diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'app-misc/jaq/jaq-0.10.0.ebuild')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 127 deletions
diff --git a/app-misc/jaq/jaq-0.10.0.ebuild b/app-misc/jaq/jaq-0.10.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 50a7b134e238..000000000000
--- a/app-misc/jaq/jaq-0.10.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2022-2023 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# Auto-Generated by cargo-ebuild 0.5.4
- ahash-0.7.6
- aho-corasick-0.7.20
- ariadne-0.1.5
- atty-0.2.14
- autocfg-1.1.0
- bincode-1.3.3
- bitflags-1.3.2
- cc-1.0.79
- cfg-if-1.0.0
- chumsky-0.9.2
- clap-4.0.22
- clap_derive-4.0.21
- clap_lex-0.3.2
- colored_json-3.0.1
- dyn-clone-1.0.11
- either-1.8.1
- env_logger-0.10.0
- fastrand-1.9.0
- getrandom-0.2.8
- hashbrown-0.12.3
- heck-0.4.1
- hermit-abi-0.1.19
- hifijson-0.2.0
- indexmap-1.9.2
- instant-0.1.12
- itertools-0.10.5
- itoa-1.0.6
- libc-0.2.139
- libmimalloc-sys-0.1.30
- log-0.4.17
- memchr-2.5.0
- memmap2-0.5.10
- mimalloc-0.1.34
- once_cell-1.17.1
- os_str_bytes-6.4.1
- proc-macro-error-1.0.4
- proc-macro-error-attr-1.0.4
- proc-macro2-1.0.51
- quote-1.0.23
- redox_syscall-0.2.16
- regex-1.7.1
- remove_dir_all-0.5.3
- ryu-1.0.13
- serde-1.0.152
- serde_derive-1.0.152
- serde_json-1.0.94
- strsim-0.10.0
- syn-1.0.109
- tempfile-3.3.0
- termcolor-1.2.0
- unicode-ident-1.0.8
- version_check-0.9.4
- wasi-0.11.0+wasi-snapshot-preview1
- winapi-0.3.9
- winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0
- winapi-util-0.1.5
- winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0
- yansi-0.5.1
-declare -A GIT_CRATES=(
- [regex-syntax]=";90eebbdb9396ca10510130327073a3d596674d04;regex-%commit%/regex-syntax"
-inherit cargo
-DESCRIPTION="Just another JSON query tool"
-# Double check the homepage as the cargo_metadata crate
-# does not provide this value so instead repository is used
-${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.gh.tar.gz
- $(cargo_crate_uris)
-# License set may be more restrictive as OR is not respected
-# use cargo-license for a more accurate license picture
-LICENSE="Apache-2.0 Apache-2.0-with-LLVM-exceptions BSD Boost-1.0 EPL-2.0 MIT Unicode-DFS-2016 Unlicense"
- app-misc/yq
- examples/
-src_prepare() {
- local crate crate_uri commit crate_dir sedexpr ifs
- for crate in "${!GIT_CRATES[@]}"; do
- IFS=';' read -r crate_uri commit crate_dir <<< "${GIT_CRATES[${crate}]}"
- : "${crate_dir:=${crate}-%commit%}"
- # replace git patch for
- sedexpr+="s@^(${crate}[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*[{][[:space:]]*.*)[[:space:]]*git[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*[\"'][[:graph:]]+[\"'](,|)(.*[[:space:]]*[}])@\\1path = \"${WORKDIR}/${crate_dir//%commit%/${commit}}\",\\3 @;"
- # get rid of the rev=
- sedexpr+="s@^(${crate}[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*[{][[:space:]]*.*)[[:space:]]*rev[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*[\"'][[:alnum:]]+[\"'](,|[[:space:]]*)(.*[[:space:]]*[}])@\\1\\3@;"
- # make sure we don't have a trailing comma
- sedexpr+="s@^(${crate}[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*[{][[:space:]]*.*),([[:space:]]*[}])@\\1\\2@;"
- done
- sed -r -e "${sedexpr}" -i Cargo.toml || die
- default
-src_install() {
- pushd "${S}/jaq" >/dev/null || die
- cargo_src_install
- popd >/dev/null || die
- default