diff options
authorNicolas Kaiser <>2011-04-24 19:36:46 +0200
committerNicolas Kaiser <>2011-04-24 19:36:46 +0200
commit4bb9aacf579555a311d193653eaa9ebea9f16e59 (patch)
parentvegastrike: disable vssetup for now (diff)
vegastrike: remove beta ebuild
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 191 deletions
diff --git a/games-simulation/vegastrike/Manifest b/games-simulation/vegastrike/Manifest
index abab78b..84a348c 100644
--- a/games-simulation/vegastrike/Manifest
+++ b/games-simulation/vegastrike/Manifest
@@ -1,4 +1,2 @@
-DIST vegastrike-src-0.5.1.beta1.tar.bz2 11097379 RMD160 c9507be13a305bbb3c415c5cafaf78a3562509fd SHA1 020208cbfb558860652d2164ae25d54bc1b36369 SHA256 80f411941237f8b89d9922e5cf62b7cefa409a145ce9d015aca41f5f8b8434e6
-EBUILD vegastrike-0.5.1_beta1.ebuild 4859 RMD160 0f17f552beba8993713238941170d4c7d5a7f4ec SHA1 8b545cfac56cedab57096d98acb16939a1e76458 SHA256 37a30f3456f9ec413553cb58f65ff6d5cc8f89cdafc554d4933c14a35a8e67a1
EBUILD vegastrike-9999.ebuild 4692 RMD160 e7ce29083a00e123f4c0533ac7ee6752d6de37ad SHA1 5d8122a8ef6aa1eb65a686e52ab6e701a4c3165e SHA256 2e910b2abbd4577c8e48167f001d3d445eaa8ff20512dc8f4ca6202268c279eb
MISC metadata.xml 1155 RMD160 ed5c41ffa01ee8f614fb5975c17202a962ddfb85 SHA1 bd4082320716449ca5419ca117857e238ac62229 SHA256 15c9d425d2fbd829ecfce1288356ce4c26025dba59901b0213011e5837467d9c
diff --git a/games-simulation/vegastrike/vegastrike-0.5.1_beta1.ebuild b/games-simulation/vegastrike/vegastrike-0.5.1_beta1.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 19bbc8e..0000000
--- a/games-simulation/vegastrike/vegastrike-0.5.1_beta1.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2011 Gentoo Foundation
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-# $Header: $
-# Derived from bug 65084
-inherit cmake-utils flag-o-matic eutils games
-[ "$PV" == "9999" ] && inherit subversion
-#ESVN_BOOTSTRAP="echo 'skipping bootstrap'"
-DESCRIPTION="A 3D space simulator that allows you to trade and bounty hunt"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~ppc ~x86"
-IUSE="boost ffmpeg gtk threads mesher server debug"
-# FIXME: check dependencies
- virtual/opengl
- media-libs/jpeg
- media-libs/libpng
- boost? ( dev-libs/boost )
- dev-libs/expat
- media-libs/openal
- media-libs/libsdl
- media-libs/libvorbis
- media-libs/libogg
- media-libs/sdl-mixer
- ffmpeg? ( media-video/ffmpeg )
- media-libs/freeglut
- virtual/glu
- gtk? ( x11-libs/gtk+ )
- games-simulation/vegastrike-data"
-# dev-games/ogre
- >=sys-devel/autoconf-2.58"
-pkg_setup() {
- games_pkg_setup
-# # FIXME: is this still a problem?
-# einfo "If compiling fails for you on gl_globals.h, try to replace your"
-# einfo "glext.h (usually found in /usr/include/GL/ with this one"
-# einfo ""
-# einfo "remember to make backup of the original though"
-src_unpack() {
-# cd "${S}"
-# local svn=${ESVN_TOP_DIR}
-# if [ ! -d "${svn}/vegastrike" ]; then
-# ESVN_MODULE="vegastrike"
-# subversion_fetch $ESVN_MODULE_DIR $ESVN_MODULE || \
-# die "Fetching vegastrike failed"
-# fi
-# einfo "Copying source to work directory..."
-# cp -a "${svn}"/vegastrike/* "${S}" >&/dev/null
- unpack ${A}
- cd "${S}"
- mv vegastrike-src-0.5.1.beta1 ${PN}
- # Sort out directory references
- cd "${S}/${PN}"
- sed -i \
- -e "s!/usr/games/vegastrike!${GAMES_DATADIR}/${PN}!" \
- -e "s!/usr/local/bin!${GAMES_BINDIR}!" \
- launcher/saveinterface.cpp \
- || die "sed launcher/saveinterface.cpp failed"
- sed -i \
- -e '/^SUBDIRS =/s:tools::' \
- \
- || die "sed failed"
- # vssetup doesn't find "readme.txt"
- sed -i \
- "s!\"readme.txt\"! \"${GAMES_DATADIR}/${PN}/data/documentation/readme.txt\"!" \
- setup/src/include/display_gtk.cpp \
- || die "sed setup/src/include/display_gtk.cpp failed"
-src_compile() {
- mycmakeargs=(
- )
-# -DDATA_DIR=\"${GAMES_DATADIR}/${PN}/data\"
- if use threads; then
- einfo "Configuring for use with ${CPU_SMP} CPUs."
- fi
- if use debug; then
- else
- fi
- cmake-utils_src_configure
- if use threads; then
- sed -i \
- ${P}_build/CMakeCache.txt
- fi
-# FIXME: figure out why vssetup fails to build
-# cmake-utils_src_make vssetup || die "Failed to build vssetup"
- if use server; then
- cmake-utils_src_make vegaserver
- fi
- if use mesher; then
- cmake-utils_src_make mesh_tool
- fi
- cmake-utils_src_make vegastrike || die "Failed to build vegastrike"
-src_install() {
- cat << EOF > vsinstall
-mkdir \${HOME}/.vegastrike 2> /dev/null
-cd \${HOME}/.vegastrike
-cp "${GAMES_DATADIR}"/vegastrike/data/setup.config .
-cp -r "${GAMES_DATADIR}"/vegastrike/data/.vegastrike/* .
-cp "${GAMES_DATADIR}"/vegastrike/data/vegastrike.config .
-echo "If you wish to have your own music edit ~/.vegastrike/*.m3u"
-echo "Each playlist represents a place or situation in Vega Strike"
-exit 0
- dogamesbin ${P}_build/vegastrike \
- || die "Creation of vegastrike (the binary) failed"
- dogamesbin vsinstall \
- || die "Creation of vsinstall failed"
- if use server; then
- dogamesbin ${P}_build/vegaserver \
- || die "Creation of vegaserver failed"
- fi
- if use mesher; then
- dogamesbin ${P}_build/objconv/mesh_tool \
- || die "Creation of mesher failed"
- fi
-# cmake-utils_src_install
- newgamesbin ${P}_build/setup/vssetup vssetup \
- || { ewarn "vssetup was not built. You will have to"; \
- ewarn "manually edit ~/.vegastrike/vegastrike.config."; }
- make_desktop_entry "vegastrike" "Vegastrike" \
- "${GAMES_DATADIR}/${PN}/data/vegastrike.xpm"
- prepgamesdirs
-pkg_postinst() {
- games_pkg_postinst
- einfo "First run vsinstall to install your account into ~/.vegastrike,"
- if [ -e "${GAMES_BINDIR}/vssetup" ]; then
- einfo "then run vssetup to configure Vega Strike."
- else
- einfo "then edit ~/.vegastrike/vegastrike.config."
- fi
- einfo "Run vegastrike to start Vega Strike."
- if use server; then
- einfo "To start Vega Strike Server run vegaserver."
- fi