diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app-editors/nano/files')
3 files changed, 98 insertions, 388 deletions
diff --git a/app-editors/nano/files/gentoo.nanorc-r1 b/app-editors/nano/files/gentoo.nanorc-r1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..100877dd16d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app-editors/nano/files/gentoo.nanorc-r1
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+## Syntax highlighting for Gentoo ebuilds/eclasses,
+## and (further down) for Portage control files.
+syntax ebuild "\.e(build|class)$"
+comment "#"
+linter bash -n
+## All the standard portage functions:
+color brightgreen "(^|\<default_)src_(unpack|prepare|configure|compile|install|test)\>"
+color brightgreen "^pkg_(config|nofetch|info|pretend|setup|(pre|post)(inst|rm))\>"
+color brightgreen "\<default(_pkg_nofetch|_src_(unpack|prepare|configure|compile|test))?\>"
+## Bash-related syntax:
+color green "\<(break|case|continue|do|done|elif|else|esac|exit|fi|for|function|if|in|read|return|select|shift|then|time|until|while)\>"
+color green "\<(declare|eval|exec|export|let|local)\>"
+color green "[][{}():;|`$<>!=&\]"
+color green "-[defhnrsuwxzL]\>"
+color green "-(eq|ne|gt|lt|ge|le|ef|ot|nt)\>"
+## Variables... official portage ones in red, all others in bright red:
+color brightred "\$[-0-9@*#?$!]" "\$[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*"
+color brightred "\$\{[#!]?([-@*#?$!]|[0-9]+|[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*)(\[([[:digit:]]|@)+\])?(([#%/]|:?[-=?+])[^}]*\}|\[|\})"
+color red "\<(T|TMPDIR|HOME)\>"
+color red "\<EBUILD_PHASE(_FUNC)?\>"
+color red "\<ECONF_SOURCE\>"
+## Portage commands:
+color magenta "\<(use(_(with|enable|if_iuse)|x|v)?|in_iuse) [!a-zA-Z0-9_+ -]*" "inherit.*"
+color brightblue "\<e(apply(_user)?|begin|end|conf|install(docs)?|make|ninja|qmake5|ant|(qa)?warn|infon?|error|log|patch(_user)?|new(group|user))\>"
+color brightblue "\<e(pause|beep|mktemp|(cvs|svn)_clean|punt_cxx)\>" "\<e(aclocal|auto(reconf|header|conf|make)|libtoolize)\>"
+color brightblue "\<e(stack|shopts|umask)_(push|pop)\>" "\<get_libdir\>" "\<ver_(cut|rs|test)\>" "\<version_is_at_least\>"
+color brightblue "\<make_desktop_entry\>" "\<unpack(_(makeself|pdv))?\>"
+color brightblue "\<(assert|die|hasv?|inherit|nonfatal)\>" "\<(use(_(with|enable|if_iuse)|x|v)?|in_iuse)\>" "\<(has|best)_version\>"
+color brightblue "\<(do|new)(ins|s?bin|doc|header|lib(\.so|\.a)?|man|info|exe|initd|confd|envd|pam|menu|icon)\>"
+color brightblue "\<do(compress|dir|html|mo|strip|sym)\>" "\<keepdir\>"
+color brightblue "\<prepall(docs|info|man|strip)?\>" "\<prep(info|lib|lib\.(so|a)|man|strip)\>"
+color brightblue "\<(doc|ins|exe)?into\>" "\<f(owners|perms)\>" "\<(exe|ins|dir)opts\>"
+color brightblue "\<add(read|write|predict|deny)\>"
+### common eclasses
+color brightblue "\<edo(b)?\>"
+### flag-o-matic.eclass, toolchain-funcs.eclass
+color brightblue "\<(all-flag-vars)\>"
+color brightblue "\<(filter-(flags|lfs-flags|lto|mfpmath))\>"
+color brightblue "\<strip-flags\>"
+color brightblue "\<append-(cpp|c|cxx|f|lfs|ld)?flags\>"
+color brightblue "\<replace-flags\>" "\<replace-cpu-flags\>"
+color brightblue "\<is-(ld?)flagq?\>"
+color brightblue "\<(append-atomic-flags|no-as-needed|raw-ldflags|append-libs|replace-sparc64-flags|get-flag|strip-unsupported-flags)\>"
+color brightblue "\<test-flag(s)?-(CC|CXX|F77|FC|CCLD)\>"
+color brightblue "\<tc-ld-(is-(gold|lld)|disable-gold|force-bfd)\>"
+color brightblue "\<tc-(arch(-kernel)?|check-openmp|export|has-(tls|openmp)|is-cross-compiler)\>"
+color brightblue "\<tc-is-(clang|gcc)\>"
+color brightblue "\<(clang|gcc)-(fullversion|(major-|minor|micro-)version)\>"
+### debugging
+color brightblue "\<debug-print(-function|-section)\>"
+## Common commands used in ebuilds:
+color blue "\<(awk|cat|cd|chmod|chown|cp|echo|env|find|e?grep|ln|make|mkdir|mv|popd|printf|pushd|rm|rmdir|sed|set|tar|touch|unset|xargs)\>"
+## Comments (doesn't work that well):
+color yellow "(^|[[:space:]])#.*"
+## Strings (doesn't work that well):
+color brightyellow ""([^"\]|\\.)*"|'([^'\]|\\.)*'"
+## Trailing space is bad!
+color ,green "[[:space:]]+$"
+## Mixed whitespace is also bad.
+color ,green " "
+syntax /etc/portage "\.(accept_keywords|env|keywords|mask|unmask|use)(/.+)?$"
+comment "#"
+## Base text:
+color green ".+"
+## Likely version and slot numbers:
+color magenta "-[[:digit:].]+(_(alpha|beta|pre|rc|p)[[:digit:]]*)*(-r[[:digit:]]+)?([:[:space:]]|$)"
+color magenta ":[^[:space:]]+([[:space:]]|$)"
+## Use flags (must come after version/slot):
+color brightred "[[:space:]]+\+?[A-Za-z0-9+_@-]+"
+color brightblue "[[:space:]]+-[A-Za-z0-9+_@-]+"
+## Accepted arches:
+color white "[~-]?\<(alpha|amd64|arm(64)?|hppa|ia64|loong|m68k|mips|ppc(64)?|riscv|s390|sparc|x86)(-(linux|macos|solaris))?\>"
+color white "[[:space:]][*~-]?\*"
+## Categories:
+color cyan "^[[:space:]]*[^/]*/"
+## Masking regulators:
+color brightmagenta "^[[:space:]]*(=|~|<|<=|>|>=)"
+## Comments:
+color yellow "#.*"
+## Trailing space is bad!
+color ,green "[[:space:]]+$"
+## Mixed whitespace is also bad.
+color ,green " "
diff --git a/app-editors/nano/files/nano-4.9.3-disable-speller_build_fix.patch b/app-editors/nano/files/nano-4.9.3-disable-speller_build_fix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 978e24de805d..000000000000
--- a/app-editors/nano/files/nano-4.9.3-disable-speller_build_fix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,342 +0,0 @@
-From 4b7f7a30c9ec593d68186b1dfef44d4e2bda735b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Benno Schulenberg <>
-Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2020 08:39:59 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] build: fix compilation when configured with
- --disable-speller
-Move two functions that are used by the formatter too
-to between the proper #ifdef.
-Problem existed since commit 8089f5ad from a month ago.
-Backported to v4.9.3
-Signed-off-by: Lars Wendler <>
- src/text.c | 302 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
- 1 file changed, 151 insertions(+), 151 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/text.c b/src/text.c
-index 93ad3704..c7690fd0 100644
---- a/src/text.c
-+++ b/src/text.c
-@@ -2011,8 +2011,159 @@ void construct_argument_list(char ***arguments, char *command, char *filename)
- (*arguments)[count - 2] = filename;
- (*arguments)[count - 1] = NULL;
- }
-+/* Open the specified file, and if that succeeds, remove the text of the marked
-+ * region or of the entire buffer and read the file contents into its place. */
-+bool replace_buffer(const char *filename, undo_type action, const char *operation)
-+ linestruct *was_cutbuffer = cutbuffer;
-+ int descriptor;
-+ FILE *stream;
-+ descriptor = open_file(filename, FALSE, &stream);
-+ if (descriptor < 0)
-+ return FALSE;
-+ cutbuffer = NULL;
-+#ifndef NANO_TINY
-+ add_undo(COUPLE_BEGIN, operation);
-+ /* Cut either the marked region or the whole buffer. */
-+ add_undo(action, NULL);
-+ do_snip(FALSE, openfile->mark, openfile->mark == NULL, FALSE);
-+#ifndef NANO_TINY
-+ update_undo(action);
- #endif
-+ /* Discard what was cut. */
-+ free_lines(cutbuffer);
-+ cutbuffer = was_cutbuffer;
-+ /* Insert the spell-checked file into the cleared area. */
-+ read_file(stream, descriptor, filename, TRUE);
-+#ifndef NANO_TINY
-+ add_undo(COUPLE_END, operation);
-+ return TRUE;
-+/* Execute the given program, with the given temp file as last argument. */
-+const char *treat(char *tempfile_name, char *theprogram, bool spelling)
-+ ssize_t lineno_save = openfile->current->lineno;
-+ size_t current_x_save = openfile->current_x;
-+ size_t pww_save = openfile->placewewant;
-+ bool was_at_eol = (openfile->current->data[openfile->current_x] == '\0');
-+ struct stat fileinfo;
-+ long timestamp_sec, timestamp_nsec;
-+ static char **arguments = NULL;
-+ pid_t thepid;
-+ int program_status;
-+ bool replaced = FALSE;
-+ /* Get the timestamp and the size of the temporary file. */
-+ stat(tempfile_name, &fileinfo);
-+ timestamp_sec = (long)fileinfo.st_mtim.tv_sec;
-+ timestamp_nsec = (long)fileinfo.st_mtim.tv_nsec;
-+ /* If the number of bytes to check is zero, get out. */
-+ if (fileinfo.st_size == 0)
-+ return NULL;
-+ /* Exit from curses mode to give the program control of the terminal. */
-+ endwin();
-+ construct_argument_list(&arguments, theprogram, tempfile_name);
-+ /* Fork a child process and run the given program in it. */
-+ if ((thepid = fork()) == 0) {
-+ execvp(arguments[0], arguments);
-+ /* Terminate the child if the program is not found. */
-+ exit(9);
-+ } else if (thepid < 0)
-+ return _("Could not fork");
-+ /* Block SIGWINCHes while waiting for the program to end,
-+ * so nano doesn't get pushed past the wait(). */
-+ block_sigwinch(TRUE);
-+ wait(&program_status);
-+ block_sigwinch(FALSE);
-+ /* Restore the terminal state and reenter curses mode. */
-+ terminal_init();
-+ doupdate();
-+ if (!WIFEXITED(program_status) || WEXITSTATUS(program_status) > 2) {
-+ statusline(ALERT, _("Error invoking '%s'"), arguments[0]);
-+ return NULL;
-+ } else if (WEXITSTATUS(program_status) != 0)
-+ statusline(ALERT, _("Program '%s' complained"), arguments[0]);
-+ /* Stat the temporary file again. */
-+ stat(tempfile_name, &fileinfo);
-+ /* When the temporary file wasn't touched, say so and leave. */
-+ if ((long)fileinfo.st_mtim.tv_sec == timestamp_sec &&
-+ (long)fileinfo.st_mtim.tv_nsec == timestamp_nsec) {
-+ statusbar(_("Nothing changed"));
-+ return NULL;
-+ }
-+#ifndef NANO_TINY
-+ /* Replace the marked text (or entire text) with the corrected text. */
-+ if (spelling && openfile->mark) {
-+ ssize_t was_mark_lineno = openfile->mark->lineno;
-+ bool upright = mark_is_before_cursor();
-+ replaced = replace_buffer(tempfile_name, CUT, "spelling correction");
-+ /* Adjust the end point of the marked region for any change in
-+ * length of the region's last line. */
-+ if (upright)
-+ current_x_save = openfile->current_x;
-+ else
-+ openfile->mark_x = openfile->current_x;
-+ /* Restore the mark. */
-+ openfile->mark = line_from_number(was_mark_lineno);
-+ } else
-+ {
-+ openfile->current = openfile->filetop;
-+ openfile->current_x = 0;
-+ replaced = replace_buffer(tempfile_name, CUT_TO_EOF,
-+ /* TRANSLATORS: The next two go with Undid/Redid messages. */
-+ (spelling ? N_("spelling correction") : N_("formatting")));
-+ }
-+ /* Go back to the old position. */
-+ goto_line_posx(lineno_save, current_x_save);
-+ if (was_at_eol || openfile->current_x > strlen(openfile->current->data))
-+ openfile->current_x = strlen(openfile->current->data);
-+#ifndef NANO_TINY
-+ if (replaced)
-+ update_undo(COUPLE_END);
-+ openfile->placewewant = pww_save;
-+ adjust_viewport(STATIONARY);
-+ if (spelling)
-+ statusbar(_("Finished checking spelling"));
-+ else
-+ statusbar(_("Buffer has been processed"));
-+ return NULL;
- /* Let the user edit the misspelled word. Return FALSE if the user cancels. */
- bool fix_spello(const char *word)
-@@ -2307,157 +2458,6 @@ const char *do_int_speller(const char *tempfile_name)
- return NULL;
- }
--/* Open the specified file, and if that succeeds, remove the text of the marked
-- * region or of the entire buffer and read the file contents into its place. */
--bool replace_buffer(const char *filename, undo_type action, const char *operation)
-- linestruct *was_cutbuffer = cutbuffer;
-- int descriptor;
-- FILE *stream;
-- descriptor = open_file(filename, FALSE, &stream);
-- if (descriptor < 0)
-- return FALSE;
-- cutbuffer = NULL;
--#ifndef NANO_TINY
-- add_undo(COUPLE_BEGIN, operation);
-- /* Cut either the marked region or the whole buffer. */
-- add_undo(action, NULL);
-- do_snip(FALSE, openfile->mark, openfile->mark == NULL, FALSE);
--#ifndef NANO_TINY
-- update_undo(action);
-- /* Discard what was cut. */
-- free_lines(cutbuffer);
-- cutbuffer = was_cutbuffer;
-- /* Insert the spell-checked file into the cleared area. */
-- read_file(stream, descriptor, filename, TRUE);
--#ifndef NANO_TINY
-- add_undo(COUPLE_END, operation);
-- return TRUE;
--/* Execute the given program, with the given temp file as last argument. */
--const char *treat(char *tempfile_name, char *theprogram, bool spelling)
-- ssize_t lineno_save = openfile->current->lineno;
-- size_t current_x_save = openfile->current_x;
-- size_t pww_save = openfile->placewewant;
-- bool was_at_eol = (openfile->current->data[openfile->current_x] == '\0');
-- struct stat fileinfo;
-- long timestamp_sec, timestamp_nsec;
-- static char **arguments = NULL;
-- pid_t thepid;
-- int program_status;
-- bool replaced = FALSE;
-- /* Get the timestamp and the size of the temporary file. */
-- stat(tempfile_name, &fileinfo);
-- timestamp_sec = (long)fileinfo.st_mtim.tv_sec;
-- timestamp_nsec = (long)fileinfo.st_mtim.tv_nsec;
-- /* If the number of bytes to check is zero, get out. */
-- if (fileinfo.st_size == 0)
-- return NULL;
-- /* Exit from curses mode to give the program control of the terminal. */
-- endwin();
-- construct_argument_list(&arguments, theprogram, tempfile_name);
-- /* Fork a child process and run the given program in it. */
-- if ((thepid = fork()) == 0) {
-- execvp(arguments[0], arguments);
-- /* Terminate the child if the program is not found. */
-- exit(9);
-- } else if (thepid < 0)
-- return _("Could not fork");
-- /* Block SIGWINCHes while waiting for the program to end,
-- * so nano doesn't get pushed past the wait(). */
-- block_sigwinch(TRUE);
-- wait(&program_status);
-- block_sigwinch(FALSE);
-- /* Restore the terminal state and reenter curses mode. */
-- terminal_init();
-- doupdate();
-- if (!WIFEXITED(program_status) || WEXITSTATUS(program_status) > 2) {
-- statusline(ALERT, _("Error invoking '%s'"), arguments[0]);
-- return NULL;
-- } else if (WEXITSTATUS(program_status) != 0)
-- statusline(ALERT, _("Program '%s' complained"), arguments[0]);
-- /* Stat the temporary file again. */
-- stat(tempfile_name, &fileinfo);
-- /* When the temporary file wasn't touched, say so and leave. */
-- if ((long)fileinfo.st_mtim.tv_sec == timestamp_sec &&
-- (long)fileinfo.st_mtim.tv_nsec == timestamp_nsec) {
-- statusbar(_("Nothing changed"));
-- return NULL;
-- }
--#ifndef NANO_TINY
-- /* Replace the marked text (or entire text) with the corrected text. */
-- if (spelling && openfile->mark) {
-- ssize_t was_mark_lineno = openfile->mark->lineno;
-- bool upright = mark_is_before_cursor();
-- replaced = replace_buffer(tempfile_name, CUT, "spelling correction");
-- /* Adjust the end point of the marked region for any change in
-- * length of the region's last line. */
-- if (upright)
-- current_x_save = openfile->current_x;
-- else
-- openfile->mark_x = openfile->current_x;
-- /* Restore the mark. */
-- openfile->mark = line_from_number(was_mark_lineno);
-- } else
-- {
-- openfile->current = openfile->filetop;
-- openfile->current_x = 0;
-- replaced = replace_buffer(tempfile_name, CUT_TO_EOF,
-- /* TRANSLATORS: The next two go with Undid/Redid messages. */
-- (spelling ? N_("spelling correction") : N_("formatting")));
-- }
-- /* Go back to the old position. */
-- goto_line_posx(lineno_save, current_x_save);
-- if (was_at_eol || openfile->current_x > strlen(openfile->current->data))
-- openfile->current_x = strlen(openfile->current->data);
--#ifndef NANO_TINY
-- if (replaced)
-- update_undo(COUPLE_END);
-- openfile->placewewant = pww_save;
-- adjust_viewport(STATIONARY);
-- if (spelling)
-- statusbar(_("Finished checking spelling"));
-- else
-- statusbar(_("Buffer has been processed"));
-- return NULL;
- /* Spell check the current file. If an alternate spell checker is
- * specified, use it. Otherwise, use the internal spell checker. */
- void do_spell(void)
diff --git a/app-editors/nano/files/nano-4.9.3-minimal_build_fix.patch b/app-editors/nano/files/nano-4.9.3-minimal_build_fix.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 52112bab7235..000000000000
--- a/app-editors/nano/files/nano-4.9.3-minimal_build_fix.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-From a98f48b4e82db7d30aa04925fb28344f5bce8c7c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Benno Schulenberg <>
-Date: Mon, 22 Jun 2020 14:00:23 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] build: fix compilation for --enable-tiny --enable-color
- --enable-nanorc
-Backported to v4.9.3
-Signed-off-by: Lars Wendler <>
- src/nano.c | 2 +-
- src/text.c | 4 ++--
- 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/nano.c b/src/nano.c
-index be80a073..3ac81ba4 100644
---- a/src/nano.c
-+++ b/src/nano.c
-@@ -1079,7 +1079,7 @@ RETSIGTYPE do_continue(int signal)
- ungetch(KEY_FLUSH);
- }
--#if !defined(NANO_TINY) || defined(ENABLE_SPELLER)
-+#if !defined(NANO_TINY) || defined(ENABLE_SPELLER) || defined(ENABLE_COLOR)
- /* Block or unblock the SIGWINCH signal, depending on the blockit parameter. */
- void block_sigwinch(bool blockit)
- {
-diff --git a/src/text.c b/src/text.c
-index c7690fd0..32727946 100644
---- a/src/text.c
-+++ b/src/text.c
-@@ -2032,10 +2032,10 @@ bool replace_buffer(const char *filename, undo_type action, const char *operatio
- /* Cut either the marked region or the whole buffer. */
- add_undo(action, NULL);
- do_snip(FALSE, openfile->mark, openfile->mark == NULL, FALSE);
--#ifndef NANO_TINY
- update_undo(action);
-+ do_snip(FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
- #endif
- /* Discard what was cut. */