diff options
authorMart Raudsepp <>2019-03-30 23:35:57 +0200
committerMart Raudsepp <>2019-03-30 23:56:06 +0200
commitb0ec7acf1e1d6186f907368ba4e3ee105898a112 (patch)
parentdev-util/meld: remove old (diff)
dev-util/sysprof: remove old
Package-Manager: Portage-2.3.52, Repoman-2.3.12 Signed-off-by: Mart Raudsepp <>
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 260 deletions
diff --git a/dev-util/sysprof/Manifest b/dev-util/sysprof/Manifest
index 896392cf250f..8a309bc6e0b2 100644
--- a/dev-util/sysprof/Manifest
+++ b/dev-util/sysprof/Manifest
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
DIST sysprof-3.24.1.tar.xz 595920 BLAKE2B 90582eab3fc12a0169c151ce0fad20b839841f77a31e5858f8d660f9b0f2630396bec3b239dd88baa3f6e3dd936bdd6d63a652e491a1d32f966a755f9099f160 SHA512 5d323bcb9923c511065132711963dc8856c4d837b4d7ccfae5cc5794be5ac8ad1dc42504025469199f4bfd6a6fad4d8f49b7b21cab6f0c9a954820182e75c7d0
-DIST sysprof-3.26.1.tar.xz 609076 BLAKE2B fd10ce27b224100558ff5bb9c75cfffcb76b2331d2c4056bd73a9ace1ea155e61d705240acf6fefa805fba2333f6d439369d5b1cc16e0c537ab9fed408bf6d85 SHA512 ee03360e4971cd91129bac3cc9d2cf292d29aafe1cdacd078e404ee15c3ff02bcd0c0159502605c00eb2abd3a46917cf70458ad05e48b594eeb2835ead55c34c
-DIST sysprof-3.28.1.tar.xz 380720 BLAKE2B 0a3b93659e421b717230bff6e90d20b28f8abc8491fddb51bc3f106b6cd8b038254e1fd0260c6eee2c2b83d77765be43f394d49bd34c054c36d6427ef419fefa SHA512 ca75c279bcb8cb37bffdba51d5b3481c3ece104847b64c0b8cb534468c9350a96c7224bf261ef892817e53aff2cff90a2b808f5db5a9afd6230721664b83809b
DIST sysprof-3.30.2.tar.xz 393420 BLAKE2B 5e86a78c231d2d2c601198e066c463d8bec95ab1ae6d0f6678e6e80305b8a6d53c604ce54d9fc2a473e4679695cef709f0e1a9514f1091719f33a58b92c896eb SHA512 70c49f7c20742aad82c8d9b1e303d06ca5fd2d27a6868872d28affea22278d381bf3eb0d181cbd1bfa490bda2878c52748ac29273e9e608452e9bf4f29fd9e2a
diff --git a/dev-util/sysprof/files/3.28.1-fix-nosystemd-build.patch b/dev-util/sysprof/files/3.28.1-fix-nosystemd-build.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c83a951d846a..000000000000
--- a/dev-util/sysprof/files/3.28.1-fix-nosystemd-build.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-From 28c28eb11ac1696ce08c9c90e8a7a7759bc5c50b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Christian Hergert <>
-Date: Tue, 28 Aug 2018 12:22:57 -0700
-Subject: [PATCH] kernel-symbol: respect ENABLE_POLKIT setting
-This fixes the compilation when we have sysprofd fully disabled.
-That is not an ideal configuration, but keeping it working
-ensures that some of the code is easy copy/paste'able in the
-future for some situations.
- lib/symbols/sp-kernel-symbol.c | 9 ++++++++-
- 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/lib/symbols/sp-kernel-symbol.c b/lib/symbols/sp-kernel-symbol.c
-index 8eb8087..14e026f 100644
---- a/lib/symbols/sp-kernel-symbol.c
-+++ b/lib/symbols/sp-kernel-symbol.c
-@@ -18,8 +18,13 @@
- #define G_LOG_DOMAIN "sp-kernel-symbol"
-+#include "config.h"
- #include <gio/gio.h>
--#include <polkit/polkit.h>
-+# include <polkit/polkit.h>
- #include "sp-kallsyms.h"
-@@ -87,6 +92,7 @@ type_is_ignored (guint8 type)
- static gboolean
- authorize_proxy (GDBusConnection *conn)
- {
- PolkitSubject *subject = NULL;
- GPermission *permission = NULL;
- const gchar *name;
-@@ -113,6 +119,7 @@ authorize_proxy (GDBusConnection *conn)
- failure:
- g_clear_object (&subject);
- g_clear_object (&permission);
- return FALSE;
- }
diff --git a/dev-util/sysprof/sysprof-3.26.1.ebuild b/dev-util/sysprof/sysprof-3.26.1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 144b2c9fcadc..000000000000
--- a/dev-util/sysprof/sysprof-3.26.1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit gnome2 linux-info systemd
-DESCRIPTION="System-wide Linux Profiler"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="debug gtk systemd"
- >=dev-libs/glib-2.44:2
- gtk? (
- sys-auth/polkit
- >=x11-libs/gtk+-3.22.0:3 )
- systemd? (
- sys-auth/polkit
- >=sys-apps/systemd-222 )
- app-text/yelp-tools
- >=sys-devel/gettext-0.19.6
- >=sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.6.32
- dev-libs/appstream-glib
- virtual/pkgconfig
-pkg_pretend() {
- kernel_is -ge 2 6 31 && return
- die "Sysprof will not work with a kernel version less than 2.6.31"
-src_configure() {
- # introspection & vala not use in build system
- # --with-sysprofd=host currently unavailable from ebuild
- gnome2_src_configure \
- $(use_enable debug) \
- $(use_enable gtk) \
- --disable-introspection \
- --disable-static \
- --disable-vala \
- --with-sysprofd=$(usex systemd bundled no) \
- --with-systemdsystemunitdir=$(systemd_get_systemunitdir)
-pkg_postinst() {
- gnome2_pkg_postinst
- elog "On many systems, especially amd64, it is typical that with a modern"
- elog "toolchain -fomit-frame-pointer for gcc is the default, because"
- elog "debugging is still possible thanks to gcc4/gdb location list feature."
- elog "However sysprof is not able to construct call trees if frame pointers"
- elog "are not present. Therefore -fno-omit-frame-pointer CFLAGS is suggested"
- elog "for the libraries and applications involved in the profiling. That"
- elog "means a CPU register is used for the frame pointer instead of other"
- elog "purposes, which means a very minimal performance loss when there is"
- elog "register pressure."
diff --git a/dev-util/sysprof/sysprof-3.28.1.ebuild b/dev-util/sysprof/sysprof-3.28.1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index f6664d0b9fb6..000000000000
--- a/dev-util/sysprof/sysprof-3.28.1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit gnome2-utils meson systemd xdg
-DESCRIPTION="System-wide Linux Profiler"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="gtk systemd"
- >=dev-libs/glib-2.44:2
- sys-auth/polkit
- gtk? ( >=x11-libs/gtk+-3.22.0:3 )
- systemd? ( >=sys-apps/systemd-222 )
-# libxml2 required for glib-compile-resources; appstream-glib for appdata.xml translations
- app-text/yelp-tools
- dev-libs/appstream-glib
- dev-libs/libxml2:2
- >=sys-devel/gettext-0.19.6
- >=sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.6.32
- virtual/pkgconfig
-PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}"/${PV}-fix-nosystemd-build.patch )
-src_configure() {
- # -Dwith_sysprofd=host currently unavailable from ebuild
- local emesonargs=(
- $(meson_use gtk enable_gtk)
- -Dwith_sysprofd=$(usex systemd bundled none)
- -Dsystemdunitdir=$(systemd_get_systemunitdir)
- # -Ddebugdir
- )
- meson_src_configure
-pkg_postinst() {
- xdg_pkg_postinst
- gnome2_icon_cache_update
- gnome2_schemas_update
- elog "On many systems, especially amd64, it is typical that with a modern"
- elog "toolchain -fomit-frame-pointer for gcc is the default, because"
- elog "debugging is still possible thanks to gcc4/gdb location list feature."
- elog "However sysprof is not able to construct call trees if frame pointers"
- elog "are not present. Therefore -fno-omit-frame-pointer CFLAGS is suggested"
- elog "for the libraries and applications involved in the profiling. That"
- elog "means a CPU register is used for the frame pointer instead of other"
- elog "purposes, which means a very minimal performance loss when there is"
- elog "register pressure."
- if ! use systemd; then
- elog ""
- elog "Without systemd, sysprof may not function when launched as a regular user,"
- elog "thus suboptimal running from root account may be necessary."
- if use gtk; then
- elog "Under wayland, that limits the recording usage to sysprof-cli utility."
- fi
- fi
-pkg_postrm() {
- xdg_pkg_postrm
- gnome2_icon_cache_update
- gnome2_schemas_update
diff --git a/dev-util/sysprof/sysprof-3.30.2.ebuild b/dev-util/sysprof/sysprof-3.30.2.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index e3dd7be49675..000000000000
--- a/dev-util/sysprof/sysprof-3.30.2.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2018 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit gnome2-utils meson systemd xdg
-DESCRIPTION="System-wide Linux Profiler"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"
-IUSE="gtk systemd"
- >=dev-libs/glib-2.44:2
- sys-auth/polkit
- gtk? ( >=x11-libs/gtk+-3.22.0:3 )
- systemd? ( >=sys-apps/systemd-222 )
-# libxml2 required for glib-compile-resources; appstream-glib for appdata.xml developer_name tag translation
- dev-libs/appstream-glib
- dev-libs/libxml2:2
- dev-util/itstool
- >=sys-devel/gettext-0.19.8
- >=sys-kernel/linux-headers-2.6.32
- virtual/pkgconfig
-src_configure() {
- # -Dwith_sysprofd=host currently unavailable from ebuild
- local emesonargs=(
- $(meson_use gtk enable_gtk)
- -Dwith_sysprofd=$(usex systemd bundled none)
- -Dsystemdunitdir=$(systemd_get_systemunitdir)
- # -Ddebugdir
- )
- meson_src_configure
-pkg_postinst() {
- xdg_pkg_postinst
- gnome2_icon_cache_update
- gnome2_schemas_update
- elog "On many systems, especially amd64, it is typical that with a modern"
- elog "toolchain -fomit-frame-pointer for gcc is the default, because"
- elog "debugging is still possible thanks to gcc4/gdb location list feature."
- elog "However sysprof is not able to construct call trees if frame pointers"
- elog "are not present. Therefore -fno-omit-frame-pointer CFLAGS is suggested"
- elog "for the libraries and applications involved in the profiling. That"
- elog "means a CPU register is used for the frame pointer instead of other"
- elog "purposes, which means a very minimal performance loss when there is"
- elog "register pressure."
- if ! use systemd; then
- elog ""
- elog "Without systemd, sysprof may not function when launched as a regular user,"
- elog "thus suboptimal running from root account may be necessary."
- if use gtk; then
- elog "Under wayland, that limits the recording usage to sysprof-cli utility."
- fi
- fi
-pkg_postrm() {
- xdg_pkg_postrm
- gnome2_icon_cache_update
- gnome2_schemas_update