #else
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:31.000000000 +0400
-@@ -135,14 +135,14 @@ static inline struct ext2_sb_info *EXT2_
- */
- struct ext2_group_desc
- {
-- __u32 bg_block_bitmap; /* Blocks bitmap block */
-- __u32 bg_inode_bitmap; /* Inodes bitmap block */
-- __u32 bg_inode_table; /* Inodes table block */
-- __u16 bg_free_blocks_count; /* Free blocks count */
-- __u16 bg_free_inodes_count; /* Free inodes count */
-- __u16 bg_used_dirs_count; /* Directories count */
-- __u16 bg_pad;
-- __u32 bg_reserved[3];
-+ __le32 bg_block_bitmap; /* Blocks bitmap block */
-+ __le32 bg_inode_bitmap; /* Inodes bitmap block */
-+ __le32 bg_inode_table; /* Inodes table block */
-+ __le16 bg_free_blocks_count; /* Free blocks count */
-+ __le16 bg_free_inodes_count; /* Free inodes count */
-+ __le16 bg_used_dirs_count; /* Directories count */
-+ __le16 bg_pad;
-+ __le32 bg_reserved[3];
- };
- /*
-@@ -209,49 +209,49 @@ struct ext2_group_desc
- * Structure of an inode on the disk
- */
- struct ext2_inode {
-- __u16 i_mode; /* File mode */
-- __u16 i_uid; /* Low 16 bits of Owner Uid */
-- __u32 i_size; /* Size in bytes */
-- __u32 i_atime; /* Access time */
-- __u32 i_ctime; /* Creation time */
-- __u32 i_mtime; /* Modification time */
-- __u32 i_dtime; /* Deletion Time */
-- __u16 i_gid; /* Low 16 bits of Group Id */
-- __u16 i_links_count; /* Links count */
-- __u32 i_blocks; /* Blocks count */
-- __u32 i_flags; /* File flags */
-+ __le16 i_mode; /* File mode */
-+ __le16 i_uid; /* Low 16 bits of Owner Uid */
-+ __le32 i_size; /* Size in bytes */
-+ __le32 i_atime; /* Access time */
-+ __le32 i_ctime; /* Creation time */
-+ __le32 i_mtime; /* Modification time */
-+ __le32 i_dtime; /* Deletion Time */
-+ __le16 i_gid; /* Low 16 bits of Group Id */
-+ __le16 i_links_count; /* Links count */
-+ __le32 i_blocks; /* Blocks count */
-+ __le32 i_flags; /* File flags */
- union {
- struct {
-- __u32 l_i_reserved1;
-+ __le32 l_i_reserved1;
- } linux1;
- struct {
-- __u32 h_i_translator;
-+ __le32 h_i_translator;
- } hurd1;
- struct {
-- __u32 m_i_reserved1;
-+ __le32 m_i_reserved1;
- } masix1;
- } osd1; /* OS dependent 1 */
-- __u32 i_block[EXT2_N_BLOCKS];/* Pointers to blocks */
-- __u32 i_generation; /* File version (for NFS) */
-- __u32 i_file_acl; /* File ACL */
-- __u32 i_dir_acl; /* Directory ACL */
-- __u32 i_faddr; /* Fragment address */
-+ __le32 i_block[EXT2_N_BLOCKS];/* Pointers to blocks */
-+ __le32 i_generation; /* File version (for NFS) */
-+ __le32 i_file_acl; /* File ACL */
-+ __le32 i_dir_acl; /* Directory ACL */
-+ __le32 i_faddr; /* Fragment address */
- union {
- struct {
- __u8 l_i_frag; /* Fragment number */
- __u8 l_i_fsize; /* Fragment size */
- __u16 i_pad1;
-- __u16 l_i_uid_high; /* these 2 fields */
-- __u16 l_i_gid_high; /* were reserved2[0] */
-+ __le16 l_i_uid_high; /* these 2 fields */
-+ __le16 l_i_gid_high; /* were reserved2[0] */
- __u32 l_i_reserved2;
- } linux2;
- struct {
- __u8 h_i_frag; /* Fragment number */
- __u8 h_i_fsize; /* Fragment size */
-- __u16 h_i_mode_high;
-- __u16 h_i_uid_high;
-- __u16 h_i_gid_high;
-- __u32 h_i_author;
-+ __le16 h_i_mode_high;
-+ __le16 h_i_uid_high;
-+ __le16 h_i_gid_high;
-+ __le32 h_i_author;
- } hurd2;
- struct {
- __u8 m_i_frag; /* Fragment number */
-@@ -335,31 +335,31 @@ struct ext2_inode {
- * Structure of the super block
- */
- struct ext2_super_block {
-- __u32 s_inodes_count; /* Inodes count */
-- __u32 s_blocks_count; /* Blocks count */
-- __u32 s_r_blocks_count; /* Reserved blocks count */
-- __u32 s_free_blocks_count; /* Free blocks count */
-- __u32 s_free_inodes_count; /* Free inodes count */
-- __u32 s_first_data_block; /* First Data Block */
-- __u32 s_log_block_size; /* Block size */
-- __s32 s_log_frag_size; /* Fragment size */
-- __u32 s_blocks_per_group; /* # Blocks per group */
-- __u32 s_frags_per_group; /* # Fragments per group */
-- __u32 s_inodes_per_group; /* # Inodes per group */
-- __u32 s_mtime; /* Mount time */
-- __u32 s_wtime; /* Write time */
-- __u16 s_mnt_count; /* Mount count */
-- __s16 s_max_mnt_count; /* Maximal mount count */
-- __u16 s_magic; /* Magic signature */
-- __u16 s_state; /* File system state */
-- __u16 s_errors; /* Behaviour when detecting errors */
-- __u16 s_minor_rev_level; /* minor revision level */
-- __u32 s_lastcheck; /* time of last check */
-- __u32 s_checkinterval; /* max. time between checks */
-- __u32 s_creator_os; /* OS */
-- __u32 s_rev_level; /* Revision level */
-- __u16 s_def_resuid; /* Default uid for reserved blocks */
-- __u16 s_def_resgid; /* Default gid for reserved blocks */
-+ __le32 s_inodes_count; /* Inodes count */
-+ __le32 s_blocks_count; /* Blocks count */
-+ __le32 s_r_blocks_count; /* Reserved blocks count */
-+ __le32 s_free_blocks_count; /* Free blocks count */
-+ __le32 s_free_inodes_count; /* Free inodes count */
-+ __le32 s_first_data_block; /* First Data Block */
-+ __le32 s_log_block_size; /* Block size */
-+ __le32 s_log_frag_size; /* Fragment size */
-+ __le32 s_blocks_per_group; /* # Blocks per group */
-+ __le32 s_frags_per_group; /* # Fragments per group */
-+ __le32 s_inodes_per_group; /* # Inodes per group */
-+ __le32 s_mtime; /* Mount time */
-+ __le32 s_wtime; /* Write time */
-+ __le16 s_mnt_count; /* Mount count */
-+ __le16 s_max_mnt_count; /* Maximal mount count */
-+ __le16 s_magic; /* Magic signature */
-+ __le16 s_state; /* File system state */
-+ __le16 s_errors; /* Behaviour when detecting errors */
-+ __le16 s_minor_rev_level; /* minor revision level */
-+ __le32 s_lastcheck; /* time of last check */
-+ __le32 s_checkinterval; /* max. time between checks */
-+ __le32 s_creator_os; /* OS */
-+ __le32 s_rev_level; /* Revision level */
-+ __le16 s_def_resuid; /* Default uid for reserved blocks */
-+ __le16 s_def_resgid; /* Default gid for reserved blocks */
- /*
- * These fields are for EXT2_DYNAMIC_REV superblocks only.
- *
-@@ -373,16 +373,16 @@ struct ext2_super_block {
- * feature set, it must abort and not try to meddle with
- * things it doesn't understand...
- */
-- __u32 s_first_ino; /* First non-reserved inode */
-- __u16 s_inode_size; /* size of inode structure */
-- __u16 s_block_group_nr; /* block group # of this superblock */
-- __u32 s_feature_compat; /* compatible feature set */
-- __u32 s_feature_incompat; /* incompatible feature set */
-- __u32 s_feature_ro_compat; /* readonly-compatible feature set */
-+ __le32 s_first_ino; /* First non-reserved inode */
-+ __le16 s_inode_size; /* size of inode structure */
-+ __le16 s_block_group_nr; /* block group # of this superblock */
-+ __le32 s_feature_compat; /* compatible feature set */
-+ __le32 s_feature_incompat; /* incompatible feature set */
-+ __le32 s_feature_ro_compat; /* readonly-compatible feature set */
- __u8 s_uuid[16]; /* 128-bit uuid for volume */
- char s_volume_name[16]; /* volume name */
- char s_last_mounted[64]; /* directory where last mounted */
-- __u32 s_algorithm_usage_bitmap; /* For compression */
-+ __le32 s_algorithm_usage_bitmap; /* For compression */
- /*
- * Performance hints. Directory preallocation should only
- * happen if the EXT2_COMPAT_PREALLOC flag is on.
-@@ -401,8 +401,8 @@ struct ext2_super_block {
- __u8 s_def_hash_version; /* Default hash version to use */
- __u8 s_reserved_char_pad;
- __u16 s_reserved_word_pad;
-- __u32 s_default_mount_opts;
-- __u32 s_first_meta_bg; /* First metablock block group */
-+ __le32 s_default_mount_opts;
-+ __le32 s_first_meta_bg; /* First metablock block group */
- __u32 s_reserved[190]; /* Padding to the end of the block */
- };
-@@ -504,9 +504,9 @@ struct ext2_super_block {
- #define EXT2_NAME_LEN 255
- struct ext2_dir_entry {
-- __u32 inode; /* Inode number */
-- __u16 rec_len; /* Directory entry length */
-- __u16 name_len; /* Name length */
-+ __le32 inode; /* Inode number */
-+ __le16 rec_len; /* Directory entry length */
-+ __le16 name_len; /* Name length */
- char name[EXT2_NAME_LEN]; /* File name */
- };
-@@ -517,8 +517,8 @@ struct ext2_dir_entry {
- * file_type field.
- */
- struct ext2_dir_entry_2 {
-- __u32 inode; /* Inode number */
-- __u16 rec_len; /* Directory entry length */
-+ __le32 inode; /* Inode number */
-+ __le16 rec_len; /* Directory entry length */
- __u8 name_len; /* Name length */
- __u8 file_type;
- char name[EXT2_NAME_LEN]; /* File name */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -129,14 +129,14 @@ struct statfs;
- */
- struct ext3_group_desc
- {
-- __u32 bg_block_bitmap; /* Blocks bitmap block */
-- __u32 bg_inode_bitmap; /* Inodes bitmap block */
-- __u32 bg_inode_table; /* Inodes table block */
-- __u16 bg_free_blocks_count; /* Free blocks count */
-- __u16 bg_free_inodes_count; /* Free inodes count */
-- __u16 bg_used_dirs_count; /* Directories count */
-+ __le32 bg_block_bitmap; /* Blocks bitmap block */
-+ __le32 bg_inode_bitmap; /* Inodes bitmap block */
-+ __le32 bg_inode_table; /* Inodes table block */
-+ __le16 bg_free_blocks_count; /* Free blocks count */
-+ __le16 bg_free_inodes_count; /* Free inodes count */
-+ __le16 bg_used_dirs_count; /* Directories count */
- __u16 bg_pad;
-- __u32 bg_reserved[3];
-+ __le32 bg_reserved[3];
- };
- /*
-@@ -196,6 +196,31 @@ struct ext3_group_desc
- #define EXT3_STATE_JDATA 0x00000001 /* journaled data exists */
- #define EXT3_STATE_NEW 0x00000002 /* inode is newly created */
-+/* Used to pass group descriptor data when online resize is done */
-+struct ext3_new_group_input {
-+ __u32 group; /* Group number for this data */
-+ __u32 block_bitmap; /* Absolute block number of block bitmap */
-+ __u32 inode_bitmap; /* Absolute block number of inode bitmap */
-+ __u32 inode_table; /* Absolute block number of inode table start */
-+ __u32 blocks_count; /* Total number of blocks in this group */
-+ __u16 reserved_blocks; /* Number of reserved blocks in this group */
-+ __u16 unused;
-+/* The struct ext3_new_group_input in kernel space, with free_blocks_count */
-+struct ext3_new_group_data {
-+ __u32 group;
-+ __u32 block_bitmap;
-+ __u32 inode_bitmap;
-+ __u32 inode_table;
-+ __u32 blocks_count;
-+ __u16 reserved_blocks;
-+ __u16 unused;
-+ __u32 free_blocks_count;
- /*
- * ioctl commands
- */
-@@ -203,6 +228,8 @@ struct ext3_group_desc
- #define EXT3_IOC_SETFLAGS _IOW('f', 2, long)
- #define EXT3_IOC_GETVERSION _IOR('f', 3, long)
- #define EXT3_IOC_SETVERSION _IOW('f', 4, long)
-+#define EXT3_IOC_GROUP_EXTEND _IOW('f', 7, unsigned long)
-+#define EXT3_IOC_GROUP_ADD _IOW('f', 8,struct ext3_new_group_input)
- #define EXT3_IOC_GETVERSION_OLD _IOR('v', 1, long)
- #define EXT3_IOC_SETVERSION_OLD _IOW('v', 2, long)
-@@ -213,17 +240,17 @@ struct ext3_group_desc
- * Structure of an inode on the disk
- */
- struct ext3_inode {
-- __u16 i_mode; /* File mode */
-- __u16 i_uid; /* Low 16 bits of Owner Uid */
-- __u32 i_size; /* Size in bytes */
-- __u32 i_atime; /* Access time */
-- __u32 i_ctime; /* Creation time */
-- __u32 i_mtime; /* Modification time */
-- __u32 i_dtime; /* Deletion Time */
-- __u16 i_gid; /* Low 16 bits of Group Id */
-- __u16 i_links_count; /* Links count */
-- __u32 i_blocks; /* Blocks count */
-- __u32 i_flags; /* File flags */
-+ __le16 i_mode; /* File mode */
-+ __le16 i_uid; /* Low 16 bits of Owner Uid */
-+ __le32 i_size; /* Size in bytes */
-+ __le32 i_atime; /* Access time */
-+ __le32 i_ctime; /* Creation time */
-+ __le32 i_mtime; /* Modification time */
-+ __le32 i_dtime; /* Deletion Time */
-+ __le16 i_gid; /* Low 16 bits of Group Id */
-+ __le16 i_links_count; /* Links count */
-+ __le32 i_blocks; /* Blocks count */
-+ __le32 i_flags; /* File flags */
- union {
- struct {
- __u32 l_i_reserved1;
-@@ -235,18 +262,18 @@ struct ext3_inode {
- __u32 m_i_reserved1;
- } masix1;
- } osd1; /* OS dependent 1 */
-- __u32 i_block[EXT3_N_BLOCKS];/* Pointers to blocks */
-- __u32 i_generation; /* File version (for NFS) */
-- __u32 i_file_acl; /* File ACL */
-- __u32 i_dir_acl; /* Directory ACL */
-- __u32 i_faddr; /* Fragment address */
-+ __le32 i_block[EXT3_N_BLOCKS];/* Pointers to blocks */
-+ __le32 i_generation; /* File version (for NFS) */
-+ __le32 i_file_acl; /* File ACL */
-+ __le32 i_dir_acl; /* Directory ACL */
-+ __le32 i_faddr; /* Fragment address */
- union {
- struct {
- __u8 l_i_frag; /* Fragment number */
- __u8 l_i_fsize; /* Fragment size */
- __u16 i_pad1;
-- __u16 l_i_uid_high; /* these 2 fields */
-- __u16 l_i_gid_high; /* were reserved2[0] */
-+ __le16 l_i_uid_high; /* these 2 fields */
-+ __le16 l_i_gid_high; /* were reserved2[0] */
- __u32 l_i_reserved2;
- } linux2;
- struct {
-@@ -363,31 +390,31 @@ struct ext3_inode {
- * Structure of the super block
- */
- struct ext3_super_block {
--/*00*/ __u32 s_inodes_count; /* Inodes count */
-- __u32 s_blocks_count; /* Blocks count */
-- __u32 s_r_blocks_count; /* Reserved blocks count */
-- __u32 s_free_blocks_count; /* Free blocks count */
--/*10*/ __u32 s_free_inodes_count; /* Free inodes count */
-- __u32 s_first_data_block; /* First Data Block */
-- __u32 s_log_block_size; /* Block size */
-- __s32 s_log_frag_size; /* Fragment size */
--/*20*/ __u32 s_blocks_per_group; /* # Blocks per group */
-- __u32 s_frags_per_group; /* # Fragments per group */
-- __u32 s_inodes_per_group; /* # Inodes per group */
-- __u32 s_mtime; /* Mount time */
--/*30*/ __u32 s_wtime; /* Write time */
-- __u16 s_mnt_count; /* Mount count */
-- __s16 s_max_mnt_count; /* Maximal mount count */
-- __u16 s_magic; /* Magic signature */
-- __u16 s_state; /* File system state */
-- __u16 s_errors; /* Behaviour when detecting errors */
-- __u16 s_minor_rev_level; /* minor revision level */
--/*40*/ __u32 s_lastcheck; /* time of last check */
-- __u32 s_checkinterval; /* max. time between checks */
-- __u32 s_creator_os; /* OS */
-- __u32 s_rev_level; /* Revision level */
--/*50*/ __u16 s_def_resuid; /* Default uid for reserved blocks */
-- __u16 s_def_resgid; /* Default gid for reserved blocks */
-+/*00*/ __le32 s_inodes_count; /* Inodes count */
-+ __le32 s_blocks_count; /* Blocks count */
-+ __le32 s_r_blocks_count; /* Reserved blocks count */
-+ __le32 s_free_blocks_count; /* Free blocks count */
-+/*10*/ __le32 s_free_inodes_count; /* Free inodes count */
-+ __le32 s_first_data_block; /* First Data Block */
-+ __le32 s_log_block_size; /* Block size */
-+ __le32 s_log_frag_size; /* Fragment size */
-+/*20*/ __le32 s_blocks_per_group; /* # Blocks per group */
-+ __le32 s_frags_per_group; /* # Fragments per group */
-+ __le32 s_inodes_per_group; /* # Inodes per group */
-+ __le32 s_mtime; /* Mount time */
-+/*30*/ __le32 s_wtime; /* Write time */
-+ __le16 s_mnt_count; /* Mount count */
-+ __le16 s_max_mnt_count; /* Maximal mount count */
-+ __le16 s_magic; /* Magic signature */
-+ __le16 s_state; /* File system state */
-+ __le16 s_errors; /* Behaviour when detecting errors */
-+ __le16 s_minor_rev_level; /* minor revision level */
-+/*40*/ __le32 s_lastcheck; /* time of last check */
-+ __le32 s_checkinterval; /* max. time between checks */
-+ __le32 s_creator_os; /* OS */
-+ __le32 s_rev_level; /* Revision level */
-+/*50*/ __le16 s_def_resuid; /* Default uid for reserved blocks */
-+ __le16 s_def_resgid; /* Default gid for reserved blocks */
- /*
- * These fields are for EXT3_DYNAMIC_REV superblocks only.
- *
-@@ -401,36 +428,36 @@ struct ext3_super_block {
- * feature set, it must abort and not try to meddle with
- * things it doesn't understand...
- */
-- __u32 s_first_ino; /* First non-reserved inode */
-- __u16 s_inode_size; /* size of inode structure */
-- __u16 s_block_group_nr; /* block group # of this superblock */
-- __u32 s_feature_compat; /* compatible feature set */
--/*60*/ __u32 s_feature_incompat; /* incompatible feature set */
-- __u32 s_feature_ro_compat; /* readonly-compatible feature set */
-+ __le32 s_first_ino; /* First non-reserved inode */
-+ __le16 s_inode_size; /* size of inode structure */
-+ __le16 s_block_group_nr; /* block group # of this superblock */
-+ __le32 s_feature_compat; /* compatible feature set */
-+/*60*/ __le32 s_feature_incompat; /* incompatible feature set */
-+ __le32 s_feature_ro_compat; /* readonly-compatible feature set */
- /*68*/ __u8 s_uuid[16]; /* 128-bit uuid for volume */
- /*78*/ char s_volume_name[16]; /* volume name */
- /*88*/ char s_last_mounted[64]; /* directory where last mounted */
--/*C8*/ __u32 s_algorithm_usage_bitmap; /* For compression */
-+/*C8*/ __le32 s_algorithm_usage_bitmap; /* For compression */
- /*
- * Performance hints. Directory preallocation should only
- * happen if the EXT3_FEATURE_COMPAT_DIR_PREALLOC flag is on.
- */
- __u8 s_prealloc_blocks; /* Nr of blocks to try to preallocate*/
- __u8 s_prealloc_dir_blocks; /* Nr to preallocate for dirs */
-- __u16 s_padding1;
-+ __u16 s_reserved_gdt_blocks; /* Per group desc for online growth */
- /*
- * Journaling support valid if EXT3_FEATURE_COMPAT_HAS_JOURNAL set.
- */
- /*D0*/ __u8 s_journal_uuid[16]; /* uuid of journal superblock */
--/*E0*/ __u32 s_journal_inum; /* inode number of journal file */
-- __u32 s_journal_dev; /* device number of journal file */
-- __u32 s_last_orphan; /* start of list of inodes to delete */
-- __u32 s_hash_seed[4]; /* HTREE hash seed */
-+/*E0*/ __le32 s_journal_inum; /* inode number of journal file */
-+ __le32 s_journal_dev; /* device number of journal file */
-+ __le32 s_last_orphan; /* start of list of inodes to delete */
-+ __le32 s_hash_seed[4]; /* HTREE hash seed */
- __u8 s_def_hash_version; /* Default hash version to use */
- __u8 s_reserved_char_pad;
- __u16 s_reserved_word_pad;
-- __u32 s_default_mount_opts;
-- __u32 s_first_meta_bg; /* First metablock block group */
-+ __le32 s_default_mount_opts;
-+ __le32 s_first_meta_bg; /* First metablock block group */
- __u32 s_reserved[190]; /* Padding to the end of the block */
- };
-@@ -545,9 +572,9 @@ static inline struct ext3_inode_info *EX
- #define EXT3_NAME_LEN 255
- struct ext3_dir_entry {
-- __u32 inode; /* Inode number */
-- __u16 rec_len; /* Directory entry length */
-- __u16 name_len; /* Name length */
-+ __le32 inode; /* Inode number */
-+ __le16 rec_len; /* Directory entry length */
-+ __le16 name_len; /* Name length */
- char name[EXT3_NAME_LEN]; /* File name */
- };
-@@ -558,8 +585,8 @@ struct ext3_dir_entry {
- * file_type field.
- */
- struct ext3_dir_entry_2 {
-- __u32 inode; /* Inode number */
-- __u16 rec_len; /* Directory entry length */
-+ __le32 inode; /* Inode number */
-+ __le16 rec_len; /* Directory entry length */
- __u8 name_len; /* Name length */
- __u8 file_type;
- char name[EXT3_NAME_LEN]; /* File name */
-@@ -684,6 +711,8 @@ extern int ext3_new_block (handle_t *, s
- __u32 *, __u32 *, int *);
- extern void ext3_free_blocks (handle_t *, struct inode *, unsigned long,
- unsigned long);
-+extern void ext3_free_blocks_sb (handle_t *, struct super_block *,
-+ unsigned long, unsigned long, int *);
- extern unsigned long ext3_count_free_blocks (struct super_block *);
- extern void ext3_check_blocks_bitmap (struct super_block *);
- extern struct ext3_group_desc * ext3_get_group_desc(struct super_block * sb,
-@@ -723,7 +752,7 @@ extern struct buffer_head * ext3_getblk
- extern struct buffer_head * ext3_bread (handle_t *, struct inode *, int, int, int *);
- extern void ext3_read_inode (struct inode *);
--extern void ext3_write_inode (struct inode *, int);
-+extern int ext3_write_inode (struct inode *, int);
- extern int ext3_setattr (struct dentry *, struct iattr *);
- extern void ext3_put_inode (struct inode *);
- extern void ext3_delete_inode (struct inode *);
-@@ -745,6 +774,13 @@ extern int ext3_orphan_del(handle_t *, s
- extern int ext3_htree_fill_tree(struct file *dir_file, __u32 start_hash,
- __u32 start_minor_hash, __u32 *next_hash);
-+/* resize.c */
-+extern int ext3_group_add(struct super_block *sb,
-+ struct ext3_new_group_data *input);
-+extern int ext3_group_extend(struct super_block *sb,
-+ struct ext3_super_block *es,
-+ unsigned long n_blocks_count);
- /* super.c */
- extern void ext3_error (struct super_block *, const char *, const char *, ...)
- __attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4)));
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:31.000000000 +0400
-@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
- * second extended file system inode data in memory
- */
- struct ext3_inode_info {
-- __u32 i_data[15];
-+ __le32 i_data[15]; /* unconverted */
- __u32 i_flags;
- __u32 i_faddr;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:15.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:31.000000000 +0400
-@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ struct ext3_sb_info {
- u32 s_next_generation;
- u32 s_hash_seed[4];
- int s_def_hash_version;
-- u8 *s_debts;
- struct percpu_counter s_freeblocks_counter;
- struct percpu_counter s_freeinodes_counter;
- struct percpu_counter s_dirs_counter;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:31.000000000 +0400
-@@ -138,10 +138,13 @@ ext3_journal_release_buffer(handle_t *ha
- journal_release_buffer(handle, bh, credits);
- }
--static inline void
--ext3_journal_forget(handle_t *handle, struct buffer_head *bh)
-+static inline int
-+__ext3_journal_forget(const char *where, handle_t *handle, struct buffer_head *bh)
- {
-- journal_forget(handle, bh);
-+ int err = journal_forget(handle, bh);
-+ if (err)
-+ ext3_journal_abort_handle(where, __FUNCTION__, bh, handle,err);
-+ return err;
- }
- static inline int
-@@ -187,10 +190,17 @@ __ext3_journal_dirty_metadata(const char
- __ext3_journal_get_create_access(__FUNCTION__, (handle), (bh))
- #define ext3_journal_dirty_metadata(handle, bh) \
- __ext3_journal_dirty_metadata(__FUNCTION__, (handle), (bh))
-+#define ext3_journal_forget(handle, bh) \
-+ __ext3_journal_forget(__FUNCTION__, (handle), (bh))
--handle_t *ext3_journal_start(struct inode *inode, int nblocks);
-+handle_t *ext3_journal_start_sb(struct super_block *sb, int nblocks);
- int __ext3_journal_stop(const char *where, handle_t *handle);
-+static inline handle_t *ext3_journal_start(struct inode *inode, int nblocks)
-+ return ext3_journal_start_sb(inode->i_sb, nblocks);
- #define ext3_journal_stop(handle) \
- __ext3_journal_stop(__FUNCTION__, (handle))
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
-+#ifndef __LINUX_FAIRSCHED_H__
-+#define __LINUX_FAIRSCHED_H__
-+ * Fair Scheduler
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/cache.h>
-+#include <linux/cpumask.h>
-+#include <asm/timex.h>
-+typedef struct { cycles_t t; } fschtag_t;
-+typedef struct { unsigned long d; } fschdur_t;
-+typedef struct { cycles_t v; } fschvalue_t;
-+struct vcpu_scheduler;
-+struct fairsched_node {
-+ struct list_head runlist;
-+ /*
-+ * Fair Scheduler fields
-+ *
-+ * nr_running >= nr_ready (!= if delayed)
-+ */
-+ fschtag_t start_tag;
-+ int nr_ready;
-+ int nr_runnable;
-+ int nr_pcpu;
-+ /*
-+ * Rate limitator fields
-+ */
-+ cycles_t last_updated_at;
-+ fschvalue_t value; /* leaky function value */
-+ cycles_t delay; /* removed from schedule till */
-+ unsigned char delayed;
-+ /*
-+ * Configuration
-+ *
-+ * Read-only most of the time.
-+ */
-+ unsigned weight ____cacheline_aligned_in_smp;
-+ /* fairness weight */
-+ unsigned char rate_limited;
-+ unsigned rate; /* max CPU share */
-+ fschtag_t max_latency;
-+ unsigned min_weight;
-+ struct list_head nodelist;
-+ int id;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
-+ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
-+#define FSCHWEIGHT_MAX ((1 << 16) - 1)
-+#define FSCHRATE_SHIFT 10
-+ * Fairsched nodes used in boot process.
-+ */
-+extern struct fairsched_node fairsched_init_node;
-+extern struct fairsched_node fairsched_idle_node;
-+ * For proc output.
-+ */
-+extern unsigned fairsched_nr_cpus;
-+extern void fairsched_cpu_online_map(int id, cpumask_t *mask);
-+/* I hope vsched_id is always equal to fairsched node id --SAW */
-+#define task_fairsched_node_id(p) task_vsched_id(p)
-+ * Core functions.
-+ */
-+extern void fairsched_incrun(struct fairsched_node *node);
-+extern void fairsched_decrun(struct fairsched_node *node);
-+extern void fairsched_inccpu(struct fairsched_node *node);
-+extern void fairsched_deccpu(struct fairsched_node *node);
-+extern struct fairsched_node *fairsched_schedule(
-+ struct fairsched_node *prev_node,
-+ struct fairsched_node *cur_node,
-+ int cur_node_active,
-+ cycles_t time);
-+ * Management functions.
-+ */
-+void fairsched_init_early(void);
-+asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_mknod(unsigned int parent, unsigned int weight,
-+ unsigned int newid);
-+asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_rmnod(unsigned int id);
-+asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_mvpr(pid_t pid, unsigned int nodeid);
-+#else /* CONFIG_FAIRSCHED */
-+#define task_fairsched_node_id(p) 0
-+#define fairsched_incrun(p) do { } while (0)
-+#define fairsched_decrun(p) do { } while (0)
-+#define fairsched_deccpu(p) do { } while (0)
-+#define fairsched_cpu_online_map(id, mask) do { *(mask) = cpu_online_map; } while (0)
-+#endif /* CONFIG_FAIRSCHED */
-+#endif /* __LINUX_FAIRSCHED_H__ */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
-+ * include/linux/faudit.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef __FAUDIT_H_
-+#define __FAUDIT_H_
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
-+struct vfsmount;
-+struct dentry;
-+struct super_block;
-+struct kstatfs;
-+struct kstat;
-+struct pt_regs;
-+struct faudit_regs_arg {
-+ int err;
-+ struct pt_regs *regs;
-+struct faudit_stat_arg {
-+ int err;
-+ struct vfsmount *mnt;
-+ struct dentry *dentry;
-+ struct kstat *stat;
-+struct faudit_statfs_arg {
-+ int err;
-+ struct super_block *sb;
-+ struct kstatfs *stat;
-+#define VIRTINFO_FAUDIT (0)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -725,7 +725,6 @@ extern void fb_destroy_modedb(struct fb_
- /* drivers/video/modedb.c */
- #define VESA_MODEDB_SIZE 34
--extern const struct fb_videomode vesa_modes[];
- /* drivers/video/fbcmap.c */
- extern int fb_alloc_cmap(struct fb_cmap *cmap, int len, int transp);
-@@ -754,6 +753,8 @@ struct fb_videomode {
- u32 flag;
- };
-+extern const struct fb_videomode vesa_modes[];
- extern int fb_find_mode(struct fb_var_screeninfo *var,
- struct fb_info *info, const char *mode_option,
- const struct fb_videomode *db,
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
- */
- #include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
- #include <linux/linkage.h>
- #include <linux/limits.h>
- #include <linux/wait.h>
-@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ extern int leases_enable, dir_notify_ena
- #define FMODE_LSEEK 4
- #define FMODE_PREAD 8
- #define FMODE_PWRITE FMODE_PREAD /* These go hand in hand */
-+#define FMODE_QUOTACTL 4
- #define RW_MASK 1
- #define RWA_MASK 2
-@@ -88,6 +90,7 @@ extern int leases_enable, dir_notify_ena
- #define SPECIAL 4 /* For non-blockdevice requests in request queue */
- #define READ_SYNC (READ | (1 << BIO_RW_SYNC))
- #define WRITE_SYNC (WRITE | (1 << BIO_RW_SYNC))
-+#define WRITE_BARRIER ((1 << BIO_RW) | (1 << BIO_RW_BARRIER))
- #define SEL_IN 1
- #define SEL_OUT 2
-@@ -96,6 +99,7 @@ extern int leases_enable, dir_notify_ena
- /* public flags for file_system_type */
- #define FS_REQUIRES_DEV 1
-+#define FS_VIRTUALIZED 64 /* Can mount this fstype inside ve */
- #define FS_REVAL_DOT 16384 /* Check the paths ".", ".." for staleness */
- #define FS_ODD_RENAME 32768 /* Temporary stuff; will go away as soon
- * as nfs_rename() will be cleaned up
-@@ -118,7 +122,8 @@ extern int leases_enable, dir_notify_ena
- #define MS_REC 16384
- #define MS_VERBOSE 32768
- #define MS_POSIXACL (1<<16) /* VFS does not apply the umask */
--#define MS_ONE_SECOND (1<<17) /* fs has 1 sec a/m/ctime resolution */
-+#define MS_ONE_SECOND (1<<17) /* fs has 1 sec time resolution (obsolete) */
-+#define MS_TIME_GRAN (1<<18) /* fs has s_time_gran field */
- #define MS_ACTIVE (1<<30)
- #define MS_NOUSER (1<<31)
-@@ -292,6 +297,9 @@ struct iattr {
- * Includes for diskquotas.
- */
- #include <linux/quota.h>
-+#if defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA) || defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_MODULE)
-+#include <linux/vzquota_qlnk.h>
- /*
- * oh the beauties of C type declarations.
-@@ -419,6 +427,7 @@ static inline int mapping_writably_mappe
- struct inode {
- struct hlist_node i_hash;
- struct list_head i_list;
-+ struct list_head i_sb_list;
- struct list_head i_dentry;
- unsigned long i_ino;
- atomic_t i_count;
-@@ -448,6 +457,9 @@ struct inode {
- struct dquot *i_dquot[MAXQUOTAS];
- #endif
-+#if defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA) || defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_MODULE)
-+ struct vz_quota_ilink i_qlnk;
- /* These three should probably be a union */
- struct list_head i_devices;
- struct pipe_inode_info *i_pipe;
-@@ -536,6 +548,12 @@ static inline unsigned imajor(struct ino
- extern struct block_device *I_BDEV(struct inode *inode);
-+struct exec_perm {
-+ umode_t mode;
-+ uid_t uid, gid;
-+ int set;
- struct fown_struct {
- rwlock_t lock; /* protects pid, uid, euid fields */
- int pid; /* pid or -pgrp where SIGIO should be sent */
-@@ -587,7 +605,10 @@ struct file {
- spinlock_t f_ep_lock;
- #endif /* #ifdef CONFIG_EPOLL */
- struct address_space *f_mapping;
-+ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
- };
-+DCL_VE_OWNER_PROTO(FILP, GENERIC, struct file, owner_env,
-+ inline, (always_inline))
- extern spinlock_t files_lock;
- #define file_list_lock() spin_lock(&files_lock);
- #define file_list_unlock() spin_unlock(&files_lock);
-@@ -639,6 +660,7 @@ struct file_lock {
- struct file *fl_file;
- unsigned char fl_flags;
- unsigned char fl_type;
-+ unsigned char fl_charged;
- loff_t fl_start;
- loff_t fl_end;
-@@ -750,10 +772,12 @@ struct super_block {
- atomic_t s_active;
- void *s_security;
-+ struct list_head s_inodes; /* all inodes */
- struct list_head s_dirty; /* dirty inodes */
- struct list_head s_io; /* parked for writeback */
- struct hlist_head s_anon; /* anonymous dentries for (nfs) exporting */
- struct list_head s_files;
-+ struct list_head s_dshrinkers; /* active dcache shrinkers */
- struct block_device *s_bdev;
- struct list_head s_instances;
-@@ -771,8 +795,33 @@ struct super_block {
- * even looking at it. You had been warned.
- */
- struct semaphore s_vfs_rename_sem; /* Kludge */
-+ /* Granuality of c/m/atime in ns.
-+ Cannot be worse than a second */
-+#ifndef __GENKSYMS__
-+ u32 s_time_gran;
- };
-+extern struct timespec current_fs_time(struct super_block *sb);
-+static inline u32 get_sb_time_gran(struct super_block *sb)
-+ if (sb->s_flags & MS_TIME_GRAN)
-+ return sb->s_time_gran;
-+ if (sb->s_flags & MS_ONE_SECOND)
-+ return 1000000000U;
-+ return 1;
-+static inline void set_sb_time_gran(struct super_block *sb, u32 time_gran)
-+ sb->s_time_gran = time_gran;
-+ sb->s_flags |= MS_TIME_GRAN;
-+ if (time_gran == 1000000000U)
-+ sb->s_flags |= MS_ONE_SECOND;
- /*
- * Snapshotting support.
- */
-@@ -911,7 +960,8 @@ struct inode_operations {
- int (*follow_link) (struct dentry *, struct nameidata *);
- void (*put_link) (struct dentry *, struct nameidata *);
- void (*truncate) (struct inode *);
-- int (*permission) (struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *);
-+ int (*permission) (struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *,
-+ struct exec_perm *);
- int (*setattr) (struct dentry *, struct iattr *);
- int (*getattr) (struct vfsmount *mnt, struct dentry *, struct kstat *);
- int (*setxattr) (struct dentry *, const char *,const void *,size_t,int);
-@@ -940,7 +990,7 @@ struct super_operations {
- void (*read_inode) (struct inode *);
- void (*dirty_inode) (struct inode *);
-- void (*write_inode) (struct inode *, int);
-+ int (*write_inode) (struct inode *, int);
- void (*put_inode) (struct inode *);
- void (*drop_inode) (struct inode *);
- void (*delete_inode) (struct inode *);
-@@ -955,6 +1005,8 @@ struct super_operations {
- void (*umount_begin) (struct super_block *);
- int (*show_options)(struct seq_file *, struct vfsmount *);
-+ struct inode *(*get_quota_root)(struct super_block *);
- };
- /* Inode state bits. Protected by inode_lock. */
-@@ -965,6 +1017,7 @@ struct super_operations {
- #define I_FREEING 16
- #define I_CLEAR 32
- #define I_NEW 64
-+#define I_WILL_FREE 128
-@@ -1105,8 +1158,15 @@ struct file_system_type {
- struct module *owner;
- struct file_system_type * next;
- struct list_head fs_supers;
-+ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
- };
-+DCL_VE_OWNER_PROTO(FSTYPE, MODULE_NOCHECK, struct file_system_type, owner_env
-+ , , ())
-+void get_filesystem(struct file_system_type *fs);
-+void put_filesystem(struct file_system_type *fs);
- struct super_block *get_sb_bdev(struct file_system_type *fs_type,
- int flags, const char *dev_name, void *data,
- int (*fill_super)(struct super_block *, void *, int));
-@@ -1129,6 +1189,7 @@ struct super_block *sget(struct file_sys
- struct super_block *get_sb_pseudo(struct file_system_type *, char *,
- struct super_operations *ops, unsigned long);
- int __put_super(struct super_block *sb);
-+int __put_super_and_need_restart(struct super_block *sb);
- void unnamed_dev_init(void);
- /* Alas, no aliases. Too much hassle with bringing module.h everywhere */
-@@ -1143,8 +1204,11 @@ extern struct vfsmount *kern_mount(struc
- extern int may_umount_tree(struct vfsmount *);
- extern int may_umount(struct vfsmount *);
- extern long do_mount(char *, char *, char *, unsigned long, void *);
-+extern void umount_tree(struct vfsmount *);
-+#define kern_umount mntput
- extern int vfs_statfs(struct super_block *, struct kstatfs *);
-+extern int faudit_statfs(struct super_block *, struct kstatfs *);
- /* Return value for VFS lock functions - tells locks.c to lock conventionally
- * REALLY kosha for root NFS and nfs_lock
-@@ -1260,7 +1324,7 @@ extern int chrdev_open(struct inode *, s
- #define BDEVNAME_SIZE 32 /* Largest string for a blockdev identifier */
- extern const char *__bdevname(dev_t, char *buffer);
- extern const char *bdevname(struct block_device *bdev, char *buffer);
--extern struct block_device *lookup_bdev(const char *);
-+extern struct block_device *lookup_bdev(const char *, int mode);
- extern struct block_device *open_bdev_excl(const char *, int, void *);
- extern void close_bdev_excl(struct block_device *);
-@@ -1290,7 +1354,7 @@ extern int fs_may_remount_ro(struct supe
- #define bio_data_dir(bio) ((bio)->bi_rw & 1)
- extern int check_disk_change(struct block_device *);
--extern int invalidate_inodes(struct super_block *);
-+extern int invalidate_inodes(struct super_block *, int);
- extern int __invalidate_device(struct block_device *, int);
- extern int invalidate_partition(struct gendisk *, int);
- unsigned long invalidate_mapping_pages(struct address_space *mapping,
-@@ -1317,8 +1381,9 @@ extern int do_remount_sb(struct super_bl
- extern sector_t bmap(struct inode *, sector_t);
- extern int setattr_mask(unsigned int);
- extern int notify_change(struct dentry *, struct iattr *);
--extern int permission(struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *);
--extern int vfs_permission(struct inode *, int);
-+extern int permission(struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *,
-+ struct exec_perm *);
-+extern int vfs_permission(struct inode *, int, struct exec_perm *);
- extern int get_write_access(struct inode *);
- extern int deny_write_access(struct file *);
- static inline void put_write_access(struct inode * inode)
-@@ -1335,8 +1400,9 @@ extern int do_pipe(int *);
- extern int open_namei(const char *, int, int, struct nameidata *);
- extern int may_open(struct nameidata *, int, int);
-+struct linux_binprm;
- extern int kernel_read(struct file *, unsigned long, char *, unsigned long);
--extern struct file * open_exec(const char *);
-+extern struct file * open_exec(const char *, struct linux_binprm *);
- /* fs/dcache.c -- generic fs support functions */
- extern int is_subdir(struct dentry *, struct dentry *);
-@@ -1482,7 +1548,7 @@ extern int page_readlink(struct dentry *
- extern int page_follow_link(struct dentry *, struct nameidata *);
- extern int page_follow_link_light(struct dentry *, struct nameidata *);
- extern void page_put_link(struct dentry *, struct nameidata *);
--extern int page_symlink(struct inode *inode, const char *symname, int len);
-+extern int page_symlink(struct inode *inode, const char *symname, int len, int gfp_mask);
- extern struct inode_operations page_symlink_inode_operations;
- extern int generic_readlink(struct dentry *, char __user *, int);
- extern void generic_fillattr(struct inode *, struct kstat *);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -38,19 +38,25 @@ struct vm_area_struct;
- #define __GFP_NO_GROW 0x2000 /* Slab internal usage */
- #define __GFP_COMP 0x4000 /* Add compound page metadata */
--#define __GFP_BITS_SHIFT 16 /* Room for 16 __GFP_FOO bits */
-+#define __GFP_UBC 0x08000 /* charge kmem in buddy and slab */
-+#define __GFP_SOFT_UBC 0x10000 /* use soft charging */
-+#define __GFP_BITS_SHIFT 17 /* Room for 15 __GFP_FOO bits */
- #define __GFP_BITS_MASK ((1 << __GFP_BITS_SHIFT) - 1)
- /* if you forget to add the bitmask here kernel will crash, period */
- #define GFP_ATOMIC (__GFP_HIGH)
- #define GFP_NOIO (__GFP_WAIT)
- #define GFP_NOFS (__GFP_WAIT | __GFP_IO)
- #define GFP_KERNEL (__GFP_WAIT | __GFP_IO | __GFP_FS)
-+#define GFP_KERNEL_UBC (__GFP_WAIT | __GFP_IO | __GFP_FS | __GFP_UBC)
- #define GFP_USER (__GFP_WAIT | __GFP_IO | __GFP_FS)
-+#define GFP_USER_UBC (__GFP_WAIT | __GFP_IO | __GFP_FS | __GFP_UBC)
- /* Flag - indicates that the buffer will be suitable for DMA. Ignored on some
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -28,9 +28,10 @@ static inline void *kmap(struct page *pa
- #define kunmap(page) do { (void) (page); } while (0)
--#define kmap_atomic(page, idx) page_address(page)
--#define kunmap_atomic(addr, idx) do { } while (0)
--#define kmap_atomic_to_page(ptr) virt_to_page(ptr)
-+#define kmap_atomic(page, idx) page_address(page)
-+#define kmap_atomic_pte(pte, idx) page_address(pte_page(*pte))
-+#define kunmap_atomic(addr, idx) do { } while (0)
-+#define kmap_atomic_to_page(ptr) virt_to_page(ptr)
- #endif /* CONFIG_HIGHMEM */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -28,6 +28,11 @@ struct ipv4_devconf
- };
- extern struct ipv4_devconf ipv4_devconf;
-+#define ve_ipv4_devconf (*(get_exec_env()->_ipv4_devconf))
-+#define ve_ipv4_devconf ipv4_devconf
- struct in_device
- {
-@@ -53,28 +58,28 @@ struct in_device
- };
- #define IN_DEV_FORWARD(in_dev) ((in_dev)->cnf.forwarding)
--#define IN_DEV_MFORWARD(in_dev) (ipv4_devconf.mc_forwarding && (in_dev)->cnf.mc_forwarding)
--#define IN_DEV_RPFILTER(in_dev) (ipv4_devconf.rp_filter && (in_dev)->cnf.rp_filter)
--#define IN_DEV_SOURCE_ROUTE(in_dev) (ipv4_devconf.accept_source_route && (in_dev)->cnf.accept_source_route)
--#define IN_DEV_BOOTP_RELAY(in_dev) (ipv4_devconf.bootp_relay && (in_dev)->cnf.bootp_relay)
--#define IN_DEV_LOG_MARTIANS(in_dev) (ipv4_devconf.log_martians || (in_dev)->cnf.log_martians)
--#define IN_DEV_PROXY_ARP(in_dev) (ipv4_devconf.proxy_arp || (in_dev)->cnf.proxy_arp)
--#define IN_DEV_SHARED_MEDIA(in_dev) (ipv4_devconf.shared_media || (in_dev)->cnf.shared_media)
--#define IN_DEV_TX_REDIRECTS(in_dev) (ipv4_devconf.send_redirects || (in_dev)->cnf.send_redirects)
--#define IN_DEV_SEC_REDIRECTS(in_dev) (ipv4_devconf.secure_redirects || (in_dev)->cnf.secure_redirects)
-+#define IN_DEV_MFORWARD(in_dev) (ve_ipv4_devconf.mc_forwarding && (in_dev)->cnf.mc_forwarding)
-+#define IN_DEV_RPFILTER(in_dev) (ve_ipv4_devconf.rp_filter && (in_dev)->cnf.rp_filter)
-+#define IN_DEV_SOURCE_ROUTE(in_dev) (ve_ipv4_devconf.accept_source_route && (in_dev)->cnf.accept_source_route)
-+#define IN_DEV_BOOTP_RELAY(in_dev) (ve_ipv4_devconf.bootp_relay && (in_dev)->cnf.bootp_relay)
-+#define IN_DEV_LOG_MARTIANS(in_dev) (ve_ipv4_devconf.log_martians || (in_dev)->cnf.log_martians)
-+#define IN_DEV_PROXY_ARP(in_dev) (ve_ipv4_devconf.proxy_arp || (in_dev)->cnf.proxy_arp)
-+#define IN_DEV_SHARED_MEDIA(in_dev) (ve_ipv4_devconf.shared_media || (in_dev)->cnf.shared_media)
-+#define IN_DEV_TX_REDIRECTS(in_dev) (ve_ipv4_devconf.send_redirects || (in_dev)->cnf.send_redirects)
-+#define IN_DEV_SEC_REDIRECTS(in_dev) (ve_ipv4_devconf.secure_redirects || (in_dev)->cnf.secure_redirects)
- #define IN_DEV_IDTAG(in_dev) ((in_dev)->cnf.tag)
- #define IN_DEV_MEDIUM_ID(in_dev) ((in_dev)->cnf.medium_id)
- #define IN_DEV_RX_REDIRECTS(in_dev) \
- ((IN_DEV_FORWARD(in_dev) && \
-- (ipv4_devconf.accept_redirects && (in_dev)->cnf.accept_redirects)) \
-+ (ve_ipv4_devconf.accept_redirects && (in_dev)->cnf.accept_redirects)) \
- || (!IN_DEV_FORWARD(in_dev) && \
-- (ipv4_devconf.accept_redirects || (in_dev)->cnf.accept_redirects)))
-+ (ve_ipv4_devconf.accept_redirects || (in_dev)->cnf.accept_redirects)))
--#define IN_DEV_ARPFILTER(in_dev) (ipv4_devconf.arp_filter || (in_dev)->cnf.arp_filter)
--#define IN_DEV_ARP_ANNOUNCE(in_dev) (max(ipv4_devconf.arp_announce, (in_dev)->cnf.arp_announce))
--#define IN_DEV_ARP_IGNORE(in_dev) (max(ipv4_devconf.arp_ignore, (in_dev)->cnf.arp_ignore))
-+#define IN_DEV_ARPFILTER(in_dev) (ve_ipv4_devconf.arp_filter || (in_dev)->cnf.arp_filter)
-+#define IN_DEV_ARP_ANNOUNCE(in_dev) (max(ve_ipv4_devconf.arp_announce, (in_dev)->cnf.arp_announce))
-+#define IN_DEV_ARP_IGNORE(in_dev) (max(ve_ipv4_devconf.arp_ignore, (in_dev)->cnf.arp_ignore))
- struct in_ifaddr
- {
-@@ -104,6 +109,7 @@ extern u32 inet_select_addr(const struc
- extern u32 inet_confirm_addr(const struct net_device *dev, u32 dst, u32 local, int scope);
- extern struct in_ifaddr *inet_ifa_byprefix(struct in_device *in_dev, u32 prefix, u32 mask);
- extern void inet_forward_change(void);
-+extern void inet_del_ifa(struct in_device *in_dev, struct in_ifaddr **ifap, int destroy);
- static __inline__ int inet_ifa_match(u32 addr, struct in_ifaddr *ifa)
- {
-@@ -167,6 +173,10 @@ in_dev_put(struct in_device *idev)
- #define __in_dev_put(idev) atomic_dec(&(idev)->refcnt)
- #define in_dev_hold(idev) atomic_inc(&(idev)->refcnt)
-+struct ve_struct;
-+extern int devinet_sysctl_init(struct ve_struct *);
-+extern void devinet_sysctl_fini(struct ve_struct *);
-+extern void devinet_sysctl_free(struct ve_struct *);
- #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
- static __inline__ __u32 inet_make_mask(int logmask)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:37.000000000 +0400
-@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ extern int rd_image_start;
- extern int initrd_below_start_ok;
- /* free_initrd_mem always gets called with the next two as arguments.. */
--extern unsigned long initrd_start, initrd_end;
-+extern unsigned long initrd_start, initrd_end, initrd_copy;
- extern void free_initrd_mem(unsigned long, unsigned long);
- extern unsigned int real_root_dev;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:26.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -77,4 +77,6 @@ extern hw_irq_controller no_irq_type; /
- #endif
-+void check_stack_overflow(void);
- #endif /* __irq_h */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -137,9 +137,9 @@ typedef struct journal_s journal_t; /* J
- */
- typedef struct journal_header_s
- {
-- __u32 h_magic;
-- __u32 h_blocktype;
-- __u32 h_sequence;
-+ __be32 h_magic;
-+ __be32 h_blocktype;
-+ __be32 h_sequence;
- } journal_header_t;
-@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ typedef struct journal_header_s
- */
- typedef struct journal_block_tag_s
- {
-- __u32 t_blocknr; /* The on-disk block number */
-- __u32 t_flags; /* See below */
-+ __be32 t_blocknr; /* The on-disk block number */
-+ __be32 t_flags; /* See below */
- } journal_block_tag_t;
- /*
-@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ typedef struct journal_block_tag_s
- typedef struct journal_revoke_header_s
- {
- journal_header_t r_header;
-- int r_count; /* Count of bytes used in the block */
-+ __be32 r_count; /* Count of bytes used in the block */
- } journal_revoke_header_t;
-@@ -180,35 +180,35 @@ typedef struct journal_superblock_s
- /* 0x000C */
- /* Static information describing the journal */
-- __u32 s_blocksize; /* journal device blocksize */
-- __u32 s_maxlen; /* total blocks in journal file */
-- __u32 s_first; /* first block of log information */
-+ __be32 s_blocksize; /* journal device blocksize */
-+ __be32 s_maxlen; /* total blocks in journal file */
-+ __be32 s_first; /* first block of log information */
- /* 0x0018 */
- /* Dynamic information describing the current state of the log */
-- __u32 s_sequence; /* first commit ID expected in log */
-- __u32 s_start; /* blocknr of start of log */
-+ __be32 s_sequence; /* first commit ID expected in log */
-+ __be32 s_start; /* blocknr of start of log */
- /* 0x0020 */
- /* Error value, as set by journal_abort(). */
-- __s32 s_errno;
-+ __be32 s_errno;
- /* 0x0024 */
- /* Remaining fields are only valid in a version-2 superblock */
-- __u32 s_feature_compat; /* compatible feature set */
-- __u32 s_feature_incompat; /* incompatible feature set */
-- __u32 s_feature_ro_compat; /* readonly-compatible feature set */
-+ __be32 s_feature_compat; /* compatible feature set */
-+ __be32 s_feature_incompat; /* incompatible feature set */
-+ __be32 s_feature_ro_compat; /* readonly-compatible feature set */
- /* 0x0030 */
- __u8 s_uuid[16]; /* 128-bit uuid for journal */
- /* 0x0040 */
-- __u32 s_nr_users; /* Nr of filesystems sharing log */
-+ __be32 s_nr_users; /* Nr of filesystems sharing log */
-- __u32 s_dynsuper; /* Blocknr of dynamic superblock copy*/
-+ __be32 s_dynsuper; /* Blocknr of dynamic superblock copy*/
- /* 0x0048 */
-- __u32 s_max_transaction; /* Limit of journal blocks per trans.*/
-- __u32 s_max_trans_data; /* Limit of data blocks per trans. */
-+ __be32 s_max_transaction; /* Limit of journal blocks per trans.*/
-+ __be32 s_max_trans_data; /* Limit of data blocks per trans. */
- /* 0x0050 */
- __u32 s_padding[44];
-@@ -242,14 +242,28 @@ typedef struct journal_superblock_s
- #include <asm/bug.h>
-+#define J_BUG() \
-+do { \
-+ unsigned long stack; \
-+ printk("Stack=%p current=%p pid=%d ve=%d process='%s'\n", \
-+ &stack, current, current->pid, \
-+ get_exec_env()->veid, \
-+ current->comm); \
-+ dump_stack(); \
-+} while(0)
-+#define J_BUG() BUG()
- #define J_ASSERT(assert) \
- do { \
- if (!(assert)) { \
- printk (KERN_EMERG \
- "Assertion failure in %s() at %s:%d: \"%s\"\n", \
- __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, # assert); \
-- BUG(); \
-+ J_BUG(); \
- } \
- } while (0)
-@@ -277,13 +291,15 @@ void buffer_assertion_failure(struct buf
- #define J_EXPECT_JH(jh, expr, why...) J_ASSERT_JH(jh, expr)
- #else
- #define __journal_expect(expr, why...) \
-- do { \
-- if (!(expr)) { \
-+ ({ \
-+ int val = (expr); \
-+ if (!val) { \
- printk(KERN_ERR \
- "EXT3-fs unexpected failure: %s;\n",# expr); \
-- printk(KERN_ERR why); \
-+ printk(KERN_ERR why "\n"); \
- } \
-- } while (0)
-+ val; \
-+ })
- #define J_EXPECT(expr, why...) __journal_expect(expr, ## why)
- #define J_EXPECT_BH(bh, expr, why...) __journal_expect(expr, ## why)
- #define J_EXPECT_JH(jh, expr, why...) __journal_expect(expr, ## why)
-@@ -826,6 +842,12 @@ struct journal_s
- struct jbd_revoke_table_s *j_revoke_table[2];
- /*
-+ * array of bhs for journal_commit_transaction
-+ */
-+ struct buffer_head **j_wbuf;
-+ int j_wbufsize;
-+ /*
- * An opaque pointer to fs-private information. ext3 puts its
- * superblock pointer here
- */
-@@ -847,6 +869,7 @@ struct journal_s
- */
- /* Filing buffers */
-+extern void __journal_temp_unlink_buffer(struct journal_head *jh);
- extern void journal_unfile_buffer(journal_t *, struct journal_head *);
- extern void __journal_unfile_buffer(struct journal_head *);
- extern void __journal_refile_buffer(struct journal_head *);
-@@ -912,7 +935,7 @@ extern int journal_dirty_data (handle_t
- extern int journal_dirty_metadata (handle_t *, struct buffer_head *);
- extern void journal_release_buffer (handle_t *, struct buffer_head *,
- int credits);
--extern void journal_forget (handle_t *, struct buffer_head *);
-+extern int journal_forget (handle_t *, struct buffer_head *);
- extern void journal_sync_buffer (struct buffer_head *);
- extern int journal_invalidatepage(journal_t *,
- struct page *, unsigned long);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
- */
- extern u64 jiffies_64;
- extern unsigned long volatile jiffies;
-+extern unsigned long cycles_per_jiffy, cycles_per_clock;
- #if (BITS_PER_LONG < 64)
- u64 get_jiffies_64(void);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -87,6 +87,57 @@ static inline unsigned sysv_minor(u32 de
- return dev & 0x3ffff;
- }
-+extern int unnamed_dev_majors[UNNAMED_MAJOR_COUNT];
-+static inline dev_t make_unnamed_dev(int idx)
-+ /*
-+ * Here we transfer bits from 8 to 8+log2(UNNAMED_MAJOR_COUNT) of the
-+ * unnamed device index into major number.
-+ */
-+ return MKDEV(unnamed_dev_majors[(idx >> 8) & (UNNAMED_MAJOR_COUNT - 1)],
-+ idx & ~((UNNAMED_MAJOR_COUNT - 1) << 8));
-+static inline int unnamed_dev_idx(dev_t dev)
-+ int i;
-+ for (i = 0; i < UNNAMED_MAJOR_COUNT &&
-+ MAJOR(dev) != unnamed_dev_majors[i]; i++);
-+ return MINOR(dev) | (i << 8);
-+static inline int is_unnamed_dev(dev_t dev)
-+ int i;
-+ for (i = 0; i < UNNAMED_MAJOR_COUNT &&
-+ MAJOR(dev) != unnamed_dev_majors[i]; i++);
-+ return i < UNNAMED_MAJOR_COUNT;
-+static inline dev_t make_unnamed_dev(int idx)
-+ return MKDEV(0, idx);
-+static inline int unnamed_dev_idx(dev_t dev)
-+ return MINOR(dev);
-+static inline int is_unnamed_dev(dev_t dev)
-+ return MAJOR(dev) == 0;
-+#endif /* UNNAMED_MAJOR_COUNT */
- #else /* __KERNEL__ */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -97,9 +97,18 @@ extern int __kernel_text_address(unsigne
- extern int kernel_text_address(unsigned long addr);
- extern int session_of_pgrp(int pgrp);
-+asmlinkage int vprintk(const char *fmt, va_list args)
-+ __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 0)));
- asmlinkage int printk(const char * fmt, ...)
- __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
-+#define VE0_LOG 1
-+#define VE_LOG 2
-+#define VE_LOG_BOTH (VE0_LOG | VE_LOG)
-+asmlinkage int ve_printk(int, const char * fmt, ...)
-+ __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
-+void prepare_printk(void);
- unsigned long int_sqrt(unsigned long);
- static inline int __attribute_pure__ long_log2(unsigned long x)
-@@ -114,9 +123,14 @@ static inline int __attribute_pure__ lon
- extern int printk_ratelimit(void);
- extern int __printk_ratelimit(int ratelimit_jiffies, int ratelimit_burst);
-+extern int console_silence_loglevel;
- static inline void console_silent(void)
- {
-- console_loglevel = 0;
-+ if (console_loglevel > console_silence_loglevel) {
-+ printk("console shuts up ...\n");
-+ console_loglevel = 0;
-+ }
- }
- static inline void console_verbose(void)
-@@ -126,10 +140,14 @@ static inline void console_verbose(void)
- }
- extern void bust_spinlocks(int yes);
-+extern void wake_up_klogd(void);
- extern int oops_in_progress; /* If set, an oops, panic(), BUG() or die() is in progress */
- extern int panic_on_oops;
-+extern int decode_call_traces;
- extern int tainted;
-+extern int kernel_text_csum_broken;
- extern const char *print_tainted(void);
-+extern int alloc_fail_warn;
- /* Values used for system_state */
- extern enum system_states {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
-+#ifndef __KMEM_CACHE_H__
-+#define __KMEM_CACHE_H__
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/threads.h>
-+#include <linux/smp.h>
-+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
-+#include <linux/list.h>
-+#include <linux/mm.h>
-+#include <asm/atomic.h>
-+ * SLAB_DEBUG - 1 for kmem_cache_create() to honour; SLAB_DEBUG_INITIAL,
-+ * 0 for faster, smaller code (especially in the critical paths).
-+ *
-+ * SLAB_STATS - 1 to collect stats for /proc/slabinfo.
-+ * 0 for faster, smaller code (especially in the critical paths).
-+ *
-+ * SLAB_FORCED_DEBUG - 1 enables SLAB_RED_ZONE and SLAB_POISON (if possible)
-+ */
-+#define SLAB_DEBUG 1
-+#define SLAB_STATS 1
-+#define SLAB_DEBUG 0
-+#define SLAB_STATS 0 /* must be off, see kmem_cache.h */
-+ * struct array_cache
-+ *
-+ * Per cpu structures
-+ * Purpose:
-+ * - LIFO ordering, to hand out cache-warm objects from _alloc
-+ * - reduce the number of linked list operations
-+ * - reduce spinlock operations
-+ *
-+ * The limit is stored in the per-cpu structure to reduce the data cache
-+ * footprint.
-+ *
-+ */
-+struct array_cache {
-+ unsigned int avail;
-+ unsigned int limit;
-+ unsigned int batchcount;
-+ unsigned int touched;
-+/* bootstrap: The caches do not work without cpuarrays anymore,
-+ * but the cpuarrays are allocated from the generic caches...
-+ */
-+struct arraycache_init {
-+ struct array_cache cache;
-+ void * entries[BOOT_CPUCACHE_ENTRIES];
-+ * The slab lists of all objects.
-+ * Hopefully reduce the internal fragmentation
-+ * NUMA: The spinlock could be moved from the kmem_cache_t
-+ * into this structure, too. Figure out what causes
-+ * fewer cross-node spinlock operations.
-+ */
-+struct kmem_list3 {
-+ struct list_head slabs_partial; /* partial list first, better asm code */
-+ struct list_head slabs_full;
-+ struct list_head slabs_free;
-+ unsigned long free_objects;
-+ int free_touched;
-+ unsigned long next_reap;
-+ struct array_cache *shared;
-+#define LIST3_INIT(parent) \
-+ { \
-+ .slabs_full = LIST_HEAD_INIT(parent.slabs_full), \
-+ .slabs_partial = LIST_HEAD_INIT(parent.slabs_partial), \
-+ .slabs_free = LIST_HEAD_INIT(parent.slabs_free) \
-+ }
-+#define list3_data(cachep) \
-+ (&(cachep)->lists)
-+/* NUMA: per-node */
-+#define list3_data_ptr(cachep, ptr) \
-+ list3_data(cachep)
-+ * kmem_cache_t
-+ *
-+ * manages a cache.
-+ */
-+struct kmem_cache_s {
-+/* 1) per-cpu data, touched during every alloc/free */
-+ struct array_cache *array[NR_CPUS];
-+ unsigned int batchcount;
-+ unsigned int limit;
-+/* 2) touched by every alloc & free from the backend */
-+ struct kmem_list3 lists;
-+ /* NUMA: kmem_3list_t *nodelists[MAX_NUMNODES] */
-+ unsigned int objsize;
-+ unsigned int flags; /* constant flags */
-+ unsigned int num; /* # of objs per slab */
-+ unsigned int free_limit; /* upper limit of objects in the lists */
-+ spinlock_t spinlock;
-+/* 3) cache_grow/shrink */
-+ /* order of pgs per slab (2^n) */
-+ unsigned int gfporder;
-+ /* force GFP flags, e.g. GFP_DMA */
-+ unsigned int gfpflags;
-+ size_t colour; /* cache colouring range */
-+ unsigned int colour_off; /* colour offset */
-+ unsigned int colour_next; /* cache colouring */
-+ kmem_cache_t *slabp_cache;
-+ unsigned int slab_size;
-+ unsigned int dflags; /* dynamic flags */
-+ /* constructor func */
-+ void (*ctor)(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long);
-+ /* de-constructor func */
-+ void (*dtor)(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long);
-+/* 4) cache creation/removal */
-+ const char *name;
-+ struct list_head next;
-+/* 5) statistics */
-+ unsigned long num_active;
-+ unsigned long num_allocations;
-+ unsigned long high_mark;
-+ unsigned long grown;
-+ unsigned long reaped;
-+ unsigned long errors;
-+ unsigned long max_freeable;
-+ atomic_t allochit;
-+ atomic_t allocmiss;
-+ atomic_t freehit;
-+ atomic_t freemiss;
-+ int dbghead;
-+ int reallen;
-+ unsigned int objuse;
-+/* Macros for storing/retrieving the cachep and or slab from the
-+ * global 'mem_map'. These are used to find the slab an obj belongs to.
-+ * With kfree(), these are used to find the cache which an obj belongs to.
-+ */
-+#define SET_PAGE_CACHE(pg,x) ((pg)-> = (struct list_head *)(x))
-+#define GET_PAGE_CACHE(pg) ((kmem_cache_t *)(pg)->
-+#define SET_PAGE_SLAB(pg,x) ((pg)->lru.prev = (struct list_head *)(x))
-+#define GET_PAGE_SLAB(pg) ((struct slab *)(pg)->lru.prev)
-+#define CFLGS_OFF_SLAB (0x80000000UL)
-+#define CFLGS_ENVIDS (0x04000000UL)
-+#define OFF_SLAB(x) ((x)->flags & CFLGS_OFF_SLAB)
-+#define ENVIDS(x) ((x)->flags & CFLGS_ENVIDS)
-+static inline unsigned int kmem_cache_memusage(kmem_cache_t *cache)
-+ return cache->objuse;
-+ return 0;
-+static inline unsigned int kmem_obj_memusage(void *obj)
-+ kmem_cache_t *cachep;
-+ cachep = GET_PAGE_CACHE(virt_to_page(obj));
-+ return kmem_cache_memusage(cachep);
-+static inline void kmem_mark_nocharge(kmem_cache_t *cachep)
-+ cachep->flags |= SLAB_NO_CHARGE;
-+#endif /* __KMEM_CACHE_H__ */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
-+#ifndef __KMEM_SLAB_H__
-+#define __KMEM_SLAB_H__
-+ * kmem_bufctl_t:
-+ *
-+ * Bufctl's are used for linking objs within a slab
-+ * linked offsets.
-+ *
-+ * This implementation relies on "struct page" for locating the cache &
-+ * slab an object belongs to.
-+ * This allows the bufctl structure to be small (one int), but limits
-+ * the number of objects a slab (not a cache) can contain when off-slab
-+ * bufctls are used. The limit is the size of the largest general cache
-+ * that does not use off-slab slabs.
-+ * For 32bit archs with 4 kB pages, is this 56.
-+ * This is not serious, as it is only for large objects, when it is unwise
-+ * to have too many per slab.
-+ * Note: This limit can be raised by introducing a general cache whose size
-+ * is less than 512 (PAGE_SIZE<<3), but greater than 256.
-+ */
-+#define BUFCTL_END (((kmem_bufctl_t)(~0U))-0)
-+#define BUFCTL_FREE (((kmem_bufctl_t)(~0U))-1)
-+#define SLAB_LIMIT (((kmem_bufctl_t)(~0U))-2)
-+ * struct slab
-+ *
-+ * Manages the objs in a slab. Placed either at the beginning of mem allocated
-+ * for a slab, or allocated from an general cache.
-+ * Slabs are chained into three list: fully used, partial, fully free slabs.
-+ */
-+struct slab {
-+ struct list_head list;
-+ unsigned long colouroff;
-+ void *s_mem; /* including colour offset */
-+ unsigned int inuse; /* num of objs active in slab */
-+ kmem_bufctl_t free;
-+static inline kmem_bufctl_t *slab_bufctl(struct slab *slabp)
-+ return (kmem_bufctl_t *)(slabp+1);
-+#endif /* __KMEM_SLAB_H__ */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -305,6 +305,9 @@ static inline void list_splice_init(stru
- #define list_entry(ptr, type, member) \
- container_of(ptr, type, member)
-+#define list_first_entry(ptr, type, member) \
-+ container_of((ptr)->next, type, member)
- /**
- * list_for_each - iterate over a list
- * @pos: the &struct list_head to use as a loop counter.
-@@ -397,6 +400,20 @@ static inline void list_splice_init(stru
- prefetch(pos->
- /**
-+ * list_for_each_entry_continue_reverse - iterate backwards over list of given
-+ * type continuing after existing point
-+ * @pos: the type * to use as a loop counter.
-+ * @head: the head for your list.
-+ * @member: the name of the list_struct within the struct.
-+ */
-+#define list_for_each_entry_continue_reverse(pos, head, member) \
-+ for (pos = list_entry(pos->member.prev, typeof(*pos), member), \
-+ prefetch(pos->member.prev); \
-+ &pos->member != (head); \
-+ pos = list_entry(pos->member.prev, typeof(*pos), member), \
-+ prefetch(pos->member.prev))
- * list_for_each_entry_safe - iterate over list of given type safe against removal of list entry
- * @pos: the type * to use as a loop counter.
- * @n: another type * to use as temporary storage
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -165,4 +165,7 @@
- #define VIOTAPE_MAJOR 230
- #endif
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ struct vm_area_struct {
- #ifdef CONFIG_NUMA
- struct mempolicy *vm_policy; /* NUMA policy for the VMA */
- #endif
-+ /* rss counter by vma */
-+ unsigned long vm_rss;
- };
- /*
-@@ -191,6 +193,9 @@ typedef unsigned long page_flags_t;
- * moment. Note that we have no way to track which tasks are using
- * a page.
- */
-+struct user_beancounter;
-+struct page_beancounter;
- struct page {
- page_flags_t flags; /* Atomic flags, some possibly
- * updated asynchronously */
-@@ -229,6 +234,10 @@ struct page {
- void *virtual; /* Kernel virtual address (NULL if
- not kmapped, ie. highmem) */
- #endif /* WANT_PAGE_VIRTUAL */
-+ union {
-+ struct user_beancounter *page_ub;
-+ struct page_beancounter *page_pbc;
-+ } bc;
- };
- /*
-@@ -496,7 +505,6 @@ int shmem_set_policy(struct vm_area_stru
- struct mempolicy *shmem_get_policy(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
- unsigned long addr);
- struct file *shmem_file_setup(char * name, loff_t size, unsigned long flags);
--void shmem_lock(struct file * file, int lock);
- int shmem_zero_setup(struct vm_area_struct *);
- /*
-@@ -624,7 +632,7 @@ extern struct vm_area_struct *vma_merge(
- extern struct anon_vma *find_mergeable_anon_vma(struct vm_area_struct *);
- extern int split_vma(struct mm_struct *,
- struct vm_area_struct *, unsigned long addr, int new_below);
--extern void insert_vm_struct(struct mm_struct *, struct vm_area_struct *);
-+extern int insert_vm_struct(struct mm_struct *, struct vm_area_struct *);
- extern void __vma_link_rb(struct mm_struct *, struct vm_area_struct *,
- struct rb_node **, struct rb_node *);
- extern struct vm_area_struct *copy_vma(struct vm_area_struct **,
-@@ -709,6 +717,9 @@ extern struct vm_area_struct *find_exten
- extern struct page * vmalloc_to_page(void *addr);
- extern struct page * follow_page(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long address,
- int write);
-+extern struct page * follow_page_k(unsigned long address, int write);
-+extern struct page * follow_page_pte(struct mm_struct *mm,
-+ unsigned long address, int write, pte_t *pte);
- extern int remap_page_range(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long from,
- unsigned long to, unsigned long size, pgprot_t prot);
-@@ -724,5 +735,25 @@ extern struct vm_area_struct *get_gate_v
- int in_gate_area(struct task_struct *task, unsigned long addr);
- #endif
-+ * Common MM functions for inclusion in the VFS
-+ * or in other stackable file systems. Some of these
-+ * functions were in linux/mm/ C files.
-+ *
-+ */
-+static inline int sync_page(struct page *page)
-+ struct address_space *mapping;
-+ /*
-+ * FIXME, fercrissake. What is this barrier here for?
-+ */
-+ smp_mb();
-+ mapping = page_mapping(page);
-+ if (mapping && mapping->a_ops && mapping->a_ops->sync_page)
-+ return mapping->a_ops->sync_page(page);
-+ return 0;
- #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
- #endif /* _LINUX_MM_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ static inline void mntput(struct vfsmoun
- extern void free_vfsmnt(struct vfsmount *mnt);
- extern struct vfsmount *alloc_vfsmnt(const char *name);
--extern struct vfsmount *do_kern_mount(const char *fstype, int flags,
-+extern struct vfsmount *do_kern_mount(struct file_system_type *type, int flags,
- const char *name, void *data);
- struct nameidata;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ extern void fat_put_super(struct super_b
- int fat_fill_super(struct super_block *sb, void *data, int silent,
- struct inode_operations *fs_dir_inode_ops, int isvfat);
- extern int fat_statfs(struct super_block *sb, struct kstatfs *buf);
--extern void fat_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait);
-+extern int fat_write_inode(struct inode *inode, int wait);
- extern int fat_notify_change(struct dentry * dentry, struct iattr * attr);
- /* fat/misc.c */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -45,6 +45,8 @@ enum {LAST_NORM, LAST_ROOT, LAST_DOT, LA
- #define LOOKUP_PARENT 16
- #define LOOKUP_NOALT 32
-+#define LOOKUP_NOAREACHECK 64 /* no area check on lookup */
-+#define LOOKUP_STRICT 128 /* no symlinks or other filesystems */
- /*
- * Intent data
- */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
- #include <linux/config.h>
- #include <linux/device.h>
- #include <linux/percpu.h>
-+#include <linux/ctype.h>
- struct divert_blk;
- struct vlan_group;
-@@ -245,6 +246,11 @@ struct netdev_boot_setup {
- };
-+struct netdev_bc {
-+ struct user_beancounter *exec_ub, *owner_ub;
-+#define netdev_bc(dev) (&(dev)->dev_bc)
- /*
- * The DEVICE structure.
-@@ -389,6 +395,7 @@ struct net_device
- NETREG_REGISTERING, /* called register_netdevice */
- NETREG_REGISTERED, /* completed register todo */
-+ NETREG_REGISTER_ERR, /* register todo failed */
- NETREG_UNREGISTERING, /* called unregister_netdevice */
- NETREG_UNREGISTERED, /* completed unregister todo */
- NETREG_RELEASED, /* called free_netdev */
-@@ -408,6 +415,8 @@ struct net_device
- #define NETIF_F_VLAN_CHALLENGED 1024 /* Device cannot handle VLAN packets */
- #define NETIF_F_TSO 2048 /* Can offload TCP/IP segmentation */
- #define NETIF_F_LLTX 4096 /* LockLess TX */
-+#define NETIF_F_VIRTUAL 0x40000000 /* can be registered in ve */
-+#define NETIF_F_VENET 0x80000000 /* Device is VENET device */
- /* Called after device is detached from network. */
- void (*uninit)(struct net_device *dev);
-@@ -477,11 +486,18 @@ struct net_device
- struct divert_blk *divert;
- #endif /* CONFIG_NET_DIVERT */
-+ unsigned orig_mtu; /* MTU value before move to VE */
-+ struct ve_struct *owner_env; /* Owner VE of the interface */
-+ struct netdev_bc dev_bc;
- /* class/net/name entry */
- struct class_device class_dev;
- struct net_device_stats* (*last_stats)(struct net_device *);
- /* how much padding had been added by alloc_netdev() */
- int padded;
-+ /* List entry in global devices list to keep track of their names assignment */
-+ struct list_head dev_global_list_entry;
- };
- #define NETDEV_ALIGN 32
-@@ -514,8 +530,21 @@ struct packet_type {
- extern struct net_device loopback_dev; /* The loopback */
- extern struct net_device *dev_base; /* All devices */
-+#define visible_loopback_dev (*get_exec_env()->_loopback_dev)
-+#define dev_base (get_exec_env()->_net_dev_base)
-+#define visible_dev_head(x) (&(x)->_net_dev_head)
-+#define visible_dev_index_head(x) (&(x)->_net_dev_index_head)
-+#define visible_loopback_dev loopback_dev
-+#define visible_dev_head(x) NULL
-+#define visible_dev_index_head(x) NULL
- extern rwlock_t dev_base_lock; /* Device list lock */
-+struct hlist_head *dev_name_hash(const char *name, struct ve_struct *env);
-+struct hlist_head *dev_index_hash(int ifindex, struct ve_struct *env);
- extern int netdev_boot_setup_add(char *name, struct ifmap *map);
- extern int netdev_boot_setup_check(struct net_device *dev);
- extern unsigned long netdev_boot_base(const char *prefix, int unit);
-@@ -540,6 +569,7 @@ extern int dev_alloc_name(struct net_de
- extern int dev_open(struct net_device *dev);
- extern int dev_close(struct net_device *dev);
- extern int dev_queue_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb);
-+extern int dev_set_mtu(struct net_device *dev, int new_mtu);
- extern int register_netdevice(struct net_device *dev);
- extern int unregister_netdevice(struct net_device *dev);
- extern void free_netdev(struct net_device *dev);
-@@ -547,7 +577,8 @@ extern void synchronize_net(void);
- extern int register_netdevice_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb);
- extern int unregister_netdevice_notifier(struct notifier_block *nb);
- extern int call_netdevice_notifiers(unsigned long val, void *v);
--extern int dev_new_index(void);
-+extern int dev_new_index(struct net_device *dev);
-+extern void dev_free_index(struct net_device *dev);
- extern struct net_device *dev_get_by_index(int ifindex);
- extern struct net_device *__dev_get_by_index(int ifindex);
- extern int dev_restart(struct net_device *dev);
-@@ -946,6 +977,18 @@ extern int skb_checksum_help(struct sk_b
- extern char *net_sysctl_strdup(const char *s);
- #endif
-+static inline int ve_is_dev_movable(struct net_device *dev)
-+ return !(dev->features & NETIF_F_VIRTUAL);
-+static inline int ve_is_dev_movable(struct net_device *dev)
-+ return 0;
- #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
- #endif /* _LINUX_DEV_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
- #define NFC_UNKNOWN 0x4000
- #define NFC_ALTERED 0x8000
-+#define NFC_IPT_MASK (0x00FFFFFF)
- #ifdef __KERNEL__
- #include <linux/config.h>
-@@ -93,6 +95,9 @@ struct nf_info
- int nf_register_hook(struct nf_hook_ops *reg);
- void nf_unregister_hook(struct nf_hook_ops *reg);
-+int visible_nf_register_hook(struct nf_hook_ops *reg);
-+int visible_nf_unregister_hook(struct nf_hook_ops *reg);
- /* Functions to register get/setsockopt ranges (non-inclusive). You
- need to check permissions yourself! */
- int nf_register_sockopt(struct nf_sockopt_ops *reg);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -158,6 +158,10 @@ struct ip_conntrack_expect
- struct ip_conntrack_helper;
-+#include <linux/ve.h>
- struct ip_conntrack
- {
- /* Usage count in here is 1 for hash table/destruct timer, 1 per skb,
-@@ -173,6 +177,10 @@ struct ip_conntrack
- /* Timer function; drops refcnt when it goes off. */
- struct timer_list timeout;
-+ /* VE struct pointer for timers */
-+ struct ve_ip_conntrack *ct_env;
- /* If we're expecting another related connection, this will be
- in expected linked list */
- struct list_head sibling_list;
-@@ -212,6 +220,9 @@ struct ip_conntrack
- /* get master conntrack via master expectation */
- #define master_ct(conntr) (conntr->master ? conntr->master->expectant : NULL)
-+/* add conntrack entry to hash tables */
-+extern void ip_conntrack_hash_insert(struct ip_conntrack *ct);
- /* Alter reply tuple (maybe alter helper). If it's already taken,
- return 0 and don't do alteration. */
- extern int
-@@ -231,10 +242,17 @@ ip_conntrack_get(struct sk_buff *skb, en
- /* decrement reference count on a conntrack */
- extern inline void ip_conntrack_put(struct ip_conntrack *ct);
-+/* allocate conntrack structure */
-+extern struct ip_conntrack *ip_conntrack_alloc(struct user_beancounter *ub);
- /* find unconfirmed expectation based on tuple */
- struct ip_conntrack_expect *
- ip_conntrack_expect_find_get(const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *tuple);
-+/* insert expecation into lists */
-+void ip_conntrack_expect_insert(struct ip_conntrack_expect *new,
-+ struct ip_conntrack *related_to);
- /* decrement reference count on an expectation */
- void ip_conntrack_expect_put(struct ip_conntrack_expect *exp);
-@@ -257,7 +275,7 @@ extern struct ip_conntrack ip_conntrack_
- /* Returns new sk_buff, or NULL */
- struct sk_buff *
--ip_ct_gather_frags(struct sk_buff *skb);
-+ip_ct_gather_frags(struct sk_buff *skb, u_int32_t user);
- /* Delete all conntracks which match. */
- extern void
-@@ -271,6 +289,7 @@ static inline int is_confirmed(struct ip
- }
- extern unsigned int ip_conntrack_htable_size;
-+extern int ip_conntrack_enable_ve0;
- /* eg. PROVIDES_CONNTRACK(ftp); */
- #define PROVIDES_CONNTRACK(name) \
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -47,8 +47,37 @@ static inline int ip_conntrack_confirm(s
- return NF_ACCEPT;
- }
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#define ve_ip_conntrack_hash \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_conntrack_hash)
-+#define ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_conntrack_expect_list)
-+#define ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_conntrack_protocol_list)
-+#define ve_ip_conntrack_helpers \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_conntrack_helpers)
-+#define ve_ip_conntrack_count \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_conntrack_count)
-+#define ve_ip_conntrack_max \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_conntrack_max)
-+#define ve_ip_conntrack_destroyed \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_conntrack_destroyed)
-+#define ve_ip_conntrack_hash ip_conntrack_hash
-+#define ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list ip_conntrack_expect_list
-+#define ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list protocol_list
-+#define ve_ip_conntrack_helpers helpers
-+#define ve_ip_conntrack_count ip_conntrack_count
-+#define ve_ip_conntrack_max ip_conntrack_max
-+#define ve_ip_conntrack_destroyed ip_conntrack_destroyed
-+#endif /* CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES */
- extern struct list_head *ip_conntrack_hash;
- extern struct list_head ip_conntrack_expect_list;
-+extern atomic_t ip_conntrack_count;
-+extern unsigned long ** tcp_timeouts;
- DECLARE_RWLOCK_EXTERN(ip_conntrack_lock);
- DECLARE_RWLOCK_EXTERN(ip_conntrack_expect_tuple_lock);
- #endif /* _IP_CONNTRACK_CORE_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:26.000000000 +0400
-@@ -4,11 +4,6 @@
- #ifdef __KERNEL__
--#include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/lockhelp.h>
--/* Protects ftp part of conntracks */
- #define FTP_PORT 21
- #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ struct ip_conntrack_helper
- extern int ip_conntrack_helper_register(struct ip_conntrack_helper *);
- extern void ip_conntrack_helper_unregister(struct ip_conntrack_helper *);
-+extern int visible_ip_conntrack_helper_register(struct ip_conntrack_helper *);
-+extern void visible_ip_conntrack_helper_unregister(struct ip_conntrack_helper *);
- extern struct ip_conntrack_helper *ip_ct_find_helper(const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *tuple);
-@@ -46,4 +49,5 @@ extern int ip_conntrack_change_expect(st
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple *newtuple);
- extern void ip_conntrack_unexpect_related(struct ip_conntrack_expect *exp);
-+extern struct list_head helpers;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:26.000000000 +0400
-@@ -33,13 +33,8 @@ struct ip_ct_irc_master {
- #ifdef __KERNEL__
--#include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/lockhelp.h>
- #define IRC_PORT 6667
--/* Protects irc part of conntracks */
- #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
- #endif /* _IP_CONNTRACK_IRC_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -58,9 +58,35 @@ struct ip_conntrack_protocol
- extern int ip_conntrack_protocol_register(struct ip_conntrack_protocol *proto);
- extern void ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister(struct ip_conntrack_protocol *proto);
-+extern int visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_register(
-+ struct ip_conntrack_protocol *proto);
-+extern void visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister(
-+ struct ip_conntrack_protocol *proto);
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#define ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts)
-+#define ve_ip_ct_udp_timeout \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_ct_udp_timeout)
-+#define ve_ip_ct_udp_timeout_stream \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_ct_udp_timeout_stream)
-+#define ve_ip_ct_icmp_timeout \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_ct_icmp_timeout)
-+#define ve_ip_ct_generic_timeout \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_ct_generic_timeout)
-+#define ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts *tcp_timeouts
-+#define ve_ip_ct_udp_timeout ip_ct_udp_timeout
-+#define ve_ip_ct_udp_timeout_stream ip_ct_udp_timeout_stream
-+#define ve_ip_ct_icmp_timeout ip_ct_icmp_timeout
-+#define ve_ip_ct_generic_timeout ip_ct_generic_timeout
- /* Existing built-in protocols */
- extern struct ip_conntrack_protocol ip_conntrack_protocol_tcp;
- extern struct ip_conntrack_protocol ip_conntrack_protocol_udp;
- extern struct ip_conntrack_protocol ip_conntrack_protocol_icmp;
- extern int ip_conntrack_protocol_tcp_init(void);
-+extern struct list_head protocol_list;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
- #ifndef _IP_NAT_H
- #define _IP_NAT_H
-+#include <linux/config.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack_tuple.h>
-@@ -55,6 +56,23 @@ struct ip_nat_multi_range
- struct ip_nat_range range[1];
- };
-+#include <net/compat.h>
-+struct compat_ip_nat_range
-+ compat_uint_t flags;
-+ u_int32_t min_ip, max_ip;
-+ union ip_conntrack_manip_proto min, max;
-+struct compat_ip_nat_multi_range
-+ compat_uint_t rangesize;
-+ struct compat_ip_nat_range range[1];
- /* Worst case: local-out manip + 1 post-routing, and reverse dirn. */
- #define IP_NAT_MAX_MANIPS (2*3)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -25,9 +25,20 @@ extern void replace_in_hashes(struct ip_
- struct ip_nat_info *info);
- extern void place_in_hashes(struct ip_conntrack *conntrack,
- struct ip_nat_info *info);
-+extern int ip_nat_install_conntrack(struct ip_conntrack *conntrack, int helper);
- /* Built-in protocols. */
- extern struct ip_nat_protocol ip_nat_protocol_tcp;
- extern struct ip_nat_protocol ip_nat_protocol_udp;
- extern struct ip_nat_protocol ip_nat_protocol_icmp;
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#define ve_ip_nat_protos \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_nat_protos)
-+#define ve_ip_nat_protos protos
-+#endif /* CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES */
- #endif /* _IP_NAT_CORE_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -38,10 +38,18 @@ struct ip_nat_helper
- struct ip_nat_info *info);
- };
-+#define ve_ip_nat_helpers \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_nat_helpers)
- extern struct list_head helpers;
-+#define ve_ip_nat_helpers helpers
- extern int ip_nat_helper_register(struct ip_nat_helper *me);
- extern void ip_nat_helper_unregister(struct ip_nat_helper *me);
-+extern int visible_ip_nat_helper_register(struct ip_nat_helper *me);
-+extern void visible_ip_nat_helper_unregister(struct ip_nat_helper *me);
- /* These return true or false. */
- extern int ip_nat_mangle_tcp_packet(struct sk_buff **skb,
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -51,6 +51,9 @@ struct ip_nat_protocol
- extern int ip_nat_protocol_register(struct ip_nat_protocol *proto);
- extern void ip_nat_protocol_unregister(struct ip_nat_protocol *proto);
-+extern int visible_ip_nat_protocol_register(struct ip_nat_protocol *proto);
-+extern void visible_ip_nat_protocol_unregister(struct ip_nat_protocol *proto);
- extern int init_protocols(void) __init;
- extern void cleanup_protocols(void);
- extern struct ip_nat_protocol *find_nat_proto(u_int16_t protonum);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:15.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
- #ifdef __KERNEL__
--extern int ip_nat_rule_init(void) __init;
-+extern int ip_nat_rule_init(void);
- extern void ip_nat_rule_cleanup(void);
- extern int ip_nat_rule_find(struct sk_buff **pskb,
- unsigned int hooknum,
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
- #define _IPTABLES_H
- #ifdef __KERNEL__
-+#include <linux/config.h>
- #include <linux/if.h>
- #include <linux/types.h>
- #include <linux/in.h>
-@@ -341,6 +342,12 @@ static DECLARE_MUTEX(ipt_mutex);
- #include <linux/init.h>
- extern void ipt_init(void) __init;
-+#define COMPAT_TO_USER 1
-+#define COMPAT_FROM_USER -1
-+#define COMPAT_CALC_SIZE 0
- struct ipt_match
- {
- struct list_head list;
-@@ -370,6 +377,9 @@ struct ipt_match
- /* Called when entry of this type deleted. */
- void (*destroy)(void *matchinfo, unsigned int matchinfosize);
-+ int (*compat)(void *match, void **dstptr, int *size, int convert);
- /* Set this to THIS_MODULE. */
- struct module *me;
- };
-@@ -404,6 +414,9 @@ struct ipt_target
- const void *targinfo,
- void *userdata);
-+ int (*compat)(void *target, void **dstptr, int *size, int convert);
- /* Set this to THIS_MODULE. */
- struct module *me;
- };
-@@ -416,9 +429,15 @@ arpt_find_target_lock(const char *name,
- extern int ipt_register_target(struct ipt_target *target);
- extern void ipt_unregister_target(struct ipt_target *target);
-+extern int visible_ipt_register_target(struct ipt_target *target);
-+extern void visible_ipt_unregister_target(struct ipt_target *target);
- extern int ipt_register_match(struct ipt_match *match);
- extern void ipt_unregister_match(struct ipt_match *match);
-+extern int visible_ipt_register_match(struct ipt_match *match);
-+extern void visible_ipt_unregister_match(struct ipt_match *match);
- /* Furniture shopping... */
- struct ipt_table
- {
-@@ -453,5 +472,75 @@ extern unsigned int ipt_do_table(struct
- void *userdata);
- #define IPT_ALIGN(s) (((s) + (__alignof__(struct ipt_entry)-1)) & ~(__alignof__(struct ipt_entry)-1))
-+#include <net/compat.h>
-+struct compat_ipt_counters
-+ u_int32_t cnt[4];
-+struct compat_ipt_counters_info
-+ compat_uint_t num_counters;
-+ struct compat_ipt_counters counters[0];
-+struct compat_ipt_getinfo
-+ compat_uint_t valid_hooks;
-+ compat_uint_t hook_entry[NF_IP_NUMHOOKS];
-+ compat_uint_t underflow[NF_IP_NUMHOOKS];
-+ compat_uint_t num_entries;
-+ compat_uint_t size;
-+struct compat_ipt_entry
-+ struct ipt_ip ip;
-+ compat_uint_t nfcache;
-+ u_int16_t target_offset;
-+ u_int16_t next_offset;
-+ compat_uint_t comefrom;
-+ struct compat_ipt_counters counters;
-+ unsigned char elems[0];
-+struct compat_ipt_entry_match
-+ union {
-+ struct {
-+ u_int16_t match_size;
-+ } user;
-+ u_int16_t match_size;
-+ } u;
-+ unsigned char data[0];
-+struct compat_ipt_entry_target
-+ union {
-+ struct {
-+ u_int16_t target_size;
-+ } user;
-+ u_int16_t target_size;
-+ } u;
-+ unsigned char data[0];
-+#define COMPAT_IPT_ALIGN(s) (((s) + (__alignof__(struct compat_ipt_entry)-1)) \
-+ & ~(__alignof__(struct compat_ipt_entry)-1))
-+extern int ipt_match_align_compat(void *match, void **dstptr,
-+ int *size, int off, int convert);
-+extern int ipt_target_align_compat(void *target, void **dstptr,
-+ int *size, int off, int convert);
-+#endif /* CONFIG_COMPAT */
- #endif /*__KERNEL__*/
- #endif /* _IPTABLES_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
- #ifndef _IPT_CONNTRACK_H
- #define _IPT_CONNTRACK_H
-+#include <linux/config.h>
- #define IPT_CONNTRACK_STATE_BIT(ctinfo) (1 << ((ctinfo)%IP_CT_IS_REPLY+1))
-@@ -36,4 +38,21 @@ struct ipt_conntrack_info
- /* Inverse flags */
- u_int8_t invflags;
- };
-+struct compat_ipt_conntrack_info
-+ compat_uint_t statemask, statusmask;
-+ struct ip_conntrack_tuple tuple[IP_CT_DIR_MAX];
-+ struct in_addr sipmsk[IP_CT_DIR_MAX], dipmsk[IP_CT_DIR_MAX];
-+ compat_ulong_t expires_min, expires_max;
-+ /* Flags word */
-+ u_int8_t flags;
-+ /* Inverse flags */
-+ u_int8_t invflags;
- #endif /*_IPT_CONNTRACK_H*/
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1,8 +1,17 @@
- #ifndef _IPT_HELPER_H
- #define _IPT_HELPER_H
-+#include <linux/config.h>
- struct ipt_helper_info {
- int invert;
- char name[30];
- };
-+struct compat_ipt_helper_info {
-+ compat_int_t invert;
-+ char name[30];
- #endif /* _IPT_HELPER_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
- #ifndef _IPT_RATE_H
- #define _IPT_RATE_H
-+#include <linux/config.h>
- /* timings are in milliseconds. */
- #define IPT_LIMIT_SCALE 10000
-@@ -18,4 +20,20 @@ struct ipt_rateinfo {
- /* Ugly, ugly fucker. */
- struct ipt_rateinfo *master;
- };
-+struct compat_ipt_rateinfo {
-+ u_int32_t avg; /* Average secs between packets * scale */
-+ u_int32_t burst; /* Period multiplier for upper limit. */
-+ /* Used internally by the kernel */
-+ compat_ulong_t prev;
-+ u_int32_t credit;
-+ u_int32_t credit_cap, cost;
-+ /* Ugly, ugly fucker. */
-+ compat_uptr_t master;
- #endif /*_IPT_RATE_H*/
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
- #ifndef _IPT_STATE_H
- #define _IPT_STATE_H
-+#include <linux/config.h>
- #define IPT_STATE_BIT(ctinfo) (1 << ((ctinfo)%IP_CT_IS_REPLY+1))
- #define IPT_STATE_INVALID (1 << 0)
-@@ -10,4 +12,11 @@ struct ipt_state_info
- {
- unsigned int statemask;
- };
-+struct compat_ipt_state_info
-+ compat_uint_t statemask;
- #endif /*_IPT_STATE_H*/
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -100,6 +100,20 @@ enum {
- #include <linux/capability.h>
-+struct netlink_opt
-+ u32 pid;
-+ unsigned groups;
-+ u32 dst_pid;
-+ unsigned dst_groups;
-+ unsigned long state;
-+ int (*handler)(int unit, struct sk_buff *skb);
-+ wait_queue_head_t wait;
-+ struct netlink_callback *cb;
-+ spinlock_t cb_lock;
-+ void (*data_ready)(struct sock *sk, int bytes);
- struct netlink_skb_parms
- {
- struct ucred creds; /* Skb credentials */
-@@ -129,14 +143,13 @@ extern int netlink_unregister_notifier(s
- /* finegrained unicast helpers: */
- struct sock *netlink_getsockbypid(struct sock *ssk, u32 pid);
- struct sock *netlink_getsockbyfilp(struct file *filp);
--int netlink_attachskb(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb, int nonblock, long timeo);
- void netlink_detachskb(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
- int netlink_sendskb(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb, int protocol);
- /* finegrained unicast helpers: */
- struct sock *netlink_getsockbypid(struct sock *ssk, u32 pid);
- struct sock *netlink_getsockbyfilp(struct file *filp);
--int netlink_attachskb(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb, int nonblock, long timeo);
-+int netlink_attachskb(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb, int nonblock, long timeo, struct sock *ssk);
- void netlink_detachskb(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb);
- int netlink_sendskb(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb, int protocol);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
-+ * include/linux/nfcalls.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef _LINUX_NFCALLS_H
-+#define _LINUX_NFCALLS_H
-+#include <linux/rcupdate.h>
-+extern struct module no_module;
-+#define DECL_KSYM_MODULE(name) \
-+ extern struct module *vz_mod_##name
-+#define DECL_KSYM_CALL(type, name, args) \
-+ extern type (*vz_##name) args
-+#define INIT_KSYM_MODULE(name) \
-+ struct module *vz_mod_##name = &no_module; \
-+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(vz_mod_##name)
-+#define INIT_KSYM_CALL(type, name, args) \
-+ type (*vz_##name) args; \
-+ EXPORT_SYMBOL(vz_##name)
-+#define __KSYMERRCALL(err, type, mod, name, args) \
-+({ \
-+ type ret = (type)err; \
-+ if (!__vzksym_module_get(vz_mod_##mod)) { \
-+ if (vz_##name) \
-+ ret = ((*vz_##name)args); \
-+ __vzksym_module_put(vz_mod_##mod); \
-+ } \
-+ ret; \
-+#define __KSYMSAFECALL_VOID(mod, name, args) \
-+do { \
-+ if (!__vzksym_module_get(vz_mod_##mod)) { \
-+ if (vz_##name) \
-+ ((*vz_##name)args); \
-+ __vzksym_module_put(vz_mod_##mod); \
-+ } \
-+} while (0)
-+#define DECL_KSYM_CALL(type, name, args) \
-+ extern type name args
-+#define INIT_KSYM_MODULE(name)
-+#define INIT_KSYM_CALL(type, name, args) \
-+ type name args
-+#define __KSYMERRCALL(err, type, mod, name, args) ((*name)args)
-+#define __KSYMSAFECALL_VOID(mod, name, args) ((*name)args)
-+#define KSYMERRCALL(err, mod, name, args) \
-+ __KSYMERRCALL(err, int, mod, name, args)
-+#define KSYMSAFECALL(type, mod, name, args) \
-+ __KSYMERRCALL(0, type, mod, name, args)
-+#define KSYMSAFECALL_VOID(mod, name, args) \
-+ __KSYMSAFECALL_VOID(mod, name, args)
-+#if defined(CONFIG_VE) && defined(CONFIG_MODULES)
-+/* should be called _after_ KSYMRESOLVE's */
-+#define KSYMMODRESOLVE(name) \
-+ __vzksym_modresolve(&vz_mod_##name, THIS_MODULE)
-+#define KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(name) \
-+ __vzksym_modunresolve(&vz_mod_##name)
-+#define KSYMRESOLVE(name) \
-+ vz_##name = &name
-+#define KSYMUNRESOLVE(name) \
-+ vz_##name = NULL
-+#define KSYMRESOLVE(name) do { } while (0)
-+#define KSYMUNRESOLVE(name) do { } while (0)
-+#define KSYMMODRESOLVE(name) do { } while (0)
-+#define KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(name) do { } while (0)
-+static inline void __vzksym_modresolve(struct module **modp, struct module *mod)
-+ /*
-+ * we want to be sure, that pointer updates are visible first:
-+ * 1. wmb() is here only for piece of sure
-+ * (note, no rmb() in KSYMSAFECALL)
-+ * 2. synchronize_kernel() guarantees that updates are visible
-+ * on all cpus and allows us to remove rmb() in KSYMSAFECALL
-+ */
-+ wmb(); synchronize_kernel();
-+ *modp = mod;
-+ /* just to be sure, our changes are visible as soon as possible */
-+ wmb(); synchronize_kernel();
-+static inline void __vzksym_modunresolve(struct module **modp)
-+ /*
-+ * try_module_get() in KSYMSAFECALL should fail at this moment since
-+ * THIS_MODULE in in unloading state (we should be called from fini),
-+ * no need to syncronize pointers/ve_module updates.
-+ */
-+ *modp = &no_module;
-+ /*
-+ * synchronize_kernel() guarantees here that we see
-+ * updated module pointer before the module really gets away
-+ */
-+ synchronize_kernel();
-+static inline int __vzksym_module_get(struct module *mod)
-+ /*
-+ * we want to avoid rmb(), so use synchronize_kernel() in KSYMUNRESOLVE
-+ * and smp_read_barrier_depends() here...
-+ */
-+ smp_read_barrier_depends(); /* for module loading */
-+ if (!try_module_get(mod))
-+ return -EBUSY;
-+ return 0;
-+static inline void __vzksym_module_put(struct module *mod)
-+ module_put(mod);
-+#if defined(CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES)
-+struct sk_buff;
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_netfilter, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptables, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_filter, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_mangle, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_limit, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_multiport, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_tos, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_TOS, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_REJECT, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_TCPMSS, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_tcpmss, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_ttl, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_LOG, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_length, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_conntrack, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_ftp, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_irc, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_conntrack_match, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_state, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_helper, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_nat, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_nat_ftp, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_nat_irc, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_REDIRECT, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_nat_irc, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_nat_ftp, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_nat, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_helper, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_state, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_conntrack_match, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_irc, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_ftp, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_conntrack, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_length, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_LOG, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_ttl, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_tcpmss, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_TCPMSS, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_REJECT, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_TOS, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_tos, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_multiport, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_limit, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_filter, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_mangle, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptables, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_netfilter, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_REDIRECT, (void));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, ipt_flush_table, (struct ipt_table *table));
-+#endif /* CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES */
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(int, real_get_device_perms_ve,
-+ (int dev_type, dev_t dev, int access_mode));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, real_do_env_cleanup, (struct ve_struct *env));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, real_do_env_free, (struct ve_struct *env));
-+DECL_KSYM_CALL(void, real_update_load_avg_ve, (void));
-+#endif /* _LINUX_NFCALLS_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -267,7 +267,8 @@ extern struct inode *nfs_fhget(struct su
- struct nfs_fattr *);
- extern int nfs_refresh_inode(struct inode *, struct nfs_fattr *);
- extern int nfs_getattr(struct vfsmount *, struct dentry *, struct kstat *);
--extern int nfs_permission(struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *);
-+extern int nfs_permission(struct inode *, int, struct nameidata *,
-+ struct exec_perm *);
- extern void nfs_set_mmcred(struct inode *, struct rpc_cred *);
- extern int nfs_open(struct inode *, struct file *);
- extern int nfs_release(struct inode *, struct file *);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -27,8 +27,9 @@ extern int notifier_call_chain(struct no
- #define NOTIFY_DONE 0x0000 /* Don't care */
- #define NOTIFY_OK 0x0001 /* Suits me */
-+#define NOTIFY_FAIL 0x0002 /* Reject */
- #define NOTIFY_STOP_MASK 0x8000 /* Don't call further */
--#define NOTIFY_BAD (NOTIFY_STOP_MASK|0x0002) /* Bad/Veto action */
-+#define NOTIFY_BAD (NOTIFY_STOP_MASK|NOTIFY_FAIL) /* Bad/Veto action */
- /*
- * Declared notifiers so far. I can imagine quite a few more chains
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:29.000000000 +0400
-@@ -5,14 +5,15 @@
- * pages. A pagevec is a multipage container which is used for that.
- */
--#define PAGEVEC_SIZE 16
-+/* 14 pointers + two long's align the pagevec structure to a power of two */
-+#define PAGEVEC_SIZE 14
- struct page;
- struct address_space;
- struct pagevec {
-- unsigned nr;
-- int cold;
-+ unsigned long nr;
-+ unsigned long cold;
- struct page *pages[PAGEVEC_SIZE];
- };
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:26.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:28.000000000 +0400
-@@ -2190,6 +2190,8 @@
- #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82855GM_HB 0x3580
- #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82855GM_IG 0x3582
- #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_SMCH 0x3590
-+#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_E7320_MCH 0x3592
-+#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_E7525_MCH 0x359e
- #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_80310 0x530d
- #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82371SB_0 0x7000
- #define PCI_DEVICE_ID_INTEL_82371SB_1 0x7010
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:52.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1,6 +1,18 @@
- #ifndef _LINUX_PID_H
- #define _LINUX_PID_H
-+#define VPID_BIT 10
-+#define VPID_DIV (1<<VPID_BIT)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+#define __is_virtual_pid(pid) ((pid) & VPID_DIV)
-+#define is_virtual_pid(pid) \
-+ (__is_virtual_pid(pid) || ((pid)==1 && !ve_is_super(get_exec_env())))
-+#define __is_virtual_pid(pid) 0
-+#define is_virtual_pid(pid) 0
- enum pid_type
- {
-@@ -12,34 +24,24 @@ enum pid_type
- struct pid
- {
-+ /* Try to keep pid_chain in the same cacheline as nr for find_pid */
- int nr;
-- atomic_t count;
-- struct task_struct *task;
-- struct list_head task_list;
-- struct list_head hash_chain;
--struct pid_link
-- struct list_head pid_chain;
-- struct pid *pidptr;
-- struct pid pid;
-+ struct hlist_node pid_chain;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ int vnr;
-+ /* list of pids with the same nr, only one of them is in the hash */
-+ struct list_head pid_list;
- };
- #define pid_task(elem, type) \
-- list_entry(elem, struct task_struct, pids[type].pid_chain)
-+ list_entry(elem, struct task_struct, pids[type].pid_list)
- /*
-- * attach_pid() and link_pid() must be called with the tasklist_lock
-+ * attach_pid() and detach_pid() must be called with the tasklist_lock
- * write-held.
- */
- extern int FASTCALL(attach_pid(struct task_struct *task, enum pid_type type, int nr));
--extern void FASTCALL(link_pid(struct task_struct *task, struct pid_link *link, struct pid *pid));
-- * detach_pid() must be called with the tasklist_lock write-held.
-- */
- extern void FASTCALL(detach_pid(struct task_struct *task, enum pid_type));
- /*
-@@ -52,13 +54,89 @@ extern int alloc_pidmap(void);
- extern void FASTCALL(free_pidmap(int));
- extern void switch_exec_pids(struct task_struct *leader, struct task_struct *thread);
--#define for_each_task_pid(who, type, task, elem, pid) \
-- if ((pid = find_pid(type, who))) \
-- for (elem = pid->, \
-- prefetch(elem->next), \
-- task = pid_task(elem, type); \
-- elem != &pid->task_list; \
-- elem = elem->next, prefetch(elem->next), \
-- task = pid_task(elem, type))
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
-+#define vpid_to_pid(pid) (pid)
-+#define __vpid_to_pid(pid) (pid)
-+#define pid_type_to_vpid(pid, type) (pid)
-+#define __pid_type_to_vpid(pid, type) (pid)
-+#define comb_vpid_to_pid(pid) (pid)
-+#define comb_pid_to_vpid(pid) (pid)
-+struct ve_struct;
-+extern void free_vpid(int vpid, struct ve_struct *ve);
-+extern int alloc_vpid(int pid, int vpid);
-+extern int vpid_to_pid(int pid);
-+extern int __vpid_to_pid(int pid);
-+extern pid_t pid_type_to_vpid(int type, pid_t pid);
-+extern pid_t _pid_type_to_vpid(int type, pid_t pid);
-+static inline int comb_vpid_to_pid(int vpid)
-+ int pid = vpid;
-+ if (vpid > 0) {
-+ pid = vpid_to_pid(vpid);
-+ if (unlikely(pid < 0))
-+ return 0;
-+ } else if (vpid < 0) {
-+ pid = vpid_to_pid(-vpid);
-+ if (unlikely(pid < 0))
-+ return 0;
-+ pid = -pid;
-+ }
-+ return pid;
-+static inline int comb_pid_to_vpid(int pid)
-+ int vpid = pid;
-+ if (pid > 0) {
-+ vpid = pid_type_to_vpid(PIDTYPE_PID, pid);
-+ if (unlikely(vpid < 0))
-+ return 0;
-+ } else if (pid < 0) {
-+ vpid = pid_type_to_vpid(PIDTYPE_PGID, -pid);
-+ if (unlikely(vpid < 0))
-+ return 0;
-+ vpid = -vpid;
-+ }
-+ return vpid;
-+#define do_each_task_pid_all(who, type, task) \
-+ if ((task = find_task_by_pid_type_all(type, who))) { \
-+ prefetch((task)->pids[type]; \
-+ do {
-+#define while_each_task_pid_all(who, type, task) \
-+ } while (task = pid_task((task)->pids[type],\
-+ type), \
-+ prefetch((task)->pids[type], \
-+ hlist_unhashed(&(task)->pids[type].pid_chain)); \
-+ } \
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
-+#define __do_each_task_pid_ve(who, type, task, owner) \
-+ do_each_task_pid_all(who, type, task)
-+#define __while_each_task_pid_ve(who, type, task, owner) \
-+ while_each_task_pid_all(who, type, task)
-+#else /* CONFIG_VE */
-+#define __do_each_task_pid_ve(who, type, task, owner) \
-+ do_each_task_pid_all(who, type, task) \
-+ if (ve_accessible(VE_TASK_INFO(task)->owner_env, owner))
-+#define __while_each_task_pid_ve(who, type, task, owner) \
-+ while_each_task_pid_all(who, type, task)
-+#endif /* CONFIG_VE */
-+#define do_each_task_pid_ve(who, type, task) \
-+ __do_each_task_pid_ve(who, type, task, get_exec_env());
-+#define while_each_task_pid_ve(who, type, task) \
-+ __while_each_task_pid_ve(who, type, task, get_exec_env());
- #endif /* _LINUX_PID_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:25.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -66,8 +66,17 @@ struct proc_dir_entry {
- write_proc_t *write_proc;
- atomic_t count; /* use count */
- int deleted; /* delete flag */
-+ void *set;
- };
-+extern void de_put(struct proc_dir_entry *);
-+static inline struct proc_dir_entry *de_get(struct proc_dir_entry *de)
-+ if (de)
-+ atomic_inc(&de->count);
-+ return de;
- struct kcore_list {
- struct kcore_list *next;
- unsigned long addr;
-@@ -87,12 +96,15 @@ extern void proc_root_init(void);
- extern void proc_misc_init(void);
- struct dentry *proc_pid_lookup(struct inode *dir, struct dentry * dentry, struct nameidata *);
--struct dentry *proc_pid_unhash(struct task_struct *p);
--void proc_pid_flush(struct dentry *proc_dentry);
-+void proc_pid_unhash(struct task_struct *p, struct dentry * [2]);
-+void proc_pid_flush(struct dentry *proc_dentry[2]);
- int proc_pid_readdir(struct file * filp, void * dirent, filldir_t filldir);
- extern struct proc_dir_entry *create_proc_entry(const char *name, mode_t mode,
- struct proc_dir_entry *parent);
-+extern struct proc_dir_entry *create_proc_glob_entry(const char *name,
-+ mode_t mode,
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *parent);
- extern void remove_proc_entry(const char *name, struct proc_dir_entry *parent);
- extern struct vfsmount *proc_mnt;
-@@ -169,6 +181,15 @@ static inline struct proc_dir_entry *pro
- return create_proc_info_entry(name,mode,proc_net,get_info);
- }
-+static inline struct proc_dir_entry *__proc_net_fops_create(const char *name,
-+ mode_t mode, struct file_operations *fops, struct proc_dir_entry *p)
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *res = create_proc_entry(name, mode, p);
-+ if (res)
-+ res->proc_fops = fops;
-+ return res;
- static inline struct proc_dir_entry *proc_net_fops_create(const char *name,
- mode_t mode, struct file_operations *fops)
- {
-@@ -178,6 +199,11 @@ static inline struct proc_dir_entry *pro
- return res;
- }
-+static inline void __proc_net_remove(const char *name)
-+ remove_proc_entry(name, NULL);
- static inline void proc_net_remove(const char *name)
- {
- remove_proc_entry(name,proc_net);
-@@ -188,15 +214,20 @@ static inline void proc_net_remove(const
- #define proc_root_driver NULL
- #define proc_net NULL
-+#define __proc_net_fops_create(name, mode, fops, p) ({ (void)(mode), NULL; })
- #define proc_net_fops_create(name, mode, fops) ({ (void)(mode), NULL; })
- #define proc_net_create(name, mode, info) ({ (void)(mode), NULL; })
-+static inline void __proc_net_remove(const char *name) {}
- static inline void proc_net_remove(const char *name) {}
--static inline struct dentry *proc_pid_unhash(struct task_struct *p) { return NULL; }
--static inline void proc_pid_flush(struct dentry *proc_dentry) { }
-+static inline void proc_pid_unhash(struct task_struct *p, struct dentry * [2])
-+ { return NULL; }
-+static inline void proc_pid_flush(struct dentry *proc_dentry[2]) { }
- static inline struct proc_dir_entry *create_proc_entry(const char *name,
- mode_t mode, struct proc_dir_entry *parent) { return NULL; }
-+static inline struct proc_dir_entry *create_proc_glob_entry(const char *name,
-+ mode_t mode, struct proc_dir_entry *parent) { return NULL; }
- #define remove_proc_entry(name, parent) do {} while (0)
-@@ -255,4 +286,9 @@ static inline struct proc_dir_entry *PDE
- return PROC_I(inode)->pde;
- }
-+#define LPDE(inode) (PROC_I((inode))->pde)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+#define GPDE(inode) (*(struct proc_dir_entry **)(&(inode)->i_pipe))
- #endif /* _LINUX_PROC_FS_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:34.000000000 +0400
-@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ extern int ptrace_readdata(struct task_s
- extern int ptrace_writedata(struct task_struct *tsk, char __user *src, unsigned long dst, int len);
- extern int ptrace_attach(struct task_struct *tsk);
- extern int ptrace_detach(struct task_struct *, unsigned int);
-+extern void __ptrace_detach(struct task_struct *, unsigned int);
- extern void ptrace_disable(struct task_struct *);
- extern int ptrace_check_attach(struct task_struct *task, int kill);
- extern int ptrace_request(struct task_struct *child, long request, long addr, long data);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
- #include <linux/errno.h>
- #include <linux/types.h>
--#include <linux/spinlock.h>
- #define __DQUOT_VERSION__ "dquot_6.5.1"
- #define __DQUOT_NUM_VERSION__ 6*10000+5*100+1
-@@ -45,9 +44,6 @@
- typedef __kernel_uid32_t qid_t; /* Type in which we store ids in memory */
- typedef __u64 qsize_t; /* Type in which we store sizes */
--extern spinlock_t dq_list_lock;
--extern spinlock_t dq_data_lock;
- /* Size of blocks in which are counted size limits */
- #define QUOTABLOCK_BITS 10
-@@ -134,6 +130,12 @@ struct if_dqinfo {
- #ifdef __KERNEL__
-+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
-+extern spinlock_t dq_list_lock;
-+extern spinlock_t dq_data_lock;
- #include <linux/dqblk_xfs.h>
- #include <linux/dqblk_v1.h>
- #include <linux/dqblk_v2.h>
-@@ -240,6 +242,8 @@ struct quota_format_ops {
- int (*release_dqblk)(struct dquot *dquot); /* Called when last reference to dquot is being dropped */
- };
-+struct inode;
-+struct iattr;
- /* Operations working with dquots */
- struct dquot_operations {
- int (*initialize) (struct inode *, int);
-@@ -254,9 +258,11 @@ struct dquot_operations {
- int (*release_dquot) (struct dquot *); /* Quota is going to be deleted from disk */
- int (*mark_dirty) (struct dquot *); /* Dquot is marked dirty */
- int (*write_info) (struct super_block *, int); /* Write of quota "superblock" */
-+ int (*rename) (struct inode *, struct inode *, struct inode *);
- };
- /* Operations handling requests from userspace */
-+struct v2_disk_dqblk;
- struct quotactl_ops {
- int (*quota_on)(struct super_block *, int, int, char *);
- int (*quota_off)(struct super_block *, int);
-@@ -269,6 +275,9 @@ struct quotactl_ops {
- int (*set_xstate)(struct super_block *, unsigned int, int);
- int (*get_xquota)(struct super_block *, int, qid_t, struct fs_disk_quota *);
- int (*set_xquota)(struct super_block *, int, qid_t, struct fs_disk_quota *);
-+ int (*get_quoti)(struct super_block *, int, unsigned int, struct v2_disk_dqblk *);
- };
- struct quota_format_type {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -170,6 +170,19 @@ static __inline__ int DQUOT_TRANSFER(str
- return 0;
- }
-+static __inline__ int DQUOT_RENAME(struct inode *inode,
-+ struct inode *old_dir, struct inode *new_dir)
-+ struct dquot_operations *q_op;
-+ q_op = inode->i_sb->dq_op;
-+ if (q_op && q_op->rename) {
-+ if (q_op->rename(inode, old_dir, new_dir) == NO_QUOTA)
-+ return 1;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
- /* The following two functions cannot be called inside a transaction */
- #define DQUOT_SYNC(sb) sync_dquots(sb, -1)
-@@ -197,6 +210,7 @@ static __inline__ int DQUOT_OFF(struct s
- #define DQUOT_SYNC(sb) do { } while(0)
- #define DQUOT_OFF(sb) do { } while(0)
- #define DQUOT_TRANSFER(inode, iattr) (0)
-+#define DQUOT_RENAME(inode, old_dir, new_dir) (0)
- extern __inline__ int DQUOT_PREALLOC_SPACE_NODIRTY(struct inode *inode, qsize_t nr)
- {
- inode_add_bytes(inode, nr);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1944,7 +1944,7 @@ void reiserfs_read_locked_inode(struct i
- int reiserfs_find_actor(struct inode * inode, void *p) ;
- int reiserfs_init_locked_inode(struct inode * inode, void *p) ;
- void reiserfs_delete_inode (struct inode * inode);
--void reiserfs_write_inode (struct inode * inode, int) ;
-+int reiserfs_write_inode (struct inode * inode, int) ;
- struct dentry *reiserfs_get_dentry(struct super_block *, void *) ;
- struct dentry *reiserfs_decode_fh(struct super_block *sb, __u32 *data,
- int len, int fhtype,
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:26.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ int reiserfs_removexattr (struct dentry
- int reiserfs_delete_xattrs (struct inode *inode);
- int reiserfs_chown_xattrs (struct inode *inode, struct iattr *attrs);
- int reiserfs_xattr_init (struct super_block *sb, int mount_flags);
--int reiserfs_permission (struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd);
-+int reiserfs_permission (struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd,
-+ struct exec_perm *exec_perm);
- int reiserfs_permission_locked (struct inode *inode, int mask, struct nameidata *nd);
- int reiserfs_xattr_del (struct inode *, const char *);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -30,7 +30,12 @@
- #include <linux/pid.h>
- #include <linux/percpu.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_task.h>
- struct exec_domain;
-+struct task_beancounter;
-+struct user_beancounter;
-+struct ve_struct;
- /*
- * cloning flags:
-@@ -85,6 +90,9 @@ extern unsigned long avenrun[]; /* Load
- load += n*(FIXED_1-exp); \
- load >>= FSHIFT;
-+#define LOAD_INT(x) ((x) >> FSHIFT)
-+#define LOAD_FRAC(x) LOAD_INT(((x) & (FIXED_1-1)) * 100)
- #define CT_TO_SECS(x) ((x) / HZ)
- #define CT_TO_USECS(x) (((x) % HZ) * 1000000/HZ)
-@@ -92,10 +100,22 @@ extern int nr_threads;
- extern int last_pid;
- DECLARE_PER_CPU(unsigned long, process_counts);
- extern int nr_processes(void);
-+extern unsigned long nr_sleeping(void);
-+extern unsigned long nr_stopped(void);
-+extern unsigned long nr_zombie;
-+extern unsigned long nr_dead;
- extern unsigned long nr_running(void);
- extern unsigned long nr_uninterruptible(void);
- extern unsigned long nr_iowait(void);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+struct ve_struct;
-+extern unsigned long nr_running_ve(struct ve_struct *);
-+extern unsigned long nr_iowait_ve(struct ve_struct *);
-+extern unsigned long nr_uninterruptible_ve(struct ve_struct *);
- #include <linux/time.h>
- #include <linux/param.h>
- #include <linux/resource.h>
-@@ -107,8 +127,8 @@ extern unsigned long nr_iowait(void);
- #define TASK_STOPPED 4
--#define TASK_ZOMBIE 8
--#define TASK_DEAD 16
-+#define EXIT_ZOMBIE 16
-+#define EXIT_DEAD 32
- #define __set_task_state(tsk, state_value) \
- do { (tsk)->state = (state_value); } while (0)
-@@ -154,6 +174,8 @@ extern cpumask_t nohz_cpu_mask;
- extern void show_state(void);
- extern void show_regs(struct pt_regs *);
-+extern void smp_show_regs(struct pt_regs *, void *);
-+extern void show_vsched(void);
- /*
- * TASK is a pointer to the task whose backtrace we want to see (or NULL for current
-@@ -171,6 +193,8 @@ extern void update_process_times(int use
- extern void scheduler_tick(int user_tick, int system);
- extern unsigned long cache_decay_ticks;
-+int setscheduler(pid_t pid, int policy, struct sched_param __user *param);
- /* Attach to any functions which should be ignored in wchan output. */
- #define __sched __attribute__((__section__(".sched.text")))
- /* Is this address in the __sched functions? */
-@@ -215,6 +239,7 @@ struct mm_struct {
- unsigned long saved_auxv[40]; /* for /proc/PID/auxv */
- unsigned dumpable:1;
-+ unsigned vps_dumpable:1;
- cpumask_t cpu_vm_mask;
- /* Architecture-specific MM context */
-@@ -229,8 +254,12 @@ struct mm_struct {
- struct kioctx *ioctx_list;
- struct kioctx default_kioctx;
-+ struct user_beancounter *mm_ub;
- };
-+#define mm_ub(__mm) ((__mm)->mm_ub)
- extern int mmlist_nr;
- struct sighand_struct {
-@@ -239,6 +268,9 @@ struct sighand_struct {
- spinlock_t siglock;
- };
-+#include <linux/ve.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_task.h>
- /*
- * NOTE! "signal_struct" does not have it's own
- * locking, because a shared signal_struct always
-@@ -386,6 +418,8 @@ int set_current_groups(struct group_info
- struct audit_context; /* See audit.c */
- struct mempolicy;
-+struct vcpu_scheduler;
-+struct vcpu_info;
- struct task_struct {
- volatile long state; /* -1 unrunnable, 0 runnable, >0 stopped */
-@@ -396,6 +430,14 @@ struct task_struct {
- int lock_depth; /* Lock depth */
-+ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
-+ struct vcpu_info *vcpu;
-+ /* id's are saved to avoid locking (e.g. on vsched->id access) */
-+ int vsched_id;
-+ int vcpu_id;
- int prio, static_prio;
- struct list_head run_list;
- prio_array_t *array;
-@@ -410,6 +452,7 @@ struct task_struct {
- unsigned int time_slice, first_time_slice;
- struct list_head tasks;
- /*
- * ptrace_list/ptrace_children forms the list of my children
- * that were stolen by a ptracer.
-@@ -421,6 +464,7 @@ struct task_struct {
- /* task state */
- struct linux_binfmt *binfmt;
-+ long exit_state;
- int exit_code, exit_signal;
- int pdeath_signal; /* The signal sent when the parent dies */
- /* ??? */
-@@ -444,7 +488,7 @@ struct task_struct {
- struct task_struct *group_leader; /* threadgroup leader */
- /* PID/PID hash table linkage. */
-- struct pid_link pids[PIDTYPE_MAX];
-+ struct pid pids[PIDTYPE_MAX];
- wait_queue_head_t wait_chldexit; /* for wait4() */
- struct completion *vfork_done; /* for vfork() */
-@@ -523,10 +567,25 @@ struct task_struct {
- unsigned long ptrace_message;
- siginfo_t *last_siginfo; /* For ptrace use. */
-+/* state tracking for suspend */
-+ sigset_t saved_sigset;
-+ __u8 pn_state;
-+ __u8 stopped_state:1, sigsuspend_state:1;
- #ifdef CONFIG_NUMA
- struct mempolicy *mempolicy;
- short il_next; /* could be shared with used_math */
- #endif
-+ struct task_beancounter task_bc;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ struct ve_task_info ve_task_info;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA) || defined(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_MODULE)
-+ unsigned long magic;
-+ struct inode *ino;
- };
- static inline pid_t process_group(struct task_struct *tsk)
-@@ -534,6 +593,11 @@ static inline pid_t process_group(struct
- return tsk->signal->pgrp;
- }
-+static inline int pid_alive(struct task_struct *p)
-+ return p->pids[PIDTYPE_PID].nr != 0;
- extern void __put_task_struct(struct task_struct *tsk);
- #define get_task_struct(tsk) do { atomic_inc(&(tsk)->usage); } while(0)
- #define put_task_struct(tsk) \
-@@ -555,7 +619,6 @@ do { if (atomic_dec_and_test(&(tsk)->usa
- #define PF_MEMDIE 0x00001000 /* Killed for out-of-memory */
- #define PF_FLUSHER 0x00002000 /* responsible for disk writeback */
--#define PF_FREEZE 0x00004000 /* this task should be frozen for suspend */
- #define PF_NOFREEZE 0x00008000 /* this thread should not be frozen */
- #define PF_FROZEN 0x00010000 /* frozen for system suspend */
- #define PF_FSTRANS 0x00020000 /* inside a filesystem transaction */
-@@ -564,6 +627,57 @@ do { if (atomic_dec_and_test(&(tsk)->usa
- #define PF_LESS_THROTTLE 0x00100000 /* Throttle me less: I clean memory */
- #define PF_SYNCWRITE 0x00200000 /* I am doing a sync write */
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
-+#define set_pn_state(tsk, state) do { } while(0)
-+#define clear_pn_state(tsk) do { } while(0)
-+#define set_sigsuspend_state(tsk, sig) do { } while(0)
-+#define clear_sigsuspend_state(tsk) do { } while(0)
-+#define set_stop_state(tsk) do { } while(0)
-+#define clear_stop_state(tsk) do { } while(0)
-+#define PN_STOP_TF 1 /* was not in 2.6.8 */
-+#define PN_STOP_TF_RT 2 /* was not in 2.6.8 */
-+#define PN_STOP_ENTRY 3
-+#define PN_STOP_FORK 4
-+#define PN_STOP_VFORK 5
-+#define PN_STOP_SIGNAL 6
-+#define PN_STOP_EXIT 7
-+#define PN_STOP_EXEC 8
-+#define PN_STOP_LEAVE 9
-+static inline void set_pn_state(struct task_struct *tsk, int state)
-+ tsk->pn_state = state;
-+static inline void clear_pn_state(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ tsk->pn_state = 0;
-+static inline void set_sigsuspend_state(struct task_struct *tsk, sigset_t saveset)
-+ tsk->sigsuspend_state = 1;
-+ tsk->saved_sigset = saveset;
-+static inline void clear_sigsuspend_state(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ tsk->sigsuspend_state = 0;
-+ siginitset(&tsk->saved_sigset, 0);
-+static inline void set_stop_state(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ tsk->stopped_state = 1;
-+static inline void clear_stop_state(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ tsk->stopped_state = 0;
- #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
- #define SCHED_LOAD_SCALE 128UL /* increase resolution of load */
-@@ -687,6 +801,20 @@ static inline int set_cpus_allowed(task_
- extern unsigned long long sched_clock(void);
-+static inline unsigned long cycles_to_clocks(cycles_t cycles)
-+ extern unsigned long cycles_per_clock;
-+ do_div(cycles, cycles_per_clock);
-+ return cycles;
-+static inline u64 cycles_to_jiffies(cycles_t cycles)
-+ extern unsigned long cycles_per_jiffy;
-+ do_div(cycles, cycles_per_jiffy);
-+ return cycles;
- #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
- extern void sched_balance_exec(void);
- #else
-@@ -699,6 +827,7 @@ extern int task_prio(const task_t *p);
- extern int task_nice(const task_t *p);
- extern int task_curr(const task_t *p);
- extern int idle_cpu(int cpu);
-+extern task_t *idle_task(int cpu);
- void yield(void);
-@@ -727,11 +856,243 @@ extern struct task_struct init_task;
- extern struct mm_struct init_mm;
--extern struct task_struct *find_task_by_pid(int pid);
-+#define find_task_by_pid_all(nr) \
-+ find_task_by_pid_type_all(PIDTYPE_PID, nr)
-+extern struct task_struct *find_task_by_pid_type_all(int type, int pid);
- extern void set_special_pids(pid_t session, pid_t pgrp);
- extern void __set_special_pids(pid_t session, pid_t pgrp);
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
-+#define find_task_by_pid_ve find_task_by_pid_all
-+#define get_exec_env() NULL
-+static inline struct ve_struct * set_exec_env(struct ve_struct *new_env)
-+ return NULL;
-+#define ve_is_super(env) 1
-+#define ve_accessible(target, owner) 1
-+#define ve_accessible_strict(target, owner) 1
-+#define ve_accessible_veid(target, owner) 1
-+#define ve_accessible_strict_veid(target, owner) 1
-+#define VEID(envid) 0
-+#define get_ve0() NULL
-+static inline pid_t virt_pid(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ return tsk->pid;
-+static inline pid_t virt_tgid(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ return tsk->tgid;
-+static inline pid_t virt_pgid(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ return tsk->signal->pgrp;
-+static inline pid_t virt_sid(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ return tsk->signal->session;
-+static inline pid_t get_task_pid_ve(struct task_struct *tsk, struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ return tsk->pid;
-+static inline pid_t get_task_pid(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ return tsk->pid;
-+static inline pid_t get_task_tgid(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ return tsk->tgid;
-+static inline pid_t get_task_pgid(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ return tsk->signal->pgrp;
-+static inline pid_t get_task_sid(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ return tsk->signal->session;
-+static inline void set_virt_pid(struct task_struct *tsk, pid_t pid)
-+static inline void set_virt_tgid(struct task_struct *tsk, pid_t pid)
-+static inline void set_virt_pgid(struct task_struct *tsk, pid_t pid)
-+static inline void set_virt_sid(struct task_struct *tsk, pid_t pid)
-+static inline pid_t get_task_ppid(struct task_struct *p)
-+ if (!pid_alive(p))
-+ return 0;
-+ return (p->pid > 1 ? p->group_leader->real_parent->pid : 0);
-+#else /* CONFIG_VE */
-+#include <asm/current.h>
-+#include <linux/ve.h>
-+extern struct ve_struct ve0;
-+#define find_task_by_pid_ve(nr) \
-+ find_task_by_pid_type_ve(PIDTYPE_PID, nr)
-+extern struct task_struct *find_task_by_pid_type_ve(int type, int pid);
-+#define get_ve0() (&ve0)
-+#define VEID(envid) ((envid)->veid)
-+#define get_exec_env() (VE_TASK_INFO(current)->exec_env)
-+static inline struct ve_struct *set_exec_env(struct ve_struct *new_env)
-+ struct ve_struct *old_env;
-+ old_env = VE_TASK_INFO(current)->exec_env;
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(current)->exec_env = new_env;
-+ return old_env;
-+#define ve_is_super(env) ((env) == get_ve0())
-+#define ve_accessible_strict(target, owner) ((target) == (owner))
-+static inline int ve_accessible(struct ve_struct *target,
-+ struct ve_struct *owner) {
-+ return ve_is_super(owner) || ve_accessible_strict(target, owner);
-+#define ve_accessible_strict_veid(target, owner) ((target) == (owner))
-+static inline int ve_accessible_veid(envid_t target, envid_t owner)
-+ return get_ve0()->veid == owner ||
-+ ve_accessible_strict_veid(target, owner);
-+static inline pid_t virt_pid(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ return tsk->pids[PIDTYPE_PID].vnr;
-+static inline pid_t virt_tgid(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ return tsk->pids[PIDTYPE_TGID].vnr;
-+static inline pid_t virt_pgid(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ return tsk->pids[PIDTYPE_PGID].vnr;
-+static inline pid_t virt_sid(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ return tsk->pids[PIDTYPE_SID].vnr;
-+static inline pid_t get_task_pid_ve(struct task_struct *tsk, struct ve_struct *env)
-+ return ve_is_super(env) ? tsk->pid : virt_pid(tsk);
-+static inline pid_t get_task_pid(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ return get_task_pid_ve(tsk, get_exec_env());
-+static inline pid_t get_task_tgid(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ return ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) ? tsk->tgid : virt_tgid(tsk);
-+static inline pid_t get_task_pgid(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ return ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) ? tsk->signal->pgrp : virt_pgid(tsk);
-+static inline pid_t get_task_sid(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ return ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) ? tsk->signal->session : virt_sid(tsk);
-+static inline void set_virt_pid(struct task_struct *tsk, pid_t pid)
-+ tsk->pids[PIDTYPE_PID].vnr = pid;
-+static inline void set_virt_tgid(struct task_struct *tsk, pid_t pid)
-+ tsk->pids[PIDTYPE_TGID].vnr = pid;
-+static inline void set_virt_pgid(struct task_struct *tsk, pid_t pid)
-+ tsk->pids[PIDTYPE_PGID].vnr = pid;
-+static inline void set_virt_sid(struct task_struct *tsk, pid_t pid)
-+ tsk->pids[PIDTYPE_SID].vnr = pid;
-+static inline pid_t get_task_ppid(struct task_struct *p)
-+ struct task_struct *parent;
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
-+ if (!pid_alive(p))
-+ return 0;
-+ env = get_exec_env();
-+ if (get_task_pid_ve(p, env) == 1)
-+ return 0;
-+ parent = p->group_leader->real_parent;
-+ return ve_accessible(VE_TASK_INFO(parent)->owner_env, env) ?
-+ get_task_pid_ve(parent, env) : 1;
-+void ve_sched_get_cpu_stat(struct ve_struct *envid, cycles_t *idle,
-+ cycles_t *strv, unsigned int cpu);
-+void ve_sched_attach(struct ve_struct *envid);
-+#endif /* CONFIG_VE */
-+#if defined(CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU) && defined(CONFIG_VE)
-+extern cycles_t ve_sched_get_idle_time(struct ve_struct *, int);
-+extern cycles_t ve_sched_get_iowait_time(struct ve_struct *, int);
-+#define ve_sched_get_idle_time(ve, cpu) 0
-+#define ve_sched_get_iowait_time(ve, cpu) 0
-+struct vcpu_scheduler;
-+extern void fastcall vsched_cpu_online_map(struct vcpu_scheduler *sched,
-+ cpumask_t *mask);
-+#define vsched_cpu_online_map(vsched, mask) do { \
-+ *mask = cpu_online_map; \
-+ } while (0)
- /* per-UID process charging. */
-+extern int set_user(uid_t new_ruid, int dumpclear);
- extern struct user_struct * alloc_uid(uid_t);
- static inline struct user_struct *get_uid(struct user_struct *u)
- {
-@@ -747,6 +1108,7 @@ extern unsigned long itimer_ticks;
- extern unsigned long itimer_next;
- extern void do_timer(struct pt_regs *);
-+extern void wake_up_init(void);
- extern int FASTCALL(wake_up_state(struct task_struct * tsk, unsigned int state));
- extern int FASTCALL(wake_up_process(struct task_struct * tsk));
- extern void FASTCALL(wake_up_forked_process(struct task_struct * tsk));
-@@ -807,7 +1169,7 @@ extern struct sigqueue *sigqueue_alloc(v
- extern void sigqueue_free(struct sigqueue *);
- extern int send_sigqueue(int, struct sigqueue *, struct task_struct *);
- extern int send_group_sigqueue(int, struct sigqueue *, struct task_struct *);
--extern int do_sigaction(int, const struct k_sigaction *, struct k_sigaction *);
-+extern int do_sigaction(int, struct k_sigaction *, struct k_sigaction *);
- extern int do_sigaltstack(const stack_t __user *, stack_t __user *, unsigned long);
- /* These can be the second arg to send_sig_info/send_group_sig_info. */
-@@ -885,7 +1247,10 @@ extern task_t *child_reaper;
- extern int do_execve(char *, char __user * __user *, char __user * __user *, struct pt_regs *);
- extern long do_fork(unsigned long, unsigned long, struct pt_regs *, unsigned long, int __user *, int __user *);
--extern struct task_struct * copy_process(unsigned long, unsigned long, struct pt_regs *, unsigned long, int __user *, int __user *);
-+extern struct task_struct * copy_process(unsigned long, unsigned long, struct pt_regs *, unsigned long, int __user *, int __user *, long pid);
-+extern void set_task_comm(struct task_struct *tsk, char *from);
-+extern void get_task_comm(char *to, struct task_struct *tsk);
- #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
- extern void wait_task_inactive(task_t * p);
-@@ -908,31 +1273,105 @@ extern void wait_task_inactive(task_t *
- add_parent(p, (p)->parent); \
- } while (0)
--#define next_task(p) list_entry((p)->, struct task_struct, tasks)
--#define prev_task(p) list_entry((p)->tasks.prev, struct task_struct, tasks)
-+#define next_task_all(p) list_entry((p)->, struct task_struct, tasks)
-+#define prev_task_all(p) list_entry((p)->tasks.prev, struct task_struct, tasks)
--#define for_each_process(p) \
-- for (p = &init_task ; (p = next_task(p)) != &init_task ; )
-+#define for_each_process_all(p) \
-+ for (p = &init_task ; (p = next_task_all(p)) != &init_task ; )
- /*
- * Careful: do_each_thread/while_each_thread is a double loop so
- * 'break' will not work as expected - use goto instead.
- */
--#define do_each_thread(g, t) \
-- for (g = t = &init_task ; (g = t = next_task(g)) != &init_task ; ) do
-+#define do_each_thread_all(g, t) \
-+ for (g = t = &init_task ; (g = t = next_task_all(g)) != &init_task ; ) do
-+#define while_each_thread_all(g, t) \
-+ while ((t = next_thread(t)) != g)
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
-+#define SET_VE_LINKS(p)
-+#define REMOVE_VE_LINKS(p)
-+#define for_each_process_ve(p) for_each_process_all(p)
-+#define do_each_thread_ve(g, t) do_each_thread_all(g, t)
-+#define while_each_thread_ve(g, t) while_each_thread_all(g, t)
-+#define first_task_ve() next_task_ve(&init_task)
-+#define next_task_ve(p) \
-+ (next_task_all(p) != &init_task ? next_task_all(p) : NULL)
-+#else /* CONFIG_VE */
-+#define SET_VE_LINKS(p) \
-+ do { \
-+ if (thread_group_leader(p)) \
-+ list_add_tail(&VE_TASK_INFO(p)->vetask_list, \
-+ &VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env->vetask_lh); \
-+ } while (0)
--#define while_each_thread(g, t) \
-+#define REMOVE_VE_LINKS(p) \
-+ do { \
-+ if (thread_group_leader(p)) \
-+ list_del(&VE_TASK_INFO(p)->vetask_list); \
-+ } while(0)
-+static inline task_t* __first_task_ve(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ task_t *tsk;
-+ if (unlikely(ve_is_super(ve))) {
-+ tsk = next_task_all(&init_task);
-+ if (tsk == &init_task)
-+ tsk = NULL;
-+ } else {
-+ /* probably can return ve->init_entry, but it's more clear */
-+ BUG_ON(list_empty(&ve->vetask_lh));
-+ tsk = VE_TASK_LIST_2_TASK(ve->;
-+ }
-+ return tsk;
-+static inline task_t* __next_task_ve(struct ve_struct *ve, task_t *tsk)
-+ if (unlikely(ve_is_super(ve))) {
-+ tsk = next_task_all(tsk);
-+ if (tsk == &init_task)
-+ tsk = NULL;
-+ } else {
-+ struct list_head *tmp;
-+ BUG_ON(VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env != ve);
-+ tmp = VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->;
-+ if (tmp == &ve->vetask_lh)
-+ tsk = NULL;
-+ else
-+ tsk = VE_TASK_LIST_2_TASK(tmp);
-+ }
-+ return tsk;
-+#define first_task_ve() __first_task_ve(get_exec_env())
-+#define next_task_ve(p) __next_task_ve(get_exec_env(), p)
-+/* no one uses prev_task_ve(), copy next_task_ve() if needed */
-+#define for_each_process_ve(p) \
-+ for (p = first_task_ve(); p != NULL ; p = next_task_ve(p))
-+#define do_each_thread_ve(g, t) \
-+ for (g = t = first_task_ve() ; g != NULL; g = t = next_task_ve(g)) do
-+#define while_each_thread_ve(g, t) \
- while ((t = next_thread(t)) != g)
-+#endif /* CONFIG_VE */
- extern task_t * FASTCALL(next_thread(const task_t *p));
- #define thread_group_leader(p) (p->pid == p->tgid)
- static inline int thread_group_empty(task_t *p)
- {
-- struct pid *pid = p->pids[PIDTYPE_TGID].pidptr;
-- return pid->>next == &pid->task_list;
-+ return list_empty(&p->pids[PIDTYPE_TGID].pid_list);
- }
- #define delay_group_leader(p) \
-@@ -941,8 +1380,8 @@ static inline int thread_group_empty(tas
- extern void unhash_process(struct task_struct *p);
- /*
-- * Protects ->fs, ->files, ->mm, ->ptrace, ->group_info and synchronises with
-- * wait4().
-+ * Protects ->fs, ->files, ->mm, ->ptrace, ->group_info, ->comm and
-+ * synchronises with wait4().
- *
- * Nests both inside and outside of read_lock(&tasklist_lock).
- * It must not be nested with write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock),
-@@ -1065,28 +1504,61 @@ extern void signal_wake_up(struct task_s
- */
- #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
--static inline unsigned int task_cpu(const struct task_struct *p)
-+static inline unsigned int task_pcpu(const struct task_struct *p)
- {
- return p->thread_info->cpu;
- }
--static inline void set_task_cpu(struct task_struct *p, unsigned int cpu)
-+static inline void set_task_pcpu(struct task_struct *p, unsigned int cpu)
- {
- p->thread_info->cpu = cpu;
- }
- #else
-+static inline unsigned int task_pcpu(const struct task_struct *p)
-+ return 0;
-+static inline void set_task_pcpu(struct task_struct *p, unsigned int cpu)
-+#endif /* CONFIG_SMP */
-+static inline unsigned int task_vsched_id(const struct task_struct *p)
-+ return p->vsched_id;
- static inline unsigned int task_cpu(const struct task_struct *p)
- {
-+ return p->vcpu_id;
-+extern void set_task_cpu(struct task_struct *p, unsigned int vcpu);
-+static inline unsigned int task_vsched_id(const struct task_struct *p)
- return 0;
- }
-+static inline unsigned int task_cpu(const struct task_struct *p)
-+ return task_pcpu(p);
- static inline void set_task_cpu(struct task_struct *p, unsigned int cpu)
- {
-+ set_task_pcpu(p, cpu);
- }
--#endif /* CONFIG_SMP */
-+#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU */
- #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ static inline int cap_netlink_send (stru
- static inline int cap_netlink_recv (struct sk_buff *skb)
- {
-- if (!cap_raised (NETLINK_CB (skb).eff_cap, CAP_NET_ADMIN))
-+ if (!cap_raised (NETLINK_CB (skb).eff_cap, CAP_VE_NET_ADMIN))
- return -EPERM;
- return 0;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@ struct shm_info {
- };
- #ifdef __KERNEL__
-+struct user_beancounter;
- struct shmid_kernel /* private to the kernel */
- {
- struct kern_ipc_perm shm_perm;
-@@ -84,8 +86,12 @@ struct shmid_kernel /* private to the ke
- time_t shm_ctim;
- pid_t shm_cprid;
- pid_t shm_lprid;
-+ struct user_beancounter *shmidk_ub;
-+ struct ipc_ids *_shm_ids;
- };
-+#define shmid_ub(__shmid) (__shmid)->shmidk_ub
- /* shm_mode upper byte flags */
- #define SHM_DEST 01000 /* segment will be destroyed on last detach */
- #define SHM_LOCKED 02000 /* segment will not be swapped */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
- #define SHMEM_NR_DIRECT 16
-+struct user_beancounter;
- struct shmem_inode_info {
- spinlock_t lock;
- unsigned long next_index;
-@@ -19,8 +21,11 @@ struct shmem_inode_info {
- struct shared_policy policy;
- struct list_head list;
- struct inode vfs_inode;
-+ struct user_beancounter *info_ub;
- };
-+#define shm_info_ub(__shmi) (__shmi)->info_ub
- struct shmem_sb_info {
- unsigned long max_blocks; /* How many blocks are allowed */
- unsigned long free_blocks; /* How many are left for allocation */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -14,14 +14,19 @@
- * Real Time signals may be queued.
- */
-+struct user_beancounter;
- struct sigqueue {
- struct list_head list;
- spinlock_t *lock;
- int flags;
- siginfo_t info;
- struct user_struct *user;
-+ struct user_beancounter *sig_ub;
- };
-+#define sig_ub(__q) ((__q)->sig_ub)
- /* flags values. */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
- #include <linux/compiler.h>
- #include <linux/time.h>
- #include <linux/cache.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
- #include <asm/atomic.h>
- #include <asm/types.h>
-@@ -190,6 +191,8 @@ struct skb_shared_info {
- * @tc_index: Traffic control index
- */
-+#include <ub/ub_sk.h>
- struct sk_buff {
- /* These two members must be first. */
- struct sk_buff *next;
-@@ -281,13 +284,18 @@ struct sk_buff {
- *data,
- *tail,
- *end;
-+ struct skb_beancounter skb_bc;
-+ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
- };
-+DCL_VE_OWNER_PROTO(SKB, SLAB, struct sk_buff, owner_env, , (noinline, regparm(1)))
- #ifdef __KERNEL__
- /*
- * Handling routines are only of interest to the kernel
- */
- #include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_net.h>
- #include <asm/system.h>
-@@ -902,6 +910,8 @@ static inline int pskb_trim(struct sk_bu
- */
- static inline void skb_orphan(struct sk_buff *skb)
- {
-+ ub_skb_uncharge(skb);
- if (skb->destructor)
- skb->destructor(skb);
- skb->destructor = NULL;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -46,6 +46,27 @@ typedef struct kmem_cache_s kmem_cache_t
- what is reclaimable later*/
- #define SLAB_PANIC 0x00040000UL /* panic if kmem_cache_create() fails */
-+ * allocation rules: __GFP_UBC 0
-+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-+ * cache (SLAB_UBC) charge charge
-+ * (usual caches: mm, vma, task_struct, ...)
-+ *
-+ * cache (SLAB_UBC | SLAB_NO_CHARGE) charge ---
-+ * (ub_kmalloc) (kmalloc)
-+ *
-+ * cache (no UB flags) BUG() ---
-+ * (nonub caches, mempools)
-+ *
-+ * pages charge ---
-+ * (ub_vmalloc, (vmalloc,
-+ * poll, fdsets, ...) non-ub allocs)
-+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
-+ */
-+#define SLAB_UBC 0x20000000UL /* alloc space for ubs ... */
-+#define SLAB_NO_CHARGE 0x40000000UL /* ... but don't charge */
- /* flags passed to a constructor func */
- #define SLAB_CTOR_CONSTRUCTOR 0x001UL /* if not set, then deconstructor */
- #define SLAB_CTOR_ATOMIC 0x002UL /* tell constructor it can't sleep */
-@@ -97,6 +118,8 @@ found:
- return __kmalloc(size, flags);
- }
-+extern void *kzalloc(size_t, gfp_t);
- extern void kfree(const void *);
- extern unsigned int ksize(const void *);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:24.000000000 +0400
-@@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ extern void smp_cpus_done(unsigned int m
- extern int smp_call_function (void (*func) (void *info), void *info,
- int retry, int wait);
-+typedef void (*smp_nmi_function)(struct pt_regs *regs, void *info);
-+extern int smp_nmi_call_function(smp_nmi_function func, void *info, int wait);
- /*
- * Call a function on all processors
- */
-@@ -100,6 +103,7 @@ void smp_prepare_boot_cpu(void);
- #define hard_smp_processor_id() 0
- #define smp_threads_ready 1
- #define smp_call_function(func,info,retry,wait) ({ 0; })
-+#define smp_nmi_call_function(func, info, wait) ({ 0; })
- #define on_each_cpu(func,info,retry,wait) ({ func(info); 0; })
- static inline void smp_send_reschedule(int cpu) { }
- #define num_booting_cpus() 1
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -90,6 +90,10 @@ struct cmsghdr {
- (struct cmsghdr *)(ctl) : \
- (struct cmsghdr *)NULL)
- #define CMSG_FIRSTHDR(msg) __CMSG_FIRSTHDR((msg)->msg_control, (msg)->msg_controllen)
-+#define CMSG_OK(mhdr, cmsg) ((cmsg)->cmsg_len >= sizeof(struct cmsghdr) && \
-+ (cmsg)->cmsg_len <= (unsigned long) \
-+ ((mhdr)->msg_controllen - \
-+ ((char *)(cmsg) - (char *)(mhdr)->msg_control)))
- /*
- * This mess will go away with glibc
-@@ -287,6 +291,7 @@ extern void memcpy_tokerneliovec(struct
- extern int move_addr_to_user(void *kaddr, int klen, void __user *uaddr, int __user *ulen);
- extern int move_addr_to_kernel(void __user *uaddr, int ulen, void *kaddr);
- extern int put_cmsg(struct msghdr*, int level, int type, int len, void *data);
-+extern int vz_security_proto_check(int family, int type, int protocol);
- #endif
- #endif /* not kernel and not glibc */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ static inline int software_suspend(void)
- #ifdef CONFIG_PM
--extern void refrigerator(unsigned long);
-+extern void refrigerator(void);
- extern int freeze_processes(void);
- extern void thaw_processes(void);
-@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ extern int pm_prepare_console(void);
- extern void pm_restore_console(void);
- #else
--static inline void refrigerator(unsigned long flag) {}
-+static inline void refrigerator(void) {}
- #endif /* CONFIG_PM */
- #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
- #define SWAP_FLAG_PREFER 0x8000 /* set if swap priority specified */
- #define SWAP_FLAG_PRIO_MASK 0x7fff
-+#define SWAP_FLAG_READONLY 0x40000000 /* set if swap is read-only */
- static inline int current_is_kswapd(void)
- {
-@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ struct address_space;
- struct sysinfo;
- struct writeback_control;
- struct zone;
-+struct user_beancounter;
- /*
- * A swap extent maps a range of a swapfile's PAGE_SIZE pages onto a range of
-@@ -106,6 +108,7 @@ enum {
- SWP_USED = (1 << 0), /* is slot in swap_info[] used? */
- SWP_WRITEOK = (1 << 1), /* ok to write to this swap? */
-+ SWP_READONLY = (1 << 2)
- };
- #define SWAP_CLUSTER_MAX 32
-@@ -118,6 +121,8 @@ enum {
- * extent_list.prev points at the lowest-index extent. That list is
- * sorted.
- */
-+struct user_beancounter;
- struct swap_info_struct {
- unsigned int flags;
- spinlock_t sdev_lock;
-@@ -132,6 +137,7 @@ struct swap_info_struct {
- unsigned int highest_bit;
- unsigned int cluster_next;
- unsigned int cluster_nr;
-+ struct user_beancounter **owner_map;
- int prio; /* swap priority */
- int pages;
- unsigned long max;
-@@ -148,7 +154,8 @@ struct swap_list_t {
- #define vm_swap_full() (nr_swap_pages*2 < total_swap_pages)
- /* linux/mm/oom_kill.c */
--extern void out_of_memory(int gfp_mask);
-+struct oom_freeing_stat;
-+extern void out_of_memory(struct oom_freeing_stat *, int gfp_mask);
- /* linux/mm/memory.c */
- extern void swapin_readahead(swp_entry_t, unsigned long, struct vm_area_struct *);
-@@ -210,7 +217,7 @@ extern long total_swap_pages;
- extern unsigned int nr_swapfiles;
- extern struct swap_info_struct swap_info[];
- extern void si_swapinfo(struct sysinfo *);
--extern swp_entry_t get_swap_page(void);
-+extern swp_entry_t get_swap_page(struct user_beancounter *);
- extern int swap_duplicate(swp_entry_t);
- extern int valid_swaphandles(swp_entry_t, unsigned long *);
- extern void swap_free(swp_entry_t);
-@@ -219,6 +226,7 @@ extern sector_t map_swap_page(struct swa
- extern struct swap_info_struct *get_swap_info_struct(unsigned);
- extern int can_share_swap_page(struct page *);
- extern int remove_exclusive_swap_page(struct page *);
-+extern int try_to_remove_exclusive_swap_page(struct page *);
- struct backing_dev_info;
- extern struct swap_list_t swap_list;
-@@ -259,7 +267,7 @@ static inline int remove_exclusive_swap_
- return 0;
- }
--static inline swp_entry_t get_swap_page(void)
-+static inline swp_entry_t get_swap_page(struct user_beancounter *ub)
- {
- swp_entry_t entry;
- entry.val = 0;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
- #include <linux/compiler.h>
- struct file;
-+struct completion;
- #define CTL_MAXNAME 10 /* how many path components do we allow in a
- call to sysctl? In other words, what is
-@@ -133,6 +134,13 @@ enum
- KERN_SPARC_SCONS_PWROFF=64, /* int: serial console power-off halt */
- KERN_HZ_TIMER=65, /* int: hz timer on or off */
-+ KERN_SILENCE_LEVEL=66, /* int: Console silence loglevel */
-+ KERN_ALLOC_FAIL_WARN=67, /* int: whether we'll print "alloc failure" */
-+ KERN_FAIRSCHED_MAX_LATENCY=201, /* int: Max start_tag delta */
-+ KERN_VIRT_PIDS=204, /* int: VE pids virtualization */
-+ KERN_VIRT_OSRELEASE=205,/* virtualization of utsname.release */
- };
-@@ -320,6 +328,7 @@ enum
-+ NET_TCP_USE_SG=245,
-@@ -343,6 +352,7 @@ enum
- enum {
-@@ -650,6 +660,12 @@ enum
- FS_XFS=17, /* struct: control xfs parameters */
- FS_AIO_NR=18, /* current system-wide number of aio requests */
- FS_AIO_MAX_NR=19, /* system-wide maximum number of aio requests */
-+ FS_AT_VSYSCALL=20, /* int: to announce vsyscall data */
-+/* /proc/sys/debug */
-+enum {
-+ DBG_DECODE_CALLTRACES = 1, /* int: decode call traces on oops */
- };
- /* /proc/sys/fs/quota/ */
-@@ -780,6 +796,8 @@ extern int proc_doulongvec_minmax(ctl_ta
- void __user *, size_t *, loff_t *);
- extern int proc_doulongvec_ms_jiffies_minmax(ctl_table *table, int,
- struct file *, void __user *, size_t *, loff_t *);
-+extern int proc_doutsstring(ctl_table *table, int write, struct file *,
-+ void __user *, size_t *, loff_t *);
- extern int do_sysctl (int __user *name, int nlen,
- void __user *oldval, size_t __user *oldlenp,
-@@ -833,6 +851,8 @@ extern ctl_handler sysctl_jiffies;
- */
- /* A sysctl table is an array of struct ctl_table: */
-+struct ve_struct;
- struct ctl_table
- {
- int ctl_name; /* Binary ID */
-@@ -846,6 +866,7 @@ struct ctl_table
- struct proc_dir_entry *de; /* /proc control block */
- void *extra1;
- void *extra2;
-+ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
- };
- /* struct ctl_table_header is used to maintain dynamic lists of
-@@ -854,12 +875,17 @@ struct ctl_table_header
- {
- ctl_table *ctl_table;
- struct list_head ctl_entry;
-+ int used;
-+ struct completion *unregistering;
- };
- struct ctl_table_header * register_sysctl_table(ctl_table * table,
- int insert_at_head);
- void unregister_sysctl_table(struct ctl_table_header * table);
-+ctl_table *clone_sysctl_template(ctl_table *tmpl, int nr);
-+void free_sysctl_clone(ctl_table *clone);
- #else /* __KERNEL__ */
- #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:24.000000000 +0400
-@@ -29,6 +29,12 @@ struct sysrq_key_op {
- * are available -- else NULL's).
- */
-+int sysrq_eat_all(void);
-+#define sysrq_eat_all() (0)
- void handle_sysrq(int, struct pt_regs *, struct tty_struct *);
- void __handle_sysrq(int, struct pt_regs *, struct tty_struct *);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:37.000000000 +0400
-@@ -201,6 +201,27 @@ struct tcp_sack_block {
- __u32 end_seq;
- };
-+struct tcp_options_received {
-+/* PAWS/RTTM data */
-+ long ts_recent_stamp;/* Time we stored ts_recent (for aging) */
-+ __u32 ts_recent; /* Time stamp to echo next */
-+ __u32 rcv_tsval; /* Time stamp value */
-+ __u32 rcv_tsecr; /* Time stamp echo reply */
-+ char saw_tstamp; /* Saw TIMESTAMP on last packet */
-+ char tstamp_ok; /* TIMESTAMP seen on SYN packet */
-+ char sack_ok; /* SACK seen on SYN packet */
-+ char wscale_ok; /* Wscale seen on SYN packet */
-+ __u8 snd_wscale; /* Window scaling received from sender */
-+ __u8 rcv_wscale; /* Window scaling to send to receiver */
-+/* SACKs data */
-+ __u8 dsack; /* D-SACK is scheduled */
-+ __u8 eff_sacks; /* Size of SACK array to send with next packet */
-+ __u8 num_sacks; /* Number of SACK blocks */
-+ __u8 __pad;
-+ __u16 user_mss; /* mss requested by user in ioctl */
-+ __u16 mss_clamp; /* Maximal mss, negotiated at connection setup */
- struct tcp_opt {
- int tcp_header_len; /* Bytes of tcp header to send */
-@@ -251,22 +272,19 @@ struct tcp_opt {
- __u32 pmtu_cookie; /* Last pmtu seen by socket */
- __u32 mss_cache; /* Cached effective mss, not including SACKS */
- __u16 mss_cache_std; /* Like mss_cache, but without TSO */
-- __u16 mss_clamp; /* Maximal mss, negotiated at connection setup */
- __u16 ext_header_len; /* Network protocol overhead (IP/IPv6 options) */
- __u16 ext2_header_len;/* Options depending on route */
- __u8 ca_state; /* State of fast-retransmit machine */
- __u8 retransmits; /* Number of unrecovered RTO timeouts. */
-+ __u32 frto_highmark; /* snd_nxt when RTO occurred */
- __u8 reordering; /* Packet reordering metric. */
- __u8 frto_counter; /* Number of new acks after RTO */
-- __u32 frto_highmark; /* snd_nxt when RTO occurred */
- __u8 unused_pad;
- __u8 defer_accept; /* User waits for some data after accept() */
-- /* one byte hole, try to pack */
- /* RTT measurement */
-- __u8 backoff; /* backoff */
- __u32 srtt; /* smothed round trip time << 3 */
- __u32 mdev; /* medium deviation */
- __u32 mdev_max; /* maximal mdev for the last rtt period */
-@@ -277,7 +295,15 @@ struct tcp_opt {
- __u32 packets_out; /* Packets which are "in flight" */
- __u32 left_out; /* Packets which leaved network */
- __u32 retrans_out; /* Retransmitted packets out */
-+ __u8 backoff; /* backoff */
-+ * Options received (usually on last packet, some only on SYN packets).
-+ */
-+ __u8 nonagle; /* Disable Nagle algorithm? */
-+ __u8 keepalive_probes; /* num of allowed keep alive probes */
-+ __u8 probes_out; /* unanswered 0 window probes */
-+ struct tcp_options_received rx_opt;
- /*
- * Slow start and congestion control (see also Nagle, and Karn & Partridge)
-@@ -303,40 +329,19 @@ struct tcp_opt {
- __u32 write_seq; /* Tail(+1) of data held in tcp send buffer */
- __u32 pushed_seq; /* Last pushed seq, required to talk to windows */
- __u32 copied_seq; /* Head of yet unread data */
-- * Options received (usually on last packet, some only on SYN packets).
-- */
-- char tstamp_ok, /* TIMESTAMP seen on SYN packet */
-- wscale_ok, /* Wscale seen on SYN packet */
-- sack_ok; /* SACK seen on SYN packet */
-- char saw_tstamp; /* Saw TIMESTAMP on last packet */
-- __u8 snd_wscale; /* Window scaling received from sender */
-- __u8 rcv_wscale; /* Window scaling to send to receiver */
-- __u8 nonagle; /* Disable Nagle algorithm? */
-- __u8 keepalive_probes; /* num of allowed keep alive probes */
--/* PAWS/RTTM data */
-- __u32 rcv_tsval; /* Time stamp value */
-- __u32 rcv_tsecr; /* Time stamp echo reply */
-- __u32 ts_recent; /* Time stamp to echo next */
-- long ts_recent_stamp;/* Time we stored ts_recent (for aging) */
- /* SACKs data */
-- __u16 user_mss; /* mss requested by user in ioctl */
-- __u8 dsack; /* D-SACK is scheduled */
-- __u8 eff_sacks; /* Size of SACK array to send with next packet */
- struct tcp_sack_block duplicate_sack[1]; /* D-SACK block */
- struct tcp_sack_block selective_acks[4]; /* The SACKS themselves*/
- __u32 window_clamp; /* Maximal window to advertise */
- __u32 rcv_ssthresh; /* Current window clamp */
-- __u8 probes_out; /* unanswered 0 window probes */
-- __u8 num_sacks; /* Number of SACK blocks */
- __u16 advmss; /* Advertised MSS */
- __u8 syn_retries; /* num of allowed syn retries */
- __u8 ecn_flags; /* ECN status bits. */
- __u16 prior_ssthresh; /* ssthresh saved at recovery start */
-+ __u16 __pad1;
- __u32 lost_out; /* Lost packets */
- __u32 sacked_out; /* SACK'd packets */
- __u32 fackets_out; /* FACK'd packets */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -194,6 +194,18 @@ static inline unsigned int jiffies_to_ms
- return (j * 1000) / HZ;
- #endif
- }
-+static inline unsigned int jiffies_to_usecs(const unsigned long j)
-+#if HZ <= 1000 && !(1000 % HZ)
-+ return (1000000 / HZ) * j;
-+#elif HZ > 1000 && !(HZ % 1000)
-+ return (j*1000 + (HZ - 1000))/(HZ / 1000);
-+ return (j * 1000000) / HZ;
- static inline unsigned long msecs_to_jiffies(const unsigned int m)
- {
- #if HZ <= 1000 && !(1000 % HZ)
-@@ -332,6 +344,7 @@ static inline unsigned long get_seconds(
- struct timespec current_kernel_time(void);
- #define CURRENT_TIME (current_kernel_time())
-+#define CURRENT_TIME_SEC ((struct timespec) { xtime.tv_sec, 0 })
- #endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-@@ -349,6 +362,8 @@ struct itimerval;
- extern int do_setitimer(int which, struct itimerval *value, struct itimerval *ovalue);
- extern int do_getitimer(int which, struct itimerval *value);
-+extern struct timespec timespec_trunc(struct timespec t, unsigned gran);
- static inline void
- set_normalized_timespec (struct timespec *ts, time_t sec, long nsec)
- {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -239,6 +239,8 @@ struct device;
- * size each time the window is created or resized anyway.
- * - TYT, 9/14/92
- */
-+struct user_beancounter;
- struct tty_struct {
- int magic;
- struct tty_driver *driver;
-@@ -293,8 +295,12 @@ struct tty_struct {
- spinlock_t read_lock;
- /* If the tty has a pending do_SAK, queue it here - akpm */
- struct work_struct SAK_work;
-+ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
- };
-+DCL_VE_OWNER_PROTO(TTY, TAIL_SOFT, struct tty_struct, owner_env, , ())
-+#define tty_ub(__tty) (slab_ub(__tty))
- /* tty magic number */
- #define TTY_MAGIC 0x5401
-@@ -319,6 +325,7 @@ struct tty_struct {
- #define TTY_HW_COOK_IN 15
- #define TTY_PTY_LOCK 16
- #define TTY_NO_WRITE_SPLIT 17
-+#define TTY_CHARGED 18
- #define TTY_WRITE_FLUSH(tty) tty_write_flush((tty))
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -115,6 +115,7 @@
- * character to the device.
- */
-+#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
- #include <linux/fs.h>
- #include <linux/list.h>
- #include <linux/cdev.h>
-@@ -214,9 +215,13 @@ struct tty_driver {
- unsigned int set, unsigned int clear);
- struct list_head tty_drivers;
-+ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
- };
-+DCL_VE_OWNER_PROTO(TTYDRV, TAIL_SOFT, struct tty_driver, owner_env, , ())
- extern struct list_head tty_drivers;
-+extern rwlock_t tty_driver_guard;
- struct tty_driver *alloc_tty_driver(int lines);
- void put_tty_driver(struct tty_driver *driver);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -132,6 +132,10 @@ typedef __s64 int64_t;
- typedef unsigned long sector_t;
- #endif
-+#ifdef __KERNEL__
-+typedef unsigned gfp_t;
- /*
- * The type of an index into the pagecache. Use a #define so asm/types.h
- * can override it.
-@@ -140,6 +144,19 @@ typedef unsigned long sector_t;
- #define pgoff_t unsigned long
- #endif
-+#ifdef __CHECKER__
-+#define __bitwise __attribute__((bitwise))
-+#define __bitwise
-+typedef __u16 __bitwise __le16;
-+typedef __u16 __bitwise __be16;
-+typedef __u32 __bitwise __le32;
-+typedef __u32 __bitwise __be32;
-+typedef __u64 __bitwise __le64;
-+typedef __u64 __bitwise __be64;
- #endif /* __KERNEL_STRICT_NAMES */
- /*
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:35.000000000 +0400
-@@ -899,7 +899,7 @@ extern struct inode * ufs_new_inode (str
- extern u64 ufs_frag_map (struct inode *, sector_t);
- extern void ufs_read_inode (struct inode *);
- extern void ufs_put_inode (struct inode *);
--extern void ufs_write_inode (struct inode *, int);
-+extern int ufs_write_inode (struct inode *, int);
- extern int ufs_sync_inode (struct inode *);
- extern void ufs_delete_inode (struct inode *);
- extern struct buffer_head * ufs_getfrag (struct inode *, unsigned, int, int *);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:48.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
-+ * include/linux/ve.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef _LINUX_VE_H
-+#define _LINUX_VE_H
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#ifndef __ENVID_T_DEFINED__
-+typedef unsigned envid_t;
-+#define __ENVID_T_DEFINED__
-+#include <linux/types.h>
-+#include <linux/capability.h>
-+#include <linux/utsname.h>
-+#include <linux/sysctl.h>
-+#include <linux/vzstat.h>
-+#include <linux/kobject.h>
-+#ifdef VZMON_DEBUG
-+# define VZTRACE(fmt,args...) \
-+ printk(KERN_DEBUG fmt, ##args)
-+# define VZTRACE(fmt,args...)
-+#endif /* VZMON_DEBUG */
-+struct tty_driver;
-+struct devpts_config;
-+struct task_struct;
-+struct new_utsname;
-+struct file_system_type;
-+struct icmp_mib;
-+struct ip_mib;
-+struct tcp_mib;
-+struct udp_mib;
-+struct linux_mib;
-+struct fib_info;
-+struct fib_rule;
-+struct veip_struct;
-+struct ve_monitor;
-+struct fib_table;
-+struct devcnfv4_struct;
-+struct ipt_filter_initial_table;
-+struct ipt_nat_initial_table;
-+struct ipt_table;
-+struct ip_conntrack;
-+struct nf_hook_ops;
-+struct ve_ip_conntrack {
-+ struct list_head *_ip_conntrack_hash;
-+ struct list_head _ip_conntrack_expect_list;
-+ struct list_head _ip_conntrack_protocol_list;
-+ struct list_head _ip_conntrack_helpers;
-+ int _ip_conntrack_max;
-+ unsigned long _ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[10];
-+ unsigned long _ip_ct_udp_timeout;
-+ unsigned long _ip_ct_udp_timeout_stream;
-+ unsigned long _ip_ct_icmp_timeout;
-+ unsigned long _ip_ct_generic_timeout;
-+ atomic_t _ip_conntrack_count;
-+ void (*_ip_conntrack_destroyed)(struct ip_conntrack *conntrack);
-+ struct ctl_table_header *_ip_ct_sysctl_header;
-+ ctl_table *_ip_ct_net_table;
-+ ctl_table *_ip_ct_ipv4_table;
-+ ctl_table *_ip_ct_netfilter_table;
-+ ctl_table *_ip_ct_sysctl_table;
-+#endif /*CONFIG_SYSCTL*/
-+ int _ip_conntrack_ftp_ports_c;
-+ int _ip_conntrack_irc_ports_c;
-+ struct list_head _ip_nat_protos;
-+ struct list_head _ip_nat_helpers;
-+ struct list_head *_ip_nat_bysource;
-+ struct ipt_nat_initial_table *_ip_nat_initial_table;
-+ struct ipt_table *_ip_nat_table;
-+ int _ip_nat_ftp_ports_c;
-+ int _ip_nat_irc_ports_c;
-+ /* resource accounting */
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+#define UIDHASH_BITS_VE 6
-+struct ve_cpu_stats {
-+ cycles_t idle_time;
-+ cycles_t iowait_time;
-+ cycles_t strt_idle_time;
-+ cycles_t used_time;
-+ seqcount_t stat_lock;
-+ int nr_running;
-+ int nr_unint;
-+ int nr_iowait;
-+ u64 user;
-+ u64 nice;
-+ u64 system;
-+} ____cacheline_aligned;
-+struct ve_struct {
-+ struct ve_struct *prev;
-+ struct ve_struct *next;
-+ envid_t veid;
-+ struct task_struct *init_entry;
-+ struct list_head vetask_lh;
-+ kernel_cap_t cap_default;
-+ atomic_t pcounter;
-+ /* ref counter to ve from ipc */
-+ atomic_t counter;
-+ unsigned int class_id;
-+ struct veip_struct *veip;
-+ struct rw_semaphore op_sem;
-+ int is_running;
-+ int is_locked;
-+ int virt_pids;
-+ /* see vzcalluser.h for VE_FEATURE_XXX definitions */
-+ __u64 features;
-+/* VE's root */
-+ struct vfsmount *fs_rootmnt;
-+ struct dentry *fs_root;
-+/* sysctl */
-+ struct new_utsname *utsname;
-+ struct list_head sysctl_lh;
-+ struct ctl_table_header *kern_header;
-+ struct ctl_table *kern_table;
-+ struct ctl_table_header *quota_header;
-+ struct ctl_table *quota_table;
-+ struct file_system_type *proc_fstype;
-+ struct vfsmount *proc_mnt;
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *proc_root;
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *proc_sys_root;
-+/* SYSV IPC */
-+ struct ipc_ids *_shm_ids;
-+ struct ipc_ids *_msg_ids;
-+ struct ipc_ids *_sem_ids;
-+ int _used_sems;
-+ int _shm_tot;
-+ size_t _shm_ctlmax;
-+ size_t _shm_ctlall;
-+ int _shm_ctlmni;
-+ int _msg_ctlmax;
-+ int _msg_ctlmni;
-+ int _msg_ctlmnb;
-+ int _sem_ctls[4];
-+/* BSD pty's */
-+ struct tty_driver *pty_driver;
-+ struct tty_driver *pty_slave_driver;
-+ struct tty_driver *ptm_driver;
-+ struct tty_driver *pts_driver;
-+ struct idr *allocated_ptys;
-+ struct file_system_type *devpts_fstype;
-+ struct vfsmount *devpts_mnt;
-+ struct dentry *devpts_root;
-+ struct devpts_config *devpts_config;
-+ struct file_system_type *shmem_fstype;
-+ struct vfsmount *shmem_mnt;
-+ struct file_system_type *sysfs_fstype;
-+ struct vfsmount *sysfs_mnt;
-+ struct super_block *sysfs_sb;
-+ struct subsystem *class_subsys;
-+ struct subsystem *class_obj_subsys;
-+ struct class *net_class;
-+/* User uids hash */
-+ struct list_head uidhash_table[UIDHASH_SZ_VE];
-+ struct hlist_head _net_dev_head;
-+ struct hlist_head _net_dev_index_head;
-+ struct net_device *_net_dev_base, **_net_dev_tail;
-+ int ifindex;
-+ struct net_device *_loopback_dev;
-+ struct net_device *_venet_dev;
-+ struct ipv4_devconf *_ipv4_devconf;
-+ struct ipv4_devconf *_ipv4_devconf_dflt;
-+ struct ctl_table_header *forward_header;
-+ struct ctl_table *forward_table;
-+ unsigned long rt_flush_required;
-+/* per VE CPU stats*/
-+ struct timespec start_timespec;
-+ u64 start_jiffies;
-+ cycles_t start_cycles;
-+ unsigned long avenrun[3]; /* loadavg data */
-+ cycles_t cpu_used_ve;
-+ struct kstat_lat_pcpu_struct sched_lat_ve;
-+ struct fib_info *_fib_info_list;
-+ struct fib_rule *_local_rule;
-+ struct fib_rule *_fib_rules;
-+ /* XXX: why a magic constant? */
-+ struct fib_table *_fib_tables[256]; /* RT_TABLE_MAX - for now */
-+ struct fib_table *_main_table;
-+ struct fib_table *_local_table;
-+ struct icmp_mib *_icmp_statistics[2];
-+ struct ipstats_mib *_ip_statistics[2];
-+ struct tcp_mib *_tcp_statistics[2];
-+ struct udp_mib *_udp_statistics[2];
-+ struct linux_mib *_net_statistics[2];
-+ struct venet_stat *stat;
-+/* core/netfilter.c virtualization */
-+ void *_nf_hooks;
-+ struct ipt_filter_initial_table *_ipt_filter_initial_table; /* initial_table struct */
-+ struct ipt_table *_ve_ipt_filter_pf; /* packet_filter struct */
-+ struct nf_hook_ops *_ve_ipt_filter_io; /* ipt_ops struct */
-+ struct ipt_table *_ipt_mangle_table;
-+ struct nf_hook_ops *_ipt_mangle_hooks;
-+ struct list_head *_ipt_target;
-+ struct list_head *_ipt_match;
-+ struct list_head *_ipt_tables;
-+ struct ipt_target *_ipt_standard_target;
-+ struct ipt_target *_ipt_error_target;
-+ struct ipt_match *_tcp_matchstruct;
-+ struct ipt_match *_udp_matchstruct;
-+ struct ipt_match *_icmp_matchstruct;
-+ __u64 _iptables_modules;
-+ struct ve_ip_conntrack *_ip_conntrack;
-+#endif /* CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES */
-+ wait_queue_head_t *_log_wait;
-+ unsigned long *_log_start;
-+ unsigned long *_log_end;
-+ unsigned long *_logged_chars;
-+ char *log_buf;
-+#define VE_DEFAULT_LOG_BUF_LEN 4096
-+ struct ve_cpu_stats ve_cpu_stats[NR_CPUS] ____cacheline_aligned;
-+ unsigned long down_at;
-+ struct list_head cleanup_list;
-+ unsigned long jiffies_fixup;
-+ unsigned char disable_net;
-+ unsigned char sparse_vpid;
-+ struct ve_monitor *monitor;
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *monitor_proc;
-+#define VE_CPU_STATS(ve, cpu) (&((ve)->ve_cpu_stats[(cpu)]))
-+extern int nr_ve;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+int get_device_perms_ve(int dev_type, dev_t dev, int access_mode);
-+void do_env_cleanup(struct ve_struct *envid);
-+void do_update_load_avg_ve(void);
-+void do_env_free(struct ve_struct *ptr);
-+#define ve_utsname (*get_exec_env()->utsname)
-+static inline struct ve_struct *get_ve(struct ve_struct *ptr)
-+ if (ptr != NULL)
-+ atomic_inc(&ptr->counter);
-+ return ptr;
-+static inline void put_ve(struct ve_struct *ptr)
-+ if (ptr && atomic_dec_and_test(&ptr->counter)) {
-+ if (atomic_read(&ptr->pcounter) > 0)
-+ BUG();
-+ if (ptr->is_running)
-+ BUG();
-+ do_env_free(ptr);
-+ }
-+#define ve_cpu_online_map(ve, mask) fairsched_cpu_online_map(ve->veid, mask)
-+#else /* CONFIG_VE */
-+#define ve_utsname system_utsname
-+#define get_ve(ve) (NULL)
-+#define put_ve(ve) do { } while (0)
-+#endif /* CONFIG_VE */
-+#endif /* _LINUX_VE_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
-+ * include/linux/ve_proto.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef __VE_OWNER_H__
-+#define __VE_OWNER_H__
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
-+#define DCL_VE_OWNER(name, kind, type, member, attr1, attr2)
-+ /* prototype declares static inline functions */
-+#define DCL_VE_OWNER_PROTO(name, kind, type, member, attr1, attr2) \
-+type; \
-+static inline struct ve_struct *VE_OWNER_##name(type *obj) \
-+{ \
-+ return obj->member; \
-+} \
-+static inline void SET_VE_OWNER_##name(type *obj, struct ve_struct *ve) \
-+{ \
-+ obj->member = ve; \
-+#endif /* __VE_OWNER_H__ */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
-+ * include/linux/ve_proto.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef __VE_H__
-+#define __VE_H__
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+extern struct semaphore ve_call_guard;
-+extern rwlock_t ve_call_lock;
-+extern void prepare_ipc(void);
-+extern int init_ve_ipc(struct ve_struct *);
-+extern void fini_ve_ipc(struct ve_struct *);
-+extern void ve_ipc_cleanup(void);
-+extern struct tty_driver *get_pty_driver(void);
-+extern struct tty_driver *get_pty_slave_driver(void);
-+extern struct tty_driver *ptm_driver; /* Unix98 pty masters; for /dev/ptmx */
-+extern struct tty_driver *pts_driver; /* Unix98 pty slaves; for /dev/ptmx */
-+extern rwlock_t tty_driver_guard;
-+void ip_fragment_cleanup(struct ve_struct *envid);
-+void tcp_v4_kill_ve_sockets(struct ve_struct *envid);
-+struct fib_table * fib_hash_init(int id);
-+int move_addr_to_kernel(void *uaddr, int ulen, void *kaddr);
-+extern int main_loopback_init(struct net_device*);
-+int venet_init(void);
-+extern struct ve_struct *ve_list_head;
-+extern rwlock_t ve_list_guard;
-+extern struct ve_struct *get_ve_by_id(envid_t);
-+extern struct ve_struct *__find_ve_by_id(envid_t);
-+extern int do_setdevperms(envid_t veid, unsigned type,
-+ dev_t dev, unsigned mask);
-+#define VE_HOOK_INIT 0
-+#define VE_HOOK_FINI 1
-+#define VE_MAX_HOOKS 2
-+typedef int ve_hookfn(unsigned int hooknum, void *data);
-+struct ve_hook
-+ struct list_head list;
-+ ve_hookfn *hook;
-+ ve_hookfn *undo;
-+ struct module *owner;
-+ int hooknum;
-+ /* Functions are called in ascending priority. */
-+ int priority;
-+extern int ve_hook_register(struct ve_hook *vh);
-+extern void ve_hook_unregister(struct ve_hook *vh);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
-+ * include/linux/ve_task.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef __VE_TASK_H__
-+#define __VE_TASK_H__
-+#include <linux/seqlock.h>
-+struct ve_task_info {
-+/* virtualization */
-+ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
-+ struct ve_struct *exec_env;
-+ struct list_head vetask_list;
-+ struct dentry *glob_proc_dentry;
-+/* statistics: scheduling latency */
-+ cycles_t sleep_time;
-+ cycles_t sched_time;
-+ cycles_t sleep_stamp;
-+ cycles_t wakeup_stamp;
-+ seqcount_t wakeup_lock;
-+#define VE_TASK_INFO(task) (&(task)->ve_task_info)
-+#define VE_TASK_LIST_2_TASK(lh) \
-+ list_entry(lh, struct task_struct, ve_task_info.vetask_list)
-+#endif /* __VE_TASK_H__ */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
-+ * include/linux/venet.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef _VENET_H
-+#define _VENET_H
-+#include <linux/list.h>
-+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
-+#include <linux/vzcalluser.h>
-+#define VEIP_HASH_SZ 512
-+struct ve_struct;
-+struct venet_stat;
-+struct ip_entry_struct
-+ __u32 ip;
-+ struct ve_struct *active_env;
-+ struct venet_stat *stat;
-+ struct veip_struct *veip;
-+ struct list_head ip_hash;
-+ struct list_head ve_list;
-+struct veip_struct
-+ struct list_head src_lh;
-+ struct list_head dst_lh;
-+ struct list_head ip_lh;
-+ struct list_head list;
-+ envid_t veid;
-+/* veip_hash_lock should be taken for write by caller */
-+void ip_entry_hash(struct ip_entry_struct *entry, struct veip_struct *veip);
-+/* veip_hash_lock should be taken for write by caller */
-+void ip_entry_unhash(struct ip_entry_struct *entry);
-+/* veip_hash_lock should be taken for read by caller */
-+struct ip_entry_struct *ip_entry_lookup(u32 addr);
-+/* veip_hash_lock should be taken for read by caller */
-+struct veip_struct *veip_find(envid_t veid);
-+/* veip_hash_lock should be taken for write by caller */
-+struct veip_struct *veip_findcreate(envid_t veid);
-+/* veip_hash_lock should be taken for write by caller */
-+void veip_put(struct veip_struct *veip);
-+int veip_start(struct ve_struct *ve);
-+void veip_stop(struct ve_struct *ve);
-+int veip_entry_add(struct ve_struct *ve, struct sockaddr_in *addr);
-+int veip_entry_del(envid_t veid, struct sockaddr_in *addr);
-+int venet_change_skb_owner(struct sk_buff *skb);
-+extern struct list_head ip_entry_hash_table[];
-+extern rwlock_t veip_hash_lock;
-+int veip_seq_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
-+ * include/linux/veprintk.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2006 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef __VE_PRINTK_H__
-+#define __VE_PRINTK_H__
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+#define ve_log_wait (*(get_exec_env()->_log_wait))
-+#define ve_log_start (*(get_exec_env()->_log_start))
-+#define ve_log_end (*(get_exec_env()->_log_end))
-+#define ve_logged_chars (*(get_exec_env()->_logged_chars))
-+#define ve_log_buf (get_exec_env()->log_buf)
-+#define ve_log_buf_len (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) ? \
-+ log_buf_len : VE_DEFAULT_LOG_BUF_LEN)
-+#define VE_LOG_BUF_MASK (ve_log_buf_len - 1)
-+#define VE_LOG_BUF(idx) (ve_log_buf[(idx) & VE_LOG_BUF_MASK])
-+#define ve_log_wait log_wait
-+#define ve_log_start log_start
-+#define ve_log_end log_end
-+#define ve_logged_chars logged_chars
-+#define ve_log_buf log_buf
-+#define ve_log_buf_len log_buf_len
-+#define VE_LOG_BUF(idx) LOG_BUF(idx)
-+#endif /* CONFIG_VE */
-+#endif /* __VE_PRINTK_H__ */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
-+ * include/linux/virtinfo.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef __LINUX_VIRTINFO_H
-+#define __LINUX_VIRTINFO_H
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/kernel.h>
-+#include <linux/page-flags.h>
-+#include <linux/notifier.h>
-+struct vnotifier_block
-+ int (*notifier_call)(struct vnotifier_block *self,
-+ unsigned long, void *, int);
-+ struct vnotifier_block *next;
-+ int priority;
-+extern struct semaphore virtinfo_sem;
-+void __virtinfo_notifier_register(int type, struct vnotifier_block *nb);
-+void virtinfo_notifier_register(int type, struct vnotifier_block *nb);
-+void virtinfo_notifier_unregister(int type, struct vnotifier_block *nb);
-+int virtinfo_notifier_call(int type, unsigned long n, void *data);
-+struct meminfo {
-+ struct sysinfo si;
-+ unsigned long active, inactive;
-+ unsigned long cache, swapcache;
-+ unsigned long committed_space;
-+ struct page_state ps;
-+ unsigned long vmalloc_total, vmalloc_used, vmalloc_largest;
-+#define VIRTINFO_EXIT 5
-+#define VIRTINFO_PAGEIN 10
-+#define VIRTINFO_NEWUBC 13
-+enum virt_info_types {
-+static inline int virtinfo_gencall(unsigned long n, void *data)
-+ int r;
-+ r = virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_GENERAL, n, data);
-+ if (r & NOTIFY_FAIL)
-+ return -ENOBUFS;
-+ if (r & NOTIFY_OK)
-+ return 0;
-+#define virtinfo_gencall(n, data) 0
-+#endif /* __LINUX_VIRTINFO_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -9,6 +9,10 @@
- #define VM_ALLOC 0x00000002 /* vmalloc() */
- #define VM_MAP 0x00000004 /* vmap()ed pages */
-+/* align size to 2^n page boundary */
-+#define POWER2_PAGE_ALIGN(size) \
-+ ((typeof(size))(1UL << (PAGE_SHIFT + get_order(size))))
- struct vm_struct {
- void *addr;
- unsigned long size;
-@@ -26,6 +30,8 @@ extern void *vmalloc(unsigned long size)
- extern void *vmalloc_exec(unsigned long size);
- extern void *vmalloc_32(unsigned long size);
- extern void *__vmalloc(unsigned long size, int gfp_mask, pgprot_t prot);
-+extern void *vmalloc_best(unsigned long size);
-+extern void *ub_vmalloc_best(unsigned long size);
- extern void vfree(void *addr);
- extern void *vmap(struct page **pages, unsigned int count,
-@@ -38,6 +44,9 @@ extern void vunmap(void *addr);
- extern struct vm_struct *get_vm_area(unsigned long size, unsigned long flags);
- extern struct vm_struct *__get_vm_area(unsigned long size, unsigned long flags,
- unsigned long start, unsigned long end);
-+extern struct vm_struct * get_vm_area_best(unsigned long size,
-+ unsigned long flags);
-+extern void vprintstat(void);
- extern struct vm_struct *remove_vm_area(void *addr);
- extern int map_vm_area(struct vm_struct *area, pgprot_t prot,
- struct page ***pages);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
-+ * include/linux/vsched.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef __VSCHED_H__
-+#define __VSCHED_H__
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/cache.h>
-+#include <linux/fairsched.h>
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+extern int vsched_create(int id, struct fairsched_node *node);
-+extern int vsched_destroy(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched);
-+extern int vsched_mvpr(struct task_struct *p, struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched);
-+extern int vcpu_online(int cpu);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+extern unsigned long ve_scale_khz(unsigned long khz);
-+#define ve_scale_khz(khz) (khz)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:48.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
-+ * include/linux/vzcalluser.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/types.h>
-+#include <linux/ioctl.h>
-+#define KERN_VZ_PRIV_RANGE 51
-+#ifndef __ENVID_T_DEFINED__
-+typedef unsigned envid_t;
-+#define __ENVID_T_DEFINED__
-+ * VE management ioctls
-+ */
-+struct vzctl_old_env_create {
-+ envid_t veid;
-+ unsigned flags;
-+#define VE_CREATE 1 /* Create VE, VE_ENTER added automatically */
-+#define VE_EXCLUSIVE 2 /* Fail if exists */
-+#define VE_ENTER 4 /* Enter existing VE */
-+#define VE_TEST 8 /* Test if VE exists */
-+#define VE_LOCK 16 /* Do not allow entering created VE */
-+#define VE_SKIPLOCK 32 /* Allow entering embrion VE */
-+ __u32 addr;
-+struct vzctl_mark_env_to_down {
-+ envid_t veid;
-+struct vzctl_setdevperms {
-+ envid_t veid;
-+ unsigned type;
-+#define VE_USE_MAJOR 010 /* Test MAJOR supplied in rule */
-+#define VE_USE_MINOR 030 /* Test MINOR supplied in rule */
-+#define VE_USE_MASK 030 /* Testing mask, VE_USE_MAJOR|VE_USE_MINOR */
-+ unsigned dev;
-+ unsigned mask;
-+struct vzctl_ve_netdev {
-+ envid_t veid;
-+ int op;
-+#define VE_NETDEV_ADD 1
-+#define VE_NETDEV_DEL 2
-+ char *dev_name;
-+/* these masks represent modules */
-+#define VE_IP_IPTABLES_MOD (1U<<0)
-+#define VE_IP_FILTER_MOD (1U<<1)
-+#define VE_IP_MANGLE_MOD (1U<<2)
-+#define VE_IP_MATCH_LIMIT_MOD (1U<<3)
-+#define VE_IP_MATCH_TOS_MOD (1U<<5)
-+#define VE_IP_TARGET_TOS_MOD (1U<<6)
-+#define VE_IP_TARGET_REJECT_MOD (1U<<7)
-+#define VE_IP_TARGET_TCPMSS_MOD (1U<<8)
-+#define VE_IP_MATCH_TCPMSS_MOD (1U<<9)
-+#define VE_IP_MATCH_TTL_MOD (1U<<10)
-+#define VE_IP_TARGET_LOG_MOD (1U<<11)
-+#define VE_IP_MATCH_LENGTH_MOD (1U<<12)
-+#define VE_IP_CONNTRACK_MOD (1U<<14)
-+#define VE_IP_CONNTRACK_FTP_MOD (1U<<15)
-+#define VE_IP_CONNTRACK_IRC_MOD (1U<<16)
-+#define VE_IP_MATCH_CONNTRACK_MOD (1U<<17)
-+#define VE_IP_MATCH_STATE_MOD (1U<<18)
-+#define VE_IP_MATCH_HELPER_MOD (1U<<19)
-+#define VE_IP_NAT_MOD (1U<<20)
-+#define VE_IP_NAT_FTP_MOD (1U<<21)
-+#define VE_IP_NAT_IRC_MOD (1U<<22)
-+#define VE_IP_TARGET_REDIRECT_MOD (1U<<23)
-+/* these masks represent modules with their dependences */
-+#define VE_IP_NAT (VE_IP_NAT_MOD \
-+ | VE_IP_NAT)
-+/* safe iptables mask to be used by default */
-+#define VE_IP_DEFAULT \
-+#define VE_IPT_CMP(x,y) (((x) & (y)) == (y))
-+struct vzctl_env_create_cid {
-+ envid_t veid;
-+ unsigned flags;
-+ __u32 class_id;
-+struct vzctl_env_create {
-+ envid_t veid;
-+ unsigned flags;
-+ __u32 class_id;
-+struct env_create_param {
-+ __u64 iptables_mask;
-+#define VZCTL_ENV_CREATE_DATA_MINLEN sizeof(struct env_create_param)
-+struct env_create_param2 {
-+ __u64 iptables_mask;
-+ __u64 feature_mask;
-+#define VE_FEATURE_SYSFS (1ULL << 0)
-+ __u32 total_vcpus; /* 0 - don't care, same as in host */
-+#define VZCTL_ENV_CREATE_DATA_MAXLEN sizeof(struct env_create_param2)
-+typedef struct env_create_param2 env_create_param_t;
-+struct vzctl_env_create_data {
-+ envid_t veid;
-+ unsigned flags;
-+ __u32 class_id;
-+ env_create_param_t *data;
-+ int datalen;
-+struct vz_load_avg {
-+ int val_int;
-+ int val_frac;
-+struct vz_cpu_stat {
-+ unsigned long user_jif;
-+ unsigned long nice_jif;
-+ unsigned long system_jif;
-+ unsigned long uptime_jif;
-+ __u64 idle_clk;
-+ __u64 strv_clk;
-+ __u64 uptime_clk;
-+ struct vz_load_avg avenrun[3]; /* loadavg data */
-+struct vzctl_cpustatctl {
-+ envid_t veid;
-+ struct vz_cpu_stat *cpustat;
-+#define VZCTLTYPE '.'
-+ struct vzctl_old_env_create)
-+ struct vzctl_mark_env_to_down)
-+ struct vzctl_setdevperms)
-+ struct vzctl_env_create_cid)
-+ struct vzctl_env_create)
-+ struct vzctl_cpustatctl)
-+ struct vzctl_env_create_data)
-+ struct vzctl_ve_netdev)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
-+ * include/linux/vzctl.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef _LINUX_VZCTL_H
-+#define _LINUX_VZCTL_H
-+#include <linux/list.h>
-+struct module;
-+struct inode;
-+struct file;
-+struct vzioctlinfo {
-+ unsigned type;
-+ int (*func)(struct inode *, struct file *,
-+ unsigned int, unsigned long);
-+ struct module *owner;
-+ struct list_head list;
-+extern void vzioctl_register(struct vzioctlinfo *inf);
-+extern void vzioctl_unregister(struct vzioctlinfo *inf);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
-+ * include/linux/vzctl_quota.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef __LINUX_VZCTL_QUOTA_H__
-+#define __LINUX_VZCTL_QUOTA_H__
-+ * Quota management ioctl
-+ */
-+struct vz_quota_stat;
-+struct vzctl_quotactl {
-+ int cmd;
-+ unsigned int quota_id;
-+ struct vz_quota_stat *qstat;
-+ char *ve_root;
-+struct vzctl_quotaugidctl {
-+ int cmd; /* subcommand */
-+ unsigned int quota_id; /* quota id where it applies to */
-+ unsigned int ugid_index;/* for reading statistic. index of first
-+ uid/gid record to read */
-+ unsigned int ugid_size; /* size of ugid_buf array */
-+ void *addr; /* user-level buffer */
-+#define VZDQCTLTYPE '+'
-+ struct vzctl_quotactl)
-+ struct vzctl_quotactl)
-+ struct vzctl_quotaugidctl)
-+#endif /* __LINUX_VZCTL_QUOTA_H__ */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
-+ * include/linux/vzctl_venet.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef _VZCTL_VENET_H
-+#define _VZCTL_VENET_H
-+#include <linux/types.h>
-+#include <linux/ioctl.h>
-+#ifndef __ENVID_T_DEFINED__
-+typedef unsigned envid_t;
-+#define __ENVID_T_DEFINED__
-+struct vzctl_ve_ip_map {
-+ envid_t veid;
-+ int op;
-+#define VE_IP_ADD 1
-+#define VE_IP_DEL 2
-+ struct sockaddr *addr;
-+ int addrlen;
-+#define VENETCTLTYPE '('
-+ struct vzctl_ve_ip_map)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ * This file contains Virtuozzo disk quota tree definition
-+ */
-+#ifndef _VZDQ_TREE_H
-+#define _VZDQ_TREE_H
-+#include <linux/list.h>
-+#include <asm/string.h>
-+typedef unsigned int quotaid_t;
-+#define QUOTAID_BITS 32
-+#define QUOTAID_BBITS 4
-+#define QUOTAID_EBITS 8
-+#error Quota bit assumption failure
-+ * Depth of keeping unused node (not inclusive).
-+ * 0 means release all nodes including root,
-+ * QUOTATREE_DEPTH means never release nodes.
-+ * Current value: release all nodes strictly after QUOTATREE_EDEPTH
-+ * (measured in external shift units).
-+ */
-+ + 1)
-+ * Levels 0..(QUOTATREE_DEPTH-1) are tree nodes.
-+ * On level i the maximal number of nodes is 2^(i*QUOTAID_BBITS),
-+ * and each node contains 2^QUOTAID_BBITS pointers.
-+ * Level 0 is a (single) tree root node.
-+ *
-+ * Nodes of level (QUOTATREE_DEPTH-1) contain pointers to caller's data.
-+ * Nodes of lower levels contain pointers to nodes.
-+ *
-+ * Double pointer in array of i-level node, pointing to a (i+1)-level node
-+ * (such as inside quotatree_find_state) are marked by level (i+1), not i.
-+ * Level 0 double pointer is a pointer to root inside tree struct.
-+ *
-+ * The tree is permanent, i.e. all index blocks allocated are keeped alive to
-+ * preserve the blocks numbers in the quota file tree to keep its changes
-+ * locally.
-+ */
-+struct quotatree_node {
-+ struct list_head list;
-+ quotaid_t num;
-+ void *blocks[QUOTATREE_BSIZE];
-+struct quotatree_level {
-+ struct list_head usedlh, freelh;
-+ quotaid_t freenum;
-+struct quotatree_tree {
-+ struct quotatree_level levels[QUOTATREE_DEPTH];
-+ struct quotatree_node *root;
-+ unsigned int leaf_num;
-+struct quotatree_find_state {
-+ void **block;
-+ int level;
-+/* number of leafs (objects) and leaf level of the tree */
-+#define QTREE_LEAFNUM(tree) ((tree)->leaf_num)
-+#define QTREE_LEAFLVL(tree) (&(tree)->levels[QUOTATREE_DEPTH - 1])
-+struct quotatree_tree *quotatree_alloc(void);
-+void *quotatree_find(struct quotatree_tree *tree, quotaid_t id,
-+ struct quotatree_find_state *st);
-+int quotatree_insert(struct quotatree_tree *tree, quotaid_t id,
-+ struct quotatree_find_state *st, void *data);
-+void quotatree_remove(struct quotatree_tree *tree, quotaid_t id);
-+void quotatree_free(struct quotatree_tree *tree, void (*dtor)(void *));
-+void *quotatree_get_next(struct quotatree_tree *tree, quotaid_t id);
-+void *quotatree_leaf_byindex(struct quotatree_tree *tree, unsigned int index);
-+#endif /* _VZDQ_TREE_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2001-2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ * This file contains Virtuozzo disk quota implementation
-+ */
-+#ifndef _VZDQUOTA_H
-+#define _VZDQUOTA_H
-+#include <linux/types.h>
-+#include <linux/quota.h>
-+/* vzquotactl syscall commands */
-+#define VZ_DQ_CREATE 5 /* create quota master block */
-+#define VZ_DQ_DESTROY 6 /* destroy qmblk */
-+#define VZ_DQ_ON 7 /* mark dentry with already created qmblk */
-+#define VZ_DQ_OFF 8 /* remove mark, don't destroy qmblk */
-+#define VZ_DQ_SETLIMIT 9 /* set new limits */
-+#define VZ_DQ_GETSTAT 10 /* get usage statistic */
-+/* set of syscalls to maintain UGID quotas */
-+#define VZ_DQ_UGID_GETSTAT 1 /* get usage/limits for ugid(s) */
-+#define VZ_DQ_UGID_ADDSTAT 2 /* set usage/limits statistic for ugid(s) */
-+#define VZ_DQ_UGID_GETGRACE 3 /* get expire times */
-+#define VZ_DQ_UGID_SETGRACE 4 /* set expire times */
-+#define VZ_DQ_UGID_GETCONFIG 5 /* get ugid_max limit, cnt, flags of qmblk */
-+#define VZ_DQ_UGID_SETCONFIG 6 /* set ugid_max limit, flags of qmblk */
-+#define VZ_DQ_UGID_SETLIMIT 7 /* set ugid B/I limits */
-+#define VZ_DQ_UGID_SETINFO 8 /* set ugid info */
-+/* common structure for vz and ugid quota */
-+struct dq_stat {
-+ /* blocks limits */
-+ __u64 bhardlimit; /* absolute limit in bytes */
-+ __u64 bsoftlimit; /* preferred limit in bytes */
-+ time_t btime; /* time limit for excessive disk use */
-+ __u64 bcurrent; /* current bytes count */
-+ /* inodes limits */
-+ __u32 ihardlimit; /* absolute limit on allocated inodes */
-+ __u32 isoftlimit; /* preferred inode limit */
-+ time_t itime; /* time limit for excessive inode use */
-+ __u32 icurrent; /* current # allocated inodes */
-+/* Values for dq_info->flags */
-+#define VZ_QUOTA_INODES 0x01 /* inodes limit warning printed */
-+#define VZ_QUOTA_SPACE 0x02 /* space limit warning printed */
-+struct dq_info {
-+ time_t bexpire; /* expire timeout for excessive disk use */
-+ time_t iexpire; /* expire timeout for excessive inode use */
-+ unsigned flags; /* see previos defines */
-+struct vz_quota_stat {
-+ struct dq_stat dq_stat;
-+ struct dq_info dq_info;
-+/* UID/GID interface record - for user-kernel level exchange */
-+struct vz_quota_iface {
-+ unsigned int qi_id; /* UID/GID this applies to */
-+ unsigned int qi_type; /* USRQUOTA|GRPQUOTA */
-+ struct dq_stat qi_stat; /* limits, options, usage stats */
-+/* values for flags and dq_flags */
-+/* this flag is set if the userspace has been unable to provide usage
-+ * information about all ugids
-+ * if the flag is set, we don't allocate new UG quota blocks (their
-+ * current usage is unknown) or free existing UG quota blocks (not to
-+ * lose information that this block is ok) */
-+#define VZDQUG_FIXED_SET 0x01
-+/* permit to use ugid quota */
-+#define VZDQUG_ON 0x02
-+#define VZDQ_USRQUOTA 0x10
-+#define VZDQ_GRPQUOTA 0x20
-+#define VZDQ_NOACT 0x1000 /* not actual */
-+#define VZDQ_NOQUOT 0x2000 /* not under quota tree */
-+struct vz_quota_ugid_stat {
-+ unsigned int limit; /* max amount of ugid records */
-+ unsigned int count; /* amount of ugid records */
-+ unsigned int flags;
-+struct vz_quota_ugid_setlimit {
-+ unsigned int type; /* quota type (USR/GRP) */
-+ unsigned int id; /* ugid */
-+ struct if_dqblk dqb; /* limits info */
-+struct vz_quota_ugid_setinfo {
-+ unsigned int type; /* quota type (USR/GRP) */
-+ struct if_dqinfo dqi; /* grace info */
-+#ifdef __KERNEL__
-+#include <linux/list.h>
-+#include <asm/atomic.h>
-+#include <asm/semaphore.h>
-+#include <linux/time.h>
-+#include <linux/vzquota_qlnk.h>
-+#include <linux/vzdq_tree.h>
-+/* One-second resolution for grace times */
-+#define CURRENT_TIME_SECONDS (get_seconds())
-+/* Values for dq_info flags */
-+#define VZ_QUOTA_INODES 0x01 /* inodes limit warning printed */
-+#define VZ_QUOTA_SPACE 0x02 /* space limit warning printed */
-+/* values for dq_state */
-+#define VZDQ_STARTING 0 /* created, not turned on yet */
-+#define VZDQ_WORKING 1 /* quota created, turned on */
-+#define VZDQ_STOPING 2 /* created, turned on and off */
-+/* master quota record - one per veid */
-+struct vz_quota_master {
-+ struct list_head dq_hash; /* next quota in hash list */
-+ atomic_t dq_count; /* inode reference count */
-+ unsigned int dq_flags; /* see VZDQUG_FIXED_SET */
-+ unsigned int dq_state; /* see values above */
-+ unsigned int dq_id; /* VEID this applies to */
-+ struct dq_stat dq_stat; /* limits, grace, usage stats */
-+ struct dq_info dq_info; /* grace times and flags */
-+ spinlock_t dq_data_lock; /* for dq_stat */
-+ struct semaphore dq_sem; /* semaphore to protect
-+ ugid tree */
-+ struct list_head dq_ilink_list; /* list of vz_quota_ilink */
-+ struct quotatree_tree *dq_uid_tree; /* vz_quota_ugid tree for UIDs */
-+ struct quotatree_tree *dq_gid_tree; /* vz_quota_ugid tree for GIDs */
-+ unsigned int dq_ugid_count; /* amount of ugid records */
-+ unsigned int dq_ugid_max; /* max amount of ugid records */
-+ struct dq_info dq_ugid_info[MAXQUOTAS]; /* ugid grace times */
-+ struct dentry *dq_root_dentry;/* dentry of fs tree */
-+ struct vfsmount *dq_root_mnt; /* vfsmnt of this dentry */
-+ struct super_block *dq_sb; /* superblock of our quota root */
-+/* UID/GID quota record - one per pair (quota_master, uid or gid) */
-+struct vz_quota_ugid {
-+ unsigned int qugid_id; /* UID/GID this applies to */
-+ struct dq_stat qugid_stat; /* limits, options, usage stats */
-+ int qugid_type; /* USRQUOTA|GRPQUOTA */
-+ atomic_t qugid_count; /* reference count */
-+#define VZ_QUOTA_UGBAD ((struct vz_quota_ugid *)0xfeafea11)
-+struct vz_quota_datast {
-+ struct vz_quota_ilink qlnk;
-+struct virt_info_quota {
-+ struct super_block *super;
-+ struct dq_stat *qstat;
-+ * Interface to VZ quota core
-+ */
-+#define INODE_QLNK(inode) (&(inode)->i_qlnk)
-+#define QLNK_INODE(qlnk) container_of((qlnk), struct inode, i_qlnk)
-+#define VZ_QUOTA_BAD ((struct vz_quota_master *)0xefefefef)
-+#define VZ_QUOTAO_SETE 1
-+#define VZ_QUOTAO_INIT 2
-+#define VZ_QUOTAO_DESTR 3
-+#define VZ_QUOTAO_SWAP 4
-+#define VZ_QUOTAO_INICAL 5
-+#define VZ_QUOTAO_DRCAL 6
-+#define VZ_QUOTAO_QSET 7
-+#define VZ_QUOTAO_TRANS 8
-+#define VZ_QUOTAO_ACT 9
-+#define VZ_QUOTAO_DTREE 10
-+#define VZ_QUOTAO_DET 11
-+#define VZ_QUOTAO_ON 12
-+extern struct semaphore vz_quota_sem;
-+void inode_qmblk_lock(struct super_block *sb);
-+void inode_qmblk_unlock(struct super_block *sb);
-+void qmblk_data_read_lock(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk);
-+void qmblk_data_read_unlock(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk);
-+void qmblk_data_write_lock(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk);
-+void qmblk_data_write_unlock(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk);
-+/* for quota operations */
-+void vzquota_inode_init_call(struct inode *inode);
-+void vzquota_inode_drop_call(struct inode *inode);
-+int vzquota_inode_transfer_call(struct inode *, struct iattr *);
-+struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_inode_data(struct inode *inode,
-+ struct vz_quota_datast *);
-+void vzquota_data_unlock(struct inode *inode, struct vz_quota_datast *);
-+int vzquota_rename_check(struct inode *inode,
-+ struct inode *old_dir, struct inode *new_dir);
-+struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_inode_qmblk(struct inode *inode);
-+/* for second-level quota */
-+struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_find_qmblk(struct super_block *);
-+/* for management operations */
-+struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_alloc_master(unsigned int quota_id,
-+ struct vz_quota_stat *qstat);
-+void vzquota_free_master(struct vz_quota_master *);
-+struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_find_master(unsigned int quota_id);
-+int vzquota_on_qmblk(struct super_block *sb, struct inode *inode,
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk);
-+int vzquota_off_qmblk(struct super_block *sb, struct vz_quota_master *qmblk);
-+int vzquota_get_super(struct super_block *sb);
-+void vzquota_put_super(struct super_block *sb);
-+static inline struct vz_quota_master *qmblk_get(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
-+ if (!atomic_read(&qmblk->dq_count))
-+ BUG();
-+ atomic_inc(&qmblk->dq_count);
-+ return qmblk;
-+static inline void __qmblk_put(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
-+ atomic_dec(&qmblk->dq_count);
-+static inline void qmblk_put(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk)
-+ if (!atomic_dec_and_test(&qmblk->dq_count))
-+ return;
-+ vzquota_free_master(qmblk);
-+extern struct list_head vzquota_hash_table[];
-+extern int vzquota_hash_size;
-+ * Interface to VZ UGID quota
-+ */
-+extern struct quotactl_ops vz_quotactl_operations;
-+extern struct dquot_operations vz_quota_operations2;
-+extern struct quota_format_type vz_quota_empty_v2_format;
-+#define QUGID_TREE(qmblk, type) (((type) == USRQUOTA) ? \
-+ qmblk->dq_uid_tree : \
-+ qmblk->dq_gid_tree)
-+#define VZDQUG_FIND_FAKE 2
-+struct vz_quota_ugid *vzquota_find_ugid(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
-+ unsigned int quota_id, int type, int flags);
-+struct vz_quota_ugid *__vzquota_find_ugid(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
-+ unsigned int quota_id, int type, int flags);
-+struct vz_quota_ugid *vzquota_get_ugid(struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid);
-+void vzquota_put_ugid(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk,
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid);
-+void vzquota_kill_ugid(struct vz_quota_master *qmblk);
-+int vzquota_ugid_init(void);
-+void vzquota_ugid_release(void);
-+int vzquota_transfer_usage(struct inode *inode, int mask,
-+ struct vz_quota_ilink *qlnk);
-+struct vzctl_quotaugidctl;
-+long do_vzquotaugidctl(struct vzctl_quotaugidctl *qub);
-+ * Other VZ quota parts
-+ */
-+extern struct dquot_operations vz_quota_operations;
-+long do_vzquotactl(int cmd, unsigned int quota_id,
-+ struct vz_quota_stat *qstat, const char *ve_root);
-+int vzquota_proc_init(void);
-+void vzquota_proc_release(void);
-+struct vz_quota_master *vzquota_find_qmblk(struct super_block *);
-+extern struct semaphore vz_quota_sem;
-+void vzaquota_init(void);
-+void vzaquota_fini(void);
-+#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-+#endif /* _VZDQUOTA_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
-+ * include/linux/vzquota_qlnk.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef _VZDQUOTA_QLNK_H
-+#define _VZDQUOTA_QLNK_H
-+struct vz_quota_master;
-+struct vz_quota_ugid;
-+/* inode link, used to track inodes using quota via dq_ilink_list */
-+struct vz_quota_ilink {
-+ struct vz_quota_master *qmblk;
-+ struct vz_quota_ugid *qugid[MAXQUOTAS];
-+ struct list_head list;
-+ unsigned char origin;
-+#endif /* _VZDQUOTA_QLNK_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
-+ * include/linux/vzratelimit.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef __VZ_RATELIMIT_H__
-+#define __VZ_RATELIMIT_H__
-+ * Generic ratelimiting stuff.
-+ */
-+struct vz_rate_info {
-+ int burst;
-+ int interval; /* jiffy_t per event */
-+ int bucket; /* kind of leaky bucket */
-+ unsigned long last; /* last event */
-+/* Return true if rate limit permits. */
-+int vz_ratelimit(struct vz_rate_info *p);
-+#endif /* __VZ_RATELIMIT_H__ */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
-+ * include/linux/vzstat.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef __VZSTAT_H__
-+#define __VZSTAT_H__
-+struct swap_cache_info_struct {
-+ unsigned long add_total;
-+ unsigned long del_total;
-+ unsigned long find_success;
-+ unsigned long find_total;
-+ unsigned long noent_race;
-+ unsigned long exist_race;
-+ unsigned long remove_race;
-+struct kstat_lat_snap_struct {
-+ cycles_t maxlat, totlat;
-+ unsigned long count;
-+struct kstat_lat_pcpu_snap_struct {
-+ cycles_t maxlat, totlat;
-+ unsigned long count;
-+ seqcount_t lock;
-+} ____cacheline_maxaligned_in_smp;
-+struct kstat_lat_struct {
-+ struct kstat_lat_snap_struct cur, last;
-+ cycles_t avg[3];
-+struct kstat_lat_pcpu_struct {
-+ struct kstat_lat_pcpu_snap_struct cur[NR_CPUS];
-+ cycles_t max_snap;
-+ struct kstat_lat_snap_struct last;
-+ cycles_t avg[3];
-+struct kstat_perf_snap_struct {
-+ cycles_t wall_tottime, cpu_tottime;
-+ cycles_t wall_maxdur, cpu_maxdur;
-+ unsigned long count;
-+struct kstat_perf_struct {
-+ struct kstat_perf_snap_struct cur, last;
-+struct kstat_zone_avg {
-+ unsigned long free_pages_avg[3],
-+ nr_active_avg[3],
-+ nr_inactive_avg[3];
-+struct kernel_stat_glob {
-+ unsigned long nr_unint_avg[3];
-+ unsigned long alloc_fails[KSTAT_ALLOCSTAT_NR];
-+ struct kstat_lat_struct alloc_lat[KSTAT_ALLOCSTAT_NR];
-+ struct kstat_lat_pcpu_struct sched_lat;
-+ struct kstat_lat_struct swap_in;
-+ struct kstat_perf_struct ttfp, cache_reap,
-+ refill_inact, shrink_icache, shrink_dcache;
-+ struct kstat_zone_avg zone_avg[3]; /* MAX_NR_ZONES */
-+} ____cacheline_aligned;
-+extern struct kernel_stat_glob kstat_glob ____cacheline_aligned;
-+extern spinlock_t kstat_glb_lock;
-+#define KSTAT_PERF_ENTER(name) \
-+ unsigned long flags; \
-+ cycles_t start, sleep_time; \
-+ \
-+ start = get_cycles(); \
-+ sleep_time = VE_TASK_INFO(current)->sleep_time; \
-+#define KSTAT_PERF_LEAVE(name) \
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&kstat_glb_lock, flags); \
-+; \
-+ start = get_cycles() - start; \
-+ if ( < start) \
-+ = start;\
-+ += start; \
-+ start -= VE_TASK_INFO(current)->sleep_time - \
-+ sleep_time; \
-+ if ( < start) \
-+ = start; \
-+ += start; \
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&kstat_glb_lock, flags); \
-+ * Add another statistics reading.
-+ * Serialization is the caller's due.
-+ */
-+static inline void KSTAT_LAT_ADD(struct kstat_lat_struct *p,
-+ cycles_t dur)
-+ p->cur.count++;
-+ if (p->cur.maxlat < dur)
-+ p->cur.maxlat = dur;
-+ p->cur.totlat += dur;
-+static inline void KSTAT_LAT_PCPU_ADD(struct kstat_lat_pcpu_struct *p, int cpu,
-+ cycles_t dur)
-+ struct kstat_lat_pcpu_snap_struct *cur;
-+ cur = &p->cur[cpu];
-+ write_seqcount_begin(&cur->lock);
-+ cur->count++;
-+ if (cur->maxlat < dur)
-+ cur->maxlat = dur;
-+ cur->totlat += dur;
-+ write_seqcount_end(&cur->lock);
-+ * Move current statistics to last, clear last.
-+ * Serialization is the caller's due.
-+ */
-+static inline void KSTAT_LAT_UPDATE(struct kstat_lat_struct *p)
-+ cycles_t m;
-+ memcpy(&p->last, &p->cur, sizeof(p->last));
-+ p->cur.maxlat = 0;
-+ m = p->last.maxlat;
-+ CALC_LOAD(p->avg[0], EXP_1, m)
-+ CALC_LOAD(p->avg[1], EXP_5, m)
-+ CALC_LOAD(p->avg[2], EXP_15, m)
-+static inline void KSTAT_LAT_PCPU_UPDATE(struct kstat_lat_pcpu_struct *p)
-+ unsigned i, cpu;
-+ struct kstat_lat_pcpu_snap_struct snap, *cur;
-+ cycles_t m;
-+ memset(&p->last, 0, sizeof(p->last));
-+ for (cpu = 0; cpu < NR_CPUS; cpu++) {
-+ cur = &p->cur[cpu];
-+ do {
-+ i = read_seqcount_begin(&cur->lock);
-+ memcpy(&snap, cur, sizeof(snap));
-+ } while (read_seqcount_retry(&cur->lock, i));
-+ /*
-+ * read above and this update of maxlat is not atomic,
-+ * but this is OK, since it happens rarely and losing
-+ * a couple of peaks is not essential. xemul
-+ */
-+ cur->maxlat = 0;
-+ p->last.count += snap.count;
-+ p->last.totlat += snap.totlat;
-+ if (p->last.maxlat < snap.maxlat)
-+ p->last.maxlat = snap.maxlat;
-+ }
-+ m = (p->last.maxlat > p->max_snap ? p->last.maxlat : p->max_snap);
-+ CALC_LOAD(p->avg[0], EXP_1, m);
-+ CALC_LOAD(p->avg[1], EXP_5, m);
-+ CALC_LOAD(p->avg[2], EXP_15, m);
-+ /* reset max_snap to calculate it correctly next time */
-+ p->max_snap = 0;
-+#endif /* __VZSTAT_H__ */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:34.000000000 +0400
-@@ -506,6 +506,11 @@ extern int zlib_deflateReset (z_streamp
- stream state was inconsistent (such as zalloc or state being NULL).
- */
-+static inline unsigned long deflateBound(unsigned long s)
-+ return s + ((s + 7) >> 3) + ((s + 63) >> 6) + 11;
- extern int zlib_deflateParams (z_streamp strm, int level, int strategy);
- /*
- Dynamically update the compression level and compression strategy. The
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -13,23 +13,37 @@ extern atomic_t unix_tot_inflight;
- static inline struct sock *first_unix_socket(int *i)
- {
-+ struct sock *s;
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ ve = get_exec_env();
- for (*i = 0; *i <= UNIX_HASH_SIZE; (*i)++) {
-- if (!hlist_empty(&unix_socket_table[*i]))
-- return __sk_head(&unix_socket_table[*i]);
-+ for (s = sk_head(&unix_socket_table[*i]);
-+ s != NULL && !ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(s), ve);
-+ s = sk_next(s));
-+ if (s != NULL)
-+ return s;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- static inline struct sock *next_unix_socket(int *i, struct sock *s)
- {
-- struct sock *next = sk_next(s);
-- /* More in this chain? */
-- if (next)
-- return next;
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ ve = get_exec_env();
-+ for (s = sk_next(s); s != NULL; s = sk_next(s)) {
-+ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(s), ve))
-+ continue;
-+ return s;
-+ }
- /* Look for next non-empty chain. */
- for ((*i)++; *i <= UNIX_HASH_SIZE; (*i)++) {
-- if (!hlist_empty(&unix_socket_table[*i]))
-- return __sk_head(&unix_socket_table[*i]);
-+ for (s = sk_head(&unix_socket_table[*i]);
-+ s != NULL && !ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(s), ve);
-+ s = sk_next(s));
-+ if (s != NULL)
-+ return s;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -23,6 +23,12 @@ struct compat_cmsghdr {
- compat_int_t cmsg_type;
- };
-+#if defined(CONFIG_X86_64)
-+#define is_current_32bits() (current_thread_info()->flags & _TIF_IA32)
-+#define is_current_32bits() 0
- #else /* defined(CONFIG_COMPAT) */
- #define compat_msghdr msghdr /* to avoid compiler warnings */
- #endif /* defined(CONFIG_COMPAT) */
-@@ -33,7 +39,8 @@ extern asmlinkage long compat_sys_sendms
- extern asmlinkage long compat_sys_recvmsg(int,struct compat_msghdr __user *,unsigned);
- extern asmlinkage long compat_sys_getsockopt(int, int, int, char __user *, int __user *);
- extern int put_cmsg_compat(struct msghdr*, int, int, int, void *);
--extern int cmsghdr_from_user_compat_to_kern(struct msghdr *, unsigned char *,
-- int);
-+struct sock;
-+extern int cmsghdr_from_user_compat_to_kern(struct msghdr *, struct sock *, unsigned char *, int);
- #endif /* NET_COMPAT_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
- #include <linux/in6.h>
- #include <asm/atomic.h>
-+struct ve_struct;
- struct flowi {
- int oif;
- int iif;
-@@ -77,6 +78,9 @@ struct flowi {
- #define fl_icmp_type uli_u.icmpt.type
- #define fl_icmp_code uli_u.icmpt.code
- #define fl_ipsec_spi uli_u.spi
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
- } __attribute__((__aligned__(BITS_PER_LONG/8)));
- #define FLOW_DIR_IN 0
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -34,9 +34,14 @@ struct icmp_err {
- extern struct icmp_err icmp_err_convert[];
- DECLARE_SNMP_STAT(struct icmp_mib, icmp_statistics);
--#define ICMP_INC_STATS(field) SNMP_INC_STATS(icmp_statistics, field)
--#define ICMP_INC_STATS_BH(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_BH(icmp_statistics, field)
--#define ICMP_INC_STATS_USER(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_USER(icmp_statistics, field)
-+#define ve_icmp_statistics (get_exec_env()->_icmp_statistics)
-+#define ve_icmp_statistics icmp_statistics
-+#define ICMP_INC_STATS(field) SNMP_INC_STATS(ve_icmp_statistics, field)
-+#define ICMP_INC_STATS_BH(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_BH(ve_icmp_statistics, field)
-+#define ICMP_INC_STATS_USER(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_USER(ve_icmp_statistics, field)
- extern void icmp_send(struct sk_buff *skb_in, int type, int code, u32 info);
- extern int icmp_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -151,15 +151,25 @@ struct ipv4_config
- extern struct ipv4_config ipv4_config;
- DECLARE_SNMP_STAT(struct ipstats_mib, ip_statistics);
--#define IP_INC_STATS(field) SNMP_INC_STATS(ip_statistics, field)
--#define IP_INC_STATS_BH(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_BH(ip_statistics, field)
--#define IP_INC_STATS_USER(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_USER(ip_statistics, field)
-+#define ve_ip_statistics (get_exec_env()->_ip_statistics)
-+#define ve_ip_statistics ip_statistics
-+#define IP_INC_STATS(field) SNMP_INC_STATS(ve_ip_statistics, field)
-+#define IP_INC_STATS_BH(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_BH(ve_ip_statistics, field)
-+#define IP_INC_STATS_USER(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_USER(ve_ip_statistics, field)
- DECLARE_SNMP_STAT(struct linux_mib, net_statistics);
--#define NET_INC_STATS(field) SNMP_INC_STATS(net_statistics, field)
--#define NET_INC_STATS_BH(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_BH(net_statistics, field)
--#define NET_INC_STATS_USER(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_USER(net_statistics, field)
--#define NET_ADD_STATS_BH(field, adnd) SNMP_ADD_STATS_BH(net_statistics, field, adnd)
--#define NET_ADD_STATS_USER(field, adnd) SNMP_ADD_STATS_USER(net_statistics, field, adnd)
-+#define ve_net_statistics (get_exec_env()->_net_statistics)
-+#define ve_net_statistics net_statistics
-+#define NET_INC_STATS(field) SNMP_INC_STATS(ve_net_statistics, field)
-+#define NET_INC_STATS_BH(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_BH(ve_net_statistics, field)
-+#define NET_INC_STATS_USER(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_USER(ve_net_statistics, field)
-+#define NET_ADD_STATS_BH(field, adnd) SNMP_ADD_STATS_BH(ve_net_statistics, field, adnd)
-+#define NET_ADD_STATS_USER(field, adnd) SNMP_ADD_STATS_USER(ve_net_statistics, field, adnd)
- extern int sysctl_local_port_range[2];
- extern int sysctl_ip_default_ttl;
-@@ -253,8 +263,21 @@ extern int ip_call_ra_chain(struct sk_bu
- /*
- * Functions provided by ip_fragment.o
- */
--struct sk_buff *ip_defrag(struct sk_buff *skb);
-+enum ip_defrag_users
-+struct sk_buff *ip_defrag(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 user);
- extern int ip_frag_nqueues;
- extern atomic_t ip_frag_mem;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:15.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -139,10 +139,22 @@ struct fib_table
- unsigned char tb_data[0];
- };
-+struct fn_zone;
-+struct fn_hash
-+ struct fn_zone *fn_zones[33];
-+ struct fn_zone *fn_zone_list;
-+#define ip_fib_local_table get_exec_env()->_local_table
-+#define ip_fib_main_table get_exec_env()->_main_table
- extern struct fib_table *ip_fib_local_table;
- extern struct fib_table *ip_fib_main_table;
- static inline struct fib_table *fib_get_table(int id)
- {
-@@ -174,7 +186,12 @@ static inline void fib_select_default(co
- #define ip_fib_local_table (fib_tables[RT_TABLE_LOCAL])
- #define ip_fib_main_table (fib_tables[RT_TABLE_MAIN])
-+#define fib_tables get_exec_env()->_fib_tables
- extern struct fib_table * fib_tables[RT_TABLE_MAX+1];
- extern int fib_lookup(const struct flowi *flp, struct fib_result *res);
- extern struct fib_table *__fib_new_table(int id);
- extern void fib_rule_put(struct fib_rule *r);
-@@ -231,10 +248,19 @@ extern u32 __fib_res_prefsrc(struct fib
- /* Exported by fib_hash.c */
- extern struct fib_table *fib_hash_init(int id);
-+struct ve_struct;
-+extern int init_ve_route(struct ve_struct *ve);
-+extern void fini_ve_route(struct ve_struct *ve);
-+#define init_ve_route(ve) (0)
-+#define fini_ve_route(ve) do { } while (0)
- /* Exported by fib_rules.c */
-+extern int fib_rules_create(void);
-+extern void fib_rules_destroy(void);
- extern int inet_rtm_delrule(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nlmsghdr* nlh, void *arg);
- extern int inet_rtm_newrule(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nlmsghdr* nlh, void *arg);
- extern int inet_dump_rules(struct sk_buff *skb, struct netlink_callback *cb);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ static __inline__ int scm_send(struct so
- memset(scm, 0, sizeof(*scm));
- scm->creds.uid = current->uid;
- scm->creds.gid = current->gid;
-- scm-> = current->tgid;
-+ scm-> = virt_tgid(current);
- if (msg->msg_controllen <= 0)
- return 0;
- return __scm_send(sock, msg, scm);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@
- #include <net/dst.h>
- #include <net/checksum.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_net.h>
- /*
- * This structure really needs to be cleaned up.
- * Most of it is for TCP, and not used by any of
-@@ -266,8 +268,12 @@ struct sock {
- int (*sk_backlog_rcv)(struct sock *sk,
- struct sk_buff *skb);
- void (*sk_destruct)(struct sock *sk);
-+ struct sock_beancounter sk_bc;
-+ struct ve_struct *sk_owner_env;
- };
-+DCL_VE_OWNER_PROTO(SK, SLAB, struct sock, sk_owner_env, , (noinline, regparm(1)))
- /*
- * Hashed lists helper routines
- */
-@@ -488,7 +494,8 @@ do { if (!(__sk)->sk_backlog.tail) {
- })
- extern int sk_stream_wait_connect(struct sock *sk, long *timeo_p);
--extern int sk_stream_wait_memory(struct sock *sk, long *timeo_p);
-+extern int sk_stream_wait_memory(struct sock *sk, long *timeo_p,
-+ unsigned long amount);
- extern void sk_stream_wait_close(struct sock *sk, long timeo_p);
- extern int sk_stream_error(struct sock *sk, int flags, int err);
- extern void sk_stream_kill_queues(struct sock *sk);
-@@ -672,8 +679,11 @@ static inline void sk_stream_writequeue_
- static inline int sk_stream_rmem_schedule(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
- {
-- return (int)skb->truesize <= sk->sk_forward_alloc ||
-- sk_stream_mem_schedule(sk, skb->truesize, 1);
-+ if ((int)skb->truesize > sk->sk_forward_alloc &&
-+ !sk_stream_mem_schedule(sk, skb->truesize, 1))
-+ /* The situation is bad according to mainstream. Den */
-+ return 0;
-+ return ub_tcprcvbuf_charge(sk, skb) == 0;
- }
- /* Used by processes to "lock" a socket state, so that
-@@ -724,6 +734,11 @@ extern struct sk_buff *sock_alloc_send
- unsigned long size,
- int noblock,
- int *errcode);
-+extern struct sk_buff *sock_alloc_send_skb2(struct sock *sk,
-+ unsigned long size,
-+ unsigned long size2,
-+ int noblock,
-+ int *errcode);
- extern struct sk_buff *sock_alloc_send_pskb(struct sock *sk,
- unsigned long header_len,
- unsigned long data_len,
-@@ -1073,6 +1088,10 @@ static inline int sock_queue_rcv_skb(str
- goto out;
- }
-+ err = ub_sockrcvbuf_charge(sk, skb);
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto out;
- /* It would be deadlock, if sock_queue_rcv_skb is used
- with socket lock! We assume that users of this
- function are lock free.
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
- #include <linux/slab.h>
- #include <linux/cache.h>
- #include <linux/percpu.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
- #include <net/checksum.h>
- #include <net/sock.h>
- #include <net/snmp.h>
-@@ -39,6 +40,10 @@
- #endif
- #include <linux/seq_file.h>
-+#define TCP_PAGE(sk) (sk->sk_sndmsg_page)
-+#define TCP_OFF(sk) (sk->sk_sndmsg_off)
- /* This is for all connections with a full identity, no wildcards.
- * New scheme, half the table is for TIME_WAIT, the other half is
- * for the rest. I'll experiment with dynamic table growth later.
-@@ -83,12 +88,16 @@ struct tcp_ehash_bucket {
- * ports are created in O(1) time? I thought so. ;-) -DaveM
- */
- struct tcp_bind_bucket {
-+ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
- unsigned short port;
- signed short fastreuse;
- struct hlist_node node;
- struct hlist_head owners;
- };
-+DCL_VE_OWNER_PROTO(TB, GENERIC, struct tcp_bind_bucket, owner_env,
-+ inline, (always_inline));
- #define tb_for_each(tb, node, head) hlist_for_each_entry(tb, node, head, node)
- struct tcp_bind_hashbucket {
-@@ -158,16 +167,17 @@ extern kmem_cache_t *tcp_sk_cachep;
- extern kmem_cache_t *tcp_bucket_cachep;
- extern struct tcp_bind_bucket *tcp_bucket_create(struct tcp_bind_hashbucket *head,
-- unsigned short snum);
-+ unsigned short snum,
-+ struct ve_struct *env);
- extern void tcp_bucket_destroy(struct tcp_bind_bucket *tb);
- extern void tcp_bucket_unlock(struct sock *sk);
- extern int tcp_port_rover;
- extern struct sock *tcp_v4_lookup_listener(u32 addr, unsigned short hnum, int dif);
- /* These are AF independent. */
--static __inline__ int tcp_bhashfn(__u16 lport)
-+static __inline__ int tcp_bhashfn(__u16 lport, unsigned veid)
- {
-- return (lport & (tcp_bhash_size - 1));
-+ return ((lport + (veid ^ (veid >> 16))) & (tcp_bhash_size - 1));
- }
- extern void tcp_bind_hash(struct sock *sk, struct tcp_bind_bucket *tb,
-@@ -217,13 +227,19 @@ struct tcp_tw_bucket {
- unsigned long tw_ttd;
- struct tcp_bind_bucket *tw_tb;
- struct hlist_node tw_death_node;
-+ spinlock_t tw_lock;
- #if defined(CONFIG_IPV6) || defined(CONFIG_IPV6_MODULE)
- struct in6_addr tw_v6_daddr;
- struct in6_addr tw_v6_rcv_saddr;
- int tw_v6_ipv6only;
- #endif
-+ envid_t tw_owner_env;
- };
-+#define TW_VEID(tw) ((tw)->tw_owner_env)
-+#define SET_TW_VEID(tw, veid) ((tw)->tw_owner_env) = (veid)
- static __inline__ void tw_add_node(struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw,
- struct hlist_head *list)
- {
-@@ -304,7 +320,11 @@ static inline int tcp_v6_ipv6only(const
- # define tcp_v6_ipv6only(__sk) 0
- #endif
-+#define TW_WSCALE_MASK 0x0f
-+#define TW_WSCALE_SPEC 0x10
- extern kmem_cache_t *tcp_timewait_cachep;
-+#include <ub/ub_net.h>
- static inline void tcp_tw_put(struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw)
- {
-@@ -340,28 +360,38 @@ extern void tcp_tw_deschedule(struct tcp
- #define TCP_V4_ADDR_COOKIE(__name, __saddr, __daddr) \
- __u64 __name = (((__u64)(__daddr))<<32)|((__u64)(__saddr));
- #endif /* __BIG_ENDIAN */
--#define TCP_IPV4_MATCH(__sk, __cookie, __saddr, __daddr, __ports, __dif)\
-+#define TCP_IPV4_MATCH_ALLVE(__sk, __cookie, __saddr, __daddr, __ports, __dif)\
- (((*((__u64 *)&(inet_sk(__sk)->daddr)))== (__cookie)) && \
- ((*((__u32 *)&(inet_sk(__sk)->dport)))== (__ports)) && \
- (!((__sk)->sk_bound_dev_if) || ((__sk)->sk_bound_dev_if == (__dif))))
--#define TCP_IPV4_TW_MATCH(__sk, __cookie, __saddr, __daddr, __ports, __dif)\
-+#define TCP_IPV4_TW_MATCH_ALLVE(__sk, __cookie, __saddr, __daddr, __ports, __dif)\
- (((*((__u64 *)&(tcptw_sk(__sk)->tw_daddr))) == (__cookie)) && \
- ((*((__u32 *)&(tcptw_sk(__sk)->tw_dport))) == (__ports)) && \
- (!((__sk)->sk_bound_dev_if) || ((__sk)->sk_bound_dev_if == (__dif))))
- #else /* 32-bit arch */
- #define TCP_V4_ADDR_COOKIE(__name, __saddr, __daddr)
--#define TCP_IPV4_MATCH(__sk, __cookie, __saddr, __daddr, __ports, __dif)\
-+#define TCP_IPV4_MATCH_ALLVE(__sk, __cookie, __saddr, __daddr, __ports, __dif)\
- ((inet_sk(__sk)->daddr == (__saddr)) && \
- (inet_sk(__sk)->rcv_saddr == (__daddr)) && \
- ((*((__u32 *)&(inet_sk(__sk)->dport)))== (__ports)) && \
- (!((__sk)->sk_bound_dev_if) || ((__sk)->sk_bound_dev_if == (__dif))))
--#define TCP_IPV4_TW_MATCH(__sk, __cookie, __saddr, __daddr, __ports, __dif)\
-+#define TCP_IPV4_TW_MATCH_ALLVE(__sk, __cookie, __saddr, __daddr, __ports, __dif)\
- ((tcptw_sk(__sk)->tw_daddr == (__saddr)) && \
- (tcptw_sk(__sk)->tw_rcv_saddr == (__daddr)) && \
- ((*((__u32 *)&(tcptw_sk(__sk)->tw_dport))) == (__ports)) && \
- (!((__sk)->sk_bound_dev_if) || ((__sk)->sk_bound_dev_if == (__dif))))
- #endif /* 64-bit arch */
-+#define TCP_IPV4_MATCH(__sk, __cookie, __saddr, __daddr, __ports, __dif, __ve)\
-+ (TCP_IPV4_MATCH_ALLVE((__sk), (__cookie), (__saddr), (__daddr), \
-+ (__ports), (__dif)) \
-+ && ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_SK((__sk)), (__ve)))
-+#define TCP_IPV4_TW_MATCH(__sk, __cookie, __saddr, __daddr, __ports, __dif, __ve)\
-+ (TCP_IPV4_TW_MATCH_ALLVE((__sk), (__cookie), (__saddr), (__daddr), \
-+ (__ports), (__dif)) \
-+ && ve_accessible_strict(TW_VEID(tcptw_sk(__sk)), VEID(__ve)))
- #define TCP_IPV6_MATCH(__sk, __saddr, __daddr, __ports, __dif) \
- (((*((__u32 *)&(inet_sk(__sk)->dport)))== (__ports)) && \
- ((__sk)->sk_family == AF_INET6) && \
-@@ -370,16 +400,16 @@ extern void tcp_tw_deschedule(struct tcp
- (!((__sk)->sk_bound_dev_if) || ((__sk)->sk_bound_dev_if == (__dif))))
- /* These can have wildcards, don't try too hard. */
--static __inline__ int tcp_lhashfn(unsigned short num)
-+static __inline__ int tcp_lhashfn(unsigned short num, unsigned veid)
- {
-- return num & (TCP_LHTABLE_SIZE - 1);
-+ return ((num + (veid ^ (veid >> 16))) & (TCP_LHTABLE_SIZE - 1));
- }
- static __inline__ int tcp_sk_listen_hashfn(struct sock *sk)
- {
-- return tcp_lhashfn(inet_sk(sk)->num);
-+ return tcp_lhashfn(inet_sk(sk)->num, VEID(VE_OWNER_SK(sk)));
- }
- #define MAX_TCP_HEADER (128 + MAX_HEADER)
- /*
-@@ -598,7 +628,9 @@ extern int sysctl_tcp_mem[3];
- extern int sysctl_tcp_wmem[3];
- extern int sysctl_tcp_rmem[3];
- extern int sysctl_tcp_app_win;
-+#ifndef sysctl_tcp_adv_win_scale
- extern int sysctl_tcp_adv_win_scale;
- extern int sysctl_tcp_tw_reuse;
- extern int sysctl_tcp_frto;
- extern int sysctl_tcp_low_latency;
-@@ -613,6 +645,7 @@ extern int sysctl_tcp_bic_fast_convergen
- extern int sysctl_tcp_bic_low_window;
- extern int sysctl_tcp_default_win_scale;
- extern int sysctl_tcp_moderate_rcvbuf;
-+extern int sysctl_tcp_use_sg;
- extern atomic_t tcp_memory_allocated;
- extern atomic_t tcp_sockets_allocated;
-@@ -765,12 +798,17 @@ static inline int between(__u32 seq1, __
- extern struct proto tcp_prot;
- DECLARE_SNMP_STAT(struct tcp_mib, tcp_statistics);
--#define TCP_INC_STATS(field) SNMP_INC_STATS(tcp_statistics, field)
--#define TCP_INC_STATS_BH(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_BH(tcp_statistics, field)
--#define TCP_INC_STATS_USER(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_USER(tcp_statistics, field)
--#define TCP_DEC_STATS(field) SNMP_DEC_STATS(tcp_statistics, field)
--#define TCP_ADD_STATS_BH(field, val) SNMP_ADD_STATS_BH(tcp_statistics, field, val)
--#define TCP_ADD_STATS_USER(field, val) SNMP_ADD_STATS_USER(tcp_statistics, field, val)
-+#define ve_tcp_statistics (get_exec_env()->_tcp_statistics)
-+#define ve_tcp_statistics tcp_statistics
-+#define TCP_INC_STATS(field) SNMP_INC_STATS(ve_tcp_statistics, field)
-+#define TCP_INC_STATS_BH(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_BH(ve_tcp_statistics, field)
-+#define TCP_INC_STATS_USER(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_USER(ve_tcp_statistics, field)
-+#define TCP_DEC_STATS(field) SNMP_DEC_STATS(ve_tcp_statistics, field)
-+#define TCP_ADD_STATS_BH(field, val) SNMP_ADD_STATS_BH(ve_tcp_statistics, field, val)
-+#define TCP_ADD_STATS_USER(field, val) SNMP_ADD_STATS_USER(ve_tcp_statistics, field, val)
- extern void tcp_put_port(struct sock *sk);
- extern void tcp_inherit_port(struct sock *sk, struct sock *child);
-@@ -837,9 +875,9 @@ static __inline__ void tcp_delack_init(s
- memset(&tp->ack, 0, sizeof(tp->ack));
- }
--static inline void tcp_clear_options(struct tcp_opt *tp)
-+static inline void tcp_clear_options(struct tcp_options_received *rx_opt)
- {
-- tp->tstamp_ok = tp->sack_ok = tp->wscale_ok = tp->snd_wscale = 0;
-+ rx_opt->tstamp_ok = rx_opt->sack_ok = rx_opt->wscale_ok = rx_opt->snd_wscale = 0;
- }
- enum tcp_tw_status
-@@ -888,7 +926,7 @@ extern int tcp_recvmsg(struct kiocb *i
- extern int tcp_listen_start(struct sock *sk);
- extern void tcp_parse_options(struct sk_buff *skb,
-- struct tcp_opt *tp,
-+ struct tcp_options_received *opt_rx,
- int estab);
- /*
-@@ -1062,9 +1100,9 @@ static __inline__ unsigned int tcp_curre
- tp->ext2_header_len != dst->header_len)
- mss_now = tcp_sync_mss(sk, mtu);
- }
-- if (tp->eff_sacks)
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks)
-- (tp->eff_sacks * TCPOLEN_SACK_PERBLOCK));
-+ (tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks * TCPOLEN_SACK_PERBLOCK));
- return mss_now;
- }
-@@ -1097,7 +1135,7 @@ static __inline__ void __tcp_fast_path_o
- static __inline__ void tcp_fast_path_on(struct tcp_opt *tp)
- {
-- __tcp_fast_path_on(tp, tp->snd_wnd>>tp->snd_wscale);
-+ __tcp_fast_path_on(tp, tp->snd_wnd >> tp->rx_opt.snd_wscale);
- }
- static inline void tcp_fast_path_check(struct sock *sk, struct tcp_opt *tp)
-@@ -1134,7 +1172,7 @@ extern u32 __tcp_select_window(struct so
- * only use of the low 32-bits of jiffies and hide the ugly
- * casts with the following macro.
- */
--#define tcp_time_stamp ((__u32)(jiffies))
-+#define tcp_time_stamp ((__u32)(jiffies + get_exec_env()->jiffies_fixup))
- /* This is what the send packet queueing engine uses to pass
- * TCP per-packet control information to the transmission
-@@ -1305,7 +1343,8 @@ static inline __u32 tcp_current_ssthresh
- static inline void tcp_sync_left_out(struct tcp_opt *tp)
- {
-- if (tp->sack_ok && tp->sacked_out >= tp->packets_out - tp->lost_out)
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.sack_ok &&
-+ tp->sacked_out >= tp->packets_out - tp->lost_out)
- tp->sacked_out = tp->packets_out - tp->lost_out;
- tp->left_out = tp->sacked_out + tp->lost_out;
- }
-@@ -1615,39 +1654,39 @@ static __inline__ void tcp_done(struct s
- tcp_destroy_sock(sk);
- }
--static __inline__ void tcp_sack_reset(struct tcp_opt *tp)
-+static __inline__ void tcp_sack_reset(struct tcp_options_received *rx_opt)
- {
-- tp->dsack = 0;
-- tp->eff_sacks = 0;
-- tp->num_sacks = 0;
-+ rx_opt->dsack = 0;
-+ rx_opt->eff_sacks = 0;
-+ rx_opt->num_sacks = 0;
- }
- static __inline__ void tcp_build_and_update_options(__u32 *ptr, struct tcp_opt *tp, __u32 tstamp)
- {
-- if (tp->tstamp_ok) {
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok) {
- *ptr++ = __constant_htonl((TCPOPT_NOP << 24) |
- (TCPOPT_NOP << 16) |
- *ptr++ = htonl(tstamp);
-- *ptr++ = htonl(tp->ts_recent);
-+ *ptr++ = htonl(tp->rx_opt.ts_recent);
- }
-- if (tp->eff_sacks) {
-- struct tcp_sack_block *sp = tp->dsack ? tp->duplicate_sack : tp->selective_acks;
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks) {
-+ struct tcp_sack_block *sp = tp->rx_opt.dsack ? tp->duplicate_sack : tp->selective_acks;
- int this_sack;
- *ptr++ = __constant_htonl((TCPOPT_NOP << 24) |
- (TCPOPT_NOP << 16) |
- (TCPOPT_SACK << 8) |
-- (tp->eff_sacks * TCPOLEN_SACK_PERBLOCK)));
-- for(this_sack = 0; this_sack < tp->eff_sacks; this_sack++) {
-+ (tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks * TCPOLEN_SACK_PERBLOCK)));
-+ for(this_sack = 0; this_sack < tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks; this_sack++) {
- *ptr++ = htonl(sp[this_sack].start_seq);
- *ptr++ = htonl(sp[this_sack].end_seq);
- }
-- if (tp->dsack) {
-- tp->dsack = 0;
-- tp->eff_sacks--;
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.dsack) {
-+ tp->rx_opt.dsack = 0;
-+ tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks--;
- }
- }
- }
-@@ -1851,17 +1890,17 @@ static inline void tcp_synq_drop(struct
- }
- static __inline__ void tcp_openreq_init(struct open_request *req,
-- struct tcp_opt *tp,
-+ struct tcp_options_received *rx_opt,
- struct sk_buff *skb)
- {
- req->rcv_wnd = 0; /* So that tcp_send_synack() knows! */
- req->rcv_isn = TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq;
-- req->mss = tp->mss_clamp;
-- req->ts_recent = tp->saw_tstamp ? tp->rcv_tsval : 0;
-- req->tstamp_ok = tp->tstamp_ok;
-- req->sack_ok = tp->sack_ok;
-- req->snd_wscale = tp->snd_wscale;
-- req->wscale_ok = tp->wscale_ok;
-+ req->mss = rx_opt->mss_clamp;
-+ req->ts_recent = rx_opt->saw_tstamp ? rx_opt->rcv_tsval : 0;
-+ req->tstamp_ok = rx_opt->tstamp_ok;
-+ req->sack_ok = rx_opt->sack_ok;
-+ req->snd_wscale = rx_opt->snd_wscale;
-+ req->wscale_ok = rx_opt->wscale_ok;
- req->acked = 0;
- req->ecn_ok = 0;
- req->rmt_port = skb->>source;
-@@ -1910,11 +1949,11 @@ static inline int tcp_fin_time(struct tc
- return fin_timeout;
- }
--static inline int tcp_paws_check(struct tcp_opt *tp, int rst)
-+static inline int tcp_paws_check(struct tcp_options_received *rx_opt, int rst)
- {
-- if ((s32)(tp->rcv_tsval - tp->ts_recent) >= 0)
-+ if ((s32)(rx_opt->rcv_tsval - rx_opt->ts_recent) >= 0)
- return 0;
-- if (xtime.tv_sec >= tp->ts_recent_stamp + TCP_PAWS_24DAYS)
-+ if (xtime.tv_sec >= rx_opt->ts_recent_stamp + TCP_PAWS_24DAYS)
- return 0;
- /* RST segments are not recommended to carry timestamp,
-@@ -1929,7 +1968,7 @@ static inline int tcp_paws_check(struct
- However, we can relax time bounds for RST segments to MSL.
- */
-- if (rst && xtime.tv_sec >= tp->ts_recent_stamp + TCP_PAWS_MSL)
-+ if (rst && xtime.tv_sec >= rx_opt->ts_recent_stamp + TCP_PAWS_MSL)
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
-@@ -1941,6 +1980,8 @@ static inline void tcp_v4_setup_caps(str
- if (sk->sk_no_largesend || dst->header_len)
- sk->sk_route_caps &= ~NETIF_F_TSO;
- }
-+ if (!sysctl_tcp_use_sg)
-+ sk->sk_route_caps &= ~NETIF_F_SG;
- }
- #define TCP_CHECK_TIMER(sk) do { } while (0)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -40,13 +40,19 @@ extern rwlock_t udp_hash_lock;
- extern int udp_port_rover;
--static inline int udp_lport_inuse(u16 num)
-+static inline int udp_hashfn(u16 num, unsigned veid)
-+ return ((num + (veid ^ (veid >> 16))) & (UDP_HTABLE_SIZE - 1));
-+static inline int udp_lport_inuse(u16 num, struct ve_struct *env)
- {
- struct sock *sk;
- struct hlist_node *node;
-- sk_for_each(sk, node, &udp_hash[num & (UDP_HTABLE_SIZE - 1)])
-- if (inet_sk(sk)->num == num)
-+ sk_for_each(sk, node, &udp_hash[udp_hashfn(num, VEID(env))])
-+ if (inet_sk(sk)->num == num &&
-+ ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), env))
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -73,9 +79,14 @@ extern int udp_ioctl(struct sock *sk, in
- extern int udp_disconnect(struct sock *sk, int flags);
- DECLARE_SNMP_STAT(struct udp_mib, udp_statistics);
--#define UDP_INC_STATS(field) SNMP_INC_STATS(udp_statistics, field)
--#define UDP_INC_STATS_BH(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_BH(udp_statistics, field)
--#define UDP_INC_STATS_USER(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_USER(udp_statistics, field)
-+#define ve_udp_statistics (get_exec_env()->_udp_statistics)
-+#define ve_udp_statistics udp_statistics
-+#define UDP_INC_STATS(field) SNMP_INC_STATS(ve_udp_statistics, field)
-+#define UDP_INC_STATS_BH(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_BH(ve_udp_statistics, field)
-+#define UDP_INC_STATS_USER(field) SNMP_INC_STATS_USER(ve_udp_statistics, field)
- /* /proc */
- struct udp_seq_afinfo {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:48.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
-+ * include/ub/beancounter.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 1999-2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ * Andrey Savochkin
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+ * Generic ratelimiting stuff.
-+ */
-+struct ub_rate_info {
-+ int burst;
-+ int interval; /* jiffy_t per event */
-+ int bucket; /* kind of leaky bucket */
-+ unsigned long last; /* last event */
-+/* Return true if rate limit permits. */
-+int ub_ratelimit(struct ub_rate_info *);
-+ * This magic is used to distinuish user beancounter and pages beancounter
-+ * in struct page. page_ub and page_bc are placed in union and MAGIC
-+ * ensures us that we don't use pbc as ubc in ub_page_uncharge().
-+ */
-+#define UB_MAGIC 0x62756275
-+ * Resource list.
-+ */
-+#define UB_KMEMSIZE 0 /* Unswappable kernel memory size including
-+ * struct task, page directories, etc.
-+ */
-+#define UB_LOCKEDPAGES 1 /* Mlock()ed pages. */
-+#define UB_PRIVVMPAGES 2 /* Total number of pages, counting potentially
-+ * private pages as private and used.
-+ */
-+#define UB_SHMPAGES 3 /* IPC SHM segment size. */
-+#define UB_ZSHMPAGES 4 /* Anonymous shared memory. */
-+#define UB_NUMPROC 5 /* Number of processes. */
-+#define UB_PHYSPAGES 6 /* All resident pages, for swapout guarantee. */
-+#define UB_VMGUARPAGES 7 /* Guarantee for memory allocation,
-+ * checked against PRIVVMPAGES.
-+ */
-+#define UB_OOMGUARPAGES 8 /* Guarantees against OOM kill.
-+ * Only limit is used, no accounting.
-+ */
-+#define UB_NUMTCPSOCK 9 /* Number of TCP sockets. */
-+#define UB_NUMFLOCK 10 /* Number of file locks. */
-+#define UB_NUMPTY 11 /* Number of PTYs. */
-+#define UB_NUMSIGINFO 12 /* Number of siginfos. */
-+#define UB_TCPSNDBUF 13 /* Total size of tcp send buffers. */
-+#define UB_TCPRCVBUF 14 /* Total size of tcp receive buffers. */
-+#define UB_OTHERSOCKBUF 15 /* Total size of other socket
-+ * send buffers (all buffers for PF_UNIX).
-+ */
-+#define UB_DGRAMRCVBUF 16 /* Total size of other socket
-+ * receive buffers.
-+ */
-+#define UB_NUMOTHERSOCK 17 /* Number of other sockets. */
-+#define UB_DCACHESIZE 18 /* Size of busy dentry/inode cache. */
-+#define UB_NUMFILE 19 /* Number of open files. */
-+#define UB_RESOURCES 24
-+struct ubparm {
-+ /*
-+ * A barrier over which resource allocations are failed gracefully.
-+ * If the amount of consumed memory is over the barrier further sbrk()
-+ * or mmap() calls fail, the existing processes are not killed.
-+ */
-+ unsigned long barrier;
-+ /* hard resource limit */
-+ unsigned long limit;
-+ /* consumed resources */
-+ unsigned long held;
-+ /* maximum amount of consumed resources through the last period */
-+ unsigned long maxheld;
-+ /* minimum amount of consumed resources through the last period */
-+ unsigned long minheld;
-+ /* count of failed charges */
-+ unsigned long failcnt;
-+ * Kernel internal part.
-+ */
-+#ifdef __KERNEL__
-+#include <ub/ub_debug.h>
-+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-+#include <asm/atomic.h>
-+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
-+#include <linux/cache.h>
-+#include <linux/threads.h>
-+ * UB_MAXVALUE is essentially LONG_MAX declared in a cross-compiling safe form.
-+ */
-+#define UB_MAXVALUE ( (1UL << (sizeof(unsigned long)*8-1)) - 1)
-+ * Resource management structures
-+ * Serialization issues:
-+ * beancounter list management is protected via ub_hash_lock
-+ * task pointers are set only for current task and only once
-+ * refcount is managed atomically
-+ * value and limit comparison and change are protected by per-ub spinlock
-+ */
-+struct page_beancounter;
-+struct task_beancounter;
-+struct sock_beancounter;
-+struct page_private {
-+ unsigned long ubp_unused_privvmpages;
-+ unsigned long ubp_tmpfs_respages;
-+ unsigned long ubp_swap_pages;
-+ unsigned long long ubp_held_pages;
-+struct sock_private {
-+ unsigned long ubp_rmem_thres;
-+ unsigned long ubp_wmem_pressure;
-+ unsigned long ubp_maxadvmss;
-+ unsigned long ubp_rmem_pressure;
-+#define UB_RMEM_EXPAND 0
-+#define UB_RMEM_KEEP 1
-+#define UB_RMEM_SHRINK 2
-+ struct list_head ubp_other_socks;
-+ struct list_head ubp_tcp_socks;
-+ atomic_t ubp_orphan_count;
-+struct ub_perfstat {
-+ unsigned long unmap;
-+ unsigned long swapin;
-+} ____cacheline_aligned_in_smp;
-+struct user_beancounter
-+ unsigned long ub_magic;
-+ atomic_t ub_refcount;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub_next;
-+ spinlock_t ub_lock;
-+ uid_t ub_uid;
-+ struct ub_rate_info ub_limit_rl;
-+ int ub_oom_noproc;
-+ struct page_private ppriv;
-+#define ub_unused_privvmpages ppriv.ubp_unused_privvmpages
-+#define ub_tmpfs_respages ppriv.ubp_tmpfs_respages
-+#define ub_swap_pages ppriv.ubp_swap_pages
-+#define ub_held_pages ppriv.ubp_held_pages
-+ struct sock_private spriv;
-+#define ub_rmem_thres spriv.ubp_rmem_thres
-+#define ub_maxadvmss spriv.ubp_maxadvmss
-+#define ub_rmem_pressure spriv.ubp_rmem_pressure
-+#define ub_wmem_pressure spriv.ubp_wmem_pressure
-+#define ub_tcp_sk_list spriv.ubp_tcp_socks
-+#define ub_other_sk_list spriv.ubp_other_socks
-+#define ub_orphan_count spriv.ubp_orphan_count
-+ struct user_beancounter *parent;
-+ void *private_data;
-+ unsigned long ub_aflags;
-+ /* resources statistic and settings */
-+ struct ubparm ub_parms[UB_RESOURCES];
-+ /* resources statistic for last interval */
-+ struct ubparm ub_store[UB_RESOURCES];
-+ struct ub_perfstat ub_perfstat[NR_CPUS];
-+ struct list_head ub_cclist;
-+ long ub_pages_charged[NR_CPUS];
-+ long ub_vmalloc_charged[NR_CPUS];
-+enum severity { UB_HARD, UB_SOFT, UB_FORCE };
-+static inline int ub_barrier_hit(struct user_beancounter *ub, int resource)
-+ return ub->ub_parms[resource].held > ub->ub_parms[resource].barrier;
-+static inline int ub_hfbarrier_hit(struct user_beancounter *ub, int resource)
-+ return (ub->ub_parms[resource].held >
-+ ((ub->ub_parms[resource].barrier) >> 1));
-+extern inline struct user_beancounter *get_beancounter_byuid
-+ (uid_t uid, int create) { return NULL; }
-+extern inline struct user_beancounter *get_beancounter
-+ (struct user_beancounter *ub) { return NULL; }
-+extern inline void put_beancounter(struct user_beancounter *ub) {;}
-+static inline void page_ubc_init(void) { };
-+static inline void beancounter_init(unsigned long mempages) { };
-+static inline void ub0_init(void) { };
-+ * Charge/uncharge operations
-+ */
-+extern int __charge_beancounter_locked(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ int resource, unsigned long val, enum severity strict);
-+extern void __uncharge_beancounter_locked(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ int resource, unsigned long val);
-+extern void __put_beancounter(struct user_beancounter *ub);
-+extern void uncharge_warn(struct user_beancounter *ub, int resource,
-+ unsigned long val, unsigned long held);
-+extern const char *ub_rnames[];
-+ * Put a beancounter reference
-+ */
-+static inline void put_beancounter(struct user_beancounter *ub)
-+ if (unlikely(ub == NULL))
-+ return;
-+ __put_beancounter(ub);
-+ * Create a new beancounter reference
-+ */
-+extern struct user_beancounter *get_beancounter_byuid(uid_t uid, int create);
-+static inline
-+struct user_beancounter *get_beancounter(struct user_beancounter *ub)
-+ if (unlikely(ub == NULL))
-+ return NULL;
-+ atomic_inc(&ub->ub_refcount);
-+ return ub;
-+extern struct user_beancounter *get_subbeancounter_byid(
-+ struct user_beancounter *,
-+ int id, int create);
-+extern struct user_beancounter *subbeancounter_findcreate(
-+ struct user_beancounter *p, int id);
-+extern void beancounter_init(unsigned long);
-+extern void page_ubc_init(void);
-+extern struct user_beancounter ub0;
-+extern void ub0_init(void);
-+#define get_ub0() (&ub0)
-+extern void print_ub_uid(struct user_beancounter *ub, char *buf, int size);
-+ * Resource charging
-+ * Change user's account and compare against limits
-+ */
-+static inline void ub_adjust_maxheld(struct user_beancounter *ub, int resource)
-+ if (ub->ub_parms[resource].maxheld < ub->ub_parms[resource].held)
-+ ub->ub_parms[resource].maxheld = ub->ub_parms[resource].held;
-+ if (ub->ub_parms[resource].minheld > ub->ub_parms[resource].held)
-+ ub->ub_parms[resource].minheld = ub->ub_parms[resource].held;
-+#include <ub/ub_decl.h>
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, charge_beancounter(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ int resource, unsigned long val, enum severity strict));
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(uncharge_beancounter(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ int resource, unsigned long val));
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(charge_beancounter_notop(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ int resource, unsigned long val));
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(uncharge_beancounter_notop(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ int resource, unsigned long val));
-+static inline void beancounter_proc_init(void) { };
-+extern void beancounter_proc_init(void);
-+#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-+#endif /* _LINUX_BEANCOUNTER_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
-+ * include/ub/ub_dcache.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef __UB_DCACHE_H_
-+#define __UB_DCACHE_H_
-+#include <ub/ub_decl.h>
-+ * UB_DCACHESIZE accounting
-+ */
-+struct dentry_beancounter
-+ /*
-+ * d_inuse =
-+ * <number of external refs> +
-+ * <number of 'used' childs>
-+ *
-+ * d_inuse == -1 means that dentry is unused
-+ * state change -1 => 0 causes charge
-+ * state change 0 => -1 causes uncharge
-+ */
-+ atomic_t d_inuse;
-+ /* charged size, including name length if name is not inline */
-+ unsigned long d_ubsize;
-+ struct user_beancounter *d_ub;
-+extern unsigned int inode_memusage(void);
-+extern unsigned int dentry_memusage(void);
-+struct dentry;
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_dentry_alloc(struct dentry *d))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_dentry_free(struct dentry *d))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_dentry_charge_nofail(struct dentry *d))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_dentry_uncharge(struct dentry *d))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_dentry_charge(struct dentry *d))
-+#define ub_dentry_charge(d) ({ \
-+ spin_unlock(&d->d_lock); \
-+ rcu_read_unlock(); \
-+ 0; \
-+ })
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
-+ * include/ub/ub_debug.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef __UB_DEBUG_H_
-+#define __UB_DEBUG_H_
-+ * general debugging
-+ */
-+#define UBD_ALLOC 0x1
-+#define UBD_CHARGE 0x2
-+#define UBD_LIMIT 0x4
-+#define UBD_TRACE 0x8
-+ * ub_net debugging
-+ */
-+#define UBD_NET_SOCKET 0x10
-+#define UBD_NET_SLEEP 0x20
-+#define UBD_NET_SEND 0x40
-+#define UBD_NET_RECV 0x80
-+ * Main routines
-+ */
-+#define UB_DEBUG (0)
-+#define ub_dbg_cond(__cond, __str, args...) \
-+ do { \
-+ if ((__cond) != 0) \
-+ printk(__str, ##args); \
-+ } while(0)
-+#define ub_debug(__section, __str, args...) \
-+ ub_dbg_cond(UB_DEBUG & (__section), __str, ##args)
-+#define ub_debug_resource(__resource, __str, args...) \
-+ ub_dbg_cond((UB_DEBUG & UBD_CHARGE) && \
-+ (DEBUG_RESOURCE & (1 << (__resource))), \
-+ __str, ##args)
-+#define ub_debug_trace(__cond, __b, __r) \
-+ do { \
-+ static struct ub_rate_info ri = { __b, __r }; \
-+ if ((__cond) != 0 && ub_ratelimit(&ri)) \
-+ dump_stack(); \
-+ } while(0)
-+#define ub_debug_trace(__cond, __burst, __rate)
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/list.h>
-+#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
-+struct user_beancounter;
-+struct ub_cache_counter {
-+ struct list_head ulist;
-+ struct ub_cache_counter *next;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ kmem_cache_t *cachep;
-+ unsigned long counter;
-+extern spinlock_t cc_lock;
-+extern void init_cache_counters(void);
-+extern void ub_free_counters(struct user_beancounter *);
-+extern void ub_kmemcache_free(kmem_cache_t *cachep);
-+struct vm_struct;
-+extern void inc_vmalloc_charged(struct vm_struct *, int);
-+extern void dec_vmalloc_charged(struct vm_struct *);
-+#define init_cache_counters() do { } while (0)
-+#define inc_vmalloc_charged(vm, f) do { } while (0)
-+#define dec_vmalloc_charged(vm) do { } while (0)
-+#define ub_free_counters(ub) do { } while (0)
-+#define ub_kmemcache_free(cachep) do { } while (0)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
-+ * include/ub/ub_decl.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef __UB_DECL_H_
-+#define __UB_DECL_H_
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+ * Naming convension:
-+ * ub_<section|object>_<operation>
-+ */
-+#define UB_DECLARE_FUNC(ret_type, decl) extern ret_type decl;
-+#define UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(decl) extern void decl;
-+#define UB_DECLARE_FUNC(ret_type, decl) \
-+ static inline ret_type decl \
-+ { \
-+ return (ret_type)0; \
-+ }
-+#define UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(decl) \
-+ static inline void decl \
-+ { \
-+ }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
-+ * include/ub/ub_hash.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef _LINUX_UBHASH_H
-+#define _LINUX_UBHASH_H
-+#ifdef __KERNEL__
-+#define UB_HASH_SIZE 256
-+struct ub_hash_slot {
-+ struct user_beancounter *ubh_beans;
-+extern struct ub_hash_slot ub_hash[];
-+extern spinlock_t ub_hash_lock;
-+ * Iterate over beancounters
-+ * @__slot - hash slot
-+ * @__ubp - beancounter ptr
-+ * Can use break :)
-+ */
-+#define for_each_beancounter(__slot, __ubp) \
-+ for (__slot = 0, __ubp = NULL; \
-+ __slot < UB_HASH_SIZE && __ubp == NULL; __slot++) \
-+ for (__ubp = ub_hash[__slot].ubh_beans; __ubp; \
-+ __ubp = __ubp->ub_next)
-+#endif /* __KERNEL__ */
-+#endif /* _LINUX_UBHASH_H */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
-+ * include/ub/ub_mem.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef __UB_SLAB_H_
-+#define __UB_SLAB_H_
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/kmem_slab.h>
-+#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
-+#include <linux/gfp.h>
-+#include <asm/pgtable.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_decl.h>
-+ * UB_KMEMSIZE accounting
-+ * oom_killer related
-+ */
-+ * Memory freeing statistics to make correct OOM decision
-+ */
-+struct oom_freeing_stat
-+ unsigned long oom_generation; /* current OOM gen */
-+ unsigned long freed;
-+ unsigned long swapped; /* page referrence counters removed */
-+ unsigned long written; /* IO started */
-+ unsigned long slabs; /* slabs shrinked */
-+extern int oom_generation;
-+extern int oom_kill_counter;
-+extern spinlock_t oom_generation_lock;
-+#define CHARGE_ORDER(__o) (1 << __o)
-+#define CHARGE_SIZE(__s) 1
-+#define CHARGE_ORDER(__o) (PAGE_SIZE << (__o))
-+#define CHARGE_SIZE(__s) (__s)
-+#define page_ub(__page) ((__page)->bc.page_ub)
-+struct mm_struct;
-+struct page;
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(struct user_beancounter *, slab_ub(void *obj))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(struct user_beancounter *, vmalloc_ub(void *obj))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(struct user_beancounter *, mem_ub(void *obj))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_page_charge(struct page *page, int order, int mask))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_page_uncharge(struct page *page, int order))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_oomkill_task(struct mm_struct *mm,
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub, long overdraft))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_slab_charge(void *objp, int flags))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_slab_uncharge(void *obj))
-+/* Flags without __GFP_UBC must comply with vmalloc */
-+#define ub_vmalloc(size) __vmalloc(size, \
-+#define ub_kmalloc(size, flags) kmalloc(size, ((flags) | __GFP_UBC))
-+extern struct user_beancounter *ub_select_worst(long *);
-+#define ub_vmalloc(size) vmalloc(size)
-+#define ub_kmalloc(size, flags) kmalloc(size, flags)
-+static inline struct user_beancounter *ub_select_worst(long *over)
-+ *over = 0;
-+ return NULL;
-+#define slab_ubcs(cachep, slabp) ((struct user_beancounter **)\
-+ (ALIGN((unsigned long)(slab_bufctl(slabp) + (cachep)->num),\
-+ sizeof(void *))))
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
-+ * include/ub/ub_misc.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef __UB_MISC_H_
-+#define __UB_MISC_H_
-+#include <ub/ub_decl.h>
-+struct tty_struct;
-+struct file;
-+struct file_lock;
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_file_charge(struct file *f))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_file_uncharge(struct file *f))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_flock_charge(struct file_lock *fl, int hard))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_flock_uncharge(struct file_lock *fl))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_siginfo_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ unsigned long size))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_siginfo_uncharge(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ unsigned long size))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_task_charge(struct task_struct *parent,
-+ struct task_struct *task))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_task_uncharge(struct task_struct *task))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_pty_charge(struct tty_struct *tty))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_pty_uncharge(struct tty_struct *tty))
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
-+ * include/ub/ub_net.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef __UB_NET_H_
-+#define __UB_NET_H_
-+ * UB_NUMXXXSOCK, UB_XXXBUF accounting
-+ */
-+#include <ub/ub_decl.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_sk.h>
-+#define bid2sid(__bufid) \
-+#define SOCK_MIN_UBCSPACE ((int)((2048 - sizeof(struct skb_shared_info)) & \
-+#define SOCK_MIN_UBCSPACE_CH skb_charge_size(SOCK_MIN_UBCSPACE)
-+#define IS_TCP_SOCK(__family, __type) \
-+ ((__family) == PF_INET && (__type) == SOCK_STREAM)
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_sock_charge(struct sock *sk, int family, int type))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_tcp_sock_charge(struct sock *sk))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_other_sock_charge(struct sock *sk))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_sock_uncharge(struct sock *sk))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_skb_uncharge(struct sk_buff *skb))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_skb_alloc_bc(struct sk_buff *skb, int gfp_mask))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_skb_free_bc(struct sk_buff *skb))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_nlrcvbuf_charge(struct sk_buff *skb, struct sock *sk))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_sockrcvbuf_charge(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_sock_snd_queue_add(struct sock *sk, int resource,
-+ unsigned long size))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(long, ub_sock_wait_for_space(struct sock *sk, long timeo,
-+ unsigned long size))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_tcprcvbuf_charge(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_tcprcvbuf_charge_forced(struct sock *sk,
-+ struct sk_buff *skb))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_tcpsndbuf_charge(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_tcpsndbuf_charge_forced(struct sock *sk,
-+ struct sk_buff *skb))
-+/* Charge size */
-+static inline unsigned long skb_charge_datalen(unsigned long chargesize)
-+ unsigned long slabsize;
-+ chargesize -= sizeof(struct sk_buff);
-+ slabsize = 64;
-+ do {
-+ slabsize <<= 1;
-+ } while (slabsize <= chargesize);
-+ slabsize >>= 1;
-+ return (slabsize - sizeof(struct skb_shared_info)) &
-+ return 0;
-+static inline unsigned long skb_charge_size_gen(unsigned long size)
-+ unsigned int slabsize;
-+ size = SKB_DATA_ALIGN(size) + sizeof(struct skb_shared_info);
-+ slabsize = 32; /* min size is 64 because of skb_shared_info */
-+ do {
-+ slabsize <<= 1;
-+ } while (slabsize < size);
-+ return slabsize + sizeof(struct sk_buff);
-+ return 0;
-+static inline unsigned long skb_charge_size_const(unsigned long size)
-+ unsigned int ret;
-+ if (SKB_DATA_ALIGN(size) + sizeof(struct skb_shared_info) <= 64)
-+ ret = 64 + sizeof(struct sk_buff);
-+ else if (SKB_DATA_ALIGN(size) + sizeof(struct skb_shared_info) <= 128)
-+ ret = 128 + sizeof(struct sk_buff);
-+ else if (SKB_DATA_ALIGN(size) + sizeof(struct skb_shared_info) <= 256)
-+ ret = 256 + sizeof(struct sk_buff);
-+ else if (SKB_DATA_ALIGN(size) + sizeof(struct skb_shared_info) <= 512)
-+ ret = 512 + sizeof(struct sk_buff);
-+ else if (SKB_DATA_ALIGN(size) + sizeof(struct skb_shared_info) <= 1024)
-+ ret = 1024 + sizeof(struct sk_buff);
-+ else if (SKB_DATA_ALIGN(size) + sizeof(struct skb_shared_info) <= 2048)
-+ ret = 2048 + sizeof(struct sk_buff);
-+ else if (SKB_DATA_ALIGN(size) + sizeof(struct skb_shared_info) <= 4096)
-+ ret = 4096 + sizeof(struct sk_buff);
-+ else
-+ ret = skb_charge_size_gen(size);
-+ return ret;
-+ return 0;
-+#define skb_charge_size(__size) \
-+ (__builtin_constant_p(__size) ? \
-+ skb_charge_size_const(__size) : \
-+ skb_charge_size_gen(__size))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, skb_charge_fullsize(struct sk_buff *skb))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_skb_set_charge(struct sk_buff *skb,
-+ struct sock *sk, unsigned long size, int res))
-+/* Poll reserv */
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_sock_makewres_other(struct sock *sk, unsigned long sz))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_sock_makewres_tcp(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_sock_getwres_other(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_sock_getwres_tcp(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_sock_retwres_other(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size,
-+ unsigned long ressize))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_sock_retwres_tcp(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size,
-+ unsigned long ressize))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_sock_sndqueueadd_other(struct sock *sk,
-+ unsigned long size))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_sock_sndqueueadd_tcp(struct sock *sk, unsigned long sz))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_sock_sndqueuedel(struct sock *sk))
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
-+ * include/ub/ub_orphan.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef __UB_ORPHAN_H_
-+#define __UB_ORPHAN_H_
-+#include "ub/beancounter.h"
-+#include "ub/ub_net.h"
-+extern int ub_too_many_orphans(struct sock *sk, int count);
-+static inline int tcp_too_many_orphans(struct sock *sk, int count)
-+ if (ub_too_many_orphans(sk, count))
-+ return 1;
-+ return (atomic_read(&tcp_orphan_count) > sysctl_tcp_max_orphans ||
-+ (sk->sk_wmem_queued > SOCK_MIN_SNDBUF &&
-+ atomic_read(&tcp_memory_allocated) > sysctl_tcp_mem[2]));
-+static inline atomic_t *tcp_get_orphan_count_ptr(struct sock *sk)
-+ if (sock_has_ubc(sk))
-+ return &sock_bc(sk)->ub->ub_orphan_count;
-+ return &tcp_orphan_count;
-+static inline void tcp_inc_orphan_count(struct sock *sk)
-+ atomic_inc(tcp_get_orphan_count_ptr(sk));
-+static inline void tcp_dec_orphan_count(struct sock *sk)
-+ atomic_dec(tcp_get_orphan_count_ptr(sk));
-+static inline int tcp_get_orphan_count(struct sock *sk)
-+ return atomic_read(tcp_get_orphan_count_ptr(sk));
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
-+ * include/ub/ub_page.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef __UB_PAGE_H_
-+#define __UB_PAGE_H_
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+ * Page_beancounters
-+ */
-+struct page;
-+struct user_beancounter;
-+#define PB_MAGIC 0x62700001UL
-+struct page_beancounter {
-+ unsigned long pb_magic;
-+ struct page *page;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ struct page_beancounter *next_hash;
-+ unsigned refcount;
-+ struct list_head page_list;
-+#define PB_REFCOUNT_BITS 24
-+#define PB_SHIFT_GET(c) ((c) >> PB_REFCOUNT_BITS)
-+#define PB_SHIFT_INC(c) ((c) += (1 << PB_REFCOUNT_BITS))
-+#define PB_SHIFT_DEC(c) ((c) -= (1 << PB_REFCOUNT_BITS))
-+#define PB_COUNT_GET(c) ((c) & ((1 << PB_REFCOUNT_BITS) - 1))
-+#define PB_COUNT_INC(c) ((c)++)
-+#define PB_COUNT_DEC(c) ((c)--)
-+#define PB_REFCOUNT_MAKE(s, c) (((s) << PB_REFCOUNT_BITS) + (c))
-+#define page_pbc(__page) ((__page)->bc.page_pbc)
-+struct address_space;
-+extern int is_shmem_mapping(struct address_space *);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
-+ * include/ub/ub_sk.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef __UB_SK_H_
-+#define __UB_SK_H_
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_task.h>
-+struct sock;
-+struct sk_buff;
-+struct skb_beancounter {
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ unsigned long charged:27, resource:5;
-+struct sock_beancounter {
-+ /*
-+ * already charged for future sends, to make poll work;
-+ * changes are protected by bc spinlock, read is under socket
-+ * semaphore for sends and unprotected in poll
-+ */
-+ unsigned long poll_reserv;
-+ unsigned long ub_waitspc; /* space waiting for */
-+ unsigned long ub_wcharged;
-+ struct list_head ub_sock_list;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+#define sock_bc(__sk) (&(__sk)->sk_bc)
-+#define skb_bc(__skb) (&(__skb)->skb_bc)
-+#define skbc_sock(__skbc) (container_of(__skbc, struct sock, sk_bc))
-+#define sock_has_ubc(__sk) (sock_bc(__sk)->ub != NULL)
-+#define set_sk_exec_ub(__sk) (set_exec_ub(sock_bc(sk)->ub))
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
-+ * include/ub/ub_stat.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef __UB_STAT_H_
-+#define __UB_STAT_H_
-+/* sys_ubstat commands list */
-+#define UBSTAT_READ_ONE 0x010000
-+#define UBSTAT_READ_ALL 0x020000
-+#define UBSTAT_READ_FULL 0x030000
-+#define UBSTAT_UBLIST 0x040000
-+#define UBSTAT_UBPARMNUM 0x050000
-+#define UBSTAT_GETTIME 0x060000
-+#define UBSTAT_CMD(func) ((func) & 0xF0000)
-+#define UBSTAT_PARMID(func) ((func) & 0x0FFFF)
-+#define TIME_MAX_SEC (LONG_MAX / HZ)
-+typedef unsigned long ubstattime_t;
-+typedef struct {
-+ ubstattime_t start_time;
-+ ubstattime_t end_time;
-+ ubstattime_t cur_time;
-+} ubgettime_t;
-+typedef struct {
-+ long maxinterval;
-+ int signum;
-+} ubnotifrq_t;
-+typedef struct {
-+ unsigned long maxheld;
-+ unsigned long failcnt;
-+} ubstatparm_t;
-+typedef struct {
-+ unsigned long barrier;
-+ unsigned long limit;
-+ unsigned long held;
-+ unsigned long maxheld;
-+ unsigned long minheld;
-+ unsigned long failcnt;
-+ unsigned long __unused1;
-+ unsigned long __unused2;
-+} ubstatparmf_t;
-+typedef struct {
-+ ubstattime_t start_time;
-+ ubstattime_t end_time;
-+ ubstatparmf_t param[0];
-+} ubstatfull_t;
-+#ifdef __KERNEL__
-+struct ub_stat_notify {
-+ struct list_head list;
-+ struct task_struct *task;
-+ int signum;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
-+ * include/ub/ub_task.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef __UB_TASK_H_
-+#define __UB_TASK_H_
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+struct user_beancounter;
-+struct task_beancounter {
-+ struct user_beancounter *exec_ub;
-+ struct user_beancounter *task_ub;
-+ struct user_beancounter *fork_sub;
-+ void *task_fnode, *task_freserv;
-+ unsigned long task_data[4];
-+#define task_bc(__tsk) (&((__tsk)->task_bc))
-+#define get_exec_ub() (task_bc(current)->exec_ub)
-+#define get_task_ub(__task) (task_bc(__task)->task_ub)
-+#define set_exec_ub(__newub) \
-+({ \
-+ struct user_beancounter *old; \
-+ struct task_beancounter *tbc; \
-+ tbc = task_bc(current); \
-+ old = tbc->exec_ub; \
-+ tbc->exec_ub = __newub; \
-+ old; \
-+#define get_exec_ub() (NULL)
-+#define get_task_ub(task) (NULL)
-+#define set_exec_ub(__ub) (NULL)
-+#endif /* __UB_TASK_H_ */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
-+ * include/ub/ub_tcp.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef __UB_TCP_H_
-+#define __UB_TCP_H_
-+ * UB_NUMXXXSOCK, UB_XXXBUF accounting
-+ */
-+#include <ub/ub_sk.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+static inline void ub_tcp_update_maxadvmss(struct sock *sk)
-+ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
-+ return;
-+ if (sock_bc(sk)->ub->ub_maxadvmss >= tcp_sk(sk)->advmss)
-+ return;
-+ sock_bc(sk)->ub->ub_maxadvmss =
-+ skb_charge_size(MAX_HEADER + sizeof(struct iphdr)
-+ + sizeof(struct tcphdr) + tcp_sk(sk)->advmss);
-+static inline int ub_tcp_rmem_allows_expand(struct sock *sk)
-+ if (tcp_memory_pressure)
-+ return 0;
-+ if (sock_has_ubc(sk)) {
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ ub = sock_bc(sk)->ub;
-+ if (ub->ub_rmem_pressure == UB_RMEM_EXPAND)
-+ return 1;
-+ if (ub->ub_rmem_pressure == UB_RMEM_SHRINK)
-+ return 0;
-+ return sk->sk_rcvbuf <= ub->ub_rmem_thres;
-+ }
-+ return 1;
-+static inline int ub_tcp_memory_pressure(struct sock *sk)
-+ if (tcp_memory_pressure)
-+ return 1;
-+ if (sock_has_ubc(sk))
-+ return sock_bc(sk)->ub->ub_rmem_pressure != UB_RMEM_EXPAND;
-+ return 0;
-+static inline int ub_tcp_shrink_rcvbuf(struct sock *sk)
-+ if (tcp_memory_pressure)
-+ return 1;
-+ if (sock_has_ubc(sk))
-+ return sock_bc(sk)->ub->ub_rmem_pressure == UB_RMEM_SHRINK;
-+ return 0;
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_sock_tcp_chargepage(struct sock *sk))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_sock_tcp_detachpage(struct sock *sk))
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
-+ * include/ub/ub_vmpages.h
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#ifndef __UB_PAGES_H_
-+#define __UB_PAGES_H_
-+#include <linux/linkage.h>
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_decl.h>
-+ */
-+ * Check whether vma has private or copy-on-write mapping.
-+ * Should match checks in ub_protected_charge().
-+ */
-+#define VM_UB_PRIVATE(__flags, __file) \
-+ ( ((__flags) & VM_WRITE) ? \
-+ (__file) == NULL || !((__flags) & VM_SHARED) : \
-+ 0 \
-+ )
-+struct page_beancounter;
-+/* Mprotect charging result */
-+#define PRIVVM_ERROR -1
-+#define PRIVVM_NO_CHARGE 0
-+#define PRIVVM_TO_SHARED 2
-+extern int ub_protected_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size,
-+ unsigned long newflags, struct vm_area_struct *vma);
-+static inline int ub_protected_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ unsigned long size, unsigned long flags,
-+ struct vm_area_struct *vma)
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_tmpfs_respages_inc(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ unsigned long size))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_tmpfs_respages_dec(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ unsigned long size))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_shmpages_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ unsigned long size))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_shmpages_uncharge(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ unsigned long size))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_locked_mem_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub, long sz))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_locked_mem_uncharge(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ long size))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_privvm_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ unsigned long flags, struct file *file,
-+ unsigned long size))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_privvm_uncharge(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ unsigned long flags, struct file *file,
-+ unsigned long size))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_unused_privvm_inc(struct user_beancounter * ub,
-+ long size, struct vm_area_struct *vma))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_unused_privvm_dec(struct user_beancounter *ub, long sz,
-+ struct vm_area_struct *vma))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(__ub_unused_privvm_dec(struct user_beancounter *ub, long sz))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, ub_memory_charge(struct user_beancounter * ub,
-+ unsigned long size, unsigned vm_flags,
-+ struct file *vm_file, int strict))
-+UB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(ub_memory_uncharge(struct user_beancounter * ub,
-+ unsigned long size, unsigned vm_flags,
-+ struct file *vm_file))
-+UB_DECLARE_FUNC(unsigned long, pages_in_vma_range(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
-+ unsigned long start, unsigned long end))
-+#define pages_in_vma(vma) \
-+ (pages_in_vma_range((vma), (vma)->vm_start, (vma)->vm_end))
-+extern void fastcall __ub_update_physpages(struct user_beancounter *ub);
-+extern void fastcall __ub_update_oomguarpages(struct user_beancounter *ub);
-+extern void fastcall __ub_update_privvm(struct user_beancounter *ub);
-+extern void ub_swapentry_inc(struct user_beancounter *ub);
-+extern void ub_swapentry_dec(struct user_beancounter *ub);
-+#define PB_DECLARE_FUNC(ret, decl) UB_DECLARE_FUNC(ret, decl)
-+#define PB_DECLARE_FUNC(ret, decl) static inline ret decl {return (ret)0;}
-+#define PB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(decl) static inline void decl { }
-+PB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, pb_reserve_all(struct page_beancounter **pbc))
-+PB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, pb_alloc(struct page_beancounter **pbc))
-+PB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, pb_alloc_list(struct page_beancounter **pbc, int num,
-+ struct mm_struct *mm))
-+PB_DECLARE_FUNC(int, pb_add_ref(struct page *page, struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ struct page_beancounter **pbc))
-+PB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(pb_free_list(struct page_beancounter **pb))
-+PB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(pb_free(struct page_beancounter **pb))
-+PB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(pb_add_list_ref(struct page *page,
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ struct page_beancounter **pbc))
-+PB_DECLARE_VOID_FUNC(pb_remove_ref(struct page *page,
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub))
-+PB_DECLARE_FUNC(struct user_beancounter *, pb_grab_page_ub(struct page *page))
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:37.000000000 +0400
-@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
- #include "do_mounts.h"
--unsigned long initrd_start, initrd_end;
-+unsigned long initrd_start, initrd_end, initrd_copy;
- int initrd_below_start_ok;
- unsigned int real_root_dev; /* do_proc_dointvec cannot handle kdev_t */
- static int __initdata old_fd, root_fd;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -49,6 +49,8 @@
- #include <asm/bugs.h>
- #include <asm/setup.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
- /*
- * This is one of the first .c files built. Error out early
- * if we have compiler trouble..
-@@ -85,6 +87,7 @@ extern void sbus_init(void);
- extern void sysctl_init(void);
- extern void signals_init(void);
- extern void buffer_init(void);
-+extern void fairsched_init_late(void);
- extern void pidhash_init(void);
- extern void pidmap_init(void);
- extern void prio_tree_init(void);
-@@ -101,6 +104,16 @@ extern void tc_init(void);
- enum system_states system_state;
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(system_state);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+extern void init_ve_system(void);
-+void prepare_ve0_process(struct task_struct *tsk);
-+void prepare_ve0_proc_root(void);
-+void prepare_ve0_sysctl(void);
-+void prepare_ve0_loopback(void);
-+void prepare_virtual_fs(void);
- /*
- * Boot command-line arguments
- */
-@@ -184,6 +197,52 @@ unsigned long loops_per_jiffy = (1<<12);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(loops_per_jiffy);
-+unsigned long cycles_per_jiffy, cycles_per_clock;
-+void calibrate_cycles(void)
-+ unsigned long ticks;
-+ cycles_t time;
-+ ticks = jiffies;
-+ while (ticks == jiffies)
-+ /* nothing */;
-+ time = get_cycles();
-+ ticks = jiffies;
-+ while (ticks == jiffies)
-+ /* nothing */;
-+ time = get_cycles() - time;
-+ cycles_per_jiffy = time;
-+ if ((time >> 32) != 0) {
-+ printk("CPU too fast! timings are incorrect\n");
-+ cycles_per_jiffy = -1;
-+ }
-+void calc_cycles_per_jiffy(void)
-+#if defined(__i386__)
-+ extern unsigned long fast_gettimeoffset_quotient;
-+ unsigned long low, high;
-+ if (fast_gettimeoffset_quotient != 0) {
-+ __asm__("divl %2"
-+ :"=a" (low), "=d" (high)
-+ :"r" (fast_gettimeoffset_quotient),
-+ "0" (0), "1" (1000000/HZ));
-+ cycles_per_jiffy = low;
-+ }
-+ if (cycles_per_jiffy == 0)
-+ calibrate_cycles();
-+ cycles_per_clock = cycles_per_jiffy * (HZ / CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
- /* This is the number of bits of precision for the loops_per_jiffy. Each
- bit takes on average 1.5/HZ seconds. This (like the original) is a little
- better than 1% */
-@@ -228,6 +287,8 @@ void __devinit calibrate_delay(void)
- printk("%lu.%02lu BogoMIPS\n",
- loops_per_jiffy/(500000/HZ),
- (loops_per_jiffy/(5000/HZ)) % 100);
-+ calc_cycles_per_jiffy();
- }
- static int __init debug_kernel(char *str)
-@@ -397,7 +458,8 @@ static void __init smp_init(void)
- static void noinline rest_init(void)
- {
-- kernel_thread(init, NULL, CLONE_FS | CLONE_SIGHAND);
-+ kernel_thread(init, NULL, CLONE_FS | CLONE_SIGHAND | CLONE_STOPPED);
-+ wake_up_init();
- numa_default_policy();
- unlock_kernel();
- cpu_idle();
-@@ -438,7 +500,6 @@ void __init parse_early_param(void)
- /*
- * Activate the first processor.
- */
- asmlinkage void __init start_kernel(void)
- {
- char * command_line;
-@@ -448,6 +509,7 @@ asmlinkage void __init start_kernel(void
- * enable them
- */
- lock_kernel();
-+ ub0_init();
- page_address_init();
- printk(linux_banner);
- setup_arch(&command_line);
-@@ -459,6 +521,8 @@ asmlinkage void __init start_kernel(void
- */
- smp_prepare_boot_cpu();
-+ prepare_ve0_process(&init_task);
- /*
- * Set up the scheduler prior starting any interrupts (such as the
- * timer interrupt). Full topology setup happens at smp_init()
-@@ -517,6 +581,7 @@ asmlinkage void __init start_kernel(void
- #endif
- fork_init(num_physpages);
- proc_caches_init();
-+ beancounter_init(num_physpages);
- buffer_init();
- unnamed_dev_init();
- security_scaffolding_startup();
-@@ -526,7 +591,10 @@ asmlinkage void __init start_kernel(void
- /* rootfs populating might need page-writeback */
- page_writeback_init();
-+ prepare_ve0_proc_root();
-+ prepare_ve0_sysctl();
- proc_root_init();
-+ beancounter_proc_init();
- #endif
- check_bugs();
-@@ -538,6 +606,7 @@ asmlinkage void __init start_kernel(void
- init_idle(current, smp_processor_id());
- /* Do the rest non-__init'ed, we're now alive */
-+ page_ubc_init();
- rest_init();
- }
-@@ -598,6 +667,9 @@ static void __init do_initcalls(void)
- */
- static void __init do_basic_setup(void)
- {
-+ prepare_ve0_loopback();
-+ init_ve_system();
- driver_init();
-@@ -614,7 +686,7 @@ static void __init do_basic_setup(void)
- static void do_pre_smp_initcalls(void)
- {
- extern int spawn_ksoftirqd(void);
--#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-+#if defined(CONFIG_SMP) || defined(CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU)
- extern int migration_init(void);
- migration_init();
-@@ -666,6 +738,12 @@ static int init(void * unused)
- fixup_cpu_present_map();
- smp_init();
-+ /*
-+ * This should be done after all cpus are known to
-+ * be online. smp_init gives us confidence in it.
-+ */
-+ fairsched_init_late();
- sched_init_smp();
- /*
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -28,6 +28,12 @@ struct new_utsname system_utsname = {
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(system_utsname);
-+struct new_utsname virt_utsname = {
-+ /* we need only this field */
-+ .release = UTS_RELEASE,
- const char *linux_banner =
- "Linux version " UTS_RELEASE " (" LINUX_COMPILE_BY "@"
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
- #include <asm/semaphore.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
- #include "util.h"
- struct compat_msgbuf {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -631,7 +631,8 @@ static int oflag2acc[O_ACCMODE] = { MAY_
- if ((oflag & O_ACCMODE) == (O_RDWR | O_WRONLY))
- return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
-- if (permission(dentry->d_inode, oflag2acc[oflag & O_ACCMODE], NULL))
-+ if (permission(dentry->d_inode, oflag2acc[oflag & O_ACCMODE],
- return ERR_PTR(-EACCES);
- filp = dentry_open(dentry, mqueue_mnt, oflag);
-@@ -1008,7 +1009,7 @@ retry:
- goto out;
- }
-- ret = netlink_attachskb(sock, nc, 0, MAX_SCHEDULE_TIMEOUT);
-+ ret = netlink_attachskb(sock, nc, 0, MAX_SCHEDULE_TIMEOUT, NULL);
- if (ret == 1)
- goto retry;
- if (ret) {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -75,6 +75,16 @@ static int newque (key_t key, int msgflg
- static int sysvipc_msg_read_proc(char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset, int length, int *eof, void *data);
- #endif
-+void prepare_msg(void)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ get_ve0()->_msg_ids = &msg_ids;
-+ get_ve0()->_msg_ctlmax = msg_ctlmax;
-+ get_ve0()->_msg_ctlmnb = msg_ctlmnb;
-+ get_ve0()->_msg_ctlmni = msg_ctlmni;
- void __init msg_init (void)
- {
- ipc_init_ids(&msg_ids,msg_ctlmni);
-@@ -84,6 +94,23 @@ void __init msg_init (void)
- #endif
- }
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+# define msg_ids (*(get_exec_env()->_msg_ids))
-+# define msg_ctlmax (get_exec_env()->_msg_ctlmax)
-+# define msg_ctlmnb (get_exec_env()->_msg_ctlmnb)
-+# define msg_ctlmni (get_exec_env()->_msg_ctlmni)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+void ve_msg_ipc_init (void)
-+ msg_ctlmax = MSGMAX;
-+ msg_ctlmnb = MSGMNB;
-+ msg_ctlmni = MSGMNI;
-+ ve_ipc_init_ids(&msg_ids, MSGMNI);
- static int newque (key_t key, int msgflg)
- {
- int id;
-@@ -104,7 +131,7 @@ static int newque (key_t key, int msgflg
- return retval;
- }
-- id = ipc_addid(&msg_ids, &msq->q_perm, msg_ctlmni);
-+ id = ipc_addid(&msg_ids, &msq->q_perm, msg_ctlmni, -1);
- if(id == -1) {
- security_msg_queue_free(msq);
- ipc_rcu_free(msq, sizeof(*msq));
-@@ -441,7 +468,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_msgctl (int msqid, i
- ipcp = &msq->q_perm;
- err = -EPERM;
- if (current->euid != ipcp->cuid &&
-- current->euid != ipcp->uid && !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
-+ current->euid != ipcp->uid && !capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN))
- /* We _could_ check for CAP_CHOWN above, but we don't */
- goto out_unlock_up;
-@@ -529,7 +556,7 @@ static inline int pipelined_send(struct
- wake_up_process(msr->r_tsk);
- } else {
- msr->r_msg = msg;
-- msq->q_lrpid = msr->r_tsk->pid;
-+ msq->q_lrpid = virt_pid(msr->r_tsk);
- msq->q_rtime = get_seconds();
- wake_up_process(msr->r_tsk);
- return 1;
-@@ -603,7 +630,7 @@ retry:
- goto retry;
- }
-- msq->q_lspid = current->tgid;
-+ msq->q_lspid = virt_tgid(current);
- msq->q_stime = get_seconds();
- if(!pipelined_send(msq,msg)) {
-@@ -697,7 +724,7 @@ retry:
- list_del(&msg->m_list);
- msq->q_qnum--;
- msq->q_rtime = get_seconds();
-- msq->q_lrpid = current->tgid;
-+ msq->q_lrpid = virt_tgid(current);
- msq->q_cbytes -= msg->m_ts;
- atomic_sub(msg->m_ts,&msg_bytes);
- atomic_dec(&msg_hdrs);
-@@ -828,3 +855,39 @@ done:
- return len;
- }
- #endif
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+void ve_msg_ipc_cleanup(void)
-+ int i;
-+ struct msg_queue *msq;
-+ down(&msg_ids.sem);
-+ for (i = 0; i <= msg_ids.max_id; i++) {
-+ msq = msg_lock(i);
-+ if (msq == NULL)
-+ continue;
-+ freeque(msq, i);
-+ }
-+ up(&msg_ids.sem);
-+int sysvipc_walk_msg(int (*func)(int i, struct msg_queue*, void *), void *arg)
-+ int i;
-+ int err = 0;
-+ struct msg_queue * msq;
-+ down(&msg_ids.sem);
-+ for(i = 0; i <= msg_ids.max_id; i++) {
-+ if ((msq = msg_lock(i)) == NULL)
-+ continue;
-+ err = func(msg_buildid(i,msq->q_perm.seq), msq, arg);
-+ msg_unlock(msq);
-+ if (err)
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ up(&msg_ids.sem);
-+ return err;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
- #include "util.h"
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
- struct msg_msgseg {
- struct msg_msgseg* next;
- /* the next part of the message follows immediately */
-@@ -36,7 +38,7 @@ struct msg_msg *load_msg(const void __us
- if (alen > DATALEN_MSG)
- alen = DATALEN_MSG;
-- msg = (struct msg_msg *)kmalloc(sizeof(*msg) + alen, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ msg = (struct msg_msg *)ub_kmalloc(sizeof(*msg) + alen, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (msg == NULL)
- return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-@@ -56,7 +58,7 @@ struct msg_msg *load_msg(const void __us
- alen = len;
- if (alen > DATALEN_SEG)
- alen = DATALEN_SEG;
-- seg = (struct msg_msgseg *)kmalloc(sizeof(*seg) + alen,
-+ seg = (struct msg_msgseg *)ub_kmalloc(sizeof(*seg) + alen,
- if (seg == NULL) {
- err = -ENOMEM;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include "util.h"
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
- #define sem_lock(id) ((struct sem_array*)ipc_lock(&sem_ids,id))
- #define sem_unlock(sma) ipc_unlock(&(sma)->sem_perm)
-@@ -82,9 +83,13 @@
- ipc_checkid(&sem_ids,&sma->sem_perm,semid)
- #define sem_buildid(id, seq) \
- ipc_buildid(&sem_ids, id, seq)
-+int sem_ctls[4] = {SEMMSL, SEMMNS, SEMOPM, SEMMNI};
- static struct ipc_ids sem_ids;
-+static int used_sems;
--static int newary (key_t, int, int);
-+static int newary (key_t, int, int, int);
- static void freeary (struct sem_array *sma, int id);
- static int sysvipc_sem_read_proc(char *buffer, char **start, off_t offset, int length, int *eof, void *data);
-@@ -102,24 +107,51 @@ static int sysvipc_sem_read_proc(char *b
- *
- */
--int sem_ctls[4] = {SEMMSL, SEMMNS, SEMOPM, SEMMNI};
- #define sc_semmsl (sem_ctls[0])
- #define sc_semmns (sem_ctls[1])
- #define sc_semopm (sem_ctls[2])
- #define sc_semmni (sem_ctls[3])
--static int used_sems;
-+void prepare_sem(void)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ get_ve0()->_sem_ids = &sem_ids;
-+ get_ve0()->_used_sems = used_sems;
-+ get_ve0()->_sem_ctls[0] = sem_ctls[0];
-+ get_ve0()->_sem_ctls[1] = sem_ctls[1];
-+ get_ve0()->_sem_ctls[2] = sem_ctls[2];
-+ get_ve0()->_sem_ctls[3] = sem_ctls[3];
- void __init sem_init (void)
- {
- used_sems = 0;
-- ipc_init_ids(&sem_ids,sc_semmni);
-+ ipc_init_ids(&sem_ids, SEMMNI);
- create_proc_read_entry("sysvipc/sem", 0, NULL, sysvipc_sem_read_proc, NULL);
- #endif
- }
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+# define sem_ids (*(get_exec_env()->_sem_ids))
-+# define used_sems (get_exec_env()->_used_sems)
-+# define sem_ctls (get_exec_env()->_sem_ctls)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+void ve_sem_ipc_init (void)
-+ used_sems = 0;
-+ sem_ctls[0] = SEMMSL;
-+ sem_ctls[1] = SEMMNS;
-+ sem_ctls[2] = SEMOPM;
-+ sem_ctls[3] = SEMMNI;
-+ ve_ipc_init_ids(&sem_ids, SEMMNI);
- /*
- * Lockless wakeup algorithm:
- * Without the check/retry algorithm a lockless wakeup is possible:
-@@ -154,7 +186,7 @@ void __init sem_init (void)
- */
- #define IN_WAKEUP 1
--static int newary (key_t key, int nsems, int semflg)
-+static int newary (key_t key, int semid, int nsems, int semflg)
- {
- int id;
- int retval;
-@@ -183,7 +215,7 @@ static int newary (key_t key, int nsems,
- return retval;
- }
-- id = ipc_addid(&sem_ids, &sma->sem_perm, sc_semmni);
-+ id = ipc_addid(&sem_ids, &sma->sem_perm, sc_semmni, semid);
- if(id == -1) {
- security_sem_free(sma);
- ipc_rcu_free(sma, size);
-@@ -212,12 +244,12 @@ asmlinkage long sys_semget (key_t key, i
- down(&sem_ids.sem);
- if (key == IPC_PRIVATE) {
-- err = newary(key, nsems, semflg);
-+ err = newary(key, -1, nsems, semflg);
- } else if ((id = ipc_findkey(&sem_ids, key)) == -1) { /* key not used */
- if (!(semflg & IPC_CREAT))
- err = -ENOENT;
- else
-- err = newary(key, nsems, semflg);
-+ err = newary(key, -1, nsems, semflg);
- } else if (semflg & IPC_CREAT && semflg & IPC_EXCL) {
- err = -EEXIST;
- } else {
-@@ -715,7 +747,7 @@ static int semctl_main(int semid, int se
- for (un = sma->undo; un; un = un->id_next)
- un->semadj[semnum] = 0;
- curr->semval = val;
-- curr->sempid = current->tgid;
-+ curr->sempid = virt_tgid(current);
- sma->sem_ctime = get_seconds();
- /* maybe some queued-up processes were waiting for this */
- update_queue(sma);
-@@ -793,7 +825,7 @@ static int semctl_down(int semid, int se
- ipcp = &sma->sem_perm;
- if (current->euid != ipcp->cuid &&
-- current->euid != ipcp->uid && !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) {
-+ current->euid != ipcp->uid && !capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN)) {
- err=-EPERM;
- goto out_unlock;
- }
-@@ -914,7 +946,8 @@ static inline int get_undo_list(struct s
- undo_list = current->sysvsem.undo_list;
- if (!undo_list) {
- size = sizeof(struct sem_undo_list);
-- undo_list = (struct sem_undo_list *) kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ undo_list = (struct sem_undo_list *) ub_kmalloc(size,
- if (undo_list == NULL)
- return -ENOMEM;
- memset(undo_list, 0, size);
-@@ -979,7 +1012,8 @@ static struct sem_undo *find_undo(int se
- nsems = sma->sem_nsems;
- sem_unlock(sma);
-- new = (struct sem_undo *) kmalloc(sizeof(struct sem_undo) + sizeof(short)*nsems, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ new = (struct sem_undo *) ub_kmalloc(sizeof(struct sem_undo) +
-+ sizeof(short)*nsems, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!new)
- return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
- memset(new, 0, sizeof(struct sem_undo) + sizeof(short)*nsems);
-@@ -1028,7 +1062,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_semtimedop(int semid
- if (nsops > sc_semopm)
- return -E2BIG;
- if(nsops > SEMOPM_FAST) {
-- sops = kmalloc(sizeof(*sops)*nsops,GFP_KERNEL);
-+ sops = ub_kmalloc(sizeof(*sops)*nsops, GFP_KERNEL);
- if(sops==NULL)
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
-@@ -1100,7 +1134,7 @@ retry_undos:
- if (error)
- goto out_unlock_free;
-- error = try_atomic_semop (sma, sops, nsops, un, current->tgid);
-+ error = try_atomic_semop (sma, sops, nsops, un, virt_tgid(current));
- if (error <= 0)
- goto update;
-@@ -1112,7 +1146,7 @@ retry_undos:
- queue.sops = sops;
- queue.nsops = nsops;
- queue.undo = un;
-- = current->tgid;
-+ = virt_tgid(current);
- = semid;
- if (alter)
- append_to_queue(sma ,&queue);
-@@ -1271,7 +1305,7 @@ found:
- sem->semval += u->semadj[i];
- if (sem->semval < 0)
- sem->semval = 0; /* shouldn't happen */
-- sem->sempid = current->tgid;
-+ sem->sempid = virt_tgid(current);
- }
- }
- sma->sem_otime = get_seconds();
-@@ -1331,3 +1365,58 @@ done:
- return len;
- }
- #endif
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+void ve_sem_ipc_cleanup(void)
-+ int i;
-+ struct sem_array *sma;
-+ down(&sem_ids.sem);
-+ for (i = 0; i <= sem_ids.max_id; i++) {
-+ sma = sem_lock(i);
-+ if (sma == NULL)
-+ continue;
-+ freeary(sma, i);
-+ }
-+ up(&sem_ids.sem);
-+int sysvipc_setup_sem(key_t key, int semid, size_t size, int semflg)
-+ int err = 0;
-+ struct sem_array *sma;
-+ down(&sem_ids.sem);
-+ sma = sem_lock(semid);
-+ if (!sma) {
-+ err = newary(key, semid, size, semflg);
-+ if (err >= 0)
-+ sma = sem_lock(semid);
-+ }
-+ if (sma)
-+ sem_unlock(sma);
-+ up(&sem_ids.sem);
-+ return err > 0 ? 0 : err;
-+int sysvipc_walk_sem(int (*func)(int i, struct sem_array*, void *), void *arg)
-+ int i;
-+ int err = 0;
-+ struct sem_array *sma;
-+ down(&sem_ids.sem);
-+ for (i = 0; i <= sem_ids.max_id; i++) {
-+ if ((sma = sem_lock(i)) == NULL)
-+ continue;
-+ err = func(sem_buildid(i,sma->sem_perm.seq), sma, arg);
-+ sem_unlock(sma);
-+ if (err)
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ up(&sem_ids.sem);
-+ return err;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
- #include <linux/security.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
- #include "util.h"
- #define shm_flags shm_perm.mode
-@@ -43,7 +46,7 @@ static struct ipc_ids shm_ids;
- #define shm_buildid(id, seq) \
- ipc_buildid(&shm_ids, id, seq)
--static int newseg (key_t key, int shmflg, size_t size);
-+static int newseg (key_t key, int shmid, int shmflg, size_t size);
- static void shm_open (struct vm_area_struct *shmd);
- static void shm_close (struct vm_area_struct *shmd);
-@@ -55,6 +58,28 @@ size_t shm_ctlall = SHMALL;
- int shm_ctlmni = SHMMNI;
- static int shm_tot; /* total number of shared memory pages */
-+void prepare_shm(void)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ int i;
-+ struct shmid_kernel* shp;
-+ get_ve0()->_shm_ids = &shm_ids;
-+ for (i = 0; i <= shm_ids.max_id; i++) {
-+ shp = (struct shmid_kernel *)ipc_lock(&shm_ids, i);
-+ if (shp != NULL) {
-+ shp->_shm_ids = &shm_ids;
-+ ipc_unlock(&shp->shm_perm);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ get_ve0()->_shm_ctlmax = shm_ctlmax;
-+ get_ve0()->_shm_ctlall = shm_ctlall;
-+ get_ve0()->_shm_ctlmni = shm_ctlmni;
-+ get_ve0()->_shm_tot = shm_tot;
- void __init shm_init (void)
- {
-@@ -64,6 +89,42 @@ void __init shm_init (void)
- #endif
- }
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+# define shm_ids (*(get_exec_env()->_shm_ids))
-+# define shm_ctlmax (get_exec_env()->_shm_ctlmax)
-+# define shm_ctlall (get_exec_env()->_shm_ctlall)
-+# define shm_ctlmni (get_exec_env()->_shm_ctlmni)
-+/* renamed since there is a struct field named shm_tot */
-+# define shm_total (get_exec_env()->_shm_tot)
-+# define shm_total shm_tot
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+void ve_shm_ipc_init (void)
-+ shm_ctlmax = SHMMAX;
-+ shm_ctlall = SHMALL;
-+ shm_ctlmni = SHMMNI;
-+ shm_total = 0;
-+ ve_ipc_init_ids(&shm_ids, 1);
-+static struct shmid_kernel* shm_lock_by_sb(int id, struct super_block* sb)
-+ struct ve_struct *fs_envid;
-+ fs_envid = VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(sb->s_type);
-+ return (struct shmid_kernel *)ipc_lock(fs_envid->_shm_ids, id);
-+static inline int *shm_total_sb(struct super_block *sb)
-+ struct ve_struct *fs_envid;
-+ fs_envid = VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(sb->s_type);
-+ return &fs_envid->_shm_tot;
- static inline int shm_checkid(struct shmid_kernel *s, int id)
- {
- if (ipc_checkid(&shm_ids,&s->shm_perm,id))
-@@ -71,25 +132,25 @@ static inline int shm_checkid(struct shm
- return 0;
- }
--static inline struct shmid_kernel *shm_rmid(int id)
-+static inline struct shmid_kernel *shm_rmid(struct ipc_ids *ids, int id)
- {
-- return (struct shmid_kernel *)ipc_rmid(&shm_ids,id);
-+ return (struct shmid_kernel *)ipc_rmid(ids, id);
- }
--static inline int shm_addid(struct shmid_kernel *shp)
-+static inline int shm_addid(struct shmid_kernel *shp, int reqid)
- {
-- return ipc_addid(&shm_ids, &shp->shm_perm, shm_ctlmni+1);
-+ return ipc_addid(&shm_ids, &shp->shm_perm, shm_ctlmni+1, reqid);
- }
--static inline void shm_inc (int id) {
-+static inline void shm_inc (int id, struct super_block * sb) {
- struct shmid_kernel *shp;
-- if(!(shp = shm_lock(id)))
-+ if(!(shp = shm_lock_by_sb(id, sb)))
- BUG();
- shp->shm_atim = get_seconds();
-- shp->shm_lprid = current->tgid;
-+ shp->shm_lprid = virt_tgid(current);
- shp->shm_nattch++;
- shm_unlock(shp);
- }
-@@ -97,7 +158,40 @@ static inline void shm_inc (int id) {
- /* This is called by fork, once for every shm attach. */
- static void shm_open (struct vm_area_struct *shmd)
- {
-- shm_inc (shmd->vm_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_ino);
-+ shm_inc (shmd->vm_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_ino,
-+ shmd->vm_file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_sb);
-+static int shmem_lock(struct shmid_kernel *shp, int lock)
-+ struct inode *inode = shp->shm_file->f_dentry->d_inode;
-+ struct shmem_inode_info *info = SHMEM_I(inode);
-+ unsigned long size;
-+ if (!is_file_hugepages(shp->shm_file))
-+ return 0;
-+ spin_lock(&info->lock);
-+ if (!!lock == !!(info->flags & VM_LOCKED))
-+ goto out;
-+ /* size will be re-calculated in pages inside (un)charge */
-+ size = shp->shm_segsz + PAGE_SIZE - 1;
-+ if (!lock) {
-+ ub_locked_mem_uncharge(shmid_ub(shp), size);
-+ info->flags &= ~VM_LOCKED;
-+ } else if (ub_locked_mem_charge(shmid_ub(shp), size) < 0)
-+ goto out_err;
-+ else
-+ info->flags |= VM_LOCKED;
-+ spin_unlock(&info->lock);
-+ return 0;
-+ spin_unlock(&info->lock);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
- }
- /*
-@@ -110,13 +204,23 @@ static void shm_open (struct vm_area_str
- */
- static void shm_destroy (struct shmid_kernel *shp)
- {
-- shm_tot -= (shp->shm_segsz + PAGE_SIZE - 1) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
-- shm_rmid (shp->id);
-+ int numpages;
-+ struct super_block *sb;
-+ int *shm_totalp;
-+ struct file *file;
-+ file = shp->shm_file;
-+ numpages = (shp->shm_segsz + PAGE_SIZE - 1) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
-+ sb = file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_sb;
-+ shm_totalp = shm_total_sb(sb);
-+ *shm_totalp -= numpages;
-+ shm_rmid(shp->_shm_ids, shp->id);
- shm_unlock(shp);
-- if (!is_file_hugepages(shp->shm_file))
-- shmem_lock(shp->shm_file, 0);
-- fput (shp->shm_file);
-+ shmem_lock(shp, 0);
-+ fput (file);
- security_shm_free(shp);
-+ put_beancounter(shmid_ub(shp));
-+ shmid_ub(shp) = NULL;
- ipc_rcu_free(shp, sizeof(struct shmid_kernel));
- }
-@@ -130,13 +234,25 @@ static void shm_close (struct vm_area_st
- {
- struct file * file = shmd->vm_file;
- int id = file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_ino;
-+ struct super_block *sb;
- struct shmid_kernel *shp;
-+ struct ipc_ids* ids;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ struct ve_struct *fs_envid;
-- down (&shm_ids.sem);
-+ sb = file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_sb;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ fs_envid = get_ve(VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(sb->s_type));
-+ ids = fs_envid->_shm_ids;
-+ ids = &shm_ids;
-+ down (&ids->sem);
- /* remove from the list of attaches of the shm segment */
-- if(!(shp = shm_lock(id)))
-+ if(!(shp = shm_lock_by_sb(id, sb)))
- BUG();
-- shp->shm_lprid = current->tgid;
-+ shp->shm_lprid = virt_tgid(current);
- shp->shm_dtim = get_seconds();
- shp->shm_nattch--;
- if(shp->shm_nattch == 0 &&
-@@ -144,14 +260,20 @@ static void shm_close (struct vm_area_st
- shm_destroy (shp);
- else
- shm_unlock(shp);
-- up (&shm_ids.sem);
-+ up (&ids->sem);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ put_ve(fs_envid);
- }
- static int shm_mmap(struct file * file, struct vm_area_struct * vma)
- {
- file_accessed(file);
- vma->vm_ops = &shm_vm_ops;
-- shm_inc(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_ino);
-+ if (!(vma->vm_flags & VM_WRITE))
-+ vma->vm_flags &= ~VM_MAYWRITE;
-+ shm_inc(file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_ino,
-+ file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_sb);
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -169,19 +291,19 @@ static struct vm_operations_struct shm_v
- #endif
- };
--static int newseg (key_t key, int shmflg, size_t size)
-+static int newseg (key_t key, int shmid, int shmflg, size_t size)
- {
- int error;
- struct shmid_kernel *shp;
- int numpages = (size + PAGE_SIZE -1) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- struct file * file;
-- char name[13];
-+ char name[26];
- int id;
- if (size < SHMMIN || size > shm_ctlmax)
- return -EINVAL;
-- if (shm_tot + numpages >= shm_ctlall)
-+ if (shm_total + numpages >= shm_ctlall)
- return -ENOSPC;
- shp = ipc_rcu_alloc(sizeof(*shp));
-@@ -201,7 +323,11 @@ static int newseg (key_t key, int shmflg
- if (shmflg & SHM_HUGETLB)
- file = hugetlb_zero_setup(size);
- else {
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ sprintf (name, "VE%d.SYSV%08x", get_exec_env()->veid, key);
- sprintf (name, "SYSV%08x", key);
- file = shmem_file_setup(name, size, VM_ACCOUNT);
- }
- error = PTR_ERR(file);
-@@ -209,24 +335,26 @@ static int newseg (key_t key, int shmflg
- goto no_file;
- error = -ENOSPC;
-- id = shm_addid(shp);
-+ id = shm_addid(shp, shmid);
- if(id == -1)
- goto no_id;
-- shp->shm_cprid = current->tgid;
-+ shp->shm_cprid = virt_tgid(current);
- shp->shm_lprid = 0;
- shp->shm_atim = shp->shm_dtim = 0;
- shp->shm_ctim = get_seconds();
- shp->shm_segsz = size;
- shp->shm_nattch = 0;
- shp->id = shm_buildid(id,shp->shm_perm.seq);
-+ shp->_shm_ids = &shm_ids;
- shp->shm_file = file;
-+ shmid_ub(shp) = get_beancounter(get_exec_ub());
- file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_ino = shp->id;
- if (shmflg & SHM_HUGETLB)
- set_file_hugepages(file);
- else
- file->f_op = &shm_file_operations;
-- shm_tot += numpages;
-+ shm_total += numpages;
- shm_unlock(shp);
- return shp->id;
-@@ -245,12 +373,12 @@ asmlinkage long sys_shmget (key_t key, s
- down(&shm_ids.sem);
- if (key == IPC_PRIVATE) {
-- err = newseg(key, shmflg, size);
-+ err = newseg(key, -1, shmflg, size);
- } else if ((id = ipc_findkey(&shm_ids, key)) == -1) {
- if (!(shmflg & IPC_CREAT))
- err = -ENOENT;
- else
-- err = newseg(key, shmflg, size);
-+ err = newseg(key, -1, shmflg, size);
- } else if ((shmflg & IPC_CREAT) && (shmflg & IPC_EXCL)) {
- err = -EEXIST;
- } else {
-@@ -443,7 +571,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_shmctl (int shmid, i
- down(&shm_ids.sem);
- shm_info.used_ids = shm_ids.in_use;
- shm_get_stat (&shm_info.shm_rss, &shm_info.shm_swp);
-- shm_info.shm_tot = shm_tot;
-+ shm_info.shm_tot = shm_total;
- shm_info.swap_attempts = 0;
- shm_info.swap_successes = 0;
- err = shm_ids.max_id;
-@@ -526,12 +654,10 @@ asmlinkage long sys_shmctl (int shmid, i
- goto out_unlock;
- if(cmd==SHM_LOCK) {
-- if (!is_file_hugepages(shp->shm_file))
-- shmem_lock(shp->shm_file, 1);
-- shp->shm_flags |= SHM_LOCKED;
-+ if ((err = shmem_lock(shp, 1)) == 0)
-+ shp->shm_flags |= SHM_LOCKED;
- } else {
-- if (!is_file_hugepages(shp->shm_file))
-- shmem_lock(shp->shm_file, 0);
-+ shmem_lock(shp, 0);
- shp->shm_flags &= ~SHM_LOCKED;
- }
- shm_unlock(shp);
-@@ -560,7 +686,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_shmctl (int shmid, i
- if (current->euid != shp->shm_perm.uid &&
- current->euid != shp->shm_perm.cuid &&
-- !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) {
-+ !capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN)) {
- err=-EPERM;
- goto out_unlock_up;
- }
-@@ -597,7 +723,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_shmctl (int shmid, i
- err=-EPERM;
- if (current->euid != shp->shm_perm.uid &&
- current->euid != shp->shm_perm.cuid &&
-- !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) {
-+ !capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN)) {
- goto out_unlock_up;
- }
-@@ -818,6 +944,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_shmdt(char __user *s
- * could possibly have landed at. Also cast things to loff_t to
- * prevent overflows and make comparisions vs. equal-width types.
- */
-+ size = PAGE_ALIGN(size);
- while (vma && (loff_t)(vma->vm_end - addr) <= size) {
- next = vma->vm_next;
-@@ -894,3 +1021,72 @@ done:
- return len;
- }
- #endif
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+void ve_shm_ipc_cleanup(void)
-+ int i;
-+ down(&shm_ids.sem);
-+ for (i = 0; i <= shm_ids.max_id; i++) {
-+ struct shmid_kernel *shp;
-+ if (!(shp = shm_lock(i)))
-+ continue;
-+ if (shp->shm_nattch) {
-+ shp->shm_flags |= SHM_DEST;
-+ shp->shm_perm.key = IPC_PRIVATE;
-+ shm_unlock(shp);
-+ } else
-+ shm_destroy(shp);
-+ }
-+ up(&shm_ids.sem);
-+struct file * sysvipc_setup_shm(key_t key, int shmid, size_t size, int shmflg)
-+ struct shmid_kernel *shp;
-+ struct file *file;
-+ down(&shm_ids.sem);
-+ shp = shm_lock(shmid);
-+ if (!shp) {
-+ int err;
-+ err = newseg(key, shmid, shmflg, size);
-+ file = ERR_PTR(err);
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto out;
-+ shp = shm_lock(shmid);
-+ }
-+ file = ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
-+ if (shp) {
-+ file = shp->shm_file;
-+ get_file(file);
-+ shm_unlock(shp);
-+ }
-+ up(&shm_ids.sem);
-+ return file;
-+int sysvipc_walk_shm(int (*func)(struct shmid_kernel*, void *), void *arg)
-+ int i;
-+ int err = 0;
-+ struct shmid_kernel* shp;
-+ down(&shm_ids.sem);
-+ for(i = 0; i <= shm_ids.max_id; i++) {
-+ if ((shp = shm_lock(i)) == NULL)
-+ continue;
-+ err = func(shp, arg);
-+ shm_unlock(shp);
-+ if (err)
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ up(&shm_ids.sem);
-+ return err;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:26.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:48.000000000 +0400
-@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
- */
- #include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/mm.h>
- #include <linux/shm.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
-@@ -27,8 +28,12 @@
- #include <asm/unistd.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
- #include "util.h"
-+DCL_VE_OWNER(IPCIDS, STATIC_SOFT, struct ipc_ids, owner_env, inline, ())
- /**
- * ipc_init - initialise IPC subsystem
- *
-@@ -55,7 +60,7 @@ __initcall(ipc_init);
- * array itself.
- */
--void __init ipc_init_ids(struct ipc_ids* ids, int size)
-+void ve_ipc_init_ids(struct ipc_ids* ids, int size)
- {
- int i;
- sema_init(&ids->sem,1);
-@@ -82,7 +87,25 @@ void __init ipc_init_ids(struct ipc_ids*
- }
- for(i=0;i<ids->size;i++)
- ids->entries[i].p = NULL;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ SET_VE_OWNER_IPCIDS(ids, get_exec_env());
-+void __init ipc_init_ids(struct ipc_ids* ids, int size)
-+ ve_ipc_init_ids(ids, size);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+static void ipc_free_ids(struct ipc_ids* ids)
-+ if (ids == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ ipc_rcu_free(ids->entries, sizeof(struct ipc_id)*ids->size);
-+ kfree(ids);
- }
- /**
- * ipc_findkey - find a key in an ipc identifier set
-@@ -165,10 +188,20 @@ static int grow_ary(struct ipc_ids* ids,
- * Called with ipc_ids.sem held.
- */
--int ipc_addid(struct ipc_ids* ids, struct kern_ipc_perm* new, int size)
-+int ipc_addid(struct ipc_ids* ids, struct kern_ipc_perm* new, int size, int reqid)
- {
- int id;
-+ if (reqid >= 0) {
-+ id = reqid%SEQ_MULTIPLIER;
-+ size = grow_ary(ids,id+1);
-+ if (id >= size)
-+ return -1;
-+ if (ids->entries[id].p == NULL)
-+ goto found;
-+ return -1;
-+ }
- size = grow_ary(ids,size);
- /*
-@@ -181,6 +214,10 @@ int ipc_addid(struct ipc_ids* ids, struc
- }
- return -1;
- found:
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (ids->in_use == 0)
-+ (void)get_ve(VE_OWNER_IPCIDS(ids));
- ids->in_use++;
- if (id > ids->max_id)
- ids->max_id = id;
-@@ -188,9 +225,13 @@ found:
- new->cuid = new->uid = current->euid;
- new->gid = new->cgid = current->egid;
-- new->seq = ids->seq++;
-- if(ids->seq > ids->seq_max)
-- ids->seq = 0;
-+ if (reqid >= 0) {
-+ new->seq = reqid/SEQ_MULTIPLIER;
-+ } else {
-+ new->seq = ids->seq++;
-+ if(ids->seq > ids->seq_max)
-+ ids->seq = 0;
-+ }
- new->lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
- new->deleted = 0;
-@@ -238,6 +279,10 @@ struct kern_ipc_perm* ipc_rmid(struct ip
- } while (ids->entries[lid].p == NULL);
- ids->max_id = lid;
- }
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (ids->in_use == 0)
-+ put_ve(VE_OWNER_IPCIDS(ids));
- p->deleted = 1;
- return p;
- }
-@@ -254,9 +299,9 @@ void* ipc_alloc(int size)
- {
- void* out;
- if(size > PAGE_SIZE)
-- out = vmalloc(size);
-+ out = ub_vmalloc(size);
- else
-- out = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ out = ub_kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
- return out;
- }
-@@ -317,7 +362,7 @@ void* ipc_rcu_alloc(int size)
- * workqueue if necessary (for vmalloc).
- */
- if (rcu_use_vmalloc(size)) {
-- out = vmalloc(sizeof(struct ipc_rcu_vmalloc) + size);
-+ out = ub_vmalloc(sizeof(struct ipc_rcu_vmalloc) + size);
- if (out) out += sizeof(struct ipc_rcu_vmalloc);
- } else {
- out = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ipc_rcu_kmalloc)+size, GFP_KERNEL);
-@@ -524,6 +569,85 @@ int ipc_checkid(struct ipc_ids* ids, str
- return 0;
- }
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+void prepare_ipc(void)
-+ /*
-+ * Note: we don't need to call SET_VE_OWNER_IPCIDS inside,
-+ * since we use static variables for ve0 (see STATIC_SOFT decl).
-+ */
-+ prepare_msg();
-+ prepare_sem();
-+ prepare_shm();
-+int init_ve_ipc(struct ve_struct * envid)
-+ struct ve_struct * saved_envid;
-+ envid->_msg_ids = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ipc_ids) + sizeof(void *),
-+ if (envid->_msg_ids == NULL)
-+ goto out_nomem;
-+ envid->_sem_ids = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ipc_ids) + sizeof(void *),
-+ if (envid->_sem_ids == NULL)
-+ goto out_free_msg;
-+ envid->_shm_ids = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ipc_ids) + sizeof(void *),
-+ if (envid->_shm_ids == NULL)
-+ goto out_free_sem;
-+ /*
-+ * Bad style, but save a lot of code (charging to proper VE)
-+ * Here we temporary change VEID of the process involved in VE init.
-+ * The same is effect for ve_ipc_cleanup in real_do_env_cleanup().
-+ */
-+ saved_envid = set_exec_env(envid);
-+ ve_msg_ipc_init();
-+ ve_sem_ipc_init();
-+ ve_shm_ipc_init();
-+ (void)set_exec_env(saved_envid);
-+ return 0;
-+ kfree(envid->_sem_ids);
-+ kfree(envid->_msg_ids);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+void ve_ipc_cleanup(void)
-+ ve_msg_ipc_cleanup();
-+ ve_sem_ipc_cleanup();
-+ ve_shm_ipc_cleanup();
-+void ve_ipc_free(struct ve_struct *envid)
-+ ipc_free_ids(envid->_msg_ids);
-+ ipc_free_ids(envid->_sem_ids);
-+ ipc_free_ids(envid->_shm_ids);
-+ envid->_msg_ids = envid->_sem_ids = envid->_shm_ids = NULL;
-+void fini_ve_ipc(struct ve_struct *ptr)
-+ ve_ipc_cleanup();
-+ ve_ipc_free(ptr);
-+#endif /* CONFIG_VE */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -15,6 +15,20 @@ void sem_init (void);
- void msg_init (void);
- void shm_init (void);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+void ve_msg_ipc_init(void);
-+void ve_sem_ipc_init(void);
-+void ve_shm_ipc_init(void);
-+void prepare_msg(void);
-+void prepare_sem(void);
-+void prepare_shm(void);
-+void ve_msg_ipc_cleanup(void);
-+void ve_sem_ipc_cleanup(void);
-+void ve_shm_ipc_cleanup(void);
- struct ipc_ids {
- int size;
- int in_use;
-@@ -23,17 +37,21 @@ struct ipc_ids {
- unsigned short seq_max;
- struct semaphore sem;
- struct ipc_id* entries;
-+ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
- };
-+DCL_VE_OWNER_PROTO(IPCIDS, STATIC_SOFT, struct ipc_ids, owner_env, inline, ())
- struct ipc_id {
- struct kern_ipc_perm* p;
- };
--void __init ipc_init_ids(struct ipc_ids* ids, int size);
-+void ipc_init_ids(struct ipc_ids* ids, int size);
-+void ve_ipc_init_ids(struct ipc_ids* ids, int size);
- /* must be called with ids->sem acquired.*/
- int ipc_findkey(struct ipc_ids* ids, key_t key);
--int ipc_addid(struct ipc_ids* ids, struct kern_ipc_perm* new, int size);
-+int ipc_addid(struct ipc_ids* ids, struct kern_ipc_perm* new, int size, int reqid);
- /* must be called with both locks acquired. */
- struct kern_ipc_perm* ipc_rmid(struct ipc_ids* ids, int id);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
-+# Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+# All rights reserved.
-+# Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+config VE
-+ bool "Virtual Environment support"
-+ depends on !SECURITY
-+ default y
-+ help
-+ This option adds support of virtual Linux running on the original box
-+ with fully supported virtual network driver, tty subsystem and
-+ configurable access for hardware and other resources.
-+config VE_CALLS
-+ tristate "VE calls interface"
-+ depends on VE
-+ default m
-+ help
-+ This option controls how to build vzmon code containing VE calls.
-+ By default it's build in module vzmon.o
-+config VZ_GENCALLS
-+ bool
-+ default y
-+config VE_NETDEV
-+ tristate "VE networking"
-+ depends on VE
-+ default m
-+ help
-+ This option controls whether to build VE networking code.
-+config VE_IPTABLES
-+ bool "VE netfiltering"
-+ depends on VE && VE_NETDEV && INET && NETFILTER
-+ default y
-+ help
-+ This option controls whether to build VE netfiltering code.
-+config VZ_WDOG
-+ tristate "VE watchdog module"
-+ depends on VE
-+ default m
-+ help
-+ This option controls building of vzwdog module, which dumps
-+ a lot of useful system info on console periodically.
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(cap_bset);
- * Locking rule: acquire this prior to tasklist_lock.
- */
- spinlock_t task_capability_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
- /*
- * For sys_getproccap() and sys_setproccap(), any of the three
-@@ -59,8 +60,8 @@ asmlinkage long sys_capget(cap_user_head
- spin_lock(&task_capability_lock);
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- if (pid && pid != current->pid) {
-- target = find_task_by_pid(pid);
-+ if (pid && pid != virt_pid(current)) {
-+ target = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
- if (!target) {
- ret = -ESRCH;
- goto out;
-@@ -89,14 +90,16 @@ static inline void cap_set_pg(int pgrp,
- kernel_cap_t *permitted)
- {
- task_t *g, *target;
-- struct list_head *l;
-- struct pid *pid;
-- for_each_task_pid(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, g, l, pid) {
-+ pgrp = vpid_to_pid(pgrp);
-+ if (pgrp < 0)
-+ return;
-+ do_each_task_pid_ve(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, g) {
- target = g;
-- while_each_thread(g, target)
-+ while_each_thread_ve(g, target)
- security_capset_set(target, effective, inheritable, permitted);
-- }
-+ } while_each_task_pid_ve(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, g);
- }
- /*
-@@ -109,11 +112,11 @@ static inline void cap_set_all(kernel_ca
- {
- task_t *g, *target;
-- do_each_thread(g, target) {
-+ do_each_thread_ve(g, target) {
- if (target == current || target->pid == 1)
- continue;
- security_capset_set(target, effective, inheritable, permitted);
-- } while_each_thread(g, target);
-+ } while_each_thread_ve(g, target);
- }
- /*
-@@ -159,8 +162,8 @@ asmlinkage long sys_capset(cap_user_head
- spin_lock(&task_capability_lock);
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- if (pid > 0 && pid != current->pid) {
-- target = find_task_by_pid(pid);
-+ if (pid > 0 && pid != virt_pid(current)) {
-+ target = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
- if (!target) {
- ret = -ESRCH;
- goto out;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:27.000000000 +0400
-@@ -559,5 +559,84 @@ long compat_clock_nanosleep(clockid_t wh
- return err;
- }
-+sigset_from_compat (sigset_t *set, compat_sigset_t *compat)
-+ switch (_NSIG_WORDS) {
-+ case 4: set->sig[3] = compat->sig[6] | (((long)compat->sig[7]) << 32 );
-+ case 3: set->sig[2] = compat->sig[4] | (((long)compat->sig[5]) << 32 );
-+ case 2: set->sig[1] = compat->sig[2] | (((long)compat->sig[3]) << 32 );
-+ case 1: set->sig[0] = compat->sig[0] | (((long)compat->sig[1]) << 32 );
-+ }
-+asmlinkage long
-+compat_rt_sigtimedwait (compat_sigset_t __user *uthese,
-+ struct compat_siginfo __user *uinfo,
-+ struct compat_timespec __user *uts, compat_size_t sigsetsize)
-+ compat_sigset_t s32;
-+ sigset_t s;
-+ int sig;
-+ struct timespec t;
-+ siginfo_t info;
-+ long ret, timeout = 0;
-+ if (sigsetsize != sizeof(sigset_t))
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ if (copy_from_user(&s32, uthese, sizeof(compat_sigset_t)))
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ sigset_from_compat(&s, &s32);
-+ sigdelsetmask(&s,sigmask(SIGKILL)|sigmask(SIGSTOP));
-+ signotset(&s);
-+ if (uts) {
-+ if (get_compat_timespec (&t, uts))
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ if (t.tv_nsec >= 1000000000L || t.tv_nsec < 0
-+ || t.tv_sec < 0)
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ spin_lock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
-+ sig = dequeue_signal(current, &s, &info);
-+ if (!sig) {
-+ if (uts)
-+ timeout = timespec_to_jiffies(&t)
-+ +(t.tv_sec || t.tv_nsec);
-+ if (timeout) {
-+ current->real_blocked = current->blocked;
-+ sigandsets(&current->blocked, &current->blocked, &s);
-+ recalc_sigpending();
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
-+ current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE;
-+ timeout = schedule_timeout(timeout);
-+ spin_lock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
-+ sig = dequeue_signal(current, &s, &info);
-+ current->blocked = current->real_blocked;
-+ siginitset(&current->real_blocked, 0);
-+ recalc_sigpending();
-+ }
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
-+ if (sig) {
-+ ret = sig;
-+ if (uinfo) {
-+ if (copy_siginfo_to_user32(uinfo, &info))
-+ ret = -EFAULT;
-+ }
-+ }else {
-+ ret = timeout?-EINTR:-EAGAIN;
-+ }
-+ return ret;
- /* timer_create is architecture specific because it needs sigevent conversion */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -89,8 +89,7 @@ static int __init ikconfig_init(void)
- struct proc_dir_entry *entry;
- /* create the current config file */
-- entry = create_proc_entry("config.gz", S_IFREG | S_IRUGO,
-- &proc_root);
-+ entry = create_proc_entry("config.gz", S_IFREG | S_IRUGO, NULL);
- if (!entry)
- return -ENOMEM;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:13.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -43,13 +43,18 @@ void unregister_cpu_notifier(struct noti
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(unregister_cpu_notifier);
-+#error "CONFIG_HOTPLUG_CPU isn't supported with CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU"
- static inline void check_for_tasks(int cpu)
- {
- struct task_struct *p;
- write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
-- for_each_process(p) {
-- if (task_cpu(p) == cpu && (p->utime != 0 || p->stime != 0))
-+ for_each_process_all(p) {
-+ if (task_pcpu(p) == cpu && (p->utime != 0 || p->stime != 0))
- printk(KERN_WARNING "Task %s (pid = %d) is on cpu %d\
- (state = %ld, flags = %lx) \n",
- p->comm, p->pid, cpu, p->state, p->flags);
-@@ -104,6 +109,13 @@ static int take_cpu_down(void *unused)
- return err;
- }
-+#error VCPU vs. HOTPLUG: fix hotplug code below
-+ * What should be fixed:
-+ * - check for if (idle_cpu()) yield()
-+ */
- int cpu_down(unsigned int cpu)
- {
- int err;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -23,12 +23,17 @@
- #include <linux/mount.h>
- #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
- #include <linux/mempolicy.h>
-+#include <linux/swap.h>
-+#include <linux/fairsched.h>
-+#include <linux/faudit.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <asm/unistd.h>
- #include <asm/pgtable.h>
- #include <asm/mmu_context.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
- extern void sem_exit (void);
- extern struct task_struct *child_reaper;
-@@ -47,20 +52,19 @@ static void __unhash_process(struct task
- }
- }
- void release_task(struct task_struct * p)
- {
- int zap_leader;
- task_t *leader;
-- struct dentry *proc_dentry;
-+ struct dentry *proc_dentry[2];
- repeat:
-- BUG_ON(p->state < TASK_ZOMBIE);
- atomic_dec(&p->user->processes);
- spin_lock(&p->proc_lock);
-- proc_dentry = proc_pid_unhash(p);
-+ proc_pid_unhash(p, proc_dentry);
- write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
- if (unlikely(p->ptrace))
- __ptrace_unlink(p);
-@@ -68,6 +72,8 @@ repeat:
- __exit_signal(p);
- __exit_sighand(p);
- __unhash_process(p);
-+ nr_zombie--;
-+ nr_dead++;
- /*
- * If we are the last non-leader member of the thread
-@@ -76,7 +82,7 @@ repeat:
- */
- zap_leader = 0;
- leader = p->group_leader;
-- if (leader != p && thread_group_empty(leader) && leader->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) {
-+ if (leader != p && thread_group_empty(leader) && leader->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) {
- BUG_ON(leader->exit_signal == -1);
- do_notify_parent(leader, leader->exit_signal);
- /*
-@@ -101,6 +107,8 @@ repeat:
- spin_unlock(&p->proc_lock);
- proc_pid_flush(proc_dentry);
- release_thread(p);
-+ if (atomic_dec_and_test(&VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env->pcounter))
-+ do_env_cleanup(VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env);
- put_task_struct(p);
- p = leader;
-@@ -112,10 +120,10 @@ repeat:
- void unhash_process(struct task_struct *p)
- {
-- struct dentry *proc_dentry;
-+ struct dentry *proc_dentry[2];
- spin_lock(&p->proc_lock);
-- proc_dentry = proc_pid_unhash(p);
-+ proc_pid_unhash(p, proc_dentry);
- write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
- __unhash_process(p);
- write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
-@@ -131,17 +139,18 @@ void unhash_process(struct task_struct *
- int session_of_pgrp(int pgrp)
- {
- struct task_struct *p;
-- struct list_head *l;
-- struct pid *pid;
- int sid = -1;
-+ WARN_ON(is_virtual_pid(pgrp));
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- for_each_task_pid(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, l, pid)
-+ do_each_task_pid_ve(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p) {
- if (p->signal->session > 0) {
- sid = p->signal->session;
- goto out;
- }
-- p = find_task_by_pid(pgrp);
-+ } while_each_task_pid_ve(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p);
-+ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(pgrp);
- if (p)
- sid = p->signal->session;
- out:
-@@ -161,21 +170,21 @@ out:
- static int will_become_orphaned_pgrp(int pgrp, task_t *ignored_task)
- {
- struct task_struct *p;
-- struct list_head *l;
-- struct pid *pid;
- int ret = 1;
-- for_each_task_pid(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, l, pid) {
-+ WARN_ON(is_virtual_pid(pgrp));
-+ do_each_task_pid_ve(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p) {
- if (p == ignored_task
-- || p->state >= TASK_ZOMBIE
-- || p->real_parent->pid == 1)
-+ || p->exit_state
-+ || virt_pid(p->real_parent) == 1)
- continue;
- if (process_group(p->real_parent) != pgrp
- && p->real_parent->signal->session == p->signal->session) {
- ret = 0;
- break;
- }
-- }
-+ } while_each_task_pid_ve(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p);
- return ret; /* (sighing) "Often!" */
- }
-@@ -183,6 +192,8 @@ int is_orphaned_pgrp(int pgrp)
- {
- int retval;
-+ WARN_ON(is_virtual_pid(pgrp));
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
- retval = will_become_orphaned_pgrp(pgrp, NULL);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-@@ -194,10 +205,10 @@ static inline int has_stopped_jobs(int p
- {
- int retval = 0;
- struct task_struct *p;
-- struct list_head *l;
-- struct pid *pid;
-- for_each_task_pid(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, l, pid) {
-+ WARN_ON(is_virtual_pid(pgrp));
-+ do_each_task_pid_ve(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p) {
- if (p->state != TASK_STOPPED)
- continue;
-@@ -213,7 +224,7 @@ static inline int has_stopped_jobs(int p
- retval = 1;
- break;
-- }
-+ } while_each_task_pid_ve(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p);
- return retval;
- }
-@@ -260,6 +271,9 @@ void __set_special_pids(pid_t session, p
- {
- struct task_struct *curr = current;
-+ WARN_ON(is_virtual_pid(pgrp));
-+ WARN_ON(is_virtual_pid(session));
- if (curr->signal->session != session) {
- detach_pid(curr, PIDTYPE_SID);
- curr->signal->session = session;
-@@ -278,6 +292,7 @@ void set_special_pids(pid_t session, pid
- __set_special_pids(session, pgrp);
- write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
- }
- /*
- * Let kernel threads use this to say that they
-@@ -342,7 +357,9 @@ void daemonize(const char *name, ...)
- exit_mm(current);
- set_special_pids(1, 1);
-+ down(&tty_sem);
- current->signal->tty = NULL;
-+ up(&tty_sem);
- /* Block and flush all signals */
- sigfillset(&blocked);
-@@ -529,12 +546,8 @@ static inline void choose_new_parent(tas
- * Make sure we're not reparenting to ourselves and that
- * the parent is not a zombie.
- */
-- if (p == reaper || reaper->state >= TASK_ZOMBIE)
-- p->real_parent = child_reaper;
-- else
-- p->real_parent = reaper;
-- if (p->parent == p->real_parent)
-- BUG();
-+ BUG_ON(p == reaper || reaper->exit_state);
-+ p->real_parent = reaper;
- }
- static inline void reparent_thread(task_t *p, task_t *father, int traced)
-@@ -566,7 +579,7 @@ static inline void reparent_thread(task_
- /* If we'd notified the old parent about this child's death,
- * also notify the new parent.
- */
-- if (p->state == TASK_ZOMBIE && p->exit_signal != -1 &&
-+ if (p->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE && p->exit_signal != -1 &&
- thread_group_empty(p))
- do_notify_parent(p, p->exit_signal);
- }
-@@ -597,12 +610,15 @@ static inline void reparent_thread(task_
- static inline void forget_original_parent(struct task_struct * father,
- struct list_head *to_release)
- {
-- struct task_struct *p, *reaper = father;
-+ struct task_struct *p, *tsk_reaper, *reaper = father;
- struct list_head *_p, *_n;
-- reaper = father->group_leader;
-- if (reaper == father)
-- reaper = child_reaper;
-+ do {
-+ reaper = next_thread(reaper);
-+ if (reaper == father) {
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ } while (reaper->exit_state);
- /*
- * There are only two places where our children can be:
-@@ -621,14 +637,21 @@ static inline void forget_original_paren
- /* if father isn't the real parent, then ptrace must be enabled */
- BUG_ON(father != p->real_parent && !ptrace);
-+ tsk_reaper = reaper;
-+ if (tsk_reaper == father)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ tsk_reaper = VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env->init_entry;
-+ if (tsk_reaper == p)
-+ tsk_reaper = child_reaper;
- if (father == p->real_parent) {
-- /* reparent with a reaper, real father it's us */
-- choose_new_parent(p, reaper, child_reaper);
-+ /* reparent with a tsk_reaper, real father it's us */
-+ choose_new_parent(p, tsk_reaper, child_reaper);
- reparent_thread(p, father, 0);
- } else {
- /* reparent ptraced task to its real parent */
- __ptrace_unlink (p);
-- if (p->state == TASK_ZOMBIE && p->exit_signal != -1 &&
-+ if (p->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE && p->exit_signal != -1 &&
- thread_group_empty(p))
- do_notify_parent(p, p->exit_signal);
- }
-@@ -639,12 +662,20 @@ static inline void forget_original_paren
- * zombie forever since we prevented it from self-reap itself
- * while it was being traced by us, to be able to see it in wait4.
- */
-- if (unlikely(ptrace && p->state == TASK_ZOMBIE && p->exit_signal == -1))
-+ if (unlikely(ptrace && p->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE && p->exit_signal == -1))
- list_add(&p->ptrace_list, to_release);
- }
- list_for_each_safe(_p, _n, &father->ptrace_children) {
- p = list_entry(_p,struct task_struct,ptrace_list);
-- choose_new_parent(p, reaper, child_reaper);
-+ tsk_reaper = reaper;
-+ if (tsk_reaper == father)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ tsk_reaper = VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env->init_entry;
-+ if (tsk_reaper == p)
-+ tsk_reaper = child_reaper;
-+ choose_new_parent(p, tsk_reaper, child_reaper);
- reparent_thread(p, father, 1);
- }
- }
-@@ -740,6 +771,9 @@ static void exit_notify(struct task_stru
- && !capable(CAP_KILL))
- tsk->exit_signal = SIGCHLD;
-+ if (tsk->exit_signal != -1 && t == child_reaper)
-+ /* We dont want people slaying init. */
-+ tsk->exit_signal = SIGCHLD;
- /* If something other than our normal parent is ptracing us, then
- * send it a SIGCHLD instead of honoring exit_signal. exit_signal
-@@ -752,11 +786,11 @@ static void exit_notify(struct task_stru
- do_notify_parent(tsk, SIGCHLD);
- }
-- state = TASK_ZOMBIE;
-+ state = EXIT_ZOMBIE;
- if (tsk->exit_signal == -1 && tsk->ptrace == 0)
-- state = TASK_DEAD;
-- tsk->state = state;
-- tsk->flags |= PF_DEAD;
-+ state = EXIT_DEAD;
-+ tsk->exit_state = state;
-+ nr_zombie++;
- /*
- * Clear these here so that update_process_times() won't try to deliver
-@@ -766,20 +800,7 @@ static void exit_notify(struct task_stru
- tsk->it_prof_value = 0;
- tsk->rlim[RLIMIT_CPU].rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY;
-- /*
-- * In the preemption case it must be impossible for the task
-- * to get runnable again, so use "_raw_" unlock to keep
-- * preempt_count elevated until we schedule().
-- *
-- * To avoid deadlock on SMP, interrupts must be unmasked. If we
-- * don't, subsequently called functions (e.g, wait_task_inactive()
-- * via release_task()) will spin, with interrupt flags
-- * unwittingly blocked, until the other task sleeps. That task
-- * may itself be waiting for smp_call_function() to answer and
-- * complete, and with interrupts blocked that will never happen.
-- */
-- _raw_write_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-- local_irq_enable();
-+ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
- list_for_each_safe(_p, _n, &ptrace_dead) {
- list_del_init(_p);
-@@ -788,21 +809,110 @@ static void exit_notify(struct task_stru
- }
- /* If the process is dead, release it - nobody will wait for it */
-- if (state == TASK_DEAD)
-+ if (state == EXIT_DEAD)
- release_task(tsk);
-+ /* PF_DEAD causes final put_task_struct after we schedule. */
-+ preempt_disable();
-+ tsk->flags |= PF_DEAD;
- }
-+asmlinkage long sys_wait4(pid_t pid,unsigned int * stat_addr, int options, struct rusage * ru);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ * Handle exitting of init process, it's a special case for VE.
-+ */
-+static void do_initproc_exit(void)
-+ struct task_struct *tsk;
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
-+ struct siginfo info;
-+ struct task_struct *g, *p;
-+ long delay = 1L;
-+ tsk = current;
-+ env = VE_TASK_INFO(current)->owner_env;
-+ if (env->init_entry != tsk)
-+ return;
-+ if (ve_is_super(env) && tsk->pid == 1)
-+ panic("Attempted to kill init!");
-+ memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info));
-+ info.si_errno = 0;
-+ info.si_code = SI_KERNEL;
-+ info.si_pid = virt_pid(tsk);
-+ info.si_uid = current->uid;
-+ info.si_signo = SIGKILL;
-+ /*
-+ * Here the VE changes its state into "not running".
-+ * op_sem taken for write is a barrier to all VE manipulations from
-+ * ioctl: it waits for operations currently in progress and blocks all
-+ * subsequent operations until is_running is set to 0 and op_sem is
-+ * released.
-+ */
-+ down_write(&env->op_sem);
-+ env->is_running = 0;
-+ up_write(&env->op_sem);
-+ /* send kill to all processes of VE */
-+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ do_each_thread_ve(g, p) {
-+ force_sig_info(SIGKILL, &info, p);
-+ } while_each_thread_ve(g, p);
-+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ /* wait for all init childs exit */
-+ while (atomic_read(&env->pcounter) > 1) {
-+ if (sys_wait4(-1, NULL, __WALL | WNOHANG, NULL) > 0)
-+ continue;
-+ /* it was ENOCHLD or no more children somehow */
-+ if (atomic_read(&env->pcounter) == 1)
-+ break;
-+ /* clear all signals to avoid wakeups */
-+ if (signal_pending(tsk))
-+ flush_signals(tsk);
-+ /* we have child without signal sent */
-+ __set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
-+ schedule_timeout(delay);
-+ delay = (delay < HZ) ? (delay << 1) : HZ;
-+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ do_each_thread_ve(g, p) {
-+ if (p != tsk)
-+ force_sig_info(SIGKILL, &info, p);
-+ } while_each_thread_ve(g, p);
-+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ }
-+ env->init_entry = child_reaper;
-+ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
-+ tsk->parent = tsk->real_parent = child_reaper;
-+ SET_LINKS(tsk);
-+ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
- asmlinkage NORET_TYPE void do_exit(long code)
- {
- struct task_struct *tsk = current;
-+ struct mm_struct *mm;
-+ mm = tsk->mm;
- if (unlikely(in_interrupt()))
- panic("Aiee, killing interrupt handler!");
- if (unlikely(!tsk->pid))
- panic("Attempted to kill the idle task!");
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
- if (unlikely(tsk->pid == 1))
- panic("Attempted to kill init!");
-+ do_initproc_exit();
-+ virtinfo_gencall(VIRTINFO_DOEXIT, NULL);
- if (tsk->io_context)
- exit_io_context();
- tsk->flags |= PF_EXITING;
-@@ -817,7 +927,9 @@ asmlinkage NORET_TYPE void do_exit(long
- if (unlikely(current->ptrace & PT_TRACE_EXIT)) {
- current->ptrace_message = code;
-+ set_pn_state(current, PN_STOP_EXIT);
- ptrace_notify((PTRACE_EVENT_EXIT << 8) | SIGTRAP);
-+ clear_pn_state(current);
- }
- acct_process(code);
-@@ -838,10 +950,25 @@ asmlinkage NORET_TYPE void do_exit(long
- tsk->exit_code = code;
- exit_notify(tsk);
-+ /* In order to allow OOM to happen from now on */
-+ spin_lock(&oom_generation_lock);
-+ if (tsk->flags & PF_MEMDIE) {
-+ if (!oom_kill_counter || !--oom_kill_counter)
-+ oom_generation++;
-+ printk("OOM killed process %s (pid=%d, ve=%d) (mm=%p) exited, free=%u.\n",
-+ tsk->comm, tsk->pid,
-+ VEID(VE_TASK_INFO(current)->owner_env),
-+ mm, nr_free_pages());
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&oom_generation_lock);
- #ifdef CONFIG_NUMA
- mpol_free(tsk->mempolicy);
- tsk->mempolicy = NULL;
- #endif
-+ BUG_ON(!(current->flags & PF_DEAD));
- schedule();
- BUG();
- /* Avoid "noreturn function does return". */
-@@ -860,26 +987,22 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(complete_and_exit);
- asmlinkage long sys_exit(int error_code)
- {
-+ virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_FAUDIT,
-+ VIRTINFO_FAUDIT_EXIT, &error_code);
- do_exit((error_code&0xff)<<8);
- }
- task_t fastcall *next_thread(const task_t *p)
- {
-- const struct pid_link *link = p->pids + PIDTYPE_TGID;
-- const struct list_head *tmp, *head = &link->pidptr->task_list;
-+ task_t *tsk;
- #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-- if (!p->sighand)
-- BUG();
-- if (!spin_is_locked(&p->sighand->siglock) &&
-- !rwlock_is_locked(&tasklist_lock))
-+ if (!rwlock_is_locked(&tasklist_lock) || p->pids[PIDTYPE_TGID].nr == 0)
- BUG();
- #endif
-- tmp = link->;
-- if (tmp == head)
-- tmp = head->next;
-- return pid_task(tmp, PIDTYPE_TGID);
-+ tsk = pid_task(p->pids[PIDTYPE_TGID], PIDTYPE_TGID);
-+ /* all threads should belong to ONE ve! */
-+ BUG_ON(VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env != VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env);
-+ return tsk;
- }
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(next_thread);
-@@ -929,21 +1052,26 @@ asmlinkage void sys_exit_group(int error
- static int eligible_child(pid_t pid, int options, task_t *p)
- {
- if (pid > 0) {
-- if (p->pid != pid)
-+ if ((is_virtual_pid(pid) ? virt_pid(p) : p->pid) != pid)
- return 0;
- } else if (!pid) {
- if (process_group(p) != process_group(current))
- return 0;
- } else if (pid != -1) {
-- if (process_group(p) != -pid)
-- return 0;
-+ if (__is_virtual_pid(-pid)) {
-+ if (virt_pgid(p) != -pid)
-+ return 0;
-+ } else {
-+ if (process_group(p) != -pid)
-+ return 0;
-+ }
- }
- /*
- * Do not consider detached threads that are
- * not ptraced:
- */
-- if (p->exit_signal == -1 && !p->ptrace)
-+ if (unlikely(p->exit_signal == -1 && p->ptrace == 0))
- return 0;
- /* Wait for all children (clone and not) if __WALL is set;
-@@ -968,7 +1096,7 @@ static int eligible_child(pid_t pid, int
- }
- /*
-- * Handle sys_wait4 work for one task in state TASK_ZOMBIE. We hold
-+ * Handle sys_wait4 work for one task in state EXIT_ZOMBIE. We hold
- * read_lock(&tasklist_lock) on entry. If we return zero, we still hold
- * the lock and this task is uninteresting. If we return nonzero, we have
- * released the lock and the system call should return.
-@@ -982,9 +1110,9 @@ static int wait_task_zombie(task_t *p, u
- * Try to move the task's state to DEAD
- * only one thread is allowed to do this:
- */
-- state = xchg(&p->state, TASK_DEAD);
-- if (state != TASK_ZOMBIE) {
-- BUG_ON(state != TASK_DEAD);
-+ state = xchg(&p->exit_state, EXIT_DEAD);
-+ if (state != EXIT_ZOMBIE) {
-+ BUG_ON(state != EXIT_DEAD);
- return 0;
- }
- if (unlikely(p->exit_signal == -1 && p->ptrace == 0))
-@@ -996,7 +1124,7 @@ static int wait_task_zombie(task_t *p, u
- /*
- * Now we are sure this task is interesting, and no other
-- * thread can reap it because we set its state to TASK_DEAD.
-+ * thread can reap it because we set its state to EXIT_DEAD.
- */
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-@@ -1008,16 +1136,18 @@ static int wait_task_zombie(task_t *p, u
- retval = put_user(p->exit_code, stat_addr);
- }
- if (retval) {
-- p->state = TASK_ZOMBIE;
-+ // TODO: is this safe?
-+ p->exit_state = EXIT_ZOMBIE;
- return retval;
- }
-- retval = p->pid;
-+ retval = get_task_pid(p);
- if (p->real_parent != p->parent) {
- write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
- /* Double-check with lock held. */
- if (p->real_parent != p->parent) {
- __ptrace_unlink(p);
-- p->state = TASK_ZOMBIE;
-+ // TODO: is this safe?
-+ p->exit_state = EXIT_ZOMBIE;
- /*
- * If this is not a detached task, notify the parent. If it's
- * still not detached after that, don't release it now.
-@@ -1072,13 +1202,13 @@ static int wait_task_stopped(task_t *p,
- /*
- * This uses xchg to be atomic with the thread resuming and setting
- * it. It must also be done with the write lock held to prevent a
-- * race with the TASK_ZOMBIE case.
-+ * race with the EXIT_ZOMBIE case.
- */
- exit_code = xchg(&p->exit_code, 0);
- if (unlikely(p->state > TASK_STOPPED)) {
- /*
- * The task resumed and then died. Let the next iteration
-- * catch it in TASK_ZOMBIE. Note that exit_code might
-+ * catch it in EXIT_ZOMBIE. Note that exit_code might
- * already be zero here if it resumed and did _exit(0).
- * The task itself is dead and won't touch exit_code again;
- * other processors in this function are locked out.
-@@ -1107,7 +1237,7 @@ static int wait_task_stopped(task_t *p,
- if (!retval && stat_addr)
- retval = put_user((exit_code << 8) | 0x7f, stat_addr);
- if (!retval)
-- retval = p->pid;
-+ retval = get_task_pid(p);
- put_task_struct(p);
- BUG_ON(!retval);
-@@ -1152,16 +1282,25 @@ repeat:
- if (retval != 0) /* He released the lock. */
- goto end_wait4;
- break;
-- case TASK_ZOMBIE:
-- /*
-- * Eligible but we cannot release it yet:
-- */
-- if (ret == 2)
-- continue;
-- retval = wait_task_zombie(p, stat_addr, ru);
-- if (retval != 0) /* He released the lock. */
-- goto end_wait4;
-- break;
-+ default:
-+ // case EXIT_DEAD:
-+ if (p->exit_state == EXIT_DEAD)
-+ continue;
-+ // case EXIT_ZOMBIE:
-+ if (p->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) {
-+ /*
-+ * Eligible but we cannot release
-+ * it yet:
-+ */
-+ if (ret == 2)
-+ continue;
-+ retval = wait_task_zombie(
-+ p, stat_addr, ru);
-+ /* He released the lock. */
-+ if (retval != 0)
-+ goto end_wait4;
-+ break;
-+ }
- }
- }
- if (!flag) {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ static int core_kernel_text(unsigned lon
- if (addr >= (unsigned long)_sinittext &&
- addr <= (unsigned long)_einittext)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,1286 @@
-+ * Fair Scheduler
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ * Start-tag scheduling follows the theory presented in
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/kernel.h>
-+#include <asm/timex.h>
-+#include <asm/atomic.h>
-+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
-+#include <asm/semaphore.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
-+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
-+#include <linux/seq_file.h>
-+#include <linux/fs.h>
-+#include <linux/dcache.h>
-+#include <linux/sysctl.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/fairsched.h>
-+#include <linux/vsched.h>
-+/* we need it for vsched routines in sched.c */
-+spinlock_t fairsched_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+#define FAIRSHED_DEBUG " debug"
-+ * Special arithmetics
-+ */
-+#define CYCLES_SHIFT (8)
-+#define SCYCLES_TIME(time) \
-+ ((scycles_t) {((time) + (1 << CYCLES_SHIFT) - 1) >> CYCLES_SHIFT})
-+#define CYCLES_ZERO (0)
-+static inline int CYCLES_BEFORE(cycles_t x, cycles_t y)
-+ return (__s64)(x-y) < 0;
-+static inline int CYCLES_AFTER(cycles_t x, cycles_t y)
-+ return (__s64)(y-x) < 0;
-+static inline void CYCLES_DADD(cycles_t *x, fschdur_t y) {*x+=y.d;}
-+#define FSCHDUR_ZERO (0)
-+#define TICK_DUR ((fschdur_t){cycles_per_jiffy})
-+static inline fschdur_t FSCHDURATION(cycles_t x, cycles_t y)
-+ return (fschdur_t){x - y};
-+static inline int FSCHDUR_CMP(fschdur_t x, fschdur_t y)
-+ if (x.d < y.d) return -1;
-+ if (x.d > y.d) return 1;
-+ return 0;
-+static inline fschdur_t FSCHDUR_SUB(fschdur_t x, fschdur_t y)
-+ return (fschdur_t){x.d - y.d};
-+#define FSCHTAG_ZERO ((fschtag_t){0})
-+static inline int FSCHTAG_CMP(fschtag_t x, fschtag_t y)
-+ if (x.t < y.t) return -1;
-+ if (x.t > y.t) return 1;
-+ return 0;
-+static inline fschtag_t FSCHTAG_MAX(fschtag_t x, fschtag_t y)
-+ return x.t >= y.t ? x : y;
-+static inline int FSCHTAG_DADD(fschtag_t *tag, fschdur_t dur, unsigned w)
-+ cycles_t new_tag;
-+ new_tag = tag->t + (cycles_t)dur.d * w;
-+ if (new_tag < tag->t)
-+ return -1;
-+ /* DEBUG */
-+ if (new_tag >= (1ULL << 48))
-+ return -1;
-+ tag->t = new_tag;
-+ return 0;
-+static inline int FSCHTAG_ADD(fschtag_t *tag, fschtag_t y)
-+ cycles_t new_tag;
-+ new_tag = tag->t + y.t;
-+ if (new_tag < tag->t)
-+ return -1;
-+ tag->t = new_tag;
-+ return 0;
-+static inline fschtag_t FSCHTAG_SUB(fschtag_t x, fschtag_t y)
-+ return (fschtag_t){x.t - y.t};
-+#define FSCHVALUE_ZERO ((fschvalue_t){0})
-+#define TICK_VALUE ((fschvalue_t){(cycles_t)cycles_per_jiffy << FSCHRATE_SHIFT})
-+static inline fschvalue_t FSCHVALUE(unsigned long t)
-+ return (fschvalue_t){(cycles_t)t << FSCHRATE_SHIFT};
-+static inline int FSCHVALUE_CMP(fschvalue_t x, fschvalue_t y)
-+ if (x.v < y.v) return -1;
-+ if (x.v > y.v) return 1;
-+ return 0;
-+static inline void FSCHVALUE_DADD(fschvalue_t *val, fschdur_t dur,
-+ unsigned rate)
-+ val->v += (cycles_t)dur.d * rate;
-+static inline fschvalue_t FSCHVALUE_SUB(fschvalue_t x, fschvalue_t y)
-+ return (fschvalue_t){x.v - y.v};
-+static inline cycles_t FSCHVALUE_TO_DELAY(fschvalue_t val, unsigned rate)
-+ unsigned long t;
-+ /*
-+ * Here we lose precision to make the division 32-bit on IA-32.
-+ * The value is not greater than TICK_VALUE.
-+ * (TICK_VALUE >> FSCHRATE_SHIFT) fits unsigned long.
-+ */
-+ t = (val.v + (1 << FSCHRATE_SHIFT) - 1) >> FSCHRATE_SHIFT;
-+ return (cycles_t)((t + rate - 1) / rate) << FSCHRATE_SHIFT;
-+ * Global data
-+ */
-+#define fsch_assert(x) \
-+ do { \
-+ static int count; \
-+ if (!(x) && count++ < 10) \
-+ printk("fsch_assert " #x " failed\n"); \
-+ } while (0)
-+ * Configurable parameters
-+ */
-+unsigned fairsched_max_latency = 25; /* jiffies */
-+ * Parameters initialized at startup
-+ */
-+/* Number of online CPUs */
-+unsigned fairsched_nr_cpus;
-+/* Token Bucket depth (burst size) */
-+static fschvalue_t max_value;
-+struct fairsched_node fairsched_init_node = {
-+ .id = INT_MAX,
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ .owner_env = get_ve0(),
-+ .weight = 1,
-+struct fairsched_node fairsched_idle_node = {
-+ .id = -1,
-+static int fairsched_nr_nodes;
-+static LIST_HEAD(fairsched_node_head);
-+static LIST_HEAD(fairsched_running_head);
-+static LIST_HEAD(fairsched_delayed_head);
-+DEFINE_PER_CPU(cycles_t, prev_schedule);
-+static fschtag_t max_latency;
-+static DECLARE_MUTEX(fairsched_mutex);
-+ * Small helper routines
-+ */
-+/* this didn't proved to be very valuable statistics... */
-+#define fairsched_inc_ve_strv(node, cycles) do {} while(0)
-+#define fairsched_dec_ve_strv(node, cycles) do {} while(0)
-+ * Runlist management
-+ */
-+ * Returns the start_tag of the first runnable node, or 0.
-+ */
-+static inline fschtag_t virtual_time(void)
-+ struct fairsched_node *p;
-+ if (!list_empty(&fairsched_running_head)) {
-+ p = list_first_entry(&fairsched_running_head,
-+ struct fairsched_node, runlist);
-+ return p->start_tag;
-+ }
-+ return FSCHTAG_ZERO;
-+static void fairsched_recompute_max_latency(void)
-+ struct fairsched_node *p;
-+ unsigned w;
-+ fschtag_t tag;
-+ list_for_each_entry(p, &fairsched_node_head, nodelist) {
-+ if (p->weight < w)
-+ w = p->weight;
-+ }
-+ tag = FSCHTAG_ZERO;
-+ (void) FSCHTAG_DADD(&tag, TICK_DUR,
-+ fairsched_nr_cpus * fairsched_max_latency * w);
-+ max_latency = tag;
-+static void fairsched_reset_start_tags(void)
-+ struct fairsched_node *cnode;
-+ fschtag_t min_tag;
-+ min_tag = virtual_time();
-+ list_for_each_entry(cnode, &fairsched_node_head, nodelist) {
-+ if (FSCHTAG_CMP(cnode->start_tag, min_tag) > 0)
-+ cnode->start_tag = FSCHTAG_SUB(cnode->start_tag,
-+ min_tag);
-+ else
-+ cnode->start_tag = FSCHTAG_ZERO;
-+ }
-+static void fairsched_running_insert(struct fairsched_node *node)
-+ struct list_head *tmp;
-+ struct fairsched_node *p;
-+ fschtag_t start_tag_max;
-+ if (!list_empty(&fairsched_running_head)) {
-+ start_tag_max = virtual_time();
-+ if (!FSCHTAG_ADD(&start_tag_max, max_latency) &&
-+ FSCHTAG_CMP(start_tag_max, node->start_tag) < 0)
-+ node->start_tag = start_tag_max;
-+ }
-+ list_for_each(tmp, &fairsched_running_head) {
-+ p = list_entry(tmp, struct fairsched_node, runlist);
-+ if (FSCHTAG_CMP(node->start_tag, p->start_tag) <= 0)
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ /* insert node just before tmp */
-+ list_add_tail(&node->runlist, tmp);
-+static inline void fairsched_running_insert_fromsleep(
-+ struct fairsched_node *node)
-+ node->start_tag = FSCHTAG_MAX(node->start_tag, virtual_time());
-+ fairsched_running_insert(node);
-+ * CPU limiting helper functions
-+ *
-+ * These functions compute rates, delays and manipulate with sleep
-+ * lists and so on.
-+ */
-+ * Insert a node into the list of nodes removed from scheduling,
-+ * sorted by the time at which the the node is allowed to run,
-+ * historically called `delay'.
-+ */
-+static void fairsched_delayed_insert(struct fairsched_node *node)
-+ struct fairsched_node *p;
-+ struct list_head *tmp;
-+ list_for_each(tmp, &fairsched_delayed_head) {
-+ p = list_entry(tmp, struct fairsched_node,
-+ runlist);
-+ if (CYCLES_AFTER(p->delay, node->delay))
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ /* insert node just before tmp */
-+ list_add_tail(&node->runlist, tmp);
-+static inline void nodevalue_add(struct fairsched_node *node,
-+ fschdur_t duration, unsigned rate)
-+ FSCHVALUE_DADD(&node->value, duration, rate);
-+ if (FSCHVALUE_CMP(node->value, max_value) > 0)
-+ node->value = max_value;
-+ * The node has been selected to run.
-+ * This function accounts in advance for the time that the node will run.
-+ * The advance not used by the node will be credited back.
-+ */
-+static void fairsched_ratelimit_charge_advance(
-+ struct fairsched_node *node,
-+ cycles_t time)
-+ fsch_assert(!node->delayed);
-+ fsch_assert(FSCHVALUE_CMP(node->value, TICK_VALUE) >= 0);
-+ /*
-+ * Account for the time passed since last update.
-+ * It might be needed if the node has become runnable because of
-+ * a wakeup, but hasn't gone through other functions updating
-+ * the bucket value.
-+ */
-+ if (CYCLES_AFTER(time, node->last_updated_at)) {
-+ nodevalue_add(node, FSCHDURATION(time, node->last_updated_at),
-+ node->rate);
-+ node->last_updated_at = time;
-+ }
-+ /* charge for the full tick the node might be running */
-+ node->value = FSCHVALUE_SUB(node->value, TICK_VALUE);
-+ if (FSCHVALUE_CMP(node->value, TICK_VALUE) < 0) {
-+ list_del(&node->runlist);
-+ node->delayed = 1;
-+ node->delay = node->last_updated_at + FSCHVALUE_TO_DELAY(
-+ FSCHVALUE_SUB(TICK_VALUE, node->value),
-+ node->rate);
-+ node->nr_ready = 0;
-+ fairsched_delayed_insert(node);
-+ }
-+static void fairsched_ratelimit_credit_unused(
-+ struct fairsched_node *node,
-+ cycles_t time, fschdur_t duration)
-+ /* account for the time passed since last update */
-+ if (CYCLES_AFTER(time, node->last_updated_at)) {
-+ nodevalue_add(node, FSCHDURATION(time, node->last_updated_at),
-+ node->rate);
-+ node->last_updated_at = time;
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ * When the node was given this CPU, it was charged for 1 tick.
-+ * Credit back the unused time.
-+ */
-+ if (FSCHDUR_CMP(duration, TICK_DUR) < 0)
-+ nodevalue_add(node, FSCHDUR_SUB(TICK_DUR, duration),
-+ /* check if the node is allowed to run */
-+ if (FSCHVALUE_CMP(node->value, TICK_VALUE) < 0) {
-+ /*
-+ * The node was delayed and remain such.
-+ * But since the bucket value has been updated,
-+ * update the delay time and move the node in the list.
-+ */
-+ fsch_assert(node->delayed);
-+ node->delay = node->last_updated_at + FSCHVALUE_TO_DELAY(
-+ FSCHVALUE_SUB(TICK_VALUE, node->value),
-+ node->rate);
-+ } else if (node->delayed) {
-+ /*
-+ * The node was delayed, but now it is allowed to run.
-+ * We do not manipulate with lists, it will be done by the
-+ * caller.
-+ */
-+ node->nr_ready = node->nr_runnable;
-+ node->delayed = 0;
-+ }
-+static void fairsched_delayed_wake(cycles_t time)
-+ struct fairsched_node *p;
-+ while (!list_empty(&fairsched_delayed_head)) {
-+ p = list_entry(,
-+ struct fairsched_node,
-+ runlist);
-+ if (CYCLES_AFTER(p->delay, time))
-+ break;
-+ /* ok, the delay period is completed */
-+ /* account for the time passed since last update */
-+ if (CYCLES_AFTER(time, p->last_updated_at)) {
-+ nodevalue_add(p, FSCHDURATION(time, p->last_updated_at),
-+ p->rate);
-+ p->last_updated_at = time;
-+ }
-+ fsch_assert(FSCHVALUE_CMP(p->value, TICK_VALUE) >= 0);
-+ p->nr_ready = p->nr_runnable;
-+ p->delayed = 0;
-+ list_del_init(&p->runlist);
-+ if (p->nr_ready)
-+ fairsched_running_insert_fromsleep(p);
-+ }
-+static struct fairsched_node *fairsched_find(unsigned int id);
-+void fairsched_cpu_online_map(int id, cpumask_t *mask)
-+ struct fairsched_node *node;
-+ down(&fairsched_mutex);
-+ node = fairsched_find(id);
-+ if (node == NULL)
-+ *mask = CPU_MASK_NONE;
-+ else
-+ vsched_cpu_online_map(node->vsched, mask);
-+ up(&fairsched_mutex);
-+ * The heart of the algorithm:
-+ * fairsched_incrun, fairsched_decrun, fairsched_schedule
-+ *
-+ * Note: old property nr_ready >= nr_pcpu doesn't hold anymore.
-+ * However, nr_runnable, nr_ready and delayed are maintained in sync.
-+ */
-+ * Called on a wakeup inside the node.
-+ */
-+void fairsched_incrun(struct fairsched_node *node)
-+ if (!node->delayed && !node->nr_ready++)
-+ /* the node wasn't on the running list, insert */
-+ fairsched_running_insert_fromsleep(node);
-+ node->nr_runnable++;
-+ * Called from inside schedule() when a sleeping state is entered.
-+ */
-+void fairsched_decrun(struct fairsched_node *node)
-+ if (!node->delayed && !--node->nr_ready)
-+ /* nr_ready changed 1->0, remove from the running list */
-+ list_del_init(&node->runlist);
-+ --node->nr_runnable;
-+void fairsched_inccpu(struct fairsched_node *node)
-+ node->nr_pcpu++;
-+ fairsched_dec_ve_strv(node, cycles);
-+static inline void __fairsched_deccpu(struct fairsched_node *node)
-+ node->nr_pcpu--;
-+ fairsched_inc_ve_strv(node, cycles);
-+void fairsched_deccpu(struct fairsched_node *node)
-+ if (node == &fairsched_idle_node)
-+ return;
-+ __fairsched_deccpu(node);
-+static void fairsched_account(struct fairsched_node *node,
-+ cycles_t time)
-+ fschdur_t duration;
-+ duration = FSCHDURATION(time, __get_cpu_var(prev_schedule));
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ CYCLES_DADD(&node->owner_env->cpu_used_ve, duration);
-+ /*
-+ * The duration is not greater than TICK_DUR since
-+ * task->need_resched is always 1.
-+ */
-+ if (FSCHTAG_DADD(&node->start_tag, duration, node->weight)) {
-+ fairsched_reset_start_tags();
-+ (void) FSCHTAG_DADD(&node->start_tag, duration,
-+ node->weight);
-+ }
-+ list_del_init(&node->runlist);
-+ if (node->rate_limited)
-+ fairsched_ratelimit_credit_unused(node, time, duration);
-+ if (!node->delayed) {
-+ if (node->nr_ready)
-+ fairsched_running_insert(node);
-+ } else
-+ fairsched_delayed_insert(node);
-+ * Scheduling decision
-+ *
-+ * Updates CPU usage for the node releasing the CPU and selects a new node.
-+ */
-+struct fairsched_node *fairsched_schedule(
-+ struct fairsched_node *prev_node,
-+ struct fairsched_node *cur_node,
-+ int cur_node_active,
-+ cycles_t time)
-+ struct fairsched_node *p;
-+ if (prev_node != &fairsched_idle_node)
-+ fairsched_account(prev_node, time);
-+ __get_cpu_var(prev_schedule) = time;
-+ fairsched_delayed_wake(time);
-+ list_for_each_entry(p, &fairsched_running_head, runlist) {
-+ if (p->nr_pcpu < p->nr_ready ||
-+ (cur_node_active && p == cur_node)) {
-+ if (p->rate_limited)
-+ fairsched_ratelimit_charge_advance(p, time);
-+ return p;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+ * System calls
-+ *
-+ * All do_xxx functions are called under fairsched semaphore and after
-+ * capability check.
-+ *
-+ * The binary interfaces follow some other Fair Scheduler implementations
-+ * (although some system call arguments are not needed for our implementation).
-+ */
-+static struct fairsched_node *fairsched_find(unsigned int id)
-+ struct fairsched_node *p;
-+ list_for_each_entry(p, &fairsched_node_head, nodelist) {
-+ if (p->id == id)
-+ return p;
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+static int do_fairsched_mknod(unsigned int parent, unsigned int weight,
-+ unsigned int newid)
-+ struct fairsched_node *node;
-+ int retval;
-+ retval = -EINVAL;
-+ if (weight < 1 || weight > FSCHWEIGHT_MAX)
-+ goto out;
-+ if (newid < 0 || newid > INT_MAX)
-+ goto out;
-+ retval = -EBUSY;
-+ if (fairsched_find(newid) != NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ retval = -ENOMEM;
-+ node = kmalloc(sizeof(*node), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (node == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ memset(node, 0, sizeof(*node));
-+ node->weight = weight;
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&node->runlist);
-+ node->id = newid;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ node->owner_env = get_exec_env();
-+ spin_lock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
-+ list_add(&node->nodelist, &fairsched_node_head);
-+ fairsched_nr_nodes++;
-+ fairsched_recompute_max_latency();
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
-+ retval = newid;
-+ return retval;
-+asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_mknod(unsigned int parent, unsigned int weight,
-+ unsigned int newid)
-+ int retval;
-+ if (!capable(CAP_SETVEID))
-+ return -EPERM;
-+ down(&fairsched_mutex);
-+ retval = do_fairsched_mknod(parent, weight, newid);
-+ up(&fairsched_mutex);
-+ return retval;
-+static int do_fairsched_rmnod(unsigned int id)
-+ struct fairsched_node *node;
-+ int retval;
-+ retval = -EINVAL;
-+ node = fairsched_find(id);
-+ if (node == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ if (node == &fairsched_init_node)
-+ goto out;
-+ retval = vsched_destroy(node->vsched);
-+ if (retval)
-+ goto out;
-+ spin_lock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
-+ list_del(&node->runlist); /* required for delayed nodes */
-+ list_del(&node->nodelist);
-+ fairsched_nr_nodes--;
-+ fairsched_recompute_max_latency();
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
-+ kfree(node);
-+ retval = 0;
-+ return retval;
-+asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_rmnod(unsigned int id)
-+ int retval;
-+ if (!capable(CAP_SETVEID))
-+ return -EPERM;
-+ down(&fairsched_mutex);
-+ retval = do_fairsched_rmnod(id);
-+ up(&fairsched_mutex);
-+ return retval;
-+int do_fairsched_chwt(unsigned int id, unsigned weight)
-+ struct fairsched_node *node;
-+ if (id == 0)
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ if (weight < 1 || weight > FSCHWEIGHT_MAX)
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ node = fairsched_find(id);
-+ if (node == NULL)
-+ return -ENOENT;
-+ spin_lock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
-+ node->weight = weight;
-+ fairsched_recompute_max_latency();
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
-+ return 0;
-+asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_chwt(unsigned int id, unsigned weight)
-+ int retval;
-+ if (!capable(CAP_SETVEID))
-+ return -EPERM;
-+ down(&fairsched_mutex);
-+ retval = do_fairsched_chwt(id, weight);
-+ up(&fairsched_mutex);
-+ return retval;
-+int do_fairsched_rate(unsigned int id, int op, unsigned rate)
-+ struct fairsched_node *node;
-+ cycles_t time;
-+ int retval;
-+ if (id == 0)
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ if (op == 0 && (rate < 1 || rate >= (1UL << 31)))
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ node = fairsched_find(id);
-+ if (node == NULL)
-+ return -ENOENT;
-+ retval = -EINVAL;
-+ spin_lock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
-+ time = get_cycles();
-+ switch (op) {
-+ case 0:
-+ node->rate = rate;
-+ if (node->rate > (fairsched_nr_cpus << FSCHRATE_SHIFT))
-+ node->rate =
-+ fairsched_nr_cpus << FSCHRATE_SHIFT;
-+ node->rate_limited = 1;
-+ node->value = max_value;
-+ if (node->delayed) {
-+ list_del(&node->runlist);
-+ node->delay = time;
-+ fairsched_delayed_insert(node);
-+ node->last_updated_at = time;
-+ fairsched_delayed_wake(time);
-+ }
-+ retval = node->rate;
-+ break;
-+ case 1:
-+ node->rate = 0; /* This assignment is not needed
-+ for the kernel code, and it should
-+ not rely on rate being 0 when it's
-+ unset. This is a band-aid for some
-+ existing tools (don't know which one
-+ exactly). --SAW */
-+ node->rate_limited = 0;
-+ node->value = max_value;
-+ if (node->delayed) {
-+ list_del(&node->runlist);
-+ node->delay = time;
-+ fairsched_delayed_insert(node);
-+ node->last_updated_at = time;
-+ fairsched_delayed_wake(time);
-+ }
-+ retval = 0;
-+ break;
-+ case 2:
-+ if (node->rate_limited)
-+ retval = node->rate;
-+ else
-+ retval = -ENODATA;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
-+ return retval;
-+asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_rate(unsigned int id, int op, unsigned rate)
-+ int retval;
-+ if (!capable(CAP_SETVEID))
-+ return -EPERM;
-+ down(&fairsched_mutex);
-+ retval = do_fairsched_rate(id, op, rate);
-+ up(&fairsched_mutex);
-+ return retval;
-+ * Called under fairsched_mutex.
-+ */
-+static int __do_fairsched_mvpr(struct task_struct *p,
-+ struct fairsched_node *node)
-+ int retval;
-+ if (node->vsched == NULL) {
-+ retval = vsched_create(node->id, node);
-+ if (retval < 0)
-+ return retval;
-+ }
-+ /* no need to destroy vsched in case of mvpr failure */
-+ return vsched_mvpr(p, node->vsched);
-+int do_fairsched_mvpr(pid_t pid, unsigned int nodeid)
-+ struct task_struct *p;
-+ struct fairsched_node *node;
-+ int retval;
-+ retval = -ENOENT;
-+ node = fairsched_find(nodeid);
-+ if (node == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ retval = -ESRCH;
-+ p = find_task_by_pid_all(pid);
-+ if (p == NULL)
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ get_task_struct(p);
-+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ retval = __do_fairsched_mvpr(p, node);
-+ put_task_struct(p);
-+ return retval;
-+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ return retval;
-+asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_mvpr(pid_t pid, unsigned int nodeid)
-+ int retval;
-+ if (!capable(CAP_SETVEID))
-+ return -EPERM;
-+ down(&fairsched_mutex);
-+ retval = do_fairsched_mvpr(pid, nodeid);
-+ up(&fairsched_mutex);
-+ return retval;
-+ * proc interface
-+ */
-+struct fairsched_node_dump {
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ envid_t veid;
-+ int id;
-+ unsigned weight;
-+ unsigned rate;
-+ unsigned rate_limited : 1,
-+ delayed : 1;
-+ fschtag_t start_tag;
-+ fschvalue_t value;
-+ cycles_t delay;
-+ int nr_ready;
-+ int nr_runnable;
-+ int nr_pcpu;
-+ int nr_tasks, nr_runtasks;
-+struct fairsched_dump {
-+ int len, compat;
-+ struct fairsched_node_dump nodes[0];
-+static struct fairsched_dump *fairsched_do_dump(int compat)
-+ int nr_nodes;
-+ int len, i;
-+ struct fairsched_dump *dump;
-+ struct fairsched_node *node;
-+ struct fairsched_node_dump *p;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ nr_nodes = (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) ? fairsched_nr_nodes + 16 : 1);
-+ len = sizeof(*dump) + nr_nodes * sizeof(dump->nodes[0]);
-+ dump = ub_vmalloc(len);
-+ if (dump == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&fairsched_lock, flags);
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && nr_nodes < fairsched_nr_nodes)
-+ goto repeat;
-+ p = dump->nodes;
-+ list_for_each_entry_reverse(node, &fairsched_node_head, nodelist) {
-+ if ((char *)p - (char *)dump >= len)
-+ break;
-+ p->nr_tasks = 0;
-+ p->nr_runtasks = 0;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (!ve_accessible(node->owner_env, get_exec_env()))
-+ continue;
-+ p->veid = node->owner_env->veid;
-+ if (compat) {
-+ p->nr_tasks = atomic_read(&node->owner_env->pcounter);
-+ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
-+ p->nr_runtasks +=
-+ VE_CPU_STATS(node->owner_env, i)
-+ ->nr_running;
-+ if (p->nr_runtasks < 0)
-+ p->nr_runtasks = 0;
-+ }
-+ p->id = node->id;
-+ p->weight = node->weight;
-+ p->rate = node->rate;
-+ p->rate_limited = node->rate_limited;
-+ p->delayed = node->delayed;
-+ p->start_tag = node->start_tag;
-+ p->value = node->value;
-+ p->delay = node->delay;
-+ p->nr_ready = node->nr_ready;
-+ p->nr_runnable = node->nr_runnable;
-+ p->nr_pcpu = node->nr_pcpu;
-+ p++;
-+ }
-+ dump->len = p - dump->nodes;
-+ dump->compat = compat;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&fairsched_lock, flags);
-+ return dump;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&fairsched_lock, flags);
-+ vfree(dump);
-+ goto start;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_VE)
-+ * File format is dictated by compatibility reasons.
-+ */
-+static int fairsched_seq_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
-+ struct fairsched_dump *dump;
-+ struct fairsched_node_dump *p;
-+ unsigned vid, nid, pid, r;
-+ dump = m->private;
-+ p = (struct fairsched_node_dump *)((unsigned long)v & ~3UL);
-+ if (p - dump->nodes < FAIRSCHED_PROC_HEADLINES) {
-+ if (p == dump->nodes)
-+ seq_printf(m, "Version: 2.6 debug\n");
-+ else if (p == dump->nodes + 1)
-+ seq_printf(m,
-+ " veid "
-+ " id "
-+ " parent "
-+ "weight "
-+ " rate "
-+ "tasks "
-+ " run "
-+ "cpus"
-+ " "
-+ "flg "
-+ "ready "
-+ " start_tag "
-+ " value "
-+ " delay"
-+ "\n");
-+ } else {
-+ vid = nid = pid = 0;
-+ r = (unsigned long)v & 3;
-+ if (p == dump->nodes) {
-+ if (r == 2)
-+ nid = p->id;
-+ } else {
-+ if (!r)
-+ nid = p->id;
-+ else if (r == 1)
-+ vid = pid = p->id;
-+ else
-+ vid = p->id, nid = 1;
-+ }
-+ seq_printf(m,
-+ "%10u "
-+ "%10u %10u %6u %5u %5u %5u %4u"
-+ " "
-+ " %c%c %5u %20Lu %20Lu %20Lu"
-+ "\n",
-+ vid,
-+ nid,
-+ pid,
-+ p->weight,
-+ p->rate,
-+ p->nr_tasks,
-+ p->nr_runtasks,
-+ p->nr_pcpu,
-+ p->rate_limited ? 'L' : '.',
-+ p->delayed ? 'D' : '.',
-+ p->nr_ready,
-+ p->start_tag.t,
-+ p->value.v,
-+ p->delay
-+ );
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+static void *fairsched_seq_start(struct seq_file *m, loff_t *pos)
-+ struct fairsched_dump *dump;
-+ unsigned long l;
-+ dump = m->private;
-+ if (*pos >= dump->len * 3 - 1 + FAIRSCHED_PROC_HEADLINES)
-+ return NULL;
-+ return dump->nodes + *pos;
-+ /* guess why... */
-+ l = (unsigned long)(dump->nodes +
-+ ((unsigned long)*pos + FAIRSCHED_PROC_HEADLINES * 2 + 1) / 3);
-+ l |= ((unsigned long)*pos + FAIRSCHED_PROC_HEADLINES * 2 + 1) % 3;
-+ return (void *)l;
-+static void *fairsched_seq_next(struct seq_file *m, void *v, loff_t *pos)
-+ ++*pos;
-+ return fairsched_seq_start(m, pos);
-+static int fairsched2_seq_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
-+ struct fairsched_dump *dump;
-+ struct fairsched_node_dump *p;
-+ dump = m->private;
-+ p = v;
-+ if (p - dump->nodes < FAIRSCHED_PROC_HEADLINES) {
-+ if (p == dump->nodes)
-+ seq_printf(m, "Version: 2.7" FAIRSHED_DEBUG "\n");
-+ else if (p == dump->nodes + 1)
-+ seq_printf(m,
-+ " id "
-+ "weight "
-+ " rate "
-+ " run "
-+ "cpus"
-+ " "
-+ "flg "
-+ "ready "
-+ " start_tag "
-+ " value "
-+ " delay"
-+ "\n");
-+ } else {
-+ seq_printf(m,
-+ "%10u %6u %5u %5u %4u"
-+ " "
-+ " %c%c %5u %20Lu %20Lu %20Lu"
-+ "\n",
-+ p->id,
-+ p->weight,
-+ p->rate,
-+ p->nr_runnable,
-+ p->nr_pcpu
-+ ,
-+ p->rate_limited ? 'L' : '.',
-+ p->delayed ? 'D' : '.',
-+ p->nr_ready,
-+ p->start_tag.t,
-+ p->value.v,
-+ p->delay
-+ );
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+static void *fairsched2_seq_start(struct seq_file *m, loff_t *pos)
-+ struct fairsched_dump *dump;
-+ dump = m->private;
-+ if (*pos >= dump->len + FAIRSCHED_PROC_HEADLINES)
-+ return NULL;
-+ return dump->nodes + *pos;
-+static void *fairsched2_seq_next(struct seq_file *m, void *v, loff_t *pos)
-+ ++*pos;
-+ return fairsched2_seq_start(m, pos);
-+static void fairsched2_seq_stop(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+static struct seq_operations fairsched_seq_op = {
-+ .start = fairsched_seq_start,
-+ .next = fairsched_seq_next,
-+ .stop = fairsched2_seq_stop,
-+ .show = fairsched_seq_show
-+static struct seq_operations fairsched2_seq_op = {
-+ .start = fairsched2_seq_start,
-+ .next = fairsched2_seq_next,
-+ .stop = fairsched2_seq_stop,
-+ .show = fairsched2_seq_show
-+static int fairsched_seq_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-+ int ret;
-+ struct seq_file *m;
-+ int compat;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ compat = (file->f_dentry->d_name.len == sizeof("fairsched") - 1);
-+ ret = seq_open(file, compat ? &fairsched_seq_op : &fairsched2_seq_op);
-+ compat = 0;
-+ ret = seq_open(file, fairsched2_seq_op);
-+ if (ret)
-+ return ret;
-+ m = file->private_data;
-+ m->private = fairsched_do_dump(compat);
-+ if (m->private == NULL) {
-+ seq_release(inode, file);
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ }
-+ return ret;
-+static int fairsched_seq_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-+ struct seq_file *m;
-+ struct fairsched_dump *dump;
-+ m = file->private_data;
-+ dump = m->private;
-+ m->private = NULL;
-+ vfree(dump);
-+ seq_release(inode, file);
-+ return 0;
-+static struct file_operations proc_fairsched_operations = {
-+ .open = fairsched_seq_open,
-+ .read = seq_read,
-+ .llseek = seq_lseek,
-+ .release = fairsched_seq_release
-+ * Fairsched initialization
-+ */
-+int fsch_sysctl_latency(ctl_table *ctl, int write, struct file *filp,
-+ void *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos)
-+ int *valp = ctl->data;
-+ int val = *valp;
-+ int ret;
-+ ret = proc_dointvec(ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp, ppos);
-+ if (!write || *valp == val)
-+ return ret;
-+ spin_lock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
-+ fairsched_recompute_max_latency();
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
-+ return ret;
-+static void fairsched_calibrate(void)
-+ fairsched_nr_cpus = num_online_cpus();
-+ max_value = FSCHVALUE(cycles_per_jiffy * (fairsched_nr_cpus + 1));
-+void __init fairsched_init_early(void)
-+ printk(KERN_INFO "Virtuozzo Fair CPU scheduler\n");
-+ list_add(&fairsched_init_node.nodelist, &fairsched_node_head);
-+ fairsched_nr_nodes++;
-+ * Note: this function is execute late in the initialization sequence.
-+ * We ourselves need calibrated cycles and initialized procfs...
-+ * The consequence of this late initialization is that start tags are
-+ * efficiently ignored and each node preempts others on insertion.
-+ * But it isn't a problem (only init node can be runnable).
-+ */
-+void __init fairsched_init_late(void)
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *entry;
-+ if (get_cycles() == 0)
-+ panic("FAIRSCHED: no TSC!\n");
-+ fairsched_calibrate();
-+ fairsched_recompute_max_latency();
-+ entry = create_proc_glob_entry("fairsched", S_IRUGO, NULL);
-+ if (entry)
-+ entry->proc_fops = &proc_fairsched_operations;
-+ entry = create_proc_glob_entry("fairsched2", S_IRUGO, NULL);
-+ if (entry)
-+ entry->proc_fops = &proc_fairsched_operations;
-+#else /* CONFIG_FAIRSCHED */
-+ * No Fairsched
-+ */
-+asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_mknod(unsigned int parent, unsigned int weight,
-+ unsigned int newid)
-+ return -ENOSYS;
-+asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_rmnod(unsigned int id)
-+ return -ENOSYS;
-+asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_chwt(unsigned int id, unsigned int weight)
-+ return -ENOSYS;
-+asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_mvpr(pid_t pid, unsigned int nodeid)
-+ return -ENOSYS;
-+asmlinkage int sys_fairsched_rate(unsigned int id, int op, unsigned rate)
-+ return -ENOSYS;
-+void __init fairsched_init_late(void)
-+#endif /* CONFIG_FAIRSCHED */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -20,12 +20,14 @@
- #include <linux/vmalloc.h>
- #include <linux/completion.h>
- #include <linux/namespace.h>
-+#include <linux/file.h>
- #include <linux/personality.h>
- #include <linux/mempolicy.h>
- #include <linux/sem.h>
- #include <linux/file.h>
- #include <linux/binfmts.h>
- #include <linux/mman.h>
-+#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
- #include <linux/fs.h>
- #include <linux/cpu.h>
- #include <linux/security.h>
-@@ -36,6 +38,7 @@
- #include <linux/mount.h>
- #include <linux/audit.h>
- #include <linux/rmap.h>
-+#include <linux/fairsched.h>
- #include <asm/pgtable.h>
- #include <asm/pgalloc.h>
-@@ -44,10 +47,14 @@
- #include <asm/cacheflush.h>
- #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_misc.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
- /* The idle threads do not count..
- * Protected by write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock)
- */
- int nr_threads;
- int max_threads;
- unsigned long total_forks; /* Handle normal Linux uptimes. */
-@@ -77,13 +84,14 @@ static kmem_cache_t *task_struct_cachep;
- static void free_task(struct task_struct *tsk)
- {
-+ ub_task_uncharge(tsk);
- free_thread_info(tsk->thread_info);
- free_task_struct(tsk);
- }
- void __put_task_struct(struct task_struct *tsk)
- {
-- WARN_ON(!(tsk->state & (TASK_DEAD | TASK_ZOMBIE)));
-+ WARN_ON(!(tsk->exit_state & (EXIT_DEAD | EXIT_ZOMBIE)));
- WARN_ON(atomic_read(&tsk->usage));
- WARN_ON(tsk == current);
-@@ -92,6 +100,13 @@ void __put_task_struct(struct task_struc
- security_task_free(tsk);
- free_uid(tsk->user);
- put_group_info(tsk->group_info);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ put_ve(VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env);
-+ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
-+ nr_dead--;
-+ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
- free_task(tsk);
- }
-@@ -219,7 +234,7 @@ void __init fork_init(unsigned long memp
- /* create a slab on which task_structs can be allocated */
- task_struct_cachep =
- kmem_cache_create("task_struct", sizeof(struct task_struct),
- #endif
- /*
-@@ -250,19 +265,30 @@ static struct task_struct *dup_task_stru
- return NULL;
- ti = alloc_thread_info(tsk);
-- if (!ti) {
-- free_task_struct(tsk);
-- return NULL;
-- }
-+ if (ti == NULL)
-+ goto out_free_task;
- *ti = *orig->thread_info;
- *tsk = *orig;
- tsk->thread_info = ti;
- ti->task = tsk;
-+ /* Our parent has been killed by OOM killer... Go away */
-+ if (tsk->flags & PF_MEMDIE)
-+ goto out_free_thread;
-+ if (ub_task_charge(orig, tsk) < 0)
-+ goto out_free_thread;
- /* One for us, one for whoever does the "release_task()" (usually parent) */
- atomic_set(&tsk->usage,2);
- return tsk;
-+ free_thread_info(ti);
-+ free_task_struct(tsk);
-+ return NULL;
- }
- #ifdef CONFIG_MMU
-@@ -308,9 +334,14 @@ static inline int dup_mmap(struct mm_str
- if (mpnt->vm_flags & VM_ACCOUNT) {
- unsigned int len = (mpnt->vm_end - mpnt->vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- if (security_vm_enough_memory(len))
-- goto fail_nomem;
-+ goto fail_nocharge;
- charge = len;
- }
-+ if (ub_privvm_charge(mm_ub(mm), mpnt->vm_flags, mpnt->vm_file,
-+ mpnt->vm_end - mpnt->vm_start))
-+ goto fail_nocharge;
- tmp = kmem_cache_alloc(vm_area_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL);
- if (!tmp)
- goto fail_nomem;
-@@ -323,6 +354,7 @@ static inline int dup_mmap(struct mm_str
- tmp->vm_flags &= ~VM_LOCKED;
- tmp->vm_mm = mm;
- tmp->vm_next = NULL;
-+ tmp->vm_rss = 0;
- anon_vma_link(tmp);
- vma_prio_tree_init(tmp);
- file = tmp->vm_file;
-@@ -372,6 +404,9 @@ out:
- fail_nomem_policy:
- kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, tmp);
- fail_nomem:
-+ ub_privvm_uncharge(mm_ub(mm), mpnt->vm_flags, mpnt->vm_file,
-+ mpnt->vm_end - mpnt->vm_start);
- retval = -ENOMEM;
- vm_unacct_memory(charge);
- goto out;
-@@ -398,12 +433,15 @@ static inline void mm_free_pgd(struct mm
- spinlock_t mmlist_lock __cacheline_aligned_in_smp = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
- int mmlist_nr;
- #define allocate_mm() (kmem_cache_alloc(mm_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL))
- #define free_mm(mm) (kmem_cache_free(mm_cachep, (mm)))
- #include <linux/init_task.h>
--static struct mm_struct * mm_init(struct mm_struct * mm)
-+static struct mm_struct * mm_init(struct mm_struct * mm,
-+ struct user_beancounter * ub)
- {
- atomic_set(&mm->mm_users, 1);
- atomic_set(&mm->mm_count, 1);
-@@ -414,11 +452,15 @@ static struct mm_struct * mm_init(struct
- mm->ioctx_list = NULL;
- mm->default_kioctx = (struct kioctx)INIT_KIOCTX(mm->default_kioctx, *mm);
- mm->free_area_cache = TASK_UNMAPPED_BASE;
-+ mm_ub(mm) = get_beancounter(ub);
- if (likely(!mm_alloc_pgd(mm))) {
- mm->def_flags = 0;
- return mm;
- }
-+ put_beancounter(mm_ub(mm));
- free_mm(mm);
- return NULL;
- }
-@@ -433,7 +475,7 @@ struct mm_struct * mm_alloc(void)
- mm = allocate_mm();
- if (mm) {
- memset(mm, 0, sizeof(*mm));
-- mm = mm_init(mm);
-+ mm = mm_init(mm, get_exec_ub());
- }
- return mm;
- }
-@@ -448,6 +490,7 @@ void fastcall __mmdrop(struct mm_struct
- BUG_ON(mm == &init_mm);
- mm_free_pgd(mm);
- destroy_context(mm);
-+ put_beancounter(mm_ub(mm));
- free_mm(mm);
- }
-@@ -462,6 +505,7 @@ void mmput(struct mm_struct *mm)
- spin_unlock(&mmlist_lock);
- exit_aio(mm);
- exit_mmap(mm);
-+ (void) virtinfo_gencall(VIRTINFO_EXITMMAP, mm);
- mmdrop(mm);
- }
- }
-@@ -562,7 +606,7 @@ static int copy_mm(unsigned long clone_f
- /* Copy the current MM stuff.. */
- memcpy(mm, oldmm, sizeof(*mm));
-- if (!mm_init(mm))
-+ if (!mm_init(mm, get_task_ub(tsk)))
- goto fail_nomem;
- if (init_new_context(tsk,mm))
-@@ -588,6 +632,7 @@ fail_nocontext:
- * because it calls destroy_context()
- */
- mm_free_pgd(mm);
-+ put_beancounter(mm_ub(mm));
- free_mm(mm);
- return retval;
- }
-@@ -853,7 +898,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_set_tid_address(int
- {
- current->clear_child_tid = tidptr;
-- return current->pid;
-+ return virt_pid(current);
- }
- /*
-@@ -869,7 +914,8 @@ struct task_struct *copy_process(unsigne
- struct pt_regs *regs,
- unsigned long stack_size,
- int __user *parent_tidptr,
-- int __user *child_tidptr)
-+ int __user *child_tidptr,
-+ long pid)
- {
- int retval;
- struct task_struct *p = NULL;
-@@ -929,19 +975,28 @@ struct task_struct *copy_process(unsigne
- p->did_exec = 0;
- copy_flags(clone_flags, p);
-- if (clone_flags & CLONE_IDLETASK)
-+ if (clone_flags & CLONE_IDLETASK) {
- p->pid = 0;
-- else {
-+ set_virt_pid(p, 0);
-+ } else {
- p->pid = alloc_pidmap();
- if (p->pid == -1)
-+ goto bad_fork_cleanup_pid;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ set_virt_pid(p, alloc_vpid(p->pid, pid ? : -1));
-+ if (virt_pid(p) < 0)
- goto bad_fork_cleanup;
- }
- retval = -EFAULT;
- if (clone_flags & CLONE_PARENT_SETTID)
-- if (put_user(p->pid, parent_tidptr))
-+ if (put_user(virt_pid(p), parent_tidptr))
- goto bad_fork_cleanup;
- p->proc_dentry = NULL;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(p)->glob_proc_dentry = NULL;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&p->children);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&p->sibling);
-@@ -1017,6 +1072,7 @@ struct task_struct *copy_process(unsigne
- /* ok, now we should be set up.. */
- p->exit_signal = (clone_flags & CLONE_THREAD) ? -1 : (clone_flags & CSIGNAL);
- p->pdeath_signal = 0;
-+ p->exit_state = 0;
- /* Perform scheduler related setup */
- sched_fork(p);
-@@ -1026,12 +1082,26 @@ struct task_struct *copy_process(unsigne
- * We dont wake it up yet.
- */
- p->tgid = p->pid;
-+ set_virt_tgid(p, virt_pid(p));
-+ set_virt_pgid(p, virt_pgid(current));
-+ set_virt_sid(p, virt_sid(current));
- p->group_leader = p;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&p->ptrace_children);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&p->ptrace_list);
- /* Need tasklist lock for parent etc handling! */
- write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
-+ /*
-+ * The task hasn't been attached yet, so cpus_allowed mask cannot
-+ * have changed. The cpus_allowed mask of the parent may have
-+ * changed after it was copied first time, and it may then move to
-+ * another CPU - so we re-copy it here and set the child's CPU to
-+ * the parent's CPU. This avoids alot of nasty races.
-+ */
-+ p->cpus_allowed = current->cpus_allowed;
-+ set_task_cpu(p, task_cpu(current));
- /*
- * Check for pending SIGKILL! The new thread should not be allowed
- * to slip out of an OOM kill. (or normal SIGKILL.)
-@@ -1043,7 +1113,7 @@ struct task_struct *copy_process(unsigne
- }
- /* CLONE_PARENT re-uses the old parent */
-- if (clone_flags & CLONE_PARENT)
-+ if (clone_flags & (CLONE_PARENT|CLONE_THREAD))
- p->real_parent = current->real_parent;
- else
- p->real_parent = current;
-@@ -1063,6 +1133,7 @@ struct task_struct *copy_process(unsigne
- goto bad_fork_cleanup_namespace;
- }
- p->tgid = current->tgid;
-+ set_virt_tgid(p, virt_tgid(current));
- p->group_leader = current->group_leader;
- if (current->signal->group_stop_count > 0) {
-@@ -1082,15 +1153,20 @@ struct task_struct *copy_process(unsigne
- if (p->ptrace & PT_PTRACED)
- __ptrace_link(p, current->parent);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ atomic_inc(&VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env->pcounter);
-+ get_ve(VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env);
-+ seqcount_init(&VE_TASK_INFO(p)->wakeup_lock);
- attach_pid(p, PIDTYPE_PID, p->pid);
-+ attach_pid(p, PIDTYPE_TGID, p->tgid);
- if (thread_group_leader(p)) {
-- attach_pid(p, PIDTYPE_TGID, p->tgid);
- attach_pid(p, PIDTYPE_PGID, process_group(p));
- attach_pid(p, PIDTYPE_SID, p->signal->session);
- if (p->pid)
- __get_cpu_var(process_counts)++;
-- } else
-- link_pid(p, p->pids + PIDTYPE_TGID, &p->group_leader->pids[PIDTYPE_TGID].pid);
-+ }
- nr_threads++;
- write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
-@@ -1126,6 +1202,11 @@ bad_fork_cleanup_policy:
- mpol_free(p->mempolicy);
- #endif
- bad_fork_cleanup:
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (virt_pid(p) != p->pid && virt_pid(p) > 0)
-+ free_vpid(virt_pid(p), get_exec_env());
- if (p->pid > 0)
- free_pidmap(p->pid);
- if (p->binfmt)
-@@ -1163,12 +1244,13 @@ static inline int fork_traceflag (unsign
- * It copies the process, and if successful kick-starts
- * it and waits for it to finish using the VM if required.
- */
--long do_fork(unsigned long clone_flags,
-+long do_fork_pid(unsigned long clone_flags,
- unsigned long stack_start,
- struct pt_regs *regs,
- unsigned long stack_size,
- int __user *parent_tidptr,
-- int __user *child_tidptr)
-+ int __user *child_tidptr,
-+ long pid0)
- {
- struct task_struct *p;
- int trace = 0;
-@@ -1180,12 +1262,16 @@ long do_fork(unsigned long clone_flags,
- clone_flags |= CLONE_PTRACE;
- }
-- p = copy_process(clone_flags, stack_start, regs, stack_size, parent_tidptr, child_tidptr);
-+ pid = virtinfo_gencall(VIRTINFO_DOFORK, (void *)clone_flags);
-+ if (pid)
-+ return pid;
-+ p = copy_process(clone_flags, stack_start, regs, stack_size, parent_tidptr, child_tidptr, pid0);
- /*
- * Do this prior waking up the new thread - the thread pointer
- * might get invalid after that point, if the thread exits quickly.
- */
-- pid = IS_ERR(p) ? PTR_ERR(p) : p->pid;
-+ pid = IS_ERR(p) ? PTR_ERR(p) : virt_pid(p);
- if (!IS_ERR(p)) {
- struct completion vfork;
-@@ -1203,6 +1289,7 @@ long do_fork(unsigned long clone_flags,
- set_tsk_thread_flag(p, TIF_SIGPENDING);
- }
-+ virtinfo_gencall(VIRTINFO_DOFORKRET, p);
- if (!(clone_flags & CLONE_STOPPED)) {
- /*
- * Do the wakeup last. On SMP we treat fork() and
-@@ -1220,25 +1307,24 @@ long do_fork(unsigned long clone_flags,
- else
- wake_up_forked_process(p);
- } else {
-- int cpu = get_cpu();
- p->state = TASK_STOPPED;
-- if (cpu_is_offline(task_cpu(p)))
-- set_task_cpu(p, cpu);
-- put_cpu();
- }
- ++total_forks;
- if (unlikely (trace)) {
- current->ptrace_message = pid;
-+ set_pn_state(current, PN_STOP_FORK);
- ptrace_notify ((trace << 8) | SIGTRAP);
-+ clear_pn_state(current);
- }
- if (clone_flags & CLONE_VFORK) {
- wait_for_completion(&vfork);
-- if (unlikely (current->ptrace & PT_TRACE_VFORK_DONE))
-+ if (unlikely (current->ptrace & PT_TRACE_VFORK_DONE)) {
-+ set_pn_state(current, PN_STOP_VFORK);
- ptrace_notify ((PTRACE_EVENT_VFORK_DONE << 8) | SIGTRAP);
-+ clear_pn_state(current);
-+ }
- } else
- /*
- * Let the child process run first, to avoid most of the
-@@ -1246,9 +1332,24 @@ long do_fork(unsigned long clone_flags,
- */
- set_need_resched();
- }
-+ virtinfo_gencall(VIRTINFO_DOFORKPOST, (void *)(long)pid);
- return pid;
- }
-+long do_fork(unsigned long clone_flags,
-+ unsigned long stack_start,
-+ struct pt_regs *regs,
-+ unsigned long stack_size,
-+ int __user *parent_tidptr,
-+ int __user *child_tidptr)
-+ return do_fork_pid(clone_flags, stack_start, regs, stack_size,
-+ parent_tidptr, child_tidptr, 0);
- /* SLAB cache for signal_struct structures (tsk->signal) */
- kmem_cache_t *signal_cachep;
-@@ -1267,24 +1368,26 @@ kmem_cache_t *vm_area_cachep;
- /* SLAB cache for mm_struct structures (tsk->mm) */
- kmem_cache_t *mm_cachep;
-+#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
- void __init proc_caches_init(void)
- {
- sighand_cachep = kmem_cache_create("sighand_cache",
- sizeof(struct sighand_struct), 0,
- signal_cachep = kmem_cache_create("signal_cache",
- sizeof(struct signal_struct), 0,
- files_cachep = kmem_cache_create("files_cache",
- sizeof(struct files_struct), 0,
-+ files_cachep->flags |= CFLGS_ENVIDS;
- fs_cachep = kmem_cache_create("fs_cache",
- sizeof(struct fs_struct), 0,
- vm_area_cachep = kmem_cache_create("vm_area_struct",
- sizeof(struct vm_area_struct), 0,
- mm_cachep = kmem_cache_create("mm_struct",
- sizeof(struct mm_struct), 0,
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:33.000000000 +0400
-@@ -258,6 +258,18 @@ static void drop_key_refs(union futex_ke
- }
- }
-+static inline int get_futex_value_locked(int *dest, int __user *from)
-+ int ret;
-+ inc_preempt_count();
-+ ret = __copy_from_user(dest, from, sizeof(int));
-+ dec_preempt_count();
-+ preempt_check_resched();
-+ return ret ? -EFAULT : 0;
- /*
- * The hash bucket lock must be held when this is called.
- * Afterwards, the futex_q must not be accessed.
-@@ -329,6 +341,7 @@ static int futex_requeue(unsigned long u
- int ret, drop_count = 0;
- unsigned int nqueued;
-+ retry:
- down_read(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- ret = get_futex_key(uaddr1, &key1);
-@@ -355,9 +368,20 @@ static int futex_requeue(unsigned long u
- before *uaddr1. */
- smp_mb();
-- if (get_user(curval, (int __user *)uaddr1) != 0) {
-- ret = -EFAULT;
-- goto out;
-+ ret = get_futex_value_locked(&curval, (int __user *)uaddr1);
-+ if (unlikely(ret)) {
-+ /* If we would have faulted, release mmap_sem, fault
-+ * it in and start all over again.
-+ */
-+ up_read(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
-+ ret = get_user(curval, (int __user *)uaddr1);
-+ if (!ret)
-+ goto retry;
-+ return ret;
- }
- if (curval != *valp) {
- ret = -EAGAIN;
-@@ -480,6 +504,7 @@ static int futex_wait(unsigned long uadd
- int ret, curval;
- struct futex_q q;
-+ retry:
- down_read(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
- ret = get_futex_key(uaddr, &q.key);
-@@ -493,9 +518,23 @@ static int futex_wait(unsigned long uadd
- * We hold the mmap semaphore, so the mapping cannot have changed
- * since we looked it up.
- */
-- if (get_user(curval, (int __user *)uaddr) != 0) {
-- ret = -EFAULT;
-- goto out_unqueue;
-+ ret = get_futex_value_locked(&curval, (int __user *)uaddr);
-+ if (unlikely(ret)) {
-+ /* If we would have faulted, release mmap_sem, fault it in and
-+ * start all over again.
-+ */
-+ up_read(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
-+ if (!unqueue_me(&q)) /* There's a chance we got woken already */
-+ return 0;
-+ ret = get_user(curval, (int __user *)uaddr);
-+ if (!ret)
-+ goto retry;
-+ return ret;
- }
- if (curval != val) {
-@@ -538,8 +577,8 @@ static int futex_wait(unsigned long uadd
- return 0;
- if (time == 0)
- return -ETIMEDOUT;
-- /* A spurious wakeup should never happen. */
-- WARN_ON(!signal_pending(current));
-+ /* We expect signal_pending(current), but another thread may
-+ * have handled it for us already. */
- return -EINTR;
- out_unqueue:
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -78,6 +78,10 @@ int request_module(const char *fmt, ...)
- #define MAX_KMOD_CONCURRENT 50 /* Completely arbitrary value - KAO */
- static int kmod_loop_msg;
-+ /* Don't allow request_module() inside VE. */
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ return -EPERM;
- va_start(args, fmt);
- ret = vsnprintf(module_name, MODULE_NAME_LEN, fmt, args);
- va_end(args);
-@@ -260,6 +264,9 @@ int call_usermodehelper(char *path, char
- };
- DECLARE_WORK(work, __call_usermodehelper, &sub_info);
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ return -EPERM;
- if (!khelper_wq)
- return -EBUSY;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ static void keventd_create_kthread(void
- create->result = ERR_PTR(pid);
- } else {
- wait_for_completion(&create->started);
-- create->result = find_task_by_pid(pid);
-+ create->result = find_task_by_pid_all(pid);
- }
- complete(&create->done);
- }
-@@ -151,6 +151,7 @@ void kthread_bind(struct task_struct *k,
- /* Must have done schedule() in kthread() before we set_task_cpu */
- wait_task_inactive(k);
-+ /* The following lines look to be unprotected, possible race - vlad */
- set_task_cpu(k, cpu);
- k->cpus_allowed = cpumask_of_cpu(cpu);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -2045,6 +2045,8 @@ static void *m_start(struct seq_file *m,
- loff_t n = 0;
- down(&module_mutex);
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ return NULL;
- list_for_each(i, &modules) {
- if (n++ == *pos)
- break;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
- int panic_timeout;
- int panic_on_oops;
- int tainted;
-+int kernel_text_csum_broken;
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(panic_timeout);
-@@ -125,7 +127,8 @@ const char *print_tainted(void)
- {
- static char buf[20];
- if (tainted) {
-- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Tainted: %c%c%c",
-+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Tainted: %c%c%c%c",
-+ kernel_text_csum_broken ? 'B' : ' ',
- tainted & TAINT_PROPRIETARY_MODULE ? 'P' : 'G',
- tainted & TAINT_FORCED_MODULE ? 'F' : ' ',
- tainted & TAINT_UNSAFE_SMP ? 'S' : ' ');
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:43.000000000 +0400
-@@ -26,8 +26,12 @@
- #include <linux/bootmem.h>
- #include <linux/hash.h>
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+static void __free_vpid(int vpid, struct ve_struct *ve);
- #define pid_hashfn(nr) hash_long((unsigned long)nr, pidhash_shift)
--static struct list_head *pid_hash[PIDTYPE_MAX];
-+static struct hlist_head *pid_hash[PIDTYPE_MAX];
- static int pidhash_shift;
- int pid_max = PID_MAX_DEFAULT;
-@@ -50,8 +54,14 @@ typedef struct pidmap {
- void *page;
- } pidmap_t;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
- static pidmap_t pidmap_array[PIDMAP_ENTRIES] =
- static pidmap_t *map_limit = pidmap_array + PIDMAP_ENTRIES;
-@@ -62,6 +72,8 @@ fastcall void free_pidmap(int pid)
- pidmap_t *map = pidmap_array + pid / BITS_PER_PAGE;
- int offset = pid & BITS_PER_PAGE_MASK;
-+ BUG_ON(__is_virtual_pid(pid) || pid == 1);
- clear_bit(offset, map->page);
- atomic_inc(&map->nr_free);
- }
-@@ -103,6 +115,8 @@ int alloc_pidmap(void)
- pidmap_t *map;
- pid = last_pid + 1;
-+ if (__is_virtual_pid(pid))
-+ pid += VPID_DIV;
- if (pid >= pid_max)
-@@ -133,6 +147,8 @@ next_map:
- */
- scan_more:
- offset = find_next_zero_bit(map->page, BITS_PER_PAGE, offset);
-+ if (__is_virtual_pid(offset))
-+ offset += VPID_DIV;
- if (offset >= BITS_PER_PAGE)
- goto next_map;
- if (test_and_set_bit(offset, map->page))
-@@ -146,92 +162,134 @@ failure:
- return -1;
- }
--fastcall struct pid *find_pid(enum pid_type type, int nr)
-+struct pid * fastcall find_pid(enum pid_type type, int nr)
- {
-- struct list_head *elem, *bucket = &pid_hash[type][pid_hashfn(nr)];
-+ struct hlist_node *elem;
- struct pid *pid;
-- __list_for_each(elem, bucket) {
-- pid = list_entry(elem, struct pid, hash_chain);
-+ hlist_for_each_entry(pid, elem,
-+ &pid_hash[type][pid_hashfn(nr)], pid_chain) {
- if (pid->nr == nr)
- return pid;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
--void fastcall link_pid(task_t *task, struct pid_link *link, struct pid *pid)
-- atomic_inc(&pid->count);
-- list_add_tail(&link->pid_chain, &pid->task_list);
-- link->pidptr = pid;
- int fastcall attach_pid(task_t *task, enum pid_type type, int nr)
- {
-- struct pid *pid = find_pid(type, nr);
-+ struct pid *pid, *task_pid;
-- if (pid)
-- atomic_inc(&pid->count);
-- else {
-- pid = &task->pids[type].pid;
-- pid->nr = nr;
-- atomic_set(&pid->count, 1);
-- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pid->task_list);
-- pid->task = task;
-- get_task_struct(task);
-- list_add(&pid->hash_chain, &pid_hash[type][pid_hashfn(nr)]);
-+ task_pid = &task->pids[type];
-+ pid = find_pid(type, nr);
-+ if (pid == NULL) {
-+ hlist_add_head(&task_pid->pid_chain,
-+ &pid_hash[type][pid_hashfn(nr)]);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&task_pid->pid_list);
-+ } else {
-+ INIT_HLIST_NODE(&task_pid->pid_chain);
-+ list_add_tail(&task_pid->pid_list, &pid->pid_list);
- }
-- list_add_tail(&task->pids[type].pid_chain, &pid->task_list);
-- task->pids[type].pidptr = pid;
-+ task_pid->nr = nr;
- return 0;
- }
--static inline int __detach_pid(task_t *task, enum pid_type type)
-+static fastcall int __detach_pid(task_t *task, enum pid_type type)
- {
-- struct pid_link *link = task->pids + type;
-- struct pid *pid = link->pidptr;
-- int nr;
-+ struct pid *pid, *pid_next;
-+ int nr = 0;
-+ pid = &task->pids[type];
-+ if (!hlist_unhashed(&pid->pid_chain)) {
-+ hlist_del(&pid->pid_chain);
-+ if (list_empty(&pid->pid_list))
-+ nr = pid->nr;
-+ else {
-+ pid_next = list_entry(pid->,
-+ struct pid, pid_list);
-+ /* insert next pid from pid_list to hash */
-+ hlist_add_head(&pid_next->pid_chain,
-+ &pid_hash[type][pid_hashfn(pid_next->nr)]);
-+ }
-+ }
-- list_del(&link->pid_chain);
-- if (!atomic_dec_and_test(&pid->count))
-- return 0;
-- nr = pid->nr;
-- list_del(&pid->hash_chain);
-- put_task_struct(pid->task);
-+ list_del(&pid->pid_list);
-+ pid->nr = 0;
- return nr;
- }
--static void _detach_pid(task_t *task, enum pid_type type)
-- __detach_pid(task, type);
- void fastcall detach_pid(task_t *task, enum pid_type type)
- {
-- int nr = __detach_pid(task, type);
-+ int i;
-+ int nr;
-+ nr = __detach_pid(task, type);
- if (!nr)
- return;
-- for (type = 0; type < PIDTYPE_MAX; ++type)
-- if (find_pid(type, nr))
-+ for (i = 0; i < PIDTYPE_MAX; ++i)
-+ if (find_pid(i, nr))
- return;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ __free_vpid(task->pids[type].vnr, VE_TASK_INFO(task)->owner_env);
- free_pidmap(nr);
- }
--task_t *find_task_by_pid(int nr)
-+task_t *find_task_by_pid_type(int type, int nr)
- {
-- struct pid *pid = find_pid(PIDTYPE_PID, nr);
-+ BUG();
-+ return NULL;
-+task_t *find_task_by_pid_type_all(int type, int nr)
-+ struct pid *pid;
-+ BUG_ON(nr != -1 && is_virtual_pid(nr));
-+ pid = find_pid(type, nr);
- if (!pid)
- return NULL;
-- return pid_task(pid->, PIDTYPE_PID);
-+ return pid_task(&pid->pid_list, type);
- }
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+task_t *find_task_by_pid_type_ve(int type, int nr)
-+ task_t *tsk;
-+ int gnr = nr;
-+ struct pid *pid;
-+ if (is_virtual_pid(nr)) {
-+ gnr = __vpid_to_pid(nr);
-+ if (unlikely(gnr == -1))
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ pid = find_pid(type, gnr);
-+ if (!pid)
-+ return NULL;
-+ tsk = pid_task(&pid->pid_list, type);
-+ if (!ve_accessible(VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env, get_exec_env()))
-+ return NULL;
-+ return tsk;
- /*
- * This function switches the PIDs if a non-leader thread calls
-@@ -240,22 +298,26 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(find_task_by_pid);
- */
- void switch_exec_pids(task_t *leader, task_t *thread)
- {
-- _detach_pid(leader, PIDTYPE_PID);
-- _detach_pid(leader, PIDTYPE_TGID);
-- _detach_pid(leader, PIDTYPE_PGID);
-- _detach_pid(leader, PIDTYPE_SID);
-+ __detach_pid(leader, PIDTYPE_PID);
-+ __detach_pid(leader, PIDTYPE_TGID);
-+ __detach_pid(leader, PIDTYPE_PGID);
-+ __detach_pid(leader, PIDTYPE_SID);
-- _detach_pid(thread, PIDTYPE_PID);
-- _detach_pid(thread, PIDTYPE_TGID);
-+ __detach_pid(thread, PIDTYPE_PID);
-+ __detach_pid(thread, PIDTYPE_TGID);
- leader->pid = leader->tgid = thread->pid;
- thread->pid = thread->tgid;
-+ set_virt_tgid(leader, virt_pid(thread));
-+ set_virt_pid(leader, virt_pid(thread));
-+ set_virt_pid(thread, virt_tgid(thread));
- attach_pid(thread, PIDTYPE_PID, thread->pid);
- attach_pid(thread, PIDTYPE_TGID, thread->tgid);
- attach_pid(thread, PIDTYPE_PGID, thread->signal->pgrp);
- attach_pid(thread, PIDTYPE_SID, thread->signal->session);
- list_add_tail(&thread->tasks, &init_task.tasks);
-+ SET_VE_LINKS(thread);
- attach_pid(leader, PIDTYPE_PID, leader->pid);
- attach_pid(leader, PIDTYPE_TGID, leader->tgid);
-@@ -263,6 +325,338 @@ void switch_exec_pids(task_t *leader, ta
- attach_pid(leader, PIDTYPE_SID, leader->signal->session);
- }
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+/* Virtual PID bits.
-+ *
-+ * At the moment all internal structures in kernel store real global pid.
-+ * The only place, where virtual PID is used, is at user frontend. We
-+ * remap virtual pids obtained from user to global ones (vpid_to_pid) and
-+ * map globals to virtuals before showing them to user (virt_pid_type).
-+ *
-+ * We hold virtual PIDs inside struct pid, so map global -> virtual is easy.
-+ */
-+pid_t _pid_type_to_vpid(int type, pid_t pid)
-+ struct pid * p;
-+ if (unlikely(is_virtual_pid(pid)))
-+ return -1;
-+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ p = find_pid(type, pid);
-+ if (p) {
-+ pid = p->vnr;
-+ } else {
-+ pid = -1;
-+ }
-+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ return pid;
-+pid_t pid_type_to_vpid(int type, pid_t pid)
-+ int vpid;
-+ if (unlikely(pid <= 0))
-+ return pid;
-+ BUG_ON(is_virtual_pid(pid));
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ return pid;
-+ vpid = _pid_type_to_vpid(type, pid);
-+ if (unlikely(vpid == -1)) {
-+ /* It is allowed: global pid can be used everywhere.
-+ * This can happen, when kernel remembers stray pids:
-+ * signal queues, locks etc.
-+ */
-+ vpid = pid;
-+ }
-+ return vpid;
-+/* To map virtual pids to global we maintain special hash table.
-+ *
-+ * Mapping entries are allocated when a process with non-trivial
-+ * mapping is forked, which is possible only after VE migrated.
-+ * Mappings are destroyed, when a global pid is removed from global
-+ * pidmap, which means we do not need to refcount mappings.
-+ */
-+static struct hlist_head *vpid_hash;
-+struct vpid_mapping
-+ int vpid;
-+ int veid;
-+ int pid;
-+ struct hlist_node link;
-+static kmem_cache_t *vpid_mapping_cachep;
-+static inline int vpid_hashfn(int vnr, int veid)
-+ return hash_long((unsigned long)(vnr+(veid<<16)), pidhash_shift);
-+struct vpid_mapping *__lookup_vpid_mapping(int vnr, int veid)
-+ struct hlist_node *elem;
-+ struct vpid_mapping *map;
-+ hlist_for_each_entry(map, elem,
-+ &vpid_hash[vpid_hashfn(vnr, veid)], link) {
-+ if (map->vpid == vnr && map->veid == veid)
-+ return map;
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+/* __vpid_to_pid() is raw version of vpid_to_pid(). It is to be used
-+ * only under tasklist_lock. In some places we must use only this version
-+ * (f.e. __kill_pg_info is called under write lock!)
-+ *
-+ * Caller should pass virtual pid. This function returns an error, when
-+ * seeing a global pid.
-+ */
-+int __vpid_to_pid(int pid)
-+ struct vpid_mapping *map;
-+ if (unlikely(!is_virtual_pid(pid) || ve_is_super(get_exec_env())))
-+ return -1;
-+ if (!get_exec_env()->sparse_vpid) {
-+ if (pid != 1)
-+ return pid - VPID_DIV;
-+ return get_exec_env()->init_entry->pid;
-+ }
-+ map = __lookup_vpid_mapping(pid, VEID(get_exec_env()));
-+ if (map)
-+ return map->pid;
-+ return -1;
-+int vpid_to_pid(int pid)
-+ /* User gave bad pid. It is his problem. */
-+ if (unlikely(pid <= 0))
-+ return pid;
-+ if (!is_virtual_pid(pid))
-+ return pid;
-+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ pid = __vpid_to_pid(pid);
-+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ return pid;
-+/* VEs which never migrated have trivial "arithmetic" mapping pid <-> vpid:
-+ *
-+ * vpid == 1 -> ve->init_task->pid
-+ * else pid & ~VPID_DIV
-+ *
-+ * In this case VE has ve->sparse_vpid = 0 and we do not use vpid hash table.
-+ *
-+ * When VE migrates and we see non-trivial mapping the first time, we
-+ * scan process table and populate mapping hash table.
-+ */
-+static int add_mapping(int pid, int vpid, int veid, struct hlist_head *cache)
-+ if (pid > 0 && vpid > 0 && !__lookup_vpid_mapping(vpid, veid)) {
-+ struct vpid_mapping *m;
-+ if (hlist_empty(cache)) {
-+ m = kmem_cache_alloc(vpid_mapping_cachep, GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ if (unlikely(m == NULL))
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ } else {
-+ m = hlist_entry(cache->first, struct vpid_mapping, link);
-+ hlist_del(&m->link);
-+ }
-+ m->pid = pid;
-+ m->vpid = vpid;
-+ m->veid = veid;
-+ hlist_add_head(&m->link,
-+ &vpid_hash[vpid_hashfn(vpid, veid)]);
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+static int switch_to_sparse_mapping(int pid)
-+ struct ve_struct *env = get_exec_env();
-+ struct hlist_head cache;
-+ task_t *g, *t;
-+ int pcount;
-+ int err;
-+ /* Transition happens under write_lock_irq, so we try to make
-+ * it more reliable and fast preallocating mapping entries.
-+ * pcounter may be not enough, we could have lots of orphaned
-+ * process groups and sessions, which also require mappings.
-+ */
-+ INIT_HLIST_HEAD(&cache);
-+ pcount = atomic_read(&env->pcounter);
-+ err = -ENOMEM;
-+ while (pcount > 0) {
-+ struct vpid_mapping *m;
-+ m = kmem_cache_alloc(vpid_mapping_cachep, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!m)
-+ goto out;
-+ hlist_add_head(&m->link, &cache);
-+ pcount--;
-+ }
-+ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
-+ err = 0;
-+ if (env->sparse_vpid)
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ err = -ENOMEM;
-+ do_each_thread_ve(g, t) {
-+ if (t->pid == pid)
-+ continue;
-+ if (add_mapping(t->pid, virt_pid(t), VEID(env), &cache))
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ } while_each_thread_ve(g, t);
-+ for_each_process_ve(t) {
-+ if (t->pid == pid)
-+ continue;
-+ if (add_mapping(t->tgid, virt_tgid(t), VEID(env), &cache))
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ if (add_mapping(t->signal->pgrp, virt_pgid(t), VEID(env), &cache))
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ if (add_mapping(t->signal->session, virt_sid(t), VEID(env), &cache))
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ }
-+ env->sparse_vpid = 1;
-+ err = 0;
-+ if (err) {
-+ int i;
-+ for (i=0; i<(1<<pidhash_shift); i++) {
-+ struct hlist_node *elem, *next;
-+ struct vpid_mapping *map;
-+ hlist_for_each_entry_safe(map, elem, next, &vpid_hash[i], link) {
-+ if (map->veid == VEID(env)) {
-+ hlist_del(elem);
-+ hlist_add_head(elem, &cache);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
-+ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
-+ while (!hlist_empty(&cache)) {
-+ struct vpid_mapping *m;
-+ m = hlist_entry(cache.first, struct vpid_mapping, link);
-+ hlist_del(&m->link);
-+ kmem_cache_free(vpid_mapping_cachep, m);
-+ }
-+ return err;
-+int alloc_vpid(int pid, int virt_pid)
-+ int result;
-+ struct vpid_mapping *m;
-+ struct ve_struct *env = get_exec_env();
-+ if (ve_is_super(env) || !env->virt_pids)
-+ return pid;
-+ if (!env->sparse_vpid) {
-+ if (virt_pid == -1)
-+ return pid + VPID_DIV;
-+ if (virt_pid == 1 || virt_pid == pid + VPID_DIV)
-+ return virt_pid;
-+ if ((result = switch_to_sparse_mapping(pid)) < 0)
-+ return result;
-+ }
-+ m = kmem_cache_alloc(vpid_mapping_cachep, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!m)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ m->pid = pid;
-+ m->veid = VEID(env);
-+ result = (virt_pid == -1) ? pid + VPID_DIV : virt_pid;
-+ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
-+ if (unlikely(__lookup_vpid_mapping(result, m->veid))) {
-+ if (virt_pid > 0) {
-+ result = -EEXIST;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ /* No luck. Now we search for some not-existing vpid.
-+ * It is weak place. We do linear search. */
-+ do {
-+ result++;
-+ if (!__is_virtual_pid(result))
-+ result += VPID_DIV;
-+ if (result >= pid_max)
-+ } while (__lookup_vpid_mapping(result, m->veid) != NULL);
-+ /* And set last_pid in hope future alloc_pidmap to avoid
-+ * collisions after future alloc_pidmap() */
-+ last_pid = result - VPID_DIV;
-+ }
-+ if (result > 0) {
-+ m->vpid = result;
-+ hlist_add_head(&m->link,
-+ &vpid_hash[vpid_hashfn(result, m->veid)]);
-+ }
-+ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
-+ if (result < 0)
-+ kmem_cache_free(vpid_mapping_cachep, m);
-+ return result;
-+static void __free_vpid(int vpid, struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ struct vpid_mapping *m;
-+ if (!ve->sparse_vpid)
-+ return;
-+ if (!__is_virtual_pid(vpid) && (vpid != 1 || ve_is_super(ve)))
-+ return;
-+ m = __lookup_vpid_mapping(vpid, ve->veid);
-+ BUG_ON(m == NULL);
-+ hlist_del(&m->link);
-+ kmem_cache_free(vpid_mapping_cachep, m);
-+void free_vpid(int vpid, struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
-+ __free_vpid(vpid, ve);
-+ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
- /*
- * The pid hash table is scaled according to the amount of memory in the
- * machine. From a minimum of 16 slots up to 4096 slots at one gigabyte or
-@@ -283,12 +677,20 @@ void __init pidhash_init(void)
- for (i = 0; i < PIDTYPE_MAX; i++) {
- pid_hash[i] = alloc_bootmem(pidhash_size *
-- sizeof(struct list_head));
-+ sizeof(struct hlist_head));
- if (!pid_hash[i])
- panic("Could not alloc pidhash!\n");
- for (j = 0; j < pidhash_size; j++)
-- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pid_hash[i][j]);
-+ INIT_HLIST_HEAD(&pid_hash[i][j]);
- }
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ vpid_hash = alloc_bootmem(pidhash_size * sizeof(struct hlist_head));
-+ if (!vpid_hash)
-+ panic("Could not alloc vpid_hash!\n");
-+ for (j = 0; j < pidhash_size; j++)
-+ INIT_HLIST_HEAD(&vpid_hash[j]);
- }
- void __init pidmap_init(void)
-@@ -305,4 +707,12 @@ void __init pidmap_init(void)
- for (i = 0; i < PIDTYPE_MAX; i++)
- attach_pid(current, i, 0);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ vpid_mapping_cachep =
-+ kmem_cache_create("vpid_mapping",
-+ sizeof(struct vpid_mapping),
-+ __alignof__(struct vpid_mapping),
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
- * POSIX clocks & timers
- */
- #include <linux/mm.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/smp_lock.h>
- #include <linux/interrupt.h>
- #include <linux/slab.h>
-@@ -223,7 +224,8 @@ static __init int init_posix_timers(void
- register_posix_clock(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &clock_monotonic);
- posix_timers_cache = kmem_cache_create("posix_timers_cache",
-- sizeof (struct k_itimer), 0, 0, NULL, NULL);
-+ sizeof (struct k_itimer), 0, SLAB_UBC,
- idr_init(&posix_timers_id);
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -394,6 +396,11 @@ exit:
- static void timer_notify_task(struct k_itimer *timr)
- {
- int ret;
-+ struct ve_struct *old_ve;
-+ struct user_beancounter *old_ub;
-+ old_ve = set_exec_env(VE_TASK_INFO(timr->it_process)->owner_env);
-+ old_ub = set_exec_ub(task_bc(timr->it_process)->task_ub);
- memset(&timr->sigq->info, 0, sizeof(siginfo_t));
-@@ -440,6 +447,9 @@ static void timer_notify_task(struct k_i
- */
- schedule_next_timer(timr);
- }
-+ (void)set_exec_ub(old_ub);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(old_ve);
- }
- /*
-@@ -499,7 +509,7 @@ static inline struct task_struct * good_
- struct task_struct *rtn = current->group_leader;
- if ((event->sigev_notify & SIGEV_THREAD_ID ) &&
-- (!(rtn = find_task_by_pid(event->sigev_notify_thread_id)) ||
-+ (!(rtn = find_task_by_pid_ve(event->sigev_notify_thread_id)) ||
- rtn->tgid != current->tgid ||
- (event->sigev_notify & ~SIGEV_THREAD_ID) != SIGEV_SIGNAL))
- return NULL;
-@@ -1228,6 +1238,7 @@ int do_posix_clock_monotonic_gettime(str
- }
- return 0;
- }
- int do_posix_clock_monotonic_settime(struct timespec *tp)
- {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ static int write_swap_page(unsigned long
- swp_entry_t entry;
- int error = 0;
-- entry = get_swap_page();
-+ entry = get_swap_page(mm_ub(&init_mm));
- if (swp_offset(entry) &&
- swapfile_used[swp_type(entry)] == SWAPFILE_SUSPEND) {
- error = rw_swap_page_sync(WRITE, entry,
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ static inline int freezeable(struct task
- {
- if ((p == current) ||
- (p->flags & PF_NOFREEZE) ||
-- (p->state == TASK_ZOMBIE) ||
-- (p->state == TASK_DEAD) ||
-+ (p->exit_state == EXIT_ZOMBIE) ||
-+ (p->exit_state == EXIT_DEAD) ||
- (p->state == TASK_STOPPED))
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- /* Refrigerator is place where frozen processes are stored :-). */
--void refrigerator(unsigned long flag)
-+void refrigerator()
- {
- /* Hmm, should we be allowed to suspend when there are realtime
- processes around? */
-@@ -39,14 +39,19 @@ void refrigerator(unsigned long flag)
- save = current->state;
- current->state = TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE;
- pr_debug("%s entered refrigerator\n", current->comm);
-- printk("=");
-- current->flags &= ~PF_FREEZE;
-+ /* printk("="); */
- spin_lock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
-- recalc_sigpending(); /* We sent fake signal, clean it up */
-+ if (test_and_clear_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
-+ recalc_sigpending(); /* We sent fake signal, clean it up */
-+ current->flags |= PF_FROZEN;
-+ } else {
-+ /* Freeze request could be canceled before we entered
-+ * refrigerator(). In this case we do nothing. */
-+ current->state = save;
-+ }
- spin_unlock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
-- current->flags |= PF_FROZEN;
- while (current->flags & PF_FROZEN)
- schedule();
- pr_debug("%s left refrigerator\n", current->comm);
-@@ -65,7 +70,7 @@ int freeze_processes(void)
- do {
- todo = 0;
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- do_each_thread(g, p) {
-+ do_each_thread_all(g, p) {
- unsigned long flags;
- if (!freezeable(p))
- continue;
-@@ -75,12 +80,12 @@ int freeze_processes(void)
- /* FIXME: smp problem here: we may not access other process' flags
- without locking */
-- p->flags |= PF_FREEZE;
- spin_lock_irqsave(&p->sighand->siglock, flags);
-+ set_tsk_thread_flag(p, TIF_FREEZE);
- signal_wake_up(p, 0);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&p->sighand->siglock, flags);
- todo++;
-- } while_each_thread(g, p);
-+ } while_each_thread_all(g, p);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
- yield(); /* Yield is okay here */
- if (time_after(jiffies, start_time + TIMEOUT)) {
-@@ -90,7 +95,7 @@ int freeze_processes(void)
- }
- } while(todo);
-- printk( "|\n" );
-+ /* printk( "|\n" ); */
- BUG_ON(in_atomic());
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -101,15 +106,18 @@ void thaw_processes(void)
- printk( "Restarting tasks..." );
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- do_each_thread(g, p) {
-+ do_each_thread_all(g, p) {
-+ unsigned long flags;
- if (!freezeable(p))
- continue;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&p->sighand->siglock, flags);
- if (p->flags & PF_FROZEN) {
- p->flags &= ~PF_FROZEN;
- wake_up_process(p);
- } else
- printk(KERN_INFO " Strange, %s not stopped\n", p->comm );
-- } while_each_thread(g, p);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&p->sighand->siglock, flags);
-+ } while_each_thread_all(g, p);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
- schedule();
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ static int write_suspend_image(void)
- for (i=0; i<nr_copy_pages; i++) {
- if (!(i%100))
- printk( "." );
-- entry = get_swap_page();
-+ entry = get_swap_page(mm_ub(&init_mm));
- if (!entry.val)
- panic("\nNot enough swapspace when writing data" );
-@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ static int write_suspend_image(void)
- cur = (union diskpage *)((char *) pagedir_nosave)+i;
- BUG_ON ((char *) cur != (((char *) pagedir_nosave) + i*PAGE_SIZE));
- printk( "." );
-- entry = get_swap_page();
-+ entry = get_swap_page(mm_ub(&init_mm));
- if (!entry.val) {
- printk(KERN_CRIT "Not enough swapspace when writing pgdir\n" );
- panic("Don't know how to recover");
-@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ static int write_suspend_image(void)
- BUG_ON (sizeof(struct suspend_header) > PAGE_SIZE-sizeof(swp_entry_t));
- BUG_ON (sizeof(union diskpage) != PAGE_SIZE);
- BUG_ON (sizeof(struct link) != PAGE_SIZE);
-- entry = get_swap_page();
-+ entry = get_swap_page(mm_ub(&init_mm));
- if (!entry.val)
- panic( "\nNot enough swapspace when writing header" );
- if (swapfile_used[swp_type(entry)] != SWAPFILE_SUSPEND)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -26,10 +26,13 @@
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/interrupt.h> /* For in_interrupt() */
- #include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/slab.h>
- #include <linux/delay.h>
- #include <linux/smp.h>
- #include <linux/security.h>
- #include <linux/bootmem.h>
-+#include <linux/vzratelimit.h>
-+#include <linux/veprintk.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
-@@ -53,6 +56,7 @@ int console_printk[4] = {
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(console_printk);
-+int console_silence_loglevel;
- int oops_in_progress;
- /*
-@@ -77,7 +81,7 @@ static int console_locked;
- * It is also used in interesting ways to provide interlocking in
- * release_console_sem().
- */
--static spinlock_t logbuf_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+spinlock_t logbuf_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
- static char __log_buf[__LOG_BUF_LEN];
- static char *log_buf = __log_buf;
-@@ -151,6 +155,43 @@ static int __init console_setup(char *st
- __setup("console=", console_setup);
-+static int __init setup_console_silencelevel(char *str)
-+ int level;
-+ if (get_option(&str, &level) != 1)
-+ return 0;
-+ console_silence_loglevel = level;
-+ return 1;
-+__setup("silencelevel=", setup_console_silencelevel);
-+static inline int ve_log_init(void)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (ve_log_buf != NULL)
-+ return 0;
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ ve0._log_wait = &log_wait;
-+ ve0._log_start = &log_start;
-+ ve0._log_end = &log_end;
-+ ve0._logged_chars = &logged_chars;
-+ ve0.log_buf = log_buf;
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ ve_log_buf = kmalloc(ve_log_buf_len, GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ if (!ve_log_buf)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ memset(ve_log_buf, 0, ve_log_buf_len);
-+ return 0;
- /**
- * add_preferred_console - add a device to the list of preferred consoles.
- *
-@@ -249,6 +290,10 @@ int do_syslog(int type, char __user * bu
- char c;
- int error = 0;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) &&
-+ (type == 6 || type == 7 || type == 8))
-+ goto out;
- error = security_syslog(type);
- if (error)
- return error;
-@@ -268,14 +313,15 @@ int do_syslog(int type, char __user * bu
- error = verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE,buf,len);
- if (error)
- goto out;
-- error = wait_event_interruptible(log_wait, (log_start - log_end));
-+ error = wait_event_interruptible(ve_log_wait,
-+ (ve_log_start - ve_log_end));
- if (error)
- goto out;
- i = 0;
- spin_lock_irq(&logbuf_lock);
-- while (!error && (log_start != log_end) && i < len) {
-- c = LOG_BUF(log_start);
-- log_start++;
-+ while (!error && (ve_log_start != ve_log_end) && i < len) {
-+ c = VE_LOG_BUF(ve_log_start);
-+ ve_log_start++;
- spin_unlock_irq(&logbuf_lock);
- error = __put_user(c,buf);
- buf++;
-@@ -299,15 +345,17 @@ int do_syslog(int type, char __user * bu
- error = verify_area(VERIFY_WRITE,buf,len);
- if (error)
- goto out;
-+ if (ve_log_buf == NULL)
-+ goto out;
- count = len;
-- if (count > log_buf_len)
-- count = log_buf_len;
-+ if (count > ve_log_buf_len)
-+ count = ve_log_buf_len;
- spin_lock_irq(&logbuf_lock);
-- if (count > logged_chars)
-- count = logged_chars;
-+ if (count > ve_logged_chars)
-+ count = ve_logged_chars;
- if (do_clear)
-- logged_chars = 0;
-- limit = log_end;
-+ ve_logged_chars = 0;
-+ limit = ve_log_end;
- /*
- * __put_user() could sleep, and while we sleep
- * printk() could overwrite the messages
-@@ -316,9 +364,9 @@ int do_syslog(int type, char __user * bu
- */
- for(i = 0; i < count && !error; i++) {
- j = limit-1-i;
-- if (j + log_buf_len < log_end)
-+ if (j + ve_log_buf_len < ve_log_end)
- break;
-- c = LOG_BUF(j);
-+ c = VE_LOG_BUF(j);
- spin_unlock_irq(&logbuf_lock);
- error = __put_user(c,&buf[count-1-i]);
- spin_lock_irq(&logbuf_lock);
-@@ -340,7 +388,7 @@ int do_syslog(int type, char __user * bu
- }
- break;
- case 5: /* Clear ring buffer */
-- logged_chars = 0;
-+ ve_logged_chars = 0;
- break;
- case 6: /* Disable logging to console */
- console_loglevel = minimum_console_loglevel;
-@@ -358,10 +406,10 @@ int do_syslog(int type, char __user * bu
- error = 0;
- break;
- case 9: /* Number of chars in the log buffer */
-- error = log_end - log_start;
-+ error = ve_log_end - ve_log_start;
- break;
- case 10: /* Size of the log buffer */
-- error = log_buf_len;
-+ error = ve_log_buf_len;
- break;
- default:
- error = -EINVAL;
-@@ -461,14 +509,14 @@ static void call_console_drivers(unsigne
- static void emit_log_char(char c)
- {
-- LOG_BUF(log_end) = c;
-- log_end++;
-- if (log_end - log_start > log_buf_len)
-- log_start = log_end - log_buf_len;
-- if (log_end - con_start > log_buf_len)
-+ VE_LOG_BUF(ve_log_end) = c;
-+ ve_log_end++;
-+ if (ve_log_end - ve_log_start > ve_log_buf_len)
-+ ve_log_start = ve_log_end - ve_log_buf_len;
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && log_end - con_start > log_buf_len)
- con_start = log_end - log_buf_len;
-- if (logged_chars < log_buf_len)
-- logged_chars++;
-+ if (ve_logged_chars < ve_log_buf_len)
-+ ve_logged_chars++;
- }
- /*
-@@ -505,14 +553,14 @@ static void zap_locks(void)
- * then changes console_loglevel may break. This is because console_loglevel
- * is inspected when the actual printing occurs.
- */
--asmlinkage int printk(const char *fmt, ...)
-+asmlinkage int vprintk(const char *fmt, va_list args)
- {
-- va_list args;
- unsigned long flags;
- int printed_len;
- char *p;
- static char printk_buf[1024];
- static int log_level_unknown = 1;
-+ int err, need_wake;
- if (unlikely(oops_in_progress))
- zap_locks();
-@@ -520,10 +568,14 @@ asmlinkage int printk(const char *fmt, .
- /* This stops the holder of console_sem just where we want him */
- spin_lock_irqsave(&logbuf_lock, flags);
-+ err = ve_log_init();
-+ if (err) {
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&logbuf_lock, flags);
-+ return err;
-+ }
- /* Emit the output into the temporary buffer */
-- va_start(args, fmt);
- printed_len = vscnprintf(printk_buf, sizeof(printk_buf), fmt, args);
-- va_end(args);
- /*
- * Copy the output into log_buf. If the caller didn't provide
-@@ -554,7 +606,12 @@ asmlinkage int printk(const char *fmt, .
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&logbuf_lock, flags);
- goto out;
- }
-- if (!down_trylock(&console_sem)) {
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ need_wake = (ve_log_start != ve_log_end);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&logbuf_lock, flags);
-+ if (!oops_in_progress && need_wake)
-+ wake_up_interruptible(&ve_log_wait);
-+ } else if (!down_trylock(&console_sem)) {
- console_locked = 1;
- /*
- * We own the drivers. We can drop the spinlock and let
-@@ -574,8 +631,49 @@ asmlinkage int printk(const char *fmt, .
- out:
- return printed_len;
- }
-+asmlinkage int printk(const char *fmt, ...)
-+ va_list args;
-+ int i;
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
-+ va_start(args, fmt);
-+ env = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
-+ i = vprintk(fmt, args);
-+ set_exec_env(env);
-+ va_end(args);
-+ return i;
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(printk);
-+asmlinkage int ve_printk(int dst, const char *fmt, ...)
-+ va_list args;
-+ int printed_len;
-+ printed_len = 0;
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) || (dst & VE0_LOG)) {
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
-+ va_start(args, fmt);
-+ env = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
-+ printed_len = vprintk(fmt, args);
-+ set_exec_env(env);
-+ va_end(args);
-+ }
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && (dst & VE_LOG)) {
-+ va_start(args, fmt);
-+ printed_len = vprintk(fmt, args);
-+ va_end(args);
-+ }
-+ return printed_len;
- /**
- * acquire_console_sem - lock the console system for exclusive use.
- *
-@@ -600,6 +698,12 @@ int is_console_locked(void)
- }
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(is_console_locked);
-+void wake_up_klogd(void)
-+ if (!oops_in_progress && waitqueue_active(&log_wait))
-+ wake_up_interruptible(&log_wait);
- /**
- * release_console_sem - unlock the console system
- *
-@@ -635,8 +739,8 @@ void release_console_sem(void)
- console_may_schedule = 0;
- up(&console_sem);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&logbuf_lock, flags);
-- if (wake_klogd && !oops_in_progress && waitqueue_active(&log_wait))
-- wake_up_interruptible(&log_wait);
-+ if (wake_klogd)
-+ wake_up_klogd();
- }
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(release_console_sem);
-@@ -895,3 +999,33 @@ int printk_ratelimit(void)
- printk_ratelimit_burst);
- }
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(printk_ratelimit);
-+ * Rate limiting stuff.
-+ */
-+int vz_ratelimit(struct vz_rate_info *p)
-+ unsigned long cjif, djif;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ static spinlock_t ratelimit_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+ long new_bucket;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ratelimit_lock, flags);
-+ cjif = jiffies;
-+ djif = cjif - p->last;
-+ if (djif < p->interval) {
-+ if (p->bucket >= p->burst) {
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ratelimit_lock, flags);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ p->bucket++;
-+ } else {
-+ new_bucket = p->bucket - (djif / (unsigned)p->interval);
-+ if (new_bucket < 0)
-+ new_bucket = 0;
-+ p->bucket = new_bucket + 1;
-+ }
-+ p->last = cjif;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ratelimit_lock, flags);
-+ return 1;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ void __ptrace_link(task_t *child, task_t
- */
- void __ptrace_unlink(task_t *child)
- {
-- if (!child->ptrace)
-- BUG();
-+ BUG_ON(!child->ptrace);
- child->ptrace = 0;
- if (list_empty(&child->ptrace_list))
- return;
-@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ int ptrace_attach(struct task_struct *ta
- retval = -EPERM;
- if (task->pid <= 1)
- goto bad;
-- if (task == current)
-+ if (task->tgid == current->tgid)
- goto bad;
- if (!task->mm)
- goto bad;
-@@ -99,6 +99,8 @@ int ptrace_attach(struct task_struct *ta
- rmb();
- if (!task->mm->dumpable && !capable(CAP_SYS_PTRACE))
- goto bad;
-+ if (!task->mm->vps_dumpable && !ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ goto bad;
- /* the same process cannot be attached many times */
- if (task->ptrace & PT_PTRACED)
- goto bad;
-@@ -124,22 +126,27 @@ bad:
- return retval;
- }
-+void __ptrace_detach(struct task_struct *child, unsigned int data)
-+ child->exit_code = data;
-+ /* .. re-parent .. */
-+ __ptrace_unlink(child);
-+ /* .. and wake it up. */
-+ if (child->exit_state != EXIT_ZOMBIE)
-+ wake_up_process(child);
- int ptrace_detach(struct task_struct *child, unsigned int data)
- {
- if ((unsigned long) data > _NSIG)
-- return -EIO;
-+ return -EIO;
- /* Architecture-specific hardware disable .. */
- ptrace_disable(child);
-- /* .. re-parent .. */
-- child->exit_code = data;
- write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
-- __ptrace_unlink(child);
-- /* .. and wake it up. */
-- if (child->state != TASK_ZOMBIE)
-- wake_up_process(child);
-+ if (child->ptrace)
-+ __ptrace_detach(child, data);
- write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
- return 0;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <linux/highmem.h>
- #include <linux/smp_lock.h>
-+#include <linux/pagemap.h>
- #include <asm/mmu_context.h>
- #include <linux/interrupt.h>
- #include <linux/completion.h>
-@@ -40,6 +41,8 @@
- #include <linux/cpu.h>
- #include <linux/percpu.h>
- #include <linux/kthread.h>
-+#include <linux/vsched.h>
-+#include <linux/fairsched.h>
- #include <asm/tlb.h>
- #include <asm/unistd.h>
-@@ -132,7 +135,7 @@
- #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
- (1 << (((MAX_BONUS - CURRENT_BONUS(p)) ? : 1) - 1)) * \
-- num_online_cpus())
-+ vsched_num_online_vcpus(task_vsched(p)))
- #else
- (1 << (((MAX_BONUS - CURRENT_BONUS(p)) ? : 1) - 1)))
-@@ -203,6 +206,7 @@ struct prio_array {
- * (such as the load balancing or the thread migration code), lock
- * acquire operations must be ordered by ascending &runqueue.
- */
-+typedef struct vcpu_info *vcpu_t;
- struct runqueue {
- spinlock_t lock;
-@@ -217,7 +221,7 @@ struct runqueue {
- unsigned long long nr_switches;
- unsigned long expired_timestamp, nr_uninterruptible;
- unsigned long long timestamp_last_tick;
-- task_t *curr, *idle;
-+ task_t *curr;
- struct mm_struct *prev_mm;
- prio_array_t *active, *expired, arrays[2];
- int best_expired_prio;
-@@ -225,35 +229,623 @@ struct runqueue {
- #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
- struct sched_domain *sd;
- /* For active balancing */
- int active_balance;
-- int push_cpu;
-+ vcpu_t push_cpu;
- task_t *migration_thread;
- struct list_head migration_queue;
- };
--static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct runqueue, runqueues);
-+/* VCPU scheduler state description */
-+struct vcpu_info;
-+struct vcpu_scheduler {
-+ struct list_head idle_list;
-+ struct list_head active_list;
-+ struct list_head running_list;
-+ struct fairsched_node *node;
-+ struct vcpu_info *vcpu[NR_CPUS];
-+ int id;
-+ cpumask_t vcpu_online_map, vcpu_running_map;
-+ cpumask_t pcpu_running_map;
-+ int num_online_vcpus;
-+} ____cacheline_maxaligned_in_smp;
-+/* virtual CPU description */
-+struct vcpu_info {
-+ struct runqueue rq;
-+ unsigned active : 1,
-+ running : 1;
-+ struct list_head list;
-+ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
-+ int last_pcpu;
-+ u32 start_time;
-+ int id;
-+} ____cacheline_maxaligned_in_smp;
-+/* physical CPU description */
-+struct pcpu_info {
-+ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
-+ struct vcpu_info *vcpu;
-+ task_t *idle;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-+ struct sched_domain *sd;
-+ int id;
-+} ____cacheline_maxaligned_in_smp;
-+struct pcpu_info pcpu_info[NR_CPUS];
-+#define pcpu(nr) (&pcpu_info[nr])
-+#define this_pcpu() (pcpu(smp_processor_id()))
- #define for_each_domain(cpu, domain) \
-- for (domain = cpu_rq(cpu)->sd; domain; domain = domain->parent)
-+ for (domain = vcpu_rq(cpu)->sd; domain; domain = domain->parent)
-+u32 vcpu_sched_timeslice = 5;
-+u32 vcpu_timeslice = 0;
-+extern spinlock_t fairsched_lock;
-+static struct vcpu_scheduler default_vsched, idle_vsched;
-+static struct vcpu_info boot_vcpu;
-+#define vsched_default_vsched() (&default_vsched)
-+#define vsched_default_vcpu(id) (default_vsched.vcpu[id])
-+ * All macroses below could be used without locks, if there is no
-+ * strict ordering requirements, because we assume, that:
-+ *
-+ * 1. VCPU could not disappear "on the fly" (FIXME)
-+ *
-+ * 2. p->vsched access is atomic.
-+ */
-+#define task_vsched(tsk) ((tsk)->vsched)
-+#define this_vsched() (task_vsched(current))
-+#define vsched_vcpu(vsched, id) ((vsched)->vcpu[id])
-+#define this_vcpu() (task_vcpu(current))
-+#define task_vcpu(p) ((p)->vcpu)
-+#define vsched_id(vsched) ((vsched)->id)
-+#define vsched_vcpu_online_map(vsched) ((vsched)->vcpu_online_map)
-+#define vsched_num_online_vcpus(vsched) ((vsched)->num_online_vcpus)
-+#define vsched_pcpu_running_map(vsched) ((vsched)->pcpu_running_map)
-+#define vcpu_vsched(vcpu) ((vcpu)->vsched)
-+#define vcpu_last_pcpu(vcpu) ((vcpu)->last_pcpu)
-+#define vcpu_isset(vcpu, mask) (cpu_isset((vcpu)->id, mask))
-+#define vcpu_is_offline(vcpu) (!vcpu_isset(vcpu, \
-+ vcpu_vsched(vcpu)->vcpu_online_map))
-+static int __add_vcpu(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched, int id);
-+#else /* CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU */
-+static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct vcpu_info, vcpu_info);
-+#define task_vsched(p) NULL
-+#define this_vcpu() (task_vcpu(current))
-+#define task_vcpu(p) (vcpu(task_cpu(p)))
-+#define vsched_vcpu(sched, id) (vcpu(id))
-+#define vsched_id(vsched) 0
-+#define vsched_default_vsched() NULL
-+#define vsched_default_vcpu(id) (vcpu(id))
-+#define vsched_vcpu_online_map(vsched) (cpu_online_map)
-+#define vsched_num_online_vcpus(vsched) (num_online_cpus())
-+#define vsched_pcpu_running_map(vsched) (cpu_online_map)
-+#define vcpu(id) (&per_cpu(vcpu_info, id))
-+#define vcpu_vsched(vcpu) NULL
-+#define vcpu_last_pcpu(vcpu) ((vcpu)->id)
-+#define vcpu_isset(vcpu, mask) (cpu_isset((vcpu)->id, mask))
-+#define vcpu_is_offline(vcpu) (cpu_is_offline((vcpu)->id))
-+#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU */
-+#define this_rq() (vcpu_rq(this_vcpu()))
-+#define task_rq(p) (vcpu_rq(task_vcpu(p)))
-+#define vcpu_rq(vcpu) (&(vcpu)->rq)
-+#define get_vcpu() ({ preempt_disable(); this_vcpu(); })
-+#define put_vcpu() ({ put_cpu(); })
-+#define rq_vcpu(__rq) (container_of((__rq), struct vcpu_info, rq))
-+task_t *idle_task(int cpu)
-+ return pcpu(cpu)->idle;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-+static inline void update_rq_cpu_load(runqueue_t *rq)
-+ unsigned long old_load, this_load;
-+ if (rq->nr_running == 0) {
-+ rq->cpu_load = 0;
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ old_load = rq->cpu_load;
-+ this_load = rq->nr_running * SCHED_LOAD_SCALE;
-+ /*
-+ * Round up the averaging division if load is increasing. This
-+ * prevents us from getting stuck on 9 if the load is 10, for
-+ * example.
-+ */
-+ if (this_load > old_load)
-+ old_load++;
-+ rq->cpu_load = (old_load + this_load) / 2;
-+#else /* CONFIG_SMP */
-+static inline void update_rq_cpu_load(runqueue_t *rq)
-+#endif /* CONFIG_SMP */
-+void fastcall vsched_cpu_online_map(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched,
-+ cpumask_t *mask)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&fairsched_lock, flags);
-+ *mask = vsched->vcpu_online_map;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&fairsched_lock, flags);
-+static inline void set_task_vsched(task_t *p, struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched)
-+ /* NOTE: set_task_cpu() is required after every set_task_vsched()! */
-+ p->vsched = vsched;
-+ p->vsched_id = vsched_id(vsched);
-+inline void set_task_cpu(struct task_struct *p, unsigned int vcpu_id)
-+ p->vcpu = vsched_vcpu(task_vsched(p), vcpu_id);
-+ p->vcpu_id = vcpu_id;
-+static inline void set_task_vcpu(struct task_struct *p, vcpu_t vcpu)
-+ p->vcpu = vcpu;
-+ p->vcpu_id = vcpu->id;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+#define cycles_after(a, b) ((long long)(b) - (long long)(a) < 0)
-+cycles_t ve_sched_get_idle_time(struct ve_struct *ve, int cpu)
-+ struct ve_cpu_stats *ve_stat;
-+ unsigned v;
-+ cycles_t strt, ret, cycles;
-+ ve_stat = VE_CPU_STATS(ve, cpu);
-+ do {
-+ v = read_seqcount_begin(&ve_stat->stat_lock);
-+ ret = ve_stat->idle_time;
-+ strt = ve_stat->strt_idle_time;
-+ if (strt && nr_uninterruptible_ve(ve) == 0) {
-+ cycles = get_cycles();
-+ if (cycles_after(cycles, strt))
-+ ret += cycles - strt;
-+ }
-+ } while (read_seqcount_retry(&ve_stat->stat_lock, v));
-+ return ret;
-+cycles_t ve_sched_get_iowait_time(struct ve_struct *ve, int cpu)
-+ struct ve_cpu_stats *ve_stat;
-+ unsigned v;
-+ cycles_t strt, ret, cycles;
-+ ve_stat = VE_CPU_STATS(ve, cpu);
-+ do {
-+ v = read_seqcount_begin(&ve_stat->stat_lock);
-+ ret = ve_stat->iowait_time;
-+ strt = ve_stat->strt_idle_time;
-+ if (strt && nr_iowait_ve(ve) > 0) {
-+ cycles = get_cycles();
-+ if (cycles_after(cycles, strt))
-+ ret += cycles - strt;
-+ }
-+ } while (read_seqcount_retry(&ve_stat->stat_lock, v));
-+ return ret;
-+static inline void vcpu_save_ve_idle(struct ve_struct *ve,
-+ unsigned int vcpu, cycles_t cycles)
-+ struct ve_cpu_stats *ve_stat;
-+ ve_stat = VE_CPU_STATS(ve, vcpu);
-+ write_seqcount_begin(&ve_stat->stat_lock);
-+ if (ve_stat->strt_idle_time) {
-+ if (cycles_after(cycles, ve_stat->strt_idle_time)) {
-+ if (nr_iowait_ve(ve) == 0)
-+ ve_stat->idle_time += cycles -
-+ ve_stat->strt_idle_time;
-+ else
-+ ve_stat->iowait_time += cycles -
-+ ve_stat->strt_idle_time;
-+ }
-+ ve_stat->strt_idle_time = 0;
-+ }
-+ write_seqcount_end(&ve_stat->stat_lock);
-+static inline void vcpu_strt_ve_idle(struct ve_struct *ve,
-+ unsigned int vcpu, cycles_t cycles)
-+ struct ve_cpu_stats *ve_stat;
-+ ve_stat = VE_CPU_STATS(ve, vcpu);
-+ write_seqcount_begin(&ve_stat->stat_lock);
-+ ve_stat->strt_idle_time = cycles;
-+ write_seqcount_end(&ve_stat->stat_lock);
-+#define vcpu_save_ve_idle(ve, vcpu, cycles) do { } while (0)
-+#define vcpu_strt_ve_idle(ve, vcpu, cycles) do { } while (0)
-+/* this is called when rq->nr_running changes from 0 to 1 */
-+static void vcpu_attach(runqueue_t *rq)
-+ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
-+ vcpu_t vcpu;
-+ vcpu = rq_vcpu(rq);
-+ vsched = vcpu_vsched(vcpu);
-+ BUG_ON(vcpu->active);
-+ spin_lock(&fairsched_lock);
-+ vcpu->active = 1;
-+ if (!vcpu->running)
-+ list_move_tail(&vcpu->list, &vsched->active_list);
-+ fairsched_incrun(vsched->node);
-+ spin_unlock(&fairsched_lock);
-+/* this is called when rq->nr_running changes from 1 to 0 */
-+static void vcpu_detach(runqueue_t *rq)
-+ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
-+ vcpu_t vcpu;
-+ vcpu = rq_vcpu(rq);
-+ vsched = vcpu_vsched(vcpu);
-+ BUG_ON(!vcpu->active);
-+ spin_lock(&fairsched_lock);
-+ fairsched_decrun(vsched->node);
-+ vcpu->active = 0;
-+ if (!vcpu->running)
-+ list_move_tail(&vcpu->list, &vsched->idle_list);
-+ spin_unlock(&fairsched_lock);
-+static inline void __vcpu_get(vcpu_t vcpu)
-+ struct pcpu_info *pcpu;
-+ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
-+ BUG_ON(!this_vcpu()->running);
-+ pcpu = this_pcpu();
-+ vsched = vcpu_vsched(vcpu);
-+ pcpu->vcpu = vcpu;
-+ pcpu->vsched = vsched;
-+ fairsched_inccpu(vsched->node);
-+ list_move_tail(&vcpu->list, &vsched->running_list);
-+ vcpu->start_time = jiffies;
-+ vcpu->last_pcpu = pcpu->id;
-+ vcpu->running = 1;
-+ __set_bit(vcpu->id, vsched->vcpu_running_map.bits);
-+ __set_bit(pcpu->id, vsched->pcpu_running_map.bits);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-+ vcpu_rq(vcpu)->sd = pcpu->sd;
-+static void vcpu_put(vcpu_t vcpu)
-+ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
-+ struct pcpu_info *cur_pcpu;
-+ runqueue_t *rq;
--#define cpu_rq(cpu) (&per_cpu(runqueues, (cpu)))
--#define this_rq() (&__get_cpu_var(runqueues))
--#define task_rq(p) cpu_rq(task_cpu(p))
--#define cpu_curr(cpu) (cpu_rq(cpu)->curr)
-+ vsched = vcpu_vsched(vcpu);
-+ rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu);
-+ cur_pcpu = this_pcpu();
-+ BUG_ON(!vcpu->running);
-+ spin_lock(&fairsched_lock);
-+ vcpu->running = 0;
-+ list_move_tail(&vcpu->list,
-+ vcpu->active ? &vsched->active_list : &vsched->idle_list);
-+ fairsched_deccpu(vsched->node);
-+ __clear_bit(vcpu->id, vsched->vcpu_running_map.bits);
-+ if (vsched != this_vsched())
-+ __clear_bit(cur_pcpu->id, vsched->pcpu_running_map.bits);
-+ if (!vcpu->active)
-+ rq->expired_timestamp = 0;
-+ /* from this point task_running(prev_rq, prev) will be 0 */
-+ rq->curr = cur_pcpu->idle;
-+ update_rq_cpu_load(rq);
-+ spin_unlock(&fairsched_lock);
-+static vcpu_t schedule_vcpu(vcpu_t cur_vcpu, cycles_t cycles)
-+ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
-+ vcpu_t vcpu;
-+ runqueue_t *rq;
-+ struct fairsched_node *node, *nodec;
-+ nodec = vcpu_vsched(cur_vcpu)->node;
-+ node = nodec;
-+ BUG_ON(!cur_vcpu->running);
-+ spin_lock(&fairsched_lock);
-+ node = fairsched_schedule(node, nodec,
-+ cur_vcpu->active,
-+ cycles);
-+ if (unlikely(node == NULL))
-+ goto idle;
-+ vsched = node->vsched;
-+ vsched = &default_vsched;
-+ /* FIXME: optimize vcpu switching, maybe we do not need to call
-+ fairsched_schedule() at all if vcpu is still active and too
-+ little time have passed so far */
-+ if (cur_vcpu->vsched == vsched && cur_vcpu->active &&
-+ jiffies - cur_vcpu->start_time < msecs_to_jiffies(vcpu_sched_timeslice)) {
-+ vcpu = cur_vcpu;
-+ goto done;
-+ }
-+ if (list_empty(&vsched->active_list)) {
-+ /* nothing except for this cpu can be scheduled */
-+ if (likely(cur_vcpu->vsched == vsched && cur_vcpu->active)) {
-+ /*
-+ * Current vcpu is the one we need. We have not
-+ * put it yet, so it's not on the active_list.
-+ */
-+ vcpu = cur_vcpu;
-+ goto done;
-+ } else
-+ goto none;
-+ }
-+ /* select vcpu and add to running list */
-+ vcpu = list_entry(vsched->, struct vcpu_info, list);
-+ __vcpu_get(vcpu);
-+ spin_unlock(&fairsched_lock);
-+ rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu);
-+ if (unlikely(vcpu != cur_vcpu)) {
-+ spin_unlock(&vcpu_rq(cur_vcpu)->lock);
-+ spin_lock(&rq->lock);
-+ if (unlikely(!rq->nr_running)) {
-+ /* race with balancing? */
-+ spin_unlock(&rq->lock);
-+ vcpu_put(vcpu);
-+ spin_lock(&vcpu_rq(cur_vcpu)->lock);
-+ goto restart;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ BUG_ON(!rq->nr_running);
-+ return vcpu;
-+ spin_unlock(&fairsched_lock);
-+ /* fairsched doesn't schedule more CPUs than we have active */
-+ BUG_ON(1);
-+ goto idle;
-+ vcpu = task_vcpu(this_pcpu()->idle);
-+ __vcpu_get(vcpu);
-+ spin_unlock(&fairsched_lock);
-+ spin_unlock(&vcpu_rq(cur_vcpu)->lock);
-+ spin_lock(&vcpu_rq(vcpu)->lock);
-+ return vcpu;
-+#else /* CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU */
-+#define set_task_vsched(task, vsched) do { } while (0)
-+static inline void vcpu_attach(runqueue_t *rq)
-+static inline void vcpu_detach(runqueue_t *rq)
-+static inline void vcpu_put(vcpu_t vcpu)
-+static inline vcpu_t schedule_vcpu(vcpu_t prev_vcpu, cycles_t cycles)
-+ return prev_vcpu;
-+static inline void set_task_vcpu(struct task_struct *p, vcpu_t vcpu)
-+ set_task_pcpu(p, vcpu->id);
-+#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU */
-+int vcpu_online(int cpu)
-+ return cpu_isset(cpu, vsched_vcpu_online_map(this_vsched()));
- /*
- * Default context-switch locking:
- */
- #ifndef prepare_arch_switch
- # define prepare_arch_switch(rq, next) do { } while (0)
--# define finish_arch_switch(rq, next) spin_unlock_irq(&(rq)->lock)
-+# define finish_arch_switch(rq, next) spin_unlock(&(rq)->lock)
- # define task_running(rq, p) ((rq)->curr == (p))
- #endif
-+struct kernel_stat_glob kstat_glob;
-+spinlock_t kstat_glb_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+#define ve_nr_running_inc(env, cpu) \
-+ do { \
-+ VE_CPU_STATS((env), (cpu))->nr_running++; \
-+ } while(0)
-+#define ve_nr_running_dec(env, cpu) \
-+ do { \
-+ VE_CPU_STATS((env), (cpu))->nr_running--; \
-+ } while(0)
-+#define ve_nr_iowait_inc(env, cpu) \
-+ do { \
-+ VE_CPU_STATS((env), (cpu))->nr_iowait++; \
-+ } while(0)
-+#define ve_nr_iowait_dec(env, cpu) \
-+ do { \
-+ VE_CPU_STATS((env), (cpu))->nr_iowait--; \
-+ } while(0)
-+#define ve_nr_unint_inc(env, cpu) \
-+ do { \
-+ VE_CPU_STATS((env), (cpu))->nr_unint++; \
-+ } while(0)
-+#define ve_nr_unint_dec(env, cpu) \
-+ do { \
-+ VE_CPU_STATS((env), (cpu))->nr_unint--; \
-+ } while(0)
-+void ve_sched_attach(struct ve_struct *envid)
-+ struct task_struct *tsk;
-+ unsigned int vcpu;
-+ tsk = current;
-+ preempt_disable();
-+ vcpu = task_cpu(tsk);
-+ ve_nr_running_dec(VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env, vcpu);
-+ ve_nr_running_inc(envid, vcpu);
-+ preempt_enable();
-+#define ve_nr_running_inc(env, cpu) do { } while(0)
-+#define ve_nr_running_dec(env, cpu) do { } while(0)
-+#define ve_nr_iowait_inc(env, cpu) do { } while(0)
-+#define ve_nr_iowait_dec(env, cpu) do { } while(0)
-+#define ve_nr_unint_inc(env, cpu) do { } while(0)
-+#define ve_nr_unint_dec(env, cpu) do { } while(0)
-+struct task_nrs_struct {
-+ long nr_running;
-+ long nr_uninterruptible;
-+ long nr_stopped;
-+ long nr_sleeping;
-+ long nr_iowait;
-+ long long nr_switches;
-+} ____cacheline_aligned_in_smp;
-+static struct task_nrs_struct glob_tasks_nrs[NR_CPUS];
-+unsigned long nr_zombie = 0; /* protected by tasklist_lock */
-+unsigned long nr_dead = 0;
-+#define nr_running_inc(cpu, vcpu, ve) do { \
-+ glob_tasks_nrs[cpu].nr_running++; \
-+ ve_nr_running_inc(ve, vcpu); \
-+ } while (0)
-+#define nr_running_dec(cpu, vcpu, ve) do { \
-+ glob_tasks_nrs[cpu].nr_running--; \
-+ ve_nr_running_dec(ve, vcpu); \
-+ } while (0)
-+#define nr_unint_inc(cpu, vcpu, ve) do { \
-+ glob_tasks_nrs[cpu].nr_uninterruptible++; \
-+ ve_nr_unint_inc(ve, vcpu); \
-+ } while (0)
-+#define nr_unint_dec(cpu, vcpu, ve) do { \
-+ glob_tasks_nrs[cpu].nr_uninterruptible--; \
-+ ve_nr_unint_dec(ve, vcpu); \
-+ } while (0)
-+#define nr_iowait_inc(cpu, vcpu, ve) do { \
-+ glob_tasks_nrs[cpu].nr_iowait++; \
-+ ve_nr_iowait_inc(ve, vcpu); \
-+ } while (0)
-+#define nr_iowait_dec(cpu, vcpu, ve) do { \
-+ glob_tasks_nrs[cpu].nr_iowait--; \
-+ ve_nr_iowait_dec(ve, vcpu); \
-+ } while (0)
-+#define nr_stopped_inc(cpu, vcpu, ve) do { \
-+ glob_tasks_nrs[cpu].nr_stopped++; \
-+ } while (0)
-+#define nr_stopped_dec(cpu, vcpu, ve) do { \
-+ glob_tasks_nrs[cpu].nr_stopped--; \
-+ } while (0)
-+#define nr_sleeping_inc(cpu, vcpu, ve) do { \
-+ glob_tasks_nrs[cpu].nr_sleeping++; \
-+ } while (0)
-+#define nr_sleeping_dec(cpu, vcpu, ve) do { \
-+ glob_tasks_nrs[cpu].nr_sleeping--; \
-+ } while (0)
- /*
- * task_rq_lock - lock the runqueue a given task resides on and disable
- * interrupts. Note the ordering: we can safely lookup the task_rq without
-@@ -361,13 +953,39 @@ static int effective_prio(task_t *p)
- return prio;
- }
-+static inline void write_wakeup_stamp(struct task_struct *p, cycles_t cyc)
-+ struct ve_task_info *ti;
-+ ti = VE_TASK_INFO(p);
-+ write_seqcount_begin(&ti->wakeup_lock);
-+ ti->wakeup_stamp = cyc;
-+ write_seqcount_end(&ti->wakeup_lock);
- /*
- * __activate_task - move a task to the runqueue.
- */
- static inline void __activate_task(task_t *p, runqueue_t *rq)
- {
-+ cycles_t cycles;
-+ unsigned int vcpu;
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ cycles = get_cycles();
-+ vcpu = task_cpu(p);
-+ ve = VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env;
-+ write_wakeup_stamp(p, cycles);
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(p)->sleep_time += cycles;
-+ nr_running_inc(smp_processor_id(), vcpu, ve);
- enqueue_task(p, rq->active);
- rq->nr_running++;
-+ if (rq->nr_running == 1) {
-+ vcpu_save_ve_idle(ve, vcpu, cycles);
-+ vcpu_attach(rq);
-+ }
- }
- /*
-@@ -507,11 +1125,33 @@ static void activate_task(task_t *p, run
- */
- static void deactivate_task(struct task_struct *p, runqueue_t *rq)
- {
-+ cycles_t cycles;
-+ unsigned int cpu, vcpu;
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ cycles = get_cycles();
-+ cpu = smp_processor_id();
-+ vcpu = rq_vcpu(rq)->id;
-+ ve = VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env;
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(p)->sleep_time -= cycles;
- rq->nr_running--;
-- if (p->state == TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE)
-+ nr_running_dec(cpu, vcpu, ve);
-+ if (p->state == TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE) {
- rq->nr_uninterruptible++;
-+ nr_unint_inc(cpu, vcpu, ve);
-+ }
-+ if (p->state == TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE)
-+ nr_sleeping_inc(cpu, vcpu, ve);
-+ if (p->state == TASK_STOPPED)
-+ nr_stopped_inc(cpu, vcpu, ve);
-+ /* nr_zombie is calced in exit.c */
- dequeue_task(p, p->array);
- p->array = NULL;
-+ if (rq->nr_running == 0) {
-+ vcpu_strt_ve_idle(ve, vcpu, cycles);
-+ vcpu_detach(rq);
-+ }
- }
- /*
-@@ -522,6 +1162,7 @@ static void deactivate_task(struct task_
- * the target CPU.
- */
- #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-+/* FIXME: need to add vsched arg */
- static void resched_task(task_t *p)
- {
- int need_resched, nrpolling;
-@@ -532,8 +1173,9 @@ static void resched_task(task_t *p)
- need_resched = test_and_set_tsk_thread_flag(p,TIF_NEED_RESCHED);
- nrpolling |= test_tsk_thread_flag(p,TIF_POLLING_NRFLAG);
-- if (!need_resched && !nrpolling && (task_cpu(p) != smp_processor_id()))
-- smp_send_reschedule(task_cpu(p));
-+ /* FIXME: think over */
-+ if (!need_resched && !nrpolling && (task_pcpu(p) != smp_processor_id()))
-+ smp_send_reschedule(task_pcpu(p));
- preempt_enable();
- }
- #else
-@@ -549,10 +1191,29 @@ static inline void resched_task(task_t *
- */
- inline int task_curr(const task_t *p)
- {
-- return cpu_curr(task_cpu(p)) == p;
-+ return task_rq(p)->curr == p;
-+ * idle_cpu - is a given cpu idle currently?
-+ * @cpu: the processor in question.
-+ */
-+inline int idle_cpu(int cpu)
-+ return pcpu(cpu)->vsched == &idle_vsched;
-+static inline int idle_vcpu(vcpu_t cpu)
-+ return !cpu->active;
-+ return idle_cpu(cpu->id);
- }
--#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
- enum request_type {
-@@ -564,7 +1225,7 @@ typedef struct {
- /* For REQ_MOVE_TASK */
- task_t *task;
-- int dest_cpu;
-+ vcpu_t dest_cpu;
- /* For REQ_SET_DOMAIN */
- struct sched_domain *sd;
-@@ -576,7 +1237,7 @@ typedef struct {
- * The task's runqueue lock must be held.
- * Returns true if you have to wait for migration thread.
- */
--static int migrate_task(task_t *p, int dest_cpu, migration_req_t *req)
-+static int migrate_task(task_t *p, vcpu_t dest_cpu, migration_req_t *req)
- {
- runqueue_t *rq = task_rq(p);
-@@ -584,8 +1245,13 @@ static int migrate_task(task_t *p, int d
- * If the task is not on a runqueue (and not running), then
- * it is sufficient to simply update the task's cpu field.
- */
-+ BUG_ON(task_vsched(p) == &idle_vsched);
-+ BUG_ON(vcpu_vsched(dest_cpu) == &idle_vsched);
- if (!p->array && !task_running(rq, p)) {
-- set_task_cpu(p, dest_cpu);
-+ set_task_vsched(p, vcpu_vsched(dest_cpu));
-+ set_task_vcpu(p, dest_cpu);
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -597,6 +1263,7 @@ static int migrate_task(task_t *p, int d
- return 1;
- }
-+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
- /*
- * wait_task_inactive - wait for a thread to unschedule.
- *
-@@ -615,7 +1282,12 @@ void wait_task_inactive(task_t * p)
- repeat:
- rq = task_rq_lock(p, &flags);
- /* Must be off runqueue entirely, not preempted. */
-- if (unlikely(p->array)) {
-+ /*
-+ * VCPU: we need to check task_running() here, since
-+ * we drop rq->lock in the middle of schedule() and task
-+ * can be deactivated, but still running until it calls vcpu_put()
-+ */
-+ if (unlikely(p->array) || task_running(rq, p)) {
- /* If it's preempted, we yield. It could be a while. */
- preempted = !task_running(rq, p);
- task_rq_unlock(rq, &flags);
-@@ -639,8 +1311,11 @@ void kick_process(task_t *p)
- int cpu;
- preempt_disable();
-- cpu = task_cpu(p);
-+ cpu = task_pcpu(p);
- if ((cpu != smp_processor_id()) && task_curr(p))
-+ /* FIXME: ??? think over */
-+ /* should add something like get_pcpu(cpu)->vcpu->id == task_cpu(p),
-+ but with serialization of vcpu access... */
- smp_send_reschedule(cpu);
- preempt_enable();
- }
-@@ -653,9 +1328,9 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(kick_process);
- * We want to under-estimate the load of migration sources, to
- * balance conservatively.
- */
--static inline unsigned long source_load(int cpu)
-+static inline unsigned long source_load(vcpu_t cpu)
- {
-- runqueue_t *rq = cpu_rq(cpu);
-+ runqueue_t *rq = vcpu_rq(cpu);
- unsigned long load_now = rq->nr_running * SCHED_LOAD_SCALE;
- return min(rq->cpu_load, load_now);
-@@ -664,9 +1339,9 @@ static inline unsigned long source_load(
- /*
- * Return a high guess at the load of a migration-target cpu
- */
--static inline unsigned long target_load(int cpu)
-+static inline unsigned long target_load(vcpu_t cpu)
- {
-- runqueue_t *rq = cpu_rq(cpu);
-+ runqueue_t *rq = vcpu_rq(cpu);
- unsigned long load_now = rq->nr_running * SCHED_LOAD_SCALE;
- return max(rq->cpu_load, load_now);
-@@ -682,32 +1357,38 @@ static inline unsigned long target_load(
- * Returns the CPU we should wake onto.
- */
--static int wake_idle(int cpu, task_t *p)
-+static vcpu_t wake_idle(vcpu_t cpu, task_t *p)
- {
-- cpumask_t tmp;
-- runqueue_t *rq = cpu_rq(cpu);
-+ cpumask_t tmp, vtmp;
-+ runqueue_t *rq = vcpu_rq(cpu);
- struct sched_domain *sd;
-+ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
- int i;
-- if (idle_cpu(cpu))
-+ if (idle_vcpu(cpu))
- return cpu;
- sd = rq->sd;
- if (!(sd->flags & SD_WAKE_IDLE))
- return cpu;
-+ vsched = vcpu_vsched(cpu);
- cpus_and(tmp, sd->span, cpu_online_map);
-- cpus_and(tmp, tmp, p->cpus_allowed);
-+ cpus_and(vtmp, vsched_vcpu_online_map(vsched), p->cpus_allowed);
-- for_each_cpu_mask(i, tmp) {
-- if (idle_cpu(i))
-- return i;
-+ for_each_cpu_mask(i, vtmp) {
-+ vcpu_t vcpu;
-+ vcpu = vsched_vcpu(vsched, i);
-+ if (!cpu_isset(vcpu_last_pcpu(vcpu), tmp))
-+ continue;
-+ if (idle_vcpu(vcpu))
-+ return vcpu;
- }
- return cpu;
- }
- #else
--static inline int wake_idle(int cpu, task_t *p)
-+static inline vcpu_t wake_idle(vcpu_t cpu, task_t *p)
- {
- return cpu;
- }
-@@ -729,15 +1410,17 @@ static inline int wake_idle(int cpu, tas
- */
- static int try_to_wake_up(task_t * p, unsigned int state, int sync)
- {
-- int cpu, this_cpu, success = 0;
-+ vcpu_t cpu, this_cpu;
-+ int success = 0;
- unsigned long flags;
- long old_state;
- runqueue_t *rq;
- #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
- unsigned long load, this_load;
- struct sched_domain *sd;
-- int new_cpu;
-+ vcpu_t new_cpu;
- #endif
-+ cpu = NULL;
- rq = task_rq_lock(p, &flags);
- old_state = p->state;
-@@ -747,8 +1430,8 @@ static int try_to_wake_up(task_t * p, un
- if (p->array)
- goto out_running;
-- cpu = task_cpu(p);
-- this_cpu = smp_processor_id();
-+ cpu = task_vcpu(p);
-+ this_cpu = this_vcpu();
- #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
- if (unlikely(task_running(rq, p)))
-@@ -756,7 +1439,10 @@ static int try_to_wake_up(task_t * p, un
- new_cpu = cpu;
-- if (cpu == this_cpu || unlikely(!cpu_isset(this_cpu, p->cpus_allowed)))
-+ /* FIXME: add vsched->last_vcpu array to optimize wakeups in different vsched */
-+ if (vcpu_vsched(cpu) != vcpu_vsched(this_cpu))
-+ goto out_set_cpu;
-+ if (cpu == this_cpu || unlikely(!vcpu_isset(this_cpu, p->cpus_allowed)))
- goto out_set_cpu;
- load = source_load(cpu);
-@@ -795,7 +1481,7 @@ static int try_to_wake_up(task_t * p, un
- * Now sd has SD_WAKE_AFFINE and p is cache cold in sd
- * or sd has SD_WAKE_BALANCE and there is an imbalance
- */
-- if (cpu_isset(cpu, sd->span))
-+ if (cpu_isset(vcpu_last_pcpu(cpu), sd->span))
- goto out_set_cpu;
- }
- }
-@@ -803,8 +1489,8 @@ static int try_to_wake_up(task_t * p, un
- new_cpu = cpu; /* Could not wake to this_cpu. Wake to cpu instead */
- out_set_cpu:
- new_cpu = wake_idle(new_cpu, p);
-- if (new_cpu != cpu && cpu_isset(new_cpu, p->cpus_allowed)) {
-- set_task_cpu(p, new_cpu);
-+ if (new_cpu != cpu && vcpu_isset(new_cpu, p->cpus_allowed)) {
-+ set_task_vcpu(p, new_cpu);
- task_rq_unlock(rq, &flags);
- /* might preempt at this point */
- rq = task_rq_lock(p, &flags);
-@@ -814,20 +1500,28 @@ out_set_cpu:
- if (p->array)
- goto out_running;
-- this_cpu = smp_processor_id();
-- cpu = task_cpu(p);
-+ this_cpu = this_vcpu();
-+ cpu = task_vcpu(p);
- }
- out_activate:
- #endif /* CONFIG_SMP */
- if (old_state == TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE) {
- rq->nr_uninterruptible--;
-+ nr_unint_dec(smp_processor_id(), task_cpu(p),
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env);
- /*
- * Tasks on involuntary sleep don't earn
- * sleep_avg beyond just interactive state.
- */
- p->activated = -1;
- }
-+ if (old_state == TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE)
-+ nr_sleeping_dec(smp_processor_id(), task_cpu(p),
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env);
-+ if (old_state == TASK_STOPPED)
-+ nr_stopped_dec(smp_processor_id(), task_cpu(p),
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env);
- /*
- * Sync wakeups (i.e. those types of wakeups where the waker
-@@ -866,6 +1560,37 @@ int fastcall wake_up_state(task_t *p, un
- }
- /*
-+ * init is special, it is forked from swapper (idle_vsched) and should
-+ * belong to default_vsched, so we have to change it's vsched/fairsched manually
-+ */
-+void wake_up_init(void)
-+ task_t *p;
-+ runqueue_t *rq;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ p = find_task_by_pid_all(1);
-+ BUG_ON(p == NULL || p->state != TASK_STOPPED);
-+ /* we should change both fairsched node and vsched here */
-+ set_task_vsched(p, &default_vsched);
-+ set_task_cpu(p, 0);
-+ /*
-+ * can't call wake_up_forked_thread() directly here,
-+ * since it assumes that a child belongs to the same vsched
-+ */
-+ p->state = TASK_RUNNING;
-+ p->sleep_avg = 0;
-+ p->interactive_credit = 0;
-+ p->prio = effective_prio(p);
-+ rq = task_rq_lock(p, &flags);
-+ __activate_task(p, rq);
-+ task_rq_unlock(rq, &flags);
- * Perform scheduler related setup for a newly forked process p.
- * p is forked by current.
- */
-@@ -904,6 +1629,7 @@ void fastcall sched_fork(task_t *p)
- p->first_time_slice = 1;
- current->time_slice >>= 1;
- p->timestamp = sched_clock();
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(p)->sleep_time -= get_cycles(); /*cosmetic: sleep till wakeup below*/
- if (!current->time_slice) {
- /*
- * This case is rare, it happens when the parent has only
-@@ -931,6 +1657,7 @@ void fastcall wake_up_forked_process(tas
- runqueue_t *rq = task_rq_lock(current, &flags);
- BUG_ON(p->state != TASK_RUNNING);
-+ BUG_ON(task_vsched(current) != task_vsched(p));
- /*
- * We decrease the sleep average of forking parents
-@@ -946,7 +1673,8 @@ void fastcall wake_up_forked_process(tas
- p->interactive_credit = 0;
- p->prio = effective_prio(p);
-- set_task_cpu(p, smp_processor_id());
-+ set_task_pcpu(p, task_pcpu(current));
-+ set_task_vcpu(p, this_vcpu());
- if (unlikely(!current->array))
- __activate_task(p, rq);
-@@ -956,6 +1684,8 @@ void fastcall wake_up_forked_process(tas
- p->array = current->array;
- p->array->nr_active++;
- rq->nr_running++;
-+ nr_running_inc(smp_processor_id(), task_cpu(p),
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env);
- }
- task_rq_unlock(rq, &flags);
- }
-@@ -974,18 +1704,16 @@ void fastcall sched_exit(task_t * p)
- unsigned long flags;
- runqueue_t *rq;
-- local_irq_save(flags);
-- if (p->first_time_slice) {
-- p->parent->time_slice += p->time_slice;
-- if (unlikely(p->parent->time_slice > MAX_TIMESLICE))
-- p->parent->time_slice = MAX_TIMESLICE;
-- }
-- local_irq_restore(flags);
- /*
- * If the child was a (relative-) CPU hog then decrease
- * the sleep_avg of the parent as well.
- */
- rq = task_rq_lock(p->parent, &flags);
-+ if (p->first_time_slice && task_cpu(p) == task_cpu(p->parent)) {
-+ p->parent->time_slice += p->time_slice;
-+ if (unlikely(p->parent->time_slice > MAX_TIMESLICE))
-+ p->parent->time_slice = MAX_TIMESLICE;
-+ }
- if (p->sleep_avg < p->parent->sleep_avg)
- p->parent->sleep_avg = p->parent->sleep_avg /
- (EXIT_WEIGHT + 1) * EXIT_WEIGHT + p->sleep_avg /
-@@ -1008,25 +1736,39 @@ void fastcall sched_exit(task_t * p)
- */
- static void finish_task_switch(task_t *prev)
- {
-- runqueue_t *rq = this_rq();
-- struct mm_struct *mm = rq->prev_mm;
-+ runqueue_t *rq;
-+ struct mm_struct *mm;
- unsigned long prev_task_flags;
-+ vcpu_t prev_vcpu, vcpu;
-+ prev_vcpu = task_vcpu(prev);
-+ vcpu = this_vcpu();
-+ rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu);
-+ mm = rq->prev_mm;
- rq->prev_mm = NULL;
- /*
- * A task struct has one reference for the use as "current".
-- * If a task dies, then it sets TASK_ZOMBIE in tsk->state and calls
-- * schedule one last time. The schedule call will never return,
-+ * If a task dies, then it sets EXIT_ZOMBIE in tsk->exit_state and
-+ * calls schedule one last time. The schedule call will never return,
- * and the scheduled task must drop that reference.
-- * The test for TASK_ZOMBIE must occur while the runqueue locks are
-+ * The test for EXIT_ZOMBIE must occur while the runqueue locks are
- * still held, otherwise prev could be scheduled on another cpu, die
- * there before we look at prev->state, and then the reference would
- * be dropped twice.
- * Manfred Spraul <>
- */
- prev_task_flags = prev->flags;
-+ /*
-+ * no schedule() should happen until vcpu_put,
-+ * and schedule_tail() calls us with preempt enabled...
-+ */
- finish_arch_switch(rq, prev);
-+ if (prev_vcpu != vcpu)
-+ vcpu_put(prev_vcpu);
-+ local_irq_enable();
- if (mm)
- mmdrop(mm);
- if (unlikely(prev_task_flags & PF_DEAD))
-@@ -1042,7 +1784,7 @@ asmlinkage void schedule_tail(task_t *pr
- finish_task_switch(prev);
- if (current->set_child_tid)
-- put_user(current->pid, current->set_child_tid);
-+ put_user(virt_pid(current), current->set_child_tid);
- }
- /*
-@@ -1083,44 +1825,109 @@ task_t * context_switch(runqueue_t *rq,
- */
- unsigned long nr_running(void)
- {
-- unsigned long i, sum = 0;
-- for_each_cpu(i)
-- sum += cpu_rq(i)->nr_running;
-+ int i;
-+ long sum;
-- return sum;
-+ sum = 0;
-+ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
-+ sum += glob_tasks_nrs[i].nr_running;
-+ return (unsigned long)(sum < 0 ? 0 : sum);
- }
- unsigned long nr_uninterruptible(void)
- {
-- unsigned long i, sum = 0;
-- for_each_cpu(i)
-- sum += cpu_rq(i)->nr_uninterruptible;
-+ int i;
-+ long sum;
-- return sum;
-+ sum = 0;
-+ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
-+ sum += glob_tasks_nrs[i].nr_uninterruptible;
-+ return (unsigned long)(sum < 0 ? 0 : sum);
- }
--unsigned long long nr_context_switches(void)
-+unsigned long nr_sleeping(void)
- {
-- unsigned long long i, sum = 0;
-+ int i;
-+ long sum;
-- for_each_cpu(i)
-- sum += cpu_rq(i)->nr_switches;
-+ sum = 0;
-+ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
-+ sum += glob_tasks_nrs[i].nr_sleeping;
-+ return (unsigned long)(sum < 0 ? 0 : sum);
-- return sum;
-+unsigned long nr_stopped(void)
-+ int i;
-+ long sum;
-+ sum = 0;
-+ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
-+ sum += glob_tasks_nrs[i].nr_stopped;
-+ return (unsigned long)(sum < 0 ? 0 : sum);
- }
- unsigned long nr_iowait(void)
- {
-- unsigned long i, sum = 0;
-+ int i;
-+ long sum;
-- for_each_cpu(i)
-- sum += atomic_read(&cpu_rq(i)->nr_iowait);
-+ sum = 0;
-+ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
-+ sum += glob_tasks_nrs[i].nr_iowait;
-+ return (unsigned long)(sum < 0 ? 0 : sum);
-+unsigned long long nr_context_switches(void)
-+ int i;
-+ long long sum;
-+ sum = 0;
-+ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
-+ sum += glob_tasks_nrs[i].nr_switches;
- return sum;
- }
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+unsigned long nr_running_ve(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ int i;
-+ long sum;
-+ sum = 0;
-+ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
-+ sum += VE_CPU_STATS(ve, i)->nr_running;
-+ return (unsigned long)(sum < 0 ? 0 : sum);
-+unsigned long nr_uninterruptible_ve(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ int i;
-+ long sum;
-+ sum = 0;
-+ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
-+ sum += VE_CPU_STATS(ve, i)->nr_unint;
-+ return (unsigned long)(sum < 0 ? 0 : sum);
-+unsigned long nr_iowait_ve(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ int i;
-+ long sum;
-+ sum = 0;
-+ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
-+ sum += VE_CPU_STATS(ve, i)->nr_iowait;
-+ return (unsigned long)(sum < 0 ? 0 : sum);
- /*
- * double_rq_lock - safely lock two runqueues
- *
-@@ -1167,24 +1974,32 @@ enum idle_type
- /*
- * find_idlest_cpu - find the least busy runqueue.
- */
--static int find_idlest_cpu(struct task_struct *p, int this_cpu,
-+static vcpu_t find_idlest_cpu(struct task_struct *p, vcpu_t this_cpu,
- struct sched_domain *sd)
- {
- unsigned long load, min_load, this_load;
-- int i, min_cpu;
-- cpumask_t mask;
-+ int i;
-+ vcpu_t min_cpu;
-+ cpumask_t mask, vmask;
-+ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
-- min_cpu = UINT_MAX;
-+ vsched = task_vsched(p);
-+ min_cpu = NULL;
- min_load = ULONG_MAX;
- cpus_and(mask, sd->span, cpu_online_map);
-- cpus_and(mask, mask, p->cpus_allowed);
-+ cpus_and(vmask, vsched_vcpu_online_map(vsched), p->cpus_allowed);
-- for_each_cpu_mask(i, mask) {
-- load = target_load(i);
-+ for_each_cpu_mask(i, vmask) {
-+ vcpu_t vcpu;
-+ vcpu = vsched_vcpu(vsched, i);
-+ if (!cpu_isset(vcpu_last_pcpu(vcpu), mask))
-+ continue;
-+ load = target_load(vcpu);
- if (load < min_load) {
-- min_cpu = i;
-+ min_cpu = vcpu;
- min_load = load;
- /* break out early on an idle CPU: */
-@@ -1193,6 +2008,9 @@ static int find_idlest_cpu(struct task_s
- }
- }
-+ if (min_cpu == NULL)
-+ return this_cpu;
- /* add +1 to account for the new task */
- this_load = source_load(this_cpu) + SCHED_LOAD_SCALE;
-@@ -1220,9 +2038,9 @@ static int find_idlest_cpu(struct task_s
- void fastcall wake_up_forked_thread(task_t * p)
- {
- unsigned long flags;
-- int this_cpu = get_cpu(), cpu;
-+ vcpu_t this_cpu = get_vcpu(), cpu;
- struct sched_domain *tmp, *sd = NULL;
-- runqueue_t *this_rq = cpu_rq(this_cpu), *rq;
-+ runqueue_t *this_rq = vcpu_rq(this_cpu), *rq;
- /*
- * Find the largest domain that this CPU is part of that
-@@ -1238,7 +2056,7 @@ void fastcall wake_up_forked_thread(task
- local_irq_save(flags);
- lock_again:
-- rq = cpu_rq(cpu);
-+ rq = vcpu_rq(cpu);
- double_rq_lock(this_rq, rq);
- BUG_ON(p->state != TASK_RUNNING);
-@@ -1248,7 +2066,7 @@ lock_again:
- * the mask could have changed - just dont migrate
- * in this case:
- */
-- if (unlikely(!cpu_isset(cpu, p->cpus_allowed))) {
-+ if (unlikely(!vcpu_isset(cpu, p->cpus_allowed))) {
- cpu = this_cpu;
- double_rq_unlock(this_rq, rq);
- goto lock_again;
-@@ -1267,7 +2085,7 @@ lock_again:
- p->interactive_credit = 0;
- p->prio = effective_prio(p);
-- set_task_cpu(p, cpu);
-+ set_task_vcpu(p, cpu);
- if (cpu == this_cpu) {
- if (unlikely(!current->array))
-@@ -1278,6 +2096,8 @@ lock_again:
- p->array = current->array;
- p->array->nr_active++;
- rq->nr_running++;
-+ nr_running_inc(smp_processor_id(), task_cpu(p),
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env);
- }
- } else {
- /* Not the local CPU - must adjust timestamp */
-@@ -1290,8 +2110,9 @@ lock_again:
- double_rq_unlock(this_rq, rq);
- local_irq_restore(flags);
-- put_cpu();
-+ put_vcpu();
- }
- /*
- * If dest_cpu is allowed for this process, migrate the task to it.
-@@ -1299,15 +2120,15 @@ lock_again:
- * allow dest_cpu, which will force the cpu onto dest_cpu. Then
- * the cpu_allowed mask is restored.
- */
--static void sched_migrate_task(task_t *p, int dest_cpu)
-+static void sched_migrate_task(task_t *p, vcpu_t dest_cpu)
- {
- migration_req_t req;
- runqueue_t *rq;
- unsigned long flags;
- rq = task_rq_lock(p, &flags);
-- if (!cpu_isset(dest_cpu, p->cpus_allowed)
-- || unlikely(cpu_is_offline(dest_cpu)))
-+ if (!vcpu_isset(dest_cpu, p->cpus_allowed)
-+ || unlikely(vcpu_is_offline(dest_cpu)))
- goto out;
- /* force the process onto the specified CPU */
-@@ -1325,6 +2146,7 @@ out:
- task_rq_unlock(rq, &flags);
- }
-+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
- /*
- * sched_balance_exec(): find the highest-level, exec-balance-capable
- * domain and try to migrate the task to the least loaded CPU.
-@@ -1335,10 +2157,10 @@ out:
- void sched_balance_exec(void)
- {
- struct sched_domain *tmp, *sd = NULL;
-- int new_cpu, this_cpu = get_cpu();
-+ vcpu_t new_cpu, this_cpu = get_vcpu();
- /* Prefer the current CPU if there's only this task running */
-- if (this_rq()->nr_running <= 1)
-+ if (vcpu_rq(this_cpu)->nr_running <= 1)
- goto out;
- for_each_domain(this_cpu, tmp)
-@@ -1354,7 +2176,7 @@ void sched_balance_exec(void)
- }
- }
- out:
-- put_cpu();
-+ put_vcpu();
- }
- /*
-@@ -1378,12 +2200,26 @@ static void double_lock_balance(runqueue
- */
- static inline
- void pull_task(runqueue_t *src_rq, prio_array_t *src_array, task_t *p,
-- runqueue_t *this_rq, prio_array_t *this_array, int this_cpu)
-+ runqueue_t *this_rq, prio_array_t *this_array, vcpu_t this_cpu)
- {
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ cycles_t cycles;
-+ cycles = get_cycles();
-+ ve = VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env;
- dequeue_task(p, src_array);
- src_rq->nr_running--;
-- set_task_cpu(p, this_cpu);
-+ if (src_rq->nr_running == 0) {
-+ vcpu_detach(src_rq);
-+ vcpu_strt_ve_idle(ve, rq_vcpu(src_rq)->id, cycles);
-+ }
-+ set_task_vcpu(p, this_cpu);
- this_rq->nr_running++;
-+ if (this_rq->nr_running == 1) {
-+ vcpu_save_ve_idle(ve, this_cpu->id, cycles);
-+ vcpu_attach(this_rq);
-+ }
- enqueue_task(p, this_array);
- p->timestamp = (p->timestamp - src_rq->timestamp_last_tick)
- + this_rq->timestamp_last_tick;
-@@ -1399,7 +2235,7 @@ void pull_task(runqueue_t *src_rq, prio_
- * can_migrate_task - may task p from runqueue rq be migrated to this_cpu?
- */
- static inline
--int can_migrate_task(task_t *p, runqueue_t *rq, int this_cpu,
-+int can_migrate_task(task_t *p, runqueue_t *rq, vcpu_t this_cpu,
- struct sched_domain *sd, enum idle_type idle)
- {
- /*
-@@ -1410,7 +2246,7 @@ int can_migrate_task(task_t *p, runqueue
- */
- if (task_running(rq, p))
- return 0;
-- if (!cpu_isset(this_cpu, p->cpus_allowed))
-+ if (!vcpu_isset(this_cpu, p->cpus_allowed))
- return 0;
- /* Aggressive migration if we've failed balancing */
-@@ -1430,7 +2266,7 @@ int can_migrate_task(task_t *p, runqueue
- *
- * Called with both runqueues locked.
- */
--static int move_tasks(runqueue_t *this_rq, int this_cpu, runqueue_t *busiest,
-+static int move_tasks(runqueue_t *this_rq, vcpu_t this_cpu, runqueue_t *busiest,
- unsigned long max_nr_move, struct sched_domain *sd,
- enum idle_type idle)
- {
-@@ -1506,12 +2342,17 @@ out:
- * moved to restore balance via the imbalance parameter.
- */
- static struct sched_group *
--find_busiest_group(struct sched_domain *sd, int this_cpu,
-+find_busiest_group(struct sched_domain *sd, vcpu_t this_cpu,
- unsigned long *imbalance, enum idle_type idle)
- {
- struct sched_group *busiest = NULL, *this = NULL, *group = sd->groups;
- unsigned long max_load, avg_load, total_load, this_load, total_pwr;
-+ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
-+ vcpu_t vcpu;
-+ int this_pcpu;
-+ vsched = vcpu_vsched(this_cpu);
-+ this_pcpu = vcpu_last_pcpu(this_cpu);
- max_load = this_load = total_load = total_pwr = 0;
- do {
-@@ -1520,20 +2361,21 @@ find_busiest_group(struct sched_domain *
- int local_group;
- int i, nr_cpus = 0;
-- local_group = cpu_isset(this_cpu, group->cpumask);
-+ local_group = cpu_isset(this_pcpu, group->cpumask);
- /* Tally up the load of all CPUs in the group */
- avg_load = 0;
-- cpus_and(tmp, group->cpumask, cpu_online_map);
-+ cpus_and(tmp, group->cpumask, vsched_pcpu_running_map(vsched));
- if (unlikely(cpus_empty(tmp)))
- goto nextgroup;
- for_each_cpu_mask(i, tmp) {
-+ vcpu = pcpu(i)->vcpu;
- /* Bias balancing toward cpus of our domain */
- if (local_group)
-- load = target_load(i);
-+ load = target_load(vcpu);
- else
-- load = source_load(i);
-+ load = source_load(vcpu);
- nr_cpus++;
- avg_load += load;
-@@ -1562,6 +2404,8 @@ nextgroup:
- if (!busiest || this_load >= max_load)
- goto out_balanced;
-+ if (!this)
-+ this = busiest; /* this->cpu_power is needed below */
- avg_load = (SCHED_LOAD_SCALE * total_load) / total_pwr;
-@@ -1645,36 +2489,71 @@ out_balanced:
- /*
- * find_busiest_queue - find the busiest runqueue among the cpus in group.
- */
--static runqueue_t *find_busiest_queue(struct sched_group *group)
-+static vcpu_t find_busiest_queue(vcpu_t this_cpu,
-+ struct sched_group *group, enum idle_type idle)
- {
- cpumask_t tmp;
-+ vcpu_t vcpu;
-+ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
- unsigned long load, max_load = 0;
-- runqueue_t *busiest = NULL;
-+ vcpu_t busiest = NULL;
- int i;
-+ vsched = vcpu_vsched(this_cpu);
- cpus_and(tmp, group->cpumask, cpu_online_map);
- for_each_cpu_mask(i, tmp) {
-- load = source_load(i);
-+ vcpu = pcpu(i)->vcpu;
-+ if (vcpu_vsched(vcpu) != vsched && idle != IDLE)
-+ continue;
-+ load = source_load(vcpu);
-+ if (load > max_load) {
-+ max_load = load;
-+ busiest = vcpu;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ cpus_andnot(tmp, vsched->vcpu_online_map, vsched->vcpu_running_map);
-+ for_each_cpu_mask(i, tmp) {
-+ vcpu = vsched_vcpu(vsched, i);
-+ load = source_load(vcpu);
- if (load > max_load) {
- max_load = load;
-- busiest = cpu_rq(i);
-+ busiest = vcpu;
- }
- }
- return busiest;
- }
-+vcpu_t find_idle_vcpu(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched)
-+ vcpu_t vcpu;
-+ vcpu = NULL;
-+ spin_lock(&fairsched_lock);
-+ if (!list_empty(&vsched->idle_list))
-+ vcpu = list_entry(vsched->,
-+ struct vcpu_info, list);
-+ spin_unlock(&fairsched_lock);
-+ return vcpu;
- /*
- * Check this_cpu to ensure it is balanced within domain. Attempt to move
- * tasks if there is an imbalance.
- *
- * Called with this_rq unlocked.
- */
--static int load_balance(int this_cpu, runqueue_t *this_rq,
-+static int load_balance(vcpu_t this_cpu, runqueue_t *this_rq,
- struct sched_domain *sd, enum idle_type idle)
- {
- struct sched_group *group;
-+ vcpu_t busiest_vcpu;
- runqueue_t *busiest;
- unsigned long imbalance;
- int nr_moved;
-@@ -1685,18 +2564,34 @@ static int load_balance(int this_cpu, ru
- if (!group)
- goto out_balanced;
-- busiest = find_busiest_queue(group);
-- if (!busiest)
-+ busiest_vcpu = find_busiest_queue(this_cpu, group, idle);
-+ if (!busiest_vcpu)
- goto out_balanced;
-+ if (vcpu_vsched(this_cpu) != vcpu_vsched(busiest_vcpu)) {
-+ spin_unlock(&this_rq->lock);
-+ this_cpu = find_idle_vcpu(vcpu_vsched(busiest_vcpu));
-+ if (!this_cpu)
-+ goto out_tune;
-+ this_rq = vcpu_rq(this_cpu);
-+ spin_lock(&this_rq->lock);
-+ /*
-+ * The check below is not mandatory, the lock may
-+ * be dropped below in double_lock_balance.
-+ */
-+ if (this_rq->nr_running)
-+ goto out_balanced;
-+ }
-+ busiest = vcpu_rq(busiest_vcpu);
- /*
- * This should be "impossible", but since load
- * balancing is inherently racy and statistical,
- * it could happen in theory.
- */
-- if (unlikely(busiest == this_rq)) {
-- WARN_ON(1);
-+ if (unlikely(busiest == this_rq))
- goto out_balanced;
-- }
- nr_moved = 0;
- if (busiest->nr_running > 1) {
-@@ -1746,6 +2641,7 @@ static int load_balance(int this_cpu, ru
- out_balanced:
- spin_unlock(&this_rq->lock);
- /* tune up the balancing interval */
- if (sd->balance_interval < sd->max_interval)
- sd->balance_interval *= 2;
-@@ -1760,50 +2656,54 @@ out_balanced:
- * Called from schedule when this_rq is about to become idle (NEWLY_IDLE).
- * this_rq is locked.
- */
--static int load_balance_newidle(int this_cpu, runqueue_t *this_rq,
-+static int load_balance_newidle(vcpu_t this_cpu, runqueue_t *this_rq,
- struct sched_domain *sd)
- {
- struct sched_group *group;
-- runqueue_t *busiest = NULL;
-+ vcpu_t busiest_vcpu;
-+ runqueue_t *busiest;
- unsigned long imbalance;
-- int nr_moved = 0;
- group = find_busiest_group(sd, this_cpu, &imbalance, NEWLY_IDLE);
- if (!group)
- goto out;
-- busiest = find_busiest_queue(group);
-- if (!busiest || busiest == this_rq)
-+ busiest_vcpu = find_busiest_queue(this_cpu, group, NEWLY_IDLE);
-+ if (!busiest_vcpu || busiest_vcpu == this_cpu)
- goto out;
-+ busiest = vcpu_rq(busiest_vcpu);
- /* Attempt to move tasks */
- double_lock_balance(this_rq, busiest);
-- nr_moved = move_tasks(this_rq, this_cpu, busiest,
-- imbalance, sd, NEWLY_IDLE);
-+ move_tasks(this_rq, this_cpu, busiest,
-+ imbalance, sd, NEWLY_IDLE);
- spin_unlock(&busiest->lock);
- out:
-- return nr_moved;
-+ return 0;
- }
- /*
- * idle_balance is called by schedule() if this_cpu is about to become
- * idle. Attempts to pull tasks from other CPUs.
-+ *
-+ * Returns whether to continue with another runqueue
-+ * instead of switching to idle.
- */
--static inline void idle_balance(int this_cpu, runqueue_t *this_rq)
-+static int idle_balance(vcpu_t this_cpu, runqueue_t *this_rq)
- {
- struct sched_domain *sd;
- for_each_domain(this_cpu, sd) {
- if (sd->flags & SD_BALANCE_NEWIDLE) {
-- if (load_balance_newidle(this_cpu, this_rq, sd)) {
-+ if (load_balance_newidle(this_cpu, this_rq, sd))
- /* We've pulled tasks over so stop searching */
-- break;
-- }
-+ return 1;
- }
- }
-+ return 0;
- }
- /*
-@@ -1813,34 +2713,52 @@ static inline void idle_balance(int this
- * logical imbalance.
- *
- * Called with busiest locked.
-+ *
-+ * In human terms: balancing of CPU load by moving tasks between CPUs is
-+ * performed by 2 methods, push and pull.
-+ * In certain places when CPU is found to be idle, it performs pull from busy
-+ * CPU to current (idle) CPU.
-+ * active_load_balance implements push method, with migration thread getting
-+ * scheduled on a busy CPU (hence, making all running processes on this CPU sit
-+ * in the queue) and selecting where to push and which task.
- */
--static void active_load_balance(runqueue_t *busiest, int busiest_cpu)
-+static void active_load_balance(runqueue_t *busiest, vcpu_t busiest_cpu)
- {
- struct sched_domain *sd;
- struct sched_group *group, *busy_group;
-+ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
- int i;
- if (busiest->nr_running <= 1)
- return;
-+ /*
-+ * Our main candidate where to push our tasks is busiest->push_cpu.
-+ * First, find the domain that spans over both that candidate CPU and
-+ * the current one.
-+ *
-+ * FIXME: make sure that push_cpu doesn't disappear before we get here.
-+ */
- for_each_domain(busiest_cpu, sd)
-- if (cpu_isset(busiest->push_cpu, sd->span))
-+ if (cpu_isset(vcpu_last_pcpu(busiest->push_cpu), sd->span))
- break;
- if (!sd) {
- WARN_ON(1);
- return;
- }
-+ /* Remember the group containing the current CPU (to ignore it). */
- group = sd->groups;
-- while (!cpu_isset(busiest_cpu, group->cpumask))
-+ while (!cpu_isset(vcpu_last_pcpu(busiest_cpu), group->cpumask))
- group = group->next;
- busy_group = group;
-+ vsched = vcpu_vsched(busiest_cpu);
- group = sd->groups;
- do {
- cpumask_t tmp;
- runqueue_t *rq;
-- int push_cpu = 0;
-+ vcpu_t vcpu, push_cpu;
- if (group == busy_group)
- goto next_group;
-@@ -1849,13 +2767,21 @@ static void active_load_balance(runqueue
- if (!cpus_weight(tmp))
- goto next_group;
-+ push_cpu = NULL;
- for_each_cpu_mask(i, tmp) {
-- if (!idle_cpu(i))
-+ vcpu = pcpu(i)->vcpu;
-+ if (vcpu_vsched(vcpu) != vsched)
-+ continue;
-+ if (!idle_vcpu(vcpu))
- goto next_group;
-- push_cpu = i;
-+ push_cpu = vcpu;
- }
-+ if (push_cpu == NULL)
-+ goto next_group;
-- rq = cpu_rq(push_cpu);
-+ rq = vcpu_rq(push_cpu);
- /*
- * This condition is "impossible", but since load
-@@ -1871,6 +2797,28 @@ static void active_load_balance(runqueue
- next_group:
- group = group->next;
- } while (group != sd->groups);
-+ if (busiest->nr_running > 2) { /* 1 for migration thread, 1 for task */
-+ cpumask_t tmp;
-+ runqueue_t *rq;
-+ vcpu_t vcpu;
-+ cpus_andnot(tmp, vsched->vcpu_online_map,
-+ vsched->vcpu_running_map);
-+ for_each_cpu_mask(i, tmp) {
-+ vcpu = vsched_vcpu(vsched, i);
-+ if (!idle_vcpu(vcpu))
-+ continue;
-+ rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu);
-+ double_lock_balance(busiest, rq);
-+ move_tasks(rq, vcpu, busiest, 1, sd, IDLE);
-+ spin_unlock(&rq->lock);
-+ if (busiest->nr_running <= 2)
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
- }
- /*
-@@ -1883,27 +2831,18 @@ next_group:
- */
- /* Don't have all balancing operations going off at once */
--#define CPU_OFFSET(cpu) (HZ * cpu / NR_CPUS)
-+#define CPU_OFFSET(cpu) (HZ * (cpu) / NR_CPUS)
--static void rebalance_tick(int this_cpu, runqueue_t *this_rq,
-+static void rebalance_tick(vcpu_t this_cpu, runqueue_t *this_rq,
- enum idle_type idle)
- {
-- unsigned long old_load, this_load;
-- unsigned long j = jiffies + CPU_OFFSET(this_cpu);
-+ unsigned long j;
- struct sched_domain *sd;
- /* Update our load */
-- old_load = this_rq->cpu_load;
-- this_load = this_rq->nr_running * SCHED_LOAD_SCALE;
-- /*
-- * Round up the averaging division if load is increasing. This
-- * prevents us from getting stuck on 9 if the load is 10, for
-- * example.
-- */
-- if (this_load > old_load)
-- old_load++;
-- this_rq->cpu_load = (old_load + this_load) / 2;
-+ update_rq_cpu_load(this_rq);
-+ j = jiffies + CPU_OFFSET(smp_processor_id());
- for_each_domain(this_cpu, sd) {
- unsigned long interval = sd->balance_interval;
-@@ -1914,7 +2853,6 @@ static void rebalance_tick(int this_cpu,
- interval = msecs_to_jiffies(interval);
- if (unlikely(!interval))
- interval = 1;
- if (j - sd->last_balance >= interval) {
- if (load_balance(this_cpu, this_rq, sd, idle)) {
- /* We've pulled tasks over so no longer idle */
-@@ -1928,26 +2866,30 @@ static void rebalance_tick(int this_cpu,
- /*
- * on UP we do not need to balance between CPUs:
- */
--static inline void rebalance_tick(int cpu, runqueue_t *rq, enum idle_type idle)
-+static inline void rebalance_tick(vcpu_t cpu, runqueue_t *rq, enum idle_type idle)
- {
- }
--static inline void idle_balance(int cpu, runqueue_t *rq)
-+static inline void idle_balance(vcpu_t cpu, runqueue_t *rq)
- {
- }
- #endif
--static inline int wake_priority_sleeper(runqueue_t *rq)
-+static inline int wake_priority_sleeper(runqueue_t *rq, task_t *idle)
- {
-+ /* FIXME: can we implement SMT priority sleeping for this? */
- /*
- * If an SMT sibling task has been put to sleep for priority
- * reasons reschedule the idle task to see if it can now run.
- */
- if (rq->nr_running) {
-- resched_task(rq->idle);
-+ /* FIXME */
-+ resched_task(idle);
- return 1;
- }
- #endif
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -1971,6 +2913,25 @@ EXPORT_PER_CPU_SYMBOL(kstat);
- STARVATION_LIMIT * ((rq)->nr_running) + 1))) || \
- ((rq)->curr->static_prio > (rq)->best_expired_prio))
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+#define update_ve_nice(p, tick) do { \
-+ VE_CPU_STATS(VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env, \
-+ task_cpu(p))->nice += tick; \
-+ } while (0)
-+#define update_ve_user(p, tick) do { \
-+ VE_CPU_STATS(VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env, \
-+ task_cpu(p))->user += tick; \
-+ } while (0)
-+#define update_ve_system(p, tick) do { \
-+ VE_CPU_STATS(VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env, \
-+ task_cpu(p))->system += tick; \
-+ } while (0)
-+#define update_ve_nice(p, tick) do { } while (0)
-+#define update_ve_user(p, tick) do { } while (0)
-+#define update_ve_system(p, tick) do { } while (0)
- /*
- * This function gets called by the timer code, with HZ frequency.
- * We call it with interrupts disabled.
-@@ -1981,12 +2942,17 @@ EXPORT_PER_CPU_SYMBOL(kstat);
- void scheduler_tick(int user_ticks, int sys_ticks)
- {
- int cpu = smp_processor_id();
-+ vcpu_t vcpu;
- struct cpu_usage_stat *cpustat = &kstat_this_cpu.cpustat;
-- runqueue_t *rq = this_rq();
-+ runqueue_t *rq;
- task_t *p = current;
-+ vcpu = this_vcpu();
-+ rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu);
- rq->timestamp_last_tick = sched_clock();
-+ set_tsk_need_resched(p); //FIXME
- if (rcu_pending(cpu))
- rcu_check_callbacks(cpu, user_ticks);
-@@ -1998,22 +2964,25 @@ void scheduler_tick(int user_ticks, int
- cpustat->softirq += sys_ticks;
- sys_ticks = 0;
- }
-- if (p == rq->idle) {
-+ if (p == pcpu(cpu)->idle) {
- if (atomic_read(&rq->nr_iowait) > 0)
- cpustat->iowait += sys_ticks;
- else
- cpustat->idle += sys_ticks;
-- if (wake_priority_sleeper(rq))
-+ if (wake_priority_sleeper(rq, pcpu(cpu)->idle))
- goto out;
-- rebalance_tick(cpu, rq, IDLE);
-+ rebalance_tick(vcpu, rq, IDLE);
- return;
- }
-- if (TASK_NICE(p) > 0)
-+ if (TASK_NICE(p) > 0) {
- cpustat->nice += user_ticks;
-- else
-+ update_ve_nice(p, user_ticks);
-+ } else {
- cpustat->user += user_ticks;
-+ update_ve_user(p, user_ticks);
-+ }
- cpustat->system += sys_ticks;
-+ update_ve_system(p, sys_ticks);
- /* Task might have expired already, but not scheduled off yet */
- if (p->array != rq->active) {
-@@ -2076,9 +3045,22 @@ void scheduler_tick(int user_ticks, int
- * This only applies to tasks in the interactive
- * delta range with at least TIMESLICE_GRANULARITY to requeue.
- */
-+ unsigned long ts_gran;
-+ if (ts_gran == 0) {
-+ printk("BUG!!! Zero granulatity!\n"
-+ "Task %d/%s, VE %d, sleep_avg %lu, cpus %d\n",
-+ p->pid, p->comm,
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(p)->owner_env->veid,
-+ p->sleep_avg,
-+ vsched_num_online_vcpus(task_vsched(p)));
-+ ts_gran = 1;
-+ }
- if (TASK_INTERACTIVE(p) && !((task_timeslice(p) -
-- p->time_slice) % TIMESLICE_GRANULARITY(p)) &&
-- (p->time_slice >= TIMESLICE_GRANULARITY(p)) &&
-+ p->time_slice) % ts_gran) &&
-+ (p->time_slice >= ts_gran) &&
- (p->array == rq->active)) {
- dequeue_task(p, rq->active);
-@@ -2090,11 +3072,12 @@ void scheduler_tick(int user_ticks, int
- out_unlock:
- spin_unlock(&rq->lock);
- out:
-- rebalance_tick(cpu, rq, NOT_IDLE);
-+ rebalance_tick(vcpu, rq, NOT_IDLE);
- }
--static inline void wake_sleeping_dependent(int cpu, runqueue_t *rq)
-+#if defined(CONFIG_SCHED_SMT) && !defined(CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU)
-+/* FIXME: SMT scheduling */
-+static void wake_sleeping_dependent(int cpu, runqueue_t *rq)
- {
- int i;
- struct sched_domain *sd = rq->sd;
-@@ -2110,18 +3093,18 @@ static inline void wake_sleeping_depende
- if (i == cpu)
- continue;
-- smt_rq = cpu_rq(i);
-+ smt_rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu(i));
- /*
- * If an SMT sibling task is sleeping due to priority
- * reasons wake it up now.
- */
-- if (smt_rq->curr == smt_rq->idle && smt_rq->nr_running)
-- resched_task(smt_rq->idle);
-+ if (smt_rq->curr == pcpu(i)->idle && smt_rq->nr_running)
-+ resched_task(pcpu(i)->idle);
- }
- }
--static inline int dependent_sleeper(int cpu, runqueue_t *rq, task_t *p)
-+static int dependent_sleeper(int cpu, runqueue_t *rq, task_t *p)
- {
- struct sched_domain *sd = rq->sd;
- cpumask_t sibling_map;
-@@ -2138,7 +3121,7 @@ static inline int dependent_sleeper(int
- if (i == cpu)
- continue;
-- smt_rq = cpu_rq(i);
-+ smt_rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu(i));
- smt_curr = smt_rq->curr;
- /*
-@@ -2162,7 +3145,7 @@ static inline int dependent_sleeper(int
- if ((((p->time_slice * (100 - sd->per_cpu_gain) / 100) >
- task_timeslice(smt_curr) || rt_task(p)) &&
- smt_curr->mm && p->mm && !rt_task(smt_curr)) ||
-- (smt_curr == smt_rq->idle && smt_rq->nr_running))
-+ (smt_curr == pcpu(i)->idle && smt_rq->nr_running))
- resched_task(smt_curr);
- }
- return ret;
-@@ -2178,6 +3161,24 @@ static inline int dependent_sleeper(int
- }
- #endif
-+static void update_sched_lat(struct task_struct *t, cycles_t cycles)
-+ int cpu;
-+ cycles_t ve_wstamp;
-+ /* safe due to runqueue lock */
-+ ve_wstamp = VE_TASK_INFO(t)->wakeup_stamp;
-+ cpu = smp_processor_id();
-+ if (ve_wstamp && cycles > ve_wstamp) {
-+ KSTAT_LAT_PCPU_ADD(&kstat_glob.sched_lat,
-+ cpu, cycles - ve_wstamp);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ KSTAT_LAT_PCPU_ADD(&VE_TASK_INFO(t)->exec_env->sched_lat_ve,
-+ cpu, cycles - ve_wstamp);
-+ }
- /*
- * schedule() is the main scheduler function.
- */
-@@ -2190,30 +3191,34 @@ asmlinkage void __sched schedule(void)
- struct list_head *queue;
- unsigned long long now;
- unsigned long run_time;
-- int cpu, idx;
-+ int idx;
-+ vcpu_t vcpu;
-+ cycles_t cycles;
- /*
- * Test if we are atomic. Since do_exit() needs to call into
- * schedule() atomically, we ignore that path for now.
- * Otherwise, whine if we are scheduling when we should not be.
- */
-- if (likely(!(current->state & (TASK_DEAD | TASK_ZOMBIE)))) {
-+ if (likely(!current->exit_state)) {
- if (unlikely(in_atomic())) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "bad: scheduling while atomic!\n");
- dump_stack();
- }
- }
- need_resched:
-+ cycles = get_cycles();
- preempt_disable();
- prev = current;
- rq = this_rq();
- release_kernel_lock(prev);
- now = sched_clock();
-- if (likely(now - prev->timestamp < NS_MAX_SLEEP_AVG))
-+ if (likely((long long)(now - prev->timestamp) < NS_MAX_SLEEP_AVG)) {
- run_time = now - prev->timestamp;
-- else
-+ if (unlikely((long long)(now - prev->timestamp) < 0))
-+ run_time = 0;
-+ } else
- run_time = NS_MAX_SLEEP_AVG;
- /*
-@@ -2226,6 +3231,8 @@ need_resched:
- spin_lock_irq(&rq->lock);
-+ if (unlikely(current->flags & PF_DEAD))
-+ current->state = EXIT_DEAD;
- /*
- * if entering off of a kernel preemption go straight
- * to picking the next task.
-@@ -2233,24 +3240,40 @@ need_resched:
- switch_count = &prev->nivcsw;
- if (prev->state && !(preempt_count() & PREEMPT_ACTIVE)) {
- switch_count = &prev->nvcsw;
-- if (unlikely((prev->state & TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE) &&
-- unlikely(signal_pending(prev))))
-+ if (unlikely(((prev->state & TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE) &&
-+ unlikely(signal_pending(prev))) ||
-+ ((prev->state & TASK_STOPPED) &&
-+ sigismember(&prev->pending.signal, SIGKILL))))
- prev->state = TASK_RUNNING;
- else
- deactivate_task(prev, rq);
- }
-- cpu = smp_processor_id();
-+ prev->sleep_avg -= run_time;
-+ if ((long)prev->sleep_avg <= 0) {
-+ prev->sleep_avg = 0;
-+ if (!(HIGH_CREDIT(prev) || LOW_CREDIT(prev)))
-+ prev->interactive_credit--;
-+ }
-+ vcpu = rq_vcpu(rq);
-+ if (rq->nr_running &&
-+ jiffies - vcpu->start_time < msecs_to_jiffies(vcpu_timeslice))
-+ goto same_vcpu;
-+ if (unlikely(!rq->nr_running))
-+ idle_balance(vcpu, rq);
-+ vcpu = schedule_vcpu(vcpu, cycles);
-+ rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu);
- if (unlikely(!rq->nr_running)) {
-- idle_balance(cpu, rq);
-- if (!rq->nr_running) {
-- next = rq->idle;
-- rq->expired_timestamp = 0;
-- wake_sleeping_dependent(cpu, rq);
-- goto switch_tasks;
-- }
-+ next = this_pcpu()->idle;
-+ rq->expired_timestamp = 0;
-+ wake_sleeping_dependent(vcpu->id, rq);
-+ goto switch_tasks;
- }
- array = rq->active;
- if (unlikely(!array->nr_active)) {
- /*
-@@ -2266,14 +3289,15 @@ need_resched:
- idx = sched_find_first_bit(array->bitmap);
- queue = array->queue + idx;
- next = list_entry(queue->next, task_t, run_list);
-- if (dependent_sleeper(cpu, rq, next)) {
-- next = rq->idle;
-+ if (dependent_sleeper(vcpu->id, rq, next)) {
-+ /* FIXME: switch to idle if CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU */
-+ next = this_pcpu()->idle;
- goto switch_tasks;
- }
- if (!rt_task(next) && next->activated > 0) {
- unsigned long long delta = now - next->timestamp;
-+ if (unlikely((long long)delta < 0))
-+ delta = 0;
- if (next->activated == 1)
- delta = delta * (ON_RUNQUEUE_WEIGHT * 128 / 100) / 128;
-@@ -2284,37 +3308,68 @@ need_resched:
- enqueue_task(next, array);
- }
- next->activated = 0;
- switch_tasks:
- prefetch(next);
- clear_tsk_need_resched(prev);
-- RCU_qsctr(task_cpu(prev))++;
-+ RCU_qsctr(task_pcpu(prev))++;
-- prev->sleep_avg -= run_time;
-- if ((long)prev->sleep_avg <= 0) {
-- prev->sleep_avg = 0;
-- if (!(HIGH_CREDIT(prev) || LOW_CREDIT(prev)))
-- prev->interactive_credit--;
-- }
-+ /* updated w/o rq->lock, which is ok due to after-read-checks */
- prev->timestamp = now;
- if (likely(prev != next)) {
-+ /* current physical CPU id should be valid after switch */
-+ set_task_vcpu(next, vcpu);
-+ set_task_pcpu(next, task_pcpu(prev));
- next->timestamp = now;
- rq->nr_switches++;
-+ glob_tasks_nrs[smp_processor_id()].nr_switches++;
- rq->curr = next;
- ++*switch_count;
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(prev)->sleep_stamp = cycles;
-+ if (prev->state == TASK_RUNNING && prev != this_pcpu()->idle)
-+ write_wakeup_stamp(prev, cycles);
-+ update_sched_lat(next, cycles);
-+ /* because next & prev are protected with
-+ * runqueue lock we may not worry about
-+ * wakeup_stamp and sched_time protection
-+ * (same thing in 'else' branch below)
-+ */
-+ if (prev != this_pcpu()->idle) {
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ VE_CPU_STATS(VE_TASK_INFO(prev)->owner_env,
-+ smp_processor_id())->used_time +=
-+ cycles - VE_TASK_INFO(prev)->sched_time;
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(prev)->sched_time = 0;
-+ }
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(next)->sched_time = cycles;
-+ write_wakeup_stamp(next, 0);
- prepare_arch_switch(rq, next);
- prev = context_switch(rq, prev, next);
- barrier();
- finish_task_switch(prev);
-- } else
-+ } else {
-+ if (prev != this_pcpu()->idle) {
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ VE_CPU_STATS(VE_TASK_INFO(prev)->owner_env,
-+ smp_processor_id())->used_time +=
-+ cycles - VE_TASK_INFO(prev)->sched_time;
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(prev)->sched_time = cycles;
-+ }
- spin_unlock_irq(&rq->lock);
-+ }
- reacquire_kernel_lock(current);
- preempt_enable_no_resched();
- if (test_thread_flag(TIF_NEED_RESCHED))
- goto need_resched;
-+ return;
- }
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(schedule);
-@@ -2675,23 +3730,12 @@ int task_nice(const task_t *p)
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(task_nice);
- /**
-- * idle_cpu - is a given cpu idle currently?
-- * @cpu: the processor in question.
-- */
--int idle_cpu(int cpu)
-- return cpu_curr(cpu) == cpu_rq(cpu)->idle;
- * find_process_by_pid - find a process with a matching PID value.
- * @pid: the pid in question.
- */
- static inline task_t *find_process_by_pid(pid_t pid)
- {
-- return pid ? find_task_by_pid(pid) : current;
-+ return pid ? find_task_by_pid_ve(pid) : current;
- }
- /* Actually do priority change: must hold rq lock. */
-@@ -2709,7 +3753,7 @@ static void __setscheduler(struct task_s
- /*
- * setscheduler - change the scheduling policy and/or RT priority of a thread.
- */
--static int setscheduler(pid_t pid, int policy, struct sched_param __user *param)
-+int setscheduler(pid_t pid, int policy, struct sched_param __user *param)
- {
- struct sched_param lp;
- int retval = -EINVAL;
-@@ -2764,7 +3808,7 @@ static int setscheduler(pid_t pid, int p
- retval = -EPERM;
- if ((policy == SCHED_FIFO || policy == SCHED_RR) &&
-- !capable(CAP_SYS_NICE))
-+ !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
- goto out_unlock;
- if ((current->euid != p->euid) && (current->euid != p->uid) &&
- !capable(CAP_SYS_NICE))
-@@ -2802,6 +3846,7 @@ out_unlock_tasklist:
- out_nounlock:
- return retval;
- }
- /**
- * sys_sched_setscheduler - set/change the scheduler policy and RT priority
-@@ -3065,9 +4110,14 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(yield);
- void __sched io_schedule(void)
- {
- struct runqueue *rq = this_rq();
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ ve = VE_TASK_INFO(current)->owner_env;
- atomic_inc(&rq->nr_iowait);
-+ nr_iowait_inc(smp_processor_id(), task_cpu(current), ve);
- schedule();
-+ nr_iowait_dec(smp_processor_id(), task_cpu(current), ve);
- atomic_dec(&rq->nr_iowait);
- }
-@@ -3077,9 +4127,14 @@ long __sched io_schedule_timeout(long ti
- {
- struct runqueue *rq = this_rq();
- long ret;
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ ve = VE_TASK_INFO(current)->owner_env;
- atomic_inc(&rq->nr_iowait);
-+ nr_iowait_inc(smp_processor_id(), task_cpu(current), ve);
- ret = schedule_timeout(timeout);
-+ nr_iowait_dec(smp_processor_id(), task_cpu(current), ve);
- atomic_dec(&rq->nr_iowait);
- return ret;
- }
-@@ -3199,16 +4254,13 @@ static void show_task(task_t * p)
- printk(stat_nam[state]);
- else
- printk("?");
-+ if (state)
-+ printk(" %012Lx", (unsigned long long)
-+ (VE_TASK_INFO(p)->sleep_stamp >> 16));
- #if (BITS_PER_LONG == 32)
-- if (state == TASK_RUNNING)
-- printk(" running ");
-- else
-- printk(" %08lX ", thread_saved_pc(p));
-+ printk(" %08lX ", (unsigned long)p);
- #else
-- if (state == TASK_RUNNING)
-- printk(" running task ");
-- else
-- printk(" %016lx ", thread_saved_pc(p));
-+ printk(" %016lx ", (unsigned long)p);
- #endif
- {
-@@ -3247,39 +4299,82 @@ void show_state(void)
- #if (BITS_PER_LONG == 32)
- printk("\n"
- " sibling\n");
-- printk(" task PC pid father child younger older\n");
-+ printk(" task taskaddr pid father child younger older\n");
- #else
- printk("\n"
- " sibling\n");
-- printk(" task PC pid father child younger older\n");
-+ printk(" task taskaddr pid father child younger older\n");
- #endif
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- do_each_thread(g, p) {
-+ do_each_thread_all(g, p) {
- /*
- * reset the NMI-timeout, listing all files on a slow
- * console might take alot of time:
- */
- touch_nmi_watchdog();
- show_task(p);
-- } while_each_thread(g, p);
-+ } while_each_thread_all(g, p);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
- }
-+static void init_rq(struct runqueue *rq);
-+static void init_vcpu(vcpu_t vcpu, int id)
-+ memset(vcpu, 0, sizeof(struct vcpu_info));
-+ vcpu->id = id;
-+ vcpu->last_pcpu = id;
-+ init_rq(vcpu_rq(vcpu));
- void __devinit init_idle(task_t *idle, int cpu)
- {
-- runqueue_t *idle_rq = cpu_rq(cpu), *rq = cpu_rq(task_cpu(idle));
-+ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
-+ vcpu_t vcpu;
-+ runqueue_t *idle_rq, *rq;
- unsigned long flags;
-+ if (__add_vcpu(&idle_vsched, cpu))
-+ panic("Can't create idle vcpu %d\n", cpu);
-+ /* Also create vcpu for default_vsched */
-+ if (cpu > 0 && __add_vcpu(&default_vsched, cpu) != 0)
-+ panic("Can't create default vcpu %d\n", cpu);
-+ cpu_set(cpu, idle_vsched.pcpu_running_map);
-+ vsched = &idle_vsched;
-+ vcpu = vsched_vcpu(vsched, cpu);
-+ idle_rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu);
-+ rq = vcpu_rq(task_vcpu(idle));
- local_irq_save(flags);
- double_rq_lock(idle_rq, rq);
-- idle_rq->curr = idle_rq->idle = idle;
-+ pcpu(cpu)->idle = idle;
-+ idle_rq->curr = idle;
- deactivate_task(idle, rq);
- idle->array = NULL;
- idle->prio = MAX_PRIO;
- idle->state = TASK_RUNNING;
-- set_task_cpu(idle, cpu);
-+ set_task_pcpu(idle, cpu);
-+ /* the following code is very close to vcpu_get */
-+ spin_lock(&fairsched_lock);
-+ pcpu(cpu)->vcpu = vcpu;
-+ pcpu(cpu)->vsched = vcpu->vsched;
-+ list_move_tail(&vcpu->list, &vsched->running_list);
-+ __set_bit(cpu, vsched->vcpu_running_map.bits);
-+ __set_bit(cpu, vsched->pcpu_running_map.bits);
-+ vcpu->running = 1;
-+ spin_unlock(&fairsched_lock);
-+ set_task_vsched(idle, vsched);
-+ set_task_vcpu(idle, vcpu);
- double_rq_unlock(idle_rq, rq);
- set_tsk_need_resched(idle);
- local_irq_restore(flags);
-@@ -3301,7 +4396,7 @@ void __devinit init_idle(task_t *idle, i
- */
- cpumask_t nohz_cpu_mask = CPU_MASK_NONE;
--#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-+#if defined(CONFIG_SMP) || defined(CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU)
- /*
- * This is how migration works:
- *
-@@ -3327,15 +4422,18 @@ cpumask_t nohz_cpu_mask = CPU_MASK_NONE;
- * task must not exit() & deallocate itself prematurely. The
- * call is not atomic; no spinlocks may be held.
- */
-+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
- int set_cpus_allowed(task_t *p, cpumask_t new_mask)
- {
- unsigned long flags;
- int ret = 0;
- migration_req_t req;
- runqueue_t *rq;
-+ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
-+ vsched = task_vsched(p);
- rq = task_rq_lock(p, &flags);
-- if (!cpus_intersects(new_mask, cpu_online_map)) {
-+ if (!cpus_intersects(new_mask, vsched_vcpu_online_map(vsched))) {
- ret = -EINVAL;
- goto out;
- }
-@@ -3345,7 +4443,8 @@ int set_cpus_allowed(task_t *p, cpumask_
- if (cpu_isset(task_cpu(p), new_mask))
- goto out;
-- if (migrate_task(p, any_online_cpu(new_mask), &req)) {
-+ if (migrate_task(p, vsched_vcpu(vsched, any_online_cpu(new_mask)),
-+ &req)) {
- /* Need help from migration thread: drop lock and wait. */
- task_rq_unlock(rq, &flags);
- wake_up_process(rq->migration_thread);
-@@ -3359,6 +4458,7 @@ out:
- }
- EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(set_cpus_allowed);
- /*
- * Move (not current) task off this cpu, onto dest cpu. We're doing
-@@ -3369,25 +4469,30 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(set_cpus_allowed);
- * So we race with normal scheduler movements, but that's OK, as long
- * as the task is no longer on this CPU.
- */
--static void __migrate_task(struct task_struct *p, int src_cpu, int dest_cpu)
-+static void __migrate_task(struct task_struct *p, vcpu_t src_cpu, vcpu_t dest_cpu)
- {
- runqueue_t *rq_dest, *rq_src;
-- if (unlikely(cpu_is_offline(dest_cpu)))
-+ if (unlikely(vcpu_is_offline(dest_cpu)))
- return;
-- rq_src = cpu_rq(src_cpu);
-- rq_dest = cpu_rq(dest_cpu);
-+ BUG_ON(vcpu_vsched(src_cpu) == &idle_vsched);
-+ rq_src = vcpu_rq(src_cpu);
-+ rq_dest = vcpu_rq(dest_cpu);
- double_rq_lock(rq_src, rq_dest);
- /* Already moved. */
-- if (task_cpu(p) != src_cpu)
-+ if (task_vcpu(p) != src_cpu)
- goto out;
- /* Affinity changed (again). */
-- if (!cpu_isset(dest_cpu, p->cpus_allowed))
-+ if (!vcpu_isset(dest_cpu, p->cpus_allowed))
- goto out;
-- set_task_cpu(p, dest_cpu);
-+ BUG_ON(task_running(rq_src, p));
-+ set_task_vsched(p, vcpu_vsched(dest_cpu));
-+ set_task_vcpu(p, dest_cpu);
- if (p->array) {
- /*
- * Sync timestamp with rq_dest's before activating.
-@@ -3415,9 +4520,9 @@ out:
- static int migration_thread(void * data)
- {
- runqueue_t *rq;
-- int cpu = (long)data;
-+ vcpu_t cpu = (vcpu_t)data;
-- rq = cpu_rq(cpu);
-+ rq = vcpu_rq(cpu);
- BUG_ON(rq->migration_thread != current);
- set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
-@@ -3425,21 +4530,21 @@ static int migration_thread(void * data)
- struct list_head *head;
- migration_req_t *req;
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
-- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
-+ refrigerator();
- spin_lock_irq(&rq->lock);
-- if (cpu_is_offline(cpu)) {
-+ if (vcpu_is_offline(cpu)) {
- spin_unlock_irq(&rq->lock);
- goto wait_to_die;
- }
-+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
- if (rq->active_balance) {
- active_load_balance(rq, cpu);
- rq->active_balance = 0;
- }
- head = &rq->migration_queue;
- if (list_empty(head)) {
-@@ -3453,12 +4558,14 @@ static int migration_thread(void * data)
- if (req->type == REQ_MOVE_TASK) {
- spin_unlock(&rq->lock);
-- __migrate_task(req->task, smp_processor_id(),
-+ __migrate_task(req->task, this_vcpu(),
- req->dest_cpu);
- local_irq_enable();
-+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
- } else if (req->type == REQ_SET_DOMAIN) {
- rq->sd = req->sd;
- spin_unlock_irq(&rq->lock);
- } else {
- spin_unlock_irq(&rq->lock);
- WARN_ON(1);
-@@ -3480,10 +4587,10 @@ wait_to_die:
- return 0;
- }
- /* migrate_all_tasks - function to migrate all tasks from the dead cpu. */
--static void migrate_all_tasks(int src_cpu)
-+static void migrate_all_tasks(vcpu_t src_vcpu)
- {
-+#if defined(CONFIG_HOTPLUG_CPU) && !defined(CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU)
- struct task_struct *tsk, *t;
- int dest_cpu;
- unsigned int node;
-@@ -3491,14 +4598,14 @@ static void migrate_all_tasks(int src_cp
- write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
- /* watch out for per node tasks, let's stay on this node */
-- node = cpu_to_node(src_cpu);
-+ node = cpu_to_node(src_vcpu);
-- do_each_thread(t, tsk) {
-+ do_each_thread_all(t, tsk) {
- cpumask_t mask;
- if (tsk == current)
- continue;
-- if (task_cpu(tsk) != src_cpu)
-+ if (task_vcpu(tsk) != src_vcpu)
- continue;
- /* Figure out where this task should go (attempting to
-@@ -3520,22 +4627,43 @@ static void migrate_all_tasks(int src_cp
- if (tsk->mm && printk_ratelimit())
- printk(KERN_INFO "process %d (%s) no "
- "longer affine to cpu%d\n",
-- tsk->pid, tsk->comm, src_cpu);
-+ tsk->pid, tsk->comm, src_vcpu->id);
- }
-- __migrate_task(tsk, src_cpu, dest_cpu);
-- } while_each_thread(t, tsk);
-+ __migrate_task(tsk, src_vcpu,
-+ vsched_vcpu(vcpu_vsched(src_vcpu), dest_cpu));
-+ } while_each_thread_all(t, tsk);
- write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
-+#elif defined(CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU)
-+ struct task_struct *tsk, *t;
-+ /*
-+ * FIXME: should migrate tasks from scr_vcpu to others if dynamic
-+ * VCPU add/del is implemented. Right now just does sanity checks.
-+ */
-+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ do_each_thread_all(t, tsk) {
-+ if (task_vcpu(tsk) != src_vcpu)
-+ continue;
-+ if (tsk == vcpu_rq(src_vcpu)->migration_thread)
-+ continue;
-+ printk("VSCHED: task %s (%d) was left on src VCPU %d:%d\n",
-+ tsk->comm, tsk->pid,
-+ vcpu_vsched(src_vcpu)->id, src_vcpu->id);
-+ } while_each_thread_all(t, tsk);
-+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
- }
- /* Schedules idle task to be the next runnable task on current CPU.
- * It does so by boosting its priority to highest possible and adding it to
- * the _front_ of runqueue. Used by CPU offline code.
- */
- void sched_idle_next(void)
- {
-- int cpu = smp_processor_id();
-+ int cpu = this_vcpu();
- runqueue_t *rq = this_rq();
- struct task_struct *p = rq->idle;
- unsigned long flags;
-@@ -3550,60 +4678,100 @@ void sched_idle_next(void)
- __setscheduler(p, SCHED_FIFO, MAX_RT_PRIO-1);
- /* Add idle task to _front_ of it's priority queue */
-+#error "FIXME: VCPU vs. HOTPLUG: fix the code below"
- __activate_idle_task(p, rq);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rq->lock, flags);
- }
- #endif /* CONFIG_HOTPLUG_CPU */
-+static void migration_thread_bind(struct task_struct *k, vcpu_t cpu)
-+ /* Must have done schedule() in kthread() before we set_task_cpu */
-+ wait_task_inactive(k);
-+ set_task_vsched(k, vcpu_vsched(cpu));
-+ set_task_vcpu(k, cpu);
-+ k->cpus_allowed = cpumask_of_cpu(cpu->id);
-+static void migration_thread_stop(runqueue_t *rq)
-+ struct task_struct *thread;
-+ thread = rq->migration_thread;
-+ if (thread == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ get_task_struct(thread);
-+ kthread_stop(thread);
-+ /* We MUST ensure, that the do_exit of the migration thread is
-+ * completed and it will never scheduled again before vsched_destroy.
-+ * The task with flag PF_DEAD if unscheduled will never receive
-+ * CPU again. */
-+ while (!(thread->flags & PF_DEAD) || task_running(rq, thread))
-+ yield();
-+ put_task_struct(thread);
-+ rq->migration_thread = NULL;
- /*
- * migration_call - callback that gets triggered when a CPU is added.
- * Here we can start up the necessary migration thread for the new CPU.
- */
--static int migration_call(struct notifier_block *nfb, unsigned long action,
-+static int vmigration_call(struct notifier_block *nfb, unsigned long action,
- void *hcpu)
- {
-- int cpu = (long)hcpu;
-+ vcpu_t cpu = (vcpu_t)hcpu;
- struct task_struct *p;
- struct runqueue *rq;
- unsigned long flags;
- switch (action) {
-- p = kthread_create(migration_thread, hcpu, "migration/%d",cpu);
-+ p = kthread_create(migration_thread, hcpu, "migration/%d/%d",
-+ vsched_id(vcpu_vsched(cpu)), cpu->id);
- if (IS_ERR(p))
- return NOTIFY_BAD;
- p->flags |= PF_NOFREEZE;
-- kthread_bind(p, cpu);
-- /* Must be high prio: stop_machine expects to yield to it. */
-+ migration_thread_bind(p, cpu);
- rq = task_rq_lock(p, &flags);
-+ /* Must be high prio: stop_machine expects to yield to it. */
- __setscheduler(p, SCHED_FIFO, MAX_RT_PRIO-1);
- task_rq_unlock(rq, &flags);
-- cpu_rq(cpu)->migration_thread = p;
-+ vcpu_rq(cpu)->migration_thread = p;
- break;
- case CPU_ONLINE:
- /* Strictly unneccessary, as first user will wake it. */
-- wake_up_process(cpu_rq(cpu)->migration_thread);
-+ wake_up_process(vcpu_rq(cpu)->migration_thread);
- break;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_HOTPLUG_CPU) && defined(CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU)
-+#error "FIXME: CPU down code doesn't work yet with VCPUs"
- /* Unbind it from offline cpu so it can run. Fall thru. */
-- kthread_bind(cpu_rq(cpu)->migration_thread,smp_processor_id());
-- kthread_stop(cpu_rq(cpu)->migration_thread);
-- cpu_rq(cpu)->migration_thread = NULL;
-+ migration_thread_bind(vcpu_rq(cpu)->migration_thread, this_vcpu());
-+ migration_thread_stop(vcpu_rq(cpu));
- break;
- case CPU_DEAD:
- migrate_all_tasks(cpu);
-- rq = cpu_rq(cpu);
-- kthread_stop(rq->migration_thread);
-- rq->migration_thread = NULL;
-+ rq = vcpu_rq(cpu);
-+ migration_thread_stop(rq);
- /* Idle task back to normal (off runqueue, low prio) */
- rq = task_rq_lock(rq->idle, &flags);
- deactivate_task(rq->idle, rq);
- rq->idle->static_prio = MAX_PRIO;
- __setscheduler(rq->idle, SCHED_NORMAL, 0);
- task_rq_unlock(rq, &flags);
-- BUG_ON(rq->nr_running != 0);
- /* No need to migrate the tasks: it was best-effort if
- * they didn't do lock_cpu_hotplug(). Just wake up
-@@ -3619,11 +4787,17 @@ static int migration_call(struct notifie
- }
- spin_unlock_irq(&rq->lock);
- break;
- }
- return NOTIFY_OK;
- }
-+static int migration_call(struct notifier_block *nfb, unsigned long action,
-+ void *hcpu)
-+ /* we need to translate pcpu to vcpu */
-+ return vmigration_call(nfb, action, vsched_default_vcpu((long)hcpu));
- /* Register at highest priority so that task migration (migrate_all_tasks)
- * happens before everything else.
- */
-@@ -3664,13 +4838,14 @@ void cpu_attach_domain(struct sched_doma
- {
- migration_req_t req;
- unsigned long flags;
-- runqueue_t *rq = cpu_rq(cpu);
-+ runqueue_t *rq = vcpu_rq(vsched_default_vcpu(cpu));
- int local = 1;
- lock_cpu_hotplug();
- spin_lock_irqsave(&rq->lock, flags);
-+ pcpu(cpu)->sd = sd;
- if (cpu == smp_processor_id() || !cpu_online(cpu)) {
- rq->sd = sd;
- } else {
-@@ -3815,11 +4990,10 @@ void sched_domain_debug(void)
- int i;
- for_each_cpu(i) {
-- runqueue_t *rq = cpu_rq(i);
- struct sched_domain *sd;
- int level = 0;
-- sd = rq->sd;
-+ sd = pcpu(i)->sd;
- printk(KERN_DEBUG "CPU%d: %s\n",
- i, (cpu_online(i) ? " online" : "offline"));
-@@ -3836,7 +5010,8 @@ void sched_domain_debug(void)
- printk(KERN_DEBUG);
- for (j = 0; j < level + 1; j++)
- printk(" ");
-- printk("domain %d: span %s\n", level, str);
-+ printk("domain %d: span %s flags 0x%x\n",
-+ level, str, sd->flags);
- if (!cpu_isset(i, sd->span))
- printk(KERN_DEBUG "ERROR domain->span does not contain CPU%d\n", i);
-@@ -3907,16 +5082,13 @@ int in_sched_functions(unsigned long add
- && addr < (unsigned long)__sched_text_end;
- }
--void __init sched_init(void)
-- runqueue_t *rq;
-- int i, j, k;
- #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-- /* Set up an initial dummy domain for early boot */
-- static struct sched_domain sched_domain_init;
-- static struct sched_group sched_group_init;
-+static struct sched_domain sched_domain_init;
-+static struct sched_group sched_group_init;
-+/* Set up an initial dummy domain for early boot */
-+static void init_sd(void)
- memset(&sched_domain_init, 0, sizeof(struct sched_domain));
- sched_domain_init.span = CPU_MASK_ALL;
- sched_domain_init.groups = &sched_group_init;
-@@ -3928,45 +5100,570 @@ void __init sched_init(void)
- sched_group_init.cpumask = CPU_MASK_ALL;
- = &sched_group_init;
- sched_group_init.cpu_power = SCHED_LOAD_SCALE;
-+static void inline init_sd(void)
- #endif
-- for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++) {
-- prio_array_t *array;
-+static void init_rq(struct runqueue *rq)
-+ int j, k;
-+ prio_array_t *array;
-- rq = cpu_rq(i);
-- spin_lock_init(&rq->lock);
-- rq->active = rq->arrays;
-- rq->expired = rq->arrays + 1;
-- rq->best_expired_prio = MAX_PRIO;
-+ spin_lock_init(&rq->lock);
-+ rq->active = &rq->arrays[0];
-+ rq->expired = &rq->arrays[1];
-+ rq->best_expired_prio = MAX_PRIO;
- #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-- rq->sd = &sched_domain_init;
-- rq->cpu_load = 0;
-- rq->active_balance = 0;
-- rq->push_cpu = 0;
-- rq->migration_thread = NULL;
-- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&rq->migration_queue);
-- atomic_set(&rq->nr_iowait, 0);
-- for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
-- array = rq->arrays + j;
-- for (k = 0; k < MAX_PRIO; k++) {
-- INIT_LIST_HEAD(array->queue + k);
-- __clear_bit(k, array->bitmap);
-- }
-- // delimiter for bitsearch
-- __set_bit(MAX_PRIO, array->bitmap);
-+ rq->sd = &sched_domain_init;
-+ rq->cpu_load = 0;
-+ rq->active_balance = 0;
-+ rq->push_cpu = 0;
-+ rq->migration_thread = NULL;
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&rq->migration_queue);
-+ atomic_set(&rq->nr_iowait, 0);
-+ for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
-+ array = rq->arrays + j;
-+ for (k = 0; k < MAX_PRIO; k++) {
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(array->queue + k);
-+ __clear_bit(k, array->bitmap);
-+ }
-+ // delimiter for bitsearch
-+ __set_bit(MAX_PRIO, array->bitmap);
-+ }
-+#if defined(CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU) || defined(CONFIG_FAIRSCHED)
-+/* both rq and vsched lock should be taken */
-+static void __install_vcpu(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched, vcpu_t vcpu)
-+ int id;
-+ id = vcpu->id;
-+ vcpu->vsched = vsched;
-+ vsched->vcpu[id] = vcpu;
-+ vcpu->last_pcpu = id;
-+ wmb();
-+ /* FIXME: probably locking should be reworked, e.g.
-+ we don't have corresponding rmb(), so we need to update mask
-+ only after quiscent state */
-+ /* init_boot_vcpu() should be remade if RCU is used here */
-+ list_add(&vcpu->list, &vsched->idle_list);
-+ cpu_set(id, vsched->vcpu_online_map);
-+ vsched->num_online_vcpus++;
-+static int install_vcpu(vcpu_t vcpu, struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched)
-+ runqueue_t *rq;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ int res = 0;
-+ rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&rq->lock, flags);
-+ spin_lock(&fairsched_lock);
-+ if (vsched->vcpu[vcpu->id] != NULL)
-+ res = -EBUSY;
-+ else
-+ __install_vcpu(vsched, vcpu);
-+ spin_unlock(&fairsched_lock);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rq->lock, flags);
-+ return res;
-+static int __add_vcpu(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched, int id)
-+ vcpu_t vcpu;
-+ int res;
-+ res = -ENOMEM;
-+ vcpu = kmalloc(sizeof(struct vcpu_info), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (vcpu == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ init_vcpu(vcpu, id);
-+ vcpu_rq(vcpu)->curr = this_pcpu()->idle;
-+ res = install_vcpu(vcpu, vsched);
-+ if (res < 0)
-+ goto out_free;
-+ return 0;
-+ kfree(vcpu);
-+ return res;
-+void vsched_init(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched, int id)
-+ memset(vsched, 0, sizeof(*vsched));
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&vsched->idle_list);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&vsched->active_list);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&vsched->running_list);
-+ vsched->num_online_vcpus = 0;
-+ vsched->vcpu_online_map = CPU_MASK_NONE;
-+ vsched->vcpu_running_map = CPU_MASK_NONE;
-+ vsched->pcpu_running_map = CPU_MASK_NONE;
-+ vsched->id = id;
-+/* No locks supposed to be held */
-+static void vsched_del_vcpu(vcpu_t vcpu);
-+static int vsched_add_vcpu(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched)
-+ int res, err;
-+ vcpu_t vcpu;
-+ int id;
-+ static DECLARE_MUTEX(id_mutex);
-+ down(&id_mutex);
-+ id = find_first_zero_bit(vsched->vcpu_online_map.bits, NR_CPUS);
-+ if (id >= NR_CPUS) {
-+ err = -EBUSY;
-+ goto out_up;
-+ }
-+ err = __add_vcpu(vsched, id);
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto out_up;
-+ vcpu = vsched_vcpu(vsched, id);
-+ err = -ENOMEM;
-+ res = vmigration_call(&migration_notifier, CPU_UP_PREPARE, vcpu);
-+ if (res != NOTIFY_OK)
-+ goto out_del_up;
-+ res = vmigration_call(&migration_notifier, CPU_ONLINE, vcpu);
-+ if (res != NOTIFY_OK)
-+ goto out_cancel_del_up;
-+ err = 0;
-+ up(&id_mutex);
-+ return err;
-+ vmigration_call(&migration_notifier, CPU_UP_CANCELED, vcpu);
-+ vsched_del_vcpu(vcpu);
-+ goto out_up;
-+static void vsched_del_vcpu(vcpu_t vcpu)
-+ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
-+ runqueue_t *rq;
-+ vsched = vcpu_vsched(vcpu);
-+ rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu);
-+ spin_lock_irq(&rq->lock);
-+ spin_lock(&fairsched_lock);
-+ cpu_clear(vcpu->id, vsched->vcpu_online_map);
-+ vsched->num_online_vcpus--;
-+ spin_unlock(&fairsched_lock);
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&rq->lock);
-+ /*
-+ * all tasks should migrate from this VCPU somewhere,
-+ * also, since this moment VCPU is offline, so migration_thread
-+ * won't accept any new tasks...
-+ */
-+ vmigration_call(&migration_notifier, CPU_DEAD, vcpu);
-+ BUG_ON(rq->nr_running != 0);
-+ /* vcpu_put() is called after deactivate_task. This loop makes sure
-+ * that vcpu_put() was finished and vcpu can be freed */
-+ while ((volatile int)vcpu->running)
-+ cpu_relax();
-+ BUG_ON(vcpu->active); /* should be in idle_list */
-+ spin_lock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
-+ list_del(&vcpu->list);
-+ vsched_vcpu(vsched, vcpu->id) = NULL;
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
-+ kfree(vcpu);
-+int vsched_mvpr(struct task_struct *p, struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched)
-+ vcpu_t dest_vcpu;
-+ int id;
-+ int res;
-+ res = 0;
-+ while(1) {
-+ /* FIXME: we suppose here that vcpu can't dissapear on the fly */
-+ for(id = first_cpu(vsched->vcpu_online_map); id < NR_CPUS;
-+ id++) {
-+ if ((vsched->vcpu[id] != NULL) &&
-+ !vcpu_isset(vsched->vcpu[id], p->cpus_allowed))
-+ continue;
-+ else
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if (id >= NR_CPUS) {
-+ res = -EINVAL;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ dest_vcpu = vsched_vcpu(vsched, id);
-+ while(1) {
-+ sched_migrate_task(p, dest_vcpu);
-+ if (task_vsched_id(p) == vsched_id(vsched))
-+ goto out;
-+ if (!vcpu_isset(vsched->vcpu[id], p->cpus_allowed))
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return res;
-+void vsched_fairsched_link(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched,
-+ struct fairsched_node *node)
-+ vsched->node = node;
-+ node->vsched = vsched;
-+void vsched_fairsched_unlink(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched,
-+ struct fairsched_node *node)
-+ vsched->node = NULL;
-+ node->vsched = NULL;
-+int vsched_create(int id, struct fairsched_node *node)
-+ struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched;
-+ int i, res;
-+ vsched = kmalloc(sizeof(*vsched), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (vsched == NULL)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ vsched_init(vsched, node->id);
-+ vsched_fairsched_link(vsched, node);
-+ for(i = 0; i < num_online_cpus(); i++) {
-+ res = vsched_add_vcpu(vsched);
-+ if (res < 0)
-+ goto err_add;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+ vsched_destroy(vsched);
-+ return res;
-+int vsched_destroy(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched)
-+ vcpu_t vcpu;
-+ if (vsched == NULL)
-+ return 0;
-+ spin_lock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
-+ while(1) {
-+ if (!list_empty(&vsched->running_list))
-+ vcpu = list_entry(vsched->,
-+ struct vcpu_info, list);
-+ else if (!list_empty(&vsched->active_list))
-+ vcpu = list_entry(vsched->,
-+ struct vcpu_info, list);
-+ else if (!list_empty(&vsched->idle_list))
-+ vcpu = list_entry(vsched->,
-+ struct vcpu_info, list);
-+ else
-+ break;
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
-+ vsched_del_vcpu(vcpu);
-+ spin_lock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
-+ }
-+ if (vsched->num_online_vcpus)
-+ goto err_busy;
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
-+ vsched_fairsched_unlink(vsched, vsched->node);
-+ kfree(vsched);
-+ return 0;
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "BUG in vsched_destroy, vsched id %d\n",
-+ vsched->id);
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&fairsched_lock);
-+ return -EBUSY;
-+#endif /* defined(CONFIG_FAIRSCHED) */
-+#endif /* defined(CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU) || defined(CONFIG_FAIRSCHED) */
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ * This function is used to show fake CPU information.
-+ *
-+ * I'm still quite unsure that faking CPU speed is such a good idea,
-+ * but someone (Kirill?) has made this decision.
-+ * What I'm absolutely sure is that it's a part of virtualization,
-+ * not a scheduler. 20050727 SAW
-+ */
-+unsigned long ve_scale_khz(unsigned long khz)
-+ struct fairsched_node *node;
-+ int cpus;
-+ unsigned long rate;
-+ cpus = fairsched_nr_cpus;
-+ rate = cpus << FSCHRATE_SHIFT;
-+ /*
-+ * Ideally fairsched node should be taken from the current ve_struct.
-+ * However, to simplify the code and locking, it is taken from current
-+ * (currently fairsched_node can be changed only for a sleeping task).
-+ * That means that VE0 processes moved to some special node will get
-+ * fake CPU speed, but that shouldn't be a big problem.
-+ */
-+ preempt_disable();
-+ node = current->vsched->node;
-+ if (node->rate_limited)
-+ rate = node->rate;
-+ preempt_enable();
-+ return ((unsigned long long)khz * (rate / cpus)) >> FSCHRATE_SHIFT;
-+#endif /* CONFIG_VE */
-+static void init_boot_vcpu(void)
-+ int res;
-+ /*
-+ * We setup boot_vcpu and it's runqueue until init_idle() happens
-+ * on cpu0. This is required since timer interrupts can happen
-+ * between sched_init() and init_idle().
-+ */
-+ init_vcpu(&boot_vcpu, 0);
-+ vcpu_rq(&boot_vcpu)->curr = current;
-+ res = install_vcpu(&boot_vcpu, &default_vsched);
-+ if (res < 0)
-+ panic("Can't install boot vcpu");
-+ this_pcpu()->vcpu = &boot_vcpu;
-+ this_pcpu()->vsched = boot_vcpu.vsched;
-+static void init_pcpu(int id)
-+ struct pcpu_info *pcpu;
-+ pcpu = pcpu(id);
-+ pcpu->id = id;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-+ pcpu->sd = &sched_domain_init;
-+ init_vcpu(vcpu(id), id);
-+static void init_pcpus(void)
-+ int i;
-+ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
-+ init_pcpu(i);
-+static void show_vcpu_list(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched, struct list_head *lh)
-+ cpumask_t m;
-+ vcpu_t vcpu;
-+ int i;
-+ cpus_clear(m);
-+ list_for_each_entry(vcpu, lh, list)
-+ cpu_set(vcpu->id, m);
-+ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
-+ if (cpu_isset(i, m))
-+ printk("%d ", i);
-+#define PRINT(s, sz, fmt...) \
-+ do { \
-+ int __out; \
-+ __out = scnprintf(*s, *sz, fmt); \
-+ *s += __out; \
-+ *sz -= __out; \
-+ } while(0)
-+static void show_rq_array(prio_array_t *array, char *header, char **s, int *sz)
-+ struct list_head *list;
-+ task_t *p;
-+ int k, h;
-+ h = 0;
-+ for (k = 0; k < MAX_PRIO; k++) {
-+ list = array->queue + k;
-+ if (list_empty(list))
-+ continue;
-+ if (!h) {
-+ PRINT(s, sz, header);
-+ h = 1;
- }
-+ PRINT(s, sz, " prio %d (", k);
-+ list_for_each_entry(p, list, run_list)
-+ PRINT(s, sz, "%s[%d] ", p->comm, p->pid);
-+ PRINT(s, sz, ")");
- }
-+ if (h)
-+ PRINT(s, sz, "\n");
-+static void show_vcpu(vcpu_t vcpu)
-+ runqueue_t *rq;
-+ char buf[1024], *s;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ int sz;
-+ if (vcpu == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ rq = vcpu_rq(vcpu);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&rq->lock, flags);
-+ printk(" vcpu %d: last_pcpu %d, state %s%s\n",
-+ vcpu->id, vcpu->last_pcpu,
-+ vcpu->active ? "A" : "",
-+ vcpu->running ? "R" : "");
-+ printk(" rq: running %lu, load %lu, sw %Lu, sd %p\n",
-+ rq->nr_running,
-+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-+ rq->cpu_load,
-+ 0LU,
-+ rq->nr_switches,
-+#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-+ rq->sd
-+ );
-+ s = buf;
-+ sz = sizeof(buf) - 1;
-+ show_rq_array(rq->active, " active:", &s, &sz);
-+ show_rq_array(rq->expired, " expired:", &s, &sz);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&rq->lock, flags);
-+ *s = 0;
-+ printk(buf);
-+static inline void fairsched_show_node(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched)
-+ struct fairsched_node *node;
-+ node = vsched->node;
-+ printk("fsnode: ready %d run %d cpu %d vsched %p, pcpu %d\n",
-+ node->nr_ready, node->nr_runnable, node->nr_pcpu,
-+ node->vsched, smp_processor_id());
-+static void __show_vsched(struct vcpu_scheduler *vsched)
-+ char mask[NR_CPUS + 1];
-+ int i;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&fairsched_lock, flags);
-+ printk("vsched id=%d\n", vsched_id(vsched));
-+ fairsched_show_node(vsched);
-+ printk(" idle cpus ");
-+ show_vcpu_list(vsched, &vsched->idle_list);
-+ printk("; active cpus ");
-+ show_vcpu_list(vsched, &vsched->active_list);
-+ printk("; running cpus ");
-+ show_vcpu_list(vsched, &vsched->running_list);
-+ printk("\n");
-+ cpumask_scnprintf(mask, NR_CPUS, vsched->vcpu_online_map);
-+ printk(" num_online_cpus=%d, mask=%s (w=%d)\n",
-+ vsched->num_online_vcpus, mask,
-+ cpus_weight(vsched->vcpu_online_map));
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&fairsched_lock, flags);
-+ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++)
-+ show_vcpu(vsched->vcpu[i]);
-+void show_vsched(void)
-+ oops_in_progress = 1;
-+ __show_vsched(&idle_vsched);
-+ __show_vsched(&default_vsched);
-+ oops_in_progress = 0;
-+#endif /* CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU */
-+void __init sched_init(void)
-+ runqueue_t *rq;
-+ init_sd();
-+ init_pcpus();
-+#if defined(CONFIG_SCHED_VCPU)
-+ vsched_init(&idle_vsched, -1);
-+ vsched_init(&default_vsched, 0);
-+#if defined(CONFIG_FAIRSCHED)
-+ fairsched_init_early();
-+ vsched_fairsched_link(&idle_vsched, &fairsched_idle_node);
-+ vsched_fairsched_link(&default_vsched, &fairsched_init_node);
-+ init_boot_vcpu();
-+#if defined(CONFIG_FAIRSCHED)
-+ fairsched_init_early();
- /*
- * We have to do a little magic to get the first
- * thread right in SMP mode.
- */
-+ set_task_vsched(current, &default_vsched);
-+ set_task_cpu(current, smp_processor_id());
-+ /* FIXME: remove or is it required for UP? --set in vsched_init() */
- rq = this_rq();
- rq->curr = current;
-- rq->idle = current;
-- set_task_cpu(current, smp_processor_id());
-+ this_pcpu()->idle = current;
- wake_up_forked_process(current);
- /*
-@@ -4043,3 +5740,7 @@ void __sched __preempt_write_lock(rwlock
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(__preempt_write_lock);
- #endif /* defined(CONFIG_SMP) && defined(CONFIG_PREEMPT) */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
- #include <linux/config.h>
- #include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/smp_lock.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
-@@ -26,6 +27,9 @@
- #include <asm/unistd.h>
- #include <asm/siginfo.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_misc.h>
- /*
- * SLAB caches for signal bits.
- */
-@@ -214,6 +218,7 @@ static inline int has_pending_signals(si
- fastcall void recalc_sigpending_tsk(struct task_struct *t)
- {
- if (t->signal->group_stop_count > 0 ||
-+ test_tsk_thread_flag(t,TIF_FREEZE) ||
- PENDING(&t->pending, &t->blocked) ||
- PENDING(&t->signal->shared_pending, &t->blocked))
- set_tsk_thread_flag(t, TIF_SIGPENDING);
-@@ -267,13 +272,26 @@ static struct sigqueue *__sigqueue_alloc
- struct sigqueue *q = NULL;
- if (atomic_read(&current->user->sigpending) <
-- current->rlim[RLIMIT_SIGPENDING].rlim_cur)
-+ current->rlim[RLIMIT_SIGPENDING].rlim_cur) {
- q = kmem_cache_alloc(sigqueue_cachep, GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ if (q != NULL) {
-+ /*
-+ * Note: use of get_exec_ub() here vs get_task_ub()
-+ * in send_signal() is not intentional. SAW 2005/03/09
-+ */
-+ if (ub_siginfo_charge(get_exec_ub(),
-+ kmem_cache_memusage(sigqueue_cachep))) {
-+ kfree(q);
-+ q = NULL;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
- if (q) {
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&q->list);
- q->flags = 0;
- q->lock = NULL;
- q->user = get_uid(current->user);
-+ sig_ub(q) = get_beancounter(get_exec_ub());
- atomic_inc(&q->user->sigpending);
- }
- return(q);
-@@ -283,6 +301,8 @@ static inline void __sigqueue_free(struc
- {
- if (q->flags & SIGQUEUE_PREALLOC)
- return;
-+ ub_siginfo_uncharge(sig_ub(q), kmem_cache_memusage(sigqueue_cachep));
-+ put_beancounter(sig_ub(q));
- atomic_dec(&q->user->sigpending);
- free_uid(q->user);
- kmem_cache_free(sigqueue_cachep, q);
-@@ -500,7 +520,16 @@ static int __dequeue_signal(struct sigpe
- {
- int sig = 0;
-- sig = next_signal(pending, mask);
-+ /* SIGKILL must have priority, otherwise it is quite easy
-+ * to create an unkillable process, sending sig < SIGKILL
-+ * to self */
-+ if (unlikely(sigismember(&pending->signal, SIGKILL))) {
-+ if (!sigismember(mask, SIGKILL))
-+ sig = SIGKILL;
-+ }
-+ if (likely(!sig))
-+ sig = next_signal(pending, mask);
- if (sig) {
- if (current->notifier) {
- if (sigismember(current->notifier_mask, sig)) {
-@@ -721,12 +750,21 @@ static int send_signal(int sig, struct s
- pass on the info struct. */
- if (atomic_read(&t->user->sigpending) <
-- t->rlim[RLIMIT_SIGPENDING].rlim_cur)
-+ t->rlim[RLIMIT_SIGPENDING].rlim_cur) {
- q = kmem_cache_alloc(sigqueue_cachep, GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ if (q != NULL) {
-+ if (ub_siginfo_charge(get_task_ub(t),
-+ kmem_cache_memusage(sigqueue_cachep))) {
-+ kfree(q);
-+ q = NULL;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ }
- if (q) {
- q->flags = 0;
- q->user = get_uid(t->user);
-+ sig_ub(q) = get_beancounter(get_task_ub(t));
- atomic_inc(&q->user->sigpending);
- list_add_tail(&q->list, &signals->list);
- switch ((unsigned long) info) {
-@@ -734,7 +772,7 @@ static int send_signal(int sig, struct s
- q->info.si_signo = sig;
- q->info.si_errno = 0;
- q->info.si_code = SI_USER;
-- q->info.si_pid = current->pid;
-+ q->info.si_pid = virt_pid(current);
- q->info.si_uid = current->uid;
- break;
- case 1:
-@@ -855,7 +893,7 @@ force_sig_specific(int sig, struct task_
- */
- #define wants_signal(sig, p, mask) \
- (!sigismember(&(p)->blocked, sig) \
-- && !((p)->state & mask) \
-+ && !(((p)->state | (p)->exit_state) & mask) \
- && !((p)->flags & PF_EXITING) \
- && (task_curr(p) || !signal_pending(p)))
-@@ -993,7 +1031,7 @@ __group_send_sig_info(int sig, struct si
- * Don't bother zombies and stopped tasks (but
- * SIGKILL will punch through stopped state)
- */
- if (sig != SIGKILL)
- mask |= TASK_STOPPED;
-@@ -1026,7 +1064,7 @@ void zap_other_threads(struct task_struc
- /*
- * Don't bother with already dead threads
- */
-- if (t->state & (TASK_ZOMBIE|TASK_DEAD))
-+ if (t->exit_state & (EXIT_ZOMBIE|EXIT_DEAD))
- continue;
- /*
-@@ -1072,20 +1110,23 @@ int group_send_sig_info(int sig, struct
- int __kill_pg_info(int sig, struct siginfo *info, pid_t pgrp)
- {
- struct task_struct *p;
-- struct list_head *l;
-- struct pid *pid;
- int retval, success;
- if (pgrp <= 0)
- return -EINVAL;
-+ /* Use __vpid_to_pid(). This function is used under write_lock
-+ * tasklist_lock. */
-+ if (is_virtual_pid(pgrp))
-+ pgrp = __vpid_to_pid(pgrp);
- success = 0;
- retval = -ESRCH;
-- for_each_task_pid(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, l, pid) {
-+ do_each_task_pid_ve(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p) {
- int err = group_send_sig_info(sig, info, p);
- success |= !err;
- retval = err;
-- }
-+ } while_each_task_pid_ve(pgrp, PIDTYPE_PGID, p);
- return success ? 0 : retval;
- }
-@@ -1112,22 +1153,22 @@ int
- kill_sl_info(int sig, struct siginfo *info, pid_t sid)
- {
- int err, retval = -EINVAL;
-- struct pid *pid;
-- struct list_head *l;
- struct task_struct *p;
- if (sid <= 0)
- goto out;
-+ sid = vpid_to_pid(sid);
- retval = -ESRCH;
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- for_each_task_pid(sid, PIDTYPE_SID, p, l, pid) {
-+ do_each_task_pid_ve(sid, PIDTYPE_SID, p) {
- if (!p->signal->leader)
- continue;
- err = group_send_sig_info(sig, info, p);
- if (retval)
- retval = err;
-- }
-+ } while_each_task_pid_ve(sid, PIDTYPE_SID, p);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
- out:
- return retval;
-@@ -1140,7 +1181,7 @@ kill_proc_info(int sig, struct siginfo *
- struct task_struct *p;
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- p = find_task_by_pid(pid);
-+ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
- error = -ESRCH;
- if (p)
- error = group_send_sig_info(sig, info, p);
-@@ -1165,8 +1206,8 @@ static int kill_something_info(int sig,
- struct task_struct * p;
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- for_each_process(p) {
-- if (p->pid > 1 && p->tgid != current->tgid) {
-+ for_each_process_ve(p) {
-+ if (virt_pid(p) > 1 && p->tgid != current->tgid) {
- int err = group_send_sig_info(sig, info, p);
- ++count;
- if (err != -EPERM)
-@@ -1377,7 +1418,7 @@ send_group_sigqueue(int sig, struct sigq
- * Don't bother zombies and stopped tasks (but
- * SIGKILL will punch through stopped state)
- */
- if (sig != SIGKILL)
- mask |= TASK_STOPPED;
-@@ -1436,12 +1477,22 @@ void do_notify_parent(struct task_struct
- if (sig == -1)
- BUG();
-- BUG_ON(tsk->group_leader != tsk && tsk->group_leader->state != TASK_ZOMBIE && !tsk->ptrace);
-+ BUG_ON(tsk->group_leader != tsk &&
-+ tsk->group_leader->exit_state != EXIT_ZOMBIE &&
-+ tsk->group_leader->exit_state != EXIT_DEAD &&
-+ !tsk->ptrace);
- BUG_ON(tsk->group_leader == tsk && !thread_group_empty(tsk) && !tsk->ptrace);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ /* Allow to send only SIGCHLD from VE */
-+ if (sig != SIGCHLD &&
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env != VE_TASK_INFO(tsk->parent)->owner_env)
-+ sig = SIGCHLD;
- info.si_signo = sig;
- info.si_errno = 0;
-- info.si_pid = tsk->pid;
-+ info.si_pid = get_task_pid_ve(tsk, VE_TASK_INFO(tsk->parent)->owner_env);
- info.si_uid = tsk->uid;
- /* FIXME: find out whether or not this is supposed to be c*time. */
-@@ -1475,7 +1526,7 @@ void do_notify_parent(struct task_struct
- psig = tsk->parent->sighand;
- spin_lock_irqsave(&psig->siglock, flags);
-- if (sig == SIGCHLD && tsk->state != TASK_STOPPED &&
-+ if (!tsk->ptrace && sig == SIGCHLD && tsk->state != TASK_STOPPED &&
- (psig->action[SIGCHLD-1].sa.sa_handler == SIG_IGN ||
- (psig->action[SIGCHLD-1].sa.sa_flags & SA_NOCLDWAIT))) {
- /*
-@@ -1530,7 +1581,7 @@ do_notify_parent_cldstop(struct task_str
- info.si_signo = SIGCHLD;
- info.si_errno = 0;
-- info.si_pid = tsk->pid;
-+ info.si_pid = get_task_pid_ve(tsk, VE_TASK_INFO(parent)->owner_env);
- info.si_uid = tsk->uid;
- /* FIXME: find out whether or not this is supposed to be c*time. */
-@@ -1575,7 +1626,9 @@ finish_stop(int stop_count)
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
- }
-+ set_stop_state(current);
- schedule();
-+ clear_stop_state(current);
- /*
- * Now we don't run again until continued.
- */
-@@ -1756,10 +1809,12 @@ relock:
- /* Let the debugger run. */
- current->exit_code = signr;
- current->last_siginfo = info;
-+ set_pn_state(current, PN_STOP_SIGNAL);
- set_current_state(TASK_STOPPED);
- spin_unlock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
- notify_parent(current, SIGCHLD);
- schedule();
-+ clear_pn_state(current);
- current->last_siginfo = NULL;
-@@ -1779,7 +1834,7 @@ relock:
- info->si_signo = signr;
- info->si_errno = 0;
- info->si_code = SI_USER;
-- info->si_pid = current->parent->pid;
-+ info->si_pid = virt_pid(current->parent);
- info->si_uid = current->parent->uid;
- }
-@@ -1803,8 +1858,14 @@ relock:
- continue;
- /* Init gets no signals it doesn't want. */
-- if (current->pid == 1)
-+ if (virt_pid(current) == 1) {
-+ /* Allow SIGKILL for non-root VE */
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (current->pid == 1 ||
-+ signr != SIGKILL)
- continue;
-+ }
- if (sig_kernel_stop(signr)) {
- /*
-@@ -2174,7 +2235,7 @@ sys_kill(int pid, int sig)
- info.si_signo = sig;
- info.si_errno = 0;
- info.si_code = SI_USER;
-- info.si_pid = current->tgid;
-+ info.si_pid = virt_tgid(current);
- info.si_uid = current->uid;
- return kill_something_info(sig, &info, pid);
-@@ -2203,13 +2264,13 @@ asmlinkage long sys_tgkill(int tgid, int
- info.si_signo = sig;
- info.si_errno = 0;
- info.si_code = SI_TKILL;
-- info.si_pid = current->tgid;
-+ info.si_pid = virt_tgid(current);
- info.si_uid = current->uid;
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- p = find_task_by_pid(pid);
-+ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
- error = -ESRCH;
-- if (p && (p->tgid == tgid)) {
-+ if (p && (virt_tgid(p) == tgid)) {
- error = check_kill_permission(sig, &info, p);
- /*
- * The null signal is a permissions and process existence
-@@ -2243,11 +2304,11 @@ sys_tkill(int pid, int sig)
- info.si_signo = sig;
- info.si_errno = 0;
- info.si_code = SI_TKILL;
-- info.si_pid = current->tgid;
-+ info.si_pid = virt_tgid(current);
- info.si_uid = current->uid;
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- p = find_task_by_pid(pid);
-+ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
- error = -ESRCH;
- if (p) {
- error = check_kill_permission(sig, &info, p);
-@@ -2285,7 +2346,7 @@ sys_rt_sigqueueinfo(int pid, int sig, si
- }
- int
--do_sigaction(int sig, const struct k_sigaction *act, struct k_sigaction *oact)
-+do_sigaction(int sig, struct k_sigaction *act, struct k_sigaction *oact)
- {
- struct k_sigaction *k;
-@@ -2308,6 +2369,8 @@ do_sigaction(int sig, const struct k_sig
- *oact = *k;
- if (act) {
-+ sigdelsetmask(&act->sa.sa_mask,
-+ sigmask(SIGKILL) | sigmask(SIGSTOP));
- /*
- * "Setting a signal action to SIG_IGN for a signal that is
-@@ -2333,8 +2396,6 @@ do_sigaction(int sig, const struct k_sig
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
- spin_lock_irq(&t->sighand->siglock);
- *k = *act;
-- sigdelsetmask(&k->sa.sa_mask,
-- sigmask(SIGKILL) | sigmask(SIGSTOP));
- rm_from_queue(sigmask(sig), &t->signal->shared_pending);
- do {
- rm_from_queue(sigmask(sig), &t->pending);
-@@ -2347,8 +2408,6 @@ do_sigaction(int sig, const struct k_sig
- }
- *k = *act;
-- sigdelsetmask(&k->sa.sa_mask,
-- sigmask(SIGKILL) | sigmask(SIGSTOP));
- }
- spin_unlock_irq(&current->sighand->siglock);
-@@ -2554,6 +2613,7 @@ sys_signal(int sig, __sighandler_t handl
- = handler;
-+ sigemptyset(&;
- ret = do_sigaction(sig, &new_sa, &old_sa);
-@@ -2579,5 +2639,5 @@ void __init signals_init(void)
- kmem_cache_create("sigqueue",
- sizeof(struct sigqueue),
- __alignof__(struct sigqueue),
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:52.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -15,8 +15,10 @@
- #include <linux/percpu.h>
- #include <linux/cpu.h>
- #include <linux/kthread.h>
-+#include <linux/sysctl.h>
- #include <asm/irq.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
- /*
- - No shared variables, all the data are CPU local.
- - If a softirq needs serialization, let it serialize itself
-@@ -43,6 +45,8 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(irq_stat);
- static struct softirq_action softirq_vec[32] __cacheline_aligned_in_smp;
- static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct task_struct *, ksoftirqd);
-+static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct task_struct *, ksoftirqd_wakeup);
-+static int ksoftirqd_stat[NR_CPUS];
- /*
- * we cannot loop indefinitely here to avoid userspace starvation,
-@@ -53,7 +57,7 @@ static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct task_struct
- static inline void wakeup_softirqd(void)
- {
- /* Interrupts are disabled: no need to stop preemption */
-- struct task_struct *tsk = __get_cpu_var(ksoftirqd);
-+ struct task_struct *tsk = __get_cpu_var(ksoftirqd_wakeup);
- if (tsk && tsk->state != TASK_RUNNING)
- wake_up_process(tsk);
-@@ -75,10 +79,13 @@ asmlinkage void __do_softirq(void)
- struct softirq_action *h;
- __u32 pending;
- int max_restart = MAX_SOFTIRQ_RESTART;
-+ struct user_beancounter *old_exec_ub;
-+ struct ve_struct *envid;
- pending = local_softirq_pending();
- local_bh_disable();
-+ envid = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
- restart:
- /* Reset the pending bitmask before enabling irqs */
- local_softirq_pending() = 0;
-@@ -87,6 +94,8 @@ restart:
- h = softirq_vec;
-+ old_exec_ub = set_exec_ub(get_ub0());
- do {
- if (pending & 1)
- h->action(h);
-@@ -94,6 +103,8 @@ restart:
- pending >>= 1;
- } while (pending);
-+ (void)set_exec_ub(old_exec_ub);
- local_irq_disable();
- pending = local_softirq_pending();
-@@ -103,6 +114,7 @@ restart:
- if (pending)
- wakeup_softirqd();
-+ (void)set_exec_env(envid);
- __local_bh_enable();
- }
-@@ -451,6 +463,52 @@ static int __devinit cpu_callback(struct
- return NOTIFY_OK;
- }
-+static int proc_ksoftirqd(ctl_table *ctl, int write, struct file *filp,
-+ void __user *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos)
-+ int ret, cpu;
-+ ret = proc_dointvec(ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp, ppos);
-+ if (!write)
-+ return ret;
-+ for_each_online_cpu(cpu) {
-+ per_cpu(ksoftirqd_wakeup, cpu) =
-+ ksoftirqd_stat[cpu] ? per_cpu(ksoftirqd, cpu) : NULL;
-+ }
-+ return ret;
-+static int sysctl_ksoftirqd(ctl_table *table, int *name, int nlen,
-+ void *oldval, size_t *oldlenp, void *newval, size_t newlen,
-+ void **context)
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+static ctl_table debug_table[] = {
-+ {
-+ .ctl_name = 1246,
-+ .procname = "ksoftirqd",
-+ .data = ksoftirqd_stat,
-+ .maxlen = sizeof(ksoftirqd_stat),
-+ .mode = 0644,
-+ .proc_handler = &proc_ksoftirqd,
-+ .strategy = &sysctl_ksoftirqd
-+ },
-+ {0}
-+static ctl_table root_table[] = {
-+ {
-+ .ctl_name = CTL_DEBUG,
-+ .procname = "debug",
-+ .mode = 0555,
-+ .child = debug_table
-+ },
-+ {0}
- static struct notifier_block __devinitdata cpu_nfb = {
- .notifier_call = cpu_callback
- };
-@@ -461,5 +519,6 @@ __init int spawn_ksoftirqd(void)
- cpu_callback(&cpu_nfb, CPU_UP_PREPARE, cpu);
- cpu_callback(&cpu_nfb, CPU_ONLINE, cpu);
- register_cpu_notifier(&cpu_nfb);
-+ register_sysctl_table(root_table, 0);
- return 0;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
- #include <linux/syscalls.h>
- #include <asm/atomic.h>
- #include <asm/semaphore.h>
-+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
- /* Since we effect priority and affinity (both of which are visible
- * to, and settable by outside processes) we do indirection via a
-@@ -81,16 +82,20 @@ static int stop_machine(void)
- {
- int i, ret = 0;
- struct sched_param param = { .sched_priority = MAX_RT_PRIO-1 };
-+ mm_segment_t old_fs = get_fs();
- /* One high-prio thread per cpu. We'll do this one. */
-- sys_sched_setscheduler(current->pid, SCHED_FIFO, &param);
-+ set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
-+ sys_sched_setscheduler(current->pid, SCHED_FIFO,
-+ (struct sched_param __user *)&param);
-+ set_fs(old_fs);
- atomic_set(&stopmachine_thread_ack, 0);
- stopmachine_num_threads = 0;
- stopmachine_state = STOPMACHINE_WAIT;
- for_each_online_cpu(i) {
-- if (i == smp_processor_id())
-+ if (i == task_cpu(current))
- continue;
- ret = kernel_thread(stopmachine, (void *)(long)i,CLONE_KERNEL);
- if (ret < 0)
-@@ -109,13 +114,12 @@ static int stop_machine(void)
- return ret;
- }
-- /* Don't schedule us away at this point, please. */
-- local_irq_disable();
- /* Now they are all started, make them hold the CPUs, ready. */
-+ preempt_disable();
- stopmachine_set_state(STOPMACHINE_PREPARE);
- /* Make them disable irqs. */
-+ local_irq_disable();
- stopmachine_set_state(STOPMACHINE_DISABLE_IRQ);
- return 0;
-@@ -125,6 +129,7 @@ static void restart_machine(void)
- {
- stopmachine_set_state(STOPMACHINE_EXIT);
- local_irq_enable();
-+ preempt_enable_no_resched();
- }
- struct stop_machine_data
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:47.000000000 +0400
-@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
- #include <linux/mman.h>
- #include <linux/smp_lock.h>
- #include <linux/notifier.h>
-+#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
- #include <linux/reboot.h>
- #include <linux/prctl.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
-@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
- #include <linux/security.h>
- #include <linux/dcookies.h>
- #include <linux/suspend.h>
-+#include <linux/tty.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <asm/io.h>
-@@ -213,6 +215,102 @@ int unregister_reboot_notifier(struct no
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(unregister_reboot_notifier);
-+static struct vnotifier_block *virtinfo_chain[VIRT_TYPES];
-+void __virtinfo_notifier_register(int type, struct vnotifier_block *nb)
-+ struct vnotifier_block **p;
-+ for (p = &virtinfo_chain[type];
-+ *p != NULL && nb->priority < (*p)->priority;
-+ p = &(*p)->next);
-+ nb->next = *p;
-+ smp_wmb();
-+ *p = nb;
-+void virtinfo_notifier_register(int type, struct vnotifier_block *nb)
-+ down(&virtinfo_sem);
-+ __virtinfo_notifier_register(type, nb);
-+ up(&virtinfo_sem);
-+struct virtinfo_cnt_struct {
-+ volatile unsigned long exit[NR_CPUS];
-+ volatile unsigned long entry;
-+static DEFINE_PER_CPU(struct virtinfo_cnt_struct, virtcnt);
-+void virtinfo_notifier_unregister(int type, struct vnotifier_block *nb)
-+ struct vnotifier_block **p;
-+ int entry_cpu, exit_cpu;
-+ unsigned long cnt, ent;
-+ down(&virtinfo_sem);
-+ for (p = &virtinfo_chain[type]; *p != nb; p = &(*p)->next);
-+ *p = nb->next;
-+ smp_mb();
-+ for_each_cpu_mask(entry_cpu, cpu_possible_map) {
-+ while (1) {
-+ cnt = 0;
-+ for_each_cpu_mask(exit_cpu, cpu_possible_map)
-+ cnt +=
-+ per_cpu(virtcnt, entry_cpu).exit[exit_cpu];
-+ smp_rmb();
-+ ent = per_cpu(virtcnt, entry_cpu).entry;
-+ if (cnt == ent)
-+ break;
-+ __set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
-+ schedule_timeout(HZ / 100);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ up(&virtinfo_sem);
-+int virtinfo_notifier_call(int type, unsigned long n, void *data)
-+ int ret;
-+ int entry_cpu, exit_cpu;
-+ struct vnotifier_block *nb;
-+ entry_cpu = get_cpu();
-+ per_cpu(virtcnt, entry_cpu).entry++;
-+ smp_wmb();
-+ put_cpu();
-+ nb = virtinfo_chain[type];
-+ ret = NOTIFY_DONE;
-+ while (nb)
-+ {
-+ ret = nb->notifier_call(nb, n, data, ret);
-+ if(ret & NOTIFY_STOP_MASK) {
-+ ret &= ~NOTIFY_STOP_MASK;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ nb = nb->next;
-+ }
-+ exit_cpu = get_cpu();
-+ smp_wmb();
-+ per_cpu(virtcnt, entry_cpu).exit[exit_cpu]++;
-+ put_cpu();
-+ return ret;
- asmlinkage long sys_ni_syscall(void)
- {
- return -ENOSYS;
-@@ -310,8 +408,6 @@ asmlinkage long sys_setpriority(int whic
- {
- struct task_struct *g, *p;
- struct user_struct *user;
-- struct pid *pid;
-- struct list_head *l;
- int error = -EINVAL;
- if (which > 2 || which < 0)
-@@ -328,16 +424,19 @@ asmlinkage long sys_setpriority(int whic
- switch (which) {
- if (!who)
-- who = current->pid;
-- p = find_task_by_pid(who);
-+ who = virt_pid(current);
-+ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(who);
- if (p)
- error = set_one_prio(p, niceval, error);
- break;
- case PRIO_PGRP:
- if (!who)
- who = process_group(current);
-- for_each_task_pid(who, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, l, pid)
-+ else
-+ who = vpid_to_pid(who);
-+ do_each_task_pid_ve(who, PIDTYPE_PGID, p) {
- error = set_one_prio(p, niceval, error);
-+ } while_each_task_pid_ve(who, PIDTYPE_PGID, p);
- break;
- case PRIO_USER:
- if (!who)
-@@ -348,10 +447,10 @@ asmlinkage long sys_setpriority(int whic
- if (!user)
- goto out_unlock;
-- do_each_thread(g, p)
-+ do_each_thread_ve(g, p) {
- if (p->uid == who)
- error = set_one_prio(p, niceval, error);
-- while_each_thread(g, p);
-+ } while_each_thread_ve(g, p);
- if (who)
- free_uid(user); /* For find_user() */
- break;
-@@ -371,8 +470,6 @@ out:
- asmlinkage long sys_getpriority(int which, int who)
- {
- struct task_struct *g, *p;
-- struct list_head *l;
-- struct pid *pid;
- struct user_struct *user;
- long niceval, retval = -ESRCH;
-@@ -383,8 +480,8 @@ asmlinkage long sys_getpriority(int whic
- switch (which) {
- if (!who)
-- who = current->pid;
-- p = find_task_by_pid(who);
-+ who = virt_pid(current);
-+ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(who);
- if (p) {
- niceval = 20 - task_nice(p);
- if (niceval > retval)
-@@ -394,11 +491,13 @@ asmlinkage long sys_getpriority(int whic
- case PRIO_PGRP:
- if (!who)
- who = process_group(current);
-- for_each_task_pid(who, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, l, pid) {
-+ else
-+ who = vpid_to_pid(who);
-+ do_each_task_pid_ve(who, PIDTYPE_PGID, p) {
- niceval = 20 - task_nice(p);
- if (niceval > retval)
- retval = niceval;
-- }
-+ } while_each_task_pid_ve(who, PIDTYPE_PGID, p);
- break;
- case PRIO_USER:
- if (!who)
-@@ -409,13 +508,13 @@ asmlinkage long sys_getpriority(int whic
- if (!user)
- goto out_unlock;
-- do_each_thread(g, p)
-+ do_each_thread_ve(g, p) {
- if (p->uid == who) {
- niceval = 20 - task_nice(p);
- if (niceval > retval)
- retval = niceval;
- }
-- while_each_thread(g, p);
-+ } while_each_thread_ve(g, p);
- if (who)
- free_uid(user); /* for find_user() */
- break;
-@@ -451,6 +550,35 @@ asmlinkage long sys_reboot(int magic1, i
- magic2 != LINUX_REBOOT_MAGIC2C))
- return -EINVAL;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ switch (cmd) {
-+ struct siginfo info;
-+ info.si_errno = 0;
-+ info.si_code = SI_KERNEL;
-+ info.si_pid = virt_pid(current);
-+ info.si_uid = current->uid;
-+ info.si_signo = SIGKILL;
-+ /* Sending to real init is safe */
-+ send_sig_info(SIGKILL, &info,
-+ get_exec_env()->init_entry);
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+ default:
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ }
- lock_kernel();
- switch (cmd) {
-@@ -641,7 +769,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_setgid(gid_t gid)
- return 0;
- }
--static int set_user(uid_t new_ruid, int dumpclear)
-+int set_user(uid_t new_ruid, int dumpclear)
- {
- struct user_struct *new_user;
-@@ -666,6 +794,7 @@ static int set_user(uid_t new_ruid, int
- current->uid = new_ruid;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Unprivileged users may change the real uid to the effective uid
-@@ -954,7 +1083,12 @@ asmlinkage long sys_times(struct tms __u
- if (copy_to_user(tbuf, &tmp, sizeof(struct tms)))
- return -EFAULT;
- }
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
- return (long) jiffies_64_to_clock_t(get_jiffies_64());
-+ return (long) jiffies_64_to_clock_t(get_jiffies_64() -
-+ get_exec_env()->init_entry->start_time);
- }
- /*
-@@ -974,21 +1108,24 @@ asmlinkage long sys_setpgid(pid_t pid, p
- {
- struct task_struct *p;
- int err = -EINVAL;
-+ pid_t _pgid;
- if (!pid)
-- pid = current->pid;
-+ pid = virt_pid(current);
- if (!pgid)
- pgid = pid;
- if (pgid < 0)
- return -EINVAL;
-+ _pgid = vpid_to_pid(pgid);
- /* From this point forward we keep holding onto the tasklist lock
- * so that our parent does not change from under us. -DaveM
- */
- write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
- err = -ESRCH;
-- p = find_task_by_pid(pid);
-+ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
- if (!p)
- goto out;
-@@ -1013,26 +1150,35 @@ asmlinkage long sys_setpgid(pid_t pid, p
- if (p->signal->leader)
- goto out;
-- if (pgid != pid) {
-+ pgid = virt_pid(p);
-+ if (_pgid != p->pid) {
- struct task_struct *p;
-- struct pid *pid;
-- struct list_head *l;
-- for_each_task_pid(pgid, PIDTYPE_PGID, p, l, pid)
-- if (p->signal->session == current->signal->session)
-+ do_each_task_pid_ve(_pgid, PIDTYPE_PGID, p) {
-+ if (p->signal->session == current->signal->session) {
-+ pgid = virt_pgid(p);
- goto ok_pgid;
-+ }
-+ } while_each_task_pid_ve(_pgid, PIDTYPE_PGID, p);
- goto out;
- }
- ok_pgid:
-- err = security_task_setpgid(p, pgid);
-+ err = security_task_setpgid(p, _pgid);
- if (err)
- goto out;
-- if (process_group(p) != pgid) {
-+ if (process_group(p) != _pgid) {
- detach_pid(p, PIDTYPE_PGID);
-- p->signal->pgrp = pgid;
-- attach_pid(p, PIDTYPE_PGID, pgid);
-+ p->signal->pgrp = _pgid;
-+ set_virt_pgid(p, pgid);
-+ attach_pid(p, PIDTYPE_PGID, _pgid);
-+ if (atomic_read(&p->signal->count) != 1) {
-+ task_t *t;
-+ for (t = next_thread(p); t != p; t = next_thread(t)) {
-+ set_virt_pgid(t, pgid);
-+ }
-+ }
- }
- err = 0;
-@@ -1045,19 +1191,19 @@ out:
- asmlinkage long sys_getpgid(pid_t pid)
- {
- if (!pid) {
-- return process_group(current);
-+ return virt_pgid(current);
- } else {
- int retval;
- struct task_struct *p;
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- p = find_task_by_pid(pid);
-+ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
- retval = -ESRCH;
- if (p) {
- retval = security_task_getpgid(p);
- if (!retval)
-- retval = process_group(p);
-+ retval = virt_pgid(p);
- }
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
- return retval;
-@@ -1069,7 +1215,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_getpgid(pid_t pid)
- asmlinkage long sys_getpgrp(void)
- {
- /* SMP - assuming writes are word atomic this is fine */
-- return process_group(current);
-+ return virt_pgid(current);
- }
- #endif
-@@ -1077,19 +1223,19 @@ asmlinkage long sys_getpgrp(void)
- asmlinkage long sys_getsid(pid_t pid)
- {
- if (!pid) {
-- return current->signal->session;
-+ return virt_sid(current);
- } else {
- int retval;
- struct task_struct *p;
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- p = find_task_by_pid(pid);
-+ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
- retval = -ESRCH;
- if(p) {
- retval = security_task_getsid(p);
- if (!retval)
-- retval = p->signal->session;
-+ retval = virt_sid(p);
- }
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
- return retval;
-@@ -1104,6 +1250,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_setsid(void)
- if (!thread_group_leader(current))
- return -EINVAL;
-+ down(&tty_sem);
- write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
- pid = find_pid(PIDTYPE_PGID, current->pid);
-@@ -1112,11 +1259,22 @@ asmlinkage long sys_setsid(void)
- current->signal->leader = 1;
- __set_special_pids(current->pid, current->pid);
-+ set_virt_pgid(current, virt_pid(current));
-+ set_virt_sid(current, virt_pid(current));
- current->signal->tty = NULL;
- current->signal->tty_old_pgrp = 0;
-- err = process_group(current);
-+ if (atomic_read(&current->signal->count) != 1) {
-+ task_t *t;
-+ for (t = next_thread(current); t != current; t = next_thread(t)) {
-+ set_virt_pgid(t, virt_pid(current));
-+ set_virt_sid(t, virt_pid(current));
-+ }
-+ }
-+ err = virt_pgid(current);
- out:
- write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
-+ up(&tty_sem);
- return err;
- }
-@@ -1393,7 +1551,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_newuname(struct new_
- int errno = 0;
- down_read(&uts_sem);
-- if (copy_to_user(name,&system_utsname,sizeof *name))
-+ if (copy_to_user(name,&ve_utsname,sizeof *name))
- errno = -EFAULT;
- up_read(&uts_sem);
- return errno;
-@@ -1404,15 +1562,15 @@ asmlinkage long sys_sethostname(char __u
- int errno;
- char tmp[__NEW_UTS_LEN];
-- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
-+ if (!capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN))
- return -EPERM;
- if (len < 0 || len > __NEW_UTS_LEN)
- return -EINVAL;
- down_write(&uts_sem);
- errno = -EFAULT;
- if (!copy_from_user(tmp, name, len)) {
-- memcpy(system_utsname.nodename, tmp, len);
-- system_utsname.nodename[len] = 0;
-+ memcpy(ve_utsname.nodename, tmp, len);
-+ ve_utsname.nodename[len] = 0;
- errno = 0;
- }
- up_write(&uts_sem);
-@@ -1428,11 +1586,11 @@ asmlinkage long sys_gethostname(char __u
- if (len < 0)
- return -EINVAL;
- down_read(&uts_sem);
-- i = 1 + strlen(system_utsname.nodename);
-+ i = 1 + strlen(ve_utsname.nodename);
- if (i > len)
- i = len;
- errno = 0;
-- if (copy_to_user(name, system_utsname.nodename, i))
-+ if (copy_to_user(name, ve_utsname.nodename, i))
- errno = -EFAULT;
- up_read(&uts_sem);
- return errno;
-@@ -1449,7 +1607,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_setdomainname(char _
- int errno;
- char tmp[__NEW_UTS_LEN];
-- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
-+ if (!capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN))
- return -EPERM;
- if (len < 0 || len > __NEW_UTS_LEN)
- return -EINVAL;
-@@ -1457,8 +1615,8 @@ asmlinkage long sys_setdomainname(char _
- down_write(&uts_sem);
- errno = -EFAULT;
- if (!copy_from_user(tmp, name, len)) {
-- memcpy(system_utsname.domainname, tmp, len);
-- system_utsname.domainname[len] = 0;
-+ memcpy(ve_utsname.domainname, tmp, len);
-+ ve_utsname.domainname[len] = 0;
- errno = 0;
- }
- up_write(&uts_sem);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -25,6 +25,8 @@
- #include <linux/slab.h>
- #include <linux/sysctl.h>
- #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
-+#include <linux/ve.h>
- #include <linux/ctype.h>
- #include <linux/utsname.h>
- #include <linux/capability.h>
-@@ -57,6 +59,7 @@ extern int sysctl_overcommit_ratio;
- extern int max_threads;
- extern int sysrq_enabled;
- extern int core_uses_pid;
-+extern int sysctl_at_vsyscall;
- extern char core_pattern[];
- extern int cad_pid;
- extern int pid_max;
-@@ -64,6 +67,10 @@ extern int sysctl_lower_zone_protection;
- extern int min_free_kbytes;
- extern int printk_ratelimit_jiffies;
- extern int printk_ratelimit_burst;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+int glob_virt_pids = 1;
- /* this is needed for the proc_dointvec_minmax for [fs_]overflow UID and GID */
- static int maxolduid = 65535;
-@@ -89,6 +96,10 @@ extern int msg_ctlmnb;
- extern int msg_ctlmni;
- extern int sem_ctls[];
- #endif
-+extern u32 vcpu_sched_timeslice;
-+extern u32 vcpu_timeslice;
- #ifdef __sparc__
- extern char reboot_command [];
-@@ -109,6 +120,7 @@ extern int sysctl_userprocess_debug;
- #endif
- extern int sysctl_hz_timer;
-+int decode_call_traces = 1;
- #if defined(CONFIG_PPC32) && defined(CONFIG_6xx)
- extern unsigned long powersave_nap;
-@@ -120,10 +132,14 @@ int proc_dol2crvec(ctl_table *table, int
- extern int acct_parm[];
- #endif
-+extern int fairsched_max_latency;
-+int fsch_sysctl_latency(ctl_table *ctl, int write, struct file *filp,
-+ void __user *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos);
- static int parse_table(int __user *, int, void __user *, size_t __user *, void __user *, size_t,
- ctl_table *, void **);
--static int proc_doutsstring(ctl_table *table, int write, struct file *filp,
-- void __user *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos);
- static ctl_table root_table[];
- static struct ctl_table_header root_table_header =
-@@ -143,6 +159,8 @@ extern ctl_table random_table[];
- extern ctl_table pty_table[];
- #endif
-+extern int ve_area_access_check; /* fs/namei.c */
- /* /proc declarations: */
-@@ -159,8 +177,10 @@ struct file_operations proc_sys_file_ope
- extern struct proc_dir_entry *proc_sys_root;
--static void register_proc_table(ctl_table *, struct proc_dir_entry *);
-+static void register_proc_table(ctl_table *, struct proc_dir_entry *, void *);
- static void unregister_proc_table(ctl_table *, struct proc_dir_entry *);
-+extern struct new_utsname virt_utsname;
- #endif
- /* The default sysctl tables: */
-@@ -260,6 +280,15 @@ static ctl_table kern_table[] = {
- .strategy = &sysctl_string,
- },
- {
-+ .ctl_name = KERN_VIRT_OSRELEASE,
-+ .procname = "virt_osrelease",
-+ .data = virt_utsname.release,
-+ .maxlen = sizeof(virt_utsname.release),
-+ .mode = 0644,
-+ .proc_handler = &proc_doutsstring,
-+ .strategy = &sysctl_string,
-+ },
-+ {
- .ctl_name = KERN_PANIC,
- .procname = "panic",
- .data = &panic_timeout,
-@@ -579,6 +608,24 @@ static ctl_table kern_table[] = {
- .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
- },
- #endif
-+ {
-+ .procname = "vcpu_sched_timeslice",
-+ .data = &vcpu_sched_timeslice,
-+ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
-+ .mode = 0644,
-+ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
-+ },
-+ {
-+ .ctl_name = KERN_VCPU_TIMESLICE,
-+ .procname = "vcpu_timeslice",
-+ .data = &vcpu_timeslice,
-+ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
-+ .mode = 0644,
-+ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
-+ },
- {
- .ctl_name = KERN_PIDMAX,
- .procname = "pid_max",
-@@ -587,6 +634,16 @@ static ctl_table kern_table[] = {
- .mode = 0644,
- .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
- },
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ {
-+ .ctl_name = KERN_VIRT_PIDS,
-+ .procname = "virt_pids",
-+ .data = &glob_virt_pids,
-+ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
-+ .mode = 0644,
-+ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
-+ },
- {
- .ctl_name = KERN_PANIC_ON_OOPS,
- .procname = "panic_on_oops",
-@@ -620,6 +677,32 @@ static ctl_table kern_table[] = {
- .mode = 0444,
- .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
- },
-+ {
-+ .ctl_name = KERN_SILENCE_LEVEL,
-+ .procname = "silence-level",
-+ .data = &console_silence_loglevel,
-+ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
-+ .mode = 0644,
-+ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec
-+ },
-+ {
-+ .ctl_name = KERN_ALLOC_FAIL_WARN,
-+ .procname = "alloc_fail_warn",
-+ .data = &alloc_fail_warn,
-+ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
-+ .mode = 0644,
-+ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec
-+ },
-+ {
-+ .procname = "fairsched-max-latency",
-+ .data = &fairsched_max_latency,
-+ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
-+ .mode = 0644,
-+ .proc_handler = &fsch_sysctl_latency
-+ },
- { .ctl_name = 0 }
- };
-@@ -899,10 +982,26 @@ static ctl_table fs_table[] = {
- .mode = 0644,
- .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
- },
-+ {
-+ .ctl_name = FS_AT_VSYSCALL,
-+ .procname = "vsyscall",
-+ .data = &sysctl_at_vsyscall,
-+ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
-+ .mode = 0644,
-+ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec
-+ },
- { .ctl_name = 0 }
- };
- static ctl_table debug_table[] = {
-+ {
-+ .procname = "decode_call_traces",
-+ .data = &decode_call_traces,
-+ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
-+ .mode = 0644,
-+ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec
-+ },
- { .ctl_name = 0 }
- };
-@@ -912,10 +1011,51 @@ static ctl_table dev_table[] = {
- extern void init_irq_proc (void);
-+static spinlock_t sysctl_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+/* called under sysctl_lock */
-+static int use_table(struct ctl_table_header *p)
-+ if (unlikely(p->unregistering))
-+ return 0;
-+ p->used++;
-+ return 1;
-+/* called under sysctl_lock */
-+static void unuse_table(struct ctl_table_header *p)
-+ if (!--p->used)
-+ if (unlikely(p->unregistering))
-+ complete(p->unregistering);
-+/* called under sysctl_lock, will reacquire if has to wait */
-+static void start_unregistering(struct ctl_table_header *p)
-+ /*
-+ * if p->used is 0, nobody will ever touch that entry again;
-+ * we'll eliminate all paths to it before dropping sysctl_lock
-+ */
-+ if (unlikely(p->used)) {
-+ struct completion wait;
-+ init_completion(&wait);
-+ p->unregistering = &wait;
-+ spin_unlock(&sysctl_lock);
-+ wait_for_completion(&wait);
-+ spin_lock(&sysctl_lock);
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ * do not remove from the list until nobody holds it; walking the
-+ * list in do_sysctl() relies on that.
-+ */
-+ list_del_init(&p->ctl_entry);
- void __init sysctl_init(void)
- {
-- register_proc_table(root_table, proc_sys_root);
-+ register_proc_table(root_table, proc_sys_root, &root_table_header);
- init_irq_proc();
- #endif
- }
-@@ -924,6 +1064,8 @@ int do_sysctl(int __user *name, int nlen
- void __user *newval, size_t newlen)
- {
- struct list_head *tmp;
-+ int error = -ENOTDIR;
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
- if (nlen <= 0 || nlen >= CTL_MAXNAME)
- return -ENOTDIR;
-@@ -932,21 +1074,35 @@ int do_sysctl(int __user *name, int nlen
- if (!oldlenp || get_user(old_len, oldlenp))
- return -EFAULT;
- }
-- tmp = &root_table_header.ctl_entry;
-+ ve = get_exec_env();
-+ spin_lock(&sysctl_lock);
-+ tmp = ve->;
- do {
-- struct ctl_table_header *head =
-- list_entry(tmp, struct ctl_table_header, ctl_entry);
-+ struct ctl_table_header *head;
- void *context = NULL;
-- int error = parse_table(name, nlen, oldval, oldlenp,
-+ if (tmp == &ve->sysctl_lh)
-+ /* second pass over global variables */
-+ tmp = &root_table_header.ctl_entry;
-+ head = list_entry(tmp, struct ctl_table_header, ctl_entry);
-+ if (!use_table(head))
-+ continue;
-+ spin_unlock(&sysctl_lock);
-+ error = parse_table(name, nlen, oldval, oldlenp,
- newval, newlen, head->ctl_table,
- &context);
-- if (context)
-- kfree(context);
-+ kfree(context);
-+ spin_lock(&sysctl_lock);
-+ unuse_table(head);
- if (error != -ENOTDIR)
-- return error;
-- tmp = tmp->next;
-- } while (tmp != &root_table_header.ctl_entry);
-- return -ENOTDIR;
-+ break;
-+ } while ((tmp = tmp->next) != &root_table_header.ctl_entry);
-+ spin_unlock(&sysctl_lock);
-+ return error;
- }
- asmlinkage long sys_sysctl(struct __sysctl_args __user *args)
-@@ -983,10 +1139,14 @@ static int test_perm(int mode, int op)
- static inline int ctl_perm(ctl_table *table, int op)
- {
- int error;
-+ int mode = table->mode;
- error = security_sysctl(table, op);
- if (error)
- return error;
-- return test_perm(table->mode, op);
-+ if (!ve_accessible(table->owner_env, get_exec_env()))
-+ mode &= ~0222; /* disable write access */
-+ return test_perm(mode, op);
- }
- static int parse_table(int __user *name, int nlen,
-@@ -1152,21 +1312,62 @@ struct ctl_table_header *register_sysctl
- int insert_at_head)
- {
- struct ctl_table_header *tmp;
-+ struct list_head *lh;
- tmp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ctl_table_header), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!tmp)
- return NULL;
- tmp->ctl_table = table;
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&tmp->ctl_entry);
-+ tmp->used = 0;
-+ tmp->unregistering = NULL;
-+ spin_lock(&sysctl_lock);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ lh = &get_exec_env()->sysctl_lh;
-+ lh = &root_table_header.ctl_entry;
- if (insert_at_head)
-- list_add(&tmp->ctl_entry, &root_table_header.ctl_entry);
-+ list_add(&tmp->ctl_entry, lh);
- else
-- list_add_tail(&tmp->ctl_entry, &root_table_header.ctl_entry);
-+ list_add_tail(&tmp->ctl_entry, lh);
-+ spin_unlock(&sysctl_lock);
-- register_proc_table(table, proc_sys_root);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ register_proc_table(table, get_exec_env()->proc_sys_root, tmp);
-+ register_proc_table(table, proc_sys_root, tmp);
- #endif
- return tmp;
- }
-+void free_sysctl_clone(ctl_table *clone)
-+ kfree(clone);
-+ctl_table *clone_sysctl_template(ctl_table *tmpl, int nr)
-+ int i;
-+ ctl_table *clone;
-+ clone = kmalloc(nr * sizeof(ctl_table), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (clone == NULL)
-+ return NULL;
-+ memcpy(clone, tmpl, nr * sizeof(ctl_table));
-+ for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) {
-+ if (tmpl[i].ctl_name == 0)
-+ continue;
-+ clone[i].owner_env = get_exec_env();
-+ if (tmpl[i].child == NULL)
-+ continue;
-+ clone[i].child = clone + (tmpl[i].child - tmpl);
-+ }
-+ return clone;
- /**
- * unregister_sysctl_table - unregister a sysctl table hierarchy
- * @header: the header returned from register_sysctl_table
-@@ -1176,10 +1377,17 @@ struct ctl_table_header *register_sysctl
- */
- void unregister_sysctl_table(struct ctl_table_header * header)
- {
-- list_del(&header->ctl_entry);
-+ might_sleep();
-+ spin_lock(&sysctl_lock);
-+ start_unregistering(header);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ unregister_proc_table(header->ctl_table, get_exec_env()->proc_sys_root);
- unregister_proc_table(header->ctl_table, proc_sys_root);
- #endif
-+ spin_unlock(&sysctl_lock);
- kfree(header);
- }
-@@ -1190,7 +1398,7 @@ void unregister_sysctl_table(struct ctl_
- /* Scan the sysctl entries in table and add them all into /proc */
--static void register_proc_table(ctl_table * table, struct proc_dir_entry *root)
-+static void register_proc_table(ctl_table * table, struct proc_dir_entry *root, void *set)
- {
- struct proc_dir_entry *de;
- int len;
-@@ -1226,13 +1434,14 @@ static void register_proc_table(ctl_tabl
- de = create_proc_entry(table->procname, mode, root);
- if (!de)
- continue;
-+ de->set = set;
- de->data = (void *) table;
- if (table->proc_handler)
- de->proc_fops = &proc_sys_file_operations;
- }
- table->de = de;
- if (de->mode & S_IFDIR)
-- register_proc_table(table->child, de);
-+ register_proc_table(table->child, de, set);
- }
- }
-@@ -1257,12 +1466,15 @@ static void unregister_proc_table(ctl_ta
- continue;
- }
-- /* Don't unregister proc entries that are still being used.. */
-- if (atomic_read(&de->count))
-- continue;
-+ de->data = NULL;
- table->de = NULL;
-+ /*
-+ * sys_sysctl can't find us, since we are removed from list.
-+ * proc won't touch either, since de->data is NULL.
-+ */
-+ spin_unlock(&sysctl_lock);
- remove_proc_entry(table->procname, root);
-+ spin_lock(&sysctl_lock);
- }
- }
-@@ -1270,27 +1482,38 @@ static ssize_t do_rw_proc(int write, str
- size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
- {
- int op;
-- struct proc_dir_entry *de;
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *de = PDE(file->f_dentry->d_inode);
- struct ctl_table *table;
- size_t res;
-- ssize_t error;
-- de = PDE(file->f_dentry->d_inode);
-- if (!de || !de->data)
-- return -ENOTDIR;
-- table = (struct ctl_table *) de->data;
-- if (!table || !table->proc_handler)
-- return -ENOTDIR;
-- op = (write ? 002 : 004);
-- if (ctl_perm(table, op))
-- return -EPERM;
-+ ssize_t error = -ENOTDIR;
-- res = count;
-- error = (*table->proc_handler) (table, write, file, buf, &res, ppos);
-- if (error)
-- return error;
-- return res;
-+ spin_lock(&sysctl_lock);
-+ if (de && de->data && use_table(de->set)) {
-+ /*
-+ * at that point we know that sysctl was not unregistered
-+ * and won't be until we finish
-+ */
-+ spin_unlock(&sysctl_lock);
-+ table = (struct ctl_table *) de->data;
-+ if (!table || !table->proc_handler)
-+ goto out;
-+ error = -EPERM;
-+ op = (write ? 002 : 004);
-+ if (ctl_perm(table, op))
-+ goto out;
-+ /* careful: calling conventions are nasty here */
-+ res = count;
-+ error = (*table->proc_handler)(table, write, file,
-+ buf, &res, ppos);
-+ if (!error)
-+ error = res;
-+ out:
-+ spin_lock(&sysctl_lock);
-+ unuse_table(de->set);
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&sysctl_lock);
-+ return error;
- }
- static int proc_opensys(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-@@ -1390,7 +1613,7 @@ int proc_dostring(ctl_table *table, int
- * to observe. Should this be in kernel/sys.c ????
- */
--static int proc_doutsstring(ctl_table *table, int write, struct file *filp,
-+int proc_doutsstring(ctl_table *table, int write, struct file *filp,
- void __user *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos)
- {
- int r;
-@@ -1914,7 +2137,7 @@ int proc_dostring(ctl_table *table, int
- return -ENOSYS;
- }
--static int proc_doutsstring(ctl_table *table, int write, struct file *filp,
-+int proc_doutsstring(ctl_table *table, int write, struct file *filp,
- void __user *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos)
- {
- return -ENOSYS;
-@@ -1967,7 +2190,6 @@ int proc_doulongvec_ms_jiffies_minmax(ct
- #endif /* CONFIG_PROC_FS */
- /*
- * General sysctl support routines
- */
-@@ -2169,6 +2391,14 @@ void unregister_sysctl_table(struct ctl_
- {
- }
-+ctl_table * clone_sysctl_template(ctl_table *tmpl, int nr)
-+ return NULL;
-+void free_sysctl_clone(ctl_table *tmpl)
- #endif /* CONFIG_SYSCTL */
- /*
-@@ -2180,9 +2410,12 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(proc_dointvec_jiffies);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(proc_dointvec_minmax);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(proc_dointvec_userhz_jiffies);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(proc_dostring);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(proc_doulongvec_minmax);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(proc_doulongvec_ms_jiffies_minmax);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(register_sysctl_table);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(sysctl_intvec);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(sysctl_jiffies);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(sysctl_string);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
- #include <linux/smp_lock.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <asm/unistd.h>
-+#include <linux/fs.h>
- /*
- * The timezone where the local system is located. Used as a default by some
-@@ -421,6 +422,50 @@ struct timespec current_kernel_time(void
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(current_kernel_time);
-+ * current_fs_time - Return FS time
-+ * @sb: Superblock.
-+ *
-+ * Return the current time truncated to the time granuality supported by
-+ * the fs.
-+ */
-+struct timespec current_fs_time(struct super_block *sb)
-+ struct timespec now = current_kernel_time();
-+ return timespec_trunc(now, get_sb_time_gran(sb));
-+ * timespec_trunc - Truncate timespec to a granuality
-+ * @t: Timespec
-+ * @gran: Granuality in ns.
-+ *
-+ * Truncate a timespec to a granuality. gran must be smaller than a second.
-+ * Always rounds down.
-+ *
-+ * This function should be only used for timestamps returned by
-+ * current_kernel_time() or CURRENT_TIME, not with do_gettimeofday() because
-+ * it doesn't handle the better resolution of the later.
-+ */
-+struct timespec timespec_trunc(struct timespec t, unsigned gran)
-+ /*
-+ * Division is pretty slow so avoid it for common cases.
-+ * Currently current_kernel_time() never returns better than
-+ * jiffies resolution. Exploit that.
-+ */
-+ if (gran <= jiffies_to_usecs(1) * 1000) {
-+ /* nothing */
-+ } else if (gran == 1000000000) {
-+ t.tv_nsec = 0;
-+ } else {
-+ t.tv_nsec -= t.tv_nsec % gran;
-+ }
-+ return t;
- #if (BITS_PER_LONG < 64)
- u64 get_jiffies_64(void)
- {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
- #include <linux/time.h>
- #include <linux/jiffies.h>
- #include <linux/cpu.h>
-+#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <asm/unistd.h>
-@@ -299,6 +300,10 @@ repeat:
- goto repeat;
- }
- list_del(&timer->entry);
-+ smp_wmb(); /* the list del must have taken effect before timer->base
-+ * change is visible to other CPUs, or a concurrent mod_timer
-+ * would cause a race with list_add
-+ */
- timer->base = NULL;
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&base->lock, flags);
-@@ -444,6 +449,7 @@ repeat:
- if (!list_empty(head)) {
- void (*fn)(unsigned long);
- unsigned long data;
-+ struct ve_struct *envid;
- timer = list_entry(head->next,struct timer_list,entry);
- fn = timer->function;
-@@ -451,11 +457,16 @@ repeat:
- list_del(&timer->entry);
- set_running_timer(base, timer);
-- smp_wmb();
-+ smp_wmb(); /* the list del must have taken effect before timer->base
-+ * change is visible to other CPUs, or a concurrent mod_timer
-+ * would cause a race with list_add
-+ */
- timer->base = NULL;
-+ envid = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
- spin_unlock_irq(&base->lock);
- fn(data);
- spin_lock_irq(&base->lock);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(envid);
- goto repeat;
- }
- }
-@@ -776,13 +787,12 @@ static void update_wall_time(unsigned lo
- do {
- ticks--;
- update_wall_time_one_tick();
-+ if (xtime.tv_nsec >= 1000000000) {
-+ xtime.tv_nsec -= 1000000000;
-+ xtime.tv_sec++;
-+ second_overflow();
-+ }
- } while (ticks);
-- if (xtime.tv_nsec >= 1000000000) {
-- xtime.tv_nsec -= 1000000000;
-- xtime.tv_sec++;
-- second_overflow();
-- }
- }
- static inline void do_process_times(struct task_struct *p,
-@@ -869,6 +879,22 @@ static unsigned long count_active_tasks(
- */
- unsigned long avenrun[3];
-+static void calc_load_ve(void)
-+ unsigned long flags, nr_unint;
-+ nr_unint = nr_uninterruptible() * FIXED_1;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&kstat_glb_lock, flags);
-+ CALC_LOAD(kstat_glob.nr_unint_avg[0], EXP_1, nr_unint);
-+ CALC_LOAD(kstat_glob.nr_unint_avg[1], EXP_5, nr_unint);
-+ CALC_LOAD(kstat_glob.nr_unint_avg[2], EXP_15, nr_unint);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&kstat_glb_lock, flags);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ do_update_load_avg_ve();
- /*
- * calc_load - given tick count, update the avenrun load estimates.
- * This is called while holding a write_lock on xtime_lock.
-@@ -885,6 +911,7 @@ static inline void calc_load(unsigned lo
- CALC_LOAD(avenrun[0], EXP_1, active_tasks);
- CALC_LOAD(avenrun[1], EXP_5, active_tasks);
- CALC_LOAD(avenrun[2], EXP_15, active_tasks);
-+ calc_load_ve();
- }
- }
-@@ -996,7 +1023,7 @@ asmlinkage unsigned long sys_alarm(unsig
- */
- asmlinkage long sys_getpid(void)
- {
-- return current->tgid;
-+ return virt_tgid(current);
- }
- /*
-@@ -1018,28 +1045,15 @@ asmlinkage long sys_getpid(void)
- asmlinkage long sys_getppid(void)
- {
- int pid;
-- struct task_struct *me = current;
-- struct task_struct *parent;
-- parent = me->group_leader->real_parent;
-- for (;;) {
-- pid = parent->tgid;
--#ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-- struct task_struct *old = parent;
-- /*
-- * Make sure we read the pid before re-reading the
-- * parent pointer:
-- */
-- rmb();
-- parent = me->group_leader->real_parent;
-- if (old != parent)
-- continue;
-- break;
-- }
-+ /* Some smart code used to be here. It was wrong.
-+ * ->real_parent could be released before dereference and
-+ * we accessed freed kernel memory, which faults with debugging on.
-+ * Keep it simple and stupid.
-+ */
-+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ pid = virt_tgid(current->group_leader->real_parent);
-+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
- return pid;
- }
-@@ -1157,7 +1171,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(schedule_timeout);
- /* Thread ID - the internal kernel "pid" */
- asmlinkage long sys_gettid(void)
- {
-- return current->pid;
-+ return virt_pid(current);
- }
- static long __sched nanosleep_restart(struct restart_block *restart)
-@@ -1227,11 +1241,12 @@ asmlinkage long sys_sysinfo(struct sysin
- unsigned long mem_total, sav_total;
- unsigned int mem_unit, bitcount;
- unsigned long seq;
-+ unsigned long *__avenrun;
-+ struct timespec tp;
- memset((char *)&val, 0, sizeof(struct sysinfo));
- do {
-- struct timespec tp;
- seq = read_seqbegin(&xtime_lock);
- /*
-@@ -1249,18 +1264,34 @@ asmlinkage long sys_sysinfo(struct sysin
- tp.tv_nsec = tp.tv_nsec - NSEC_PER_SEC;
- tp.tv_sec++;
- }
-- val.uptime = tp.tv_sec + (tp.tv_nsec ? 1 : 0);
-- val.loads[0] = avenrun[0] << (SI_LOAD_SHIFT - FSHIFT);
-- val.loads[1] = avenrun[1] << (SI_LOAD_SHIFT - FSHIFT);
-- val.loads[2] = avenrun[2] << (SI_LOAD_SHIFT - FSHIFT);
-+ } while (read_seqretry(&xtime_lock, seq));
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ val.uptime = tp.tv_sec + (tp.tv_nsec ? 1 : 0);
-+ __avenrun = &avenrun[0];
- val.procs = nr_threads;
-- } while (read_seqretry(&xtime_lock, seq));
-+ }
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ else {
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ ve = get_exec_env();
-+ __avenrun = &ve->avenrun[0];
-+ val.procs = atomic_read(&ve->pcounter);
-+ val.uptime = tp.tv_sec - ve->start_timespec.tv_sec;
-+ }
-+ val.loads[0] = __avenrun[0] << (SI_LOAD_SHIFT - FSHIFT);
-+ val.loads[1] = __avenrun[1] << (SI_LOAD_SHIFT - FSHIFT);
-+ val.loads[2] = __avenrun[2] << (SI_LOAD_SHIFT - FSHIFT);
- si_meminfo(&val);
- si_swapinfo(&val);
-+ if (virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_GENERAL, VIRTINFO_SYSINFO, &val)
-+ return -ENOMSG;
- /*
- * If the sum of all the available memory (i.e. ram + swap)
- * is less than can be stored in a 32 bit unsigned long then
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
-+# User resources part (UBC)
-+# Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+# All rights reserved.
-+# Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+menu "User resources"
-+ bool "Enable user resource accounting"
-+ default y
-+ help
-+ This patch provides accounting and allows to configure
-+ limits for user's consumption of exhaustible system resources.
-+ The most important resource controlled by this patch is unswappable
-+ memory (either mlock'ed or used by internal kernel structures and
-+ buffers). The main goal of this patch is to protect processes
-+ from running short of important resources because of an accidental
-+ misbehavior of processes or malicious activity aiming to ``kill''
-+ the system. It's worth to mention that resource limits configured
-+ by setrlimit(2) do not give an acceptable level of protection
-+ because they cover only small fraction of resources and work on a
-+ per-process basis. Per-process accounting doesn't prevent malicious
-+ users from spawning a lot of resource-consuming processes.
-+ bool "Account physical memory usage"
-+ default y
-+ depends on USER_RESOURCE
-+ help
-+ This allows to estimate per beancounter physical memory usage.
-+ Implemented alghorithm accounts shared pages of memory as well,
-+ dividing them by number of beancounter which use the page.
-+ bool "Account swap usage"
-+ default y
-+ depends on USER_RESOURCE
-+ help
-+ This allows accounting of swap usage.
-+ bool "Report resource usage in /proc"
-+ default y
-+ depends on USER_RESOURCE
-+ help
-+ Allows a system administrator to inspect resource accounts and limits.
-+config UBC_DEBUG
-+ bool "User resources debug features"
-+ default n
-+ depends on USER_RESOURCE
-+ help
-+ Enables to setup debug features for user resource accounting
-+ bool "Debug kmemsize with cache counters"
-+ default n
-+ depends on UBC_DEBUG
-+ help
-+ Adds /proc/user_beancounters_debug entry to get statistics
-+ about cache usage of each beancounter
-+ bool "Keep unused beancounter alive"
-+ default y
-+ depends on UBC_DEBUG
-+ help
-+ If on, unused beancounters are kept on the hash and maxheld value
-+ can be looked through.
-+ bool "Account resources in items rather than in bytes"
-+ default y
-+ depends on UBC_DEBUG
-+ help
-+ When true some of the resources (e.g. kmemsize) are accounted
-+ in items instead of bytes.
-+ bool "Use unlimited ubc settings"
-+ default y
-+ depends on UBC_DEBUG
-+ help
-+ When ON all limits and barriers are set to max values.
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
-+# User resources part (UBC)
-+# Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+# All rights reserved.
-+# Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+obj-y := ub_sys.o
-+obj-$(CONFIG_USER_RESOURCE) += beancounter.o
-+obj-$(CONFIG_USER_RESOURCE) += ub_dcache.o
-+obj-$(CONFIG_USER_RESOURCE) += ub_mem.o
-+obj-$(CONFIG_USER_RESOURCE) += ub_misc.o
-+obj-$(CONFIG_USER_RESOURCE) += ub_net.o
-+obj-$(CONFIG_USER_RESOURCE) += ub_pages.o
-+obj-$(CONFIG_USER_RESOURCE) += ub_stat.o
-+obj-$(CONFIG_USER_RESOURCE) += ub_oom.o
-+obj-$(CONFIG_USER_RSS_ACCOUNTING) += ub_page_bc.o
-+obj-$(CONFIG_USER_RESOURCE_PROC) += ub_proc.o
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,675 @@
-+ * linux/kernel/ub/beancounter.c
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 1998 Alan Cox
-+ * 1998-2000 Andrey V. Savochkin <>
-+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ * TODO:
-+ * - more intelligent limit check in mremap(): currently the new size is
-+ * charged and _then_ old size is uncharged
-+ * (almost done: !move_vma case is completely done,
-+ * move_vma in its current implementation requires too many conditions to
-+ * do things right, because it may be not only expansion, but shrinking
-+ * also, plus do_munmap will require an additional parameter...)
-+ * - problem: bad pmd page handling
-+ * - consider /proc redesign
-+ * - TCP/UDP ports
-+ * + consider whether __charge_beancounter_locked should be inline
-+ *
-+ * Changes:
-+ * 1999/08/17 Marcelo Tosatti <>
-+ * - Set "barrier" and "limit" parts of limits atomically.
-+ * 1999/10/06 Marcelo Tosatti <>
-+ * - setublimit system call.
-+ */
-+#include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_hash.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
-+static kmem_cache_t *ub_cachep;
-+static struct user_beancounter default_beancounter;
-+struct user_beancounter ub0;
-+const char *ub_rnames[] = {
-+ "kmemsize", /* 0 */
-+ "lockedpages",
-+ "privvmpages",
-+ "shmpages",
-+ "dummy",
-+ "numproc", /* 5 */
-+ "physpages",
-+ "vmguarpages",
-+ "oomguarpages",
-+ "numtcpsock",
-+ "numflock", /* 10 */
-+ "numpty",
-+ "numsiginfo",
-+ "tcpsndbuf",
-+ "tcprcvbuf",
-+ "othersockbuf", /* 15 */
-+ "dgramrcvbuf",
-+ "numothersock",
-+ "dcachesize",
-+ "numfile",
-+ "dummy", /* 20 */
-+ "dummy",
-+ "dummy",
-+ "numiptent",
-+ "unused_privvmpages", /* UB_RESOURCES */
-+ "tmpfs_respages",
-+ "swap_pages",
-+ "held_pages",
-+static void init_beancounter_struct(struct user_beancounter *ub);
-+static void init_beancounter_store(struct user_beancounter *ub);
-+static void init_beancounter_nolimits(struct user_beancounter *ub);
-+void print_ub_uid(struct user_beancounter *ub, char *buf, int size)
-+ if (ub->parent != NULL)
-+ snprintf(buf, size, "%u.%u", ub->parent->ub_uid, ub->ub_uid);
-+ else
-+ snprintf(buf, size, "%u", ub->ub_uid);
-+#define ub_hash_fun(x) ((((x) >> 8) ^ (x)) & (UB_HASH_SIZE - 1))
-+#define ub_subhash_fun(p, id) ub_hash_fun((p)->ub_uid + (id) * 17)
-+struct ub_hash_slot ub_hash[UB_HASH_SIZE];
-+spinlock_t ub_hash_lock;
-+ * Per user resource beancounting. Resources are tied to their luid.
-+ * The resource structure itself is tagged both to the process and
-+ * the charging resources (a socket doesn't want to have to search for
-+ * things at irq time for example). Reference counters keep things in
-+ * hand.
-+ *
-+ * The case where a user creates resource, kills all his processes and
-+ * then starts new ones is correctly handled this way. The refcounters
-+ * will mean the old entry is still around with resource tied to it.
-+ */
-+struct user_beancounter *get_beancounter_byuid(uid_t uid, int create)
-+ struct user_beancounter *new_ub, *ub;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ struct ub_hash_slot *slot;
-+ slot = &ub_hash[ub_hash_fun(uid)];
-+ new_ub = NULL;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ ub = slot->ubh_beans;
-+ while (ub != NULL && (ub->ub_uid != uid || ub->parent != NULL))
-+ ub = ub->ub_next;
-+ if (ub != NULL) {
-+ /* found */
-+ get_beancounter(ub);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ if (new_ub != NULL)
-+ kmem_cache_free(ub_cachep, new_ub);
-+ return ub;
-+ }
-+ if (!create) {
-+ /* no ub found */
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ if (new_ub != NULL) {
-+ /* install new ub */
-+ new_ub->ub_next = slot->ubh_beans;
-+ slot->ubh_beans = new_ub;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ return new_ub;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ /* alloc new ub */
-+ new_ub = (struct user_beancounter *)kmem_cache_alloc(ub_cachep,
-+ if (new_ub == NULL)
-+ return NULL;
-+ ub_debug(UBD_ALLOC, "Creating ub %p in slot %p\n", new_ub, slot);
-+ memcpy(new_ub, &default_beancounter, sizeof(*new_ub));
-+ init_beancounter_struct(new_ub);
-+ new_ub->ub_uid = uid;
-+ goto retry;
-+struct user_beancounter *get_subbeancounter_byid(struct user_beancounter *p,
-+ int id, int create)
-+ struct user_beancounter *new_ub, *ub;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ struct ub_hash_slot *slot;
-+ slot = &ub_hash[ub_subhash_fun(p, id)];
-+ new_ub = NULL;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ ub = slot->ubh_beans;
-+ while (ub != NULL && (ub->parent != p || ub->ub_uid != id))
-+ ub = ub->ub_next;
-+ if (ub != NULL) {
-+ /* found */
-+ get_beancounter(ub);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ if (new_ub != NULL) {
-+ put_beancounter(new_ub->parent);
-+ kmem_cache_free(ub_cachep, new_ub);
-+ }
-+ return ub;
-+ }
-+ if (!create) {
-+ /* no ub found */
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ if (new_ub != NULL) {
-+ /* install new ub */
-+ get_beancounter(new_ub);
-+ new_ub->ub_next = slot->ubh_beans;
-+ slot->ubh_beans = new_ub;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ return new_ub;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ /* alloc new ub */
-+ new_ub = (struct user_beancounter *)kmem_cache_alloc(ub_cachep,
-+ if (new_ub == NULL)
-+ return NULL;
-+ ub_debug(UBD_ALLOC, "Creating sub %p in slot %p\n", new_ub, slot);
-+ memset(new_ub, 0, sizeof(*new_ub));
-+ init_beancounter_nolimits(new_ub);
-+ init_beancounter_store(new_ub);
-+ init_beancounter_struct(new_ub);
-+ atomic_set(&new_ub->ub_refcount, 0);
-+ new_ub->ub_uid = id;
-+ new_ub->parent = get_beancounter(p);
-+ goto retry;
-+struct user_beancounter *subbeancounter_findcreate(struct user_beancounter *p,
-+ int id)
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ struct ub_hash_slot *slot;
-+ slot = &ub_hash[ub_subhash_fun(p, id)];
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ ub = slot->ubh_beans;
-+ while (ub != NULL && (ub->parent != p || ub->ub_uid != id))
-+ ub = ub->ub_next;
-+ if (ub != NULL) {
-+ /* found */
-+ get_beancounter(ub);
-+ goto done;
-+ }
-+ /* alloc new ub */
-+ /* Can be called from non-atomic contexts. Den */
-+ ub = (struct user_beancounter *)kmem_cache_alloc(ub_cachep, GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ if (ub == NULL)
-+ goto done;
-+ ub_debug(UBD_ALLOC, "Creating sub %p in slot %p\n", ub, slot);
-+ memset(ub, 0, sizeof(*ub));
-+ init_beancounter_nolimits(ub);
-+ init_beancounter_store(ub);
-+ init_beancounter_struct(ub);
-+ atomic_set(&ub->ub_refcount, 0);
-+ ub->ub_uid = id;
-+ ub->parent = get_beancounter(p);
-+ /* install new ub */
-+ get_beancounter(ub);
-+ ub->ub_next = slot->ubh_beans;
-+ slot->ubh_beans = ub;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ return ub;
-+static int verify_res(struct user_beancounter *ub, int resource,
-+ unsigned long held)
-+ char id[64];
-+ if (likely(held == 0))
-+ return 1;
-+ print_ub_uid(ub, id, sizeof(id));
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING "Ub %s helds %lu in %s on put\n",
-+ id, held, ub_rnames[resource]);
-+ return 0;
-+static inline void verify_held(struct user_beancounter *ub)
-+ int i, clean;
-+ clean = 1;
-+ for (i = 0; i < UB_RESOURCES; i++)
-+ clean &= verify_res(ub, i, ub->ub_parms[i].held);
-+ clean &= verify_res(ub, UB_UNUSEDPRIVVM, ub->ub_unused_privvmpages);
-+ clean &= verify_res(ub, UB_TMPFSPAGES, ub->ub_tmpfs_respages);
-+ clean &= verify_res(ub, UB_SWAPPAGES, ub->ub_swap_pages);
-+ clean &= verify_res(ub, UB_HELDPAGES, (unsigned long)ub->ub_held_pages);
-+ ub_debug_trace(!clean, 5, 60*HZ);
-+static void __unhash_beancounter(struct user_beancounter *ub)
-+ struct user_beancounter **ubptr;
-+ struct ub_hash_slot *slot;
-+ if (ub->parent != NULL)
-+ slot = &ub_hash[ub_subhash_fun(ub->parent, ub->ub_uid)];
-+ else
-+ slot = &ub_hash[ub_hash_fun(ub->ub_uid)];
-+ ubptr = &slot->ubh_beans;
-+ while (*ubptr != NULL) {
-+ if (*ubptr == ub) {
-+ verify_held(ub);
-+ *ubptr = ub->ub_next;
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ ubptr = &((*ubptr)->ub_next);
-+ }
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "Invalid beancounter %p, luid=%d on free, slot %p\n",
-+ ub, ub->ub_uid, slot);
-+void __put_beancounter(struct user_beancounter *ub)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ struct user_beancounter *parent;
-+ parent = ub->parent;
-+ ub_debug(UBD_ALLOC, "__put bc %p (cnt %d) for %.20s pid %d "
-+ "cur %08lx cpu %d.\n",
-+ ub, atomic_read(&ub->ub_refcount),
-+ current->comm, current->pid,
-+ (unsigned long)current, smp_processor_id());
-+ /* equevalent to atomic_dec_and_lock_irqsave() */
-+ local_irq_save(flags);
-+ if (likely(!atomic_dec_and_lock(&ub->ub_refcount, &ub_hash_lock))) {
-+ if (unlikely(atomic_read(&ub->ub_refcount) < 0))
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "UB: Bad ub refcount: ub=%p, "
-+ "luid=%d, ref=%d\n",
-+ ub, ub->ub_uid,
-+ atomic_read(&ub->ub_refcount));
-+ local_irq_restore(flags);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ if (unlikely(ub == get_ub0())) {
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "Trying to put ub0\n");
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ __unhash_beancounter(ub);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ ub_free_counters(ub);
-+ kmem_cache_free(ub_cachep, ub);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ ub = parent;
-+ if (ub != NULL)
-+ goto again;
-+ * Generic resource charging stuff
-+ */
-+int __charge_beancounter_locked(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ int resource, unsigned long val, enum severity strict)
-+ ub_debug_resource(resource, "Charging %lu for %d of %p with %lu\n",
-+ val, resource, ub, ub->ub_parms[resource].held);
-+ /*
-+ * ub_value <= UB_MAXVALUE, value <= UB_MAXVALUE, and only one addition
-+ * at the moment is possible so an overflow is impossible.
-+ */
-+ ub->ub_parms[resource].held += val;
-+ switch (strict) {
-+ case UB_HARD:
-+ if (ub->ub_parms[resource].held >
-+ ub->ub_parms[resource].barrier)
-+ break;
-+ case UB_SOFT:
-+ if (ub->ub_parms[resource].held >
-+ ub->ub_parms[resource].limit)
-+ break;
-+ case UB_FORCE:
-+ ub_adjust_maxheld(ub, resource);
-+ return 0;
-+ default:
-+ BUG();
-+ }
-+ if (strict == UB_SOFT && ub_ratelimit(&ub->ub_limit_rl))
-+ printk(KERN_INFO "Fatal resource shortage: %s, UB %d.\n",
-+ ub_rnames[resource], ub->ub_uid);
-+ ub->ub_parms[resource].failcnt++;
-+ ub->ub_parms[resource].held -= val;
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+int charge_beancounter(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ int resource, unsigned long val, enum severity strict)
-+ int retval;
-+ struct user_beancounter *p, *q;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ retval = -EINVAL;
-+ if (val > UB_MAXVALUE)
-+ goto out;
-+ local_irq_save(flags);
-+ for (p = ub; p != NULL; p = p->parent) {
-+ spin_lock(&p->ub_lock);
-+ retval = __charge_beancounter_locked(p, resource, val, strict);
-+ spin_unlock(&p->ub_lock);
-+ if (retval)
-+ goto unroll;
-+ }
-+ local_irq_restore(flags);
-+ return retval;
-+ for (q = ub; q != p; q = q->parent) {
-+ spin_lock(&q->ub_lock);
-+ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(q, resource, val);
-+ spin_unlock(&q->ub_lock);
-+ }
-+ goto out_restore;
-+void charge_beancounter_notop(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ int resource, unsigned long val)
-+ struct user_beancounter *p;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ local_irq_save(flags);
-+ for (p = ub; p->parent != NULL; p = p->parent) {
-+ spin_lock(&p->ub_lock);
-+ __charge_beancounter_locked(p, resource, val, UB_FORCE);
-+ spin_unlock(&p->ub_lock);
-+ }
-+ local_irq_restore(flags);
-+void uncharge_warn(struct user_beancounter *ub, int resource,
-+ unsigned long val, unsigned long held)
-+ char id[64];
-+ print_ub_uid(ub, id, sizeof(id));
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "Uncharging too much %lu h %lu, res %s ub %s\n",
-+ val, held, ub_rnames[resource], id);
-+ ub_debug_trace(1, 10, 10*HZ);
-+void __uncharge_beancounter_locked(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ int resource, unsigned long val)
-+ ub_debug_resource(resource, "Uncharging %lu for %d of %p with %lu\n",
-+ val, resource, ub, ub->ub_parms[resource].held);
-+ if (ub->ub_parms[resource].held < val) {
-+ uncharge_warn(ub, resource,
-+ val, ub->ub_parms[resource].held);
-+ val = ub->ub_parms[resource].held;
-+ }
-+ ub->ub_parms[resource].held -= val;
-+void uncharge_beancounter(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ int resource, unsigned long val)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ struct user_beancounter *p;
-+ for (p = ub; p != NULL; p = p->parent) {
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&p->ub_lock, flags);
-+ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(p, resource, val);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&p->ub_lock, flags);
-+ }
-+void uncharge_beancounter_notop(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ int resource, unsigned long val)
-+ struct user_beancounter *p;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ local_irq_save(flags);
-+ for (p = ub; p->parent != NULL; p = p->parent) {
-+ spin_lock(&p->ub_lock);
-+ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(p, resource, val);
-+ spin_unlock(&p->ub_lock);
-+ }
-+ local_irq_restore(flags);
-+ * Rate limiting stuff.
-+ */
-+int ub_ratelimit(struct ub_rate_info *p)
-+ unsigned long cjif, djif;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ static spinlock_t ratelimit_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+ long new_bucket;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ratelimit_lock, flags);
-+ cjif = jiffies;
-+ djif = cjif - p->last;
-+ if (djif < p->interval) {
-+ if (p->bucket >= p->burst) {
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ratelimit_lock, flags);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ p->bucket++;
-+ } else {
-+ new_bucket = p->bucket - (djif / (unsigned)p->interval);
-+ if (new_bucket < 0)
-+ new_bucket = 0;
-+ p->bucket = new_bucket + 1;
-+ }
-+ p->last = cjif;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ratelimit_lock, flags);
-+ return 1;
-+ * Initialization
-+ *
-+ * struct user_beancounter contains
-+ * - limits and other configuration settings,
-+ * with a copy stored for accounting purposes,
-+ * - structural fields: lists, spinlocks and so on.
-+ *
-+ * Before these parts are initialized, the structure should be memset
-+ * to 0 or copied from a known clean structure. That takes care of a lot
-+ * of fields not initialized explicitly.
-+ */
-+static void init_beancounter_struct(struct user_beancounter *ub)
-+ ub->ub_magic = UB_MAGIC;
-+ atomic_set(&ub->ub_refcount, 1);
-+ spin_lock_init(&ub->ub_lock);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ub->ub_tcp_sk_list);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ub->ub_other_sk_list);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ub->ub_cclist);
-+static void init_beancounter_store(struct user_beancounter *ub)
-+ int k;
-+ for (k = 0; k < UB_RESOURCES; k++) {
-+ memcpy(&ub->ub_store[k], &ub->ub_parms[k],
-+ sizeof(struct ubparm));
-+ }
-+static void init_beancounter_nolimits(struct user_beancounter *ub)
-+ int k;
-+ for (k = 0; k < UB_RESOURCES; k++) {
-+ ub->ub_parms[k].limit = UB_MAXVALUE;
-+ /* FIXME: whether this is right for physpages and guarantees? */
-+ ub->ub_parms[k].barrier = UB_MAXVALUE;
-+ }
-+ /* FIXME: set unlimited rate? */
-+ ub->ub_limit_rl.burst = 4;
-+ ub->ub_limit_rl.interval = 300*HZ;
-+static void init_beancounter_syslimits(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ unsigned long mp)
-+ extern int max_threads;
-+ int k;
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_KMEMSIZE].limit =
-+ mp > (192*1024*1024 >> PAGE_SHIFT) ?
-+ 32*1024*1024 : (mp << PAGE_SHIFT) / 6;
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_LOCKEDPAGES].limit = 8;
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_PRIVVMPAGES].limit = UB_MAXVALUE;
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_SHMPAGES].limit = 64;
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_NUMPROC].limit = max_threads / 2;
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_NUMTCPSOCK].limit = 1024;
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPSNDBUF].limit = 1024*4*1024; /* 4k per socket */
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].limit = 1024*6*1024; /* 6k per socket */
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_NUMOTHERSOCK].limit = 256;
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_DGRAMRCVBUF].limit = 256*4*1024; /* 4k per socket */
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_OTHERSOCKBUF].limit = 256*8*1024; /* 8k per socket */
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_NUMFLOCK].limit = 1024;
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_NUMPTY].limit = 16;
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_NUMSIGINFO].limit = 1024;
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_DCACHESIZE].limit = 1024*1024;
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_NUMFILE].limit = 1024;
-+ for (k = 0; k < UB_RESOURCES; k++)
-+ ub->ub_parms[k].barrier = ub->ub_parms[k].limit;
-+ ub->ub_limit_rl.burst = 4;
-+ ub->ub_limit_rl.interval = 300*HZ;
-+void __init ub0_init(void)
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ init_cache_counters();
-+ ub = get_ub0();
-+ memset(ub, 0, sizeof(*ub));
-+ ub->ub_uid = 0;
-+ init_beancounter_nolimits(ub);
-+ init_beancounter_store(ub);
-+ init_beancounter_struct(ub);
-+ memset(task_bc(current), 0, sizeof(struct task_beancounter));
-+ (void)set_exec_ub(get_ub0());
-+ task_bc(current)->fork_sub = get_beancounter(get_ub0());
-+ mm_ub(&init_mm) = get_beancounter(ub);
-+void __init ub_hash_init(void)
-+ struct ub_hash_slot *slot;
-+ spin_lock_init(&ub_hash_lock);
-+ /* insert ub0 into the hash */
-+ slot = &ub_hash[ub_hash_fun(get_ub0()->ub_uid)];
-+ slot->ubh_beans = get_ub0();
-+void __init beancounter_init(unsigned long mempages)
-+ extern int skbc_cache_init(void);
-+ int res;
-+ res = skbc_cache_init();
-+ ub_cachep = kmem_cache_create("user_beancounters",
-+ sizeof(struct user_beancounter),
-+ if (res < 0 || ub_cachep == NULL)
-+ panic("Can't create ubc caches\n");
-+ memset(&default_beancounter, 0, sizeof(default_beancounter));
-+ init_beancounter_nolimits(&default_beancounter);
-+ init_beancounter_syslimits(&default_beancounter, mempages);
-+ init_beancounter_store(&default_beancounter);
-+ init_beancounter_struct(&default_beancounter);
-+ ub_hash_init();
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
-+ * kernel/ub/ub_dcache.c
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/dcache.h>
-+#include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
-+#include <linux/err.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_dcache.h>
-+ * Locking
-+ * traverse dcache_lock d_lock
-+ * ub_dentry_charge + + +
-+ * ub_dentry_uncharge + - +
-+ * ub_dentry_charge_nofail + + -
-+ *
-+ * d_inuse is atomic so that we can inc dentry's parent d_inuse in
-+ * ub_dentry_charhe with the only dentry's d_lock held.
-+ *
-+ * Race in uncharge vs charge_nofail is handled with dcache_lock.
-+ * Race in charge vs charge_nofail is inessential since they both inc d_inuse.
-+ * Race in uncharge vs charge is handled by altering d_inuse under d_lock.
-+ *
-+ * Race with d_move is handled this way:
-+ * - charge_nofail and uncharge are protected by dcache_lock;
-+ * - charge works only with dentry and dentry->d_parent->d_inuse, so
-+ * it's enough to lock only the dentry.
-+ */
-+ * Beancounting
-+ * UB argument must NOT be NULL
-+ */
-+static int do_charge_dcache(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size,
-+ enum severity sv)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ if (__charge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_KMEMSIZE, CHARGE_SIZE(size), sv))
-+ goto out_mem;
-+ if (__charge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_DCACHESIZE, size, sv))
-+ goto out_dcache;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ return 0;
-+ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_KMEMSIZE, CHARGE_SIZE(size));
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+static void do_uncharge_dcache(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ unsigned long size)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_KMEMSIZE, CHARGE_SIZE(size));
-+ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_DCACHESIZE, size);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+static int charge_dcache(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size,
-+ enum severity sv)
-+ struct user_beancounter *p, *q;
-+ for (p = ub; p != NULL; p = p->parent) {
-+ if (do_charge_dcache(p, size, sv))
-+ goto unroll;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+ for (q = ub; q != p; q = q->parent)
-+ do_uncharge_dcache(q, size);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+void uncharge_dcache(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size)
-+ for (; ub != NULL; ub = ub->parent)
-+ do_uncharge_dcache(ub, size);
-+static inline void charge_dcache_forced(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ unsigned long size)
-+ charge_dcache(ub, size, UB_FORCE);
-+static inline void d_forced_charge(struct dentry_beancounter *d_bc)
-+ d_bc->d_ub = get_beancounter(get_exec_ub());
-+ if (d_bc->d_ub == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ charge_dcache_forced(d_bc->d_ub, d_bc->d_ubsize);
-+static inline void d_uncharge(struct dentry_beancounter *d_bc)
-+ if (d_bc->d_ub == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ uncharge_dcache(d_bc->d_ub, d_bc->d_ubsize);
-+ put_beancounter(d_bc->d_ub);
-+ d_bc->d_ub = NULL;
-+ * Alloc / free dentry_beancounter
-+ */
-+static inline int d_alloc_beancounter(struct dentry *d)
-+ return 0;
-+static inline void d_free_beancounter(struct dentry_beancounter *d_bc)
-+static inline unsigned long d_charge_size(struct dentry *dentry)
-+ /* dentry's d_name is already set to appropriate value (see d_alloc) */
-+ return inode_memusage() + dentry_memusage() +
-+ (dname_external(dentry) ?
-+ kmem_obj_memusage((void *)dentry-> : 0);
-+ * dentry mark in use operation
-+ * d_lock is held
-+ */
-+static int d_inc_inuse(struct dentry *dentry)
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ struct dentry_beancounter *d_bc;
-+ if (dentry != dentry->d_parent) {
-+ struct dentry *parent;
-+ /*
-+ * Increment d_inuse of parent.
-+ * It can't change since dentry->d_lock is held.
-+ */
-+ parent = dentry->d_parent;
-+ if (atomic_inc_and_test(&dentry_bc(parent)->d_inuse))
-+ BUG();
-+ }
-+ d_bc = dentry_bc(dentry);
-+ ub = get_beancounter(get_exec_ub());
-+ if (ub != NULL && charge_dcache(ub, d_bc->d_ubsize, UB_SOFT))
-+ goto out_err;
-+ d_bc->d_ub = ub;
-+ return 0;
-+ put_beancounter(ub);
-+ d_bc->d_ub = NULL;
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ * no locks
-+ */
-+int ub_dentry_alloc(struct dentry *dentry)
-+ int err;
-+ struct dentry_beancounter *d_bc;
-+ err = d_alloc_beancounter(dentry);
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ return err;
-+ d_bc = dentry_bc(dentry);
-+ d_bc->d_ub = get_beancounter(get_exec_ub());
-+ atomic_set(&d_bc->d_inuse, 0); /* see comment in ub_dcache.h */
-+ d_bc->d_ubsize = d_charge_size(dentry);
-+ err = 0;
-+ if (d_bc->d_ub != NULL &&
-+ charge_dcache(d_bc->d_ub, d_bc->d_ubsize, UB_HARD)) {
-+ put_beancounter(d_bc->d_ub);
-+ d_free_beancounter(d_bc);
-+ err = -ENOMEM;
-+ }
-+ return err;
-+void ub_dentry_free(struct dentry *dentry)
-+ * Charge / uncharge functions.
-+ *
-+ * We take d_lock to protect dentry_bc from concurrent acces
-+ * when simultaneous __d_lookup and d_put happens on one dentry.
-+ */
-+ * no dcache_lock, d_lock and rcu_read_lock are held
-+ * drops d_lock, rcu_read_lock and returns error if any
-+ */
-+int ub_dentry_charge(struct dentry *dentry)
-+ int err;
-+ err = 0;
-+ if (atomic_inc_and_test(&dentry_bc(dentry)->d_inuse))
-+ err = d_inc_inuse(dentry);
-+ /*
-+ * d_lock and rcu_read_lock are dropped here
-+ * (see also __d_lookup)
-+ */
-+ spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
-+ rcu_read_unlock();
-+ if (!err)
-+ return 0;
-+ /*
-+ * d_invlaidate is required for real_lookup
-+ * since it tries to create new dentry on
-+ * d_lookup failure.
-+ */
-+ if (!d_invalidate(dentry))
-+ return err;
-+ /* didn't succeeded, force dentry to be charged */
-+ d_forced_charge(dentry_bc(dentry));
-+ return 0;
-+ * dcache_lock is held
-+ * no d_locks, sequentaly takes and drops from dentry upward
-+ */
-+void ub_dentry_uncharge(struct dentry *dentry)
-+ struct dentry_beancounter *d_bc;
-+ struct dentry *parent;
-+ /* go up until status is changed and root is not reached */
-+ while (1) {
-+ d_bc = dentry_bc(dentry);
-+ /*
-+ * We need d_lock here to handle
-+ * the race with ub_dentry_charge
-+ */
-+ spin_lock(&dentry->d_lock);
-+ if (!atomic_add_negative(-1, &d_bc->d_inuse)) {
-+ spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ /* state transition 0 => -1 */
-+ d_uncharge(d_bc);
-+ parent = dentry->d_parent;
-+ spin_unlock(&dentry->d_lock);
-+ /*
-+ * dcache_lock is held (see comment in __dget_locked)
-+ * so we can safely move upwards.
-+ */
-+ if (dentry == parent)
-+ break;
-+ dentry = parent;
-+ }
-+ * forced version. for dget in clean cache, when error is not an option
-+ *
-+ * dcache_lock is held
-+ * no d_locks
-+ */
-+void ub_dentry_charge_nofail(struct dentry *dentry)
-+ struct dentry_beancounter *d_bc;
-+ struct dentry *parent;
-+ /* go up until status is changed and root is not reached */
-+ while (1) {
-+ d_bc = dentry_bc(dentry);
-+ if (!atomic_inc_and_test(&d_bc->d_inuse))
-+ break;
-+ /*
-+ * state transition -1 => 0
-+ *
-+ * No need to lock dentry before atomic_inc
-+ * like we do in ub_dentry_uncharge.
-+ * We can't race with ub_dentry_uncharge due
-+ * to dcache_lock. The only possible race with
-+ * ub_dentry_charge is OK since they both
-+ * do atomic_inc.
-+ */
-+ d_forced_charge(d_bc);
-+ /*
-+ * dcache_lock is held (see comment in __dget_locked)
-+ * so we can safely move upwards.
-+ */
-+ parent = dentry->d_parent;
-+ if (dentry == parent)
-+ break;
-+ dentry = parent;
-+ }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
-+ * kernel/ub/ub_mem.c
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
-+#include <linux/kmem_slab.h>
-+#include <linux/highmem.h>
-+#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
-+#include <linux/mm.h>
-+#include <linux/gfp.h>
-+#include <linux/swap.h>
-+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_hash.h>
-+ * Initialization
-+ */
-+extern void __init page_beancounters_init(void);
-+void __init page_ubc_init(void)
-+ page_beancounters_init();
-+ * Slab accounting
-+ */
-+#define CC_HASH_SIZE 1024
-+static struct ub_cache_counter *cc_hash[CC_HASH_SIZE];
-+spinlock_t cc_lock;
-+static void __free_cache_counters(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ kmem_cache_t *cachep)
-+ struct ub_cache_counter *cc, **pprev, *del;
-+ int i;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ del = NULL;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&cc_lock, flags);
-+ for (i = 0; i < CC_HASH_SIZE; i++) {
-+ pprev = &cc_hash[i];
-+ cc = cc_hash[i];
-+ while (cc != NULL) {
-+ if (cc->ub != ub && cc->cachep != cachep) {
-+ pprev = &cc->next;
-+ cc = cc->next;
-+ continue;
-+ }
-+ list_del(&cc->ulist);
-+ *pprev = cc->next;
-+ cc->next = del;
-+ del = cc;
-+ cc = *pprev;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cc_lock, flags);
-+ while (del != NULL) {
-+ cc = del->next;
-+ kfree(del);
-+ del = cc;
-+ }
-+void ub_free_counters(struct user_beancounter *ub)
-+ __free_cache_counters(ub, NULL);
-+void ub_kmemcache_free(kmem_cache_t *cachep)
-+ __free_cache_counters(NULL, cachep);
-+void __init init_cache_counters(void)
-+ memset(cc_hash, 0, CC_HASH_SIZE * sizeof(cc_hash[0]));
-+ spin_lock_init(&cc_lock);
-+#define cc_hash_fun(ub, cachep) ( \
-+ (((unsigned long)(ub) >> L1_CACHE_SHIFT) ^ \
-+ ((unsigned long)(ub) >> (BITS_PER_LONG / 2)) ^ \
-+ ((unsigned long)(cachep) >> L1_CACHE_SHIFT) ^ \
-+ ((unsigned long)(cachep) >> (BITS_PER_LONG / 2)) \
-+ ) & (CC_HASH_SIZE - 1))
-+static int change_slab_charged(struct user_beancounter *ub, void *objp,
-+ unsigned long val, int mask)
-+ struct ub_cache_counter *cc, *new_cnt, **pprev;
-+ kmem_cache_t *cachep;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ cachep = GET_PAGE_CACHE(virt_to_page(objp));
-+ new_cnt = NULL;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&cc_lock, flags);
-+ cc = cc_hash[cc_hash_fun(ub, cachep)];
-+ while (cc) {
-+ if (cc->ub == ub && cc->cachep == cachep)
-+ goto found;
-+ cc = cc->next;
-+ }
-+ if (new_cnt != NULL)
-+ goto insert;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cc_lock, flags);
-+ new_cnt = kmalloc(sizeof(*new_cnt), mask & ~__GFP_UBC);
-+ if (new_cnt == NULL)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ new_cnt->counter = 0;
-+ new_cnt->ub = ub;
-+ new_cnt->cachep = cachep;
-+ goto again;
-+ pprev = &cc_hash[cc_hash_fun(ub, cachep)];
-+ new_cnt->next = *pprev;
-+ *pprev = new_cnt;
-+ list_add(&new_cnt->ulist, &ub->ub_cclist);
-+ cc = new_cnt;
-+ new_cnt = NULL;
-+ cc->counter += val;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cc_lock, flags);
-+ if (new_cnt)
-+ kfree(new_cnt);
-+ return 0;
-+static inline int inc_slab_charged(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ void *objp, int mask)
-+ return change_slab_charged(ub, objp, 1, mask);
-+static inline void dec_slab_charged(struct user_beancounter *ub, void *objp)
-+ if (change_slab_charged(ub, objp, -1, 0) < 0)
-+ BUG();
-+#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
-+static inline int inc_pages_charged(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ struct page *pg, int order)
-+ int cpu;
-+ cpu = get_cpu();
-+ ub->ub_pages_charged[cpu]++;
-+ put_cpu();
-+ return 0;
-+static inline void dec_pages_charged(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ struct page *pg, int order)
-+ int cpu;
-+ cpu = get_cpu();
-+ ub->ub_pages_charged[cpu]--;
-+ put_cpu();
-+void inc_vmalloc_charged(struct vm_struct *vm, int flags)
-+ int cpu;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ if (!(flags & __GFP_UBC))
-+ return;
-+ ub = get_exec_ub();
-+ if (ub == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ cpu = get_cpu();
-+ ub->ub_vmalloc_charged[cpu] += vm->nr_pages;
-+ put_cpu();
-+void dec_vmalloc_charged(struct vm_struct *vm)
-+ int cpu;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ ub = page_ub(vm->pages[0]);
-+ if (ub == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ cpu = get_cpu();
-+ ub->ub_vmalloc_charged[cpu] -= vm->nr_pages;
-+ put_cpu();
-+#define inc_slab_charged(ub, o, m) (0)
-+#define dec_slab_charged(ub, o) do { } while (0)
-+#define inc_pages_charged(ub, pg, o) (0)
-+#define dec_pages_charged(ub, pg, o) do { } while (0)
-+static inline struct user_beancounter **slab_ub_ref(void *objp)
-+ struct page *pg;
-+ kmem_cache_t *cachep;
-+ struct slab *slabp;
-+ int objnr;
-+ pg = virt_to_page(objp);
-+ cachep = GET_PAGE_CACHE(pg);
-+ BUG_ON(!(cachep->flags & SLAB_UBC));
-+ slabp = GET_PAGE_SLAB(pg);
-+ objnr = (objp - slabp->s_mem) / cachep->objsize;
-+ return slab_ubcs(cachep, slabp) + objnr;
-+struct user_beancounter *slab_ub(void *objp)
-+ struct user_beancounter **ub_ref;
-+ ub_ref = slab_ub_ref(objp);
-+ return *ub_ref;
-+int ub_slab_charge(void *objp, int flags)
-+ unsigned int size;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ ub = get_beancounter(get_exec_ub());
-+ if (ub == NULL)
-+ return 0;
-+ size = CHARGE_SIZE(kmem_obj_memusage(objp));
-+ if (charge_beancounter(ub, UB_KMEMSIZE, size,
-+ (flags & __GFP_SOFT_UBC ? UB_SOFT : UB_HARD)))
-+ goto out_err;
-+ if (inc_slab_charged(ub, objp, flags) < 0) {
-+ uncharge_beancounter(ub, UB_KMEMSIZE, size);
-+ goto out_err;
-+ }
-+ *slab_ub_ref(objp) = ub;
-+ return 0;
-+ put_beancounter(ub);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+void ub_slab_uncharge(void *objp)
-+ unsigned int size;
-+ struct user_beancounter **ub_ref;
-+ ub_ref = slab_ub_ref(objp);
-+ if (*ub_ref == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ dec_slab_charged(*ub_ref, objp);
-+ size = CHARGE_SIZE(kmem_obj_memusage(objp));
-+ uncharge_beancounter(*ub_ref, UB_KMEMSIZE, size);
-+ put_beancounter(*ub_ref);
-+ *ub_ref = NULL;
-+ * Pages accounting
-+ */
-+inline int ub_page_charge(struct page *page, int order, int mask)
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ ub = NULL;
-+ if (!(mask & __GFP_UBC))
-+ goto out;
-+ ub = get_beancounter(get_exec_ub());
-+ if (ub == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ if (charge_beancounter(ub, UB_KMEMSIZE, CHARGE_ORDER(order),
-+ (mask & __GFP_SOFT_UBC ? UB_SOFT : UB_HARD)))
-+ goto err;
-+ if (inc_pages_charged(ub, page, order) < 0) {
-+ uncharge_beancounter(ub, UB_KMEMSIZE, CHARGE_ORDER(order));
-+ goto err;
-+ }
-+ BUG_ON(page_ub(page) != NULL);
-+ page_ub(page) = ub;
-+ return 0;
-+ BUG_ON(page_ub(page) != NULL);
-+ put_beancounter(ub);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+inline void ub_page_uncharge(struct page *page, int order)
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ ub = page_ub(page);
-+ if (ub == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ dec_pages_charged(ub, page, order);
-+ BUG_ON(ub->ub_magic != UB_MAGIC);
-+ uncharge_beancounter(ub, UB_KMEMSIZE, CHARGE_ORDER(order));
-+ put_beancounter(ub);
-+ page_ub(page) = NULL;
-+ * takes init_mm.page_table_lock
-+ * some outer lock to protect pages from vmalloced area must be held
-+ */
-+struct user_beancounter *vmalloc_ub(void *obj)
-+ struct page *pg;
-+ spin_lock(&init_mm.page_table_lock);
-+ pg = follow_page_k((unsigned long)obj, 0);
-+ spin_unlock(&init_mm.page_table_lock);
-+ if (pg == NULL)
-+ return NULL;
-+ return page_ub(pg);
-+struct user_beancounter *mem_ub(void *obj)
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ if ((unsigned long)obj >= VMALLOC_START &&
-+ (unsigned long)obj < VMALLOC_END)
-+ ub = vmalloc_ub(obj);
-+ else
-+ ub = slab_ub(obj);
-+ return ub;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
-+ * kernel/ub/ub_misc.c
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/tty.h>
-+#include <linux/tty_driver.h>
-+#include <linux/signal.h>
-+#include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <linux/fs.h>
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
-+ * Task staff
-+ */
-+static void init_task_sub(struct task_struct *parent,
-+ struct task_struct *tsk,
-+ struct task_beancounter *old_bc)
-+ struct task_beancounter *new_bc;
-+ struct user_beancounter *sub;
-+ new_bc = task_bc(tsk);
-+ sub = old_bc->fork_sub;
-+ new_bc->fork_sub = get_beancounter(sub);
-+ new_bc->task_fnode = NULL;
-+ new_bc->task_freserv = old_bc->task_freserv;
-+ old_bc->task_freserv = NULL;
-+ memset(&new_bc->task_data, 0, sizeof(new_bc->task_data));
-+int ub_task_charge(struct task_struct *parent, struct task_struct *task)
-+ struct task_beancounter *old_bc;
-+ struct task_beancounter *new_bc;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ old_bc = task_bc(parent);
-+ ub = old_bc->fork_sub;
-+ if (charge_beancounter(ub, UB_NUMPROC, 1, UB_HARD) < 0)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ new_bc = task_bc(task);
-+ new_bc->task_ub = get_beancounter(ub);
-+ new_bc->exec_ub = get_beancounter(ub);
-+ init_task_sub(parent, task, old_bc);
-+ return 0;
-+void ub_task_uncharge(struct task_struct *task)
-+ struct task_beancounter *task_bc;
-+ task_bc = task_bc(task);
-+ if (task_bc->task_ub != NULL)
-+ uncharge_beancounter(task_bc->task_ub, UB_NUMPROC, 1);
-+ put_beancounter(task_bc->exec_ub);
-+ put_beancounter(task_bc->task_ub);
-+ put_beancounter(task_bc->fork_sub);
-+ /* can't be freed elsewhere, failures possible in the middle of fork */
-+ if (task_bc->task_freserv != NULL)
-+ kfree(task_bc->task_freserv);
-+ task_bc->exec_ub = (struct user_beancounter *)0xdeadbcbc;
-+ * Files and file locks.
-+ */
-+int ub_file_charge(struct file *f)
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ /* No need to get_beancounter here since it's already got in slab */
-+ ub = slab_ub(f);
-+ if (ub == NULL)
-+ return 0;
-+ return charge_beancounter(ub, UB_NUMFILE, 1, UB_HARD);
-+void ub_file_uncharge(struct file *f)
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ /* Ub will be put in slab */
-+ ub = slab_ub(f);
-+ if (ub == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ uncharge_beancounter(ub, UB_NUMFILE, 1);
-+int ub_flock_charge(struct file_lock *fl, int hard)
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ int err;
-+ /* No need to get_beancounter here since it's already got in slab */
-+ ub = slab_ub(fl);
-+ if (ub == NULL)
-+ return 0;
-+ err = charge_beancounter(ub, UB_NUMFLOCK, 1, hard ? UB_HARD : UB_SOFT);
-+ if (!err)
-+ fl->fl_charged = 1;
-+ return err;
-+void ub_flock_uncharge(struct file_lock *fl)
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ /* Ub will be put in slab */
-+ ub = slab_ub(fl);
-+ if (ub == NULL || !fl->fl_charged)
-+ return;
-+ uncharge_beancounter(ub, UB_NUMFLOCK, 1);
-+ fl->fl_charged = 0;
-+ * Signal handling
-+ */
-+static int do_ub_siginfo_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ unsigned long size)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ if (__charge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_KMEMSIZE, size, UB_HARD))
-+ goto out_kmem;
-+ if (__charge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_NUMSIGINFO, 1, UB_HARD))
-+ goto out_num;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ return 0;
-+ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_KMEMSIZE, size);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+static void do_ub_siginfo_uncharge(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ unsigned long size)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_KMEMSIZE, size);
-+ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_NUMSIGINFO, 1);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+int ub_siginfo_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size)
-+ struct user_beancounter *p, *q;
-+ size = CHARGE_SIZE(size);
-+ for (p = ub; p != NULL; p = p->parent) {
-+ if (do_ub_siginfo_charge(p, size))
-+ goto unroll;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+ for (q = ub; q != p; q = q->parent)
-+ do_ub_siginfo_uncharge(q, size);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+void ub_siginfo_uncharge(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size)
-+ size = CHARGE_SIZE(size);
-+ for (; ub != NULL; ub = ub->parent)
-+ do_ub_siginfo_uncharge(ub, size);
-+ * PTYs
-+ */
-+int ub_pty_charge(struct tty_struct *tty)
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ int retval;
-+ ub = tty_ub(tty);
-+ retval = 0;
-+ if (ub && tty->driver->subtype == PTY_TYPE_MASTER &&
-+ !test_bit(TTY_CHARGED, &tty->flags)) {
-+ retval = charge_beancounter(ub, UB_NUMPTY, 1, UB_HARD);
-+ if (!retval)
-+ set_bit(TTY_CHARGED, &tty->flags);
-+ }
-+ return retval;
-+void ub_pty_uncharge(struct tty_struct *tty)
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ ub = tty_ub(tty);
-+ if (ub && tty->driver->subtype == PTY_TYPE_MASTER &&
-+ test_bit(TTY_CHARGED, &tty->flags)) {
-+ uncharge_beancounter(ub, UB_NUMPTY, 1);
-+ clear_bit(TTY_CHARGED, &tty->flags);
-+ }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,1041 @@
-+ * linux/kernel/ub/ub_net.c
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2004 Andrey V. Savochkin <>
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ * TODO:
-+ * - sizeof(struct inode) charge
-+ * = tcp_mem_schedule() feedback based on ub limits
-+ * + measures so that one socket won't exhaust all send buffers,
-+ * see bug in bugzilla
-+ * = sk->socket check for NULL in snd_wakeups
-+ * (tcp_write_space checks for NULL itself)
-+ * + in tcp_close(), orphaned socket abortion should be based on ubc
-+ * resources (same in tcp_out_of_resources)
-+ * Beancounter should also have separate orphaned socket counter...
-+ * + for rcv, in-order segment should be accepted
-+ * if only barrier is exceeded
-+ * = tcp_rmem_schedule() feedback based on ub limits
-+ * - repair forward_alloc mechanism for receive buffers
-+ * It's idea is that some buffer space is pre-charged so that receive fast
-+ * path doesn't need to take spinlocks and do other heavy stuff
-+ * + tcp_prune_queue actions based on ub limits
-+ * + window adjustments depending on available buffers for receive
-+ * - window adjustments depending on available buffers for send
-+ * + race around usewreserv
-+ * + avoid allocating new page for each tiny-gram, see letter from ANK
-+ * + rename ub_sock_lock
-+ * + sk->sleep wait queue probably can be used for all wakeups, and
-+ * sk->ub_wait is unnecessary
-+ * + for UNIX sockets, the current algorithm will lead to
-+ * UB_UNIX_MINBUF-sized messages only for non-blocking case
-+ * - charge for af_packet sockets
-+ * + all datagram sockets should be charged to NUMUNIXSOCK
-+ * - we do not charge for skb copies and clones staying in device queues
-+ * + live-lock if number of sockets is big and buffer limits are small
-+ * [diff-ubc-dbllim3]
-+ * - check that multiple readers/writers on the same socket won't cause fatal
-+ * consequences
-+ * - check allocation/charge orders
-+ * + There is potential problem with callback_lock. In *snd_wakeup we take
-+ * beancounter first, in sock_def_error_report - callback_lock first.
-+ * then beancounter. This is not a problem if callback_lock taken
-+ * readonly, but anyway...
-+ * - SKB_CHARGE_SIZE doesn't include the space wasted by slab allocator
-+ * General kernel problems:
-+ * - in tcp_sendmsg(), if allocation fails, non-blocking sockets with ASYNC
-+ * notification won't get signals
-+ * - datagram_poll looks racy
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/net.h>
-+#include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
-+#include <linux/gfp.h>
-+#include <linux/err.h>
-+#include <linux/socket.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <net/sock.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_net.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_debug.h>
-+/* Skb truesize definition. Bad place. Den */
-+static inline int skb_chargesize_head(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ return skb_charge_size(skb->end - skb->head +
-+ sizeof(struct skb_shared_info));
-+int skb_charge_fullsize(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ int chargesize;
-+ struct sk_buff *skbfrag;
-+ chargesize = skb_chargesize_head(skb) +
-+ PAGE_SIZE * skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags;
-+ if (likely(skb_shinfo(skb)->frag_list == NULL))
-+ return chargesize;
-+ for (skbfrag = skb_shinfo(skb)->frag_list;
-+ skbfrag != NULL;
-+ skbfrag = skbfrag->next) {
-+ chargesize += skb_charge_fullsize(skbfrag);
-+ }
-+ return chargesize;
-+static int ub_sock_makewreserv_locked(struct sock *sk,
-+ int bufid, int sockid, unsigned long size);
-+int ub_too_many_orphans(struct sock *sk, int count)
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ if (sock_has_ubc(sk)) {
-+ for (ub = sock_bc(sk)->ub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
-+ if (count >= ub->ub_parms[UB_NUMTCPSOCK].barrier >> 2)
-+ return 1;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+ * Queueing
-+ */
-+static void ub_sock_snd_wakeup(struct user_beancounter *ub)
-+ struct list_head *p;
-+ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
-+ struct sock *sk;
-+ struct user_beancounter *cub;
-+ unsigned long added;
-+ while (!list_empty(&ub->ub_other_sk_list)) {
-+ p = ub->;
-+ skbc = list_entry(p, struct sock_beancounter, ub_sock_list);
-+ sk = skbc_sock(skbc);
-+ ub_debug(UBD_NET_SLEEP, "Found sock to wake up\n");
-+ added = -skbc->poll_reserv;
-+ if (ub_sock_makewreserv_locked(sk, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF,
-+ UB_NUMOTHERSOCK, skbc->ub_waitspc))
-+ break;
-+ added += skbc->poll_reserv;
-+ /*
-+ * See comments in ub_tcp_snd_wakeup.
-+ * Locking note: both unix_write_space and
-+ * sock_def_write_space take callback_lock themselves.
-+ * We take it here just to be on the safe side and to
-+ * act the same way as ub_tcp_snd_wakeup does.
-+ */
-+ sk->sk_write_space(sk);
-+ list_del_init(&skbc->ub_sock_list);
-+ if (skbc->ub != ub && added) {
-+ cub = get_beancounter(skbc->ub);
-+ spin_unlock(&ub->ub_lock);
-+ charge_beancounter_notop(cub, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF, added);
-+ put_beancounter(cub);
-+ spin_lock(&ub->ub_lock);
-+ }
-+ }
-+static void ub_tcp_snd_wakeup(struct user_beancounter *ub)
-+ struct list_head *p;
-+ struct sock *sk;
-+ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
-+ struct socket *sock;
-+ struct user_beancounter *cub;
-+ unsigned long added;
-+ while (!list_empty(&ub->ub_tcp_sk_list)) {
-+ p = ub->;
-+ skbc = list_entry(p, struct sock_beancounter, ub_sock_list);
-+ sk = skbc_sock(skbc);
-+ added = 0;
-+ sock = sk->sk_socket;
-+ if (sock == NULL)
-+ /* sk being destroyed */
-+ goto cont;
-+ ub_debug(UBD_NET_SLEEP,
-+ "Checking queue, waiting %lu, reserv %lu\n",
-+ skbc->ub_waitspc, skbc->poll_reserv);
-+ added = -skbc->poll_reserv;
-+ if (ub_sock_makewreserv_locked(sk, UB_TCPSNDBUF,
-+ UB_NUMTCPSOCK, skbc->ub_waitspc))
-+ break;
-+ added += skbc->poll_reserv;
-+ /*
-+ * Send async notifications and wake up.
-+ * Locking note: we get callback_lock here because
-+ * tcp_write_space is over-optimistic about calling context
-+ * (socket lock is presumed). So we get the lock here although
-+ * it belongs to the callback.
-+ */
-+ sk->sk_write_space(sk);
-+ list_del_init(&skbc->ub_sock_list);
-+ if (skbc->ub != ub && added) {
-+ cub = get_beancounter(skbc->ub);
-+ spin_unlock(&ub->ub_lock);
-+ charge_beancounter_notop(cub, UB_TCPSNDBUF, added);
-+ put_beancounter(cub);
-+ spin_lock(&ub->ub_lock);
-+ }
-+ }
-+void ub_sock_snd_queue_add(struct sock *sk, int res, unsigned long size)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ unsigned long added_reserv;
-+ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
-+ return;
-+ skbc = sock_bc(sk);
-+ for (ub = skbc->ub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ ub_debug(UBD_NET_SLEEP, "attempt to charge for %lu\n", size);
-+ added_reserv = -skbc->poll_reserv;
-+ if (!ub_sock_makewreserv_locked(sk, res, bid2sid(res), size)) {
-+ /*
-+ * It looks a bit hackish, but it is compatible with both
-+ * wait_for_xx_ubspace and poll.
-+ * This __set_current_state is equivalent to a wakeup event
-+ * right after spin_unlock_irqrestore.
-+ */
-+ __set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
-+ added_reserv += skbc->poll_reserv;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ if (added_reserv)
-+ charge_beancounter_notop(skbc->ub, res, added_reserv);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ ub_debug(UBD_NET_SLEEP, "Adding sk to queue\n");
-+ skbc->ub_waitspc = size;
-+ if (!list_empty(&skbc->ub_sock_list)) {
-+ ub_debug(UBD_NET_SOCKET,
-+ "re-adding socket to beancounter %p.\n", ub);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ switch (res) {
-+ list_add_tail(&skbc->ub_sock_list,
-+ &ub->ub_tcp_sk_list);
-+ break;
-+ list_add_tail(&skbc->ub_sock_list,
-+ &ub->ub_other_sk_list);
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ BUG();
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ * Helpers
-+ */
-+void ub_skb_set_charge(struct sk_buff *skb, struct sock *sk,
-+ unsigned long size, int resource)
-+ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
-+ return;
-+ if (sock_bc(sk)->ub == NULL)
-+ BUG();
-+ skb_bc(skb)->ub = sock_bc(sk)->ub;
-+ skb_bc(skb)->charged = size;
-+ skb_bc(skb)->resource = resource;
-+ /* Ugly. Ugly. Skb in sk writequeue can live without ref to sk */
-+ if (skb->sk == NULL)
-+ skb->sk = sk;
-+static inline void ub_skb_set_uncharge(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ skb_bc(skb)->ub = NULL;
-+ skb_bc(skb)->charged = 0;
-+ skb_bc(skb)->resource = 0;
-+static inline void __uncharge_sockbuf(struct sock_beancounter *skbc,
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub, int resource, unsigned long size)
-+ if (ub != NULL)
-+ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(ub, resource, size);
-+ if (skbc != NULL) {
-+ if (skbc->ub_wcharged > size)
-+ skbc->ub_wcharged -= size;
-+ else
-+ skbc->ub_wcharged = 0;
-+ }
-+static void ub_update_rmem_thres(struct sock_beancounter *skub)
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ if (skub && skub->ub) {
-+ for (ub = skub->ub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
-+ ub->ub_rmem_thres = ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].barrier /
-+ (ub->ub_parms[UB_NUMTCPSOCK].held + 1);
-+ }
-+inline int ub_skb_alloc_bc(struct sk_buff *skb, int gfp_mask)
-+ memset(skb_bc(skb), 0, sizeof(struct skb_beancounter));
-+ return 0;
-+inline void ub_skb_free_bc(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ * Charge socket number
-+ */
-+static inline int sk_alloc_beancounter(struct sock *sk)
-+ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
-+ skbc = sock_bc(sk);
-+ memset(skbc, 0, sizeof(struct sock_beancounter));
-+ return 0;
-+static inline void sk_free_beancounter(struct sock *sk)
-+static int __sock_charge(struct sock *sk, int res)
-+ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ ub = get_exec_ub();
-+ if (ub == NULL)
-+ return 0;
-+ if (sk_alloc_beancounter(sk) < 0)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ skbc = sock_bc(sk);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&skbc->ub_sock_list);
-+ if (charge_beancounter(ub, res, 1, UB_HARD) < 0)
-+ goto out_limit;
-+ /* TCP listen sock or process keeps referrence to UB */
-+ skbc->ub = get_beancounter(ub);
-+ return 0;
-+ sk_free_beancounter(sk);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+int ub_tcp_sock_charge(struct sock *sk)
-+ int ret;
-+ ret = __sock_charge(sk, UB_NUMTCPSOCK);
-+ ub_update_rmem_thres(sock_bc(sk));
-+ return ret;
-+int ub_other_sock_charge(struct sock *sk)
-+ return __sock_charge(sk, UB_NUMOTHERSOCK);
-+int ub_sock_charge(struct sock *sk, int family, int type)
-+ return (IS_TCP_SOCK(family, type) ?
-+ ub_tcp_sock_charge(sk) : ub_other_sock_charge(sk));
-+ * Uncharge socket number
-+ */
-+void ub_sock_uncharge(struct sock *sk)
-+ int is_tcp_sock;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ unsigned long reserv;
-+ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
-+ return;
-+ is_tcp_sock = IS_TCP_SOCK(sk->sk_family, sk->sk_type);
-+ skbc = sock_bc(sk);
-+ ub_debug(UBD_NET_SOCKET, "Calling ub_sock_uncharge on %p\n", sk);
-+ for (ub = skbc->ub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ if (!list_empty(&skbc->ub_sock_list)) {
-+ ub_debug(UBD_NET_SOCKET,
-+ "ub_sock_uncharge: removing from ub(%p) queue.\n",
-+ skbc);
-+ list_del_init(&skbc->ub_sock_list);
-+ }
-+ reserv = skbc->poll_reserv;
-+ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(ub,
-+ (is_tcp_sock ? UB_TCPSNDBUF : UB_OTHERSOCKBUF),
-+ reserv);
-+ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(ub,
-+ (is_tcp_sock ? UB_NUMTCPSOCK : UB_NUMOTHERSOCK), 1);
-+ /* The check sk->sk_family != PF_NETLINK is made as the skb is
-+ * queued to the kernel end of socket while changed to the user one.
-+ * Den */
-+ if (skbc->ub_wcharged > reserv &&
-+ sk->sk_family != PF_NETLINK) {
-+ skbc->ub_wcharged -= reserv;
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING
-+ "ub_sock_uncharge: wch=%lu for ub %p (%d).\n",
-+ skbc->ub_wcharged, skbc->ub, skbc->ub->ub_uid);
-+ } else
-+ skbc->ub_wcharged = 0;
-+ skbc->poll_reserv = 0;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ uncharge_beancounter_notop(skbc->ub,
-+ (is_tcp_sock ? UB_TCPSNDBUF : UB_OTHERSOCKBUF),
-+ reserv);
-+ uncharge_beancounter_notop(skbc->ub,
-+ (is_tcp_sock ? UB_NUMTCPSOCK : UB_NUMOTHERSOCK), 1);
-+ put_beancounter(skbc->ub);
-+ sk_free_beancounter(sk);
-+ * Send - receive buffers
-+ */
-+/* Special case for netlink_dump - (un)charges precalculated size */
-+int ub_nlrcvbuf_charge(struct sk_buff *skb, struct sock *sk)
-+ int ret;
-+ unsigned long chargesize;
-+ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
-+ return 0;
-+ chargesize = skb_charge_fullsize(skb);
-+ ret = charge_beancounter(sock_bc(sk)->ub,
-+ UB_DGRAMRCVBUF, chargesize, UB_HARD);
-+ if (ret < 0)
-+ return ret;
-+ ub_skb_set_charge(skb, sk, chargesize, UB_DGRAMRCVBUF);
-+ return ret;
-+ * Poll reserv accounting
-+ */
-+static int ub_sock_makewreserv_locked(struct sock *sk,
-+ int bufid, int sockid, unsigned long size)
-+ unsigned long wcharge_added;
-+ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
-+ goto out;
-+ skbc = sock_bc(sk);
-+ if (skbc->poll_reserv >= size) /* no work to be done */
-+ goto out;
-+ for (ub = skbc->ub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
-+ ub->ub_parms[bufid].held += size - skbc->poll_reserv;
-+ wcharge_added = 0;
-+ /*
-+ * Logic:
-+ * 1) when used memory hits barrier, we set wmem_pressure;
-+ * wmem_pressure is reset under barrier/2;
-+ * between barrier/2 and barrier we limit per-socket buffer growth;
-+ * 2) each socket is guaranteed to get (limit-barrier)/maxsockets
-+ * calculated on the base of memory eaten after the barrier is hit
-+ */
-+ skbc = sock_bc(sk);
-+ if (!ub_hfbarrier_hit(ub, bufid)) {
-+ if (ub->ub_wmem_pressure)
-+ ub_debug(UBD_NET_SEND, "makewres: pressure -> 0 "
-+ "sk %p sz %lu pr %lu hd %lu wc %lu sb %d.\n",
-+ sk, size, skbc->poll_reserv,
-+ ub->ub_parms[bufid].held,
-+ skbc->ub_wcharged, sk->sk_sndbuf);
-+ ub->ub_wmem_pressure = 0;
-+ }
-+ if (ub_barrier_hit(ub, bufid)) {
-+ if (!ub->ub_wmem_pressure)
-+ ub_debug(UBD_NET_SEND, "makewres: pressure -> 1 "
-+ "sk %p sz %lu pr %lu hd %lu wc %lu sb %d.\n",
-+ sk, size, skbc->poll_reserv,
-+ ub->ub_parms[bufid].held,
-+ skbc->ub_wcharged, sk->sk_sndbuf);
-+ ub->ub_wmem_pressure = 1;
-+ wcharge_added = size - skbc->poll_reserv;
-+ skbc->ub_wcharged += wcharge_added;
-+ if (skbc->ub_wcharged * ub->ub_parms[sockid].limit +
-+ ub->ub_parms[bufid].barrier >
-+ ub->ub_parms[bufid].limit)
-+ goto unroll;
-+ }
-+ if (ub->ub_parms[bufid].held > ub->ub_parms[bufid].limit)
-+ goto unroll;
-+ ub_adjust_maxheld(ub, bufid);
-+ skbc->poll_reserv = size;
-+ return 0;
-+ ub_debug(UBD_NET_SEND,
-+ "makewres: deny "
-+ "sk %p sz %lu pr %lu hd %lu wc %lu sb %d.\n",
-+ sk, size, skbc->poll_reserv, ub->ub_parms[bufid].held,
-+ skbc->ub_wcharged, sk->sk_sndbuf);
-+ skbc->ub_wcharged -= wcharge_added;
-+ ub->ub_parms[bufid].failcnt++;
-+ ub->ub_parms[bufid].held -= size - skbc->poll_reserv;
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+int ub_sock_make_wreserv(struct sock *sk, int bufid, unsigned long size)
-+ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ unsigned long added_reserv;
-+ int err;
-+ skbc = sock_bc(sk);
-+ /*
-+ * This function provides that there is sufficient reserve upon return
-+ * only if sk has only one user. We can check poll_reserv without
-+ * serialization and avoid locking if the reserve already exists.
-+ */
-+ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk) || skbc->poll_reserv >= size)
-+ return 0;
-+ for (ub = skbc->ub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ added_reserv = -skbc->poll_reserv;
-+ err = ub_sock_makewreserv_locked(sk, bufid, bid2sid(bufid), size);
-+ added_reserv += skbc->poll_reserv;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ if (added_reserv)
-+ charge_beancounter_notop(skbc->ub, bufid, added_reserv);
-+ return err;
-+int ub_sock_get_wreserv(struct sock *sk, int bufid, unsigned long size)
-+ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ unsigned long added_reserv;
-+ int err;
-+ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
-+ return 0;
-+ skbc = sock_bc(sk);
-+ for (ub = skbc->ub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ added_reserv = -skbc->poll_reserv;
-+ err = ub_sock_makewreserv_locked(sk, bufid, bid2sid(bufid), size);
-+ added_reserv += skbc->poll_reserv;
-+ if (!err)
-+ skbc->poll_reserv -= size;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ if (added_reserv)
-+ charge_beancounter_notop(skbc->ub, bufid, added_reserv);
-+ return err;
-+void ub_sock_ret_wreserv(struct sock *sk, int bufid,
-+ unsigned long size, unsigned long ressize)
-+ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ unsigned long extra;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
-+ return;
-+ extra = 0;
-+ skbc = sock_bc(sk);
-+ for (ub = skbc->ub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ skbc->poll_reserv += size;
-+ if (skbc->poll_reserv > ressize) {
-+ extra = skbc->poll_reserv - ressize;
-+ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(ub, bufid, extra);
-+ if (skbc->ub_wcharged > skbc->poll_reserv - ressize)
-+ skbc->ub_wcharged -= skbc->poll_reserv - ressize;
-+ else
-+ skbc->ub_wcharged = 0;
-+ skbc->poll_reserv = ressize;
-+ }
-+ ub_tcp_snd_wakeup(ub);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ if (extra)
-+ uncharge_beancounter_notop(skbc->ub, bufid, extra);
-+long ub_sock_wait_for_space(struct sock *sk, long timeo, unsigned long size)
-+ DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current);
-+ add_wait_queue(sk->sk_sleep, &wait);
-+ for (;;) {
-+ if (signal_pending(current))
-+ break;
-+ set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
-+ if (!ub_sock_make_wreserv(sk, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF, size))
-+ break;
-+ if (sk->sk_shutdown & SEND_SHUTDOWN)
-+ break;
-+ if (sk->sk_err)
-+ break;
-+ ub_sock_snd_queue_add(sk, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF, size);
-+ timeo = schedule_timeout(timeo);
-+ }
-+ __set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
-+ remove_wait_queue(sk->sk_sleep, &wait);
-+ return timeo;
-+int ub_sock_makewres_other(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size)
-+ return ub_sock_make_wreserv(sk, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF, size);
-+int ub_sock_makewres_tcp(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size)
-+ return ub_sock_make_wreserv(sk, UB_TCPSNDBUF, size);
-+int ub_sock_getwres_other(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size)
-+ return ub_sock_get_wreserv(sk, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF, size);
-+int ub_sock_getwres_tcp(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size)
-+ return ub_sock_get_wreserv(sk, UB_TCPSNDBUF, size);
-+void ub_sock_retwres_other(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size,
-+ unsigned long ressize)
-+ ub_sock_ret_wreserv(sk, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF, size, ressize);
-+void ub_sock_retwres_tcp(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size,
-+ unsigned long ressize)
-+ ub_sock_ret_wreserv(sk, UB_TCPSNDBUF, size, ressize);
-+void ub_sock_sndqueueadd_other(struct sock *sk, unsigned long sz)
-+ ub_sock_snd_queue_add(sk, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF, sz);
-+void ub_sock_sndqueueadd_tcp(struct sock *sk, unsigned long sz)
-+ ub_sock_snd_queue_add(sk, UB_TCPSNDBUF, sz);
-+void ub_sock_sndqueuedel(struct sock *sk)
-+ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
-+ return;
-+ skbc = sock_bc(sk);
-+ /* race with write_space callback of other socket */
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&skbc->ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ list_del_init(&skbc->ub_sock_list);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&skbc->ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ */
-+int ub_sockrcvbuf_charge(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ unsigned long chargesize;
-+ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
-+ return 0;
-+ chargesize = skb_charge_fullsize(skb);
-+ if (charge_beancounter(sock_bc(sk)->ub, UB_DGRAMRCVBUF,
-+ chargesize, UB_HARD))
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ ub_skb_set_charge(skb, sk, chargesize, UB_DGRAMRCVBUF);
-+ return 0;
-+static void ub_sockrcvbuf_uncharge(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ uncharge_beancounter(skb_bc(skb)->ub, UB_DGRAMRCVBUF,
-+ skb_bc(skb)->charged);
-+ ub_skb_set_uncharge(skb);
-+ */
-+static int charge_tcprcvbuf(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb,
-+ enum severity strict)
-+ int retval;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ unsigned long chargesize;
-+ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
-+ return 0;
-+ /*
-+ * Memory pressure reactions:
-+ * 1) set UB_RMEM_KEEP (clearing UB_RMEM_EXPAND)
-+ * 2) set UB_RMEM_SHRINK and tcp_clamp_window()
-+ * tcp_collapse_queues() if rmem_alloc > rcvbuf
-+ * 3) drop OFO, tcp_purge_ofo()
-+ * 4) drop all.
-+ * Currently, we do #2 and #3 at once (which means that current
-+ * collapsing of OFO queue in tcp_collapse_queues() is a waste of time,
-+ * for example...)
-+ * On memory pressure we jump from #0 to #3, and when the pressure
-+ * subsides, to #1.
-+ */
-+ retval = 0;
-+ chargesize = skb_charge_fullsize(skb);
-+ for (ub = sock_bc(sk)->ub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].held += chargesize;
-+ if (ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].held >
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].barrier &&
-+ strict != UB_FORCE)
-+ goto excess;
-+ ub_adjust_maxheld(ub, UB_TCPRCVBUF);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ if (retval == 0) {
-+ charge_beancounter_notop(sock_bc(sk)->ub, UB_TCPRCVBUF,
-+ chargesize);
-+ ub_skb_set_charge(skb, sk, chargesize, UB_TCPRCVBUF);
-+ }
-+ return retval;
-+ ub->ub_rmem_pressure = UB_RMEM_SHRINK;
-+ if (strict == UB_HARD)
-+ retval = -ENOMEM;
-+ if (ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].held > ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].limit)
-+ retval = -ENOMEM;
-+ /*
-+ * We try to leave numsock*maxadvmss as a reserve for sockets not
-+ * queueing any data yet (if the difference between the barrier and the
-+ * limit is enough for this reserve).
-+ */
-+ if (ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].held +
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_NUMTCPSOCK].limit * ub->ub_maxadvmss
-+ > ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].limit &&
-+ atomic_read(&sk->sk_rmem_alloc))
-+ retval = -ENOMEM;
-+ if (retval) {
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].held -= chargesize;
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].failcnt++;
-+ }
-+ ub_adjust_maxheld(ub, UB_TCPRCVBUF);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ goto out;
-+int ub_tcprcvbuf_charge(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ return charge_tcprcvbuf(sk, skb, UB_HARD);
-+int ub_tcprcvbuf_charge_forced(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ return charge_tcprcvbuf(sk, skb, UB_FORCE);
-+static void ub_tcprcvbuf_uncharge(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ unsigned long held, bar;
-+ int prev_pres;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ for (ub = skb_bc(skb)->ub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ if (ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].held < skb_bc(skb)->charged) {
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "Uncharging %d for tcprcvbuf of %p with %lu\n",
-+ skb_bc(skb)->charged,
-+ ub, ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].held);
-+ /* ass-saving bung */
-+ skb_bc(skb)->charged = ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].held;
-+ }
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].held -= skb_bc(skb)->charged;
-+ held = ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].held;
-+ bar = ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].barrier;
-+ prev_pres = ub->ub_rmem_pressure;
-+ if (held <= bar - (bar >> 2))
-+ ub->ub_rmem_pressure = UB_RMEM_EXPAND;
-+ else if (held <= bar)
-+ ub->ub_rmem_pressure = UB_RMEM_KEEP;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ uncharge_beancounter_notop(skb_bc(skb)->ub, UB_TCPRCVBUF,
-+ skb_bc(skb)->charged);
-+ ub_skb_set_uncharge(skb);
-+ */
-+static void ub_socksndbuf_uncharge(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub, *cub;
-+ struct sock_beancounter *sk_bc;
-+ /* resource was set. no check for ub required */
-+ cub = skb_bc(skb)->ub;
-+ for (ub = cub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
-+ skb_bc(skb)->ub = NULL;
-+ if (skb->sk != NULL)
-+ sk_bc = sock_bc(skb->sk);
-+ else
-+ sk_bc = NULL;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ __uncharge_sockbuf(sk_bc, ub, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF,
-+ skb_bc(skb)->charged);
-+ ub_sock_snd_wakeup(ub);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ uncharge_beancounter_notop(cub, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF, skb_bc(skb)->charged);
-+ ub_skb_set_uncharge(skb);
-+static void ub_tcpsndbuf_uncharge(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub, *cub;
-+ /* resource can be not set, called manually */
-+ cub = skb_bc(skb)->ub;
-+ if (cub == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ for (ub = cub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
-+ skb_bc(skb)->ub = NULL;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ __uncharge_sockbuf(sock_bc(skb->sk), ub, UB_TCPSNDBUF,
-+ skb_bc(skb)->charged);
-+ ub_tcp_snd_wakeup(ub);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ uncharge_beancounter_notop(cub, UB_TCPSNDBUF, skb_bc(skb)->charged);
-+ ub_skb_set_uncharge(skb);
-+void ub_skb_uncharge(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ switch (skb_bc(skb)->resource) {
-+ ub_tcpsndbuf_uncharge(skb);
-+ break;
-+ ub_tcprcvbuf_uncharge(skb);
-+ break;
-+ ub_sockrcvbuf_uncharge(skb);
-+ break;
-+ ub_socksndbuf_uncharge(skb);
-+ break;
-+ }
-+EXPORT_SYMBOL(ub_skb_uncharge); /* due to skb_orphan()/conntracks */
-+ * TCP send buffers accouting. Paged part
-+ */
-+int ub_sock_tcp_chargepage(struct sock *sk)
-+ struct sock_beancounter *skbc;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ unsigned long added;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ int err;
-+ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
-+ return 0;
-+ skbc = sock_bc(sk);
-+ for (ub = skbc->ub; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ /* Try to charge full page */
-+ err = ub_sock_makewreserv_locked(sk, UB_TCPSNDBUF, UB_NUMTCPSOCK,
-+ if (err == 0) {
-+ skbc->poll_reserv -= PAGE_SIZE;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ charge_beancounter_notop(skbc->ub, UB_TCPSNDBUF, PAGE_SIZE);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ /* Try to charge page enough to satisfy sys_select. The possible
-+ overdraft for the rest of the page is generally better then
-+ requesting full page in tcp_poll. This should not happen
-+ frequently. Den */
-+ added = -skbc->poll_reserv;
-+ err = ub_sock_makewreserv_locked(sk, UB_TCPSNDBUF, UB_NUMTCPSOCK,
-+ if (err < 0) {
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ return err;
-+ }
-+ __charge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_TCPSNDBUF,
-+ PAGE_SIZE - skbc->poll_reserv,
-+ added += PAGE_SIZE;
-+ skbc->poll_reserv = 0;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ charge_beancounter_notop(skbc->ub, UB_TCPSNDBUF, added);
-+ return 0;
-+void ub_sock_tcp_detachpage(struct sock *sk)
-+ struct sk_buff *skb;
-+ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
-+ return;
-+ /* The page is just detached from socket. The last skb in queue
-+ with paged part holds referrence to it */
-+ skb = skb_peek_tail(&sk->sk_write_queue);
-+ if (skb == NULL) {
-+ /* If the queue is empty - all data is sent and page is about
-+ to be freed */
-+ uncharge_beancounter(sock_bc(sk)->ub, UB_TCPSNDBUF, PAGE_SIZE);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ /* Last skb is a good aproximation for a last skb with paged part */
-+ skb_bc(skb)->charged += PAGE_SIZE;
-+static int charge_tcpsndbuf(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb,
-+ enum severity strict)
-+ int ret;
-+ unsigned long chargesize;
-+ if (!sock_has_ubc(sk))
-+ return 0;
-+ chargesize = skb_charge_fullsize(skb);
-+ ret = charge_beancounter(sock_bc(sk)->ub, UB_TCPSNDBUF, chargesize,
-+ strict);
-+ if (ret < 0)
-+ return ret;
-+ ub_skb_set_charge(skb, sk, chargesize, UB_TCPSNDBUF);
-+ sock_bc(sk)->ub_wcharged += chargesize;
-+ return ret;
-+int ub_tcpsndbuf_charge(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ return charge_tcpsndbuf(sk, skb, UB_HARD);
-+int ub_tcpsndbuf_charge_forced(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ return charge_tcpsndbuf(sk, skb, UB_FORCE);
-+ * Initialization staff
-+ */
-+int __init skbc_cache_init(void)
-+ return 0;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:48.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
-+ * kernel/ub/ub_oom.c
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
-+#include <linux/mm.h>
-+#include <linux/swap.h>
-+#include <asm/page.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_misc.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_hash.h>
-+static inline long ub_current_overdraft(struct user_beancounter *ub)
-+ return ub->ub_parms[UB_OOMGUARPAGES].held +
-+ ((ub->ub_parms[UB_KMEMSIZE].held
-+ + ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPSNDBUF].held
-+ + ub->ub_parms[UB_TCPRCVBUF].held
-+ + ub->ub_parms[UB_OTHERSOCKBUF].held
-+ + ub->ub_parms[UB_DGRAMRCVBUF].held)
-+ >> PAGE_SHIFT) - ub->ub_parms[UB_OOMGUARPAGES].barrier;
-+ * Select an user_beancounter to find task inside it to be killed.
-+ * Select the beancounter with the biggest excess of resource usage
-+ * to kill a process belonging to that beancounter later, or returns
-+ * NULL if there are no beancounters with such excess.
-+ */
-+struct user_beancounter *ub_select_worst(long *ub_maxover)
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub, *walkp;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ int i;
-+ *ub_maxover = 0;
-+ ub = NULL;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ for_each_beancounter(i, walkp) {
-+ long ub_overdraft;
-+ if (walkp->parent != NULL)
-+ continue;
-+ if (walkp->ub_oom_noproc)
-+ continue;
-+ ub_overdraft = ub_current_overdraft(walkp);
-+ if (ub_overdraft > *ub_maxover) {
-+ ub = walkp;
-+ *ub_maxover = ub_overdraft;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ get_beancounter(ub);
-+ if(ub)
-+ ub->ub_oom_noproc = 1;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ return ub;
-+void ub_oomkill_task(struct mm_struct * mm, struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ long maxover)
-+ static struct ub_rate_info ri = { 5, 60*HZ };
-+ /* increment is serialized with oom_generation_lock */
-+ mm_ub(mm)->ub_parms[UB_OOMGUARPAGES].failcnt++;
-+ if (ub_ratelimit(&ri))
-+ show_mem();
-+void ub_clear_oom(void)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ int i;
-+ struct user_beancounter *walkp;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ for_each_beancounter(i, walkp)
-+ walkp->ub_oom_noproc = 0;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
-+ * kernel/ub/ub_page_bc.c
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
-+#include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <linux/mm.h>
-+#include <linux/gfp.h>
-+#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_hash.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_page.h>
-+static kmem_cache_t *pb_cachep;
-+static spinlock_t pb_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+static struct page_beancounter **pb_hash_table;
-+static unsigned int pb_hash_mask;
-+ * Auxiliary staff
-+ */
-+static inline struct page_beancounter *next_page_pb(struct page_beancounter *p)
-+ return list_entry(p->, struct page_beancounter,
-+ page_list);
-+static inline struct page_beancounter *prev_page_pb(struct page_beancounter *p)
-+ return list_entry(p->page_list.prev, struct page_beancounter,
-+ page_list);
-+ * Held pages manipulation
-+ */
-+static inline void set_held_pages(struct user_beancounter *bc)
-+ /* all three depend on ub_held_pages */
-+ __ub_update_physpages(bc);
-+ __ub_update_oomguarpages(bc);
-+ __ub_update_privvm(bc);
-+static inline void do_dec_held_pages(struct user_beancounter *ub, int value)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ ub->ub_held_pages -= value;
-+ set_held_pages(ub);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+static void dec_held_pages(struct user_beancounter *ub, int value)
-+ for (; ub != NULL; ub = ub->parent)
-+ do_dec_held_pages(ub, value);
-+static inline void do_inc_held_pages(struct user_beancounter *ub, int value)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ ub->ub_held_pages += value;
-+ set_held_pages(ub);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+static void inc_held_pages(struct user_beancounter *ub, int value)
-+ for (; ub != NULL; ub = ub->parent)
-+ do_inc_held_pages(ub, value);
-+ * Alloc - free
-+ */
-+inline int pb_alloc(struct page_beancounter **pbc)
-+ *pbc = kmem_cache_alloc(pb_cachep, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (*pbc != NULL)
-+ (*pbc)->pb_magic = PB_MAGIC;
-+ return (*pbc == NULL);
-+inline void pb_free(struct page_beancounter **pb)
-+ if (*pb != NULL) {
-+ kmem_cache_free(pb_cachep, *pb);
-+ *pb = NULL;
-+ }
-+void pb_free_list(struct page_beancounter **p_pb)
-+ struct page_beancounter *list = *p_pb, *pb;
-+ while (list) {
-+ pb = list;
-+ list = list->next_hash;
-+ pb_free(&pb);
-+ }
-+ *p_pb = NULL;
-+ * head -> <new objs> -> <old objs> -> ...
-+ */
-+static int __alloc_list(struct page_beancounter **head, int num)
-+ struct page_beancounter *pb;
-+ while (num > 0) {
-+ if (pb_alloc(&pb))
-+ return -1;
-+ pb->next_hash = *head;
-+ *head = pb;
-+ num--;
-+ }
-+ return num;
-+ * Ensure that the list contains at least num elements.
-+ * p_pb points to an initialized list, may be of the zero length.
-+ *
-+ * mm->page_table_lock should be held
-+ */
-+int pb_alloc_list(struct page_beancounter **p_pb, int num,
-+ struct mm_struct *mm)
-+ struct page_beancounter *list;
-+ for (list = *p_pb; list != NULL && num; list = list->next_hash, num--);
-+ if (!num)
-+ return 0;
-+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-+ /*
-+ * *p_pb(after) *p_pb (before)
-+ * \ \
-+ * <new objs> -...-> <old objs> -> ...
-+ */
-+ if (__alloc_list(p_pb, num) < 0)
-+ goto nomem;
-+ spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-+ return 0;
-+ spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-+ pb_free_list(p_pb);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ * Hash routines
-+ */
-+static inline int pb_hash(struct user_beancounter *ub, struct page *page)
-+ return (((unsigned long)ub << 16) + ((unsigned long)ub >> 16) +
-+ (page_to_pfn(page) >> 7)) & pb_hash_mask;
-+/* pb_lock should be held */
-+static inline void insert_pb(struct page_beancounter *p, struct page *page,
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub, int hash)
-+ p->page = page;
-+ p->ub = get_beancounter(ub);
-+ p->next_hash = pb_hash_table[hash];
-+ pb_hash_table[hash] = p;
-+ * Heart
-+ */
-+int pb_reserve_all(struct page_beancounter **pbs)
-+ int i, need_alloc;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ need_alloc = 0;
-+ for_each_beancounter(i, ub)
-+ need_alloc++;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ if (!__alloc_list(pbs, need_alloc))
-+ return 0;
-+ pb_free_list(pbs);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+int pb_add_ref(struct page *page, struct user_beancounter *bc,
-+ struct page_beancounter **p_pb)
-+ int hash;
-+ struct page_beancounter *p;
-+ int shift;
-+ struct page_beancounter *head;
-+ if (bc == NULL || is_shmem_mapping(page->mapping))
-+ return 0;
-+ hash = pb_hash(bc, page);
-+ spin_lock(&pb_lock);
-+ for (p = pb_hash_table[hash];
-+ p != NULL && (p->page != page || p->ub != bc);
-+ p = p->next_hash);
-+ if (p != NULL) {
-+ /*
-+ * This page is already associated with this beancounter,
-+ * increment the usage counter.
-+ */
-+ PB_COUNT_INC(p->refcount);
-+ spin_unlock(&pb_lock);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ p = *p_pb;
-+ if (p == NULL) {
-+ spin_unlock(&pb_lock);
-+ return -1;
-+ }
-+ *p_pb = NULL;
-+ insert_pb(p, page, bc, hash);
-+ head = page_pbc(page);
-+ if (head != NULL) {
-+ /*
-+ * Move the first element to the end of the list.
-+ * List head (pb_head) is set to the next entry.
-+ * Note that this code works even if head is the only element
-+ * on the list (because it's cyclic).
-+ */
-+ BUG_ON(head->pb_magic != PB_MAGIC);
-+ page_pbc(page) = next_page_pb(head);
-+ PB_SHIFT_INC(head->refcount);
-+ shift = PB_SHIFT_GET(head->refcount);
-+ /*
-+ * Update user beancounter, the share of head has been changed.
-+ * Note that the shift counter is taken after increment.
-+ */
-+ dec_held_pages(head->ub, UB_PAGE_WEIGHT >> shift);
-+ /* add the new page beancounter to the end of the list */
-+ list_add_tail(&p->page_list, &page_pbc(page)->page_list);
-+ } else {
-+ page_pbc(page) = p;
-+ shift = 0;
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&p->page_list);
-+ }
-+ p->refcount = PB_REFCOUNT_MAKE(shift, 1);
-+ spin_unlock(&pb_lock);
-+ /* update user beancounter for the new page beancounter */
-+ inc_held_pages(bc, UB_PAGE_WEIGHT >> shift);
-+ return 0;
-+void pb_remove_ref(struct page *page, struct user_beancounter *bc)
-+ int hash;
-+ struct page_beancounter *p, **q;
-+ int shift, shiftt;
-+ if (bc == NULL || is_shmem_mapping(page->mapping))
-+ return;
-+ hash = pb_hash(bc, page);
-+ spin_lock(&pb_lock);
-+ BUG_ON(page_pbc(page) != NULL && page_pbc(page)->pb_magic != PB_MAGIC);
-+ for (q = pb_hash_table + hash, p = *q;
-+ p != NULL && (p->page != page || p->ub != bc);
-+ q = &p->next_hash, p = *q);
-+ if (p == NULL)
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ PB_COUNT_DEC(p->refcount);
-+ if (PB_COUNT_GET(p->refcount))
-+ /*
-+ * More references from the same user beancounter exist.
-+ * Nothing needs to be done.
-+ */
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ /* remove from the hash list */
-+ *q = p->next_hash;
-+ shift = PB_SHIFT_GET(p->refcount);
-+ dec_held_pages(p->ub, UB_PAGE_WEIGHT >> shift);
-+ if (page_pbc(page) == p) {
-+ if (list_empty(&p->page_list))
-+ goto out_free;
-+ page_pbc(page) = next_page_pb(p);
-+ }
-+ list_del(&p->page_list);
-+ put_beancounter(p->ub);
-+ pb_free(&p);
-+ /* Now balance the list. Move the tail and adjust its shift counter. */
-+ p = prev_page_pb(page_pbc(page));
-+ shiftt = PB_SHIFT_GET(p->refcount);
-+ page_pbc(page) = p;
-+ PB_SHIFT_DEC(p->refcount);
-+ inc_held_pages(p->ub, UB_PAGE_WEIGHT >> shiftt);
-+ /*
-+ * If the shift counter of the moved beancounter is different from the
-+ * removed one's, repeat the procedure for one more tail beancounter
-+ */
-+ if (shiftt > shift) {
-+ p = prev_page_pb(page_pbc(page));
-+ page_pbc(page) = p;
-+ PB_SHIFT_DEC(p->refcount);
-+ inc_held_pages(p->ub, UB_PAGE_WEIGHT >> shiftt);
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&pb_lock);
-+ return;
-+ page_pbc(page) = NULL;
-+ put_beancounter(p->ub);
-+ pb_free(&p);
-+ spin_unlock(&pb_lock);
-+ return;
-+void pb_add_list_ref(struct page *page, struct user_beancounter *bc,
-+ struct page_beancounter **p_pb)
-+ struct page_beancounter *list, *pb;
-+ pb = *p_pb;
-+ if (pb == NULL) {
-+ /* Typical case due to caller constraints */
-+ if (pb_add_ref(page, bc, &pb))
-+ BUG();
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ list = pb->next_hash;
-+ if (pb_add_ref(page, bc, &pb))
-+ BUG();
-+ if (pb != NULL) {
-+ pb->next_hash = list;
-+ list = pb;
-+ }
-+ *p_pb = list;
-+struct user_beancounter *pb_grab_page_ub(struct page *page)
-+ struct page_beancounter *pb;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ spin_lock(&pb_lock);
-+ pb = page_pbc(page);
-+ ub = (pb == NULL ? ERR_PTR(-EINVAL) :
-+ get_beancounter(pb->ub));
-+ spin_unlock(&pb_lock);
-+ return ub;
-+void __init page_beancounters_init(void)
-+ unsigned long hash_size;
-+ pb_cachep = kmem_cache_create("page_beancounter",
-+ sizeof(struct page_beancounter), 0,
-+ hash_size = num_physpages >> 2;
-+ for (pb_hash_mask = 1;
-+ (hash_size & pb_hash_mask) != hash_size;
-+ pb_hash_mask = (pb_hash_mask << 1) + 1);
-+ hash_size = pb_hash_mask + 1;
-+ printk(KERN_INFO "Page beancounter hash is %lu entries.\n", hash_size);
-+ pb_hash_table = vmalloc(hash_size * sizeof(struct page_beancounter *));
-+ memset(pb_hash_table, 0, hash_size * sizeof(struct page_beancounter *));
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
-+ * kernel/ub/ub_pages.c
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/mm.h>
-+#include <linux/highmem.h>
-+#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <asm/page.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
-+void fastcall __ub_update_physpages(struct user_beancounter *ub)
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_PHYSPAGES].held = ub->ub_tmpfs_respages
-+ + (ub->ub_held_pages >> UB_PAGE_WEIGHT_SHIFT);
-+ ub_adjust_maxheld(ub, UB_PHYSPAGES);
-+void fastcall __ub_update_oomguarpages(struct user_beancounter *ub)
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_OOMGUARPAGES].held =
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_PHYSPAGES].held + ub->ub_swap_pages;
-+ ub_adjust_maxheld(ub, UB_OOMGUARPAGES);
-+void fastcall __ub_update_privvm(struct user_beancounter *ub)
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_PRIVVMPAGES].held =
-+ (ub->ub_held_pages >> UB_PAGE_WEIGHT_SHIFT)
-+ + ub->ub_unused_privvmpages
-+ + ub->ub_parms[UB_SHMPAGES].held;
-+ ub_adjust_maxheld(ub, UB_PRIVVMPAGES);
-+static inline unsigned long pages_in_pte(pte_t *pte)
-+ struct page *pg;
-+ if (!pte_present(*pte))
-+ return 0;
-+ pg = pte_page(*pte);
-+ if (!pfn_valid(page_to_pfn(pg)))
-+ return 0;
-+ if (PageReserved(pg))
-+ return 0;
-+ return 1;
-+static inline unsigned long pages_in_pmd(pmd_t *pmd,
-+ unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
-+ unsigned long pages, pmd_end, address;
-+ pte_t *pte;
-+ pages = 0;
-+ if (pmd_none(*pmd))
-+ goto out;
-+ if (pmd_bad(*pmd)) {
-+ pmd_ERROR(*pmd);
-+ pmd_clear(pmd);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ pte = pte_offset_map(pmd, start);
-+ pmd_end = (start + PMD_SIZE) & PMD_MASK;
-+ if (pmd_end && (end > pmd_end))
-+ end = pmd_end;
-+ address = start;
-+ do {
-+ pages += pages_in_pte(pte);
-+ address += PAGE_SIZE;
-+ pte++;
-+ } while (address && (address < end));
-+ pte_unmap(pte-1);
-+ return pages;
-+static inline unsigned long pages_in_pgd(pgd_t *pgd,
-+ unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
-+ unsigned long pages, pgd_end, address;
-+ pmd_t *pmd;
-+ pages = 0;
-+ if (pgd_none(*pgd))
-+ goto out;
-+ if (pgd_bad(*pgd)) {
-+ pgd_ERROR(*pgd);
-+ pgd_clear(pgd);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, start);
-+ pgd_end = (start + PGDIR_SIZE) & PGDIR_MASK;
-+ if (pgd_end && (end > pgd_end))
-+ end = pgd_end;
-+ address = start;
-+ do {
-+ pages += pages_in_pmd(pmd, address, end);
-+ address = (address + PMD_SIZE) & PMD_MASK;
-+ pmd++;
-+ } while (address && (address < end));
-+ return pages;
-+ * Calculate number of pages presenting in the address space within single
-+ * vm_area. mm->page_table_lock must be already held.
-+ */
-+unsigned long pages_in_vma_range(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
-+ unsigned long start, unsigned long end)
-+ unsigned long address, pages;
-+ pgd_t *pgd;
-+ pages = 0;
-+ address = start;
-+ pgd = pgd_offset(vma->vm_mm, start);
-+ do {
-+ pages += pages_in_pgd(pgd, address, end);
-+ address = (address + PGDIR_SIZE) & PGDIR_MASK;
-+ pgd++;
-+ } while (address && (address < end));
-+ return pages;
-+int ub_unused_privvm_inc(struct user_beancounter *ub, long size,
-+ struct vm_area_struct *vma)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ if (ub == NULL || !VM_UB_PRIVATE(vma->vm_flags, vma->vm_file))
-+ return 0;
-+ for (; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ ub->ub_unused_privvmpages += size;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ return 0;
-+static void __unused_privvm_dec_locked(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ long size)
-+ /* catch possible overflow */
-+ if (ub->ub_unused_privvmpages < size) {
-+ uncharge_warn(ub, UB_UNUSEDPRIVVM,
-+ size, ub->ub_unused_privvmpages);
-+ size = ub->ub_unused_privvmpages;
-+ }
-+ ub->ub_unused_privvmpages -= size;
-+ __ub_update_privvm(ub);
-+void __ub_unused_privvm_dec(struct user_beancounter *ub, long size)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ if (ub == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ for (; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ __unused_privvm_dec_locked(ub, size);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+void ub_unused_privvm_dec(struct user_beancounter *ub, long size,
-+ struct vm_area_struct *vma)
-+ if (VM_UB_PRIVATE(vma->vm_flags, vma->vm_file))
-+ __ub_unused_privvm_dec(ub, size);
-+static inline int __charge_privvm_locked(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ unsigned long s, enum severity strict)
-+ if (__charge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_PRIVVMPAGES, s, strict) < 0)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ ub->ub_unused_privvmpages += s;
-+ return 0;
-+int ub_privvm_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long vm_flags,
-+ struct file *vm_file, unsigned long size)
-+ int retval;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ if (ub == NULL || !VM_UB_PRIVATE(vm_flags, vm_file))
-+ return 0;
-+ for (; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ retval = __charge_privvm_locked(ub, size >> PAGE_SHIFT, UB_SOFT);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ return retval;
-+void ub_privvm_uncharge(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long vm_flags,
-+ struct file *vm_file, unsigned long size)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ if (ub == NULL || !VM_UB_PRIVATE(vm_flags, vm_file))
-+ return;
-+ for (; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ __unused_privvm_dec_locked(ub, size >> PAGE_SHIFT);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+int ub_protected_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size,
-+ unsigned long newflags, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ struct file *file;
-+ if (ub == NULL)
-+ flags = vma->vm_flags;
-+ if (!((newflags ^ flags) & VM_WRITE))
-+ file = vma->vm_file;
-+ if (!VM_UB_PRIVATE(newflags | VM_WRITE, file))
-+ if (flags & VM_WRITE)
-+ for (; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ if (__charge_privvm_locked(ub, size, UB_SOFT) < 0)
-+ goto err;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ return PRIVVM_ERROR;
-+int ub_locked_mem_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub, long size)
-+ if (ub == NULL)
-+ return 0;
-+ return charge_beancounter(ub, UB_LOCKEDPAGES,
-+ size >> PAGE_SHIFT, UB_HARD);
-+void ub_locked_mem_uncharge(struct user_beancounter *ub, long size)
-+ if (ub == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ uncharge_beancounter(ub, UB_LOCKEDPAGES, size >> PAGE_SHIFT);
-+int ub_shmpages_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size)
-+ int ret;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ ret = 0;
-+ if (ub == NULL)
-+ return 0;
-+ for (; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ ret = __charge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_SHMPAGES, size, UB_HARD);
-+ if (ret == 0)
-+ __ub_update_privvm(ub);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ return ret;
-+void ub_shmpages_uncharge(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ if (ub == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ for (; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ __uncharge_beancounter_locked(ub, UB_SHMPAGES, size);
-+ __ub_update_privvm(ub);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+int ub_memory_charge(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size,
-+ unsigned vm_flags, struct file *vm_file, int sv)
-+ struct user_beancounter *ubl;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ if (ub == NULL)
-+ return 0;
-+ size >>= PAGE_SHIFT;
-+ if (size > UB_MAXVALUE)
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ BUG_ON(sv != UB_SOFT && sv != UB_HARD);
-+ if ((vm_flags & VM_LOCKED) &&
-+ charge_beancounter(ub, UB_LOCKEDPAGES, size, sv))
-+ goto out_err;
-+ if (VM_UB_PRIVATE(vm_flags, vm_file)) {
-+ for (ubl = ub; ubl->parent != NULL; ubl = ubl->parent);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ubl->ub_lock, flags);
-+ if (__charge_privvm_locked(ubl, size, sv))
-+ goto out_private;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ubl->ub_lock, flags);
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ubl->ub_lock, flags);
-+ if (vm_flags & VM_LOCKED)
-+ uncharge_beancounter(ub, UB_LOCKEDPAGES, size);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+void ub_memory_uncharge(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size,
-+ unsigned vm_flags, struct file *vm_file)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ if (ub == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ size >>= PAGE_SHIFT;
-+ if (vm_flags & VM_LOCKED)
-+ uncharge_beancounter(ub, UB_LOCKEDPAGES, size);
-+ if (VM_UB_PRIVATE(vm_flags, vm_file)) {
-+ for (; ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ __unused_privvm_dec_locked(ub, size);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ }
-+static inline void do_ub_tmpfs_respages_inc(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ unsigned long size)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ ub->ub_tmpfs_respages += size;
-+ __ub_update_physpages(ub);
-+ __ub_update_oomguarpages(ub);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+void ub_tmpfs_respages_inc(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ unsigned long size)
-+ for (; ub != NULL; ub = ub->parent)
-+ do_ub_tmpfs_respages_inc(ub, size);
-+static inline void do_ub_tmpfs_respages_dec(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ unsigned long size)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ /* catch possible overflow */
-+ if (ub->ub_tmpfs_respages < size) {
-+ uncharge_warn(ub, UB_TMPFSPAGES,
-+ size, ub->ub_tmpfs_respages);
-+ size = ub->ub_tmpfs_respages;
-+ }
-+ ub->ub_tmpfs_respages -= size;
-+ /* update values what is the most interesting */
-+ __ub_update_physpages(ub);
-+ __ub_update_oomguarpages(ub);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+void ub_tmpfs_respages_dec(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ unsigned long size)
-+ for (; ub != NULL; ub = ub->parent)
-+ do_ub_tmpfs_respages_dec(ub, size);
-+static inline void do_ub_swapentry_inc(struct user_beancounter *ub)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ ub->ub_swap_pages++;
-+ __ub_update_oomguarpages(ub);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+void ub_swapentry_inc(struct user_beancounter *ub)
-+ for (; ub != NULL; ub = ub->parent)
-+ do_ub_swapentry_inc(ub);
-+static inline void do_ub_swapentry_dec(struct user_beancounter *ub)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ if (ub->ub_swap_pages < 1)
-+ uncharge_warn(ub, UB_SWAPPAGES, 1, ub->ub_swap_pages);
-+ else
-+ ub->ub_swap_pages -= 1;
-+ __ub_update_oomguarpages(ub);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+void ub_swapentry_dec(struct user_beancounter *ub)
-+ for (; ub != NULL; ub = ub->parent)
-+ do_ub_swapentry_dec(ub);
-+static int vmguar_enough_memory(struct vnotifier_block *self,
-+ unsigned long event, void *arg, int old_ret)
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ if (event != VIRTINFO_ENOUGHMEM)
-+ return old_ret;
-+ for (ub = mm_ub(current->mm); ub->parent != NULL; ub = ub->parent);
-+ if (ub->ub_parms[UB_PRIVVMPAGES].held >
-+ ub->ub_parms[UB_VMGUARPAGES].barrier)
-+ return old_ret;
-+ return NOTIFY_OK;
-+static struct vnotifier_block vmguar_notifier_block = {
-+ .notifier_call = vmguar_enough_memory
-+static int __init init_vmguar_notifier(void)
-+ virtinfo_notifier_register(VITYPE_GENERAL, &vmguar_notifier_block);
-+ return 0;
-+static void __exit fini_vmguar_notifier(void)
-+ virtinfo_notifier_unregister(VITYPE_GENERAL, &vmguar_notifier_block);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
-+ * linux/fs/proc/proc_ub.c
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 1998-2000 Andrey V. Savochkin <>
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ * TODO:
-+ *
-+ * Changes:
-+ */
-+#include <linux/errno.h>
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/kernel.h>
-+#include <linux/mm.h>
-+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_hash.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_debug.h>
-+#include <asm/page.h>
-+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+ * we have 8 format strings depending on:
-+ * 3. resource number (see out_proc_beancounter)
-+ */
-+#define REF_FORMAT "%5.5s %4i: %-12s "
-+#define UID_HEAD_STR "uid ref"
-+#define REF_FORMAT "%10.10s: %-12s "
-+#define UID_HEAD_STR "uid"
-+#define REF2_FORMAT "%10s %-12s "
-+#if BITS_PER_LONG == 32
-+#define RES_FORMAT "%10lu %10lu %10lu %10lu %10lu"
-+#define HEAD_FORMAT "%10s %10s %10s %10s %10s"
-+#define UB_PROC_LINE_TEXT (10+2+12+1+10+1+10+1+10+1+10+1+10)
-+#define RES_FORMAT "%20lu %20lu %20lu %20lu %20lu"
-+#define HEAD_FORMAT "%20s %20s %20s %20s %20s"
-+#define UB_PROC_LINE_TEXT (10+2+12+1+20+1+20+1+20+1+20+1+20)
-+static void out_proc_version(char *buf)
-+ int len;
-+ len = sprintf(buf, "Version: 2.5");
-+ memset(buf + len, ' ', UB_PROC_LINE_TEXT - len);
-+ buf[UB_PROC_LINE_TEXT] = '\n';
-+static void out_proc_head(char *buf)
-+ sprintf(buf, REF2_FORMAT HEAD_FORMAT,
-+ UID_HEAD_STR, "resource", "held", "maxheld",
-+ "barrier", "limit", "failcnt");
-+ buf[UB_PROC_LINE_TEXT] = '\n';
-+static void out_proc_beancounter(char *buf, struct user_beancounter *ub, int r)
-+ if (r == 0) {
-+ char tmpbuf[64];
-+ print_ub_uid(ub, tmpbuf, sizeof(tmpbuf));
-+ sprintf(buf, REF_FORMAT RES_FORMAT,
-+ tmpbuf,
-+ atomic_read(&ub->ub_refcount),
-+ ub_rnames[r], ub->ub_parms[r].held,
-+ ub->ub_parms[r].maxheld, ub->ub_parms[r].barrier,
-+ ub->ub_parms[r].limit, ub->ub_parms[r].failcnt);
-+ } else
-+ sprintf(buf, REF2_FORMAT RES_FORMAT,
-+ "", ub_rnames[r],
-+ ub->ub_parms[r].held, ub->ub_parms[r].maxheld,
-+ ub->ub_parms[r].barrier, ub->ub_parms[r].limit,
-+ ub->ub_parms[r].failcnt);
-+ buf[UB_PROC_LINE_TEXT] = '\n';
-+static int ub_accessible(struct user_beancounter *ub,
-+ struct user_beancounter *exec_ub,
-+ struct file *file)
-+ struct user_beancounter *p, *q;
-+ for (p = exec_ub; p->parent != NULL; p = p->parent);
-+ for (q = ub; q->parent != NULL; q = q->parent);
-+ if (p != get_ub0() && q != p)
-+ return 0;
-+ if (ub->parent == NULL)
-+ return 1;
-+ return file->private_data == NULL ? 0 : 1;
-+static ssize_t ub_proc_read(struct file *file, char *usrbuf, size_t len,
-+ loff_t *poff)
-+ ssize_t retval;
-+ char *buf;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ int i, resource;
-+ struct ub_hash_slot *slot;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ struct user_beancounter *exec_ub = get_exec_ub();
-+ loff_t n, off;
-+ int rem, produced, job, tocopy;
-+ const int is_capable =
-+ (capable(CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE) || capable(CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH));
-+ retval = -ENOBUFS;
-+ buf = (char *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (buf == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ retval = 0;
-+ if (!is_capable)
-+ goto out_free;
-+ off = *poff;
-+ if (off < 0) /* can't happen, just in case */
-+ goto inval;
-+ i = 0;
-+ slot = ub_hash;
-+ n = off; /* The amount of data tp skip */
-+ produced = 0;
-+ if (n < (UB_PROC_LINE_LEN * 2)) {
-+ if (n < UB_PROC_LINE_LEN) {
-+ out_proc_version(buf);
-+ produced += UB_PROC_LINE_LEN;
-+ }
-+ out_proc_head(buf + produced);
-+ produced += UB_PROC_LINE_LEN;
-+ }
-+ n -= (2 * UB_PROC_LINE_LEN);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ while (1) {
-+ for (ub = slot->ubh_beans;
-+ ub != NULL && n >= (UB_RESOURCES * UB_PROC_LINE_LEN);
-+ ub = ub->ub_next)
-+ if (is_capable && ub_accessible(ub, exec_ub, file))
-+ if (ub != NULL || ++i >= UB_HASH_SIZE)
-+ break;
-+ ++slot;
-+ }
-+ rem = n; /* the amount of the data in the buffer to skip */
-+ job = PAGE_SIZE - UB_PROC_LINE_LEN + 1; /* end of buffer data */
-+ if (len < job - rem)
-+ job = rem + len;
-+ while (ub != NULL && produced < job) {
-+ if (is_capable && ub_accessible(ub, exec_ub, file))
-+ for (resource = 0;
-+ produced < job && resource < UB_RESOURCES;
-+ resource++, produced += UB_PROC_LINE_LEN)
-+ {
-+ out_proc_beancounter(buf + produced,
-+ ub, resource);
-+ }
-+ if (produced >= job)
-+ break;
-+ /* Find the next beancounter to produce more data. */
-+ ub = ub->ub_next;
-+ while (ub == NULL && ++i < UB_HASH_SIZE) {
-+ ++slot;
-+ ub = slot->ubh_beans;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ ub_debug(UBD_ALLOC, KERN_DEBUG "UB_PROC: produced %d, job %d, rem %d\n",
-+ produced, job, rem);
-+ /*
-+ * Temporary buffer `buf' contains `produced' bytes.
-+ * Extract no more than `len' bytes at offset `rem'.
-+ */
-+ if (produced <= rem)
-+ goto out_free;
-+ tocopy = produced - rem;
-+ if (len < tocopy)
-+ tocopy = len;
-+ if (!tocopy)
-+ goto out_free;
-+ if (copy_to_user(usrbuf, buf + rem, tocopy))
-+ goto fault;
-+ off += tocopy; /* can't overflow */
-+ *poff = off;
-+ len -= tocopy;
-+ retval += tocopy;
-+ if (!len)
-+ goto out_free;
-+ usrbuf += tocopy;
-+ goto again;
-+ retval = -EFAULT;
-+ free_page((unsigned long)buf);
-+ return retval;
-+ retval = -EINVAL;
-+ goto out_free;
-+static int ub_proc_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-+ file->private_data = strcmp(file->f_dentry->,
-+ "user_beancounters") ?
-+ (void *)-1 : NULL;
-+ return 0;
-+static struct file_operations ub_file_operations = {
-+ .read = &ub_proc_read,
-+ .open = &ub_proc_open
-+#include <linux/seq_file.h>
-+#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
-+static void *ubd_start(struct seq_file *m, loff_t *pos)
-+ loff_t n = *pos;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ long slot;
-+ spin_lock_irq(&ub_hash_lock);
-+ for (slot = 0; slot < UB_HASH_SIZE; slot++)
-+ for (ub = ub_hash[slot].ubh_beans; ub; ub = ub->ub_next) {
-+ if (n == 0) {
-+ m->private = (void *)slot;
-+ return (void *)ub;
-+ }
-+ n--;
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+static void *ubd_next(struct seq_file *m, void *p, loff_t *pos)
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ long slot;
-+ ub = (struct user_beancounter *)p;
-+ slot = (long)m->private;
-+ ++*pos;
-+ ub = ub->ub_next;
-+ while (1) {
-+ for (; ub; ub = ub->ub_next) {
-+ m->private = (void *)slot;
-+ return (void *)ub;
-+ }
-+ slot++;
-+ if (slot == UB_HASH_SIZE)
-+ break;
-+ ub = ub_hash[slot].ubh_beans;
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+static void ubd_stop(struct seq_file *m, void *p)
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&ub_hash_lock);
-+#define PROC_LINE_FMT "\t%-17s\t%5lu\t%5lu\n"
-+static int ubd_show(struct seq_file *m, void *p)
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ struct ub_cache_counter *cc;
-+ long pages, vmpages;
-+ int i;
-+ char id[64];
-+ ub = (struct user_beancounter *)p;
-+ print_ub_uid(ub, id, sizeof(id));
-+ seq_printf(m, "%s:\n", id);
-+ pages = vmpages = 0;
-+ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++) {
-+ pages += ub->ub_pages_charged[i];
-+ vmpages += ub->ub_vmalloc_charged[i];
-+ }
-+ if (pages < 0)
-+ pages = 0;
-+ if (vmpages < 0)
-+ vmpages = 0;
-+ seq_printf(m, PROC_LINE_FMT, "pages", pages, PAGE_SIZE);
-+ seq_printf(m, PROC_LINE_FMT, "vmalloced", vmpages, PAGE_SIZE);
-+ seq_printf(m, PROC_LINE_FMT, ub_rnames[UB_UNUSEDPRIVVM],
-+ ub->ub_unused_privvmpages, PAGE_SIZE);
-+ seq_printf(m, PROC_LINE_FMT, ub_rnames[UB_TMPFSPAGES],
-+ ub->ub_tmpfs_respages, PAGE_SIZE);
-+ seq_printf(m, PROC_LINE_FMT, ub_rnames[UB_SWAPPAGES],
-+ ub->ub_swap_pages, PAGE_SIZE);
-+ /* interrupts are disabled by locking ub_hash_lock */
-+ spin_lock(&cc_lock);
-+ list_for_each_entry (cc, &ub->ub_cclist, ulist) {
-+ kmem_cache_t *cachep;
-+ cachep = cc->cachep;
-+ seq_printf(m, PROC_LINE_FMT,
-+ cachep->name,
-+ cc->counter,
-+ (unsigned long)cachep->objuse);
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&cc_lock);
-+ return 0;
-+static struct seq_operations kmemdebug_op = {
-+ .start = ubd_start,
-+ .next = ubd_next,
-+ .stop = ubd_stop,
-+ .show = ubd_show,
-+static int kmem_debug_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-+ return seq_open(file, &kmemdebug_op);
-+static struct file_operations kmem_debug_ops = {
-+ .open = kmem_debug_open,
-+ .read = seq_read,
-+ .llseek = seq_lseek,
-+ .release = seq_release,
-+void __init beancounter_proc_init(void)
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *entry;
-+ entry = create_proc_entry("user_beancounters", S_IRUGO, NULL);
-+ if (entry)
-+ entry->proc_fops = &ub_file_operations;
-+ else
-+ panic("Can't create /proc/user_beancounters entry!\n");
-+ entry = create_proc_entry("user_beancounters_sub", S_IRUGO, NULL);
-+ if (entry)
-+ entry->proc_fops = &ub_file_operations;
-+ else
-+ panic("Can't create /proc/user_beancounters2 entry!\n");
-+ entry = create_proc_entry("user_beancounters_debug", S_IRUGO, NULL);
-+ if (entry)
-+ entry->proc_fops = &kmem_debug_ops;
-+ else
-+ panic("Can't create /proc/user_beancounters_debug entry!\n");
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
-+ * kernel/ub/ub_stat.c
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/timer.h>
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/jiffies.h>
-+#include <linux/list.h>
-+#include <linux/errno.h>
-+#include <linux/suspend.h>
-+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <asm/param.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_hash.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_stat.h>
-+static spinlock_t ubs_notify_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+static LIST_HEAD(ubs_notify_list);
-+static long ubs_min_interval;
-+static ubstattime_t ubs_start_time, ubs_end_time;
-+static struct timer_list ubs_timer;
-+static int ubstat_get_list(void *buf, long size)
-+ int retval;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ int slotnr;
-+ struct ub_hash_slot *slot;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub, *last_ub;
-+ long *page, *ptr, *end;
-+ int len;
-+ page = (long *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (page == NULL)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ retval = 0;
-+ slotnr = 0;
-+ slot = ub_hash;
-+ last_ub = NULL;
-+ while (1) {
-+ ptr = page;
-+ end = page + PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(*ptr);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ if (last_ub == NULL)
-+ ub = slot->ubh_beans;
-+ else
-+ ub = last_ub->ub_next;
-+ while (1) {
-+ for (; ub != NULL; ub = ub->ub_next) {
-+ if (ub->parent != NULL)
-+ continue;
-+ *ptr++ = ub->ub_uid;
-+ if (ptr == end)
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if (ptr == end)
-+ break;
-+ ++slot;
-+ if (++slotnr >= UB_HASH_SIZE)
-+ break;
-+ ub = slot->ubh_beans;
-+ }
-+ if (ptr == page)
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ if (ub != NULL)
-+ get_beancounter(ub);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ if (last_ub != NULL)
-+ put_beancounter(last_ub);
-+ last_ub = ub; /* last visited beancounter in the slot */
-+ len = min_t(long, (ptr - page) * sizeof(*ptr), size);
-+ if (copy_to_user(buf, page, len)) {
-+ retval = -EFAULT;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ retval += len;
-+ if (len < PAGE_SIZE)
-+ break;
-+ buf += len;
-+ size -= len;
-+ }
-+ if (last_ub != NULL)
-+ put_beancounter(last_ub);
-+ free_page((unsigned long)page);
-+ return retval;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ goto out;
-+static int ubstat_gettime(void *buf, long size)
-+ ubgettime_t data;
-+ int retval;
-+ spin_lock(&ubs_notify_lock);
-+ data.start_time = ubs_start_time;
-+ data.end_time = ubs_end_time;
-+ data.cur_time = ubs_start_time + (jiffies - ubs_start_time * HZ) / HZ;
-+ spin_unlock(&ubs_notify_lock);
-+ retval = min_t(long, sizeof(data), size);
-+ if (copy_to_user(buf, &data, retval))
-+ retval = -EFAULT;
-+ return retval;
-+static int ubstat_do_read_one(struct user_beancounter *ub, int res, void *kbuf)
-+ struct {
-+ ubstattime_t start_time;
-+ ubstattime_t end_time;
-+ ubstatparm_t param[1];
-+ } *data;
-+ data = kbuf;
-+ data->start_time = ubs_start_time;
-+ data->end_time = ubs_end_time;
-+ data->param[0].maxheld = ub->ub_store[res].maxheld;
-+ data->param[0].failcnt = ub->ub_store[res].failcnt;
-+ return sizeof(*data);
-+static int ubstat_do_read_all(struct user_beancounter *ub, void *kbuf, int size)
-+ int wrote;
-+ struct {
-+ ubstattime_t start_time;
-+ ubstattime_t end_time;
-+ ubstatparm_t param[UB_RESOURCES];
-+ } *data;
-+ int resource;
-+ data = kbuf;
-+ data->start_time = ubs_start_time;
-+ data->end_time = ubs_end_time;
-+ wrote = sizeof(data->start_time) + sizeof(data->end_time);
-+ for (resource = 0; resource < UB_RESOURCES; resource++) {
-+ if (size < wrote + sizeof(data->param[resource]))
-+ break;
-+ data->param[resource].maxheld = ub->ub_store[resource].maxheld;
-+ data->param[resource].failcnt = ub->ub_store[resource].failcnt;
-+ wrote += sizeof(data->param[resource]);
-+ }
-+ return wrote;
-+static int ubstat_do_read_full(struct user_beancounter *ub, void *kbuf,
-+ int size)
-+ int wrote;
-+ struct {
-+ ubstattime_t start_time;
-+ ubstattime_t end_time;
-+ ubstatparmf_t param[UB_RESOURCES];
-+ } *data;
-+ int resource;
-+ data = kbuf;
-+ data->start_time = ubs_start_time;
-+ data->end_time = ubs_end_time;
-+ wrote = sizeof(data->start_time) + sizeof(data->end_time);
-+ for (resource = 0; resource < UB_RESOURCES; resource++) {
-+ if (size < wrote + sizeof(data->param[resource]))
-+ break;
-+ /* The beginning of ubstatparmf_t matches struct ubparm. */
-+ memcpy(&data->param[resource], &ub->ub_store[resource],
-+ sizeof(ub->ub_store[resource]));
-+ data->param[resource].__unused1 = 0;
-+ data->param[resource].__unused2 = 0;
-+ wrote += sizeof(data->param[resource]);
-+ }
-+ return wrote;
-+static int ubstat_get_stat(struct user_beancounter *ub, long cmd,
-+ void *buf, long size)
-+ void *kbuf;
-+ int retval;
-+ kbuf = (void *)__get_free_page(GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (kbuf == NULL)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ spin_lock(&ubs_notify_lock);
-+ switch (UBSTAT_CMD(cmd)) {
-+ retval = -EINVAL;
-+ break;
-+ retval = ubstat_do_read_one(ub,
-+ UBSTAT_PARMID(cmd), kbuf);
-+ break;
-+ retval = ubstat_do_read_all(ub, kbuf, PAGE_SIZE);
-+ break;
-+ retval = ubstat_do_read_full(ub, kbuf, PAGE_SIZE);
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ retval = -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&ubs_notify_lock);
-+ if (retval > 0) {
-+ retval = min_t(long, retval, size);
-+ if (copy_to_user(buf, kbuf, retval))
-+ retval = -EFAULT;
-+ }
-+ free_page((unsigned long)kbuf);
-+ return retval;
-+static int ubstat_handle_notifrq(ubnotifrq_t *req)
-+ int retval;
-+ struct ub_stat_notify *new_notify;
-+ struct list_head *entry;
-+ struct task_struct *tsk_to_free;
-+ new_notify = kmalloc(sizeof(new_notify), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (new_notify == NULL)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ tsk_to_free = NULL;
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&new_notify->list);
-+ spin_lock(&ubs_notify_lock);
-+ list_for_each(entry, &ubs_notify_list) {
-+ struct ub_stat_notify *notify;
-+ notify = list_entry(entry, struct ub_stat_notify, list);
-+ if (notify->task == current) {
-+ kfree(new_notify);
-+ new_notify = notify;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ retval = -EINVAL;
-+ if (req->maxinterval < 1)
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ if (req->maxinterval > TIME_MAX_SEC)
-+ req->maxinterval = TIME_MAX_SEC;
-+ if (req->maxinterval < ubs_min_interval) {
-+ unsigned long dif;
-+ ubs_min_interval = req->maxinterval;
-+ dif = (ubs_timer.expires - jiffies + HZ - 1) / HZ;
-+ if (dif > req->maxinterval)
-+ mod_timer(&ubs_timer,
-+ ubs_timer.expires -
-+ (dif - req->maxinterval) * HZ);
-+ }
-+ if (entry != &ubs_notify_list) {
-+ list_del(&new_notify->list);
-+ tsk_to_free = new_notify->task;
-+ }
-+ if (req->signum) {
-+ new_notify->task = current;
-+ get_task_struct(new_notify->task);
-+ new_notify->signum = req->signum;
-+ list_add(&new_notify->list, &ubs_notify_list);
-+ } else
-+ kfree(new_notify);
-+ retval = 0;
-+ spin_unlock(&ubs_notify_lock);
-+ if (tsk_to_free != NULL)
-+ put_task_struct(tsk_to_free);
-+ return retval;
-+ * former sys_ubstat
-+ */
-+long do_ubstat(int func, unsigned long arg1, unsigned long arg2, void *buf,
-+ long size)
-+ int retval;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ if (func == UBSTAT_UBPARMNUM)
-+ return UB_RESOURCES;
-+ if (func == UBSTAT_UBLIST)
-+ return ubstat_get_list(buf, size);
-+ if (!(capable(CAP_DAC_OVERRIDE) || capable(CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH)))
-+ return -EPERM;
-+ if (func == UBSTAT_GETTIME) {
-+ retval = ubstat_gettime(buf, size);
-+ goto notify;
-+ }
-+ ub = get_exec_ub();
-+ if (ub != NULL && ub->ub_uid == arg1)
-+ get_beancounter(ub);
-+ else /* FIXME must be if (ve_is_super) */
-+ ub = get_beancounter_byuid(arg1, 0);
-+ if (ub == NULL)
-+ return -ESRCH;
-+ retval = ubstat_get_stat(ub, func, buf, size);
-+ put_beancounter(ub);
-+ /* Handle request for notification */
-+ if (retval >= 0) {
-+ ubnotifrq_t notifrq;
-+ int err;
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ if (!copy_from_user(&notifrq, (void *)arg2, sizeof(notifrq)))
-+ err = ubstat_handle_notifrq(&notifrq);
-+ if (err)
-+ retval = err;
-+ }
-+ return retval;
-+static void ubstat_save_onestat(struct user_beancounter *ub)
-+ int resource;
-+ /* called with local irq disabled */
-+ spin_lock(&ub->ub_lock);
-+ for (resource = 0; resource < UB_RESOURCES; resource++) {
-+ memcpy(&ub->ub_store[resource], &ub->ub_parms[resource],
-+ sizeof(struct ubparm));
-+ ub->ub_parms[resource].minheld =
-+ ub->ub_parms[resource].maxheld =
-+ ub->ub_parms[resource].held;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&ub->ub_lock);
-+static void ubstat_save_statistics(void)
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ int i;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+ for_each_beancounter(i, ub)
-+ ubstat_save_onestat(ub);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub_hash_lock, flags);
-+static void ubstatd_timeout(unsigned long __data)
-+ struct task_struct *p;
-+ p = (struct task_struct *) __data;
-+ wake_up_process(p);
-+ * Safe wrapper for send_sig. It prevents a race with release_task
-+ * for sighand.
-+ * Should be called under tasklist_lock.
-+ */
-+static void task_send_sig(struct ub_stat_notify *notify)
-+ if (likely(notify->task->sighand != NULL))
-+ send_sig(notify->signum, notify->task, 1);
-+static inline void do_notifies(void)
-+ LIST_HEAD(notif_free_list);
-+ struct ub_stat_notify *notify;
-+ struct ub_stat_notify *tmp;
-+ spin_lock(&ubs_notify_lock);
-+ ubs_start_time = ubs_end_time;
-+ /*
-+ * the expression below relies on time being unsigned long and
-+ * arithmetic promotion rules
-+ */
-+ ubs_end_time += (ubs_timer.expires - ubs_start_time * HZ) / HZ;
-+ mod_timer(&ubs_timer, ubs_timer.expires + ubs_min_interval * HZ);
-+ ubs_min_interval = TIME_MAX_SEC;
-+ /* save statistics accumulated for the interval */
-+ ubstat_save_statistics();
-+ /* send signals */
-+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ while (!list_empty(&ubs_notify_list)) {
-+ notify = list_entry(,
-+ struct ub_stat_notify, list);
-+ task_send_sig(notify);
-+ list_del(&notify->list);
-+ list_add(&notify->list, &notif_free_list);
-+ }
-+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ spin_unlock(&ubs_notify_lock);
-+ list_for_each_entry_safe(notify, tmp, &notif_free_list, list) {
-+ put_task_struct(notify->task);
-+ kfree(notify);
-+ }
-+ * Kernel thread
-+ */
-+static int ubstatd(void *unused)
-+ /* daemonize call will take care of signals */
-+ daemonize("ubstatd");
-+ = (unsigned long)current;
-+ ubs_timer.function = ubstatd_timeout;
-+ add_timer(&ubs_timer);
-+ while (1) {
-+ set_task_state(current, TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
-+ if (time_after(ubs_timer.expires, jiffies)) {
-+ schedule();
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
-+ refrigerator();
-+ continue;
-+ }
-+ __set_task_state(current, TASK_RUNNING);
-+ do_notifies();
-+ }
-+static int __init ubstatd_init(void)
-+ init_timer(&ubs_timer);
-+ ubs_timer.expires = TIME_MAX_JIF;
-+ ubs_min_interval = TIME_MAX_SEC;
-+ ubs_start_time = ubs_end_time = 0;
-+ kernel_thread(ubstatd, NULL, 0);
-+ return 0;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:48.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
-+ * kernel/ub/ub_sys.c
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
-+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+asmlinkage long sys_getluid(void)
-+ return -ENOSYS;
-+asmlinkage long sys_setluid(uid_t uid)
-+ return -ENOSYS;
-+asmlinkage long sys_setublimit(uid_t uid, unsigned long resource,
-+ unsigned long *limits)
-+ return -ENOSYS;
-+asmlinkage long sys_ubstat(int func, unsigned long arg1, unsigned long arg2,
-+ void *buf, long size)
-+ return -ENOSYS;
-+ * The (rather boring) getluid syscall
-+ */
-+asmlinkage long sys_getluid(void)
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ ub = get_exec_ub();
-+ if (ub == NULL)
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ return ub->ub_uid;
-+ * The setluid syscall
-+ */
-+asmlinkage long sys_setluid(uid_t uid)
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ struct task_beancounter *task_bc;
-+ int error;
-+ task_bc = task_bc(current);
-+ /* You may not disown a setluid */
-+ error = -EINVAL;
-+ if (uid == (uid_t)-1)
-+ goto out;
-+ /* You may only set an ub as root */
-+ error = -EPERM;
-+ if (!capable(CAP_SETUID))
-+ goto out;
-+ /*
-+ * The ub once set is irrevocable to all
-+ * unless it's set from ve0.
-+ */
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ goto out;
-+ /* Ok - set up a beancounter entry for this user */
-+ error = -ENOBUFS;
-+ ub = get_beancounter_byuid(uid, 1);
-+ if (ub == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ ub_debug(UBD_ALLOC | UBD_LIMIT, "setluid, bean %p (count %d) "
-+ "for %.20s pid %d\n",
-+ ub, atomic_read(&ub->ub_refcount),
-+ current->comm, current->pid);
-+ /* install bc */
-+ error = virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_GENERAL, VIRTINFO_NEWUBC, ub);
-+ if (!(error & NOTIFY_FAIL)) {
-+ put_beancounter(task_bc->exec_ub);
-+ task_bc->exec_ub = ub;
-+ if (!(error & NOTIFY_OK)) {
-+ put_beancounter(task_bc->fork_sub);
-+ task_bc->fork_sub = get_beancounter(ub);
-+ }
-+ error = 0;
-+ } else
-+ error = -ENOBUFS;
-+ return error;
-+ * The setbeanlimit syscall
-+ */
-+asmlinkage long sys_setublimit(uid_t uid, unsigned long resource,
-+ unsigned long *limits)
-+ int error;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ unsigned long new_limits[2];
-+ error = -EPERM;
-+ if(!capable(CAP_SYS_RESOURCE))
-+ goto out;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ goto out;
-+ error = -EINVAL;
-+ if (resource >= UB_RESOURCES)
-+ goto out;
-+ error = -EFAULT;
-+ if (copy_from_user(&new_limits, limits, sizeof(new_limits)))
-+ goto out;
-+ error = -EINVAL;
-+ if (new_limits[0] > UB_MAXVALUE || new_limits[1] > UB_MAXVALUE)
-+ goto out;
-+ error = -ENOENT;
-+ ub = get_beancounter_byuid(uid, 0);
-+ if (ub == NULL) {
-+ ub_debug(UBD_LIMIT, "No login bc for uid %d\n", uid);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ ub->ub_parms[resource].barrier = new_limits[0];
-+ ub->ub_parms[resource].limit = new_limits[1];
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ub->ub_lock, flags);
-+ put_beancounter(ub);
-+ error = 0;
-+ return error;
-+extern long do_ubstat(int func, unsigned long arg1, unsigned long arg2,
-+ void *buf, long size);
-+asmlinkage long sys_ubstat(int func, unsigned long arg1, unsigned long arg2,
-+ void *buf, long size)
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ return -EPERM;
-+ return do_ubstat(func, arg1, arg2, buf, size);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -21,7 +21,20 @@
- #define UIDHASH_SZ (1 << UIDHASH_BITS)
- #define __uidhashfn(uid) (((uid >> UIDHASH_BITS) + uid) & UIDHASH_MASK)
--#define uidhashentry(uid) (uidhash_table + __uidhashfn((uid)))
-+#define __uidhashentry(uid) (uidhash_table + __uidhashfn((uid)))
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+#define __uidhashfn_ve(uid) (((uid >> UIDHASH_BITS_VE) ^ uid) & \
-+#define __uidhashentry_ve(uid, envid) ((envid)->uidhash_table + \
-+ __uidhashfn_ve(uid))
-+#define uidhashentry_ve(uid) (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) ? \
-+ __uidhashentry(uid) : \
-+ __uidhashentry_ve(uid, get_exec_env()))
-+#define uidhashentry_ve(uid) __uidhashentry(uid)
- static kmem_cache_t *uid_cachep;
- static struct list_head uidhash_table[UIDHASH_SZ];
-@@ -77,7 +90,7 @@ struct user_struct *find_user(uid_t uid)
- struct user_struct *ret;
- spin_lock(&uidhash_lock);
-- ret = uid_hash_find(uid, uidhashentry(uid));
-+ ret = uid_hash_find(uid, uidhashentry_ve(uid));
- spin_unlock(&uidhash_lock);
- return ret;
- }
-@@ -93,7 +106,7 @@ void free_uid(struct user_struct *up)
- struct user_struct * alloc_uid(uid_t uid)
- {
-- struct list_head *hashent = uidhashentry(uid);
-+ struct list_head *hashent = uidhashentry_ve(uid);
- struct user_struct *up;
- spin_lock(&uidhash_lock);
-@@ -154,14 +167,14 @@ static int __init uid_cache_init(void)
- int n;
- uid_cachep = kmem_cache_create("uid_cache", sizeof(struct user_struct),
- for(n = 0; n < UIDHASH_SZ; ++n)
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(uidhash_table + n);
- /* Insert the root user immediately (init already runs as root) */
- spin_lock(&uidhash_lock);
-- uid_hash_insert(&root_user, uidhashentry(0));
-+ uid_hash_insert(&root_user, __uidhashentry(0));
- spin_unlock(&uidhash_lock);
- return 0;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
-+ * linux/kernel/ve.c
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+ * 've.c' helper file performing VE sub-system initialization
-+ */
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/delay.h>
-+#include <linux/capability.h>
-+#include <linux/ve.h>
-+#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/errno.h>
-+#include <linux/unistd.h>
-+#include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <linux/sys.h>
-+#include <linux/kdev_t.h>
-+#include <linux/termios.h>
-+#include <linux/tty_driver.h>
-+#include <linux/netdevice.h>
-+#include <linux/utsname.h>
-+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
-+#include <linux/kernel_stat.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <linux/rcupdate.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_proto.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
-+unsigned long vz_rstamp = 0x37e0f59d;
-+struct module no_module = { .state = MODULE_STATE_GOING };
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+DCL_VE_OWNER(SKB, SLAB, struct sk_buff, owner_env, , (noinline, regparm(1)))
-+DCL_VE_OWNER(SK, SLAB, struct sock, sk_owner_env, , (noinline, regparm(1)))
-+DCL_VE_OWNER(TW, SLAB, struct tcp_tw_bucket, tw_owner_env, , (noinline, regparm(1)))
-+DCL_VE_OWNER(FILP, GENERIC, struct file, owner_env, inline, (always_inline))
-+DCL_VE_OWNER(FSTYPE, MODULE, struct file_system_type, owner_env, , ())
-+#if defined(CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES)
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_netfilter, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptables, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_filter, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_mangle, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_limit, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_multiport, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_tos, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_TOS, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_REJECT, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_TCPMSS, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_tcpmss, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_ttl, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_LOG, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_length, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_conntrack, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_ftp, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_irc, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_conntrack_match, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_state, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_helper, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_nat, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_nat_ftp, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_nat_irc, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, init_iptable_REDIRECT, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_nat_irc, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_nat_ftp, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_nat, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_helper, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_state, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_conntrack_match, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_irc, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_ftp, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_conntrack, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_length, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_LOG, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_ttl, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_tcpmss, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_TCPMSS, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_REJECT, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_TOS, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_tos, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_multiport, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_limit, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_filter, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_mangle, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptables, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_netfilter, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, fini_iptable_REDIRECT, (void));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, ipt_flush_table, (struct ipt_table *table));
-+#if defined(CONFIG_VE_CALLS_MODULE) || defined(CONFIG_VE_CALLS)
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(int, real_get_device_perms_ve,
-+ (int dev_type, dev_t dev, int access_mode));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, real_do_env_cleanup, (struct ve_struct *env));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, real_do_env_free, (struct ve_struct *env));
-+INIT_KSYM_CALL(void, real_update_load_avg_ve, (void));
-+int get_device_perms_ve(int dev_type, dev_t dev, int access_mode)
-+ return KSYMSAFECALL(int, vzmon, real_get_device_perms_ve,
-+ (dev_type, dev, access_mode));
-+void do_env_cleanup(struct ve_struct *env)
-+ KSYMSAFECALL_VOID(vzmon, real_do_env_cleanup, (env));
-+void do_env_free(struct ve_struct *env)
-+ KSYMSAFECALL_VOID(vzmon, real_do_env_free, (env));
-+void do_update_load_avg_ve(void)
-+ KSYMSAFECALL_VOID(vzmon, real_update_load_avg_ve, ());
-+extern struct ipv4_devconf ipv4_devconf;
-+extern struct ipv4_devconf *get_ipv4_devconf_dflt_addr(void);
-+struct ve_struct ve0 = {
-+ .utsname = &system_utsname,
-+ .vetask_lh = LIST_HEAD_INIT(ve0.vetask_lh),
-+ ._net_dev_tail = &ve0._net_dev_base,
-+ .ifindex = -1,
-+#endif /* CONFIG_VE */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:48.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,3202 @@
-+ * linux/kernel/vecalls.c
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ */
-+ * 'vecalls.c' is file with basic VE support. It provides basic primities
-+ * along with initialization script
-+ */
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/delay.h>
-+#include <linux/capability.h>
-+#include <linux/ve.h>
-+#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/list.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
-+#include <linux/errno.h>
-+#include <linux/unistd.h>
-+#include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
-+#include <linux/sys.h>
-+#include <linux/fs.h>
-+#include <linux/namespace.h>
-+#include <linux/termios.h>
-+#include <linux/tty_driver.h>
-+#include <linux/netdevice.h>
-+#include <linux/wait.h>
-+#include <linux/inetdevice.h>
-+#include <linux/utsname.h>
-+#include <linux/sysctl.h>
-+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
-+#include <linux/seq_file.h>
-+#include <linux/kernel_stat.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <linux/suspend.h>
-+#include <linux/rcupdate.h>
-+#include <linux/in.h>
-+#include <linux/major.h>
-+#include <linux/kdev_t.h>
-+#include <linux/idr.h>
-+#include <linux/inetdevice.h>
-+#include <net/pkt_sched.h>
-+#include <linux/divert.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <net/route.h>
-+#include <net/ip_fib.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_proto.h>
-+#include <linux/venet.h>
-+#include <linux/vzctl.h>
-+#include <linux/vzcalluser.h>
-+#include <linux/fairsched.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
-+struct ve_struct *ve_list_head = NULL;
-+int nr_ve = 1; /* One VE always exists. Compatibility with vestat */
-+rwlock_t ve_list_guard = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+static rwlock_t devperms_hash_guard = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+extern int glob_virt_pids;
-+static int do_env_enter(struct ve_struct *ve, unsigned int flags);
-+int real_env_create(envid_t veid, unsigned flags, u32 class_id,
-+ env_create_param_t *data, int datalen);
-+static void do_clean_devperms(envid_t veid);
-+static int alloc_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct* ve);
-+static void free_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct* ve);
-+static int register_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct* ve);
-+static void unregister_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct* ve);
-+static int init_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct *);
-+static void fini_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct *);
-+static void clear_termios(struct tty_driver* driver );
-+static void ve_mapped_devs_cleanup(struct ve_struct *ve);
-+static int ve_get_cpu_stat(envid_t veid, struct vz_cpu_stat *buf);
-+static void vecalls_exit(void);
-+struct ve_struct *__find_ve_by_id(envid_t veid)
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ for (ve = ve_list_head;
-+ ve != NULL && ve->veid != veid;
-+ ve = ve->next);
-+ return ve;
-+struct ve_struct *get_ve_by_id(envid_t veid)
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ read_lock(&ve_list_guard);
-+ ve = __find_ve_by_id(veid);
-+ get_ve(ve);
-+ read_unlock(&ve_list_guard);
-+ return ve;
-+ * real_put_ve() MUST be used instead of put_ve() inside vecalls.
-+ */
-+void real_do_env_free(struct ve_struct *ve);
-+static inline void real_put_ve(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ if (ve && atomic_dec_and_test(&ve->counter)) {
-+ if (atomic_read(&ve->pcounter) > 0)
-+ BUG();
-+ if (ve->is_running)
-+ BUG();
-+ real_do_env_free(ve);
-+ }
-+extern struct file_system_type devpts_fs_type;
-+extern struct file_system_type sysfs_fs_type;
-+extern struct file_system_type tmpfs_fs_type;
-+extern struct file_system_type proc_fs_type;
-+extern spinlock_t task_capability_lock;
-+extern void ve_ipc_free(struct ve_struct * ve);
-+extern void ip_fragment_cleanup(struct ve_struct *ve);
-+static int ve_get_cpu_stat(envid_t veid, struct vz_cpu_stat *buf)
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ struct vz_cpu_stat *vstat;
-+ int retval;
-+ int i, cpu;
-+ unsigned long tmp;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && (veid != get_exec_env()->veid))
-+ return -EPERM;
-+ if (veid == 0)
-+ return -ESRCH;
-+ vstat = kmalloc(sizeof(*vstat), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!vstat)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ memset(vstat, 0, sizeof(*vstat));
-+ retval = -ESRCH;
-+ read_lock(&ve_list_guard);
-+ ve = __find_ve_by_id(veid);
-+ if (ve == NULL)
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ for (cpu = 0; cpu < NR_CPUS; cpu++) {
-+ vstat->user_jif += VE_CPU_STATS(ve, cpu)->user;
-+ vstat->nice_jif += VE_CPU_STATS(ve, cpu)->nice;
-+ vstat->system_jif += VE_CPU_STATS(ve, cpu)->system;
-+ vstat->idle_clk += ve_sched_get_idle_time(ve, cpu);
-+ }
-+ vstat->uptime_clk = get_cycles() - ve->start_cycles;
-+ vstat->uptime_jif = jiffies - ve->start_jiffies;
-+ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
-+ tmp = ve->avenrun[i] + (FIXED_1/200);
-+ vstat->avenrun[i].val_int = LOAD_INT(tmp);
-+ vstat->avenrun[i].val_frac = LOAD_FRAC(tmp);
-+ }
-+ read_unlock(&ve_list_guard);
-+ retval = 0;
-+ if (copy_to_user(buf, vstat, sizeof(*vstat)))
-+ retval = -EFAULT;
-+ kfree(vstat);
-+ return retval;
-+ read_unlock(&ve_list_guard);
-+ goto out_free;
-+ * Devices permissions routines,
-+ * character and block devices separately
-+ **********************************************************************/
-+/* Rules applied in the following order:
-+ MAJOR!=0, MINOR!=0
-+ MAJOR!=0, MINOR==0
-+ MAJOR==0, MINOR==0
-+struct devperms_struct
-+ dev_t dev; /* device id */
-+ unsigned char mask;
-+ unsigned type;
-+ envid_t veid;
-+ struct devperms_struct *devhash_next;
-+ struct devperms_struct **devhash_pprev;
-+static struct devperms_struct original_perms[] =
-+ MKDEV(0,0), /*device*/
-+ S_IFCHR, /*type*/
-+ 0, /*veid*/
-+ MKDEV(0,0), /*device*/
-+ S_IFBLK, /*type*/
-+ 0, /*veid*/
-+static struct devperms_struct default_major_perms[] = {
-+static struct devperms_struct default_minor_perms[] = {
-+ {MKDEV(MEM_MAJOR, 3), S_IROTH | S_IWOTH, S_IFCHR}, /* null */
-+ {MKDEV(MEM_MAJOR, 5), S_IROTH | S_IWOTH, S_IFCHR}, /* zero */
-+ {MKDEV(MEM_MAJOR, 7), S_IROTH | S_IWOTH, S_IFCHR}, /* full */
-+ {MKDEV(MEM_MAJOR, 8), S_IROTH, S_IFCHR}, /* random */
-+ {MKDEV(MEM_MAJOR, 9), S_IROTH, S_IFCHR}, /* urandom */
-+static struct devperms_struct default_deny_perms = {
-+ MKDEV(0, 0), 0, S_IFCHR
-+static inline struct devperms_struct *find_default_devperms(int type,
-+ dev_t dev)
-+ int i;
-+ /* XXX all defaults perms are S_IFCHR */
-+ if (type != S_IFCHR)
-+ return &default_deny_perms;
-+ for (i = 0;
-+ i < sizeof(default_minor_perms)/sizeof(struct devperms_struct);
-+ i++)
-+ if (MAJOR(dev) == MAJOR(default_minor_perms[i].dev) &&
-+ MINOR(dev) == MINOR(default_minor_perms[i].dev))
-+ return &default_minor_perms[i];
-+ for (i = 0;
-+ i < sizeof(default_major_perms)/sizeof(struct devperms_struct);
-+ i++)
-+ if (MAJOR(dev) == MAJOR(default_major_perms[i].dev))
-+ return &default_major_perms[i];
-+ return &default_deny_perms;
-+#define DEVPERMS_HASH_SZ 512
-+struct devperms_struct *devperms_hash[DEVPERMS_HASH_SZ];
-+#define devperms_hashfn(id,dev) \
-+ ( (id << 5) ^ (id >> 5) ^ (MAJOR(dev)) ^ MINOR(dev) ) & \
-+static inline void hash_devperms(struct devperms_struct *p)
-+ struct devperms_struct **htable =
-+ &devperms_hash[devperms_hashfn(p->veid,p->dev)];
-+ if ((p->devhash_next = *htable) != NULL)
-+ (*htable)->devhash_pprev = &p->devhash_next;
-+ *htable = p;
-+ p->devhash_pprev = htable;
-+static inline void unhash_devperms(struct devperms_struct *p)
-+ if (p->devhash_next)
-+ p->devhash_next->devhash_pprev = p->devhash_pprev;
-+ *p->devhash_pprev = p->devhash_next;
-+static int __init init_devperms_hash(void)
-+ write_lock_irq(&devperms_hash_guard);
-+ memset(devperms_hash, 0, sizeof(devperms_hash));
-+ hash_devperms(original_perms);
-+ hash_devperms(original_perms+1);
-+ write_unlock_irq(&devperms_hash_guard);
-+ return 0;
-+static inline void fini_devperms_hash(void)
-+static inline struct devperms_struct *find_devperms(envid_t veid,
-+ int type,
-+ dev_t dev)
-+ struct devperms_struct *p, **htable =
-+ &devperms_hash[devperms_hashfn(veid,dev)];
-+ for (p = *htable; p && !(p->type==type &&
-+ MAJOR(dev)==MAJOR(p->dev) &&
-+ MINOR(dev)==MINOR(p->dev) &&
-+ p->veid==veid);
-+ p = p->devhash_next)
-+ ;
-+ return p;
-+static void do_clean_devperms(envid_t veid)
-+ int i;
-+ struct devperms_struct* ve;
-+ write_lock_irq(&devperms_hash_guard);
-+ for (i = 0; i < DEVPERMS_HASH_SZ; i++)
-+ for (ve = devperms_hash[i]; ve;) {
-+ struct devperms_struct *next = ve->devhash_next;
-+ if (ve->veid == veid) {
-+ unhash_devperms(ve);
-+ kfree(ve);
-+ }
-+ ve = next;
-+ }
-+ write_unlock_irq(&devperms_hash_guard);
-+ * Mode is a mask of
-+ * FMODE_READ for read access (configurable by S_IROTH)
-+ * FMODE_WRITE for write access (configurable by S_IWOTH)
-+ * FMODE_QUOTACTL for quotactl access (configurable by S_IXGRP)
-+ */
-+int real_get_device_perms_ve(int dev_type, dev_t dev, int access_mode)
-+ struct devperms_struct *perms;
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ envid_t veid;
-+ perms = NULL;
-+ ve = get_exec_env();
-+ veid = ve->veid;
-+ read_lock(&devperms_hash_guard);
-+ perms = find_devperms(veid, dev_type|VE_USE_MINOR, dev);
-+ if (perms)
-+ goto end;
-+ perms = find_devperms(veid, dev_type|VE_USE_MAJOR, MKDEV(MAJOR(dev),0));
-+ if (perms)
-+ goto end;
-+ perms = find_devperms(veid, dev_type, MKDEV(0,0));
-+ if (perms)
-+ goto end;
-+ perms = find_default_devperms(dev_type, dev);
-+ read_unlock(&devperms_hash_guard);
-+ access_mode = "\000\004\002\006\010\014\012\016"[access_mode];
-+ return perms ?
-+ (((perms->mask & access_mode) == access_mode) ? 0 : -EACCES) :
-+int do_setdevperms(envid_t veid, unsigned type, dev_t dev, unsigned mask)
-+ struct devperms_struct *perms;
-+ write_lock_irq(&devperms_hash_guard);
-+ perms = find_devperms(veid, type, dev);
-+ if (!perms) {
-+ struct devperms_struct *perms_new;
-+ write_unlock_irq(&devperms_hash_guard);
-+ perms_new = kmalloc(sizeof(struct devperms_struct), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!perms_new)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ write_lock_irq(&devperms_hash_guard);
-+ perms = find_devperms(veid, type, dev);
-+ if (perms) {
-+ kfree(perms_new);
-+ perms_new = perms;
-+ }
-+ switch (type & VE_USE_MASK) {
-+ case 0:
-+ dev = 0;
-+ break;
-+ case VE_USE_MAJOR:
-+ dev = MKDEV(MAJOR(dev),0);
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ perms_new->veid = veid;
-+ perms_new->dev = dev;
-+ perms_new->type = type;
-+ perms_new->mask = mask & S_IALLUGO;
-+ hash_devperms(perms_new);
-+ } else
-+ perms->mask = mask & S_IALLUGO;
-+ write_unlock_irq(&devperms_hash_guard);
-+ return 0;
-+int real_setdevperms(envid_t veid, unsigned type, dev_t dev, unsigned mask)
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ int err;
-+ if (!capable(CAP_SETVEID) || veid == 0)
-+ return -EPERM;
-+ if ((ve = get_ve_by_id(veid)) == NULL)
-+ return -ESRCH;
-+ down_read(&ve->op_sem);
-+ err = -ESRCH;
-+ if (ve->is_running)
-+ err = do_setdevperms(veid, type, dev, mask);
-+ up_read(&ve->op_sem);
-+ real_put_ve(ve);
-+ return err;
-+void real_update_load_avg_ve(void)
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ unsigned long nr_active;
-+ read_lock(&ve_list_guard);
-+ for (ve = ve_list_head; ve != NULL; ve = ve->next) {
-+ nr_active = nr_running_ve(ve) + nr_uninterruptible_ve(ve);
-+ nr_active *= FIXED_1;
-+ CALC_LOAD(ve->avenrun[0], EXP_1, nr_active);
-+ CALC_LOAD(ve->avenrun[1], EXP_5, nr_active);
-+ CALC_LOAD(ve->avenrun[2], EXP_15, nr_active);
-+ }
-+ read_unlock(&ve_list_guard);
-+ **********************************************************************
-+ *
-+ * FS-related helpers to VE start/stop
-+ *
-+ **********************************************************************
-+ **********************************************************************/
-+ * DEVPTS needs a virtualization: each environment should see each own list of
-+ * pseudo-terminals.
-+ * To implement it we need to have separate devpts superblocks for each
-+ * VE, and each VE should mount its own one.
-+ * Thus, separate vfsmount structures are required.
-+ * To minimize intrusion into vfsmount lookup code, separate file_system_type
-+ * structures are created.
-+ *
-+ * In addition to this, patch fo character device itself is required, as file
-+ * system itself is used only for MINOR/MAJOR lookup.
-+ */
-+static int register_ve_fs_type(struct ve_struct *ve,
-+ struct file_system_type *template,
-+ struct file_system_type **p_fs_type, struct vfsmount **p_mnt)
-+ struct vfsmount *mnt;
-+ struct file_system_type *local_fs_type;
-+ int ret;
-+ VZTRACE("register_ve_fs_type(\"%s\")\n", template->name);
-+ local_fs_type = kmalloc(sizeof(*local_fs_type) + sizeof(void *),
-+ if (local_fs_type == NULL)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ memset(local_fs_type, 0, sizeof(*local_fs_type));
-+ local_fs_type->name = template->name;
-+ local_fs_type->fs_flags = template->fs_flags;
-+ local_fs_type->get_sb = template->get_sb;
-+ local_fs_type->kill_sb = template->kill_sb;
-+ local_fs_type->owner = template->owner;
-+ /*
-+ * 1. we do not have refcounter on fstype
-+ * 2. fstype holds reference to ve using get_ve()/put_ve().
-+ * so we free fstype when freeing ve and we are sure it's ok to free it
-+ */
-+ SET_VE_OWNER_FSTYPE(local_fs_type, ve);
-+ get_filesystem(local_fs_type); /* get_ve() inside */
-+ ret = register_filesystem(local_fs_type); /* does not get */
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto reg_err;
-+ mnt = kern_mount(local_fs_type);
-+ if (IS_ERR(mnt))
-+ goto mnt_err;
-+ /* Usage counters after succesful execution kern_mount:
-+ * local_fs_type - +1 (get_fs_type,get_sb_single,put_filesystem)
-+ * mnt - +1 == 1 (alloc_vfsmnt)
-+ */
-+ *p_fs_type = local_fs_type;
-+ *p_mnt = mnt;
-+ return 0;
-+ ret = PTR_ERR(mnt);
-+ unregister_filesystem(local_fs_type); /* does not put */
-+ put_filesystem(local_fs_type);
-+ kfree(local_fs_type);
-+ printk(KERN_DEBUG
-+ "register_ve_fs_type(\"%s\") err=%d\n", template->name, ret);
-+ return ret;
-+static void umount_ve_fs_type(struct file_system_type *local_fs_type)
-+ struct vfsmount *mnt;
-+ struct list_head *p, *q;
-+ LIST_HEAD(kill);
-+ down_write(&current->namespace->sem);
-+ spin_lock(&vfsmount_lock);
-+ list_for_each_safe(p, q, &current->namespace->list) {
-+ mnt = list_entry(p, struct vfsmount, mnt_list);
-+ if (mnt->mnt_sb->s_type != local_fs_type)
-+ continue;
-+ list_del(p);
-+ list_add(p, &kill);
-+ }
-+ while (!list_empty(&kill)) {
-+ mnt = list_entry(, struct vfsmount, mnt_list);
-+ umount_tree(mnt);
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&vfsmount_lock);
-+ up_write(&current->namespace->sem);
-+static void unregister_ve_fs_type(struct file_system_type *local_fs_type,
-+ struct vfsmount *local_fs_mount)
-+ if (local_fs_mount == NULL ||
-+ local_fs_type == NULL) {
-+ if (local_fs_mount != NULL ||
-+ local_fs_type != NULL)
-+ BUG();
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ VZTRACE("unregister_ve_fs_type(\"%s\")\n", local_fs_type->name);
-+ unregister_filesystem(local_fs_type);
-+ umount_ve_fs_type(local_fs_type);
-+ kern_umount(local_fs_mount); /* alias to mntput, drop our ref */
-+ put_filesystem(local_fs_type);
-+ **********************************************************************
-+ *
-+ * FS-related helpers to VE start/stop
-+ *
-+ **********************************************************************
-+ **********************************************************************/
-+static ctl_table ve_sysctl_tables[] = {
-+ /* kernel */
-+ {
-+ .ctl_name = CTL_KERN,
-+ .procname = "kernel",
-+ .mode = 0555,
-+ .child = &ve_sysctl_tables[2],
-+ },
-+ { .ctl_name = 0 },
-+ /* kernel/[vars] */
-+ {
-+ .ctl_name = KERN_NODENAME,
-+ .procname = "hostname",
-+ .maxlen = 64,
-+ .mode = 0644,
-+ .proc_handler = &proc_doutsstring,
-+ .strategy = &sysctl_string,
-+ },
-+ {
-+ .ctl_name = KERN_DOMAINNAME,
-+ .procname = "domainname",
-+ .maxlen = 64,
-+ .mode = 0644,
-+ .proc_handler = &proc_doutsstring,
-+ .strategy = &sysctl_string,
-+ },
-+ {
-+ .ctl_name = KERN_SHMMAX,
-+ .procname = "shmmax",
-+ .maxlen = sizeof(size_t),
-+ .mode = 0644,
-+ .proc_handler = &proc_doulongvec_minmax,
-+ },
-+ {
-+ .ctl_name = KERN_SHMALL,
-+ .procname = "shmall",
-+ .maxlen = sizeof(size_t),
-+ .mode = 0644,
-+ .proc_handler = &proc_doulongvec_minmax,
-+ },
-+ {
-+ .ctl_name = KERN_SHMMNI,
-+ .procname = "shmmni",
-+ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
-+ .mode = 0644,
-+ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
-+ },
-+ {
-+ .ctl_name = KERN_MSGMAX,
-+ .procname = "msgmax",
-+ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
-+ .mode = 0644,
-+ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
-+ },
-+ {
-+ .ctl_name = KERN_MSGMNI,
-+ .procname = "msgmni",
-+ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
-+ .mode = 0644,
-+ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
-+ },
-+ {
-+ .ctl_name = KERN_MSGMNB,
-+ .procname = "msgmnb",
-+ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
-+ .mode = 0644,
-+ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
-+ },
-+ {
-+ .ctl_name = KERN_SEM,
-+ .procname = "sem",
-+ .maxlen = 4 * sizeof(int),
-+ .mode = 0644,
-+ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec
-+ },
-+ { .ctl_name = 0, }
-+static int register_ve_sysctltables(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ struct ctl_table_header *header;
-+ ctl_table *root, *table;
-+ VZTRACE("register_ve_sysctltables\n");
-+ root = clone_sysctl_template(ve_sysctl_tables,
-+ sizeof(ve_sysctl_tables) / sizeof(ctl_table));
-+ if (root == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ table = root->child;
-+ table[0].data = &ve->utsname->nodename;
-+ table[1].data = &ve->utsname->domainname;
-+ table[2].data = &ve->_shm_ctlmax;
-+ table[3].data = &ve->_shm_ctlall;
-+ table[4].data = &ve->_shm_ctlmni;
-+ table[5].data = &ve->_msg_ctlmax;
-+ table[6].data = &ve->_msg_ctlmni;
-+ table[7].data = &ve->_msg_ctlmnb;
-+ table[8].data = &ve->_sem_ctls[0];
-+ /* insert at head to override kern entries */
-+ header = register_sysctl_table(root, 1);
-+ if (header == NULL)
-+ goto out_free;
-+ ve->kern_header = header;
-+ ve->kern_table = root;
-+ return 0;
-+ free_sysctl_clone(root);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+static inline void unregister_ve_sysctltables(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ unregister_sysctl_table(ve->kern_header);
-+static inline void free_ve_sysctltables(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ free_sysctl_clone(ve->kern_table);
-+ **********************************************************************
-+ *
-+ * VE start: subsystems
-+ *
-+ **********************************************************************
-+ **********************************************************************/
-+#include <net/ip.h>
-+#include <net/tcp.h>
-+#include <net/udp.h>
-+#include <net/icmp.h>
-+extern struct new_utsname virt_utsname;
-+static int init_ve_utsname(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ ve->utsname = kmalloc(sizeof(*ve->utsname), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (ve->utsname == NULL)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ down_read(&uts_sem); /* protect the source */
-+ memcpy(ve->utsname, &system_utsname, sizeof(*ve->utsname));
-+ memcpy(ve->utsname->release, virt_utsname.release,
-+ sizeof(virt_utsname.release));
-+ up_read(&uts_sem);
-+ return 0;
-+static void free_ve_utsname(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ kfree(ve->utsname);
-+ ve->utsname = NULL;
-+static int init_fini_ve_mibs(struct ve_struct *ve, int fini)
-+ if (fini)
-+ goto fini;
-+ if (!(ve->_net_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct linux_mib)))
-+ goto out1;
-+ if (!(ve->_net_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct linux_mib)))
-+ goto out2;
-+ if (!(ve->_ip_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct ipstats_mib)))
-+ goto out3;
-+ if (!(ve->_ip_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct ipstats_mib)))
-+ goto out4;
-+ if (!(ve->_icmp_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct icmp_mib)))
-+ goto out5;
-+ if (!(ve->_icmp_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct icmp_mib)))
-+ goto out6;
-+ if (!(ve->_tcp_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct tcp_mib)))
-+ goto out7;
-+ if (!(ve->_tcp_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct tcp_mib)))
-+ goto out8;
-+ if (!(ve->_udp_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct udp_mib)))
-+ goto out9;
-+ if (!(ve->_udp_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct udp_mib)))
-+ goto out10;
-+ return 0;
-+ free_percpu(ve->_udp_statistics[1]);
-+ free_percpu(ve->_udp_statistics[0]);
-+ free_percpu(ve->_tcp_statistics[1]);
-+ free_percpu(ve->_tcp_statistics[0]);
-+ free_percpu(ve->_icmp_statistics[1]);
-+ free_percpu(ve->_icmp_statistics[0]);
-+ free_percpu(ve->_ip_statistics[1]);
-+ free_percpu(ve->_ip_statistics[0]);
-+ free_percpu(ve->_net_statistics[1]);
-+ free_percpu(ve->_net_statistics[0]);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+static inline int init_ve_mibs(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ return init_fini_ve_mibs(ve, 0);
-+static inline void fini_ve_mibs(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ (void)init_fini_ve_mibs(ve, 1);
-+extern struct net_device templ_loopback_dev;
-+static void veloop_setup(struct net_device *dev)
-+ int padded;
-+ padded = dev->padded;
-+ memcpy(dev, &templ_loopback_dev, sizeof(struct net_device));
-+ dev->padded = padded;
-+static int init_ve_netdev(void)
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ struct net_device_stats *stats;
-+ int err;
-+ ve = get_exec_env();
-+ INIT_HLIST_HEAD(&ve->_net_dev_head);
-+ ve->_net_dev_base = NULL;
-+ ve->_net_dev_tail = &ve->_net_dev_base;
-+ ve->_loopback_dev = alloc_netdev(0,,
-+ veloop_setup);
-+ if (ve->_loopback_dev == NULL)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ if (loopback_dev.get_stats != NULL) {
-+ stats = kmalloc(sizeof(struct net_device_stats), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (stats != NULL) {
-+ memset(stats, 0, sizeof(struct net_device_stats));
-+ ve->_loopback_dev->priv = stats;
-+ ve->_loopback_dev->get_stats = loopback_dev.get_stats;
-+ ve->_loopback_dev->destructor = loopback_dev.destructor;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ err = register_netdev(ve->_loopback_dev);
-+ if (err) {
-+ if (ve->_loopback_dev->priv != NULL)
-+ kfree(ve->_loopback_dev->priv);
-+ free_netdev(ve->_loopback_dev);
-+ }
-+ return err;
-+static void fini_ve_netdev(void)
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ ve = get_exec_env();
-+ while (1) {
-+ rtnl_lock();
-+ /*
-+ * loopback is special, it can be referenced in fib's,
-+ * so it must be freed the last. Doing so is
-+ * sufficient to guarantee absence of such references.
-+ */
-+ if (dev_base == ve->_loopback_dev)
-+ dev = dev_base->next;
-+ else
-+ dev = dev_base;
-+ if (dev == NULL)
-+ break;
-+ unregister_netdevice(dev);
-+ rtnl_unlock();
-+ free_netdev(dev);
-+ }
-+ unregister_netdevice(ve->_loopback_dev);
-+ rtnl_unlock();
-+ free_netdev(ve->_loopback_dev);
-+ ve->_loopback_dev = NULL;
-+#define init_ve_mibs(ve) (0)
-+#define fini_ve_mibs(ve) do { } while (0)
-+#define init_ve_netdev() (0)
-+#define fini_ve_netdev() do { } while (0)
-+static int prepare_proc_root(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *de;
-+ de = kmalloc(sizeof(struct proc_dir_entry) + 6, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (de == NULL)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ memset(de, 0, sizeof(struct proc_dir_entry));
-+ memcpy(de + 1, "/proc", 6);
-+ de->name = (char *)(de + 1);
-+ de->namelen = 5;
-+ de->mode = S_IFDIR | S_IRUGO | S_IXUGO;
-+ de->nlink = 2;
-+ atomic_set(&de->count, 1);
-+ ve->proc_root = de;
-+ return 0;
-+static int init_ve_proc(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ int err;
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *de;
-+ err = prepare_proc_root(ve);
-+ if (err)
-+ goto out_root;
-+ err = register_ve_fs_type(ve, &proc_fs_type,
-+ &ve->proc_fstype, &ve->proc_mnt);
-+ if (err)
-+ goto out_reg;
-+ /* create /proc/vz in VE local proc tree */
-+ err = -ENOMEM;
-+ de = create_proc_entry("vz", S_IFDIR|S_IRUGO|S_IXUGO, NULL);
-+ if (!de)
-+ goto out_vz;
-+ return 0;
-+ unregister_ve_fs_type(ve->proc_fstype, ve->proc_mnt);
-+ ve->proc_mnt = NULL;
-+ /* proc_fstype and proc_root are freed in real_put_ve -> free_ve_proc */
-+ ;
-+ return err;
-+static void fini_ve_proc(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ remove_proc_entry("vz", NULL);
-+ unregister_ve_fs_type(ve->proc_fstype, ve->proc_mnt);
-+ ve->proc_mnt = NULL;
-+static void free_ve_proc(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ /* proc filesystem frees proc_dir_entries on remove_proc_entry() only,
-+ so we check that everything was removed and not lost */
-+ if (ve->proc_root && ve->proc_root->subdir) {
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *p = ve->proc_root;
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING "VPS: %d: proc entry /proc", ve->veid);
-+ while ((p = p->subdir) != NULL)
-+ printk("/%s", p->name);
-+ printk(" is not removed!\n");
-+ }
-+ kfree(ve->proc_root);
-+ kfree(ve->proc_fstype);
-+ ve->proc_fstype = NULL;
-+ ve->proc_root = NULL;
-+#define init_ve_proc(ve) (0)
-+#define fini_ve_proc(ve) do { } while (0)
-+#define free_ve_proc(ve) do { } while (0)
-+static int init_ve_sysctl(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ int err;
-+ err = -ENOMEM;
-+ ve->proc_sys_root = proc_mkdir("sys", 0);
-+ if (ve->proc_sys_root == NULL)
-+ goto out_proc;
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve->sysctl_lh);
-+ err = register_ve_sysctltables(ve);
-+ if (err)
-+ goto out_reg;
-+ err = devinet_sysctl_init(ve);
-+ if (err)
-+ goto out_dev;
-+ return 0;
-+ unregister_ve_sysctltables(ve);
-+ free_ve_sysctltables(ve);
-+ remove_proc_entry("sys", NULL);
-+ return err;
-+static void fini_ve_sysctl(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ devinet_sysctl_fini(ve);
-+ unregister_ve_sysctltables(ve);
-+ remove_proc_entry("sys", NULL);
-+static void free_ve_sysctl(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ devinet_sysctl_free(ve);
-+ free_ve_sysctltables(ve);
-+#define init_ve_sysctl(ve) (0)
-+#define fini_ve_sysctl(ve) do { } while (0)
-+#define free_ve_sysctl(ve) do { } while (0)
-+#include <linux/devpts_fs.h>
-+static int init_ve_devpts(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ int err;
-+ err = -ENOMEM;
-+ ve->devpts_config = kmalloc(sizeof(struct devpts_config), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (ve->devpts_config == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ memset(ve->devpts_config, 0, sizeof(struct devpts_config));
-+ ve->devpts_config->mode = 0600;
-+ err = register_ve_fs_type(ve, &devpts_fs_type,
-+ &ve->devpts_fstype, &ve->devpts_mnt);
-+ if (err) {
-+ kfree(ve->devpts_config);
-+ ve->devpts_config = NULL;
-+ }
-+ return err;
-+static void fini_ve_devpts(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ unregister_ve_fs_type(ve->devpts_fstype, ve->devpts_mnt);
-+ /* devpts_fstype is freed in real_put_ve -> free_ve_filesystems */
-+ ve->devpts_mnt = NULL;
-+ kfree(ve->devpts_config);
-+ ve->devpts_config = NULL;
-+#define init_ve_devpts(ve) (0)
-+#define fini_ve_devpts(ve) do { } while (0)
-+static int init_ve_shmem(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ return register_ve_fs_type(ve,
-+ &tmpfs_fs_type,
-+ &ve->shmem_fstype,
-+ &ve->shmem_mnt);
-+static void fini_ve_shmem(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ unregister_ve_fs_type(ve->shmem_fstype, ve->shmem_mnt);
-+ /* shmem_fstype is freed in real_put_ve -> free_ve_filesystems */
-+ ve->shmem_mnt = NULL;
-+static int init_ve_sysfs(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ struct subsystem *subsys;
-+ struct class *nc;
-+ int err;
-+ extern struct subsystem class_obj_subsys;
-+ extern struct subsystem class_subsys;
-+ extern struct class net_class;
-+ err = 0;
-+ if (ve->features & VE_FEATURE_SYSFS)
-+ err = register_ve_fs_type(ve,
-+ &sysfs_fs_type,
-+ &ve->sysfs_fstype,
-+ &ve->sysfs_mnt);
-+ if (err != 0)
-+ goto out_fs_type;
-+ err = -ENOMEM;
-+ subsys = kmalloc(sizeof(*subsys), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (subsys == NULL)
-+ goto out_class_obj;
-+ /* ick, this is ugly, the things we go through to keep from showing up
-+ * in sysfs... */
-+ memset(subsys, 0, sizeof(*subsys));
-+ memcpy(&subsys->, &,
-+ sizeof(subsys->;
-+ subsys->kset.ktype = class_obj_subsys.kset.ktype;
-+ subsys->kset.hotplug_ops = class_obj_subsys.kset.hotplug_ops;
-+ subsystem_init(subsys);
-+ if (!subsys->kset.subsys)
-+ subsys->kset.subsys = subsys;
-+ ve->class_obj_subsys = subsys;
-+ err = -ENOMEM;
-+ subsys = kmalloc(sizeof(*subsys), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (subsys == NULL)
-+ goto out_class_subsys;
-+ /* ick, this is ugly, the things we go through to keep from showing up
-+ * in sysfs... */
-+ memset(subsys, 0, sizeof(*subsys));
-+ memcpy(&subsys->, &,
-+ sizeof(subsys->;
-+ subsys->kset.ktype = class_subsys.kset.ktype;
-+ subsys->kset.hotplug_ops = class_subsys.kset.hotplug_ops;
-+ ve->class_subsys = subsys;
-+ err = subsystem_register(subsys);
-+ if (err != 0)
-+ goto out_register;
-+ err = -ENOMEM;
-+ nc = kmalloc(sizeof(*nc), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (nc == NULL)
-+ goto out_nc;
-+ memset(nc, 0, sizeof(*nc));
-+ nc->name =;
-+ nc->release = net_class.release;
-+ nc->hotplug = net_class.hotplug;
-+ err = class_register(nc);
-+ if (err != 0)
-+ goto out_class_register;
-+ ve->net_class = nc;
-+ return err;
-+ kfree(nc);
-+ subsystem_unregister(subsys);
-+ kfree(ve->class_subsys);
-+ kfree(ve->class_obj_subsys);
-+ unregister_ve_fs_type(ve->sysfs_fstype, ve->sysfs_mnt);
-+ /* sysfs_fstype is freed in real_put_ve -> free_ve_filesystems */
-+ ve->class_subsys = NULL;
-+ ve->class_obj_subsys = NULL;
-+ return err;
-+static void fini_ve_sysfs(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ class_unregister(ve->net_class);
-+ subsystem_unregister(ve->class_subsys);
-+ kfree(ve->net_class);
-+ kfree(ve->class_subsys);
-+ kfree(ve->class_obj_subsys);
-+ ve->net_class = NULL;
-+ ve->class_subsys = NULL;
-+ ve->class_obj_subsys = NULL;
-+ unregister_ve_fs_type(ve->sysfs_fstype, ve->sysfs_mnt);
-+ ve->sysfs_mnt = NULL;
-+ /* sysfs_fstype is freed in real_put_ve -> free_ve_filesystems */
-+static void free_ve_filesystems(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ kfree(ve->sysfs_fstype);
-+ ve->sysfs_fstype = NULL;
-+ kfree(ve->shmem_fstype);
-+ ve->shmem_fstype = NULL;
-+ kfree(ve->devpts_fstype);
-+ ve->devpts_fstype = NULL;
-+ free_ve_proc(ve);
-+static int init_printk(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ struct ve_prep_printk {
-+ wait_queue_head_t log_wait;
-+ unsigned long log_start;
-+ unsigned long log_end;
-+ unsigned long logged_chars;
-+ } *tmp;
-+ tmp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ve_prep_printk), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!tmp)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ memset(tmp, 0, sizeof(struct ve_prep_printk));
-+ init_waitqueue_head(&tmp->log_wait);
-+ ve->_log_wait = &tmp->log_wait;
-+ ve->_log_start = &tmp->log_start;
-+ ve->_log_end = &tmp->log_end;
-+ ve->_logged_chars = &tmp->logged_chars;
-+ /* ve->log_buf will be initialized later by ve_log_init() */
-+ return 0;
-+static void fini_printk(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ /*
-+ * there is no spinlock protection here because nobody can use
-+ * log_buf at the moments when this code is called.
-+ */
-+ kfree(ve->log_buf);
-+ kfree(ve->_log_wait);
-+static void fini_venet(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ tcp_v4_kill_ve_sockets(ve);
-+ ve_mapped_devs_cleanup(ve);
-+static int init_ve_sched(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ int err;
-+ /*
-+ * We refuse to switch to an already existing node since nodes
-+ * keep a pointer to their ve_struct...
-+ */
-+ err = sys_fairsched_mknod(0, 1, ve->veid);
-+ if (err < 0) {
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING "Can't create fairsched node %d\n",
-+ ve->veid);
-+ return err;
-+ }
-+ err = sys_fairsched_mvpr(current->pid, ve->veid);
-+ if (err) {
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING "Can't switch to fairsched node %d\n",
-+ ve->veid);
-+ if (sys_fairsched_rmnod(ve->veid))
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "Can't clean fairsched node %d\n",
-+ ve->veid);
-+ return err;
-+ }
-+ ve_sched_attach(ve);
-+ return 0;
-+static void fini_ve_sched(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ if (task_vsched_id(current) == ve->veid)
-+ if (sys_fairsched_mvpr(current->pid,
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING "Can't leave fairsched node %d\n",
-+ ve->veid);
-+ if (sys_fairsched_rmnod(ve->veid))
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "Can't remove fairsched node %d\n",
-+ ve->veid);
-+static int init_ve_struct(struct ve_struct *ve, envid_t veid,
-+ u32 class_id, env_create_param_t *data,
-+ struct task_struct *init_tsk)
-+ int n;
-+ memset(ve, 0, sizeof(*ve));
-+ (void)get_ve(ve);
-+ ve->veid = veid;
-+ ve->class_id = class_id;
-+ ve->init_entry = init_tsk;
-+ ve->features = data->feature_mask;
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve->vetask_lh);
-+ init_rwsem(&ve->op_sem);
-+ ve->ifindex = -1;
-+ for(n = 0; n < UIDHASH_SZ_VE; ++n)
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve->uidhash_table[n]);
-+ do_posix_clock_monotonic_gettime(&ve->start_timespec);
-+ ve->start_jiffies = jiffies;
-+ ve->start_cycles = get_cycles();
-+ ve->virt_pids = glob_virt_pids;
-+ return 0;
-+static void set_ve_root(struct ve_struct *ve, struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ read_lock(&tsk->fs->lock);
-+ ve->fs_rootmnt = tsk->fs->rootmnt;
-+ ve->fs_root = tsk->fs->root;
-+ read_unlock(&tsk->fs->lock);
-+ mark_tree_virtual(ve->fs_rootmnt, ve->fs_root);
-+static void set_ve_caps(struct ve_struct *ve, struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ /* required for real_setdevperms from register_ve_<fs> above */
-+ memcpy(&ve->cap_default, &tsk->cap_effective, sizeof(kernel_cap_t));
-+ cap_lower(ve->cap_default, CAP_SETVEID);
-+static int ve_list_add(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ write_lock_irq(&ve_list_guard);
-+ if (__find_ve_by_id(ve->veid) != NULL)
-+ goto err_exists;
-+ ve->prev = NULL;
-+ ve->next = ve_list_head;
-+ if (ve_list_head)
-+ ve_list_head->prev = ve;
-+ ve_list_head = ve;
-+ nr_ve++;
-+ write_unlock_irq(&ve_list_guard);
-+ return 0;
-+ write_unlock_irq(&ve_list_guard);
-+ return -EEXIST;
-+static void ve_list_del(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ write_lock_irq(&ve_list_guard);
-+ if (ve->prev)
-+ ve->prev->next = ve->next;
-+ else
-+ ve_list_head = ve->next;
-+ if (ve->next)
-+ ve->next->prev = ve->prev;
-+ nr_ve--;
-+ write_unlock_irq(&ve_list_guard);
-+static void set_task_ve_caps(struct task_struct *tsk, struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ spin_lock(&task_capability_lock);
-+ cap_mask(tsk->cap_effective, ve->cap_default);
-+ cap_mask(tsk->cap_inheritable, ve->cap_default);
-+ cap_mask(tsk->cap_permitted, ve->cap_default);
-+ spin_unlock(&task_capability_lock);
-+static void move_task(struct task_struct *tsk, struct ve_struct *new,
-+ struct ve_struct *old)
-+ /* this probihibts ptracing of task entered to VPS from host system */
-+ tsk->mm->vps_dumpable = 0;
-+ /* setup capabilities before enter */
-+ set_task_ve_caps(tsk, new);
-+ write_lock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env = new;
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->exec_env = new;
-+ SET_VE_LINKS(tsk);
-+ atomic_dec(&old->pcounter);
-+ atomic_inc(&new->pcounter);
-+ real_put_ve(old);
-+ get_ve(new);
-+ write_unlock_irq(&tasklist_lock);
-+#if (defined(CONFIG_VE_NETDEV) || defined(CONFIG_VE_NETDEV_MODULE)) && \
-+extern int init_netfilter(void);
-+extern void fini_netfilter(void);
-+#define init_ve_netfilter() init_netfilter()
-+#define fini_ve_netfilter() fini_netfilter()
-+#define init_ve_netfilter() (0)
-+#define fini_ve_netfilter() do { } while (0)
-+#define KSYMIPTINIT(mask, ve, full_mask, mod, name, args) \
-+({ \
-+ int ret = 0; \
-+ if (VE_IPT_CMP(mask, full_mask) && \
-+ VE_IPT_CMP((ve)->_iptables_modules, \
-+ full_mask & ~(full_mask##_MOD))) { \
-+ ret = KSYMERRCALL(1, mod, name, args); \
-+ if (ret == 0) \
-+ (ve)->_iptables_modules |= \
-+ full_mask##_MOD; \
-+ if (ret == 1) \
-+ ret = 0; \
-+ } \
-+ ret; \
-+#define KSYMIPTFINI(mask, full_mask, mod, name, args) \
-+({ \
-+ if (VE_IPT_CMP(mask, full_mask##_MOD)) \
-+ KSYMSAFECALL_VOID(mod, name, args); \
-+static int do_ve_iptables(struct ve_struct *ve, __u64 init_mask,
-+ int init_or_cleanup)
-+ int err;
-+ err = 0;
-+ if (!init_or_cleanup)
-+ goto cleanup;
-+ /* init part */
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_IPTABLES) || \
-+ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_IPTABLES,
-+ ip_tables, init_iptables, ());
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto err_iptables;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_CONNTRACK) || \
-+ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_CONNTRACK,
-+ ip_conntrack, init_iptable_conntrack, ());
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto err_iptable_conntrack;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_FTP) || \
-+ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_CONNTRACK_FTP,
-+ ip_conntrack_ftp, init_iptable_ftp, ());
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto err_iptable_ftp;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_IRC) || \
-+ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_CONNTRACK_IRC,
-+ ip_conntrack_irc, init_iptable_irc, ());
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto err_iptable_irc;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_CONNTRACK) || \
-+ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_MATCH_CONNTRACK,
-+ ipt_conntrack, init_iptable_conntrack_match, ());
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto err_iptable_conntrack_match;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_STATE) || \
-+ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_MATCH_STATE,
-+ ipt_state, init_iptable_state, ());
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto err_iptable_state;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_HELPER) || \
-+ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_MATCH_HELPER,
-+ ipt_helper, init_iptable_helper, ());
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto err_iptable_helper;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_NAT) || \
-+ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_NAT,
-+ iptable_nat, init_iptable_nat, ());
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto err_iptable_nat;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_NAT_FTP) || \
-+ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_NAT_FTP,
-+ ip_nat_ftp, init_iptable_nat_ftp, ());
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto err_iptable_nat_ftp;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_NAT_IRC) || \
-+ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_NAT_IRC,
-+ ip_nat_irc, init_iptable_nat_irc, ());
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto err_iptable_nat_irc;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_FILTER) || \
-+ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_FILTER,
-+ iptable_filter, init_iptable_filter, ());
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto err_iptable_filter;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MANGLE) || \
-+ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_MANGLE,
-+ iptable_mangle, init_iptable_mangle, ());
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto err_iptable_mangle;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_LIMIT) || \
-+ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_MATCH_LIMIT,
-+ ipt_limit, init_iptable_limit, ());
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto err_iptable_limit;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_MULTIPORT) || \
-+ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_MATCH_MULTIPORT,
-+ ipt_multiport, init_iptable_multiport, ());
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto err_iptable_multiport;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_TOS) || \
-+ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_MATCH_TOS,
-+ ipt_tos, init_iptable_tos, ());
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto err_iptable_tos;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_TOS) || \
-+ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_TARGET_TOS,
-+ ipt_TOS, init_iptable_TOS, ());
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto err_iptable_TOS;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_REJECT) || \
-+ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_TARGET_REJECT,
-+ ipt_REJECT, init_iptable_REJECT, ());
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto err_iptable_REJECT;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_TCPMSS) || \
-+ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_TARGET_TCPMSS,
-+ ipt_TCPMSS, init_iptable_TCPMSS, ());
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto err_iptable_TCPMSS;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_TCPMSS) || \
-+ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_MATCH_TCPMSS,
-+ ipt_tcpmss, init_iptable_tcpmss, ());
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto err_iptable_tcpmss;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_TTL) || \
-+ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_MATCH_TTL,
-+ ipt_ttl, init_iptable_ttl, ());
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto err_iptable_ttl;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_LOG) || \
-+ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_TARGET_LOG,
-+ ipt_LOG, init_iptable_LOG, ());
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto err_iptable_LOG;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_LENGTH) || \
-+ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_MATCH_LENGTH,
-+ ipt_length, init_iptable_length, ());
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto err_iptable_length;
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_REDIRECT) || \
-+ err = KSYMIPTINIT(init_mask, ve, VE_IP_TARGET_REDIRECT,
-+ ipt_REDIRECT, init_iptable_REDIRECT, ());
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto err_iptable_REDIRECT;
-+ return 0;
-+/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_REDIRECT) || \
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_TARGET_REDIRECT,
-+ ipt_REDIRECT, fini_iptable_REDIRECT, ());
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_LENGTH) || \
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_MATCH_LENGTH,
-+ ipt_length, fini_iptable_length, ());
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_LOG) || \
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_TARGET_LOG,
-+ ipt_LOG, fini_iptable_LOG, ());
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_TTL) || \
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_MATCH_TTL,
-+ ipt_ttl, fini_iptable_ttl, ());
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_TCPMSS) || \
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_MATCH_TCPMSS,
-+ ipt_tcpmss, fini_iptable_tcpmss, ());
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_TCPMSS) || \
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_TARGET_TCPMSS,
-+ ipt_TCPMSS, fini_iptable_TCPMSS, ());
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_REJECT) || \
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_TARGET_REJECT,
-+ ipt_REJECT, fini_iptable_REJECT, ());
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_TARGET_TOS) || \
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_TARGET_TOS,
-+ ipt_TOS, fini_iptable_TOS, ());
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_TOS) || \
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_MATCH_TOS,
-+ ipt_tos, fini_iptable_tos, ());
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_MULTIPORT) || \
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_MATCH_MULTIPORT,
-+ ipt_multiport, fini_iptable_multiport, ());
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_LIMIT) || \
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_MATCH_LIMIT,
-+ ipt_limit, fini_iptable_limit, ());
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MANGLE) || \
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_MANGLE,
-+ iptable_mangle, fini_iptable_mangle, ());
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_FILTER) || \
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_FILTER,
-+ iptable_filter, fini_iptable_filter, ());
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_NAT_IRC) || \
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_NAT_IRC,
-+ ip_nat_irc, fini_iptable_nat_irc, ());
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_NAT_FTP) || \
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_NAT_FTP,
-+ ip_nat_ftp, fini_iptable_nat_ftp, ());
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_NAT) || \
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_NAT,
-+ iptable_nat, fini_iptable_nat, ());
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_HELPER) || \
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_MATCH_HELPER,
-+ ipt_helper, fini_iptable_helper, ());
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_STATE) || \
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_MATCH_STATE,
-+ ipt_state, fini_iptable_state, ());
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_MATCH_CONNTRACK) || \
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_MATCH_CONNTRACK,
-+ ipt_conntrack, fini_iptable_conntrack_match, ());
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_IRC) || \
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_CONNTRACK_IRC,
-+ ip_conntrack_irc, fini_iptable_irc, ());
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_FTP) || \
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_CONNTRACK_FTP,
-+ ip_conntrack_ftp, fini_iptable_ftp, ());
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_CONNTRACK) || \
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_CONNTRACK,
-+ ip_conntrack, fini_iptable_conntrack, ());
-+#if defined(CONFIG_IP_NF_IPTABLES) || \
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_IPTABLES,
-+ ip_tables, fini_iptables, ());
-+ ve->_iptables_modules = 0;
-+ return err;
-+#define do_ve_iptables(ve, initmask, init) (0)
-+static inline int init_ve_iptables(struct ve_struct *ve, __u64 init_mask)
-+ return do_ve_iptables(ve, init_mask, 1);
-+static inline void fini_ve_iptables(struct ve_struct *ve, __u64 init_mask)
-+ (void)do_ve_iptables(ve, init_mask, 0);
-+static void flush_ve_iptables(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ /*
-+ * flush all rule tables first,
-+ * this helps us to avoid refs to freed objs
-+ */
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_MANGLE, ip_tables,
-+ ipt_flush_table, (ve->_ipt_mangle_table));
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_FILTER, ip_tables,
-+ ipt_flush_table, (ve->_ve_ipt_filter_pf));
-+ KSYMIPTFINI(ve->_iptables_modules, VE_IP_NAT, ip_tables,
-+ ipt_flush_table, (ve->_ip_conntrack->_ip_nat_table));
-+static struct list_head ve_hooks[VE_MAX_HOOKS];
-+static DECLARE_RWSEM(ve_hook_sem);
-+int ve_hook_register(struct ve_hook *vh)
-+ struct list_head *lh;
-+ struct ve_hook *tmp;
-+ down_write(&ve_hook_sem);
-+ list_for_each(lh, &ve_hooks[vh->hooknum]) {
-+ tmp = list_entry(lh, struct ve_hook, list);
-+ if (vh->priority < tmp->priority)
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ list_add_tail(&vh->list, lh);
-+ up_write(&ve_hook_sem);
-+ return 0;
-+void ve_hook_unregister(struct ve_hook *vh)
-+ down_write(&ve_hook_sem);
-+ list_del(&vh->list);
-+ up_write(&ve_hook_sem);
-+static int ve_hook_iterate(unsigned int hooknum, void *data)
-+ struct ve_hook *vh;
-+ int err;
-+ err = 0;
-+ down_read(&ve_hook_sem);
-+ list_for_each_entry(vh, &ve_hooks[hooknum], list) {
-+ if (!try_module_get(vh->owner))
-+ continue;
-+ err = vh->hook(hooknum, data);
-+ module_put(vh->owner);
-+ if (err)
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if (err) {
-+ list_for_each_entry_continue_reverse(vh,
-+ &ve_hooks[hooknum], list) {
-+ if (!try_module_get(vh->owner))
-+ continue;
-+ if (vh->undo)
-+ vh->undo(hooknum, data);
-+ module_put(vh->owner);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ up_read(&ve_hook_sem);
-+ return err;
-+static void ve_hook_iterate_cleanup(unsigned int hooknum, void *data)
-+ struct ve_hook *vh;
-+ down_read(&ve_hook_sem);
-+ list_for_each_entry_reverse(vh, &ve_hooks[hooknum], list) {
-+ if (!try_module_get(vh->owner))
-+ continue;
-+ (void)vh->hook(hooknum, data);
-+ module_put(vh->owner);
-+ }
-+ up_read(&ve_hook_sem);
-+static int do_env_create(envid_t veid, unsigned int flags, u32 class_id,
-+ env_create_param_t *data, int datalen)
-+ struct task_struct *tsk;
-+ struct ve_struct *old;
-+ struct ve_struct *old_exec;
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ __u64 init_mask;
-+ int err;
-+ tsk = current;
-+ old = VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env;
-+ if (!thread_group_leader(tsk))
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ if (tsk->signal->tty) {
-+ printk("ERR: VE init has controlling terminal\n");
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ if (tsk->signal->pgrp != tsk->pid || tsk->signal->session != tsk->pid) {
-+ int may_setsid;
-+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ may_setsid = (find_pid(PIDTYPE_PGID, tsk->pid) == NULL);
-+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ if (!may_setsid) {
-+ printk("ERR: VE init is process group leader\n");
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ VZTRACE("%s: veid=%d classid=%d pid=%d\n",
-+ __FUNCTION__, veid, class_id, current->pid);
-+ err = -ENOMEM;
-+ ve = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ve_struct), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (ve == NULL)
-+ goto err_struct;
-+ init_ve_struct(ve, veid, class_id, data, tsk);
-+ __module_get(THIS_MODULE);
-+ down_write(&ve->op_sem);
-+ if (flags & VE_LOCK)
-+ ve->is_locked = 1;
-+ if ((err = ve_list_add(ve)) < 0)
-+ goto err_exist;
-+ /* this should be done before context switching */
-+ if ((err = init_printk(ve)) < 0)
-+ goto err_log_wait;
-+ old_exec = set_exec_env(ve);
-+ if ((err = init_ve_sched(ve)) < 0)
-+ goto err_sched;
-+ /* move user to VE */
-+ if ((err = set_user(0, 0)) < 0)
-+ goto err_set_user;
-+ set_ve_root(ve, tsk);
-+ if ((err = init_ve_utsname(ve)))
-+ goto err_utsname;
-+ if ((err = init_ve_mibs(ve)))
-+ goto err_mibs;
-+ if ((err = init_ve_proc(ve)))
-+ goto err_proc;
-+ if ((err = init_ve_sysctl(ve)))
-+ goto err_sysctl;
-+ if ((err = init_ve_sysfs(ve)))
-+ goto err_sysfs;
-+ if ((err = init_ve_netdev()))
-+ goto err_dev;
-+ if ((err = init_ve_tty_drivers(ve)) < 0)
-+ goto err_tty;
-+ if ((err = init_ve_shmem(ve)))
-+ goto err_shmem;
-+ if ((err = init_ve_devpts(ve)))
-+ goto err_devpts;
-+ /* init SYSV IPC variables */
-+ if ((err = init_ve_ipc(ve)) < 0)
-+ goto err_ipc;
-+ set_ve_caps(ve, tsk);
-+ /* It is safe to initialize netfilter here as routing initialization and
-+ interface setup will be done below. This means that NO skb can be
-+ passed inside. Den */
-+ /* iptables ve initialization for non ve0;
-+ ve0 init is in module_init */
-+ if ((err = init_ve_netfilter()) < 0)
-+ goto err_netfilter;
-+ init_mask = data ? data->iptables_mask : VE_IP_DEFAULT;
-+ if ((err = init_ve_iptables(ve, init_mask)) < 0)
-+ goto err_iptables;
-+ if ((err = init_ve_route(ve)) < 0)
-+ goto err_route;
-+ if ((err = alloc_vpid(tsk->pid, 1)) < 0)
-+ goto err_vpid;
-+ if ((err = ve_hook_iterate(VE_HOOK_INIT, (void *)ve)) < 0)
-+ goto err_ve_hook;
-+ /* finally: set vpids and move inside */
-+ move_task(tsk, ve, old);
-+ set_virt_pid(tsk, 1);
-+ set_virt_tgid(tsk, 1);
-+ set_special_pids(tsk->pid, tsk->pid);
-+ current->signal->tty_old_pgrp = 0;
-+ set_virt_pgid(tsk, 1);
-+ set_virt_sid(tsk, 1);
-+ ve->is_running = 1;
-+ up_write(&ve->op_sem);
-+ printk(KERN_INFO "VPS: %d: started\n", veid);
-+ return veid;
-+ free_vpid(1, ve);
-+ fini_venet(ve);
-+ fini_ve_route(ve);
-+ fini_ve_iptables(ve, init_mask);
-+ fini_ve_netfilter();
-+ fini_ve_ipc(ve);
-+ fini_ve_devpts(ve);
-+ fini_ve_shmem(ve);
-+ fini_ve_tty_drivers(ve);
-+ fini_ve_netdev();
-+ fini_ve_sysfs(ve);
-+ fini_ve_sysctl(ve);
-+ fini_ve_proc(ve);
-+ do_clean_devperms(ve->veid); /* register procfs adds devperms */
-+ fini_ve_mibs(ve);
-+ /* free_ve_utsname() is called inside real_put_ve() */ ;
-+ /* It is safe to restore current->envid here because
-+ * ve_fairsched_detach does not use current->envid. */
-+ /* Really fairsched code uses current->envid in sys_fairsched_mknod
-+ * only. It is correct if sys_fairsched_mknod is called from
-+ * userspace. If sys_fairsched_mknod is called from
-+ * ve_fairsched_attach, then node->envid and node->parent_node->envid
-+ * are explicitly set to valid value after the call. */
-+ /* FIXME */
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env = old;
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->exec_env = old_exec;
-+ /* move user back */
-+ if (set_user(0, 0) < 0)
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING"Can't restore UID\n");
-+ fini_ve_sched(ve);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(old_exec);
-+ /* we can jump here having incorrect envid */
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env = old;
-+ fini_printk(ve);
-+ ve_list_del(ve);
-+ up_write(&ve->op_sem);
-+ real_put_ve(ve);
-+ printk(KERN_INFO "VPS: %d: failed to start with err=%d\n", veid, err);
-+ return err;
-+ kfree(ve);
-+ goto err_struct;
-+ **********************************************************************
-+ *
-+ * VE start/stop callbacks
-+ *
-+ **********************************************************************
-+ **********************************************************************/
-+int real_env_create(envid_t veid, unsigned flags, u32 class_id,
-+ env_create_param_t *data, int datalen)
-+ int status;
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ if (!flags) {
-+ status = get_exec_env()->veid;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ status = -EPERM;
-+ if (!capable(CAP_SETVEID))
-+ goto out;
-+ status = -EINVAL;
-+ if ((flags & VE_TEST) && (flags & (VE_ENTER|VE_CREATE)))
-+ goto out;
-+ status = -EINVAL;
-+ ve = get_ve_by_id(veid);
-+ if (ve) {
-+ if (flags & VE_TEST) {
-+ status = 0;
-+ goto out_put;
-+ }
-+ if (flags & VE_EXCLUSIVE) {
-+ status = -EACCES;
-+ goto out_put;
-+ }
-+ if (flags & VE_CREATE) {
-+ flags &= ~VE_CREATE;
-+ flags |= VE_ENTER;
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+ if (flags & (VE_TEST|VE_ENTER)) {
-+ status = -ESRCH;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (flags & VE_CREATE) {
-+ status = do_env_create(veid, flags, class_id, data, datalen);
-+ goto out;
-+ } else if (flags & VE_ENTER)
-+ status = do_env_enter(ve, flags);
-+ /* else: returning EINVAL */
-+ real_put_ve(ve);
-+ return status;
-+static int do_env_enter(struct ve_struct *ve, unsigned int flags)
-+ struct task_struct *tsk = current;
-+ int err;
-+ VZTRACE("%s: veid=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, ve->veid);
-+ err = -EBUSY;
-+ down_read(&ve->op_sem);
-+ if (!ve->is_running)
-+ goto out_up;
-+ if (ve->is_locked && !(flags & VE_SKIPLOCK))
-+ goto out_up;
-+ err = sys_fairsched_mvpr(current->pid, ve->veid);
-+ if (err)
-+ goto out_up;
-+ ve_sched_attach(ve);
-+ move_task(current, ve, VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env);
-+ err = VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env->veid;
-+ up_read(&ve->op_sem);
-+ return err;
-+static void env_cleanup(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ struct ve_struct *old_ve;
-+ VZTRACE("real_do_env_cleanup\n");
-+ down_read(&ve->op_sem);
-+ old_ve = set_exec_env(ve);
-+ ve_hook_iterate_cleanup(VE_HOOK_FINI, (void *)ve);
-+ fini_venet(ve);
-+ fini_ve_route(ve);
-+ /* no new packets in flight beyond this point */
-+ synchronize_net();
-+ /* skb hold dst_entry, and in turn lies in the ip fragment queue */
-+ ip_fragment_cleanup(ve);
-+ fini_ve_netdev();
-+ /* kill iptables */
-+ /* No skb belonging to VE can exist at this point as unregister_netdev
-+ is an operation awaiting until ALL skb's gone */
-+ flush_ve_iptables(ve);
-+ fini_ve_iptables(ve, ve->_iptables_modules);
-+ fini_ve_netfilter();
-+ ve_ipc_cleanup();
-+ fini_ve_sched(ve);
-+ do_clean_devperms(ve->veid);
-+ fini_ve_devpts(ve);
-+ fini_ve_shmem(ve);
-+ fini_ve_sysfs(ve);
-+ unregister_ve_tty_drivers(ve);
-+ fini_ve_sysctl(ve);
-+ fini_ve_proc(ve);
-+ fini_ve_mibs(ve);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(old_ve);
-+ fini_printk(ve); /* no printk can happen in ve context anymore */
-+ ve_list_del(ve);
-+ up_read(&ve->op_sem);
-+ real_put_ve(ve);
-+static struct list_head ve_cleanup_list;
-+static spinlock_t ve_cleanup_lock;
-+static DECLARE_COMPLETION(vzmond_complete);
-+static struct task_struct *vzmond_thread;
-+static volatile int stop_vzmond;
-+void real_do_env_cleanup(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ spin_lock(&ve_cleanup_lock);
-+ list_add_tail(&ve->cleanup_list, &ve_cleanup_list);
-+ spin_unlock(&ve_cleanup_lock);
-+ wake_up_process(vzmond_thread);
-+static void do_pending_env_cleanups(void)
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ spin_lock(&ve_cleanup_lock);
-+ while (1) {
-+ if (list_empty(&ve_cleanup_list) || need_resched())
-+ break;
-+ ve = list_first_entry(&ve_cleanup_list, struct ve_struct,
-+ cleanup_list);
-+ list_del(&ve->cleanup_list);
-+ spin_unlock(&ve_cleanup_lock);
-+ env_cleanup(ve);
-+ spin_lock(&ve_cleanup_lock);
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&ve_cleanup_lock);
-+static int have_pending_cleanups(void)
-+ return !list_empty(&ve_cleanup_list);
-+static int vzmond(void *arg)
-+ daemonize("vzmond");
-+ vzmond_thread = current;
-+ set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
-+ while (!stop_vzmond) {
-+ schedule();
-+ if (signal_pending(current))
-+ flush_signals(current);
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
-+ refrigerator();
-+ do_pending_env_cleanups();
-+ set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
-+ if (have_pending_cleanups())
-+ __set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
-+ }
-+ __set_task_state(current, TASK_RUNNING);
-+ complete_and_exit(&vzmond_complete, 0);
-+static int __init init_vzmond(void)
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_cleanup_list);
-+ spin_lock_init(&ve_cleanup_lock);
-+ stop_vzmond = 0;
-+ return kernel_thread(vzmond, NULL, 0);
-+static void fini_vzmond(void)
-+ stop_vzmond = 1;
-+ wake_up_process(vzmond_thread);
-+ wait_for_completion(&vzmond_complete);
-+ WARN_ON(!list_empty(&ve_cleanup_list));
-+void real_do_env_free(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ VZTRACE("real_do_env_free\n");
-+ ve_ipc_free(ve); /* free SYSV IPC resources */
-+ free_ve_tty_drivers(ve);
-+ free_ve_utsname(ve);
-+ free_ve_sysctl(ve); /* free per ve sysctl data */
-+ free_ve_filesystems(ve);
-+ printk(KERN_INFO "VPS: %d: stopped\n", VEID(ve));
-+ kfree(ve);
-+ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
-+ **********************************************************************
-+ *
-+ * VE TTY handling
-+ *
-+ **********************************************************************
-+ **********************************************************************/
-+DCL_VE_OWNER(TTYDRV, TAIL_SOFT, struct tty_driver, owner_env, , ())
-+static struct tty_driver *alloc_ve_tty_driver(struct tty_driver *base,
-+ struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ size_t size;
-+ struct tty_driver *driver;
-+ driver = kmalloc(sizeof(struct tty_driver), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!driver)
-+ goto out;
-+ memcpy(driver, base, sizeof(struct tty_driver));
-+ driver->driver_state = NULL;
-+ size = base->num * 3 * sizeof(void *);
-+ if (!(driver->flags & TTY_DRIVER_DEVPTS_MEM)) {
-+ void **p;
-+ p = kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!p)
-+ goto out_free;
-+ memset(p, 0, size);
-+ driver->ttys = (struct tty_struct **)p;
-+ driver->termios = (struct termios **)(p + driver->num);
-+ driver->termios_locked = (struct termios **)(p + driver->num * 2);
-+ } else {
-+ driver->ttys = NULL;
-+ driver->termios = NULL;
-+ driver->termios_locked = NULL;
-+ }
-+ SET_VE_OWNER_TTYDRV(driver, ve);
-+ driver->flags |= TTY_DRIVER_INSTALLED;
-+ return driver;
-+ kfree(driver);
-+ return NULL;
-+static void free_ve_tty_driver(struct tty_driver *driver)
-+ if (!driver)
-+ return;
-+ clear_termios(driver);
-+ kfree(driver->ttys);
-+ kfree(driver);
-+static int alloc_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct* ve)
-+ extern struct tty_driver *get_pty_driver(void);
-+ extern struct tty_driver *get_pty_slave_driver(void);
-+ /* Traditional BSD devices */
-+ ve->pty_driver = alloc_ve_tty_driver(get_pty_driver(), ve);
-+ if (!ve->pty_driver)
-+ goto out_mem;
-+ ve->pty_slave_driver = alloc_ve_tty_driver(
-+ get_pty_slave_driver(), ve);
-+ if (!ve->pty_slave_driver)
-+ goto out_mem;
-+ ve->pty_driver->other = ve->pty_slave_driver;
-+ ve->pty_slave_driver->other = ve->pty_driver;
-+ ve->ptm_driver = alloc_ve_tty_driver(ptm_driver, ve);
-+ if (!ve->ptm_driver)
-+ goto out_mem;
-+ ve->pts_driver = alloc_ve_tty_driver(pts_driver, ve);
-+ if (!ve->pts_driver)
-+ goto out_mem;
-+ ve->ptm_driver->other = ve->pts_driver;
-+ ve->pts_driver->other = ve->ptm_driver;
-+ ve->allocated_ptys = kmalloc(sizeof(*ve->allocated_ptys), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!ve->allocated_ptys)
-+ goto out_mem;
-+ idr_init(ve->allocated_ptys);
-+ return 0;
-+ free_ve_tty_drivers(ve);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+static void free_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct* ve)
-+ free_ve_tty_driver(ve->pty_driver);
-+ free_ve_tty_driver(ve->pty_slave_driver);
-+ ve->pty_driver = ve->pty_slave_driver = NULL;
-+ free_ve_tty_driver(ve->ptm_driver);
-+ free_ve_tty_driver(ve->pts_driver);
-+ kfree(ve->allocated_ptys);
-+ ve->ptm_driver = ve->pts_driver = NULL;
-+ ve->allocated_ptys = NULL;
-+static inline void __register_tty_driver(struct tty_driver *driver)
-+ list_add(&driver->tty_drivers, &tty_drivers);
-+static inline void __unregister_tty_driver(struct tty_driver *driver)
-+ if (!driver)
-+ return;
-+ list_del(&driver->tty_drivers);
-+static int register_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct* ve)
-+ write_lock_irq(&tty_driver_guard);
-+ __register_tty_driver(ve->ptm_driver);
-+ __register_tty_driver(ve->pts_driver);
-+ __register_tty_driver(ve->pty_driver);
-+ __register_tty_driver(ve->pty_slave_driver);
-+ write_unlock_irq(&tty_driver_guard);
-+ return 0;
-+static void unregister_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct* ve)
-+ VZTRACE("unregister_ve_tty_drivers\n");
-+ write_lock_irq(&tty_driver_guard);
-+ __unregister_tty_driver(ve->pty_driver);
-+ __unregister_tty_driver(ve->pty_slave_driver);
-+ __unregister_tty_driver(ve->ptm_driver);
-+ __unregister_tty_driver(ve->pts_driver);
-+ write_unlock_irq(&tty_driver_guard);
-+static int init_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ int err;
-+ if ((err = alloc_ve_tty_drivers(ve)))
-+ goto err_ttyalloc;
-+ if ((err = register_ve_tty_drivers(ve)))
-+ goto err_ttyreg;
-+ return 0;
-+ free_ve_tty_drivers(ve);
-+ return err;
-+static void fini_ve_tty_drivers(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ unregister_ve_tty_drivers(ve);
-+ free_ve_tty_drivers(ve);
-+ * Free the termios and termios_locked structures because
-+ * we don't want to get memory leaks when modular tty
-+ * drivers are removed from the kernel.
-+ */
-+static void clear_termios(struct tty_driver *driver)
-+ int i;
-+ struct termios *tp;
-+ if (driver->termios == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ for (i = 0; i < driver->num; i++) {
-+ tp = driver->termios[i];
-+ if (tp) {
-+ driver->termios[i] = NULL;
-+ kfree(tp);
-+ }
-+ tp = driver->termios_locked[i];
-+ if (tp) {
-+ driver->termios_locked[i] = NULL;
-+ kfree(tp);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ **********************************************************************
-+ *
-+ * Pieces of VE network
-+ *
-+ **********************************************************************
-+ **********************************************************************/
-+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <net/sock.h>
-+#include <linux/netlink.h>
-+#include <linux/rtnetlink.h>
-+#include <net/route.h>
-+#include <net/ip_fib.h>
-+static void ve_del_ip_addrs(struct net_device *dev)
-+ struct in_device *in_dev;
-+ in_dev = in_dev_get(dev);
-+ if (in_dev == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ while (in_dev->ifa_list != NULL) {
-+ inet_del_ifa(in_dev, &in_dev->ifa_list, 1);
-+ }
-+ in_dev_put(in_dev);
-+static int ve_netdev_cleanup(struct net_device *dev, int to_ve)
-+ int err;
-+ err = 0;
-+ ve_del_ip_addrs(dev);
-+ if ((dev->flags & IFF_UP) != 0)
-+ err = dev_close(dev);
-+ synchronize_net();
-+ dev_shutdown(dev);
-+ dev_mc_discard(dev);
-+ free_divert_blk(dev);
-+ synchronize_net();
-+ if (to_ve)
-+ dev->orig_mtu = dev->mtu;
-+ else {
-+ int rc = dev_set_mtu(dev, dev->orig_mtu);
-+ if (err == 0)
-+ err = rc;
-+ }
-+ return err;
-+static void __ve_dev_move(struct net_device *dev, struct ve_struct *ve_src,
-+ struct ve_struct *ve_dst, struct user_beancounter *exec_ub)
-+ struct net_device **dp, *d;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ for (d = ve_src->_net_dev_base, dp = NULL; d != NULL;
-+ dp = &d->next, d = d->next) {
-+ if (d == dev) {
-+ hlist_del(&dev->name_hlist);
-+ hlist_del(&dev->index_hlist);
-+ if (ve_src->_net_dev_tail == &dev->next)
-+ ve_src->_net_dev_tail = dp;
-+ if (dp)
-+ *dp = dev->next;
-+ dev->next = NULL;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ *ve_dst->_net_dev_tail = dev;
-+ ve_dst->_net_dev_tail = &dev->next;
-+ hlist_add_head(&dev->name_hlist, dev_name_hash(dev->name, ve_dst));
-+ hlist_add_head(&dev->index_hlist, dev_index_hash(dev->ifindex, ve_dst));
-+ dev->owner_env = ve_dst;
-+ ub = netdev_bc(dev)->exec_ub;
-+ netdev_bc(dev)->exec_ub = get_beancounter(exec_ub);
-+ put_beancounter(ub);
-+static int ve_dev_add(envid_t veid, char *dev_name)
-+ int err;
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ struct hlist_node *p;
-+ dev = NULL;
-+ err = -ESRCH;
-+ ve = get_ve_by_id(veid);
-+ if (ve == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ rtnl_lock();
-+ read_lock(&dev_base_lock);
-+ hlist_for_each(p, dev_name_hash(dev_name, get_ve0())) {
-+ struct net_device *d = hlist_entry(p, struct net_device,
-+ name_hlist);
-+ if (strncmp(d->name, dev_name, IFNAMSIZ) == 0) {
-+ dev = d;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ read_unlock(&dev_base_lock);
-+ if (dev == NULL)
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ err = -EPERM;
-+ if (!ve_is_dev_movable(dev))
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ err = -EINVAL;
-+ if (dev->flags & (IFF_SLAVE|IFF_MASTER))
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ ve_netdev_cleanup(dev, 1);
-+ write_lock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
-+ __ve_dev_move(dev, get_ve0(), ve, get_exec_ub());
-+ write_unlock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
-+ err = 0;
-+ rtnl_unlock();
-+ real_put_ve(ve);
-+ if (dev == NULL)
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING "Device %s not found\n", dev_name);
-+ return err;
-+static int ve_dev_del(envid_t veid, char *dev_name)
-+ int err;
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ struct ve_struct *ve, *old_exec;
-+ struct hlist_node *p;
-+ dev = NULL;
-+ err = -ESRCH;
-+ ve = get_ve_by_id(veid);
-+ if (ve == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ rtnl_lock();
-+ read_lock(&dev_base_lock);
-+ hlist_for_each(p, dev_name_hash(dev_name, ve)) {
-+ struct net_device *d = hlist_entry(p, struct net_device,
-+ name_hlist);
-+ if (strncmp(d->name, dev_name, IFNAMSIZ) == 0) {
-+ dev = d;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ read_unlock(&dev_base_lock);
-+ if (dev == NULL)
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ err = -EPERM;
-+ if (!ve_is_dev_movable(dev))
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ old_exec = set_exec_env(ve);
-+ ve_netdev_cleanup(dev, 0);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(old_exec);
-+ write_lock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
-+ __ve_dev_move(dev, ve, get_ve0(), netdev_bc(dev)->owner_ub);
-+ write_unlock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
-+ err = 0;
-+ rtnl_unlock();
-+ real_put_ve(ve);
-+ if (dev == NULL)
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING "Device %s not found\n", dev_name);
-+ return err;
-+int real_ve_dev_map(envid_t veid, int op, char *dev_name)
-+ int err;
-+ err = -EPERM;
-+ if (!capable(CAP_SETVEID))
-+ goto out;
-+ switch (op)
-+ {
-+ case VE_NETDEV_ADD:
-+ err = ve_dev_add(veid, dev_name);
-+ break;
-+ case VE_NETDEV_DEL:
-+ err = ve_dev_del(veid, dev_name);
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ err = -EINVAL;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ return err;
-+static void ve_mapped_devs_cleanup(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ rtnl_lock();
-+ write_lock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
-+ for (dev = ve->_net_dev_base; dev != NULL; dev = dev->next)
-+ {
-+ if ((dev->features & NETIF_F_VENET) ||
-+ (dev == ve->_loopback_dev)) /* Skip loopback dev */
-+ continue;
-+ write_unlock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
-+ ve_netdev_cleanup(dev, 0);
-+ write_lock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
-+ __ve_dev_move(dev, ve, get_ve0(), netdev_bc(dev)->owner_ub);
-+ goto restart;
-+ }
-+ write_unlock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
-+ rtnl_unlock();
-+ **********************************************************************
-+ *
-+ * VE information via /proc
-+ *
-+ **********************************************************************
-+ **********************************************************************/
-+static int devperms_seq_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
-+ struct devperms_struct *dp;
-+ char dev_s[32], type_c;
-+ unsigned use, type;
-+ dev_t dev;
-+ dp = (struct devperms_struct *)v;
-+ if (dp == (struct devperms_struct *)1L) {
-+ seq_printf(m, "Version: 2.7\n");
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ use = dp->type & VE_USE_MASK;
-+ type = dp->type & S_IFMT;
-+ dev = dp->dev;
-+ if ((use | VE_USE_MINOR) == use)
-+ snprintf(dev_s, sizeof(dev_s), "%d:%d", MAJOR(dev), MINOR(dev));
-+ else if ((use | VE_USE_MAJOR) == use)
-+ snprintf(dev_s, sizeof(dev_s), "%d:*", MAJOR(dp->dev));
-+ else
-+ snprintf(dev_s, sizeof(dev_s), "*:*");
-+ if (type == S_IFCHR)
-+ type_c = 'c';
-+ else if (type == S_IFBLK)
-+ type_c = 'b';
-+ else
-+ type_c = '?';
-+ seq_printf(m, "%10u %c %03o %s\n", dp->veid, type_c, dp->mask, dev_s);
-+ return 0;
-+static void *devperms_seq_start(struct seq_file *m, loff_t *pos)
-+ loff_t cpos;
-+ long slot;
-+ struct devperms_struct *dp;
-+ cpos = *pos;
-+ read_lock(&devperms_hash_guard);
-+ if (cpos-- == 0)
-+ return (void *)1L;
-+ for (slot = 0; slot < DEVPERMS_HASH_SZ; slot++)
-+ for (dp = devperms_hash[slot]; dp; dp = dp->devhash_next)
-+ if (cpos-- == 0) {
-+ m->private = (void *)slot;
-+ return dp;
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+static void *devperms_seq_next(struct seq_file *m, void *v, loff_t *pos)
-+ long slot;
-+ struct devperms_struct *dp;
-+ dp = (struct devperms_struct *)v;
-+ if (dp == (struct devperms_struct *)1L)
-+ slot = 0;
-+ else if (dp->devhash_next == NULL)
-+ slot = (long)m->private + 1;
-+ else {
-+ (*pos)++;
-+ return dp->devhash_next;
-+ }
-+ for (; slot < DEVPERMS_HASH_SZ; slot++)
-+ if (devperms_hash[slot]) {
-+ (*pos)++;
-+ m->private = (void *)slot;
-+ return devperms_hash[slot];
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+static void devperms_seq_stop(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
-+ read_unlock(&devperms_hash_guard);
-+static struct seq_operations devperms_seq_op = {
-+ .start = devperms_seq_start,
-+ .next = devperms_seq_next,
-+ .stop = devperms_seq_stop,
-+ .show = devperms_seq_show,
-+static int devperms_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-+ return seq_open(file, &devperms_seq_op);
-+static struct file_operations proc_devperms_ops = {
-+ .open = devperms_open,
-+ .read = seq_read,
-+ .llseek = seq_lseek,
-+ .release = seq_release,
-+#if BITS_PER_LONG == 32
-+#define VESTAT_LINE_WIDTH (6 * 11 + 6 * 21)
-+#define VESTAT_LINE_FMT "%10u %10lu %10lu %10lu %10lu %20Lu %20Lu %20Lu %20Lu %20Lu %20Lu %10lu\n"
-+#define VESTAT_HEAD_FMT "%10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %20s %20s %20s %20s %20s %20s %10s\n"
-+#define VESTAT_LINE_WIDTH (12 * 21)
-+#define VESTAT_LINE_FMT "%20u %20lu %20lu %20lu %20lu %20Lu %20Lu %20Lu %20Lu %20Lu %20Lu %20lu\n"
-+#define VESTAT_HEAD_FMT "%20s %20s %20s %20s %20s %20s %20s %20s %20s %20s %20s %20s\n"
-+static int vestat_seq_show(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
-+ struct ve_struct *ve = (struct ve_struct *)v;
-+ struct ve_struct *curve;
-+ int cpu;
-+ unsigned long user_ve, nice_ve, system_ve, uptime;
-+ cycles_t uptime_cycles, idle_time, strv_time, used;
-+ curve = get_exec_env();
-+ if (ve == ve_list_head ||
-+ (!ve_is_super(curve) && ve == curve)) {
-+ /* print header */
-+ seq_printf(m, "%-*s\n",
-+ "Version: 2.2");
-+ seq_printf(m, VESTAT_HEAD_FMT, "VEID",
-+ "user", "nice", "system",
-+ "uptime", "idle",
-+ "strv", "uptime", "used",
-+ "maxlat", "totlat", "numsched");
-+ }
-+ if (ve == get_ve0())
-+ return 0;
-+ user_ve = nice_ve = system_ve = 0;
-+ idle_time = strv_time = used = 0;
-+ for (cpu = 0; cpu < NR_CPUS; cpu++) {
-+ user_ve += VE_CPU_STATS(ve, cpu)->user;
-+ nice_ve += VE_CPU_STATS(ve, cpu)->nice;
-+ system_ve += VE_CPU_STATS(ve, cpu)->system;
-+ used += VE_CPU_STATS(ve, cpu)->used_time;
-+ idle_time += ve_sched_get_idle_time(ve, cpu);
-+ }
-+ uptime_cycles = get_cycles() - ve->start_cycles;
-+ uptime = jiffies - ve->start_jiffies;
-+ seq_printf(m, VESTAT_LINE_FMT, ve->veid,
-+ user_ve, nice_ve, system_ve,
-+ uptime, idle_time,
-+ strv_time, uptime_cycles, used,
-+ ve->sched_lat_ve.last.maxlat,
-+ ve->sched_lat_ve.last.totlat,
-+ ve->sched_lat_ve.last.count);
-+ return 0;
-+static void *ve_seq_start(struct seq_file *m, loff_t *pos)
-+ struct ve_struct *ve, *curve;
-+ loff_t l;
-+ curve = get_exec_env();
-+ read_lock(&ve_list_guard);
-+ if (!ve_is_super(curve)) {
-+ if (*pos != 0)
-+ return NULL;
-+ return curve;
-+ }
-+ for (ve = ve_list_head, l = *pos;
-+ ve != NULL && l > 0;
-+ ve = ve->next, l--);
-+ return ve;
-+static void *ve_seq_next(struct seq_file *m, void *v, loff_t *pos)
-+ struct ve_struct *ve = (struct ve_struct *)v;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ return NULL;
-+ (*pos)++;
-+ return ve->next;
-+static void ve_seq_stop(struct seq_file *m, void *v)
-+ read_unlock(&ve_list_guard);
-+static struct seq_operations vestat_seq_op = {
-+ start: ve_seq_start,
-+ next: ve_seq_next,
-+ stop: ve_seq_stop,
-+ show: vestat_seq_show
-+static int vestat_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
-+ return seq_open(file, &vestat_seq_op);
-+static struct file_operations proc_vestat_operations = {
-+ open: vestat_open,
-+ read: seq_read,
-+ llseek: seq_lseek,
-+ release: seq_release
-+static int __init init_vecalls_proc(void)
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *de;
-+ de = create_proc_glob_entry("vz/vestat",
-+ if (de == NULL) {
-+ /* create "vz" subdirectory, if not exist */
-+ (void) create_proc_glob_entry("vz",
-+ de = create_proc_glob_entry("vz/vestat",
-+ }
-+ if (de)
-+ de->proc_fops = &proc_vestat_operations;
-+ else
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING
-+ "VZMON: can't make vestat proc entry\n");
-+ de = create_proc_entry("vz/devperms", S_IFREG | S_IRUSR, NULL);
-+ if (de)
-+ de->proc_fops = &proc_devperms_ops;
-+ else
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING
-+ "VZMON: can't make devperms proc entry\n");
-+ return 0;
-+static void fini_vecalls_proc(void)
-+ remove_proc_entry("vz/devperms", NULL);
-+ remove_proc_entry("vz/vestat", NULL);
-+#define init_vecalls_proc() (0)
-+#define fini_vecalls_proc() do { } while (0)
-+#endif /* CONFIG_PROC_FS */
-+ **********************************************************************
-+ *
-+ * User ctl
-+ *
-+ **********************************************************************
-+ **********************************************************************/
-+int vzcalls_ioctl(struct inode *, struct file *, unsigned int, unsigned long);
-+static struct vzioctlinfo vzcalls = {
-+ type: VZCTLTYPE,
-+ func: vzcalls_ioctl,
-+ owner: THIS_MODULE,
-+int vzcalls_ioctl(struct inode *ino, struct file *file, unsigned int cmd,
-+ unsigned long arg)
-+ int err;
-+ err = -ENOTTY;
-+ switch(cmd) {
-+ /* Compatibility issue */
-+ err = 0;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ /* Device type was mistakenly declared as dev_t
-+ * in the old user-kernel interface.
-+ * That's wrong, dev_t is a kernel internal type.
-+ * I use `unsigned' not having anything better in mind.
-+ * 2001/08/11 SAW */
-+ struct vzctl_setdevperms s;
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ if (copy_from_user(&s, (void *)arg, sizeof(s)))
-+ break;
-+ err = real_setdevperms(s.veid, s.type,
-+ new_decode_dev(, s.mask);
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ case VZCTL_VE_NETDEV: {
-+ struct vzctl_ve_netdev d;
-+ char *s;
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ if (copy_from_user(&d, (void *)arg, sizeof(d)))
-+ break;
-+ err = -ENOMEM;
-+ s = kmalloc(IFNAMSIZ+1, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (s == NULL)
-+ break;
-+ strncpy_from_user(s, d.dev_name, IFNAMSIZ);
-+ s[IFNAMSIZ] = 0;
-+ err = real_ve_dev_map(d.veid, d.op, s);
-+ kfree(s);
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ struct vzctl_env_create s;
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ if (copy_from_user(&s, (void *)arg, sizeof(s)))
-+ break;
-+ err = real_env_create(s.veid, s.flags, s.class_id,
-+ NULL, 0);
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ struct vzctl_env_create_data s;
-+ env_create_param_t *data;
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ if (copy_from_user(&s, (void *)arg, sizeof(s)))
-+ break;
-+ err=-EINVAL;
-+ if (s.datalen < VZCTL_ENV_CREATE_DATA_MINLEN ||
-+ == 0)
-+ break;
-+ err = -ENOMEM;
-+ data = kmalloc(sizeof(*data), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!data)
-+ break;
-+ memset(data, 0, sizeof(*data));
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ if (copy_from_user(data, (void *), s.datalen))
-+ goto free_data;
-+ err = real_env_create(s.veid, s.flags, s.class_id,
-+ data, s.datalen);
-+ kfree(data);
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ struct vzctl_cpustatctl s;
-+ err = -EFAULT;
-+ if (copy_from_user(&s, (void *)arg, sizeof(s)))
-+ break;
-+ err = ve_get_cpu_stat(s.veid, s.cpustat);
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ return err;
-+ **********************************************************************
-+ *
-+ * Init/exit stuff
-+ *
-+ **********************************************************************
-+ **********************************************************************/
-+static int __init init_vecalls_symbols(void)
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(real_get_device_perms_ve);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(real_do_env_cleanup);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(real_do_env_free);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(real_update_load_avg_ve);
-+ return 0;
-+static void fini_vecalls_symbols(void)
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(real_get_device_perms_ve);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(real_do_env_cleanup);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(real_do_env_free);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(real_update_load_avg_ve);
-+#define init_vecalls_symbols() (0)
-+#define fini_vecalls_symbols() do { } while (0)
-+static inline __init int init_vecalls_ioctls(void)
-+ vzioctl_register(&vzcalls);
-+ return 0;
-+static inline void fini_vecalls_ioctls(void)
-+ vzioctl_unregister(&vzcalls);
-+static int __init vecalls_init(void)
-+ int err;
-+ int i;
-+ ve_list_head = get_ve0();
-+ err = init_vzmond();
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto out_vzmond;
-+ err = init_devperms_hash();
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto out_perms;
-+ err = init_vecalls_symbols();
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto out_sym;
-+ err = init_vecalls_proc();
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto out_proc;
-+ err = init_vecalls_ioctls();
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ goto out_ioctls;
-+ for (i = 0; i < VE_MAX_HOOKS; i++)
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_hooks[i]);
-+ return 0;
-+ fini_vecalls_proc();
-+ fini_vecalls_symbols();
-+ fini_devperms_hash();
-+ fini_vzmond();
-+ return err;
-+static void vecalls_exit(void)
-+ fini_vecalls_ioctls();
-+ fini_vecalls_proc();
-+ fini_vecalls_symbols();
-+ fini_devperms_hash();
-+ fini_vzmond();
-+MODULE_AUTHOR("SWsoft <>");
-+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Virtuozzo Control");
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
-+ * kernel/veowner.c
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/ve.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_proto.h>
-+#include <linux/ipc.h>
-+#include <linux/fs.h>
-+#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
-+#include <linux/file.h>
-+#include <linux/mm.h>
-+#include <linux/delay.h>
-+#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <linux/list.h>
-+#include <asm/system.h>
-+#include <asm/io.h>
-+#include <net/tcp.h>
-+void prepare_ve0_process(struct task_struct *tsk)
-+ set_virt_pid(tsk, tsk->pid);
-+ set_virt_tgid(tsk, tsk->tgid);
-+ if (tsk->signal) {
-+ set_virt_pgid(tsk, tsk->signal->pgrp);
-+ set_virt_sid(tsk, tsk->signal->session);
-+ }
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->exec_env = get_ve0();
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->owner_env = get_ve0();
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->sleep_time = 0;
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->wakeup_stamp = 0;
-+ VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->sched_time = 0;
-+ seqcount_init(&VE_TASK_INFO(tsk)->wakeup_lock);
-+ if (tsk->pid) {
-+ SET_VE_LINKS(tsk);
-+ atomic_inc(&get_ve0()->pcounter);
-+ }
-+void prepare_ve0_loopback(void)
-+ get_ve0()->_loopback_dev = &loopback_dev;
-+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ * proc entries
-+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ */
-+static void proc_move(struct proc_dir_entry *ddir,
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *sdir,
-+ const char *name)
-+ struct proc_dir_entry **p, *q;
-+ int len;
-+ len = strlen(name);
-+ for (p = &sdir->subdir, q = *p; q != NULL; p = &q->next, q = *p)
-+ if (proc_match(len, name, q))
-+ break;
-+ if (q == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ *p = q->next;
-+ q->parent = ddir;
-+ q->next = ddir->subdir;
-+ ddir->subdir = q;
-+static void prepare_proc_misc(void)
-+ static char *table[] = {
-+ "loadavg",
-+ "uptime",
-+ "meminfo",
-+ "version",
-+ "stat",
-+ "filesystems",
-+ "locks",
-+ "swaps",
-+ "mounts",
-+ "cpuinfo",
-+ "net",
-+ "sysvipc",
-+ "sys",
-+ "fs",
-+ "vz",
-+ "user_beancounters",
-+ "cmdline",
-+ "vmstat",
-+ "modules",
-+ "kmsg",
-+ NULL,
-+ };
-+ char **p;
-+ for (p = table; *p != NULL; p++)
-+ proc_move(&proc_root, ve0.proc_root, *p);
-+int prepare_proc(void)
-+ struct ve_struct *envid;
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *de;
-+ struct proc_dir_entry *ve_root;
-+ envid = set_exec_env(&ve0);
-+ ve_root = ve0.proc_root->subdir;
-+ /* move the whole tree to be visible in VE0 only */
-+ ve0.proc_root->subdir = proc_root.subdir;
-+ for (de = ve0.proc_root->subdir; de->next != NULL; de = de->next)
-+ de->parent = ve0.proc_root;
-+ de->parent = ve0.proc_root;
-+ de->next = ve_root;
-+ /* move back into the global scope some specific entries */
-+ proc_root.subdir = NULL;
-+ prepare_proc_misc();
-+ proc_mkdir("net", 0);
-+ proc_mkdir("vz", 0);
-+ proc_mkdir("sysvipc", 0);
-+ proc_root_fs = proc_mkdir("fs", 0);
-+ /* XXX proc_tty_init(); */
-+ /* XXX process inodes */
-+ (void)set_exec_env(envid);
-+ (void)create_proc_glob_entry("vz", S_IFDIR|S_IRUGO|S_IXUGO, NULL);
-+ return 0;
-+static struct proc_dir_entry ve0_proc_root = {
-+ .name = "/proc",
-+ .namelen = 5,
-+ .mode = S_IFDIR | S_IRUGO | S_IXUGO,
-+ .nlink = 2
-+void prepare_ve0_proc_root(void)
-+ ve0.proc_root = &ve0_proc_root;
-+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ * Virtualized sysctl
-+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ */
-+static int semmin[4] = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
-+static int semmax[4] = { 8000, INT_MAX, 1000, IPCMNI };
-+static ctl_table kern_table[] = {
-+ {KERN_NODENAME, "hostname", system_utsname.nodename, 64,
-+ 0644, NULL, &proc_doutsstring, &sysctl_string},
-+ {KERN_DOMAINNAME, "domainname", system_utsname.domainname, 64,
-+ 0644, NULL, &proc_doutsstring, &sysctl_string},
-+#define get_ve0_field(fname) &ve0._##fname
-+ {KERN_SHMMAX, "shmmax", get_ve0_field(shm_ctlmax), sizeof (size_t),
-+ 0644, NULL, &proc_doulongvec_minmax },
-+ {KERN_SHMALL, "shmall", get_ve0_field(shm_ctlall), sizeof (size_t),
-+ 0644, NULL, &proc_doulongvec_minmax },
-+ {KERN_SHMMNI, "shmmni", get_ve0_field(shm_ctlmni), sizeof (int),
-+ 0644, NULL, &proc_dointvec_minmax, NULL,
-+ NULL, &semmin[0], &semmax[3] },
-+ {KERN_MSGMAX, "msgmax", get_ve0_field(msg_ctlmax), sizeof (int),
-+ 0644, NULL, &proc_dointvec },
-+ {KERN_MSGMNI, "msgmni", get_ve0_field(msg_ctlmni), sizeof (int),
-+ 0644, NULL, &proc_dointvec_minmax, NULL,
-+ NULL, &semmin[0], &semmax[3] },
-+ {KERN_MSGMNB, "msgmnb", get_ve0_field(msg_ctlmnb), sizeof (int),
-+ 0644, NULL, &proc_dointvec },
-+ {KERN_SEM, "sem", get_ve0_field(sem_ctls), 4*sizeof (int),
-+ 0644, NULL, &proc_dointvec },
-+ {0}
-+static ctl_table root_table[] = {
-+ {CTL_KERN, "kernel", NULL, 0, 0555, kern_table},
-+ {0}
-+extern int ip_rt_src_check;
-+extern int ve_area_access_check;
-+static ctl_table ipv4_route_table[] = {
-+ {
-+ ctl_name: NET_IPV4_ROUTE_SRC_CHECK,
-+ procname: "src_check",
-+ data: &ip_rt_src_check,
-+ maxlen: sizeof(int),
-+ mode: 0644,
-+ proc_handler: &proc_dointvec,
-+ },
-+ { 0 }
-+static ctl_table ipv4_table[] = {
-+ {NET_IPV4_ROUTE, "route", NULL, 0, 0555, ipv4_route_table},
-+ { 0 }
-+static ctl_table net_table[] = {
-+ {NET_IPV4, "ipv4", NULL, 0, 0555, ipv4_table},
-+ { 0 }
-+static ctl_table fs_table[] = {
-+ {
-+ ctl_name: 226,
-+ procname: "ve-area-access-check",
-+ data: &ve_area_access_check,
-+ maxlen: sizeof(int),
-+ mode: 0644,
-+ proc_handler: &proc_dointvec,
-+ },
-+ { 0 }
-+static ctl_table root_table2[] = {
-+ {CTL_NET, "net", NULL, 0, 0555, net_table},
-+ {CTL_FS, "fs", NULL, 0, 0555, fs_table},
-+ { 0 }
-+int prepare_sysctl(void)
-+ struct ve_struct *envid;
-+ envid = set_exec_env(&ve0);
-+ ve0.kern_header = register_sysctl_table(root_table, 1);
-+ register_sysctl_table(root_table2, 0);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(envid);
-+ return 0;
-+void prepare_ve0_sysctl(void)
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve0.sysctl_lh);
-+ ve0.proc_sys_root = proc_mkdir("sys", 0);
-+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ * XXX init_ve_system
-+ * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-+ */
-+extern struct ipv4_devconf *get_ipv4_devconf_dflt_addr(void);
-+void init_ve_system(void)
-+ struct task_struct *init_entry, *p, *tsk;
-+ struct ve_struct *ptr;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ int i;
-+ ptr = get_ve0();
-+ (void)get_ve(ptr);
-+ atomic_set(&ptr->pcounter, 1);
-+ /* Don't forget about idle tasks */
-+ write_lock_irqsave(&tasklist_lock, flags);
-+ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++) {
-+ tsk = idle_task(i);
-+ if (tsk == NULL)
-+ continue;
-+ prepare_ve0_process(tsk);
-+ }
-+ do_each_thread_all(p, tsk) {
-+ prepare_ve0_process(tsk);
-+ } while_each_thread_all(p, tsk);
-+ write_unlock_irqrestore(&tasklist_lock, flags);
-+ init_entry = child_reaper;
-+ ptr->init_entry = init_entry;
-+ /* XXX: why? */
-+ cap_set_full(ptr->cap_default);
-+ ptr->_ipv4_devconf = &ipv4_devconf;
-+ ptr->_ipv4_devconf_dflt = get_ipv4_devconf_dflt_addr();
-+ read_lock(&init_entry->fs->lock);
-+ ptr->fs_rootmnt = init_entry->fs->rootmnt;
-+ ptr->fs_root = init_entry->fs->root;
-+ read_unlock(&init_entry->fs->lock);
-+ /* common prepares */
-+ prepare_proc();
-+ prepare_sysctl();
-+ prepare_ipc();
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
-+ * kernel/vzdev.c
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/fs.h>
-+#include <linux/list.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <linux/vzctl.h>
-+#include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <linux/vmalloc.h>
-+#include <linux/vzcalluser.h>
-+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <asm/pgalloc.h>
-+#define VZCTL_MAJOR 126
-+#define VZCTL_NAME "vzctl"
-+MODULE_AUTHOR("SWsoft <>");
-+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Virtuozzo Interface");
-+static LIST_HEAD(ioctls);
-+static spinlock_t ioctl_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+int vzctl_ioctl(struct inode *ino, struct file *file, unsigned int cmd,
-+ unsigned long arg)
-+ int err;
-+ struct list_head *p;
-+ struct vzioctlinfo *inf;
-+ err = -ENOTTY;
-+ spin_lock(&ioctl_lock);
-+ list_for_each(p, &ioctls) {
-+ inf = list_entry(p, struct vzioctlinfo, list);
-+ if (inf->type != _IOC_TYPE(cmd))
-+ continue;
-+ err = try_module_get(inf->owner) ? 0 : -EBUSY;
-+ spin_unlock(&ioctl_lock);
-+ if (!err) {
-+ err = (*inf->func)(ino, file, cmd, arg);
-+ module_put(inf->owner);
-+ }
-+ return err;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&ioctl_lock);
-+ return err;
-+void vzioctl_register(struct vzioctlinfo *inf)
-+ spin_lock(&ioctl_lock);
-+ list_add(&inf->list, &ioctls);
-+ spin_unlock(&ioctl_lock);
-+void vzioctl_unregister(struct vzioctlinfo *inf)
-+ spin_lock(&ioctl_lock);
-+ list_del_init(&inf->list);
-+ spin_unlock(&ioctl_lock);
-+ * Init/exit stuff.
-+ */
-+static struct file_operations vzctl_fops = {
-+ .owner = THIS_MODULE,
-+ .ioctl = vzctl_ioctl,
-+static void __exit vzctl_exit(void)
-+ unregister_chrdev(VZCTL_MAJOR, VZCTL_NAME);
-+static int __init vzctl_init(void)
-+ int ret;
-+ ret = register_chrdev(VZCTL_MAJOR, VZCTL_NAME, &vzctl_fops);
-+ return ret;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
-+ * kernel/vzwdog.c
-+ *
-+ * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SWsoft
-+ * All rights reserved.
-+ *
-+ * Licensing governed by "linux/COPYING.SWsoft" file.
-+ *
-+ */
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/fs.h>
-+#include <linux/list.h>
-+#include <linux/ctype.h>
-+#include <linux/kobject.h>
-+#include <linux/genhd.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/kernel.h>
-+#include <linux/kernel_stat.h>
-+#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
-+#include <linux/errno.h>
-+#include <linux/suspend.h>
-+#include <linux/ve.h>
-+#include <linux/vzstat.h>
-+/* Staff regading kernel thread polling VE validity */
-+static int sleep_timeout = 60;
-+static pid_t wdog_thread_pid;
-+static int wdog_thread_continue = 1;
-+static DECLARE_COMPLETION(license_thread_exited);
-+extern void show_mem(void);
-+extern struct ve_struct *ve_list_head;
-+#if 0
-+static char page[PAGE_SIZE];
-+static void parse_irq_list(int len)
-+ int i, k, skip;
-+ for (i = 0; i < len; ) {
-+ k = i;
-+ while (i < len && page[i] != '\n' && page[i] != ':')
-+ i++;
-+ skip = 0;
-+ if (i < len && page[i] != '\n') {
-+ i++; /* skip ':' */
-+ while (i < len && (page[i] == ' ' || page[i] == '0'))
-+ i++;
-+ skip = (i < len && (page[i] < '0' || page[i] > '9'));
-+ while (i < len && page[i] != '\n')
-+ i++;
-+ }
-+ if (!skip)
-+ printk("\n%.*s", i - k, page + k);
-+ if (i < len)
-+ i++; /* skip '\n' */
-+ }
-+static void show_irq_list(void)
-+#if 0
-+ i = KSYMSAFECALL(int, get_irq_list, (page));
-+ parse_irq_list(i); /* Safe, zero was returned if unassigned */
-+static void show_alloc_latency(void)
-+ static const char *alloc_descr[KSTAT_ALLOCSTAT_NR] = {
-+ "A0",
-+ "L0",
-+ "H0",
-+ "L1",
-+ "H1"
-+ };
-+ int i;
-+ printk("lat: ");
-+ for (i = 0; i < KSTAT_ALLOCSTAT_NR; i++) {
-+ struct kstat_lat_struct *p;
-+ cycles_t maxlat, avg0, avg1, avg2;
-+ p = &kstat_glob.alloc_lat[i];
-+ spin_lock_irq(&kstat_glb_lock);
-+ maxlat = p->last.maxlat;
-+ avg0 = p->avg[0];
-+ avg1 = p->avg[1];
-+ avg2 = p->avg[2];
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&kstat_glb_lock);
-+ printk("%s %Lu (%Lu %Lu %Lu)",
-+ alloc_descr[i],
-+ maxlat,
-+ avg0,
-+ avg1,
-+ avg2);
-+ }
-+ printk("\n");
-+static void show_schedule_latency(void)
-+ struct kstat_lat_pcpu_struct *p;
-+ cycles_t maxlat, totlat, avg0, avg1, avg2;
-+ unsigned long count;
-+ p = &kstat_glob.sched_lat;
-+ spin_lock_irq(&kstat_glb_lock);
-+ maxlat = p->last.maxlat;
-+ totlat = p->last.totlat;
-+ count = p->last.count;
-+ avg0 = p->avg[0];
-+ avg1 = p->avg[1];
-+ avg2 = p->avg[2];
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&kstat_glb_lock);
-+ printk("sched lat: %Lu/%Lu/%lu (%Lu %Lu %Lu)\n",
-+ maxlat,
-+ totlat,
-+ count,
-+ avg0,
-+ avg1,
-+ avg2);
-+static void show_header(void)
-+ struct timeval tv;
-+ do_gettimeofday(&tv);
-+ printk("*** VZWDOG 1.14: time %lu.%06lu uptime %Lu CPU %d ***\n",
-+ tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec,
-+ get_jiffies_64(), smp_processor_id());
-+ printk("*** cycles_per_jiffy %lu jiffies_per_second %u ***\n",
-+ cycles_per_jiffy, HZ);
-+static void show_pgdatinfo(void)
-+ pg_data_t *pgdat;
-+ printk("pgdat:");
-+ for_each_pgdat(pgdat) {
-+ printk(" %d: %lu,%lu,%lu,%p",
-+ pgdat->node_id,
-+ pgdat->node_start_pfn,
-+ pgdat->node_present_pages,
-+ pgdat->node_spanned_pages,
-+ pgdat->node_mem_map);
-+ }
-+ printk("\n");
-+extern struct subsystem *get_block_subsys(void);
-+static void show_diskio(void)
-+ struct gendisk *gd;
-+ struct subsystem *block_subsys;
-+ char buf[BDEVNAME_SIZE];
-+ printk("disk_io: ");
-+ block_subsys = get_block_subsys();
-+ down_read(&block_subsys->rwsem);
-+ list_for_each_entry(gd, &block_subsys->kset.list, kobj.entry) {
-+ char *name;
-+ name = disk_name(gd, 0, buf);
-+ if ((strlen(name) > 4) && (strncmp(name, "loop", 4) == 0) &&
-+ isdigit(name[4]))
-+ continue;
-+ if ((strlen(name) > 3) && (strncmp(name, "ram", 3) == 0) &&
-+ isdigit(name[3]))
-+ continue;
-+ printk("(%u,%u) %s r(%u %u %u) w(%u %u %u)\n",
-+ gd->major, gd->first_minor,
-+ name,
-+ disk_stat_read(gd, reads),
-+ disk_stat_read(gd, read_sectors),
-+ disk_stat_read(gd, read_merges),
-+ disk_stat_read(gd, writes),
-+ disk_stat_read(gd, write_sectors),
-+ disk_stat_read(gd, write_merges));
-+ }
-+ up_read(&block_subsys->rwsem);
-+ printk("\n");
-+static void show_nrprocs(void)
-+ unsigned long _nr_running, _nr_sleeping,
-+ _nr_unint, _nr_zombie, _nr_dead, _nr_stopped;
-+ _nr_running = nr_running();
-+ _nr_unint = nr_uninterruptible();
-+ _nr_sleeping = nr_sleeping();
-+ _nr_zombie = nr_zombie;
-+ _nr_dead = nr_dead;
-+ _nr_stopped = nr_stopped();
-+ printk("VEnum: %d, proc R %lu, S %lu, D %lu, "
-+ "Z %lu, X %lu, T %lu (tot %d)\n",
-+ nr_ve, _nr_running, _nr_sleeping, _nr_unint,
-+ _nr_zombie, _nr_dead, _nr_stopped, nr_threads);
-+static void wdog_print(void)
-+ show_header();
-+ show_irq_list();
-+ show_pgdatinfo();
-+ show_mem();
-+ show_diskio();
-+ show_schedule_latency();
-+ show_alloc_latency();
-+ show_nrprocs();
-+static int wdog_loop(void* data)
-+ struct task_struct *tsk = current;
-+ DECLARE_WAIT_QUEUE_HEAD(thread_wait_queue);
-+ /*
-+ * This thread doesn't need any user-level access,
-+ * so get rid of all our resources
-+ */
-+ daemonize("wdogd");
-+ spin_lock_irq(&tsk->sighand->siglock);
-+ sigfillset(&tsk->blocked);
-+ sigdelset(&tsk->blocked, SIGHUP);
-+ recalc_sigpending();
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&tsk->sighand->siglock);
-+ while (wdog_thread_continue) {
-+ wdog_print();
-+ interruptible_sleep_on_timeout(&thread_wait_queue,
-+ sleep_timeout*HZ);
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
-+ refrigerator();
-+ /* clear all signals */
-+ if (signal_pending(tsk))
-+ flush_signals(tsk);
-+ }
-+ complete_and_exit(&license_thread_exited, 0);
-+static int __init wdog_init(void)
-+ wdog_thread_pid = kernel_thread(wdog_loop, NULL, 0);
-+ if (wdog_thread_pid < 0)
-+ return wdog_thread_pid;
-+ return 0;
-+static void __exit wdog_exit(void)
-+ wdog_thread_continue = 0;
-+ if (wdog_thread_pid > 0) {
-+ kill_proc(wdog_thread_pid, SIGHUP, 1);
-+ wait_for_completion(&license_thread_exited);
-+ }
-+MODULE_PARM(sleep_timeout, "i");
-+MODULE_AUTHOR("SWsoft <>");
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:24.000000000 +0400
-@@ -14,26 +14,15 @@
- #include <linux/wait.h>
- #include <linux/vt_kern.h>
- void bust_spinlocks(int yes)
- {
- if (yes) {
- oops_in_progress = 1;
- } else {
-- int loglevel_save = console_loglevel;
- #ifdef CONFIG_VT
- unblank_screen();
- #endif
- oops_in_progress = 0;
-- /*
-- * OK, the message is on the console. Now we call printk()
-- * without oops_in_progress set so that printk() will give klogd
-- * and the blanked console a poke. Hold onto your hats...
-- */
-- console_loglevel = 15; /* NMI oopser may have shut the console up */
-- printk(" ");
-- console_loglevel = loglevel_save;
-+ wake_up_klogd();
- }
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:31.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:34.000000000 +0400
-@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ DEBG("huft1 ");
- {
- *t = (struct huft *)NULL;
- *m = 0;
-- return 0;
-+ return 2;
- }
- DEBG("huft2 ");
-@@ -370,6 +370,7 @@ DEBG("huft5 ");
- if ((j = *p++) != 0)
- v[x[j]++] = i;
- } while (++i < n);
-+ n = x[g]; /* set n to length of v */
- DEBG("h6 ");
-@@ -406,12 +407,13 @@ DEBG1("1 ");
- DEBG1("2 ");
- f -= a + 1; /* deduct codes from patterns left */
- xp = c + k;
-- while (++j < z) /* try smaller tables up to z bits */
-- {
-- if ((f <<= 1) <= *++xp)
-- break; /* enough codes to use up j bits */
-- f -= *xp; /* else deduct codes from patterns */
-- }
-+ if (j < z)
-+ while (++j < z) /* try smaller tables up to z bits */
-+ {
-+ if ((f <<= 1) <= *++xp)
-+ break; /* enough codes to use up j bits */
-+ f -= *xp; /* else deduct codes from patterns */
-+ }
- }
- DEBG1("3 ");
- z = 1 << j; /* table entries for j-bit table */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:25.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -140,12 +140,12 @@ void fastcall __sched __down_read(struct
- rwsemtrace(sem, "Entering __down_read");
-- spin_lock(&sem->wait_lock);
-+ spin_lock_irq(&sem->wait_lock);
- if (sem->activity >= 0 && list_empty(&sem->wait_list)) {
- /* granted */
- sem->activity++;
-- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&sem->wait_lock);
- goto out;
- }
-@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ void fastcall __sched __down_read(struct
- list_add_tail(&waiter.list, &sem->wait_list);
- /* we don't need to touch the semaphore struct anymore */
-- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&sem->wait_lock);
- /* wait to be given the lock */
- for (;;) {
-@@ -181,10 +181,12 @@ void fastcall __sched __down_read(struct
- */
- int fastcall __down_read_trylock(struct rw_semaphore *sem)
- {
-+ unsigned long flags;
- int ret = 0;
- rwsemtrace(sem, "Entering __down_read_trylock");
-- spin_lock(&sem->wait_lock);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
- if (sem->activity >= 0 && list_empty(&sem->wait_list)) {
- /* granted */
-@@ -192,7 +194,7 @@ int fastcall __down_read_trylock(struct
- ret = 1;
- }
-- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
- rwsemtrace(sem, "Leaving __down_read_trylock");
- return ret;
-@@ -209,12 +211,12 @@ void fastcall __sched __down_write(struc
- rwsemtrace(sem, "Entering __down_write");
-- spin_lock(&sem->wait_lock);
-+ spin_lock_irq(&sem->wait_lock);
- if (sem->activity == 0 && list_empty(&sem->wait_list)) {
- /* granted */
- sem->activity = -1;
-- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&sem->wait_lock);
- goto out;
- }
-@@ -229,7 +231,7 @@ void fastcall __sched __down_write(struc
- list_add_tail(&waiter.list, &sem->wait_list);
- /* we don't need to touch the semaphore struct anymore */
-- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&sem->wait_lock);
- /* wait to be given the lock */
- for (;;) {
-@@ -250,10 +252,12 @@ void fastcall __sched __down_write(struc
- */
- int fastcall __down_write_trylock(struct rw_semaphore *sem)
- {
-+ unsigned long flags;
- int ret = 0;
- rwsemtrace(sem, "Entering __down_write_trylock");
-- spin_lock(&sem->wait_lock);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
- if (sem->activity == 0 && list_empty(&sem->wait_list)) {
- /* granted */
-@@ -261,7 +265,7 @@ int fastcall __down_write_trylock(struct
- ret = 1;
- }
-- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
- rwsemtrace(sem, "Leaving __down_write_trylock");
- return ret;
-@@ -272,14 +276,16 @@ int fastcall __down_write_trylock(struct
- */
- void fastcall __up_read(struct rw_semaphore *sem)
- {
-+ unsigned long flags;
- rwsemtrace(sem, "Entering __up_read");
-- spin_lock(&sem->wait_lock);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
- if (--sem->activity == 0 && !list_empty(&sem->wait_list))
- sem = __rwsem_wake_one_writer(sem);
-- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
- rwsemtrace(sem, "Leaving __up_read");
- }
-@@ -289,15 +295,17 @@ void fastcall __up_read(struct rw_semaph
- */
- void fastcall __up_write(struct rw_semaphore *sem)
- {
-+ unsigned long flags;
- rwsemtrace(sem, "Entering __up_write");
-- spin_lock(&sem->wait_lock);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
- sem->activity = 0;
- if (!list_empty(&sem->wait_list))
- sem = __rwsem_do_wake(sem, 1);
-- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
- rwsemtrace(sem, "Leaving __up_write");
- }
-@@ -308,15 +316,17 @@ void fastcall __up_write(struct rw_semap
- */
- void fastcall __downgrade_write(struct rw_semaphore *sem)
- {
-+ unsigned long flags;
- rwsemtrace(sem, "Entering __downgrade_write");
-- spin_lock(&sem->wait_lock);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
- sem->activity = 1;
- if (!list_empty(&sem->wait_list))
- sem = __rwsem_do_wake(sem, 0);
-- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
- rwsemtrace(sem, "Leaving __downgrade_write");
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ rwsem_down_failed_common(struct rw_semap
- set_task_state(tsk, TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
- /* set up my own style of waitqueue */
-- spin_lock(&sem->wait_lock);
-+ spin_lock_irq(&sem->wait_lock);
- waiter->task = tsk;
- get_task_struct(tsk);
-@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ rwsem_down_failed_common(struct rw_semap
- if (!(count & RWSEM_ACTIVE_MASK))
- sem = __rwsem_do_wake(sem, 0);
-- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&sem->wait_lock);
- /* wait to be given the lock */
- for (;;) {
-@@ -219,15 +219,17 @@ rwsem_down_write_failed(struct rw_semaph
- */
- struct rw_semaphore fastcall *rwsem_wake(struct rw_semaphore *sem)
- {
-+ unsigned long flags;
- rwsemtrace(sem, "Entering rwsem_wake");
-- spin_lock(&sem->wait_lock);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
- /* do nothing if list empty */
- if (!list_empty(&sem->wait_list))
- sem = __rwsem_do_wake(sem, 0);
-- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
- rwsemtrace(sem, "Leaving rwsem_wake");
-@@ -241,15 +243,17 @@ struct rw_semaphore fastcall *rwsem_wake
- */
- struct rw_semaphore fastcall *rwsem_downgrade_wake(struct rw_semaphore *sem)
- {
-+ unsigned long flags;
- rwsemtrace(sem, "Entering rwsem_downgrade_wake");
-- spin_lock(&sem->wait_lock);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
- /* do nothing if list empty */
- if (!list_empty(&sem->wait_list))
- sem = __rwsem_do_wake(sem, 1);
-- spin_unlock(&sem->wait_lock);
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sem->wait_lock, flags);
- rwsemtrace(sem, "Leaving rwsem_downgrade_wake");
- return sem;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -13,5 +13,6 @@ obj-y := bootmem.o filemap.o mempool.o
- $(mmu-y)
- obj-$(CONFIG_SWAP) += page_io.o swap_state.o swapfile.o
-+obj-$(CONFIG_X86_4G) += usercopy.o
- obj-$(CONFIG_HUGETLBFS) += hugetlb.o
- obj-$(CONFIG_NUMA) += mempolicy.o
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:25.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -127,20 +127,6 @@ void remove_from_page_cache(struct page
- spin_unlock_irq(&mapping->tree_lock);
- }
--static inline int sync_page(struct page *page)
-- struct address_space *mapping;
-- /*
-- * FIXME, fercrissake. What is this barrier here for?
-- */
-- smp_mb();
-- mapping = page_mapping(page);
-- if (mapping && mapping->a_ops && mapping->a_ops->sync_page)
-- return mapping->a_ops->sync_page(page);
-- return 0;
- /**
- * filemap_fdatawrite - start writeback against all of a mapping's dirty pages
- * @mapping: address space structure to write
-@@ -828,6 +814,8 @@ int file_read_actor(read_descriptor_t *d
- if (size > count)
- size = count;
-+ left = size;
- /*
- * Faults on the destination of a read are common, so do it before
- * taking the kmap.
-@@ -836,20 +824,21 @@ int file_read_actor(read_descriptor_t *d
- kaddr = kmap_atomic(page, KM_USER0);
- left = __copy_to_user(desc->arg.buf, kaddr + offset, size);
- kunmap_atomic(kaddr, KM_USER0);
-- if (left == 0)
-- goto success;
- }
-- /* Do it the slow way */
-- kaddr = kmap(page);
-- left = __copy_to_user(desc->arg.buf, kaddr + offset, size);
-- kunmap(page);
-- if (left) {
-- size -= left;
-- desc->error = -EFAULT;
-+ if (left != 0) {
-+ /* Do it the slow way */
-+ kaddr = kmap(page);
-+ left = __copy_to_user(desc->arg.buf, kaddr + offset, size);
-+ kunmap(page);
-+ if (left) {
-+ size -= left;
-+ desc->error = -EFAULT;
-+ }
- }
- desc->count = count - size;
- desc->written += size;
- desc->arg.buf += size;
-@@ -926,8 +915,8 @@ __generic_file_aio_read(struct kiocb *io
- desc.error = 0;
- do_generic_file_read(filp,ppos,&desc,file_read_actor);
- retval += desc.written;
-- if (!retval) {
-- retval = desc.error;
-+ if (desc.error) {
-+ retval = retval ?: desc.error;
- break;
- }
- }
-@@ -1629,9 +1618,13 @@ filemap_copy_from_user(struct page *page
- char *kaddr;
- int left;
- kaddr = kmap_atomic(page, KM_USER0);
- left = __copy_from_user(kaddr + offset, buf, bytes);
- kunmap_atomic(kaddr, KM_USER0);
-+ left = bytes;
- if (left != 0) {
- /* Do it the slow way */
-@@ -1682,10 +1675,14 @@ filemap_copy_from_user_iovec(struct page
- char *kaddr;
- size_t copied;
- kaddr = kmap_atomic(page, KM_USER0);
- copied = __filemap_copy_from_user_iovec(kaddr + offset, iov,
- base, bytes);
- kunmap_atomic(kaddr, KM_USER0);
-+ copied = 0;
- if (copied != bytes) {
- kaddr = kmap(page);
- copied = __filemap_copy_from_user_iovec(kaddr + offset, iov,
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
- #include <asm/cacheflush.h>
- #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
- static inline void zap_pte(struct mm_struct *mm, struct vm_area_struct *vma,
- unsigned long addr, pte_t *ptep)
- {
-@@ -37,8 +39,11 @@ static inline void zap_pte(struct mm_str
- if (pte_dirty(pte))
- set_page_dirty(page);
- page_remove_rmap(page);
-+ pb_remove_ref(page, mm_ub(mm));
- page_cache_release(page);
- mm->rss--;
-+ vma->vm_rss--;
-+ ub_unused_privvm_inc(mm_ub(mm), 1, vma);
- }
- }
- } else {
-@@ -62,7 +67,10 @@ int install_page(struct mm_struct *mm, s
- pgd_t *pgd;
- pmd_t *pmd;
- pte_t pte_val;
-+ struct page_beancounter *pbc;
-+ if (pb_alloc(&pbc))
-+ goto err_pb;
- pgd = pgd_offset(mm, addr);
- spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-@@ -87,6 +95,9 @@ int install_page(struct mm_struct *mm, s
- zap_pte(mm, vma, addr, pte);
- mm->rss++;
-+ vma->vm_rss++;
-+ pb_add_ref(page, mm_ub(mm), &pbc);
-+ ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(mm), 1, vma);
- flush_icache_page(vma, page);
- set_pte(pte, mk_pte(page, prot));
- page_add_file_rmap(page);
-@@ -97,6 +108,8 @@ int install_page(struct mm_struct *mm, s
- err = 0;
- err_unlock:
- spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-+ pb_free(&pbc);
- return err;
- }
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(install_page);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:28.000000000 +0400
-@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ static void copy_to_high_bio_irq(struct
- struct bio_vec *tovec, *fromvec;
- int i;
-- bio_for_each_segment(tovec, to, i) {
-+ __bio_for_each_segment(tovec, to, i, 0) {
- fromvec = from->bi_io_vec + i;
- /*
-@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ static void bounce_end_io(struct bio *bi
- /*
- * free up bounce indirect pages used
- */
-- bio_for_each_segment(bvec, bio, i) {
-+ __bio_for_each_segment(bvec, bio, i, 0) {
- org_vec = bio_orig->bi_io_vec + i;
- if (bvec->bv_page == org_vec->bv_page)
- continue;
-@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ static void __blk_queue_bounce(request_q
- * at least one page was bounced, fill in possible non-highmem
- * pages
- */
-- bio_for_each_segment(from, *bio_orig, i) {
-+ __bio_for_each_segment(from, *bio_orig, i, 0) {
- to = bio_iovec_idx(bio, i);
- if (!to->bv_page) {
- to->bv_page = from->bv_page;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
- #include <linux/mm.h>
- #include <linux/hugetlb.h>
- #include <linux/mman.h>
-+#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
- #include <linux/swap.h>
- #include <linux/highmem.h>
- #include <linux/pagemap.h>
-@@ -56,6 +57,9 @@
- #include <linux/swapops.h>
- #include <linux/elf.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
- /* use the per-pgdat data instead for discontigmem - mbligh */
- unsigned long max_mapnr;
-@@ -117,7 +121,8 @@ static inline void free_one_pmd(struct m
- pte_free_tlb(tlb, page);
- }
--static inline void free_one_pgd(struct mmu_gather *tlb, pgd_t * dir)
-+static inline void free_one_pgd(struct mmu_gather *tlb, pgd_t * dir,
-+ int pgd_idx)
- {
- int j;
- pmd_t * pmd;
-@@ -131,8 +136,11 @@ static inline void free_one_pgd(struct m
- }
- pmd = pmd_offset(dir, 0);
- pgd_clear(dir);
-- for (j = 0; j < PTRS_PER_PMD ; j++)
-+ for (j = 0; j < PTRS_PER_PMD ; j++) {
-+ if (pgd_idx * PGDIR_SIZE + j * PMD_SIZE >= TASK_SIZE)
-+ break;
- free_one_pmd(tlb, pmd+j);
-+ }
- pmd_free_tlb(tlb, pmd);
- }
-@@ -145,11 +153,13 @@ static inline void free_one_pgd(struct m
- void clear_page_tables(struct mmu_gather *tlb, unsigned long first, int nr)
- {
- pgd_t * page_dir = tlb->mm->pgd;
-+ int pgd_idx = first;
- page_dir += first;
- do {
-- free_one_pgd(tlb, page_dir);
-+ free_one_pgd(tlb, page_dir, pgd_idx);
- page_dir++;
-+ pgd_idx++;
- } while (--nr);
- }
-@@ -205,6 +215,8 @@ out:
- }
- #define PTE_TABLE_MASK ((PTRS_PER_PTE-1) * sizeof(pte_t))
- #define PMD_TABLE_MASK ((PTRS_PER_PMD-1) * sizeof(pmd_t))
-+#define pb_list_size(addr) \
-+ (PTRS_PER_PTE - ((addr >> PAGE_SHIFT) & (PTRS_PER_PTE - 1)))
- /*
- * copy one vm_area from one task to the other. Assumes the page tables
-@@ -217,13 +229,15 @@ out:
- * dst->page_table_lock is held on entry and exit,
- * but may be dropped within pmd_alloc() and pte_alloc_map().
- */
--int copy_page_range(struct mm_struct *dst, struct mm_struct *src,
-- struct vm_area_struct *vma)
-+int __copy_page_range(struct vm_area_struct *vma, struct mm_struct *src,
-+ unsigned long address, size_t size)
- {
-+ struct mm_struct *dst = vma->vm_mm;
- pgd_t * src_pgd, * dst_pgd;
-- unsigned long address = vma->vm_start;
-- unsigned long end = vma->vm_end;
-+ unsigned long end = address + size;
- unsigned long cow;
-+ struct page_beancounter *pbc;
-+ int need_pbc;
- if (is_vm_hugetlb_page(vma))
- return copy_hugetlb_page_range(dst, src, vma);
-@@ -231,6 +245,8 @@ int copy_page_range(struct mm_struct *ds
- cow = (vma->vm_flags & (VM_SHARED | VM_MAYWRITE)) == VM_MAYWRITE;
- src_pgd = pgd_offset(src, address)-1;
- dst_pgd = pgd_offset(dst, address)-1;
-+ pbc = NULL;
-+ need_pbc = (mm_ub(dst) != mm_ub(src));
- for (;;) {
- pmd_t * src_pmd, * dst_pmd;
-@@ -272,6 +288,10 @@ skip_copy_pte_range:
- goto cont_copy_pmd_range;
- }
-+ if (need_pbc &&
-+ pb_alloc_list(&pbc, pb_list_size(address), dst))
-+ goto nomem;
- dst_pte = pte_alloc_map(dst, dst_pmd, address);
- if (!dst_pte)
- goto nomem;
-@@ -326,6 +346,9 @@ skip_copy_pte_range:
- pte = pte_mkold(pte);
- get_page(page);
- dst->rss++;
-+ vma->vm_rss++;
-+ ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(dst), 1, vma);
-+ pb_add_list_ref(page, mm_ub(dst), &pbc);
- set_pte(dst_pte, pte);
- page_dup_rmap(page);
- cont_copy_pte_range_noset:
-@@ -350,11 +373,21 @@ cont_copy_pmd_range:
- out_unlock:
- spin_unlock(&src->page_table_lock);
- out:
-+ pb_free_list(&pbc);
- return 0;
- nomem:
-+ pb_free_list(&pbc);
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
-+int copy_page_range(struct mm_struct *dst, struct mm_struct *src,
-+ struct vm_area_struct *vma)
-+ if (vma->vm_mm != dst)
-+ BUG();
-+ return __copy_page_range(vma, src, vma->vm_start, vma->vm_end-vma->vm_start);
- static void zap_pte_range(struct mmu_gather *tlb,
- pmd_t *pmd, unsigned long address,
- unsigned long size, struct zap_details *details)
-@@ -420,6 +453,7 @@ static void zap_pte_range(struct mmu_gat
- mark_page_accessed(page);
- tlb->freed++;
- page_remove_rmap(page);
-+ pb_remove_ref(page, mm_ub(tlb->mm));
- tlb_remove_page(tlb, page);
- continue;
- }
-@@ -441,7 +475,7 @@ static void zap_pmd_range(struct mmu_gat
- unsigned long size, struct zap_details *details)
- {
- pmd_t * pmd;
-- unsigned long end;
-+ unsigned long end, pgd_boundary;
- if (pgd_none(*dir))
- return;
-@@ -452,8 +486,9 @@ static void zap_pmd_range(struct mmu_gat
- }
- pmd = pmd_offset(dir, address);
- end = address + size;
-- if (end > ((address + PGDIR_SIZE) & PGDIR_MASK))
-- end = ((address + PGDIR_SIZE) & PGDIR_MASK);
-+ pgd_boundary = ((address + PGDIR_SIZE) & PGDIR_MASK);
-+ if (pgd_boundary && (end > pgd_boundary))
-+ end = pgd_boundary;
- do {
- zap_pte_range(tlb, pmd, address, end - address, details);
- address = (address + PMD_SIZE) & PMD_MASK;
-@@ -461,20 +496,63 @@ static void zap_pmd_range(struct mmu_gat
- } while (address && (address < end));
- }
-+static void warn_bad_zap(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long freed)
-+ static struct ub_rate_info ri = {
-+ .burst = 10,
-+ .interval = 40 * HZ,
-+ };
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ char ubuid[64] = "No UB";
-+ if (!ub_ratelimit(&ri))
-+ return;
-+ ub = mm_ub(vma->vm_mm);
-+ if (ub)
-+ print_ub_uid(ub, ubuid, sizeof(ubuid));
-+ const char ubuid[] = "0";
-+ printk(KERN_WARNING
-+ "%s vm_rss: process pid %d comm %.20s flags %lx, "
-+ "vma %p %08lx-%08lx %p rss %lu freed %lu\n flags %lx, "
-+ "ub %s\n",
-+ vma->vm_rss > freed ? "Positive" : "Negative",
-+ current->pid, current->comm, current->flags,
-+ vma, vma->vm_start, vma->vm_end, vma->vm_file,
-+ vma->vm_rss, freed, vma->vm_flags, ubuid);
-+ dump_stack();
- static void unmap_page_range(struct mmu_gather *tlb,
- struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long address,
- unsigned long end, struct zap_details *details)
- {
-+ unsigned long freed;
- pgd_t * dir;
- BUG_ON(address >= end);
- dir = pgd_offset(vma->vm_mm, address);
- tlb_start_vma(tlb, vma);
-+ freed = tlb->freed;
- do {
- zap_pmd_range(tlb, dir, address, end - address, details);
- address = (address + PGDIR_SIZE) & PGDIR_MASK;
- dir++;
- } while (address && (address < end));
-+ freed = tlb->freed - freed;
-+ if (freed) {
-+ ub_unused_privvm_inc(mm_ub(tlb->mm), freed, vma);
-+ if (vma->vm_rss < freed) {
-+ warn_bad_zap(vma, freed);
-+ freed = vma->vm_rss;
-+ }
-+ vma->vm_rss -= freed;
-+ }
- tlb_end_vma(tlb, vma);
- }
-@@ -596,6 +674,7 @@ void zap_page_range(struct vm_area_struc
- unsigned long nr_accounted = 0;
- if (is_vm_hugetlb_page(vma)) {
-+ /* ub acct is performed in unmap_hugepage_range */
- zap_hugepage_range(vma, address, size);
- return;
- }
-@@ -604,6 +683,8 @@ void zap_page_range(struct vm_area_struc
- spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
- tlb = tlb_gather_mmu(mm, 0);
- unmap_vmas(&tlb, mm, vma, address, end, &nr_accounted, details);
-+ if (vma->vm_rss && address == vma->vm_start && end == vma->vm_end)
-+ warn_bad_zap(vma, 0);
- tlb_finish_mmu(tlb, address, end);
- spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
- }
-@@ -612,21 +693,98 @@ void zap_page_range(struct vm_area_struc
- * Do a quick page-table lookup for a single page.
- * mm->page_table_lock must be held.
- */
--struct page *
--follow_page(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long address, int write)
-+static struct page *
-+pgd_follow_page(struct mm_struct *mm, pgd_t *pgd, unsigned long address,
-+ int write)
- {
-- pgd_t *pgd;
- pmd_t *pmd;
- pte_t *ptep, pte;
- unsigned long pfn;
- struct page *page;
-+ pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, address);
-+ if (pmd_none(*pmd))
-+ goto out;
-+ if (pmd_huge(*pmd))
-+ return follow_huge_pmd(mm, address, pmd, write);
-+ if (unlikely(pmd_bad(*pmd)))
-+ goto out;
-+ ptep = pte_offset_map(pmd, address);
-+ if (!ptep)
-+ goto out;
-+ pte = *ptep;
-+ pte_unmap(ptep);
-+ if (pte_present(pte)) {
-+ if (write && !pte_write(pte))
-+ goto out;
-+ pfn = pte_pfn(pte);
-+ if (pfn_valid(pfn)) {
-+ page = pfn_to_page(pfn);
-+ if (write && !pte_dirty(pte) && !PageDirty(page))
-+ set_page_dirty(page);
-+ mark_page_accessed(page);
-+ return page;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
-+struct page *
-+follow_page(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long address, int write)
-+ pgd_t *pgd;
-+ struct page *page;
- page = follow_huge_addr(mm, address, write);
- if (! IS_ERR(page))
- return page;
- pgd = pgd_offset(mm, address);
- if (pgd_none(*pgd) || unlikely(pgd_bad(*pgd)))
-+ return NULL;
-+ return pgd_follow_page(mm, pgd, address, write);
-+struct page *
-+follow_page_k(unsigned long address, int write)
-+ pgd_t *pgd;
-+ struct page *page;
-+ page = follow_huge_addr(&init_mm, address, write);
-+ if (! IS_ERR(page))
-+ return page;
-+ pgd = pgd_offset_k(address);
-+ if (pgd_none(*pgd) || unlikely(pgd_bad(*pgd)))
-+ return NULL;
-+ return pgd_follow_page(&init_mm, pgd, address, write);
-+struct page *
-+follow_page_pte(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long address, int write,
-+ pte_t *page_pte)
-+ pgd_t *pgd;
-+ pmd_t *pmd;
-+ pte_t *ptep, pte;
-+ unsigned long pfn;
-+ struct page *page;
-+ memset(page_pte, 0, sizeof(*page_pte));
-+ page = follow_huge_addr(mm, address, write);
-+ if (!IS_ERR(page))
-+ return page;
-+ pgd = pgd_offset(mm, address);
-+ if (pgd_none(*pgd) || pgd_bad(*pgd))
- goto out;
- pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, address);
-@@ -634,7 +792,7 @@ follow_page(struct mm_struct *mm, unsign
- goto out;
- if (pmd_huge(*pmd))
- return follow_huge_pmd(mm, address, pmd, write);
-- if (unlikely(pmd_bad(*pmd)))
-+ if (pmd_bad(*pmd))
- goto out;
- ptep = pte_offset_map(pmd, address);
-@@ -643,16 +801,23 @@ follow_page(struct mm_struct *mm, unsign
- pte = *ptep;
- pte_unmap(ptep);
-- if (pte_present(pte)) {
-+ if (pte_present(pte) && pte_read(pte)) {
- if (write && !pte_write(pte))
- goto out;
-+ if (write && !pte_dirty(pte)) {
-+ struct page *page = pte_page(pte);
-+ if (!PageDirty(page))
-+ set_page_dirty(page);
-+ }
- pfn = pte_pfn(pte);
- if (pfn_valid(pfn)) {
-- page = pfn_to_page(pfn);
-- if (write && !pte_dirty(pte) && !PageDirty(page))
-- set_page_dirty(page);
-+ struct page *page = pfn_to_page(pfn);
- mark_page_accessed(page);
- return page;
-+ } else {
-+ *page_pte = pte;
-+ return NULL;
- }
- }
-@@ -660,6 +825,7 @@ out:
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Given a physical address, is there a useful struct page pointing to
- * it? This may become more complex in the future if we start dealing
-@@ -674,6 +840,7 @@ static inline struct page *get_page_map(
- }
-+#ifndef CONFIG_X86_4G
- static inline int
- untouched_anonymous_page(struct mm_struct* mm, struct vm_area_struct *vma,
- unsigned long address)
-@@ -698,6 +865,7 @@ untouched_anonymous_page(struct mm_struc
- /* There is a pte slot for 'address' in 'mm'. */
- return 0;
- }
- int get_user_pages(struct task_struct *tsk, struct mm_struct *mm,
-@@ -727,16 +895,16 @@ int get_user_pages(struct task_struct *t
- pte_t *pte;
- if (write) /* user gate pages are read-only */
- return i ? : -EFAULT;
-- pgd = pgd_offset_gate(mm, pg);
-- if (!pgd)
-- return i ? : -EFAULT;
-+ if (pg > TASK_SIZE)
-+ pgd = pgd_offset_k(pg);
-+ else
-+ pgd = pgd_offset_gate(mm, pg);
-+ BUG_ON(pgd_none(*pgd));
- pmd = pmd_offset(pgd, pg);
-- if (!pmd)
-+ if (pmd_none(*pmd))
- return i ? : -EFAULT;
- pte = pte_offset_map(pmd, pg);
-- if (!pte)
-- return i ? : -EFAULT;
-- if (!pte_present(*pte)) {
-+ if (pte_none(*pte)) {
- pte_unmap(pte);
- return i ? : -EFAULT;
- }
-@@ -773,12 +941,21 @@ int get_user_pages(struct task_struct *t
- * insanly big anonymously mapped areas that
- * nobody touched so far. This is important
- * for doing a core dump for these mappings.
-+ *
-+ * disable this for 4:4 - it prevents
-+ * follow_page() from ever seeing these pages.
-+ *
-+ * (The 'fix' is dubious anyway, there's
-+ * nothing that this code avoids which couldnt
-+ * be triggered from userspace anyway.)
- */
-+#ifndef CONFIG_X86_4G
- if (!lookup_write &&
- untouched_anonymous_page(mm,vma,start)) {
- map = ZERO_PAGE(start);
- break;
- }
- spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
- switch (handle_mm_fault(mm,vma,start,write)) {
-@@ -968,6 +1145,15 @@ int remap_page_range(struct vm_area_stru
- if (from >= end)
- BUG();
-+ /*
-+ * Physically remapped pages are special. Tell the
-+ * rest of the world about it:
-+ * VM_IO tells people not to look at these pages
-+ * (accesses can have side effects).
-+ * VM_RESERVED tells swapout not to try to touch
-+ * this region.
-+ */
-+ vma->vm_flags |= VM_IO | VM_RESERVED;
- spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
- do {
- pmd_t *pmd = pmd_alloc(mm, dir, from);
-@@ -1016,6 +1202,7 @@ static inline void break_cow(struct vm_a
- vma);
- ptep_establish(vma, address, page_table, entry);
- update_mmu_cache(vma, address, entry);
-+ lazy_mmu_prot_update(entry);
- }
- /*
-@@ -1042,6 +1229,7 @@ static int do_wp_page(struct mm_struct *
- unsigned long address, pte_t *page_table, pmd_t *pmd, pte_t pte)
- {
- struct page *old_page, *new_page;
-+ struct page_beancounter *pbc;
- unsigned long pfn = pte_pfn(pte);
- pte_t entry;
-@@ -1068,6 +1256,7 @@ static int do_wp_page(struct mm_struct *
- vma);
- ptep_set_access_flags(vma, address, page_table, entry, 1);
- update_mmu_cache(vma, address, entry);
-+ lazy_mmu_prot_update(entry);
- pte_unmap(page_table);
- spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
- return VM_FAULT_MINOR;
-@@ -1082,6 +1271,9 @@ static int do_wp_page(struct mm_struct *
- page_cache_get(old_page);
- spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-+ if (pb_alloc(&pbc))
-+ goto out;
- if (unlikely(anon_vma_prepare(vma)))
- goto no_new_page;
- new_page = alloc_page_vma(GFP_HIGHUSER, vma, address);
-@@ -1095,10 +1287,16 @@ static int do_wp_page(struct mm_struct *
- spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
- page_table = pte_offset_map(pmd, address);
- if (likely(pte_same(*page_table, pte))) {
-- if (PageReserved(old_page))
-+ if (PageReserved(old_page)) {
- ++mm->rss;
-- else
-+ ++vma->vm_rss;
-+ ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(mm), 1, vma);
-+ } else {
- page_remove_rmap(old_page);
-+ pb_remove_ref(old_page, mm_ub(mm));
-+ }
-+ pb_add_ref(new_page, mm_ub(mm), &pbc);
- break_cow(vma, new_page, address, page_table);
- lru_cache_add_active(new_page);
- page_add_anon_rmap(new_page, vma, address);
-@@ -1113,6 +1311,8 @@ static int do_wp_page(struct mm_struct *
- return VM_FAULT_MINOR;
- no_new_page:
-+ pb_free(&pbc);
- page_cache_release(old_page);
- return VM_FAULT_OOM;
- }
-@@ -1322,12 +1522,21 @@ static int do_swap_page(struct mm_struct
- pte_t *page_table, pmd_t *pmd, pte_t orig_pte, int write_access)
- {
- struct page *page;
-+ struct page_beancounter *pbc;
- swp_entry_t entry = pte_to_swp_entry(orig_pte);
- pte_t pte;
-- int ret = VM_FAULT_MINOR;
-+ int ret;
-+ cycles_t start;
- pte_unmap(page_table);
- spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-+ start = get_cycles();
-+ pbc = NULL;
-+ ret = VM_FAULT_OOM;
-+ if (pb_alloc(&pbc))
-+ goto out_nopbc;
-+ ret = VM_FAULT_MINOR;
- page = lookup_swap_cache(entry);
- if (!page) {
- swapin_readahead(entry, address, vma);
-@@ -1363,21 +1572,25 @@ static int do_swap_page(struct mm_struct
- spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
- page_table = pte_offset_map(pmd, address);
- if (unlikely(!pte_same(*page_table, orig_pte))) {
-- pte_unmap(page_table);
-- spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-- unlock_page(page);
-- page_cache_release(page);
-- goto out;
-+ goto out_nomap;
-+ }
-+ if (unlikely(!PageUptodate(page))) {
-+ goto out_nomap;
- }
- /* The page isn't present yet, go ahead with the fault. */
- swap_free(entry);
-- if (vm_swap_full())
-- remove_exclusive_swap_page(page);
-+ try_to_remove_exclusive_swap_page(page);
- mm->rss++;
-+ vma->vm_rss++;
-+ mm_ub(mm)->ub_perfstat[smp_processor_id()].swapin++;
-+ ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(mm), 1, vma);
-+ pb_add_ref(page, mm_ub(mm), &pbc);
- pte = mk_pte(page, vma->vm_page_prot);
- if (write_access && can_share_swap_page(page)) {
- pte = maybe_mkwrite(pte_mkdirty(pte), vma);
-@@ -1398,10 +1611,23 @@ static int do_swap_page(struct mm_struct
- /* No need to invalidate - it was non-present before */
- update_mmu_cache(vma, address, pte);
-+ lazy_mmu_prot_update(pte);
- pte_unmap(page_table);
- spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
- out:
-+ pb_free(&pbc);
-+ spin_lock_irq(&kstat_glb_lock);
-+ KSTAT_LAT_ADD(&kstat_glob.swap_in, get_cycles() - start);
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&kstat_glb_lock);
- return ret;
-+ pte_unmap(page_table);
-+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-+ unlock_page(page);
-+ page_cache_release(page);
-+ goto out;
- }
- /*
-@@ -1416,16 +1642,20 @@ do_anonymous_page(struct mm_struct *mm,
- {
- pte_t entry;
- struct page * page = ZERO_PAGE(addr);
-+ struct page_beancounter *pbc;
- /* Read-only mapping of ZERO_PAGE. */
- entry = pte_wrprotect(mk_pte(ZERO_PAGE(addr), vma->vm_page_prot));
- /* ..except if it's a write access */
-+ pbc = NULL;
- if (write_access) {
- /* Allocate our own private page. */
- pte_unmap(page_table);
- spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-+ if (pb_alloc(&pbc))
-+ goto no_mem;
- if (unlikely(anon_vma_prepare(vma)))
- goto no_mem;
- page = alloc_page_vma(GFP_HIGHUSER, vma, addr);
-@@ -1443,6 +1673,9 @@ do_anonymous_page(struct mm_struct *mm,
- goto out;
- }
- mm->rss++;
-+ vma->vm_rss++;
-+ ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(mm), 1, vma);
-+ pb_add_ref(page, mm_ub(mm), &pbc);
- entry = maybe_mkwrite(pte_mkdirty(mk_pte(page,
- vma->vm_page_prot)),
- vma);
-@@ -1456,10 +1689,13 @@ do_anonymous_page(struct mm_struct *mm,
- /* No need to invalidate - it was non-present before */
- update_mmu_cache(vma, addr, entry);
-+ lazy_mmu_prot_update(entry);
- spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
- out:
-+ pb_free(&pbc);
- return VM_FAULT_MINOR;
- no_mem:
-+ pb_free(&pbc);
- return VM_FAULT_OOM;
- }
-@@ -1480,6 +1716,7 @@ do_no_page(struct mm_struct *mm, struct
- unsigned long address, int write_access, pte_t *page_table, pmd_t *pmd)
- {
- struct page * new_page;
-+ struct page_beancounter *pbc;
- struct address_space *mapping = NULL;
- pte_t entry;
- int sequence = 0;
-@@ -1492,6 +1729,9 @@ do_no_page(struct mm_struct *mm, struct
- pte_unmap(page_table);
- spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-+ if (pb_alloc(&pbc))
-+ return VM_FAULT_OOM;
- if (vma->vm_file) {
- mapping = vma->vm_file->f_mapping;
- sequence = atomic_read(&mapping->truncate_count);
-@@ -1501,10 +1741,14 @@ retry:
- new_page = vma->vm_ops->nopage(vma, address & PAGE_MASK, &ret);
- /* no page was available -- either SIGBUS or OOM */
-- if (new_page == NOPAGE_SIGBUS)
-+ if (new_page == NOPAGE_SIGBUS) {
-+ pb_free(&pbc);
-- if (new_page == NOPAGE_OOM)
-+ }
-+ if (new_page == NOPAGE_OOM) {
-+ pb_free(&pbc);
- return VM_FAULT_OOM;
-+ }
- /*
- * Should we do an early C-O-W break?
-@@ -1550,8 +1794,12 @@ retry:
- */
- /* Only go through if we didn't race with anybody else... */
- if (pte_none(*page_table)) {
-- if (!PageReserved(new_page))
-+ if (!PageReserved(new_page)) {
- ++mm->rss;
-+ ++vma->vm_rss;
-+ ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(mm), 1, vma);
-+ pb_add_ref(new_page, mm_ub(mm), &pbc);
-+ }
- flush_icache_page(vma, new_page);
- entry = mk_pte(new_page, vma->vm_page_prot);
- if (write_access)
-@@ -1573,8 +1821,10 @@ retry:
- /* no need to invalidate: a not-present page shouldn't be cached */
- update_mmu_cache(vma, address, entry);
-+ lazy_mmu_prot_update(entry);
- spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
- out:
-+ pb_free(&pbc);
- return ret;
- oom:
- page_cache_release(new_page);
-@@ -1667,6 +1917,7 @@ static inline int handle_pte_fault(struc
- entry = pte_mkyoung(entry);
- ptep_set_access_flags(vma, address, pte, entry, write_access);
- update_mmu_cache(vma, address, entry);
-+ lazy_mmu_prot_update(entry);
- pte_unmap(pte);
- spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
- return VM_FAULT_MINOR;
-@@ -1681,6 +1932,18 @@ int handle_mm_fault(struct mm_struct *mm
- pgd_t *pgd;
- pmd_t *pmd;
-+ if (test_bit(UB_AFLAG_NOTIF_PAGEIN, &mm_ub(mm)->ub_aflags)) {
-+ int ret;
-+ ret = virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_GENERAL, VIRTINFO_PAGEIN,
-+ (void *)1);
-+ if (ret & NOTIFY_FAIL)
-+ return VM_FAULT_SIGBUS;
-+ if (ret & NOTIFY_OK)
-+ return VM_FAULT_MINOR; /* retry */
-+ }
- __set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
- pgd = pgd_offset(mm, address);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:34.000000000 +0400
-@@ -136,6 +136,8 @@ static int get_nodes(unsigned long *node
- bitmap_zero(nodes, MAX_NUMNODES);
- if (maxnode == 0 || !nmask)
- return 0;
-+ if (maxnode > PAGE_SIZE*8 /*BITS_PER_BYTE*/)
-+ return -EINVAL;
- nlongs = BITS_TO_LONGS(maxnode);
- if ((maxnode % BITS_PER_LONG) == 0)
-@@ -210,6 +212,10 @@ static struct mempolicy *mpol_new(int mo
- switch (mode) {
- bitmap_copy(policy->v.nodes, nodes, MAX_NUMNODES);
-+ if (bitmap_weight(nodes, MAX_NUMNODES) == 0) {
-+ kmem_cache_free(policy_cache, policy);
-+ return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
-+ }
- break;
- policy->v.preferred_node = find_first_bit(nodes, MAX_NUMNODES);
-@@ -388,7 +394,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_set_mempolicy(int mo
- struct mempolicy *new;
-- if (mode > MPOL_MAX)
-+ if (mode < 0 || mode > MPOL_MAX)
- return -EINVAL;
- err = get_nodes(nodes, nmask, maxnode, mode);
- if (err)
-@@ -508,9 +514,13 @@ asmlinkage long sys_get_mempolicy(int __
- } else
- pval = pol->policy;
-- err = -EFAULT;
-+ if (vma) {
-+ up_read(&current->mm->mmap_sem);
-+ vma = NULL;
-+ }
- if (policy && put_user(pval, policy))
-- goto out;
-+ return -EFAULT;
- err = 0;
- if (nmask) {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
- #include <linux/mm.h>
- #include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/mempool.h>
- #include <linux/blkdev.h>
-@@ -72,6 +73,9 @@ mempool_t * mempool_create(int min_nr, m
- pool->alloc = alloc_fn;
- pool->free = free_fn;
-+ if (alloc_fn == mempool_alloc_slab)
-+ kmem_mark_nocharge((kmem_cache_t *)pool_data);
- /*
- * First pre-allocate the guaranteed number of buffers.
- */
-@@ -112,6 +116,7 @@ int mempool_resize(mempool_t *pool, int
- unsigned long flags;
- BUG_ON(new_min_nr <= 0);
-+ gfp_mask &= ~__GFP_UBC;
- spin_lock_irqsave(&pool->lock, flags);
- if (new_min_nr < pool->min_nr) {
-@@ -194,6 +199,9 @@ void * mempool_alloc(mempool_t *pool, in
- DEFINE_WAIT(wait);
- int gfp_nowait = gfp_mask & ~(__GFP_WAIT | __GFP_IO);
-+ gfp_mask &= ~__GFP_UBC;
-+ gfp_nowait &= ~__GFP_UBC;
- repeat_alloc:
- element = pool->alloc(gfp_nowait|__GFP_NOWARN, pool->pool_data);
- if (likely(element != NULL))
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@
- #include <linux/mman.h>
- #include <linux/mm.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
- static int mlock_fixup(struct vm_area_struct * vma,
- unsigned long start, unsigned long end, unsigned int newflags)
-@@ -19,17 +21,23 @@ static int mlock_fixup(struct vm_area_st
- if (newflags == vma->vm_flags)
- goto out;
-+ if (newflags & VM_LOCKED) {
-+ ret = ub_locked_mem_charge(mm_ub(mm), end - start);
-+ if (ret < 0)
-+ goto out;
-+ }
- if (start != vma->vm_start) {
- if (split_vma(mm, vma, start, 1)) {
- ret = -EAGAIN;
-- goto out;
-+ goto out_uncharge;
- }
- }
- if (end != vma->vm_end) {
- if (split_vma(mm, vma, end, 0)) {
- ret = -EAGAIN;
-- goto out;
-+ goto out_uncharge;
- }
- }
-@@ -47,9 +55,17 @@ static int mlock_fixup(struct vm_area_st
- if (newflags & VM_LOCKED) {
- pages = -pages;
- ret = make_pages_present(start, end);
-+ } else {
-+ /* uncharge this memory, since it was unlocked */
-+ ub_locked_mem_uncharge(mm_ub(mm), end - start);
- }
- vma->vm_mm->locked_vm -= pages;
-+ return ret;
-+ if (newflags & VM_LOCKED)
-+ ub_locked_mem_uncharge(mm_ub(mm), end - start);
- out:
- return ret;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:40.000000000 +0400
-@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
- #include <asm/cacheflush.h>
- #include <asm/tlb.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
- /*
- * WARNING: the debugging will use recursive algorithms so never enable this
- * unless you know what you are doing.
-@@ -90,6 +92,8 @@ static void remove_vm_struct(struct vm_a
- {
- struct file *file = vma->vm_file;
-+ ub_memory_uncharge(mm_ub(vma->vm_mm), vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start,
-+ vma->vm_flags, vma->vm_file);
- if (file) {
- struct address_space *mapping = file->f_mapping;
- spin_lock(&mapping->i_mmap_lock);
-@@ -105,6 +109,7 @@ static void remove_vm_struct(struct vm_a
- kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, vma);
- }
-+static unsigned long __do_brk(unsigned long, unsigned long, int);
- /*
- * sys_brk() for the most part doesn't need the global kernel
- * lock, except when an application is doing something nasty
-@@ -144,7 +149,7 @@ asmlinkage unsigned long sys_brk(unsigne
- goto out;
- /* Ok, looks good - let it rip. */
-- if (do_brk(oldbrk, newbrk-oldbrk) != oldbrk)
-+ if (__do_brk(oldbrk, newbrk-oldbrk, UB_HARD) != oldbrk)
- goto out;
- set_brk:
- mm->brk = brk;
-@@ -607,6 +612,7 @@ struct vm_area_struct *vma_merge(struct
- {
- pgoff_t pglen = (end - addr) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- struct vm_area_struct *area, *next;
-+ unsigned long extra_rss;
- /*
- * We later require that vma->vm_flags == vm_flags,
-@@ -620,8 +626,12 @@ struct vm_area_struct *vma_merge(struct
- else
- next = mm->mmap;
- area = next;
-- if (next && next->vm_end == end) /* cases 6, 7, 8 */
-+ extra_rss = 0;
-+ spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-+ if (next && next->vm_end == end) { /* cases 6, 7, 8 */
- next = next->vm_next;
-+ extra_rss = area->vm_rss; /* asterix below */
-+ }
- /*
- * Can it merge with the predecessor?
-@@ -640,11 +650,28 @@ struct vm_area_struct *vma_merge(struct
- is_mergeable_anon_vma(prev->anon_vma,
- next->anon_vma)) {
- /* cases 1, 6 */
-+ /* case 1 : prev->vm_rss += next->vm_rss
-+ * case 6*: prev->vm_rss += area->vm_rss + next->vm_rss
-+ */
-+ prev->vm_rss += next->vm_rss + extra_rss;
-+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
- vma_adjust(prev, prev->vm_start,
- next->vm_end, prev->vm_pgoff, NULL);
-- } else /* cases 2, 5, 7 */
-+ } else { /* cases 2, 5, 7 */
-+ /* case 2 : nothing
-+ * case 5 : prev->vm_rss += pages_in(addr, end)
-+ * next->vm_rss -= pages_in(addr, end)
-+ * case 7*: prev->vm_rss += area->vm_rss
-+ */
-+ if (next && addr == next->vm_start) { /* case 5 */
-+ extra_rss = pages_in_vma_range(next, addr, end);
-+ next->vm_rss -= extra_rss;
-+ }
-+ prev->vm_rss += extra_rss;
-+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
- vma_adjust(prev, prev->vm_start,
- end, prev->vm_pgoff, NULL);
-+ }
- return prev;
- }
-@@ -655,15 +682,29 @@ struct vm_area_struct *vma_merge(struct
- mpol_equal(policy, vma_policy(next)) &&
- can_vma_merge_before(next, vm_flags,
- anon_vma, file, pgoff+pglen)) {
-- if (prev && addr < prev->vm_end) /* case 4 */
-+ if (prev && addr < prev->vm_end) { /* case 4 */
-+ /* case 4 : prev->vm_rss -= pages_in(addr, end)
-+ * next->vm_rss += pages_in(addr, end)
-+ */
-+ extra_rss = pages_in_vma_range(prev, addr, end);
-+ prev->vm_rss -= extra_rss;
-+ next->vm_rss += extra_rss;
-+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
- vma_adjust(prev, prev->vm_start,
- addr, prev->vm_pgoff, NULL);
-- else /* cases 3, 8 */
-+ } else { /* cases 3, 8 */
-+ /* case 3 : nothing
-+ * case 8*: next->vm_rss += area->vm_rss
-+ */
-+ next->vm_rss += extra_rss;
-+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
- vma_adjust(area, addr, next->vm_end,
- next->vm_pgoff - pglen, NULL);
-+ }
- return area;
- }
-+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
- return NULL;
- }
-@@ -785,6 +826,12 @@ unsigned long do_mmap_pgoff(struct file
- if (mm->map_count > sysctl_max_map_count)
- return -ENOMEM;
-+ if (file && (prot & PROT_EXEC)) {
-+ error = check_area_execute_ve(file->f_dentry, file->f_vfsmnt);
-+ if (error)
-+ return error;
-+ }
- /* Obtain the address to map to. we verify (or select) it and ensure
- * that it represents a valid section of the address space.
- */
-@@ -897,6 +944,11 @@ munmap_back:
- }
- }
-+ error = -ENOMEM;
-+ if (ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(mm), len, vm_flags, file,
-+ (flags & MAP_EXECPRIO ? UB_SOFT : UB_HARD)))
-+ goto uncharge_error;
- /*
- * Can we just expand an old private anonymous mapping?
- * The VM_SHARED test is necessary because shmem_zero_setup
-@@ -912,7 +964,8 @@ munmap_back:
- * specific mapper. the address has already been validated, but
- * not unmapped, but the maps are removed from the list.
- */
-- vma = kmem_cache_alloc(vm_area_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL);
-+ vma = kmem_cache_alloc(vm_area_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL |
-+ (flags & MAP_EXECPRIO ? __GFP_SOFT_UBC : 0));
- if (!vma) {
- error = -ENOMEM;
- goto unacct_error;
-@@ -923,6 +976,7 @@ munmap_back:
- vma->vm_start = addr;
- vma->vm_end = addr + len;
- vma->vm_flags = vm_flags;
-+ vma->vm_rss = 0;
- vma->vm_page_prot = protection_map[vm_flags & 0x0f];
- vma->vm_pgoff = pgoff;
-@@ -1001,6 +1055,8 @@ unmap_and_free_vma:
- free_vma:
- kmem_cache_free(vm_area_cachep, vma);
- unacct_error:
-+ ub_memory_uncharge(mm_ub(mm), len, vm_flags, file);
- if (charged)
- vm_unacct_memory(charged);
- return error;
-@@ -1210,15 +1266,28 @@ int expand_stack(struct vm_area_struct *
- address &= PAGE_MASK;
- grow = (address - vma->vm_end) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
-+ /* Somebody else might have raced and expanded it already */
-+ if (address <= vma->vm_end)
-+ goto raced;
- /* Overcommit.. */
- if (security_vm_enough_memory(grow)) {
- anon_vma_unlock(vma);
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
-+ if ((vma->vm_flags & VM_LOCKED) &&
-+ ((vma->vm_mm->locked_vm + grow) << PAGE_SHIFT) >
-+ current->rlim[RLIMIT_MEMLOCK].rlim_cur)
-+ goto nomem;
- if (address - vma->vm_start > current->rlim[RLIMIT_STACK].rlim_cur ||
- ((vma->vm_mm->total_vm + grow) << PAGE_SHIFT) >
-- current->rlim[RLIMIT_AS].rlim_cur) {
-+ current->rlim[RLIMIT_AS].rlim_cur ||
-+ ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(vma->vm_mm),
-+ address - vma->vm_end,
-+ vma->vm_flags, vma->vm_file, UB_SOFT)) {
- anon_vma_unlock(vma);
- vm_unacct_memory(grow);
- return -ENOMEM;
-@@ -1227,6 +1296,7 @@ int expand_stack(struct vm_area_struct *
- vma->vm_mm->total_vm += grow;
- if (vma->vm_flags & VM_LOCKED)
- vma->vm_mm->locked_vm += grow;
- anon_vma_unlock(vma);
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -1271,15 +1341,28 @@ int expand_stack(struct vm_area_struct *
- address &= PAGE_MASK;
- grow = (vma->vm_start - address) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
-+ /* Somebody else might have raced and expanded it already */
-+ if (address >= vma->vm_start)
-+ goto raced;
- /* Overcommit.. */
- if (security_vm_enough_memory(grow)) {
- anon_vma_unlock(vma);
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
-+ if ((vma->vm_flags & VM_LOCKED) &&
-+ ((vma->vm_mm->locked_vm + grow) << PAGE_SHIFT) >
-+ current->rlim[RLIMIT_MEMLOCK].rlim_cur)
-+ goto nomem;
- if (vma->vm_end - address > current->rlim[RLIMIT_STACK].rlim_cur ||
- ((vma->vm_mm->total_vm + grow) << PAGE_SHIFT) >
-- current->rlim[RLIMIT_AS].rlim_cur) {
-+ current->rlim[RLIMIT_AS].rlim_cur ||
-+ ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(vma->vm_mm),
-+ vma->vm_start - address,
-+ vma->vm_flags, vma->vm_file, UB_SOFT)) {
- anon_vma_unlock(vma);
- vm_unacct_memory(grow);
- return -ENOMEM;
-@@ -1289,6 +1372,7 @@ int expand_stack(struct vm_area_struct *
- vma->vm_mm->total_vm += grow;
- if (vma->vm_flags & VM_LOCKED)
- vma->vm_mm->locked_vm += grow;
- anon_vma_unlock(vma);
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -1517,6 +1601,11 @@ int split_vma(struct mm_struct * mm, str
- else
- vma_adjust(vma, vma->vm_start, addr, vma->vm_pgoff, new);
-+ spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-+ new->vm_rss = pages_in_vma(new);
-+ vma->vm_rss = pages_in_vma(vma);
-+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -1611,7 +1700,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_munmap(unsigned long
- * anonymous maps. eventually we may be able to do some
- * brk-specific accounting here.
- */
--unsigned long do_brk(unsigned long addr, unsigned long len)
-+static unsigned long __do_brk(unsigned long addr, unsigned long len, int lowpri)
- {
- struct mm_struct * mm = current->mm;
- struct vm_area_struct * vma, * prev;
-@@ -1637,6 +1726,12 @@ unsigned long do_brk(unsigned long addr,
- }
- /*
-+ * mm->mmap_sem is required to protect against another thread
-+ * changing the mappings in case we sleep.
-+ */
-+ WARN_ON(down_read_trylock(&mm->mmap_sem));
-+ /*
- * Clear old maps. this also does some error checking for us
- */
- munmap_back:
-@@ -1660,6 +1755,10 @@ unsigned long do_brk(unsigned long addr,
- flags = VM_DATA_DEFAULT_FLAGS | VM_ACCOUNT | mm->def_flags;
-+ if (ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(mm), len, flags, NULL, lowpri))
-+ goto out_unacct;
- /* Can we just expand an old private anonymous mapping? */
- if (vma_merge(mm, prev, addr, addr + len, flags,
- NULL, NULL, pgoff, NULL))
-@@ -1668,8 +1767,11 @@ unsigned long do_brk(unsigned long addr,
- /*
- * create a vma struct for an anonymous mapping
- */
-- vma = kmem_cache_alloc(vm_area_cachep, SLAB_KERNEL);
-+ vma = kmem_cache_alloc(vm_area_cachep,
-+ SLAB_KERNEL | (lowpri ? 0 : __GFP_SOFT_UBC));
- if (!vma) {
-+ ub_memory_uncharge(mm_ub(mm), len, flags, NULL);
- vm_unacct_memory(len >> PAGE_SHIFT);
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
-@@ -1680,6 +1782,7 @@ unsigned long do_brk(unsigned long addr,
- vma->vm_end = addr + len;
- vma->vm_pgoff = pgoff;
- vma->vm_flags = flags;
-+ vma->vm_rss = 0;
- vma->vm_page_prot = protection_map[flags & 0x0f];
- vma_link(mm, vma, prev, rb_link, rb_parent);
- out:
-@@ -1691,6 +1794,11 @@ out:
- return addr;
- }
-+unsigned long do_brk(unsigned long addr, unsigned long len)
-+ return __do_brk(addr, len, UB_SOFT);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(do_brk);
- /* Release all mmaps. */
-@@ -1740,7 +1848,7 @@ void exit_mmap(struct mm_struct *mm)
- * and into the inode's i_mmap tree. If vm_file is non-NULL
- * then i_mmap_lock is taken here.
- */
--void insert_vm_struct(struct mm_struct * mm, struct vm_area_struct * vma)
-+int insert_vm_struct(struct mm_struct * mm, struct vm_area_struct * vma)
- {
- struct vm_area_struct * __vma, * prev;
- struct rb_node ** rb_link, * rb_parent;
-@@ -1763,8 +1871,9 @@ void insert_vm_struct(struct mm_struct *
- }
- __vma = find_vma_prepare(mm,vma->vm_start,&prev,&rb_link,&rb_parent);
- if (__vma && __vma->vm_start < vma->vm_end)
-- BUG();
-+ return -ENOMEM;
- vma_link(mm, vma, prev, rb_link, rb_parent);
-+ return 0;
- }
- /*
-@@ -1812,6 +1921,7 @@ struct vm_area_struct *copy_vma(struct v
- new_vma->vm_start = addr;
- new_vma->vm_end = addr + len;
- new_vma->vm_pgoff = pgoff;
-+ new_vma->vm_rss = 0;
- if (new_vma->vm_file)
- get_file(new_vma->vm_file);
- if (new_vma->vm_ops && new_vma->vm_ops->open)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:26.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
- #include <asm/cacheflush.h>
- #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
- static inline void
- change_pte_range(pmd_t *pmd, unsigned long address,
- unsigned long size, pgprot_t newprot)
-@@ -51,8 +53,9 @@ change_pte_range(pmd_t *pmd, unsigned lo
- * bits by wiping the pte and then setting the new pte
- * into place.
- */
-- entry = ptep_get_and_clear(pte);
-- set_pte(pte, pte_modify(entry, newprot));
-+ entry = pte_modify(ptep_get_and_clear(pte), newprot);
-+ set_pte(pte, entry);
-+ lazy_mmu_prot_update(entry);
- }
- address += PAGE_SIZE;
- pte++;
-@@ -114,6 +117,8 @@ mprotect_fixup(struct vm_area_struct *vm
- {
- struct mm_struct * mm = vma->vm_mm;
- unsigned long charged = 0;
-+ unsigned long vma_rss;
-+ int prot_dir;
- pgprot_t newprot;
- pgoff_t pgoff;
- int error;
-@@ -123,6 +128,17 @@ mprotect_fixup(struct vm_area_struct *vm
- return 0;
- }
-+ spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-+ vma_rss = pages_in_vma_range(vma, start, end);
-+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-+ charged = ((end - start) >> PAGE_SHIFT);
-+ prot_dir = ub_protected_charge(mm_ub(mm), charged - vma_rss,
-+ newflags, vma);
-+ error = -ENOMEM;
-+ if (prot_dir == PRIVVM_ERROR)
-+ goto fail_nocharge;
- /*
- * If we make a private mapping writable we increase our commit;
- * but (without finer accounting) cannot reduce our commit if we
-@@ -133,9 +149,8 @@ mprotect_fixup(struct vm_area_struct *vm
- */
- if (newflags & VM_WRITE) {
- if (!(vma->vm_flags & (VM_ACCOUNT|VM_WRITE|VM_SHARED|VM_HUGETLB))) {
-- charged = (end - start) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- if (security_vm_enough_memory(charged))
-- return -ENOMEM;
-+ goto fail_noacct;
- newflags |= VM_ACCOUNT;
- }
- }
-@@ -178,10 +193,16 @@ success:
- vma->vm_flags = newflags;
- vma->vm_page_prot = newprot;
- change_protection(vma, start, end, newprot);
-+ if (prot_dir == PRIVVM_TO_SHARED)
-+ __ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(mm), charged - vma_rss);
- return 0;
- fail:
- vm_unacct_memory(charged);
-+ if (prot_dir == PRIVVM_TO_PRIVATE)
-+ __ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(mm), charged - vma_rss);
- return error;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
- #include <asm/cacheflush.h>
- #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
- static pte_t *get_one_pte_map_nested(struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long addr)
- {
- pgd_t *pgd;
-@@ -81,6 +83,7 @@ static inline pte_t *alloc_one_pte_map(s
- static int
- move_one_page(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long old_addr,
-+ struct vm_area_struct *new_vma,
- unsigned long new_addr)
- {
- struct address_space *mapping = NULL;
-@@ -129,6 +132,8 @@ move_one_page(struct vm_area_struct *vma
- pte_t pte;
- pte = ptep_clear_flush(vma, old_addr, src);
- set_pte(dst, pte);
-+ vma->vm_rss--;
-+ new_vma->vm_rss++;
- } else
- error = -ENOMEM;
- pte_unmap_nested(src);
-@@ -143,6 +148,7 @@ move_one_page(struct vm_area_struct *vma
- }
- static unsigned long move_page_tables(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
-+ struct vm_area_struct *new_vma,
- unsigned long new_addr, unsigned long old_addr,
- unsigned long len)
- {
-@@ -156,7 +162,8 @@ static unsigned long move_page_tables(st
- * only a few pages.. This also makes error recovery easier.
- */
- for (offset = 0; offset < len; offset += PAGE_SIZE) {
-- if (move_one_page(vma, old_addr+offset, new_addr+offset) < 0)
-+ if (move_one_page(vma, old_addr+offset,
-+ new_vma, new_addr+offset) < 0)
- break;
- cond_resched();
- }
-@@ -175,26 +182,29 @@ static unsigned long move_vma(struct vm_
- unsigned long excess = 0;
- int split = 0;
-+ if (ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(mm), new_len, vma->vm_flags,
-+ vma->vm_file, UB_HARD))
-+ return -ENOMEM;
- /*
- * We'd prefer to avoid failure later on in do_munmap:
- * which may split one vma into three before unmapping.
- */
- if (mm->map_count >= sysctl_max_map_count - 3)
-- return -ENOMEM;
-+ goto out_nomem;
- new_pgoff = vma->vm_pgoff + ((old_addr - vma->vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT);
- new_vma = copy_vma(&vma, new_addr, new_len, new_pgoff);
- if (!new_vma)
-- return -ENOMEM;
-+ goto out_nomem;
-- moved_len = move_page_tables(vma, new_addr, old_addr, old_len);
-+ moved_len = move_page_tables(vma, new_vma, new_addr, old_addr, old_len);
- if (moved_len < old_len) {
- /*
- * On error, move entries back from new area to old,
- * which will succeed since page tables still there,
- * and then proceed to unmap new area instead of old.
- */
-- move_page_tables(new_vma, old_addr, new_addr, moved_len);
-+ move_page_tables(new_vma, vma, old_addr, new_addr, moved_len);
- vma = new_vma;
- old_len = new_len;
- old_addr = new_addr;
-@@ -231,7 +241,12 @@ static unsigned long move_vma(struct vm_
- new_addr + new_len);
- }
-- return new_addr;
-+ if (new_addr != -ENOMEM)
-+ return new_addr;
-+ ub_memory_uncharge(mm_ub(mm), new_len, vma->vm_flags, vma->vm_file);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
- }
- /*
-@@ -354,6 +369,12 @@ unsigned long do_mremap(unsigned long ad
- if (max_addr - addr >= new_len) {
- int pages = (new_len - old_len) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
-+ ret = ub_memory_charge(mm_ub(vma->vm_mm),
-+ new_len - old_len, vma->vm_flags,
-+ vma->vm_file, UB_HARD);
-+ if (ret != 0)
-+ goto out;
- vma_adjust(vma, vma->vm_start,
- addr + new_len, vma->vm_pgoff, NULL);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:48.000000000 +0400
-@@ -15,12 +15,22 @@
- * kernel subsystems and hints as to where to find out what things do.
- */
-+#include <linux/bitops.h>
- #include <linux/mm.h>
- #include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
-+#include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/swap.h>
- #include <linux/timex.h>
- #include <linux/jiffies.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
-+spinlock_t oom_generation_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+int oom_kill_counter;
-+int oom_generation;
- /* #define DEBUG */
- /**
-@@ -106,23 +116,47 @@ static int badness(struct task_struct *p
- *
- * (not docbooked, we don't want this one cluttering up the manual)
- */
--static struct task_struct * select_bad_process(void)
-+static struct task_struct * select_bad_process(struct user_beancounter *ub)
- {
-+ int points;
- int maxpoints = 0;
- struct task_struct *g, *p;
- struct task_struct *chosen = NULL;
-+ struct user_beancounter *mub;
-+ do_each_thread_all(g, p) {
-+ if (!p->pid)
-+ continue;
-+ if (!p->mm)
-+ continue;
-+#if 0
-+ /*
-+ * swapoff check.
-+ * Pro: do not let opportunistic swapoff kill the whole system;
-+ * if the system enter OOM state, better stop swapoff.
-+ * Contra: essential services must survive without swap
-+ * (otherwise, the system is grossly misconfigured),
-+ * and disabling swapoff completely, with cryptic diagnostic
-+ * "interrupted system call", looks like a bad idea.
-+ * 2006/02/28 SAW
-+ */
-+ if (!(p->flags & PF_MEMDIE) && (p->flags & PF_SWAPOFF))
-+ return p;
-- do_each_thread(g, p)
-- if (p->pid) {
-- int points = badness(p);
-- if (points > maxpoints) {
-- chosen = p;
-- maxpoints = points;
-- }
-- if (p->flags & PF_SWAPOFF)
-- return p;
-+ for (mub = mm_ub(p->mm); mub != NULL; mub = mub->parent)
-+ if (mub == ub)
-+ break;
-+ if (mub != ub) /* wrong beancounter */
-+ continue;
-+ points = badness(p);
-+ if (points > maxpoints) {
-+ chosen = p;
-+ maxpoints = points;
- }
-- while_each_thread(g, p);
-+ } while_each_thread_all(g, p);
- return chosen;
- }
-@@ -141,7 +175,8 @@ static void __oom_kill_task(task_t *p)
- return;
- }
- task_unlock(p);
-- printk(KERN_ERR "Out of Memory: Killed process %d (%s).\n", p->pid, p->comm);
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "Out of Memory: Killing process %d (%.20s), flags=%lx, "
-+ "mm=%p.\n", p->pid, p->comm, p->flags, p->mm);
- /*
- * We give our sacrificial lamb high priority and access to
-@@ -149,7 +184,10 @@ static void __oom_kill_task(task_t *p)
- * exit() and clear out its resources quickly...
- */
- p->time_slice = HZ;
-- p->flags |= PF_MEMALLOC | PF_MEMDIE;
-+ /* flag should be set atomically since p != current */
-+ set_bit(generic_ffs(PF_MEMDIE) - 1, &p->flags);
-+ /* oom_generation_lock must be held */
-+ oom_kill_counter++;
- /* This process has hardware access, be more careful. */
- if (cap_t(p->cap_effective) & CAP_TO_MASK(CAP_SYS_RAWIO)) {
-@@ -159,53 +197,55 @@ static void __oom_kill_task(task_t *p)
- }
- }
--static struct mm_struct *oom_kill_task(task_t *p)
-- struct mm_struct *mm = get_task_mm(p);
-- if (!mm || mm == &init_mm)
-- return NULL;
-- __oom_kill_task(p);
-- return mm;
- /**
-- * oom_kill - kill the "best" process when we run out of memory
-+ * oom_kill - do a complete job of killing a process
- *
-- * If we run out of memory, we have the choice between either
-- * killing a random task (bad), letting the system crash (worse)
-- * OR try to be smart about which process to kill. Note that we
-- * don't have to be perfect here, we just have to be good.
-+ * Returns TRUE if selected process is unkillable.
-+ * Called with oom_generation_lock and tasklist_lock held, drops them.
- */
--static void oom_kill(void)
-+static int oom_kill(struct task_struct *p,
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub, long ub_maxover)
- {
- struct mm_struct *mm;
-- struct task_struct *g, *p, *q;
-- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- p = select_bad_process();
-- /* Found nothing?!?! Either we hang forever, or we panic. */
-- if (!p) {
-- show_free_areas();
-- panic("Out of memory and no killable processes...\n");
-+ struct task_struct *g, *q;
-+ uid_t ub_uid;
-+ int suicide;
-+ mm = get_task_mm(p);
-+ if (mm == &init_mm) {
-+ mmput(mm);
-+ mm = NULL;
- }
-+ if (mm == NULL)
-+ return -1;
-+ /*
-+ * The following message showing mm, its size, and free space
-+ * should be printed regardless of CONFIG_USER_RESOURCE.
-+ */
-+ ub_uid = (ub ? ub->ub_uid : -1);
-+ printk(KERN_INFO"MM to kill %p (UB=%d, UBover=%ld, VM=%lu, free=%u).\n",
-+ mm, ub_uid, ub_maxover,
-+ mm->total_vm, nr_free_pages());
-- mm = oom_kill_task(p);
-- if (!mm)
-- goto retry;
- /*
- * kill all processes that share the ->mm (i.e. all threads),
- * but are in a different thread group
- */
-- do_each_thread(g, q)
-- if (q->mm == mm && q->tgid != p->tgid)
-+ suicide = 0;
-+ __oom_kill_task(p);
-+ if (p == current)
-+ suicide = 1;
-+ do_each_thread_all(g, q) {
-+ if (q->mm == mm && q->tgid != p->tgid) {
- __oom_kill_task(q);
-- while_each_thread(g, q);
-- if (!p->mm)
-- printk(KERN_INFO "Fixed up OOM kill of mm-less task\n");
-+ if (q == current)
-+ suicide = 1;
-+ }
-+ } while_each_thread_all(g, q);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ spin_unlock(&oom_generation_lock);
-+ ub_oomkill_task(mm, ub, ub_maxover); /* nonblocking but long */
- mmput(mm);
- /*
-@@ -213,81 +253,132 @@ retry:
- * killing itself before someone else gets the chance to ask
- * for more memory.
- */
-- yield();
-- return;
-+ if (!suicide)
-+ yield();
-+ return 0;
- }
- /**
-- * out_of_memory - is the system out of memory?
-+ * oom_select_and_kill - kill the "best" process when we run out of memory
-+ *
-+ * If we run out of memory, we have the choice between either
-+ * killing a random task (bad), letting the system crash (worse)
-+ * OR try to be smart about which process to kill. Note that we
-+ * don't have to be perfect here, we just have to be good.
-+ *
-+ * Called with oom_generation_lock held, drops it.
- */
--void out_of_memory(int gfp_mask)
-+static void oom_select_and_kill(void)
- {
-- /*
-- * oom_lock protects out_of_memory()'s static variables.
-- * It's a global lock; this is not performance-critical.
-- */
-- static spinlock_t oom_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-- static unsigned long first, last, count, lastkill;
-- unsigned long now, since;
-- spin_lock(&oom_lock);
-- now = jiffies;
-- since = now - last;
-- last = now;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ struct task_struct *p;
-+ long ub_maxover;
-+ int r;
-- /*
-- * If it's been a long time since last failure,
-- * we're not oom.
-- */
-- if (since > 5*HZ)
-- goto reset;
-+ ub_clear_oom();
-- /*
-- * If we haven't tried for at least one second,
-- * we're not really oom.
-- */
-- since = now - first;
-- if (since < HZ)
-- goto out_unlock;
-+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ ub = ub_select_worst(&ub_maxover);
-+ p = select_bad_process(ub);
-- /*
-- * If we have gotten only a few failures,
-- * we're not really oom.
-- */
-- if (++count < 10)
-- goto out_unlock;
-+ /* Found nothing?!?! Either we hang forever, or we panic. */
-+ if (!p) {
-+ if (!ub) {
-+ show_free_areas();
-+ panic("Out of memory and no killable processes...\n");
-+ }
-- /*
-- * If we just killed a process, wait a while
-- * to give that task a chance to exit. This
-- * avoids killing multiple processes needlessly.
-- */
-- since = now - lastkill;
-- if (since < HZ*5)
-- goto out_unlock;
-+ goto retry;
-+ }
-- /*
-- * Ok, really out of memory. Kill something.
-- */
-- lastkill = now;
-+ r = oom_kill(p, ub, ub_maxover);
-+ put_beancounter(ub);
-+ if (r)
-+ goto retry;
-- printk("oom-killer: gfp_mask=0x%x\n", gfp_mask);
-- show_free_areas();
-+void oom_select_and_kill_sc(struct user_beancounter *scope)
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ struct task_struct *p;
-- /* oom_kill() sleeps */
-- spin_unlock(&oom_lock);
-- oom_kill();
-- spin_lock(&oom_lock);
-+ ub_clear_oom();
-+ ub = get_beancounter(scope);
-- /*
-- * We dropped the lock above, so check to be sure the variable
-- * first only ever increases to prevent false OOM's.
-- */
-- if (time_after(now, first))
-- first = now;
-- count = 0;
-+ read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ p = select_bad_process(ub);
-+ if (!p) {
-+ read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ if (oom_kill(p, ub, 0))
-+ goto retry;
-+ put_beancounter(ub);
-+static void do_out_of_memory(struct oom_freeing_stat *stat)
-+ spin_lock(&oom_generation_lock);
-+ if (oom_generation != stat->oom_generation) {
-+ /* OOM-killed process has exited */
-+ spin_unlock(&oom_generation_lock);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ if (oom_kill_counter) {
-+ /* OOM in progress */
-+ spin_unlock(&oom_generation_lock);
-+ __set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
-+ schedule_timeout(5 * HZ);
-+ spin_lock(&oom_generation_lock);
-+ if (oom_generation != stat->oom_generation) {
-+ spin_unlock(&oom_generation_lock);
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ /*
-+ * Some process is stuck exiting.
-+ * No choice other than to kill something else.
-+ */
-+ oom_kill_counter = 0;
-+ }
-+ oom_select_and_kill();
-+void do_out_of_memory_sc(struct user_beancounter *ub)
-+ spin_lock(&oom_generation_lock);
-+ oom_select_and_kill_sc(ub);
-+ * out_of_memory - is the system out of memory?
-+ */
-+void out_of_memory(struct oom_freeing_stat *stat, int gfp_mask)
-+ if (nr_swap_pages > 0) {
-+ /* some pages have been freed */
-+ if (stat->freed)
-+ return;
-+ /* some IO was started */
-+ if (stat->written)
-+ return;
-+ /* some pages have been swapped out, ref. counter removed */
-+ if (stat->swapped)
-+ return;
-+ /* some slabs were shrinked */
-+ if (stat->slabs)
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ if (virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_GENERAL, VIRTINFO_OUTOFMEM, stat)
-+ return;
-- spin_unlock(&oom_lock);
-+ do_out_of_memory(stat);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:44.000000000 +0400
-@@ -31,9 +31,12 @@
- #include <linux/topology.h>
- #include <linux/sysctl.h>
- #include <linux/cpu.h>
-+#include <linux/kernel_stat.h>
- #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
- DECLARE_BITMAP(node_online_map, MAX_NUMNODES);
- struct pglist_data *pgdat_list;
- unsigned long totalram_pages;
-@@ -41,7 +44,9 @@ unsigned long totalhigh_pages;
- long nr_swap_pages;
- int numnodes = 1;
- int sysctl_lower_zone_protection = 0;
-+int alloc_fail_warn = 0;
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(totalram_pages);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(nr_swap_pages);
-@@ -284,6 +289,7 @@ void __free_pages_ok(struct page *page,
- free_pages_check(__FUNCTION__, page + i);
- list_add(&page->lru, &list);
- kernel_map_pages(page, 1<<order, 0);
-+ ub_page_uncharge(page, order);
- free_pages_bulk(page_zone(page), 1, &list, order);
- }
-@@ -513,6 +519,7 @@ static void fastcall free_hot_cold_page(
- inc_page_state(pgfree);
- free_pages_check(__FUNCTION__, page);
- pcp = &zone->pageset[get_cpu()].pcp[cold];
-+ ub_page_uncharge(page, 0);
- local_irq_save(flags);
- if (pcp->count >= pcp->high)
- pcp->count -= free_pages_bulk(zone, pcp->batch, &pcp->list, 0);
-@@ -578,6 +585,26 @@ buffered_rmqueue(struct zone *zone, int
- return page;
- }
-+static void __alloc_collect_stats(unsigned int gfp_mask,
-+ unsigned int order, struct page *page, cycles_t time)
-+ int ind;
-+ unsigned long flags;
-+ time = get_cycles() - time;
-+ if (!(gfp_mask & __GFP_WAIT))
-+ ind = 0;
-+ else if (!(gfp_mask & __GFP_HIGHMEM))
-+ ind = (order > 0 ? 2 : 1);
-+ else
-+ ind = (order > 0 ? 4 : 3);
-+ spin_lock_irqsave(&kstat_glb_lock, flags);
-+ KSTAT_LAT_ADD(&kstat_glob.alloc_lat[ind], time);
-+ if (!page)
-+ kstat_glob.alloc_fails[ind]++;
-+ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&kstat_glb_lock, flags);
- /*
- * This is the 'heart' of the zoned buddy allocator.
- *
-@@ -607,6 +634,7 @@ __alloc_pages(unsigned int gfp_mask, uns
- int i;
- int alloc_type;
- int do_retry;
-+ cycles_t start_time;
- might_sleep_if(wait);
-@@ -614,6 +642,7 @@ __alloc_pages(unsigned int gfp_mask, uns
- if (zones[0] == NULL) /* no zones in the zonelist */
- return NULL;
-+ start_time = get_cycles();
- alloc_type = zone_idx(zones[0]);
- /* Go through the zonelist once, looking for a zone with enough free */
-@@ -678,6 +707,10 @@ rebalance:
- goto got_pg;
- }
- }
-+ if (gfp_mask & __GFP_NOFAIL) {
-+ blk_congestion_wait(WRITE, HZ/50);
-+ goto rebalance;
-+ }
- goto nopage;
- }
-@@ -730,15 +763,24 @@ rebalance:
- }
- nopage:
-- if (!(gfp_mask & __GFP_NOWARN) && printk_ratelimit()) {
-+ if (alloc_fail_warn && !(gfp_mask & __GFP_NOWARN)
-+ && printk_ratelimit()) {
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: page allocation failure."
- " order:%d, mode:0x%x\n",
- p->comm, order, gfp_mask);
- dump_stack();
- }
-+ __alloc_collect_stats(gfp_mask, order, NULL, start_time);
- return NULL;
- got_pg:
- kernel_map_pages(page, 1 << order, 1);
-+ __alloc_collect_stats(gfp_mask, order, page, start_time);
-+ if (ub_page_charge(page, order, gfp_mask)) {
-+ __free_pages(page, order);
-+ page = NULL;
-+ }
- return page;
- }
-@@ -887,6 +929,17 @@ unsigned int nr_free_highpages (void)
- }
- #endif
-+unsigned int nr_free_lowpages (void)
-+ pg_data_t *pgdat;
-+ unsigned int pages = 0;
-+ for_each_pgdat(pgdat)
-+ pages += pgdat->node_zones[ZONE_NORMAL].free_pages;
-+ return pages;
- #ifdef CONFIG_NUMA
- static void show_node(struct zone *zone)
- {
-@@ -1710,7 +1763,10 @@ static void *vmstat_start(struct seq_fil
- m->private = ps;
- if (!ps)
- return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-- get_full_page_state(ps);
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ get_full_page_state(ps);
-+ else
-+ memset(ps, 0, sizeof(*ps));
- ps->pgpgin /= 2; /* sectors -> kbytes */
- ps->pgpgout /= 2;
- return (unsigned long *)ps + *pos;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@ static int __pdflush(struct pdflush_work
- spin_unlock_irq(&pdflush_lock);
- schedule();
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
-- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
-+ refrigerator();
- spin_lock_irq(&pdflush_lock);
- continue;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@ static inline unsigned long prio_tree_ma
- return index_bits_to_maxindex[bits - 1];
- }
-+static void prio_tree_remove(struct prio_tree_root *, struct prio_tree_node *);
- /*
- * Extend a priority search tree so that it can store a node with heap_index
- * max_heap_index. In the worst case, this algorithm takes O((log n)^2).
-@@ -90,8 +92,6 @@ static inline unsigned long prio_tree_ma
- static struct prio_tree_node *prio_tree_expand(struct prio_tree_root *root,
- struct prio_tree_node *node, unsigned long max_heap_index)
- {
-- static void prio_tree_remove(struct prio_tree_root *,
-- struct prio_tree_node *);
- struct prio_tree_node *first = NULL, *prev, *last = NULL;
- if (max_heap_index > prio_tree_maxindex(root->index_bits))
-@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ static struct prio_tree_node *prio_tree_
- mask >>= 1;
- if (!mask) {
-- mask = 1UL << (root->index_bits - 1);
-+ mask = 1UL << (BITS_PER_LONG - 1);
- size_flag = 1;
- }
- }
-@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ static struct prio_tree_node *prio_tree_
- iter->mask = ULONG_MAX;
- } else {
- iter->size_level = 1;
-- iter->mask = 1UL << (root->index_bits - 1);
-+ iter->mask = 1UL << (BITS_PER_LONG - 1);
- }
- }
- return iter->cur;
-@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ static struct prio_tree_node *prio_tree_
- iter->mask = ULONG_MAX;
- } else {
- iter->size_level = 1;
-- iter->mask = 1UL << (root->index_bits - 1);
-+ iter->mask = 1UL << (BITS_PER_LONG - 1);
- }
- }
- return iter->cur;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -33,6 +33,8 @@
- #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
- //#define RMAP_DEBUG /* can be enabled only for debugging */
- kmem_cache_t *anon_vma_cachep;
-@@ -160,7 +162,8 @@ static void anon_vma_ctor(void *data, km
- void __init anon_vma_init(void)
- {
- anon_vma_cachep = kmem_cache_create("anon_vma",
-- sizeof(struct anon_vma), 0, SLAB_PANIC, anon_vma_ctor, NULL);
-+ sizeof(struct anon_vma), 0, SLAB_PANIC | SLAB_UBC,
-+ anon_vma_ctor, NULL);
- }
- /* this needs the page->flags PG_maplock held */
-@@ -369,8 +372,8 @@ void page_add_anon_rmap(struct page *pag
- inc_page_state(nr_mapped);
- } else {
- BUG_ON(!PageAnon(page));
-- BUG_ON(page->index != index);
-- BUG_ON(page->mapping != (struct address_space *) anon_vma);
-+ WARN_ON(page->index != index);
-+ WARN_ON(page->mapping != (struct address_space *) anon_vma);
- }
- page->mapcount++;
- page_map_unlock(page);
-@@ -513,6 +516,10 @@ static int try_to_unmap_one(struct page
- }
- mm->rss--;
-+ vma->vm_rss--;
-+ mm_ub(mm)->ub_perfstat[smp_processor_id()].unmap++;
-+ ub_unused_privvm_inc(mm_ub(mm), 1, vma);
-+ pb_remove_ref(page, mm_ub(mm));
- BUG_ON(!page->mapcount);
- page->mapcount--;
- page_cache_release(page);
-@@ -553,12 +560,13 @@ static int try_to_unmap_cluster(unsigned
- struct mm_struct *mm = vma->vm_mm;
- pgd_t *pgd;
- pmd_t *pmd;
-- pte_t *pte;
-+ pte_t *pte, *original_pte;
- pte_t pteval;
- struct page *page;
- unsigned long address;
- unsigned long end;
- unsigned long pfn;
-+ unsigned long old_rss;
- /*
- * We need the page_table_lock to protect us from page faults,
-@@ -582,7 +590,8 @@ static int try_to_unmap_cluster(unsigned
- if (!pmd_present(*pmd))
- goto out_unlock;
-- for (pte = pte_offset_map(pmd, address);
-+ old_rss = mm->rss;
-+ for (original_pte = pte = pte_offset_map(pmd, address);
- address < end; pte++, address += PAGE_SIZE) {
- if (!pte_present(*pte))
-@@ -613,12 +622,17 @@ static int try_to_unmap_cluster(unsigned
- set_page_dirty(page);
- page_remove_rmap(page);
-- page_cache_release(page);
- mm->rss--;
-+ vma->vm_rss--;
-+ mm_ub(mm)->ub_perfstat[smp_processor_id()].unmap++;
-+ pb_remove_ref(page, mm_ub(mm));
-+ page_cache_release(page);
- (*mapcount)--;
- }
-+ if (old_rss > mm->rss)
-+ ub_unused_privvm_inc(mm_ub(mm), old_rss - mm->rss, vma);
-- pte_unmap(pte);
-+ pte_unmap(original_pte);
- out_unlock:
- spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:20.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@
- #include <asm/div64.h>
- #include <asm/pgtable.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
- /* This magic number is used in glibc for posix shared memory */
- #define TMPFS_MAGIC 0x01021994
-@@ -204,7 +207,7 @@ static void shmem_free_block(struct inod
- *
- * It has to be called with the spinlock held.
- */
--static void shmem_recalc_inode(struct inode *inode)
-+static void shmem_recalc_inode(struct inode *inode, unsigned long swp_freed)
- {
- struct shmem_inode_info *info = SHMEM_I(inode);
- long freed;
-@@ -217,6 +220,9 @@ static void shmem_recalc_inode(struct in
- sbinfo->free_blocks += freed;
- inode->i_blocks -= freed*BLOCKS_PER_PAGE;
- spin_unlock(&sbinfo->stat_lock);
-+ if (freed > swp_freed)
-+ ub_tmpfs_respages_dec(shm_info_ub(info),
-+ freed - swp_freed);
- shmem_unacct_blocks(info->flags, freed);
- }
- }
-@@ -321,6 +327,11 @@ static void shmem_swp_set(struct shmem_i
- info->swapped += incdec;
- if ((unsigned long)(entry - info->i_direct) >= SHMEM_NR_DIRECT)
- kmap_atomic_to_page(entry)->nr_swapped += incdec;
-+ if (incdec == 1)
-+ ub_tmpfs_respages_dec(shm_info_ub(info), 1);
-+ else
-+ ub_tmpfs_respages_inc(shm_info_ub(info), 1);
- }
- /*
-@@ -337,14 +348,24 @@ static swp_entry_t *shmem_swp_alloc(stru
- struct shmem_sb_info *sbinfo = SHMEM_SB(inode->i_sb);
- struct page *page = NULL;
- swp_entry_t *entry;
-+ unsigned long ub_val;
- if (sgp != SGP_WRITE &&
- ((loff_t) index << PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT) >= i_size_read(inode))
- return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
-+ ub_val = 0;
-+ if (info->next_index <= index) {
-+ ub_val = index + 1 - info->next_index;
-+ if (ub_shmpages_charge(shm_info_ub(info), ub_val))
-+ return ERR_PTR(-ENOSPC);
-+ }
- while (!(entry = shmem_swp_entry(info, index, &page))) {
-- if (sgp == SGP_READ)
-- return shmem_swp_map(ZERO_PAGE(0));
-+ if (sgp == SGP_READ) {
-+ entry = shmem_swp_map(ZERO_PAGE(0));
-+ goto out;
-+ }
- /*
- * Test free_blocks against 1 not 0, since we have 1 data
- * page (and perhaps indirect index pages) yet to allocate:
-@@ -353,14 +374,16 @@ static swp_entry_t *shmem_swp_alloc(stru
- spin_lock(&sbinfo->stat_lock);
- if (sbinfo->free_blocks <= 1) {
- spin_unlock(&sbinfo->stat_lock);
-- return ERR_PTR(-ENOSPC);
-+ entry = ERR_PTR(-ENOSPC);
-+ goto out;
- }
- sbinfo->free_blocks--;
- inode->i_blocks += BLOCKS_PER_PAGE;
- spin_unlock(&sbinfo->stat_lock);
- spin_unlock(&info->lock);
-- page = shmem_dir_alloc(mapping_gfp_mask(inode->i_mapping));
-+ page = shmem_dir_alloc(mapping_gfp_mask(inode->i_mapping) |
-+ __GFP_UBC);
- if (page) {
- clear_highpage(page);
- page->nr_swapped = 0;
-@@ -368,25 +391,36 @@ static swp_entry_t *shmem_swp_alloc(stru
- spin_lock(&info->lock);
- if (!page) {
-- shmem_free_block(inode);
-- return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-+ entry = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-+ goto out_block;
- }
- if (sgp != SGP_WRITE &&
- ((loff_t) index << PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT) >= i_size_read(inode)) {
- entry = ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
-- break;
-+ goto out_page;
- }
-- if (info->next_index <= index)
-+ if (info->next_index <= index) {
-+ ub_val = 0;
- info->next_index = index + 1;
-+ }
- }
- if (page) {
- /* another task gave its page, or truncated the file */
- shmem_free_block(inode);
- shmem_dir_free(page);
- }
-- if (info->next_index <= index && !IS_ERR(entry))
-+ if (info->next_index <= index)
- info->next_index = index + 1;
- return entry;
-+ shmem_dir_free(page);
-+ shmem_free_block(inode);
-+ if (ub_val)
-+ ub_shmpages_uncharge(shm_info_ub(info), ub_val);
-+ return entry;
- }
- /*
-@@ -423,13 +457,16 @@ static void shmem_truncate(struct inode
- swp_entry_t *ptr;
- int offset;
- int freed;
-+ unsigned long swp_freed;
-+ swp_freed = 0;
- inode->i_ctime = inode->i_mtime = CURRENT_TIME;
- idx = (inode->i_size + PAGE_CACHE_SIZE - 1) >> PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT;
- if (idx >= info->next_index)
- return;
- spin_lock(&info->lock);
-+ ub_shmpages_uncharge(shm_info_ub(info), info->next_index - idx);
- info->flags |= SHMEM_TRUNCATE;
- limit = info->next_index;
- info->next_index = idx;
-@@ -438,7 +475,9 @@ static void shmem_truncate(struct inode
- size = limit;
- if (size > SHMEM_NR_DIRECT)
-- info->swapped -= shmem_free_swp(ptr+idx, ptr+size);
-+ freed = shmem_free_swp(ptr+idx, ptr+size);
-+ swp_freed += freed;
-+ info->swapped -= freed;
- }
- if (!info->i_indirect)
- goto done2;
-@@ -508,6 +547,7 @@ static void shmem_truncate(struct inode
- shmem_swp_unmap(ptr);
- info->swapped -= freed;
- subdir->nr_swapped -= freed;
-+ swp_freed += freed;
- BUG_ON(subdir->nr_swapped > offset);
- }
- if (offset)
-@@ -544,7 +584,7 @@ done2:
- spin_lock(&info->lock);
- }
- info->flags &= ~SHMEM_TRUNCATE;
-- shmem_recalc_inode(inode);
-+ shmem_recalc_inode(inode, swp_freed);
- spin_unlock(&info->lock);
- }
-@@ -609,6 +649,8 @@ static void shmem_delete_inode(struct in
- spin_lock(&sbinfo->stat_lock);
- sbinfo->free_inodes++;
- spin_unlock(&sbinfo->stat_lock);
-+ put_beancounter(shm_info_ub(info));
-+ shm_info_ub(info) = NULL;
- clear_inode(inode);
- }
-@@ -752,12 +794,11 @@ static int shmem_writepage(struct page *
- info = SHMEM_I(inode);
- if (info->flags & VM_LOCKED)
- goto redirty;
-- swap = get_swap_page();
-+ swap = get_swap_page(shm_info_ub(info));
- if (!swap.val)
- goto redirty;
- spin_lock(&info->lock);
-- shmem_recalc_inode(inode);
- if (index >= info->next_index) {
- BUG_ON(!(info->flags & SHMEM_TRUNCATE));
- goto unlock;
-@@ -890,7 +931,6 @@ repeat:
- goto failed;
- spin_lock(&info->lock);
-- shmem_recalc_inode(inode);
- entry = shmem_swp_alloc(info, idx, sgp);
- if (IS_ERR(entry)) {
- spin_unlock(&info->lock);
-@@ -1051,6 +1091,7 @@ repeat:
- clear_highpage(filepage);
- flush_dcache_page(filepage);
- SetPageUptodate(filepage);
-+ ub_tmpfs_respages_inc(shm_info_ub(info), 1);
- }
- done:
- if (!*pagep) {
-@@ -1082,6 +1123,8 @@ struct page *shmem_nopage(struct vm_area
- idx = (address - vma->vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
- idx += vma->vm_pgoff;
-+ if (((loff_t) idx << PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT) >= i_size_read(inode))
-+ return NOPAGE_SIGBUS;
- error = shmem_getpage(inode, idx, &page, SGP_CACHE, type);
- if (error)
-@@ -1151,19 +1194,6 @@ shmem_get_policy(struct vm_area_struct *
- }
- #endif
--void shmem_lock(struct file *file, int lock)
-- struct inode *inode = file->f_dentry->d_inode;
-- struct shmem_inode_info *info = SHMEM_I(inode);
-- spin_lock(&info->lock);
-- if (lock)
-- info->flags |= VM_LOCKED;
-- else
-- info->flags &= ~VM_LOCKED;
-- spin_unlock(&info->lock);
- static int shmem_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
- {
- file_accessed(file);
-@@ -1198,6 +1228,7 @@ shmem_get_inode(struct super_block *sb,
- inode->i_atime = inode->i_mtime = inode->i_ctime = CURRENT_TIME;
- info = SHMEM_I(inode);
- memset(info, 0, (char *)inode - (char *)info);
-+ shm_info_ub(info) = get_beancounter(get_exec_ub());
- spin_lock_init(&info->lock);
- mpol_shared_policy_init(&info->policy);
- switch (mode & S_IFMT) {
-@@ -1317,6 +1348,7 @@ shmem_file_write(struct file *file, cons
- break;
- left = bytes;
- if (PageHighMem(page)) {
- volatile unsigned char dummy;
- __get_user(dummy, buf);
-@@ -1326,6 +1358,7 @@ shmem_file_write(struct file *file, cons
- left = __copy_from_user(kaddr + offset, buf, bytes);
- kunmap_atomic(kaddr, KM_USER0);
- }
- if (left) {
- kaddr = kmap(page);
- left = __copy_from_user(kaddr + offset, buf, bytes);
-@@ -1960,20 +1993,42 @@ static struct vm_operations_struct shmem
- #endif
- };
-+int is_shmem_mapping(struct address_space *map)
-+ return (map != NULL && map->a_ops == &shmem_aops);
- static struct super_block *shmem_get_sb(struct file_system_type *fs_type,
- int flags, const char *dev_name, void *data)
- {
- return get_sb_nodev(fs_type, flags, data, shmem_fill_super);
- }
--static struct file_system_type tmpfs_fs_type = {
-+struct file_system_type tmpfs_fs_type = {
- .owner = THIS_MODULE,
- .name = "tmpfs",
- .get_sb = shmem_get_sb,
- .kill_sb = kill_litter_super,
- };
- static struct vfsmount *shm_mnt;
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
-+#define visible_shm_mnt shm_mnt
-+#define visible_shm_mnt (get_exec_env()->shmem_mnt)
-+void prepare_shmmnt(void)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ get_ve0()->shmem_mnt = shm_mnt;
-+ shm_mnt = (struct vfsmount *)0x10111213;
- static int __init init_tmpfs(void)
- {
- int error;
-@@ -1999,6 +2054,7 @@ static int __init init_tmpfs(void)
- /* The internal instance should not do size checking */
- shmem_set_size(SHMEM_SB(shm_mnt->mnt_sb), ULONG_MAX, ULONG_MAX);
-+ prepare_shmmnt();
- return 0;
- out1:
-@@ -2011,6 +2067,32 @@ out3:
- }
- module_init(init_tmpfs)
-+static inline int shm_charge_ahead(struct inode *inode)
-+ struct shmem_inode_info *info = SHMEM_I(inode);
-+ unsigned long idx;
-+ swp_entry_t *entry;
-+ if (!inode->i_size)
-+ return 0;
-+ idx = (inode->i_size - 1) >> PAGE_CACHE_SHIFT;
-+ /*
-+ * Just touch info to allocate space for entry and
-+ * make all UBC checks
-+ */
-+ spin_lock(&info->lock);
-+ entry = shmem_swp_alloc(info, idx, SGP_CACHE);
-+ if (IS_ERR(entry))
-+ goto err;
-+ shmem_swp_unmap(entry);
-+ spin_unlock(&info->lock);
-+ return 0;
-+ spin_unlock(&info->lock);
-+ return PTR_ERR(entry);
- /*
- * shmem_file_setup - get an unlinked file living in tmpfs
- *
-@@ -2026,8 +2108,8 @@ struct file *shmem_file_setup(char *name
- struct dentry *dentry, *root;
- struct qstr this;
-- if (IS_ERR(shm_mnt))
-- return (void *)shm_mnt;
-+ if (IS_ERR(visible_shm_mnt))
-+ return (void *)visible_shm_mnt;
- if (size > SHMEM_MAX_BYTES)
- return ERR_PTR(-EINVAL);
-@@ -2039,7 +2121,7 @@ struct file *shmem_file_setup(char *name
- = name;
- this.len = strlen(name);
- this.hash = 0; /* will go */
-- root = shm_mnt->mnt_root;
-+ root = visible_shm_mnt->mnt_root;
- dentry = d_alloc(root, &this);
- if (!dentry)
- goto put_memory;
-@@ -2058,7 +2140,10 @@ struct file *shmem_file_setup(char *name
- d_instantiate(dentry, inode);
- inode->i_size = size;
- inode->i_nlink = 0; /* It is unlinked */
-- file->f_vfsmnt = mntget(shm_mnt);
-+ error = shm_charge_ahead(inode);
-+ if (error)
-+ goto close_file;
-+ file->f_vfsmnt = mntget(visible_shm_mnt);
- file->f_dentry = dentry;
- file->f_mapping = inode->i_mapping;
- file->f_op = &shmem_file_operations;
-@@ -2090,6 +2175,8 @@ int shmem_zero_setup(struct vm_area_stru
- if (vma->vm_file)
- fput(vma->vm_file);
-+ else if (vma->vm_flags & VM_WRITE) /* should match VM_UB_PRIVATE */
-+ __ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(vma->vm_mm), size >> PAGE_SHIFT);
- vma->vm_file = file;
- vma->vm_ops = &shmem_vm_ops;
- return 0;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:26.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -91,32 +91,21 @@
- #include <linux/cpu.h>
- #include <linux/sysctl.h>
- #include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <linux/kmem_slab.h>
-+#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
-+#include <linux/kernel_stat.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <asm/cacheflush.h>
- #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
-- * DEBUG - 1 for kmem_cache_create() to honour; SLAB_DEBUG_INITIAL,
-- * 0 for faster, smaller code (especially in the critical paths).
-- *
-- * STATS - 1 to collect stats for /proc/slabinfo.
-- * 0 for faster, smaller code (especially in the critical paths).
-- *
-- * FORCED_DEBUG - 1 enables SLAB_RED_ZONE and SLAB_POISON (if possible)
-- */
--#define DEBUG 1
--#define STATS 1
--#define FORCED_DEBUG 1
--#define DEBUG 0
--#define STATS 0
--#define FORCED_DEBUG 0
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
- /* Shouldn't this be in a header file somewhere? */
- #define BYTES_PER_WORD sizeof(void *)
-@@ -139,182 +128,20 @@
- #else
- #endif
-- * kmem_bufctl_t:
-- *
-- * Bufctl's are used for linking objs within a slab
-- * linked offsets.
-- *
-- * This implementation relies on "struct page" for locating the cache &
-- * slab an object belongs to.
-- * This allows the bufctl structure to be small (one int), but limits
-- * the number of objects a slab (not a cache) can contain when off-slab
-- * bufctls are used. The limit is the size of the largest general cache
-- * that does not use off-slab slabs.
-- * For 32bit archs with 4 kB pages, is this 56.
-- * This is not serious, as it is only for large objects, when it is unwise
-- * to have too many per slab.
-- * Note: This limit can be raised by introducing a general cache whose size
-- * is less than 512 (PAGE_SIZE<<3), but greater than 256.
-- */
--#define BUFCTL_END (((kmem_bufctl_t)(~0U))-0)
--#define BUFCTL_FREE (((kmem_bufctl_t)(~0U))-1)
--#define SLAB_LIMIT (((kmem_bufctl_t)(~0U))-2)
- /* Max number of objs-per-slab for caches which use off-slab slabs.
- * Needed to avoid a possible looping condition in cache_grow().
- */
- static unsigned long offslab_limit;
-- * struct slab
-- *
-- * Manages the objs in a slab. Placed either at the beginning of mem allocated
-- * for a slab, or allocated from an general cache.
-- * Slabs are chained into three list: fully used, partial, fully free slabs.
-- */
--struct slab {
-- struct list_head list;
-- unsigned long colouroff;
-- void *s_mem; /* including colour offset */
-- unsigned int inuse; /* num of objs active in slab */
-- kmem_bufctl_t free;
-- * struct array_cache
-- *
-- * Per cpu structures
-- * Purpose:
-- * - LIFO ordering, to hand out cache-warm objects from _alloc
-- * - reduce the number of linked list operations
-- * - reduce spinlock operations
-- *
-- * The limit is stored in the per-cpu structure to reduce the data cache
-- * footprint.
-- *
-- */
--struct array_cache {
-- unsigned int avail;
-- unsigned int limit;
-- unsigned int batchcount;
-- unsigned int touched;
--/* bootstrap: The caches do not work without cpuarrays anymore,
-- * but the cpuarrays are allocated from the generic caches...
-- */
--struct arraycache_init {
-- struct array_cache cache;
-- void * entries[BOOT_CPUCACHE_ENTRIES];
-- * The slab lists of all objects.
-- * Hopefully reduce the internal fragmentation
-- * NUMA: The spinlock could be moved from the kmem_cache_t
-- * into this structure, too. Figure out what causes
-- * fewer cross-node spinlock operations.
-- */
--struct kmem_list3 {
-- struct list_head slabs_partial; /* partial list first, better asm code */
-- struct list_head slabs_full;
-- struct list_head slabs_free;
-- unsigned long free_objects;
-- int free_touched;
-- unsigned long next_reap;
-- struct array_cache *shared;
--#define LIST3_INIT(parent) \
-- { \
-- .slabs_full = LIST_HEAD_INIT(parent.slabs_full), \
-- .slabs_partial = LIST_HEAD_INIT(parent.slabs_partial), \
-- .slabs_free = LIST_HEAD_INIT(parent.slabs_free) \
-- }
--#define list3_data(cachep) \
-- (&(cachep)->lists)
--/* NUMA: per-node */
--#define list3_data_ptr(cachep, ptr) \
-- list3_data(cachep)
-- * kmem_cache_t
-- *
-- * manages a cache.
-- */
--struct kmem_cache_s {
--/* 1) per-cpu data, touched during every alloc/free */
-- struct array_cache *array[NR_CPUS];
-- unsigned int batchcount;
-- unsigned int limit;
--/* 2) touched by every alloc & free from the backend */
-- struct kmem_list3 lists;
-- /* NUMA: kmem_3list_t *nodelists[MAX_NUMNODES] */
-- unsigned int objsize;
-- unsigned int flags; /* constant flags */
-- unsigned int num; /* # of objs per slab */
-- unsigned int free_limit; /* upper limit of objects in the lists */
-- spinlock_t spinlock;
--/* 3) cache_grow/shrink */
-- /* order of pgs per slab (2^n) */
-- unsigned int gfporder;
-- /* force GFP flags, e.g. GFP_DMA */
-- unsigned int gfpflags;
-- size_t colour; /* cache colouring range */
-- unsigned int colour_off; /* colour offset */
-- unsigned int colour_next; /* cache colouring */
-- kmem_cache_t *slabp_cache;
-- unsigned int slab_size;
-- unsigned int dflags; /* dynamic flags */
-- /* constructor func */
-- void (*ctor)(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long);
-- /* de-constructor func */
-- void (*dtor)(void *, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long);
--/* 4) cache creation/removal */
-- const char *name;
-- struct list_head next;
--/* 5) statistics */
--#if STATS
-- unsigned long num_active;
-- unsigned long num_allocations;
-- unsigned long high_mark;
-- unsigned long grown;
-- unsigned long reaped;
-- unsigned long errors;
-- unsigned long max_freeable;
-- atomic_t allochit;
-- atomic_t allocmiss;
-- atomic_t freehit;
-- atomic_t freemiss;
--#if DEBUG
-- int dbghead;
-- int reallen;
--#define CFLGS_OFF_SLAB (0x80000000UL)
--#define OFF_SLAB(x) ((x)->flags & CFLGS_OFF_SLAB)
- /* Optimization question: fewer reaps means less
- * probability for unnessary cpucache drain/refill cycles.
-@@ -446,15 +273,6 @@ static void **dbg_userword(kmem_cache_t
- #define BREAK_GFP_ORDER_LO 0
- static int slab_break_gfp_order = BREAK_GFP_ORDER_LO;
--/* Macros for storing/retrieving the cachep and or slab from the
-- * global 'mem_map'. These are used to find the slab an obj belongs to.
-- * With kfree(), these are used to find the cache which an obj belongs to.
-- */
--#define SET_PAGE_CACHE(pg,x) ((pg)-> = (struct list_head *)(x))
--#define GET_PAGE_CACHE(pg) ((kmem_cache_t *)(pg)->
--#define SET_PAGE_SLAB(pg,x) ((pg)->lru.prev = (struct list_head *)(x))
--#define GET_PAGE_SLAB(pg) ((struct slab *)(pg)->lru.prev)
- /* These are the default caches for kmalloc. Custom caches can have other sizes. */
- struct cache_sizes malloc_sizes[] = {
- #define CACHE(x) { .cs_size = (x) },
-@@ -543,13 +361,24 @@ static void cache_estimate (unsigned lon
- size_t wastage = PAGE_SIZE<<gfporder;
- size_t extra = 0;
- size_t base = 0;
-+ size_t ub_align, ub_extra;
-+ ub_align = 1;
-+ ub_extra = 0;
- if (!(flags & CFLGS_OFF_SLAB)) {
- base = sizeof(struct slab);
- extra = sizeof(kmem_bufctl_t);
-+ if (flags & SLAB_UBC) {
-+ ub_extra = sizeof(void *);
-+ ub_align = sizeof(void *);
-+ }
- }
- i = 0;
-- while (i*size + ALIGN(base+i*extra, align) <= wastage)
-+ while (i * size + ALIGN(ALIGN(base + i * extra, ub_align) +
-+ i * ub_extra, align) <= wastage)
- i++;
- if (i > 0)
- i--;
-@@ -558,8 +387,8 @@ static void cache_estimate (unsigned lon
- *num = i;
-- wastage -= i*size;
-- wastage -= ALIGN(base+i*extra, align);
-+ wastage -= i * size + ALIGN(ALIGN(base + i * extra, ub_align) +
-+ i * ub_extra, align);
- *left_over = wastage;
- }
-@@ -747,17 +576,18 @@ void __init kmem_cache_init(void)
- * allow tighter packing of the smaller caches. */
- sizes->cs_cachep = kmem_cache_create(names->name,
- sizes->cs_size, ARCH_KMALLOC_MINALIGN,
- /* Inc off-slab bufctl limit until the ceiling is hit. */
-- if (!(OFF_SLAB(sizes->cs_cachep))) {
-- offslab_limit = sizes->cs_size-sizeof(struct slab);
-- offslab_limit /= sizeof(kmem_bufctl_t);
-- }
-+ if (!(OFF_SLAB(sizes->cs_cachep)))
-+ offslab_limit = sizes->cs_size;
- sizes->cs_dmacachep = kmem_cache_create(names->name_dma,
- sizes->cs_size, ARCH_KMALLOC_MINALIGN,
- sizes++;
-@@ -1115,7 +945,7 @@ kmem_cache_create (const char *name, siz
- unsigned long flags, void (*ctor)(void*, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long),
- void (*dtor)(void*, kmem_cache_t *, unsigned long))
- {
-- size_t left_over, slab_size;
-+ size_t left_over, slab_size, ub_size, ub_align;
- kmem_cache_t *cachep = NULL;
- /*
-@@ -1249,6 +1079,7 @@ kmem_cache_create (const char *name, siz
- */
- do {
- unsigned int break_flag = 0;
-+ unsigned long off_slab_size;
- cal_wastage:
- cache_estimate(cachep->gfporder, size, align, flags,
- &left_over, &cachep->num);
-@@ -1258,12 +1089,22 @@ cal_wastage:
- break;
- if (!cachep->num)
- goto next;
-- if (flags & CFLGS_OFF_SLAB &&
-- cachep->num > offslab_limit) {
-+ if (flags & CFLGS_OFF_SLAB) {
-+ off_slab_size = sizeof(struct slab) +
-+ cachep->num * sizeof(kmem_bufctl_t);
-+ if (flags & SLAB_UBC)
-+ off_slab_size = ALIGN(off_slab_size,
-+ sizeof(void *)) +
-+ cachep->num * sizeof(void *);
- /* This num of objs will cause problems. */
-- cachep->gfporder--;
-- break_flag++;
-- goto cal_wastage;
-+ if (off_slab_size > offslab_limit) {
-+ cachep->gfporder--;
-+ break_flag++;
-+ goto cal_wastage;
-+ }
- }
- /*
-@@ -1286,8 +1127,19 @@ next:
- cachep = NULL;
- goto opps;
- }
-- slab_size = ALIGN(cachep->num*sizeof(kmem_bufctl_t)
-- + sizeof(struct slab), align);
-+ ub_size = 0;
-+ ub_align = 1;
-+ if (flags & SLAB_UBC) {
-+ ub_size = sizeof(void *);
-+ ub_align = sizeof(void *);
-+ }
-+ slab_size = ALIGN(ALIGN(cachep->num * sizeof(kmem_bufctl_t) +
-+ sizeof(struct slab), ub_align) +
-+ cachep->num * ub_size, align);
- /*
- * If the slab has been placed off-slab, and we have enough space then
-@@ -1300,7 +1152,9 @@ next:
- if (flags & CFLGS_OFF_SLAB) {
- /* really off slab. No need for manual alignment */
-- slab_size = cachep->num*sizeof(kmem_bufctl_t)+sizeof(struct slab);
-+ slab_size = ALIGN(cachep->num * sizeof(kmem_bufctl_t) +
-+ sizeof(struct slab), ub_align) +
-+ cachep->num * ub_size;
- }
- cachep->colour_off = cache_line_size();
-@@ -1337,10 +1191,13 @@ next:
- * the cache that's used by kmalloc(24), otherwise
- * the creation of further caches will BUG().
- */
-- cachep->array[smp_processor_id()] = &initarray_generic.cache;
-+ cachep->array[smp_processor_id()] =
-+ &initarray_generic.cache;
- g_cpucache_up = PARTIAL;
- } else {
-- cachep->array[smp_processor_id()] = kmalloc(sizeof(struct arraycache_init),GFP_KERNEL);
-+ cachep->array[smp_processor_id()] =
-+ kmalloc(sizeof(struct arraycache_init),
- }
- BUG_ON(!ac_data(cachep));
- ac_data(cachep)->avail = 0;
-@@ -1354,7 +1211,7 @@ next:
- }
- cachep->lists.next_reap = jiffies + REAPTIMEOUT_LIST3 +
-- ((unsigned long)cachep)%REAPTIMEOUT_LIST3;
-+ ((unsigned long)cachep)%REAPTIMEOUT_LIST3;
- /* Need the semaphore to access the chain. */
- down(&cache_chain_sem);
-@@ -1367,16 +1224,24 @@ next:
- list_for_each(p, &cache_chain) {
- kmem_cache_t *pc = list_entry(p, kmem_cache_t, next);
- char tmp;
-- /* This happens when the module gets unloaded and doesn't
-- destroy its slab cache and noone else reuses the vmalloc
-- area of the module. Print a warning. */
-- if (__get_user(tmp,pc->name)) {
-- printk("SLAB: cache with size %d has lost its name\n",
-- pc->objsize);
-+ /*
-+ * This happens when the module gets unloaded and
-+ * doesn't destroy its slab cache and noone else reuses
-+ * the vmalloc area of the module. Print a warning.
-+ */
-+ if (__direct_get_user(tmp,pc->name)) {
-+ if (__get_user(tmp,pc->name)) {
-+ printk("SLAB: cache with size %d has lost its "
-+ "name\n", pc->objsize);
- continue;
- }
- if (!strcmp(pc->name,name)) {
-- printk("kmem_cache_create: duplicate cache %s\n",name);
-+ printk("kmem_cache_create: duplicate "
-+ "cache %s\n",name);
- up(&cache_chain_sem);
- unlock_cpu_hotplug();
- BUG();
-@@ -1389,6 +1254,16 @@ next:
- list_add(&cachep->next, &cache_chain);
- up(&cache_chain_sem);
- unlock_cpu_hotplug();
-+ cachep->objuse = ((PAGE_SIZE << cachep->gfporder) + cachep->num - 1) /
-+ cachep->num;
-+ if (OFF_SLAB(cachep))
-+ cachep->objuse +=
-+ (cachep->slabp_cache->objuse + cachep->num - 1)
-+ / cachep->num;
- opps:
- if (!cachep && (flags & SLAB_PANIC))
- panic("kmem_cache_create(): failed to create slab `%s'\n",
-@@ -1572,6 +1447,7 @@ int kmem_cache_destroy (kmem_cache_t * c
- /* NUMA: free the list3 structures */
- kfree(cachep->lists.shared);
- cachep->lists.shared = NULL;
-+ ub_kmemcache_free(cachep);
- kmem_cache_free(&cache_cache, cachep);
- unlock_cpu_hotplug();
-@@ -1586,28 +1462,30 @@ static struct slab* alloc_slabmgmt (kmem
- void *objp, int colour_off, int local_flags)
- {
- struct slab *slabp;
- if (OFF_SLAB(cachep)) {
- /* Slab management obj is off-slab. */
-- slabp = kmem_cache_alloc(cachep->slabp_cache, local_flags);
-+ slabp = kmem_cache_alloc(cachep->slabp_cache,
-+ local_flags & (~__GFP_UBC));
- if (!slabp)
- return NULL;
- } else {
- slabp = objp+colour_off;
- colour_off += cachep->slab_size;
- }
- slabp->inuse = 0;
- slabp->colouroff = colour_off;
- slabp->s_mem = objp+colour_off;
-+ if (cachep->flags & SLAB_UBC)
-+ memset(slab_ubcs(cachep, slabp), 0, cachep->num *
-+ sizeof(struct user_beancounter *));
- return slabp;
- }
--static inline kmem_bufctl_t *slab_bufctl(struct slab *slabp)
-- return (kmem_bufctl_t *)(slabp+1);
- static void cache_init_objs (kmem_cache_t * cachep,
- struct slab * slabp, unsigned long ctor_flags)
- {
-@@ -1735,7 +1613,7 @@ static int cache_grow (kmem_cache_t * ca
- /* Get mem for the objs. */
-- if (!(objp = kmem_getpages(cachep, flags, -1)))
-+ if (!(objp = kmem_getpages(cachep, flags & (~__GFP_UBC), -1)))
- goto failed;
- /* Get slab management. */
-@@ -2038,6 +1916,16 @@ cache_alloc_debugcheck_after(kmem_cache_
- #define cache_alloc_debugcheck_after(a,b,objp,d) (objp)
- #endif
-+static inline int should_charge(kmem_cache_t *cachep, int flags, void *objp)
-+ if (objp == NULL)
-+ return 0;
-+ if (!(cachep->flags & SLAB_UBC))
-+ return 0;
-+ if ((cachep->flags & SLAB_NO_CHARGE) && !(flags & __GFP_UBC))
-+ return 0;
-+ return 1;
- static inline void * __cache_alloc (kmem_cache_t *cachep, int flags)
- {
-@@ -2058,8 +1946,18 @@ static inline void * __cache_alloc (kmem
- objp = cache_alloc_refill(cachep, flags);
- }
- local_irq_restore(save_flags);
-+ if (should_charge(cachep, flags, objp) &&
-+ ub_slab_charge(objp, flags) < 0)
-+ goto out_err;
- objp = cache_alloc_debugcheck_after(cachep, flags, objp, __builtin_return_address(0));
- return objp;
-+ objp = cache_alloc_debugcheck_after(cachep, flags, objp, __builtin_return_address(0));
-+ kmem_cache_free(cachep, objp);
-+ return NULL;
- }
- /*
-@@ -2182,6 +2080,9 @@ static inline void __cache_free (kmem_ca
- check_irq_off();
- objp = cache_free_debugcheck(cachep, objp, __builtin_return_address(0));
-+ if (cachep->flags & SLAB_UBC)
-+ ub_slab_uncharge(objp);
- if (likely(ac->avail < ac->limit)) {
- ac_entry(ac)[ac->avail++] = objp;
-@@ -2434,6 +2335,20 @@ void kmem_cache_free (kmem_cache_t *cach
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(kmem_cache_free);
- /**
-+ * kzalloc - allocate memory. The memory is set to zero.
-+ * @size: how many bytes of memory are required.
-+ * @flags: the type of memory to allocate.
-+ */
-+void *kzalloc(size_t size, gfp_t flags)
-+ void *ret = kmalloc(size, flags);
-+ if (ret)
-+ memset(ret, 0, size);
-+ return ret;
- * kfree - free previously allocated memory
- * @objp: pointer returned by kmalloc.
- *
-@@ -2475,6 +2390,7 @@ free_percpu(const void *objp)
- continue;
- kfree(p->ptrs[i]);
- }
-+ kfree(p);
- }
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(free_percpu);
-@@ -2693,6 +2609,7 @@ static void cache_reap (void)
- if (down_trylock(&cache_chain_sem))
- return;
-+ {KSTAT_PERF_ENTER(cache_reap)
- list_for_each(walk, &cache_chain) {
- kmem_cache_t *searchp;
- struct list_head* p;
-@@ -2755,6 +2672,7 @@ next:
- }
- check_irq_on();
- up(&cache_chain_sem);
-+ KSTAT_PERF_LEAVE(cache_reap)}
- }
- /*
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -351,7 +351,9 @@ void pagevec_strip(struct pagevec *pvec)
- struct page *page = pvec->pages[i];
- if (PagePrivate(page) && !TestSetPageLocked(page)) {
-- try_to_release_page(page, 0);
-+ /* need to recheck after lock */
-+ if (page_has_buffers(page))
-+ try_to_release_page(page, 0);
- unlock_page(page);
- }
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:20.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -14,9 +14,15 @@
- #include <linux/pagemap.h>
- #include <linux/buffer_head.h>
- #include <linux/backing-dev.h>
-+#include <linux/kernel_stat.h>
- #include <asm/pgtable.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_page.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
- /*
- * swapper_space is a fiction, retained to simplify the path through
- * vmscan's shrink_list, to make sync_page look nicer, and to allow
-@@ -42,23 +48,20 @@ struct address_space swapper_space = {
- };
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(swapper_space);
-+/* can't remove variable swap_cache_info due to dynamic kernel */
- #define INC_CACHE_INFO(x) do { swap_cache_info.x++; } while (0)
--static struct {
-- unsigned long add_total;
-- unsigned long del_total;
-- unsigned long find_success;
-- unsigned long find_total;
-- unsigned long noent_race;
-- unsigned long exist_race;
--} swap_cache_info;
-+struct swap_cache_info_struct swap_cache_info;
- void show_swap_cache_info(void)
- {
-- printk("Swap cache: add %lu, delete %lu, find %lu/%lu, race %lu+%lu\n",
-+ printk("Swap cache: add %lu, delete %lu, find %lu/%lu, "
-+ "race %lu+%lu+%lu\n",
- swap_cache_info.add_total, swap_cache_info.del_total,
- swap_cache_info.find_success, swap_cache_info.find_total,
-- swap_cache_info.noent_race, swap_cache_info.exist_race);
-+ swap_cache_info.noent_race, swap_cache_info.exist_race,
-+ swap_cache_info.remove_race);
- }
- /*
-@@ -148,7 +151,14 @@ int add_to_swap(struct page * page)
- BUG();
- for (;;) {
-- entry = get_swap_page();
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ ub = pb_grab_page_ub(page);
-+ if (IS_ERR(ub))
-+ return 0;
-+ entry = get_swap_page(ub);
-+ put_beancounter(ub);
- if (!entry.val)
- return 0;
-@@ -264,10 +274,13 @@ int move_from_swap_cache(struct page *pa
- */
- static inline void free_swap_cache(struct page *page)
- {
-- if (PageSwapCache(page) && !TestSetPageLocked(page)) {
-+ if (!PageSwapCache(page))
-+ return;
-+ if (!TestSetPageLocked(page)) {
- remove_exclusive_swap_page(page);
- unlock_page(page);
-- }
-+ } else
-+ INC_CACHE_INFO(remove_race);
- }
- /*
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@
- #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
- #include <linux/swapops.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_vmpages.h>
- spinlock_t swaplock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
- unsigned int nr_swapfiles;
- long total_swap_pages;
-@@ -147,7 +149,7 @@ static inline int scan_swap_map(struct s
- return 0;
- }
--swp_entry_t get_swap_page(void)
-+swp_entry_t get_swap_page(struct user_beancounter *ub)
- {
- struct swap_info_struct * p;
- unsigned long offset;
-@@ -164,7 +166,7 @@ swp_entry_t get_swap_page(void)
- while (1) {
- p = &swap_info[type];
-- if ((p->flags & SWP_ACTIVE) == SWP_ACTIVE) {
-+ if ((p->flags & (SWP_ACTIVE|SWP_READONLY)) == SWP_ACTIVE) {
- swap_device_lock(p);
- offset = scan_swap_map(p);
- swap_device_unlock(p);
-@@ -177,6 +179,12 @@ swp_entry_t get_swap_page(void)
- } else {
- = type;
- }
-+ if (p->owner_map[offset] != NULL)
-+ BUG();
-+ ub_swapentry_inc(ub);
-+ p->owner_map[offset] = get_beancounter(ub);
- goto out;
- }
- }
-@@ -248,6 +256,11 @@ static int swap_entry_free(struct swap_i
- count--;
- p->swap_map[offset] = count;
- if (!count) {
-+ ub_swapentry_dec(p->owner_map[offset]);
-+ put_beancounter(p->owner_map[offset]);
-+ p->owner_map[offset] = NULL;
- if (offset < p->lowest_bit)
- p->lowest_bit = offset;
- if (offset > p->highest_bit)
-@@ -288,7 +301,8 @@ static int exclusive_swap_page(struct pa
- p = swap_info_get(entry);
- if (p) {
- /* Is the only swap cache user the cache itself? */
-- if (p->swap_map[swp_offset(entry)] == 1) {
-+ if ((p->flags & (SWP_ACTIVE|SWP_READONLY)) == SWP_ACTIVE &&
-+ p->swap_map[swp_offset(entry)] == 1) {
- /* Recheck the page count with the swapcache lock held.. */
- spin_lock_irq(&swapper_space.tree_lock);
- if (page_count(page) == 2)
-@@ -379,6 +393,54 @@ int remove_exclusive_swap_page(struct pa
- return retval;
- }
-+int try_to_remove_exclusive_swap_page(struct page *page)
-+ int retval;
-+ struct swap_info_struct * p;
-+ swp_entry_t entry;
-+ BUG_ON(PagePrivate(page));
-+ BUG_ON(!PageLocked(page));
-+ if (!PageSwapCache(page))
-+ return 0;
-+ if (PageWriteback(page))
-+ return 0;
-+ if (page_count(page) != 2) /* 2: us + cache */
-+ return 0;
-+ entry.val = page->private;
-+ p = swap_info_get(entry);
-+ if (!p)
-+ return 0;
-+ if (!vm_swap_full() &&
-+ (p->flags & (SWP_ACTIVE|SWP_READONLY)) == SWP_ACTIVE) {
-+ swap_info_put(p);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ /* Is the only swap cache user the cache itself? */
-+ retval = 0;
-+ if (p->swap_map[swp_offset(entry)] == 1) {
-+ /* Recheck the page count with the swapcache lock held.. */
-+ spin_lock_irq(&swapper_space.tree_lock);
-+ if ((page_count(page) == 2) && !PageWriteback(page)) {
-+ __delete_from_swap_cache(page);
-+ SetPageDirty(page);
-+ retval = 1;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&swapper_space.tree_lock);
-+ }
-+ swap_info_put(p);
-+ if (retval) {
-+ swap_free(entry);
-+ page_cache_release(page);
-+ }
-+ return retval;
- /*
- * Free the swap entry like above, but also try to
- * free the page cache entry if it is the last user.
-@@ -428,9 +490,12 @@ void free_swap_and_cache(swp_entry_t ent
- /* vma->vm_mm->page_table_lock is held */
- static void
- unuse_pte(struct vm_area_struct *vma, unsigned long address, pte_t *dir,
-- swp_entry_t entry, struct page *page)
-+ swp_entry_t entry, struct page *page, struct page_beancounter **ppbs)
- {
- vma->vm_mm->rss++;
-+ vma->vm_rss++;
-+ ub_unused_privvm_dec(mm_ub(vma->vm_mm), 1, vma);
-+ pb_add_list_ref(page, mm_ub(vma->vm_mm), ppbs);
- get_page(page);
- set_pte(dir, pte_mkold(mk_pte(page, vma->vm_page_prot)));
- page_add_anon_rmap(page, vma, address);
-@@ -440,7 +505,7 @@ unuse_pte(struct vm_area_struct *vma, un
- /* vma->vm_mm->page_table_lock is held */
- static unsigned long unuse_pmd(struct vm_area_struct * vma, pmd_t *dir,
- unsigned long address, unsigned long size, unsigned long offset,
-- swp_entry_t entry, struct page *page)
-+ swp_entry_t entry, struct page *page, struct page_beancounter **ppbs)
- {
- pte_t * pte;
- unsigned long end;
-@@ -465,7 +530,8 @@ static unsigned long unuse_pmd(struct vm
- * Test inline before going to call unuse_pte.
- */
- if (unlikely(pte_same(*pte, swp_pte))) {
-- unuse_pte(vma, offset + address, pte, entry, page);
-+ unuse_pte(vma, offset + address, pte, entry, page,
-+ ppbs);
- pte_unmap(pte);
- /*
-@@ -486,8 +552,8 @@ static unsigned long unuse_pmd(struct vm
- /* vma->vm_mm->page_table_lock is held */
- static unsigned long unuse_pgd(struct vm_area_struct * vma, pgd_t *dir,
-- unsigned long address, unsigned long size,
-- swp_entry_t entry, struct page *page)
-+ unsigned long address, unsigned long size, swp_entry_t entry,
-+ struct page *page, struct page_beancounter **ppbs)
- {
- pmd_t * pmd;
- unsigned long offset, end;
-@@ -510,7 +576,7 @@ static unsigned long unuse_pgd(struct vm
- BUG();
- do {
- foundaddr = unuse_pmd(vma, pmd, address, end - address,
-- offset, entry, page);
-+ offset, entry, page, ppbs);
- if (foundaddr)
- return foundaddr;
- address = (address + PMD_SIZE) & PMD_MASK;
-@@ -521,7 +587,7 @@ static unsigned long unuse_pgd(struct vm
- /* vma->vm_mm->page_table_lock is held */
- static unsigned long unuse_vma(struct vm_area_struct * vma, pgd_t *pgdir,
-- swp_entry_t entry, struct page *page)
-+ swp_entry_t entry, struct page *page, struct page_beancounter **ppbs)
- {
- unsigned long start = vma->vm_start, end = vma->vm_end;
- unsigned long foundaddr;
-@@ -530,7 +596,7 @@ static unsigned long unuse_vma(struct vm
- BUG();
- do {
- foundaddr = unuse_pgd(vma, pgdir, start, end - start,
-- entry, page);
-+ entry, page, ppbs);
- if (foundaddr)
- return foundaddr;
- start = (start + PGDIR_SIZE) & PGDIR_MASK;
-@@ -540,7 +606,8 @@ static unsigned long unuse_vma(struct vm
- }
- static int unuse_process(struct mm_struct * mm,
-- swp_entry_t entry, struct page* page)
-+ swp_entry_t entry, struct page* page,
-+ struct page_beancounter **ppbs)
- {
- struct vm_area_struct* vma;
- unsigned long foundaddr = 0;
-@@ -561,7 +628,7 @@ static int unuse_process(struct mm_struc
- for (vma = mm->mmap; vma; vma = vma->vm_next) {
- if (!is_vm_hugetlb_page(vma)) {
- pgd_t * pgd = pgd_offset(mm, vma->vm_start);
-- foundaddr = unuse_vma(vma, pgd, entry, page);
-+ foundaddr = unuse_vma(vma, pgd, entry, page, ppbs);
- if (foundaddr)
- break;
- }
-@@ -629,6 +696,7 @@ static int try_to_unuse(unsigned int typ
- int retval = 0;
- int reset_overflow = 0;
- int shmem;
-+ struct page_beancounter *pb_list;
- /*
- * When searching mms for an entry, a good strategy is to
-@@ -687,6 +755,13 @@ static int try_to_unuse(unsigned int typ
- break;
- }
-+ pb_list = NULL;
-+ if (pb_reserve_all(&pb_list)) {
-+ page_cache_release(page);
-+ retval = -ENOMEM;
-+ break;
-+ }
- /*
- * Don't hold on to start_mm if it looks like exiting.
- */
-@@ -709,6 +784,20 @@ static int try_to_unuse(unsigned int typ
- lock_page(page);
- wait_on_page_writeback(page);
-+ /* If read failed we cannot map not-uptodate page to
-+ * user space. Actually, we are in serious troubles,
-+ * we do not even know what process to kill. So, the only
-+ * variant remains: to stop swapoff() and allow someone
-+ * to kill processes to zap invalid pages.
-+ */
-+ if (unlikely(!PageUptodate(page))) {
-+ pb_free_list(&pb_list);
-+ unlock_page(page);
-+ page_cache_release(page);
-+ retval = -EIO;
-+ break;
-+ }
- /*
- * Remove all references to entry, without blocking.
- * Whenever we reach init_mm, there's no address space
-@@ -720,8 +809,10 @@ static int try_to_unuse(unsigned int typ
- if (start_mm == &init_mm)
- shmem = shmem_unuse(entry, page);
- else
-- retval = unuse_process(start_mm, entry, page);
-+ retval = unuse_process(start_mm, entry, page,
-+ &pb_list);
- }
- if (*swap_map > 1) {
- int set_start_mm = (*swap_map >= swcount);
- struct list_head *p = &start_mm->mmlist;
-@@ -749,7 +840,8 @@ static int try_to_unuse(unsigned int typ
- set_start_mm = 1;
- shmem = shmem_unuse(entry, page);
- } else
-- retval = unuse_process(mm, entry, page);
-+ retval = unuse_process(mm, entry, page,
-+ &pb_list);
- if (set_start_mm && *swap_map < swcount) {
- mmput(new_start_mm);
- atomic_inc(&mm->mm_users);
-@@ -763,6 +855,8 @@ static int try_to_unuse(unsigned int typ
- mmput(start_mm);
- start_mm = new_start_mm;
- }
-+ pb_free_list(&pb_list);
- if (retval) {
- unlock_page(page);
- page_cache_release(page);
-@@ -1078,6 +1172,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_swapoff(const char _
- {
- struct swap_info_struct * p = NULL;
- unsigned short *swap_map;
-+ struct user_beancounter **owner_map;
- struct file *swap_file, *victim;
- struct address_space *mapping;
- struct inode *inode;
-@@ -1085,6 +1180,10 @@ asmlinkage long sys_swapoff(const char _
- int i, type, prev;
- int err;
-+ /* VE admin check is just to be on the safe side, the admin may affect
-+ * swaps only if he has access to special, i.e. if he has been granted
-+ * access to the block device or if the swap file is in the area
-+ * visible to him. */
- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
- return -EPERM;
-@@ -1168,12 +1267,15 @@ asmlinkage long sys_swapoff(const char _
- p->max = 0;
- swap_map = p->swap_map;
- p->swap_map = NULL;
-+ owner_map = p->owner_map;
-+ p->owner_map = NULL;
- p->flags = 0;
- destroy_swap_extents(p);
- swap_device_unlock(p);
- swap_list_unlock();
- up(&swapon_sem);
- vfree(swap_map);
-+ vfree(owner_map);
- inode = mapping->host;
- if (S_ISBLK(inode->i_mode)) {
- struct block_device *bdev = I_BDEV(inode);
-@@ -1310,6 +1412,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_swapon(const char __
- struct page *page = NULL;
- struct inode *inode = NULL;
- int did_down = 0;
-+ struct user_beancounter **owner_map;
- if (!capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
- return -EPERM;
-@@ -1347,6 +1450,7 @@ asmlinkage long sys_swapon(const char __
- p->highest_bit = 0;
- p->cluster_nr = 0;
- p->inuse_pages = 0;
-+ p->owner_map = NULL;
- p->sdev_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
- p->next = -1;
- if (swap_flags & SWAP_FLAG_PREFER) {
-@@ -1513,6 +1617,15 @@ asmlinkage long sys_swapon(const char __
- error = -EINVAL;
- goto bad_swap;
- }
-+ p->owner_map = vmalloc(maxpages * sizeof(struct user_beancounter *));
-+ if (!p->owner_map) {
-+ error = -ENOMEM;
-+ goto bad_swap;
-+ }
-+ memset(p->owner_map, 0,
-+ maxpages * sizeof(struct user_beancounter *));
- p->swap_map[0] = SWAP_MAP_BAD;
- p->max = maxpages;
- p->pages = nr_good_pages;
-@@ -1525,6 +1638,8 @@ asmlinkage long sys_swapon(const char __
- swap_list_lock();
- swap_device_lock(p);
- p->flags = SWP_ACTIVE;
-+ if (swap_flags & SWAP_FLAG_READONLY)
-+ p->flags |= SWP_READONLY;
- nr_swap_pages += nr_good_pages;
- total_swap_pages += nr_good_pages;
- printk(KERN_INFO "Adding %dk swap on %s. Priority:%d extents:%d\n",
-@@ -1558,6 +1673,7 @@ bad_swap:
- bad_swap_2:
- swap_list_lock();
- swap_map = p->swap_map;
-+ owner_map = p->owner_map;
- p->swap_file = NULL;
- p->swap_map = NULL;
- p->flags = 0;
-@@ -1567,6 +1683,8 @@ bad_swap_2:
- destroy_swap_extents(p);
- if (swap_map)
- vfree(swap_map);
-+ if (owner_map)
-+ vfree(owner_map);
- if (swap_file)
- filp_close(swap_file, NULL);
- out:
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:28.000000000 +0400
-@@ -79,6 +79,12 @@ invalidate_complete_page(struct address_
- spin_unlock_irq(&mapping->tree_lock);
- return 0;
- }
-+ BUG_ON(PagePrivate(page));
-+ if (page_count(page) != 2) {
-+ spin_unlock_irq(&mapping->tree_lock);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
- __remove_from_page_cache(page);
- spin_unlock_irq(&mapping->tree_lock);
- ClearPageUptodate(page);
-@@ -268,7 +274,11 @@ void invalidate_inode_pages2(struct addr
- clear_page_dirty(page);
- ClearPageUptodate(page);
- } else {
-- invalidate_complete_page(mapping, page);
-+ if (!invalidate_complete_page(mapping,
-+ page)) {
-+ clear_page_dirty(page);
-+ ClearPageUptodate(page);
-+ }
- }
- }
- unlock_page(page);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 1970-01-01 03:00:00.000000000 +0300
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:38.000000000 +0400
-@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
-+ * linux/mm/usercopy.c
-+ *
-+ * (C) Copyright 2003 Ingo Molnar
-+ *
-+ * Generic implementation of all the user-VM access functions, without
-+ * relying on being able to access the VM directly.
-+ */
-+#include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#include <linux/errno.h>
-+#include <linux/mm.h>
-+#include <linux/highmem.h>
-+#include <linux/pagemap.h>
-+#include <linux/smp_lock.h>
-+#include <linux/ptrace.h>
-+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
-+#include <asm/pgtable.h>
-+#include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <asm/atomic_kmap.h>
-+ * Get kernel address of the user page and pin it.
-+ */
-+static inline struct page *pin_page(unsigned long addr, int write,
-+ pte_t *pte)
-+ struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm ? : &init_mm;
-+ struct page *page = NULL;
-+ int ret;
-+ if (addr >= current_thread_info()->addr_limit.seg)
-+ return (struct page *)-1UL;
-+ /*
-+ * Do a quick atomic lookup first - this is the fastpath.
-+ */
-+ page = follow_page_pte(mm, addr, write, pte);
-+ if (likely(page != NULL)) {
-+ if (!PageReserved(page))
-+ get_page(page);
-+ return page;
-+ }
-+ if (pte_present(*pte))
-+ return NULL;
-+ /*
-+ * No luck - bad address or need to fault in the page:
-+ */
-+ /* Release the lock so get_user_pages can sleep */
-+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-+ /*
-+ * In the context of filemap_copy_from_user(), we are not allowed
-+ * to sleep. We must fail this usercopy attempt and allow
-+ * filemap_copy_from_user() to recover: drop its atomic kmap and use
-+ * a sleeping kmap instead.
-+ */
-+ if (in_atomic()) {
-+ spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ down_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
-+ ret = get_user_pages(current, mm, addr, 1, write, 0, NULL, NULL);
-+ up_read(&mm->mmap_sem);
-+ spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-+ if (ret <= 0)
-+ return NULL;
-+ /*
-+ * Go try the follow_page again.
-+ */
-+ goto retry;
-+static inline void unpin_page(struct page *page)
-+ put_page(page);
-+ * Access another process' address space.
-+ * Source/target buffer must be kernel space,
-+ * Do not walk the page table directly, use get_user_pages
-+ */
-+static int rw_vm(unsigned long addr, void *buf, int len, int write)
-+ struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm ? : &init_mm;
-+ if (!len)
-+ return 0;
-+ spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-+ /* ignore errors, just check how much was sucessfully transfered */
-+ while (len) {
-+ struct page *page = NULL;
-+ pte_t pte;
-+ int bytes, offset;
-+ void *maddr;
-+ page = pin_page(addr, write, &pte);
-+ if ((page == (struct page *)-1UL) ||
-+ (!page && !pte_present(pte)))
-+ break;
-+ bytes = len;
-+ offset = addr & (PAGE_SIZE-1);
-+ if (bytes > PAGE_SIZE-offset)
-+ bytes = PAGE_SIZE-offset;
-+ if (page)
-+ maddr = kmap_atomic(page, KM_USER_COPY);
-+ else
-+ /* we will map with user pte
-+ */
-+ maddr = kmap_atomic_pte(&pte, KM_USER_COPY);
-+#define HANDLE_TYPE(type) \
-+ case sizeof(type): *(type *)(maddr+offset) = *(type *)(buf); break;
-+ if (write) {
-+ switch (bytes) {
-+ HANDLE_TYPE(char);
-+ HANDLE_TYPE(int);
-+ HANDLE_TYPE(long long);
-+ default:
-+ memcpy(maddr + offset, buf, bytes);
-+ }
-+ } else {
-+#undef HANDLE_TYPE
-+#define HANDLE_TYPE(type) \
-+ case sizeof(type): *(type *)(buf) = *(type *)(maddr+offset); break;
-+ switch (bytes) {
-+ HANDLE_TYPE(char);
-+ HANDLE_TYPE(int);
-+ HANDLE_TYPE(long long);
-+ default:
-+ memcpy(buf, maddr + offset, bytes);
-+ }
-+#undef HANDLE_TYPE
-+ }
-+ kunmap_atomic(maddr, KM_USER_COPY);
-+ if (page)
-+ unpin_page(page);
-+ len -= bytes;
-+ buf += bytes;
-+ addr += bytes;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-+ return len;
-+static int str_vm(unsigned long addr, void *buf0, int len, int copy)
-+ struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm ? : &init_mm;
-+ struct page *page;
-+ void *buf = buf0;
-+ if (!len)
-+ return len;
-+ spin_lock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-+ /* ignore errors, just check how much was sucessfully transfered */
-+ while (len) {
-+ int bytes, offset, left, copied;
-+ pte_t pte;
-+ char *maddr;
-+ page = pin_page(addr, copy == 2, &pte);
-+ if ((page == (struct page *)-1UL) ||
-+ (!page && !pte_present(pte))) {
-+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ }
-+ bytes = len;
-+ offset = addr & (PAGE_SIZE-1);
-+ if (bytes > PAGE_SIZE-offset)
-+ bytes = PAGE_SIZE-offset;
-+ if (page)
-+ maddr = kmap_atomic(page, KM_USER_COPY);
-+ else
-+ /* we will map with user pte
-+ */
-+ maddr = kmap_atomic_pte(&pte, KM_USER_COPY);
-+ if (copy == 2) {
-+ memset(maddr + offset, 0, bytes);
-+ copied = bytes;
-+ left = 0;
-+ } else if (copy == 1) {
-+ left = strncpy_count(buf, maddr + offset, bytes);
-+ copied = bytes - left;
-+ } else {
-+ copied = strnlen(maddr + offset, bytes);
-+ left = bytes - copied;
-+ }
-+ BUG_ON(bytes < 0 || copied < 0);
-+ kunmap_atomic(maddr, KM_USER_COPY);
-+ if (page)
-+ unpin_page(page);
-+ len -= copied;
-+ buf += copied;
-+ addr += copied;
-+ if (left)
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock(&mm->page_table_lock);
-+ return len;
-+ * Copies memory from userspace (ptr) into kernelspace (val).
-+ *
-+ * returns # of bytes not copied.
-+ */
-+int get_user_size(unsigned int size, void *val, const void *ptr)
-+ int ret;
-+ if (unlikely(segment_eq(get_fs(), KERNEL_DS)))
-+ ret = __direct_copy_from_user(val, ptr, size);
-+ else
-+ ret = rw_vm((unsigned long)ptr, val, size, 0);
-+ if (ret)
-+ /*
-+ * Zero the rest:
-+ */
-+ memset(val + size - ret, 0, ret);
-+ return ret;
-+ * Copies memory from kernelspace (val) into userspace (ptr).
-+ *
-+ * returns # of bytes not copied.
-+ */
-+int put_user_size(unsigned int size, const void *val, void *ptr)
-+ if (unlikely(segment_eq(get_fs(), KERNEL_DS)))
-+ return __direct_copy_to_user(ptr, val, size);
-+ else
-+ return rw_vm((unsigned long)ptr, (void *)val, size, 1);
-+int copy_str_fromuser_size(unsigned int size, void *val, const void *ptr)
-+ int copied, left;
-+ if (unlikely(segment_eq(get_fs(), KERNEL_DS))) {
-+ left = strncpy_count(val, ptr, size);
-+ copied = size - left;
-+ BUG_ON(copied < 0);
-+ return copied;
-+ }
-+ left = str_vm((unsigned long)ptr, val, size, 1);
-+ if (left < 0)
-+ return left;
-+ copied = size - left;
-+ BUG_ON(copied < 0);
-+ return copied;
-+int strlen_fromuser_size(unsigned int size, const void *ptr)
-+ int copied, left;
-+ if (unlikely(segment_eq(get_fs(), KERNEL_DS))) {
-+ copied = strnlen(ptr, size) + 1;
-+ BUG_ON(copied < 0);
-+ return copied;
-+ }
-+ left = str_vm((unsigned long)ptr, NULL, size, 0);
-+ if (left < 0)
-+ return 0;
-+ copied = size - left + 1;
-+ BUG_ON(copied < 0);
-+ return copied;
-+int zero_user_size(unsigned int size, void *ptr)
-+ int left;
-+ if (unlikely(segment_eq(get_fs(), KERNEL_DS))) {
-+ memset(ptr, 0, size);
-+ return 0;
-+ }
-+ left = str_vm((unsigned long)ptr, NULL, size, 2);
-+ if (left < 0)
-+ return size;
-+ return left;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <asm/tlbflush.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_debug.h>
- rwlock_t vmlist_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
- struct vm_struct *vmlist;
-@@ -246,6 +247,66 @@ struct vm_struct *get_vm_area(unsigned l
- return __get_vm_area(size, flags, VMALLOC_START, VMALLOC_END);
- }
-+struct vm_struct * get_vm_area_best(unsigned long size, unsigned long flags)
-+ unsigned long addr, best_addr, delta, best_delta;
-+ struct vm_struct **p, **best_p, *tmp, *area;
-+ area = (struct vm_struct *) kmalloc(sizeof(*area), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!area)
-+ return NULL;
-+ size += PAGE_SIZE; /* one-page gap at the end */
-+ addr = VMALLOC_START;
-+ best_addr = 0UL;
-+ best_p = NULL;
-+ write_lock(&vmlist_lock);
-+ for (p = &vmlist; (tmp = *p) ; p = &tmp->next) {
-+ if ((size + addr) < addr)
-+ break;
-+ delta = (unsigned long) tmp->addr - (size + addr);
-+ if (delta < best_delta) {
-+ best_delta = delta;
-+ best_addr = addr;
-+ best_p = p;
-+ }
-+ addr = tmp->size + (unsigned long) tmp->addr;
-+ if (addr > VMALLOC_END-size)
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ if (!tmp) {
-+ /* check free area after list end */
-+ delta = (unsigned long) PAGE_ALIGN(VMALLOC_END) - (size + addr);
-+ if (delta < best_delta) {
-+ best_delta = delta;
-+ best_addr = addr;
-+ best_p = p;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ if (best_addr) {
-+ area->flags = flags;
-+ /* allocate at the end of this area */
-+ area->addr = (void *)(best_addr + best_delta);
-+ area->size = size;
-+ area->next = *best_p;
-+ area->pages = NULL;
-+ area->nr_pages = 0;
-+ area->phys_addr = 0;
-+ *best_p = area;
-+ /* check like in __vunmap */
-+ WARN_ON((PAGE_SIZE - 1) & (unsigned long)area->addr);
-+ } else {
-+ kfree(area);
-+ area = NULL;
-+ }
-+ write_unlock(&vmlist_lock);
-+ return area;
- /**
- * remove_vm_area - find and remove a contingous kernel virtual area
- *
-@@ -298,6 +359,7 @@ void __vunmap(void *addr, int deallocate
- if (deallocate_pages) {
- int i;
-+ dec_vmalloc_charged(area);
- for (i = 0; i < area->nr_pages; i++) {
- if (unlikely(!area->pages[i]))
- BUG();
-@@ -390,17 +452,20 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(vmap);
- * allocator with @gfp_mask flags. Map them into contiguous
- * kernel virtual space, using a pagetable protection of @prot.
- */
--void *__vmalloc(unsigned long size, int gfp_mask, pgprot_t prot)
-+void *____vmalloc(unsigned long size, int gfp_mask, pgprot_t prot, int best)
- {
- struct vm_struct *area;
- struct page **pages;
-- unsigned int nr_pages, array_size, i;
-+ unsigned int nr_pages, array_size, i, j;
- size = PAGE_ALIGN(size);
- if (!size || (size >> PAGE_SHIFT) > num_physpages)
- return NULL;
-- area = get_vm_area(size, VM_ALLOC);
-+ if (best)
-+ area = get_vm_area_best(size, VM_ALLOC);
-+ else
-+ area = get_vm_area(size, VM_ALLOC);
- if (!area)
- return NULL;
-@@ -409,31 +474,38 @@ void *__vmalloc(unsigned long size, int
- area->nr_pages = nr_pages;
- area->pages = pages = kmalloc(array_size, (gfp_mask & ~__GFP_HIGHMEM));
-- if (!area->pages) {
-- remove_vm_area(area->addr);
-- kfree(area);
-- return NULL;
-- }
-+ if (!area->pages)
-+ goto fail_area;
- memset(area->pages, 0, array_size);
- for (i = 0; i < area->nr_pages; i++) {
- area->pages[i] = alloc_page(gfp_mask);
-- if (unlikely(!area->pages[i])) {
-- /* Successfully allocated i pages, free them in __vunmap() */
-- area->nr_pages = i;
-+ if (unlikely(!area->pages[i]))
- goto fail;
-- }
- }
- if (map_vm_area(area, prot, &pages))
- goto fail;
-+ inc_vmalloc_charged(area, gfp_mask);
- return area->addr;
- fail:
-- vfree(area->addr);
-+ for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
-+ __free_page(area->pages[j]);
-+ kfree(area->pages);
-+ remove_vm_area(area->addr);
-+ kfree(area);
- return NULL;
- }
-+void *__vmalloc(unsigned long size, int gfp_mask, pgprot_t prot)
-+ return ____vmalloc(size, gfp_mask, prot, 0);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(__vmalloc);
- /**
-@@ -454,6 +526,20 @@ void *vmalloc(unsigned long size)
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(vmalloc);
-+void *vmalloc_best(unsigned long size)
-+ return ____vmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL | __GFP_HIGHMEM, PAGE_KERNEL, 1);
-+void *ub_vmalloc_best(unsigned long size)
-+ return ____vmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL_UBC | __GFP_HIGHMEM, PAGE_KERNEL, 1);
- /**
- * vmalloc_exec - allocate virtually contiguous, executable memory
- *
-@@ -565,3 +651,37 @@ finished:
- read_unlock(&vmlist_lock);
- return buf - buf_start;
- }
-+void vprintstat(void)
-+ struct vm_struct *p, *last_p = NULL;
-+ unsigned long addr, size, free_size, max_free_size;
-+ int num;
-+ addr = VMALLOC_START;
-+ size = max_free_size = 0;
-+ num = 0;
-+ read_lock(&vmlist_lock);
-+ for (p = vmlist; p; p = p->next) {
-+ free_size = (unsigned long)p->addr - addr;
-+ if (free_size > max_free_size)
-+ max_free_size = free_size;
-+ addr = (unsigned long)p->addr + p->size;
-+ size += p->size;
-+ ++num;
-+ last_p = p;
-+ }
-+ if (last_p) {
-+ free_size = VMALLOC_END -
-+ ((unsigned long)last_p->addr + last_p->size);
-+ if (free_size > max_free_size)
-+ max_free_size = free_size;
-+ }
-+ read_unlock(&vmlist_lock);
-+ printk("VMALLOC Used: %luKB Total: %luKB Entries: %d\n"
-+ " Max_Free: %luKB Start: %lx End: %lx\n",
-+ size/1024, (VMALLOC_END - VMALLOC_START)/1024, num,
-+ max_free_size/1024, VMALLOC_START, VMALLOC_END);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@
- #include <linux/swapops.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
- /* possible outcome of pageout() */
- typedef enum {
- /* failed to write page out, page is locked */
-@@ -72,6 +74,8 @@ struct scan_control {
- unsigned int gfp_mask;
- int may_writepage;
-+ struct oom_freeing_stat oom_stat;
- };
- /*
-@@ -174,14 +178,16 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(remove_shrinker);
- * are eligible for the caller's allocation attempt. It is used for balancing
- * slab reclaim versus page reclaim.
- */
--static int shrink_slab(unsigned long scanned, unsigned int gfp_mask,
-+static int shrink_slab(struct scan_control *sc, unsigned int gfp_mask,
- unsigned long lru_pages)
- {
- struct shrinker *shrinker;
-+ unsigned long scanned;
- if (down_trylock(&shrinker_sem))
- return 0;
-+ scanned = sc->nr_scanned;
- list_for_each_entry(shrinker, &shrinker_list, list) {
- unsigned long long delta;
-@@ -205,6 +211,7 @@ static int shrink_slab(unsigned long sca
- shrinker->nr -= this_scan;
- if (shrink_ret == -1)
- break;
-+ sc->oom_stat.slabs += shrink_ret;
- cond_resched();
- }
- }
-@@ -389,6 +396,7 @@ static int shrink_list(struct list_head
- page_map_unlock(page);
- if (!add_to_swap(page))
- goto activate_locked;
-+ sc->oom_stat.swapped++;
- page_map_lock(page);
- }
- #endif /* CONFIG_SWAP */
-@@ -430,6 +438,7 @@ static int shrink_list(struct list_head
- goto activate_locked;
-+ sc->oom_stat.written++;
- if (PageWriteback(page) || PageDirty(page))
- goto keep;
- /*
-@@ -589,6 +598,7 @@ static void shrink_cache(struct zone *zo
- else
- mod_page_state_zone(zone, pgscan_direct, nr_scan);
- nr_freed = shrink_list(&page_list, sc);
-+ sc->oom_stat.freed += nr_freed;
- if (current_is_kswapd())
- mod_page_state(kswapd_steal, nr_freed);
- mod_page_state_zone(zone, pgsteal, nr_freed);
-@@ -653,6 +663,7 @@ refill_inactive_zone(struct zone *zone,
- long distress;
- long swap_tendency;
-+ KSTAT_PERF_ENTER(refill_inact)
- lru_add_drain();
- pgmoved = 0;
- spin_lock_irq(&zone->lru_lock);
-@@ -793,6 +804,8 @@ refill_inactive_zone(struct zone *zone,
- mod_page_state_zone(zone, pgrefill, pgscanned);
- mod_page_state(pgdeactivate, pgdeactivate);
-+ KSTAT_PERF_LEAVE(refill_inact);
- }
- /*
-@@ -902,6 +915,10 @@ int try_to_free_pages(struct zone **zone
- unsigned long lru_pages = 0;
- int i;
-+ memset(&sc.oom_stat, 0, sizeof(struct oom_freeing_stat));
-+ sc.oom_stat.oom_generation = oom_generation;
- sc.gfp_mask = gfp_mask;
- sc.may_writepage = 0;
-@@ -920,7 +937,7 @@ int try_to_free_pages(struct zone **zone
- sc.nr_reclaimed = 0;
- sc.priority = priority;
- shrink_caches(zones, &sc);
-- shrink_slab(sc.nr_scanned, gfp_mask, lru_pages);
-+ shrink_slab(&sc, gfp_mask, lru_pages);
- if (reclaim_state) {
- sc.nr_reclaimed += reclaim_state->reclaimed_slab;
- reclaim_state->reclaimed_slab = 0;
-@@ -949,10 +966,11 @@ int try_to_free_pages(struct zone **zone
- blk_congestion_wait(WRITE, HZ/10);
- }
- if ((gfp_mask & __GFP_FS) && !(gfp_mask & __GFP_NORETRY))
-- out_of_memory(gfp_mask);
-+ out_of_memory(&sc.oom_stat, gfp_mask);
- out:
- for (i = 0; zones[i] != 0; i++)
- zones[i]->prev_priority = zones[i]->temp_priority;
- return ret;
- }
-@@ -1062,7 +1080,7 @@ scan:
- sc.priority = priority;
- shrink_zone(zone, &sc);
- reclaim_state->reclaimed_slab = 0;
-- shrink_slab(sc.nr_scanned, GFP_KERNEL, lru_pages);
-+ shrink_slab(&sc, GFP_KERNEL, lru_pages);
- sc.nr_reclaimed += reclaim_state->reclaimed_slab;
- total_reclaimed += sc.nr_reclaimed;
- if (zone->all_unreclaimable)
-@@ -1142,8 +1160,8 @@ static int kswapd(void *p)
- tsk->flags |= PF_MEMALLOC|PF_KSWAPD;
- for ( ; ; ) {
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
-- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
-+ refrigerator();
- prepare_to_wait(&pgdat->kswapd_wait, &wait, TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
- schedule();
- finish_wait(&pgdat->kswapd_wait, &wait);
-@@ -1223,7 +1241,7 @@ static int __init kswapd_init(void)
- swap_setup();
- for_each_pgdat(pgdat)
- pgdat->kswapd
-- = find_task_by_pid(kernel_thread(kswapd, pgdat, CLONE_KERNEL));
-+ = find_task_by_pid_all(kernel_thread(kswapd, pgdat, CLONE_KERNEL));
- total_memory = nr_free_pagecache_pages();
- hotcpu_notifier(cpu_callback, 0);
- return 0;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:34.000000000 +0400
-@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ static kmem_cache_t *bt_sock_cache;
- int bt_sock_register(int proto, struct net_proto_family *ops)
- {
-- if (proto >= BT_MAX_PROTO)
-+ if (proto < 0 || proto >= BT_MAX_PROTO)
- return -EINVAL;
- if (bt_proto[proto])
-@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(bt_sock_register);
- int bt_sock_unregister(int proto)
- {
-- if (proto >= BT_MAX_PROTO)
-+ if (proto < 0 || proto >= BT_MAX_PROTO)
- return -EINVAL;
- if (!bt_proto[proto])
-@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ static int bt_sock_create(struct socket
- {
- int err = 0;
-- if (proto >= BT_MAX_PROTO)
-+ if (proto < 0 || proto >= BT_MAX_PROTO)
- return -EINVAL;
- #if defined(CONFIG_KMOD)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -90,20 +90,11 @@ int verify_compat_iovec(struct msghdr *k
- } else
- kern_msg->msg_name = NULL;
-- if(kern_msg->msg_iovlen > UIO_FASTIOV) {
-- kern_iov = kmalloc(kern_msg->msg_iovlen * sizeof(struct iovec),
-- if(!kern_iov)
-- return -ENOMEM;
-- }
- tot_len = iov_from_user_compat_to_kern(kern_iov,
- (struct compat_iovec __user *)kern_msg->msg_iov,
- kern_msg->msg_iovlen);
- if(tot_len >= 0)
- kern_msg->msg_iov = kern_iov;
-- else if(kern_msg->msg_iovlen > UIO_FASTIOV)
-- kfree(kern_iov);
- return tot_len;
- }
-@@ -123,6 +114,12 @@ int verify_compat_iovec(struct msghdr *k
- (struct compat_cmsghdr __user *)((msg)->msg_control) : \
- (struct compat_cmsghdr __user *)NULL)
-+#define CMSG_COMPAT_OK(ucmlen, ucmsg, mhdr) \
-+ ((ucmlen) >= sizeof(struct compat_cmsghdr) && \
-+ (ucmlen) <= (unsigned long) \
-+ ((mhdr)->msg_controllen - \
-+ ((char *)(ucmsg) - (char *)(mhdr)->msg_control)))
- static inline struct compat_cmsghdr __user *cmsg_compat_nxthdr(struct msghdr *msg,
- struct compat_cmsghdr __user *cmsg, int cmsg_len)
- {
-@@ -137,13 +134,14 @@ static inline struct compat_cmsghdr __us
- * thus placement) of cmsg headers and length are different for
- * 32-bit apps. -DaveM
- */
--int cmsghdr_from_user_compat_to_kern(struct msghdr *kmsg,
-+int cmsghdr_from_user_compat_to_kern(struct msghdr *kmsg, struct sock *sk,
- unsigned char *stackbuf, int stackbuf_size)
- {
- struct compat_cmsghdr __user *ucmsg;
- struct cmsghdr *kcmsg, *kcmsg_base;
- compat_size_t ucmlen;
- __kernel_size_t kcmlen, tmp;
-+ int err = -EFAULT;
- kcmlen = 0;
- kcmsg_base = kcmsg = (struct cmsghdr *)stackbuf;
-@@ -153,15 +151,12 @@ int cmsghdr_from_user_compat_to_kern(str
- return -EFAULT;
- /* Catch bogons. */
-- if(CMSG_COMPAT_ALIGN(ucmlen) <
-- CMSG_COMPAT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct compat_cmsghdr)))
-- return -EINVAL;
-- if((unsigned long)(((char __user *)ucmsg - (char __user *)kmsg->msg_control)
-- + ucmlen) > kmsg->msg_controllen)
-+ if (!CMSG_COMPAT_OK(ucmlen, ucmsg, kmsg))
- return -EINVAL;
- tmp = ((ucmlen - CMSG_COMPAT_ALIGN(sizeof(*ucmsg))) +
- CMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(struct cmsghdr)));
-+ tmp = CMSG_ALIGN(tmp);
- kcmlen += tmp;
- ucmsg = cmsg_compat_nxthdr(kmsg, ucmsg, ucmlen);
- }
-@@ -173,30 +168,34 @@ int cmsghdr_from_user_compat_to_kern(str
- * until we have successfully copied over all of the data
- * from the user.
- */
-- if(kcmlen > stackbuf_size)
-- kcmsg_base = kcmsg = kmalloc(kcmlen, GFP_KERNEL);
-- if(kcmsg == NULL)
-+ if (kcmlen > stackbuf_size)
-+ kcmsg_base = kcmsg = sock_kmalloc(sk, kcmlen, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (kcmsg == NULL)
- return -ENOBUFS;
- /* Now copy them over neatly. */
- memset(kcmsg, 0, kcmlen);
- ucmsg = CMSG_COMPAT_FIRSTHDR(kmsg);
- while(ucmsg != NULL) {
-- __get_user(ucmlen, &ucmsg->cmsg_len);
-+ if (__get_user(ucmlen, &ucmsg->cmsg_len))
-+ goto Efault;
-+ if (!CMSG_COMPAT_OK(ucmlen, ucmsg, kmsg))
-+ goto Einval;
- tmp = ((ucmlen - CMSG_COMPAT_ALIGN(sizeof(*ucmsg))) +
- CMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(struct cmsghdr)));
-+ if ((char *)kcmsg_base + kcmlen - (char *)kcmsg < CMSG_ALIGN(tmp))
-+ goto Einval;
- kcmsg->cmsg_len = tmp;
-- __get_user(kcmsg->cmsg_level, &ucmsg->cmsg_level);
-- __get_user(kcmsg->cmsg_type, &ucmsg->cmsg_type);
-- /* Copy over the data. */
-- if(copy_from_user(CMSG_DATA(kcmsg),
-- (ucmlen - CMSG_COMPAT_ALIGN(sizeof(*ucmsg)))))
-- goto out_free_efault;
-+ tmp = CMSG_ALIGN(tmp);
-+ if (__get_user(kcmsg->cmsg_level, &ucmsg->cmsg_level) ||
-+ __get_user(kcmsg->cmsg_type, &ucmsg->cmsg_type) ||
-+ copy_from_user(CMSG_DATA(kcmsg),
-+ (ucmlen - CMSG_COMPAT_ALIGN(sizeof(*ucmsg)))))
-+ goto Efault;
- /* Advance. */
-- kcmsg = (struct cmsghdr *)((char *)kcmsg + CMSG_ALIGN(tmp));
-+ kcmsg = (struct cmsghdr *)((char *)kcmsg + tmp);
- ucmsg = cmsg_compat_nxthdr(kmsg, ucmsg, ucmlen);
- }
-@@ -205,10 +204,12 @@ int cmsghdr_from_user_compat_to_kern(str
- kmsg->msg_controllen = kcmlen;
- return 0;
-- if(kcmsg_base != (struct cmsghdr *)stackbuf)
-- kfree(kcmsg_base);
-- return -EFAULT;
-+ err = -EINVAL;
-+ if (kcmsg_base != (struct cmsghdr *)stackbuf)
-+ sock_kfree_s(sk, kcmsg_base, kcmlen);
-+ return err;
- }
- int put_cmsg_compat(struct msghdr *kmsg, int level, int type, int len, void *data)
-@@ -303,107 +304,6 @@ void scm_detach_fds_compat(struct msghdr
- }
- /*
-- * For now, we assume that the compatibility and native version
-- * of struct ipt_entry are the same - sfr. FIXME
-- */
--struct compat_ipt_replace {
-- u32 valid_hooks;
-- u32 num_entries;
-- u32 size;
-- u32 hook_entry[NF_IP_NUMHOOKS];
-- u32 underflow[NF_IP_NUMHOOKS];
-- u32 num_counters;
-- compat_uptr_t counters; /* struct ipt_counters * */
-- struct ipt_entry entries[0];
--static int do_netfilter_replace(int fd, int level, int optname,
-- char __user *optval, int optlen)
-- struct compat_ipt_replace __user *urepl;
-- struct ipt_replace __user *repl_nat;
-- u32 origsize, tmp32, num_counters;
-- unsigned int repl_nat_size;
-- int ret;
-- int i;
-- compat_uptr_t ucntrs;
-- urepl = (struct compat_ipt_replace __user *)optval;
-- if (get_user(origsize, &urepl->size))
-- return -EFAULT;
-- /* Hack: Causes ipchains to give correct error msg --RR */
-- if (optlen != sizeof(*urepl) + origsize)
-- return -ENOPROTOOPT;
-- /* XXX Assumes that size of ipt_entry is the same both in
-- * native and compat environments.
-- */
-- repl_nat_size = sizeof(*repl_nat) + origsize;
-- repl_nat = compat_alloc_user_space(repl_nat_size);
-- ret = -EFAULT;
-- if (put_user(origsize, &repl_nat->size))
-- goto out;
-- if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, urepl, optlen) ||
-- !access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, repl_nat, optlen))
-- goto out;
-- if (__copy_from_user(name, urepl->name, sizeof(urepl->name)) ||
-- __copy_to_user(repl_nat->name, name, sizeof(repl_nat->name)))
-- goto out;
-- if (__get_user(tmp32, &urepl->valid_hooks) ||
-- __put_user(tmp32, &repl_nat->valid_hooks))
-- goto out;
-- if (__get_user(tmp32, &urepl->num_entries) ||
-- __put_user(tmp32, &repl_nat->num_entries))
-- goto out;
-- if (__get_user(num_counters, &urepl->num_counters) ||
-- __put_user(num_counters, &repl_nat->num_counters))
-- goto out;
-- if (__get_user(ucntrs, &urepl->counters) ||
-- __put_user(compat_ptr(ucntrs), &repl_nat->counters))
-- goto out;
-- if (__copy_in_user(&repl_nat->entries[0],
-- &urepl->entries[0],
-- origsize))
-- goto out;
-- for (i = 0; i < NF_IP_NUMHOOKS; i++) {
-- if (__get_user(tmp32, &urepl->hook_entry[i]) ||
-- __put_user(tmp32, &repl_nat->hook_entry[i]) ||
-- __get_user(tmp32, &urepl->underflow[i]) ||
-- __put_user(tmp32, &repl_nat->underflow[i]))
-- goto out;
-- }
-- /*
-- * Since struct ipt_counters just contains two u_int64_t members
-- * we can just do the access_ok check here and pass the (converted)
-- * pointer into the standard syscall. We hope that the pointer is
-- * not misaligned ...
-- */
-- if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, compat_ptr(ucntrs),
-- num_counters * sizeof(struct ipt_counters)))
-- goto out;
-- ret = sys_setsockopt(fd, level, optname,
-- (char __user *)repl_nat, repl_nat_size);
-- return ret;
- * A struct sock_filter is architecture independent.
- */
- struct compat_sock_fprog {
-@@ -455,15 +355,11 @@ static int do_set_sock_timeout(int fd, i
- asmlinkage long compat_sys_setsockopt(int fd, int level, int optname,
- char __user *optval, int optlen)
- {
-- if (optname == IPT_SO_SET_REPLACE)
-- return do_netfilter_replace(fd, level, optname,
-- optval, optlen);
- if (optname == SO_ATTACH_FILTER)
- return do_set_attach_filter(fd, level, optname,
- optval, optlen);
- if (optname == SO_RCVTIMEO || optname == SO_SNDTIMEO)
- return do_set_sock_timeout(fd, level, optname, optval, optlen);
- return sys_setsockopt(fd, level, optname, optval, optlen);
- }
-@@ -499,7 +395,8 @@ static int do_get_sock_timeout(int fd, i
- asmlinkage long compat_sys_getsockopt(int fd, int level, int optname,
- char __user *optval, int __user *optlen)
- {
-- if (optname == SO_RCVTIMEO || optname == SO_SNDTIMEO)
-+ if (level == SOL_SOCKET &&
-+ (optname == SO_RCVTIMEO || optname == SO_SNDTIMEO))
- return do_get_sock_timeout(fd, level, optname, optval, optlen);
- return sys_getsockopt(fd, level, optname, optval, optlen);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@
- #include <net/sock.h>
- #include <net/checksum.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_net.h>
- /*
- * Is a socket 'connection oriented' ?
-@@ -454,6 +456,7 @@ unsigned int datagram_poll(struct file *
- {
- struct sock *sk = sock->sk;
- unsigned int mask;
-+ int no_ubc_space;
- poll_wait(file, sk->sk_sleep, wait);
- mask = 0;
-@@ -461,8 +464,14 @@ unsigned int datagram_poll(struct file *
- /* exceptional events? */
- if (sk->sk_err || !skb_queue_empty(&sk->sk_error_queue))
- mask |= POLLERR;
-- if (sk->sk_shutdown == SHUTDOWN_MASK)
-+ if (sk->sk_shutdown == SHUTDOWN_MASK) {
-+ no_ubc_space = 0;
- mask |= POLLHUP;
-+ } else {
-+ no_ubc_space = ub_sock_makewres_other(sk, SOCK_MIN_UBCSPACE_CH);
-+ if (no_ubc_space)
-+ ub_sock_sndqueueadd_other(sk, SOCK_MIN_UBCSPACE_CH);
-+ }
- /* readable? */
- if (!skb_queue_empty(&sk->sk_receive_queue) ||
-@@ -479,7 +488,7 @@ unsigned int datagram_poll(struct file *
- }
- /* writable? */
-- if (sock_writeable(sk))
-+ if (!no_ubc_space && sock_writeable(sk))
- else
- set_bit(SOCK_ASYNC_NOSPACE, &sk->sk_socket->flags);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@
- #include <net/iw_handler.h>
- #endif /* CONFIG_NET_RADIO */
- #include <asm/current.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
- /* This define, if set, will randomly drop a packet when congestion
- * is more than moderate. It helps fairness in the multi-interface
-@@ -182,25 +183,40 @@ static struct timer_list samp_timer = TI
- * unregister_netdevice(), which must be called with the rtnl
- * semaphore held.
- */
-+#if defined(CONFIG_VE)
-+#define dev_tail (get_exec_env()->_net_dev_tail)
- struct net_device *dev_base;
- struct net_device **dev_tail = &dev_base;
--rwlock_t dev_base_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_base);
-+rwlock_t dev_base_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_base_lock);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+static uint8_t unmovable_ifindex_list[MAX_UNMOVABLE_NETDEVICES/8];
-+static LIST_HEAD(dev_global_list);
- static struct hlist_head dev_name_head[1<<NETDEV_HASHBITS];
- static struct hlist_head dev_index_head[1<<NETDEV_HASHBITS];
--static inline struct hlist_head *dev_name_hash(const char *name)
-+struct hlist_head *dev_name_hash(const char *name, struct ve_struct *env)
- {
-- unsigned hash = full_name_hash(name, strnlen(name, IFNAMSIZ));
-+ unsigned hash;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(env))
-+ return visible_dev_head(env);
-+ hash = full_name_hash(name, strnlen(name, IFNAMSIZ));
- return &dev_name_head[hash & ((1<<NETDEV_HASHBITS)-1)];
- }
--static inline struct hlist_head *dev_index_hash(int ifindex)
-+struct hlist_head *dev_index_hash(int ifindex, struct ve_struct *env)
- {
-+ if (!ve_is_super(env))
-+ return visible_dev_index_head(env);
- return &dev_index_head[ifindex & ((1<<NETDEV_HASHBITS)-1)];
- }
-@@ -488,7 +504,7 @@ struct net_device *__dev_get_by_name(con
- {
- struct hlist_node *p;
-- hlist_for_each(p, dev_name_hash(name)) {
-+ hlist_for_each(p, dev_name_hash(name, get_exec_env())) {
- struct net_device *dev
- = hlist_entry(p, struct net_device, name_hlist);
- if (!strncmp(dev->name, name, IFNAMSIZ))
-@@ -520,6 +536,28 @@ struct net_device *dev_get_by_name(const
- return dev;
- }
-+ * __dev_global_get_by_name - find a device by its name in dev_global_list
-+ * @name: name to find
-+ *
-+ * Find an interface by name. Must be called under RTNL semaphore
-+ * If the name is found a pointer to the device
-+ * is returned. If the name is not found then %NULL is returned. The
-+ * reference counters are not incremented so the caller must be
-+ * careful with locks.
-+ */
-+struct net_device *__dev_global_get_by_name(const char *name)
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ /* It's called relatively rarely */
-+ list_for_each_entry(dev, &dev_global_list, dev_global_list_entry) {
-+ if (strncmp(dev->name, name, IFNAMSIZ) == 0)
-+ return dev;
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
- /*
- Return value is changed to int to prevent illegal usage in future.
- It is still legal to use to check for device existence.
-@@ -564,7 +602,7 @@ struct net_device *__dev_get_by_index(in
- {
- struct hlist_node *p;
-- hlist_for_each(p, dev_index_hash(ifindex)) {
-+ hlist_for_each(p, dev_index_hash(ifindex, get_exec_env())) {
- struct net_device *dev
- = hlist_entry(p, struct net_device, index_hlist);
- if (dev->ifindex == ifindex)
-@@ -720,6 +758,23 @@ int dev_valid_name(const char *name)
- * of the unit assigned or a negative errno code.
- */
-+static inline void __dev_check_name(const char *dev_name, const char *name,
-+ long *inuse, const int max_netdevices)
-+ int i = 0;
-+ char buf[IFNAMSIZ];
-+ if (!sscanf(dev_name, name, &i))
-+ return;
-+ if (i < 0 || i >= max_netdevices)
-+ return;
-+ /* avoid cases where sscanf is not exact inverse of printf */
-+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), name, i);
-+ if (!strncmp(buf, dev_name, IFNAMSIZ))
-+ set_bit(i, inuse);
- int dev_alloc_name(struct net_device *dev, const char *name)
- {
- int i = 0;
-@@ -744,16 +799,18 @@ int dev_alloc_name(struct net_device *de
- if (!inuse)
- return -ENOMEM;
-- for (d = dev_base; d; d = d->next) {
-- if (!sscanf(d->name, name, &i))
-- continue;
-- if (i < 0 || i >= max_netdevices)
-- continue;
-- /* avoid cases where sscanf is not exact inverse of printf */
-- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), name, i);
-- if (!strncmp(buf, d->name, IFNAMSIZ))
-- set_bit(i, inuse);
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ list_for_each_entry(d, &dev_global_list,
-+ dev_global_list_entry) {
-+ __dev_check_name(d->name, name, inuse,
-+ max_netdevices);
-+ }
-+ }
-+ else {
-+ for (d = dev_base; d; d = d->next) {
-+ __dev_check_name(d->name, name, inuse,
-+ max_netdevices);
-+ }
- }
- i = find_first_zero_bit(inuse, max_netdevices);
-@@ -761,7 +818,11 @@ int dev_alloc_name(struct net_device *de
- }
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), name, i);
-- if (!__dev_get_by_name(buf)) {
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ d = __dev_global_get_by_name(buf);
-+ else
-+ d = __dev_get_by_name(buf);
-+ if (d == NULL) {
- strlcpy(dev->name, buf, IFNAMSIZ);
- return i;
- }
-@@ -794,13 +855,15 @@ int dev_change_name(struct net_device *d
- if (!dev_valid_name(newname))
- return -EINVAL;
-+ /* Rename of devices in VE is prohibited by CAP_NET_ADMIN */
- if (strchr(newname, '%')) {
- err = dev_alloc_name(dev, newname);
- if (err < 0)
- return err;
- strcpy(newname, dev->name);
- }
-- else if (__dev_get_by_name(newname))
-+ else if (__dev_global_get_by_name(newname))
- return -EEXIST;
- else
- strlcpy(dev->name, newname, IFNAMSIZ);
-@@ -808,7 +871,8 @@ int dev_change_name(struct net_device *d
- err = class_device_rename(&dev->class_dev, dev->name);
- if (!err) {
- hlist_del(&dev->name_hlist);
-- hlist_add_head(&dev->name_hlist, dev_name_hash(dev->name));
-+ hlist_add_head(&dev->name_hlist, dev_name_hash(dev->name,
-+ get_exec_env()));
- notifier_call_chain(&netdev_chain, NETDEV_CHANGENAME, dev);
- }
-@@ -1338,6 +1402,25 @@ int dev_queue_xmit(struct sk_buff *skb)
- skb->tc_verd = SET_TC_AT(skb->tc_verd,AT_EGRESS);
- #endif
- if (q->enqueue) {
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ ub = netdev_bc(dev)->exec_ub;
-+ /* the skb CAN be already charged if it transmitted via
-+ * something like bonding device */
-+ if (ub && (skb_bc(skb)->resource == 0)) {
-+ unsigned long chargesize;
-+ chargesize = skb_charge_fullsize(skb);
-+ if (charge_beancounter(ub, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF,
-+ chargesize, UB_SOFT)) {
-+ rcu_read_unlock();
-+ rc = -ENOMEM;
-+ goto out_kfree_skb;
-+ }
-+ skb_bc(skb)->ub = ub;
-+ skb_bc(skb)->charged = chargesize;
-+ skb_bc(skb)->resource = UB_OTHERSOCKBUF;
-+ }
- /* Grab device queue */
- spin_lock_bh(&dev->queue_lock);
-@@ -1761,6 +1844,7 @@ int netif_receive_skb(struct sk_buff *sk
- struct packet_type *ptype, *pt_prev;
- int ret = NET_RX_DROP;
- unsigned short type;
-+ struct ve_struct *old_env;
- if (skb->dev->netpoll_rx && skb->dev->poll && netpoll_rx(skb)) {
-@@ -1779,6 +1863,15 @@ int netif_receive_skb(struct sk_buff *sk
- skb->h.raw = skb->nh.raw = skb->data;
- skb->mac_len = skb->nh.raw - skb->mac.raw;
-+ /*
-+ * Skb might be alloced in another VE context, than its device works.
-+ * So, set the correct owner_env.
-+ */
-+ skb->owner_env = skb->dev->owner_env;
-+ BUG_ON(skb->owner_env == NULL);
-+ old_env = set_exec_env(VE_OWNER_SKB(skb));
- pt_prev = NULL;
- if (skb->tc_verd & TC_NCLS) {
-@@ -1844,6 +1937,7 @@ ncls:
- out:
- rcu_read_unlock();
-+ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
- return ret;
- }
-@@ -2240,7 +2334,8 @@ static int __init dev_proc_init(void)
- if (!proc_net_fops_create("dev", S_IRUGO, &dev_seq_fops))
- goto out;
-- if (!proc_net_fops_create("softnet_stat", S_IRUGO, &softnet_seq_fops))
-+ if (!__proc_net_fops_create("net/softnet_stat", S_IRUGO,
-+ &softnet_seq_fops, NULL))
- goto out_dev;
- if (wireless_proc_init())
- goto out_softnet;
-@@ -2248,7 +2343,7 @@ static int __init dev_proc_init(void)
- out:
- return rc;
- out_softnet:
-- proc_net_remove("softnet_stat");
-+ __proc_net_remove("net/softnet_stat");
- out_dev:
- proc_net_remove("dev");
- goto out;
-@@ -2314,6 +2409,9 @@ void dev_set_promiscuity(struct net_devi
- dev->flags |= IFF_PROMISC;
- if ((dev->promiscuity += inc) == 0)
- dev->flags &= ~IFF_PROMISC;
-+ /* Promiscous mode on these devices does not mean anything */
-+ if (dev->flags & (IFF_LOOPBACK|IFF_POINTOPOINT))
-+ return;
- if (dev->flags ^ old_flags) {
- dev_mc_upload(dev);
- printk(KERN_INFO "device %s %s promiscuous mode\n",
-@@ -2485,6 +2583,8 @@ static int dev_ifsioc(struct ifreq *ifr,
- return dev_set_mtu(dev, ifr->ifr_mtu);
-+ memset(ifr->ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, 0,
-+ sizeof(ifr->ifr_hwaddr.sa_data));
- memcpy(ifr->ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, dev->dev_addr,
- min(sizeof ifr->ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, (size_t) dev->addr_len));
- ifr->ifr_hwaddr.sa_family = dev->type;
-@@ -2720,9 +2820,28 @@ int dev_ioctl(unsigned int cmd, void __u
- * - require strict serialization.
- * - do not return a value
- */
-+ if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN) &&
-+ !capable(CAP_VE_NET_ADMIN))
-+ return -EPERM;
-+ dev_load(ifr.ifr_name);
-+ rtnl_lock();
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ ret = -ENODEV;
-+ if ((dev = __dev_get_by_name(ifr.ifr_name)) == NULL)
-+ goto out_set_mtu_unlock;
-+ ret = -EPERM;
-+ if (ifr.ifr_mtu > dev->orig_mtu)
-+ goto out_set_mtu_unlock;
-+ }
-+ ret = dev_ifsioc(&ifr, cmd);
-+ rtnl_unlock();
-+ return ret;
-@@ -2798,25 +2917,75 @@ int dev_ioctl(unsigned int cmd, void __u
- }
- }
- /**
- * dev_new_index - allocate an ifindex
- *
- * Returns a suitable unique value for a new device interface
-- * number. The caller must hold the rtnl semaphore or the
-+ * number. The caller must hold the rtnl semaphore or the
- * dev_base_lock to be sure it remains unique.
-+ *
-+ * Note: dev->name must be valid on entrance
- */
--int dev_new_index(void)
-+static int dev_ve_new_index(void)
- {
-- static int ifindex;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ int *ifindex = &get_exec_env()->ifindex;
-+ int delta = 2;
-+ static int s_ifindex;
-+ int *ifindex = &s_ifindex;
-+ int delta = 1;
- for (;;) {
-- if (++ifindex <= 0)
-- ifindex = 1;
-- if (!__dev_get_by_index(ifindex))
-- return ifindex;
-+ *ifindex += delta;
-+ if (*ifindex <= 0)
-+ *ifindex = 1;
-+ if (!__dev_get_by_index(*ifindex))
-+ return *ifindex;
- }
- }
-+static int dev_glb_new_index(void)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ int i;
-+ i = find_first_zero_bit((long*)unmovable_ifindex_list,
-+ return -EMFILE;
-+ __set_bit(i, (long*)unmovable_ifindex_list);
-+ return (i + 1) * 2;
-+static void dev_glb_free_index(struct net_device *dev)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ int bit;
-+ bit = dev->ifindex / 2 - 1;
-+ __clear_bit(bit, (long*)unmovable_ifindex_list);
-+int dev_new_index(struct net_device *dev)
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && ve_is_dev_movable(dev))
-+ return dev_glb_new_index();
-+ return dev_ve_new_index();
-+void dev_free_index(struct net_device *dev)
-+ if ((dev->ifindex % 2) == 0)
-+ dev_glb_free_index(dev);
- static int dev_boot_phase = 1;
- /* Delayed registration/unregisteration */
-@@ -2860,6 +3029,10 @@ int register_netdevice(struct net_device
- /* When net_device's are persistent, this will be fatal. */
- BUG_ON(dev->reg_state != NETREG_UNINITIALIZED);
-+ ret = -EPERM;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && ve_is_dev_movable(dev))
-+ goto out;
- spin_lock_init(&dev->queue_lock);
- spin_lock_init(&dev->xmit_lock);
- dev->xmit_lock_owner = -1;
-@@ -2879,27 +3052,32 @@ int register_netdevice(struct net_device
- if (ret) {
- if (ret > 0)
- ret = -EIO;
-- goto out_err;
-+ goto out_free_div;
- }
- }
- if (!dev_valid_name(dev->name)) {
- ret = -EINVAL;
-- goto out_err;
-+ goto out_free_div;
-+ }
-+ dev->ifindex = dev_new_index(dev);
-+ if (dev->ifindex < 0) {
-+ ret = dev->ifindex;
-+ goto out_free_div;
- }
-- dev->ifindex = dev_new_index();
- if (dev->iflink == -1)
- dev->iflink = dev->ifindex;
- /* Check for existence of name */
-- head = dev_name_hash(dev->name);
-+ head = dev_name_hash(dev->name, get_exec_env());
- hlist_for_each(p, head) {
- struct net_device *d
- = hlist_entry(p, struct net_device, name_hlist);
- if (!strncmp(d->name, dev->name, IFNAMSIZ)) {
- ret = -EEXIST;
-- goto out_err;
-+ goto out_free_ind;
- }
- }
-@@ -2929,12 +3107,19 @@ int register_netdevice(struct net_device
- set_bit(__LINK_STATE_PRESENT, &dev->state);
- dev->next = NULL;
-+ dev->owner_env = get_exec_env();
-+ dev->orig_mtu = dev->mtu;
-+ netdev_bc(dev)->owner_ub = get_beancounter(get_exec_ub());
-+ netdev_bc(dev)->exec_ub = get_beancounter(get_exec_ub());
- dev_init_scheduler(dev);
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ list_add_tail(&dev->dev_global_list_entry, &dev_global_list);
- write_lock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
- *dev_tail = dev;
- dev_tail = &dev->next;
- hlist_add_head(&dev->name_hlist, head);
-- hlist_add_head(&dev->index_hlist, dev_index_hash(dev->ifindex));
-+ hlist_add_head(&dev->index_hlist, dev_index_hash(dev->ifindex,
-+ get_exec_env()));
- dev_hold(dev);
- dev->reg_state = NETREG_REGISTERING;
- write_unlock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
-@@ -2948,7 +3133,9 @@ int register_netdevice(struct net_device
- out:
- return ret;
-+ dev_free_index(dev);
- free_divert_blk(dev);
- goto out;
- }
-@@ -3032,6 +3219,7 @@ void netdev_run_todo(void)
- {
- struct list_head list = LIST_HEAD_INIT(list);
- int err;
-+ struct ve_struct *current_env;
- /* Need to guard against multiple cpu's getting out of order. */
-@@ -3050,22 +3238,30 @@ void netdev_run_todo(void)
- list_splice_init(&net_todo_list, &list);
- spin_unlock(&net_todo_list_lock);
-+ current_env = get_exec_env();
- while (!list_empty(&list)) {
- struct net_device *dev
- = list_entry(, struct net_device, todo_list);
- list_del(&dev->todo_list);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(dev->owner_env);
- switch(dev->reg_state) {
- err = netdev_register_sysfs(dev);
-- if (err)
-+ if (err) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "%s: failed sysfs registration (%d)\n",
- dev->name, err);
-+ dev->reg_state = NETREG_REGISTER_ERR;
-+ break;
-+ }
- dev->reg_state = NETREG_REGISTERED;
- break;
- netdev_unregister_sysfs(dev);
-+ /* fall through */
- dev->reg_state = NETREG_UNREGISTERED;
- netdev_wait_allrefs(dev);
-@@ -3076,6 +3272,10 @@ void netdev_run_todo(void)
- BUG_TRAP(!dev->ip6_ptr);
- BUG_TRAP(!dev->dn_ptr);
-+ put_beancounter(netdev_bc(dev)->exec_ub);
-+ put_beancounter(netdev_bc(dev)->owner_ub);
-+ netdev_bc(dev)->exec_ub = NULL;
-+ netdev_bc(dev)->owner_ub = NULL;
- /* It must be the very last action,
- * after this 'dev' may point to freed up memory.
-@@ -3090,6 +3290,7 @@ void netdev_run_todo(void)
- break;
- }
- }
-+ (void)set_exec_env(current_env);
- out:
- up(&net_todo_run_mutex);
-@@ -3156,7 +3357,8 @@ int unregister_netdevice(struct net_devi
- return -ENODEV;
- }
-- BUG_ON(dev->reg_state != NETREG_REGISTERED);
-+ BUG_ON(dev->reg_state != NETREG_REGISTERED &&
-+ dev->reg_state != NETREG_REGISTER_ERR);
- /* If device is running, close it first. */
- if (dev->flags & IFF_UP)
-@@ -3172,6 +3374,8 @@ int unregister_netdevice(struct net_devi
- dev_tail = dp;
- *dp = d->next;
- write_unlock_bh(&dev_base_lock);
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ list_del(&dev->dev_global_list_entry);
- break;
- }
- }
-@@ -3181,7 +3385,8 @@ int unregister_netdevice(struct net_devi
- return -ENODEV;
- }
-- dev->reg_state = NETREG_UNREGISTERING;
-+ if (dev->reg_state != NETREG_REGISTER_ERR)
-+ dev->reg_state = NETREG_UNREGISTERING;
- synchronize_net();
-@@ -3205,6 +3410,8 @@ int unregister_netdevice(struct net_devi
- /* Notifier chain MUST detach us from master device. */
- BUG_TRAP(!dev->master);
-+ dev_free_index(dev);
- free_divert_blk(dev);
- /* Finish processing unregister after unlock */
-@@ -3352,6 +3559,8 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_get_by_name);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_getbyhwaddr);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_ioctl);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_new_index);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_open);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_queue_xmit);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_queue_xmit_nit);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -297,3 +297,4 @@ void __init dev_mcast_init(void)
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_mc_add);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_mc_delete);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(dev_mc_upload);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ static struct timer_list dst_gc_timer =
- static void dst_run_gc(unsigned long dummy)
- {
- int delayed = 0;
-+ int work_performed;
- struct dst_entry * dst, **dstp;
- if (!spin_trylock(&dst_lock)) {
-@@ -54,9 +55,9 @@ static void dst_run_gc(unsigned long dum
- return;
- }
- del_timer(&dst_gc_timer);
- dstp = &dst_garbage_list;
-+ work_performed = 0;
- while ((dst = *dstp) != NULL) {
- if (atomic_read(&dst->__refcnt)) {
- dstp = &dst->next;
-@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ static void dst_run_gc(unsigned long dum
- continue;
- }
- *dstp = dst->next;
-+ work_performed = 1;
- dst = dst_destroy(dst);
- if (dst) {
-@@ -88,9 +90,14 @@ static void dst_run_gc(unsigned long dum
- dst_gc_timer_inc = DST_GC_MAX;
- goto out;
- }
-- if ((dst_gc_timer_expires += dst_gc_timer_inc) > DST_GC_MAX)
-- dst_gc_timer_expires = DST_GC_MAX;
-- dst_gc_timer_inc += DST_GC_INC;
-+ if (!work_performed) {
-+ if ((dst_gc_timer_expires += dst_gc_timer_inc) > DST_GC_MAX)
-+ dst_gc_timer_expires = DST_GC_MAX;
-+ dst_gc_timer_inc += DST_GC_INC;
-+ } else {
-+ dst_gc_timer_inc = DST_GC_INC;
-+ dst_gc_timer_expires = DST_GC_MIN;
-+ }
- dst_gc_timer.expires = jiffies + dst_gc_timer_expires;
- #if RT_CACHE_DEBUG >= 2
- printk("dst_total: %d/%d %ld\n",
-@@ -231,13 +238,13 @@ static void dst_ifdown(struct dst_entry
- do {
- if (unregister) {
-- dst->dev = &loopback_dev;
-- dev_hold(&loopback_dev);
-+ dst->dev = &visible_loopback_dev;
-+ dev_hold(&visible_loopback_dev);
- dev_put(dev);
- if (dst->neighbour && dst->neighbour->dev == dev) {
-- dst->neighbour->dev = &loopback_dev;
-+ dst->neighbour->dev = &visible_loopback_dev;
- dev_put(dev);
-- dev_hold(&loopback_dev);
-+ dev_hold(&visible_loopback_dev);
- }
- }
-@@ -255,12 +262,15 @@ static int dst_dev_event(struct notifier
- switch (event) {
-- spin_lock_bh(&dst_lock);
-+ local_bh_disable();
-+ dst_run_gc(0);
-+ spin_lock(&dst_lock);
- for (dst = dst_garbage_list; dst; dst = dst->next) {
- if (dst->dev == dev)
- dst_ifdown(dst, event != NETDEV_DOWN);
- }
-- spin_unlock_bh(&dst_lock);
-+ spin_unlock(&dst_lock);
-+ local_bh_enable();
- break;
- }
- return NOTIFY_DONE;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
- #include <linux/timer.h>
- #include <asm/system.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
-+#include <asm/unaligned.h>
- #include <linux/filter.h>
- /* No hurry in this branch */
-@@ -169,7 +170,7 @@ int sk_run_filter(struct sk_buff *skb, s
- k = fentry->k;
- load_w:
- if (k >= 0 && (unsigned int)(k+sizeof(u32)) <= len) {
-- A = ntohl(*(u32*)&data[k]);
-+ A = ntohl(get_unaligned((u32*)&data[k]));
- continue;
- }
- if (k < 0) {
-@@ -179,7 +180,7 @@ int sk_run_filter(struct sk_buff *skb, s
- break;
- ptr = load_pointer(skb, k);
- if (ptr) {
-- A = ntohl(*(u32*)ptr);
-+ A = ntohl(get_unaligned((u32*)ptr));
- continue;
- }
- } else {
-@@ -194,7 +195,7 @@ int sk_run_filter(struct sk_buff *skb, s
- k = fentry->k;
- load_h:
- if (k >= 0 && (unsigned int)(k + sizeof(u16)) <= len) {
-- A = ntohs(*(u16*)&data[k]);
-+ A = ntohs(get_unaligned((u16*)&data[k]));
- continue;
- }
- if (k < 0) {
-@@ -204,7 +205,7 @@ int sk_run_filter(struct sk_buff *skb, s
- break;
- ptr = load_pointer(skb, k);
- if (ptr) {
-- A = ntohs(*(u16*)ptr);
-+ A = ntohs(get_unaligned((u16*)ptr));
- continue;
- }
- } else {
-@@ -398,7 +399,7 @@ int sk_attach_filter(struct sock_fprog *
- if (fprog->filter == NULL || fprog->len > BPF_MAXINSNS)
- return -EINVAL;
-- fp = sock_kmalloc(sk, fsize+sizeof(*fp), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ fp = sock_kmalloc(sk, fsize+sizeof(*fp), GFP_KERNEL_UBC);
- if (!fp)
- return -ENOMEM;
- if (copy_from_user(fp->insns, fprog->filter, fsize)) {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -652,6 +652,11 @@ static void neigh_timer_handler(unsigned
- struct neighbour *neigh = (struct neighbour *)arg;
- unsigned state;
- int notify = 0;
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ env = set_exec_env(neigh->dev->owner_env);
-+ ub = set_exec_ub(netdev_bc(neigh->dev)->exec_ub);
- write_lock(&neigh->lock);
-@@ -706,6 +711,8 @@ static void neigh_timer_handler(unsigned
- neigh->ops->solicit(neigh, skb_peek(&neigh->arp_queue));
- atomic_inc(&neigh->probes);
-+ (void)set_exec_ub(ub);
-+ set_exec_env(env);
- return;
- out:
-@@ -715,6 +722,8 @@ out:
- neigh_app_notify(neigh);
- #endif
- neigh_release(neigh);
-+ (void)set_exec_ub(ub);
-+ set_exec_env(env);
- }
- int __neigh_event_send(struct neighbour *neigh, struct sk_buff *skb)
-@@ -1068,6 +1077,12 @@ static void neigh_proxy_process(unsigned
- skb = skb->next;
- if (tdif <= 0) {
- struct net_device *dev = back->dev;
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ env = set_exec_env(dev->owner_env);
-+ ub = set_exec_ub(netdev_bc(dev)->exec_ub);
- __skb_unlink(back, &tbl->proxy_queue);
- if (tbl->proxy_redo && netif_running(dev))
- tbl->proxy_redo(back);
-@@ -1075,6 +1090,9 @@ static void neigh_proxy_process(unsigned
- kfree_skb(back);
- dev_put(dev);
-+ (void)set_exec_ub(ub);
-+ set_exec_env(env);
- } else if (!sched_next || tdif < sched_next)
- sched_next = tdif;
- }
-@@ -1222,6 +1240,9 @@ int neigh_delete(struct sk_buff *skb, st
- struct net_device *dev = NULL;
- int err = -ENODEV;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ return -EACCES;
- if (ndm->ndm_ifindex &&
- (dev = dev_get_by_index(ndm->ndm_ifindex)) == NULL)
- goto out;
-@@ -1272,6 +1293,9 @@ int neigh_add(struct sk_buff *skb, struc
- struct net_device *dev = NULL;
- int err = -ENODEV;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ return -EACCES;
- if (ndm->ndm_ifindex &&
- (dev = dev_get_by_index(ndm->ndm_ifindex)) == NULL)
- goto out;
-@@ -1418,6 +1442,9 @@ int neigh_dump_info(struct sk_buff *skb,
- struct neigh_table *tbl;
- int t, family, s_t;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ return -EACCES;
- read_lock(&neigh_tbl_lock);
- family = ((struct rtgenmsg *)NLMSG_DATA(cb->nlh))->rtgen_family;
- s_t = cb->args[0];
-@@ -1636,11 +1663,17 @@ int neigh_sysctl_register(struct net_dev
- int p_id, int pdev_id, char *p_name,
- proc_handler *handler)
- {
-- struct neigh_sysctl_table *t = kmalloc(sizeof(*t), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ struct neigh_sysctl_table *t;
- const char *dev_name_source = NULL;
- char *dev_name = NULL;
- int err = 0;
-+ /* This function is called from VExx only from devinet_init,
-+ and it is does not matter what is returned */
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ return 0;
-+ t = kmalloc(sizeof(*t), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!t)
- return -ENOBUFS;
- memcpy(t, &neigh_sysctl_template, sizeof(*t));
-@@ -1710,6 +1743,8 @@ int neigh_sysctl_register(struct net_dev
- void neigh_sysctl_unregister(struct neigh_parms *p)
- {
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ return;
- if (p->sysctl_table) {
- struct neigh_sysctl_table *t = p->sysctl_table;
- p->sysctl_table = NULL;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:14.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -370,18 +370,26 @@ static void netdev_release(struct class_
- struct net_device *dev
- = container_of(cd, struct net_device, class_dev);
-- BUG_ON(dev->reg_state != NETREG_RELEASED);
-+ BUG_ON(dev->reg_state != NETREG_RELEASED &&
-+ dev->reg_state != NETREG_REGISTERING);
- kfree((char *)dev - dev->padded);
- }
--static struct class net_class = {
-+struct class net_class = {
- .name = "net",
- .release = netdev_release,
- .hotplug = netdev_hotplug,
- #endif
- };
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
-+#define visible_net_class net_class
-+#define visible_net_class (*get_exec_env()->net_class)
- void netdev_unregister_sysfs(struct net_device * net)
- {
-@@ -406,7 +414,7 @@ int netdev_register_sysfs(struct net_dev
- struct class_device_attribute *attr;
- int ret;
-- class_dev->class = &net_class;
-+ class_dev->class = &visible_net_class;
- class_dev->class_data = net;
- net->last_stats = net->get_stats;
-@@ -440,12 +448,21 @@ out_cleanup:
- out_unreg:
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: sysfs attribute registration failed %d\n",
- net->name, ret);
-- class_device_unregister(class_dev);
-+ /* put is called in free_netdev() */
-+ class_device_del(class_dev);
- out:
- return ret;
- }
-+void prepare_sysfs_netdev(void)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ get_ve0()->net_class = &net_class;
- int netdev_sysfs_init(void)
- {
-+ prepare_sysfs_netdev();
- return class_register(&net_class);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -49,6 +49,13 @@ struct list_head nf_hooks[NPROTO][NF_MAX
- static LIST_HEAD(nf_sockopts);
- static spinlock_t nf_hook_lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+#define ve_nf_hooks \
-+ ((struct list_head (*)[NF_MAX_HOOKS])(get_exec_env()->_nf_hooks))
-+#define ve_nf_hooks nf_hooks
- /*
- * A queue handler may be registered for each protocol. Each is protected by
- * long term mutex. The handler must provide an an outfn() to accept packets
-@@ -65,7 +72,7 @@ int nf_register_hook(struct nf_hook_ops
- struct list_head *i;
- spin_lock_bh(&nf_hook_lock);
-- list_for_each(i, &nf_hooks[reg->pf][reg->hooknum]) {
-+ list_for_each(i, &ve_nf_hooks[reg->pf][reg->hooknum]) {
- if (reg->priority < ((struct nf_hook_ops *)i)->priority)
- break;
- }
-@@ -76,6 +83,32 @@ int nf_register_hook(struct nf_hook_ops
- return 0;
- }
-+int visible_nf_register_hook(struct nf_hook_ops *reg)
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ struct nf_hook_ops *tmp;
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ tmp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct nf_hook_ops), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!tmp)
-+ goto nomem;
-+ memcpy(tmp, reg, sizeof(struct nf_hook_ops));
-+ reg = tmp;
-+ }
-+ ret = nf_register_hook(reg);
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto out;
-+ return 0;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ kfree(reg);
-+ return ret;
- void nf_unregister_hook(struct nf_hook_ops *reg)
- {
- spin_lock_bh(&nf_hook_lock);
-@@ -85,6 +118,28 @@ void nf_unregister_hook(struct nf_hook_o
- synchronize_net();
- }
-+int visible_nf_unregister_hook(struct nf_hook_ops *reg)
-+ struct nf_hook_ops *i;
-+ spin_lock_bh(&nf_hook_lock);
-+ list_for_each_entry(i, &ve_nf_hooks[reg->pf][reg->hooknum], list) {
-+ if (reg->hook == i->hook) {
-+ reg = i;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&nf_hook_lock);
-+ if (reg != i)
-+ return -ENOENT;
-+ nf_unregister_hook(reg);
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ kfree(reg);
-+ return 0;
- /* Do exclusive ranges overlap? */
- static inline int overlap(int min1, int max1, int min2, int max2)
- {
-@@ -292,6 +347,12 @@ static int nf_sockopt(struct sock *sk, i
- struct nf_sockopt_ops *ops;
- int ret;
-+ if (!get_exec_env()->_nf_hooks ||
-+ !get_exec_env()->_ipt_standard_target)
-+ return -ENOPROTOOPT;
- if (down_interruptible(&nf_sockopt_mutex) != 0)
- return -EINTR;
-@@ -515,9 +576,9 @@ int nf_hook_slow(int pf, unsigned int ho
- skb->nf_debug |= (1 << hook);
- #endif
-- elem = &nf_hooks[pf][hook];
-+ elem = &ve_nf_hooks[pf][hook];
- next_hook:
-- verdict = nf_iterate(&nf_hooks[pf][hook], &skb, hook, indev,
-+ verdict = nf_iterate(&ve_nf_hooks[pf][hook], &skb, hook, indev,
- outdev, &elem, okfn, hook_thresh);
- if (verdict == NF_QUEUE) {
- NFDEBUG("nf_hook: Verdict = QUEUE.\n");
-@@ -563,12 +624,12 @@ void nf_reinject(struct sk_buff *skb, st
- /* Drop reference to owner of hook which queued us. */
- module_put(info->elem->owner);
-- list_for_each_rcu(i, &nf_hooks[info->pf][info->hook]) {
-+ list_for_each_rcu(i, &ve_nf_hooks[info->pf][info->hook]) {
- if (i == elem)
- break;
- }
-- if (elem == &nf_hooks[info->pf][info->hook]) {
-+ if (elem == &ve_nf_hooks[info->pf][info->hook]) {
- /* The module which sent it to userspace is gone. */
- NFDEBUG("%s: module disappeared, dropping packet.\n",
- __FUNCTION__);
-@@ -583,7 +644,7 @@ void nf_reinject(struct sk_buff *skb, st
- if (verdict == NF_ACCEPT) {
- next_hook:
-- verdict = nf_iterate(&nf_hooks[info->pf][info->hook],
-+ verdict = nf_iterate(&ve_nf_hooks[info->pf][info->hook],
- &skb, info->hook,
- info->indev, info->outdev, &elem,
- info->okfn, INT_MIN);
-@@ -808,26 +869,69 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_log_packet);
- with it. */
- void (*ip_ct_attach)(struct sk_buff *, struct nf_ct_info *);
--void __init netfilter_init(void)
-+void init_nf_hooks(struct list_head (*nh)[NF_MAX_HOOKS])
- {
- int i, h;
- for (i = 0; i < NPROTO; i++) {
- for (h = 0; h < NF_MAX_HOOKS; h++)
-- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&nf_hooks[i][h]);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&nh[i][h]);
- }
- }
-+int init_netfilter(void)
-+ struct ve_struct *envid;
-+ envid = get_exec_env();
-+ envid->_nf_hooks = kmalloc(sizeof(nf_hooks), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (envid->_nf_hooks == NULL)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ /* FIXME: charge ubc */
-+ init_nf_hooks(envid->_nf_hooks);
-+ return 0;
-+ init_nf_hooks(nf_hooks);
-+ return 0;
-+void fini_netfilter(void)
-+ struct ve_struct *envid;
-+ envid = get_exec_env();
-+ if (envid->_nf_hooks != NULL)
-+ kfree(envid->_nf_hooks);
-+ envid->_nf_hooks = NULL;
-+ /* FIXME: uncharge ubc */
-+void __init netfilter_init(void)
-+ init_netfilter();
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_ct_attach);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_route_me_harder);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_getsockopt);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_hook_slow);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_hooks);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_register_hook);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_register_queue_handler);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_register_sockopt);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_reinject);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_setsockopt);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_unregister_hook);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_unregister_queue_handler);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(nf_unregister_sockopt);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -294,6 +294,8 @@ static int rtnetlink_dump_all(struct sk_
- if (rtnetlink_links[idx] == NULL ||
- rtnetlink_links[idx][type].dumpit == NULL)
- continue;
-+ if (vz_security_proto_check(idx, 0, 0))
-+ continue;
- if (idx > s_idx)
- memset(&cb->args[0], 0, sizeof(cb->args));
- if (rtnetlink_links[idx][type].dumpit(skb, cb))
-@@ -362,7 +364,7 @@ rtnetlink_rcv_msg(struct sk_buff *skb, s
- return 0;
- family = ((struct rtgenmsg*)NLMSG_DATA(nlh))->rtgen_family;
-- if (family >= NPROTO) {
-+ if (family >= NPROTO || vz_security_proto_check(family, 0, 0)) {
- *errp = -EAFNOSUPPORT;
- return -1;
- }
-@@ -488,7 +490,13 @@ static void rtnetlink_rcv(struct sock *s
- return;
- while ((skb = skb_dequeue(&sk->sk_receive_queue)) != NULL) {
-- if (rtnetlink_rcv_skb(skb)) {
-+ int ret;
-+ struct ve_struct *old_env;
-+ old_env = set_exec_env(VE_OWNER_SKB(skb));
-+ ret = rtnetlink_rcv_skb(skb);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
-+ if (ret) {
- if (skb->len)
- skb_queue_head(&sk->sk_receive_queue,
- skb);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
- #include <net/compat.h>
- #include <net/scm.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
- /*
- * Only allow a user to send credentials, that they could set with
-@@ -42,7 +43,9 @@
- static __inline__ int scm_check_creds(struct ucred *creds)
- {
-- if ((creds->pid == current->tgid || capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN)) &&
-+ if ((creds->pid == virt_tgid(current) ||
-+ creds->pid == current->tgid ||
-+ capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN)) &&
- ((creds->uid == current->uid || creds->uid == current->euid ||
- creds->uid == current->suid) || capable(CAP_SETUID)) &&
- ((creds->gid == current->gid || creds->gid == current->egid ||
-@@ -69,7 +72,7 @@ static int scm_fp_copy(struct cmsghdr *c
- if (!fpl)
- {
-- fpl = kmalloc(sizeof(struct scm_fp_list), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ fpl = ub_kmalloc(sizeof(struct scm_fp_list), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!fpl)
- return -ENOMEM;
- *fplp = fpl;
-@@ -127,9 +130,7 @@ int __scm_send(struct socket *sock, stru
- for too short ancillary data object at all! Oops.
- OK, let's add it...
- */
-- if (cmsg->cmsg_len < sizeof(struct cmsghdr) ||
-- (unsigned long)(((char*)cmsg - (char*)msg->msg_control)
-- + cmsg->cmsg_len) > msg->msg_controllen)
-+ if (!CMSG_OK(msg, cmsg))
- goto error;
- if (cmsg->cmsg_level != SOL_SOCKET)
-@@ -277,7 +278,7 @@ struct scm_fp_list *scm_fp_dup(struct sc
- if (!fpl)
- return NULL;
-- new_fpl = kmalloc(sizeof(*fpl), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ new_fpl = ub_kmalloc(sizeof(*fpl), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (new_fpl) {
- for (i=fpl->count-1; i>=0; i--)
- get_file(fpl->fp[i]);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
- #include <linux/in.h>
- #include <linux/inet.h>
- #include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
- #include <linux/netdevice.h>
- #include <net/pkt_sched.h>
-@@ -68,6 +69,8 @@
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <asm/system.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_net.h>
- static kmem_cache_t *skbuff_head_cache;
- /*
-@@ -136,6 +139,9 @@ struct sk_buff *alloc_skb(unsigned int s
- if (!skb)
- goto out;
-+ if (ub_skb_alloc_bc(skb, gfp_mask))
-+ goto nobc;
- /* Get the DATA. Size must match skb_add_mtu(). */
- size = SKB_DATA_ALIGN(size);
- data = kmalloc(size + sizeof(struct skb_shared_info), gfp_mask);
-@@ -149,6 +155,7 @@ struct sk_buff *alloc_skb(unsigned int s
- skb->data = data;
- skb->tail = data;
- skb->end = data + size;
-+ SET_VE_OWNER_SKB(skb, get_exec_env());
- atomic_set(&(skb_shinfo(skb)->dataref), 1);
- skb_shinfo(skb)->nr_frags = 0;
-@@ -158,6 +165,8 @@ struct sk_buff *alloc_skb(unsigned int s
- out:
- return skb;
- nodata:
-+ ub_skb_free_bc(skb);
- kmem_cache_free(skbuff_head_cache, skb);
- skb = NULL;
- goto out;
-@@ -208,6 +217,7 @@ void skb_release_data(struct sk_buff *sk
- void kfree_skbmem(struct sk_buff *skb)
- {
- skb_release_data(skb);
-+ ub_skb_free_bc(skb);
- kmem_cache_free(skbuff_head_cache, skb);
- }
-@@ -232,6 +242,7 @@ void __kfree_skb(struct sk_buff *skb)
- #ifdef CONFIG_XFRM
- secpath_put(skb->sp);
- #endif
-+ ub_skb_uncharge(skb);
- if(skb->destructor) {
- if (in_irq())
- printk(KERN_WARNING "Warning: kfree_skb on "
-@@ -277,6 +288,11 @@ struct sk_buff *skb_clone(struct sk_buff
- if (!n)
- return NULL;
-+ if (ub_skb_alloc_bc(n, gfp_mask)) {
-+ kmem_cache_free(skbuff_head_cache, n);
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
- #define C(x) n->x = skb->x
- n->next = n->prev = NULL;
-@@ -305,6 +321,7 @@ struct sk_buff *skb_clone(struct sk_buff
- C(priority);
- C(protocol);
- C(security);
- n->destructor = NULL;
- C(nfmark);
-@@ -372,6 +389,7 @@ static void copy_skb_header(struct sk_bu
- new->stamp = old->stamp;
- new->destructor = NULL;
- new->security = old->security;
-+ SET_VE_OWNER_SKB(new, VE_OWNER_SKB((struct sk_buff *)old));
- new->nfmark = old->nfmark;
- new->nfcache = old->nfcache;
-@@ -1434,6 +1452,7 @@ void __init skb_init(void)
- if (!skbuff_head_cache)
- panic("cannot create skbuff cache");
-+ skbuff_head_cache->flags |= CFLGS_ENVIDS;
- }
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(___pskb_trim);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@
- #include <linux/net.h>
- #include <linux/mm.h>
- #include <linux/slab.h>
-+#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
- #include <linux/interrupt.h>
- #include <linux/poll.h>
- #include <linux/tcp.h>
-@@ -121,6 +122,9 @@
- #include <net/xfrm.h>
- #include <linux/ipsec.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_net.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
- #include <linux/filter.h>
- #ifdef CONFIG_INET
-@@ -169,7 +173,7 @@ static void sock_warn_obsolete_bsdism(co
- static char warncomm[16];
- if (strcmp(warncomm, current->comm) && warned < 5) {
- strcpy(warncomm, current->comm);
-- printk(KERN_WARNING "process `%s' is using obsolete "
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_WARNING "process `%s' is using obsolete "
- "%s SO_BSDCOMPAT\n", warncomm, name);
- warned++;
- }
-@@ -621,6 +625,7 @@ struct sock *sk_alloc(int family, int pr
- zero_it == 1 ? sizeof(struct sock) : zero_it);
- sk->sk_family = family;
- sock_lock_init(sk);
-+ SET_VE_OWNER_SK(sk, get_exec_env());
- }
- sk->sk_slab = slab;
-@@ -653,6 +658,7 @@ void sk_free(struct sock *sk)
- __FUNCTION__, atomic_read(&sk->sk_omem_alloc));
- security_sk_free(sk);
-+ ub_sock_uncharge(sk);
- kmem_cache_free(sk->sk_slab, sk);
- module_put(owner);
- }
-@@ -663,6 +669,7 @@ void __init sk_init(void)
- if (!sk_cachep)
- printk(KERN_CRIT "sk_init: Cannot create sock SLAB cache!");
-+ sk_cachep->flags |= CFLGS_ENVIDS;
- if (num_physpages <= 4096) {
- sysctl_wmem_max = 32767;
-@@ -819,6 +826,7 @@ static long sock_wait_for_wmem(struct so
- struct sk_buff *sock_alloc_send_pskb(struct sock *sk, unsigned long header_len,
- unsigned long data_len, int noblock, int *errcode)
- {
-+#if 0
- struct sk_buff *skb;
- unsigned int gfp_mask;
- long timeo;
-@@ -895,13 +903,87 @@ interrupted:
- err = sock_intr_errno(timeo);
- failure:
- *errcode = err;
-+ return NULL;
-+struct sk_buff *sock_alloc_send_skb2(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size,
-+ unsigned long size2, int noblock,
-+ int *errcode)
-+ struct sk_buff *skb;
-+ unsigned int gfp_mask;
-+ long timeo;
-+ int err;
-+ gfp_mask = sk->sk_allocation;
-+ if (gfp_mask & __GFP_WAIT)
-+ gfp_mask |= __GFP_REPEAT;
-+ timeo = sock_sndtimeo(sk, noblock);
-+ while (1) {
-+ err = sock_error(sk);
-+ if (err != 0)
-+ goto failure;
-+ err = -EPIPE;
-+ if (sk->sk_shutdown & SEND_SHUTDOWN)
-+ goto failure;
-+ if (ub_sock_getwres_other(sk, skb_charge_size(size))) {
-+ if (size2 < size) {
-+ size = size2;
-+ continue;
-+ }
-+ set_bit(SOCK_ASYNC_NOSPACE, &sk->sk_socket->flags);
-+ err = -EAGAIN;
-+ if (!timeo)
-+ goto failure;
-+ if (signal_pending(current))
-+ goto interrupted;
-+ timeo = ub_sock_wait_for_space(sk, timeo,
-+ skb_charge_size(size));
-+ continue;
-+ }
-+ if (atomic_read(&sk->sk_wmem_alloc) < sk->sk_sndbuf) {
-+ skb = alloc_skb(size, sk->sk_allocation);
-+ if (skb)
-+ /* Full success... */
-+ break;
-+ ub_sock_retwres_other(sk, skb_charge_size(size),
-+ err = -ENOBUFS;
-+ goto failure;
-+ }
-+ ub_sock_retwres_other(sk,
-+ skb_charge_size(size),
-+ set_bit(SOCK_ASYNC_NOSPACE, &sk->sk_socket->flags);
-+ set_bit(SOCK_NOSPACE, &sk->sk_socket->flags);
-+ err = -EAGAIN;
-+ if (!timeo)
-+ goto failure;
-+ if (signal_pending(current))
-+ goto interrupted;
-+ timeo = sock_wait_for_wmem(sk, timeo);
-+ }
-+ ub_skb_set_charge(skb, sk, skb_charge_size(size), UB_OTHERSOCKBUF);
-+ skb_set_owner_w(skb, sk);
-+ return skb;
-+ err = sock_intr_errno(timeo);
-+ *errcode = err;
- return NULL;
- }
- struct sk_buff *sock_alloc_send_skb(struct sock *sk, unsigned long size,
- int noblock, int *errcode)
- {
-- return sock_alloc_send_pskb(sk, size, 0, noblock, errcode);
-+ return sock_alloc_send_skb2(sk, size, size, noblock, errcode);
- }
- void __lock_sock(struct sock *sk)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -109,8 +109,9 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(sk_stream_wait_close);
- * sk_stream_wait_memory - Wait for more memory for a socket
- * @sk - socket to wait for memory
- * @timeo_p - for how long
-+ * @amount - amount of memory to wait for (in UB space!)
- */
--int sk_stream_wait_memory(struct sock *sk, long *timeo_p)
-+int sk_stream_wait_memory(struct sock *sk, long *timeo_p, unsigned long amount)
- {
- int err = 0;
- long vm_wait = 0;
-@@ -132,14 +133,19 @@ int sk_stream_wait_memory(struct sock *s
- if (signal_pending(current))
- goto do_interrupted;
- clear_bit(SOCK_ASYNC_NOSPACE, &sk->sk_socket->flags);
-- if (sk_stream_memory_free(sk) && !vm_wait)
-- break;
-+ if (amount == 0) {
-+ if (sk_stream_memory_free(sk) && !vm_wait)
-+ break;
-+ } else
-+ ub_sock_sndqueueadd_tcp(sk, amount);
- set_bit(SOCK_NOSPACE, &sk->sk_socket->flags);
- sk->sk_write_pending++;
- sk_wait_event(sk, &current_timeo, sk_stream_memory_free(sk) &&
- vm_wait);
- sk->sk_write_pending--;
-+ if (amount > 0)
-+ ub_sock_sndqueuedel(sk);
- if (vm_wait) {
- vm_wait -= current_timeo;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -113,6 +113,8 @@
- #include <linux/mroute.h>
- #endif
-+#include <ub/ub_net.h>
- DEFINE_SNMP_STAT(struct linux_mib, net_statistics);
-@@ -299,6 +301,13 @@ static int inet_create(struct socket *so
- if (!protocol)
- goto out_sk_free;
-+ err = -ENOBUFS;
-+ if (ub_sock_charge(sk, PF_INET, sock->type))
-+ goto out_sk_free;
-+ /* if charge was successful, sock_init_data() MUST be called to
-+ * set sk->sk_type. otherwise sk will be uncharged to wrong resource
-+ */
- err = 0;
- sock->ops = answer->ops;
- sk->sk_prot = answer->prot;
-@@ -377,6 +386,9 @@ int inet_release(struct socket *sock)
- if (sk) {
- long timeout;
-+ struct ve_struct *saved_env;
-+ saved_env = set_exec_env(VE_OWNER_SK(sk));
- /* Applications forget to leave groups before exiting */
- ip_mc_drop_socket(sk);
-@@ -394,6 +406,8 @@ int inet_release(struct socket *sock)
- timeout = sk->sk_lingertime;
- sock->sk = NULL;
- sk->sk_prot->close(sk, timeout);
-+ set_exec_env(saved_env);
- }
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -981,20 +995,20 @@ static struct net_protocol icmp_protocol
- static int __init init_ipv4_mibs(void)
- {
-- net_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct linux_mib);
-- net_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct linux_mib);
-- ip_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct ipstats_mib);
-- ip_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct ipstats_mib);
-- icmp_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct icmp_mib);
-- icmp_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct icmp_mib);
-- tcp_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct tcp_mib);
-- tcp_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct tcp_mib);
-- udp_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct udp_mib);
-- udp_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct udp_mib);
-+ ve_net_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct linux_mib);
-+ ve_net_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct linux_mib);
-+ ve_ip_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct ipstats_mib);
-+ ve_ip_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct ipstats_mib);
-+ ve_icmp_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct icmp_mib);
-+ ve_icmp_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct icmp_mib);
-+ ve_tcp_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct tcp_mib);
-+ ve_tcp_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct tcp_mib);
-+ ve_udp_statistics[0] = alloc_percpu(struct udp_mib);
-+ ve_udp_statistics[1] = alloc_percpu(struct udp_mib);
- if (!
-- (net_statistics[0] && net_statistics[1] && ip_statistics[0]
-- && ip_statistics[1] && tcp_statistics[0] && tcp_statistics[1]
-- && udp_statistics[0] && udp_statistics[1]))
-+ (ve_net_statistics[0] && ve_net_statistics[1] && ve_ip_statistics[0]
-+ && ve_ip_statistics[1] && ve_tcp_statistics[0] && ve_tcp_statistics[1]
-+ && ve_udp_statistics[0] && ve_udp_statistics[1]))
- return -ENOMEM;
- (void) tcp_mib_init();
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -695,6 +695,9 @@ void arp_send(int type, int ptype, u32 d
- static void parp_redo(struct sk_buff *skb)
- {
-+ skb->nf_debug = 0;
- arp_rcv(skb, skb->dev, NULL);
- }
-@@ -980,7 +983,7 @@ int arp_req_set(struct arpreq *r, struct
- return 0;
- }
- if (dev == NULL) {
-- ipv4_devconf.proxy_arp = 1;
-+ ve_ipv4_devconf.proxy_arp = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- if (__in_dev_get(dev)) {
-@@ -1066,7 +1069,7 @@ int arp_req_delete(struct arpreq *r, str
- return pneigh_delete(&arp_tbl, &ip, dev);
- if (mask == 0) {
- if (dev == NULL) {
-- ipv4_devconf.proxy_arp = 0;
-+ ve_ipv4_devconf.proxy_arp = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- if (__in_dev_get(dev)) {
-@@ -1115,6 +1118,8 @@ int arp_ioctl(unsigned int cmd, void __u
- if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
- return -EPERM;
- case SIOCGARP:
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ return -EACCES;
- err = copy_from_user(&r, arg, sizeof(struct arpreq));
- if (err)
- return -EFAULT;
-@@ -1486,8 +1491,12 @@ static int arp_seq_open(struct inode *in
- {
- struct seq_file *seq;
- int rc = -ENOMEM;
-- struct arp_iter_state *s = kmalloc(sizeof(*s), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ struct arp_iter_state *s;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ return -EPERM;
-+ s = kmalloc(sizeof(*s), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!s)
- goto out;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -77,10 +77,21 @@ static struct ipv4_devconf ipv4_devconf_
- .accept_source_route = 1,
- };
-+struct ipv4_devconf *get_ipv4_devconf_dflt_addr(void)
-+ return &ipv4_devconf_dflt;
-+#define ve_ipv4_devconf_dflt (*(get_exec_env()->_ipv4_devconf_dflt))
-+#define ve_ipv4_devconf_dflt ipv4_devconf_dflt
- static void rtmsg_ifa(int event, struct in_ifaddr *);
- static struct notifier_block *inetaddr_chain;
--static void inet_del_ifa(struct in_device *in_dev, struct in_ifaddr **ifap,
-+void inet_del_ifa(struct in_device *in_dev, struct in_ifaddr **ifap,
- int destroy);
- static void devinet_sysctl_register(struct in_device *in_dev,
-@@ -221,7 +232,7 @@ int inet_addr_onlink(struct in_device *i
- return 0;
- }
--static void inet_del_ifa(struct in_device *in_dev, struct in_ifaddr **ifap,
-+void inet_del_ifa(struct in_device *in_dev, struct in_ifaddr **ifap,
- int destroy)
- {
- struct in_ifaddr *ifa1 = *ifap;
-@@ -537,7 +548,7 @@ int devinet_ioctl(unsigned int cmd, void
- ret = -EACCES;
-- if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
-+ if (!capable(CAP_VE_NET_ADMIN))
- goto out;
- break;
- case SIOCSIFADDR: /* Set interface address (and family) */
-@@ -545,7 +556,7 @@ int devinet_ioctl(unsigned int cmd, void
- case SIOCSIFDSTADDR: /* Set the destination address */
- case SIOCSIFNETMASK: /* Set the netmask for the interface */
- ret = -EACCES;
-- if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
-+ if (!capable(CAP_VE_NET_ADMIN))
- goto out;
- ret = -EINVAL;
- if (sin->sin_family != AF_INET)
-@@ -965,7 +976,7 @@ static int inetdev_event(struct notifier
- case NETDEV_UP:
- if (dev->mtu < 68)
- break;
-- if (dev == &loopback_dev) {
-+ if (dev == &visible_loopback_dev) {
- struct in_ifaddr *ifa;
- if ((ifa = inet_alloc_ifa()) != NULL) {
- ifa->ifa_local =
-@@ -1130,10 +1141,10 @@ static struct rtnetlink_link inet_rtnetl
- void inet_forward_change(void)
- {
- struct net_device *dev;
-- int on = ipv4_devconf.forwarding;
-+ int on = ve_ipv4_devconf.forwarding;
-- ipv4_devconf.accept_redirects = !on;
-- ipv4_devconf_dflt.forwarding = on;
-+ ve_ipv4_devconf.accept_redirects = !on;
-+ ve_ipv4_devconf_dflt.forwarding = on;
- read_lock(&dev_base_lock);
- for (dev = dev_base; dev; dev = dev->next) {
-@@ -1158,9 +1169,9 @@ static int devinet_sysctl_forward(ctl_ta
- int ret = proc_dointvec(ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp, ppos);
- if (write && *valp != val) {
-- if (valp == &ipv4_devconf.forwarding)
-+ if (valp == &ve_ipv4_devconf.forwarding)
- inet_forward_change();
-- else if (valp != &ipv4_devconf_dflt.forwarding)
-+ else if (valp != &ve_ipv4_devconf_dflt.forwarding)
- rt_cache_flush(0);
- }
-@@ -1422,30 +1433,22 @@ static struct devinet_sysctl_table {
- },
- };
--static void devinet_sysctl_register(struct in_device *in_dev,
-- struct ipv4_devconf *p)
-+static struct devinet_sysctl_table *__devinet_sysctl_register(char *dev_name,
-+ int ifindex, struct ipv4_devconf *p)
- {
- int i;
-- struct net_device *dev = in_dev ? in_dev->dev : NULL;
-- struct devinet_sysctl_table *t = kmalloc(sizeof(*t), GFP_KERNEL);
-- char *dev_name = NULL;
-+ struct devinet_sysctl_table *t;
-+ t = kmalloc(sizeof(*t), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!t)
-- return;
-+ goto out;
- memcpy(t, &devinet_sysctl, sizeof(*t));
- for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(t->devinet_vars) - 1; i++) {
- t->devinet_vars[i].data += (char *)p - (char *)&ipv4_devconf;
- t->devinet_vars[i].de = NULL;
- }
-- if (dev) {
-- dev_name = dev->name;
-- t->devinet_dev[0].ctl_name = dev->ifindex;
-- } else {
-- dev_name = "default";
-- t->devinet_dev[0].ctl_name = NET_PROTO_CONF_DEFAULT;
-- }
- /*
- * Make a copy of dev_name, because '.procname' is regarded as const
- * by sysctl and we wouldn't want anyone to change it under our feet
-@@ -1453,8 +1456,9 @@ static void devinet_sysctl_register(stru
- */
- dev_name = net_sysctl_strdup(dev_name);
- if (!dev_name)
-- goto free;
-+ goto out_free_table;
-+ t->devinet_dev[0].ctl_name = ifindex;
- t->devinet_dev[0].procname = dev_name;
- t->devinet_dev[0].child = t->devinet_vars;
- t->devinet_dev[0].de = NULL;
-@@ -1467,17 +1471,38 @@ static void devinet_sysctl_register(stru
- t->sysctl_header = register_sysctl_table(t->devinet_root_dir, 0);
- if (!t->sysctl_header)
-- goto free_procname;
-+ goto out_free_procname;
-- p->sysctl = t;
-- return;
-+ return t;
- /* error path */
-- free_procname:
- kfree(dev_name);
-- free:
- kfree(t);
-- return;
-+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "Can't register net/ipv4/conf sysctls.\n");
-+ return NULL;
-+static void devinet_sysctl_register(struct in_device *in_dev,
-+ struct ipv4_devconf *p)
-+ struct net_device *dev;
-+ char *dev_name;
-+ int ifindex;
-+ dev = in_dev ? in_dev->dev : NULL;
-+ if (dev) {
-+ dev_name = dev->name;
-+ ifindex = dev->ifindex;
-+ } else {
-+ dev_name = "default";
-+ }
-+ p->sysctl = __devinet_sysctl_register(dev_name, ifindex, p);
- }
- static void devinet_sysctl_unregister(struct ipv4_devconf *p)
-@@ -1490,7 +1515,189 @@ static void devinet_sysctl_unregister(st
- kfree(t);
- }
- }
-+extern int visible_ipv4_sysctl_forward(ctl_table *ctl, int write, struct file * filp,
-+ void __user *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos);
-+extern int visible_ipv4_sysctl_forward_strategy(ctl_table *table, int *name, int nlen,
-+ void *oldval, size_t *oldlenp,
-+ void *newval, size_t newlen,
-+ void **context);
-+extern void *get_flush_delay_addr(void);
-+extern int visible_ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush(ctl_table *ctl, int write, struct file * filp,
-+ void __user *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos);
-+extern int visible_ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush_strategy(ctl_table *table,
-+ int __user *name,
-+ int nlen,
-+ void __user *oldval,
-+ size_t __user *oldlenp,
-+ void __user *newval,
-+ size_t newlen,
-+ void **context);
-+static ctl_table net_sysctl_tables[] = {
-+ /* 0: net */
-+ {
-+ .ctl_name = CTL_NET,
-+ .procname = "net",
-+ .mode = 0555,
-+ .child = &net_sysctl_tables[2],
-+ },
-+ { .ctl_name = 0, },
-+ /* 2: net/ipv4 */
-+ {
-+ .ctl_name = NET_IPV4,
-+ .procname = "ipv4",
-+ .mode = 0555,
-+ .child = &net_sysctl_tables[4],
-+ },
-+ { .ctl_name = 0, },
-+ /* 4, 5: net/ipv4/[vars] */
-+ {
-+ .ctl_name = NET_IPV4_FORWARD,
-+ .procname = "ip_forward",
-+ .data = &ipv4_devconf.forwarding,
-+ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
-+ .mode = 0644,
-+ .proc_handler = &visible_ipv4_sysctl_forward,
-+ .strategy = &visible_ipv4_sysctl_forward_strategy,
-+ },
-+ {
-+ .ctl_name = NET_IPV4_ROUTE,
-+ .procname = "route",
-+ .maxlen = 0,
-+ .mode = 0555,
-+ .child = &net_sysctl_tables[7],
-+ },
-+ { .ctl_name = 0 },
-+ /* 7: net/ipv4/route/flush */
-+ {
-+ .ctl_name = NET_IPV4_ROUTE_FLUSH,
-+ .procname = "flush",
-+ .data = NULL, /* setuped below */
-+ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
-+ .mode = 0644,
-+ .proc_handler = &visible_ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush,
-+ .strategy = &visible_ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush_strategy,
-+ },
-+ { .ctl_name = 0 },
-+static int ip_forward_sysctl_register(struct ve_struct *ve,
-+ struct ipv4_devconf *p)
-+ struct ctl_table_header *hdr;
-+ ctl_table *root;
-+ root = clone_sysctl_template(net_sysctl_tables,
-+ sizeof(net_sysctl_tables) / sizeof(ctl_table));
-+ if (root == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ root[4].data = &p->forwarding;
-+ root[7].data = get_flush_delay_addr();
-+ hdr = register_sysctl_table(root, 1);
-+ if (hdr == NULL)
-+ goto out_free;
-+ ve->forward_header = hdr;
-+ ve->forward_table = root;
-+ return 0;
-+ free_sysctl_clone(root);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+static inline void ip_forward_sysctl_unregister(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ unregister_sysctl_table(ve->forward_header);
-+ ve->forward_header = NULL;
-+static inline void ip_forward_sysctl_free(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ free_sysctl_clone(ve->forward_table);
-+ ve->forward_table = NULL;
- #endif
-+int devinet_sysctl_init(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ int err = 0;
-+ struct ipv4_devconf *conf, *conf_def;
-+ err = -ENOMEM;
-+ conf = kmalloc(sizeof(*conf), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!conf)
-+ goto err1;
-+ memcpy(conf, &ipv4_devconf, sizeof(*conf));
-+ conf->sysctl = __devinet_sysctl_register("all",
-+ if (!conf->sysctl)
-+ goto err2;
-+ conf_def = kmalloc(sizeof(*conf_def), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!conf_def)
-+ goto err3;
-+ memcpy(conf_def, &ipv4_devconf_dflt, sizeof(*conf_def));
-+ conf_def->sysctl = __devinet_sysctl_register("default",
-+ if (!conf_def->sysctl)
-+ goto err4;
-+ err = ip_forward_sysctl_register(ve, conf);
-+ if (err)
-+ goto err5;
-+ ve->_ipv4_devconf = conf;
-+ ve->_ipv4_devconf_dflt = conf_def;
-+ return 0;
-+ devinet_sysctl_unregister(conf_def);
-+ kfree(conf_def);
-+ devinet_sysctl_unregister(conf);
-+ kfree(conf);
-+ return err;
-+void devinet_sysctl_fini(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ ip_forward_sysctl_unregister(ve);
-+ devinet_sysctl_unregister(ve->_ipv4_devconf);
-+ devinet_sysctl_unregister(ve->_ipv4_devconf_dflt);
-+void devinet_sysctl_free(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ ip_forward_sysctl_free(ve);
-+ kfree(ve->_ipv4_devconf);
-+ kfree(ve->_ipv4_devconf_dflt);
- void __init devinet_init(void)
- {
-@@ -1500,14 +1707,19 @@ void __init devinet_init(void)
- devinet_sysctl.sysctl_header =
- register_sysctl_table(devinet_sysctl.devinet_root_dir, 0);
-- devinet_sysctl_register(NULL, &ipv4_devconf_dflt);
-+ __devinet_sysctl_register("default", NET_PROTO_CONF_DEFAULT,
-+ &ipv4_devconf_dflt);
- #endif
- }
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(devinet_ioctl);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(in_dev_finish_destroy);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(inet_select_addr);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(inetdev_by_index);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(inetdev_lock);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(register_inetaddr_notifier);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(unregister_inetaddr_notifier);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -51,14 +51,46 @@
-+#undef ip_fib_local_table
-+#undef ip_fib_main_table
- struct fib_table *ip_fib_local_table;
- struct fib_table *ip_fib_main_table;
-+void prepare_fib_tables(void)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ get_ve0()->_local_table = ip_fib_local_table;
-+ ip_fib_local_table = (struct fib_table *)0x12345678;
-+ get_ve0()->_main_table = ip_fib_main_table;
-+ ip_fib_main_table = (struct fib_table *)0x12345678;
-+#define ip_fib_local_table get_exec_env()->_local_table
-+#define ip_fib_main_table get_exec_env()->_main_table
- #else
- #define RT_TABLE_MIN 1
-+#undef fib_tables
- struct fib_table *fib_tables[RT_TABLE_MAX+1];
-+void prepare_fib_tables(void)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ int i;
-+ BUG_ON(sizeof(fib_tables) !=
-+ sizeof(((struct ve_struct *)0)->_fib_tables));
-+ memcpy(get_ve0()->_fib_tables, fib_tables, sizeof(fib_tables));
-+ for (i = 0; i <= RT_TABLE_MAX; i++)
-+ fib_tables[i] = (void *)0x12366678;
-+#define fib_tables get_exec_env()->_fib_tables
- struct fib_table *__fib_new_table(int id)
- {
-@@ -248,7 +280,7 @@ int ip_rt_ioctl(unsigned int cmd, void _
- switch (cmd) {
- case SIOCADDRT: /* Add a route */
- case SIOCDELRT: /* Delete a route */
-- if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
-+ if (!capable(CAP_VE_NET_ADMIN))
- return -EPERM;
- if (copy_from_user(&r, arg, sizeof(struct rtentry)))
- return -EFAULT;
-@@ -595,6 +627,7 @@ struct notifier_block fib_netdev_notifie
- void __init ip_fib_init(void)
- {
-+ prepare_fib_tables();
- ip_fib_local_table = fib_hash_init(RT_TABLE_LOCAL);
- ip_fib_main_table = fib_hash_init(RT_TABLE_MAIN);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
- #include <linux/skbuff.h>
- #include <linux/netlink.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <linux/ve.h>
- #include <net/ip.h>
- #include <net/protocol.h>
-@@ -101,12 +102,6 @@ struct fn_zone
- can be cheaper than memory lookup, so that FZ_* macros are used.
- */
--struct fn_hash
-- struct fn_zone *fn_zones[33];
-- struct fn_zone *fn_zone_list;
- static __inline__ fn_hash_idx_t fn_hash(fn_key_t key, struct fn_zone *fz)
- {
- u32 h = ntohl(key.datum)>>(32 - fz->fz_order);
-@@ -701,7 +696,14 @@ FTprint("tb(%d)_delete: %d %08x/%d %d\n"
- f = *del_fp;
- rtmsg_fib(RTM_DELROUTE, f, z, tb->tb_id, n, req);
-- if (matched != 1) {
-+ if (matched != 1 ||
-+ /*
-+ * Don't try to be excessively smart if it's not one of
-+ * the host system tables, it would be a waste of
-+ * memory.
-+ */
-+ !ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ {
- write_lock_bh(&fib_hash_lock);
- *del_fp = f->fn_next;
- write_unlock_bh(&fib_hash_lock);
-@@ -766,6 +768,92 @@ static int fn_hash_flush(struct fib_tabl
- return found;
- }
-+static __inline__ void
-+fib_destroy_list(struct fib_node ** fp, int z, struct fn_hash *table)
-+ struct fib_node *f;
-+ while ((f = *fp) != NULL) {
-+ write_lock_bh(&fib_hash_lock);
-+ *fp = f->fn_next;
-+ write_unlock_bh(&fib_hash_lock);
-+ fn_free_node(f);
-+ }
-+void fib_hash_destroy(struct fib_table *tb)
-+ struct fn_hash *table = (struct fn_hash*)tb->tb_data;
-+ struct fn_zone *fz;
-+ for (fz = table->fn_zone_list; fz; fz = fz->fz_next) {
-+ int i;
-+ for (i=fz->fz_divisor-1; i>=0; i--)
-+ fib_destroy_list(&fz->fz_hash[i], fz->fz_order, table);
-+ fz->fz_nent = 0;
-+ }
-+ * Initialization of virtualized networking subsystem.
-+ */
-+int init_ve_route(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ if (fib_rules_create())
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ ve->_fib_tables[RT_TABLE_LOCAL] = fib_hash_init(RT_TABLE_LOCAL);
-+ if (!ve->_fib_tables[RT_TABLE_LOCAL])
-+ goto out_destroy;
-+ ve->_fib_tables[RT_TABLE_MAIN] = fib_hash_init(RT_TABLE_MAIN);
-+ if (!ve->_fib_tables[RT_TABLE_MAIN])
-+ goto out_destroy_local;
-+ return 0;
-+ fib_hash_destroy(ve->_fib_tables[RT_TABLE_LOCAL]);
-+ fib_rules_destroy();
-+ ve->_local_rule = NULL;
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ ve->_local_table = fib_hash_init(RT_TABLE_LOCAL);
-+ if (!ve->_local_table)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ ve->_main_table = fib_hash_init(RT_TABLE_MAIN);
-+ if (!ve->_main_table) {
-+ fib_hash_destroy(ve->_local_table);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+void fini_ve_route(struct ve_struct *ve)
-+ int i;
-+ for (i=0; i<RT_TABLE_MAX+1; i++)
-+ {
-+ if (!ve->_fib_tables[i])
-+ continue;
-+ fib_hash_destroy(ve->_fib_tables[i]);
-+ }
-+ fib_rules_destroy();
-+ ve->_local_rule = NULL;
-+ fib_hash_destroy(ve->_local_table);
-+ fib_hash_destroy(ve->_main_table);
- static __inline__ int
- fn_hash_dump_bucket(struct sk_buff *skb, struct netlink_callback *cb,
-@@ -863,7 +951,7 @@ static void rtmsg_fib(int event, struct
- netlink_unicast(rtnl, skb, pid, MSG_DONTWAIT);
- }
- struct fib_table * fib_hash_init(int id)
- #else
- struct fib_table * __init fib_hash_init(int id)
-@@ -973,13 +1061,23 @@ out:
- return iter->node;
- }
-+static struct fib_node *fib_get_idx(struct seq_file *seq, loff_t pos)
-+ struct fib_node *fn = fib_get_first(seq);
-+ if (fn)
-+ while (pos && (fn = fib_get_next(seq)))
-+ --pos;
-+ return pos ? NULL : fn;
- static void *fib_seq_start(struct seq_file *seq, loff_t *pos)
- {
- void *v = NULL;
- read_lock(&fib_hash_lock);
- if (ip_fib_main_table)
-- v = *pos ? fib_get_next(seq) : SEQ_START_TOKEN;
-+ v = *pos ? fib_get_idx(seq, *pos - 1) : SEQ_START_TOKEN;
- return v;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
- #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
- #include <linux/skbuff.h>
- #include <linux/netlink.h>
-+#include <linux/rtnetlink.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
- #include <net/ip.h>
-@@ -101,6 +102,87 @@ static struct fib_rule local_rule = {
- static struct fib_rule *fib_rules = &local_rule;
- static rwlock_t fib_rules_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+void prepare_fib_rules(void)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ get_ve0()->_local_rule = &local_rule;
-+ get_ve0()->_fib_rules = fib_rules;
-+ fib_rules = (void *)0x12345678;
-+#define ve_local_rule (get_exec_env()->_local_rule)
-+#define ve_fib_rules (get_exec_env()->_fib_rules)
-+#define ve_local_rule (&local_rule)
-+#define ve_fib_rules fib_rules
-+#if defined(CONFIG_VE_CALLS) || defined(CONFIG_VE_CALLS_MODULE)
-+int fib_rules_create()
-+ struct fib_rule *default_rule, *main_rule, *loc_rule;
-+ default_rule = kmalloc(sizeof(struct fib_rule), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (default_rule == NULL)
-+ goto out_def;
-+ memset(default_rule, 0, sizeof(struct fib_rule));
-+ atomic_set(&default_rule->r_clntref, 1);
-+ default_rule->r_preference = 0x7FFF;
-+ default_rule->r_table = RT_TABLE_DEFAULT;
-+ default_rule->r_action = RTN_UNICAST;
-+ main_rule = kmalloc(sizeof(struct fib_rule), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (main_rule == NULL)
-+ goto out_main;
-+ memset(main_rule, 0, sizeof(struct fib_rule));
-+ atomic_set(&main_rule->r_clntref, 1);
-+ main_rule->r_preference = 0x7FFE;
-+ main_rule->r_table = RT_TABLE_MAIN;
-+ main_rule->r_action = RTN_UNICAST;
-+ main_rule->r_next = default_rule;
-+ loc_rule = kmalloc(sizeof(struct fib_rule), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (loc_rule == NULL)
-+ goto out_loc;
-+ memset(loc_rule, 0, sizeof(struct fib_rule));
-+ atomic_set(&loc_rule->r_clntref, 1);
-+ loc_rule->r_preference = 0;
-+ loc_rule->r_table = RT_TABLE_LOCAL;
-+ loc_rule->r_action = RTN_UNICAST;
-+ loc_rule->r_next = main_rule;
-+ ve_local_rule = loc_rule;
-+ ve_fib_rules = loc_rule;
-+ return 0;
-+ kfree(main_rule);
-+ kfree(default_rule);
-+ return -1;
-+void fib_rules_destroy()
-+ struct fib_rule *r;
-+ rtnl_lock();
-+ write_lock_bh(&fib_rules_lock);
-+ while(ve_fib_rules != NULL) {
-+ r = ve_fib_rules;
-+ ve_fib_rules = ve_fib_rules->r_next;
-+ r->r_dead = 1;
-+ fib_rule_put(r);
-+ }
-+ write_unlock_bh(&fib_rules_lock);
-+ rtnl_unlock();
- int inet_rtm_delrule(struct sk_buff *skb, struct nlmsghdr* nlh, void *arg)
- {
- struct rtattr **rta = arg;
-@@ -108,7 +190,7 @@ int inet_rtm_delrule(struct sk_buff *skb
- struct fib_rule *r, **rp;
- int err = -ESRCH;
-- for (rp=&fib_rules; (r=*rp) != NULL; rp=&r->r_next) {
-+ for (rp=&ve_fib_rules; (r=*rp) != NULL; rp=&r->r_next) {
- if ((!rta[RTA_SRC-1] || memcmp(RTA_DATA(rta[RTA_SRC-1]), &r->r_src, 4) == 0) &&
- rtm->rtm_src_len == r->r_src_len &&
- rtm->rtm_dst_len == r->r_dst_len &&
-@@ -122,7 +204,7 @@ int inet_rtm_delrule(struct sk_buff *skb
- (!rta[RTA_IIF-1] || strcmp(RTA_DATA(rta[RTA_IIF-1]), r->r_ifname) == 0) &&
- (!rtm->rtm_table || (r && rtm->rtm_table == r->r_table))) {
- err = -EPERM;
-- if (r == &local_rule)
-+ if (r == ve_local_rule)
- break;
- write_lock_bh(&fib_rules_lock);
-@@ -186,6 +268,7 @@ int inet_rtm_newrule(struct sk_buff *skb
- new_r = kmalloc(sizeof(*new_r), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!new_r)
- return -ENOMEM;
- memset(new_r, 0, sizeof(*new_r));
- if (rta[RTA_SRC-1])
- memcpy(&new_r->r_src, RTA_DATA(rta[RTA_SRC-1]), 4);
-@@ -221,11 +304,11 @@ int inet_rtm_newrule(struct sk_buff *skb
- memcpy(&new_r->r_tclassid, RTA_DATA(rta[RTA_FLOW-1]), 4);
- #endif
-- rp = &fib_rules;
-+ rp = &ve_fib_rules;
- if (!new_r->r_preference) {
-- r = fib_rules;
-+ r = ve_fib_rules;
- if (r && (r = r->r_next) != NULL) {
-- rp = &fib_rules->r_next;
-+ rp = &ve_fib_rules->r_next;
- if (r->r_preference)
- new_r->r_preference = r->r_preference - 1;
- }
-@@ -285,7 +368,7 @@ static void fib_rules_detach(struct net_
- {
- struct fib_rule *r;
-- for (r=fib_rules; r; r=r->r_next) {
-+ for (r=ve_fib_rules; r; r=r->r_next) {
- if (r->r_ifindex == dev->ifindex) {
- write_lock_bh(&fib_rules_lock);
- r->r_ifindex = -1;
-@@ -298,7 +381,7 @@ static void fib_rules_attach(struct net_
- {
- struct fib_rule *r;
-- for (r=fib_rules; r; r=r->r_next) {
-+ for (r=ve_fib_rules; r; r=r->r_next) {
- if (r->r_ifindex == -1 && strcmp(dev->name, r->r_ifname) == 0) {
- write_lock_bh(&fib_rules_lock);
- r->r_ifindex = dev->ifindex;
-@@ -319,7 +402,7 @@ int fib_lookup(const struct flowi *flp,
- FRprintk("Lookup: %u.%u.%u.%u <- %u.%u.%u.%u ",
- NIPQUAD(flp->fl4_dst), NIPQUAD(flp->fl4_src));
- read_lock(&fib_rules_lock);
-- for (r = fib_rules; r; r=r->r_next) {
-+ for (r = ve_fib_rules; r; r=r->r_next) {
- if (((saddr^r->r_src) & r->r_srcmask) ||
- ((daddr^r->r_dst) & r->r_dstmask) ||
-@@ -449,7 +532,7 @@ int inet_dump_rules(struct sk_buff *skb,
- struct fib_rule *r;
- read_lock(&fib_rules_lock);
-- for (r=fib_rules, idx=0; r; r = r->r_next, idx++) {
-+ for (r=ve_fib_rules, idx=0; r; r = r->r_next, idx++) {
- if (idx < s_idx)
- continue;
- if (inet_fill_rule(skb, r, cb) < 0)
-@@ -463,5 +546,6 @@ int inet_dump_rules(struct sk_buff *skb,
- void __init fib_rules_init(void)
- {
-+ prepare_fib_rules();
- register_netdevice_notifier(&fib_rules_notifier);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
- #include <linux/netdevice.h>
- #include <linux/if_arp.h>
- #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
-+#include <linux/ve.h>
- #include <linux/skbuff.h>
- #include <linux/netlink.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
-@@ -49,6 +50,18 @@ static struct fib_info *fib_info_list;
- static rwlock_t fib_info_lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
- int fib_info_cnt;
-+void prepare_fib_info(void)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ get_ve0()->_fib_info_list = fib_info_list;
-+ fib_info_list = (void *)0x12345678;
-+#define fib_info_list (get_exec_env()->_fib_info_list)
- #define for_fib_info() { struct fib_info *fi; \
- for (fi = fib_info_list; fi; fi = fi->fib_next)
-@@ -155,7 +168,6 @@ void free_fib_info(struct fib_info *fi)
- dev_put(nh->nh_dev);
- nh->nh_dev = NULL;
- } endfor_nexthops(fi);
-- fib_info_cnt--;
- kfree(fi);
- }
-@@ -483,11 +495,13 @@ fib_create_info(const struct rtmsg *r, s
- }
- #endif
-- fi = kmalloc(sizeof(*fi)+nhs*sizeof(struct fib_nh), GFP_KERNEL);
- err = -ENOBUFS;
-+ fi = kmalloc(sizeof(*fi)+nhs*sizeof(struct fib_nh), GFP_KERNEL);
- if (fi == NULL)
- goto failure;
-- fib_info_cnt++;
- memset(fi, 0, sizeof(*fi)+nhs*sizeof(struct fib_nh));
- fi->fib_protocol = r->rtm_protocol;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:27.000000000 +0400
-@@ -346,12 +346,12 @@ static void icmp_push_reply(struct icmp_
- {
- struct sk_buff *skb;
-- ip_append_data(icmp_socket->sk, icmp_glue_bits, icmp_param,
-- icmp_param->data_len+icmp_param->head_len,
-- icmp_param->head_len,
-- ipc, rt, MSG_DONTWAIT);
-- if ((skb = skb_peek(&icmp_socket->sk->sk_write_queue)) != NULL) {
-+ if (ip_append_data(icmp_socket->sk, icmp_glue_bits, icmp_param,
-+ icmp_param->data_len+icmp_param->head_len,
-+ icmp_param->head_len,
-+ ipc, rt, MSG_DONTWAIT) < 0)
-+ ip_flush_pending_frames(icmp_socket->sk);
-+ else if ((skb = skb_peek(&icmp_socket->sk->sk_write_queue)) != NULL) {
- struct icmphdr *icmph = skb->h.icmph;
- unsigned int csum = 0;
- struct sk_buff *skb1;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -889,7 +889,10 @@ int igmp_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb)
- /* Is it our report looped back? */
- if (((struct rtable*)skb->dst)->fl.iif == 0)
- break;
-- igmp_heard_report(in_dev, ih->group);
-+ /* don't rely on MC router hearing unicast reports */
-+ if (skb->pkt_type == PACKET_MULTICAST ||
-+ skb->pkt_type == PACKET_BROADCAST)
-+ igmp_heard_report(in_dev, ih->group);
- break;
- case IGMP_PIM:
-@@ -1776,12 +1779,12 @@ int ip_mc_source(int add, int omode, str
- goto done;
- rv = !0;
- for (i=0; i<psl->sl_count; i++) {
-- rv = memcmp(&psl->sl_addr, &mreqs->imr_multiaddr,
-+ rv = memcmp(&psl->sl_addr[i], &mreqs->imr_sourceaddr,
- sizeof(__u32));
-- if (rv >= 0)
-+ if (rv == 0)
- break;
- }
-- if (!rv) /* source not found */
-+ if (rv) /* source not found */
- goto done;
- /* update the interface filter */
-@@ -1823,9 +1826,9 @@ int ip_mc_source(int add, int omode, str
- }
- rv = 1; /* > 0 for insert logic below if sl_count is 0 */
- for (i=0; i<psl->sl_count; i++) {
-- rv = memcmp(&psl->sl_addr, &mreqs->imr_multiaddr,
-+ rv = memcmp(&psl->sl_addr[i], &mreqs->imr_sourceaddr,
- sizeof(__u32));
-- if (rv >= 0)
-+ if (rv == 0)
- break;
- }
- if (rv == 0) /* address already there is an error */
-@@ -2297,7 +2300,8 @@ static inline struct ip_sf_list *igmp_mc
- struct ip_mc_list *im = NULL;
- struct igmp_mcf_iter_state *state = igmp_mcf_seq_private(seq);
-- for (state->dev = dev_base, state->idev = NULL, state->im = NULL;
-+ for (state->dev = dev_base,
-+ state->idev = NULL, state->im = NULL;
- state->dev;
- state->dev = state->dev->next) {
- struct in_device *idev;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -91,6 +91,23 @@ int ip_forward(struct sk_buff *skb)
- if (opt->is_strictroute && rt->rt_dst != rt->rt_gateway)
- goto sr_failed;
-+ /*
-+ * We try to optimize forwarding of VE packets:
-+ * do not decrement TTL (and so save skb_cow)
-+ * during forwarding of outgoing pkts from VE.
-+ * For incoming pkts we still do ttl decr,
-+ * since such skb is not cloned and does not require
-+ * actual cow. So, there is at least one place
-+ * in pkts path with mandatory ttl decr, that is
-+ * sufficient to prevent routing loops.
-+ */
-+ if (
-+ (rt->rt_flags & RTCF_NAT) == 0 && /* no NAT mangling expected */
-+#endif /* and */
-+ (skb->dev->features & NETIF_F_VENET)) /* src is VENET device */
-+ goto no_ttl_decr;
- /* We are about to mangle packet. Copy it! */
- if (skb_cow(skb, LL_RESERVED_SPACE(rt->>u.dst.header_len))
- goto drop;
-@@ -99,6 +116,8 @@ int ip_forward(struct sk_buff *skb)
- /* Decrease ttl after skb cow done */
- ip_decrease_ttl(iph);
- /*
- * We now generate an ICMP HOST REDIRECT giving the route
- * we calculated.
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
- #include <linux/udp.h>
- #include <linux/inet.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
- /* NOTE. Logic of IP defragmentation is parallel to corresponding IPv6
- * code now. If you change something here, _PLEASE_ update ipv6/reassembly.c
-@@ -73,6 +74,7 @@ struct ipfrag_skb_cb
- struct ipq {
- struct ipq *next; /* linked list pointers */
- struct list_head lru_list; /* lru list member */
-+ u32 user;
- u32 saddr;
- u32 daddr;
- u16 id;
-@@ -91,8 +93,12 @@ struct ipq {
- struct ipq **pprev;
- int iif;
- struct timeval stamp;
-+ struct ve_struct *owner_env;
- };
-+DCL_VE_OWNER_PROTO(IPQ, TAIL_SOFT, struct ipq, owner_env, inline, (always_inline))
-+DCL_VE_OWNER(IPQ, TAIL_SOFT, struct ipq, owner_env, inline, (always_inline))
- /* Hash table. */
- #define IPQ_HASHSZ 64
-@@ -104,6 +110,20 @@ static u32 ipfrag_hash_rnd;
- static LIST_HEAD(ipq_lru_list);
- int ip_frag_nqueues = 0;
-+void prepare_ipq(void)
-+ struct ipq *qp;
-+ unsigned int hash;
-+ write_lock(&ipfrag_lock);
-+ for (hash = 0; hash < IPQ_HASHSZ; hash++) {
-+ for(qp = ipq_hash[hash]; qp; qp = qp->next) {
-+ SET_VE_OWNER_IPQ(qp, get_ve0());
-+ }
-+ }
-+ write_unlock(&ipfrag_lock);
- static __inline__ void __ipq_unlink(struct ipq *qp)
- {
- if(qp->next)
-@@ -183,7 +203,8 @@ static __inline__ void frag_free_queue(s
- static __inline__ struct ipq *frag_alloc_queue(void)
- {
-- struct ipq *qp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ipq), GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ struct ipq *qp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ipq) + sizeof(void *),
- if(!qp)
- return NULL;
-@@ -273,6 +294,9 @@ static void ip_evictor(void)
- static void ip_expire(unsigned long arg)
- {
- struct ipq *qp = (struct ipq *) arg;
-+ struct ve_struct *envid;
-+ envid = set_exec_env(VE_OWNER_IPQ(qp));
- spin_lock(&qp->lock);
-@@ -295,6 +319,8 @@ static void ip_expire(unsigned long arg)
- out:
- spin_unlock(&qp->lock);
- ipq_put(qp);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(envid);
- }
- /* Creation primitives. */
-@@ -313,7 +339,9 @@ static struct ipq *ip_frag_intern(unsign
- if(qp->id == qp_in->id &&
- qp->saddr == qp_in->saddr &&
- qp->daddr == qp_in->daddr &&
-- qp->protocol == qp_in->protocol) {
-+ qp->protocol == qp_in->protocol &&
-+ qp->user == qp_in->user &&
-+ qp->owner_env == get_exec_env()) {
- atomic_inc(&qp->refcnt);
- write_unlock(&ipfrag_lock);
- qp_in->last_in |= COMPLETE;
-@@ -340,7 +368,7 @@ static struct ipq *ip_frag_intern(unsign
- }
- /* Add an entry to the 'ipq' queue for a newly received IP datagram. */
--static struct ipq *ip_frag_create(unsigned hash, struct iphdr *iph)
-+static struct ipq *ip_frag_create(unsigned hash, struct iphdr *iph, u32 user)
- {
- struct ipq *qp;
-@@ -352,6 +380,7 @@ static struct ipq *ip_frag_create(unsign
- qp->id = iph->id;
- qp->saddr = iph->saddr;
- qp->daddr = iph->daddr;
-+ qp->user = user;
- qp->len = 0;
- qp->meat = 0;
- qp->fragments = NULL;
-@@ -364,6 +393,8 @@ static struct ipq *ip_frag_create(unsign
- qp->lock = SPIN_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
- atomic_set(&qp->refcnt, 1);
-+ SET_VE_OWNER_IPQ(qp, get_exec_env());
- return ip_frag_intern(hash, qp);
- out_nomem:
-@@ -374,7 +405,7 @@ out_nomem:
- /* Find the correct entry in the "incomplete datagrams" queue for
- * this IP datagram, and create new one, if nothing is found.
- */
--static inline struct ipq *ip_find(struct iphdr *iph)
-+static inline struct ipq *ip_find(struct iphdr *iph, u32 user)
- {
- __u16 id = iph->id;
- __u32 saddr = iph->saddr;
-@@ -388,7 +419,9 @@ static inline struct ipq *ip_find(struct
- if(qp->id == id &&
- qp->saddr == saddr &&
- qp->daddr == daddr &&
-- qp->protocol == protocol) {
-+ qp->protocol == protocol &&
-+ qp->user == user &&
-+ qp->owner_env == get_exec_env()) {
- atomic_inc(&qp->refcnt);
- read_unlock(&ipfrag_lock);
- return qp;
-@@ -396,7 +429,7 @@ static inline struct ipq *ip_find(struct
- }
- read_unlock(&ipfrag_lock);
-- return ip_frag_create(hash, iph);
-+ return ip_frag_create(hash, iph, user);
- }
- /* Add new segment to existing queue. */
-@@ -630,7 +663,7 @@ out_fail:
- }
- /* Process an incoming IP datagram fragment. */
--struct sk_buff *ip_defrag(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+struct sk_buff *ip_defrag(struct sk_buff *skb, u32 user)
- {
- struct iphdr *iph = skb->nh.iph;
- struct ipq *qp;
-@@ -645,7 +678,7 @@ struct sk_buff *ip_defrag(struct sk_buff
- dev = skb->dev;
- /* Lookup (or create) queue header */
-- if ((qp = ip_find(iph)) != NULL) {
-+ if ((qp = ip_find(iph, user)) != NULL) {
- struct sk_buff *ret = NULL;
- spin_lock(&qp->lock);
-@@ -656,6 +689,9 @@ struct sk_buff *ip_defrag(struct sk_buff
- qp->meat == qp->len)
- ret = ip_frag_reasm(qp, dev);
-+ if (ret)
- spin_unlock(&qp->lock);
- ipq_put(qp);
- return ret;
-@@ -666,6 +702,48 @@ struct sk_buff *ip_defrag(struct sk_buff
- return NULL;
- }
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+/* XXX */
-+void ip_fragment_cleanup(struct ve_struct *envid)
-+ int i, progress;
-+ /* All operations with fragment queues are performed from NET_RX/TX
-+ * soft interrupts or from timer context. --Den */
-+ local_bh_disable();
-+ do {
-+ progress = 0;
-+ for (i = 0; i < IPQ_HASHSZ; i++) {
-+ struct ipq *qp;
-+ if (ipq_hash[i] == NULL)
-+ continue;
-+ read_lock(&ipfrag_lock);
-+ for (qp = ipq_hash[i]; qp; qp = qp->next) {
-+ if (!ve_accessible_strict(
-+ VE_OWNER_IPQ(qp),
-+ envid))
-+ continue;
-+ atomic_inc(&qp->refcnt);
-+ read_unlock(&ipfrag_lock);
-+ spin_lock(&qp->lock);
-+ if (!(qp->last_in&COMPLETE))
-+ ipq_kill(qp);
-+ spin_unlock(&qp->lock);
-+ ipq_put(qp);
-+ progress = 1;
-+ goto inner_restart;
-+ }
-+ read_unlock(&ipfrag_lock);
-+ }
-+ } while(progress);
-+ local_bh_enable();
- void ipfrag_init(void)
- {
- ipfrag_hash_rnd = (u32) ((num_physpages ^ (num_physpages>>7)) ^
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ int ip_call_ra_chain(struct sk_buff *skb
- (!sk->sk_bound_dev_if ||
- sk->sk_bound_dev_if == skb->dev->ifindex)) {
- if (skb->nh.iph->frag_off & htons(IP_MF|IP_OFFSET)) {
-- skb = ip_defrag(skb);
-+ skb = ip_defrag(skb, IP_DEFRAG_CALL_RA_CHAIN);
- if (skb == NULL) {
- read_unlock(&ip_ra_lock);
- return 1;
-@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ int ip_local_deliver(struct sk_buff *skb
- */
- if (skb->nh.iph->frag_off & htons(IP_MF|IP_OFFSET)) {
-- skb = ip_defrag(skb);
-+ skb = ip_defrag(skb, IP_DEFRAG_LOCAL_DELIVER);
- if (!skb)
- return 0;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:33.000000000 +0400
-@@ -515,6 +515,8 @@ int ip_options_get(struct ip_options **o
- kfree(opt);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
-+ if (*optp)
-+ kfree(*optp);
- *optp = opt;
- return 0;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:44.000000000 +0400
-@@ -405,6 +405,7 @@ static void ip_copy_metadata(struct sk_b
- to->priority = from->priority;
- to->protocol = from->protocol;
- to->security = from->security;
-+ dst_release(to->dst);
- to->dst = dst_clone(from->dst);
- to->dev = from->dev;
-@@ -519,6 +520,7 @@ int ip_fragment(struct sk_buff *skb, int
- /* Prepare header of the next frame,
- * before previous one went down. */
- if (frag) {
-+ frag->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE;
- frag->h.raw = frag->data;
- frag->nh.raw = __skb_push(frag, hlen);
- memcpy(frag->nh.raw, iph, hlen);
-@@ -1147,11 +1149,7 @@ int ip_push_pending_frames(struct sock *
- iph->tos = inet->tos;
- iph->tot_len = htons(skb->len);
- iph->frag_off = df;
-- if (!df) {
-- __ip_select_ident(iph, &rt->u.dst, 0);
-- } else {
-- iph->id = htons(inet->id++);
-- }
-+ ip_select_ident(iph, &rt->u.dst, sk);
- iph->ttl = ttl;
- iph->protocol = sk->sk_protocol;
- iph->saddr = rt->rt_src;
-@@ -1242,13 +1240,14 @@ void ip_send_reply(struct sock *sk, stru
- char data[40];
- } replyopts;
- struct ipcm_cookie ipc;
-- u32 daddr;
-+ u32 saddr, daddr;
- struct rtable *rt = (struct rtable*)skb->dst;
- if (ip_options_echo(&replyopts.opt, skb))
- return;
-- daddr = ipc.addr = rt->rt_src;
-+ saddr = skb->nh.iph->daddr;
-+ daddr = ipc.addr = skb->nh.iph->saddr;
- ipc.opt = NULL;
- if (replyopts.opt.optlen) {
-@@ -1261,7 +1260,7 @@ void ip_send_reply(struct sock *sk, stru
- {
- struct flowi fl = { .nl_u = { .ip4_u =
- { .daddr = daddr,
-- .saddr = rt->rt_spec_dst,
-+ .saddr = saddr,
- .tos = RT_TOS(skb->nh.iph->tos) } },
- /* Not quite clean, but right. */
- .uli_u = { .ports =
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:34.000000000 +0400
-@@ -146,11 +146,8 @@ int ip_cmsg_send(struct msghdr *msg, str
- struct cmsghdr *cmsg;
- for (cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(msg); cmsg; cmsg = CMSG_NXTHDR(msg, cmsg)) {
-- if (cmsg->cmsg_len < sizeof(struct cmsghdr) ||
-- (unsigned long)(((char*)cmsg - (char*)msg->msg_control)
-- + cmsg->cmsg_len) > msg->msg_controllen) {
-+ if (!CMSG_OK(msg, cmsg))
- return -EINVAL;
-- }
- if (cmsg->cmsg_level != SOL_IP)
- continue;
- switch (cmsg->cmsg_type) {
-@@ -851,6 +848,9 @@ mc_msf_out:
-+ err = -EPERM;
-+ if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
-+ break;
- err = xfrm_user_policy(sk, optname, optval, optlen);
- break;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -828,7 +828,7 @@ static void mrtsock_destruct(struct sock
- {
- rtnl_lock();
- if (sk == mroute_socket) {
-- ipv4_devconf.mc_forwarding--;
-+ ve_ipv4_devconf.mc_forwarding--;
- write_lock_bh(&mrt_lock);
- mroute_socket=NULL;
-@@ -879,7 +879,7 @@ int ip_mroute_setsockopt(struct sock *sk
- mroute_socket=sk;
- write_unlock_bh(&mrt_lock);
-- ipv4_devconf.mc_forwarding++;
-+ ve_ipv4_devconf.mc_forwarding++;
- }
- rtnl_unlock();
- return ret;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:15.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -876,7 +876,8 @@ int ip_vs_conn_init(void)
- /* Allocate ip_vs_conn slab cache */
- ip_vs_conn_cachep = kmem_cache_create("ip_vs_conn",
- sizeof(struct ip_vs_conn), 0,
- if (!ip_vs_conn_cachep) {
- vfree(ip_vs_conn_tab);
- return -ENOMEM;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -541,9 +541,9 @@ u16 ip_vs_checksum_complete(struct sk_bu
- }
- static inline struct sk_buff *
--ip_vs_gather_frags(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ip_vs_gather_frags(struct sk_buff *skb, u_int32_t user)
- {
-- skb = ip_defrag(skb);
-+ skb = ip_defrag(skb, user);
- if (skb)
- ip_send_check(skb->nh.iph);
- return skb;
-@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@ static int ip_vs_out_icmp(struct sk_buff
- /* reassemble IP fragments */
- if (skb->nh.iph->frag_off & __constant_htons(IP_MF|IP_OFFSET)) {
-- skb = ip_vs_gather_frags(skb);
-+ skb = ip_vs_gather_frags(skb, IP_DEFRAG_VS_OUT);
- if (!skb)
- return NF_STOLEN;
- *pskb = skb;
-@@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ ip_vs_out(unsigned int hooknum, struct s
- /* reassemble IP fragments */
- if (unlikely(iph->frag_off & __constant_htons(IP_MF|IP_OFFSET) &&
- !pp->dont_defrag)) {
-- skb = ip_vs_gather_frags(skb);
-+ skb = ip_vs_gather_frags(skb, IP_DEFRAG_VS_OUT);
- if (!skb)
- return NF_STOLEN;
- iph = skb->nh.iph;
-@@ -862,7 +862,8 @@ check_for_ip_vs_out(struct sk_buff **psk
- * forward to the right destination host if relevant.
- * Currently handles error types - unreachable, quench, ttl exceeded.
- */
--static int ip_vs_in_icmp(struct sk_buff **pskb, int *related)
-+static int
-+ip_vs_in_icmp(struct sk_buff **pskb, int *related, unsigned int hooknum)
- {
- struct sk_buff *skb = *pskb;
- struct iphdr *iph;
-@@ -876,7 +877,9 @@ static int ip_vs_in_icmp(struct sk_buff
- /* reassemble IP fragments */
- if (skb->nh.iph->frag_off & __constant_htons(IP_MF|IP_OFFSET)) {
-- skb = ip_vs_gather_frags(skb);
-+ skb = ip_vs_gather_frags(skb,
-+ hooknum == NF_IP_LOCAL_IN ?
- if (!skb)
- return NF_STOLEN;
- *pskb = skb;
-@@ -972,6 +975,10 @@ ip_vs_in(unsigned int hooknum, struct sk
- * Big tappo: only PACKET_HOST (neither loopback nor mcasts)
- * ... don't know why 1st test DOES NOT include 2nd (?)
- */
-+ /*
-+ * VZ: the question above is right.
-+ * The second test is superfluous.
-+ */
- if (unlikely(skb->pkt_type != PACKET_HOST
- || skb->dev == &loopback_dev || skb->sk)) {
- IP_VS_DBG(12, "packet type=%d proto=%d daddr=%d.%d.%d.%d ignored\n",
-@@ -990,7 +997,7 @@ ip_vs_in(unsigned int hooknum, struct sk
- iph = skb->nh.iph;
- if (unlikely(iph->protocol == IPPROTO_ICMP)) {
-- int related, verdict = ip_vs_in_icmp(pskb, &related);
-+ int related, verdict = ip_vs_in_icmp(pskb, &related, hooknum);
- if (related)
- return verdict;
-@@ -1085,7 +1092,7 @@ ip_vs_forward_icmp(unsigned int hooknum,
- if ((*pskb)->nh.iph->protocol != IPPROTO_ICMP)
- return NF_ACCEPT;
-- return ip_vs_in_icmp(pskb, &r);
-+ return ip_vs_in_icmp(pskb, &r, hooknum);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack_helper.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack_core.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/listhelp.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
- #define IP_CONNTRACK_VERSION "2.1"
-@@ -62,10 +63,10 @@ DECLARE_RWLOCK(ip_conntrack_expect_tuple
- void (*ip_conntrack_destroyed)(struct ip_conntrack *conntrack) = NULL;
- LIST_HEAD(ip_conntrack_expect_list);
- LIST_HEAD(protocol_list);
--static LIST_HEAD(helpers);
- unsigned int ip_conntrack_htable_size = 0;
- int ip_conntrack_max;
--static atomic_t ip_conntrack_count = ATOMIC_INIT(0);
-+atomic_t ip_conntrack_count = ATOMIC_INIT(0);
- struct list_head *ip_conntrack_hash;
- static kmem_cache_t *ip_conntrack_cachep;
- struct ip_conntrack ip_conntrack_untracked;
-@@ -83,7 +84,7 @@ struct ip_conntrack_protocol *__ip_ct_fi
- struct ip_conntrack_protocol *p;
- MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_conntrack_lock);
-- p = LIST_FIND(&protocol_list, proto_cmpfn,
-+ p = LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list, proto_cmpfn,
- struct ip_conntrack_protocol *, protocol);
- if (!p)
- p = &ip_conntrack_generic_protocol;
-@@ -126,6 +127,28 @@ hash_conntrack(const struct ip_conntrack
- ip_conntrack_hash_rnd) % ip_conntrack_htable_size);
- }
-+/* this function gives us an ability to safely restore
-+ * connection in case of failure */
-+void ip_conntrack_hash_insert(struct ip_conntrack *ct)
-+ u_int32_t hash, repl_hash;
-+ if (!ip_conntrack_hash_rnd_initted) {
-+ get_random_bytes(&ip_conntrack_hash_rnd, 4);
-+ ip_conntrack_hash_rnd_initted = 1;
-+ }
-+ hash = hash_conntrack(&ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].tuple);
-+ repl_hash = hash_conntrack(&ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].tuple);
-+ list_add(&ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].list,
-+ &ve_ip_conntrack_hash[hash]);
-+ list_add(&ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].list,
-+ &ve_ip_conntrack_hash[repl_hash]);
- int
- get_tuple(const struct iphdr *iph,
- const struct sk_buff *skb,
-@@ -195,7 +218,7 @@ __ip_ct_expect_find(const struct ip_conn
- {
- MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_conntrack_expect_tuple_lock);
-- return LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, expect_cmp,
-+ return LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list, expect_cmp,
- struct ip_conntrack_expect *, tuple);
- }
-@@ -278,7 +301,11 @@ static void remove_expectations(struct i
- continue;
- }
-+ IP_NF_ASSERT(list_inlist(&(ct->ct_env)->_ip_conntrack_expect_list, exp));
- IP_NF_ASSERT(list_inlist(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, exp));
- IP_NF_ASSERT(exp->expectant == ct);
- /* delete expectation from global and private lists */
-@@ -296,8 +323,15 @@ clean_from_lists(struct ip_conntrack *ct
- ho = hash_conntrack(&ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].tuple);
- hr = hash_conntrack(&ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].tuple);
-+ LIST_DELETE(&((ct->ct_env)->_ip_conntrack_hash)[ho],
-+ &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL]);
-+ LIST_DELETE(&((ct->ct_env)->_ip_conntrack_hash)[hr],
-+ &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY]);
- LIST_DELETE(&ip_conntrack_hash[ho], &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL]);
- LIST_DELETE(&ip_conntrack_hash[hr], &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY]);
- /* Destroy all un-established, pending expectations */
- remove_expectations(ct, 1);
-@@ -320,8 +354,13 @@ destroy_conntrack(struct nf_conntrack *n
- if (proto && proto->destroy)
- proto->destroy(ct);
-+ if (ct->ct_env->_ip_conntrack_destroyed)
-+ ct->ct_env->_ip_conntrack_destroyed(ct);
- if (ip_conntrack_destroyed)
- ip_conntrack_destroyed(ct);
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- /* Make sure don't leave any orphaned expectations lying around */
-@@ -343,9 +382,13 @@ destroy_conntrack(struct nf_conntrack *n
- if (master)
- ip_conntrack_put(master);
-+ atomic_dec(&(ct->ct_env->_ip_conntrack_count));
-+ atomic_dec(&ip_conntrack_count);
- DEBUGP("destroy_conntrack: returning ct=%p to slab\n", ct);
- kmem_cache_free(ip_conntrack_cachep, ct);
-- atomic_dec(&ip_conntrack_count);
- }
- static void death_by_timeout(unsigned long ul_conntrack)
-@@ -376,7 +419,7 @@ __ip_conntrack_find(const struct ip_conn
- unsigned int hash = hash_conntrack(tuple);
- MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_conntrack_lock);
-- h = LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_hash[hash],
-+ h = LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_hash[hash],
- conntrack_tuple_cmp,
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *,
- tuple, ignored_conntrack);
-@@ -454,17 +497,23 @@ __ip_conntrack_confirm(struct nf_ct_info
- /* See if there's one in the list already, including reverse:
- NAT could have grabbed it without realizing, since we're
- not in the hash. If there is, we lost race. */
-- if (!LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_hash[hash],
-+ if (!LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_hash[hash],
- conntrack_tuple_cmp,
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *,
- &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].tuple, NULL)
-- && !LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_hash[repl_hash],
-+ && !LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_hash[repl_hash],
- conntrack_tuple_cmp,
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *,
- &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].tuple, NULL)) {
-- list_prepend(&ip_conntrack_hash[hash],
-+ /*
-+ * Just to avoid one ct to be inserted in 2 or more
-+ * ve_ip_conntrack_hash'es... Otherwise it can crash.
-+ */
-+ if (is_confirmed(ct))
-+ goto ok;
-+ list_prepend(&ve_ip_conntrack_hash[hash],
- &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL]);
-- list_prepend(&ip_conntrack_hash[repl_hash],
-+ list_prepend(&ve_ip_conntrack_hash[repl_hash],
- &ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY]);
- /* Timer relative to confirmation time, not original
- setting time, otherwise we'd get timer wrap in
-@@ -473,6 +522,7 @@ __ip_conntrack_confirm(struct nf_ct_info
- add_timer(&ct->timeout);
- atomic_inc(&ct->ct_general.use);
- set_bit(IPS_CONFIRMED_BIT, &ct->status);
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- return NF_ACCEPT;
- }
-@@ -611,11 +661,45 @@ static inline int helper_cmp(const struc
- struct ip_conntrack_helper *ip_ct_find_helper(const struct ip_conntrack_tuple *tuple)
- {
-- return LIST_FIND(&helpers, helper_cmp,
-+ return LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_helpers, helper_cmp,
- struct ip_conntrack_helper *,
- tuple);
- }
-+struct ip_conntrack *
-+ip_conntrack_alloc(struct user_beancounter *ub)
-+ int i;
-+ struct ip_conntrack *conntrack;
-+ struct user_beancounter *old_ub;
-+ old_ub = set_exec_ub(ub);
-+ conntrack = kmem_cache_alloc(ip_conntrack_cachep, GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ (void)set_exec_ub(old_ub);
-+ if (unlikely(!conntrack)) {
-+ DEBUGP("Can't allocate conntrack.\n");
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+ memset(conntrack, 0, sizeof(*conntrack));
-+ atomic_set(&conntrack->ct_general.use, 1);
-+ conntrack->ct_general.destroy = destroy_conntrack;
-+ for (i=0; i < IP_CT_NUMBER; i++)
-+ conntrack->infos[i].master = &conntrack->ct_general;
-+ /* Don't set timer yet: wait for confirmation */
-+ init_timer(&conntrack->timeout);
-+ conntrack-> = (unsigned long)conntrack;
-+ conntrack->timeout.function = death_by_timeout;
-+ conntrack->ct_env = (get_exec_env())->_ip_conntrack;
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&conntrack->sibling_list);
-+ return conntrack;
- /* Allocate a new conntrack: we return -ENOMEM if classification
- failed due to stress. Otherwise it really is unclassifiable. */
- static struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *
-@@ -625,10 +709,11 @@ init_conntrack(const struct ip_conntrack
- {
- struct ip_conntrack *conntrack;
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple repl_tuple;
-+ struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *ret;
- size_t hash;
- struct ip_conntrack_expect *expected;
-- int i;
- static unsigned int drop_next;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
- if (!ip_conntrack_hash_rnd_initted) {
- get_random_bytes(&ip_conntrack_hash_rnd, 4);
-@@ -637,19 +722,19 @@ init_conntrack(const struct ip_conntrack
- hash = hash_conntrack(tuple);
-- if (ip_conntrack_max &&
-- atomic_read(&ip_conntrack_count) >= ip_conntrack_max) {
-+ if (ve_ip_conntrack_max &&
-+ atomic_read(&ve_ip_conntrack_count) >= ve_ip_conntrack_max) {
- /* Try dropping from random chain, or else from the
- chain about to put into (in case they're trying to
- bomb one hash chain). */
- unsigned int next = (drop_next++)%ip_conntrack_htable_size;
-- if (!early_drop(&ip_conntrack_hash[next])
-- && !early_drop(&ip_conntrack_hash[hash])) {
-+ if (!early_drop(&ve_ip_conntrack_hash[next])
-+ && !early_drop(&ve_ip_conntrack_hash[hash])) {
- if (net_ratelimit())
-- printk(KERN_WARNING
-- "ip_conntrack: table full, dropping"
-- " packet.\n");
-+ "ip_conntrack: VPS %d: table full, dropping"
-+ " packet.\n", VEID(get_exec_env()));
- return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
- }
- }
-@@ -659,37 +744,33 @@ init_conntrack(const struct ip_conntrack
- return NULL;
- }
-- conntrack = kmem_cache_alloc(ip_conntrack_cachep, GFP_ATOMIC);
-- if (!conntrack) {
-- DEBUGP("Can't allocate conntrack.\n");
-- return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-- }
-+ if (skb->dev != NULL) /* received skb */
-+ ub = netdev_bc(skb->dev)->exec_ub;
-+ else if (skb->sk != NULL) /* sent skb */
-+ ub = sock_bc(skb->sk)->ub;
-+ else
-+ ub = NULL;
-+ ret = ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
-+ conntrack = ip_conntrack_alloc(ub);
-+ if (!conntrack)
-+ goto out;
-- memset(conntrack, 0, sizeof(*conntrack));
-- atomic_set(&conntrack->ct_general.use, 1);
-- conntrack->ct_general.destroy = destroy_conntrack;
- conntrack->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].tuple = *tuple;
- conntrack->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].ctrack = conntrack;
- conntrack->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].tuple = repl_tuple;
- conntrack->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].ctrack = conntrack;
-- for (i=0; i < IP_CT_NUMBER; i++)
-- conntrack->infos[i].master = &conntrack->ct_general;
-- if (!protocol->new(conntrack, skb)) {
-- kmem_cache_free(ip_conntrack_cachep, conntrack);
-- return NULL;
-- }
-- /* Don't set timer yet: wait for confirmation */
-- init_timer(&conntrack->timeout);
-- conntrack-> = (unsigned long)conntrack;
-- conntrack->timeout.function = death_by_timeout;
-- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&conntrack->sibling_list);
-+ ret = NULL;
-+ if (!protocol->new(conntrack, skb))
-+ goto free_ct;
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- /* Need finding and deleting of expected ONLY if we win race */
- READ_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_expect_tuple_lock);
-- expected = LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, expect_cmp,
-+ expected = LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list, expect_cmp,
- struct ip_conntrack_expect *, tuple);
- READ_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_expect_tuple_lock);
-@@ -718,16 +799,21 @@ init_conntrack(const struct ip_conntrack
- __set_bit(IPS_EXPECTED_BIT, &conntrack->status);
- conntrack->master = expected;
- expected->sibling = conntrack;
-- LIST_DELETE(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, expected);
-+ LIST_DELETE(&ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list, expected);
- expected->expectant->expecting--;
- nf_conntrack_get(&master_ct(conntrack)->infos[0]);
- }
-- atomic_inc(&ip_conntrack_count);
-+ atomic_inc(&ve_ip_conntrack_count);
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- if (expected && expected->expectfn)
- expected->expectfn(conntrack);
- return &conntrack->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL];
-+ kmem_cache_free(ip_conntrack_cachep, conntrack);
-+ return ret;
- }
- /* On success, returns conntrack ptr, sets skb->nfct and ctinfo */
-@@ -937,7 +1023,7 @@ ip_conntrack_expect_alloc(void)
- return new;
- }
--static void
- ip_conntrack_expect_insert(struct ip_conntrack_expect *new,
- struct ip_conntrack *related_to)
- {
-@@ -949,7 +1035,7 @@ ip_conntrack_expect_insert(struct ip_con
- /* add to expected list for this connection */
- list_add_tail(&new->expected_list, &related_to->sibling_list);
- /* add to global list of expectations */
-- list_prepend(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, &new->list);
-+ list_prepend(&ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list, &new->list);
- /* add and start timer if required */
- if (related_to->helper->timeout) {
- init_timer(&new->timeout);
-@@ -961,6 +1047,7 @@ ip_conntrack_expect_insert(struct ip_con
- }
- related_to->expecting++;
- }
- /* Add a related connection. */
- int ip_conntrack_expect_related(struct ip_conntrack_expect *expect,
-@@ -977,7 +1064,7 @@ int ip_conntrack_expect_related(struct i
- DEBUGP("tuple: "); DUMP_TUPLE(&expect->tuple);
- DEBUGP("mask: "); DUMP_TUPLE(&expect->mask);
-- old = LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, resent_expect,
-+ old = LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list, resent_expect,
- struct ip_conntrack_expect *, &expect->tuple,
- &expect->mask);
- if (old) {
-@@ -1043,7 +1130,7 @@ int ip_conntrack_expect_related(struct i
- */
- unexpect_related(old);
- ret = -EPERM;
-- } else if (LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, expect_clash,
-+ } else if (LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list, expect_clash,
- struct ip_conntrack_expect *, &expect->tuple,
- &expect->mask)) {
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
-@@ -1077,7 +1164,7 @@ int ip_conntrack_change_expect(struct ip
- /* Never seen before */
- DEBUGP("change expect: never seen before\n");
- if (!ip_ct_tuple_equal(&expect->tuple, newtuple)
-- && LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_expect_list, expect_clash,
-+ && LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list, expect_clash,
- struct ip_conntrack_expect *, newtuple, &expect->mask)) {
- /* Force NAT to find an unused tuple */
- ret = -1;
-@@ -1128,12 +1215,42 @@ int ip_conntrack_alter_reply(struct ip_c
- int ip_conntrack_helper_register(struct ip_conntrack_helper *me)
- {
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
-- list_prepend(&helpers, me);
-+ list_prepend(&ve_ip_conntrack_helpers, me);
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- return 0;
- }
-+int visible_ip_conntrack_helper_register(struct ip_conntrack_helper *me)
-+ int ret;
-+ struct module *mod = me->me;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ struct ip_conntrack_helper *tmp;
-+ __module_get(mod);
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ tmp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ip_conntrack_helper), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!tmp)
-+ goto nomem;
-+ memcpy(tmp, me, sizeof(struct ip_conntrack_helper));
-+ me = tmp;
-+ }
-+ ret = ip_conntrack_helper_register(me);
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto out;
-+ return 0;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())){
-+ kfree(me);
-+ module_put(mod);
-+ }
-+ return ret;
- static inline int unhelp(struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *i,
- const struct ip_conntrack_helper *me)
- {
-@@ -1152,11 +1269,11 @@ void ip_conntrack_helper_unregister(stru
- /* Need write lock here, to delete helper. */
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
-- LIST_DELETE(&helpers, me);
-+ LIST_DELETE(&ve_ip_conntrack_helpers, me);
- /* Get rid of expecteds, set helpers to NULL. */
- for (i = 0; i < ip_conntrack_htable_size; i++)
-- LIST_FIND_W(&ip_conntrack_hash[i], unhelp,
-+ LIST_FIND_W(&ve_ip_conntrack_hash[i], unhelp,
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *, me);
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
-@@ -1164,6 +1281,29 @@ void ip_conntrack_helper_unregister(stru
- synchronize_net();
- }
-+void visible_ip_conntrack_helper_unregister(struct ip_conntrack_helper *me)
-+ struct ip_conntrack_helper *i;
-+ READ_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
-+ list_for_each_entry(i, &ve_ip_conntrack_helpers, list) {
-+ if (i->name == me->name) {
-+ me = i;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ READ_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
-+ if (me != i)
-+ return;
-+ ip_conntrack_helper_unregister(me);
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ module_put(me->me);
-+ kfree(me);
-+ }
- /* Refresh conntrack for this many jiffies. */
- void ip_ct_refresh(struct ip_conntrack *ct, unsigned long extra_jiffies)
- {
-@@ -1185,7 +1325,7 @@ void ip_ct_refresh(struct ip_conntrack *
- /* Returns new sk_buff, or NULL */
- struct sk_buff *
--ip_ct_gather_frags(struct sk_buff *skb)
-+ip_ct_gather_frags(struct sk_buff *skb, u_int32_t user)
- {
- struct sock *sk = skb->sk;
-@@ -1197,7 +1337,7 @@ ip_ct_gather_frags(struct sk_buff *skb)
- }
- local_bh_disable();
-- skb = ip_defrag(skb);
-+ skb = ip_defrag(skb, user);
- local_bh_enable();
- if (!skb) {
-@@ -1257,7 +1397,7 @@ get_next_corpse(int (*kill)(const struct
- READ_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- for (; !h && *bucket < ip_conntrack_htable_size; (*bucket)++) {
-- h = LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_hash[*bucket], do_kill,
-+ h = LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_hash[*bucket], do_kill,
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *, kill, data);
- }
- if (h)
-@@ -1295,6 +1435,9 @@ getorigdst(struct sock *sk, int optval,
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *h;
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple tuple;
-+ if (!get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack)
-+ return -ENOPROTOOPT;
- IP_CT_TUPLE_U_BLANK(&tuple);
- tuple.src.ip = inet->rcv_saddr;
- tuple.src.u.tcp.port = inet->sport;
-@@ -1354,6 +1497,9 @@ static int kill_all(const struct ip_conn
- supposed to kill the mall. */
- void ip_conntrack_cleanup(void)
- {
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
- ip_ct_attach = NULL;
- /* This makes sure all current packets have passed through
- netfilter framework. Roll on, two-stage module
-@@ -1362,22 +1508,45 @@ void ip_conntrack_cleanup(void)
- i_see_dead_people:
- ip_ct_selective_cleanup(kill_all, NULL);
-- if (atomic_read(&ip_conntrack_count) != 0) {
-+ if (atomic_read(&ve_ip_conntrack_count) != 0) {
- schedule();
- goto i_see_dead_people;
- }
-+ env = get_exec_env();
-+ if (ve_is_super(env)) {
-+ kmem_cache_destroy(ip_conntrack_cachep);
-+ nf_unregister_sockopt(&so_getorigdst);
-+ } else {
-+ visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister(
-+ &ip_conntrack_protocol_icmp);
-+ visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister(
-+ &ip_conntrack_protocol_udp);
-+ visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister(
-+ &ip_conntrack_protocol_tcp);
-+ }
-+ vfree(ve_ip_conntrack_hash);
-+ ve_ip_conntrack_hash = NULL;
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_ip_conntrack_helpers);
-+ ve_ip_conntrack_max = 0;
-+ atomic_set(&ve_ip_conntrack_count, 0);
-+ kfree(env->_ip_conntrack);
-+ env->_ip_conntrack = NULL;
- kmem_cache_destroy(ip_conntrack_cachep);
- vfree(ip_conntrack_hash);
- nf_unregister_sockopt(&so_getorigdst);
- }
- static int hashsize;
- MODULE_PARM(hashsize, "i");
--int __init ip_conntrack_init(void)
-+static int ip_conntrack_cache_create(void)
- {
-- unsigned int i;
- int ret;
- /* Idea from tcp.c: use 1/16384 of memory. On i386: 32MB
-@@ -1393,33 +1562,135 @@ int __init ip_conntrack_init(void)
- if (ip_conntrack_htable_size < 16)
- ip_conntrack_htable_size = 16;
- }
-- ip_conntrack_max = 8 * ip_conntrack_htable_size;
-+ ve_ip_conntrack_max = 8 * ip_conntrack_htable_size;
- printk("ip_conntrack version %s (%u buckets, %d max)"
- " - %Zd bytes per conntrack\n", IP_CONNTRACK_VERSION,
-- ip_conntrack_htable_size, ip_conntrack_max,
-+ ip_conntrack_htable_size, ve_ip_conntrack_max,
- sizeof(struct ip_conntrack));
- ret = nf_register_sockopt(&so_getorigdst);
- if (ret != 0) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to register netfilter socket option\n");
-- return ret;
-- }
-- ip_conntrack_hash = vmalloc(sizeof(struct list_head)
-- * ip_conntrack_htable_size);
-- if (!ip_conntrack_hash) {
-- printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to create ip_conntrack_hash\n");
-- goto err_unreg_sockopt;
-+ goto out_sockopt;
- }
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
- ip_conntrack_cachep = kmem_cache_create("ip_conntrack",
-- sizeof(struct ip_conntrack), 0,
-+ sizeof(struct ip_conntrack), 0,
- if (!ip_conntrack_cachep) {
- printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to create ip_conntrack slab cache\n");
-- goto err_free_hash;
-+ goto err_unreg_sockopt;
- }
-+ return 0;
-+ nf_unregister_sockopt(&so_getorigdst);
-+ return ret;
-+/* From ip_conntrack_proto_tcp.c */
-+extern unsigned long ip_ct_tcp_timeout_syn_sent;
-+extern unsigned long ip_ct_tcp_timeout_syn_recv;
-+extern unsigned long ip_ct_tcp_timeout_established;
-+extern unsigned long ip_ct_tcp_timeout_fin_wait;
-+extern unsigned long ip_ct_tcp_timeout_close_wait;
-+extern unsigned long ip_ct_tcp_timeout_last_ack;
-+extern unsigned long ip_ct_tcp_timeout_time_wait;
-+extern unsigned long ip_ct_tcp_timeout_close;
-+/* From ip_conntrack_proto_udp.c */
-+extern unsigned long ip_ct_udp_timeout;
-+extern unsigned long ip_ct_udp_timeout_stream;
-+/* From ip_conntrack_proto_icmp.c */
-+extern unsigned long ip_ct_icmp_timeout;
-+/* From ip_conntrack_proto_icmp.c */
-+extern unsigned long ip_ct_generic_timeout;
-+int ip_conntrack_init(void)
-+ unsigned int i;
-+ int ret;
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
-+ env = get_exec_env();
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ env->_ip_conntrack =
-+ kmalloc(sizeof(struct ve_ip_conntrack), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!env->_ip_conntrack)
-+ goto out;
-+ memset(env->_ip_conntrack, 0, sizeof(struct ve_ip_conntrack));
-+ if (ve_is_super(env)) {
-+ ret = ip_conntrack_cache_create();
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto cache_fail;
-+ } else
-+ ve_ip_conntrack_max = 8 * ip_conntrack_htable_size;
-+#else /* CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES */
-+ ret = ip_conntrack_cache_create();
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto out;
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ ve_ip_conntrack_hash = ub_vmalloc(sizeof(struct list_head)
-+ * ip_conntrack_htable_size);
-+ if (!ve_ip_conntrack_hash) {
-+ printk(KERN_ERR "Unable to create ip_conntrack_hash\n");
-+ goto err_free_cache;
-+ }
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_ip_conntrack_helpers);
-+ ve_ip_conntrack_max = ip_conntrack_max;
-+ ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[1] = ip_ct_tcp_timeout_established;
-+ ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[2] = ip_ct_tcp_timeout_syn_sent;
-+ ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[3] = ip_ct_tcp_timeout_syn_recv;
-+ ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[4] = ip_ct_tcp_timeout_fin_wait;
-+ ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[5] = ip_ct_tcp_timeout_time_wait;
-+ ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[6] = ip_ct_tcp_timeout_close;
-+ ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[7] = ip_ct_tcp_timeout_close_wait;
-+ ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[8] = ip_ct_tcp_timeout_last_ack;
-+ ve_ip_ct_udp_timeout = ip_ct_udp_timeout;
-+ ve_ip_ct_udp_timeout_stream = ip_ct_udp_timeout_stream;
-+ ve_ip_ct_icmp_timeout = ip_ct_icmp_timeout;
-+ ve_ip_ct_generic_timeout = ip_ct_generic_timeout;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(env)) {
-+ ret = visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_register(
-+ &ip_conntrack_protocol_tcp);
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto tcp_fail;
-+ ret = visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_register(
-+ &ip_conntrack_protocol_udp);
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto udp_fail;
-+ ret = visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_register(
-+ &ip_conntrack_protocol_icmp);
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto icmp_fail;
-+ } else {
-+ WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
-+ list_append(&ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list,
-+ &ip_conntrack_protocol_tcp);
-+ list_append(&ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list,
-+ &ip_conntrack_protocol_udp);
-+ list_append(&ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list,
-+ &ip_conntrack_protocol_icmp);
-+ WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
-+ }
- /* Don't NEED lock here, but good form anyway. */
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- /* Sew in builtin protocols. */
-@@ -1427,12 +1698,18 @@ int __init ip_conntrack_init(void)
- list_append(&protocol_list, &ip_conntrack_protocol_udp);
- list_append(&protocol_list, &ip_conntrack_protocol_icmp);
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
-+#endif /* CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES */
- for (i = 0; i < ip_conntrack_htable_size; i++)
-- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ip_conntrack_hash[i]);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_ip_conntrack_hash[i]);
-+ if (ve_is_super(env))
-+ ip_ct_attach = ip_conntrack_attach;
- /* For use by ipt_REJECT */
- ip_ct_attach = ip_conntrack_attach;
- /* Set up fake conntrack:
- - to never be deleted, not in any hashes */
-@@ -1445,12 +1722,29 @@ int __init ip_conntrack_init(void)
- ip_conntrack_untracked.infos[IP_CT_RELATED + IP_CT_IS_REPLY].master =
- &ip_conntrack_untracked.ct_general;
-- return ret;
-+ return 0;
-- vfree(ip_conntrack_hash);
-+ visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister(&ip_conntrack_protocol_udp);
-+ visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister(&ip_conntrack_protocol_tcp);
-+ vfree(ve_ip_conntrack_hash);
-+ ve_ip_conntrack_hash = NULL;
-+ if (ve_is_super(env)) {
-+ kmem_cache_destroy(ip_conntrack_cachep);
-+ nf_unregister_sockopt(&so_getorigdst);
-+ }
-+ kfree(env->_ip_conntrack);
-+ env->_ip_conntrack = NULL;
-+ kmem_cache_destroy(ip_conntrack_cachep);
- nf_unregister_sockopt(&so_getorigdst);
-- return -ENOMEM;
-+#endif /* CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES */
-+ return ret;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:26.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
- #include <linux/ctype.h>
- #include <net/checksum.h>
- #include <net/tcp.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/lockhelp.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack_helper.h>
-@@ -27,17 +28,25 @@ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("ftp connection track
- /* This is slow, but it's simple. --RR */
- static char ftp_buffer[65536];
-+static DECLARE_LOCK(ip_ftp_lock);
- struct module *ip_conntrack_ftp = THIS_MODULE;
- #define MAX_PORTS 8
- static int ports[MAX_PORTS];
--static int ports_c;
- static int loose;
- MODULE_PARM(loose, "i");
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#define ve_ports_c \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_conntrack_ftp_ports_c)
-+static int ports_c = 0;
-+#define ve_ports_c ports_c
- #if 0
- #define DEBUGP printk
- #else
-@@ -375,6 +384,7 @@ static int help(struct sk_buff *skb,
- problem (DMZ machines opening holes to internal
- networks, or the packet filter itself). */
- if (!loose) {
-+ ip_conntrack_expect_put(exp);
- ret = NF_ACCEPT;
- goto out;
- }
-@@ -404,15 +414,43 @@ static int help(struct sk_buff *skb,
- static struct ip_conntrack_helper ftp[MAX_PORTS];
- static char ftp_names[MAX_PORTS][10];
--/* Not __exit: called from init() */
--static void fini(void)
-+void fini_iptable_ftp(void)
- {
- int i;
-- for (i = 0; i < ports_c; i++) {
-+ for (i = 0; i < ve_ports_c; i++) {
- DEBUGP("ip_ct_ftp: unregistering helper for port %d\n",
- ports[i]);
-- ip_conntrack_helper_unregister(&ftp[i]);
-+ visible_ip_conntrack_helper_unregister(&ftp[i]);
-+ }
-+ ve_ports_c = 0;
-+int init_iptable_ftp(void)
-+ int i, ret;
-+ ve_ports_c = 0;
-+ for (i = 0; (i < MAX_PORTS) && ports[i]; i++) {
-+ DEBUGP("ip_ct_ftp: registering helper for port %d\n",
-+ ports[i]);
-+ ret = visible_ip_conntrack_helper_register(&ftp[i]);
-+ if (ret) {
-+ fini_iptable_ftp();
-+ return ret;
-+ }
-+ ve_ports_c++;
- }
-+ return 0;
-+/* Not __exit: called from init() */
-+static void fini(void)
-+ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(ip_conntrack_ftp);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_ftp);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_ftp);
-+ fini_iptable_ftp();
- }
- static int __init init(void)
-@@ -423,6 +461,7 @@ static int __init init(void)
- if (ports[0] == 0)
- ports[0] = FTP_PORT;
-+ ve_ports_c = 0;
- for (i = 0; (i < MAX_PORTS) && ports[i]; i++) {
- ftp[i].tuple.src.u.tcp.port = htons(ports[i]);
- ftp[i].tuple.dst.protonum = IPPROTO_TCP;
-@@ -443,19 +482,22 @@ static int __init init(void)
- DEBUGP("ip_ct_ftp: registering helper for port %d\n",
- ports[i]);
-- ret = ip_conntrack_helper_register(&ftp[i]);
-+ ret = visible_ip_conntrack_helper_register(&ftp[i]);
- if (ret) {
- fini();
- return ret;
- }
-- ports_c++;
-+ ve_ports_c++;
- }
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_ftp);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_ftp);
-+ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ip_conntrack_ftp);
- return 0;
- }
- module_init(init);
- module_exit(fini);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
- #include <linux/ip.h>
- #include <net/checksum.h>
- #include <net/tcp.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/lockhelp.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack_helper.h>
-@@ -35,11 +36,11 @@
- #define MAX_PORTS 8
- static int ports[MAX_PORTS];
--static int ports_c;
- static int max_dcc_channels = 8;
- static unsigned int dcc_timeout = 300;
- /* This is slow, but it's simple. --RR */
- static char irc_buffer[65536];
-+static DECLARE_LOCK(irc_buffer_lock);
- MODULE_AUTHOR("Harald Welte <>");
- MODULE_DESCRIPTION("IRC (DCC) connection tracking helper");
-@@ -54,9 +55,17 @@ MODULE_PARM_DESC(dcc_timeout, "timeout o
- static char *dccprotos[] = { "SEND ", "CHAT ", "MOVE ", "TSEND ", "SCHAT " };
- #define MINMATCHLEN 5
- struct module *ip_conntrack_irc = THIS_MODULE;
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#define ve_ports_c \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_conntrack_irc_ports_c)
-+static int ports_c = 0;
-+#define ve_ports_c ports_c
- #if 0
- #define DEBUGP(format, args...) printk(KERN_DEBUG "%s:%s:" format, \
- __FILE__, __FUNCTION__ , ## args)
-@@ -134,7 +143,7 @@ static int help(struct sk_buff *skb,
- if (dataoff >= skb->len)
- return NF_ACCEPT;
-- LOCK_BH(&ip_irc_lock);
-+ LOCK_BH(&irc_buffer_lock);
- skb_copy_bits(skb, dataoff, irc_buffer, skb->len - dataoff);
- data = irc_buffer;
-@@ -227,7 +236,7 @@ static int help(struct sk_buff *skb,
- } /* while data < ... */
- out:
-- UNLOCK_BH(&ip_irc_lock);
-+ UNLOCK_BH(&irc_buffer_lock);
- return NF_ACCEPT;
- }
-@@ -236,6 +245,37 @@ static char irc_names[MAX_PORTS][10];
- static void fini(void);
-+void fini_iptable_irc(void)
-+ int i;
-+ for (i = 0; i < ve_ports_c; i++) {
-+ DEBUGP("unregistering port %d\n",
-+ ports[i]);
-+ visible_ip_conntrack_helper_unregister(&irc_helpers[i]);
-+ }
-+ ve_ports_c = 0;
-+int init_iptable_irc(void)
-+ int i, ret;
-+ ve_ports_c = 0;
-+ for (i = 0; (i < MAX_PORTS) && ports[i]; i++) {
-+ DEBUGP("port #%d: %d\n", i, ports[i]);
-+ ret = visible_ip_conntrack_helper_register(&irc_helpers[i]);
-+ if (ret) {
-+ printk("ip_conntrack_irc: ERROR registering port %d\n",
-+ ports[i]);
-+ fini_iptable_irc();
-+ return -EBUSY;
-+ }
-+ ve_ports_c++;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
- static int __init init(void)
- {
- int i, ret;
-@@ -255,6 +295,7 @@ static int __init init(void)
- if (ports[0] == 0)
- ports[0] = IRC_PORT;
-+ ve_ports_c = 0;
- for (i = 0; (i < MAX_PORTS) && ports[i]; i++) {
- hlpr = &irc_helpers[i];
- hlpr->tuple.src.u.tcp.port = htons(ports[i]);
-@@ -276,7 +317,7 @@ static int __init init(void)
- DEBUGP("port #%d: %d\n", i, ports[i]);
-- ret = ip_conntrack_helper_register(hlpr);
-+ ret = visible_ip_conntrack_helper_register(hlpr);
- if (ret) {
- printk("ip_conntrack_irc: ERROR registering port %d\n",
-@@ -284,8 +325,12 @@ static int __init init(void)
- fini();
- return -EBUSY;
- }
-- ports_c++;
-+ ve_ports_c++;
- }
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_irc);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_irc);
-+ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ip_conntrack_irc);
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -293,16 +338,13 @@ static int __init init(void)
- * it is needed by the init function */
- static void fini(void)
- {
-- int i;
-- for (i = 0; i < ports_c; i++) {
-- DEBUGP("unregistering port %d\n",
-- ports[i]);
-- ip_conntrack_helper_unregister(&irc_helpers[i]);
-- }
-+ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(ip_conntrack_irc);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_irc);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_irc);
-+ fini_iptable_irc();
- }
- module_init(init);
- module_exit(fini);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ unsigned long ip_ct_tcp_timeout_last_ack
- unsigned long ip_ct_tcp_timeout_time_wait = 2 MINS;
- unsigned long ip_ct_tcp_timeout_close = 10 SECS;
--static unsigned long * tcp_timeouts[]
-+unsigned long * tcp_timeouts[]
- &ip_ct_tcp_timeout_established, /* TCP_CONNTRACK_ESTABLISHED, */
- &ip_ct_tcp_timeout_syn_sent, /* TCP_CONNTRACK_SYN_SENT, */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
- #endif
- #include <net/checksum.h>
- #include <net/ip.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
- #define ASSERT_READ_LOCK(x) MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_conntrack_lock)
- #define ASSERT_WRITE_LOCK(x) MUST_BE_WRITE_LOCKED(&ip_conntrack_lock)
-@@ -43,6 +44,9 @@
-+int ip_conntrack_enable_ve0 = 0;
-+MODULE_PARM(ip_conntrack_enable_ve0, "i");
- static int kill_proto(const struct ip_conntrack *i, void *data)
- {
- return (i->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].tuple.dst.protonum ==
-@@ -153,7 +157,7 @@ list_conntracks(char *buffer, char **sta
- READ_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- /* Traverse hash; print originals then reply. */
- for (i = 0; i < ip_conntrack_htable_size; i++) {
-- if (LIST_FIND(&ip_conntrack_hash[i], conntrack_iterate,
-+ if (LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_conntrack_hash[i], conntrack_iterate,
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple_hash *,
- buffer, offset, &upto, &len, length))
- goto finished;
-@@ -161,7 +165,7 @@ list_conntracks(char *buffer, char **sta
- /* Now iterate through expecteds. */
- READ_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_expect_tuple_lock);
-- list_for_each(e, &ip_conntrack_expect_list) {
-+ list_for_each(e, &ve_ip_conntrack_expect_list) {
- unsigned int last_len;
- struct ip_conntrack_expect *expect
- = (struct ip_conntrack_expect *)e;
-@@ -208,7 +212,10 @@ static unsigned int ip_conntrack_defrag(
- /* Gather fragments. */
- if ((*pskb)->nh.iph->frag_off & htons(IP_MF|IP_OFFSET)) {
-- *pskb = ip_ct_gather_frags(*pskb);
-+ *pskb = ip_ct_gather_frags(*pskb,
-+ hooknum == NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING ?
- if (!*pskb)
- return NF_STOLEN;
- }
-@@ -334,7 +341,25 @@ extern unsigned long ip_ct_icmp_timeout;
- /* From ip_conntrack_proto_icmp.c */
- extern unsigned long ip_ct_generic_timeout;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+#define ve_ip_ct_sysctl_header \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_ct_sysctl_header)
-+#define ve_ip_ct_net_table \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_ct_net_table)
-+#define ve_ip_ct_ipv4_table \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_ct_ipv4_table)
-+#define ve_ip_ct_netfilter_table \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_ct_netfilter_table)
-+#define ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_ct_sysctl_table)
- static struct ctl_table_header *ip_ct_sysctl_header;
-+#define ve_ip_ct_sysctl_header ip_ct_sysctl_header
-+#define ve_ip_ct_net_table ip_ct_net_table
-+#define ve_ip_ct_ipv4_table ip_ct_ipv4_table
-+#define ve_ip_ct_netfilter_table ip_ct_netfilter_table
-+#define ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table ip_ct_sysctl_table
- static ctl_table ip_ct_sysctl_table[] = {
- {
-@@ -491,7 +516,89 @@ static ctl_table ip_ct_net_table[] = {
- },
- { .ctl_name = 0 }
- };
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+static void ip_conntrack_sysctl_cleanup(void)
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ kfree(ve_ip_ct_net_table);
-+ kfree(ve_ip_ct_ipv4_table);
-+ kfree(ve_ip_ct_netfilter_table);
-+ kfree(ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table);
-+ }
-+ ve_ip_ct_net_table = NULL;
-+ ve_ip_ct_ipv4_table = NULL;
-+ ve_ip_ct_netfilter_table = NULL;
-+ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table = NULL;
-+#define ALLOC_ENVCTL(field,k,label) \
-+ if ( !(field = kmalloc(k*sizeof(ctl_table), GFP_KERNEL)) ) \
-+ goto label;
-+static int ip_conntrack_sysctl_init(void)
-+ int i, ret = 0;
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ ve_ip_ct_net_table = ip_ct_net_table;
-+ ve_ip_ct_ipv4_table = ip_ct_ipv4_table;
-+ ve_ip_ct_netfilter_table = ip_ct_netfilter_table;
-+ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table = ip_ct_sysctl_table;
-+ } else {
-+ /* allocate structures in ve_struct */
-+ ALLOC_ENVCTL(ve_ip_ct_net_table, 2, out);
-+ ALLOC_ENVCTL(ve_ip_ct_ipv4_table, 2, nomem_1);
-+ ALLOC_ENVCTL(ve_ip_ct_netfilter_table, 3, nomem_2);
-+ ALLOC_ENVCTL(ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table, 15, nomem_3);
-+ memcpy(ve_ip_ct_net_table, ip_ct_net_table,
-+ 2*sizeof(ctl_table));
-+ memcpy(ve_ip_ct_ipv4_table, ip_ct_ipv4_table,
-+ 2*sizeof(ctl_table));
-+ memcpy(ve_ip_ct_netfilter_table, ip_ct_netfilter_table,
-+ 3*sizeof(ctl_table));
-+ memcpy(ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table, ip_ct_sysctl_table,
-+ 15*sizeof(ctl_table));
-+ ve_ip_ct_net_table[0].child = ve_ip_ct_ipv4_table;
-+ ve_ip_ct_ipv4_table[0].child = ve_ip_ct_netfilter_table;
-+ ve_ip_ct_netfilter_table[0].child = ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table;
-+ }
-+ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[0].data = &ve_ip_conntrack_max;
-+ /* skip ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[1].data as it is read-only and common
-+ * for all environments */
-+ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[2].data = &ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[2];
-+ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[3].data = &ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[3];
-+ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[4].data = &ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[1];
-+ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[5].data = &ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[4];
-+ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[6].data = &ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[7];
-+ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[7].data = &ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[8];
-+ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[8].data = &ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[5];
-+ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[9].data = &ve_ip_ct_tcp_timeouts[6];
-+ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[10].data = &ve_ip_ct_udp_timeout;
-+ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[11].data = &ve_ip_ct_udp_timeout_stream;
-+ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[12].data = &ve_ip_ct_icmp_timeout;
-+ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[13].data = &ve_ip_ct_generic_timeout;
-+ for (i = 0; i < 14; i++)
-+ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_table[i].owner_env = get_exec_env();
-+ return 0;
-+ kfree(ve_ip_ct_netfilter_table);
-+ ve_ip_ct_netfilter_table = NULL;
-+ kfree(ve_ip_ct_ipv4_table);
-+ ve_ip_ct_ipv4_table = NULL;
-+ kfree(ve_ip_ct_net_table);
-+ ve_ip_ct_net_table = NULL;
-+ return ret;
-+#endif /*CONFIG_VE*/
-+#endif /*CONFIG_SYSCTL*/
- static int init_or_cleanup(int init)
- {
- struct proc_dir_entry *proc;
-@@ -499,77 +606,115 @@ static int init_or_cleanup(int init)
- if (!init) goto cleanup;
-+ ret = -ENOENT;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ __module_get(THIS_MODULE);
- ret = ip_conntrack_init();
- if (ret < 0)
-- goto cleanup_nothing;
-+ goto cleanup_unget;
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && !ip_conntrack_enable_ve0)
-+ return 0;
-- proc = proc_net_create("ip_conntrack", 0440, list_conntracks);
-+ ret = -ENOENT;
-+ proc = proc_mkdir("net", NULL);
- if (!proc) goto cleanup_init;
-+ proc = create_proc_info_entry("net/ip_conntrack", 0440,
-+ NULL, list_conntracks);
-+ if (!proc) goto cleanup_proc2;
- proc->owner = THIS_MODULE;
-- ret = nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_defrag_ops);
-+ ret = visible_nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_defrag_ops);
- if (ret < 0) {
- printk("ip_conntrack: can't register pre-routing defrag hook.\n");
- goto cleanup_proc;
- }
-- ret = nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_defrag_local_out_ops);
-+ ret = visible_nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_defrag_local_out_ops);
- if (ret < 0) {
- printk("ip_conntrack: can't register local_out defrag hook.\n");
- goto cleanup_defragops;
- }
-- ret = nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_in_ops);
-+ ret = visible_nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_in_ops);
- if (ret < 0) {
- printk("ip_conntrack: can't register pre-routing hook.\n");
- goto cleanup_defraglocalops;
- }
-- ret = nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_local_out_ops);
-+ ret = visible_nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_local_out_ops);
- if (ret < 0) {
- printk("ip_conntrack: can't register local out hook.\n");
- goto cleanup_inops;
- }
-- ret = nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_out_ops);
-+ ret = visible_nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_out_ops);
- if (ret < 0) {
- printk("ip_conntrack: can't register post-routing hook.\n");
- goto cleanup_inandlocalops;
- }
-- ret = nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_local_in_ops);
-+ ret = visible_nf_register_hook(&ip_conntrack_local_in_ops);
- if (ret < 0) {
- printk("ip_conntrack: can't register local in hook.\n");
- goto cleanup_inoutandlocalops;
- }
-- ip_ct_sysctl_header = register_sysctl_table(ip_ct_net_table, 0);
-- if (ip_ct_sysctl_header == NULL) {
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ ret = ip_conntrack_sysctl_init();
-+ if (ret < 0)
-+ goto cleanup_sysctl;
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ ve_ip_ct_sysctl_header = register_sysctl_table(ve_ip_ct_net_table, 0);
-+ if (ve_ip_ct_sysctl_header == NULL) {
- printk("ip_conntrack: can't register to sysctl.\n");
-- goto cleanup;
-+ goto cleanup_sysctl2;
- }
- #endif
-+ return 0;
-- return ret;
-- cleanup:
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && !ip_conntrack_enable_ve0)
-+ goto cleanup_init;
-- unregister_sysctl_table(ip_ct_sysctl_header);
-+ unregister_sysctl_table(ve_ip_ct_sysctl_header);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ ip_conntrack_sysctl_cleanup();
- #endif
-- nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_local_in_ops);
-+ visible_nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_local_in_ops);
- cleanup_inoutandlocalops:
-- nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_out_ops);
-+ visible_nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_out_ops);
- cleanup_inandlocalops:
-- nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_local_out_ops);
-+ visible_nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_local_out_ops);
- cleanup_inops:
-- nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_in_ops);
-+ visible_nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_in_ops);
- cleanup_defraglocalops:
-- nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_defrag_local_out_ops);
-+ visible_nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_defrag_local_out_ops);
- cleanup_defragops:
-- nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_defrag_ops);
-+ visible_nf_unregister_hook(&ip_conntrack_defrag_ops);
- cleanup_proc:
-- proc_net_remove("ip_conntrack");
-+ remove_proc_entry("net/ip_conntrack", NULL);
-+ cleanup_proc2:
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ remove_proc_entry("net", NULL);
- cleanup_init:
- ip_conntrack_cleanup();
-- cleanup_nothing:
-+ cleanup_unget:
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
- return ret;
- }
-+int init_iptable_conntrack(void)
-+ return init_or_cleanup(1);
-+void fini_iptable_conntrack(void)
-+ init_or_cleanup(0);
- /* FIXME: Allow NULL functions and sub in pointers to generic for
- them. --RR */
- int ip_conntrack_protocol_register(struct ip_conntrack_protocol *proto)
-@@ -578,7 +723,7 @@ int ip_conntrack_protocol_register(struc
- struct list_head *i;
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
-- list_for_each(i, &protocol_list) {
-+ list_for_each(i, &ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list) {
- if (((struct ip_conntrack_protocol *)i)->proto
- == proto->proto) {
- ret = -EBUSY;
-@@ -586,20 +731,47 @@ int ip_conntrack_protocol_register(struc
- }
- }
-- list_prepend(&protocol_list, proto);
-+ list_prepend(&ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list, proto);
- out:
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- return ret;
- }
-+int visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_register(struct ip_conntrack_protocol *proto)
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ struct ip_conntrack_protocol *tmp;
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ tmp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ip_conntrack_protocol),
-+ if (!tmp)
-+ goto nomem;
-+ memcpy(tmp, proto, sizeof(struct ip_conntrack_protocol));
-+ proto = tmp;
-+ }
-+ ret = ip_conntrack_protocol_register(proto);
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto out;
-+ return 0;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ kfree(proto);
-+ return ret;
- void ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister(struct ip_conntrack_protocol *proto)
- {
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- /* ip_ct_find_proto() returns proto_generic in case there is no protocol
- * helper. So this should be enough - HW */
-- LIST_DELETE(&protocol_list, proto);
-+ LIST_DELETE(&ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list, proto);
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
- /* Somebody could be still looking at the proto in bh. */
-@@ -609,17 +781,53 @@ void ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister(st
- ip_ct_selective_cleanup(kill_proto, &proto->proto);
- }
-+void visible_ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister(
-+ struct ip_conntrack_protocol *proto)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ struct ip_conntrack_protocol *i;
-+ READ_LOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
-+ list_for_each_entry(i, &ve_ip_conntrack_protocol_list, list) {
-+ if (i->proto == proto->proto) {
-+ proto = i;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ READ_UNLOCK(&ip_conntrack_lock);
-+ if (proto != i)
-+ return;
-+ ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister(proto);
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ kfree(proto);
- static int __init init(void)
- {
-- return init_or_cleanup(1);
-+ int err;
-+ err = init_iptable_conntrack();
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ return err;
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_conntrack);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_conntrack);
-+ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ip_conntrack);
-+ return 0;
- }
- static void __exit fini(void)
- {
-- init_or_cleanup(0);
-+ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(ip_conntrack);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_conntrack);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_conntrack);
-+ fini_iptable_conntrack();
- }
- module_exit(fini);
- /* Some modules need us, but don't depend directly on any symbol.
-@@ -628,8 +836,11 @@ void need_ip_conntrack(void)
- {
- }
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_protocol_register);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_protocol_unregister);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(invert_tuplepr);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_alter_reply);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_destroyed);
-@@ -637,6 +848,8 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_get);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(need_ip_conntrack);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_helper_register);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_helper_unregister);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_ct_selective_cleanup);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_ct_refresh);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_ct_find_proto);
-@@ -652,8 +865,8 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_tuple_taken);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_ct_gather_frags);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_htable_size);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_expect_list);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_hash);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_conntrack_untracked);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ip_conntrack_find_get);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(ip_conntrack_put);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ fw_in(unsigned int hooknum,
- &redirpt, pskb);
- if ((*pskb)->nh.iph->frag_off & htons(IP_MF|IP_OFFSET)) {
-- *pskb = ip_ct_gather_frags(*pskb);
-+ *pskb = ip_ct_gather_frags(*pskb, IP_DEFRAG_FW_COMPAT);
- if (!*pskb)
- return NF_STOLEN;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
- #include <net/tcp.h> /* For tcp_prot in getorigdst */
- #include <linux/icmp.h>
- #include <linux/udp.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
- #define ASSERT_READ_LOCK(x) MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_nat_lock)
- #define ASSERT_WRITE_LOCK(x) MUST_BE_WRITE_LOCKED(&ip_nat_lock)
-@@ -46,10 +47,19 @@ DECLARE_RWLOCK_EXTERN(ip_conntrack_lock)
- /* Calculated at init based on memory size */
- static unsigned int ip_nat_htable_size;
--static struct list_head *bysource;
--static struct list_head *byipsproto;
-+#define ve_ip_nat_bysource \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_nat_bysource)
-+#define ve_ip_nat_byipsproto \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_nat_bysource+ip_nat_htable_size)
- LIST_HEAD(protos);
- LIST_HEAD(helpers);
-+static struct list_head *bysource;
-+static struct list_head *byipsproto;
-+#define ve_ip_nat_bysource bysource
-+#define ve_ip_nat_byipsproto byipsproto
- extern struct ip_nat_protocol unknown_nat_protocol;
-@@ -74,7 +84,9 @@ static void ip_nat_cleanup_conntrack(str
- {
- struct ip_nat_info *info = &conn->;
- unsigned int hs, hp;
-+ struct ve_ip_conntrack *env;
- if (!info->initialized)
- return;
-@@ -91,8 +103,15 @@ static void ip_nat_cleanup_conntrack(str
- .tuple.dst.protonum);
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
-+ env = conn->ct_env;
-+ LIST_DELETE(&(env->_ip_nat_bysource)[hs], &info->bysource);
-+ LIST_DELETE(&(env->_ip_nat_bysource + ip_nat_htable_size)[hp],
-+ &info->byipsproto);
- LIST_DELETE(&bysource[hs], &info->bysource);
- LIST_DELETE(&byipsproto[hp], &info->byipsproto);
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
- }
-@@ -118,7 +137,8 @@ find_nat_proto(u_int16_t protonum)
- struct ip_nat_protocol *i;
- MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_nat_lock);
-- i = LIST_FIND(&protos, cmp_proto, struct ip_nat_protocol *, protonum);
-+ i = LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_nat_protos, cmp_proto,
-+ struct ip_nat_protocol *, protonum);
- if (!i)
- i = &unknown_nat_protocol;
- return i;
-@@ -197,7 +217,8 @@ find_appropriate_src(const struct ip_con
- struct ip_nat_hash *i;
- MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_nat_lock);
-- i = LIST_FIND(&bysource[h], src_cmp, struct ip_nat_hash *, tuple, mr);
-+ i = LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_nat_bysource[h], src_cmp,
-+ struct ip_nat_hash *, tuple, mr);
- if (i)
- return &i->conntrack->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_ORIGINAL].tuple.src;
- else
-@@ -253,7 +274,7 @@ count_maps(u_int32_t src, u_int32_t dst,
- MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_nat_lock);
- h = hash_by_ipsproto(src, dst, protonum);
-- LIST_FIND(&byipsproto[h], fake_cmp, struct ip_nat_hash *,
-+ LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_nat_byipsproto[h], fake_cmp, struct ip_nat_hash *,
- src, dst, protonum, &score, conntrack);
- return score;
-@@ -505,6 +526,28 @@ helper_cmp(const struct ip_nat_helper *h
- return ip_ct_tuple_mask_cmp(tuple, &helper->tuple, &helper->mask);
- }
-+/* this function gives us an ability to safely restore
-+ * connection in case of failure */
-+int ip_nat_install_conntrack(struct ip_conntrack *conntrack, int helper)
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ WRITE_LOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
-+ if (helper) {
-+ conntrack-> = LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_nat_helpers,
-+ helper_cmp, struct ip_nat_helper *,
-+ &conntrack->tuplehash[1].tuple);
-+ if (conntrack-> == NULL)
-+ ret = -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ if (!ret)
-+ place_in_hashes(conntrack, &conntrack->;
-+ WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
-+ return ret;
- /* Where to manip the reply packets (will be reverse manip). */
- static unsigned int opposite_hook[NF_IP_NUMHOOKS]
-@@ -643,8 +686,8 @@ ip_nat_setup_info(struct ip_conntrack *c
- /* If there's a helper, assign it; based on new tuple. */
- if (!conntrack->master)
-- info->helper = LIST_FIND(&helpers, helper_cmp, struct ip_nat_helper *,
-- &reply);
-+ info->helper = LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_nat_helpers,
-+ helper_cmp, struct ip_nat_helper *, &reply);
- /* It's done. */
- info->initialized |= (1 << HOOK2MANIP(hooknum));
-@@ -684,8 +727,8 @@ void replace_in_hashes(struct ip_conntra
- list_del(&info->bysource.list);
- list_del(&info->byipsproto.list);
-- list_prepend(&bysource[srchash], &info->bysource);
-- list_prepend(&byipsproto[ipsprotohash], &info->byipsproto);
-+ list_prepend(&ve_ip_nat_bysource[srchash], &info->bysource);
-+ list_prepend(&ve_ip_nat_byipsproto[ipsprotohash], &info->byipsproto);
- }
- void place_in_hashes(struct ip_conntrack *conntrack,
-@@ -712,8 +755,8 @@ void place_in_hashes(struct ip_conntrack
- info->byipsproto.conntrack = conntrack;
- info->bysource.conntrack = conntrack;
-- list_prepend(&bysource[srchash], &info->bysource);
-- list_prepend(&byipsproto[ipsprotohash], &info->byipsproto);
-+ list_prepend(&ve_ip_nat_bysource[srchash], &info->bysource);
-+ list_prepend(&ve_ip_nat_byipsproto[ipsprotohash], &info->byipsproto);
- }
- /* Returns true if succeeded. */
-@@ -988,41 +1031,64 @@ icmp_reply_translation(struct sk_buff **
- return 0;
- }
--int __init ip_nat_init(void)
-+int ip_nat_init(void)
- {
- size_t i;
-+ int ret;
-- /* Leave them the same for the moment. */
-- ip_nat_htable_size = ip_conntrack_htable_size;
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ ip_nat_htable_size = ip_conntrack_htable_size;
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_ip_nat_protos);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_ip_nat_helpers);
- /* One vmalloc for both hash tables */
-- bysource = vmalloc(sizeof(struct list_head) * ip_nat_htable_size*2);
-- if (!bysource) {
-- return -ENOMEM;
-- }
-- byipsproto = bysource + ip_nat_htable_size;
-- /* Sew in builtin protocols. */
-- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
-- list_append(&protos, &ip_nat_protocol_tcp);
-- list_append(&protos, &ip_nat_protocol_udp);
-- list_append(&protos, &ip_nat_protocol_icmp);
-- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ ve_ip_nat_bysource = ub_vmalloc(sizeof(struct list_head)*ip_nat_htable_size*2);
-+ if (!ve_ip_nat_bysource)
-+ goto err;
-+ /*byipsproto = bysource + ip_nat_htable_size;*/
- for (i = 0; i < ip_nat_htable_size; i++) {
-- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&bysource[i]);
-- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&byipsproto[i]);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_ip_nat_bysource[i]);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ve_ip_nat_byipsproto[i]);
-+ }
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ ret = visible_ip_nat_protocol_register(&ip_nat_protocol_tcp);
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto tcp_fail;
-+ ret = visible_ip_nat_protocol_register(&ip_nat_protocol_udp);
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto udp_fail;
-+ ret = visible_ip_nat_protocol_register(&ip_nat_protocol_icmp);
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto icmp_fail;
-+ } else {
-+ /* Sew in builtin protocols. */
-+ WRITE_LOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
-+ list_append(&ve_ip_nat_protos, &ip_nat_protocol_tcp);
-+ list_append(&ve_ip_nat_protos, &ip_nat_protocol_udp);
-+ list_append(&ve_ip_nat_protos, &ip_nat_protocol_icmp);
-+ WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
-+ /* Initialize fake conntrack so that NAT will skip it */
-+ |=
-+ (1 << IP_NAT_MANIP_SRC) | (1 << IP_NAT_MANIP_DST);
- }
- /* FIXME: Man, this is a hack. <SIGH> */
-- IP_NF_ASSERT(ip_conntrack_destroyed == NULL);
-- ip_conntrack_destroyed = &ip_nat_cleanup_conntrack;
-- /* Initialize fake conntrack so that NAT will skip it */
-- |=
-- (1 << IP_NAT_MANIP_SRC) | (1 << IP_NAT_MANIP_DST);
-+ IP_NF_ASSERT(ve_ip_conntrack_destroyed == NULL);
-+ ve_ip_conntrack_destroyed = &ip_nat_cleanup_conntrack;
- return 0;
-+ visible_ip_nat_protocol_unregister(&ip_nat_protocol_udp);
-+ visible_ip_nat_protocol_unregister(&ip_nat_protocol_tcp);
-+ vfree(ve_ip_nat_bysource);
-+ return ret;
- }
- /* Clear NAT section of all conntracks, in case we're loaded again. */
-@@ -1036,6 +1102,13 @@ static int clean_nat(const struct ip_con
- void ip_nat_cleanup(void)
- {
- ip_ct_selective_cleanup(&clean_nat, NULL);
-- ip_conntrack_destroyed = NULL;
-- vfree(bysource);
-+ ve_ip_conntrack_destroyed = NULL;
-+ vfree(ve_ip_nat_bysource);
-+ ve_ip_nat_bysource = NULL;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())){
-+ visible_ip_nat_protocol_unregister(&ip_nat_protocol_icmp);
-+ visible_ip_nat_protocol_unregister(&ip_nat_protocol_udp);
-+ visible_ip_nat_protocol_unregister(&ip_nat_protocol_tcp);
-+ }
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_nat_rule.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack_ftp.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack_helper.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
- MODULE_AUTHOR("Rusty Russell <>");
-@@ -31,11 +32,17 @@ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("ftp NAT helper");
- #define MAX_PORTS 8
- static int ports[MAX_PORTS];
--static int ports_c;
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#define ve_ports_c \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_nat_ftp_ports_c)
-+static int ports_c = 0;
-+#define ve_ports_c ports_c
- /* FIXME: Time out? --RR */
-@@ -59,8 +66,6 @@ ftp_nat_expected(struct sk_buff **pskb,
- DEBUGP("nat_expected: We have a connection!\n");
- exp_ftp_info = &ct->master->help.exp_ftp_info;
-- LOCK_BH(&ip_ftp_lock);
- if (exp_ftp_info->ftptype == IP_CT_FTP_PORT
- || exp_ftp_info->ftptype == IP_CT_FTP_EPRT) {
- /* PORT command: make connection go to the client. */
-@@ -75,7 +80,6 @@ ftp_nat_expected(struct sk_buff **pskb,
- DEBUGP("nat_expected: PASV cmd. %u.%u.%u.%u->%u.%u.%u.%u\n",
- NIPQUAD(newsrcip), NIPQUAD(newdstip));
- }
-- UNLOCK_BH(&ip_ftp_lock);
- if (HOOK2MANIP(hooknum) == IP_NAT_MANIP_SRC)
- newip = newsrcip;
-@@ -111,8 +115,6 @@ mangle_rfc959_packet(struct sk_buff **ps
- {
- char buffer[sizeof("nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn,nnn")];
-- MUST_BE_LOCKED(&ip_ftp_lock);
- sprintf(buffer, "%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u",
- NIPQUAD(newip), port>>8, port&0xFF);
-@@ -134,8 +136,6 @@ mangle_eprt_packet(struct sk_buff **pskb
- {
- char buffer[sizeof("|1||65535|")];
-- MUST_BE_LOCKED(&ip_ftp_lock);
- sprintf(buffer, "|1|%u.%u.%u.%u|%u|", NIPQUAD(newip), port);
- DEBUGP("calling ip_nat_mangle_tcp_packet\n");
-@@ -156,8 +156,6 @@ mangle_epsv_packet(struct sk_buff **pskb
- {
- char buffer[sizeof("|||65535|")];
-- MUST_BE_LOCKED(&ip_ftp_lock);
- sprintf(buffer, "|||%u|", port);
- DEBUGP("calling ip_nat_mangle_tcp_packet\n");
-@@ -189,7 +187,6 @@ static int ftp_data_fixup(const struct i
- u_int16_t port;
- struct ip_conntrack_tuple newtuple;
-- MUST_BE_LOCKED(&ip_ftp_lock);
- DEBUGP("FTP_NAT: seq %u + %u in %u\n",
- expect->seq, ct_ftp_info->len,
- ntohl(tcph->seq));
-@@ -268,13 +265,11 @@ static unsigned int help(struct ip_connt
- }
- datalen = (*pskb)->len - iph->ihl * 4 - tcph->doff * 4;
-- LOCK_BH(&ip_ftp_lock);
- /* If it's in the right range... */
- if (between(exp->seq + ct_ftp_info->len,
- ntohl(tcph->seq),
- ntohl(tcph->seq) + datalen)) {
- if (!ftp_data_fixup(ct_ftp_info, ct, pskb, ctinfo, exp)) {
-- UNLOCK_BH(&ip_ftp_lock);
- return NF_DROP;
- }
- } else {
-@@ -286,26 +281,52 @@ static unsigned int help(struct ip_connt
- ntohl(tcph->seq),
- ntohl(tcph->seq) + datalen);
- }
-- UNLOCK_BH(&ip_ftp_lock);
- return NF_DROP;
- }
-- UNLOCK_BH(&ip_ftp_lock);
- return NF_ACCEPT;
- }
- static struct ip_nat_helper ftp[MAX_PORTS];
- static char ftp_names[MAX_PORTS][10];
--/* Not __exit: called from init() */
--static void fini(void)
-+void fini_iptable_nat_ftp(void)
- {
- int i;
-- for (i = 0; i < ports_c; i++) {
-+ for (i = 0; i < ve_ports_c; i++) {
- DEBUGP("ip_nat_ftp: unregistering port %d\n", ports[i]);
-- ip_nat_helper_unregister(&ftp[i]);
-+ visible_ip_nat_helper_unregister(&ftp[i]);
-+ }
-+ ve_ports_c = 0;
-+int init_iptable_nat_ftp(void)
-+ int i, ret = 0;
-+ ve_ports_c = 0;
-+ for (i = 0; (i < MAX_PORTS) && ports[i]; i++) {
-+ DEBUGP("ip_nat_ftp: Trying to register for port %d\n",
-+ ports[i]);
-+ ret = visible_ip_nat_helper_register(&ftp[i]);
-+ if (ret) {
-+ printk("ip_nat_ftp: error registering "
-+ "helper for port %d\n", ports[i]);
-+ fini_iptable_nat_ftp();
-+ return ret;
-+ }
-+ ve_ports_c++;
- }
-+ return 0;
-+/* Not __exit: called from init() */
-+static void fini(void)
-+ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(ip_nat_ftp);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_nat_ftp);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_nat_ftp);
-+ fini_iptable_nat_ftp();
- }
- static int __init init(void)
-@@ -316,6 +337,7 @@ static int __init init(void)
- if (ports[0] == 0)
- ports[0] = FTP_PORT;
-+ ve_ports_c = 0;
- for (i = 0; (i < MAX_PORTS) && ports[i]; i++) {
- ftp[i].tuple.dst.protonum = IPPROTO_TCP;
- ftp[i].tuple.src.u.tcp.port = htons(ports[i]);
-@@ -335,7 +357,7 @@ static int __init init(void)
- DEBUGP("ip_nat_ftp: Trying to register for port %d\n",
- ports[i]);
-- ret = ip_nat_helper_register(&ftp[i]);
-+ ret = visible_ip_nat_helper_register(&ftp[i]);
- if (ret) {
- printk("ip_nat_ftp: error registering "
-@@ -343,9 +365,12 @@ static int __init init(void)
- fini();
- return ret;
- }
-- ports_c++;
-+ ve_ports_c++;
- }
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_nat_ftp);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_nat_ftp);
-+ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ip_nat_ftp);
- return ret;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -410,33 +410,59 @@ int ip_nat_helper_register(struct ip_nat
- int ret = 0;
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
-- if (LIST_FIND(&helpers, helper_cmp, struct ip_nat_helper *,&me->tuple))
-+ if (LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_nat_helpers, helper_cmp,
-+ struct ip_nat_helper *,&me->tuple))
- ret = -EBUSY;
- else
-- list_prepend(&helpers, me);
-+ list_prepend(&ve_ip_nat_helpers, me);
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
- return ret;
- }
--static int
--kill_helper(const struct ip_conntrack *i, void *helper)
-+int visible_ip_nat_helper_register(struct ip_nat_helper *me)
- {
- int ret;
-+ struct module *mod = me->me;
-- READ_LOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
-- ret = (i-> == helper);
-- READ_UNLOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ struct ip_nat_helper *tmp;
-+ __module_get(mod);
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ tmp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ip_nat_helper), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!tmp)
-+ goto nomem;
-+ memcpy(tmp, me, sizeof(struct ip_nat_helper));
-+ me = tmp;
-+ }
-+ ret = ip_nat_helper_register(me);
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto out;
-+ return 0;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ kfree(me);
-+ module_put(mod);
-+ }
- return ret;
- }
-+static int
-+kill_helper(const struct ip_conntrack *i, void *helper)
-+ return (i-> == helper);
- void ip_nat_helper_unregister(struct ip_nat_helper *me)
- {
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
- /* Autoloading conntrack helper might have failed */
-- if (LIST_FIND(&helpers, helper_cmp, struct ip_nat_helper *,&me->tuple)) {
-- LIST_DELETE(&helpers, me);
-+ if (LIST_FIND(&ve_ip_nat_helpers, helper_cmp,
-+ struct ip_nat_helper *,&me->tuple)) {
-+ LIST_DELETE(&ve_ip_nat_helpers, me);
- }
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
-@@ -452,3 +478,26 @@ void ip_nat_helper_unregister(struct ip_
- worse. --RR */
- ip_ct_selective_cleanup(kill_helper, me);
- }
-+void visible_ip_nat_helper_unregister(struct ip_nat_helper *me)
-+ struct ip_nat_helper *i;
-+ READ_LOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
-+ list_for_each_entry(i, &ve_ip_nat_helpers, list) {
-+ if (i->name == me->name) {
-+ me = i;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ READ_UNLOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
-+ if (me != i)
-+ return;
-+ ip_nat_helper_unregister(me);
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ module_put(me->me);
-+ kfree(me);
-+ }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:41.000000000 +0400
-@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_nat_rule.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack_irc.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack_helper.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
- #if 0
- #define DEBUGP printk
-@@ -36,7 +37,15 @@
- #define MAX_PORTS 8
- static int ports[MAX_PORTS];
--static int ports_c;
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#define ve_ports_c \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_nat_irc_ports_c)
-+static int ports_c = 0;
-+#define ve_ports_c ports_c
- MODULE_AUTHOR("Harald Welte <>");
-@@ -44,9 +53,6 @@ MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");
- MODULE_PARM_DESC(ports, "port numbers of IRC servers");
--/* protects irc part of conntracks */
- /* FIXME: Time out? --RR */
- static unsigned int
-@@ -102,8 +108,6 @@ static int irc_data_fixup(const struct i
- /* "4294967296 65635 " */
- char buffer[18];
-- MUST_BE_LOCKED(&ip_irc_lock);
- DEBUGP("IRC_NAT: info (seq %u + %u) in %u\n",
- expect->seq, ct_irc_info->len,
- ntohl(tcph->seq));
-@@ -111,11 +115,6 @@ static int irc_data_fixup(const struct i
- newip = ct->tuplehash[IP_CT_DIR_REPLY].tuple.dst.ip;
- /* Alter conntrack's expectations. */
-- /* We can read expect here without conntrack lock, since it's
-- only set in ip_conntrack_irc, with ip_irc_lock held
-- writable */
- t = expect->tuple;
- t.dst.ip = newip;
- for (port = ct_irc_info->port; port != 0; port++) {
-@@ -185,13 +184,11 @@ static unsigned int help(struct ip_connt
- DEBUGP("got beyond not touching\n");
- datalen = (*pskb)->len - iph->ihl * 4 - tcph->doff * 4;
-- LOCK_BH(&ip_irc_lock);
- /* Check whether the whole IP/address pattern is carried in the payload */
- if (between(exp->seq + ct_irc_info->len,
- ntohl(tcph->seq),
- ntohl(tcph->seq) + datalen)) {
- if (!irc_data_fixup(ct_irc_info, ct, pskb, ctinfo, exp)) {
-- UNLOCK_BH(&ip_irc_lock);
- return NF_DROP;
- }
- } else {
-@@ -204,28 +201,59 @@ static unsigned int help(struct ip_connt
- ntohl(tcph->seq),
- ntohl(tcph->seq) + datalen);
- }
-- UNLOCK_BH(&ip_irc_lock);
- return NF_DROP;
- }
-- UNLOCK_BH(&ip_irc_lock);
- return NF_ACCEPT;
- }
- static struct ip_nat_helper ip_nat_irc_helpers[MAX_PORTS];
- static char irc_names[MAX_PORTS][10];
--/* This function is intentionally _NOT_ defined as __exit, because
-- * it is needed by init() */
--static void fini(void)
-+void fini_iptable_nat_irc(void)
- {
- int i;
-- for (i = 0; i < ports_c; i++) {
-+ for (i = 0; i < ve_ports_c; i++) {
- DEBUGP("ip_nat_irc: unregistering helper for port %d\n",
- ports[i]);
-- ip_nat_helper_unregister(&ip_nat_irc_helpers[i]);
-+ visible_ip_nat_helper_unregister(&ip_nat_irc_helpers[i]);
- }
-+ ve_ports_c = 0;
-+/* This function is intentionally _NOT_ defined as __exit, because
-+ * it is needed by the init function */
-+static void fini(void)
-+ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(ip_nat_irc);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_nat_irc);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_nat_irc);
-+ fini_iptable_nat_irc();
-+int init_iptable_nat_irc(void)
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ int i;
-+ struct ip_nat_helper *hlpr;
-+ ve_ports_c = 0;
-+ for (i = 0; (i < MAX_PORTS) && ports[i]; i++) {
-+ hlpr = &ip_nat_irc_helpers[i];
-+ ("ip_nat_irc: Trying to register helper for port %d: name %s\n",
-+ ports[i], hlpr->name);
-+ ret = visible_ip_nat_helper_register(hlpr);
-+ if (ret) {
-+ printk
-+ ("ip_nat_irc: error registering helper for port %d\n",
-+ ports[i]);
-+ fini_iptable_nat_irc();
-+ return 1;
-+ }
-+ ve_ports_c++;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
- }
- static int __init init(void)
-@@ -239,6 +267,7 @@ static int __init init(void)
- ports[0] = IRC_PORT;
- }
-+ ve_ports_c = 0;
- for (i = 0; (i < MAX_PORTS) && ports[i] != 0; i++) {
- hlpr = &ip_nat_irc_helpers[i];
- hlpr->tuple.dst.protonum = IPPROTO_TCP;
-@@ -260,7 +289,7 @@ static int __init init(void)
- ("ip_nat_irc: Trying to register helper for port %d: name %s\n",
- ports[i], hlpr->name);
-- ret = ip_nat_helper_register(hlpr);
-+ ret = visible_ip_nat_helper_register(hlpr);
- if (ret) {
- printk
-@@ -269,8 +298,12 @@ static int __init init(void)
- fini();
- return 1;
- }
-- ports_c++;
-+ ve_ports_c++;
- }
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_nat_irc);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_nat_irc);
-+ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ip_nat_irc);
- return ret;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:27.000000000 +0400
-@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ tcp_unique_tuple(struct ip_conntrack_tup
- enum ip_nat_manip_type maniptype,
- const struct ip_conntrack *conntrack)
- {
-- static u_int16_t port, *portptr;
-+ static u_int16_t port;
-+ u_int16_t *portptr;
- unsigned int range_size, min, i;
- if (maniptype == IP_NAT_MANIP_SRC)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:27.000000000 +0400
-@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ udp_unique_tuple(struct ip_conntrack_tup
- enum ip_nat_manip_type maniptype,
- const struct ip_conntrack *conntrack)
- {
-- static u_int16_t port, *portptr;
-+ static u_int16_t port;
-+ u_int16_t *portptr;
- unsigned int range_size, min, i;
- if (maniptype == IP_NAT_MANIP_SRC)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
- #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
- #include <net/checksum.h>
- #include <linux/bitops.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
- #define ASSERT_READ_LOCK(x) MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_nat_lock)
- #define ASSERT_WRITE_LOCK(x) MUST_BE_WRITE_LOCKED(&ip_nat_lock)
-@@ -33,6 +34,16 @@
- #define DEBUGP(format, args...)
- #endif
-+#define ve_ip_nat_table \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_nat_table)
-+#define ve_ip_nat_initial_table \
-+ (get_exec_env()->_ip_conntrack->_ip_nat_initial_table)
-+#define ve_ip_nat_table &nat_table
-+#define ve_ip_nat_initial_table &nat_initial_table
- /* Standard entry. */
-@@ -54,12 +65,12 @@ struct ipt_error
- struct ipt_error_target target;
- };
--static struct
-+static struct ipt_nat_initial_table
- {
- struct ipt_replace repl;
- struct ipt_standard entries[3];
- struct ipt_error term;
--} nat_initial_table __initdata
-+} nat_initial_table
- = { { "nat", NAT_VALID_HOOKS, 4,
- sizeof(struct ipt_standard) * 3 + sizeof(struct ipt_error),
- { [NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING] = 0,
-@@ -241,6 +252,93 @@ static int ipt_dnat_checkentry(const cha
- return 1;
- }
-+static int compat_to_user(void *target, void **dstptr,
-+ int *size, int off)
-+ struct ipt_entry_target *pt;
-+ struct ip_nat_multi_range *pinfo;
-+ struct compat_ip_nat_multi_range info;
-+ u_int16_t tsize;
-+ pt = (struct ipt_entry_target *)target;
-+ tsize = pt->u.user.target_size;
-+ if (__copy_to_user(*dstptr, pt, sizeof(struct ipt_entry_target)))
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ pinfo = (struct ip_nat_multi_range *)pt->data;
-+ memset(&info, 0, sizeof(struct compat_ip_nat_multi_range));
-+ info.rangesize = pinfo->rangesize;
-+ info.range[0].flags = pinfo->range[0].flags;
-+ info.range[0].min_ip = pinfo->range[0].min_ip;
-+ info.range[0].max_ip = pinfo->range[0].max_ip;
-+ info.range[0].min = pinfo->range[0].min;
-+ info.range[0].max = pinfo->range[0].max;
-+ if (__copy_to_user(*dstptr + sizeof(struct ipt_entry_target),
-+ &info, sizeof(struct compat_ip_nat_multi_range)))
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ tsize -= off;
-+ if (put_user(tsize, (u_int16_t *)*dstptr))
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ *size -= off;
-+ *dstptr += tsize;
-+ return 0;
-+static int compat_from_user(void *target, void **dstptr,
-+ int *size, int off)
-+ struct compat_ipt_entry_target *pt;
-+ struct ipt_entry_target *dstpt;
-+ struct compat_ip_nat_multi_range *pinfo;
-+ struct ip_nat_multi_range info;
-+ u_int16_t tsize;
-+ pt = (struct compat_ipt_entry_target *)target;
-+ dstpt = (struct ipt_entry_target *)*dstptr;
-+ tsize = pt->u.user.target_size;
-+ memcpy(*dstptr, pt, sizeof(struct compat_ipt_entry_target));
-+ pinfo = (struct compat_ip_nat_multi_range *)pt->data;
-+ memset(&info, 0, sizeof(struct ip_nat_multi_range));
-+ info.rangesize = pinfo->rangesize;
-+ info.range[0].flags = pinfo->range[0].flags;
-+ info.range[0].min_ip = pinfo->range[0].min_ip;
-+ info.range[0].max_ip = pinfo->range[0].max_ip;
-+ info.range[0].min = pinfo->range[0].min;
-+ info.range[0].max = pinfo->range[0].max;
-+ memcpy(*dstptr + sizeof(struct compat_ipt_entry_target),
-+ &info, sizeof(struct ip_nat_multi_range));
-+ tsize += off;
-+ dstpt->u.user.target_size = tsize;
-+ *size += off;
-+ *dstptr += tsize;
-+ return 0;
-+static int compat(void *target, void **dstptr, int *size, int convert)
-+ int ret, off;
-+ off = IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ip_nat_multi_range)) -
-+ COMPAT_IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct compat_ip_nat_multi_range));
-+ switch (convert) {
-+ ret = compat_to_user(target, dstptr, size, off);
-+ break;
-+ ret = compat_from_user(target, dstptr, size, off);
-+ break;
-+ *size += off;
-+ ret = 0;
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ ret = -ENOPROTOOPT;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ return ret;
- inline unsigned int
- alloc_null_binding(struct ip_conntrack *conntrack,
- struct ip_nat_info *info,
-@@ -271,7 +369,7 @@ int ip_nat_rule_find(struct sk_buff **ps
- {
- int ret;
-- ret = ipt_do_table(pskb, hooknum, in, out, &nat_table, NULL);
-+ ret = ipt_do_table(pskb, hooknum, in, out, ve_ip_nat_table, NULL);
- if (ret == NF_ACCEPT) {
- if (!(info->initialized & (1 << HOOK2MANIP(hooknum))))
-@@ -285,42 +383,91 @@ static struct ipt_target ipt_snat_reg =
- .name = "SNAT",
- .target = ipt_snat_target,
- .checkentry = ipt_snat_checkentry,
-+ .compat = &compat,
- };
- static struct ipt_target ipt_dnat_reg = {
- .name = "DNAT",
- .target = ipt_dnat_target,
- .checkentry = ipt_dnat_checkentry,
-+ .compat = &compat,
- };
--int __init ip_nat_rule_init(void)
-+int ip_nat_rule_init(void)
- {
- int ret;
-- ret = ipt_register_table(&nat_table);
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ ve_ip_nat_table = &nat_table;
-+ ve_ip_nat_initial_table = &nat_initial_table;
-+ } else {
-+ /* allocate structures in ve_struct */
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ ve_ip_nat_initial_table =
-+ ub_kmalloc(sizeof(nat_initial_table), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!ve_ip_nat_initial_table)
-+ goto nomem_initial;
-+ ve_ip_nat_table = ub_kmalloc(sizeof(nat_table), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!ve_ip_nat_table)
-+ goto nomem_table;
-+ memcpy(ve_ip_nat_initial_table, &nat_initial_table,
-+ sizeof(nat_initial_table));
-+ memcpy(ve_ip_nat_table, &nat_table,
-+ sizeof(nat_table));
-+ ve_ip_nat_table->table =
-+ &ve_ip_nat_initial_table->repl;
-+ }
-+ ret = ipt_register_table(ve_ip_nat_table);
- if (ret != 0)
-- return ret;
-- ret = ipt_register_target(&ipt_snat_reg);
-+ goto out;
-+ ret = visible_ipt_register_target(&ipt_snat_reg);
- if (ret != 0)
- goto unregister_table;
-- ret = ipt_register_target(&ipt_dnat_reg);
-+ ret = visible_ipt_register_target(&ipt_dnat_reg);
- if (ret != 0)
- goto unregister_snat;
- return ret;
- unregister_snat:
-- ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_snat_reg);
-+ visible_ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_snat_reg);
- unregister_table:
-- ipt_unregister_table(&nat_table);
-+ ipt_unregister_table(ve_ip_nat_table);
-+ out:
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ kfree(ve_ip_nat_table);
-+ ve_ip_nat_table = NULL;
-+ nomem_table:
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ kfree(ve_ip_nat_initial_table);
-+ ve_ip_nat_initial_table = NULL;
-+ nomem_initial:
- return ret;
- }
- void ip_nat_rule_cleanup(void)
- {
-- ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_dnat_reg);
-- ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_snat_reg);
-- ipt_unregister_table(&nat_table);
-+ ipt_unregister_table(ve_ip_nat_table);
-+ visible_ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_dnat_reg);
-+ visible_ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_snat_reg);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ kfree(ve_ip_nat_initial_table);
-+ kfree(ve_ip_nat_table);
-+ }
-+ ve_ip_nat_initial_table = NULL;
-+ ve_ip_nat_table = NULL;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
- #include <net/ip.h>
- #include <net/checksum.h>
- #include <linux/spinlock.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
- #define ASSERT_READ_LOCK(x) MUST_BE_READ_LOCKED(&ip_nat_lock)
- #define ASSERT_WRITE_LOCK(x) MUST_BE_WRITE_LOCKED(&ip_nat_lock)
-@@ -200,7 +201,7 @@ ip_nat_out(unsigned int hooknum,
- I'm starting to have nightmares about fragments. */
- if ((*pskb)->nh.iph->frag_off & htons(IP_MF|IP_OFFSET)) {
-- *pskb = ip_ct_gather_frags(*pskb);
-+ *pskb = ip_ct_gather_frags(*pskb, IP_DEFRAG_NAT_OUT);
- if (!*pskb)
- return NF_STOLEN;
-@@ -284,7 +285,7 @@ int ip_nat_protocol_register(struct ip_n
- struct list_head *i;
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
-- list_for_each(i, &protos) {
-+ list_for_each(i, &ve_ip_nat_protos) {
- if (((struct ip_nat_protocol *)i)->protonum
- == proto->protonum) {
- ret = -EBUSY;
-@@ -292,23 +293,70 @@ int ip_nat_protocol_register(struct ip_n
- }
- }
-- list_prepend(&protos, proto);
-+ list_prepend(&ve_ip_nat_protos, proto);
- out:
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
- return ret;
- }
-+int visible_ip_nat_protocol_register(struct ip_nat_protocol *proto)
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ struct ip_nat_protocol *tmp;
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ tmp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ip_nat_protocol), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!tmp)
-+ goto nomem;
-+ memcpy(tmp, proto, sizeof(struct ip_nat_protocol));
-+ proto = tmp;
-+ }
-+ ret = ip_nat_protocol_register(proto);
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto out;
-+ return 0;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ kfree(proto);
-+ return ret;
- /* Noone stores the protocol anywhere; simply delete it. */
- void ip_nat_protocol_unregister(struct ip_nat_protocol *proto)
- {
- WRITE_LOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
-- LIST_DELETE(&protos, proto);
-+ LIST_DELETE(&ve_ip_nat_protos, proto);
- WRITE_UNLOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
- /* Someone could be still looking at the proto in a bh. */
- synchronize_net();
- }
-+void visible_ip_nat_protocol_unregister(struct ip_nat_protocol *proto)
-+ struct ip_nat_protocol *i;
-+ READ_LOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
-+ list_for_each_entry(i, &ve_ip_nat_protos, list) {
-+ if (i->protonum == proto->protonum) {
-+ proto = i;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ READ_UNLOCK(&ip_nat_lock);
-+ if (proto != i)
-+ return;
-+ ip_nat_protocol_unregister(proto);
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ kfree(proto);
- static int init_or_cleanup(int init)
- {
- int ret = 0;
-@@ -317,77 +365,113 @@ static int init_or_cleanup(int init)
- if (!init) goto cleanup;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ __module_get(THIS_MODULE);
- ret = ip_nat_rule_init();
- if (ret < 0) {
- printk("ip_nat_init: can't setup rules.\n");
-- goto cleanup_nothing;
-+ goto cleanup_modput;
- }
- ret = ip_nat_init();
- if (ret < 0) {
- printk("ip_nat_init: can't setup rules.\n");
- goto cleanup_rule_init;
- }
-- ret = nf_register_hook(&ip_nat_in_ops);
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && !ip_conntrack_enable_ve0)
-+ return 0;
-+ ret = visible_nf_register_hook(&ip_nat_in_ops);
- if (ret < 0) {
- printk("ip_nat_init: can't register in hook.\n");
- goto cleanup_nat;
- }
-- ret = nf_register_hook(&ip_nat_out_ops);
-+ ret = visible_nf_register_hook(&ip_nat_out_ops);
- if (ret < 0) {
- printk("ip_nat_init: can't register out hook.\n");
- goto cleanup_inops;
- }
-- ret = nf_register_hook(&ip_nat_local_out_ops);
-+ ret = visible_nf_register_hook(&ip_nat_local_out_ops);
- if (ret < 0) {
- printk("ip_nat_init: can't register local out hook.\n");
- goto cleanup_outops;
- }
-- ret = nf_register_hook(&ip_nat_local_in_ops);
-+ ret = visible_nf_register_hook(&ip_nat_local_in_ops);
- if (ret < 0) {
- printk("ip_nat_init: can't register local in hook.\n");
- goto cleanup_localoutops;
- }
- #endif
-- return ret;
-+ return 0;
- cleanup:
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()) && !ip_conntrack_enable_ve0)
-+ goto cleanup_nat;
-- nf_unregister_hook(&ip_nat_local_in_ops);
-+ visible_nf_unregister_hook(&ip_nat_local_in_ops);
- cleanup_localoutops:
-- nf_unregister_hook(&ip_nat_local_out_ops);
-+ visible_nf_unregister_hook(&ip_nat_local_out_ops);
- cleanup_outops:
- #endif
-- nf_unregister_hook(&ip_nat_out_ops);
-+ visible_nf_unregister_hook(&ip_nat_out_ops);
- cleanup_inops:
-- nf_unregister_hook(&ip_nat_in_ops);
-+ visible_nf_unregister_hook(&ip_nat_in_ops);
- cleanup_nat:
- ip_nat_cleanup();
- cleanup_rule_init:
- ip_nat_rule_cleanup();
-- cleanup_nothing:
-+ cleanup_modput:
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
- return ret;
- }
--static int __init init(void)
-+int init_iptable_nat(void)
- {
- return init_or_cleanup(1);
- }
--static void __exit fini(void)
-+void fini_iptable_nat(void)
- {
- init_or_cleanup(0);
- }
-+static int __init init(void)
-+ int err;
-+ err = init_iptable_nat();
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ return err;
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_nat);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_nat);
-+ KSYMMODRESOLVE(iptable_nat);
-+ return 0;
-+static void __exit fini(void)
-+ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(iptable_nat);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_nat);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_nat);
-+ fini_iptable_nat();
- module_exit(fini);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_nat_setup_info);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_nat_protocol_register);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_nat_protocol_unregister);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_nat_helper_register);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_nat_helper_unregister);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_nat_cheat_check);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_nat_mangle_tcp_packet);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ip_nat_mangle_udp_packet);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:25.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
- * communicating with userspace via netlink.
- *
- * (C) 2000-2002 James Morris <>
-+ * (C) 2003-2005 Netfilter Core Team <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
-@@ -14,6 +15,7 @@
- * Zander).
- * 2000-08-01: Added Nick Williams' MAC support.
- * 2002-06-25: Code cleanup.
-+ * 2005-05-26: local_bh_{disable,enable} around nf_reinject (Harald Welte)
- *
- */
- #include <linux/module.h>
-@@ -66,7 +68,15 @@ static DECLARE_MUTEX(ipqnl_sem);
- static void
- ipq_issue_verdict(struct ipq_queue_entry *entry, int verdict)
- {
-+ /* TCP input path (and probably other bits) assume to be called
-+ * from softirq context, not from syscall, like ipq_issue_verdict is
-+ * called. TCP input path deadlocks with locks taken from timer
-+ * softirq, e.g. We therefore emulate this by local_bh_disable() */
-+ local_bh_disable();
- nf_reinject(entry->skb, entry->info, verdict);
-+ local_bh_enable();
- kfree(entry);
- }
-@@ -540,7 +550,14 @@ ipq_rcv_sk(struct sock *sk, int len)
- return;
- while ((skb = skb_dequeue(&sk->sk_receive_queue)) != NULL) {
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
-+ env = set_exec_env(VE_OWNER_SKB(skb));
- ipq_rcv_skb(skb);
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ (void)set_exec_env(env);
- kfree_skb(skb);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -23,12 +23,20 @@
- #include <linux/udp.h>
- #include <linux/icmp.h>
- #include <net/ip.h>
-+#include <net/compat.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <asm/semaphore.h>
- #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
- MODULE_AUTHOR("Netfilter Core Team <>");
- MODULE_DESCRIPTION("IPv4 packet filter");
-@@ -108,6 +116,52 @@ struct ipt_table_info
- static LIST_HEAD(ipt_target);
- static LIST_HEAD(ipt_match);
- static LIST_HEAD(ipt_tables);
-+/* include ve.h and define get_exec_env */
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+int init_iptables(void);
-+#define ve_ipt_target (*(get_exec_env()->_ipt_target))
-+#define ve_ipt_match (*(get_exec_env()->_ipt_match))
-+#define ve_ipt_tables (*(get_exec_env()->_ipt_tables))
-+#define ve_ipt_standard_target (*(get_exec_env()->_ipt_standard_target))
-+#define ve_ipt_error_target (*(get_exec_env()->_ipt_error_target))
-+#define ve_tcp_matchstruct (*(get_exec_env()->_tcp_matchstruct))
-+#define ve_udp_matchstruct (*(get_exec_env()->_udp_matchstruct))
-+#define ve_icmp_matchstruct (*(get_exec_env()->_icmp_matchstruct))
-+#define UB_NUMIPTENT 23
-+static int charge_iptables(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size)
-+ if (ub == NULL)
-+ return 0;
-+ return charge_beancounter(ub, UB_NUMIPTENT, size, 1);
-+static void uncharge_iptables(struct user_beancounter *ub, unsigned long size)
-+ if (ub == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ uncharge_beancounter(ub, UB_NUMIPTENT, size);
-+#else /* CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES */
-+#define ve_ipt_target ipt_target
-+#define ve_ipt_match ipt_match
-+#define ve_ipt_tables ipt_tables
-+#define ve_ipt_standard_target ipt_standard_target
-+#define ve_ipt_error_target ipt_error_target
-+#define ve_tcp_matchstruct tcp_matchstruct
-+#define ve_udp_matchstruct udp_matchstruct
-+#define ve_icmp_matchstruct icmp_matchstruct
-+#endif /* CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES */
- #define ADD_COUNTER(c,b,p) do { (c).bcnt += (b); (c).pcnt += (p); } while(0)
- #ifdef CONFIG_SMP
-@@ -122,6 +176,29 @@ static LIST_HEAD(ipt_tables);
- #define up(x) do { printk("UP:%u:" #x "\n", __LINE__); up(x); } while(0)
- #endif
-+static struct ipt_table_info *ipt_table_info_alloc(int size)
-+ struct ipt_table_info *newinfo;
-+ if (size >= PAGE_SIZE)
-+ newinfo = ub_vmalloc_best(size);
-+ else
-+ newinfo = ub_kmalloc(size, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ return newinfo;
-+static void ipt_table_info_free(struct ipt_table_info *info)
-+ if ((unsigned long)info >= VMALLOC_START &&
-+ (unsigned long)info < VMALLOC_END)
-+ vfree(info);
-+ else
-+ kfree(info);
-+#define ipt_table_info_ub(info) (mem_ub(info))
- /* Returns whether matches rule or not. */
- static inline int
- ip_packet_match(const struct iphdr *ip,
-@@ -310,7 +387,7 @@ ipt_do_table(struct sk_buff **pskb,
- do {
- IP_NF_ASSERT(back);
-- (*pskb)->nfcache |= e->nfcache;
-+ (*pskb)->nfcache |= e->nfcache & NFC_IPT_MASK;
- if (ip_packet_match(ip, indev, outdev, &e->ip, offset)) {
- struct ipt_entry_target *t;
-@@ -417,9 +494,9 @@ find_inlist_lock_noload(struct list_head
- #if 0
- duprintf("find_inlist: searching for `%s' in %s.\n",
-- name, head == &ipt_target ? "ipt_target"
-- : head == &ipt_match ? "ipt_match"
-- : head == &ipt_tables ? "ipt_tables" : "UNKNOWN");
-+ name, head == &ve_ipt_target ? "ipt_target"
-+ : head == &ve_ipt_match ? "ipt_match"
-+ : head == &ve_ipt_tables ? "ipt_tables" : "UNKNOWN");
- #endif
- *error = down_interruptible(mutex);
-@@ -460,19 +537,19 @@ find_inlist_lock(struct list_head *head,
- static inline struct ipt_table *
- ipt_find_table_lock(const char *name, int *error, struct semaphore *mutex)
- {
-- return find_inlist_lock(&ipt_tables, name, "iptable_", error, mutex);
-+ return find_inlist_lock(&ve_ipt_tables, name, "iptable_", error, mutex);
- }
- static inline struct ipt_match *
- find_match_lock(const char *name, int *error, struct semaphore *mutex)
- {
-- return find_inlist_lock(&ipt_match, name, "ipt_", error, mutex);
-+ return find_inlist_lock(&ve_ipt_match, name, "ipt_", error, mutex);
- }
- struct ipt_target *
- ipt_find_target_lock(const char *name, int *error, struct semaphore *mutex)
- {
-- return find_inlist_lock(&ipt_target, name, "ipt_", error, mutex);
-+ return find_inlist_lock(&ve_ipt_target, name, "ipt_", error, mutex);
- }
- /* All zeroes == unconditional rule. */
-@@ -513,7 +590,7 @@ mark_source_chains(struct ipt_table_info
- = (void *)ipt_get_target(e);
- if (e->comefrom & (1 << NF_IP_NUMHOOKS)) {
-- printk("iptables: loop hook %u pos %u %08X.\n",
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "iptables: loop hook %u pos %u %08X.\n",
- hook, pos, e->comefrom);
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -583,7 +660,6 @@ mark_source_chains(struct ipt_table_info
- }
- return 1;
- }
- static inline int
- cleanup_match(struct ipt_entry_match *m, unsigned int *i)
- {
-@@ -607,7 +683,7 @@ standard_check(const struct ipt_entry_ta
- if (t->u.target_size
- != IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_standard_target))) {
- duprintf("standard_check: target size %u != %u\n",
-- t->u.target_size,
-+ t->u.target_size, (unsigned int)
- IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_standard_target)));
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -698,7 +774,7 @@ check_entry(struct ipt_entry *e, const c
- t-> = target;
- up(&ipt_mutex);
-- if (t-> == &ipt_standard_target) {
-+ if (t-> == &ve_ipt_standard_target) {
- if (!standard_check(t, size)) {
- ret = -EINVAL;
- goto cleanup_matches;
-@@ -866,6 +942,69 @@ translate_table(const char *name,
- return ret;
- }
-+static int charge_replace_table(struct ipt_table_info *oldinfo,
-+ struct ipt_table_info *newinfo)
-+ struct user_beancounter *old_ub, *new_ub;
-+ int old_number, new_number;
-+ old_ub = ipt_table_info_ub(oldinfo);
-+ new_ub = ipt_table_info_ub(newinfo);
-+ old_number = oldinfo->number;
-+ new_number = newinfo->number;
-+ /* XXX: I don't understand the code below and am not sure that it does
-+ * something reasonable. 2002/04/26 SAW */
-+ if (old_ub == new_ub) {
-+ int charge;
-+ /* charge only differences in entries */
-+ charge = new_number - old_number;
-+ if (charge > 0) {
-+ if (charge_iptables(old_ub, charge))
-+ return -1;
-+ } else
-+ uncharge_iptables(old_ub, -charge);
-+ } else {
-+ /* different contexts; do charge current and uncharge old */
-+ if (charge_iptables(new_ub, new_number))
-+ return -1;
-+ uncharge_iptables(old_ub, old_number);
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+static int setup_table(struct ipt_table *table, struct ipt_table_info *info)
-+ {
-+ struct ipt_entry *table_base;
-+ unsigned int i;
-+ for (i = 0; i < NR_CPUS; i++) {
-+ table_base =
-+ (void *)info->entries
-+ + TABLE_OFFSET(info, i);
-+ table_base->comefrom = 0xdead57ac;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ {
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ ub = ipt_table_info_ub(info);
-+ if (charge_iptables(ub, info->number))
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ }
-+ table->private = info;
-+ info->initial_entries = 0;
-+ return 0;
- static struct ipt_table_info *
- replace_table(struct ipt_table *table,
- unsigned int num_counters,
-@@ -900,6 +1039,16 @@ replace_table(struct ipt_table *table,
- return NULL;
- }
- oldinfo = table->private;
-+ if (charge_replace_table(oldinfo, newinfo)) {
-+ oldinfo = NULL;
-+ write_unlock_bh(&table->lock);
-+ *error = -ENOMEM;
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
- table->private = newinfo;
- newinfo->initial_entries = oldinfo->initial_entries;
- write_unlock_bh(&table->lock);
-@@ -936,24 +1085,19 @@ get_counters(const struct ipt_table_info
- }
- }
--static int
--copy_entries_to_user(unsigned int total_size,
-- struct ipt_table *table,
-- void __user *userptr)
-+static inline struct ipt_counters * alloc_counters(struct ipt_table *table)
- {
-- unsigned int off, num, countersize;
-- struct ipt_entry *e;
- struct ipt_counters *counters;
-- int ret = 0;
-+ unsigned int countersize;
- /* We need atomic snapshot of counters: rest doesn't change
- (other than comefrom, which userspace doesn't care
- about). */
- countersize = sizeof(struct ipt_counters) * table->private->number;
-- counters = vmalloc(countersize);
-+ counters = vmalloc_best(countersize);
- if (counters == NULL)
-- return -ENOMEM;
-+ return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
- /* First, sum counters... */
- memset(counters, 0, countersize);
-@@ -961,6 +1105,23 @@ copy_entries_to_user(unsigned int total_
- get_counters(table->private, counters);
- write_unlock_bh(&table->lock);
-+ return counters;
-+static int
-+copy_entries_to_user(unsigned int total_size,
-+ struct ipt_table *table,
-+ void __user *userptr)
-+ unsigned int off, num;
-+ struct ipt_entry *e;
-+ struct ipt_counters *counters;
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ counters = alloc_counters(table);
-+ if (IS_ERR(counters))
-+ return PTR_ERR(counters);
- /* ... then copy entire thing from CPU 0... */
- if (copy_to_user(userptr, table->private->entries, total_size) != 0) {
- ret = -EFAULT;
-@@ -1015,216 +1176,1207 @@ copy_entries_to_user(unsigned int total_
- return ret;
- }
--static int
--get_entries(const struct ipt_get_entries *entries,
-- struct ipt_get_entries __user *uptr)
-+static DECLARE_MUTEX(compat_ipt_mutex);
-+struct compat_delta {
-+ struct compat_delta *next;
-+ u_int16_t offset;
-+ short delta;
-+static struct compat_delta *compat_offsets = NULL;
-+static int compat_add_offset(u_int16_t offset, short delta)
- {
-- int ret;
-- struct ipt_table *t;
-+ struct compat_delta *tmp;
-- t = ipt_find_table_lock(entries->name, &ret, &ipt_mutex);
-- if (t) {
-- duprintf("t->private->number = %u\n",
-- t->private->number);
-- if (entries->size == t->private->size)
-- ret = copy_entries_to_user(t->private->size,
-- t, uptr->entrytable);
-- else {
-- duprintf("get_entries: I've got %u not %u!\n",
-- t->private->size,
-- entries->size);
-- ret = -EINVAL;
-- }
-- up(&ipt_mutex);
-- } else
-- duprintf("get_entries: Can't find %s!\n",
-- entries->name);
-+ tmp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct compat_delta), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!tmp)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ tmp->offset = offset;
-+ tmp->delta = delta;
-+ if (compat_offsets) {
-+ tmp->next = compat_offsets->next;
-+ compat_offsets->next = tmp;
-+ } else {
-+ compat_offsets = tmp;
-+ tmp->next = NULL;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-- return ret;
-+static void compat_flush_offsets(void)
-+ struct compat_delta *tmp, *next;
-+ if (compat_offsets) {
-+ for(tmp = compat_offsets; tmp; tmp = next) {
-+ next = tmp->next;
-+ kfree(tmp);
-+ }
-+ compat_offsets = NULL;
-+ }
- }
--static int
--do_replace(void __user *user, unsigned int len)
-+static short compat_calc_jump(u_int16_t offset)
- {
-- int ret;
-- struct ipt_replace tmp;
-- struct ipt_table *t;
-- struct ipt_table_info *newinfo, *oldinfo;
-- struct ipt_counters *counters;
-+ struct compat_delta *tmp;
-+ short delta;
-- if (copy_from_user(&tmp, user, sizeof(tmp)) != 0)
-- return -EFAULT;
-+ for(tmp = compat_offsets, delta = 0; tmp; tmp = tmp->next)
-+ if (tmp->offset < offset)
-+ delta += tmp->delta;
-+ return delta;
-- /* Hack: Causes ipchains to give correct error msg --RR */
-- if (len != sizeof(tmp) + tmp.size)
-- return -ENOPROTOOPT;
-+struct compat_ipt_standard_target
-+ struct compat_ipt_entry_target target;
-+ compat_int_t verdict;
-- /* Pedantry: prevent them from hitting BUG() in vmalloc.c --RR */
-- if ((SMP_ALIGN(tmp.size) >> PAGE_SHIFT) + 2 > num_physpages)
-- return -ENOMEM;
-+#define IPT_ST_OFFSET (sizeof(struct ipt_standard_target) - \
-+ sizeof(struct compat_ipt_standard_target))
-- newinfo = vmalloc(sizeof(struct ipt_table_info)
-- + SMP_ALIGN(tmp.size) * NR_CPUS);
-- if (!newinfo)
-- return -ENOMEM;
-+struct ipt_standard
-+ struct ipt_entry entry;
-+ struct ipt_standard_target target;
-- if (copy_from_user(newinfo->entries, user + sizeof(tmp),
-- tmp.size) != 0) {
-- ret = -EFAULT;
-- goto free_newinfo;
-- }
-+struct compat_ipt_standard
-+ struct compat_ipt_entry entry;
-+ struct compat_ipt_standard_target target;
-- counters = vmalloc(tmp.num_counters * sizeof(struct ipt_counters));
-- if (!counters) {
-- ret = -ENOMEM;
-- goto free_newinfo;
-+static int compat_ipt_standard_fn(void *target,
-+ void **dstptr, int *size, int convert)
-+ struct compat_ipt_standard_target compat_st, *pcompat_st;
-+ struct ipt_standard_target st, *pst;
-+ int ret;
-+ ret = 0;
-+ switch (convert) {
-+ pst = (struct ipt_standard_target *)target;
-+ memcpy(&, &pst->target,
-+ sizeof(struct ipt_entry_target));
-+ compat_st.verdict = pst->verdict;
-+ if (compat_st.verdict > 0)
-+ compat_st.verdict -=
-+ compat_calc_jump(compat_st.verdict);
-+ =
-+ sizeof(struct compat_ipt_standard_target);
-+ if (__copy_to_user(*dstptr, &compat_st,
-+ sizeof(struct compat_ipt_standard_target)))
-+ ret = -EFAULT;
-+ *size -= IPT_ST_OFFSET;
-+ *dstptr += sizeof(struct compat_ipt_standard_target);
-+ break;
-+ pcompat_st =
-+ (struct compat_ipt_standard_target *)target;
-+ memcpy(&, &pcompat_st->target,
-+ sizeof(struct ipt_entry_target));
-+ st.verdict = pcompat_st->verdict;
-+ if (st.verdict > 0)
-+ st.verdict += compat_calc_jump(st.verdict);
-+ =
-+ sizeof(struct ipt_standard_target);
-+ memcpy(*dstptr, &st,
-+ sizeof(struct ipt_standard_target));
-+ *size += IPT_ST_OFFSET;
-+ *dstptr += sizeof(struct ipt_standard_target);
-+ break;
-+ *size += IPT_ST_OFFSET;
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ ret = -ENOPROTOOPT;
-+ break;
- }
-- memset(counters, 0, tmp.num_counters * sizeof(struct ipt_counters));
-+ return ret;
-- ret = translate_table(, tmp.valid_hooks,
-- newinfo, tmp.size, tmp.num_entries,
-- tmp.hook_entry, tmp.underflow);
-- if (ret != 0)
-- goto free_newinfo_counters;
-+int ipt_target_align_compat(void *target, void **dstptr,
-+ int *size, int off, int convert)
-+ struct compat_ipt_entry_target *pcompat;
-+ struct ipt_entry_target *pt;
-+ u_int16_t tsize;
-+ int ret;
-- duprintf("ip_tables: Translated table\n");
-+ ret = 0;
-+ switch (convert) {
-+ pt = (struct ipt_entry_target *)target;
-+ tsize = pt->u.user.target_size;
-+ if (__copy_to_user(*dstptr, pt, tsize)) {
-+ ret = -EFAULT;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ tsize -= off;
-+ if (put_user(tsize, (u_int16_t *)*dstptr))
-+ ret = -EFAULT;
-+ *size -= off;
-+ *dstptr += tsize;
-+ break;
-+ pcompat = (struct compat_ipt_entry_target *)target;
-+ pt = (struct ipt_entry_target *)*dstptr;
-+ tsize = pcompat->u.user.target_size;
-+ memcpy(pt, pcompat, tsize);
-+ tsize += off;
-+ pt->u.user.target_size = tsize;
-+ *size += off;
-+ *dstptr += tsize;
-+ break;
-+ *size += off;
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ ret = -ENOPROTOOPT;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ return ret;
-- t = ipt_find_table_lock(, &ret, &ipt_mutex);
-- if (!t)
-- goto free_newinfo_counters_untrans;
-+int ipt_match_align_compat(void *match, void **dstptr,
-+ int *size, int off, int convert)
-+ struct compat_ipt_entry_match *pcompat_m;
-+ struct ipt_entry_match *pm;
-+ u_int16_t msize;
-+ int ret;
-- /* You lied! */
-- if (tmp.valid_hooks != t->valid_hooks) {
-- duprintf("Valid hook crap: %08X vs %08X\n",
-- tmp.valid_hooks, t->valid_hooks);
-- ret = -EINVAL;
-- goto free_newinfo_counters_untrans_unlock;
-+ ret = 0;
-+ switch (convert) {
-+ pm = (struct ipt_entry_match *)match;
-+ msize = pm->u.user.match_size;
-+ if (__copy_to_user(*dstptr, pm, msize)) {
-+ ret = -EFAULT;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ msize -= off;
-+ if (put_user(msize, (u_int16_t *)*dstptr))
-+ ret = -EFAULT;
-+ *size -= off;
-+ *dstptr += msize;
-+ break;
-+ pcompat_m = (struct compat_ipt_entry_match *)match;
-+ pm = (struct ipt_entry_match *)*dstptr;
-+ msize = pcompat_m->u.user.match_size;
-+ memcpy(pm, pcompat_m, msize);
-+ msize += off;
-+ pm->u.user.match_size = msize;
-+ *size += off;
-+ *dstptr += msize;
-+ break;
-+ *size += off;
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ ret = -ENOPROTOOPT;
-+ break;
- }
-+ return ret;
-- /* Get a reference in advance, we're not allowed fail later */
-- if (!try_module_get(t->me)) {
-- ret = -EBUSY;
-- goto free_newinfo_counters_untrans_unlock;
-- }
-+static int tcp_compat(void *match,
-+ void **dstptr, int *size, int convert)
-+ int off;
-+ off = IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_tcp)) -
-+ COMPAT_IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_tcp));
-+ return ipt_match_align_compat(match, dstptr, size, off, convert);
-- oldinfo = replace_table(t, tmp.num_counters, newinfo, &ret);
-- if (!oldinfo)
-- goto put_module;
-+static int udp_compat(void *match,
-+ void **dstptr, int *size, int convert)
-+ int off;
-- /* Update module usage count based on number of rules */
-- duprintf("do_replace: oldnum=%u, initnum=%u, newnum=%u\n",
-- oldinfo->number, oldinfo->initial_entries, newinfo->number);
-- if ((oldinfo->number > oldinfo->initial_entries) ||
-- (newinfo->number <= oldinfo->initial_entries))
-- module_put(t->me);
-- if ((oldinfo->number > oldinfo->initial_entries) &&
-- (newinfo->number <= oldinfo->initial_entries))
-- module_put(t->me);
-+ off = IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_udp)) -
-+ COMPAT_IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_udp));
-+ return ipt_match_align_compat(match, dstptr, size, off, convert);
-- /* Get the old counters. */
-- get_counters(oldinfo, counters);
-- /* Decrease module usage counts and free resource */
-- IPT_ENTRY_ITERATE(oldinfo->entries, oldinfo->size, cleanup_entry,NULL);
-- vfree(oldinfo);
-- /* Silent error: too late now. */
-- copy_to_user(tmp.counters, counters,
-- sizeof(struct ipt_counters) * tmp.num_counters);
-- vfree(counters);
-- up(&ipt_mutex);
-- return 0;
-+static int icmp_compat(void *match,
-+ void **dstptr, int *size, int convert)
-+ int off;
-- put_module:
-- module_put(t->me);
-- free_newinfo_counters_untrans_unlock:
-- up(&ipt_mutex);
-- free_newinfo_counters_untrans:
-- IPT_ENTRY_ITERATE(newinfo->entries, newinfo->size, cleanup_entry,NULL);
-- free_newinfo_counters:
-- vfree(counters);
-- free_newinfo:
-- vfree(newinfo);
-- return ret;
-+ off = IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_icmp)) -
-+ COMPAT_IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_icmp));
-+ return ipt_match_align_compat(match, dstptr, size, off, convert);
- }
--/* We're lazy, and add to the first CPU; overflow works its fey magic
-- * and everything is OK. */
- static inline int
--add_counter_to_entry(struct ipt_entry *e,
-- const struct ipt_counters addme[],
-- unsigned int *i)
-+compat_calc_match(struct ipt_entry_match *m, int * size)
- {
--#if 0
-- duprintf("add_counter: Entry %u %lu/%lu + %lu/%lu\n",
-- *i,
-- (long unsigned int)e->counters.pcnt,
-- (long unsigned int)e->counters.bcnt,
-- (long unsigned int)addme[*i].pcnt,
-- (long unsigned int)addme[*i].bcnt);
-- ADD_COUNTER(e->counters, addme[*i].bcnt, addme[*i].pcnt);
-- (*i)++;
-+ if (m->u.kernel.match->compat)
-+ m->u.kernel.match->compat(m, NULL, size, COMPAT_CALC_SIZE);
- return 0;
- }
--static int
--do_add_counters(void __user *user, unsigned int len)
-+static int compat_calc_entry(struct ipt_entry *e,
-+ struct ipt_table_info *info, struct ipt_table_info *newinfo)
- {
-- unsigned int i;
-- struct ipt_counters_info tmp, *paddc;
-- struct ipt_table *t;
-- int ret;
-+ struct ipt_entry_target *t;
-+ u_int16_t entry_offset;
-+ int off, i, ret;
-- if (copy_from_user(&tmp, user, sizeof(tmp)) != 0)
-- return -EFAULT;
-+ off = 0;
-+ entry_offset = (void *)e - (void *)info->entries;
-+ IPT_MATCH_ITERATE(e, compat_calc_match, &off);
-+ t = ipt_get_target(e);
-+ if (t->>compat)
-+ t->>compat(t, NULL, &off, COMPAT_CALC_SIZE);
-+ newinfo->size -= off;
-+ ret = compat_add_offset(entry_offset, off);
-+ if (ret)
-+ return ret;
-+ for (i = 0; i< NF_IP_NUMHOOKS; i++) {
-+ if (info->hook_entry[i] && (e < (struct ipt_entry *)
-+ (info->entries + info->hook_entry[i])))
-+ newinfo->hook_entry[i] -= off;
-+ if (info->underflow[i] && (e < (struct ipt_entry *)
-+ (info->entries + info->underflow[i])))
-+ newinfo->underflow[i] -= off;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-- if (len != sizeof(tmp) + tmp.num_counters*sizeof(struct ipt_counters))
-+static int compat_table_info(struct ipt_table_info *info,
-+ struct ipt_table_info *newinfo)
-+ if (!newinfo)
- return -EINVAL;
-- paddc = vmalloc(len);
-+ memcpy(newinfo, info, sizeof(struct ipt_table_info));
-+ return IPT_ENTRY_ITERATE(info->entries,
-+ info->size, compat_calc_entry, info, newinfo);
-+static int get_info(void __user *user, int *len)
-+ struct ipt_table *t;
-+ int ret, size;
-+ if (is_current_32bits())
-+ size = sizeof(struct compat_ipt_getinfo);
-+ else
-+ size = sizeof(struct ipt_getinfo);
-+ if (*len != size) {
-+ duprintf("length %u != %u\n", *len,
-+ (unsigned int)sizeof(struct ipt_getinfo));
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ if (copy_from_user(name, user, sizeof(name)) != 0)
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ name[IPT_TABLE_MAXNAMELEN-1] = '\0';
-+ down(&compat_ipt_mutex);
-+ t = ipt_find_table_lock(name, &ret, &ipt_mutex);
-+ if (t) {
-+ struct ipt_getinfo info;
-+ struct compat_ipt_getinfo compat_info;
-+ void *pinfo;
-+ if (is_current_32bits()) {
-+ struct ipt_table_info t_info;
-+ ret = compat_table_info(t->private, &t_info);
-+ compat_flush_offsets();
-+ memcpy(compat_info.hook_entry, t_info.hook_entry,
-+ sizeof(compat_info.hook_entry));
-+ memcpy(compat_info.underflow, t_info.underflow,
-+ sizeof(compat_info.underflow));
-+ compat_info.valid_hooks = t->valid_hooks;
-+ compat_info.num_entries = t->private->number;
-+ compat_info.size = t_info.size;
-+ strcpy(, name);
-+ pinfo = (void *)&compat_info;
-+ } else
-+ {
-+ info.valid_hooks = t->valid_hooks;
-+ memcpy(info.hook_entry, t->private->hook_entry,
-+ sizeof(info.hook_entry));
-+ memcpy(info.underflow, t->private->underflow,
-+ sizeof(info.underflow));
-+ info.num_entries = t->private->number;
-+ info.size = t->private->size;
-+ strcpy(, name);
-+ pinfo = (void *)&info;
-+ }
-+ if (copy_to_user(user, pinfo, *len) != 0)
-+ ret = -EFAULT;
-+ else
-+ ret = 0;
-+ up(&ipt_mutex);
-+ }
-+ up(&compat_ipt_mutex);
-+ return ret;
-+static int
-+get_entries(struct ipt_get_entries __user *uptr, int *len)
-+ int ret;
-+ struct ipt_get_entries get;
-+ struct ipt_table *t;
-+ if (*len < sizeof(get)) {
-+ duprintf("get_entries: %u < %d\n", *len,
-+ (unsigned int)sizeof(get));
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ if (copy_from_user(&get, uptr, sizeof(get)) != 0)
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ if (*len != sizeof(struct ipt_get_entries) + get.size) {
-+ duprintf("get_entries: %u != %u\n", *len,
-+ (unsigned int)(sizeof(struct ipt_get_entries) +
-+ get.size));
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ t = ipt_find_table_lock(, &ret, &ipt_mutex);
-+ if (t) {
-+ duprintf("t->private->number = %u\n",
-+ t->private->number);
-+ if (get.size == t->private->size)
-+ ret = copy_entries_to_user(t->private->size,
-+ t, uptr->entrytable);
-+ else {
-+ duprintf("get_entries: I've got %u not %u!\n",
-+ t->private->size,
-+ get.size);
-+ ret = -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ up(&ipt_mutex);
-+ } else
-+ duprintf("get_entries: Can't find %s!\n",
-+ return ret;
-+static int
-+__do_replace(const char *name, unsigned int valid_hooks,
-+ struct ipt_table_info *newinfo, unsigned int size,
-+ unsigned int num_counters, void __user *counters_ptr)
-+ int ret;
-+ struct ipt_table *t;
-+ struct ipt_table_info *oldinfo;
-+ struct ipt_counters *counters;
-+ counters = ub_vmalloc_best(num_counters *
-+ sizeof(struct ipt_counters));
-+ if (!counters) {
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ memset(counters, 0, num_counters * sizeof(struct ipt_counters));
-+ t = ipt_find_table_lock(name, &ret, &ipt_mutex);
-+ if (!t)
-+ goto free_newinfo_counters_untrans;
-+ /* You lied! */
-+ if (valid_hooks != t->valid_hooks) {
-+ duprintf("Valid hook crap: %08X vs %08X\n",
-+ valid_hooks, t->valid_hooks);
-+ ret = -EINVAL;
-+ goto free_newinfo_counters_untrans_unlock;
-+ }
-+ /* Get a reference in advance, we're not allowed fail later */
-+ if (!try_module_get(t->me)) {
-+ ret = -EBUSY;
-+ goto free_newinfo_counters_untrans_unlock;
-+ }
-+ oldinfo = replace_table(t, num_counters, newinfo, &ret);
-+ if (!oldinfo)
-+ goto put_module;
-+ /* Update module usage count based on number of rules */
-+ duprintf("do_replace: oldnum=%u, initnum=%u, newnum=%u\n",
-+ oldinfo->number, oldinfo->initial_entries, newinfo->number);
-+ if ((oldinfo->number > oldinfo->initial_entries) ||
-+ (newinfo->number <= oldinfo->initial_entries))
-+ module_put(t->me);
-+ if ((oldinfo->number > oldinfo->initial_entries) &&
-+ (newinfo->number <= oldinfo->initial_entries))
-+ module_put(t->me);
-+ /* Get the old counters. */
-+ get_counters(oldinfo, counters);
-+ /* Decrease module usage counts and free resource */
-+ IPT_ENTRY_ITERATE(oldinfo->entries, oldinfo->size, cleanup_entry,NULL);
-+ ipt_table_info_free(oldinfo);
-+ /* Silent error: too late now. */
-+ copy_to_user(counters_ptr, counters,
-+ sizeof(struct ipt_counters) * num_counters);
-+ vfree(counters);
-+ up(&ipt_mutex);
-+ return 0;
-+ put_module:
-+ module_put(t->me);
-+ free_newinfo_counters_untrans_unlock:
-+ up(&ipt_mutex);
-+ free_newinfo_counters_untrans:
-+ vfree(counters);
-+ out:
-+ return ret;
-+static int
-+do_replace(void __user *user, unsigned int len)
-+ int ret;
-+ struct ipt_replace tmp;
-+ struct ipt_table_info *newinfo;
-+ if (copy_from_user(&tmp, user, sizeof(tmp)) != 0)
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ /* Hack: Causes ipchains to give correct error msg --RR */
-+ if (len != sizeof(tmp) + tmp.size)
-+ return -ENOPROTOOPT;
-+ /* overflow check */
-+ if (tmp.size >= (INT_MAX - sizeof(struct ipt_table_info)) / NR_CPUS -
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ if (tmp.num_counters >= INT_MAX / sizeof(struct ipt_counters))
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ /* Pedantry: prevent them from hitting BUG() in vmalloc.c --RR */
-+ if ((SMP_ALIGN(tmp.size) >> PAGE_SHIFT) + 2 > num_physpages)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ newinfo = ipt_table_info_alloc(sizeof(struct ipt_table_info)
-+ + SMP_ALIGN(tmp.size) * NR_CPUS);
-+ if (!newinfo)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ if (copy_from_user(newinfo->entries, user + sizeof(tmp), tmp.size) != 0) {
-+ ret = -EFAULT;
-+ goto free_newinfo;
-+ }
-+ ret = translate_table(, tmp.valid_hooks,
-+ newinfo, tmp.size, tmp.num_entries,
-+ tmp.hook_entry, tmp.underflow);
-+ if (ret != 0)
-+ goto free_newinfo;
-+ duprintf("ip_tables: Translated table\n");
-+ ret = __do_replace(, tmp.valid_hooks,
-+ newinfo, tmp.size, tmp.num_counters,
-+ tmp.counters);
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto free_newinfo_untrans;
-+ return 0;
-+ free_newinfo_untrans:
-+ IPT_ENTRY_ITERATE(newinfo->entries, newinfo->size, cleanup_entry,NULL);
-+ free_newinfo:
-+ ipt_table_info_free(newinfo);
-+ return ret;
-+/* We're lazy, and add to the first CPU; overflow works its fey magic
-+ * and everything is OK. */
-+static inline int
-+add_counter_to_entry(struct ipt_entry *e,
-+ const struct ipt_counters addme[],
-+ unsigned int *i)
-+#if 0
-+ duprintf("add_counter: Entry %u %lu/%lu + %lu/%lu\n",
-+ *i,
-+ (long unsigned int)e->counters.pcnt,
-+ (long unsigned int)e->counters.bcnt,
-+ (long unsigned int)addme[*i].pcnt,
-+ (long unsigned int)addme[*i].bcnt);
-+ ADD_COUNTER(e->counters, addme[*i].bcnt, addme[*i].pcnt);
-+ (*i)++;
-+ return 0;
-+static int
-+do_add_counters(void __user *user, unsigned int len)
-+ unsigned int i;
-+ struct ipt_counters_info tmp;
-+ void *ptmp;
-+ struct ipt_table *t;
-+ unsigned int num_counters;
-+ char *name;
-+ struct ipt_counters *paddc;
-+ int ret, size;
-+ struct compat_ipt_counters_info compat_tmp;
-+ if (is_current_32bits()) {
-+ ptmp = &compat_tmp;
-+ size = sizeof(struct compat_ipt_counters_info);
-+ } else
-+ {
-+ ptmp = &tmp;
-+ size = sizeof(struct ipt_counters_info);
-+ }
-+ if (copy_from_user(ptmp, user, size) != 0)
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ if (is_current_32bits()) {
-+ num_counters = compat_tmp.num_counters;
-+ name =;
-+ } else
-+ {
-+ num_counters = tmp.num_counters;
-+ name =;
-+ }
-+ if (len != size + num_counters * sizeof(struct ipt_counters))
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ paddc = ub_vmalloc_best(len - size);
- if (!paddc)
- return -ENOMEM;
-- if (copy_from_user(paddc, user, len) != 0) {
-+ if (copy_from_user(paddc, user + size, len - size) != 0) {
-+ ret = -EFAULT;
-+ goto free;
-+ }
-+ t = ipt_find_table_lock(name, &ret, &ipt_mutex);
-+ if (!t)
-+ goto free;
-+ write_lock_bh(&t->lock);
-+ if (t->private->number != num_counters) {
-+ ret = -EINVAL;
-+ goto unlock_up_free;
-+ }
-+ i = 0;
-+ IPT_ENTRY_ITERATE(t->private->entries,
-+ t->private->size,
-+ add_counter_to_entry,
-+ paddc,
-+ &i);
-+ unlock_up_free:
-+ write_unlock_bh(&t->lock);
-+ up(&ipt_mutex);
-+ free:
-+ vfree(paddc);
-+ return ret;
-+struct compat_ipt_replace {
-+ u32 valid_hooks;
-+ u32 num_entries;
-+ u32 size;
-+ u32 hook_entry[NF_IP_NUMHOOKS];
-+ u32 underflow[NF_IP_NUMHOOKS];
-+ u32 num_counters;
-+ compat_uptr_t counters; /* struct ipt_counters * */
-+ struct compat_ipt_entry entries[0];
-+static inline int compat_copy_match_to_user(struct ipt_entry_match *m,
-+ void __user **dstptr, compat_uint_t *size)
-+ if (m->u.kernel.match->compat)
-+ m->u.kernel.match->compat(m, dstptr, size, COMPAT_TO_USER);
-+ else {
-+ if (__copy_to_user(*dstptr, m, m->u.match_size))
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ *dstptr += m->u.match_size;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+static int compat_copy_entry_to_user(struct ipt_entry *e,
-+ void __user **dstptr, compat_uint_t *size)
-+ struct ipt_entry_target __user *t;
-+ struct compat_ipt_entry __user *ce;
-+ u_int16_t target_offset, next_offset;
-+ compat_uint_t origsize;
-+ int ret;
-+ ret = -EFAULT;
-+ origsize = *size;
-+ ce = (struct compat_ipt_entry __user *)*dstptr;
-+ if (__copy_to_user(ce, e, sizeof(struct ipt_entry)))
-+ goto out;
-+ *dstptr += sizeof(struct compat_ipt_entry);
-+ ret = IPT_MATCH_ITERATE(e, compat_copy_match_to_user, dstptr, size);
-+ target_offset = e->target_offset - (origsize - *size);
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto out;
-+ t = ipt_get_target(e);
-+ if (t->>compat) {
-+ ret = t->>compat(t,
-+ dstptr, size, COMPAT_TO_USER);
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto out;
-+ } else {
-+ ret = -EFAULT;
-+ if (__copy_to_user(*dstptr, t, t->u.target_size))
-+ goto out;
-+ *dstptr += t->u.target_size;
-+ }
-+ ret = -EFAULT;
-+ next_offset = e->next_offset - (origsize - *size);
-+ if (__put_user(target_offset, &ce->target_offset))
-+ goto out;
-+ if (__put_user(next_offset, &ce->next_offset))
-+ goto out;
-+ return 0;
-+ return ret;
-+static inline int
-+compat_check_calc_match(struct ipt_entry_match *m,
-+ const char *name,
-+ const struct ipt_ip *ip,
-+ unsigned int hookmask,
-+ int *size, int *i)
-+ int ret;
-+ struct ipt_match *match;
-+ match = find_match_lock(m->, &ret, &ipt_mutex);
-+ if (!match) {
-+ duprintf("check_match: `%s' not found\n", m->;
-+ return ret;
-+ }
-+ if (!try_module_get(match->me)) {
-+ up(&ipt_mutex);
-+ return -ENOENT;
-+ }
-+ m->u.kernel.match = match;
-+ up(&ipt_mutex);
-+ if (m->u.kernel.match->compat)
-+ m->u.kernel.match->compat(m, NULL, size, COMPAT_CALC_SIZE);
-+ (*i)++;
-+ return 0;
-+static inline int
-+check_compat_entry_size_and_hooks(struct ipt_entry *e,
-+ struct ipt_table_info *newinfo,
-+ unsigned char *base,
-+ unsigned char *limit,
-+ unsigned int *hook_entries,
-+ unsigned int *underflows,
-+ unsigned int *i,
-+ const char *name)
-+ struct ipt_entry_target *t;
-+ struct ipt_target *target;
-+ u_int16_t entry_offset;
-+ int ret, off, h, j;
-+ duprintf("check_compat_entry_size_and_hooks %p\n", e);
-+ if ((unsigned long)e % __alignof__(struct compat_ipt_entry) != 0
-+ || (unsigned char *)e + sizeof(struct compat_ipt_entry) >= limit) {
-+ duprintf("Bad offset %p, limit = %p\n", e, limit);
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ if (e->next_offset < sizeof(struct compat_ipt_entry) +
-+ sizeof(struct compat_ipt_entry_target)) {
-+ duprintf("checking: element %p size %u\n",
-+ e, e->next_offset);
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ if (!ip_checkentry(&e->ip)) {
-+ duprintf("ip_tables: ip check failed %p %s.\n", e, name);
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ off = 0;
-+ entry_offset = (void *)e - (void *)base;
-+ j = 0;
-+ ret = IPT_MATCH_ITERATE(e, compat_check_calc_match, name, &e->ip,
-+ e->comefrom, &off, &j);
-+ if (ret != 0)
-+ goto out;
-+ t = ipt_get_target(e);
-+ target = ipt_find_target_lock(t->, &ret, &ipt_mutex);
-+ if (!target) {
-+ duprintf("check_entry: `%s' not found\n", t->;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ if (!try_module_get(target->me)) {
-+ up(&ipt_mutex);
-+ ret = -ENOENT;
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ t-> = target;
-+ up(&ipt_mutex);
-+ if (t->>compat)
-+ t->>compat(t, NULL, &off, COMPAT_CALC_SIZE);
-+ newinfo->size += off;
-+ ret = compat_add_offset(entry_offset, off);
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto out;
-+ /* Check hooks & underflows */
-+ for (h = 0; h < NF_IP_NUMHOOKS; h++) {
-+ if ((unsigned char *)e - base == hook_entries[h])
-+ newinfo->hook_entry[h] = hook_entries[h];
-+ if ((unsigned char *)e - base == underflows[h])
-+ newinfo->underflow[h] = underflows[h];
-+ }
-+ /* Clear counters and comefrom */
-+ e->counters = ((struct ipt_counters) { 0, 0 });
-+ e->comefrom = 0;
-+ (*i)++;
-+ return 0;
-+ IPT_MATCH_ITERATE(e, cleanup_match, &j);
-+ return ret;
-+static inline int compat_copy_match_from_user(struct ipt_entry_match *m,
-+ void **dstptr, compat_uint_t *size, const char *name,
-+ const struct ipt_ip *ip, unsigned int hookmask)
-+ struct ipt_entry_match *dm;
-+ dm = (struct ipt_entry_match *)*dstptr;
-+ if (m->u.kernel.match->compat)
-+ m->u.kernel.match->compat(m, dstptr, size, COMPAT_FROM_USER);
-+ else {
-+ memcpy(*dstptr, m, m->u.match_size);
-+ *dstptr += m->u.match_size;
-+ }
-+ if (dm->u.kernel.match->checkentry
-+ && !dm->u.kernel.match->checkentry(name, ip, dm->data,
-+ dm->u.match_size - sizeof(*dm),
-+ hookmask)) {
-+ module_put(dm->u.kernel.match->me);
-+ duprintf("ip_tables: check failed for `%s'.\n",
-+ dm->u.kernel.match->name);
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
-+static int compat_copy_entry_from_user(struct ipt_entry *e, void **dstptr,
-+ unsigned int *size, const char *name,
-+ struct ipt_table_info *newinfo, unsigned char *base)
-+ struct ipt_entry_target *t;
-+ struct ipt_entry *de;
-+ unsigned int origsize;
-+ int ret, h;
-+ ret = 0;
-+ origsize = *size;
-+ de = (struct ipt_entry *)*dstptr;
-+ memcpy(de, e, sizeof(struct ipt_entry));
-+ *dstptr += sizeof(struct compat_ipt_entry);
-+ ret = IPT_MATCH_ITERATE(e, compat_copy_match_from_user, dstptr, size,
-+ name, &de->ip, de->comefrom);
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto out;
-+ de->target_offset = e->target_offset - (origsize - *size);
-+ t = ipt_get_target(e);
-+ if (t->>compat)
-+ t->>compat(t,
-+ dstptr, size, COMPAT_FROM_USER);
-+ else {
-+ memcpy(*dstptr, t, t->u.target_size);
-+ *dstptr += t->u.target_size;
-+ }
-+ de->next_offset = e->next_offset - (origsize - *size);
-+ for (h = 0; h < NF_IP_NUMHOOKS; h++) {
-+ if ((unsigned char *)de - base < newinfo->hook_entry[h])
-+ newinfo->hook_entry[h] -= origsize - *size;
-+ if ((unsigned char *)de - base < newinfo->underflow[h])
-+ newinfo->underflow[h] -= origsize - *size;
-+ }
-+ ret = -EINVAL;
-+ t = ipt_get_target(de);
-+ if (t-> == &ve_ipt_standard_target) {
-+ if (!standard_check(t, *size))
-+ goto out;
-+ } else if (t->>checkentry
-+ && !t->>checkentry(name, de, t->data,
-+ t->u.target_size
-+ - sizeof(*t),
-+ de->comefrom)) {
-+ module_put(t->>me);
-+ duprintf("ip_tables: compat: check failed for `%s'.\n",
-+ t->>name);
-+ goto out;
-+ }
-+ ret = 0;
-+ return ret;
-+static int
-+translate_compat_table(const char *name,
-+ unsigned int valid_hooks,
-+ struct ipt_table_info **pinfo,
-+ unsigned int total_size,
-+ unsigned int number,
-+ unsigned int *hook_entries,
-+ unsigned int *underflows)
-+ unsigned int i;
-+ struct ipt_table_info *newinfo, *info;
-+ void *pos;
-+ unsigned int size;
-+ int ret;
-+ info = *pinfo;
-+ info->size = total_size;
-+ info->number = number;
-+ /* Init all hooks to impossible value. */
-+ for (i = 0; i < NF_IP_NUMHOOKS; i++) {
-+ info->hook_entry[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-+ info->underflow[i] = 0xFFFFFFFF;
-+ }
-+ duprintf("translate_compat_table: size %u\n", info->size);
-+ i = 0;
-+ down(&compat_ipt_mutex);
-+ /* Walk through entries, checking offsets. */
-+ ret = IPT_ENTRY_ITERATE(info->entries, total_size,
-+ check_compat_entry_size_and_hooks,
-+ info, info->entries,
-+ info->entries + total_size,
-+ hook_entries, underflows, &i, name);
-+ if (ret != 0)
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ ret = -EINVAL;
-+ if (i != number) {
-+ duprintf("translate_compat_table: %u not %u entries\n",
-+ i, number);
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ }
-+ /* Check hooks all assigned */
-+ for (i = 0; i < NF_IP_NUMHOOKS; i++) {
-+ /* Only hooks which are valid */
-+ if (!(valid_hooks & (1 << i)))
-+ continue;
-+ if (info->hook_entry[i] == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
-+ duprintf("Invalid hook entry %u %u\n",
-+ i, hook_entries[i]);
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ }
-+ if (info->underflow[i] == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
-+ duprintf("Invalid underflow %u %u\n",
-+ i, underflows[i]);
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ newinfo = ipt_table_info_alloc(sizeof(struct ipt_table_info)
-+ + SMP_ALIGN(info->size) * NR_CPUS);
-+ if (!newinfo)
-+ goto out_unlock;
-+ memcpy(newinfo, info, sizeof(struct ipt_table_info));
-+ pos = newinfo->entries;
-+ size = total_size;
-+ ret = IPT_ENTRY_ITERATE(info->entries, total_size,
-+ compat_copy_entry_from_user, &pos, &size,
-+ name, newinfo, newinfo->entries);
-+ compat_flush_offsets();
-+ up(&compat_ipt_mutex);
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto free_newinfo;
-+ ret = -ELOOP;
-+ if (!mark_source_chains(newinfo, valid_hooks))
-+ goto free_newinfo;
-+ /* And one copy for every other CPU */
-+ for (i = 1; i < NR_CPUS; i++) {
-+ memcpy(newinfo->entries + SMP_ALIGN(newinfo->size)*i,
-+ newinfo->entries,
-+ SMP_ALIGN(newinfo->size));
-+ }
-+ *pinfo = newinfo;
-+ ipt_table_info_free(info);
-+ return 0;
-+ ipt_table_info_free(newinfo);
-+ return ret;
-+ up(&compat_ipt_mutex);
-+ goto out;
-+static int
-+compat_do_replace(void __user *user, unsigned int len)
-+ int ret;
-+ struct compat_ipt_replace tmp;
-+ struct ipt_table_info *newinfo;
-+ if (copy_from_user(&tmp, user, sizeof(tmp)) != 0)
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ /* Hack: Causes ipchains to give correct error msg --RR */
-+ if (len != sizeof(tmp) + tmp.size)
-+ return -ENOPROTOOPT;
-+ /* Pedantry: prevent them from hitting BUG() in vmalloc.c --RR */
-+ if ((SMP_ALIGN(tmp.size) >> PAGE_SHIFT) + 2 > num_physpages)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ newinfo = ipt_table_info_alloc(sizeof(struct ipt_table_info)
-+ + SMP_ALIGN(tmp.size) * NR_CPUS);
-+ if (!newinfo)
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ if (copy_from_user(newinfo->entries, user + sizeof(tmp), tmp.size) != 0) {
- ret = -EFAULT;
-- goto free;
-+ goto free_newinfo;
- }
-- t = ipt_find_table_lock(, &ret, &ipt_mutex);
-- if (!t)
-- goto free;
-+ ret = translate_compat_table(, tmp.valid_hooks,
-+ &newinfo, tmp.size, tmp.num_entries,
-+ tmp.hook_entry, tmp.underflow);
-+ if (ret != 0)
-+ goto free_newinfo;
-- write_lock_bh(&t->lock);
-- if (t->private->number != paddc->num_counters) {
-- ret = -EINVAL;
-- goto unlock_up_free;
-+ duprintf("do_compat_replace: Translated table\n");
-+ ret = __do_replace(, tmp.valid_hooks,
-+ newinfo, tmp.size, tmp.num_counters,
-+ compat_ptr(tmp.counters));
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto free_newinfo_untrans;
-+ return 0;
-+ free_newinfo_untrans:
-+ IPT_ENTRY_ITERATE(newinfo->entries, newinfo->size, cleanup_entry,NULL);
-+ free_newinfo:
-+ ipt_table_info_free(newinfo);
-+ return ret;
-+struct compat_ipt_get_entries
-+ compat_uint_t size;
-+ struct compat_ipt_entry entrytable[0];
-+static int compat_copy_entries_to_user(unsigned int total_size,
-+ struct ipt_table *table, void __user *userptr)
-+ unsigned int off, num;
-+ struct compat_ipt_entry e;
-+ struct ipt_counters *counters;
-+ void __user *pos;
-+ unsigned int size;
-+ int ret = 0;
-+ counters = alloc_counters(table);
-+ if (IS_ERR(counters))
-+ return PTR_ERR(counters);
-+ /* ... then copy entire thing from CPU 0... */
-+ pos = userptr;
-+ size = total_size;
-+ ret = IPT_ENTRY_ITERATE(table->private->entries,
-+ total_size, compat_copy_entry_to_user, &pos, &size);
-+ /* ... then go back and fix counters and names */
-+ for (off = 0, num = 0; off < size; off += e.next_offset, num++) {
-+ unsigned int i;
-+ struct ipt_entry_match m;
-+ struct ipt_entry_target t;
-+ ret = -EFAULT;
-+ if (copy_from_user(&e, userptr + off,
-+ sizeof(struct compat_ipt_entry)))
-+ goto free_counters;
-+ if (copy_to_user(userptr + off +
-+ offsetof(struct compat_ipt_entry, counters),
-+ &counters[num], sizeof(counters[num])))
-+ goto free_counters;
-+ for (i = sizeof(struct compat_ipt_entry);
-+ i < e.target_offset; i += m.u.match_size) {
-+ if (copy_from_user(&m, userptr + off + i,
-+ sizeof(struct ipt_entry_match)))
-+ goto free_counters;
-+ if (copy_to_user(userptr + off + i +
-+ offsetof(struct ipt_entry_match,,
-+ m.u.kernel.match->name,
-+ strlen(m.u.kernel.match->name) + 1))
-+ goto free_counters;
-+ }
-+ if (copy_from_user(&t, userptr + off + e.target_offset,
-+ sizeof(struct ipt_entry_target)))
-+ goto free_counters;
-+ if (copy_to_user(userptr + off + e.target_offset +
-+ offsetof(struct ipt_entry_target,,
-+ strlen(>name) + 1))
-+ goto free_counters;
- }
-+ ret = 0;
-+ vfree(counters);
-+ return ret;
-- i = 0;
-- IPT_ENTRY_ITERATE(t->private->entries,
-- t->private->size,
-- add_counter_to_entry,
-- paddc->counters,
-- &i);
-- unlock_up_free:
-- write_unlock_bh(&t->lock);
-- up(&ipt_mutex);
-- free:
-- vfree(paddc);
-+static int
-+compat_get_entries(struct compat_ipt_get_entries __user *uptr, int *len)
-+ int ret;
-+ struct compat_ipt_get_entries get;
-+ struct ipt_table *t;
-+ if (*len < sizeof(get)) {
-+ duprintf("compat_get_entries: %u < %u\n",
-+ *len, (unsigned int)sizeof(get));
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ if (copy_from_user(&get, uptr, sizeof(get)) != 0)
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ if (*len != sizeof(struct compat_ipt_get_entries) + get.size) {
-+ duprintf("compat_get_entries: %u != %u\n", *len,
-+ (unsigned int)(sizeof(struct compat_ipt_get_entries) +
-+ get.size));
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ down(&compat_ipt_mutex);
-+ t = ipt_find_table_lock(, &ret, &ipt_mutex);
-+ if (t) {
-+ struct ipt_table_info info;
-+ duprintf("t->private->number = %u\n",
-+ t->private->number);
-+ ret = compat_table_info(t->private, &info);
-+ if (!ret && get.size == info.size) {
-+ ret = compat_copy_entries_to_user(t->private->size,
-+ t, uptr->entrytable);
-+ } else if (!ret) {
-+ duprintf("compat_get_entries: I've got %u not %u!\n",
-+ t->private->size,
-+ get.size);
-+ ret = -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ compat_flush_offsets();
-+ up(&ipt_mutex);
-+ } else
-+ duprintf("compat_get_entries: Can't find %s!\n",
-+ up(&compat_ipt_mutex);
-+ return ret;
-+static int
-+compat_do_ipt_get_ctl(struct sock *sk, int cmd, void __user *user, int *len)
-+ int ret;
-+ switch (cmd) {
-+ case IPT_SO_GET_INFO:
-+ ret = get_info(user, len);
-+ break;
-+ ret = compat_get_entries(user, len);
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ duprintf("compat_do_ipt_get_ctl: unknown request %i\n", cmd);
-+ ret = -EINVAL;
-+ }
- return ret;
- }
- static int
- do_ipt_set_ctl(struct sock *sk, int cmd, void __user *user, unsigned int len)
- {
- int ret;
-- if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
-+ if (!capable(CAP_VE_NET_ADMIN))
- return -EPERM;
-+ if (is_current_32bits() && (cmd == IPT_SO_SET_REPLACE))
-+ return compat_do_replace(user, len);
- switch (cmd) {
- ret = do_replace(user, len);
-@@ -1247,65 +2399,22 @@ do_ipt_get_ctl(struct sock *sk, int cmd,
- {
- int ret;
-- if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
-+ if (!capable(CAP_VE_NET_ADMIN))
- return -EPERM;
-- switch (cmd) {
-- case IPT_SO_GET_INFO: {
-- struct ipt_table *t;
-- if (*len != sizeof(struct ipt_getinfo)) {
-- duprintf("length %u != %u\n", *len,
-- sizeof(struct ipt_getinfo));
-- ret = -EINVAL;
-- break;
-- }
-- if (copy_from_user(name, user, sizeof(name)) != 0) {
-- ret = -EFAULT;
-- break;
-- }
-- name[IPT_TABLE_MAXNAMELEN-1] = '\0';
-- t = ipt_find_table_lock(name, &ret, &ipt_mutex);
-- if (t) {
-- struct ipt_getinfo info;
-- info.valid_hooks = t->valid_hooks;
-- memcpy(info.hook_entry, t->private->hook_entry,
-- sizeof(info.hook_entry));
-- memcpy(info.underflow, t->private->underflow,
-- sizeof(info.underflow));
-- info.num_entries = t->private->number;
-- info.size = t->private->size;
-- strcpy(, name);
-- if (copy_to_user(user, &info, *len) != 0)
-- ret = -EFAULT;
-- else
-- ret = 0;
-- up(&ipt_mutex);
-- }
-- }
-- break;
-+ if (is_current_32bits())
-+ return compat_do_ipt_get_ctl(sk, cmd, user, len);
-- struct ipt_get_entries get;
-+ switch (cmd) {
-+ case IPT_SO_GET_INFO:
-+ ret = get_info(user, len);
-+ break;
-- if (*len < sizeof(get)) {
-- duprintf("get_entries: %u < %u\n", *len, sizeof(get));
-- ret = -EINVAL;
-- } else if (copy_from_user(&get, user, sizeof(get)) != 0) {
-- ret = -EFAULT;
-- } else if (*len != sizeof(struct ipt_get_entries) + get.size) {
-- duprintf("get_entries: %u != %u\n", *len,
-- sizeof(struct ipt_get_entries) + get.size);
-- ret = -EINVAL;
-- } else
-- ret = get_entries(&get, user);
-+ ret = get_entries(user, len);
- break;
-- }
- default:
- duprintf("do_ipt_get_ctl: unknown request %i\n", cmd);
-@@ -1325,7 +2434,7 @@ ipt_register_target(struct ipt_target *t
- if (ret != 0)
- return ret;
-- if (!list_named_insert(&ipt_target, target)) {
-+ if (!list_named_insert(&ve_ipt_target, target)) {
- duprintf("ipt_register_target: `%s' already in list!\n",
- target->name);
- ret = -EINVAL;
-@@ -1334,12 +2443,60 @@ ipt_register_target(struct ipt_target *t
- return ret;
- }
-+visible_ipt_register_target(struct ipt_target *target)
-+ int ret;
-+ struct module *mod = target->me;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ struct ipt_target *tmp;
-+ __module_get(mod);
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ tmp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ipt_target), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!tmp)
-+ goto nomem;
-+ memcpy(tmp, target, sizeof(struct ipt_target));
-+ target = tmp;
-+ }
-+ ret = ipt_register_target(target);
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto out;
-+ return 0;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ kfree(target);
-+ module_put(mod);
-+ }
-+ return ret;
- void
- ipt_unregister_target(struct ipt_target *target)
- {
- down(&ipt_mutex);
-- LIST_DELETE(&ipt_target, target);
-+ LIST_DELETE(&ve_ipt_target, target);
-+ up(&ipt_mutex);
-+visible_ipt_unregister_target(struct ipt_target *target)
-+ down(&ipt_mutex);
-+ target = list_named_find(&ve_ipt_target, target->name);
- up(&ipt_mutex);
-+ if (!target)
-+ return;
-+ ipt_unregister_target(target);
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ module_put(target->me);
-+ kfree(target);
-+ }
- }
- int
-@@ -1351,13 +2508,43 @@ ipt_register_match(struct ipt_match *mat
- if (ret != 0)
- return ret;
-- if (!list_named_insert(&ipt_match, match)) {
-+ if (!list_named_insert(&ve_ipt_match, match)) {
- duprintf("ipt_register_match: `%s' already in list!\n",
- match->name);
- ret = -EINVAL;
- }
- up(&ipt_mutex);
-+ return ret;
-+visible_ipt_register_match(struct ipt_match *match)
-+ int ret;
-+ struct module *mod = match->me;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ struct ipt_match *tmp;
-+ __module_get(mod);
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ tmp = kmalloc(sizeof(struct ipt_match), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!tmp)
-+ goto nomem;
-+ memcpy(tmp, match, sizeof(struct ipt_match));
-+ match = tmp;
-+ }
-+ ret = ipt_register_match(match);
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto out;
-+ return 0;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ kfree(match);
-+ module_put(mod);
-+ }
- return ret;
- }
-@@ -1365,7 +2552,38 @@ void
- ipt_unregister_match(struct ipt_match *match)
- {
- down(&ipt_mutex);
-- LIST_DELETE(&ipt_match, match);
-+ LIST_DELETE(&ve_ipt_match, match);
-+ up(&ipt_mutex);
-+visible_ipt_unregister_match(struct ipt_match *match)
-+ down(&ipt_mutex);
-+ match = list_named_find(&ve_ipt_match, match->name);
-+ up(&ipt_mutex);
-+ if (!match)
-+ return;
-+ ipt_unregister_match(match);
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env())) {
-+ module_put(match->me);
-+ kfree(match);
-+ }
-+void ipt_flush_table(struct ipt_table *table)
-+ if (table == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ down(&ipt_mutex);
-+ IPT_ENTRY_ITERATE(table->private->entries, table->private->size,
-+ cleanup_entry, NULL);
-+ if (table->private->number > table->private->initial_entries)
-+ module_put(table->me);
-+ table->private->size = 0;
- up(&ipt_mutex);
- }
-@@ -1373,13 +2591,12 @@ int ipt_register_table(struct ipt_table
- {
- int ret;
- struct ipt_table_info *newinfo;
-- static struct ipt_table_info bootstrap
-- = { 0, 0, 0, { 0 }, { 0 }, { } };
-- newinfo = vmalloc(sizeof(struct ipt_table_info)
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ newinfo = ipt_table_info_alloc(sizeof(struct ipt_table_info)
- + SMP_ALIGN(table->table->size) * NR_CPUS);
- if (!newinfo)
-- return -ENOMEM;
-+ goto out;
- memcpy(newinfo->entries, table->table->entries, table->table->size);
-@@ -1388,56 +2605,58 @@ int ipt_register_table(struct ipt_table
- table->table->num_entries,
- table->table->hook_entry,
- table->table->underflow);
-- if (ret != 0) {
-- vfree(newinfo);
-- return ret;
-- }
-+ if (ret != 0)
-+ goto out_free;
- ret = down_interruptible(&ipt_mutex);
-- if (ret != 0) {
-- vfree(newinfo);
-- return ret;
-- }
-+ if (ret != 0)
-+ goto out_free;
- /* Don't autoload: we'd eat our tail... */
-- if (list_named_find(&ipt_tables, table->name)) {
-- ret = -EEXIST;
-- goto free_unlock;
-- }
-+ ret = -EEXIST;
-+ if (list_named_find(&ve_ipt_tables, table->name))
-+ goto out_free_unlock;
-- /* Simplifies replace_table code. */
-- table->private = &bootstrap;
-- if (!replace_table(table, 0, newinfo, &ret))
-- goto free_unlock;
-+ table->lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-+ ret = setup_table(table, newinfo);
-+ if (ret)
-+ goto out_free_unlock;
- duprintf("table->private->number = %u\n",
- table->private->number);
- /* save number of initial entries */
- table->private->initial_entries = table->private->number;
-- table->lock = RW_LOCK_UNLOCKED;
-- list_prepend(&ipt_tables, table);
-+ list_prepend(&ve_ipt_tables, table);
-- unlock:
- up(&ipt_mutex);
-- return ret;
-+ return 0;
-- free_unlock:
-- vfree(newinfo);
-- goto unlock;
-+ up(&ipt_mutex);
-+ ipt_table_info_free(newinfo);
-+ return ret;
- }
- void ipt_unregister_table(struct ipt_table *table)
- {
- down(&ipt_mutex);
-- LIST_DELETE(&ipt_tables, table);
-+ LIST_DELETE(&ve_ipt_tables, table);
- up(&ipt_mutex);
-+ /* size to uncharge taken from ipt_register_table */
-+ uncharge_iptables(ipt_table_info_ub(table->private),
-+ table->private->number);
- /* Decrease module usage counts and free resources */
- IPT_ENTRY_ITERATE(table->private->entries, table->private->size,
- cleanup_entry, NULL);
-- vfree(table->private);
-+ ipt_table_info_free(table->private);
- }
- /* Returns 1 if the port is matched by the range, 0 otherwise */
-@@ -1604,8 +2823,8 @@ udp_checkentry(const char *tablename,
- return 0;
- }
- if (matchinfosize != IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_udp))) {
-- duprintf("ipt_udp: matchsize %u != %u\n",
-- matchinfosize, IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_udp)));
-+ duprintf("ipt_udp: matchsize %u != %u\n", matchinfosize,
-+ (unsigned int)IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_udp)));
- return 0;
- }
- if (udpinfo->invflags & ~IPT_UDP_INV_MASK) {
-@@ -1677,6 +2896,9 @@ icmp_checkentry(const char *tablename,
- /* The built-in targets: standard (NULL) and error. */
- static struct ipt_target ipt_standard_target = {
-+ .compat = &compat_ipt_standard_fn,
- };
- static struct ipt_target ipt_error_target = {
-@@ -1698,18 +2920,27 @@ static struct ipt_match tcp_matchstruct
- .name = "tcp",
- .match = &tcp_match,
- .checkentry = &tcp_checkentry,
-+ .compat = &tcp_compat,
- };
- static struct ipt_match udp_matchstruct = {
- .name = "udp",
- .match = &udp_match,
- .checkentry = &udp_checkentry,
-+ .compat = &udp_compat,
- };
- static struct ipt_match icmp_matchstruct = {
- .name = "icmp",
- .match = &icmp_match,
- .checkentry = &icmp_checkentry,
-+ .compat = &icmp_compat,
- };
-@@ -1735,7 +2966,7 @@ static inline int print_target(const str
- off_t start_offset, char *buffer, int length,
- off_t *pos, unsigned int *count)
- {
-- if (t == &ipt_standard_target || t == &ipt_error_target)
-+ if (t == &ve_ipt_standard_target || t == &ve_ipt_error_target)
- return 0;
- return print_name((char *)t, start_offset, buffer, length, pos, count);
- }
-@@ -1745,10 +2976,16 @@ static int ipt_get_tables(char *buffer,
- off_t pos = 0;
- unsigned int count = 0;
-+ /* if we don't initialized for current VE exiting */
-+ if (&ve_ipt_standard_target == NULL)
-+ return 0;
- if (down_interruptible(&ipt_mutex) != 0)
- return 0;
-- LIST_FIND(&ipt_tables, print_name, void *,
-+ LIST_FIND(&ve_ipt_tables, print_name, void *,
- offset, buffer, length, &pos, &count);
- up(&ipt_mutex);
-@@ -1763,10 +3000,15 @@ static int ipt_get_targets(char *buffer,
- off_t pos = 0;
- unsigned int count = 0;
-+ /* if we don't initialized for current VE exiting */
-+ if (&ve_ipt_standard_target == NULL)
-+ return 0;
- if (down_interruptible(&ipt_mutex) != 0)
- return 0;
-- LIST_FIND(&ipt_target, print_target, struct ipt_target *,
-+ LIST_FIND(&ve_ipt_target, print_target, struct ipt_target *,
- offset, buffer, length, &pos, &count);
- up(&ipt_mutex);
-@@ -1780,10 +3022,15 @@ static int ipt_get_matches(char *buffer,
- off_t pos = 0;
- unsigned int count = 0;
-+ /* if we don't initialized for current VE exiting */
-+ if (&ve_ipt_standard_target == NULL)
-+ return 0;
- if (down_interruptible(&ipt_mutex) != 0)
- return 0;
-- LIST_FIND(&ipt_match, print_name, void *,
-+ LIST_FIND(&ve_ipt_match, print_name, void *,
- offset, buffer, length, &pos, &count);
- up(&ipt_mutex);
-@@ -1799,6 +3046,7 @@ static struct { char *name; get_info_t *
- { NULL, NULL} };
- #endif /*CONFIG_PROC_FS*/
-+void fini_iptables(void);
- static int __init init(void)
- {
- int ret;
-@@ -1839,11 +3087,132 @@ static int __init init(void)
- #endif
- printk("ip_tables: (C) 2000-2002 Netfilter core team\n");
-+#if defined(CONFIG_VE_IPTABLES)
-+ /* init ve0 */
-+ ret = init_iptables();
-+ if (ret == 0) {
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptables);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptables);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(ipt_flush_table);
-+ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ip_tables);
-+ }
-+ ret = 0;
-+ return ret;
-+/* alloc helper */
-+#define ALLOC_ENVF(field,label) \
-+ if ( !(envid->field = kmalloc(sizeof(*(envid->field)), GFP_KERNEL)) ) \
-+ goto label;
-+int init_iptables(void)
-+ struct ve_struct *envid;
-+ envid = get_exec_env();
-+ if (ve_is_super(envid)) {
-+ envid->_ipt_target = &ipt_target;
-+ envid->_ipt_match = &ipt_match;
-+ envid->_ipt_tables = &ipt_tables;
-+ envid->_ipt_standard_target = &ipt_standard_target;
-+ envid->_ipt_error_target = &ipt_error_target;
-+ envid->_tcp_matchstruct = &tcp_matchstruct;
-+ envid->_udp_matchstruct = &udp_matchstruct;
-+ envid->_icmp_matchstruct = &icmp_matchstruct;
-+ } else {
-+ /* allocate structures in ve_struct */
-+ ALLOC_ENVF(_ipt_target,nomem0);
-+ ALLOC_ENVF(_ipt_match,nomem1);
-+ ALLOC_ENVF(_ipt_tables,nomem2);
-+ ALLOC_ENVF(_ipt_standard_target,nomem3);
-+ ALLOC_ENVF(_ipt_error_target,nomem4);
-+ ALLOC_ENVF(_tcp_matchstruct,nomem5);
-+ ALLOC_ENVF(_udp_matchstruct,nomem6);
-+ ALLOC_ENVF(_icmp_matchstruct,nomem7);
-+ /* FIXME: charge ubc */
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(envid->_ipt_target);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(envid->_ipt_match);
-+ INIT_LIST_HEAD(envid->_ipt_tables);
-+ memcpy(envid->_ipt_standard_target, &ipt_standard_target,
-+ sizeof(ipt_standard_target));
-+ memcpy(envid->_ipt_error_target, &ipt_error_target,
-+ sizeof(ipt_error_target));
-+ memcpy(envid->_tcp_matchstruct, &tcp_matchstruct,
-+ sizeof(tcp_matchstruct));
-+ memcpy(envid->_udp_matchstruct, &udp_matchstruct,
-+ sizeof(udp_matchstruct));
-+ memcpy(envid->_icmp_matchstruct, &icmp_matchstruct,
-+ sizeof(icmp_matchstruct));
-+ down(&ipt_mutex);
-+ list_append(envid->_ipt_target, envid->_ipt_standard_target);
-+ list_append(envid->_ipt_target, envid->_ipt_error_target);
-+ list_append(envid->_ipt_match, envid->_tcp_matchstruct);
-+ list_append(envid->_ipt_match, envid->_udp_matchstruct);
-+ list_append(envid->_ipt_match, envid->_icmp_matchstruct);
-+ up(&ipt_mutex);
-+ }
- return 0;
-+ kfree(envid->_udp_matchstruct); envid->_udp_matchstruct = NULL;
-+ kfree(envid->_tcp_matchstruct); envid->_tcp_matchstruct = NULL;
-+ kfree(envid->_ipt_error_target); envid->_ipt_error_target = NULL;
-+ kfree(envid->_ipt_standard_target); envid->_ipt_standard_target = NULL;
-+ kfree(envid->_ipt_tables); envid->_ipt_tables = NULL;
-+ kfree(envid->_ipt_match); envid->_ipt_match = NULL;
-+ kfree(envid->_ipt_target); envid->_ipt_target = NULL;
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+void fini_iptables(void)
-+ /* some cleanup */
-+ struct ve_struct *envid = get_exec_env();
-+ if (envid->_ipt_tables != NULL && !ve_is_super(envid)) {
-+ kfree(envid->_ipt_tables);
-+ kfree(envid->_ipt_target);
-+ kfree(envid->_ipt_match);
-+ kfree(envid->_ipt_standard_target);
-+ kfree(envid->_ipt_error_target);
-+ kfree(envid->_tcp_matchstruct);
-+ kfree(envid->_udp_matchstruct);
-+ kfree(envid->_icmp_matchstruct);
-+ }
-+ envid->_ipt_tables = NULL;
-+ envid->_ipt_target = NULL;
-+ envid->_ipt_match = NULL;
-+ envid->_ipt_standard_target = NULL;
-+ envid->_ipt_error_target = NULL;
-+ envid->_tcp_matchstruct = NULL;
-+ envid->_udp_matchstruct = NULL;
-+ envid->_icmp_matchstruct = NULL;
- }
- static void __exit fini(void)
- {
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptables);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptables);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(ipt_flush_table);
- nf_unregister_sockopt(&ipt_sockopts);
- {
-@@ -1852,16 +3221,28 @@ static void __exit fini(void)
- proc_net_remove(ipt_proc_entry[i].name);
- }
- #endif
-+ fini_iptables();
- }
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ipt_register_table);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ipt_unregister_table);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ipt_register_match);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ipt_unregister_match);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ipt_do_table);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ipt_register_target);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ipt_unregister_target);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ipt_find_target_lock);
- module_exit(fini);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:46.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ checkentry(const char *tablename,
- unsigned int hook_mask)
- {
- if (targinfosize != IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_classify_target_info))){
-- printk(KERN_ERR "CLASSIFY: invalid size (%u != %Zu).\n",
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_ERR
-+ "CLASSIFY: invalid size (%u != %Zu).\n",
- targinfosize,
- IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_classify_target_info)));
- return 0;
-@@ -56,13 +57,14 @@ checkentry(const char *tablename,
- if (hook_mask & ~((1 << NF_IP_LOCAL_OUT) | (1 << NF_IP_FORWARD) |
- (1 << NF_IP_POST_ROUTING))) {
-- printk(KERN_ERR "CLASSIFY: only valid in LOCAL_OUT, FORWARD "
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_ERR
-+ "CLASSIFY: only valid in LOCAL_OUT, FORWARD "
- "and POST_ROUTING.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(tablename, "mangle") != 0) {
-- printk(KERN_ERR "CLASSIFY: can only be called from "
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_ERR "CLASSIFY: can only be called from "
- "\"mangle\" table, not \"%s\".\n",
- tablename);
- return 0;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
- #include <net/udp.h>
- #include <net/tcp.h>
- #include <net/route.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
-@@ -48,32 +49,32 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
- struct iphdr iph;
- if (skb_copy_bits(skb, iphoff, &iph, sizeof(iph)) < 0) {
-- printk("TRUNCATED");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "TRUNCATED");
- return;
- }
- /* Important fields:
- * TOS, len, DF/MF, fragment offset, TTL, src, dst, options. */
- /* Max length: 40 "SRC= DST= " */
-- printk("SRC=%u.%u.%u.%u DST=%u.%u.%u.%u ",
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "SRC=%u.%u.%u.%u DST=%u.%u.%u.%u ",
- NIPQUAD(iph.saddr), NIPQUAD(iph.daddr));
- /* Max length: 46 "LEN=65535 TOS=0xFF PREC=0xFF TTL=255 ID=65535 " */
-- printk("LEN=%u TOS=0x%02X PREC=0x%02X TTL=%u ID=%u ",
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "LEN=%u TOS=0x%02X PREC=0x%02X TTL=%u ID=%u ",
- ntohs(iph.tot_len), iph.tos & IPTOS_TOS_MASK,
- iph.tos & IPTOS_PREC_MASK, iph.ttl, ntohs(;
- /* Max length: 6 "CE DF MF " */
- if (ntohs(iph.frag_off) & IP_CE)
-- printk("CE ");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "CE ");
- if (ntohs(iph.frag_off) & IP_DF)
-- printk("DF ");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "DF ");
- if (ntohs(iph.frag_off) & IP_MF)
-- printk("MF ");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "MF ");
- /* Max length: 11 "FRAG:65535 " */
- if (ntohs(iph.frag_off) & IP_OFFSET)
-- printk("FRAG:%u ", ntohs(iph.frag_off) & IP_OFFSET);
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "FRAG:%u ", ntohs(iph.frag_off) & IP_OFFSET);
- if ((info->logflags & IPT_LOG_IPOPT)
- && iph.ihl * 4 > sizeof(struct iphdr)) {
-@@ -82,15 +83,15 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
- optsize = iph.ihl * 4 - sizeof(struct iphdr);
- if (skb_copy_bits(skb, iphoff+sizeof(iph), opt, optsize) < 0) {
-- printk("TRUNCATED");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "TRUNCATED");
- return;
- }
- /* Max length: 127 "OPT (" 15*4*2chars ") " */
-- printk("OPT (");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "OPT (");
- for (i = 0; i < optsize; i++)
-- printk("%02X", opt[i]);
-- printk(") ");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "%02X", opt[i]);
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, ") ");
- }
- switch (iph.protocol) {
-@@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
- struct tcphdr tcph;
- /* Max length: 10 "PROTO=TCP " */
-- printk("PROTO=TCP ");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "PROTO=TCP ");
- if (ntohs(iph.frag_off) & IP_OFFSET)
- break;
-@@ -106,41 +107,41 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
- /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */
- if (skb_copy_bits(skb, iphoff+iph.ihl*4, &tcph, sizeof(tcph))
- < 0) {
-- printk("INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
- skb->len - iphoff - iph.ihl*4);
- break;
- }
- /* Max length: 20 "SPT=65535 DPT=65535 " */
-- printk("SPT=%u DPT=%u ",
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "SPT=%u DPT=%u ",
- ntohs(tcph.source), ntohs(tcph.dest));
- /* Max length: 30 "SEQ=4294967295 ACK=4294967295 " */
- if (info->logflags & IPT_LOG_TCPSEQ)
-- printk("SEQ=%u ACK=%u ",
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "SEQ=%u ACK=%u ",
- ntohl(tcph.seq), ntohl(tcph.ack_seq));
- /* Max length: 13 "WINDOW=65535 " */
-- printk("WINDOW=%u ", ntohs(tcph.window));
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "WINDOW=%u ", ntohs(tcph.window));
- /* Max length: 9 "RES=0x3F " */
-- printk("RES=0x%02x ", (u8)(ntohl(tcp_flag_word(&tcph) & TCP_RESERVED_BITS) >> 22));
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "RES=0x%02x ", (u8)(ntohl(tcp_flag_word(&tcph) & TCP_RESERVED_BITS) >> 22));
- /* Max length: 32 "CWR ECE URG ACK PSH RST SYN FIN " */
- if (tcph.cwr)
-- printk("CWR ");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "CWR ");
- if (tcph.ece)
-- printk("ECE ");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "ECE ");
- if (tcph.urg)
-- printk("URG ");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "URG ");
- if (tcph.ack)
-- printk("ACK ");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "ACK ");
- if (tcph.psh)
-- printk("PSH ");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "PSH ");
- if (tcph.rst)
-- printk("RST ");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "RST ");
- if (tcph.syn)
-- printk("SYN ");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "SYN ");
- if (tcph.fin)
-- printk("FIN ");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "FIN ");
- /* Max length: 11 "URGP=65535 " */
-- printk("URGP=%u ", ntohs(tcph.urg_ptr));
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "URGP=%u ", ntohs(tcph.urg_ptr));
- if ((info->logflags & IPT_LOG_TCPOPT)
- && tcph.doff * 4 > sizeof(struct tcphdr)) {
-@@ -150,15 +151,15 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
- optsize = tcph.doff * 4 - sizeof(struct tcphdr);
- if (skb_copy_bits(skb, iphoff+iph.ihl*4 + sizeof(tcph),
- opt, optsize) < 0) {
-- printk("TRUNCATED");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "TRUNCATED");
- return;
- }
- /* Max length: 127 "OPT (" 15*4*2chars ") " */
-- printk("OPT (");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "OPT (");
- for (i = 0; i < optsize; i++)
-- printk("%02X", opt[i]);
-- printk(") ");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "%02X", opt[i]);
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, ") ");
- }
- break;
- }
-@@ -166,7 +167,7 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
- struct udphdr udph;
- /* Max length: 10 "PROTO=UDP " */
-- printk("PROTO=UDP ");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "PROTO=UDP ");
- if (ntohs(iph.frag_off) & IP_OFFSET)
- break;
-@@ -174,13 +175,13 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
- /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */
- if (skb_copy_bits(skb, iphoff+iph.ihl*4, &udph, sizeof(udph))
- < 0) {
-- printk("INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
- skb->len - iphoff - iph.ihl*4);
- break;
- }
- /* Max length: 20 "SPT=65535 DPT=65535 " */
-- printk("SPT=%u DPT=%u LEN=%u ",
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "SPT=%u DPT=%u LEN=%u ",
- ntohs(udph.source), ntohs(udph.dest),
- ntohs(udph.len));
- break;
-@@ -206,7 +207,7 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
- /* Max length: 11 "PROTO=ICMP " */
-- printk("PROTO=ICMP ");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "PROTO=ICMP ");
- if (ntohs(iph.frag_off) & IP_OFFSET)
- break;
-@@ -214,19 +215,19 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
- /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */
- if (skb_copy_bits(skb, iphoff+iph.ihl*4, &icmph, sizeof(icmph))
- < 0) {
-- printk("INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
- skb->len - iphoff - iph.ihl*4);
- break;
- }
- /* Max length: 18 "TYPE=255 CODE=255 " */
-- printk("TYPE=%u CODE=%u ", icmph.type, icmph.code);
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "TYPE=%u CODE=%u ", icmph.type, icmph.code);
- /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */
- if (icmph.type <= NR_ICMP_TYPES
- && required_len[icmph.type]
- && skb->len-iphoff-iph.ihl*4 < required_len[icmph.type]) {
-- printk("INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
- skb->len - iphoff - iph.ihl*4);
- break;
- }
-@@ -235,19 +236,19 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
- case ICMP_ECHO:
- /* Max length: 19 "ID=65535 SEQ=65535 " */
-- printk("ID=%u SEQ=%u ",
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "ID=%u SEQ=%u ",
- ntohs(,
- ntohs(icmph.un.echo.sequence));
- break;
- /* Max length: 14 "PARAMETER=255 " */
-- printk("PARAMETER=%u ",
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "PARAMETER=%u ",
- ntohl(icmph.un.gateway) >> 24);
- break;
- /* Max length: 24 "GATEWAY= " */
-- printk("GATEWAY=%u.%u.%u.%u ",
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "GATEWAY=%u.%u.%u.%u ",
- NIPQUAD(icmph.un.gateway));
- /* Fall through */
-@@ -255,16 +256,16 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
- /* Max length: 3+maxlen */
- if (!iphoff) { /* Only recurse once. */
-- printk("[");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "[");
- dump_packet(info, skb,
- iphoff + iph.ihl*4+sizeof(icmph));
-- printk("] ");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "] ");
- }
- /* Max length: 10 "MTU=65535 " */
- if (icmph.type == ICMP_DEST_UNREACH
- && icmph.code == ICMP_FRAG_NEEDED)
-- printk("MTU=%u ", ntohs(icmph.un.frag.mtu));
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "MTU=%u ", ntohs(icmph.un.frag.mtu));
- }
- break;
- }
-@@ -276,24 +277,24 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
- break;
- /* Max length: 9 "PROTO=AH " */
-- printk("PROTO=AH ");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "PROTO=AH ");
- /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */
- if (skb_copy_bits(skb, iphoff+iph.ihl*4, &ah, sizeof(ah)) < 0) {
-- printk("INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
- skb->len - iphoff - iph.ihl*4);
- break;
- }
- /* Length: 15 "SPI=0xF1234567 " */
-- printk("SPI=0x%x ", ntohl(ah.spi));
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "SPI=0x%x ", ntohl(ah.spi));
- break;
- }
- case IPPROTO_ESP: {
- struct ip_esp_hdr esph;
- /* Max length: 10 "PROTO=ESP " */
-- printk("PROTO=ESP ");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "PROTO=ESP ");
- if (ntohs(iph.frag_off) & IP_OFFSET)
- break;
-@@ -301,18 +302,18 @@ static void dump_packet(const struct ipt
- /* Max length: 25 "INCOMPLETE [65535 bytes] " */
- if (skb_copy_bits(skb, iphoff+iph.ihl*4, &esph, sizeof(esph))
- < 0) {
-- printk("INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "INCOMPLETE [%u bytes] ",
- skb->len - iphoff - iph.ihl*4);
- break;
- }
- /* Length: 15 "SPI=0xF1234567 " */
-- printk("SPI=0x%x ", ntohl(esph.spi));
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "SPI=0x%x ", ntohl(esph.spi));
- break;
- }
- /* Max length: 10 "PROTO 255 " */
- default:
-- printk("PROTO=%u ", iph.protocol);
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "PROTO=%u ", iph.protocol);
- }
- /* Proto Max log string length */
-@@ -339,8 +340,8 @@ ipt_log_packet(unsigned int hooknum,
- const char *prefix)
- {
- spin_lock_bh(&log_lock);
-- printk(level_string);
-- printk("%sIN=%s OUT=%s ",
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, level_string);
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "%sIN=%s OUT=%s ",
- prefix == NULL ? loginfo->prefix : prefix,
- in ? in->name : "",
- out ? out->name : "");
-@@ -350,29 +351,29 @@ ipt_log_packet(unsigned int hooknum,
- struct net_device *physoutdev = skb->nf_bridge->physoutdev;
- if (physindev && in != physindev)
-- printk("PHYSIN=%s ", physindev->name);
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "PHYSIN=%s ", physindev->name);
- if (physoutdev && out != physoutdev)
-- printk("PHYSOUT=%s ", physoutdev->name);
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "PHYSOUT=%s ", physoutdev->name);
- }
- #endif
- if (in && !out) {
- /* MAC logging for input chain only. */
-- printk("MAC=");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "MAC=");
- if (skb->dev && skb->dev->hard_header_len
- && skb->mac.raw != (void*)skb->nh.iph) {
- int i;
- unsigned char *p = skb->mac.raw;
- for (i = 0; i < skb->dev->hard_header_len; i++,p++)
-- printk("%02x%c", *p,
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "%02x%c", *p,
- i==skb->dev->hard_header_len - 1
- ? ' ':':');
- } else
-- printk(" ");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, " ");
- }
- dump_packet(loginfo, skb, 0);
-- printk("\n");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "\n");
- spin_unlock_bh(&log_lock);
- }
-@@ -437,28 +438,62 @@ static int ipt_log_checkentry(const char
- return 1;
- }
-+static int ipt_log_compat(void *target,
-+ void **dstptr, int *size, int convert)
-+ int off;
-+ off = IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_log_info)) -
-+ COMPAT_IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_log_info));
-+ return ipt_target_align_compat(target, dstptr, size, off, convert);
- static struct ipt_target ipt_log_reg = {
- .name = "LOG",
- .target = ipt_log_target,
- .checkentry = ipt_log_checkentry,
-+ .compat = ipt_log_compat,
- .me = THIS_MODULE,
- };
-+int init_iptable_LOG(void)
-+ return visible_ipt_register_target(&ipt_log_reg);
-+void fini_iptable_LOG(void)
-+ visible_ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_log_reg);
- static int __init init(void)
- {
-- if (ipt_register_target(&ipt_log_reg))
-- return -EINVAL;
-+ int err;
-+ err = init_iptable_LOG();
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ return err;
- if (nflog)
- nf_log_register(PF_INET, &ipt_logfn);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_LOG);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_LOG);
- return 0;
- }
- static void __exit fini(void)
- {
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_LOG);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_LOG);
- if (nflog)
- nf_log_unregister(PF_INET, &ipt_logfn);
-- ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_log_reg);
-+ fini_iptable_LOG();
- }
- module_init(init);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -44,14 +44,15 @@ checkentry(const char *tablename,
- unsigned int hook_mask)
- {
- if (targinfosize != IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_mark_target_info))) {
-- printk(KERN_WARNING "MARK: targinfosize %u != %Zu\n",
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_WARNING "MARK: targinfosize %u != %Zu\n",
- targinfosize,
- IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_mark_target_info)));
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(tablename, "mangle") != 0) {
-- printk(KERN_WARNING "MARK: can only be called from \"mangle\" table, not \"%s\"\n", tablename);
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_WARNING "MARK: can only be called from "
-+ "\"mangle\" table, not \"%s\"\n", tablename);
- return 0;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:34.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ masquerade_target(struct sk_buff **pskb,
- return ip_nat_setup_info(ct, &newrange, hooknum);
- }
-+#if 0
- static inline int
- device_cmp(const struct ip_conntrack *i, void *_ina)
- {
-@@ -173,6 +174,7 @@ static int masq_inet_event(struct notifi
- static struct notifier_block masq_inet_notifier = {
- .notifier_call = masq_inet_event,
- };
- static struct ipt_target masquerade = {
- .name = "MASQUERADE",
-@@ -187,9 +189,13 @@ static int __init init(void)
- ret = ipt_register_target(&masquerade);
-+#if 0
-+/* This notifier is unnecessary and may
-+ lead to oops in virtual environments */
- if (ret == 0)
- /* Register IP address change reports */
- register_inetaddr_notifier(&masq_inet_notifier);
- return ret;
- }
-@@ -197,7 +203,7 @@ static int __init init(void)
- static void __exit fini(void)
- {
- ipt_unregister_target(&masquerade);
-- unregister_inetaddr_notifier(&masq_inet_notifier);
-+/* unregister_inetaddr_notifier(&masq_inet_notifier); */
- }
- module_init(init);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
- #include <linux/inetdevice.h>
- #include <net/protocol.h>
- #include <net/checksum.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_nat_rule.h>
-@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ MODULE_AUTHOR("Netfilter Core Team <core
- MODULE_DESCRIPTION("iptables REDIRECT target module");
- #if 0
--#define DEBUGP printk
-+#define DEBUGP ve_printk
- #else
- #define DEBUGP(format, args...)
- #endif
-@@ -115,14 +116,36 @@ static struct ipt_target redirect_reg =
- .me = THIS_MODULE,
- };
-+int init_iptable_REDIRECT(void)
-+ return visible_ipt_register_target(&redirect_reg);
-+void fini_iptable_REDIRECT(void)
-+ visible_ipt_unregister_target(&redirect_reg);
- static int __init init(void)
- {
-- return ipt_register_target(&redirect_reg);
-+ int err;
-+ err = init_iptable_REDIRECT();
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ return err;
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_REDIRECT);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_REDIRECT);
-+ return 0;
- }
- static void __exit fini(void)
- {
-- ipt_unregister_target(&redirect_reg);
-+ fini_iptable_REDIRECT();
- }
- module_init(init);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
- #include <net/ip.h>
- #include <net/tcp.h>
- #include <net/route.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_REJECT.h>
-@@ -440,7 +441,7 @@ static int check(const char *tablename,
- }
- if (rejinfo->with == IPT_ICMP_ECHOREPLY) {
-- printk("REJECT: ECHOREPLY no longer supported.\n");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "REJECT: ECHOREPLY no longer supported.\n");
- return 0;
- } else if (rejinfo->with == IPT_TCP_RESET) {
- /* Must specify that it's a TCP packet */
-@@ -454,21 +455,58 @@ static int check(const char *tablename,
- return 1;
- }
-+static int compat(void *target,
-+ void **dstptr, int *size, int convert)
-+ int off;
-+ off = IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_reject_info)) -
-+ COMPAT_IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_reject_info));
-+ return ipt_target_align_compat(target, dstptr, size, off, convert);
- static struct ipt_target ipt_reject_reg = {
- .name = "REJECT",
- .target = reject,
- .checkentry = check,
-+ .compat = compat,
- .me = THIS_MODULE,
- };
-+int init_iptable_REJECT(void)
-+ return visible_ipt_register_target(&ipt_reject_reg);
-+void fini_iptable_REJECT(void)
-+ visible_ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_reject_reg);
- static int __init init(void)
- {
-- return ipt_register_target(&ipt_reject_reg);
-+ int err;
-+ err = init_iptable_REJECT();
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ return err;
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_REJECT);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_REJECT);
-+ return 0;
- }
- static void __exit fini(void)
- {
-- ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_reject_reg);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_REJECT);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_REJECT);
-+ fini_iptable_REJECT();
- }
- module_init(init);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
- #include <linux/ip.h>
- #include <net/tcp.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_TCPMSS.h>
-@@ -228,7 +229,8 @@ ipt_tcpmss_checkentry(const char *tablen
- ((hook_mask & ~((1 << NF_IP_FORWARD)
- | (1 << NF_IP_LOCAL_OUT)
- | (1 << NF_IP_POST_ROUTING))) != 0)) {
-- printk("TCPMSS: path-MTU clamping only supported in FORWARD, OUTPUT and POSTROUTING hooks\n");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "TCPMSS: path-MTU clamping only supported in "
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -237,25 +239,62 @@ ipt_tcpmss_checkentry(const char *tablen
- && IPT_MATCH_ITERATE(e, find_syn_match))
- return 1;
-- printk("TCPMSS: Only works on TCP SYN packets\n");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "TCPMSS: Only works on TCP SYN packets\n");
- return 0;
- }
-+static int ipt_tcpmss_compat(void *target,
-+ void **dstptr, int *size, int convert)
-+ int off;
-+ off = IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_tcpmss_info)) -
-+ COMPAT_IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_tcpmss_info));
-+ return ipt_target_align_compat(target, dstptr, size, off, convert);
- static struct ipt_target ipt_tcpmss_reg = {
- .name = "TCPMSS",
- .target = ipt_tcpmss_target,
- .checkentry = ipt_tcpmss_checkentry,
-+ .compat = ipt_tcpmss_compat,
- .me = THIS_MODULE,
- };
-+int init_iptable_TCPMSS(void)
-+ return visible_ipt_register_target(&ipt_tcpmss_reg);
-+void fini_iptable_TCPMSS(void)
-+ visible_ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_tcpmss_reg);
- static int __init init(void)
- {
-- return ipt_register_target(&ipt_tcpmss_reg);
-+ int err;
-+ err = init_iptable_TCPMSS();
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ return err;
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_TCPMSS);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_TCPMSS);
-+ return 0;
- }
- static void __exit fini(void)
- {
-- ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_tcpmss_reg);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_TCPMSS);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_TCPMSS);
-+ fini_iptable_TCPMSS();
- }
- module_init(init);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_TOS.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
- MODULE_AUTHOR("Netfilter Core Team <>");
-@@ -61,14 +62,15 @@ checkentry(const char *tablename,
- const u_int8_t tos = ((struct ipt_tos_target_info *)targinfo)->tos;
- if (targinfosize != IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_tos_target_info))) {
-- printk(KERN_WARNING "TOS: targinfosize %u != %Zu\n",
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_WARNING "TOS: targinfosize %u != %Zu\n",
- targinfosize,
- IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_tos_target_info)));
- return 0;
- }
- if (strcmp(tablename, "mangle") != 0) {
-- printk(KERN_WARNING "TOS: can only be called from \"mangle\" table, not \"%s\"\n", tablename);
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_WARNING "TOS: can only be called from "
-+ "\"mangle\" table, not \"%s\"\n", tablename);
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -77,28 +79,65 @@ checkentry(const char *tablename,
- && tos != IPTOS_MINCOST
- && tos != IPTOS_NORMALSVC) {
-- printk(KERN_WARNING "TOS: bad tos value %#x\n", tos);
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, KERN_WARNING "TOS: bad tos value %#x\n", tos);
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
-+static int compat(void *target,
-+ void **dstptr, int *size, int convert)
-+ int off;
-+ off = IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_tos_target_info)) -
-+ COMPAT_IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_tos_target_info));
-+ return ipt_target_align_compat(target, dstptr, size, off, convert);
- static struct ipt_target ipt_tos_reg = {
- .name = "TOS",
- .target = target,
- .checkentry = checkentry,
-+ .compat = compat,
- .me = THIS_MODULE,
- };
-+int init_iptable_TOS(void)
-+ return visible_ipt_register_target(&ipt_tos_reg);
-+void fini_iptable_TOS(void)
-+ visible_ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_tos_reg);
- static int __init init(void)
- {
-- return ipt_register_target(&ipt_tos_reg);
-+ int err;
-+ err = init_iptable_TOS();
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ return err;
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_TOS);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_TOS);
-+ return 0;
- }
- static void __exit fini(void)
- {
-- ipt_unregister_target(&ipt_tos_reg);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_TOS);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_TOS);
-+ fini_iptable_TOS();
- }
- module_init(init);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -129,6 +129,9 @@ static void ulog_send(unsigned int nlgro
- /* timer function to flush queue in ULOG_FLUSH_INTERVAL time */
- static void ulog_timer(unsigned long data)
- {
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+#error timer context should be evaluated
- DEBUGP("ipt_ULOG: timer function called, calling ulog_send\n");
- /* lock to protect against somebody modifying our structure
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:15.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_conntrack.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
- MODULE_AUTHOR("Marc Boucher <>");
-@@ -114,22 +115,146 @@ static int check(const char *tablename,
- return 1;
- }
-+static int compat_to_user(void *match, void **dstptr,
-+ int *size, int off)
-+ struct ipt_entry_match *pm;
-+ struct ipt_conntrack_info *pinfo;
-+ struct compat_ipt_conntrack_info info;
-+ u_int16_t msize;
-+ pm = (struct ipt_entry_match *)match;
-+ msize = pm->u.user.match_size;
-+ if (__copy_to_user(*dstptr, pm, sizeof(struct ipt_entry_match)))
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ pinfo = (struct ipt_conntrack_info *)pm->data;
-+ memset(&info, 0, sizeof(struct compat_ipt_conntrack_info));
-+ info.statemask = pinfo->statemask;
-+ info.statusmask = pinfo->statusmask;
-+ memcpy(info.tuple, pinfo->tuple, IP_CT_DIR_MAX *
-+ sizeof(struct ip_conntrack_tuple));
-+ memcpy(info.sipmsk, pinfo->sipmsk,
-+ IP_CT_DIR_MAX * sizeof(struct in_addr));
-+ memcpy(info.dipmsk, pinfo->dipmsk,
-+ IP_CT_DIR_MAX * sizeof(struct in_addr));
-+ info.expires_min = pinfo->expires_min;
-+ info.expires_max = pinfo->expires_max;
-+ info.flags = pinfo->flags;
-+ info.invflags = pinfo->invflags;
-+ if (__copy_to_user(*dstptr + sizeof(struct ipt_entry_match),
-+ &info, sizeof(struct compat_ipt_conntrack_info)))
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ msize -= off;
-+ if (put_user(msize, (u_int16_t *)*dstptr))
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ *size -= off;
-+ *dstptr += msize;
-+ return 0;
-+static int compat_from_user(void *match, void **dstptr,
-+ int *size, int off)
-+ struct compat_ipt_entry_match *pm;
-+ struct ipt_entry_match *dstpm;
-+ struct compat_ipt_conntrack_info *pinfo;
-+ struct ipt_conntrack_info info;
-+ u_int16_t msize;
-+ pm = (struct compat_ipt_entry_match *)match;
-+ dstpm = (struct ipt_entry_match *)*dstptr;
-+ msize = pm->u.user.match_size;
-+ memcpy(*dstptr, pm, sizeof(struct compat_ipt_entry_match));
-+ pinfo = (struct compat_ipt_conntrack_info *)pm->data;
-+ memset(&info, 0, sizeof(struct ipt_conntrack_info));
-+ info.statemask = pinfo->statemask;
-+ info.statusmask = pinfo->statusmask;
-+ memcpy(info.tuple, pinfo->tuple, IP_CT_DIR_MAX *
-+ sizeof(struct ip_conntrack_tuple));
-+ memcpy(info.sipmsk, pinfo->sipmsk,
-+ IP_CT_DIR_MAX * sizeof(struct in_addr));
-+ memcpy(info.dipmsk, pinfo->dipmsk,
-+ IP_CT_DIR_MAX * sizeof(struct in_addr));
-+ info.expires_min = pinfo->expires_min;
-+ info.expires_max = pinfo->expires_max;
-+ info.flags = pinfo->flags;
-+ info.invflags = pinfo->invflags;
-+ memcpy(*dstptr + sizeof(struct compat_ipt_entry_match),
-+ &info, sizeof(struct ipt_conntrack_info));
-+ msize += off;
-+ dstpm->u.user.match_size = msize;
-+ *size += off;
-+ *dstptr += msize;
-+ return 0;
-+static int compat(void *match, void **dstptr, int *size, int convert)
-+ int ret, off;
-+ off = IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_conntrack_info)) -
-+ COMPAT_IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct compat_ipt_conntrack_info));
-+ switch (convert) {
-+ ret = compat_to_user(match, dstptr, size, off);
-+ break;
-+ ret = compat_from_user(match, dstptr, size, off);
-+ break;
-+ *size += off;
-+ ret = 0;
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ ret = -ENOPROTOOPT;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ return ret;
- static struct ipt_match conntrack_match = {
- .name = "conntrack",
- .match = &match,
- .checkentry = &check,
-+ .compat = &compat,
- .me = THIS_MODULE,
- };
-+int init_iptable_conntrack_match(void)
-+ return visible_ipt_register_match(&conntrack_match);
-+void fini_iptable_conntrack_match(void)
-+ visible_ipt_unregister_match(&conntrack_match);
- static int __init init(void)
- {
-+ int err;
- need_ip_conntrack();
-- return ipt_register_match(&conntrack_match);
-+ err = init_iptable_conntrack_match();
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ return err;
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_conntrack_match);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_conntrack_match);
-+ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ipt_conntrack);
-+ return 0;
- }
- static void __exit fini(void)
- {
-- ipt_unregister_match(&conntrack_match);
-+ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(ipt_conntrack);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_conntrack_match);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_conntrack_match);
-+ fini_iptable_conntrack_match();
- }
- module_init(init);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:26.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack_helper.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_helper.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
- MODULE_AUTHOR("Martin Josefsson <>");
-@@ -98,21 +99,125 @@ static int check(const char *tablename,
- return 1;
- }
-+static int compat_to_user(void *match, void **dstptr,
-+ int *size, int off)
-+ struct ipt_entry_match *pm;
-+ struct ipt_helper_info *pinfo;
-+ struct compat_ipt_helper_info info;
-+ u_int16_t msize;
-+ pm = (struct ipt_entry_match *)match;
-+ msize = pm->u.user.match_size;
-+ if (__copy_to_user(*dstptr, pm, sizeof(struct ipt_entry_match)))
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ pinfo = (struct ipt_helper_info *)pm->data;
-+ memset(&info, 0, sizeof(struct compat_ipt_helper_info));
-+ info.invert = pinfo->invert;
-+ memcpy(, pinfo->name, 30);
-+ if (__copy_to_user(*dstptr + sizeof(struct ipt_entry_match),
-+ &info, sizeof(struct compat_ipt_helper_info)))
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ msize -= off;
-+ if (put_user(msize, (u_int16_t *)*dstptr))
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ *size -= off;
-+ *dstptr += msize;
-+ return 0;
-+static int compat_from_user(void *match, void **dstptr,
-+ int *size, int off)
-+ struct compat_ipt_entry_match *pm;
-+ struct ipt_entry_match *dstpm;
-+ struct compat_ipt_helper_info *pinfo;
-+ struct ipt_helper_info info;
-+ u_int16_t msize;
-+ pm = (struct compat_ipt_entry_match *)match;
-+ dstpm = (struct ipt_entry_match *)*dstptr;
-+ msize = pm->u.user.match_size;
-+ memcpy(*dstptr, pm, sizeof(struct compat_ipt_entry_match));
-+ pinfo = (struct compat_ipt_helper_info *)pm->data;
-+ memset(&info, 0, sizeof(struct ipt_helper_info));
-+ info.invert = pinfo->invert;
-+ memcpy(, pinfo->name, 30);
-+ memcpy(*dstptr + sizeof(struct compat_ipt_entry_match),
-+ &info, sizeof(struct ipt_helper_info));
-+ msize += off;
-+ dstpm->u.user.match_size = msize;
-+ *size += off;
-+ *dstptr += msize;
-+ return 0;
-+static int compat(void *match, void **dstptr, int *size, int convert)
-+ int ret, off;
-+ off = IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_helper_info)) -
-+ COMPAT_IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct compat_ipt_helper_info));
-+ switch (convert) {
-+ ret = compat_to_user(match, dstptr, size, off);
-+ break;
-+ ret = compat_from_user(match, dstptr, size, off);
-+ break;
-+ *size += off;
-+ ret = 0;
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ ret = -ENOPROTOOPT;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ return ret;
- static struct ipt_match helper_match = {
- .name = "helper",
- .match = &match,
- .checkentry = &check,
-+ .compat = &compat,
- .me = THIS_MODULE,
- };
-+int init_iptable_helper(void)
-+ return visible_ipt_register_match(&helper_match);
-+void fini_iptable_helper(void)
-+ visible_ipt_unregister_match(&helper_match);
- static int __init init(void)
- {
-- return ipt_register_match(&helper_match);
-+ int err;
-+ err = init_iptable_helper();
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ return err;
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_helper);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_helper);
-+ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ipt_helper);
-+ return 0;
- }
- static void __exit fini(void)
- {
-- ipt_unregister_match(&helper_match);
-+ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(ipt_helper);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_helper);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_helper);
-+ fini_iptable_helper();
- }
- module_init(init);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/skbuff.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_length.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
-@@ -43,21 +44,58 @@ checkentry(const char *tablename,
- return 1;
- }
-+static int compat(void *match,
-+ void **dstptr, int *size, int convert)
-+ int off;
-+ off = IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_length_info)) -
-+ COMPAT_IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_length_info));
-+ return ipt_match_align_compat(match, dstptr, size, off, convert);
- static struct ipt_match length_match = {
- .name = "length",
- .match = &match,
- .checkentry = &checkentry,
-+ .compat = &compat,
- .me = THIS_MODULE,
- };
-+int init_iptable_length(void)
-+ return visible_ipt_register_match(&length_match);
-+void fini_iptable_length(void)
-+ visible_ipt_unregister_match(&length_match);
- static int __init init(void)
- {
-- return ipt_register_match(&length_match);
-+ int err;
-+ err = init_iptable_length();
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ return err;
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_length);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_length);
-+ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ipt_length);
-+ return 0;
- }
- static void __exit fini(void)
- {
-- ipt_unregister_match(&length_match);
-+ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(ipt_length);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_length);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_length);
-+ fini_iptable_length();
- }
- module_init(init);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
- #include <linux/skbuff.h>
- #include <linux/spinlock.h>
- #include <linux/interrupt.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_limit.h>
-@@ -25,6 +26,13 @@ MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");
- MODULE_AUTHOR("Herve Eychenne <>");
- MODULE_DESCRIPTION("iptables rate limit match");
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#define ve_ipt_limit_reg (*(get_exec_env()->_ipt_limit_reg))
-+#define ve_ipt_limit_reg ipt_limit_reg
- /* The algorithm used is the Simple Token Bucket Filter (TBF)
- * see net/sched/sch_tbf.c in the linux source tree
- */
-@@ -116,7 +124,7 @@ ipt_limit_checkentry(const char *tablena
- /* Check for overflow. */
- if (r->burst == 0
- || user2credits(r->avg * r->burst) < user2credits(r->avg)) {
-- printk("Overflow in ipt_limit, try lower: %u/%u\n",
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "Overflow in ipt_limit, try lower: %u/%u\n",
- r->avg, r->burst);
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -134,23 +142,128 @@ ipt_limit_checkentry(const char *tablena
- return 1;
- }
-+static int ipt_limit_compat_to_user(void *match, void **dstptr,
-+ int *size, int off)
-+ struct ipt_entry_match *pm;
-+ struct ipt_rateinfo *pinfo;
-+ struct compat_ipt_rateinfo rinfo;
-+ u_int16_t msize;
-+ pm = (struct ipt_entry_match *)match;
-+ msize = pm->u.user.match_size;
-+ if (__copy_to_user(*dstptr, pm, sizeof(struct ipt_entry_match)))
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ pinfo = (struct ipt_rateinfo *)pm->data;
-+ memset(&rinfo, 0, sizeof(struct compat_ipt_rateinfo));
-+ rinfo.avg = pinfo->avg;
-+ rinfo.burst = pinfo->burst;
-+ if (__copy_to_user(*dstptr + sizeof(struct ipt_entry_match),
-+ &rinfo, sizeof(struct compat_ipt_rateinfo)))
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ msize -= off;
-+ if (put_user(msize, (u_int16_t *)*dstptr))
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ *size -= off;
-+ *dstptr += msize;
-+ return 0;
-+static int ipt_limit_compat_from_user(void *match, void **dstptr,
-+ int *size, int off)
-+ struct compat_ipt_entry_match *pm;
-+ struct ipt_entry_match *dstpm;
-+ struct compat_ipt_rateinfo *pinfo;
-+ struct ipt_rateinfo rinfo;
-+ u_int16_t msize;
-+ pm = (struct compat_ipt_entry_match *)match;
-+ dstpm = (struct ipt_entry_match *)*dstptr;
-+ msize = pm->u.user.match_size;
-+ memcpy(*dstptr, pm, sizeof(struct compat_ipt_entry_match));
-+ pinfo = (struct compat_ipt_rateinfo *)pm->data;
-+ memset(&rinfo, 0, sizeof(struct ipt_rateinfo));
-+ rinfo.avg = pinfo->avg;
-+ rinfo.burst = pinfo->burst;
-+ memcpy(*dstptr + sizeof(struct compat_ipt_entry_match),
-+ &rinfo, sizeof(struct ipt_rateinfo));
-+ msize += off;
-+ dstpm->u.user.match_size = msize;
-+ *size += off;
-+ *dstptr += msize;
-+ return 0;
-+static int ipt_limit_compat(void *match, void **dstptr,
-+ int *size, int convert)
-+ int ret, off;
-+ off = IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_rateinfo)) -
-+ COMPAT_IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct compat_ipt_rateinfo));
-+ switch (convert) {
-+ ret = ipt_limit_compat_to_user(match,
-+ dstptr, size, off);
-+ break;
-+ ret = ipt_limit_compat_from_user(match,
-+ dstptr, size, off);
-+ break;
-+ *size += off;
-+ ret = 0;
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ ret = -ENOPROTOOPT;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ return ret;
- static struct ipt_match ipt_limit_reg = {
- .name = "limit",
- .match = ipt_limit_match,
- .checkentry = ipt_limit_checkentry,
-+ .compat = ipt_limit_compat,
- .me = THIS_MODULE,
- };
-+int init_iptable_limit(void)
-+ return visible_ipt_register_match(&ipt_limit_reg);
-+void fini_iptable_limit(void)
-+ visible_ipt_unregister_match(&ipt_limit_reg);
- static int __init init(void)
- {
-- if (ipt_register_match(&ipt_limit_reg))
-- return -EINVAL;
-+ int err;
-+ err = init_iptable_limit();
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ return err;
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_limit);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_limit);
-+ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ipt_limit);
- return 0;
- }
- static void __exit fini(void)
- {
-- ipt_unregister_match(&ipt_limit_reg);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_limit);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_limit);
-+ fini_iptable_limit();
- }
- module_init(init);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ ipt_mac_checkentry(const char *tablename
- if (hook_mask
- & ~((1 << NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING) | (1 << NF_IP_LOCAL_IN)
- | (1 << NF_IP_FORWARD))) {
-- printk("ipt_mac: only valid for PRE_ROUTING, LOCAL_IN or FORWARD.\n");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "ipt_mac: only valid for PRE_ROUTING, "
-+ "LOCAL_IN or FORWARD.\n");
- return 0;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
- #include <linux/types.h>
- #include <linux/udp.h>
- #include <linux/skbuff.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_multiport.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
-@@ -21,6 +22,13 @@ MODULE_LICENSE("GPL");
- MODULE_AUTHOR("Netfilter Core Team <>");
- MODULE_DESCRIPTION("iptables multiple port match module");
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#define ve_multiport_match (*(get_exec_env()->_multiport_match))
-+#define ve_multiport_match multiport_match
- #if 0
- #define duprintf(format, args...) printk(format , ## args)
- #else
-@@ -100,21 +108,58 @@ checkentry(const char *tablename,
- && multiinfo->count <= IPT_MULTI_PORTS;
- }
-+static int compat(void *match,
-+ void **dstptr, int *size, int convert)
-+ int off;
-+ off = IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_multiport)) -
-+ COMPAT_IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_multiport));
-+ return ipt_match_align_compat(match, dstptr, size, off, convert);
- static struct ipt_match multiport_match = {
- .name = "multiport",
- .match = &match,
- .checkentry = &checkentry,
-+ .compat = &compat,
- .me = THIS_MODULE,
- };
-+int init_iptable_multiport(void)
-+ return visible_ipt_register_match(&multiport_match);
-+void fini_iptable_multiport(void)
-+ visible_ipt_unregister_match(&multiport_match);
- static int __init init(void)
- {
-- return ipt_register_match(&multiport_match);
-+ int err;
-+ err = init_iptable_multiport();
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ return err;
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_multiport);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_multiport);
-+ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ipt_multiport);
-+ return 0;
- }
- static void __exit fini(void)
- {
-- ipt_unregister_match(&multiport_match);
-+ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(ipt_multiport);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_multiport);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_multiport);
-+ fini_iptable_multiport();
- }
- module_init(init);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -23,12 +23,13 @@ MODULE_DESCRIPTION("iptables owner match
- static int
- match_comm(const struct sk_buff *skb, const char *comm)
- {
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
- struct task_struct *g, *p;
- struct files_struct *files;
- int i;
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- do_each_thread(g, p) {
-+ do_each_thread_ve(g, p) {
- if(strncmp(p->comm, comm, sizeof(p->comm)))
- continue;
-@@ -48,20 +49,22 @@ match_comm(const struct sk_buff *skb, co
- spin_unlock(&files->file_lock);
- }
- task_unlock(p);
-- } while_each_thread(g, p);
-+ } while_each_thread_ve(g, p);
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- match_pid(const struct sk_buff *skb, pid_t pid)
- {
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
- struct task_struct *p;
- struct files_struct *files;
- int i;
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- p = find_task_by_pid(pid);
-+ p = find_task_by_pid_ve(pid);
- if (!p)
- goto out;
- task_lock(p);
-@@ -82,18 +85,20 @@ match_pid(const struct sk_buff *skb, pid
- task_unlock(p);
- out:
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- match_sid(const struct sk_buff *skb, pid_t sid)
- {
-+#ifndef CONFIG_VE
- struct task_struct *g, *p;
- struct file *file = skb->sk->sk_socket->file;
- int i, found=0;
- read_lock(&tasklist_lock);
-- do_each_thread(g, p) {
-+ do_each_thread_ve(g, p) {
- struct files_struct *files;
- if (p->signal->session != sid)
- continue;
-@@ -113,11 +118,14 @@ match_sid(const struct sk_buff *skb, pid
- task_unlock(p);
- if (found)
- goto out;
-- } while_each_thread(g, p);
-+ } while_each_thread_ve(g, p);
- out:
- read_unlock(&tasklist_lock);
- return found;
-+ return 0;
- }
- static int
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:34.000000000 +0400
-@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ static int ip_recent_ctrl(struct file *f
- curr_table->table[count].last_seen = 0;
- curr_table->table[count].addr = 0;
- curr_table->table[count].ttl = 0;
-- memset(curr_table->table[count].last_pkts,0,ip_pkt_list_tot*sizeof(u_int32_t));
-+ memset(curr_table->table[count].last_pkts,0,ip_pkt_list_tot*sizeof(unsigned long));
- curr_table->table[count].oldest_pkt = 0;
- curr_table->table[count].time_pos = 0;
- curr_table->time_info[count].position = count;
-@@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ match(const struct sk_buff *skb,
- location = time_info[curr_table->time_pos].position;
- hash_table[r_list[location].hash_entry] = -1;
- hash_table[hash_result] = location;
-- memset(r_list[location].last_pkts,0,ip_pkt_list_tot*sizeof(u_int32_t));
-+ memset(r_list[location].last_pkts,0,ip_pkt_list_tot*sizeof(unsigned long));
- r_list[location].time_pos = curr_table->time_pos;
- r_list[location].addr = addr;
- r_list[location].ttl = ttl;
-@@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ match(const struct sk_buff *skb,
- r_list[location].last_seen = 0;
- r_list[location].addr = 0;
- r_list[location].ttl = 0;
-- memset(r_list[location].last_pkts,0,ip_pkt_list_tot*sizeof(u_int32_t));
-+ memset(r_list[location].last_pkts,0,ip_pkt_list_tot*sizeof(unsigned long));
- r_list[location].oldest_pkt = 0;
- ans = !info->invert;
- }
-@@ -733,10 +733,10 @@ checkentry(const char *tablename,
- memset(curr_table->table,0,sizeof(struct recent_ip_list)*ip_list_tot);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if(debug) printk(KERN_INFO RECENT_NAME ": checkentry: Allocating %d for pkt_list.\n",
-- sizeof(u_int32_t)*ip_pkt_list_tot*ip_list_tot);
-+ sizeof(unsigned long)*ip_pkt_list_tot*ip_list_tot);
- #endif
-- hold = vmalloc(sizeof(u_int32_t)*ip_pkt_list_tot*ip_list_tot);
-+ hold = vmalloc(sizeof(unsigned long)*ip_pkt_list_tot*ip_list_tot);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if(debug) printk(KERN_INFO RECENT_NAME ": checkentry: After pkt_list allocation.\n");
- #endif
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/skbuff.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_conntrack.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_state.h>
-@@ -52,22 +53,124 @@ static int check(const char *tablename,
- return 1;
- }
-+static int compat_to_user(void *match, void **dstptr,
-+ int *size, int off)
-+ struct ipt_entry_match *pm;
-+ struct ipt_state_info *pinfo;
-+ struct compat_ipt_state_info info;
-+ u_int16_t msize;
-+ pm = (struct ipt_entry_match *)match;
-+ msize = pm->u.user.match_size;
-+ if (__copy_to_user(*dstptr, pm, sizeof(struct ipt_entry_match)))
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ pinfo = (struct ipt_state_info *)pm->data;
-+ memset(&info, 0, sizeof(struct compat_ipt_state_info));
-+ info.statemask = pinfo->statemask;
-+ if (__copy_to_user(*dstptr + sizeof(struct ipt_entry_match),
-+ &info, sizeof(struct compat_ipt_state_info)))
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ msize -= off;
-+ if (put_user(msize, (u_int16_t *)*dstptr))
-+ return -EFAULT;
-+ *size -= off;
-+ *dstptr += msize;
-+ return 0;
-+static int compat_from_user(void *match, void **dstptr,
-+ int *size, int off)
-+ struct compat_ipt_entry_match *pm;
-+ struct ipt_entry_match *dstpm;
-+ struct compat_ipt_state_info *pinfo;
-+ struct ipt_state_info info;
-+ u_int16_t msize;
-+ pm = (struct compat_ipt_entry_match *)match;
-+ dstpm = (struct ipt_entry_match *)*dstptr;
-+ msize = pm->u.user.match_size;
-+ memcpy(*dstptr, pm, sizeof(struct compat_ipt_entry_match));
-+ pinfo = (struct compat_ipt_state_info *)pm->data;
-+ memset(&info, 0, sizeof(struct ipt_state_info));
-+ info.statemask = pinfo->statemask;
-+ memcpy(*dstptr + sizeof(struct compat_ipt_entry_match),
-+ &info, sizeof(struct ipt_state_info));
-+ msize += off;
-+ dstpm->u.user.match_size = msize;
-+ *size += off;
-+ *dstptr += msize;
-+ return 0;
-+static int compat(void *match, void **dstptr, int *size, int convert)
-+ int ret, off;
-+ off = IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_state_info)) -
-+ COMPAT_IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct compat_ipt_state_info));
-+ switch (convert) {
-+ ret = compat_to_user(match, dstptr, size, off);
-+ break;
-+ ret = compat_from_user(match, dstptr, size, off);
-+ break;
-+ *size += off;
-+ ret = 0;
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ ret = -ENOPROTOOPT;
-+ break;
-+ }
-+ return ret;
- static struct ipt_match state_match = {
- .name = "state",
- .match = &match,
- .checkentry = &check,
-+ .compat = &compat,
- .me = THIS_MODULE,
- };
-+int init_iptable_state(void)
-+ return visible_ipt_register_match(&state_match);
-+void fini_iptable_state(void)
-+ visible_ipt_unregister_match(&state_match);
- static int __init init(void)
- {
-+ int err;
- need_ip_conntrack();
-- return ipt_register_match(&state_match);
-+ err = init_iptable_state();
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ return err;
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_state);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_state);
-+ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ipt_state);
-+ return 0;
- }
- static void __exit fini(void)
- {
-- ipt_unregister_match(&state_match);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_state);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_state);
-+ fini_iptable_state();
- }
- module_init(init);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/skbuff.h>
- #include <net/tcp.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_tcpmss.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
-@@ -103,28 +104,65 @@ checkentry(const char *tablename,
- /* Must specify -p tcp */
- if (ip->proto != IPPROTO_TCP || (ip->invflags & IPT_INV_PROTO)) {
-- printk("tcpmss: Only works on TCP packets\n");
-+ ve_printk(VE_LOG, "tcpmss: Only works on TCP packets\n");
- return 0;
- }
- return 1;
- }
-+static int compat(void *match,
-+ void **dstptr, int *size, int convert)
-+ int off;
-+ off = IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_tcpmss_match_info)) -
-+ COMPAT_IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_tcpmss_match_info));
-+ return ipt_match_align_compat(match, dstptr, size, off, convert);
- static struct ipt_match tcpmss_match = {
- .name = "tcpmss",
- .match = &match,
- .checkentry = &checkentry,
-+ .compat = &compat,
- .me = THIS_MODULE,
- };
-+int init_iptable_tcpmss(void)
-+ return visible_ipt_register_match(&tcpmss_match);
-+void fini_iptable_tcpmss(void)
-+ visible_ipt_unregister_match(&tcpmss_match);
- static int __init init(void)
- {
-- return ipt_register_match(&tcpmss_match);
-+ int err;
-+ err = init_iptable_tcpmss();
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ return err;
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_tcpmss);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_tcpmss);
-+ KSYMMODRESOLVE(ipt_tcpmss);
-+ return 0;
- }
- static void __exit fini(void)
- {
-- ipt_unregister_match(&tcpmss_match);
-+ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(ipt_tcpmss);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_tcpmss);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_tcpmss);
-+ fini_iptable_tcpmss();
- }
- module_init(init);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/skbuff.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_tos.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
-@@ -17,6 +18,13 @@
- MODULE_DESCRIPTION("iptables TOS match module");
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#define ve_tos_match (*(get_exec_env()->_tos_match))
-+#define ve_tos_match tos_match
- static int
- match(const struct sk_buff *skb,
- const struct net_device *in,
-@@ -43,21 +51,58 @@ checkentry(const char *tablename,
- return 1;
- }
-+static int compat(void *match,
-+ void **dstptr, int *size, int convert)
-+ int off;
-+ off = IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_tos_info)) -
-+ COMPAT_IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_tos_info));
-+ return ipt_match_align_compat(match, dstptr, size, off, convert);
- static struct ipt_match tos_match = {
- .name = "tos",
- .match = &match,
- .checkentry = &checkentry,
-+ .compat = &compat,
- .me = THIS_MODULE,
- };
-+int init_iptable_tos(void)
-+ return visible_ipt_register_match(&tos_match);
-+void fini_iptable_tos(void)
-+ visible_ipt_unregister_match(&tos_match);
- static int __init init(void)
- {
-- return ipt_register_match(&tos_match);
-+ int err;
-+ err = init_iptable_tos();
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ return err;
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_tos);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_tos);
-+ return 0;
- }
- static void __exit fini(void)
- {
-- ipt_unregister_match(&tos_match);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_tos);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_tos);
-+ fini_iptable_tos();
- }
- module_init(init);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:24.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/skbuff.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ipt_ttl.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
-@@ -57,22 +58,58 @@ static int checkentry(const char *tablen
- return 1;
- }
-+static int compat(void *match,
-+ void **dstptr, int *size, int convert)
-+ int off;
-+ off = IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_ttl_info)) -
-+ COMPAT_IPT_ALIGN(sizeof(struct ipt_ttl_info));
-+ return ipt_match_align_compat(match, dstptr, size, off, convert);
- static struct ipt_match ttl_match = {
- .name = "ttl",
- .match = &match,
- .checkentry = &checkentry,
-+ .compat = &compat,
- .me = THIS_MODULE,
- };
-+int init_iptable_ttl(void)
-+ return visible_ipt_register_match(&ttl_match);
-+void fini_iptable_ttl(void)
-+ visible_ipt_unregister_match(&ttl_match);
- static int __init init(void)
- {
-- return ipt_register_match(&ttl_match);
-+ int err;
-+ err = init_iptable_ttl();
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ return err;
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_ttl);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_ttl);
-+ return 0;
- }
- static void __exit fini(void)
- {
-- ipt_unregister_match(&ttl_match);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_ttl);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_ttl);
-+ fini_iptable_ttl();
- }
- module_init(init);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -11,12 +11,23 @@
- */
- #include <linux/module.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
- #include <linux/netfilter_ipv4/ip_tables.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_mem.h>
- MODULE_AUTHOR("Netfilter Core Team <>");
- MODULE_DESCRIPTION("iptables filter table");
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#define ve_packet_filter (*(get_exec_env()->_ve_ipt_filter_pf))
-+#define ve_ipt_ops (get_exec_env()->_ve_ipt_filter_io)
-+#define ve_packet_filter packet_filter
-+#define ve_ipt_ops ipt_ops
- #define FILTER_VALID_HOOKS ((1 << NF_IP_LOCAL_IN) | (1 << NF_IP_FORWARD) | (1 << NF_IP_LOCAL_OUT))
- /* Standard entry. */
-@@ -38,12 +49,12 @@ struct ipt_error
- struct ipt_error_target target;
- };
--static struct
-+static struct ipt_filter_initial_table
- {
- struct ipt_replace repl;
- struct ipt_standard entries[3];
- struct ipt_error term;
--} initial_table __initdata
-+} initial_table
- = { { "filter", FILTER_VALID_HOOKS, 4,
- sizeof(struct ipt_standard) * 3 + sizeof(struct ipt_error),
- { [NF_IP_LOCAL_IN] = 0,
-@@ -108,7 +119,7 @@ ipt_hook(unsigned int hook,
- const struct net_device *out,
- int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff *))
- {
-- return ipt_do_table(pskb, hook, in, out, &packet_filter, NULL);
-+ return ipt_do_table(pskb, hook, in, out, &ve_packet_filter, NULL);
- }
- static unsigned int
-@@ -126,7 +137,7 @@ ipt_local_out_hook(unsigned int hook,
- return NF_ACCEPT;
- }
-- return ipt_do_table(pskb, hook, in, out, &packet_filter, NULL);
-+ return ipt_do_table(pskb, hook, in, out, &ve_packet_filter, NULL);
- }
- static struct nf_hook_ops ipt_ops[] = {
-@@ -157,56 +168,161 @@ static struct nf_hook_ops ipt_ops[] = {
- static int forward = NF_ACCEPT;
- MODULE_PARM(forward, "i");
--static int __init init(void)
-+static void init_ve0_iptable_filter(struct ve_struct *envid)
-+ envid->_ipt_filter_initial_table = &initial_table;
-+ envid->_ve_ipt_filter_pf = &packet_filter;
-+ envid->_ve_ipt_filter_io = ipt_ops;
-+int init_iptable_filter(void)
- {
- int ret;
-+ struct ve_struct *envid;
-- if (forward < 0 || forward > NF_MAX_VERDICT) {
-- printk("iptables forward must be 0 or 1\n");
-- return -EINVAL;
-- }
-+ envid = get_exec_env();
-- /* Entry 1 is the FORWARD hook */
-- initial_table.entries[1].target.verdict = -forward - 1;
-+ if (ve_is_super(envid)) {
-+ init_ve0_iptable_filter(envid);
-+ } else {
-+ __module_get(THIS_MODULE);
-+ ret = -ENOMEM;
-+ envid->_ipt_filter_initial_table =
-+ ub_kmalloc(sizeof(initial_table), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!envid->_ipt_filter_initial_table)
-+ goto nomem_1;
-+ envid->_ve_ipt_filter_pf =
-+ ub_kmalloc(sizeof(packet_filter), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!envid->_ve_ipt_filter_pf)
-+ goto nomem_2;
-+ envid->_ve_ipt_filter_io =
-+ ub_kmalloc(sizeof(ipt_ops), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (!envid->_ve_ipt_filter_io)
-+ goto nomem_3;
-+ /*
-+ * Note: in general, it isn't safe to copy the static table
-+ * used for VE0, since that table is already registered
-+ * and now has some run-time information.
-+ * However, inspection of ip_tables.c shows that the only
-+ * dynamically changed fields `list' and `private' are
-+ * given new values in ipt_register_table() without looking
-+ * at the old values. 2004/06/01 SAW
-+ */
-+ memcpy(envid->_ipt_filter_initial_table, &initial_table,
-+ sizeof(initial_table));
-+ memcpy(envid->_ve_ipt_filter_pf, &packet_filter,
-+ sizeof(packet_filter));
-+ memcpy(envid->_ve_ipt_filter_io, &ipt_ops[0], sizeof(ipt_ops));
-+ envid->_ve_ipt_filter_pf->table =
-+ &envid->_ipt_filter_initial_table->repl;
-+ }
- /* Register table */
-- ret = ipt_register_table(&packet_filter);
-+ ret = ipt_register_table(&ve_packet_filter);
- if (ret < 0)
-- return ret;
-+ goto nomem_4;
- /* Register hooks */
-- ret = nf_register_hook(&ipt_ops[0]);
-+ ret = nf_register_hook(&ve_ipt_ops[0]);
- if (ret < 0)
- goto cleanup_table;
-- ret = nf_register_hook(&ipt_ops[1]);
-+ ret = nf_register_hook(&ve_ipt_ops[1]);
- if (ret < 0)
- goto cleanup_hook0;
-- ret = nf_register_hook(&ipt_ops[2]);
-+ ret = nf_register_hook(&ve_ipt_ops[2]);
- if (ret < 0)
- goto cleanup_hook1;
- return ret;
- cleanup_hook1:
-- nf_unregister_hook(&ipt_ops[1]);
-+ nf_unregister_hook(&ve_ipt_ops[1]);
- cleanup_hook0:
-- nf_unregister_hook(&ipt_ops[0]);
-+ nf_unregister_hook(&ve_ipt_ops[0]);
- cleanup_table:
-- ipt_unregister_table(&packet_filter);
-+ ipt_unregister_table(&ve_packet_filter);
-+ nomem_4:
-+ if (!ve_is_super(envid))
-+ kfree(envid->_ve_ipt_filter_io);
-+ envid->_ve_ipt_filter_io = NULL;
-+ nomem_3:
-+ if (!ve_is_super(envid))
-+ kfree(envid->_ve_ipt_filter_pf);
-+ envid->_ve_ipt_filter_pf = NULL;
-+ nomem_2:
-+ if (!ve_is_super(envid))
-+ kfree(envid->_ipt_filter_initial_table);
-+ envid->_ipt_filter_initial_table = NULL;
-+ nomem_1:
-+ if (!ve_is_super(envid))
-+ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
- return ret;
- }
--static void __exit fini(void)
-+void fini_iptable_filter(void)
- {
- unsigned int i;
-+ struct ve_struct *envid;
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ipt_ops)/sizeof(struct nf_hook_ops); i++)
-- nf_unregister_hook(&ipt_ops[i]);
-+ nf_unregister_hook(&ve_ipt_ops[i]);
-+ ipt_unregister_table(&ve_packet_filter);
-+ envid = get_exec_env();
-+ if (envid->_ipt_filter_initial_table != NULL && !ve_is_super(envid)) {
-+ kfree(envid->_ipt_filter_initial_table);
-+ kfree(envid->_ve_ipt_filter_pf);
-+ kfree(envid->_ve_ipt_filter_io);
-+ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
-+ }
-+ envid->_ipt_filter_initial_table = NULL;
-+ envid->_ve_ipt_filter_pf = NULL;
-+ envid->_ve_ipt_filter_io = NULL;
-+static int __init init(void)
-+ int err;
-- ipt_unregister_table(&packet_filter);
-+ if (forward < 0 || forward > NF_MAX_VERDICT) {
-+ printk("iptables forward must be 0 or 1\n");
-+ return -EINVAL;
-+ }
-+ /* Entry 1 is the FORWARD hook */
-+ initial_table.entries[1].target.verdict = -forward - 1;
-+ err = init_iptable_filter();
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ return err;
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_filter);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_filter);
-+ KSYMMODRESOLVE(iptable_filter);
-+ return 0;
-+static void __exit fini(void)
-+ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(iptable_filter);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_filter);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_filter);
-+ fini_iptable_filter();
- }
- module_init(init);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
- #include <linux/skbuff.h>
- #include <net/sock.h>
- #include <net/route.h>
-+#include <linux/nfcalls.h>
- #include <linux/ip.h>
-@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ static struct
- struct ipt_replace repl;
- struct ipt_standard entries[5];
- struct ipt_error term;
--} initial_table __initdata
-+} initial_table
- = { { "mangle", MANGLE_VALID_HOOKS, 6,
- sizeof(struct ipt_standard) * 5 + sizeof(struct ipt_error),
- { [NF_IP_PRE_ROUTING] = 0,
-@@ -131,6 +132,13 @@ static struct ipt_table packet_mangler =
- .me = THIS_MODULE,
- };
-+#include <linux/sched.h>
-+#define ve_packet_mangler (*(get_exec_env()->_ipt_mangle_table))
-+#define ve_packet_mangler packet_mangler
- /* The work comes in here from netfilter.c. */
- static unsigned int
- ipt_route_hook(unsigned int hook,
-@@ -139,7 +147,7 @@ ipt_route_hook(unsigned int hook,
- const struct net_device *out,
- int (*okfn)(struct sk_buff *))
- {
-- return ipt_do_table(pskb, hook, in, out, &packet_mangler, NULL);
-+ return ipt_do_table(pskb, hook, in, out, &ve_packet_mangler, NULL);
- }
- static unsigned int
-@@ -168,7 +176,8 @@ ipt_local_hook(unsigned int hook,
- daddr = (*pskb)->nh.iph->daddr;
- tos = (*pskb)->nh.iph->tos;
-- ret = ipt_do_table(pskb, hook, in, out, &packet_mangler, NULL);
-+ ret = ipt_do_table(pskb, hook, in, out, &ve_packet_mangler, NULL);
- /* Reroute for ANY change. */
- if (ret != NF_DROP && ret != NF_STOLEN && ret != NF_QUEUE
- && ((*pskb)->nh.iph->saddr != saddr
-@@ -220,12 +229,12 @@ static struct nf_hook_ops ipt_ops[] = {
- },
- };
--static int __init init(void)
-+static int mangle_init(struct ipt_table *packet_mangler, struct nf_hook_ops ipt_ops[])
- {
- int ret;
- /* Register table */
-- ret = ipt_register_table(&packet_mangler);
-+ ret = ipt_register_table(packet_mangler);
- if (ret < 0)
- return ret;
-@@ -261,19 +270,117 @@ static int __init init(void)
- cleanup_hook0:
- nf_unregister_hook(&ipt_ops[0]);
- cleanup_table:
-- ipt_unregister_table(&packet_mangler);
-+ ipt_unregister_table(packet_mangler);
- return ret;
- }
--static void __exit fini(void)
-+static void mangle_fini(struct ipt_table *packet_mangler, struct nf_hook_ops ipt_ops[])
- {
- unsigned int i;
-- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(ipt_ops)/sizeof(struct nf_hook_ops); i++)
-+ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
- nf_unregister_hook(&ipt_ops[i]);
-- ipt_unregister_table(&packet_mangler);
-+ ipt_unregister_table(packet_mangler);
-+int init_iptable_mangle(void)
-+ struct ve_struct *envid;
-+ struct ipt_table *table;
-+ struct nf_hook_ops *hooks;
-+ int err;
-+ envid = get_exec_env();
-+ if (ve_is_super(envid)) {
-+ table = &packet_mangler;
-+ hooks = ipt_ops;
-+ } else {
-+ __module_get(THIS_MODULE);
-+ err = -ENOMEM;
-+ table = kmalloc(sizeof(packet_mangler), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (table == NULL)
-+ goto nomem_1;
-+ hooks = kmalloc(sizeof(ipt_ops), GFP_KERNEL);
-+ if (hooks == NULL)
-+ goto nomem_2;
-+ memcpy(table, &packet_mangler, sizeof(packet_mangler));
-+ memcpy(hooks, ipt_ops, sizeof(ipt_ops));
-+ }
-+ envid->_ipt_mangle_hooks = hooks;
-+ envid->_ipt_mangle_table = table;
-+ err = mangle_init(table, hooks);
-+ if (err)
-+ goto err_minit;
-+ return 0;
-+ envid->_ipt_mangle_table = NULL;
-+ envid->_ipt_mangle_hooks = NULL;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(envid))
-+ kfree(hooks);
-+ if (!ve_is_super(envid)) {
-+ kfree(table);
-+ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
-+ }
-+ return err;
-+ return mangle_init(&packet_mangler, ipt_ops);
-+void fini_iptable_mangle(void)
-+ struct ve_struct *envid;
-+ struct ipt_table *table;
-+ struct nf_hook_ops *hooks;
-+ envid = get_exec_env();
-+ table = envid->_ipt_mangle_table;
-+ hooks = envid->_ipt_mangle_hooks;
-+ if (table == NULL)
-+ return;
-+ mangle_fini(table, hooks);
-+ envid->_ipt_mangle_table = NULL;
-+ envid->_ipt_mangle_hooks = NULL;
-+ if (!ve_is_super(envid)) {
-+ kfree(hooks);
-+ kfree(table);
-+ module_put(THIS_MODULE);
-+ }
-+ mangle_fini(&packet_mangler, ipt_ops);
-+static int __init init(void)
-+ int err;
-+ err = init_iptable_mangle();
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ return err;
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(init_iptable_mangle);
-+ KSYMRESOLVE(fini_iptable_mangle);
-+ KSYMMODRESOLVE(iptable_mangle);
-+ return 0;
-+static void __exit fini(void)
-+ KSYMMODUNRESOLVE(iptable_mangle);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(init_iptable_mangle);
-+ KSYMUNRESOLVE(fini_iptable_mangle);
-+ fini_iptable_mangle();
- }
- module_init(init);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -262,11 +262,12 @@ static int snmp_seq_show(struct seq_file
- seq_printf(seq, " %s", snmp4_ipstats_list[i].name);
- seq_printf(seq, "\nIp: %d %d",
-- ipv4_devconf.forwarding ? 1 : 2, sysctl_ip_default_ttl);
-+ ve_ipv4_devconf.forwarding ? 1 : 2,
-+ sysctl_ip_default_ttl);
- for (i = 0; snmp4_ipstats_list[i].name != NULL; i++)
- seq_printf(seq, " %lu",
-- fold_field((void **) ip_statistics,
-+ fold_field((void **) ve_ip_statistics,
- snmp4_ipstats_list[i].entry));
- seq_puts(seq, "\nIcmp:");
-@@ -276,7 +277,7 @@ static int snmp_seq_show(struct seq_file
- seq_puts(seq, "\nIcmp:");
- for (i = 0; snmp4_icmp_list[i].name != NULL; i++)
- seq_printf(seq, " %lu",
-- fold_field((void **) icmp_statistics,
-+ fold_field((void **) ve_icmp_statistics,
- snmp4_icmp_list[i].entry));
- seq_puts(seq, "\nTcp:");
-@@ -288,11 +289,11 @@ static int snmp_seq_show(struct seq_file
- /* MaxConn field is signed, RFC 2012 */
- if (snmp4_tcp_list[i].entry == TCP_MIB_MAXCONN)
- seq_printf(seq, " %ld",
-- fold_field((void **) tcp_statistics,
-+ fold_field((void **) ve_tcp_statistics,
- snmp4_tcp_list[i].entry));
- else
- seq_printf(seq, " %lu",
-- fold_field((void **) tcp_statistics,
-+ fold_field((void **) ve_tcp_statistics,
- snmp4_tcp_list[i].entry));
- }
-@@ -303,7 +304,7 @@ static int snmp_seq_show(struct seq_file
- seq_puts(seq, "\nUdp:");
- for (i = 0; snmp4_udp_list[i].name != NULL; i++)
- seq_printf(seq, " %lu",
-- fold_field((void **) udp_statistics,
-+ fold_field((void **) ve_udp_statistics,
- snmp4_udp_list[i].entry));
- seq_putc(seq, '\n');
-@@ -337,7 +338,7 @@ static int netstat_seq_show(struct seq_f
- seq_puts(seq, "\nTcpExt:");
- for (i = 0; snmp4_net_list[i].name != NULL; i++)
- seq_printf(seq, " %lu",
-- fold_field((void **) net_statistics,
-+ fold_field((void **) ve_net_statistics,
- snmp4_net_list[i].entry));
- seq_putc(seq, '\n');
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -114,7 +114,8 @@ struct sock *__raw_v4_lookup(struct sock
- if (inet->num == num &&
- !(inet->daddr && inet->daddr != raddr) &&
- !(inet->rcv_saddr && inet->rcv_saddr != laddr) &&
-- !(sk->sk_bound_dev_if && sk->sk_bound_dev_if != dif))
-+ !(sk->sk_bound_dev_if && sk->sk_bound_dev_if != dif) &&
-+ ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), get_exec_env()))
- goto found; /* gotcha */
- }
- sk = NULL;
-@@ -689,8 +690,12 @@ static struct sock *raw_get_first(struct
- struct hlist_node *node;
- sk_for_each(sk, node, &raw_v4_htable[state->bucket])
-- if (sk->sk_family == PF_INET)
-+ if (sk->sk_family == PF_INET) {
-+ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(sk),
-+ get_exec_env()))
-+ continue;
- goto found;
-+ }
- }
- sk = NULL;
- found:
-@@ -704,8 +709,14 @@ static struct sock *raw_get_next(struct
- do {
- sk = sk_next(sk);
- try_again:
-- ;
-- } while (sk && sk->sk_family != PF_INET);
-+ if (!sk)
-+ break;
-+ if (sk->sk_family != PF_INET)
-+ continue;
-+ if (ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(sk),
-+ get_exec_env()))
-+ break;
-+ } while (1);
- if (!sk && ++state->bucket < RAWV4_HTABLE_SIZE) {
- sk = sk_head(&raw_v4_htable[state->bucket]);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -108,6 +108,8 @@
- #define RT_GC_TIMEOUT (300*HZ)
-+int ip_rt_src_check = 1;
- int ip_rt_min_delay = 2 * HZ;
- int ip_rt_max_delay = 10 * HZ;
- int ip_rt_max_size;
-@@ -215,11 +217,28 @@ static unsigned int rt_hash_code(u32 dad
- & rt_hash_mask);
- }
-+void prepare_rt_cache(void)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ struct rtable *r;
-+ int i;
-+ for (i = rt_hash_mask; i >= 0; i--) {
-+ spin_lock_bh(&rt_hash_table[i].lock);
-+ for (r = rt_hash_table[i].chain; r; r = r->u.rt_next) {
-+ r->fl.owner_env = get_ve0();
-+ }
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&rt_hash_table[i].lock);
-+ }
- struct rt_cache_iter_state {
- int bucket;
- };
-+static struct rtable *rt_cache_get_next(struct seq_file *seq, struct rtable *r);
- static struct rtable *rt_cache_get_first(struct seq_file *seq)
- {
- struct rtable *r = NULL;
-@@ -232,6 +251,8 @@ static struct rtable *rt_cache_get_first
- break;
- rcu_read_unlock();
- }
-+ if (r && !ve_accessible_strict(r->fl.owner_env, get_exec_env()))
-+ r = rt_cache_get_next(seq, r);
- return r;
- }
-@@ -239,15 +260,20 @@ static struct rtable *rt_cache_get_next(
- {
- struct rt_cache_iter_state *st = seq->private;
- smp_read_barrier_depends();
-- r = r->u.rt_next;
-+ do {
-+ r = r->u.rt_next;
-+ } while (r && !ve_accessible_strict(r->fl.owner_env, get_exec_env()));
- while (!r) {
- rcu_read_unlock();
- if (--st->bucket < 0)
-- break;
-+ goto out;
- rcu_read_lock();
- r = rt_hash_table[st->bucket].chain;
- }
-+ goto start;
- return r;
- }
-@@ -549,26 +575,106 @@ static void rt_check_expire(unsigned lon
- mod_timer(&rt_periodic_timer, now + ip_rt_gc_interval);
- }
-+typedef unsigned long rt_flush_gen_t;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+static rt_flush_gen_t rt_flush_gen;
-+/* called under rt_flush_lock */
-+static void set_rt_flush_required(struct ve_struct *env)
-+ /*
-+ * If the global generation rt_flush_gen is equal to G, then
-+ * the pass considering entries labelled by G is yet to come.
-+ */
-+ env->rt_flush_required = rt_flush_gen;
-+static spinlock_t rt_flush_lock;
-+static rt_flush_gen_t reset_rt_flush_required(void)
-+ rt_flush_gen_t g;
-+ spin_lock_bh(&rt_flush_lock);
-+ g = rt_flush_gen++;
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&rt_flush_lock);
-+ return g;
-+static int check_rt_flush_required(struct ve_struct *env, rt_flush_gen_t gen)
-+ /* can be checked without the lock */
-+ return env->rt_flush_required >= gen;
-+static void set_rt_flush_required(struct ve_struct *env)
-+static rt_flush_gen_t reset_rt_flush_required(void)
-+ return 0;
- /* This can run from both BH and non-BH contexts, the latter
- * in the case of a forced flush event.
- */
- static void rt_run_flush(unsigned long dummy)
- {
- int i;
-- struct rtable *rth, *next;
-+ struct rtable * rth, * next;
-+ struct rtable * tail;
-+ rt_flush_gen_t gen;
- rt_deadline = 0;
- get_random_bytes(&rt_hash_rnd, 4);
-+ gen = reset_rt_flush_required();
- for (i = rt_hash_mask; i >= 0; i--) {
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ struct rtable ** prev, * p;
-+ spin_lock_bh(&rt_hash_table[i].lock);
-+ rth = rt_hash_table[i].chain;
-+ /* defer releasing the head of the list after spin_unlock */
-+ for (tail = rth; tail; tail = tail->u.rt_next)
-+ if (!check_rt_flush_required(tail->fl.owner_env, gen))
-+ break;
-+ if (rth != tail)
-+ rt_hash_table[i].chain = tail;
-+ /* call rt_free on entries after the tail requiring flush */
-+ prev = &rt_hash_table[i].chain;
-+ for (p = *prev; p; p = next) {
-+ next = p->u.rt_next;
-+ if (!check_rt_flush_required(p->fl.owner_env, gen)) {
-+ prev = &p->u.rt_next;
-+ } else {
-+ *prev = next;
-+ rt_free(p);
-+ }
-+ }
- spin_lock_bh(&rt_hash_table[i].lock);
- rth = rt_hash_table[i].chain;
- if (rth)
- rt_hash_table[i].chain = NULL;
-+ tail = NULL;
- spin_unlock_bh(&rt_hash_table[i].lock);
-- for (; rth; rth = next) {
-+ for (; rth != tail; rth = next) {
- next = rth->u.rt_next;
- rt_free(rth);
- }
-@@ -604,6 +710,8 @@ void rt_cache_flush(int delay)
- delay = tmo;
- }
-+ set_rt_flush_required(get_exec_env());
- if (delay <= 0) {
- spin_unlock_bh(&rt_flush_lock);
- rt_run_flush(0);
-@@ -619,9 +727,30 @@ void rt_cache_flush(int delay)
- static void rt_secret_rebuild(unsigned long dummy)
- {
-+ int i;
-+ struct rtable *rth, *next;
- unsigned long now = jiffies;
-- rt_cache_flush(0);
-+ spin_lock_bh(&rt_flush_lock);
-+ del_timer(&rt_flush_timer);
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&rt_flush_lock);
-+ rt_deadline = 0;
-+ get_random_bytes(&rt_hash_rnd, 4);
-+ for (i = rt_hash_mask; i >= 0; i--) {
-+ spin_lock_bh(&rt_hash_table[i].lock);
-+ rth = rt_hash_table[i].chain;
-+ if (rth)
-+ rt_hash_table[i].chain = NULL;
-+ spin_unlock_bh(&rt_hash_table[i].lock);
-+ for (; rth; rth = next) {
-+ next = rth->u.rt_next;
-+ rt_free(rth);
-+ }
-+ }
- mod_timer(&rt_secret_timer, now + ip_rt_secret_interval);
- }
-@@ -763,7 +892,8 @@ static inline int compare_keys(struct fl
- {
- return memcmp(&fl1->nl_u.ip4_u, &fl2->nl_u.ip4_u, sizeof(fl1->nl_u.ip4_u)) == 0 &&
- fl1->oif == fl2->oif &&
-- fl1->iif == fl2->iif;
-+ fl1->iif == fl2->iif &&
-+ ve_accessible_strict(fl1->owner_env, fl2->owner_env);
- }
- static int rt_intern_hash(unsigned hash, struct rtable *rt, struct rtable **rp)
-@@ -975,7 +1105,9 @@ void ip_rt_redirect(u32 old_gw, u32 dadd
- struct rtable *rth, **rthp;
- u32 skeys[2] = { saddr, 0 };
- int ikeys[2] = { dev->ifindex, 0 };
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ ve = get_exec_env();
- tos &= IPTOS_RT_MASK;
- if (!in_dev)
-@@ -1012,6 +1144,10 @@ void ip_rt_redirect(u32 old_gw, u32 dadd
- rth->fl.fl4_src != skeys[i] ||
- rth->fl.fl4_tos != tos ||
- rth->fl.oif != ikeys[k] ||
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ !ve_accessible_strict(rth->fl.owner_env,
-+ ve) ||
- rth->fl.iif != 0) {
- rthp = &rth->u.rt_next;
- continue;
-@@ -1050,6 +1186,9 @@ void ip_rt_redirect(u32 old_gw, u32 dadd
- rt->u.dst.neighbour = NULL;
- rt->u.dst.hh = NULL;
- rt->u.dst.xfrm = NULL;
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ rt->fl.owner_env = ve;
- rt->rt_flags |= RTCF_REDIRECTED;
-@@ -1495,6 +1634,9 @@ static int ip_route_input_mc(struct sk_b
- rth->fl.fl4_fwmark= skb->nfmark;
- #endif
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ rth->fl.owner_env = get_exec_env();
- rth->fl.fl4_src = saddr;
- rth->rt_src = saddr;
-@@ -1506,7 +1648,7 @@ static int ip_route_input_mc(struct sk_b
- #endif
- rth->rt_iif =
- rth->fl.iif = dev->ifindex;
-- rth-> = &loopback_dev;
-+ rth-> = &visible_loopback_dev;
- dev_hold(rth->;
- rth->idev = in_dev_get(rth->;
- rth->fl.oif = 0;
-@@ -1641,7 +1783,7 @@ static int ip_route_input_slow(struct sk
- if (res.type == RTN_LOCAL) {
- int result;
- result = fib_validate_source(saddr, daddr, tos,
-- loopback_dev.ifindex,
-+ visible_loopback_dev.ifindex,
- dev, &spec_dst, &itag);
- if (result < 0)
- goto martian_source;
-@@ -1705,6 +1847,9 @@ static int ip_route_input_slow(struct sk
- rth->fl.fl4_fwmark= skb->nfmark;
- #endif
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ rth->fl.owner_env = get_exec_env();
- rth->fl.fl4_src = saddr;
- rth->rt_src = saddr;
- rth->rt_gateway = daddr;
-@@ -1774,6 +1919,9 @@ local_input:
- rth->fl.fl4_fwmark= skb->nfmark;
- #endif
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ rth->fl.owner_env = get_exec_env();
- rth->fl.fl4_src = saddr;
- rth->rt_src = saddr;
-@@ -1785,7 +1933,7 @@ local_input:
- #endif
- rth->rt_iif =
- rth->fl.iif = dev->ifindex;
-- rth-> = &loopback_dev;
-+ rth-> = &visible_loopback_dev;
- dev_hold(rth->;
- rth->idev = in_dev_get(rth->;
- rth->rt_gateway = daddr;
-@@ -1873,6 +2021,9 @@ int ip_route_input(struct sk_buff *skb,
- rth->fl.fl4_fwmark == skb->nfmark &&
- #endif
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ rth->fl.owner_env == get_exec_env() &&
- rth->fl.fl4_tos == tos) {
- rth->u.dst.lastuse = jiffies;
- dst_hold(&rth->u.dst);
-@@ -1938,7 +2089,7 @@ static int ip_route_output_slow(struct r
- .fwmark = oldflp->fl4_fwmark
- #endif
- } },
-- .iif = loopback_dev.ifindex,
-+ .iif = visible_loopback_dev.ifindex,
- .oif = oldflp->oif };
- struct fib_result res;
- unsigned flags = 0;
-@@ -1961,10 +2112,13 @@ static int ip_route_output_slow(struct r
- ZERONET(oldflp->fl4_src))
- goto out;
-- /* It is equivalent to inet_addr_type(saddr) == RTN_LOCAL */
-- dev_out = ip_dev_find(oldflp->fl4_src);
-- if (dev_out == NULL)
-- goto out;
-+ if (ip_rt_src_check) {
-+ /* It is equivalent to
-+ inet_addr_type(saddr) == RTN_LOCAL */
-+ dev_out = ip_dev_find(oldflp->fl4_src);
-+ if (dev_out == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ }
- /* I removed check for oif == dev_out->oif here.
- It was wrong for two reasons:
-@@ -1991,6 +2145,12 @@ static int ip_route_output_slow(struct r
- Luckily, this hack is good workaround.
- */
-+ if (dev_out == NULL) {
-+ dev_out = ip_dev_find(oldflp->fl4_src);
-+ if (dev_out == NULL)
-+ goto out;
-+ }
- fl.oif = dev_out->ifindex;
- goto make_route;
- }
-@@ -2030,9 +2190,9 @@ static int ip_route_output_slow(struct r
- fl.fl4_dst = fl.fl4_src = htonl(INADDR_LOOPBACK);
- if (dev_out)
- dev_put(dev_out);
-- dev_out = &loopback_dev;
-+ dev_out = &visible_loopback_dev;
- dev_hold(dev_out);
-- fl.oif = loopback_dev.ifindex;
-+ fl.oif = visible_loopback_dev.ifindex;
- res.type = RTN_LOCAL;
- flags |= RTCF_LOCAL;
- goto make_route;
-@@ -2080,7 +2240,7 @@ static int ip_route_output_slow(struct r
- fl.fl4_src = fl.fl4_dst;
- if (dev_out)
- dev_put(dev_out);
-- dev_out = &loopback_dev;
-+ dev_out = &visible_loopback_dev;
- dev_hold(dev_out);
- fl.oif = dev_out->ifindex;
- if (
-@@ -2162,6 +2322,9 @@ make_route:
- rth->fl.fl4_fwmark= oldflp->fl4_fwmark;
- #endif
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ rth->fl.owner_env = get_exec_env();
- rth->rt_dst = fl.fl4_dst;
- rth->rt_src = fl.fl4_src;
-@@ -2241,6 +2404,7 @@ int __ip_route_output_key(struct rtable
- rth->fl.fl4_fwmark == flp->fl4_fwmark &&
- #endif
-+ ve_accessible_strict(rth->fl.owner_env, get_exec_env()) &&
- !((rth->fl.fl4_tos ^ flp->fl4_tos) &
- rth->u.dst.lastuse = jiffies;
-@@ -2345,7 +2509,7 @@ static int rt_fill_info(struct sk_buff *
- u32 dst = rt->rt_dst;
- if (MULTICAST(dst) && !LOCAL_MCAST(dst) &&
-- ipv4_devconf.mc_forwarding) {
-+ ve_ipv4_devconf.mc_forwarding) {
- int err = ipmr_get_route(skb, r, nowait);
- if (err <= 0) {
- if (!nowait) {
-@@ -2390,7 +2554,10 @@ int inet_rtm_getroute(struct sk_buff *in
- /* Reserve room for dummy headers, this skb can pass
- through good chunk of routing engine.
- */
-- skb->mac.raw = skb->data;
-+ skb->mac.raw = skb->nh.raw = skb->data;
-+ /* Bugfix: need to give ip_route_input enough of an IP header to not gag. */
-+ skb->nh.iph->protocol = IPPROTO_ICMP;
- skb_reserve(skb, MAX_HEADER + sizeof(struct iphdr));
- if (rta[RTA_SRC - 1])
-@@ -2496,6 +2663,11 @@ void ip_rt_multicast_event(struct in_dev
- static int flush_delay;
-+void *get_flush_delay_addr(void)
-+ return &flush_delay;
- static int ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush(ctl_table *ctl, int write,
- struct file *filp, void __user *buffer,
- size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos)
-@@ -2509,6 +2681,13 @@ static int ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush(ctl
- return -EINVAL;
- }
-+int visible_ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush(ctl_table *ctl, int write,
-+ struct file *filp, void __user *buffer,
-+ size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos)
-+ return ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush(ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp, ppos);
- static int ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush_strategy(ctl_table *table,
- int __user *name,
- int nlen,
-@@ -2527,6 +2706,19 @@ static int ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush_str
- return 0;
- }
-+int visible_ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush_strategy(ctl_table *table,
-+ int __user *name,
-+ int nlen,
-+ void __user *oldval,
-+ size_t __user *oldlenp,
-+ void __user *newval,
-+ size_t newlen,
-+ void **context)
-+ return ipv4_sysctl_rtcache_flush_strategy(table, name, nlen, oldval,
-+ oldlenp, newval, newlen, context);
- ctl_table ipv4_route_table[] = {
- {
- .ctl_name = NET_IPV4_ROUTE_FLUSH,
-@@ -2838,7 +3030,7 @@ int __init ip_rt_init(void)
- }
-- create_proc_read_entry("rt_acct", 0, proc_net, ip_rt_acct_read, NULL);
-+ create_proc_read_entry("net/rt_acct", 0, NULL, ip_rt_acct_read, NULL);
- #endif
- #endif
- #ifdef CONFIG_XFRM
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ extern int inet_peer_maxttl;
- extern int inet_peer_gc_mintime;
- extern int inet_peer_gc_maxtime;
-+int sysctl_tcp_use_sg = 1;
- static int tcp_retr1_max = 255;
- static int ip_local_port_range_min[] = { 1, 1 };
-@@ -64,17 +66,23 @@ static
- int ipv4_sysctl_forward(ctl_table *ctl, int write, struct file * filp,
- void __user *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos)
- {
-- int val = ipv4_devconf.forwarding;
-+ int val = ve_ipv4_devconf.forwarding;
- int ret;
- ret = proc_dointvec(ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp, ppos);
-- if (write && ipv4_devconf.forwarding != val)
-+ if (write && ve_ipv4_devconf.forwarding != val)
- inet_forward_change();
- return ret;
- }
-+int visible_ipv4_sysctl_forward(ctl_table *ctl, int write, struct file * filp,
-+ void __user *buffer, size_t *lenp, loff_t *ppos)
-+ return ipv4_sysctl_forward(ctl, write, filp, buffer, lenp, ppos);
- static int ipv4_sysctl_forward_strategy(ctl_table *table,
- int __user *name, int nlen,
- void __user *oldval, size_t __user *oldlenp,
-@@ -117,6 +125,16 @@ static int ipv4_sysctl_forward_strategy(
- return 1;
- }
-+int visible_ipv4_sysctl_forward_strategy(ctl_table *table,
-+ int __user *name, int nlen,
-+ void __user *oldval, size_t __user *oldlenp,
-+ void __user *newval, size_t newlen,
-+ void **context)
-+ return ipv4_sysctl_forward_strategy(table, name, nlen,
-+ oldval, oldlenp, newval, newlen, context);
- ctl_table ipv4_table[] = {
- {
- .ctl_name = NET_IPV4_TCP_TIMESTAMPS,
-@@ -682,6 +700,14 @@ ctl_table ipv4_table[] = {
- .mode = 0644,
- .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
- },
-+ {
-+ .ctl_name = NET_TCP_USE_SG,
-+ .procname = "tcp_use_sg",
-+ .data = &sysctl_tcp_use_sg,
-+ .maxlen = sizeof(int),
-+ .mode = 0644,
-+ .proc_handler = &proc_dointvec,
-+ },
- { .ctl_name = 0 }
- };
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:44.000000000 +0400
-@@ -248,6 +248,7 @@
- */
- #include <linux/config.h>
-+#include <linux/kmem_cache.h>
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/types.h>
- #include <linux/fcntl.h>
-@@ -262,6 +263,9 @@
- #include <net/xfrm.h>
- #include <net/ip.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_orphan.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_net.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_tcp.h>
- #include <asm/uaccess.h>
- #include <asm/ioctls.h>
-@@ -333,6 +337,7 @@ unsigned int tcp_poll(struct file *file,
- unsigned int mask;
- struct sock *sk = sock->sk;
- struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
-+ int check_send_space;
- poll_wait(file, sk->sk_sleep, wait);
- if (sk->sk_state == TCP_LISTEN)
-@@ -347,6 +352,21 @@ unsigned int tcp_poll(struct file *file,
- if (sk->sk_err)
- mask = POLLERR;
-+ check_send_space = 1;
-+ if (!(sk->sk_shutdown & SEND_SHUTDOWN) && sock_has_ubc(sk)) {
-+ unsigned long size;
-+ size = MAX_TCP_HEADER + tp->mss_cache;
-+ if (size > SOCK_MIN_UBCSPACE)
-+ size = skb_charge_size(size);
-+ if (ub_sock_makewres_tcp(sk, size)) {
-+ check_send_space = 0;
-+ ub_sock_sndqueueadd_tcp(sk, size);
-+ }
-+ }
- /*
- * POLLHUP is certainly not done right. But poll() doesn't
- * have a notion of HUP in just one direction, and for a
-@@ -390,7 +410,7 @@ unsigned int tcp_poll(struct file *file,
- sock_flag(sk, SOCK_URGINLINE) || !tp->urg_data))
-- if (!(sk->sk_shutdown & SEND_SHUTDOWN)) {
-+ if (check_send_space && !(sk->sk_shutdown & SEND_SHUTDOWN)) {
- if (sk_stream_wspace(sk) >= sk_stream_min_wspace(sk)) {
- } else { /* send SIGIO later */
-@@ -566,7 +586,7 @@ static void tcp_listen_stop (struct sock
- sock_orphan(child);
-- atomic_inc(&tcp_orphan_count);
-+ tcp_inc_orphan_count(child);
- tcp_destroy_sock(child);
-@@ -659,16 +679,23 @@ static ssize_t do_tcp_sendpages(struct s
- int copy, i;
- int offset = poffset % PAGE_SIZE;
- int size = min_t(size_t, psize, PAGE_SIZE - offset);
-+ unsigned long chargesize = 0;
- if (!sk->sk_send_head || (copy = mss_now - skb->len) <= 0) {
- new_segment:
-+ chargesize = 0;
- if (!sk_stream_memory_free(sk))
- goto wait_for_sndbuf;
-+ chargesize = skb_charge_size(MAX_TCP_HEADER +
-+ tp->mss_cache);
-+ if (ub_sock_getwres_tcp(sk, chargesize) < 0)
-+ goto wait_for_ubspace;
- skb = sk_stream_alloc_pskb(sk, 0, tp->mss_cache,
- sk->sk_allocation);
- if (!skb)
- goto wait_for_memory;
-+ ub_skb_set_charge(skb, sk, chargesize, UB_TCPSNDBUF);
- skb_entail(sk, tp, skb);
- copy = mss_now;
-@@ -715,10 +742,14 @@ new_segment:
- wait_for_sndbuf:
- set_bit(SOCK_NOSPACE, &sk->sk_socket->flags);
- wait_for_memory:
-+ ub_sock_retwres_tcp(sk, chargesize,
-+ skb_charge_size(MAX_TCP_HEADER + tp->mss_cache));
-+ chargesize = 0;
- if (copied)
- tcp_push(sk, tp, flags & ~MSG_MORE, mss_now, TCP_NAGLE_PUSH);
-- if ((err = sk_stream_wait_memory(sk, &timeo)) != 0)
-+ if ((err = sk_stream_wait_memory(sk, &timeo, chargesize)) != 0)
- goto do_error;
- mss_now = tcp_current_mss(sk, !(flags&MSG_OOB));
-@@ -758,9 +789,6 @@ ssize_t tcp_sendpage(struct socket *sock
- return res;
- }
--#define TCP_PAGE(sk) (sk->sk_sndmsg_page)
--#define TCP_OFF(sk) (sk->sk_sndmsg_off)
- static inline int select_size(struct sock *sk, struct tcp_opt *tp)
- {
- int tmp = tp->mss_cache_std;
-@@ -814,6 +842,7 @@ int tcp_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, stru
- while (--iovlen >= 0) {
- int seglen = iov->iov_len;
- unsigned char __user *from = iov->iov_base;
-+ unsigned long chargesize = 0;
- iov++;
-@@ -824,18 +853,26 @@ int tcp_sendmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, stru
- if (!sk->sk_send_head ||
- (copy = mss_now - skb->len) <= 0) {
-+ unsigned long size;
- new_segment:
- /* Allocate new segment. If the interface is SG,
- * allocate skb fitting to single page.
- */
-+ chargesize = 0;
- if (!sk_stream_memory_free(sk))
- goto wait_for_sndbuf;
-- skb = sk_stream_alloc_pskb(sk, select_size(sk, tp),
-- 0, sk->sk_allocation);
-+ size = select_size(sk, tp);
-+ chargesize = skb_charge_size(MAX_TCP_HEADER +
-+ size);
-+ if (ub_sock_getwres_tcp(sk, chargesize) < 0)
-+ goto wait_for_ubspace;
-+ skb = sk_stream_alloc_pskb(sk, size, 0,
-+ sk->sk_allocation);
- if (!skb)
- goto wait_for_memory;
-+ ub_skb_set_charge(skb, sk, chargesize,
- /*
- * Check whether we can use HW checksum.
-@@ -888,11 +925,15 @@ new_segment:
- ~(L1_CACHE_BYTES - 1);
- if (off == PAGE_SIZE) {
- put_page(page);
-+ ub_sock_tcp_detachpage(sk);
- TCP_PAGE(sk) = page = NULL;
- }
- }
- if (!page) {
-+ chargesize = PAGE_SIZE;
-+ if (ub_sock_tcp_chargepage(sk) < 0)
-+ goto wait_for_ubspace;
- /* Allocate new cache page. */
- if (!(page = sk_stream_alloc_page(sk)))
- goto wait_for_memory;
-@@ -928,7 +969,8 @@ new_segment:
- } else if (off + copy < PAGE_SIZE) {
- get_page(page);
- TCP_PAGE(sk) = page;
-- }
-+ } else
-+ ub_sock_tcp_detachpage(sk);
- }
- TCP_OFF(sk) = off + copy;
-@@ -958,10 +1000,15 @@ new_segment:
- wait_for_sndbuf:
- set_bit(SOCK_NOSPACE, &sk->sk_socket->flags);
- wait_for_memory:
-+ ub_sock_retwres_tcp(sk, chargesize,
-+ skb_charge_size(MAX_TCP_HEADER+tp->mss_cache));
-+ chargesize = 0;
- if (copied)
- tcp_push(sk, tp, flags & ~MSG_MORE, mss_now, TCP_NAGLE_PUSH);
-- if ((err = sk_stream_wait_memory(sk, &timeo)) != 0)
-+ if ((err = sk_stream_wait_memory(sk, &timeo,
-+ chargesize)) != 0)
- goto do_error;
- mss_now = tcp_current_mss(sk, !(flags&MSG_OOB));
-@@ -1058,7 +1105,18 @@ static void cleanup_rbuf(struct sock *sk
- struct sk_buff *skb = skb_peek(&sk->sk_receive_queue);
-- BUG_TRAP(!skb || before(tp->copied_seq, TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq));
-+ if (!(skb==NULL || before(tp->copied_seq, TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq))) {
-+ printk("KERNEL: assertion: skb==NULL || "
-+ "before(tp->copied_seq, skb->end_seq)\n");
-+ printk("VE%u pid %d comm %.16s\n",
-+ (get_exec_env() ? VEID(get_exec_env()) : 0),
-+ current->pid, current->comm);
-+ printk("copied=%d, copied_seq=%d, rcv_nxt=%d\n", copied,
-+ tp->copied_seq, tp->rcv_nxt);
-+ printk("skb->len=%d, skb->seq=%d, skb->end_seq=%d\n",
-+ skb->len, TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq,
-+ TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq);
-+ }
- #endif
- if (tcp_ack_scheduled(tp)) {
-@@ -1281,7 +1339,22 @@ int tcp_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, stru
- goto found_ok_skb;
- if (skb->>fin)
- goto found_fin_ok;
-- BUG_TRAP(flags & MSG_PEEK);
-+ if (!(flags & MSG_PEEK)) {
-+ printk("KERNEL: assertion: flags&MSG_PEEK\n");
-+ printk("VE%u pid %d comm %.16s\n",
-+ (get_exec_env() ?
-+ VEID(get_exec_env()) : 0),
-+ current->pid, current->comm);
-+ printk("flags=0x%x, len=%d, copied_seq=%d, "
-+ "rcv_nxt=%d\n", flags, len,
-+ tp->copied_seq, tp->rcv_nxt);
-+ printk("skb->len=%d, *seq=%d, skb->seq=%d, "
-+ "skb->end_seq=%d, offset=%d\n",
-+ skb->len, *seq,
-+ TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq,
-+ TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq,
-+ offset);
-+ }
- skb = skb->next;
- } while (skb != (struct sk_buff *)&sk->sk_receive_queue);
-@@ -1344,8 +1417,18 @@ int tcp_recvmsg(struct kiocb *iocb, stru
- tp->ucopy.len = len;
-- BUG_TRAP(tp->copied_seq == tp->rcv_nxt ||
-- (flags & (MSG_PEEK | MSG_TRUNC)));
-+ if (!(tp->copied_seq == tp->rcv_nxt ||
-+ (flags&(MSG_PEEK|MSG_TRUNC)))) {
-+ printk("KERNEL: assertion: tp->copied_seq == "
-+ "tp->rcv_nxt || ...\n");
-+ printk("VE%u pid %d comm %.16s\n",
-+ (get_exec_env() ?
-+ VEID(get_exec_env()) : 0),
-+ current->pid, current->comm);
-+ printk("flags=0x%x, len=%d, copied_seq=%d, "
-+ "rcv_nxt=%d\n", flags, len,
-+ tp->copied_seq, tp->rcv_nxt);
-+ }
- /* Ugly... If prequeue is not empty, we have to
- * process it before releasing socket, otherwise
-@@ -1614,7 +1697,7 @@ void tcp_destroy_sock(struct sock *sk)
- }
- #endif
-- atomic_dec(&tcp_orphan_count);
-+ tcp_dec_orphan_count(sk);
- sock_put(sk);
- }
-@@ -1738,7 +1821,7 @@ adjudge_to_death:
- if (tmo > TCP_TIMEWAIT_LEN) {
- tcp_reset_keepalive_timer(sk, tcp_fin_time(tp));
- } else {
-- atomic_inc(&tcp_orphan_count);
-+ tcp_inc_orphan_count(sk);
- tcp_time_wait(sk, TCP_FIN_WAIT2, tmo);
- goto out;
- }
-@@ -1746,9 +1829,7 @@ adjudge_to_death:
- }
- if (sk->sk_state != TCP_CLOSE) {
- sk_stream_mem_reclaim(sk);
-- if (atomic_read(&tcp_orphan_count) > sysctl_tcp_max_orphans ||
-- (sk->sk_wmem_queued > SOCK_MIN_SNDBUF &&
-- atomic_read(&tcp_memory_allocated) > sysctl_tcp_mem[2])) {
-+ if (tcp_too_many_orphans(sk, tcp_get_orphan_count(sk))) {
- if (net_ratelimit())
- printk(KERN_INFO "TCP: too many of orphaned "
- "sockets\n");
-@@ -1757,7 +1838,7 @@ adjudge_to_death:
- }
- }
-- atomic_inc(&tcp_orphan_count);
-+ tcp_inc_orphan_count(sk);
- if (sk->sk_state == TCP_CLOSE)
- tcp_destroy_sock(sk);
-@@ -1823,12 +1904,13 @@ int tcp_disconnect(struct sock *sk, int
- tp->packets_out = 0;
- tp->snd_ssthresh = 0x7fffffff;
- tp->snd_cwnd_cnt = 0;
-+ tp->advmss = 65535;
- tcp_set_ca_state(tp, TCP_CA_Open);
- tcp_clear_retrans(tp);
- tcp_delack_init(tp);
- sk->sk_send_head = NULL;
-- tp->saw_tstamp = 0;
-- tcp_sack_reset(tp);
-+ tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp = 0;
-+ tcp_sack_reset(&tp->rx_opt);
- __sk_dst_reset(sk);
- BUG_TRAP(!inet->num || tp->bind_hash);
-@@ -1967,7 +2049,7 @@ int tcp_setsockopt(struct sock *sk, int
- err = -EINVAL;
- break;
- }
-- tp->user_mss = val;
-+ tp->rx_opt.user_mss = val;
- break;
-@@ -2125,7 +2207,7 @@ int tcp_getsockopt(struct sock *sk, int
- case TCP_MAXSEG:
- val = tp->mss_cache_std;
- if (!val && ((1 << sk->sk_state) & (TCPF_CLOSE | TCPF_LISTEN)))
-- val = tp->user_mss;
-+ val = tp->rx_opt.user_mss;
- break;
- val = !!(tp->nonagle&TCP_NAGLE_OFF);
-@@ -2189,6 +2271,7 @@ int tcp_getsockopt(struct sock *sk, int
- extern void __skb_cb_too_small_for_tcp(int, int);
- extern void tcpdiag_init(void);
-+extern unsigned int nr_free_lowpages(void);
- static __initdata unsigned long thash_entries;
- static int __init set_thash_entries(char *str)
-@@ -2212,24 +2295,26 @@ void __init tcp_init(void)
- tcp_openreq_cachep = kmem_cache_create("tcp_open_request",
- sizeof(struct open_request),
- if (!tcp_openreq_cachep)
- panic("tcp_init: Cannot alloc open_request cache.");
- tcp_bucket_cachep = kmem_cache_create("tcp_bind_bucket",
- sizeof(struct tcp_bind_bucket),
- if (!tcp_bucket_cachep)
- panic("tcp_init: Cannot alloc tcp_bind_bucket cache.");
- tcp_timewait_cachep = kmem_cache_create("tcp_tw_bucket",
- sizeof(struct tcp_tw_bucket),
-+ 0,
- if (!tcp_timewait_cachep)
- panic("tcp_init: Cannot alloc tcp_tw_bucket cache.");
-+ tcp_timewait_cachep->flags |= CFLGS_ENVIDS;
- /* Size and allocate the main established and bind bucket
- * hash tables.
-@@ -2295,10 +2380,19 @@ void __init tcp_init(void)
- }
- tcp_port_rover = sysctl_local_port_range[0] - 1;
-+ goal = nr_free_lowpages() / 6;
-+ while (order >= 3 && (1536<<order) > goal)
-+ order--;
- sysctl_tcp_mem[0] = 768 << order;
- sysctl_tcp_mem[1] = 1024 << order;
- sysctl_tcp_mem[2] = 1536 << order;
-+ if (sysctl_tcp_mem[2] - sysctl_tcp_mem[1] > 4096)
-+ sysctl_tcp_mem[1] = sysctl_tcp_mem[2] - 4096;
-+ if (sysctl_tcp_mem[1] - sysctl_tcp_mem[0] > 4096)
-+ sysctl_tcp_mem[0] = sysctl_tcp_mem[1] - 4096;
- if (order < 3) {
- sysctl_tcp_wmem[2] = 64 * 1024;
- sysctl_tcp_rmem[0] = PAGE_SIZE;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -55,14 +55,14 @@ void tcp_get_info(struct sock *sk, struc
- info->tcpi_probes = tp->probes_out;
- info->tcpi_backoff = tp->backoff;
-- if (tp->tstamp_ok)
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok)
- info->tcpi_options |= TCPI_OPT_TIMESTAMPS;
-- if (tp->sack_ok)
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.sack_ok)
- info->tcpi_options |= TCPI_OPT_SACK;
-- if (tp->wscale_ok) {
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.wscale_ok) {
- info->tcpi_options |= TCPI_OPT_WSCALE;
-- info->tcpi_snd_wscale = tp->snd_wscale;
-- info->tcpi_rcv_wscale = tp->rcv_wscale;
-+ info->tcpi_snd_wscale = tp->rx_opt.snd_wscale;
-+ info->tcpi_rcv_wscale = tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale;
- }
- if (tp->ecn_flags&TCP_ECN_OK)
-@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ static int tcpdiag_get_exact(struct sk_b
- return -EINVAL;
- }
-- if (sk == NULL)
-+ if (sk == NULL || !ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), get_exec_env()))
- return -ENOENT;
- err = -ESTALE;
-@@ -465,6 +465,9 @@ static int tcpdiag_dump(struct sk_buff *
- int s_i, s_num;
- struct tcpdiagreq *r = NLMSG_DATA(cb->nlh);
- struct rtattr *bc = NULL;
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ ve = get_exec_env();
- if (cb->nlh->nlmsg_len > 4+NLMSG_SPACE(sizeof(struct tcpdiagreq)))
- bc = (struct rtattr*)(r+1);
-@@ -486,6 +489,9 @@ static int tcpdiag_dump(struct sk_buff *
- num = 0;
- sk_for_each(sk, node, &tcp_listening_hash[i]) {
- struct inet_opt *inet = inet_sk(sk);
-+ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), ve))
-+ continue;
- if (num < s_num)
- continue;
- if (!(r->tcpdiag_states&TCPF_LISTEN) ||
-@@ -528,6 +534,8 @@ skip_listen_ht:
- sk_for_each(sk, node, &head->chain) {
- struct inet_opt *inet = inet_sk(sk);
-+ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), ve))
-+ continue;
- if (num < s_num)
- continue;
- if (!(r->tcpdiag_states & (1 << sk->sk_state)))
-@@ -552,10 +560,14 @@ skip_listen_ht:
- sk_for_each(sk, node,
- &tcp_ehash[i + tcp_ehash_size].chain) {
- struct inet_opt *inet = inet_sk(sk);
-+ struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw;
-+ tw = (struct tcp_tw_bucket*)sk;
-+ if (!ve_accessible_veid(TW_VEID(tw), VEID(ve)))
-+ continue;
- if (num < s_num)
- continue;
-- if (!(r->tcpdiag_states & (1 << sk->sk_zapped)))
-+ if (!(r->tcpdiag_states & (1 << tw->tw_substate)))
- continue;
- if (r->id.tcpdiag_sport != inet->sport &&
- r->id.tcpdiag_sport)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:39.000000000 +0400
-@@ -72,6 +72,8 @@
- #include <net/inet_common.h>
- #include <linux/ipsec.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_tcp.h>
- int sysctl_tcp_timestamps = 1;
- int sysctl_tcp_window_scaling = 1;
- int sysctl_tcp_sack = 1;
-@@ -118,9 +120,9 @@ int sysctl_tcp_bic_low_window = 14;
--#define IsReno(tp) ((tp)->sack_ok == 0)
--#define IsFack(tp) ((tp)->sack_ok & 2)
--#define IsDSack(tp) ((tp)->sack_ok & 4)
-+#define IsReno(tp) ((tp)->rx_opt.sack_ok == 0)
-+#define IsFack(tp) ((tp)->rx_opt.sack_ok & 2)
-+#define IsDSack(tp) ((tp)->rx_opt.sack_ok & 4)
-@@ -203,7 +205,7 @@ static __inline__ int tcp_in_quickack_mo
- static void tcp_fixup_sndbuf(struct sock *sk)
- {
-- int sndmem = tcp_sk(sk)->mss_clamp + MAX_TCP_HEADER + 16 +
-+ int sndmem = tcp_sk(sk)->rx_opt.mss_clamp + MAX_TCP_HEADER + 16 +
- sizeof(struct sk_buff);
- if (sk->sk_sndbuf < 3 * sndmem)
-@@ -259,7 +261,7 @@ tcp_grow_window(struct sock *sk, struct
- /* Check #1 */
- if (tp->rcv_ssthresh < tp->window_clamp &&
- (int)tp->rcv_ssthresh < tcp_space(sk) &&
-- !tcp_memory_pressure) {
-+ ub_tcp_rmem_allows_expand(sk)) {
- int incr;
- /* Check #2. Increase window, if skb with such overhead
-@@ -328,6 +330,8 @@ static void tcp_init_buffer_space(struct
- tp->rcv_ssthresh = min(tp->rcv_ssthresh, tp->window_clamp);
- tp->snd_cwnd_stamp = tcp_time_stamp;
-+ ub_tcp_update_maxadvmss(sk);
- }
- static void init_bictcp(struct tcp_opt *tp)
-@@ -358,7 +362,7 @@ static void tcp_clamp_window(struct sock
- if (ofo_win) {
- if (sk->sk_rcvbuf < sysctl_tcp_rmem[2] &&
- !(sk->sk_userlocks & SOCK_RCVBUF_LOCK) &&
-- !tcp_memory_pressure &&
-+ !ub_tcp_memory_pressure(sk) &&
- atomic_read(&tcp_memory_allocated) < sysctl_tcp_mem[0])
- sk->sk_rcvbuf = min(atomic_read(&sk->sk_rmem_alloc),
- sysctl_tcp_rmem[2]);
-@@ -438,10 +442,10 @@ new_measure:
- static inline void tcp_rcv_rtt_measure_ts(struct tcp_opt *tp, struct sk_buff *skb)
- {
-- if (tp->rcv_tsecr &&
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsecr &&
- (TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq -
- TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq >= tp->ack.rcv_mss))
-- tcp_rcv_rtt_update(tp, tcp_time_stamp - tp->rcv_tsecr, 0);
-+ tcp_rcv_rtt_update(tp, tcp_time_stamp - tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsecr, 0);
- }
- /*
-@@ -828,7 +832,7 @@ static void tcp_init_metrics(struct sock
- }
- if (dst_metric(dst, RTAX_REORDERING) &&
- tp->reordering != dst_metric(dst, RTAX_REORDERING)) {
-- tp->sack_ok &= ~2;
-+ tp->rx_opt.sack_ok &= ~2;
- tp->reordering = dst_metric(dst, RTAX_REORDERING);
- }
-@@ -860,7 +864,7 @@ static void tcp_init_metrics(struct sock
- }
- tcp_set_rto(tp);
- tcp_bound_rto(tp);
-- if (tp->rto < TCP_TIMEOUT_INIT && !tp->saw_tstamp)
-+ if (tp->rto < TCP_TIMEOUT_INIT && !tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp)
- goto reset;
- tp->snd_cwnd = tcp_init_cwnd(tp, dst);
- tp->snd_cwnd_stamp = tcp_time_stamp;
-@@ -871,7 +875,7 @@ reset:
- * supported, TCP will fail to recalculate correct
- * rtt, if initial rto is too small. FORGET ALL AND RESET!
- */
-- if (!tp->saw_tstamp && tp->srtt) {
-+ if (!tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp && tp->srtt) {
- tp->srtt = 0;
- tp->mdev = tp->mdev_max = tp->rttvar = TCP_TIMEOUT_INIT;
- tp->rto = TCP_TIMEOUT_INIT;
-@@ -894,12 +898,12 @@ static void tcp_update_reordering(struct
- printk(KERN_DEBUG "Disorder%d %d %u f%u s%u rr%d\n",
-- tp->sack_ok, tp->ca_state,
-+ tp->rx_opt.sack_ok, tp->ca_state,
- tp->reordering, tp->fackets_out, tp->sacked_out,
- tp->undo_marker ? tp->undo_retrans : 0);
- #endif
- /* Disable FACK yet. */
-- tp->sack_ok &= ~2;
-+ tp->rx_opt.sack_ok &= ~2;
- }
- }
-@@ -989,13 +993,13 @@ tcp_sacktag_write_queue(struct sock *sk,
- if (before(start_seq, ack)) {
- dup_sack = 1;
-- tp->sack_ok |= 4;
-+ tp->rx_opt.sack_ok |= 4;
- } else if (num_sacks > 1 &&
- !after(end_seq, ntohl(sp[1].end_seq)) &&
- !before(start_seq, ntohl(sp[1].start_seq))) {
- dup_sack = 1;
-- tp->sack_ok |= 4;
-+ tp->rx_opt.sack_ok |= 4;
- }
-@@ -1617,8 +1621,8 @@ static void tcp_cwnd_down(struct tcp_opt
- static __inline__ int tcp_packet_delayed(struct tcp_opt *tp)
- {
- return !tp->retrans_stamp ||
-- (tp->saw_tstamp && tp->rcv_tsecr &&
-- (__s32)(tp->rcv_tsecr - tp->retrans_stamp) < 0);
-+ (tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp && tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsecr &&
-+ (__s32)(tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsecr - tp->retrans_stamp) < 0);
- }
- /* Undo procedures. */
-@@ -1966,7 +1970,7 @@ static void tcp_ack_saw_tstamp(struct tc
- * answer arrives rto becomes 120 seconds! If at least one of segments
- * in window is lost... Voila. --ANK (010210)
- */
-- seq_rtt = tcp_time_stamp - tp->rcv_tsecr;
-+ seq_rtt = tcp_time_stamp - tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsecr;
- tcp_rtt_estimator(tp, seq_rtt);
- tcp_set_rto(tp);
- tp->backoff = 0;
-@@ -1997,7 +2001,7 @@ static __inline__ void
- tcp_ack_update_rtt(struct tcp_opt *tp, int flag, s32 seq_rtt)
- {
- /* Note that peer MAY send zero echo. In this case it is ignored. (rfc1323) */
-- if (tp->saw_tstamp && tp->rcv_tsecr)
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp && tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsecr)
- tcp_ack_saw_tstamp(tp, flag);
- else if (seq_rtt >= 0)
- tcp_ack_no_tstamp(tp, seq_rtt, flag);
-@@ -2401,7 +2405,7 @@ static int tcp_clean_rtx_queue(struct so
- BUG_TRAP((int)tp->sacked_out >= 0);
- BUG_TRAP((int)tp->lost_out >= 0);
- BUG_TRAP((int)tp->retrans_out >= 0);
-- if (!tp->packets_out && tp->sack_ok) {
-+ if (!tp->packets_out && tp->rx_opt.sack_ok) {
- if (tp->lost_out) {
- printk(KERN_DEBUG "Leak l=%u %d\n", tp->lost_out,
- tp->ca_state);
-@@ -2477,7 +2481,7 @@ static int tcp_ack_update_window(struct
- u32 nwin = ntohs(skb->>window);
- if (likely(!skb->>syn))
-- nwin <<= tp->snd_wscale;
-+ nwin <<= tp->rx_opt.snd_wscale;
- if (tcp_may_update_window(tp, ack, ack_seq, nwin)) {
- flag |= FLAG_WIN_UPDATE;
-@@ -2888,14 +2892,15 @@ uninteresting_ack:
- * But, this can also be called on packets in the established flow when
- * the fast version below fails.
- */
--void tcp_parse_options(struct sk_buff *skb, struct tcp_opt *tp, int estab)
-+void tcp_parse_options(struct sk_buff *skb,
-+ struct tcp_options_received *opt_rx, int estab)
- {
- unsigned char *ptr;
- struct tcphdr *th = skb->;
- int length=(th->doff*4)-sizeof(struct tcphdr);
- ptr = (unsigned char *)(th + 1);
-- tp->saw_tstamp = 0;
-+ opt_rx->saw_tstamp = 0;
- while(length>0) {
- int opcode=*ptr++;
-@@ -2918,41 +2923,41 @@ void tcp_parse_options(struct sk_buff *s
- if(opsize==TCPOLEN_MSS && th->syn && !estab) {
- u16 in_mss = ntohs(*(__u16 *)ptr);
- if (in_mss) {
-- if (tp->user_mss && tp->user_mss < in_mss)
-- in_mss = tp->user_mss;
-- tp->mss_clamp = in_mss;
-+ if (opt_rx->user_mss && opt_rx->user_mss < in_mss)
-+ in_mss = opt_rx->user_mss;
-+ opt_rx->mss_clamp = in_mss;
- }
- }
- break;
- if(opsize==TCPOLEN_WINDOW && th->syn && !estab)
- if (sysctl_tcp_window_scaling) {
-- tp->wscale_ok = 1;
-- tp->snd_wscale = *(__u8 *)ptr;
-- if(tp->snd_wscale > 14) {
-+ opt_rx->wscale_ok = 1;
-+ opt_rx->snd_wscale = *(__u8 *)ptr;
-+ if(opt_rx->snd_wscale > 14) {
- if(net_ratelimit())
- printk("tcp_parse_options: Illegal window "
- "scaling value %d >14 received.",
-- tp->snd_wscale);
-- tp->snd_wscale = 14;
-+ opt_rx->snd_wscale);
-+ opt_rx->snd_wscale = 14;
- }
- }
- break;
- if(opsize==TCPOLEN_TIMESTAMP) {
-- if ((estab && tp->tstamp_ok) ||
-+ if ((estab && opt_rx->tstamp_ok) ||
- (!estab && sysctl_tcp_timestamps)) {
-- tp->saw_tstamp = 1;
-- tp->rcv_tsval = ntohl(*(__u32 *)ptr);
-- tp->rcv_tsecr = ntohl(*(__u32 *)(ptr+4));
-+ opt_rx->saw_tstamp = 1;
-+ opt_rx->rcv_tsval = ntohl(*(__u32 *)ptr);
-+ opt_rx->rcv_tsecr = ntohl(*(__u32 *)(ptr+4));
- }
- }
- break;
- if(opsize==TCPOLEN_SACK_PERM && th->syn && !estab) {
- if (sysctl_tcp_sack) {
-- tp->sack_ok = 1;
-- tcp_sack_reset(tp);
-+ opt_rx->sack_ok = 1;
-+ tcp_sack_reset(opt_rx);
- }
- }
- break;
-@@ -2960,7 +2965,7 @@ void tcp_parse_options(struct sk_buff *s
-- tp->sack_ok) {
-+ opt_rx->sack_ok) {
- TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->sacked = (ptr - 2) - (unsigned char *)th;
- }
- };
-@@ -2976,36 +2981,36 @@ void tcp_parse_options(struct sk_buff *s
- static __inline__ int tcp_fast_parse_options(struct sk_buff *skb, struct tcphdr *th, struct tcp_opt *tp)
- {
- if (th->doff == sizeof(struct tcphdr)>>2) {
-- tp->saw_tstamp = 0;
-+ tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp = 0;
- return 0;
-- } else if (tp->tstamp_ok &&
-+ } else if (tp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok &&
- th->doff == (sizeof(struct tcphdr)>>2)+(TCPOLEN_TSTAMP_ALIGNED>>2)) {
- __u32 *ptr = (__u32 *)(th + 1);
- if (*ptr == ntohl((TCPOPT_NOP << 24) | (TCPOPT_NOP << 16)
-- tp->saw_tstamp = 1;
-+ tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp = 1;
- ++ptr;
-- tp->rcv_tsval = ntohl(*ptr);
-+ tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsval = ntohl(*ptr);
- ++ptr;
-- tp->rcv_tsecr = ntohl(*ptr);
-+ tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsecr = ntohl(*ptr);
- return 1;
- }
- }
-- tcp_parse_options(skb, tp, 1);
-+ tcp_parse_options(skb, &tp->rx_opt, 1);
- return 1;
- }
- static __inline__ void
- tcp_store_ts_recent(struct tcp_opt *tp)
- {
-- tp->ts_recent = tp->rcv_tsval;
-- tp->ts_recent_stamp = xtime.tv_sec;
-+ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent = tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsval;
-+ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp = xtime.tv_sec;
- }
- static __inline__ void
- tcp_replace_ts_recent(struct tcp_opt *tp, u32 seq)
- {
-- if (tp->saw_tstamp && !after(seq, tp->rcv_wup)) {
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp && !after(seq, tp->rcv_wup)) {
- /* PAWS bug workaround wrt. ACK frames, the PAWS discard
- * extra check below makes sure this can only happen
- * for pure ACK frames. -DaveM
-@@ -3013,8 +3018,8 @@ tcp_replace_ts_recent(struct tcp_opt *tp
- * Not only, also it occurs for expired timestamps.
- */
-- if((s32)(tp->rcv_tsval - tp->ts_recent) >= 0 ||
-- xtime.tv_sec >= tp->ts_recent_stamp + TCP_PAWS_24DAYS)
-+ if((s32)(tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsval - tp->rx_opt.ts_recent) >= 0 ||
-+ xtime.tv_sec >= tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp + TCP_PAWS_24DAYS)
- tcp_store_ts_recent(tp);
- }
- }
-@@ -3055,16 +3060,16 @@ static int tcp_disordered_ack(struct tcp
- ack == tp->snd_una &&
- /* 3. ... and does not update window. */
-- !tcp_may_update_window(tp, ack, seq, ntohs(th->window)<<tp->snd_wscale) &&
-+ !tcp_may_update_window(tp, ack, seq, ntohs(th->window)<<tp->rx_opt.snd_wscale) &&
- /* 4. ... and sits in replay window. */
-- (s32)(tp->ts_recent - tp->rcv_tsval) <= (tp->rto*1024)/HZ);
-+ (s32)(tp->rx_opt.ts_recent - tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsval) <= (tp->rto*1024)/HZ);
- }
- static __inline__ int tcp_paws_discard(struct tcp_opt *tp, struct sk_buff *skb)
- {
-- return ((s32)(tp->ts_recent - tp->rcv_tsval) > TCP_PAWS_WINDOW &&
-- xtime.tv_sec < tp->ts_recent_stamp + TCP_PAWS_24DAYS &&
-+ return ((s32)(tp->rx_opt.ts_recent - tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsval) > TCP_PAWS_WINDOW &&
-+ xtime.tv_sec < tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp + TCP_PAWS_24DAYS &&
- !tcp_disordered_ack(tp, skb));
- }
-@@ -3177,8 +3182,8 @@ static void tcp_fin(struct sk_buff *skb,
- * Probably, we should reset in this case. For now drop them.
- */
- __skb_queue_purge(&tp->out_of_order_queue);
-- if (tp->sack_ok)
-- tcp_sack_reset(tp);
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.sack_ok)
-+ tcp_sack_reset(&tp->rx_opt);
- sk_stream_mem_reclaim(sk);
- if (!sock_flag(sk, SOCK_DEAD)) {
-@@ -3208,22 +3213,22 @@ tcp_sack_extend(struct tcp_sack_block *s
- static __inline__ void tcp_dsack_set(struct tcp_opt *tp, u32 seq, u32 end_seq)
- {
-- if (tp->sack_ok && sysctl_tcp_dsack) {
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.sack_ok && sysctl_tcp_dsack) {
- if (before(seq, tp->rcv_nxt))
- else
-- tp->dsack = 1;
-+ tp->rx_opt.dsack = 1;
- tp->duplicate_sack[0].start_seq = seq;
- tp->duplicate_sack[0].end_seq = end_seq;
-- tp->eff_sacks = min(tp->num_sacks+1, 4-tp->tstamp_ok);
-+ tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks = min(tp->rx_opt.num_sacks+1, 4-tp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok);
- }
- }
- static __inline__ void tcp_dsack_extend(struct tcp_opt *tp, u32 seq, u32 end_seq)
- {
-- if (!tp->dsack)
-+ if (!tp->rx_opt.dsack)
- tcp_dsack_set(tp, seq, end_seq);
- else
- tcp_sack_extend(tp->duplicate_sack, seq, end_seq);
-@@ -3238,7 +3243,7 @@ static void tcp_send_dupack(struct sock
- tcp_enter_quickack_mode(tp);
-- if (tp->sack_ok && sysctl_tcp_dsack) {
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.sack_ok && sysctl_tcp_dsack) {
- u32 end_seq = TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq;
- if (after(TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq, tp->rcv_nxt))
-@@ -3262,16 +3267,16 @@ static void tcp_sack_maybe_coalesce(stru
- /* See if the recent change to the first SACK eats into
- * or hits the sequence space of other SACK blocks, if so coalesce.
- */
-- for (this_sack = 1; this_sack < tp->num_sacks; ) {
-+ for (this_sack = 1; this_sack < tp->rx_opt.num_sacks; ) {
- if (tcp_sack_extend(sp, swalk->start_seq, swalk->end_seq)) {
- int i;
- /* Zap SWALK, by moving every further SACK up by one slot.
- * Decrease num_sacks.
- */
-- tp->num_sacks--;
-- tp->eff_sacks = min(tp->num_sacks+tp->dsack, 4-tp->tstamp_ok);
-- for(i=this_sack; i < tp->num_sacks; i++)
-+ tp->rx_opt.num_sacks--;
-+ tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks = min(tp->rx_opt.num_sacks + tp->rx_opt.dsack, 4 - tp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok);
-+ for(i=this_sack; i < tp->rx_opt.num_sacks; i++)
- sp[i] = sp[i+1];
- continue;
- }
-@@ -3296,7 +3301,7 @@ static void tcp_sack_new_ofo_skb(struct
- {
- struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
- struct tcp_sack_block *sp = &tp->selective_acks[0];
-- int cur_sacks = tp->num_sacks;
-+ int cur_sacks = tp->rx_opt.num_sacks;
- int this_sack;
- if (!cur_sacks)
-@@ -3321,7 +3326,7 @@ static void tcp_sack_new_ofo_skb(struct
- */
- if (this_sack >= 4) {
- this_sack--;
-- tp->num_sacks--;
-+ tp->rx_opt.num_sacks--;
- sp--;
- }
- for(; this_sack > 0; this_sack--, sp--)
-@@ -3331,8 +3336,8 @@ new_sack:
- /* Build the new head SACK, and we're done. */
- sp->start_seq = seq;
- sp->end_seq = end_seq;
-- tp->num_sacks++;
-- tp->eff_sacks = min(tp->num_sacks + tp->dsack, 4 - tp->tstamp_ok);
-+ tp->rx_opt.num_sacks++;
-+ tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks = min(tp->rx_opt.num_sacks + tp->rx_opt.dsack, 4 - tp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok);
- }
- /* RCV.NXT advances, some SACKs should be eaten. */
-@@ -3340,13 +3345,13 @@ new_sack:
- static void tcp_sack_remove(struct tcp_opt *tp)
- {
- struct tcp_sack_block *sp = &tp->selective_acks[0];
-- int num_sacks = tp->num_sacks;
-+ int num_sacks = tp->rx_opt.num_sacks;
- int this_sack;
- /* Empty ofo queue, hence, all the SACKs are eaten. Clear. */
- if (skb_queue_len(&tp->out_of_order_queue) == 0) {
-- tp->num_sacks = 0;
-- tp->eff_sacks = tp->dsack;
-+ tp->rx_opt.num_sacks = 0;
-+ tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks = tp->rx_opt.dsack;
- return;
- }
-@@ -3367,9 +3372,9 @@ static void tcp_sack_remove(struct tcp_o
- this_sack++;
- sp++;
- }
-- if (num_sacks != tp->num_sacks) {
-- tp->num_sacks = num_sacks;
-- tp->eff_sacks = min(tp->num_sacks+tp->dsack, 4-tp->tstamp_ok);
-+ if (num_sacks != tp->rx_opt.num_sacks) {
-+ tp->rx_opt.num_sacks = num_sacks;
-+ tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks = min(tp->rx_opt.num_sacks + tp->rx_opt.dsack, 4 - tp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok);
- }
- }
-@@ -3427,10 +3432,10 @@ static void tcp_data_queue(struct sock *
- TCP_ECN_accept_cwr(tp, skb);
-- if (tp->dsack) {
-- tp->dsack = 0;
-- tp->eff_sacks = min_t(unsigned int, tp->num_sacks,
-- 4 - tp->tstamp_ok);
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.dsack) {
-+ tp->rx_opt.dsack = 0;
-+ tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks = min_t(unsigned int, tp->rx_opt.num_sacks,
-+ 4 - tp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok);
- }
- /* Queue data for delivery to the user.
-@@ -3467,7 +3472,7 @@ queue_and_out:
- !sk_stream_rmem_schedule(sk, skb))) {
- if (tcp_prune_queue(sk) < 0 ||
- !sk_stream_rmem_schedule(sk, skb))
-- goto drop;
-+ goto drop_part;
- }
- sk_stream_set_owner_r(skb, sk);
- __skb_queue_tail(&sk->sk_receive_queue, skb);
-@@ -3488,7 +3493,7 @@ queue_and_out:
- tp->ack.pingpong = 0;
- }
-- if (tp->num_sacks)
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.num_sacks)
- tcp_sack_remove(tp);
- tcp_fast_path_check(sk, tp);
-@@ -3511,6 +3516,12 @@ out_of_window:
- drop:
- __kfree_skb(skb);
- return;
-+ if (after(tp->copied_seq, tp->rcv_nxt))
-+ tp->rcv_nxt = tp->copied_seq;
-+ __kfree_skb(skb);
-+ return;
- }
- /* Out of window. F.e. zero window probe. */
-@@ -3555,10 +3566,10 @@ drop:
- if (!skb_peek(&tp->out_of_order_queue)) {
- /* Initial out of order segment, build 1 SACK. */
-- if (tp->sack_ok) {
-- tp->num_sacks = 1;
-- tp->dsack = 0;
-- tp->eff_sacks = 1;
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.sack_ok) {
-+ tp->rx_opt.num_sacks = 1;
-+ tp->rx_opt.dsack = 0;
-+ tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks = 1;
- tp->selective_acks[0].start_seq = TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq;
- tp->selective_acks[0].end_seq =
- TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq;
-@@ -3572,7 +3583,7 @@ drop:
- if (seq == TCP_SKB_CB(skb1)->end_seq) {
- __skb_append(skb1, skb);
-- if (!tp->num_sacks ||
-+ if (!tp->rx_opt.num_sacks ||
- tp->selective_acks[0].end_seq != seq)
- goto add_sack;
-@@ -3620,7 +3631,7 @@ drop:
- }
- add_sack:
-- if (tp->sack_ok)
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.sack_ok)
- tcp_sack_new_ofo_skb(sk, seq, end_seq);
- }
- }
-@@ -3682,6 +3693,10 @@ tcp_collapse(struct sock *sk, struct sk_
- nskb = alloc_skb(copy+header, GFP_ATOMIC);
- if (!nskb)
- return;
-+ if (ub_tcprcvbuf_charge_forced(skb->sk, nskb) < 0) {
-+ kfree_skb(nskb);
-+ return;
-+ }
- skb_reserve(nskb, header);
- memcpy(nskb->head, skb->head, header);
- nskb->nh.raw = nskb->head + (skb->nh.raw-skb->head);
-@@ -3777,7 +3792,7 @@ static int tcp_prune_queue(struct sock *
- if (atomic_read(&sk->sk_rmem_alloc) >= sk->sk_rcvbuf)
- tcp_clamp_window(sk, tp);
-- else if (tcp_memory_pressure)
-+ else if (ub_tcp_memory_pressure(sk))
- tp->rcv_ssthresh = min(tp->rcv_ssthresh, 4U * tp->advmss);
- tcp_collapse_ofo_queue(sk);
-@@ -3803,8 +3818,8 @@ static int tcp_prune_queue(struct sock *
- * is in a sad state like this, we care only about integrity
- * of the connection not performance.
- */
-- if (tp->sack_ok)
-- tcp_sack_reset(tp);
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.sack_ok)
-+ tcp_sack_reset(&tp->rx_opt);
- sk_stream_mem_reclaim(sk);
- }
-@@ -3859,7 +3874,7 @@ static void tcp_new_space(struct sock *s
- !(sk->sk_userlocks & SOCK_SNDBUF_LOCK) &&
- !tcp_memory_pressure &&
- atomic_read(&tcp_memory_allocated) < sysctl_tcp_mem[0]) {
-- int sndmem = max_t(u32, tp->mss_clamp, tp->mss_cache) +
-+ int sndmem = max_t(u32, tp->rx_opt.mss_clamp, tp->mss_cache) +
- MAX_TCP_HEADER + 16 + sizeof(struct sk_buff),
- demanded = max_t(unsigned int, tp->snd_cwnd,
- tp->reordering + 1);
-@@ -4126,7 +4141,7 @@ int tcp_rcv_established(struct sock *sk,
- * We do checksum and copy also but from device to kernel.
- */
-- tp->saw_tstamp = 0;
-+ tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp = 0;
- /* pred_flags is 0xS?10 << 16 + snd_wnd
- * if header_predition is to be made
-@@ -4155,14 +4170,14 @@ int tcp_rcv_established(struct sock *sk,
- goto slow_path;
-- tp->saw_tstamp = 1;
-+ tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp = 1;
- ++ptr;
-- tp->rcv_tsval = ntohl(*ptr);
-+ tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsval = ntohl(*ptr);
- ++ptr;
-- tp->rcv_tsecr = ntohl(*ptr);
-+ tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsecr = ntohl(*ptr);
- /* If PAWS failed, check it more carefully in slow path */
-- if ((s32)(tp->rcv_tsval - tp->ts_recent) < 0)
-+ if ((s32)(tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsval - tp->rx_opt.ts_recent) < 0)
- goto slow_path;
- /* DO NOT update ts_recent here, if checksum fails
-@@ -4242,6 +4257,10 @@ int tcp_rcv_established(struct sock *sk,
- if ((int)skb->truesize > sk->sk_forward_alloc)
- goto step5;
-+ /* This is OK not to try to free memory here.
-+ * Do this below on slow path. Den */
-+ if (ub_tcprcvbuf_charge(sk, skb) < 0)
-+ goto step5;
-@@ -4288,7 +4307,7 @@ slow_path:
- /*
- * RFC1323: H1. Apply PAWS check first.
- */
-- if (tcp_fast_parse_options(skb, th, tp) && tp->saw_tstamp &&
-+ if (tcp_fast_parse_options(skb, th, tp) && tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp &&
- tcp_paws_discard(tp, skb)) {
- if (!th->rst) {
-@@ -4360,9 +4379,9 @@ static int tcp_rcv_synsent_state_process
- struct tcphdr *th, unsigned len)
- {
- struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
-- int saved_clamp = tp->mss_clamp;
-+ int saved_clamp = tp->rx_opt.mss_clamp;
-- tcp_parse_options(skb, tp, 0);
-+ tcp_parse_options(skb, &tp->rx_opt, 0);
- if (th->ack) {
- /* rfc793:
-@@ -4379,8 +4398,8 @@ static int tcp_rcv_synsent_state_process
- if (TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->ack_seq != tp->snd_nxt)
- goto reset_and_undo;
-- if (tp->saw_tstamp && tp->rcv_tsecr &&
-- !between(tp->rcv_tsecr, tp->retrans_stamp,
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp && tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsecr &&
-+ !between(tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsecr, tp->retrans_stamp,
- tcp_time_stamp)) {
- goto reset_and_undo;
-@@ -4435,13 +4454,13 @@ static int tcp_rcv_synsent_state_process
- tp->snd_wnd = ntohs(th->window);
- tcp_init_wl(tp, TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->ack_seq, TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq);
-- if (!tp->wscale_ok) {
-- tp->snd_wscale = tp->rcv_wscale = 0;
-+ if (!tp->rx_opt.wscale_ok) {
-+ tp->rx_opt.snd_wscale = tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale = 0;
- tp->window_clamp = min(tp->window_clamp, 65535U);
- }
-- if (tp->saw_tstamp) {
-- tp->tstamp_ok = 1;
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp) {
-+ tp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok = 1;
- tp->tcp_header_len =
- sizeof(struct tcphdr) + TCPOLEN_TSTAMP_ALIGNED;
-@@ -4450,8 +4469,8 @@ static int tcp_rcv_synsent_state_process
- tp->tcp_header_len = sizeof(struct tcphdr);
- }
-- if (tp->sack_ok && sysctl_tcp_fack)
-- tp->sack_ok |= 2;
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.sack_ok && sysctl_tcp_fack)
-+ tp->rx_opt.sack_ok |= 2;
- tcp_sync_mss(sk, tp->pmtu_cookie);
- tcp_initialize_rcv_mss(sk);
-@@ -4478,7 +4497,7 @@ static int tcp_rcv_synsent_state_process
- if (sock_flag(sk, SOCK_KEEPOPEN))
- tcp_reset_keepalive_timer(sk, keepalive_time_when(tp));
-- if (!tp->snd_wscale)
-+ if (!tp->rx_opt.snd_wscale)
- __tcp_fast_path_on(tp, tp->snd_wnd);
- else
- tp->pred_flags = 0;
-@@ -4525,7 +4544,7 @@ discard:
- }
- /* PAWS check. */
-- if (tp->ts_recent_stamp && tp->saw_tstamp && tcp_paws_check(tp, 0))
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp && tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp && tcp_paws_check(&tp->rx_opt, 0))
- goto discard_and_undo;
- if (th->syn) {
-@@ -4535,8 +4554,8 @@ discard:
- */
- tcp_set_state(sk, TCP_SYN_RECV);
-- if (tp->saw_tstamp) {
-- tp->tstamp_ok = 1;
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp) {
-+ tp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok = 1;
- tcp_store_ts_recent(tp);
- tp->tcp_header_len =
- sizeof(struct tcphdr) + TCPOLEN_TSTAMP_ALIGNED;
-@@ -4583,13 +4602,13 @@ discard:
- */
- discard_and_undo:
-- tcp_clear_options(tp);
-- tp->mss_clamp = saved_clamp;
-+ tcp_clear_options(&tp->rx_opt);
-+ tp->rx_opt.mss_clamp = saved_clamp;
- goto discard;
- reset_and_undo:
-- tcp_clear_options(tp);
-- tp->mss_clamp = saved_clamp;
-+ tcp_clear_options(&tp->rx_opt);
-+ tp->rx_opt.mss_clamp = saved_clamp;
- return 1;
- }
-@@ -4607,7 +4626,7 @@ int tcp_rcv_state_process(struct sock *s
- struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
- int queued = 0;
-- tp->saw_tstamp = 0;
-+ tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp = 0;
- switch (sk->sk_state) {
- case TCP_CLOSE:
-@@ -4662,7 +4681,7 @@ int tcp_rcv_state_process(struct sock *s
- return 0;
- }
-- if (tcp_fast_parse_options(skb, th, tp) && tp->saw_tstamp &&
-+ if (tcp_fast_parse_options(skb, th, tp) && tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp &&
- tcp_paws_discard(tp, skb)) {
- if (!th->rst) {
-@@ -4722,7 +4741,7 @@ int tcp_rcv_state_process(struct sock *s
- tp->snd_una = TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->ack_seq;
- tp->snd_wnd = ntohs(th->window) <<
-- tp->snd_wscale;
-+ tp->rx_opt.snd_wscale;
- tcp_init_wl(tp, TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->ack_seq,
- TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq);
-@@ -4730,11 +4749,11 @@ int tcp_rcv_state_process(struct sock *s
- * and does not calculate rtt.
- * Fix it at least with timestamps.
- */
-- if (tp->saw_tstamp && tp->rcv_tsecr &&
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp && tp->rx_opt.rcv_tsecr &&
- !tp->srtt)
- tcp_ack_saw_tstamp(tp, 0);
-- if (tp->tstamp_ok)
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok)
- /* Make sure socket is routed, for
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:44.000000000 +0400
-@@ -69,12 +69,16 @@
- #include <net/inet_common.h>
- #include <net/xfrm.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_tcp.h>
- #include <linux/inet.h>
- #include <linux/ipv6.h>
- #include <linux/stddef.h>
- #include <linux/proc_fs.h>
- #include <linux/seq_file.h>
-+#include <linux/ve_owner.h>
- extern int sysctl_ip_dynaddr;
- int sysctl_tcp_tw_reuse;
- int sysctl_tcp_low_latency;
-@@ -105,9 +109,10 @@ int sysctl_local_port_range[2] = { 1024,
- int tcp_port_rover = 1024 - 1;
- static __inline__ int tcp_hashfn(__u32 laddr, __u16 lport,
-- __u32 faddr, __u16 fport)
-+ __u32 faddr, __u16 fport,
-+ envid_t veid)
- {
-- int h = (laddr ^ lport) ^ (faddr ^ fport);
-+ int h = (laddr ^ lport) ^ (faddr ^ fport) ^ (veid ^ (veid >> 16));
- h ^= h >> 16;
- h ^= h >> 8;
- return h & (tcp_ehash_size - 1);
-@@ -120,15 +125,20 @@ static __inline__ int tcp_sk_hashfn(stru
- __u16 lport = inet->num;
- __u32 faddr = inet->daddr;
- __u16 fport = inet->dport;
-+ envid_t veid = VEID(VE_OWNER_SK(sk));
-- return tcp_hashfn(laddr, lport, faddr, fport);
-+ return tcp_hashfn(laddr, lport, faddr, fport, veid);
- }
-+DCL_VE_OWNER(TB, GENERIC, struct tcp_bind_bucket, owner_env,
-+ inline, (always_inline))
- /* Allocate and initialize a new TCP local port bind bucket.
- * The bindhash mutex for snum's hash chain must be held here.
- */
- struct tcp_bind_bucket *tcp_bucket_create(struct tcp_bind_hashbucket *head,
-- unsigned short snum)
-+ unsigned short snum,
-+ struct ve_struct *env)
- {
- struct tcp_bind_bucket *tb = kmem_cache_alloc(tcp_bucket_cachep,
-@@ -136,6 +146,7 @@ struct tcp_bind_bucket *tcp_bucket_creat
- tb->port = snum;
- tb->fastreuse = 0;
- INIT_HLIST_HEAD(&tb->owners);
-+ SET_VE_OWNER_TB(tb, env);
- hlist_add_head(&tb->node, &head->chain);
- }
- return tb;
-@@ -153,10 +164,11 @@ void tcp_bucket_destroy(struct tcp_bind_
- /* Caller must disable local BH processing. */
- static __inline__ void __tcp_inherit_port(struct sock *sk, struct sock *child)
- {
-- struct tcp_bind_hashbucket *head =
-- &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(inet_sk(child)->num)];
-+ struct tcp_bind_hashbucket *head;
- struct tcp_bind_bucket *tb;
-+ head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(inet_sk(child)->num,
-+ VEID(VE_OWNER_SK(child)))];
- spin_lock(&head->lock);
- tb = tcp_sk(sk)->bind_hash;
- sk_add_bind_node(child, &tb->owners);
-@@ -212,8 +224,10 @@ static int tcp_v4_get_port(struct sock *
- struct tcp_bind_hashbucket *head;
- struct hlist_node *node;
- struct tcp_bind_bucket *tb;
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
- int ret;
-+ env = VE_OWNER_SK(sk);
- local_bh_disable();
- if (!snum) {
- int low = sysctl_local_port_range[0];
-@@ -227,10 +241,11 @@ static int tcp_v4_get_port(struct sock *
- rover++;
- if (rover < low || rover > high)
- rover = low;
-- head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(rover)];
-+ head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(rover, VEID(env))];
- spin_lock(&head->lock);
- tb_for_each(tb, node, &head->chain)
-- if (tb->port == rover)
-+ if (tb->port == rover &&
-+ ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_TB(tb), env))
- goto next;
- break;
- next:
-@@ -249,10 +264,11 @@ static int tcp_v4_get_port(struct sock *
- */
- snum = rover;
- } else {
-- head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(snum)];
-+ head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(snum, VEID(env))];
- spin_lock(&head->lock);
- tb_for_each(tb, node, &head->chain)
-- if (tb->port == snum)
-+ if (tb->port == snum &&
-+ ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_TB(tb), env))
- goto tb_found;
- }
- tb = NULL;
-@@ -272,7 +288,7 @@ tb_found:
- }
- tb_not_found:
- ret = 1;
-- if (!tb && (tb = tcp_bucket_create(head, snum)) == NULL)
-+ if (!tb && (tb = tcp_bucket_create(head, snum, env)) == NULL)
- goto fail_unlock;
- if (hlist_empty(&tb->owners)) {
- if (sk->sk_reuse && sk->sk_state != TCP_LISTEN)
-@@ -301,9 +317,10 @@ fail:
- static void __tcp_put_port(struct sock *sk)
- {
- struct inet_opt *inet = inet_sk(sk);
-- struct tcp_bind_hashbucket *head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(inet->num)];
-+ struct tcp_bind_hashbucket *head;
- struct tcp_bind_bucket *tb;
-+ head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(inet->num, VEID(VE_OWNER_SK(sk)))];
- spin_lock(&head->lock);
- tb = tcp_sk(sk)->bind_hash;
- __sk_del_bind_node(sk);
-@@ -412,7 +429,8 @@ void tcp_unhash(struct sock *sk)
- * during the search since they can never be otherwise.
- */
- static struct sock *__tcp_v4_lookup_listener(struct hlist_head *head, u32 daddr,
-- unsigned short hnum, int dif)
-+ unsigned short hnum, int dif,
-+ struct ve_struct *env)
- {
- struct sock *result = NULL, *sk;
- struct hlist_node *node;
-@@ -422,7 +440,9 @@ static struct sock *__tcp_v4_lookup_list
- sk_for_each(sk, node, head) {
- struct inet_opt *inet = inet_sk(sk);
-- if (inet->num == hnum && !ipv6_only_sock(sk)) {
-+ if (inet->num == hnum &&
-+ ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), env) &&
-+ !ipv6_only_sock(sk)) {
- __u32 rcv_saddr = inet->rcv_saddr;
- score = (sk->sk_family == PF_INET ? 1 : 0);
-@@ -453,18 +473,21 @@ inline struct sock *tcp_v4_lookup_listen
- {
- struct sock *sk = NULL;
- struct hlist_head *head;
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
-+ env = get_exec_env();
- read_lock(&tcp_lhash_lock);
-- head = &tcp_listening_hash[tcp_lhashfn(hnum)];
-+ head = &tcp_listening_hash[tcp_lhashfn(hnum, VEID(env))];
- if (!hlist_empty(head)) {
- struct inet_opt *inet = inet_sk((sk = __sk_head(head)));
- if (inet->num == hnum && !sk-> &&
-+ ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), env) &&
- (!inet->rcv_saddr || inet->rcv_saddr == daddr) &&
- (sk->sk_family == PF_INET || !ipv6_only_sock(sk)) &&
- !sk->sk_bound_dev_if)
- goto sherry_cache;
-- sk = __tcp_v4_lookup_listener(head, daddr, hnum, dif);
-+ sk = __tcp_v4_lookup_listener(head, daddr, hnum, dif, env);
- }
- if (sk) {
- sherry_cache:
-@@ -492,17 +515,22 @@ static inline struct sock *__tcp_v4_look
- /* Optimize here for direct hit, only listening connections can
- * have wildcards anyways.
- */
-- int hash = tcp_hashfn(daddr, hnum, saddr, sport);
-+ int hash;
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
-+ env = get_exec_env();
-+ hash = tcp_hashfn(daddr, hnum, saddr, sport, VEID(env));
- head = &tcp_ehash[hash];
- read_lock(&head->lock);
- sk_for_each(sk, node, &head->chain) {
-- if (TCP_IPV4_MATCH(sk, acookie, saddr, daddr, ports, dif))
-+ if (TCP_IPV4_MATCH(sk, acookie, saddr, daddr, ports, dif, env))
- goto hit; /* You sunk my battleship! */
- }
- /* Must check for a TIME_WAIT'er before going to listener hash. */
- sk_for_each(sk, node, &(head + tcp_ehash_size)->chain) {
-- if (TCP_IPV4_TW_MATCH(sk, acookie, saddr, daddr, ports, dif))
-+ if (TCP_IPV4_TW_MATCH(sk, acookie, saddr, daddr,
-+ ports, dif, env))
- goto hit;
- }
- sk = NULL;
-@@ -553,11 +581,16 @@ static int __tcp_v4_check_established(st
- int dif = sk->sk_bound_dev_if;
- TCP_V4_ADDR_COOKIE(acookie, saddr, daddr)
- __u32 ports = TCP_COMBINED_PORTS(inet->dport, lport);
-- int hash = tcp_hashfn(daddr, lport, saddr, inet->dport);
-- struct tcp_ehash_bucket *head = &tcp_ehash[hash];
-+ int hash;
-+ struct tcp_ehash_bucket *head;
- struct sock *sk2;
- struct hlist_node *node;
- struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw;
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
-+ env = VE_OWNER_SK(sk);
-+ hash = tcp_hashfn(daddr, lport, saddr, inet->dport, VEID(env));
-+ head = &tcp_ehash[hash];
- write_lock(&head->lock);
-@@ -565,7 +598,8 @@ static int __tcp_v4_check_established(st
- sk_for_each(sk2, node, &(head + tcp_ehash_size)->chain) {
- tw = (struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk2;
-- if (TCP_IPV4_TW_MATCH(sk2, acookie, saddr, daddr, ports, dif)) {
-+ if (TCP_IPV4_TW_MATCH(sk2, acookie, saddr, daddr,
-+ ports, dif, env)) {
- struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
- /* With PAWS, it is safe from the viewpoint
-@@ -589,8 +623,8 @@ static int __tcp_v4_check_established(st
- if ((tp->write_seq =
- tw->tw_snd_nxt + 65535 + 2) == 0)
- tp->write_seq = 1;
-- tp->ts_recent = tw->tw_ts_recent;
-- tp->ts_recent_stamp = tw->tw_ts_recent_stamp;
-+ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent = tw->tw_ts_recent;
-+ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp = tw->tw_ts_recent_stamp;
- sock_hold(sk2);
- goto unique;
- } else
-@@ -601,7 +635,7 @@ static int __tcp_v4_check_established(st
- /* And established part... */
- sk_for_each(sk2, node, &head->chain) {
-- if (TCP_IPV4_MATCH(sk2, acookie, saddr, daddr, ports, dif))
-+ if (TCP_IPV4_MATCH(sk2, acookie, saddr, daddr, ports, dif, env))
- goto not_unique;
- }
-@@ -643,7 +677,9 @@ static int tcp_v4_hash_connect(struct so
- struct tcp_bind_hashbucket *head;
- struct tcp_bind_bucket *tb;
- int ret;
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
-+ env = VE_OWNER_SK(sk);
- if (!snum) {
- int rover;
- int low = sysctl_local_port_range[0];
-@@ -674,7 +710,7 @@ static int tcp_v4_hash_connect(struct so
- rover++;
- if ((rover < low) || (rover > high))
- rover = low;
-- head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(rover)];
-+ head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(rover, VEID(env))];
- spin_lock(&head->lock);
- /* Does not bother with rcv_saddr checks,
-@@ -682,7 +718,9 @@ static int tcp_v4_hash_connect(struct so
- * unique enough.
- */
- tb_for_each(tb, node, &head->chain) {
-- if (tb->port == rover) {
-+ if (tb->port == rover &&
-+ ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_TB(tb), env))
-+ {
- BUG_TRAP(!hlist_empty(&tb->owners));
- if (tb->fastreuse >= 0)
- goto next_port;
-@@ -694,7 +732,7 @@ static int tcp_v4_hash_connect(struct so
- }
- }
-- tb = tcp_bucket_create(head, rover);
-+ tb = tcp_bucket_create(head, rover, env);
- if (!tb) {
- spin_unlock(&head->lock);
- break;
-@@ -733,7 +771,7 @@ ok:
- goto out;
- }
-- head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(snum)];
-+ head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(snum, VEID(env))];
- tb = tcp_sk(sk)->bind_hash;
- spin_lock_bh(&head->lock);
- if (sk_head(&tb->owners) == sk && !sk-> {
-@@ -793,25 +831,25 @@ int tcp_v4_connect(struct sock *sk, stru
- inet->saddr = rt->rt_src;
- inet->rcv_saddr = inet->saddr;
-- if (tp->ts_recent_stamp && inet->daddr != daddr) {
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp && inet->daddr != daddr) {
- /* Reset inherited state */
-- tp->ts_recent = 0;
-- tp->ts_recent_stamp = 0;
-- tp->write_seq = 0;
-+ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent = 0;
-+ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp = 0;
-+ tp->write_seq = 0;
- }
- if (sysctl_tcp_tw_recycle &&
-- !tp->ts_recent_stamp && rt->rt_dst == daddr) {
-+ !tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp && rt->rt_dst == daddr) {
- struct inet_peer *peer = rt_get_peer(rt);
- /* VJ's idea. We save last timestamp seen from
- * the destination in peer table, when entering state TIME-WAIT
-- * and initialize ts_recent from it, when trying new connection.
-+ * and initialize rx_opt.ts_recent from it, when trying new connection.
- */
- if (peer && peer->tcp_ts_stamp + TCP_PAWS_MSL >= xtime.tv_sec) {
-- tp->ts_recent_stamp = peer->tcp_ts_stamp;
-- tp->ts_recent = peer->tcp_ts;
-+ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp = peer->tcp_ts_stamp;
-+ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent = peer->tcp_ts;
- }
- }
-@@ -822,7 +860,7 @@ int tcp_v4_connect(struct sock *sk, stru
- if (inet->opt)
- tp->ext_header_len = inet->opt->optlen;
-- tp->mss_clamp = 536;
-+ tp->rx_opt.mss_clamp = 536;
- /* Socket identity is still unknown (sport may be zero).
- * However we set state to SYN-SENT and not releasing socket
-@@ -1033,11 +1071,7 @@ void tcp_v4_err(struct sk_buff *skb, u32
- switch (type) {
-- /* This is deprecated, but if someone generated it,
-- * we have no reasons to ignore it.
-- */
-- if (!sock_owned_by_user(sk))
-- tcp_enter_cwr(tp);
-+ /* Just silently ignore these. */
- goto out;
- err = EPROTO;
-@@ -1261,9 +1295,8 @@ static void tcp_v4_timewait_ack(struct s
- struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw = (struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk;
- tcp_v4_send_ack(skb, tw->tw_snd_nxt, tw->tw_rcv_nxt,
-- tw->tw_rcv_wnd >> tw->tw_rcv_wscale, tw->tw_ts_recent);
-- tcp_tw_put(tw);
-+ tw->tw_rcv_wnd >> (tw->tw_rcv_wscale & TW_WSCALE_MASK),
-+ tw->tw_ts_recent);
- }
- static void tcp_v4_or_send_ack(struct sk_buff *skb, struct open_request *req)
-@@ -1407,7 +1440,7 @@ struct or_calltable or_ipv4 = {
- int tcp_v4_conn_request(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
- {
-- struct tcp_opt tp;
-+ struct tcp_options_received tmp_opt;
- struct open_request *req;
- __u32 saddr = skb->nh.iph->saddr;
- __u32 daddr = skb->nh.iph->daddr;
-@@ -1449,29 +1482,29 @@ int tcp_v4_conn_request(struct sock *sk,
- if (!req)
- goto drop;
-- tcp_clear_options(&tp);
-- tp.mss_clamp = 536;
-- tp.user_mss = tcp_sk(sk)->user_mss;
-+ tcp_clear_options(&tmp_opt);
-+ tmp_opt.mss_clamp = 536;
-+ tmp_opt.user_mss = tcp_sk(sk)->rx_opt.user_mss;
-- tcp_parse_options(skb, &tp, 0);
-+ tcp_parse_options(skb, &tmp_opt, 0);
- if (want_cookie) {
-- tcp_clear_options(&tp);
-- tp.saw_tstamp = 0;
-+ tcp_clear_options(&tmp_opt);
-+ tmp_opt.saw_tstamp = 0;
- }
-- if (tp.saw_tstamp && !tp.rcv_tsval) {
-+ if (tmp_opt.saw_tstamp && !tmp_opt.rcv_tsval) {
- /* Some OSes (unknown ones, but I see them on web server, which
- * contains information interesting only for windows'
- * users) do not send their stamp in SYN. It is easy case.
- * We simply do not advertise TS support.
- */
-- tp.saw_tstamp = 0;
-- tp.tstamp_ok = 0;
-+ tmp_opt.saw_tstamp = 0;
-+ tmp_opt.tstamp_ok = 0;
- }
-- tp.tstamp_ok = tp.saw_tstamp;
-+ tmp_opt.tstamp_ok = tmp_opt.saw_tstamp;
-- tcp_openreq_init(req, &tp, skb);
-+ tcp_openreq_init(req, &tmp_opt, skb);
- req->af.v4_req.loc_addr = daddr;
- req->af.v4_req.rmt_addr = saddr;
-@@ -1497,7 +1530,7 @@ int tcp_v4_conn_request(struct sock *sk,
- * timewait bucket, so that all the necessary checks
- * are made in the function processing timewait state.
- */
-- if (tp.saw_tstamp &&
-+ if (tmp_opt.saw_tstamp &&
- sysctl_tcp_tw_recycle &&
- (dst = tcp_v4_route_req(sk, req)) != NULL &&
- (peer = rt_get_peer((struct rtable *)dst)) != NULL &&
-@@ -1684,12 +1717,15 @@ static int tcp_v4_checksum_init(struct s
- */
- int tcp_v4_do_rcv(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
- {
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-+ ub = set_sk_exec_ub(sk);
- if (sk->sk_state == TCP_ESTABLISHED) { /* Fast path */
- if (tcp_rcv_established(sk, skb, skb->, skb->len))
- goto reset;
-- return 0;
-+ goto restore_context;
- }
- if (skb->len < (skb->>doff << 2) || tcp_checksum_complete(skb))
-@@ -1703,7 +1739,7 @@ int tcp_v4_do_rcv(struct sock *sk, struc
- if (nsk != sk) {
- if (tcp_child_process(sk, nsk, skb))
- goto reset;
-- return 0;
-+ goto restore_context;
- }
- }
-@@ -1711,6 +1747,9 @@ int tcp_v4_do_rcv(struct sock *sk, struc
- if (tcp_rcv_state_process(sk, skb, skb->, skb->len))
- goto reset;
-+ (void)set_exec_ub(ub);
- return 0;
- reset:
-@@ -1722,7 +1761,7 @@ discard:
- * might be destroyed here. This current version compiles correctly,
- * but you have been warned.
- */
-- return 0;
-+ goto restore_context;
- csum_err:
-@@ -1835,13 +1874,17 @@ do_time_wait:
- tcp_tw_put((struct tcp_tw_bucket *) sk);
- goto discard_it;
- }
-+ spin_lock(&((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk)->tw_lock);
- switch (tcp_timewait_state_process((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk,
- skb, th, skb->len)) {
- case TCP_TW_SYN: {
-- struct sock *sk2 = tcp_v4_lookup_listener(skb->nh.iph->daddr,
-+ struct sock *sk2;
-+ sk2 = tcp_v4_lookup_listener(skb->nh.iph->daddr,
- ntohs(th->dest),
- tcp_v4_iif(skb));
- if (sk2) {
-+ spin_unlock(&((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk)->tw_lock);
- tcp_tw_deschedule((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk);
- tcp_tw_put((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk);
- sk = sk2;
-@@ -1853,9 +1896,13 @@ do_time_wait:
- tcp_v4_timewait_ack(sk, skb);
- break;
- case TCP_TW_RST:
-+ spin_unlock(&((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk)->tw_lock);
-+ tcp_tw_put((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk);
- goto no_tcp_socket;
- }
-+ spin_unlock(&((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk)->tw_lock);
-+ tcp_tw_put((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk);
- goto discard_it;
- }
-@@ -2001,11 +2048,11 @@ int tcp_v4_remember_stamp(struct sock *s
- }
- if (peer) {
-- if ((s32)(peer->tcp_ts - tp->ts_recent) <= 0 ||
-+ if ((s32)(peer->tcp_ts - tp->rx_opt.ts_recent) <= 0 ||
- (peer->tcp_ts_stamp + TCP_PAWS_MSL < xtime.tv_sec &&
-- peer->tcp_ts_stamp <= tp->ts_recent_stamp)) {
-- peer->tcp_ts_stamp = tp->ts_recent_stamp;
-- peer->tcp_ts = tp->ts_recent;
-+ peer->tcp_ts_stamp <= tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp)) {
-+ peer->tcp_ts_stamp = tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp;
-+ peer->tcp_ts = tp->rx_opt.ts_recent;
- }
- if (release_it)
- inet_putpeer(peer);
-@@ -2077,6 +2124,8 @@ static int tcp_v4_init_sock(struct sock
- tp->snd_cwnd_clamp = ~0;
- tp->mss_cache = 536;
-+ tp->advmss = 65535; /* max value */
- tp->reordering = sysctl_tcp_reordering;
- sk->sk_state = TCP_CLOSE;
-@@ -2117,6 +2166,8 @@ int tcp_v4_destroy_sock(struct sock *sk)
- * If sendmsg cached page exists, toss it.
- */
- if (sk->sk_sndmsg_page) {
-+ /* queue is empty, uncharge */
-+ ub_sock_tcp_detachpage(sk);
- __free_page(sk->sk_sndmsg_page);
- sk->sk_sndmsg_page = NULL;
- }
-@@ -2131,16 +2182,34 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_v4_destroy_sock);
- /* Proc filesystem TCP sock list dumping. */
--static inline struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw_head(struct hlist_head *head)
-+static inline struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw_head(struct hlist_head *head,
-+ envid_t veid)
- {
-- return hlist_empty(head) ? NULL :
-- list_entry(head->first, struct tcp_tw_bucket, tw_node);
-+ struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw;
-+ struct hlist_node *pos;
-+ if (hlist_empty(head))
-+ return NULL;
-+ hlist_for_each_entry(tw, pos, head, tw_node) {
-+ if (!ve_accessible_veid(TW_VEID(tw), veid))
-+ continue;
-+ return tw;
-+ }
-+ return NULL;
- }
--static inline struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw_next(struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw)
-+static inline struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw_next(struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw,
-+ envid_t veid)
- {
-- return tw-> ?
-- hlist_entry(tw->, typeof(*tw), tw_node) : NULL;
-+ while (1) {
-+ if (tw-> == NULL)
-+ return NULL;
-+ tw = hlist_entry(tw->, typeof(*tw), tw_node);
-+ if (!ve_accessible_veid(TW_VEID(tw), veid))
-+ continue;
-+ return tw;
-+ }
-+ return NULL; /* make compiler happy */
- }
- static void *listening_get_next(struct seq_file *seq, void *cur)
-@@ -2149,7 +2218,9 @@ static void *listening_get_next(struct s
- struct hlist_node *node;
- struct sock *sk = cur;
- struct tcp_iter_state* st = seq->private;
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ ve = get_exec_env();
- if (!sk) {
- st->bucket = 0;
- sk = sk_head(&tcp_listening_hash[0]);
-@@ -2183,6 +2254,8 @@ get_req:
- sk = sk_next(sk);
- get_sk:
- sk_for_each_from(sk, node) {
-+ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), ve))
-+ continue;
- if (sk->sk_family == st->family) {
- cur = sk;
- goto out;
-@@ -2222,7 +2295,9 @@ static void *established_get_first(struc
- {
- struct tcp_iter_state* st = seq->private;
- void *rc = NULL;
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ ve = get_exec_env();
- for (st->bucket = 0; st->bucket < tcp_ehash_size; ++st->bucket) {
- struct sock *sk;
- struct hlist_node *node;
-@@ -2230,6 +2305,8 @@ static void *established_get_first(struc
- read_lock(&tcp_ehash[st->bucket].lock);
- sk_for_each(sk, node, &tcp_ehash[st->bucket].chain) {
-+ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), ve))
-+ continue;
- if (sk->sk_family != st->family) {
- continue;
- }
-@@ -2239,6 +2316,8 @@ static void *established_get_first(struc
- st->state = TCP_SEQ_STATE_TIME_WAIT;
- tw_for_each(tw, node,
- &tcp_ehash[st->bucket + tcp_ehash_size].chain) {
-+ if (!ve_accessible_veid(TW_VEID(tw), VEID(ve)))
-+ continue;
- if (tw->tw_family != st->family) {
- continue;
- }
-@@ -2258,16 +2337,17 @@ static void *established_get_next(struct
- struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw;
- struct hlist_node *node;
- struct tcp_iter_state* st = seq->private;
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ ve = get_exec_env();
- ++st->num;
- if (st->state == TCP_SEQ_STATE_TIME_WAIT) {
- tw = cur;
-- tw = tw_next(tw);
-+ tw = tw_next(tw, VEID(ve));
- get_tw:
-- while (tw && tw->tw_family != st->family) {
-- tw = tw_next(tw);
-- }
-+ while (tw && tw->tw_family != st->family)
-+ tw = tw_next(tw, VEID(ve));
- if (tw) {
- cur = tw;
- goto out;
-@@ -2285,12 +2365,14 @@ get_tw:
- sk = sk_next(sk);
- sk_for_each_from(sk, node) {
-+ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), ve))
-+ continue;
- if (sk->sk_family == st->family)
- goto found;
- }
- st->state = TCP_SEQ_STATE_TIME_WAIT;
-- tw = tw_head(&tcp_ehash[st->bucket + tcp_ehash_size].chain);
-+ tw = tw_head(&tcp_ehash[st->bucket + tcp_ehash_size].chain, VEID(ve));
- goto get_tw;
- found:
- cur = sk;
-@@ -2636,6 +2718,85 @@ void __init tcp_v4_init(struct net_proto
- tcp_socket->sk->sk_prot->unhash(tcp_socket->sk);
- }
-+static void tcp_kill_ve_onesk(struct sock *sk)
-+ struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
-+ /* Check the assumed state of the socket. */
-+ if (!sock_flag(sk, SOCK_DEAD)) {
-+ static int printed;
-+ if (!printed)
-+ printk(KERN_DEBUG "Killing sk: dead %d, state %d, "
-+ "wrseq %u unseq %u, wrqu %d.\n",
-+ sock_flag(sk, SOCK_DEAD), sk->sk_state,
-+ tp->write_seq, tp->snd_una,
-+ !skb_queue_empty(&sk->sk_write_queue));
-+ printed = 1;
-+ return;
-+ }
-+ tcp_send_active_reset(sk, GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ switch (sk->sk_state) {
-+ case TCP_FIN_WAIT1:
-+ case TCP_CLOSING:
-+ /* In these 2 states the peer may want us to retransmit
-+ * some data and/or FIN. Entering "resetting mode"
-+ * instead.
-+ */
-+ tcp_time_wait(sk, TCP_CLOSE, 0);
-+ break;
-+ case TCP_FIN_WAIT2:
-+ /* By some reason the socket may stay in this state
-+ * without turning into a TW bucket. Fix it.
-+ */
-+ tcp_time_wait(sk, TCP_FIN_WAIT2, 0);
-+ break;
-+ case TCP_LAST_ACK:
-+ /* Just jump into CLOSED state. */
-+ tcp_done(sk);
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ /* The socket must be already close()d. */
-+ goto invalid;
-+ }
-+void tcp_v4_kill_ve_sockets(struct ve_struct *envid)
-+ struct tcp_ehash_bucket *head;
-+ int i;
-+ /* alive */
-+ local_bh_disable();
-+ head = tcp_ehash;
-+ for (i = 0; i < tcp_ehash_size; i++) {
-+ struct sock *sk;
-+ struct hlist_node *node;
-+ write_lock(&head[i].lock);
-+ sk_for_each(sk, node, &head[i].chain) {
-+ if (ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), envid)) {
-+ sock_hold(sk);
-+ write_unlock(&head[i].lock);
-+ bh_lock_sock(sk);
-+ /* sk might have disappeared from the hash before
-+ * we got the lock */
-+ if (sk->sk_state != TCP_CLOSE)
-+ tcp_kill_ve_onesk(sk);
-+ bh_unlock_sock(sk);
-+ sock_put(sk);
-+ goto more_work;
-+ }
-+ }
-+ write_unlock(&head[i].lock);
-+ }
-+ local_bh_enable();
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(ipv4_specific);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_bind_hash);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_bucket_create);
-@@ -2654,6 +2815,7 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_v4_rebuild_header);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_v4_remember_stamp);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_v4_send_check);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_v4_syn_recv_sock);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_proc_register);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:44.000000000 +0400
-@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
- #include <net/inet_common.h>
- #include <net/xfrm.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_net.h>
- #define SYNC_INIT 0 /* let the user enable it */
- #else
-@@ -74,7 +76,7 @@ static void tcp_timewait_kill(struct tcp
- write_unlock(&ehead->lock);
- /* Disassociate with bind bucket. */
-- bhead = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(tw->tw_num)];
-+ bhead = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(tw->tw_num, TW_VEID(tw))];
- spin_lock(&bhead->lock);
- tb = tw->tw_tb;
- __hlist_del(&tw->tw_bind_node);
-@@ -123,17 +125,17 @@ enum tcp_tw_status
- tcp_timewait_state_process(struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw, struct sk_buff *skb,
- struct tcphdr *th, unsigned len)
- {
-- struct tcp_opt tp;
-+ struct tcp_options_received tmp_opt;
- int paws_reject = 0;
-- tp.saw_tstamp = 0;
-+ tmp_opt.saw_tstamp = 0;
- if (th->doff > (sizeof(struct tcphdr) >> 2) && tw->tw_ts_recent_stamp) {
-- tcp_parse_options(skb, &tp, 0);
-+ tcp_parse_options(skb, &tmp_opt, 0);
-- if (tp.saw_tstamp) {
-- tp.ts_recent = tw->tw_ts_recent;
-- tp.ts_recent_stamp = tw->tw_ts_recent_stamp;
-- paws_reject = tcp_paws_check(&tp, th->rst);
-+ if (tmp_opt.saw_tstamp) {
-+ tmp_opt.ts_recent = tw->tw_ts_recent;
-+ tmp_opt.ts_recent_stamp = tw->tw_ts_recent_stamp;
-+ paws_reject = tcp_paws_check(&tmp_opt, th->rst);
- }
- }
-@@ -150,33 +152,28 @@ tcp_timewait_state_process(struct tcp_tw
- if (th->rst)
- goto kill;
-- if (th->syn && !before(TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq, tw->tw_rcv_nxt))
-- goto kill_with_rst;
-+ if (th->syn && !before(TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq, tw->tw_rcv_nxt)) {
-+ tw->tw_substate = TCP_CLOSE;
-+ tcp_tw_schedule(tw, TCP_TIMEWAIT_LEN);
-+ return TCP_TW_RST;
-+ }
- /* Dup ACK? */
- if (!after(TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq, tw->tw_rcv_nxt) ||
-- TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq == TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq) {
-- tcp_tw_put(tw);
-+ TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq == TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq)
- return TCP_TW_SUCCESS;
-- }
-- /* New data or FIN. If new data arrive after half-duplex close,
-- * reset.
-- */
-- if (!th->fin ||
-- TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq != tw->tw_rcv_nxt + 1) {
-- tcp_tw_deschedule(tw);
-- tcp_tw_put(tw);
-- return TCP_TW_RST;
-- }
-- /* FIN arrived, enter true time-wait state. */
-- tw->tw_substate = TCP_TIME_WAIT;
-- tw->tw_rcv_nxt = TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq;
-- if (tp.saw_tstamp) {
-+ /* New data or FIN. */
-+ if (th->fin && TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq == tw->tw_rcv_nxt + 1) {
-+ /* FIN arrived, enter true time-wait state. */
-+ tw->tw_substate = TCP_TIME_WAIT;
-+ tw->tw_rcv_nxt = TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq;
-+ } else
-+ /* If new data arrive after half-duplex close, reset. */
-+ tw->tw_substate = TCP_CLOSE;
-+ if (tmp_opt.saw_tstamp) {
- tw->tw_ts_recent_stamp = xtime.tv_sec;
-- tw->tw_ts_recent = tp.rcv_tsval;
-+ tw->tw_ts_recent = tmp_opt.rcv_tsval;
- }
- /* I am shamed, but failed to make it more elegant.
-@@ -190,7 +187,9 @@ kill_with_rst:
- tcp_tw_schedule(tw, tw->tw_timeout);
- else
- tcp_tw_schedule(tw, TCP_TIMEWAIT_LEN);
-- return TCP_TW_ACK;
-+ return (tw->tw_substate == TCP_TIME_WAIT) ?
- }
- /*
-@@ -223,18 +222,16 @@ kill_with_rst:
- if (sysctl_tcp_rfc1337 == 0) {
- kill:
- tcp_tw_deschedule(tw);
-- tcp_tw_put(tw);
- return TCP_TW_SUCCESS;
- }
- }
- tcp_tw_schedule(tw, TCP_TIMEWAIT_LEN);
-- if (tp.saw_tstamp) {
-- tw->tw_ts_recent = tp.rcv_tsval;
-+ if (tmp_opt.saw_tstamp) {
-+ tw->tw_ts_recent = tmp_opt.rcv_tsval;
- tw->tw_ts_recent_stamp = xtime.tv_sec;
- }
-- tcp_tw_put(tw);
- return TCP_TW_SUCCESS;
- }
-@@ -257,7 +254,7 @@ kill:
- if (th->syn && !th->rst && !th->ack && !paws_reject &&
- (after(TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq, tw->tw_rcv_nxt) ||
-- (tp.saw_tstamp && (s32)(tw->tw_ts_recent - tp.rcv_tsval) < 0))) {
-+ (tmp_opt.saw_tstamp && (s32)(tw->tw_ts_recent - tmp_opt.rcv_tsval) < 0))) {
- u32 isn = tw->tw_snd_nxt + 65535 + 2;
- if (isn == 0)
- isn++;
-@@ -268,7 +265,7 @@ kill:
- if (paws_reject)
-- if(!th->rst) {
-+ if (!th->rst) {
- /* In this case we must reset the TIMEWAIT timer.
- *
- * If it is ACKless SYN it may be both old duplicate
-@@ -278,12 +275,9 @@ kill:
- if (paws_reject || th->ack)
- tcp_tw_schedule(tw, TCP_TIMEWAIT_LEN);
-- /* Send ACK. Note, we do not put the bucket,
-- * it will be released by caller.
-- */
-- return TCP_TW_ACK;
-+ return (tw->tw_substate == TCP_TIME_WAIT) ?
- }
-- tcp_tw_put(tw);
- return TCP_TW_SUCCESS;
- }
-@@ -301,7 +295,8 @@ static void __tcp_tw_hashdance(struct so
- Note, that any socket with inet_sk(sk)->num != 0 MUST be bound in
- binding cache, even if it is closed.
- */
-- bhead = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(inet_sk(sk)->num)];
-+ bhead = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(inet_sk(sk)->num,
-+ VEID(VE_OWNER_SK(sk)))];
- spin_lock(&bhead->lock);
- tw->tw_tb = tcp_sk(sk)->bind_hash;
- BUG_TRAP(tcp_sk(sk)->bind_hash);
-@@ -329,12 +324,15 @@ void tcp_time_wait(struct sock *sk, int
- struct tcp_tw_bucket *tw = NULL;
- struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
- int recycle_ok = 0;
-+ struct user_beancounter *ub;
-- if (sysctl_tcp_tw_recycle && tp->ts_recent_stamp)
-+ if (sysctl_tcp_tw_recycle && tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp)
- recycle_ok = tp->af_specific->remember_stamp(sk);
-+ ub = set_sk_exec_ub(sk);
- if (tcp_tw_count < sysctl_tcp_max_tw_buckets)
- tw = kmem_cache_alloc(tcp_timewait_cachep, SLAB_ATOMIC);
-+ (void)set_exec_ub(ub);
- if(tw != NULL) {
- struct inet_opt *inet = inet_sk(sk);
-@@ -351,16 +349,19 @@ void tcp_time_wait(struct sock *sk, int
- tw->tw_dport = inet->dport;
- tw->tw_family = sk->sk_family;
- tw->tw_reuse = sk->sk_reuse;
-- tw->tw_rcv_wscale = tp->rcv_wscale;
-+ tw->tw_rcv_wscale = tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale;
-+ if (sk->sk_user_data != NULL)
-+ tw->tw_rcv_wscale |= TW_WSCALE_SPEC;
- atomic_set(&tw->tw_refcnt, 1);
- tw->tw_hashent = sk->sk_hashent;
- tw->tw_rcv_nxt = tp->rcv_nxt;
- tw->tw_snd_nxt = tp->snd_nxt;
- tw->tw_rcv_wnd = tcp_receive_window(tp);
-- tw->tw_ts_recent = tp->ts_recent;
-- tw->tw_ts_recent_stamp = tp->ts_recent_stamp;
-+ tw->tw_ts_recent = tp->rx_opt.ts_recent;
-+ tw->tw_ts_recent_stamp = tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp;
- tw_dead_node_init(tw);
-+ spin_lock_init(&tw->tw_lock);
- #if defined(CONFIG_IPV6) || defined(CONFIG_IPV6_MODULE)
- if (tw->tw_family == PF_INET6) {
-@@ -375,6 +376,8 @@ void tcp_time_wait(struct sock *sk, int
- tw->tw_v6_ipv6only = 0;
- }
- #endif
- /* Linkage updates. */
- __tcp_tw_hashdance(sk, tw);
-@@ -401,7 +404,8 @@ void tcp_time_wait(struct sock *sk, int
- printk(KERN_INFO "TCP: time wait bucket table overflow\n");
- }
-- tcp_update_metrics(sk);
-+ if (state != TCP_CLOSE)
-+ tcp_update_metrics(sk);
- tcp_done(sk);
- }
-@@ -694,6 +698,10 @@ struct sock *tcp_create_openreq_child(st
- struct sk_filter *filter;
- memcpy(newsk, sk, sizeof(struct tcp_sock));
-+ if (ub_tcp_sock_charge(newsk) < 0)
-+ goto out_sk_free;
- newsk->sk_state = TCP_SYN_RECV;
- /* SANITY */
-@@ -703,6 +711,7 @@ struct sock *tcp_create_openreq_child(st
- /* Clone the TCP header template */
- inet_sk(newsk)->dport = req->rmt_port;
-+ SET_VE_OWNER_SK(newsk, VE_OWNER_SK(sk));
- sock_lock_init(newsk);
- bh_lock_sock(newsk);
-@@ -729,6 +738,7 @@ struct sock *tcp_create_openreq_child(st
- if (unlikely(xfrm_sk_clone_policy(newsk))) {
- /* It is still raw copy of parent, so invalidate
- * destructor and make plain sk_free() */
- newsk->sk_destruct = NULL;
- sk_free(newsk);
- return NULL;
-@@ -778,13 +788,13 @@ struct sock *tcp_create_openreq_child(st
- newtp->pushed_seq = newtp->write_seq;
- newtp->copied_seq = req->rcv_isn + 1;
-- newtp->saw_tstamp = 0;
-+ newtp->rx_opt.saw_tstamp = 0;
-- newtp->dsack = 0;
-- newtp->eff_sacks = 0;
-+ newtp->rx_opt.dsack = 0;
-+ newtp->rx_opt.eff_sacks = 0;
- newtp->probes_out = 0;
-- newtp->num_sacks = 0;
-+ newtp->rx_opt.num_sacks = 0;
- newtp->urg_data = 0;
- newtp->listen_opt = NULL;
- newtp->accept_queue = newtp->accept_queue_tail = NULL;
-@@ -807,36 +817,36 @@ struct sock *tcp_create_openreq_child(st
- newsk->sk_sleep = NULL;
- newsk->sk_owner = NULL;
-- newtp->tstamp_ok = req->tstamp_ok;
-- if((newtp->sack_ok = req->sack_ok) != 0) {
-+ newtp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok = req->tstamp_ok;
-+ if((newtp->rx_opt.sack_ok = req->sack_ok) != 0) {
- if (sysctl_tcp_fack)
-- newtp->sack_ok |= 2;
-+ newtp->rx_opt.sack_ok |= 2;
- }
- newtp->window_clamp = req->window_clamp;
- newtp->rcv_ssthresh = req->rcv_wnd;
- newtp->rcv_wnd = req->rcv_wnd;
-- newtp->wscale_ok = req->wscale_ok;
-- if (newtp->wscale_ok) {
-- newtp->snd_wscale = req->snd_wscale;
-- newtp->rcv_wscale = req->rcv_wscale;
-+ newtp->rx_opt.wscale_ok = req->wscale_ok;
-+ if (newtp->rx_opt.wscale_ok) {
-+ newtp->rx_opt.snd_wscale = req->snd_wscale;
-+ newtp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale = req->rcv_wscale;
- } else {
-- newtp->snd_wscale = newtp->rcv_wscale = 0;
-+ newtp->rx_opt.snd_wscale = newtp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale = 0;
- newtp->window_clamp = min(newtp->window_clamp, 65535U);
- }
-- newtp->snd_wnd = ntohs(skb->>window) << newtp->snd_wscale;
-+ newtp->snd_wnd = ntohs(skb->>window) << newtp->rx_opt.snd_wscale;
- newtp->max_window = newtp->snd_wnd;
-- if (newtp->tstamp_ok) {
-- newtp->ts_recent = req->ts_recent;
-- newtp->ts_recent_stamp = xtime.tv_sec;
-+ if (newtp->rx_opt.tstamp_ok) {
-+ newtp->rx_opt.ts_recent = req->ts_recent;
-+ newtp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp = xtime.tv_sec;
- newtp->tcp_header_len = sizeof(struct tcphdr) + TCPOLEN_TSTAMP_ALIGNED;
- } else {
-- newtp->ts_recent_stamp = 0;
-+ newtp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp = 0;
- newtp->tcp_header_len = sizeof(struct tcphdr);
- }
- if (skb->len >= TCP_MIN_RCVMSS+newtp->tcp_header_len)
- newtp->ack.last_seg_size = skb->len-newtp->tcp_header_len;
-- newtp->mss_clamp = req->mss;
-+ newtp->rx_opt.mss_clamp = req->mss;
- TCP_ECN_openreq_child(newtp, req);
- if (newtp->ecn_flags&TCP_ECN_OK)
- newsk->sk_no_largesend = 1;
-@@ -860,21 +870,21 @@ struct sock *tcp_check_req(struct sock *
- struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
- u32 flg = tcp_flag_word(th) & (TCP_FLAG_RST|TCP_FLAG_SYN|TCP_FLAG_ACK);
- int paws_reject = 0;
-- struct tcp_opt ttp;
-+ struct tcp_options_received tmp_opt;
- struct sock *child;
-- ttp.saw_tstamp = 0;
-+ tmp_opt.saw_tstamp = 0;
- if (th->doff > (sizeof(struct tcphdr)>>2)) {
-- tcp_parse_options(skb, &ttp, 0);
-+ tcp_parse_options(skb, &tmp_opt, 0);
-- if (ttp.saw_tstamp) {
-- ttp.ts_recent = req->ts_recent;
-+ if (tmp_opt.saw_tstamp) {
-+ tmp_opt.ts_recent = req->ts_recent;
- /* We do not store true stamp, but it is not required,
- * it can be estimated (approximately)
- * from another data.
- */
-- ttp.ts_recent_stamp = xtime.tv_sec - ((TCP_TIMEOUT_INIT/HZ)<<req->retrans);
-- paws_reject = tcp_paws_check(&ttp, th->rst);
-+ tmp_opt.ts_recent_stamp = xtime.tv_sec - ((TCP_TIMEOUT_INIT/HZ)<<req->retrans);
-+ paws_reject = tcp_paws_check(&tmp_opt, th->rst);
- }
- }
-@@ -979,63 +989,63 @@ struct sock *tcp_check_req(struct sock *
- /* In sequence, PAWS is OK. */
-- if (ttp.saw_tstamp && !after(TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq, req->rcv_isn+1))
-- req->ts_recent = ttp.rcv_tsval;
-+ if (tmp_opt.saw_tstamp && !after(TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq, req->rcv_isn+1))
-+ req->ts_recent = tmp_opt.rcv_tsval;
-- if (TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq == req->rcv_isn) {
-- /* Truncate SYN, it is out of window starting
-- at req->rcv_isn+1. */
-- flg &= ~TCP_FLAG_SYN;
-- }
-+ if (TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->seq == req->rcv_isn) {
-+ /* Truncate SYN, it is out of window starting
-+ at req->rcv_isn+1. */
-+ flg &= ~TCP_FLAG_SYN;
-+ }
-- /* RFC793: "second check the RST bit" and
-- * "fourth, check the SYN bit"
-- */
-- if (flg & (TCP_FLAG_RST|TCP_FLAG_SYN))
-- goto embryonic_reset;
-+ /* RFC793: "second check the RST bit" and
-+ * "fourth, check the SYN bit"
-+ */
-+ if (flg & (TCP_FLAG_RST|TCP_FLAG_SYN))
-+ goto embryonic_reset;
-- /* ACK sequence verified above, just make sure ACK is
-- * set. If ACK not set, just silently drop the packet.
-- */
-- if (!(flg & TCP_FLAG_ACK))
-- return NULL;
-+ /* ACK sequence verified above, just make sure ACK is
-+ * set. If ACK not set, just silently drop the packet.
-+ */
-+ if (!(flg & TCP_FLAG_ACK))
-+ return NULL;
-- /* If TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT is set, drop bare ACK. */
-- if (tp->defer_accept && TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq == req->rcv_isn+1) {
-- req->acked = 1;
-- return NULL;
-- }
-+ /* If TCP_DEFER_ACCEPT is set, drop bare ACK. */
-+ if (tp->defer_accept && TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->end_seq == req->rcv_isn+1) {
-+ req->acked = 1;
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-- /* OK, ACK is valid, create big socket and
-- * feed this segment to it. It will repeat all
-- * ESTABLISHED STATE. If it will be dropped after
-- * socket is created, wait for troubles.
-- */
-- child = tp->af_specific->syn_recv_sock(sk, skb, req, NULL);
-- if (child == NULL)
-- goto listen_overflow;
-- sk_set_owner(child, sk->sk_owner);
-- tcp_synq_unlink(tp, req, prev);
-- tcp_synq_removed(sk, req);
-- tcp_acceptq_queue(sk, req, child);
-- return child;
-- if (!sysctl_tcp_abort_on_overflow) {
-- req->acked = 1;
-- return NULL;
-- }
-+ /* OK, ACK is valid, create big socket and
-+ * feed this segment to it. It will repeat all
-+ * ESTABLISHED STATE. If it will be dropped after
-+ * socket is created, wait for troubles.
-+ */
-+ child = tp->af_specific->syn_recv_sock(sk, skb, req, NULL);
-+ if (child == NULL)
-+ goto listen_overflow;
-+ sk_set_owner(child, sk->sk_owner);
-+ tcp_synq_unlink(tp, req, prev);
-+ tcp_synq_removed(sk, req);
-+ tcp_acceptq_queue(sk, req, child);
-+ return child;
-+ listen_overflow:
-+ if (!sysctl_tcp_abort_on_overflow) {
-+ req->acked = 1;
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-- if (!(flg & TCP_FLAG_RST))
-- req->class->send_reset(skb);
-+ embryonic_reset:
-+ if (!(flg & TCP_FLAG_RST))
-+ req->class->send_reset(skb);
-- tcp_synq_drop(sk, req, prev);
-- return NULL;
-+ tcp_synq_drop(sk, req, prev);
-+ return NULL;
- }
- /*
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:44.000000000 +0400
-@@ -42,6 +42,9 @@
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/smp_lock.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_net.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_tcp.h>
- /* People can turn this off for buggy TCP's found in printers etc. */
- int sysctl_tcp_retrans_collapse = 1;
-@@ -171,13 +174,13 @@ static __inline__ u16 tcp_select_window(
- /* Make sure we do not exceed the maximum possible
- * scaled window.
- */
-- if (!tp->rcv_wscale)
-+ if (!tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale)
- new_win = min(new_win, MAX_TCP_WINDOW);
- else
-- new_win = min(new_win, (65535U << tp->rcv_wscale));
-+ new_win = min(new_win, (65535U << tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale));
- /* RFC1323 scaling applied */
-- new_win >>= tp->rcv_wscale;
-+ new_win >>= tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale;
- /* If we advertise zero window, disable fast path. */
- if (new_win == 0)
-@@ -187,6 +190,13 @@ static __inline__ u16 tcp_select_window(
- }
-+static int skb_header_size(struct sock *sk, int tcp_hlen)
-+ struct ip_options *opt = inet_sk(sk)->opt;
-+ return tcp_hlen + sizeof(struct iphdr) +
-+ (opt ? opt->optlen : 0) + ETH_HLEN /* For hard header */;
- /* This routine actually transmits TCP packets queued in by
- * tcp_do_sendmsg(). This is used by both the initial
- * transmission and possible later retransmissions.
-@@ -205,6 +215,7 @@ int tcp_transmit_skb(struct sock *sk, st
- struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
- struct tcp_skb_cb *tcb = TCP_SKB_CB(skb);
- int tcp_header_size = tp->tcp_header_len;
-+ int header_size;
- struct tcphdr *th;
- int sysctl_flags;
- int err;
-@@ -229,14 +240,28 @@ int tcp_transmit_skb(struct sock *sk, st
- if(!(sysctl_flags & SYSCTL_FLAG_TSTAMPS))
- tcp_header_size += TCPOLEN_SACKPERM_ALIGNED;
- }
-- } else if (tp->eff_sacks) {
-+ } else if (tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks) {
- /* A SACK is 2 pad bytes, a 2 byte header, plus
- * 2 32-bit sequence numbers for each SACK block.
- */
- tcp_header_size += (TCPOLEN_SACK_BASE_ALIGNED +
-- (tp->eff_sacks * TCPOLEN_SACK_PERBLOCK));
-+ (tp->rx_opt.eff_sacks * TCPOLEN_SACK_PERBLOCK));
- }
-+ /* Unfortunately, we can have skb from outside world here
-+ * with size insufficient for header. It is impossible to make
-+ * guess when we queue skb, so the decision should be made
-+ * here. Den
-+ */
-+ header_size = skb_header_size(sk, tcp_header_size);
-+ if (skb->data - header_size < skb->head) {
-+ int delta = header_size - skb_headroom(skb);
-+ err = pskb_expand_head(skb, SKB_DATA_ALIGN(delta),
-+ 0, GFP_ATOMIC);
-+ if (err)
-+ return err;
-+ }
- /*
- * If the connection is idle and we are restarting,
- * then we don't want to do any Vegas calculations
-@@ -282,9 +307,9 @@ int tcp_transmit_skb(struct sock *sk, st
- (sysctl_flags & SYSCTL_FLAG_TSTAMPS),
- (sysctl_flags & SYSCTL_FLAG_SACK),
- (sysctl_flags & SYSCTL_FLAG_WSCALE),
-- tp->rcv_wscale,
-+ tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale,
- tcb->when,
-- tp->ts_recent);
-+ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent);
- } else {
- tcp_build_and_update_options((__u32 *)(th + 1),
- tp, tcb->when);
-@@ -374,15 +399,23 @@ static int tcp_fragment(struct sock *sk,
- int nsize = skb->len - len;
- u16 flags;
-- if (skb_cloned(skb) &&
-- skb_is_nonlinear(skb) &&
-- pskb_expand_head(skb, 0, 0, GFP_ATOMIC))
-- return -ENOMEM;
-+ if (skb_cloned(skb) && skb_is_nonlinear(skb)) {
-+ unsigned long chargesize;
-+ chargesize = skb_bc(skb)->charged;
-+ if (pskb_expand_head(skb, 0, 0, GFP_ATOMIC))
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ ub_sock_retwres_tcp(sk, chargesize, chargesize);
-+ ub_tcpsndbuf_charge_forced(sk, skb);
-+ }
- /* Get a new skb... force flag on. */
- buff = sk_stream_alloc_skb(sk, nsize, GFP_ATOMIC);
- if (buff == NULL)
- return -ENOMEM; /* We'll just try again later. */
-+ if (ub_tcpsndbuf_charge(sk, buff) < 0) {
-+ kfree_skb(buff);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ }
- sk_charge_skb(sk, buff);
- /* Correct the sequence numbers. */
-@@ -479,10 +512,10 @@ static int tcp_trim_head(struct sock *sk
- /* This function synchronize snd mss to current pmtu/exthdr set.
-- tp->user_mss is mss set by user by TCP_MAXSEG. It does NOT counts
-+ tp->rx_opt.user_mss is mss set by user by TCP_MAXSEG. It does NOT counts
- for TCP options, but includes only bare TCP header.
-- tp->mss_clamp is mss negotiated at connection setup.
-+ tp->rx_opt.mss_clamp is mss negotiated at connection setup.
- It is minumum of user_mss and mss received with SYN.
- It also does not include TCP options.
-@@ -491,7 +524,7 @@ static int tcp_trim_head(struct sock *sk
- tp->mss_cache is current effective sending mss, including
- all tcp options except for SACKs. It is evaluated,
- taking into account current pmtu, but never exceeds
-- tp->mss_clamp.
-+ tp->rx_opt.mss_clamp.
- NOTE1. rfc1122 clearly states that advertised MSS
- DOES NOT include either tcp or ip options.
-@@ -515,8 +548,8 @@ int tcp_sync_mss(struct sock *sk, u32 pm
- mss_now = pmtu - tp->af_specific->net_header_len - sizeof(struct tcphdr);
- /* Clamp it (mss_clamp does not include tcp options) */
-- if (mss_now > tp->mss_clamp)
-- mss_now = tp->mss_clamp;
-+ if (mss_now > tp->rx_opt.mss_clamp)
-+ mss_now = tp->rx_opt.mss_clamp;
- /* Now subtract optional transport overhead */
- mss_now -= tp->ext_header_len + tp->ext2_header_len;
-@@ -680,7 +713,7 @@ u32 __tcp_select_window(struct sock *sk)
- if (free_space < full_space/2) {
- tp->ack.quick = 0;
-- if (tcp_memory_pressure)
-+ if (ub_tcp_shrink_rcvbuf(sk))
- tp->rcv_ssthresh = min(tp->rcv_ssthresh, 4U*tp->advmss);
- if (free_space < mss)
-@@ -694,16 +727,16 @@ u32 __tcp_select_window(struct sock *sk)
- * scaled window will not line up with the MSS boundary anyway.
- */
- window = tp->rcv_wnd;
-- if (tp->rcv_wscale) {
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale) {
- window = free_space;
- /* Advertise enough space so that it won't get scaled away.
- * Import case: prevent zero window announcement if
- * 1<<rcv_wscale > mss.
- */
-- if (((window >> tp->rcv_wscale) << tp->rcv_wscale) != window)
-- window = (((window >> tp->rcv_wscale) + 1)
-- << tp->rcv_wscale);
-+ if (((window >> tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale) << tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale) != window)
-+ window = (((window >> tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale) + 1)
-+ << tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale);
- } else {
- /* Get the largest window that is a nice multiple of mss.
- * Window clamp already applied above.
-@@ -778,7 +811,7 @@ static void tcp_retrans_try_collapse(str
- tp->left_out--;
- }
- /* Reno case is special. Sigh... */
-- if (!tp->sack_ok && tp->sacked_out) {
-+ if (!tp->rx_opt.sack_ok && tp->sacked_out) {
- tp->sacked_out--;
- tp->left_out--;
- }
-@@ -998,7 +1031,7 @@ void tcp_xmit_retransmit_queue(struct so
- return;
- /* No forward retransmissions in Reno are possible. */
-- if (!tp->sack_ok)
-+ if (!tp->rx_opt.sack_ok)
- return;
- /* Yeah, we have to make difficult choice between forward transmission
-@@ -1062,6 +1095,7 @@ void tcp_send_fin(struct sock *sk)
- break;
- yield();
- }
-+ ub_tcpsndbuf_charge_forced(sk, skb);
- /* Reserve space for headers and prepare control bits. */
- skb_reserve(skb, MAX_TCP_HEADER);
-@@ -1127,6 +1161,10 @@ int tcp_send_synack(struct sock *sk)
- struct sk_buff *nskb = skb_copy(skb, GFP_ATOMIC);
- if (nskb == NULL)
- return -ENOMEM;
-+ if (ub_tcpsndbuf_charge(sk, skb) < 0) {
-+ kfree_skb(nskb);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ }
- __skb_unlink(skb, &sk->sk_write_queue);
- __skb_queue_head(&sk->sk_write_queue, nskb);
- sk_stream_free_skb(sk, skb);
-@@ -1224,23 +1262,38 @@ static inline void tcp_connect_init(stru
- (sysctl_tcp_timestamps ? TCPOLEN_TSTAMP_ALIGNED : 0);
- /* If user gave his TCP_MAXSEG, record it to clamp */
-- if (tp->user_mss)
-- tp->mss_clamp = tp->user_mss;
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.user_mss)
-+ tp->rx_opt.mss_clamp = tp->rx_opt.user_mss;
- tp->max_window = 0;
- tcp_sync_mss(sk, dst_pmtu(dst));
-+ if (tp->advmss == 0 || dst_metric(dst, RTAX_ADVMSS) == 0) {
-+ printk("Oops in connect_init! tp->advmss=%d, dst->advmss=%d\n",
-+ tp->advmss, dst_metric(dst, RTAX_ADVMSS));
-+ printk("dst: pmtu=%u, advmss=%u\n",
-+ dst_metric(dst, RTAX_MTU),
-+ dst_metric(dst, RTAX_ADVMSS));
-+ printk("sk->state=%d, tp: ack.rcv_mss=%d, mss_cache=%d, "
-+ "advmss=%d, user_mss=%d\n",
-+ sk->sk_state, tp->ack.rcv_mss, tp->mss_cache,
-+ tp->advmss, tp->rx_opt.user_mss);
-+ }
- if (!tp->window_clamp)
- tp->window_clamp = dst_metric(dst, RTAX_WINDOW);
-- tp->advmss = dst_metric(dst, RTAX_ADVMSS);
-+ if (dst_metric(dst, RTAX_ADVMSS) < tp->advmss)
-+ tp->advmss = dst_metric(dst, RTAX_ADVMSS);
-+ if (tp->advmss == 0)
-+ tp->advmss = 1460;
- tcp_initialize_rcv_mss(sk);
- tcp_vegas_init(tp);
- tcp_select_initial_window(tcp_full_space(sk),
-- tp->advmss - (tp->ts_recent_stamp ? tp->tcp_header_len - sizeof(struct tcphdr) : 0),
-+ tp->advmss - (tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp ? tp->tcp_header_len - sizeof(struct tcphdr) : 0),
- &tp->rcv_wnd,
- &tp->window_clamp,
- sysctl_tcp_window_scaling,
-- &tp->rcv_wscale);
-+ &tp->rx_opt.rcv_wscale);
- tp->rcv_ssthresh = tp->rcv_wnd;
-@@ -1272,6 +1325,10 @@ int tcp_connect(struct sock *sk)
- buff = alloc_skb(MAX_TCP_HEADER + 15, sk->sk_allocation);
- if (unlikely(buff == NULL))
- return -ENOBUFS;
-+ if (ub_tcpsndbuf_charge(sk, buff) < 0) {
-+ kfree_skb(buff);
-+ return -ENOBUFS;
-+ }
- /* Reserve space for headers. */
- skb_reserve(buff, MAX_TCP_HEADER);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -22,6 +22,8 @@
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <net/tcp.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_orphan.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_tcp.h>
- int sysctl_tcp_syn_retries = TCP_SYN_RETRIES;
- int sysctl_tcp_synack_retries = TCP_SYNACK_RETRIES;
-@@ -100,7 +102,7 @@ static void tcp_write_err(struct sock *s
- static int tcp_out_of_resources(struct sock *sk, int do_reset)
- {
- struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
-- int orphans = atomic_read(&tcp_orphan_count);
-+ int orphans = tcp_get_orphan_count(sk);
- /* If peer does not open window for long time, or did not transmit
- * anything for long time, penalize it. */
-@@ -111,9 +113,7 @@ static int tcp_out_of_resources(struct s
- if (sk->sk_err_soft)
- orphans <<= 1;
-- if (orphans >= sysctl_tcp_max_orphans ||
-- (sk->sk_wmem_queued > SOCK_MIN_SNDBUF &&
-- atomic_read(&tcp_memory_allocated) > sysctl_tcp_mem[2])) {
-+ if (tcp_too_many_orphans(sk, orphans)) {
- if (net_ratelimit())
- printk(KERN_INFO "Out of socket memory\n");
-@@ -206,6 +206,7 @@ static int tcp_write_timeout(struct sock
- static void tcp_delack_timer(unsigned long data)
- {
- struct sock *sk = (struct sock*)data;
-+ struct ve_struct *env = set_exec_env(VE_OWNER_SK(sk));
- struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
- bh_lock_sock(sk);
-@@ -257,11 +258,12 @@ static void tcp_delack_timer(unsigned lo
- out:
-- if (tcp_memory_pressure)
-+ if (ub_tcp_memory_pressure(sk))
- sk_stream_mem_reclaim(sk);
- out_unlock:
- bh_unlock_sock(sk);
- sock_put(sk);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(env);
- }
- static void tcp_probe_timer(struct sock *sk)
-@@ -315,6 +317,9 @@ static void tcp_probe_timer(struct sock
- static void tcp_retransmit_timer(struct sock *sk)
- {
- struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
-+ struct ve_struct *ve_old;
-+ ve_old = set_exec_env(VE_OWNER_SK(sk));
- if (tp->packets_out == 0)
- goto out;
-@@ -351,7 +356,7 @@ static void tcp_retransmit_timer(struct
- if (tp->retransmits == 0) {
- if (tp->ca_state == TCP_CA_Disorder || tp->ca_state == TCP_CA_Recovery) {
-- if (tp->sack_ok) {
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.sack_ok) {
- if (tp->ca_state == TCP_CA_Recovery)
- else
-@@ -410,12 +415,14 @@ out_reset_timer:
- if (tp->retransmits > sysctl_tcp_retries1)
- __sk_dst_reset(sk);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(ve_old);
- }
- static void tcp_write_timer(unsigned long data)
- {
- struct sock *sk = (struct sock*)data;
-+ struct ve_struct *env = set_exec_env(VE_OWNER_SK(sk));
- struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
- int event;
-@@ -452,6 +459,7 @@ out:
- out_unlock:
- bh_unlock_sock(sk);
- sock_put(sk);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(env);
- }
- /*
-@@ -571,6 +579,7 @@ void tcp_set_keepalive(struct sock *sk,
- static void tcp_keepalive_timer (unsigned long data)
- {
- struct sock *sk = (struct sock *) data;
-+ struct ve_struct *env = set_exec_env(VE_OWNER_SK(sk));
- struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
- __u32 elapsed;
-@@ -645,6 +654,7 @@ death:
- out:
- bh_unlock_sock(sk);
- sock_put(sk);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(env);
- }
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(tcp_clear_xmit_timers);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -125,7 +125,9 @@ static int udp_v4_get_port(struct sock *
- struct hlist_node *node;
- struct sock *sk2;
- struct inet_opt *inet = inet_sk(sk);
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
-+ env = VE_OWNER_SK(sk);
- write_lock_bh(&udp_hash_lock);
- if (snum == 0) {
- int best_size_so_far, best, result, i;
-@@ -139,7 +141,7 @@ static int udp_v4_get_port(struct sock *
- struct hlist_head *list;
- int size;
-- list = &udp_hash[result & (UDP_HTABLE_SIZE - 1)];
-+ list = &udp_hash[udp_hashfn(result, VEID(env))];
- if (hlist_empty(list)) {
- if (result > sysctl_local_port_range[1])
- result = sysctl_local_port_range[0] +
-@@ -161,7 +163,7 @@ static int udp_v4_get_port(struct sock *
- result = sysctl_local_port_range[0]
- + ((result - sysctl_local_port_range[0]) &
-- if (!udp_lport_inuse(result))
-+ if (!udp_lport_inuse(result, env))
- break;
- }
- if (i >= (1 << 16) / UDP_HTABLE_SIZE)
-@@ -170,11 +172,12 @@ gotit:
- udp_port_rover = snum = result;
- } else {
- sk_for_each(sk2, node,
-- &udp_hash[snum & (UDP_HTABLE_SIZE - 1)]) {
-+ &udp_hash[udp_hashfn(snum, VEID(env))]) {
- struct inet_opt *inet2 = inet_sk(sk2);
- if (inet2->num == snum &&
- sk2 != sk &&
-+ ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_SK(sk2), env) &&
- !ipv6_only_sock(sk2) &&
- (!sk2->sk_bound_dev_if ||
- !sk->sk_bound_dev_if ||
-@@ -188,7 +191,7 @@ gotit:
- }
- inet->num = snum;
- if (sk_unhashed(sk)) {
-- struct hlist_head *h = &udp_hash[snum & (UDP_HTABLE_SIZE - 1)];
-+ struct hlist_head *h = &udp_hash[udp_hashfn(snum, VEID(env))];
- sk_add_node(sk, h);
- sock_prot_inc_use(sk->sk_prot);
-@@ -225,11 +228,15 @@ struct sock *udp_v4_lookup_longway(u32 s
- struct hlist_node *node;
- unsigned short hnum = ntohs(dport);
- int badness = -1;
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
-- sk_for_each(sk, node, &udp_hash[hnum & (UDP_HTABLE_SIZE - 1)]) {
-+ env = get_exec_env();
-+ sk_for_each(sk, node, &udp_hash[udp_hashfn(hnum, VEID(env))]) {
- struct inet_opt *inet = inet_sk(sk);
-- if (inet->num == hnum && !ipv6_only_sock(sk)) {
-+ if (inet->num == hnum &&
-+ ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), env) &&
-+ !ipv6_only_sock(sk)) {
- int score = (sk->sk_family == PF_INET ? 1 : 0);
- if (inet->rcv_saddr) {
- if (inet->rcv_saddr != daddr)
-@@ -1053,7 +1060,8 @@ static int udp_v4_mcast_deliver(struct s
- int dif;
- read_lock(&udp_hash_lock);
-- sk = sk_head(&udp_hash[ntohs(uh->dest) & (UDP_HTABLE_SIZE - 1)]);
-+ sk = sk_head(&udp_hash[udp_hashfn(ntohs(uh->dest),
-+ VEID(VE_OWNER_SKB(skb)))]);
- dif = skb->dev->ifindex;
- sk = udp_v4_mcast_next(sk, uh->dest, daddr, uh->source, saddr, dif);
- if (sk) {
-@@ -1329,10 +1337,14 @@ static struct sock *udp_get_first(struct
- {
- struct sock *sk;
- struct udp_iter_state *state = seq->private;
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
-+ env = get_exec_env();
- for (state->bucket = 0; state->bucket < UDP_HTABLE_SIZE; ++state->bucket) {
- struct hlist_node *node;
- sk_for_each(sk, node, &udp_hash[state->bucket]) {
-+ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), env))
-+ continue;
- if (sk->sk_family == state->family)
- goto found;
- }
-@@ -1349,8 +1361,13 @@ static struct sock *udp_get_next(struct
- do {
- sk = sk_next(sk);
- try_again:
-- ;
-- } while (sk && sk->sk_family != state->family);
-+ if (!sk)
-+ break;
-+ if (sk->sk_family != state->family)
-+ continue;
-+ if (ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), get_exec_env()))
-+ break;
-+ } while (1);
- if (!sk && ++state->bucket < UDP_HTABLE_SIZE) {
- sk = sk_head(&udp_hash[state->bucket]);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1875,6 +1875,10 @@ static int addrconf_notify(struct notifi
- struct net_device *dev = (struct net_device *) data;
- struct inet6_dev *idev = __in6_dev_get(dev);
-+ /* not virtualized yet */
-+ if (!ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ return NOTIFY_OK;
- switch(event) {
- case NETDEV_UP:
- switch(dev->type) {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:33.000000000 +0400
-@@ -416,9 +416,7 @@ int datagram_send_ctl(struct msghdr *msg
- int addr_type;
- struct net_device *dev = NULL;
-- if (cmsg->cmsg_len < sizeof(struct cmsghdr) ||
-- (unsigned long)(((char*)cmsg - (char*)msg->msg_control)
-- + cmsg->cmsg_len) > msg->msg_controllen) {
-+ if (!CMSG_OK(msg, cmsg)) {
- err = -EINVAL;
- goto exit_f;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -593,6 +593,7 @@ static int ip6_fragment(struct sk_buff *
- /* Prepare header of the next frame,
- * before previous one went down. */
- if (frag) {
-+ frag->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_NONE;
- frag->h.raw = frag->data;
- fh = (struct frag_hdr*)__skb_push(frag, sizeof(struct frag_hdr));
- frag->nh.raw = __skb_push(frag, hlen);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:48.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:34.000000000 +0400
-@@ -503,6 +503,9 @@ done:
- break;
-+ retv = -EPERM;
-+ if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
-+ break;
- retv = xfrm_user_policy(sk, optname, optval, optlen);
- break;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:01.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -389,12 +389,12 @@ int ip6_mc_source(int add, int omode, st
- goto done;
- rv = !0;
- for (i=0; i<psl->sl_count; i++) {
-- rv = memcmp(&psl->sl_addr, group,
-+ rv = memcmp(&psl->sl_addr[i], source,
- sizeof(struct in6_addr));
-- if (rv >= 0)
-+ if (rv == 0)
- break;
- }
-- if (!rv) /* source not found */
-+ if (rv) /* source not found */
- goto done;
- /* update the interface filter */
-@@ -435,8 +435,8 @@ int ip6_mc_source(int add, int omode, st
- }
- rv = 1; /* > 0 for insert logic below if sl_count is 0 */
- for (i=0; i<psl->sl_count; i++) {
-- rv = memcmp(&psl->sl_addr, group, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
-- if (rv >= 0)
-+ rv = memcmp(&psl->sl_addr[i], source, sizeof(struct in6_addr));
-+ if (rv == 0)
- break;
- }
- if (rv == 0) /* address already there is an error */
-@@ -1175,6 +1175,11 @@ int igmp6_event_report(struct sk_buff *s
- if (skb->pkt_type == PACKET_LOOPBACK)
- return 0;
-+ /* send our report if the MC router may not have heard this report */
-+ if (skb->pkt_type != PACKET_MULTICAST &&
-+ skb->pkt_type != PACKET_BROADCAST)
-+ return 0;
- if (!pskb_may_pull(skb, sizeof(struct in6_addr)))
- return -EINVAL;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:27.000000000 +0400
-@@ -71,7 +71,9 @@ static DECLARE_MUTEX(ipqnl_sem);
- static void
- ipq_issue_verdict(struct ipq_queue_entry *entry, int verdict)
- {
-+ local_bh_disable();
- nf_reinject(entry->skb, entry->info, verdict);
-+ local_bh_enable();
- kfree(entry);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ static int tcp_v6_get_port(struct sock *
- do { rover++;
- if ((rover < low) || (rover > high))
- rover = low;
-- head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(rover)];
-+ head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(rover, 0)];
- spin_lock(&head->lock);
- tb_for_each(tb, node, &head->chain)
- if (tb->port == rover)
-@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ static int tcp_v6_get_port(struct sock *
- /* OK, here is the one we will use. */
- snum = rover;
- } else {
-- head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(snum)];
-+ head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(snum, 0)];
- spin_lock(&head->lock);
- tb_for_each(tb, node, &head->chain)
- if (tb->port == snum)
-@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ tb_found:
- }
- tb_not_found:
- ret = 1;
-- if (!tb && (tb = tcp_bucket_create(head, snum)) == NULL)
-+ if (!tb && (tb = tcp_bucket_create(head, snum, NULL)) == NULL)
- goto fail_unlock;
- if (hlist_empty(&tb->owners)) {
- if (sk->sk_reuse && sk->sk_state != TCP_LISTEN)
-@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ static struct sock *tcp_v6_lookup_listen
- hiscore=0;
- read_lock(&tcp_lhash_lock);
-- sk_for_each(sk, node, &tcp_listening_hash[tcp_lhashfn(hnum)]) {
-+ sk_for_each(sk, node, &tcp_listening_hash[tcp_lhashfn(hnum, 0)]) {
- if (inet_sk(sk)->num == hnum && sk->sk_family == PF_INET6) {
- struct ipv6_pinfo *np = inet6_sk(sk);
-@@ -470,8 +470,8 @@ static int tcp_v6_check_established(stru
- tp->write_seq = tw->tw_snd_nxt + 65535 + 2;
- if (!tp->write_seq)
- tp->write_seq = 1;
-- tp->ts_recent = tw->tw_ts_recent;
-- tp->ts_recent_stamp = tw->tw_ts_recent_stamp;
-+ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent = tw->tw_ts_recent;
-+ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp = tw->tw_ts_recent_stamp;
- sock_hold(sk2);
- goto unique;
- } else
-@@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ static int tcp_v6_hash_connect(struct so
- inet_sk(sk)->sport = htons(inet_sk(sk)->num);
- }
-- head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(inet_sk(sk)->num)];
-+ head = &tcp_bhash[tcp_bhashfn(inet_sk(sk)->num, 0)];
- tb = tb_head(head);
- spin_lock_bh(&head->lock);
-@@ -606,10 +606,10 @@ static int tcp_v6_connect(struct sock *s
- return -EINVAL;
- }
-- if (tp->ts_recent_stamp &&
-+ if (tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp &&
- ipv6_addr_cmp(&np->daddr, &usin->sin6_addr)) {
-- tp->ts_recent = 0;
-- tp->ts_recent_stamp = 0;
-+ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent = 0;
-+ tp->rx_opt.ts_recent_stamp = 0;
- tp->write_seq = 0;
- }
-@@ -686,13 +686,15 @@ static int tcp_v6_connect(struct sock *s
- ip6_dst_store(sk, dst, NULL);
- sk->sk_route_caps = dst->dev->features &
-+ if (!sysctl_tcp_use_sg)
-+ sk->sk_route_caps &= ~NETIF_F_SG;
- tp->ext_header_len = 0;
- if (np->opt)
- tp->ext_header_len = np->opt->opt_flen + np->opt->opt_nflen;
- tp->ext2_header_len = dst->header_len;
-- tp->mss_clamp = IPV6_MIN_MTU - sizeof(struct tcphdr) - sizeof(struct ipv6hdr);
-+ tp->rx_opt.mss_clamp = IPV6_MIN_MTU - sizeof(struct tcphdr) - sizeof(struct ipv6hdr);
- inet->dport = usin->sin6_port;
-@@ -1166,7 +1168,8 @@ static void tcp_v6_synq_add(struct sock
- static int tcp_v6_conn_request(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb)
- {
- struct ipv6_pinfo *np = inet6_sk(sk);
-- struct tcp_opt tmptp, *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
-+ struct tcp_options_received tmp_opt;
-+ struct tcp_opt *tp = tcp_sk(sk);
- struct open_request *req = NULL;
- __u32 isn = TCP_SKB_CB(skb)->when;
-@@ -1192,14 +1195,14 @@ static int tcp_v6_conn_request(struct so
- if (req == NULL)
- goto drop;
-- tcp_clear_options(&tmptp);
-- tmptp.mss_clamp = IPV6_MIN_MTU - sizeof(struct tcphdr) - sizeof(struct ipv6hdr);
-- tmptp.user_mss = tp->user_mss;
-+ tcp_clear_options(&tmp_opt);
-+ tmp_opt.mss_clamp = IPV6_MIN_MTU - sizeof(struct tcphdr) - sizeof(struct ipv6hdr);
-+ tmp_opt.user_mss = tp->rx_opt.user_mss;
-- tcp_parse_options(skb, &tmptp, 0);
-+ tcp_parse_options(skb, &tmp_opt, 0);
-- tmptp.tstamp_ok = tmptp.saw_tstamp;
-- tcp_openreq_init(req, &tmptp, skb);
-+ tmp_opt.tstamp_ok = tmp_opt.saw_tstamp;
-+ tcp_openreq_init(req, &tmp_opt, skb);
- req->class = &or_ipv6;
- ipv6_addr_copy(&req->af.v6_req.rmt_addr, &skb->nh.ipv6h->saddr);
-@@ -1343,6 +1346,8 @@ static struct sock * tcp_v6_syn_recv_soc
- ip6_dst_store(newsk, dst, NULL);
- newsk->sk_route_caps = dst->dev->features &
-+ if (!sysctl_tcp_use_sg)
-+ sk->sk_route_caps &= ~NETIF_F_SG;
- newtcp6sk = (struct tcp6_sock *)newsk;
- newtcp6sk->pinet6 = &newtcp6sk->inet6;
-@@ -1675,12 +1680,14 @@ do_time_wait:
- goto discard_it;
- }
-+ spin_lock(&((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk)->tw_lock);
- switch(tcp_timewait_state_process((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk,
- skb, th, skb->len)) {
- case TCP_TW_SYN:
- {
- struct sock *sk2;
-+ spin_unlock(&((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk)->tw_lock);
- sk2 = tcp_v6_lookup_listener(&skb->nh.ipv6h->daddr, ntohs(th->dest), tcp_v6_iif(skb));
- if (sk2 != NULL) {
- tcp_tw_deschedule((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk);
-@@ -1694,9 +1701,13 @@ do_time_wait:
- tcp_v6_timewait_ack(sk, skb);
- break;
- case TCP_TW_RST:
-+ spin_unlock(&((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk)->tw_lock);
-+ tcp_tw_put((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk);
- goto no_tcp_socket;
- }
-+ spin_unlock(&((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk)->tw_lock);
-+ tcp_tw_put((struct tcp_tw_bucket *)sk);
- goto discard_it;
- }
-@@ -1736,6 +1747,8 @@ static int tcp_v6_rebuild_header(struct
- ip6_dst_store(sk, dst, NULL);
- sk->sk_route_caps = dst->dev->features &
-+ if (!sysctl_tcp_use_sg)
-+ sk->sk_route_caps &= ~NETIF_F_SG;
- tcp_sk(sk)->ext2_header_len = dst->header_len;
- }
-@@ -1778,6 +1791,8 @@ static int tcp_v6_xmit(struct sk_buff *s
- ip6_dst_store(sk, dst, NULL);
- sk->sk_route_caps = dst->dev->features &
-+ if (!sysctl_tcp_use_sg)
-+ sk->sk_route_caps &= ~NETIF_F_SG;
- tcp_sk(sk)->ext2_header_len = dst->header_len;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:00.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -67,7 +67,9 @@ static int udp_v6_get_port(struct sock *
- {
- struct sock *sk2;
- struct hlist_node *node;
-+ struct ve_struct *env;
-+ env = VE_OWNER_SK(sk);
- write_lock_bh(&udp_hash_lock);
- if (snum == 0) {
- int best_size_so_far, best, result, i;
-@@ -81,7 +83,7 @@ static int udp_v6_get_port(struct sock *
- int size;
- struct hlist_head *list;
-- list = &udp_hash[result & (UDP_HTABLE_SIZE - 1)];
-+ list = &udp_hash[udp_hashfn(result, VEID(env))];
- if (hlist_empty(list)) {
- if (result > sysctl_local_port_range[1])
- result = sysctl_local_port_range[0] +
-@@ -103,16 +105,17 @@ static int udp_v6_get_port(struct sock *
- result = sysctl_local_port_range[0]
- + ((result - sysctl_local_port_range[0]) &
-- if (!udp_lport_inuse(result))
-+ if (!udp_lport_inuse(result, env))
- break;
- }
- gotit:
- udp_port_rover = snum = result;
- } else {
- sk_for_each(sk2, node,
-- &udp_hash[snum & (UDP_HTABLE_SIZE - 1)]) {
-+ &udp_hash[udp_hashfn(snum, VEID(env))]) {
- if (inet_sk(sk2)->num == snum &&
- sk2 != sk &&
-+ ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_SK(sk2), env) &&
- (!sk2->sk_bound_dev_if ||
- !sk->sk_bound_dev_if ||
- sk2->sk_bound_dev_if == sk->sk_bound_dev_if) &&
-@@ -124,7 +127,7 @@ gotit:
- inet_sk(sk)->num = snum;
- if (sk_unhashed(sk)) {
-- sk_add_node(sk, &udp_hash[snum & (UDP_HTABLE_SIZE - 1)]);
-+ sk_add_node(sk, &udp_hash[udp_hashfn(snum, VEID(env))]);
- sock_prot_inc_use(sk->sk_prot);
- }
- write_unlock_bh(&udp_hash_lock);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:32.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:45.000000000 +0400
-@@ -47,26 +47,15 @@
- #include <net/sock.h>
- #include <net/scm.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_net.h>
- #define Nprintk(a...)
- #define NL_EMULATE_DEV
- #endif
--struct netlink_opt
-- u32 pid;
-- unsigned groups;
-- u32 dst_pid;
-- unsigned dst_groups;
-- unsigned long state;
-- int (*handler)(int unit, struct sk_buff *skb);
-- wait_queue_head_t wait;
-- struct netlink_callback *cb;
-- spinlock_t cb_lock;
-- void (*data_ready)(struct sock *sk, int bytes);
- #define nlk_sk(__sk) ((struct netlink_opt *)(__sk)->sk_protinfo)
- static struct hlist_head nl_table[MAX_LINKS];
-@@ -165,7 +154,10 @@ static __inline__ struct sock *netlink_l
- read_lock(&nl_table_lock);
- sk_for_each(sk, node, &nl_table[protocol]) {
-- if (nlk_sk(sk)->pid == pid) {
-+ /* VEs should find sockets, created by kernel */
-+ if ((nlk_sk(sk)->pid == pid) &&
-+ (!pid || ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_SK(sk),
-+ get_exec_env()))){
- sock_hold(sk);
- goto found;
- }
-@@ -186,7 +178,9 @@ static int netlink_insert(struct sock *s
- netlink_table_grab();
- sk_for_each(osk, node, &nl_table[sk->sk_protocol]) {
-- if (nlk_sk(osk)->pid == pid)
-+ if ((nlk_sk(osk)->pid == pid) &&
-+ ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_SK(osk),
-+ get_exec_env()))
- break;
- }
- if (!node) {
-@@ -226,15 +220,16 @@ static int netlink_create(struct socket
- sk = sk_alloc(PF_NETLINK, GFP_KERNEL, 1, NULL);
- if (!sk)
- return -ENOMEM;
-+ if (ub_other_sock_charge(sk))
-+ goto out_free;
- sock_init_data(sock,sk);
- sk_set_owner(sk, THIS_MODULE);
- nlk = sk->sk_protinfo = kmalloc(sizeof(*nlk), GFP_KERNEL);
-- if (!nlk) {
-- sk_free(sk);
-- return -ENOMEM;
-- }
-+ if (!nlk)
-+ goto out_free;
- memset(nlk, 0, sizeof(*nlk));
- spin_lock_init(&nlk->cb_lock);
-@@ -244,6 +239,10 @@ static int netlink_create(struct socket
- sk->sk_protocol = protocol;
- return 0;
-+ sk_free(sk);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
- }
- static int netlink_release(struct socket *sock)
-@@ -255,6 +254,7 @@ static int netlink_release(struct socket
- return 0;
- netlink_remove(sk);
-+ sock_orphan(sk);
- nlk = nlk_sk(sk);
- spin_lock(&nlk->cb_lock);
-@@ -269,7 +269,6 @@ static int netlink_release(struct socket
- /* OK. Socket is unlinked, and, therefore,
- no new packets will arrive */
-- sock_orphan(sk);
- sock->sk = NULL;
- wake_up_interruptible_all(&nlk->wait);
-@@ -292,13 +291,15 @@ static int netlink_autobind(struct socke
- struct sock *sk = sock->sk;
- struct sock *osk;
- struct hlist_node *node;
-- s32 pid = current->pid;
-+ s32 pid = virt_pid(current);
- int err;
- retry:
- netlink_table_grab();
- sk_for_each(osk, node, &nl_table[sk->sk_protocol]) {
-- if (nlk_sk(osk)->pid == pid) {
-+ if ((nlk_sk(osk)->pid == pid) &&
-+ ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_SK(osk),
-+ get_exec_env())){
- /* Bind collision, search negative pid values. */
- if (pid > 0)
- pid = -4096;
-@@ -319,7 +320,7 @@ retry:
- static inline int netlink_capable(struct socket *sock, unsigned flag)
- {
- return (nl_nonroot[sock->sk->sk_protocol] & flag) ||
-- capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN);
-+ capable(CAP_VE_NET_ADMIN);
- }
- static int netlink_bind(struct socket *sock, struct sockaddr *addr, int addr_len)
-@@ -465,7 +466,8 @@ struct sock *netlink_getsockbyfilp(struc
- * 0: continue
- * 1: repeat lookup - reference dropped while waiting for socket memory.
- */
--int netlink_attachskb(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb, int nonblock, long timeo)
-+int netlink_attachskb(struct sock *sk, struct sk_buff *skb, int nonblock,
-+ long timeo, struct sock *ssk)
- {
- struct netlink_opt *nlk;
-@@ -479,7 +481,7 @@ int netlink_attachskb(struct sock *sk, s
- test_bit(0, &nlk->state)) {
- DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current);
- if (!timeo) {
-- if (!nlk->pid)
-+ if (!ssk || nlk_sk(ssk)->pid == 0)
- netlink_overrun(sk);
- sock_put(sk);
- kfree_skb(skb);
-@@ -523,6 +525,11 @@ int netlink_sendskb(struct sock *sk, str
- return len;
- }
- #endif
-+ if (ub_sockrcvbuf_charge(sk, skb) < 0) {
-+ sock_put(sk);
-+ kfree_skb(skb);
-+ return -EACCES;
-+ }
- skb_queue_tail(&sk->sk_receive_queue, skb);
- sk->sk_data_ready(sk, len);
-@@ -549,7 +556,7 @@ retry:
- kfree_skb(skb);
- return PTR_ERR(sk);
- }
-- err = netlink_attachskb(sk, skb, nonblock, timeo);
-+ err = netlink_attachskb(sk, skb, nonblock, timeo, ssk);
- if (err == 1)
- goto retry;
- if (err)
-@@ -570,12 +577,15 @@ static __inline__ int netlink_broadcast_
- #endif
- if (atomic_read(&sk->sk_rmem_alloc) <= sk->sk_rcvbuf &&
- !test_bit(0, &nlk->state)) {
-+ if (ub_sockrcvbuf_charge(sk, skb))
-+ goto out;
- skb_orphan(skb);
- skb_set_owner_r(skb, sk);
- skb_queue_tail(&sk->sk_receive_queue, skb);
- sk->sk_data_ready(sk, skb->len);
- return 0;
- }
- return -1;
- }
-@@ -601,6 +611,9 @@ int netlink_broadcast(struct sock *ssk,
- if (nlk->pid == pid || !(nlk->groups & group))
- continue;
-+ if (!ve_accessible_strict(get_exec_env(), VE_OWNER_SK(sk)))
-+ continue;
- if (failure) {
- netlink_overrun(sk);
- continue;
-@@ -656,6 +669,9 @@ void netlink_set_err(struct sock *ssk, u
- if (nlk->pid == pid || !(nlk->groups & group))
- continue;
-+ if (!ve_accessible_strict(get_exec_env(), VE_OWNER_SK(sk)))
-+ continue;
- sk->sk_err = code;
- sk->sk_error_report(sk);
- }
-@@ -678,12 +694,17 @@ static int netlink_sendmsg(struct kiocb
- struct sock_iocb *siocb = kiocb_to_siocb(kiocb);
- struct sock *sk = sock->sk;
- struct netlink_opt *nlk = nlk_sk(sk);
-- struct sockaddr_nl *addr=msg->msg_name;
-+ struct sockaddr_nl *addr = msg->msg_name;
- u32 dst_pid;
-- u32 dst_groups;
- struct sk_buff *skb;
- int err;
- struct scm_cookie scm;
-+ struct sock *dstsk;
-+ long timeo;
-+ int no_ubc, no_buf;
-+ unsigned long chargesize;
-+ DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current);
- if (msg->msg_flags&MSG_OOB)
- return -EOPNOTSUPP;
-@@ -694,17 +715,16 @@ static int netlink_sendmsg(struct kiocb
- if (err < 0)
- return err;
-+ /* Broadcasts are disabled as it was in 2.4 with UBC. According to
-+ * ANK this is OK. Den */
- if (msg->msg_namelen) {
- if (addr->nl_family != AF_NETLINK)
- return -EINVAL;
- dst_pid = addr->nl_pid;
-- dst_groups = addr->nl_groups;
-- if (dst_groups && !netlink_capable(sock, NL_NONROOT_SEND))
-+ if (addr->nl_groups && !netlink_capable(sock, NL_NONROOT_SEND))
- return -EPERM;
-- } else {
-+ } else
- dst_pid = nlk->dst_pid;
-- dst_groups = nlk->dst_groups;
-- }
- if (!nlk->pid) {
- err = netlink_autobind(sock);
-@@ -717,13 +737,13 @@ static int netlink_sendmsg(struct kiocb
- goto out;
- err = -ENOBUFS;
- skb = alloc_skb(len, GFP_KERNEL);
-- if (skb==NULL)
-+ if (skb == NULL)
- goto out;
- NETLINK_CB(skb).pid = nlk->pid;
- NETLINK_CB(skb).groups = nlk->groups;
- NETLINK_CB(skb).dst_pid = dst_pid;
-- NETLINK_CB(skb).dst_groups = dst_groups;
-+ NETLINK_CB(skb).dst_groups = 0;
- memcpy(NETLINK_CREDS(skb), &siocb->scm->creds, sizeof(struct ucred));
- /* What can I do? Netlink is asynchronous, so that
-@@ -733,25 +753,88 @@ static int netlink_sendmsg(struct kiocb
- */
- err = -EFAULT;
-- if (memcpy_fromiovec(skb_put(skb,len), msg->msg_iov, len)) {
-- kfree_skb(skb);
-- goto out;
-- }
-+ if (memcpy_fromiovec(skb_put(skb,len), msg->msg_iov, len))
-+ goto out_free;
- err = security_netlink_send(sk, skb);
-- if (err) {
-- kfree_skb(skb);
-- goto out;
-+ if (err)
-+ goto out_free;
-+ timeo = sock_sndtimeo(sk, msg->msg_flags&MSG_DONTWAIT);
-+ dstsk = netlink_getsockbypid(sk, dst_pid);
-+ if (IS_ERR(dstsk)) {
-+ err = PTR_ERR(dstsk);
-+ goto out_free;
-+ }
-+ nlk = nlk_sk(dstsk);
-+ if (nlk->handler) {
-+ skb_orphan(skb);
-+ err = nlk->handler(protocol, skb);
-+ goto out_put;
- }
-+ /* BTW, it could be done once, before the retry loop */
-+ chargesize = skb_charge_fullsize(skb);
-+ no_ubc = ub_sock_getwres_other(sk, chargesize);
-+ no_buf = atomic_read(&dstsk->sk_rmem_alloc) > dstsk->sk_rcvbuf ||
-+ test_bit(0, &nlk->state);
-+ if (no_ubc || no_buf) {
-+ wait_queue_head_t *sleep;
-+ if (!no_ubc)
-+ ub_sock_retwres_other(sk, chargesize,
-+ err = -EAGAIN;
-+ if (timeo == 0) {
-+ kfree_skb(skb);
-+ goto out_put;
-+ }
-- if (dst_groups) {
-- atomic_inc(&skb->users);
-- netlink_broadcast(sk, skb, dst_pid, dst_groups, GFP_KERNEL);
-+ /* wake up comes to different queues */
-+ sleep = no_ubc ? sk->sk_sleep : &nlk->wait;
-+ __set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
-+ add_wait_queue(sleep, &wait);
-+ /* this if can't be moved upper because ub_sock_snd_queue_add()
-+ * may change task state to TASK_RUNNING */
-+ if (no_ubc)
-+ ub_sock_sndqueueadd_other(sk, chargesize);
-+ if ((atomic_read(&dstsk->sk_rmem_alloc) > dstsk->sk_rcvbuf ||
-+ test_bit(0, &nlk->state) || no_ubc) &&
-+ !sock_flag(dstsk, SOCK_DEAD))
-+ timeo = schedule_timeout(timeo);
-+ __set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
-+ remove_wait_queue(sleep, &wait);
-+ if (no_ubc)
-+ ub_sock_sndqueuedel(sk);
-+ sock_put(dstsk);
-+ if (!signal_pending(current))
-+ goto retry;
-+ err = sock_intr_errno(timeo);
-+ goto out_free;
- }
-- err = netlink_unicast(sk, skb, dst_pid, msg->msg_flags&MSG_DONTWAIT);
-+ skb_orphan(skb);
-+ skb_set_owner_r(skb, dstsk);
-+ ub_skb_set_charge(skb, sk, chargesize, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF);
-+ skb_queue_tail(&dstsk->sk_receive_queue, skb);
-+ dstsk->sk_data_ready(dstsk, len);
-+ err = len;
-+ sock_put(dstsk);
- out:
- return err;
-+ kfree_skb(skb);
-+ return err;
- }
- static int netlink_recvmsg(struct kiocb *kiocb, struct socket *sock,
-@@ -882,6 +965,10 @@ static int netlink_dump(struct sock *sk)
- skb = sock_rmalloc(sk, NLMSG_GOODSIZE, 0, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (!skb)
- return -ENOBUFS;
-+ if (ub_nlrcvbuf_charge(skb, sk) < 0) {
-+ kfree_skb(skb);
-+ return -EACCES;
-+ }
- spin_lock(&nlk->cb_lock);
-@@ -942,9 +1029,9 @@ int netlink_dump_start(struct sock *ssk,
- }
- nlk = nlk_sk(sk);
-- /* A dump is in progress... */
-+ /* A dump or destruction is in progress... */
- spin_lock(&nlk->cb_lock);
-- if (nlk->cb) {
-+ if (nlk->cb || sock_flag(sk, SOCK_DEAD)) {
- spin_unlock(&nlk->cb_lock);
- netlink_destroy_callback(cb);
- sock_put(sk);
-@@ -1198,6 +1285,7 @@ static int __init netlink_proto_init(voi
- }
- sock_register(&netlink_family_ops);
-+ /* FIXME: virtualize before give access from VEs */
- proc_net_fops_create("netlink", 0, &netlink_seq_fops);
- #endif
- /* The netlink device handler may be needed early. */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@
- #include <linux/module.h>
- #include <linux/init.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_net.h>
- #ifdef CONFIG_INET
- #include <net/inet_common.h>
- #endif
-@@ -260,7 +262,8 @@ static int packet_rcv_spkt(struct sk_buf
- * so that this procedure is noop.
- */
-- if (skb->pkt_type == PACKET_LOOPBACK)
-+ if (skb->pkt_type == PACKET_LOOPBACK ||
-+ !ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SKB(skb), VE_OWNER_SK(sk)))
- goto out;
- if ((skb = skb_share_check(skb, GFP_ATOMIC)) == NULL)
-@@ -449,6 +452,9 @@ static int packet_rcv(struct sk_buff *sk
- sk = pt->af_packet_priv;
- po = pkt_sk(sk);
-+ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SKB(skb), VE_OWNER_SK(sk)))
-+ goto drop;
- skb->dev = dev;
- if (dev->hard_header) {
-@@ -508,6 +514,9 @@ static int packet_rcv(struct sk_buff *sk
- if (pskb_trim(skb, snaplen))
- goto drop_n_acct;
-+ if (ub_sockrcvbuf_charge(sk, skb))
-+ goto drop_n_acct;
- skb_set_owner_r(skb, sk);
- skb->dev = NULL;
- dst_release(skb->dst);
-@@ -555,6 +564,9 @@ static int tpacket_rcv(struct sk_buff *s
- sk = pt->af_packet_priv;
- po = pkt_sk(sk);
-+ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SKB(skb), VE_OWNER_SK(sk)))
-+ goto drop;
- if (dev->hard_header) {
- if (sk->sk_type != SOCK_DGRAM)
- skb_push(skb, skb->data - skb->mac.raw);
-@@ -604,6 +616,12 @@ static int tpacket_rcv(struct sk_buff *s
- if (snaplen > skb->len-skb->data_len)
- snaplen = skb->len-skb->data_len;
-+ if (copy_skb &&
-+ ub_sockrcvbuf_charge(sk, copy_skb)) {
-+ spin_lock(&sk->sk_receive_queue.lock);
-+ goto ring_is_full;
-+ }
- spin_lock(&sk->sk_receive_queue.lock);
- h = (struct tpacket_hdr *)packet_lookup_frame(po, po->head);
-@@ -975,6 +993,8 @@ static int packet_create(struct socket *
- sk = sk_alloc(PF_PACKET, GFP_KERNEL, 1, NULL);
- if (sk == NULL)
- goto out;
-+ if (ub_other_sock_charge(sk))
-+ goto out_free;
- sock->ops = &packet_ops;
-@@ -1394,11 +1414,16 @@ static int packet_notifier(struct notifi
- struct sock *sk;
- struct hlist_node *node;
- struct net_device *dev = (struct net_device*)data;
-+ struct ve_struct *ve;
-+ ve = get_exec_env();
- read_lock(&packet_sklist_lock);
- sk_for_each(sk, node, &packet_sklist) {
- struct packet_opt *po = pkt_sk(sk);
-+ if (!ve_accessible_strict(VE_OWNER_SK(sk), ve))
-+ continue;
- switch (msg) {
-@@ -1797,6 +1822,8 @@ static inline struct sock *packet_seq_id
- struct hlist_node *node;
- sk_for_each(s, node, &packet_sklist) {
-+ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(s), get_exec_env()))
-+ continue;
- if (!off--)
- return s;
- }
-@@ -1812,9 +1839,13 @@ static void *packet_seq_start(struct seq
- static void *packet_seq_next(struct seq_file *seq, void *v, loff_t *pos)
- {
- ++*pos;
-- return (v == SEQ_START_TOKEN)
-- ? sk_head(&packet_sklist)
-- : sk_next((struct sock*)v) ;
-+ do {
-+ v = (v == SEQ_START_TOKEN)
-+ ? sk_head(&packet_sklist)
-+ : sk_next((struct sock*)v);
-+ } while (v != NULL &&
-+ !ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK((struct sock*)v), get_exec_env()));
-+ return v;
- }
- static void packet_seq_stop(struct seq_file *seq, void *v)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:23.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:34.000000000 +0400
-@@ -727,7 +727,8 @@ int rose_rt_ioctl(unsigned int cmd, void
- }
- if (rose_route.mask > 10) /* Mask can't be more than 10 digits */
- return -EINVAL;
-+ if (rose_route.ndigis > 8) /* No more than 8 digipeats */
-+ return -EINVAL;
- err = rose_add_node(&rose_route, dev);
- dev_put(dev);
- return err;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:20.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1204,7 +1204,7 @@ static int __init pktsched_init(void)
- register_qdisc(&pfifo_qdisc_ops);
- register_qdisc(&bfifo_qdisc_ops);
-- proc_net_fops_create("psched", 0, &psched_fops);
-+ __proc_net_fops_create("net/psched", 0, &psched_fops, NULL);
- return 0;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:36.000000000 +0400
-@@ -956,8 +956,8 @@ cbq_dequeue_prio(struct Qdisc *sch, int
- if (cl->deficit <= 0) {
- q->active[prio] = cl;
-- cl = cl->next_alive;
- cl->deficit += cl->quantum;
-+ cl = cl->next_alive;
- }
- return skb;
-@@ -1133,17 +1133,19 @@ static void cbq_normalize_quanta(struct
- for (h=0; h<16; h++) {
- for (cl = q->classes[h]; cl; cl = cl->next) {
-+ long mtu;
- /* BUGGGG... Beware! This expression suffer of
- arithmetic overflows!
- */
- if (cl->priority == prio) {
-- cl->quantum = (cl->weight*cl->allot*q->nclasses[prio])/
-- q->quanta[prio];
-- }
-- if (cl->quantum <= 0 || cl->quantum>32*cl->qdisc->dev->mtu) {
-- printk(KERN_WARNING "CBQ: class %08x has bad quantum==%ld, repaired.\n", cl->classid, cl->quantum);
-- cl->quantum = cl->qdisc->dev->mtu/2 + 1;
-+ cl->quantum = (cl->weight * cl->allot) /
-+ (q->quanta[prio] / q->nclasses[prio]);
- }
-+ mtu = cl->qdisc->dev->mtu;
-+ if (cl->quantum <= mtu/2)
-+ cl->quantum = mtu/2 + 1;
-+ else if (cl->quantum > 32*mtu)
-+ cl->quantum = 32*mtu;
- }
- }
- }
-@@ -1746,15 +1748,20 @@ static void cbq_destroy_filters(struct c
- }
- }
--static void cbq_destroy_class(struct cbq_class *cl)
-+static void cbq_destroy_class(struct Qdisc *sch, struct cbq_class *cl)
- {
-+ struct cbq_sched_data *q = qdisc_priv(sch);
-+ BUG_TRAP(!cl->filters);
- cbq_destroy_filters(cl);
- qdisc_destroy(cl->q);
- qdisc_put_rtab(cl->R_tab);
- qdisc_kill_estimator(&cl->stats);
- #endif
-- kfree(cl);
-+ if (cl != &q->link)
-+ kfree(cl);
- }
- static void
-@@ -1767,22 +1774,23 @@ cbq_destroy(struct Qdisc* sch)
- q->rx_class = NULL;
- #endif
-- for (h = 0; h < 16; h++) {
-+ /*
-+ * Filters must be destroyed first because we don't destroy the
-+ * classes from root to leafs which means that filters can still
-+ * be bound to classes which have been destroyed already. --TGR '04
-+ */
-+ for (h = 0; h < 16; h++)
- for (cl = q->classes[h]; cl; cl = cl->next)
- cbq_destroy_filters(cl);
-- }
- for (h = 0; h < 16; h++) {
- struct cbq_class *next;
- for (cl = q->classes[h]; cl; cl = next) {
- next = cl->next;
-- if (cl != &q->link)
-- cbq_destroy_class(cl);
-+ cbq_destroy_class(sch, cl);
- }
- }
-- qdisc_put_rtab(q->link.R_tab);
- }
- static void cbq_put(struct Qdisc *sch, unsigned long arg)
-@@ -1799,7 +1807,7 @@ static void cbq_put(struct Qdisc *sch, u
- spin_unlock_bh(&sch->dev->queue_lock);
- #endif
-- cbq_destroy_class(cl);
-+ cbq_destroy_class(sch, cl);
- }
- }
-@@ -2035,7 +2043,7 @@ static int cbq_delete(struct Qdisc *sch,
- sch_tree_unlock(sch);
- if (--cl->refcnt == 0)
-- cbq_destroy_class(cl);
-+ cbq_destroy_class(sch, cl);
- return 0;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -97,6 +97,9 @@ int qdisc_restart(struct net_device *dev
- /* Dequeue packet */
- if ((skb = q->dequeue(q)) != NULL) {
-+ struct ve_struct *envid;
-+ envid = set_exec_env(VE_OWNER_SKB(skb));
- if (spin_trylock(&dev->xmit_lock)) {
- /* Remember that the driver is grabbed by us. */
- dev->xmit_lock_owner = smp_processor_id();
-@@ -113,6 +116,7 @@ int qdisc_restart(struct net_device *dev
- spin_unlock(&dev->xmit_lock);
- spin_lock(&dev->queue_lock);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(envid);
- return -1;
- }
- }
-@@ -134,6 +138,7 @@ int qdisc_restart(struct net_device *dev
- kfree_skb(skb);
- if (net_ratelimit())
- printk(KERN_DEBUG "Dead loop on netdevice %s, fix it urgently!\n", dev->name);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(envid);
- return -1;
- }
- __get_cpu_var(netdev_rx_stat).cpu_collision++;
-@@ -151,6 +156,7 @@ int qdisc_restart(struct net_device *dev
- q->ops->requeue(skb, q);
- netif_schedule(dev);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(envid);
- return 1;
- }
- return q->q.qlen;
-@@ -557,3 +563,4 @@ EXPORT_SYMBOL(qdisc_reset);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(qdisc_restart);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(qdisc_lock_tree);
- EXPORT_SYMBOL(qdisc_unlock_tree);
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -186,6 +186,9 @@ static int teql_qdisc_init(struct Qdisc
- struct teql_master *m = (struct teql_master*)sch->ops;
- struct teql_sched_data *q = qdisc_priv(sch);
-+ if (!capable(CAP_NET_ADMIN))
-+ return -EPERM;
- if (dev->hard_header_len > m->dev->hard_header_len)
- return -EINVAL;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:25.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:33.000000000 +0400
-@@ -4052,12 +4052,8 @@ SCTP_STATIC int sctp_msghdr_parse(const
- for (cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(msg);
- cmsg != NULL;
- cmsg = CMSG_NXTHDR((struct msghdr*)msg, cmsg)) {
-- /* Check for minimum length. The SCM code has this check. */
-- if (cmsg->cmsg_len < sizeof(struct cmsghdr) ||
-- (unsigned long)(((char*)cmsg - (char*)msg->msg_control)
-- + cmsg->cmsg_len) > msg->msg_controllen) {
-+ if (!CMSG_OK(msg, cmsg))
- return -EINVAL;
-- }
- /* Should we parse this header or ignore? */
- if (cmsg->cmsg_level != IPPROTO_SCTP)
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:10.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@
- #include <linux/syscalls.h>
- #include <linux/compat.h>
- #include <linux/kmod.h>
-+#include <linux/in.h>
- #include <linux/wireless.h> /* Note : will define WIRELESS_EXT */
-@@ -1071,6 +1072,37 @@ int sock_wake_async(struct socket *sock,
- return 0;
- }
-+int vz_security_proto_check(int family, int type, int protocol)
-+#ifdef CONFIG_VE
-+ if (ve_is_super(get_exec_env()))
-+ return 0;
-+ switch (family) {
-+ case PF_UNSPEC:
-+ case PF_PACKET:
-+ case PF_NETLINK:
-+ case PF_UNIX:
-+ break;
-+ case PF_INET:
-+ switch (protocol) {
-+ case IPPROTO_IP:
-+ case IPPROTO_TCP:
-+ case IPPROTO_UDP:
-+ case IPPROTO_RAW:
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ return -EAFNOSUPPORT;
-+ }
-+ break;
-+ default:
-+ return -EAFNOSUPPORT;
-+ }
-+ return 0;
- static int __sock_create(int family, int type, int protocol, struct socket **res, int kern)
- {
- int i;
-@@ -1099,6 +1131,11 @@ static int __sock_create(int family, int
- family = PF_PACKET;
- }
-+ /* VZ compatibility layer */
-+ err = vz_security_proto_check(family, type, protocol);
-+ if (err < 0)
-+ return err;
- err = security_socket_create(family, type, protocol, kern);
- if (err)
- return err;
-@@ -1746,10 +1783,11 @@ asmlinkage long sys_sendmsg(int fd, stru
- goto out_freeiov;
- ctl_len = msg_sys.msg_controllen;
- if ((MSG_CMSG_COMPAT & flags) && ctl_len) {
-- err = cmsghdr_from_user_compat_to_kern(&msg_sys, ctl, sizeof(ctl));
-+ err = cmsghdr_from_user_compat_to_kern(&msg_sys, sock->sk, ctl, sizeof(ctl));
- if (err)
- goto out_freeiov;
- ctl_buf = msg_sys.msg_control;
-+ ctl_len = msg_sys.msg_controllen;
- } else if (ctl_len) {
- if (ctl_len > sizeof(ctl))
- {
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -164,10 +164,10 @@ rpc_create_client(struct rpc_xprt *xprt,
- }
- /* save the nodename */
-- clnt->cl_nodelen = strlen(system_utsname.nodename);
-+ clnt->cl_nodelen = strlen(ve_utsname.nodename);
- if (clnt->cl_nodelen > UNX_MAXNODENAME)
- clnt->cl_nodelen = UNX_MAXNODENAME;
-- memcpy(clnt->cl_nodename, system_utsname.nodename, clnt->cl_nodelen);
-+ memcpy(clnt->cl_nodename, ve_utsname.nodename, clnt->cl_nodelen);
- return clnt;
- out_no_auth:
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:25.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1125,9 +1125,9 @@ rpciod(void *ptr)
- spin_lock_bh(&rpc_queue_lock);
- }
- __rpc_schedule();
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE) {
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE)) {
- spin_unlock_bh(&rpc_queue_lock);
-- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
-+ refrigerator();
- spin_lock_bh(&rpc_queue_lock);
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:49.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:44.000000000 +0400
-@@ -362,6 +362,9 @@ svc_sendto(struct svc_rqst *rqstp, struc
- size_t base = xdr->page_base;
- unsigned int pglen = xdr->page_len;
- unsigned int flags = MSG_MORE;
-+ struct ve_struct *old_env;
-+ old_env = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
- slen = xdr->len;
-@@ -426,6 +429,8 @@ out:
- rqstp->rq_sock, xdr->head[0].iov_base, xdr->head[0].iov_len, xdr->len, len,
- rqstp->rq_addr.sin_addr.s_addr);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
- return len;
- }
-@@ -438,9 +443,12 @@ svc_recv_available(struct svc_sock *svsk
- mm_segment_t oldfs;
- struct socket *sock = svsk->sk_sock;
- int avail, err;
-+ struct ve_struct *old_env;
- oldfs = get_fs(); set_fs(KERNEL_DS);
-+ old_env = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
- err = sock->ops->ioctl(sock, TIOCINQ, (unsigned long) &avail);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
- set_fs(oldfs);
- return (err >= 0)? avail : err;
-@@ -455,6 +463,7 @@ svc_recvfrom(struct svc_rqst *rqstp, str
- struct msghdr msg;
- struct socket *sock;
- int len, alen;
-+ struct ve_struct *old_env;
- rqstp->rq_addrlen = sizeof(rqstp->rq_addr);
- sock = rqstp->rq_sock->sk_sock;
-@@ -466,7 +475,9 @@ svc_recvfrom(struct svc_rqst *rqstp, str
- msg.msg_flags = MSG_DONTWAIT;
-+ old_env = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
- len = kernel_recvmsg(sock, &msg, iov, nr, buflen, MSG_DONTWAIT);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(get_ve0());
- /* sock_recvmsg doesn't fill in the name/namelen, so we must..
- * possibly we should cache this in the svc_sock structure
-@@ -770,17 +781,19 @@ svc_tcp_accept(struct svc_sock *svsk)
- struct proto_ops *ops;
- struct svc_sock *newsvsk;
- int err, slen;
-+ struct ve_struct *old_env;
- dprintk("svc: tcp_accept %p sock %p\n", svsk, sock);
- if (!sock)
- return;
-+ old_env = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
- err = sock_create_lite(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP, &newsock);
- if (err) {
- if (err == -ENOMEM)
- printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: no more sockets!\n",
- serv->sv_name);
-- return;
-+ goto restore;
- }
- dprintk("svc: tcp_accept %p allocated\n", newsock);
-@@ -874,6 +887,8 @@ svc_tcp_accept(struct svc_sock *svsk)
- }
-+ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
- if (serv->sv_stats)
- serv->sv_stats->nettcpconn++;
-@@ -881,6 +896,8 @@ svc_tcp_accept(struct svc_sock *svsk)
- failed:
- sock_release(newsock);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
- return;
- }
-@@ -1227,8 +1244,8 @@ svc_recv(struct svc_serv *serv, struct s
- schedule_timeout(timeout);
-- if (current->flags & PF_FREEZE)
-- refrigerator(PF_FREEZE);
-+ if (test_thread_flag(TIF_FREEZE))
-+ refrigerator();
- spin_lock_bh(&serv->sv_lock);
- remove_wait_queue(&rqstp->rq_wait, &wait);
-@@ -1397,6 +1414,7 @@ svc_create_socket(struct svc_serv *serv,
- struct socket *sock;
- int error;
- int type;
-+ struct ve_struct *old_env;
- dprintk("svc: svc_create_socket(%s, %d, %u.%u.%u.%u:%d)\n",
- serv->sv_program->pg_name, protocol,
-@@ -1410,8 +1428,10 @@ svc_create_socket(struct svc_serv *serv,
- }
- type = (protocol == IPPROTO_UDP)? SOCK_DGRAM : SOCK_STREAM;
-+ old_env = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
- if ((error = sock_create_kern(PF_INET, type, protocol, &sock)) < 0)
-- return error;
-+ goto restore;
- if (sin != NULL) {
- if (type == SOCK_STREAM)
-@@ -1427,12 +1447,16 @@ svc_create_socket(struct svc_serv *serv,
- goto bummer;
- }
-- if ((svsk = svc_setup_socket(serv, sock, &error, 1)) != NULL)
-+ if ((svsk = svc_setup_socket(serv, sock, &error, 1)) != NULL) {
-+ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
- return 0;
-+ }
- bummer:
- dprintk("svc: svc_create_socket error = %d\n", -error);
- sock_release(sock);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
- return error;
- }
-@@ -1450,6 +1474,8 @@ svc_delete_socket(struct svc_sock *svsk)
- serv = svsk->sk_server;
- sk = svsk->sk_sk;
-+ /* XXX: serialization? */
-+ sk->sk_user_data = NULL;
- sk->sk_state_change = svsk->sk_ostate;
- sk->sk_data_ready = svsk->sk_odata;
- sk->sk_write_space = svsk->sk_owspace;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:47.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -246,6 +246,7 @@ xprt_sendmsg(struct rpc_xprt *xprt, stru
- int addrlen = 0;
- unsigned int skip;
- int result;
-+ struct ve_struct *old_env;
- if (!sock)
- return -ENOTCONN;
-@@ -263,7 +264,9 @@ xprt_sendmsg(struct rpc_xprt *xprt, stru
- skip = req->rq_bytes_sent;
- clear_bit(SOCK_ASYNC_NOSPACE, &sock->flags);
-+ old_env = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
- result = xdr_sendpages(sock, addr, addrlen, xdr, skip, MSG_DONTWAIT);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
- dprintk("RPC: xprt_sendmsg(%d) = %d\n", xdr->len - skip, result);
-@@ -484,6 +487,7 @@ static void xprt_socket_connect(void *ar
- struct rpc_xprt *xprt = (struct rpc_xprt *)args;
- struct socket *sock = xprt->sock;
- int status = -EIO;
-+ struct ve_struct *old_env;
- if (xprt->shutdown || xprt->addr.sin_port == 0)
- goto out;
-@@ -508,8 +512,10 @@ static void xprt_socket_connect(void *ar
- /*
- * Tell the socket layer to start connecting...
- */
-+ old_env = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
- status = sock->ops->connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &xprt->addr,
- sizeof(xprt->addr), O_NONBLOCK);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
- dprintk("RPC: %p connect status %d connected %d sock state %d\n",
- xprt, -status, xprt_connected(xprt), sock->sk->sk_state);
- if (status < 0) {
-@@ -1506,13 +1512,16 @@ static inline int xprt_bindresvport(stru
- .sin_family = AF_INET,
- };
- int err, port;
-+ struct ve_struct *old_env;
- /* Were we already bound to a given port? Try to reuse it */
- port = xprt->port;
- do {
- myaddr.sin_port = htons(port);
-+ old_env = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
- err = sock->ops->bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &myaddr,
- sizeof(myaddr));
-+ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
- if (err == 0) {
- xprt->port = port;
- return 0;
-@@ -1588,15 +1597,18 @@ static struct socket * xprt_create_socke
- {
- struct socket *sock;
- int type, err;
-+ struct ve_struct *old_env;
- dprintk("RPC: xprt_create_socket(%s %d)\n",
- (proto == IPPROTO_UDP)? "udp" : "tcp", proto);
- type = (proto == IPPROTO_UDP)? SOCK_DGRAM : SOCK_STREAM;
-+ old_env = set_exec_env(get_ve0());
- if ((err = sock_create_kern(PF_INET, type, proto, &sock)) < 0) {
- printk("RPC: can't create socket (%d).\n", -err);
-- return NULL;
-+ goto out;
- }
- /* If the caller has the capability, bind to a reserved port */
-@@ -1605,10 +1617,13 @@ static struct socket * xprt_create_socke
- goto failed;
- }
-+ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
- return sock;
- failed:
- sock_release(sock);
-+ (void)set_exec_env(old_env);
- return NULL;
- }
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:35.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:42.000000000 +0400
-@@ -119,6 +119,9 @@
- #include <net/checksum.h>
- #include <linux/security.h>
-+#include <ub/ub_net.h>
-+#include <ub/beancounter.h>
- int sysctl_unix_max_dgram_qlen = 10;
- kmem_cache_t *unix_sk_cachep;
-@@ -242,6 +245,8 @@ static struct sock *__unix_find_socket_b
- sk_for_each(s, node, &unix_socket_table[hash ^ type]) {
- struct unix_sock *u = unix_sk(s);
-+ if (!ve_accessible(VE_OWNER_SK(s), get_exec_env()))
-+ continue;
- if (u->addr->len == len &&
- !memcmp(u->addr->name, sunname, len))
- goto found;
-@@ -446,7 +451,7 @@ static int unix_listen(struct socket *so
- sk->sk_max_ack_backlog = backlog;
- sk->sk_state = TCP_LISTEN;
- /* set credentials so connect can copy them */
-- sk-> = current->tgid;
-+ sk-> = virt_tgid(current);
- sk->sk_peercred.uid = current->euid;
- sk->sk_peercred.gid = current->egid;
- err = 0;
-@@ -553,6 +558,8 @@ static struct sock * unix_create1(struct
- unix_sk_cachep);
- if (!sk)
- goto out;
-+ if (ub_other_sock_charge(sk))
-+ goto out_sk_free;
- atomic_inc(&unix_nr_socks);
-@@ -572,6 +579,9 @@ static struct sock * unix_create1(struct
- unix_insert_socket(unix_sockets_unbound, sk);
- out:
- return sk;
-+ sk_free(sk);
-+ return NULL;
- }
- static int unix_create(struct socket *sock, int protocol)
-@@ -677,7 +687,7 @@ static struct sock *unix_find_other(stru
- err = path_lookup(sunname->sun_path, LOOKUP_FOLLOW, &nd);
- if (err)
- goto fail;
-- err = permission(nd.dentry->d_inode,MAY_WRITE, &nd);
-+ err = permission(nd.dentry->d_inode, MAY_WRITE, &nd, NULL);
- if (err)
- goto put_fail;
-@@ -955,6 +965,7 @@ static int unix_stream_connect(struct so
- int st;
- int err;
- long timeo;
-+ unsigned long chargesize;
- err = unix_mkname(sunaddr, addr_len, &hash);
- if (err < 0)
-@@ -982,6 +993,10 @@ static int unix_stream_connect(struct so
- skb = sock_wmalloc(newsk, 1, 0, GFP_KERNEL);
- if (skb == NULL)
- goto out;
-+ chargesize = skb_charge_fullsize(skb);
-+ if (ub_sock_getwres_other(newsk, chargesize) < 0)
-+ goto out;
-+ ub_skb_set_charge(skb, newsk, chargesize, UB_OTHERSOCKBUF);
- restart:
- /* Find listening sock. */
-@@ -1065,7 +1080,7 @@ restart:
- unix_peer(newsk) = sk;
- newsk->sk_state = TCP_ESTABLISHED;
- newsk->sk_type = sk->sk_type;
-- newsk-> = current->tgid;
-+ newsk-> = virt_tgid(current);
- newsk->sk_peercred.uid = current->euid;
- newsk->sk_peercred.gid = current->egid;
- newu = unix_sk(newsk);
-@@ -1127,7 +1142,7 @@ static int unix_socketpair(struct socket
- sock_hold(skb);
- unix_peer(ska)=skb;
- unix_peer(skb)=ska;
-- ska-> = skb-> = current->tgid;
-+ ska-> = skb-> = virt_tgid(current);
- ska->sk_peercred.uid = skb->sk_peercred.uid = current->euid;
- ska->sk_peercred.gid = skb->sk_peercred.gid = current->egid;
-@@ -1450,6 +1465,16 @@ static int unix_stream_sendmsg(struct ki
- size=len-sent;
-+ if (msg->msg_flags & MSG_DONTWAIT)
-+ ub_sock_makewres_other(sk, skb_charge_size(size));
-+ if (sock_bc(sk) != NULL &&
-+ sock_bc(sk)->poll_reserv >=
-+ skb_charge_size(size) >
-+ sock_bc(sk)->poll_reserv)
-+ size = skb_charge_datalen(sock_bc(sk)->poll_reserv);
- /* Keep two messages in the pipe so it schedules better */
- if (size > sk->sk_sndbuf / 2 - 64)
- size = sk->sk_sndbuf / 2 - 64;
-@@ -1461,7 +1486,8 @@ static int unix_stream_sendmsg(struct ki
- * Grab a buffer
- */
-- skb=sock_alloc_send_skb(sk,size,msg->msg_flags&MSG_DONTWAIT, &err);
-+ skb = sock_alloc_send_skb2(sk, size, SOCK_MIN_UBCSPACE,
-+ msg->msg_flags&MSG_DONTWAIT, &err);
- if (skb==NULL)
- goto out_err;
-@@ -1546,9 +1572,11 @@ static int unix_dgram_recvmsg(struct kio
- msg->msg_namelen = 0;
-+ down(&u->readsem);
- skb = skb_recv_datagram(sk, flags, noblock, &err);
- if (!skb)
-- goto out;
-+ goto out_unlock;
- wake_up_interruptible(&u->peer_wait);
-@@ -1598,6 +1626,8 @@ static int unix_dgram_recvmsg(struct kio
- out_free:
- skb_free_datagram(sk,skb);
-+ up(&u->readsem);
- out:
- return err;
- }
-@@ -1859,6 +1889,7 @@ static unsigned int unix_poll(struct fil
- {
- struct sock *sk = sock->sk;
- unsigned int mask;
-+ int no_ub_res;
- poll_wait(file, sk->sk_sleep, wait);
- mask = 0;
-@@ -1869,6 +1900,10 @@ static unsigned int unix_poll(struct fil
- if (sk->sk_shutdown == SHUTDOWN_MASK)
- mask |= POLLHUP;
-+ no_ub_res = ub_sock_makewres_other(sk, SOCK_MIN_UBCSPACE_CH);
-+ if (no_ub_res)
-+ ub_sock_sndqueueadd_other(sk, SOCK_MIN_UBCSPACE_CH);
- /* readable? */
- if (!skb_queue_empty(&sk->sk_receive_queue) ||
- (sk->sk_shutdown & RCV_SHUTDOWN))
-@@ -1882,7 +1917,7 @@ static unsigned int unix_poll(struct fil
- * we set writable also when the other side has shut down the
- * connection. This prevents stuck sockets.
- */
-- if (unix_writable(sk))
-+ if (!no_ub_res && unix_writable(sk))
- return mask;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:34.000000000 +0400
-@@ -1139,6 +1139,9 @@ struct xfrm_policy *xfrm_compile_policy(
- if (nr > XFRM_MAX_DEPTH)
- return NULL;
-+ if (p->dir > XFRM_POLICY_OUT)
-+ return NULL;
- xp = xfrm_policy_alloc(GFP_KERNEL);
- if (xp == NULL) {
- *dir = -ENOBUFS;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:32.000000000 +0400
-@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ static char *args[1024], **argptr = args
- static int indent;
- static struct termios ios_org;
- static int rows = 0, cols = 0;
--static struct menu *current_menu;
-+struct menu *current_menu;
- static int child_count;
- static int do_resize;
- static int single_menu_mode;
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:19.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2006-05-11 13:05:49.000000000 +0400
-@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
- #include <linux/mman.h>
- #include <linux/pagemap.h>
- #include <linux/swap.h>
-+#include <linux/virtinfo.h>
- #include <linux/smp_lock.h>
- #include <linux/skbuff.h>
- #include <linux/netlink.h>
-@@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ int cap_inode_setxattr(struct dentry *de
- {
- if (!strncmp(name, XATTR_SECURITY_PREFIX,
- sizeof(XATTR_SECURITY_PREFIX) - 1) &&
-- !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
-+ !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN) && !capable(CAP_VE_ADMIN))
- return -EPERM;
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -183,7 +184,7 @@ int cap_inode_removexattr(struct dentry
- {
- if (!strncmp(name, XATTR_SECURITY_PREFIX,
- sizeof(XATTR_SECURITY_PREFIX) - 1) &&
-- !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
-+ !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN) && !capable(CAP_VE_ADMIN))
- return -EPERM;
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -289,7 +290,7 @@ void cap_task_reparent_to_init (struct t
- int cap_syslog (int type)
- {
-- if ((type != 3 && type != 10) && !capable(CAP_SYS_ADMIN))
-+ if ((type != 3 && type != 10) && !capable(CAP_VE_SYS_ADMIN))
- return -EPERM;
- return 0;
- }
-@@ -311,6 +312,18 @@ int cap_vm_enough_memory(long pages)
- vm_acct_memory(pages);
-+ switch (virtinfo_notifier_call(VITYPE_GENERAL, VIRTINFO_ENOUGHMEM,
-+ (void *)pages)
-+ case NOTIFY_OK:
-+ return 0;
-+ case NOTIFY_FAIL:
-+ vm_unacct_memory(pages);
-+ return -ENOMEM;
-+ }
- /*
- * Sometimes we want to use more memory than we have
- */
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:50.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2005-06-08 13:32:09.000000000 +0400
-@@ -424,6 +424,54 @@ config X86_OOSTORE
- depends on (MWINCHIP3D || MWINCHIP2 || MWINCHIPC6) && MTRR
- default y
-+config X86_4G
-+ bool "4 GB kernel-space and 4 GB user-space virtual memory support"
-+ help
-+ This option is only useful for systems that have more than 1 GB
-+ of RAM.
-+ The default kernel VM layout leaves 1 GB of virtual memory for
-+ kernel-space mappings, and 3 GB of VM for user-space applications.
-+ This option ups both the kernel-space VM and the user-space VM to
-+ 4 GB.
-+ The cost of this option is additional TLB flushes done at
-+ system-entry points that transition from user-mode into kernel-mode.
-+ I.e. system calls and page faults, and IRQs that interrupt user-mode
-+ code. There's also additional overhead to kernel operations that copy
-+ memory to/from user-space. The overhead from this is hard to tell and
-+ depends on the workload - it can be anything from no visible overhead
-+ to 20-30% overhead. A good rule of thumb is to count with a runtime
-+ overhead of 20%.
-+ The upside is the much increased kernel-space VM, which more than
-+ quadruples the maximum amount of RAM supported. Kernels compiled with
-+ this option boot on 64GB of RAM and still have more than 3.1 GB of
-+ 'lowmem' left. Another bonus is that highmem IO bouncing decreases,
-+ if used with drivers that still use bounce-buffers.
-+ There's also a 33% increase in user-space VM size - database
-+ applications might see a boost from this.
-+ But the cost of the TLB flushes and the runtime overhead has to be
-+ weighed against the bonuses offered by the larger VM spaces. The
-+ dividing line depends on the actual workload - there might be 4 GB
-+ systems that benefit from this option. Systems with less than 4 GB
-+ of RAM will rarely see a benefit from this option - but it's not
-+ out of question, the exact circumstances have to be considered.
-+ def_bool X86_4G
-+config X86_4G_VM_LAYOUT
-+ def_bool X86_4G
-+ def_bool X86_4G
-+config X86_HIGH_ENTRY
-+ def_bool X86_4G
- config HPET_TIMER
- bool "HPET Timer Support"
- help
-@@ -482,6 +530,28 @@ config NR_CPUS
- This is purely to save memory - each supported CPU adds
- approximately eight kilobytes to the kernel image.
-+config FAIRSCHED
-+ bool "Fair CPU scheduler (EXPERIMENTAL)"
-+ default y
-+ help
-+ Config option for Fair CPU scheduler (fairsched).
-+ This option allows to group processes to scheduling nodes
-+ which receive CPU proportional to their weight.
-+ This is very important feature for process groups isolation and
-+ QoS management.
-+ If unsure, say N.
-+config SCHED_VCPU
-+ bool "VCPU scheduler support"
-+ depends on SMP || FAIRSCHED
-+ default FAIRSCHED
-+ help
-+ VCPU scheduler support adds additional layer of abstraction
-+ which allows to virtualize cpu notion and split physical cpus
-+ and virtual cpus. This support allows to use CPU fair scheduler,
-+ dynamically add/remove cpus to/from VPS and so on.
- config SCHED_SMT
- bool "SMT (Hyperthreading) scheduler support"
- depends on SMP
-@@ -1242,6 +1316,14 @@ config MAGIC_SYSRQ
- keys are documented in <file:Documentation/sysrq.txt>. Don't say Y
- unless you really know what this hack does.
-+config SYSRQ_DEBUG
-+ bool "Debugging via sysrq keys"
-+ depends on MAGIC_SYSRQ
-+ help
-+ Say Y if you want to extend functionality of magic key. It will
-+ provide you with some debugging facilities such as dumping and
-+ writing memory, resolving symbols and some other.
- bool "Spinlock debugging"
- depends on DEBUG_KERNEL
-@@ -1298,6 +1380,14 @@ config 4KSTACKS
- on the VM subsystem for higher order allocations. This option
- will also use IRQ stacks to compensate for the reduced stackspace.
-+ bool "NMI Watchdog"
-+ default y
-+ help
-+ If you say Y here the kernel will activate NMI watchdog by default
-+ on boot. You can still activate NMI watchdog via nmi_watchdog
-+ command line option even if you say N here.
- config X86_FIND_SMP_CONFIG
- bool
- depends on X86_LOCAL_APIC || X86_VOYAGER
-@@ -1310,12 +1400,18 @@ config X86_MPPARSE
- endmenu
-+menu "OpenVZ"
-+source "kernel/Kconfig.openvz"
- source "security/Kconfig"
- source "crypto/Kconfig"
- source "lib/Kconfig"
-+source "kernel/ub/Kconfig"
- config X86_SMP
- bool
- depends on SMP && !X86_VOYAGER
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:09.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2005-07-22 11:16:23.000000000 +0400
-@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_IBM_EMAC) += ibm_emac/
- obj-$(CONFIG_IXGB) += ixgb/
- obj-$(CONFIG_BONDING) += bonding/
-+obj-$(CONFIG_VE_NETDEV) += vznetdev.o
-+vznetdev-objs := open_vznet.o venet_core.o
- #
- # link order important here
- #
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2005-09-22 14:49:52.000000000 +0400
-@@ -417,6 +417,15 @@ config QUOTA
- with the quota tools. Probably the quota support is only useful for
- multi user systems. If unsure, say N.
-+ bool "Compatibility with older quotactl interface"
-+ depends on QUOTA
-+ help
-+ This option enables compatibility layer for older version
-+ of quotactl interface with byte granularity (QUOTAON at 0x0100,
-+ GETQUOTA at 0x0D00). Interface versions older than that one and
-+ with block granularity are still not supported.
- config QFMT_V1
- tristate "Old quota format support"
- depends on QUOTA
-@@ -433,6 +442,38 @@ config QFMT_V2
- need this functionality say Y here. Note that you will need recent
- quota utilities (>= 3.01) for new quota format with this kernel.
-+config SIM_FS
-+ tristate "VPS filesystem"
-+ depends on VZ_QUOTA
-+ default m
-+ help
-+ This file system is a part of Virtuozzo. It intoduces a fake
-+ superblock and blockdev to VE to hide real device and show
-+ statfs results taken from quota.
-+config VZ_QUOTA
-+ tristate "Virtuozzo Disk Quota support"
-+ depends on QUOTA
-+ default m
-+ help
-+ Virtuozzo Disk Quota imposes disk quota on directories with their
-+ files and subdirectories in total. Such disk quota is used to
-+ account and limit disk usage by Virtuozzo VPS, but also may be used
-+ separately.
-+ bool "Unloadable Virtuozzo Disk Quota module"
-+ depends on VZ_QUOTA=m
-+ default n
-+ help
-+ Make Virtuozzo Disk Quota module unloadable.
-+ Doesn't work reliably now.
-+config VZ_QUOTA_UGID
-+ bool "Per-user and per-group quota in Virtuozzo quota partitions"
-+ depends on VZ_QUOTA!=n
-+ default y
- config QUOTACTL
- bool
- depends on XFS_QUOTA || QUOTA
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:54:51.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2005-09-17 15:18:16.000000000 +0400
-@@ -2,13 +2,22 @@
- # Makefile for the linux kernel.
- #
--obj-y = sched.o fork.o exec_domain.o panic.o printk.o profile.o \
-+obj-y = sched.o fairsched.o \
-+ fork.o exec_domain.o panic.o printk.o profile.o \
- exit.o itimer.o time.o softirq.o resource.o \
- sysctl.o capability.o ptrace.o timer.o user.o \
- signal.o sys.o kmod.o workqueue.o pid.o \
- rcupdate.o intermodule.o extable.o params.o posix-timers.o \
- kthread.o
-+obj-$(CONFIG_VE) += ve.o
-+obj-y += ub/
-+obj-y += veowner.o
-+obj-$(CONFIG_VE_CALLS) += vzdev.o
-+obj-$(CONFIG_VZ_WDOG) += vzwdog.o
-+obj-$(CONFIG_VE_CALLS) += vzmon.o
-+vzmon-objs = vecalls.o
- obj-$(CONFIG_FUTEX) += futex.o
- obj-$(CONFIG_GENERIC_ISA_DMA) += dma.o
- obj-$(CONFIG_SMP) += cpu.o
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:33.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2005-07-08 16:26:55.000000000 +0400
-@@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_QUOTA) += dquot.o
- obj-$(CONFIG_QFMT_V1) += quota_v1.o
- obj-$(CONFIG_QFMT_V2) += quota_v2.o
- obj-$(CONFIG_QUOTACTL) += quota.o
-+obj-$(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA) += vzdquota.o
-+vzdquota-y += vzdquot.o vzdq_mgmt.o vzdq_ops.o vzdq_tree.o
-+vzdquota-$(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_UGID) += vzdq_ugid.o
-+vzdquota-$(CONFIG_VZ_QUOTA_UGID) += vzdq_file.o
-+obj-$(CONFIG_SIM_FS) += simfs.o
- obj-$(CONFIG_PROC_FS) += proc/
- obj-y += partitions/
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:55:59.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2005-09-17 15:18:15.000000000 +0400
-@@ -239,6 +239,28 @@ config PREEMPT
- Say Y here if you are feeling brave and building a kernel for a
- desktop, embedded or real-time system. Say N if you are unsure.
-+config FAIRSCHED
-+ bool "Fair CPU scheduler (EXPERIMENTAL)"
-+ default y
-+ help
-+ Config option for Fair CPU scheduler (fairsched).
-+ This option allows to group processes to scheduling nodes
-+ which receive CPU proportional to their weight.
-+ This is very important feature for process groups isolation and
-+ QoS management.
-+ If unsure, say N.
-+config SCHED_VCPU
-+ bool "VCPU scheduler support"
-+ depends on SMP || FAIRSCHED
-+ default FAIRSCHED
-+ help
-+ VCPU scheduler support adds additional layer of abstraction
-+ which allows to virtualize cpu notion and split physical cpus
-+ and virtual cpus. This support allows to use CPU fair scheduler,
-+ dynamically add/remove cpus to/from VPS and so on.
- config SCHED_SMT
- bool "SMT (Hyperthreading) scheduler support"
- depends on SMP
-@@ -499,9 +525,14 @@ config IOMMU_LEAK
- endmenu
-+menu "OpenVZ"
-+source "kernel/Kconfig.openvz"
- source "security/Kconfig"
- source "crypto/Kconfig"
- source "lib/Kconfig"
-+source "kernel/ub/Kconfig"
-diff -uprN linux- linux-
---- linux- 2004-08-14 14:56:22.000000000 +0400
-+++ linux- 2005-10-14 14:56:03.000000000 +0400
-@@ -251,6 +251,28 @@ config PREEMPT
- Say Y here if you are building a kernel for a desktop, embedded
- or real-time system. Say N if you are unsure.
-+config FAIRSCHED
-+ bool "Fair CPU scheduler (EXPERIMENTAL)"
-+ default y
-+ help
-+ Config option for Fair CPU scheduler (fairsched).
-+ This option allows to group processes to scheduling nodes
-+ which receive CPU proportional to their weight.
-+ This is very important feature for process groups isolation and
-+ QoS management.
-+ If unsure, say N.
-+config SCHED_VCPU
-+ bool "VCPU scheduler support"
-+ depends on SMP || FAIRSCHED
-+ default FAIRSCHED
-+ help
-+ VCPU scheduler support adds additional layer of abstraction
-+ which allows to virtualize cpu notion and split physical cpus
-+ and virtual cpus. This support allows to use CPU fair scheduler,
-+ dynamically add/remove cpus to/from VPS and so on.
- config HAVE_DEC_LOCK
- bool
- depends on (SMP || PREEMPT)
-@@ -486,6 +512,12 @@ config SYSVIPC_COMPAT
- default y
- endmenu
-+menu "OpenVZ"
-+source "kernel/Kconfig.openvz"
- source "security/Kconfig"
- source "crypto/Kconfig"
-+source "kernel/ub/Kconfig"