diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'media-libs/alvr/alvr-16.0.0.ebuild')
1 files changed, 608 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/media-libs/alvr/alvr-16.0.0.ebuild b/media-libs/alvr/alvr-16.0.0.ebuild
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc722748c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/media-libs/alvr/alvr-16.0.0.ebuild
@@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
+# Copyright 2021-2022 Gentoo Authors
+# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
+# You will need games-util/steam-client-meta from the steam-overlay for this to work
+# List generated by 'cargo ebuild --manifest-path [absolute path]/alvr/*/Cargo.toml' and sorted by sort -u *.ebuild
+ ab_glyph-0.2.11
+ ab_glyph_rasterizer-0.1.4
+ addr2line-0.15.1
+ adler-1.0.2
+ ahash-0.3.8
+ ahash-0.4.7
+ ahash-0.7.4
+ aho-corasick-0.7.18
+ alcro-0.5.3
+ alsa-0.5.0
+ alsa-sys-0.3.1
+ andrew-0.3.1
+ android_glue-0.2.3
+ android_logger-0.10.1
+ android_log-sys-0.2.0
+ ansi_term-0.11.0
+ anyhow-1.0.40
+ approx-0.5.0
+ arrayvec-0.5.2
+ ash-0.32.1
+ associative-cache-1.0.1
+ atk-0.9.0
+ atk-sys-0.10.0
+ atomic_refcell-0.1.7
+ atty-0.2.14
+ autocfg-1.0.1
+ backtrace-0.3.59
+ base64-0.13.0
+ base-x-0.2.8
+ bincode-1.3.3
+ bindgen-0.56.0
+ bindgen-0.58.1
+ bindgen-0.59.0
+ bitflags-1.2.1
+ bit-set-0.5.2
+ bitvec-0.19.5
+ bit-vec-0.6.3
+ block-0.1.6
+ block-buffer-0.9.0
+ bumpalo-3.6.1
+ byteorder-1.4.3
+ bytes-1.0.1
+ cairo-rs-0.9.1
+ cairo-sys-rs-0.10.0
+ calloop-0.6.5
+ cc-1.0.67
+ cesu8-1.1.0
+ cexpr-0.4.0
+ cexpr-0.5.0
+ cfg_aliases-0.1.1
+ cfg-if-0.1.10
+ cfg-if-1.0.0
+ cgl-0.3.2
+ chrono-0.4.19
+ chunked_transfer-1.4.0
+ clang-sys-1.2.0
+ clap-2.33.3
+ claxon-0.4.3
+ clipboard-win-3.1.1
+ cocoa-0.24.0
+ cocoa-foundation-0.1.0
+ codespan-reporting-0.11.1
+ combine-4.5.2
+ console_log-0.2.0
+ const_fn-0.4.7
+ copyless-0.1.5
+ copypasta-0.7.1
+ coreaudio-rs-0.10.0
+ coreaudio-sys-0.2.8
+ core-foundation-0.7.0
+ core-foundation-0.9.1
+ core-foundation-sys-0.6.2
+ core-foundation-sys-0.7.0
+ core-foundation-sys-0.8.2
+ core-graphics-0.19.2
+ core-graphics-0.22.2
+ core-graphics-types-0.1.1
+ core-text-19.2.0
+ core-video-sys-0.1.4
+ cpal-0.13.3
+ cpufeatures-0.1.4
+ crossbeam-0.8.0
+ crossbeam-channel-0.5.1
+ crossbeam-deque-0.8.0
+ crossbeam-epoch-0.9.4
+ crossbeam-queue-0.3.1
+ crossbeam-utils-0.8.4
+ d3d12-0.4.0
+ dark-light-0.1.1
+ darling-0.10.2
+ darling_core-0.10.2
+ darling_macro-0.10.2
+ dashmap-4.0.2
+ derivative-2.2.0
+ digest-0.9.0
+ dirs-3.0.2
+ dirs-sys-0.3.6
+ discard-1.0.4
+ dispatch-0.2.0
+ dlib-0.4.2
+ dlib-0.5.0
+ doc-comment-0.3.3
+ downcast-rs-1.2.0
+ drm-fourcc-2.1.1
+ druid-0.7.0
+ druid-derive-0.4.0
+ druid-shell-0.7.0
+ dwrote-0.11.0
+ eframe-0.13.1
+ egui-0.13.1
+ egui_glium-0.13.1
+ egui_web-0.13.0
+ either-1.6.1
+ emath-0.13.0
+ encoding_rs-0.8.28
+ encoding_rs_io-0.1.7
+ env_logger-0.8.3
+ epaint-0.13.0
+ epi-0.13.0
+ errno-0.2.7
+ errno-dragonfly-0.1.1
+ exec-0.3.1
+ external-memory-0.0.1
+ failure-0.1.8
+ fern-0.6.0
+ fixedbitset-0.2.0
+ fluent-0.16.0
+ fluent-bundle-0.12.0
+ fluent-bundle-0.15.1
+ fluent-langneg-0.13.0
+ fluent-syntax-0.11.0
+ fluent-syntax-0.9.3
+ fnv-1.0.7
+ foreign-types-0.3.2
+ foreign-types-shared-0.1.1
+ form_urlencoded-1.0.1
+ fs_extra-1.2.0
+ funty-1.1.0
+ futures-0.3.15
+ futures-channel-0.3.15
+ futures-core-0.3.15
+ futures-executor-0.3.15
+ futures-io-0.3.15
+ futures-macro-0.3.15
+ futures-sink-0.3.15
+ futures-task-0.3.15
+ futures-timer-3.0.2
+ futures-util-0.3.15
+ fxhash-0.2.1
+ gcc-0.3.55
+ gdk-0.13.2
+ gdk-pixbuf-0.9.0
+ gdk-pixbuf-sys-0.10.0
+ gdk-sys-0.10.0
+ generic-array-0.14.4
+ getrandom-0.2.2
+ gfx-auxil-0.10.0
+ gfx-backend-dx11-0.9.0
+ gfx-backend-dx12-0.9.1
+ gfx-backend-empty-0.9.0
+ gfx-backend-gl-0.9.0
+ gfx-backend-metal-0.9.1
+ gfx-backend-vulkan-0.9.0
+ gfx-hal-0.9.0
+ gfx-renderdoc-0.1.0
+ gimli-0.24.0
+ gio-0.9.1
+ gio-sys-0.10.1
+ gl_generator-0.14.0
+ glib-0.10.3
+ glib-macros-0.10.1
+ glib-sys-0.10.1
+ glium-0.30.1
+ glob-0.3.0
+ glow-0.9.0
+ glutin-0.27.0
+ glutin_egl_sys-0.1.5
+ glutin_emscripten_sys-0.1.1
+ glutin_gles2_sys-0.1.5
+ glutin_glx_sys-0.1.7
+ glutin_wgl_sys-0.1.5
+ gobject-sys-0.10.0
+ governor-0.3.2
+ gpu-alloc-0.4.7
+ gpu-alloc-types-0.2.0
+ gpu-descriptor-0.1.1
+ gpu-descriptor-types-0.1.1
+ gtk-0.9.2
+ gtk-sys-0.10.0
+ h2-0.3.3
+ hashbrown-0.8.2
+ hashbrown-0.9.1
+ headers-0.3.4
+ headers-core-0.2.0
+ heck-0.3.2
+ hermit-abi-0.1.18
+ hound-3.4.0
+ http-0.2.4
+ httparse-1.4.1
+ http-body-0.4.2
+ httpdate-1.0.0
+ humantime-2.1.0
+ hyper-0.14.7
+ hyper-tls-0.5.0
+ ident_case-1.0.1
+ idna-0.2.3
+ indexmap-1.6.2
+ Inflector-0.11.4
+ inplace_it-0.3.3
+ instant-0.1.9
+ intl-memoizer-0.5.1
+ intl_pluralrules-7.0.1
+ ipnet-2.3.0
+ itertools-0.9.0
+ itoa-0.4.7
+ jni-0.18.0
+ jni-0.19.0
+ jni-sys-0.3.0
+ jobserver-0.1.22
+ js-sys-0.3.51
+ keyboard-types-0.5.0
+ khronos_api-3.1.0
+ khronos-egl-4.1.0
+ kurbo-0.7.1
+ lazy-bytes-cast-5.0.1
+ lazycell-1.3.0
+ lazy_static-1.4.0
+ lewton-0.10.2
+ libc-0.2.94
+ libloading-0.6.7
+ libloading-0.7.0
+ locale_config-0.3.0
+ lock_api-0.4.4
+ log-0.4.14
+ mach-0.3.2
+ malloc_buf-0.0.6
+ matches-0.1.8
+ matrixmultiply-0.3.1
+ maybe-uninit-2.0.0
+ memchr-2.4.0
+ memmap2-0.1.0
+ memmap2-0.2.3
+ memoffset-0.6.3
+ metal-0.23.0
+ mime-0.3.16
+ minimp3-0.5.1
+ minimp3-sys-0.3.2
+ miniz_oxide-0.4.4
+ mio-0.7.11
+ mio-misc-1.2.1
+ miow-0.3.7
+ msgbox-0.6.0
+ naga-0.5.0
+ nalgebra-0.28.0
+ nalgebra-macros-0.1.0
+ native-tls-0.2.7
+ ndk-0.3.0
+ ndk-glue-0.3.0
+ ndk-macro-0.2.0
+ ndk-sys-0.2.1
+ nix-0.18.0
+ nix-0.19.1
+ nix-0.20.0
+ nom-5.1.2
+ nom-6.1.2
+ nonzero_ext-0.2.0
+ no-std-compat-0.4.1
+ ntapi-0.3.6
+ num-complex-0.4.0
+ num_cpus-1.13.0
+ num-derive-0.3.3
+ num_enum-0.5.1
+ num_enum_derive-0.5.1
+ num-integer-0.1.44
+ num-rational-0.4.0
+ num-traits-0.2.14
+ objc-0.2.7
+ objc_exception-0.1.2
+ objc-foundation-0.1.1
+ objc_id-0.1.1
+ object-0.24.0
+ oboe-0.4.1
+ oboe-sys-0.4.0
+ ogg-0.8.0
+ once_cell-1.7.2
+ opaque-debug-0.3.0
+ openssl-0.10.34
+ openssl-probe-0.1.4
+ openssl-sys-0.9.63
+ ordered-float-2.7.0
+ osmesa-sys-0.1.2
+ os_str_bytes-3.1.0
+ ouroboros-0.9.5
+ ouroboros_macro-0.9.5
+ owned_ttf_parser-0.12.1
+ owned_ttf_parser-0.6.0
+ pango-0.9.1
+ pango-sys-0.10.0
+ parking_lot-0.11.1
+ parking_lot_core-0.8.3
+ paste-1.0.5
+ peeking_take_while-0.1.2
+ pem-0.8.3
+ percent-encoding-2.1.0
+ petgraph-0.5.1
+ pico-args-0.4.1
+ piet-0.3.1
+ piet-cairo-0.3.0
+ piet-common-0.3.2
+ piet-coregraphics-0.3.0
+ piet-direct2d-0.3.0
+ piet-web-0.3.1
+ pin-project-1.0.7
+ pin-project-internal-1.0.7
+ pin-project-lite-0.2.6
+ pin-utils-0.1.0
+ pkg-config-0.3.19
+ ppv-lite86-0.2.10
+ proc-macro2-1.0.26
+ proc-macro-crate-0.1.5
+ proc-macro-error-1.0.4
+ proc-macro-error-attr-1.0.4
+ proc-macro-hack-0.5.19
+ proc-macro-nested-0.1.7
+ profiling-1.0.3
+ quanta-0.4.1
+ quote-1.0.9
+ radium-0.5.3
+ rand-0.8.3
+ rand_chacha-0.3.0
+ rand_core-0.6.2
+ rand_hc-0.3.0
+ range-alloc-0.1.2
+ rawpointer-0.2.1
+ raw-window-handle-0.3.3
+ rayon-1.5.0
+ rayon-core-1.9.0
+ rcgen-0.8.11
+ redox_syscall-0.2.8
+ redox_users-0.4.0
+ regex-1.5.4
+ regex-syntax-0.6.25
+ remove_dir_all-0.5.3
+ renderdoc-sys-0.7.1
+ rental-0.5.6
+ rental-impl-0.5.5
+ reqwest-0.11.3
+ ring-0.16.20
+ rodio-0.14.0
+ rose_tree-0.2.0
+ runas-0.2.1
+ rustc-demangle-0.1.19
+ rustc-hash-1.1.0
+ rustc_version-0.2.3
+ rustls-0.19.1
+ rusttype-0.9.2
+ ryu-1.0.5
+ same-file-1.0.6
+ schannel-0.1.19
+ scoped-tls-1.0.0
+ scopeguard-1.1.0
+ sct-0.6.1
+ security-framework-2.2.0
+ security-framework-sys-2.2.0
+ semver-0.9.0
+ semver-1.0.3
+ semver-parser-0.7.0
+ serde-1.0.127
+ serde_derive-1.0.127
+ serde_json-1.0.66
+ serde_urlencoded-0.7.0
+ sha1-0.6.0
+ sha-1-0.9.6
+ shared_library-0.1.9
+ shlex-0.1.1
+ shlex-1.0.0
+ signal-hook-registry-1.3.0
+ simba-0.5.1
+ simple_logger-1.11.0
+ single-instance-0.3.1
+ slab-0.4.3
+ slice-deque-0.3.0
+ slotmap-0.4.2
+ smallvec-1.6.1
+ smithay-client-toolkit-0.12.3
+ smithay-client-toolkit-0.14.0
+ smithay-clipboard-0.6.4
+ socket2-0.4.0
+ spin-0.5.2
+ spirv_cross-0.23.1
+ stable_deref_trait-1.2.0
+ standback-0.2.17
+ stdweb-0.1.3
+ stdweb-0.4.20
+ stdweb-derive-0.5.3
+ stdweb-internal-macros-0.2.9
+ stdweb-internal-runtime-0.1.5
+ storage-map-0.3.0
+ strsim-0.8.0
+ strsim-0.9.3
+ strum-0.18.0
+ strum_macros-0.18.0
+ syn-1.0.72
+ sysinfo-0.19.2
+ system-deps-1.3.2
+ takeable-option-0.5.0
+ tap-1.0.1
+ tempfile-3.2.0
+ termcolor-1.1.2
+ textwrap-0.11.0
+ thiserror-1.0.24
+ thiserror-impl-1.0.24
+ thunderdome-0.4.1
+ time-0.1.43
+ time-0.2.26
+ time-macros-0.1.1
+ time-macros-impl-0.1.1
+ tinyfiledialogs-3.3.10
+ tinystr-0.3.4
+ tinyvec-1.2.0
+ tinyvec_macros-0.1.0
+ tokio-1.6.0
+ tokio-macros-1.2.0
+ tokio-native-tls-0.3.0
+ tokio-tungstenite-0.15.0
+ tokio-util-0.6.7
+ toml-0.5.8
+ tower-service-0.3.1
+ tracing-0.1.26
+ tracing-core-0.1.18
+ try-lock-0.2.3
+ ttf-parser-0.12.3
+ ttf-parser-0.6.2
+ tungstenite-0.14.0
+ type-map-0.4.0
+ typenum-1.13.0
+ unic-bidi-0.9.0
+ unic-char-property-0.9.0
+ unic-char-range-0.9.0
+ unic-common-0.9.0
+ unic-langid-0.9.0
+ unic-langid-impl-0.9.0
+ unicode-bidi-0.3.5
+ unicode-normalization-0.1.17
+ unicode-segmentation-1.7.1
+ unicode-width-0.1.8
+ unicode-xid-0.2.2
+ unic-ucd-bidi-0.9.0
+ unic-ucd-version-0.9.0
+ untrusted-0.7.1
+ ureq-2.1.1
+ url-2.2.2
+ spirv_headers-1.5.0
+ utf16_lit-1.0.1
+ utf-8-0.7.6
+ vcpkg-0.2.12
+ vec_map-0.8.2
+ version_check-0.9.3
+ version-compare-0.0.10
+ walkdir-2.3.2
+ want-0.3.0
+ wasi-0.10.2+wasi-snapshot-preview1
+ wasm-bindgen-0.2.74
+ wasm-bindgen-backend-0.2.74
+ wasm-bindgen-futures-0.4.24
+ wasm-bindgen-macro-0.2.74
+ wasm-bindgen-macro-support-0.2.74
+ wasm-bindgen-shared-0.2.74
+ wayland-client-0.28.5
+ wayland-commons-0.28.5
+ wayland-cursor-0.28.5
+ wayland-egl-0.28.5
+ wayland-protocols-0.28.5
+ wayland-scanner-0.28.5
+ wayland-sys-0.28.5
+ webbrowser-0.5.5
+ webpki-0.21.4
+ webpki-roots-0.21.1
+ web-sys-0.3.50
+ wgpu-0.9.0
+ wgpu-core-0.9.2
+ wgpu-types-0.9.0
+ which-3.1.1
+ widestring-0.4.3
+ winapi-0.3.9
+ winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0
+ winapi-util-0.1.5
+ winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu-0.4.0
+ winit-0.25.0
+ winreg-0.7.0
+ winreg-0.8.0
+ winreg-0.9.0
+ winres-0.1.11
+ wio-0.2.2
+ wyz-0.2.0
+ x11-clipboard-0.5.2
+ x11-dl-2.18.5
+ xcb-0.9.0
+ xcursor-0.3.3
+ xdg-2.2.0
+ xi-unicode-0.2.1
+ xi-unicode-0.3.0
+ xml-rs-0.8.3
+ yasna-0.4.0
+inherit desktop cargo xdg
+DESCRIPTION="ALVR is an open source remote VR display for the Oculus Go/Quest"
+SRC_URI="https://github.com/alvr-org/ALVR/archive/refs/tags/v${PV}.tar.gz -> ${P}.tar.gz"
+SRC_URI+=" $(cargo_crate_uris) "
+IUSE="+client +server vaapi vulkan x264 x265"
+ >=media-video/ffmpeg-4.3[encode,vulkan?,x264?,x265?]
+ vaapi? ( media-video/ffmpeg[libdrm,vaapi] )
+ sys-libs/libunwind
+ www-client/chromium
+ vulkan? ( dev-util/vulkan-headers )
+ virtual/pkgconfig
+ client? ( media-gfx/imagemagick )
+PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/${P}-build.patch" )
+src_configure() {
+ -p vrcompositor-wrapper
+ $(usex server "-p alvr_server" "" )
+ $(usex client "-p alvr_client -p alvr_launcher" "" )
+ $(usex vulkan "-p alvr_vulkan-layer" "" )
+ "
+ cargo_src_configure
+src_install() {
+ if use client; then
+ dobin target/release/alvr_launcher
+ dolib.so target/release/libalvr_client.so
+ domenu packaging/freedesktop/alvr.desktop
+ for size in {16,32,48,64,128,256}; do
+ convert alvr/launcher/res/launcher.ico \
+ -thumbnail ${size} -alpha on -background none -flatten \
+ ${PN}-${size}.png || die
+ newicon -s ${size} ${PN}-${size}.png ${PN}.png
+ done
+ fi
+ if use server; then
+ #dolib.so target/release/libalvr_server.so
+ insinto /usr/lib/steamvr/alvr/bin/linux64/
+ newins target/release/libalvr_server.so driver_alvr_server.so
+ insinto /usr/lib/steamvr/alvr/
+ doins alvr/xtask/resources/driver.vrdrivermanifest
+ fi
+ if use vulkan; then
+ dolib.so target/release/libalvr_vulkan_layer.so
+ insinto /usr/share/vulkan/explicit_layer.d/
+ doins alvr/vulkan-layer/layer/alvr_x86_64.json
+ fi
+ insinto /usr/lib/alvr
+ doins target/release/vrcompositor-wrapper
+ doins packaging/firewall/alvr_fw_config.sh
+ insinto /usr/share/${PN}/selinux/
+ doins packaging/selinux/*
+ insinto /usr/share/${PN}/presets/
+ doins alvr/xtask/resources/presets/*
+ insinto /usr/share/${PN}/
+ doins -r alvr/dashboard
+ insinto /usr/lib/firewalld/services/
+ doins packaging/firewall/alvr-firewalld.xml
+ insinto /etc/ufw/applications.d/
+ doins packaging/firewall/ufw-alvr