diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sys-apps/coreutils')
-rw-r--r--sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.32-r1.ebuild (renamed from sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.31-r1.ebuild)122
14 files changed, 1695 insertions, 460 deletions
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest b/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
index 9e4b4c1d5cdf..2823060d3567 100644
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/Manifest
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
DIST coreutils-8.30-patches-01.tar.xz 5788 BLAKE2B a41511ce39ac570cb14b7f12d125eebef92217469a9490808719fa0665f5e5c0adb96fbd02c4bac4d280d1502295669575790a81dbc01afe2ca3a9d384cbefb0 SHA512 b1e1933637de4581d5f8c6ede4e80a012435d13f0cf5550a76ab5bbe9441e3c15ce19ef3f78a7ea3b8368d5e9a3bb17c1207c471d26171b59786f38adeba0454
-DIST coreutils-8.30.tar.xz 5359532 BLAKE2B b66ccd112a6c2c8b90e58ff1c3371e7f5827937035769329885e5bdae197466189f3715720b8f8cf0b5047fe16d6c86984dcee994117c2d3c7b8dbd597027255 SHA512 25bc132c0d89ce71c33e417f04649c9fcfce6c5ef8b19f093b2e9e2851bfde9b5a31e20499d9c427332228ba54b88d445ddb445551e1944bb8f5cbff5ffa4eda
-DIST coreutils-8.31.tar.xz 5410140 BLAKE2B e3ae6be8edbe9df9164b4c9ac8bf14dc23b147fa665f20669e18ac4c6e45ba839dc0dc99e05670eb006d22133475a4a717a5f40b00ebaedfd6e1fbab887674d5 SHA512 ef8941dae845bbf5ae5838bc49e44554a766302930601aada6fa594e8088f0fbad74e481ee392ff89633e68b99e4da3f761fcb5d31ee3b233d540fe2a2d4e1af
+DIST coreutils-8.32.tar.xz 5547836 BLAKE2B 0ad99c176c19ec214fcfd0845523e5362f0151827707c759bd46c0fe8d2501c6ad1c29c5b71266f6525857bc0d56c472db0d7fe29953b6c65e2e6c76bdf3c515 SHA512 1c8f3584efd61b4b02e7ac5db8e103b63cfb2063432caaf1e64cb2dcc56d8c657d1133bbf10bd41468d6a1f31142e6caa81d16ae68fa3e6e84075c253613a145
+DIST coreutils-9.4-patches.tar.xz 6756 BLAKE2B 677454409ccb629fd0efde1e15d8f9c13f208391e63a17816011e84d4ca3fb2a42c2a60853f213ade2a53c821d76fd8924c59388d160c6e7c7fa5755e1db4c68 SHA512 2025c80b5ada92bafb479c678917862be208534becd8b347d335032c6b4cc23c7b7630f15ca7dd3b5d691567cb70f3491753e29441cc54d8700cc3d966a5e743
+DIST coreutils-9.4.tar.xz 5979200 BLAKE2B 83d41c48804c1d470c0e5eed38e692bb6875436dda3f6e2c29784ad6ef563d86e8e066a050e222621b400f78ea4630b1e127d20fc9b76f12096528c42677e35d SHA512 7c55ee23b685a0462bbbd118b04d25278c902604a0dcf3bf4f8bf81faa0500dee5a7813cba6f586d676c98e520cafd420f16479619305e94ea6798d8437561f5
+DIST coreutils-9.4.tar.xz.sig 833 BLAKE2B 870f7eb28e8851f41954820c7f4f4b43a965e6650b303b79541dfdf98ca0cd52fe964d7eec72bea68066452d7ad21a01df5e4db9e5bc4c20bf26d8b416856446 SHA512 9674f783f592c4f3e5c708ff31426ac009bf132fd0005019571bf39c8a1627efb5351c6cecc7faecb1eff8fa2970318666593bffc0eda9c750159e174ef42524
+DIST coreutils-9.5-patches.tar.xz 5912 BLAKE2B 873fbe1a60f8f8034b3d35796146765ce388952d649c32dc81ca0e4c2823c9f2f00b69bc5cb3af686434867459b6dc378fb9a6d59563d28b87c3ee1eceeedbb3 SHA512 4b4ad356615d046b8d67ea35b789f887a787ab01ece3234f6344518aef33cd30ca364fef5d85e11acfdb24003114c16ffdab82922fb135d5425fbcd541064a76
+DIST coreutils-9.5.tar.xz 6007136 BLAKE2B 6fd3a77697c9e85f31415c6ad66559faf18acc7d346677a89d4a999c2027886551e78842a7283e7b3b44fe8ef2fde04ba2f88df32a7844d5f69d45bcb7a04b6f SHA512 2ca0deac4dc10a80fd0c6fd131252e99d457fd03b7bd626a6bc74fe5a0529c0a3d48ce1f5da1d3b3a7a150a1ce44f0fbb6b68a6ac543dfd5baa3e71f5d65401c
+DIST coreutils-9.5.tar.xz.sig 833 BLAKE2B 37c29984bceee0ff3bffde76712f71dbb118c228e328dc230d5c53c37da12f5ec2130e0123b97fda4a561f556c3be307fdbe1f0c21279db2c84030818386f626 SHA512 029997e0f4ee64e561853cff7c8a124f58cc891598595b44c4a46f9813b4b71c9d677464bc8a26d294e9971832f4b87c23777fea4fac6e8e30f06ad93b9957d5
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.30.ebuild b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.30.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f5e13380cb3..000000000000
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.30.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_7,3_6} )
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic python-any-r1 toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Standard GNU utilities (chmod, cp, dd, ls, sort, tr, head, wc, who,...)"
- mirror://gentoo/${P}-patches-${PATCH_VER}.tar.xz
-KEYWORDS="alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ia64 m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 s390 sh sparc x86 ~x86-linux"
-IUSE="acl caps gmp hostname kill multicall nls selinux +split-usr static test userland_BSD vanilla xattr"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
-LIB_DEPEND="acl? ( sys-apps/acl[static-libs] )
- caps? ( sys-libs/libcap )
- gmp? ( dev-libs/gmp:=[static-libs] )
- xattr? ( !userland_BSD? ( sys-apps/attr[static-libs] ) )"
-RDEPEND="!static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND//\[static-libs]} )
- selinux? ( sys-libs/libselinux )
- nls? ( virtual/libintl )"
- static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND} )
- app-arch/xz-utils
- test? (
- dev-lang/perl
- dev-perl/Expect
- !userland_BSD? (
- dev-util/strace
- )
- $(python_gen_any_dep 'dev-python/pyinotify[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]')
- )"
- hostname? ( !sys-apps/net-tools[hostname] )
- kill? (
- !sys-apps/util-linux[kill]
- !sys-process/procps[kill]
- )
- !app-misc/realpath
- !<sys-apps/util-linux-2.13
- !<sys-apps/sandbox-2.10-r4
- !sys-apps/stat
- !net-mail/base64
- !sys-apps/mktemp
- !<app-forensics/tct-1.18-r1
- !<net-fs/netatalk-2.0.3-r4"
-pkg_setup() {
- if use test ; then
- python-any-r1_pkg_setup
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- if ! use vanilla ; then
- eapply "${WORKDIR}"/patch/*.patch
- fi
- eapply_user
- # Since we've patched many .c files, the make process will try to
- # re-build the manpages by running `./bin --help`. When doing a
- # cross-compile, we can't do that since 'bin' isn't a native bin.
- # Also, it's not like we changed the usage on any of these things,
- # so let's just update the timestamps and skip the help2man step.
- set -- man/*.x
- touch ${@/%x/1}
- # Avoid perl dep for compiled in dircolors default #348642
- if ! has_version dev-lang/perl ; then
- touch src/dircolors.h
- touch ${@/%x/1}
- fi
-src_configure() {
- local myconf=(
- --with-packager="Gentoo"
- --with-packager-version="${PVR} (p${PATCH_VER:-0})"
- --with-packager-bug-reports=""
- --enable-install-program="arch,$(usev hostname),$(usev kill)"
- --enable-no-install-program="groups,$(usev !hostname),$(usev !kill),su,uptime"
- --enable-largefile
- $(usex caps '' --disable-libcap)
- $(use_enable nls)
- $(use_enable acl)
- $(use_enable multicall single-binary)
- $(use_enable xattr)
- $(use_with gmp)
- )
- if tc-is-cross-compiler && [[ ${CHOST} == *linux* ]] ; then
- export fu_cv_sys_stat_statfs2_bsize=yes #311569
- export gl_cv_func_realpath_works=yes #416629
- fi
- export gl_cv_func_mknod_works=yes #409919
- use static && append-ldflags -static && sed -i '/elf_sys=yes/s:yes:no:' configure #321821
- use selinux || export ac_cv_{header_selinux_{context,flash,selinux}_h,search_setfilecon}=no #301782
- use userland_BSD && myconf+=( -program-prefix=g --program-transform-name=s/stat/nustat/ )
- # kill/uptime - procps
- # groups/su - shadow
- # hostname - net-tools
- econf "${myconf[@]}"
-src_test() {
- # Known to fail with FEATURES=usersandbox (bug #439574):
- # - tests/du/} (bug #413621)
- # - tests/rm/ (bug #413621)
- # - tests/dd/ (bug #629660)
- if has usersandbox $FEATURES ; then
- ewarn "You are emerging ${P} with 'usersandbox' enabled." \
- "Expect some test failures or emerge with 'FEATURES=-usersandbox'!"
- fi
- # Non-root tests will fail if the full path isn't
- # accessible to non-root users
- chmod -R go-w "${WORKDIR}"
- chmod a+rx "${WORKDIR}"
- # coreutils tests like to do `mount` and such with temp dirs
- # so make sure /etc/mtab is writable #265725
- # make sure /dev/loop* can be mounted #269758
- mkdir -p "${T}"/mount-wrappers
- mkwrap() {
- local w ww
- for w in "$@" ; do
- ww="${T}/mount-wrappers/${w}"
- cat <<-EOF > "${ww}"
- #!${EPREFIX}/bin/sh
- exec env SANDBOX_WRITE="\${SANDBOX_WRITE}:/etc/mtab:/dev/loop" $(type -P $w) "\$@"
- chmod a+rx "${ww}"
- done
- }
- mkwrap mount umount
- addwrite /dev/full
- #export RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS="yes"
- #export FETISH_GROUPS="portage wheel"
- env PATH="${T}/mount-wrappers:${PATH}" \
- emake -j1 -k check
-src_install() {
- default
- insinto /etc
- newins src/dircolors.hin DIR_COLORS
- if [[ ${USERLAND} == "GNU" ]] ; then
- cd "${ED%/}"/usr/bin || die
- dodir /bin
- # move critical binaries into /bin (required by FHS)
- local fhs="cat chgrp chmod chown cp date dd df echo false ln ls
- mkdir mknod mv pwd rm rmdir stty sync true uname"
- mv ${fhs} ../../bin/ || die "could not move fhs bins"
- if use hostname; then
- mv hostname ../../bin/ || die
- fi
- if use kill; then
- mv kill ../../bin/ || die
- fi
- if use split-usr ; then
- # move critical binaries into /bin (common scripts)
- local com="basename chroot cut dir dirname du env expr head mkfifo
- mktemp readlink seq sleep sort tail touch tr tty vdir wc yes"
- mv ${com} ../../bin/ || die "could not move common bins"
- # create a symlink for uname in /usr/bin/ since autotools require it
- local x
- for x in ${com} uname ; do
- dosym ../../bin/${x} /usr/bin/${x}
- done
- fi
- else
- # For now, drop the man pages, collides with the ones of the system.
- rm -rf "${ED%/}"/usr/share/man
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- ewarn "Make sure you run 'hash -r' in your active shells."
- ewarn "You should also re-source your shell settings for LS_COLORS"
- ewarn " changes, such as: source /etc/profile"
- # Help out users using experimental filesystems
- if grep -qs btrfs "${EROOT%/}"/etc/fstab /proc/mounts ; then
- case $(uname -r) in
- 2.6.[12][0-9]|2.6.3[0-7]*)
- ewarn "You are running a system with a buggy btrfs driver."
- ewarn "Please upgrade your kernel to avoid silent corruption."
- ewarn "See:"
- ;;
- esac
- fi
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.31.ebuild b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.31.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 565e641c8b48..000000000000
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.31.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_7,3_{6,7}} )
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic python-any-r1 toolchain-funcs
-DESCRIPTION="Standard GNU utilities (chmod, cp, dd, ls, sort, tr, head, wc, who,...)"
- mirror://gentoo/${PATCH}.tar.xz
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-linux"
-IUSE="acl caps gmp hostname kill multicall nls selinux +split-usr static test userland_BSD vanilla xattr"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
-LIB_DEPEND="acl? ( sys-apps/acl[static-libs] )
- caps? ( sys-libs/libcap )
- gmp? ( dev-libs/gmp:=[static-libs] )
- xattr? ( !userland_BSD? ( sys-apps/attr[static-libs] ) )"
-RDEPEND="!static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND//\[static-libs]} )
- selinux? ( sys-libs/libselinux )
- nls? ( virtual/libintl )"
- static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND} )
- app-arch/xz-utils
- test? (
- dev-lang/perl
- dev-perl/Expect
- !userland_BSD? (
- dev-util/strace
- )
- $(python_gen_any_dep 'dev-python/pyinotify[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]')
- )"
- hostname? ( !sys-apps/net-tools[hostname] )
- kill? (
- !sys-apps/util-linux[kill]
- !sys-process/procps[kill]
- )
- !app-misc/realpath
- !<sys-apps/util-linux-2.13
- !<sys-apps/sandbox-2.10-r4
- !sys-apps/stat
- !net-mail/base64
- !sys-apps/mktemp
- !<app-forensics/tct-1.18-r1
- !<net-fs/netatalk-2.0.3-r4"
-pkg_setup() {
- if use test ; then
- python-any-r1_pkg_setup
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- if ! use vanilla ; then
- eapply "${WORKDIR}"/patch/*.patch
- fi
- eapply_user
- # Since we've patched many .c files, the make process will try to
- # re-build the manpages by running `./bin --help`. When doing a
- # cross-compile, we can't do that since 'bin' isn't a native bin.
- # Also, it's not like we changed the usage on any of these things,
- # so let's just update the timestamps and skip the help2man step.
- set -- man/*.x
- touch ${@/%x/1}
- # Avoid perl dep for compiled in dircolors default #348642
- if ! has_version dev-lang/perl ; then
- touch src/dircolors.h
- touch ${@/%x/1}
- fi
-src_configure() {
- local myconf=(
- --with-packager="Gentoo"
- --with-packager-version="${PVR} (p${PATCH_VER:-0})"
- --with-packager-bug-reports=""
- --enable-install-program="arch,$(usev hostname),$(usev kill)"
- --enable-no-install-program="groups,$(usev !hostname),$(usev !kill),su,uptime"
- --enable-largefile
- $(usex caps '' --disable-libcap)
- $(use_enable nls)
- $(use_enable acl)
- $(use_enable multicall single-binary)
- $(use_enable xattr)
- $(use_with gmp)
- )
- if tc-is-cross-compiler && [[ ${CHOST} == *linux* ]] ; then
- export fu_cv_sys_stat_statfs2_bsize=yes #311569
- export gl_cv_func_realpath_works=yes #416629
- fi
- export gl_cv_func_mknod_works=yes #409919
- use static && append-ldflags -static && sed -i '/elf_sys=yes/s:yes:no:' configure #321821
- use selinux || export ac_cv_{header_selinux_{context,flash,selinux}_h,search_setfilecon}=no #301782
- use userland_BSD && myconf+=( -program-prefix=g --program-transform-name=s/stat/nustat/ )
- # kill/uptime - procps
- # groups/su - shadow
- # hostname - net-tools
- econf "${myconf[@]}"
-src_test() {
- # Known to fail with FEATURES=usersandbox (bug #439574):
- # - tests/du/} (bug #413621)
- # - tests/rm/ (bug #413621)
- # - tests/dd/ (bug #629660)
- if has usersandbox ${FEATURES} ; then
- ewarn "You are emerging ${P} with 'usersandbox' enabled." \
- "Expect some test failures or emerge with 'FEATURES=-usersandbox'!"
- fi
- # Non-root tests will fail if the full path isn't
- # accessible to non-root users
- chmod -R go-w "${WORKDIR}"
- chmod a+rx "${WORKDIR}"
- # coreutils tests like to do `mount` and such with temp dirs
- # so make sure /etc/mtab is writable #265725
- # make sure /dev/loop* can be mounted #269758
- mkdir -p "${T}"/mount-wrappers || die
- mkwrap() {
- local w ww
- for w in "${@}" ; do
- ww="${T}/mount-wrappers/${w}"
- cat <<-EOF > "${ww}"
- #!${EPREFIX}/bin/sh
- exec env SANDBOX_WRITE="\${SANDBOX_WRITE}:/etc/mtab:/dev/loop" $(type -P ${w}) "\$@"
- chmod a+rx "${ww}"
- done
- }
- mkwrap mount umount
- addwrite /dev/full
- #export RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS="yes"
- #export FETISH_GROUPS="portage wheel"
- env PATH="${T}/mount-wrappers:${PATH}" \
- emake -j1 -k check
-src_install() {
- default
- insinto /etc
- newins src/dircolors.hin DIR_COLORS
- if [[ ${USERLAND} == "GNU" ]] ; then
- cd "${ED%/}"/usr/bin || die
- dodir /bin
- # move critical binaries into /bin (required by FHS)
- local fhs="cat chgrp chmod chown cp date dd df echo false ln ls
- mkdir mknod mv pwd rm rmdir stty sync true uname"
- mv ${fhs} ../../bin/ || die "could not move fhs bins"
- if use hostname; then
- mv hostname ../../bin/ || die
- fi
- if use kill; then
- mv kill ../../bin/ || die
- fi
- if use split-usr ; then
- # move critical binaries into /bin (common scripts)
- local com="basename chroot cut dir dirname du env expr head mkfifo
- mktemp readlink seq sleep sort tail touch tr tty vdir wc yes"
- mv ${com} ../../bin/ || die "could not move common bins"
- # create a symlink for uname in /usr/bin/ since autotools require it
- local x
- for x in ${com} uname ; do
- dosym ../../bin/${x} /usr/bin/${x}
- done
- fi
- else
- # For now, drop the man pages, collides with the ones of the system.
- rm -rf "${ED%/}"/usr/share/man
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- ewarn "Make sure you run 'hash -r' in your active shells."
- ewarn "You should also re-source your shell settings for LS_COLORS"
- ewarn " changes, such as: source /etc/profile"
- # Help out users using experimental filesystems
- if grep -qs btrfs "${EROOT%/}"/etc/fstab /proc/mounts ; then
- case $(uname -r) in
- 2.6.[12][0-9]|2.6.3[0-7]*)
- ewarn "You are running a system with a buggy btrfs driver."
- ewarn "Please upgrade your kernel to avoid silent corruption."
- ewarn "See:"
- ;;
- esac
- fi
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.31-r1.ebuild b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.32-r1.ebuild
index 643aa3aeeca6..01a7a97fc192 100644
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.31-r1.ebuild
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-8.32-r1.ebuild
@@ -1,22 +1,25 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2020 Gentoo Authors
+# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python{2_7,3_{6,7}} )
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_10 )
-inherit eutils flag-o-matic python-any-r1 toolchain-funcs
+inherit flag-o-matic python-any-r1 toolchain-funcs
DESCRIPTION="Standard GNU utilities (chmod, cp, dd, ls, sort, tr, head, wc, who,...)"
- mirror://gentoo/${PATCH}.tar.xz
+ !vanilla? (
+ mirror://gentoo/${PATCH}.tar.xz
+ )
-KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sh ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-linux"
+KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~ia64 ~m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86 ~x86-linux"
IUSE="acl caps gmp hostname kill multicall nls selinux +split-usr static test vanilla xattr"
RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
@@ -27,23 +30,26 @@ LIB_DEPEND="acl? ( sys-apps/acl[static-libs] )
RDEPEND="!static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND//\[static-libs]} )
selinux? ( sys-libs/libselinux )
nls? ( virtual/libintl )"
static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND} )
+ dev-lang/perl
test? (
+ dev-debug/strace
- dev-util/strace
- $(python_gen_any_dep 'dev-python/pyinotify[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]')
- )"
+ )
hostname? ( !sys-apps/net-tools[hostname] )
kill? (
- !app-misc/realpath
@@ -59,24 +65,30 @@ pkg_setup() {
src_prepare() {
+ local PATCHES=(
+ "${FILESDIR}"/coreutils-8.32-ls-restore-8.31-behavior.patch
+ )
if ! use vanilla ; then
- eapply "${WORKDIR}"/patch/*.patch
+ PATCHES+=( "${WORKDIR}"/patch )
+ PATCHES+=( "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-8.32-sandbox-env-test.patch )
- eapply_user
+ default
# Since we've patched many .c files, the make process will try to
# re-build the manpages by running `./bin --help`. When doing a
# cross-compile, we can't do that since 'bin' isn't a native bin.
+ #
# Also, it's not like we changed the usage on any of these things,
# so let's just update the timestamps and skip the help2man step.
set -- man/*.x
- touch ${@/%x/1}
+ touch ${@/%x/1} || die
- # Avoid perl dep for compiled in dircolors default #348642
+ # Avoid perl dep for compiled in dircolors default (bug #348642)
if ! has_version dev-lang/perl ; then
- touch src/dircolors.h
- touch ${@/%x/1}
+ touch src/dircolors.h || die
+ touch ${@/%x/1} || die
@@ -85,6 +97,9 @@ src_configure() {
--with-packager-version="${PVR} (p${PATCH_VER:-0})"
+ # kill/uptime - procps
+ # groups/su - shadow
+ # hostname - net-tools
--enable-install-program="arch,$(usev hostname),$(usev kill)"
--enable-no-install-program="groups,$(usev !hostname),$(usev !kill),su,uptime"
@@ -95,17 +110,28 @@ src_configure() {
$(use_enable xattr)
$(use_with gmp)
if tc-is-cross-compiler && [[ ${CHOST} == *linux* ]] ; then
- export fu_cv_sys_stat_statfs2_bsize=yes #311569
- export gl_cv_func_realpath_works=yes #416629
+ # bug #311569
+ export fu_cv_sys_stat_statfs2_bsize=yes
+ # bug #416629
+ export gl_cv_func_realpath_works=yes
+ fi
+ # bug #409919
+ export gl_cv_func_mknod_works=yes
+ if use static ; then
+ append-ldflags -static
+ # bug #321821
+ sed -i '/elf_sys=yes/s:yes:no:' configure || die
+ fi
+ if ! use selinux ; then
+ # bug #301782
+ export ac_cv_{header_selinux_{context,flash,selinux}_h,search_setfilecon}=no
- export gl_cv_func_mknod_works=yes #409919
- use static && append-ldflags -static && sed -i '/elf_sys=yes/s:yes:no:' configure #321821
- use selinux || export ac_cv_{header_selinux_{context,flash,selinux}_h,search_setfilecon}=no #301782
- # kill/uptime - procps
- # groups/su - shadow
- # hostname - net-tools
econf "${myconf[@]}"
@@ -121,12 +147,13 @@ src_test() {
# Non-root tests will fail if the full path isn't
# accessible to non-root users
- chmod -R go-w "${WORKDIR}"
- chmod a+rx "${WORKDIR}"
+ chmod -R go-w "${WORKDIR}" || die
+ chmod a+rx "${WORKDIR}" || die
- # coreutils tests like to do `mount` and such with temp dirs
- # so make sure /etc/mtab is writable #265725
- # make sure /dev/loop* can be mounted #269758
+ # coreutils tests like to do `mount` and such with temp dirs,
+ # so make sure:
+ # - /etc/mtab is writable (bug #265725)
+ # - /dev/loop* can be mounted (bug #269758)
mkdir -p "${T}"/mount-wrappers || die
mkwrap() {
local w ww
@@ -136,14 +163,14 @@ src_test() {
exec env SANDBOX_WRITE="\${SANDBOX_WRITE}:/etc/mtab:/dev/loop" $(type -P ${w}) "\$@"
- chmod a+rx "${ww}"
+ chmod a+rx "${ww}" || die
mkwrap mount umount
addwrite /dev/full
- #export FETISH_GROUPS="portage wheel"
+ #export COREUTILS_GROUPS="portage wheel"
env PATH="${T}/mount-wrappers:${PATH}" \
emake -j1 -k check
@@ -155,27 +182,32 @@ src_install() {
newins src/dircolors.hin DIR_COLORS
if use split-usr ; then
- cd "${ED%/}"/usr/bin || die
+ cd "${ED}"/usr/bin || die
dodir /bin
- # move critical binaries into /bin (required by FHS)
+ # Move critical binaries into /bin (required by FHS)
local fhs="cat chgrp chmod chown cp date dd df echo false ln ls
mkdir mknod mv pwd rm rmdir stty sync true uname"
- mv ${fhs} ../../bin/ || die "could not move fhs bins"
- if use hostname; then
+ mv ${fhs} ../../bin/ || die "Could not move FHS bins!"
+ if use hostname ; then
mv hostname ../../bin/ || die
- if use kill; then
+ if use kill ; then
mv kill ../../bin/ || die
- # move critical binaries into /bin (common scripts)
- # Why are these required for booting?
+ # Move critical binaries into /bin (common scripts)
+ # (Why are these required for booting?)
local com="basename chroot cut dir dirname du env expr head mkfifo
mktemp readlink seq sleep sort tail touch tr tty vdir wc yes"
- mv ${com} ../../bin/ || die "could not move common bins"
- # create a symlink for uname in /usr/bin/ since autotools require it
- # Other than uname, we need to figure out why we are
+ mv ${com} ../../bin/ || die "Could not move common bins!"
+ # Create a symlink for uname in /usr/bin/ since autotools require it.
+ # (Other than uname, we need to figure out why we are
# creating symlinks for these in /usr/bin instead of leaving
- # the files there in the first place.
+ # the files there in the first place...)
local x
for x in ${com} uname ; do
dosym ../../bin/${x} /usr/bin/${x}
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.4-r1.ebuild b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.4-r1.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cd9bf44d0689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.4-r1.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# Try to keep an eye on Fedora's packaging:
+# The upstream coreutils maintainers also maintain the package in Fedora and may
+# backport fixes which we want to pick up.
+# Also recommend subscribing to the coreutils and bug-coreutils MLs.
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..11} )
+inherit flag-o-matic python-any-r1 toolchain-funcs verify-sig
+DESCRIPTION="Standard GNU utilities (chmod, cp, dd, ls, sort, tr, head, wc, who,...)"
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] ; then
+ inherit git-r3
+elif [[ ${PV} == *_p* ]] ; then
+ # Note: could put this in devspace, but if it's gone, we don't want
+ # it in tree anyway. It's just for testing.
+ MY_SNAPSHOT="$(ver_cut 1-2).156-b3afb"
+ SRC_URI="${MY_SNAPSHOT}.tar.xz -> ${P}.tar.xz"
+ SRC_URI+=" verify-sig? (${MY_SNAPSHOT}.tar.xz.sig -> ${P}.tar.xz.sig )"
+ mirror://gnu/${PN}/${P}.tar.xz
+ verify-sig? ( mirror://gnu/${PN}/${P}.tar.xz.sig )
+ "
+ KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~loong ~m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86 ~x86-linux"
+SRC_URI+=" !vanilla? (${CATEGORY}/${PN}/${MY_PATCH}.tar.xz )"
+IUSE="acl caps gmp hostname kill multicall nls +openssl selinux +split-usr static test vanilla xattr"
+RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
+ acl? ( sys-apps/acl[static-libs] )
+ caps? ( sys-libs/libcap )
+ gmp? ( dev-libs/gmp:=[static-libs] )
+ openssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:=[static-libs] )
+ xattr? ( sys-apps/attr[static-libs] )
+ !static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND//\[static-libs]} )
+ selinux? ( sys-libs/libselinux )
+ nls? ( virtual/libintl )
+ static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND} )
+ app-arch/xz-utils
+ dev-lang/perl
+ test? (
+ dev-debug/strace
+ dev-lang/perl
+ dev-perl/Expect
+ )
+ verify-sig? ( sec-keys/openpgp-keys-coreutils )
+ hostname? ( !sys-apps/net-tools[hostname] )
+ kill? (
+ !sys-apps/util-linux[kill]
+ !sys-process/procps[kill]
+ )
+ !<sys-apps/util-linux-2.13
+ !<sys-apps/sandbox-2.10-r4
+ !sys-apps/stat
+ !net-mail/base64
+ !sys-apps/mktemp
+ !<app-forensics/tct-1.18-r1
+ !<net-fs/netatalk-2.0.3-r4
+ # gnulib FPs (bug #898370)
+ unreachable MIN alignof static_assert
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use test ; then
+ python-any-r1_pkg_setup
+ fi
+src_unpack() {
+ if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] ; then
+ git-r3_src_unpack
+ cd "${S}" || die
+ ./bootstrap || die
+ sed -i -e "s:submodule-checks ?= no-submodule-changes public-submodule-commit:submodule-checks ?= no-submodule-changes:" gnulib/top/ || die
+ elif use verify-sig ; then
+ # Needed for downloaded patch (which is unsigned, which is fine)
+ verify-sig_verify_detached "${DISTDIR}"/${P}.tar.xz{,.sig}
+ fi
+ default
+src_prepare() {
+ # TODO: past 2025, we may need to add our own hack for bug #907474.
+ local PATCHES=(
+ # Upstream patches
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-gnulib-openssl-1.1.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-CVE-2024-0684.patch
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-gnulib-clang-18-c23-stdckdint.patch
+ )
+ if ! use vanilla && [[ -d "${WORKDIR}"/${MY_PATCH} ]] ; then
+ fi
+ default
+ # Since we've patched many .c files, the make process will try to
+ # re-build the manpages by running `./bin --help`. When doing a
+ # cross-compile, we can't do that since 'bin' isn't a native bin.
+ #
+ # Also, it's not like we changed the usage on any of these things,
+ # so let's just update the timestamps and skip the help2man step.
+ set -- man/*.x
+ touch ${@/%x/1} || die
+ # Avoid perl dep for compiled in dircolors default (bug #348642)
+ if ! has_version dev-lang/perl ; then
+ touch src/dircolors.h || die
+ touch ${@/%x/1} || die
+ fi
+src_configure() {
+ # TODO: in future (>9.4?), we may want to wire up USE=systemd:
+ # still experimental at the moment, but:
+ #
+ local myconf=(
+ --with-packager="Gentoo"
+ --with-packager-version="${PVR} (p${PATCH_VER:-0})"
+ --with-packager-bug-reports=""
+ # kill/uptime - procps
+ # groups/su - shadow
+ # hostname - net-tools
+ --enable-install-program="arch,$(usev hostname),$(usev kill)"
+ --enable-no-install-program="groups,$(usev !hostname),$(usev !kill),su,uptime"
+ $(usev !caps --disable-libcap)
+ $(use_enable nls)
+ $(use_enable acl)
+ $(use_enable multicall single-binary)
+ $(use_enable xattr)
+ $(use_with gmp libgmp)
+ $(use_with openssl)
+ )
+ if use gmp ; then
+ myconf+=( --with-libgmp-prefix="${ESYSROOT}"/usr )
+ fi
+ if tc-is-cross-compiler && [[ ${CHOST} == *linux* ]] ; then
+ # bug #311569
+ export fu_cv_sys_stat_statfs2_bsize=yes
+ # bug #416629
+ export gl_cv_func_realpath_works=yes
+ fi
+ # bug #409919
+ export gl_cv_func_mknod_works=yes
+ if use static ; then
+ append-ldflags -static
+ # bug #321821
+ sed -i '/elf_sys=yes/s:yes:no:' configure || die
+ fi
+ if ! use selinux ; then
+ # bug #301782
+ export ac_cv_{header_selinux_{context,flash,selinux}_h,search_setfilecon}=no
+ fi
+ econf "${myconf[@]}"
+src_test() {
+ # Non-root tests will fail if the full path isn't
+ # accessible to non-root users
+ chmod -R go-w "${WORKDIR}" || die
+ chmod a+rx "${WORKDIR}" || die
+ # coreutils tests like to do `mount` and such with temp dirs,
+ # so make sure:
+ # - /etc/mtab is writable (bug #265725)
+ # - /dev/loop* can be mounted (bug #269758)
+ mkdir -p "${T}"/mount-wrappers || die
+ mkwrap() {
+ local w ww
+ for w in "${@}" ; do
+ ww="${T}/mount-wrappers/${w}"
+ cat <<-EOF > "${ww}"
+ #!${EPREFIX}/bin/sh
+ exec env SANDBOX_WRITE="\${SANDBOX_WRITE}:/etc/mtab:/dev/loop" $(type -P ${w}) "\$@"
+ chmod a+rx "${ww}" || die
+ done
+ }
+ mkwrap mount umount
+ addwrite /dev/full
+ #local -x RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS="yes"
+ #local -x COREUTILS_GROUPS="portage wheel"
+ local -x PATH="${T}/mount-wrappers:${PATH}"
+ local -x gl_public_submodule_commit=
+ local xfail_tests=(
+ # bug #629660
+ #tests/dd/
+ # bug #675802
+ tests/env/env-S
+ tests/env/
+ # bug #413621 and bug #548250
+ tests/du/
+ tests/ls/removed-directory
+ tests/ls/
+ tests/ls/stat-free-symlinks
+ tests/ls/
+ tests/rm/deep-2
+ tests/rm/
+ # We have a patch which fixes this (bug #259876)
+ #tests/touch/not-owner
+ #tests/touch/
+ )
+ # This test is flaky (bug #910640).
+ cat > tests/tty/ <<-EOF || die
+ #!/usr/bin/perl
+ exit 77;
+ # We set DISABLE_HARD_ERRORS because some of the tests hard error-out
+ # because of sandbox. They're skipped above but DISABLE_HARD_ERRORS is needed
+ # to downgrade them to FAIL.
+ emake -k check \
+ VERBOSE=yes \
+ XFAIL_TESTS="${xfail_tests[*]}"
+src_install() {
+ default
+ insinto /etc
+ newins src/dircolors.hin DIR_COLORS
+ if use split-usr ; then
+ cd "${ED}"/usr/bin || die
+ dodir /bin
+ # Move critical binaries into /bin (required by FHS)
+ local fhs="cat chgrp chmod chown cp date dd df echo false ln ls
+ mkdir mknod mv pwd rm rmdir stty sync true uname"
+ mv ${fhs} ../../bin/ || die "Could not move FHS bins!"
+ if use hostname ; then
+ mv hostname ../../bin/ || die
+ fi
+ if use kill ; then
+ mv kill ../../bin/ || die
+ fi
+ # Move critical binaries into /bin (common scripts)
+ # (Why are these required for booting?)
+ local com="basename chroot cut dir dirname du env expr head mkfifo
+ mktemp readlink seq sleep sort tail touch tr tty vdir wc yes"
+ mv ${com} ../../bin/ || die "Could not move common bins!"
+ # Create a symlink for uname in /usr/bin/ since autotools require it.
+ # (Other than uname, we need to figure out why we are
+ # creating symlinks for these in /usr/bin instead of leaving
+ # the files there in the first place...)
+ local x
+ for x in ${com} uname ; do
+ dosym ../../bin/${x} /usr/bin/${x}
+ done
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ ewarn "Make sure you run 'hash -r' in your active shells."
+ ewarn "You should also re-source your shell settings for LS_COLORS"
+ ewarn " changes, such as: source /etc/profile"
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.4.ebuild b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.4.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7f7d258299b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.4.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# Try to keep an eye on Fedora's packaging:
+# The upstream coreutils maintainers also maintain the package in Fedora and may
+# backport fixes which we want to pick up.
+# Also recommend subscribing to the coreutils and bug-coreutils MLs.
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..11} )
+inherit flag-o-matic python-any-r1 toolchain-funcs verify-sig
+DESCRIPTION="Standard GNU utilities (chmod, cp, dd, ls, sort, tr, head, wc, who,...)"
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] ; then
+ inherit git-r3
+elif [[ ${PV} == *_p* ]] ; then
+ # Note: could put this in devspace, but if it's gone, we don't want
+ # it in tree anyway. It's just for testing.
+ MY_SNAPSHOT="$(ver_cut 1-2).156-b3afb"
+ SRC_URI="${MY_SNAPSHOT}.tar.xz -> ${P}.tar.xz"
+ SRC_URI+=" verify-sig? (${MY_SNAPSHOT}.tar.xz.sig -> ${P}.tar.xz.sig )"
+ mirror://gnu/${PN}/${P}.tar.xz
+ verify-sig? ( mirror://gnu/${PN}/${P}.tar.xz.sig )
+ "
+ KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 hppa ~ia64 ~loong ~m68k ~mips ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 sparc x86 ~x86-linux"
+SRC_URI+=" !vanilla? (${CATEGORY}/${PN}/${MY_PATCH}.tar.xz )"
+IUSE="acl caps gmp hostname kill multicall nls +openssl selinux +split-usr static test vanilla xattr"
+RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
+ acl? ( sys-apps/acl[static-libs] )
+ caps? ( sys-libs/libcap )
+ gmp? ( dev-libs/gmp:=[static-libs] )
+ openssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:=[static-libs] )
+ xattr? ( sys-apps/attr[static-libs] )
+ !static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND//\[static-libs]} )
+ selinux? ( sys-libs/libselinux )
+ nls? ( virtual/libintl )
+ static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND} )
+ app-arch/xz-utils
+ dev-lang/perl
+ test? (
+ dev-debug/strace
+ dev-lang/perl
+ dev-perl/Expect
+ )
+ verify-sig? ( sec-keys/openpgp-keys-coreutils )
+ hostname? ( !sys-apps/net-tools[hostname] )
+ kill? (
+ !sys-apps/util-linux[kill]
+ !sys-process/procps[kill]
+ )
+ !<sys-apps/util-linux-2.13
+ !<sys-apps/sandbox-2.10-r4
+ !sys-apps/stat
+ !net-mail/base64
+ !sys-apps/mktemp
+ !<app-forensics/tct-1.18-r1
+ !<net-fs/netatalk-2.0.3-r4
+ # gnulib FPs (bug #898370)
+ unreachable MIN alignof static_assert
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use test ; then
+ python-any-r1_pkg_setup
+ fi
+src_unpack() {
+ if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] ; then
+ git-r3_src_unpack
+ cd "${S}" || die
+ ./bootstrap || die
+ sed -i -e "s:submodule-checks ?= no-submodule-changes public-submodule-commit:submodule-checks ?= no-submodule-changes:" gnulib/top/ || die
+ elif use verify-sig ; then
+ # Needed for downloaded patch (which is unsigned, which is fine)
+ verify-sig_verify_detached "${DISTDIR}"/${P}.tar.xz{,.sig}
+ fi
+ default
+src_prepare() {
+ # TODO: past 2025, we may need to add our own hack for bug #907474.
+ local PATCHES=(
+ # Upstream patches
+ "${FILESDIR}"/${P}-gnulib-openssl-1.1.patch
+ )
+ if ! use vanilla && [[ -d "${WORKDIR}"/${MY_PATCH} ]] ; then
+ fi
+ default
+ # Since we've patched many .c files, the make process will try to
+ # re-build the manpages by running `./bin --help`. When doing a
+ # cross-compile, we can't do that since 'bin' isn't a native bin.
+ #
+ # Also, it's not like we changed the usage on any of these things,
+ # so let's just update the timestamps and skip the help2man step.
+ set -- man/*.x
+ touch ${@/%x/1} || die
+ # Avoid perl dep for compiled in dircolors default (bug #348642)
+ if ! has_version dev-lang/perl ; then
+ touch src/dircolors.h || die
+ touch ${@/%x/1} || die
+ fi
+src_configure() {
+ # TODO: in future (>9.4?), we may want to wire up USE=systemd:
+ # still experimental at the moment, but:
+ #
+ local myconf=(
+ --with-packager="Gentoo"
+ --with-packager-version="${PVR} (p${PATCH_VER:-0})"
+ --with-packager-bug-reports=""
+ # kill/uptime - procps
+ # groups/su - shadow
+ # hostname - net-tools
+ --enable-install-program="arch,$(usev hostname),$(usev kill)"
+ --enable-no-install-program="groups,$(usev !hostname),$(usev !kill),su,uptime"
+ $(usev !caps --disable-libcap)
+ $(use_enable nls)
+ $(use_enable acl)
+ $(use_enable multicall single-binary)
+ $(use_enable xattr)
+ $(use_with gmp libgmp)
+ $(use_with openssl)
+ )
+ if use gmp ; then
+ myconf+=( --with-libgmp-prefix="${ESYSROOT}"/usr )
+ fi
+ if tc-is-cross-compiler && [[ ${CHOST} == *linux* ]] ; then
+ # bug #311569
+ export fu_cv_sys_stat_statfs2_bsize=yes
+ # bug #416629
+ export gl_cv_func_realpath_works=yes
+ fi
+ # bug #409919
+ export gl_cv_func_mknod_works=yes
+ if use static ; then
+ append-ldflags -static
+ # bug #321821
+ sed -i '/elf_sys=yes/s:yes:no:' configure || die
+ fi
+ if ! use selinux ; then
+ # bug #301782
+ export ac_cv_{header_selinux_{context,flash,selinux}_h,search_setfilecon}=no
+ fi
+ econf "${myconf[@]}"
+src_test() {
+ # Non-root tests will fail if the full path isn't
+ # accessible to non-root users
+ chmod -R go-w "${WORKDIR}" || die
+ chmod a+rx "${WORKDIR}" || die
+ # coreutils tests like to do `mount` and such with temp dirs,
+ # so make sure:
+ # - /etc/mtab is writable (bug #265725)
+ # - /dev/loop* can be mounted (bug #269758)
+ mkdir -p "${T}"/mount-wrappers || die
+ mkwrap() {
+ local w ww
+ for w in "${@}" ; do
+ ww="${T}/mount-wrappers/${w}"
+ cat <<-EOF > "${ww}"
+ #!${EPREFIX}/bin/sh
+ exec env SANDBOX_WRITE="\${SANDBOX_WRITE}:/etc/mtab:/dev/loop" $(type -P ${w}) "\$@"
+ chmod a+rx "${ww}" || die
+ done
+ }
+ mkwrap mount umount
+ addwrite /dev/full
+ #local -x RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS="yes"
+ #local -x COREUTILS_GROUPS="portage wheel"
+ local -x PATH="${T}/mount-wrappers:${PATH}"
+ local -x gl_public_submodule_commit=
+ local xfail_tests=(
+ # bug #629660
+ #tests/dd/
+ # bug #675802
+ tests/env/env-S
+ tests/env/
+ # bug #413621 and bug #548250
+ tests/du/
+ tests/ls/removed-directory
+ tests/ls/
+ tests/ls/stat-free-symlinks
+ tests/ls/
+ tests/rm/deep-2
+ tests/rm/
+ # We have a patch which fixes this (bug #259876)
+ #tests/touch/not-owner
+ #tests/touch/
+ )
+ # This test is flaky (bug #910640).
+ cat > tests/tty/ <<-EOF || die
+ #!/usr/bin/perl
+ exit 77;
+ # We set DISABLE_HARD_ERRORS because some of the tests hard error-out
+ # because of sandbox. They're skipped above but DISABLE_HARD_ERRORS is needed
+ # to downgrade them to FAIL.
+ emake -k check \
+ VERBOSE=yes \
+ XFAIL_TESTS="${xfail_tests[*]}"
+src_install() {
+ default
+ insinto /etc
+ newins src/dircolors.hin DIR_COLORS
+ if use split-usr ; then
+ cd "${ED}"/usr/bin || die
+ dodir /bin
+ # Move critical binaries into /bin (required by FHS)
+ local fhs="cat chgrp chmod chown cp date dd df echo false ln ls
+ mkdir mknod mv pwd rm rmdir stty sync true uname"
+ mv ${fhs} ../../bin/ || die "Could not move FHS bins!"
+ if use hostname ; then
+ mv hostname ../../bin/ || die
+ fi
+ if use kill ; then
+ mv kill ../../bin/ || die
+ fi
+ # Move critical binaries into /bin (common scripts)
+ # (Why are these required for booting?)
+ local com="basename chroot cut dir dirname du env expr head mkfifo
+ mktemp readlink seq sleep sort tail touch tr tty vdir wc yes"
+ mv ${com} ../../bin/ || die "Could not move common bins!"
+ # Create a symlink for uname in /usr/bin/ since autotools require it.
+ # (Other than uname, we need to figure out why we are
+ # creating symlinks for these in /usr/bin instead of leaving
+ # the files there in the first place...)
+ local x
+ for x in ${com} uname ; do
+ dosym ../../bin/${x} /usr/bin/${x}
+ done
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ ewarn "Make sure you run 'hash -r' in your active shells."
+ ewarn "You should also re-source your shell settings for LS_COLORS"
+ ewarn " changes, such as: source /etc/profile"
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.5.ebuild b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.5.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..187e8ba621a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9.5.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# Try to keep an eye on Fedora's packaging:
+# The upstream coreutils maintainers also maintain the package in Fedora and may
+# backport fixes which we want to pick up.
+# Also recommend subscribing to the coreutils and bug-coreutils MLs.
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..12} )
+inherit flag-o-matic python-any-r1 toolchain-funcs verify-sig
+DESCRIPTION="Standard GNU utilities (chmod, cp, dd, ls, sort, tr, head, wc, who,...)"
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] ; then
+ inherit git-r3
+elif [[ ${PV} == *_p* ]] ; then
+ # Note: could put this in devspace, but if it's gone, we don't want
+ # it in tree anyway. It's just for testing.
+ MY_SNAPSHOT="$(ver_cut 1-2).185-541b02"
+ SRC_URI="${MY_SNAPSHOT}.tar.xz -> ${P}.tar.xz"
+ SRC_URI+=" verify-sig? (${MY_SNAPSHOT}.tar.xz.sig -> ${P}.tar.xz.sig )"
+ mirror://gnu/${PN}/${P}.tar.xz
+ verify-sig? ( mirror://gnu/${PN}/${P}.tar.xz.sig )
+ "
+ KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~loong ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-linux"
+SRC_URI+=" !vanilla? (${CATEGORY}/${PN}/${MY_PATCH}.tar.xz )"
+IUSE="acl caps gmp hostname kill multicall nls +openssl selinux +split-usr static test vanilla xattr"
+RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
+ acl? ( sys-apps/acl[static-libs] )
+ caps? ( sys-libs/libcap )
+ gmp? ( dev-libs/gmp:=[static-libs] )
+ openssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:=[static-libs] )
+ xattr? ( sys-apps/attr[static-libs] )
+ !static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND//\[static-libs]} )
+ selinux? ( sys-libs/libselinux )
+ nls? ( virtual/libintl )
+ static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND} )
+ app-arch/xz-utils
+ dev-lang/perl
+ test? (
+ dev-debug/strace
+ dev-lang/perl
+ dev-perl/Expect
+ )
+ verify-sig? ( sec-keys/openpgp-keys-coreutils )
+ hostname? ( !sys-apps/net-tools[hostname] )
+ kill? (
+ !sys-apps/util-linux[kill]
+ !sys-process/procps[kill]
+ )
+ !<sys-apps/util-linux-2.13
+ !<sys-apps/sandbox-2.10-r4
+ !sys-apps/stat
+ !net-mail/base64
+ !sys-apps/mktemp
+ !<app-forensics/tct-1.18-r1
+ !<net-fs/netatalk-2.0.3-r4
+ # gnulib FPs (bug #898370)
+ unreachable MIN alignof static_assert
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use test ; then
+ python-any-r1_pkg_setup
+ fi
+src_unpack() {
+ if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] ; then
+ git-r3_src_unpack
+ cd "${S}" || die
+ ./bootstrap || die
+ sed -i -e "s:submodule-checks ?= no-submodule-changes public-submodule-commit:submodule-checks ?= no-submodule-changes:" gnulib/top/ || die
+ elif use verify-sig ; then
+ # Needed for downloaded patch (which is unsigned, which is fine)
+ verify-sig_verify_detached "${DISTDIR}"/${P}.tar.xz{,.sig}
+ fi
+ default
+src_prepare() {
+ # TODO: past 2025, we may need to add our own hack for bug #907474.
+ local PATCHES=(
+ # Upstream patches
+ )
+ if ! use vanilla && [[ -d "${WORKDIR}"/${MY_PATCH} ]] ; then
+ fi
+ default
+ # Since we've patched many .c files, the make process will try to
+ # re-build the manpages by running `./bin --help`. When doing a
+ # cross-compile, we can't do that since 'bin' isn't a native bin.
+ #
+ # Also, it's not like we changed the usage on any of these things,
+ # so let's just update the timestamps and skip the help2man step.
+ set -- man/*.x
+ touch ${@/%x/1} || die
+ # Avoid perl dep for compiled in dircolors default (bug #348642)
+ if ! has_version dev-lang/perl ; then
+ touch src/dircolors.h || die
+ touch ${@/%x/1} || die
+ fi
+src_configure() {
+ # TODO: in future (>9.4?), we may want to wire up USE=systemd:
+ # still experimental at the moment, but:
+ #
+ local myconf=(
+ --with-packager="Gentoo"
+ --with-packager-version="${PVR} (p${PATCH_VER:-0})"
+ --with-packager-bug-reports=""
+ # kill/uptime - procps
+ # groups/su - shadow
+ # hostname - net-tools
+ --enable-install-program="arch,$(usev hostname),$(usev kill)"
+ --enable-no-install-program="groups,$(usev !hostname),$(usev !kill),su,uptime"
+ $(usev !caps --disable-libcap)
+ $(use_enable nls)
+ $(use_enable acl)
+ $(use_enable multicall single-binary)
+ $(use_enable xattr)
+ $(use_with gmp libgmp)
+ $(use_with openssl)
+ )
+ if use gmp ; then
+ myconf+=( --with-libgmp-prefix="${ESYSROOT}"/usr )
+ fi
+ if tc-is-cross-compiler && [[ ${CHOST} == *linux* ]] ; then
+ # bug #311569
+ export fu_cv_sys_stat_statfs2_bsize=yes
+ # bug #416629
+ export gl_cv_func_realpath_works=yes
+ fi
+ # bug #409919
+ export gl_cv_func_mknod_works=yes
+ if use static ; then
+ append-ldflags -static
+ # bug #321821
+ sed -i '/elf_sys=yes/s:yes:no:' configure || die
+ fi
+ if ! use selinux ; then
+ # bug #301782
+ export ac_cv_{header_selinux_{context,flash,selinux}_h,search_setfilecon}=no
+ fi
+ econf "${myconf[@]}"
+src_test() {
+ # Non-root tests will fail if the full path isn't
+ # accessible to non-root users
+ chmod -R go-w "${WORKDIR}" || die
+ chmod a+rx "${WORKDIR}" || die
+ # coreutils tests like to do `mount` and such with temp dirs,
+ # so make sure:
+ # - /etc/mtab is writable (bug #265725)
+ # - /dev/loop* can be mounted (bug #269758)
+ mkdir -p "${T}"/mount-wrappers || die
+ mkwrap() {
+ local w ww
+ for w in "${@}" ; do
+ ww="${T}/mount-wrappers/${w}"
+ cat <<-EOF > "${ww}"
+ #!${EPREFIX}/bin/sh
+ exec env SANDBOX_WRITE="\${SANDBOX_WRITE}:/etc/mtab:/dev/loop" $(type -P ${w}) "\$@"
+ chmod a+rx "${ww}" || die
+ done
+ }
+ mkwrap mount umount
+ addwrite /dev/full
+ #local -x RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS="yes"
+ #local -x COREUTILS_GROUPS="portage wheel"
+ local -x PATH="${T}/mount-wrappers:${PATH}"
+ local -x gl_public_submodule_commit=
+ local xfail_tests=(
+ # bug #629660
+ #tests/dd/
+ # bug #675802
+ tests/env/env-S
+ tests/env/
+ # bug #413621 and bug #548250
+ tests/du/
+ tests/ls/removed-directory
+ tests/ls/
+ tests/ls/stat-free-symlinks
+ tests/ls/
+ tests/rm/deep-2
+ tests/rm/
+ # We have a patch which fixes this (bug #259876)
+ #tests/touch/not-owner
+ #tests/touch/
+ )
+ # This test is flaky (bug #910640).
+ cat > tests/tty/ <<-EOF || die
+ #!/usr/bin/perl
+ exit 77;
+ # We set DISABLE_HARD_ERRORS because some of the tests hard error-out
+ # because of sandbox. They're skipped above but DISABLE_HARD_ERRORS is needed
+ # to downgrade them to FAIL.
+ emake -k check \
+ VERBOSE=yes \
+ XFAIL_TESTS="${xfail_tests[*]}"
+src_install() {
+ default
+ insinto /etc
+ newins src/dircolors.hin DIR_COLORS
+ if use split-usr ; then
+ cd "${ED}"/usr/bin || die
+ dodir /bin
+ # Move critical binaries into /bin (required by FHS)
+ local fhs="cat chgrp chmod chown cp date dd df echo false ln ls
+ mkdir mknod mv pwd rm rmdir stty sync true uname"
+ mv ${fhs} ../../bin/ || die "Could not move FHS bins!"
+ if use hostname ; then
+ mv hostname ../../bin/ || die
+ fi
+ if use kill ; then
+ mv kill ../../bin/ || die
+ fi
+ # Move critical binaries into /bin (common scripts)
+ # (Why are these required for booting?)
+ local com="basename chroot cut dir dirname du env expr head mkfifo
+ mktemp readlink seq sleep sort tail touch tr tty vdir wc yes"
+ mv ${com} ../../bin/ || die "Could not move common bins!"
+ # Create a symlink for uname in /usr/bin/ since autotools require it.
+ # (Other than uname, we need to figure out why we are
+ # creating symlinks for these in /usr/bin instead of leaving
+ # the files there in the first place...)
+ local x
+ for x in ${com} uname ; do
+ dosym ../../bin/${x} /usr/bin/${x}
+ done
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ ewarn "Make sure you run 'hash -r' in your active shells."
+ ewarn "You should also re-source your shell settings for LS_COLORS"
+ ewarn " changes, such as: source /etc/profile"
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9999.ebuild b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9999.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..187e8ba621a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/coreutils-9999.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+# Copyright 1999-2024 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# Try to keep an eye on Fedora's packaging:
+# The upstream coreutils maintainers also maintain the package in Fedora and may
+# backport fixes which we want to pick up.
+# Also recommend subscribing to the coreutils and bug-coreutils MLs.
+PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{10..12} )
+inherit flag-o-matic python-any-r1 toolchain-funcs verify-sig
+DESCRIPTION="Standard GNU utilities (chmod, cp, dd, ls, sort, tr, head, wc, who,...)"
+if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] ; then
+ inherit git-r3
+elif [[ ${PV} == *_p* ]] ; then
+ # Note: could put this in devspace, but if it's gone, we don't want
+ # it in tree anyway. It's just for testing.
+ MY_SNAPSHOT="$(ver_cut 1-2).185-541b02"
+ SRC_URI="${MY_SNAPSHOT}.tar.xz -> ${P}.tar.xz"
+ SRC_URI+=" verify-sig? (${MY_SNAPSHOT}.tar.xz.sig -> ${P}.tar.xz.sig )"
+ mirror://gnu/${PN}/${P}.tar.xz
+ verify-sig? ( mirror://gnu/${PN}/${P}.tar.xz.sig )
+ "
+ KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~loong ~m68k ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~x86-linux"
+SRC_URI+=" !vanilla? (${CATEGORY}/${PN}/${MY_PATCH}.tar.xz )"
+IUSE="acl caps gmp hostname kill multicall nls +openssl selinux +split-usr static test vanilla xattr"
+RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
+ acl? ( sys-apps/acl[static-libs] )
+ caps? ( sys-libs/libcap )
+ gmp? ( dev-libs/gmp:=[static-libs] )
+ openssl? ( dev-libs/openssl:=[static-libs] )
+ xattr? ( sys-apps/attr[static-libs] )
+ !static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND//\[static-libs]} )
+ selinux? ( sys-libs/libselinux )
+ nls? ( virtual/libintl )
+ static? ( ${LIB_DEPEND} )
+ app-arch/xz-utils
+ dev-lang/perl
+ test? (
+ dev-debug/strace
+ dev-lang/perl
+ dev-perl/Expect
+ )
+ verify-sig? ( sec-keys/openpgp-keys-coreutils )
+ hostname? ( !sys-apps/net-tools[hostname] )
+ kill? (
+ !sys-apps/util-linux[kill]
+ !sys-process/procps[kill]
+ )
+ !<sys-apps/util-linux-2.13
+ !<sys-apps/sandbox-2.10-r4
+ !sys-apps/stat
+ !net-mail/base64
+ !sys-apps/mktemp
+ !<app-forensics/tct-1.18-r1
+ !<net-fs/netatalk-2.0.3-r4
+ # gnulib FPs (bug #898370)
+ unreachable MIN alignof static_assert
+pkg_setup() {
+ if use test ; then
+ python-any-r1_pkg_setup
+ fi
+src_unpack() {
+ if [[ ${PV} == 9999 ]] ; then
+ git-r3_src_unpack
+ cd "${S}" || die
+ ./bootstrap || die
+ sed -i -e "s:submodule-checks ?= no-submodule-changes public-submodule-commit:submodule-checks ?= no-submodule-changes:" gnulib/top/ || die
+ elif use verify-sig ; then
+ # Needed for downloaded patch (which is unsigned, which is fine)
+ verify-sig_verify_detached "${DISTDIR}"/${P}.tar.xz{,.sig}
+ fi
+ default
+src_prepare() {
+ # TODO: past 2025, we may need to add our own hack for bug #907474.
+ local PATCHES=(
+ # Upstream patches
+ )
+ if ! use vanilla && [[ -d "${WORKDIR}"/${MY_PATCH} ]] ; then
+ fi
+ default
+ # Since we've patched many .c files, the make process will try to
+ # re-build the manpages by running `./bin --help`. When doing a
+ # cross-compile, we can't do that since 'bin' isn't a native bin.
+ #
+ # Also, it's not like we changed the usage on any of these things,
+ # so let's just update the timestamps and skip the help2man step.
+ set -- man/*.x
+ touch ${@/%x/1} || die
+ # Avoid perl dep for compiled in dircolors default (bug #348642)
+ if ! has_version dev-lang/perl ; then
+ touch src/dircolors.h || die
+ touch ${@/%x/1} || die
+ fi
+src_configure() {
+ # TODO: in future (>9.4?), we may want to wire up USE=systemd:
+ # still experimental at the moment, but:
+ #
+ local myconf=(
+ --with-packager="Gentoo"
+ --with-packager-version="${PVR} (p${PATCH_VER:-0})"
+ --with-packager-bug-reports=""
+ # kill/uptime - procps
+ # groups/su - shadow
+ # hostname - net-tools
+ --enable-install-program="arch,$(usev hostname),$(usev kill)"
+ --enable-no-install-program="groups,$(usev !hostname),$(usev !kill),su,uptime"
+ $(usev !caps --disable-libcap)
+ $(use_enable nls)
+ $(use_enable acl)
+ $(use_enable multicall single-binary)
+ $(use_enable xattr)
+ $(use_with gmp libgmp)
+ $(use_with openssl)
+ )
+ if use gmp ; then
+ myconf+=( --with-libgmp-prefix="${ESYSROOT}"/usr )
+ fi
+ if tc-is-cross-compiler && [[ ${CHOST} == *linux* ]] ; then
+ # bug #311569
+ export fu_cv_sys_stat_statfs2_bsize=yes
+ # bug #416629
+ export gl_cv_func_realpath_works=yes
+ fi
+ # bug #409919
+ export gl_cv_func_mknod_works=yes
+ if use static ; then
+ append-ldflags -static
+ # bug #321821
+ sed -i '/elf_sys=yes/s:yes:no:' configure || die
+ fi
+ if ! use selinux ; then
+ # bug #301782
+ export ac_cv_{header_selinux_{context,flash,selinux}_h,search_setfilecon}=no
+ fi
+ econf "${myconf[@]}"
+src_test() {
+ # Non-root tests will fail if the full path isn't
+ # accessible to non-root users
+ chmod -R go-w "${WORKDIR}" || die
+ chmod a+rx "${WORKDIR}" || die
+ # coreutils tests like to do `mount` and such with temp dirs,
+ # so make sure:
+ # - /etc/mtab is writable (bug #265725)
+ # - /dev/loop* can be mounted (bug #269758)
+ mkdir -p "${T}"/mount-wrappers || die
+ mkwrap() {
+ local w ww
+ for w in "${@}" ; do
+ ww="${T}/mount-wrappers/${w}"
+ cat <<-EOF > "${ww}"
+ #!${EPREFIX}/bin/sh
+ exec env SANDBOX_WRITE="\${SANDBOX_WRITE}:/etc/mtab:/dev/loop" $(type -P ${w}) "\$@"
+ chmod a+rx "${ww}" || die
+ done
+ }
+ mkwrap mount umount
+ addwrite /dev/full
+ #local -x RUN_EXPENSIVE_TESTS="yes"
+ #local -x COREUTILS_GROUPS="portage wheel"
+ local -x PATH="${T}/mount-wrappers:${PATH}"
+ local -x gl_public_submodule_commit=
+ local xfail_tests=(
+ # bug #629660
+ #tests/dd/
+ # bug #675802
+ tests/env/env-S
+ tests/env/
+ # bug #413621 and bug #548250
+ tests/du/
+ tests/ls/removed-directory
+ tests/ls/
+ tests/ls/stat-free-symlinks
+ tests/ls/
+ tests/rm/deep-2
+ tests/rm/
+ # We have a patch which fixes this (bug #259876)
+ #tests/touch/not-owner
+ #tests/touch/
+ )
+ # This test is flaky (bug #910640).
+ cat > tests/tty/ <<-EOF || die
+ #!/usr/bin/perl
+ exit 77;
+ # We set DISABLE_HARD_ERRORS because some of the tests hard error-out
+ # because of sandbox. They're skipped above but DISABLE_HARD_ERRORS is needed
+ # to downgrade them to FAIL.
+ emake -k check \
+ VERBOSE=yes \
+ XFAIL_TESTS="${xfail_tests[*]}"
+src_install() {
+ default
+ insinto /etc
+ newins src/dircolors.hin DIR_COLORS
+ if use split-usr ; then
+ cd "${ED}"/usr/bin || die
+ dodir /bin
+ # Move critical binaries into /bin (required by FHS)
+ local fhs="cat chgrp chmod chown cp date dd df echo false ln ls
+ mkdir mknod mv pwd rm rmdir stty sync true uname"
+ mv ${fhs} ../../bin/ || die "Could not move FHS bins!"
+ if use hostname ; then
+ mv hostname ../../bin/ || die
+ fi
+ if use kill ; then
+ mv kill ../../bin/ || die
+ fi
+ # Move critical binaries into /bin (common scripts)
+ # (Why are these required for booting?)
+ local com="basename chroot cut dir dirname du env expr head mkfifo
+ mktemp readlink seq sleep sort tail touch tr tty vdir wc yes"
+ mv ${com} ../../bin/ || die "Could not move common bins!"
+ # Create a symlink for uname in /usr/bin/ since autotools require it.
+ # (Other than uname, we need to figure out why we are
+ # creating symlinks for these in /usr/bin instead of leaving
+ # the files there in the first place...)
+ local x
+ for x in ${com} uname ; do
+ dosym ../../bin/${x} /usr/bin/${x}
+ done
+ fi
+pkg_postinst() {
+ ewarn "Make sure you run 'hash -r' in your active shells."
+ ewarn "You should also re-source your shell settings for LS_COLORS"
+ ewarn " changes, such as: source /etc/profile"
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.32-ls-restore-8.31-behavior.patch b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.32-ls-restore-8.31-behavior.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..62a35cd85ad1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.32-ls-restore-8.31-behavior.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+From 10fcb97bd728f09d4a027eddf8ad2900f0819b0a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Paul Eggert <>
+Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2020 17:25:29 -0800
+Subject: ls: restore 8.31 behavior on removed directories
+* src/ls.c: Do not include <sys/sycall.h>
+(print_dir): Don't worry about whether the directory is removed.
+* tests/ls/ Adjust to match new (i.e., old)
+diff --git a/src/ls.c b/src/ls.c
+index 24b983287..4acf5f44d 100644
+--- a/src/ls.c
++++ b/src/ls.c
+@@ -49,10 +49,6 @@
+ # include <sys/ptem.h>
+ #endif
+-#ifdef __linux__
+-# include <sys/syscall.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <assert.h>
+ #include <setjmp.h>
+@@ -2896,7 +2892,6 @@ print_dir (char const *name, char const *realname, bool command_line_arg)
+ struct dirent *next;
+ uintmax_t total_blocks = 0;
+ static bool first = true;
+- bool found_any_entries = false;
+ errno = 0;
+ dirp = opendir (name);
+@@ -2972,7 +2967,6 @@ print_dir (char const *name, char const *realname, bool command_line_arg)
+ next = readdir (dirp);
+ if (next)
+ {
+- found_any_entries = true;
+ if (! file_ignored (next->d_name))
+ {
+ enum filetype type = unknown;
+@@ -3018,22 +3012,6 @@ print_dir (char const *name, char const *realname, bool command_line_arg)
+ if (errno != EOVERFLOW)
+ break;
+ }
+-#ifdef __linux__
+- else if (! found_any_entries)
+- {
+- /* If readdir finds no directory entries at all, not even "." or
+- "..", then double check that the directory exists. */
+- if (syscall (SYS_getdents, dirfd (dirp), NULL, 0) == -1
+- && errno != EINVAL)
+- {
+- /* We exclude EINVAL as that pertains to buffer handling,
+- and we've passed NULL as the buffer for simplicity.
+- ENOENT is returned if appropriate before buffer handling. */
+- file_failure (command_line_arg, _("reading directory %s"), name);
+- }
+- break;
+- }
+ else
+ break;
+diff --git a/tests/ls/ b/tests/ls/
+index e8c835dab..fe8f929a1 100755
+--- a/tests/ls/
++++ b/tests/ls/
+@@ -26,20 +26,14 @@ case $host_triplet in
+ *) skip_ 'non linux kernel' ;;
+ esac
+-cat <<\EOF >exp-err || framework_failure_
+-ls: reading directory '.': No such file or directory
+ cwd=$(pwd)
+ mkdir d || framework_failure_
+ cd d || framework_failure_
+ rmdir ../d || framework_failure_
+-returns_ $LS_FAILURE ls >../out 2>../err || fail=1
++ls >../out 2>../err || fail=1
+ cd "$cwd" || framework_failure_
+ compare /dev/null out || fail=1
+-compare exp-err err || fail=1
++compare /dev/null err || fail=1
+ Exit $fail
+cgit v1.2.1
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.32-sandbox-env-test.patch b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.32-sandbox-env-test.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..40b1554d948a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-8.32-sandbox-env-test.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+Skip tests known to fail when running under Gentoo sandbox.
+--- a/tests/du/
++++ b/tests/du/
+@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@
+ # unnecessarily to using FTS_NOCHDIR mode in this corner case.
+ . "${srcdir=.}/tests/"; path_prepend_ ./src
++# Avoid #413621 until #548250 is resolved
++test -n "$SANDBOX_ACTIVE" && skip_ "Gentoo: Test known bad under sandbox (#413621)"
+ print_ver_ du
+ require_perl_
+--- a/tests/ls/
++++ b/tests/ls/
+@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
+ # along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ . "${srcdir=.}/tests/"; path_prepend_ ./src
++# Avoid #413621 until #548250 is resolved
++test -n "$SANDBOX_ACTIVE" && skip_ "Gentoo: Test known bad under sandbox (#413621)"
+ print_ver_ ls
+ case $host_triplet in
+--- a/tests/ls/
++++ b/tests/ls/
+@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
+ # along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ . "${srcdir=.}/tests/"; path_prepend_ ./src
++# Avoid #413621 until #548250 is resolved
++test -n "$SANDBOX_ACTIVE" && skip_ "Gentoo: Test known bad under sandbox (#413621)"
+ print_ver_ ls
+ require_strace_ stat
+--- a/tests/misc/
++++ b/tests/misc/
+@@ -30,6 +30,11 @@ $env = $1;
+ # Turn off localization of executable's output.
+ @ENV{qw(LANGUAGE LANG LC_ALL)} = ('C') x 3;
++# Skip if sandbox is enabled
++ CuSkip::skip "Gentoo: Test known bad under sandbox (#675802)\n";
+ my @Tests =
+ (
+ # Test combination of -S and regular arguments
+--- a/tests/rm/
++++ b/tests/rm/
+@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
+ # along with this program. If not, see <>.
+ . "${srcdir=.}/tests/"; path_prepend_ ./src
++# Avoid #413621 until #548250 is resolved
++test -n "$SANDBOX_ACTIVE" && skip_ "Gentoo: Test known bad under sandbox (#413621)"
+ print_ver_ rm
+ require_perl_
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-9.4-CVE-2024-0684.patch b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-9.4-CVE-2024-0684.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..293919a006fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-9.4-CVE-2024-0684.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+From c4c5ed8f4e9cd55a12966d4f520e3a13101637d9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Paul Eggert <>
+Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2024 13:48:32 -0800
+Subject: split: do not shrink hold buffer
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+* src/split.c (line_bytes_split): Do not shrink hold buffer.
+If it’s large for this batch it’s likely to be large for the next
+batch, and for ‘split’ it’s not worth the complexity/CPU hassle to
+shrink it. Do not assume hold_size can be bufsize.
+--- a/src/split.c
++++ b/src/split.c
+@@ -809,10 +809,7 @@ line_bytes_split (intmax_t n_bytes, char *buf, idx_t bufsize)
+ {
+ cwrite (n_out == 0, hold, n_hold);
+ n_out += n_hold;
+- if (n_hold > bufsize)
+- hold = xirealloc (hold, bufsize);
+ n_hold = 0;
+- hold_size = bufsize;
+ }
+ /* Output to eol if present. */
+cgit v1.1
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-9.4-gnulib-clang-18-c23-stdckdint.patch b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-9.4-gnulib-clang-18-c23-stdckdint.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..44982a17a78c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-9.4-gnulib-clang-18-c23-stdckdint.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+From 67c298c36f69b6906840b7584be06b7b5f33f829 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Paul Eggert <>
+Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2024 17:21:08 -0800
+Subject: [PATCH] posixtm: pacify clang 18
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Problem reported by Khem Raj in:
+* lib/posixtm.c (posixtime): Pacify clang 18 by converting bool to int.
+Arguably this is a bug in draft C2x, since the non-pointer args to
+ckd_add should promote just like any other expressions do;
+but that’s not clang’s fault.
+--- a/lib/posixtm.c
++++ b/lib/posixtm.c
+@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ posixtime (time_t *p, const char *s, unsigned int syntax_bits)
+ | (tm0.tm_min ^ tm1.tm_min)
+ | (tm0.tm_sec ^ tm1.tm_sec)))
+ {
+- if (ckd_add (&t, t, leapsec))
++ if (ckd_add (&t, t, +leapsec))
+ return false;
+ *p = t;
+ return true;
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-9.4-gnulib-openssl-1.1.patch b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-9.4-gnulib-openssl-1.1.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3576c7d0d1eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/files/coreutils-9.4-gnulib-openssl-1.1.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+From ce20e238f0b4448a098bd7c076c131edbc759764 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Bruno Haible <>
+Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2023 12:55:30 +0200
+Subject: crypto/{sha*,md5,sm3}-buffer: Fix --with-openssl (regr. 2023-08-26).
+Reported by Agostino Sarubbo via Sam James <> in
+* lib/sha1.h: Test the OpenSSL major version before attempting to
+include <openssl/configuration.h>.
+* lib/sha256.h: Likewise.
+* lib/sha512.h: Likewise.
+* lib/md5.h: Likewise.
+* lib/sm3.h: Likewise.
+--- a/lib/md5.h
++++ b/lib/md5.h
+@@ -33,14 +33,18 @@
+ # define OPENSSL_API_COMPAT 0x10101000L /* FIXME: Use OpenSSL 1.1+ API. */
+ # endif
+ /* If <openssl/macros.h> would give a compile-time error, don't use OpenSSL. */
+-# include <openssl/configuration.h>
+- ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 28) & 0xF) * 10000 \
+- + ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 20) & 0xFF) * 100 \
+- + ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 12) & 0xFF)))
+-# undef HAVE_OPENSSL_MD5
+-# else
++# include <openssl/opensslv.h>
++# include <openssl/configuration.h>
++ ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 28) & 0xF) * 10000 \
++ + ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 20) & 0xFF) * 100 \
++ + ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 12) & 0xFF)))
++# undef HAVE_OPENSSL_MD5
++# endif
++# endif
+ # include <openssl/md5.h>
+ # endif
+ # endif
+--- a/lib/sha1.h
++++ b/lib/sha1.h
+@@ -32,14 +32,18 @@
+ # define OPENSSL_API_COMPAT 0x10101000L /* FIXME: Use OpenSSL 1.1+ API. */
+ # endif
+ /* If <openssl/macros.h> would give a compile-time error, don't use OpenSSL. */
+-# include <openssl/configuration.h>
+- ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 28) & 0xF) * 10000 \
+- + ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 20) & 0xFF) * 100 \
+- + ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 12) & 0xFF)))
+-# else
++# include <openssl/opensslv.h>
++# include <openssl/configuration.h>
++ ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 28) & 0xF) * 10000 \
++ + ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 20) & 0xFF) * 100 \
++ + ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 12) & 0xFF)))
++# endif
++# endif
+ # include <openssl/sha.h>
+ # endif
+ # endif
+--- a/lib/sha256.h
++++ b/lib/sha256.h
+@@ -31,14 +31,18 @@
+ # define OPENSSL_API_COMPAT 0x10101000L /* FIXME: Use OpenSSL 1.1+ API. */
+ # endif
+ /* If <openssl/macros.h> would give a compile-time error, don't use OpenSSL. */
+-# include <openssl/configuration.h>
+- ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 28) & 0xF) * 10000 \
+- + ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 20) & 0xFF) * 100 \
+- + ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 12) & 0xFF)))
+-# undef HAVE_OPENSSL_SHA256
+-# else
++# include <openssl/opensslv.h>
++# include <openssl/configuration.h>
++ ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 28) & 0xF) * 10000 \
++ + ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 20) & 0xFF) * 100 \
++ + ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 12) & 0xFF)))
++# undef HAVE_OPENSSL_SHA256
++# endif
++# endif
+ # include <openssl/sha.h>
+ # endif
+ # endif
+--- a/lib/sha512.h
++++ b/lib/sha512.h
+@@ -31,14 +31,18 @@
+ # define OPENSSL_API_COMPAT 0x10101000L /* FIXME: Use OpenSSL 1.1+ API. */
+ # endif
+ /* If <openssl/macros.h> would give a compile-time error, don't use OpenSSL. */
+-# include <openssl/configuration.h>
+- ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 28) & 0xF) * 10000 \
+- + ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 20) & 0xFF) * 100 \
+- + ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 12) & 0xFF)))
+-# undef HAVE_OPENSSL_SHA512
+-# else
++# include <openssl/opensslv.h>
++# include <openssl/configuration.h>
++ ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 28) & 0xF) * 10000 \
++ + ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 20) & 0xFF) * 100 \
++ + ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 12) & 0xFF)))
++# undef HAVE_OPENSSL_SHA512
++# endif
++# endif
+ # include <openssl/sha.h>
+ # endif
+ # endif
+--- a/lib/sm3.h
++++ b/lib/sm3.h
+@@ -40,14 +40,18 @@
+ # define OPENSSL_API_COMPAT 0x10101000L /* FIXME: Use OpenSSL 1.1+ API. */
+ # endif
+ /* If <openssl/macros.h> would give a compile-time error, don't use OpenSSL. */
+-# include <openssl/configuration.h>
+- ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 28) & 0xF) * 10000 \
+- + ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 20) & 0xFF) * 100 \
+- + ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 12) & 0xFF)))
+-# undef HAVE_OPENSSL_SM3
+-# else
++# include <openssl/opensslv.h>
++# include <openssl/configuration.h>
++ ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 28) & 0xF) * 10000 \
++ + ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 20) & 0xFF) * 100 \
++ + ((OPENSSL_API_COMPAT >> 12) & 0xFF)))
++# undef HAVE_OPENSSL_SM3
++# endif
++# endif
+ # include <openssl/sm3.h>
+ # endif
+ # endif
+cgit v1.1
diff --git a/sys-apps/coreutils/metadata.xml b/sys-apps/coreutils/metadata.xml
index 4e46af051b39..1e1f3acef011 100644
--- a/sys-apps/coreutils/metadata.xml
+++ b/sys-apps/coreutils/metadata.xml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
+<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
<maintainer type="project">
@@ -12,9 +12,11 @@
<flag name="hostname">Build the hostname program</flag>
<flag name="kill">Build the kill program</flag>
<flag name="multicall">Build all tools into a single `coreutils` program akin to busybox to save space</flag>
+ <flag name="openssl">Use openssl libcrypto hash routines for hash functions</flag>
<flag name="split-usr">Enable this if /bin and /usr/bin are separate directories</flag>
<remote-id type="cpe">cpe:/a:gnu:coreutils</remote-id>
+ <remote-id type="savannah">coreutils</remote-id>