diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dev-lua/luassert/files')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/dev-lua/luassert/files/luassert-1.8.0-disable-highlightcolor-test.patch b/dev-lua/luassert/files/luassert-1.8.0-disable-highlightcolor-test.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index fe3f7815a04e..000000000000
--- a/dev-lua/luassert/files/luassert-1.8.0-disable-highlightcolor-test.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
---- a/spec/formatters_spec.lua
-+++ b/spec/formatters_spec.lua
-@@ -102,18 +102,6 @@
-, formatted)
- end)
-- it("Checks to see if TableErrorHighlightColor changes error color", function()
-- local ok, colors = pcall(require, "term.colors")
-- if not ok then pending("lua term.colors not available") end
-- assert:set_parameter("TableErrorHighlightColor", "red")
-- local t = {1,2,3}
-- local fmtargs = { {crumbs = {2}} }
-- local formatted = assert:format({t, n = 1, fmtargs = fmtargs})[1]
-- local expected = string.format("("..tostring(t)..") {\n [1] = 1\n %s[2] = 2\n [3] = 3 }","*"))
--, formatted)
-- end)
- it("Checks to see if self referencing tables can be formatted", function()
- local t = {1,2}
- t[3] = t
---- a/spec/assertions_spec.lua
-+++ b/spec/assertions_spec.lua
-@@ -472,17 +472,6 @@
- assert.no_error_matches(t_ok, ".*")
- end)
-- it("Checks error_matches compares error strings with pattern", function()
-- assert.error_matches(function() error() end, nil)
-- assert.no_error_matches(function() end, nil)
-- assert.does_error_match(function() error(123) end, "^%d+$")
-- assert.error.matches(function() error("string") end, "^%w+$")
-- assert.matches.error(function() error("string") end, "str", nil, true)
-- assert.matches_error(function() error("123string") end, "^[^0-9]+", 4)
-- assert.has_no_error.match(function() error("123string") end, "123", 4, true)
-- assert.does_not.match_error(function() error("string") end, "^%w+$", nil, true)
-- end)
- it("Checks error_matches does not compare error objects", function()
- local func = function() end
- assert.no_error_matches(function() error({ "table" }) end, "table")
-@@ -557,15 +546,6 @@
- assert.is_same({}, {assert.has_no_match("%d+", "string", nil, true, "message")})
- end)
-- it("Checks assert.has_error returns thrown error on success", function()
-- assert.is_same({"err message", "err message"}, {assert.has_error(function() error("err message") end, "err message")})
-- assert.is_same({"err", "err"}, {assert.has_error(function() error(setmetatable({},{__tostring = function() return "err" end})) end, "err")})
-- assert.is_same({{}, {}}, {assert.has_error(function() error({}) end, {})})
-- assert.is_same({'0', 0}, {assert.has_error(function() error(0) end, 0)})
-- assert.is_same({nil, nil}, {assert.has_error(function() error(nil) end, nil)})
-- assert.is_same({nil, "string"}, {assert.has_no_error(function() end, "string")})
-- end)
- it("Checks assert.error_matches returns captures of thrown error on success", function()
- assert.is_same({"err", "message"}, {assert.error_matches(function() error("err message") end, "(err) (%w+)$")})
- assert.is_same({"err"}, {assert.error_matches(function() error(setmetatable({},{__tostring = function() return "err" end})) end, "err", nil, true)})