diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'admin/resources/js/controllers/clients.js')
1 files changed, 3456 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/admin/resources/js/controllers/clients.js b/admin/resources/js/controllers/clients.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7768762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/admin/resources/js/controllers/clients.js
@@ -0,0 +1,3456 @@
+Array.prototype.remove = function(from, to) {
+ var rest = this.slice((to || from) + 1 || this.length);
+ this.length = from < 0 ? this.length + from : from;
+ return this.push.apply(this, rest);
+module.controller('ClientTabCtrl', function(Dialog, $scope, Current, Notifications, $location) {
+ $scope.removeClient = function() {
+ Dialog.confirmDelete($scope.client.clientId, 'client', function() {
+ $scope.client.$remove({
+ realm : Current.realm.realm,
+ client : $scope.client.id
+ }, function() {
+ $location.url("/realms/" + Current.realm.realm + "/clients");
+ Notifications.success("The client has been deleted.");
+ });
+ });
+ };
+module.controller('ClientRoleListCtrl', function($scope, $route, realm, client, ClientRoleList, RoleById, Notifications, Dialog) {
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.roles = [];
+ $scope.client = client;
+ $scope.query = {
+ realm: realm.realm,
+ client: $scope.client.id,
+ search : null,
+ max : 20,
+ first : 0
+ }
+ $scope.$watch('query.search', function (newVal, oldVal) {
+ if($scope.query.search && $scope.query.search.length >= 3) {
+ $scope.firstPage();
+ }
+ }, true);
+ $scope.firstPage = function() {
+ $scope.query.first = 0;
+ $scope.searchQuery();
+ }
+ $scope.previousPage = function() {
+ $scope.query.first -= parseInt($scope.query.max);
+ if ($scope.query.first < 0) {
+ $scope.query.first = 0;
+ }
+ $scope.searchQuery();
+ }
+ $scope.nextPage = function() {
+ $scope.query.first += parseInt($scope.query.max);
+ $scope.searchQuery();
+ }
+ $scope.searchQuery = function() {
+ $scope.searchLoaded = false;
+ $scope.roles = ClientRoleList.query($scope.query, function() {
+ $scope.searchLoaded = true;
+ $scope.lastSearch = $scope.query.search;
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.searchQuery();
+ $scope.removeRole = function(role) {
+ Dialog.confirmDelete(role.name, 'role', function() {
+ RoleById.remove({
+ realm: realm.realm,
+ role: role.id
+ }, function () {
+ $route.reload();
+ Notifications.success("The role has been deleted.");
+ });
+ });
+ };
+module.controller('ClientCredentialsCtrl', function($scope, $location, realm, client, clientAuthenticatorProviders, clientConfigProperties, Client, ClientRegistrationAccessToken, Notifications) {
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.client = angular.copy(client);
+ $scope.clientAuthenticatorProviders = clientAuthenticatorProviders;
+ var updateCurrentPartial = function(val) {
+ $scope.clientAuthenticatorConfigPartial;
+ switch(val) {
+ case 'client-secret':
+ $scope.clientAuthenticatorConfigPartial = 'client-credentials-secret.html';
+ break;
+ case 'client-jwt':
+ $scope.clientAuthenticatorConfigPartial = 'client-credentials-jwt.html';
+ break;
+ case 'client-secret-jwt':
+ $scope.clientAuthenticatorConfigPartial = 'client-credentials-secret-jwt.html';
+ break;
+ case 'client-x509':
+ $scope.clientAuthenticatorConfigPartial = 'client-credentials-x509.html';
+ break;
+ default:
+ $scope.currentAuthenticatorConfigProperties = clientConfigProperties[val];
+ $scope.clientAuthenticatorConfigPartial = 'client-credentials-generic.html';
+ break;
+ }
+ };
+ updateCurrentPartial(client.clientAuthenticatorType);
+ $scope.$watch('client.clientAuthenticatorType', function() {
+ if (!angular.equals($scope.client.clientAuthenticatorType, client.clientAuthenticatorType)) {
+ Client.update({
+ realm : realm.realm,
+ client : client.id
+ }, $scope.client, function() {
+ $scope.changed = false;
+ client = angular.copy($scope.client);
+ updateCurrentPartial(client.clientAuthenticatorType)
+ });
+ }
+ }, true);
+ $scope.regenerateRegistrationAccessToken = function() {
+ var secret = ClientRegistrationAccessToken.update({ realm : $scope.realm.realm, client : $scope.client.id },
+ function(data) {
+ Notifications.success('The registration access token has been updated.');
+ $scope.client['registrationAccessToken'] = data.registrationAccessToken;
+ },
+ function() {
+ Notifications.error('Failed to update the registration access token');
+ }
+ );
+ };
+module.controller('ClientSecretCtrl', function($scope, $location, ClientSecret, Notifications) {
+ var secret = ClientSecret.get({ realm : $scope.realm.realm, client : $scope.client.id },
+ function() {
+ $scope.secret = secret.value;
+ }
+ );
+ $scope.changePassword = function() {
+ var secret = ClientSecret.update({ realm : $scope.realm.realm, client : $scope.client.id },
+ function() {
+ Notifications.success('The secret has been changed.');
+ $scope.secret = secret.value;
+ },
+ function() {
+ Notifications.error("The secret was not changed due to a problem.");
+ $scope.secret = "error";
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ $scope.$watch(function() {
+ return $location.path();
+ }, function() {
+ $scope.path = $location.path().substring(1).split("/");
+ });
+ $scope.cancel = function() {
+ $location.url("/realms/" + $scope.realm.realm + "/clients/" + $scope.client.id + "/credentials");
+ };
+module.controller('ClientX509Ctrl', function($scope, $location, Client, Notifications) {
+ console.log('ClientX509Ctrl invoked');
+ $scope.clientCopy = angular.copy($scope.client);
+ $scope.changed = false;
+ $scope.$watch('client', function() {
+ if (!angular.equals($scope.client, $scope.clientCopy)) {
+ $scope.changed = true;
+ }
+ }, true);
+ $scope.save = function() {
+ if (!$scope.client.attributes["x509.subjectdn"]) {
+ Notifications.error("The SubjectDN must not be empty.");
+ } else {
+ Client.update({
+ realm : $scope.realm.realm,
+ client : $scope.client.id
+ }, $scope.client, function() {
+ $scope.changed = false;
+ $scope.clientCopy = angular.copy($scope.client);
+ Notifications.success("Client authentication configuration has been saved to the client.");
+ }, function() {
+ Notifications.error("The SubjectDN was not changed due to a problem.");
+ $scope.subjectdn = "error";
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.$watch(function() {
+ return $location.path();
+ }, function() {
+ $scope.path = $location.path().substring(1).split("/");
+ });
+ $scope.reset = function() {
+ $scope.client.attributes["x509.subjectdn"] = $scope.clientCopy.attributes["x509.subjectdn"];
+ $location.url("/realms/" + $scope.realm.realm + "/clients/" + $scope.client.id + "/credentials");
+ };
+module.controller('ClientSignedJWTCtrl', function($scope, $location, Client, ClientCertificate, Notifications, $route) {
+ var signingKeyInfo = ClientCertificate.get({ realm : $scope.realm.realm, client : $scope.client.id, attribute: 'jwt.credential' },
+ function() {
+ $scope.signingKeyInfo = signingKeyInfo;
+ }
+ );
+ console.log('ClientSignedJWTCtrl invoked');
+ $scope.clientCopy = angular.copy($scope.client);
+ $scope.changed = false;
+ $scope.$watch('client', function() {
+ if (!angular.equals($scope.client, $scope.clientCopy)) {
+ $scope.changed = true;
+ }
+ }, true);
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["use.jwks.url"]) {
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["use.jwks.url"] == "true") {
+ $scope.useJwksUrl = true;
+ } else {
+ $scope.useJwksUrl = false;
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.switchChange = function() {
+ $scope.changed = true;
+ }
+ $scope.save = function() {
+ if ($scope.useJwksUrl == true) {
+ $scope.client.attributes["use.jwks.url"] = "true";
+ } else {
+ $scope.client.attributes["use.jwks.url"] = "false";
+ }
+ Client.update({
+ realm : $scope.realm.realm,
+ client : $scope.client.id
+ }, $scope.client, function() {
+ $scope.changed = false;
+ $scope.clientCopy = angular.copy($scope.client);
+ Notifications.success("Client authentication configuration has been saved to the client.");
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.importCertificate = function() {
+ $location.url("/realms/" + $scope.realm.realm + "/clients/" + $scope.client.id + "/credentials/client-jwt/Signing/import/jwt.credential");
+ };
+ $scope.generateSigningKey = function() {
+ $location.url("/realms/" + $scope.realm.realm + "/clients/" + $scope.client.id + "/credentials/client-jwt/Signing/export/jwt.credential");
+ };
+ $scope.reset = function() {
+ $route.reload();
+ };
+module.controller('ClientGenericCredentialsCtrl', function($scope, $location, Client, Notifications) {
+ console.log('ClientGenericCredentialsCtrl invoked');
+ $scope.clientCopy = angular.copy($scope.client);
+ $scope.changed = false;
+ $scope.$watch('client', function() {
+ if (!angular.equals($scope.client, $scope.clientCopy)) {
+ $scope.changed = true;
+ }
+ }, true);
+ $scope.save = function() {
+ Client.update({
+ realm : $scope.realm.realm,
+ client : $scope.client.id
+ }, $scope.client, function() {
+ $scope.changed = false;
+ $scope.clientCopy = angular.copy($scope.client);
+ Notifications.success("Client authentication configuration has been saved to the client.");
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.reset = function() {
+ $scope.client = angular.copy($scope.clientCopy);
+ $scope.changed = false;
+ };
+module.controller('ClientIdentityProviderCtrl', function($scope, $location, $route, realm, client, Client, $location, Notifications) {
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.client = angular.copy(client);
+ var length = 0;
+ if ($scope.client.identityProviders) {
+ length = $scope.client.identityProviders.length;
+ for (i = 0; i < $scope.client.identityProviders.length; i++) {
+ var clientProvider = $scope.client.identityProviders[i];
+ if (clientProvider.retrieveToken) {
+ clientProvider.retrieveToken = clientProvider.retrieveToken.toString();
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $scope.client.identityProviders = [];
+ }
+ $scope.identityProviders = [];
+ var providersMissingInClient = [];
+ for (j = 0; j < realm.identityProviders.length; j++) {
+ var identityProvider = realm.identityProviders[j];
+ var clientProvider = null;
+ for (i = 0; i < $scope.client.identityProviders.length; i++) {
+ clientProvider = $scope.client.identityProviders[i];
+ if (clientProvider) {
+ if (clientProvider.id == identityProvider.id) {
+ $scope.identityProviders[i] = {};
+ $scope.identityProviders[i].identityProvider = identityProvider;
+ $scope.identityProviders[i].retrieveToken = clientProvider.retrieveToken;
+ break;
+ }
+ clientProvider = null;
+ }
+ }
+ if (clientProvider == null) {
+ providersMissingInClient.push(identityProvider);
+ }
+ }
+ for (j = 0; j < providersMissingInClient.length; j++) {
+ var identityProvider = providersMissingInClient[j];
+ var currentProvider = {};
+ currentProvider.identityProvider = identityProvider;
+ currentProvider.retrieveToken = "false";
+ $scope.identityProviders.push(currentProvider);
+ var currentClientProvider = {};
+ currentClientProvider.id = identityProvider.id;
+ currentClientProvider.retrieveToken = "false";
+ $scope.client.identityProviders.push(currentClientProvider);
+ }
+ var oldCopy = angular.copy($scope.client);
+ $scope.save = function() {
+ Client.update({
+ realm : realm.realm,
+ client : client.id
+ }, $scope.client, function() {
+ $scope.changed = false;
+ $route.reload();
+ Notifications.success("Your changes have been saved to the client.");
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.reset = function() {
+ $scope.client = angular.copy(oldCopy);
+ $scope.changed = false;
+ };
+ $scope.$watch('client', function() {
+ if (!angular.equals($scope.client, oldCopy)) {
+ $scope.changed = true;
+ }
+ }, true);
+module.controller('ClientSamlKeyCtrl', function($scope, $location, $http, $upload, realm, client,
+ ClientCertificate, ClientCertificateGenerate,
+ ClientCertificateDownload, Notifications) {
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.client = client;
+ var signingKeyInfo = ClientCertificate.get({ realm : realm.realm, client : client.id, attribute: 'saml.signing' },
+ function() {
+ $scope.signingKeyInfo = signingKeyInfo;
+ }
+ );
+ $scope.generateSigningKey = function() {
+ var keyInfo = ClientCertificateGenerate.generate({ realm : realm.realm, client : client.id, attribute: 'saml.signing' },
+ function() {
+ Notifications.success('Signing key has been regenerated.');
+ $scope.signingKeyInfo = keyInfo;
+ },
+ function() {
+ Notifications.error("Signing key was not regenerated.");
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ $scope.importSigningKey = function() {
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + "/clients/" + client.id + "/saml/Signing/import/saml.signing");
+ };
+ $scope.exportSigningKey = function() {
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + "/clients/" + client.id + "/saml/Signing/export/saml.signing");
+ };
+ var encryptionKeyInfo = ClientCertificate.get({ realm : realm.realm, client : client.id, attribute: 'saml.encryption' },
+ function() {
+ $scope.encryptionKeyInfo = encryptionKeyInfo;
+ }
+ );
+ $scope.generateEncryptionKey = function() {
+ var keyInfo = ClientCertificateGenerate.generate({ realm : realm.realm, client : client.id, attribute: 'saml.encryption' },
+ function() {
+ Notifications.success('Encryption key has been regenerated.');
+ $scope.encryptionKeyInfo = keyInfo;
+ },
+ function() {
+ Notifications.error("Encryption key was not regenerated.");
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ $scope.importEncryptionKey = function() {
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + "/clients/" + client.id + "/saml/Encryption/import/saml.encryption");
+ };
+ $scope.exportEncryptionKey = function() {
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + "/clients/" + client.id + "/saml/Encryption/export/saml.encryption");
+ };
+ $scope.$watch(function() {
+ return $location.path();
+ }, function() {
+ $scope.path = $location.path().substring(1).split("/");
+ });
+module.controller('ClientCertificateImportCtrl', function($scope, $location, $http, $upload, realm, client, callingContext, $routeParams,
+ ClientCertificate, ClientCertificateGenerate,
+ ClientCertificateDownload, Notifications) {
+ console.log("callingContext: " + callingContext);
+ var keyType = $routeParams.keyType;
+ var attribute = $routeParams.attribute;
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.client = client;
+ $scope.keyType = keyType;
+ if (callingContext == 'saml') {
+ var uploadUrl = authUrl + '/admin/realms/' + realm.realm + '/clients/' + client.id + '/certificates/' + attribute + '/upload';
+ var redirectLocation = "/realms/" + realm.realm + "/clients/" + client.id + "/saml/keys";
+ } else if (callingContext == 'jwt-credentials') {
+ var uploadUrl = authUrl + '/admin/realms/' + realm.realm + '/clients/' + client.id + '/certificates/' + attribute + '/upload-certificate';
+ var redirectLocation = "/realms/" + realm.realm + "/clients/" + client.id + "/credentials";
+ }
+ $scope.files = [];
+ $scope.onFileSelect = function($files) {
+ $scope.files = $files;
+ };
+ $scope.cancel = function() {
+ $location.url(redirectLocation);
+ }
+ $scope.keyFormats = [
+ "JKS",
+ "PKCS12",
+ "Certificate PEM"
+ ];
+ if (callingContext == 'jwt-credentials') {
+ $scope.keyFormats.push('Public Key PEM');
+ $scope.keyFormats.push('JSON Web Key Set');
+ }
+ $scope.hideKeystoreSettings = function() {
+ return $scope.uploadKeyFormat == 'Certificate PEM' || $scope.uploadKeyFormat == 'Public Key PEM' || $scope.uploadKeyFormat == 'JSON Web Key Set';
+ }
+ $scope.uploadKeyFormat = $scope.keyFormats[0];
+ $scope.uploadFile = function() {
+ //$files: an array of files selected, each file has name, size, and type.
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.files.length; i++) {
+ var $file = $scope.files[i];
+ $scope.upload = $upload.upload({
+ url: uploadUrl,
+ // method: POST or PUT,
+ // headers: {'headerKey': 'headerValue'}, withCredential: true,
+ data: {keystoreFormat: $scope.uploadKeyFormat,
+ keyAlias: $scope.uploadKeyAlias,
+ keyPassword: $scope.uploadKeyPassword,
+ storePassword: $scope.uploadStorePassword
+ },
+ file: $file
+ /* set file formData name for 'Content-Desposition' header. Default: 'file' */
+ //fileFormDataName: myFile,
+ /* customize how data is added to formData. See #40#issuecomment-28612000 for example */
+ //formDataAppender: function(formData, key, val){}
+ }).then(function(data, status, headers) {
+ Notifications.success("Keystore uploaded successfully.");
+ $location.url(redirectLocation);
+ })
+ //.then(success, error, progress);
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.$watch(function() {
+ return $location.path();
+ }, function() {
+ $scope.path = $location.path().substring(1).split("/");
+ });
+module.controller('ClientCertificateExportCtrl', function($scope, $location, $http, $upload, realm, client, callingContext, $routeParams,
+ ClientCertificate, ClientCertificateGenerate,
+ ClientCertificateDownload, Notifications) {
+ var keyType = $routeParams.keyType;
+ var attribute = $routeParams.attribute;
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.client = client;
+ $scope.keyType = keyType;
+ if (callingContext == 'saml') {
+ var downloadUrl = authUrl + '/admin/realms/' + realm.realm + '/clients/' + client.id + '/certificates/' + attribute + '/download';
+ var realmCertificate = true;
+ } else if (callingContext == 'jwt-credentials') {
+ var downloadUrl = authUrl + '/admin/realms/' + realm.realm + '/clients/' + client.id + '/certificates/' + attribute + '/generate-and-download'
+ var realmCertificate = false;
+ }
+ var jks = {
+ keyAlias: client.clientId,
+ realmAlias: realm.realm,
+ realmCertificate: realmCertificate
+ };
+ $scope.keyFormats = [
+ "JKS",
+ "PKCS12"
+ ];
+ var keyInfo = ClientCertificate.get({ realm : realm.realm, client : client.id, attribute: attribute },
+ function() {
+ $scope.keyInfo = keyInfo;
+ }
+ );
+ $scope.jks = jks;
+ $scope.jks.format = $scope.keyFormats[0];
+ $scope.download = function() {
+ $http({
+ url: downloadUrl,
+ method: 'POST',
+ responseType: 'arraybuffer',
+ data: $scope.jks,
+ headers: {
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+ 'Accept': 'application/octet-stream'
+ }
+ }).then(function(response){
+ var blob = new Blob([response.data], {
+ type: 'application/octet-stream'
+ });
+ var ext = ".jks";
+ if ($scope.jks.format == 'PKCS12') ext = ".p12";
+ if (callingContext == 'jwt-credentials') {
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + "/clients/" + client.id + "/credentials");
+ Notifications.success("New keypair and certificate generated successfully. Download keystore file")
+ }
+ saveAs(blob, 'keystore' + ext);
+ }).catch(function(response) {
+ var errorMsg = 'Error downloading';
+ try {
+ var error = JSON.parse(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(response.data)));
+ errorMsg = error['error_description'] ? error['error_description'] : errorMsg;
+ } catch (err) {
+ }
+ Notifications.error(errorMsg);
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.$watch(function() {
+ return $location.path();
+ }, function() {
+ $scope.path = $location.path().substring(1).split("/");
+ });
+ $scope.cancel = function() {
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + "/clients/" + client.id + "/credentials");
+ }
+module.controller('ClientSessionsCtrl', function($scope, realm, sessionCount, client,
+ ClientUserSessions) {
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.count = sessionCount.count;
+ $scope.sessions = [];
+ $scope.client = client;
+ $scope.page = 0;
+ $scope.query = {
+ realm : realm.realm,
+ client: $scope.client.id,
+ max : 5,
+ first : 0
+ }
+ $scope.firstPage = function() {
+ $scope.query.first = 0;
+ if ($scope.query.first < 0) {
+ $scope.query.first = 0;
+ }
+ $scope.loadUsers();
+ }
+ $scope.previousPage = function() {
+ $scope.query.first -= parseInt($scope.query.max);
+ if ($scope.query.first < 0) {
+ $scope.query.first = 0;
+ }
+ $scope.loadUsers();
+ }
+ $scope.nextPage = function() {
+ $scope.query.first += parseInt($scope.query.max);
+ $scope.loadUsers();
+ }
+ $scope.toDate = function(val) {
+ return new Date(val);
+ };
+ $scope.loadUsers = function() {
+ ClientUserSessions.query($scope.query, function(updated) {
+ $scope.sessions = updated;
+ })
+ };
+module.controller('ClientOfflineSessionsCtrl', function($scope, realm, offlineSessionCount, client,
+ ClientOfflineSessions) {
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.count = offlineSessionCount.count;
+ $scope.sessions = [];
+ $scope.client = client;
+ $scope.page = 0;
+ $scope.query = {
+ realm : realm.realm,
+ client: $scope.client.id,
+ max : 5,
+ first : 0
+ }
+ $scope.firstPage = function() {
+ $scope.query.first = 0;
+ if ($scope.query.first < 0) {
+ $scope.query.first = 0;
+ }
+ $scope.loadUsers();
+ }
+ $scope.previousPage = function() {
+ $scope.query.first -= parseInt($scope.query.max);
+ if ($scope.query.first < 0) {
+ $scope.query.first = 0;
+ }
+ $scope.loadUsers();
+ }
+ $scope.nextPage = function() {
+ $scope.query.first += parseInt($scope.query.max);
+ $scope.loadUsers();
+ }
+ $scope.toDate = function(val) {
+ return new Date(val);
+ };
+ $scope.loadUsers = function() {
+ ClientOfflineSessions.query($scope.query, function(updated) {
+ $scope.sessions = updated;
+ })
+ };
+module.controller('ClientRoleDetailCtrl', function($scope, $route, realm, client, role, roles, Client,
+ Role, ClientRole, RoleById, RoleRealmComposites, RoleClientComposites,
+ $http, $location, Dialog, Notifications, ComponentUtils) {
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.client = client;
+ $scope.role = angular.copy(role);
+ $scope.create = !role.name;
+ $scope.changed = $scope.create;
+ $scope.save = function() {
+ convertAttributeValuesToLists();
+ if ($scope.create) {
+ ClientRole.save({
+ realm: realm.realm,
+ client : client.id
+ }, $scope.role, function (data, headers) {
+ $scope.changed = false;
+ convertAttributeValuesToString($scope.role);
+ role = angular.copy($scope.role);
+ ClientRole.get({ realm: realm.realm, client : client.id, role: role.name }, function(role) {
+ var id = role.id;
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + "/clients/" + client.id + "/roles/" + id);
+ Notifications.success("The role has been created.");
+ });
+ });
+ } else {
+ $scope.update();
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.remove = function() {
+ Dialog.confirmDelete($scope.role.name, 'role', function() {
+ $scope.role.$remove({
+ realm : realm.realm,
+ client : client.id,
+ role : $scope.role.id
+ }, function() {
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + "/clients/" + client.id + "/roles");
+ Notifications.success("The role has been deleted.");
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.cancel = function () {
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + "/clients/" + client.id + "/roles");
+ };
+ $scope.addAttribute = function() {
+ $scope.role.attributes[$scope.newAttribute.key] = $scope.newAttribute.value;
+ delete $scope.newAttribute;
+ }
+ $scope.removeAttribute = function(key) {
+ delete $scope.role.attributes[key];
+ }
+ function convertAttributeValuesToLists() {
+ var attrs = $scope.role.attributes;
+ for (var attribute in attrs) {
+ if (typeof attrs[attribute] === "string") {
+ var attrVals = attrs[attribute].split("##");
+ attrs[attribute] = attrVals;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function convertAttributeValuesToString(role) {
+ var attrs = role.attributes;
+ for (var attribute in attrs) {
+ if (typeof attrs[attribute] === "object") {
+ var attrVals = attrs[attribute].join("##");
+ attrs[attribute] = attrVals;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ roleControl($scope, $route, realm, role, roles, Client,
+ ClientRole, RoleById, RoleRealmComposites, RoleClientComposites,
+ $http, $location, Notifications, Dialog, ComponentUtils);
+module.controller('ClientRoleMembersCtrl', function($scope, realm, client, role, ClientRoleMembership, Dialog, Notifications, $location) {
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.page = 0;
+ $scope.role = role;
+ $scope.client = client;
+ $scope.query = {
+ realm: realm.realm,
+ role: role.name,
+ client: client.id,
+ max : 5,
+ first : 0
+ }
+ $scope.firstPage = function() {
+ $scope.query.first = 0;
+ $scope.searchQuery();
+ }
+ $scope.previousPage = function() {
+ $scope.query.first -= parseInt($scope.query.max);
+ if ($scope.query.first < 0) {
+ $scope.query.first = 0;
+ }
+ $scope.searchQuery();
+ }
+ $scope.nextPage = function() {
+ $scope.query.first += parseInt($scope.query.max);
+ $scope.searchQuery();
+ }
+ $scope.searchQuery = function() {
+ $scope.searchLoaded = false;
+ $scope.users = ClientRoleMembership.query($scope.query, function() {
+ console.log('search loaded');
+ $scope.searchLoaded = true;
+ $scope.lastSearch = $scope.query.search;
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.searchQuery();
+module.controller('ClientImportCtrl', function($scope, $location, $upload, realm, serverInfo, Notifications) {
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.files = [];
+ $scope.onFileSelect = function($files) {
+ $scope.files = $files;
+ };
+ $scope.clearFileSelect = function() {
+ $scope.files = null;
+ }
+ $scope.uploadFile = function() {
+ //$files: an array of files selected, each file has name, size, and type.
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.files.length; i++) {
+ var $file = $scope.files[i];
+ $scope.upload = $upload.upload({
+ url: authUrl + '/admin/realms/' + realm.realm + '/client-importers/' + $scope.configFormat.id + '/upload',
+ // method: POST or PUT,
+ // headers: {'headerKey': 'headerValue'}, withCredential: true,
+ data: {myObj: ""},
+ file: $file
+ /* set file formData name for 'Content-Desposition' header. Default: 'file' */
+ //fileFormDataName: myFile,
+ /* customize how data is added to formData. See #40#issuecomment-28612000 for example */
+ //formDataAppender: function(formData, key, val){}
+ }).success(function(data, status, headers) {
+ Notifications.success("Uploaded successfully.");
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + "/clients");
+ })
+ .error(function() {
+ Notifications.error("The file can not be uploaded. Please verify the file.");
+ });
+ //.then(success, error, progress);
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.$watch(function() {
+ return $location.path();
+ }, function() {
+ $scope.path = $location.path().substring(1).split("/");
+ });
+module.controller('ClientListCtrl', function($scope, realm, Client, ClientListSearchState, $route, Dialog, Notifications) {
+ $scope.init = function() {
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.searchLoaded = true;
+ ClientListSearchState.query.realm = realm.realm;
+ $scope.query = ClientListSearchState.query;
+ if (!ClientListSearchState.isFirstSearch) {
+ $scope.searchQuery();
+ } else {
+ $scope.query.clientId = null;
+ $scope.firstPage();
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.searchQuery = function() {
+ console.log("query.search: ", $scope.query);
+ $scope.searchLoaded = false;
+ $scope.clients = Client.query($scope.query, function() {
+ $scope.searchLoaded = true;
+ $scope.lastSearch = $scope.query.search;
+ ClientListSearchState.isFirstSearch = false;
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.firstPage = function() {
+ $scope.query.first = 0;
+ $scope.searchQuery();
+ }
+ $scope.previousPage = function() {
+ $scope.query.first -= parseInt($scope.query.max);
+ if ($scope.query.first < 0) {
+ $scope.query.first = 0;
+ }
+ $scope.searchQuery();
+ }
+ $scope.nextPage = function() {
+ $scope.query.first += parseInt($scope.query.max);
+ $scope.searchQuery();
+ }
+ $scope.removeClient = function(client) {
+ Dialog.confirmDelete(client.clientId, 'client', function() {
+ Client.remove({
+ realm : realm.realm,
+ client : client.id
+ }, function() {
+ $route.reload();
+ Notifications.success("The client has been deleted.");
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.exportClient = function(client) {
+ var clientCopy = angular.copy(client);
+ delete clientCopy.id;
+ if (clientCopy.protocolMappers) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < clientCopy.protocolMappers.length; i++) {
+ delete clientCopy.protocolMappers[i].id;
+ }
+ }
+ saveAs(new Blob([angular.toJson(clientCopy, 4)], { type: 'application/json' }), clientCopy.clientId + '.json');
+ }
+module.controller('ClientInstallationCtrl', function($scope, realm, client, serverInfo, ClientInstallation,$http, $routeParams) {
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.client = client;
+ $scope.installation = null;
+ $scope.download = null;
+ $scope.configFormat = null;
+ $scope.filename = null;
+ var protocol = client.protocol;
+ if (!protocol) protocol = 'openid-connect';
+ $scope.configFormats = serverInfo.clientInstallations[protocol];
+ console.log('configFormats.length: ' + $scope.configFormats.length);
+ $scope.changeFormat = function() {
+ var url = ClientInstallation.url({ realm: $routeParams.realm, client: $routeParams.client, provider: $scope.configFormat.id });
+ if ($scope.configFormat.mediaType == 'application/zip') {
+ $http({
+ url: url,
+ method: 'GET',
+ responseType: 'arraybuffer',
+ cache: false
+ }).then(function(response) {
+ var installation = response.data;
+ $scope.installation = installation;
+ }
+ );
+ } else {
+ $http.get(url).then(function (response) {
+ var installation = response.data;
+ if ($scope.configFormat.mediaType == 'application/json') {
+ installation = angular.fromJson(response.data);
+ installation = angular.toJson(installation, true);
+ }
+ $scope.installation = installation;
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.download = function() {
+ saveAs(new Blob([$scope.installation], { type: $scope.configFormat.mediaType }), $scope.configFormat.filename);
+ }
+module.controller('ClientDetailCtrl', function($scope, realm, client, flows, $route, serverInfo, Client, ClientDescriptionConverter, Components, ClientStorageOperations, $location, $modal, Dialog, Notifications, TimeUnit2) {
+ $scope.serverInfo = serverInfo;
+ $scope.flows = [];
+ $scope.clientFlows = [];
+ var emptyFlow = {
+ id: "",
+ alias: ""
+ }
+ for (var i=0 ; i<flows.length ; i++) {
+ if (flows[i].providerId == 'client-flow') {
+ $scope.clientFlows.push(flows[i]);
+ } else {
+ $scope.flows.push(flows[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.flows.push(emptyFlow)
+ $scope.clientFlows.push(emptyFlow)
+ $scope.accessTypes = [
+ "confidential",
+ "public",
+ "bearer-only"
+ ];
+ $scope.protocols = serverInfo.listProviderIds('login-protocol');
+ $scope.signatureAlgorithms = [
+ "RSA_SHA1",
+ "RSA_SHA256",
+ "RSA_SHA512",
+ "DSA_SHA1"
+ ];
+ $scope.nameIdFormats = [
+ "username",
+ "email",
+ "transient",
+ "persistent"
+ ];
+ $scope.xmlKeyNameTranformers = [
+ "NONE",
+ "KEY_ID",
+ ];
+ $scope.canonicalization = [
+ {name: "EXCLUSIVE", value: "http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#" },
+ {name: "EXCLUSIVE_WITH_COMMENTS", value: "http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#WithComments"},
+ {name: "INCLUSIVE", value: "http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315" },
+ {name: "INCLUSIVE_WITH_COMMENTS", value: "http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/REC-xml-c14n-20010315#WithComments"}
+ ];
+ $scope.requestObjectRequiredOptions = [
+ "not required",
+ "request or request_uri",
+ "request only",
+ "request_uri only"
+ ];
+ $scope.changePkceCodeChallengeMethodOptions = [
+ "S256",
+ "plain",
+ ""
+ ];
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.samlAuthnStatement = false;
+ $scope.samlOneTimeUseCondition = false;
+ $scope.samlMultiValuedRoles = false;
+ $scope.samlServerSignature = false;
+ $scope.samlServerSignatureEnableKeyInfoExtension = false;
+ $scope.samlAssertionSignature = false;
+ $scope.samlClientSignature = false;
+ $scope.samlEncrypt = false;
+ $scope.samlForcePostBinding = false;
+ $scope.samlForceNameIdFormat = false;
+ $scope.samlXmlKeyNameTranformer = $scope.xmlKeyNameTranformers[1];
+ $scope.disableAuthorizationTab = !client.authorizationServicesEnabled;
+ $scope.disableServiceAccountRolesTab = !client.serviceAccountsEnabled;
+ $scope.disableCredentialsTab = client.publicClient;
+ // KEYCLOAK-6771 Certificate Bound Token
+ // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-mtls-08#section-3
+ $scope.tlsClientCertificateBoundAccessTokens = false;
+ $scope.accessTokenLifespan = TimeUnit2.asUnit(client.attributes['access.token.lifespan']);
+ $scope.samlAssertionLifespan = TimeUnit2.asUnit(client.attributes['saml.assertion.lifespan']);
+ $scope.clientSessionIdleTimeout = TimeUnit2.asUnit(client.attributes['client.session.idle.timeout']);
+ $scope.clientSessionMaxLifespan = TimeUnit2.asUnit(client.attributes['client.session.max.lifespan']);
+ if(client.origin) {
+ if ($scope.access.viewRealm) {
+ Components.get({realm: realm.realm, componentId: client.origin}, function (link) {
+ $scope.originName = link.name;
+ //$scope.originLink = "#/realms/" + realm.realm + "/user-storage/providers/" + link.providerId + "/" + link.id;
+ })
+ }
+ else {
+ // KEYCLOAK-4328
+ ClientStorageOperations.simpleName.get({realm: realm.realm, componentId: client.origin}, function (link) {
+ $scope.originName = link.name;
+ //$scope.originLink = $location.absUrl();
+ })
+ }
+ } else {
+ console.log("origin is null");
+ }
+ function updateProperties() {
+ if (!$scope.client.attributes) {
+ $scope.client.attributes = {};
+ }
+ $scope.accessType = $scope.accessTypes[0];
+ if ($scope.client.bearerOnly) {
+ $scope.accessType = $scope.accessTypes[2];
+ } else if ($scope.client.publicClient) {
+ $scope.accessType = $scope.accessTypes[1];
+ }
+ if ($scope.client.protocol) {
+ $scope.protocol = $scope.protocols[$scope.protocols.indexOf($scope.client.protocol)];
+ } else {
+ $scope.protocol = $scope.protocols[0];
+ }
+ if ($scope.client.attributes['saml.signature.algorithm'] == 'RSA_SHA1') {
+ $scope.signatureAlgorithm = $scope.signatureAlgorithms[0];
+ } else if ($scope.client.attributes['saml.signature.algorithm'] == 'RSA_SHA256') {
+ $scope.signatureAlgorithm = $scope.signatureAlgorithms[1];
+ } else if ($scope.client.attributes['saml.signature.algorithm'] == 'RSA_SHA512') {
+ $scope.signatureAlgorithm = $scope.signatureAlgorithms[2];
+ } else if ($scope.client.attributes['saml.signature.algorithm'] == 'DSA_SHA1') {
+ $scope.signatureAlgorithm = $scope.signatureAlgorithms[3];
+ }
+ if ($scope.client.attributes['saml_name_id_format'] == 'username') {
+ $scope.nameIdFormat = $scope.nameIdFormats[0];
+ } else if ($scope.client.attributes['saml_name_id_format'] == 'email') {
+ $scope.nameIdFormat = $scope.nameIdFormats[1];
+ } else if ($scope.client.attributes['saml_name_id_format'] == 'transient') {
+ $scope.nameIdFormat = $scope.nameIdFormats[2];
+ } else if ($scope.client.attributes['saml_name_id_format'] == 'persistent') {
+ $scope.nameIdFormat = $scope.nameIdFormats[3];
+ }
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["saml.server.signature"]) {
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["saml.server.signature"] == "true") {
+ $scope.samlServerSignature = true;
+ } else {
+ $scope.samlServerSignature = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["saml.server.signature.keyinfo.ext"]) {
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["saml.server.signature.keyinfo.ext"] == "true") {
+ $scope.samlServerSignatureEnableKeyInfoExtension = true;
+ } else {
+ $scope.samlServerSignatureEnableKeyInfoExtension = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($scope.client.attributes['saml.server.signature.keyinfo.xmlSigKeyInfoKeyNameTransformer'] === 'NONE') {
+ $scope.samlXmlKeyNameTranformer = $scope.xmlKeyNameTranformers[0];
+ } else if ($scope.client.attributes['saml.server.signature.keyinfo.xmlSigKeyInfoKeyNameTransformer'] === 'KEY_ID') {
+ $scope.samlXmlKeyNameTranformer = $scope.xmlKeyNameTranformers[1];
+ } else if ($scope.client.attributes['saml.server.signature.keyinfo.xmlSigKeyInfoKeyNameTransformer'] === 'CERT_SUBJECT') {
+ $scope.samlXmlKeyNameTranformer = $scope.xmlKeyNameTranformers[2];
+ }
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["saml.assertion.signature"]) {
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["saml.assertion.signature"] == "true") {
+ $scope.samlAssertionSignature = true;
+ } else {
+ $scope.samlAssertionSignature = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["saml.client.signature"]) {
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["saml.client.signature"] == "true") {
+ $scope.samlClientSignature = true;
+ } else {
+ $scope.samlClientSignature = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["saml.encrypt"]) {
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["saml.encrypt"] == "true") {
+ $scope.samlEncrypt = true;
+ } else {
+ $scope.samlEncrypt = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["saml.authnstatement"]) {
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["saml.authnstatement"] == "true") {
+ $scope.samlAuthnStatement = true;
+ } else {
+ $scope.samlAuthnStatement = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["saml.onetimeuse.condition"]) {
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["saml.onetimeuse.condition"] == "true") {
+ $scope.samlOneTimeUseCondition = true;
+ } else {
+ $scope.samlOneTimeUseCondition = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["saml_force_name_id_format"]) {
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["saml_force_name_id_format"] == "true") {
+ $scope.samlForceNameIdFormat = true;
+ } else {
+ $scope.samlForceNameIdFormat = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["saml.multivalued.roles"]) {
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["saml.multivalued.roles"] == "true") {
+ $scope.samlMultiValuedRoles = true;
+ } else {
+ $scope.samlMultiValuedRoles = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["saml.force.post.binding"]) {
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["saml.force.post.binding"] == "true") {
+ $scope.samlForcePostBinding = true;
+ } else {
+ $scope.samlForcePostBinding = false;
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.accessTokenSignedResponseAlg = $scope.client.attributes['access.token.signed.response.alg'];
+ $scope.idTokenSignedResponseAlg = $scope.client.attributes['id.token.signed.response.alg'];
+ $scope.idTokenEncryptedResponseAlg = $scope.client.attributes['id.token.encrypted.response.alg'];
+ $scope.idTokenEncryptedResponseEnc = $scope.client.attributes['id.token.encrypted.response.enc'];
+ var attrVal1 = $scope.client.attributes['user.info.response.signature.alg'];
+ $scope.userInfoSignedResponseAlg = attrVal1==null ? 'unsigned' : attrVal1;
+ var attrVal2 = $scope.client.attributes['request.object.signature.alg'];
+ $scope.requestObjectSignatureAlg = attrVal2==null ? 'any' : attrVal2;
+ var attrVal3 = $scope.client.attributes['request.object.required'];
+ $scope.requestObjectRequired = attrVal3==null ? 'not required' : attrVal3;
+ var attrVal4 = $scope.client.attributes['pkce.code.challenge.method'];
+ $scope.pkceCodeChallengeMethod = attrVal4==null ? 'none' : attrVal4;
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["exclude.session.state.from.auth.response"]) {
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["exclude.session.state.from.auth.response"] == "true") {
+ $scope.excludeSessionStateFromAuthResponse = true;
+ } else {
+ $scope.excludeSessionStateFromAuthResponse = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // KEYCLOAK-6771 Certificate Bound Token
+ // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-mtls-08#section-3
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["tls.client.certificate.bound.access.tokens"]) {
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["tls.client.certificate.bound.access.tokens"] == "true") {
+ $scope.tlsClientCertificateBoundAccessTokens = true;
+ } else {
+ $scope.tlsClientCertificateBoundAccessTokens = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["display.on.consent.screen"]) {
+ if ($scope.client.attributes["display.on.consent.screen"] == "true") {
+ $scope.displayOnConsentScreen = true;
+ } else {
+ $scope.displayOnConsentScreen = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$scope.create) {
+ $scope.client = client;
+ updateProperties();
+ $scope.clientEdit = angular.copy(client);
+ }
+ $scope.samlIdpInitiatedUrl = function(ssoName) {
+ return encodeURI($location.absUrl().replace(/\/admin.*/, "/realms/") + realm.realm + "/protocol/saml/clients/") + encodeURIComponent(ssoName)
+ }
+ $scope.importFile = function(fileContent){
+ console.debug(fileContent);
+ ClientDescriptionConverter.save({
+ realm: realm.realm
+ }, fileContent, function (data) {
+ $scope.client = data;
+ updateProperties();
+ $scope.importing = true;
+ $scope.clientEdit = angular.copy(client);
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.viewImportDetails = function() {
+ $modal.open({
+ templateUrl: resourceUrl + '/partials/modal/view-object.html',
+ controller: 'ObjectModalCtrl',
+ resolve: {
+ object: function () {
+ return $scope.client;
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ };
+ $scope.switchChange = function() {
+ $scope.changed = true;
+ }
+ $scope.changeAccessType = function() {
+ if ($scope.accessType == "confidential") {
+ $scope.clientEdit.bearerOnly = false;
+ $scope.clientEdit.publicClient = false;
+ } else if ($scope.accessType == "public") {
+ $scope.clientEdit.bearerOnly = false;
+ $scope.clientEdit.publicClient = true;
+ } else if ($scope.accessType == "bearer-only") {
+ $scope.clientEdit.bearerOnly = true;
+ $scope.clientEdit.publicClient = false;
+ $scope.clientEdit.alwaysDisplayInConsole = false;
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.changeProtocol = function() {
+ if ($scope.protocol == "openid-connect") {
+ $scope.clientEdit.protocol = "openid-connect";
+ } else if ($scope.protocol == "saml") {
+ $scope.clientEdit.protocol = "saml";
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.changeAlgorithm = function() {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['saml.signature.algorithm'] = $scope.signatureAlgorithm;
+ };
+ $scope.changeNameIdFormat = function() {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['saml_name_id_format'] = $scope.nameIdFormat;
+ };
+ $scope.changeSamlSigKeyNameTranformer = function() {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['saml.server.signature.keyinfo.xmlSigKeyInfoKeyNameTransformer'] = $scope.samlXmlKeyNameTranformer;
+ };
+ $scope.changeAccessTokenSignedResponseAlg = function() {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['access.token.signed.response.alg'] = $scope.accessTokenSignedResponseAlg;
+ };
+ $scope.changeIdTokenSignedResponseAlg = function() {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['id.token.signed.response.alg'] = $scope.idTokenSignedResponseAlg;
+ };
+ $scope.changeIdTokenEncryptedResponseAlg = function() {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['id.token.encrypted.response.alg'] = $scope.idTokenEncryptedResponseAlg;
+ };
+ $scope.changeIdTokenEncryptedResponseEnc = function() {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['id.token.encrypted.response.enc'] = $scope.idTokenEncryptedResponseEnc;
+ };
+ $scope.changeUserInfoSignedResponseAlg = function() {
+ if ($scope.userInfoSignedResponseAlg === 'unsigned') {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['user.info.response.signature.alg'] = null;
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['user.info.response.signature.alg'] = $scope.userInfoSignedResponseAlg;
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.changeRequestObjectSignatureAlg = function() {
+ if ($scope.requestObjectSignatureAlg === 'any') {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['request.object.signature.alg'] = null;
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['request.object.signature.alg'] = $scope.requestObjectSignatureAlg;
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.changeRequestObjectRequired = function() {
+ if ($scope.requestObjectRequired === 'not required') {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['request.object.required'] = null;
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['request.object.required'] = $scope.requestObjectRequired;
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.changePkceCodeChallengeMethod = function() {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['pkce.code.challenge.method'] = $scope.pkceCodeChallengeMethod;
+ };
+ $scope.$watch(function() {
+ return $location.path();
+ }, function() {
+ $scope.path = $location.path().substring(1).split("/");
+ });
+ function isChanged() {
+ if (!angular.equals($scope.client, $scope.clientEdit)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ($scope.newRedirectUri && $scope.newRedirectUri.length > 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ($scope.newWebOrigin && $scope.newWebOrigin.length > 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ $scope.updateTimeouts = function() {
+ if ($scope.accessTokenLifespan.time) {
+ if ($scope.accessTokenLifespan.time === -1) {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['access.token.lifespan'] = -1;
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['access.token.lifespan'] = $scope.accessTokenLifespan.toSeconds();
+ }
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['access.token.lifespan'] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.updateAssertionLifespan = function() {
+ if ($scope.samlAssertionLifespan.time) {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['saml.assertion.lifespan'] = $scope.samlAssertionLifespan.toSeconds();
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['saml.assertion.lifespan'] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.updateClientSessionIdleTimeout = function() {
+ if ($scope.clientSessionIdleTimeout.time) {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['client.session.idle.timeout'] = $scope.clientSessionIdleTimeout.toSeconds();
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['client.session.idle.timeout'] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.updateClientSessionMaxLifespan = function() {
+ if ($scope.clientSessionMaxLifespan.time) {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['client.session.max.lifespan'] = $scope.clientSessionMaxLifespan.toSeconds();
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['client.session.max.lifespan'] = null;
+ }
+ }
+ function configureAuthorizationServices() {
+ if ($scope.clientEdit.authorizationServicesEnabled) {
+ if ($scope.accessType == 'public') {
+ $scope.accessType = 'confidential';
+ }
+ $scope.clientEdit.publicClient = false;
+ $scope.clientEdit.serviceAccountsEnabled = true;
+ } else if ($scope.clientEdit.bearerOnly) {
+ $scope.clientEdit.serviceAccountsEnabled = false;
+ }
+ if ($scope.client.authorizationServicesEnabled && !$scope.clientEdit.authorizationServicesEnabled) {
+ Dialog.confirm("Disable Authorization Settings", "Are you sure you want to disable authorization ? Once you save your changes, all authorization settings associated with this client will be removed. This operation can not be reverted.", function () {
+ }, function () {
+ $scope.clientEdit.authorizationServicesEnabled = true;
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.$watch('clientEdit', function() {
+ $scope.changed = isChanged();
+ configureAuthorizationServices();
+ }, true);
+ $scope.$watch('newRedirectUri', function() {
+ $scope.changed = isChanged();
+ }, true);
+ $scope.$watch('newWebOrigin', function() {
+ $scope.changed = isChanged();
+ }, true);
+ $scope.deleteWebOrigin = function(index) {
+ $scope.clientEdit.webOrigins.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ $scope.addWebOrigin = function() {
+ $scope.clientEdit.webOrigins.push($scope.newWebOrigin);
+ $scope.newWebOrigin = "";
+ }
+ $scope.deleteRedirectUri = function(index) {
+ $scope.clientEdit.redirectUris.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ $scope.addRedirectUri = function() {
+ $scope.clientEdit.redirectUris.push($scope.newRedirectUri);
+ $scope.newRedirectUri = "";
+ }
+ $scope.save = function() {
+ if ($scope.newRedirectUri && $scope.newRedirectUri.length > 0) {
+ $scope.addRedirectUri();
+ }
+ if ($scope.newWebOrigin && $scope.newWebOrigin.length > 0) {
+ $scope.addWebOrigin();
+ }
+ if ($scope.samlServerSignature == true) {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["saml.server.signature"] = "true";
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["saml.server.signature"] = "false";
+ }
+ if ($scope.samlServerSignatureEnableKeyInfoExtension == true) {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["saml.server.signature.keyinfo.ext"] = "true";
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["saml.server.signature.keyinfo.ext"] = "false";
+ }
+ if ($scope.samlAssertionSignature == true) {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["saml.assertion.signature"] = "true";
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["saml.assertion.signature"] = "false";
+ }
+ if ($scope.samlClientSignature == true) {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["saml.client.signature"] = "true";
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["saml.client.signature"] = "false";
+ }
+ if ($scope.samlEncrypt == true) {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["saml.encrypt"] = "true";
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["saml.encrypt"] = "false";
+ }
+ if ($scope.samlAuthnStatement == true) {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["saml.authnstatement"] = "true";
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["saml.authnstatement"] = "false";
+ }
+ if ($scope.samlOneTimeUseCondition == true) {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["saml.onetimeuse.condition"] = "true";
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["saml.onetimeuse.condition"] = "false";
+ }
+ if ($scope.samlForceNameIdFormat == true) {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["saml_force_name_id_format"] = "true";
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["saml_force_name_id_format"] = "false";
+ }
+ if ($scope.samlMultiValuedRoles == true) {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["saml.multivalued.roles"] = "true";
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["saml.multivalued.roles"] = "false";
+ }
+ if ($scope.samlForcePostBinding == true) {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["saml.force.post.binding"] = "true";
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["saml.force.post.binding"] = "false";
+ }
+ if ($scope.excludeSessionStateFromAuthResponse == true) {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["exclude.session.state.from.auth.response"] = "true";
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["exclude.session.state.from.auth.response"] = "false";
+ }
+ // KEYCLOAK-6771 Certificate Bound Token
+ // https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-oauth-mtls-08#section-3
+ if ($scope.tlsClientCertificateBoundAccessTokens == true) {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["tls.client.certificate.bound.access.tokens"] = "true";
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["tls.client.certificate.bound.access.tokens"] = "false";
+ }
+ if ($scope.displayOnConsentScreen == true) {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["display.on.consent.screen"] = "true";
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes["display.on.consent.screen"] = "false";
+ }
+ $scope.clientEdit.protocol = $scope.protocol;
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['saml.signature.algorithm'] = $scope.signatureAlgorithm;
+ $scope.clientEdit.attributes['saml_name_id_format'] = $scope.nameIdFormat;
+ if ($scope.clientEdit.protocol != 'saml' && !$scope.clientEdit.bearerOnly && ($scope.clientEdit.standardFlowEnabled || $scope.clientEdit.implicitFlowEnabled) && (!$scope.clientEdit.redirectUris || $scope.clientEdit.redirectUris.length == 0)) {
+ Notifications.error("You must specify at least one redirect uri");
+ } else {
+ Client.update({
+ realm : realm.realm,
+ client : client.id
+ }, $scope.clientEdit, function() {
+ $route.reload();
+ Notifications.success("Your changes have been saved to the client.");
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.reset = function() {
+ $route.reload();
+ };
+ $scope.cancel = function() {
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + "/clients");
+ };
+module.controller('CreateClientCtrl', function($scope, realm, client, $route, serverInfo, Client, ClientDescriptionConverter, $location, $modal, Dialog, Notifications) {
+ $scope.protocols = serverInfo.listProviderIds('login-protocol');
+ $scope.create = true;
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.client = {
+ enabled: true,
+ attributes: {}
+ };
+ $scope.client.redirectUris = [];
+ $scope.protocol = $scope.protocols[0];
+ $scope.importFile = function(fileContent){
+ console.debug(fileContent);
+ ClientDescriptionConverter.save({
+ realm: realm.realm
+ }, fileContent, function (data) {
+ $scope.client = data;
+ if (data.protocol) {
+ $scope.protocol = data.protocol;
+ }
+ $scope.importing = true;
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.viewImportDetails = function() {
+ $modal.open({
+ templateUrl: resourceUrl + '/partials/modal/view-object.html',
+ controller: 'ObjectModalCtrl',
+ resolve: {
+ object: function () {
+ return $scope.client;
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ };
+ $scope.switchChange = function() {
+ $scope.changed = true;
+ }
+ $scope.changeProtocol = function() {
+ if ($scope.protocol == "openid-connect") {
+ $scope.client.protocol = "openid-connect";
+ } else if ($scope.protocol == "saml") {
+ $scope.client.protocol = "saml";
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.$watch(function() {
+ return $location.path();
+ }, function() {
+ $scope.path = $location.path().substring(1).split("/");
+ });
+ function isChanged() {
+ if (!angular.equals($scope.client, client)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ $scope.$watch('client', function() {
+ $scope.changed = isChanged();
+ }, true);
+ $scope.save = function() {
+ $scope.client.protocol = $scope.protocol;
+ Client.save({
+ realm: realm.realm,
+ client: ''
+ }, $scope.client, function (data, headers) {
+ $scope.changed = false;
+ var l = headers().location;
+ var id = l.substring(l.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + "/clients/" + id);
+ Notifications.success("The client has been created.");
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.reset = function() {
+ $route.reload();
+ };
+ $scope.cancel = function() {
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + "/clients");
+ };
+module.controller('ClientScopeMappingCtrl', function($scope, $http, realm, $route, client, clients, Notifications,
+ Client, ClientScope,
+ ClientRealmScopeMapping, ClientClientScopeMapping, ClientRole,
+ ClientAvailableRealmScopeMapping, ClientAvailableClientScopeMapping,
+ ClientCompositeRealmScopeMapping, ClientCompositeClientScopeMapping) {
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.client = angular.copy(client);
+ $scope.selectedRealmRoles = [];
+ $scope.selectedRealmMappings = [];
+ $scope.realmMappings = [];
+ $scope.clients = clients;
+ $scope.clientRoles = [];
+ $scope.clientComposite = [];
+ $scope.selectedClientRoles = [];
+ $scope.selectedClientMappings = [];
+ $scope.clientMappings = [];
+ $scope.dummymodel = [];
+ $scope.hideRoleSelector = function() {
+ return $scope.client.fullScopeAllowed;
+ }
+ $scope.changeFlag = function() {
+ console.log('changeFlag');
+ Client.update({
+ realm : realm.realm,
+ client : client.id
+ }, $scope.client, function() {
+ $scope.changed = false;
+ client = angular.copy($scope.client);
+ updateRealmRoles();
+ Notifications.success("Scope mappings updated.");
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.selectedClient = null;
+ $scope.selectClient = function(client) {
+ if (!client || !client.id) {
+ $scope.selectedClient = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ $scope.selectedClient = client;
+ updateClientRoles();
+ }
+ function updateRealmRoles() {
+ $scope.realmRoles = ClientAvailableRealmScopeMapping.query({realm : realm.realm, client : client.id});
+ $scope.realmMappings = ClientRealmScopeMapping.query({realm : realm.realm, client : client.id});
+ $scope.realmComposite = ClientCompositeRealmScopeMapping.query({realm : realm.realm, client : client.id});
+ }
+ function updateClientRoles() {
+ if ($scope.selectedClient) {
+ $scope.clientRoles = ClientAvailableClientScopeMapping.query({realm : realm.realm, client : client.id, targetClient : $scope.selectedClient.id});
+ $scope.clientMappings = ClientClientScopeMapping.query({realm : realm.realm, client : client.id, targetClient : $scope.selectedClient.id});
+ $scope.clientComposite = ClientCompositeClientScopeMapping.query({realm : realm.realm, client : client.id, targetClient : $scope.selectedClient.id});
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientRoles = null;
+ $scope.clientMappings = null;
+ $scope.clientComposite = null;
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.addRealmRole = function() {
+ $scope.selectedRealmRolesToAdd = JSON.parse('[' + $scope.selectedRealmRoles + ']');
+ $scope.selectedRealmRoles = [];
+ $http.post(authUrl + '/admin/realms/' + realm.realm + '/clients/' + client.id + '/scope-mappings/realm',
+ $scope.selectedRealmRolesToAdd).then(function() {
+ updateRealmRoles();
+ $scope.selectedRealmRolesToAdd = [];
+ Notifications.success("Scope mappings updated.");
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.deleteRealmRole = function() {
+ $scope.selectedRealmMappingsToRemove = JSON.parse('[' + $scope.selectedRealmMappings + ']');
+ $scope.selectedRealmMappings = [];
+ $http.delete(authUrl + '/admin/realms/' + realm.realm + '/clients/' + client.id + '/scope-mappings/realm',
+ {data : $scope.selectedRealmMappingsToRemove, headers : {"content-type" : "application/json"}}).then(function () {
+ updateRealmRoles();
+ $scope.selectedRealmMappingsToRemove = [];
+ Notifications.success("Scope mappings updated.");
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.addClientRole = function() {
+ $scope.selectedClientRolesToAdd = JSON.parse('[' + $scope.selectedClientRoles + ']');
+ $scope.selectedClientRoles = [];
+ $http.post(authUrl + '/admin/realms/' + realm.realm + '/clients/' + client.id + '/scope-mappings/clients/' + $scope.selectedClient.id,
+ $scope.selectedClientRolesToAdd).then(function () {
+ updateClientRoles();
+ $scope.selectedClientRolesToAdd = [];
+ Notifications.success("Scope mappings updated.");
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.deleteClientRole = function() {
+ $scope.selectedClientMappingsToRemove = JSON.parse('[' + $scope.selectedClientMappings + ']');
+ $scope.selectedClientMappings = [];
+ $http.delete(authUrl + '/admin/realms/' + realm.realm + '/clients/' + client.id + '/scope-mappings/clients/' + $scope.selectedClient.id,
+ {data : $scope.selectedClientMappingsToRemove, headers : {"content-type" : "application/json"}}).then(function () {
+ updateClientRoles();
+ $scope.selectedClientMappingsToRemove = [];
+ Notifications.success("Scope mappings updated.");
+ });
+ };
+ clientSelectControl($scope, $route.current.params.realm, Client);
+ updateRealmRoles();
+module.controller('ClientRevocationCtrl', function($scope, realm, client, Client, ClientPushRevocation, $location, Dialog, Notifications) {
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.client = client;
+ var setNotBefore = function() {
+ if ($scope.client.notBefore == 0) {
+ $scope.notBefore = "None";
+ } else {
+ $scope.notBefore = new Date($scope.client.notBefore * 1000);
+ }
+ };
+ setNotBefore();
+ var refresh = function() {
+ Client.get({ realm : realm.realm, client: $scope.client.id }, function(updated) {
+ $scope.client = updated;
+ setNotBefore();
+ })
+ };
+ $scope.clear = function() {
+ $scope.client.notBefore = 0;
+ Client.update({ realm : realm.realm, client: client.id}, $scope.client, function () {
+ $scope.notBefore = "None";
+ Notifications.success('Not Before cleared for client.');
+ refresh();
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.setNotBeforeNow = function() {
+ $scope.client.notBefore = new Date().getTime()/1000;
+ Client.update({ realm : realm.realm, client: $scope.client.id}, $scope.client, function () {
+ Notifications.success('Not Before set for client.');
+ refresh();
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.pushRevocation = function() {
+ ClientPushRevocation.save({realm : realm.realm, client: $scope.client.id}, function (globalReqResult) {
+ var successCount = globalReqResult.successRequests ? globalReqResult.successRequests.length : 0;
+ var failedCount = globalReqResult.failedRequests ? globalReqResult.failedRequests.length : 0;
+ if (successCount==0 && failedCount==0) {
+ Notifications.warn('No push sent. No admin URI configured or no registered cluster nodes available');
+ } else if (failedCount > 0) {
+ var msgStart = successCount>0 ? 'Successfully push notBefore to: ' + globalReqResult.successRequests + ' . ' : '';
+ Notifications.error(msgStart + 'Failed to push notBefore to: ' + globalReqResult.failedRequests + '. Verify availability of failed hosts and try again');
+ } else {
+ Notifications.success('Successfully push notBefore to: ' + globalReqResult.successRequests);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+module.controller('ClientClusteringCtrl', function($scope, client, Client, ClientTestNodesAvailable, ClientClusterNode, realm, $location, $route, Dialog, Notifications, TimeUnit) {
+ $scope.client = client;
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ var oldCopy = angular.copy($scope.client);
+ $scope.changed = false;
+ $scope.$watch('client', function() {
+ if (!angular.equals($scope.client, oldCopy)) {
+ $scope.changed = true;
+ }
+ }, true);
+ $scope.client.nodeReRegistrationTimeoutUnit = TimeUnit.autoUnit(client.nodeReRegistrationTimeout);
+ $scope.client.nodeReRegistrationTimeout = TimeUnit.toUnit(client.nodeReRegistrationTimeout, $scope.client.nodeReRegistrationTimeoutUnit);
+ $scope.save = function() {
+ var clientCopy = angular.copy($scope.client);
+ delete clientCopy['nodeReRegistrationTimeoutUnit'];
+ clientCopy.nodeReRegistrationTimeout = TimeUnit.toSeconds($scope.client.nodeReRegistrationTimeout, $scope.client.nodeReRegistrationTimeoutUnit)
+ Client.update({ realm : realm.realm, client : client.id }, clientCopy, function () {
+ $route.reload();
+ Notifications.success('Your changes have been saved to the client.');
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.reset = function() {
+ $route.reload();
+ };
+ $scope.testNodesAvailable = function() {
+ ClientTestNodesAvailable.get({ realm : realm.realm, client : client.id }, function(globalReqResult) {
+ $route.reload();
+ var successCount = globalReqResult.successRequests ? globalReqResult.successRequests.length : 0;
+ var failedCount = globalReqResult.failedRequests ? globalReqResult.failedRequests.length : 0;
+ if (successCount==0 && failedCount==0) {
+ Notifications.warn('No requests sent. No admin URI configured or no registered cluster nodes available');
+ } else if (failedCount > 0) {
+ var msgStart = successCount>0 ? 'Successfully verify availability for ' + globalReqResult.successRequests + ' . ' : '';
+ Notifications.error(msgStart + 'Failed to verify availability for: ' + globalReqResult.failedRequests + '. Fix or unregister failed cluster nodes and try again');
+ } else {
+ Notifications.success('Successfully sent requests to: ' + globalReqResult.successRequests);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ if (client.registeredNodes) {
+ var nodeRegistrations = [];
+ for (node in client.registeredNodes) {
+ reg = {
+ host: node,
+ lastRegistration: new Date(client.registeredNodes[node] * 1000)
+ }
+ nodeRegistrations.push(reg);
+ }
+ $scope.nodeRegistrations = nodeRegistrations;
+ };
+ $scope.removeNode = function(node) {
+ Dialog.confirmDelete(node.host, 'node', function() {
+ ClientClusterNode.remove({ realm : realm.realm, client : client.id , node: node.host }, function() {
+ Notifications.success('Node ' + node.host + ' unregistered successfully.');
+ $route.reload();
+ });
+ });
+ };
+module.controller('ClientClusteringNodeCtrl', function($scope, client, Client, ClientClusterNode, realm,
+ $location, $routeParams, Notifications, Dialog) {
+ $scope.client = client;
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.create = !$routeParams.node;
+ $scope.save = function() {
+ ClientClusterNode.save({ realm : realm.realm, client : client.id , node: $scope.node.host }, function() {
+ Notifications.success('Node ' + $scope.node.host + ' registered successfully.');
+ $location.url('/realms/' + realm.realm + '/clients/' + client.id + '/clustering');
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.unregisterNode = function() {
+ Dialog.confirmDelete($scope.node.host, 'node', function() {
+ ClientClusterNode.remove({ realm : realm.realm, client : client.id , node: $scope.node.host }, function() {
+ Notifications.success('Node ' + $scope.node.host + ' unregistered successfully.');
+ $location.url('/realms/' + realm.realm + '/clients/' + client.id + '/clustering');
+ });
+ });
+ }
+ if ($scope.create) {
+ $scope.node = {}
+ $scope.registered = false;
+ } else {
+ var lastRegTime = client.registeredNodes[$routeParams.node];
+ if (lastRegTime) {
+ $scope.registered = true;
+ $scope.node = {
+ host: $routeParams.node,
+ lastRegistration: new Date(lastRegTime * 1000)
+ }
+ } else {
+ $scope.registered = false;
+ $scope.node = {
+ host: $routeParams.node
+ }
+ }
+ }
+module.controller('AddBuiltinProtocolMapperCtrl', function($scope, realm, client, serverInfo,
+ ClientProtocolMappersByProtocol,
+ $http, $location, Dialog, Notifications) {
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.client = client;
+ if (client.protocol == null) {
+ client.protocol = 'openid-connect';
+ }
+ var protocolMappers = serverInfo.protocolMapperTypes[client.protocol];
+ var mapperTypes = {};
+ for (var i = 0; i < protocolMappers.length; i++) {
+ mapperTypes[protocolMappers[i].id] = protocolMappers[i];
+ }
+ $scope.mapperTypes = mapperTypes;
+ var updateMappers = function() {
+ var clientMappers = ClientProtocolMappersByProtocol.query({realm : realm.realm, client : client.id, protocol : client.protocol}, function() {
+ var builtinMappers = serverInfo.builtinProtocolMappers[client.protocol];
+ for (var i = 0; i < clientMappers.length; i++) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < builtinMappers.length; j++) {
+ if (builtinMappers[j].name == clientMappers[i].name
+ && builtinMappers[j].protocolMapper == clientMappers[i].protocolMapper) {
+ builtinMappers.splice(j, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.mappers = builtinMappers;
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.mappers.length; i++) {
+ $scope.mappers[i].isChecked = false;
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ updateMappers();
+ $scope.add = function() {
+ var toAdd = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.mappers.length; i++) {
+ if ($scope.mappers[i].isChecked) {
+ delete $scope.mappers[i].isChecked;
+ toAdd.push($scope.mappers[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ $http.post(authUrl + '/admin/realms/' + realm.realm + '/clients/' + client.id + '/protocol-mappers/add-models',
+ toAdd).then(function() {
+ Notifications.success("Mappers added");
+ $location.url('/realms/' + realm.realm + '/clients/' + client.id + '/mappers');
+ }).catch(function() {
+ Notifications.error("Error adding mappers");
+ $location.url('/realms/' + realm.realm + '/clients/' + client.id + '/mappers');
+ });
+ };
+module.controller('ClientProtocolMapperListCtrl', function($scope, realm, client, serverInfo,
+ Client,
+ ClientProtocolMappersByProtocol, ClientProtocolMapper,
+ $route, Dialog, Notifications) {
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.client = client;
+ if (client.protocol == null) {
+ client.protocol = 'openid-connect';
+ }
+ $scope.changeFlag = function() {
+ Client.update({
+ realm : realm.realm,
+ client : client.id
+ }, $scope.client, function() {
+ $scope.changed = false;
+ client = angular.copy($scope.client);
+ Notifications.success("Client updated.");
+ });
+ }
+ var protocolMappers = serverInfo.protocolMapperTypes[client.protocol];
+ var mapperTypes = {};
+ for (var i = 0; i < protocolMappers.length; i++) {
+ mapperTypes[protocolMappers[i].id] = protocolMappers[i];
+ }
+ $scope.mapperTypes = mapperTypes;
+ $scope.removeMapper = function(mapper) {
+ console.debug(mapper);
+ Dialog.confirmDelete(mapper.name, 'mapper', function() {
+ ClientProtocolMapper.remove({ realm: realm.realm, client: client.id, id : mapper.id }, function() {
+ Notifications.success("The mapper has been deleted.");
+ $route.reload();
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.sortMappersByPriority = function(mapper) {
+ return $scope.mapperTypes[mapper.protocolMapper].priority;
+ }
+ var updateMappers = function() {
+ $scope.mappers = ClientProtocolMappersByProtocol.query({realm : realm.realm, client : client.id, protocol : client.protocol});
+ };
+ updateMappers();
+module.controller('ClientProtocolMapperCtrl', function($scope, realm, serverInfo, client, clients, mapper, ClientProtocolMapper, Notifications, Dialog, $location) {
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.clients = clients;
+ /*
+ $scope.client = client;
+ $scope.create = false;
+ $scope.protocol = client.protocol;
+ $scope.mapper = angular.copy(mapper);
+ $scope.changed = false;
+ */
+ if (client.protocol == null) {
+ client.protocol = 'openid-connect';
+ }
+ $scope.model = {
+ realm: realm,
+ client: client,
+ create: false,
+ protocol: client.protocol,
+ mapper: angular.copy(mapper),
+ changed: false
+ };
+ var protocolMappers = serverInfo.protocolMapperTypes[client.protocol];
+ for (var i = 0; i < protocolMappers.length; i++) {
+ if (protocolMappers[i].id === mapper.protocolMapper) {
+ $scope.model.mapperType = protocolMappers[i];
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.$watch(function() {
+ return $location.path();
+ }, function() {
+ $scope.path = $location.path().substring(1).split("/");
+ });
+ $scope.$watch('model.mapper', function() {
+ if (!angular.equals($scope.model.mapper, mapper)) {
+ $scope.model.changed = true;
+ }
+ }, true);
+ $scope.save = function() {
+ ClientProtocolMapper.update({
+ realm : realm.realm,
+ client: client.id,
+ id : $scope.model.mapper.id
+ }, $scope.model.mapper, function() {
+ $scope.model.changed = false;
+ mapper = angular.copy($scope.mapper);
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + '/clients/' + client.id + "/mappers/" + $scope.model.mapper.id);
+ Notifications.success("Your changes have been saved.");
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.reset = function() {
+ $scope.model.mapper = angular.copy(mapper);
+ $scope.model.changed = false;
+ };
+ $scope.cancel = function() {
+ //$location.url("/realms");
+ window.history.back();
+ };
+ $scope.remove = function() {
+ Dialog.confirmDelete($scope.model.mapper.name, 'mapper', function() {
+ ClientProtocolMapper.remove({ realm: realm.realm, client: client.id, id : $scope.model.mapper.id }, function() {
+ Notifications.success("The mapper has been deleted.");
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + '/clients/' + client.id + "/mappers");
+ });
+ });
+ };
+module.controller('ClientProtocolMapperCreateCtrl', function($scope, realm, serverInfo, client, clients, ClientProtocolMapper, Notifications, Dialog, $location) {
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.clients = clients;
+ if (client.protocol == null) {
+ client.protocol = 'openid-connect';
+ }
+ var protocol = client.protocol;
+ /*
+ $scope.client = client;
+ $scope.create = true;
+ $scope.protocol = protocol;
+ $scope.mapper = { protocol : client.protocol, config: {}};
+ $scope.mapperTypes = serverInfo.protocolMapperTypes[protocol];
+ */
+ $scope.model = {
+ realm: realm,
+ client: client,
+ create: true,
+ protocol: client.protocol,
+ mapper: { protocol : client.protocol, config: {}},
+ changed: false,
+ mapperTypes: serverInfo.protocolMapperTypes[protocol]
+ };
+ console.log("mapper types: ", $scope.model.mapperTypes);
+ // apply default configurations on change for selected protocolmapper type.
+ $scope.$watch('model.mapperType', function() {
+ var currentMapperType = $scope.model.mapperType;
+ var defaultConfig = {};
+ if (currentMapperType && Array.isArray(currentMapperType.properties)) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < currentMapperType.properties.length; i++) {
+ var property = currentMapperType.properties[i];
+ if (property && property.name && property.defaultValue) {
+ defaultConfig[property.name] = property.defaultValue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.model.mapper.config = defaultConfig;
+ }, true);
+ $scope.model.mapperType = $scope.model.mapperTypes[0];
+ $scope.$watch(function() {
+ return $location.path();
+ }, function() {
+ $scope.path = $location.path().substring(1).split("/");
+ });
+ $scope.save = function() {
+ $scope.model.mapper.protocolMapper = $scope.model.mapperType.id;
+ ClientProtocolMapper.save({
+ realm : realm.realm, client: client.id
+ }, $scope.model.mapper, function(data, headers) {
+ var l = headers().location;
+ var id = l.substring(l.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + '/clients/' + client.id + "/mappers/" + id);
+ Notifications.success("Mapper has been created.");
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.cancel = function() {
+ //$location.url("/realms");
+ window.history.back();
+ };
+module.controller('ClientClientScopesSetupCtrl', function($scope, realm, Realm, client, clientScopes, serverInfo,
+ clientDefaultClientScopes, ClientDefaultClientScopes, clientOptionalClientScopes, ClientOptionalClientScopes, $route, Notifications, $location) {
+ console.log('ClientClientScopesSetupCtrl');
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.client = client;
+ $scope.clientDefaultClientScopes = clientDefaultClientScopes;
+ $scope.clientOptionalClientScopes = clientOptionalClientScopes;
+ $scope.availableClientScopes = [];
+ $scope.selectedDefaultClientScopes = [];
+ $scope.selectedDefDefaultClientScopes = [];
+ $scope.selectedOptionalClientScopes = [];
+ $scope.selectedDefOptionalClientScopes = [];
+ // Populate available client scopes. Available client scopes are neither already assigned to 'default' or 'optional'
+ for (var i = 0; i < clientScopes.length; i++) {
+ var clientScope = clientScopes[i];
+ var scopeName = clientScopes[i].name;
+ var available = true;
+ if (clientScope.protocol != client.protocol) {
+ available = false;
+ }
+ for (var j = 0; j < $scope.clientDefaultClientScopes.length; j++) {
+ if (scopeName === $scope.clientDefaultClientScopes[j].name) {
+ available = false;
+ }
+ }
+ for (var j = 0; j < $scope.clientOptionalClientScopes.length; j++) {
+ if (scopeName === $scope.clientOptionalClientScopes[j].name) {
+ available = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (available) {
+ $scope.availableClientScopes.push(clientScope);
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.addDefaultClientScope = function () {
+ $scope.selectedDefaultClientScopesToAdd = JSON.parse('[' + $scope.selectedDefaultClientScopes + ']');
+ toAdd = $scope.selectedDefaultClientScopesToAdd.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.selectedDefaultClientScopesToAdd.length; i++) {
+ var currentScope = $scope.selectedDefaultClientScopesToAdd[i];
+ ClientDefaultClientScopes.update({
+ realm : realm.realm,
+ client : client.id,
+ clientScopeId : currentScope.id
+ }, function () {
+ toAdd = toAdd - 1;
+ if (toAdd === 0) {
+ $route.reload();
+ Notifications.success("Default scopes updated.");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.selectedDefaultClientScopesToAdd = [];
+ };
+ $scope.deleteDefaultClientScope = function () {
+ $scope.selectedDefDefaultClientScopesToRemove = JSON.parse('[' + $scope.selectedDefDefaultClientScopes + ']');
+ toRemove = $scope.selectedDefDefaultClientScopesToRemove.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.selectedDefDefaultClientScopesToRemove.length; i++) {
+ var currentScope = $scope.selectedDefDefaultClientScopesToRemove[i];
+ ClientDefaultClientScopes.remove({
+ realm : realm.realm,
+ client : client.id,
+ clientScopeId : currentScope.id
+ }, function () {
+ toRemove = toRemove - 1;
+ if (toRemove === 0) {
+ $route.reload();
+ Notifications.success("Default scopes updated.");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.selectedDefDefaultClientScopesToRemove = [];
+ };
+ $scope.addOptionalClientScope = function () {
+ $scope.selectedOptionalClientScopesToAdd = JSON.parse('[' + $scope.selectedOptionalClientScopes + ']');
+ toAdd = $scope.selectedOptionalClientScopesToAdd.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.selectedOptionalClientScopesToAdd.length; i++) {
+ var currentScope = $scope.selectedOptionalClientScopesToAdd[i];
+ ClientOptionalClientScopes.update({
+ realm : realm.realm,
+ client : client.id,
+ clientScopeId : currentScope.id
+ }, function () {
+ toAdd = toAdd - 1;
+ if (toAdd === 0) {
+ $route.reload();
+ Notifications.success("Optional scopes updated.");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.deleteOptionalClientScope = function () {
+ $scope.selectedDefOptionalClientScopesToRemove = JSON.parse('[' + $scope.selectedDefOptionalClientScopes + ']');
+ toRemove = $scope.selectedDefOptionalClientScopesToRemove.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.selectedDefOptionalClientScopesToRemove.length; i++) {
+ var currentScope = $scope.selectedDefOptionalClientScopesToRemove[i];
+ ClientOptionalClientScopes.remove({
+ realm : realm.realm,
+ client : client.id,
+ clientScopeId : currentScope.id
+ }, function () {
+ toRemove = toRemove - 1;
+ if (toRemove === 0) {
+ $route.reload();
+ Notifications.success("Optional scopes updated.");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.selectedDefOptionalClientScopesToRemove = [];
+ };
+module.controller('ClientClientScopesEvaluateCtrl', function($scope, Realm, User, ClientEvaluateProtocolMappers, ClientEvaluateGrantedRoles,
+ ClientEvaluateNotGrantedRoles, ClientEvaluateGenerateExampleToken, realm, client, clients, clientScopes, serverInfo,
+ ComponentUtils, clientOptionalClientScopes, clientDefaultClientScopes, $route, $routeParams, $http, Notifications, $location,
+ Client) {
+ console.log('ClientClientScopesEvaluateCtrl');
+ var protocolMappers = serverInfo.protocolMapperTypes[client.protocol];
+ var mapperTypes = {};
+ for (var i = 0; i < protocolMappers.length; i++) {
+ mapperTypes[protocolMappers[i].id] = protocolMappers[i];
+ }
+ $scope.mapperTypes = mapperTypes;
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.client = client;
+ $scope.clients = clients;
+ $scope.userId = null;
+ $scope.availableClientScopes = [];
+ $scope.assignedClientScopes = [];
+ $scope.selectedClientScopes = [];
+ $scope.selectedDefClientScopes = [];
+ $scope.effectiveClientScopes = [];
+ // Populate available client scopes. Available client scopes are neither already assigned to 'default' or 'optional'
+ for (var i = 0; i < clientOptionalClientScopes.length; i++) {
+ $scope.availableClientScopes.push(clientOptionalClientScopes[i]);
+ }
+ function clearEvalResponse() {
+ $scope.protocolMappers = null;
+ $scope.grantedRealmRoles = null;
+ $scope.notGrantedRealmRoles = null;
+ $scope.grantedClientRoles = null;
+ $scope.notGrantedClientRoles = null;
+ $scope.targetClient = null;
+ $scope.oidcAccessToken = null;
+ $scope.selectedTab = 0;
+ }
+ function updateState() {
+ // Compute scope parameter
+ $scope.scopeParam = 'openid';
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.assignedClientScopes.length; i++) {
+ var currentScopeParam = $scope.assignedClientScopes[i].name;
+ $scope.scopeParam = $scope.scopeParam + ' ' + currentScopeParam;
+ }
+ // Compute effective scopes
+ $scope.effectiveClientScopes = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < clientDefaultClientScopes.length; i++) {
+ var currentScope = clientDefaultClientScopes[i];
+ $scope.effectiveClientScopes.push(currentScope);
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.assignedClientScopes.length; i++) {
+ var currentScope = $scope.assignedClientScopes[i];
+ $scope.effectiveClientScopes.push(currentScope);
+ }
+ // Clear the evaluation response
+ clearEvalResponse();
+ }
+ updateState();
+ $scope.addAppliedClientScope = function () {
+ $scope.selectedClientScopesToAdd = JSON.parse('[' + $scope.selectedClientScopes + ']');
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.selectedClientScopesToAdd.length; i++) {
+ var currentScope = $scope.selectedClientScopesToAdd[i];
+ $scope.assignedClientScopes.push(currentScope);
+ var index = ComponentUtils.findIndexById($scope.availableClientScopes, currentScope.id);
+ if (index > -1) {
+ $scope.availableClientScopes.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.selectedClientScopes = [];
+ $scope.selectedClientScopesToAdd = [];
+ updateState();
+ };
+ $scope.deleteAppliedClientScope = function () {
+ $scope.selectedDefClientScopesToRemove = JSON.parse('[' + $scope.selectedDefClientScopes + ']');
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.selectedDefClientScopesToRemove.length; i++) {
+ var currentScope = $scope.selectedDefClientScopesToRemove[i];
+ $scope.availableClientScopes.push(currentScope);
+ var index = ComponentUtils.findIndexById($scope.assignedClientScopes, currentScope.id);
+ if (index > -1) {
+ $scope.assignedClientScopes.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.selectedDefClientScopes = [];
+ $scope.selectedDefClientScopesToRemove = [];
+ updateState();
+ };
+ $scope.usersUiSelect = {
+ minimumInputLength: 1,
+ delay: 500,
+ allowClear: true,
+ query: function (query) {
+ var data = {results: []};
+ if ('' == query.term.trim()) {
+ query.callback(data);
+ return;
+ }
+ User.query({realm: $route.current.params.realm, search: query.term.trim(), max: 20}, function(response) {
+ data.results = response;
+ query.callback(data);
+ });
+ },
+ formatResult: function(object, container, query) {
+ object.text = object.username;
+ return object.username;
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.selectedUser = null;
+ $scope.selectUser = function(user) {
+ clearEvalResponse();
+ if (!user || !user.id) {
+ $scope.selectedUser = null;
+ $scope.userId = '';
+ return;
+ }
+ $scope.userId = user.id;
+ }
+ clientSelectControl($scope, $route.current.params.realm, Client);
+ $scope.selectedClient = null;
+ $scope.selectClient = function(client) {
+ console.log("selected client: ", client);
+ if (!client || !client.id) {
+ $scope.selectedClient = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ $scope.selectedClient = client;
+ updateScopeClientRoles();
+ }
+ $scope.sendEvaluationRequest = function () {
+ // Send request for retrieve protocolMappers
+ $scope.protocolMappers = ClientEvaluateProtocolMappers.query({
+ realm: realm.realm,
+ client: client.id,
+ scopeParam: $scope.scopeParam
+ });
+ // Send request for retrieve realmRoles
+ updateScopeRealmRoles();
+ // Send request for retrieve accessToken (in case user was selected)
+ if (client.protocol === 'openid-connect' && $scope.userId != null && $scope.userId !== '') {
+ var url = ClientEvaluateGenerateExampleToken.url({
+ realm: realm.realm,
+ client: client.id,
+ userId: $scope.userId,
+ scopeParam: $scope.scopeParam
+ });
+ $http.get(url).then(function (response) {
+ if (response.data) {
+ var oidcAccessToken = angular.fromJson(response.data);
+ oidcAccessToken = angular.toJson(oidcAccessToken, true);
+ $scope.oidcAccessToken = oidcAccessToken;
+ } else {
+ $scope.oidcAccessToken = null;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.showTab(1);
+ };
+ $scope.isResponseAvailable = function () {
+ return $scope.protocolMappers != null;
+ }
+ $scope.isTokenAvailable = function () {
+ return $scope.oidcAccessToken != null;
+ }
+ $scope.showTab = function (tab) {
+ $scope.selectedTab = tab;
+ // Check if there is more clever way to do it... :/
+ if (tab === 1) {
+ $scope.tabCss = { tab1: 'active', tab2: '', tab3: '' }
+ } else if (tab === 2) {
+ $scope.tabCss = { tab1: '', tab2: 'active', tab3: '' }
+ } else if (tab === 3) {
+ $scope.tabCss = { tab1: '', tab2: '', tab3: 'active' }
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.protocolMappersShown = function () {
+ return $scope.selectedTab === 1;
+ }
+ $scope.rolesShown = function () {
+ return $scope.selectedTab === 2;
+ }
+ $scope.tokenShown = function () {
+ return $scope.selectedTab === 3;
+ }
+ $scope.sortMappersByPriority = function(mapper) {
+ return $scope.mapperTypes[mapper.protocolMapper].priority;
+ }
+ // Roles
+ function updateScopeRealmRoles() {
+ $scope.grantedRealmRoles = ClientEvaluateGrantedRoles.query({
+ realm: realm.realm,
+ client: client.id,
+ roleContainer: realm.realm,
+ scopeParam: $scope.scopeParam
+ });
+ $scope.notGrantedRealmRoles = ClientEvaluateNotGrantedRoles.query({
+ realm: realm.realm,
+ client: client.id,
+ roleContainer: realm.realm,
+ scopeParam: $scope.scopeParam
+ });
+ }
+ function updateScopeClientRoles() {
+ if ($scope.selectedClient) {
+ $scope.grantedClientRoles = ClientEvaluateGrantedRoles.query({
+ realm: realm.realm,
+ client: client.id,
+ roleContainer: $scope.selectedClient.id,
+ scopeParam: $scope.scopeParam
+ });
+ $scope.notGrantedClientRoles = ClientEvaluateNotGrantedRoles.query({
+ realm: realm.realm,
+ client: client.id,
+ roleContainer: $scope.selectedClient.id,
+ scopeParam: $scope.scopeParam
+ });
+ } else {
+ $scope.grantedClientRoles = null;
+ $scope.notGrantedClientRoles = null;
+ }
+ }
+module.controller('ClientScopeTabCtrl', function(Dialog, $scope, Current, Notifications, $location) {
+ $scope.removeClientScope = function() {
+ Dialog.confirmDelete($scope.clientScope.name, 'client scope', function() {
+ $scope.clientScope.$remove({
+ realm : Current.realm.realm,
+ clientScope : $scope.clientScope.id
+ }, function() {
+ $location.url("/realms/" + Current.realm.realm + "/client-scopes");
+ Notifications.success("The client scope has been deleted.");
+ });
+ });
+ };
+module.controller('ClientScopeListCtrl', function($scope, realm, clientScopes, ClientScope, serverInfo, $route, Dialog, Notifications, $location) {
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.clientScopes = clientScopes;
+ $scope.removeClientScope = function(clientScope) {
+ Dialog.confirmDelete(clientScope.name, 'client scope', function() {
+ ClientScope.remove({
+ realm : realm.realm,
+ clientScope : clientScope.id
+ }, function() {
+ $route.reload();
+ Notifications.success("The client scope been deleted.");
+ });
+ });
+ };
+module.controller('ClientScopesRealmDefaultCtrl', function($scope, realm, Realm, clientScopes, realmDefaultClientScopes, RealmDefaultClientScopes,
+ realmOptionalClientScopes, RealmOptionalClientScopes, serverInfo, $route, Dialog, Notifications, $location) {
+ console.log('ClientScopesRealmDefaultCtrl');
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.realmDefaultClientScopes = realmDefaultClientScopes;
+ $scope.realmOptionalClientScopes = realmOptionalClientScopes;
+ $scope.availableClientScopes = [];
+ $scope.selectedDefaultClientScopes = [];
+ $scope.selectedDefDefaultClientScopes = [];
+ $scope.selectedOptionalClientScopes = [];
+ $scope.selectedDefOptionalClientScopes = [];
+ // Populate available client scopes. Available client scopes are neither already assigned to 'default' or 'optional'
+ for (var i = 0; i < clientScopes.length; i++) {
+ var scopeName = clientScopes[i].name;
+ var available = true;
+ for (var j = 0; j < $scope.realmDefaultClientScopes.length; j++) {
+ if (scopeName === $scope.realmDefaultClientScopes[j].name) {
+ available = false;
+ }
+ }
+ for (var j = 0; j < $scope.realmOptionalClientScopes.length; j++) {
+ if (scopeName === $scope.realmOptionalClientScopes[j].name) {
+ available = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (available) {
+ $scope.availableClientScopes.push(clientScopes[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.addDefaultClientScope = function () {
+ $scope.selectedDefaultClientScopesToAdd = JSON.parse('[' + $scope.selectedDefaultClientScopes + ']');
+ toAdd = $scope.selectedDefaultClientScopesToAdd.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.selectedDefaultClientScopesToAdd.length; i++) {
+ var currentScope = $scope.selectedDefaultClientScopesToAdd[i];
+ RealmDefaultClientScopes.update({
+ realm : realm.realm,
+ clientScopeId : currentScope.id
+ }, function () {
+ toAdd = toAdd - 1;
+ console.log('toAdd: ' + toAdd);
+ if (toAdd === 0) {
+ $route.reload();
+ Notifications.success("Realm default scopes updated.");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.selectedDefaultClientScopesToAdd = [];
+ };
+ $scope.deleteDefaultClientScope = function () {
+ $scope.selectedDefDefaultClientScopesToRemove = JSON.parse('[' + $scope.selectedDefDefaultClientScopes + ']');
+ toRemove = $scope.selectedDefDefaultClientScopesToRemove.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.selectedDefDefaultClientScopesToRemove.length; i++) {
+ var currentScope = $scope.selectedDefDefaultClientScopesToRemove[i];
+ RealmDefaultClientScopes.remove({
+ realm : realm.realm,
+ clientScopeId : currentScope.id
+ }, function () {
+ toRemove = toRemove - 1;
+ if (toRemove === 0) {
+ $route.reload();
+ Notifications.success("Realm default scopes updated.");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.selectedDefDefaultClientScopesToRemove = [];
+ };
+ $scope.addOptionalClientScope = function () {
+ $scope.selectedOptionalClientScopesToAdd = JSON.parse('[' + $scope.selectedOptionalClientScopes + ']');
+ toAdd = $scope.selectedOptionalClientScopesToAdd.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.selectedOptionalClientScopesToAdd.length; i++) {
+ var currentScope = $scope.selectedOptionalClientScopesToAdd[i];
+ RealmOptionalClientScopes.update({
+ realm : realm.realm,
+ clientScopeId : currentScope.id
+ }, function () {
+ toAdd = toAdd - 1;
+ console.log('toAdd: ' + toAdd);
+ if (toAdd === 0) {
+ $route.reload();
+ Notifications.success("Realm optional scopes updated.");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.selectedOptionalClientScopesToAdd = [];
+ };
+ $scope.deleteOptionalClientScope = function () {
+ $scope.selectedDefOptionalClientScopesToRemove = JSON.parse('[' + $scope.selectedDefOptionalClientScopes + ']');
+ toRemove = $scope.selectedDefOptionalClientScopesToRemove.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.selectedDefOptionalClientScopesToRemove.length; i++) {
+ var currentScope = $scope.selectedDefOptionalClientScopesToRemove[i];
+ RealmOptionalClientScopes.remove({
+ realm : realm.realm,
+ clientScopeId : currentScope.id
+ }, function () {
+ toRemove = toRemove - 1;
+ if (toRemove === 0) {
+ $route.reload();
+ Notifications.success("Realm optional scopes updated.");
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.selectedDefOptionalClientScopesToRemove = [];
+ };
+module.controller('ClientScopeDetailCtrl', function($scope, realm, clientScope, $route, serverInfo, ClientScope, $location, $modal, Dialog, Notifications) {
+ $scope.protocols = serverInfo.listProviderIds('login-protocol');
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.create = !clientScope.name;
+ function updateProperties() {
+ if (!$scope.clientScope.attributes) {
+ $scope.clientScope.attributes = {};
+ }
+ if ($scope.clientScope.protocol) {
+ $scope.protocol = $scope.protocols[$scope.protocols.indexOf($scope.clientScope.protocol)];
+ } else {
+ $scope.protocol = $scope.protocols[0];
+ }
+ if ($scope.clientScope.attributes["display.on.consent.screen"]) {
+ if ($scope.clientScope.attributes["display.on.consent.screen"] == "true") {
+ $scope.displayOnConsentScreen = true;
+ } else {
+ $scope.displayOnConsentScreen = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $scope.displayOnConsentScreen = true;
+ }
+ if ($scope.clientScope.attributes["include.in.token.scope"]) {
+ if ($scope.clientScope.attributes["include.in.token.scope"] == "true") {
+ $scope.includeInTokenScope = true;
+ } else {
+ $scope.includeInTokenScope = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $scope.includeInTokenScope = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$scope.create) {
+ $scope.clientScope = angular.copy(clientScope);
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientScope = {};
+ }
+ updateProperties();
+ $scope.switchChange = function() {
+ $scope.changed = true;
+ }
+ $scope.changeProtocol = function() {
+ if ($scope.protocol == "openid-connect") {
+ $scope.clientScope.protocol = "openid-connect";
+ } else if ($scope.protocol == "saml") {
+ $scope.clientScope.protocol = "saml";
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.$watch(function() {
+ return $location.path();
+ }, function() {
+ $scope.path = $location.path().substring(1).split("/");
+ });
+ function isChanged() {
+ if (!angular.equals($scope.clientScope, clientScope)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ $scope.$watch('clientScope', function() {
+ $scope.changed = isChanged();
+ }, true);
+ $scope.save = function() {
+ $scope.clientScope.protocol = $scope.protocol;
+ if ($scope.displayOnConsentScreen == true) {
+ $scope.clientScope.attributes["display.on.consent.screen"] = "true";
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientScope.attributes["display.on.consent.screen"] = "false";
+ }
+ if ($scope.includeInTokenScope == true) {
+ $scope.clientScope.attributes["include.in.token.scope"] = "true";
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientScope.attributes["include.in.token.scope"] = "false";
+ }
+ if ($scope.create) {
+ ClientScope.save({
+ realm: realm.realm,
+ clientScope: ''
+ }, $scope.clientScope, function (data, headers) {
+ $scope.changed = false;
+ var l = headers().location;
+ var id = l.substring(l.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + "/client-scopes/" + id);
+ Notifications.success("The client scope has been created.");
+ });
+ } else {
+ ClientScope.update({
+ realm : realm.realm,
+ clientScope : clientScope.id
+ }, $scope.clientScope, function() {
+ $scope.changed = false;
+ clientScope = angular.copy($scope.clientScope);
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + "/client-scopes/" + clientScope.id);
+ Notifications.success("Your changes have been saved to the client scope.");
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.reset = function() {
+ $route.reload();
+ };
+ $scope.cancel = function() {
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + "/client-scopes");
+ };
+module.controller('ClientScopeProtocolMapperListCtrl', function($scope, realm, clientScope, serverInfo,
+ ClientScopeProtocolMappersByProtocol, ClientScopeProtocolMapper,
+ $route, Dialog, Notifications) {
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.clientScope = clientScope;
+ if (clientScope.protocol == null) {
+ clientScope.protocol = 'openid-connect';
+ }
+ var protocolMappers = serverInfo.protocolMapperTypes[clientScope.protocol];
+ var mapperTypes = {};
+ for (var i = 0; i < protocolMappers.length; i++) {
+ mapperTypes[protocolMappers[i].id] = protocolMappers[i];
+ }
+ $scope.mapperTypes = mapperTypes;
+ $scope.removeMapper = function(mapper) {
+ console.debug(mapper);
+ Dialog.confirmDelete(mapper.name, 'mapper', function() {
+ ClientScopeProtocolMapper.remove({ realm: realm.realm, clientScope: clientScope.id, id : mapper.id }, function() {
+ Notifications.success("The mapper has been deleted.");
+ $route.reload();
+ });
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.sortMappersByPriority = function(mapper) {
+ return $scope.mapperTypes[mapper.protocolMapper].priority;
+ }
+ var updateMappers = function() {
+ $scope.mappers = ClientScopeProtocolMappersByProtocol.query({realm : realm.realm, clientScope : clientScope.id, protocol : clientScope.protocol});
+ };
+ updateMappers();
+module.controller('ClientScopeProtocolMapperCtrl', function($scope, realm, serverInfo, clientScope, mapper, clients, ClientScopeProtocolMapper, Notifications, Dialog, $location, $route) {
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.clients = clients;
+ if (clientScope.protocol == null) {
+ clientScope.protocol = 'openid-connect';
+ }
+ $scope.model = {
+ realm: realm,
+ clientScope: clientScope,
+ create: false,
+ protocol: clientScope.protocol,
+ mapper: angular.copy(mapper),
+ changed: false
+ }
+ var protocolMappers = serverInfo.protocolMapperTypes[clientScope.protocol];
+ for (var i = 0; i < protocolMappers.length; i++) {
+ if (protocolMappers[i].id == mapper.protocolMapper) {
+ $scope.model.mapperType = protocolMappers[i];
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.$watch(function() {
+ return $location.path();
+ }, function() {
+ $scope.path = $location.path().substring(1).split("/");
+ });
+ $scope.$watch('model.mapper', function() {
+ if (!angular.equals($scope.model.mapper, mapper)) {
+ $scope.model.changed = true;
+ }
+ }, true);
+ $scope.save = function() {
+ ClientScopeProtocolMapper.update({
+ realm : realm.realm,
+ clientScope: clientScope.id,
+ id : mapper.id
+ }, $scope.model.mapper, function() {
+ $route.reload();
+ Notifications.success("Your changes have been saved.");
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.reset = function() {
+ $scope.model.mapper = angular.copy(mapper);
+ $scope.model.changed = false;
+ };
+ $scope.cancel = function() {
+ //$location.url("/realms");
+ window.history.back();
+ };
+ $scope.remove = function() {
+ Dialog.confirmDelete($scope.model.mapper.name, 'mapper', function() {
+ ClientScopeProtocolMapper.remove({ realm: realm.realm, clientScope: clientScope.id, id : $scope.model.mapper.id }, function() {
+ Notifications.success("The mapper has been deleted.");
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + '/client-scopes/' + clientScope.id + "/mappers");
+ });
+ });
+ };
+module.controller('ClientScopeProtocolMapperCreateCtrl', function($scope, realm, serverInfo, clientScope, clients, ClientScopeProtocolMapper, Notifications, Dialog, $location) {
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.clients = clients;
+ if (clientScope.protocol == null) {
+ clientScope.protocol = 'openid-connect';
+ }
+ var protocol = clientScope.protocol;
+ $scope.model = {
+ realm: realm,
+ clientScope: clientScope,
+ create: true,
+ protocol: clientScope.protocol,
+ mapper: { protocol : clientScope.protocol, config: {}},
+ changed: false,
+ mapperTypes: serverInfo.protocolMapperTypes[protocol]
+ }
+ // apply default configurations on change for selected protocolmapper type.
+ $scope.$watch('model.mapperType', function() {
+ var currentMapperType = $scope.model.mapperType;
+ var defaultConfig = {};
+ if (currentMapperType && Array.isArray(currentMapperType.properties)) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < currentMapperType.properties.length; i++) {
+ var property = currentMapperType.properties[i];
+ if (property && property.name && property.defaultValue) {
+ defaultConfig[property.name] = property.defaultValue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.model.mapper.config = defaultConfig;
+ }, true);
+ $scope.model.mapperType = $scope.model.mapperTypes[0];
+ $scope.$watch(function() {
+ return $location.path();
+ }, function() {
+ $scope.path = $location.path().substring(1).split("/");
+ });
+ $scope.save = function() {
+ $scope.model.mapper.protocolMapper = $scope.model.mapperType.id;
+ ClientScopeProtocolMapper.save({
+ realm : realm.realm, clientScope: clientScope.id
+ }, $scope.model.mapper, function(data, headers) {
+ var l = headers().location;
+ var id = l.substring(l.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + '/client-scopes/' + clientScope.id + "/mappers/" + id);
+ Notifications.success("Mapper has been created.");
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.cancel = function() {
+ //$location.url("/realms");
+ window.history.back();
+ };
+module.controller('ClientScopeAddBuiltinProtocolMapperCtrl', function($scope, realm, clientScope, serverInfo,
+ ClientScopeProtocolMappersByProtocol,
+ $http, $location, Dialog, Notifications) {
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.clientScope = clientScope;
+ if (clientScope.protocol == null) {
+ clientScope.protocol = 'openid-connect';
+ }
+ var protocolMappers = serverInfo.protocolMapperTypes[clientScope.protocol];
+ var mapperTypes = {};
+ for (var i = 0; i < protocolMappers.length; i++) {
+ mapperTypes[protocolMappers[i].id] = protocolMappers[i];
+ }
+ $scope.mapperTypes = mapperTypes;
+ var updateMappers = function() {
+ var clientMappers = ClientScopeProtocolMappersByProtocol.query({realm : realm.realm, clientScope : clientScope.id, protocol : clientScope.protocol}, function() {
+ var builtinMappers = serverInfo.builtinProtocolMappers[clientScope.protocol];
+ for (var i = 0; i < clientMappers.length; i++) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < builtinMappers.length; j++) {
+ if (builtinMappers[j].name == clientMappers[i].name
+ && builtinMappers[j].protocolMapper == clientMappers[i].protocolMapper) {
+ builtinMappers.splice(j, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.mappers = builtinMappers;
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.mappers.length; i++) {
+ $scope.mappers[i].isChecked = false;
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ updateMappers();
+ $scope.add = function() {
+ var toAdd = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < $scope.mappers.length; i++) {
+ if ($scope.mappers[i].isChecked) {
+ delete $scope.mappers[i].isChecked;
+ toAdd.push($scope.mappers[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ $http.post(authUrl + '/admin/realms/' + realm.realm + '/client-scopes/' + clientScope.id + '/protocol-mappers/add-models',
+ toAdd).then(function() {
+ Notifications.success("Mappers added");
+ $location.url('/realms/' + realm.realm + '/client-scopes/' + clientScope.id + '/mappers');
+ }).catch(function() {
+ Notifications.error("Error adding mappers");
+ $location.url('/realms/' + realm.realm + '/client-scopes/' + clientScope.id + '/mappers');
+ });
+ };
+module.controller('ClientScopeScopeMappingCtrl', function($scope, $http, $route, realm, clientScope, Notifications,
+ ClientScope, Client,
+ ClientScopeRealmScopeMapping, ClientScopeClientScopeMapping, ClientRole,
+ ClientScopeAvailableRealmScopeMapping, ClientScopeAvailableClientScopeMapping,
+ ClientScopeCompositeRealmScopeMapping, ClientScopeCompositeClientScopeMapping) {
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.clientScope = angular.copy(clientScope);
+ $scope.selectedRealmRoles = [];
+ $scope.selectedRealmMappings = [];
+ $scope.realmMappings = [];
+ $scope.clientRoles = [];
+ $scope.clientComposite = [];
+ $scope.selectedClientRoles = [];
+ $scope.selectedClientMappings = [];
+ $scope.clientMappings = [];
+ $scope.dummymodel = [];
+ $scope.selectedClient = null;
+ function updateScopeRealmRoles() {
+ $scope.realmRoles = ClientScopeAvailableRealmScopeMapping.query({realm : realm.realm, clientScope : clientScope.id});
+ $scope.realmMappings = ClientScopeRealmScopeMapping.query({realm : realm.realm, clientScope : clientScope.id});
+ $scope.realmComposite = ClientScopeCompositeRealmScopeMapping.query({realm : realm.realm, clientScope : clientScope.id});
+ }
+ function updateScopeClientRoles() {
+ if ($scope.selectedClient) {
+ $scope.clientRoles = ClientScopeAvailableClientScopeMapping.query({realm : realm.realm, clientScope : clientScope.id, targetClient : $scope.selectedClient.id});
+ $scope.clientMappings = ClientScopeClientScopeMapping.query({realm : realm.realm, clientScope : clientScope.id, targetClient : $scope.selectedClient.id});
+ $scope.clientComposite = ClientScopeCompositeClientScopeMapping.query({realm : realm.realm, clientScope : clientScope.id, targetClient : $scope.selectedClient.id});
+ } else {
+ $scope.clientRoles = null;
+ $scope.clientMappings = null;
+ $scope.clientComposite = null;
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.changeClient = function(client) {
+ if (!client || !client.id) {
+ $scope.selectedClient = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ $scope.selectedClient = client;
+ updateScopeClientRoles();
+ };
+ $scope.addRealmRole = function() {
+ $scope.selectedRealmRolesToAdd = JSON.parse('[' + $scope.selectedRealmRoles + ']');
+ $scope.selectedRealmRoles = [];
+ $http.post(authUrl + '/admin/realms/' + realm.realm + '/client-scopes/' + clientScope.id + '/scope-mappings/realm',
+ $scope.selectedRealmRolesToAdd).then(function() {
+ updateScopeRealmRoles();
+ $scope.selectedRealmRolesToAdd = [];
+ Notifications.success("Scope mappings updated.");
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.deleteRealmRole = function() {
+ $scope.selectedRealmMappingsToRemove = JSON.parse('[' + $scope.selectedRealmMappings + ']');
+ $scope.selectedRealmMappings = [];
+ $http.delete(authUrl + '/admin/realms/' + realm.realm + '/client-scopes/' + clientScope.id + '/scope-mappings/realm',
+ {data : $scope.selectedRealmMappingsToRemove, headers : {"content-type" : "application/json"}}).then(function () {
+ updateScopeRealmRoles();
+ $scope.selectedRealmMappingsToRemove = [];
+ Notifications.success("Scope mappings updated.");
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.addClientRole = function() {
+ $scope.selectedClientRolesToAdd = JSON.parse('[' + $scope.selectedClientRoles + ']');
+ $scope.selectedClientRoles = [];
+ $http.post(authUrl + '/admin/realms/' + realm.realm + '/client-scopes/' + clientScope.id + '/scope-mappings/clients/' + $scope.selectedClient.id,
+ $scope.selectedClientRolesToAdd).then(function () {
+ updateScopeClientRoles();
+ $scope.selectedClientRolesToAdd = [];
+ Notifications.success("Scope mappings updated.");
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.deleteClientRole = function() {
+ $scope.selectedClientMappingsToRemove = JSON.parse('[' + $scope.selectedClientMappings + ']');
+ $scope.selectedClientMappings = [];
+ $http.delete(authUrl + '/admin/realms/' + realm.realm + '/client-scopes/' + clientScope.id + '/scope-mappings/clients/' + $scope.selectedClient.id,
+ {data : $scope.selectedClientMappingsToRemove, headers : {"content-type" : "application/json"}}).then(function () {
+ updateScopeClientRoles();
+ $scope.selectedClientMappingsToRemove = [];
+ Notifications.success("Scope mappings updated.");
+ });
+ };
+ clientSelectControl($scope, $route.current.params.realm, Client);
+ updateScopeRealmRoles();
+module.controller('ClientStoresCtrl', function($scope, $location, $route, realm, serverInfo, Components, Notifications, Dialog) {
+ console.log('ClientStoresCtrl ++++****');
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.providers = serverInfo.componentTypes['org.keycloak.storage.client.ClientStorageProvider'];
+ $scope.clientStorageProviders = serverInfo.componentTypes['org.keycloak.storage.client.ClientStorageProvider'];
+ $scope.instancesLoaded = false;
+ if (!$scope.providers) $scope.providers = [];
+ $scope.addProvider = function(provider) {
+ console.log('Add provider: ' + provider.id);
+ $location.url("/create/client-storage/" + realm.realm + "/providers/" + provider.id);
+ };
+ $scope.getInstanceLink = function(instance) {
+ return "/realms/" + realm.realm + "/client-storage/providers/" + instance.providerId + "/" + instance.id;
+ }
+ $scope.getInstanceName = function(instance) {
+ return instance.name;
+ }
+ $scope.getInstanceProvider = function(instance) {
+ return instance.providerId;
+ }
+ $scope.isProviderEnabled = function(instance) {
+ return !instance.config['enabled'] || instance.config['enabled'][0] == 'true';
+ }
+ $scope.getInstancePriority = function(instance) {
+ if (!instance.config['priority']) {
+ return "0";
+ }
+ return instance.config['priority'][0];
+ }
+ Components.query({realm: realm.realm,
+ parent: realm.id,
+ type: 'org.keycloak.storage.client.ClientStorageProvider'
+ }, function(data) {
+ $scope.instances = data;
+ $scope.instancesLoaded = true;
+ });
+ $scope.removeInstance = function(instance) {
+ Dialog.confirmDelete(instance.name, 'client storage provider', function() {
+ Components.remove({
+ realm : realm.realm,
+ componentId : instance.id
+ }, function() {
+ $route.reload();
+ Notifications.success("The provider has been deleted.");
+ });
+ });
+ };
+module.controller('GenericClientStorageCtrl', function($scope, $location, Notifications, $route, Dialog, realm,
+ serverInfo, instance, providerId, Components) {
+ console.log('GenericClientStorageCtrl');
+ console.log('providerId: ' + providerId);
+ $scope.create = !instance.providerId;
+ console.log('create: ' + $scope.create);
+ var providers = serverInfo.componentTypes['org.keycloak.storage.client.ClientStorageProvider'];
+ console.log('providers length ' + providers.length);
+ var providerFactory = null;
+ for (var i = 0; i < providers.length; i++) {
+ var p = providers[i];
+ console.log('provider: ' + p.id);
+ if (p.id == providerId) {
+ $scope.providerFactory = p;
+ providerFactory = p;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.changed = false;
+ console.log("providerFactory: " + providerFactory.id);
+ function initClientStorageSettings() {
+ if ($scope.create) {
+ $scope.changed = true;
+ instance.name = providerFactory.id;
+ instance.providerId = providerFactory.id;
+ instance.providerType = 'org.keycloak.storage.client.ClientStorageProvider';
+ instance.parentId = realm.id;
+ instance.config = {
+ };
+ instance.config['priority'] = ["0"];
+ instance.config['enabled'] = ["true"];
+ $scope.fullSyncEnabled = false;
+ $scope.changedSyncEnabled = false;
+ instance.config['cachePolicy'] = ['DEFAULT'];
+ instance.config['evictionDay'] = [''];
+ instance.config['evictionHour'] = [''];
+ instance.config['evictionMinute'] = [''];
+ instance.config['maxLifespan'] = [''];
+ if (providerFactory.properties) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < providerFactory.properties.length; i++) {
+ var configProperty = providerFactory.properties[i];
+ if (configProperty.defaultValue) {
+ instance.config[configProperty.name] = [configProperty.defaultValue];
+ } else {
+ instance.config[configProperty.name] = [''];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $scope.changed = false;
+ if (!instance.config['enabled']) {
+ instance.config['enabled'] = ['true'];
+ }
+ if (!instance.config['cachePolicy']) {
+ instance.config['cachePolicy'] = ['DEFAULT'];
+ }
+ if (!instance.config['evictionDay']) {
+ instance.config['evictionDay'] = [''];
+ }
+ if (!instance.config['evictionHour']) {
+ instance.config['evictionHour'] = [''];
+ }
+ if (!instance.config['evictionMinute']) {
+ instance.config['evictionMinute'] = [''];
+ }
+ if (!instance.config['maxLifespan']) {
+ instance.config['maxLifespan'] = [''];
+ }
+ if (!instance.config['priority']) {
+ instance.config['priority'] = ['0'];
+ }
+ if (providerFactory.properties) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < providerFactory.properties.length; i++) {
+ var configProperty = providerFactory.properties[i];
+ if (!instance.config[configProperty.name]) {
+ instance.config[configProperty.name] = [''];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ initClientStorageSettings();
+ $scope.instance = angular.copy(instance);
+ $scope.realm = realm;
+ $scope.$watch('instance', function() {
+ if (!angular.equals($scope.instance, instance)) {
+ $scope.changed = true;
+ }
+ }, true);
+ $scope.save = function() {
+ console.log('save provider');
+ $scope.changed = false;
+ if ($scope.create) {
+ console.log('saving new provider');
+ Components.save({realm: realm.realm}, $scope.instance, function (data, headers) {
+ var l = headers().location;
+ var id = l.substring(l.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + "/client-storage/providers/" + $scope.instance.providerId + "/" + id);
+ Notifications.success("The provider has been created.");
+ });
+ } else {
+ console.log('update existing provider');
+ Components.update({realm: realm.realm,
+ componentId: instance.id
+ },
+ $scope.instance, function () {
+ $route.reload();
+ Notifications.success("The provider has been updated.");
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ $scope.reset = function() {
+ $route.reload();
+ };
+ $scope.cancel = function() {
+ console.log('cancel');
+ if ($scope.create) {
+ $location.url("/realms/" + realm.realm + "/client-stores");
+ } else {
+ $route.reload();
+ }
+ };