diff options
authorRobin H. Johnson <>2015-08-08 13:49:04 -0700
committerRobin H. Johnson <>2015-08-08 17:38:18 -0700
commit56bd759df1d0c750a065b8c845e93d5dfa6b549d (patch)
tree3f91093cdb475e565ae857f1c5a7fd339e2d781e /net-misc/dahdi-tools/files
proj/gentoo: Initial commit
This commit represents a new era for Gentoo: Storing the gentoo-x86 tree in Git, as converted from CVS. This commit is the start of the NEW history. Any historical data is intended to be grafted onto this point. Creation process: 1. Take final CVS checkout snapshot 2. Remove ALL ChangeLog* files 3. Transform all Manifests to thin 4. Remove empty Manifests 5. Convert all stale $Header$/$Id$ CVS keywords to non-expanded Git $Id$ 5.1. Do not touch files with -kb/-ko keyword flags. Signed-off-by: Robin H. Johnson <> X-Thanks: Alec Warner <> - did the GSoC 2006 migration tests X-Thanks: Robin H. Johnson <> - infra guy, herding this project X-Thanks: Nguyen Thai Ngoc Duy <> - Former Gentoo developer, wrote Git features for the migration X-Thanks: Brian Harring <> - wrote much python to improve cvs2svn X-Thanks: Rich Freeman <> - validation scripts X-Thanks: Patrick Lauer <> - Gentoo dev, running new 2014 work in migration X-Thanks: Michał Górny <> - scripts, QA, nagging X-Thanks: All of other Gentoo developers - many ideas and lots of paint on the bikeshed
Diffstat (limited to 'net-misc/dahdi-tools/files')
4 files changed, 528 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/net-misc/dahdi-tools/files/dahdi-autoconf.conf2 b/net-misc/dahdi-tools/files/dahdi-autoconf.conf2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a46545231911
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/dahdi-tools/files/dahdi-autoconf.conf2
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# Global settings
+# Set this to your country code.
+DAHDI_ECHOCAN=oslec # mg2,jpah,kb1,sec,sec2 (there may be more, we recommend oslec)
+# Settings for analog
+#Analog signal types, one of:
+# ks - KewlStart (recommended, default)
+# ls - LoopStart
+# gs - GroundStart
+# Signalling to be used on FXO ports
+# Signalling to be used on FXS ports
+# Whether or not to echocan:
+# These settings will be used for BRI cards.
+# Known options: B8ZS,AMI,HDB3
+# Known options: ESF,D4,CCS,CRC4
+# Our experience is that it's not required (still defaults to yes)
+# These settings are for PRI cards. Note that only E1 currently supported.
+# PRI will default to CPE mode (remote end provides signalling).
+# If you really want to provide signalling set the appropriate spans
+# here (eg, set span 1 to NET mode).
diff --git a/net-misc/dahdi-tools/files/dahdi-autoconf.init2 b/net-misc/dahdi-tools/files/dahdi-autoconf.init2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1ebe8ec28ea8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/dahdi-tools/files/dahdi-autoconf.init2
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2011 Ultimate Linux Solutions CC
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+depend() {
+ before dahdi
+dahdi_load_modules() {
+ local hwlist loc status mod mod_vname pciid desc
+ hwlist=$(/usr/sbin/dahdi_hardware)
+ if [ -z "${hwlist}" ]; then
+ einfo "No digium hardware found."
+ ebegin "Loading module dahdi_dummy"
+ /sbin/modprobe dahdi_dummy
+ eend $?
+ return
+ fi
+ echo "${hwlist}" | while read loc mod pciid desc; do
+ status="${mod:${#mod}-1:1}"
+ mod="${mod%[+-]}"
+ mod_vname="mod_${mod}"
+ einfo "Found $desc at $loc (module: $mod)"
+ if [ "${status}" = "-" -a "${!mod_vname-notloaded}" = "notloaded" ]; then
+ ebegin "Loading module $mod"
+ /sbin/modprobe $mod
+ eend
+ [ $? -eq 0 ] && eval "$mod_vname=loaded"
+ fi
+ done
+dahdi_module_unload() {
+ local mod=$1 s
+ [ -d /sys/module/${mod} ] || return 0
+ for s in $(find /sys/module/${mod}/holders -type l); do
+ dahdi_module_unload $(basename $s)
+ done
+ ebegin "Removing dahdi module: $mod"
+ /sbin/rmmod $mod
+ eend $?
+dahdi_gen_fxo_config() {
+ local port=$1
+ echo "fxs${DAHDI_FXO_SIGNALLING-ks}=${port}"
+ [ "${DAHDI_FXO_ECHOCAN-yes}" = yes ] && echo "echocanceller=${DAHDI_ECHOCAN-mg2},${port}"
+dahdi_gen_fxs_config() {
+ local port=$1
+ echo "fxo${DAHDI_FXO_SIGNALLING-ks}=${port}"
+ [ "${DAHDI_FXS_ECHOCAN-yes}" = yes ] && echo "echocanceller=${DAHDI_ECHOCAN-mg2},${port}"
+dahdi_gen_bri_te_config() {
+ span=$1
+ port=$2
+ basechan=$3
+ echo "span=${span},${port},0,${DAHDI_BRI_FRAMING-CSS},${DAHDI_BRI_CODING-AMI}"
+ echo "bchan=${basechan}-$(( basechan + 1 ))"
+ echo "hardhdlc=$(( basechan + 2 ))"
+ [ "${DAHDI_BRI_TE_ECHOCAN-yes}" = yes ] && echo "echocanceller=${DAHDI_ECHOCAN-mg2},${basechan}-$(( basechan + 1 ))"
+dahdi_gen_bri_nt_config() {
+ span=$1
+ port=$2
+ basechan=$3
+ echo "span=${span},0,0,${DAHDI_BRI_FRAMING-CSS},${DAHDI_BRI_CODING-AMI}"
+ echo "bchan=${basechan}-$(( basechan + 1 ))"
+ echo "hardhdlc=$(( basechan + 2 ))"
+ [ "${DAHDI_BRI_NT_ECHOCAN-yes}" = yes ] && echo "echocanceller=${DAHDI_ECHOCAN-mg2},${basechan}-$(( basechan + 1 ))"
+dahdi_gen_e1_cpe_config() {
+ span=$1
+ port=$2
+ basechan=$3
+ echo "span=${span},${port},0,${DAHDI_E1_FRAMING-CCS},${DAHDI_E1_CODING-HDB3,CRC4}"
+ bchans="${basechan}-$(( basechan + 14 )),$(( basechan + 16 ))-$(( basechan + 30 ))"
+ echo "bchan=${bchans}"
+ echo "dchan=$(( basechan + 15 ))"
+ [ "${DAHDI_E1_CPE_ECHOCAN-yes}" = yes ] && echo "echocanceller=${DAHDI_ECHOCAN-mg2},${bchans}"
+dahdi_gen_e1_net_config() {
+ span=$1
+ port=$2
+ basechan=$3
+ echo "span=${span},0,0,${DAHDI_E1_FRAMING-CCS},${DAHDI_E1_CODING-HDB3,CRC4}"
+ bchans="${basechan}-$(( basechan + 14 )),$(( basechan + 16 ))-$(( basechan + 30 ))"
+ echo "bchan=${bchans}"
+ echo "dchan=$(( basechan + 15 ))"
+ [ "${DAHDI_E1_NET_ECHOCAN-yes}" = yes ] && echo "echocanceller=${DAHDI_ECHOCAN-mg2},${bchans}"
+dahdi_conf_span() {
+ local span=$1
+ local type=$2
+ local desc=$3
+ local port=$4
+ local basechan=$5
+ local vname=""
+ # Analog we need to deal with on a port-by-port basis.
+ [ "${type}" = "analog" ] && return 0
+ echo -e "\n# ${desc}"
+ case "${type}" in
+ digital-TE)
+ dahdi_gen_bri_te_config "${span}" "${port}" "${basechan}"
+ ;;
+ digital-NT)
+ dahdi_gen_bri_nt_config "${span}" "${port}" "${basechan}"
+ ;;
+ digital-E1)
+ # Use CPE by default. Unfortunately there is no easy
+ # way to detect CPE vs NET as far as I know and specifying
+ # in a config that you want NET mode seems the sanest way.
+ vname="PRI_SPAN_${span}_NET"
+ if [[ "${!vname}" = [Yy][Ee][Ss] ]]; then
+ dahdi_gen_e1_net_config "${span}" "${port}" "${basechan}"
+ else
+ dahdi_gen_e1_cpe_config "${span}" "${port}" "${basechan}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "# Don't know how to configure this (type=${type})."
+ echo "# Please file a bug on and add as CC."
+ ;;
+ esac
+dahdi_gen_config() {
+ local type manufacturer devicetype basechan aport atype
+ local span=
+ local tfile="$(mktemp)"
+ local sfile="$(mktemp)"
+ local plocation=""
+ local isdnport=0
+ /usr/sbin/dahdi_scan > "${sfile}"
+ exec 3<"${sfile}"
+ echo "# Automatically dahdi-autoconf generated file ($(date))." >> "${tfile}"
+ echo "# This file WILL get regenerated whenever you restart dahdi-autoconf." >> "${tfile}"
+ while read LINE <&3; do
+ case "$LINE" in
+ [[]*[]])
+ [ -n "${span}" ] && dahdi_conf_span "${span}" "${type}" "${manufacturer} ${devicetype} (${name})" "${isdnport}" "${basechan}" >> "${tfile}"
+ span="${LINE%?}"
+ span="${span#?}"
+ ;;
+ type=*|manufacturer=*|devicetype=*|basechan=*|name=*)
+ eval "${LINE%%=*}='${LINE#*=}'"
+ ;;
+ location=*)
+ eval "${LINE%%=*}='${LINE#*=}'"
+ if [ "${location}" == "${plocation}" ]; then
+ (( ++isdnport ))
+ else
+ plocation="${location}"
+ isdnport=1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ port=*)
+ # For analog cards only.
+ aport="${LINE#*=}"; aport="${aport%,*}"
+ atype="${LINE#*,}"
+ [ "${aport}" -eq "${basechan}" ] && echo -e "\n# ${manufacturer} ${devicetype} (${name})" >> "${tfile}"
+ case "${atype}" in
+ FXO)
+ dahdi_gen_fxo_config $aport >> "${tfile}"
+ ;;
+ FXS)
+ dahdi_gen_fxs_config $aport >> "${tfile}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ [ -n "${span}" ] && dahdi_conf_span "${span}" "${type}" "${manufacturer} ${devicetype} (${name})" "${isdnport}" "${basechan}" >> "${tfile}"
+ echo -e "\nloadzone = ${DAHDI_ZONE}\ndefaultzone = ${DAHDI_ZONE}\n## END OF AUTOCONFIGURED FILE ##" >> "${tfile}"
+ exec 3<&-
+ rm -f "${sfile}"
+ mv /etc/dahdi/system.conf /etc/dahdi/system.conf.bck
+ mv "${tfile}" /etc/dahdi/system.conf
+start() {
+ dahdi_load_modules
+ if [ ! -r /dev/dahdi/ctl ]; then
+ eerror "No DAHDI compatible cards detected."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ ebegin "Generating DAHDI Configuration"
+ dahdi_gen_config
+ eend $?
+stop() {
+ dahdi_module_unload dahdi
diff --git a/net-misc/dahdi-tools/files/dahdi-autoconf.init3 b/net-misc/dahdi-tools/files/dahdi-autoconf.init3
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..550a90e780d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/dahdi-tools/files/dahdi-autoconf.init3
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2012 Ultimate Linux Solutions CC
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+depend() {
+ before dahdi
+ after wanrouter
+dahdi_load_modules() {
+ local hwlist loc status mod mod_vname pciid desc
+ hwlist=$(/usr/sbin/dahdi_hardware)
+ if [ -z "${hwlist}" ]; then
+ einfo "No digium hardware found."
+ ebegin "Loading module dahdi_dummy"
+ /sbin/modprobe dahdi_dummy
+ eend $?
+ return
+ fi
+ echo "${hwlist}" | while read loc mod pciid desc; do
+ status="${mod:${#mod}-1:1}"
+ mod="${mod%[+-]}"
+ mod_vname="mod_${mod}"
+ einfo "Found $desc at $loc (module: $mod)"
+ if [ "${status}" = "-" -a "${!mod_vname-notloaded}" = "notloaded" ]; then
+ ebegin "Loading module $mod"
+ /sbin/modprobe $mod
+ eend
+ [ $? -eq 0 ] && eval "$mod_vname=loaded"
+ fi
+ done
+dahdi_module_unload() {
+ local mod=$1 s
+ [ -d /sys/module/${mod} ] || return 0
+ for s in $(find /sys/module/${mod}/holders -type l); do
+ dahdi_module_unload $(basename $s)
+ done
+ ebegin "Removing dahdi module: $mod"
+ /sbin/rmmod $mod
+ eend $?
+dahdi_gen_fxo_config() {
+ local port=$1
+ echo "fxs${DAHDI_FXO_SIGNALLING-ks}=${port}"
+ [ "${DAHDI_FXO_ECHOCAN-yes}" = yes ] && echo "echocanceller=${DAHDI_ECHOCAN-mg2},${port}"
+dahdi_gen_fxs_config() {
+ local port=$1
+ echo "fxo${DAHDI_FXO_SIGNALLING-ks}=${port}"
+ [ "${DAHDI_FXS_ECHOCAN-yes}" = yes ] && echo "echocanceller=${DAHDI_ECHOCAN-mg2},${port}"
+dahdi_gen_bri_te_config() {
+ span=$1
+ port=$2
+ basechan=$3
+ echo "span=${span},${port},0,${DAHDI_BRI_FRAMING-CSS},${DAHDI_BRI_CODING-AMI}"
+ echo "bchan=${basechan}-$(( basechan + 1 ))"
+ echo "hardhdlc=$(( basechan + 2 ))"
+ [ "${DAHDI_BRI_TE_ECHOCAN-yes}" = yes ] && echo "echocanceller=${DAHDI_ECHOCAN-mg2},${basechan}-$(( basechan + 1 ))"
+dahdi_gen_bri_nt_config() {
+ span=$1
+ port=$2
+ basechan=$3
+ echo "span=${span},0,0,${DAHDI_BRI_FRAMING-CSS},${DAHDI_BRI_CODING-AMI}"
+ echo "bchan=${basechan}-$(( basechan + 1 ))"
+ echo "hardhdlc=$(( basechan + 2 ))"
+ [ "${DAHDI_BRI_NT_ECHOCAN-yes}" = yes ] && echo "echocanceller=${DAHDI_ECHOCAN-mg2},${basechan}-$(( basechan + 1 ))"
+dahdi_gen_e1_cpe_config() {
+ span=$1
+ port=$2
+ basechan=$3
+ echo "span=${span},${port},0,${DAHDI_E1_FRAMING-CCS},${DAHDI_E1_CODING-HDB3,CRC4}"
+ bchans="${basechan}-$(( basechan + 14 )),$(( basechan + 16 ))-$(( basechan + 30 ))"
+ echo "bchan=${bchans}"
+ echo "dchan=$(( basechan + 15 ))"
+ [ "${DAHDI_E1_CPE_ECHOCAN-yes}" = yes ] && echo "echocanceller=${DAHDI_ECHOCAN-mg2},${bchans}"
+dahdi_gen_e1_net_config() {
+ span=$1
+ port=$2
+ basechan=$3
+ echo "span=${span},0,0,${DAHDI_E1_FRAMING-CCS},${DAHDI_E1_CODING-HDB3,CRC4}"
+ bchans="${basechan}-$(( basechan + 14 )),$(( basechan + 16 ))-$(( basechan + 30 ))"
+ echo "bchan=${bchans}"
+ echo "dchan=$(( basechan + 15 ))"
+ [ "${DAHDI_E1_NET_ECHOCAN-yes}" = yes ] && echo "echocanceller=${DAHDI_ECHOCAN-mg2},${bchans}"
+dahdi_conf_span() {
+ local span=$1
+ local type=$2
+ local desc=$3
+ local port=$4
+ local basechan=$5
+ local vname=""
+ # Analog we need to deal with on a port-by-port basis.
+ [ "${type}" = "analog" ] && return 0
+ echo -e "\n# ${desc}"
+ case "${type}" in
+ digital-TE)
+ dahdi_gen_bri_te_config "${span}" "${port}" "${basechan}"
+ ;;
+ digital-NT)
+ dahdi_gen_bri_nt_config "${span}" "${port}" "${basechan}"
+ ;;
+ digital-E1)
+ # Use CPE by default. Unfortunately there is no easy
+ # way to detect CPE vs NET as far as I know and specifying
+ # in a config that you want NET mode seems the sanest way.
+ vname="PRI_SPAN_${span}_NET"
+ if [[ "${!vname}" = [Yy][Ee][Ss] ]]; then
+ dahdi_gen_e1_net_config "${span}" "${port}" "${basechan}"
+ else
+ dahdi_gen_e1_cpe_config "${span}" "${port}" "${basechan}"
+ fi
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "# Don't know how to configure this (type=${type})."
+ echo "# Please file a bug on and add as CC."
+ ;;
+ esac
+dahdi_gen_config() {
+ local type manufacturer devicetype basechan aport atype
+ local span=
+ local tfile="$(mktemp)"
+ local sfile="$(mktemp)"
+ local plocation=""
+ local isdnport=0
+ /usr/sbin/dahdi_scan > "${sfile}"
+ exec 3<"${sfile}"
+ echo "# Automatically dahdi-autoconf generated file ($(date))." >> "${tfile}"
+ echo "# This file WILL get regenerated whenever you restart dahdi-autoconf." >> "${tfile}"
+ while read LINE <&3; do
+ case "$LINE" in
+ [[]*[]])
+ [ -n "${span}" ] && dahdi_conf_span "${span}" "${type}" "${manufacturer} ${devicetype} (${name})" "${isdnport}" "${basechan}" >> "${tfile}"
+ span="${LINE%?}"
+ span="${span#?}"
+ ;;
+ type=*|manufacturer=*|devicetype=*|basechan=*|name=*)
+ eval "${LINE%%=*}='${LINE#*=}'"
+ ;;
+ location=*)
+ eval "${LINE%%=*}='${LINE#*=}'"
+ if [ "${location}" == "${plocation}" ]; then
+ (( ++isdnport ))
+ else
+ plocation="${location}"
+ isdnport=1
+ fi
+ ;;
+ port=*)
+ # For analog cards only.
+ aport="${LINE#*=}"; aport="${aport%,*}"
+ atype="${LINE#*,}"
+ [ "${aport}" -eq "${basechan}" ] && echo -e "\n# ${manufacturer} ${devicetype} (${name})" >> "${tfile}"
+ case "${atype}" in
+ FXO)
+ dahdi_gen_fxo_config $aport >> "${tfile}"
+ ;;
+ FXS)
+ dahdi_gen_fxs_config $aport >> "${tfile}"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
+ esac
+ done
+ [ -n "${span}" ] && dahdi_conf_span "${span}" "${type}" "${manufacturer} ${devicetype} (${name})" "${isdnport}" "${basechan}" >> "${tfile}"
+ echo -e "\nloadzone = ${DAHDI_ZONE}\ndefaultzone = ${DAHDI_ZONE}\n## END OF AUTOCONFIGURED FILE ##" >> "${tfile}"
+ exec 3<&-
+ rm -f "${sfile}"
+ mv /etc/dahdi/system.conf /etc/dahdi/system.conf.bck
+ mv "${tfile}" /etc/dahdi/system.conf
+start() {
+ dahdi_load_modules
+ if [ ! -r /dev/dahdi/ctl ]; then
+ eerror "No DAHDI compatible cards detected."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ ebegin "Generating DAHDI Configuration"
+ dahdi_gen_config
+ eend $?
+stop() {
+ dahdi_module_unload dahdi
diff --git a/net-misc/dahdi-tools/files/dahdi.init2 b/net-misc/dahdi-tools/files/dahdi.init2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9f550c17a15e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/net-misc/dahdi-tools/files/dahdi.init2
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2008 Gentoo Foundation
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# $Id$
+depend() {
+ need net
+checkconfig() {
+ if [ ! -f /etc/dahdi/system.conf ]; then
+ eerror "/etc/dahdi/system.conf not found. Nothing to do."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ return 0
+start() {
+ checkconfig || return 1
+ ebegin "Starting DAHDI"
+ /usr/sbin/dahdi_cfg
+ eend $?
+ if [ $? -eq 0 -a -r /etc/fxotune.conf ]; then
+ ebegin "Loading DAHDI fxotune.conf"
+ /usr/sbin/fxotune -s
+ eend $?
+ fi
+stop() {
+ ebegin "Stopping DAHDI"
+ /usr/sbin/dahdi_cfg -s
+ eend