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+\agendaitem{Approve Preliminary EAPI 6 Features}
+The rest of the EAPI6 were discussed and voted on. Vote results listed here:
+\item \vote{
+User patches:
+The council endorses an eapply\_user function in the PM to apply user
+patches in EAPI6. This will be called by the default src\_prepare, and
+must be called once if src\_prepare is overrided by either a non-virtual
+ebuild or eclass.}{
+Aye: blueness, creffett (proxy for williamh), dilfridge, rich0, scarabeus, ulm;
+Nay: dberkholz.
+\item \vote{
+PATCHES support in default src\_prepare,
+(This item was re-visted in light of user patches being approved)}{
+Aye: blueness, creffett (proxy for williamh), dilfridge, rich0, scarabeus, ulm;
+Nay: dberkholz.
+Patch applying function in package manager,
+Needed for PATCHES support and user patches.
+This would duplicate epatch() from eutils, in simplified form.
+Name "eapply" has been suggested.
+(This item was not voted upon, as it was considered implied by the
+acceptance of the other two patch features.)
+\item \vote{
+EJOBS variable,
+Nay: blueness, dberkholz, rich0, ulm;
+Abstain: creffett (proxy for williamh), dilfridge, scarabeus;
+\item \vote{
+Source eclasses only once,
+Nay: blueness, creffett (proxy for williamh), dberkholz, dilfridge, rich0, ulm;
+Abstain: scarabeus;
+\item \vote{
+HDEPEND: host dependencies for cross-compilation,
+Nay: blueness, dilfridge, scarabeus;
+Abstain: creffett (proxy for williamh), dberkholz, rich0, ulm}
+\item \vote{
+Directory support for package* and use*,
+Not intended for gentoo-x86 tree (at this time), only to be used in overlays}{
+Aye: blueness, creffett (proxy for williamh), dberkholz, dilfridge, rich0,
+scarabeus, ulm}
+\agendaitem{Max EAPI Count in Tree / Min Time Between EAPI}
+\index{EAPI!count in tree}
+See the log for full discussion, but the Council felt that since future
+Councils already need to approve new EAPIs, they can decide at that time
+whether doing so is appropriate.
+\vote{Should the council set a limit on \# of EAPIs?}{
+Nay: blueness, creffett (proxy for williamh), dberkholz, dilfridge, rich0,
+scarabeus, ulm}
+\vote{Should the council set a minimum time between EAPIs?}{
+Nay: blueness, creffett (proxy for williamh), dberkholz, rich0, scarabeus, ulm;
+Abstain: dilfridge}
+\agendaitem{Semi-official Dev-hosted Services}
+The Council accepted this provided that the name assignments make it
+clear what is and isn't official. * and *
+were given as possible suggestions.
+Aye: blueness, dberkholz, dilfridge, rich0, scarabeus, ulm;
+Abstain: creffett (proxy for williamh)\\[0.2cm]
+Meeting called and will be continued on 24 Jun 2014 at 19:00 UTC.