diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-python/psutil/files/psutil-5.9.0-tests.patch')
1 files changed, 188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev-python/psutil/files/psutil-5.9.0-tests.patch b/dev-python/psutil/files/psutil-5.9.0-tests.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..56a5e1168733
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-python/psutil/files/psutil-5.9.0-tests.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+diff --git a/psutil/tests/ b/psutil/tests/
+index 21bb3e61..6c45c9e0 100644
+--- a/psutil/tests/
++++ b/psutil/tests/
+@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ __all__ = [
+ # subprocesses
+ 'pyrun', 'terminate', 'reap_children', 'spawn_testproc', 'spawn_zombie',
+ 'spawn_children_pair',
+@@ -128,6 +129,7 @@ PYPY = '__pypy__' in sys.builtin_module_names
+ APPVEYOR = 'APPVEYOR' in os.environ
+ GITHUB_ACTIONS = 'GITHUB_ACTIONS' in os.environ or 'CIBUILDWHEEL' in os.environ
+ # are we a 64 bit process?
+ IS_64BIT = sys.maxsize > 2 ** 32
+diff --git a/psutil/tests/ b/psutil/tests/
+index 20e28d29..ce5d10a0 100755
+--- a/psutil/tests/
++++ b/psutil/tests/
+@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ from psutil._compat import PY3
+ from psutil._compat import FileNotFoundError
+ from psutil._compat import basestring
+ from psutil._compat import u
++from psutil.tests import GENTOO_TESTING
+ from psutil.tests import GITHUB_ACTIONS
+ from psutil.tests import GLOBAL_TIMEOUT
+ from psutil.tests import HAS_BATTERY
+@@ -929,6 +930,7 @@ class TestLoadAvg(PsutilTestCase):
+ @unittest.skipIf(not LINUX, "LINUX only")
+ class TestSystemNetIfAddrs(PsutilTestCase):
++ @unittest.skipIf(GENTOO_TESTING, "broken in Gentoo test env")
+ def test_ips(self):
+ for name, addrs in psutil.net_if_addrs().items():
+ for addr in addrs:
+@@ -1491,6 +1493,7 @@ class TestMisc(PsutilTestCase):
+ psutil.PROCFS_PATH = "/proc"
+ @retry_on_failure()
++ @unittest.skipIf(GENTOO_TESTING, "broken in Gentoo test env")
+ def test_issue_687(self):
+ # In case of thread ID:
+ # - pid_exists() is supposed to return False
+@@ -1596,6 +1599,8 @@ class TestSensorsBattery(PsutilTestCase):
+ self.assertEqual(psutil.sensors_battery().power_plugged, False)
+ assert m.called
++ @unittest.skipIf(GENTOO_TESTING,
++ "mocking doesn't work with non-BAT0 battery")
+ def test_emulate_power_undetermined(self):
+ # Pretend we can't know whether the AC power cable not
+ # connected (assert fallback to False).
+@@ -1614,6 +1619,8 @@ class TestSensorsBattery(PsutilTestCase):
+ self.assertIsNone(psutil.sensors_battery().power_plugged)
+ assert m.called
++ @unittest.skipIf(GENTOO_TESTING,
++ "mocking doesn't work with non-BAT0 battery")
+ def test_emulate_energy_full_0(self):
+ # Emulate a case where energy_full files returns 0.
+ with mock_open_content(
+@@ -1621,6 +1628,8 @@ class TestSensorsBattery(PsutilTestCase):
+ self.assertEqual(psutil.sensors_battery().percent, 0)
+ assert m.called
++ @unittest.skipIf(GENTOO_TESTING,
++ "mocking doesn't work with non-BAT0 battery")
+ def test_emulate_energy_full_not_avail(self):
+ # Emulate a case where energy_full file does not exist.
+ # Expected fallback on /capacity.
+@@ -1634,6 +1643,8 @@ class TestSensorsBattery(PsutilTestCase):
+ "/sys/class/power_supply/BAT0/capacity", b"88"):
+ self.assertEqual(psutil.sensors_battery().percent, 88)
++ @unittest.skipIf(GENTOO_TESTING,
++ "mocking doesn't work with non-BAT0 battery")
+ def test_emulate_no_power(self):
+ # Emulate a case where /AC0/online file nor /BAT0/status exist.
+ with mock_open_exception(
+@@ -2220,6 +2231,7 @@ class TestProcessAgainstStatus(PsutilTestCase):
+ value = self.read_status_file("nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches:")
+ self.assertEqual(self.proc.num_ctx_switches().involuntary, value)
++ @unittest.skipIf(GENTOO_TESTING, "broken in Gentoo test env")
+ def test_cpu_affinity(self):
+ value = self.read_status_file("Cpus_allowed_list:")
+ if '-' in str(value):
+diff --git a/psutil/tests/ b/psutil/tests/
+index d946eb62..a53de565 100755
+--- a/psutil/tests/
++++ b/psutil/tests/
+@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ from psutil._compat import PY3
+ from psutil._compat import redirect_stderr
+ from psutil.tests import APPVEYOR
+ from psutil.tests import CI_TESTING
++from psutil.tests import GENTOO_TESTING
+ from psutil.tests import HAS_BATTERY
+ from psutil.tests import HAS_MEMORY_MAPS
+ from psutil.tests import HAS_NET_IO_COUNTERS
+@@ -401,6 +402,7 @@ class TestMisc(PsutilTestCase):
+ reload_module(psutil)
+ self.assertIn("version conflict", str(cm.exception).lower())
++ @unittest.skipIf(GENTOO_TESTING, "broken in Gentoo test env")
+ def test_debug(self):
+ if PY3:
+ from io import StringIO
+diff --git a/psutil/tests/ b/psutil/tests/
+index 31b81926..7eb9bac5 100755
+--- a/psutil/tests/
++++ b/psutil/tests/
+@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ from psutil import OPENBSD
+ from psutil import POSIX
+ from psutil import SUNOS
+ from psutil.tests import CI_TESTING
++from psutil.tests import GENTOO_TESTING
+ from psutil.tests import HAS_NET_IO_COUNTERS
+ from psutil.tests import PYTHON_EXE
+ from psutil.tests import PsutilTestCase
+@@ -326,6 +327,7 @@ class TestSystemAPIs(PsutilTestCase):
+ "couldn't find %s nic in 'ifconfig -a' output\n%s" % (
+ nic, output))
++ @unittest.skipIf(GENTOO_TESTING, "broken in Gentoo test env")
+ @unittest.skipIf(CI_TESTING and not psutil.users(), "unreliable on CI")
+ @retry_on_failure()
+ def test_users(self):
+diff --git a/psutil/tests/ b/psutil/tests/
+index c9059e33..0050c42a 100755
+--- a/psutil/tests/
++++ b/psutil/tests/
+@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ from psutil._compat import long
+ from psutil._compat import super
+ from psutil.tests import APPVEYOR
+ from psutil.tests import CI_TESTING
++from psutil.tests import GENTOO_TESTING
+ from psutil.tests import GITHUB_ACTIONS
+ from psutil.tests import GLOBAL_TIMEOUT
+ from psutil.tests import HAS_CPU_AFFINITY
+@@ -292,6 +293,7 @@ class TestProcess(PsutilTestCase):
+ time.strftime("%Y %m %d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(p.create_time()))
+ @unittest.skipIf(not POSIX, 'POSIX only')
++ @unittest.skipIf(GENTOO_TESTING, "broken in Gentoo test env")
+ def test_terminal(self):
+ terminal = psutil.Process().terminal()
+ if terminal is not None:
+@@ -341,6 +343,7 @@ class TestProcess(PsutilTestCase):
+ self.assertGreaterEqual(io2[i], 0)
+ self.assertGreaterEqual(io2[i], 0)
++ @unittest.skipIf(GENTOO_TESTING, "fails if builder is ioniced already")
+ @unittest.skipIf(not HAS_IONICE, "not supported")
+ @unittest.skipIf(not LINUX, "linux only")
+ def test_ionice_linux(self):
+@@ -1406,6 +1409,7 @@ class TestProcess(PsutilTestCase):
+ if not OSX and GITHUB_ACTIONS:
+ self.assertEqual(d1, d2)
++ @unittest.skipIf(GENTOO_TESTING, "broken by Gentoo sandbox")
+ @unittest.skipIf(not HAS_ENVIRON, "not supported")
+ @unittest.skipIf(not POSIX, "POSIX only")
+ def test_weird_environ(self):
+diff --git a/psutil/tests/ b/psutil/tests/
+index db2cb348..b1faa154 100755
+--- a/psutil/tests/
++++ b/psutil/tests/
+@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ from psutil._compat import long
+ from psutil.tests import ASCII_FS
+ from psutil.tests import CI_TESTING
+ from psutil.tests import DEVNULL
++from psutil.tests import GENTOO_TESTING
+ from psutil.tests import GITHUB_ACTIONS
+ from psutil.tests import GLOBAL_TIMEOUT
+ from psutil.tests import HAS_BATTERY
+@@ -199,6 +200,7 @@ class TestMiscAPIs(PsutilTestCase):
+ self.assertGreater(bt, 0)
+ self.assertLess(bt, time.time())
++ @unittest.skipIf(GENTOO_TESTING, "broken in Gentoo test env")
+ @unittest.skipIf(CI_TESTING and not psutil.users(), "unreliable on CI")
+ def test_users(self):
+ users = psutil.users()