diff options
authorSam James <>2022-02-10 07:06:53 +0000
committerSam James <>2022-02-10 07:50:11 +0000
commit20aa09a43f12ed9fd8935c837ff8f1c67f7f7158 (patch)
tree92afc57d5e4ddd2b89cb9de48a13a685ce959b6c /dev-util/diffoscope
parentdev-cpp/elfio: add 3.10 (diff)
dev-util/diffoscope: add 203
Signed-off-by: Sam James <>
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-util/diffoscope')
2 files changed, 109 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-util/diffoscope/Manifest b/dev-util/diffoscope/Manifest
index 02b085518f5f..148973cba414 100644
--- a/dev-util/diffoscope/Manifest
+++ b/dev-util/diffoscope/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
DIST diffoscope-197.tar.gz 2705041 BLAKE2B 1d66462d3f1cdbba177d24d194ce14ae51274c6b60139e56724213a6b4fc0b41e6a71f9f2e250ecc7d6330186bf774470b2153801b375ffb63e8390c425e1073 SHA512 d8411ad166738b29caa28abbc10f21e0906b7b19bd5ab644db36c04b1f9c5af9f4cbdb31eb850da7249380a6774bde355f0e815f4d3cdd0df76570df9df7fd0a
DIST diffoscope-201.tar.gz 2705733 BLAKE2B 97f74633bd990408af9ba33feb38243da22253b1f1c49a23d11cf6cc16197b3a4fdb371f01f310a2a5ee782ae89209c2f80b0956d48b0a5c5308dd6f50aba86f SHA512 a221d656a49b77f08eb884acc8bbabd1e4469ff2411d47532c0326743653b43e45a60e5fb39d841c1b835d896dbe9d08032f51f295f5399af878be18305acd52
DIST diffoscope-202.tar.gz 2706185 BLAKE2B 11d77445d9cd4a8b2bba5f8a31a3b9e08862937af3ce3aea993603026483758d1742254629fb7541c751ab1c5213dff892b102bc625ead78fc56ce01e25aefd8 SHA512 f42ea35a492ef62740188986b25f629d4a0d62d1ee1e6d284c4251577170720ca731a7f11f387f64b68f82817f47019b3aaf236d0bb19f4c0a65d4048c5a0266
+DIST diffoscope-203.tar.gz 2706359 BLAKE2B 1570ad567dff5d187369e8437c8a589395cb97df6374290e38bc4d8be541ad3a0176152faaa9fd63e737cb6298c3265491ade21e09b5c6157f919a6598afe339 SHA512 f093a558aff93591de9a1cd395fd0c6ec3ae2b7cde3d0390836954793c53b14b35297f997ac2f4527a93ca7985a944692e14da02ec67c5f44e31c0d4721b3a73
diff --git a/dev-util/diffoscope/diffoscope-203.ebuild b/dev-util/diffoscope/diffoscope-203.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ec72907f21dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-util/diffoscope/diffoscope-203.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8,9,10} )
+inherit distutils-r1
+DESCRIPTION="Will try to get to the bottom of what makes files or directories different"
+KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~ppc64 ~x86"
+IUSE="acl binutils bzip2 libcaca colord cpio +diff docx dtc e2fsprogs file
+find gettext gif gpg haskell hdf5 hex imagemagick iso java llvm lzma
+mono opendocument pascal pdf postscript R rpm sqlite squashfs
+ssh tar test tcpdump zip zlib zstd"
+RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
+# pull in optional tools for tests:
+# img2txt: bug #797688
+# docx2txt: bug #797688
+BDEPEND="test? (
+ app-text/docx2txt
+ media-libs/libcaca
+ virtual/imagemagick-tools[jpeg]
+ )"
+ dev-python/libarchive-c[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ dev-python/distro[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ acl? ( sys-apps/acl )
+ binutils? ( sys-devel/binutils )
+ bzip2? ( app-arch/bzip2 )
+ libcaca? ( media-libs/libcaca )
+ colord? ( x11-misc/colord )
+ cpio? ( app-arch/cpio )
+ diff? ( sys-apps/diffutils )
+ docx? ( app-text/docx2txt )
+ dtc? ( sys-apps/dtc )
+ e2fsprogs? ( sys-fs/e2fsprogs )
+ file? ( sys-apps/file )
+ find? ( sys-apps/findutils )
+ gettext? ( sys-devel/gettext )
+ gif? ( media-libs/giflib )
+ gpg? ( app-crypt/gnupg )
+ haskell? ( dev-lang/ghc )
+ hdf5? ( sci-libs/hdf5 )
+ hex? ( app-editors/vim-core )
+ imagemagick? ( media-gfx/imagemagick )
+ iso? ( app-cdr/cdrtools )
+ java? ( virtual/jdk )
+ llvm? ( sys-devel/llvm )
+ lzma? ( app-arch/xz-utils )
+ mono? ( dev-lang/mono )
+ opendocument? ( app-text/odt2txt )
+ pascal? ( dev-lang/fpc )
+ pdf? (
+ app-text/pdftk
+ app-text/poppler
+ dev-python/PyPDF2[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
+ )
+ postscript? ( app-text/ghostscript-gpl )
+ R? ( dev-lang/R )
+ rpm? ( app-arch/rpm )
+ sqlite? ( dev-db/sqlite:3 )
+ squashfs? ( sys-fs/squashfs-tools )
+ ssh? ( net-misc/openssh )
+ tar? ( app-arch/tar )
+ tcpdump? ( net-analyzer/tcpdump )
+ zip? ( app-arch/unzip )
+ zlib? ( app-arch/gzip )
+ zstd? ( app-arch/zstd )
+# Presence if filemagic's breaks imports
+# of dev-python/python-magic:
+RDEPEND+=" !dev-python/filemagic"
+ # Test seems to use different tarball
+ tests/
+ # Needs triage
+ tests/comparators/
+ tests/comparators/
+ # img2txt based failures, bug #797688
+ tests/comparators/
+ tests/comparators/
+ tests/comparators/
+ tests/comparators/
+ tests/comparators/
+ tests/comparators/
+ tests/comparators/
+ tests/comparators/
+ # docx2txt based falures, bug #797688
+ tests/comparators/
+ # Formatting
+ tests/
+distutils_enable_tests pytest